Surviving 100 Days in ONE BLOCK LUCKY BLOCK!

Video Information

Greetings citizens this is one block Lucky Block the lucky block is pretty much exactly what it sounds like either Fortuna Smiles upon you and showers gifts from the Block down on your lucky head or she unleashes her wrath with some of the worst luck imaginable in a completely

Random fashion we’ll need a way to get established in this world and use what the block gives us either to thrive or to plunge into the void countless times we’re on our way to 100,000 in the legion so don’t forget to subscribe to be included in the first 100K I’m ready

To get started after all what’s the worst that could happen so I thought this might be more fun let’s try it yeah it’s still early days let’s just do it oo wa wao wao your death wish came true what’s your guess are we getting big money from this one or not Death

Wish oh hello okay goodbye again no I don’t want it I don’t want it no what what am I supposed to do about this was are those things to Holy you have got to be kidding me that is look at all of Them well hey there citizen you’re probably wondering how I got here and it just so happens that I had a runin with Fortuna the Roman goddess of luck and Fortune and it looks like I’ve been transported to her domain so that could be good but it could also be bad because

We honestly have no idea what’s going to be coming out of this block however I am kind of stuck until we start breaking this so I think we kind of have no choice so I guess let’s just cross our fingers and go for it oh boy okay that’s

A good sign starting off with TNT let’s try that again uh ender chests I kind of would like something that would just let me build out a bit no empty bucket something like blocks is there any chance for that okay uh or we could just get struck

By by lightning I’m sorry Fortuna I apparently did something wrong let’s try this again ooh no lightning no lightning come on I need some blocks okay so technically this is blocks don’t really want to build with TNT let’s try again oh this is uh wonderful hello bye citizens see now if

I respawn I have a feeling the lava is still going to be there oh okay uh I do have the bucket but I can’t get at the lava so we’re going to have to break this and then quickly grab that and yeah this takes a minute without a

Pickaxe I suppose it is lucky that we got this bucket because if we didn’t I don’t really see how we would uh continue moving with this it’s the only item we have that is luck oh boy this is going to take a while there we go and at least we have a

Platform now also you probably noticed I’m not in hardcore and there’s a good reason for that and one of those reasons was just Illustrated for us the lucky block can take us out without Mercy at any time and I thought we might want to enjoy those experiences together rather

Than just have me restart the world plus I have no idea if I’d make it to 100 days on Hardcore so I thought this might be more fun let’s try oh more fun he says okay um I’m uh I’m having a difficult time getting a start at this I need a way to

Build out so we can just get away from this a little bit okay that’s something and obsidian that helps I’m not going to save it I’m hoping we get more if we need to go to the nether but I just I need to be to build out a little ways

Okay maybe if I’m further away ooh Some Redstone stuff okay and lucky potion um I might have an idea of what to do with those but for now we’re going to hang on to them I’d really like a chest or the means that scared me the means to make a

Chest because I can’t really uh safely store anything until then I also don’t want to break that with my hands oh everything’s just going into the void okay we have to to break this come on come on and there we go now please just give me something

Useful and it needs to land over here well that’s something I guess a stick great everything what was that everything is flying in the wrong direction there was a hero villager stuff that would be useful cats no actually got these Pistons maybe if I put a couple here it would catch some of

The stuff the guy can dream oh and no way to mine this we got to get that too I am not having a great start oh hey uh a cat with no eyes that’s not terrifying you sitting back there and watching me but feel free come on I need something

What’s a hero’s potion wow okay not bad oh boy yeah I know all about you and I guess we just got to go for it I think there’s a pressure plate beneath here something tells me I’m going to regret this but we’re going to throw the coin

Into the wishing well and entirely Miss let’s break this head down there and try again kind of difficult to hit it at this angle yeah it’s still early days let’s just do it o wao wao wao that was slain by Bob Bob why’d you do this to me

Bob is still down there oo I got some really good drops but there’s Bob okay let’s let’s see if I can do this hey Bob you want to just head in that direction thank you woo now I have one stick and it looks like I was able to hold on to a

Couple things so I could make a sword but I I don’t think I need a sword I need a pickaxe it’s a beacon down there too maybe you want to drop some wood of some kind or nothing don’t hurt me I’ve got some good stuff finally uh-oh uh-oh

What’s my problem where’s my problem hopefully that’s nothing armor no the pants fell well we can put that on at least ooh fancy and we didn’t need to make a diamond sword there’s one not right out of the Lucky Block okay so if mobs appear that’ll help a little bit everything is entirely

Back Wards in this uh this lucky block in this way of playing because I haven’t even gotten like logs or planks yet and I’ve got diamonds and emeralds an insane Bow Wow okay I don’t want to lose that o I need a way to build out that way and

Have chests come on okay got a cake we got some food now oh come on so the last one was actually good stuff does that mean we used up all our luck and this one’s going to be not good stuff well there’s really only one way to find out

Can I at least hit it from right here there we go your death wish came true I’m not a fan of that citizen look at that inventory completely cleared out we were finally doing all right all right you know what I’m just standing here and doing this until we’ve got a

Way to build out and some wood cuz honestly baby Legion V can’t even see baby Legion V I want to see baby Legion V yeah we I’ve just got to keep doing this are you oh hey back up back up okay so this is fun will I survive nobody

Knows yeah I think it just gets you to a half heart fun stuff well no point in delaying jeez okay wow okay here we go nice knowing you Citizen and off we go again these wishing wells what’s your guess are we getting big money from this one or not Death Wish oh

Hello yeah I think it’s safe to say I made the right decision on not doing hardcore cuz I mean every every time I get a couple good things and there goes our Lucky Chicken there’s no such thing as a Lucky Chicken okay uh we got a couple blocks that’s something let’s

Keep building our way out cu the further out we can go this way the better and eventually we can start building a platform out there it’s just I need I need to be able to get chests so I’m just going to keep losing all this stuff

Ooh can make a few more okay so we put some distance between us and the lucky block now we need some chests so let’s work on that no not paintings chests o back up back up no okay I had some level of reflex that time it could have been

Much quicker goodbye sword wa uh hello hello uh this is unfortunate I kind of miss what even happened there oh the floor dropped out from under me and that spawned in okay now I didn’t think about the fact that if we if that went away I

Wouldn’t be able to reach the block and there’s no way to get over there and get more to build cuz I think if I break these I’m not going to get anything out of them yeah I didn’t think this through I can’t pick up these blocks I can’t get

Close enough to the lucky block to actually break anything so I think we’re going to have to break all of these and then just jump back down into the lava commit Harry carry okay let’s try this one more time kind of just going back to square one right now because after this

Happens we’re just going to be right on top of the lucky block again oh how the mighty have fallen oh hey there citizen welcome to Lucky Block yeah we just started what was that okay just respawned and ton of blocks on top of the Lucky Block none of which I can mine

Ah and we’re back no we’re not not exactly sure what happened there but now I have a redstone block I cannot even catch anything that oh sorry horses ooh that’s unfortunate I can’t watch but yeah I’m finding it very difficult to even pick anything up that’s coming out

Of the Lucky Block okay goodbye again hey Bob I mentioned the goddess Fortuna earlier in this video or the personification of luck who is still referenced to this day the saying luck is blind or laa Fortuna AA was represented in ancient Rome by statues of fortuna showing a blindfolded goddess

Okay we at least got some blocks and have some kind of start I’m afraid to keep breaking it cuz I don’t want to go back to the beginning again we got a pickaxe it’s a wooden pickaxe but it is a pickaxe okay we might be getting a

Start here please don’t kill me no oh good uh she fell through we’re having a bit of luck let’s keep it going oh come on no can I get that stuff back ooh I can yeah look up very helpful and at least now I think I could take some of

This stuff anvils would come in handy I’m sure I’m actually wondering with these iron bars can we use them to try to catch some of the stuff that falls out of here it might just fall right through that Gap but we’ll see is that going to help at all or are you serious

No I don’t want to I don’t want it no and yeah there goes everything except for the anvils oh and my bow wonderful and no way to clear that out this could be going better who that was strange yeah throw a coin why not and yes I

Realize if I throw this and it just spawns a bunch of TNT or something there’s not really any capacity for me to escape maybe but probably not going to happen happen let’s just get it over with and more anvils fun you know they say lucky block kind of seems like it

Should just be unlucky block I don’t really want to clear all this stuff out but what a mess oh um more Lucky Blocks I don’t know about that but what else are we going to do hey we got a villager and I’m I’m really sorry to say this

Buddy cuz you’ve got some pretty cool stuff and I’d love to hang out I don’t think you’re going to be here much longer also where is your eye oh there we go okay I had a feeling it might be the animation pack I had from my last video that was messing with this

Resource pack or mod not resource pack so we fixed that but like I was saying I’d love to hang out you seem like a cool dude I don’t think you’re going to last very long so I’m sorry to do this but we have to keep going with the lucky

Blocks oh wow yep love to keep those but not going to happen Lucky Chicken we’ll see about that okay I hate that I’m having good luck now the chicken is doing something can we keep it going ooh well full iron armor that’s something probably not going to help much but it

Is something yep see I told you whoa hero villager what happened to you okay we couldn’t uh couldn’t keep you around given the circumstances so I apologize luckily the chicken also got uh taken out by the lightning the lava doesn’t seem to bother the witch for whatever

Reason that’s cool we’ll we’ll check in a little bit later in the meantime uh they didn’t go off I mean we can try to collect it all I guess it’s better than just leaving it hanging around here there we go now this is probably really stupid but but I think I

Can get rid of this lava just by placing this here so I’m going to do that and then o hey it worked I don’t know what I was so afraid of all right what’s next we got a new buddy oh I wish I had diamonds to trade with you do you want

To drop me diamonds uh no no you don’t although doesn’t the lucky bow do a bunch of different things like if I oh I need arrows of course so we’re going to have to wait on that oh boy oh boy what’s happening where am I I hear I

Hear zombie noises I have blindness and slowness I don’t see anything villager doesn’t fre seem freaked out so I think we’re okay okay that was just a big nothing I guess nearly a full inventory and full iron armor I just I would I would love some chests or like some logs

Or something it’s a it’s a baby Legion V look at baby Legion V oh unfortunately though I think that’s probably not going to last long either I think I am going to take the time to clear some of this out or maybe not that takes for ever and

There’s got to be a pickaxe in here somewhere ooh can I I can I could take things off of uh baby Legion V can I take that pickaxe oh come on I can take the armor but not the pickaxe oh boy okay nope nope Noe nope and back to

Square one oh so far it’s going very well I’m being slain by a flying uh Skeletron on a Skeletron horse I believe and I can’t see a thing what am I supposed to do about this what yeah sure let’s respawn hey hello again okay what are we supposed to do about

This I’m hoping if we just respawn enough and get like uh TNT to spawn in maybe it’ll take out the Wither I have no idea oh this is perfect I’m going to be honest with you citizen I don’t know if I’m going to be able to get out of

This we might have to do a restart we’ll give it the old College try for a bit but I just don’t know H we got some protection at least inside our little box ooh and a bow and arrow I don’t think that’s going to be enough to take

Out the Wither however ever where’s the lucky block there you are does the Wither despawn after a while if you just kind of leave it be it’s just kind of hovering around up there for now oh uh hey guys you know anything about fighting Withers oh he’s coming in okay

What did I do to make you upset I’m sorry I’m sorry aha gotcha that went well ooh I got some spawn eggs um don’t think those are going to help more spawn eggs sure would like to keep all those but we’re kind of stuck and there it all

Goes go get out of here look at all this good stuff and I’m not going to be able to use any of it yeah you know what this has been fun but I don’t see how we’re going to be able to get out of this all right we’re in a fresh World

We’re going to try that again and listen to that no sounds of a Wither it’s beautiful isn’t it really first thing I don’t want to throw in a coin ooh and there’s a baby Legion V down there so really I mean we kind of just have to

Ooh that could work Ender Chest could work so now we just need blocks to build our way away from this put down an Ender Chest this could be a good start and some sheep um you stuck there you go we got a way to build out this might be a

Really good start ooh lots of potatoes up there too okay so if we say hopefully that’s far enough away put down a chest keep some blocks in here and anything valuable we might actually be able to get a start that way if these blocks fall out I’ve at least got a few left

Where we can build our way back over to it so hopefully that works okay be good to me lucky block wasn’t very good to the cats actually you’re stuck in there why don’t we oh there we go don’t push me off I kind of want your wool but I

Also feel like it’s just going to fall off the edge maybe we’ll see if we can get shears o creepy player head you’re also kind of in the way though maybe if we yeah whatever ouch ouch ouch ouch ouch ouch could have gone better yeah

And I don’t have a way to get this diamond block not yet but honestly I don’t think diamonds are going to be a problem they seem to spawn in pretty regularly so as is customary we will beat it with a baked potato until it goes away ooh uh hey big fella just

Hanging out you’re not hostile you can stay there if you want I mean if you’re not going to attack me feel free oh uh you were in the way though so yeah I meant hang out right there oh boy this is uh this could be better we’re not

Going to make it out of here are we ooh there we gooo that was close we made it out um I don’t know what to do about this um maybe the TNT build my way up and around but I don’t think I’ll be able to get at the lucky block will I

Sorry big guy you’re in the way so I’m going to have to ask you to just step a little bit over in that direction and as for the lucky block I think it’s right beneath here which means I suppose we could probably hit it from here yeah we

Can and I kind of think our best betat is just to get something else to spawn in rather than me spend probably something like 30 minutes trying to get rid of this without a pickaxe so hopefully it could just I’m not holding anything too valuable let’s just do it

From over here oh I’m sorry Witch is that painful you don’t like being stuck in obsidian that’s too bad I also hear you just drinking healing potions so I don’t know if you’re actually going to go away well that’s super annoying let’s keep going okay so we did get a lot of

The obsidian to go away now Witch is still here stuck in a new one oo dragon egg yes okay and the witch is gone look at that now important question do I hang on to these cuz they’re the only ones I have or do I I think I keep breaking the

Block but we keep some of this stuff over here cuz I don’t want to lose that I want it if I need it oh man what a mess look at this place okay don’t hurt me I said don’t hurt me oh that’s a that’s a supercharge creeper no stay away from my Ender

Chest okay please don’t have destroyed the Ender Chest Oho okay we’re safe for now that was so close oh okay can I pick you up no of course I can’t all right so now all we need is a way to build our way back oh over to the Ender Chest ooh

Golden pickaxe does that mean I can use you okay not that what about these yeah and how about you I don’t even think it’s breaking at all I think you actually do need Diamond okay so tell you what we’re going to do just build our way over here drop some of these off

And keep working at it okay so I could dig through this in fact let’s check how far along it got plus this is extra blocks nearly touched our Ender Chest that’s not good let’s collect some of of this as just spare blocks and then I’ll pull that lever and we’ll see what

Happens there we go so that yeah I mean we’re starting to get some decent stuff in there it’s just about keeping it going speaking of keeping it going I’m going to regret this aren’t I but I got to do it no don’t hurt me don’t hurt me

Don’t hurt me don’t hurt me oh okay whatever it was it all just went down and got rid of all that I should have kept those blocks on me I’m so dumb at least it’s still alive here we go I just need that to survive it just has to survive I mean

Technically the good thing about it being an ender chest is even if it gets blown up everything inside it we can still get at we just need to find another Ender Chest ooh uh this could come in handy yes it can look at that that way we can build our way back over

And we have a way back to our chest there we go also hopefully this is enough to catch ooh bouncy bouncy catch anything that comes out of the Lucky Block okay so bounce bounce bounce let’s store a little bit of that in here bounce our way back should we just do

This for the rest of the video just kind of call it quits on the lucky BL block and uh have ourselves a little bounce it is a lot of fun but I don’t think that’s going to fly okay here we go I love that lightning oh wait uh no it’s a stone one

I don’t well maybe with the gold and I mine you ooh I think I can ah no I think it needs to be Iron we got another Lucky Sword and lucky bow why don’t we keep those in here along with the plus 100 luck I don’t see why I’d want negative

Luck so we’ll hang out of that that’s fine ooh mysterious let’s go with the one on the right no well it was just flowers I don’t need those don’t know what that was okay whole lot of nothing ooh blocks I think we’re going to use all these to continue building our way

Out just so I can feel that little bit more safe and that is a decent distance I think maybe just a little bit more and then hopefully we have enough left over to build ourselves a little safety Hut don’t know what that’s going to do for us but hopefully that’ll keep us safe

When we need to and just in case we just made a spawnable area we’ll put you right here at the back there you go there’s our safety Hut isn’t it beautiful and may as well use these fences get those out of the way from here put those in there okay believe it

Or not this feels like a step forward I technically have a home and a chest so we are making progress boing boing boing now can you help us to continue making progress ooh I’m going to take that as a yes put that in there yes okay that is a

Step forward let’s be sure to hold on to all this and very limited on Space we’ll keep all that that’ll come in handy but you know the one thing I haven’t seen in both of my attempts so far any form of wood any logs or planks I have not run

