Surviving 1000 Days in Minecraft – EPIC Full Movie!

Video Information

In this Mega survival Minecraft movie there’s hundreds of hours of gameplay put into dozens of projects we terraform an entire Island to build a mega farming area with over 10 unique mob Farms recreate the entire Hunger Games raid 20 ancient cities to find the rarest item in Minecraft turn wardens into our pets

Build the fastest with the skeleton farm in Minecraft get over 1,000 beacons in survival and play some Minecraft with our friends this is every episode of truly Bedrock season 5 there’s also an unreleased episode and the series finale at the end into the movie Let’s play some Minecraft if you’re not familiar

With truly Bedrock we are a Bedrock edition let’s play server we currently have 18 members who play on the server we’d like to have some fun around here like breaking the moon we are like a 99% vanilla Minecraft server we have a couple of cosmetic editions and then we

Also have the ability to ride dolphins because like this should just be in vanilla you know it should be and they can jump really high because Bedrock Edition is kind of dumb oh no at the start of the season we are all basing around the spawn Island which will

Eventually be turned into the shopping Island so far survival island is going great okay ah no you did not just do that dolphins are my new favorite mob what a phantom out of nowhere why is I taking damage I was in a bubble column oh I’m about to die oh I died y

Absolutely definitely oh no with a skeleton right there silent don’t go out this is actually everything going according to plan oh my no today’s episode is a lot of shenanigans with the other members of the server we all spawned in in the sky goodbye can I punch it no no that was Unexpected that got very loud out of nowhere okay very confused to very scared very Qui welcome to Minecraft go punch a tree there are no trees there are no trees I got a dolphin and I’m riding it this is this is the Minecraft that we all wanted oh you could really

Jump with the dolphins okay ah no you did not just do that you burned the dark oak saplings no somebody murdered me and called blood I was so geared up oh I missed it don’t even think about it Jesse wasn’t mine I was say any conation I don’t think

Everything died get off don’t drown you though I don’t see your PVP turned off PP is turned off this is not fair I’ll go find my own get him get him yeah give back my saplings Jessie this is going what are these I’m going to drown I got my dark oak saplings back

Take that where are you I’m being hunted drown J I want a dolphin I’m dolphin where’s all my did you eat my fish I’m eating your fish right now you can’t do anything oh they turned on PVP I’m going to beat you up with a fish in a

That’s not fair careful she’s really good at beating people with fish really good at beating people up with fish just ask her that’s not fair you want H welcome to another season of truly Bedrock this is truly Bedrock season five this all got a bit wrong we’re not really sure what’s

Happening but there’s there’s boats and dolphins and rafts and stuff so you know I’m happy to be here family photo time smile we’re pretending we love each other okay come here come on pretending yes pretending there’s been less anym back on season zero when we first began what what happened people are you

Okay there been murder I I have an apology I have an apology am I going to pick it up oh someone took it oh no it’s com be night Bon your apology was ineffective yes it’s very ineffective apology material it’s moonrise we got a new moon people the moon the old

Moon that’s no moon that’s that’s a rehash from a previous season he with that it is why is it so big it is was this big yeah this is how I remember season one was always this big yeah this is how we’ like it is there anything to eat on this island

I’m going to start shop I me at this point I’ll take spider I I’m going to start eating somebody I don’t care who it is but somebody’s going to get eaten I did smell bacon yeah you’re the pig I’m the right’s instead you’re the Yumm he’s already been he’s already been

Cooked once as well dolphins are my new favorite mob what a phantom out of nowhere out of nowhere honestly though I’m kind of happy that I died cuz now I have a full hunger bar I have one piece of wool if somebody has we could almost get a

Bed okay well I have the materials for a bed groov let’s form an alliance I just ate a cooked pork chop that somebody was making who who killed our only Pig you really you just made pigs wow to make an entire animal species Instinct let’s go harass silent he’s

Don’t harass me I’m having a hard time I stole it there’s a whole bunch of rafts that don’t have anything now I stole it wow we’re making a bed and we’re sleeping in it why is I taking damage I was in a bubble column you can’t kill me with that that’s unfair literally

Standing in a bubble column taking a break from the big group chaos me lar and Loy went off on our own for a little bit just to figure out what exactly we’re doing and get a plan ready for day one Adventures right okay well let’s get ourselves a raft going I’m going to

Build a Titanic and we’re going to have a good time where hold to that promise like you go you do do you actually want to be in charge of the building this time around no I’m going to build a Titanic and then you can do whatever you

Want with it I’m undoing some criminal actions so that I can say that I’m a changed man in court the way this season’s going I’m going to be put in jail the way this season has gone so far you’ll be put on the you know death penalty immediately I was a immediately

Yeah I didn’t even do anything to beard still I thought we were Barn bros man well then you’re cleared of all your crime yay that’s nice by the virtue of die that where I thought that was going okay you got to get here because silence is legit just building something we’re

Supposed to live on rafts aren’t we I’m building a raft okay can we decorate the island with four of my player heads I’m going to go find myself some diamonds and a zombie spawner then you can build the base and we can we can have a

Mending villager and we can we can do the thing I I was following you until that last SP who is getting a mending villager because we’re not allowed out of the area so how are we getting a villager zombie spawner you have to find first there’s also a zombie villager

Yeah hold on let’s go find out where he died let steal that [Laughter] one no no way that’s going to work no way that’s going to work I’m definitely going to go find it I found gr’s body oh he got it into a hole okay so it’s G but

We can steal it yep that’s why he was asking about that earlier okay let’s put some some roof he has a hat already he won’t burn okay yeah gr oh there’s another oh no it’s a different one there’s a different villager it’s a groa killed me jump in gr groa things are despawning

We’re late to robbing him yes we need to Rob groa quicker I don’t know which of the stuff is his how are deliver in him we don’t have leads which is why how I would do it previously but we don’t you have a lead you what how okay well there we go

The wandering Traer oh here comes gr go go go we got to act quick I’m not committing any crimes there’s lead give me the lead give me the lead I did grab grab it quick ow he’s very angry Gro is just standing there utterly befuddled but

He’s mine now we got him boys that’s not even the one that he was keeping no but it it’s got his face on it which makes it all the all the funnier we have two apples meaning that if we get like a portion of potion then we can

Potentially get the guy to uh replenish himself so we need to go yeah we need to go to the nether I didn’t want to do that well we’re going to the nether Mister was your idea to do crime and now we got to do the time in the nether no

Gr is coming our way no no no no no no he doesn’t have a lead he can’t have the he can’t move the Villager I mean he could just kill it you realize you could just kill it he wouldn’t dare uh so I’m going to go get diamonds and do that

Stuff and then we come back and we go to the nether right like you say it as if that’s easy it is easy let’s go back to the main chat oh my God this is perfect Lee check this out what this is our R you grabb my le give it back sorry sorry

Yeah this is this is our raft this is me this is you and this is silent oh my God so basically we have a couple of projects in mind we need to get ourselves a base going we need some sort of food we need to go get diamonds which

I I already did and then we need to go to the Nether and get ourselves some blaze rods so that we can cure the zombie villager and get ourselves a mending book getting mending early on is an absolute cash Fest you were going to make so much money I’m sorry I just came

Up with the name gr villager and I’ll be laughing at that for the next hour and a half villager he’s got my face I’m about to freehand a sail bolt okay who if if it’s going to look awful it’s going to look better than the terrible one I’ve

Made it’ll look better than mine shocked I am never confining in any of you voice going to do a sale but how original shut up voice what are you talking does a pirate oh my godas Z one two three and four yeah oh Diamonds oh there’s four four diamonds five diamonds

BS what I was just getting a really nice shot of the moon coming up at while I was fishing it’s okay I’ll I’ll get it next time the thing is how are we going to break this Moon we need to start planning for how we’re going to break it

Well it’s already broken there’s not much more we can do to it oh we can do more to it oh say that turn into Moon we did on multiple occasions okay so I have good news and bad news there’s a lot of caves underneath spawn oh really and the bad

News is they’re all full of water yay awesome water caves everybody loves water caves I have an announcement I’ve achieved orange dye can you make an orange bed I I don’t have the wool I will get you the wool oh make an orange bed how about Foxy’s got a forest over

There yeah he stole all the wood from all the other rafts I did not I didn’t stoling anything I’ve been very good so far uh-huh I would like to have everyone know that t th is up updated his prank preferences for this season I I saw what

Did it say do whatever want you can go to hell founding myself a zombie spawner I want a t oh nice I’m about to get wed by somebody’s been spending a long time on chunk chunk [Laughter] Bas oh there’s other side in here that’s nice and I have the string for your bed

Groa yay let’s see if I can get this Moon shuts everybody sleep quick hold on I need to go sleep real quick let me sleep before I take a picture of the Moon one everything okay here you go Gro I I present to you orange bed I should have had a and you

Can use it right now actually I think I’ll wait till everyone gets really angry about the moonrise and then jump into oh yeah wait wait wait okay that’s a good idea that’s a good idea I’m sorry what wait did somebody say wait yes wait please please wait

Please wait I found a place where there’s no no fuy Tree Farm the more the more you say wait the more I want to jump in just wait a minute wait a minute mister wait a minute okay okay okay okay now now sleep go for it Gro do it now

No wasn’t even over the horizon you suck you suck so much silent told me to yeah but you did it I don’t control you you’re a grown man you can make your own decisions if I told you to jump off a cliff would you do it yes instantly I’ll

Take my bed where’s the cliff okay uh jump down that giant hole of yours not oh my god did I just do that no I just saw that as night time I was I was reading comments I was like okay I’ll just skip the night oh no I didn’t

Mean to do it that time JCB I I was laughing way too hard there I’m glad I W pushed to talk that was rough it’s a robot dude yeah you can give it items look oh God he’s going to kill us don’t trust that there you go go give

Me some sand okay so he’s got an antenna meaning that there’s probably more of them who wants to punch it and see if it fights back no it’s too you don’t know if it’s got a bigger friend silent I’m fine with that I’ll fight anybody will

It sit in a boat oh it turns Blue Where do you want a literal portal to hell in your base wait in my base okay I’m off to the nether silent don’t go into The Nether withouta it’s not finished but you will have to farm a lot of wool off of that one ship we got if

We want the sales so ship how you liking it it’s good is nice really that’s all you got to say I pour my soul into a form of a vessel and you’re like it’s all right yeah pretty much how many boats have we seen you build by now like are you you can’t

Be serious the Mas are a bit tall but I don’t know other than that it’s pretty good there are we going in the nether I’m let’s go in the nether I’m going the nether this is beautiful this is be a great thumbnail here but okay flipping free by free nether portal is beautiful

And my boat is like yes yeah well no I’m else has any structur it would be good without being in your Bo without being in your boat though like if it wasn’t in your boat it wouldn’t be cool well you should stop with that hey my body guards none of us

Are wearing like a unique full set of armor either I love it oh my God this is death okay so we got to go to 100 by -260 oh you’re just looking it up okay I I see how it is no sense of adventure it’s an adventure getting there all right just

Remember turns out uh right clicking doesn’t Shield anyone from anything it doesn’t do anything for anyone oh no yep yep the piglin is enjoying your golden helmet it just stole your armor it stole all stole your shield and your okay oh wait I have a golden pickaxe actually

Efficiency 4 here hold up go for it have fun like it’ll last 40 blocks but they’ll be a quick 40 blocks be a very efficient to many actually here we go it was good enough it made it there’s the ne Fortress it had Unbreaking three on

It actually that’s why with the SK with the skeletons and blazes do we not even need to go into The Nether Fortress well we got one Blaze Rod oh the nether fortress it’s right here as why here we go uh I was going to say we need Nether

Wart but I guess we don’t need Nether wart for that we don’t need Nether wart if we just want to yeah but if we want to taunt people of course we want to taunt people oh I’m about to die die oh I died yeah absolutely definitely there’s a

Magma Cube behind us he got season 2 finale it’s to death y oh my bed was missing too oh wow got killed by magma oh somebody already pranked the ship what my entire inventory is worth of Silence corpse okay that’s good that’s about how much silent you should

Have on you at all times three to four kilos of just pure silent whisper it’s great in any recipe okay you I’m back now we can get back back down to business what are you alive though I just ran oh no with a skeleton right there silent don’t

Go no I had my shield up what I had my shield up come on okay and now he has your Shield up good prise bro still laughing at the fact that you saw his L just get murdered and then you walk around the corner too and get

Murdered by the same no I saw him get murdered and so I put my shield up and walked in there hey got to return to Cinder oh there’s so many wether skeletons here this is this is a great a great Fortress everybody loves his Fortress Yeah such

Such a such a good Fortress for you know not what we’re doing but still yes for what we want but for other people good place future silent will will love this current silent is kind of struggling not going to lie oh that’s not fair they put fire

Underneath me no okay I’m going to die y okay oh no I got half Health okay oh my God no he didn’t I’m good I’m good uh behind you behind you oh my god get in here you just flew from that hey check this out what’d you get okay

Yay oh you got two okay great two more oh two more you can get a villager we officially are in V territory hi okay we’re just in time to leave I may have stole your stuff yeah I’m wearing you right now oh the Nether Warts yeah the Nether wart stairway it’s quite distinct

Yeah yeah it’s going to be quite the Trek okay uh I might just do a run for it wait do you actually see Nether wart I’m going to go find it and they never saw him again some some say silent whisper is is is still running it’s fine

It’s fine leave where you at what you do oh my God I’m oh no not God Sasha well dressed wither skeleton in there now did he actually put on your gear yes I got a weather skull so I’m not seeing many enemies on my way right now

Uh we just hints at me that you are pulling the mob cup yeah yeah I think so I just look around the door there’s like six guys over there I’m next to a blaze spot there a lot of stuff happening over here right now oh hi

Blaze I will use my new fire aspect sword on you it can’t be anymore on fire silent I think I’ll try you know what I can turn all these crappy Stone swords into one okay stone sword it’s called Recycling and everybody’s doing it saving the planet reducing

Waste keeping Stone swords out of the landfill they are probably biodegradable it’s stone is itally just a rock oh I hit a pig man I found the way out goodbye yeah pork on pork I have no blocks uh I have I have a stack of wood magically from somebody’s death

I thank you oh yeah that’s mine thank you you just saved my life I have not seen another W well then what is the point of I don’t know it’s trying to stay alive stay alive this is entirely not a place to try and do that I have one Wither Skull I demand

That I get more oh there’s a w skeleton oh there’s a blaze okay I’m probably dead here yep okay yep I got put in a bad situation by a bad crowd okay it wasn’t my fault the bad crowd was you and the situation was entirely your you made G you don’t need

To tell people that oh no if it isn’t the consequences of my own actions I hate it when that happens hey Ricky is here at our base again what kill him what isn’t trying is is he trying to okay like my one mistake was making a base right yes yes I think

That was a mistake he drowned yeah no by the drown yeah he’s trying to hide in our sugarcane line I guess that’s what he gets okay I think we should just count our uh losses four blaze rods and a wither skeleton skull that’s not something to shake your stick at this is

Actually everything going according to plan okay CP this way I got pigos on me oh my no come on that wasn’t fair I got ping pong holy crap that’s not fair man how many deaths have I got so far does deaths just switched over I got

Six there’s I almost got the top spot a lot okay uh there was so much gold armor so that one was your fault well I didn’t think about it this is it looks like trash when it’s in a chest um one of them’s wearing our Wither Skull okay do

We at least have the blaze rods I think they burned up I think they landed in the fire so we got to go back back to the nether fortress all right gang so let me get this tra I died with the wer skull and six blaze rods on me all you

Had to do is pick them up bring them home what happened well I mean you could have just not died to begin with and it would save it was my mistake I I admit I admit it was in the nether but it’s not hard to die in the

Nether also I didn’t die while you two were doing all that well you were digging a tunnel that’s not fair I was I was doing the manly thing in the Wither Fortress so we’re we’re kind of all our fault here uh mostly the the moral of

The story is we have a Wither Skull but we don’t have any blaze rods the one thing we win in there for so we have one goal we need to get two blaze rods and we need to do it without dying horrifically in the nether M yummy yummy rotten

Flesh kind of loud silent what do you have against a good hotty meal I said yummy yummy didn’t I I meant the why have you not taking the soup it’s nutritious and delicious and it’s good for you and it’s soup season oh my God there’s so many skeletons I

Got the second Blaze Rod I’m getting out of here we are done with these Shenanigans no more nether this is why I didn’t go to the nether last season actually that’s probably why I’m dying so much I haven’t been to the nether in like a year okay I’m back at the nether

Portal we we we survived people we didn’t die we did it first try we got everything out it was that was a very very smooth nether trip I I I’m so proud why is there a phantom as soon as I get out here come on I am not at all

Currently running from the currently running past things that are wearing our armor from the last trip through nope we have finally achieved the Splashy po ocean of weakness this was not worth it I I don’t think so that took a lot of effort just throw it in the ocean we don’t need

It the bru St yeah just whatever ow that guy hurts oop sorry Giller here we go this should help please be normal I make [Laughter] you SL he he lives with us that it is not possible for him to be normal what’s he got uh fortune 3 it is a really good

Deal we don’t want fortune we want mending give me The Mending why are you where do we have these things have a barrel oh there’s there’s a whole raft made out of barrels over there we might have to go destroy their base for a minute we might have to take him

Somewhere else if he’s going to be link to their entire base we finally got a mining villager after being on the server for like 8 hours now we got to protect it with our lives oh no he’s getting hit by a trident drowned no no don’t even think about it mister

Wonderful now we just level the boy up and enjoy our mening for nine emeralds unless we want to recure them but then we will need more blaze rods and that’s an entire headache well it’s okay because we don’t actually need Men books anyway do you know why we don’t have any

Gear to put them on yeah that’s true we just lost all of our everything yeah we lost literally everything we have one Ingot of iron and even that was spent on the last shield and you’re currently using it and then we have this one di Pi we’re absolutely bankrupt yeah we have

One diamond and I think I’m going to I’m going to know what we’re going to spend it on right about now where’s the thing at okay this is this end of episode celebration bam come on Dance with Me Zo jump around we did it yay yay can we really say it’s over though if we don’t have a mending book okay we did a villager though that that’s an accomplishment the next couple episodes are going to be focused on the early game of Minecraft and enjoying the Survival Island Experience of everyone

It’s actually really fun to just have everyone in such Close Quarters with very limited resources and just a lot of shenanigans suffering through the early game and not really rushing for the ingame or diamonds or lro or any of that we need to get geared up get Food Supplies equipment enchantments and some

Experience Farms going so we got quite the to-do list so I’ve decided that we need some form of gear we need some enchantments we need some levels and more importantly we need food and of course the bestest way to do that is to get ourselves a little bit of an AFK

Fish farm and there it is a beautiful monstrosity in the side of the ship that I will undoubtedly get in trouble for building now of course all we have is like the garbage tiny fishing rod with zero enchantments on it so I’m going to

Do a little bit of AFK not too much I don’t want to be here for hours and hours but I do want to get enough food to not starve decent amount of junk mostly I’m just here for the food we really need some food on This Server

There is like nothing to eat survival island is difficult okay so I might have gone AFK for a little bit longer than anticipated cuz uh things happened and I couldn’t get back to the computer but we have all of this amazing loot right here look at all these great things and of

Course that’s only the the bottom chest we got all this lovely stuff up here as well we got all these nice bows lots and lots of nice Enchantment books which we’re probably not going to use most of but more importantly we got food and we’re smelting it down with nice organic

Charcoal cuz we have zero coal so the starting base of theme of this season is raft and I built one last episode but it’s kind of terrible so we kind of had to remodel the the raft a little bit and now it’s just like a mast and there we

Go I’ve since remodeled it and now it is a much better raft I think I’m like the only person on the server to actually build a raft besides that one over there which does look pretty good it’s got a fancy sale it’s one up in me but this is actually the

Titanic designed by tcraft 103 who is our moderator in our community it’s a great little raft and I really like how how it turned out I would like to highlight more builds and stuff from our community this season because we have an amazing plot world with tons and tons of

Things from our community members that have been built and I think it’ be really cool to highlight some of those here on truly bedrock and rebuild them either like originally or modified versions of them so let me know what you guys think about that idea obviously with permission of the plot owner and

Credit and all that stuff but it could be really fun and there goes zy are you are you okay yeah Z’s up to something he just goes in there and just dies immediately and comes back oh hey free leads he literally broke my helmet that’s how bad my gear is a llama broke

My helmet this is this is the worst set of gear that I’ve literally ever had we lost everything in the nether the only thing that did not get lost is these iron pants that I Enchanted everything else just just gone before we can go mining get regeared up and just replace

Absolutely all of this garbage we need to steal a mending so Boop stolen put this right on the pickaxe Boop Ming and now we got to go build a Zombie Farm boom Zombie Farm it’s done break the torch we got zombies spawning all over the place H it’s kind of funny cuz I’m

I’m farming zombies Z’s a zombie and Z’s farming pigs and I I’m a pig so we got that thing going I guess that was not planned it’s just natural progress of the game so I built it kind of wrong you actually need six blocks underneath the

Spawner that way the mobs drop out the mob cap I only did three so I’m going to slightly rebuild this and we actually do have the materials for a trident killer so I’m going to build one of those as well and there we go we got our first

Zombies in the Trident killer we also got our definitely not so creepy friend up there silent to my ALT account who is going to be afking here for me and providing me with a bunch of zombies that way I can just come back up here whenever I want grind all these guys to

Bits and get myself some nice experience okay so silent 2’s been afking up here for a little while as I did a tiny bit of caving as and as I’m sure you can hear there’s just a bunch of zombos in here like we got all kinds of guy look

How many that is okay I do not want to fall down in there that’s a very bad place we’re going to seal that up but if I turn on the Trident killer all those guys are going to get killed and then I get the experience of through the wall

And that’s going to repair our pickaxe and there we go we have a fairly decent pickaxe now and we got ourselves a carrot the first carrot of the season I believe very good stuff okay so this is a little bit silly but I found deep slate coal right by our Zombie Farm and

It literally took me all of last season defy indeed slate cool and now day two of the server we get it I am not going to mind this until we get soak touch so it might be a little while but it it’s here remember these coordinates it’s

Important and of course deep slate coal is the rarest Block in the game basically besides like deep slay emeralds but nobody cares about deep slay emeralds you should also know that now we have potatoes so finally there is something quality and delicious to eat on the truly bad rocks so as you can

Tell we’re a bit light on resources because well there just isn’t very many resources around so we’re going to meet up a Loy and have a little bit of a competition that way we can actually start enchanting all of our gear so this is a crime meeting okay okay we’re going

To do crime y I like crime it’s about time I died a ton of times in the nether without getting what I want to get done at all I will need your help do you want to guess why I died in the nether a ton of times

Uh you jumped in lava lake cuz you thought you could swim no repeat it 46 times I mean you’re you’re pretty determined so you have an incredibly low expectations of me I actually got g g villager healed up again so he’s now selling one Emerald per book mending

Books oh and I got a bunch of emeralds and a bunch of paper do you know what I don’t have what leather for the books oh you’re doing the the piglin trading trying to hunt hogins hoglin hoglins killed you 46 times I need help like psychological but also with the

Hogins yes we have cows right here I just made a crop field so we can plant more wheat so we can breed More Cows how fun doing that I I swear I promise you I can get hoglin leather way faster than you can do cow I think there’s a a

Statistic that tells you you can here’s L here’s a leather look at that look how easy that was yeah and now it’s going to take like 20 minutes for this to grow up and get and you don’t don’t die during that time I have myself a very large number of bones and seven

Cows and I haven’t died one time so tell us why that’s significant because you’ve died 47 times okay but like not after we started the bat ah I died to the another man and I even can hear somebody like the Penguins picking up my items oh my God

So how’s that uh another project come for you amazing thank you for asking why is your name tag in your waist why is why why is your cows all over my place that’s a good rhyme I have no comeback for that okay I’m going back into the

Nether I promise you I will figure it out okay good luck honey okay this is how I defeat that particular drop are you fishing for leather no definitely not fishing for leather oh cows are so efficient I’m going to have so much cows so fast I’m silent I’m

Smart I completely forgot that you got leather for fishing that’s great you forgot yeah I forgot that you get leather fishing that’s so good like I can fish leather faster so even after all of my fishing and all of Z’s nether adventuring I’ve have gotten seven leather and Z’s gotten

Seven leather so we’re basically both terrible at this zloy does want me to come to the nether though and actually see what the hogland farm looks like so I guess we’ll die okay so this is going to be junk and sassin like very sketch so be very careful and uh run oh right

Over a lava lake really yeah because that’s the best way to ensure there are no extra spawns it’s not even cobblestones Lo do you you trust that it at least produces hoglins sometimes I will maybe believe it if I see it but SL why why does it have to be a one wide

Bridge it it didn’t have to be a bridge at all let’s see if this oh well silent thank you for that um yeah you see this is how you don’t die in the nether no you don’t that’s not what I’m thanking you for you idiot oh God dang

It I guess we’re stuck here now uh there they’re coming for us they’re coming for us they’re coming for us I don’t have a sword okay the hogland farm is a little bit rough not going to lie uh do you guys want me to make a new hogland farm

Tutorial I think zy wants me to make a new tutorial let me know in the comments and I’ll get one out since we’re obviously both a terrible at committing leather we’re going to go commit crime instead okay Z are you ready to commit crimes always what are we doing we’re

Stealing from groova let’s go wait we’re just kidnapping the second guy as well yeah we’re just steal the second guy we two villagers L it’s it might be claimed that’s not going to stop us that sign can’t stop us cuz we can’t read salent no now he’ll know that we

Messed with him he’s got a better sword than the last one why are they all so well weaponized are you sure you can fake grova’s handwriting are you sure you cannot die no I have one heart silent do you want me to die is that what’s Happening

Here is this just I mean it would be a nice side effect I thought I thought you didn’t care about dying this season why are we robbing groa again and why are we doing it so like desperately and blatantly though because we need a second villagers so that we can breed up more

Villagers so we can get more enchanted books so that we can have a monopoly this is a premeditated plan okay he finally cured but he’s a he’s a fisherman again zo oh yeah about that well you were a way has been development uh follow me so remember how they put

Ships uh up there yeah that that’s that was actually a distracting maneuver what they actually did is they knew that we we were going to cure a villager so they placed a barrel under our ship just so we’ll have issues trying to link him to a leon that’s evil this is

This is straight up devious like that is actually we’re going to Dr we can’t even break it we’re going to drown it’s the perfect crime we are just going to breed them keep the baby and that’ll be our our base pair of villagers then we’ll zombify this guy

Return him like nothing ever happened perfect don’t we aren’t even giving him a profession at all no no no okay this this might be the easiest villager breeder ever assuming that it works because it’s not one at all well not yet give him time oh look there it goes see

That that’s that’s all we needed okay do you know a zombie perhaps I do actually go get him uh go on F5 real quick I overcame I can’t break my I can’t break my fast again again uh I may or may not have just killed somebody else’s ship

They they were leashed okay there we go as if nothing ever happened except he’s dressed completely differently and also isn’t red or anything there we go perfect oh that actually works yeah yeah yeah there’s another drown right here behind you and a creeper ow don’t worry the Villager is safe I

Wasn’t worried about that gee I wonder what happened here giant patch of dirt whole bunch of like dirt in the surrounding areas on the edges look it’s fine all the evidence will probably not hold up because I mean it’s grass it’s going to spread when you wrote the sign

Was the original sign also misspelled I has my nay on it yeah my neigh nigh or something I don’t know man it’s scoa is weird you know what I’m going to trust you because I didn’t even see the original sign so yeah he’s not going to notice

That his zombie villager is suddenly in a two wide hole with a pumpkin on his head with a misspelled sign it just doesn’t happen okay remember how we did like an entire thing where I went and built a leather farm and you went and buil a leather farm and we wanted them

For books and stuff we can get this second villager to just sell us bookshelves so what why why why didn’t you mention this to me earlier because I didn’t think of it because I only thought about it now cuz I was like okay we’re not going to make him another Lian wait a

Minute Loy I have an announcement to make we’re both idiots okay Ved but also if we want to actually get any profit out of this we will need this guy to sell bookshelf for one Emerald per bookshelf and to do that we’ll have to zombify and cure him also

You used our third weakness potion didn’t you yeah to Zombie Fire cure this guy so he he’ll sell Ming for one Emerald okay well you can go back to the nether cuz you like it so much and get us another Blaze Rod here you go and now

We need to get a zombie to turn him back into a zombie villager hello why I’ve never seen this for what yeah this is a new one there there was a similar bag back when the first came out but this is um this is interesting I think he’s trying to be a

To he’s pretending to be a motorboat come on Kick harder you can you can paddle this thing he’s still doing it by the way so whatever he’s trying to track I think our drowns broken oh look at that I’m blocking with my shield yeah looking yeah how does that

Work he’s trying to strangle you like from the front but like he’s not Minecraft logic all right uh we do need to wait for the baby to grow up though we can’t murder a baby’s Loy it just doesn’t work also we got to separate these two so the

First one doesn’t kill the second one you got this get a hole in one it’s it’s just mini golf come on okay sir we just need you to take a a little bik just a sampling hey there we go look at that okay so now for the the time Bam

Bam give us cheap bookshelves we’re just trying to get Enchanting sir it’s three emeralds per bookshelf you’re right oh buts no no no no no no no no no no get him out of here sir sir we can’t have you oh come on oh jeez this has gone bad zombie

Villager curing gone wrong uh-oh okay finally after many more Nether Adventures we got enough gold jeez let’s go ahead and have a good time shall we what are we going to name this one I don’t actually know I think it should be grager that’s you

Zoy um hold on I got this you totally killed her sheep and you uh yeah we’re not going to admit to that though I mean we have a perfectly reasonable Alibi here we do have a perfectly Reas exact the exact same survival rate yeah we have an Al

Also by the way Jesse definitely did uh help foxy and whoever like to Frank our ship or at least watched and did nothing one bookshelf trades can we just have some Applause for that I’m just going to buy just all of these oh look how

Beautiful this is oh he’s let me buy so many 12 bookshelves Loy we could have just done this from the beginning we should have just done this it’s another thing that like he literally SS feather falling four okay yeah that’s also helpful so we have infinite emeralds now

I mean we had already but like now we have even more so s sustainable emeralds and we have enough bookshelves for an enchanting table you want to know the final like stab in the we are idiots kind of Camp if you have a experienced Farm we should have placed the

Enchanting table down there we’re not going to dwell on how dumb we are it’s got Unbreaking three I could probably roll that so I have a mending pickaxe but that is not worth it anymore we’re going to throw this thing into the enchanter and see what we get all right

It only says Unbreaking 3 at the moment but we’re going to hope that it’s Unbreaking three and fortune 3 and efficiency 4 and that’s it mhm and still touch on the on on the handle like there’s a second yeah so we can poke things with it it’s double

Sided like that you’re not going to believe it we literally got it out like first try I love it all of our pain and suffering was worth it Z all of it was worth it oh my God this is great I feel so good about charging people for using

This enchanting table because it’s clearly the luckiest one it’s clearly well worth it the more effort and pain and suffering and deaths of zoy that go into something the more worthwhile it is so today we achieved unlimited food tons of Enchantment books all the bows that

We need to make into new bows we also have an entire chest full of mending books thanks to our mending villager and even more mending and more mending and more mending and more silk touch and other things from the villagers we have a lot of mending okay not to mention our

Two villagers up here are the foundations of a trading empire we also got our full enchantment table ready to go so that we can enchant all of our armor and actually survive and bu craft a little bit better things are coming along and in the next episode we’re

Actually going to get geared up with all the full diamond armor get a bunch of resources and probably build a mending Casino as well so stay tuned today we need to get rich we need to get geared up and we need an experience Farm as you can see our gear is basically slightly

Used it’s it’s it’s Fallen apart we have absolutely no resources because we are starring the series as kind of a survival island so the plan is we’re going to get ourselves a shop set up to take everybody else’s money instead of getting our own money and then probably

Go get some of our own money from down underground and we also need to set up ourselves a triple spawner Farm as well I appear to have figured out how to solve our problem with our utter utter utter lack of resources if I can find a

Single plank I think it’s a whole pile right there um shut up right here check this out wow you do this and then I do this and uh press the button it looks kind of cute I don’t I I got to bop his nose yeah more or less oh wow Cobblestone that’s very

Fancy zo mhm but more importantly the Cobblestone go stop doing that no stop I like booping his nose every single booping of the nose costs you one Diamond but I don’t have any diamonds exactly that’s the that’s the thing that’s why we own this thing as opposed

To you know use it and then they keep booping it until it decides to spit out The Mending book okay oh there a Ming book how many times that I Boop it without getting a mending so this is going to give us a lot a lot a lot of

Money this chest we do have a lot of mending yes yeah we have an entire chest of mening that’s okay that’s 27 diamonds if we just you know sell it at one Diamond per book this is nine single chests of diamonds essentially um on average on average okay so we’ll call it

Four and a half single chests of diamonds hold up where’s my calculator that’s 121 diamonds and a half uh there is no problem the problem is probably no one has any money how do we restock an unstable item into a dropper a hopper so that only one drops in a hopper is my

Question a hopper is it seriously just a hopper a hopper really a hopper it’s it’s just a hopper zo we’re over complicating it science is over this is established fact let’s go build it okay cool yeah you said let’s go build it build what a casino to make us rich it’s not a

Casino it’s a single dropper we can’t Implement a SL machine will check where are we building it we can’t even automate because we don’t have hoppers for an item filter okay well that part’s true where are we going to get Hoppers that SL I don’t know that’s why I need

You for this thing we’re going to have to like get more villagers and like build an iron farm and I think that’s at least two episodes have you considered that there may be are things underground okay so we have two plans here we have 27 mending books and then we have nine

Stacks of completely random junk these are the only things that we have nearly full stack of we’re we’re pretty rough we don’t even have a full stack of rotten flashh this is the first shop on this season and it doesn’t even sell anything it’s a gambling thing it’s a

Jackp machine look at this we can just put all those mining books straight into the chest boat too this is this is actually like my second build of the server and I’m very proud of it his name is Henry i h him with bur Pion uh but

Yeah we have literally no Redstone and literally no resources so do you have a pickaxe um um that’s hard to call a pickaxe but I have a rock shaped vaguely in the letter T give me 3 seconds there you now have a pickaxe okay sub is this a riddle the viewer can fill

In the blank it says sub to silent I typed it but you know it maybe it’s a sub to zo or a sub to Foxy okay so we’re down here in the mines we are swinging our pick pickaxe left to right we are going to find ourselves a whole bunch of

Things we basically just need everything if you see an ore mine it besides like copper cuz copper is terrible everything is worth one point geod are worth 100 points go all right oh my God I found a geode this is crazy I am going to murder you that creeper behind you might murder

You oh yeah there’s also a diamond ceing I thought you were joking you for oh my God you know what I don’t even care put it on the board put it on the board are you are you trying to mine this out from min me cuz that would be

Appreciated actually I don’t have an axe actually could you help me mine it no how fun on your pillar of Shame I’m off to beat you because one point like you equated diamonds with everything else we need literally everything so it doesn’t matter what we get it’s all the

Same value okay if you die it’s like negative like a billion Sil making stuff happen it’s pretty clear that no matter what you’re going to say it’s not going to beneficial to me in anyway okay if your name’s silent you get negative 50 points this is going great oh do we have

A time limit what’s should we like set a time limit I literally just I just fell in lava I just fell in La about Min is oh there’s a mine sha right here actually how did I not notice this oh it’s right there oh it’s right right there it’s

It’s a ploy to make you waste time when you’re not mining haha there a remarkable amount of lava down here I know right who needs the nether when you can die in lava at home at any moment they say the experience is not exactly

The same but uh I think it is I think it’s just as good I actually want to like while we’re at it address something I feel uh has been quite a prevalent part of this series so far we’ve been kind of garbage the entire season so far

Yeah it’s been it’s been a rough run survival island with like 20 people on One Island turns out to be a lack of resources even on the island is my first point this is the yeah this is this the first ever time I even went into anything resembling a m shaft like an

Actual cave on This Server because every cave is just submerged entirely and we just had no resources there’s just it’s it’s quite literally a baren world so yeah in case anyone was wondering why we are not like building just um like an iron farm right now a giant castle or

Any of the other cool things that we’ve built we hate villagers I struggle to say yes but in my heart I really do right now it’s not like they did anything particularly Rec no they did the couple of days you you blocked it out you blocked out the yes precisely

That you went to many years of therapy oh my God minus bajillion points it is I was I was crouching and stuff dude creepers are insane I added like a full set of iron armor and a shield and stuff I have a player head that’s worth a lot

I mean of of of sentimental value this is going to be your Christmas stocking stuffer so watch out Mister oh my God how many cave spider spawners does this mft need because down this tunnel there’s another one why are you running down the tunnel though I told you that there’s a cave spiders

Well I wanted to see for myself yeah what if I was trying to fool you into I don’t know yeah what you wouldn’t be following me into anything what’s worse than a cave spider spawner zo um two cave spider spawners oh there diamonds right over here did you not see

Them you placed these torches oh yeah I was too busy uh I about to say Not O A bajillion points but I was literally about to say to busy not found another geode you’re not going to believe it that’s my geode oh I already found it well you didn’t Light

It Up Wait how do I know this is your geod you could be lying because it’s broken into well okay that’s a that’s that’s a fair point but maybe it generated like that yeah it’s generated with like distinct is shaped hole in the in the top of it yeah in the wall did

You fly through it okay there are broken blocks here a creeper just blew up so it could be anything the evidence is just not there because I ruined it because you were right watch out so there’s a slime behind you yeah thanks yeah you’re welcome okay so we’ve tallied up the

Points and zy you have yourself a whole lot of redstone look at that and then all these other lovely things and then I have just a bunch of redstone as well I don’t think we need to count okay so we got to remember I got plus 100 for a

Geod and you got minus a bajillion for death I got a A plus 100 for a j dang it I was hoping forget yeah we we even did out is the thing thank who made up these rules also I have 46 diamonds now I’m rich on the server you are probably the

Only person who actually can play in that casino that we’re about to build this is true uh what are we making we’re making a a full set of diamond armor cuz I can’t afford it should I make a diamond hose Loy I think you absolutely have to I think I’m making a diamond

Hell and that still leaves me with 16 diamonds and I made a diamond block hey do you want some iron armor I have a single piece of it so yeah there you go thanks is this is this your old one yes that’s all sweet and all but but stop showing off

