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This is me and this is the tiny Island I will be spending the next 100 days of Hardcore Minecraft on will I be able to survive and expand my Island surrounded by nothing but unforgiving Waters and Hostile Mobs well let’s find out well we found ourselves on a Lonely Island and

The only thing I can see around us is one oak tree some sugar cane a bit of sand and mainly just dirt blocks I don’t know how we’ve ended up here but we’ve got to survive 100 days so and if I look in the distance there I can see a little

Fish over there and I’m sure I saw like a dolphin somewhere but let’s not get too distracted um with our surroundings and and first things first I think we just chopped the oak tree down so let’s chop this down real quick hoping also it drops us some saplings that we can

Replant chopping chopping chopping and there we go one last Oak log and oh look at that okay so we actually managed to grab some sticks and some Oak saplings so what we’re going to do is we’re going to stick this into our crafting little section here and then we’re going to

Turn all these into Oak planks look at that we’ve now got 20 Oak planks how about we craft ourselves a nice crafting table and then how about we place it let’s place it there all righty let’s create an axe because why not we need that for the trees and then why don’t we

Turn these into slabs cuz you guys have literally slated me for it um the last two videos I’ve made I didn’t actually craft any slabs I just used Oak planks so I’m changing that today and I’m going to use my Oak slabs wait that was the

Dolphin where did that go there it is I knew I saw one look at it roaming around you have fun down there buddy and uh I’ll try and survive on my own on this Lonely Island right so how about then we take this sugar cane down and then why

Don’t we replant some over here right let’s replant our saplings then I can’t actually remember where it went but whatever let’s um let’s take some of these up to get some seeds break this grass nice nice two seeds three seeds hopefully we get enough seeds by the end

Of it that’ be cool and we can grow some wheat how nice is that let’s get rid of all this take all of this up nice nice nice hello Mr Fish just chilling over there are you well I may need to eat you in a minute so don’t be going too far

Let’s continue collecting these wheat seeds and I think that does it yeah okay so from all of that we managed to get 12 wheat seeds which is pretty cool so what we do is when we have enough wood we make ourselves a little wooden hoe and

Then we make a little wheat farm for us so that’d be pretty nice even though it’s kind of scary out here and I just noticed that my Hunger bars are going down a little bit it’s a nice view the sun’s out it’s a beautiful well is it

Morning is it midday I’m not I’m not quite sure I mean it’s hard to keep time when you’re surrounded on an island especially with no time and no date but it’s pretty cool out here to be honest it’s nice it’s peaceful at least you know away from all the uh the others I

Guess but yeah but I think what we’re going to do is we’re going to make like a little mine so how about trying to think maybe there might be some caves over here though like in the water I don’t know we might have to explore that

Later on for now I’m going to take these Oak saplings and just quickly plant them like so and then I got a hope for these two to grow and then I can keep collecting more saplings I’ll make a little sustainable Tree Farm but you know what I’m going to make a little uh

A little mine down here actually I just realized there’s some Cobblestone so I can’t actually do anything so I guess we’re just going to have to wait till these two grow I just guess I’m going to sit here on my crafting table and hope these two grow please hurry up and grow

Well people we have our trees so let’s grab our trusty wooden axe and let’s get to work so we’re hoping to get more saplings that would be nice drop down any saplings okay nice we got one let’s go ahead and chop this one down hoping

We oh look at that we just got another one nice there we go look at that oh yeah oh my gosh look how many saplings we just got oh my gosh we got nine okay right let’s get planting these around here then I guess actually scratch that

I’ll tell you what we’re going to do so this side we’re going to make a little sustainable tree farm so how about we put one here one here and then one here and then same over this side how about we extend out let’s collect some dirt

And then what we’re going to do is we’re going to expand our little tree farm outwards so we can place more saplings on top all right so how about we just bring it out like that yeah is that cool now I can hear some fish split and splashing around

Let’s go check that out who was that was that you dolphin I heard something oh my gosh look at the fish over there there’s the dolphin there see it it’s hiding while we’re at it why don’t we collect some sand as well let’s turn all this

Into oak logs ah okay now we can craft ourselves a nice pickaxe to uh you know remove all the Cobblestone and to mine downwards and when we collect some Cobblestone we’re going to turn the Cobblestone into a nice pickaxe and then so on I mean we’re we’re moving on we’re

Getting on in life now you know they can throw us out here on our own but we’ll always find a way how to get back and survive eh right so now let’s extend this out like so and then let’s get our saplings plant one there one there and

The final one just there that’s pretty nice we now have what’s that 3 69 trees about to grow which is really good and then yeah so how about we go into our crafting table uh make a little pickaxe for us like that and then how about we

Just make a chest real quick as well or even two right so let’s get them down like that and then let’s put all the stuff we don’t need I may need wood and sticks so we’ll keep that but how about we dig down a little bit so where did I

Start to to dig down oh there’s a sapling here also I didn’t even see this here it is here okay right so let’s mine downwards collecting this Cobblestone real quick oh look at that the Stone Age wow we really are in the Stone Age aren’t we you know we’re on our own

Slowly someone help let’s just mine down I mean let’s hope to you know find a nice cave but before we do so let’s get the Cobblestone that we’ve gathered and then put it in here three along the top two in the middle and we have a stone

Pickaxe now all right so this will uh be a lot quicker there we go look at that it’s almost like we have a diamond one except for we haven’t not yet anyways we will have don’t worry so we’re going to keep mining down um some coal would be

Nice honestly that would be really nice it would be much appreciated because it’s starting to get a little dark down here and it’s a bit scary when it’s dark well would you look at that people we found our first coal block so let’s get mining that lovely lovely oh yeah look

How much Coal’s down here as well we’ve actually managed to hit the jackpot with this one but this is going to help us quite a lot brings you some light Cooks your nice food oh yeah we like this we take this what have we got ourselves about like 27 pieces something like that

There we go yeah 27 pieces wow nice so let’s head back up top then it’s quite a struggle to get up here actually with no stairs um I keep hitting my head and it really hurts and let’s make ourselves a furnace all right so we got ourselves a

Furnace so let’s place this down next to the chest and let’s put the coal in it there we go 27 all right so that’s all ready for us and then oh actually wait let’s take some of that out and where’s the sticks let’s make some sticks and

Then let’s make some torches let’s make eh yeah let’s make why not there we go 12 torches that will do us for now right then so let’s oh hello squid what are you doing huh what are you doing playing around there be careful right actually before I get any mobs spawning on this

Island I think it’s more important to place oh look at that one oak tree is grown I think it’s more important to place some torches around here we avoid getting any scary mobs cuz that’s we don’t want that do we right so that do right yeah okay right now let’s go down

Here and then let’s Place some torches down here cuz oh my gosh look how like creepy that is down there and then we’ll Place one right down the bottom about there all right there we go so that’s lit up a bit and how about we eat this

Apple that was refreshing right so the Island’s lit up a bit now which is good we got to wait for these trees to grow but actually let me just chop this one down while we wait because I’m so I’m so eager just to collect some wood right

Now there we go look at that oh yes oh and some sticks as well I love when it drops me sticks it’s like thank you so kind of you oh hello squid who said you can get too close to my Island back up wa he’s trying to attack me what back up

Mr Squid back up buddy jeez what was his problem oh no I see a drowned just go check it out oh I see him oh he’s too scary too scary I’m going I’m going I’m going let’s turn these logs into more planks and let’s go ahead and put it in

This chest followed up with some saplings let’s take the saplings out matter of fact and my sugar Cane’s growing as well which is a good sign um I mean I suppose we yeah we could expand this actually let’s grab some dirt and then let’s go along like this so now I can plant

One there and one there then also I put one there couldn’t I we’ve always got a sapling left but I feel I don’t know I don’t like placing the sapling because then it won’t look good it just be like like one random sapling on its own but

Whatever let’s go ahead and put that in the chest we’ve always got it there anyway so it doesn’t really matter right so now we got a cave going now we got some you know some crafting tables some chests some furnaces and we’ve also got a little tree farm going now so I guess

All we got to do now is just be patient oh also we’ve lit up the island that’s cool what is that oh my gosh that looks really scary out there doesn’t it so we got some sand here as well but let’s take some sand out of here because I’ve

Got a plan for the build I’ve already got it figured out in my head so it’s fine but we will be needing some sand a lot of sand so let’s collect these pieces then let’s go up here and let’s smelt it why not actually wait I don’t

Want to use all that coal yet we don’t need to smelt the sand yet so we’ll just keep it in this chest for now it’s fine but hey it looks pretty good lit up I suppose we need food bad we might have to go out here and quickly slay some

Fish so let’s go ahead and do that any drowns around yes there is so please do not see me thank you thank you thank you I got to be really careful that this drown doesn’t you know this drown doesn’t get me but we head back to the

Furnace and then let’s put this cod in like so we really needed that and oh my gosh he’s getting closer he’s coming straight for us I don’t know what he’s doing actually but he’s guarding all the card and that isn’t good because I need some card would you look at that come on

Uhoh I forgot I had bubbles well it’s fine come on take this card come on come here oh my gosh I don’t want kelp what am I doing why are they like so hard like look there’s so many of them I don’t know which one to Target there we

Go nice we need to go back up oh there’s one I was wondering where it all went I need to get some bubbles back and then go back down and then I’ll get this little guy like so okay that should be enough for now actually we can always

Come back down here anyway there’s plenty of more fish in the sea but I wanted that one but hey let’s go ahead and put this in the furnace and look at that we got three pieces of cooked Cod so let’s enjoy our Cod nom nom nom nom

Nom nom and that’s just enough to regenerate a full bar of Health oh I see you over there mocking me I got to get you now be gone Cod okay I’m sorry I just really had to get that Cod I couldn’t resist it but hey let’s put

This back in the furnace and we now have some pretty decent food source let’s go put this in the chest let’s keep like you know maybe two yeah let’s keep two pieces of cod just in our hot bar here so you know in case we get hungry we can

Always snack on our Cod but how about we do some more Mining and hopefully by the time we come back up these trees have grown so let’s get down ow you’ve got to love Minecraft sometimes man you know it’s always the same thing but there’s always something new to do it’s just

Like you know we’ve always we’ve all been mining every single world we make we all go mining but we enjoy it that is just the pure beautiness in Minecraft I guess right let’s Place Another torch down here and how about we put this in our hands so you know we can actually

See where we are going that would be helpful wouldn’t it and would you look at that guys our first piece of iron nice let’s go ahead and take this up how many pieces though okay we got three four five maybe six anywhere no that’s fine Hey listen we still got five pieces

Of uh of raw iron so that’s cool let’s continue mining though hopefully you know finding some more even some oh no I was about to say even some diamonds but we’re not going very far with no pickaxe so let’s head back up top and uh you know make another pickaxe hopefully by

The time we get back up here our trees have grown let’s just hope so even a few come on please okay so I mean two’s grown I mean we take that not too bad not too bad so let’s smelll some raw iron real quick collect that fish and

Then let’s get chopping then it should drop oh after this one there we go I love this mod honestly this mod is just so cool and now I have no Axe Whatever didn’t want axe anyway right let’s make more sticks even though I had more

Sticks in there I don’t know why I did that let’s make more slabs so you know we keep we keep stacking our slabs so we got 48 now let’s make a stone Axe and also let’s make another stone pickaxe just just for backup and then we’re

Going to go ahead and take our iron ingots and then we’re going to take some more sticks and then put them in here and then we now have an iron pickaxe would you look at that right then we got two pieces of iron left over how about

We really quickly make ourselves a nice Shield you know just for protection look at us now oh yeah okay so let’s go ahead and quickly put all our sticks wood let’s keep that torch we might need it let about kelp in there some saplings we take the Cobblestone actually because

It’s always handy you know just to stock up on it uh we’ll put we’ll keep this in our inventory for now and before our own eyes more trees have grown so let’s chop these ones down real quick and then with the saplings it gives us we’ll just

Replant them oh yeah look at that more saplings four saplings let’s go let’s go ahead and uh you know take this one down oh that one didn’t fall because it’s connected to this one but it’s no problem cuz all we have to do is just come through here and take this one up

Oh yeah look at that some of them dropped in the ocean but that’s fine we just collect it like so and there we go there we have it right so let’s plant these ones back like so plant one there and then have we got any dirt okay we

Haven’t got much dirt so whatever right how about though we place some more sugar cane uh along here like that we’ll wait for this to grow also so it gives us more sugar canane and now we have an iron pickaxe we can get back to mining

So let’s go ahead and do that but actually just in case I am going to take some coal and then put two up here to there you know nine torches that should do the trick for now and look we still have 18 coal but it’s not a problem

Because you know we’re going to gather more coal anyways so we’re not looking too bad uh for the wood right let’s get back mining then o more iron nice right so let’s quickly mine this here let’s Place Another torch there and let’s mine this iron oh and there’s water okay and

I hear Hostile Mobs also so maybe I have to craft ourselves a quick sword actually just in case let’s take that iron and that one also there we go let’s drain that down and let’s just keep digging down I guess I hear zombies to my right so something’s telling me to go

Right which I think I will actually oh look at this down here oh that’s where it’s coming from okay hey creeper oh my gosh he got he was getting way too close I think we must go up and craft ourselves a sword because if we get into

Any action you know it’s not going to be good for us cuz we have nothing to protect ourselves apart from a stone axe I think I’m going to go back up top why does it take so long to get up top and it’s now thunderstorming and raining

Well welcome home I guess oh my gosh but look at this look at our trees they’re all growing now which is good sugar Cane’s growing as well there’s more fish in the sea especially for me let’s smell this iron real quick and then with the iron we get from it actually yeah when

We have another iron ingot like now we’re going to make ourselves a iron sword to protect ourselves like that there we go let’s get rid of this rotten wooden pickaxe go away we don’t need you and oh I see a drown with a trident that’s promising and let’s put our iron

Sticks in the chest oh my gosh oh no oh my gosh this is scary look at me I’ve only got my shield to protect me oh actually wait I have a I have an iron sword as well but oh my gosh I’m scared of the lightning I don’t like this uh I

Think I’m going to head back down to the mine oh my gosh no they drowned our first mob encounter right um come up then I guess can you get up I’m just going to attack you down here you don’t scare us we’re fully equipped you don’t

Scare us anymore let’s go oh look at that get out we gained some XP though if you look look at the bottom we’ve actually managed to get ourselves level five already well before we get thunder struck how about we head back down to our mine oh it’s nice and calm down here

Actually it’s very quiet it’s nice to get away from all that noise and rain and all that thunder and lightning but it feels cold it’s damp down in this Cobblestone mine it’s light up a little bit yeah I I heard a Zombie and Enderman as

Well oh my gosh well we found our first diamonds so that’s good right oh my gosh okay there’s the creeper oh we need to take these guys away you know so we don’t get um attacked we’re trying to mine our diamonds I’m just being very careful that I don’t get anyone come up

Behind me because that’ be terrible right now oh my gosh that lightning is so loud right let’s uh let’s pick you off there we go we’ve seemed to stumbled across a cave so that’s good okay there’s loads of zombies down there oh my gosh right well I’ll put that torch

There so I don’t forget get that there and oh my gosh look how many zombies there are we’ll take these on no problem oh no it’s fine we got them we got them let’s mine this iron in the meantime I swear I just heard a creeper

Oh my gosh what let’s see some cook cod there’s loads of mobs down below us as well so we got to be so careful right now we’re in a very risky position right now oh my gosh he’s trying to trick shot us but there is a creeper I repeat a

Creeper has found us come on oh h oh my gosh there’s another creeper bro are you serious right now okay wait he’s not coming for us though I really need to get those diamonds I hear a skeleton as well I can hear him approaching us oh oh he killed him oh my

Gosh we need to be so careful right now I think we’re just playing with our life way too much why is there so many creepers right we need more oh wait we got a music disc because that um that skeleton killed that creeper oh my gosh

That was way too risky for us I don’t even know why we like challenged them like that oh my gosh bro why is it so like aggressive this weather this has been a hard first 10 days honestly we can turn these into bone meal later on

So right and let’s grab some sticks make some more torches like so and then four of those and then we got have 24 torches right that should be plenty right but actually oh oh my god um hello oh my gosh oh my gosh bro what is

Going on oh my gosh that’s scary the life out of me what is this right okay okay okay okay come on stop running away there we go oh come then wow um that was interesting I I I can’t even believe what just happened honestly that scared

Me so much all right but how about we chop these trees down while we can what is the chances of that happening isn’t it like a very low percentage I think that’s pretty rare right let’s collect the saplings I’ll take that and and I

Will take you as well oh I see you guys down here as well don’t think I can’t see you but now we have a sword we can head back over to them diamonds that we found earlier right so let’s head back to our land put the raw cod in the

Furnace let that cook up right let’s turn these into slabs oh finally the weather’s cleared up it’s now A nice bright sunny day well this kind of just sums up English weather honestly so we got loads of saplings now we’ve got lots of wheat so how about then you know just

So we got some in the meantime let’s take the wheat seeds out and then let’s take take some Cobblestone and let’s make ourselves a nice Stone hoe and then let’s quickly put everything back into here let’s take the raw Cod out let’s take the iron put the iron back in the

Furnace let that smell that is a weird tree we’re going to do it about here actually so let’s ho this down over here and then let’s plant these wheat seeds down like that and then let’s put one more here there we go right so now we’ll have some wheat growing we’ve got the

