Surviving 100 Days as an Armadillo in Minecraft?!

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Just imagine being an armadillo rolling around searching for be Fist and suddenly you turn into this a buff armadillo now let me tell you about these coyotes they might look adorable and friendly but no they’ve figured out a way to modify their jeans and turn into this thing whatever the heck that

Is now these packs of coyotes have one purpose eat all the armadillos so this is Hardcore Minecraft and for the next what 100 days I’m going to be surv suring as an armadillo and have to build my own team to save the world from Evil coyotes so my Journey Begins on day one

I spawned in as a baby armadillo and look at me I was completely adorable now next to me was my trusty pack of armadillos what’s up guys how you doing now the real question is where’s the breakfast huh I’m trying to eat some breakfast right

Now is that what I think it is dude it’s a snail let me just here we go got to give me some oh what’s going on I’m on a snail what what’s happening what what’s happening what in the world ow ow n you you’re crazy dude oh looks like all the

Armadillos are uh eating the snails right now let me just go get some more snails this is going to be my breakfast for the night so I continued eating the snails with my pack of armadillos once we picked up a bunch we decided to keep on moving forward and my armadillos kept

Going crazy over the snails they literally wouldn’t stop look at them oh no no no no it’s a r stick no no I’m hiding I’m hiding get back oh no now the Kang is attacking me oh nature why do you want to kill me so badly just know my own business H this

Thing L trying to a me right now looks like being in the bottom of the food chain made things a little bit difficult especially when literally everything wants to eat you including these rattlesnakes and even Lions chill lion you know what you don’t want this hold looks like he’s hunting me he’s walking

Over here no what the heck oh no it oh huh oh L’s gone all right cool I then found this baby armadil and he looked a little bit hungry so I gave him some snails here you go buddy have a snail enjoy we armadillos must stick as a pack

It need some good old snails you see it’s pretty busting right not bad at all I had some kangaroo meat inside of my inventory so I ate it in front of a kangaroo and then came across a bunch of watermelons and it looked pretty good so

I broke it and the next thing you know Water started pouring out of it how does this even make any sense huh what what just what just happened well you don’t see that every day and then broke more watermelons when ARS started surrounding me they clearly wanted some melons now

This kangaroo over here wanted some as well he started chasing me and picked me up and placed me inside of his pouch can you believe this uh is this supposed to be happening I’m inside of the kangaroo pouch hey let me go get me out of here

Oh this is terrifying well it was officially night time so I gave my watermelons to my armadillos we then ate them and fell asleep on day two I woke up to a pack of armadillos surrounding me now they were clearly starving so I decided to give them some good old breakfast and then

Spotted this elephant in the distance what in the world is going on here I decided to walk on over to the elephant let’s see what he was doing Mr elephant are you good are you are you stuck I can’t tell if he’s stuck or if he’s

Trying to eat this tree over here I spotted an orange Village in the distance oh I walked on over to it just to check it out you never know we’re going to find some pretty good things it has an armor Dillo I’m going to need tons of gear especially some armor I

Think the craziest part is how tiny I am I’m literally this size of a block and this giraffe over here is like a gigantic Titan what the heck is this ooh an emu egg I’ll be taking this thank you very much you armor those eat eggs I’m

Pretty sure I don’t take fall damage oh okay I do take fall damage never mind so it turns out that hiding in your shell will jump it off a mountain makes you unkillable look at this but if I’m not in my shell I do take fall damage oh

Okay that’s a lot of fall damage ooh what is this over here oh this is kind of promising there’s a chest right there just going to break on through here do not mind me are there any villagers oh okay I don’t think these villagers canum me oh but some cake let

Me get some uh what is what just happened huh it’s a baby EO oh hello emu I am your father from now on I then found an iron pickaxe inside of a chest and some wheat and right next to it was an anvil so I silently stole it from the villagers

Along with these furnace blocks and then I realized um where’s my son my son is gone baby IBU no oh he definitely escaped well hopefully he doesn’t get eaten by a line or something I then continued looting this building and only found three pieces of I walked outside and there was another

Building so I climbed up the stairs and went inside of someone’s house I then ransack the chest containing bread and another iron pickaxe I found these pack of coyotes just mining their own business so just for fun I decided why not use the Anvil that I just recently

Picked up to see if I can fly on a coyote what what’s wrong with that did you forget that coyotes just love eating armadillos huh oh this coyote has no idea what’s about to hit him here we go and who what the holy mooses he just exploded into tiny pieces okay here’s

The thing to me this is just a prank but to his friend he wasn’t so fond of that it’s it’s not oh no oh no I’m at four Hearts okay oh flip oh no I be CH there’s a already me nope oh wait where’d it

Go I lost that k bro oh no never mind I got to go no no he’s after me I kept on running from the coyote he just kept on chasing me and wouldn’t leave me alone so I climbed up this mountain looking for help but nobody was there don’t eat

Me eat the other illos I’m just an innocent baby arillo there’s a rhino there’s a rhino rhino please help rhino attack it oh no no no arillos guys we have an issue there’s coyotes and they’re trying to eat me right now oh I’m going to hide oh no I’m hiding I was

Just chilling there inside of my shell completely helpless surrounded by a pack of coyotes but then I heard a sudden voice in the distance I’m coming what the heck hello no they just killed my friends there’s another baby armadillo hi hey how’s it going can you please save me from this coyote over

Here it’s trying to wow this baby armad came to my rescue and she was crazy every time she hid inside of her shell the Rhinos nor the coyotes could actually damage her and soon as she got out of her shell she would just launched them away who how did you how did you

Oh um I didn’t know I could do that how did you wait what I’m okay are you are you are you sure you just kind of flew like 1,000 miles away hi I’m M oh you’re M oh I’m moose that’s kind of funny we look like we have the same name or

Something huh it’s kind of odd uh yeah sorry about that well thanks for saving me that that was uh really helpful just this giraffe is trying to step on me now sir please stop don’t look at me like that stop stop that why were they trying

To taste you oh um you know I gave them a a a a Anvil as a birthday gift um there’s right behind you just act normal uh-oh an anvil that same coyote brought us back to come eat Us Alive so we kept on running for the rest of the day

Trying to find a spot to hide far away from the coyotes and what do you know they try to eat me well was it their birthday um yeah let’s just say it was her birthday on the night of days three and four we were surrounded by a bunch

Of phantoms we tried fortifying the base to keep them out but it wasn’t working but luckily we sea found this random hole in the floor so we jumped on down and hid inside I got a lantern I don’t know about you but I’m not trying to die

Tonight mind just go to sleep night so we hid inside of our shelves and went to sleep but I started hallucinating and woke up in a new dimension where am I what is this place um hello moose I’ve brought you here for a reason I am Scar and I need your help

What the heck are you doing in my dreams dude I you have an important Mission ahead of you you’ll need a mentor uh okay bro but I’m just trying to live a normal armadillo life not go on some side quest BR I wasn’t armadillo just like you once but

Then my family got attacked by a pack of coyotes and they mess me up now I look like This but the point is my armadillo family did not die for some random Noob like you to live a normal life instead of carrying on our Legacy wow that’s pretty deep dude but when you put it that way I mean I guess you’re kind of right so tell me what the

Heck do I got to do to to avenge your family and and you cuz you look like a superhero with an x on your SCAR or X on your chest you get the point bro travel to the giant volcano and collect the adult’s fruit and create a theme of

Pillows wait you want me to go to a gigantic volcano to get a piece of fruit and that’s supposed to save you bro what the heck are you talking about dude just get out of here oh okay wait he’s gone bro what just happened I woke up fil my

Dream I couldn’t tell if this is real or just a nightmare so I told M about Scar and the fruit that he wanted me to find near the volcano and surprisingly she believe me does that make any sense to you finding fruits in a volcano but why are there fruits in a

Volcano have you seen a volcano no but I do see this Crow over here just looking into my soul so on these 5 through 7 Lucina and I went on an adventure to find the adult’s fruit that scar told us about except this Savannah Biome was filled

With these lions that wanted to eat us oh Mr lights I’m going to pet you I pet it oh oh what oh oh he’s M he’s mad oh stop get back oh oh where where’d she go down here lion did you did you fall down there is

There oh no is it a honey badger a honey badger run you oh there you are why I thought honey badgers are friendly honey badgers are so d wait seriously I didn’t know that hold on a second Mr honey bger are you friendly you seem friendly oh I am a honey badger

Armadillo look at me I’m like I’m like transing a badgero ow ow stab he’s also vicious come back oh no dang wa we’re just I’m right you we’re just not going to talk about that he’s he’s gone all right let’s go y we proceeded making our way through the

Savannah facing even more lines but with the help of musina they didn’t stand a chance I don’t think we taste uh good I mean I don’t think Li eat I’ve never ate an armadillo but I wonder if it’s bu moose what you’re an armadillo I’m I’m

