Surviving 1000 Days as Dragons in Hardcore Minecraft?! 😱

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For the next 1,000 days I’ll be transforming into all different types of dragons I’ll rule the skies with all of my different Dragon powers and I’ll dominate the enemies that stand in my way on day one I was an elemental dragon sitting inside of my castle I was King

Of the Dragons I can’t believe I’m king of course you are you’re the only Elemental Dragon in existence with your ability to control the elements of water Earth fire wind ice and thunder all All Creatures respect you oh thanks Mom suddenly the Ender Dragon bursted into

The room time to take what’s mine the dark dragon casted the most unbelievable Cursed Magic onto my mom killing her instantly mom no you’ll pay I charged in ready to avenge my Fallen mother as an Elemental Dragon I had the ability to control multiple different ancient

Swords I tried to use my flame sword ice sword and lightning sword but my Ender Dragon sister was just too powerful despite my efforts the intruder’s dark Powers were too strong I’m taking over these lands and I won’t let a little r like you stop me the mysterious Dragon casted another

Dark spell that transformed me into a baby I only had five hearts and my head felt dizzy no I have to stop her before I could fight back I passed out on day two I woke up in a dungeon where the dark dragon was watching who are you let me

Go you don’t remember me I’m lth your sister and I’m taking what’s rightfully mine suddenly Lila summoned a massive monster and vanished before my eyes I had to fight back if I wanted a chance to live I tried to use one of my Elemental abilities but to my shock I

Could only use my fire sword did she weaken my elemental powers although I only had a flame sword it had the ability to light the enemy enemies on fire and knocked them back a decent amount I tried my best to avoid its venomous bites but it managed to land an

Attack on me I didn’t have as much health as before and it was dwindling down fast I was definitely fighting a losing battle I fought and fought but the monster was too powerful I ran for my life and the monster chased after me I ran until a lava pit stopped me in my

Tracks looks like it’s time to fly I use my wings to navigate myself over The Lava pit while the monster fire projectiles at me from the other side I had to be sure not to get hit otherwise I was done for I dodged and weaved the projectiles in the pillars of lava until

I managed to escape through the other side I have to get my powers back and reclaim the throne but how on day three I managed to escape lilis dungeon I feel so lost what should I do just then I noticed the sun began to set I knew the

Mobs were about to be out for the night so I searched for a cave to rest in finally I just need to close my eyes what are you doing in my my Nest I turned around and discovered an old fire dragon standing before me the dragon began to blast me with his

Incredible fire abilities I tried to fight back with my own fire sword but I didn’t stand a chance against him I pleaded with him in hopes he would stop attacking me please stop I’m the king yeah right the king is capable of using all the elements not just fire suddenly

The ground began to tremble we rushed outside to discover that our cave was part of a Volcan o this place is erupting run on days 4 through 7 the fire dragon and I were flying for our lives trunks of Earth and fire fell from above and the two of us evaded it the

Best we could suddenly the fire dragon was hit wounding him badly oh no I’m coming no there’s a town nearby and if you don’t do anything the lava is going to Scorch it okay I’ll try to stop it I took to the skies and spotted the town

In the distance the lava was already getting closer I started by digging as much much dirt as my claws could dig and began to build a wall but I couldn’t gather and build quickly enough there’s no time to evacuate everyone did I fail I felt as if I’d let all my subjects

Down I had to do something out of sheer desperation I managed to use a water attack causing the lava to turn into obsidian I’m an Elemental Dragon I used my new water powers to get rid of the rest of the lava and save the town I returned to the fire dragon and

He watched me in shock you can use water and fire you really are the king could you help me regain my Powers the dragon bowed his head to me I cus the Blazing about to help you master the element of fire on days 8 through 10 I began my

Training with Cyrus to master fire a worthy Dragon needs a worthy Den your first assignment is to make a base I’m on it Cyrus toss me tons of materials and I took to the skies and scouted at the perfect spot for my new base once I

Found it I got to work I wanted to build a new Castle one that reflected the elements of fire earth water and wind that I possess one day I’ll be the King again and everyone will admire this place I showed Cyrus my work and he seemed to like it and gave me mysterious

Food as my prize I chowed down and suddenly felt a new power surch through me I grew bigger and stronger and my teeth got sharper I was now an adult Elemental Dragon I had 20 Hearts I feel amazing with my new Strength I decided to go hunting for some food while I was

Out I noticed Lilith flying overhead where where is she going I followed my Ender Dragon sister until she landed in a nearby Village hello worthless citizens I am your new Queen surrender your treasure now no way lady without hesitation Lilith killed the Villager in

A single blow oh no I have to help I stepped in to intervene leave them alone a my foolish brother has arrived face my wraath Lila summoned a massive flying monster and took to the skies it came barreling at high speeds hitting me with Brute Force I quickly

Regained my footing and equipped my flame dragon bone sword and began attacking he was quick but not fast enough to avoid my strikes I lit him a blaze dealing massive damage to his health as soon as the fire was extinguished I’d hit him with my water

Spray clutching to the last bit of life he had left he fell to the floor and I followed behind him thanks to my new Strength I took out the Beast and Sav The Village my sister is crazy powerful I have to master the elements in help as

As soon as possible on days 11 through 14 I flew back to the base to continue training with my fire master I’m ready to begin the next step sorry kid you still aren’t quite ready for that yet first you need to go to the Nether and retrieve the lava elemental power from a

Fire Elemental how am I supposed to get there follow me I followed Cyrus and he led me to a mysterious nether portal it looked like it had been there for ages this will take you where you need to go are you sure it’s safe there Cyrus chuckled and tossed over tons of food

Food a crafting bench and a small stack of iron for me to craft better equipment put these to use so you don’t die out there I put down a crafting bench then made myself armor and even an iron sword this should do the trick after all was

Said and done I embarked on my journey through the portal and immediately begin searching for the fire Elemental where do I even start as I was looking around I was approached by a group of piglins hand over the gold huh I don’t have any gold get him boys the piglin group

Charged in me and I had no choice but to fight I used a combination of my fire dragon bone sword and water attack to knock out the piglins one by one they tried to retaliate with their golden swords but there were no match for the king of the dragons with one final blow

I had defeated all of the piglins sweet I struck gold I continued forward on my journey to find the fire Elemental searching across vast lands and fiery Lakes I couldn’t spot them anywhere suddenly I saw something in the corner of my eye and chased after it hey I need

To talk to you they started to fly away so I began to tail behind it and eventually trapped it at a dead end why are you following me you’re a fire Elemental right kind of I guess I’m a blaze well I’m the king of the dragons

And I’ve been test to kill you in order to get some of my powers back whoa whoa whoa hold on what the king of dragons I worship you bro I’m assuming you’re looking for the lava elemental power if you’re trying to kill me wait yeah that’s exactly what I’m looking for you

Don’t need to kill me for that silly I can just give it to you the fire El mental tossed over my prize wow thanks you should come live with me in my base wo you’re moving a little fast there bud but I’m down the name’s Francis on days

15 through 17 we headed back to my base master I found the lava elemental power and even made a new friend good you’re now ready to be trained in the art of fire everyone seems to think that all dragons are fire resistant but it’s actually a skill that’s developed over

Time time isn’t exactly something I have a lot of first you must walk across a bed of hot coal second you’ll need to sleep in a pool of lava and lastly you must defeat a neenda that’s insane I could never do that you have no idea

What the extent of your power is after a conversation a Cyrus led me to the area to begin the first test ouch keep it up you’re almost there next was the pool of lava I couldn’t help but stare at the boiling goop this seemed like it would melt my scales off there

Is no way I’m stepping in there it’s all in your head just eat the lava power that you got from Francis it’ll activate your latent powers and give you just enough resistance to withstand the heat after eating the lava power I begin to feel my body slowly cool down wo it’s

Kicking in already I held my breath and braced for impact jumping into the lava I still felt a burning sensation crawling up my skin oh it’s hot but more like a hot bubble bath Cyrus handed me a map with the location of the being I had to fight

For your last test you must go to the area marked on the map and defeat the monster only then will you be able to harness the power fire once again I’ll do my best I had finally arrived at the spot Cyrus mentioned in the distance I spotted the monster all right let’s do

This he began summoning lightning and terraforming the area surrounding us I took off to the sky to avoid getting caught in the blast after gaining some distance I immediately began spraying him with my water ability but it wasn’t as effective as I hoped pooping in closer I slashed him with my fire sword

Dealing massive damage he began returning large scale attacks taking chunks of my health at a time I mustered up all of my strength into one final attack and slayed the Powerful Beast I felt a strong sensation throughout my body I gained five hearts and an incredibly strong fire ability on days

18 through 21 I had finally mastered my fire powers I figured it was time to find another master so I headed back to my base to prepare for the journey ahead upon arriving a group of the Ender Dragons minions were waiting for me looks like I get to show them what I’m

Made of the group of enemies came barreling towards me I took advantage of my wings and flew away from them and charged in from above I tried to use my new flame abilities but they seemed to avoid all of my fiery projectile attacks due to them being mutated Enderman I was

Only able to hit them with physical slashes from my sword they continued to teleport away from my reach but I was starting to understand their pattern I was beginning to win but the goons suddenly stopped fighting me instead they shifted their focus to Francis I

Ran into stop them but I was too late they picked her up and started teleporting away get me back my friend I frantically flew around searching for the two until I arrived at one of lilla’s bases I stuck behind them and watched as they handed off Francis to

Another goon good when the queen arrives we’ll lure out the Elemental Dragon and kill him it’s a trap I need to think of something before the queen arrives I turned around and realized that Lilith was already coming quickly my time was running out oh no it’s over suddenly I

Felt a strange sensation within me and conjured miniature tornadoes I instantly sent them towards my sister the tornadoes flew up and threw Lilith off course whoa did I do that no time my queen the goons ran out after her leaving Francis alone Francis come on over Roger that while they were

Distracted the two of us escaped on days 22 through 24 Francis and I returned to the base where Cyrus was waiting I’m glad you’re home safe I wish I could help more but my work here is done seek out your next master and good luck thank you for everything Cyrus headed back to

His den and I decided it was time to do some more work on the base I started by working on a room for Francis I made sure it had everything a fire Elemental could want including plenty of different kinds of nether blocks huh it’s just like home glad you like it after that

Was done I did the same for the water tower this would help a ton to keep an eye out for intruders as I was looking off the top of the tower I suddenly noticed a flying entity approaching ing me what the heck who are you my name is

Thea I sensed a disturbance in the air and followed it are you the source young Elemental Dragon I did summon some mini tornadoes I explained to her that I was the dragon king and that my Powers were weakened but in intense situations they would sometimes reawaken if that’s the

Case then I can help you reclaim your wind element you got yourself a deal on day 25 Theon I flew to the sky when suddenly a storm began to pick up this seems dangerous should we turn around not at all you must navigate the storm and on the other side you’ll learn the

Key to using your wind abilities anything to get my powers back I continued ah head alone as Theo watched the further I flew in the rougher it got to stay on course I tried my best to hold on but the wind kept blowing stronger come on Max you’re almost there

Suddenly I lost control and got swept away by the powerful winds ah everything went black when I woke up though I was in front of a mysterious air temple in the sky was this what my master was talking about just then I spotted a wind Elemental fly

By hey come back here I followed them into the temple ahead on days 26 through 28 I followed the air Elemental onto a mysterious Temple what’s this all about the wind Elemental vanished in its place a vision of my mom appeared in front of me hello Max mom is that really you you

Failed me despite having all your powers I still fell to your sister’s hand what my mom would never say something like that who are you suddenly she transformed into a horrific ghostly monster and charged at me the two of us clashed in the sky in a battle of Epic Proportions the ghost was

Able to shoot gusts of wind at me dealing massive damage each hit he managed to land I had to do my best to evade him otherwise I was toast whenever he got close I slashed down the monster with my flame dragon bone sword next I retaliated with my fire Mastery and

Tried to chip him down with burn damage but even that wasn’t enough to take out the undead monster I fought with all of my might and with everything Cyrus had taught me over our training but it was no use despite my efforts I couldn’t win the Beast was just too powerful no I

Can’t stop now I looked deep inside of myself and suddenly felt an amazing power unleash I felt the element of wind come over me I gained five hearts and now have the ability to shoot air projectiles die impostor I use my new wind powers to retaliate at the monster

I shot gust the powerful wind bringing the ghost closer and closer to his demise it didn’t take long for them to submit to my overwhelming strength I did it suddenly my wind Master approached me congratulations Max you’ve mastered the element of wind on days 29 through 31 I

Parted ways with Thea and returned to the base when I arrived I decided to do some expanding I started with a treasure room to hoard all of my valuables a great King has great wealth I can’t wa wait to see all the different things I find on my journey just then Francis ran

In help some of your citizens are in trouble Max to the rescue I took to disguise and searched for the people in Peril when I found them they were being attacked by Lis Dino guards I swooped in and took out the guards one by one although they outnumbered me they

Weren’t prepared for my elemental powers I blasted them down one by one until nobody remained thank you King for saving us but our town is destroyed we have nowhere to go now don’t worry come with me I returned to the base and built a town for all of my people to take

Refuge I wanted my base to be a place where everyone could take shelter from the Wrath of the queen I even added a garden with plenty of food to feed myself and the villagers thank you so much you’re really are a brave King oh thanks just then one of the other

Villagers ran out of their house in a frenzy everyone take cover Queen Lilith is heading this way not on my watch on days 32 through 34 I flew to the sky and finally managed to encounter my sister what do you want a certain Elemental Dragon has been causing my men trouble

Maybe I should have just killed you when I had the chance I’m only causing trouble because you killed mom and took the throne news flash Lilith I’m taking it back I’d like to see you try Lilith began to attack me with her powerful dark magic I was ready to show her just

How strong I’d become she started by striking massive amounts of lightning down onto me which destroyed the biome beneath us too many hits from her attacks would surely end me so I had to be careful I evaded her the best I could and retaliated with my fire and wind

Masteries whenever I managed to get in close I slashed her down with my flame dragon bone sword unfortunately without all my elemental powers I didn’t stand a chance I fought and fought but she was too powerful she suddenly casted a dark spell onto me causing me to get withered

My health was slowly draining away at this rate I’m finished my health slowly began to drain more and more I was forced to flee to safety to survive this won’t be the last you see of me from this day on I’ll be coming off to you with everything I have on days 35

Through 38 I returned to the base in bad condition hurry drink this Francis gave me a potion and I drank it down before I succumbed to the effects of the Wither that was close I have to keep mastering the elements if I want to stand a chance

While that potion used up a lot of seaweed could you get some more you got it I took to the skies and found a nearby ocean to start gathering in seaweed was really plentiful so I had plenty in no time great now I better head back just then I began to get

Sucked deeper into the ocean I looked around and realized I had foolishly swam over magma blocks I got to get out of here I swam with all the power I had but I couldn’t escape I was drowning I thought I was finished when suddenly a hammerhead shark swam by and casted a

Magical spell they gave me water breathing what the I was surprised to see an Elemental Dragon drowning can’t you breathe underwater usually yes but my water powers are weak say no more I Marin will train you in the element of water on days 39- 40 I began my training

With Marin starting with an underwater obstacle course to master water you must be able to navigate it ready go I began to swim through the obstacle course clearing ring after ring the more I practiced the more I realized I was beginning to gain speed by the time I

Crossed the Finish Line I now had gained dolphin’s Grace wa what else can my water powers do next Marin took me to a spring where we had a nice view of the surface she then casted another spell on me and removed my water breathing why

Did you do that you must learn to master your underwater endurance and gain the ability of water breathing on your own well if you say so I kept myself underwater and held my breath for as long as I could unfortunately it was a lot harder than it looked are you are

You sure this will work trust the process I repeated this for what felt like days but gradually it got easier and easier after a lot of work I gained permanent water breathing I did it excellent work now just for one more just then a dark enti appeared before us

Lady Lilith figured you were here she’ll be pleased the enti swam up to Marin and teleported away so I immediately began to search for them on days 41- 42 I searched for the entity and found Mar on his trench as I went I kept running into

Oak signs telling me to turn back sorry sign but I’m on a mission I have to save Marin I threw caution to the wind and continued onwards as I moved it became so dark it was hard to see where I was going I was about to lose hope when

Suddenly I saw a light shining in the distance awesome that’s lucky I followed it and quickly realized it was an angler fish I quickly swam away before the bloodthirsty Predator could spot me just keep swimming just keep swimming swiming I found a cave to hide in and settled

Myself down deep inside it pH before I could get comfortable though I was swarmed by water bugs ah not a good time guys I continued swimming through the cave when I found the enti had Mar and trapped the dragon followed I guess I have a two for one deal without warning

They attacked me the enity had the power to wield incredible water magic he shot massive streams of water at me relentlessly leaving me little room to breathe I retaliated with all my other elemental powers but my fire attacks were weakened by the water around us leaving me down an element I continued

To push through doing my best to evade the enti while firing magical attacks of my own but I was beginning to get outmatched I thought I was done for when suddenly I used crazy water magic and gain five Hearts wa I was now able to fire powerful beams of water back at the

Enity the two of us used our water magic and Clash lasers together to see who overpowered the other first luckily I was the one with the edge using my new found powers I took out the enity once and for all once they were defeated I quickly swam over to Marin and freed

