Surviving 1000 Days in Hardcore Minecraft gone wrong!

Video Information

A common reference point for measuring a Minecraft world’s progress is the first 10,000 days from punching your first tree to defeating the Ender Dragon nothing in Hardcore Minecraft is ever like the start of a new world and today I’m excited to show you my first 1,000 days in Hardcore Minecraft so let’s go

This is easily the best world I’ve ever made it’s the best world I could have possibly made during the first 10,000 days I built 55 Farms auto storage for every item in Minecraft 16 automatic potion Brewers rolled trades for over 40 villagers mined over 250,000 stone blocks made 17 sets of Enchanted

Netherite for each armor Trim in the game and built five main builds for my fantasy Asian City let me answer a few commonly asked questions before we get into this number one the seed is in the description going into the world I knew the seed had a double Village next to a

Cherry biome that’s all I really knew about it before starting number two all the farm links will be in the description so you can check those out and know nothing is cheated in or in creative mode and I do have proof for basically everything I’ve done in the world during the episodes I’ll

Occasionally pause them to give a bit of extra commentary on certain key moments to look out for those they weren’t in the original episodes everything else will be incl included as it was during the episode’s original upload I have huge plans for this world so please help

Me hit the 100,000 subscriber dragon egg drop goal and join us on this journey like subscribe comment and I’ll see you at the end of the video oh hi yeah this is definitely not my Mushroom Island we’ll have to talk about that right now let me distract you with this brand new

World and a brand new start to my 120 Hardcore Minecraft adventure also where am I yeah I can do something with this hi you found my new hardcore World on Day Zero and I still have nothing I have no armor no elytra no house I haven’t even punched a tree yet let’s go

Punch a tree and see what the first 100 days brings so maybe you’re wondering what happened to my old world well I’ve been running two concurrent hardcore worlds for the better part of 10 months and without getting into too much detail that isn’t fun so I want Minecraft to be

Interesting and fun and I’m going to build a world I can be proud of and you’re hopefully going to join me on this adventure I’m putting serious stakes in this world and only one rule I’m not allowed to delete quit or stop this series until I see the game over

Screen which we almost just did I’m going to build some of the most overpowered Farms to allow me to World build and create an Epic Fantasy landscape unlike anything I’ve ever done before let’s get into this day Zero starts pretty much how it had to lock up

The local villagers steal their food I mean take the food they graciously allowed me to have borrow my first bed I do like to lock up as many villagers as I can not only am I keeping them safe from zombies but it feels good knowing I’m not the weakest or dumbest thing in

This new world one Cherry boat later and I’m headed over to another local Village these guys are fighting for the privilege of my protection see I’m not evil yet I decided to make this church my temporary home it needed serious Renovations just to walk into the front door you’ve already seen the thumbnail

So you know I’m not living this pile of cobblestone for very long but as day Zero came to an end it did give us a nice view of the town after planting my first sugar cane I got some much needed rest this protection racket is exhausting early on day one I collected

Farm animals starting with these chickens and yes the second day of Minecraft is always day one I don’t make the rules I expanded my sugarcan plot and cleaned up the village yep your boy touches grass chickens are okay XP but cows are much better food so I Larned

Them into this pen then grabbed some sheep my first Adventure took me up the hill and when I look back well this Valley is going to look amazing soon I’m still running around like a day Zero Noob out here so it’s time to get armor and tools then I spotted the Stony Peaks

3 2 1 let’s Go I rated a local Savannah Village and you’ll be happy to know not one villager was trapped I even left them the white bed and traded for my orange one bamboo is now a wood type in Minecraft and one that grows incredibly quickly so I neb

Some of this let’s head home and get it planted I’ll turn the bamboo into sticks and sell those for early game emeralds and then level up other villagers my next priority was blocks to build with at the moment I have nothing I can’t build a whole lot with no blocks so I

Dug myself a m shaft all the way down to this I did look for a second but this is not a day two kind of thing so I went back to work hi will you be my Fletcher after seeing that ancient city just below my Village I bought two bows we’re going to

Set up a quick sheep farm and get all the wool we could want before exploring down there I also asked this guy to be my cleric so I could buy Redstone it’ll be almost zero shock to anyone who knows me that I’m going to build en x04 sheep

Farm here I love his farms for early game and even a bit later sometimes this one’s ridiculously simple and will generate more than 50 stacks of wool during this video alone I’ll also get to use the new Cherry leaves I need quite a bit of this sand for glass I’m glad I

Got that coal earlier as well this simple wool Farm relies on a single redstone torch and one Redstone Dust to create a burnout clock that will Shear the sheep with two dispensers that face opposite ways above the six sheep per side barely get pushed into the Shear’s

Range and it’s super efficient I also built it with basically dirt and leaves which is nice then this guy wouldn’t shut up a bit of water some storage below that and we’re done here inside you can see the Sheep eating to regain their wool and then the burnout clock

Firing to sh back off shears and Hoppers cost me most of the rest of my iron so it was time to move on to another Farm again designed by nx4 I love building his early game iron farm and while I wish I had the flat space for more than

One module of this this will get me through for now all the Farms I use throughout the series will be linked in the description and while most of these early game farms will be destroyed and replaced with far better options as I grow the world I don’t have the

Resources to build those better options yet this Farm costs a couple logs and one hopper I can afford that do you see my mistake I got a zombie into the farm pretty easily but I forgot the boat so um zombies despawn if you get too far away from them and they aren’t name

Tagged holding an item or in a boat yeah and he’s gone so after getting lava I added that to the Kill Chamber and then thought maybe I should add the boat this time once again this went fairly Smoothly Yeah the zombie nearly punched me into the creeper but after that little scare I do have a working iron farm T with a few Necessities now in place I took my talents to the South Beach above my village where I wanted to put a villager breeder I have a few villagers to start with but I’m going to want I don’t know something like 30 more for

Now I want one of each of the Smiths weapon Smith Tool Smith armor or and that opens up diamond tools and gear and they trade my iron from the previous Farm I also want to move my Fletcher and cleric and eventually set up all the Librarians will need for things like

Mending Unbreaking protection and efficiency and the bow enchants like power five and infinity add in silk Fortune yeah I just need a lot more villagers this breeder is pretty standard logical geek boy design that most people use and other than the glass it’s pretty cheap to get started if

You’re unfamiliar with it we’ll put two villagers inside and one will be a farmer he’ll harvest the crops and share with the other villager they’ll see the trap doors to the beds think they can cross over and because there’s four beds they want to fill it with two more

People so they’re going to breed in here they have infinite food and the baby will try and sleep or jump on the bed falling into the trap doors baby villagers will then get sorted out and sent to a holding chamber where I can move them anywhere else in the world

That seems to be working now so I need a temporary place to put these villagers I want to build them their own villager trading Hall later but my goal today is to build myself a home theirs can come later that means I need to clear a space

Here in this field dig some holes that are four blocks deep put the workstations at the bottom and trap doors just above that when the villagers go into these holes I can easily change the workstations below them and roll whatever librarian trades I want I’ll start with around 20 of these stations

But will expand as I need and as you can see I freed one villager from the breeder and he just drops himself in the first hole with no problem I’ll just cover him up like this and it’s time to move over the Fletcher and the cleric when I can’t move the villagers easy

With workstations I just move them with beds this is sometimes the easiest way as it always drops them straight into the hole perfectly then I can start first with the toolsmith I have to get through the first few trades and that opens up iron I continue that process of

Moving villagers selling iron and bamboo sticks move more villagers and each night trying to roll librarian trades I won’t bore you with this too much as I roll over a thousand times to get the books I wanted but I’ll show you a few of the great prices I got throughout the

Trading like Unbreaking three for 13 emeralds while moving villagers and rolling trades the iron farm keeps working away at spawn and the bamboo keeps growing villagers keep moving and the emeralds keep coming in and yeah villagers are extremely overpowered in early game Minecraft but that’s okay this whole world is going to be

Extremely overpowered so starting out strong isn’t my top concern and yes that’s protection 4 for 18 emeralds that’s a great price the wool Farm is coming along nicely as well I have over 15 stacks of wool already and haven’t done anything since I set it up after

Enough iron trades The Smiths will start selling me diamond gear and this axe was my first piece I don’t even have diamonds yet so our ped this cycle every day for a while move in villagers collect iron move in more villagers and roll more trades including Infinity for

Six and fortune 3 for just 16 once I had Infinity I tested it out by knocking this skeleton into the water and then finishing him off for one of my favorite advancements sniper duel looting three then cost me 14 and my sword is looking pretty nice now I also

Level the farmer up to golden carrots in case I run low on food I don’t want to use golden carrots but I wanted to back up just in case and I tested my looting three sword on these cows that worked fine for my main base I want to be using

Cherrywood and dark oak with some Spruce and lighter colors mixed in I found this dark oak forest and brought home the sapling so I can continue to do the work there leveling the cleric up then gave me access to ender pearls and now we’re

On our way to be able to to find and defeat the Ender Dragon Thorns 3 protection 4 and a whole new group of librarian trainees was next and they gave me sharpness 5 and efficiency 5 so I thought I’d better head into The Nether and keep things moving along on

My way to find a lava pool I noticed this shipwreck and I’m glad that I eluded it I jumped into the back here and found my first armor trims in the world those are my first 120 armor Trims and the other end of the boat had two

More eventually I found this lava pool my luck couldn’t have been better okay maybe it could everyone talks about their best start or the perfect start in their hardcore YouTube series what does that mean to you to me it felt like I wanted to settle into my

New world build a few Farms get enough gear and before the end of this video my own place to call home if you look back at my older series I actually built my home in episode two of both I fought the Ender Dragon in episodes four and six

Today I’m smashing those goals I’m doing all of that in this very first episode with a bigger and better starter base than I’ve ever had in any Minecraft playthrough this is my best start but first I had to find a fortress or rather it found me how am I in a fortress here

A number of people were upset that I simply walked over a fortress here but I didn’t I knew the Fortress was nearby but my confusion in the episode was how I was in it when I couldn’t even see it I knew approximately where it was from using common speedrunning tactics to see

Which direction had a spawner it’s not that hard to do but it made a lot of people question what I knew already trust me I would have chosen a much better nether spot if I knew what this one looked like it’s been awful for the

Whole 1,000 days so to clarify I had an idea there was a fortress nearby I had no idea where and I didn’t understand how I was in it I had no idea I dug around for a bit without finding it but eventually popped out in this Corridor

This wasn’t exactly close to me but oh well I found a blaze spawner pretty close and after protecting myself from any falling mobs I went to work my Infinity bow cleared out the big packs and the Looting sword did the rest fighting blazes early is often where

People die but with good food and decent gear already I made quick work with them I even remembered after a while to put the bow in my off hand so I could get the Looting effect of my sword on the bow shots yeah that helps a lot sorry

Bedrock players I know you can’t do that Infinity is so overpowered by the way brought four chest plate and a bit of gear later and I was ready to go find the stronghold I made my 10 eyes to start and threw the first it’s day 44 well past time to go

To the end eventually the eye went down instead of up so I parked my boat and dug straight down I quickly found the portal room and broke the spawner and from here all you can do is head in well let’s get this part Done The Ender Dragon may be the least impressive final boss in any video game I’m way more scared of the Enderman so I may or may not wear a pumpkin for this fight most of the time but either way that’s done now I collected a few blocks

And made my way straight to the outer Islands I know some people head home and regroup first but not me I’m here specifically for the wings my first look at the outer end was impressive I saw two cities immediately neither of which had a ship this one was more promising

So I got closer I still couldn’t see it here but it’s actually in this Frame Can you spot it I couldn’t so I was getting nervous it’s this pixel right here but at least it’s there right from closer up it was easier to see and I Bridge

Straight over with no fear once I get this close to Wings I’m like The Flash and not the crappy Ezra Miller flash either but like a good one this shulker immediately set me up in the air which could be scary I have no wings yet and a

Couple of hits could be deadly but I peared into the ship so there’s a roof over me now from here it’s pretty inevitable all right let’s put this on let’s also change out of this helmet I still look pretty flipping stupid all right that’s better okay it is so end

Rating time now these are my first diamonds there’s some Diamond gear I love end rating but without many Rockets I knew I couldn’t stay long so I grabbed a bit of gear here and there collected a couple of ender chests killed just a few shulkers and looted what I could in

Terms of gold iron and diamonds also find the Spire armor trim my second trim type in the world and a few more diamonds gold and another trim but it was time to leave and roll credits and with that we’re home I did waste one extra rocket here but I really

Wanted to see everything from above for the first time I really love our two Villages and can’t wait to make this area beautiful I forgot an anvil on my trip to the end so I couldn’t add Unbreaking and mending book or name the freedom flies until I got back now I’m

In desperate need of rockets I have plenty of sugarcane from all my chores around the base over the first 50 days but it’s time to fly so I Ted some cats and built a very early game and super easy creeper Farm I’ll replace this literally next episode but I I knew I

Couldn’t build a better Farm today so this will have to make do yeah I’m poor still this design of dirt and mixed trap doors is my version of shabby Chic He Hey Hey I’m trying to make the best of every day in this world so I move the bamboo Farm to the top of the creeper farm so I could be afking both at once I also built a small tree farm platform at the AFK spot so the trees could grow while I

Waited when I tell people I used every moment I could in this world this is kind of what I mean I built a temporary Tree Farm in my AFK spot so I could mine logs while I got gunpowder I also paused every time I needed to think and not

Play I logged out of the world if I didn’t know what project was next I really maximized every minute of nearly 300 hours of playtime doubling and tripling up my afks in my downtime really helped while the farm worked I chopped and collected passing a couple

Of days this way and getting enough gun powder and wood to start thinking about my home this spot near spawn with the Cherry Grove is where I want to begin building I’ll have to clear quite a lot of the cherry out first and then replant that later so during the daytime I would

Take down the cherry trees and at night I’d fly up to the creeper farm and AFK that while chopping Spruce and dark oak up there early game chores never really stop so in between we have to check the iron farm feed the chickens and cows and

Work on villager trades I want my home to have some Quartz in it so I leveled up two stone masons and after reaching quartz I also used their initial brick trades to make some Decor the new flower pot should look nice near my front entry

I’ll use a bit of calide as well so I picked up more of that but no matter how much wood I chopped stone or kelite in mind or quartz I traded for the one constant about this build was it was way bigger than I anticipated I returned for

More materials again and again during construction I did Adventure a bit and found this Outpost but came up empty when looking for the armor trim gunpowder was looking great now though so I made some more Rockets it felt really good having enough rockets in the

World and be able to fly anywhere I want now let’s do some grinding work so we can build A Let’s pick it up from here my starter base as you saw in the thumbnail is going to be a six-story high Japanese pagota in dark oak and Cherrywood with a large Stone base and pink lanterns throughout it Olive spawn will actually be in East Asia themed area not all

Japanese though I’ll mix in some chinese vietnamese and Indonesian architecture as the series continues because it’s fairly different I think I’ll put Indian style builds in a separate area pagodas were originally reliquaries housing the Buddha’s ashes and evolving from a simple mound of dirt in the ground to

More of this Watchtower look my take on it here isn’t really a traditional pagota because of its even number of floors and modified roof sizing but it’s a bit of a fantasy flourish on the traditional design the stone base I’m working on now was a common way to hold

Up and solidify a central pillar of the pagota but I’m keeping it here because it’ll house my main storage area over the next few hundred days let’s get this Going By the time I was a couple of stories into the build it was day 85 and I was getting nervous about finishing I wanted to keep this within 100 days and I was pushing day and night to Finish the build night however means a lot of this to deal with

And that’s when we almost lost everything and there are all my materials lying on the ground sum are gone some are safe I quickly slept but it was too late the damage was done and now I’d be rushing even harder to get everything done within the time you

Can’t really see it very well on the clip but I put my shield up at the very last Split Second or that could have been much worse I still don’t have full prop four armor I decided to move everything indoors where it was a bit safer so after putting as much into the

Chest as I could I moved it quickly inside this whole interaction cost me a full day though as you can see the sun setting again while I work not only that but some materials were lost and I’d need to farm even more I added a front

Door and made the entry more secure and then got back to Work How long was that well a lot of iron piled up and I had to AFK a bit more gunpowder then a zombie horde chased me in the middle of the night but all I had left was to detail the build some window shutters and Frames the hanging lanterns

A bit of extra window cover and after inserting some glass and another final touches it’s looking pretty great up here and now for a bit of landscaping I’m going to bone meal these lilacs to get a bunch more and then surround the stone base with lilac and sugar cane I

Also added a water trench around the house in the base so I need to fill that with water as well and here’s how my home looks with just a bit of the early Landscaping done and my shaders turned on while I was working on this project I

Showed a few friends of mine how I was coming along and while the pagota design is mine based on work by others who’ve come before me one of my friends Dave the dime was helping me do some planning and suggested I put a couple of large Eastern dragon statues out front we

Built in creative and chatted for a couple hours and he built these amazing dragon statues and told me to use them so thanks to Dame for my houseing gift his link will be in the description as well and he had one of the longest hardcore worlds ever before recently

Starting over so you should check him out this is how far I got in just 100 days I completed the wool Farm the iron farm villager breeder 30 villager trading Hall killed the dragon built the creeper farm and my pagota plus the bases for these two statues let’s finish

It up and show it all off I’m now 108 days into this world I’m very excited for the world to come and hope you are too if you haven’t yet please remember to subscribe and give the video a like so others can see it let’s take a look at the final Build We left off here 100 days into my new Hardcore Minecraft world I have big PL setting up to day 200 but before we get started let me say thank you your response to episode 1 was overwhelming and your support really matters to me for context episode 1 had over 500,000

Views in the first couple of weeks it was live it was and still is my biggest video We Grew From around 5,000 subscribers to over 15,000 in just about a month I’m still grateful and very thankful for everyone’s support on this series so far and also yes my stream

Overlay is on I messed up ignore that it’ll go away my big plan for this episode is to build a huge flushing mob farm which will give me all the mob drops I could ever want but we aren’t ready for this yet I also want to build

This but you’ll have to wait until the end of the video to see it first let’s go to the nether I have so much to do I need a beacon so first I need wither skulls like that one actually let’s back up my plan for today’s episode is to

Leave the early game to me the early game is when you struggle with basic resources including food gunpowder sugarcan and blocks you haven’t quite broken free from the I can’t do this until I do that yet routine I ended last time with nearly no blocks some but very little gunpowder and the shortest

Generating session I’ve ever done in my life because I had no Rockets But Wings mean flight and flight means exploration exploration then opens up things like armor trims like this rib trim that I found while collecting skulls and Rib is actually my second favorite Trim in the

Game My favorite is silence the rarest and hardest to find trim it spawns in ancient cities but has just a 1% chance of spawning that can mean taking on four or five or even more cities to find it I’d be Ling if I said I wasn’t Keen to

Take on the ancient city I already found to test our luck and I know a lot of you are hoping I’ll do that today as well we have three skulls let’s quickly kill the Wither I will beat one in the open later but for now I just need this one dead a

Dead wither equals plenty of blocks and that’s our another star there after the Wither was dead I decided to take a quick but still somewhat unprepared look around the ancient city maybe I can get lucky here or dead probably one of the two as long as I’m quiet I won’t set off

Any shriekers though and we can spend a little while looking through the chest down here I also tried to clean away the shers where I safely could the deep dark without night vision is a scary unsafe place but if you’re careful you can find some pretty decent rewards in the second

Chest I found two enchanted golden apples and Swift sneak 2 what a great start but a you un eventful chest later I made my first mistake sitting here in complete darkness is terrifying even when you know it’s just the first trigger you can trigger three of these without any

Issues but on the fourth well run with the darkness effect over I moved on and immediately made another shrier angry now I have to be much more careful here so I took my time I made sure everything was overdone in Wool blocked everything that I possibly could in I’m

Not going to make any noise whatsoever I’m even going to go around these block it all in completely just like that I’m even going to go around the back here I’m going to block all of this in how the ancient city is practically made of wool at this

Point nope that’s my cue to leave how about we come back later when we’re actually prepared I reminds me remember the nearby Mansion yeah let’s grabb a totem real quick vexes are my least favorite mob but I find if I just find this guy in a

Room by himself I can just shoot a couple of times take them out if they get in the way kill the evoker and there’s my totem just a quick In-N-Out Mission I feel safer now oh yeah look who I found on the way home I only had two bones

From that skeleton back at the Mansion but well when it’s your best friend it only takes one right and now I can say welcome to 120 Loki if you don’t know Loki yet look at my channel Banner he’s a familiar friend in this empty new world what’s your favorite thing in

Minecraft don’t say fall damage don’t say fall damage okay one of my favorite things is end raing and last episode we didn’t have enough gunpowder to properly end raid so I hardly have any shulkers I want to organize my ender chest and be able to carry all the blocks for this

Farm so it’s time to head back to the end and do a proper end rating session [Applause] [Applause] n [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] A [Applause] [Applause] That feels better let’s go home I found six Spire armor trims all this gear diamonds gold extra elytra and plenty of shulkers I actually had plenty left after filling up my e chest as well okay I can’t stop thinking about this ancient city I hate that I’ve had to leave twice

Now let’s stop play it around and get properly prepared a few extended night vision potions a hoe tons of wool that should be all we need I’m also going to clean out as much of this ancient city stuff as I can so we can move freely

Around the city all right let’s do this WOW night vision actually makes it a lot easier to see who would have thought anyways I want to collect a lot of these skull bits for later and I’ll never say no to a free head with night vision it’s

Far easier to clean up the city and check the chest there’s a lot of chest down here let’s get into it well that’s one mistake it was hiding in this hallway over Here I think this is the last chest to check I’m not really sure oh yes we did it we got silence I’m done I’m happy I think we’ve checked everything in this city and came away with one of the two armor trims but it’s the best one we’ll have

To find Ward another time this part really aggravated a lot of people who thought I cheated this in the seat is in the description if you look where my staircase is down to the city though dig down you come out at the city and you need to make a choice you can rotate

Around it to the right or to the left the right is kind of in front of you and it makes sense to go that way left is back behind you and less obious vious to go so I went ahead of me and if you look at the seed the last chest has the

Silence trim there’s no cheating it was just dumb luck and it’s easy to see how and why I rotated that way when you’re actually in the city yourself also Ward took me five cities to get I don’t want to talk about it visible happiness it

Took us three trips down to the city but we came away with the best prize I’m so happy we have that now with wither skeletons end rating totem and ancient city Adventures out of the way it was time to get to work I need thousands of