Sorry I’m sorry I’m sorry okay my bad I forgot okay let’s go how could you forget we’re so small I got to say having your friend helping me out was amazing fighting off boes and other things was made way easier now as the sun was starting to set we found this

Village in the distance and came across a pack of tigers that wanted to eat us for a late night snack on days 8 through 10 m spotted a baby gazelle on the way to the Village St so just what just just go in your shell this is a spider oh no no you

Hate spiders right I don’t like spiders either let’s run run to the Village to the Village I love how you’re just like crawling with your shell that’s so funny I need to hello my fellow villagers we come in peace it is me and oh oh I um

The Villager has taken me no why does everybody pick me up get get get pull me down this guy is not friendly I think he’s like an evil villager we stole all their he blocks and the melons so we could have unlimited food do you even

Have any weapons uh I got my shell oh yeah that is kind of like the most powerful weapon you got hello Mr villager hi villager we then moved on to the villager’s houses searching for gear or maybe some armor to protect ourselves hey I’m on the Emu you’re on the Emu

Wait how did you oh look we see this part of the Emu just watch out for these elephants you don’t want to get an elephant mad that’d be that’d be pretty bad okay oh baby elephants it’s literally baby elephants they’re so adorable wait I love them why is there

Why is there so many elephants right you seeing this hello Mr villagers look they’re like in an intense trade-off you see this they’re thinking about do we want this piece of seed here you go have a snail snails are kind of like golden apples but for a for

An armad cuz we get absorption and then we also get this thing whatever this thing is maybe we can have the elephants pet the elephants I mean you you can be my guest I’ll just watch you you know you could you can be the test subject

How about that hey I’m going to pet this one do it he’s big and gray yeah he’s a little bit oh he almost killed me ow what’s going why that’s stop pitting it that’s literally hurting it oh what in the huh run moina ended up getting the elephants

Mad and they started stopping on the entire Village even the Iron Golems had to step in this was a complete Massacre you got to remember these elephants are not only big but they’re extremely heavy one long step and we’re gers I see you you’re on the tree

Oh what how was that even I’m in the tree here I’ll look through the window ow hey stop hey come over here oh I’m sorry oh well uh looks like we’re um we’re trapped in here forever here have a snail oh thank you well as the night started setting we were all alone

Trapped inside the villager’s home surrounded by angry elephants waiting to kill us who knew that nature would be so dangerous hey luina it’s been a little bit let let me let me go see if the coast is clear uh be careful elephants I have melons I come in peace

Here have a melon you too I think I think they’re good yeah oh me sweet let’s get out of here I don’t think they’re mad anymore hello we see watch out watch out it’s back it’s back it’s back oh dude we have no weapons either

Hide in a shell use our shells watch out for the creeper oh get in the Shell ready let’s attack the stay back oh wow oh my bad ow I’m he’s how is he so fast says when can elephants run super quick i’ I’ve never seen that before I can always run quick

What do you mean they’re so thick during the mornings of days 11 to 14 Bina and I were having some fun exploring the beach and fighting coyotes we just spotted a fellow Turtle friend waddling away to the water oh there’s another one there’s another one oh it’s so adorable wait can

I jump on it oh I am you can get on the turtle armadillo Turtle what I have an idea what are you thinking oh he’s scared what if we got armor that’s just as strong as their shells oh it’s a good idea like a armadillo shell right oh oh where’d he

Go he’s he’s just he’s gone he just disappeared I don’t know well I got an idea I see we keep here there’s a puppy look I found a puppy puppy puppy puppy puyy puppy puyy it’s so adorable do you want a puppy you want a pet puppy I want a

Puppy okay let’s get you a puppy we needed a new member of our family so we spotted a nearby vase and broke it then found a chest containing bones and golden apples and then crafted a set of shears and used it on the nearby armor dillow to give me these armor shells

We tried to tame some puppies but instead these coyotes just kept following me so I fought them off and muina finally got a dog but then 10 seconds later he got eaten by an alligator oh snap I nature no not you good oh um well I’m not good I am not

Good L know all I got to say that is welcome to Nature this is how it goes all right come on follow me we’re going to get you another one I got I got more bones I got another bone so let just get a piece of log and then here here’s

Another puppy right here look at him he’s he’s even got his paws wet look at this little dude love look there’s more there’s a whole pack of wolves come on let’s get you a new puppy and then while you get the puppy I’m just going to chop down this

Tree oh get out way I got a puppy you got a puppy I got two puppies oh watch out we watch out for the tree oh St no save him wow this wolf almost got hit by a tree now you’re a lucky one buddy found even more puppies in the distance

And she kept on taming them adopting a bunch of puppies which is great at all but who’s going to feed them H not me you have so many of them now you you have literally single-handedly tamed the entire wolf population and I’m going to make us a crafting table and then to this

Out huh wa I’m right here where where’d it go what I I you know what I’m just not just not even going to talk about it just don’t even worry about it to keep our puppy safe I grabbed our armor shells and then crafted the wolf armor

For my dogs now with this thing on our army of puppies will be Invincible oh look at him and you two h i I only have one I’m so sorry I mean I guess I could get a few more hey yo cough it up I’m so

Sorry I’m just trying to get some more shells from you thank you thank you very much do you want all them to have wolf fer or you only want one yes all of them okay if you say so here I’m going to drop them for you here take this one

There you go take this and just simply grab it and then right click your puppy and that should do it ready boom there you go I already got one for this one and we’re going to call this one Spock and you’ll be called breakfast and and and you’ll be called Moose those are

Awful names but I I I I couldn’t think of anything else honestly moose it’s another dog there’s another one m i don’t want to be that guy but I don’t think we need any more dogs we have four of them this is our family he said

Another one you got another how many how many dogs you going to get that’s the last one I can’t even that one’s going to be called Moose then hey puppy puppy puppy well we were officially ready to find the adult’s fruit now with our army of armadillo puppies we were Unstoppable

And no alligators would be eating our dogs and no more coyotes would stand a chance on days 15 through 20 I spotted an army of frogs inside the swamp biome what is it I’m hungry you’re hungry I mean there’s literally frogs over there and and armads love eating

Frogs it’s like it’s like a little snack kind of like some breakfast uh Spock what are you doing bro we got to get the frogs alligators the only issue is though there’s a bunch of alligators and there’s a there’s a moose for some reason just like us oh moose there’s

Like four mooses right now we jumped into the water infested with alligators now if you didn’t know we armadillos love to eat some frogs this is like a good source of breakfast do you want to be my dinner oh oh nature what is going on get let my

Dog go let my dog go go tell me did he did he eat your dog no he’s trying to eat my dog hey stay away from Spock he’s part of the family 1 2 3 4 wasn’t there one more I’m missing one no now these frogs might look tiny but do not let

Them deceive you these are extremely dangerous and amphibians look at this they can slap you with their giant tongues and try to swallow you I’m literally about to die no no no where I’m coming help there’s an army of frogs oh yeah try to eat me

While I’m on my shell now you can’t do nothing stay in your shell I’m still on my shell you got this one get back bad frogs did you get him wow that was uh that was pretty good you are no match for me oh that’s that’s got to

Hurt w w w yo the Wolves hey oh I just watched my family die you know what that’s it I’m over the dogs you got to go you guys got to go wait no the Moose attacked me bro you got to be kidding me smack him use your shell make him flop

Over oh no dang it stop attacking me ah our puppies were going to town eating these frogs like a snack and with the help of the wolf farmer nothing was able to hurt them come on just get it it’s just a little frog he’s going at

Fighting what’s he going to do look at that chill bro that kind of hurts what are you looking at bird this dude help help help oh come on there so many frogs I left you alone for like the midd of the frogs all right I got you let me show how it’s done

F they’re com yo look at them go uh what was that you seen this what the what huh that you oh come back ow we continued fighting armies of frogs do the swamp biome dodging their tongues wasn’t so easy but watching them flop was hilarious and

Along the way we spotted this buff frog hopping around so we went towards him watch out there’s an alligator the way oh no oh he got me help no no oh just just punch it I’m helping pun I’m helping I just ow hey pull me down I’m

Help what the heck still alive give me out of the water get me out of the water I don’t want to be here anymore see what all this fuss is about look at that thing bro it’s so ugly it why is it looks like a big frog hey bro that’s

What I’m saying why you want my turf bro what you what did you just say to me BR uh we’re just trying to eat some frogs here bro wait they’re frogs eating frogs yeah bro what what what do you me now get off my turf it never come back bro

Wait you eat your own kind like like you eat frogs did I say leave bro well we’re not leaving stand your ground stand your ground you leave we’re not leaving exactly and you can’t do anything about us ugly frog if you touch my frogs you’re going to deal with me bro I