There is a point there is a higher point to this entire Expedition and that is to build The D casino because Jesse is online we built you a thing Jesse you built me yeah well not not for you actually we built it we built it for everyone we built it inspired by person

On the server yeah we built this really nice thing for all the server members but maybe you’ll like it too I don’t know you know how no one on the server has Mings Well turns out somebody does it that’s that’s us we we do yes okay

Yeah so and the idea here is that you just hit in a diamond and then you win or you do not win and uh actually you win every single time you just don’t win good things I was going to say is this basically like one of tizzy scam things

It’s not a scam we would never scam you right so if you have any diamonds um yeah we would like to test this out would you like alone no you never you never take a lone early game that’s always dangerous I have diamonds down

Okay fine no I will I will go get my own Diamond thank you I don’t trust you it’s 0% APR for 12 months yeah and then it and then it jumps up to like 82% I know I know only 82 wow you must think pretty low of us like

He’s actually giving you like rates and stuff I would have just taken an IOU and that would have been way worse that’s what I mean that’s too dangerous I I’m good I will I will get my diamond it’s fine I could have just given you a gift

But no so just throw it on here yeah yeah yeah can’t this this is look at that see you get a mending wow I did get aing see it works just right okay so we’re going to have to confiscate that and I’m going to have to

Give you another Diamond there’s no no s what did you do cuz there’s nothing to break in this thing it’s it’s not simple it’s just a Dro so it’s a casino so sometimes our patrons get a little bit money hungry anyway so would you like to go again no I’m

Good you only have one piece of equipment look at that drown dying he died and he dropped a diamond there you go we go thank God I was I was I thought I was hallucinating because like there’s no way it’s just dropper though well well thank you for

For my mending book that was be sure to come again we we’re your primary mending shop for all your mending needs on the truly bed Ro the only mending shop on theti server that’s why we’re the primary ones so what’s your bet is she actually going

To come back and try and play again I I think she will I think we got her properly addict I mean I think she just likes uh the the building I mean she also does like that’s the thing even if she doesn’t come back for the fun of it

Uh everybody needs men in everyone needs men just do yeah yeah also we literally built it right in front of her house anytime she wakes up in the morning looks out the window she’s just going to be reminded of the great Glory of Ming books yeah that was so incredibly

Predatory of our I actually forgot that we did that wow uh we could we could plant a tree you remember how we were caving in here right and we were like wow that’s a double spawner of cave spiders that’s uh pretty impressive course that’s too many cave spiders for

Any one person right so that’s why I brought you in okay because uh that there turns out I looked up I I calculated it’s not a double spawner it’s not nope it’s a triple spawner oh no yeah no that’s terrible oh God okay like you know why a triple

Spawner like absolutely sucks because it’s times three the pain of a normal spawner yes and also because that that means that you can’t just ignore it like you got to do something with it you got to do something with a triple yeah but the only thing you can do with the the

Triple cave spider spawner is suffer according to my calculations if I just stand around herish all three of them are activated at the same time yeah yep you got yourself a triple baby it’s triple oh yeah I forgot to tell you there’s also the secret forth spawner

Yep the slime chunk I’m pretty sure it’s like around exactly here I died to slime more time than I died to cave spiders while trying to dig out all of these trenches that’s not something you should admit on cameras Le yeah this is the worst ball pit yeah do not go in there

Danger really hope there’s no skeletons around here oh crap oh crap I have 20 two levels on me back it up SLO back it up all the way up I’m trying all the way out I’m trying so you go down here you smack them in the face and then Happy

Times this is the best wool Farm I’ve ever made not not too bad I think we can make it better though we just improve efficiency and uh Simplicity and then we got to get the spiders up here though that’s going to be the really fun part

SL oh crap I did it again how how do you keep falling in there zoy it’s calling for me okay it’s just it’s it’s where I belong I want to disable water streams while I’m down here although we probably don’t need to yeah I don’t think you

Need to okay cool then I can just get out cuz if I disable water streams I’m not getting out alive all of those people are you maybe you should disable the water stream why though well you see there’s certain Farm things that need to happen in order for uh

Efficiency yeah I think we need to get rid of that entire water stream actually good thing I fell in here I guess but uh also oh no you should put it back put it back put it back it was a bad idea they’re going to climb climb you

Idiot I didn’t think you’d actually do it nothing I think You’ actually do it oh [Laughter] no you’re evil and I love it yeah go disable go enable the water streams yeah sure I will thank you I build Farm you build thing around farm this is a a

Relationship as old as time yeah I think you’re a little bit late on the um build Farm I I improve Farm there we go okay admit fixing my Redstone is way harder than just making your own let’s start the count of things that’s lo done wrong

Um silent introduce us to article one uh there’s got to be six blocks underneath all the spawners for them to drop out of the mob cap oh mistake okay sorry mistake number one was building a cave spider spawner Farm mistake number two was building three of them and then mistake number

Two was having a slime farm yeah I mean not all of these were my choice necessarily hey a quick question can we water log a spawner you can we can water L spawner oh no we can water L of spawner yeah you found that out the hard

Way I am not ready for spiders I’m sending them back to you um okay we just ping ponged them I believe it’s ready to go remove the Torches got to feed regular slimes into this into the same Farm cave spiders yeah we’re going to get the baby slimes

Up here it’s going to be great are you sure I that doesn’t sound somehow that doesn’t sound sound o compl I can’t quite pinpoint how hey look at that we got baby slimes up here Mister Baby slimes and spiders yeah this is very convenient it’s a Slimer

Farm hey you’re Hing all the EXP Farm I’m at the spider farm I’m at the combination slime and spider SP why because we can so this is definitely a lot of spiders in there and I feel like we’ve uh surpassed the mob cap of these guys cuz these are

Definitely still spawning spiders and that’s just like a lot okay so we have modified the slim Durst farm and put in ourselves a lava blade we should be seeing that slime eventually bounce into the the lava blade there look oh my god it works it actually works I told you it

Would work yeah you guys were not believing me uh-uh now watch this yeah and see now those guys die on the little ones and now the little ones go underneath the thing and then they go up the bubble column see it actually does work there’s science there’s logic

There’s there’s like reason behind this overall this does actually work pretty well Lloyd did a very good move by getting this triple spawner set up cuz now we actually have like a pretty solid source of experience this is three times better than the Zombie Farm okay so we

Just spent like an hour or so redoing the slime farm more than that and I think it actually does work so we we had to push back the spawning platform all the way to the far Edge that way it’s far enough away we put an iron golem

Over there a couple water streams and now finally it is providing us with slime it’s the worst slime farm in history fall down thank you and then uh yeah they just go over there they get split and then they definitely do not die you

Do not see a a slime ball there look at all the slime ball that’s in here look at all those slime okay look at that it’s a very very efficient slime farm we’re getting slimes all over the the place we’re getting spiders all over the place this is a scary amount of cave

Spiders I mean that is just way too many guys if this ever did break on us though this would just be legitimately so many spiders everywhere the whole server would be overrun by spiders so we need to get a elevator going all the way down to our farm and this is actually right

Above the triple spider spawner this is way further from Land than I thought it would be so I’m just going to get on down here and dig myself a hole going straight straight down I have no regard for my life if I drown on the way down

Tell my oxal that I don’t love them ow get out of here I didn’t say drowned do we dare jump down the giant deep hole to nowhere I think we dare we if I die I love you there we go yeah okay so there now we have much easier

Access to this silly area down here okay so now that we have this thing set up at the triple spider spawner we need to actually get ourselves some books going so what are you going to give me protection three I think we’re going to just let that one not be that and paling

For let’s roll it fire aspect 2 terrible ooh feather falling four honestly I just roll most of the level 30 enchantments uh because most the time you’re going to get multiple and those multiples is where you get the good stuff sharpness four that’s not bad actually so we need

Ourselves a good source of Bones and that means that we need ourselves a skeleton farm and there we go skeleton Farm is now officially done we break out that block and then we seal this up and Bam we got ourselves skeletons hi there how you doing mister are you doing a bit

Blendy today that’s a new workout I hear it’s great look at that he lost so much weight and after a little while of afking with the second account we now have an absolute ton of bones for all the things that we need and of course this area does look pretty rough but

It’s it’s like a temporary skeleton Farm we just need it for some quick Bones the triple spider spawner on the other hand has actually been started to be decorated by Mr Z so now as you can see we got some staircases going up we got the beginnings of a hallway for our exit

And entrance and we got it just kind of looking pretty good still a little bit more work to be done around here but this is basically the thing that’s going to allow us to fully enchant our armor and get some good tools on the server three days later zy there have been

Developments at our shop I need to show you some Shenanigans so there is is a very lovely shop here but then there’s this thing that just popped up right in front of us and you’re not going to like it guaranteed one Diamond each while stocks last and it’s all just mending

Yes it’s all just mending but the good news is there’s no diamonds in it right now yeah so no no one’s buying this yeah so no one’s buying it which means that they clearly think that our shop is better let’s see if we have any many diamonds is the

Thing about that let’s see um you don’t we could have made it how the heck we got some money what no wait wait wait wait how many okay how many do we have left most of it yeah I mean I have like already three stacks of diamonds for

Mining and then we just got a stack and some of diamonds from all this too so we we have some monies right now we might be the richest we could increase the odds of getting a mining book we could yes we could make it uh double actually

And all all it would take is like taking out one stack of items yeah so we should take out the DI right because honestly that’s just disgusting and admittedly I have to congratulate whoever’s shop this is they are very successful because they are currently right now as we speak are

Being bought out by the biggest corporation on the server yeah very successful very successful they they can Coast they can they can reinvest yeah they can reinvest in all kinds of things okay uh so you want to just like put all those in the chest up there yeah just

Pile them up it’s fine yeah it’s fine honestly we can just let them despawn we have another three double chest of ending like we do I I did stock up cuz I I really have like this mild hunch that something’s going to happen to our villagers I don’t know why we consider

It like me just preemptively you know preparing for karma my one fear is that whoever did this now has a very cheap villager trade and will just you know restock again oh you think they have a very cheap villager trade no oh they definitely oh this amount of mending

Book they they have like a 30 Emerald trade I’m just saying if they return with the entire F restocked we just go even more aggressive okay okay okay today we’re going to undertake a massive project and completely transform the entirety of the spawn Island a little bit later in the episode we’re also

Going to hop into the nether claim a whole bunch of our future build project areas and also get ourselves a double Blaze spawner set up too if you up enjoying today’s episode then consider dropping a like or maybe subscribe so you don’t miss future ones but let’s

Just hop into it first of all I have big news for you that you want to know we have dolphins in a bucket on the server this is not something that I knew that is adorable I must find out how do we get this guy in a bucket do we just

Click on it no now I’m riding it hold up water bucket and then click on it oh my God okay that’s amazing got myself a dolphin in a bucket man this is awesome rable Dolphins everybody thing that should definitely be in Minecraft if you want to play with

This in your own Minecraft worlds then go pester foxy know taale to make the download public it might already be public I don’t know but you should go subscribe to him anyway or I mean I mean pester him just just pester him test fire of the experimental dolphin with

Super speed three two one and you got off of it I what okay uh try take two of that this isn’t that fast well then you got slowed doin this isn’t well I blinked and you disaar it’s faster than ripped out triend it’s it’s stupid fast it’s definitely faster than chunk loading

Like I can make a pig that goes faster than this yes but can the pig swim in the water it doesn’t need to it’s a pig you can do it speed on land you can do it on land this is faster than a horse I was doing a thing I’ve been putting off

I’m sure you’re all wondering why I’ve called this meeting I think that we should actually have a town hall again this season it was really good season one to have it there is a little bit of a problem with the fact that the island basically you have a very limited amount

Of time to build a town hall because before it gets filled with everybody else’s builds uh I’m I’m currently working on that oh really no you’re working on filling Island yeah making it bigger look there’s already an outline you guys are all like over here just

Hanging out and I’m over there working y that sounds about right oh wow look at this you did a lot should have plenty of space eventually I’ll terraform it and make it pretty but for now you’ll at least know how big of space you have that’s so much there’s no way you’re

Going to perform this much are you insane are oh she will and I you know me well you just challenged her yep she’s going to get it done in a week trid and drowns like need I even say it like there just they’re everywhere at the moment I’m considering draining out the

Water around my boat are you going to make an anti moot around your boat potentially yeah the Trident drowns they’re literally killing me while I’m just sorting out sorting out my storage it’s a note this meeting is a little bit like hurting cats here I can’t keep eyes

On all of you at the same time and now’s the part where we get to destroy the entire Island and then rebuild it in a slightly different shape oh us to spawn oh no not again do do dolphins dolphin way too Speedy I literally sped into Ricky’s

Lava no how many people have died this meeting like five six people have died already God we’re terrible at this game makes my eye twitch it’s fine it’ll be covered oh my God it’s yeah you’re going to have to cover it rather soon like the lowest level

Doesn’t actually matter why do you get out of the lava Turtle okay he’s got jeez that was the most clutch move by that Turtle what are you doing there Jade you said cover with dirt hovering over nothing do you do you want we’re building a mob farm that’s what we’re

Doing that’s why I put torches underneath no no no you want this whole thing one flat no it’s just she has a vision she has a vision it can’t be it can’t be Hol can’t be Hollow okay I’ll go get Cobble and fill it in you could hear the eyes twitching though

Yeah could hear the pain and suffering in the voice just like H but No well it wasn’t going to be a mob farm cuz I had torches on underneath it’s not that it’s a mob farm it’s that that it’s disgusting is it griefing if we were given outlines to coloring we we were given CR crayons spicy crayons spicy crayons spicy crayons spicy cray amazing

That doesn’t mean you can eat them but I want to there’s always that kid in the corner eating paste you know oh God trying to work out which one of us that is there we Go Are we going to just leave it be Stone and garbage or what are we doing here no it only looks garbage because of you so fair enough yeah I I will be terraforming it out uh you guys don’t have to help with that that’s fine yeah

But what the because if you want to cover it in like actual Dot and grass I have a bad news for you all the dot and grass we got are already on the island that’s true the um sand is going to get pretty much all demolished and I’m going to do

That on the outsides and then I’m going to get more dirt and do the inside it’s kind of a face Lo can you put another blob up there no it doesn’t need a face things do not need faces No this what it needs the other eyebrow now though cuz

It’s got like one it does have one eyebrow hold up I can give it another eyebrow this is our first build on the server right here oh God I can’t wait for Jesse to cover this up there’s no covering this up the whole world knows [Laughter]

Now yeah my side of the Island’s getting done first just fair warning ah okay so we just built a massive ugly platform in front of all of our bases enjoy front of Foxy it’s fine oh Fox oh wait Fox’s about to join in we need to

See his reaction it has a face ra doesn’t seem quite so far away as it was it’s night yeah we were just making a nice little bridge to your Island how are you doing hi we’re destroying the whole island now I don’t know which part we’re just all of it don’t mess with

Jesse no matter what you do I’ve been coming here every day carefully stealing a little bit of dirt so that no one would notice in the whole thing we’re redistributing it yeah we’re just kind of smoothing it out I think the the dirt pretty much is

Going to stay where it is for now but it’s the sand that I’m moving out so every time I came over here and carefully stole some sand to make sure that no one would notice it doesn’t matter exactly I’ve got literally a full full barrels withth of dirt at my base

Now why I’ve been pinching off here well I’d love to help you all but my my lovely efficiency for mending shovel is broken so oh would you like to use would You’ like to use a Zombie Farm XP farm I I well that’s what my I’m

Actually in the process of I found a zombie spawner right behind my raft believe it or not and uh that’s what I’m getting on with oh wow so you you built a farm at spawn you built a farm at spawn Spa it’s the other side of my ra

Yeah sure okay I don’t know about that mister we saw I hav left anywhere yet we saw Chuck down there one no what is Chuck loader doing over yeah what’s he afking at organizing my items for me sure he is a fishing rod he’s definitely not a farm yeah you

Tried to hide it underwater like come on no at least I was civilized and I was afking in plain sight like guys I’m really sorry I’ve left the oven on I think ch’s calling me oh jeez well pretty is subjective so you know your pretty might

Might not be mine I might not like it he prepared to we all think he’s pry foxy you’re [Laughter] ugly I think I am canonically the ugliest one on truly Bedrock though I mean it’s kind of hard to be let’s be honest yeah I’m consistent you know rotten you’re kind

Of actively falling apart yeah like yeah see zoin got himself like a little Moy face going on now he’s he’s he’s he’s adorable like in character but you know you got to make up for reality sometimes wow each other we’ve been on here for two days and we

Just an insignificant Island and there’s nothing left of It that a great cutway for Story episode okay let’s check out on these guys wow they destroyed the whole island four days fine so Jessie B is definitely the MVP of this entire Island terraform project she has just been working on this nonstop and as you can see it has

Turned out very very well I don’t think it’s quite done yet but now that we have a much larger Island everyone has decided to build much larger things we have like a 40,000 times scale skeleton horse we got this which is the beginning of a tree base and it’s a floating tree

Those are like the outlines of the tree leaves and that’s the stock it’s it’s it’s horrible if I could turn on fire spreads I would okay it’s not that bad I mean look at that it’s got a great view of the sunrise so definitely go show some love

To to Jessie B her Channel link is down below along with everyone else in today’s episode now listen we don’t get this until the next episode so don’t leave any comments about it okay just just don’t it doesn’t exist this is currently being reconed out of the

Episode what have we got here we got ourselves some dudes are you trying to punch me ow they are just trying to punch me why are they not trying to shoot at me do they literally just try and shoot at you no they trying and punch

You I didn’t know they do this I thought they were just always shoot at you I know they had this ability this is extra dumb okay well you guys clearly have your own thing going on so I’m just going to just I’m just going to go so we’re off on a grand

Adventure to the nether for a new reason and this is to claim out and Mark all of our areas on the server we have a lot of builds that we’re going to be building in the future and we need to head to all those areas set up ourselves a little

Bit of a sign and a pillar and be like yo this is ours so that way no one else tries to steals our turf uh this entire thing feels very very sketchy I love it uh so where is the nether Hub this season we don’t have one okay I guess

I’ll go build another Hub right I’m pretty sure the nether hub’s going to be in the ceiling and it appears that we have no way up to the ceiling don’t mind me just going to make a very janky staircase right over a lava lake straight into The Nether

Ceiling okay there’s a gas right there I knew that I hope I brought enough blocks can you stop spawning for 3 seconds and it’s going to be full of lava this is this is what I have to deal oh there’s a new x-ray oh well okay that’s kind of

Cool I find x-rays just all the time I’m not even trying every time I go into third person in a weird situation it’s always an x-ray hold up you got to get your camera like underneath that block I shouldn’t be showing you this but you know it’s just part of the adventure

Okay we’ve dug for literally five blocks and we have our first ancient debris ancient Deborah ancient for Breeze look at this you can find in any height in the nether yeah so we got all of our signs telling us which directions are which and then of course the nether Hub

Is actually supposed to be a while level 108 so now we just got to kind of get in there somehow and uh not die I feel like that would be appreciated okay there’s not really a great way down there is there H I think we’ll I think we’ll just Yeet it

Yeet ow oh this is a double spawner check that out okay that’s handy I like that that’s great fantastic very good many many PL many many many many many many many many okay well that went great everybody that went super well fantastic and he picked up all my stuff okay so we

Survived for all of about let’s see 30 seconds inside that nether fortress that was our entire set of uh tools and weapons as well I’m very good at this game everyone nether Adventure take two this time we’ll do it right I swear making my way up the janky staircase to

Go back to where I died cuz this is what I like to spend my time doing so we’re going to have ourselves a nice friendly little chat with a wither skeleton about the retrieval of some certain items I’m wearing gold can we survive this without feather falling ow barely I built myself a

House that would have been great if I just straight up died right there there too Pro Gamer moves Omega strats right here we got all the things happening right here we’re putting up barriers putting down walls how are there still three blazes in there where’s all the

Wither skeletons at we know Mr Shin’s around here somewhere Mr shiny has all my lovely diamond armor on him oh there he is look look at him go oh no it’s a piglin that picked it up oh there’s my how did my sword get all the way over

There bro just threw down my sword he nearly threw it in lava oh it is a it is a with a skeleton okay yeah that’s Mr shiny there hello Mr shiny yeah I don’t like this nether fortress no sir look at what you made me do mm- just let me get

My sword back the thing’s nearly broken but I still want it hey how you doing I got a Wither Skull this makes everything worth it I already have too many of these things and I don’t I don’t want anymore but thank you for the consideration please do not fall into

The lava that would just be a horrific accident could you just just put on those no okay well you see what we’re going to do is we’re going to put you a nice little nice little wall right there and then bam look how smart that was it

It just damaged all the armor it was not like that when I left it jeez okay Blaze spawner number one is conquered so now we can officially say that we’ve uh taken over the Fortress with minimal casualties what is happening to that right there okay that was can you like

Shoot the blaze Fireballs back at them cuz I think that’s what happened right there I I disabled the spawner everybody don’t worry we got it it’s all good to go okay now this Fortress is out nobody can come in here and say that we didn’t claim it properly because I think we put

Our Blood Sweat and blood into this thing that was a very professional Adventure into The Nether to claim our nether fortress for a future with a skeleton Farm we’ll do that someday uh and now we got to go to the coordinates of 5187 and that is going to take us to a

Very particular spot in the Overworld so we just spent like a while digging out this huge massively long tunnel 500 and something blocks and we’re finally at our destination building up our nether portal as you can see we did forget a thing it’s not like an important item it’s not something you

Usually think about too much but uh we we forgot the the thing to like light the nether portal so so much for that idea um we have no iron we have no gravel we got nothing if we can find some piglins we might be able to do it we’ve come up

With an alternate plan and that is to use the bed to light the nether portal as long as we don’t have any blocks in there this should be fine I put down a whole bunch of cobblestone and stuff we’ll we’ll hopefully survive this but uh here goes it actually

Worked look at that Pro Gamer moves right there fantastic we’re going to leave this pile of shenanigans on the other side of the nether portal and it’s going to be great yo okay let’s hope that this this actually links to the correct location

Are we here a I wish I had a bed now cuz it’s night time well nobody thought about that yeah sun is literally going down okay well you you can see what we’re here for uh this is a Pillager Outpost and it has four spawning spots

This is going to be for a very specific uh omega raid farm that we’re going to build someday can you leave me alone I’m trying to record a video stream both at the same time there we go brand new bed nobody will ever be the wiser yeah so this place has four

Pillager spawn spots it’s the closest one on the server besides one that is inside of JC’s base I believe so if we head upstairs uh instead of just like one spot like most Pillager farms uh we’re going to have four times the rates and we’re going to have four times the

Pillagers as you can see they’re very happy to see me oh hi yeah no I don’t really want to be here anymore yeah I think I’ll just leave you guys alone sorry for bothering you I’m in danger yeah so as you can see we’re getting guys spawning on the

Ground right there and we’re going to have three other places so this is going to give us a huge amount of bad Elman uh even for a basic raid farm this is going to make it spawn raids much more frequently oh yeah see we had two Piller captains right there I haven’t actually

Seen two before that’s that’s kind of cool apparently they cannot spawn if there’s a torch on the spawn spot which is something I did not know and that ruined a lot of people’s builds inexplicably please be the good one we want the th sound Garbage goodbye Fortress I do not really miss you man got to love these beautiful RTX textures reminding us of the far lands out here this is actually kind of cool maybe sort of retro but like not exactly what I was thinking of this looks really really broken you see how

It’s doing that like wavy effect over here yeah that’s that’s just wonk everything about RTX is just it’s just oh it’s bad oh look at that that’s not great right there none of this is good everything about this is weird that looks kind of interesting but not all

The rest of this I think we’re just going to go to the nether I think that’s I think that’s better it’s reflecting off the logs even everything’s still bad yes okay we’re fine it’s fine that looks pretty that looks pretty trippy actually so this portal goes to the

Least interesting place out of those two nobody ever cares about this thing that I build uh but the other two things were very very interesting yeah so this is round about where we’re going to be basing I decided that I wanted to retire to a nice sunflower field and like kind

Of run through run my hands along the the sunflowers you know kind of dance around the sunshine a little bit nice summer morning I thought that would be kind of nice you know nice little retirement home so that’s what we’re going to build a nice little wood cabin

Little bit of a lodge little campfire so I can’t say too much right now because I don’t have everything figured out but somewhere in this rough area area is going to be the rough base location the rough base idea is to have kind of like a futuristic uh computer kind of cyborg

Future is City uh it’s it’s going to it’s kind of a jumble of keywords there but you’ll you’ll see it soon TM there’s a lot of other things that I want to do before we start on the mega base though lots and lots of other things that we need to do

Like build a starter base haven’t even done that yet we’re getting kind of ahead of ourselves here right below us is the scariest part of the nether that you’ve ever seen I’m not going to show it to you but you’re just going to have to take my word for it that down below

Us is the biggest scariest soulan Valley that you’ve ever seen it’s just all lava lake for as far as you can see this is going to be the prime location for a gas Farm of Mega proportions uh coming soon TM yeah look at that I that’s all you’re

Going to get that’s your one Peak that’s all you get T Tom told me that there’s another Hub at 311 by5 and like I’m here is it down below us no there’s nothing here 311 by 15 okay I’m a negative 15 okay so we’re 30 blocks off but still

Okay here we go look at this I found a cave yeah oh yep just uh we’ll just leave all these guys out here I think I think tsom needs to do some spawn proofing okay I’m just dumb there is actually a tunnel I I was all up above

This thing okay so it does exist the legendary tunnel it’s here here wow look at this this is great very long okay I’m going to have to assume this is the spawn portal because like it’s the only thing in this entire tunnel that’s anything different it’s all been the

Same for Huns blocks where does this go to an angry hoglin beautiful there there needs to be some spawn proofing out there oh you know what let’s get a zlin actually zlin give me get in the boat thank you look how cute you are Yow you’re adorable I love you so we’ve

Decided that a blaze farm is in order specifically a double blaze farm and I don’t know why I’ve been talked into this but here we are this is this is my life now right so here’s spawner number one and uh spawner number two is over there with the whole perfect line of

Hoglands like honestly why does it have to be just directly over lava there’s so many other things it could be over it could be over like a ball pit a bouncy house a trampoline I mean seriously like look how much lava there is it’s just

All lava as far as the eye can see okay it does look pretty good in R tracing I mean look how dark and evil and red this is it’s very red this right here very good color excuse me little little dude you’re you’re wearing a leather hat I don’t understand that but okay

Where where did you get that I cannot think of a possible thing maybe a skeleton died that’s got to be it he killed a hoglin and made it okay that sounds a lot more likely okay so blaze farm number one is done look how beautiful that is quickly run across the

The way so that we can make blaze farm number two skeleton got moves for days man he’s busted a move up there we’re about to show down I think I think I just got owned this is actually such a good double spawner these spawners are super close we can stand pretty much

Anywhere in this little area and be totally fine so we need to figure out where the actual Kill Chamber exactly is going to be going and how we want to move all the blazes I was going to use lava buckets to move them but I kind of

Sort of maybe want to use flying machines too we have the technology for both lava is just very slow but I guess whatever we’ll just we’ll just use lava for now and if that doesn’t work we’ll switch it out for flying machines I made a Strider farm tutorial everybody look at

That that’s adorable I want strier and a bucket that’s what needs to happen look how adorable they are it’s got cute little legs so after like 3 and 1 half hours of work the double blaze farm is finally complete as far as I’m aware so we got ourselves a nice little finely

Decorated staircase going all the way down to our Trident killer the right side blaze farm is going to be dumping blazes down into there they’re going to be coming all along dropping into that side and then the left side has a little lava stream as well you can get kind of

A better view of the blaze Farms from above there’s more Striders in there stop spawning if only we could kill those guys with like lava or something that’ be very convenient uh so yeah you can see that we got one lava stream going that way one lava stream going that way

It’s nice and decorated okay well the blaze farm works that’s uh that’s a few blazes right down there so even if they don’t really want to go down the lava streams on their own I think all the ones behind them will just kind of push them along

Yeah see it’s sort of working that they’re going in there we got our first blaze in there it’s going to take a little while for them to figure out that traffic jam though we should probably just go despawn them all yeah so it does work very well it’s it’s a very large

Number of blazes that we got going for for us you know what I think that this is working perfectly great all the blazes are coming in very slowly but it does work and then uh we stand here and look at this we’re going to be getting all kinds of experience through the

Walls look at that three entire blaze rods that was definitely worth the effort that it took to build this uh absurd blaze farm there is like totally a bottleneck happening up there I’m not sure entirely why okay so this is kind of not working that great I was really

Hoping that the lava streams would work better but we kind of need some flying machines up in here cuz like this is not acceptable I have higher standards than this not by much but by a little bit uh so we need a flying machine to push from

Right to left bring all the blazes to that side flying machine to push from Back to Front bring all the blazes that side and then another flying machine to just swoop back and forth across this whole area to push them into the Kill Chamber uh but that is going to be taken

Care of later surprisingly we’ve actually made another 15 diamonds from our totally not a gambling shop where we try to sell mending books at a 2 in N chance and I kind of thought that everybody would just uh okay well that explains it this shop is sold out that’s

Why we’re getting diamonds yeah real nice of them to put a a shop right in front of our shop and just undercut us very quality the time has come for us to go to the end Dimension and get ourselves some finally good gear that’s not completely falling apart and broken

So of course everybody’s been to the end dimension at some point or another in their Minecraft career and you’ve probably seen like a million videos of that here on YouTube but today’s no standard in dimension raid things happened it was rough it was bad we’re we’re really dumb we’re bad at this game

Going to the end is it usually worth it but think of all the amazing beetroot seeds that we’re going to get I mean there’s no other way to get these in the game there’re such an amazing crop there’s also the side hustle and side mission of just getting a load of

Diamond armor that we can use like all of the stuff that we have is basically terrible we need to get some new gear and some new enchantments so that’s the mission and let’s meet up of everyone and actually get to the end shall we oh someone’s shooting back okay I see where

You’re at now okay save your arrows for the dragon I got an Infinity on brand newow yeah I grabbed the head though cuz it had an item in its hand I didn’t want to grab it it’s really hard to shoot someone oh I got him I I literally stepped sideway to

Shoot some that was the final arrow that I shot at you I was about to say it’s really hard to shoot someone when you can’t see them now we’re even beardy you got Z yeah I got Z okay he’s in my hands right now there’s three of us in this

Boat how long the boats take to break yeah yeah okay We Gather here today with the express goal of killing a giant lizard any objections no great let’s go does anyone have the coordinates let’s get out of here is it the I don’t think that leads to the

Ocean just saying guys I think it might hold up here we Go come on we got places to go and people to see I’m getting someone’s boat come back is this my boat didn’t you have a boat partner ja I did he left me for a dolphin okay what are the quarts yeah negative ,200 on both it it’s a little bit off

That’s close enough for now wow that really is fast bye Sil wow yeah these Dolphins sure are fast we’re going to get there really quickly land mass smack yeah I’m going over land too it’s fine these are land born Dolphins hi to hi dolphin Bros bye did who picked up my end chest

When I broke it I could trade someone in end chest for a shovel just in a hole does anyone have a shovel that they would want to trade for an Ender Chest I don’t no what about you fo I have a half half durability place do you have a

Shovel you would want to trade me for it no I want my Ender Chest back place you’re going to have to catch me first wow oh no murder murder please thank you very much did someone just put water on me thank you that’s a sound clip right

There that that’s called you should have taken the bio break I said a torch or anything like that dig when I’m what I mean yeah it doesn’t tell me oh God there’s too many A lot of us here oh jeez question Oh My Goodness Me Okay 17 still no sign of it I bet there’s no import over it be one of those minus minus things no structure spawn yeah oh wait no- 27 I was betrayed minus 47 there we

Go you found it wow so low that it doesn’t have actually have a room oh no I’m pretty sure it does it’ll have a room it’s fine remember that I I called all the chests and it’s all the dibs and all the bookshelves m is in my

Bases around that would be helpful oh here’s my books this is where I left them the chest I found so many books I’m just going to go take some hey you already did that with the other one what are you doing what sorry I I sneezed I accidentally uh I accidentally broke a

Bookshelf sorry these are antique bookshelves bookshelf you taken my bookshelves oh that’s lava never mind I do not no hesitation oh Jen’s taking another bookshelf oh my God people Tak book just come in here red them and ran off I found it literally right here me and you walked right past it no

We didn’t we were giving people a chance to find it I’m break down oh oh wait this is under s yep sorry this was under silence base if he wanted that I was going to build a silverfish farm that was going to be three episodes with for

Content well it’s still it’s still there it just looks a little bit different yeah exactly it’s still there it looks slightly different much better silent look at oh wow that’s that’s great I I imagine since silent claimed this area he’s is going to make it really nice and

Pretty and he’s going to spend all so much time care definitely yeah I’m going to remodel this whole area we’re going to break down the wall between the kitchen and the living room have kind of an open floor plan also there’ll probably just be another portal in here you know yeah probably probably

Probably do somebody have the blaze powder because I’ve got the pearls here that would have been hilarious if we didn’t have any we got seven things we just need five more did nobody bring eyes the heck just happened wa I asked multiple times who had the eyes professional mcf does anybody have obid

So from today’s stream is sponsored by proper preparation saves you infinite time I volunteer Mr Fox andot to go to the Nether and get us some more ice one me too two votes 10 seconds later oh I am actually going to die I’m going to

Explode oh dear it foxy don’t do it yeah don’t do it too it’s right there oh my God I found a Wither Skull guys I have five blaze rods we can get out of here everybody get out I got one of the blaz I got one of the blazes negative oh No Friendly Fire I heard Arrow go off so I thought we were you already shot murder well I respawned back in the room I’m just going to wait here if that’s okay I got your stuff I’ll bring it back well that was exciting right so where are we oh oh

We’re in a m shaft we’re on it oh now we need a new adventure so do we not know where the portal is now we’re just lost underground the was posted were like right by going left or like the way we’re going up the hill and then right how have we managed this

PR that’s that’s how professional Minecrafting don’t worry guys I will lead you to success you’re not even going to dig this three blocks tall so we can have like a non-he headbanging staircase down there’s like seven people in this tunnel somebody could dig an extra block tall they put the torch on

With a nice clean inventory now I’ve got more blocks than got all the what’s up the staircase why does it go down to well we got to find the Ed come on it’s somewhere around here just give to my name I was AFK and just Interesting conveniently wait you could have given us the coordinates the whole time oh wow I typed them in chat so we need we only need four more pears there’s two end chest end pearls in there okay there’s two end pears one more pear okay does anybody have one additional

Pearl I threw 12 out before where have they all gone cuz I only have three I only have three I came with 13 pearls I threw them out and I put five chest and when we came back there was only two so three have gone missing while we were away

Come on can everyone do me a favor just check their inventory for a a pearl or their Ender Chest okay I don’t have anything netive back to the nether W Forest yay one more you said yeah oh my God finally thank you jeez you’re welcome okay as

Okay right and this is where we cut and we edit all the out we like total professionals we got no problems whatsoever going in this is the whole video now this is my episode five should we screenshot of us all at the portal yeah yeah yeah yeah

Get out of the portal foxy I can’t where we looking I’m in oh no I don’t want to get out where’s the camera it’s over here on the wall it’s right here yeah we’re all looking different direction there we go group screenshot everybody smile I don’t see very many smiles In This Crowd

Fired kind of weird just saying good luck Foxy is it is it is it safe in there yeah yeah yeah perfectly safe don’t worry about just jump in and then continue jumping and moving forward when you get here we need to get rid of the one with the cages right yeah what do you think I’m

Doing I’ll get the other one I was just gonna say is that that’s an elytra that I hear somebody’s flying around elytra an elytra G already wow die I might die I’m going to die got die go die no no no no don’t do it dang it that last hit

Come on I no there we go I had it we did it guys Dragon lasted so long nobody’s ever killed the Dragon in Minecraft where’s the dragon egg guys I don’t know it must have gone through the portal yeah sure sure right there oh my gosh everybody’s just inadvertently looking

At Inman right now yeah yeah guys we left Jade behind she couldn’t find us oh shoot we didn’t do a head count oh no no yeah I tried telling you guys that I got lost I got over no Jade we didn’t hear you couple of Sher boxes and then I’m out

Mhm yeah same here just just a couple of shers just a couple like a stack of shells that’s all Jess’s like I want to get you killed no I would never I’m not that mean wow what oh no see I’m just warning you foxy threw a pearl and it left an

Endermite up there on a one Bridge oh no oh no I’ve died to that before in hardcore yeah it’s just it’s just three seasons in real Foxy’s killed me it’s it’s fine it’s just a good tradition does that mean Jay is the only one that’s not died Montage foxy no friends go with

Hor what happened wow GNA have creeper holes at his oh come on Jesse set one off JY set one off the rest of us need just for now I mean I mean you may as well turn into a war zone that way I can hold you guys to it

Later and helpy you help me gather resources or something come on I said maybe you didn’t just take the elra you actually um yeah destroyed the whole ship the whole ship down as well yeah something like that would be acceptable well funny that you say that

We we did did you really every every elytra we took we pour down the boat so that you wouldn’t stop at the city cuz there’s no boats but we didn’t touch the inside of the Cities so all the loots there we just took down the boats are

You actually joking are you actually of the eight of the eight that we found there are no boats you spent the entire time it takes are you joking no no you tore down the whole ship yeah wow there’s no way i’ be really annoyed if they took

The loot from inside as well oh my good yes we didn’t we didn’t take the loot from inside the city you evil people just took down the eight ships you just leave a pillar on it so much obsidian then well that was one of the things it’s like normally you take the Mast

Down and I was like should we just take the ship and leave the Mast then I was like No just take the whole boat oh you are so evil oh my god oh we were wondering like why our ships why our cities don’t have any ships it’s just like you tore them

Down think you know bo rock of the weight material you just took a video straight out of my poor Channel I I choose to not believe yeah you can you can totally believe it I don’t know these these shers of purp are in my uh Chessy differently who has the time in their

Life of all the things you could spend time doing in Minecraft Trolling everyone all the commitment is real wow it like this just going to be really funny you absolute Hooligans it was Fun but you thought it was a right prank at the time then you thinking this is hilarious this will get him this will show them no no no do you know how many times I have gone to the end after you guys went and you guys forgot to even Mark the