Blocks to build with so let’s set up this Beacon with haste 2 and get to mining Okay that was kind of grindy I’m not ready for that yet Adventure break time [Applause] Nice W [Applause] I’m only building two Farms today and one is this small Honey Farm the honey will be used to align the mob farm drops in the water stream so they can go over each Hopper and fall in I’ve also been trading for Redstone killing spiders and trading bows for dispensers and then I

Head up to Nether for quartz where we found our first pieces of ancient debris this is the nx4 is simple Honey Farm I’m just doubling the size and yes I put it in spawn it’s both great at spawn and completely break when you put this farm

At spawn bottles get ejected out of it and then despawn because it’s loaded unfortunately that’s just the cost I’m going to pay for not wanting to Babys hit the farm for now before adding the bees to the farm I decided to breed up more to ensure every Hive had three bees

My pagoto was a temporary apiary for this once they’re all grown up and in their hives I finished the farm adding in the hives and opening the temporary blocks is actually quite satisfying as all the bees pop out at once during the day then it was just a little bit of

Redstone magic with the comparative fader clock and it was working for the third time today were back in the mines I was definitely making progress and it was pretty obvious that getting a beacon super early in this 100 days was a smart plan I can’t imagine collecting this

Many blocks that one but this time I’m just going to pretend I showed you the Montage is that cool yeah awesome our next side quest involves a swamp I need just one slime ball so I can make just one sticky piston unfortunately on this trip we found zero all night between

Nights I explored until I found where the farm will go this mushroom area is nice I can put it just offshore and then possibly put other Farms on the island itself to stay safe I also collected ice for the storage system and then went back out for the

Slime but again couldn’t find a single slime ball on a whole night on the third night however I got luckier must have been a new moon the first night or something well I got everything I need now sometimes we only focus on the winds and the smooth sailing but that’s not

All a hardcore world is sometimes you have a really good idea that well it turns out worse than if you had just never had the idea at all I thought it’d be a clever idea to start zombifying these villagers starting with my iron trades so I could get more out of the

Same iron this was not a smart idea I at the time I definitely thought I was onto something here I even remembered the name tag and then named the zombified Villager just in case yeah that didn’t help yeah this don’t don’t do this don’t sleep no okay that’s that’s going to be

A problem watch the subtitles zombie villager hurts yeah you see that flesh right there I didn’t I kept trading I kept playing I bought bows for dispensers he still hasn’t seen it wait for it wait wait for it watch me pause here now he’s seen it so yeah the uh

Daylight from yeah up there killed my zombie villager so my genius idea of capturing the random zombie turned out to kill my iron guy and now I just have two left not everything goes as smoothly as editing makes it look guess we’re turning that back on you know what now I

Want to go mining it’s simple it’s easy it’s I’m fine I I feel fine after a quick game of Chase with Loki everything is fine you know what let’s just build a mob Farm yeah yeah Yeah He Hey All 40 platforms are built the storage and roof are in place I just need to to finish up a little bit of redstone add the water buckets and storage filters and then set up the AFK spot I’m using tweo here to show you how this looks there’s 128 block radius bubble around

Me and this is the only place in the world that mobs can spawn the only thing that’s in this bubble is the farm itself and the storage and such is not spawnable so the only place that they can possibly spawn is on my platforms this is a quick time lapse look at what

It looks like when I’m standing up top at the AFK spot I don’t think we’re ever going to need mob drops again gunpowder bone meal string spider eye I could potentially add trap doors to make some of the platforms creeper only but for now I’ll leave it as a general mob farm

And here’s the loot pouring out it’s a very constant consistent stream of goodies being filtered and sorted let’s take one last look at this before we move on to our final project of the day we have seven stacks of gunpowder I was AFK for like 5 minutes okay that works

On my flight back down I saw these glow squid what’s that one more Sidetrack for the day sure well I guess I won’t be needing this Farm anymore removing old outdated Farms is just as important to me as building new and cool stuff I want to keep the

World especially spawn looking great and this ugly early game farm has to go now thank you for your service we’ll see you next time we’re on to our final build of the day which is going to be a floating island with a large Tory gate nether

Portal on it and a small pond on a lower level below that I want the gate to frame my pagota but also have a purpose it also gives us an excuse to build a few custom cherry trees and branches the island is a stone Cobblestone and andesite base which looks like it starts

Too low here but it’s a fairly large island then I went into a creative test world to build several Tory Gates this is a smaller concept for a similar design but I went with one much larger than this in the end and that meant more mining I want this island to be

Completely spawn proof inside and out so I lit up as I went and progress came quickly I reshaped a few times but ultimately we’re just kind of making a couple of cones here this dirt you can see at the top is the start of a pond will’ll make and then the grass layer

Above will be the relaxing Garden area that we’ll create around that I then added some water for the pond before adding a solid layer to both sides the top as you can see is very nearly the same level as my front entry and this is exactly what I wanted the build is

Starting to look half decent shall We So this is how it’s looking from my front door and this is how it’s looking from the Tory gate I’d say that’s pretty great the next thing I want to do is create a custom design Banner for the gate I don’t know that I’ve ever used a

Loom for this kind of thing before so I had to find a design that I liked on Planet Minecraft it was from an anonymous User it’s a pink and white banner and to me it looked like movement so I thought it suited the portal as we’ll use this portal to move around the

World then I could just fly over and stick it on there and then two more there two more there then I just have to do the other side there there and there and when the portal and pawn done it’s time to decorate we’re nearing 200 days

In the world and I want to finish this Up This portal is going to be great but I’m not letting it connect to our crappy old Basalt Delta portal someone thought I lived in this biome on Purpose By the way yikes again things aren’t always smooth sometimes editing just just helps it seem that way if I’d cut out this

Lava flow you’d think getting to the roof was easy it wasn’t eventually I made my way up to the Bedrock and cleared out a small room I need to find a block at y 126 or 127 though I strongly prefer 127 again this took a few minutes of looking but let’s skip

The hard part this block here is at 127 so let’s get onto the nether roof One Quick Ladder then a pearl easy now we’re on the roof I hope I remembered flint and steel this is our return portal to the Tory gate let’s light this up and

Then blow a hole in the nether roof so we can get back and forth between the roof and the lower nether easily I use a very simple Bedrock Breaker it’s two obsidian two Pistons two TNT one dust one trapo and one lever that’s all to

Use it I rebind my right click to the B button this is an easy way to place the Piston that makes this all work so then I just flip the lever duck under the trapo then aim here against the obsidian hold B and boom just like that we have a

Hole in the ne roof once again sorry bedrock from there it’s time to light the Overworld portals and I said portals because technically there are two in the finished design back to the nether through the original portal and then back home through the new portal we pop

Out at the Tory gate Island back through just a test and we’re on the roof perfect now that we’re on the nether roof there’s one more thing I want to do go back to the stronghold quickly I hate this drop now I can build a nether portal in the end portal room

That should connect here to this new roof portal and just like that I have very quick access to the end I’m super happy with this so far but we can take it a step further let’s add a custom cherry on each side and one disconnected Branch kind of sitting over the top to

Frame the Portal If you want to improve your own custom trees I’ve added a link in the description to a new tutorial by one of my friends he’s a very serious Builder and much better than I am at this so check him out let’s finish off the build by improving our front path a few pots

Some cherry saplings and pink pedals lining the path should help after a few more adjustments to the leaves to make the shape nicer and a bit airier this is where we’re at so today we got wither skeleton and skulls killed a Wither for a beacon raided the ancient city found

The ribbon silence trim got our first totem found and brought Loki home end raided sorted and color coded our Ender Chest built the Honey Farm built the quad flushing mob farm and the floating island togate portal and this is where I thought I was done but I’m not done it’s the trees I

Hate them after looking at the trees looking at Mr Matt Ranger’s tutorial looking at the trees again I can’t leave it this way I hate them I was done editing the episode already but let’s do this right okay those are much much better I’m glad I fixed that the first 200 days

In this world were pretty good but today we’re going to crank up the pace and go full speed it’s time to get op and that starts the farm week so today I’m not going to build two three or even five Farms but over 10 incredible Farms to

Take this world to another level and many of those Farms will be on or near this Mushroom Island our Asian City build requires way more blocks to build with and I need fast ways to gather tens of thousands of materials so I waste a lot of time waiting around let’s talk

About the main projects for today and if we get through all of these we’ll just keep going until we hit day 300 I do want to stop uploading only 100 days updates in this world but let’s do it one more time let’s start with a tree farm obviously we’re going to need

Thousands of a spruce Acacia cherry oak and other logs to grow the world and then next is a wither skeleton Farm beacons can help you play faster and also stay safe I have mending on all my gear but no good XP farm yet so a guardian Farm will solve that problem

And while we’re building the tree farm we might as well build a quick nether plants Farm the fungi will act as a sapling for the nether trees later on similarly while we’re getting wither skulls from our Wither Skeleton Farm let’s make it a goal to collect a full

Stack of beans today killing Withers also lets me quickly knock out a Wither Rose farm that we can use for black dye and kill Chambers and other Farms then I want three block generators a fast Cobblestone Stone and basalt generator should help a lot as promised it’s Farm

Week I’m excited to get into it but before I do I want to tell you about a challenge I’m going to set for you as well this is our dragon egg the only one in the world but in the coming episodes I’m going to create a gravity block

Duper to clone this dragon egg 100,000 times with your support we’ll use these eggs to empty an ocean monument and each new subscriber to the channel will add an egg to the monument Drop Zone once we reach 100,000 subscribers will release all the eggs together draining the water

From the monument but for today this is our to-do list I’m going to prepare shulkers for reach build and get started feature right here this is not our whole to-do list I had a bit of time at the end so we’re going to also add a slime

Farm lava farm and a few small projects before this 100 days is up a lot of today’s Farms are by in x04 so I’ll link his channel in the description in builds some amazing early game and even midgame farms and when I start getting into later game builds I’ll have to go away

From having a majority of the Y’s Farms but for now they’re exactly what I need the first Farm I want to build is one of the in this tree farm handles almost every type of tree in Minecraft as well as both mushrooms and both nether trees

I don’t have a lot of random stuff sitting around those so whenever I need a specific item like Crimson nyum I just head into The Nether and grab it and I NAB this advancement as well that’s the tree farm materials done so let’s just add them to the wall like this so I

Remember next I prepared the Wither Rose farm this is a simple enough little machine but I did need to collect a couple stacks of pumpkins for snow golems and while out searching for those I stumbled over this jungle temple behind our Woodland Mansion for some reason my luck with these temples is

Awful I almost always run into a creeper or two or a couple skeletons hiding in the lower level today I was lucky and saw no enemies at all though the first chest rewarded me with two armor trims and some diamonds back at home now and I also have this new Snow Golem friend

He’s going to help us collect the four stacks of snow blocks I need for the Wither Rose farm I don’t know if this counts as a snow Farm but maybe a few Redstone components later and now we have our wither Rose farm ready to be built I grabbed a lot of cobwebs here

But when I got to build the wither skeleton Farm they were all gone except one I wish I knew how I lost those anyways I ran into a trident throwing drown and tried to get it off him but he took it to his grave so I’ll have to do

This again later my distractions continued as I brushed the suspicious gravel and found some pottery shirs and yes no matter how many times you tell me sh sounds like the wrong word I also saw this cool underwater Lush cave and flew down in it I’m glad I did I was able to

Snag this yellow Axel first eventually and then by flying straight up out of the cave and straight back down into it I was able to collect the pink brown and light blue axle as well and as I was leaving the area I saw this drown stuck inside a building I took his

Trident from him those are very productive distraction but after bringing our new friends home it was time to finish this prep work we have a lot to do today so it was seagrass for turtle breeding and then turtle eggs for the Wither Skeleton Farm a bit of obsidian for portals and a makeshift

Enderman Farm to repair tools scaffolding for the guardian Farm etc etc etc blah blah blah I collected collected collected collected this is all 10 shulkers materials I need for every Farm on our original to-do list let’s build some Farms that’ll be nether plants here Tree Farm here Stone and

Okay officially Farm Number One Is The n4’s Versatile Tree Farm I’m building a lot of these Farms on this small Mushroom Island I found last episode because it’s a safe place to run the Farms without much harassment you ready The tree farm is done and I need to keep moving the nether plants Farm design is by never mind flame and is a very simple two-sided piston design with a dispenser under the farm bone meing the ground in this case the only two blocks we care

About at bone mealing will be a crimson and warped nyum block above resulting in only nether PL plants being created this is a very fast farm and produces nearly enough excess and waste materials to keep running indefinitely let’s Kickstart that as you can see this Farm

Is very fast and very productive we can compost the roots and keep more than a half stack of both crimson and warped fungi for our trees later with both of those Farms done let’s at least run the tree farm and test that out as well our

Bone meal is very close we can just grab some of this fly it back over and then transform that into bone meal should go in the chest right here one more trip to the mob farm and we can take some of the bone meal and put it in the ne plants

Chest as well I chose Cherry for the test because obviously living in a cherry biome means I’m going to want to use more of it but also the rates for Cherry are very good so just for any wood block that we’ll need for things like chest this is a great way to go

This is the duper working up top and blowing up all the cherry trees at the bottom it’s not the most efficient on bone meal for Cherry but the rates are just really good so we’ll sacrifice a little bone meal for fast logs like with Oak you can sometimes take a little tick

Of damage with cherry though which is scary it doesn’t hurt but it’s just enough to remind you that you’re using a TNT duper and if it goes wrong you’re back to punching trees on day one okay let’s finish up the test quick now three stacks of logs in about 2 minutes seems

To be working pretty well next up is our Stone generator I know some people smelt Cobble for their Stone but I don’t have a mega smelter yet and it feels like a waste of resources to smelt Cobble when I can make almost as much Stone just as

Fast with this small little machine I’ll definitely need a beacon to make this fast but my plan is to get a whole stack of beacons today so this will work this is a double generator so once I have a beacon I can clear out one side of my

Efficiency 5 silk touch pick and then the Redstone will push me back over to the other side so I can clear that one out back and forth I’ll go with lava and water remaking the stone and the machine itself doing all the work the red stone

Itself is a very simple setup with a couple of repeaters fing alternating Pistons to move me back and forth between those two lines of stone with the generator already built I need to position myself between the Pistons and you can see how this will work when I’m

Mining one line of stone the other’s being created with the lava and the water then I get push back over the other add three Farms done and way more to go so let’s get into the cobblestone generator next I’m going to keep this one super close to the tree farm and the

Stone generator so that no matter which one of those two I’m running I can always be running this Cobblestone farm at the same time this design is by Martin deink and uses TNT timing to work the water logged leaves in lava will form Cobblestone and that Cobblestone

Will be blown up instantly by the TNT inside the blast chamber because everything is water loged nothing gets destroyed except for the Cobblestone which is super handy this cobblestone generator will produce up to 880,000 Cobble per hour which is insanely fast there are faster machines but none that

Are this cheap or easy to Build Okay let’s turn it on inside the blast chamber you can see what I was talking about the Cobble gets formed between the water and lava and is instantly destroyed it then flows out of the blast chamber and into our collection system later in the series I plan a shulker

Load these but right now I don’t have enough spare shulkers and no shulker farm so yeah for now it just goes into these chests okay I moved everything out of the storage let’s run a quick proper test this sounds so weird when you speed it up 1500% okay quick five minute test later

And we ended up with over 3,000 Cobble in just the first three chests the math checks out on the system we’re getting about 880,000 per hour before I leave the island I thought I should run some Oak through the tree farm and get a bit more wood the island is looking much

Better from up here now it’s become our little industrial district with four very powerful very fast Farms all in one small area was four farms in 10 minutes fast enough for you we’re just getting started I may or may not dislike doing the guardian Farm but that’s up next I

Love the results and this Farm is one of the most over-the-top fastest ways to get XP in all of Minecraft but first I have to kill the Elder Guardians it’s hard to see what I’m doing here but I’m placing TNT on the monument a piece of

Sand on that and then igniting the TNT and of course trying not to Die the sand will fall into the TNT and that makes it do blast damage to the monument I need three holes in the structure to get in and start killing the elders one is

Always on the very top of the monument while the other two are floating around in the left and right Wings I’m very glad now that I found this trident earlier it was very helpful in getting St started however without impaling it’s not very good at killing anything eventually I knocked this top Elder

Guardian completely through the wall which was helpful and once he was out it only took about 87 more throws to kill him yep we’re going to need impaling impaling five is one of the worst trades to have to roll for villagers and all of Minecraft however the Trident already

Had loyalty so I wasn’t trying to roll it and I only have one eventually I did manage to get impaling but it cost 64 after the time spent doing this I’m going to enjoy making a zombie bite this guy later the impaling does help however I killed the second Elder Guardian here

Quickly and moved on to the last he was surrounded by bodyguards so I did what you shouldn’t spam so many doors that doors versus Wheels debate is now over it’s doors from my safe little corner back here I was able to basically just play with this guy’s feelings and smack

Him around a bit and in the end The Monument’s now clear now it’s time to build this farm and fight off Guardians the worst part of building this Farm is easily the first 15 minutes after that you get a little platform some blocks to move around on and way easier ways of

Fighting off the Guardians until then though this is torturous I did manage to get the corner and a torch on the scaffolding that would signify that we’ve begun the farm this Farm works by putting our AFK spot in a position that’s out of Spawn range for most of

The monument will cover the rest in Soul Sand creating bubble columns and those bubbles will force the Guardians up through the scaffolding where they’ll bounce around into large Nether Portals from there they’re transported to the nether for a 15-second cooldown period at which point the gates open up and

They’re transported back to me at the Overworld they’ll end up on top where I’ll be standing near the Kill Chamber one swing of my sword later and the process will repeat Guardians drop nearly the biggest XP orbs behind the Ender Dragon wither and ravagers with those three not easily farmable and that

Makes this one of the fastest XP Farms you can possibly make let’s get into It Yeah On Yeah With the Soul Sand in place the farm is now done the Guardians will mostly spawn in the Soul Sand area get transported to the nether then to me and we’ll see them come through above because the gate holds them back they come through in these huge waves okay this is the fun

Part now watch my XP level when I give them a bit of a smack I’m going to start on level 16 I swung one time don’t forget that it’s still going yep 28 29 let’s keep going 30 yep it’s still going remember I swung one

Time and 34 there we go okay let’s go again load him in take him out now that I have the farm it’s easy to forget the pain of building it let’s use it just a little bit and forget a little bit more okay that was great yes I see my

Level don’t at me I think we can safely move on to the next Farm before we do the next dangerous thing which is the Wither Skeleton Farm let’s do the safe and easy thing which is a quick BT generator I’m making this in the nether because lava flows faster here so this

Farm Works faster in the nether than in the Overworld this Farm is very similar to the stone generator and that I’m creating two sides and I can easily mine both quickly once I get a beacon set up here while a really fast TNT Basalt Farm can produce upwards of 70 or 880,000

Basalt per hour this small and way easier to build version produces nearly 50,000 that’s likely more than I’ll ever need and because I know some of you are wondering this black texture is my Bedrock ceiling and I’m using using vanilla tweaks as my texture pack I’m

Setting this up close to my home portal as it’s not location based and we can use it whenever we need the hopper mine carts here will get buried in Sol soil and then one lava bucket on each side and then blue ice on top will finish our generation Chambers the lava flows out

And as it tries to flow between the soul soil and blue ice it’ll create Basalt then similar to before I can just place myself up against this and mine out all the bassal that I want this would work with the Piston Pusher on both sides like the stone generator I may add that

Later after digging some very long tunnels I found an escape from my Basalt Delta here over 300 blocks from spawn with this Freedom it’s time to find a suitable Fortress for our Wither Skeleton Farm also found this Bastion but I’m not dealing with that today oh

Watch this smooth kill I like that that was nice okay let’s see what we have in our nether no no no definitely no no close this is the best we have I think it’s not the perfect spot but it’s going to have to do I’ve been all over my Nether and I

Can’t find a better spot it’s not 100 blocks from any other biome but it’s close and if IED use this High middle area I should have a fairly decent time building it my plan is just to get myself to the roof break a hole and use

This to get back and forth as you probably know by now I don’t like the lower nether very much and the less time I can spend here the better I use the same Bedrock Breaker here that I did when we originally came to the roof it’s

Simple I trust it and it hasn’t blown me up yet the one thing that wasn’t yet in my shelters for this Farm was Nether Bricks I always assume I’ll get it from tearing down a piece of the Fortress I use but in this case that’s not an

Option I’m using almost the highest part of The Fortress in a very closed in area and it wasn’t a great idea to stay there any longer than necessary so I mined a bunch of Netherrack smelted it with lava and tried to get as much as I could that

Way however that’s slow very very slow in the end I went back to the original Fortress and spent a fair amount of time clearing all the bricks I could gather that was faster still tedious but in the end a combination of both methods got me all the bricks I needed and we’re back

Okay I love I x4’s Wither Skeleton Farm I really do it requires no spawn proofing it can be completed pretty quickly and with the reason it’s not overly difficult to do however the nether is my weakness in Minecraft I hate being here most of my deaths in

Minecraft have come in the nether my last hardcore death was in the nether I rarely die in the end I rarely die in the Overworld so despite how amazing this Farm is I really don’t like building it this is also one of the very few Farms that I’ll make in the entire

Series that has to be built below the nether roof so once we’re finished with this I’m only coming back for bastions Fortress raiding and netherite Mining I’m aware my chests are in the wrong spot by the way I’ll fix it later let’s get this done He he hey he he He He B b hey b hey b hey So yeah somehow I lost the cobwebs I had earlier I needed to use this nearby Mesa and desert to get more and along the way I found this really cool Pond and had to grab some coordinates for that I could see coming back to this later distraction is side finding cobwebs and

A is a fairly simple thing so I grabbed a bunch more and headed back to finish up the Wither Skeleton Farm those go here here and here and then we’re back and on the nether side we’re basically done I changed out Ian’s design here for an iron door because this is Hardcore

And I don’t want an angry piglin knocking down that wood one and now we just wait and once we see that first Wither Skeleton come through we know the farm is working this obviously isn’t the world’s fastest Wither Skeleton Farm but it does the job and allows me to safely

Get skulls I also used it to repair my tools get some coal and bones for other projects and from the the replay file you can see what’s happening below blazes wither skeletons and zombified piglins spawn on the Fortress area that I built the blazes just kind of sit

There the zombified piglins run to the turtle EGS in the corners and the with the skeletons attempt to fight the Iron Golem and they run through the nether portal that sends them to the Overworld bridge and then entity cramming pushes them down the ramp until they come