Already did oh oh he’s running away I smacked your frog wow that was pretty good mosina RIT RIT wow you scared him off I be scared too I mean I’ve seen you knock back a few things that that was that was terrifying ribit wao okay well

Let’s go see what he had I’m just going to go steal his stuff you want to fight you want to fight come at me oh okay I’m going to have to hold you backa get get back I’m going to have to hold you hold me back hold back I’m holding you back

I’m holding you back I see we just go mess with more frogs I’m going get him I’m kill him I’m a baby armor door I’m strong I am fierce okay you you good yeah I’m good okay good good bro well this buff frog was finally gone so we

Went over to his lily pad and started eating four of his puny frogs watching them flop around oh and my puppy Spock ended up getting stolen by an alligator and afterwards I stole all of his Emerald blocks that will teach the buff frog to never mess with an

Armadillo on days 21 to 25 I watch waston alligator get eaten by giant anaconda look at thing oh Terri big yeah yeah go go go here go go go go touch it go see go see if it’s going to like eat you I don’t think it’s

Going to eat you look it’s kind of friendly oh oh oh stop he’s trying hit me yo chill yeah get away no get get back b b an oh no no no no no I’m okay I’m I’m not messing with that thing oh it’s out of the water it’s it’s out of

The water now wow oh it’s not out of the water why are you attacking me W are you seeing what I’m seeing look at the lava that’s what I’m saying and look at the faces why they look so ugly a volcano yeah look at that thing oh wait

This is it hold on M this is it the adul fruit is here the the guy in my dreams he told me to go to a volcano yeah that’s what I’m saying wait let’s go up this little thing over there maybe we can get like a better view or something

Yeah yeah let’s go let’s go luina wanted to jump off a mountain with me so I went for it and she ended up falling into a hole I fell somewhere it looks like it’s a mine what the huh what is this that was a close one it it turns

Out that underneath the volcano was a copper Goa M shaft and for some reason they love lifting weights hey dillos oh I’m a r hide what are you doing oh wait wait hide in here hide in here in the basketball what is that thing bounced bro did you see that basketballs huh

Basketballs are you scared of me here take some copper really nice it’s throwing poison okay all righta I’m hiding away from it I’ll protect you hiding from me I’m right behind you get away get away from the armil get away from the armil get away oh what the heck you should just

Come meet my father Warden Golem and see him we don’t want to meet no Warden Golem we’re trying to look for a fruit what a warden who I’m not trying to see no Warden Golems wardens are dangerous they eat people they’re not even friendly we’re not looking for trouble

Yeah what she said but if you start it I will end you oh oh okay I’m just trying to work out my dumbbells here what in the world is going on here what is this place it’s some kind of a volcano underground civilization of copper what are you copper Golem or something

Yeah these are all uh workers we’re working for the wardens but but that fruit that you guys are talking about you guys talking about the fruit that grows right next to me that in the jungle bomb above me oh you heard that combo oh yeah actually uh we’re here on

A mission this guy named scar sent us to find uh it’s called an adult’s fruit it’s fruit yeah and it’s supposed to be at a volcano I I don’t remember asking but when you guys get that fruit just bring me some I’m getting really hungry oh

Okay and you said it’s in the jungle biome above us yeah we’re F yeah just so so inside the volcano without telling me okay what are you saying might get really mad here basketball well from the looks of it the copper Golems knew exactly where the adult’s fruit was it’s literally in the

Jungle next door bro so I proceeded to go through these tough jungle terrains and I ended up finding a gorilla and all he wanted was some bamboo what if you climb the trees and and maybe we can get like a a better oh oh wow are you okay yeah just just

Got a little bit of a little flashback from the previous coyote okay that was kind of terrifying you really hate those coyotes oh oh there’s a coyot up here get stay stay away oh no oh no no we finally made it to the coyote base camp

And right in front of me was an army of coyotes so we ambushed them and it turns out they were guarding the adult’s fruit which looked exactly like a watermelon oh see quickly it’s okay get my back oh going at me oh there so many see so many no

Oh no no get back stay away no chill chill oh I’m trying with try to get to you get them all near me I got him here we go there’s so many of them no it’s okay it’s okay what the heck am I doing

I’m on the back of the stage at first I thought that we were outnumbered but then I realized I’m built like a turle so I hit in my shelf and started going off on these coyotes hold on hold on what I have for you got this Mach take

It out I got you I got you I’m eating you still this one kind of see friendly take I’ll take it out it’s not even what the heck is wrong with it what do it made of hey there was just one coyote left and for some reason this thing was

Invincible every attack we tried just wasn’t working it’s just chilling in fire menacingly you you ever had coyote meat no well time to eat it for breakfast here here I got this watch this b i call this the ultimate cooked armo it didn’t do anything never

Mind ooh oh hit me hit me hit me we’ll send them flying oh I got you I got you here wait wa wait wa where’d you go right here ready oh this thing’s definitely glitched out look at this thing it’s so goofy all right R show

Them how it’s done all right do it oh nothing nothing happened I think he glitched out you just look at him he’s just broken wait in the world well we finally found the adult’s fruit and afterwards we led the nearby bu chests containing gold and some apples and

Where’s your uh where’s your adult’s fruit it’s in my hand I turned around and saw a purple coyote just staring at me hide in the Shell hide in the Shell you better watch your back what the heck is that is that a dinosaur get out of

Here or I’m going to beat you up go go go run get out get out of here go go no it’s my territory get out of here go go go it’s it’s a purple dinosaur it’s some coyote looking dinosaur hold I’m running where did these go I’m hungry for my

Snack we kept on running for the night I did not want to fight that purple looking Coyote Well on the bright side I finally had the adult’s fruit in my possession and Scar would be very proud days 31 37 I watched the sunrise while holding my daughter’s fruit I was

Finally ready to try this thing for some breakfast you’re going to take me on a picnic that’s what I’m saying a picnic let me show you how a pro get chapped out a tree M what is it the fox the fox oh watch out watch out that was close wow that almost

Killed me wait the fox are you talking about that fox over there what is that thing yeah the big one what the heck is this hold on a second let’s go we checked out this gigantic Fox base which looked like a hobbit hole now I don’t

Know who belonged to but there was a bunch of sweet berries for me to steal what is this WOW uh what is going on over there you look look down there what is that I don’t know what that is but it’s it looks like it’s just loving

Whatever it’s eating huh I don’t know but this is a pretty good spot ma to eat the adult’s fruit okay ready we’re going to do it together right by the flower right by the the flowers yeah 3 2 1 no what the what I transformed into an

Adult armadillo no longer was I a puny baby but now I was much bigger and stronger what is going on over there what’s happening down there is that another armadillo armadillo oh we got to save it hey hey stay away from my Army friends get back ow it’s a little baby

Hey ow it’s they still hurt hey hey hey hey hey you want some of this huh you want some of this to take this I’m sorry okay oh that was a close one is got it yeah all right let’s get the heck out of here oh lucena’s stuck you a

Moose wait ow ow what is it now that we’ve gone on this adventure and are going on a nice picnic uh-huh we should move in together are you asking me on a date what oh oh oh oh oh moving together oh wait the picnic is a date

Uh U sure we’ll leave it as that you want to move in together I just met you like 40 days ago something like that we grew up together oh I mean you got a point there all right let’s move in together let’s move in together our room

Is going to be amazing please don’t make it Pink we started searching through different locations looking for a to set up my armadillo Community oh no oh no oh no no no no no no no no no no no no no have heart have heart I’m lit about to

Die there’s two there’s two of them they’re playing football with me no I’m coming I’m coming I want swim very fast they’re playing soccer with me I can’t let go oh help kill it I got you please help me if I if I unshell I’ll die stay in your shell stay in your

Shell back off what the what I’m running okay you got this one I’ll protect you a he’s got me oh no okay not anymore I’m coming oh there’s another there’s another one no stop it ow where are they coming from they just come out of

Nowhere back ah no you don’t yep get get off of me leave leave M alone I’m coming I’m coming you saved me oh yeah that was great just only almost had a heart attack but AA you scary okay I’m running away what come back I was finally ready to build the

Armor cave so I traveled back to the Savannah and found this a gigantic hole in the wall we went inside and placed on a bunch of torches then started working on the front of the entrance I made it out of some mud combined with dirt and some brown concrete I then created a

Path for the entrance so this way we know where we’re going anyways I finished up the front and spotted an elephant I started working on the top of the base now I moved on to the sides you don’t want people breaking in from the corner right this entire place was based off of

A gigantic armadillo shell I don’t know if you can tell so for the inside I use different types of woods to create a fancy floor oh I can’t forget about the support beams you don’t want this place to collapse and then connected the caves together with these stairs I even hung

Up some lanterns so it wasn’t too dark now it was time for the patio I built it out of some planks and added a fancy entrance with some Cobblestone railings I even added hedges which honestly just didn’t look too good because of the biome okay it still kind

