Surviving 100 Days on a RAFT in Hardcore Minecraft – INSANE!!

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This is a WFT boys not a lot a tiny free by- free platform in the middle of an ocean infested with sharks Pirates and whatever this is and that’s me trapped on this rap for the next 100 days in Hardcore Minecraft I’m sure things will

Go great if you go on to enjoy the video then please consider giving it a like and if you enjoy content like this then why not subscribe all right then let’s do this so let’s begin day one by finding some freebies in the water which

Is a nice St and then of course because I had the fishing rod I started fishing to get this right I got an advancement for fishing and then I got an advancement for fishing nice there is a drown spawner over there so I decided to

Quickly go and check it out if I can find the chest that is I bet it’s in a really obvious spot I just can’t find it yep there it is now because of the modern world that I am in some stuff will actually spawn in the water around

Which could be quite useful the most useful thing at the moment would definitely be the leaves because when you break the leaves there is a chance that a supping will drop which in this case they did also there’s some scary boy fish over there I I ain’t going over

There and as the night hit I began fishing yet again where I saw it a single Barrel which I thought was a little bit odd until I realized that when you put a barrel down and open it in this particular M p/ map barrels contain plenty of goodies and these

Goodies right here will help me survive 100 days quite easily isn’t that nice using the dirt that I got from the barrel I started making myself a little bit of a dir platform and now the hope is to collect myself a little bit more wood so I can make myself a crafting

Table I was able to do that but that’s about it at this point day two and that’s a shark so um yeah I’m not going that way also there’s a second Barrel that has even more goodness in it that’s fantastic I just want to take a quick

Moment to point out the fact that some of you may notice that my tools gear and stuff is basically the old textures of Minecraft now this world is actually poting 1.6 and I tricked myself into thinking that that’s what the textures were like in Windows 16 however it turns

Out that they accidentally turned on the programmers art at some point when I was setting up this world now I don’t personally mind it what I do mind however is turning all of my wood into torches which means I now can’t make a hoe rooky mistake well fixable also I

Finally got my first tree which was nice and that wood I of course made into tools and I obviously expanded the platform too I mean of of course wait what do you mean I didn’t do that what do you mean I made a tunnel down to the

Ground under well that seems a bit of a waste don’t you think I also learned that I can make myself a sailboat so that’ll be fun if I ever remember to do it wellet I don’t guess whil as I’m waiting for more trees to grow I will go

Back to fishing haven’t got a clue what those things are over there but let’s be honest we are not finding out anytime soon you know what they say on day three a barrel a day is a okay okay beetroot well let’s finish the shoot the floor make ourselves a furnace and I can

Actually make myself some good snacks over here still in incredibly short on wood but we’re getting there yes La dinner that means um you know dinner nailed it well it is time to go back into the mine I took myself a staircase to nowhere in particular until my

Pickaxe broke I did get myself some Co beforehand though which was quite nice and as I got up there was luckily one string over here which means I now have nine which means I can now make myself a bed and sleep away for the first time

Day four wake up chop cook up collect freaking droing bars out here my goodness also I learn that you can’t get rid of this fishing rod so that’s kind of lame I went back into the caves getting myself a little bit of iron before I got myself to bedrock which at

First I was very confused about but then I remembered again I’m in 1.6 and then add the new caves into 1.18 and then I became a Survivor I did it guys I won the million for surviving 5 days but this is this is day four so after

Getting myself a little bit more I I found myself a lava Ravine and this place looks scary so you know what I’m going to do I’m going to stop quickly cook myself up some iron so I got into the Ravine on day 5 and this place was

Full of both ores and mobs I was Finding plenty of stuff in here to mine and collect I did get jump scared by a zombie twice I only cleaned out about half of the Ravine at this point and I’m already sat on 35 iron so it was a good

Day for mining if I do say so myself I had no diamonds by day six but I had plenty of time to figure that out I’m going to cook myself up even more iron and make myself even more armor also going to grab me a lava bucket could be

Useful later also getting the advancement for hot stuff and then getting the advancement for cool stuff back to back is accidentally and kind of funny but look at meig go Tony Stark would be jealous with all this iron I did check out the Ravine one more time

To see if I could find any more diamonds but Sly there wasn’t any in here I even checked out these side caves attached to the Ravine but honestly it was just more iron just what I needed it’s it’s a me Mario God I’m back on the raft on day

Seven it’s a good time to harvest some plants and chop some trees I’m going to use this wood from the spruce to make a much bigger platform and with this much bigger platform I have the power to uh I don’t know walk around I guess also look

At that it’s jellyfish how cute ouch jerk now with one platform extended let’s focus on the other one I found myself a pocket of dirt and just dark that’s a lot that’s a lot of dirt a lot of dirt day it came and is this enough dirt to make myself an advancement well

The game think so sadly for me I made it way too big I had to do a little bit of a micromanaging and making the island a bit more Island shape and hey it looks good to me it took all day and admittedly it ain’t much but honestly

It’s a nice start to this world who knows how big we can make it Day N and even with another tree I still still can’t finish this platform it’s sad times I know well I decided to explore the ocean around to see if there’s any goodies for me to claim and well that

There was just nothing good sadly three or four sunken ships which did give me some extra stuff but it’s already stuff that I had and what I assumed is meant to be a treasure map just turned out to be a blank map so sadly this day I

Didn’t find anything good day 10 and well you never thought you’d see the day Haven hand is doing storage management hell really has frozen over well I guess I better bone meal some trees fre not come on now well it’s back to the cave to see about those diamonds found myself

Some mobs boy was there are a lot of them got this creeper my goodness now that would have been sad I got a little desperate by day 11 and started checking out water caves gross I know but I did actually end up finding myself in my shelf which was quite nice the problem