Through the other portal and back up to me where I can kill them after just a little while there’s our first stack with the skulls and another modification I made to this Farm is to add an armor stand into the corner of the Kill Chamber this means all I have to do is

Aim at that swing at that and hit everything in the Kill Chamber at once it’s a really simple fix and makes actually hitting the wither skeletons much simpler and more consistent and now I have three stacks of skulls which is what I needed before leaving the nether

I dropped down our new Bedrock hole and collected some Soul Sand to make the wither bodies I need four stacks of Soul Sand just for Withers and I wanted a little bit extra for bubble columns and other projects this is one of the most fun parts of today’s work I’m going to

Build a Wither Rose farm get 10 stacks of Wither roses to start and then we’re going to kill 63 more Withers and collect a full stack of nether stars and make that into a full stack of beacons as wither Rose farm like many of today’s projects was was designed by en x04 in

The old days of Minecraft You’ use a dispenser to fire a few chests of eggs into a Kill Chamber poison the chickens down to a half heart of health and then summon the wither his explosion would kill them all and give you the Roses but it was timec consuming expensive boring

And not much fun ins solution uses sheared Snow Golems to give the withers infinite targets to kill for some roses the snow and pumpkins are both recycled and as long as the withers is occasionally killing something it won’t suffocate in the end portal you can do this indefinitely and with other people

Helping I’ve done more than two shulkers of roses at once before I can come back do the skin later so for today I just collected 10 Stacks that’s still a fair few for a farm I’ll make soon we’ll need at least one and a half stacks and this

Gives me black dye as well once I collect the Roses I can kill this wither off and while doing so I realize that my sharpness sword really stinks for killing Withers it’s time to grind build the wither wait for the explosion come back in and kill it sharpness is

Painfully slow with this okay I’ll be right back so after buying an enchanted diamond sword I immediately disenchanted it but then I bought sweeping Edge looting three Unbreaking three Smite 5 and mending all of our Wither Skeleton killing has me over level 100 so I think

I’ll be fine to just do this here perfect I’m back to level 63 but we have a much better Smite five sword now let’s kill some Stuff 64 Withers down 64 nether stars and 64 beacons that need to be crafted I don’t think I’ve ever had a whole stack of beacons in hardcore before leaving the end I mind some extra obsidian for those beacons and this is where we’re at the 64 beacons were the last thing on our

List so let’s craft those up now I have all the materials we can do that just like that this is indeed a lot of beacons and no I don’t know why I like throwing things around so much okay let’s update our to-do list that’s done done done done done and

Done done done and done and of course we needed a couple of those beacons immediately one was for the stone generator here let’s get haste two on this and I’ll run the Cobble Farm while we mine a little bit of stone so I can properly show you how this works paast

Two is an amazing thing this Farm is incredible and we can push F3 and T to do it handsfree using this while running the Cobblestone Farm is very overpowered either one by itself is pretty great but together they make over 130,000 building blocks per hour anyways back to the

Guardian farm for a little bit of tool repair elytra repair and let’s hit this for a little while I’m now 270 days into the world I completed all the projects on our to-do list but I really want to see how far I could get by day 300 in

This episode so I’ve decided to keep going I saw a really great slime farm design on an MD video and when I tested it in Creative the rates were way better than advertised I figured we need slime for things like the raid Farm lots of Redstone projects and I really hate

Collecting it by hand so why not put together this farm and see how we go before the 300 days is up I’m also going to attempt to complete a small lava Farm cocoa bean farm nanoc crop farm and reach level 100 again this Farm is by

San dragon and is meant to produce 7,000 slime balls per hour on average and 12,000 on a full moon with basically zero digging except the collection area no slime chunks no perimeters just a good siiz section of flat swamp a couple of Spawn platforms full of mushrooms and

A very large roof that I believe carries most of the Farm’s efficiency as this Farm is very intense this design is very similar to Il Mango’s mushroom based farm and doesn’t use looting like an x4’s Farm but the rates of this Farm absolutely destroy those two farms in

Fact after seeing this farm work in my opinion slime chunk and dig based Farms are dead to me I’ve talked it up enough let’s get this built on the first night I found some areas to spawn proof and saw lots of mobs spawning around the farm so I lit up

Some areas and cleared away the land where I could and the rates noticeably improved when I say noticeably I’ve never seen a single Dimension slime farm go this hard the next night I collected hundreds of slime in just 10 minutes then I properly afked the farm here let

Me turn the lights on for you have you ever seen a simple Farm do anything like this I collected more than a double chest in under 15 minutes that’s way more than the 12,000 and it wasn’t even a full moonight 177,000 is more than double the expected output so I checked

To again in creative on a new instance had a friend test as well 120 is broken slime farm somehow well I’m not telling anyone the next Farm on my list is a very small very easy Farm to build and run it’s an nanoc crop farm and while it

May look silly small and worthless let me explain this nanoc crop Farm will allow me to farm wheat wheat seeds carrots and potatoes very very quickly producing thousands of any of those crops per hour let’s turn it on and I’ll show you how it works the dispensers are

Constantly bone mealing the ground but only use up bone meal when there’s a plant there when the Piston’s extended the light level goes up and allows me to plant a carrot when the Piston retracts the light level hits zero so the crop pops off but not before it’s bone meal a

Bunch of times so it’s instantly grown my tools are looking kind of worn out now boy I’m glad we have this farm right here to help with this now at the end of a guardian killing session I usually leave some extra XP behind it won’t despawn so I can often fully repair

Without killing a single Guardian although here they come now you remember when I was on level 100 before I made that Smite sword I liked that let’s do that again should I leave us on 99 nah with that done I went back to my stronghold unblocked the door and found the library

I picked up a few armor trims in here I think they’re 100% guaranteed anyways I turned the corner to head back the other way and found another library and two more trims I know I already showed the egg back at home as a spoiler earlier but

While I was in the stronghold I decided to go home using the end portal saw the egg that’s when I decided on our plans so remember for every subscriber this channel gets I’m going to be adding one egg to a drop zone above an ocean Monument when we get to 100,000 I’m

Dropping all the eggs at once onto the monument which will drain all the water and then we’re going to do a really fast op Guardian farm and a crazy build I Can’t Believe It’s Not day 300 yet let’s do two more farms and get out of here

This next project is one people love to hate but I love to love it it’s a lava Farm which is the base of my lava powered super smelter you can check out that tutorial it’s on my channel anyways people hate this because you can just go

To the nether for lava that’s true but it’s a waste of time and it’s way more d dangerous than it has to be this Farm will fill up while I’m doing other projects need Cobblestone collect 50 lava buckets need Stone collect 50 lava buckets it’s really just that easy and

You can collect a double chest in under a minute no Fire Res no nether no spamming buckets into a lava lake and lava’s super useful it’s great smelter fuel it’s part of half the Farms we built today including the stone Cobblestone and balt generator we need

Lava for future Farms as well and it’s renewable unlike this lava lake or the ones in the nether so whether you love this or not I’m going to always have a lava Farm in my hardcore world it’s okay to be wrong if if you don’t like it

Though once each strip Stone has a lavas saurus above it we can turn it on and collect what we’ve accumulated just by building the farm the way the Redstone works is simple a bucket goes into the hopper and activates the comparator that fires The Dropper to my right which

Spits out a new bucket so I’ll constantly have the same number of buckets no matter how much lava I collect okay on to the last farm for today I think this is a cocoa bean Farm I’m starting to think about dyes and colors we’ll need I’m going to use

Plenty of woods and wood types in our Asian City at spawn so Brown is one of those colors I was lucky enough to run across this exceptional cocoa bean Farm by Etho it produces over 20,000 cocoa beans per hour I have no idea what I would do with 20,000 cocoa beans so

Let’s just say it produces enough for forever it does use that bone meal as well so this will need a proper source of bone meal before this series is done the mob farm is okay but it’s not this good a single minute later I have almost

400 beans yep that works to finish up today I put a nether portal on the roof for the Mushroom Island so we can get back and forth quickly I added the beacon to the basalt Farm as well and ran that it produces so much balt and I

Only have a double chest on this for now so I don’t want to go overboard and after quickly repairing my bow I was finally done that was a tree Stone Cobble Basalt Guardian wither Skelly with a rose slime nanoc crop Farm lava and cocoa bean Farm aelott Trident 10

Stack roses 64 beacons level 100 twice and new armor trims in one episode I’m tired now goodbye after the first episode of this hardcore series moyang developers were so concerned with villagers being overpowered that they called me directly to tell me they’re making an experimental change in 1.2.2

To completely Nerf villagers so that now I can’t exploit them for everything the game has to offer I admittedly was sad but also a bit angry how dare they take away my precious easy resources and make my job 2% harder to retaliate I told them I’m going to build the biggest best

Villager Hall I’ve ever had and while I’m at it I’m going to make it the best looking thing I’ve ever created in Minecraft so that’s what we’re doing today making up fake stories that never happened and building a villager hall right here I’m also going to need to

Trade some of those precious emeralds for Redstone so let’s collect some resources to trade the block pallet for most of my fantasy Asian spawn is going to be made up of four main blocks Cobble deep slate red concrete dark oak and a white block which will be sometimes

Quartz and other times Alternatives like calite and white concrete not a single one of those blocks is easy to get who thought this was a good idea for a pallet Cobble deep slate comes from mining or blowing up deep slate and it’s not insta minable so you can’t just take

A pickaxe to y30 and go crazy on it like you can’t Stone concrete is made of sand gravel and dye and then converted from a powdered form into the solid block this is doable but requires a couple of Farms or a lot of hours dark oak is the worst

And hardest tree type to obtain in Minecraft even Mangrove is easier good fast Mangrove Farms do exist but in my research I found that only two dark oak Farms are the most widely used one is a complicated technical farm and the other is a slower but acceptable TNT based

Tree Farm that’s about two times faster than just mining with your ax yikes but before we’re done today I’ll show you a solution I promise you’ve never seen before and I don’t need just a few of these materials the trading Hall will be the biggest build in this world so far

After a lot of work research and planning I think we can do this so let’s get into it Cobble deep slate is first on our list to the average Minecraft player getting thousands of Cobble deep slate just means going mining for hours fortunately and probably much like you

I’m not the average Minecrafter we’re going to collect Cobble deep slate by building a two- wide tunnel boore and running that until we can create the room needed to build a 12 wide tunnel boore if you don’t know a tunnel Bo is a TNT throwing machine that essentially

Blows up almost everything in its path and then moves itself forward to repeat the process blowing everything up includes deep slate which drops his Cobble deep slate and that’s what we need running the tunnel bo low in the world at y52 also means we’ll collect plenty of diamonds which we certainly

Need for armor trims later on if you’re wondering what I’m doing and what relevance it has let me catch you up on the video I’m collecting a few shroom lights for tunnel boes I’m also collecting the bone milter on the tree farm so I can get more shroom lights

From Crimson fungi for other boars later now I need ancient debris because it’s blast proof and movable which is something unique to ancient debris and what makes this boar possible the TNT the boar throws lands on top of the flat surface on the debris and explodes but

Won’t take the debris out with it I would love to say I simply came to the nether mined around for a little bit and got what we needed but that would be a lie I was down here for an incredibly long time for just six pieces of debris

And we’re going to need 36 total later that’s unfortunate time does heal all wounds so after a longer than expected trip we had everything assembled to build the BS this tunnel board design is by Boron whose designs I’ve used in the past and will use again in the future

And it’s of course in the description below a tunnel Bo is essentially a TNT duper attached to a stop start flying machine I press the magic button which is a note block TNT shoots out goes boom and we collect the resources before doing it again I didn’t make this room

Large enough so I had to expand it twice to fit in the first two BS see the shroom lights ancient debris Coral fans the Redstone bits it’s all making sense now right we’re getting back to the back now and yes I have to expand the room

Once again but the BS are basically done I just need to connect them together in the back so they move as a pair and then I’ll build the firing mechanism which runs down the left side like this and then with this that one of these and that right there I’m done let’s Prime

The system for the first time back here break that and we’re ready to The [Applause] The first two boards are now done running so I can take these pieces to be reused again later you do have to kind of take the TNT out first the whole thing will go boom on you and this is Hardcore boom when it’s on you is bad

The tunnel we created is now over 90 blocks long which is enough to create room for the larger boore the double boar is very useful and you can easily get away with just this but then you’d have to run it for a very long time The

Wider boore is a more efficient one and once it’s built it can save you hundreds of hours it’s also just way cool to run a lot of those at once eventually I’ll triple the length of the board but that’s not a today kind of project while

Repairing tools I also moov to full in enchanting set up to the guardian Farm where it’s useful I do a lot of quality of life improvements off camera like expanding the storage on the iron and sheep farms Stone generator and other small projects like Gathering dyes or trading iron unfortunately some people

Watching this aren’t watching the tunnel boore don’t care about the Villager Hall and have no idea what Farms I made last episode they’re watching my experience bar my tool Health how many Rockets I have this montage is how I got from Level 102 to level 43 and I have to

Include it okay I’m actually going to mute this conversation because I’m not sure how I feel about this anymore in the original episode I mention a specific YouTuber who was caught actually cheating in their hardcore world and the more I thought about it the less I cared what they do so let’s

Just move on from it after digging deep slate to create room for the first double boore I needed to expand this room but there’s no way I was digging any more deep slate than I had to so I blew up a lot of the remaining area and

Just cleaned up the edges to make it look nicer who mines in Minecraft really yeah that was Karma I need to go mining for ancient debris now dang it mining long chunk borders is the way to go I could show you another hour of netherite mining or we could just go build tunnel

Boards this is what we got from that mining session though you know you went on a real mining trip when you have to craft the quartz and many stacks of blocks running the tree farm for shroom lights was next I need quite a few shroom lights so I had time to think and

While I was here I realized that getting Crimson meant I could fix the dragons at home since I built them I’ve wanted to change out the warp scales for crimson and you all agreed in the comments to that video it’s been a couple of weeks and I haven’t had extra Crimson wood but

Now I do so let’s get this changed over look at me running the Cobble J at the same time smart I love these dragons but the warp just never looked right here it looks fantastic with the Cobblestone and indesite by itself but with the cherry trees the pink pagota it was just the

Wrong choice but sometimes things aren’t perfect the first time and that’s okay I considered using Cherrywood or a dark oak type but the Crimson looked the best and gave it a sense of power it was very dark red not light and friendly like the pink let’s get this swapped out and you

Can tell me do you like the Crimson more I really do there we go whole new entrance this shulker is now full of everything we need let’s get back to boore building these are the same borin designs that I used earlier just rotated in the hole so now we’re going the other

Direction I looked on the surface for mountains in our way and there aren’t many at least not for a few thousand blocks so hopefully we don’t run into too many ancient cities all right let’s activate this here break that and we’re ready yep 12 of these definitely is more

Impressive than two as I collect all the Cobble deep slate and fix up the floors you’ll see that this is easily going to get us the Deep slate we need for our build later let’s run it again between each button press I do have to collect the materials remove any gravel or water

And in this case remove lava so I can run past it easier what if we ran it like 10 more times one good thing about this is we’re going to get a lot more than just deep slate I’ll get diamonds gold lapis and especially this Redstone

Okay now I can get all the Deep slate I want the visual Learners this is the pallet we’re using here let’s move on to the concrete our next project is a gravity block duper and for that I want to find a second stronghold so I flew

About 800 blocks away from home in an alternate direction to the current stronghold let’s follow these eyes strongholds generate in rings around spawn with the first ring including those between, 1300 and 2800 blocks away from 0 strongholds are also roughly onethird the way around the ring from

Each other so if you know one is directly north the other two in the same ring are Southeast and Southwest if one is directly east your other two are Northwest and Southwest make sense once the eye went down we do what we do and dug into the stronghold and after

Finding the portal room I blocked myself in here completely this is delicate machinery and I don’t need random mobs in this room the reason I’m using a second stronghold is because I would love to decorate our main stronghold entry and have an easy way in and out

This one’s going to be a bit janky and full of machinery and won’t look nice I need to set up a nether portal here for a chunk loader as well as easy access in and out of the room I’ll light it but I can’t go through yet or it’ll take me to

The lower nether so I went home built the portal on the roof at the right location and this should take me back to the stronghold next we light up the portal this Frame won’t exist for long so I better use that first and with that Lit I can now delete the portal frame

Itself by using red mushrooms this is one of the funniest and strangest things in Minecraft but a red mushroom will simply replace the portal frame when it grows if you do this in the wrong spot it’ll actually delete the portal itself removing it forever okay check this out

I grew a red mushroom and when I remove the mushroom the frame is gone if I do this again and again you’ll see it take the other sides off and leave us with just a floating portal which is what I need once this fourth side is removed we

Need to expand the room to fit the gravity block duper inside it the design I’m using is Scorpio 72,000 per hour duper the name means that it does dup almost all gravity affected blocks in Minecraft and that includes sand red sand gravel all the concrete powders and anvils this particular design does not

Dup dragon eggs and sadly we’ll need another design for that which I plan to put together soon I know a reasonably large portion of players don’t like this duping mechanic but as I said in episode one this series is all about getting ridiculously overpowered using any means achievable in vanilla Minecraft we dupe

We exploit we’re breaking the heck out of the game that’s not always how I play but that’s how this series is going to be played we’re going to be ridiculously rich and overpowered in Minecraft able to do any projects we want in a reasonable time that being said

Mechanics like duping are not always allowed on servers so if you’re playing with others make sure you’re allowed to build something like this before you do it this nether Contraption is a chunk loader when it’s turned on I can leave the area and the chunks will stay loaded

Enabling me to be in the end at the collection system while running the Overworld block duper this is required for a lot of two- Dimension farms in single player as well as a lot of storage systems so they don’t get unloaded while they’re working let’s head back to the stronghold with the

Overworld side of the farm done it’s time to work on item collection the inside of the farm is essentially just that item collection the duped blocks will get shot out of the center of the obsidian platform and I want them to hit a block fall down onto a sign and

That’ll break the item and then put it into a water stream that takes them into a set of chests it’s a pretty simple concept let’s see how we get on with it I also lit up the area because Endermen are freaking annoying I think it’s a very underused strategy to prevent

Endermen spawning in the end okay let’s add blocks like that and water in the middle here so I can pillar below the platform it’s very simple storage let’s get it done I’m going to put a sign here so I remember to turn on the chunk loader before I use this that’s very

Important and then I can turn on the chunk loader now now I can add sand to the duper itself I’ll need concrete powder later but I need to make it and that requires sand so we’ll start with a bit of this on every spot then I can

Turn the duper on and head back into the end the duper is definitely working the sand hits the side blocks falls down the sign breaks it creating an item then goes into the water flow and eventually into the chests it’s perfect I already have so much sand 72,000 per hour means

I’m getting 12200 sand or nearly 19 Stacks per minute I can fill whole shulker in under 2 minutes it’s been just about a minute now so let’s fill a shulker and get out of here oh a lot of people ask how I move items this smoothly it’s a mod called item scroller

And it’s fantastic although I think it does a lot of other things but that’s basically all I use it for I could probably find a better mod for just that later all right let’s get out of here and once back in the Overworld I just need to turn off the duper immediately

So the end doesn’t become overwhelmed with items and crash I don’t have to turn the chunk loader off every time but I plan to oh we are finally back home and I can take gravity block duper off the list and after making some concrete powder we can turn this back on and head

Back to the stronghold and then I replace the sand with concrete powder one of each color with a few extra red as we’ll use that a lot today and once again I’ll turn this back on and head back to the end and from here you’ll be able to see our rainbow explosion of

Color with our new Farm producing a lot of concrete powder while we safely wait around the corner let’s check our results after a few minutes and yep that’s a lot of concrete powder this does seem to be working now we have a lot of powder and with that we

Need to make an automated concrete Factory when you’re getting 7 2,000 concrete powder per hour you need a concrete Factory capable of making and breaking at least 72,000 concrete per hour I found a design by El mango which is exactly the same 72,000 per hour while he has an even faster machine at

180,000 concrete per hour that one’s much harder to build and requires a lot more Redstone and other materials I may build a faster converter later but 72,000 hour is fast enough for most servers it should be fine for my single player world conceptually this machine is pretty simple there’s a basic TNT

Duper up top the TNT gets slowed down through some water and it blows up the exact right height to break the concrete it gets pushed through with some Pistons the powder is converted by being placed next to some water lock stairs and I’m placing it with a mod called twero which

Allows me to fast place blocks you can also do this by simply rebinding a key so it is vanilla friendly I forgot that a water goes here so my resupply stream wasn’t working I added that so the machine should be working and we’re speeding through this one because we

Still have a lot to do I place the powder here it gets converted pushed into the way of the TNT which blows it up and the broken items fall into the water collection pool below it’s a very simple concept that’s been around for years the extra powder goes into these

Droppers and chest up here and I get refilled automatically while the water pool drops everything into these chests down here that’s the concrete converter done let’s collect some red powder and run it through the machine I’m also going to grab some black while I’m at

The end it’s a lot of fun to just watch the gravity duper run one day I should put a video on my longplay channel that has only the duper running for like an hour okay last time here for a little while let’s run the powder through the

Concrete Factory I did grab some gray as well I wasn’t sure if I’d use it but I ended up not with all this built concrete is now an easily obtainable and renewable block for us before moving on to another project let me quickly show you a quality of life upgrade that

Didn’t take very long after moving the axles to the corner of my basement I was able to take just a few minutes to dig out trenches and make a fairly large sugarcane farm directly under my pagota to be clear this isn’t going to stay

Here but I’m here a lot more than I am down in the village now so getting sugarcane was becoming more challenging this quick easy change will produce way more than I need for now makes my life a little simpler okay before I even start this build let me say some things

Clearly up front yes there will be a tutorial on this no you can’t get it anywhere else and no I’m not offering a schematic at the moment check the description to see if that’s changed by the time you see this though so I need a

Lot of dark oak dark oak is also the single worst tree log in Minecraft to have to collect before today you basically had three options number one mine dark oak by hand number two use Shady J’s 36k per hour dual core dark oak Farm or number three go to Tech

Discords and find hamp’s wither powerered technical dark oak Farm which I think makes about 190,000 or 200,000 hour while researching I found a dark oak farm that was incomplete it’s by a player named Zero time Ling but it wasn’t a fully functional dark oak Farm it didn’t have sapling return it wasn’t

Optimized and it wasn’t afkable so I went into creative and got to work and half built the machine I’m now building on screen I brought in some help with one of my most technical friends com viw whose channels will be linked below together and over the course of several

Days we created this our new dark oak Farm produces 107,000 dark oak logs and over 110,000 total items per hour it’s highly bone meal efficient runs off a dual core system is actually quite fun to use as the player is slung between two slime pushers on an ice path to