Them from their prison I can proudly say you’ve mastered water take this for your treasure room it was a blue lava Crystal Shard wow it’s beautiful on days 43- 45 I returned home and added the blue lava Crystal Shard I received from Marin to my treasure room my horde is growing

Once I was done I started working more on the main structure of my base I built up the walls of the cancel and added more room so that it would be truly representative of an Elemental Dragon King next I started to work on a watering hole for all of my people to

Enjoy once I was done all of my villagers played in the pool and had a lot of fun this is wonderful King please take these emeralds and armor as a token of our gratitude oh you don’t have to I accepted their gifts and suddenly caught a whiff unlike anything I’d ever smell

Before what is that it smells wonderful I started to follow the unknown smell to see what it could be on days 46 through 50 I follow the source of the smell to discover a guy sitting on a boulder uh what are you trying to do trying to

Deliver this pizza on a boulder it’s not a boulder it’s a rock right if I help make the rock move can I have some of that pizza sure dude I tried to focus on my inner Earth element If I Could Just Awaken it I’d be able to get my

Delicious greasy prize suddenly the ground began to shake beneath me I’m doing it just as I thought I had it I only managed to lift a single block what just then a dark armored Scout walked up and sent the boulder flying in a single move thanks dude the pizza guy dropped a

Mysterious green Crystal as well as some pizza as he flew off what’s that it looks powerful I went to grab the artifact but the dark armored Scout snagged it first that was pathetic you call yourself a king who are you and can I have that green Crystal he dropped I’m

Oric and you’ll get this artifact once you master the element of Earth on days 51- 54 oric took me to the Badlands biome to begin our Earth training what are we doing out here oh you will see suddenly the ground began to shake beneath us and one of the kangaroo

Inhabitants started to yell earthquake good thing I can fly sorry Max flying is disabled on this Ser or threw a splash potion at me which took away my ability to fly what survive the earthquake and you’ll understand a thing or two about the element I wanted to

Argue but the ground beneath me was already beginning to crack if I wanted to survive I needed to think quickly I hopped around avoiding all the crevices that opened into the ground below I had a few close calls but I was making good progress almost out of here just as I

Thought I was going to make it the ground below me crumble causing me to plummet into the Earth Below on days 55- 57 I woke up inside of a mysterious Cavern I got to get out of here I began hearing a low growl echo through the

Cavern I’m not alone down here I walked forward and was met with a massive crystal stone Golem standing before me the Beast didn’t like me lurking in its home so it charged in to attack the massive Golem had a club made of gems which he used to smash into me and deal

Loads of damage I retaliated with all of my Elemental masteries including wind fire and water but he was just too powerful even for an Elemental Dragon this guy was just way too tough for me to handle I need to get back to the surface but how am I going to do that

Without my wings I was cornered until I felt a sudden surge of power grow within me just then I unlocked my earth powers and gained five Hearts nice just in time too with my new Earth abilities I was able to ble to lift myself out of the cavern using the ground beneath me

Giving me the chance to escape I’m impressed great work Max I could have died but you didn’t good job oric then tossed another potion at me returning my ability to fly he also dropped me the artifact and some pizza as a reward wow thanks just when I thought things were

Looking up Lila’s Army arrived at my location on days 58- 61 Lila’s Army charged towards us with a mighty Force orc and I had no choice but to fight back we immediately shook the Earth beneath their feet launching blocks of sand in all directions dealing massive amounts of damage and throwing some of

The army into the pit oric used his Earth Magic to gain some distance and continued attacking I began firing my ice beam and bulldozing through the minions one at a time but it didn’t seem like it was enough they just kept coming this is easy peasy just when we thought

The onslaught was coming to an end the last bit of the army switched their focus to oric they began to overwhelm him continuously slashing and wounding him before he could retaliate I immediately rushed into or’s a firing devastating beams of ice I defeated the remaining soldiers but I had arrived too

Late I could tell oric was fatally injured oric no looks like this is the end Maxie poo no hang on a little longer it was an honor to be your master reclaim the Drone and protect these lands with his final breath oric died no Lilith will pay for this on days 62-

64 I returned to the base with a heavy heart and revenge fueling my soul to better put my mind at ease I began building an earth inspired area in honor of my Earth Master inside of it I built a Memorial dedicated to oric and his bravery I’m going to take back this

Kingdom for you oric once done I suddenly felt a cold breeze right through the base what’s happening the blocks around me began to freeze changing my entire base into ice what the heck I flew up and looked around to see if I could spot the disturbance after close inspection I noticed a tiny

Frozen scorpion having a little too much fun looks like we have our culprit I then flew over to confront him hey you change this place back to normal no way not unless you play a game with me first I don’t have time for games do you want your people to get sick well

No I guess I don’t have a choice on days 65- 67 I followed the Scorpion to a new area where he had an obstacle course set up if you want your base to return to normal you’ll have to cross this bridge without slipping no flying aloud what

Happens if I lose then your base is my new ice skating link then I’ll just have to win without hesitation I began walking across the bridge trying my best not to fall into the pit below unfortunately for me the further further I got the more narrowed the bridge

Became just take it slow Max you’re almost there I continued onward very narrowly avoiding falling multiple times I was getting close to the end n no you can’t win the Frozen scorpion was getting annoyed that I was about to beat his game so he started to blow a

Blizzard in my direction that’s cheating no the wind was too much and I couldn’t hold on I slipped and fell into the pit below I then landed deep inside of an ice cave where a giant Frozen scorpion was waiting please don’t eat me eat you why

Would I do that uh cuz I lost the game game wait a second Timmy the little Frozen scorpion then came down nervously to confront the larger one I’m sorry about my son he’s always stirring up trouble oh he’s your son yeah no problem now Timmy hand over the ice crystals to

The nice dragon man for all the trouble you put him through but mom now Timmy the little guy then reluctantly handed over the Ice Crystal he was using on me once I had it in my hands I felt my Powers growing even stronger I even gained five Hearts wa I guess this game

Was kind of like my ice training suddenly I began hearing howling from outside of the pit I flew out to find more bless goons ready to fight let’s see how you guys like this I tried out my new power that the ice scorpion gave me slowly freezing the pack of dark

Wolves I managed to stop a few in their tracks while the others pushed forward to attack they persistently tried to use their three heads to bite me but I was able to fly far enough out of their reach to avoid them using my Earth Magic I killed off a few more then switching

Back to my Ice Crystal I defeated the last Dark Wolf once all the goons were taken care of using my new ice abilities I figured I was now a master of ice one more element to go on days 71- 74 I was heading back to the base when I spotted

Some signs race happening now first place gets a map to Thunder Mountain that sounds like the perfect spot to master my final element I need that map I flew through the entrance of the racetrack and discovered it was taking place on Rainbow Road wa this track really complement my scales I took my

Place on the starting line with my opponent he was just some Plumber guy from Italy so I felt confident I could win you’re going down let’s go the race began and the two of us sped across the rainbow tracks we were neck and- neck it was anyone’s game until suddenly the

Plumber guy threw a banana peel on the track I hit it and it caused me to slow down ow watch where you throw that stuff the peel caused a bit of a setback but I stayed on his tail until we were nearing the Finish Line I had to close the gap

Quick wind element go I used the power of wind to propel myself forward giving me enough of an edge to win the race and the map Grand Pre Mama Mia woohoo I’m one step closer to mastering the final element on days 75 through 79 I returned

To the base and noticed that all of the ice was gone I guess the Frozen scorpions defrosted this place as I looked at the base one of my residents came up to me thank you for throwing the Ice King we wanted to give you this for our gratitude they tossed over loads of

Diamonds these will be useful thanks I used my new materials to craft some diamond blocks for my treasure room finally wealth that’s Fit For A King now I think I need to cool off I decided I wanted to make an ice area to reflect my new Mastery over the element adding a

Whole new Tower made of ice scales next I expanded the main structure even further gradually making the place feel more and more like an Epic Castle Fit For A King it’s almost done just then Francis floated up to me this place is really coming together I hope things

Stay as they are now I have a bad feeling that Lilith is going to attack soon don’t worry once I master Thunder this will all be over I won’t let anything happen to this place or the kingdom Thanks Max I parted ways with Francis and set off towards Thunder

Mountain for my final test on days 80 through 84 I arrived at Thunder Mountain in search of my final Master after some looking I found a cave with a thunder dragon inside excuse me leave this mountain at once it’s dangerous here no please I’m King Max I’ve come to master

The element of Thunder you’re the king I’m asra the great the only way to master the last element is to overcome the Thunder Guardian the fiercest creature to ever roam these lands I’m up for the challenge how do I summon them AER took me to the peak of the mountain

And gave me an iron sword why am I doing this you will see soon the clouds gathered in the sky above and Rain began to fall heavily above us uh this seems dangerous just then a massive bolt of lightning struck me but I manage to survive the hit you are worthy Good Luck

Good Luck asra left and I heard heavy footsteps approaching me over the peak a massive Thunder gorilla emerged it was the Thunder Guardian the Thunder Guardian lunched me with all of its might and I braced myself for battle the oversized monkey was able to create an electrifying Thunder attack that Zapped

Me for massive damage I tried to fight back with my other elements but the storm seemed to empower the AP he continued his Onslaught and I couldn’t keep up I was beginning to feel overwhelmed when I had a familiar feeling inside of my chest that lightning what did it do to me the

Feeling grew strong stronger and stronger until I gained five hearts out of nowhere and incredible electric powers the elemental King is back I used the power of the storm to my advantage and fought back with my own electric powers the two of us Zapped and Zapped

At each other trying to prove who the superior Thunder wielder was as our electric attacks clashed together I harnessed all my power to overcome the strength of the monkey after a long fight I managed to take the guardian down I did it the sky cleared and Aster came back out from hiding

Congratulations Max you have mastered lightning as well as all of the other elements take this as your prize he handed me an orange crystal for my treasure room and I knew what I had to do next the time has finally come I’m going to take back the throne on days 90

Through 93 I was flying back home until I was stopped by a strange player wao a super rare shiny charizard got to catch them all uh I’m an Elemental Dragon not a Pokémon yeah right go Pikachu the small yellow rat jumped out in front of me and immediately Zapped the

Surrounding area well I guess I have no choice the electric rat started to zap me with his Thunder attacks he may have been small but he was incredibly powerful I started to use all kinds of Elemental attacks to try and see what would work the quickest I started by

Blasting him with my fire Mastery but even the burn damage wasn’t enough to slow the Pikachu down next I used wind and water but they seemed even less effective than the fire huh I wonder what Earth will do I tried my Earth Mastery and to my surprise it seemed to

Do massive damage to the electric Mouse no ground attacks are super effective I used my new Edge to overwhelm the Pikachu once he was low enough in health I switched to my electric moves to finish him off with one final strike I had defeated Pikachu oh no my Pikachu I

Got to find a Pokémon Center quick after achieving my victory the weird player ran off ah that was interesting with the strange encounter being finished I continued back to the base when suddenly Francis rushed over over to me Lilith is attacking the base hurry on days 94

Through 98 I had finally arrived back to see the destruction of our base and Lilith looming over the wreckage Lilith you’ll pay for this I’m not afraid of you even though you have mastered all of the elements I have one more trick up my sleeve Lilith used her magic to teleport

Each of my masters into cages let them go say goodbye to your precious teachers with a single blow she killed every single one of them and gained all of their powers no within seconds Lila’s body began to transform she grew even larger and stronger challenge me if you

Dare I’ll be waiting at the castle with her powerful new form she turned around and flew away that was the last straw you’re going to pay for this I couldn’t stand looking at the sight of my wrecked base without a second thought I began repairing to the best of my ability with

The last pieces set in place I had finished rebuilding our home it’s not perfect but it’ll have to do with the final preparations complete I set off to finish this once and for all on day 99 I arrived at the castle it seemed like all the guards had been expecting my arrival

Out of my way I began blasting my way through them leaving no one to block my path I charged into battle with my Spells at the ready using my electricity I zapped all the guards that stood beneath me I attacked with each and every one of my elemental powers and

Slayed the Army in waves destroying each enemy that approached me their numbers had quickly dwindled down to zero I was way stronger than before and the proof was right in front of me as I was about to reach the entrance a giant monster appeared I will not let you pass then

I’ll force my way through the evil enemy barreled towards me with the intent to kill bringing absolute destruction to the area around me luckily I was able to dodge their attacks or it could have seriously hurt I began spraying in with my water power and lifting the ground

Below using my ice abilities I managed to slow him down I immediately took advantage of the situation and released my strongest ability to bring the fight to an end after a hard-fought battle I had finally won against the final guard jeez that guy was really strong on day

100 I’d arrived at the throne room where Lilith lay in wait back so soon do you have a death wish I’m here to take back the throne and avenge everyone you’ve killed oh you’ve always had such a hero complex let’s end this the two two of us

Clash in a battle of Epic Proportions Lilith now had incredible Powers she had absorbed from my late Masters so I was up against my greatest foe yet she blasted away paying no mind to her surroundings the castle walls began to fall all around us as she shot lightning

Down onto me from the sky above I did my best to dodge her and retaliate with my Elemental Magic the Ender Dragon didn’t know what hit her as I powered through with all of the different elements I had obtained on my journey it was brother vers sister and I wasn’t about to give

Up now come on brother is that all you’ve got managing to dodge her Hefty attacks Lilith blew a massive hole through the ceiling taking advantage of the new route she had opened up I took to the skies and began firing down upon her she followed me outside and we

Continued our battle her onslaught of lightning powers and Fireballs seemed never ending but I pushed through and evaded the best I could the two of us fired away with all the magic we could muster the longer the fight went on the more worn down my sister became I didn’t

Let up I continued to fight and fight for everyone who had fallen by her claws with all my El elal Powers combined I poured everything I learned into one final shot for Mom for my masters for everyone her reign of terror was finally over I defeated Lilith suddenly all the

Colors except red started draining for my skin I was transforming into my next dragon form wa where am I I was in some kind of ritual Circle but I was completely alone what happened here suddenly I heard strange growling in the distance ah who goes there a huge terrifying

Monster appeared from the brush whoa what are you oh him well that’s the Blood Demon beautiful creature isn’t he once I’m done with him I will absorb his Essence and gain his powers another Blood entity that makes him like my brother you better say goodbye to your brother then eventually I will absorb

The power of all the blood creatures and then I King orus will be the most powerful being in the world wait how many blood creatures are there there’s the blood Golem the blood villager blood creature blood skeleton horse and many many more they will soon all be mine not

If I can help it I’m going to track them all down and keep them safe from you good luck with that I’d absorb you now but you’re not plump enough with that he left and the monster charged at me he was way too powerful for me to

Fight as a baby so I had to fly away after flying for what felt like miles I was finally in the clear phw that was a close one wait wa I realized I was at the top of a high cliff overlooking an ancient abandoned Village huh this whole world seems to be

Destroyed and abandoned I wonder what happened here I hopped down to explore the area a little more hello hello there was nobody to be found in the whole town well when in Rome I started Scavenging the houses for supplies and was able to find wood Cobblestone a stone pickaxe and some

Food sweet that’s everything I need to get started on my base I Ed the supplies i’ gathered to construct myself a simple structure on top of the mountain it ain’t much but it’s mine on day three I went out searching for other blood entities but I didn’t know where to

Start I got a funny feeling that started leading me in a direction huh I think I’m getting warmer suddenly I heard a kitty crying out for help I ran in closer to the sound and found what looked like a blood cat surrounded by two strange pale dudes huh that was

Easy I’m coming the people started to attack the cat so I sprang it to action I was running in when I suddenly sneezed and fire came out whoa that could help I started blasting dudes with my fire breath and they were pretty tough but not as tough

As they looked it seemed like maybe they hadn’t eaten in a while they kept shooting at me with their blue fire but my fire was Stronger after a lot of fighting I targeted one and managed to kill it gotcha I’m out of here the other guy seemed pretty spooked and he ran off

Into the woods phew not bad for my first fight you okay friend suddenly I gained five Hearts from defeating those guys and grew into a full-size Dragon yeah I’m wo well that was crazy how’d you do that weren’t you a baby a second ago yeah I don’t really know stuff like that

Seems to happen to me a lot hey do you want to come live at my base yeah sure us blood entities got to stick together my name is Blair by the way nice to meet you Blair on days 4 through 7 I made it back to the base with Blair hey do you

Care if I test out my new Wings real quick go for it I took to the skies exploring high above the clouds it was so beautiful as an adult I could SAR with these this is amazing I didn’t want to stop but I knew I needed to explain

What was happening to Blair after some time in the air I touched back down to talk to her so basically this crazy evil looking dude is rounding up all of the blood entities to kill them and take their power oh no yeah part ofy feels like they’re my brothers and sisters so

I think I need to help them yeah now I feel the same way there’s a special connection between all blood entities we also have a special ability to help us find each other really how just follow the smell of blood and you could find your siblings you were probably already

Using it to find me you just didn’t even know it oh yeah I did feel like something was drawing me towards you mhm exactly thanks for the tip by the way do you know what happened to this world it seems like everything is abandoned M all

I know is that I too was born alone like you I ventured far and wide hoping to find others like me but all I found was abandoned houses and empty Villages one day though I stumbled upon something that scar scared me to my very core what what I’m getting to it

Jeez it was a monster so hideous and terrifying that I could barely stand to look at it I know it’s still out there somewhere lurking in the shadows well that’s terrifying I hope I don’t have to fight it one day after the conversation was over I expanded the base to account