Of felt empty so I added a gigantic staircase leading to the top of the mountain I even built a chimney with a fancy tree right next to it to make it feel cozy okay it was time for the finishing details I outlined it with some more wood and planted this tree

Right next to it I just didn’t know what to put on the left side but still it felt like it was just missing something so I built a gigantic armadillo face this way the armadillos would never miss this place so what do you think it looks pretty

Good right it’s beautiful look at it it’s that’s what I’m saying Duo now let’s go to the interior we don’t have that much blocks but just enough to make a busted interior I was so excited to build the interior of this place so I decorated it by making a tiny kitchen

Across it I placed down a bunch of emerald blocks now underneath the floor I created a storage room with some chests for our bedroom I made the flooring out of hay to give it some cushion and right behind it we made a tiny Sweet Berry Farm because M just

Really wanted it all we needed was a spot for Spock bed and perfect moose what you got to put it right here what okay fine fine fine fine fine fine there you go boom watch it look oh our bed is so beautiful all right well that’s going to

Do it for now and we could even like I mean we got more hay Bal so we could always just expand this out and make it look even fancier um totally up to us oh that sounds amazing just like this do something like that and maybe something over here oh yeah we

Could we could do like a little storage right here so that we can like have our personal stuff right there we’ll use barrels so once we get barrels we’ll put it right here yeah there we go now we’re talking look at this place yo it’ll looks so good with the hay the entire

Walls are made of hay bals one fire and everything burns down that’s not what you really want but you never know what can happen in Minecraft boom perfect we did so good oh yeah we we totally did really good even though I did all the work I supported you and I cheered you

On over and over didn’t you hear me go moose go go moose go bro she literally did nothing at all but you know what I’m not even going to say anything we’re just going to leave it as that subscribe for breakfast well we spotted the armadillos

In the distance so we went towards them please stay here sit oh I don’t think I’m sitting I am one with the armadillo we were on a mission to recruit the pack of armadillos but right behind them were a bunch of sniffers and this was our first time encountering

Them you smell funky real funky I found an ancient plant which the sniffer dropped and afterwards I stumbled across this gigantic sniffer base it looks like a it looks like a giant bird what is it doing why does it look like french fries sticking out of a

Car it kind of does right it reminds me of like a wow you’re so right it’s literally french fries bro it’s french fries french fries now that I’ve seen it I don’t think I can ever unsee it though that’s that’s probably the funniest part okay well anyways I simply take the

Armadillos and we just get the heck on out of here Aros Frenchy H I don’t know if I want a french fry it looks a little bit dangerous and who knows maybe he belongs to some kind of a sniffer dude and we don’t want to be messing with

Other factions that don’t look like us you are so ugly I’m I’m kidding I’m sorry that that was a little rude he’s kind of cute I think he is kind of cute he’s like us with like six legs all right come on everybody follow me we go back to the

Base I took my Army of armadillos through the desert then across these harsh Waters oh Cy bro it just explodes it just literally explodes in the tiny pieces and we finally made it back to the base do not mess with mosina wow that was kind of Epic low key

Like what like what you think about that was pretty epic right yeah my hero okay never mind you know what that was not epic all right everybody Mr D friends follow me my friends and welcome to your base so this is officially the armadillo base it why why is there why

Is there a line on top of our base oh no Cina the elephants are back do you think they know I think oh they’re cute they’re cute well they triy to kill you last time did you forget I brought the armadillos inside the armor cave and introduced them around and they realized

We had no watermelons for them so I became a farmer and then melon melon melon and melon perfect now this was that what just happened dude these arms are crazy they got like a m of their own name him Fred now for the pumpkins let’s put it here and I also

Have ancient plants musina do you want to do the honors of this one here you go 1 2 3 bro get get get out of armadilla please I just bought you up get out of here I’m trying to work here bro here you go there you go please take my seeds

Don’t confuse me for the other two I’m the I’m the real armadillo okay wait I didn’t get it bro what are you me had a beat which one of your armadillos stole my stuff there was so many armadillos I couldn’t even tell which one was mosina

Here you go musina there you go buddy so just plant some of these bamboo that would be where you going that’s that’s not me oh I’m right here oh oh what could you not tell me aart I I don’t know you guys look literally the same we’ve known each other since we were

Babies just just just plant take plant anyways we planted the ancient plants and fortified our base with some bamboo to keep the giraffes out now I can’t see the same for the Phantoms on days 43 to 46 it was finally time to build a new habitat for my Army

Dillos hey get off my bed get get up you see what I’m saying this this is exactly what I mean m i telling you if we don’t give them their own place they’re going to be jumping on our beds thinking it’s literally like a what do you think this

Is a little bouncing bed or something binaa was in charge of pond Duty know what that meant is she had to build Pond without flooding the entire base all right M here you go wait which one is m m I can’t tell you apart oh this one

Okay here you go take this and take this you not tell me apart I I cuz you everyone looks the same that that’s the only issue everybody literally looks the same right now aren’t they beautiful are you drowning are you bro are you good I

Think we need some lily pads so when the when the actual arbital go swimming they can always get on top of lily pad and it turns out the coyotes had stuck inside through this gigantic hole behind our base this is not good we see know I got

An idea where is this oh a coyote head H I don’t what this is messed up I don’t want this so I patched up the hole by building a glass window so my armadillos would have a nice view I then dug a hole in the floor and made a gigantic hay bed

Afterwards I added these torches and placed down paintings and some watermelons giving this room a whole new Vibe how about this as soon as you walk inside you’re going to see a painting right here ah amazing the classic Pig and then extend the deck and turn this

Area into a Podium to speak to my fellow armadillos now I’m not going to say it’s it’s bad definitely an interesting choice of colors bucina why is it pink wait I didn’t I actually wait no I didn’t put that down what then who did who put that down what what do you mean

I thought you put that down no I didn’t put this down anyways I placed down the lecturn and finally completed my Podium we got some more hay in case you need like another bed to crash at you mean another bed oh oh uh you know in case I

Get kicked off the couch I get to stay in my own bed right there I also made a watermelon dispenser to feed my armadillos but I’m not here watermelon slices for everybody perfect huh did you hear that there’s a bird in here oh hey hear the bird look we got

Some food and then added the finishing details to my base by placing a bunch of bamboo and building a second bed for our future armads I’m I’m just going to take it I’m literally starving right now uh what what are you doing what what what do you

It it’s it’s literally not what it it’s exactly what it looks like it’s it it is exactly what looks like there is water on the floor because I ate the watermelon I was hungry you don’t want to hear me when I’m mad I mean when I’m hungry and crazy

Why I’m sorry I was literally starving and there was melons here I had to take it okay I I put all my melons inside of the community melon thing and then all the aradillas ated so yeah oh they want more now underneath this Podium I built

Another room we see a tried adding Vines but instead she placed it in the wrong location bro hello I’m I’m stuck I oh oh no bro what did you do I don’t know you did it the wrong way boom you grab shears and you shear it

Away you see now it’s back po of my Vines and there you go look way better you see you see what I’m talking about now that it’s supposed to be like Shades so like when it goes down here they’re not going to see the secret entrance

Into our storage room I have no more Vines that’s okay I don’t think you need Vines here what have a melon you’re not you without a melon oh oh not again I’ll put me down days 47 to 50 we were on top of the armor cave and spotted a pyramid

In the distance so we went towards it and as soon as we dug down to find the treasure something exploded while we were away from the base the buff frog had snuck inside of our armor cave and stole our armadillos all right let’s go ahead and add in the

New blocks to hey yo hey yo get back hey what the heck come on it’s the buff frog hey come back with armadillos we started chasing the B fro but it kept on hopping away so I pulled out my bow and fired my arrows but it was too late I couldn’t

Reach him anymore and the buff frog had gotten it away with an armadillo pack bro what the heck are you kidding me we just moved in and we just introduced the armadillos to our base and recruit them in our faction and and we just got the blocks to make it even

Prettier you know what this means what what does that mean m not to get them back we got to get revenge it’s the only way which means we go Unchained unchain wait you mean like we’re just going to like kill everything like the the frogs wow that’s that’s

Kind of dark but okay so we made our way back home and all I could think about was getting revenge on these these frogs anyways I added new leaves and magma blocks to the exterior of our base I then spotted a line and immediately ran

Inside get in get in get in hurry run run run bro nature you scary dude I was not about to become some lion food anyways it was now time for the decorations So I placed down this craphy table inside the treasure room I then added more magma blocks to the inside of

The base by placing it in the pond all right mtin let’s go to sleep bro why do you look like that what on days 51 to 55 it was a full moon and I started hearing a deep howling in the distance guys how many more melons

Can I give you no are kind of evil all you want is my melons bro what you the kitty wants some melons too right now what’s going on mosina no no no I see something I see something I see something what do you see no there’s