Place the saplings as far as I’m aware this is the most complete fastest singleplayer dark oak farm that does not require wither or a schematic to build when I make the tutorial for this in the coming weeks it’ll be entirely survival friendly and I’ll show you the block by

Block of creating what we feel is one of the best dark oak farms in all of survival Minecraft to be super clear hamp’s Farm is still way faster way more optimized and way better for highly technical players it’s just not easy to build all right let’s whip this up real quick No Don’t Okay the dark oak Farm should be working let me turn that on and let’s test the dupers this Farm in the original design work off six TNT dupers time to Perfection that’s all zero time Ling’s amazing work and a testament to the quality of the base of this Farm from

Here you can see the three dupers per side simultaneously exploding after landing around where the tree will grow this will blow up the logs and all the leaves basically at the same time and increase the total sapling return to ensure we’re sapling positive which is the real trick to accomplish in dark oak

Farms the TNT will land on the anvils with hopper mine carts that’s the most difficult part of the farm to set up by far and then the TNT lands on the anvils and slides into place and that’s the dark oak Farm built and working and it’s

Now the end of day 372 we’re making really great progress and now we need to fill this up with bone meal grab some saplings to start running it there is one downside to this Farm in the very center of the player chamber you take a

Tick of damage from the TNT it’s not a lot of damage and you can survive many shots even without armor but my solution to this is simply place a regen Beacon nearby and once you’re in the chamber just start using it once you’re using the farm you take zero damage let’s get

Some bone meal from the Wither Skeleton Farm you know the drill by now time lapse go bur and all that so after Distributing a bit of that bone meal and setting up a regen Beacon which I don’t really need but want here I can run the

Farm for the first time all I do is turn the farm on with this lever here get up into the player station and stand against one of the Slime pushers and then align my cursor with the back dirt I normally let the Slime Pusher send me

Back and forth a few times before I start placing saplings just to ensure my aim is in the right place as this is critical to ensuring you place four saplings and don’t open the dispensers or Hoppers once I’m certain that it’s right I can either hold right click and

Then use F3 and T or use an external Auto clicker that places the saplings as I first start to run the farm you’ll see my saplings drop quite low but then I’ll start getting something back from the droppers behind me let’s take a look at what’s happening above the saplings are

Being bone meal to automatically grow into full trees the trees are being hit with those three TNT at the same time and saplings are dropping into the hopper arrangement in the water collection pool at the bottom of the farm it’s then all returned to me through bubble columns water streams and

The storage system let me slow this back down to real-time speed this is what the block stream for the farm actually looks like you can see me being thrown from side to side which is quite funny but look at all the dark oak saplings apples and sticks I’m getting I find the idea

Of the player push on this Farm and even though mine carts would probably be slightly better it’s nowhere near as much fun so the Slime pushers stayed one of the main reasons we’re not yet releasing this version of the farm for the public is because it needs a bit

More optimization the version I’m using in this video is our third attempt to get sapling return to exceed 100% usage we’re now up to version five and the farm is finally sapling positive but I still want to see if there are further tweaks and optimizations we can make

Before we let this into everyone’s hands I know if you play Minecraft and you want to use dark oak that you want this right now com viw who helped build and design this is going to be building it on a server soon and contest it on paper

As well once that testing is done and this video is completed I can begin working on the full tutorial please understand it’s coming but that I can’t rush this this test version did its job though as you can tell I can now get a lot of dark oak anytime I need it let’s

Take a close look at the actual explosions I was talking about earlier the tree grows here and nearly immediately three TNT are shot at it just before the lowest one hits the anvils the tree is pushed up exposing the last few blocks to the explosion the entire tree is almost simultaneously

Destroyed over and over resulting in super fast rates and amazing performance for this Farm once I’m done I can just easily walk out take that one tiny tick of damage and then turn the lever off just that short test resulted in Stacks and stacks of dark oak logs this is

Exactly what I need because I’m using the version three of this farm and not version five I did need to collect a bit more saplings myself I started running the farm with two and a half stacks and finished with one and a half stacks this version is not sapling positive as I

Mentioned but collecting the new saplings wasn’t too hard Fortune ho does most of the work and with saplings replenished I can run the farm a bit more before we leave and after just a few minutes we have a lot more dark oak now and I think that that’s going to be

Be good we can probably go start the build our main project for today is an 80 villager trading Hall that I want to have halfway submerged into this mountain as if the mountain is slowly been crumbling down over it for years I’m going to need to do a lot of

Terraforming just to get the actual Hall underneath the mountain and then we can later make the edges match up and look nicer a Hast two Beacon will help with the stone and then this magenta concrete powder is a placeholder to Mark the size of the build but now I want to even it

Out and create a flat surface to work from in a way this trading Hall is a template for the rest of the spawn the dark oak red concrete Cobble deep slate pallet will be the most important buildings from the Arenas to the temples our main gated walls and the towers

Surrounding the village all of the main upper class structures will have this one cohesive theme so getting this right should mean the rest of the area starts to be easier to plan and build if I get this wrong though I’ll be fixing it and trying to improve other builds as we go

Having easy access to bulk materials after today will also make the village grow much faster now it took us building tunnel BS a gravity block duper a concrete farm and a dark oak farm that I had to modify to get here but now we can start the villager trading Hall W Oh This is the base size of the trading Hall it’s about 53x 53 and over 10,000 blocks went into just the base of this the indesite stone stone brick and crack Stone will be the main four building blocks for a lot of our Pathways roads and other infrastructure so I’m glad I

Think it looks great here the trading hall frame is made of dark oak while the pillars are bright red the walls will be the lighter color in today’s case that’s quartz and the roof is almost entirely Cobble deep slate with thin lines of black stone to create the accents I’ll

Detail the build with window frames bamboo trap doors that almost look like gold and a large open air upper level that overlooks the whole city inside the Villager pods will allow for easy zombification I’m not planning to move the villagers or zombies in today and

Yes we’ll have a bit more to do after the episode but my plan for today is to get the structure entirely built and looking good the hall will have two levels of pods with the option to expand to a third layer if we need it later on

Perhaps for some of those biome specific villagers from 12.2 anyways please stick around to see the reveal shots at the end of the video I think this is by far the best build I’ve ever done I took some really cool footage for you to check Out He Okay I think we’re nearly there there are imperfections and things to fix like I haven’t finished terraforming the ceiling is a bit incomplete and I want to keep detailing this area but I think that’s about as far as we can go for today hold on I want to break this nether Portal So here it is inside and out one of my favorite builds I’ve ever done I love how the world is starting to look and seeing my pagota from down here or this build from up there flying around in the world it’s just all starting to feel great I’m regarded as a technical player

But building in this world just feels right I’m embracing Builder red while having more fun in Minecraft than I can remember ever having today is dupers dragon egg shuler’s raid farm and a City Hub let’s get started we’ll begin with infrastructure by building a dragon egg duper to start our m Monument drain

Project I’ll be dropping 100,000 dragon eggs on a monument soon in order to drain it and each egg represents one subscriber including you if you’ve booped that button and today I’ll place the first 1,000 maybe even 25 200 eggs above the monument if you’re one of my first 1,000 subscribers that’ll be for

You I also desperately need to build a shulker farm I have fewer than 20 empty boxes left and I’m starting to build up some Farms that require shulker loaded storage we won’t get to the shulker Loading today but I do need to keep it in mind next episode will include a few

Technical farms and I want to think about auto storage soon also we’re going to need a lot more Redstone so that means building a stacking raid Farm today not only will the Redstone help in later episodes but the emeralds will let us get the quartz we need for our own

Build project today which is to build our city center The Hub of what will be our Asian spawn City so that’s our to-do wall today let’s get right into it the city Hub will need over 30,000 sea lanterns today and we don’t have that yet so I’ll be in and out of the

Guardian XP far many times throughout the episode and I’ll get to the highest level I’ve been to in this series so far you’ll know how this goes if you’ve seen the first few episodes but if you’re new let me explain I’m going to start by gathering all of the required materials

For all of today’s projects of course with the exception of the huge build project which we’ll be collecting for throughout the episode I was a food photographer for a little while and I think the chef’s concept of Misan Plus or putting things in their place has stuck with me years later essentially

It’s far more efficient to set up and gather Everything at Once than it is to build each box per project and both of those beat what I used to do which was just wing it I also know we’re going to need many thousands of Glass by the end

Of this episode so I’m going to set up a very temporary furnac right here to get started while I work in and around the house I’ll have plenty of sand from the duper and buckets from the lava Farm to power the furnaces and I’ll let this run

For now and then a little bit of bamboo and string for scaffolding and I think we’re going to be ready okay it is a shulker farm maybe a lot of bamboo and a lot of string okay now we need to find the third stronghold in the world I know

One of my strongholds is 1500 blocks directly north and another’s 1,500 blocks directly Southeast that should make this one500 blocks directly Southwest now I’m about 1,400 out here and it’s time to start thinking about where the stronghold will actually be so I can just land over here and we can

Throw our first Pearl wait side quest time let’s breed these two up okay here’s one for you one for you show me the baby show me the baby there’s the baby okay bye all right back on track the first pro we’re going to throw is from- 1573 I think this will actually

Take us backwards it should be closer to the river oh it’s actually off to the side here that should be fairly close by from the other side of the river it just heads back where it was so yeah I’m right on top of it I had to dig through a lush cave but

This is the moment I broke through into the new stronghold I’m always happy to find it and I dug into this small little room it’s pretty safe and then we spent a few minutes exploring and I found the portal room broke the spawner and got to Work Oh Even though I already have a sand duper and a dupes almost all gravity affected blocks it doesn’t actually work with dragon eggs this duper however is specifically made for dragon eggs and since I need 100,000 total for the monument drop making a Fast duper like

This was the only way to go it works pretty much exactly like the sand duper however so I don’t need to change the collection on the inside at all let’s turn it on and see if it works that seems all right okay so with the egg

Duper done I just need to build the chunk loader and again like the sand duper this Farm will need to be chunk loaded whenever I’m going to use it there are many ways to build chunk loaders but I like this one so I’ll use the same one as before if you follow the

Tutorial Link in the description you can either build the one they show or anyone that you’re familiar with like I am here back on the Overworld side it’s time to add my one and only dragon egg and pray nothing bad happens here I don’t know what could happen but I only have one

Egg I need this so turn on the chunk loader turn on the machine once I get a few eggs from this I’ll be able to take my original egg back and put that away that seems to be working let’s head in okay so it is actually duping the egg in

My collection system for the sand is actually working for this as well that’s perfect yep I’m definitely getting eggs let’s stop this for now we’re only currently duping the original egg so let’s take that back I don’t care if I have to break the machine a little to

Get it as long as it’s easy to collect now we can just replace this egg with multiple and turn the speed on this thing way up instead of just duping one egg we can now dup six and we’ll always know which the original egg is I’ve put

That away safely okay let’s add a bunch of eggs to this machine turn it back up on and head back into the end okay yep that’s a lot faster with the dragon egg duper working I just need to AFK for a bit in the end here I use

That time to move things around a little organize the concrete powders and clean up the chest I do think watching the egg duper work isn’t quite as interesting as the rainbow explosion we had with concrete powder so I just kind of kept working okay there it’s all cleaned up

On this side it’s only dragon eggs and we’re actually already getting quite a few in just a few minutes I have nearly a double chest that’s not bad the city Hub we’re building we use a lot of quartz and other materials so in between projects always a busy time kill

Guardians for sea lanterns collect iron trade iron for emeralds use the emeralds to buy more quartz after that it was time to start the monument drain project so I spent a proper AFK session collecting eggs now we can fill these shulkers I should have almost nine shulkers full of eggs that’s around

15,000 total now let’s grab those and go find a monument this is the ocean near my musham Island this is a monument but I probably want something a bit more open and not in the ice biome either either this one over here looks promising I’ll land and we can check it

Out oh yeah for sure this uh this is exactly what I wanted it’s perfect the sky above it’s nice and open the drop will look really clean from here okay I know every time I talk about this ocean Monument drop you all leave me comments about Paul GG crashing his world while

Trying a monument drain like this so let’s talk about it this is my creative flat world the grass is at y – 60 this command will drop 100,000 eggs all at once behind me I’m going to run it with four times more eggs this is going to drop over 400,000 eggs at once

48,2 41 to be exact summoning the eggs like this is way harder on my computer than what I’ll be doing in the hardcore world but in just seconds it’s done and I’m back to full FPS now that we know the drw will work let’s talk about how

I’m going to build it set it off and stay safe my plan is to build up over this Monument create a center point of a single piece of TNT with a sign on top of that the sign will then hold all the other signs for the bottom layer of the

Drop eggs can sit on top of the signs without falling through but when the single Main sign gets broken the whole thing will come down and yes I tested this in Creative too now it will be fun if the TNT blew up the sign but that’s not actually what’s going to happen I’ll

Find a safe spot to shoot the TNT from and the flame Arrow will then ignite the TNT causing it to fall when the TNT Falls the sign’s no longer attached to anything solid and will break causing the entire structure to come crashing down at once I’ll fire a flame Arrow at

This TNT on the same day we hit 100,000 subscribers and release that video as a special episode on the same day if you want to see me drain this ocean Monument using dragon eggs your subscription to the channel makes that happen most of you who’ve been around know I barely

Celebrate achievements we made very little fuss at 10K or 20K I didn’t do a subathon or something on Twitch when I hit my one two or even threee anniversary my birthday stream is generally 4 hours we out same as any other night but 100,000 subscribers on YouTube means something very special to

Me 100,000 is the first time YouTube itself recognizes your achievement this creating content for you is my full-time job now I want it to stay that way and hitting a milestone like 100,000 is a symbol that I’m doing things you’re interested in I want to bring a lot of

Cool stuff to the channel some Challenge videos some 100 days mini worlds and a lot of other stuff on this hardcore world too so while I build this please consider subscribing to the channel the platform I’m making won’t exactly cover the monument but there’s a reason for

That you see this egg drop will be in the shape of an actual dragon egg yep when I nerd out I nerd out this cross shape shows you exactly where the bottom layer will be from edge to edge it’ll be fine Rog eggs do happen if these

Represent you I wonder which one of you did this to me but I blame Levi I don’t know why Levi but I blame him we have a very simple way to remove these from the platform and recycle them though and I can put it back where it goes go up here

Levi in order to place all the signs easily I’m going to build a stone platform this also mostly protects us from an early firing of the system most of the eggs can now only fall a couple of blocks before being caught at this point I’ve placed 995 eggs although one

Was placed twice so these next five eggs represent the first 1,000 people who ever subscribed to this Channel That’s 996 997 998 99 where am I we’re going to go with these 999 and 1,000 so if you’re in the first 1,000 subscribers to this channel thank you thank you so so much

Your support in the very beginning drove me to keep making videos even when some of my early stuff wouldn’t even see 100 views without those first 1,000 subscribers this wouldn’t be my job I wouldn’t be making this series this episode or even this project so again

Thank you I know most of your names from my stream and I appreciate every single one of you after a bit of work this is the first 2500 eggs I’ll catch up on the current state of the channel very soon but that’s going to be it for now here

Again if you’re in the first 2500 subscribers one of these eggs is yours and thank you too let’s keep it moving before this gets too mushy look at the height of that that drop is going to be sick next up is a shulker farm I only have one Gateway open so far but

Thankfully there are a number of cities near here two are very easy to get to and while this one is virtually empty this second one has a bunch of shulkers alive so we can use this the farm design is the ending credits V2 shulker Farm I’m using V2 even though V3 is faster

Because this Farm is way easier for me to build and I can build mult multiple of these much easier if I need far more shulkers this produces 750 per hour though and that’s going to be more than I need for the first thousand days of this world I’m going to terraform out a

Flat area light it up to keep Endermen away and then build the farm when I start adding light watch how the Endermen stay away from it not only can they not spawn Hereafter but they actively seem to move away from the light which I thought was strange maybe

I can use that somehow in the future anyways I’ve talked a lot so far let’s build the Farm He He Okay so I’ve thrown a little bit of extra storage on the farm and now I can build a rail line so we can get the shulker in my plan is to try and capture this shulker in a boat drop it down on the rail line push a mineart card over

It shoot the boat with my bow and have him pop into the farm it sounds nice and easy but shelter you never know this should be far enough now let’s put some power here let’s go capture this one let me place the boat let me place the boat

Let me Place uh I don’t know if I like where this is going it’ll be fine surely just a little vacation all right let’s drop in grab the shulker that was easy and then I row row row my boat right off the edge over here toward the

Farm fall down stop shooting us okay mine cart let’s go there and goodbye this shulker who sounds an awful lot like my friend Lizzie is sitting on an activator rail here so as long as I just shoot the boat she should pop into the farm and in a minute the farm will start

Working like that all right let’s turn it on okay I can see the shulker is now in the Kill Chamber it should try and escape and the best place for it to go is where I want it just above the snow golems and just like that it’s out of

The Kill Chamber and we should have a working shulker farm let me AFK closer in this box here and I can explain a bit of what’s going on the shulker is being constantly annoyed by snow golems that are below they can’t kill it but they aggravate it and so it tries to fire

Shulker bullets back at them these bullets can’t go down though so they attempt to go up from there they can only go to the guys who are in The Kill Chamber who fire back each shot that hits the original shulker has a chance to duplicate it and eventually if that

Shulker dies off it’s replaced with a new one from the Kill Chamber very quickly the ones that are duplicated then teleport to scaffolding but the shulkers can’t stay on scaffolding so they try and find a new spot starting by looking above them they find more scaffold holding to TP and they go to

That eventually the only place for them to go is to the blocks next to the rail line they get picked up by the mine carts and dropped into the Kill Chamber and the cycle repeats cram damage and shulker bullets will then finish them off and they die out with the Hoppers

Which feed the shells back to my storage I generally land up on the edge of a hopper and can just get to the shells that way and there’s nearly already a stack already it’s time to get a few more I got lunch came back we already

Have about 5 and a half stacks that’s enough okay that’s the shulker farm done it’s time to move on to the stacking raid Farm and yes I do see the irony of needing to run my tunnel boore to get the Redstone in order to run the raid

Farm that will give us Redstone oh well at least I got some diamonds along the way I need five villagers for the raid Farm but I couldn’t find a village along the coast on any part of my ocean this town was way up above everything on a

Large Hill so I decided to boat these two guys down and take them back to the Mushroom Island I don’t know where else in the world I might need villagers so by capturing these two I can make a quick and easy breeder on the industrial Island and be able to easily transport

Villagers anywhere in the world I say easy because if I can’t get them there by ocean I even have a portal to the nether roof on this island and they can’t escape the island very easily the breeder I’m going to make is by a YouTuber named zingi this is my absolute

Favorite breeder if you’ve already got a nanoc crop Farm I’ve been at this for about 30 seconds and it’s almost done a quick staircase and the first villager will walk straight up to it and in right to sleep unfortunately this second villager was still connected to a bed

That’s miles away so uh I had to help him try and get close to his new friend but after several tries he just would not stay I finally boxed him in so we had no other option and a little bit of food did the trick once they had a baby

Together I was hoping that I could just convince him to stay but unfortunately are you kidding me well it’s not like I didn’t try don’t say I didn’t warn you that was a dark time in our nation’s past but I tried while that baby grows

Up I need to start the farm we need to be in an ocean somewhere far away from everything this does look like the right sort of spot I turned my render distance down to six for this and no land is a good sign the raid Farm is by anx4 but

Mostly because there’s no way I can be bothered building Kronos less than 500 days into this world I may have to do that later but as you saw I’m still mining for Redstone I need help now Ian’s Farm produces 128,000 drops per hour including over 5,000 Redstone Dust 5,000 gunpowder and almost 60,000

Emeralds 60,000 that’s 32 shulkers of emeralds per hour you know what I can buy with those emeralds more Redstone but honestly the best thing about this Farm is that other than having to breed the villagers in this case it’s really simple to build I’ve built this raid

Farm two or three other times and it’s not that bad I’ve never died using it it’s easy to protect myself even further and as long as you build it right you should be fine I built it wrong let’s start Over N Okay I’m actually a bit confused and maybe annoyed about this one I took great pains to nudge villager number two down into this composter it’s not required in the tutorial and anywhere in the composter area should work but I pushed him all the way in and he was stable I broke the composter

And no what is that why did he die he enters the death animation about five blocks above his death spot but watch where he hits he’s not even close I checked the water and line it up with the hole again but now that was perfect oh there’s nothing I can do but get

Another villager but that is not my fault this time oh well let’s go again villager number two number two is now in the composter he’s stable break that and here you’ll see red is visibly frustrated was it seriously not right it’s perfect now I’m more confused all right I tried other villagers they

Worked perfectly fine even on the longest more dangerous drops and you may not believe this but I didn’t change anything the spot was perfectly fine the whole time and it worked flawlessly on the third try it only takes 20 minutes to grow up a baby villager but who’s

Counting this is the last villager and honestly I’m just glad to be done it shouldn’t take seven or eight villagers to build this Farm after all the drama I built the first of my two safety features this is the ender pearl stasis chamber it’s connected to a note block

On the other end and if I click that note block I’m nearly instantly teleported almost 100 blocks away to safety let’s finish building the Farm N this is the raid farm with all the bells and whistles actually let’s build the last bell and whistle right now I want a double Beacon nearby for two effects resistance and regeneration strength is an added bonus though let’s finish spawn proofing it but the stasis chamber on

Need just a few ender pearls I don’t have an end farm yet so if this roof and my harming two stair effect is going to have to do they really didn’t like the staring finally I’m going to add a portal just outside the farm so I can

Come and go with the bad Omen effect or just come and go as I need I’m also going to need to add another portal to the Outpost in the Mesa but yeah honestly once I build the raid Captain bank I won’t even need this but I’ll be

Able to keep a captain right at the farm to easily start new raids still it’s nice to have and it’s a 5-minute job so why not do it it’s time to run the farm for the first time and see if I die or if I built it right I just need the

First raid captain Oh there’s one hi could you be un alive please thanks okay cool spoils a war go here ender pearl stasis chamber goes there and let’s start the farm The Raid starts when I get close as you can see at the top I just go into the farm and

Start hitting the armor stand my sword does not have fire aspect or knockback so it should work just fine it does have sweeping Edge which is required for the farm you can see the Redstone clock I built when that lights up by Swing the farm starts up slowly with one raid

Starting and then another another and in the end many raids are um stacked together and Raiders come in faster and faster that’s how a stacking raid Farm Works ravagers will get killed in this chamber where they clip into the lava and clip into the water so they’ll float