For my new size then built a room for Blair to let her get settled in thanks after that I went out mining for iron and crafted myself some armor to prepare to set out once I was ready to go I followed my nose to search for more

Blood entities on days 8 through 10 my trusty nose led me to a cool abandoned Cathedral I entered the area and began stooping around hoping that I’d be able to find some of my siblings hello is anyone here during the search I stumbled across an area where a strange ritual

May have taken place in the center lay a blood Crystal this must have been what my nose was picking up upon picking up the magic item a vision of the past surged into my brain it was in the same room before it was destroyed a villager

Was there performing a ritual Al I some door sit a m ah foolish mortal you think that ritual will stop me you can’t pass my threshold unless I invite you in vampire that is nothing but a foolish wi’s tale be gone foul beast of the night you think you can stop us nothing

Will stop us we are gaining Power by the day and soon we will take over the world as the vision ended I began absorbing the essence within the item giving me a whole new power and five more Hearts what does this do I tested it out on

Some zombies and it allowed me to summon friendly swords to Aid me in combat huh so the world is like this because the vampires took over well I didn’t find any blood friends but at least I got some more info and this new power on days 11 through 12 I kept following my

Nose to find blood dudes but I ran into something strange instead what in the world it was some strange dude performing another weird blood ritual in a strange black biome ah there’s too much bloody stuff around my nose can’t tell the difference suddenly the strange

Dude spotted me from afar and ran up to me whoa there buddy what do you think you’re doing blood dragon blood dragon yeah that’s me the endless one seeks you the endless one the endless one who the heck is that you do not know Creator creator I don’t know what you’re

Talking about dude I will take you to the endless one and he will love me oopy doy Doo he started to attack me and I was forced to defend myself he shot at me with magic arrows and I shot back with my Fireballs I used my sword

Of souls against him and I was making short work of him until suddenly he started chanting some weird words goop dubis bris gas started appearing everywhere and attacking me I focused my attention on the gas as we shot Fireballs back and forth at each other their screams were deafening but I was

Able to slowly take them out one by one once the gas were all dead it was just the two of us once again eventually I was able to kill him and he dropped a cool sight I grabbed the weapon just in time to be teleported back to where I

Was huh that was really weird who could this endless guy be on days 13 through 15 my nose had led me to an old decrepit Stadium walking into the stadium I noticed a ragtag group of strange creatures occup the arena it looked like they were all placing bets on something

Huh what is going on here suddenly a loud voice filled the corridors of the Arena a large Easter Island like Golem was shouting about a fight step right up folks the next fight is about to begin in this corner we have the reigning Champion the armored

Baron and in the opposite corner we have the one and only only blood Enderman the blood Enderman I got to get over there to warn him I tried to make my way over but another big weird looking Easter Golem blocked my way nobody gets on the field until the fight is

Over fine I found a nice spot with a great view but then a big old dude sat down directly in front of me hey down in front I knew I shouldn’t start beef with him so I got up and found a new seat once I had a good view

Of the Arena I watch as the fight unfolded the baron was a master of brute strength striking powerful blows with his beefy maze hand whereas the blood Enderman was an expert Marksman he had honed his blood powers and was bombarding the baron with his blood spray and keeping his distance with his

Ender Powers as I watched it seemed like the armored Baron was getting the upper hand until the Enderman came in from behind and took the wind for himself well there you go folks congratulations to our new Champion the blood Enderman okay now I got to get down there and

Talk to him as I was making my way over suddenly King Orpheus flew down from above and approached the Enderman congratulations blood Enderman you’ve won the opportunity to be absorbed by me no before I could make a move the blood Enderman was absorbed by the king killing him in an

Instant your power is mine once he was finished draining the Ender’s energy he grew bigger in size making him strong longer than before you monster he then flew right over to me you’re too late soon I will become the most powerful blood entity of them all the blood

Vampire wait King orus you’re the king of the vampires of course didn’t I mention before I could say anything else he flew off into the distance so orus is the one responsible for destroying the world I should have known all the more reason why I need to stop him on days 20

Through 23 I returned to my base feeling defeated just then Blair came up to me to see what was wrong hey Max you all right did you have any luck finding other blood creatures well I managed to find a blood Enderman but King orus got

To him before I could it also turns out he’s the king of the vampires then we have to stop him agreed to be better prepared for the king’s power we began building up the base to be even taller the plan was to create a giant Tower to

See even further Beyond the Horizon at the top of the tower I began preparing a ritual area just in case I would need it in the future afterwards I began digging down below the tower to create myself a dragon dead luckily for me a giant cave was already there waiting for me that’s

Convenient to finish things off I went Mining and found more iron to finish my iron armor and iron tools I think that’s enough work for the night during the night I couldn’t get any amount of sleep as I couldn’t stop thinking about King orus and how to stop him if that vampire

King is out there getting stronger by the day I have no time to rest with that I set off for my base in search of more ways to get stronger as I flew over the lands I couldn’t help but use my nose as a guide to find more blood creatures if

Anyone can help me it’s one of my own kind I managed to capture a scent that led me to another abandoned area with a giant ritual Circle this looks similar to my spawn location as I made my way towards the center I spotted another Blood Crystal I wonder what happened

Here I picked up the Crystal and it suddenly opened a vision of the past the ritual is almost complete endless one good initiate the final Huh looks like one of my siblings was created right here just like I was I guess maybe this endless one was the one who created us suddenly I absorbed the blood crystals power granting me five extra Hearts wa nice I’m much stronger now unfortunately my achievement was abruptly interrupted by a disciple they

Shot me with a poison arrow that took me down to the ground and everything went black sometime later I woke up in the nether disoriented what where am I I was standing in the center of another ritual Circle surrounded by the endless one and his disciples you are in my domain young

One right you must be this endless one everyone’s talking about I known by many names but that is certainly one of them so you created me right yes you and all the other blood entities are my children unfortunately the vampires have taken the Overworld and the fools have been so

Successful that they’re running out of blood to suck what does that mean for us blood entities well since the vampire King can feed his people he is rounding up all of my precious blood entities in absorbing their power if we allow him to become the blood vampire he will be able

To feed his children for all eternity I need you and all the other blood entities to stay here with me where I can protect you wait but I can’t stay here I’ve made it my mission to find as many of my blood brothers and sisters as

Possible let me help you H okay I will send you out on this Quest as long as you promise to bring all of the blood Ed itties to me as you find them deal here let me bestow you with my Unholy blessing it will help you in your quest

Okay he bestowed me with his Blessing graned Me a bloody power and bow cool thanks Dad don’t call me that on days 30 through 33 I arrived at home to fill Blair in on my encounter with the endless one he sounds amazing I’d like to meet him someday I think you will I

Tried out the endless one’s Unholy blessing and realized it allowed me to transform blocks into bloody ones this is perfect for decoration I transformed some Stone and wood and used my new materials to give the base a more blood dragon feel I hope this Tower will serve

As a beacon to attract other blood entities to me suddenly a little bloodbird flew up to me oh hello hello I’m Blake I’ve been following your scent for Miles I’m so happy to see you where did you come from there’s a vampire base just to the west of here I was trapped

There I managed to escape but they still have more blood creatures trapped inside that’s horrible we have to go save them right now no the vampires are too powerful for you you got to go back when you’re stronger if you say so for the time being I decided to introduce Blake to

Blair are you sure you won’t eat him he is a bird after all nah he’s my brother so he gets pass then welcome welcome to the team Blake I quickly got to work on an additional side Tower to be used as a room for Blake once I finally finished

It up Blair came up to me you me and Blake should look for blood creatures together with our powers combined it’ll be a breeze sounds like a plan to me on days 34 through 36 I set off with Blair and Blake and surge of more blood

Entities to join our cause I flew up high while Blake flew low and Blair took the ground suddenly all three of us caught a scent at the same time it’s this way follow me I took off in the direction of the smell but unfortunately for us we ran into a hord of vampires

Headed in the same direction uh-oh guys we’ve got company I swooped down and began to defend my friends for the vampiric attack Flair and Blake were too small to fight so they found a place to hide the vampires had the ability to send raging Blue Fireballs at me in the

Sky I retaliated with Fireballs of my own scorching my enemies and the ground below me since Blair and Blake were hiding I could let loose without any fear I used everything in my Arsenal to take down the horde of vampires until they finally started to dwindle in numbers after a difficult fight I

Managed to emerge Victorious upon their death they dropped a note a team of blood entities is occupying the village of North pursue them immediately King Orpheus team let’s keep moving we all reassumed formation and continued heading north we had to get there before King orus could on days 37- 40 we

Arrived at the abandoned Village there were no signs of Life anywhere but our noses told us it must be the place face all right gang let’s split up and look for Clues you got it you got it I was searching around the town when I suddenly heard Blake shouting ah help

I’m coming I got closer and everything seemed to be fine I saw Blake chatting with someone but I couldn’t see who it was sorry for being scared I’ve just never seen a Golem like you before nice to meet you Brothers I turned the corner to discover he was talking to a blood

Villager and blood Golem wao two for one you must be the team we’ve been hearing about out yep once the vampires came in and ravaged the area we were the only two survivors left in the village so we had to team up together well you look

Like you make a good team we do what brings you here so basically we’re searching out all the blood creatures to try and keep you safe King orus is after you and the endless one wants you back in the nether H well he has always been

A benevolent God to us all right let’s do it great how do we get there well we got to perform a ritual on days 41- 43 I prepared myself to perform a ritual to send the blood creatures home I used my Unholy blessing to create a ritual

Circle and began to recite the blood chant I had to be careful not to mess it up or I’d ruin the whole spell laurum ipsum theore Bibble Bobble flibble uh flobble suddenly the ritual went wrong summoning a giant evil Ender Hydra the Beast attacked us leaving me

No choice but to defend the group luckily they all joined in the fight too he was super tough it shot expl of fireballs we all swarmed around the Hydra and started working together to wear him down he had three heads but we had more he had fire resistance too but

My soul sight and sord of souls were very effective against him thanks to our teamwork we managed to defeat the terrifying Ender Hydra ooh thanks guys that would have been tough alone I’ll take over the Ritual from here Bibble bubble fubble fubble thanks to Blair’s correction the ritual was a success the

Blood creatures began to teleport away thank you for everything Max oh and don’t forget to help the others at the vampire base oh yeah I will blakeson teleported back as well completing the blood ritual on days 44 through 47 Blair and I arrived back at the base all right

I got to go check out that vampire base good luck with that buddy I traveled into the west where Blake told me to go and eventually I came across a creepy Crypt that was swarming with vampires this must be the place from far away I could hear two of them talking I can’t

Believe we found that blood Creeper King orus is going to be so happy I know he’s on his way now uh-oh I looked over at their creeper pen and I spotted the blood creeper among them I was about to make a move when I was spotted by the

Vampires blood dragon blood dragon I got to get through these guys before orus gets here I sprung into action fighting my way through the vampires they all shot at me with their magic blasts but I swooped in the air dodging them I shot at them with my fireballs and they did a

Fair amount of damage they all swarmed after me but I was too quick for them a few times their flurry blast were able to hit me pretty good but I shook it off pretty easily finally I was able to take them all out and I noticed that one of

Them had dropped a note from the King continue the search for the legendary blood biome where we will build our grand Fortress of blood blood biome huh sounds like something to keep an eye out for I ran towards the creeper pen to let out the blood creeper just as I was

About to reach him King orus swooped in oh no once again you’re late fool the king began absorbing the blood creeper life force and kill them no on days 48- 51 I returned home feeling defeated I lost another one Blair I’m a horrible Defender hey don’t

Worry can’t always win even so I have to get stronger King orpheus’s power is growing by the minute well if you’re looking to get strong quick I take out the legendary blood tree it said it only resides within the blood biome blood biome iome orus is seeking this out too

I have to get there before he does the two of us needed to prepare for our search so I started by going mining for some diamonds luckily I was able to score enough to craft myself and Blair some armor next I built up our base a bit more in case more blood entities

Were seeking us out while I was at it I also embellished the base with even more bloody decorations with that the expansion was complete not too shabby now it’s time to find that blood biome I want to come too sure the two of us set off on our Quest unaware that our

Toughest challenge yet laid ahead on days 52- 55 Blair and I were passing through a swamp in search of the blood biome suddenly a witch appeared hey you stole my cat nuh-uh Blair’s her own woman actually I did spend some time with this Witch she’s a nut job oh boy

Give me back my kitty cat without another word the witch began attacking us we knew Blair was her main target so she hit up in a tree while I did the fighting the witch toss splash potions at me and I retaliated with my sight I

SLA her down the best I could while also using my sword of souls to rack up some quick damage whenever she got too close I would spit fire breath at her to keep her at Bay thanks to all my abilities I was doing good damage to her ah Hold

Still The Witch drank a potion and transformed into a huge garil in her new form the witch was not only stronger but also had the ability to fly she spat out Fireballs of her own at me as well as electrifying orbs of power I did my best

To evade her attacks in the sky and continue my Onslaught I had to be careful otherwise I would end up getting overwhelmed by her raw strength the two of us went back and forth but gradually I gained the upper hand with one final blow I managed to take down the witch

Returning her to her original form no my kitty you’ll regret stealing my pet the witch threw a potion on the ground and disappeared I sure hope that isn’t a problem later on days 56- 58 Blair and I caught the biggest whiff of blood we had

Ever smelled is that it’s got to be the two of us followed the smell to discover a massive bloody landscape the blood biome was real wo it’s beautiful I looked over the landscape and spotted a massive blood tree but unfortunately for us a fortress was already being built

Around it dang it orus is always a step ahead of me how am I supposed to get to the blood tree now oh I’ll distract those vampires while you get in close to the tree sounds like a plan Blair ran in towards the vampires well I moved into

Position and waited hey vampires I’m a tasty blood creature ooh don’t you want me get him the hord of vampires began to pursue Blair giving me my chance to fly in close to the tree all right time to find out what Secrets this tree holds on

Days 59- 62 I was standing before the mystical blood tree now what it’s not like a tree can talk yes wo you can can you make me stronger yes take this Branch what do I do with it eat it ew you want me to eat a stick

Yes fine I swallowed the stick and to my surprise gain five Hearts as well as a strength buff wow thank you hey the blood dragon is talking to the tree I turned around and realized vampires were heading right towards me with the intent to kill the swarm of vampires began to

Shoot blue flames at me into the sky above I retaliated with my fire breath and tried to level them down with my own brute strength thanks to all my training up to this point I managed to take most of them out once only the leader remained he casted a spell on himself

Transforming into a horrible monster time for round two in his new form the vampire had massive Blaze for arms and the ability to super jump he bombarded me with powerful attacks and tried to overwhelm me up close Not only was he powerful but he also seemed impervious

To my fire attacks I changed my course of action and began to slice him down with my scythe and sword of souls if I hadn’t gotten my upgrade from the tree I would have been finished with my new Strength I managed to take out the powerful vampire after that I returned

To the tree you are worthy the king is coming the tree dropped a staff of voltage before me save them all of them what about about you when he arrives my Essence will fade he’s going to start absorbing you I can’t let that happen return stronger time is running out I

Could save you if I just dig you out of here somehow go okay on days 63- 66 I took to the skies and looked for Blair eventually I spotted her surrounded by a group of thugs those vampires didn’t know what they were getting into too and they

Messed with us thanks for the help boys Blair are you okay who is this Punk Who Am I who are you we’re the rough and rowdy Riders we are and we just saved this cat’s life oh okay well think seems like this Punk doesn’t think we’re the rowdiest rough riding Boys around these

Parts what do you think boys I think we ought to rough him up wait no no he’s cool he’s cool get him boys the demon swarmed me and all began to shoot flamy explosives in my direction they weren’t all just talk they all had

Some bite to back them up I had to be careful not to get hit by too many of their projectiles otherwise it could have been trouble I used my Fireballs as well as my wand to Fage to try and shoot them down whenever they got too close I

Slashed away with my Scythe for extra damage I didn’t want to hurt them but I accidentally knocked a couple of them out he’s too rowdy he’s too rowdy now that the demons had seen my strength we called it a truce mad respect dude if you need any help from the rough and

Rowdy Riders then call us up wa thanks guys on days 67 through 70 I followed my nose to find another Blood creature to help eventually I discovered a strange foggy area this place is very creepy I used my nose to get my way through the

Fog until I was met with a dead end the trail ends here but there’s nobody around I took a few steps forward only to fall into a hole in the ground it was a trap ha I got one time to tell the king he then used magic to cover the

Hole with obsidian I tried to M my way out of the cave but it too was lined with obsidian there was no way to escape no it can’t end like this suddenly my nose picked up the same scent from earlier I followed it and discovered a blood spider another bloody entity looks

Like we’ll share the same fate no I promise I’ll get us out of here I already tried we’re trapped King orus will be here soon then I better think fast on day 71 the Trap opened up and to our surprise orus wasn’t there I can’t help myself I’m too hungry King orus

Won’t mind me having a little taste now’s our chance I quickly flew out of the hole enraging the vampire yeah get back here the vampire super jumped out of the hole and transformed into a horrible creature the mutated vampire was able to shoot orbs of plasmic energy and move

Quickly with its four spindly legs I used my staff of voltage to zap him down bit by bit as well as my sword of souls to send homing blades in his direction as it shot more and more projectiles at me I got an idea I began to deflect his