Nothing out there it’s we have a that it’s going to be fine we have a fence gate get back get get the bro what the heck oh no is there more of them oh there’s so many coyotes there’s so many coyotes the coyote pack had found our

Base and decided to Ambush us no don’t let the coyote there’s a zombie too trying trying to them off come on what the heck is going on over there oh there’s more see there’s more oh no I’m hiding my sh oh there so many coyotes I’m knock going to back all

Right it’s okay it’s okay I got the coyotes over here I got the keep fighting the M dude where where are they actually coming from all I could do was Stand My Ground against these Fierce coyotes while they just wanted to shred me apart but I used my shell ability and

My skills to fight them off one by one yo these are kind of strong they know how to like out maneuver you luina what you you where does she always go to bro get away from me f oh usina was screaming for help she was surrounded by

A bunch of coyotes now for me I was low on health and all I could do was hide in my shell Luc I I got I got to heal up I got to heal up don’t where’s our armadillos where we need some serious help bro what in the world hide in your

Shells woohoo a fellow armadillo literally rolled up on a and flattened out an entire pack of coyotes instantly killing them now that was a move that I had to learn for myself bro are they gone what we just is the spider gone how did you do that you being roll huh we

Dude look M he can roll we’ve been hiding in our shelves and you can literally roll bro dude it’s literally not working I can’t roll this armadillo’s name was ni and it turns out he was the same armadillo that we saved from the board and ever since then he

Had been following us on our journey trying to become strong so we could help the armadillo family so who are you then have you been following us yeah what i’ I’ve been part of your thing the whole time haven’t you seen me my name is Ni

No I haven’t se you dude this is like the first time I’ve seen you oh bro they’re so short I’m getting wrecked right now oh no well how come you get to roll and I don’t get to roll bro this I want to roll because you say had to save me I

Trained real hard to protect myself and now I can protect you wow that’s actually kind of cool so ow dang bro bro he’s trying to eat me everything’s trying to kill me right now how did I even get over here huh well anyways buddy I see we go back inside cuz I’m

Not trying to have any more coyotes sneaking into my base oh dude that’s even I have help help me oh they’re so nature you are great seriously really bro you guys got to be kidding me they’re picking me up somebody that is so overpowered you just rolling into everything I’ll always be

The one to save you yeah you’re totally going to save me oh those K Zas shreded us apart I will save um what whatever you say okay hey the next day it was training time and if was flexing on us by rolling around he rolling around everywhere

Seriously are you kidding me you really falling for this moina just cuz he can roll around doesn’t mean like the coolest thing ever but are you jealous no I’m not jealous ow my ankles dud I told ni dude stop making me look bad in front of moina though they’ve handed us

A moose milk fruit and by eating this it would allow us to learn to roll like a Dillo where’d you get this from a moose milk fruit I was just roaming around and I found it that’s so sick B hey look I’m exposing him he ate this thing that’s

What makes him roll it’s called a moose milk fruit all right well if you say I’m going to eat this and it’s going to transform me here we go it’s pretty busting okay all right not bad at all oh the did they do anything no way oh let’s go all three of

Us now could roll as a pack and with my new attack these coyotes and frogs would stand no chance I was finally going to reach my fullest potential Look at me now we can all roll around like armadillos this is perfect I got an idea

I call this the double combo we go boom hide in the shell and then we start rolling just like this that’s kind of of cool hide in the shell and boom that’s perfect now missina now that ni taught us how to roll I see we take him out I’m

I’m kidding I’m kidding it was it was a joke it was it was a joke I I’m not evil what Bo is this my evil Arch yeah get more melons yeah here you go take this all right guys we got a serious problem in our hands there’s coyot killing us and there’s a giant buff frog he stole armadillos but now that we can roll I think that we got to

Find him wait and put an end to him is that a hippo you say buff frog yeah bro a buff frog this dude’s been literally bullying us and taking our stuff and taking armadillos and now that we can roll I’m going to I’m going to roll up

On his face like this ah I mean I know all about this buff frog really I mean like what do you mean by oh ow ow what the B are scary yeah dude this is sick though look I can just knocked them back as far as they hurt they hurt and what

Do you know it turns out the nith had a map to the buff Frog’s base I was Sting to think that he was a bit sus but then again he just wanted to help why would I teach you that most powerful move oh I don’t know maybe

Because you know what he’s got a good point there why why would he teach us the most powerful move and give us the map that doesn’t make any sense all right well I see we uh we go find this buff frog especially now that we can

Roll so on day 61 to 70 we followed a map and rolled all the way to the swamp biome plowing through a bunch of frogs and even Gators yo we’re sending it dude these frogs ain’t got nothing on the team moose let’s go baby take this you

Ever seen an armadillo roll around big boy just like this dude that was amazing all right so ni uh where are we going exactly I’m trying to see what the heck wait a minute the castle Oh you mean that oh wow how come we never saw this before there’s literally a gigantic

Castle over here look at this thing hold on I hear a snail y all hear that where’s a snail oh snail let me get some boy all right there you go got me a snail so um where exactly is this buff frog at oh so many little fireflies too

Look at this a they oh I bro the heck is this oh oh what is that gab gab gab I’m surprised you didn’t know this was here of course I didn’t know this was here but how did you even get the map well I

Made it if I I’m just going to let you know bro I’m on to you no funny business you got that no funny business with M oh it’s going to be you ow ow put me down put me down never mind help it’s okay I got you dude alligators are dangerous

Want to let you know I saved you thank you turns out that the buff frog was named gabun and he lived inside of this giant castle so we m in the front and made our way to the center so where exactly is this frog anyways where the

Heck is this dude at I mean it’s not over here no idea really what was it you it’s not me what do you mean you just burped no I didn’t if am I the only one that heard that I heard it too but it didn’t

Sound like a hey guys um I think I found the frogs let’s go we got to roll on in frog in look at all these frogs bro in just under 30 seconds we defeated the entire frog Army by simply rolling y funny enough they’re not even doing

Damage to us take this oh oh that one’s that one’s definitely gone is that it this is his entire Army feel kind of bad yeah I do kind of feel bad I mean he’s supposed to have a gigantic M can you stop I didn’t do it what do you mean you

Didn’t do it that was that was literally you frog bruh what frog bruh where’s your army frog bruh we walked into the throne room and the buff frog started attacking us wait I found him this is it three armadillos now get off my turf bro

Oh oh snap yo what the heck hey we’re here for armadillos give them back and it doesn’t have to end in a bad way and by that I mean we’re going to beat you up bro yo what are you trying to do get trapped in my bubbles bro you look like

You’re trapping yourself in a grappling hook you Noob let me get out of here I need more frogs is he trying to jump around yo I got a bow look at him look at him trying to jump away I got a bow too oh he’s got

A bow watch the bow I flaming W oh God bro I went up the stairs and broke the wall so I could sneak up on the buff frog BR here we go roll got him wa yo I’m dropping him down here he goes coming from behind trying to Grapple you

Guys got him I got this him down I’m dropping down hold it back not in the corner dude come on guys get him he started using his bubble beam trapping me in these floating bubbles what the heck is this bro oh come on bro he’s

Literally got me in a bubble what in the world ow oh oh that hurt a lot that hurt a lot n take over I got to eat a snail I need to Grapple out of here somewhere Bros go get him frog Army get over here

Dude look at all these frogs yo he just summoned his frogs and they all exploded we all teamed up on the buff Frog by countering his attacks and knocking him back into corners and dealing damage whenever we could get come on tra bubbles dude those bubbles are it’s like

Surprisingly working bro they’re like trapping us oh nips in a bubble yes we got him wow and finally we defeated the buff frog and now we didn’t have to worry about these stinky frogs and could eat as many as we want so we finally trapped armadil guarded by frogs and

Broke them out of the cage just oh and I found a barrel containing a god apple and a totem of undying the next morning if had found the treasure what the heck is this what I’ve been searching for this entire time what is that is that a watermelon the Arma Arma

Fruit what do you mean by an armor armor fruit nith what are you talking about dude what is armor armor fruit what the heck is this over here you remember how that fruit you ate that made you big uhhuh this will make you bigger this was

The the same fruit that scar was talking about we also got ourselves top hats and boxing gloves you guys also got top hat it’s above your head we what the heck y hold on a second dude it’s on your head bro it’s floating top hats yo

Both of your top hats are floating no it’s yours wait what oh I see it this is amazing dude look yo can I roll with the top hat on no a it doesn’t work dang you dude a that would have been fun now we all officially had top hats floating

Above our heads and most importantly these boxing loves anyways it took us a few days to bring the armadillos back to our base and to our surprise the kyote pack who’s outside just waiting to eat us yo these coyotes just don’t learn oh did you see that oh look at this wi go

Get him show what you got got him come on M I got to see you do there you go boom get him look at M now she can actually like destroy them instantly y these boxing gloves are pretty powerful right it just like instantly one shots