Into as of yet which is kind of something I’m going to need so if you want to supply that for me bye Bob then maybe that would be helpful oo take that hero sword indeed means we can swap you out there whoa Redstone anyone okay we’re going to have to start making some

Decisions here can’t see myself wanting to spawn the wither so we’re going to keep some Hoppers guess I don’t need a player head and I want to keep some Redstone don’t know why just in case the door we can actually use we can put you right there along with the trap doors

We’ll just put them right up there for now ooh Redstone lamps I think I got levers or at least a lever so we can just kind of leave those here for now rather than keeping things in the chest I think maybe if we just place them down

They’re going to be safer over here than they are anywhere near that block allowing us to hang on to them if we inevitably perish what do you mean I look different okay creeping me out we’re taking that off actually these droppers kind of count as a a chest come

To think of it don’t want to put anything dangerous in here just in case using the old Noggin there we go so don’t let me forget we’re storing stuff in the droppers everything else we’ve placed down and that is quite the impressive base look at that I’m proud

Of myself self all right we gave you a break does that mean you’re going to be nice now that we’re back oh uh goodbye H rabbit stew Don’t Mind If I Do goodbye yeah see you say that but it’s not always very nice I’m to think of it we

Should probably just collect this Stone Cobblestone and we can keep it over here and I don’t mind if I lose anything that I’m holding now so let’s try this please don’t hurt me oh more potatoes potatoes and a guardian do you want to fall off oh you do wonderful doesn’t usually work

Okay what’s next another set of stone tools I did lose the pickaxe however ooh ooh oh I thought there was more than that I mean at least I’m a fancy pant now it’s got to be good for something right no no no no no no no no come on

Oh okay I think that was the first time I actually escaped my fate which means we’re learning and this is why we keep those extra blocks on hand okay don’t get over confident things could still go arai oh speaking of hello anvils see it doesn’t bother me as much when I know I

Can just get right back on my stuff and I should be able to get back at those anvils I could see you coming in handy so we’re just going to I don’t know put a couple down over here all right I think we are good to keep going I

Wouldn’t mind something with silk touch because now that I have more space back there I want to move this Ender Chest back I just did the best what I could at the time but now that we’ve got more space yeah keep a lookout for silk touch

M got some levels ooh nice let’s keep some of these things in here ooh that was an accident uh Cobblestone landed on that which apparently counts as a coin good to know and you collect Emerald with a gold pickaxe that’s the question no you cannot gold pickaxes really don’t

Do a whole lot do they and I could make all gold tools right now just once again no Sticks no planks no logs oh jeez that scared me I do not want to be in here how do how is this my wish coming true oh because of all this okay fair enough

That is very close to my under chest and I don’t like it yeah look at all these what happens when I break these and like this one is just all TNT don’t like the thought of that I guess we just try to build up a bit of a I don’t know if you

Could call this a barricade okay we’ve got to start breaking some of these let’s at least start nearer to the back okay pretty innocuous how about you same it’s making me get my guard down oo ooh nice and you oh wonderful let’s keep going with these jeez just keep spawning

In more things oh see Oh I thought you were TNT ooh creepy not even going to mine anything yet let’s just keep doing this okay yes please drop it all off keep it going this is so much we’re doing so much better than we did last

Time and why you were the one that gave me the bad feeling please don’t do this to me oh okay nice let’s go and let’s place all this stuff let’s keep building out I like it keep moving away from the evil block okay so next question are we feeling lucky enough to

Flip this switch I mean not really but we kind of have to so let’s see what happens don’t hurt me don’t hurt me wh hey we stay we’re getting so much of this stuff I just can’t do anything with it got a stack of diamonds stack of gold

I mean more than we can even do anything with I didn’t look into it is like can you get like saplings wood things like that in Lucky Bo I have I have no idea cuz one imagines I would have seen it by now right can’t even make a crafting

Table guess we just keep trying oh hello cats no up up up oh oh no I know I’m sorry there was nothing I could do you know what wishing well I don’t think I will I’m getting a little bit tired of that I don’t know why I’d need a bunch

Of different kinds of dyes in fact I don’t really see myself needing them so I’m going to do something like that ooh oh jeez okay we got to get out of here oh no well we escaped Our Fate once again and once again we build our way

Back over actually I wonder if we could build underneath it maybe we catch more of the drops that way I know I already said it once but jeez what a mess well there’s your problem I don’t like it when it says that cuz I don’t know what

It does just going to pretend like nothing happened ooh more building blocks it’s weird that I’m more excited about the building blocks than I am like diamonds and things like that but I like the prospect of safety and that’s what these grant me ooh I think we can get

Fully kitted out look at that yeah sharp oh uh-oh uh-oh okay I didn’t have anything too important on me so this this isn’t a terrible problem it is a problem don’t get me wrong oh boy now can we actually get back over to our area I guess technically I don’t need to

Yet I think I’d be able to but let’s just see if we can grab anything to bring home with us oh wonderful may as well use these build a path back kind of hoping if we just do this and make it wide enough even if it takes the floor

Out from under us like it just did it would only be a certain section and we’d get to keep some way to get back around but in any event we do have to get rid of this so Fortuna if you’re listening I could use a w on this one I’m just going

To run away please don’t hurt me yeah I okay that okay it could have been worse it could have been worse just kind of sat and watched that one and so much for thinking that would leave me a way around I mean I guess it kind of did why

Is there another one down there can I take you out safely enough no my building blocks maybe if I do that then most of the TNT would fall through if it comes and I might still have a way back around I’m not quite sure who can say

We’re just going to keep breaking it you know what I I don’t even think I want you you could just despawn don’t need it I’m worried though that if it drops a sapling or something like that something I really need then it’s just going to

Fly off the edge of course I’m going to place these and then something’s going to blow them up or a wishing well is going to come into place I’m going to call it it’s just going to happen or a slime house that too that could happen

Wanted to give me back what I just lost very kind of you cake must be my birthday and a there goes a hero villager I don’t know why they just fall straight through I’ve got blocks all over the place here and I bet I could have traded with them this time uh-oh

Uh-oh uh-oh okay back up ooh they’re slowed on the Slime nice leave me be leave me be anymore so there only one that’s not that intimidating right rabbit unless you’re an angry rabbit no he seems cool there we go yeah there was only one okay ooh arrows I could use

Arrows for my herob bow or lucky bow and there’s only four ooh but the Hero’s Bow has Infinity that is quite handy so in a pinch this thing could probably do quite a lot of damage good thing to keep in mind ooh more more droppers which to me

Sounds an awful lot like chests there we go I’m actually glad I thought of that now with these droppers and everything I maxed out on this pretty early but now all of these have something in them that’s you know I don’t necessarily need to keep but it’s nice to have the extra

Space that’s called thinking outside of the box bunny rabbit you should try it sometime ooh two new ender chests yes now we can put one all the way back here which I don’t think is going anywhere woo okay our stuff is safe we could even

Keep an extra in here look at that I’m officially calling all of the gear that we’ve collected so far safe of course I think the lucky Block’s probably going to prove me wrong but honestly I think we’re good unless another if a Wither spawns in we might be done for again

Maybe not though Hero’s sword Hero’s Bow I still think it would probably just kill me and I’d fall to the void and lose both of them let’s keep going whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa okay Bob don’t do that to me I’m not bothered that you’re stuck in the block cuz that

Wasn’t very nice you need some help Bob what’s going on down there okay there we go I think there’s more goodies up here yeah there we go hey that’s our first stick on the second attempt o I mean I don’t need swords I’d really like some planks at this point I

Just wanted to work the block for a while to see what I could save without being destroyed luckily that ended up being some new doggo friends I moved them over to the back of the platform in hopes that they would be safe back there and avoid my fate of constantly being

Blown up or trapped inside these obsidian water traps that have been gifted to me by the block O we finally got a hero villager I got my diamonds we can get some good tools now that doesn’t make much sense fortune and silk touch right Fortune’s not going to do anything

But it is it’s it’s a diamond pickaxe so we’re going to do it I don’t know that I need any of the other ones to be perfectly honest and I can only get one of those I mean it’s awesome I do appreciate it thank you cuz now when

This kind of thing shows up I should be able to grab you yeah look at that there we go let’s actually get rid of you yeah feel free hang out man you are welcome here I don’t know that we’ll need this but I am going to pick it all up we may

Find occasion to head to the nether especially if I can’t find any saplings or wood that might be our only option of course I was also just thinking we finally got silk touch so I would be able to move that but now we don’t need

To cuz we have a second one further back so it should be fine to just leave them both there yes villager this still takes forever you gave me silk touch and Fortune you did not give me efficiency and that’s something I have to live with okay I think that’s plenty let’s keep it

In there for now and we’ll keep the diamond pickaxe in there just in case all right back to it villager o run get out of there her okay you made it you made it this is actually a nice little thing to have I’m sure it’s not going to last long but for

Now it’s helpful yeah slime is still the only thing I can build with but like most times every time I build it it’s not going to last long see how long this one does and back to working the block to see what I can manage to save I did

End up getting some more doggos and of course falling victim to the cruel Lucky Blocks traps more than once but I would like to point out that right near the end of this cinematic I finally wised up and I blocked an anvil Trap by placing

TNT of all things over my head to catch the anvils say what you will about that but it did work yeah I’ve definitely had better days but I mean what’s the worst that could happen I’ve already got a lot of beacons this is kind of what they mean

To me right now they’re just building blocks just like everything else okay these are all great but I do need a way back over to my main area so if you well no of course pickaxe wasn’t the one I I actually picked up okay big fella you

Just stand right there let’s get a good look at your knees waa don’t suppose I could reach that no of course I can’t oh boy luckily this one isn’t too bad that is a problem though so we have to go out to this side and I still can’t get to

The lucky block awesome going to have to hope for the best here that didn’t look like the best can you walk on a cake uh doesn’t look like I could place it there yeah I can place it there which means we just have to keep it this wo don’t know

What’s happening W it just tried to break the floor out from under me your traps are getting themselves mixed together and saving me unintentionally wa not this time W okay this could be better oh oh boy um I mean yes we were saved does that help

Me not so much let’s try again okay End Portal frames I should be able to build build on those okay can we now save ourselves yeah looks like we can okay drop off all of this build our way back over and there you go no problem right

Right uh Loretta and now we can clear a bit of space out I’ve actually made my piece with going to the Nether and we’ve got enough of the obsidian the only problem is I have no way to light the portal so I’m either waiting for flint

And steel or maybe a bucket of lava which should also do the trick in fact any buckets would be nice I don’t think I’ve got gotten buckets on this run yet I’m actually planning on leaving this water here though cuz I’m thinking it might help us save some blocks from

Falling and also hero villagers for whatever reason they just keep falling straight through the block whoa I am going to have to get used to it though because it’s going to push me off too maybe we can put some at the back just stop items from going through there in

Fact it might just push it right out at us I mean it’s yeah it’s going to push mobs out at us too Loretta but I’m going to just keep saying the same thing I say every every single time what’s the worst that could happen oh that didn’t last

Very long did it your plan failed Loretta also you might not want to stand there but don’t let me tell you what to do okay more fun how about we just kind of Rapid Fire through these things so far so good hello Piggies is that one on

Another’s back well if you insist oh man this just keep whoa what is going on I think a beacon just landed on some of the iron blocks that spawned underneath there yeah and turned it on oh what a mess oh that’s a a lot of piggies

Actually uh with a villager on top okay this is very interesting and it’s got to the point that I just go sure yeah whatever and we just keep on rolling through these I still don’t really want any of this stuff and there’s a piece of Bedrock that’s very helpful thank you

And unlucky potions great I guess now that those are broken we should collect some blocks we’re going to need them excuse me Loretta very carefully though I do not want to lose my diamond pickaxe also see we missed one back here we are going to make it a depos it on some of

These blocks and then we can get back to work at some point I got to figure out what these lucky potions do I think you can combine them with stuff and make them luckier like the Lucky Sword lucky bow we’ll find out eventually for now

Yeah I think I’ve got all I need in the chests well you know droppers dispensers things like that which means we can break you okay you’re wasting your time good to know looks like we had a little M function here so we’re just going to

Let them do their thing and I can keep working on this oh wonderful there goes all the stuff I’m holding currently n we got some of it back and yes I had to uh I spawned down there so I had to jump just to get myself back up here and you

Know what why not let’s just keep going I haven’t actually tried this yet I just got another Lucky Sword what happens if I use the lucky sword on an unfortunate Pig actually I want to stand over here uh nothing nothing’s going to happen I thought it did like special stuff

Sometimes when you uh when you swipe with this thing or maybe I have to make it lucky first ooh there we go oh it just gave me regeneration nice kind of cool oh sorry I I why are they are they on fire what’s going on with that I’m

Sure it does a lot more than just that and oh no I had those never mind oh we got a few extra hey lavender uh is that Lydia new friends for Loretta oh here we go again and you know what seeing this lava here I still don’t have a bucket

Technically speaking I could I could probably build a portal somewhere over here and then direct this lava to flow over to it is that worth trying lavender let’s see let’s at least build the frame o we’re getting quite a collection down there look at that anyway though we are

Going to build a portal frame over here there we go nice and easy so we have a frame the problem is lighting it let’s just see if I can manage this second problem though even if we direct the lava over there what do we have that we

Can set on fire cuz once again I don’t have wood I don’t know if fences would work but we could try bookshelves maybe maybe hay bales so couple options so we’ll gather up some stuff and then I think what we’re going to have to do oop it’s already coming out great we just

Need to direct the stream of lava to go that way so if I do something like that yeah and of course we have to manage this without burning everything down over here even though I don’t know that anything is actually flammable so we just keep inching it forward this is

Going to take a bit give me a couple minutes citizen this might take me a moment it’s just possible that I built it too far away cuz by the time I move it that way it kind of stops flowing I don’t know why that one stopped it

Should still be going I know the lucky block can drop us um uh buckets so maybe we just keep trying to do that also I know I keep saying it but man what a mess it’s impossible to keep things clean over here come on buckets buckets buckets not cats buckets okay that’s not

Exactly what I was looking for or more water that’s good too ooh that might have bit of a steak broke the wrong side there we go I may have unintentionally kind of blocked myself in here I’m wondering if we can get rid of that might be able to squeeze through here

Yeah there we go no problem more of a mess ooh ooh uh Lucky Sword oh I’m shooting chickens at him okay and I’m taking damage I think from my own sword got to get rid of this guy though why am I taking damage all right give it a

Minute be with you in a moment Bob just you just go away ooh this sword can set things on fire that wa it’s just shooting a bunch of arrows out that’s Madness oh I I am I’m so confused and delighted at the same time so many weird

Things it’s either going to be buckets which we’re going to have to keep working the block or that Sparks coming out um I don’t know if fences can start on fire I’ve got fences hay bales I do have bookshelves let’s just give this a shot I’m just trying to put stuff

Anywhere that it might be able to catch on fire and get the portal lit for us and yes you two are in the way to answer your question also does the Lucky Sword only work on mobs or does it do like special things no matter what I’m

Hitting it with ooh ooh okay you’re on fire let’s keep it moving let’s keep it going forward keep moving keep moving come on come on it burned up the bookshelf the fence is gone it does look like it’s moving ahead cuz I think I had two fences here now this one’s on

Forward so if it can no is that going to put out the fire are you kidding me with the timing I actually did something smart and then it starts raining oh it’s a thunderstorm too wonderful I mean you could strike lightning right here now I’m mad I’m just sitting inside all day

Until the thunderstorm is over I think we were on to something though we can we can try that again once the storm clears stupid old weather all right it cleared up let’s try the same thing again I’m curious if that would have worked oh that was fast wow just has to make it

All the way down start the hay bale start that I think is I mean it’s possible right and it just goes out there and I’m not sure how to keep it going all right I think it’s Plan B we’re going to go back to the block and

Hope for a bucket please be kind to me don’t even know what that was ooh that was some new stuff looks like Alchemy type stuff so that may come in handy so far it’s been interesting stuff but still no buckets wo okay oh that uh could have been worse could have been

Better it’s weird it only like half generated uh and this lava seems to be in the way and I think that got rid of all of our lava so that’s great don’t know if we were going to need that or not but I thought we might anyway what

Are you I should be more excited about golden apples and enchanted golden apples but I’m just not okay and the last two ooh that’s kind of cool loyalty channeling I don’t know if it would have worked but if I had this during the thunderstorm could I have thrown it at

The nether portal and then it would have uh lit the portal I don’t know but that’s the first thing that came to mind I want to keep that in here because that’s a pretty cool one and last up more cats wonderful just what I always wanted this place is just over okay see

I about to say overloaded with animals it looks like one fell off but there’s cats there’s extra dogs up there they keep falling and just spawning and I just uh don’t have the energy to do anything about it so we’re going to keep going I just want to go to the Nether

And I never want to go to the nether that’s creepy romantic Rose why why romantic Rose I don’t think I can plant it anywhere I do like this accidental system though where when I break it all the items are kind of just siphoned into one of these Corners with the water so I

