Surviving 100 Days on Deserted Island in Minecraft – CRAZY!

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Oh where where am I oh my eyes that’s way too bright this definitely doesn’t look like my bedroom I I think I think I’m stuck on an Island I’ve got no clue how I got here and I’m stuck with just a tree this is the only Tree on the island so I’ve really got to make the most of it oh look there’s also a barrel there’s a bunch of stuff in here I’m going to take

It all will I be safe on here or will mobs spawn what what is that okay I need to focus I think one of the main things I need to get sorted out is a food source I mean we’re in the sea so surely there’s going to be fish so I’m going to

Try making a fishing rod I have no idea how I got here or or how I’m going to get out of here honestly down there looks like a nether portal which I might be able to get to I might have to craft a door to stay down

There long enough oh my gosh those a drowned okay as long as we stay on the island and keep pushing it away I think we’ll be okay there we go oh it dropped something it dropped a copper Ingot now that we got that sorted I think it’s now

Best that we create a jungle door and try and dive down to the bottom I’m praying there’s the chest I need any help that I can get honestly I’m going down okay I can see the chest okay we’ve got some stuff okay I think we’re in a boat a buried treasure

Map that sounds exciting oh my gosh we’ve got iron and emeralds that is perfect although I don’t think we have a use for emeralds right now okay we made it back to the island and I think we should place the dirt just in this direction and using the sapling that we

Got from the barrel that washed up on the island we should be able to grow a tree we’re going to place the barrel that we got from the island Island and fill it with some stuff that I’m not going to use for a while the sun is

Slowly starting to go down so we’re going to craft some more sticks and actually make a pickaxe but before I do that I think we have some iron right we could go straight to an iron pickaxe so we’re going to start by making an iron

Pickaxe I’m going to use the doors to go to the floor and then start mining some Stone hopefully okay I think we got enough stone for now and I’m also going to leave this door down here cuz I think we’re going to be down here quite a lot

Now that we’ve got a furnace we can cook some of the fish that we have we got our first actual piece of food delicious the Sun is setting and I think that is the end of day one since I’m on this island all alone with

Nothing to my name I think it’s going to be best that we keep track of the days so we’ll say that’s day one complete we’ll put the rest of the RO coding and a few more planks and we fish while we’re we’re waiting oh gosh something’s getting thrown at us I

Believe that’s a drowned with a trident well that’s not good I don’t really know what to do here okay maybe I do I’m grabbing the iron out the chest and I’m making a quick Shield drown oh here he comes here he comes he’s going back down

He’s going back down okay the sun is slowly coming up oh my gosh that threw it so quick that scared me come on drown where is it going ouch ouch ouch that really hurt so out of nowhere that drown just throw its Trident at me multiple times

I don’t know if it’s coming back again okay now that that Dr has disappeared somewhere I’m guessing they’re at the bottom of the sea but let’s check out this buried treasure map I’m not 100% what direction it’s in but I’m going to try going this way first the Trident throwing drown is following

Me that is not what I want right now okay we escaped the drown so off to find this treasure oh it looks like we’re going in the right direction it’s slowly appearing on the map there we go there I am on the map okay we’ve got to find

This Treasure Chest if my math is right it should be around here oh there we go that didn’t take too long okay that is a lot of loot we have a diamond as well there a bunch of cows on this Mainland as well so it might be a

Good idea to eventually grow some wheat and bring them over but to get that started we do have to get some of these seeds okay with all these wheat seeds that we’ve got I think it’s a good idea to go back right after we grabed this sugarcane oh it looks like there’s other

Stuff down here oh there’s a chest here oh a gold helmet I wonder if any of the other ruins have more chests in there a mending fishing rod oh wow that’s going to be really useful and coal another fishing rod with an Unbreaking three oh

Wow this is great I’m just going to hope we don’t encounter that drown again okay I think we escape the Dr I don’t even know if it’s still chasing us get some crops growing and I didn’t get any more dirt oh that was silly of me but we do

Have a hoe to hoe the ground and plant these wheat seeds along with the seeds being planted we have a bunch of colds put into the furnace so we can actually cook the rest of the food that we put away in here and with day two finishing

We don’t have a bed to allow us to sleep through the night so we will have to survive again but just to keep us extra safe I am going to put two coal into eight torches and I’m going to use the iron nuggets that we got to actually

Make two lanterns okay with the lanterns being crafted I’m going to make a few little walls so we can put the lanterns on them and keep the island actually quite lit up what is that noise I can hear okay I have no idea what that noise

Is but it’s quite scary whatever it is I think we’re safe for now anyway okay that’s the Cod cooked we are now cooking the raw salmon oh I was so focused on fishing I didn’t even realize that it was just turning day three what I want

To do today was actually get some of the animals over but it seems like this tree just doesn’t want to grow I was hoping it’ grow I’d be able to grab the wood and then plant some of the saplings that it drops but I mean by the looks of it

It’s a sad tree and it’s going to take longer than usual oh I just remember in the start Barrel that we got we have three bones we could turn this into bone meal and we’ll have nine and we could start growing the oak tree I guess we can try

It and there we go it’s that simple we used two bone meal and it finally grew oh here drowned again and it also looks like we only got one sapling so I guess we’re going to regrow this one and there we go that’s a bit of a

Bigger one okay now with the logs that we got we’re going to turn them all into planks and we are going to make is it going to be one boat or two okay I think we’ll only need one boat yeah I don’t know why I thought two would be better

So technically I should be able to go in this direction and find those cows again get one in a boat and then come back and then get the other cow okay it’s already getting dark and I don’t know where I am I’m totally lost oh look there’s cows

Here oh but I hear a drowned quickly cows there we go we’ve got a cow in time to take it back all just a top things off it’s raining now I’m sorry Cal this is a probably a horrible situation for you the rain is really off putting I had

No clue where I was going but I think I found it from a distance this look like spider eyes okay well then Tony you you did well on that boat tree and I think we’re going to go back for your friend okay even during this weather I’ll feed

You so you stay here and off I go I was just coasting the shore and look we found one perfect okay we’re getting back to the Island right now as there it is almost there and it looks like it’s turning day as well and here we go first time breathing

Now the parrots and the bat achievement advancement and look at him oh it’s so cute this weather is terrible I don’t even know what time of the day it is with this kind of weather it’s great for the crops though get in as much water as

They possibly can but I mean they also need a bit of sunlight I’m pretty sure the best time to fish is during a storm isn’t it and there’s no signs of it clearing up anytime soon so we might as well make the most of it I think we just

Got a name tag yeah it’s very random oh we just got a fishing rod another Unbreaking three fishing rod but it was from fishing they fish somebody else’s fishing rod how random while the weather is this bad I feel like I’m just losing track of the days when it starts to

Clear up I’ll eventually be able to tell you what day it is cuz I’m at a loss right now oh oh and look at that it finally turned to not bad weather oh and we just caught some boots I’ll put some of those on okay now that we can check we are

Currently on day four which means it actually took us like a day and a half to get these cows it’s fine though cuz Frederick and Barbara here are going to be the saviors of this Survival Island oh and a little Jimmy and now that we

Can we might as well get the tree that has grown hopefully we’ll get some saplings again but I still forgot got to grab some dirt because I’m silly and we need some but while it was raining really bad we actually did just fish for most of the time just because I think

It’s better look or something like that but it definitely seemed like it because we got a name tag which we hadn’t got before and I mean we just finished getting some boots as well while it was clearing up the animals should be fine on here so I’m going to quickly grab

Some more dirt from somewhere and I’ll be right back hopefully before you know the sun is set so I better hurry okay we did get the rest of the dirt I mean I was out for a bit longer than I needed to be but we got it and let’s expand the island I

Guess we’re not going to have enough to actually fill the soil but it’s fine as long as we get it started and then on the end we’ll do another another sapling for the tree we’re going to see if they can breed again I think they can we

Should have four cows then and it looks like we do oh gosh what is that thing I mean he coming to get me so I think I’m going have to kill it here it comes again here it comes and I got it and it dropped I

Thought there was a qut for a second a phantom membrane uh that’s kind of disgusting I think now might be a good time to go down to the door on the floor and see if we can make any more progress on like a some sort of like mining area

If I can find it oh no I saw it I saw it for a second it’s right below me and we should be able to go down even more now grab this door as well okay nice well the fact that we’ve got our own like pocket of air down there now

That’s already useful so if we’re ever desperate for like stone or anything that’s a great place to go also looks like we might be getting our first piece of wheat soon I’m not sure if this is fully grown or not I can hear a bunch of

Skeletons a lot a lot of skeletons seems like our pickax is broken I guess I think we’ve got at least three more iron up in the up on the island so we’ll have a look on the island okay yeah we still got six so let me just take half of that

Also while we’re up here we may as well breed them again that be now five cows that I mean I’m surprised we got that many already oh wow okay okay it looks like there’s some sort of spawner and if it’s a skeleton that is amazing a skeleton spawner will be like almost

Perfect because if you think about it we’ll need to grow crops and trees and stuff like that and with an unlimited amount of bones that is perfect and it is a skeleton one awesome yeah we’ve got some bits and Bobs in here that we are

Going to have to come and get and we’ve got an enchanted golden apple oh wow okay um let’s take that with us just in case you need to use it oh wow that scared me that scared me oh that was easy this time okay I am going to make some chest though because

My inventory as you can see is getting pretty full okay wow it’s pretty big um there aren’t too many mobs in here it doesn’t look like look there’s a diamond a singular one if it was another one that would have been great could make a pickaxe then that’s a shame but it’s

Okay we’ll probably find another one somewhere around here if the creepers don’t drop on our heads oh there we go and it’s a bit worrying that that’s dripping with lava when it’s wood but I am going to grab that diamond cuz that would mean we’ll be able to make the

Pickaxe which is perfect okay I don’t want to get too lost I’m going to head back to the Island right now and we’ll see where we’re at cuz we’ve got a bit of iron to cook up we’ve got can make a diamond pickaxe okay and it’s finally

Day as well I mean I was down in the mines while it was turning day but we’re here got a bit of iron to cook up and we also have a third diamonds that we can turn into a diamond pickaxe and there we go one diamond diamond pickaxe look at

Us go I think for now we’re going to make a golden chest plate I know that might be a a waste of gold but if we make the golden chest plate we can get this these iron ingots and these iron ingots and we can make leggings and now

We’ve got full armor I mean as long as it’s covering us it doesn’t matter cuz we’re very mismatch right now and oh my God I just realized how grown up all these cows are you know what that means breeding time 1 2 3 4 there we go that’s

Extra two more cows the trees are growing which is nice and I still think we need a bit of dirt we might make a I was going to say let’s make an iron shovel but I don’t think we have any more iron now no we do not and this is

So that we remember where the actual mine is and I don’t accidentally build over it and then totally forget now that we’ve done that let’s get on the boat and grab a bunch of dirt I guess okay perfect we got just over four stacks of dirt which is absolutely way

More than we actually need but you know it’s better to be safe than sorry I think now we’re coming up on the end of day six I believe oh no did I just hear it again oh there’s two this time coming in I’ve got an actual

Sword come get it I have that coming at once got him okay they both dropped membranes as well that time I’m not even sure what you can use them on I believe some of the crops have grown but we don’t want to get in yet just in case

You know we accidentally hit one that isn’t fully grown and that’ll be really annoying I think it’s really starting to get along I mean surprisingly the cows aren’t just going crazy and jumping on all the crops which is what I expected so staring at me yeah that’s right St

Away stay away and with the recent attack of those scary Eagle looking things I think I know how to stop it I think it’s because I haven’t been sleeping so my next steps are are to find some sheep that I can borrow their wool from them here are some sheep hello

Sheep I’m going to borrow your wool thank you see sheep are so kind oh wow this this is already looking great and while we’re at it we can make oursel a bed think for the time being we make some fences and make some sort of shelter it doesn’t have to be anything

Too crazy because there aren’t going to be any mobs on here but I think if we flatten this out there have four corners like that which I think line up yep they do even something like this is fine I don’t even mind having like the Gap open

It off you know so we’ve got all the sunlight coming through and you know just a few kind of walls if you know what I mean oh wow that’s typical isn’t it maybe we do have a roof a roof is sounding nice right now there we go I

Also have no guess at what time of day it is so I’m going to just keep trying to sleep and we might be able to get our first sleeping and that will eventually stop all the scary Eagle looking things coming through okay yeah I’m definitely

Going to to sleep now you ready knew it and there we go that should have cleared all of the scary Eagle looking things as well uh which is an absolute godsend so thank you sheep for allowing me to borrow your wall now I’ve got resources slowly starting to grow uh I think it’s

Time to get just full iron armor I believe we can use our new diamond pickaxe and yeah full iron armor is quite necessary I’d say and also just having iron is always great do we check out this m shaft Maybe oh not anything too useful okay I can see a diamond

There oh another Diamond seems like I’m just getting singular ones there which is kind of strange oh two diamonds in this mine cart what there another mine cart here full of iron nice iron is probably the thing that we’re needing the most right now with all of the ore being mined up I

Don’t know how much we actually have I’ll check when we’re at the top of the island okay let’s see how much I actually have after I slipped wow look at it oh that was like perfect timing but also we got a bit of iron we got 16

Raw iron ore and five ingots we got four diamonds as well which is great let’s make a you know what we’ll keep the uh the golden helmet on but we’ll make everything else so I’ll make boots we’ve already got leggings and eight iron ingots into an iron chest plate okay now

That we’ve got this many cows I thought it was perfect timing to make a little enclosure them so we’ve got a little rising up area that goes to the little part I just realized how many CS we actually have and there we go that’s all

Of them in let’s also breed them as well with all of that wheat that we’ve got there okay perfect and now that we’re done with the cows Well for now cuz this is obviously going to get full eventually I am going to destroy all the trees and make a separate tree bit and

Then also try and fully seed this kind of area so we clear the leaves collect all the saplings then also just weant all the seeds it’s now coming to the end of day N9 and I can still hear that noise I’ve got no clue what it

Is so to do the tree part I do want to use more Cobblestone slabs to get to it and I think I’m just going to do it from here just because it will kind of make sense and it kind of matches the Cobble over there don’t it say that the dirt blocks

Are only two blocks apart cuz I think that is the minimum that they have to be to be able to grow next to each other so hopefully that works I’ve also still been very weary about that one Trident drown that that scared me straight off the bat and I

Mean it dealt a lot of damage and although it was scary I wouldn’t have minded it Trident that would have been great I think soon on the agenda we’ll be making some sort of chest organization I mean I light organization personally well that reminds me I should

Probably light up this area so a bunch of creepers for and with the sun setting that completes day 10 well until I sleep and it’s officially the beginning of day 11 and the cows look like they’re doing well and my plan is to actually grow this a lot more because look how sad

This is looking look at all this spare soil I have that just isn’t being used these cows need to be fed and give birth to multiple more babies so we can okay don’t tell them I’m going to talk over here so then they don’t know what I’m saying what I need is their

I need bookshelves to you know enchant my stuff and yeah and I mean food would be nice as well but yeah don’t tell the cows at I do have 11 wheat still we are going to try and breed them I don’t know how long ago I did breed them but this

Looks fine and they are eating the wheat and they look like they’re breeding and I’ve flown in the water great okay so they have been fed and now to start more wheat growing we’re just going to spam grow these this also gives me a little bit of Hope we’ve like the skeleton

Spawner down below we’ve got so like I mean we don’t have so many yet but we will have so many so many so many bones and we’ll be able to do like so much with them especially growing out this kind of area I mean this is already way

Better than it was just a second ago and I’ve accidentally just jumped on a piece of soil my bad and look at the trees the trees are actually starting to grow so we are be able to going to get loads more wood rather than just having to

Wait for the one sapling to grow which is just so annoying but I mean this is way better except from the fact that this is a Tor tree which means I’m going to have to build to get the rest of it oh actually I Min the block just

Standing on here and my pck no my axe broke oh I was going to make a stone one but I’m actually going to make an iron one because we’re at that point where iron tools are going to be the the normal I’ve accidentally just got two instead of three iron three iron two

Sticks one iron axe thank you Game I believe that was all the tree Parts yep that’s why it is slowly starting to break and this is the final tree that we have here and then of course we will replant the trees we have just m if it

Gives me any more saplings please I can see one it’s up there oh there we go this one dropped a sapling so yep we’re all full up again um I could finish the area shall we I think we do yeah we just finished the area so it looks clean and

We can say it’s officially complete rather than waiting and just waiting until I just totally forget that I need to complete it we’ve made the Cobblestone slabs I think we need to go one more out which means we will have to move this just go like this all the way

