Surviving 100 Days in Minecraft as Strict Dad

Video Information

Weird strict dad is one of the craziest games to come from Roblox yet but what would happen if I brought it into Minecraft so for the next 100 days I’ll be surviving as weird strict dad using my variety of ghostly abilities I’ll search for all 12 ingredients to the

Cure and transform into more powerful forms will I be able to stop Zen nois from possessing my family or will the curse completely consume me you’ll have to watch until the end to find out on day one I spawned in as Dad inside of my

Home I was sitting at the table with my wife and two kids eating a dinner of instant noodles suddenly we all heard a knock at the door don’t worry kids dad’s got this Dad wait I opened the door and saw a terrifying cloaked figure standing in front of me cool your soul now

Belongs to me Z nois without warning The Entity took control of my body transforming me into weird strict dad I gained three hearts and New Blood SL abilities but my mind became shrouded in darkness dad you’re scaring us it’s 10 p.m. why are you all awake I lost

Complete control of my body and ran violently after my family on day two I was chasing my family through our house as weird strict dad I slashed out with my new powers as they ran upstairs in desperation my kids ran into the bedroom but when I made it inside all of the

Lights had been turned off and they were laying in bed ah good you’re all sound asleep that’s what you think without warning my wife ambushed me with a rock throwing it at the back of my head in a blind rage I Unleashed my new powers

Onto her the two of us fought our way down the stairs but it was clear that I was faster and stronger than she was Hanzo please you’re our family suddenly I felt something deep in my my chest her words allowed me to gain control for a

Moment honey is that you I’m sorry she took her chance and hit me with her weapon causing me to Tumble down the stairs into the dark basement before I was able to escape she locked the door sealing me inside things went from bad to worse as Zen no’s dark minions came

Crawling from the Shadows of the basement on day three I used my powers to fight off the incoming dark minions I was able to take down a few but there too many for me to take on alone R is an’s power he will consume you never I

Used my blood SL power to knock them away from me and made a run for another part of the basement I managed to find another room and blocked myself inside only to realize I was now surrounded by books what is this place at the center of the room I spotted an Alchemy book

And opened it revealing to me a list of ingredients find all 12 ingredients to brew the ultimate potion this is the only way to stop zobis and regain control of your body just then I felt a liquid drip onto my head when I looked up I realized that the ceiling was

Leaking milk what the suddenly the door broke open and the dark minions swarmed into the room on days 4 through 5 I was about to be leveled by the incoming enemy I knew I had to act fast so I used my blood slash attack at the leaking ceiling it collapsed down releasing a

Full of milk into the room now’s my chance the dark minions were washed away and I swam up the pillar of milk into the depths of the house when I finally reached the top I found myself inside of the attic where a milkshake was waiting on the other side of a Milky River

That’s the first item on my list before I was able to go for it a dark beast manifested in front of me you’re not getting your hands on this zobis will consume you the monster came after me he flew up in the the air and moved all

Around me hitting me with his claws and tail I used my blood slashes to retaliate as fast as I could it was difficult while he used his own magic summoning lightning and levitating me before slamming me into the ground using my abilities I knocked the Beast into

The milk Rapids below and platformed to the milkshake I claimed my sweet priz causing me to transform into an even more powerful body I gained three more hearts and a dark barrage power however I could once again feel the Darkness consuming me I can’t control it I succumbed to The Possession and

Started to Rampage on days 6 through 7 I smashed through the wall of my house and landed onto the pavement outside there I saw my wife and kids running away you’re all supposed to be asleep I ran after them until we reached the city I chased them down various streets until they

Took cover inside of a museum I followed them into the building but to my surprise they they were nowhere to be found the walls were silent come out come out dad is going to punish you just then out of the corner of my eye I

Spotted one of my kids run by I pursued him until I finally managed to Corner him inside of a generator room as I closed in he splashed me with a bucket of water get get away the water poured into the room hitting the generator it malfunctioned and all the lights went

Off where did you go you won’t Escape punishment on days 8-9 I searched through the dark museum for any signs of my family as I wandered through the halls I finally spotted a glimpse of light it’s past 10 the light should be off I barreled into

The hallway to find that it was lined with glowing paintings on the walls once I finally reached the end all that remained was a single giant artwork shining bright light you can’t hide from me come out suddenly a terrifying cauldron monster popped out of the painting we’ve got you