Own plasmic attacks back at him hurting him more and more wow this is fun after a difficult battle I managed to take out the vampire hey come on up so I can fly you out of here no way I’m scared of heights huh well how about I perform a

Ual so we can teleport to the endless one that’s even worse I promise it’ll be okay the endless one is our dad fine with our agreement made I set up a ritual Circle and teleported the both of us to the endless one hi Dad what are

You doing here we were trapped and we needed a way out can you send me back to my base you got it buddy thanks for the spider anytime on Day 72 through 73 I reappeared near the base in a ritual Circle and noticed a sales demon passing

By oh excuse me sir could I take a moment of your time um sure I’m the merch Maniac would you like to check out my Wares what do you have oh just a bunch of t-shirts and sweatshirts with my name and face on them why would I buy

Those when I have my own t-shirts and sweatshirts with my name and my face on them Link in the description check it out by my merch the merch Maniac became enraged and attacked me he shot wither schools at me which exploded on impact so I took to the sky to try and invade

His attacks as he shot away I retaliated with my own abilities shooting fireballs and shots of lightning from my wand luckily for me the sales demon was a pushover I managed to take out the eccentric sales demon with these leaving nothing but a strange note behind the

Bloodbat didn’t buy a single one of my Wares the next blood enti that refuses will face my wrath bloodbat maybe they’re not too far from here I decided to seek out the bloodbat at night and in the meantime work on my base I started by adding a blood Fountain but I liked

It so much I decided to make another one this one I added a garden full of bloody plants to go around it while I was at it I added some magic flame torches for light lastly I added blood fences on the walls and decorated the outside of the

Tower with smaller details as the sun began to set I had officially completed my expansion time to look for that bloodbat on days 74 through 77 I sought out the blood bat my nose eventually led me to a spooky looking cave this looks promising when I entered I justed over

The place was full of bats and waiting in the far Corner was none other than the bloodbat Hey Brother come with me it’s dangerous to be alone run away what go now they’re all vampire bats like clockwork they all started to attack me they all began to swarm me thanks to

Their wings they were able to intercept me in the sky but I tried my best to keep them at Bay they bit me with their sharp bangs as I hit them down with a variety of attacks I used my flames in combination with my wand and sighte to

Mow down the enemies they didn’t stand a chance against my dragon might after a long battle I was able to overpower the horde of bats you okay buddy head over to my base my friend Blair will help you thank you so much as I was heading back

To the base I began hearing loud rumbling Stomps nearby huh I wonder what huge creature that could be I investigated the source of the noise to eventually run into giant Alex waa haven’t I met you before sorry I don’t think I know any dragons especially not

A blood again oh right sorry I was you for 100 days a while back my mistake excuse me oh nothing so you’re a blood entity right who me but you know I do have a buddy who you might want to meet instead he’s a giant blood skeleton oh

Yeah I remember him from my vision where do I find him giant Alex then dropped me a map to his location giving me a huge lead on where to go next thanks Alex I left in a hurry to find the giant blood skeleton before orus does little did I

Know I was being closely watched by a vampire bat nearby on days 82 through 86 I flew to the skies in search of the giant blood skeleton I followed the map giant Alex gave me until finally arriving at a beautiful medieval Mansion huh that’s a strange place for a giant

Blood skeleton I made my way inside the structure to find none other than the giant blood skeleton uh hello oh hi there welcome welcome fellow blood brother would you care for some piping hot tea oh oh uh no thank you I was actually in a bit of a hurry is that

Right what’s troubling you a little man well I’m here looking for blood entities to help keep them safe from The Vampire King vampire King huh yeah we need to get you somewhere safe before he absorbs you and gains a ton of power hey man have you seen where I live this place is

A fortress just then a nearby wall blasted open it was King orus alongside a huge demon creature H I should have reinforce those walls a bit better that’s the vampire King you’ve got to get out of here I went out to deal with the huge demonic monster while King

Orpheus charged at the blood skeleton the Beast wielded a giant shield in one hand and a powerful mace in the other with his massive weapons he was able to defend himself from my attacks while also hitting me with his own his shield was enchanted with demonic magic that

Allowed him to shoot Fireballs at me I did my best to land hits on him while also evading his attacks in the sky thankfully I had grown much stronger so much so that his attacks did almost no damage I managed to take out his shield leaving him defenseless this was the

Perfect time for me to go in close and land the killing blow eventually I was able to take down the beast but unfortunately that gave King Orphus enough time to defeat the giant blood skeleton and absorb him no Orpheus then transformed into a giant demonic blood monster now I am Unstoppable you know

What I think it’s about time I absorbed you too get over here blood dragon with the Vampire King now more powerful than ever I ran for my life managing to barely Escape his grasp on days 87 through 90 after my narrow escape with orus I retreated back to my base only to

Find the witch was already there waiting for me what are you doing here I said you would regret Crossing me face the wrath of my new pet the witch used magic to conjure a giant blood zombie after me wait stop I can help help you you’re a

Blood creature right oh yeah I am sorry bro no bad pet I’ll take care of this myself the witch casted a spell teleporting Blair to her on a lead what are you doing to Blair the kitty cat is mine I’m going to take her right to orus

And get me a better one he’s going to give you a better cat yeah he’s going to be bigger and not bloody at all get over here before I could save my sister the witch vanished Blair that’s it time to end this on days 91 through 94 I wanted

To say Blair before it was too late but I knew I couldn’t go in blindly I needed to prepare first I started by doing some Mining and managed to find more Diamond which I used to craft some armor for myself let’s see King Orphus defeat me

Now with myself geared up I decided it was finally time to complete the base I needed to make sure any lost blood creatures could find their way here while I was away I started by adding even more height to the main tower so it pierced through the clouds for all to

Follow next I added embellishments to the base so that it really stood out on its own for the finishing touches I added a red Beacon to the very top completing my epic blood tower build if only Blair could see this I prepared myself for the journey ahead when

Suddenly the blood Golem approached me blood Golem aren’t you supposed to be with Dad the endless one wanted to speak so he sent me to get you I’m busy I need to save Blair now do you even know how to get inside the Fortress undetected no

Come with me on days 95 through 98 I arrived in the nether with the blood Gollum there my dad was waiting for me with all the other entities I had saved on my journey Max I wanted to thank you for all of your help you managed to save

So many of your brothers and sisters I saved a lot of them but not Blair I’m too sad to be proud it’s not too late to save her too and I have just the thing to help you the only catch is we must perform a ritual first then let’s not

Waste another second all of my brothers and sisters began to perform a ritual on me I could feel all of their power slowly transmitting into me by the end of the ritual I had gained five hearts and the axe of a thousand medals wa I feel so much stronger with

This power you’ll have everything you need to take down orus we believe in you Max thank you for everything on day 99 I returned to the Overworld and made my way back towards the blood tree when I arrived I found that the vampires had completed their Fortress I’m Coming For

You Blair I landed in front of the Fortress and was met with an army of vampire goons it was time to begin the final battle I fought my way through goon after goon but I was so powerful now that normal vampires didn’t stand a chance they dropped like flies but

Before I could go any deeper The Blood Demon from day one arrived please let me through we’re brothers the king’s word is low The Blood Demon charged me with all of his might King orus had already taken control of him as his very own pet

I had no choice but to fight back the Blood Demon was powerful and was able to send explosive attacks at me that dealt a good bit of damage I had to be careful not to get hit too often otherwise I was toast I retaliated with my axe of a

Thousand medals tearing the Earth benath us and dealing loads of damage I also use my sword of souls to summon blades to do my bidding but even with my new powers The Blood Demon wouldn’t back down the king’s word is law despite all of my power the battle was becoming

Fruitless and I was running out of time please I need help did someone call suddenly the rough and rowdy Riders arrived and began to take on the Blood Demon themselves hurry up and save Blair we got this guy thank you on day 100 I arrived inside of the vampire’s Fortress

There Blair was trapped inside of a cage with the witch next to her let my sister go no you’re not standing between me and a new kitty the witch charged me full speed but unfortunately for her i’ grown much more powerful since our last encounter using my blood dragon strength

I took her down once and for all Blair I’m coming nuh King orus suddenly descended from above I’m afraid our little rival ends here once I drain the power from this Blood tree no blood entity will be able to stop me I’ll take out all of them starting with you the

King conjured all of his power transforming him into the ultimate vampire King the two of us took to the skies and began the final battle it was blood creature against vampire and I wasn’t about to lose here I used my new axe of a thousand medals to tear into

King orus while he retaliated with attacks of his own he was able to send a variety of fireballs at me and I did my best to dodge and weave them whenever I was beginning to get overwhelmed I gained a bit of distance and sent Fireballs on my own atam from afar the

Two of us went back and forth it was anyone’s game unfortunately for King orus he couldn’t outmatch the power of a blood dragon with a final blow I took down King orus once and for all I did it after the king Was Defeated I felt a

Sudden surge of energy I was becoming a God on day one I was a dragon God ruling over my 1 million followers nobody can withstand my might suddenly my followers all turned on me and started attacking I tried to make them stop but they wouldn’t listen to me anymore what’s

Going on obey me no way we only follow the shadow God now just then the shadow God emerged before me I have influenced your people to obey me now they no longer believe in you we’ll see about that we both flew outside where I was ready to remind my

People why I am the ruler I used my immense power to fly around my Challenger at blinding speed trying to confuse him I blew my fire but his shadowy breath attacks pulled me closer draining my energy I tried to out maneuver him but he hit me with beams of

Power that seared my wings finally the fight came to aead and we used our breath Powers against each other fire versus Frost but somehow his Frozen breath overpowered mine despite my efforts the shadow God was too powerful he struck me down reverting me back to a demigod I only had 10 hearts

Get him man my former followers all came after me I had no choice but to make a run for it on day two I was being chased by the shadow God’s men maybe you need a reminder that I’m Your Leader I tried to use my Godly powers to assert my

Authority but I was only able to shoot fire oh no since they don’t believe in me I’ve lost my Powers I was no match for the Army anymore so I took to the skies and flew away with my wings I managed to narrowly escape and found a

Safe spot to catch my breath a God is nothing without his followers if I’m going to get strong again I need more mobs to believe in me just then I heard someone crying for help help I swooped in to see what the yelling was about and realized that a

Little coin Dragon was being attacked by a bigger mob don’t worry I’m coming I jumped into The Fray and began to fight off the Beast although I only had my fire breath I was still a demigod meaning I was Stronger than other mobs I swiped at the hellhound with my claws

But he snapped me quickly with his bite I blew a w of fire slowing him down briefly as he charged he couldn’t take the heat after a tough fight I took down the Beast and saved the little mob well thank you Great Dragon God I am in your

Debt don’t worry I’m always looking out for my subjects well consider me one of your followers then I’m zip I felt a tingling sensation in my chest like I was a step closer to regaining my strength I’ll have to befriend all of the kingdoms if I want to increase my

Followers on day three zip and I both set off to find a spot to start our new civilization I started by building a structure on a cloud in the sky I made sure it was made of quartz and embellished with accents of gold to represent my status as a god once I was

Finished I moved on to the surface beneath the cloud and started building a house for zip I planed to one day have a massive Village below me to house all of my people the shadow God better watch out after completing my build I needed

To find some food for zipan so I took to the skies in search of some grub I spotted a village and landed to ask them for some assistance hello I command thee to give me an offering of wheat seeds H why would I do that for a whippy little

Deie God you’ll regret that villager I will smite thee I honed in all of my powers and the sky began to grow dark I was a kind God but I wasn’t afraid to show people what happened when they disrespected me die oh is that it kind of feel bad for

You now the Villager handed me some food out of pity mark my words when my Powers return you will fear me I took to the SKU and noticed one of the the shadow God’s followers walking by I wonder where they’re headed on days 4 through 7 I followed the Goon into a chicken

Village wao it’s like a KFC multiple of them were in the center of the village worshiping baraco the Sun God is that shadow follower planning on taking their followers too I got to warn them I rushed inside of the village and quickly found a shadow goon hiding under barac’s

Altar stop right there without thinking I began to attack the mob unluckily for me they were quick on their feet yeah stop this demigod he’s jealous of barac’s power no I’m trying to help this guy is evil he’s trying to disgrace baraco get him the followers didn’t care what I

Said and attacked me anyway I wanted them to join my cause so the last thing I planed to do was fight back I ran around trying to avoid their attacks when this became too difficult I flew up into the air once I was Airborne I noticed the shadow follower running away

Hey stop on days 8 through 10 10 I pursued the shadow follower they were fast but my wings allowed me to easily keep up after a lot of traveling I followed them into a nearby cave once inside they quickly reached a dead end I’m going to reveal your true intentions

To everyone yeah right they’d never believe you then I’ll just have to stop you right now oh yeah catch the follower tossed over a cooked chicken which I instinctively picked up huh before I had any time to react barac’s followers caught up to us he’s eating our people

Oh baraco please save us without hesitation the mystical baraco yelled from outside the cave you will leave my people alone on days 11 through 14 I came out to face baraco who came at me with the might of a sun god baraco yelled a deafening cry and streams of sunlight

Started to explode around me the hot sand made the fight difficult so I decided to even the odds with my flame breath he summoned his minions and they began attacking me and healing him hey not fair I die bombed right into his belly but he bounced me right off he

Used the power of the sun to create a blast of heat scorching the area he was powerful but I couldn’t call myself a God if I lost here I had to use all of my strength to take down baraco you’re stronger than you look but I will fight

To the death no please this is all a misunderstanding just then I spotted the shadow followers sneaking up behind baraco he was going to land a secret killing blow look out I used my ability to kill the shadow follower where he stood everyone celebrated the safety of

Their leader and one of the chickens walked up to me oh my gosh that Dragon saved Our God I see now you were telling the truth thank you really awesome suddenly I felt a new power surge within me my strength increased my scales hardened and I grew in size I now had

Eight additional hearts and the power to hurl Fireballs I was an adult Dragon God I finally have more followers I’m one step closer to taking out the shadow God on days 15- 17 I returned to my base with some of my new chicken followers I began to do some expanding to the

Village and built additional housing for all of my new chicken followers to stay in I also made them an altar so they can continue to worship baraco as well as myself let’s share the love I let the chickens get settled in and flew up to my sky base for some more expansions I

Added a royal Nest fit with a table in the center to discuss my future plans and a luxurious Landing Pad my little Cloud Fortress was starting to look like a home finally I added a farm to my civilization so we had plenty of food for all of my subjects as I cultivated

My crops I remembered the Villager that mocked me a few days earlier time to pay them a little visit I returned to the village and spotted the Villager from the sky above hello there I’m back to Smite you oh uh you’re big taste my wrath in a fit of rage I threw a

Fireball at the Villager okay you’re cool I’m sorry that’s what I thought we’re sorry for mocking you our village is willing to move in and serve you that sounds good to me I brought the villagers back to my base and got them settled in some houses of their own this

Is almost better than our old home almost well the people of the north are playing their music way too loud don’t worry I’ll go check it out for you on days 18 through 21 I went to investigate the source of the music when I arrived I spotted a town of scary looking monsters

O who’s this guy the dragon God turn your music down well the only way we’ll do that is if you beat us in combat no a dance off we moved to the dance floor where all the monsters were showing off their dance moves the monsters each had their own

Set of crazy moves I watched as they spun around and showed me everything they had be dead oh yeah I did my signature spinning move and began to break dance on the floor I wasn’t only a Gody but I was also an amazing dancer

Y wa once I was done it was clear that I was the winner of the dance off those moves Rock you’re a cool god consider us your followers just then I gained two more Hearts nice oh and lower that music please with my quest completed I took to

The skies to start searching for more followers as I scouted I discovered a wooden beam that was poking out of the ocean what’s that on days 22 through 25 I landed at the shore of the ocean to prepare for my journey dragons can’t breathe underwater good thing I’m a God

I use my Godly abilities to transform into an entirely different type of dragon my lungs turned into gills and I gained some fins to help me navigate the ocean I was now a water dragon I hopped into the water and swam towards the wooden structure when I arrived I

Discovered it was a shipwreck that was housing a civilization of dolphins but they didn’t seem to be doing well they look hungry I wonder what happened suddenly a dolphin came barreling towards me give me your food or else what they began to attack me with everything they had before I could blast

Them off though the Dolphin’s leader arrived enough the Troublesome dolphin swam off leaving me alone with the leader what was that about I’m sorry Mighty God my people are starving and our goddess is nowhere to be seen I can help you find her if you manage to do so then we would

Be honored to follow you too please take this map to her Temple but be warned the journey is a treacherous one you can count on me on days 26 through 28 I began to follow the map I got from the dolphin leader when out of nowhere a

Trident nearly hit me I looked around and discovered a group of drowned were attacking me I’ll make you pay for that the drowned began to swarm and throwing Trident but they were no match for my reawakened lightning powers the electricity surged through them in the water totally obliterating them their

Metal Trident worked against them conducting more electricity and frying them to a crisp it didn’t take long for the mobs to succumb to my crutching Powers normal mobs don’t stand a chance against a God I kept moving until finally arriving at the temple but it seemed as if nobody was around just then

Another Trident flew by me to my surprise it wasn’t from a drown but a trident TI get back here I chased after them as quickly as I could but as I turned a corner I was face to face with the sea goddess instead oh thank goodness I found you you