Down and we’ll have the two gaps uh I mean we don’t have it on the sides but I think that’s fine as long as it’s the same on the front and the back and then the side to side it should look all right there we go we got the corner

Pieces in and all we need is to put a torch on each side there it is for now and I also don’t think mobs can even spawn on slabs is that is that is that true I’m not even sure but I think it’s true but yeah that’s the tree part

Complete so if I really want to grow this out there’s one thing I need to do and it’s to turn the skeleton spawner that we have Down Under in the mines into a proper Farm SL spawner that I can actually use and there’s a few things

That I need to actually even start that so I think the first it should be to actually go down in the mines so in the mines we are going to need a couple of things and it’s mainly obsidian because we need Soul Sand from the nether I’m

Not 100% sure where we can find obsidian by itself so I’ve actually got to go back up to the top and get a bucket with water so I can turn all the lava down in the mines into obsidian okay we have six iron which actually isn’t that much but

If we just turn that into a bucket grab us a water bucket and we can head back down oh my goodness that is a creeper I thought I saw a creeper but then I my heart just dropped when I actually looked again it’s got to be nearly dead I’ve just

Shot it with an arrow like 15 times oh there we go it was one shot okay that reminds me to light up the place and now that we have the water bucket we should be able to turn the lava into obsidian so we can go to the Nether and it

Doesn’t look like there’s any mobs here which is good I believe this won’t turn into obsidian just cuz it’s a flow of lava which we need a pool off is this a is this another spawner I think it might be oh we just found a Diamond as well

Two diamonds whoop okay I believe this is going to yep it is that is an invisible spider underneath our Island we’ve literally got two spawners which is absolutely crazy and this one has a golden appin and a bucket which is kind of weird even though we just crafted one

But I doubt we’re going to do anything with this just because they’re not as useful unless you’re desperate for string or I guess wall but we’ll only turn a skeleton spawn it into an actual Farm rather than a SPID one oh here we go here’s some lava this is perfect so

If I just turn this into obsidian now we should be able to just grab this and hopefully that works that’ll be really kind I think we need is it 10 pieces or is it 12 I think I’ll probably get all of this just to you know just so that

I’m 100% sure that I can make a portal but I I can’t actually remember how much you do need for a portal oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh that scared me wow that piece literally went into the lava so that’s not good so I’ve got nine so

Far we’ll probably get 15 I think and that should be enough obsidian takes so long to mine I I don’t think I’ve ever noticed it especially with an an unenchanted pickaxe I mean to be fair at least I’m not using my fist okay there we go I accidentally got one extra oh

You know what we’ll may as well grab this last one okay yeah I’ll grab this last one just in case and I think maybe how much do you need for an enchanting table I think it’s four okay that is all that we need I’m going to run past this

Zombie villager baby zombie villager and now we’re about to head up to the top and go to the Nether and it also looks like it’s turning night time or it already is night time oh no they’re shooting my cows oh I’ve just shot my cow I’m so

Sorry cow stop hitting my cows I’m sorry cows I’m sorry I’m sorry I am okay look they’ve almost all grown up to be fair but that reminds me I do need to light up the area we’re also very low on coal so I’m going to put some oak logs into

Here so that should give us about eight charcoal I think something actually yeah eight charal I think I don’t know if I’m mapping correctly but it should be something around that so I’ll make three batches of torches just for so that the cows aren’t getting attacked by mobs

Like 24/7 I should keep them out right I think it will and it’s also turning morning there we go this shaders pack makes it look so beautiful like literally look at that sunight blasting this way it looks amazing now a big question is where should we put the

Nether portal all I know is that I don’t want it too close to our like Island I mean it’s obviously going to be connected still but I don’t want it too close just because it’s noisy the nether portal is noisy so having it near the actual area is not what I want I’m

Thinking in this direction but I’m not 100% sure may maybe we do it off off this way I was thinking we do it off this part of the farm just so that it’s you know in a different direction to the tree and the oh wow look at those trees

And the C farm so it won’t be anything special like these Farms over here but we’ll just make it go in a straight line oh I can’t stand there I’ve also just put down the glowberries cuz I think they grow I’m pretty sure they the glowberries grow that sounds right so

I’ll go like this two obsidian pieces there one deep slay on the corner okay I need to get this right I think it’s three up like this okay yeah that’s right isn’t it so we shouldn’t be able to hear the ne portal from over here hopefully and

Maybe I’ve done it a bit too close I mean worst case you can move it even further but I think this should be fine for now and worst case we’ll bring a golden apple with us just in case we never know what’s going to happen so

Here we go we’ve lit the nether portal there it is let’s let’s do a little sound test can we hear it from over here we cannot okay beautiful and now in we go I’ve Got a Golden Crown on so there shouldn’t be attacking me straight away okay that’s a big drop straight

Away and there’s lava about to fall on our heads okay let me quickly so we go like this boom boom boom boom that should land in there and we’re safe fine beautiful but yeah this drop is scary I’ll be honest I didn’t really want to spawn like this

But in the nether you have no choice literally no choice this is scary enough I don’t need anything added on like this kind of drop the nether is too scary okay yeah it’s so scary what is this ambient music okay it looks like we are

In like the Soul Sand kind of area I don’t know what it’s actually called but I can see Soul Sand we are going to go check in here first check in this little cheeky cave see what’s going on make sure there’s no death holes that are trying to kill me and it’s nothing

Absolutely nothing here they are have that one mate have that pal okay I’m not really sure why I’m still going down if it’s literally just lav down there maybe we just make like a little side part here side part that sounds like a term you use for hair is

It I don’t know definitely heard my mom say it before all I really need is one piece of Soul Sand so I can get like the bubbly water that sends you upwards there’s almost okay there we go there’s a bit of Soul Sand here let me switch to

My shovel and get to work I mean we literally only need one thank you nether for spawning me in the right biome I appreciate you even though it was very scary I still appreciate you oh and it’s night again that’s all we needed as well just that

One little bit bit of Soul Sand even though we got 35 of it so I’m going to put us to sleep now not in that dark way that it sounded but after we’ve slept we are now going to let me think what we need I believe we need a few Hoppers

Which will then pick up the items at the skeletons drop carpets we don’t have any wool I’m sure the Sheep wouldn’t mind lending us some or letting us borrow some I have to check how necessary it actually is so we have the Soul Sand that we need and I also need kelp I’m

Pretty sure I think we have a little bit um maybe we don’t but there should be TS down here yeah there is a turn let me just start smacking it and then I’ll get it on the way up there we go that might have been a bit too much honestly we can

Slowly watch it rise look here is the kelp rising from the depths of the sea okay a stack and 12 that’s way more than I need we do need three water buckets we can just take two and just make it like an infinite pool down there uh what else

Do we need I think we need signs so we’ll take some Oak planks and a few logs to turn into planks as as well we need Hoppers okay we do not have enough iron for Hoppers I’ll be honest but we can go do some more Mining and hopefully

Find some more oh there’s also bunch of materials that are fallen off it’s a bit annoying that it’s growing all these really tall ones but I mean it’s fine it doesn’t really matter first let’s get enough iron to be able to make the Hoppers and then I’ll be right back so

I’m going to leave this chest in here which has all the stuff that we have that we actually need to be able to make the spawner and I’m going to get some more iron we’re finding gold no iron no okay there’s a bit of lava above

Us there we go creepers are taken out zombies are still chasing me we’ve got bits of iron here which is perfect G’s more iron around this little cave area I’m I’m actually pretty lucky that I found it oh it’s also a diamond here I can barely see it but there it is so

Dark down here I can barely tell what I’m doing I can barely tell where I’m going oh my goodness why are there three Ender down here that is a scary amount of Enderman I could kill them to be fair shall I thr an Ender I love you pal oh my gosh I’ve been

Ambushed although there are a ton more mobs down there I should probably get this iron and get out of here one is there going to be more than one this time it really doesn’t look like it I feel like the diamond’s just against me in this world 37 iron enough I’m not

Even sure if it’s enough for Hoppers come on in mate you want some we’ve got an ender pearl that’s what we wanted is there any more iron around here oh yeah there’s some there perfect okay I think 41 iron is going to be enough I’m pretty sure okay I think the entrance is

Somewhere around here oh God don’t tell me I’ve lost it okay I’m getting lost um I think it’s near this torch I just can’t quite tell where certain to do this torch but I’ve got no idea where I think we’re just have to to mine like

Straight up maybe cuz I’ve got no clue where I actually got in in here from oh maybe I do okay yep I found it I’m a genius I had no doubt in my mind okay we’ll pop all of this onion in the furnace we’ll make a few Hoppers I think

We only need two but I am going to make three because it covers the whole ground while this starts melting I am going to make another another pickaxe so that just in case if some runs out which I don’t think it will for a little while

We do have another backup because we got like four diamonds in that one run and we’ve now got five so we’re going to go down there and start mining out the actual like area that we need to mine out this here is the actual area I

Believe we need to put three blocks on top because we don’t need to mine any of that so for the sides we need to mine four from the spawner so 1 2 3 and then four we have to do this for every side so it’s all symmetrical and looks nice

Actually I don’t think it’s for looking nice I think it’s got a real reason and with the sides done we also need to go down by three 1 2 and three honestly I’m going to be happy that we’re just getting all these green Mossy blocks to

Be honest oh my God I just had like a mini nightmare thinking that I accidentally mined the spawner then that would have ruined everything and the last one and that is it that is the N I think it’s 9 by9 evered that I don’t know next I believe we need to put the

Two water buckets down and I think I’m going to put them in these directions here and then in the tutorial we have to mine the blocks that do not have water on them just so it looks a little something like this and then next is a little something

Like this which is where we’re going to put the fences two fences down like that and after the fences we need to put a soul sand down and then we have to break these blocks is here two signs that go right here to be able to block the water

Now after those blocks I’m pretty sure we have to go up like 23 blocks which they said was pretty difficult in survival so let’s quickly do that and I believe we’re basically done now we just have to to go down 22 blocks that was one two I accidentally found diamonds

While we were making this love that and it’s not just two we just got five diamonds that is amazing we’re just going back to the top but I’m nearly finished I believe like we’re really super close let me just quickly check what day it is we’re on day 15 okay

We’ve been down there for quite a while now we’ve got all the iron and we need to make three Hoppers we’ll quickly do that up here I believe it’s like this or maybe I have no clue a see how was close to you like that like that and like that with everything basically

Being done I think we just need to place this Kel we’ll just do blocks like this and then the slat so that they can’t see us and to connect The Hoppers we have to make sure we’re shifting and clicking on the chests and I believe that’s it we

Just need to remove these blocks here the ones with water on them and lastly we need to get rid of the Torches which we just go like This and like that run ouch ouch ouch ouch ouch and now let’s see if it works we’ll give it a bit of

Time oh there we go there’s one see it’s actually working are are you proud of me I’m proud of me even though I’ve got an arrow in my knee right now and there should just be one hit just like that we’ve got a bunch of Bones and stuff in

Here which is actually working this is perfect I do need to get some carpet though so that the XP doesn’t get stuck on here but it shouldn’t be a problem at all oh that took so much longer than I thought it was going to take I’ll be

Honest um I will sleep now though just because we haven’t slept in a little while and I’ll tell you what day it is it is day 16 I’m assuming it’s the beginning right the beginning of day 16 so these chests are getting absolutely full though so so we put some barrels

Down uh this can be for like the crops and over here we’ll have oh I didn’t mean to place that there we’ll have one placed there for all the saplings and I guess kelp and stuff like that so a bit of organization in my life goes a long way really random that we

Found an extra five diamonds as well while we’re making stairs up to the skeleton Farm spawner whatever you want to call it we will get this all eventually sorted out I know it looks really messy right now it’s because it is and it’s kind of stressing me out but

Now that it started raining and I don’t really have much to do I’m going to go down into the skeleton spawner and just see how much XP and bones and arrows and everything like that I can get in like 10 15 minutes so I’m going to keep killing skeletons for about 15 minutes

And I’ll see how much xp I’m on let’s just note that I’m on 25 XP right now so let’s see how much I’m going to get okay there are so many skeletons here right now that they’re literally slowly starting to die because of like there’s

Not enough space for them so we need to kill them it’s been just under 15 minutes and we got just over level 31 which is about six levels honestly I’m really really press we do need to fix like some things like the way up and stuff like that but

That’s about it and also some carpet and for the amount of loot we got we got a bunch of bows a bunch of arrows and Bones same in this chest and also the same in this chest so what we’re going to do is actually grab all of the

Bones and we’re going to take them upstairs and here we go it is night time again and it is still raining so we are going to sleep and hopefully it changes the weather as well I’m actually praying cuz I hate the rain it’s so like noisy and just annoying and it’s cleared nice

Oh my God look at this as well oh wow this is beautiful okay we’re going to clear all of this wheat I don’t think it’s all actually done yet so let me turn a few of these into bone meal and then for the pieces that haven’t grown

Like that one there we go it’s fully cleared and there’s also another thing that I want to do we’ve got about two stacks of dirt not quite but almost and I think we should make the farm L this amount of dirt big so I’m going to build

This dirt Edge kind of massive and we’ll kind of see how big it is and if it looks weirder than it actually should be I just think you know we can grow a bunch of things in here it doesn’t have to be just wheat and it’s going to be

Useful I like the idea of going around the tree farm just so that you know this isn’t all just a waste of space around it so I think going to about around here and then also following it around it’s going to be a good idea we don’t actually have enough dirt for that

Though yet but I think that’s the plan eventually and that’s all the dirt so far I kind of messed it up cuz I thought I had more dirt but this is it but this is what it looks like um I’m going to use all of this golden hoe I think even

Though it’s 100% going to break actually so I won’t use it cuz it definitely will break so I’m going to use some Cobblestone if I can find any there we go and we’ll make a few uh Stone hes and we’ll get the rest of this hoed and

We’ll plant the rest of the seeds hope we have enough seeds just so then it looks amazing I mean no problem if not cuz we will get enough seeds eventually there we go we almost used an entire Stone ho to actually ho all of that and

Now we’ve got a stack in 24 seeds I don’t think we’re going to fill all that up I’ll be honest oh yeah I just remembered that even if we don’t fill it all we are going to fill it because of the amount of bones that we just got

That’s like two and a half stacks I believe uh we are going to bone meal a bunch of it now and then we should be able to fill it okay I’m thinking this is going to be enough to be able to fill it now okay we have another a stack of

Seeds hopefully this will be enough it’s going to be close I think oh there we go we need six more okay oh never mind we we did have enough we had just the right amount oh my goodness look at that and we’ve absolutely filled it and now with

All that wheat that we just got we can also now breed a bunch of the cows which have all grown up by the looks of it the cow Farm is coming along it’s looking nice one thing I would like though is some of this to turn into dirt is if I

Oh I can’t bone meal it I thought I could bone meal dirt apparently not I think I do need need some sort of silk touch though to be able to get a grass block in here I’ve just done a bit of research and I need 45 leather to be

Able to make a well not a enchanting table but to get a level 30 enchanting table so I think if we just breed these cows as much as we possibly can at the moment we should get like almost double them and then we can probably make an

Enchanting table very soon but for the time being look at all these trees as well they’ve all grown this is perfect perfect but again the tall trees are a tiny bit annoying there is something I can do about them but I’m not really sure how you do it if you put like a

Slab or something above one like a certain level of blocks then it should like stop the tall ones from growing but I’m not 100% sure on what what it is or where you have to put the the slab so I’m not going to do it just yet were

There even any tool trees I think there was wasn’t there maybe there wasn’t actually I thought we had like two tall trees I’m going let all the leaves destroy so we can get all the the the apples and the sticks and the saplings and then we’ll replant them again and it

Also looks like it’s turning night again which means we’re coming up on day 18 I was just thinking to myself what my favorite block is and I don’t know why but grass is what comes to my mind and then for a decorating block I think I

Like leaves like they I like the the natural I guess kind of blocks let me know down in the comments what your favorite block is guys and just like that all the leaves are gone except from this one that I cannot reach it’s so annoying Look oh there we go that worked okay so we’ve got 27 saplings we got four apples and 15 sticks I don’t know if I had sticks already but let’s just replant these I need to keep reminding myself to chop some of this sugar cane down cuz

I’m going to need quite a lot especially for level 30 books or not books sorry enchantment I’m not sure what else I want to do until I have the crafting table so I’m going to clear my inventory and I’m going to go down and mine for a