Now the creature came after me dumping his minions on me and I tried to fight back but they were stronger than anything else I had been up against thus far and the tight hallway made it hard to avoid his giant slam despite my efforts I got hit with an unlucky blow

Knocking me into the painting on the wall I was transported into another world on days 10 through 12 I appeared inside of the pain pain ing world where I saw a massive Crystal standing in front of me there’s the next ingredient I need just then The Cauldron monster

From before crawled out from the portal he had followed me into the painting you’re going to be trapped here forever The Cauldron monster lunged at me and I ran towards the crystal I tried to take it with me or smash it to bits but I wasn’t strong enough you’re mine I

Thought I was done for but I was able to dodge the Monster’s incoming attack just in time instead he collided with the crystal causing it to shatter into pieces I took a Shard for myself and gained three hearts the power of the crystal transported me back into the

Museum where the lights were now back to normal ow my head it looks like I have some control for now suddenly I heard the sound of children screaming wait that sounds like my kids I ran towards the source of the screams as fast as my legs could carry me my

Family was in danger on days 13 through 15 I ran towards the source of the yelling to find zenopus abducting my kids right outside let them go zenis flew over my kids and slashed me with his deadly sight my attack seemed to pass through him as a ghost nothing

Seemed to be landing what makes you think you have the power to stop me you’re under my control the dark entity activated his powers causing my mind to go wild I once again lost control of my body I began to destroy everything around me putting my children at risk

Dad please stop I know you’re in there I’m sorry I have to leave before I hurt you I gathered enough willpower to escape the area before hurting any of my loved ones un unfortunately that meant they were left with zenis I’m powerless compared to that dark entity I have to

Make the ultimate potion if I want to stand a chance suddenly a portal of light appeared before me what the is this a trick I could feel something calling me in closer I knew it had to be the next ingredient to the ultimate potion so I walked inside on days 16 to

18 I arrived in the realm of light where I was met with an Angelic entity something felt off though you don’t belong here I sense your corruption but I need to find everything on this list if I want to save my family I must find everything I don’t believe your evil

Tongue die suddenly a fleet of angels came in to attack me I was ambushed what the heck I tried to fight back but their light infused weapons dealt a massive amount of damage I couldn’t manage a single scratch I used my dark Powers against them but it seemed like they

Were only getting stronger I was being flung around the sky as if I was their toy my Powers didn’t hurt a single feather on their wings as much as I tried but even in the slightest touch I felt like the light was burning my skin Oh angels are immune to dark Powers I

Ran and took cover in a nearby building where luckily I found a Divine sword maybe I can fight back with their own weapons I picked it up and suddenly an archangel broke into the room it’s the end of the line be gone he charged at me

With all of their might on days 19 to 22 I was fighting the Archangel with my new Divine sword they they used their Angelic attacks on me but thanks to this new sword I was able to land a few hits you you turned our own PL to us that’s not all I’ll

Do I fought back with everything I had I knew I had to defeat this Archangel if I wanted to be successful I ran towards him at full force but he dodged my hit by flying up into the sky I used my newly acquired blade and swung away at

Him Landing some heavy hits the Archangel jumped back and threw his sword at me full force I got back up after that hit but he flew into the sky and rapidly spun towards me I used my attacks and I was able to do some good

Damage on him before he flew up in the sky I thought he would do the same attacks but instead he landed piercing the ground with his sword causing it to shake underneath us launching me several feet away get out of my way I sliced the Archangel down causing him to drop his

Wings I claimed the angel wings causing me to transform into my third form I gained two more hearts and the ability to fly my dark Powers were all strengthened by this form as well I’m one ingredient closer to the ultimate potion suddenly an Angelic Fleet flew towards me there’s the murderer get him

The Angels flew after me as the new portal revealed itself I jumped through before it was too late on days 23 to 26 I returned to the real world where I found my wife wandering around the city sweetie I’m so glad to see you she got startled and began running away for her

Life I quickly chased after her no wait come back she ran into a building and I followed behind until I cornered her inside you’re not my husband anymore you’re a monster get away from me suddenly we both heard a knock at the nearby door someone’s there help no wait

She answered the door and was met with the same man that possessed me another soul for for the tiing he possessed her turning her into a weird strict mom she turned back to me only one parent can be out this late and that parent is me wait it’s not even that