Trees growing we’ve got a little mine we’ got the sugar cane growing as well you know we found some iron we found some diamonds which we haven’t mined yet but we will eventually mine those in a minute it’s not looking too bad is it I

Feel like when we do a bit more mining we’re going to then you know start doing the build I’ve already got it in my head I’ve actually got it already sketched down uh to what I’m actually going to build so it’s going to be pretty pretty

Cool let’s head back down to the mine then and click those diamonds we now have a sword and you know some iron tools and we also have a shield and some more torches now so we’ve came prepared uh any Hostile Mobs want to try and

Attack us it’s not going to be good for them all right we’re back here we’re back where we uh where we left let’s put it down here you know let’s light this up a little bit more there’s the diamonds I see them all in their Glory

Uh let’s put them more torches down here for now as well you know just to give the cave more Ambiance some more iron up there also so we go ahead and grab that in a sec oh my gosh these skeletons bro I’m going to wait I’m going to

Wait oh I’m too quick for you Skelly oh there’s some more iron up here I didn’t even see that let’s go ahead and grab that while we’re here I see this Enderman looking at us well let’s take this lapis as well and how about we just you know Place some more torches around

Here oh no oh no okay let’s head back over here for now oh my gosh my Hunger bars my health is not looking good let’s quickly eat our cooked Cod oh my gosh he’s got Aimbot oh okay we actually got to stop playing around there we go all right

Let’s eat some more Cod and quickly wait till our hearts regenerate because that was scary they just keep on coming though look there’s another zombie here oh there we go let’s mine these diamonds in before we get distracted again oh look how many diamonds there are down here nice let’s mine this one

Nice nice I hear more zombies I’ve got to be so careful especially while I’m in the water as well let’s get rid of this oh my gosh nice some more diamonds there’s the diamonds there we go okay right so we got five diamonds in total nice that was a great find actually off

The bat as well five diamonds we will take those we will take those and this is Hardcore Minecraft so we don’t want to take too many risks let’s head back up top let’s grab some more Cod and we’ll Explore More further down the mine all righty then okay so our sugar Cane’s

Grown so how about we just quickly Harvest our sugar cane and then let’s take some more sand let’s just let that all float to the top because otherwise it’s so slow mining underwater as we all know let’s plant that there there there like so ooh the wheat’s growing also

Plant two more sugar cane there for now so that looks pretty cool and then let’s go ahead and put the stuff we don’t need in here for now we do actually need all of this stuff it’s just like not right now you know so let’s go ahead and smell

These two raw pieces of iron and let’s grab our Oak slabs let’s go ahead and craft two more chests let’s place two more chests here let’s put all the wood into one chest whoops that’s not wood also with sticks as well let’s put that in there but hey more Wood’s grown so

Let’s just Harvest it down there’s a lot of oak wood up here isn’t there there we go oh yeah look how satisfying that was nice more saplings we take it let’s plant these back down though oh of course of course literally you just knew that was going to happen

Didn’t you I mean would it be an 100 days video without a phantom if you guys have watched the previous videos you know uh that Phantoms love me very much all right that’s one Phantom done that’s two and then this final one there we go right we’ve got rid of the

Phantoms they’re an absolute nuisance let’s put the Phantom membrane in there cuz we don’t need that G I hate Phantom membrane let’s take this uh one piece of iron ingot out let’s pop it in the chest look at that full stack of Oak loog nice let’s grab some dirt though and I’ll

Show you why in a second right so let’s extend this bit out and then we can place some more saplings right so how about we start with this build then so I’ve got an idea so this is going to be like our main sort of Island well not

Our main island well technically this is our main island at the moment right now what we’re going to do is actually let’s let’s plant some more torches around here but how about we get started with the main build so we’re going to start off just by saying that this island that

We’re on already this is just going to be like you know the starter Island and then we’re going to build a big circle and we’re going to put different areas for it like a house nether portal area tree farm animal farm XP farm you get the whole idea so let’s get started

Right so let’s grab the oak slabs that we’ve already got uh we’re going to be needing a lot more wood but have we got any food no we haven’t got any food well I guess it’s Cod time let’s go ahead and take some cod out because we can’t be

Building you know if we’re really hungry can we that that wouldn’t be good now would it let’s take these two well they’re very fast all right let’s head back over to the island then deposit these into the furnace and did we get any more coal no we didn’t H we may need

More coal but it doesn’t matter right now let’s uh let’s get started with this build so we’re going to make like a little Bridge leading out this way first things first let’s extend out with our Oak slabs what am I doing let’s get rid of

This kelp it’s it’s in the way come on get out that’s okay let’s turn these all into Oak planks that might have been too much actually but whatever right let’s craft a load of sticks and then let’s make some fences right just like so so 27 fences

That should do the trick yeah let’s actually extend this out by one more this side get those fences down and then let’s do the same this side Okay so we’ve started off by building a little Bridge which is nice and now all we have

To do is take our cooked Cod out of the furnace and quickly eat this there we go and oh my gosh let’s drain that we’ll uh we’ll fix this later okay we’ll uh we’ll find a way around this and then let’s build out till here now all we have to

Do is build a GI giant ring behind us and then make a center for it basically just go from there so let’s uh let’s get started we’re going to need a lot of Oak slabs for this build I’ve just realized so let’s go ahead and craft ourselves a

Lot and that should cover us for now so let’s get building I began by building the foundation of my new base out of Oak slabs I had to make it symmetrical as possible to get that true Circle finish and just like that we have created the circle well there’s our Circle sorted I

Guess so now we’ve built the outline of the base I think the first thing to do now is just to fill in the gaps so let’s go ahead and fill in the gaps State the obvious I know but I filled the gaps in with more slabs and this took me quite

Literally all night and on the way I met up with two angry creepers that’s better okay so filling in the gaps of our little island here well I say little it’s pretty huge actually but I realized I’m going to make some gaps in between the center so

Like for instance like in this corner here I’m going to dig all this out and fill it with uh glass same with that side same with that side and then same again over there so I just think it look nice it give it some character I kind of

Like the idea of it all there’s lots of kelp and it’s actually really annoying like look how much it’s floating above here just like that I was trying to get rid of it’s actually so annoying right but let’s just try and ignore it for now

Right let’s get rid of all of this let’s just fill this Gap in all right so we got to collect more wood in order to have some more slabs and oh yes look at that hello Mr Squid take our saplings nice nice and then let’s plant them back

Down again let’s also Harvest our sugar cane look at this let’s go and take all this down nice good stuff oh hello I see you sugarcane don’t don’t swim away from me actually I’ll only be needing a stack anyway just to finish it off but this is

What it pretty much looks like filled in it’s actually huge okay so I’ve crafted 18 more slabs which should do the trick and in the meantime I managed to place some torches up and down oh okay that was silly so I had some more coal and I crafted plenty more torches so hopefully

Now this keeps the mobs out of spawning let’s just finish this last bit off and Boop there we we go right it’s all done now okay now we have this huge plank so in the middle like this side that side that side and that side I want to fill

It in like with glass so that’s what I’m going to go ahead and do let’s grab some sand so we only have 17 pieces of sand looks like we’re going to have to you know Farm some more so let’s take some iron let’s take some sticks and we have

Ourselves a nice iron shovel so now let’s locate some sand so about here so we mine it quicker let’s just quickly place these like so and then let’s get mining by the way excuse my voice I literally have like a bad cold and I kind of have

To bear with it so just please accept my apologies for that it’s that time of the year now where everyone’s just really you know becoming sick so let’s just hope I’m okay I’m sure I will be hopefully right let’s get the last bits of sand down here just like so right

Let’s go and collect it nice good stuff o hello sand right oh there’s some more here that I was about to leave I see a Cod over there mocking me well let’s just mine this bit of wood here we don’t really need it now so we just put our

Sand in the furnace let’s go collect more coal but oh I will take this iron though there’s lots down here come to me sweet eight pieces of raw iron nice Some Coal here so let’s quickly take this up nice XP oh there’s a creeper and a zombie of course of course there is

Right uh hello zombies looks like you’re doing the gangdam style I hope no skeleton see me here because I don’t want to get sniped off the edge okay so let’s place a torch here oh my gosh okay I don’t know what I was expecting but let’s take this zombie on take his XP

And we can now go ahead and grab that iron up there so let’s go ahead and grabb that let’s mine that piece and let’s mine this piece cool and then all we got to do is just mine these last couple of pieces hello suspicious creeper what are you doing hiding in the

Shadows I can see you you’re not fooling me I’m not fooling for those tricks today no way but we managed to get ourselves well including the iron ingot 20 pieces of iron wow these caves are really confusing actually it’s a good job I placed all these torches oh no

Okay okay hello Phantoms my favorite people of all I’m going to run over here I’m going to hit you wait what they hit me oh yes he’s stuck get out oh did you see that all right come on I’ll show you who boss Mr Phantom so if

You couldn’t tell already um we’ve made a few changes so I’m guessing you can already tell what changes we have already made let me give you a hint it’s the slabs they’ve been taken up and removed I thought it would look better if I just genuinely fill the gaps in

With glass instead I don’t know I just like the look of it so after some hard work and time we finally managed to get there in the end and I’ve just realized right in front of us is a villager we’re going and check him out also but anyway

This is the changes that have been made and I just realized I have to place some torches down otherwise I’ll get some angry mobs com and spawn in and you know potentially ruin the whole thing I’m just going to plant these torches kind of everywhere yep hello how are we doing

Let’s see what you got for us anyways nothing too special honestly thank you for the offer though but I think I’m going to be passing on those how about with the 48 pieces we already have why don’t we start by placing some I think it looks so cool after when it’s all

Done it’ll be worth it going place a few along here now oops of course the kelp stops me from placing the uh the glass block and I just oh my gosh and I just realized my Hunger bars aren’t looking too good let me just place this the

Other side as well plant them around here I figured out we’re going to build our house over this side and then maybe put like a farm this side like a wheat farm I’m not sure what we’re going to put here like maybe like a nether or something and then over this side this

Is just going to be sort of like the sugarcane farm and I’ve just realized look how grown all my farm is and my trees oh I need to get to work I need to get harvesting right now let’s go ahead and take up the wheat let’s plant them seeds back down

There’s also some floating in the water but we get that there we go well that’s all done and then let’s uh let’s take a sugarcane up just like so all right uh let’s go ahead and put it in the chest we need some food okay Cod I’m coming to get you

Hello group of cod I see you moving come on finally peace right let’s get one more there we go can we get you as well yep and finally let’s attempt to actually get you as well if you stop please there we go oh look at that over

There right we’ll going and check that out later but how about we get back to Shore and actually eat oh my gosh that’s where all the skeletons went oh I knew they wouldn’t have gone far what are they doing they think they can just stay there forever or well we’ll leave them

Down there for now but I’ve got to be aware of those because if I want to try and farm some sand or anything like that and I get caught by those guys it’s it’s going to be a long day for me but anyways let’s get back up to Shore and

Let’s put these in the furnace oh we have 19 pieces of iron ingots as well I didn’t even realize we had those right well let’s put that there and actually how about out we’ll make ourselves a quick chest piece like so there we go right so let’s go ahead and put that on

Oh yeah and why don’t we make ourselves a nice little helmet as well while we’re at it okay like so and then let’s quickly take our cooked Cod out and now let’s eat nom nom nom nom yep okay that does it actually we might as well just

Make some like leggings and then boots as well there we go so we now have full iron armor and we also have a shield and we have full iron tools we’re looking pretty strong we are looking pretty strong right now I need to survive out here all right I’m sorry I keep

Destroying you and your family but got to happen sometimes you know see if I can get you guys as well oh hang on oh there’s loads down here wow there we go I need to go back up the top and there we go let’s go back down let’s take you

There we go I collected some more five should do the trick for now just so I got enough you know to survive this night oh look at that down there it’s like a big cave didn’t even know that was there and he’s gone invisible because he’s scared of the dark let’s

Remove all this kelp let’s try and take this sand up here uh that’s better let Place one right about there and let’s take Mr spider on and then let’s also place a torch there and why not one here is that better take on Mr creeper One More Time One More Time come

On okay and with the remaining glass I have I’m going to place it down here and I only have one piece left so I’m going to put it there why not uh right we really need to smell some more sand don’t we but actually just we might need

Some more torches let’s just take some Oak slabs and let’s just put some in there for now let’s just take these remaining oak trees down hopefully I don’t get snuck up on by a creeper that would be terrible right please don’t happen uh you know I just want to try

And M my trees in peace thank you and would you look that I’m already getting hungry again so I’m going to eat my cooked piece of cod mine this one I think we have like another two to go right but after i cho all of these down

Oh what was that a sapling some sticks nice oh and over here as well didn’t even uh didn’t even see these guys oh there’s loads of uh oak logs up here actually yeah so there’s some more oak logs still stuck up here there we go oh

Nice and then let’s try and chop this one down as well if we can there we go nice let’s replant all these saplings how do we get rid of this one is there any uh oh right of course there there we go all right nice nice clear tree farm

With all the wood collected how many did we get we got a stack and a bit a few sticks there a few apples and lots of saplings all we need to do now is just really smell a load of sand collect some glass and basically just get placing I

Guess so let’s just use up what we’ve already got oh it’s not looking too bad so basically I think all night we’re just going to really try and grind some sand let’s get to work so we got some more sand there we’re just going to put

It in there and let’s get back digging damn it is just so slow trying to mine some sand under here it’s certainly a struggle you know what there actually is like lots of sand down here which is a good sign because sometimes when you’re like in a sort of biome like this it’s

Like it’s actually kind of hard to find sand sometimes you’d be you’d be surprised let’s go and put this back in here all right so we’ve got a stack here there’s some floating ones up here also and oh would you look at that nice Sunset that’s just what you want to see

After a hard days of work all right so let’s go ahead and put this in the furnace let’s go take this what we already have and let’s just use it up I mean it’s not going to take long but just uh it’s nice to use them up right

Okay and we’re getting there we’re getting there it should didn’t take us too long to be honest you know when we fill all of this and we can look to uh start building a house and you know the main things so and we can you know maybe

Do some more mining so stay tuned for that look at it it looks so nice like imagine when this is all done oh it’s going to look good it’s going to look good I can’t wait to see the final product but can we make another furnace

Maybe to you know to try and speed the process up a little better make another furnace let’s put it let’s put it oh I didn’t want to put it there I wanted to put it just about there and then let’s take some more slabs what we already

Have and let’s put it in here all right there we go so we got some sand cooking up here some sand cooking up here and you know what let’s make another furn oh my gosh what am I doing let’s make another furnace and let’s put it here

And let’s put the coal in there and let’s cook some cod we are multitasking right now another tree nice don’t mind if I do I’m just going to collect this wood drop down for me nice all right any saplings yes of course boom pop a sapling down go back to the chest put

Some more kelp wood sticks Oak saplings got five diamonds so right we need to eat that Cod like seriously let’s just let the uh you know the sand do its thing and smelt into glass let’s go mining there’s a lot of cave to explore that we haven’t yet on the way though we

Take up some Cobblestone we’re going to need quite a few blocks obviously to you know build up and down if I need to go anywhere right back down the creepy uh the creepy mine should we go down here or I see a oh some iron nice oh there’s

A lot of iron down here actually let’s go ahead and take this up don’t mind the darkness by the way I can uh I can’t help that right now unfortunately but hello zombie you want to you want to try and eat me take some more uh let’s take some more iron up

Nice hopefully we can get a stack by the end of the mine that is uh that’s what we need at this right though if we keep finding iron this easy then I’m sure we’ll do it nothing down there so I’m not going to even attempt to go and look

Down there oh there’s some more iron up there but what’s down here well look oh my gosh and more diamonds nice bro this is like a gold mine over here let’s go more diamonds we take that certainly take it three diamonds baby let’s go oh

Some more lapis as well we can uh we take some of those more XP as well Don’t Mind If I Do Don’t Mind look how much iron is in this cave though like what is going on and and those three diamonds as well absolutely crazy but but let’s just

Go a and collick this iron real quick look at that 25 raw iron and also three diamonds so let’s go and oh look at this amethyst here we can take this up you know it might look cool on the build all right so my iron pickaxe broke in the

Meantime but we managed to collect two stacks and nine blocks of amethyst so oh hello skeleton fancy seeing you here we need to go back up top and actually you know make another pickaxe because this Stone one isn’t going to last much longer at all so let’s head back up then

Yeah so we actually collected like lots of amethyst blocks which is cool and also lots of shards as well it’s it’s uh it’s a phantom you guess that right I hate these things honestly come on then you’re not scary come on Phantom what are you doing let’s go what are you

Doing buddy look at him flying around but whatever you’re doing it’s not cool and it’s not fun so get slain right let’s put the Amethyst in here for now put some more diamonds in there look at that eight diamonds now so it’s creeping up okay let’s take this glass out then

And let’s take that out for now let’s quickly use this up get rid of that kelp because you know what kelp does to our blocks it makes them all uh all horrible and let’s place these seven blocks here let’s place two over here oh I actually really like the look of this looks

Really nice at the bottom of this we can put like lots of colorful Coral blocks as well we could do with a bed though couldn’t we so how about we make some uh wool out of the string let’s try and collect more string so we could do with

Some more spiders honestly um and what we do is we craft ourselves a bed and then we’ll make a house over there and then we can finish filling the gaps in the meantime so we can like do it along the way we can also get on to building a