Bit longer before we do that though I am going to make another sword just in case and I’m also going to feed the cows again perfect and down we go I’m not entirely sure what we can do to actually increase the speed of us getting an enchanting table but I think the max

Level we should get to is Level 33 which isn’t too far away as you can tell but I’ve been to most of this cave so maybe we should go in a different direction now I’m not too sure yet okay well we’re in a m shaft again oh and we’ve got

Diamonds already nice it’s more than one we love that every time just confirm we’re not missing any I don’t think we are and that is fine oh right as I was about to finish saying that okay it there was five diamonds nice can’t beat a five F unless it’s

Eight I guess so you definitely can beat one it looks like we’ve got a geode oh wow this is so cool it’s like a geode mixed with a M shaft that is so cool look how cool that is it’s like a mixture that is so cool yeah that is

Definitely one of the cooler things I’ve seen in Minecraft I also think it’s not a bad idea to actually get all these mine C what they called mine rails that’s it I forgot what they were called but they could definitely come in handy like in the

Future that is a lot of mobs that is uhoh uhoh uhoh no no no no get me away from that holy crap that was close there’s a diamond here but there was also a diamond in the room before as well where that spider is okay there it is

Again and of course it hits me oh wow okay that spider died that scared me so much I do not like those C spiders at all that was way too scary that being said let me grab this diamond and get out of this area okay we do have a mine

Cart here it’s got a name tag nice I always love me some name tags okay we’ve got a bunch of mine carts now almost a stack of them which is nice not 100% sure what we can use them on yet maybe like transferring villagers or some sort

Of mob what is this Cobble oh wait I covered this didn’t I yeah cuz that was Dripping with lava I’m pretty sure this is suck an old mine um yeah yeah yeah oh okay that is Creepers on Creepers on creepers yeah it was thank God I didn’t

Look back and just carried on running okay we’ve done a basically level 33 look at us basically level 33 which is more than enough I just really need these cows to grow it’s nice to hear that the skeleton spawner is still working after like 20 minutes eventually

I’d like to make this all look nice but for now it will do won’t it typical it’s raining again obviously we’re going to sleep it off hopefully it stops raining please that’ be really nice and stop raining see look at me go okay we’re going to see I was going to say let’s

See if we can actually breed them but we can not yet cuz I don’t have enough wheat so we’re just going to bone meal it all and then we’ll be able to then breed them again obviously but luck I’m playing stardew Valley which is also another great game I haven’t played it

In a little while but it’s a great game nonetheless okay we’re nearly there now it’s looking very wheaty if that’s even a word probably a way to describe food not crops I guess and I believe we are done okay there’s a few bits on bobs

That I missed oops there we go that is everything and now I’m going to put some stuff away and then we’ll absolutely destroy it all again all right here we go just excited to see how much we actually get from all this and it’s also kind of satisfying just clearing it all

Which I feel like a lot of you are going to agree with cuz this is definitely satisfying to do there we go that is it all we pick it all up and we’ll see how much we’ve actually got I’m guessing I think two and a half stacks that is my

Guess and we’ve got oh my God we we’re one off three stacks okay that is absolutely amazing and look at the amount of wheat we’ve got no not wheat wheat seeds we’ve got wait wait wait wait wait wait look we’ve got three stacks and one oh wait there’s even some under here how

Much we actually finish on then three stacks and two wheat replanting it is never as satisfying as it is like destroying it just cuz of how precise you have to be it’s a little bit tedious but you know just to get the crop so it makes sense and there we go look we’ve

Got pieces already starting to grow anyway we need to go and feed the cows I think they take about I’m guessing about 32 okay wow there is a lot of cows here this time okay yeah I feel like after we breed them once more we’ll have just

Just the right amount to be able to okay don’t tell them but K them and then get all of their um all their leather which I am going to feel a bit bad doing but you know it’s a circle of life sadly and so is enchanting my pickaxe also it is

Day 19 we coming up on day 20 I think um I don’t even remember the last time it was night was I was I down underground maybe I don’t know I can’t really remember there we go we got two and a half stacks left and this does give us a

Bit over three stacks which I think is quite efficient actually cuz I don’t think will ever end up having to give them all three stacks all the cows pretty useful I would say I have one leather already and I think I have a paper okay nice and if we is it is this

How you make I’m I’m a bit of a noob okay that is how you make it okay we might as well make the enchanting table now I believe it’s two diamonds two diamonds and a bit more obsidian and then the singular book and that’s the enchanting table now we need to decide

On an area to build it I would like to put it down near the skeleton spawn but I think it’s just so out the way and I like I like showing off the uh enchanting table so I think we will maybe go off in a different direction

Maybe in this direction maybe like over here just have a floating enchanting table and bookshelves I think that would look nice and it’s also I think it’s almost night maybe not I’m dripping but what we will do we’ll grab this Cobblestone we turn a little bit into the stairs again

Maybe from here I that’ll look fine I’m thinking so like this it it looks pretty simple I mean I don’t really like the look of it but doesn’t really matter it’s only going to be leading up to somewhere and we’ll also grab a bit of wood as well there we go that’s fine

That is fine like that let’s put it there clean some of the sides off a little bit and for now that is fine we obviously don’t have any bookshelves yet cuz we don’t have enough leather to actually make any bookshelves but I mean for day 19 I think we’re doing great so

As this day is just beginning I want to get to the mainland so I can get lots of dirt which actually reminds me I need to get one of the shels okay I need to get a lot of dirt not necessarily a lot but

We need to get some dirt and I also want to get some of the Sheep Wall uh borrow it and the reason I want to get some dirt is because I actually am going to make a little like an extended area that isn’t going to be there for very long

And it’s going to be for sugarcane to grow because we’re going to getting an enchantment table very very soon I want to be able to you know be able to make it straight away rather than having to wait for stuff to grow which is usually really really annoying so if we get this

Extra Farm we’re 100% going to have enough sugarcane we also almost have enough Cows as well so we’re back at our usual dirt mining spot so uh yeah let’s get as much as we possibly can okay I think this poor mountains had way too much abuse now it’s time to get

Uh some sheep or well the wall sun is slowly starting to set and I can’t find any sheep okay I’ve looked so for so long now I think it’s basically lit just head back I I don’t want to get too lost honestly I see it I see it I see it

Getting a bit scared then not going to lie but nope we are all good okay now that we’ve got back in time I am going to do this Farm just real quickly probably make it this much wide and we can double layer it like this and this

Should allow us to place an entire platform of the sugar cane hopefully if I’ve done everything correctly I should be able to place it along here nice and as I said before this will just make sure that I will definitely have enough sugarcane for when we actually are making the

Bookshelves it’s a shame we didn’t find any sheep though cuz I was going to put the the carpets down at the the skeleton Farm but that’s fine we’ll just sleep this night off and tomorrow will be day 21 so one thing I do want to test out is

Just in case we can get maybe even just like a fortune one sword that would be like perfect just because you know Fortune 1 when getting some leather from cowls would be really useful but by the looks like we don’t don’t have any so what I’m going to do is I’m going to

Breed them one last time and then we’re going to kill them okay well here we go okay maybe we’re not going to have enough cows I’m going to leave it like this for now so I don’t Overkill them and we’ll turn what we have right now just into as many shelves bookshelves as

We possibly can okay so we can only make five bookshelves right now let’s see what that can give us here so we can get us to level 12 which is not necessarily what I want it is now still level 12 I would have expected that to go up oh

We’ve also just got five random books by itself can pop that in your bookshelf now level 14 we’re slowly making it it’s a shame you don’t get much leather from each cow that I kill I mean I think I got like probably like 14 15 when I just

Killed all those but I think these ones are slowly starting to grow up now but yeah it’s quite tedious cuz I thought I had tons of cows for a second so apparently you need 15 bookshelves and we’ve got seven right now so we we’re just about halfway almost if we got one

More cow we’ll be able to make another see didn’t drop any none of these cars are dropping any there we go I dropped two that time there we go that is now eight which gets us to level 16 I don’t really know what else I can do cuz I

Expected to be able to make a full enchanting table like on this day but turns out I can’t I just got to wait for everything to grow a bit especially the cows cuz I just do not have enough leather we got One Singular book right

Now I’m trying to think in my mind of what we could use but I I just I mean I have one thing that might be a to work but I don’t have the facilities right now and it’s to go to like the end portal I guess like the stronghold and

And hopefully find a library in there but that just seems way too long and would mean I’d have to go into the nether to get you know a blaze powder or multiple Blaze powders to turn the Ender pear into an ey vender and I don’t know

If that’s what I want to do they can already start breeding again so there’s really not much more I want to be doing on this day except from just getting these cows okay it looks like they’re starting to yeah yeah look at them growing well we’ll watch them grow Live

In the Flesh look at them all growing enough easy okay we’re going to quickly sleep and hopefully we can breed them again soon okay we breeded them a lot more now and I I think we might able to do it next time I might go to like one

Of the mainlands and just try and kill as many cows as I possibly can okay yeah that’s what I’m going to do I’m just going to kill as many cows as I can on the mainland and then we should be able to make it but hopefully by the end of

Today okay wait one second I think I just read something off Google and it said that if I give wheat to one of the babies it’ll like it will grow them up and the more wheat I give them the quicker they’ll grow up so let me

Quickly test that before I go to a Mainland cuz we got plenty of seeds to grow and turn into more wheat so let’s see okay we can’t here we go let’s see if any of these grow well they just ate all that and I don’t think they grew so

That was quite a waste we can try once water just because why not oh why are they jumping at yeah they’re really not growing very quick so what so we’ll just find somewhere and hopefully they’ll have cows oh there we go we found a cow multiple cows I also figured out a way

To get the wool that we needed without killing sheep I’m not going to kill that sheep actually just so I can prove that my point actually does work and it’s going to be to use this string that we got from like all the spiders that we’ve

Killed and I think you can turn that into wool and I think if we make two pieces of wall we can then make a couple of pieces of carpet so we can put that on the mob spawner actually find in tons of cows right now which is very lucky

Think there’s a few more around here and then we’re going to head back cuz it’s starting to get dark as well a zombie wearing full gold get away from me I’ve got a feeling I’m a little bit lost oh never mind I found it I found it ouch

Get away oh there we go there we go feel like that was quite a successful trip honestly 17 pieces of leather and then we’ve got all of this to to mine here yeah we got 17 pieces of leather and we’ve got all of this sugar canane here

As well so we made seven books there we can make more but I don’t have enough sugar cane just yet I knew the sugarcane was going to be the problem I never wanted this two extra bookshelves there play like this that gets us to level 20 okay it’s getting there it’s definitely

Getting there I’m going to sleep a little bit longer now so the cows aren’t going to be the problem now cuz with 10 pieces of leather I can make 10 books which means we’ll have 12 which would give me four extra shells which would mean we would have one two three four

Five 6 7even 8 nine 10 14 shells so we need like maybe one no no no three more pieces of leather there we go we got three more books here so do a Time laps where we watch the sugar cane grow you know what screw it let’s watch

It okay it’s basically all done now like look at that this is as satisfying as it gets really um no don’t run away from me thank you and I’m pretty sure this will be enough now hopefully if it’s not then that’s super cringe 45 that is plenty

Thank you we can also kill I think it’s just okay look how many cows there are we just have to kill like maybe one or two of these and there we go that’ll do we’ve got four more which we slap in the crafting table just like that split this

And I think we need one more actually now we got five more shells which is actually quite a lot okay this should be level 30 now and there we go level 30 okay our pickaxe has fortune 3 already so I guess let’s enchant that first yes the cows are annoyingly loud I’m sorry

I’ll stand as far away back as possible fortun three are you’re kidding me that’s like the best like you can get isn’t it I’m pretty sure all we need is another efficiency four another efficiency 4 and then we can get efficiency five and then probably mending on it personally I think it’s

Probably going to be the best idea to maximize this pickaxe as well just so that then just in case it gets efficiency five I mean four we can combine them and that would be really useful so I think I’m going to do that so here we go you’re that is actually

Crazy I cannot believe that that’s like back to back although this one’s only got Fortune 2 it’s still just absolutely crazy so what we’ll do is make three iron blocks and we’ll make an anvil let’s place it there ow that was loud and okay 23 levels is that right 25

Levels jeez why is it going to cost that much I’m guessing because it’s got so much already on it I’ll screw it it is literally the best pickaxe you can get I just need mending on it now I’m going to check what we can actually get on a book

Just quickly Oh wrong direction sharpness three okay okay well we’ll get to level 30 again using the skeleton spawner and I think I’ll be right back sorry a lot of afking in these next couple of days I’m sorry oh I forgot something actually we have a bit of

String somewhere I believe there we go now we can turn this is it like that there we go four pieces of white wool and there are our three pieces of carpet there we go we place them just like that and now we go AFK I’ve just realized

It’s going to take way longer than I thought it is currently day 25 I think it’s probably night time and I’m only level and I’m only level 30 this is going to take so long anyway one extra thing that I would like to add to this

Kind of a area is a way up and a way down I’m thinking this side can go up and this side will go down also iron thank you yeah that reaches water but it’s like quite unsafe water there we go so we end up over here which isn’t

Actually too far away and it shouldn’t be too difficult to sort out either let me grab a few more blocks it’s also turning day which is nice I haven’t been going to sleep as much in game so I guess we’re getting the most out of our

Days which is kind of good we spent like the early 20 days probably just go in AFK especially for the sugar cane and a couple of XP parts we also just got some more magma blocks so it can we can do down the we can do the pull down kind of

Part that should be the water cleared for now it drowned okay we’re nearly done I think I just need a few more signs and then it’s perfect for the elevator it’s also thundering up here oh wow okay I think I need four signs I could do with

A few more anyway so let’s do yeah that’s fine oops okay I’ve got the kelp placed on both sides now let me make sure this is topped up okay yep it is and now I’m going to hop down this one and swim all the way down to the bottom

And as scary as it looks I do make it down I think do I okay yeah here’s the bottom and the last thing we need to do is destroy just these bottom blocks here just like that and then if we put down the magma block it should suck it

Downwards oh yeah and it definitely is look at it bringing all the kelp down and for this one it should be the same but with the Soul Sand there and as you can see it is and with that being done we can now place all of the signs and

There we go it is finally done now this one should send me upwards and it does it takes a little while cuz it is quite a distance and then this one here should pull me downwards it’s not the fastest but at least it’s not like taking my

Hearts away or my bubbles away I guess it takes us straight to the spawner yeah this looks great it’s actually really useful I can just literally go AFK taking me to the top where the island is it’s really really simple easy to use and I’m here eventually we’ll probably

Connect it to the main island so I don’t have to swim here but it is so much easier than having to go up the stairs that are underneath here okay hopefully I get one more level after breeding these cows come on on there we go level

33 just what I needed also what H what is happening wait is oh it’s open oh damn it sorry CS I think next up is going to be harvesting all of this this again just because you know we ran out of uh not seeds wheat and we need to

Replant it and there it is all replanted looking nice as usual and I’ve got two more enchants that I want to do I’m thinking some diamond boots we’re going to see what enchantment is actually on them before I do it and I should probably craft the boots as well but

We’ll see what it will give us okay fire protection 4 that’s not great I’ll be honest but I think I’m going to do it anyway just because why not and it’s only five protection 4 that is not good at all I’m really not too sure what we

Should be enchanting next cuz we still got another three levels technically to use so I guess I’m going to make a book and kind of see what’s on it I think it’s sharpness right I don’t know if it changes power three hm that could be useful for the ender dragon fight

Honestly yeah I’m going to do the power three and there could be something else on it so we’ll do power three if there’s nothing else on it I think it’s still good power three and efficiency 3 okay that’s fine we can put that on a bow

Also I’m going to check what we would get on a a diamond sword as well just so that I know Bane of Arthropods really that is really bad so I’m going to head back down wait for a few more levels a I could have gone down the the new

Elevator but I totally forgot so we’ll get to level 31 so we can enchant a diamond sword and then unenchant it and then we can get a full level three again okay I got an extra two levels so I can hopefully get two better enchants

That’ll be nice so what we’ll do is do the sharpness one which is obviously not going to get anything good what I do need to craft is a grindstone if I just do that and make a couple of sticks and I believe it’s something like this and

There we go as simple as that now we can also put this just here put the diamond sword in get the normal diamond sword back and let’s see what the next enchant is not back I don’t really want that either so I’m going to do the Bane of

Arthropods one and then again unenchant it and hopefully I get Unbreaking three that’s not too bad and sharpness four okay that’s a pretty decent sword oh my goodness I did not know how many cows we had it’s literally full you know what see if we can get a chicken no no