Is I do got to be a little bit careful now I only do have one fish and any damage will cause my food to start depleting and lava that’s lava well that was good hey I least got myself some diamonds really it really then the worst possible situation I got the kids call

It lost I guess that’s what anybody would call it what move on I got back starving Away by day 12 or night 12 day 13 and we have no food let’s be honest I need to s that as soon as possible so I start expending the far maronas but with

Only this rotten flesh I definitely need to get myself a better food source for right now and so I’m going back to vision and apparently I was having a really really good time don’t ask me why I just was I wonder what the chances are I getting two lily pads in a round

They’re probably not great but still that’s kind of cool the hall wasn’t massive by day 14 but it’ll get me through the next couple of days that’s all I can ask for annoyingly the only tree not to have grown is the Spruce which is the one that I need which is

Just rude can I say well I guess I’ll move the saplings a bit maybe that oh all right then couldn’t stop them from growing now my goodness so it was a good day for trees I guess I was able to complete the platform day 59 and once

Again asking for your vote sorry that’s the that’s the wrong speech diamond diamond is what I want and resorted to strip mine so you know things were going well you never know it could be one of those clips where you mine like five blocks and then instantly find diamonds

Just give it a second come on now all right no that was worth try I strip Min until day 16 and to be fair the strip mine had plenty of Iron Coal Redstone but sadly no Diamonds though I was eventually able to find myself again which apparently was the location of

This year’s Royal Rumble oh my goodness why are they everywhere oh I did try to kill this witch but I guess her people needed her I mean it’s fair enough I guess I decided to stop quickly and cook the iron then I did did have on day 17

Made myself a couple of spare tools and then I ran out of cave so I guess we are going back to strip mining and then on day 18 I got myself a cave I I think I’m not really sure what day it is at this

Point but hey let’s move on oh hey M sha isn’t that neat there was lots of cave spiders in here like a lot of them I only got poisoned a little bit it was no problem really and on day 19 well this is where I would normally show the clip

Of me finding diamonds if I had any yeah this wasn’t good it in fact it honestly sucked nothing but coal and iron as far as the eye can seees at least I got myself some melon seeds nice anyway there goes my last fish so uh yeah by

The time I was back home it was day 21 I quickly grew myself some melons nice other than that it was a little bit of farming before the Sleepy times so on day 22 to be honest with you I did take a bit of an extended break with Team day

21 and day 22 so I was a little lost here on what exactly I was doing basically I was just catching up what I was doing on this day I didn’t actually do that much I mean look at me putting the IR away o Nifty I did stare at a

Shark a little bit that was fun I guess but on day 23 I got back to work and now I’m going to work on a house now it probably won’t be great since it’s going to be mainly just Spruce and Cobble which as far as I can tell don’t really

Go well together but I’m still going to build it I’ll also put some glass in you know glass glass is always welcome on a build and on day 24 the roof was being worked on I actually tried to do something here having a mix of Cobble stairs and Underside stairs and honestly

I was quite hopeful that it would look pretty good and here is the finished product on day 25 it’s midly not amazing but honestly as a start I don’t mind it better Builders will mind it like but hey we move on now to slowly and painfully take all these barrels move

Them inside and store all the stuff inside I obviously want to make sure they’re all kept clean because I don’t want to have randomly filled barrels there probably 100% better way to do this I just don’t know what it is you know what this place is this place itd

Be a home I went right back into the caves on Day 26 not for diamonds no no I wanted gravel in case you don’t know you can turn two gravel and two dirt into four Co dirt which means you can basically duplicate your dirt I guess I

Could just m this dirt instead that works too the diamonds really I searched all those caves and they were right bloody there all right cool it was only two but it was a good start I guess I did return back to that lava Ravine to get myself a little bit more dirt a

Little bit more gravel but once my tools began to break I knew it was time to head back home day 27 and I think with all of this dirt I surely will have enough dirt to complete this platform now of course now why did I even suggest

It and here is the platform fully filled on day 29 why did it take a minute and now for the fun part yeah we we keep it real on the Haven on channel I’ll tell you that much and on day 30 just when you think the

Fun is done it is time to jump hello boy jump we did we were putting Mario Jumpman Mario to shame and now I need to set myself up some proper farms and the place to start when you’re setting up some Farms is of course to chop down a

Bunch of trees even the big one boy on day 31 and don’t ask me why I made a diamond sword don’t move if I do say so myself but hey here we are anyway it is time for me to set up the Farms I did actually have an idea to set up a

Redstone system that would clear out the water if I ever wanted to use it that would basically allow water to come and take out all the crops in one go which is an idea that I’ve had for a while and I always thought it would be cool and so

The idea was hatched unfortunately 30 seconds later the idea was ruined because the idea that I had required sticky pistons and yeah I didn’t have any slimes was a bit of a fth nevertheless we still got the Farms done at least that’s what I thought because

On day 32 guess who doesn’t have enough space to finish the Farms this guy so after get myself a little bit of food I went underground again look at for dirt I nearly died twice yeah I came back on day 33 and would you look at that I can

Actually make the farm isn’t that pretty nice don’t have enough carrots like but I do have bones and bones make bone meal and bone meal means I can make more carrots still don’t have enough but hey we are getting there also appears to be two barrels in the water and these two

Barrels together actually had four obsidian in which would have been the perfect amount of obsidian to make an enchant table with if only I had two diamonds SP God is there a lot of egg on my face I Was preparing for a big adventure on day 34 my lack of diamonds

Was really getting to me so I’m going to the cave for a very long time I just need to get myself plenty of food I just need to pass some time with some crops so I’m going to go ahead and make myself a dock because why why not still trying

To kill some time on day 35 and so I set up this little area here that’s supposed to be an area for I never have a portal it looks really basic but then why not sadly for me it is now yet again just a waiting game so uh yeah by the time day