Okay the sea goddess attacked me with her massive Jaws I did my best to avoid the sea goddess’s Onslaught I wasn’t sure what had come over her she’s not acting like herself something is wrong each snap from her Jaws did massive damage I had no choice but to fight for

My life the goddess choed into me relentlessly I tried to keep her at Bay with my lightning but she brushed it off like it was nothing I tried using my spin attack but she dodged narrowly my thunder strikes only slowed her down for a second before she came right back at

Me with full force despite my efforts she was far more powerful than the others I had faced I wasn’t going to win just then I spotted the Trident Tyrant looming in a hiding spot what are you doing here trat the shadow God will be angry with me did you say shadow God

You’re going down I knew he was up to no good so I changed my Approach I attacked the Triton tyrant and managed to take him out just after the Tyrant fell the sea goddess snapped out of her rage what happened that enemy must have been influencing you your people need help

Say no more we returned to the dolphin Village and the sun goddess gave all of her followers the miracle of food thank you Dragon God we will follow you loyally suddenly I began to transform I gained 10 more Hearts thank you all for your support I’ll make sure the shadow

God pays for this on days 33 through 235 I returned to the shore and transformed back into my land form to my surprise I had a new appearance I look a bit different now it must be because of my new dolphin followers I flew back to the

Base and decided to get to work on some areas for my new subjects I du out of Lake and added some waterfalls to give it an aquatic feeling to round out the Dolphins area I added a shrine to the sea goddess so they could worship her as

Well after I was done with this I built an altar for my followers to present me offerings to my surprise they were all eager to hand me what they had there you go thanks for you I appreciate it thank you sir now this is an offering I put on

The armor and instantly felt more powerful than before no one would dare to find me now just then I spotted one of my other villagers wandering away from the base he looks like he’s up to no good I tailed behind my follower to discover he was headed towards a shadow

God Temple what business does he have with that guy I found a hiding spot and watched as he approach my Nemesis do you have any new Intel for me yes the Dolphins just joined up with the dragon God how unfortunate oh well he doesn’t stand a chance against me I stepped out

To intimidate them stop right there fool you let him right to me the shadow God struck down the traitor and lunged at me the shadow God breathed his powerful frost breath in me trying to freeze me midair I retaliated with my flame breath and Firebolts to keep things nice and

Toasty when he realized my Flames were too hot the god fired beams of light at me as well as dark matter to try and end me right then and there we sort to the skies dodging and weaving each other’s attacks but even I couldn’t avoid all of

His moves whenever he managed to hit me it dealt loads of damage despite my growing numbers I still wasn’t strong enough to defeat the shadow God you’re not the only one gaining new followers stay in your place demig God he took off to the skies and I swore Revenge I need

A befriend the the remaining kingdoms before he gets even stronger on days 40 through 43 I knew that the shadow God’s power was spiraling out of control I need a reach out to subjects Beyond just the Overworld I built myself a nether portal and traveled inside when I

Arrived in the nether I was suddenly bombarded with tons of mobs the shrider military was waiting for me be gun nobody else is hurting our village what happened a horrible God came and destroyed our home then I’ll take care of this I began to fly around the Nether

And search of the Angry God after a while I managed to find him H up in a golden cave your Rampage ends here you’re just a Demi God Don’t Make Me Laugh the god Unleashed his fiery breath and blasted me out of the cavern ow I’m

Going to have to get stronger and put him in his place on days 44- 46 I returned to the shers and told them what had happened if it’s true you will help eliminate the Beast then we will put our trust in you I began to train up with

The Striders they had me undergo numerous tests including flying through Rings all of it was a piece of cake for me I managed to only gain two more Hearts I guess since I’m a God traditional training doesn’t work as well gain more followers then the piglin

Are in the Bastion Remnant I did as I was told and flew over to the piglins I touched down over their civilization and demanded their loyalty hello Mortals bow to your new God do you have some gold we don’t take kindly to goldish deities oh

One sec I quickly struck down one of the bystanders and he dropped a gold ingot how about that eh good enough I now had the power of the piglins on my side with my big boost and followers I transformed changing my dragon scales into a red lava resistant form and even gained 10

More hearts that did the trick time to take out the nether God on days 47- 50 I confronted the nasty nether God once again come out and face me the nether God emerged from his den and looked down onto me looks like you have more followers but not as much as me we’ll

See about that the nether God’s blue fire was super hot the ceiling was low and the lava was crazy hot as well I had to be careful not to fall in I struck him with my Cobalt sword dealing massive damage the battle was fierce and the

Heat was intense he kept flying over me making it hard to land any clean hits I felt like I was flying in circles I knew I couldn’t keep this up so I touched back down into the cave to fight uneven footing the nether God landed inside and

Began to slashing me with his powerful claws each hit he managed to land loads of damage so I retaliated with my fire breath we breathe Flames at each other but thanks to my latest transformation my scales were fireproof I used my armored body to my advantage and

Overwhelm the god with my attacks my new followers gave me the strength I needed to overcome the nether God I had him cowering in his cave I yield you’re too powerful have mercy on me only if you promise to give the Striders their home back in my name yes of course I needed

The lava to forge my gold it’s only fair if I restore it good good uh got anything cool that I can use to beat the shadow God you’re going against the shadow God you’re crazy but since you were able to take me down it might be possible here take this the nether God

Gave me the royal red leggings and boots I put it on and felt like I could take on the world I look sick I flew back to the Striders and told them the good news they were all Overjoyed thank you Dragon God you have our undying support the

Shadow God better watch out now on days 51- 54 I returned to my home in the Overworld and started expansion on my base to house my new followers I carved out a small cave protected from the Sun and filled it with lava so my Strider

Crew could feel right at home I opened a nether portal for them so they could travel back and forth between the worlds and even gave them a shrine to the nether God since he was the one still keeping the nether warm in the center of

Town I added a message box so that any of my followers could submit requests for anything they needed lastly I did some renovation on my own cloud base adding more modes of gold I even started my own horde of treasure after the building was done I checked my Town’s

Message box to see what kind of requests my followers had Dear Dragon God we need more food the fields are dry no sweat this will be easy I headed to the farm plot and resoed the fields with wheat now it’s time for some water I use my

Godly powers to perform a miracle I summon rain causing the seeds to Spring to life and the wheat grew instantly my followers cheered and rang out with Applause let’s go thank you thank you you’re all too kind wow Dragon God you’re amazing zip we’re buddies you can just

Call me Max okay so how’s it going do you have any requests follower number one actually I do not for me but for my friend Spyro who needs some help looking for gems gems like treasure gems yeah he’s a natural treasure hunter he’s been everywhere looking for Treasure even the

The end the end hey I need to go there too maybe if I help him out he can help me find a portal okay zip I’ll help your friend Spyro out yay on days 55- 57 I flew around looking for Spyro zip gave me a good idea as to where he might be

As I flew overhead I saw a small purple dragon digging holes in a badlands biome hey are you Spyro that’s me my friend zip said you needed help looking for gems yep magic gems that’ll get me home I don’t know if you can tell but I’m not

From around here yeah you are pretty small for a dragon what did you say nothing so if I help you find these gems do you think you can help me out sure thing whatever you need Spyro and I dug around in the bad lands for a while just

As I was ready to give up a hole opened up underneath us and we fell through we landed in a cavern and when we looked around there were diamonds everywhere jackpot this is more than enough let’s grab them these are diamonds Spyro not gems just grab them this is what we need

I started to mine one of the diamonds but when I did a bunch of gem monsters emerged from behind us oh no gem monsters come on let’s take them down these gems are ours Spyro and I fought the gem monsters together the gem monsters were strong but our fire was

Hot enough to make them molten they may have thought they had strengthened numbers but I had strengthened followers Spyro’s height worked to his Advantage as he bit and slashed at the ankles of the monsters with my last breath of flames I melted the monsters into a

Fiery puddle after a hard battle we took down the gem monsters and claimed our prize wow these gem monsters have even more gems thanks for the help stranger now what can I help you with do you know where I can find an Ender portal an Ender portal like the black Spacey

Looking one yeah that’s the one I remember where that is follow me Spyro took his bag of gems and let us out of the cavern on days 58- 61 I arrived at the end portal with Spyro here it is I got to go now but good luck with your

Journey to becoming the dragon God again thanks Spyro see you after saying goodbye to Spyro I jumped through the portal and made it to the end City but to my surprise the whole place was on fire what’s going on just then the Ender Dragon flew over my head hear me now

Subjects you are now not only under my rule but the shadow Gods as well kneel before my double power Oh no I got to help these Endermen Evacuate the city the Ender Dragon’s gone mad the Ender Dragon was too busy destroying the area to notice me Gathering all the Enderman

To a secure location come on this way I’m taking you to a safe spot just as I got the last of the Endermen to safety the Ender Dragon spotted me those are my followers fool stop right there the Ender Dragon charged right at me I had

To give the Enderman more time to escape so I charged right back at her on days 62- 64 I battled the Ender Dragon to save the Enderman we both took to thegu to test our Godly strength we were similarly matched but he managed to outmatch my power with devastating flame

Breath I fought it out as long as I could but I quickly realized I wasn’t going to win this one despite my new Strength I was too weak to continue I had no choice but to run get back here coward I managed to escape and hide in

The cave with the Enderman hey you saved us we want to take out the Ender Dragon he’s been an evil Tyrant even before teaming up with the shadow God can you help us out of course with all your guys’ help that should give me enough strength to take him down the Enderman

Gave me a list of items to gather to better equip them for battle Ender carrots chorus fruits and en rods okay I’ll go find these and be right back I started out searching for Ender carrots farther from the city I stumbled upon an end farmer hey farmer do you happen to

Have any end carrots we’re going to overthrow the Ender Dragon overthrow the Ender Dragon that’s great she stinks anyway there you go just like that the farmer draw me tons of Ender carrots for the cause thanks a bunch I’ll put these to good use next I went around chopping

Down chorus trees trying to get as many as possible lastly I needed some end rods so I snuck back into the city buildings to collect some the fire was dangerous but I made it through safely I returned to the Enderman and gave them everything they asked for this is

Perfect the Ender Dragon won’t know what hit him as thanks the Enderman gave me a new piece of armor to add to my set cool this will definitely Aid me in battle we made it as an offering to Plate the Ender Dragon but he laughed in our faces

When we showed it to him it’s better you have it I’ll put it to good use on days 65- 68 I arrived with my Ender Army at the Ender Dragon’s Lair it wasn’t long before the oversized lizard spotted us what’s this a rebellion that’s right we’re going to

Take you down I’d like to see you try the two of us charged in head on and began to fight it out I took to the skies and battled the Ender Dragon from above my Army of Endermen stayed close by and shot projectiles from the ground

I used my dragon breath and my blue geod sword to dwindle down his health he then retaliated by using fire attacks of his own his Flames were so powerful that they dealt damage over time bringing me close to death I couldn’t let the Enderman down so I kept fighting with

All of my might despite our efforts the Ender Dragon continued to regenerate Health from the pillars we were going to lose at this rate I had to change my Approach so while my Enderman Army had the Ender Dragon distracted I flew to the pillars and destroyed every crystal

With my attacks soon they were all blown to Smither Rines and the Ender Dragon and I were on a Level Playing Field I returned to the battle and used everything I had to finish off the Beast after one final blow I took down the corrupt leader and liberated the

Enderman from their tyranny we might have defeated the evil Ender Dragon but our home is destroyed where will we go you can all stay with me in my base I can keep you safe from the shadow God there that sounds great we will follow you oh great Dragon God the new influx

Of followers caused me to gain even more strength rength and I now had a total of 50 Hearts my body once again underwent a transformation turning me into a shadowy purple color like an Enderman I tested out my new power and realized my Flames had grown so hot they were now purple

One step closer to defeating the shadow God on days 69 through 72 I made the trip back to the Overworld with all my new followers I began expanding the base starting with the tower fit for the Enderman people now they have a great view of the village and the Overworld I

Also built an altar to commemorate the to fight against the Ender Dragon my base needed some more Godly touches so I added another layer on top with a few stairs surrounding my sky build suddenly I heard a scream From Below what’s going on down there I swooped down to meet

Face to face with the shadow God I had to protect my people so you’ve killed the Ender Dragon and taken the Enderman under your wing too unacceptable these people have agreed to follow me leave now or face the consequences I’ll leave but not with without taking a few of your followers

First the shadow God turned to a crowd of my followers and with his power made them all sink into the ground hey what did you do your followers are now mine good luck getting them back the shadow God flew away and I immediately gave Chase on

Days 73 through 75 I sort through the sky as fast as I could to chase the shadow god without warning he turned around and shot a shadowy spear at me it hit me dead on and took away my wing Lucky for me I had the water below to cushion my fall pH that was close how did he do that I couldn’t stop now even without my wings I was determined to find my stolen followers they needed my help as I swam ashore an armored Knight

Stopped me in my tracks ah a dragon you will be a great addition to the feast Feast I’m a God you should be bowing before me H sure you don’t even have Wings you’re barely a dragon at all prepare to be dinner the Knight slashed me with his powerful sword and tried to

Take me down quickly unfortunately for him I was wearing full armor which protected me from his attacks I slashed back with my own geod Blade the sound of our weapons clashing filled the battlefield but his heavy armor also protected him from my attacks I decided to use my new Ender Flames to melt

Through his defenses by force in combination with my other fire attacks I weakened the night bit by bit after while I saw an opening in his armor and breathed my fiery breath once more he could no longer withstand my attacks and began to crumble to my power as a God I

Took out the overconfident night easily woohoo upon his death he dropped a strange map titled Grand Feast was this what he was talking about huh this might be worth checking out I followed the map all the way to the location of the feast when I spotted some of my followers in a

Cage what the before I could do anything someone bonked me on the head and I was out cold on days 76- 79 I woke up to find myself in the same cage that all of my followers were in outside the headu guard was speaking to his men hey great

Work today tomorrow we will Feast on the foolish Dragon God and his followers what huzzah all of the men left leaving me alone in the cage with my followers are you guys okay what was that guy talking about after the shadow God captured us he sent us here to be eaten

Eaten why would he do that since his followers were becoming disloyal he figured eating them would be a fitting punishment to ensure no one ever leaves we would be forever trapped in his belly that’s sick let’s find a way out of here I took a deep breath in and exhaled

Using my new Ender breath power to melt the bars and let all of my followers Escape we’re free thank you Dragon God are you coming with us I’m going to stay back and investigate you guys go on ahead my followers ran to safety and I stooped around the massive table to try

And find out out more about the shadow God’s plans as I scan the scraps of the table I managed to find a note left by one of the knights I picked it up and took a look inside the civilization in the sky is real we must report to the

Shadow God so he can gain more followers a civilization in the sky if I can find this city I can really grow my kingdom stop right there just then a group of guards arrived Nowhere to Run Dragon god let’s get you back in that cage no way

I’m not going to be anyone’s dinner I had faced one of them before but now that I was up against an army things were a lot more challenging the horde of knights Swang at me with their blades but I knew that my sword wouldn’t be enough to pierce through their armor I

Used my purple Flames to melt through their numbers and keep them at Bay the knights teleported at me trying to get in close but I pushed them off of me with my geode sword one by one they began to succumb to my power despite their numbers I took out the group of

Guards all of a sudden I felt my wings grow back perfect timing now I can fly out of here on days 80 through 83 I flew through the world asking various mobs for information about the sky civilization in the distance I spotted a strange Tower with an old wizard

Watching me from the top I flew in closer to talk to the old wizard hey why are you looking at me like that ah young one I’ve seen a place a hidden place where dragons like you roam freely in the skies well that’s convenient where is this place H I don’t remember perhaps

Some food would help jog my memory I offered him some of my food I had but he rejected it no thank you I only eat the fruit of the golden apple tree fine I guess I’ll go find you a golden apple I flew around until I

Spotted a golden apple tree but it was being guarded by an overall Drake with no other option I charg into battle the Drake let out a ferocious Roar that caused the ground to tremble beneath us he charged me with his powerful horns and Bash into me to deal big damage

Luckily I was protected by my armor otherwise I would have been badly hurt I melted through a scales with my Godly dragon breath while trying to keep my distance so he couldn’t reach me with his claws this went on for a while but I was beginning to overpower the Beast

After a difficult fight I managed to slay the Beast now that the monster was gone I picked a few apples from the tree and flew back to the wizard I gave the golden apples to the wizard and he ate them up quickly do you remember me now

Ah yes you see it was a rather mundane Tuesday afternoon I think or was it Wednesday no it was definitely a Tuesday go on anyways I was wandering through the desert and began admiring a particularly fascinating Cactus you know the ones with those spiky bits when suddenly a dragon egg

Fell from the sky and landed right on my Noggin the desert that’s where I’ll have to go next I flew off leaving the old wizard to ramble to himself it was quite the sensation though not particularly remarkable All Things Considered on days 884 through 86 I flew to the

Desert the old wizard told me about after some searching I found a Sky Dragon on the ground greetings fellow dragon please listen to our plight an evil entity controlled by the shadow God himself has taken over our deily dis Sky Temple and what’s worse they’ve taken

Him captive can you help us Brave Dragon that’s what I’m here for the dragon started cheering and applauding I was going to save their leader so where do I go just go straight up the sky Temple isn’t hard to miss sounds easy enough I left the dragon and began flying