Chicken I believe this is all the gold I have I think we do also have okay I think down here I think there’s that other gold block that we didn’t get when we first found it y there’s definitely a gold block here right here let’s quickly grab that ouch ouch dolphin’s playing

With the gold uh where did it just go oh there it is I’m going for it and I got it that being said I am also going to take the golden chest plate just in case the golden helmet runs out when I go into The Nether and while I’m at it I’m

Also going to grab some arrows from down in the spawner I’m going to take like literally like three stacks I think that that’s going to be enough surely there we go we’ve got about three stacks of arrows now uh I think we need some more food honestly we have one golden apple

And five steak I believe I carried on cooking that other food I’m not sure there it is 24 extra steak I’m also going to take like almost two stacks of cobblestone just in case anything goes wrong and and yeah let’s see what’s going on in the nether okay yeah it’s

Still definitely as scary as I remember can’t believe how quickly it mines now okay we’re going to try going in this direction cuz I I’ve barely even explored the Nether and if only I knew it was that easy last time I am going to save my coordinates just in case I do

Not want to get lost in here I see a skeleton have that this is definitely scary I’m right above lava right now my pinky that is holding shift right now is getting sweaty and I’m safe finally I had to quickly turn the fog off for the nether cuz I cannot tell where anything

Is but with the fog off it actually makes it a lot easier oh talking about things being easier we could kill this Enderman right here how does that sound where is he gone oh there he is oh there we go he spotted me hello mate and and

He’s just disappeared oh hello a we didn’t get an eye oh well I mean a pearl I can hear a gast as well so we’ve got a few buddies here that might want to trade some gold of us hopefully they hop into there there we go it’s as simple as

That this one doesn’t go down there oh here’s the gas oh forgot we could have traded leather for I mean gold for leather here oh look there’s some more some more piglins as well Soul speed three boots not boots but a book what is that noise oh we got pills we got three

PS nice uh can drop a few more gold in there come on mate come on any more ender pears you want to give me nope oh there we go we got another I think that was another four actually and I believe that is it that’s okay he yeah we got

Quite a lot of Ender Pearls then seven total I think it was out of like 40 gold I think that’s pretty good cuz like usually it’s taking me longer oh I can see a fortress over there as well pretty far away but it looks like it’s the closest one uhoh forgot about them

Remember where we going I’m going to do a h for Harry or home whatever you want I don’t really care and I’m also not sure how I’m going to get from here to there I don’t even know if it connects does it yeah it doesn’t like it connects

Any further than this okay we are much closer but I’m still not sure how we’re going to get there okay we can kind of make an entrance here and there we go we are on the Fortress and there’s already a wither skeleton yeah the way that the

Wither skeletons just charge at you is a little scary I’m also pretty sure that you can find like chests in in the Fortress this okay I’ve just found two chests by themselves we got more gold which is actually very good and something that I want we’ll drop one of

These Soul speed three books for that and oh we’ve got got bits of iron and gold here and we also got a smithing template rib armor trim I’m going to take this instead of the string okay well there’s a few on top above as well yeah we’ve got two Blaze powders so far

That was a lot of Blaze blazes walked into that one okay I’ll just keep third person checking around the corner just in case okay that’s fine we’ve got another trimming armor and we’ve already got horse armor and while we’re here we might as well get all of this Nether

Warts as well okay I think I’ve got plenty of blaze rods now I’ve got 11 total and I don’t want to go down there I’ll be honest forgotten which direction I even entered here from which is a bit scary more gold there so it’s given us plenty of gold to actually trade with

The Pigmen which is kind of good and it looks like we might also have another chest here possibly I don’t know know I’ve definitely looted this yeah okay okay I think I entered for night somewhere in this direction ouch that hurt okay where is the entrance I’ve lost

It seriously not sure I’m going to go this way though although it does not feel like the right way yeah I don’t know where I came from where did you come from where did you go I have no idea can you please tell me where I from maybe through here possibly okay wait

Wait wait wait yeah yeah yeah I can see my letters over there can I get down from here I can see it was that simple oh okay that was scary but I missed the jump so what I’m going to do is just make my way towards that Cobblestone is

Kind of area okay here we go we’re back at the H and then it goes up here and then we’re back at this H over here oh God oh God it’s chasing me it’s chasing me I don’t want it to chase me please please please oh levels ow okay I’m

Sorry have that mate hey and just like that we’re back I just realized how green the island looks I like it I mean it’s probably because the seeds are still growing but other than that you know we got a bit of this going I’m probably going to get rid of this soon

But I think the next step just to get fully Enchanted armor and then we’re going to combine these with these which means we’re going to the end also let me sleep and like we said we’re going to make all of that armor quickly actually wait we might not have enough I thought

I had way more diamonds but we actually don’t okay uh we might have to do some mining then we still got plenty of gold that we can use to get get more ender pearls eventually but we still need some more okay I want to keep the blaze rod

And the ender pearl always on us just so that we can never lose it cuz that would be really really annoying but yeah we’re going to have to go mining for a little bit longer we don’t have enough Emerald not Emerald sorry diamonds to make full

Armor I think we got nine which means we can make a chest plate and then we have one spare but that’s not going to be enough to make anything but a shovel and I kind of want to get you know Diamond axes and shovels that would be nice and

If we’re looky even a diamond ho so if we get down to the best possible location or I guess coordinate that will give us diamonds we’ll stay there for a little bit longer and then and then we’ll see how many diamonds we can actually get also oh my God mining deep

Slate with this pickaxe feels so much better also we’re getting as much xp as we possibly can as well just because if we do get the full armor which we obviously will we’re going to want to enchant it all as well as long along with all of our tools as well and I’m

Also not sure what the best location I’m also not 100% sure what the best coordinat is going to be but I don’t think it’s Bedrock so maybe we’ll just mine a so maybe we’ll just make a strip mine just a little bit of a bedrock and

We’ll see how that does us oh we’ve just found another spawner it looks like and it looks like a zombie one I’m going to be honest I’m not going to need it so I’m just going to destroy it but I would like all these Mossy blocks and also we

Got a bit of random piece of Loot and in this chest we’ve got a bunch of gunpowder and our first disc I don’t know why but I feel like Mossy Cobble is just like hard to come by so getting as much so getting as much of it as we possibly

Can just I don’t know feels right anyway that will do we got most of it hey we found our first batch of diamonds nice which actually came a lot sooner I mean not sooner a lot longer than when I thought we got eight from two okay that

Is actually crazy can also hear a skeleton Oh I thought that was I seriously thought that was NE no not nether brick I thought that was stone brick coming in mate I just wanted to make sure we’re safe also there’s a diamond right there got a diamond here I

Wonder if it’s more seemed like it was just one and I’m pretty sure I saw another okay yeah there’s another singular Diamond around here 1 2 3 feel like a three vein’s pretty decent it’s definitely better than one especially when we’ve got fortune and we’ve got

Then we’ve got gold as well which we can trade with the pillagers no not pillagers piglins is that what they’re called piglins no I don’t know I’ve forgotten their name gee there’s like nothing in here oh an Enderman there goes after us he we got another one okay

I’m bored of going upwards now we just need to get good veins or a good cave 25 gold as well wa we got some more diamonds as well here we go one two 3 4 5 we got 31 diamonds right now that is absolutely crazy we’ve got more than

Enough to be able to make full armor especially we’ve already got boots and we’ve got nine at home nine Diamonds oh it’s a lot of lava it’s also a lot of lava which means there probably a cave right here just because there’s lava yeah it looks like it it’s definitely

Something it doesn’t like it’s very promising though nope it is not jeez how boring not a single or down here jeez we haven’t found diamond in ages but we found lava which I do not want at all okay even though we’ve only found like literally a few veins I think 31

Diamonds is more than enough we’re going to have to make everything that we wanted I just I don’t know I guess I thought I was going to find some more I’m just to make sure everything’s still working right and it seems like it is a look how beautiful it is it’s also day

31 now which means future need to change you know the days at the top left okay stuff is starting to get out of hands now like these chests just full of the most random stuff I am definitely to to be blamed but you know it’s difficult

When you don’t really have you know the most room we have nine Ender pears now wow okay that’s almost enough to be like 100% sure also we’ve got 40 diamonds okay this is way more than I thought we had I’m impressed honestly okay the first thing we’re going to make is going

To be an a then secondly we’re going to be making a shovel we’re going to enchant them both like right now let me quickly get some lapis so our axe will have Unbreaking 3 which is pretty decent especially for like a diamond axe you know even if it only has Unbreaking

Three I think I’ll still be happy okay I just said I’d still be happy but I’m not even that happy about that and the same with this okay wow I’m definitely happy with that shovel I do want to unenchant this axe but I don’t really care right

Now but we are going to go down into the skeleton spawner and we’re going to get enough levels to be able to enchant all of our armor which will be three 6 n levels which means we’ll get we’ll have to get to 3 is it going to be 36 I think we’ll

Need 36 levels and this is going to take a while so um yeah I’ll be right back see I told you it was going to take long it took us literally an entire day to get to this level at least we got to the right level and I didn’t accidentally

Make a mistake so we have to enchant literally everything hopefully I don’t know why I’m saying hopefully I literally can I’m 100% sure of it so what I need to make is a helmet leggings and also a chest plate again I don’t really care what’s on the armor I just

Like having Enchanted armor see like fire protection four that’s probably not great but oh well and there it is we’ got protection three aqua infinity on our helmet fire protection four on our chest plate fire protection three on our leggings and Fire Protection four on our

Boots why do we have so try protection like what are the chances of that also cows you’re annoyingly loud okay I think I’m going to clear a bunch of this um what’s it called sugarcane go for a second and to kind of keep the theme of

The sugar cane still going I’m going to do like a dirt around each part and I’m going to carry around put in the sugar cane on it just cuz I think it’ll look nice so it shouldn’t be too overwhelming CU haven’t put it all the way around but

It’s around like most of the parts that you can see from the outside and I think it would look cool it almost like a like a defense wall although it literally isn’t cuz you can walk straight through sugarcane but I think for at least a farming area that’s going to look pretty

Cool with our brand new armor complete we can also put our old armor on this armor stand along with the leather boots that I got from literally like day one and with that all being done I think it’s time we get a bunch of resources using our brand new tools just because I

Think I’m going to switch up the island and when I say switch up I mean quite a lot actually so it looks like in this direction we’ve got a bunch of sand and that’s kind of what I need and I guess there’s not much really to do other than

To get started we’ve been here for literally less than a few minutes it’s time we’ve already got this amount of sand I probably won’t be needing this much but I mean it’s it’s better to be safe than sorry wo that is a very big drop that is so cool I just remembered

Where we actually mined all of that sand from I do also want the sand Stone I actually like Sandstone as a block it’s actually pretty decent oh and look at that we got some rare coal as well okay we’re going to head back and put all of

This in some chests and we’ll head straight back out actually I’m deciding to go back down and um hope to get a better enchantment on my axe so let me quickly get to level 33 or something like that and we’ll see how it goes all right we’re level 33 I’m going to

Disenchant this Axe and then just get another so here it is we disenchant this axe cuz it wasn’t great I’ll be honest okay this has got Unbreaking three again but we are going to try it oh what did I just do I just did the totally wrong

Thing oh wow okay Unbreaking three silk touch and efficiency for that is that’s exactly what I want okay what I am going to do now you guys might think it’s a bit strange but I am I’m going to make another Axe and hopefully get efficiency

5 again I meant efficiency 4 and we have it which is great and it only gave us that okay that is perfect if we go to the Anvil and put this in it’s only going to cost seven levels that way and it will cost us 19 that way so I know

Which way I’m going to be doing it and it’s got efficiency five that perfect all right I’m heading back out and hopefully we find a dark oak forest cuz I really want that dark oak oh and I just realized because we’ve got this axe we might be a to grab this beehive I

Think is that how it works okay yeah that is how it works I just hope the other bees don’t get angry at me now and also while we’re here we might as well I know it looks weird but we’re going to axe the grass so then we can get actual

Grass blocks I just found Moss blocks in that shipwreck that’s kind of cool oh I see some dark oak over there okay I think our inventory is full again I think it’s time to go back again okay we’re finally back and I’ve already got some plans okay I’m almost ready I just

Need to get a lot more dirt and then I’ll be ready okay yeah this might be enough dirt I mean I’ve left a big enough Mark in this in this kind of area I also just realized we also have like no Cobblestone which I kind of need so

What I’m going to be doing is going to be stripping this down for now and we’re going to be making some sort of like dirt track rather than having like random Stone little slabs I guess I just accidentally made like a giant love heart kind of and it was genuinely

Totally on accident but I’m rocking with it we’re also going to start planting like the actual grass blocks now just so we can you know hopefully it grows quickly and we can just Harvest it whenever okay here is the first part of our upgrade I mean it looks pretty good

So far over here I’m going to have some sort of barn but I don’t have all the resources yet cuz I can’t really get to any Acacia biomes at the moment but so far this looks great honestly I was quite proud of this part and don’t worry

About the random leaves that are missing but I think we could make this look a lot better so I’m going to start by mining everything that isn’t dirt SL trees so basically all the slabs and then we’re going to decide which direction we kind of want to go in cuz

I’m not 100% sure we want to go in this direction specifically also this pickaxe is so much more satisfying than like a rubbish normal Diamond one and now that mind it all we’re going to collect it all cuz we don’t want to waste materials and now that we’ve basically cleared it

All I’m going to get a water bucket just to climb to the top and then mine it downwards and I believe that’s all the wood gone oh we missing this one I think that’s all the wood gone now so we’re going to clear our inventory and then get everything that drops from these

Trees and leaves oh no a dolphin’s here to steal all of our stuff dolphin please leave it oh and of course it starts to rain of course that’s just my look and now that all of the leaves and the trees are starting to disappear it’s time to

Get rid of these seeds and now most of this is actually gone I’m going to surround it with Sandstone cuz we’re going to turn all this dirt here into sand I’m going to say Sandstone I mean Sandstone slabs oh that’s not the correct Sandstone I wanted how do you

Make smooth Sandstone oh it turns out I need to put Sandstone into the furnace now that we’ve placed all these Sandstone blocks that we want to place I’m going to fill them in with Cobblestone just because you’re not really going to be able to see this and

Then we can place the sand on top without it sinking to the bottom of the ocean I believe that’s all the Cobblestone place and all we need to do is place a bit of this sand I’m going to say a bit I think it’s about three

Stacks and I think this is going to be what the island is going to look like obviously I’m going to have to put some torches down and stuff but this looks great what I do want to do to keep that the island somewhat looking you know lit

Up I’m going to do little holes in the ground do one leave and then a cobblestone wall and and a lantern on top and I think it looks pretty cool and we’re also going to do the same on this kind of little cow Island and that means

We’re going to be onto day 40 now the next steps are going to be to go over in this direction because I want to connect the skeleton spawner that’s already over there with the enchanting table and luckily because we’ve got silk touch on our axe none of these are going to be

Turned into books bringing the enchanting table and the what’s it called I always forget it’s a grindstone with us and simply remove moving the platform it was all on and then finally the little kind of Stairway up to the enchanting table as well and again we’re going to collect all of the resources

That we just chopped and cut down and we’ll we’ll be saving all of this rather than having to get guess these exact blocks again so I’m thinking we go off on this direction and then this will be kind of on the right hand side of the

Island but I’m not quite sure what else we can have on the island so in my head I’m thinking of something that’s going to go somewhat like this and then this be the start of the Island right here and all this around here will be some sort of bridge I’m liking the Simplicity

Of something like this but obviously we’re going to add some kind of like fences or walls next to it and that will obviously lead us to the island that is going to be here also there’s another zombie pigman so we’re going to start off with bits of cobblestone I guess

Leading the way there on the sides how I like to do it is just placing random blocks until they start to make sense I guess and so far it can kind of just consist of like I guess like some IL to the bridge over there it’s just going to

Consist of like similar blocks I mean it’s kind of hard to hate on Le they just make it look so much more natural and it’s already starting to turn night so we’re going to sleep so that no mobs spawn I mean there might be a couple on

The bridge at the moment but I think we’ll be fine uh looks like none of them spawned on there oh and look at how much this is grown already we’ve got full dirt dirt I mean grass so what I’m going to do is take a few pieces of this grass

And then replace it with just dirt because eventually that will grow and then with these new pieces of grass that we’ve got we can actually replace them with this dirt here and these will all grow into actual grass blocks which is nice I think now is the time we make the

Outline of what this island is going to look like okay I’ve kind of got an outline of what I want it to look like and I think sand on here would actually look nice as well rather than dirt because we’ve got the massive cow Farm