Ships so you land on a ship and there’s just no wings yeah but if you don’t if you don’t Mark the ships then everybody that goes there gets that excitement of oh look HRA oh look whereas I’ve come here totally disappointed I always put a giant like

Pillar on top of the city or break the Mast or something I just removed the back end of the boat or the whole thing have you not found any silk touch stuff since you’ve been no I think they must have taken all the loot too no definitely didn’t take all the

Loot cuz I had to break one of them ships with an iron pickaxe yeah I had to do it with all efficiency for like the first two ships you suffer through it with extreme pain using iron tools let be done you cannot be trusted you will pay for

This when I build a shulker shop with a shulker farm the prices for you two are going to be four times higher what you should say silent is like every shulker box you buy you have to build an end got the materials we know you

Can okay I think I finally found a ship here’s hoping that no one’s done anything to it I think this is a good sign it has two Shockers on it so probably no one has uh invaded this one yet I still can’t believe they went through the pain and suffering of

Breaking down eight entire end ships with just iron tools to actually play a prank on us like that let’s see can I just like teleport straight there I don’t feel like bridging anymore look at that professional Minecrafter okay please be elytra there’s an elytra finally okay this has taken me 3,200

Blocks of travel just to get this one dude it never takes that long it usually takes like 20 30 minutes maybe but I’ve been out here for like an hour and a half let’s see nice amount of diamonds a new chest plate all the gold and a crappy sword Perfection and there you

Are my beautiful my lovely so I realized I think I put away all my fireworks into the Ender Chest unless they are in here and okay good they are I was about to say cuz there is no Ender Chest for Miles I do have the blaze rods to make

More ender chests but the blaze rods are in my in chest so that’s not particularly helpful I nearly forgot to steal the Dron head it’s just like right here and all you got to do is break out this block place in a block right there

And then punch it there we go now we are in business they still need to add like a proper feature use for the dragon head cuz like it’s so good but there’s no uses for it I swear n cities always give you the best enchantments on the worst gear just

Look at all those enchantments that’s literally like a perfect pair of boots but it’s iron and then we have an amazing amazing helmet with all of the enchantments but of course it’s iron and binding like I’m going to take it back cuz somebody’s going to use it and now

That we have finally a pair of wings we get to finish off our in raing session with getting just a whole bunch more ships so we got to head to a, by 4200 and I’m going to try and conserve my Rockets I did not bring mending but I

Don’t have an anvil anyway so we’re going to try and make this quick I swear the elytra was basically made for the IND Dimension cuz traveling across this with any other form transport is just quite literally the worst experience of your life so something to know about the

N city is there are only certain places where you can get loot these tiny rooms over here never have any loot in them there’s always just a shocker out front maybe one on the inside these big cylindrical rooms always have a double chest at the top here like two singular

Chests so if you just go in through the very very convenient staircase on the roof you can just steal all the loot while ignoring all of the shulkers because that is how we do things we just get get all these nice little diamonds and of course make sure that you always

Mark the ships by breaking the Mast or leaving a pillar on top of the main city or something that way other people who you play with know that it’s been raided so these rooms right here typically have some chests as well and if you just looking through the windows you can see

It there alternatively you could just break the the block right here and just steal all the loot right out and out of it and it’s a good idea to put a bunch of stuff into your Ender Chest that way you don’t lose it because you’re in the

End it’s very very likely to die I would really like to find a silk touch diamond pick because I just do not have any form of silk touch and of course all we’re getting is like curse of binding gear and beetroot seeds we don’t need to worry about killing all the shulkers in

The in cities anymore simply because there is Shuler Farms montage look at the tiniest City ever I think this is quite literally as small as you can get it this is great I just got three Sher shells from that one Sher is that even possible that doesn’t seem

Like it should be possible Right hey I just got the achievement for flying up 50 blocks from the attacks of a Shuler which is one that I’ve literally been trying to get for years now it turns out that as of right now you can actually just kind of like cheat that a little

Bit I didn’t intend on cheating it but it turns out that you can so if you get shot by a shulker and then you levitate up all you need to do is activate your elytra and then just fly upwards with a couple of rockets and you will actually

Get that achievement so there you go you can get it really easily as of right now because you can activate your elytra even if you have levitation so a rather quick end rating session today but we did get like nearly seven entire shocker boxes full of loot I don’t know how many

Elytras I don’t know how many shocker shells but it’s probably enough for right now and I will come back at a future date and get more stuff but as of right now I don’t really plan on using much of this I kind of am enjoying the

Early game so I need to find myself a way out of here I am 4300 blocks away from the mainland oh no my elytra is about to break oh I got to really hurry for this oh no I’m so glad that I noticed that oh it’s about to break like right now I

Guess I I could just use another elytra I guess good thing we got multiple I am so glad that I notic that here we go beautiful beautiful portal oh how I’ve longed for your companionship uh we’re just going to fly straight on into that thing you don’t even need ender pearls

Assuming that oh my that was that was actually a heart attack right there assuming that the portal Works let’s let’s actually get out of here now rather short Adventure in the actual end Dimension today however the adventure to get in there was quite painful and plentiful I can’t believe

None of us brought eyes ofender like the the one thing that you’re supposed to bring to the stronghold we’re we’re derps we’re just derps that’s all there is to it don’t know how to get home so I’m just going to go through the nether because that’s that’s what I know best

It’s definitely the safest way to get anywhere on this server and for the moment we’ve all been waiting for the grand reveal We have basically an entire Shuler box full of diamond loot none of this is really particularly that good now that I’m looking at it we also got

This exra stuff over here nothing really exciting we got tons of amazing Iron gear of like all the enchantments you could ever need a whole bunch of junk blocks and then all of this loot literally 48 diamonds that’s more diamonds than we got from caving we got

Sixr and honestly this iron is probably the most valuable thing in this whole box because we have absolutely no resources so for the time being all of that stuff is just going to go into this nice little chest right here in the corner where no one will ever suspect it

And we’re going to go back to suffering uh also we just don’t really need any of that right now besides like maybe elytras but we got to get a gunpowder Farm first so we’ll uh we’ll do that sometime soon also we now have two wither skulls so we are like just

Nearly there for actually getting ourselves a uh a full wither oh no do you see it oh no who got who got this little dude right here what’s your name Mister I I don’t want to know but uh we we have that one and then we have those two out

There we we have three wither skulls I was not aware of this uhoh I am not prepared for this I don’t know what else to do with it besides make a te- pose on the front of the ship so that’s what we’re doing and if this summons some

Sort of monster I’m not fighting it uh but yeah there we go I feel like that’s a pretty ominous thing to have on the front of the boat the idea is it’s one of those statues that you have on like the front of the ship actually I guess it should

Be be down there shouldn’t it there we go now it looks proper we have three major things that we’re going to be doing in today’s episode we’re going to be building ourselves our own base because I’m tired of being the only person around spawn that doesn’t have a

Nice starter base there is so much stuff built in being built in this area and I just have nothing to show for my own builds so that’s one of our main projects today our other main project is rebuilding the double blaze farm that we built a couple of episodes ago because

It is like completely broken and we need a good XP farm on the server we might also find our way into making another Farm in the Overworld today for experience because it’s just an XP farming type of episode either way I’m going to grab some materials and then

Let’s fix that blaze farm so we’re trying to use a lava streams previously to move all the blazes and that is just incredibly incredibly slow so it does technically work but it’s not quite up to my standard so what we’re going to do is we’re going to tear down all of this

Stuff in between these two little glass cylinders that we built we’re going to have a minecart conveyor belt going from here to there and then we’re going to have a flying machine going from like here to there so the Kill Chamber is going to be right there in the corner

It’s a little hard to explain but I did Build It Up in Creative so let’s go check that out don’t AFK for a long time at your blaze farm cuz then you’ll get something like this I do want to turn on the flying machine for this actually

Let’s let’s see how let’s see how bad this goes there’s so many places that’s great look at that finally happened after all this time we finally fell in lava it finally happened it finally finally happened blazes finally got their revenge on me after all this

Time uh we took what like two hearts of damage from that yeah this Blaze right here sneaky sneaky guy I bet you wanted to see me die didn’t you uh-uh I’m too professional for that I’ve been in this game too long I got my Noob juice on the hot bar ready

To go okay so a couple hours later we finally have the final version of the blaze farm finally done I believe so we’re using the minecart conveyor belt system to move the gas or the blazes from this side this is the north Direction so we can move them all into

The TR and killer right here and because the mine carts only move mobs North and to the east uh we can’t use the mine carts on this side so we just set up ourselves a little bit of flying machine now I have not tested out the Flying Machine yet so here goes absolutely

Nothing look at that it works first try cuz I’m a great Redstone guy uh so that’s actually going to push all the Striders or at least the big one into something I uh I broke the Flying Machine dang it I was way too confident take two blaze farm it

Works right okay I don’t know why it didn’t work that time take four on the flying machine press the button it just works it’s just built correctly it’s not built different because we can’t have that what did I do wrong this time take I don’t know man seven why doesn’t it

Work this time okay you know what this is just full of shenanigans it’s just Shenanigans everywhere it’s take 3,000 it’s okay that’s not even fair Why didn’t it work that time huh okay test fire like 7,000 bajillion uh the thing finally sort of works and I think it

Should Auto relaunch yeah look at that oh my God I built it first try guys look at this all the other ones those were just practice runs just to make sure that you knew how it works by showing you how it didn’t work uh so now we have

A fully functional blaze farm this one right here is going to kick all the blazes into the Kill Chamber that over there is going to kick all the blazes into the Kill Chamber I found myself in a completely dark area and this is due to RTX just turning off all light

Sources this is when RTX is off and then I turn it on and then it’s like slightly brighter I guess why does it break everything when it’s turned on off jeez come on Minecraft I mean the game already crashed four times was trying to load up so it’s just not having a good

Day today this one is not from a blaze I just jumped in on my own it’s I felt like taking a little dip okay what can I say I just like swimming in lava sometimes it’s very refreshing cleans out the pores sometimes you got that little funk you can’t get rid of just

Burn it off so after many trials and tribulations and pains and sufferings and just falling in lava and jumping in lava on purpose we have finally finished up the blaze farm and it’s now actually working so the flying machine is good to go we got a nice little off switch

Forward over there and then the trid and killer is also working too so everything’s good we can stand here for as long as we like and get all the experience we got 31 levels we can repair the tools and armor we can do all the things it took probably the most

Effort that it could have possibly taken if it suddenly breaks out of nowhere I think we’ll just go build a different Farm look how many blaze rods it’s produced just amazing such a good farm so I already emptied it a couple times though so it does work great let’s get

Out of here this area is just a bunch of pain I think foxy no taale broke how you ride things underwater he’s always breaking things on the server but this is definitely illegal I feel like this is wrong I don’t know why it’s wrong it’s just it’s

Just not right okay very good shop design it makes you work for your elytra oh man I made one of these back on wait oh no okay it’s not parkour you just got to sit on them okay I thought I was really bad at jumping for a minute yeah

I kind of like this this is kind of fun so yeah this is from the Ricky Roy I believe one diamond block oh my God it’s expensive very expensive we got all the junk gear you could ever need all the junk look at all these pickaxes oh my

God oh my God people spending money we got to get in on this two diamonds each oh no wait wait what two diamonds for four okay there’s also this thing out here which is very very suspicious the storage monster shocker shells one diamond is stacked two for 10 this is a

Lot cheaper than that shop actually see people just do this on the server we have like you know nice properly built shops like this one right here with pretty reasonable prices the wind shop as well and then someone else comes along just puts a cheaper shop right out in front of it

Shenanigans on the server we can’t be having this yeah see I mean look we put all the effer into an amazing shop and then someone came up here and just undercut us Shenanigans how much money do we have by the way give me all the money people still

Buying well I guess they’re still buying from us technically one measly Diamond how much money are they making that’s not fair they’re making five times as much money as we are Shenanigans man I’m a bit tired of the smelly blaze farm so we’re going to go work on a better Farm

Real quick okay so we are here for one very specific project and that is to kill this dude right here there’s there’s things I don’t want to talk about it there’s four of them you thought having three cave spider spawners was bad enough enough no no no

No we got one right here we got one right here we got one right here look how close these two are it’s like four blocks apart three blocks and then this one is like literally directly above it so I mean we can break all four of these

From like right here it’s very very tempting just very tempting anyway uh we’re going to do zy a favor and turn this into a farm for him and we’re not going to tell him also kind of lowkey hoping that there might be a fifth one in the area because like how crazy would

That be typically a double or triple or a quad spawner farm would take a little bit of brain power to figure out but these three spawners are all on the same exact y level and this one’s just like right vertical of it so we can have just

Like one big room and then probably just push all the spoter to like one corner and that that should be all we need to do okay this is not planned for but we just straight up found deep slate coal all right here I’m taking all of it I

Got silk touch it’s all right here this is a magical place to be so we’ve mined out the entire room now for all of our spawners uh all the SPO responders and now we need to figure out like the the pain of the water streams and kind of

The goal is to have like one platform right there push them into this area is and then have everything else kind of Flo of this corner so it is now finally complete or so it would seem we got all of our Spawners the whole room’s dug out all the water streams are hopefully

Working I have not double checked that actually and then they all just pushed down to this little TRD to killer right here right so now we just got to do the fun part of actually going around this whole place and deactivating these mob spawners oop where is the torch on this

One oh is there no torch on the bottom one how’s that not been spawning mobs please don’t climb up the walls I forgot that they could do that okay that’s a lot of spiders like immediately they do appear to be enjoying themselves quite nicely but we have a very nice uh finely

Detailed room down here they’re totally going to hit me through those doors aren’t they surely they can hit me through there this feels like the least safe thing do we pick up the experience we do okay it’s actually working pretty well I would not recommend opening these doors under any

Circumstances uh ah they did they did hit they did hit through the doors this was secretly a ployed just to have uh a good XP farm on the server cuz secretly the blaze farm is broken is it broken maybe I think this is closer than going

To the nether speaking of the nether we should make another portal over here I don’t know if this is actually keeping up with all the spiders I mean there’s like a lot of spiders that are falling down in there also I would like to mention that I built this first try no

Issues no Shenanigans no hiccups I didn’t even purposely I mean accidentally break one of the spawners look at that we can even open up these doors nothing bad’s going to happen no no Deni nothing bad’s going to happen they got out and that’s not good

Oh they oh they got out okay I do not trust that at all we’re going to just lock them down there just close the trap doors we’ll pretend that did not happen so after surprisingly little pain and suffering we do have the farm completely done now it’s actually working

Surprisingly well and we have a lot of dead spoo I would call this an absolute success it’s just like basically non-stop stream of spoter I don’t know why they were leaking out but I I’m going to pretend like that’s not a problem look how stupid he is you can’t

Get me so tis Tom has been working on the nether Hub and this is what the tunnels are going to look like it’s just all of the amethyst and all the dead corals look how good this looks in R tracing like w it’s amazing I love the

Blue fire actually so the time has come for us to build ourselves our own starter base and the idea is is that we’re going to build an Airship because I want to live up in the air above everyone else and it just so happens that there’s already two over here and

They both happen to be absolutely hideous that one is made out of chiseled red Sandstone so basically no matter what I do if it’s not going to be the worst looking Airship on the server and it’s actually going to be going like right above that thing so we’re going to

Have like three relatively hideous builds in a row and I actually quite like that idea and hopefully someone will come along and build a fourth one and we can just have a whole array of these it’s supposed to be bad I’m giving it a compliment it’s achieving its goals

Okay I have severe questions about what exactly that is but I’m not asking them okay so zy has actually updated the entrance SL exit to the triple cave spider spawner and we need to get down here so that we can actually grab all of our string for wool oh this place looks

So good now I haven’t seen it since he updated it oh this looks great I walked right past the storage system didn’t even see it that is a lot of string I like this Farm that’s a lot of eyes I don’t like this Farm that’s a lot of

Slime I love this Farm basically I’m here for all of the string I don’t know what’s up with it but it’s all all mine all of it hopefully this is enough wool brace your eyes for the worst thing that you’ve possibly ever seen but I I did

Build this in literally 15 minutes it’s just to get something down and then we’re going to improve upon it and make it look okay okay okay so we got a little bit of a boat down here it’s just kind of like it’s fine I mean it’s not

Like the worst thing ever but of course it’s like absolutely not detailed it’s kind of just like a skateboard sled uh these little stems I feel like are too tall I want to like move the boat closer to the blimp and then the blimp above it is obviously very placeholder just to

Get like the shape of it down this is all freehand I I’m going to look at like one of those little uh oval Creator thingies to give it like an actual round shape I mean if we’re in like 2012 this would be fine but I it’s about a decade

Out of style I think but yeah for no details at all it’s it’s okay it’s a placeholder so we’re going to mess with this version over here cuz I made a copy of it structure blocks are amazing best block in the game we’re going to like

Round this out make it a round blimp and then and give it kind of a dome on the front so we’ve been messing around with this for maybe an hour or so now and of course we got the entire upper blimp bag thingy done it obviously looks like a

Bagillion times better than that and just trying to figure out how to connect that now dangly fence things they work out great we just need to like refine these they look a little bit odd well we’ll come back to it it’ll look fine eventually uh we’re going to do a bubble

Column here in the middle to take us up and down that way we can have nice things but it’s not going to be a standard bubble column it’s going to be a waterless bubble column and then now we need to like start wrapping the actual bag and some Spruce things

Because obviously this looks very drab right now so we’re going to put like some Spruce lines uh all along this thing and give it a little bit more detail something to look at something to be proud of maybe not proud of but something to look at anyway there you go

Just adding a little Spruce like edge around the whole blimp automatically made it like at least at least 5% better uh so let’s add like a couple bands going around the sides of it because this is a big bag of air we got to contain it okay I know this isn’t how

Blimps work but like what if we what if we put a window right here and then we could have like a little a little patio and uh little little chairs it’s not at all how blimps work but shut up it’s Minecraft I can do what I want we we’ll saving that idea for

Later so after a couple hours of Designing this on a live stream with the community’s input we’ve come up with this amazing design right here okay that’s the old one but here’s the new one it’s actually looking pretty good and when you compare the two there’s uh

Quite the contrast Noob versus Pro so yeah although I’m it’s all built by one person so I don’t know how that works I’m a new Pro anyway I think it’s actually turned out pretty well there’s probably some things you could tweak or change here or there little additions

That could be made some things that could be fixed but I don’t know how to do any of that and honestly it looks pretty all right so you might be thinking what about the interior and listen listen listen I don’t know how to do Interiors okay so the inside of this

Is just a big old balloon and that’s that’s about it so we’re going to put our actual storage in here maybe have like a little mini smelter a little farm don’t tell anyone those are legal and then we’re probably going to have like a couple other things as you can see this

Is actually a pretty big area and of course it obviously looks about a thousand times better with Ray tracing on as well because that’s just what Ray tracing does and if we get like a nice sunrise on this thing yeah look at that not too shabby at all so if you ever

Need some inspiration for a build just go over to creative start from scratch or you know start with uh something like really bad like this and then work your way up and add details as you go along and also go to Google Images search for Minecraft and then whatever you want to

Build there’s going to be like a million different inspiration images that you can look at and see how other people have done things then kind of you know change it up and modify it to your own liking when it comes to builds I have a really hard time starting from absolute

Scratch and knowing how to like build up to something like this so just seeing like what has been done before is really really useful so can be like Oh okay that’s how you do like the pointiness on the end or something cuz otherwise like

I I got no idea what I’m doing right so just having some sort of inspiration image or a thousand from Google is actually really useful just to like get a general idea of what you’re walking into it doesn’t even need to be Minecraft Builds either like if you’re building a castle there’s Untold

Infinite numbers of castles from IRL just go look up a picture or some concept art there’s Infinity castles from like anime series and shows and movies so like there’s there’s so much inspiration on Google that’s that’s how all the professionals do it probably I don’t know I’m not a professional so now

We need to build this in survival and that’s actually really easy thanks to a thing called structura which is basically like l matica or schematica from java Edition basically we’re going to turn this into a structure file using a structure block save that export a file to the computer and then we’re

Going to load up a little program and that’s this itty bitty little program right here so now what we need to do is look up our structure file that we just exported to the computer and then we’re also going to click on Advanced because we want to change the transparency so

Typically uh we want this to be kind of transparent so I’m going to move this up to be about 60% transparency that way we can actually make it easy to see what we’re trying to do uh you can also make yourself a materials list as well so now

We’re going to go ahead and make that pack and now we actually have ourselves an Airship MC pack so all we need to do is click on on that that’s going to import it into Minecraft so now that we have that texture pack turned on this is

The fun part this is the really really good part so we just need to decide where we want that build we place down an armor stand and then bam look at that we have the entire thing just here ready for us to place down the blocks so we

Just go around we place down like you know the lanterns and then the fences and all the slabs and stairs and wool blocks and then we just keep on filling in all of these blocks until we’ve built the entire thing it’s basically just like a little schematic that we can

Follow in survival and it’s just a resource pack it’s not even cheating or anything like that it’s great absolutely fantastic you can find a link to matad Hatter’s video on structura down in the description of the video if you want to use it yourself since we’re going to be

Building up in the air it’s probably a good idea that we finally get our elytra in use and stop using the silly chest plate no more of that garbage elytra all the way now just to smack some spoter I have been Gathering all the materials

That we need for this build for quite a little bit now so we have an amount of wood and then we have all of the wool ever we have a little bit of extra bits and then all of this air that we’re going to need to fill up with the blimp

With we probably need to get some more air honestly we just need a few more resources like dark oak probably a little bit more Spruce and of course more Oak we also need copper and coal little literally just 3 minutes in this cave that somebody else lit up I

Got an entire inventory of copper look at all this is way too much copper I did not sign up for all this I like I did not want that much okay that’s that’s too much we also need a little snow so now we need to decide where the

Airship is actually going to be going I have an armor stand over there but we are too far away for it to render in and if we just kind of glide on over here you should see it pop in there we go so this might be a good spot for I don’t

Know I kind of want to move it above this platform directly okay this right here might be a good place for it I want it to be a little bit taller than these things right here and I want it to be kind of close to the ground at the same

Time like I don’t want to have this be miles up in the air because I don’t have a gun powder farm and I’m going to run out of rockets but yeah that right there actually looks pretty solid we might be able to get away with that one really

Annoying thing is that armor stands un render when you get so far away from them so I actually need to make a second texture pack because the nose of this is just far enough away that it UNR so that’s kind of annoying so it’s official

This is going to be the location of the Airship as you can see I’ve done like the central section of the lower boat and it’s kind of cool to see the rest of the Airship like render in around it bam there it is so this is going to take a

Surprisingly long time to build as does like literally everything in this game so instead of like boring you to death with all of that Shenanigans where I’m just going around placing blocks so I’m going to go bore everyone to death on a live stream over on our twitch Channel

Go follow us on Twitch if you want to see our live streams or subscribe to silent 2 for the replays but you you are getting a nice little time lapse so let’s just jump into it shall We so there was kind of a major flaw with the time lapse in that it was not recording for like the vast majority of the build it would have been amazing had it recorded I had so many cool shots lined up but uh yeah insert cool time

Lapse here viewer we don’t need time lapse not as long as we have our Imagination So yeah it’s a little bit silly that the camera count didn’t record the time lapse like you literally have one job you stand around and you record things jezz Mister get out of here goodbye yeah take that mister well I don’t know where he went but I I can’t stay mad at him

For long I mean that beautiful face just like demands forgiveness seriously though that was going to be a really good time lapse so hopefully you guys imagined a really good one or something cuz like jeez that’s really disappointing like I I had a whole thing planned that was going to be the whole

Highlight of the episode but like I mean we we have a base now so that’s kind of cool uh Z is literally living in my shadow now yeah it’s looking pretty dark down here isn’t it this is great I think he would probably like that actually he likes living in

The shadows and the final thing to do for the build is to put the pigo flavored flag on top of it and this is of course our skin colors we got the white the green the pink it’s great it’s exactly my colors so fun fact this is my

Last rocket and I cannot make it up to the boat with this I don’t think wow okay well that just ruined my last rocket I guess I’m back to boating around round like a day one player I can’t believe I kind even launch with it ah jeez Z I’m happy I

Mean sad to say that I am moving out I built myself a new starter base wait your starter base is that giant cheap yeah yeah yeah you like it how’s it floating like that it’s hydrogen oh is that safe at all yes huh well I guess you you’ll be staying

With us for a little while longer uh yeah like can I can I move in with you yeah sure all my stuff was up there we got one main goal for today and that is to build a mega farming area on the truly Bedrock server that way we can

Start building some shops making some money and maybe even getting some business Partnerships going now we’re going to build something that I’ve never even tried to do before and that I don’t know if it’s really possible we want to build a squid Farm drown Farm glow squid

Farm and a couple other Farms all in one area I’ve never attempted this we’ll see how wrong it goes and since the base kind of exploded due to a hydrogen link I had to rebuild it and now we’re using a much much more stable element to actually float this thing nitroglycerin

So there shouldn’t be any other issues going forward real quick I have a new Minecraft skin and personally I think it’s quite nice now this is a spoiler for a new collab that’s dropping on the channel like tomorrow and it’s very funny so go watch it if you see

Something weird uploaded to the channel it’s amazing super funny I almost died laughing had to go to the hospital it was great you can take your guesses about which character I am and uh I kind of don’t want to wear this anymore I mean Pink’s my color but like maybe not

That much Pink So as you might have seen in previous videos Etc zlo has built himself a skyscraper right here at spawn and this is actually a concrete shop because there’s one business that never fails that’s concrete he’s selling of course all the like solid blocks there

But if you want some powder he’s got this system over here and how this works is you pick out your color and then you break the block and then a whole stack of concrete falls down it’s the dumbest best thing I’ve ever seen he’s got six 64 stacks of concrete right here just

Waiting for someone to come in and like drop down all of it I guess I need to buy this orange concrete now cuz I I don’t want to place it back that seems really annoying since I’m incredibly poor on the server and we don’t have any

Diamonds at all we’re going to make a IOU for Mr zy uh for that stack of orange concrete that I took I don’t know what I’m going to use it for but he’s got an IOU now so if we want to build ourselves a big squid farm for zoy we

Need a lot of materials starting with magma now Magma’s actually like incredibly easy to get I mean look at it there’s like 12 different patches right here so anytime you see a build that needs a lot of magma just go the Nether for like literally 15

Minutes and now we need a ton of leaves for all of our farms and this guyy is such a nice helper how you doing buddy can I have my leaves back I’ll give you I’ll trade you one firework okay how about this I’ll give you a diamond hoe

For the leaves just take it give me the leaves okay how about a sword hey there we go thank you he’s going to go show his family he’s like look what I got he’s doing a move he’s having so much fun I can stand here and watch him for

Hours okay you done you done busting a move can I oh god oh you’re mean dude give me that back okay this is our build location and if you don’t know where we’re at then it doesn’t really matter we’re in the middle of an ocean uh so

The idea is we’re going to build a big old farm for those dudes right there and then we’re going to build a big old farm for those drown dudes oh yeah we’re also going to build farm for these fishy dudes everything that swims or is wet that’s what we’re doing we’re farming

All of it so this is going to be the foundations for the squid and drown farm and glow squid farming area you can ignore this buggy water over here we don’t talk about that this video is not about bugs so now we need to build up two giant Chambers on either end over

Here we’re going to have it be 48 blocks long or three chunks and then it’s going to be slightly less than a chunk deep and this is going to be a split Den Farms we’re going to have double the mob cap of squids double the mob cap of

Fishies uh we also need to cover up this entire area in stone of some sort that way none of these guys spawn in the water around us that’s going to take a lot of time anyway we should probably start building now okay this is a great

Fish farm I put in one magma Block in the whole Ocean and the fish just still goes and dies on it like jeez okay so all of the rail is now in so this is basically going to be our item collection for the squid farm so now we

See to put down some very efficient magma blocks seriously how are so many things dying on just this one magma block we don’t need to put in any water because we’re using the ocean water so this actually saves us a lot of building time uh but of course all these guys are

Spawning around the farm so we got to deal with that later so the whole thing is now officially built we officially have ourselves a squid Farm on the server it’s actually like kind of working surprisingly well even though like nothing is spawn proof also big news I

Am a mega derp the materials list is only for uh one side not for two I thought I had enough materials to build two of these okay so let’s see how much we got from like you know 5 minutes of just like wandering around the build that’s actually not horrible this is

Going to be a great supply of Bones by the way that is one of the major reasons we’re building this uh so now we just need to like finish this one build a second one and then spawn prooof the whole area and then build two more Farms

Yeah we have just not that much left to do kind of forgot to bring my ender chest with me so this is all the sand I can carry without throwing away actually valuable things so I already threw away a couple other things jeez what a derp

You always got to bring your in chest with you so a little while later we now have two entire squid Farms built up and I just had the dumbest idea that I’ve possibly ever had what if we build a phantom Farm because this is actually like a perfect

Area for it since we need to cover up this entire ocean with solid blocks anyway if we make those solid blocks magma blocks that would actually allow Phantoms to spawn and I don’t think we’re going to have anything above us so we could easily get ourselves a Kill

Chamber and it’s just a really stupid idea but I kind of like it I’m going to have to Workshop that and see if it’s actually possible but who knows this entire area is just going to be like a lot of magma blocks and then a drown

Farm uh speaking of drown Farms that is actually the next thing on the Todo List so I just got the roof on the farm it’s basically a gigantic layer of leaves and that’s not even the full roof that we need it needs to be a lot darker than that uh but as you can see we actually already got a few drowns in here and

That one is holding a trident and look at that we already got our first Trident and a trident head as well so that’s great this drown Farm is officially working and this area looks just a little bit silly now actually that doesn’t look like super terrible once we

Get the Fantom Farm in here though that’s going to look a little bit silly I also need to figure out how to uh build this roof a lot larger and have it work with a phantom farm and I don’t really know how to do that cuz it’s just

Going to take a lot of materials I was considering rebuilding this roof at its build limit though cuz that might actually look a lot nicer so so far our farming area is actually coming along pretty well however neither of these Farms are going to be very efficient

Right now because the mob cap is completely full due to the ocean not being spawn proofed at all so once we put a layer of solid blocks around this entire area like a 100 by 100 Floor uh that’s going to stop all these squids fish dolphins and drowns from spawning

Down there in the ocean cuz all these guys are taking up the mob cap so yeah we really need to get that floor in place and I’m just not sure how to do that right now so what we’re going to do is instead build another Farm glow squid

Spawning is pretty basic they require a solid block roof above them so they are a cave spawn and they only spawn below layer y30 so once we dig down a couple more layers that’s going to be the top of their spawning area and then I’m guessing we’re probably going to make

Like I don’t know a six or seven block deep area and just build it as a standard squid farm so a bunch of magma blocks and then a hopper mine cart running all below that so this is about the size that I’m thinking for the glow

Squid Farm I just need to mine that all the way down and then actually build it up and it should be a relatively simple and straightforward build process pretty much the same thing as that also because we have a conduit now we can insta mine underwater which is super nice so we

Don’t even need to fight that wither that I’m definitely not avoiding fighting definitely not avoiding it I kind of left like a little bit of a dark space down here and it just got completely full of stuff oh well I guess it kind of sorted itself out jeez so the

Hole is dug now and there’s one little issue it’s not full of water as you can see it’s all flowing water which means that we can’t place rails down luckily water is actually a really easy thing to flood in all you need to do is make some

Pillars of ice every other block going across two of the walls and then we just need to break all that and all of this will flood in with water sources this actually works even if it’s not already full of water like if it’s just air blocks but we’re not really going to see

Anything happen it doesn’t look like literally anything has changed but now our bubble colums are fully functional and now we can also Place rails on the bottom as well so we are good to go there we go now everything is forming bubbles or at least it should be and now

I can’t get out of here I have built myself a prison and I am slowly dying in it Hey wait a second these guys literally just spawned right here like I literally just saw them spawn right here like this is y layer 60 and there’s there’s no solid blocks above them so question mark why what that does not make any sense there’s literally no solid blocks above

Them and they’re way they’re way out of the range they should be they shouldn’t even be spawning in the farm yet cuz there’s no blocks above it okay well this is a very good glow squid Farm as it turns out cuz they’re all just spawning here on the surface layer like

As soon as I kill them we’re just getting more spawning and they’re spawning really close to me too look this one just spawned right here he was not there so the spawning range is like Incredibly Close they literally respawning right here this is not how you’re supposed to spawn stop it go into

The farm down there if you’re going to go anywhere the Minecraft wikii is very wrong about the spawning rules of glow squids I will have you know do not believe the Minecraft Wei about glow squid spotting ranges cuz it’s a lie I think they literally just need like some

Dark water and then they’ll spawn wherever so we could probably get them to spawn in these things I probably should have figured that out before I built that whole thing okay well now we just got a big old thing underwater that’s probably never going to get

Anything in it oh no look at that it is getting a farm drop okay it work works it’s getting an item I guess I should just make the water sources go all the way up to the surface of the ocean and then all these guys would spawn and just

Go straight down into the farm and then that would probably be fine I guess that would that would technically work wouldn’t it I’m Coming For You glow squid your time is limited I told you I would get you eventually glow squid take that this Farm is so dumb here go into

The farm drown I want your items there we go okay so this is turned into a much larger uh project than I thought it would but I guess it’s now a general ocean Farm until we get like a platform above this or something and uh assuming that everything spawns relatively close

They’ll just kind of go into there woo yay works great guys and there we go the glow squid Farm is actually working now we got three of them out of the four that spawned so they’re spawning up here at the surface layer which doesn’t make any sense but yeah

They’re getting pulled down into it that’s so strange and the First full Harvest of the glow squid Farm is here and we have ourselves actually a pretty decent amount of glow ink 30 or so that’s not that’s not bad at all I I’ll fully take that I expected like

Basically nothing from this three sl4 Farms are now fully complete I don’t understand why the glow squid Farm is broken but everything is technically functional and working I just need to figure out a full design for the floor that goes around here and for the roof

And then that’ll be like one of the main decorations that is done for this area if you have any suggestions for how we should do that let me know a big comment down below and we might do that in a future episode I would like to get this

Done next episode or maybe the one after that and if you have any additional Farms that you think we could add to the area let me know cuz I want to smash as many farms into this area as we can and that is entirely possible as long as we

Are smart about it so this is the holiday winter district and we’re going to be having a secret Santa on the server please pick a Shuler and rename it to my name starting December 17th you can roll a name from the dispenser presents can be left at bases or under

Jesse’s big main tree presents don’t have to fit in the Sher box if you want ooh I want pink soy soy soilent wasper I know how to spell my name there we go I’ve officially entered into the secret sances so we need to contribute to the winter district and my contribution is

Going to be a giant snowman that shoots snowmen I I don’t know why it’s just something I want to build okay don’t judge me test fire number one for the snowman please get launched out oh you don’t you don’t get launched out okay so we’re going to have to make something

Fake right here uh like we’re going to have to cover it up with something else that is not powdered snow cuz powder snow is just way slowing them down now we’re using the very original idea of Banner ERS just a whole lot of banners nobody will ever notice uh so we’re

Going to stack up just a whole pile of these piles of snow have our dispenser right here some pumpkins in it and then whenever someone presses button that’ll activate one of snow golems bam summons in gets launched out the door overall I think the Snowman did turn out pretty

Well oh the stupid banners un render from a far away that’s that’s really stupid but look how Derpy is he’s got all the things that you want he’s got a nice bow tie or no he’s got a nice mustache the Derpy eyes disheveled hat he’s got a trident there we go that’s a

Great Final Touch to our snowman I broke my Shuler box that’s never happened before I can’t I can’t open it I okay sure this is this is cool so we had to just completely redesign the entire insides of the Snowman instead of trying to push the silly stupid dispenser uh we’re instead going

To be pushing all of the snow because that turns out to be easier so we have ourselves the uh pumpkin dispenser down at this layer that’s guaranteed going to summon a snowman guaranteed it cannot fail it’s going to fail somehow I don’t know how but it’s going to fail and then the

Redstone line goes all the way up to the top where we literally have a cobblestone generator to uh push down the rest of the snow blocks and there we go we got Cobblestone those are water log stairs which I did not know create lava or Cobble but they do it’s great uh

This snow is going to be able to get push down once the first snowman is summoned cuz right now that’s 12 block snow it gets summoned it’s 11 it gets pushed down and then it gets filled in with another layer of cobblestone where did you come from beep we’re 4,000

Blocks away from the base you just showed up out of nowhere zy zy is at my base I meant to say that in all caps SL why is my parrot to me did you unsit my parrot he was sitting at my base magic bird get on the

Shoulder okay so as I was saying it’s just going to summon snowman okay any bets on whether or not it’s actually going to work this time the first one is guaranteed going to summon a snowman look at that guaranteed snowman told you it works second one give me

Another and another one give me another snowman look at this oh my God it’s a Pez dispenser for snowmen it’s just great oh my God you can’t you can’t make this stuff up it’s just good look at this this is what I’ve been wanting to do for 3 hours I spent building the

Snowman just so we could have a p dispenser are we out of snowman yet no they still keep coming come on now every single one of these guys is going to die the guy that we had hanging from there he already died okay so it’s all looking

Good now uh snowman Pez dispenser summon a Snowman on demand for your inner child so you need to sacrifice your inner child in order to get a snowman but it’s definitely worth it I think it’s kind of cool I wish it was like Infinity snowman uh but you can’t build snowman out of

These snow layers if we could I could make an infinite snowman army machine but we can’t we got to use snow blocks so now that this whole area is being built up for the winter holiday District we can get our secret Santa and all we

Need to do is press uh this button right here and that’s going to give us a name who do you think it’s going to be it’s black so I’m thinking maybe a zap Maybe zy maybe my soul Who’s it going to be Rogue Fox okay what do I get for a rogue

Fox he is a redstone man I would give him red stone but unfortunately I just built a Pez dispenser so I have like no red stone I think I will get him a bunch of redstone stuff actually cuz that would legitimately be useful to him oh my God okay he makes the cutest

Little gas noises that was actually adorable I actually really like parrots now there it is oh it’s so cute Okay it’s so cute okay go through the portal now oh jeez okay that’s great so this is our entire goodie box for rogue Fox overall a pretty good haul of stuff I think he’ll be able to put these Redstone components to use I don’t have

Like a ton of redstone stuff so I kind of was just restocking my box as we were building up his box so kind of a two inone combo there so we’re going to leave this box of goodies right uh here it’s thundering I’m scared there’s all