Big farm and some other things so uh let’s get into that before we anything though it’s important to eat um so we are going to eat some apples and cod perfect combination am I right oh look at that nice 24 pieces of iron also if you’re enjoying this video so far and

You want to show me your support then be sure to subscribe and drop a like on the video it really helps me out and I appreciate every single one of you target these last few pieces up here before I take any damage and look at the trees growing but

Why are they so short they’re literally tiny what is that why are they so small I’ll ignore that for now but let’s deposit some more sand in the furnace our iron should be cooked nice three along the top and voila we have ourselves a new iron pickaxe okay so

Let’s make some more torches as well because I feel like we really need that and yeah let’s just put some other stuff in like bones rotten flesh uh we got some more glass there oh my gosh bro you got to be joking me look at it it’s

After me again why don’t we use it up on here though let’s uh let’s build along here let’s just let’s just get attacked first yeah let’s do that why are you uh why are you doing this let’s take these trees down then to allow some more to

Grow it looks like they’re uh they’re pretty overgrown actually nice there we go and then just this final one I believe is it this final tree now it should all just fall down like so it’s raining sticks and saplings and even apples two over here and one there we’ll

Allow these to grow for now and then uh yeah let’s check this out over here this is coming along nicely now uh all I got to do is fill in these gaps the aquarium’s coming along also and let’s just make like a ton of slabs so then we

Got a stack and a bit let’s put that in there and with the remaining pieces of glass let’s go and uh finish that Aquarium of ours we’re going to have to make some buckets of water also uh you know just to um just to uh you know fill

It up with some water of course okay right so let’s just get placing that so what I’m going to do is I’m going to leave a little Gap just there so we can you know get in and out of the uh of the aquarium to uh then fill up with water

As a matter of fact why don’t we just quickly make some buckets now so let’s just quickly move over to the island um right where is that iron there it is right let’s make some buckets let’s make two for now take two buckets of water

Now and what we can actually do is we can swim underneath it can’t we so if we go go like that at water source hey okay so now if we check that out is that all uh okay it’s really tiny wow this is going to be a problem for us isn’t it

Right okay um didn’t think this one through let’s just put that on top for now and of course my axe breaks doesn’t it I mean you can see the idea right like it’s it’s coming along quite nicely I guess our sugar canane appears to be growing also so we just leave that till

It’s all fully grown and also some wheat is coming through which is good so we’re all off to a good start aren’t we all righty so in the meantime we managed to get ourselves two stacks of sand now what we’re going to do is we’re going to

Go back to to the furnace and then place them inside and smell them and also collect the glass that was already left in them I believe that was the only one right yeah okay oh wrong one we’ll let them smelt for now and then in the meantime I think we should go back

Mining honestly we need some more food we take three pieces with us just in case you know um just in case we need it right there we go um and I believe that’s all we need for now right so oh and another tree is just popped out of

Nowhere right we got nine apples that should do us so let’s get back mining we had another successful mine trick so hopefully we have another one and find even more diamonds let’s explore this part we done the other part but let’s actually oh wait what’s down here oh

Hello zombie didn’t uh didn’t expect to see you here buddy and of course there’s always a creeper oh my gosh there’s loads of zombies oh this leads to the other cave ah right okay well I just see more diamonds so that’s cool um right let’s Place some torches down here actually

Cuz it’s getting uh it’s getting pretty dark down here so let’s mine these pieces of iron here nice I love to see when there’s lots let’s go oh hello zombie how you doing buddy right let’s take this uh iron please hurry up cuz I don’t want another mob coming in and

Trying to attack us oh my gosh look how much iron’s here wow 10 pieces nice all right cool I think we should go for those diamonds down there also so oh hello creeper how are you doing buddy okay just explode that’s fine oh there’s like another bit down here as

Well that we can go down so let’s go down here then yeah okay where was that diamond at was it right actually we shouldn’t have uh we shouldn’t have lost track where that was should we let’s head back up I think it’s only below us anyways but you know just just to be

Sure all right let’s go back down here oh hello slime waa what are you uh what are you doing down here slime okay right let’s uh let’s go down here like so let’s plant that down and let’s get uh hang on I want to get this slime give me your slime ball

Thank you oh okay okay all right come on oh my gosh there’s a zombie villager okay um right okay hang on I want to collect my diamond oh okay there’s two nice let’s go okay well we got two more diamonds which is nice we got a zombie

Villager and oh my gosh look at this place this place is huge oh my gosh nice I needed that creeper to do that okay we need to run right thankfully it’s mainly just zombies anyways we need to plant some more torches down as well let’s eat

More apples while we can get rid of these zombies oh I’m sorry zombie villager I can’t heal you at the moment I’m trying to get rid of these zombies and unfortunately it looks like you’re going to oh no oh no no this is bad this is

Bad this is bad we haven’t even got no sticks oh no no no no no we need to go back up top we need to go oh my gosh okay we have no sword so that isn’t good okay maybe we should have brought some sticks down with us yeah yeah maybe we

Should we should have done that okay well let’s go and get some sticks because that could have gone sour am I going the right way no wait I’m so confused what is it down this way wait where am I is it oh okay it’s up here

Right is it up here where am I I’ve literally lost track of where I am okay right it’s up here it’s up here of course right okay well I haven’t got a sword so it would have been pretty tough to defend myself without any uh you know

Any sword so let’s go back up top make some swords and then let’s go back down and explore that cave cuz that was huge down there all right we have successfully made it back up to the top and we need to locate some sticks and then let’s make an iron sword nice right

So let’s go ahead and put these diamonds back in here and oh look at that 10 diamonds now 10 nice shiny shiny blue diamond all right okay we need to eat as well actually let’s put the rotten flesh in there cuz we don’t need that but all

Three slime balls we’ll uh we’ll leave that in there and it looks like the sugarcane is fully grown apart from this one but cuz I haven’t got any patience it’s all coming down nice right let’s make sure we collect every piece of sugarcane and let’s go ahead and stick it in the chest

Oh wrong chest apparently it’s in this one so now we have a stack and seven nice uh oh the glass is smelled as well all right let’s go and uh let’s go and use this glass up real quick then oh my gosh this kelp I hate kelp so much it’s

So annoying but it’s fine it’ll uh we’ll get around that right like that I think we should just focus on doing one side first actually instead of keep doing both both there we go let’s plant these last bits um like that and then let’s plant that

Oh no that’s so annoying my OCD can’t take it oh no oh look at that look at that kelp a you got to be kidding me I’m going underwater for now I can’t I can’t deal with this oh no no no no no no no

No I forgot we was an Aquaman oh dear all right come on then Phantom oh and also let’s smelt this iron as well ah wo why are you coming w why are you so fast there what that was crazy speed what the heck all right come on come on land this

This no he landed on me we kind of exchanged there but the point is he still hit me come on Phantom block what you’ve got to be no way I’m getting beat by Phantom oh my gosh what am I doing there we go finally oh my gosh

Right um we are going to take some sticks of us because like last time we needed them and unfortunately we didn’t have them so we’re going to keep some in our inventory for now um bucket of water some apples we need more food though don’t we I mean you know our food

Sources are running quite low here we need some animals that is what we need but where do you find cows and pigs and chickens like you know we’re kind of uh we are kind of stranded out here all right let’s make some more slabs let’s just take some slabs and let’s pop them

In the furnace and it looks like we need more as well so let’s take this iron out here let’s turn that into logs and then let’s just make some more slabs like so and then let’s put some more in there and then let’s put the rest in there and that should cover it

Now so all right nice oh we need them sticks don’t we let’s take 10 there we go right 10 sticks let’s take some iron with us take like five iron that’s it right some Cobblestone maybe just in case all right we’ll leave that Sant to cook in there and let’s take the iron

Out we might as well and um actually yeah we do need some more Cod though Cod where are you I see you Cod don’t run too far I need to eat you oh I need air oh my gosh all right let’s go back down

Come to me I need to eat you thank you very much thank you come to me there we go three pieces there and then wait did I not pick up a piece I don’t know I can’t remember if I did or not but oh well it’s okay well okay there’s a

Dolphin uh just chilling oh dolphin’s Grace thank you and also I need to take some more Cod over here oh my gosh look how fast I’m swimming now wao okay okay okay okay all right buddy come on fishy just come to me oh there’s some iron

There what get rid of all this kelp I hate kelp it’s so it’s so annoying go away would you look at that another beautiful morning on our lovely lovely Island let’s let that cook up in there how’s the glass getting on nice nice let’s take that out go put that in there

And why don’t we just use it up in the meantime ehy now we can finally place that there okay so now I feel a lot better my OCD isn’t playing up now place all along till we reach the end there we go let’s go and take all

This KP up cuz it’s so annoying like just floating there wow look at this literally lots of it wow well we definitely won’t be needing any more KP after this that’s uh that’s for sure oh look how much cod’s out here now place these last 15 blocks this section is not

Far off of being done honestly um righty oh then let’s take take this cooked Cod out let’s chop these trees down as well actually make an iron axe cuz I forgot we actually ours broke but let’s get rid of this in the meantime nice hopefully we get some apples from that as well

That we can eat nice juicy red apples oh nice right let’s go and take this up from here oh nice look at that shiny Apple come to me and you sapling there we go I’m going to need me some of this right and voila there we go it’s done

Again I got to stop saying voila I don’t know why I keep saying that I’m just I think I’m just getting too excited honestly one there one one here one there honestly I think that concludes the tree farm for now any apples I mean one apple though seriously I mean come

On but whatever it is what it is we’ll uh we’ll leave that back in there actually we take it with us why not so let’s go back down to the mine oh let’s eat this apple we might as well I mean why wouldn’t we right let’s uh let’s

Regenerate those hearts back to the mine we go I’m curious though as like to what is inside of that cave because that was that looks like huge inside and I don’t know it looked like there might be some interesting stuff in there for us such as you know diamonds hopefully and you

Know that’s what we keep forgetting to bring but we have got sticks anyways but we do need to keep bringing torches we just uh we’re not bringing enough that’s for sure so let’s go down here right and let’s make a little a little fountain down for us let’s jump down like so

Right what’s down here for us anything anything interesting or no okay nothing at all uh there’s some more iron up there but we can’t be bothered to get that right now honestly oh my gosh there’s some more diamonds I see straight off of the bat and oh hello

Actually we need your string yeah we need your string to make a bed so come on spidies over here not you creeper stay back right come on let’s go Spidey give me your string no he didn’t drop us any might as well take on these creepers uh nice let’s take you on oh

There we go three string cool cool uh let’s take this creeper on over here and I also see more iron in that corner also there we go let’s quickly take this iron before any mobs spot us right okay that should do it wow look how many ores is

Up here oh my gosh and look at the mobs as well but we need some coal um yeah we need coal Bad come on let’s go and with the co we found let’s quickly make some torches as well while we’re at it there we go that’s better let’s uh let’s start

Lighting this place up a little bit oh there’s loads of skellies here oh yes they’re fighting each other there we go all we need is just these two Creepers to blow up just like so and uh oh he won so he’s the better Skelly but not an hour watch

Right okay let’s uh let’s head back up this way then let’s see some cod first and oh my gosh look how much iron is down here also wa this place is huge oh just pick you off creeper okay right there’s lots of iron here let’s actually

Go and check this out very briefly wow wow wow okay right oh there’s a angry skeleton trying to uh hunt us down right now but oh my gosh look how many mobs is down here oh okay there’s some more amethyst oh my gosh look at this place

How about we uh line this place up just a little bit and let’s H collect this amethyst listen to that beautiful sound that makes while you mine it wow how nice okay that should be enough to be honest 41 blocks I mean I doubt we’ll be

Needing much more to be honest okay but let’s head back out of here now and of course we get attacked by a little Spidey oh my gosh there’s a witch okay there’s literally a witch right there okay so after a long mining trip I decided to come back up top just to the

Surface to work on my build a little bit so as you can see behind us well now in front of us but we need to finish off the glass for the floor so I think we’re going to have to grind some sand but if I do remember correctly I’m pretty sure

I left some in the furnace so yeah there we go there’s seven there and five here what about this other one I’m yeah okay it’s only iron in here so that’s fine so let’s just use up these last 12 oh accidentally took a little bit of fall

Damage there let me quickly this uh cook cod but how about though we quickly use up these last 12 pieces but now we finished the last piece I think we should just craft a few shovels and really get to work the sand uh try to

Bring as much sand as we possibly can uh so there’s an iron shovel right there and we’ve already got some iron in our inventory so let’s quickly make some shovels I maybe four is a little bit Overkill let’s just make let’s make two more so then we got you know we got

Three shovels in total now so okay so there’s sand here so I think we should literally just get to work with the sand um we need to we need as much as possible so I guess stay under here for a little bit bit and mine some sand and

Of course it’s raining again I mean what is this weather on this island it’s always raining oh well I suppose that’s just what you get for you know being the literal middle the middle of nowhere but whatever but let’s just grab as much sand as we can then um just like this

And then I think after we get as much glass as we can and you know fill in all the gaps once we’ve done that we can start building a house so that’ll be pretty fun it’s not going to be the biggest house but I think we’re going to

Have like a nice little you know symmetrical house over there um you know just to keep us going through these uh through these nights let’s just take this sand nice nice there is a lot of sand down here actually but it’s just it’s hard to mine when you’re

Underground honestly oh I need to come up cuz I’m running out of bubbles let me quickly grab this hand there we go then pick this one up and let’s just do what we do best really scary out here isn’t it when you actually take a a close look

And look in the distance it it is actually a bit of a scary place oh and that is very scary actually that uh that Thunder but it’s fine it’s just me and my trusty iron shovel brilliant so how much have we got right now okay so we

Got 44 so if we go down down there we can get at least a stack so that’ll uh that help us a lot actually oh that Thunder’s pretty scary I can’t lie it’s uh oh wait I’m pretty sure something just got struck by lightning yeah oh my

Gosh what is this oh my wao wo wo okay that’s that’s dangerous we’re going to we’re going to head back in the water actually where we’re safe because I’m pretty scared actually I haven’t seen many drowns down here though I can’t lie so I don’t know what’s going on with

That but I’m not complaining I mean you know just I prefer to be left in peace honestly oh we need to come back up uh let’s go back down collect our sand yada yada yada uh there we go so we got a lot of plans actually after this so like I

Said we’re going to fill in all the gaps over there so you know we’re halfway done on one side we just get up there we go so like I said look we’re halfway done on this side here so once we fill this side in we’re going to start this

Side well we already have made a little start but we’re going to fill on this side and then get to the back oh my gosh and then yeah once we filled in all the glass like I said we’re going to build a house over there and then looking into

Building like a bit of a farm over here even if we can get some villagers that would be pretty cool as well but I don’t know it will be a bit of a challenge for us but and then like I said never ever over there so we got our plan of action

Sorted it’s just we need to actually uh get the ball rolling a little bit and actually like do what we say there’s lots of cap down here oh no nearly I nearly trapped myself there actually right but we got a stack in a little bit

So how about then we put our sand in here for now uh what we got we got some got six Co but we actually want to save that let’s make some slabs let’s make some slabs then yeah why not let’s make 18 slabs and let’s put them in here for

Now and we can always top up uh actually yeah we need we need more In Here Also oh no all right let’s quickly get Crafting then let’s put them in there for now and then the leftover we can just put in this one but anyway we’re

Going to let that cook in there for now we got enough Cod we’ got 18 pieces of cook cod so that’s always a good sign let’s quickly uh ouch I got to stop doing that but let’s just wait till that smelts and then uh yeah we can get

Placed with the glass it’s not the best looking tank is it I feel like we should put the glass here so maybe we’re going to do that also if you are enjoying the video so far then why not drop a like you know it helps me out and why not be

Kind I mean it’s 2024 now by the time this video goes out so happy New Year as well I guess this kelp is really annoying me actually my OCD is playing up how about we quick quickly collect this CP and some sand here as well that

I’ve missed okay so it is now sunlight and oh look at the look at that sun just glistening on that lovely water surface absolutely beautiful stuff it’s daytime so that’s a good sign there’s no mobs outside so you know we can’t be uh too petrified but um nevertheless Let’s uh

Let’s get cracking with this glass in and oh do you know what would help it would help if we actually grab the glass out the furnace first so that’s what we’re going to go ahead and do so let’s uh so that’s still cooking in that one

But we got eight pieces here I mean why why not just use it up I mean it’s only eight pieces but this is what we got to do while we wait for the other ones to you know finish doing what they’re doing okay like that and that was eight pieces

And that literally got me nowhere that was 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 oh well just minus that one there but that was eight pieces just there like what but hey I see some trees overgrown here and obviously we need some new ones to grow we’re going

To miss out on a lot of wood so why not just get chopping then chopping chopping chopping chop these two down here nice and then this is why I love like the falling tree mod because it’s just so nice like it’s you haven’t got to touch

The leaves it just all comes down with it it’s just oh it’s such a good mod honestly highly recommend it it saves a lot of time as well well it’s just good I couldn’t I couldn’t live without it now I’ve got it honestly it’s so good

Last few then I’m pretty sure it’s just this one and another two trees I believe well another three but now it’s another two trees but let’s collect those lovely logs and then hopefully some saplings drop and some apples as well cuz I like apples honestly I think uh I think

They’re very underrated but anyways let’s uh where is the missing Oak log where is it why isn’t it all dropping um am I just am I not seeing it am I just being completely oblivious to it or huh what is going on then where is uh where