Late she attacked me on days 27 to 30 I was being attacked by my possessed wife she used her blood attacks on me I didn’t want to retaliate I didn’t want to hurt her die die die as she rushed at me I had no choice but to shoot her with

My void Powers as I tried to defend myself her powers were similar to my own but not as strong that didn’t mean she didn’t pack a punch though she slashed and hacked at me trying with all of her might to put me down speeding around the room with intense ferocity I have no

Idea what to do instead of fighting I left the building and blocked the exit with some nearby materials let me out of here I’m sorry sweetie I’ll find a way to fix this I fled the building building until I found a trail of eggs on the

Ground what the is this another clue I followed the trail and it led me to a volcano I was certain the next ingredient must be inside I headed into the caves of the volcano where I found a nest at the center inside was the lava

Egg I needed for my potion don’t mind if I do as I approached it a phoenix flew in from above to stop me these are my eggs get away from here Intruder she attacked me on days 31 to 34 I was fighting the Phoenix to try and claim

The next ingredient I needed come on I can’t catch a break I was in an aerial Battle of Epic Proportions I blasted the Beast with my void attacks and she retaliated with enormous gusts of wind that knocked me back then she shot a barrage of flame Powers making the area

Even more scorching hot than it already was I dodged to the best of my ability dodging fire blasts left and right I sped towards her smashing her with an enormous attack take this I landed a clean hit stunning the Phoenix for a moment I took my chance to grab the lava

Egg and gained three hearts one hand my baby suddenly the Phoenix activated her fir Powers she was going to make this place erupt I ran for my life as lava began to fill up the area I escaped just as the volcano exploded however I was accidentally hit with part of the

Eruption getting set on fire water I need water I flew until I found a nearby body of water and dove in to extinguish the Flames however I felt something wrap around my ankles and drag me deeper on days 35 to 38 I was pulled into the depths of the Water by a squid

Monster I’m going to kill you before you can kill me let go of me you freak the squid tried to drown me but I used my shadow barrage attacks to break free from his tentacles I I swam back to the surface and spotted an island on the

Distance get back here the squid came swimming rapidly towards me as I swam for my life I managed to make it to shore before the sea monster could capture me again the next ingredient I need is a squid I’m going to have to slay that monster if I want it I knew

Running in blind was a bad idea so I began to come up with a plan I’ll use the items I found on the island to begin building a trap after some Sweat and Tears I was done and I called out to the ocean hey fish for brains come and get

Me what did you call me the squid lunged out of the water and tried to attack me on the shore falling right into my trap you think you could trick me you’ll pay for this suddenly the squid became empowered with rage and broke out of the Trap even stronger than before my plan

Backfired uh-oh on days 39 to 42 I was fighting the empowered squid he shot deadly lasers from his eyes in a rage it used its sand attacks on me kicking up deadly sand blasts with its massive tentacles I desperately tried to stay on land but the squid was relentless I’m

Taking this to my domain the squid knocked me into the water giving it the upper hand I began swimming as fast as I could towards the shore even as the squid continued on its Onslaught it managed to strike me with a few heavy blows along the way but I was able to

Make it I’ve got one last shot I used my dark barrage attack right on its eyee as it reemerged from the sea and I killed it once and for all he dropped a mini squid which I claimed for my ultimate potion thanks to the experience from the

Fight I gained three hearts and a new seismic slash power there we go another ingredient for the Cure is secured suddenly I spotted my possessed wife roaming the nearby area what’s she doing here quiet as a mouse I tailed behind her to see if I could find some more

Information on days 43 to 46 six I followed my wife until I arrived at a junkyard there she was speaking to one of my children who was trapped in a cage you’ve been a very bad boy mom is going to have to punish you mom please this

Isn’t you snap out of it naughty boys don’t get to speak she was about to attack him and I jumped in to intervene leave him alone you get out of my way with a shriek of of Rage she attacked me I used my new powers on her flying

Around her and making myself harder to reach all the meanwhile she slashed at me with her nails digging into my skin and causing some significant damage she was vicious in this possessed form but I was still more powerful than her I continued to strike her with my sword