Straight up into the sky there I found a Giant floating island being corrupted by The Entity uh-oh this guy’s bad news on days 87 through 89 I began to investigate the sky Temple for the trapped leader as I navigated the temple I was suddenly ambushed by a horde of

Naga the nagas were skilled Flyers like me and spun at me with a powerful spinning move I tried to retaliate with my fire attacks but the rain made it impossible to use luckily my purple breath was hot enough to withstand the rain I went in close with my blue geod

Sword and began to slash the nagas up close and personal they dug into me with their powerful teeth and spat green projectiles at me to deal loads of damage unfortunately for them they were not able to withstand the power of a dragon God I managed to take out the

Goons and continued searching the temple after a while I stumbled across the sky dragon leader who was being held captive in a cage don’t worry I’ll blast you out of here with my Godly fire breath I tried to Scorch through the bars but nothing happened wait what these bars

Have been rein forc to withstand any manner of magical interference the only way through is to catch the entity who holds the key just then a tiny player holding a key scurried by there he is get him I did as I was told and zigzagged through the sky Temple after

The key I hurried into the little player ran into a jungle golem look what we have here trying to free the Sky Dragon’s leader I see that’s right hand over the key you’ll have to get through me first the shadow God won’t be happy if you get these followers in your hands

The jungle Golem picked up the key and charged at me he went at me with his fists trying to beat me down with Brute Force now that I was indoors I was able to use my fire abilities again I began to burn through the Golem’s defenses and

Tried to overwhelm him with the fury of my Flames the jungle Golem retaliated with powerful explosive projectiles thankfully my armor protected me and I continued wearing him down bit by bit once he was weak I finally Unleashed my purple flames and dealt the finishing blow after he went down I claimed the

Key time to to gain some new followers on days 90 through 92 the key worked and the bars of the cage disappeared thank you Dragon God your perseverance has saved myself and our people from that wicked Dragon God’s tyranny no problem saving people is kind of my specialty

What will you do now we’ll have to find a way to continue living in peace but with all this Corruption of our land I don’t believe it’s possible you guys can stay with me I tossed over a map to my base so we can all meet up there later

Your kindness will not be be in vain my people and I will honor you Great Dragon God suddenly I felt a huge surge in my follower count my body underwent another transformation I grew bigger and more powerful and my scales glistened in Gold I now had the power to control the Sun

And regenerate this is it my strength has returned I can finally defeat the shadow God on days 93 through 95 I returned to the base to find the shadow God looming over what do you want I’m strong enough to take you out right now I’ve heard that the sky dragons were

Coming here I’ve come to claim my new men you can’t force people to follow you that’s no way to be a god we’ll see about that the shadow God shot a powerful Attack Of Darkness at my followers I couldn’t let him hurt them so I intercepted the attack causing me

To take massive damage you’re sacrificing yourself for Mortals ha you’re a fool this is where you fall the shadow God shot another attack trying to take me out while I was weak but zip protected me before I was hit zip no the projectile caused zip to be corrupted by

The shadow God he now followed him let him go if you want your little friend back then come and get him the two of them vanished from my base he’s gone too far I’m going to save my first follower no matter what on days 96 through 98 I

Begin to work on the final preparations I need to do before facing the shadow God I started by building an area for the sky dragons to call their own I made sure it was perfectly fit for them and remin of their original home next I did the finishing touches on my temple I

Added arches above the top platform to give the base a more elegant look I also added my very own Throne that I could sit in as I watched over my followers with that my dragon God base was completed perfect once I was finished one of the sky dragons landed at my base

Come with me I want to show you something I followed them down to the surface and realized my people had thrown me a festival in my honor surprise enjoy the festivities wo this is awesome I began to explore all the different things my followers had prepared among all the people

Celebrating was a massive golden dragon statue surrounded by a ton of offerings I dug through the offerings and found a potion of void resistance that would be useful in my journey ahead this is amazing thank you all I’m only this powerful now because of you go save zip

I will with my mind made up I took to the sky and headed towards the shadow God’s fortress on day 99 I returned to my old kingdom to find the entire Place transformed the blocks had changed and the air felt heavy this place has a bad

Vibe to it now just then a hord of my old followers confronted me you’re the God we abandoned leave these lands the shadow God is corrupting you he only wants to eat you for more power despite my please they didn’t listen the corruption took over and caused them to

Transform they all began to attack me in their new form they were much stronger but I didn’t want to hurt them I went easy on them using mostly my sword to fend them off they didn’t stand a chance against my Godly Powers but I was able

To knock some sense into them they all turned back to normal oh my head Great Dragon God is that you yeah I quickly explained what had happened and how they were being controlled by the shadow God he wanted to eat us don’t worry we follow you now with my followers back to

Normal I CH down my potion of void resistance and continued deeper inside the castle on day 100 I broke into the Fortress to find the shadow God waiting for me beside him was my friend zip trapped in a cage I see you managed to get as my guard but that doesn’t matter

I’ll defeat you just like I did on day one I’m stronger than you think let my friend go never he began to attack me and the fight of the Gods began we flew out of the castle and fought in the sky dragon versus dragon we were both skilled Fighters and shot powerful

Attacks at each other the shadow God used his void attack in combination with the powerful laser although we could both fly I was quicker than he was I dodged his projectiles and retaliated with my fire powers I used them to burn through his scales while my potion of

Void resistance protected me from his dark attacks in combination of my hot purple Flames I bombarded the God so quickly that he couldn’t keep up he was getting confused I used this to my advantage and went enclose to my blue geode sword to slash him down it was

Anyone’s game but I finally managed to defeat the shadow God I did it after defeating the shadow God I suddenly started to feel slimy I was immediately transported into my next form wa I’m huge and clim me I was standing over a horde of all kinds of treasure and gold

And I knew I was here to protect it on a pedestal in the center was a relic that held an ancient power a power that I knew could destroy the world I must protect this with my life suddenly out of nowhere a legion of knights charged

In to attack me leading the pack was a knight who looked like he was made of crystal I fought them off using my slime poison breath and slime SL attacks they didn’t do a ton of damage but there were so many of them the Crystal Knight

Charged in and slashed to me and I fought him back the best I could eventually he pulled out a bow and started blasting me with powerful arrows even though I was a massive Dragon I was caught off guard and I couldn’t take anymore I tried to escape while I could

And get a better vantage point to attack from I flew out of the cave and I was above a forest before I could get to a safe place I ran into another group of powerful looking Knights who were waiting to intercept me in the air they

All Focus fire on me and the next thing I knew I was plummeting to the Earth sometime later I awoke in the middle of the Jungle and looked myself I was just a baby slime Dragon what the heck what happened I only had one week slime power

Now I could shoot little slime balls that also dealt some poison damage I peaked up to the trees and I could still hear the knights above me good work men now that the Slime dragon is dead we can use the ancient power of The Horde to cleanse the world cleanse the world that

Sounds like they’re going to use it to hurt people well to be fair who doesn’t want to hurt people I don’t wait who said that that I turned around to see three other versions of myself sitting in front of me one red one yellow and

One blue oh since I’m a slime Dragon I must have yep split to four you guys are all alternate versions of Me no you’re alternate versions of me obviously I’m the original because I’m the green one but that’s not important what do you guys think we should do what do you mean

We I’m going to find another source of power and use it to demolish those Knights and take back my gold I’m going to drain every day until I’m powerful enough to retake my rightful place I’m going to use my Superior wit to take back the throne and make all the nights

Dance For Me shouldn’t we all just work together and take it back we could be like four times as powerful as before but then I’d have to share it with you yeah who needs teamwork when you’ve got my brains I watched my red and yellow counterparts walk away but then I

Noticed the blue one was still here uh do you want to work together no I just figure I shouldn’t leave behind any Loose Ends what the blue dragon charged me and tried to kill me I didn’t want to kill any alternate versions of myself so I just ran away as

Fast as I could eventually I was able to lose him but I was left alone defend for myself as a baby slime dragon on day two I was just a sad baby dragon alone in the world I made myself some tools and I dug down and made a cave for myself to

Hide in I knew it would need to be bigger if I grew but for now I kept it pretty small while I was digging I ran into a cave and I was suddenly attacked by a pack of rats a I tried to bite and slash at them but my teeth and Claws

Were made of slime so they were squishy I switched to my range attack and was able to slowly picked them off one by one once I was safe again I started crafting myself the basic necessities and filled my base with them finally I made myself a bed and laid down to go to

Sleep hello I looked out into the darkness and there was a cute little raccoon watching me who are you and what are you doing here well I was watching you dig this place all alone and I thought you might need need a friend thanks I do need a

Friend my name’s Max what’s yours Stripes nice to meet you Stripes I explained to him the whole situation and the raccoon was surprised what are you doing out here wait I know you you’re the one who guards the horde I can’t believe you were that big powerful

Dragon yep but now I don’t know what to do well there’s a town nearby maybe we can find somebody there who will help you good idea stripes on day three I traveled into town with stripes the raccoon and started asking round excuse me are there any powerful Wizards or

Anything like that around this town a you two are so cute come here let me squeeze your little cheeks oh no thank you that was going nowhere so we tried asking someone else any powerful peeps who could help us out there’s this great evil we need to stop well I don’t know

About any wizards but there’s that new Crystal King Crystal King so that’s what he’s calling himself now everything’s been great since he went into power other than that maybe you could talk to the authorities we started to leave the village empty-handed but then suddenly it was attacked by a horde of goblins oh

No we got to help the town’s people we ran in to fight the goblins and I started blasting them with my slime Powers the goblin horde immediately started to swarm stripes and I since we were the only ones putting up a fight I quickly became overwhelmed by their

Numbers but was able to take to the skies to avoid them after picking off most of the small fries their boss charged to me after some expert sharp shooting he was defeated as well after the battle was won the town’s people crowded around me woohoo hooray you

Little baby Sav the town who me thank you so much Brave Heroes who what do you think we should do now Stripes well that one person said we could try talking to the authorities should be easy now that we’re Town Heroes I don’t know where

That is I do they’re just down at the station follow me with that we set out to find the authorities on day four we arrived at the St and spotted the chief giving a speech to his guards I realized it was one of the crystal King’s Knights

The one in fancy iron armor uh-oh listen troops I know things have been tough recently but fear no longer with the help of ancient magic the force will soon wield the power to eradicate all evil from this world huz that sounds great come on let’s go talk to him wait

Stripes no what’s wrong he said he wanted to get rid of evil that’s one of the knights who tried to kill me oh jeez well who are we going to ask for help now we’re just going to have to do things on our own our first Target the

Iron Knight hey that guy just said he wants to kill the Iron Knight that’s you sir the Iron Knight spotted me standing in the alley and started after me run the two of us got out of there as fast as we could and luckily we were able to

Escape I need to get stronger if I’m going to fight him and fast on days 5 through six we arrived back at the base I need to get stronger Stripes any ideas I’ve got a few tricks up my sleeve I could teach you teach me your ways Sensei our training began immediately

And he started by having me fly and figure AES around targets while shooting at them with my slime power all right good work now it’s time for some live targets he had me fight some evil hounds and I started to notice I was getting better at using my Powers finally he had

Me practice using my sliminess to my advantage I started practicing bouncing off of walls and Floors using my slime body good work today Max let’s grab some grub we went out and killed a bunch of cows and ate their meat and just as I finished eating I transformed into a

Medium-sized slime Dragon I wasn’t a full adult but I was significantly larger and I had grown powerful poison Claws and gained 10 Hearts yes now I’m ready we set out for the guard station in the middle of town but the place was on high alert now that the Iron Knight

Had spotted me alive there’s too many of them what am I going to do now I think I know a guy we could talk to dang Stripes you sure do got a lot of connections around here hey what can I say you know I’m a connected guy on Days 7 through 8

Stripes took me underground to a secret Black Market Beneath The Village he brought me through the various dolls up to a scruffy dude who looked really tough yeah I can get you to the center of town for a price well dang I used to have a whole hord of gold but now all

I’ve got is a bunch of slime wait you got slime yeah dude I’m made of it slime is super rare plus it has so many useful applications for all the thievery I do you can have as much as you want well not too much cuz it’s my body you got

Yourself a deal the thief led us to the outskirts of the black market and deep into the sewer system of the village as we were traveling we ran into a group of crocodiles that we had a fight luckily now that I was big enough I could take a

Hit we finished off the Crocs and continued on into the sewers all right this is the place the station should be right above us that grade is Tiny I can’t fit through that how am I supposed to get in well I do have a ton of TNT if

You want to blow it open you’ll get the element of surprise but you’ll be going in blind that’s a risk I’m willing to take let’s do it on days 9 through 10 the thief lit up a ton of TNT and ran off blowing the ceiling

Open next thing I knew he was gone I looked up and realized the explosion was way more powerful than I thought it would be he blew up the whole station building I flew up into the air and the Iron Knight was there waiting for me somehow he looked uninjured by the blast

A bunch of guards charged into attack but he stopped them Stand Down men this one’s mine return to your duties I don’t know whether to kill you or thank you slime Dragon your treasure has been a great boom to our power I was confused by what he meant until he pulled out one

Of the relics for my treasure horde hey that’s mine before I could stop him he used The Relic to transform into a giant he charged at me and I fought him off with everything I had the Iron Knight swung a giant axe that shook the ground and dealt a bunch of damage I

Tried to keep my distance by flying around and shooting him with slime balls but they did nothing eventually I I found a we spot on his back and Doven Clos to slash ated it with my poison claws finally I was able to knock him down and he transformed back into his

Human for you fight with honor slime Dragon but the Crystal Knight fights dirty he already beat you once what makes you think you will beat him this time I’ll be even more powerful this time can I wait you don’t fight with honor none of you fight with honor

You’re a bunch of jerks oh yeah that’s true guards get him the guards charged into attack and the Iron Knight tried to make his Escape eventually I was able to fight them all off and then I flew after the Iron Knight I finished the coward off quickly and he dropped my magic iron

Relic it was the axe of a thousand medals when I picked it up I absorbed its powers it gave me a Shockwave ability that was amazing I barely caught up to you I know one treasure recovered lots more to go let’s go stripes on days 11 11 through 13 I was

Feeling more confident so I set to work expanding out my cave and making it really big and fancy I added a room for Stripes making sure to decorate it the way he would like it with the base in order I set to work on an epic slime

Dragon statue in the forest above my cave this hopefully would serve to strike fear in the hearts of knights and bring hope to the other mobs of the world that the fate of the world is still in good hands eventually I finished the body and legs and decided

To take a break and save the rest for later as I was admiring my work a handsome prince suddenly rode by on a horse looking distraught oh dear me oh Deary Deary me what’s going on dude I mean your highness well there is a beautiful princess locked in a tower

Just to the north of here I valiantly charged in to save her but I just couldn’t do it the dangers were too great I fled like a fearful little chicken now I will never find true love wait so there’s still a woman trapped in a tower is someone going to help her I

Don’t know wait what were the dangers I tried to stop him but he was already gone well if he’s not going to do it I guess I got to save her on days 14 through 17 I set out in search of the trapped princess I flew North until I

Found the tower that Prince told me about but the tower was guarded by a giant three-headed serpent they didn’t attack me so I figured I’d just go up and ask about the princess excuse me would there happen to be a princess locked in there yes

Oh so you guys just all talk at the same time okay also that’s messed up dude sorry I mean dudes why is she even in that Tower anyways we don’t know man we just work here well I’m going to get her out of there if you do that we’ll have to kill

You it’s going to hold job the Hydra attacked me it shot its poison breath at me but I dodged it just in time I went in to smack it with my claw but every time I hit it it grew new heads and grew more powerful I knocked

It off the ledge I hope you’re being paid well for this I finished off the serpents right as day turned the night with them out of the way I was able to free the princess from the tower thank you so much for rescuing me suddenly the princess turned into a

Massive Beast I thought she was going to attack me too uhoh but she just jumped from the top of the tower and ran off oh okay then on days 18 through 21 I flew back to my base only to find it was under attack by the crystal King he had

Used some kind of magic to summon some crazy Crystal constructs who were destroying the base the king commanded his minions to charge me and they rushed at me all at once I did my best to fight them all off with the powers I had blasting them with slime they smacked me

With heavy spinning crystals but it wasn’t enough to take me out the minions were no match for me I rushed at the king suddenly a huge red construct appeared out of nowhere and the King disappeared he must have been stalling for time so he could summon it it was

Super tough and hit really hard even with all of my new abilities I still barely managed to defeat the construct I knew I would definitely need to get stronger if I wanted to face the crystal king that’s when I realized Stripes was nowhere to be found Stripes Stripes I

Made a memorial for Stripes I thought it would help me move past his death but it just made me resent the crystal King more I hate you Crystal King I knew I had to get more powerful to defeat the crystal King so I set off to find

Alternate versions of myself to see if I could convince them to help me get revenge on days 22 through 25 I flew around the world searching for any signs of my brothers eventually I spotted a couple magma cubes that were stealing gold from someone’s house I decided to

Follow the cubes from a distance I flew behind them for a while until they entered another portal huh I entered the portal just in time to see the cubes running around a corner I tried to follow them when all of a sudden hello brother long time no see welcome to in my

Domain brother I need your help the crystal king must be defeated but I can’t do it alone and why should I help you he killed my friend and he took our relics if we don’t take the king down he’s going to use it to bring chaos and destruction what’s wrong with chaos and