Up as they die other raid mobs will spawn there and fall down to take some damage before being killed by me below sweeping Edge on my sword passes the damage from the armor stand that I’m hitting to the mobs that are just over my head the loot goes into the water

Stream where it bunches up Stacks together and then goes over the filtered Hoppers the vast majority of emeralds Redstone and gunpowder are collected plus a bonus chest of totems and other drops inside I’m just smacking the armor stand and watching out for vexes they’re the worst thing that can get loose in

This farm and if they do they spawn in huge numbers pretty fast and this is how the whole setup looks when I’m done I just leave out through the door here right click on the Note Block and see you I’m gone this time I left behind a

Very special little friend I didn’t even know he was there until I was re-watching the replay mod footage normally the endermite spawns where the Pearl lands this was quite different okay after flying away to despawn everything that was in there let’s see what we got whoa okay I already know

This Farm goes hard but dang it always surprises me how much I’ve got when I check this thing and that leaves us to build the city hub for this Hub I want to build a giant compass rose with a fog effect in red stained glass I need the

City center to be very large larger than you probably expect but I know what’s coming for the rest of the city and if I don’t build this this large it won’t look like a city center it’ll look like the city manhole cover filling it here

Means quite a lot of work though I don’t have sponges yet but for something this size it’s kind of 50/50 on whether it’s easier to fill in and then dig back out or go get the sponges I did choose to fill this in and that’s the whole river

Underneath this area and then the fog effect is five layers of glass at the bottom will be sea lanterns with red carpet over the top so I need to go down 11 layers in total my levels will vary wildly through this montage and that’s because I had to get sea lanterns so I

Rose Way way up to level 176 when I saw that I decided to use the levels and I made myself five new bows then I hit the guardian Farm more and ended up back at 179 then 214 and eventually I’ll go to the Wither Skeleton farm and reach level

221 the highest I’ve been in the series so far as far as the rest the sea lanterns I’ve been collecting all episode the carpets come from the early game wol farm the red Dy from bone mealing of rose bush in my house I get the Deep Slate from the tunnel boar the

Glass from the sand duper and the Wither Skeleton furnace array the quartz will will come from Trading the emeralds I now get at the raid Farm can you start to see how the plan is finally coming together for this world all the stuff I’ve been building is making my life so

Much easier right now I’ve swapped to Emerald beacons because why not and I’ll start the compass rows with a load Stone so I can click a compass on it and always be able to find my way home no matter where I’m at in the end I’ll place over 5,000 carpets and sea

Lanterns and 25,000 glass to complete the city Hub I cleared out tens of thousands of stone dirt and other blocks and have killed 29,6 79 Guardians I’ll finish the episode on day 5 60 and I’ll see you on the other side of our final time lapse of the episode check it Out Hey N Oh A Hey So this is my new city center The Hub of what would become our first major project I love how it glows at night and I think it came out great even if it was a lot more work than I was expecting from this episode on I’ve hired an

Editor graphics and visual effects music choices replay mod footage should all be massively improved from this point forward thanks to Joseph for joining the team and making the series even better I appreciate all your help I don’t want to die here no no no no stay away from me

Get away get away get away this is too dangerous I don’t I don’t really want to be here all right we need to get out of here all right I’m going to jump across to here this looks sick I missed the jump okay so we’re going to go further

Into the Bastion this is this is less safe less safe okay all right we’ll get back to that in a minute but for now let’s do what we always do and lay out the plan for today we’re going to spend most of the day in the nether first for

The netherite template and then full netherite gear after that I want to build a magma Farm in order to build a gold Farm you know Minecraft stuff once we have all that gold coming in I’d love to build a sheep farm in the end that relies mainly on powered rails and then

Our main build project for the day is to come home and build a large Buddha statue an island retreat that we can connect to the mainland later and that brings us back to the nether if you remember in an earlier episode I found a Bastion grabbed coordinates but said we

Were far too early in the world to deal with that well today we’re dealing with that this Bastion is important because the chests at the very bottom have 100% guaranteed spawn rate for the netherite template I don’t have to go search 10 or 12 bastions and hope I find it I know

It’s in here but I also know these guys are here and plenty of them my favorite way to deal with pigin brutes is not to bow spamming every brute I can see before I get in the Bastion is my preferred strategy though it’s not 100% foolproof and I am a pretty big fool

Sometimes I know these ones are in another Tower entirely but I don’t need them somehow being alerted to my presence so as long as I can see them I kill them first I don’t mind having to fight piglins generally although High numbers can get overwhelming but brutes

Just hit way too hard to mess with the next step is to punch a very wide open hole in the top of the Bastion so I can get out if needed and Escape Route is super useful and one of the reasons bastions can be very dangerous is that

You can get stuck inside the walls with their narrow walkways and it can be very difficult to escape if you get caught in there this open top allows me to continue raining fire down on my enemies from an absolutely Untouchable spot and once I think there’s at least a chance I

Can get to the chest I’ll sip a fire resistance potion and head in I take the Fire Res pot because ultimately my Escape would be to dive into lava I know the brutes and piglins can’t follow me there only the magmas my first first

Dive here is a little bit of bait I want every enemy who could get to me to show themselves and jump on me so I can fly back out and kill the most obvious threats before I head back in then a second dive will give me some room to

Shoot the ones on the side as well and I can bait out more piglins but hearing too many brute sounds got me to bail on this attempt as well finally I’m on the bridge just above the magma spawner breaking that’s important because magma can mess me up very quickly but this is

A somewhat safe space to shoot into the wall areas at any remaining brutes with the spawner gone I can focus on finishing off some piglins before diving down to get my loot one last brute and it should be safe to drop into the treasure area area I’m going to

Disconnect it from the rest of the Bastion so it’s more difficult to get to me though and now we can safely check on our loot that’s a really nice chest let’s get some debris netherite scrap Four Diamonds as well as the netherite template and in the other chest well we

Get two more ancient debris another template diamond sword and I will need a little bit of gold before I make a farm for it later so I’ll grab some of this for now we need diamonds to duplicate the template but the tunnel board itself has already provided us with 40 in our

Base and another 27 down here let’s lay out all of these now and fortune 3 the ores now how much do you think we’ll get out of 67 Ores and in the end I ended up with 163 diamonds that’s not terrible at all and now I can duplicate the template just like this where two of the templates makes four four is going to make us eight and I’ll make 16 out of that and

That’s more than I need for now so now on to the fun part let’s make a bunch of TNT and go blow stuff up in the nether eight stacks of TNT should be a good start I also want to smelt up the few bits of debris I already have so we can

Make our first Ingot now and I can apply that using one of the new netherite templates and we have our first piece of netherite gear I want to do that now because we’ll be digging quite a lot in the Nether and having the extra durability can only help I don’t really

Mind digging tunnels and manually mining for ancient debris I find it kind of relaxing as long as I have a Fire Res potion in my hot bar there’s not a whole lot that will attack you in a narrow tunnel below lava in the nether so it’s

Simple to dig a tunnel fill it up with TNT explode it and collect the debris and then when I run into a lava pocket or lava lake I simply stop the tunnel there for optimal results your TNT should be every four blocks apart but honestly after a while I stop counting

And start spamming it a little bit spamming is a bit less efficient on TNT but a lot faster so you have time to do more it’s kind of a trade-off honestly having a flame bow does make lighting the TNT easy although if this TNT hits a piglin they will aggro to you because

You set it off there are ways around it but for the ease I’ll take this trade generally you don’t aggro anyone unless you set off two tunnels close to each other I started out this ancient debris hunting with this ugly texture pack on that highlights ores it’s it’s from

Vanilla tweaks if you want it but I turned it off after a few minutes because I found it more annoying than helpful I guess I’m not that blind yet ignore the two or three pieces I missed during the time lapse my ancient debris luck in this world has been absolutely

Awful at some point I’ll show you all the areas I’ve M trying to get debris for the tunnel BS today was unfortunately not a lot different my debris luck still seems to be awful I was Finding as much by mining long tunnels as I was by blowing them up with

Hundreds of TNT anywh who let’s hunt for some debris now Okay back with my 37 new debris and that’s a fairly successful little Mining Adventure despite my bad luck it’s time to cook that up as well as grab some of the gold from earlier to make ingots I should be able to make 10 total which

Should be all that I need if you include the ones that are already on my silk touch pick I didn’t yet have a good chest plate so I had to quickly make one of those before adding the netherite I’ve been carrying an iron chest plate up until now but that’s easy enough with

My Librarians down here okay this is the last time you’re going to see me in full diamond for this series so take a good look now let’s play see if you can spot the mistake it’s a big one ooh look at me full netherite including all weapons tools and gear

Just as I should be I made his netherite silho let’s make the fortune ho into netherite as well while I’m here doing upgrades I thought it’d be smart to get a few extra tools upgraded so I put Ming and Unbreaking on my flint and steel my shears and eventually a brush I also

Added the same enchants to a bunch more elytra so all of my elytra is now maxed out my gear feels so much better now but did you catch the mistake I’ll bet you didn’t so when I need to get a few books for more book enchants I normally keep a

Very basic for ax in my villager area my better ax is silk touch though so I knew I couldn’t use that did you see it can you sense my confusion my silk touch ax is not the one that’s got netherite on it my Unbreaking Two fortune one is the one

That has netherite on it yeah I put netherite on a crappy axe like a noob and then I used up every single nether iting could I have oops the funniest things happen sometimes but after hours of mining for debris my luck turned pretty quickly I found three debris

Almost immediately then not long after I found another three alt together as well I kept mining for a bit of extra and found three more I barely moved on before finding yet another three pieces I found exactly zero veins of one or two on this whole second trip four

Three veins and I was out a quick repair of everything and it was time to upgrade the correct deck this time so after adding Unbreaking three to it I finally made it netherite and could move on full netherite is actually done gold Farms require a huge amount of

Resources to build the gold Farm I want to build today requires over 10,000 magma blocks or almost six shulkers full collecting this manually in the nether is a dangerous time sucking job and at the end of it you get your gold Farm but that’s all if you ever need further

Magma blocks for any other project whether that’s Farms building or terraforming you’re going to need to collect more for this reason I almost never collect the magma blocks for a gold Farm directly from from the nether I build a Magma Cream Farm AFK it and then build the gold Farm however in this

Series it’s been my goal to AFK for as little time as possible I want to maximize my first thousand days in a way that very few or no players have ever done so how can I achieve my goal of building a magma farm and having almost

No AFK time while the magma Farm I normally build produces a respectable 5,000 cream per hour or a bit under 1500 magma blocks this means building the farm for 1 to 2 hours and afking for another 8 to 9 hours or spending anywhere from 9 to 11 hours in total

That’s too much wa way too much for my hardcore world so I found a design online the mega magma Farm by Fortunate Diamond the link will be in the description this Design’s fairly new with a tutorial having been out for only about 2 weeks when I chose to build it

Fortun 8’s design produces over 70,000 cream per hour in my own experience it’s been more like 80,000 that’s just over 15 times as fast as the shulker craft or A6 designs 30 times faster than kelp MC’s farm and even obliterates portal spam design like Gilly 7 CES by

Producing over five times as much Magma Cream in the end this Farm takes around 2 hours to prepare 2 hours to build and just 30 minutes of using it to get the 10,000 magma blocks required for the gold Farm using this Farm saved me at least 5 hours and gave me a nearly

Unlimited Supply of magma cream or magma blocks for any future projects and building this Farm was infinitely better than mining magma manually fortunate Diamond has a Showcase of the farm on their Channel and you can check it out for a bit more information around how it works but essentially I’m going to build

An efficient portal-based looting magma farm that can be converted to also produce frog lights later on so make sure you drop fortune in a sub they have some really good tutorials over on their Channel A lot of them are very new new and the work you’ve been seeing is the

Result of my infrastructure keeping this possible my dark oak Farm gave me the wood for the chest and Hoppers the lava farm for buckets the tunnel boore gave us the Cobble deep slate for solid blocks almost everything I do in this world comes back around to help us in

Other projects and the speed I can keep moving is 100% because of the planning and the work that came before it getting the obsidian for this Farm takes over half the prep time and if I’d built an obsidian Farm early on there’s no telling how much time that would have

Saved me overall it’s been the one critical oversight in the world now that I have the gravity duper storage in place that’s much harder to do without ripping it out and starting over we’re now ready to begin we’ll build the spawning Platforms in Nether Portals the Kill Chamber and then the Overworld side

Of the farm With the magma Farm built it’s time to test it out like the stacking raid farm this Farm uses an armor stand to hit with sweeping Edge to pass all the damage to the mobs in the Kill Chamber looting also passes through the armor stand so our drops are multiplied just 5

Minutes of hitting this armor stand gives me more Magma Cream per hour than an afking one of the next best options it’s a really fantastic Farm the results of of this Farm in just a few minutes were actually quite astonishing I normally expect Farms to slightly or even drastically underperform the stated

Rates so I’m amazed that this Farm not only hit the 70,000 promise but exceeded it after that quick test to ensure all was working I went back and finished around 30 more minutes of afking this farm so let’s call the magma Farm done it is not lost on me that an obsidian

Farm was missed and I’m back to mining obsidian pillars in the end again the gold Farm I’m building today is one that I’m familiar with it’s Dash pump 4, 1650 Gold Blocks per hour gold Farm I built this a couple of times on past playthrough as the time I was recording

This was one of the best single player gold Farms you can make I’ll plan to upgrade this in the future but for now 1, 1650 gold blocks is more than enough gold to line our pockets and more importantly run a pigin bartering Farm also I really need to update my dark oak

Farm to the latest version now that we’re basically done designing it I hate having to get saplings each time but the farm is so fast and it’s very useful for chest Hoppers Etc and the farm uses a lot of those we’ll also grab sand for glass and use the Wither Skeleton Farms

Super manual smelter to smelt through that yes I do plan to make a real smelter soon I do get a lot of extra extra skulls while I’m there though time to collect all of our glass out of the furnaces and then head home and in this massive pile of shulkers we should have

Everything we need to build the biggest farm we’ve made in the world so far except I forgot turtle eggs I need a farm for this I hate having to manually get these each time as well I also miss when turtles could be infinitely bread quickly that was a good bug sometimes

Moang fixes the good bugs and it’s unfortunate finally the one thing you want to have when building almost any gold Farm is a great set of frost Walker boots I always put feather following four on mine because I forget that I’m in Frost Walker boots and I land too

Hard otherwise the last thing I want to do is use a totem because I forget what boots I’m wearing all right the Farm’s going to go right here let’s unload everything and get Started E N N N Okay the farm is now built and I’m ready to turn on the storage system in my rush to finish the farm I might have made just one small Oversight right so I might have actually forgot to light the portals in the farm I guess it won’t work without this also I’m glad I put on breaking on the Flint earlier we’re going to need that at the very bottom of the farm I actually found

This tangle of piglins I could kill them but it’s actually easier just just to light the portals and let them go through up to the top but with that I think we’re actually ready to test the farm this time let’s go back up here there’re actually piglins here this is a

Good sign the sword I’m using for this Farm has neither knockback nor fire aspect so it’s the right sword same as the raid Farm actually this Farm is great mainly because of boat looting what that means is we’re taking zombified piglins out of the mob cap by

Putting them in these boats in the Kill Chamber that allows more to spawn before these ones are even dead by using looting on the armor stand much like in the magma Farm earlier the Looting appes to all the piglins in the boat and multiplies the drops let’s hit this a

Few hundred times even though piglins don’t provide great XP this Farm definitely gives you plenty just in the sheer volume you can see my level shooting up while I use it once that’s done I can pull all the nuggets from the chest with item scroller and then craft

Them up into ingots and eventually blocks I’ll probably swap to autocrafting for this but I’ve never used it so it’s something that I need to learn still crafting up tens of thousands of nuggets into ingots and then blocks isn’t something I want to sit here spending my time doing though I

Also used an auto clicker for the farm but it does sometimes break the armor stand now I use tweaker periodic attack which is basically the same thing okay with over five stacks of gold blocks now it’s time to move on and make a bartering Farm doing this in your house

Is dangerous and not recommended by the way in my 119 series I ended up bone mealing the fungi and put a tree through my roof which is a nightmare to clean up this time it took me 25 tries to get the one fungi I needed yikes this prep

Shulker is coming along well and we have nearly everything we need now I’m bringing a lot of grass blocks because I’m not building this below the nether roof this time for the first time I’m putting it on top of the nether Roof near the gold farm so I can access

Bartering when ever I want at another time I’ll build an auto sorder only for the bartering drops and that’ll be my main way to separate the drops out and as I collect pumpkins for the farm it reminds me the usual question I get about Ian’s bartering setup is how many

Piglins do you actually need Ian recommends 128 and says that’s more than enough but honestly I always put 192 or three stacks of pumpkins in the dispenser however then you go watch the replay of loading up the farm and you realize that fewer than 192 sometimes go

Into the farm if you do it under the roof in the traditional way a bunch will die to entity cramming and the carve pumpkins will then despawn however today we’re going to solve the that issue by mostly using glass to build the containment Chambers it’s impossible for

The mobs to suffocate in glass so I’ll get a lot more into the farm over 220 that will live today and yes I need a pumpkin farm after carving the pumpkins and collecting what felt like a thousand seeds it’s time to build the bartering Farm The shulker loader for this is a simple and fast design that lets me put in a variety of items into a shulker and then when I close it it breaks and gets replaced the speed I can fill this shulker will come in handy for the bartering Farm itself I built the glass

Containment the same fill chamber that an used in the video description and of course used a soul torch instead of a gate after 118 to make the piglins run away from the Gap in the center this bartering Farm is so fast that no gold Farm can actually keep up with the rates

With 224 piglins in the farm I can trade 3 and 1 half stacks of gold ingots every 6 seconds or 35 Stacks per minute that would require gold Farm capable of producing over a million gold nuggets per hour to maintain so basically this bartering Farm is overkill that’s what

We like to do around here I love this bartering farm and I think the first time everyone sees it their initial reaction is that it’s some sort of magic or broken or it’s Voodoo or something it’s so incredibly fast and it doesn’t feel real so how did we do let’s take a

Look at the loot we collected in Just 2 minutes of trading yeah that that was 2 minutes we have 10 full and three partial shulkers that fast now you know why I want to build an auto sorter for this soon some of the trades aren’t that

Useful to me at the moment like water bottles and spectral arrows or Splash fire resistance but we’ll keep the Soul Sand Blackstone quartz obsidian crying obsidian stringing leather and a bunch of the other stuff I’m also adding Soul Speed 3 to my netherite boots and my Frost Walker boots before we tackle our

Last few projects for the day I want to do a quick dragon egg update last time we added just over 25 200 eggs to the monument drop and I showed you how it’ll work as of me recording this we’re just over 22,000 total subscribers and well

On the way to that ,000 Mark after one more layer that’s the same as below we’ll start expanding outward and that’ll require more signs to put the eggs on top of so let’s add some eggs get those signs test the new layer out and see if we can get 5,000 eggs place

Today I passed 5,000 subscribers back on April 2nd 2023 so if you were subscribed before that day your egg will be placed today and if you’re new here’s a quick recap I’m going to be dropping all of these dragon eggs onto the monument below when the channel reaches 100,000

Subscribers everyone who subscribes is represented by one of these eggs and and the drop will be shaped like a huge dragon egg the eggs are supported on one sign attached to a single piece of TNT and when the TNT Falls sew all the signs and all of the eggs the dark oak Farm

Provides us with thousands of signs and a dragon egg duper at one of my strongholds is how we get the 100,000 eggs I currently have just over 20,000 eggs ready to be added to the drop these stone rings that I’ve added will allow me to place the new signs for the new

Layers this would be much easier if I just wanted to drop a square chunk of eggs onto the monument but oh no not me I have to be fancy I have to do something fun all right with all the new signs in place expansion can begin and

This layer will Mark just over 5,200 eggs placed so thank you to my first 5,000 subscribers it was a long road to find the first 5,000 of you but we did it thank you and this is how 5,000 of you look we’re 12th of the way through

The project now not bad this may not seem related to today’s projects but I promise it is I’ve been avoiding building an upgraded sheep farm for the whole series so far because I didn’t have gold the farm I like building by Boron requires a lot of powered rails

And gold I’m putting my sheep farm way out the end for two reasons number one I want to only run it when I want it running this Farm can produce way too much wool especially at the size I’m building it so controlling our AFK SS

Here is just a good way to limit it number two I want to AFK the shulker farm for shells but sitting here afking just the shulker farm is quite a waste of time if we aren’t doing anything else in this case I can do both the farm

Itself is very easy to build and I’ll put an auto sorder for each color on the farm before it’s even running it has Auto restock on shears and 96 total sheep which will be six of each color the most difficult part of this will obviously be moving two sheep thousands

Of block blocks in the end but I’ll just create a long rail track from our Gateway here I still only have one Gateway open so I guess we’re using that one in terms of useless projects in the world I did build a dirt path all the

Way from the original sheep farm up to my Tor gate by the time I got it built and all the way up to the island I realized there was probably an easier way I have random wild sheep roaming near my pagota if I simply build up a

Few blocks from there I can simply Coast over to the island with almost zero work at all I guess is only one way to know if this is going to work much to my surprise the Sheep was UN hurt and came through easily so I grabbed two more and

Repeated the process unfortunately only one made the journey the second time but that’s all I need and then walking them on the roof to the stronghold was pretty easy and moving sheep around is quite easy both leads and wheat work as ways to guide them so it was easy enough to

Push them into the end portal and then from there jump through they were still attached to the leads actually and then I could just walk them up onto the main end the island and up to the Gateway where I needed them after breeding them

A couple of times to get me babies in a replacement plan if these two didn’t make it and it was time to start the Farm The farm has now built the sheeper in place and it’s time to dye them like I said we’ll make six of each color although if I ever need say a ton of purple wool we can always just dye 96 sheet purple and get so much wool it’s a

Bit ridiculous while this is open I can still push all the carts to make sure they’re all running clear out any extra sheep to get into the system and prepare to close this in the farm works on the idea that the sheep can eat from any of

The blocks underneath them as they move so they don’t have to wait for grass to grow back the roof over the farm allows the grass to spread back faster making sure it’s always ready to be eaten as well this is about 2 and a half times faster than the standard sort of

Dispenser sheep farm that you might have seen other people build and then the shear replacement system will keep it full of shears so I never have to touch a dispenser individually with that done I can now just clean up my mess for moving the sheep and call this project