Can at least see what it is and if we do get a bucket we shouldn’t lose it can you give me some space lavender I’m on edge as it is I don’t need you putting the moves on me well I think technically at this point uh well no not quite yet I

Was going to say we might be able to go to the end but I don’t want to do that this is not good well farewell at least we got the lava back if we need it now actually I don’t know if it’ll come in

Handy I think if we need it we we’ve got a cobblestone generator right here break that this falls down here actually probably keeps going and almost sets me on fire and this probably isn’t going to work cuz when I do this yeah it’s just going to get burned up well it was a

Neat idea let’s keep on going goodbye golden carrots okay not quite as foolproof as I thought whoa well I got a new outfit at least that’s something I know lavender I know I look fantastic oh boy that doesn’t sound like a good thing look at the side wolf cat wolf cat cat

Legion V well at least it cleaned the area up for us a little bit that however could be a problem oh boy what do we have to solve this hey watch out down there oh sorry should be able to I think just do one of these ow ow ow ow that

Wasn’t smart quick throw them all down I want to keep them this isn’t great I grant you that and where was I oo okay it’s much more difficult than it should be just to do that I think that’ll get rid of all of it I also might leave the stairs

There not only is it Modern Art but it also may stop any descending TNT so you never know let’s clean up and then we can try again and try not to let the water push us off if we can all right I think we’re all closed up again so maybe

We can do this without destroying my platform oh hey buddy wow look at that that is an insane potion uh I don’t really think I need any of that though feel free to hang out but don’t need it oh boy we we haven’t done it in a while

Let’s give it a go what’s the Worst That Could H oh great run run more not fast enough it seems this is not where I want to be that is a good look look at that back up we go and I’m not going to bother making any changes let’s just

Keep at it oh no way if you throw the potions I think I knew that but didn’t know it at the same time if you throw the potions then like stuff comes out of it and I can’t get back over there just yet let’s see if we can now I want to

Test that out ow ow ow ow okay not great are you kidding me I thought I was safe down there and that just jumped down on my head ooh there we go there’s our ticket home now just to test it out if I took out a few of these lucky

Potions and yes it says lucky potion I don’t trust that so we’re going to maybe do it yeah I’m sure the dogs can handle it let’s uh they are lucky so we’re not throwing like bad luck we’re throwing good luck at them okay cookies and sugar

Interesting and I got a speed boost what else do we have uh bunny rabbit rabbits and a jump boost what else what else more rabbits wao okay so those those do something I’ve been throwing away the negative luck ones I bet there’s one that has fire or an explosion in it next

Time we get some let’s hang on to it I might be able to use that to light the portal ooh I don’t like having speed boost and jump boost over here that is not safe I’m a sucker so we’re going to give this another go and see okay I mean

Yeah that’s great but I don’t need any of this stuff wee ooh okay we got some more of these potions let’s go see what they do okay so these are negative luck potions which I’m hoping just means like Fireball please mean Fireball and not something I’m going to regret it’s not really

Unlucky I don’t think I have bones or bone meal yet that is helpful tuck all that away and you can go right there okay so that wasn’t bad let’s try it again and fire oh no that’s uh I mean yes they’re on fire but whoo no turns

Out I should have armed myself did I keep those potions or did those fall we do have a new pet spider so that’s fun can’t wait to see what happens tonight and I did not keep the potions okay so that is something that can happen good

To know let’s see if we can get some more oh no way was that yeah the next thing I got let’s at least have the lucky sword on us if we get mobs again maybe if we hit him with the Lucky Sword that’ll start a fire over there that we

Need at least that’s the hope but let’s keep going with that who hey that’s a that’s a fire that’s my fire why are you not lit that’s exactly what I was looking for come on that’s a are you kidding me we got fire again and it’s

Raining again how what are the odds I can’t believe this you saw it you saw it citizen this portal was on fire why are you not started hey okay uh yeah I guess cuz it’s raining I am frustrated I’m frustrated doggo that did exactly what

We asked for it did not light the portal okay it is another Thunder storm do we still have that trident we do and does lightning strike wherever or does it have to hit a mob let’s try it this way see if I throw it at that wa oh no it

Has loyalty and rip tide that’s not what I want but it also it has channeling shouldn’t that work okay maybe a mob has to be there and I really I don’t want to do this but I also don’t want to squander the opportunity so if we put a

Mob right here we’re going to pretend like it’s an evil wolf and not my loyal pet and then actually this is probably hurt me as much as it hurts you because I’m going to rip tide right forward hopefully channeling it did nothing okay what about you Lydia okay I’ve come to

The conclusion that this trident is broken it does not want to be helpful and yeah that is not helpful honestly doesn’t really even matter at this point let’s just throw a couple more oh great making a run for it hopefully you all just fall off on the way over here

Aren’t you supposed to be protecting me dog what are you doing goodbye dumb zombies you is not smart Legion V is smart you are dumb and let’s see if we can just do one of those goodbye come to think of it too I’m guessing throwing these potions is what brought on the

Thunderstorm but I’m just going to keep doing it what else do we got I don’t like that I’m not going to touch that two left why not who no that blew up all my chests oh at this point what does it matter last one yep okay goodbye ow and they’re

All gone this is appropriate weather I’m a sad legionary I’m just going to sit here eat pumpkin pie and think for a little bit I need a change of tact good news citizens Fortuna and I had a little chat and we both agreed we don’t think

You want to watch 100 days of me just desperately trying to find a bucket so in her benevolence she gave me this Fortuna’s gift which looks simple but honestly an oak sapling and dirt those two alone are going to Kickstart things and just get things moving so we can

Ensure this video is interesting and not just the same thing for 100 days straight hopefully you all agree but I think this is going to going to help us move things forward and generally keep things rolling but that’s it no more gifts from Fortuna after this so now

That we have this Lifeline I’m thinking why don’t we plant a tree right here and we did just find all those bones and bone meal so I think I’m going to try to FastTrack it unless it got blown up which it actually might have or no I was

Able to pick up some of the bones I already had them and the bone meal so this is my plan to sort of Kickstart things and launch us forward a bit number one immediate Lumber production and actually it looks like my resource pack isn’t in let me see if I can fix

That real quick there we go that looks better but the desperate hope is that this drops at least one sapling but hopefully more than that let’s see if we can get it yes okay so we have multiple now we finally were able to get logs way

Too late in the video if you ask me but that means we can finally make a crafting table we can make a bucket rather than trying to find it we can go to the nether if we need to but while I am a huge fan of the house we built and

I I still think it’s beautiful this is a very nice house it’s like I’ve said before an absolute mess around here so we’re going to uh ramp up the trees a little bit get probably some slabs and then see about building something a little bit more permanent around this

Area and then we can go back to the lucky block but speaking of I think we should finally get ourselves a crafting table and we just lost a bunch here so may as well just put you wherever right there for now I’m just going to get a

Ton of slabs and we’ll expand on this area a bit just so we can jeez that looks crazy too down there anyway so we can expand on the amount of wood we can produce more I must have more ah and yes something else we should do is get an

Official chest rather than using things like dispensers for storage so let’s try to organize some of this and by organize I mean just start throwing it all into chests instead of into dispensers cuz right now it’s just all over the place I’m already running out of room look at

That think we’re going to need a little bit more space there we go I pretty sure two chest will do it two double chests well almost we was almost able to fit it into two chests some of this stuff I feel like we could probably get rid of

Cuz we have something better a better version of it already Okay so that’s a lot cleaner all of these are emptied out which means I can actually go through and get rid of them and then we can go back to acquiring more lumber and that bone meal isn’t going to last forever so

I think we’ll just start to naturally plant some of these let them grow keep up with the wood production and then we can keep building this out and I do have an idea for what I’d like to do as far as a larger build goes but I think let’s

Do some collecting first and then we can start to talk about that all right I’ve cleaned things up a little bit around here added the floor back where we lost it and I’ve got all the saplings growing so I’m happy with that I think what I am

Going to do I’d really like a bed I haven’t been able to sleep yet so I’m thinking we put all of this stuff away nothing on us right now and then we try to get one of those big uh question mark boxes to spawn out of the lucky block

Because that’s a lot of it’s made of wool and I for some reason I don’t have any more left unless I mean there’s probably like this I think there’s a couple pieces in the ground but rather just get a new one that way we can make

A bed we can finally sleep through the nights and now if anything comes out we actually have chests that we can save it in so let’s see what we can make happen here oh not that we didn’t want that to happen leave me alone well that’s a

Problem okay I know what to do H we have a flame bow we do have some arrows now I could I could absolutely just hit that TNT does mean I’m going to have to rebuild everything but that that sounds pretty fun witch doesn’t it let’s just

Aim for the Witch and see what happens oh no my aim oh that’s my bad I’m sorry witch that you know what can I say mistake it was a mistake I’m sorry well that worked out let’s try again jeez that was a nice drop I think we’ve gotten something like that before let’s

Keep going ooh okay three isn’t it usually one is good one is bad that seemed pretty good which means you might be bad no also good okay okay getting horse armor arrows die W ow oh yep that took me by surprise feel free to make

Fun of me in the comments too I know I’m not great at this the exact reason why I am not doing this on Hardcore hey this is what we were looking for all right let’s get as much as we can carry and there we go got a stack of that and that

Ought to come in useful speaking of we can finally make a bed look at that after all this time finally put it inside of our little lovely home right there beautiful I’m so spoiled I actually get to sleep tonight these are looking pretty good too let’s run

Through and give him the old chop chop and now that we have the bed I think I’m going to do this till night time just see how much oak wood we can actually collect and then we can start building I’m thinking is that okay with you Linda

Oh good good I’m glad it’s okay with you ugh Linda ooh all right it’s night time and I’m just realizing when I get out of bed I’m probably going to get crushed in there aren’t I okay okay that’s just our hidey-hole it’s not where the bed goes

We are super important so we sleep you guessed it on the roof roof good night citizen all right on to the next project and what I’d like to do first we need to start branching out I need space to hello big fella sorry I got distracted

We need space to start being able to do something that is further away from the lucky block so that while we are working at the lucky block we’re not worrying about destroying things that we’ve built so because of that I’d like to build in an area around the Lucky Block where

We’re generally safe and it kind of seems like it’s nothing has ever gotten back here like this has never been destroyed typically just goes right up to about here so I counted it out and from here to the Lucky Block it’s about 16 blocks so I’m kind of thinking as

Long as we build at least 16 blocks away we should be safe and for that reason and this will shock you citizen I’m going with a Circle And there you go Circle it does intersect with our absolutely insane hodgepodge of things going on over here so we might end up moving some stuff but for now I’m probably just going to work on building up in other areas and then we might come back and modify some of

This later or could just be a nice reminder of how we got our start now as far as expanding I think what I want to do is continue uh with this circle for a little bit but every time I go out one block I’m going to go up a half slab

Almost like it’s a Stairway leading up because eventually I might want to build a platform underneath the lucky block so we can make sure we collect everything but that’s also going to collect live TNT so I figure if we build the stairway up it’s just kind of getting us further

Away from the madness that’s happening down there or that’s the Hope anyway so once we do that and we build up a little bit on the outside we could start picking areas to build like platforms or maybe a better house little storage area all that kind of thing and more official

Tree farm wouldn’t be bad so let’s get started and do a bit of that just like this it’s a design I actually use a lot just kind of the up and out with slabs but I usually really like how it turns out so hasn’t failed me why change it

One thing we do have to be careful about though this is a spawnable level that one shouldn’t be but this one is so when we build out in this direction we are inviting in the mobs I am out of slabs no problem all right let’s have a look

How are we feeling about that we like that as a general Vibe I’m a fan I like it now I think it only makes sense to go to each one of these points and build a platform out in each Direction and we should be able to just pick something

You know of focus for each of the different platforms but you know what before we go further and do that let’s put the stuff away again and this big thing is bugging me so what we’re going to have to do is go over to this side

Flip that switch and run for it and 3 2 1 leg it what are you going to do what are you going to do nothing oh come on well good test yeah there you go see what I mean everything we just built is safe so I think that’s actually a good

Task it kind of cleared everything out for us too which is nice this is an opportunity let’s get a couple things including you oh End Portals can’t be destroyed or you know it takes a uh an explosion I think ooh I just I didn’t know that was didn’t know that was

Missing I just ran right over it anywh who why don’t we take this as an opportunity just to clear the entire area out make it look a bit nicer bit cleaner where’ you come from doggo anyway let’s get rid of this and there we go you stay here but

Yeah anyway that is a welcome site look how clean that is I mean you kind of just have to look in this direction don’t look behind me but yeah ooh how clean I think we’re going to go around one more time just to make it a a full

Slab pretty sure this is a half slab so I’d rather just have it be something we can place items on we’ll go around that then we can work on platforms actually we should probably test that before I go all the way around yeah so that’s what I

Mean I just want something we can actually place things on top of without the space like we’re seeing here the magical floating crafting table okay there we go now I think we’re so we’re going to build the platforms but I want to make the areas in between a little

Bit safer before we do that speaking of safer jeez nearly jumped off there but it’s time to start digging around all the goodies we got from the lucky block in particular where did I put the iron is that in here oh yeah there you are thought had more must be imagining it

Anyway I would like some shears as well as a bucket finally who knew it’d be so difficult to get a bucket but next time A Tree Grows we are going to take the leaves I think I have plenty yeah I’ve got 42 saplings so we’re going to be

Fine on that I’d like to use those as a safety element and I’m kind of thinking platform will go out in there that direction so I want something that starts here get rid of that then if we go around one uh slab higher we obviously can’t go through that

Currently we could jump onto it but I’m going to put leaves on top of that anywhere that that’s not going to be a platform leading out I’m just going to try that see how it looks and I think that can be our little safety wall currently kind of limited given the only

Thing we have to work with is Oak okay I see a tree so let’s go grab that see how this looks also please don’t fall off I’d like it if I could catch all of these and yes I’m holding shift because I would 100% walk off the edge right now

If it wasn’t for that there we go then I left one up there so we should still be able to do this yep and let’s take you over here and see how we feel about this there we go jump backways and the reveal yeah I mean nice and simple but I like

That I think it’ll look good once we have the platforms between it and no it doesn’t have to follow physics it can defy physics if it wants leave it alone gravity is not for everyone cool so we’ll do that at each of the points between the platforms and we might want

To collect some more wood and start working on those platforms you know what else we could do if I could get my hands on some lava and water from the lucky block we could make a cobblestone generator have a feeling that would come in handy but it also scares me so maybe

We take the bucket over there and just kind of see if one of those traps pops up we can collect either water or lava and then either one will come in handy I still need the lava for this to turn it on okay so this time I think what we do

I’m going to stand on this side and then if anything goes wrong we just run for it yeah I think so what could go wrong okay that could go wrong oh boy this could be better hey buddy are we going to be able to get rid of you cuz I

Really don’t want you burning everything down oo okay first thing that happens when I break the block not what we were looking for and I know we could have tried to use the gas to light the portal but I’m not into that okay let’s try that again please be nice that’s pretty

Nice let’s keep up with stuff like that no okay did we just lose our bucket and our Diamond chest plate yeah I don’t see him down there okay so that’s uh we broke the block two times that’s all it took to ruin that let’s try that again

Is it because I haven’t been breaking you is that why you’re upset you’re doing mean things getting my hopes up and then spawning in something okay I thought it was more slime like enemies not blocks this will make it a bit more difficult uh cuz of the bounciness maybe

We should get rid of that does help us get a little bit lower so we could actually get B neath the block so that’s kind of nice nice and easy replace all of this and there we go we’ll do a quick chop them down tree break okay got to

Keep at it please please please please okay I’ll take it oh see that I don’t like nothing I could have done just straight up blew up that’s two buckets down you should make a third one Legion I know I know that’s what I’m doing no I’m not losing my mind perfectly all

Right and off we go again oh there goes Bob hey Bob oh how are things going not great Bob but we’re going to keep moving ooh I want to hang on to that yes please what else have you got for me fish wonderful but what do fish go into or

Live in I should say no not golden tools they live in come on that’s when water is supposed to show up okay uh the old three trick again hey Bob I sent you some friends or a friend you getting along down there don’t be mean Bob and

On this side a sponge and in the middle woo we are we’re starting quite the collection down there look at that I like it emerald block that might come in handy I don’t know yeah that is apparently new ooh I almost broke it but we should put our pickaxe back over here

Much better safe than sorry and ooh another Trident this one has rip TI and loyalty too it’s like the same as the other one which means it’s not going to work that well waa ooh lots more wool if we want other colored beds maybe maybe if we get villagers at some point

They’re Hero’s sword not too bad oh there goes another villager I don’t know why that keeps happening they just keep falling through the block rather than you know landing on top of it not a whole lot I can do about that though unless we eventually build underneath

The block which I might do at some point may as well grab you come on come on yep that’s all great but not what I need that’s not good that’s not good we have a rider on a skeleton horse with a bow and arrow do I have anything in a chest

That I can reach uh no arrows don’t hurt me okay we got herob bow arrows lucky bow all right do we try to take this guy on where’d he even go hello spooky Skeletron there you are stop moving I think this bow has Infinity which is nice did I get the