37 rolled around I had 40 Tes to my name why I didn’t put them into multiple furnaces I don’t really know all right then let’s do this I’m going to start strip mining away and start looking for some diamonds again o go and then on day

38 well hell had frozen over pigs began to fly because your boy had found himself some diamonds Four Diamonds in total which is enough for me to make an enchanting table unfortunately I actually wanted one more so I could make a pickaxe to get myself some obsidian

For a never portal so I’m going to have to keep on caving and after searching some more water caves I found n let’s be honest abigan head you back where well hello there finally my God finally also a slime was here it could be useful in

The future day 39 just before I headed up I Min myself 10 obsidian I got back made myself the portal and the table and got all of my gear Enchanted and it was on day 40 whereby it went into the ne and this Spa so I also noticed that the

Gold nuggets were a different texture and then I finally took 40 days when I finally figured out that I had the old textures on God egg got my face am I right boys I did end up making the call that even though the old ones kind of

Look a bit na in the never nowadays I think it makes more sense for me to keep it on because for the first 40 days I’ve had the old texture so I’m just going to keep it that way after digging around for a little bit I was able to find

Myself some open NE which was Crimson not too bad all things considered but with my basic iron armor I wasn’t fully confident to go to the never at this point just before I end the day though for the record if I have one more Arrow face for another mop I’m calling mang

Right up and I’m going to tell the mop don’t test me mang I have your number after another short break between 40 and 41 you know what the first thing I did was go back into the ne it turns out that my idea of not wanting to go into

The Nether because of my iron armor was just a lie so here I am back again not too far away I found myself a Bastion o n now I just need to be careful though I only have IR armor one wrong stab maybe one brute and everything could go wrong

That being said I we can all agree that bashings are pretty easy off things consider so I think the best thing could be to do is to hit a pigman and make it an infinite amount harder and run that’s nice after a lot of running around

Getting me to day 44 I was able to find myself a never Fortress it’s about time for the record did stick around to get myself some never WS I of course grabbed some blaze rods too but as I returned home on the night of 46 well time for

Sleep day 47 it’s really nice to have a never chest or a NE Barrel should I say I mean there’s not really much in there but the fact that I actually need a barrel just for NE stuff is pretty cool well I think I should head out yet again

This time I’m much going to re explore the oceans because I haven’t really done that that much and I want to see what’s around me and not even 500 blocks away there was a ship why is it so loud so it was a lot of faffing trying to get

Safely in but it was honestly fine until well the captain showed up long story short I had a lot of troubles fighting him I ran out of arrows and let’s just say that this was straight up a f you know what I’m just going to go back into

The ship get myself some more good is very good I know I don’t know what this is it leg just silver I’m sure I can figure out something to do with that at some point now why I drank the ROM not ROM ROM I have no idea also they had a

Bed in there was able to skip the night day 48 and I found myself gone I mean d mind if we do now we’re talking also turns out there’s quite a few ships around me so it could be fun to explore those in the near future and thanks to

The power of guns I was able to kill the captain himself and he dropped quite a few good things including a totem for the record the old totem texture God this looks awful I want like to point out there was even more ships in this direction as well there Al a tiny Island

And the reason I like this tiny Island so much is because not only did it have grass on it but it also had a new tree on it which is quite nice I’m able to get myself some wheat seeds and if I can get myself silk touch then well I’ll be

Able to get myself some grass which is fantastic I also want to point out that if I was a betting man in this kind of piratey Island World then there should be a treasure chest right here and well look at that my a is pretty po though so

I’m going to have to head back as I was sorting stuff away on day 49 I remembered one of the books and goodies that I got from the pirate ship was a silk touch book so uh yeah I can get myself that grass also the diamonds that

I obtained made myself a couple of tools made myself a bit of armor pretty good who said I had a diamond problem not me apparently the solution was just to raid pirate ships I the arity is brilliant I made myself a second diamond pickaxe and

Put silk touch onto that one day 15 and I went back to searching the main thing to note is that one of the things I’m getting loot wise is paper and since I don’t have sugarcan or any way to get paid but this is actually a really good

Solution for me I also returned back to the little island silk some grass up but also grab the extra bit of dirt cuz you know it doesn’t hurt to have it and then I went back to ship searching day 51 it turns out the ships also had ender

Pearls in them which means I don’t have to return to never look for w forest and get end that way which is pretty good also the skeletons holding TNT yeah I really don’t want to mess with that for obvious reasons but then I saw it a

Little sand dun in the middle of the water and it just so happen to have a little bit of sugarcane on it get guys game game changer guys it’s a game changer being able to grow this and being able to get myself enough box for

A level 30 enchant is I did I say it was a game changer I think it was a game changer I did search one more ship with a little more boom this time before heading back to my main base here we are on day 53 sure why not I’m going to get

The grass down around the area to hopefully grow all the grass that I need I also used the extra dir that I had to expand the platform just a little bit more got myself some carrots and it’s not like I need food or anything no

Problem and then I plan to head out yet again cuz I’m going to see about getting myself a stronghold day 54 and um yeah it turns out the eyes aren’t going anywhere there so I was wondering that there might not be a stronghold in this

World best way for me to check was I made myself a duplicate world not in hardcore it turned on a little bit of cheat don’t tell my wife and they tried to locate a stronghold and yeah no so I guess there is no stronghold in this

World thank God I made these 10 Eyes of Ender I’m sure I’ll find a use for these guys anyway it was back to book creation I had the equivalent of about 13 books and you need 45 for a full enchanter so I had about 32 to go I was thinking of

Ways to get round it there was no real simple way that came to mind these five sugar canes will have to grow and they’ll have to grow fast if not my dream of looting is H well it’s not going to happen and whilst I am waiting