The good stuff by very nice Base by the way okay this is adorable look how adorable that is oh we got like a whole Santa sleigh up here too that’s kind of cute that’s definitely a villager that this area turned out pretty nice I mean it’s just a cute little quaint little

Village and before I forget secret Santa is now over so our present appears to be right here I can’t open it I got to actually break it uh this is mine right yeah soet wasper and it’s a bunch of redstone things amazing this is like way

More valuable than what I gave Rogue and these These are great I actually need all these I didn’t give Rogue any of this kind of stuff perfect I really needed a lot of this actually and a Sher box too amazing that’s a great Christmas gift right there man people really know soent

Wasper really well don’t they today we’re going to be building a huge five in one iron farm for Minecraft Bedrock Edition but this is not the normal iron farm that you expect no it’s a 5 in1 mob farm it’s going to be crazy and there’s a special twist at the end because it’s

Actually a really nice gift to somebody that we love this is also the final video of the Year 2022 I swear it’s like 2019 that’s what it feels like still so we got all our Spillers down here at the triple spider farm and they’re already breeding I didn’t even get them any food

What did you call them Spillers they’re they’re spider villagers no no no this is not this is not like a mop ad so silent this spiners spers that does not roll off the tongue they’re Spillers neither does gr villager but that didn’t stop us from having gr villager and Son of gr

Villager the founders of this clan yeah I think gager was a better name but I mean you know whatever I always get outvoted on these things oh my gosh there’s so many children oh God that’s a lot of children okay uh that’s too many they already bred like seven

Four five six see there’s five there eight babies already there’s eight babies adults we’ve doubl them no at this rate they’re going to take over the world by tomorrow we’re building a combo iron farm and it’s going to be tossing all the Iron Golems straight into the fight pit they’re

Going to be fighting the slimes they’re going to be fighting the spiders they’re going to be fighting that frog up there oh we’re also going to be throwing the cats in there too and I have no remorse yeah if you stand back this thing looks like it’s got bad

Teeth it does have slimy green bad teeth go to the dentist kids what do we need to do cuz I’ve never actually built an iron farm on Bedrock you’ve never built an iron farm that’s what I have you for man I have an entire channel of

Tutorials to sell you let me tell you I know I have built an iron titan before on Java and I bued a more recent iron farm on Java but I’ve never filed a Bedrock one so okay well so an iron titan that’s pretty impressive uh Bedrock iron Farms actually surprisingly

Use like the same mechanics uh just replace doors of beds and Bam you got yourself a 21st century iron farm they’re so dumb looking there’s one that’s like halfway off the bed there’s just a baby on the floor over here there’s a baby halfway out of the floor

This one’s like coming out of the bottom of the bed this one’s like halfway through the bed uh everywhere that we got ourselves a slab and that’s where we’re going to have a villager so there should be room for like third 36 villagers in here something like that we

Counted yeah and then there’s going to be like four other villagers out there just for selling string too because we have a lot of string feel like they did the cat thing to try to get us to stop making iron Farms little did they know it’s just very convenient to have that

Amount of string because the poppies weren’t enough discouragement no the cute little flowers that they give to villagers that wasn’t enough to tug the heart strings they had to throw a cat in there’re all monsters we’re all monsters we always have been I built myself a glow squid farm

That actually works like if this thing ends up producing glow squids as well that’s going to be the stupidest thing ever oh yeah and this is a single layer of water so no matter what it’s going to suffocate and die okay so our entire room of villagers has now been empty

Ified and they’ve all been moved into the actual iron Farm area so this room is looking pretty nice and clean now we’re going to have a whole wall of librarian villagers cuz of course we are and then we’re going to have a bunch of loom dudes and a couple other guys and

Basically all the worst villagers ever are going to be across this wall right here right in the corner where nobody wants them so now it’s just the painful process of actually like putting down workstations and finding out who links to it and then actually like giving them

That workstation and I got to do this like 30 times until they’re all got a Workstation and then we should start to see some iron golems and yeah this thing does actually produce glow squids which is the stupidest thing I’ve ever seen so leara just dropped down three more

Villagers that she totally didn’t steal from beard Stone and now we got to get these guys into like the whole thing as well and uh that’s kind of like hurting cats but much worse because they’re villagers after an extremely small amount of pain and suffering later that

Was a lie it was a lot of pain and suffering uh we now have every sing single villager in the trading Hall actually linked to something Lear is bringing over another six villagers to fill in those three cells and those three cells right there I don’t know

What profession any of these guys are going to be but we’ll figure that out in a moment and right now we should start to see some form of iron golems spawning in the area and I don’t know if they can spawn on Lower slabs I’m pretty sure

They couldn’t but you know bed rock Edition but I don’t see any Golem so we’re probably just going to have to wait for a little while longer oh NE never mind there’s one right there it works cool great uh yeah so now I need to figure out how we’re actually going to include

These guys into the farm so the idea is we just kick them into this single water stream right here they get flooded into the area with all the cave spiders and all of the slimes and then eventually they’ll find their way into that lava oh and also like item collection that’s

That’s probably important we we should probably get item collection down there and then we got to hook that item collection up into the rest of the storage system and we got to move the storage system there’s still a lot of stuff to do so it turns out it’s been

Summoning golems and uh it just works actually this is great uh so yeah we got to figure out like just I guess a water stream a water stream that sounds about simple enough go on now you know you want to go down there there we go look

How efficient this iron farm is are they going to get stuck right here uh yeah we might need to like rearrange these water streams quite a bit yeah they’re going to get stuck on all these Ledges how are you standing on midair stop it hey look at that Iron Golems are dying it’s

Actually working it does a thing uh yeah there’s still no item collection it’s it’s been like 20 seconds don’t don’t expect everything to happen in 20 seconds come on so tiny slime versus Chad Golem who’s going to win who’s going to okay well better better luck

Next time okay so this iron farm is actually going to like crank out the Golems I mean they just keep spawning in I I haven’t even like killed them all yet they’re still a Dude down there so for every 10 villagers that you have in your iron farm you get one additional uh

Iron golem in the mob cap so if you got 10 villagers you get one Golem if you got 20 villagers two Golems 30 villagers three Golems uh so adding more villagers does slightly increase the rates but it’s better to just build multiple farms uh if you really want to put those

Villagers to maximum use look at this the Iron Golems are actually farming the slimes for us okay it does actually work this is miraculous this whole thing is like working out so perfectly and then the Iron Golem goes into the lava I’m about to add more lava

Down there so they won’t get bunched up this is great oh we got a glow squid too amazing okay everything’s coming out perfect everything’s coming up Milhouse although I guess the Golems are going to be killing our spiders so this is actually going to reduce our XP rates

Yeah but it’s not like it’s the best XP farm to begin with like the villagers are going to be a better XP Source than than that I know it’s kind of fun combo Farm we need to throw other stuff in here what else can we throw in here okay

So what if instead of putting the villagers in into the iron farm we just send them down the Kill Chamber just put them in there with the rest of them make them fight to survive this is a revolutionary new Kill Chamber design nobody’s ever seen anything this dumb

Before it’s not made to kill spiders those go up and then it’s made to kill the large and the medium slimes the babies maybe die they might go up who knows uh the Golems they die the glow squids they die everything dies so that guy is like right above the M blocks but

He’s not dying because he’s magic okay so the baby slimes actually float above the magma blocks as well which is how they go up to the top and don’t die okay this is unintended but we’re getting glow quids at the top great now you can kill it with looting fantastic that’s

Exactly what we wanted oh man the Golems are just absolutely wrecking house oh I love this there’s just constant entertainment at this Farm now it’s great it’s way better you doing all right down there no I fell in in it’s it’s quite sad so you’ve been busy doing

All kinds of things yeah yeah I got most of what we could need we got all the major ones we got protection breaking efficiency mending we got all the important stuff so yeah Unbreaking was the only thing I really cared if I got and of course that me it was the last

One of course natur he offered me mending five times before he finally offered me Unbreaking he did not get the message we may need some uh corporate persuasion yeah we’re going to have to bully him a little bit because that’s a little bit expensive we need to get some

Zombie trades uh but we also have another problem out here and that is these guys need a home and our storage also needs a bit of a home too and my plan as far as these guys was to make a couple of cells like right here on both

Sides started redoing the storage system but apparently I don’t know how to make item filters properly on Bedrock so um they’re just well lucky for you I sort of know how to do that so I will I will fix this Y what is you’re doing in here

Hidden uh we nothing don’t look behind me there’s nothing yeah just look at that wall I don’t need to look behind you to find out that you’ve been fiddling because this is not supposed to be Black Stone well those are the blocks that were there before anyway we need

You to settle a debate are they called Spillers or spy Dillers how do you say yeah they’re called spelers obv called villagers obviously villagers that are in the spider spawner so they’re spy villagers they’re Spillers because it’s much easier to say yes this let’s less syllables than spers yeah also Spillers

Uh makes it sound like they’re made of potatoes like Spud well that’s just making fun of my accent now so I just said Spillers and it sounds exactly that way too if two out of three have an accent that makes makes it sound wrong then maybe we shouldn’t go with that name uh

Them spers uh everyone for it say yay no no one says yay what this was your idea to begin it was your idea I was waiting for you to say yay so I can say yay I guess we’re got Spillers then aren’t [Laughter] we I’m just going to go die now

Democracy has has been a failure we have villagers here yay and they all they’re not they’re not villagers they’re Spillers all I spers but I meant the Golem was what I was trying to point at oh my God there’s a Golem have you wait is this is this a

Golem that you added for slime farm no it’s an iron farm no there’s a Golem Farm in here yeah there’s a Golem Farm there’s an iron farm right up here look oh my God the glass is uh the glass is to keep us from falling in not them from

Falling out we can remove the glass and they will not really stop here at all yep yeah uh we’ll we’ll fall through bye which one of you so look there’s efficiency and there’s all these other books and I got all of them it was all me it wasn’t it it was definitely thear

I did nothing yeah good job I built the iron farm and I put the villagers in oh this is amazing which means zo which which means it’s now your turn oh 6 four emeralds for an efficiency five book yeah so I have a bat and he has some

Knees and we’re going to just you know do that yeah this guy is getting public ex publicly executed I’m I’m going to get zombie Human Relationships specialist on this you two do understand you you two do realize that you basically just upgraded my base here well you did that to our bases last

Season and the season before that the season before that the season before that so I mean do you that yeah you kind of did did you forget about that that’s like the whole thing you did okay your personal base last season I put a giant Spirit Halloween banner and that’s

Pretty much the only thing I did besides like all the concrete do you remember the cow site zoy oh my God yes I yes oh wow um you build more bases for other people than you build your own bases H hot touching yes you helping me with my

Roof and yeah you’ve done so much this is so sweet of you Merry Christmas Y there’s iron in this chest where’s theot is there AI Mode come on walk into it walk into the mod and there’s also all that yeah yeah you are going to have to decorate though cuz like there’s there some holes in the wall here here’s the uh here’s the other piece of bad

News for you mhm um I I’m about, 1500 blocks that way and Silence about 1500 blocks that way I get to be the Midway point you are the train Hub congratulations I get to be the mle spoon so to recap we have ourselves a squid Farm on this side that’s given us

Squids and salmon and cod and dolphins maybe some turtles I don’t really know and of course I fell into I’ve fallen into this so many times and we have another one on the other side as well and then down below us we have a glow squid Farm because we can and then we

Got ourselves a drown and Trident farm right above us too but we need to do a lot of Spawn proofing we built all this stuff down here at ocean level so we need to build a giant platform going around this area to prevent you know glow squid spawning where they shouldn’t

Fish and drowns spawning where they shouldn’t basically everything’s spawning in the wrong places so if we just put a nice big floor around this area that’s going to solve all those problems and once we have a gigantic 100 by 100 Floor around this area we can

Build more mob Farms on on top of that around it underneath it and just to all sides of it basically I love this farm so that’s the plan for today’s episode if you end up enjoying the episode then consider dropping a like or maybe subscribing but otherwise we need to go

Gather a ton of resources 12 seconds later hopefully this is enough material seven entire shulkers of random junk I mean it’s a fair amount of stuff we got we got materials for days but it’s it’s not going to be enough for what we need it’s it’s just definitely not enough so

We need to buy out basically all of the concrete here it is three diamonds a stack I’m buying it at the right time because uh it used to be four diamonds but now I’m going to buy out like all of this oh this is this is so expensive do

I even have enough diamonds for this oh this is pain many many pain and sufferings are happening right now I have not enough diamonds for this I broke my Anvil that’s that’s how expensive this is I didn’t just break the bank I broke the Anvil yeah so we

Need like a lot just a lot more concrete for this build uh so you know 20 20 stacks of that or wait that was that was 18 Stacks hold up yeah we’re just we’re just going to take all of this over here and I don’t really have the money for

That so I owe you 120 diamonds uh plus the other IOU in here man zy is going to have me working hey half of this project is actually for zy anyway because we’re getting ink sacks and Bones to supply this very shop so uh you know it requires some upfront C Capital zoy

Finally has customers at his concrete shop they’re not paying customers but they’re customers all of this stuff right here is where we’re trying to prevent squids glow squids Cod salmon and then you got your uh your drowns down there as well this whole roof right here is going to prevent all those guys

From spawning except for the glow squids and to prevent them we actually have to slab the ocean floor uh but that’s a whole another project that we’re going to not do right now how about that I didn’t expect my squid Farm to start farming spiders but I am pleasantly Surprised So it’s a few days later now and I’ve done a lot of work on the area but I do have a little bit of like a sore itchy dry scratchy throat so if I sound weird that’s why and of course you know the one internal organ I need to record

Videos is sore so that’s great anyway let’s check out the progress and it actually looks best at night time so this is kind of perfect it’s kind of like a spider Jewel kind of Flowery thing I don’t really know what it is but it looks nice it’s just kind of a decent

Pattern and it is nowhere near done we need to fill in this entire thing with some blocks and that is going to be these deep slate tile slabs so the entire you know top side of this is going to be filled in with these slabs we’re going to have two giant patches of

Magma blocks on this side I know it sounds weird but oh will make sense later and then we actually need to go down to the bottom of the ocean tear out all of this gravel don’t I have a conduit why is it so dark down here

We’re going to take out all this gravel and use that for some concrete because we may as well and then we’re going to actually slab the entire bottom of the ocean with these deep slate tiles as well basically instead of using a full block for the roof up there we cut those

Into slabs and then we use the rest of the materials to slab the oceans so we’re actually using the same amount of materials for twice the project now we need to slab the ocean because that’s what’s actually going to prevent the things from spawning above it the slabs

Up here are just for looks basically the slabs down there is for function aquatic mobs basically need a solid block below them in order for them to be able to spawn anywhere in the water column so if there’s a slab down there it’ll prevent all aquatic watery spawns directly above

It which is actually really handy and this is kind of what it looks like in the RTX and it kind of looks very nice actually I love how glowy it is of course we’re in the rain so it’s kind of hard to get a good look at it but I

Really like it it’s coming along so I need to go do a lot more resource Gathering and we need to do just like so so much more work this is just for like the decorative top layer of it too I’ve already been at this for hours so next

Up we need to fill in all these magma blocks I finally found found a fourth ancient debris I haven’t gone netherite mining this season but finally four of these things and of course it’s got lava on it finally I can make a netherite elytra after all these years I finally

Have them all I don’t have any iron to make a smithing table with come on now I really need to build myself an iron farm for situations like this wait didn’t I just build zoy and iron farm hold up I’m going to go steal from zoy again it’s

Only the second time in this episode don’t worry about it as long as we don’t hit three times in one episode he won’t notice oh this man’s Rich anyway he’s not going to notice a couple little iron blocks going missing not for his best second best friend nah n actually this

Guy over here has a smithing table we’ll just use this so I was going to put this on my elytra but I think the better idea would be the pickaxes now I just thought of something since this is dead right now if I turn this into a netherite

Pickaxe it’s actually going to take longer to repair it because it has more durability as netherite than it does as diamond right so you should fully repair your thing before you turn it into netherite just a thought I guess I guess I got to go use the XP farms and instead

Of using the spider farm cuz that’s too slow why don’t we just trade a bunch of string to these villagers here we’ll just use the auto clicker to spam on that and then that should give us I guess not that much experience that’s why we have a ton of these guys we can

Also trade away some of my iron to these guys uh it helps if you hold the pickaxe though doesn’t it jeez this has been a very very very productive trip to zo’s base and we even got our first netherite out of it which is pretty great never

Going to break a block never going to run Away and that is all of the magma blocks installed for the Phantom Farms so now when we are standing in the middle right here we can actually get Phantoms to spawn at us and that’s going to be part of our Phantom Farm which we will finish

In a little while but now we need to start actually filling in these slabs on the bottom of the ocean and I don’t need to do like this entire 90x 90 area I only need to do like a 44 block radius around the players so it’s going to be a

Giant Circle underwater this red sphere indicates where mobs will not despawn so anything outside of this is safe so we need to spawn proof everything inside of this red sphere and uh as you can see that’s uh that’s pretty big we got to go around the entire edge of this on the

Floor of the ocean here and spawn proof this entire area so I need to mine out all of this gravel and put down slabs instead as you can see it’s quite the big area underwater I don’t think we need to spawn proof just the inside of

The circle right here I think we need to go on the outside of it as well and and that is because uh if there is not like a slab right here I think a squid could spawn inside of this area right here I think so I think the easiest way to do

This is to lower down the armor stand that actually summons in like this little you know visual graphic of where the spawning spheres are and then I’m just going to go ahead and tear out all of the gravel and all the kelp that’s in this area kill all these stupid drowns

Try not to die to the other drowns and then once this is all torn out we’ll go ahead and slab it up and it should be uh basically the exact size that we need it here’s hoping [Applause] Anyway we should see what the output of our glow squid Farm is cuz I’m sure it’s just like a stupid amount of items that we’re probably never going to use Moment of Truth okay that’s that’s most of this is not glowing but the part that is Glo

Ink is way too much Glo ink we’re never going to use any of this why did I build oh no there’s more coming in no get out of here go go away I don’t want you well that was an entire shocker box of deep slate uh blocks and we turn that into

Slabs and that is you know maybe a third of this entire thing slabbed already and then we need to do that twice so this entire area needs to be slabbed down here and then this entire thing above us needs to be slabbed so if that was one

Shuler we need like four more shulkers of deep slight this is going to be great this is very good oh my God this is so much deep Slate from Liara and and that’s way too much deep slate I don’t know how much of this we’re actually

Going to use but now I owe Lara many Shockers of totems of undying so you know what that means a thing that we’ve never built before ever on this YouTube channel not once have we ever built a a raid farm for totems of undying but hey

Look at this now we have like all of this delicious delicious deep slate thank you Liara bye and after many hours of placing blocks under water we now have this entire area slabbed and as you can see we’re not getting any spawns over here besides this dude which

Probably spawned on the edge and then like walked out so we need to put like a little square blocks going all the way around the center bubble column area and then we’re actually going to have ourselves like a storage system up here at the top I believe I haven’t figured

Out all the details okay so I’m not planning on doing anything around the edges even though it does look a little bit rough eventually whenever we get rid of this conduit you’re not going to be able to see it so it’s not a big deal

Don’t worry about it but as you can see we no longer have anything spawning around here so this means the efficiency of our drown Farm just got up to like 100% except for the fact that you know it’s daytime don’t worry about it and then we also just efficien seed the

Entirety of both the squid Farms so these things are going to be producing a lot more items now there is still the question of what to do with this entire platform we could go ahead and fill in the entire thing with the Deep slate slabs like how done with these little

Diamond shapes right here but I kind of like the water it adds a little bit of niess to it it adds some more blue to it and the slabs wouldn’t actually do anything it’s just for decoration and if it doesn’t look that great then why bother filling in the slabs so I think

For now we’ll just leave it water even though that wasn’t really the original plan at some point we are going to be building a bunch of stuff underneath this water so if we can see that from the surface it’s probably not going to look that great so we might want to uh

Go ahead and put slabs over this anyway but that’s a future project okay this is kind of silly but there’s the farming area that we just built and then right over here is a couple of torches this is where we built the quad spider farm a few episodes ago

That I totally forgot about and then right over here is a whole pile of chests full of Netherrack that tiom left for us he completely forgot the coordinates of this but I just randomly found it this is so weird this doesn’t count as leaving floating trees does it I mean they’re technically

A fungus so I don’t think it counts this tree doesn’t even have a tree to it it’s just it’s just logs the whole thing is logs so I built myself a phantom farm and it’s actually already working well maybe not like working working but I wasn’t standing in there okay so yeah

We’ll just go ahead and get rid of that dude uh anyway Phantom Farm basically we have these giant platforms right here this is like a the only solid block that is not bright that no other mobs spawn on that Phantoms can actually spawn on because they’re technically spawning on

This even though they’re like up in the air it’s complicated anyway they uh they swoop down at me I’m going to be in here standing in this little spot and then they like hit this wall go up they hit that water and then they go to another

Portal so we have like some Phantoms going to the nether there’s no Kill Chamber right there right now so if anyone’s going through the nether Hub they’re just going to get a nice little surprise now the Phantom Farm is running we got to deal with this guy right here

We are also going to be farming Pigman in this area and we only need like a very very simple thing to do that so we got four Nether Portals every now and again these guys are going to be giving us some zombie pigman they’ll fall down

To the layer right here and then we just need to get them into a trident killer oh perfect you guys are just who I was looking for now make an egg or two preferably two exactly two thank you I need two ah there we go this is exactly

What I need thank you so much you are so incredibly helpful luckily Pigman Farms are really easy all you need is a couple of turtle eggs and then uh you need yourself some Coral fans and basically just a hole on the ground we got some trap doors to the

Side so that nothing else spawns and look at that we’re getting our first Pigman immediately that’s perfect could you just walk right down there and uh yep as you can see it it definitely works for Zombie Pigman so we put a couple of turtle eggs on the other side

And that’s that I’ve accidentally created a Whirlpool inside of a trident killer I I didn’t know that this was possible but I’m highly amused so I know it looks stupid but this is a phantom Farm on top of a drown farm with a Zombie Pigman farm and there as well and

How the Pigman Farm works is again they spawn for the portal they fall down they walk towards the turtle eggs and then we have a little bit of water stream down here that pushes them all into a trident killer now item collection for that trident killer is is actually shared

With the glow squid Farm because it’s just going to shoot all those items out they go down a bubble column and then they’ll get collected and this Farm uh all these items still need to be sent up and we still need to build like an actual storage system in this area

Somewhere that’s a future project and as you can see it does actually work we got ourselves a pigman in there we can turn on the lever that guy should die and he is congratulations and now we should get the experience through the floor I think

We did it’s it’s kind of hard to tell there’s a lot of noise in this area now and also all those items should have gone down to the floor there yeah looks like we got some gold and some other stuff good so this is actually all

Working as it should except for that guy he he’s he’s part of the plan he’s supposed to be there I swear so far this area is coming along pretty well and we’re actually already farming like eight different types of mobs we got our salmon our Cod our squids our glow

Squids the Dolphins and then we got the drowns and the Phantoms and the zombie Pikman so that is eight unique mobs that were already farming but we can pump those numbers up those are rookie numbers part of the reason why the planning aspect for this project took so

Long is because I kind of devised a way to farm like what does that say down there 32 different mobs in one area so right now we have eight mobs we could get 10 if we start farming the watering Trader and the trader llama but you know

That’s kind of that’s kind of boring and also pretty easy now by next episode we’re definitely going to get to 15 mobs and maybe even 16 now we could have 17 if we decided to put in a shulker farm which I think would be really really fun

Actually I would love to do that if you get a really really rare combination of biomes and structures you can actually get up to 32 different mobs in one little area and I’ve actually found a world seed where you can get the vast majority of these mobs and have

Legitimately 32 mob farms for 32 different types of mobs in one little area it’s kind of crazy but if you want to see a video on that like a little showcase tutorial I guess then let me know if a comment down below cuz it’ be

Pretty fun to farm like all of this by far the most important thing in today’s episode is that we’re now inbt to all of our friends so I think that’s a great place to end it we got to go sell our soul to somebody in today’s episode of

Truly Bedrock we’re going to be designing a brand new raid farm for Minecraft Bedrock Edition version 7 is something that you guys have been requesting for quite a long time you’re going to get to see some of the design process of what goes into these Farms the challenges the complications and

Then we’re going to build it on the server and see how it works we’re taking a little bit of a break from our Mega mob farming area today because we want to build a raid farm and it’s kind of impossible to build a raid Farm in the middle of the

Ocean so we happen to have ourselves a nice Pillager Outpost claimed here on the truly Bedrock server this one actually happens to have four spawn spots meaning that it gives us like four times the Pillager rates that normal pill Outpost wood so anyway this thing

Is going to give us a lot of bad Omen enough bad Omen for like a super op raid Farm but I don’t want to start off building like you know a 24 stacked raid Farm that’s just like a lot so we’re going to start off with a little bit of

A smaller raid farm that hopefully you guys at home can build as well I thought I spawn proof this area but apparently not I am just here to see the sight’s okay we don’t need to have any issues I’m not looking for any trouble all right just kidding I sort of am looking

For a little little bit of trouble so this is my V6 raid farm and you might be wondering why do I have six different raid Farms well you see there’s one simple answer to that question and the answer is moang keeps breaking my RAID Farms I swear tiny little things over

Many updates accumulate and then stuff just breaks and it’s really silly so yeah I’ve made six of these stupid things anyway as you can see this is like really really simple we got the Raiders they spawn up here ravagers die in lava so you don’t get any stupid

Saddles everything else goes down here to a trident killer you pick up your experience items go down there to storage system and that’s that’s it we got a pill Outpost for bad Omen so the main goal is to simplify this and make it smaller cheaper easier to build and

Take less time to build I want to make this the most resource efficient raid farm that there is that way you can just build it be happy with it and if it breaks it took you like 15 minutes to build so it’s not really that big of a

Deal right simpler Farms are also less likely to break so there’s that so where do we even start with designing a new raid Farm well I think the first thing we should do is just like destroy just all of this yeah we don’t need any of this it’s all garbage we’re all we’re

Throwing it all away it’s useless get out of here we don’t need any of you next up we’re going to remove all these spawn proofing around the Pillager Outpost so basically I don’t want to make it so that you have to spam the area with leaves because that takes a

While and we want to make it so that all the raids just spawn up inside of the raid Farm instead of even having a chance to spawn on the ground the Trident killer for the pillagers is also really important this trapdoor Trident killer while very quick is prone to

Breaking like a lot so we’re going to tear this out kill all these guys and just replace it with like the standard 2x two Trident killer that is incredibly reliable and there we go reliable troton killer has been installed so now there shouldn’t be any issues on that front

All the pillagers will spawn in and then fall down and then if you have multiple spawn spots you just build multiple Trident Killers really easy so the concept for this raid Farm is going to be pretty similar to The Kill Chamber for the 24 stacked raid Farm basically I

Would have all the Raiders spawn right here in front of the player so that the player can actually see them and hopefully we don’t have any problems with vexes and stuff like that but we we’ll see as we get into it basically reproduce that style of Kill Chamber and

Get all the items directly out of it to send them straight down and then the experience will just go right over to the player so it should be a much smaller Farm you should be able to actually see the Raiders dying that way you can see if anything gets stuck

You’re not like questioning what’s happening in the mysterious build that is above you so I’ve done a little bit of work on this and it’s incredibly basic but that is the idea so all of our raids are going to be spawning inside of here we have some lower slabs due to a

Recent change with ravagers is kind of a whole big deal anyway uh raids spawn on anything besides leaves and Scaffolding so that’s why we’re using leaves to spawn proof of the upper edges so all of our guys are going to spawn in here are vindicators evokers witches pillagers

Ravagers they’re all going to spawn up in this area and then we got ourselves a double Tron killer which could be extended to a four times Trent killer if you felt like killing them even faster but it shouldn’t really matter now as you can see we need a little bit of a

Roof in this area to keep those ravagers down and to keep them from bouncing up and damaging all these leaves so there is a bit of a problem as you can see XP orbs actually float on water and they nudge entities around so they’re actually preventing the other mobs from

Hitting the tridon killer so we need to find way to get the experience out and the items out without letting the mobs out which is always a fun thing okay so far this seems to be working just fine we’ll have to wait and see how the

Ravager does it’s a little bit slow I guess but it’s not too bad also this guy back here is a little bit of a problem hi are you going to figure yourself out this is such a weird thing Bedrock Edition be like this I’m not seeing any real problems there shouldn’t be any

Real problems to have with this besides the fact that badrock Edition likes to throw weird issues at you somehow even with the larger spawn platform we’re still getting some ravage or some pillagers down here on the floor which is not good they’re they’re outside the range that they should be able to spawn

Anyway so unfortunately yeah we do need a platform of leaves down here because sadness that’s why of all the RTX bugs I’ve ever seen this one’s actually pretty cool I don’t know what causes this of all things or how there is still new bugs for me to find with r tracing

But alas we have turned the the world into a maze it’s amazing yeah this is pretty crazy actually I I really like this so it’s highlighting all the gaps between blocks so this is also combined with the shiny bug where everything is reflective and the light emitting bug

Where everything is emitting light so it’s been a couple hours of Designing We’ve ran into several issues of ravagers and pillagers and stuff mostly just getting stuck in the ceilings which is a whole ordeal so instead of all that let’s just confirm if this idea even

Works by seeing if the evoke ERS in there end up getting very big mad with us and summoning vex’s that seems like an important first step and we’re doing it at like step 15 to 30 let’s see what happens yeah see they they pull up their

Arms to start doing magic which is not a good sign so there’s probably a slight possibility that they could summon a Vex or some fangs uh so we we got to kill them really fast luckily this is a two hit kill that’s why using impaling five is very important for Trent Killers

Overall it seems like this concept should work fine though so after about 3 or 4 hours of Designing this raid Farm I got it to a pretty good place that I’m happy with so the inside of this has been turned into a double length one with a mega lava blade and this is

Because ravagers ravagers have a new bug where they fight water streams they don’t actually get pushed by the water they kind of float like right above it but eventually they will make their way into this lava blade without the lava blade there they’ll basically never die

However this does mean that if you have a ravager with a Rider occasionally the rider will die in that lava but that’s not too big of a deal you lose like one out of 50 of your pillagers the Trident killer at the front has been refined to

Be only a single Trident this is actually better than the double Trident because before the mobs were removing the Trident and they were migrating over to the right side uh but now the trient stay centered in the center with you know two Pistons we also figured out the

Best place to put the bed it is basically right above the center of the spawning platform and it’s the highest amount of blocks above the player that it can be we did this for two reasons if the village is too far over to the side then Raiders won’t spawn in the back

Side of the platform and if it’s not high enough above the ground then you’re more likely to get Raiders on the ground I still need to test if we actually need those leaves down there or not and then we also swapped out the lower Trident killer for a much simpler and more

Reliable one like the one from 24 stacked raid Farm also mind the command blocks it’s for testing it’s a creative world I’m just too lazy to run commands manually so that’s why they’re there so now we just need to build this on the truly Bedrock server test it out in

Survival mode and more importantly get ourselves a villager right so if we need to get a villager for the raid farm this is actually the closest Village The Raid Pillager Tower is a couple hundred blocks that way right so now we just need to get this dude hundreds of blocks

Over to the Pillager Tower and already we’re running into issues where he just will not go over this one little it’s one pixel why can I not boat over this one pixel yes so so there’s the Pillager Tower like right there and the village is like 100 blocks behind us so it’s

It’s actually pretty short little boat ride this guy’s basically a pirate villager yeah he’s got the eye patch and everything he says M get him to change his dialect just a little bit he’ll say R welcome to your new beautiful home villager don’t you love it yay it’s so

Nice Okay captain we’re going to go ahead and take you all the way up to the top of this place now so just come on and follow me r on up the scaffolding the scaffolding is not nearly tall enough could I just fly him over there

Oh my God hi uh you’re I guess you’re right here now I could boat him over there this is this is horrible ideas all of this is a bad idea we could we could probably make that jump I think that’s a reasonable jump I’m not going to risk it

Though you know how long it took to get captain ER okay let’s see little bit of pill oh my God that really flew uh don’t take fall damage please it took fall damage the one thing I told you not to do this is why I don’t trust anything

Having to do with villagers okay he actually landed okay you know what I should maybe give him a little bit more credit for that that was pretty impressive not going to lie he he’s kind of an acrobat I forgot that I had the bad Omen effect I think I’ll just break

That bed is the raid actually going to spawn I mean I guess I’m fine with a raid spawning the Farm’s technically done I built the farm by the way it’s uh it’s all done it’s ready to go okay so sometimes when you get the Villager out

Of a boat it dies from Fall damage because it was on a lead and stuff so I’m glad that that didn’t happen this time thank you villager for just like cooperating I think that’s just about everything to do with the raid Farm I mean it really didn’t take that long to

Build except that I’m kind of a derp and we built it wrong like maybe twice or three times but it’s it’s a pretty simple build now we need to get some bad Omen and see if it actually works slight change of plan we can’t get the bad Omen

Right now because we don’t have impaling five on any of the Trident if we don’t kill the evokers with impaling five they’re almost certainly going to have enough time to actually summon vex’s uh luckily this guy right here sells impaling four so if we just buy like a

Bunch of these then we’ll have enough to put on all of our Trident so now we got all of our impaling five books and some impaling five Trident as well that should be more than enough for the raid farm and hopefully this prevents us from getting any annoying vexes spawning if

We get vexes while we’re AFK then we’re probably just going to die so I think we are ready to go now we just got to flick this lever that’ll turn on all four of the Trident killers and these are really simple Trident Killers by the way we just have the

Spawn spot some water that pushes them to this corner and then a piston pushing on an appaling five Trident times 4 so that’s as simple as that if we move up to the top here we should get Battle and eventually well it’s been 30 minutes so nothing’s nothing’s spawning uh I guess

I’ll come back later when somebody isn’t online piing up the M cap so it’s a couple hours later now I don’t know why nothing was spawning before but as you can see now we have pillagers in all of the Trident Killers so if we turn this

On we might be lucky and get some bad Omen we finally got some bad Omen and we should see Raiders finally after all these years and as you can see the raid Farm doesn’t actually work we can pick up all the experience through this little wall right here so we can use

This to mend our tools or whatever and then all the items will actually go right over to here now I haven’t set up any storage yet but it should be as simple as uh let’s see popping out that block and then yeah everything just falls down I don’t even need an auto

Dropper system that’s that’s way too convenient all the experience will be you know delivered directly to us so we don’t even need to worry about separating it out and now we got our first ravager in there so we’ll see what happens he goes up into the lava that’s

Exactly what we need to see this is precisely working how it should that guy’s taking a little bit too much damage from the lava but I guess that’s fine he just dies to the Trident easier that way and now for the real test we got our first evoker in here here

Meaning we’re about to get ourselves some totems and hopefully no aexes that’s like the big hold up with this Farm as we have probably a higher likelihood of getting VES the other big inefficiency is that the ravagers die in lava which does kind of hurt the rates

Because it slows down the rate at which your raids are dying so that’s not really ideal I would have preferred to get them in the trying to killer but maybe I’ll figure out a way to make that happen before the tutorial goes out the last wave is here and these guys aren’t

Summoning nothing so everything just seems to be working out exactly how it should this is great so the raid Farm is actually fully functional as you can see and it is so much cheaper than all the other raid Farms I’ve put on the channel so far there’s still a couple little

Things that I want to tweak with this but otherwise and let me know when you want to see the tutorial for this down in the comments and now we got ourselves some hero of the village so we can go use that at the Training hall and get even cheaper trades for more experience

And all that good stuff I’m going to need to get myself a bunch of aay to sort out all these items and then we’ll start using the crossbows and the banners as furnace Fuel and then we’ll start smelting down all the iron tools for bits of iron nuggets so all the

Items from the raid Farm are going to fall straight down this hole and uh basically land right here so we need to set up ourselves a little bit of a storage system and a lays and all that good stuff but that is going to be a

Little bit of a future project now that we have this raid Farm set up we can start making some monies and we can also start paying our debts that we owe like basically everybody on the truly Bedrock server so for some reason I don’t get any pillagers when I’m standing up at

The top of the farm but I do when I’m standing down over here even though the top of the farm is definitely within range for them to spawn so I don’t understand that I don’t know if the mob cap really was full before but it’s yeah

They just don’t spawn if I’m standing up here I’m definitely within range though I should only be like 42 blocks above them which should be perfect fine for them to be able to spawn I tried it out with the like spawning spheres texture pack and all that but worst case we

Could just raise up those Tri and Killers a couple blocks and that should solve it we will fix it but for some reason they just don’t spawn if I’m standing right here which they they totally should at least like these two spawning spots on the right those should definitely spawn cuz they’re like

Directly underneath me you know oh hi somehow you spawned up there I don’t I don’t know if that’s that’s not good that should not happen Okay one of the ravagers broke some of the leaves is that that that is the problem actually if I just put a solid roof of leaves all

Above this thing that should actually solve it and somehow these guys spawned inside of here that should not be that should not be possible right that’s that’s not possible I know that that’s not possible stop it okay I guess they probably spawn inside of the TRD and killer itself because there wasn’t a

Leaf right there that that would do it I guess so after a couple of raids we do have ourselves quite a few totems I need to get four shulker boxes of these just to pay back ARA we also have some decent Enchantment books and a lot of emeralds

So this thing is definitely working but we just need to do a couple of tweaks to it and now it’s time that we go make ourselves some money and spend some money t Tom would you’d like to buy something uh it depends I have two entire shocker boxes of ink here for you

Uh I’d be needing ink actually that’s glow sax I I saw on the Discord that you needed ink uh not that kind of ink okay well would you prefer this kind of ink I would prefer that kind of ink what is what is the what is the price here uh

Diamond a stack a diamond a stack yep that sounds good oh okay I’ll take it oh I I expected some push back on that no that’s fine I need candles oh it’s for the nether Hub yeah oh you need like a Pilon candles for that what what is this

I have to ask uh it’s my potion shop do you like it I do pro wizard shop look I’m holding a wand with my foot right there oh those are wands Wiz doing that yeah no that’s quite impressive in between the toes wow yeah you’re you’re puking everywhere yeah that that’s fine

Okay is that comes with a job I am missing some things you’re you’re missing slow falling oh I happen to have a a giant Phantom farm for you you have like everything I do have everything that you need all of the things anything you need I can get you oh really you