Complete that’s quite a few intense Farms today so let’s do something different now we’ve already finished up getting full netherite gear built a Magma Cream Farm gold Farm bartering farm and the sheep farm and added another 2500 dragon eggs to the monument drop let’s finish today’s episode by

Relaxing or at least creating a place we can go to relax a Zen retreat with a large statue on an island near my villager Center Buddha is typically represented through one of five common poses or gestures the one I’m building today the name will be on the screen

Because I’m not going to try and pronounce it and mess it up but it means peace or protection is one of the most common poses or gestures for a Buddha statue In a future episode I’ll connect this island to the mainland with a bridge and decorate the river and the island around it unfortunately while recording the end of this episode I was hit with my first round of Co and been very very unwell trying to finish it up something you can

Probably hear in the voice over hope you enjoyed this one anyways and I’ll try my best to get another one done soon hi let’s start with something fun today since I started this world in 1.2 we’ve barely touched the new update sure I live in a Cherry Grove but I don’t have

Camels I only have half the armor trims I only got the netherite template last episode and I don’t have sniffers so I’m going to start today by collecting sniffers I’d like to build a large sniffer Farm later but for now I just need two to be able to breed them

Sniffers can only be found in warm ocean ruins and must be dusted from suspicious sand using the new brush I know where at least one large warm ocean is so let’s start here as far as the rest of today’s plan I want to be able to do two really

Big farms first a sugarcane farm for paper so I have basically unlimited rockets and then a huge hogland farm with shulker loaders basically an improved version of my own very fast hogland Farm we’ll do a few other necessary projects like moving villagers into the village Hall finally making a

Pumpkin farm and a flower farm but the main goal will be those two big farms sniffer eggs have a 6.7% chance of spawning in war otion ruins which means we should find these pretty easily honestly at least those odds are a lot better than when I go looking for all

The armor trims which I think we’ll do next episode one thing I do know about these ruins is is always a drowned here to start unlike normal spawning algorithms these guys are just spawned here when the ruins are generated unless they’re wielding Trident I generally don’t care about the drown at these

Things but since the brushing does take a while I think I’m going to have to kill them as we go for some reason some people have a really hard time spotting the suspicious sand and gravel and other people have no trouble at all I’ll have

No trouble at all so I’ll just be doing this but if you’re wondering how I know which is which there’s a slight difference in the textures between the two and I play this game a lot so I can see the difference pretty easily if you are struggling with it there are texture

Packs you can get that’ll highlight the suspicious sand and gravel and that can help you out quite a lot okay a couple of ruins in and I’ve found nothing I’ll never pass up the chance for free trims at shipwrecks though so I did stop at

Quite a few of these along the way as I headed over to this shipwreck to looted I eventually spotted a pretty nice size ruin this is a single building but they often have quite a bit more suspicious sand than the smaller units first we’ll take care of this drown Can you spot the

Suspicious sand now most of the ones in this particular ruin are hidden but there’s one really obvious one see if you can spot it some of the treasure from this is quite bad my first two sand here was a gold nugget and a piece of

Wheat that’s a little bit of a waste of time I know a lot of people don’t like this archaeology mechanic but I actually quite like it I love not knowing what I’m going to get and then discovering it even if it’s just a candle or something

It’s always a little bit of fun I can take my tiny little dopamine hit and move on all right look at this it’s our first sniffer egg that’s awesome and didn’t take too long just a couple of ancient ruins the advancement for this is called smells interesting okay then

You never really want something to be called interesting do you especially a smell let’s not think about it too hard I’m done with that war motion so I’ll need to move to another must repair my wings first though get a refill on my rockets and it’ll be time to head back

Out finding another warm oce took me quite a while but once I did I was super happy with the one that I found look at this terrain whenever I find something like this that’s just an absolutely crazy area I always take coordinates down couple of screenshots that way if

We want to come back here we can I easily also found this really good siiz ruins I bet we can find another 10 or 12 suspicious sand here and maybe our second sniffer egg there was definitely a few more drown to kill in here one of

Them even had a trident and I’ll never pass up a chance to get a free Trident but he wasn’t offering so oh well I should bring water breathing potions to do this as I had to hit the surface a few times just to breathe but honestly I

Had a feeling this ruins would just be good to me the first sand that I uncovered was a wooden hoe that’s actually hot trash but the very next one though look at that it’s our second sniffer egg in the end it wasn’t too hard to find those I just had to find

The war motions to begin with i excavated for a little longer but it was mostly trash a wooden shovel another Stone hoe things like that so I left before I actually leave though let me show you around this area one more time make sure I’ve got the coordinates down

It’s such a great area we could definitely come back here to build one day I really love the sheer Cliff faces especially the ones overlooking the coral reef like this once I get a bunch of eggs collected I’ll make a much larger sniffer Farm but for today all I

Want to do is set up the smallest little pen right in my house and just be able to collect the eggs that we’re going to need to build that larger Farm later so we’re going to start from our two sniffer eggs but eventually I want 20 or

30 or more running around finding seeds and making us more eggs the farm itself is super easy it’s barely a farm I’m going to use a hopper mine cart to collect all the stuff that gets dropped from above and that’s it put the eggs in here and with the fence around it they

Can’t it out and that’s it it’s done next thing I want to do is a quick Redstone pumpkin farm the key word is redstone so we’re going to need to hit the raid farm for a little while even with this raid Farm I’m still constantly out of redstone dust and Redstone

Components I haven’t spent a ton of time here yet but I could use like a 4 hours of raid Farm soon let’s speed this up and go build the farm this is 40 times normal speed that’ll get the job Done okay that’ll do oh and yeah I do trade for some of the Redstone that I need but I need more clerics we’ll take care of that later today before we head back out let me show you what we got it’s snifflers the little baby sniffers

Hatch while I was hitting the raid Farm I’m glad we get to see them as babies and they weren’t fully grown yet watch his nose onto this pumpkin farm I’m kind of tired of having to manually collect pumpkins for some reason we need them frequently in this world whether that’s been for

The bartering farm shulker farm or for iron and snow golems and other Farms it feels like every episode lately it’s been some kind of go and collect pumpkins so let’s automate that today this Farm will double as a melon farm if you plant those seeds instead but

Because I rarely use melons and I feel like I’ve been using a ton of pumpkins I’m going to leave it as pumpkin only for now the collection system for this is quite similar to the sniffer Farm actually I’m just going to get a hopper mine cart on some powered rails it’s

Going to go around and around and collect all the drops from the farm the cart will drop all the loot Into The Hoppers it runs over and because it’s not a super fast but just a very consistent Farm having just two Hoppers here should be more than plenty to keep

The cart empty these Redstone torches will power the rail and then I can put the farm just above the collection system water on the slab and then light over the top of that and then we can start hoing the ground and planting seeds a temporary roof will go over the

Top to let me place my Pistons that face down above each of the non seed spots and then I can remove the roof and face observers straight down into the stems so I can see when they change basically The Observers will see when the stem grows a new pumpkin triggering all the

Pistons around it to fire so anytime a stem grows a pumpkin will immediately break it off this Redstone Dust is all we need now to complete the farm one dust will go on each Observer and that’s what will trigger the Pistons around it the farm is done and I could just wait

For these to grow but a little bone meal will speed up the process the stems can be bone meal from babies to fully grown and then be ready to produce pumpkins but you can’t actually grow the pumpkin with the bone meal but then after just a few seconds we’ll have our first pumpkin

In the chest and the farm is fully operational next on our list today is that big sugarcane Farm well technically getting Redstone for the sugarcane farm again it uses quite a lot I need more clerics to trade with the sugarcan farm I’m making is by Tango Tech and is

Tileable I’ll be making quite a few of those tiled modules today Tango Farm may be 5 years old but it’s still one of the best sugarcane designs there is I’ll need to Shel or load this Farm eventually but for now I’ll just run everything into this chest anyhoo let’s get to building Oh okay so after building 50 modules yeah I said 50 modules uh this Farm like many in this world are considered overkill for single player Minecraft I simply do not care I want a stupidly overpowered world and I don’t want to spend a lot of time AFK so any super super fast Farms

Are extremely welcome in this world wait until you see my ridiculous Cobblestone Farm later in the series I’ve got big plans this were already getting a lot of sugarcane coming in oh yeah I didn’t mention it earlier but I also built a quick rail duper in front of the

Sugarcan farm that’ll help us later our biggest project for today is actually a large version of my own hogland Farm design but improved in a couple of key ways the problem is the farm takes thousands of Soul Sand and almost 1 thousand lava buckets to make at full

Size I’ve already done some bartering for Soul Sand but it’s not fast enough to get all of it that way so I got to M for some first I’ll get about half the rails I need from the gold farm and our Redstone stocks but then I’m going to

Use the new duper on the other half I’ve never used a rail duper before and I’m not sure that we’ll keep it but it definitely came in handy for this huge project I collected about four shulkers of Soul Sand but my shovel is going to

Break so I had to call it there in repair so let’s talk about this hogland Farm it’s a design that I came up with and modified with a viewer after seeing a hogland die in a soulsand valley the farm produces over 60,000 cooked pork per hour which is way more than I should

Ever need it’s over 30 shulkers per hour the farm is improved now in a couple of key ways we’re going to be automatically loading the drops into 6X speed shulker loaders and dropping them into the system with mine cart eating basically breaking the cart and dropping everything instantly each time it gets

To the storage system the spawning and killing area on the farm is a massive Soul Sand and lava floor and basically the way the farm works is in the configuration of lava that I use a hogin can spawn but instantly starts dying in lava there’s nowhere for them to go this

Means that the mob cap is constantly full but also constantly being emptied as quickly as possible it’s one of the best fastest hogland Farms that exists and I do have a block by block tutorial on my channel for the slightly older version throughout this project there

Are a number of things that you’ll see happen number one I’ll need to fight off mobs as I build the rail platform as well as the Soul Sand and lava platform and number two I’ll need hundreds more buckets of lava before we finish just so you know this Farm is definitely

Overkill for single player Minecraft however I designed it so I kind of have to go all in and build the biggest fullest version possible if you build this or you build it from a tutorial cut down to about a quarter of this size and you’ll still be fine I Promise Dying in Hardcore Minecraft can happen fast sometimes it doesn’t matter how seasoned of a player you are so here’s your lesson for today if you’re standing in lava and don’t want to die move I backed into a lava source here and didn’t realize it I did have a Fire Res

In my hot bar and knew when to use it or this would have been totem number one for the world this got me down to one heart one heart because I’m standing in lava still yeah gu I should have booped the little piglin snoots instead of

Trying to kill them I hope you realize I’m still standing in lava I don’t know why but let’s get back to building the Farm this Farm is absolutely op you can see it at work here the babies live sometimes for a few seconds and the adults give us cooked pork and leather in huge amounts I’m going to grab a shulker of pork for now and head home and yes I use Brown shulkers for food

Because I use cooked pork chops and they’re brown so stop judging me three episodes ago I built a villager trading Hall yet my villagers sit here underground and I haven’t expanded from the original batch even though I have another 20 or so bread up and ready to

Get jobs so let’s move these villagers over and bring some from the breeder into the Hall today that way I can set up a few extra clerics and trade for a lot more Redstone as we seem to constantly need it I know I could set up

A rail line and just push them all over one by one but honestly moving workstations was the easier way for me so I learned every villager from the old underground holes into the new trading Hall once I get everyone set up I’ll move a zombie into each of the runs and

Get weakness potions too carrying the villagers is super simple and in addition to extra clerics I’ll set up the rest of the librarian trades as well as set up extra stonemasons and a few other Traders as we keep going connecting them to their own workstations is also fairly

Straightforward I can lure them into a pod move the workstation from the back to the front and everyone is good it’s a bit more tricky with the Librarians and sometimes I have to block in the Pod but it’s not too bad and I quickly got all the villagers moved in once the old

Villagers were moved out of here I filled in the original Trader hall there’s no way I want mobs spawning down here surprising me when I open it up later to do do some terraforming I also wanted to know it was gone and that I’d made some good progress while I was

Filling this in and removing it all I could think was it in another 500 or 1,000 or even 2500 days we’re going to completely forget that this ever existed people who pick up the series late won’t even know it was ever here don’t believe me when was the last time you thought

About my episode one creeper far for the new villagers I could Lear them the same way but in this case I found it way easier just to Minecart them into the system push the button a few times set them up push the button a few times it

Was pretty easy with all the new villagers moved in it’s time to remove all the EV that this was even here and now that we have a lot more clerics trading for Redstone becomes actually viable with one villager you can only get a little bit of red stone every day

But with virtually unlimited emeralds from The Raid farm and now with way more clerics we can trade for many stacks per day and then a quick check in on the sniffer shows that our efforts are being rewarded with almost a stack of pitcher pods and a lot of new eggs then with the

Hogland farm up for food and the guardian Farm up for XP I won’t need nearly this many animals taking up the chunks around spawn so we can thin the herd a little as well little world cleanup never hurts me back to to trading and I can pick up a few extra

Stacks of redstone this is going to be nice having these now I can certainly find a use for an extra six Stacks or so every day the next project in the last farm for today is a two high flower farm I want to start working on dyes today

And so far the only ones I can produce in huge quantity are red from the iron farm poppies and Brown from the cocoa Farm I guess black from the withered Rose farm but I don’t really run that very often it’s not super fast so today we’ll take care of the two high flowers

Roses peonies lilacs and sunflowers I don’t have sunflowers yet so I needed to find that first needless to say I didn’t have great luck eventually I did manage to find this patch which was about 4500 blocks from home a two high flower farm is a very simple little machine I’m going to put

Some dirt above these Hoppers water in the middle ho the land plant the flowers and run four dispensers filled with bone meal directly at them the flowers will fall down get collected easy Farm I’ll definitely start with one of each flower type but if I need an extreme amount of

Red dye it’s not super hard to change which flowers on bone mealing through the trap doors also I really wish you got more than three different colors from this having two that produce the same D is so weird to Me Yeah Yep that’s a ridiculous little farm before we end today I want to work on two Interiors for the starter base the first thing I want to do is make an office this will be our login and log out spot in the world and we’ll be where we keep our most valuable items this

Concept’s not new it’s not mine I know at least two other people who do this so thanks to lynxy and Dame the dime for the inspiration on this one but it’s too good I want a place to play sit talk to you in a place where I can just feel

Completely at home and safe the mine cart will let me sit down and in front of that I want a desk I’m not going to overdesign the room for now because I want to keep improving it and growing it as the world gets older but I’m going to

Start with some bookshelves a place to keep a journal we’ll move Loki up to this room to sit with me and I want to display some of our most valuable and important World items like our very first pickaxe which I’ve saved since the beginning outside of that the room

Should be at least relatively functional with an Ender Chest a crafting table and so on I’m going to put a little research desk off to the side and for now I’ll just have a beacon on that but I think long term we can use that even more let’s get most of this Built Yeah No SM These four armor stands are very very important to me they represent certain parts of the community and certain friends and hardcore players that I’ve met they’ll welcome me into the room every time I enter and I’m pretty sure those represented will know who they are and sometimes the color will represent

More than one person so I’ll leave it to your imaginations who is who I love the idea of coming out of this chair running across the room and just zooming out to work on our projects in the world I’ll have to figure out a better way to get

Between floors but for now I can just fly the next and final room to work on today is a small bedroom in this room I want to make a fake big bed surrounding a real bed so I can set spawn here I want to lightly decorate but leave

Plenty of room to add to this room as the world keeps growing as well we’ll make more memories as we go and there’s no point overdesigning and wanting a place to place valuables in here later a screen a little storage some candles and decor and a hidden bed within a bed

Should do it for this room While I was decorating I decided to add a back door so we can head out the other way if we want as well also cleaned up this main floor a little bit as it was getting a bit out of hand one last check on our sniffers and we now have 14 new

Eggs and plenty of plant seeds so that’s it sniffers pumpkins sugar cane hogland Farm move to some villagers two high flower farm and two room interiors hi and welcome in or welcome back today I’m going to collect all 16 armor trims 16 full sets of Enchanted netherite armor

And get enough diamonds to set up an Armory to display one of each set here in this room it’s a busy one so let’s get into it the first thing we have to do is collect these four aelott we’ll have plenty to do with them in the

Future but right now they’re in the way next I need to expand this room to get it ready to become our Armory I want it to be a fairly dimly lit Moody room with these Greystone walls so we’ll need to add a dark floor and ceiling to pull it

All together and I’ll definitely need to fill in bits of the ground as well since we built this room originally over a few caves as you can see unlike most of my episodes that have focused on Farm building and then one aesthetic build to grow our fantasy asan spawn area today’s

Going to be a much grinder episode for me although I hope we can sort that out for you in the end I’ll need over 250 ancient debris and over 800 diamonds to pull this off I also need to find the remaining eight trims that I haven’t yet discovered including some of the hardest

Ones to get like Ward tide and the four Trail ruin trims while I’m designing this room I have to include this staircase that will eventually lead down to where I want to put our automated storage over the first seven episodes I’ve collected a few trims as I’ve

Explored our world to catch you up I found silence in the first Ancient City Coast in many shipwrecks and last episode also got the neite template I found wild early on in a jungle temple Spire as I did my end rating and rib in my very first Fortress chest Dune came

From our local desert in Mesa and I from the stronghold library so let’s lay out those in the item frame so we can visually see what’s left to do what I still need is snout from a Bastion tide from killing an Elder Guardian Ward from an ancient city and Vex from a mansion

While I do have a mansion very close to my base I’ve already checked most of it and I’m 99% sure there’s no Vex inside I don’t want to burn it down if I don’t have to just to find out so we’ll try and find one elsewhere and finally I’ll

Need these four Trail ruins to complete the set I started my search for tide the Elder Guardian trim and our local dragon egg drop project I want these Elder Guardians dead anyways and maybe I’ll get lucky here with my Trident some milk and a few doors and the confidence that

Only an idiot would have I would in the one in the top room here is always the easiest ilder Guardian to find so I thought I’d start there unfortunately he did not drop an armor trim but I did get mining fatigue and in between most Elders I killed today I’d have to run

Away and get more milk a shulker of this would have been smart but well you know I said I’m an idiot the other two Elders are in the wings of the monument not that hard to find either Unfortunately they weren’t in a giving mood except mining fatigue they loved giving me that

My luck’s been really good in this series so with one Elder Guardian left in the monument before I had to move on I thought surely this would be the one it was not I did find a few sponge rooms doing this so that’s always nice for other projects no trims though after

Coming up empty I did consider burning this Mansion down but it is really close to my base so I’ve checked every chest I could find in here and I’m pretty sure there’s no trim inside after clearing it out a bit more I’m deciding not to be an

Arsonist this close to home I did move on to looking for another trim but I did feel like I was already 0 for two today one trim that should be fairly easy to find is snout with a one in 12 chance of spawning and bastion’s having plenty of

Chests this one shouldn’t take long I decided to start with the Bastion I had already mostly cleared since I haven’t checked all of the chests there the tower side has a number of chests some of which you can see from here and these first two were bust probably some of the

Worst Bastion chests I’ve ever seen in my life this double chest that I found under the lava though was much nicer with some netherite scrap gilded Blackstone and our first trim of the day which is snout that’s one out of the eight we need after that it was time to

Advance Venture a bit I can’t pass up the chance to find more goodies so even though I already have Sentry which is The Outpost trim I always check I’m not even here for this Monument we’ll come back to that in a minute Elder Guardian should have already dropped me that trim

So I’m a bit put off of that one in episode 6 I built a gold Farm if you riew the video during the Overworld section of the build you can see a trail ruin in the jungle below me I actually didn’t see it until I was editing the

Video and by then it was too late to check it out this is the Overworld side of the gold farm and I’ve never taken on a trail ruin so let’s get into it I just can’t see it yet my first job here is to protect myself in the jungle mobs spawn

Way too frequently in here to mess with so I’m going to light it up pretty well Trail ruins kind of need to be taken from the top down without skipping much all the goodies are found in suspicious gravel and if it falls because you broke the block below it you could never get

Back what was inside so I’m going to be really careful in this structure because finding four unique Trail ruins is already a challenge I don’t want to have to find another ruins dusting and cleaning these ruins takes quite a while I think in real time I was at this

Structure for about an hour you can get trims Pottery shirts as well as candles dyes pots emeralds coal and way more stuff as I said when we got sniffers I don’t really have trouble seeing these suspicious blocks but if you do the gravel has a slightly darker Center you

Can see here all right I’m going to get into this I’ll come back when we’re nearly Done La So it’s been about an hour and I’ve nearly cleared this entire trailer ruins thankfully with a few blocks of spicious gravel left I was able to find the fourth and last of the trail ruins armor trims this is the last one I needed here you can see just how big these

Structures are as I run back to the storage near where I started as much as I didn’t really want to do this in the end I actually had kind of a little bit of fun but in the end I pulled nine trims 11 shirts and lots of mud brick

From this Trail ruin as well as two of the new music discs so it’s just tide Vex and Ward now so it was back to that ocean monument that we spotted on the way to the trailer ruin at this point I’ve killed six Elder Guardians and one

In five is meant to drop the trim those are good odds surely that means this is where I’ll get tied right nope and not this one either nor this one next Monument please wasn’t this one either let’s try it with looting wasn’t that one either good try though nope

Again after a few more monuments I lost track of how many Elder Guardians I’d actually killed but statistics said 15 to be honest by this point I was kind of losing hope and then this Elder Guardian dropped it for us let’s head home and regroup so now with snout tide Razer

Wayfinder shaper and host we only have two trims remaining Vex and Ward I don’t have a cartographer villager and I didn’t feel like making one so what that meant was aimless flying day and night until we found a new mansion I looted shipwrecks and ruined portals found some

Cool open Lush and dripstone caves and even a cherry biome that made me think I’d gone the wrong way and back to spawn oh look it’s a birch and Oak Forest at the base of a flat Cherry Plateau overlooking a river never seen that before thankfully Mansions aren’t as uncommon

As they used to be so I spotted this dark oak forest headed straight for it and behind the hill I spotted a new mansion yes I am 200 blocks away flying directly at it with a flint and steel don’t judge me I just know what I want everything changed when the Fire Nation

Attacked so this is a bit of a shortcut but this is Hardcore and I can’t be bothered fighting off vex’s in small corridors today so let’s just burn it down actually let’s burn everything including me apparently as this opens up I can find all the enemies inside and

Say safely ping them with my bow from far away eventually the fire will pull back enough that I can go inside and start picking the chests apart freely a lot of the chests inside the Mansion especially the storage rooms are always empty the first and second one just had

Lowquality Enchanted axes and chests don’t burn so you can basically let the Mansion completely demolish itself if you want I felt like heading in and finishing this one off that’s three crappy axes I don’t know which room this chest would have been in originally but floating chests like this are often from