On day 55 I guess I can go back into the cage see if I can get myself some diamonds did get creeper jump scar this day that was fun caving was admittedly a bit slow on day 56 there’s not really much to find this Ravine had nothing in

It at least I found myself a Bedrock level M shaft remember when these were all in the game God they were fantastic also hey two D up here is that nice and on day 57 I found myself even more diamonds however like a fool I didn’t

Silk touch him this time the plan was to silk touch them and hopefully get myself some Fortune later but I guess not I got back on the night to 58 it was sleeping times and so good news on j59 whilst I was gone all of my stuff grew which

Means I was able to expand these 15 sugarcan into their own growable things hopefully it won’t take too long for these guys grow now I Hing the next couple of days I’ll have a level 13 chance set up it’s hoping at least and there it is Boys the full diamond armor

Bye-bye iron Helmer you loser now as I’ve mentioned plenty of times before I have sorted out my food situation perfectly fine but I still want to fill out the carrot farm so you know I’m going to I also do have wheat seeds so I

Why not go ahead and set up a wheat farm because you never know I might need them at some point I would do that at least but I don’t have any dirt I do have slabs so I can at least make the out R

Of the farm and if I go and get more dirt then I can fill that in and who knows maybe that could be useful in the future do once I got the dirt on day 60 I began to fill out the thing when I realized that this Farm wasn’t in line

To the other farm and I’m going to have to fix it AR my goodness it’s not the fact that I make mistakes I’m perfectly fine making mistakes it’s the fact that I have to includ the mistakes in my YouTube videos which just proves that I’m the biggest fool of 2024 and it’s

Only February long story short I fixed it I got the dirt and I began adding even more dirt to the outside where I ran out again of course I did and on day 61 it to be done just enough time for me to get theat season as well so that’s

Nice on day 62 and the sugar G had grew quite a bit I was about halfway done at this point which was a nice start so why don’t we focus on the leather for a little bit it was back into The Nether and because there was a Crimson Forest

Right there I can inst go and start killing a bunch of hoglands and here I am on day 63 getting myself 20 pieces of leather which I think is enough so I guess we can go home and check but uh I have no idea how I did this like

Straight up I don’t know why my brain for 20 was enough I 23 pieces of Lea Shaw I I I don’t know why 20 would be enough well I think on day 64 I can take myself a little bit of a break and start going exploring again maybe I can get

Myself some more bats that can have like books or stuff into it that big boy boat looks pretty good let’s check that one out and this boat was awesome only did it have one but two enchanted golden apples which was fantastic it also had a chest full of Le which was fantastic

Really was a good day for me I also got into the ship and fought every pirate under the uh the ship and sure why not I also got this whatever this was I don’t know what it is but all I’m saying is that I want it d65 also it turns out

That this boat had the exact same free box as the original boat that I got the silk touch from I guess they just like set spawns but when I got back home I counted that I had 36 books in total worth levelwise so I only need nine more

Lever to get D so that ain’t bad really also the cannon yeah didn’t do anything I don’t know why I guess I just don’t have the proper ammo what whichever that is as I on day 66 cuz it’s only 9 lever I may as well quickly pop back into

Never and finish it off it literally only took today to do it I also got o shiny somehow not really sure and on day 67 with a little bit of grindstone and I had all the book SL lever I needed I just need the sugar cane to grow a

Little bit all right well uh I guess we’re going to be waiting for a while here so uh yeah let’s wait and it was about 30 minutes later so day 1 and I had my level 30 enchanter set up I made myself a new diamond sword in the hope

To get loading and nope nope nope all right one more baby come on day 71 and I was able to scrape myself some extra levels together honestly not a bad sword especially with the ludin so it was time to go into The Nether so I’m going to

See if by getting myself some wither skulls I we go back to the fortress on Day 72 and let me just say that this was a f it took so much longer than a 40 W in fact it took a grand total of 8 Days getting myself three wither schulls with

The third Wither sko on about day at was not a fun experience but the point is we got the free wither SPS I got back home on day 81 and into the barrel you go now again I really don’t need food at all but I just wanted to fill out the farm

So I’m going to also there’s 44 pork chops in here pretty good well if I am going to fight myself a Wither I need to get myself a good bow and so on day 82 I went enchanting flame huh flame huh all right nice and then on day 83 I got to

Work on a platform to put the beacon on made it an out a couple which of course that was one/ sure look at two spare in the barrel over here now over the last 83 days I have actually collected a decent amount of iron I was about

Halfway there living on a Pray by the time I made this all into blocks I also had a little bit of gold to use as well no one needs to know that I put a couple of extra gold blocks in the center can be our little secret I know still about

100 block short though but we are almost there which is the most important thing now if I’m wanting to go and mine a bunch of it I’m going to get myself some levels so back into de to M some quads and it was about day 84 where I got

Myself 36 levels let’s head home right day 85 it is time to enchant the pickaxe okay nope okay nope okay apparently third time is the charm every time I do an inan so that’s that’s good to know also the fortune I thought would be quite nice to M iron unfortunately I

Forgot that you know raw iron is uh is something that wasn’t added for a while so uh yeah Oopsy Daisy 900 pieces of Vine are going to have to be mined manually and then taking 9 days or so up until Day 94 for me to get all the iron

Ided right then let’s head home and then on day 95 I made all the furnaces to be able to cook it all the way now again it’s just a waiting game all right wither killing game so let’s go ahead and do this but then on day 96

Unfortunately for me I am going to have to fight this Wither in a cave cuz there’s nowhere on the surface for me to do it safe just a quick note for you and myself in the future if you’re ever going to fight a Wither in a cave make

Sure you clear out the cave first of mobs because these mobs suck they they ruin my day they they forced me an U raffle it was it was the worst I mean in the end I was able to get it but still it was so much of a fast also while I