Know what I actually got a sample as well here you go premium merchandise right there membranes yep that’ll be four diamonds no back SE is there more where this came from then I’m assuming what yeah there’s lots more uh do you want like a whole shocker or

Something oh yeah shocker would last me like all season honestly probably how much slow I’m you know yeah a whole shocker okay I’ll get you that sounds good everybody buys slow following everybody you’ll need so much of it okay I’ll have that ready for you soon bye oh this dude’s in the

Ground why are you in the ground he’s not for me he’s in the ground for me he literally just walked through the place going to make their way into the never at some point you just walked through this entire Hill on my screen you it cursed cursed horses I have many many

Shulkers for you I know you were asking for leaves earlier this is a lot of leaves oh no they keep coming they they keep coming you you lot you weren’t very specific yeah I did say I did say a lot of leaves so that’s eight shaer boxes of spruce leaves I

Assume I owe you like my entire soul now right I don’t know what this is worth what are leaves worth I mean it took me 2 hours to do most of it I brought 128 diamonds I mean I could take all of that I don’t well I don’t know about all of

It but I mean okay well here’s many many diamonds here’s many many diamonds thank you five thank you okay so this is going to be just a giant platform of leaves at the build limit do you know who did this in front of my shops yeah it’s a lovely

Square don’t you think right in in front of my door what about that shop right in front of our door oh I don’t know that was a wondering tray to come by uhhuh no idea who did this well this is a a little bit of a revenge or escalation

For that then if you’re going to escalate so will I I guess this is on it doesn’t even sell anything yet so go easy my poor little guy so yep we’ve built ourselves our first shop on the server and this is the glow squid shop with the amazing buck teeth that

Apparently everybody wants to shop at because we got a lot of attention uh anyway we are selling basically every single thing that we’re farming here so we got bone blocks we got our ink and our ink sacks we also got our books and emeralds and totems along with the

Trident and Nautilus shells and even more stock coming soon this glow squid is going to be full to the gills do do they have gills they don’t have gills it’s going to be full to the tentacles with uh various different items to buy so hopefully we can start paying back

All of our debt now you might kind of noticed we’ve been avoiding the base of this whole episode and that’s because if you listen yeah there’s uh there’s some things up in the base that we kind of don’t want to deal with right now but in

The next episode we’re going to be deal with that at least guo is nice enough to leave us a little bit of this stuff I mean he only filled the base oh and the outside of the base with literal shulkers cheese this is how you know we’re a professional

Minecrafter well welcome back to another episode of truly Bedrock our Bedrock edition let’s play server today we have one goal in mind and that is to make some overly powerered Shuler Farms so that we can have a huge amount of shocker shells and start making some

Money on the server so a couple months ago I released a shulker farm tutorial here on the channel and we’re going to be building two of those today but an upgraded and improved version that prevents itself from breaking and our source of shulkers is actually the base

We got a lot of crazy stuff inore store for today’s episode so let’s just get into it so groag guy has pranked our base in probably the nicest way possible those are live Shockers on the inside and on the outside of the base I don’t know how many there are but well there’s

At least three and then the inside of this also has uh many oh okay there’s a few more than just a couple in here 5 six 78 nine I think there’s nine I don’t know how to deal with that how do why and how I’m going to use them all

Obviously uh so first of all I think we should probably go ahead and break all these ones that aren’t actual alive Shockers hey hey don’t be don’t be thinking about this okay and now okay this is the problem I I think I’m going to be up here for a while so there’s two

Ways of dealing this one is just we kill them all and two is we try and capture them all so we technically only need two to jump start a shocker farm and then then start replicating them and we can capture two pretty easily boom look at

That we captured a Shuler that was so easy I don’t know what all the big fuss is about and then the second shulker can be like right here I don’t know how to get him into a boat actually never mind this isn’t as easy as it looks so groa

Left us a little present down here on the beach and uh it’s got one of his player heads which is great that’s fantastic and some invisibility uh I’ll take the Shocker box too actually I need more of these things okay we’re invisible and uh you know wearing lack

Of things so can these guys see me now you can’t see they can see me okay never mind get into the boat you’re probably touching it there we go that’s how we do it this is how we do it guys and then we unclick on it see this is so

Easy I don’t know what the big deal is we just need to get all of these guys in the next 7 minutes I don’t know how to get the ones on the ceiling how do you get a shocker off the ceiling I need to turn this into a sea shanty anybody

Who’s good at Sea shanties we need something with shulkers and boats if if you wouldn’t mind and maybe include the cat in the boat as well cuz now there’s a shulker and a cat in a boat I don’t know man it’s weird there once was a

Boat that put to see a Sher on board maybe two or three and a random C for you and me it would appear that I’ve ran out of invisibility so I think I’ll just dip on out of here goodbye uh so far I think we captured 13 shulkers but there’s more there’s just

There’s a lot more I don’t know how he got them to duplicate so successfully okay so basically the idea is we just get the shulkers into a boat and then just kind of Yeet them down and then they should be fine please don’t oh my God he teleported out of the boat okay

That’s not ideal dang it why does everything have to be so stupid okay well he just straight up died so I guess that’s one L Sher that we don’t need to worry about so let’s do a little bit of a test run with this guy in a boat and

See if we can’t just drag him off of the base come on now come on boat and a yeah okay that kind of worked come on don’t get out of the boat man don’t get out of the boat oh he’s underwater is he going to drown no wait hold on you can’t drown

You can’t just teleport to the middle of the water that’s definitely illegal hold up no no no no we can’t be having that no no no no no you got to get into the boat why why oh I can’t place a boat underwater no okay well that was incredibly stupid maybe they just

Shouldn’t teleport underwater moang maybe don’t make them teleport to a places they’re going to die I didn’t even get a shocker shell for that I’m incredibly disappointed you can’t see it but I’m very disappointed I I don’t know how to get them off the base if we can’t Yeet them down into the

Ocean we have a solution slime now the idea is we’re going to shove them right out the side of the blimp just make a big old hole ins side of the blimp would be fine and then drop them down into this platform of slime well that’s

That’s kind of a problem our little you know plank that they got to walk is not even lined up with the platform I guess we’ll just go down here then will this just work please don’t bounce like to the side all frantically God dang it you’re going to bounce to the side ain’t

You um I don’t know if they can land on top of another boat and be fine Minecraft physics we need to find out how you work can you land in a boat on top of another boat on top of slime and survive no okay well that was a good

Physics project I guess don’t die on me now don’t die on me you can survive that fall thank you very good jeez look at that you’re just like barely barely even on this thing oh what why in what world does that make any sense please don’t die on

Me in what world does that make sense that he falls through the ground how and why couldn’t I break that block nothing about that made any sense that does not count what kind of shenanigans is this game running on falls through the ground yeah that makes sense thanks meel Jang

Appreciate you always being consistent with your Minecraft logic okay well that’s four that have died this is turning out to be a great shocker shell Farm we’ve gotten three safe and four have died so I don’t have a particularly great track record as of the present moment but I’m learning okay there’s got

To be a little bit of fatalities if you’re going to make a Shuler Farm you got to break some shulkers that’s just how it goes man I’m just telling the other shulkers who’s boss you know if they don’t behave then they know what happens you know what these guys are

Actually in eggs shulkers are eggs because Minecraft has Square eggs you can look at the turtle eggs and see that they’re Square turtle eggs are square so these guys are technically an eggs they’re just little hatchlings they’re little dinosaur hatchlings new Minecraft fan Theory what do they grow up into a

Red alert we have one that got out of a boat yeah so that doesn’t make any sense literally nothing about this makes sense I left you right here you were just like all the other ones so we lost five Shockers N9 out of 14 isn’t too bad yeah

I mean you know pretty pretty solid good numbers oh my why is this game so broken I really hope that these shulkers can just stay here in these boats without any issues I’m looking at you guys don’t be having no issues with me now hold up these guys are still making Shuler

Noises is there one on the bottom of the boat or something or is he up inside oh there is yeah okay I never got this guy off the front of the boat well I guess he can just live here for now yeah so this guy is just going to live up here

As part of our blimp so now’s the fun part where we get to put all of these guys onto a lead and drag them all across the ocean this is the stupidest thing that uh we will ever do but it’s going to be incredibly effective hopefully I got a lead on all those

Boats we’re going to go kind of slow with this that way we don’t do anything too crazy and then one lead on there and now this is great this is this is how you know we’re a professional Minecrafter oh jeez now we need a see Shanty oh I’m losing some uh I guess

That’s fine we’ll leave two behind as uh Reserve we lost a Shuler we had eight we’re down to seven we’re not going to question that I it’s not my job to question it is my job to drive yeah so we can all agree that that was too easy

Right something is definitely wrong if it went that smoothly like nothing ever works out that well for us that is our entire collection of shulkers over there we have like whatever you know seven in the big pile and then we got two off to the side I separated them into two

Separate piles that way in case there’s like a Creeper explosion or something catastrophe uh we will have a backup pile of them you got to love the truly Bedrock server there used to be a giant skeleton horse right there it’s not there anymore instead it’s over here and

It’s it’s got a rubber ducky like float it’s clearly not working that well though is it here’s our skeleton horse I love it it’s adorable it used used to have antlers and like a little you know red red nose oh my God there’s like a whole wow okay there’s a lot of skeleton

Horses on the server as it turns out great I do love the rubber ducky though that’s a good addition I accidentally started a NE raid which is just many many levels of shenanigan first of all I didn’t have bad Omen second of all who has villagers in the another Hub you

Know what I’m going trap this dude in a hole now sir see sir the issue is I need you to not not exist that’s the whole issue that I’m facing right now there we go I see absolutely no flaws with this plan we’ll just leave him here until

Everything else is fine okay sounds good goodbye so we have one goal and that is to build ourselves a double shulker Farm in this area but we’re going to be building one Farm about right right here is and then another one on the opposite side and then that should be giving us

Like hundreds of shocker shells an hour and they’re fully automatic and AFK so I don’t need to do anything I just need to like have this area be loaded I don’t know where I want to build the farm so I guess we’ll just like start we have

Everything set up for the Shuler Farm the Shuler Farm itself actually built we got the super ugly rail line going over to a Teleport platform ready to go for the shulkers so now we’re going to drink ourselves a little bit of invisibility hi my ugly face and now we just need to

Get these guys onto a lead so these shulkers right here are in a boat and then we’re going to get them into a mine cart so I can teleport them over to there without taking 9,000 years there we go see this is like actually a really incredibly simple and reliable method

For moving mobs just straight up a pillar of scaffolding and a lead in a boat it just works and then we’ll put like some leaves underneath us dude bam there we go look at that and now we just go ahead and click on that get our lead

Back break the boat which might take 9,000 punches oh okay well I guess if you hit the mob that’s kind of defeats the purpose doesn’t it right how long is he going to be angry at us it seems like he’s a little bit angry you for forgive

Me yeah we’re friends now yeah he forgives me what am I of course we’re good friends we’ve always been good friends ever since he ended up in my house so now what we need to do is just kind of nudge this dude in there and we’re just going to leave him in this

Little mine cart okay let’s not Boop the snoot of the shulker why the boats have so much health on Bedrock though it’s not fair oh he can go on top of rails look at that sneaky Shuler Shenanigans right so now for the fun part we got to

Break these mine cards with killing the Shuler please break already you know what I’m sick and tired of it there we go finally just murder the the thing yeah two two hours later anyway shocker Farm it’s built everybody look at that woo so that’s all there is to it it

Really isn’t like that complicated besides the fact that you know I didn’t get these shers from the end or anything that was all groa I’m sure if I had to get these from the end we would be having a totally different conversation right now okay so that is one Sher Farm

Fully working actually surprisingly simple surprisingly easy and it’s fully automatic and AFK so we just literally have this thing running 24/7 uh but as you can see we are now getting ourselves some shocker shells so there we go we already got four now the only real downside to this is that it doesn’t

Apply looting but that is a significantly more complicated Shuler Farm because that would require either manual player interaction or a trident killer and uh yeah we Ain got time for that this is so much simpler this is about as basic and as simple as you can

Get it so basically what happens here is the these guys are shooting the shulkers the shulkers are getting all M mad and angry and upset about it but their shulker bullets can’t really go anywhere so the shulker bullets kind of go and hit the other shulker and Deals damage

To them now when a shulker dies from another Shuler then they teleport upon death like 100% chance I said teleport upon death I meant duplicate upon death but you know what I meant so we now have the second shocker Farm in place and then we got a lovely rail line just so

Good all right so these guys are currently in water uh so we can’t actually pull them out of water so if you put a lead on them you cannot pull a boat out of water you can’t do it like there’s just too much suction the ocean’s like no it’s my boat you can’t

Have it so what is your name you have a name MC spitter face fantastic okay so we have a minute and 30 of invisibility so we actually need this to work properly like first try so you you’re coming with me and then we’re just going to go straight up no Shenanigans Mister

Right there oh okay you know what that was a small small light shenanigan are we good where did he go no that’s illegal you’re supposed to go to this block right here okay I guess maybe he was over the scaffolding that’s not fair sir are you going to

Teleport you know what if you want to be stubborn like this I will be okay no he’s he’s good I was about to build a round line underneath them okay look at these two cute little peas and a pods we got you know mix spitter face one and M

Spitter face 2 brilliant they make such a cute couple I’m so happy for them oh he’s going to lose his name I’m so sorry M spitter face I didn’t think about that rip MX spitter face you served us well right so now we need to install the

Actual clock that is going to be dispensing our items from here because we’re going to be shooting all of the Shuler shells which there’s many of out of here and into the squid farm so the squid Farm is then going to be collecting the shells and then shooting

Them out another dropper so that eventually they can get into the storage system that is down there it’s convoluted but it’s going to work okay there we go all the Shuler shells are being shot out and they land squarely in the middle of our of our squid Farm H so

This is the extent of our little Auto dropper and hopefully it’s teleport proof oh wait we got three shulkers in there how did that happen I’ve never seen that happen before I mean I’m fine with that that’s going to help efficiency I guess maybe one in a

Billion chance and you got to see it right here okay second one is also set up and it pretty produced quite a bit of shells actually we got half a stack out of it after it like shot a bunch down there really really easy Farms but

They’re just so good I’m so happy that we finally have renewable shulker shells it’s something that we’ve been needing for like a bajillion decades best part of the day is when it starts raining shulker shells am I right I mean look at that it’s so dumb man our squid Farm

Produces shulker shells now that’s amazing there’s no way okay hold up no they did not move the skeleton horse and the rubber duck from the ocean it was literally right over there you saw it it was in the ocean there was like a whole thing and now it’s back

Over why I have so many questions there’s got to be better things to spend your time doing so we are farming 30 plus items in this area and we’re not even done farming everything yet so it’s everything in this chest plus the Phantom membranes and then whatever

Other mob Farms we can fit in so if you have other suggestions for Mob Farms that we should build let me know cuz there’s just so much stuff that we can fit in this area we’re farming every single one of these mobs that we have

Mob head for plus a whole bunch of other ones that I just haven’t gotten heads for yet so as you can see our little shocker Farms are working great they are just absolutely pumping out the Shocker shells and we have basically over nine stacks of shocker shells that is way too

Many I’ve never had that many in survivals before so as you can see you don’t need that big of a farm to get like way more than is Ever Needed like I don’t think I need more than a couple stacks but now we’re going to be selling

These things to everybody on the server this area is really coming along nicely now it’s got about as many mob Farms as I can possibly squeeze in there but I think there’s room for one or two more and now it’s time that we start actually profiting from all the things that we’re

Producing H one diamond for three shocker boxes hm one diamond for four shocker boxes oh hey look at this so we’re actually making money off of ink over here I had no idea and someone bought more glow ink that just seems incredibly unlikely either way we’re now undercutting the Shocker shell market so

We’re selling nine shocker shells per Diamond because of course I got to have the best prices like I have already too many shulker shells this is only a fraction of what we have and I haven’t even afked like at all those Shuler Farms are ridiculous man so half this

Video didn’t have game sounds and that’s because well my PC’s just been having issues for like the last 3 weeks so many issues I could talk about it for like literally 10 minutes so hopefully you didn’t mind too much anyway we recreated The Hunger Games in Minecraft Survival

Nine Victors will enter the arena where you can find various areas and tons of different loot chests containing all kinds of useful items you’re not allowed to bring in any external food armor tools or weapons and there’s no crafting or breaking blocks only one person can survive the hungry games and it goes

About as well as you might expect why am I getting mured over here you deserve it oh poor Ricky is that his eyeball oh no oh of course I’ve been killed by Liara yeah okay of course Lara got everybody hey don’t be punching us I’m

Going to punch you it’s going to be just really annoying for people like wish to before we start I guess the game already started didn’t it I hate it it always happens isn’t it would do that I’m literally going to die I’m literally going to die oh my god wow rude

Right oh my God I didn’t set my spawn I’m at the raain farm it’s going well guys did I win this is exactly how I expected it to go we were supposed to only punch each other not stab each other for flaming sword of death so what happens when we

Go through here just explain it all to me again we go into an arena some of that arena is going to close off we have to like kill each other and that’s about it right uh no there is a way for two people to escape the arena without

Having to kill anyone welcome welcome welcome Happy Hungry Games and may the food be ever in your flavor before we get started we have a special film bought to you all the way from beardy TV studios destruction terrible destruction a battered landscape over and over this is the Legacy that rocks truly

Bedrock you rebelled against the landscape that fed you protected you you ignored the orbiting Moon until nothing remained and then came the reset undeserved a new world Rose From the Ashes and a new era was born but there is a cost when the world was reset you

Were given a broken World a forgotten world so you can never harm a pristine world again and now it is decreed you will offer up up and tribute your lives a fight to the death in a pageant of Honor courage and sacrifice the lone Victor bathed in riches and bragging

Rights would serve as a reminder of the world’s generosity and forgiveness this is how we remember our past this is how we Safeguard the future did you get pixel riffs to dub that I certainly did SED just like it you I reckon it was fake though CU it

Wasn’t quite the same yeah I think you just kind of voice cheap riffs it was an AI that’s what it was dodgy riffs knock off I trained a computer to sound like it right now I’m getting my freaking sword back why is your hair pink you don’t even have hair

You’re a zomb the wig a few things to note before you get started once you enter the bubble vaters you must remain on your platform until the game’s begin this is a fight to the death with weapons armor and Trace Amounts of food available throughout the arena hidden in

Chests there are two ways to win be the last one standing or escape the arena by solving the puzzle within while avoiding death when you die you will be respawned in this Lobby please ensure you have set your spawn you may collect your items and fly up the central tube above me to

Join other deceased participants on the viewing platform you may then be called to hunt players in restricted areas areas of the Arena will be shut off periodically if you find yourselves in one of these areas you may be hunted and killed on site and may the food be ever in your flavor

I’m actually a bit oh J hungry now I’ve lost a hunger hunch oh dear so I have to stay here hey hey get back on your platform you’re cheating stay on the platform um of creepers I’ve lost half my hearts already yeah I have two you did we are

Doing this at night time it’s okay we can we can we can redo this bit no I’m perfectly fine with this everybody back down the tube it doesn’t go back down I guess I’ll have to kill foxy so he goes back down the tube yeah if you

Just if if if you could if you could all just die um don’t blow up the arena oh Chas this is going I forgot to check that it wasn’t oh no Jessie did but can somebody please skip the night the with all the stuff I was meant to check it was

Daytime before we came up going go this is the games i’ ever played 3 2 one go go go go away why is there a player head in here oh yes now I am Invincible nobody Stop Me Now oh no is dead you’re all freaking welcome yeah now I’m now I’m a spectator who gets to come back there and kill you guys with my I forgot about that No brilliant how big is the arena no I’ll will be honest I thought I was chasing Jesse it’s a lot of dead people no no guess Ry got it’s fine that is so loud I’m sorry I’m a b you nearly got me I’m on one heart I couldn’t I couldn’t pick between

Tizzy and Mickey so I just had to got me this is going to be the quickest game of Hunger Games literally ever y’all got to chill out yeah foxies unfortunately Wow have you fallen out with me l this is something I said yes yesy so many occasions maybe embarassing

Wow I feel like me and you used to get along uh oh looking behind me seeing you all where’s the hiding places beardy they’re around uh if if you have died by the way you can fly up through the hole and stand on the last got me straight after that’s that’s what you

Get one heart was I that close you were yeah Ricky had actually got a few hits on me so I if if he hadn’t I think I would have got you I I found a chest plate with thorns too what the heck oh yeah just fly straight up how do you how

Do how do you if you want use the lever and the bubble vaders [Laughter] are you just Spam killing him down there okay you’ve got a bat great of course you have oh you’ve hit me with slowness you suck so so um yeah if you’re if you

Go stand on the glass platform just think how have you got diamond armor what I found all the chests there’s a lot of chests as it turn out wow the swamp is now a restricted area immediately swamp one of all the swampy mangroves do you have any idea how narrow that so

There’s three people still alive uh uh what is the what is the button supposed to do in the temple they did say there was a puzzle to solve the like you’re already dead aren’t you o interesting me yeah I’m oh dear oh God distraction oh wait you’re you’re a

Distraction there you are okay so for the record B gives you full diamond armor at some point potentially and then gives you an option to leave the game right yeah that’s true yeah so there’s a puzzle around here that I got to solve no or I could just

Kill foxy if you don’t want to kill foxy yeah oh that was a Lee I was like no I can’t I can’t give you the button to live the game if you feel like it can I kill me I don’t have to fight you yeah I think zo is still alive pretending alive

I lied being dead oh why are you lying with strategical lying to people W can all the dead people just come up to the platform so I can see who’s still in oh my good oh my I thought you were dead it’s fox hunting season the jungle is now a

Restricted area what please vacate the area immediately so has no wait that’s a that’s a that’s a spectator person basically dead play Spectators can now hunt in the swamp and the uh jungle so avoid those areas if you’re still in the game he’s he had poison arrows that’s so

Unfair dude I have like all the loot from everywhere yeah I know that’s what I did too we both got full full diamond armor from this could have come up oh man stop running around like I can’t see which one is him yeah we need these

Spectators to get out of here this is confusing so I Sil te against them it’s like spectator The Spectators should only be in the swamp and in the jungle and if you’re in the swamp or the jungle then they’re allowed to kill you so well they’re on the edges cop down the center

Yeah I think my whole inventory is just full of full of armor and weapons did you just give me a trident I did the mossy grave is now a restricted area we can go down there vate the area immediately the if they’re in those areas we’re allowed to murder them okay

Which is a m Grove it’s behind it’s behind the jungle I think behind this guys we’re trying to have an epic battle here and you’re talking a looked at an end stop talking over a big b sorry wow if I get an end Pearl can I use

It you can use whatever you find in the arena as long as you’re not breaking blocks I use she’s right there oh you you you could have had me on my team you killed me I know F teaming with few walks okay right where’s this silence in the jungle beow to kill

Him in oh wait what oh no actually go get him guys yeah oh wait I’m in a I’m in a chest no I took so much fall damage trains I took so much damage from jumping off that tree wow the game has concluded come on foxy don’t worry about that yeah I’m coming

I’m coming I literally I I no I literally saw the blocks of here as I was halfway down the tunnel so so um I I did have a an award for the cake of Escape but uh nobody actually escaped however however zloy did find the uh the secret tunnel and you can

Have so you can have the cake anyway um however there are there are other other rewards as well so there’s the Winner’s cookie so frame this keep it um you’ve also you’ve also earned five points in the first ever beard TV game oh so congratulations you are top of the

Leaderboard for the season silent for com for coming second you get three points um and every everyone gets one of these so that even that’s not special to you but everyone can have one of these wow participation Cookie no there’s no there’s no there’s no bronze everyone else gets one point for taking part second place should get four points wow you wow not not even third place sucks stupid game what’s the point in even trying to survive thanks to beard stone for putting together the entire Hungry Games

Event definitely check out their video on their channel for way more in depth and way more behind the scenes it’s definitely worth to watch we have an extreme lack of gunpowder and Rockets we’ve built this entire giant area but we don’t even have the simplest of resources so today we are expanding this

Zone we’re not just going to be building a creeper Farm we’re building a creeper Factory something that gives us a lot of creepers music discs charge creepers and mob heads as well it’s going to be an all-in-one creeper Factory so let’s just get into it right so we are finally

Building a creeper Farm I’ve always said I would never build a creeper Farm cuz they’re just that bad so I found a spot it’s in the absolute middle of nowhere so no one will complain about a very ugly build now this is going to be like a triple purpose creeper Farm we’re not

Just here for gunpowder we’re here for the creepers themselves because they don’t get enough respect I have designed some creeper Farms before but they have always had such bad rates and the resources that you need to actually build them are way more expensive so I’ve always been of the mindset that if

You really want a farm that only provides you with gunpowder build a gas Farm it’s a very divisive thing cuz like there certainly are very good efficient creeper Farms on Bedrock Edition but again they require so many resources so it’s going to be very very similar to a standard hostile

Mob farm but it’s going to have a lot more trap doors in it to make it so that only creeper spawn and then a bunch of buttons and it’s going to be getting rid of a lot of the spawn density one of the most important things for a Bedrock mob

Farm is how many spawn spots you have and how large of an area cuz as you see like things only spawn between red and green there not really that much area to work with Hey look it’s already working see it’s going to be such an efficient

Farm guys I mean come on oh look that we got another one man this Farm works great it’s so good you guys didn’t have any faith in me see we have a small spider problem but that spider problem has been dealt with so this is going to

Be about the size of our creeper farm this is just the roof right here I need to go ahead and fill in all the blocks for this and get some slabs on top of here here and then the middle area which is going to be just right above that

Spawn platform and that spawn platform we’re going to have leaves that way it blocks the light but still allows this to be a surface spawn the layout for this is going to be fairly straightforward we’re going to have a layer of trap doors basically every other block uh just like this going all

The way across the entirety of the farm and then we’re going to have buttons every other block as well and a grid and that’ll stop the spike ERS and then we’re going to go ahead and have ourselves uh scaffolding everywhere else like I said it’s going to be very

Similar to a standard hostile mob farm and then we will have water between each of these streams and then they get pushed out that’s really the basic logic of how this thing actually works we’re also going to add in a couple other things hey there we go the first ever

Creeper on the creeper Farm everybody uh I should probably get a looting sword out we we can frame this gunpowder aren’t you a beautiful creeper yeah you were there we go beautiful get a little bit of experience from it see it does actually work for gunpowder uh so yeah

We’re going to add in two additional things to this I need to add in a blasting chamber probably to the right and that way we can blow up some mobs with a charge creeper and then we’re going to build another chamber on this side for music discs so we’ll have to

Get a skeleton for that yeah so we we lost the Redstone Shuler box I I did a mega derp I placed it down right I placed it down just like that bam and then I went to break it and walked right past it and I did not pick it up it like

Fell off this little Cliff right here and then I was like you know in the Ender Chest messing around anyway so the Redstone shocker box just despawned like right there it’s dead it’s gone forever we got to find every single last bit of redstone component that I can possibly

Salvage from like any random chest that we have yeah so this is our entire supply of redstone right here we’ll just take all of this and then we’ll just do a whole bunch of this so the creeper farm right now is pretty horrible so we

Got to do like three major things to it we’re going to add a second floor to it that way we get surface spawns and Cave spawns that should uh really help the rates it might like double the rates and of course 0 * 2 is still zero so not

Maybe that big of an improvement and if I need to add more layers to it then we have a little bit of room for that I I really don’t want to raise the roof but I I I guess if we need to oh no you know

What we would do we would add the floors downwards there you go save us some time now I’m thinking of my brain all three brain cells they’re firing full capacity oh no I totally did it just fall to the TR to killer and there’s some creeper in

There I just fell down there like 10 seconds ago and there’s no creeper you’re not allowed to this Farm Mister get out of here go yeah that’s right get on out so yeah the creeper Farm’s working quite well don’t you think I mean it looks like it’s working great

All kinds of mobs in my creeper form I don’t know how those guys actually spawn though cuz we have trap doors are they shorter than a trapo I know how the spider spawns because spiders are evil look at this look at the shenanigans we have doubled the amount of gunpowder

That we have though we’re just we’re just going to go with it everybody we’re going to get our looting sword and we’re just going to be happy with it and you know what any extra drops that this Farm decides to give us we will take it don’t

Look a gift Farm in the rates I think that’s how the the saying goes a few moments later I had bad Omen zo I had bad Omen how are they even going to spawn I don’t know where they’re going to spawn here close all the trap doors why did

You C Boman because the creeper Farm isn’t just a creeper Farm I forgot about that actually be really funny if they spawn down inside the spider farm oh my God oh they’re right here zo hi we should just leave them there you’re just going to have some burp

Birds in your face well anyway so you wanted to talk I got you a shulker box because I I knew that you lost your Redstone shulker box the other day yeah I kind of already remade it oh yeah I know that you remade it but I you definitely didn’t

Remake this that’s hor why is there so many I I yeah I figured that yeah what do you want build this one I don’t know this is like one tree farm barely do you really want me to build a tree farm with all this no I just wanted to help you I

Could build a tree farm with all this so the spruce tree farm makes 60,000 logs an hour right right okay yeah yeah yeah and it requires uh 1,00 Pistons just just for the cube makers just for the cube makers and then it requires another it requires another five 00 Pistons just for the

Farm itself so yeah I guess we’re building ourselves a massive Tree Farm now and we can either build the 2x two Spruce Tree Farm or we can build a new Mangrove Tree Farm let me know which one you want to see down in the comments and

Also like I still need to release the mangrove Tree Farm it will happen I swear besides all that I’ve heard of a new thing on the server called this little death cult I guess it is so by entering the circle you’ve already agreed to join the cult of killing oh

Okay well that was that was easy so yeah I guess we’ve joined the murder cult now uh cool hope I don’t die so I accidentally joined the murder cult which I actually intended to join but I didn’t realize the application process was so so easy so now I got to watch my

Back cuz I might get murdered which I guess is what you get for joining a murder call am I am I just going to be like on the lookout for someone this whole this whole time murder cult time Jesse be’s just up here nuh-uh I don’t play around get out of

Here you think I won’t bow spam you uhuh I just logged back in I’ll chase you down get out of my creeper farm this isn’t a oneway murder call is it this uh this red Dome of the dimsdale dimad doome does not help us at all murder oh

There’s two of them here I don’t know who that is but I trusted it they’re working together I had no idea they were here that was so lucky they almost got the drop on me I kind of didn’t expect anything to happen oh I’m using Smite that’s not a fair

Battle I can’t believe I’m using a Smite sword for a combat my scaffolding oh there we go get wrecked beautiful is this armor mine now I get to keep all this stuff I don’t have a chest to put this stuff in oh here comes Jessie B ain’t got time for

This oh with the oh what just dead immediately what how did I bro man I’m getting a lot of good armor today how am I how am I killing these guys with Smite oh is a book no one likes having the friends so I’ve decided to leave you George he’s a good

Boy I like lots of hugs and best of all hates Ricky oh I like George already overall murder call 8 out of 10 would recommend now I get to murder the rest of the truly badrock members who else is online nobody else that I haven’t

Murdered I I got to go hunt down some people now this is good I like it I like it this is kind of shenanigans I’m down for tis Tom is the maker of the murder cult so now I got to watch out for him I just put away the chest plate and the

Extra Rockets and the extra totems TI Tom has come for murder I’m just trying to do some Redstone just want to do a little itty bitty bit of redstone here this is good I like this oh he’s got Thorns armor he’s he’s like cut out for

This I like it this time knows what’s up I got one thing he don’t skills I don’t have a sharpness sword I’m so not cut out for this cuz I can’t do nothing without a sharpness sword also I don’t think my armor is really made for PVP

Yeah let’s see we got protection 4 protection four and okay I got four three protection fours what’s this got on it fire protection okay yeah we have fire protection on the helmet we need to switch that out for protection for okay so this murder call is pushing me to do

Extreme things uh the sword I’m sorry it’s got to be unenchanted we need to find a sharpness 5 book and a fire aspect 2 book I think I know where to get both of those uh but the problem is it is actually in home territory so it might not be that big of

A deal and also yeah T’s just like always following us so there’s like there’s this idea where either you take $10 million on the spot but the catch is you always have a snail following you for the rest of your life and if it touches you you die now this is just

Like that except that you don’t get $10 million and the snail is not a snail it’s a dude with wings and a better S sword than you so there is that basically you just have a hired Hitman after you whose sole job is murdering your face so never in my life

Have I had to spend 35 levels on an enchantment but just to get a maxed out helmet with Pro four aquafinity Unbreaking three mending and Thorns three and respiration 3 and Lally cost 34 levels but look how many enchantments that is it’s crazy so our helmet is now

Maxed out for any PVP Shenanigans unfortunately I cannot max out the boots now they have five enchantments already and if I want to get them up to seven it’s just too expensive now I kind of want protection four on the chest plate as well and then we would just have like

Four protection fours I should probably also get like some tipped arrows and a couple other things going because if we’re going to be part of a m murder cult then we kind of need to be prepared to do some murdering otherwise we going to get murdered okay so 27 levels just

To put thorns on the boots that’s that’s ridiculous feather falling four death sh three protection four Thorns 3 and break three mending now we’re fully kitted out so this is the first time I’ve ever had Thorns 3 on every single piece of armor it’s just it’s a lot of stuff I am one

Like Ked out pig out so I was being hunted for the better part of 2 hours and the clips that you just saw is like just just some of what happened there was so many things that happened and so many times where I nearly got murdered

Every time that I fight TI time he like just took nine Hearts immediately so I kind of had to just run and then like somehow figure out how to enchant all my armor before he would show up because he was always like 20 seconds behind me it

Was crazy but anyway we need to get back to our project don’t we so after like many many hours this creeper Farm is actually somewhat fully functional and complete it’s just like it’s incredibly slow it’s kind of stupid uh but yeah we can blend up the mobs down here to get

Ourselves some actual bits of gunpowder more importantly it’s a multifunctional creeper farm so we can send the mobs to the left over here as you can see and this is our creeper chamber where we can get music discs so that skeleton when he’s in a good mood will be able to see

The fact that we have a iron golem right here and that skeleton is then going to shoot the creepers and kill them yeah So eventually when these guys die we’ll get a music disc and then we’ll have way too many music discs that here we go what’

We get uh oh we got Ward and we got 11 already nice and we have way more gunpowder out of this thank you creeper farm for like actually producing some creepers this is more creepers than I’ve ever seen in this thing before we got five after just like a couple minutes of

Using this thing we have like already too many music disc I don’t know what to do with any of these we got duplicates for days maybe I should open a shop or something so we can go ahead and turn this thing off that’ll turn off the

Water open up the Trident killer and now we can start just getting Lo from it but anyway we have this lovely thing over here which is a creeper name tagging station so we can go ahead and name tag that guy which he already is and then we

Unlick the lever and then he gets delivered down this very very long water stream the idea behind this is that we are sending them out of a simulation distance that way this thing is essentially a split density farm so we can have a large stockpile of creepers

Over here right So eventually all the creepers make their way down this very very long tube and then they land in this little teeny tiny chamber right here where we can have an infinite number of creepers and then we have the world’s simplest creeper Farm if I had

Channeling Trident this would all be like a 100 times quicker cuz even during the rain you can strike that thing of channeling Trident and it will still s summon uh lightning even if it’s not a thunderstorm there we go it actually did happen on camera as well nice so now we

Got ourselves a charge creeper what are we doing with that charge creeper cuz right now he’s just having a great old time on this little roller coaster right here oh there he goes what are you doing stop it you need to stay inside the bubble colums there oh my God what is he

Doing they’re all doing it bro they’re super excited uh but yeah as you can see we got quite a few creepers down there now we’re just waiting for the next thunderstorm then we’re going to have a blasting chamber and then four chunks in this direction hopefully not over the

River cuz I’ve learned my lesson from that uh we’re going to have another mob farm to get us skeletons creepers and zombies that we can blow them up and get mob heads from them but that is the goal right now we need to go ahead and build up ourselves another mob farm because

You can never have too many mob Farms of course there’s one last great secret feature of Bedrock Edition a single charge creeper can drop infinite numbers of mob heads every mob that it kills will drop a mob head that is not the case on Java Edition on Java uh it only

Drops one no matter how many guys it kills so don’t tell nobody otherwise you’re going to go on the naughty list and I’m not going to tell you any more secrets about Bedrock Edition all right you got a pinky promise I just want you I’m so glad I caught that do you

Know how long we’ve been standing here so I designed a super teeny tiny mob farm that’s you know ideal for our AFK spot but it’s too small to spawn anything so we actually got to expand it out the backside and we’ll just need two players if we want to get infinite mobs

Right so now that we have our upgraded mob farm that definitely spawns a whole lot of mobs in it um we need to make ourselves a little bit of a catchment tray down here so we’re going to have just like a little bit of a a tray down

There that’s going to catch all the mobs we’re going to have a spider sworder out there basically just going to kill all the spiders real real quick like and then all the other mobs are going to be funneled down probably directly underneath this line straight to about

That spot then we’ll build a blasting chamber blow them up with some charge creepers and get our first mob heads of the Season okay then so the mob farm is actually indeed working as you can see we got a bunch of zombies and stuff laying flying out of there we probably

Need to put some Coral fans on the edges so that they don’t do that but then we got our little spider sorder basically everything that’s not a spider uh goes right through spiders can’t fit through so they die and then we have a little bit of a bottleneck congestion that is a

Lot of mobs down there actually can I get the creeper there we go okay there we go now we got a nice little flow of mobs coming through so all these mobs are going to go down this water stream as you can see and then eventually they

Will make their way over to here and now they go to the blast chamber and what do they do in the blast chamber well they sit there there we go now that is a nice row of mobs isn’t it look at that so all these guys are going to get delivered

Straight to our Kill Chamber assuming that they would figure out their traffic jam be this is actually working really really well I’m going to modify the stream ever so slightly in a couple different places and then we’ll actually get all the things to work out and this should actually be a split density

Design as well that’s why the mobs are all the way over here so that when they’re actually over there uh they’re not going to be taking up the mob cap allowing even more things to spawn see exactly my point all these guys just spawned in so theoretically if I had the second

Account on here we could get infinity mobs up there uh which would be beautiful but that’s not really what I’m here for right now what I’m here for is to uh blow up all these guys with a charge creepers so you can do it there

We go go on you can do it creeper oh I have not done this in years how much of this is actually going to explode when we blow this up how much of it I got a totem we’re good okay okay deep breaths deep breaths what’s his name