Is it maybe if I oh oh I think it’s dropping now is it what’s going on ah well it turns out it’s not working actually this is quite strange I don’t know what’s going on with the mod but it seems to not be working so uh this is a

Bit of a disaster isn’t it well anyway I guess we’ll just leave them leaves to fall and do their thing but H that’s uh that’s pretty strange actually we’re going to we’re going to try and fix that later but that isn’t our main concern right now we’ve got a load of oak logs

So how about we put it in the wooden chest um so look we got a stack here couple stacks here we got actually three stacks of oak logs so that’s a lot of wood and some Oak slabs also so that’s pretty good we’re looking pretty good on

The wood so far um this is the thing about the tree farm I mean it’s just it’s brilliant I mean you haven’t got to go out of your way just to farm some wood you know like any other Minecraft world anyway let’s just place these last few saplings here then place that here

And then that one there and I believe that is all for now so we can let these uh you know the rest of these oak leaves just drop and turn into saplings sticks and apples whatever you know whatever they got to do but we’re just going to

Let it do their magic for now so let’s check on our sand then okay nice we got half a stack here so if we quickly how much we got left 32 that’s 36 there so let’s just put that in there and then yeah let’s use up the 32 glass we

Already have oh my gosh did you guys see that the lightning again it’s just oh it’s just so annoying is it trying to destroy me right now is it trying to you know this is the thing with these 100 day challenges just oh no okay well like

I was saying these 100 day challenges are are literally a challenge because you get you know this this sort of stuff happens on the regular basis and it is so annoying because you try and do one thing and then you got to you know you got to deal with some angry Phantoms for

Some reason I don’t know why we can’t just all get along you know surely they just leave me alone by now oh my gosh look the speed of that one I’m actually losing to Phantoms what is going on oh my god oh wait what am I doing what have

I done there uhoh uhoh uhoh uhoh my shield my shield my shield quickly quick quick quick quick okay what’s going on go away be gone Phantom wait what are they what are they doing what is with this weather as well by the way this is so like oh where’s the good weather why

Isn’t the Sun out why is it always raining and so gloomy and cloudy I don’t get it okay what is that Phantom doing is he going to come down then or we just going to have a little standof or like what okay one there we didn’t get

Another hit off of him that is quite annoying but hey dropped some sticks some saplings nice actually a lot of saplings wow that’s that’s pretty good oh and a stick there yeah I picked it up okay nice come on then Phantom let’s have it for a last there we go all right

Well we got rid of him but let’s use up these last two last two I mean last 10 what am I talking about and then hopefully by now most of that sand has smelted in the furnace oh my gosh I I can’t catch a break around here literally there’s always you know

There’s always good to be putting under some pressure I suppose but come on give me a little bit of a break these Phantoms there we go oh oh no so close oh okay they’re coming back for some more okay you want some as well huh huh

Huh come on then there we go all right you’re dead come on let’s have you as well let’s go get out of my sight we really need a bed there’s so much things I want to do but I can’t it all takes time I want to go and explore that

Monument over there I want to go and explore the rest of the world I need to fill the glass in I need uh I need some villagers to help me out honestly okay so we got another 18 pieces then so let’s quickly you know use them up like

So pretty good and we got an Apple so why not just eat it like so I mean that’s really going to annoy me with my OCD but that little hunger bar there isn’t fully regenerated but it’s fine you know it’s actually have we got another Apple we got a carrot let’s save

That actually but oh look at these two more trees have grown so let’s quickly get rid of these nice and then let’s get rid of this one lovely lovely nice all right so we got nine pieces from that nine logs let’s go deposit in the chest

And oh we got 10 more pieces of sand so it’ be rude not to you know smelt the rest um H I saw that stick give me that stick right so I feel like we should craft a boat then if we want to go and explore the rest of the world so let’s

Go ahead and do that okay so we got an oak boat now uh why don’t we just quickly you know go and harbor it up can we place it or there we go right let’s Harbor it there for now you know that’s ready to go and set sail and now all we

Got to do is just get over another night and we’re going and explore I mean I think like for the rest of the night let’s just grind some sand you know get the sand in so we got like a lot of it do you know what I mean so we haven’t

Got to keep going back and farming it and smelting it Etc so I think for the rest of the night we’re just going to go and farm a lot of sand and then see how we uh see how we get on I guess I spent the rest of the night underwater in the

Freezing cold trying my best to collect some sand and while doing so I was thinking what to do next after I filled the rest in the base with glass and boom the idea that crossed my mind is to first of all obviously go and fill the

Glass in but after go and explore the rest of the world so that’s what I did so after spending some time you know collecting some sand we managed to get quite a bit which I’ll show you in a minute in the chest but if you take a look behind us it’s becoming morning

Again at last so enough of the Phantoms attacking us uh we can finally start you know building a lot more and and doing the things that we need to get done today so if we take a look in the chest I put it all in the bottom we got 64

There another stack there three more and also we got 16 so but yeah we got over what this 2 four five five and a bit so we got five Stacks here 1 2 3 4 5 okay I I just had to make sure in case I wasn’t

Being dumb but we’ got five stacks of sand here and also we got 16 just here oh sorry I forgot to mention as well we also had a stack cooking up in the furnace what about over here yeah okay we’ve got a lot of Glass on our hands

Hopefully we should have a lot of that done let’s make some more slabs uh that should do the trick okay just a little bit less but it’s fine we can always can always add it’s right we got more sand cooking up in there more sand being

Smelt in this one and we got a stack of nine pieces of glass so why don’t we just quickly use it up look how much better it looks like when oh no ignore that but like I was saying look what am I doing like I was saying look how much

Better it looks of the daytime and it’s just honestly this this shaders pack is just so nice it completely transforms Minecraft honestly you got to love a shaders pack let’s just get placing down here then like so nice uh o that’s annoying but hey we’re getting there I

Mean we’re getting there aren’t we hello chickens What’s um what’s going on here then um where did you where did you guys come from okay hang on we need to wear some seeds we need some seeds ASAP okay we got some seeds here so come on

Chickens I’m going to uh I’m going to quickly craft you guys a nice little oh hang on we haven’t got enough wood but it’s fine right hang on we need to take some wood nice right now let’s make a couple of more of those and then let’s

Make some um fence gates real quick let’s make two actually why not right like so righty then um oh hang on sorry sorry chickens come over here you know what let’s quickly just go in go in come on yeah a little bit more what the heck what am I doing there

We go right come on go in there we go right nice um let’s actually feed you guys some wheat seeds cuz maybe you can give me more chickens yeah let’s just put that there for now actually oh there we go look at that we got some baby

Chickens look at that it’s a little baby chick give some seeds and we got some baby chickens now so that’s exciting there we go we got a little um we got a little pen going for the chickens now we can’t be too stupid and you know keep

Opening this fence gate by the way as I say that I literally open it but anyways let’s put the seeds back in here for now then and let’s equipped our Shield because we need that for protection and yeah so it’s looking pretty good oh we

Need our Cod that is what we do need I reckon I reckon I reckon we put more sand in here uh we take more wood and make them into some slabs let’s put some more in here then so we got enough right that I do there and then let’s put some

More in here let’s put it all in there actually there we go perfect absolutely perfect Perfecto right I say why don’t we set saale and you know explore the rest of it well um you know our chicken does it you know does it thing maybe the

Baby chicken will be grown by the time we get back but oh actually we need to hover some sugarcane what are we doing we can’t just let that oh didn’t mean to do that there we go nice nice click some more down here cool okay so 20 pieces of

Sugar cane nice stuff and also why don’t we take up some wheat wire at it as well then there we go nice nice nice nice got we got some wheat going there as well so how about we just quickly get planted them back or there’s some in the water

As well don’t worry we will get those nice all right so we got 11 pieces in total and oh there’s some more sugarcane that we didn’t collect so now we’ve done that why don’t we just set sail and you know go explore the rest of the world

Goodbye Island I’ll be back I promise hopefully I come back all in one piece and also when I come back hopefully the uh glasses all smelted oh I hear a dolphin somewhere oh there it is there’s two dolphins behind us wow that’s pretty cool but we’re just completely going

Into the void and what is that over there is that like a little uh little Monument there or what actually is that hey Dolphins you want to want to chill you just following me what is what’s the deal here there’s lots of cod down there

Oh uh we got some mobs here we got some drowns we got some oh okay this is scary but oh look there’s some land over here oh no oh no oh no oh my gosh they’re trying to attack us but the Dolphins got our back you know they’re going to help

Us but would you look at that we’ve reached sh and oh my look at look at all this wao okay let’s actually let’s anchor up just here then there’s a lot of sand here actually so why don’t we just take advantage and take some more sand just because we can there’s more

Sugarcane here as well so so why don’t we just take this up and I’ve just noticed it’s getting dark maybe this might have been a wrong time to come here but oh there’s some Coral down here let’s uh go and take this up oh there’s some nice Coral here this is what we

Need for the uh the aquarium this is what we need so why don’t we just be sneaky about this and quickly take it up oh no no no no no no okay actually I suppose we can do that on the way back can’t we yeah I mean why not take that

Though where did it come here there we go all right well let’s just take that there for now then and would you look at this there’s lots of trees going on over there there’s oh there’s a zombie here so let’s go and take this guy on haven’t

Uh I’ve only seen you in caves we haven’t really seen you on land have we zombie but look at this why didn’t I come here earlier to farm some sand it would have been so much easier oh oh hello guys can I uh can I help you with

Anything or are we just going to battle it out there we go right oh there’s some spidies there help us with some string you know to make a bed actually we could steal a bed couldn’t we there’s any in those uh in those buildings oh come on

Then oh hello creeper as well you going to you going to try and blow us up there we go oh hello um hello Iron Golem oh there’s there’s a few down here actually and some hay bells why don’t we uh oh they fighting over there oh my what’s uh

What’s going on what am I witnessing Iron Golem just completely dominated everyone there but let’s take these hay bells up cuz you know they’re pretty cool oh my gosh that scared me so much oh come on IR go protect me wait he’s not going for me is he no hopefully not

I feel like he’s going to come and attack me he’s really scary actually oh my gosh there’s too many mobs here what are they doing they going to come back down or oh the Iron Golem isn’t that fast enough what do you think Golem oh

Go on attack him there we go wao attack this one as well go on oh my gosh Iron Golem is op let’s go Golem all right let’s take these hay bells in like I was doing in the first place this look cool for the farm you know nice for the build

We’re going to collect as many as we can you know so we’ve always got enough it’s always nice to have more than enough than not enough so let’s go ahead and take that up but let’s go explore down here then look at this are you stuck

There Golem do you want me to give you a hand there can you can you walk up now maybe I’m not sure but oh accidentally stood on that but you got to be kidding me more Phantoms I can I can’t escape these guys honestly I can I can never

Escape them but oh look at this oh my gosh speed of that I want to go in here oh we got a smoker why don’t we go ahead and take that that smoker actually is there anything under here or no I think okay that’s fine that’s fine uh what’s

In these buildings down here then oh hello villager how uh how you doing buddy oh we got some nice wheat for us actually you know what let’s sleep so then you know we get rid of the mobs there we go sorry I take your uh I take

Your bed there but I’m going to actually take it for good now so sorry about that but ooh okay let’s let’s get rid of some membrane and all that other stuff let’s Chuck it in that corner and then let’s take all the bread and all the wheat and

Also a book here as well um what can we drop what don’t we need CP do we surely uh dead Bush chest okay wait no that is actually it okay well we took some wheat and some bread so that’s nice cool cool uh anything in this one just another bed

Might as well have a double bed uh yeah go then why not some more bread nice some more wheat let’s go lots of bread I’ll leave you to it in there though I feel like I’m disturbing you won’t we go uh won we go in here oh we

Got a stone cutter nice let’s take that anything else down here is it just is this it or I think we should go oh what’s in oh we’ve already been all in here haven’t we yet but right let’s go uh let’s go back up to to the top then

Hello Iron Golem how are you I’m really scared by them Golems actually I always feel like they’re going to go and do something ooh look at this there’s a composter here some more wheat and seeds let’s go ahead and take this up I’m sorry villagers I’m sorry but some

Beatroot seeds we don’t really need those do we um yeah oh hello we could do with you farmer we could do with you actually I can’t help but notice there’s a chest over there so let’s take this composter then um what can we drop what can we drop gravel that’s it we don’t

Need that oh wait he’s not a he’s not a farmer anymore but we can go and bring him back I suppose it would be a bit difficult though but whatever whatever um oh more bread and seeds in here do you know actually what is that oh a little baby villagers look they’re all

Roaming around I mean we could bring them back but then I like to do my own sort of farming I mean it would be cool you know to have them there but it’s just I don’t know maybe we don’t need them too much do we little uh little

Well they got here little wishing well anything in this chest or just a crafting bench is fine we’ll leave that one anything in here though we’ll take that cuz we’re you know we’re really cheeky anything in here awesome emeralds I suppose we could take those actually all right well that’s pretty cool we’ve

Uh made like a little desert village thing that’s uh that’s cool where did I anchor that boat just to know where okay yeah it’s over there all right that’s fine just so I know you know sort of where I’m at so let’s head back down here then some Netherrack here that we

Actually do need to take so we can take that o little chest golden boots okay some iron nuggets that would be cool to use for some lanterns glistening melon we got some more sugar cane over there how about we take this Netherrack up though we need this Netherrack actually

To make our nether Port will look cool on our own Island the nether is actually a really scary place when you go and think about it when you’re actually there it’s I don’t know it’s like a obviously it’s a whole new world but it’s just scary I mean who wants to who

Wants to be stuck in the nether cuz not me that’s uh that’s for sure just realized we need to drop something here uh let’s drop the sea pickles why not let’s take all this Netherrack nice so I’m glad we explored this cuz now by the

Time we get back we got lots of sand the glass is smelting doing its thing and we’re collecting some Netherrack even though we haven’t even been to the nether yet there’s a stack there stack should do us actually for now so let’s go and head over here then go and see

What what’s uh what’s going on over here look at these little underwater caves though there’s lots of them isn’t there oh some more chickens here let’s uh let’s actually take you let’s take that and then let’s take up some more sugar cane actually that is what we need we

Need dirt all right there we go that’ll do so let’s just take some more dirt then who would have thought we would have been grinding dirt cuz not me honestly not me let’s go ahead and just take this dirt though you know while we can three more 1 two three and then

There we go we got a stack nice take some more sugarcane then we got to take advantage of this sugar cane actually get as much as we can yada yada yada let take some of this and oh my gosh look at that oh that scared me though those

Footsteps let’s go and check this out over here though wao what is that up there I don’t want to lose track of where I’m at but I just I feel like I want to go and check that out up there honestly take some more sugarcane well that looked like a little spooky cave

Down here oh look at all these cobwebs and everything oh my look at this go and check it out down here is this too risky down here then there’s some coal here why don’t we go and take that while we’re here why not why not it would be

Cheeky to uh you know just leave it there wouldn’t it waa why is there so much coal down here what look at it there’s lots of it I got to drop something again I got to drop the string I’m sorry not the end of the world there

We go though oh some more down here what when is it going to stop what I have hit the coal mine what is what is this oh my gosh it’s still going what how much coal okay I was going to say surely it was going to stop there look at that we got

40 pieces of coal oh actually 41 all right that’s cool um let’s go back down here then where we came from where was where did we come from down here wasn’t it yeah okay well oh I hear some spiders got to be careful got to be careful they

Above us where are they actually are they okay I hear a ton of mobs so I’m going to eat this cook card while I can where are they I can hear them but I’m not quite close to them am I um where are you mobs you up here I got to be

Careful cuz I’m getting myself involved with a lot of mobs aren’t I oh no not you guys oh there’s a spawner okay yeah yeah yeah I’m getting H I’m getting out of here no way I’ve done this uh on one of my last videos and it was pretty

Scary those spawners so I’m not going to even attempt to go and check that out but let’s go up here for now wait this is where the spawner was wasn’t there yeah I’m not going down there let’s just go up here uh yeah okay let’s go up here

Then there we go all right so we’ve reached another sort of villager villager Place let’s take the hay bells why not all right nice no we don’t really need that um anything else no or some more wheat and seeds let’s go ahead and take that up sorry villagers my bad

My bad but I do oh there’s another Iron Golem there I but I do need them I’m sorry nothing going on down there what’s uh oh oh hello villagers how are we uh how are we all doing down here watch this Iron Golem Watch what it does oh my

Gosh you just love to see it it’s just always one hit so satisfying let’s go and uh let’s go and check that out down there let’s take the Skeleton on there we go nice good stuff good stuff we’re already nearly level 30 and we haven’t

Even had like an XP farm yet or anything this is just brilliant it’s brilliant um right what is this down here then I don’t want to get lost ah look at this stuff here then okay well we don’t need any more Netherrack but let’s head back

To where we came from then oh my gosh zombie villager as well no they got you you got infected look he’s after us but let’s head back to where we came from okay right let’s uh let’s try and head out of here then you to eat some cook

Card can we make it in time yeah okay that’s fine right let’s head back was it in this direction or was it over this side uh well we came from okay let’s let’s go over this side we’ll find it eventually okay so I remember this over here yes I think we’re close right

Okay let’s keep heading over this direction then was it over here oh no there’s a creeper there let’s try and avoid him okay so this is where I came from wasn’t it yeah this is where I took all the Netherrack so that means the boat should be there there we go let’s