Was typing up my notes for the day this creeper tried to bomb it which that was that was really rude if I do say so myself that being said the obsidian was mine the beacon was made the gold was actually in the wrong spot so I had to

Slightly move that over but that’s not the point and of course the wer Rose was planted for sure up and then on day 97 yeah what else am I going to do and on day 99 I was able to make all the blocks I filled in the beacon and weirdly

Enough it was definitely it was 100% a tier 2 Beacon as you can tell by the effects and everything but for what reason or over I just didn’t get the advancements of doing it so yeah I guess I’m not going to get those ones the

Point is I done it I me a full Beacon and survive to day 100 well after this sleep it is thank you all for watching I’ll see you next time

This video, titled ‘I Survived 100 Days on a RAFT in Hardcore Minecraft. Here’s what happened.’, was uploaded by Havenhand on 2024-03-06 20:00:16. It has garnered 10224 views and 713 likes. The duration of the video is 00:24:33 or 1473 seconds.

I spent 100 Days in Hardcore Minecraft in a Ocean only world. Apart from one tiny raft this entire world is just water so I’ll have to find ways to get food, wood the usually stuff you need to survive in Hardcore Minecraft.

My links – ‣ Discord:​ ‣ Twitter – ‣ Twitch –​

Credit to Luke TheNotable for creating the concept of 100 days in Minecraft, you can find his channel here:…​

I Survived 100 Days in Hardcore Minecraft and here is what happened. Not Modded Minecraft. No Mods. Not Speedrunner Vs Hunter, More like Survivalist Vs Hunter but to the extreme. Skyblock, One Block, UHC/Ultrahardcore none of these. Just Hardcore Minecraft. 1.21 Minecraft Survival island. 1.20 Minecraft Survival island. #100Days​​ #hardcore #minecraft

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    Hunt for Laughs: 2024 Minecraft Game Welcome to the Post-Apocalyptic World of Huntercraft Step into a world teeming with monsters and mutants in Huntercraft, an offline survival game for Android devices. As a hunter, your mission is to navigate through the dangers of this open-world environment, filled with opportunities and threats. Game Features With a plethora of activities to engage in, Huntercraft offers players the chance to fight enemies, save survivors, complete quests, and develop their skills. Explore cubic locations and immerse yourself in the various game modes, such as taking on the challenge of killing 100 zombies within a time limit or rescuing survivors… Read More

  • Portal Puzzles: Cube Xuan’s Mysterious Minecraft Adventure

    Portal Puzzles: Cube Xuan's Mysterious Minecraft Adventure In the world of Minecraft, a portal appeared, A mysterious entrance, the players cheered. Cube Xuan Hot Stalks Collection, the channel to see, With animations and humor, filled with glee. Fangkuaixuan, the creator, with a smile so bright, Bringing joy to all, with every video in sight. Child-friendly content, safe and sound, No worries here, happiness all around. So dive into the world of blocks and fun, With Fangkuaixuan, the journey’s just begun. Subscribe and follow, for more to explore, In the realm of Minecraft, there’s always more. Read More

  • Join Minewind: Where Noobs Become Pros!

    Join Minewind: Where Noobs Become Pros! Welcome to, where we bring you the latest updates and exciting news from the world of Minecraft! Today, we stumbled upon a thrilling YouTube video titled “First Time Noob PLAYER Enter In Minecraft!” Although the video may not be about Minewind Minecraft Server, it does capture the essence of a new player embarking on a journey into the vast and adventurous world of Minecraft. Just like the player in the video, imagine yourself stepping into a world full of endless possibilities, challenges, and excitement. Now, picture yourself exploring this world alongside a community of like-minded players who share… Read More

  • Join Minewind Minecraft Server for a Unique Gaming Experience!

    Join Minewind Minecraft Server for a Unique Gaming Experience! Welcome to, where we bring you the latest and greatest news from the Minecraft community! Today, we want to talk to you about the exciting world of Minecraft servers, specifically Minewind. Have you ever wanted to join a server that offers a unique and thrilling experience? Look no further than Minewind! With its dynamic gameplay and dedicated community, Minewind is the place to be for all Minecraft enthusiasts. But why should you join Minewind, you ask? Well, imagine a world where you can unleash your creativity, engage in epic battles, and forge lasting friendships with players from around… Read More

  • Crafting Chaos: Vivecraft Questcraft

    Crafting Chaos: Vivecraft Questcraft In Meta Quest 3, Minecraft we play, With Vivecraft and Questcraft, we find our way. Installing and setting up, step by step, Exploring new worlds, no need to fret. SteamVR and Meta Quest Link in place, Minecraft Launcher and Java, we embrace. Playing on glasses, settings just right, Sidequest for Questcraft, a true delight. In the end, our opinion shines through, Minecraft in Meta Quest 3, a dream come true. Like and subscribe, show some love, For gaming adventures, high above. Read More

  • Join Minewind Minecraft Server for the Ultimate Challenge!

    Join Minewind Minecraft Server for the Ultimate Challenge! Join Minewind Minecraft Server Welcome to! Looking for a new Minecraft server to join? Look no further! We have the perfect recommendation for you. Why Join Minewind Minecraft Server? Unique gameplay experience Thriving community of players Exciting events and updates Endless possibilities for creativity How to Join Minewind Minecraft Server Simply enter the server IP: YT.MINEWIND.NET in your Minecraft client and start your adventure today! Don’t Miss Out! Join Minewind Minecraft Server now and discover a whole new world waiting for you to explore. Read More

  • Cube Xuan: MC Players Unleash Fifth Personality!