Subscribe oh nothing blew up amazing okay sorry I screamed there we go we got our mine cart back and everything uh that was not actually as many mob heads as I thought it was but you know what there we go now I can be a wither skeleton that is

Wearing a regular skeleton’s head how do you do fellow kids so this entire project let’s let’s have a recap here let’s have a recap of this stupid project it started off as one layer charge one layer creeper farm and then a two and then a three then a four then we

Had to redo the roof okay and then it’s not just the TR and killer at the bottom here to give us like minuscule amount of gunpowder just to restock our Rockets no it’s a music disc farm that gives us every single music disc besides a couple but that’s fine we already got those

Ones and then it’s a name tagging station and then it goes four chunks over so it’s split density that way we can get more guys to spawn get infinite charge creepers right this is a charge creeper pickup station get them in a mine cart and and then we got our

Blasting chamber and then we fly over this way we have our standard mob farm we sort out the skele or the spiders all those guys get delivered over to here again and guess what that is also a split density so we can have infinite numbers of these guys and then we can

Blow them up and get you know thousands of these uh I need to really do like a long AFK session and get my second count on to do that properly because if our nether spawn is good we can actually get even more things we can get piglins

Which are going to be added in 1.20 get the piglin heads with the little floppy ears and then if we are just Omega extremely lucky we can get ourselves bunch of wither skeletons into the same exact blasting chamber it’s going to be so incredibly unlikely for us to get

Another fortress on the other side of this no time like the present let’s see what the nether spawn looks like okay cross your fingers uh we’re somewhere I I think that this is the nether portal that goes to our triple spider farm I’m actually pretty happy with how this creeper Farm has

Turned out we didn’t get to advance into The Nether quite yet but if we get extremely lucky we might get with the skeletons and piglins over here as well and then this will turn out to be just like an extreme creeper farming Factory where we have absolutely everything that

We need music disc charge creepers mob heads gunpowder literally every use that you can get with creepers we are doing it over here I might condense this down into some form of tutorial eventually today we’re going on one of the most epic Adventures that I’ve ever done in

Survival Minecraft to try and get the rarest item in all of Minecraft the 1.20 update just added the armor trims and the rarest one among them is the silence armor trim with a 1.25% chance of generating inside of ancient cities so not only is it going

To be hard to get just because it’s in in ancient cities and ancient cities are pretty rare but it’s also surrounded and guarded by wardens and it just has an incredibly low chance of generating some people have gotten really really lucky and they’ve gotten it on their first

Ancient city some people have had to raid for hours and days and our adventure is going to take quite a few twists and turns if You’ like seeing what it takes to get the rarest item in all of Minecraft then definitely drop a like and maybe consider subscribing to

The channel this is one of the C craziest things I’ve ever done and why do I need the armor trim well my name is silent whisper and our community is called The Silence it’s made for me I need it it could take you know 20 minutes it could take 4 hours it could

Take 12 ancient cities it could take one okay so look at this we have done a little bit of uh admin work on the server and we now have a very nice cherry blossom biome right next to spawn this is actually like the closest one on

The entire seed but we’re not here here for any of that garbage we are here for the ancient city that’s like somewhere down also I know you’re never supposed to dig down especially not into an ancient city but that’s exactly what I’m doing so you can just prepare for me to

Die it’ll be great oh we got Ward I was get I was about to get really excited okay we got Ward that’s actually pretty rare as well 5% chance if I recall you know what I’m kind of over the safety thing let’s just yellow it what’s the

Worst that could happen we lose all our brand new netherite gear that we’re trying to get the silence armor trim for that wouldn’t happen stop panicking everybody I need you to stop panicking it’s okay if we activate just a few dozen shers okay I think we have three wardens

Now this is getting progressively more and more out of hand we just got another I think we’re at four wardens now okay we’re good see look how nice and friendly they are they don’t even care they’re giving each other a hug they’re old friends happy to see each other cool

Let’s go steal some more of this stuff so ancient setting number one kind of a bust but we did get three of the wards and we got Two Notch apples out of it and a bunch of other good stuff I think we got like four Swift sneak three books

Uh it’s time for our next city cuz I did not get super ibx toy cat lucky they should make it so that the wood type that you craft a bed with changes the wood type of the bed cuz this is like a lovely cherry wood bed and it just looks

Horrible so this is a legitimately nice like area to be isn’t it well down below us is an ancient city so don’t get fooled right City number two let’s go make him mad we give me no it’s just that I’m not even going to mess around

This time of like being sneaky uhuh we ain’t got time for that let’s go oh it’s like literally okay well we got a warden already uh no silence in that one guess we’ll go on to the next got to get all the wardens out of the ground first

We’re drawing them out it’s a trap and I’m I’m right in the middle of the Trap oh man just give me the Swifty no I’m not a Swifty I need the the sileny we might have gotten hit by a warden boom it’s okay it happens it happens okay

We’re just going to go to the complete opposite side of his entire territory yeah City number two not very worthwhile was it when they say it’s rare they actually mean it Leon Jenkins let’s go doesn’t seem that intimidating okay I literally just got here I didn’t even like see the shrier

And I just immediately I thought like if you went to a new city or a new area you would have a fresh new allowance but no it’s just like a carries over this one better have the silence armor Trim in it cuz it’s got four shriekers next to it

How much protection do you need it doesn’t have anything in it that’s not even fair come on Warden where you at yeah there you are I can’t even hit him that’s not even fair this is not a fair fight take damage get out of here oh

No okay okay yeah I kind of deserve that bro just one hit me yeah okay I I respect you wardon okay I’ll back off it’s okay yeah this is your city that’s right oh no he’s still coming oh Lordy coming you coming to my house stealing my loot chest that’s exactly what just

Happened another two notcha okay well at least we’ve gotten five Notch apples from this place also I just call them Notch Apple cuz like I’ve been playing since 360 days and that’s just what we always call him I can’t change it now just like how I still call it Mesa and

Like hard and Clay we are out of night vision I repeat we are out of night vision it is officially 4,000% darker in here and it’s legit just a super rare item I guess I don’t know what I expected you know making a whole thing about finding

The rarest item in Minecraft turns out it’s not that easy and it doesn’t happen that very quickly is this it it’s a another Ward I can’t believe it four Wards it’s a scam does it actually exist does it even exist the world may never know we have five of these this is the

Worst okay come on home run another w six of these things I cannot escape the wards ward has a 5% chance Silence has a 1.5 so you would think that by the time that we get six Wards we should have found one silence but no not me the

Person whose name silent could not get a silent summer trim while we’re on our way to the next ancient city uh let’s just see if we get ourselves one of the Pillager trims we do two of them okay that’s all I need from here thanks guys bye okay for real though another and

Another other side I just know that this city has to have it I mean well not that one specifically but it it does have things come on give me the thing oh my I it’s giving me so much good loot it’s hard to be upset about it but at the

Same time none of it’s what I need I’m going to walk out of here for like 30 different music discs I don’t even like Music imagine if this right here is the chest the chest that we’ve been looking for it’s not but wasn’t that nice it’s nice to imagine in good things so 4 and 1 half cities in we have this entire thing 17 of those eight Wards two centuries we got you know three entire

Shocker boxes full of non-stackable items after 3 hours of uh ancient city rating I think we’ve run our course for right now so I’m just going to throw myself away oh my they haven’t added it in 1.20 I can’t I can’t even do that day

Two so we’re going to take a little bit of a break from getting silence and we’re going to start looting all the other nearby structures I’ve literally gone down two three staircases and just Beed to the library straight into a web so there’s going to be a chest somewhere

Over here it’s usually yeah here we go did we get the trim yeah boy we got the trim and here we go for ancient city number five and a half so I think we’ll just do the easy thing and go for this chest right over here but I also don’t

Have any rockets and Rockets are like incredibly important that’s really the most important item you don’t need to fight the warden you just need to run very very very fast okay this ancient city is actually pretty dope like I mean there’s like this whole area and then it

Goes up and then there’s M shaft and just goes you got to learn to appreciate these things if you’re going to live in an ancient city for like 8 hours you got to you got to know how to appreciate it give me the armor Trim another Ward I don’t like this game anymore you know what who cares about Ward W wardens are big smelly guys they couldn’t do anything to me if they tried if we have to raid 20 cities to get this thing I may as well just like Blitz through them

And not care right like who’s got time to waste when you got to raid 20 of these things to get the armor trim ain’t no time for caution a’t no time to run away from wens only time to put blocks on top of chest so you don’t backtrack man this

Guy’s got no idea where I’m at we’re so safe guys got no idea if he comes up those stairs though I’m out yeah that’s right stay down there yeah that’s right get get out of here this is my Village this is my city he heard that we’re

Doing a YOLO run he’s just like that’s all right he respects the YOLO that’s good cuz I don’t respect him he needs to respect me you know what just because I can yeah take that skull shrier it didn’t even summon a warden that was a great ex exercise and futility right

There okay City number seven I got a good feeling about this lucky number seven I think there’s at least like 20 songs in movies about that so maybe it’ll just work out for us this is technically 7.5 but we’re going to round down and call it seven I I think that’s how

Mathematics works and you know what it’s my content so I can make up the rules straight to this one it’s going to be in here a ward see I knew it was going to be in there I didn’t tell you what it was I just told you it was going to be

In there therefore I’m right and I can do that cuz I make up the rules Here we got a be very very sneaky that was not sneaky enough sh if you’re quiet he won’t notice you if you’re quiet he won’t notice you if you’re quiet you won’t notice you he noticed me why are you so mean to me what is your problem we need to have

A talk you and me right now man to firework man to firework because like we have some serious issues between us I feel like we need to work it out I feel like there’s a lot of stress in the air and it would be good if we could just

Express our feelings to one another you have a lot of violent tendencies come on chest nothing I swear one of these days I’m going to come back here for a world eater and this whole city is going to the ground was that just saying about how we need to not have violent

Tendencies I’m not leading by example but like I said our relationship needs work we’ve raid so many cities that I’m literally just going to start throwing away the music disc cuz I do not have enough storage for them nobody wants you why do you exist why are there so many

Of you okay so we’re doing really good on loot we got you know basically a whole box of just Swift sneak basically every single one of these is Swift sneak except this Protection One book which I’m going to specifically burn and then we got you know a lot of hoes in here

Nine other sides and just a whole box of pants and then all of this garbage two night vision potions and we got to clear this entire city of all the stuff so you know what that means we got to go fast you thought we were going fast before no

We’re going fast now we got to just do like just bare minimum of doing things we’re not going to steal anything unless it’s actually valuable from now on that is my rule No Stealing things unless they have Value yeah wardens don’t even bother me at all anymore it’s just it’s like oh wow oh my God you’re over there you’re so scary yeah we’ll take this dude bet you can’t do anything against that yeah what are you going to do about it huh oh you’re going to get angry you’re going

To make some noises oh you’re going to run real fast yeah can’t do nothing about it that’s what you’re going to do nothing you going to make the screen real dark these are the last two chests in City 8.5 and we ain’t getting it from that

One and we didn’t get it from this one yeah cool let’s go let’s go away from this place cuz cuz it’s horrible we finally got it there we go Coosa that took a lot of shipwrecks actually I think that took like 10 or 11 shipwrecks maybe I’m just incredibly

Unlucky that might be my problem I might just be an incredibly unlucky person we’ve gotten to the point where we need to save time digging down so I’m just doing one by one I’m not even doing the safety 2 by one we ain’t got time for

That what is the worst that could happen well we fall into a warden ancient city number N9 and a half it looks about the same exact as all the other ones how lovely first chest nothing good should have known nothing good is ever in the first chest or the second or the 100th

Apparently this Cave’s got drip and it’s got another ward in it I was so excited it’s right there in the middle it was like it was there it’s been waiting for me all these Years sitting number 10.5 cool so excited ridiculous just give me the armor trim already I I don’t think it should really take this much effort I think it might be a little bit too rare can we bump this up to like 2 and 1 12% maybe cuz clearly 5% is

Working out pretty well for me with the 11 wards that I have same loot different City a city’s got one of them that just has like all of the shriekers and you just got to YOLO with it because honestly there’s no other way to do it we’re just going to activate them both immediately it’s fine nobody ever lost a limb from activating a warden they lost

Their entire body bye two more again four Notch apples and a very angry boy it’s fine just give me this this thing please please I beg you Minecraft I’ll do anything for you I’ll stop making bug videos I swear I’ll stop showing that the game is so

Broken but this isn’t a great example of the game working as intended okay come on now I just need I just need the armor trim why is it so difficult to get day three okay this is ancient city number 11.5 if we don’t get it here then we’re

Just going to keep on going keep on Trying I tried not very hard but I did try okay we’re taking another break from the silly ancient cities that just don’t give us any items and we’re going to raid the nearest thing uh that’s not an ancient city and that is this dude you got like a pretty good chance of finding

It of course it’s not here come on I’m just having the worst luck ever okay there we go third times the charm we did get it and I it’s actually in this little hidden chest here I didn’t know it could be in there but cool that

Wasn’t so bad right moving on to the silly what do you call this thing desert temple ocean Monument thingy okay no one’s actually been here break that pressure plate oh we got it first try nice okay okay City number 13 what’s it going to be I I don’t know if a single

Other person in Minecraft that has ever had to do 13 cities to get a silence we could have gotten it first chest that would have been pretty cool but uh we missed the opportunity for that Apparently Boop I pooped him on the Noggin you didn’t see it but it happened what what do you want over there huh what you got to say to me I got a lot of things I’d want to say to you but I’m going to keep

My distance cuz I I fear for my life and I would like to welcome you to in City number 14 and a half we got a chest down here of our lovely complimentary uh you know participation Award of a golden apple and then on this

Side over here we got our super easy to loot chests which I’ve never never ever had anything good in them moving on we have our next super easy to loot chest on this Tower right here and this one has absolutely nothing good in it as is customary and then our third super easy

To loot chest is going to be in this Tower right over here and as is usual there’s nothing good in here either you might be questioning how I know what’s in the chest before I look at it and well the answer is simple I’ve rated 13 and a half of these ancient cities

Getting pretty good at guessing what’s in the chest cuz guess what they’re all full of junk see this chest has got nothing good in it either I don’t know what you’re so upset about there’s literally nothing good in this entire City there’s a lot of pants somebody walked in here with a pair of pants on and left without it and um I wonder why that is City 15 and2 actually has something interesting in it a ruined portal generated in there literally never seen that and I am kind of an

Expert on these ancient cities or something I would I would say that is so many melons why is there 25 melons you can’t even eat these things directly they’re they’re like not even a food like make us be able to eat it we can eat golden carrots and while I’m on the

Topic where’s my golden potatoes at come on silence another W I can’t believe it day four so this is everything that we have after 15 and A2 ancient cities 17 Wards 42 Enchanted apples legitimately 2/3 of a stack we got a whole bunch of these other smithing templates that we

Picked up along the way so I have gotten so good at raiding ancient cities that I can now rate an ancient city in under 18 minutes and that just requires two night vision potions I I usually got like 3 minutes left just to tidy up the things

A little bit it’s not often that you dig straight down into a mob spawner like that’s that’s pretty lucky I guess but you know what we don’t like mob spawners I would like to welcome you to ancient city number 16.5 it looks not exceptional but I have a feeling that

This is probably not going to be the city where we get it I’m just saying it’s not going to happen guys it will never happen we’re never getting this item it does not exist turns out we’re actually playing in Minecraft 1.9 this whole video I would also like to make an

Addition to all future Adventures this thing right here is officially called jacuzzi Town it is official silence Proclamation you got that little tany jacuzzi up there the private party it’s nice elevated great View and then you got the big one down here it’s great jacuzzi town There’s always three chests

As well it’s a fantastic place to be hey there’s my best friend wardy that’s his name now his name is wardy look how cute he is he’s got a little waddle he doesn’t know how to how to walk that well but he’s got Style in his walk ain’t nobody else got style he’s

Like moving and grooving back and forth look at that he he’s kind of dumb but he figures it out eventually what can I say okay you have fun over here boy bye now I got to go steal all of your stuff somehow he gets around the city like

Really really well and I don’t understand it he’s a very he’s chunky just randomly fell through the thing into a lava lake just the most random Lava Lake out of nowhere top three near-death experiences in ancient cities and that’s saying something for rating 19 ancient cities that’s uh these things aren’t very

Dangerous okay so City 18.5 is legitimately the worst ancient city that I’ve ever seen just pants not a single like anything good out of the entire place so the only thing actually special about ancient city 19.5 is that it has a lush biome in it that happens to have a

Creeper in it and uh you know that’s fine we’re just going to YOLO ourselves into this place because that is traditional silence rating method at this Point this city is also just as bad as the last one it’s like no loot at all lots of wardens but no actual loot there is this entire other area that’s like fully cut off and I think that this is its own it’s a double City okay does

That count as two that counts as two it’s definitely a double City like there’s the one Fountain there and then you go through and then there’s another Fountain over here I’ve never seen that maybe this is it maybe this is the super duper Omega lucky like super duper Omega

Lucky city of Doom well yeah welcome to ancient city number 20.5 I cannot believe we’ve raided 20 of these stupid things and we still have not gotten it I have to be the least lucky person on the entirety of Minecraft oh my God we actually got it after 20.5 cities it’s finally

Here that is impossible luck actually impossible why is this the stupidest item in Minecraft I hate you is there lava around here where’s the nearest lava I need to burn you you’re so dumb I Wast did so much of my life to get you and yes that is a custom texture made by

Our Community member nspg it’s so dumb we’re putting it straight into the Ender Chest ah what do we do now everybody Panic it’s happening everybody it’s happening everybody we have 20 of the ward armor trims 51 Enchanted apples just just for that just to get a single

One of these it’s act it’s actually real it finally happened we can finally go to bed insanity this chest right here shall live in infamy at 685 7561 such a lovely Place Against All Odds Against the Minecraft devs and gods themselves we finally did it I kind of

Want to I kind of don’t want to use it now also I realize it’s backwards I need to I need to mirror it and then I can like get my screenshot with it there we go spin spin right round there you go that’s the right way round 20 and a half

Ancient cities nobody else can have it mine that is the stupidest item in Minecraft it feels like years I’ve never had to do something like this in Minecraft before it’s kind of fun just insanely rare items for no good reason after 4 days and 10 hours of ancient

City rating we have legitimately so much loot this entire line of Sher boxes is all loot from the ancient city so we got you know two entire shocker boxes of Hose two pairs of pants we got three entire shocker boxes completely full of Swift sneak books and then we got a

Whole shocker of other side this one of miscellaneous items we got this whole thing of skull and other various shards and bits and Bobs a random thing full of books and shards and then the actually valuable box over here incredible amount of loot I was really hoping we would get

A full stack of not apples but maybe we still can if I ever want to ever raid an ancient city ever again I don’t and of course we also have a whole another two shulkers of ancient city loot from before 1.20 so we we need to open a shop

Just to recap today’s adventure we rated a majority of the world for ancient cities like we started here at world spawn on that red dot and then we went down to these four ancient cities that all got reset we got these four down here including the stronghold we then

Got this one right here this cluster of five cities over here and then we started going north so we got this one and then this whole cluster of five and finally we raided North and got these two these are the ones that were connected together actually and that

Means that we raided the entire Southwest West Northwest and north and we couldn’t raid anything in the Northeast cuz all of these were already generated and all of this whole area got raided by Jessie B and that means that we’ve raided every single ancient city within 10,000 blocks and only two

Silence armor trims were found in there and you know what this item is so rare that I’m not even actually going to use it for some armor I’m going to like wait until we trim the world and get another one hope hopefully that’s easy to do and

Then we’ll use that one to make copies because if we try and use this in a crafting recipe it’s actually going to get consumed as you can see it’s going to consume it so it’s going to get destroyed in order to be copied which is completely destroying the point this one

Is going to live in an item frame forever somewhere somewhere important over here let me know if you had as bad of luck as I did trying to get the silence armor trim or if you’ve even gotten it yeah update’s only been out a few days I’ve streamed basically

Every single day to try and get this and it still took nearly a week and the last episode we got the rarest item in Minecraft the silence armor trim it took us over 20 ancient cities to get that but we still have another nine armor trims that we need to collect so in

Today’s episode we’re going to be raining the most dangerous structures in all of Minecraft to collect them all right then we are here to find ourselves the tide armor trim look at that you can see the guardian right there this is so easy uh we can actually swim down before

No before they give us the mining fatigue mining fatigue is actually not that big of a deal on Bedrock Edition on Java it’s insane I I broke that block you saw it disappear Hi how are you doing sir oh you’re shooting me with a wer he didn’t

Drop anything useful at all in case you’ve ever wanted to know how to break into an ocean Monument just surround a piece of TNT with some gravity blocks and then oh apparently you can’t do that on Bedrock cuz it just pops up the Java you YouTubers they lied they lied to me

So if you want to do this on Bedrock you got to surround it with solid see this is why you watch my channel for the Bedrock edition only Pro hacks boom whole thing gets blown up and then you go in there and you whack a fish goodbye

Did I get the thing I don’t think I got the thing I need a cow somebody please I need a cow on demand need calcium I just want to have a cow man what do you call a cow with an invisibility cloak a cow muf flaged cow Monument 2 we put that

There we put all this around it we can’t have water in there cuz water absorbs the blastin of the boom block and then we come down here we smack a smacka and hopefully we get the tide so now we’re getting into the range of monuments where they’re all under ice and I’ve

Never actually dealt with these ones before I think this is more dangerous uh because it’s going to be harder to get air you know oh and I have mining fatigue oh that’s lovely Oh we got it hey there we go TI that wasn’t so bad was that four monuments 11 Guardians now remember kids don’t eat it okay I would like to welcome you to the loveliest ancient mansion on the server I’m just calling everything the wrong name now these are officially called

Ancient Mansions someone has officially actually already been here and you’ll notice that I did actually bring a golden apple for this whereas with the ancient city cities I did not bring golden apples I’m more afraid of these things cuz these guys are actually mean than I am the uh the wardens okay we’re

Just looking for one chest you have like 100% chance or whatever oh this is the stairs hold up there should be a chest back here I believe oh I have an X oh that’s convenient look at that so convenient oh okay there’s there happens to be a few guys back here oh there

There’s the John Yeah vindicators man they mean I just got here 20 seconds ago I’m not allowed to die already I have a lot less experience raiding ancient Mansions than I do uh raiding ancient cities why is there creeper in here okay and there’s spiders too man

This place is dangerous don’t come in here jeez this place sucks okay hold up this is this is where the thing should be of course it isn’t here cuz someone already rated it but they should have put a block above it that’s what you do that’s what it is it’s a courtesy block

We actually got it that was pretty easy not going to lie definitely didn’t nearly die a few times now I’m not going to raid the rest of this place because the Other Mansions on the server are 22,000 blocks away okay somebody clearly had a great time in this place that’s

That’s a tactic for raiding the Mansion I haven’t seen before just blow up the roof Mansion ain’t that dangerous you can just drop on down in there it’s fine okay archaeology time everybody’s favorite thing I’m going to do a bunch of archaeology that way you don’t have

To because the reviews are in and apparently I don’t know it’s not that great is that a p that’s a that’s a pain they told me archaeology was a pain but I I didn’t believe them I’m already tired of digging so we’re going to do archaeology the fun way nobody else

Would do this you’ll not see this anywhere else but yeah we’re going to do the fun kind of archaeology so TNT really should break more blocks here we go this one’s actually good an armor shm uh it’s the host armor trim lovely Mojang realizes that they just made loot

Boxes in Minecraft right cuz that’s exactly what the sus sand and gravel is it’s just loot boxes loot blocks you know how filthy this place is able to invent bricks and glass panes but not able to invent a broom I found the toilet nobody can tell me that that’s

Not the toilet I I just stepped on it I feel I feel very icky do you know do you know how long it’s been since that’s been cleaned long time very long time it’s not it’s not that bad of a bathroom though I will say you know nice nice

Color palette going on here I got to distract myself from the fact that I walked on the 3,000 year old toilet there’s probably a lot more of this that I’m not seeing but we found like six rooms and it just kind of goes and goes for a while but here is everything that

We got so we got quite a few of the armor trims out of it all four of them anyway besides the armor trims and maybe the shirts in the music disc absolutely everything else that you get from the uh archaeology dick sites is kind of horrible like why is there pains why is

There wooden hose I have so many questions yeah so my idea that would make pots so much better is if you could put a block in the middle of it so you could put something right there and then when you break the pot you actually get that item back and it’s already a

Non-stackable item anyway so like there’s no reason why we couldn’t do that right I think that’d be pretty cool oh my God I think this might actually be Relic yeah there it is we got it everybody now we have absolutely every single music disc in Minecraft it’s the

Sneakiest ocean ruin you’ve ever seen especially cuz it’s covered up with coral and stuff what can you get from this place things I hope wait that’s what you can get from this place hey there we go sniffer egg that actually took quite a while we’ve been

At like four or five of these places can you not sleep underwater anymore no don’t tell me you can’t sleep underwater anymore that was the best feature in Minecraft no they ruined it desert well just what I was looking for my favorite structure in the game and your favorite

Structure too now that they gave it an actual reason which defeats the entire purpose of the desert well cuz previously it had no purpose and that was its purpose purpose well that was it and uh that was horrible would not recommend turns out it’s still a useless

Structure yay also we should be able to get a camel here this should be a freshly generated Village of course we’re 9,000 blocks out so this camel is not going home with us but look how cute he is oh my God I want to die this is so

Cute hi camel would you guys hate me if I killed the camel to try and get a camel head look at that he’s bowing down to me he knows who’s the boss I’m sorry I got to I got to get the camel head this camel was never going to survive

Wow he’s fast get back here give me the camel head I didn’t get one he dropped bunny meat though that’s crazy give me the camel head lightning struck as soon as I killed that I feel like that’s a sign that we should kill more camels right

Then So the plan is from here on out we need to go raiding the Nether and then the end Dimension now instead of flying all the way back to spawn uh which is just at 0 or whatever and then going to the Nether and then traveling hundreds

Of blocks in the nether we’re just going to make a Nether Portal out here by the wooden mansion at the nearest lava lake and yeah we’re just going to go into The Nether from here let’s hope we don’t die immediately looks like a pretty decent

Spawn to me uh we actually do need to break down some ores and stuff to get ourselves a bit more experience and now we got to go raid some Nether bastions and some Nether fortresses as well they change how the nether looks cuz that just looks great maybe it’s my texture

Pack or something but that’s a great nether fog right there okay well this nether fortress was like literally right next to the nether portal so we just going to jump in here as soon as we get caught on fire and then we’re going to say howdy to all these lovely guys I’m

Sure I won’t die in here guys I’m a I’m a professional watch this this chest right here is going to have the rib armor Trim in it okay I’mma prove it to you after I kill these spooky scary skeletons look at this rib armor trim we

Got our rib armor trim on literally the first chest oh is this somebody’s this is somebody’s farm and I stole the rib armor trim from it uh well you snooze you lose bye this looks pretty treasure basy doesn’t it I mean that’s that’s the most gold I’ve

Ever seen in Bastion uh right then we’re going to do a Chad moving tin and just uh go straight in which has never gone bad for anybody never once never once has there been a brute I’ve nearly died like every time I’ve come into a Bastion

So we we going to be careful there’s our prize chest down there that’ll have the netherite upgrade in it we could just Bonsai in there and then Bonsai out we we might do it we might just go for it we might just yellow it I say might because I’m probably not going

To just just going to be honest with you guys don’t want to give you any false hope but we might it’s a possibility right we’re going to make we’re just going to staircase down that’s always worked out well oh my God okay I guess we’re going for it everybody it’s

Happening everybody it’s happening oh my go okay no I lied it’s not happening I I like to I like to play games you know I’m sure we’ll be all right nothing bad has ever happened in a Bastion guys there we go okay I think I killed them

All everybody I think the Bastion is ours I’m not going to do anything to confirm that hypothesis you’re just going to have to take my word for it you know what I think we already had the heart attack for the day so let’s just go ahead and uh YOLO ourselves into this

Place I wanted to jump all the way down here but not like this wanted to jump all the way down here but not quite like that thank you it has the thing it has the thing guys oh I forgot about those dudes the cubes the cubes are the problem the

Cubes are the problem I don’t like cubes cubes are bad everybody hates cubes why is lava so sticky it’s very viscosus it’s got high viscosity okay you goodbye I need to finish raiding that chest as long as I’m standing right here you oh my God why can’t I hit you

You bro got he’s just a cube yeah he’s got more strafes than like any player in Minecraft cool thank you a lightra and we done goodbye thank you sir for your kind the horribleness okay well we actually have to go back down to the bottom to uh raid the chests that are

Down there because we didn’t get the piglin thing and I didn’t raid all the chests in here so that’s how we got to do things okay this is the chest that we’re looking for this is the one that doesn’t happen to have anything useful but three Pig steps in one Bastion isn’t

That bad either just going to go skipping around some lava oh I’m not wearing my chest plate or my elytra I knew that yeah definitely was definitely yep I did that right just y knock knock is anybody home I don’t think anybody’s home guys I think it’s our Bastion all

The guys are home actually we’re going to raid this one properly like a man a pigman nothing bad ever happened to a man who went YOLO give me the trim oh it’s a lot of diamonds stuff none of it’s actually what I needed not why do

We have so many of these why are there so many pairs of I have many many questions and they will never be answered cuz Mojang doesn’t answer their feedback questions okay well now they’re all very very very very very angry with me but that’s fine they were already

Angry at me nothing’s changed these guys do actually have crumbling infrastructure I was making fun of them for having holes in floor but no it’s legitimately just crumbling infrastructure all around I kind of feel B for him no wonder they hoard gold they need to like rebuild what happened this

Is treasure number three should we just drop straight in through the top like like you know the professional Minecrafter that I am I don’t think so cuz that sounds like a bad idea we’re going to go up here instead who would win one pigo boy or an army of piglins I

Know who I’m betting on obviously the piglins like what you crazy obviously okay well here’s the time where we just go ahead and Yello the thing straight in in there perfectly safe this is the safest I’ve ever been I’ve never felt safer than this right here let’s break a

Gold block really get him angry give me the piglin thingy I don’t even know what it’s called I just want it okay but really though we’ve raided four five bastions now and we’ve not gotten that that snout one which seems a little bit shameful I’m not judging you but I am

Judging you excuse me man this is the way to raid bastions you just get all the brutes out look at this it’s a whole family Union down here that’s like 12 guys look at this they just run into your bell give me the snout we got it we

Got two of them actually epic okay well uh I guess we’ll finish raiding this guy because why not right we’re already here so this is our final Bastion so I’m thinking what we do is we just pop a gapple we have to I guess just get on

The elytra and just slowly Glide our way in there if it goes wrong we’ll just box ourselves in everybody down here is going to be very angry with me but that’s okay okay we just have to watch out from guys dropping on top of us as

Long as we don’t have too much lava around here yeah like that that’s a problem it’s okay everybody the two exact things that I said would happen happened lots of lava and lots of guys dropping in on us it’s okay I handled it like a champ don’t worry your favorite Pigman is not

About to die I I am your favorite Pigman right what do you got for me wow more diamond stuff never to Guess that cool thanks I don’t have enough inventory room for any of this we have to make some tough decision excuse me I’m trying to make some tough decisions so the

Ultimate ultimate argument against ever using a mending bow is the fact that this bow right here came from an AFK fish farm so it’s already like six bows and conglomerated together and we already repaired it once and as you see it has like no durability now so for the

Low low cost of three sticks and three string in this weird little shape right here we can make ourselves a brand brand new David belly so the load low cost of 33 levels we have a brand new David belly and then we can do that over and

Over and over again until it gets too expensive I could probably repair this like once or twice more and now the only armor trim that we’re missing is the Spire armor trim so let’s go get it from the end Dimension I have all all the

Netherite armor and stuff on me so if we die we we really do lose everything that’s good especially now cuz the netherite changes oh my god I didn’t even think about that cool let’s set our spawn I didn’t think that would pop a totem oh my God that’s the stupidest thing

Ever right then I think we’re off to a great start everybody I’m not even going to take one of these stupid things cuz those can just put you into the void a lot of people have a misconception that this end island is different from the outer end City islands and it’s not it’s

All the same Dimension it’s literally just a thousand blocks of void between it so you can fly from here all the way to the outer end City islands T yeah it takes like two seconds as long as you don’t get you know confused and fly down into the void you’ll be perfectly fine

It’s hopefully 1.21 is an end update cuz this place really really could use with some Renovations couldn’t it first in city of the day do you think it’s raided I don’t see any pillars I don’t see any signs of life let’s head straight to the thingy we’re just going to go straight

In straight in the VIP access doesn’t look like it’s raided give me the armor trim it’s going to be one of those days isn’t it it’s going to be one of those days where we just don’t get the armat trim for like 4,000 cities and then you

Get all the lovely beetroot seeds why are there still beetroot seeds in those chests it’s been like 12 years since those came out nobody needs beetroots in their life nobody wants beetroots cuz beetroots are bad and ship number two it’s got the tiniest City that doesn’t

Even have any chests in it that’s so dumb you don’t even deserve to have a ship why are you even here stop it get some help I’m just here for this I’m not even going to pick up those Shar shulker shells out of pure Rebellion I’m going

To actually walk around them those are garbage they’re not worth anything anymore why am I cursed to find all of the tiniest in cities in the world what is this garbage why why are these even in the game to be honest what even is this I’m never going to find this thing

If I keep getting these tiny cities with two chests in them it’s got a seven % chance of generating why am I so bad at this game guys come on now this entire ancient city had three chests in it that’s uh that’s really great so what I’ve been forgetting to do every time

That we collect a trim is collect some blocks from the area because you need blocks to craft more of the trims so now I got to go back to all those structures that I raided and grab some blocks from them because I’m stupid lucky number six we’re going to call this one people

Didn’t Mark the city with any blocks you got to okay well I guess the entire back of it gone I guess they did Mark it also I don’t even care about this this thing I care about this right here how we doing this is already rated to actually

Oh no what it’s just missing the entire back of it but it didn’t get somebody was okay somebody was here and they dropped off all their blocks but they didn’t take the what excuse me back it up just a minute somebody locked out right here that would be so funny if someone

Logged out right here like about to get the elytra and I just can’t okay this City’s looking pretty promising it’s actually got a lot of uh structures in it that should have chests and as long as no one else has been here there we go Spire first chest told you guys it was

Easy you had doubts in me but that is the final armor trim that we’ve needed we’ve officially gotten every single one of them from every single structure in the game it’s been crazy it’s taken us a total of uh a lot of hours okay so I do kind

Of want to leave this crater here just because the next person that comes to the end is going to be like I know exactly what happened here and the person who placed the bed there is going to be like I know exactly what happened there and it’s going to be so funny it’s

Going to be great in other people’s videos watch out for it these are all of the trims that we have now uh we have at least one of every single trim now and then we got all of this stuff 54 Enchanted apples this is 18 entire

Shuler boxes of loot just to get 16 different armor Trims and the smithing upgrade template absolutely ridiculous what we need to do now is we need to go on a huge amount of Diamond collection because we need enough diamonds to make 16 full sets of diamond armor we

Actually have a lot of diamond armor left over but we also need enough diamonds to make copies of every single one of these TRS it’s seven diamonds per copy and then we we need four copies each so 16 * 4 * 7 we need 448 diamonds and that is seven entire stacks of

Diamonds seven full Stacks if you want to make a set of armor for every single one of these out of diamond and that’s not even counting all the diamonds that you need just for the diamond armor now what I can’t afford is the armor stands we just don’t have enough sticks for it

It’s 96 sticks guys that’s a lot of sticks so we’re going to have to figure out a way to actually make money on the server and luckily we just collected all the rarest items in the game so in the next episode we’re going to be making ourselves a shop to sell every single

One of these armor trims we’re going to be displaying every single set of armor as well and we’re going to be building up some stuff in a new 1.20 area on the server in today’s episode we are going to be taming wardens and having Warden pets in Survival Minecraft and we’re

Also going to be creating every single set of armor Trim in Minecraft spending hundreds of diamonds and finally bringing to a close our armor trim Gathering Adventure that has taken dozens of hours oh yeah we’re also going to be selling Warden pets because that’s a thing that you can do in Minecraft so

We need to build a shop for that obviously literally no one can complain about what I’m about to build in this District because like this already exists so I don’t know where I want to build High slates I don’t know where I want to build our Warden shop at but

It’s going to go somewhere in this area kind of don’t want to be anywhere within eyesight of this monstrosity but I don’t know if that’s possible you know what I could live in one of these and no one would ever know I might just do that I

Might put a warden in one of these okay so the ancient city I believe is actually just right here is this really it yeah this is actually the ancient city okay uh that’s incredibly convenient that is within eyesight of the monstrosity up there okay I I do

Want to build it down here in chunk town because I feel like that would be the best oh my no don’t tell me it goes It goes down no I didn’t even notice that it goes all the way down to bedrock I didn’t have to notice that I was fine

Not noticing that so this is going to be the location of our Warden shop let’s just get to It so after many hours of building and so much thought and effort put into it we finally have ourselves a warden shop isn’t it beautiful it’s so cute and adorable it’s a pink Warden also designed a blue Warden but you know this is the Cherry town so it’s got to be

Pink don’t point out that it has like really bad lipstick on we’re just not going to talk about it so that’s all good and great and all but what I just so happened to do is get the luckiest chest in Minecraft you guys aren’t going to believe this I found the silence trim

On literally the first chest I don’t know who this is but we’re stealing it real quick and then we’re going to go over here to the endner chest we’re going to pop out this box plop that out we’re not going to be using this silence train this took me twice ancient cities

To get uh but this one that just so happens to be floating around yeah we’re going to go ahead make a copy of that uh we’re going to go ahead and put that back in there no one will ever be the wiser thank you oh mystery box with

Weird cursed blocks next to it also man I really got to get a you know specificity skull sensor otherwise these stairs just open and close like every two seconds when you walk around the area not particularly great it’s actually very annoying sorry foxy I think you had to hear that like 100

Times while you’re building your jar of dirt bro what they they stole my whole Black Market idea hold up what is this instructions in the other book see the bookshelf why would I want to open a bookshelf uh free armor trim duplications no duplication on truly bandra that’s not allowed I don’t know

What to say I guess I’ll just have to put a warden in here that’s that’s the simple answer to that problem so to recap we got ourselves the pink Warden out here which is just the facade of the shop of course you know it’s got very important messages for you and then you