Head back now cuz I’m getting a little bit homesick cuz it is getting very scary out here now actually but hey successful trip though we managed to get some hay bells some smokers imposters uh we got a Canon bed we got some emeralds some bread some wheat some books some

Iron nuggets we got a load of goodies so let’s head back then try to avoid that Monument over there cuz we don’t want to get attacked although we have got our iron sword out ready prepared just in case anything does kick off yeah he’s already out scouting us I can see him

Let’s head back to the island hello drowned don’t mind me just passing through buddy just passing through there it is look at it all nice and lit up I’ve missed this island I’ve missed it today that drown is really following us isn’t it look how much KP is under here

Though it’s too much for it we could actually put the CP in the composter and get a lot of bone meal head around the side and let’s anchor up just about here there we go that looks nice doesn’t it right okay how’s the sand getting on oh

Nice stack there basically a stack there ah we should have used this one as well you know while we’re at it oh it doesn’t matter it doesn’t matter right okay let’s deposit all the stuff in here then well not actually uh let’s put the sand in here though for now let’s put the

Wheat and bread in here some sugar cane there some emeralds boots all the other stuff yeah let’s let’s put it all in there why not okay okay let’s go ahead and cook that raw chicken Now where’s the coal there is oh we got a lot of

Coal now nice well we got some more chickens now I told you by the time we come back with a Groove so let’s feed some more seeds in to make some more and some more baby chickens there we go look at that where is the baby chicken there

It is I I kind of see it where is it you’re you’re hiding it there it is hello baby chicken I’ll give you some seeds oh you thought you thought oh some eggs all right let’s go and take the glass out of here then let’s make some

More slabs to smelt with where is it put the the sand in here right so we got that cooking now so we got two stacks of glass here so let’s get it used up let’s just come along nice let’s quickly use this up just here in the corner nice and

Then let’s use the rest of it up and we should have this one side done hopefully that’s what I’m hoping for anyways ah no imagine if we only have one piece left that’s going to be annoying cuz we just used it up there by accident okay it

Doesn’t matter because we uh we were a little bit short anyway but look at this it’s basically filled up this bit that’s that’s pretty cool while that does its thing um oh actually do you know what we’re going to do we’re going to take

Some where did I I put them seeds did I put it in here no I must put it in this one there we go okay 32 seeds well 45 actually and where is that dirt we had uh there it is okay right so what we’re going to do is we’re going to extend

This out like so okay then what we’re going to do is all we need a hoe so let’s quickly craft ourselves a little hoe we don’t need to cuz there’s already one in the chest that we already used right so let’s quickly do this and then

Plant the seeds on top and we have a lot more wheat seeds a lot more wheat I mean okay so let’s do the same with this side plant them down and lovely lovely stuff all right cool if we grab some sand cuz we have got some sand to spare to be

Honest take some of that sugar cane and then we can plant some around oh that’s that’s my bad let’s quickly build a little foundation for it there we go now we can place sand on top right oh what am I what am I doing right like that so

Then let’s place it on not like that let’s place it on top of the sand what am I doing wow I’m being oh what am I do you know what I’m doing I’m making silly mistakes there we go right let’s plant that on there and there we go just like

That we’ll have more sugar cane coming through and also we’ll have more wheat matter of fact we can even extend around here like so and then grab some more wheat seeds like that there we go that’s that’s looking pretty cool nice nice nice all right then how’s our chickens

Getting on do you want some more some more seeds anyone that was close right I can’t give you any more seeds now so that’s going back in the chest how’s the sand getting on nice we put another stack in there for now let’s take that

Bit out let’s make some more slabs so we just use it all up yeah why not put some in there 36 we need so let’s just at 35 we got just less than a stack but the most important thing is we’ll have this side done whoops I hate when I keep

Wasting glass it’s so annoying but hey most important thing is we got uh we got one side done now let’s get this side done I got to work with placing the glass and I got to say this took way longer than I thought but regardless we

Cracked on with it until it was done you got to remember these gaps that we was filling was pretty big so as a result of that this took so much sand and I had keep going back and forth to the furnace but with some perseverance we

Filled all the glass in and I got to say it looks super clean now we had the entire base complete all that was left to build is a home A Farm a nether portal and maybe some other builds so let’s dive into that first things first

I saw the tree farm was looking pretty overgrown so I decided to take care of that and just to get rid of the logs after I was done chopping the trees I sat in patience hoping that the leaves would drop me some more apples sticks and even some saplings so after all that

If we head back to our lovely Island and then head over here you can see already in the distance I’ve already built the sort of foundation for the house so if you didn’t know already this is where the house is going and I hear a whale

Where is that no I mean the dolphin not a whale what am I talking about where is it there it is under there I guess have fun underneath my uh my base but whatever but yeah as you can see I’ve already built the foundation here so I

Feel like this would be big enough we don’t want to make it too big cuz obviously like what’s the point of just wasting loads of materials just to build like a massive space that I’m not going to use and yes I know hence the massive Circle filled in with glass in the

Middle it looks cool okay just just leave me alone all right but anyways yeah so we got that built behind us and uh this is what we’re going to build a house on first things first let’s head over back to the chest in grab some materials out that we do need so

Obviously we need like lots of wood but anyways we’re going to fill the circle in just with slabs for now and then we’ll move on to actually building the house let’s take a stack of Oak planks out then and then let’s go in here and turn these into slabs we’re not going to

Use use all of it up because I feel that’s very unnecessary but we might as well just make more than a stack but whatever but anyways let’s get cracking with this then so if we just come along like so and then fill the rest of this in we have ourselves a proper foundation

For it then and it won’t just be open in the middle and you know it’ll actually be all filled in and I just realized it’s becoming nighttime again and I haven’t placed torches around here so yeah bad uh bad idea actually let me just quickly place the remaining torches

I have on here just so I don’t get any mobs because imagine if I get a creeper come on here and try and blow everything up that would just be like terrible wouldn’t it let’s try and avoid that then how have we nearly done a stack already and we haven’t even got anywhere

Why does it take up so much wood what the heck well it looks like we’re uh we’re going to have to go back then well we went to sleep and I can tell you I am not scared anymore the sun’s out which is really nice and we’re going to break

This bed actually real quick and just pop it in here for now nom nom nom but we’re halfway done filling the Bas in let’s just come along this side damn I keep accidentally doing this maybe while I was over there I should have crafted myself an axe but it doesn’t matter it’s

Okay and is everyone having a good day so far you know if you’re watching this and uh you’re having a good day let me know in the comment section down below I’m curious to what you guys are actually doing right now just going to place it there and then there okay well

We’ve only got this little section here to finish off so I’m sure we’ll have that done maybe even a stack will do it I actually a stack will do more than that we’ll have plenty look at this that wasn’t even enough well that’s just

Great isn’t it I guess we got to go back for more then guys am I just being dumb or is that genuinely like is that how much it takes oh my gosh well I suppose I’ll have to grab some more wood then and then go in here 24 pieces will will

Be more than enough I can say that very confidently now three and six there we go right we’ve done it we actually filled it in now we can move on to actually building it up and you know getting it up why don’t we take all this

Up then do a bit of harvesting take all this up nice nice collect those seeds collect those seeds so let’s place all these seeds back why don’t we just Harvest some sugarcane the now and you not I think would look cool in the middle if you put some Sandstone around

The actual edges I’ll show you what I mean in a second but let’s just quickly craft some Sandstone like so okay put it like that we’re going to have to reconstruct this then all right so I was getting pretty frustrated honestly with this whole like tank thing but to be

Honest we managed to get there in the end it actually looks pretty cool it’s like a little fish tank we’re going to put some fish in there later on but I just think it looks pretty cool honestly I put some Coral at the bottom as you

Can see I literally went out my way and farmed loads of coral by the way this is how much actually really annoyed me we already had some left over in the chest anyway so that was cool but we also had to make some sand into some sandstone

And also turn them into some slabs to get this like nice little finished by the time I put some fish in here as well it looked pretty cool I think I also put some seagrass in there as well to give it some you know extra detail I like it

Honestly I think it looks pretty cool I think now we should start with the construction of our builds so let’s get building firstly I started off by laying down the peers after that I raised them by three Blocks after raising the piers I began placing fences all around the build this was to make sure I was nice and secure I thought it would be nice to decorate the peers with some cobblestone walls so that’s what I did on each side of my home I built a staircase therefore

You can have easy access and enter anywhere you want as simple as it was it really did finish it off thereafter it was time to fill in the ground floor roof after doing so it was time to start constructing the second Floor whilst watching the sunset it was finally time to start raging the second Floor for added detail I made some archways out of Oak stairs for the entries above the archways I filled the resting with glass and also began to start extending more upwards for finishing touches I added Oak fences for each corner and then it was time to get started with the

Roof from layer to layer it was actually quite tricky so I had to take my time for this one I proceeded to decorate the top with Cobblestone walls after that I followed It Up by some Oak fences following that I added lanterns to give a nice cozy warm ambient lighting so

Downstairs we’re going to get placing these ladders so if we just place them like so either side by the way look how nice and clean it looks down here by the time we put some crafting tables and furnaces in here it look pretty cozy let’s just extend up here now like so I

Hope we have enough ladders this is the bedroom by the way going to put a bed here a little crafting table maybe even put some barrels here you know it look pretty nice but oh look at the view outside of our window of our lovely Island look at that nice view wow I

Actually wish I lived here in real life now that the ladders are in place let’s go back down then and uh let’s show you what I’ve created so far I think it looks really cool actually if we just stand back here I think for especially this sort of build as well it’s clean

It’s not too much but it just does the job and it looks nice so I like it and I’m very happy with it so I figured I’m going to place my chests here so if I put put like maybe four there and four here I like it that’s pretty cool so we

Can uh you know locate anything in the chest and organize them well that’s pretty cool and then I’ll show you my bedroom so if we head up here as you can see I made like a little chandelier out of lanterns we made two barrels here so that’s pretty cool even extra storage

And then underneath we also put some lanterns just in that like just to get that nice cozy ambient Lighting in our bedroom I like it and I think it looks pretty cool if I do say so myself also just crafting tables here purely just cuz it you know it looks cool that’s our

Bedroom and then if we go down the ladder obviously this is like the little storage area so you know we got all our chests here as I just showed you and then down here I’m probably just going to put some furnace more chest crafting table just you know it’s looking pretty

Pretty cool and I figured because there’s water already underneath us what a cool idea would be like obviously mainly just for decoration cuz like wheat does look really cool when it’s fully grown but just to like replace all of this wooden planks here just with dirt blocks and then obviously ho it

Down and then put some wheat seeds on top so that’s exactly what we’re going to do just like this so place it round and all we got to do is ho it down like so and then plant the wheat seeds on top just like that and eventually

When it all grows it would look really nice just like this place a dirt in between the gaps and then Hur it all down and then plant the seeds on top there we go see trust me when it’s all fully grown it’ll look really cool

In my opinion so let’s just go ahead and do this to uh the two other sides then then all we have to do is just do it this last side and then we’re done and now if we take a step back and actually have a look at the full build with the

Uh with the wheat outside of it as well it actually looks really nice and it’s all fully grown now which is cool is it all fully grown now or yeah oh actually no it’s not all fully grown but I mean it’s getting there anyway it’s it’s I

Didn’t mean to do that I’m sorry wheat seed I’m sorry from stopping your uh your growth I didn’t mean to do that but the majority of it is actually fully grown I added some furnaces here uh two smokers there two Stone Cutters over there and also two crafting tables here

So we got a little room down here to do our crafting you know some smelting got smoker there and also the stone cutter so it’s pretty cool I like it it’s uh it’s nice simple I’m going to call these like little water slides cuz I mean they

Don’t really lead to anywhere but other than that that’s uh that’s pretty much it for the build and uh we’re going to get building the farm over here but as you can see there’s a lot of kelp let’s try and get a stack of this stuff but if

We go back up to the base and then walk back over to the main island I say walk I mean Sprint to the main island if you look at the composter here if we actually fill up with kelp we receive bone meal and with this bone meal

Obviously we can use it on our farm so that we can you know grow crops a lot faster because there’s so much kelp around here it’s literally like infinite bone milk really cool there we go so now in total we have five pieces of bone meal how cool is that but cuz the

Wheat’s already fully grown this side how about we get rid of it because we’re going to move our farm over there it’s become nighttime again before I even know it well these days are going so fast honestly but anyways that’s the sugar cane harvested and because it’s

Night time and I don’t want to risk any mobs attacking me I’m going to go to sleep and then in the morning I’m going to start on the farm and then we can look into you know going back mining collecting some obsidian and building a nether you guys don’t want to miss that

Have a look at this have a look at our nice nice cozy bedroom would you look at that we’re going to go have a nice sleep now with no mobs around us here we go we’re uh all refreshed now after a long night’s sleep we’re uh

Ready to start the day so let’s head down the ladders then and then how about we uh make a start on this Farm then but before we do so let’s collect all this CP floating above the water surface because it is actually quite annoying and oh look at that fish what are you

Doing where’s that whale keeps saying whale it’s a little dolphin I’m sorry I keep oh my gosh that was pretty cool but yeah I keep accidentally saying well I don’t know why oh there we go we it give us some dolphin’s Grace look at us we’re

Like a dolphin now look yeah we’re like a little dolphin let’s not get too distracted then by the dolphin oh what are you doing my kelp the Dolphin’s playing with my kelp I need that it’s fine you give us some more grace so I I’ll I’ll let you off for now all right

Then so we collected all the kelp and let’s go back to the composter and quickly uh you know turn it all into bone meal I’m pretty sure we got lots in the chest as well by the way so we can turn it into a quite a bit of bone meal

Yeah look at that oh my gosh right then let’s uh let’s get composting I guess and we’re pretty much just going to sit here for a while and collect some more bone meal yep so just like that we’ve used up all the kelp and we’ve managed to collect ourselves 31 pieces of bone

Meal which isn’t too bad so thank you composter hello chickens I may need okay I got three pieces of raw chicken so let me just put that in there for now I know I got sticks in there I don’t even ask I’m all over the place at the minute I’m

Just I’m in the middle of building okay leave me alone but I tell you what we do need to actually do is turn most of these into some planks all right like so and then let’s turn more into planks there we go have you got you got any

More eggs to give me chickens see if you eat a baby chicken he there we go got one and why not get rid of these trees as well why not nice but how about we get started with the farm so first things first we’re going to come over

Here for this Farm I’m going to do strictly a carrot and potato farm yeah I think this Farm’s going to be like a carrot and potato farm so like mainly food source let’s dive right into it so to get started we’re just going to build the circle basically the foundation of

It we’ve already built out here so all we got to do is come out four up here so 1 2 three four then we got to go two up so two and then also another two oh sorry and another two wow okay so there’s three two uh I think I’m doing

This right I think one two three hang on wait wait wait uh one 2 3 4 okay I think this is right apologies if it’s not okay so lay four there and then I believe it’s six now so 1 2 3 4 5 six and then

Four up here three four and then 1 2 3 4 so now we got to do four twos so 1 2 3 four okay now I’ve done it wrong all right so we actually managed to fix the circle so now we got an isometrical Circle it’s now time to fill it all in

And by fill it in we need a lot of dirt so let’s go and grab some dirt and fill it all in I already checked my inventory I actually had a stack in a bit so why don’t we quickly use it up here for now

This is going to look so cool when it’s all done and grown cuz I just isn’t it so satisfying when you look at like carrots and potatoes fully grown and wheat as well it just all it all looks so nice I love it my misplacing is way

Too consistent right let’s go and grab some more dirt then cuz that’s all I have left but actually why don’t we Hur it down as we go along that would uh that would help wouldn’t it I love the way because we’re already like on water

We don’t need even have to go out our way grab buckets of water come back and all that jazz so I’m pleased to say that um I am happy to be on water right now saves me a lot of Hassle and buy a lot I

Mean a lot of hassle oh gosh no my hoe just broke well I had to go make a new hoe while I’m at it as well and grab some more dirt let’s see some chicken though because I’m getting hungry the sun is making me so hungry right now

Look how hot I am I’m going to melt in this sun all right so we’ve got some dirt now let’s head back over and get it all filled in oh I forgot to craft a hoe well looks like we’ll have to do that afterward oh I just sunk looks like we

Have to do that afterwards then look at that dolphin that dolphin’s having way too much fun on my Island I might have to might have to charge him for being on here honestly he might have to start giving me some like monthly installments or something and I’m nearly done it’s

Actually quite satisfying doing this I can’t lie I’m having so much enjoyment out of this really entertaining it doesn’t take a lot to entertain me honestly I can do this stuff all day the sun’s going down as well seriously all right well looks like I’ll have to go

And make another her Oh and before any mobs start trying to spawn let me quickly just play some torches down what does it keep becoming so patchy for huh why can’t it all just settle down all right well this is the last H I’m going to craft we’ve grabbed two carrots and

Two potatoes but what we’re going to do is we’re going to bone meal them so they hurry up and grow like that and then we’re going to do one2 carrots one2 potatoes that bone meal them take the potatoes basically just keep doing the same thing go and let’s do the same for

The carrots like so and then eventually it will build up all right well uh we’ll let that all grow I guess let’s go and click some more kelp then so we can turn all into bone meal to you know speed up the process a lot quicker well there

Sure is a lot of kelp around here right look how much there is just floating all right let’s go and dispose it in the composter then give me that bone meal we managed to collect ourselves 35 pieces of bone meal so let’s head back over to