    Cube Xuan: MC Players Unleash Fifth Personality! In the world of Minecraft, where creativity thrives, Players explore, build, and survive. But when they venture into the realm of Identity V, The fifth personality adds a new level of glee. With fans urging me to give it a try, I jump in, ready to soar and fly. Choosing the cheerleader, a popular pick, I motivate him with passive skills, quick and slick. As the heartbeat pounds, I encourage him on, Stacking up his strength, until the fear is gone. But when he falls, I boost him up high, With 28 layers of health, he’s ready to defy…. Read More

  • Hot diggity dog, it’s a Minecraft meme!

    Hot diggity dog, it's a Minecraft meme! “Why did the creeper break up with his girlfriend? Because she kept blowing up at him!” #minecraft #minecraftmeme Read More

  • Join Minewind: Where Minecraft Artistry and Community Thrive

    Join Minewind: Where Minecraft Artistry and Community Thrive Welcome to, where we bring you the latest and most exciting updates from the world of Minecraft! Today, we want to talk to you about the art of storytelling in Minecraft and how it can bring people together in a fun and engaging way. Have you ever watched a hilarious Minecraft video like the one titled “Minecraft: 吹牛也是一门“艺术”,直男千万别和女生讲道理【我的世界方块轩】” and wished you could be a part of that creative and entertaining community? Well, now you can! Join us on Minewind, a vibrant and dynamic Minecraft server where players from all over the world come together to build, explore, and… Read More

  • Mastering the WOLF SHELTER in Minecraft 1.20.6!

    Mastering the WOLF SHELTER in Minecraft 1.20.6! The Optimistic Gamer’s Wolf Shelter Tutorial for Minecraft 1.20.6 Welcome to another exciting build tutorial by The Optimistic Gamer! Today, we will be constructing the Dog House from the Optimistic Survival series. This build has been highly requested, and we are thrilled to guide you through creating a wolf-themed shelter to protect your furry friends. Let’s dive right in! Materials and Foundation To start, gather your Dark Oak Logs and place them strategically to form the structure’s base. Create a sturdy foundation by placing the logs in a specific pattern, leaving gaps for windows and doors. Utilize stone bricks… Read More

  • Shocking Raizen Encounter with Monster JJ DogDay!

    Shocking Raizen Encounter with Monster JJ DogDay!Video Information I didn’t realize there would be so much interesting stuff in the lab trash yeah these are all old grw inventions it’s pretty cool that we came here yes there is why didn’t he tell us about his dump before I want to take something home well let’s keep [Music] moving wa no Mikey are you okay how did you get in there I don’t know this must be an old underground dump it’s so high up up here let’s go see what’s up there there’s something down there wao ah wo who’s that I don’t know some… Read More

  • Rare Minecraft PSX Footage Uncovered

    Rare Minecraft PSX Footage UncoveredVideo Information so before we start today uh I actually have to talk to you guys about something uh this is probably the most interesting bit of information I’ve received since I’ve started the channel and [Music] um yeah I think it would be safe to say that this is uh very very interesting to say the least so as some of you know I was supposed to upload this video yesterday but I ended up being busy turns out being busy was actually a blessing in disguise because I got an interesting email yesterday so let’s pull it up… Read More

  • Dangerous Secret Revealed About Minecraft Players! 😱

    Dangerous Secret Revealed About Minecraft Players! 😱Video Information This video, titled ‘2 Types Of Minnecraft Players😏 | #minecraft #minecraftshorts #shorts’, was uploaded by Muqeeth-BG on 2024-05-08 16:42:00. It has garnered 21 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:09 or 9 seconds. 2 Types Of Minnecraft Players😏 | #minecraft #minecraftmemes #shorts . . Hey There, Iam Muqeeth I upload Minecraft And BlockmanGO Contents. Hope U enjoy my videos and content . . . #minecraft #minecraftshorts #minecraftmemes types of minecraft minecraft types shorts,minecraft,types of minecraft players which minecraft player are you? minecraft shorts minecraft memes minecraft funny minecraft tiktok minecraft meme shorts funny minecraft shorts… Read More

  • 🏠 Blockitecture Revealed: EPIC Modern House Tutorial #2

    🏠 Blockitecture Revealed: EPIC Modern House Tutorial #2Video Information Minecraft Simple house tutorial! This video, titled ‘Minecraft Tutorial: Ultimate Modern House #2 🏠’, was uploaded by Blockitecture on 2024-05-29 16:05:37. It has garnered 41 views and 12 likes. The duration of the video is 00:21:35 or 1295 seconds. Welcome to my Minecraft creation – a stunning modern house! Join me as I take you on a tour of this sleek architectural masterpiece. From the spacious living area with floor-to-ceiling windows to the luxurious master suite and outdoor entertainment area, this house has it all. Whether you’re a Minecraft enthusiast or simply love beautiful designs, this is one… Read More

  • EPIC Minecraft 1.20.4 LONGPLAY – EmilyTheDemon Unleashed! 🔥

    EPIC Minecraft 1.20.4 LONGPLAY - EmilyTheDemon Unleashed! 🔥Video Information This video, titled ‘Honey Honey – Minecraft 1.20.4 Relaxing Modded Longplay (No Commentary) – Ep 27’, was uploaded by EmilyTheDemon on 2024-03-14 21:00:26. It has garnered 63 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 02:52:56 or 10376 seconds. Built another side for the honey farm for bottled honey, bred up a few nests in case anyone needs one, and went exploring for some warm ocean treasure. Playing on Minecraft 1.20.4 Java for Mac (M1 mini) ||Graphics Mods|| Iris: Complementary Shaders: Texture Packs from [Feel free to reach out if you’re interested in… Read More

  • Unleashing Evil in Minecraft Hive with Saucari

    Unleashing Evil in Minecraft Hive with SaucariVideo Information I actually didn’t mean to go live oh shoot uh embarrassing I mean [ __ ] my shit’s not charged bro this is this is this is uh this is embarrassing uh it’s going to take a minute to set up [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] what’s this [ __ ] are we locked in and step this way and step this way and step this way I’m not signed in bro why am I not signed in hello tilt who the [ __ ] is bro I’m not emo tilt… Read More

  • Shark calls Ruze NORMAL then CHAOS ENSUES!