Sending her into a fury she roared in anger and suddenly grew twice as large it was apparent that she’d become much stronger than before she picked up and FL Ong a boulder at me careless to the destruction she was causing I fought back desperate to keep my child safe

Finally I was able to knock her out with one last slam attack there’s no time to waste I ran over to the cage and broke it open freeing my son thank you Dad kill him you know you want to abruptly Zeno’s voice manifested in my head Stop

Get Out of My Head dad are you okay yeah yeah don’t you worry son I could feel my dark Powers beginning to consume me once again I needed to get out of here I looked around and noticed a TV in the junkyard and something about it lured me

Closer I ran toward it and to my surprise I passed through it like a portal on days 47 to 50 I appeared inside of a hall lined with different math questions on the wall wo I guess one of my new abilities lets me travel through TV screens I better keep that in

Mind I traversed the strange hallways until I was stopped by a locked door in front of it was a sign asking me to solve a math problem 2 + 2 that’s easy the answer is four suddenly the door opened and I pressed on further inside I was soon met with another door the

Question was a bit harder but I managed to answer it too 20 – 5 the answer is 15 the door opened and soon I arrived at the next door with the biggest math question yet what is 87 million 232,000 – 234 4,872 do I look like a calculator

Unfortunately the door didn’t budge uh 24 suddenly the room began to shake violently I think that means I got it wrong I turned down a different path and ran for my life on days 51 to 54 I ran for my life as something big came running behind me I didn’t know what it

Was or what it looked like but I could hear it was close I don’t want to get caught by that thing I need to get out of here I ran as fast as my legs could carry me until I stumbled into a laboratory inside a brain sat on a lone table that’s another

Ingredient that I need for the potion I smashed through the glass case that was holding it and grabbed the brain gaining three more Hearts huh weird that a brain gave me more health I ran for the door out of the lab but when I tried to open

It I realized it was now locked oh no that thing is going to get me I braced myself as the rampaging footsteps grew louder and louder on days 55 to 56 the monster broke into the room a Hydra with three heads and yellow tracings down his chest and back I

Prepared myself for an epic battle the Hydra swung in attacking me with its crystals before I could do anything crystals fell from the sky shattering around me and Tiny shards of glass pierced my skin they summoned crystals in a row in front of me he ran towards

Me with full force trapping me in a corner but I was able to make it out I shot at him but he retaliated by shooting a bewitching beam at me holding me captive Where I Stood he took advantage of it and rammed into me at full force causing immense amounts of

Damage more crystals fell from the sky but I noticed that they were affecting my vision I shook it off and landed a heavy hit on him and one of his three heads fell to the ground he dug down into the ground to retreat from the hit and I frantically searched for him

Before he could attack me unexpectedly traces of dirt and gravel covered the ground where he reappeared from under they were tough but the three extra Hearts I just gained were helping to give me an edge over the Beast finally I managed to take them down and a TV

Appeared before me that I knew must be the exit oh good I’m getting out of here I escaped the math Labyrinth and found myself back in the Overworld however I began to feel strange the sensation took over me completely and I passed out from exhaustion on days 57 through 59 I woke

Up inside of my house dazed and confused as to how I got there what the how did I get back here suddenly I spotted zobis levitate past my line of vision the horrible entity that haunted me had shrunken himself in size to fit inside of my home I didn’t say you could be

Here I gathered my strength and began chasing zobis through the house I bolted around the furniture of the living room and up the stairs to the second floor where I saw him slip away into my children’s bedroom as I pursued The Invader I couldn’t help but notice that he acted strangely his normally

Threatening demeanor was one full of fear as he tried to hide behind Furniture unfortunately for him I wasn’t going to fall for his tricks get back here I chased him back down the stairs and into the basement where I finally managed to Corner him inside of the

Library I slowly inched towards him as he began to throw books at me in a desperate attempt to keep me away you’re mine now dad please stop this suddenly the sound of my son’s voice snapped me out of my trance I returned to reality where I was now standing in the middle

Of a forest and instead of Zen nois my son was cowering in fear I was never in my house to begin with it was all a trick oh no it was a hallucination I’m so sorry son what’s going on why are you acting so weird it’s that dark entity

Zobis I should have never answered that door he has possessed me to try and kill you and your brother but what about Mom she’s acting the same as you zobis got her too and as as long as we’re under his influence you’re not safe around us