Go down in this is going to be the front of the store or AKA like you know where we sell the the non illicit non-legal items but then if we drop down over to here uh but if you drop down this very long hole 80 Blocks down this brings you

To the actually nice store where we’re going to have every single set of armor trim built on some lovely fabulous enchanted diamond armor need to get that stuff in here soon and then we’re going to sell actually illegal items down here like maybe some nether portal blocks

Back here is going to be the warden dude now if we step over here you can start to hear the Bell it’s very noisy so this is going to be like the little Warden kiosk you can ring the bell to get the Bell to get the warden’s attention if you feel like it

In case you needed more bow noises uh but now we need to actually get the warden in here and we’re going to bring it through this nether portal so this nether portal happens to be like literally right next to the main nether portal to Cherry chunk town and that’s

Not all we have a little tiny Tunnel right here which I’m glad is so short this nether portal is like five blocks behind the other portal I’m sure that it links up fine this goes direct to our skull shrier where we’re actually going to be summoning the wardens actually I

Lied apparently it just goes to this I I should have tested that but I did link it properly like I I did the coordinates and the dividing and the things and the stuff uh we’re just going to did it work I can’t y there it goes okay so this is

Going to be the warden summoning Zone it looks like a boxing ring I assure you I am not about to fight that thing cuz I would die I think we are legitimately actually properly fully completely 100% totally and thoroughly ready for this job definitely no nervousness happening

Around here uh so if I stand on this they probably won’t be able to spawn because I don’t think they can spawn on any of these slabs and unless they can spawn on top of that or something spawn me a warden I don’t think my Warden Farm

Works guys how many times do you need to go I think it was like three just do it I have no idea where it spawned I have literally no idea where it spawned that is not a good it my Warden would never spawn above me what it oh jeez man I

Don’t see it or hear it did it actually spawn I don’t think there’s a Bo in here I think that was a total psych out I don’t think there’s a but there was totally like the noise and the animation and the Darkness and like the the whole

Thing maybe it spawned and went through the portal that seems unlikely I didn’t see like the the particle bits on the ground H okay there is a trick to know though uh if you have a warden aggro at you all you got to do is log out the

Game just just completely leave it’ll forget about you once you log back in it won’t be aggro at you right so Now’s the Time where we got to go check in the nether yay could totally be a warden on the other side of this oh there’s a warden

Run it’s very angry at me running far away oh I didn’t name tag it hold up I should probably go back and name tag it why do I want to sell wardens again oh my God why is this so mean to me I didn’t do anything to you

You should really go the you should really go the other way like please go go the other way he can’t smell you oh he can smell me bro there’s a noise machine back there and everything just go through the nether portal okay uh we

Going to do a combat log yeah get rid of get rid of those Aggron join the server join the server do the thing or don’t cuz then I don’t need to fight a warden what’s your problem even Minecraft isn’t on my side it’s like nah you don’t got

This stop all your head please stop get some help what are you doing you’re literally standing in the Nether Portal what is your problem uh but yeah this is a good proof of concept actually so we uh are standing right here he’s standing over there he’s got a noise machine on

Him we’re totally fine as long as we don’t make too much noise he won’t actually shoot at us I I did not realize that there was apparently a nether portal cool down is that news to everybody else you’re touching the portal I can literally see your foot

Your toenails in the portal uh I guess now is a good time as any to like name it although I feel like he’s kind of angry at me feel like he’s a little bit angry at me anyway he’s the one at wasper manager there we go you’re

Literally standing in the ne portal what is your problem okay we’re going to break this and then we’re going to leave and then we’re we’re just going to seal this up and then we’ll never speak of this again I don’t know why it doesn’t just work guys I was fully prepared I had

Everything ready everything was going great I think we’re just going to wait like a minute hope for that portal cool down thingy mcbob to like go away and then we’ll relight the portal again and we’ll call it good I think that’s I think that’s our solution to this

Problem going to be very very sneaky I don’t know how you haven’t died bloop bloop there we go that’s how that’s how we do it guys that’s what I’m talking about cool and now you know what the problem is now we have a dude in the Overworld and he’s uh totally not going

To be angry at me at all cool let’s combat log okay well now he should have forgotten that I exist we’re going to double hold the totems we’re going to go through here and we’re just going to run please don’t kill me please don’t kill me please don’t kill me please don’t

Kill me please don’t kill me please don’t kill me please don’t kill me there we go okay we got the dude I just need to break a couple of blocks and he’ll be totally fine I kind of for oh that’s not fair at all I just loged back in we’re

Totally fine nothing could ever go wrong see he’s going to be very mad at us but as long as we have distance between us we’re actually good but as soon as I walk in there that’s when we start having problems so I need to break that

Little skull block and then I need to break one of those other two blocks cuz then he’ll hear the bell and he’ll just like run in there no no smelly no smelly smelly I just took a shower you can’t smell me at all L Roy oh I got to break

This block it’s really slow ly Roy get out of the portal get out of the portal get out of the portal there we go there we go we got a warden on our shop that’s great okay so as you can see we’re actually fine right here cuz we

Got that distance between us he’s going to be doing all the sniffing and the hearing and the ear wiggling and as long as we don’t go across this line right here he should never shoot at us and he shouldn’t despawn or anything uh but now of course we have a problem with that

Little thing back there that we need to fill in and a couple extra blocks so I need to do that real quick but I’m not going to do that right now bye right so this is the super sketchy part oh he’s looking at me I don’t like

That I’m like an Enderman just don’t look at me don’t look don’t look at me wait he doesn’t even have eyes okay he’s not looking at me cool that solves that problem so great now you can ring for service this is amazing I love it uh so

We are going to be selling wardens I don’t know what the price for a warden should be that was really fun but let me know what you think we should charge for a warden because I think it should be kind of expensive for Warden delivery services insurance is another thing that

We need to sell for these guys uh it just is great see it’s actually pretty safe now if you go like right here he’s guaranteed going to get pretty angry at you and if you punch the warden I there’s no warranty no we are not responsible for death or

Dismemberment if you happen to punch my Warden well it’s the next day now and the warden is still here so that’s a really good sign also when it gives you Darkness it just makes this area so much more eerie I love the look of it but now

We need to go ahead and actually make 16 different sets of armor with each one of the unique armor trims and that’s going to require the a lot of diamonds so we got to go do some mining you know we could speed up this entire Diamond Gathering process if we just like

Pinched a couple blocks just a couple see that’s probably enough for a couple stacks of diamonds we could really speed up our process right now now bearded logs on the server and they’re not there don’t blame me cuz I’m clearly not doing it yep definitely not me thanks to the Minecraft Gods actually

Being nice to us for once we’re doing really really well on diamonds so look at that we have eight nine we have over nine stacks of diamonds that’s amazing we legit just got a full stack of uh diamond blocks no did we not no don’t tell me I miscounted no we’re for sure

Hold up no we have we have more diamonds in here we will get a stack of diamond blocks there we go exactly 64 there we go we rolling in it now it only took like 5 hours plus 20 ancient cities plus like 6,000 blocks mined and we still didn’t even get it I

Had to put in another 36 so we’re trying out a new method we just made this tunnel that is like literally 1500 blocks long and it’s one block tall and we haven’t really found that many diamonds from it there’s like a couple but now on our way back we’re

Going to go ahead and make it a second block tall so because there’s only one layer of deep slate to mine if it’s at the edge of our reach we can instant mine it like this and then we can just walk all the way back so this is

Significantly faster and then you got to walk all the way back there anyway so you may as well so we’ll see how many diamonds we got on the way here and then how many diamonds we get on the way back okay it is definitely definitely worth mining dive mining One Direction and

Then mining back the other direction cuz we got 35 on the way there and then we just got 58 on the way back craziness so that is a very very good method of mining it’s super quick super easy we didn’t hit any lava we’re going to do

Another test of this over a th000 blocks and see just how long it takes so we’re going to go out to 7500 doing dive mining yeah it took us 8 minutes to go 700 blocks and we got five diamonds from it uh but here we are let’s make

Ourselves a way back and see how many diamonds we get from that this is definitely cheating because we started right here on 6,500 and there’s diamonds like literally right here but we didn’t find them until we went all the way to 7200 and then came all the way back so

That’s great is it going to be a legendary eight oh my God it’s actually a legendary eight too these are so rare we found so little of them but I found four in this mining session that’s crazy okay so we dive Min at y layer 59 for

700 blocks we found five diamonds five and then we mined this layer right here which is y layer 58 yeah y layer 58 and then we found 33 so maybe what we do is we just dive mine one layer higher and then we’ll get the best of both worlds

Cuz there’s obviously not that many diamonds at Yer 59 over this 700 block course and then at you know 58 there’s significantly more there’s like legitimately six times seven times more so if we combine all of our diamonds together this is my entire fortune on

The whole server but that is a stack and a half of diamond blocks we’re going to send we’re going to spend seven stacks of diamonds right now just on Crafting Recipes I think I might have over collected diamonds cuz that leaves us with 57 diamond blocks left over you

Know what that is not a problem I think we definitely over gathered some diamonds cuz we don’t need to craft Dune we don’t need to craft any Coast we don’t need to craft any Ward okay well this is helpful this is good see it’s good to be overprepared right then we

Finally have all the blocks that we need we have all the trims that we need and we have all the diamonds that we need it takes up l legitimately the whole inventory is stupid uh we’re never making a duplicate of this specific silence armor trim though so we’re just

Going to throw that out of the inventory and let that thing be spawn uh but for the rest of this we need to start crafting Boys also I really should pick up silence imagine i’ let it Despawn okay that should be five minimum of every single one of the armor trims that is that is a lot of diamonds that we just spent so we spent three and some Stacks I think I definitely over over gathered on the diamonds just a little bit cuz we spent you know three stacks

And 45ish of diamonds oopsie never a bad day when you have a stack and 12 extra diamond blocks to spare okay so we officially have every single armor trim made and we still got fat stacks left over so we’re doing good there uh but now we need to do the

Painful part of actually making 64 pieces of armor and that’s going to give us enough for every single type of armor trim and we’re going to put those in these boxes now lucky for me we have all of the pants like we have the pants situation under control we also have a

Bunch of other Diamond gear that we looted from bastions we shouldn’t have to craft any diamond armor or buy any we have nine full of diamond gear in here most of this is Enchanted most of it’s good none of it is cursed and this is all just randomly from collected stuff

This is cursed I lied uh then we got to get ourselves four pairs of boots five chest plates and four helmets that’s all we need to buy from villagers give me five chest plates one two three you only sell three what a ripoff right so we have enough armor for

Nine full sets and then we’re missing literally just five pairs of boots but none of our villager sell boots and I’m not about to be reasonable and just craft them myself we’re going to go right the end Dimension to get them for free cuz it sounds way more fun that was

Legitimately so easy to find five pairs of boots in the end I’m really good at finding things with a 5% chance of generating like the 20 Ward armor trims for example yeah so 30 minutes in rating later we got all the boots we needed for free we made another 45 diamonds two

More armor Trims and we got another two Shockers of diamond gear that’s what I call strategy right there big thinking right then we’ve figured out what we’re going to do we have every single armor trim every single armor type every single material besides netherite cuz that’s going on silence and what we’re

Going to do is we’re going to make at least one of every single type of these so we’re going to make one of these quartz and Sentry and then the next one’s going to be like wild and iron and then we’ll have coast and Diamond Etc

All the way down the line problem we don’t actually have a smithing table no we do okay problem averted everybody we’re all good I was about to say we go through all this we don’t even have a smithing table right so here goes nothing then we toss that in there we

Toss uh the quartz in there and then we just start trimming away we spent so much time of my life trying to get this to happen and it’s finally happening guys it’s finally happening after all these years we’ve finally done it every single one of these is fully

Trimmed out we got so much drip on the server and now we just need to actually go put them up somewhere so that other people can admire the the amount of Sanity that I’ve lost to do this project it’s been it’s been a grind to do this

And now we just got to turn them all into netherite I’m never doing that that’s never happening no sorry no it’s not happening no it took us 29 shulkers of loot just to get all of the trams and all the armor made and then if we want to turn those into netherite that’s

Going to Bloss to like 36 chalkers all of these are full of something just on our trim template Adventure we need to sell like all of this to make some money we need we need more money I’m I’m too poor for the amount of stuff that we’ve

Done so it turns out that we have 19 shocker boxes worth of stock for our shop that’s for the front up here and of course for the black market down below and that’s like not even all of it I have plans to add even more stuff in

Here that’s that’s a lot of stock I don’t I don’t think I have a big enough shop for this as a trans out we nearly had two creeper incidents two in like the last minute this this shop is not safe and the shop is finally done but of course there’s still creepers everywhere

I’ve killed so many mobs around here there’s just skull like growing everywhere which kind of adds to the appeal actually so you go down into the shop and you’re welcome to buy a whole bunch of different stuff that you can buy so we’re selling all of the gardening hose all the gardening pants

We got mob heads at a pretty reasonable price we definitely need to stock up on more of those guys we we got ourselves the echo shards and a whole bunch of skull thingies elytras and the Swift sneak books we’re also selling more gardening gear there’s just a lot of

Gardening gear guys and of course we also got the regular you know standard music disc from our music disc farm and finally the rare music discs which we kind of have a lot of is it still rare if you have a whole Shuler of them so those are all the

Non-legal items and then you see this sneaky little button over here in the corner this will take you down excuse me this will take you down the drop shoot where you’re then welcomed by the warden guy and now we have all the beautiful stuff down here with the darkness effect

You can’t even see the warden until you go over here and it’s just a great little reveal I honestly really like it so of course you can ring the bell for service and you can also order a warden so people leave their payment in here and they also leave their name on a

Piece of paper got ourselves an anvil and employees only I would highly recommend not going past that point in case you feel like dying the noise machine is a player repellent and a warden attracted so it kind of works great both ways now you might be wondering how these armor stands are

Just so Majestic and glowy like they look amazing just check that out compared to these ones over here these ones are so drab and boring and all it is is you literally just place a torch underneath the armor stand and wa it’s suddenly Majestic and a beautiful and

Just just the best thing you’ve ever seen so you’ll notice that there’s one set of armor missing in the back there and that is the silence armor trim with the ne right I figured we would do that one on camera since you know we’ve waited so long to do this it’s been like

20 years I swear we need to make one more of those right so that is going to be five we got our diamond armor we got our pieces of netherite in there this is the most expensive set of armor that you can make unless you put netherite on

Netherite which we will probably do eventually so there it is the absolute Majestic set that it is I just love the look of this right here and then the darkness Fades away and you got the warden amazing stuff just don’t get too close to them oh man so we are offering

The armor trimming services professional and reliable armor trimming service one Diamond each I got to get some business up in here I got to compete with everybody uh so yeah I’ll be losing diamonds on this but I’ll also be gaining customers it’s all about getting people on the door door and then price

Gouging them on everything else that’s how like everything works now you thought I forgot to put the trim on my armor didn’t you we’re going to be doing the wow that is a lot of that’s a lot of menu right there we are going to be doing silence

And diamond on our NE right armor and if we decide to put something else on there we can always just spend some more diamonds to have it and of course we got to have it on the chest plate as well so the set is complete just amazing I love

It so much I got to say it looks good but kind of prefer the look of netherite on diamond it’s just it’s kind of better and then there was silence today we’re building the fastest Wither Skeleton farm that you can in Minecraft Bedrock Edition this thing is

Going to be insane we’re going to be using charge creepers and getting thousands upon thousands of Wither skulls an hour this is a massive project that’s going to take dozens of hours to complete not only are we building a whole Wither Skeleton farm and Mining tens of thousands of blocks we also need

To build a charge creeper Farm and so much more so let’s just get to it we’re going to do the best thing that you should never do in the Nether and that is dig straight down I have full confidence that this will work out amazingly fine see look at that no

Problems so this is our nether fortress right here we picked this out a while ago specifically because of all of the Lava Lakes that means that we need to do minimum spawn proofing around here and it’s also a very good Fortress because it has all these hallways with the

Little Windows these have a really high density of Spawn spots so we should be able to build an amazing farm out of this Fortress that gives us like tens of thousands of items per hour and thousands of Wither skulls per hour it’s going to be insane now spawn spots is

Where you actually get the wither skeletons and they only spawn on specific spots like for example in these four locations they don’t spawn anywhere else but like these four locations for example now we’ve already marked those out in creative and we should be able to

Get about 40 50 spawn spots and one Farm which is going to produce thousands and thousands of items per hour but yeah we got to mine out all the blocks cuz a lot of the spawn spots are underneath the walls for example and then we need to

Mine out the whole area just so we can actually build the farm itself so that’s why we had to get ourselves a beacon it’s not very often that you have to like mine straight upwards and then of course whenever you do it’s just like straight lava so how do you how do we

Get out of this situation we go one block at a time and then we don’t let the lava come down on top of okay that’s great don’t don’t worry everybody I’ll be fine there’s like a whole Lava Lake up there man we’re not we’re not going

Straight up that’s how much lava bro how much lava is in here I’m not fine anymore did I dig into an actual lava lake at the top of the nether I swear I am the luckiest unlucky person ever do you know how rare these things this like

A whole wow okay should just brought a water bucket with me guys that would have been that would have been way smarter okay in case you didn’t know you can build beacons in the nether you just got to dig out all the blocks above it it can go through bedrock blocks as long

As you don’t dig into lava you’ll be fine the one time I killed with a skeleton without looting he drops the skull and of course this dude’s around to pick it up you’re going to be our mascot by the time we get done building this place we don’t we won’t even care

About it so stage one of actually lighting up the place mostly complete and the reason why we needed the Hast Beacon was so that we can then instant mine all of the Netherrack guys I built a car wash in Minecraft look at this you go through here and it’s just like

Cleans your cleans your Noggin right then day two of mining out the nether fortress we got to get this thing completely removed so that we can reveal all the spawn spots silent Whisperer family reunion everyone everyone is so happy to see me look at they’re jumping

Up in Joy he he realizes he’s being recorded and he’s uh he’s not down for it but hi this is Bob this is Jerry that’s Jeff that’s Bobby over there nobody likes Bobby Bobby’s a h head so we’ve gotten the entire area for the farm knocked out and mined away all of

These glass blocks are the spawning spaces that we can get where the skeletons at and we’re trying to decide where the actual AFK spot should be if we put it down below the farm we need to spawn proof like next to nothing it actually looks quite nice good choice of

Nether fortress cuz we get all these lava laks around yeah if we wanted to AFK above the farm we would be up here and already this is way more spawn proofing than we would need for below the farm so yeah that’s our AFK spot right here you’re not going to be able

To see anything at all and I personally prefer that you hear that it’s nothing but bubbles so there’s lava absolutely everywhere around us yeah cool that gives me idea an idea a bad idea my horrible idea that we definitely shouldn’t do but we could do is we

Remove all of this right here all of this NE brick and we just level it down to the lava lake and then we have our AFK room down there just completely surrounded by lava but it would be pretty straightforward to do actually I think that might add something to the

Project sir I don’t know how you got there but congratulations I guess wello there’s another one over there can they spawn on glass inconceivable there’s no way I got another what happened again there’s no way that that happened again twice we killed a with a skeleton with a

Bow and then we got a skull and the dude picks up the Skull do you see the face I see the face it’s a dude running I didn’t intend for that but it’s definitely a dude running he’s got the eyeball the other eyeball would be right there he’s missing part of his face leg leg arm he’s even got the screaming

Mouth at this point I’ve been mining in the nether for about 6 hours so let’s go to the Overworld switch gears and build the charge creeper farm that we need for the Wither Skeleton Farm because we’re blowing all the wither skeletons up with charge creepers so this is the Overworld

Of our Wither Skeleton farm and it’s possibly the worst spawn that you can get for a charge creeper Farm because lightning does not strike anywhere in the iceberg biome but we can build ourselves a creeper conversion chamber right here cuz it does actually strike in this tiny little biome so we just got

To convert our creepers right here and the charge creepers and then send them over there to the blast chamber you know we could probably put our creeper Farm like somewhere above this and we got our first creeper of the creeper farm that didn’t take too long at all excuse me

Sir you’re going to become my new fridge what yeah now I got your attention stand still I need need to put drinks inside of you I’m going to put so much soda on this creeper M delicious so we just built up this great little creeper farm

And you want to know the stupid thing about it Bedrock Edition that’s the stupid thing about it so it turns out that there’s this biome called cold Beach that one’s actually fine if we go over here this is called an ice Plains and this biome has a great attribute to

It that attribute is it doesn’t spawn creepers so not only is the like the majority of the land around here ice planes where creepers just do not spawn uh you also can’t get lightning in this area so this is quite literally the worst area to do anything that we want

To do you can’t get creepers and you can’t get lightning so making a charge creeper Farm over here is just really stupid uh but that biome right there we do get lightning and that little watery patch over there we do get creepers uh we’re just going to abandon this I’ll

Probably steal the tented glass but the rest of it we’re just going to leave there it’s not worth the time to tear down uh we’re just going to build another charge creeper Farm over this stupid little area okay we got a new stupid platform over the new stupid

Biome so that we can get some new stupid creepers why is it that anytime I want to do anything it’s just like n fam ah a zombie I I wanted the other green one okay we have one creeper on the very edge of the platform he wasn’t even

Really standing on the platform but he decided to show up anyway do we invest time and build an entire charge creeper Farm based on that one singular spawn I think you know the answer of course we are we’re not going to further confirm that this is the right biome no we’re

Just going to go for it just to really extra make sure and confirm we actually get lightning in this biome right okay one thing is going right stupid man at this point you never know anything could happen anything could happen and that’s a threat well I think it works everybody

Wow we okay uh yeah so mob farm everybody it it actually does do a thing I I really needed some Gunpowder as it turns out did I get any gunpowder from that don’t think I did yeah so this is the new mob farm it took us all of 2 hours

To build this thing you’ll notice that it doesn’t have a roof on it but it actually gets like surprisingly good rates like this thing was dumping mobs on us for a minute there even during the day when it shouldn’t really do that but anyway as you can see we have a lovely

Water stream that goes all the way over and then over and then down and we have to spawn the mobs in this biome and then strike them with lightning in that biome so then we unlick the lever and then our creepers go bye-bye and look at that we

Got so many creepers uh I did forget to name tag them it’s still in the prototyping phase uh we still have a couple issues to uh work out okay maybe the system is not very welld designed but you know what it’s a temporary system I’m just going to go ahead and

Collect like maybe 10 or sell creepers and then we’ll get a bunch of charge Creepers out of that it’s really working pretty decently for being in the daytime honestly I I thought it would be horrible during the day not too shabby if only we didn’t have to build it twice

So we got what 3 four five creepers in there so the next time that we get ourselves a lightning storm bam shoot them with lightning then we got to charge creepers and we need all those guys for the beacon Factory right so this is going to be the very center of

Our Wither Skeleton farm and yeah we got to bring mobs all the way from that little Kill Chamber right there all the way over to this bad boy time has finally come that we turn this Blocky Block thing into an actual farm and that’s going to be fairly easy so we’re

Going to set up a little module at each one of these pieces of glass so all we need to do is turn this into like a piece of dirt for example put some uh tented glass around here and then build ourselves a nether portal I’m pretty

Sure I know this farm so that if we put a spawnable block right where this glass is we should be able to get mobs to spawn on top of that so if we just like back up off of this for a minute we should see some things spawn there if I

Build this in the wrong biome too I’m going just have to go find a new game to make videos on cuz I’m just way too bad at this one apparently I’ve been running around for like 10 15 minutes wondering man why is there nothing spawning in my

Farm silent 2 is literally right there so all of the farm is within uh 24 blocks of sonid 2 so if I just go ahead and like log him out real quick I got to reach for that and then maybe back up a little bit we’re probably going to see

Like everything spawn I am known for being a dumb but that’s a that’s a pretty big one right there now that we’ve actually gotten silent 2 out of the area everything appears to be working as it should we just got eight with the skeletons well they just all

Pushed each other off Boop I got another skull from the bow I swear this bow is amazing the game’s like okay you know what I saw you suffering with the uh the silence armor trim here’s a bunch of bow where the skeleton skulls oh my go we got another skull but went

In the lava I saw it did you see it it happened it’s actually a real thing I swear the the rates are better with bows than they are with swords so now we have to actually build the farm itself and we’re doing a design that I have not

Actually released on the channel before I was going to try and get some nether portal tiles but it turns out you can’t get those anymore at least not that I’m aware of uh so what we’re going to do is we’re going to use another method uh specifically some Shenanigans with split

Nether Portals so this is the spawn spot so the feet of the Wither Skeleton are going to be like right in there and then it can spawn inside of tenta glass just fine cuz that’s just like a regular glass block you know uh so we’re going

To put eventually a Wither rose on top of there to prevent the Pigman and slimes and blazes and skeletons and oh my uh but right now we’re going to build up an actual nether portal right here I totally totally forgot to get the PW of snow one of the most critical aspects of

This entire Farm actually why is it that we have buckets full of literal block that you can place in the world but we don’t have buckets full of frogs so if everything goes according to plan we should be able to just power that and then yeah splits the portal this is the

Stupidest thing ever but powder of snow has like a bunch of great bugs with it uh then we can break this and we can break that so now if we place ourselves another tint of glass right there we can go ahead and get rid of all of this

Obsidian going all the way around except this one right here so as soon as we get a mob to spawn on top of that piece of Netherrack it’s going to be in the northwest corner like between all these blocks and then it’s going to get teleported through the nether portal

Right there and go to the Overworld super amazing super Speedy as well yeah that’s the general idea behind this whole thing right then the entirety of the nether Farm is actually functionally complete of course nothing is spawning right now cuz the spawn spots are blocked up but

All the portals are installed they all link properly to the Overworld and now we just need to go ahead and build up with the Kill Chamber in the over World okay so maybe our player portal is not the safest thing in the world I it’s all spawn proof okay it’s definitely not the

Safest thing in the world okay running away now goodbye this is the Moment of Truth we did the test fire of the machine and do we have a single mob here that portal isn’t even lit that’s not a good okay I probably should have lit the

Portal before I did a test fire of the of the whole Farm okay so we might have removed some slabs from the top there just you know seeing opening up some of those spawn spots trying to see if we can get a little testfire going uh they

Do happen to be spawning but they’re falling out of the farm mistakes may have been slightly made so Bedrock Edition has decided to be a very big evil meanie to me there is three major issues that affect this in every way uh primarily we just cannot use the cell

Design at all it’s got to be completely modified and changed I think the idea the concept will still work but the problem is is that powdered snow right there actually prevents mobs from spawning mobs cannot spawn in powdered snow even though it’s like not even a solid block that’s quite surprising to

Me I don’t think that that was always the case but Al last not the not the main issue the other issue is that the mobs always fall out the West Side you would think that they would fall out like the northwest side and go into the

Portal but no they always fall out on the west side and fall straight down also quite odd uh you know there’s usually always the Northwest preference see they all fall out the west side and they don’t go into the portal even if you put a floor there doesn’t quite work

They just fall straight down we can work with that though that is fine we what we can’t do is get ourselves a portal block right here because that is just extra a legal yeah there’s just no way to get a portal there and then the third issue

That is just really stupid is if you have the spawn spots at the height that we built them and you put wither roses on them they just will not spawn nothing will spawn on this but if you lower it down a block and then put wither roses then you’ll get wither skeletons to

Spawn Pigman still spawn so that’s why you need the glass blocks but that’s not an issue for our design there you go see we got some guys on the lower blocks but you will never get anything on the upper one there is no reason why that should affect anything so even if everything

Else was perfectly fine with the portals and the powdered snow this alone would break all of the cells that we built on truly badrock yeah so there’s another issue if we have a Wither rose with a ENT glass above it nothing will spawn you will not get a wither skeleton in

Here unless you have it at that layer and then if you don’t have the Wither Rose then you’ll get with the skeletons and all the standard mobs it’s really stupid it’s really stupid silly we will not be able to have Wither Skeleton only okay so this is the new Farm design

Everybody they’re going to spawn in there no wither roses they’ll instantly fall out the west side and fall straight down and then they’ll just enter the nether portal that’s the closest we can get the portal to it it’s not quite ideal they’re in the nether for a few

Milliseconds longer than they would be otherwise with the previous design yeah now that’s what I’m talking about that’s that’s a good farm right there when the noises in Minecraft start to break that’s when you know it’s a good farm so never in my life have I built a

Farm as wrong as I have built this one while thinking the all the while that it was fully functional so literally nothing about this current Farm is actually acceptable or good in any way yeah so it all it all needs to be torn down it all it all needs to be torn down

L literally the whole thing it’s still shameful I got got to go to my corner of shame that corner of Shame is getting a lot of use recently we’re having an Everything Must Go sale at the Wither Skeleton Farm uh I got to go I got to go

To my corner of Shame where’s the corner of Shame it’s this one right here this is the corner of Shame right here excuse me Fireball what are you doing what that’s illegal that’s not even the right speed can you bounce these Fireballs back at the blaze that was from a blaze

Illegal well the entire Farm is completely torn out now and we’ve got in the infrastructure to build up the next lines of portals overall we should have less portals and less split portals for this since we can use larger portals so here goes the first ever proper test of

The farm and we have some guys spawn in and basically immediately teleport to the nether it’s not quite immediately but it’s about as close as we can get with the current mechanics okay for the Moment of Truth we’re going to see if there’s actually anything over there uh they didn’t there’s

Things they uh they they go uh to here that’s a lot of skeletons for like the 10 seconds that we were here I think we might have a slight nether portal linking issue okay so check this out even the items that went through the nether portal got completely

Scattered along so I thought that they like exploded out this is their momentum no so this is where they came through from the nether that’s that’s the entire length of our farm right there yeah so the split Nether Portals don’t link to one spot they stay in like a line

There’s like six bugs that are breaking my bug this is really annoying guys come on moang fix your game but not the the parts that we enjoy just the parts that are annoying thanks well I don’t see the broken portal issues being a reason to

Not build up the entire farm so let’s go ahead and invest like another couple hours into that shall we right so the entire lower section of the farm is completely built up now it actually looks way nicer than it did before yeah so just throw in some blocks and

Different places in this portal should actually make them show up at the same exact place in the other world but due to this bug I think they’re going to show up in a giant line yeah just like us actually so we didn’t even end up

Anywhere near us so we got oh no they’re falling from the sky that’s definitely not a good sign they should not should not be falling from the sky so it doesn’t look like they fell that far from the sky so they’re probably at the same layer as this nether portal so what

We’re going to do is we’re going to break this portal and then we’re going to relight it classic turn it off and turn it back on okay well that time I ended up in the portal and where’s all my items at well they’re not outside and they’re not over

There so look at that turning it off and turning it back on does actually do a thing when and down just turn your nether portal off and back on again and finally some good luck we actually got ourselves some rain so if I can manage to hit this thing that was the

Channeling tried it why did it not summon the lightning okay come on now am I going to have to stand right here this is channeling yeah this is channeling I see the raindrops on it lightning very not frightening you know what if I relog it’s not going to be raining curse you

Minecraft bedrock and your bugs so many bugs I can’t get anything done with these bugs I think after all these years it’s actually complete I’m not going to say much more than that cuz you know jinxing it has already happened about six times just in the last uh while building this

Thing but we finished up the farm in the nether we set up the entire Redstone system and all the portals it’s actually really cool looking so this right here is the completed Farm technically we can remove like all of this obsidian except the one that’s touching the portals

Right there we also installed a fresh new Redstone line on the very top of it right here for the powder snow dispensers because we can just use the thing that ruined the previous design to stop mobs from spawning in this design so it’s basically an off switch so I

Wired that up to a button down there that can turn off the entirety of the farm and prevent absolutely everything from spawning and then we just retract that powdered snow and Bam 55 or something spawn spots instantly online and just insane rates I’m I’m really excited to test fire this thing okay uh

So that’s not quite a deal okay so we have silent two in the nether right now he’s like at the AFK spot we’re going to have him press the button we want to see some mobs rain from the sky so I mean the Fortress Farm does technically work and as you can see

It works pretty well okay this is a much bigger problem than I thought it was because uh we’re getting guys all the way over to here I mean if we wanted like a really big Kill Chamber then this would be great but that’s not necessarily what I’m all about it’ be

Horrific if this guy got hit by a by a Blaze wasn’t it oh no he actually got hit by a BL there no way that that happened bro oh I was about to turn off the farm too not my poor bun bun I wonder if I’m like the first person in Minecraft

History to have a blaze kill a bunny how many other people do you think really have done that well I don’t know how to fix this so if you know how to fix this without me being caught on fire uh let me know okay I think we sort of made it

Better cuz they’re not spawning all the way over here anymore and there’s definitely a lot more of them over there now so we just need to like keep inching that in until we get it to there I don’t know either way this is a lot of mobs

This is why this Farm is going to be so good it just takes so much pain don’t follow me bunny no it’s going to be bad things for you what are you doing stop did you not learn just natural selection I I can’t be held liable or accountable

For anything that happens to this poor little bunny here have a carrot please have a carrot no I can’t be held accountable for my actions so this Farm has absolutely insane rates but we’re not quite done with it yet due to some nether portal linking issues however

I’ve already spent about 20 hours on this video so I think it’s time that it finally goes on YouTube in today’s video we’re going to be fixing and upgrading the fastest Wither Skeleton farm in Minecraft Bedrock Edition this thing produces thousands of Wither skulls per hour and thousands of other drops we

Blow everything up with a charge creeper to just get tons and tons of Wither skulls this thing is literally quite insane we’re also going to be building a beacon Factory and automatically killing dozens and dozens of Wither and the Bedrock without actually needing to fight them it’s going to be a jam-packed

Episode so let’s get into it so we built up the mega with the skeleton Farm in the last episode but there’s still a bit of an issue with it that we need to fix today and then we’re going to be rolling in the skulls so this is the Mega Wither

Skeleton Farm allegedly the fastest Wither Skeleton Farm on Bedrock Edition right now these split Nether Portals right here are amazing for the farm because this allows the mobs to drop directly into the portal so it only takes a couple milliseconds or whatever teleport out of the nether freeing up

The mob cap and allowing more mobs to spawn just incredibly quickly uh these split Nether Portals come with several varieties of bugs because of course they do the major issue is they don’t actually link to a proper nether portal in the Overworld so as you can see we

Jump out right here and this is where the portal puts us so it’s not technically linked so our issue is is that basically all the mobs are coming out to the sides of the nether portal and midair and then they’re just falling out and attacking me and it looks

Horrible and it’s not working at all all how you would expect it to be so we need to figure out how to fix that the only way that I can think of to fix this is to build a giant nether portal that’s going to end up being 80 Blocks long

Because the furthest Edge that they pop out is over there and then the other one is like all the way over to there so we buildt a huge nether portal we light it and then we slowly shrink it in over time until they all end up in there uh

Hopefully that works right the farm is now turned on they actually are coming further out now L literally even further out Minecraft you can’t be doing this to me man oh no you cannot be you cannot be serious right now okay really two with the skeletons and a polar bear I’ll take

You all on I appear to have broken it more yeah that that appears to be the consensus quality Minecraft right here guys it doesn’t even create a nether portal it should like minimum create a nether portal and when I went through it that slab was the furthest I ever came

Out cool okay this is fantastic I think we really are making a lot of good anti an progress right here so this is really dumb but we turn this one into like a fullsize regular nether portal and then if we go through the exact same spot that we were going through before it

Actually puts us into the aill chamber whereas previously it was actually putting us like 200 blocks over there like beyond that pillar we know it links properly so now we splice the portal and we go through it again and now if it doesn’t link properly then we know that

Splice portals just don’t link because reason come on big money you see it just doesn’t link as soon as you splice it and then as soon as we put a lit portal there it puts us all the way over here it doesn’t make any sense there is no

Logic or Reason to this whatsoever so this is legitimately the dumbest thing that I’ve seen in a while so we go through that nether portal in the nether puts us out right there so we built a nether portal there and then the next time we go through it puts us over there

So we built a nether portal there right and the next time we go through it puts us like all the way over there so every time that we build a portal like going further right the output of the portal goes further right uh so that’s how we

Kept going like all the way off there so we reverse engineered and reversed the polarity and we built a another portal over there and now the mobs are coming out inside the Kill Chamber the stupidest thing and I mean this sincerely that I’ve seen on Bedrock

Edition I make it my job to find all the stupid things but this one is taking the cake this is the bug Rock of the week as you can see the farm does actually work really well okay we moved the central portal forwards and that moved the entire line of broken portals

With it no why why is bedrock Edition so bad look how good this Farm is like 10 seconds bro come on just link to the portals it’s your one job as a Nether Portal literally portal to portal travel not like portal to thin air wandering

Trader must be hard up on sails it is not been eating that well recently it’s getting a hostile poor guy bro how did you get up there they they don’t have any more icebergs to float around on anymore so they got to float around in my obsidian please attack this wanding

Trador for me get him boy get him he he needs a bit of training still but he’s a good Dogo so it is technically linked to this portal if we move this portal or rotate it then the mob spawn change accordingly however they never come out

Fully inside of the frame it’s like we have a 10 block wide portal but it’s only two blocks wide very strange and of course this Kill Chamber is designed for the mobs to come out at the nether portal so we need to redesign the entire Kill Chamber yay luckily I got my my

Family here all my brethren they’re going to help me just you know smash together some Redstone thanks for your help guys really appreciate it so we can’t fix this nether pug but we sure can work around it so I fired up a creative test world and we’re going to

Try out some different design I tried a water stream based system but of course that kills all of the blazes and next up we have this amazing like mob zipper conveyor belt from groova guy and this thing is just amazing it is incredibly quick and it’s also super dirt cheap and

Easy to build so this is going to be our Central nether portal mobs of course are going to be spawning like way over there and way over there but they’ll hit this conveyor belt and be zipped straight into our Kill Chamber basically so previously our nether portal would just

Be like right there but instead we’re just going to have it up and over a little bit it’s not every day you get to see things like this just listen to that so this is usually how I test Farms to see if they’re reliable or not you just completely overload them beyond

What you would ever seen in survival and if it still works then you know that you got something pretty good yeah if we go on to truly bedrock and we have this happening I might might have a couple too many mobs this is the Prototype of

What we need to build in the Kill Chamber so that is the actual portal that all the mobs will come out of however some of the mobs are going to come out over here and over here so we just got this little mine cart zipper