    Shark calls Ruze NORMAL then CHAOS ENSUES!Video Information oh I wonder if you could do DEET slate brick walls that’d be cool actually question what is the mage of D can you get the [ __ ] out of my way dude the mage of Doom is a character that inherently creates and or manipulates Doom which is hard to explain in a way that makes sense but basically a few minutes later I keep calling you the normal one in my head and then I remember the homestuck thing okay let’s uh let’s let’s really like break us down a little bit put us in… Read More

  • Insane Gamer Builds Ultimate Creeper Farm DAY-8

    Insane Gamer Builds Ultimate Creeper Farm DAY-8Video Information यो व्ट इ अप बॉयज एंड गर्ल्स वेलकम बैक टू अनदर वीडियो गाइस हम लोगों ने गाइस मैंने जो अभी बोलने वाला हूं मैंने एक वीडियो बनाई थी विलेज ढोने वाली पर गलती से वह वीडियो डिलीट हो चुकी है तो यह मैं सीधा नेक्स्ट वीडियो डाल रहा हूं ठीक है तो अब चलते हैं आगे पिछले वीडियो में यह विलेज ढूंढा था यहां पे और आज हम लोग क्रीपर फार्म बनाने जा रहे हैं मैंने कैट टेम कर लिए थे तो सही हो गए अब हम लोग क्रीपर फार्म बनाएंगे एक मैंने ब्लॉक्स पहले से ही जमा… Read More

  • Chilltown SMP: Custom World, Seasons, Levels, Mature, 1.20, Java

    Welcome to Chilltown! If you’re looking for a unique survival Minecraft experience, look no further than Chilltown. Our server enhances vanilla gameplay while maintaining that classic feel. With a focus on community, feedback, and player-driven decisions, Chilltown offers a relaxing environment to enjoy with friends. Here are some key features: Key Features: Custom World Temperature and Seasons Professions and Level-based Ranks Custom Mobs, Weapons, Tools, and Enchants Special Crafting Stations and Waystones for Teleportation Chunk-based Land Claiming System Non Pay to Win Come join us at and experience a new kind of Minecraft adventure! Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Minecraft Villagers in da Club

    “People say diamonds are a girl’s best friend, but they clearly haven’t met a Minecraft player who just found a vein of diamonds!” Read More

  • Tier by Tier, I Conquer Minecraft Bedwars

    Tier by Tier, I Conquer Minecraft Bedwars In the world of Minecraft, I take my stand, Facing every tier, with a mic in my hand. From F to S, I battle with might, Crafting rhymes and beats, shining bright. F tier player, with ladders in hand, I take on the challenge, with a plan. Diving into the game, with a grin and a spin, Conquering each tier, with a win. Moving up to D tier, the challenge grows, But with cheeky strats, victory flows. C tier player, a tougher fight, But with skill and wit, I shine bright. B tier is next, the stakes are high,… Read More

  • Minecraft troll face meme: When you find diamonds but fall in lava 😂🔥

    Minecraft troll face meme: When you find diamonds but fall in lava 😂🔥 Why did the Minecraft troll face go to therapy? Because he couldn’t stop block-ing out his feelings! #blockheadhumor Read More

  • Crafting a Portal to Free Palestine in Minecraft

    Crafting a Portal to Free Palestine in Minecraft Minecraft: Creating the Free Palestine Portal Introduction In the world of Minecraft, where creativity knows no bounds, UzeMing takes on the challenge of creating a portal like no other – the Free Palestine Portal. This portal holds a special significance, symbolizing solidarity with the people of Palestine amidst ongoing conflicts. Building the Portal To construct this unique portal, UzeMing gathers obsidian, flint, steel, sandstone, and green concrete. With meticulous planning, the portal takes shape with a size of 4×5. The intricate design includes sandstone and green concrete, culminating in a powerful symbol of support for Palestine. Exploring the Portal… Read More

  • Discover the Excitement of Minewind Minecraft Server!

    Discover the Excitement of Minewind Minecraft Server! Welcome to, where we bring you the latest and greatest updates from the Minecraft community! Today, we want to talk about the exciting world of Minecraft servers and why you should consider joining the Minewind server. While watching a fun YouTube video about Minecraft animations, you may have felt a spark of inspiration to dive into the world of Minecraft yourself. The Minewind server offers a unique and thrilling experience for players of all ages and backgrounds. With a vibrant community, exciting gameplay features, and endless possibilities for creativity, Minewind is the perfect place to unleash your imagination… Read More

  • Getting Revenge in Minecraft

    Getting Revenge in Minecraft Minecraft: Revenge for my dog 🌩️Minecraft: Revenge for my dog ⚡️ The Adventure Begins In this thrilling Minecraft adventure, you must seek revenge for your loyal companion, your dog. After a band of ruthless mobs attack and kidnap your beloved pet, you must embark on a dangerous journey through treacherous caves, dense forests, and towering mountains to rescue your furry friend. Danger Lurks Everywhere Armed with only your wits and a trusty pickaxe, you must navigate through a hostile world filled with dangerous creatures and deadly traps. Along the way, you will encounter helpful allies who will aid you… Read More

  • Mind-Blowing Minecraft Starter Base by HYPNOTIST 🔥🏠

    Mind-Blowing Minecraft Starter Base by HYPNOTIST 🔥🏠Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft: Amazing starter base .🔥🤯🏠🔥. #shorts #minecraft’, was uploaded by HYPNOTIST R* on 2024-04-23 15:02:29. It has garnered 6536 views and 154 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:47 or 47 seconds. Read More