Destruction I think you’re purposely missing the point please just come out here and talk to me I think you should focus on missing the point of my terrifying nether creatures attack my Brothers nether monsters charged at me I had no choice but to fight back there were two different magma constructs

Charging at me and I figured he must have created both with whatever power he found here they hit really hard and were really tough to kill but using all my Powers including my new Smash ability I was able to take them all out wow brother I didn’t think you had it in you

I’m impressed seems you’ve really changed to the last I saw you finally he came out to see me but he looked different than before he was a great big magma Dragon you’re the one who’s changed why do you look like that after I left you and the others I discovered

This portal to the nether in it I met a community of blazes who shared my unbridled blood lust they granted me the secret to their power blaze powder the power turned me into what you see now a magma Dragon a that was sweet somewhat after that I killed them all and took

All of their treasure oh less sweet I’ve been on a rampage ever since destroying everything in my path and stealing gold trying to rebuild the hord those Knights took from us it doesn’t have to be that way brother oh but it does and now you’re in my way meaning you must be

Destroyed my brother lunged at me spitting scorching hot magma I dodged out of the way and began to fight back we flew around each other in the air dodging huge Lava Falls I threw my slime balls at him but he retaliated with giant blast of fire breath I fought him

With all of my mind but my Powers weren’t strong enough to beat him you see this is the difference between you and me brother you are weak and and I am strong a wimp like you would never be able to stand a chance against someone

Like me not with your own puny power he was right luckily that’s when I felt a surge of energy I had unlocked a new ability life steal well why don’t I borrow some of your power then using my new found ability on my brother I was

Able to absorb his Essence back into me what are you doing no I continued to use life steal and my brother was fully absorbed back into me woohoo suddenly I Grew From a baby into an adult Dragon again plus I gained 10 Hearts not only that but I gained my brother’s fire

Ability and poison breath wa I guess I can absorb my alternate SS back into me and when I do I gain back my power awesome I took my brother’s treasure to combine it with my own horde back in my base then I set my sights to the nether

Portal eager to get back home on days 30 through 33 I was about to enter the portal when I spotted some piglins wearing full sets of golden armor oh that’s right piglins love gold h H gold unfortunately the part of my brother that was hungry for gold was now

Taking over my brain I need it for my horde I can’t resist I flew in and attacked the piglins I killed all but one and took their armor this seemed to scare the last one quite a bit you there if you don’t want to end up cooked pork

Chop like your friend there you better take me to your stash of gold the piglin took me back to their Bastion and there was a massive pile of gold that’s when I noticed hey some of this is my gold we know we’ve been working with the crystal King he’s been compensating us quite

Nicely with your gold as payment my gold suddenly I was overcome with anger I killed a few of the piglin around me oh uh sorry guys man I got to get this new Angry side of me under control you can take our gold but good luck keeping it

If you’re going back to the Overworld what do you mean by that the undead Knight is out there he is one of the crystal King Knights and he’s totally obsessed with gold even more than we are he needs the gold to complete his Undead rituals Undead night huh I remember him

From before when he tried to kill me yeah well you wouldn’t stand a chance at keeping all that gold away from him she might as well not even bother I lost control again and killed the piglin whoops I really need to take some anger management classes or something on days

34 through 37 I flew out of the nether portal and back to my base when I got there I expanded out my cave some more and made an area for my treasure horde I filled it up with everything I collected and it was starting to look pretty nice

But despite how nice it looked on the surface with stripes gone I was starting to feel lonely I wish I had some more friends I distracted myself from the loneliness by building the head and tail of my statue I also added horns and Claws huh it

Looks kind of weird it doesn’t have eyes or teeth but when it’s all done I’m sure it’s going to be epic while up in the air I spotted a horde of the undead heading straight for my base uh-oh not again I swooped down and prepared for

The onslaught all right let’s go on days 38 through 41 the undead Army stormed up to my base the piglins and zins were chanting gold gold gold what are you guys here for again I must have missed it give us all your gold come and get it I dare

You oh hey there big guy with a deafening squeal the huge zlin charged after me and the rest of the army followed suit I tried to fend them all off while taking on the giant zlin but there were too many I couldn’t stop a few from slipping through and reaching

My treasure no my gold I wanted to stop them but I was too preoccupied with fighting the big guy pretty soon I had beaten all the little guys and the giant zlin was all that was left eventually I was able to beat the Zin too but not

Before the rest of the army had taken most of my goal I killed the last few stragglers and gazed upon what remained of my pitiful horde you’ve all taken my gold for the last time I knew it was time to pay a visit to the undead Knight

And judging by the trail of gold nuggets leading out of my base I knew just how to find him on days 42- 45 I followed the path of gold left behind by the undead Army and I spotted the thief from earlier who was also picking up gold

From the path hey it’s you glad to see you made it out of there oh I’m surprised you recognize me seeing how I Chang form at all dude you’re a green slime Dragon I just used common sense you know if you want some more gold I

Know a place that has a bunch and we can split the hall 50/50 yeah more like 8020 7030 we can figure that out later look I can’t get in there alone and you can’t defeat the undead Knight by yourself we’re going to have to work together to get the gold

6535 oh my gosh if I say yes will you please stop all right I’m in the two of us left heading off to find the undead Knight just as I thought it let us right to a fortress made of gold and Bone I knew this had to be the undead Knight’s

Base you think you can get me in in there well pigs aren’t necessarily potty trained so there’s no toilets and no sewers to go through H what to do what to do huh I know you wouldn’t happen to have any more TNT would you oh I got TNT

All right we blew a giant hole in the side of the night’s Fortress and the two of us charged in heroically there were a ton of Undead creatures waiting inside but they were no match for us we took them out swiftly and continued in to confront the undead Knight we entered

The throne room and the undead Knight was there just as I expected but so was Stripes you’re alive wait I can explain if it isn’t the Slime Dragon back from the dead I know a thing or two about that of course I’m alive do you even know how slimes work no matter I

Will destroy you as many times as I need to in order to protect my gold I need it for my rituals your gold why does everyone keep trying to claim my stuff is theirs just then the undead Knight pulled up a golden Relic from my horde it glowed with power and he transformed

Into a massive zombie piglin King wait you’re a piglin too of course I am why do you think I love gold so much with that I dove in to take the undead Knight down he had a massive Hammer that he brought down upon me with a ton of force

I fought back with my fire and poison attacks I tried to launch blocks at him but I can never get a solid hit in he had a lot of Vitality and charged me with a ton of force but I slowly wore him down using my life drain ability he

Started spawning a ton of zombify piglins around him to attack but they were no match for my life drain either the more the merrier finally I dealt the final blow and defeated the Knight booah that’s what you get for taking my gold my might one regret is that I was so

Greedy I mean I needed the gold for my Undead rituals and all but I shouldn’t have taken it from others I should have just earned an honest living as a lumberer or a d t or something too late for that now oh now I actually feel kind of bad

As he died I absorbed him into me making my slime body more resilient I now had some natural armor with him out of the way I regrouped with stripes and the thief Stripes what the heck happened I thought you were dead well I had this

Huge stack of gold here and I thought I could bring it back and make us both rich but I ended up getting captured by the undead Knight and he forced me to become his pet Stripes don’t you see we’ve all been so focused on gold that we begun to lose

Sight of what’s really important stopping the crystal King from destroying the world you’re right I’m sorry I was blinded by greed how could I be so blind I don’t know I still kind of just want the gold so yeah sure just take whatever you can carry and get out

Of here without another word the thief scooped up a bunch of gold in his arms and bolted out of the fortress on days 50 through 53 stripes and I arrive back of the base with all of my gold what are you going to do with all this huh I’m

Not sure ooh ooh maybe we can melt it all down or we can bury it that gives me an idea I started converting all my golden treasure into golden apples to help me in battle and I made a set of gold armor for Stripes snazzy it isn’t very practical but it’s better than

Nothing I filled my treasure horde with chess brimming with golden apples finally I’m putting my gold to use instead of just sitting around looking pretty feeling good about myself I went back to working on the dragon statue first I added spines and added plenty of details around to make it look more like

Me I finished by adding detail to the head but then in the blink of an eye an explosion consumed the head ruining all of my hard work what the I scanned the area wondering what the heck was happening I got my answer when the crystal King descended from above the

Crystal King and I landed on the ground to talk I’ve grown tired of you killing all my men but it won’t stop me and my plans to cleanse the world of slime filth what does that even mean cleanse the world and for that matter why do you

Get to decide what is clean and what isn’t oh shut it would you the crystal King then summoned a massive robot that towered over us where did you get that kind of Machinery you didn’t have anything like it before I confess I couldn’t have done it myself a brother

Of yours was a great deal of help I traded it for a ton of pistons and TNT my brother I don’t need to explain anything to you but but you just what try not to take too long the giant robot didn’t hesitate to slam his massive fist

Down onto the ground towards me so I dodged it and took to the skies I soared upwards and sent blast of poison hurdling towards the robot but it Shrugged the attacks off like it was nothing the poison isn’t doing anything I need a different plan the robot was

Relentless it didn’t Tire one bit I dove in raking my claws over its metal shell that I softened up with a blast of fire and now for the finishing blow I spun through the air and my final attack destroyed the great robot that was too

Close I need to get stronger and I need to stop my dumb brothers from helping the wrong side looks like it’s time to pay my brother a visit on days 58- 61 I began my search for one of my brothers the yellow one seemed like it would be

Dumb enough to make a deal with the crystal King now where would a big dumb yellow dragon hang out I searched high and low but I couldn’t seem to find any sign of him I decided to ask around I spotted a village and landed near it as

I approached I could already hear people screaming the end is night save us Brave Knights of the crystal King please please I’m not going to that’s when I realized they were actually screaming about something else it was the princess from earlier who was still in her Beast form hey when she

Spotted me she immediately ran off wait come back I chased her through the woods for hours eventually we entered the bad lands where I came across what appeared to be an old mining town that was decorated for a birthday party what the I figured this must must be my weird

Brother’s home turf there were bound to be traps and the princess was running right into it uh-oh I flew into the area just in time to see the princess run directly into a TNT trap it went off but she just kept running oh no then a cage

Fell on top of her oh no I ran over to see if she was okay she was still kicking and growling at me what am I going to do with you just then a voice came over an intercom sounds like we’ve got visitors let’s see how they fa in my magical

Menagerie of mysteries I think by Mysteries he means traps and explosions I don’t know you’ll have to find out for yourself I let the princess out of her cage and she immediately sprinted off again what is wrong with you before I could catch her she hit another trap and

Fell into a hole oh that’s got to hurt I looked down into the hole and she was still alive but I wasn’t going to let her out this time I’d be back for her later now time to make it into town with that getting blown up on days 66 through

70 I arrived in the center of town after only getting blown up twice ow when I got there I was greeted by a terrible looking dummy that was supposed to look like my brother huh suddenly it exploded and he swooped in behind me dang it I should have

Known tricked you why did you sell a robot to the crystal King what can I say he offered a good price on his equipment for all these traps that’s totally unethical and it goes directly against our goal of getting our horde back maybe that’s your goal I’m just trying to Have

Fun dance battle me no prepare to be absorbed I attacked him as he danced in circles around me eventually he was forced to fight back okay now you’re making me upset he started slinging all kinds of dynamite at me and I fought back at him with my poison breath and

Fire powers we took to the skies and began dog biting in the air he hit me with a ton of lightning using some kind of lightning rod Contraption he created and I wereb to avoid it the best I could he also used rainbow Dynamite the shot colored blocks all around us it didn’t

Seem to do much damage to me so I figured he was just doing it for the fun of it eventually I was able to wear him down enough that I could use my life steal ability to slurp him back up I absorbed my brother and grew again

And gained 10 Hearts I also obtained the ability to shoot Dynamite out of my slime two brothers down one to go on days 71 through 74 I went to find the princess and let her out of her hole she started to run away again but I was

Getting fed up with her and I was feeling chaotic I chased her down and attacked I’m sorry but it must be done she had a powerful bite but she wasn’t too tough I beat her quickly and she transformed back into a princess sorry about that princess no it’s okay I have

No control when I’m in Beast form thank you for snapping me out of it anytime do you need somewhere to live now that you’re out of that Tower oh yes please I can’t go back home to my parents’ castle and my my father was the one who locked

Me in the tower I returned back to the base with the princess and three out of my four personalities back inside of me I quickly built a room for the princess and she thanked me my name is elodie by the way oh I do appreciate the hospitality nice to meet you elodie with

That I got to work making my cave a little more spacious for my new size much more comfortable on days 75 through 78 I was feeling chaotic good thanks to my new personality I looked at my chest full of golden apples wondering what I

Could do with them huh I got got an idea I took a ton of apples and returned to the town from earlier where I started handing them out to everyone here you go here have a tasty metal Apple M thank you for your kind gesture sir maybe this

Will help protect us from that horrible slime dragon in the worlds I think there’s been some sort of mistake Here I Am the Slime dragon and I don’t think I’m horrible at all no not you that huge one that looms over us all waiting to strike wait do you mean my statue that’s

A statue it’s so big and horrifying you mean inspiring right no horrible oh dang dude then I spotted a familiar face making his way from the back of the crowd towards me it was the thief but judging by his outfit he’d becomes something of a ruler of the town with

His enormous wealth Dragon what do you think you’re doing I explained how I was there to hand out golden apples to the town’s people I thought he would be happy but the former Thief just looked angrier and angrier by the second you can’t just spread the wealth around like

That that’s where my power comes from well I’m sorry but that’s too bad because I’m going to do it anyway I watched as the thief turned ruler grumbled and left the plaza on days 79 through 82 I was leaving town when suddenly the thief returned in a Mech do

You like it I bought it with Gold N I could have made a better one myself now that my yellow brother’s been absorbed uh I don’t know what that means but I can’t let you go around Distributing the wealth next thing I knew he started chucking Dynamite at me I flew up into

The air and BL blasted him with a fire attack winning the fight instantly spare me please I’m sorry for doing that I don’t know what came over me yeah it’s okay we’re cool can I come live with you please what no well now that everyone in

The town has wealth they’ll kick me out for being a tyranical ruler and taking advantage of them now I have nowhere to go which is kind of your fault by the way how is that my fault please please please please please please please please please

Please fine you can live with me on day 83 through 86 I headed to my base with my new companion the thief are we there yet still a few miles out when we pass this Ridge we can rest we passed by the mountain where my old Lair used to be

But it looked different now the crystal King had built a massive Castle on top of the mountain Crystal spires reached High into the sky come on we’re going to take a little detour the thief and I made our way into the cave entrance but all the Slime was gone the whole place

Was squeaky clean I don’t know how to feel about this try not to touch anything you got it uh-oh alarm started going off all around us unwilling to get caught quite yet I turned tail and fled it’s still too early to fight the crystal King H need

To have a strong plan we can talk about it later for now we need to keep moving the thief was right I took to the skies on days 87 through 90 I arrived at the base and the thief came running in behind me nice digs I set to work building a

Room for the thief next to the princesses but I didn’t put much work into it because I didn’t like him very much after that was done I got to work adding Wings to the Statue I made them big and sprawling reaching high up into the skies while I was working I spotted

The thief and Princess talking and I went over to him looks like you two are getting along well actually we were talking about you there’s something I have to tell you oh yeah what’s up when I wolfed out earlier and when running into the woods I accidentally came across the forge

Night plotting to kill you you oh yeah yeah he used a relic to become some kind of giant beast and and he’s heading here now that sounds familiar what kind of Beast uh that kind the forge Knight slammed down on the ground behind me already transformed into his massive new

Form he sent out a shock wave that turned everything around him into Netherrack wait wait wait the forge Knight was caught off guard and hesitated uh what so this new form it really suits you I mean it really brings out your eyes what are those Hazel my new personality from

Yellow was making me feel tricky while I was stalling Stripes got in position up on the ledge behind him have you been working out because you look huge man Stripes jumped down and landed a huge blow on the night tricked you now that the forge Knight was vulnerable from the surprise

Attack I charged in flying in the air as to best avoid his massive sword I blasted him with my fire powers and my poison breath that made the forge Knight unleash a massive Supernova explosion and he turned blue I hit him with some more fire and he retaliated with a range

Attack of his own which I barely managed to dodge while I was low to the ground the Knight left at me shaking the Earth beneath him as he landed he impelled me with his sword and lifted me into the air I took flight once more and landed

One last huge blow he transformed back into his human form and collapsed onto the ground you will never defeat the crystal King yeah we’ll see about that with one final blow I finished off the forge Knight I picked up his fire Crystal and I gained his nether Powers which granted

Me the new ability to spawn gas to fight for me on days 94 through 96 I regrouped with stripes the thief and elody listen up guys time is running out even though I still haven’t found my last brother I think that I’m ready to take on the crystal king without him don’t worry

You’re ready yeah you got this man you’re going to whoop that Crystal King’s Crystal keer thank you guys but I just don’t know there must be something we can do I want to join you in the fight and help you take that guy down firsthand yeah that would be awesome

Thank you so much so uh I know you princesses have a thing for hero types right maybe when I get back we could go on a date that is of course if I survive because you know I’m making such a noble and selfless sacrifice here oh oh uh