Them oh there more no get back got you oh they’re coming from everywhere what the heck from myos we finally returned our friends back to the armor cave and now our armor Dill could feel safe one once again now that we had these crazy boxing gloves there’s coyotes coyotes what do

You mean coyotes bro Coy they’re in the base yo they’re in my bed yo what the heck dude get this guy on his back oh oh no that’s it oh wow I totally forgot how uh powerful these uh boxing gloves are well it was a long day before we all got

Ready for sleep I made an announcement the clearing war on the coyote pack it was time to get our Vengeance it was the morning of day 76 to 80 I walked outside with my armor armor fruit and came across an elephant but ni rolled over it

Ni I said to move him not kill him okay you know what forget forget about it so we got these things called the armor armor fruit now apparently it’s supposed to turn us into a buff armadillo but here’s the thing where’s the arms I don’t understand it it like what what

Part of oh is that the arms it’s gone all right everybody grab your arm armor fruit and let’s give it a little taste this okay here we go okay not bad at all okay can’t tast we transformed into buff armadillos and our bodies were super chiseled and

We had giant shells on our backs that could withstand pretty much anything also these beautiful aners that kind of made us look like reindeer I’m going to eat the fruit you try out what’s going to happen to you wa ah dude you look just like me wow I got to say bro we’re

Kind of beautiful now what about M what are you going to look like oh now I’m scared just try it out let’s see what happens to M armadillos have antlers wait what do you mean oh yeah you’re right you know wa wa there was three BFF

Armadillos RC had Anglers with a bow tie and lipstick while nith had headphones on bro why are you buff why do you look like that but you’re just as buff as us that’s what I don’t understand and I’m just as scary if not scarier I think you’re definitely you’re definitely more

Terrifying you’re looking into my soul right now I wonder what all the armadillos are going to think wait the question is though can we even like fit inside of our base anymore we were so big they we couldn’t even fit through our front entrance but best of all we

Each had over 100 health and went inside of our shells we could withstand anything and our roll ability was drastically upgraded oh okay there we go oh it’s kotes get back nope stay away dude they’re not even doing anything what’s the point the these coyotes don’t even say a chance

Anymore you want some of this you ever seen an armadillo box somebody before take this knock him out wow this is pretty op so for the rest of the day we practiced these amazing fighting skills and had a boxing Showdown against these coyotes outside the armadillo cave

We’ve already dealt with the buff frog so now it’s time for the cootes but you can’t do this what is it how did you what huh it looks like I’m about to change a diaper bro literally no longer would we tolerate the Coyote’s threats a 81 to 85 ni and musina were

Having another boxing Showdown they were trying to figure out which of them was the strongest well let’s be honest m is literally crazy wait guys look look over there you see it it’s a rhino let’s go Master up you want something to box we’re going to box a rhinal what’s up

Bro what’s up dude what you going to do it’s it’s wait where is she what musina how how do you hey chill this is rhinos all right the Rhino is strong musina you might be buffing all but you’re kind of clumsy I’m just going to let you know

Right now you’re a little bit clumsy there you go not that there you go we were searching for the coyote pack and right in front of us were giant bones sticking out of the floor and a few coyotes surrounding it so we rolled on in destroying anything our way and as

We got closer we spotted a mini tornado what is thing it’s like a Volcan well that that’s not a volcano that’s that’s a tornado bro yo get this thing what the heck is it doing a little tornado oh loose oh ow yo it’s sucking me in yo what the heck no chill

Ow oh what the what’s going on this is an Armor’s number one weakness moose what’s up buddy ow I’m stuck where you how is everybody getting stuck the tornado it brought me down here don’t you see me oh um yeah let me uh let me

Just help you with that bro here you go enjoy oh just all collapsed swim swim buddy swim let me fight off the rest of these coyotes oh oh snep there another one oh no here we go get ins the thing there we go and oh I’m being sucked in roll

In got him easy dude I got a coyote M you got the rest of them show them your rolling skills M show what you got get over you just you’re like a like a gigantic truck just running over things I was searching for the coyote leader and in the distance I spoted this

Camp what the heck is that over there y’all see like a blue uh is that a blue wolf like a coyote what the heck is that why does it oh it breathes fire it breathes fire is that a hippo I don’t know did you see a hippo oh hippos are

Kind of weird bro oh there’s a hippo get out of here wow thing just flew away I spotted the same purple coyote from before and turns out he was the leader of the coyote Camp so we rushed on in ready to fight you come to our base camp and you

Mess up our stuff now we’re going to mess you up the armadillo way I call this the boxing match way I feel like we’re like in a in a YouTuber boxing match or something like that oh oh oh no got explosions what do that thing the

Coot leader was not only able to breathe fire but he could also fire these exploding attacks but it didn’t stop m from boxing him away oh I punched him show show what you got use your upper cut hit him with the left oh okay never mind get back F got

The cootes you can deal with that one let me go see if there’s anything else left over here what is this thing some kind of a gigantic sword what is that hold on a second I think I have an idea oh I got it bro you see this thing it’s

Skull conect netherite sword it’s got like 40 attack damage that’s like triple our boxing gloves almost oh no no you want some of this H everybody roll roll in there we go push him back can we punch him back where’d he go oh he’s over there he’s in the water can you

Keep flying I don’t know come on get in there oh watch out he’s throwing these at me here I’m going to hide in the Shell you guys punch him back here we go all right and I’m going in with the skull netherite sword what um what I just I just one shot it

Literally with a single hit of the skull sword we destroyed the leader of the coyotes and afterwards we led the base and find ourselves a vulture totem which made the user Invincible for a few seconds on day 86 we roll through the desert and as the sun started to set we

Found a spot to set up camp through the night and in front of us was this glowing jungle Village any last words not not like in a weird way like I’m not trying to like you know like like like kill anybody here or anything like that it’s not like that at all

You’re trying to kill us no no no no no I was just saying like before we go to sleep like you guys want to say anything I mean we just had we went through a whole journey and all I got I got a cool sword and you know we’ve been through a

Lot so I just thought it’ be like necessary to I don’t know where I’m getting at with this no no it’s okay but well we were all exhausted and these Phantoms were trying to mess with us so we all went to sleep and if somehow fell asleep

On his back and suddenly I started having another nightmare I woke up in the middle of nowhere with a giant castle in the distance we see know I got I got some breakfast we go here you go here you go golden carrot o eat eat this eat this

All right and uh can somebody just like smack me in my face real quick just just just somebody somebody punched me in the face ow you definitely enjoy that didn’t you listen guys um I don’t want to be that dude but we’re in a bad situation we’re all inside of this weird Dimension

This is what I was telling you about muina when we first met I I had this dream that that I met this guy named Scar and it was in this weird Dimension and and now we’re all here so I don’t know what that campfire did to us you are you okay there you

Yeah yeah I’m not sure what that campfire did to us but oh no there he is look n that’s him that’s that’s scar right there hey scar I’m so mad right now what do you guys want what are you mad about bro well well first the frogs and then

The coyotes and now the copper Golems what do you mean no one likes me anymore well I okay bro but why did you even bring us here here and and and why musina and if what they got to do with this you were you were the one talking

To me I need your help well I just thought I’d bring you both your friends especially this guy he seems kind of smart so I need you that’s M that uh yeah I can’t tell the difference okay but okay first I need you to go to the

Nether I I have some coordinates in that book and place this anchor that’s all I need okay so scar had given us a mission to placed down a respawn anchor inside of the nether in order to summon him I tried to save us I tried to kill off all

The factions the coyotes the frogs you name it even the copper gols going to help me well why would you do that yeah ni I don’t know about this bro this guy’s a little crazy well no one like me what you expect somebody named after a

Mark on their body yeah you got a fair point there exactly that sounds a little that’s why no one liked me okay how did he get in your dream anyway yeah how do we we’re in a dream right now and you’re giving us item you know what nothing can

Makes sense in in this world here pick another pickaxe and please nether help me nether respawn Point all right scar I I guess we’ll we’ll go figure this out for you buddy but just don’t do anything crazy okay as a fellow armad friend we’re going to

Help you out I mean you you you are gigantic you’re literally what was what was that sorry wa I just keep on doing byebye bye um he was crazy yeah I don’t know how I feel about this he’s a well he I mean he’s he’s like us he’s the one that

Told us about the armor armor fruit like do we help him out like if it wasn’t for him we wouldn’t have this fruit here I know about this man he he’s the one that told us about this armor armor fruit and without this we not been buffed we’ve

Been tiny little armadillos just getting eaten by coyotes and then what we do uh I don’t think that’s necessarily true we were really tough even when we were tiny remember this well luina had a good point we were tough even before we met scar so anyways we agreed to his