The farm and then get placing it let’s go and do some potatoes as well cuz we keep focus on the carrots sunfare on the potatoes there we go let’s plant all those take up the fully grown carrots and then plant these ones nice all right

So slowly getting there then o I have an idea where the hay Bells we got why don’t we uh decorate this little farm here so give me a minute okay so what I’ve done is I’m going to do this that let’s do this around so I think it looks

Cool actually I think it looks quite nice it gives it some uh you know gives it some character okay so while in the middle of extended my main island I um encountered one of these guys and I can say they uh they didn’t leave did they

When I encountered them the first day oh accidentally eliminated the horsey there I’m sorry what are you uh what are you doing bro come on now oh he drops in Enchanted iron helmet what is it aqua affinity that’s actually quite useful let’s collect all these sticks here well

Look at this and yeah if you couldn’t tell already basically I’m just extended the main island as you can probably tell so I’m just going to get rid of all of these seeds right here like so and then what I’m going to do is I’m going to

Make it even bigger okay so I’m just going to H this down good job I have another hoe in my inventory okay so H this down like so it might break again but it’s okay because we have majority of it done about to break there we go

Get this little little bit like here right and then all we got to do is Place some water like so let’s place these wheat seeds while we’re at it hello drown I see you over there and let’s hold the remaining dirt hold up looks like we need some water around about

Here let’s wait till all that grows and then let’s get some sugar canane and then let’s get placing this all right then we can wait till that grows and then let’s get these saplings down okay now we have all the saplings in place all we got to do now is just

Rely on time and wait for all of this to grow and what is this drown doing and approaching my uh approaching my crops come over here come on I’ll uh I’ll have to deal with you myself come on who told you you could uh stumble onto my Island

Get out of here all right and then I think we should actually go to bed now so then you know the sun arises and hopefully a lot of it grows especially the carrots and potatoes over there as well oh my gosh look at that zombie on

My roof maybe I should put a torch on there okay so now the Farm’s built and then also the house is now built that leaves us with one more major thing to build and it’s going to be buil in this little blank area here and that is a Nether Portal

So in order to do this we need to obtain some obsidian into the portal and I want to make it a bit of a cool build you know I want to make my NE portal look nice and cool so I’m going to have to go to the nether collect some items and

Then come back and then design it and then we can start exploring the Nether and so on let’s get started then and let’s head over back to the main island and then go underground but before I do so I got some chicken cooking in here lovely I’m going to take some apples

With me as well just in case I’m going to need some torches so let me just grab some sticks and coal and let me craft some torches okay 40 four should be way more than enough but I’m going to bring some extra coal and sticks of me just in

Case we run out well let’s go and obtain this obsidian then it feels like I haven’t been down here in like forever okay so let’s go and explore this wild cave then o I should have brought a bucket of water with me we’re going to do things the hard way okay so there’s

Lots of uh Hostile Mobs waiting for me as you can see over there look at the creepers and skeleton but hello zombie what are you uh what are you doing you know that iron would be really useful I might actually go up and mine that down

Cuz we could actually craft a bucket and collect some of that water over there and it’ll uh it will make life so much easier but no oh no our pickax is broke oh no um I didn’t think of that well now I’m doomed oh my how are we going to get

Back up we’ll have to find a way back up oh my gosh okay thank God we actually managed to get back up we need to go back up to the surface don’t we cuz we need a new pickaxe oh my gosh I have no clue how I got up with no pickaxe but

That was actually quite challenging while I’m up here anyways I’m going to grab myself a water bucket so you know just it makes everything a lot more easier also how silly of me I didn’t even craft myself a diamond pickaxe before I went down there and said I was

Going to mine some obsidian what am I even thinking right now well anyways I crafted myself a diamond pickaxe anyway so that’s fine all right and uh let’s head back down the mine then ouch let’s go back down to where we came from oh I

Hear a skeleton so I got to watch him thing he’s above us so we’re fine okay oh sorry about that bat um don’t know what quite happened there oh hello zombies nice to uh nice to meet you here let’s head down this direction oh my

Gosh there is loads of mobs here oh my oh and I see diamonds over there as well so why don’t I um quickly collect those oh yeah oh and lots of iron as well let me collect that real quick one piece uh okay well better than nothing I guess

I’m going to try and mine this all these zombies are after me oh my gosh more iron nice we take it we take it okay right now I see some obsidian so you know that’s good let me get rid of these two zombies cuz they’re being uh being

Quite annoying go away zombie go away oh are you serious these zombies have nothing else better to do have they oh come on then oh what did he drop a potato nice let’s get mining this obsidian then perfect got to be careful for these mobs you see cuz I don’t want a creeper

Coming up behind us and ruining the full 100 days that would be terrible just because I see the skeleton coming towards me I’m just going to take him out oh and the spider as well seriously I need to eat a piece of chicken down here eat an apple get them hunger bars

Up and we can continue breaking the obsidian I might have to place a light down here honestly might have to light this up a little bit look look how glossy the obsidian looks it’s got like a really nice finish to it you can literally see the reflection off the

Torch okay I hear a zombie but I’m so close to Breaking this piece can I do it no oh I did it oh my gosh you need to push me in the lava but we managed to collect that piece of obsidian so that was cool it’s all about skills you got

To know what you’re doing when you’re playing this game there’s more diamonds why am I finding so many diamonds in here I’m aware there’s a skeleton there by the way oh and a zombie nice well let me just get rid of these guys get in that lava oh okay seriously is this what

We’re doing here get in there where did you come from I need that diamond give me that diamond just so I know I’ve got that I know you look I know you’re trying to sneak up on me it’s not going to work it’s not going to work on me

Okay too smart for you anything else down this cave though lots of iron I see any more diamonds about anywhere H oh well there’s more mobs yay I love mobs oh my oh my gosh oh my gosh zombie apocalypse what is going on okay we need to eat real quick

Why is there so many zombies oh my get out of here stop bothering me I just want to complete another 100 days challenge please just leave me alone what’s up here though oh okay there you go fight each other thank you oh my I needed that so bad oh my

Gosh zombie villager they got you I’m sorry oh my gosh oh my gosh oh my gosh oh what what’s going on what’s going on okay I need to get out of here I need to go I need to go I need to eat that chicken what just happened there oh I

See a diamond up there do you see glowing right up in the distance I can’t believe what just happened to me there I need just got Oh I thought that was diamonds I need just got eliminated oh that scared me okay well now we’ve got our obsidian should we start making a

Making a move back up to the top or should we go and explore what’s up here this is risky I have no clue why I’m doing this this would be a dumb way to die this would be a dumb way to uh ruin 100 days video take this iron though any

Skeletons no okay you got to be careful for those as well that’s two things I dislike skeletons and creepers okay I don’t see anything up here so I’m just going to head back down there we go my two best friends oh my gosh I’m going I’m going I’m going

Oh my gosh I got to get out of here help help oh my gosh oh no what am I doing what have I done I accidentally uh Holsted my sword look at that behind me okay um we need to go we need to go what’s the way out I’m just going to go

To the most lit part oh I need new sword as well by the looks of things okay I need to go down oh my gosh oh my gosh oh my gosh all right eat chicken what the hell I I just blocked that right how do I get out of here did

I come from this direction yeah I did okay okay right I know where I’m going now oh my gosh I’m what is going on I’m getting targeted from all angles okay oh there’s another skeleton waiting for me okay I just missed every swing that’s my

Bad okay right we got to get out of here we got to go we got to go let’s get out of here we need to go which way is the way out is it up here no I feel like I’m going in the wrong direction uh right

It’s got to be down here right no where am I going I’m lost this is my worst fear being lost in a cave and I’ve actually just done it wait so maybe it is this way then is it ah maybe yeah maybe we need to head back up here quite

Sure actually oh yeah okay here we go this is the little the little cave we came from okay that’s fine I kind of want to go and explore what’s over here though um let’s take a look hello Spidey these guys are so fast so I got to be

Careful you see that little jump attack they just done there hey creeper anything down here I think I’ve already been up here before haven’t I I don’t think there’s actually a lot going on oh my oh okay what is up here anything oh of course there’s our best friend just

Waiting for us well there’s some amethyst um we’ll take this we’ve already taken this previously but we take some more we like those plus I just love the sound it makes so Charming right well there’s obviously nothing down here right although I can hear skeletons um no I I don’t see anything

So let’s head back down just realized my sword’s broken and I didn’t even notice that oh honestly I I might just be tired today uhoh uhoh uhoh uhoh uhoh uhoh uhoh uhoh okay okay okay okay I’m going to play you at your own game skeleton

Oh oh no okay Miss yes I beat you at your own game how does it feel what’s down here more iron which I will definitely take I just don’t want no mobs okay if there is any mobs here I’m going to have to make a run for it oh

Look at this part some more iron ouch it be rude to leave that iron there um anything no honestly just a dead end okay well let’s head back up top let’s plant some torches to you know say that we’ve actually been down here so if we

Ever encounter it again cuz I’m so uh I’m so forgetful sometimes I’ll actually forget I’ve even been up here ouch that didn’t work did it um okay so I believe all we got to do now is head back up oh up here gotcha all right well there’s to

Another successful mining trip in that mining trip we actually managed to gather three diamonds as well which is pretty cool and some more iron so that’s also very cool but how about we make a quick flint and steel okay so just like that we’ve got ourselves a flint and

Steel still and we’re getting a step closer to going into The Nether now if you guys don’t know me already I hate the nether it’s so scary honestly I just prefer seeing my own land seeing the sunshine and also my little chickens behind me but I do not like the nether

So this is going to be pretty scary for me but I got to do it for you guys so let’s go hey do you know what we’re actually going to do we’re going to be sensible about this situation let’s go and craft ourselves a nice diamond sword

So we have a little bit of diamond tools going right so let’s go on our crafting table and let’s craft ourselves oh I don’t know why I put two sticks in there but let’s craft ourselves a nice diamond sword and we’re going to take this sword and then essentially what we’re going to

Do now put all the stuff in the chest that we don’t need uh I’m going to be very careful about what I place in this chest okay I’m going to smelll some iron while I’m at it I’m going to make myself a chest plate just because I can there

We go um now we look the part um I look very mismatched but hey it it works okay it works so anyways now we’ve got a sword to protect ourselves and you know we’ve only got two pieces of cooked chicken so we could do some more food as

Well before we uh you know head in the nether we’ve got 30 pieces of bread so why don’t we bring that along and if we go back to our farm I’m sure some car carrots and potatoes would have grown by now oh yeah lovely nice carrots well

Let’s take these up then lovely lovely stuff oh sorry carrots I accidentally broke some carrots that aren’t ready to be Harvest but that’s fine it’s all good we’ll uh we’ll fix it oh yeah lovely carrots well I certainly don’t need any more carrots for now um we need to lose

Some to gain some so let’s just Place some back okay there we go we got carrots lying around everywhere so let’s collect all of our carrots and then just place them back like so and then shortly we will do the potatoes as well and now let’s take some potatoes up let’s

Actually uh break them but replace them at the same time so you know it saves a lot of time you know just going back and forth lovely lovely stuff let’s go lines go back like so pick them potatoes over here and then do the same for these two

Oh yeah give me those carrots carrots I mean potatoes what am I even saying oh yeah let’s place them up to here like that so we can allow more to grow do reckon we should just place all of them down because we might have enough

Carrots I say so what do you guys think place it all down yeah why not may as well may as well it’s in investing at the end of the day you know we’re placing all these potatoes down now but then we’re going to get double back so

It’s all good don’t worry about it and you know what I might even do the same for the carrots so let’s just do that as well so it’s all full this going to look so nice it’s all fully grown okay um I believe that’s it right have I missed

Anywhere okay there I did there we go so now that’s all fully oh there’s a carrot there as well but now that’s all fully place we’ got some food here now so we’ be okay on the hunger bars but let’s eat some right now actually and why not have

A good night’s sleep at our home just before a busy day ahead of us tomorrow oh there we go much better let’s head down the ladders then and then come out the front so we got all the stuff we need to get us started we got buckets of

Water we got diamond tools we got uh actually we could do with some more like Cobblestone or dirt you know just to like get from place to place in all fairness so we have Netherrack in the nether haven’t we so we’ll just collect some Netherrack while we’re there okay

And without further Ado let’s get started oh yeah okay this is a strange nether portal but hey it’s going to look better when we’re all done here goes nothing I guess oh gosh well well we uh we finally made it to the Nether and I can say I

Can’t wait to come home if you didn’t know already I dislike this place very much because it is uh very scary and uh it’s not familiar to me and I already hear Pigmen let’s collect some Netherrack while we’re at it then you know to stock up on some blocks that we

Can actually place if we need to get somewhere we see a little Gap here so let’s head up here see what’s uh see what’s going on down here shall we ooh look at this place look at all the particles flying everywhere let’s go up

Here I want to go up okay so it seems like we found a little way out oh my gosh oh there’s uh I already see Pigmen oh let’s get some of this stuff this would be cool for the build back at the uh back at the base for the nether

So let’s collect some black stone while we can let’s collect a lot of that just so we uh so we got enough I want to try and find a Bastion honestly that would be pretty cool let’s collect some bass Sal cuz why not looks like we could do

Some food as well actually good thing I got my carrots uhoh I hear a gast where is that is it below me I don’t want it to like you know completely appear out of nowhere that’s like way too scary okay I didn’t want to start a fight but

If you’re starting on me then unfortunately I have to defend myself where is that Gus he below us oh there’s two well well well what have we stumbled upon here then let’s sneak down while we can honestly how can you tell me the nether isn’t a scary place I mean look

At it it’s like a horror game it’s scary okay I’m going to jump okay we got to be very sneaky about this place I’m going to collect lots of this Brickstone oh okay um I’ve already been spotted this isn’t good I’m going to try and mind my

Own business over here you do not mind I’m going to collect all of this cuz this is going to be good for the nether portal build okay I’m going to drop down but I’ve got to be very careful cuz I’ve got some angry Pigmen who don’t want to

Be my friend so got to be careful about those but I’m going to steal your guys’ lanterns apologies for the uh lanterns but I could deal with some honestly takes way too much iron and unfortunately I am lazy so I’m being very careful not to fall into some lava

Here I’m going to collect these stairs nice nice I’ve got most variants now which is good oh look at it look how scary that is should try and hit it what where did you come from It’s Always skeletons I’m telling you guys it’s always them oh my gosh I’m going to get

Out there before I get hurt oh look at the little baby one though and there uh-oh okay well this isn’t dangerous at all um look how many mobs are down there and I see some chests oh and some more chests over there so I don’t know I want

To um I want to try and make a move to be honest see what we can do here let’s head down this way then cuz it looks a bit safer than the route I was about to take oh I’ve been spotted Miss hello little guy um any chests on this

Floor I mean I can’t seem to see any oh there is one uhoh oh well fell down there now so it doesn’t matter but Soul Sand some string I mean I take some guilded black stone but you know I mean it sure I might use it I don’t know but

I’m collecting all this stuff just in case he oh oh okay okay um um um got to go down here mobs are so annoying what we like try speedrun it oh I want to go up there staircase here have I been spotted yet yep yep yes I have oh my

Gosh oh my gosh gosh leave me alone let me regenerate my hearts in peace now you’re really annoying me oh my gosh did you see how much Pigmen like came after me there oh and we got another one okay right let’s go up here if so we’re going

To have to defend ourselves I think all the Pigmen actually took the bait and went down there so doesn’t matter but oh we got a iron s of smite on it but fortunately we can’t really take it some Magma Cream got some string some more arrows got a music disc honestly we

Don’t really need any of this stuff but o more obsidian ancient debris okay we can take that um what can we drop it for let’s drop that for a stack um a lot of arrows matter of fact let’s take all of these arrows because we might actually

Need that bow and arrow some golden carrots nice I’ll take some of those I’ll eat one how about that um Iron nuggets some chains honestly silk touch oh um yeah honestly we don’t need that bread we can can make do without that for now okay um without you guys turning

On me can I get down here safely or is there going to be issues okay I want to go and get that other chest so let’s be careful even though before we just literally went straight up and you know it could have end very badly but come on

Then we already got one die there we go okay what’s in here some more arrows pork chops oh another ancient debris nice let’s go around this side um what’s in here be something good come on uh some more guilded black stone I I hear a

Magma but I I don’t know if it’s above me or behind me or what I’m so scared I don’t like this place is why I hate it I hate it um Soul speed too yeah we don’t really need any of this honestly it’s just we don’t really need it but we will

Take these stairs oh my gosh oh oh I hate this place I hate this place so much okay uh oh should we go down here yeah yeah let’s go down here I thought it fell off for a second this is so risky right now especially on 100 100

Days of Hardcore Minecraft are you kidding me right now it doesn’t want to end like this okay oh some XP down there H okay uh um honestly I don’t think there’s here a chest no honestly I don’t think there’s anything else down here for us um yeah I think the rest is just

Things that we don’t really need I think anyways well let’s go back up this way then before we get attacked again oh there’s a chest there and I’m going to go and take it uhoh uhoh uhoh uh-oh uhoh uh-oh uh-oh oh my gosh look at

It get away where did the other one go there it is I can hear another one as well all more ancient debris some Crimson Roots Soul Sand other bits and pieces that we don’t really need honestly but um I feel like I want to try and find a nether fortress or

Something like that you know get some blaze rods and stuff um so let’s try and locate one of those ouch well well don’t you just look friendly okay I’m getting out of here for now yeah there’s no way I’m going back down there I want to try