Sure I’m you’re kind of cute I guess for a thief okay you literally turn into a beast so I don’t know if you should be passing judgment right now well we all have our quirks but yes I’ll go on a date with you yes oh that reminds me the

Thief left and came back in a new mech say hello to my backup Mech this one shoot slime so really it’s even better than the original well we’re going to need more than just slime to take down the crystal King I hope you’re stocked up the thief pulled out a bunch of TNT

Oh you know I’m stocked up on days 97 and ’98 the thief blew a giant hole in the side of the castle inside my brother the blue dragon was waiting for me brother you shouldn’t have come here brother what are you doing here like you for many days and nights I trained until

I believed I was strong enough to take on the crystal King but when I went to confront him the king made me an offer he told me that I could have a place in this new world after he had cleansed it so long as I cleaned up my ACT no you

Didn’t oh come on be sensible here or I suppose you lack the ability to think rationally without me don’t you regardless it was the best course of action to ensure my safety so I cleaned up now I’m mostly water clean and clear in both mind and body I expected this

Kind of behavior from yellow but not you yellow didn’t see the bigger picture and it seems neither do you it’s time to clean up Suddenly Water started pouring out of the walls it washed the thief and I out of the castle outside the thief was nowhere to be found before I even

Had time to look for him the blue dragon flew out from the hole and he charged right at me we both spiraled around the castle taking shots at each other he was trying to hit me with his water attacks I fired back at him with my slime must you aim that Dreadful slime

At me it’s disgusting disgusting you’re a slime Dragon too you know we’re literally made of it maybe I was but not anymore now I’m clean I mean I have plenty of other fighting abilities besid slime so I guess I can just use those instead but

Remember you asked for this I came at in with all the powers I had gained but that still didn’t stop him as we flew in the air he shot at me with his ice and water powers I retaliated with my fire poison and my slime and I managed to

Overpower him I knocked him into the side of the mountain but but but I don’t understand I trained so long and I cleaned myself up so well you can train and clean and try and change yourself all you like but you can never change who you are inside a disgusting slime

Dragon no and just like that I absorbed the last of my alternate s back into me I was whole again I gained 20 hearts and transformed into a king slime dragon now I had an epic Ice Crystal ability from the water dragon I also gained a new

Slime power now I could throw glob of slime anywhere I pleased wow that was incredible you’re definitely ready to fight the crystal King now oh there you are Thief do you really think so heck yes I do you’re a mean green slime shooting machine kind of like me and my

Mech funnily enough I think it’s finally time to take on the crystal King with that the thief and I headed back into the castle now inside I finally confronted the crystal King on day 100 welcome home slime Dragon do you like what I’ve done with the place it’s nice

But I think he can use a bit more slime I started spawning slime blocks all over him and his stuff they poured over everything including the crystal King the thief shot some slime in him to with his Mac consider this a housewarming gift from the two of us oh and don’t worry

There’s plenty more where that came from yuck what the no my pristineness my fun enough of this the king pulled out the Relic he had taken from me and plac it on the ground with this I’ll have the power to rid the filth of the world and

Create a new land one that’s perfect clean and all Mine he activated it and it started spinning rapidly lightning started striking all around us it was chaos with one final blast the ground exploded in the crystal King transformed into a massive glowing Beast if I didn’t beat him now it was all going to be over I

Charged inm with everything I had I use all of my Powers my fire blast my poison breath my life steal and my nether Powers but it wasn’t enough he was too strong the king knocked me out of the air with a lightning bolt the crystal

King was about to beat me I laid on the ground helpless as he Reed the finishing blow when suddenly he was hit by a ball of slime it was the thief in his Mech hey your Royal jerkiness over here you like that don’t worry that one’s on the

House or should I say it’s on you I have had enough of your futile efforts to defeat me when will you two learn that cleanliness always triumphs over filth fine I suppose I’ll just have to teach you the hard way the crystal King impaled the thief in the chest with

His spear killing him instantly no my anger from the thief’s death reignited my spirit giving me the strength to fight the crystal King again this time even harder than before The King and I SAR through the air exchanging blows but with my newfound resolve and the distraction that the

Thief caused I was able ble to take him down this is for taking my home this is for killing my friend and this is for calling me filth with one less attack the crystal King’s reign of terror was brought to an end and just like that I had finally defeated the crystal King

And saved the planet woohoo I did it

This video, titled ‘I Survived 1000 Days as DRAGONS in HARDCORE Minecraft!’, was uploaded by MaxCraft on 2023-11-10 22:30:08. It has garnered 45734 views and 945 likes. The duration of the video is 02:43:07 or 9787 seconds.

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For the next 1000 days, I’ll be transforming into all different types of dragons! I will rule the skies with all of my different dragon powers, and I’ll dominate all enemies that stand in my way!

Mods utilized: Additional Lights – Alex’s Mobs – Citadel – Angel Ring – Curious API – Cyclic – BetterAnimalsPlus – Architectury API – BMorph – Carry On – Catalogue – CMD Cam – Creative Core – Configured – Custom NPCs – Dynamic Surroundings – Effortless Building – Fakename – flyspeed mod – Hide Armor – Just Enough Items – LuckyTNT – Mob Battle – MorePlayerModels – OptiFine – Maybe – Shrink – Supplementaries – Selene – The Mighty Architect – Warp – Wings – World Edit –

Suggested rating: TV-PG This video contains material not suitable for younger audiences.

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    Josh goes CRAZY playing God of War LIVE!Video Information This video, titled ‘PLAYING GOD OF WAR FOR THE FIRST TIME!!! (and minecraft later) *LIVE*’, was uploaded by Josh Bad on 2024-05-23 08:15:58. It has garnered 95 views and 7 likes. The duration of the video is 05:08:34 or 18514 seconds. Read More

  • Surviving 2.5 Days in Hardcore Minecraft – FULL MOVIE

    Surviving 2.5 Days in Hardcore Minecraft - FULL MOVIEVideo Information This video, titled ‘I Survived 2.5 Days In Hardcore Minecraft [FULL MOVIE]’, was uploaded by Sunny on 2024-09-01 21:30:04. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Okay bro. It’s time to be serious na. Im back now- Like im really back i have said it before but i mean it now. Yall ready for this grind … Read More

  • Furious Fortune: Ultimate Ender Dragon Battle! Who will win? #minecraft

    Furious Fortune: Ultimate Ender Dragon Battle! Who will win? #minecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘Ender Dragon vs Minecraft mobs(CRAZY BATTLE)[Find the stronger] #minecraft #shorts #furiousfortune’, was uploaded by Furious Fortune on 2024-05-31 13:37:53. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Ender Dragon vs Minecraft mobs(CRAZY BATTLE)[Find the stronger] #minecraft #furiousfortune #shorts #battle *Disclaimer:* The … Read More

  • OniMc

    OniMcWhat is OniMC? OniMC is more than just another Minecraft server, it’s the start of a dynamic gaming network. We’re launching with the BoxPvP game mode, but that’s only the beginning. Our vision is to create a diverse network of game modes, ensuring there’s something for everyone. Why Play on OniMC? Early Access: Be among the first to experience OniMC by applying for early access. Help shape the server and contribute to its development before the official release. Community-Led Content: Your voice matters! We actively listen to feedback from our community to enhance and refine the server. Network Expansion: OniMC… Read More

  • Flare SMP – Semi-Vanilla SMP – whitelist

    Join a Relaxed Long Term Community! About Us: The Flare Community and its Flare SMP were founded on April 14, 2023, by Antimony_Sb and a creative director. The server offers a relaxed semi-vanilla experience in a mature environment without a planned end. What Sets Us Apart from Vanilla? We offer unique features such as Dynmap, Bolt, mcMMO, GSit, FlareDeathMessages, Pets, Cosmetics, Decorations, and more. We are an international community with English as the primary language. We have a summer event starting soon and are developing a second server named “Flare Adventures” inspired by MMORPG games. Feel free to drop by… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – MADE THE ATHER: THE MOVIE

    Minecraft Memes - MADE THE ATHER: THE MOVIELooks like someone needs to pass Minecraft spelling class before they start making movies. Read More

  • Crafty Campus Capers: Cube Xuan’s Minecraft Mischief

    Crafty Campus Capers: Cube Xuan's Minecraft Mischief In the world of Minecraft, where creativity thrives, Cube Xuan brings laughter with every surprise. Funny animations, jokes that ignite, Bringing joy to all, day and night. From classroom tales to songs that adapt, Cube Xuan’s content is never flat. So join the fun, hit that subscribe, For a daily dose of humor that will revive. In the realm of gaming, where stories unfold, Cube Xuan’s channel is pure gold. So dive right in, let the laughter ring, With Cube Xuan, happiness is king. Read More

  • Minecraft meme: Hot shorts, hotter blocks!

    Minecraft meme: Hot shorts, hotter blocks! Why did the creeper go to therapy? Because it had too much TNTsion! #minecraftshorts Read More

  • Join Minewind: Survive the Ultimate Invasion Experience

    Join Minewind: Survive the Ultimate Invasion Experience Welcome to, your go-to source for all things Minecraft-related! Today, we stumbled upon a thrilling YouTube video titled “I Survived 500 Days of THE INVASION (NOT MINECRAFT)” that got us thinking – what if you could experience your own epic battles and adventures in a virtual world like Minecraft? Imagine facing off against overwhelming alien elves, equipped with advanced tactics and deadly drones, just like in the video. Now, picture yourself exploring a vast, open world where you can build, survive, and thrive alongside other players who share your passion for adventure. That’s where Minewind Minecraft Server comes… Read More

  • Building a Bus-Like Plane in Minecraft Bedrock!

    Building a Bus-Like Plane in Minecraft Bedrock! Minecraft Bedrock: Build Battle B13 – A Unique Aircraft Resembling a Bus! Greetings, gamers! Dive into the exciting world of Minecraft Bedrock with the latest Build Battle B13 event, featuring an aircraft that resembles a bus. Let’s explore the creative and competitive aspects of this unique Minecraft experience. Channel Overview The channel hosting this event primarily focuses on gaming videos, with a special emphasis on Minecraft and Brawl Stars content. However, viewers can expect a variety of other games to be featured in the future, promising a diverse and engaging experience for all gaming enthusiasts. Community Guidelines Respect is… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Modpack Madness! KeyDevy RLCraft Ep. 11

    Insane Minecraft Modpack Madness! KeyDevy RLCraft Ep. 11Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft: RLCraft | Minecraft Modpack Series (Episode 11)’, was uploaded by KeyDevy on 2024-07-16 19:46:48. It has garnered 86 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 02:38:58 or 9538 seconds. *Overview:* I’m playing RLCraft! This modpack is hard, intense, and filled with lethal mobs. My goal is to survive and progress within this tough world. The gamerule for InventoryKeep will be enabled but the rest I will have to solve on my own! _______________ *Socials:* Instagram: _______________ *Want to leave a tip?* – _______________ *Go check out my website!* -… Read More

  • Samurai Paws Survives Scariest Minecraft Mods

    Samurai Paws Survives Scariest Minecraft ModsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Surviving the SCARIEST Minecraft Horror Mods Ever! (You Won’t Believe What Happened)’, was uploaded by Samurai Paws on 2024-08-09 04:00:21. It has garnered 14 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:09:02 or 542 seconds. Dive into the terrifying world of Minecraft with me as I tackle the scariest horror mods ever created! 😱 Watch as I encounter spine-chilling creatures, explore haunted landscapes, and face unimaginable horrors. Will I survive the night, or will these mods be too much to handle? Join me on this thrilling adventure and find out! 🔔 Don’t forget… Read More

  • Insane XP Mob Farm Build | Minecraft Ep.2

    Insane XP Mob Farm Build | Minecraft Ep.2Video Information This video, titled ‘I Made XP Mob Farm | Minecraft Survival Episode – 2’, was uploaded by Neoblade on 2024-07-10 13:29:37. It has garnered 143 views and 16 likes. The duration of the video is 00:20:26 or 1226 seconds. I Made XP Mob Farm | Minecraft Survival Episode – 2 In this video I will made a xp mob farm in hard difficulty after 2 Years, will I be able to do this successfully ? find out by watching full video. ➽Devices➽ Mobile :- Redmi K20 Laptop :- Dell Inspiron 5577 Microphone :- Vivo Mobile Earphone (Rs-250) Mouse… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Build SEVEN – Ultimate Stone House Tutorial

    Insane Minecraft Build SEVEN - Ultimate Stone House TutorialVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft: Small Modern House Tutorial🏠 | 簡単!石で作る小さなモダンハウスの作り方(現代建築)’, was uploaded by SEVENのマイクラ建築 on 2023-12-22 10:00:20. It has garnered 42537 views and 538 likes. The duration of the video is 00:06:13 or 373 seconds. It explains how to make a small modern house made of stone! Not only the exterior, but also the interior! ——————————————————————————— [Subscribe here] ——————————————————————————— ■Videos uploaded so far ■Twitter ■instagram #Minecraft #House #modern Read More

  • Insane GTA V Hack: Play Minecraft on Windows! Easy Tutorial

    Insane GTA V Hack: Play Minecraft on Windows! Easy TutorialVideo Information This video, titled ‘wie kann man auf Windows Minecraft spielen? so geht es Tutorial’, was uploaded by Alexander Gta v online on 2024-08-13 11:52:24. It has garnered 10 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:10:32 or 632 seconds. Read More

  • Robby2002 tells terrifying tales! 😱👻 #trending #YTshorts

    Robby2002 tells terrifying tales! 😱👻 #trending #YTshortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Scary Stories. #scarystories #trending #ytshorts #youtubeshorts #story #youtube #minecraft’, was uploaded by Robby2002 on 2024-09-22 15:55:01. It has garnered 21 views and 5 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:42 or 42 seconds. Read More

  • Mysterious Nasquik in Minecraft 🎃 #herobrine

    Mysterious Nasquik in Minecraft 🎃 #herobrineVideo Information This video, titled ‘q es esoo?🎃 #herobrine #minecraft #twitch #horrorcraft #minecrafthorror #dwellers #horrorcraft’, was uploaded by Nasquik on 2024-07-12 14:26:05. It has garnered 503 views and 27 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:41 or 41 seconds. Read More

  • Epic Showdown: Spider-Man & Miles Morales vs Minecraft Creatures & Sharks!

    Epic Showdown: Spider-Man & Miles Morales vs Minecraft Creatures & Sharks!Video Information This video, titled ‘Spider-Man and Miles Morales vs Minecraft Creatures on Sea with Shark in People Playground’, was uploaded by Gaming Plus on 2024-09-17 15:30:26. It has garnered 22167 views and 206 likes. The duration of the video is 00:08:14 or 494 seconds. Spider-Man and Miles Morales are going to war against Minecraft Creatures as a team, there are sharks in the sea in this war. A great battle awaits you in the world of People Playground. Will Spider-Man and Miles Morales defeat Minecraft Creatures ? You should leave a comment for the sequel of the video “… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Sweden vibes with Toastaku!

    Insane Minecraft Sweden vibes with Toastaku!Video Information This video, titled ‘sweden (minecraft lofi)’, was uploaded by Toastaku – Topic on 2024-08-23 06:04:55. It has garnered 7 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:57 or 117 seconds. Provided to YouTube by toastaku. sweden (minecraft lofi) · Toastaku minecraft sleepy lofi ℗ 2024 Toastaku Released on: 2024-03-01 Main Artist: Toastaku Producer: Toastaku Composer: C418 Auto-generated by YouTube. Read More

  • Hypenos Network

    Hypenos NetworkHypenosNetwork sunucumuz hakkında; HypenosNetwork sunucumuz 2024 yılında kurulmuş olup yepyeni yenilikler ile birlikte oyunculara eşsiz deneyimler sunmaktadır.Yönetici ekibimiz yıllar boyunca Minecraft serverlerinde çalışmış olup çalışmalarını bizimle devam ettirmektedir.Sunucumuzun ana hedeflerinden birisi oyuncuların Minecraft dünyasında daha neler yapabildiklerini göstermektir. Yönetim ekibimiz ve yetkili ekibimiz 6 kişi olmakla beraber gece gündüz oyuncularımızın neler daha fazla dikkatini çekeceği üzerine çalışmaktadır Ekibimizi kısaca anlatmak gerekirse Mimarlar yazılımcılar ile doludur. Haydi sizleri birlikte sunucumuzda güzel vakitler geçirmeye davet ediyoruz. Read More

  • RigoloSMP – Vanilla SMP 1.21 – 100% Vanilla – Whitelist – Nice Community!

    JOIN THE DISCORD HERE – Hey! A few weeks ago, just after the success of the previous 1.20 season, my friends and I decided to start our next adventure in 1.21! The server is entirely vanilla and our community is amazing 😀 Now’s the best time to join us on this journey! Cracked and Bedrock players are also allowed! Simply join the Discord and we’ll be happy to whitelist you 😉 Read More

  • -+-+-+-+-+-+ GearsMC +-+-+-+-+-+–+-+-+-+ +-+-+-+-

    How to connect and play on this server? You must have the game version 1.20.4 installed. How to check? At startup, the game version will be displayed on the right, at the bottom. If it is a different version, you should change the current profile (left, bottom) and select version 1.20.4 Click the PLAY button, wait for the Minecraft game to load. Choose: Multiplayer Click the button “Direct connect”, or if you want to keep the server in its list, press the button “Add server” In the field “Server address” write: (GL HF) Read More