The tops of tall rooms and have a lot of loot it’s in this case it had the Vex and that’s all I need so let’s head home it took me ages to find a second mansion and then I found a third while flying home not going to lie this feels like an

Act of aggression against my sanity so I didn’t let it stand this became pillagers roasting on an open fire I’m fine what do you mean back at home we can drop off the Vex trim and we have just one left to find spoiler alert it

Wasn’t easy for all the people who are a little upset with how easily I found the silence trim Ward had your back so let’s get a little shulker together with some wool night vision potions and go ancient city hunting ancient cities are actually easyish to find in Java Minecraft

There’s a stat in the F3 screen that shows the erosion directly below you when the erosion is at a certain level you’re standing over either a dripstone cave large Lush cave or an ancient city if the biomes nearby are one of the new Peaks biomes or a Grove chances are it’s

The ancient city you do sometimes Miss but it’s relatively predictable once you know what you’re doing the number I’m looking at is the one on the line with noise r that says e and the lower it gets the better this is around what I want the mountain biome is a good sign

So we can try again here next if I’m confident about it I like digging a 2 by two hole all the way down it’s easy to fly out if I somehow mess up greatly and have to see a warden seeing a massive dripstone cave on the way down was

Disappointing it’s always possible the erosion I saw in the noise rer was just this but I kept going I heard a sensor and then dug toward that when I heard it well we’re here it’s time to get to Work A Well I think I’ve been through every chest in this whole City and I didn’t find a single armor trim of either kind my luck with these ancient cities while trying to get the ward trim was toxic and horrible for everyone who was annoyed that I seemingly got silenced

Too easily this was well worth it in the end for you guys my luck ended up being on average very bad in ancient cities it’s fine also how did I find three silence trims before Ward I’m going to keep telling myself it was fine so I found another good erosion option M my

Way down and right on top of a new city would you like the short version this time so I found Sil in this chest set off a shrier here found another silence in this chest somehow set off another shrier here set off a third while opening a chest and

Then with this one heard the scariest sound in all of Minecraft I flew to the safety at the top of the portal and then found our new friend did you know in my life I’ve never killed a warden when they came out my world wasn’t Advanced enough to DARE

So everyone got their k kills in before I was ready or able I’ve never killed a uh okay was it glorious no was it respectable heck no would I consider that an example of a sick way to kill the warden absolutely not but the scoreboard still says Rad one Warden

Zero no ward in that City or the next one either though so I guess that’s Karma this is overall ancient city number five now with the new Lush cave Decor the best part of finding ancient cities that are overrun with dripstone or Lush caves is they’re generally

Fairly skull can shriek or free though they can spawn mobs I saw a few chests I could reach with absolutely no danger though with the warden cool down reset from going home to refresh on potions and wool and no skull to be seen I flew

Around a bit in the city and here after more than four cities and more than a 100 chests I found my first Ward trim let’s go complete our collection and now comes the hard part in order to make 64 trimmed pieces of Enchanted armor I need to duplicate most of the trims four

Times I also need to duplicate the netherite trim 64 times that means I’m going to need 256 ancient debris and around 800 diamonds to complete today’s plan let’s check our current stocks we have eight Diamond door in the house that made 15 diamonds and now including our past diamonds we have nearly two

Stacks we need 12 stacks and four stacks of debris oh boy down at the tunnel bore I found another 28 diamond ore in the chest from a previous mining trip I didn’t need them then but I sure do now that ear me another full stack of

Diamonds so I’m going to run this tunnel board quite a bit collect the diamonds and store as much of the other stuff as I can I always need Redstone but I also love to build with deep slate tough and of of course doing this we blew up our

Way across the whole amethyst geode if you don’t remember or you haven’t seen the episode I have 12 of these tunnel boards set up how long did I run this well this long I cleaned out the iron farm used the tunnel boore and came back to 17 stacks of iron ingots that’s a

Good couple hours I also want to say that right now adding all these extra villagers was so necessary and so good I trade every chance I get now and I’m finally accumulating some Redstone I would really hate to waste that all in one project next episode fire in the

Several runs later and I found another 24 ore it’s not a lot but it’s a start I know you guys want to see how and when everything happens so I’ve also added shears to my honey farm so I could start collecting the honeycomb I’m going to

Need candles and wax copper soon so I started early and gathered way too much I also needed a mental break from the diamond hunting so let’s see what gunpowder we have make some TNT and go find us those four stacks of ancient debris After burning through all of the TNT I had I burned through both netherite pickaxes often stopping to repair on quartz these two stacks plus what I already have should be enough I’m very tired of being in the nether so let’s head out I’m going to miss these 200

Levels when they’re gone okay I’m home and we can smelt the debris down then after that we’ll be able to pull them out add a bit of gold to them and boom when they’re added to what we already had a full stack plus six netherite Ang gets but I still need Diamonds remember when diamonds weren’t valuable anymore because you could buy diamond gear from villagers and netherite was the best stuff in the game you’d think almost nine Stacks would be enough for anyone speaking speak of buying Diamond gear after buying 16 helmets chest plates leggings and boots

Over the next couple of days from villagers it was time to start putting the trim sets together I’ve also started enchanting them and yes completely ran out of levels in fact we’re going to have to take the rest of this to the XP farm enchanting 64 pieces of gear and

Combining multiple books to make each piece is apparently kind of expensive now that I’m up here though I can just get the minimum levels I need pop out use the Anvil and repeat the process for every piece of gear I know I don’t have to enchant these armors with real

Enchantments just to display them but every set of armor will be pretty good it’s going to have mending Unbreaking and protection for to start helmets will have respiration boots will have feather falling I never thought I’d blow through 200 levels as fast as I did but the

Helmets alone took 19 levels per helmet to enchant that was 304 levels for just one piece of the gear the best part is once I get done with helmets I get to do the other three pieces so yeah I spent over 1,200 levels doing enchanting in

One episode side note you know how many anvils it takes to enchant this much gear more than one I promise you that while I go through this let me say this I’ve already spent more time on this episode than any episode of the series so far if you’re enjoying it you already

Know what to do by the end of this episode I’ll have survived 820 days my main goal has always been to have one of the best and most overpowered Worlds at 1,000 days into the game after today we’ll have 180 days left and I already

Know how I plan to use it my goal is to release two more episodes to take us to day 1000 after that this world will be played quite a lot more often I’m going to be streaming this world over on my twitch I’m going to load up all the

Farms AFK them a bit to stock up on all the resources we buildt and then we’ll continue the next Thousand Days plan over there as well I’ll still have the episodes here but the making of them will occur over on Twitch so be sure to check it out let’s turn these diamond

Armor sets into netherite this is where we’re going to blow through some of our diamonds check it out three templates will become six six will become 12 12 will become 24 on and on I go until I have them all duplicated when I’m done duplicating the netherite templates

Alone I’m left with Just 2 and 1 half stacks of diamonds from our original nine Stacks that’s a lot of diamonds gone all at once I’d normally skip through this to show you one or two of these and then cut but it’s really just too satisfying my

Yeah I don’t know there’s just something really satisfying about this so I now have 16 sets of Enchanted netherite armor and all of very usable if I needed or wanted to just pick one up and run with it I also want to keep one of every

Trim so I always have one to duplicate that means I need to have four of every Trim in this shulker to complete the project the ones in the item frames essentially don’t count you can see I already have four of several trims two of others but some I don’t have any more

Of so I’m going to need to make all four oh yeah and I have 19 Coast trims of course duplicating trim templates like the netherite one cost seven diamonds per trim let’s spend all the diamonds we currently Have Well I have three diamonds left and I still need 19 templates that’s not good feel like I’ve spent half my life down here today it was a bit sad to cut through this geode with the boore but I’m sure we’ll find more in better locations than directly in the path of

The boore as well I save the lower half by covering it each time Okay that was another long round of diamond collecting and yes I need a bigger and better tunnel board but this is what I’ve collected it it better be enough this time I need just over two stacks of diamonds and I have three stacks yes it’s enough let’s go finish

The Armory that’s it with 60 diamonds left over we are now done it’s time to make armor sets oh no I just remembered I want to put a trim on the set I wear I forgot about that I’m going to use Silence with gold as it’s the most

Yellow and orange which match is my skin and my brand also looks like I’m on fire all the time and given my history of standing in lava until I almost totem this is fine I like the fireball look all right take a look at it I love

Silence because it has the most going on I know it’s a very busy trim but that’s what I like about it all the detail I know a lot of you prefer a simpler trim or maybe less bright bold colors but this is my favorite what’s your favorite

Armor trim combination about 90% of the time I’m actually wearing elytra and this is how it looks with the elytra on I think it matches even better okay making my own personal trim was fun but let’s finish making the rest for the Armory I’m putting copper on every trim

Combination copper is the most orangey color we have as a whole gold is great but in simpler trims it’s very very yellow to the point where I don’t think it’s a good fit for me silence is the only gold trim that has a lot of orange

In it redstone’s too red for me so I’m kind of stuck with this orangey material copper I do admit on Enchanted items it looks a little pinkish but I think that’s good A lot of people won’t use it so that just makes it mine all mine once

I finish applying the trims to the armor the next step is to work on this room what I want is a somewhat dark almost secret lair Vibe something that makes you feel like when you came into the pagota you had no idea it was there but secretly these armor sets were waiting

Here the whole time this has been our first real Adventure day in the new world and I’ve really enjoyed it I had no idea the project was going to be this much grinding though we spent a lot more time on this than I would have liked but

The end result should be worth it and yes I saved W until last it made sense as usual by this point of an episode I’ve talked quite a lot so let me explain this then I’ll come back when the work is done I need to make the

Armory two blocks taller and then fix the outer wall so it still matches and I’m going to put 16 armor stands in here on small pedestals to display each trim I want I want to put the single copy of each trim on the wall in the back and

Keep this whole area pretty dark looking without being dimly lit so I need to bring in a darker color I’m going to let the original four sniffers go out through the back door so they can roam free around spawn and do whatever they want okay let’s build the Armory There it is 16 Enchanted netherite armor sets each with its own copper trim this has been a lot of fun to do adventuring to basically every structure finding all of the rarest trims and even the grind of ancient cities and monuments was all worth it for this I’m getting close to a

Th days in this world so next episode we’re going to tackle a huge project that I’d love to have done by then auto storage for every item in the game welcome in or welcome back today I’m going to build a full auto storage system for nearly every obtainable item

In Minecraft the storage can hold over 25 million unique items and is designed to ensure I never need another storage system in this world even if it lasts 10,000 or more days this is a custom-designed futureproof storage that will currently hold over 950 unique items and has the space to hold way more

As Minecraft updates are released and today I’m going to add a Frog Light farm to our magma farm so let’s start with that first the first thing I’m going to need for a Frog Light Farm is surprise frogs so I headed out to the slime farm

Where I know there’s a swamp and this is a pretty good size swamp I’m going to be honest I didn’t even have a thought in my head that there may not be frogs here but I checked I checked the insides of the swamp SW I checked the outskirts I

Checked from way up high and then I checked from way way way up high but I still couldn’t see one and I need two to even be able to breed them what I did find though was another swamp not very far away what I did was look high and

Then what I did was look low but I can’t find any frogs why are there no frogs in any of these swamps I walked around on the ground in this Mangrove thinking that I was just missing them but no I actually just couldn’t find frogs so I

Had to take back to the skies and go look for another entire swamp what I found was this it’s a pretty large Mangrove swamp and from up here I did manage to spot a single Frog as I looked down to safely jump off the tree I saw

Another a couple of slime balls later to breed them and we’re on the way I brought plenty of iron with me so I could make buckets I want at least six frogs from each of the three climates cold moderate and hot biomes I’ll take these Mangrove ones for the hot biome

Frogs but then I’m going to need to take some tadpoles to other biomes to get the cold and temperate bioms done these are the first frog spawn of the world and the frogs were very kind and put them in this one by one water source for me so

They can’t get lost knowing I’d be here for a little while I did clean up the area and spotted even more frogs I was unlucky in the first two swamps but this third more than made up for it sometimes life is just like that as I was bringing

These four together I saw yet another in the background don’t get too far I want you over here too and I kept them all nearby even when I slept and eventually found seven hot biome frogs which is all I’m going to need then the first Tad P’s

Hatched I tried to kill all of them by removing their only water source I went to put it back down and caught a tadpull I’m doing great so far as a new foster parent eventually I decided live Tad PS were better so I replaced the water and

Brought them more to make up for my earlier mistake it’s fine I picked them all up and continued the breeding remember the Frog spawn that was in a single block of water so they couldn’t move yeah the second bunch of tadpoles escaped into this deep water Ravine so I

Had to chase them around in murky disgusting swamp water it’s fine other than that almost all of them were placed in these small little water sources and that was easy enough to collect and just like that we have our third batch tadpoles ready and after collecting most of the

Tadpoles I’d need for the farm I brought the seven swamp frog up the hill so I could safely nether portal them to the roof and get them over to the magma Farm I collected the last of the Tad PES and with nearly a shulker full headed back

To the slime farm this portal here will get us back to the frogs and moving frogs across the nether roof isn’t that much of a problem they like to follow the Slime balls and leads work on them so when in doubt I’ll do both because mobs have a 15-second cool down after

They leave the portal I can put them through easily follow them and then get them back on leads and yank them away from the portal before they can teleport back and away from me to the Savannah from here I can just see the magma Farm coming into view I haven’t built the

Frog likee component of the farm yet so we’re going to tie the frogs up for now and go get the other two variants I’m actually going to use the access portal for the magma Farm as I know it’s in a snowy biome so I can at least start the

Cold weather frogs without having to walk them across the entire nether roof this torch here will keep the water from freezing over which has happened to me in the past and I’ll drop Six Tad PS in and then grab some slime balls to speed up their growth I’ll basically feed them

As much as it takes not to sit here for 20 minutes waiting for them even if that’s a lot more slime than I expected while waiting for the cold weather frogs I had an idea when I saw this Plains overlooking the snowy Plains Plains is a moderate temperature biome which is the

Last type that I need I can get my temperate frogs started while my cold weather frogs are still growing up so I dropped another batch of tadpoles up here pulled out some slime for them as well and started the process soon my green snow biome frogs were adults and

After a little bit more slimy persuasion the plains frogs began to grow up too all I need is this one for an advancement then his friends began to grow up so we could move them all down I just had to drag them down the hill into

The portal and over to see the rest of our frogs we have all the frogs now let’s make the Frog Light Farm The Frog Light part of the magma Farm is quite simple to do as you saw but the Real Genius of fortunate diamonds design is that it’s ridiculously simple to load the frogs into the farm once it’s built all I need to do is get them near this

Corner portal here if I go to the other side of it and lure them through they’ll be automatically teleported to the right place in the Frog Light chamber without me doing anything else we do need to make sure they all get out of the portal

So let’s head back to the farm now you can see there’s a couple still hanging out in the portal frame so after break in the portal so they can’t go back through there’s a button that’ll activate a piston and push the remaining frogs into the farm and you can already

See frog lights from the farm starting to work I don’t have to box this in but I want to then I can grab one of each Frog Light and get another advancement right Here now let’s go use this Farm properly if you missed it this magma and now Frog Light Farm is by Fortunate diamond and is one of the most overpowered magma Farms I’ve ever used the Frog Light Edition is about the same speed as my own Frog Light Farm design but with the

Added bonus that you get a ton of magma cream on top of it getting shelers or frog lights in just a few minutes definitely solves my frog light problem let’s continue gathering for the storage system in order to craft the chest and Hoppers I’ll need I definitely need to

Run my dark oak Farm quite a lot as I haven’t updated it to the latest version yet this meant also collecting saplings the dark oak Farm is definitely my best source of wood for chest in the world it’s also fairly bone meal efficient my automated storage system is going to go

Directly under my Pagoda so we’re going to need to dig a big Hole Yeah Yeah Yeah in the end I’ve dug well over 250,000 Stone and other blocks to empty the space for our storage system this was not a small project at all the hle is now finished and spawn proof though so it’s time to gather all the materials I need to put together my auto sorder I

Haven’t talked a lot about it but I’m obsessed with keeping the day count super low in this world until I have one of the most overpowered 1,000 day worlds ever so the next part of my world was very speedr runnery you see I need to

Trade for a lot of redstone I also o need to grab materials for the storage from my home I need more dark oak for chest and Hoppers and I’m going to need plenty of deep Slate from the tunnel Bo so I use this time to task overlap quite

A lot what that means is I’d plant the dark oak saplings go trade for Redstone take that up to my base start working on some of the shulkers for the stuff I need go back and harvest the dark oak replant the saplings run the tonal boore at night and then trade for more

Redstone each day the storage system itself takes over 10,000 Redstone Dust including crafting the components such as repeaters comparators observers and redstone blocks 10,000 a lot of redstone dust and even though I have a stacking raid farm and seven cleric villagers it was quite a grind let’s gather the rest of the Materials N A Gathering is nearly done and I’m making the last of the Hoppers to get this thing started collecting everything is in all of these shulkers and it’s quite a job let’s grab it all and head down to the big hole we dug earlier I tried to keep myself fairly organized during this

Build it’s very complicated and there are tens of thousands of individual blocks to place I put building blocks on one wall and redstone things on the other the storage was designed and put together by myself and my friend meben he’s making a showcase video with some

Helpful tips on this and that should be linked below you can get the schematic over there and make sure you subscribe for more of his own hardcore World okay I’m ready to begin this is the last time you’ll see the empty pit let’s go E Building this storage happens in a few separate parts the bottom section is mainly creating all the Machinery behind the scenes like the 10 shulker unloaders and the unload que basically this system can unload up to 10 shulkers at a time that helps speed it up Once all that lower bit is done I can put in the floor which is made of frog lights and soul s sand the Frog lights will keep everything lit and spawn proofed and the Soul Sand means I can run back and forth much faster from item to item around the storage from there

I’ll start adding different bits of the storage and I’ll explain what’s in here at the end but as I go look for the automatic potion Brewer bulk section standard multi- item sections of this Hall and all the little features that are included let’s go finish building It By Basically all of the storage components are in now I’ll show you around as soon as I finish installing these ceiling lights I know it’s lit from below with the Frog lights but these are more of an aesthetic touch so the place looks good and the ceiling isn’t flat and boring

That should be it let’s go inside and see what I’ve done let’s start where our items start at the shulker and chest input the shulker holds loose items and the chest is where I can input up to 54 shulkers at a time with my items to be sorted underneath the storage we’re

Going to find the 10 shulker loaders which will take the first 10 of these unloaded boxes and empty them out very quickly and start sorting through the items so items are going to start here and from there they’ll get sorted through this bulk section which holds very common items like dirt grass stone

And Cobblestone and the first shulker will go into this display area and I can use items from it or take the whole box and then when I use the last item the Box will get broken and replaced with another of the same type I have grass up

Here as an example of those bulk items the bulk section will hold 64 unique items and 200 shulkers of each of those items at the end of the section is a large nether portal and putting a large nether portal in your base usually means lots of piglins wandering around so we

Created a piglin trap here any piglins that spawn anywhere in this portal frame will not go into the base instead they wander over toward a turtle egg that’s behind the trap doors fall onto the Wither Rose and an automated dispenser fires any drops straight into lava so

That’s the bulk and we’ll get to this in a second but next up we have this little bedroom where I can set spawn and safely travel back from the end if I’m down here and not up in my actual bedroom area oops it’s night time who knew this

Tiny bedroom is well lit has a crafting table and a knee chest some storage for things that I’m carrying that I don’t want sorted and maybe for some trophies it also has a spot where I’ll probably stick another armor stand right so next Up’s our empty shulker turn empty boxes

Will make their way back to these four slices and the next four spots are for unstackable items these are things like swords pickaxe armor totems that’s all going to get filtered here as we get into this hallway there are nine sections of what I’ll call regular chest

Hall that means each slice is holding one unique item such as comparators repeaters observers most of these sections are eight chest slices wide with two on the ends being nine each and the long hallway works the same way and this Hall has a special feature which is this automated potion Brewer There are

16 automatic brewing stands which are fed with ingredients from up above essentially you’re going to set up each recipe once keep your storage full and this machine will keep you stocked up on potions just past the Auto Brewer is this axis Hall you can go up for potion

Ingredient refills or to access the top of the storage system and then down is the maintenance path for everything else basically the shulker loaded bulk system the Box displays all the unloaders and setup for the first boxes that get displayed past the maintenance doors our next chest Hall these 48 slices on the

Left are the multi item sorder one chest slice will hold every candle type another holds every carpet color and so on and so forth under most of the carpet is Soul Sand for added speed when moving throughout the storage this corner of the center displays one of each usable

Workstation such as a loom cartography table and grindstone it also has a crafting table e chest and temporary storages the Jukebox has a storage below it so if I put a record into it the record is automatically return to storage when it’s done playing it’s literally insert the disc and walk away

This long haul is for regular chest slices as we saw earlier each slice again holds one item type with some sections being dedicated to Woods while another section may have slices for each ore the end of this haul will be our main entry and exit it pops out just

Below our floating island in the pagota above the whole system is very flyable and easy to move around and as I cut out of this area here I’ll be putting another major peripheral into the storage I’ll talk about that one in the next episode now I’m completely out of

Redstone and we’re trading again that’s it for today we managed to get a complete auto sort built and soon I’ll dump all of our chests into it to be sorted next time I’m going to add a much needed system to our world I hope you’re

Having as much fun with this world as I am and if you are please remember to like leave a comment and if you haven’t consider subscribing I’m now on day 936 and we’re very close to surviving our first 1,000 days Loki and I will be here

For it and I hope you will too goodbye hi welcome in or welcome back today I’m going to complete the first 1,000 days in this world but before then I have a ton of small projects I’d love to have done let’s quickly run through the plan

I’m going to build a large smelter just beside my new auto storage from there I want as many small farms done as possible I’m thinking Nether wart sea pickles glow Berry glow lkan Coral fans scoots sniffers Cactus strip Stone and multiple Flower Farms we only have about

60 ingame days to get all of that done it’s currently day 9:39 and I want to be finished and back here at spawn at the end so let’s go this tunnel is going to be my exit to the auto storage that we built last episode I’ll make myself an

Exit tunnel that heads straight out this way just down to the left of that I’m going to dig out an area for this super smelter to live the control room will be at the same level as the storage floor and most of it will then go below

Somewhere down here we won’t see the furnaces in the end they’ll be down here and I’ll be up there let’s start by digging out at least a two high tunnel all the way to the front door it’ll be an easy way in and out of the storage