To find a nether fortress like I said but oh speaking of which um there’s one right in front of us so let’s go and explore that then um how weird is that okay well that is actually crazy but okay let’s uh let’s go and head towards

It then okay now this is exciting I like Nether fortresses I like these they’re cool and they’re scary but they’re not too scary I mean it doesn’t doesn’t give me as much as an eerie Vibe as the sort of other places but oh let’s go on it

Take some Nether Bricks why not is that a blaze yep it’s two oh no there’s three of them okay there’s three what’s in here flint and still we don’t really need that um should we try and go for these blazes do you think yeah come on

Come towards me well I’ve got like a stack of arrows so I mean I could maybe you know try and pick them off ouch come on Blaze aha oh oh that was so close come on there we go right let’s get your Blaze Rod okay there’s another one there is

Another one oh nice let’s go we got three blaze rods let’s go okay let’s go back to where we was heading in the first place then without getting distracted This Time by some rude blazes no respect absolutely no respect from those blazes at all okay um let’s try

Head this way oh there’s there’s a wither skeleton there let’s try and avoid him there’s a blaze spawner right there okay okay okay okay okay I got it I got it any chests down here at all for me to look at no just some more Blazers

And they’re going to spot me oh okay well that was uncalled for wasn’t it all right so we got to be sneaky about our our approach here let’s try and pick them off oh do I get him yes why are they so quick though do I get it oh my gosh oh with

The skeleton what are you doing ouch I knew he was there but I didn’t think he’d actually come and like attack us like that damn ouch that actually really hurt okay just checking just check in the area just check in the area peek oh peek again come on and you as well you

As well yes yes go go go go get the blaze rods get the blaze rods there we go oh yes oh yes I believe there’s more up here okay there’s only one I can uh I can I can take him on there we go nice I’ll uh I’ll be

Having your Blaze Rod anything out this way just a dead end yep just a dead end okay um oh what the well so so kind of you Blazers try and attack me like that okay let’s go down here then Blazers are right behind me somewhere oh there they

Are over there hey Blazers um well they can just chill there for a moment because um I want to go and do some exploring it’s all about exploring so you know we know they’re there that’s cool but you know it’s nice to check out our surroundings sometimes not all the

Time though because sometimes they are very scary but it’s fine it’s okay um all right let’s try and enter back in then pretty sure I just saw like a window or something here yeah okay I don’t see any chest lying around to be Hon oh there’s one here unless I’ve

Already loot oh no I haven’t looted these ones just some armor oh three diamonds no way what a find okay you’re getting in my inventory for sure let me eat some more carrots as well before we continue but wow what a great find that was three diamonds let’s go okay oh

Hello what are you doing I don’t want to be attacked I want to go down here okay I saw another chest from glance yet there check left right right left okay I hear another Blaze probably around no okay they’re probably above us Diamond horse armor you know I’m going to take

This just in case I hear more blazes which indicate there is a spawner right above me but there’s also a spawner over there yeah I want to go check this spawner out then cuz this oh you’ve got to be kidding me oh my gosh I’m getting it from all angles

Come on Blazers Let’s uh let’s talk this out ouch come on Blazers I’m waiting for you oh hello Enderman there’s not many spawning there oh okay of course when I walk away I imagine if we hit him from here oh I don’t know if we did or not

But doesn’t matter because uh I’m going to leave him alone for now I’m not even going to bother messing with that guy no way not a chance I hear you ghast I know you’re calling out my name but I don’t want to I don’t want to be involved you

Know just leave me alone I don’t like this place guys please guys if you’re enjoying the video please drop a like because one like equals I don’t even know just drop a like because I’m actually so scared right now and I could de with you guys’ support on this so

Please um you know at least show me some love okay what is this I’m going to ouch eat my carrots I I just want to eat my carrots and be left alone you hear that you hear that with the skeletons you hear that all right um anything think

Down here no okay well now that we got some uh you know stuff I feel like maybe we should start heading back cuz I mean we’ve already gathered a lot of materials we’ve already got some blaze rods matter of fact I think we need to farm some more blaze rods so that’s what

We’re going to do let’s go back to a blaze spawner then oh another chest oh okay we’ve already been to that chest but let’s go back to a blaze spawner and then take all their blaze rods slay some blazes little shortcut here don’t mind if I do right where was that Blaze

Spawner cuz I need to go back to it right this instance I’m pretty sure it was around here wasn’t it yeah there there it is nice so we’re just going to sit in patience in and wait for these blazes no way I missed that oh I can

Pick it off nice this one can’t even see me oh that one can uh-oh let me eat my carrots come on oh no no no no there’s quite a few spawning now if I can pick you off through there yes I did don’t mind me just going to take your blaze

Rods where did that one go a that one I don’t think that that even dropped one did it where is that Blaze that’s in there look at it that is just waiting for us what do you think is it a bit risky if we go through here come through

Oh my gosh oh my gosh oh my gosh ow that hurt okay let’s go back nice take your blaze rods cool I’m going to take you out as well actually cuz you are oh my gosh what where did they even all come from why was there so many at one time

That has never happened before like that oh my god oh I can’t believe what just happened okay oh there’s another one of course there is of course nice more blaze rods for me do you know what I’m going to take you on as well come on

There we go what’s in this chest oh we’ve already looted this part oh okay well that’s cool let’s just wait for more blazes then I guess come on blazes spawn spawn for me oh there’s one there’s two wait no way did three just spawn okay I was going to say where is

That oh my gosh there’s two behind me as well oh no and we’re all out of arrows you know what that means oh we’re going to have to risk it then aren’t we what the heck that is crazy wait imagine if we get these guys to fight each other

That’ actually be crazy oh okay well that that isn’t cool that’s not what we wanted oh there’s nowh I can go and attack these guys I have no arrows left oh what do I do it’s not like I can go and challenge them on surely unless I

Make them all Fireball me okay that’s a very risky way of of doing it come on there we go right I took you on oh my gosh there you are you was hiding from me wasn’t you where’s the other one is it up here yep come on I’ll take you on

As well look at all these blazes yeah come down come down ow that hurt or you just quickly quickly just keep doing these sort of attacks oh my gosh that was close I’m running I’m running I’m running oh my gosh XP I will take that

And a blaze rod okay now I’m going for good now oh my gosh let me just car it okay I’m getting out of here I’m going back home I don’t like it here anymore I’ve made up my mind and I’m going back boy am I not pleased to see this home oh

My gosh I have missed you so much you don’t understand Mah Mah oh my gosh honestly I hate the nether so much it scares me so much even the thought of going back there just oh I don’t like it honestly I don’t like it I’m never going

Back there again but I actually managed to get quite a few resources from the nether so that’s pretty cool but the point is it’s so scary it’s not even worth going back honestly oh my little chickens I love you chickens I’m sorry for ever being mean to you here’s a baby

Chicken I didn’t even get one well okay so yes I’m in a composter so don’t even ask but after that long nether session I decided I’m going to build some stuff around my Island to make it look a bit better so before I forget to do so let’s

Quickly do it now so I began by building a giant ring that connected up to each island this took quite a bit of patience as it was hard to get it symmetrical but I did the best I Could I then started placing dirt blocks in the Center just so I can plant some oak trees and when it all grows it’ll look all nice as Greenery and it just make the island look a lot better in my opinion and how much better does this

Look so I’ll give you a little tour around what I’ve done so essentially I’ve placed more trees uh use some bone meal to grow some grass and some flowers it looks absolutely beautiful and if we come along down here it’s literally just this copy and pasted around the whole

Entire Island but look how much better it looks I mean we got some Greenery going on now it looks a lot more filled in and also one thing as well I am going to change this fish tank I don’t know it just doesn’t do anything for me I feel

Like we can have like a nice build here something crazy something that’s going to look cool you know so I’ve decided what I’m going to replace this with but before we do that we can’t forget about the nether so let’s quickly build a cool Nether and then we can get into some

Other cool builds but yeah that’s pretty much it really what I’ve done so far and to be honest it actually looks quite nice so I’m very happy with it but without further Ado let’s get into The Nether build first things first I grabbed my Oak slabs and got to work and

Just like the other Islands this had to be the exact same size so I had to make sure it was just symmetrical after that I started placing the Blackstone brick stairs all around the nether build followed up with some Brickstone blocks then it was time to start placing

The obsidian for the frame I made my nether portal frame exactly seven blocks high and then I placed a Polish bassole on each side of the frame thereafter I started placing Blackstone stairs for detail on the top and then I placed some blocks on each corner of the

Build and underneath I placed more stairs for the top I followed her up with some Polish Blackstone walls purely just for detail I then placed two walls on each side of the top followed up with a chain and I thought it’d be cool to hang some lanterns to give that cool ambient Lighting and with that taking place it was time to light up the nether portal doesn’t that just look awesome and just like that my cool nether build was now complete I’m really happy with it and I’m glad the way it came Out all right so admittedly I think it actually looks pretty cool so let me give you a rundown of what I’ve had actually built then so first things first we use I can hear a spider I think um I might yeah okay I think I might have accidentally created a mob spawner

In here without placing a torch yep yeah I did there’s there’s a spider well I suppose I could use that for a little um XP farm as well actually so that’s not too bad but as you can see um I’ve added quite a bit of detail on this so I’ll

Run you through what I’ve actually built so first things first we got some gilded Black Stone mixed with some normal Black Stone and we got some Blackstone brick around the side here followed with the same Blackstone brick stairs also just normal Black Stone stairs and you see

Here we place some Polish bass salt on each side of the frame so it looks pretty cool gives that like contrast um we added two lanterns here with walls on it with uh chains attached I think it looks pretty cool but other than that I mean there’s not really there’s not

Really a lot to say about it I mean it’s just a cool build all in all um also I added some crims and blocks here as well so I thought it looked pretty cool and if we have a look on each side I’d play some stairs as well just leading up to

It um I kind of like the idea of it and I’ve just realized my Hunger bars are running low so let me quickly just go and grab some food and I forgot I had some carrots left in my inventory so that’s fine the carrots are here to save

The day but yeah what do you guys think I think it looks pretty cool let me know how you guys feel about this build in the comment section down below tell me if you think it’s cool or not but anyways that is the nether portal and

There is one major build that I do want to actually intend to do and I’m planning of like getting rid of this sort of uh aquarium fish tank thing I mean it looks cool like I had the idea there it’s just I don’t know there’s something about it it doesn’t really uh

It doesn’t finish it off so I’m going to build something pretty insane and I’ll show you what it is it’s nothing too insane but it’s it’s pretty cool it’s pretty cool so uh let’s go and gather some materials for it when I say this took so long it really did I went around

Scavenging innocent little sheep and taking all of their wool thank you for your wool sheep but you must not live when I got back home I turned the majority of the white wo into red wool using the puppies that I had collected on the way after a very

Long and stressful grind for Sheep and Wool and the process of just keep collecting poppies it’s finally over and we’ve got everything we need now I’m pretty sure so let’s get this in motion then and let’s begin the build first things first I had to get rid of the

Aquarium it was a little bit sad but it was time to move on to bigger and better things so I got started on the base and laid it all out the most important thing was that I got this all symmetrical and then it was time to lay down the white

Wall I started placing it as if it was inside of the red wall to give it that illusion I just think it looks pretty Cool and with the red wo I just placed it on top of the white and basically I just done this all the way to the top oh the sun is shin And then eventually we got to the tippy top and for extra detail I decided to go one block Outwards And finally it was time to start placing some glass Panes after that it was time for a new roof I carefully place the blocks on top of the glass to make sure it actually looked Good and just like that the build was finally finished at last so I grabbed my trusty bucket of water and got back down to the Surface to me girl to me my Girl okay so I know what you guys are thinking this build sticks out like a sore thumb yes I know but it’s cool okay I literally have my own Lighthouse and my own world how cool is this I mean I don’t know I really like the idea of it

I mean um it’s just cool and it really does fill out the island and I like it and it’s Unique so yeah it’s h finally built this took so long though the longest part honestly was just like the whole like grind of it all and actually like collecting the whole entire wall

But other than that honestly it was okay I mean it was just basically symmetrical the whole way around so it wasn’t really that hard but we got there in the end so now that’s built and that’s out the way it’s time to move on to bigger and

Better things now and you may be wondering Scoops what is that well let me tell you what it is and that is to to first of all enchant but second of all go and slay the Ender Dragon so how about then we and gather some stuff for an enchantment table and get Enchanting

Some tools because let’s face it we’re going to have to need some like serious gear to go and slay the Ender Dragon and we don’t want to be slacking way too much do we so why don’t we go and do that all right so let’s grab some

Obsidian then and then grab our diamonds as well then all we have to do from here is just pop it in the crafting table so four like that and then two each side and then just one book on top and there we have it our first enchantment table

Let’s go so I’m thinking where do I put it and I knew I could hear a phantom where is it oh there it is okay come on then oh my gosh it’s so fast as well piggy where did you come from what the okay well most importantly let’s get rid

Of this Phantom oh no I missed it okay oh no right come on then come on then Phantom oh this get you yeah okay let’s go I got some Phantom membrane I don’t need it but whatever here you go chickens you know what I’m going to feed

You to the chickens Phantom I don’t like you okay well like I was saying where should I put my enchantment table h I mean I could put it near the nether which would kind of make sense so matter of fact I might actually go and proceed

To do that I can hear some mobs under here though so let’s see if we can actually try and like okay come on Skelly see if the skeleton comes here he can’t see me so therefore I can just get a few good hits on him there and collect

The XP nice but yeah how about then uh we could do it here I was going to do it like maybe at the back of my house but eh I suppose I could do it here right should I do it here or should I do it at my house

Um you know what I’m going to go and do it at my house because it’s my home and I can do what I want all joke side though I just genuinely think it’ll look better at the back of my house and at least like there’s some use for

Something here instead of just like maybe a little porch to do some fishing on I can actually use it so let me just go and grab some wooden slabs then and then we can start proceed to build that but before we do why don’t we go to bed

Real quick so you know we don’t have any mobs attack us there we go another beautiful morning on our beautiful island all right let’s go down then and let’s go and collect some SL SLS ouch all right so let me just eat some carrots then but anyways like I was

Saying uh I went ahead and grabbed three stacks of Oak slabs you know this will be enough surely so you know but um let’s start extending out right like this and then what we can do is we can do like a little symmetrical Circle so

Let’s go ahead and do that so all we got to do is just another three up here so 1 two three and then follow up with two and then it’s just three come across 1 2 3 3 4 and then go inwards three 1 2 3 oh

If I can place it there we go um and then I believe it’s just one up here one up here and then two along and then all we got to do is just same again so four this side 1 2 3 four and then now we go

In three then two then come down one hang on uh yes that’s 3 2 1 2 3 and then four this side now 2 three four and then three down I feel like I’m doing a tutorial right now now um okay then three along right and now we have like a

Little symmetrical Circle that’s pretty cool isn’t it look at that o I might put some Oak clefs around it as well let me go and grab some shears and put some Oak cafes around it for decoration that actually look like kind of cool okay so

I came over to craft some shears and I’m so confused right now I’ve got two Little Wolves behind me two little dogos what are they doing you can’t just come on here without permission I mean I guess you’re my petch now so that’s like

A cool way to sort of uh you know come in and be introduced I suppose but let’s not get too distracted by them in uh let’s go ahead and collect some oak leaves oh yeah this is so satisfying all along here nice and I think honestly now

We should have enough okay so now what we can do is should we place it like this is that is that cool and then like like this maybe let’s see what it looks like afterwards wait there let me just quickly come along here all right

Hang on let’s just see how it looks I might have just wasted quite a lot there if I don’t like it but it’s fine I’m sure I will actually I don’t think there’s actually a better way to do this so nearly there now uh oh all we got to

Do is just slowly come along then all we got to do is add one more layer on top well looks like we got to go collect some more oak leaves okay so I know I didn’t need this many but it’s safe to say I now have enough so all right

Without further Ado though let’s just place these like that and what we thinking of this little private area here I’m going to fill the rest of this in actually but yeah look at this little private area here here little enchantment room going to put some bookshelves here slap the enchantment

Table down it’s going to look cool I like it it’s like a little um well it is an enchantment room but it’s uh it’s a cool one it’s not just like your ordinary one you know it’s uh a bit of privacy here you know at the back of

Your house and you can come here whenever you like enchant all your tools I like it I like it very much it’s simple but yet so so effective okay but anyways uh it looks like that is it for the uh enchantment room so that’s pretty

Cool right so how about then we go and make some bookshelves and then I will see you back at this room well actually no you’d be coming along with me because You’ be okay never mind never mind but the point is next time you see this is

When I’ll be coming back and planting some bookshelves down but yeah let’s uh let’s get straight into that then all right so now we have the books that we crafted all we got to do now is put some of these in here and then we have some

Bookshelves and I believe we need 15 bookshelves okay hang on I might need to go and get some more actually but it’s 15 bookshelves um to get level 30 and that’s what we need so so let’s craft some more books and now we officially have 16 bookshelves so uh that means we

Can now officially enchant to level 30 so let’s pop back to the enchantment area then and then we can get Enchanting let’s go okay so I’m going to put my bookshelf approximately where can I put it um you know what I’m just going to put it there

Why not I mean literally why not all righty now we have all the bookshelves in place now it’s time for the announcement of the level 30 have we got it yes we got it okay nice we got level 30 that’s all we want that’s all we need