Just then I felt my murderous urges sink into my mind once again I held it back for now but I wasn’t sure how long I could hold it back listen you need to find your brother and hide until I’m able to create a cure I love you son my

Son listened to me and ran away leaving me alone in the woods I was determined now more than ever to craft the ultimate potion and save my family from Zeno’s Terror I began to leave the area to continue my search for the in ingredients as I walked my vision began

To blur at random moments What’s Going On did I hit my head or something I tried to find my way around but with my vision going in and out it was impossible to navigate I was soon lost oh no where am I on days 60 to 62 I wandered around aimlessly until I

Stumbled upon a clinic maybe someone in there can help me I walked inside of the clinic and to my delight I spotted an awkward potion waiting inside on the counter not only is it the next ingredient that I needed to get but I think it might help me fix my eyesight I

Went and tried to grab it but my vision blurred again I took a moment to refocus my eyesight but right when it did the potion had disappeared what the sorry bub that potion is mine I turned to see a little dark imp minion running off

With my potion oh no you don’t come back here I used my dark barrage attack and snipped the little guy out he dropped it and I quickly used some of it on my eyes not only had I gained three hearts and my eyes were also restored to normal in

Fact they were better than normal I can now shoot lasers out of them as I was admiring my better Vision I spotted smoke rings outside in the distance huh what’s going on over there I better check it out I urgently flew towards the ever climbing smoke in the sky on days

63- 66 I arrived at the source of the smoke to find a house on fire suddenly I heard familiar voices calling for help inside of the burning house Dad help me I don’t want to die oh no my kids I ran into the Flaming house but to my shock I

Discovered an empty room nothing was inside other than the Flames burning what kind of sick trick is this a TV screen lit up in the corner of the room revealing zobis I knew you couldn’t ignore the cries of your own children you monster what have you done with them

You should be more worried about what will happen to you what do you mean you will give to your D power or die in this burning building so long the TV powered off and the doors locked behind me I was now trapped on days 67 to 70 I tried to

Escape the locked room before I was burnt alive I first tried to break through the walls by force but they wouldn’t budge a bit that’s right I can teleport through TVs I ran towards the TV screen but before I could jump in the ceiling collapsed blocking my exit no I

Thought I was all out of options until I realized that the disaster may have actually opened up a new opportunity I looked up to find a massive hole in the ceiling where I was able to make my way up once I made it to the Upper Floor I

Found the source of the fire it was a flaming fruit I navigated Through the flames and grabbed the fruit gaining me three hearts and causing all the Flames around me to extinguish looks like Zeno’s plan backfired a new passageway opened in the wall and I made my way

Through I arrived inside of a labyrinth that was filled with doors leading to who knows where what is this place suddenly I saw my wife walking through one of the doors I couldn’t let her Escape I began to follow behind her chasing her through the twists and turns

Of all the different doors that ended up leading me out of another door in The Labyrinth I finally managed to Corner her inside of a room full of glass but to my surprise the room was empty where did she go suddenly the doorway Shut by itself behind me and Zen nois appeared

In front of me in the flesh looks like you escaped my a little fire trap you thought a little fire would take me down you are wrong you are still too weak to fight me surrender now surrender what are you scared of fighting me I’ll grind

You to dust grind me into dust H I guess we’ll just have to end this another way then suddenly my wife ambushed me out of nowhere she was completely consumed by Zeno’s dark powers on days 75 to 78 I fought my wife once again but this time

I didn’t think I’d be able to make it out alive she was still buffed up from her enraged State and she was even using Zeno’s dark Powers she surged Boulders at me left and right but I destroyed them with my laser eyes I started using my blood slashes while flying around her

She summoned zobis is dark Powers creating a giant mass that caused a lot of damage she moved around with ease using her powerful Stomps to knock me back my void attacks were enough to catch her off guard and I was able to shoot my Beam at her honey he’s using

You can’t you see she continued attacking me when suddenly she hit one of the glass piles causing it to shatter on the other side of the shattered glass was a Magic Orb waiting to be claimed if I can’t get through to you maybe this will I grabbed the Magic Orb and gained

Three more Hearts as well as a new blood barrage attack I Unleashed my new powers on my wife causing her to stop in her tracks she shrunk back down and returned to normal bronzo what’s going on why am I here no my spell you will pray suddenly zobis