Rider oh no he’s just out of rendered distance ooh got him aha another victory for Rome never had a doubt in my mind one more one more before bedtime big money big money big money not really big money okay back at it early in the morning oh come on I don’t really feel

Like clearing this out can I just keep doing this and not have to worry about that whoa okay ooh that just doesn’t seem good what was that I hate when it just makes a noise and then I don’t see anything I’m not sure what happened something’s out to get me starting to

Look fully decked out again let’s see how long that lasts there goes another Bob and another hero villager we just keep racking him up down there W moving Horse no I would have made it I didn’t know there were horses behind me I would have made

It out of there oh man I am so bad at this I mean I’ve got a saddle and one of them just jumped are you you’re going to jump aren’t you I’m going to try to tame you and you’re going to jump right off cuz that’s a pretty precarious situation

You have yourself in okay that’s a little bit better you’re already tame okay well we got a new friend even though technically you’re the one that killed me this last time look at this we can oh wait no you don’t have an armor slot interesting I thought we could put

Armor on you I guess not anyway bucket number four no didn’t want to do that I said bucket number four how long will it last why am I even doing this I don’t remember why why do I need water why do I need lava I remember cobblestone

Generator was one idea lava to light that did I need water for something the lucky block does strange things to a man’s mind you know you could come out of there right hero villager do not know why they do that kind of ruining our nice clean area here but can’t be helped

Really just like that can’t be helped I hope you’re all getting a good laugh out of this because I having terrible luck I literally just made that bucket that was number four in fact you know what I think I’m taking a break that I need a reset on the Block let’s just clean

Things up over here and then back to trees okay so you’re on timeout let me know when you’re going to start cooperating and then we could talk again in the meantime maybe we start working on those platforms oh wait a minute I just realized I was being really dumb

With the buckets if a water trap spawns in we could break that glass get out go get a bucket and pick up the water we don’t need to have the bucket on us if a lava trap spawns in we could either just take the hit or if I bring a block of

Some kind I could put it over my head and probably save myself I wasted all those buckets there was no reason to have them on my person you know citizen I rely on you to stop me for making stupid mistakes like that and you let me

Down you you didn’t tell me going to need you to pick up your game there when you see me doing something dumb call me out and tell me what I should be doing instead I’ll forgive you this time but I’m I’m watching you I got my eye on you

Citizen so you better watch it that being said I will do just a little bit more collecting here and now that we’ve had that revelation we can probably more easily get some lava and water give me all the leaves cuz they make the best decoration do I have any what citizen

Shame what’s that don’t think so that should last us for a bit okay those are replanted we’re were cleared out now I’m just going to go nuts let’s just see if we can get one of those traps to spawn in that is never not going to be funny

That I just run up and the first thing it does is blows me up that’s happened about three times now but hey I wasn’t holding a bucket this time we’re learning by the way I didn’t look into it is there a way to change the luck of

This block like you know effect in some way what it’s going to be spawning in or is it just purely luck like whatever is going to happen is going to happen as far as I’m concerned it doesn’t really matter right now bye hero villager and there it is again about five breaks that

It blows me up if anyone can actually play this on Hardcore and make it to 100 days hats off to you I cannot imagine that being possible really thought I was going to get away that time also this one down here is bugging me let’s take that out

And okay that doesn’t help it’s actually going to just make another one down there hey our wish P came true we get potatoes what I always wanted man it’s just spawning in a bunch all down there think we got a witch a villager some pigs all in this wishing well okay

There’s a bucket right there and pouille come on come on come on run run we actually made it that time get out of here witch go on all right think she might have gotten the better of us there in fact I don’t think we can get back up

Now there it is I was wondering when that would happen well we got some more doggos where did okay best not to ask questions there’s there’s water in here now that did not always happen I promise to quickly quickly quickly before something goes wrong yes all right we

Finally at least got some water now we just have to get lava I mean that took way longer than it should have it’s only half the equation death wish came true I did not have a death wish we made it oo I need a yeah I need a good night’s sleep you

Know what I think I do want some lava so why don’t we I don’t know why I’m healing up it’s not like it’s going to make much of a difference just don’t like to see those hearts low so we’ll do that eat some pumpkin pie and then we’re

Going to go over naked is the day we were born and see if we could summon up some lava or paintings paintings is obviously what I meant there we go now lava there are so many valuable things just getting chucked over the edge right now ooh ooh ooh we finally got the

Bucket one I was trying to get the lava trap and we got the buckets finally I feel like I sound insane when stuff like that happens but I mean look at this putting this stuff in here and let’s be honest I mean the reason I sound insane

I don’t know how long the video is at this point but I’ve been at this for hours and hours and we finally got the very thing we were looking for it’s actually perfect too because with with what I just picked up I can make an Infinite Source with the two water

Buckets and with the lava I can not only light that over there but a cat can also fall out of the world I mean I can also make a uh a cobblestone generator so that is huge oh it took so long I don’t know why you were waiting so long I

Almost didn’t catch anything either actually are there more buckets down there with things in them you know what I might not make the jump I’m going to jump down there see if I see anything yeah let’s do it so is there anything down here am I ooh I made the jump got some

Pantaloons there’s some potions down there I don’t know why I didn’t bring anything down here with me I should have at least brought blocks okay so no buckets that’s what I was really looking into by the way can you tell when my voice is different if you can’t tell I’m

Sick again this winter has been brutal where are these cats all falling out of the world but I’m just curious does my voice sound different because once again lots of congestion going on been coughing all day so I’m just curious if that comes across but also I don’t

Really see a way out of this so we can do this and we can do that and we can put a nice painting down here I can become a fancy pant but I don’t really think we’re getting out of this one when did you get down here Lydia this is

Actually a pretty good hero villager I might come back down with some diamonds maybe don’t get your hopes up I might that being said though got another Lydia Alinda Loretta is down there now either way I think the way to get back up is to head down look at that like magic we’re

Back up here oh man I’m excited okay so we can get some big stuff going tomorrow let’s clear out the trees do a little bit more chores tomorrow is the first day of the rest of our lives yeah I know it’s quite weighty got to come to terms

With these things though that’s just the way it is while we’re waiting I can probably put in the other side of this over there don’t see a reason why I can’t Safety First Citizen two more and then we should be good on that and then actually we could start mixing it up we

Could get some Stone in the mix here that may in fact be the next step I think this is the last one of these and then we should yeah we have them all four corners all we have to do is build the platforms out of each opening now

This place is really starting to come together good job Legion I’ll be perfectly honest with you though I’m a bit confused by the lack of mobs spawning because I’ve only lit up things over here i’ I’ve done nothing over there and there are spawnable areas that over there definitely more than 24

Blocks so why am I not seeing anything spawning it’s definitely night might have something to do with a lucky block world or I’m not exactly sure but something’s up something’s a little bit weird I can feel it in me bones but no time to worry about it it’s bu by time

Good night citizen there we go all right we got to get to building these platforms and I do have a decent amount of the oak logs but it’s not going to be enough so let’s work on this a little bit you know what I think I’m going to

Use the rest of these bones or at least half let’s do about half keep rolling with the trees collect as much as we possibly can and then we can make ourselves some platforms got to keep expanding our real estate citizen in fact with the amount of saplings we’re

Getting at this point I don’t see any reason not to compost some of these not very efficient to be perfectly honest it’s like nearly a stack not quite but nearly and it gave me two bone meal so maybe maybe when we go to the nether we collect stuff we compost that but I

Don’t want to get out there and start building platforms just to find out I’m nowhere near enough of the slabs I could just start each one off a little bit actually I think I have an idea let’s start with this amount and I think I

Know what we can do to get started you know what though it’s going to bug me not having a threshold here like a different block leading into whatever platforms we build so we got to find something for that uh it’s going to have to be Cobblestone isn’t it well not

Cobblestone stone stone brick so how does one build a cobblestone generator let’s see if we want we want cobblestone made here I’m going to put something there I don’t think that’s easy to take with wool H it kind of is or with wool with a pickaxe let just do a plank

Instead right there that way if we’re mining that should take longer yeah okay and I think I did this wrong I think this one maybe oh no well I mean I’m making a generator doesn’t matter we need an Infinite Source as well which we

Can just do kind of a two in one have them both in the same spot there we go now we got an infinite source of water this part I kind of hate we’re going to have to we’ll go down here put you right there come back up take my water back

Block off the bottom go to bed cuz it’s getting dark and that’s scary then get our lava I believe it should I think the water goes here is that right then if I put this here it’s probably going to start that wood on fire but does seem to

Work as a cobblestone generator so yeah and I just tested it if you hold it down because the wood’s there I’m not going to Blitz through the other side of this cuz we don’t want that so maybe if we do this for a while we will be able to

Collect enough Cobblestone to well first off make a furnace and then with said furnace we’re going to have to make some charcoal speaking of hello so basically starting it off we get some planks some logs been burned before doing this uh no pun intended but I’m going to use planks

To smelt we’re going to turn the logs into charcoal then we can use that eventually to turn the Cobblestone back into stone wait a minute I don’t need to do that do I I’ve got silk touch oh but it doesn’t matter this is actually making Cobblestone not Stone okay so

Does matter doesn’t matter about the silk touch never mind me we’re going to get some Cobblestone we can then throw it over here into the furnace when we’ve got some charcoal make some Stone turn that into stone brick and then use that for our our transitions or our whatever

You want to call them the spot that’s going to lead from the circular platform out into our larger platforms where we can finally start building a few things so I’m going to do this for a bit and then I’ll get back to you okay you know

What we’ve got over two stacks I think that’s probably pretty good to start with especially if we can get a little bit more charcoal put you in there that’s a pretty good start actually once this is done we’ll cook up our stone at 400° f for 30 minutes then we’re going

To have a stew going also that wood keeps burning so I think instead of that let’s just put one of you right there that ought to do the trick I’m sure we’ll be back we’re going to need more at some point beautiful so let’s take

Half here throw those in I made a second so we can do it both at once hopefully that makes it through the whole stack I don’t know if it will or not but once we’ve got that we can go over and start working on the rest of this sorry doggos

We don’t have anywhere inside we can all hang out but I’m out here with you I’m you know we’re we’re in this together and in fact we probably don’t even need all that stuff I could take uh eight from each make that that that’s well no

It’s probably not enough but we could at least really all I want to do is just this little threshold between where the circle is and where our platforms will be whoops and it’s going to be more need about 30ish more and yeah that’s a thunderstorm so we’re going to bed

Starting to think only thunderstorms are possible in a Lucky Block World cuz I think that’s number three or four since we started this world there’s enough for one more and that should do it for the last one there we go now we’ve got our thresholds maybe just a little bit of

Something on the edge and then we do one here one over there that’s looking better okay so I think we’re good now we can start the platforms this stuff will finish up we’re going to have some more when that’s done and now that we have

That I’m not going to go very far out because I actually want all of these connected once we get beyond the threshold of the the leaves the border that we put there mainly because I don’t want to have a platform out in this direction that have to come back back

Here run around that way and then go out to the other one so all we’re going to do is probably three out and then we’re going to connect them all out here how about a bit more information about Fortuna her father was said to be Jupiter King of the Gods of course as

We’re all aware and like her father she could be bountiful but also like her father she could be unforgiving I’m sure we’ve all had moments where luck has worked in our favor or quite the opposite Fortuna’s role in Rome as the personification of chance seemed to be

Closely linked to vortus or strength of character in other words those who lacked virtues invited bad luck on themselves you’ll notice this is very similar to what people call Karma today even though you and I both know it’s still Fortuna at work doing what she does Best and seems that that platform has fixed our spawning issues hey buddy I don’t know if it was an issue actually it was was kind of nice and I think they despawned okay so at least we know we have that to look out for but that being

Said now that we have a bit more of a platform I do know what I would like to do for the first one so let’s just say this is going to be our first area I think that means we’ll build this portion of it out a little bit more and

Then as I said I’ve got an idea of what I’d like to do with that so I’ll give ourselves a little bit more space over here maybe let’s start with that from here to maybe right there out and then we can check if that’s going to be

Enough that is a respectable space I think that’s good for a start and I do think eventually what we’ll do is continue this Leaf wall along the edges of this but first let’s just make sure what I’d like to do with the first platform we can call it kind of our

Production space and that’s so we can gather whatever we might need to continue building elsewhere currently all we have is a little mini Tree Farm over here kind of all clumped together with our furnaces or fer ey Infinite Source the cobblestone generator this I think I’m going to redo so a couple

Things we’ll move some of that over there try to make it look nice and see what comes of that so first up nice and easy we can throw our infinite water source over here here we go Bingo which means you are no longer required and as

For this we are going to take our lava back cuz I have a better idea of what I want to do with that take that water and then let’s clean this up a little bit there we go I have cooking up more Stone so I think actually we’re about to run

Out might make it through that but we’ll grab this and then we can use this I’m basically just going to upgrade the cobblestone generator cuz if you remember I said our pickaxe has silk touch or not this one but we have a silk touch pickaxe whatever I did with that

There you are yeah so silk touch this one makes or it made Cobblestone I can make one that makes Stone that’s going to make our lives easier we’re not going to have to smelt at all we could just mine it directly so that’s what I want

To do next also while the rest of the stone smelts I do think I’m going to take this down now that we have the lava I want to put it in a different spot that’s not right here next to all of our hodge podge stuff I’ll leave those two cuz there’s

No way that I’m going to be able to catch them and if I’m not mistaken I don’t really need them either yeah we got plenty of obsidian so we’ll build a new one actually pretty soon I want to head to the nether in a minute but first

That should be enough all right now just to call on the old memory and try to remember which blocks we’re going to need to do this I think we only need need four stairs we are going to need a sign I’m pretty sure at one point I

Found Hoppers cuz we’re going to need those we actually found eight I think I only need four and then we’re going to need some chests which I believe eight should do the trick okay let’s see if I can remember how to do this I’m going to

Put it right back here and it’s going to have lava that scares me a little bit with all this wood but it should be enclosed enough we’ll watch it just to be sure think we want chest down here Hoppers into the chests stairs on top of

The chest and close the rest of it the sign I believe is going to go right here and this seems like a worthy message for our little Cobble or no not Cobblestone our Stone generator beautiful what a what a great thing anyway enough of that with the sign there that means the water

Shouldn’t Escape so I think we just water log each of the stairs we’ve got this right over here last two and now I really hope I did this right because this is the only lava that I have I should just be able to put it right here

And then it turns everything into stone please I think it’s working to be safe we’ll cover it up and that should be it let’s go grab our silk touch pickaxe and test it out should be way easier than smelting it and also we can mine it a

Lot faster it’ll be like magic you see these chests nothing in them completely empty silk touch pickaxe we just stand right here and do this every time they break it just kind of regenerates it and I didn’t think about it but because I don’t have efficiency on this I don’t

Think I’m ever going to be able to get past the first two but if we get efficiency we can do this a lot faster obviously however if we now take a look look at that 15 Stone actually 30 and that wasn’t long at all and I didn’t

Have to smelt a thing so love it that’s a big Improvement next up we want to move our trees over here and we do need a decent amount of space for that what I’d like to do is get the nine or you know what we should go to the nether

First I was going to say I want to D at the dirt that we have but we need to go to the nether for that so let’s do some prep and then we can head to the nether for some gravel come back and then move

The tree farm at that point and when I think of prep for the nether we do have a few things like our Infinity bow that’ll come in handy all we need is one Arrow we’ll bring the Lucky Sword even though that scares me a little bit and

In fact we’ve got one of these can I make it any luckier like if I put this in here with a luck plus 100 that doesn’t work that must not be how to do it thought there was a way you could like combine these or add it to that I

Might look into it later for now let’s just hang on to that I’m looking through as well to see how much Diamond I have I think it’s plenty yeah I mean I’ve got four blocks and 2 and 1 half stacks of diamond so I not too worried about

Making a full set of diamond armor we had some but I kept uh losing it somehow no matter here we go plenty left over so we can throw all that on looking much better I think this is the first time I’m actually like getting kitted out with the things that I would normally

Have up until this point I’ve been too scared to carry them we’ll take a couple of you cuz why not the rest of our baked potatoes and I think we’re just about good and yes I just realized we’re probably going to have to take that lava

Back out of the stone generator cuz I’m going to need that to light a portal let’s actually just put it right over here by everything else we built and we can say right about let’s just say right here now how does one make a a controlled fire okay let’s be safe I

Don’t know what you’re worried about citizen I’m sure it would have been fine let just replace some of these with stone then we’ll put some wood here and I guess here put the lava right there is that am I thinking about this right not sure but we’re about to find out let’s

Head up here grab one of these borrow you and oh boy I really hope I don’t burn all this down that took a long time cross your finger Citizen and watch those Sparks it does look like I could just go PE and just start this whole thing let’s try to

Just increase the odds I’m going to make sure the whole thing is surrounded by flammable wood ow okay speaking of let’s be ready for that see wrong way go the other way okay good good good good keep moving go right into the port no there’s