And it’ll tell us right away exactly where the entrance will be and here we are nearly exactly where I planned once we get this spawn proof and safe it’ll be a nice exit from the storage I’ll widen it later to be able to fly in and

Out safely and we’ll have easy access to the Nether and the rest of our city as well okay onto this super smelter I do need to clear some of the stones so one quick Beacon later we can get started So this is what it looks like coming down the storage Hall I’ll wall off this little section so it won’t look like this and that’s out to the real world then when I come around this corner we’re straight into the smelter control room the smelter is 198 furnaces large

And items to be smelted are dropped in full shulkers down into the chest here it’s all powered by shulkers of fuel input from up here and behind me is the output which Returns full shulkers of cooked items and empty boxes on the wall are a bunch of manual furnaces so I can

Use this room for small smelting projects as well let’s quickly make a shulker of coal to power this I can choose whichever fuel source I want and may change it later but for now it’s easiest to start with coal it’s time to test it out we’ll drop a shulker of sand

Into this chest here and then that shulker of coal we just made into this side we’ll give those a second to get into the system and then we can fire it up this will almost definitely not be the last Super smelter in this world I’ve plans to build a much much larger

One if I keep surviving but 200 furnaces will more than get us through for now back at the output the glass finished in just a few minutes and that’s a huge quality of life upgrade going from three manual furnaces or the 60 manual furnaces at the Wither Skelly farm this

Is a huge change this is going to help a lot the next Farm I want want to put together as a Nether wart Farm automatic Nether wart Farms still all require manual replanting so I’m going to make it at least a bit of fun with Minecart harvesting trips each time if you’re

Here for the auto storage last episode you know I have a 16st potion Brewer and I’m going to need this Nether wart soon to fill it all up I want to collect the materials for the sea pickle farm while we’re at it both Farms will be done on

The Mushroom Island and near each other the sea pickles will be a great source of lime dye now that we have a super smelter it will also be useful in some of the future technical Farms I plan to make the Nether wart Farm requires Soul Sand and I ran out while building the

Hogland farm so I need to do just a little bit more piglin bartering and it will never not be amazing to me how fast 200 piglins can trade nine stacks of ingots and they’re done let’s go build another W Farm N I have a lot to do so I’m going to keep moving quickly through these Farms next on the list is our Coral fans Farm Coral fans are extremely useful when you want to build almost anything that uses TNT duping this Farm is by nicolier and won’t take me Long I know this is spawn proof already but I’d like to be able to see so let’s add some light here and these chests hold well you guessed it more bone meal I didn’t bring a lot so we’ll just dump in a little bit for now and then around

Here is where all stands so let’s add one more light to the end of this now if I use this farm with shears you’ll see that all I get is seagrass good for turtle farm bad for TNT but if I use a silk touch pickaxe I can collect the

Coral fans themselves when I built the auto Brewers I thought about what potions I’d want in the system one of the most underused but actually useful potions is a turtle Master potion made with a turtle helmet that requires a scoop Farm I also use a lot of turtle

Eggs in farms so I thought putting a little turtle breeder next to this would be smart While getting Turtles to breed so I could bring some eggs home I thought it was funny that I got my third Trident in the world this easily I was completely out of turtle eggs after projects like the gold Farm took them all so I needed

At least a few of these to get the turtle farm started I’m glad I’m never going to have to do this in this world again I spent so much time on this beach turtle eggs are good for a lot of farms we’ve had about 20 in the gold Farm

Alone one in the storage system we’ve used some for the bartering Farm they end up in so many weird places and Farms throughout the world I’ll use this smaller Glass Room to breed them and then I’ll move the adults into the scoop Farm next to it baby turtles will follow

Into the water below these holes fall on top of the hopper grow up and drop their scoots let’s not talk about the rest I’ll make a sniffer Farm but first I’m going to need sniffers so I collected a lot of eggs from the earlier farm that I

Had made let’s get those hatched now while these grow up and apparently some of you like that I called the snifflers by their real name baby sniffers I used this time to collect the resources for another major project for today the Moss Farm a lot of our Farms require bone

Meal including some from today as you’ve seen so my plan is to build a small 2x 2×1 module version of the chromas farm this is basic basically one of the best bone meal Farms you can make I’m going to keep some of the Moss because Moss is

Pretty awesome for a lot of things but we’ll convert most of this to bone meal and shulker load the drops a tutorial to build a small chromos will be linked in the description so check that out I’ll be doing a much larger version of this later in the series but for now let’s

Get this one Built All I need to do now is add a few more buckets of lava and we can get this bone meal Farm started each module of this makes around 2,000 bone meal per hour so this whole thing would make a full shulker in under 15 minutes because I

Did convert one module to just Moss however this will make about 3 quars of that after waiting around for a bit working on storage and cleaning up the island a bit more we have our first shulker a bone meal let’s put some of that in the Farms here

And head back to the sniffers back home and the sniffers have hatched so it’s time to put together a bigger version of our earlier mineart collection and fence that in then the ridiculous task of moving sniffers they move so slowly so just open up the entire fence and just

Let them all loose it’s a mess now but okay you can put them on leads it doesn’t help I just kept breaking the leads oh my gosh you are so slow let’s speed this up now after rearranging a few drops this is where we’re at as I’m

Move into the building a lot more part of the game I think it’s important that we’re not bottlenecked with small things like dyes glass wool carpet terracotta and more can be dyed So today we’re going to set up a bunch of Flower Farms to Farms specific and sometimes harder

To get colors our two high flower farm gives us red magenta pink and yellow and bulk a swamp flower farm will give us all the light blue dye the design I’m using is by never mind flame and was featured in enex of for’s tree farm video I’ve used it earlier in the series

For the nether plants Farm back near our tree farm the Farms use pistons to move the ground under the flowers and a dispenser will bone meal the grass as it moves and then everything will break instantly this Farm makes over 50,000 drops per hour and every nonseed drop

Here will be blue orchids using bone meal in certain biomes gives very predictable results if you bone meal the grass in a swamp it’ll always make blue orchids there are now Meadows with different colors flowers so we’ll head to a blue Meadow next for corn flowers then flower Forest will always bone meal

The same flower at the same y level so those Farms are predictable as well if you bone meal a Plains you may end up with one of many kinds of flowers those Farms are less predictable I’ll add a composting system that feeds back into the farm so when wheat seeds can be

Immediately composted back into more bone meal let’s see how this works that was easy see how only blue orchids and seeds are made here that’s perfect that’s one flower farm done and three more to go it’s time to find a blue Meadow there’s a small one here but

After checking it out it wasn’t quite good enough but past our raid farm and guardian Farms I was able to find a much larger area of blue flower Meadow this one will work only corn flowers will grow here let’s terraform this so it’s a little bit flatter and get this Farm done All right we’re going to turn it on and as you can see oh and now you can see it’s done flower farm number two is completely finished only produces corn flowers what’s up next was a shock to me I was headed to a flower Forest to set

Up an orange and light gray die Farm flower Forest have what’s called a flower map and each spot is predictable based on what’s around it red tulips will always spawn near orange tulips and never near poppies on the same y level I know what the flower map patterns look

Like a little bit so when I saw one area in this flower Forest I was pretty shocked do you see what I see here the rarest flowers to naturally spawn in a flower forest or lily of the valley while they do spawn frequently here it’s not their actual World Generation spawn

What that means is if you bone meal the same spot unlike every other flower in a flower Forest Lilly of the valley will not reappear another flower will take its place instead this is not true when lilies are completely surrounded by corn flowers this is their natural world

Generation spot and a farm placed in one of these spots will always produce lily of the valley as I said though it’s by far the most rare to find I tested it by bone mealing the ground and yes a lily reappeared I wasn’t expecting to build

This Farm here at all but I’m never going to pass up a chance to get a rare item so I immediately went to work on that and just a few minutes I built this and we can test it out I knew it was going to work but actually seeing it

Work is great this is the first time I’ve ever had a proper working Lily of the Valley Farm and I didn’t even know I’d find it when we started today and the last farm for the flower Forest is the orange and light gray one that I

Came to build now I can get every dye in bulk except for green which can only mean one thing after collecting some Cactus to get started it’s time to build another simple farm this time it’s going to be a small Cactus Tower I don’t really need

To go overboard on this as we have another source for lime dye and cyan Dy this is only for the green shall We With the new cactus farm done it’s now time for a few chores like feeding the turtles and the sniffers I got to clean up all the dark oak in this Mangrove near our old village Trader then I need to trade I’m not showing any more of these trades I know what you’re thinking

I’ve already built a super smelter farms for nether wart sea pickles glowberries glow Lian Coral fans scoots sniffers bone meals five types of flowers and Cactus surely I’m done Right Let’s head down to the church for a minute this is where my 10,000 day Journey started I said I wanted to create the most overpowered crazy world I could and here we are at the end of day 999 along the way I realized I had a chance to create something great a world

I would consider one of the best 1,000 day hardcore worlds ever played I’ve built over 50 Farms including some of the best farms in Minecraft already I’ve found all armor trims I’ve set up 17 sets of netherite built a full auto storage large super smelter and a lot

More I’ve also built my starter home inside the pagota with the dragon statues out front a floating island nether portal Compass Rose City Hub that’s going to be a major part of our world in the future I found some new friends including the horses all four common aelott and Loki I built the

Villager trading Hall and this Buddha Island as we look at this from above there’s a lot more to come in this spawn I’m going to be adding to the city with a large Arena military training grounds Guild shops residential area some protective towers and at least a couple

Of fantasy temples and that’s not even talking about the two builds I’m most excited about so here we are at the end of day Zero I stood up on top of this church and thought about what was to come for this world after a thousand days in it I’m still here I’m still

Alive and I’m still standing on top of this church thinking about what’s to come next on screen are a few of the interesting stats for the world so Far I want to truly thank everyone for watching and I hope you enjoyed this video commenting and subscribing are the best ways to show that you want to see more of the world I’ll be back very soon with a big build in episode 11 so look

Out for that soon I’ll see you then goodbye

This video, titled ‘I Survived 1000 Days in Hardcore Minecraft [FULL MINECRAFT MOVIE]’, was uploaded by RadicalElder on 2023-12-15 23:00:23. It has garnered 2092 views and 147 likes. The duration of the video is 04:10:04 or 15004 seconds.


Seed: 700077540

This is how I survived 1000 Days in Hardcore Minecraft, the full movie. Put it on in the background, put it on for bedtime and watch as you sleep, or enjoy all of the antics, farms & builds, and everything I got up to in the first 1000 Days.

The plan is to focus 1000 Days on Farms, 1000 Days on Builds, then 1000 Days on building the best farms in Minecraft Hard Mode.

50 farms, 5 builds, a massive storage system to hold every item in the game, and wayyyyyyy more … and this is how I got it done.

This series has been inspired by some of my favourite creators including Farzy, NotNotBrock, ACookieGod, Linkzzey, Skyes, Sandiction, and SB737. They all have incredible worlds so check them out.

Farm Credits Friends & Projects I Collab’d On @mibenmc (& me) autostorage @commviewAU (& me) dark oak farm lairoftheleviathan (& me) hoglin farm (storage by commview)

Ianxofour Tutorials All of these are here: @ianxofour ianxofour sheep farm ianxofour iron farm ianxofour honey farm ianxofour wither skelly farm ianxofour guardian farm ianxofour wither rose farm ianxofour tree farm ianxofour raid farm ianxofour bartering farm nevermind flame flower farms, ianxofour tutorial

@Shulkercraft Farms & Tutorials borkon tunnel bore, shulkercraft tutorial shulkercraft lava farm shulkercraft double stone gen Marten Da Mink cobble gen, shulkercraft tutorial ilmango pumpkin & melon farm, shulkercraft tutorial scorpio gravity block duper, shulkercraft tutorial puffingfish dragon egg duper, shulkercraft tutorial

Other Farms ilmango conc converter ilmango glow lichen farm Hexatron chromoss, @TheMcArchivists tutorial ncolyer coral fans farm fortun8diamond magma & froglight farm DashPum4 gold farm ending credits shulker farm, @EmdyMC tutorial LogicalGeekBoy villager breeder zinjy villager breeder Borkon sheep farm TangoTekLP lossless sugarcane farm sanedragon slime farm MushoDen 2 high flower farm mushoden scute farm 2ManySkillz nano crop farm trolls super melts silent wisperer netherwart farm UForced sea pickle farm, Triloms tutorial

#minecraft #minecraft1000days #minecrafthardmode

🟠 WHO AM I I’m Matt, but you can call me Rad or Radical. I’m a Minecraft YouTuber & Twitch Streamer living in Melbourne, AU. I make videos all about Minecraft.

📨 CONTACT For business inquiries email me here: [email protected] For (serious) creator collabs, I’m radicalelder Discord.

⛓️ MY KEY LINKS & CONTENT ○ Where to find me on Twitch: ○ All of my social links: ○ Work with Me:

🎵 MUSIC BY ○ Epidemic Sound:

📝 DISCLAIMER Some links included in this description may be affiliate links. If you purchase a product or service with the links I provide I may receive a small commission. There is no additional charge to you so thank you for helping me pay the bills and eat. 😜

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    "Blow up your ex's house with a TNT-powered vibrator in Minecraft" #hot #lol When you accidentally put a Duracell battery in your TNT in Minecraft and suddenly your explosions last for days. Who knew batteries could be so explosive? #shorts #meme #memes Read More

  • Join Minewind Server for Exclusive Capes and Gifts!

    Join Minewind Server for Exclusive Capes and Gifts! Welcome to! Today we have some exciting news for all Minecraft enthusiasts out there. As Minecraft celebrates its 15th anniversary, Mojang and Microsoft have prepared some amazing gifts for all players. If you’re a fan of the game, you definitely don’t want to miss out on what’s in store for you! From special capes to exclusive discounts, there’s a lot to look forward to during this 15-day celebration. One of the highlights of the anniversary event is the release of three new capes, each with its own unique design. These capes will be available for both Java and… Read More

  • 100 Days on Haunted Sky Island

    100 Days on Haunted Sky Island Welcome to Sky Horror Island: Surviving 100 Days in Minecraft Welcome to Sky Horror Island, where the brave adventurer spent 100 days on an island in the sky, facing off against Minecraft’s most terrifying horror entities. From Siren Head to Herobrine, the challenges were immense, the resources limited, and the threats constant. Will our hero survive the terrors of the sky or succumb to the darkness? A Thrilling Adventure Unfolds Our protagonist embarks on a journey filled with friends, enemies, and the constant struggle to survive. Building a home, gathering resources, and facing off against formidable foes, the adventure… Read More

  • Uncover the Secrets of 4ChanChan: Non to lvl69 in Minecraft!

    Uncover the Secrets of 4ChanChan: Non to lvl69 in Minecraft!Video Information sh for what need anything else from Jerry or at least Jerry’s Island need anything else you [Music] [Music] damn why the [ __ ] could I not go home godamn it what the [ __ ] ma damn I just here no [Music] actually wait hold on oh yeah there we go I was going to say let me find a Lobby that’s like nearly [ __ ] done this goddamn whatever [Music] the ch there we go there we go up oh never mind I start a new profile I got bored on my main wasn’t… Read More

  • Yeti VODS: Minecraft Zombies Remakes

    Yeti VODS: Minecraft Zombies RemakesVideo Information they only really have one sign but he’s dead they don’t know that he is dead they he’s he died he he’s dead apparently they crash landed in that Lake over there we don’t know why they’re here but I’m about to ask Mr space are you here for a holiday or just our gold coins we’re not interviewing you or the melon [ __ ] off well we weren’t even [ __ ] supposed to be here mate you know we got we were plan on going [ __ ] somewhere else but it’s not like we… Read More

  • INSANE Minecraft Bedrock Hardcore Challenge! Part 35

    INSANE Minecraft Bedrock Hardcore Challenge! Part 35Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Hardcore but Bedrock (no commentary, longplay) Part 35’, was uploaded by art1r3x Gaming on 2024-01-25 15:00:41. It has garnered 169 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 00:20:03 or 1203 seconds. #minecraft #hardcore #bedrock #nocommentary Welcome to my Minecraft Hardcore series! I play the Bedrock Edition & I know – it doesn’t have an official hardcore mode. So here are my rules: 0) The world is set on hard and I can’t change that. 1) I must not die 2) If I die, this world is over 3) No cheating 4)… Read More

  • “Insane Minecraft Challenge: World Changes Every 60 Secs!” #minecraft #viral

    "Insane Minecraft Challenge: World Changes Every 60 Secs!" #minecraft #viralVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft But The World Changes Every 60 Seconds…#minecraft #shorts #viral #trending #challenge’, was uploaded by ANSHUL GMR on 2024-02-10 02:44:29. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Minecraft is a sandbox game developed by Mojang Studios and originally released in 2009. The game was created by Markus … Read More

  • Unbelievable Sweat Fest in Hypixel Minecraft! 🥵 #shorts #minecraft

    Unbelievable Sweat Fest in Hypixel Minecraft! 🥵 #shorts #minecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘The HARDEST I’ve Ever SWEATED! 🥵 #shorts #hypixel #minecraft’, was uploaded by PandaBe4r on 2024-01-09 16:48:04. It has garnered 3181 views and 83 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:29 or 29 seconds. Join my Discord: Sub Count: 650 Tags (Ignore): Minemanner is cool, minemanner song, iusehuzuni, i use huzuni, ricefarmer11, rice farmer 11, rice farmer11, ricefarmer, ricefarmer 11, mine manner, i use huzuni song, hitsync songs, hit sync, 1.18 tutorial, 1.18 pvp, how to get good at 1.18 pvp, Found This Desc From Cruh And Cheetahh I am gonna just copy, 1.18… Read More

  • EPIC Minecraft Battle: Defeating Captain Cornelia’s Ghost!

    EPIC Minecraft Battle: Defeating Captain Cornelia's Ghost!Video Information hello and good day everybody so for warning I will probably sound super congested I am super congested it sucks allergies but the day is probably going to may be short and maybe a little bit longer all depends on how the boss fight goes because we have two horns to fight the captain now I’m assuming the first one we’re going to get horribly destroyed I going to use the first one as a learning experience learn some of the mechanics when to block when to not attack when to attack so on so forth the first… Read More

  • Insane VTuber digs epic hole in Minecraft!! #Tukky

    Insane VTuber digs epic hole in Minecraft!! #TukkyVideo Information これさつのさ泳ぎながらの扉とかでもいい んじゃ ない 長どうしるかフェンスゲートにするか扉に するスゲどっちでもいいんじゃない めっちゃ楽しそういやどうしようかね僕も 正直どっちでもいいただま結この感じ重感 ある感じだから扉よりフェンスゲートの方 がいいかもねそれだったらっ同じした方が いいからさボコボコにしがいかも そう直してて出ちゃった This video, titled ‘【#minecraft 】めちゃくちゃ楽しそうに穴を掘るVtuber【 #vtuber #tukky 】#マイクラ #マインクラフト’, was uploaded by vtuber tukky on 2024-01-14 03:00:22. It has garnered 245 views and 16 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:39 or 39 seconds. 🦊Tukky🦊 🦊Thank you for coming to the stream! Please spread the word on Twitter, give it a high rating, and subscribe to the channel. 🍶 🦊Enjoy the stream with comments, super chat, stickers, etc.🍶 🦊Would you like to become a member and watch the “limited videos”? 🍶 🌸Thank you for coming to… Read More


    OMG! HUGE WARDEN STATUE in MINECRAFT PE #64Video Information तो गाइज आज मैं अपने आप को रिस्क में डालकर ट्रैप करने वाला हूं एक वर्डन को वो भी एक जाइंट वर्डन स्टैचू में और अपने स्टैचू के अंदर मैं एक वर्डन को ट्रैप कर भी पाता हूं या फिर नहीं वो जानने के लिए वीडियो को एंड तक जरूर से देखना एंड अगर आपको आज की ये वीडियो पसंद आए तो इस वीडियो को जाके लाइक कर देना चैनल पे न्यू हो तो चैनल को सब्सक्राइब कर देना एंड या एंजॉय दिस वीडियो सो गाइज अपने वॉर्डन स्टैचू को बनाने के लिए हमें काफी ज्यादा बड़े एरिया… Read More

  • 🏴‍☠️ Build EPIC Spanish Galleon in Minecraft

    🏴‍☠️ Build EPIC Spanish Galleon in MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘🏴‍☠️ Minecraft – Spanish Galleon Build’, was uploaded by AkaLxndon on 2024-01-13 11:03:53. It has garnered 1761 views and 37 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:01 or 61 seconds. #Minecraft #PiratesOfTheCaribbean #Gaming Welcome friends to the first major Minecraft project I have produced in YEARS. Taking well over 6 hours to make in Minecraft, this piratey themed Spanish Galleon is definitely one of my best Minecraft Pirate Ship Builds yet! The best part? I completely winged this. None of it was planned, not even me getting on Minecraft to begin with. Loosely based… Read More

  • Vinland SMP – SMP RolePlaying

    𝙑𝙞𝙣𝙡𝙖𝙣𝙙𝙎𝙈𝙋 Fresh start Support 24/7 uptime Java & Bedrock edition Custom bi-weekly events Server lore Dynmap Whitelisted 16+ In-Game Features Shoping district & player-driven economy Enhanced terrain generation Custom bosses Custom items and much more! How to join Join our Discord server Read More

  • PixelPeak

    We are PixelPeak Network, a new and growing network, we have our main modality, Towny Earth, a towny/cities modality, but with the map of the earth. Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Spicy Minecraft Memes #24

    Minecraft Memes - Spicy Minecraft Memes #24Why did the Creeper join the math club? Because it wanted to improve its EXPLODING skills! Read More

  • Love Blooms in Minecraft School: Part 4

    Love Blooms in Minecraft School: Part 4 In the Minecraft world, love and drama unfold, With characters bold, their stories untold. From basketball games to shy confessions, Friendships and romances, in all directions. Paws, the handsome one, catches everyone’s eye, But his heart belongs to someone, oh my! With kisses and love, emotions run high, In this Minecraft tale, where feelings can’t lie. So join the adventure, in this animated show, Where love and friendship, in Minecraft, grow. With twists and turns, and surprises galore, This story of love, we can’t ignore. Read More

  • Herobrine vs Dream: Spicy Minecraft Karma! 🔥

    Herobrine vs Dream: Spicy Minecraft Karma! 🔥 Herobrine thought he could outsmart Dream in Minecraft, but little did he know that karma works faster than a creeper explosion in this game! #instantkarma #minecraftmishaps Read More