Which is full of dirt as well but this makes a think that I’ve done it wrong and I think I have also I’m sleeping again so what I’ve done I’ve actually placed these deep slate slabs in the totally wrong area I need to do it just underneath so then I can actually place

Blocks on top I am so silly and it’s night time again so we’re going to sleep now that we do with the flooring now to put in the sand okay wo wo wo wo okay we’ve got a zombie villager here that’s literally just spawned on this island

And if you don’t know what that means that’s a start to a village kind of thing going on I’m going to try and take this villager over towards like the main Hut I’m going to quickly name one of the name tags okay he’s on his way okay it’s

A farmer looking villager so I’m going to name him Fred okay his name is Fred okay ouch ouch ouch Fred you do not need to hurt me like that and what I’m going to do now is try and trap him okay I need to do this quick before it turns

Into day oh and there we go okay nice he should be trapped now so I can mine that and we mine this I don’t have all the right stuff to be able to actually cure him yet but we’ll have him here and also we need to name him Fred the farming

Villager and while more mobs are spawning on this island I’m going to keep replacing all this sand and just like that the sand is placed and now before any more mob spawn I’m going to sleep again okay fredd is looking absolutely fine we’ve got a block placed

Above him so he doesn’t burn from the Sun and now to Future proof this kind of land we are going to place a bunch of those Lantern walls and leaves to be able to you know stop the MS from spawning and with all the lanterns play it looks really cool and the most

Important thing I wanted to actually put on this island was the enchanting table so then as soon as you come up from the skeleton spawner we can instantly go to the enchanting table which is going to be I think around here if we have something like this this should get us

To level 30 and then just here we can have the I always forget what this is called grind Stone I believe and then we can easily enchant and disenchant stuff as quick as we can and while we’re here we may as well start making the brewing stand

Three bottles of water why do I say it like that water bottles in the brewing stand we were in a dark oak biome not too long ago cuz we had to get a bunch of this wood but we also got a few of the mushrooms and we just need this one

With that one brown mushroom we need one sugar one spider eye and the one brown mushroom now with the fermented spider eye we want to put it into here and along with blaze powder we pop that in and that should make a potion of weed weakness yep it’s made a potion of

Weakness and then we just have to add a gunpowder to the top part and it should make it like throwable like splash potion and also in our inventory we’ve got a golden apple which will literally start to kill this zombie so now that we got the splash potion we will throw it

At this zombie are we ready 3 2 1 that definitely hit him and then we give him that and that loud noise means that we’ve started to cure him also while he’s curing I’m going to sleep because it’s just turned night time and this officially means that we’re going to

Start getting villages on our Island which is going to be nice because it also means we can start making trades cuz we’ve got a bunch of emeralds here oh my goodness wait wait wait wait wait where is this person come from what is that timing have that there we go I just

Killed it um that means I’ve got bad Omen though I don’t think this means they’re going to spawn here though right no no he’s still a zombie villager we we should be fine also it was just him which was a bit strange but if this turns into a villager does that mean the

Bad Omen effect is going to like you know cause her to be a raid I really hope not I’m not even sure how long this cure is going to take uh hopefully not too much longer oh we got a notification well not a notification an advancement

And look it’s cured let’s go Fred okay um that means I’m going to test something out if I grab these slabs and I think it’s something like this maybe the other way around there we go we can make el turn and if we do that it should

Give him the the librarian job right Fred do you want to be a a librarian do you know what else we’re going to do I think we should let Fred out what do we think about that H I don’t know we could at least give him a bed so that he stays

With us I’ve got one in my inventory actually this can be your bed here here you go Fred oh God no I don’t want to do a raid I do not want to do a raid Fred go go the other way Fred Fred Fred Fred

Fred no no we just St started a raid okay this is not good okay they have just all spawned in there so it’s okay for now oh gosh oh gosh oh gosh oh gosh okay okay Fred listen to me listen to me Fred we do not have to go through with

This raid but we are going to because I don’t know I think I think we have to right hopefully we’ve got a bunch of arrows in here great four okay there we go there’s a few more they’re shooting our cows we’re heading down into the skeleton spawner to grab a bunch more

Arrows cuz I think a bow is Absolut going to carry me okay I’ve got a bunch of arrows as you can tell I think this means it’s time to shoot them I guess and actually while I’m here let’s let’s see if we can grab that book where was

It a power three book what’s the maximum amount of power we can have oh it is literally power three what is power two book is also the most durable one so if we just maybe we can just combine these two and that will give me power three as

Well five levels okay yeah that’s fine all right okay sounds good with me where are they going to be spawning we are literally just sniping them and it’s it’s kind of working right now look they keep picking up this flag so every time we kill them they go to the flag oh my

Goodness there we are going to we also are going to quickly sleep as well just cuz I don’t want to die to other mobs we can get onto here and just snipe them like this especially that witch and that big tall thing I hate that thing luckily

We’ve got a bunch of arrows and a bunch of bows so we can just shoot them from far away we’ve done it again okay there’s going to be a bunch more to spawn look at all this loot that they’re dropping as well so many em emeralds oh

It looks like they killed him no I think they killed the Villager I think they’re dying to the Rain actually I think the raid might have stopped because all the villagers are dead is he still alive no he’s not the poor guy no I already miss

You Fred I should have maybe dug him into a hole damn it I I miss you Fred I couldn’t have really dug him down into anywhere though because you know it’s all above land oh let me know what I should have done down in the comments I

Just feel bad bad for Fred he literally did nothing wrong but we did get a totem a totem of undying this is pretty cool but I don’t think it was worth Fred dying I also just want to sleep I hate the rain right now okay that day was way

Way way too stressful like come on we had like we had we had a villager that came to stay Fred and then as soon as he cured we let him out and then boom The Raid started and we lost Fred oh talking about people coming over look at who’s

Here ooh five for a spruce oh wait no there we go I need a spruce saplin I forgot what it was called it I wanted a spruce and again talking about eliminating those said visitors I’m sorry at least we got two leads though okay we’re not giving up on Fred though

Fred will always be on our hearts and in fact we’re going to get revenge on Fred we’re going to be putting the ender pearl and the Blaze Rod to use so first we’re going to turn the blaze rods into blaze powder and then turn these into

Eyes of Ender I think we are going to trade the rest of this gold and I’m pretty sure we’ve got some more in here and I think we were smelting some as well there we go we’re also going to take this golden helmet oh it’s almost

About to break maybe we take that chest plate there it is and we’ll wear it just while we’re in the nether so then you know we don’t have the piglins after us I’m just going to keep running in the direction of the I don’t know guess the

The nether floor yeah that’s what I guess that’s what I’m talking about oh I definitely fought a um Enderman over here what happens if the skeleton shoots the Pigman oh wow unlucky if we head over here look there’s a bunch of Z no not zombie pigman no no not zombie

Anything piglins I think these are called and we can drop a bit of gold for him oh maybe not down there oh they dropped me pearls already we won’t drop them all of this gold but we’ll drop a lot until we’ve got maybe six more pearls or six pearls total so three more

Oh wow okay that’s a Magma Cube we’ll keep like 10 for oursel soul speed boots they drop such random stuff to you H okay I mean we still haven’t got the amount of eyes that I want so I’m going to drop them more I guess I don’t really

Mind giving them all of this I think that’s it this the last one and it’s gravel great thank you Pigman piglins okay with about three more ender pears gained from the nether we’re going to turn them into is avender obviously so we have three and then an additional

Three means we have a total of 12 if we get lucky and none of them break that is enough but usually there are a few spots filled in the actual portal so I think we’ll be all right now I think for the rest of time I’m going to get a bunch of

XP so I can actually reenchant all my armor because none of this is actually too great like I mean maybe aqua affinity is the best thing I have so we’re going to head down into the skeleton spawn and get XP for a couple of days I mean it might even take a few

Days so we’ll have to see and yeah I’ll get right back to you on the way back up I’ve just realized it’s also day 50 time to unenchant the armor that we have and see if we can get anything better than what we already have so we’re going to

Do these three pieces first we’ll start with the helmet and it’ll say Unbreaking three and that is terrible next up is our boots and it says Unbreaking 3 Also let’s test this out protection three and Unbreaking 3 that’s not so bad but it’s still not great and lastly right now is

The leggings that also say Unbreaking three and we get projectile prediction 4 and Unbreaking three we still want to get a ton of levels and we still don’t have the enchants that we want okay so we’re about to hit level 40 and we’re

Like so so so close and we’re be a to do about three enchants or maybe I think four if we do like a level one enchant to get rid of something it should just take this skeleton there we go it looks like it might be night time oh no just

Raining but I guess it is kind of night time as well and I just realized this kind of looks like a snowman with eyes here and I totally did it on accident anyway time to un enchant the three items that we did earlier except from along with the chest plate I think our

Boots are the the most important one that I want to see I want to see like the maximum feather falling so if we just do this see depth Sher 2 I think that’s pretty good so I am going to do this one dep Sher two and protection

Three that’s pretty good and then also helmet uh see blast protection isn’t too great what about our chest plate fire protection see so for this one I am going to do on a diamond helmet I’m just going to do normal Protection One and then basically I’m just going to

Unenchant that just because you know that’s not really something that I want this time it’s fire protection 3 so I am going to do it again and again unenchant it this time is protection 3 so that’s automatically good so I’m glad whatever this is okay protection 3 I know it’s

Not anything additional but you know that’s still pretty good next up is the chest plate um oh I already unenchanted it oops uh it is protection 3 so that’s decent as well so we’re going to do that and it’s just protection three I’m pretty sure on a chest plate you can

Only get protection three and Unbreaking and mending even though you can’t get mending in an actual enchantment itself so i’ would say this is all pretty good armor now let’s see how fast These Boots makes underwater oh wow okay way faster and now I think it’s time that we get

Ready for the ender dragon fight I’m going to be taking the enchanted golden apple I’m I’ve don’t think I’ve ever eaten one of these in Minecraft so I do wonder what kind of things it gives you I guess we’re also going to be making a spare one of these AK a shield because

This one’s pretty broken already also think it might be a good idea to make some more food that amount of bread should be enough and just in case we do survive we’re going to take a bunch of well let me gather all the gunpowder first I’m surprised we had that much to

Be honest we’re going to take a bunch of fireworks as well and fireworks means we can actually travel with an elytra which we don’t yet have but we will soon I’m also going to drink this water so we have an empty bottle and with that Empty Bottle we’ll be able to get dragon’s

Breath which I have no clue what it does but I’m pretty sure it gives you an advancement I also think I’m going to have the totem equipped because then you know I’m 100% safe of death for the moment that I actually have it activated this is going to be the last time we

Sleep before we’ve killed the Ender Dragon well unless it takes ages to actually get there okay well the first step is to get into our boat and throw one of these eyes ofender I guess here we go oh is it gone backwards yes it has and it broke really our first one broke

That is so annoying anyway it was in this direction so I guess here we go oh my gosh I thought I saw it there down there then oh wow I really got baited that is just like um one of those I guess drowned spawns we’re going to keep

Going this direction until we find land and then I’m going to throw another one okay well here’s some land but I’ve been going for a really long time now so I think I’m going to just throw one here okay we’re still going in this direction okay I thought that one broke then it

Scared me I think we’ll maybe get off the boat when we reach this land just here and then we’ll see where it leads us okay here okay here we go with another throw and it’s still going in this direction I think I got really unfortunate with that first throw here

We we go here’s another throat okay it seems like it’s straightening out straightening out a little bit now that’s definitely not it over there okay not quite a stronghold but there definitely is a sea dungeon I forgot what they called an ocean Monument that’s it I say we give it another throw

Here oh we’ve passed it that’s interesting I guess we’ll give it another throw in a second and we’ll see if it takes us anywhere how about here yep still this direction we’ll do it in another 10 seconds let’s give it a now okay we’re very close to it then how

About here there we go okay I believe this is where we’re going to go down right here okay here we go this should be The Descendants down into the oh there we go wow it’s really close to the I guess the the floor of the ocean and

There we go we get the advancement now we’ll be spending quite a while hopefully not too long but trying to find the actual stronghold not the stronghold sorry the actual I guess end portal yeah that’s what it’s called I mean it seems like I’m already at a dead

End I guess I I don’t really know where to go from here here we go we found another entrance down here it seem to just end at a dead end from wh you were okay there’s a fountain here I believe where a skeleton next to it oh that also

Looks like the library nice got a bit of bread nice I love finding libraries in the strongholds there’s always like a a few cheeky chests that you can find which usually have a a somewhat good um enchanted book I believe they’re on the upstairs oh maybe not this time but when

We’ve killed the End Dragon you’ll you already know that we’re going to be taking a lot of these books oh it looks like we’re going down lower oh we got frost Walker and piercing four is that nice yeah I already knew that led to a

Dead end I don’t know why I even went okay there’s some steps down here they don’t seem to lead anywhere we found a chest here A bunch of iron and more bread cool okay this can go either way again nope that just comes out there how

About this way these are very easy to get lost in see look now we can go down into nowhere just keeps on going down and down and down but no clue for certain where we have to go see have I already been here I do not know I don’t think that’s the correct

Way okay oh here it is let’s destroy that cuz we do not want any any of them chasing us and no we have we needed 12 and we’ve only got 11 okay well that’s a little bit annoying that does mean we need to try and find an extra single

Singular ender pearl which I don’t know how easy that’s going to be got another the library here and we got a chest which has respiration and protection three and a smithing template eye armor trim and punch to enchanted book here we go we got another oh wait we already so

We just about missed it where am I going to find any Enderman up here hey we’re going to take the boat back to we’re going to take the boat to like a Mainland over here and hope that we can find an Enderman that’ll be perfect come

On any sign of an Enderman where is this one Enderman that we need I need one Enderman please one Enderman I honestly do not know what we can do Ender’s chances spawning at daytime are so slim or at least you spotting one so I think maybe if we go back down into the

Stronghold we might be able to find one in there I’m I’m I’m actually praying come on any Ender down here now or there’s a chest up there spot Unbreaking three and Fire Protection three Unbreaking three and sharpness three not bad at all I can hear an Enderman here

Is here it is this is all that we need I’m sorry Enderman but I need you and he didn’t drop anything of course that is just my Lu that was a creeper okay well I guess while we wait we’ll just put all of these in and it’s still day oh just

Ah Ender are just so annoying I don’t know what more I can do had the chant at one and still no look okay it’s finally night time we’re going to take the ship I’m saying ship as if it’s like some massive boat the wooden little boat back

To the mainland during the dark now I’ve got to jump around and hope for an Enderman any around here we need one Enderman Enderman there’s an Enderman come on mate ouch there we go oh my God we actually got one okay that is it we’re going back let’s just craft it

Quickly boom there we go okay we just quickly slipped and now all the mobs are burning except from the spiders now just to find the boat which is somewhere along here ah there it is over there behind that tree I turn the boat around and this should be the direction of the

Stick there we go okay so if we just get out here and it should be there we go okay we’re ready here we go and there it is are we ready cuz I don’t know if I am well there’s no other way of knowing here we go okay we are instantly mining

Out of here cuz I do not trust it and there we go we can see the beautiful sky and we’re already here okay first step is to destroy all of the things that are connecting it to these obsidian poles I’m a way too low about there there’s

One this should be the second one here oh accidentally hit him there’s two two I think that was keep on moving keep on moving blowing them up there we go caning the best archer in the game I think you can also destroy these ones by shooting in this little Gap there we go

Just like that I think we’ve got like four of them so far five now to shoot quite high for this one there we go we got that one as well let’s do this one while it’s connected we hit it I think it’s it might just be this one in the

Cage left see if we can get it see if we can hit it there we go okay I’m not sure how is there any left I’m not even sure okay oh okay there’s one on top of there as well I don’t okay I’m not even reaching the top of it I don’t think

Ouch ouch okay we are we were just down to one heart but I think I’m okay it was trying to hit us away I’m going to give it a second so we can regenerate y they’re really trying to it’s really trying to knock us off right now that’s

Got a bunch of Ender after it as well I’m not even sure which Tower it was that we’re shooting at was it this one oh no I think it’s this one over there but I’m not sure if it does it have any left I’m not I don’t think so we’re

Going to just keep shooting at the Ender Dragon now let’s see if we can grab that dragon breath there we go where is there it is come on let’s keep hitting these bow shots have this Ender Dragon have these that means we got to hit it we got

To hit it from underneath here we go we’re getting it with in with the sword hits ouch okay I am going to switch to the totem now just in case it knocks me really high we’re going for the bow shots as well we’re hitting a lot of