A spark right on it no come on come on come on not helpful yes okay that one’s on again now that one’s on I don’t really want it spreading that way just move forward move into the portal no no and it’s out wo three at once wo wo wo

Wo wo no no no no no no oh come on you got to be kidding me this feels very dangerous like how do I tell if the underneath here is on fire ooh I still hear burning that’s not good do I need one like in here it’s on fire inside the

Portal it’s getting a little bit out of my control just keep putting them out keep putting them out there we go yes okay get rid of the fire hazards we did it ooo boy that was scary there was a lot of fire all over the place you go

Back here don’t want to mess with that anymore and actually while we’re there we can grab more lava cuz why not just in case we need it but we want to find some gravel and I wouldn’t mind some of the wood the wood you can get in the

Nether too that might help us change things up in here a little bit what’s that citizen oh you’re right I should get a shield good call I yeah I definitely want a shield here we go nice and easy clunk there we go feeling better about that we have our weapons we

Have have our tools got a few building blocks actually I don’t want to bring all the stone with me there we go okay now are we ready do we have everything I guess so let’s just go for it please don’t hurt me excuse me where is all the

Stuff this is a problem why is there no nether is that not available in Lucky Block yeah I just turned up the render distance there’s still nothing I got all prepared and there’s just no nether is this normal citizen have you played Lucky Block do you know if this is

Normal I thought there was supposed to be something here oh boy okay we need to uh rethink what to do well that was a blow was kind of counting on that for getting more dirt not to mention more lava no I’m sad I don’t like it when

Plants don’t work out well I guess let’s move this stuff anyway there we go so we can move it over to our new area and hopefully speed things along so let’s just put these over here for now with the new area at least we can keep up

With stone this should do all right for the amount that we have and it’ll let us collect a decent amount of things so we’ll have wood leaves Stone and stone brick and I might look up why we can’t get into The Nether and then we’ll begin

To use some of this material to build out our other two platforms cuz I think it makes sense to also have a storage platform this is all kind of a mess I think for now I’m going to go back into build mode that should help me think

About what we want to do next and something easy we can do right away is put up our safety barrier around the new platform and also because it’ll make it look that much fancier ooh So Fancy I oh I did it over a little bit here because

I want it to kind of separate different areas of the platforms and then this has made me nervous kind of running out here so I think I want to put it around the inside of this as well so we can start over here and just wrap it all the way

Around hopefully this is high enough I don’t think I’ll well I might be able to jump on top of it from a a higher level so let’s just try to avoid doing that hopefully going in the extra block isn’t going to attract any TNT cuz that’s not

What we want but that is a possibility there we go oh no I did it on the wrong level H I might be able to fix this what if we got stone brick slabs will it let me place you right there no it won’t I mean it might look okay with floating

Leaves especially with the resource pack add-on it almost looks like they’re touching let’s just go around see how it looks I mean yes this is intentional this is exactly what I wanted another good thing about this is it hides us from the lucky block so it’s evil eye

Can’t land Upon Us unless we’re right in that Center platform see it looking at me over there it’s like the eye of Sauron it’s terrifying oo I’m going to run out of leaves yep need a bit more going to need some new shears cuz I don’t think these ones are going to last

Long new problem oh hello just what I needed there we go that ought to keep us going a little bit thank you trees and it’s night time I’m scared got to go to bed should probably get a wood chest going over there so I don’t have to keep

Running back and forth that can go right here very inconspicuous and now we can finish this up there we go feeling much safer now we’ve got the walkway all the way around we can’t fall through the center which is good we’re starting to get little areas going here which I like next up

Let’s build out these two platforms kind of like we did over here I have vague ideas of what I think I want to do but I’m not quite sure yet so we’ll just prep the area here’s one area down now over to the next and there we go those

Are built out a bit more now all we have to do is add the safety barriers and we should be all set I need more materials okay let’s see how far this gets us got a bit more and I did the same thing over here making a little bit

Of a entryway that is not even is it nope whoops that is a at least an easy fix there we go I think I’m just going to bring it all the way around the entire outside of this because if I do want to build more it’s as easy as just

Kind of cutting a hole in somewhere but for now I don’t want to give myself any way to fall off or to get attacked by mobs at night must get to bed just cleared out the tree farm again and now I think we’re looking pretty good think

We can wrap all the way around and then we’re just going to have to see about the leaves situation all right I think that’s everything from the slabs which means we’re ready for leaves and I think we actually might have enough we are about to find out maybe maybe maybe

Maybe maybe not ooh it’s going to be close no that was five too short hello I can barely reach but that should be enough oh yeah now you spawn in all right broke our shears but we should now have enough easily look at that and look at that all our platforms are now

Enclosed and ready for some new areas and for the first idea I had we need to check in here yeah I knew we had spawn eggs what do we have um okay I thought I think at one point we had villager spawn eggs I must have lost them I wouldn’t

Mind having a little villager house yeah I guess not we might go back to the lucky block I’d like to get villager spawn eggs or even somehow capture a uh a hero villager that keep falling through the block though and let’s see I know this might be a bad idea but what

If we built a platform down here that could catch anything that spawns in and yes I know there is a 90% chance that I will build this and then almost immediately it will be blown to Smither rins but I think it’s worth a shot okay there we go that should be good enough

Space for things to if they come out of here just kind of drop and it also catches any items as well so that’s not too bad actually I didn’t even think about it these are iron I could use iron please don’t fall ooh got them both so

That’s another thing we need to keep an eye out for those because I could use use some more iron cuz I think right now we’ve only got 47 so these blocks will help also since we are going to be working at the lucky block and speaking of being blown to Smithers we’re going

To go to our chests to make a bit of a deposit just in case we’re included in set explosions let’s put all the stuff we have on us in Fortuna’s gift and that includes all of this as well I don’t think an explosion will care if I have

Armor on speaking of villagers though one thing we can make is a boat just so we can catch him if needed and I did just think of one more thing before we go to the lucky block and we’ll do that tomorrow but I’m going to prep for it

Now we should use one of the platforms as a storage area just so if we were able to collect some new things from the Block we’ve got somewhere to put it cuz I think I showed it before but these are kind of I mean yeah they’re definitely messy but they’re also starting to

Overflow so we can work on that tomorrow let’s get a bunch of chests that’s a good start and then I probably will build some kind of a structure over here but for now all I’m going to do is put down some chests and we’ll call this the

Beginning of a storage area there we go that should do some good drop these things off kind of don’t want to have to make the boat every time like I was doing with the buckets and place your bat citizens what’s going to happen is that platform going to work and I’m

Going to catch some stuff or will I immediately be destroyed we find out in 3 2 1 okay it won’t be immediate how about number two all right gross oh thank you it really wants me to have enchanting tables you’ve been watching the channel for a while you probably

Know I don’t really like using enchanting tables I don’t like the random nature that’s why I prefer the villagers oh hey sheep Mr rainbows we could make an animal area how many of them would follow us and not fall off the edge well let’s start with this

Amount let’s see if we can get them to hang out just like right over here and then if I were to make some fence gates don’t know how many I’ll need but this area next next to the storage could just be our kind of mob pen for anything

We’re able to collect here we go nice and easy beautiful let’s go see if we can get some more who else wants to join me ooh there’s a lot of you many many Mr rainbows sounds like some sort of quirky movie The many Mr rainbows come on

Through there we go I think there’s just a couple more over there or one more yeah just one more this way if you please my distinguished gentlemen everybody through and then you’re no longer interested in me cool so if we get any more we could throw them in

There okay nothing too critical in the inventory let’s go back at this and see what kind of luck we can have that will never not scare me but nice that was a good drop little more iron I should you know what let’s make a valuables chest

It’s kind of just all over the place right now so let’s get everything that’s Diamond as in diamonds or made of diamond except for the horse armor kind of don’t care about that powerful weapons anything like gold or emeralds that kind of stuff we’ll say iron as

Well okay I think that’s all of it and we can come over to our new area and we’ll say right here at the back at the top this is our expensive stuff chest there we go so now we know where all that is at least it’s not a bad amount

Either I want to say the lucky block is being nice to us but knock on wood I think that’s going to be bad luck so I’m not going to say anything at all let’s see what’s next I knew I shouldn’t have said anything Yeah that’s the problem with uh putting the platform there it means it gets further out I think definitely knock some stuff down yep definitely should not have said anything but I did it anyway I’m making a bit more charcoal because I think it’s not a bad idea to

Just run around here and light it up a little bit it’s getting to the point where if we St out at night probably not manageable also we got to keep up on the trees because we’ll probably be starting another building project in a second

Same goes for this I did do a little bit of this earlier we might do it a bit more just so we have enough to continue building and these are done beautiful uh let’s get a bit more that should be good to start kind of just place these all

Around hopefully stop any mob spawns hello Mr rainbows kind of weird that they’re all just clumped in one area you guys know you have more space right but whatever you do you okay that should help why don’t we grab everything that we’ve got so far and see what that’ll do

For us and I think we might make some more shears yeah I want to keep collecting leaves and I forgot I think it’s actually over here now uh I forgot the blocks didn’t I iron blocks where are you there you are they thought they could hide from me I don’t think so so

We’ll take those collect all of these and then we’ll see about this build okay so I’m think thinking we start over here and that’s because like I’ve said before over there that is a beautiful house I love it but I do want just a little bit

More space so while I do have some materials I do yeah I want one more thing we are going to get a stone cutter because I think we’ll want some stone brick walls as well as some stone brick stairs I’m kind of just thinking about

How I want to do this well first of all let’s get the foundation laid out something like that should do nicely then we’ll run through with the stone brick our door will be right here and then I just need to get some inspiration for the design and it could be wall on

The support structure followed by stairs something like that and I should bring my bed over here that way we don’t have to keep running back over here to go to sleep there we go and temporary spot right here good night citizens anyway though I was thinking wall followed by

Stairs and then maybe leaves in the middle so another another design I’ve used a few times but with the leaves we can put the fence on top going to need quite a bit more of that which I believe I can do here uh maybe that much we will

Find out so something like that and then I do want to have a second level on this so I’m thinking maybe maybe just one more for now one more of these and that should be good for now let’s finish up with the well I guess we can do this

First we need wall and then stairs all along here my not really be able to see this for the most part but it would bug me if we weren’t uniform all the way around i’ know it wasn’t there going to need more stairs for sure there we go

Then just finish up with a few more walls and then it was the leaves not sure what I want to do about the door so I’m going to leave that open for now next up fences I thought that would be enough but I think I’m going to run out

Yep just do a couple for now finish that up that’s looking pretty good but it doesn’t look like a house house yet think I have a door in here somewhere I have an iron door I never really use those but let’s see how it actually

Looks in the house but I thought I yeah I have an oak door M pressure plates let’s just grab all this kind of building stuff okay so how would this look if we did iron door pressure plate there have to be one right there you can hardly see

Him cuz of the same material that’s not bad do I have anything that could be a border around that door rism Marine that’s an idea quartz I do love me some quartz yeah we might go with the quartz I might use these too actually I think

With the block of Quartz can’t we make those we could do some quartz pillars put those up here and then maybe a redstone lamp design one right there and on each side if I did this would it power all three no ooh it’s also going

To mess with the door what about if it was up there right there it also opens the door door okay new idea we’ll get chiseled quartz block put that right there and then if you were here yeah you would power all three but not open the door okay don’t really want that visible

Though what would happen if you were here yeah that works too okay yeah that’s not too bad I could live with that now we need a second level and some stairs which actually might make sense it is put right by the door so if we have these leading up whoops oh no

Getting gloomy out is that going to be high enough right there actually yeah that’s perfect there we go so that could be our second floor I’ll just do some filling in during this rainy day so you don’t have to see too much of this and

Then we can pick it back up when the sun is shining ah beautiful this part I’m not sure if it’s going to work out part of the center here is raised half a slab and it has nothing to do with the fact that that lever is there and I couldn’t

Put the slabs there it’s a design choice I also have this bit overhanging a bit but that’s that now we need to do the second level I think we’ll just add a couple different little designs around here just kind of throwing down stairs and walls cuz I think this might look

Nice there we go I think I will run out of walls so we’re going to need to grab some more of these in a second there we go I would probably use glass here but since we don’t have any I think I might just leave a space cuz it’s not like

We’ll be able to fall out or anything ow as he falls but I think if we just do that and then do leaves here that should be nice for the upper level and like I said we’re not going to be able to get out or anything go and beautiful I think

We’re nearly there I think for this next part we are going to need some more wood and luckily looks like that’s been growing so let’s go do some collecting and I need more food I guess we could bake some potatoes let’s just use some slabs maybe I kind of don’t feel like

Burning up any of the charcoal I don’t know how many that’ll do but it should be fine and now we can clear all this out easy as that and there it all goes ooh that’s starting to look kind of cool if you see it from across the way think

It’ll be even better once we have a roof on top of it also I’ve got these we may as well throw them down somewhere there we go now what do we want to do up here whatever it is I expect we’ll need some stairs think a bit more of those as well

And yeah let’s do that I do want to try a new design and I’m not sure if it’s going to work but we shall see and I’m going to need some more Stone cuz I think we took it all didn’t we yes we did okay let’s spend a minute here okay

I think that should hopefully do the trick for now ooh it’s night time did not realize that must get to bed there we go now we should be all right I’m doing a bit of guess work here and just hoping that it ends up turning out okay

But I think we’ll just do a small section and then have a look to be sure okay that’s kind of what I’m thinking let’s go down and see how it looks I didn’t want to bring it to a point I wanted wanted it a bit lower so I

Thought if we just flattened off the top that might be an interesting look and honestly I don’t hate it I think once we fill in that area it should help and I think it’ll look pretty good okay I’m convinced let’s keep going with it but I

Need my potatoes I thought I might be fun to start this time lapse back at the beginning of building the house just so we could have a look at the whole thing so to answer your question yes we have effectively just time traveled and while

I work on that did you know that the earliest reference to the Wheel Of Fortune or the concept that Fortuna controlled the endless changes in life between prosperity and disaster is from 55 BCE it was in senica’s tragedy Agamemnon the story describing how Agamemnon was killed by his wife after

Returning to his Palace from the Trojan War what’s that citizen of course I can read you a quick excerpt from it oh Fortune who Dost bestow the Thrones High boon with mocking hand in dangerous and doubtful State thou settest the two resulted never have scepter obtained calm peace or certain

Tenure Care on care weighs them down and ever do fresh storms Vex there yeah okay that’s enough of that no this isn’t a ploy so I can show you more of the Cinematic just by filling it with more narration I just thought we could all

Enjoy a bit of theater that’s all but if you insist we can get back to it over to you Legion oh boy all right that is done and it looks good we just need to fill in that area and then I think we should be in good shape so let’s see what we

Can do about that and I like what we had been doing with the fence I also think we’re going to have to remove a couple of these here we go then we can put fence along here maybe a small Gap with slabs one more layer of leaves and maybe

Something similar with the stone brick slabs and of course a little bit more fence I need to get out of there there we go okay I think that should do it let me see how that looks yeah not too shabby it’s a very natural house the

Nature house but I like it I think that looks good now that we’ve got the house complete I did come up with an idea of how we can potentially thwart the lucky block no idea if it’s going to work but I kind of want to try it and honestly I

Think most of what we’ll need is just slabs and water buckets uh hello yeah I know I’ve been neglecting you I’m sorry but look you got all these dog friends over here you’re going to be fine and I do think I’m going to need quite a bit

More slab than this but we can at least get started probably with this amount let’s see what kind of damage that does and the basic concept of this is based on something I think I remember but I’m not sure if it’ll work essentially for TNT I don’t think it can destroy things

That are water logged or beneath water something like that so I’d like to have a platform beneath this that’s almost a little a little Pond or kind of part of a fountain and I have an idea of how I want this to look let’s actually start

On the other side and let’s open this up a bit I think this next part is not going to be fun because we need to take this water down here and let’s see how far down do we want to go this should be low enough I think but it is going to

Descend with each level so I think we want a couple extra layers of this it should be plenty so now if we were to I really don’t want to be beneath this when this happens there we go this is exil erating just want to build this out

All the way taper down come on there we go all the way to right no not there right there and that’s almost to the center so I say we just flatten it out at that point and in fact temporar well no we’ll leave the water there I don’t

Trust myself just keep this going out till we get to the lucky block which we’re nearly there sorry Linda think we’re pushing things off down there oh boy that was not intentional I swear oh interesting I think right beneath the lucky block that’s going to be the one

That is not water logged unless we add more in theory if we were to go out the same amount of blocks in each Direction and then build it up in the same way we’d have a kind of fountain in the Middle where water flows all the way

Down to the center and hopefully catches things and doesn’t get destroyed by TNT there we go so something like that we do this on each side and then we can basically follow this all the way around just to make it a a full circle and I

Think that should work I don’t know if it’ll do what we want it to do but it’ll look pretty cool I just hope it can’t get blown up that would be a bummer spend this much time on it and then just have it that was a very odd explosion sound

But yes that’s the sound TNT makes p fortunately all the time we spend down there working on it means we’re going to have more trees to come back to so we can continue working on it how thoughtful of you trees there we go that’ll keep us going for a little while