  • Terrifying Curse Unleashed in Minecraft! #19

    Terrifying Curse Unleashed in Minecraft! #19Video Information Oke dengan cahaya-cahaya gelap gini gua aduh du du gua gua rada takut sih kalau kalau kayak gini guys Aduh gelap banget eh Pusing aduh no playing lagi itu ada apa aduh ada sapi Aduh no playing lagi aduh du du Kenapa gini guys jujur aja Gua sebenarnya bisa guys ya untuk lanjut explore tapi di sini gua pusing cuy karena ini layarnya ini kayak Hitam Putih Hitam Putih gini guys jadi jadi pusing tahu aduh Gua sebenarnya bisa guys lanjut explore ya tapi gak bisa guys Ini gua bikin pusing tahu aduh duh ini kenapa gini ya… Read More

  • Unleashing the Beast in Minecraft! 🔥 #Shorts

    Unleashing the Beast in Minecraft! 🔥 #ShortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘1k #minecraft #minecraftshorts #shorts’, was uploaded by Beast thor19 on 2024-01-12 15:12:33. It has garnered 13287 views and 277 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:09 or 9 seconds. Read More

  • EPIC Minecraft Ice House Build Tutorial – Must Watch!

    EPIC Minecraft Ice House Build Tutorial - Must Watch!Video Information Minecraft cave houses are cool but what if you take the concept A step further and make one in a glacier this is how it could look I wanted this house to be usable in survival so I dug it seven blocks deep to have enough space using easy to get materials is crucial in survival that’s why I used Oak Planks on the floor the walls followed a similar process but I decided to splurge a little on those fancy Spruce logs and I made sure to connect the pattern on the back wall as well this… Read More


    EPIC NEW 1.20.5 UPDATE: UNLEASH THE WOLF POWER!Video Information आर्म डीलो वल्फ आर्मरर एंड बहुत सारे उल्फ के वेरिएंट्स एंड इन सब को फुल्ली ऐड कर चुका है 1.2.5 के रिलीज वर्जन में ऑफकोर्स आर्मरर डीलर फाउंड होता है सवाना बायोम में एंड बैड लैंस बायोम में आर्मरर डीलर ड्रॉप करता है स्क्यूट इसे तुम स्पाइडर आई से ब्रीड कर सकते हो एंड तुम इजी पीजी ब्रश भी क्राफ्ट कर सकते हो स्क्यूट के लिए बस तुमको आर्मरर डीलो पे राइट क्लिक करना है एंड सिक्स स्क्यूट से तुम एक उल्फ आर्मरर हो एंड उस आर्मरर को बस तुम अपने टेम गुल्फ प लगा देना अगर आर्मरर… Read More

  • Duck survives 1000 days in Minecraft! Feathery mobs only.Impressive!

    Duck survives 1000 days in Minecraft! Feathery mobs only.Impressive!Video Information on day one I spawned in as a cute and not so ugly little duckling I’m so tiny I’ve only got two hearts I guess that checks out I’m not strong I’m just a square of fluff at least I can fly nope I can’t fly yet but I can swim and check out my duck family I’ve got a mama duck and a bunch of duckling siblings to they were all swimming in a pond hey guys wait up for me wow this sure is peaceful just paddling along my siblings and I had a great time… Read More

  • Secrets of Ceres Fauna in My Desert Dune!

    Secrets of Ceres Fauna in My Desert Dune!Video Information you’re now listening to FAA FM this ain’t your granny’s radio station I’m your DJ Kieran FAA and get ready to jam out go [Music] 1 2 3 go there spot with a flow we Hol promise I’m famous heo I am a big shot look on TV gaming Idol here in that’s me bucket we ball never punish never greedy no I’d win Unstoppable C dance back back back it up let that’s what I call sweet [Music] swe rain of [Music] s [Music] ladies P hello hello p is my music loud it’s only on three… Read More

  • Saitani Gamer – GOOD VS EVIL in Roblox & Minecraft 🎮🔥

    Saitani Gamer - GOOD VS EVIL in Roblox & Minecraft 🎮🔥Video Information This video, titled ‘😇or😈 #roblox #minecraft #memes #robloxedit #minecraftbuilding #tutorial #bedwars #funny #gaming’, was uploaded by Saitani Gamer on 2024-05-07 15:39:04. It has garnered 420 views and 15 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:13 or 13 seconds. Minecraft Minecraft gameplay Minecraft survival Minecraft building Minecraft tutorial Minecraft mods Minecraft let’s play Minecraft adventures Minecraft crafting Minecraft Redstone Minecraft farm Minecraft house Minecraft mining Minecraft PvP Minecraft mobs Minecraft farm design Minecraft exploration Minecraft resource gathering Minecraft village Minecraft biomes Minecraft seeds Minecraft world generation Minecraft caves Minecraft enchanting Minecraft Nether Minecraft End Minecraft Ender Dragon Minecraft… Read More

  • Minecraft Solo Role Tutorial – Become a Pro in Minutes!

    Minecraft Solo Role Tutorial - Become a Pro in Minutes!Video Information buenas preciosas y preciosas aquí el después de mucho tiempo sin sacar un vídeo con mi cara Aquí estoy yo Bueno A veces hago directos pero no estáis Pero bueno hoy os voy a hacer un vídeo no va a estar todo con cámara porque voy a hacerlo de vez en cuando voy a tener que quitarme la cámara Pero bueno este vídeo voy a hablar a contaros un poquito Cómo hacer rle Plays en Minecraft y estando solo si es posible ahora es posible hace poquito descubrí una aplicación muy buena y Bueno pues estuve hablando con… Read More