Them it’s at half HP okay we still got almost three stacks of arrows we should be fine okay it looks is coming back down we’re just going to keep getting these bow shots in come on okay we need we need to get the the shots in again

With the sword come on he’s low HP it’s almost dead can we defeat it and there we go look at it we actually did it oh my God in all of its Glory we have killed the Ender Dragon look at all that XP okay we’re going to grab all this XP

We were at level 31 I believe oh my goodness this is a ton of XP I believe we’re going to stay at level 70 that is crazy okay so we’re not going to be going into the actual portal yet although we did just kill the ender

Dragon and its egg is just here but I don’t actually have anything to be able to get it we are going to test out if we can land hopefully un like one of the ships that would be really really awesome like first try that would be really cool obviously the chances of

That though are really really really Slim now if we do water like this we should be able to just go in like that and I have no clue where we are and just like that we’re stuck in the end forever no I’m just kidding okay here is the

Main land um doesn’t look like it leads anywhere but we’re just going to keep following it this way and hopefully we can get somewhere that actually has some loot I’ve been crossing a few Islands now and I just can’t seem to find any like end cities or chips which is a real

Shame I’ve basically just been Crossing by throwing ender pearls I’ll be honest I’ve been I’ve been lazy this a great mode of Transport I’ll be honest oh my God I went to eat food and I came back and look what we found oh oh my goodness

Yes not only is it an entity but it’s also an entity with a ship which means a lra time let’s make this jump okay never mind it was just a Gap a gap with no hole oh my God I just realized how low our bow is oh my goodness that was all

From the End Dragon okay here we go we’ve got some new friends to watch out for smack it then thank you for the Sher cell cell Sher shell I inan I mean oh my God I can’t talk right now to you too mate where did it go where has it gone

Oh he hey hey hey oh great oh that I’ve actually been trolled there oh my goodness did not see this one okay yeah we can’t reach that yet and there’s no chance three oh gosh run away it’s going to get me oh my gosh there’s about three

Of them I could actually kill this Enderman in hopes that he drops me an Ender pear you know what I’ll try it screw it come here mate come get me there we go a simple as that will we be a to hit that I think we might here we

Go if we do a little bit of height here okay and I can going hit that I believe here we go boom and I’m on I’m on the ship I’m getting in give me those instant Health pots okay and here we go there’s probably one in here yep there

There they are okay they set two three after me four okay disappeared and oh my God we’ve actually got good loot as well obviously the main thing is the elytra oh God there’s one behind me okay what I am going to do though which I think might be quite clever is grabbing this

Chest quickly making a crafting table and we are going to make a shulker box we can play place a bunch of this loot in there as well stuff that we don’t really need right now and look at us with this elyra on oh my goodness we look cool also Unbreaking three leggings

That isn’t too bad actually and we’ll also grab this chest and turn that into a Sher box as well but now that we’ve got the elytras we can put the fireworks in our inventory let’s quickly kill this bad boy and we can fly just like that

I’ve got no clue where I’m going but we’re going somewhere I just have to keep an eye on the uh durability I was thinking we find one more City and loot it up and then we get out of here Oh I thought that was another Island to

The left it’s just a way out one of the portals oh here we go we got another one this looks like a massive one actually we’re going to be a bit cheeky and just like skip to the top Parts oh there’s also a shift on this one which means we

Get another pair of elytras you know I’m going to grab th those first I think get away from my elytras we got an Unbreaking three efficiency 4 shovel nice curse of binding helmet no thank you that can stay here and more gold and we’ll take the elas obviously we make

Sure to put all of this loot in here I think there’ll be Loot on this building I’m pretty sure perfect I’m breaking three sword nothing too great there get away from me do these have more chests in I’m actually not too sure oh yes they do got diamonds feather falling boots we

Got iron oh okay it kind of hurts ouch of course it hit me again oh it’s from above this time I think that means this one’s going to have loot as well there we go and I’ve already been hit great okay wow tons of loot in this one do we

Mine through this one no we did not yet oh that is not so great one oh that’s a lot of diamonds wow I’ll take that protection for diamond boots I will actually take that as well I believe that’s it but I think there was one more okay yeah there’s another city over here

As well and then to the right there’s also a portal so we’ll quickly check this one out and then we’ll get out of here oh No Loot in these ones I don’t think okay no it there’s not okay we’ll just quickly uh fly to this portal and

We’ll get out of here this has been such a successful trip like level 70 we can reenchant all of our armor or even some tools and 29 diamonds as well oh wait wait wait there’s another ship over there I say we quickly go try that ship

We’ still got half anra left so yeah hell yeah okay I just need to remember backward from the ship and we are there oh and I totally forgot we should take probably one of the dragon heads as well are you kidding me maybe we don’t need

To get one cuz he just fell oh damn it I’m so bad we got more diamonds more gold and iron we got Unbreaking in three protection three boots ooh silk touch shovel that’s really good we’ll grab all of this and even this SP armor trim yeah

We’ll get that as well and obviously the elytra okay I think it’s now time to get out of here there’s I think there’s one more building attached to here and then we’ll get out so we check this building here and I think there’s maybe two more connected to here and then we’re gone

Okay I’m promising myself section 4 and breaking three helmet that’s really good got one down here and nothing so great I mean except that sword but Italian so I don’t really care for it more diamonds and an aquafinity Unbreaking three helmet that’s cool we’ll take that and

Finally no nothing good a looting two sword you know what actually I’m going to take that sword okay and that is it now finally we’re done and in we entered the portal and we are finished we’ve killed the Ender Dragon we’ve um looted a bunch of cities as you can tell and

Now it’s time to go back home I think it is going to spawn us somewhere random there cuz I don’t think it’s our spawn cuz we did sleep but we destroyed our bed so we’ll see and we get teleported somewhere totally random oh we got XP

Here oh thanks I believe our island is going to be somewhere over here and I think I see it and here is the beautiful Island from above it looks awesome I mean we’re not even nearly done though we’ve now finished currently day 57 I’ve just realized that we don’t actually

Have a level 30 enchanting table so I’m pretty sure this entire time we were using like a level 24 uh enchanting table which is really really sick looking back but we are going to store some of our stuff for right now as you can see we’ve got a load on us and while

We’re here we may as well also make as many Shuler boxes as we possibly can with a lot of our inventory cleared I’m actually going to try and fly towards the uh end that we well the Str strong hole I guess and try and get all the bookshelves from the library I believe

There are actually two libraries over there I think we also just need to be careful that we don’t use all the elytra that’s not it is it oh no no no this is the above thing that we found which to be honest actually looks pretty cool and

We’ve got a mending fishing rod but I believe that is it it over there and we are in now time to find a liary there we go that didn’t take long it’s so much easier with a silk touch uh not pickaxe axe just because you know you don’t have

To remake all the bookshelves using more wood so that’s that Library completely mined out time to find the second one that we found oh here it is I found the bookshelves I believe this one also has a second floor as well so we’ll have to

Get that as well yeah so just go these ladders and there all along the wall so we’ve got Unbreaking three two Unbreaking three uh enchanted books here and I’m going to grab them both the main reason for that is because we we’ve got elytras and Unbreaking three is going to

Go a long way and obviously mending is the end goal but we’ll have to get a villager for that and we all know what happened with Fred so we need to be careful that’s also the top level also completely mined out and the bottom floor completely mined out and this is

How many books we have we have how many 1 2 3 4 4 5 6 and 15 Stacks that is crazy time to just go through the end and back in oh wow the these loes do not have much left oh they broke while we were flying that’s annoying but at least

The island is just over here also let’s quickly see if we can sleep because I hate the rain okay there we go nice now originally we were just going to have like a little corner here for the enchanting table but I think we should make like a library so first let’s get

Rid of the current enchanting table and let’s get started on the library a lot of what I want does include a spruce kind of wood so I will have to find that one Spruce sapling that we bought from the Wonder and Trader there it is I’m

Also grabbing a bunch of Bones so we can basically spam grow some spruce trees i’ also need a little bit of dirt and I’m deciding to do it in the Mia Island because then if I did it out in the water all the stuff would go flying into

The water and just like that we’ve got a spruce tree sadly it’s only dropping sticks come on give me a sapling there we go we got another sapling is L nth time now but we’ve got a lot of resources to actually get started on the library so enjoy the time Lapse and I think just like that the library is complete so as you could see while we’re building this is what the inside looks like which I think looks absolutely amazing but I now just need to decide where I’m actually going to put an enchanting table I don’t know how

I feel like this just looks so nice I don’t want to ruin it hey we’re going to try a few different areas to see if like I don’t know if this gets level 30 or not I’m going to need a book so I’m just going to break in a a bookshelf with my

Fist so no that’s literally only level 10 in that corner okay what about right here this gives us level 20 how about under the stairs if we put some bookshelves under here maybe something like this then if we put the enchanting table down it will get us to level 12 oh

Wow okay all right I had an idea and this is what it’s turned into we’ve actually had a little enchanting table placed in the floor so basically this is the library and the way to get to the enchanting table is through here and you

Just use it down here as you can see it is level 30 which is perfect it’s also slowly turning into day 61 are you kidding me it’s just started thundering surely that should let me sleep then right I hate the rain okay yeah it lets you sleep and it should slowly clear up

The weather hopefully and yes perfect just a few little things I did want to add around the Li is just some walls to make it you know not look so flat I guess and just like that it’s completely finished I really like how it’s turned out actually I like the inside I like

The sunshine that you can see through the front windows it looks really nice and also like the I guess the natural lighting from the uh I guess the leaf ceiling or roof I guess now I’ve got the library finish which actually looks really cool I’m really sick of having to

Clear my inventory every like 10 minutes like literally look at these chests it’s just full of so much random stuff so I’m thinking that we make a ton of chests and then I’m thinking we remove this little Lantern area right here and we get two chests like that two chests like

That and I think another two chests and then I think we have two on each side somewhat like this and we go up by three and I’m thinking this should be enough chests it for sure looks like enough chests now to label each chest we are

Going to use we’re going to use item frames on the edge of each chest just like this then we can actually label all the chests and know what goes in where first off one of the first chests I like to make is the nether chest I basically

Just fill these chests with a bunch of stuff that you can get from the nether or that are like nether related and the next chest we would have is actually a mob drop kind of chest so that’s going to be full of everything that mobs drop basically I mean it’s kind of

Self-explanatory next up I would have a farming one here which will obviously have everything that’s somewhat included to farming but only like the seeds and I guess wheat as well so we’re not going to include tools in here cuz we’re going to have a separate one for tools now one

Of the more important ones is going to be full of ores we’re obvious going to have a diamond on there cuz you know we’ve got a ton of them and they’re probably the rarest so far and just underneath the ORS we’ll have probably a wood chest full of literally everything

Wooden or Wood related next up we’ also have a I guess enchanted book SL Just Books kind of chest and that’s going to be full of everything book rated obviously I think just below the farming one we’ll also have some sort of like sapling it’s just going to include like

A bunch of leaves and saplings and I guess I guess Moss blocks and maybe even some flowers as well next is one we don’t have much of and it’s going to be an end kind of chest next up is an armor chest which I think you can safely

Assume is going to have um I guess armor which we have actually a ton of from the end next up is sand kind of blocks which is going to also include gravel and I think within that sand chest I’m also going to include dirt in the chest below

That we’re going to have a bunch of like mining blocks which I don’t really plan on using but I have a lot of but you never know they might come to use now in the top middle we’re going to also have a I guess food kind of chest and you

Guessed it it’s going to have a ton of food in it and next up is going to be tools actually I’m going to have it at the top slot this one is also pretty self-explanatory it’s literally just going to have a bunch of tools in there

Uh the one on the middle left we’re going to have is actually going to be horse related stuff so it’s going to be like a bunch of saddles which you don’t actually have a crazy amount of but I mean we have a few so it deserves its

Own spot and finally this top right chest being a kind of like full of potions kind of with all the chest placed and kind of filled with all the respective stuff I think we should build like a kind of like a backdrop for like the chest area just to make it look a

Little bit fancier something just as simple as this I really like we’ll get some leaves planted on the outside just to make it look a bit more natural like I said leaves make everything look better as you can tell it looks so much cooler okay I think our next steps are

Going to be to actually remove this hook cuz we haven’t got really much of a use of it at the moment well now that we’ve built all of this extra stuff around here I think my next plans are to build somewhere where we can put like maybe

Furnaces and maybe a bed with the entire hook removed we just have a few things we need to grab we’ve got furnaces that we’ve been using Oak planks to actually Fuel and also just the um What’s this called an Armand oh with too much armor

On it oops and while we’re here with the actual Anvil I’m going to grab these two books which both have Unbreaking three on them and I’m actually going to combine them with the luckily it only cost three levels each but you know that’s perfect oh and the Anvil broke anyway nice beautiful anyway

Here’s another one made and placed again but it’s turning night so let me quickly sleep oh it won’t let me yet and we’re sleeping so now that it’s morning I’m actually going to go and try and fly towards hopefully a jungle I think towards the direction of uh the dark oak

Biome which I think is in this direction I’m not 100% sure but I think behind the dark oak is actually a jungle and the reason I want to get some jungle wood is because the original palm tree of the island was actually made out of jungle

Wood and I kind of want to recreate it just here so I guess it’s time to just I guess fly in a direction and try try try try and get to a jungle biome so I guess we’ll see oh we’ve got jungle wood over here we’ve only been flying for like a

Good 2 minutes so we’ll just grab a few of these oh and we’ll check out this I guess abandoned nether portal quick put out the fire put out the fire we need to save this jungle and it is saved ouch that hurt oh wait there’s trees on fire

Anyway forget the tree let’s see what’s in this chest uh nothing worth taken oh but also while we’re here we could also grab a couple of these I guess bamboos and then we can um we can make scaffolding I believe okay with all that stuff getting grabbed it’s time to go

Back even though we weren’t really out here for very long I believe we’re nearly there somewhere in this direction ah there it is I’m not sure whether we want to recreate it in the center like where with all the islands kind of connecting or we should just keep it on

The main island cuz this is the original Island here although a lot of this is extended over here I think this is the original part here I think we grab a bit of sand and we just make like a I guess a bit of a mound like this and just like

This we actually just started building like this let me make sure they’re all in the right direction and then next would be the leaves and just like that we made the palm tree I think it looks really fitting on the island especially cuz you know it looks like a palm tree

And this is a survival island oh look it’s night time again okay I think I’ve got an idea what we want to do for the next couple of days so I think one of the things that I actually do kind of need SL one is gravel and I

Think sand which we have quite a lot of oh there we go okay I figured it out here’s how you make I guess eight I’ll only be able to make 16 cuz I haven’t got enough I guess black ink is that is that what it is black dyed I guess now

But luckily we live in an ocean so we can hopefully find some squids but also before that I’ve just had an idea if we grab maybe this sword from here uh this is an Unbreaking three sword which isn’t great it’s fine to use for like usual I

Guess killing things but um I want to get looting three on a sword so we’re going to keep using levels until we get to a looting three sword and hopefully that’s soon so all we have to do is disenchant this one and get that back

And let’s see what it’s going to give us sharpness three that’s pretty good and it’s only sharpness three never mind so we’ll unenchant that again now it’s showing Smite so what I’m going to do is just use one level rather than three and then just disenchant this now it’s

Showing ban of arthropod so I’m again just going to use one level next up is showing not back two um I don’t uh do we do we try it keep resetting it until we get looting three on here hopefully that’s not too long we have a limited amount of levels okay Unbreaking three

Do I want to put it to the test no it’s not worth it okay next one is Smite 3 that’s not good enough next is Ban of arthropods no thanks thank you now sharpness three now okay wa Who whoo wo sharpness four I didn’t even know that

Was a thing I’m just going to grab that okay sharpness four is crazy oh wait I I already had sharpness or what am I saying I’m so stupid next one is Unbreaking three oh God they really don’t like giving me these levels do they not levels the correct enchantments

Smite four sharpness four again okay fire two um I’m sick of going through all these levels I’m just going to I’m just going to do fire as 2 okay Fire 2 knock back two and sharpness four okay that’s probably going to be my main sword now so we’ll quickly refresh this

One and we’ll see if we can get it on here oh okay that was really lucky we got looting three on this sword fire two and looting three okay thank goodness I’ll take it so that should mean we don’t have to kill as many squids now to

Get a lot of ink the question is where are all the squids at I I can usually see them like at the top of the water but not right now oh I see a squid tell me you didn’t drop anything oh there it is oh I can’t go to it there dolphin