All right there we go now the important question can we successfully join up all of these and I think I’ll start at the top layer and then kind of just build my way down that seems like it would be easier and we can use you as a guide I

Think if we just follow that we should be in good shape I actually think this is the original Circle I built or it seems that way cuz I’m remembering the count of how many we go so if that’s the case this should be fairly easy look at

The memory on Legion and it worked we joined right up to it cool let’s keep it going not too shabby look at that the beginnings of a big old bowl and I think this will bug me so let’s at least get rid of of these two I won’t be able to

See all that when we’re done so that should be fine but it should be as easy now as just going around down and in one each time or technically one half and something tells me I’m going to need a lot more slabs to complete this uh two

More Stacks yeah it’s whatever it is it’s going to be a lot more than that oh boy looks like we time traveled again we’re back at starting the whole lower platform to be honest I did that because I so enjoy these little chats citizen speaking of I have a bit more

Information about Fortuna she actually is referenced in makaveli’s 16th century political Treatise The Prince and no we’re not talking about my cat makavelli we’re we’re talking about the uh the 16th century Florentine makavelli anyway makavelli states that Fortuna only rules half of one’s fate the other half being

Your own will he goes on to say that Fortuna favors a strong ambitious hand and seems to affect more aggressive and bold young people than timid elders which does make sense when you think about all the old adages like no risk no reward one thing to remember though is

Fortuna is two sides of the same coin risk can bring on great rewards but it can also invite Fortuna’s less forgiving side anyway interesting stuff to think about but I think it’s time to get back to it and there you have it citizens the lucky Bowl yeah it’s it’s quite Regal

Isn’t it I agree I also agree this looks like a mess however we’re going to temporarily get rid of that because we now need to decide where the fountain will flow from up here and how much we need to essentially cover the whole thing with water and actually turned out

Pretty nice though I like the design I really hope this works that took a while I don’t want to have to do it again anyway though can I uh that might not be a bad idea putting them on those maybe if we just kind of pick a few throughout

We can see how much area that will cover it’s going to take a lot of trips to and from the Infinite Source however but what can I say that’s life nope no nope we don’t want it there okay woo we did all the interior corners of these slabs

And it does look like that covered a fair amount going to need some extras over here on this side because we didn’t have that and a couple spots weren’t touched so we’ll head down there do a little touchup but I think we’re nearly there and now I’m getting nervous

Because that means we’re going to have to test it and I don’t like the idea of this going wrong at least there’s a quick way down now wee think if we just do something like this on each side that should mainly get what we want yeah

Looks like it does and as for these I’m not really sure what would happen if I just like put an extra one of these here oh okay that is easy enough we’ll just do that and bloop bloop don’t even need any more water just helps it flow a

Little bit better and that ladies and gentlemen is one full lucky bowl is it going to protect this area if tnt Falls I’m not sure but also I don’t know if I want to break the block from up there or from down here I guess from up there

Just in case let’s drop some stuff off in a chest then we can head over and see if this is going to work at all okay I’m nervous I also should have kept some of those slabs on me but I have Sandstone it’ll also be a good test because as you

Can see this very center block doesn’t have water so if we lose that one but no others we know that it works but seriously though this this took a long time I’m going to be really upset if we just get TNT immediately and it just destroys the whole thing oh okay wish me

Luck citizen here we go oh yeah and it’s also a collection area which I’m not going to go collect unless it’s something I really want like those kind of don’t really care we got a baby Legion V down there okay that’s worth running down really quick hey little

Fella I really wish there was a way I mean if I try to pick that up it’s going to it’s not going to work right hold on we’ll test it like if I use silk touch we’re probably just going to end up destroying it I think this would be

Super cool yeah this isn’t working oh no oh but I got a legion v head and it gave me that pickaxe earlier in the video I could have just done that if I wanted that pickaxe this is really cool though does that mean I can kind of like

Reconstruct this in here it’s not going to be baby Legion V anymore but look at that we got a little Legion V statue that is incredible they’ll never know which one is the real one that is so cool I’m very happy with that but anyway we we still haven’t done a successful

Test we need to do that and here we go ooh I think that’s probably worth having and it’s bedtime anyway all righty let’s keep trying ooh more buckets that is worth it nice of course now that I no longer need them they spawn in but the extra lava is actually not bad probably

Find a use for that I’m going to have my own my very own bucket chest look at all of those nice and yeah I hear you way late in the video for that to be finally happening this actually probably this would have been a good idea early on but

We didn’t have the trees early on so no harm no foul uh there was some TNT but it wasn’t lit more buckets are you kidding me now it’s just going to happen every time it’s taunting me citizen this block is taunting me by the time we’re

Done trying to do a successful test this entire chest is just going to be filled with buckets that we needed earlier yeah I’m taking it personally this block is out to get me 100% Saddles nether star me more are you kidding me the third thing full with buckets tell me I’m

Wrong tell me this block isn’t out to get me unbelievable there we go I opened up another side now that should be easier if we do collect stuff I could just go straight from here and maybe I can’t straight from here I have to get

Rid of that here to there eat an extra one there there we go okay just trying to make my life easier there we go yeah now we can go straight to the house anyway what’s next llamas didn’t think about the fact that if we do get

Different mobs to spawn in how would we get them back up unfortunately for all of you Laura Laura lavender Laurette lavender Lucy Lisa lavender I don’t think it’s worth trying for llamas I think we’re just going to keep going I didn’t bring anything with me I should

Have brought something with me to block that oh I’m dumb that could have been easily avoidable but it would seem that I don’t learn just take you get rid of all this easy he says after succumbing to the Trap here we go and we also don’t

Really want all of this here cuz if tnt does spawn we want it to fall through as much as possible anyway this time we’ll keep a few blocks on us cuz that should help us avoid those kinds of traps same goes for anvils all right maybe this

Time we’re ready now that I want TNT to spawn in it’s not going to get flowers Redstone stuff TNT that is not lit and I wonder if it’s because that block is on top of it just in case we get to that and then we’ll keep moving yeah so it

Just adds another block right on top of it immediately afterwards get out of here keep B going are you kidding me every time it sees me put that back it spawns another one it’s out to get me armor woo wo okay something else we’re going to have to break down I also don’t

Like how these are much closer to this platform that’s going to be bad if any of these do have TNT in them we can try to help with that by making sure it has the ability to fall through through if needed don’t know if that’s going to

Work though okay let’s keep this in here and find out what are you no thank you what are you okay and you gold or no diamond sword and ooh ooh ooh we were ready this time ha gotcha why do I feel like I didn’t win it’s going to take me

Forever to get out of here actually we can now get you there we go much easier and look more water for us I say we just break all of these I’ll probably BL uh break the lucky block that’s down there and then I think it’s bedtime so let’s

Get rid of this and nothing Sinister okay let’s go down there and collect and then we can head to bed where’s all my stuff llamas oh jeez that was a lot okay we can’t actually get it all perhaps in the morning we will head back you notice

How we haven’t gotten TNT yet and that just so happens to be what we were looking for this time perhaps no so that’s not TNT am I right Legion V yeah you’re right Legion V uh oh I’m losing my mind I mean but nothing else blew up

It was kind of far away I don’t know if that’s a legitimate test I’d really like the rain of TNT which is usually not what you hear somebody ask for hey what do you have my friend pretty good pretty good ooh mending um I mean yeah kind of

Good on weapons I was hoping he’d have armor I don’t have Enchanted armor yeah let’s just leave him with the llamas I don’t want to throw in a coin all right it’s been a while since we’ve done that not really going to be able to get it in

There am I wo ooh okay it worked out wo wo wo wao what was that I don’t know what that was but I think it was TNT and it was right above us we are still alive and no blocks are broken except for up here which makes sense I think it works

I I legit don’t know what happened there but something blew up and it’s all fine everything’s fine down here it works I’m so smart hopefully I could take a look in replay mod I’m I’m curious what happened ooh wait a minute there were some slabs that’s not good let’s go take

A closer look don’t see any missing could be from here like we lost a couple here maybe oh wait yeah I think I do see one okay so not 100% bulletproof but way better than it was before and we could just fill in any areas that happened to

Get destroyed which I only see the one okay and I would like to see it happening live so maybe every time that’s one I can’t figure out I don’t know what you’re supposed to do about that how you could potentially guard against it I have no ideas if I hide

Lower down underneath the water it won’t happen I think dragon eggs keep falling which is strange don’t really know why I’d need those hey big fella didn’t think about that you’re just kind of here to stay aren’t you at least until something deletes you but that’s fine

You know you’re you seem like you’re nice so you just hang out you do what you want just going to keep breaking this if that’s okay with you okay I think we can go collect there’s actually a decent amount down here but you’re in

The way big guy kind of want to get at that stuff there we go this is one of the first times we’ve been able to properly like collect just about everything coming out of there and yeah of course I’m I’m organizing it in a you know orderly fashion I’m not just

Throwing everything into these chests how dare you how dare you think that of me never seen anything so orderly look at that guy just hanging out that’s so weird I will call you ganus watch out for TNT ganus more with these wishing wells I don’t it’s more that it takes

Effort I can’t just break the block I have to go down do that come down here this is actually what did it last time okay look out look out okay so I wasn’t quick enough however oh hey I see you uh you’re moving up in the world but

Important question that same one broke again there’s something about that one and that one so they’re broking I mean they are breaking but look at this look at how much space is still here considering how much TNT just fell this really doesn’t seem like a problem so

I’m happy with this I think this is a good solution I think that was our first true test of this and it I think I’m I’m calling it effective not foolproof but effective okay ganus I have an idea of what to work on next but this one

Worries me a little bit we should do something to honor Fortuna for this vast Cornucopia of goods she has bestowed upon us and I’d like to make a statue something that I’ve never done before particularly because we have this open area still something you know this one

Spot we haven’t done anything with yet and the one thing I can get in abundance is Stone so we’ll spend a while here collect all that we can and then I’m going to I’m going to take a crack at it and as I said I’m a bit worried about

That actually as I’m doing that it’s making me making me wonder if I ever got efficiency in any of these because that would certainly help ooh there we go uh I mean why not it’s the only efficiency book I got but don’t really need it for

Anything else I’m not going to be able to do this I don’t have any levels how many does it take two I can get levels from the Block but not reliably if the nether worked we could get levels there you know what I never did any real troubleshooting with that maybe I’ll go

Into the game files and try to delete the nether folder and we can retry it let’s try that I’m going to do some quick troubleshooting maybe we can go to the nether get those levels get efficiency on the pickaxe then we can do our collecting please hold all right I

Just uh deleted what I think is the ne folder in my game files is it going to work doggos I have no idea but I can’t think of what else to do at the current moment and I forgot my shield there we go okay is it going to work this time

Nobody knows but we got to try it out it worked no way it was that easy all I had to do was delete the folder and come back I mean awesome this is kind of a strange place to spawn hey flint and steel that’ll come in handy so okay this

Kind of took me by surprise let’s make some more torches kind of just want to have a quick look around we just need two levels if I could find gravel that’d be great man look at this as a place for the portal to open okay that’s not great

Already seeing things I don’t really want to mess with hey friend where’d you go kind of feels like I just have to do collecting while I’m here don’t really need it but I can’t stop myself I don’t like how quiet it is here most of the

Time it would be great to spawn in another Fortress because I’d probably need something here but not this time not a huge fan of it I much would have preferred just a regular biome with some gravel okay that scared me I was not expecting you don’t jump scare me like

That also I’m using the lucky uh sword this makes me nervous I have no idea what it’s going to do I just imagine it could blow me up for no reason oh okay not great not great but that’s almost two levels already okay it opens up over

Here what I’m not seeing is gravel I do see some of this which we can well silk touch could take him back home and break them get get some experience that way any gravel though while I’m here that still would be quite handy any that’s

Not all the way over there there a basan over there too I also forgot to bring a shovel I kind of wasn’t expecting this to work like seriously all it was this file or this folder in my save called di-1 just deleted that it regenerated it worked didn’t really expect it to ooh

There’s some easy to get to gravel I think we will try to go get that then we will get out of here I say easy to get think we’re going to have to jump for it and build our way back up this shouldn’t be too bad yeah not terrible and there

We go Escape Route secured let’s get what gravel we can and then we can get out of here oh I wish I had brought a shovel all right we got a stack of gravel I think that’s good and yes I’m just now realizing I could have made a

Shovel a stone shovel but it honestly didn’t take that long so not too bad next the important question do I know how to get out of here I didn’t go too far so I I think so yeah so we’re back here we’ve got the nether fortress came

Up through here here’s a torch came across here and the Torches will light our way back see I I know what I’m doing sometimes yeah I kind of wish we figured this out earlier I’m to blame I I didn’t really look into it too much but that really would have been handy having

Access to the gravel other building blocks and stuff like that so now we could take our other pickaxe my all of this and get plenty of experience and then even though durability is getting a bit low we can put efficiency 2 On Our Hero’s pickaxe which is very nice and we

May as well do a few more of these cuz why not and then I think we just put all of our nether stuff away in here and then I found some old shovels that we got from the Block we could use those and first of all clear out the tree farm

Then we can take back our dirt combine what we can with the gravel to get ourselves some coarse dirt and as you you can see we have twice as much well almost we would if we had an even number and then I think with the co dirt uh

Wait a minute uh that works we can use that make a path block and then dig it back up but I think I’d prefer yeah we do we’ve got some I think a stone hoe and a we have a wooden one eh maybe not but it doesn’t matter oh no what

Happened to ganus I just noticed that ganus is gone must have had something pressing to work on no matter we can now ho all of this which turns it back into dirt pick it all back up and then we can rinse and repeat should be able to get

Quite a bit much more than we had look at that we are starting to get a respectable amount in fact I think for now I’m happy with a stack we could probably stop here and then go back to whatever it was I was doing before I got

Myself distracted yet again okay now we can fill this entire area as a tree farm something that should have happened quite a long time ago there we go that’s going to be a lot better and we still have 40 dirt left over so if we do think

Of anything else to use it for we’ve got it so we’ll let that grow for a bit but we can spend the extra time right here and with efficiency 2 now yeah we should be able to consistently get that third block so that’s good out of curiosity

When this gets low this one Hero’s pickaxe can I combine these two I can absolutely do that okay that’s good to know cuz I do not have mending won’t have to lose my good pickaxe okay we got a couple stacks out of each should give

Us a good start actually so I am going to try to use a reference image for this and if we think the statue is maybe about well let’s just see if we were going to fill in almost this whole area because this is 15 blocks across which

Means the platform itself would be 13 across okay that should be enough space all right here’s the expectation setting portion because it’s uh at this size the the size we’re building it at you can’t you obviously can’t get too detailed so I just want it to look vaguely like a

Statue almost like something that’s in progress you know they’ve got the stone somebody’s chiseling away at it maybe it’s not quite there yet but I want it to look vaguely like a statue of fortuna just so we’re all clear here oh boy okay the good part is the most of the bottom

Portion of it just going to kind of be robes so nothing needs to be too defined we just need to make sure by the time I get up higher we can have an arm to be holding something not sure what and then obviously the head okay so that was just a bunch of

Random placing and I’m a bit scared to go down first of all because I’m going to take fall damage but second of all because I don’t know what this looks like um that could be the bottom of a robe let’s just let’s just wait let’s let’s hold judgment until we’re done and

What we’ve done so far that was the majority of the stone we collected and I’d say we’re 25% 30% of the way height-wise what we’re going to do so let’s do some more collecting going to need quite a bit more all right there’s our refill let’s keep working at it the

Difficulty is when I’m building up this High I kind of have no way of telling like how much higher I need to go because looking at this I mean it just it looks like a big pile of stone no we’re going to we’re keep the faith it’s it’s going to look

Good I kind of think that’s only about halfway done even though it’s taking extra time I’m finding it’s helping if I go up do some building then come back down and shape it a little bit like I just did some stuff here and where this

Is coming out that’s kind of like a I don’t know if you’d want to call it a sash or something that wraps around the robe this part might need some clean up but what I want to do since I’m thinking this is about the halfway point I’m

Going to bring it in towards the center now almost like it’s a belt or something wrapped around there and then we can go out W again for the Torso and that should give us an idea of where the arm should go cuz we’re maybe 16 18 blocks

Tall now let’s find out yeah 18 that’s a pretty good guess so maybe a belt and then 16 to 18 more let’s just say yeah that’s what it is so wrap around the interior there we go then right back out again trying to guess about where the

Arm would go and I might have gotten a little overzealous about this cuz I think this is going to hurt ow but I do want to take a look just so we can see the proportion of that going to have to step back for this one so if we say

That’s the lower half there’s the belt and that is where the arm will come out that seems about right to me yeah let’s go with that and while we’re down here let’s grab some more Stone as well and actually that’s starting to make me nervous we’re getting pretty low we’ve

Got plenty of diamond so I could always make another pickaxe but I think it makes sense to heal this one up which is nice nice I don’t think I ever do that I usually have mending so I don’t need to do this but looks like it keeps