Plan and went back to sleep days 87 to 9992 we woke up in the morning and dug straight down into a cave inside there we found some diamonds and obsidian then created a portal to the nether hello hello oh musina you here hey wait where’s ni ni and once we got

Inside we rolled over to the location that scar had given us bringing us to this place so we built on up these nether towers and fought off the zombie piglins and started swarming us we found four floating potions on top of a Podium with diamond blocks underneath what the

Heck is this though I will I will test it for you test it for me what are you testing let me see it it says it’s spin kick infusion spin kick infusion what the heck is that about drink it all right I’m drinking it here we go now I

Can do it’s kind of funk who who what’s this waa ability unlocked um whoa look at me what are you doing oh no way hold on a second we can do like a combination over here so I can first I can just keep rolling and then

As I roll as soon as I unroll I do this spin kick oh this is sick and I can spin kick the enemies away oh now we’re talking hey piglins you want some of this yeah get get away from get away from me oh oh no here they go oh these

Ones are a little bit tougher than usual they’re they a little bit a little bit strong stronger we kept defeating the piglins guarding this nether towera kept on falling through the holes ni let’s go see everybody come on don’t you worry we’re on the way musina

Where she go M oh oh hey welcome I got the tower please don’t fall off again okay let’s go oh this is an edge we got to the end of the nether towers and final location to place the respawn anchor but M once again fell in the lava

Bro if where is she she’s down there oh oh no up up come on end do not die in the lava get up get up get up come on what are you doing what are you what are you doing oh bro you got to be kidding

Me he I’m Not Dead all right meet us up here please okay okay we finally placed the respawn anchor added three glowstone blocks to power this thing and gave the last one to MSA put the last one in just just right click it I the last one how did you

What what what do you no look look how I placed the last glow stone and it’s summon scar back to our world nope everybody get back wait is that is that who I think it is no it cannot be it it’s score finally I’m free I’ve spent so long inside of that

World just withering away what’s happening I don’t know he just showed up out of nowhere so let me get this straight the reason you’re here is because we summoned you and was you just using us this entire time is that what’s going on not using you just mentoring

You and now that I have my body back it’s time to get rid of those coyotes and frogs and Cleanse This World wait wait hold on you can’t do this scar you can’t just exterminate entire population and just leave them to be you can’t do that and were armadillos I’ll see you

Around what oh you kidding me I told you man I told you scar had his mind made up I tried to stop him but he wouldn’t listen now I had to defeat my very own Mentor so we rolled on out and started chasing scar you see as like yeah you’re the reason

Moose all right everybody let’s roll on out of here days 93 to 95 we were on a mission to f find Scar and put a stop to his evil plan so we shall to the swamp Bome and find him destroying the entire population oh what the heck was that yo you guys seen

That I think I see him take that frog oh yeah he’s over there come on guys stop this bro leave the frogs alone I mean I don’t like him anyway oh and they’re they’re they’re all gone scar get back here come on guys we got to catch up we tried

Our best to catch up the scar but he was too fast I even tried using my bow but I wasn’t able to land my shots so Lu wanted us to be peaceful to the frogs and the coyotes especially while scar was hunting them down yeah and then how are we supposed

To eat frogs if he wipes out the whole entire frog population it’s going to mess up the nature the issue I mean I I I know but for now I think we should refrain from hunting coyotes all right fine no more coyotes or frog hunting we will be peaceful

Unless they bite me then then then I have every right to eat them yes exactly then then you have every right but like if we’re going to save then we should okay fine look they make some great mounts sort Of be if they know moved March frog I mean that’s not a frog that’s K go go coyote go I don’t think he I don’t think he’s doing anything Y where the heck is he going scar stop this already oh yo he’s just him oh God leave the alone

That is that’s we chased scar throughout the jungle trying our best to stop him from destroying the coyotes I just couldn’t figure out but he would backstab his own kind with the blink of an eye scor Super Saiyan launched his way out of here and just like that we lost him

Score what come back how did he just do that where’d he go what oh bro I don’t know what to do anymore he’s gone how that was so quick I like blinked for a second and we don’t even know which way he went bro you got to be kidding me

He’s literally completely gone I think we just just let’s let’s just head back home how about that all right let’s make sure that our armor dos are going to be safe that’s the most important part well it was finally days 96 to 99 and we

Could not give up so we returned back to the armor cave and found scar right outside trying to become the new leader of our pack awful what is scar doing here y he’s so fast no no what the heck he’s messing up everybody scar stop messing with our animals get scar yo I

Can’t even stop those are our oh yeah well guess what we got boxing gloves you Noob we can punch you back 100 uh-oh no scar battle it scar you got to relax dude stop messing everybody up I understand you got your body back you’re feeling good you’re feeling powerful and

Buff and all but dude you’re going too far man here’s the thing you armadillos are not worthy to lead the armadillo faction now that I’m back I won’t make the same mistake twice I’ll be in charge of the amillo base forever we’re not worthy you’re the one killing everybody you should not have

That kind of power P enough get him get him off cour I’m getting him what dang it you missed on I know I’m sorry we need a strategy listen there’s three of us and there’s one of him if we just keep punching him around like that there

You go it’s working look I’ll punch him towards you you guys punch him back we’ll put some volleyball over here I call this armadillo volleyball ow ow that hurt that hurt a lot okay maybe he’s a little bit stronger than I expected but it was three against one

And all of us worked together to overpower Scar and actually did some damage we made sure not to hold back any of our powers so we used our combos with our boxing gloves paed with our spin kick ability tossing scar around but it was barely doing damage here we

Go just heal a lot more than I thought dang it dude so we made a new strategy muci would TOS scar towards me while I would use my skull sword to deal maximum damage Dage and as for ni he will play the most important role hiding in absorbing all of Scar’s damage and

Finally release our most powerful attack did I just is he what happened did ni come out of the shell uhoh yep uhoh I think the server just died oh God I think I did too much damage what happened I don’t know I think we did so much damage that the

Server broke we did it is that we did it we did it I never expected that we would accidentally disintegrate scar Into Thin Air with our most powerful attack well I guess you can say to not mess with a buff armadillo so the next time you think about running over an armadillo

Think twice you you never know when a buff armadillo will pop out of nowhere oh wait the armadillos oh yeah you’re right let’s go check on the armadillos you got to make sure they’re all good oh it was finally day 100 and we ready to celebrate look at the zebras

Look at this little guy look at that guy oh it’s adorable oh M I know you’re loving the animals and all but uh no but can we keep it that’s that’s exactly why I said no you want you want a zebra trying to think in armadillo was food

What what if what if it’s eating some grass and it just starts eating our armadillos especially the babies no it’s not going to eat the armadillos I know I know it’s adorable and all but I’m telling you but he’s stuck he’s I I can I can fix that Moose I I did not I did not mean that I’m so sorry I did not what is it buddy what are you what are you trying to tell me I think I think I killed scar wait what you you killed scar yes was he just crying over a zebra while chill

Next to a kangaroo and tell me you killed scar yes just watch what what do you mean oh ow dude ni chill that’s an elephant bro what are you doing to the elephant that that’s him it’s not me okay elephant oh what the uh oh he the

Server’s gone he did it again what the heck how is that possible it was just that powerful bro oh what where’d it go it’s gone ow dude dude what the heck let me try this on the kangaroo so if I keep doing this I just go this kangaroo is powerful n n

Help he’s trying to kill me f n no he did it I’m sorry that was an accident honestly but hey on the bright side we got the armor armor fruit so what this means is our whole entire family will be buff armadillos that’s right we will be

The first faction with buff armad those uh why is there a copper Golem in our base I don’t know where at what is that thing is he just is he breeding them there’s two copper Golems what is going on here and what the they just what’s

Happening what the heck is that is it a flying what is that huh that same copper Golem that told me where the adult’s fruit was brought a gift for me it was a baby Warden Dragon I’m not sure who this baby belonged to but now it was my

Responsibility AB ility to take care of him down here hey ow oh they don’t like you yeah don’t don’t mess with them well this is my pet Warden Dragon you like it yeah it looks adorable and dangerous at the same time uh so what do you do you

Want it I do I have a choice no what okay all right I’ll take it yeah why why even okay all right just just see you later I guess thank you byee get out of here get get out of here what just what just happened did did we just become

Think you’re a dad I think we’re all I think we’re all parents now all right we you’re the mom I’m the dad and and you’re the I’m the uncle you’re the uncle that works too all right sweet oh man see no Wasa no we have our first

Child together oh okay all right you know what I don’t want to hear this no no never mind I’m out of here no you got to take responsibilities no I will not take responsibilities you I’m out of here you have to You’ll Never Take Me Alive subscribe I’m back Arma dadddy

This video, titled ‘I Survived 100 Days as a ARMADILLO in HARDCORE Minecraft’, was uploaded by Moose on 2023-11-12 13:00:37. It has garnered 189226 views and 4557 likes. The duration of the video is 01:31:57 or 5517 seconds.