Don’t touch it don’t okay nice we got three from literally one squid here we go got two more squids here good here and with these ink sacks we turn them into black dye and we try and make the exact same shape we just did but I totally forgot what what I actually did

There we go we did it okay this is going to be more than enough I think and now we need white dye how do we get white dye is it bone meal okay yeah it is I think that’s as much white as we can make right now now before we start the

Build let me quickly sleep and I think the other block that I’m going to need is actually going to be caught so let me quickly grab some of those as well I’ve just realized that it’s actually going to take way longer to get all those caught so I’m not going to oh skeleton

Just came through the portal with me yeah so instead of using quartz I think we’ll use Spruce and then we’re going to use a different kind of color so I guess we just get started and finally we are done with the build oh my goodness this

Took way too long cuz it’s like such a weird placement I’ve had to do it like all diagonally but I think it looks pretty cool so it’s basically a barn and it’s got like the cow kind of print a cow print on it which I kind of like

Because you know it’s on the Cow Island I guess and from afar this is what it looks like you can’t really tell that it’s um a cow print until you’re actually up close and I don’t really like the roof but I mean it’ll do for

Now it’s now Day 70 and we’re going to make some more bridges so we’re going to start with the dirt like we do usually and from each of the islands that we have here which are at the library and the barn we’re going to have some

Bridges that are going to be leading to a a third or maybe no it’s a fourth island so from the B we’re going to have it Go in this direction and it’s going to look a little something like this so it just reaches the beginning of the

Next Island and the one from the library island is going to look something like like this and although you guys don’t have any idea what the start of this island is going to look like I already have a plan for it and just like that the outline is complete but it’s now day

71 I think it’s about to turn so yeah it’s about to be day 71 we’re going to quickly sleep and it is now day 71 now the next step that I want to do with the actual Circle you guys still don’t know what it is but I’m going to fill it with

Dirt so yeah let’s get started okay we completed it as it’s turned night so I’m going to quickly sleep and there’s probably going to be a bunch of mob on here surprisingly there wasn’t any mobs that spawned up there I am very very surprised about that but you know it’s

Annoying yep definitely this rain I don’t really know what I can do to get rid of all this rain but uh instead of just sitting around I am going to go fly somewhere the rain makes it feel so miserable oh my goodness but one thing I

Am trying to find is actually a village and it’s not for the villagers oh wow this is not a village but look how cool this abandoned nether portal is oh wow oh my goodness almost landed in that lava but look how tall it is damn that’s pretty cool oh look here we

Go so now I can show you guys what the actual reason is that I’m here and it’s hopefully because of carrots and I was kind of hoping there was something else potatoes nice okay and one more thing please be here I don’t think it is and

It’s not I am trying to look for some beetro and while I’m here I’m going to quickly am I going to sleep oh there’s an ender man behind me okay I’m sorry sorry villager but I need to sleep instead of you now we get rid of this

Disgusting rain and it’s sunny again oh there’s also a blacksmith here I didn’t notice that let’s see what’s in here nothing useful we’ll take the apples and the bread though is that a second blacksmith over there I think it might be it is two blacksmiths and we get a

Diamond in this one and a bunch more apples okay we need to do a little bit more searching and then we can go back to the base and while we’re in this dark oak kind of biome we’re going to also grab a bunch of these like tall mushrooms including the one I was

Standing on oh my goodness with one rocket to spare we have just about got home oh my goodness and also it being night time we are heading to bed because we don’t want more mobs let’s just say that and with the center being marked out I know exactly what our next steps

Are we’re making a round boundary somewhat like this I believe should look a little Sumer like this and I’m thinking it should be a little bit bigger yeah this is a good size I think now what’s going to be in the middle is actually secret for now so let’s do the

Rest of it so what we are going to have to do is actually make a new tool which we haven’t made yet which is I think it’s quite obvious it’s going to be a hoe right now so if we make the diamond hoe I don’t will we need to make two you

Know what we will make two just in case now with those two hoes made we are going to get a few pieces of lapis AKA a stack and we’re going to head to the library and I’m sure it’s pretty obvious again uh we are going to be enchanting

Them I don’t think I’ve ever Enchanted a diamond ho actually which is a bit of a surprise so oh wow okay efficiency form breaking three and Fortune 2 on the first one and what do we get on the second one we get the exact same that is

Really strange so with those two crafted we are actually going to start and oh what the heck that just spawned in front of us let’s see what he’s got to offer um I don’t think I need any of this thank you though also thank you for the

Leads so I think one of the first things we’re going to plant is actually going to be just a normal regular seeds and I’m going to do them in this back corner here and just like that that’s this corner then now the next crop that we’re

Going to use we don’t have much of so what we are going to have to do is actually going to plant a bunch and and then we need to uh bone meal it and then we need to replant it again so here we go we bone meal these carrots here just

Like this and then I’m pretty sure if we hit them with the enchanted hoe it actually gives us more carrots I’m pretty sure see we just got five from that one we got four and then basically we’ll just smack them all until we’ve got a bunch okay something might be

Going wrong here because some of this soil is not staying how it should be so it looks like there might be something wrong with the water maybe okay well it seems that I’ve been doing it a little bit wrong and apparently water underneath the dirt doesn’t actually

Count as it getting watered I think so what I do need to do is actually create some pockets of water I guess something like this so we’re going to put a stair there and then I’m going to fill the stair with water and that should start

Watering here as you can see it’s slowly so soiling making the soil wet which is a little bit annoying that we do have to have these random pieces of I guess Sandstone but I mean at least it works oh it turns out you can also have them

Upside down so I’m definitely going to do that there we go it looks way cleaner with much more water fixing later we finally got it sorted on this side especially but now we can continue growing our carrots I guess also now that I thought about it I think I’m

Going to have the carrots on the entrance of this side and that’s all the carrots planted on this side time to get started on the three potatoes that we have we just slept and we’re going straight back to the potatoes and that is now the potatoes complete well not

Yet but they are about to be there we go I think that’s all the potatoes also now that I thought about it I think I’m also going to put a bunch of lanterns on these I guess Sandstone stairs and then you know we don’t have too many Ms

Spawning and the last crop that we need is actually beetro which I haven’t seen once and being honest with myself I don’t think I’ve actually eaten anything with be in it whether that’s in Minecraft or real life I believe the only place that you can actually find

Them are uh villages so I think we’re going to actually have to go find another Village but here’s another Village it doesn’t necessarily have beetro though but we’ll check leave these are carrots oh wait what was that oh oh wait we do have beetro seeds I’m so stupid I didn’t know that’s what

Beetro seeds look like which means we can actually head back to the island which isn’t too far away we were literally here for like flying for a good minute or so see look we can see already and there’s the village and here’s the island I didn’t know we were

That close this makes me think that I’ve actually got some in the chest somewhere which I thought was like melon or something like that but it’s actually oh okay no we don’t actually have any which is yeah okay I thought one of these was

One of them but it’s not but now we have beetroot now we just have to do the exact same thing that we had to do with uh the carrots and the potatoes we basically just Spam grow them until they’re fully grown and then we destroy

Them with the hoe so it gives us beetro and beetro seeds Okay the beetro takes so much more bone meal than any of the other crops it’s crazy and we are done finally it’s looking really really pretty so far i’ really like the green and the natural colors of it but we are

Not complete okay we’ve still got a couple things to add as you can probably tell with the blocks that I have in my inventory you might be able to tell what I’m about to be doing I just jumped on the crops but it didn’t break thank goodness and actually I think I should

Sleep instead first time to collect all the blocks that we mined up there which are kind of hidden in the crops and we are done and then attach the grass that it is like I guess on I’m going to turn this into grass not dirt we’ll just replace one of

The grasses oh sorry the dirt there and also one here so then it should form around each side and I think it looks great from afar as well don’t know just adds a bit of color to the I guess the islands although that island is very

Green already so a bit of red kind of I guess contrasts it and it’s raining again a I hate this I’m sleeping this rain off I just hate it so much and it’s now day 80 now with a lot of what we wanted to do I actually want to go back

To that Village that we did find quite a while ago the one that was like super close to us that would would be really really useful I believe it’s somewhere around here uh maybe it’s not here we go here it is so along with this what I’ve

Taken is a bunch of the Le turns so I’m hoping we can get mending and I’ve also b 28 emeralds hoping it’s enough here we go we got some Villages over here first one is nothing fire aspect 2 projectile protection 2 it’s turn to day 81 and I’m still trading well not necessarily

Trading but trying to trade three lonely nights and we got it oh my gosh 26 emeralds are you kidding me that is so expensive but we’re going to have to I can’t believe we actually got it now getting the one mending book that we actually need I can now combine

It with my pickaxe which as you can see isn’t doing too great now with mending being added to our pickaxe which only cost three levels by the way absolutely crazy I wanted to change up the nether portal oh my goodness that zombie P just scared me okay uh time to find one of

The fortresses that we’ve already been to or I guess one that we haven’t been to oh okay there’s one that wasn’t too difficult basically what I’m doing here is actually just going to take a bunch of this nether what is it called nether brick Nether Bricks I guess okay this

Should be enough I’m hoping yeah this should be enough let’s just head back in this direction hopefully the nether port is just ahead of us yeah okay it’s over there okay and the plan is to just get rid of all of what we already have right here including the portal itself making

Sure I grab all of this obsidian oh god I’ve got no space for it there we go I got it basically what I’m going to do is make one of the fortresses here in the Overworld so we’ve just slept and I’m going to use the rest of these fences on this little strip here and now that I’m looking at it I think we should push it back just one more and I think we’re done let me just quickly grab the flint

And steel and we’re going to light all four of these portals right here here we go there’s the main one and these are just for looks I think are you sure so let’s see how it looks from far away it definitely looks like a fortress I’ll

Tell you that yeah it looks cool I like it I think to match the theme we’re going to make wa let me quickly grab some wood for some sticks we’re going to grab some of this charcoal and we are going to make some of these which are

Soul torches and with soul torches we can grab some Ingot and the Soul torch in the middle and then oh I just got like this and we get the soul lanterns which I think look pretty cool especially cuz they’re like nether kind of themed and just like that I think

We’re done I’m going to add a little bit to this island here so we can actually get a better looking Barn cuz I really don’t like this like diagonal kind of look that I’ve kind of got going on so what I’m going to do is actually break

Some of these wall not walls slabs here and we’re going to build out from here and then we’re going to fill all of this with dirt and we’re going to sleep so that no mobs spawn with the dirt all filled in we now have to destroy what we

Made and I think it’s going to be way more satisfying than building this monstrosity oh we’ve got a wondering Trader here what he got to offer uh nothing we’re making sure we’re collecting all of these resources we do not want to be wasting all this and that’s everything mined Also let’s add a

Little path over here so setting the perimeters I think we’re going to do maybe from like here to here actually one more in and then we’ll go to the back here and the back here I still want it to be like a barn so we are going to

Leave like an entrance here like a like a three wide entrance I guess four cuz it’s just the right amount oh these are really annoying me now I’m sorry all right oh and of course it’s raining again I hope it’s like thundering and storming so then I can just sleep now

And it’s not I literally feel like I’m working in the real rain in this Minecraft rain that’s how annoying it is oh there we go it finally cleared up have to we slept okay the outside looks so much better oh my goodness I’m so happy I did this there are a few things

We need to do on the inside though we need to add stairs to get up to the second level and I’m thinking we literally just have like stuff like this going up actually I think it might look better on the side I forgot load of the

Hay bells there we go we’ll do a couple of lanterns like this light the inside up get a couple of hay bells down here and in the corner We’ll add you fences and a fence gate and yeah I think that’s going to be it complete I think it’s way

Better than what we actually did have in this kind of area and yeah I think it looks kind of nice I just combine my sword as well cuz look how crazy that sword is while we’ve got some stuff smelting upstairs we’re going to actually go down into the skeleton

Spawner and we’re going to try and I guess repair our pickaxe using the skeleton spawner so basically if we put it in our off hand and then we kill them using our sword it should make our durability go up here we go here’s the first skeleton let’s see if it there we

Go oh my God the durability went up like an entire Chunk from just a little bit of XP okay we’re almost there now we’re so close to level no not level we’re close to full durability now oh we’re so close Okay one more no one more skeleton

One more how we still not got it this one there we go go we got full durability now and it’s night time so we’re going to sleep okay with a lot of this okay it’s basically all done as well that was perfect timing actually we’re going to actually make a stone

Cutter but I don’t know how you make one actually stone cutter okay we need one iron three like that and then one iron on top I mean that makes sense can we just turn this all into stone brick yes we can nice that’s simple so I think for

These Bridges we’re going to actually just use uh Spruce rather than dark oak like we have on those ones which I think it’ll still look fine oh you’re kidding me it started raining oh okay it’s thundering it’s thundering which means we can sleep thank goodness it’s also

Just turned day 90 like I saying we are just going to use Spruce and a bunch of like stone bricks leaves and I guess cobblestone as well we’re also going to add a few stone brick walls as well and then along the bridge we’re also going to add obviously some lanterns and that

Should be it for this side and I believe that’s the bridges complete look this is the first one that goes to the farm well to the the cow Farm to the actual I guess potato carrot wheat and Beach farm and then we’ve got this Farm to the

Liary island which I think looks great and now sleeping is going to put us on to day 91 I believe now for the last couple of days well we’ve got about 10 days left we are actually going to go get some netherite we’re going to try

And turn all of our tools and all of our armor into netherite and hopefully we can do it so we’re going to head to the nether using our brand new portal and we’re going to keep digging down from here every time I cannot believe how

Fast it goes it mines so quick my source is telling me that y12 is the best place to mine for netherite so let’s get mining we just keep finding more B it’s so annoying okay my look on Y2 hasn’t been so great so far so I’m going to try

14 cuz I did have somebody else tell me that 14 is another good level so much more lava on this level oh we finally got some nice okay it looks like there’s two here hidden in the depths is there anywhere connected I don’t think so oh

Nice we got a three Vein on this one ouch we got another one here oh we’ve got another two here can it be three oh it just two two is better than one though okay we do have another one here but I’m scared the lava’s going to get

It oh no we’re chill oh wait I just forgot that netherite can’t even be burnt so I would have been fine anyway okay it seems like we just hit a lava pool I’m going to try and find a different direction yes we found some more as well and now 12 pieces we’ve got

Another piece as well oh it comes comes with two oh three even oh wow that was a nice three vein oh we found another one as well which came with two and there’s lava on my face oh my goodness that was close that was The Great Escape that was

I really got to be careful with the pickaxe it’s it’s getting pretty low now so I’m going to try and find as many quarts as I can okay we got more lava here great oh we found another piece sadly just the one there oh wait we found a fortress we just found a

Fortress under the ground I did not know that was a thing okay yeah it must be on a lava P okay think we’re going to head B now oh we found another two here nice oh I can see another piece here and there we go our pickaxe is fully

Repaired as well along with us having 20 ancient debris which I think that means we can turn into five netherite ingots I’ve just got a Hope on going the right way now okay think get this way and yes we found the stairs again and there we

Go we are back in the overbo and let us sleep quickly actually before I sleep I’m going to put all the ancient debris in the furnaces and now we sleep so we got a bunch of stuff that we can put inside the nether kind of chest or

Mainly just nether rack but we can also turn all of these golden nuggets into actual pieces of gold which should be enough to to turn all of the ancient debris orever it’s going to be called into actual netherite yeah this seems like it should be enough even though we

Did have 47 anyway I believe we also need to make a smithing table which is something like this I think yes just like that now with this ancient debris and netherite scrap I guess is what it’s called now we can combine the netherite scrap with the gold and it will give us

A netherite Ingot so we can do that two more times with those and then we have a few more here as well and that’s all of it smelted and the last bit turned into an Ingot and now we have five netherite ingots so I think what we’re going to do

Is we’re going to turn our pickaxe into a oh wait I believe we’re missing a smithing temp temp temp plate what is it I believe we we need to get one of these to be able to actually start upgrading our tools after a little bit of research

I’ve just figured out we need to go back into the nether to be able to find one of those templates it’s a little bit annoying that we have to go back in here but it doesn’t really matter I think we need to find a Bastion okay this looks

Like a Bastion here I’m pretty sure it is okay this is the Bastion right here I’m not really sure what to do from here cuz I’m pretty sure some of them hit hard here they are see I’ve got no clue where all the chests are around here I

Think where we placed that Netherrack was the right place to go to be honest I’m just not really sure what to expect okay I can hear something can scary me oh no okay we’ve got a few chests here but I’ve got no clue whether like they’re going to come and Ambush me or

What so we’re just going to open these chests and hope there’s going to be please be one of those templates oh this is not a template oh goodness we got a few more here that we’re just going to kill through this hole I guess a bunch

Of them the ones that are holding the axes I know they hit hard here we go we got a double chest and yes we got we got the netherite upgrade thing okay so that’s the priority right now we need to get this home right now but I am a bit

Curious of what else is up here skeleton for one is there anything else okay no it doesn’t really matter let’s just get out of here okay this we have been to this Fortress I just need to know the direction that we found it from okay I

Think this is the way home I’m pretty sure uh yes it is okay oh my God that was a bit scary I did not want to get lost in the Nether and we’re home okay wow that is nice with that being said on the video it said not to use this

Straight away I’m pretty sure we need all of our diamonds we need a stack of Netherrack and I think if we go like this with the smithing template at the top and the Netherrack in the middle we get two netherite two smithing t two smithing template netherite upgrades

Which is a mouthful but we get it so if you just keep putting them back in you get two back and there we go we have six which well seven including the one that we need to save and now we can start upgrading our stuff so we going to the

Smithing table now we just need to put the templates in there then following that we can put all of our armor in with along with the ingots just like this then our leggings and finally our chest plate as you can see we do get the advancement cover me debris and it’s

Because we look this cool right now and with one last Ingot I am going to use the template put in my pickaxe and the Ingot and here we go netherite pickaxe with the best en chance I’ve ever gotten on a pickaxe and and it’s amazing look

At it in our hands we look so cool right now with that being said I think that is the end we are on day 100 and this is the island so far if you guys would like 200 days in a surviv an island let’s try

And get two likes and I’ll see you guys in the next video And

This video, titled ‘I Survived 100 Days on a DESERTED ISLAND in Hardcore Minecraft’, was uploaded by harry on 2024-01-16 00:30:09. It has garnered 12 views and 3 likes. The duration of the video is 02:23:48 or 8628 seconds.