Everything so I am going to do that nice before you ask citizen I don’t know I I don’t know what that is I don’t know just just don’t ask me it’s it’s not we okay it’s not done we got to do a little bit bit of detailing but I know it’s

It’s my first attempt I have never tried a statue before this is quite obviously first attempt all I can do is apologize to Fortuna and I’m I’m not done I’m going to add some stuff we’ll we’ll put some valuable stuff in there we’ve got to honor her somehow

But I yeah I I don’t know looks more like a bearded dude with his hat pulled down over his eyes than anything else but no no no no no that’s like a a hairpiece or a crown or something I don’t know oo boy okay yeah we’ll we’ll

Do some detailing as far as the detailing goes I grabbed a ton of stuff just random things that we had cuz the statue the reason I have an arm there is for holding a staff or something but actually Fortuna holds a goober neum or a ship’s Rudder but I don’t want to use

Wood I do want to use all these different wool blocks that we got so this is going to be quite a colorful ship’s Rudder and it’ll also be quite long I think we’ll be using our imagination a little bit on this one there we go that’s all the way up now

And so we can technically say it is a ship’s Rudder really all we need to do is have a bit coming off the side and there we go no longer a staff now a ship’s Rudder I did not think about how I was going to be able to get down from

Here I’ve got a water bucket never mind okay we got to break this switch to the water bucket and hope for the best I’m not sure I’ll be able to do this let’s try so break switch to water bucket oh I forgot these are slabs I don’t even know if that would have

Worked yeah that wouldn’t have worked okay don’t mind me citizen we’re alive it’s fine so there is our multicolored ships Rudder beautiful like I said imagination we’re using our imagination here now I do have some valuable blocks I promis that to Fortuna so let’s go up

To the crown yes it’s a crown okay so we can just kind of throw some gold in a couple different areas like the SP spikes coming out of it we’ll put diamond in the middle fill in with some of the gold and I think we’ll be good

There we go much fancier let’s head down and check that out all righty let’s have a look it’s better but I can’t look at it and not laugh oh poor Fortuna yeah I I am not an artist but it doesn’t mean I don’t have devotion for tuna remember

That for the next time I break the block but with that we are in the last 10 days so we’ve got to do I got to do a little bit of cleanup I never did enclose this area so I think that’s something I want

To work on before we get to the end and then speaking of the end I wonder if we should see if I have enough to make an end portal all in due time for now this is looking very nice so we’re going to do some collecting finish up that border

And then we’ll see about the end whoops didn’t think about putting the trees this close it was kind of getting jumbled up with my borders and that worries me like if we break these trees since it’s connected would it take out my borders too I don’t know but better

Safe than sorry and I think I think that does it actually a bit worried about the axe too might not make it through this there we go and the axe made it but kind of on its last leg there we go finally a surplus of wood too in the last 10 days

I get there eventually don’t worry citizen okay let’s see what we can do over here and we’ll have to get a little creative can you guys move over just a little bit there we go okay is this part no problem but how do we want it to it’s

Going down to that level I mean honestly could probably just do that the two layers of leaves this part I want to get rid of this was where the old cobblestone generator was there we go cleaned up then we can wrap around same thing over here we’ll just kind of join

It up does make it a bit interesting because we’ve got well only the one space I think actually we could just do that that way that part is good and then we could even connect that do this connect it up and finish it up with leaves there we go beautiful now this

Part is at least finished finished up I wasn’t sure if I wanted to you know destroy this area or build it out further but I think we’ll leave it as is we just got to clean up some of this because it it would be you know probably

A good idea to clean this up but I just don’t have it in me breaking down our little starter base served us well over this time so we’re going to leave it we’re going to leave it right where it is I am however going to make sure we

Use a lot of the different things we picked up even if it’s just kind of randomly placing it around I can’t just just leave it in the chest ooh I’m also seeing that I’ve only got 11 end portal frames and we need 12 so I might need to

Do a little bit more work if we do want to try to fight the Ender Dragon because wait a minute pretty sure we have more Eye of Ender somewhere yeah there you are so we’re halfway good 21 there you go but for now some of this stuff like

The prismarine that could kind of just be a border at the bottom of the statue and then we got these Fancy Pants blocks where you can put right here light it up with some Jacko lanterns oh much fans here fact I kind of just want those around the the platform it’s kind of

Just a nicer way to light things up it could even be on our house a little bit not bad I’m sure the Mr rainbows want some Hello the Mr rainbows there’s some Jacko lanterns for you oh you’re welcome you’re welcome let’s put you right there

Can I not do that oh right there make physics work a little bit better right there just to hold it up and there there you go got to use the Redstone lamps so I think we could put a couple of them up here if I could reach actually we could

Use them all and I bet what if I no not there am I going to have to get into the lava a little bit think I am hopefully that doesn’t burn or allow Sparks out of here in fact we could be safe we’ll just do that there we go ooh much better

Throw some extra leaves down wherever it well maybe not makes sense but wherever I feel like it there we go kind of close off the sides perfect things are looking a little bit nicer around here now which means I think it’s time to head back to

The block for a little bit so yeah I think for now let’s put some of this stuff away and that does include all of you cuz really I just need some end portal frames we’ve got 11 I need one more and I think that would be a nice

Way to put a bow on this video let’s go to the end fight the Ender Dragon and of course Triumph what’s the worst that could happen and this is finally bugging me we’re going to get rid of this water there we go okay so everybody visualize end portal frames because that is what

We’re hoping for oh no oh wao whoa waa well that’s terrifying did it just turn it to night are those things still holy you have got to be kidding me that is look at all of them where’s my sword where’s my bow okay we got to get ready

Wow that is just Madness can I even take out all of those there’s some over here don’t hurt me me no no no no no no you get out of here it’s just flopping around all my dogs and my horse come on can’t hit it there we go that was the

First time I broke the block I just kep an enormous pile of mobs I mean fortunately our lucky Bowl did catch them all for the most part and there were very few up here but look at that it’s Madness down there I can’t I cannot believe how many there are I don’t think

This well you know what this might have happened before it’s just we had to catch them so there was no indication that there would be this many let’s at least make it daytime I don’t think that’s going to help cuz they’re all in water yeah that didn’t help let’s work

On the Guardians cuz those are the ranged ones the water is kind of working against us right now cuz it means they can move very quickly this would take absolutely forever if I tried to get rid of them all this way so what I’m thinking is let’s get the Guardians if

We can then we keep working the block because there’s always the possibility that it just spawns a bunch of TNT and takes care of this problem for us think we got two left probably taking out more mobs than actual Guardians because of all the misses I’m having here last one

Come on there we go and by the way you know what this is about right all those spawning in immediately no that’s a great statue it can’t be because of that oh come on citizen get real Fortuna did not like my statue and I’m sorry I’m

Sorry Fortuna I did the best I could but it wasn’t good enough and I I get that I get it all right we’re relatively safe now let’s put this stuff away again there we go so hopefully now once again we’re hoping for TNT so we can just get

Rid of the the literal mob of mobs down there oh boy hopefully we can get you something you’ll like through the lucky block although I’m realizing if it does drop um End Portals or yeah end portal frames we’re going to have to get rid of all those mobs lucky bow sword all of

The uh weapons that drop we are just arming them so that is good oh those were spawn eggs okay hold on I’ve got an idea we want to clear them out right but we we were just hoping for TNT what if I kind of just made that a certainty so I

Don’t know if it’ll destroy it probably will probably destroy a lot of the stuff we’ve got down there but I think it’s better to just get rid of them so with the amount that are down there now if I were to put this here light it and it

Does nothing that makes perfect sense except start my stuff on fire why did you not light what is going on here any ideas citizen why this isn’t working the TNT is on fire there we go waa uh what are we going to do there we go look at

That and there go all my items right down down the drain okay at least we fixed the problem so we can fill that hole in hopefully that doesn’t happen again and we’ll be able to collect any good items that happen to fall would have been worse if there were end portal

Frames down there but we didn’t get any yet so not a big issue what is an issue I think I’m kind of on the last legs of any food that I have I could cook some potatoes or maybe you’d like to give me some food or obsidian that’s not really

What I need hey there’s a cake thank you lucky block hey ganus you’re back you are blocking the lucky block though so maybe you could step back thank you and we can keep going spawn eggs any villager spawn eggs there is there’s a villager spawn egg this late in the

Video I don’t think we’re going to be able to do much with villagers but we could get some cool stuff we don’t want a Wither a creeper yeah shaer gas nah villager and mushroom though I think the Mr Rainbows are probably getting a little bit lonely over here so that is a

Perfect opportunity let’s just make sure this place is not escapable uh I don’t think a villager would jump over there I think they just walk and then they’d fall down so I think we’re safe let’s check first with the mushroom there we go and we can get a villager look at

That if we get a second one we’ll get you a friend but for now you’ve got your mushroom you got all your Mr rainbows they’re very good company believe me and you should be relatively safe as well in here because I’m going back to break the

Block and you don’t want to be around when that happens okay what else have we got ganus Redstone stuff not overly interested to be honest that is TNT no fell I didn’t mean to do that I’m sorry ganus I’m sure that didn’t feel great oh there he is wow okay well we’re

Alive did not mean to fall but we survived and it didn’t break any well hardly any of the floor I think we lost one there or something but that’s not too bad yeah right there we lost one but one for that amount of TNT acceptable

Hey a hero villager do you have armor by chance you have armor ooh look at all that all right I’m getting diamonds yeah I think with all this I yeah yeah think we’ll be able to Max it out don’t really want any of this stuff we’re about to

Get some very good stuff I didn’t even look at this it’s got multiple protections on it aqua affinity respiration awesome yes please same thing here all the protections Plus Thorns ooh the pants have Swift sneak bunch of protections awesome and uh really the only thing we’re missing is

Feather falling but I’ve got books for that nice thank you thank you thank you you are probably my new favorite villager so we’ll put those away but look at all of that if we get an end portal frame I’m feeling much better about an end fight now ender dragon

Fight but I don’t want to lose these so we are going to keep them in here for now we’re also going to put down our cake cuz I am quite hungry all right so back to it and unfortunately for that guy uh once we buy everything from him

Kind of no use anymore cuz I don’t think you can ever buy anymore again so no need to save them from Hey There we go look at that we got two more sometimes the lucky block gives you exactly what you need I needed better armor it gave

Me better armor needed end portal frames gave me that and with those we’ve got everything we need it probably does make sense to I know I’ve got it somewhere there they are two feather falling books so first I found more spawn eggs let’s throw those in here real quick we have a

Goat an iron golem just to make sure our boy over there is safe and unfortunately a chicken oh no I hope you don’t walk underneath that and fall into the void that’d be terrible but it is looking nicer in there now we got some more friends for our friends and then with

These feather falling something tells me we’re going to have to level ourselves up a little bit cuz we can just get feather falling three in fact let’s take one of these real quick just so we can see I’ll put that there and with the boots if we do want feather falling oh

Wow that’s not as bad as I thought we need four so let’s see if we can get four and there’s still a few of these that’ll do something if I were to put down all of these and break them oh wow these give me more than I thought look

At that I think we’re already good I was prepared for a greater trial than that but lucky us I think we’re all set boots feather falling throw those on here yeah cuz I think think that’s really the only thing I was missing yeah those are going

To look a lot better oh man do we need anything else got the armor the weapons got golden apples enchanted golden apples little bit of food water bucket in case we get yeed up in the air by the Ender Dragon I honestly think we might

Be all set which sword do we want to use they both have sharpness four I think that’s the main one this one looks a bit better the bows unfortunately only have power one and I don’t think I have a power book nope doesn’t look like it I

Mean that’s all right the this one this one has Infinity as long as we have that it doesn’t really matter we just keep firing away the trouble is can I make an end portal successfully and will we get there successfully are we going to have a similar problem that we had with

Another but we can figure that out I think it makes sense to put it in front of the statue to Fortuna oo what do we think are we ready for this guess there’s only one way to find out so I think if we want to build this we want

To stand in the center of where the portal will be so that when we place them they should be all in the correct direction and it should be three on each side and I guess it’s just a quirky thing about these if you were to place them standing on the outside of this

Then it wouldn’t work or something like that but apparently that should that should be all there is to it so if we place all of these now and place the final three that should activate it yes all right that worked we’ll put you away keep all that one last look at the

Inventory got our ways to attack we’ve got extra blocks few water buckets some food arrows I think we’re all set oh wait you’re right soon as I looked at myself I saw it was missing doesn’t matter how many times I will always forget the shield there we go now we’re

All set wish me luck citizen you get it luck cuz you know it’s it’s lucky block we have the goddess of luck here Fortuna that there’s a there’s a theme on luck do do you get it okay I’m sorry citizen well let’s let’s let’s do this okay so

Far so good let’s see assuming we need to head up here this is actually better than starting off in nowhere and having to Bridge Over I prefer this though we do seem to be very deep under the end Island there we go and there she is

Prepare to be slain ooh there I forgot about that there are lucky blocks in the end and I’m a bit too scared to do anything about that ooh Ender Dragon is right above us okay let’s see how many we can take out from here which is

Hopefully most of them why can’t I hit that one okay we are going to move we’re going to get closer oh no why did this turn to Ice come on come on there we go don’t know why that happened but let’s see if we can water bucket all the way

Down not great at this yeah I mean I’m perfect at that I never fail I hate when the iron bars are around them cuz it you kind of have to climb your way up those as far as I’m aware and do that why are you why are you mad at the dragon never

Mind doesn’t concern us whoa oh did you see that citizen was very rude of the Dragon but I didn’t let it phase me there we go wo wo wo wo wo not very happy with us for some reason can’t imagine why can we hit that one from

Here yes we can I think it’s just went up there I think that’s the last one let’s head up here no it turned to ice when I was still using it come on come on this is not good it keeps turning my water into ice and it’s super annoying

Okay I think we got a handle on it uh all of them are now taken out right yep that means it’s your turn no no no not coming down there cuz I have The High Ground where are you okay yeah I get it you can come up here too I know you have

Wings I don’t I get it I get it how’s that feel though how you feeling with that just let’s just keep our distance how about that but not that distant I need to be able to hit you there we go ooh we are scoring some good hits there

We go there we go ooh just a couple more come on we got this we got this yeah Mars exul look at that wow and now we head down for the spoils please don’t let this of course I don’t make it and I haven’t had an opportunity to eat one of

These so let’s celebrate enchanted golden apple yeah Victorious Rome and I do want to collect well no I don’t need to I’ve got tons of these already but I’m going to anyway pretty sure I have had it at one point drop through this portal and I lost it in that world so

Just in case that attempts to happen again it should be safe so now if we do that we’ll be good to collect you put a torch down there break that bloop there we go I’m happy with that that was pretty good Ender Dragon did not stand a chance although curiosity is getting the

Better of me we’ve got these Lucky Blocks here and I want to see if they’re a little bit different in the end or not so maybe we just break one of these and hope for the best oh that’s right I forgot you could silk touch these and

Then potentially add more luck to them but I don’t want to do that so let’s just break this and see what happens why did I expect anything different than that doesn’t matter we’re going to try again I’ve got the golden apple Buffs on me so I’m a little less worried of

Course okay come on let me out there we go okay so we’ll leave that as a decoration let’s try one more anything good that can happen out of these I guess give you a bouncy house everybody take off your shoes what am I doing I don’t have time for that all right well

I call that a victory a victory for Rome no less now the Hope here is when we jump back in here we’re not going to be in a void somewhere we’re actually going to land back on our base but as always there’s only one way to find out hey

Look at that we’re right next to Legion V good job slaying the Ender Dragon Legion V oh thanks I appreciate it and yeah I just went to check we’ve actually got three dragon eggs now so I think we kind of got to flex with that a little

Bit let’s put one on top of each Jack a’ Lantern over here and the last we will offer to Fortuna for our good luck that we had fighting the Ender Dragon we’ll put it right there and that’s for you Fortuna thank you for the luck thank you

For allow allowing us to win in our final battle but with that it’s it looks like it’s time to wrap up looking around we actually got a decent amount done we absolutely saw both halves of the Lucky Block we saw plenty of luck but we also had our misfortunes but that does seem

To be you know the name of the game for this map seeing what you can do with the luck that’s offered you and how long you can go without losing your cool really that’s what I found you just got to kind of enjoy it and expect the unexpected

From that as soon as you start getting angry at it it’s just no longer fun so that’s my thoughts on this just got to expect that terrible things are going to happen but then also enjoy it when you get some good fortune out of it anyway I

Hope you enjoyed the adventure if you did feel free to leave a like on the video that’s always appreciated if you’re not subscribed yet please do we’re always happy to have more in the legion and as always thanks for watching Citizen and we will see you in the next One A

This video, titled ‘I Survived 100 Days in ONE BLOCK LUCKY BLOCK in Minecraft!’, was uploaded by LegionVee on 2024-02-23 19:00:28. It has garnered 80194 views and 1655 likes. The duration of the video is 02:33:57 or 9237 seconds.