Used his dark magic to gain influence over me again I began to lose control over my body I ran towards mom but she made the floor fall from underneath me sending me down into another room come back for me and the kids I love you on

Day 79 to 882 I landed into an unfamiliar room it was dark and random clutter was strewn everywhere what is this place doesn’t matter let’s just get out of here I looked around again and realized I couldn’t see an immediate exit F I’ve seen it I’ve seen it what the who’s there fut

F f f who’s talking to me get out of my head I scrambled around trying to find the source of the noise or at at least an exit to escape through but as I pushed through the Clutter endlessly I found neither be quiet be quiet I got so

Enraged in my search I accidentally walked right into a fire trap the endless clutter around the room went up in Flames now there’s a fire the room is as cursed as I am I quickly fought against the flames and after only getting burned a few times I had

Succeeded in putting them out woo that was close suddenly I heard Flames spring to light from nowhere fires reappeared around the room I entered an endless cycle of dowsing the flames and still The Voice never Ceased I’m going to go crazy show yourself suddenly a clearer voice caught my attention and I turned to see a cat with a curious look on its face my my you’ve gotten yourself into quite the predicament on days 83 to 86 I was faced with a mysterious cat The Whispers still

Nod at my mom but they were now quieter with the cat here who are you are you the one whispering to me oh heavens know I am merely an observer well then where are we I don’t think you should be worrying about that you should be worrying about the dog that is following

You it is heavy and dangerous well zobis did curse me that explains it the curse on its own is bad enough but now it has attracted some evil spirits to you spirits but I don’t see any anyone you cannot see them not yet but they are the reason you are hearing voices don’t

Worry I can help suddenly cat ears appeared in front of me use this as a lucky charm and an ingredient for that potion of yours it will let you see the spirits and fight back those aren’t yours are they you know what never mind thanks for all the help I grabbed the

Cat ears and gained three hearts as if a fog was lifted I also could see the exit to the room I’m out of here I returned to the Overworld but the voice started to bombard me once again they yelled louder than before oh no here they come on days 87

To 90 evil spirits emerged from all around me they formed a closed circle surrounding me with Whispers but thanks to the cat ears I could now see them clear as day ha you all don’t get it yet I can see you no more fighting away I’m fighting you annoying things once and

For all the spirits were flustered as I charged right at them ready to brawl their ghostly hands were grabbing and swinging at me from every angle I used my blood slashes against them to fend them off but they retaliated like it was nothing they were floating around me constantly using their power and

Strength to try and overpower me I flew circles around them myself casting my void attack on them their Supernatural wits were out of this world they were tough oppon opponents being Spirits meant they could shrug off most of my attacks but eventually I took them all

Out finally free from The Whispers I was able to win but got pretty beat up I’m famished I need to find something to eat driven by my Hunger I wandered in search of food eventually I traveled to a lone building and made my way inside waiting

For me there on the edge of a table was a plate of donuts perfect that’s just what I needed I eagerly walked towards them but before I could grab me one they disappeared and reappeared further into the building hey get back here too hungry to give up I chased the plate of

Teleporting Donuts on days 91 to 93 I chased the elusive desserts all around the building after a while I finally cornered them in a room blocking the exit all right you’re mine now prepare to be eaten the sweets did not respond as I slowly moved towards them not so

Fast my Approach was interrupted when a monster suddenly appeared out of thin air in front of me those are my Donuts well I didn’t see your name on them they charged at me with Fury in their eyes and their sword swung in the air I went in for the attack but he was

Able to dodge my hit and summoned his minions I now had to worry about two other ghosts but I did everything I could to fight them I used my attacks on three pumpkin heads and killed his two little minions but right when I was about to land a heavy hit on the main

Pumpkin head he spawned in a pumpkin explosive as he teleported away to avoid my hit I ran towards him and he galloped towards me Swinging his sharp sword I withheld his slashing attacks as I used my fists and everything I had to my disposal the battle was proving tough

Since I was already at low Health to begin with more minions appeared and now I once again had to worry about them alongside the ghost I noticed that the floor had kept burning under me only to realize that every time he teleported he left poison on the ground he pulled out

His gun and began shooting me with poisonous bullets I fought back with my powers and shot my Beam at him I went in for the final blow but his head disappeared leaving only his body I had to pull out the last of my strength as he pulled out his second sword and was