So how about we grab some lapis then and uh potentially enchant some diamond tools but how about we get some sleep again because it’s getting late and I don’t want any mobs attacking me now do I all righty so we grabbed a stack out of the chest and let’s go and place it

In here I keep doing that and I really got to stop doing that but anyways let’s see what we can get on our diamond sword so let’s put the lapis in here and put the diamond sword in here it’s coming up with Bane of aods but I mean let’s see

Uh let’s see what it gives us literally just Bane of Arthropods well okay all right I mean not the best enchantment honestly but it’s it’s better than nothing I guess right but how about we go and craft ourselves a quick bow and enchant that too okay so now we have

Ourselves a bow uh that’s pretty cool let’s see what enchant we can get on this now I really want Infinity well it’s not too bad but it kind of sucks that I didn’t get Infinity but oh well I suppose just have to gather some arrows together okay so I’m actually going to

Eat some carrots as well while I’m M it cuz I am getting kind of hungry out here honestly but now we’ve Enchanted and everything I think it’s time to start trying to find a stronghold and then get into the end Mr Piggy shall we go and do

That let me give you a little smack shall we go and do that Mr Piggy do you think that’s a wise idea because I do don’t you chickens what do you guys think well that’s what I’m actually going to go ahead and do so let’s go

Ahead and do that so let’s go ahead and turn these blaze rods into blaze powder then so now we have a total of 28 and that is actually quite a lot isn’t it wow and then all we got to do now is just grab some ender pearls and then

Turn them into Eyes of Ender and then we got to go and find the stronghold oh hello zombie and hello Enderman we we need you come here Enderman we need your end pearls come on yeah okay thank you yes okay I got one end pear and all I got to do this

Now is just several times and there’s one up there as well oh my gosh go away zombie we don’t want you right now come on then Enderman where are you where are you sneaking off to where did you go oh you’re down here okay hello yeah I’m not

Looking at you I’m not looking at you die die fall oh no yep yes you are okay and you dropped end Pearl as well nice so uh let’s just keep collecting ender pearls I guess Enderman where do you think you’re going come here give me your ender pearls quick I need

Them oh hello there’s another one come to me what do you think you’re going oh is there any more Enderman around here or is it just other mobs okay I just heard an Enderman where was that oh my gosh there’s so many mobs down here I’m not even going to contest

That oh wait there’s the Enderman over there um Too Many Zombies I don’t like it I’ll go and uh I’ll go and get someone else I’ll find someone oh hello skeleton how are you buddy oh not you baby zombie you can go away come on end man

Please okay now you can go away zombies I don’t uh I don’t need you right now thank you let’s go and find more Enderman go away skeleton and hello Enderman come to me oh my gosh you’re doing some serious damage oh no no no no

No leave me alone oh my gosh I’m half a heart oh my gosh oh my gosh I need to go I need to go that was so close what is going on oh my gosh oh my gosh I need to be so careful right now no way that just

Happened oh my gosh please regenerate your hearts what is going on why isn’t my hearts regenerating right now please hurry up and regenerate oh my gosh please zombie leave me alone I’m begging of you please not not right now not right now oh my gosh that was a very

Close call that was a close call I’m very surprised we actually survived there cuz it would have been my like just absolutely getting taken out of the game last minute okay but anyways we managed to get ourselves 15 ender pearls which is pretty cool after all that

Grinding so uh let’s head back up the top now away from these scary creatures because they’re going to try and destroy me right now I just want to get out of here especially you creepy you can you can go over there oh my gosh oh my gosh

I’m getting out of here I’m getting out of here okay and then what we can do now is we can put the ender pearls and the blaze powder in the crafting table and look at that we got I ofenders are you ready let’s go we got 15 I Enders okay

Okay nice nice nice good stuff all right then well we’re going to take the blaze powder with us just in case we run out of Ender Pearls trying to find the stronghold Let’s uh let’s try and find it then so let’s uh Chuck the first one

Up oh okay so we’re going in this Direction please drop don’t break okay thank god well let’s quickly break this Oak Leaf and get our ender pearl back oh and apple nice but um before we go and explore because obviously when we actually get there we’re going to have

To go and fight the Ender Dragon so uh let’s do some quick adjustments before we leave okay so let’s grab our boat then and uh let’s set set saale oh wait we uh we’ve got blocked entry here so I’m going to have to quickly uh take

This up there we go okay right so if you couldn’t tell already we grabbed some potatoes some carrots some water buckets and some blocks basically just to try and help us I guess it’s a it’s a very dangerous place so we’re got to definitely come prepared if you know

What I’m saying so let’s uh wish me luck let’s go and find the stronghold a isn’t it relaxing out here just me you guys a hello baby sheep what are you uh what are you doing roaming around here then what’s uh what’s going on with you um

Well I think we’re close now actually okay so it is still in this direction there we go dropped for oh okay I was wondering where that went then and it uh it got stuck in the leaves we don’t want that to happen do we but uh let’s keep

Strolling then so it’s still in this direction I don’t know how much further we actually have to go um we’ll soon find out I suppose wait where did that go oh oh wait guys I think we might have okay so I think this is it I think we

Just Dig Down honestly I think we just dig down we uh I think we got the stronghold hopefully well I mean we walked over there and said we was too far so it come back on ourselves and it landed in this exact spot here so let’s

Not risk any eye ofenders and let’s go down here this is a thing guys you got to be very um strategical with your uh I venders honestly I don’t even use them that much I just kind of like let them do their thing like I I go to the point

Where I might be too far that I got to go back and that’s kind of what just happened there so uh that’s very good but let’s just keep digging down I didn’t even bring any torches I thought I did but obviously I didn’t oh no was fine whatever where is this stronghold

Then where is it is it down here anywhere okay so we took a bit of a fall there but we actually managed to find the stronghold um which is really cool so now this is the hardest part is actually like trying to uh trying to

Actually find it so oh wait have we we actually found it already no way oh my gosh oh no okay it’s not oh not you little thing oh I hate those little things okay I need to eat honestly I’m not risking anything right right now no way not one

I’ve come this far oh oh my gosh okay okay buddy okay well this wait this is it oh wait I found it oh oh my gosh right well let me get rid of this spawner real quick oh my gosh but okay I can’t believe we actually found it that

Quick that got to be like that’s got to be like some sort of speedrun right okay I want to see if there’s anything like where where’s like the bookshelves are and all of that where’s like the library I can’t seem to find any of that hello

Creeper don’t mind if I just oh my gosh okay right I want to come up here I want to see what’s in this chest nothing but bread and Redstone honestly not the best so we’re going to go back down and we’re actually going to go in the stronghold and we’re going to

Eat some carrots before we actually do this and prepare for the battle against the Ender Dragon I’m so nervous honestly I wish I wasn’t but I am um right well uh it’s right in front of us so uh here goes nothing I guess right let’s go one

Two three okay that’s three down let’s three down this side and this side all right and finally these last two now oh my gosh okay it’s there it’s done it’s been done it’s been done oh my gosh this okay I know I sound really stupid right now but this actually scares me so

Please bear with me a moment but it is right in front of us and this is it we’ve come this far we’ve built a beautiful base we’ve done what we wanted to do not even with fully diamond armor we’re going here with just a just a diamond chest plate and that’s all we

Need because we’re going to win we’re going to slay the Ender Dragon and we’re going to go home and we’re going to enjoy our Victory together all right so here goes nothing guys wish me luck all right we’ve made it we’ve made it to the

End and oh my gosh here it is here it is behind us and as you can see at the top it does say Ender Dragon with its health bar at the top so this is uh this is where it all happens this is where it all goes down but actually let me gather

Enough endstone blocks so we have enough to you know get around and move around do everything that we uh that we want to do because otherwise wise we might be short on blocks so let’s just get enough so uh so we’re safe okay I suppose we

Can get some up here oh my gosh I can hear the Ender Dragon already and it sounds angry it sounds very upset why does it sound so close Okay that’s why cuz it’s right there oh my gosh okay we’re here oh my gosh it’s already attacking us okay okay okay okay okay

Okay okay oh no all righty then so we’re here now and uh we got to shoot these little things up here so you know the Ender Dragon doesn’t regenerate Health anymore right that’s one can we get this one as well back to back oh close let’s

Try and get it oh my gosh that oh no no no no no we don’t want to walk into that stuff no way not a chance come on let’s get it come on there we go nice nice nice oh my gosh this Ender Dragon really doesn’t

Like us does he oh my gosh what a shot I can’t believe we actually just got that one can we get that one as well and we got that one as well we’re insane we’re actually insane let’s go okay okay uh oh okay okay okay okay listen an Ender

Dragon Ender Dragon I mean ender man we can uh we can talk about this where did you go where did you go okay there you are why do you deal so much damage though i’ got to go back here and eat a carrot real quick because oh my gosh

This is getting way too frustrating for me oh oh I accidentally hit the Ender Dragon instead of the uh thing that was actually supposed to hit can we get it do you think we can reach that can we reach that yes okay we did okay there’s

No point going for it cuz it’s just going to keep regenerating but what we can do is if we come up here here so let’s build up here really quick okay where is the Ender Dragon okay nice right let’s build out a little bit so you know we don’t actually take any

Damage okay oh no right let’s mine that real quick okay oh my gosh oh my gosh oh my gosh okay we’re going we’re going we’re going we’re going oh my gosh oh my gosh oh my gosh oh that was so lucky that was actually so lucky okay well that’s that

One down anyways all we got left is that one there and that one there I believe it’s just two left so let’s go and quickly do this while the Ender Dragon is distracted was it this one or was it that one oh my gosh I’m so bad oh

There’s one up here as well sorry I didn’t even see that one oh okay right we need to try and take some hyp real quick because it’s just so quick oh my gosh are you serious right now okay so let’s try and get this one if we

Can can we even get that one what have we got here okay honestly I think we can get this one come on can we get it is it too far for us wait did we get that okay wait I actually think we got that okay nice we

Got that okay so it’s this one as well so oh my gosh Ender Dragon what are you doing to me right okay we’re building up oh no get me up here get me up here right this instance hurry hurry why is it taking so long now we’re up here we can

Get a better shot of this one so let’s try and nice all right so jump down here honestly let’s go oh my gosh oh oh oh my gosh oh my gosh no no no we’re getting out of here we’re getting out of here a minute okay okay Enderman okay okay okay

Oh oh oh my gosh oh my gosh stay away stay away stay away okay I need to run I need to run I need to get out I need to figure something out here oh my gosh okay come on quick quick quick quick quick before it comes back before it comes

Back okay okay we done it we done it we done it right let’s get down let’s get down okay nice nice nice oh my gosh right now we can start attacking it guys let’s go come on in Dragon what you got okay let’s get here before it does come on come

On get attacked oh my gosh I accidentally jumped I did not mean to do that I did not mean to do that I repeat did absolutely not mean to do that okay do not do that that was very lucky by me and I won’t be doing that

Again okay come on let’s keep attacking it let’s go oh okay we dealt some damage I mean but not what we wanted to deal but oh my gosh hang on wait we might have Aimbot what is going on nice another shot maybe another one nice oh

Get away from that where did it go there it is nice come on I got to keep hitting it come on we got to be careful we got to be careful come on nice nice nice right let’s try and go over here I’m trying to like pre-fire it

If that makes sense I’m I’m really trying to like figure out where it’s going to go okay right it’s coming back down it’s coming back down let’s go what the heck I keep jumping in the Wings by accident oh that’s not a problem for us though cuz look at this

This come on come on keep hitting keep hitting yes come on and again yes let’s go let’s go oh my gosh Come on Dragon what are you doing playing around okay maybe you’re not playing around maybe you’re not playing any games right now you’re trying to eliminate me aren’t you you don’t like

Me yes and again come on okay right come on come on nice and again no yes come on nice oh oh that was so close bro come on come on please come on Dragon just go just go for me please okay come on this is it this got to be it right surely

Surely come on come on it’s going it’s gone it’s gone we got it we got it let’s go there it is it’s slain look at that oh yeah give me that pool of XP let’s celebrate with that pool of XP oh yeah give me that let’s go

We actually done it we slay the Ender Dragon and oh my gosh look at those levels though but we’re going to head back to our Island because you know we just want to go back there and it’s safer there than it is here so yeah but before we go back let’s actually just

Take in our surroundings for a moment I mean look at this look at the endere egg there it is all in its Glory it’s going to disappear somewhere Now isn’t it oh there it is it’s been emotional I mean it’s been really fun um there’s the egg

De if you guys want to take a look at that little ornament there for us but uh yeah honestly it is uh it’s been quite emotional it’s been a journey it’s been fun I’ve enjoyed it a lot if you do enjoy this video so far then leave a

Like I really appreciate it but anyways now we’ve done what we had to do let’s go back home and there we have it we successfully survived 100 days on Hardcore Minecraft on an island if you guys have enjoyed this video please do feel free to drop a like on the video

And also subscribe if you’re new cuz we’re growing every single day and we’re only a new channel ourselves so become a part of the community but without that being said guys I appreciate every single one of you for watching this video if you have enjoyed like I said

Feel free to you know leave a comment let me know how you feel give me some feedback in the comment section down below and I have been Scoops and I’ll see you guys on the next one peace out

This video, titled ‘I Survived 100 Days ON A DESERTED ISLAND in Minecraft Hardcore!’, was uploaded by Scoopz on 2024-01-10 16:28:09. It has garnered 26646 views and 441 likes. The duration of the video is 02:27:05 or 8825 seconds.

Hardcore mode in Minecraft is the hardest difficulty in the game, I survived 100 Days on a DESERTED ISLAND! Starting on A SMALL ISLAND in the middle of the ocean with literally 0 resources all on Hardcore mode… it looks to be my toughest challenge yet, but im a pro so I did it haha, and it looked pretty good too! (I think) The deserted island was really challenging but we got there in the end 😀

Hit the like button if you liked the vid! 😀


Let me know your thoughts in the comments…

Love you guys 😉

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    Insane Minecraft stream with insane viewers! 🔥Video Information [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] hi guys welcome to the stream haven’t done a Minecraft stream in a long time it feels like but we will have other people be joining us shortly too so if you’re already friends with me then you can just join if you’re not then I need to know your username so you can join us all right so I forget what the last thing I was doing here was I working on this working on this this is supposed to be lany’s throne room in the… Read More

  • Intense Dragon Gaming – Epic Smooth Texture Pack in Minecraft! #minecraft #smooth

    Intense Dragon Gaming - Epic Smooth Texture Pack in Minecraft!  #minecraft #smoothVideo Information This video, titled ‘smooth minecraft texture pack #minecraft #smooth’, was uploaded by Dramatic Dragon gaming 1 on 2024-01-10 17:55:13. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Minecraft texture pack Subscribe Minecraft PvP Minecraft build Minecraft bedwars Minecraft Lifestealsmp Minecraft bedrock … Read More

  • Rare Halloween Moon Crab Meme Update – Cobblemon Season 2

    Rare Halloween Moon Crab Meme Update - Cobblemon Season 2Video Information well how there YouTube we’re playing a little bit of that mythical cobon SMP we’re on the meme update which means like uh all sorts of goofy skins on characters let’s get into this let’s get into this let’s get into this silly little wild little stream of ours H nothing around spawn let’s reload just to make sure we fix our audio back in baby we’re rolling with it I’m telling you that much greets all smile greets all smile it’s Halloween Moon oh no I appear to have lost more letters H awesome hello doing talk… Read More

  • Minecraft INSANE CUBE Adventure!!

    Minecraft INSANE CUBE Adventure!!Video Information now I’m on stream yep I’m live today is Minecraft day it’s been a while since the last time that I played Minecraft even L the the jav Edition so today I’m going to be so oh [ __ ] I’m going to see what’s new in Minecraft see last last time that I played survival was like 1.8 I think yeah I’m here in Minecraft just let me let me see something H it still sounds veryy very loud maybe now yeah okay single player oh oh preparing for recreation this is this is new one whoa… Read More


    EPIC BIRTHDAY SURPRISE: OMEGA Guardian Farm Build!Video Information all [Music] [Music] oh thank goodness I finally found you I’ve searched for so long and traveled so far just to see you my friend Henry sent me Oh Henry I know Henry very well yes very good friend of mine uh-huh he said you might be able to tell me more about the mythical prismarine and something about temples oh yes I know where the temples are they are very dangerous though they are guarded by water monsters could you possibly show me where they are if you have any of the green stuff I could uh… Read More

  • “Crazy Gaming Trick: Writing Dhairya in Minecraft!” #gamingtrick #minecraft #clickbait

    "Crazy Gaming Trick: Writing Dhairya in Minecraft!" #gamingtrick #minecraft #clickbaitVideo Information This video, titled ‘Writing Dhairya in Minecraft || #games #gaming #viral #shortvideo #shorts #viralvideo #minecraft’, was uploaded by Double Gaming on 2024-06-04 06:20:10. It has garnered 174 views and 7 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:00 or 60 seconds. Comment Your Name Like , Share And Subscribe Credits :- Music – Book The Rental Wit It – RAGE #gaming ,#viral ,#games ,#shorts ,#shortvideo ,#minecraft ,#doublegaming ,#viralvideo ,#short Read More

  • PyonMC Network

    PyonMC NetworkWhat Awaits You? – Claiming your base territory and share with other players or Build awe-inspiring structures that’ll make even the Ender Dragon jealous! – Skill up your ability to gain extra bonus or even extra skil – Make new friends, form alliances, and join epic quests! Read More