#minecraft #100days #luckyblock #minecrafthardcore #moddedminecraft #minecraftmods #minecraftbuilding #minecraftasmr

I Survived 100 Days in ONE BLOCK LUCKY BLOCK in Minecraft! Check it out and let me know what you think in the comments!

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Lucky Block Map:

Complementary Shaders:

Shader settings video I followed for recent settings:

Mods: Trade Cycling: Apple Skin: Falling Tree: Just Enough Items: Elytra Slot:

Timestamps: 00:00 Intro 01:18 Day 1 30:59 Day 11 40:01 Day 21 55:04 Day 31 1:06:54 Day 41 1:19:46 Day 51 1:37:35 Day 61 1:46:56 Day 71 2:02:02 Day 81 2:13:20 Day 91 2:32:20 Day 100

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    Insane Twist in Livestream: Sonic X Shadow ShowdownVideo Information e e e thank you Jeff hi everyone I am so excited to be here at Summer gamefest I’m here with you today to share some even more Super for fun trailers so let’s get straight to okay are we back up I’m so sorry I don’t know what happened my Roblox crash no sorry I just want to turn it back on for a second guys I’m so sorry I don’t know what happened guys can you hear me hear me again it’s working on my computer guys I don’t know what happened I’m so sorry what… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Solar System Build!

    Insane Minecraft Solar System Build!Video Information hello premium this is my channel forite and in this video I’m going to be showing you the planets in Minecraft sizes I’m playing in Minecraft um no not I and yeah this is so much I thought so here’s the sun obviously needed 64 blocks to make four manga KN box to make the sun and the Sun is kind of burning but fire and this is four BLX toe if come his orbit it’s going to get roses going to okay because yeah the on okay you need one iron bar button to make World Korean… Read More

  • Master the Elements in Minecraft! Ultimate Air Bending with HD Shaders

    Master the Elements in Minecraft! Ultimate Air Bending with HD ShadersVideo Information This video, titled ‘HD Air Bending In Minecraft with Factions & Distant Horizons Shaders!’, was uploaded by Water_Wind_ on 2024-06-14 04:43:32. It has garnered 8 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:47 or 107 seconds. Java Or Bedrock! Minecraft Server IP: Discord Invite: Public 24/7 Minecraft Server Sanctum Network: Avatar Anarchy Read More

  • Insane Bionic Creates Real Life Tiny Minecraft Base!

    Insane Bionic Creates Real Life Tiny Minecraft Base!Video Information today my goal is to build the tiniest Minecraft secret base and hide it but not in Minecraft in real life and my friends are going to try and hunt it down to destroy it where’s bro going oh my God I think I see it I think I see it this is the ultimate episode of Base hunt welcome goobers to Minecraft base hunt you guys have 1 hour to find my tiny secret base in this giant 500×500 map and if you guys find it there’s $1,000 inside of this tiny see $1,000 $1,000 you know… Read More

  • Exploring Mystical Void SMP – Mind-Blowing Cinematic!

    Exploring Mystical Void SMP - Mind-Blowing Cinematic!Video Information This video, titled ‘MYSTICAL VOID SMP REVIEW CINEMATIC 🚀 #trendingvideo #viral #gaming’, was uploaded by AEROX__YT on 2024-05-27 13:05:43. It has garnered 223 views and 5 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:00 or 60 seconds. #gaming #trendingvideo #feedshorts #viral #goat #minecraft #hastag #feeds #1millionviews #best #noob #ronaldo #sigmarule #great #new #mcpe #mobilelegends #bedrock #crore #india # I hope you like this video 📸 so that’s it luv u fam Read More

  • Unbelievable Transformation with Melodies of Perseverance

    Unbelievable Transformation with Melodies of PerseveranceVideo Information This video, titled ‘An Inspirational Story about “Melodies of Perseverance” #shorts #motivation #ytshorts’, was uploaded by ABK-Inspirational on 2024-05-17 13:30:14. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. An Inspirational Story about “Melodies of Perseverance” #shorts #motivation #ytshorts. one piece mod minecraft pe demon slayer … Read More

  • INSANE Minecraft Pro HACKS!

    INSANE Minecraft Pro HACKS!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Pro’, was uploaded by PKG on 2024-03-10 07:13:56. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Read More

  • Become the Ultimate Pixelmon Player!

    Become the Ultimate Pixelmon Player!Video Information yo guys what is going on it is Royal here today on something brand new that I have not played in absolutely forever bro I am super excited to start up this series you guys could probably already tell by the title and the thumbnail everything going on it’s a little bit different than what’s normally on the channel right but I have done these series before and I honestly did have a lot of fun doing them but guys today we are on Madia for a brand new Pixelmon series you guys might not have known Madia… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Captain Eats Chickens!

    Insane Minecraft Captain Eats Chickens!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft chiknen face #minecraft #minecraftgameplay #gaming #minecraftlovers #craft #livestream’, was uploaded by Mine Captain on 2024-01-10 04:53:58. It has garnered 2727 views and 54 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:09 or 9 seconds. #minecraft #dreamnotfound #mcyt #minecraftmemes #minecraftfunny #minecrafter #fyp #gaming #mcpe #minecraftserver #foryou #charliecustardbuilds #peashock #tiktokplaysminecraft #live #movetothebeatofbai #minecraftbuilding #minecrafthouse #minecrafttutorial #stopmotion #minecrafts #nostalgia#memez #meme #dailymemes #funnymeme #freshmemes #memelord #spicymemes #funnymemes #minecraftcursedimageshappy #minecraftbuilder #minecraftisawesome #minecraftdesigns #minecrafttipsandtricks #minecraftshaders #minecraftmob #minecraftanimation #minecraftskin #minecraftcursed #minecart #minecraftparty #minecraftsurvival #minecraftbuildhacks Read More

  • Project Nebula SMP Java 1.20.4 Age 18+ Whitelist LGBTQ+ Hermitcraft-like Friendly Community 5+ Years!

    Project Nebula ✨ Project Nebula ✨ About Us & Values Project Nebula is a community-focused SMP server started by Colinator007 and RavingPlatypi, now run by RavingPlatypi and Cowmilk. Our goal is to create a welcoming and diverse community of players. Whether you enjoy redstone engineering, building, or just hanging out, you’ll find a place with us. Our Values: Diverse & welcoming: All playstyles are welcome, from technical builds to community-focused play. Community-driven & transparent: We value community feedback and transparency in our decisions. Mutual trust & respect: Our community is respectful and drama-free. Commitment to Vanilla experience: We maintain a… Read More


    How to connect and play on this server? You must have the game version 1.20 installed. How to check? At startup, the game version will be displayed on the right, at the bottom. If it is a different version, you should change the current profile (left, bottom) and select version 1.20 Click the PLAY button, wait for the Minecraft game to load. Choose: Multiplayer Click the button “Direct connect”, or if you want to keep the server in its list, press the button “Add server” In the field “Server address” write: (GL HF) Read More

  • WyrdCraft | Witchery+

    WyrdCraft | Witchery+Welcome to WyrdCraft!This is a modded server on version 1.7.10 mainly focused on the Witchery mod with a few other additions. We are a casual community and have very few rules. The server is very new and still needs work to be a final product but we are officially playable. Modlist:Aether BiblioCraft BiomesOPlenty BloodMagic BloodMoon Botania EtFuturumRequiem IronBackpacks IronChests Netherlicious OpenBlocks PamsHarvest ThaumCraft TwilightForest WildCaves WitcheryServer IP: play.wyrdcraft.netDiscord: discord.wyrdcraft.netModpack: Read More

  • “From toddler tantrums to boomer brain farts” #minecraft #lol

    "From toddler tantrums to boomer brain farts" #minecraft #lol At age 5: “Mom, can you help me avoid this trap in Minecraft?” At age 15: “I’ll just watch a YouTube tutorial on trap avoidance.” At age 25: “I’ve been playing Minecraft for years, I can sense a trap from a mile away.” At age 35: “I’ve mastered the art of trap avoidance in Minecraft, it’s like second nature to me now.” At age 45: “I’ve avoided so many traps in Minecraft, I should put it on my resume as a skill.” Read More

  • Discover the Ultimate Gaming Experience on Minewind Server!

    Discover the Ultimate Gaming Experience on Minewind Server! Are you looking to increase the impression of your gaming channel on YouTube? Want to learn the secret tips to boost your subscribers and grow your audience? Look no further! While the video you just watched may not be about Minewind Minecraft Server, it does offer valuable insights into increasing your channel’s visibility and engagement. But why stop there? Imagine taking your gaming experience to the next level by joining a vibrant and exciting Minecraft community. Enter Minewind Minecraft Server, where adventure awaits at every turn. With a dedicated player base and endless possibilities for exploration and creativity, Minewind… Read More

  • Minecraft 1.21 Trailer Exposed

    Minecraft 1.21 Trailer Exposed Minecraft 1.21 Trailer vs Reality Introduction In the world of Minecraft, trailers often showcase exciting new features and updates that players can look forward to. However, sometimes these trailers can deviate from the actual gameplay experience, leading to interesting comparisons between the trailer and reality. Misleading Visuals One of the common discrepancies between Minecraft trailers and reality is the portrayal of certain game elements. For example, in the 1.21 update trailer, Mojang mistakenly depicted chests opening with the lock remaining at the bottom, unlike the actual in-game animation where the lock lifts up. Similarly, arrows in the trailer appear… Read More

  • Warning: Insane Results from Excessive Modding!

    Warning: Insane Results from Excessive Modding!Video Information give me all your bro what the is a sord going to do what are you scared now you’re asking for it wait no no no no someone please help my cupcake don’t worry citizen I’m here Iron Man yes it is I the amazing Iron Man God damn it I need like a fireman or something I can’t believe it a fully rebuilt World Trade Center in Minecraft I never thought I’d see the day that that would be oh my God who could be knocking at 3:00 a.m. in the morning hey I’m Sonic the Hedgehog… Read More

  • Creepiest Minecraft Seeds Tested!

    Creepiest Minecraft Seeds Tested!Video Information seed is crazy imagine a Pillager Outpost stacked on top of a mansion stacked on top of an ocean Monument stacked on top of an End Portal oh my gosh bro this whole seat is crazy okay these sand blocks I got of place I’m breaking these oh I found bur treasure oh zombie head okay I’m going just take all the essential stuff my zombie head steak and Cobblestone I guess wait my zombie head what the heck Hello did I miss something okay that’s weird um I’m just going to act like that didn’t happen I’m… Read More

  • Intense Water Drinker – Pick Your Language!

    Intense Water Drinker - Pick Your Language!Video Information This video, titled ‘English or Spanish’, was uploaded by waterdrinker on 2024-06-14 15:00:09. It has garnered 10428 views and 598 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:17 or 17 seconds. whoever moves first is gay #viral #minecraft #shorts ♡ waterdrinker03 tags: minecraft, minecraft hunger games, minecraft survival island, minecraft mods, minecraft song, minecraft style, minecraft xbox 360, minecraft parody, minecraft herobrine, minecraft songs, minecraft, gangnam style, minecraft, minecraft trolling, lets play minecraft, tnt minecraft parody, minecraft mod, minecraft survival, minecraft griefing, minecraft animation, herobrine, minecraft creations, minecraft multiplayer, minecraft gameplay, minecraft traps, youtube, minecraft gangnam style, herobrine… Read More

  • Prepare to have your mind blown with insane Cube Craft Parkour gameplay!

    Prepare to have your mind blown with insane Cube Craft Parkour gameplay!Video Information This video, titled ‘Cube Craft Parkour, MultiCraft, Craft World 3D, Minecraft, Terraria, Lokicraft, Planet Craft, Planet’, was uploaded by ChooChoo Gameplay on 2024-06-17 07:00:05. It has garnered 719 views and 12 likes. The duration of the video is 01:24:12 or 5052 seconds. #ChooChooGameplay #Craft #minecraft Read More

  • “INSANE double TNT run! Must watch!!” #minecraft #gaming

    "INSANE double TNT run! Must watch!!" #minecraft #gamingVideo Information what H [Music] okay This video, titled ‘minecraft double TNT run #minecraft #gaming #technogamerz #gamerfleet #viralshort #stisfyingvideo’, was uploaded by shivay_gaming on 2024-03-25 15:54:12. It has garnered 12820 views and 373 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:20 or 20 seconds. minecraft TNT run minecraft double TNT run minecraft game minecraft no mod Minecraft op free fire bgmi call of duty craftsman 5 gaming not real game minecraft,minecraft tnt run,tnt run minecraft,tnt run,minecraft tnt,run,minecraft survival,funny minecraft,minecraft tnt run plugins,minecraft rtx,minecraft but,minecraft mods,minecraft memes,minecraft hypixel,minecraft lets play,minecraft mini games,minecraft multiplayer,mindcraft,minecraft tnt experiment,minecraft tnt run!,minecraft funny,minecraft mundo,minecraft nl,minecraft pc,tnt… Read More

  • Discover mind-bending secrets in Universe Land: The Beneath

    Discover mind-bending secrets in Universe Land: The BeneathVideo Information and already people are breaking out of bounds too oh really well I’ll meet you in a in game because I just started streaming all righty see you in a sec well well well well well what do we have here [Music] man I really hope my mic is picking up this stuff because if not that it’s going to be uh dumb that is going to be really dumb man I guess it is because I just checked and I heard myself that’s crazy what other Discord server ah yes the beneath one because I’m Bene thing… Read More

  • “Shocking Villager IQ Experiment in Minecraft!” #clickbait

    "Shocking Villager IQ Experiment in Minecraft!" #clickbaitVideo Information This video, titled ‘Testing villagers IQ in Minecraft #gaming #minecraft @pixelyt05 @tashugaming057’, was uploaded by Tashu Gaming on 2024-02-17 06:28:56. It has garnered 2485 views and 42 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:40 or 40 seconds. Read More

  • “AZEN: The Ultimate TikTok Hack Exposed!😱” #clickbait

    "AZEN: The Ultimate TikTok Hack Exposed!😱" #clickbaitVideo Information सो गाइ आज मैं आपको एक ऐसा खतरनाक [संगीत] हां तो यार इसी बात पे अनेन चैनल को सब्सक्राइब कर देना क्योंकि ये चैनल अच्छा है This video, titled ‘THE MOST USELESS AND POPULAR TIKTOK HACK💀😂#azen #minecraft #shorts’, was uploaded by AZEN on 2024-05-04 16:29:04. It has garnered 419 views and 18 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:35 or 35 seconds. AZEN,AZEN,Azen,minecraft shorts,minecraft,shorts,minecraft short,minecraft short video,minecraft but,minecraft memes,minecraft tiktok,minecraft mod,short,youtube shorts,minecraft speedrun,minecraft #shorts,twi shorts,minecraft challenge,funny minecraft memes,minecraft but challenge,minecraft manhunt,beating minecraft,minecraft speedrunner,camman18 minecraft,minecraft 1.17,minecraft funny,camman18 shorts,minecraft seed,minecraft animation MINECRAFT FURNITURE MOD 🤯 REAL GAMING SET UP… Read More

  • INSANE MINECRAFT CAVE REACTION!! #shorts #minecraft

    INSANE MINECRAFT CAVE REACTION!! #shorts #minecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘When We Are Entering in cave For First Time #shorts #minecraft’, was uploaded by MINECRAFT_OX on 2024-03-26 00:00:26. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. minecraft shorts minecraft animation Steve and alex 12345678910 minecraft minecraft wave mod cameraman bebek kwek kwek … Read More

  • WineSide – – • Egyedi és stabil szerver! • Sok karbantartáson, áruláson esett át a szerver, de még nem adtuk fel! Csatlakozni az 1.18.2-es verzión tudsz. A szerveren FullPvP, MurderMystery és SkyBlock játékmódok érhetőek el. Read More

  • Stack of Grass – Modded – Australia – Survival – Whitelist – Towny – City Reward System

    Welcome to Stack of Grass Season 2! In version 1.20.1, Stack of Grass is a small server hosted in Australia, focusing on socializing and world-building. What makes us different? Player Base: Whitelisted server for mature players 18+. Ideal for a calm and chill community. The Gameplay: Offering a “Vanilla+++” feel with mods like Ars Nouveau, The Graveyard, Chipped, and more. The Commands: Access to useful teleporting commands like /home and Waystones. In-Game Social: Proximity voice chat for easy communication and emphasis on community and town building. The Server Life: Admin-run scripted Dungeons, events, and treasure hunts for players to enjoy…. Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Spice Up Your Game: The Came Game Hoodie

    Minecraft Memes - Spice Up Your Game: The Came Game Hoodie“Ahh yes, the perfect attire for when you want to flex your gaming skills while also staying cozy. Bonus points if you can actually spell ‘Game’ correctly!” Read More

  • “Only the Elite Know MrBeast’s Hot Portal” #minecraft #meme

    "Only the Elite Know MrBeast's Hot Portal" #minecraft #meme Only the chosen few have access to the mystical MrBeast portal in Minecraft. It’s like finding the golden ticket in Willy Wonka’s chocolate factory, but with more diamonds and creepers. Read More