Ready to defend himself blindly I used everything I had left and defeated his body right as I was about to go for the donuts the floating pumpkin head reappeared give up your soul is going to zobis I knew it you are working for zobis I’ll never give up I knocked the

Monster away then Dove for the donuts as I grabbed them I suddenly gained three hearts and my I beam was now Unstoppable time to end this rejuvenated I sent out one last ibam and overwhelmed it until finally I brought them down nice only one more ingredient to go on days 94 to

96 I began searching the city for the final ingredient spaghetti and meatballs what a strange thing to need for a potion I’m sure I’ll find it no problem though as I explored I began to notice different objects around the city were being replaced by food items why is

There a giant hamburger here I began to get a bad feeling something wasn’t quite right suddenly I found an altar of food standing before me huh when did that get here approach who’s that it is I the food food alter what is it that you desire traveler well I won’t look a gift

Horse in the mouth I’ve been looking for some good old spaghetti and meatballs very well bring me a tomato noodles and meatballs and I will make your wish come true you’re on on days 977 to ’98 I explored the city in search of all the items that I needed for the talking

Altar first I found a giant tomato building using my Powers I cut it into smaller pieces for easier transport that’s one next I found a swarm of noodle snakes and killed them for their spaghetti and that’s two now I just need to find meatballs but where do I find

Them I scoured the city but I had no luck until I got an idea I began digging downward and realized that the dirt under my feet was in fact meat happily I harvested the meat and soon had as many meatballs as I wanted final ingredient secured I returned to the talking Altar

And presented everything I had collected wonderful work now for the moment you’ve been waiting for there was a flash of light and the ingredients transformed into spaghetti and meatballs yes I’ve got it I grabbed the meal and gained three additional Hearts now I had everything I needed to create the

Ultimate potion on day 99 I returned back to my home where my journey first began and I went into the basement where a cauldron awaited my arrival it’s time to craft the ultimate po I I threw all the ingredients into the pot and it began to Glow suddenly it spit out a

Potion bottle I created The Cure I did it I grabbed the bottle but before I could drink it zenov arrived you’ve proven to be a real pain you know you’re too late once I drink this you’ll have no control over me I can finally be free

Have you forgotten who I have as my prisoners out of thin air zenopus made my family appear in a cage right in front of me bronzo dad let them go they’ve done nothing to you why would I listen to you in fact I think it’s time

That I remind you who owns your soul he knocked the bottle out of my hand and casted dark magic on me I began to go mad again I couldn’t control myself I was too powerful on day 100 I was under the dark influence of zenopus powers and I

Couldn’t break free that’s right my puppet Now kill these pathetic humans I began to run towards my family ready to attack until my wife called out to me bronzo I know you’re in there break free from his evil grasp you can do it Tad don’t you remember all the fun times we

Had together suddenly I gained a grasp of self-control and remembered the mission I was set out to do you’re all right I must resist him I dashed and grabbed the potion and drank it I instantly gained 10 hearts and full control over my powers and my own body

No now you’re going to get a taste of my true strength I fought zenova head on I blasted my Beam at him but I ended up shooting the ceiling causing a hole to be created leading to the outside zobis flew out trying to create some distance

Between us but I flew after him as fast as I could I hit him with the beam causing destruction all around us the trees didn’t stand a chance against our intense battle it all ends here Zen nois all your plots evil schemes Everything You Can Dream bronzo It’s You Who perish

Here he created a black hole pulling me in immediately holding me captive he slashed his Scythe in every direction he could Landing numerous hits on me but I was able to fight back thanks to having full control of my Powers constant dark Powers were being thrown at me but I

Kept doing my best to fight it with everything I could we were both neck and neck but with the power of the ultimate potion I had full control over myself for my family I defeated zobis blasting a deadly Beam at him saving my family yes bronzo

This video, titled ‘I Survived 100 Days as WEIRD STRICT DAD in HARDCORE Minecraft!’, was uploaded by Bronzo on 2024-03-22 22:15:01. It has garnered 157706 views and 2782 likes. The duration of the video is 00:40:34 or 2434 seconds.