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    INSANE MUSIC SYSTEM in MINECRAFT! ๐Ÿ”ฅ #minecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘BEST MUSIC SYSTEM IN MINECRAFT/MUSIC SYSTEM OF MINECRAFT #minecraft #minecraftshorts #trending #op’, was uploaded by SUMITXGAMING on 2024-04-30 07:25:35. It has garnered 4178 views and 119 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:14 or 14 seconds. minecraft minecraft challenge minecraft but minecraft animation challenge animation mcpe love story family friendly funny monster school minecraft monster school minecraft 100 days preston comedy minecraft hardcore monster school challenge trolling funny minecraft pocket edition minecraft pe adispot 100 days minecraft minecraft manhunt albedo op minecraft mod peppa pig huggy wuggy fnf mod hardcore minecraft minecraft meme steve… Read More

  • Shocking: Breaking Every SMP Rule! #Minecraft

    Shocking: Breaking Every SMP Rule! #MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘[ Breaking every rule of notice smp ]#minecraft #gaming’, was uploaded by AllMC_Gaming on 2024-03-07 01:11:38. It has garnered 204 views and 3 likes. The duration of the video is 00:16:11 or 971 seconds. Description: ๐ŸŒŸ Welcome to Crafted Ventures, where the enchanting world of Minecraft comes to life in pixels and polygons! ๐ŸŒˆ Immerse yourself in a realm of endless creativity, daring adventures, and captivating builds as we embark on an epic journey through the vast landscapes of this iconic sandbox game. ๐Ÿ”จ **Masterful Creations:** Join us as we delve into the art of… Read More

  • Insane HermitCraft Secrets Revealed!

    Insane HermitCraft Secrets Revealed!Video Information This video, titled ‘What makes HermitCraft different from other Minecraft servers?’, was uploaded by ฮ›sk ฮ›bout Solutions on 2024-05-24 06:27:53. It has garnered 7 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:53 or 53 seconds. Unveiling the Unique Magic of HermitCraft ๐Ÿ‘‰ Magic of HermitCraft ๐Ÿ‘‰ Discover what sets HermitCraft apart from the rest – a tight-knit community, high-quality content, and a focus on creativity and collaboration. Join in on the magic today! Laura S. Harris (2024, May 14.) What makes HermitCraft different from other Minecraft servers? ๐ŸŒ โœ‹ Disclaimer: This video, titled ‘What… Read More

  • Ultimate Battle Royale Victory – POV: You vs. 3 on Bridge

    Ultimate Battle Royale Victory - POV: You vs. 3 on BridgeVideo Information This video, titled ‘POV: u win a 3v1 bridge fight…’, was uploaded by Air_Clips on 2024-02-17 05:53:28. It has garnered 206 views and 5 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:23 or 23 seconds. go sub to main channel โ€‹โ โ€‹โ  #minecraft #bedfight #minemenclub #hypixel #pvp other tags lmao minecraft,hypixel,skywars,minecraft mods,minecraft challenge,handcam,mousecam,keyboard asmr,keyboard sounds,keyboard and mouse,mouse sounds,keyboard and mouse sounds minecraft,glorious model o,itzGlimpse,bedwars,hypixel bedwars,keyboard and mouse sounds bedwars,ducky one 2 mini,butterfly clicking,bed wars asmr,keyboard and mouse sounds,bedwars asmr,dragclick,clicky,asmr,family friendly,bedwars with handcam,iAim,modded keyboard,gamakay tk68,thocky keyboard,badlion,client,badlion client,jitter click,how to pvp,pvp,amongus,prediclips,maafer,pando,arctic,speedrun,clutch,block,block clutch,insane,shorts,youtuber,shorts youtuberlunar client, badlion client, forge, 1.7.10 forge, 1.8.9 forge,… Read More

  • INSANE Challenge in Minecraft – NO TOUCHING COLORS! #shorts

    INSANE Challenge in Minecraft - NO TOUCHING COLORS! #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft pero NO puedo TOCAR los COLORES de tu FOTO 23 #shorts #minecraftshorts’, was uploaded by Alexpolu8 on 2024-09-11 03:38:27. It has garnered 8817 views and 838 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:59 or 59 seconds. TODAY I BRING YOU A NEW MINECRAFT VIDEO I HOPE YOU LIKE IT AND IF YOU ARE NEW SUBSCRIBE โค๏ธ #Minecraft #yunque #yunques #minecraftmod #colores #inmortal #MinecraftSurvival #shorts #snapshot #minecraftupdate #mojang โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€” โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€” ๐Ÿš€ | Subs Discord | ๐Ÿš€ My Texture Pack | ๐Ÿš€ | Twitter | ๐Ÿš€ | Twitch | ๐Ÿš€ |… Read More

  • BECOME UNSTOPPABLE on EnchantedMC Dungeons!

    BECOME UNSTOPPABLE on EnchantedMC Dungeons!Video Information This video, titled ‘HOW TO GET OP ON THE *NEW* DUNGEONS SERVER! | Minecraft Dungeons | EnchantedMC’, was uploaded by Zap on 2024-07-31 22:44:45. It has garnered 3352 views and 89 likes. The duration of the video is 00:16:02 or 962 seconds. #minecraft #minecraftpe #shorts *Server Discord*: *Java & Bedrock IP*: *Bedrock Port*: 19132 Series Playlist: soon Welcome to our latest Minecraft adventure, where we explore new Minecraft servers, including the most thrilling OP prison servers and skyblock challenges! Our video takes you inside the newest OP prison, showcasing the intense escape gameplay and strategies… Read More

  • EPIC Minecraft Moments at Ender Cup in MCC-Live!

    EPIC Minecraft Moments at Ender Cup in MCC-Live!Video Information This video, titled ‘MCC – ENDER CUP! (MINECRAFT POV)’, was uploaded by Twitch vods on 2024-07-28 16:00:07. It has garnered 3322 views and 78 likes. The duration of the video is 04:19:51 or 15591 seconds. on TWITCH VODS Read More

  • Cool-People

    Cool-PeopleWelcome to Cool-People, a Minecraft survival server, hosted for the discord cool-people community. Trade with npcs, claim land, work with other players to create your dream builds and gear up. The server is Java and Bedrock compatible but requires you to join the cool-people discord server and link your account. Read More

  • LittleSMP – smp vanilla whitelist 1.21

    Hello everyone! My name is Yani, I’m 19 years old and I would like to introduce LittleSMP Part III, our Minecraft community! This SMP server has mods to enhance vanilla gameplay. The server is currently under maintenance to prepare the new world and ensure optimal performance before launch. Visit our Discord server for information on server changes. On the server, you can do anything from playing with others to forming clans. All activities are allowed, except for hacks or unfair advantages. Join our Discord server and send a friend request to “yani01” to access the server. Let’s have fun together! Read More

  • Avalore: Fantasy Roleplay// //

    How to connect and play on this server? You must have the game version 1.18.2 installed. How to check? At startup, the game version will be displayed on the right, at the bottom. If it is a different version, you should change the current profile (left, bottom) and select version 1.18.2 Click the PLAY button, wait for the Minecraft game to load. Choose: Multiplayer Click the button “Direct connect”, or if you want to keep the server in its list, press the button “Add server” In the field “Server address” write: (GL HF) Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Sorry, I had to flex

    Looks like this meme scored higher than most of my exams in school! Read More

  • Stick Tricks: Minecraft Animation Delight

    Stick Tricks: Minecraft Animation Delight In the world of Minecraft, a stick was the key, @XeartrikYT claimed @goldcacho3459 with glee. An animation so funny, it brought a smile, In the land of blocks, where creativity runs wild. The audio used, a mystery unsolved, If you know the creator, the credit will be evolved. Tags like #minecraft and #animation in sight, Bringing joy to fans, both day and night. So let’s keep the rhymes flowing, the story alive, In the world of Minecraft, where adventures thrive. Read More

  • Minecraft Meme: Spicy Edition

    Minecraft Meme: Spicy Edition “Why did the creeper go to therapy? Because it had too much TNTsion!” Read More

  • Warner Bros. Malaysia Minecraft Movie Teaser

    Warner Bros. Malaysia Minecraft Movie Teaser Welcome to the World of Minecraft Get ready to dive into the blocky world of Minecraft like never before with the upcoming live-action adaptation, “A Minecraft Movie.” Warner Bros. Pictures and Legendary Pictures have teamed up to bring this beloved video game to the big screen, starring Jason Momoa, Jack Black, and a talented ensemble cast. A Magical Adventure Awaits Follow the journey of four misfits – Garrett “The Garbage Man” Garrison, Henry, Natalie, and Dawn – as they find themselves transported into the Overworld, a strange and imaginative land filled with challenges and wonders. To return home, they… Read More