In this video I attempted to survive 100 Hardcore Minecraft days on a Survival/Deserted Island! Let me know if you enjoy and make sure to LIKE and SUBSCRIBE!

if you see this i appreciate you 🙂 #100days #minecrafthardcore #minecraft

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    🎮FREE English Lesson in Minecraft! Join Now🔥Video Information This video, titled ‘Колян +ДРОНИО изучаем Английский с Minecraft Запишитесь на бесплатный урок Minecraft с родителями’, was uploaded by Kolaplay on 2024-05-16 19:28:09. It has garnered 1039 views and 90 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:16 or 16 seconds. Subscribe to Minecraft Super Series “Learn English with Minecraft Sign up for a free trial English lesson in Minecraft with your parents, here is the link: Sign up for a free trial English lesson in Minecraft with your parents, here is the link: ➜ Our social network ➜ SUBSCRIPTION MOTION GRAPHICS FOR… Read More


    EPIC N5 GAMER BUILDS INSANE TRADER HALL - MINECRAFT SURVIVAL SEASON 01 (Hindi)Video Information This video, titled ‘I BUILD a new trader hall for villagers in Minecraft. MINECRAFT SURVIVAL SERIES SEASON 01 in Hindi’, was uploaded by N5 GAMER on 2024-04-06 05:16:06. It has garnered 147 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:30:53 or 1853 seconds. follow on INSTAGRAM 👇 FACEBOOK 👇 X 👇 WHATSAPP 👇 ABOUT MINECRAFT Millions of crafters have smashed billions of blocks! Now you can join the fun! Minecraft is a game made from blocks that you can transform into whatever you can imagine. Play in Creative mode with unlimited resources,… Read More

  • ULTIMATE CHAOS! RLCraft Modpack Episode 8

    ULTIMATE CHAOS! RLCraft Modpack Episode 8Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft: RLCraft | Minecraft Modpack Series (Episode 8)’, was uploaded by KeyDevy on 2024-07-10 07:46:27. It has garnered 111 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 01:40:13 or 6013 seconds. *Overview:* I’m playing RLCraft! This modpack is hard, intense, and filled with lethal mobs. My goal is to survive and progress within this tough world. The gamerule for InventoryKeep will be enabled but the rest I will have to solve on my own! _______________ *Socials:* Instagram: _______________ *Want to leave a tip?* – _______________ *Go check out my website!* -… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Survival Tricks with Aaironnn!

    Insane Minecraft Survival Tricks with Aaironnn!Video Information This video, titled ‘🔴 MINECRAFT CRAZY SURVIVAL’, was uploaded by Aaironnn on 2024-09-21 17:47:49. It has garnered 39571 views and 671 likes. The duration of the video is 02:17:05 or 8225 seconds. #roblox #minecraft #funny Join the Discord!: Super Chats: $5 – I will give myself any amount of an item of your choosing! $10 – I will burn an item of your choosing! $25 – I will /clear my inventory, deleting everything! $50 – I will delete the world and have to start from the beginning again! All Super Chats are non refundable. If you would… Read More

  • SHOCKING!! Gamer Iter’s Epic Minecraft Transformation #shorts

    SHOCKING!! Gamer Iter's Epic Minecraft Transformation #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘And what now…. #minecraft #minecraftedit #edit #minecrafters #minecraftmemes #shorts #short’, was uploaded by Gamer Iter on 2024-05-31 00:21:23. It has garnered 456 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:14 or 14 seconds. And what now…. #minecraft #minecraftedit #edit #minecrafters #minecraftmemes #Minecraft #Survival #Gaming #Adventure #Redstone #Building #Craft #Mining #Creativity #Mod #Fun #QuickBuild #Village #City #World #PixelArt #Exploration #Dungeon #Mob #Monster #Legend #Story #Cooperative #War #PvP #PvE #Unique #Adventurous #Apocalypse #PostApocalyptis #Innovation #ModPack #Guide #Strategy #Gameplay #SinglePlayer #Multiplayer #Server #House #Architecture #BuildingTechniques #ConstructionHacks #Education #VirtualLearning #Storytelling #Event #Tournament #Quiz #Myths #MinecraftHistory #GameDevelopment #CreativeMode… Read More

  • Panic! Kero’s Crazy Minecraft Night

    Panic! Kero's Crazy Minecraft NightVideo Information This video, titled ‘Late night Minecraft vibez’, was uploaded by Kero on 2024-09-23 09:11:04. It has garnered 185 views and 20 likes. The duration of the video is 06:53:39 or 24819 seconds. Read More

  • Giltory SMP

    Giltory SMPGiltorys Viewer SMP with many streamers and active members! This SMP contains Custom Items, Bosses, and features while keeping the Vanilla Minecraft style! Read More

  • SupernaLuna2.0 SMP Semi-Vanilla Java 1.21

    SEASON 2! Launched 07/06/24 IP: Play.Supernaluna.Com Greetings from the Supernaluna SMP! We are an adult community looking for new players to join us on epic journeys. Whether you’re a builder, explorer, or just like to hang out, our server has something for everyone. Visit Discord: A full list of plugins and features can be found on our Discord, including: McMMO Economy Jobs Warps for community areas Veinminer /sethome /rtp Cosmetic Ranks/Roles based on playtime The Important Stuff: No Griefing or Stealing Consensual PvP No x-ray, hacked clients, or item duping Zero tolerance for hate speech Contact “xMoniarty#7292” on discord… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – I made Minecraft Steve OP

    Looks like Steve can finally stop mining for diamonds and start mining for likes! Read More

  • DreadMinecrafter’s Easy Egg Farming Method

    DreadMinecrafter's Easy Egg Farming MethodVideo Information This video, titled ‘EZ DEGGS -AKA- AGP CONVERT .. WORK SMARTER NOT HARDER’, was uploaded by THE DREADMINECRAFTER on 2024-09-26 15:26:52. It has garnered 4 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:03:19 or 199 seconds. . WORK SMARTER NOT HARDER … DREADMINECRAFTER VIDS EVERY NOW AND THEN ….. Read More

  • Sister Fooled, FEASTABLES Ruled: Minecraft Delight!

    Sister Fooled, FEASTABLES Ruled: Minecraft Delight! In Minecraft, I fooled my sister with glee, Using custom Feastables mods, you see. She fell for the trick, oh what a sight, Laughing and playing, all through the night. With each new update, a new rhyme to share, Keeping the audience engaged, showing we care. From funny pranks to intense gameplay, In the world of Minecraft, we love to play. So join us on this journey, full of fun and delight, As we craft our way through day and night. I fooled my sister, but it’s all in good fun, In the world of Minecraft, there’s always more… Read More

  • POV: Trapping Toxic Friend in Minecraft at Every Age! 🔥

    POV: Trapping Toxic Friend in Minecraft at Every Age! 🔥 POV: Trying to build a friendship with that toxic friend in Minecraft, but all they do is blow up your house and steal your diamonds. #minecraftdrama #friendshipfail #toxicityatitsfinest Read More

  • Pranking Friend with Drinking Sounds

    Pranking Friend with Drinking Sounds The Minecraft Potion Noises Moment After utilizing nine Minecraft accounts to take advantage of the new trial chambers for trial keys, a surplus of regeneration potions was left in the hands of one player. Unsure of what to do with this abundance of potions, a mischievous plan was hatched – to subject friends to the incessant sound of potion drinking in Minecraft. Exploiting Trial Chambers for Trial Keys The use of multiple Minecraft accounts to exploit the trial chambers for trial keys showcases a strategic approach to gaining resources within the game. This method allowed for the accumulation of… Read More

  • Minecraft Horror Modpack Full Playthrough

    Minecraft Horror Modpack Full Playthrough Exploring the Terrifying Depths of Minecraft with Cave Horror Project Modpack Welcome to the spine-chilling world of Minecraft with the Cave Horror Project modpack. This eerie collection sets the stage for a journey into the unknown, filled with terrifying creatures that will send shivers down your spine. Prepare yourself as you dive into the abyss and confront the mysteries lurking within, including mods like The Man From The Fog, Cave Dweller, and the ominous presence of Herobrine. Unleashing Fear in Minecraft Minecraft, developed by Mojang Studios, is a 3D sandbox game where players interact with the game world by… Read More

  • Insane Rabbit Chaos in Minecraft Realm EP11! 🐰

    Insane Rabbit Chaos in Minecraft Realm EP11! 🐰Video Information This video, titled ‘(Live🔴) Playing Minecraft Realm EP11:Cleaning Up Town!’, was uploaded by DamianTheRabbit on 2024-07-09 09:42:29. It has garnered 332 views and 22 likes. The duration of the video is 03:04:09 or 11049 seconds. Support the stream: Read More

  • Zebra’s Epic Minecraft House Makeover

    Zebra's Epic Minecraft House MakeoverVideo Information This video, titled ‘Zebra’s Minecraft Adventure Part 3 – Improving the House!’, was uploaded by Zebra Gamer on 2024-09-08 21:15:01. It has garnered 14218 views and 445 likes. The duration of the video is 00:51:49 or 3109 seconds. Welcome to Zebra’s Minecraft Adventure Part 3! We continue our new Minecraft Survival 2024 Gameplay Walkthrough with building and improving our house! Check out more gaming videos! More Minecraft videos! Subscribe to join the #ZebraHerd! Official Zebra Gamer merchandise: This Minecraft Survival Gameplay Walkthrough features Zebra Gamer’s full commentary as he plays through the Java Edition… Read More

  • INSANE NEW MINECRAFT SERIES!! 👀 #minecraftshorts

    INSANE NEW MINECRAFT SERIES!! 👀 #minecraftshortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘STARTING A MINECRAFT SERIES! #minecraft #minecraftshorts #minecraftsurvival #roadto200subs’, was uploaded by YepItsDylanBtw on 2024-07-24 13:58:03. It has garnered 6466 views and 96 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:50 or 50 seconds. Read More

  • MimiMikey – Insane! JJ built a house IN Mikey’s leg! Minecraft!

    MimiMikey - Insane! JJ built a house IN Mikey's leg! Minecraft!Video Information This video, titled ‘JJ built a house in Mikey leg in Minecraft!’, was uploaded by MimiMikey on 2024-08-26 18:02:23. It has garnered 19450 views and 73 likes. The duration of the video is 11:20:22 or 40822 seconds. Thank you for watching, friends! If you enjoyed this video, please like and subscribe to the channel. Write a funny comment to make my day! This video is an unofficial work and is neither created nor approved by Maizen Sisters. Maizen channel: @maizenofficial Thanks for watching, I hope you enjoy my fan videos! #minecraft #maizen #jj #mikey #jjandmikey #mikeyandjj Read More

  • 🌙 Welcome to Lunar Land! Minecraft Escape The Night S3

    🌙 Welcome to Lunar Land! Minecraft Escape The Night S3Video Information This video, titled ‘🎡 Welcome to Lunar Land!! – Blakeursugar’s Minecraft Escape The Night Season 3 {Ep 1}’, was uploaded by Blakeursugar * on 2024-08-24 22:30:06. It has garnered 707 views and 28 likes. The duration of the video is 00:41:54 or 2514 seconds. =-☾ Blakeursugar • Escape The Night ☽-= • Buggie has been captured against her will by Azalea, and 11 new faces have been tricked into coming to the “Lunar Land theme park!” These victims need to collect 10 artifacts to stop the spell that is “Hollow Eve”. Before sunrise but it costs a life… Read More


    🚨 24 HR SUBATHON IN MINECRAFT 👀 - WATCH US SUFFER! #19Video Information This video, titled ‘🔴 KITA HABISKAN DURASI SUBATHON KEMARIN SAMBIL BANGUN2 – MINECRAFT INDONESIA SUBATHON #19 [LIVE]’, was uploaded by Jajang0404 on 2024-09-24 20:41:30. It has garnered 61 views and 8 likes. The duration of the video is 03:38:09 or 13089 seconds. == … [MEDIASHARE ON] : ============================================================= SUBATHON: 1 Miaw(1000) = 5 Minutes 5 Miaw(5000) = 25 Minutes 10 Miaw(10000) = 50 Minutes 50 Miaw(50000) = 4 hours 10 Minutes 100 Miaw(100000) = 8 Hours 20 Minutes ================================================================== List Command: !ig !Mod !Server !Support !Sebutnama ==================================================== BGM: 1. Symphony of the Winds by LsHShadowZ :…… Read More

  • EPIC PvP Montage with Insane Music! 😱 | Minecraft

    EPIC PvP Montage with Insane Music! 😱 | MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘Best PvP Montage With Best Song | Minecraft | @LivingLegendOP’, was uploaded by Alif_PlayzZ_XD on 2024-05-28 12:06:38. It has garnered 294 views and 14 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:11 or 71 seconds. Best PvP Montage Pojavlauncher #minecraftchallenge #technogamerz #pvpmontage #adispot #minecraftbuild #bebu #mcpe #viral #gamerfleet #minecraftbutchallenges #viral #viralvideo #minecraft #lapatasmp #nizgamer #viralshort #gaming #loyalsmp #mine #pvp THANKS FOR WATCHING 😊 Tags: sharpness senpaispider Pojavlauncher Pvp Pojavlauncher pvponpojav #pojavlauncherpvp #pojavlauncherpvpmontage pvpmontage #pojavalauncher #clutches #pvpmontage #minecraftpvpmontage #nizgamer #senpaispider #minecraftchallenge #minecraftbutchallenges #minecrafthindi#mcaddon #yessmartypie #aterror #terror#mimecraftanimation #bebu #minecraftchallenge #minecraftbutchallenges #challenge #minecrafthacks #minecraftbut #technogamerz #liveinsaan #mythpat #adispot… Read More

  • Universe Art Outpost Raid Farm | Easy Minecraft Tutorial

    Universe Art Outpost Raid Farm | Easy Minecraft TutorialVideo Information This video, titled ‘No Outpost EASY Raid Farm | Minecraft Farm Tutorial | BEDROCK MCPE XBOX PS SWITCH’, was uploaded by TheUniverseWithinArt on 2024-09-06 16:17:04. It has garnered 3196 views and 117 likes. The duration of the video is 00:19:37 or 1177 seconds. #minecraftbedrock #minecraft #minecraftfarm After 1.21 we can now build raid farms anywhere, not just over an outpost. We’ll still need to collect the ominous bottles, but we can do that as we play! I hope you enjoy. Join the Discord! Ominous Bottle Farm Enjoy!! & please Like Comment Subscribe & Share with your… Read More

  • BumbleMC

    BumbleMCBumbleMC is a unique Lifesteal server connected to minehut. We have a balanced economy, friendly community, and much much more. Come join now! Read More