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Weird Strict Dad is one of the craziest games to come from Roblox yet, but what would happen if I brought it into Minecraft? So for the next 100 days I’ll be surviving as Weird Strict Dad! Using my variety of ghostly abilities, I’ll search for all 12 ingredients to the cure and transform into more powerful forms. Will I be able to stop Xenobus from possessing my family or will the curse completely consume me?! You’ll have to watch until the end to find out!


Curseforge Mods


Suggested rating: TV-PG This video contains material not suitable for younger audiences.

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  • Minecraft Mayhem: Netflix’s Animated Adventure

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  • Sneaky Pro vs Noob: Hidden Chest Build

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  • Take on the Savage Viper Challenge – Join Us!

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  • Insane Minecraft Survival: Sky Block Lucky Block!

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  • Intense Dragon Gaming – Epic Smooth Texture Pack in Minecraft! #minecraft #smooth

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  • Rare Halloween Moon Crab Meme Update – Cobblemon Season 2

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  • Minecraft INSANE CUBE Adventure!!

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    EPIC BIRTHDAY SURPRISE: OMEGA Guardian Farm Build!Video Information all [Music] [Music] oh thank goodness I finally found you I’ve searched for so long and traveled so far just to see you my friend Henry sent me Oh Henry I know Henry very well yes very good friend of mine uh-huh he said you might be able to tell me more about the mythical prismarine and something about temples oh yes I know where the temples are they are very dangerous though they are guarded by water monsters could you possibly show me where they are if you have any of the green stuff I could uh… Read More

  • “Crazy Gaming Trick: Writing Dhairya in Minecraft!” #gamingtrick #minecraft #clickbait

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  • PyonMC Network

    PyonMC NetworkWhat Awaits You? – Claiming your base territory and share with other players or Build awe-inspiring structures that’ll make even the Ender Dragon jealous! – Skill up your ability to gain extra bonus or even extra skil – Make new friends, form alliances, and join epic quests! Read More

  • MinedHype SMP – Long-Term – GriefPrevention – Player Stats – Shopping District – Bedrock & Java – 1.20.6

    Connect to Server IP: Server IP: Website: Location: Las Vegas, Nevada (US WEST) Server hosted by Java Version: 1.20.6 Bedrock Version: 1.20.80 – 1.21.0 Build Gallery: View 1776 pictures of our SMP Server Details: Public Survival Server (No P2W): Over 4 years old, with 15,900+ unique players Mostly vanilla, grief protection, no whitelist, no pay-2-win, & no economy plugin Bedrock & Java Cross-Play Claimed Overworld & Nether, never reset World border, spawn, and player locations are random Use /rtp to teleport, /home to set your location Grief allowed in unclaimed areas, protected by CoreProtect Public shopping district,… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Bed is for losers

    Minecraft Memes - Bed is for losersI guess you could say this meme is bed-der than most! Read More

  • Minecraft Logic: Crazy, Insane, Insanely Fun!

    Minecraft Logic: Crazy, Insane, Insanely Fun! In the world of Minecraft, where creativity reigns, Players build and explore, using blocks to gain. From mining for diamonds to battling mobs, Every adventure is filled with thrills and sobs. But sometimes the logic can be quite absurd, Like pigs flying high or villagers trading with a bird. Players bend the rules, creating their own fun, In a world where imagination can never be outdone. So embrace the craziness, let your creativity soar, In Minecraft, there’s always something new in store. From redstone contraptions to epic builds so grand, The possibilities are endless in this blocky land. Read More

  • Hotter than a lava pit: Minecraft meme

    Hotter than a lava pit: Minecraft meme When you accidentally dig straight down in Minecraft and find yourself in a deep pit of regret and lava, but hey, at least you found some diamonds on the way down! #minecraftshorts #oops #lessonlearned Read More

  • Crafting a Portal to Lloyd the Lion in Minecraft

    Crafting a Portal to Lloyd the Lion in Minecraft Minecraft: Creating the Portal for Lloyd the Lion (Indigo Park) Introduction In the world of Minecraft, players often embark on exciting adventures to create unique portals to explore different realms. One such portal is dedicated to Lloyd the Lion in the Indigo Park game. Let’s delve into the process of creating this fascinating portal and uncover the mysteries it holds. Portal Creation Process To create the portal for Lloyd the Lion, players will need obsidian as the main material along with additional materials like brown wool and yellow wool. The portal is constructed in a 4×5 size with a… Read More