Set up that’s going to take all the mobs from the right and push them into the left right here and then we’re going to have ourselves a little bit of a Kill Chamber it’s going to look strikingly similar to this Kill Chamber because we need to tear that one down and build it

Right here but before we do any of that we need to see if this is actually the right size we’re going to run the farm for a minute and see if we get any mobs coming out the right or out the left of it and that would tell us that we need

To expand it press the button but yeah this is essentially what the rates of the farm are going to be oh my God it’s so good I love it look at this amazing Shenanigans this is so worth it the whole month of working on this is great

You know what this is actually a mob farm already hold up I can just stand here and whack a mob I didn’t anticipate this to be a mob farm but here we go I don’t don’t think it’s actually physically possible for me to kill all these guys because they’re backed up

Okay yeah I kind of want to break a block just to just to see what a rain of 200 mobs looks like it’s not that impressive come on now you can do it you know what these wither skeletons aren’t despawning so I think that they all picked up another Wither Skull yeah see

That guy’s going to drop a skull so is that guy yeah so every single one of these guys is wearing a skull we got like eight skulls from that that’s kind of weird so all the blazes are on the left and the right and all the wither

Skeletons are in the middle so I can just smack all the wither skeletons and avoid the blazes this is nice so we have built up the secondary Kill Chamber or at least most of it cuz we really only need the mobs to go in One Direction

Right now and then they’re going to fall down straight into this Kill Chamber where we do not have a charge creeper yet but that’ll be coming in momentarily we’re just waiting on a delivery also I’m channeling my Ender Mumbo for this so it’s probably all going to blow up in

A anyway so we’re going to go ahead and do a uh little test fire of this thing silent to turn on the button so we should see them uh sit right there for now but once we get like a bunch of them yeah as you can see they’re going to

Start falling down over to here and we’re going to start getting a lot of guys uh very quickly as it turns out oh yeah oh there goes like a bunch but they’re all going to be falling down into this one by one hole and then we’re going to blow up absolutely everything

Of a charge creeper that’s what a pile of 200 mobs looks like okay so we finally got the charge creepers in we made up a little rail line it works I tested it myself personally and there goes hold up he needs some momentum there goes the creeper goodbye cuz this

Is actually a really long rail line goes out of render distance okay so this is the final Moment of Truth after legitimately almost a full month of working on this project we have everything done the Kill Chamber is ready to go and we’re going to do our

First blasty blast of the boomy guy and you should definitely do what his name suggests but here goes absolutely nothing please don’t die me okay we didn’t get any experience from that but that’s fine uh let’s go ahead and like gather ourselves the Wither skulls there’s definitely over a stack of

Wither skulls right here oh okay oh okay and then everything else is spawning really quickly and then how many were the skeleton skulls a stack and 27 Insanity just from like a minute and a half now if we do this right and we let this Farm run for like five 10 minutes

While afking in the Nether and not loading the Overworld then we would get like you know nine stacks of Wither skulls per charge creeper now that the entire Farm is completely done we’re going to use it the proper way so I’m going to go ahead and AFK here for three

Minutes and we’ll see how many mobs we get in the over World okay so we is AFK for 5 minutes at this Farm okay that’s that’s a little bit of lag right there hopefully this thing can handle it oh man man that is that is some framness

But look how many mobs that is from five minutes every single one of those with the skeletons is going to give us a skull that is insane look how many mobs that is that’s amazing I think the server is running great guys no issues over here at all let’s go ahead and kill

Mr subscribe right there and excuse me are you going to do the thing are you okay sir there we go oh my God this So Many Items uh okay that’s that’s a lot of Wither skulls I like the looks of that nearly eight stacks of Wither Skeleton

Skulls from a single charge creeper that was literally 500 wither skeletons at once we’re getting 100 wither skeletons a minute from this farm so updated rate test takes us to 6,048 skulls an hour this Farm is so good that it literally produces more wither skulls than it does

Cole like three to one I’m sure you’re wondering what do we do with all of these Stacks upon stacks of Wither skulls well that’s where the beacon Factory part of the video comes into play it’s time that we actually fight a bunch of Withers and get an absolute ton

Of beacons on the server we’re going to go quickly by just about all the Soul Sand on the server that we can because we have all of these wither skulls okay well that’s enough Soul Sand for quite a while one Diamond a stack what does he

Think I am made of money oh jeez man I don’t know how I’m ever going to afford that and now we got to head to 0 for the Wither killer and Beacon Factory oh by the way my game sounds are broken so there’s just like no sound at all and I

Don’t know why it’s just kind of is what it is but we’re finding a bunch of Withers and they sound horrible anyway so it’s fine I guess okay digging straight down we just got pretty lucky we we literally dug down one block away from lava how am I still swimming hold

Up this is illegal somebody help me please I don’t I don’t like this um come pick me up I’m scared uh I guess this is how we’re going to fight the withers uh that’s fine sure I just I just wanted to build a bubble elevator guys can I get

In there can I jump I can jump oh wait no I can’t get back down a I didn’t build a down I just built an up now we got ourselves a little escape plan so we can fly out of here with the bubbles or we can just fly out of here through this

Convenient hole and our wither killer is all the way down this tunnel so if there is a catastrophe well we can run away like a very scared little pig out right then this is the spot this is what we’ve been looking for the whole time and basically we’re just going to summon in

The Wither right here so we should be able to pile up like a good four or five Withers at a time maybe even more into this little area uh we should just summon this thing I’m definitely not nervous I definitely haven’t tried this on truly Bedrock yet uh but basically

When we put this down it should just summon straight into that Bedrock yeah there we go okay that looks like it’s pretty promising actually and then it explodes deals a bunch of damage to the blocks in the area and it should just start dying in there yeah so it

Shouldn’t have any way of escaping or blowing up or really damaging us or anything so this is how we’re going to kill you know dozens and dozens of stacks of Wither skulls uh yeah we have a lot of Wither skulls now there are three areas around here where we can do

This so let’s go ahead and dig those out while this guy is dying and then we’ll get our first nether skull so now that he’s approaching half Health he should explode again and we’ll probably take a little bit of damage from that there we go wa what happened what a whole totem

Bro I was legitimately not expecting that a whole totem just on that half just on the half explosion okay uh don’t stand next to it when it’s blowing up jeez man okay this guy just defeated the Wither so we should be good to go he’s

Going to blow up again I’m not making my same mistake twice I’m going to back way on up and there we go that is the first wither our nether Stars right here so we can go ahead and spam a good o diamonds spam a good four four five uh Withers in

There at a time and then once we have the other two or three wither killers in this area set up we could kill maybe you know 10 12 Withers at a time a good 11 diamonds from that okay this is killer location number two and if I have done

Everything correctly it should end up right here I really am not prepared to fight a Wither so let’s hope that I watch my own tutorial correctly and it seems like maybe he ended up right there cool how do I get out of here let’s go

Over to here and look at that he’s so trap cool we’re going to go ahead and I guess load up another wither into killer number one and then we’ll start multi-k killing okay this is spot number three and first test range of it let’s go it should spawn right in there cool uh

Let’s run away so we’ve gotten all three of our wither cages fully built up or wither Killers so that’s number two that one’s number three and we’re going to try and summon a good five or six into this first one now to do this you have

To be fast as Lightning so one wither two Withers three Withers we can get a fourth one in there and let’s get a fifth one before they blow up there we go and now we just run away cuz they explode when they spawn in and as long

As each one of those little bars at the top of the screen is slowly decreasing over time we are perfectly fine uh that means that they have not escaped you should not approach that do not approach with caution because you should not be approaching it just just don’t just just don’t guys

It’s not worth it yeah now we can fight you know up to 15 maybe more Withers with our three killers going at once if we wanted to be insane about it and I think I think we want to be insane about it the nether stars are actually explosion proof and they don’t despawn

When they’re just set as an item they’re the only item in Minecraft that doesn’t despawn yeah there we go five stars immediately I hope you realize just how dangerous this is because if there’s a server restart or crashes then we’re going to have you know every single one of these Withers

Escape and that would be very very very frightening I think we’re up to eight Withers right now I don’t actually know I think I managed to get three in that one there was five and the other very very frightening I love all the particles that is honestly the best bet

Now we’re watching 13 Withers die at once just go ahead and keep on summoning these guys in hopefully we don’t have any uh accidents be real unfortunate if an accident were to happen also I’m telling you right now my official response to any accidents is to run away

Very very fast also when the previous like dead bars go off the screen then it gets filled up with the new Wither boss bars and it looks really nice so now it’s just that one over there working and we got ourselves an easy 13 wither Stars uh 52 Withers before we got a

Wither effect that’s not so bad at all not so bad at all getting 64 nether Stars took no time at all great we can throw the these things away we can throw a party with these we got three more on the way this is beautiful we have more

Than enough skulls for like what four stacks of Withers Stars I don’t think Mojang intended for you to be able to cheese the withers in this extreme manner but I don’t care what Mojang intended for because this is better I just built this Wither in the wrong spot

It is definitely placed in the wrong spot uh hopefully that’s not too big of a deal I don’t think he’s going to escape immediately I spawned him one block over we’re just not going to mess with that that could be really bad it looks like he’s still suffocating in the

Ne in the Bedrock we’re going to not touch it uh we have another 10 Withers right now on standby so we’ll just uh we’ll just say we’ll just say have a good time in the Bedrock right there we’re just going to casually casually put away all the all the stars you’re

Not going to be a bad wither are you as long as we’re seeing those particles we should be good it’s just a couple minutes the time is not time to stop it’s time to Double Down reinforce our gains All or Nothing it’s a great no okay he’s actually

Out okay uh yeah well time to fight a Wither I guess bro okay he actually got out uh we need to wait for all those other Withers to die before we really go all out because as you can see we have another five Withers in the in the can uh doing

A doing a death right now I don’t have any effects I have literally nothing to fight this wither with we knew something was going to go wrong boys we knew something at least it got down to half Health oh oh okay the lava’s bad okay we can’t go too far we

Can’t go too far cuz they’re they’re going to unload okay where’s my where’s my box of murdering golden apples dude I got really no time for you there’s five Withers under ground right now it doesn’t look like we’re too bad off so let’s hop down there and we’re going to

Tank this wither let’s go say hi to my little friend okay all the other Withers died it’s literally just this one and he’s at half Health we’re we’re right in a lava lake well I guess we’re not in a lava lake anymore man look at all this clearing

That we’re getting all this free real estate it’s crazy fighting a Wither without game sounds come on now I need you to dash back over here dude look at that he’s such a responsible nice wither I guess this is their revenge for uh 64 Withers I don’t know where my tunnel to

Get out of here is but I’m not really uh worried about it right now actually I think I should worry about that just a little bit bro he really that whole area this is why you don’t fight with us on Bedrock Edition because they’re mean uh we might need another tunnel going down

There now let’s uh go go to our coordinates right this is going to take us down straight to the Wither killer and then we’ll be able to drop in without all that lava we’re going to have some serious repairs to do to our Beacon Factory okay he’s only about a

Third you know it should be pretty easy we don’t have a good escape plan bro oh he came up to me I was not expecting that he came came to me look at this I was so far from the bottom but he came to me bro this this guy wants Vengeance he is

Vengeance but thanks for revealing all these diamonds that’s great uh where’d he go man this guy really is one angry boy there we go that’s what he gets for fighting the pig oh man jeez dude look at all this I was like on my way digging

Down and he just came straight up to me this is INS sanity reveal this huge lava lake for me uh I think this is where our Escape was yeah that’s our bubble colum okay well he really he really opened this up for us man we can build so much

Stuff down here now incredible job our Ender Chest survived uh yeah everything about our wither Killers is actually fine you would not know that a Wither escaped if you just like looked at this area that was that was a great way to send off our little Beacon

Factory look on the bright side now we have all these extra blocks the weather really did us a good a good service here he also informed me that I should probably get a Smite sword and maybe a double Beacon setup over here for some resistance and regeneration and strength

And jump boost and speed I feel like that’s a good idea so after all that time we finally got ourselves more than a stack of NE Stars I already gave a couple away and we still have so many more wither skulls left over as well not

To mention just like so many more drops from the Wither Skeleton farm so leave a comment down below and I’ll be naming some beacons after your comments in the next episode I made the mistake of asking the internet how many beacons I should get in Minecraft survival and of

Course everyone chose the most reasonable option 1,000 plus beacons so in today’s episode we’re getting over 1,000 beacons in Minecraft Survival on the truly Bedrock server we previously built up the fastest Wither Skeleton farm in Minecraft which gives us thousands of skulls per hour and we also

Have a really good Beacon Factory where we can kill a ton of Withers automatically in the Bedrock floor however it’s still going to be a massive grind we ain’t got time to waste so let’s get into it first step of the day is getting a bunch more charg creepers

So it’s time to turn all these creepers into Chargers and there we go now we should have more than enough charge creepers for quite a while and lightning struck twice that’s not supposed to happen right I just went AFK at the Wither Skeleton farm so now we can send

This guy off and get ourselves a ton of Wither skulls this part right here never gets old so I’m going to show it to you once again end a pearl on in there and then that right there is about to be just an explosion of funest oh yeah

There it goes I love it so much it’s so good hopefully I flicked all the right levers and stuff I don’t think I did this part right here is also my favorite where it’s just an Infinity rain of wither skeletons this will be much more satisfying later on when we have potions

But bye-bye Mr subscribe look how many items that is it’s so good it never gets old and then we just got another six stacks of skulls just from that I expected eight Stacks but that’s not too bad okay I think we’re doing pretty good on the Wither skulls for right now maybe

Maybe just a little bit we do need like 50 stacks of these things however I don’t want to scare you but getting 1,000 beacons requires a lot of resources so of course we need 3,000 wither skulls 4,000 Soul Sand and then we need 3,000 obsidian and 5,000 glass

And I feel like I’m forgetting something oh yeah we need to find 1,000 Withers so luckily we can buy just about the obsidian that we need okay so obsidian cost two diamonds a stack and we need a total of 47 stacks of obsidian pain and suffering killing 1 th000 Withers is

Going to take a couple days so we should probably get started I just found nine extra nether stars on the ground at the Wither killer that’s I just left nine wither stars on the ground great well we went from a stack in three to a stack

And 12 amazing I got so many of these things I’m literally just leaving them on the ground for days days luckily this killing method is actually really easy we spawn them on their side and then they basically summon inside of the Bedrock here and just suffocate to death

It’s actually pretty quick we can get five of them in there at a time but there is a chance that they can escape there goes our first five Withers these guys are dead and then our other 10 Withers over there are dying as well this is such an easy process like I love

These Bedrock Killers it’s much better than the end gateways it’s cleaner it’s safer we got multiple of these things running at one time you don’t even need any like temporary blocks in there it’s just great after some testing we’ve discovered that we can kill five Withers

At a time and that takes about 2 minutes and 40 seconds for them to suffocate that’s not too bad so over the course of you know 3 minutes we can kill 15 Withers so if you ever want a lot of diamonds just build yourself a Wither killer cuz we got literally 48 plus

Diamonds just from the exposed blocks around here cuz they send out their little skulls and then that breaks blocks in the ceiling and then you just get a ton of exposure out of it it’s it’s great you’re going to need all those diamonds to buy all the Soul Sand

That you need jeez all of it we’re buying literally all of it I I never thought I would ever spend this many diamonds on Soul Sand but Alas so I have no idea how many stars we have right now but I know that we need like 15 Stacks so I’m just going to keep on spamming down these Withers 200 Withers and we just got the Wither effect for like the first time we were doing so

Good after two straight hours of Wither killing we got three stacks and 22 that takes us up to four stacks and 34 really solid we need how many stacks 15 and a half stacks of stars okay it’s the next day now and we’re going to do another

Grind at trying to get 500 Withers in one session this is going to take a couple hours of straight wither killing wither Rose farm in the making look at this one wither explodes and then suddenly a bunch of Wither Roses W A total of 538 with the Stars just so far we’re over halfway there incredible job Wow 660 Stars so far we even have the appreciation and the approval of our local slime Army hold up we’re losing items they’re going through the back corner that could explain our rate loss issues hold up there’s a whole bunch of things right here bro okay we could have

Been losing hundreds of Wither skulls from that uh we have a problem do you do you see those two Wither boss bars at the top of the screen they are not going down oh they got out how do they possibly get out two Withers are out and they’re just sitting right there okay

We’re going to wait for the other two Withers in the back to die we have a plan it’s called everything on the hot bar is made out of gold so both the withers are right right inside of this Bedrock right here they should have just spawned in there just fine yeah see they

Glitched out the side okay that’s such a shame what a scam I’m only made of ham I mean unless I spawned them wrong that should have never happened okay let’s see if we can at least hit these guys without them escaping can I hit you yeah

I knew that was going to happen Okay congratulations me this is what Withers look like up close and personal okay at least we can tank them with the notch apples it does help that we have nearly a stack of Notch apples we just need to focus on getting them down to half

Health after that they won’t fly around as much can we eat this without ruining our all of our effects oh that just gave me what eight Golden Hearts okay I’m fine with that thanks Golden Apple I appreciate it that was just a regular one that wasn’t

A notch and this is why you want Infinity bows everybody for these exact situations which are happening like one in a thousand there we go okay oh he spawned in some wither skeletons oh and then he killed them all for me that great okay you’re about dead there we go

Okay one with down I feel like we can tank the second one as well not apples are amazing I love these things oh he just died on his own did he die to a slime or something I didn’t do anything maybe it was Thorns I just killed a Wither of thorns

Armor that’s great okay well I mean I think we survived uh the armor is a little bit worse for wear but we only used two Notch apples on that and this this really opened up a lot of area I think it looks nice sometimes you just need a Wither to come through and

Renovate your your Works legitimately only enough skulls for like nine more Withers and two Escape we nearly fought like 500 of these things without any escapes we have 497 stars from this one session we have to kill another three we just have to we can’t not kill another three we may as

Well kill another five cuz we can get five you know what we may as well just kill another 10 because we have two killers right after that we may as well just use all the God dang ah finally after all these years H we did it 500 plus Withers killed in one go

That was the most grindi thing we’ve done 4 hours and 44 minutes 7even stacks and 56 just from today this was session number one session number two and then session number three we’re getting exponential right here we’re just doubling it every single time 54 just from today we’re at

794 total nether Stars only 206 more to go that is insane that is so insane and yes it’s still in shocker box junk number one we got to do another couple hours of killing just to get to a thousand after all that Soul Sand we bought we only have 20 left that should

Tell you how many withs we fought so as of right now I have killed Withers for a total of like 8 hours straight seriously no joke 8 hours of straight wither killing and that leaves us with 794 nether stars but it’s not just the nether stars that you need you also need

A lot of other resources so every single one of these singular items represents a sack of obsidian that we need to get so we need to get nearly two shulker boxes full of obsidian we need three shocker boxes full of glass and sand and then we

Also need a ton of mineral blocks to actually power the beacons so we need about 18 stacks of iron blocks now luckily our good friend silent 2 has been a Kang for the better part of about 4 days at the iron farm and he’s gotten

Us just a ton of iron so we have you know all of this in here he’s been a very busy pigo but yeah that looks like it’s probably about enough iron jeez I love it I guess we can skip the part of the video where I stand in one

Spot for 5 days I’ve also been treading with the Villagers to get a bunch more glass from them that way we don’t have to mine as much sand to fight the rest of the withers we still need another 13 stacks of Soul Sand and T time kind

Hasn’t restocked his shop and that’s why I just came directly to the source I have permission to use his bartering farm and his gold farm so we can just go ahead and uh use all of these Gold Blocks well it doesn’t really seem to be working that much I don’t know they’re

Trading I don’t I think this lever right here supposed to control the clock but they they trade like once every 30 seconds feels very slow I put all my gold in there though so I can’t really get that back I might go have a peek at

The Redstone oh my God he’s got it on a hopper clock like a really really really slow Hopper clock no wonder it’s not trading at all okay hold up I think I can fix this let’s take all the items out of the hopper clock there we go this

Is trading much quicker now it’s not as fast as it could be but I don’t want to overload The Hoppers cuz there are quite a few of them you know well we’ve gotten all the Soul Sand that we needed and it has occurred to me that the obsidian

From these guys is just incredibly incredibly unlikely so to get the 47 stacks of obsidian that we need we’re going to have to do that the the fun way so yeah that means that we’re going to have to mine down the end pillars in the end Dimension now these things actually

Regenerate every time that you fight a dragon and several of them are missing which means that we have not fought a dragon on the server in quite a while cuz we’re missing those two that one’s basically gone this one I’m about to tear down I don’t know how many we need

To remove I just know it’s going to take like Forever I’m once once again asking you to participate and US gaining 1,000 beacons we’re at 798 we have enough skulls for more than enough that we need to get to a th000 we are down a Wither killer now cuz I’m no longer going to be using this

Garbage one uh because I have no idea how those two guys got out of this so we’re down to two killers so yeah we got that one left over and that one left over those are the two most reliable killers in this area it’s got a crank on

With a a couple hundred more Withers We just got to 1,2 nether Stars I was trying to land on a th000 exactly but we finally did it 1,02 stars just sitting in this box right here oh man I really thought I counted that out to get a perfect thousand but GG’s we did it guys that

Has been a crazy grind of the last few days and then of course we have just infinite more skulls to fight infinite more Withers with okay so we actually need 1,24 to get enough beacons for the project that I want to do and that’s what 1,023 nether Stars looks like it is

Incredible I love this so much we have the final materials here for the final wither that we need there we go wither 1,024 I can’t believe we’ve actually fought that many Withers in this area this area does not look that bad for 1,024 Withers coming through it I I mean

Come on now I would not guess that 1,000 Withers have died here give me that experience this nether star right here is very special but it’s not going to be the final one that we do that we’ll be farming down here cuz we’re going to get even more beacons probably after all

These years we finally have over a th000 nether Stars we have more than enough iron to power all the beacons we got all the obsidian that we need and finally we just need to get a bunch of sand yep that’s that’s literally the last thing I don’t have enough

Sand and now we have literally every single thing that we need to make 1,024 beacons it is a huge amount of materials this has taken multiple days and we’re going to go ahead and craft our first stack of beacons now it’s crazy see that we can just do a whole

Stack like I’ve never done that before that feels crazy you should not have this Min beacons in survival this looks like something you would get in creative mode but it’s it’s all legit we actually put in the hours for this okay where’s our box there we go stack of beacons now

We just got to make 15 more of those and this is the final stack of 63 bam there we go we now have basically an entire Shuler box full of beacons and this is the final actual Beacon number24 and these are all the materials that we have left over literally a stack

Of glass and 20 obsidian I said in the previous episode that we would be naming some beacons after comments so I named a whole bunch of beacons after your top comments a couple random comments and here’s our 10 most recent subscribers on the channel even named a beacon after

Shady cat as well so all of these ones are going to be going on the wall thank you guys for leaving comments and supporting the videos there you go you will now live on forever in memory here on the trly Bedrock server that does mean we’re down seven beacons so I’ll be

Right back we need to have 1,024 and now we get to take all of our beacons and all of our iron and make something truly Beautiful And this is what 1,024 beacons looks like when it’s placed down on the ground and that is the final one right there that is a full 32x 32 uh just complete blanket of beacons and I love the sound of it I bet you’ve never seen anything like this in

Minecraft before unless you’re like doing this in Creative but this is full survival baby look how crazy that looks Unfortunately they do un render from like pretty you know close away If This Were Java Edition then they would render from like you know 100 blocks away but

If you’re like all the way over here all you see is just just the beacon it’s amazing and then you get close to it just like w so I want to do some pixel art and the side of this because of course you can change the color of the beacon beams and I

Think this this is a prime opportunity to do some pixel art with beacons so from over here it’s not really like that noticeable but if you notice it then you’re going to be asking some questions about it but unfortunately yeah you can’t see the beams unless you actually

Go over here so if you have any pixel art designs you think we should put on the side of this thing and let me know on Twitter or on on our Discord server send me a picture of what you think we should build we got four sides and quite

A bit of verticality with this thing so we could really do a lot of different pixel arts and I think it would be really cool with the different colors of Beacon Light as well by the way this is fully chunk aligned it’s a 32x 32 meaning that we have four solid chunks

Of just Beacon if we get about 2,000 beacons then we could cover a three chunk by three chunk area for a full 48x 48 and if we did that it would be absolutely insane it would just be so many beacons so let me know what you

Think we should do down in the comment section and if this video gets an arbitrary number of likes then we’ll get another thousand beacons what effect do you think we should give these beacons we only got two options it’s either haste one or speed one and we can have a

Thousand of them most of these will never actually be used for anything but look how magnificent this is so we’re going to start this off by putting a ward in inside of Tito’s house now there’s a slight problem with that tsom has many many many many houses they go

Literally all the way to build limit and then they go to bedrock as well uh let’s go for this one right here I like I like the look of this one it’s pretty unique we’re going to build a nether portal in here and send a warden through that and

It’s going to be beautiful and then there’s just going to be a warden inside this house and I can’t wait so everything is actually set up and ready to go this nether portal comes from the ancient city and it technically goes to where we needed to go as well it’s

Complicated portals are dumb uh but this one also goes to tis Tom’s house so all we need to do is go through here and make a warden very angry at us and then name tag it uh we have to fly to the ancient city cuz nether portal linking

Is dumb this looks incredibly janky but basically all you do is you stand on this and then you just wait three times give me a warden give me a warden I really I I’m trying to get a warden here thank you oh actually everything is fully spawn proof so we’re going to go

Ahead and break out one block oh he can spawn down there there I see I see okay that is actually a little bit of a problem just a little bit of a problem yeah we’ll need to add some slabs down there I think I broke a staircase up for

Him though unless he can’t jump like one half blocks tall do you need some help getting up the stairs Wy Wy let’s hope that he went through the nether cuz otherwise we just like disappeared a warden so now’s the fun part where we grab ourselves double

Totems and we just stand right here for a few seconds we just go through this yep okay we got ourselves the warden oh he’s very angry at me immediately well that’s not very nice that’s not very nice at all how rude yeah actually you know what no matter

What happens right now we’re fine uh R you need to relog in order to lose their aggro I think I’ll risk it yeah as long as no one else like comes up he shouldn’t despawn he doesn’t sound very angry at me oh he’s very angry at me we just got a yellow this

People that’s fine okay we did it we name tagged him we broke the barrier and we turned on the noise machine so he should go away momentarily okay so we’re still running into the silly issue of the cool down he’s literally standing inside the nether portal but yeah know uh he’s

Going to scream again uh I’m here to tell you that we have a warden in the overw world now that was that was the whole reason that I yeah hold on if we log out again is our golden hearts going to go up yeah it does hold up what okay

So we just gained two more Hearts hold on let’s log out again there’s no way that this is legit this is like absolute plot armor it totally is hold up we have okay it maxes out at eight apparently but eight Golden Hearts I’m fine with that that’s chill

Let’s go through this portal man we got the plot armor on today actually I’m not holding two totems okay now we got the plot armor on uh this guy is very much not happy that I’m here uh look at that only six hearts amazing great let’s go ahead and break this out

Oh he’s going to do a thing oh I’m going to fall off this Tower bro endermite I haven’t seen you in like seven years do I look do I look good guys okay then well that was actually fairly easy so now we just got to get back up there

Right this is a challenge not everybody can do stuff like this man only me only professional M Crafters can do this kind of stuff there we go I think we’re good gono there we go professional man not even a not even a problem right then so that is Warden installed into tis Tom’s

House there’s a couple items left over right there but there’s not much I can do about that because he’s a very very mean person I don’t know how tis Tom is going to deal with this I should probably install a door on the front of

It that way he can’t just bow spam the guy uh that sounds like a fun idea that won’t get me killed let’s go do that we did it guys we finally done it we put ourselves a door and a trapo on the house I really just cannot see what’s up there so now

Will not be able to Bow spam the guy because there is no way to shoot him you have to go onto this platform in order to deal with the warden so that’ll be fun okay great let’s go put another Warden down so if you want to build an invisible house in Minecraft there’s

Several things that you need to know and that is that a bunch of different stuff goes invisible all the time bunch of stuff on Bedrock Edition un renders once you get far enough away from it so we’re going to do a little test right here I’m pretty sure most of this stuff un

Renders yes so this is our entire lineup of tester blocks and now we just need to yat oursel over to here and see what un renders and as you can see most of it does except for some of it yeah so these are like the six seven things that we

Can build our invisible house out of every single one of these goes invisible all invisible very good so as long as no one is near our house it’s going to be completely invisible which is fantastic guys I broke the I broke the pots already they’re purple for some reason

They’re not supposed to be that color surely they’re not supposed to be that color right is it that color when you hold it no that’s uh clearly two very different colors Mojang I kind of like it though why can’t we dye these you should be able to dye these we have

Glazed terra cotta in Minecraft why do we not have glazed pots with the different colors come on so I don’t know where to put the invisible base if I really wanted to push the luck you know put it right up there at build limit it would be perfect cuz then no one would

Ever know uh but this thing puts you kind of close to it so you might notice it if you’re like real lucky but we’ll see we’ll see maybe we put it like off to the side a little bit vandalizing the server one little bit at a time look how

Chaotic it is down there it’s beautiful oh no I don’t know what that is I’m not sure if I’m okay with that but we’re we’re just going to keep on going up hopefully that becomes invisible as well okay so we built our invisible house it’s got a lovely little invisible

Fishing platform out here with this guy a lovely invisible bridge and then the house itself is uh yeah but once you go inside the house then it’s pretty uh yeah so it’s got It’s got all the good things that you want in a house house

Lots of HS and yes so all of this is completely unrendered it’s going to completely unrendered my door hold up that was not what I was trying to do for emphasis let’s find out yeah it’s definitely brighter right there okay it doesn’t light it up I I was kind of hoping there

Wouldn’t be just like a giant Light patch in the sky but I guess I don’t even know what that would look like so cool it looks fine okay so campfires don’t un render can you see it it looks like a star yeah I would not notice that you

Would have to really point that out to me the only reason why you can notice it is cuz it’s not moving okay the house is completely done now completely uh perfect and ready to go and then as long as you’re not like anywhere in spawn instead of this one little corner of the

UFO you you won’t see it you can see just the tiniest bit from right here but if you walk right up here then it’s all completely gone we’re leaving the campfire just to make it slightly questionable that way you might want to actually fly up there and see what it’s

All about and then as you fly towards it it renders in it’s beautiful welcome to my birthday party Woo um as you can see we are in the ancient city and I have prepared some party for you if you follow me this way we’re going to go St to the maze that I on stream y y y amazing all right no walking on the top

You have to navigate it properly in you go see if you can find the center no walking on the top I’m not walking on the top I’m jumping on the top come on you got to be more specific than that you have to walk in the bars off you go off you go

Chums at all of you yeah no third left hand r no you’re doing I’m doing the left hand Ru yeah I was doing it first oh okay why are we following each other lost I’m just following the okay it’s so entertaining to watch you all get lost in the I’m

Using F5 mode I don’t think it works cheting no no down oh we have someone who’s doing really well over here we’ve someone who knows the route a cheater you mean a a more cheesy cheer than I I was going to say know the rout she watched me on

Stream no all still in the first part I got really far but turned out to just be a dead end I’m going I’m going to there’s like a whole Escape Route at the end don’t go that way to be I forgot my own m already I have a maze under my my CH

Church and I can never remember how to get out of it every time I go in I get lost hang on oh every way is a dead end no no it isn’t no no there is there is AE there is a route don’t believe

You found it I found I think I found it found it oh yeah no I think I’ve found the right way now I just I just now found the right side of the maze oh I think I think I found it do I know do I get to keep the egg wait

What well you got there first you get to have the dragon egg oh wait we got to go in the middle I’m going to have to get through my own maze oh that’s what we’re trying to get to I see yeah I went to the wrong thing

I I thought I finished oh here we go here we go here we go I remember I know from this bit I know from this oh no guys look I beat it crazy oh my gosh totally wow that’s a dead end I got I recorded that go right left right try

Left right I know the way I know the way I did it I made it I’m following it I’m doing the left and the rights keep going made it I just I just kept falling left Dragon you went the wrong way like three back he’s at the beginning Again Begin

I’ve got Four Paws here I don’t know which way is left and right man where are we going oh this is Crystal Maze now we are we going to the center or where are we going did you just cheat oh he’s cheating he’s cheating oh look it’s Pac-Man amazing

Turns out there’s no solution to the maze you have to cheat you just have to cheat I I didn’t cheat I did it all in one go yeah yeah I didn’t cheat and I built it exactly well building it is made it I do they’re great and the ghost

I made it they’re they’re mostly following the ghosts I’ve tried to get it so they’re actually in the same direction as the ghost oh no it’s brilliant it’s brilliant I love it all right have we all have we all managed to achieve the maze yep definitely we all

Got out more Lucy In Summer I think gr cheated no no I would never cheat with groa never disgraceful behavior I’m actually surprised I made it I’m going to eat some of this cake and uh then should we gather um back at the entrance of the maze uh to play some

Hide-and-seek folks the egg the egg is gone we got to go for the maze someone hit the egg somebody you fools you fools that’s how it gets lost in the Maze oh my God it was like it always get lost in the Maze I’m pretty sure this was my

Egg yeah it might it might be it’s over here now I forgot I’m stuck in the Maze again yep I jumped from the thing forgetting that I taken my wings off I’m almost dead some of these decorations are really realistic they there like wither out here where’s the dead Pac-Man you

Have to find it there part one of my games is find the dead Pac-Man find the dead Pac-Man amazing right well um who’s going to be the Seeker then do I have to be the Seeker as it’s my party yeah I think you have to be the Seeker right

All right okay points to gri door where we going what are you going to give us a countown I’ll make sure you get the name tags turned off yeah yeah I’ve got I’ve got the name tags turned off turned off right guys I’m going to look at this

Corner and I’m going to count to 20 on your marks get set go one four 5 6 S I was going to do a cheaty skin 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 I love how you guys I’m in lava that’s a great hiding spot 18 19

And 20 I’m seeking I’m seeking you guys better be crouching I’mma find you guys tried to block off all the lava now I’ve turned off name tags I’m not don’t have to T what are you doing I thought you would find a good spot by now I did find a

Good spot get out of here oh I’m gonna get you guys why can’t I hear a heartbeat that would be the um that that would be the warden I’m pretty sure this is illegal hey I’ll let you know you didn’t set any actual rules for where we could hide

So uh you have to be hiding in the ancient city yeah yeah uh we’re in the ancient city oh my God you guys um you’re not allowed to break blocks okay well we won’t break any blocks we won’t break any more blocks no that’s cheating you guys can’t be hiding

In the ground that’s we’re not hiding in the ground why would we hide in the ground are you hiding in the hot tub that I made on stream there’s a hot tub yeah you guys don’t know about the hot tub I know about a hot tub uh I I’m

Going to move away from the heartbeat sound uh in this direction well you heard the lady no breaking close to heartbeat so that’s n yeah there’s like a so you want to play tic tac toe I I don’t know how to play tic tac toe I’m kidding oh wait is that is that

Not and Crosses yeah yeah yeah yeah oh okay okay just just have do where there’s no room where we need to make this place bigger yeah we need we should decorate this oh you can’t break any more blocks though H we already yeah we already broke here’s a question folks can oh

Diamonds there diamonds over here to um I could so I left yeah I’m going to come over this way where I can’t hear the W how many did you find Sal two how many did you find yeah I found two I you can’t be digging diamonds we’re not

Breaking blocks jeez you assuming right now jeez how many I have actually found the diamond can I take it am I allowed to have it no breaking blocks no I got three diamonds I I got two I got five W desecration P not having the name tags

Has made this so much harder okay T Tom do you want to make this more interesting uh sure okay we should break out of here what to break blocks though yeah okay are you now trapped in where you hidden yourselves yeah I mean you told us that we can’t break blocks so

We’re just kind of stuck in here you can break blocks to get out cuz you shouldn’t be hiding in some and we though now you can’t change the rules now like yeah that’s not fa it’s my game I can change the rules whenever I like it’s my

Party change the rules my party and I change the rules if I want to I’m having fun running around setting off things oh yeah these these sh setting those things off it’s actually mainly me oh I found my hot tub I found my hot tub I’m going to party my hot tub

For found them in the shop it’s not my fault um I I had some diamonds I found them in the shop I was like I’m going to buy them and place them everywhere ah T I was looking for the skin that was like the one pixel I couldn’t find

It oh I I should have worn a Halloween costume on my yoda cuz then I’m only one leg I found you you killed me sorry I was distracted by the slimes now I’m helping you join yeah yeah yeah slim chunk you got to betray you got to betray their location to me I

Haven’t seen anybody yet I haven’t seen anybody yet but I will I you’re supposed to lie and make them worried if you’re a Seeker then you got to uh you got to turn off your name tags my name off just a creep noise off okay I should prob creeper heads no comment there

Might be creeper heads around I don’t know I think there probably is there might just be creep just run faster here where I am oh my gosh no we don’t have we don’t have that although that does make hide and seek more interesting I found the word blindness

Area so I’m not going that way move away from that Thea yeah all those things they’re they’re never going to find us cuz we’re hiding next to the warden this is great as if you zombie I can hear like that um that fine fine but I’m not anywhere near the

Warden I don’t think they’re going to find us up here t no no we should we should go make it EAS I’m going to I’m going to go walk around you have to get to yeah I know stupid I should have put my elytra

Back on oh no I blend in so good next to these pumpkins there’s a skeleton in the Maze no I’m stuck I’m stuck jeez um hi that appears to be the warden where’s the where’s the warden where’s the warden guys should you let um Jade I just found it Jade ran away uh

I’m going to put my elyra on uh yeah um hi we have crawling we have crawling we have crawling it’s dark no I don’t know I’m waiting oh you guys have released the warden haven’t you no what no I didn’t touch anything I don’t think I didn’t touch anything

Either it seemed to be pretty it looked like it was in a mine cart or something yeah the B’s fine don’t worry about it he says don’t worry about it well I can hear it sniffing I can hear it sniffing sniffing yeah that’s fine if you guys can’t find

Is NE canit it’s fine guys guys a safe Warden is not a silent Warden okay a safe Warden is how how could you be sure that it’s safe though you know cuz I put it in there it’s fine of course of course you did I’m way I have a very functional business model

Where I’ve delivered one safe Warden and two others as pranks uhuh now which one your entire business model yeah exactly that your first official customer you I I have a bad feeling I’m hiding like right next to it how do I know where it is if you don’t have the darkness effect

You’re fine oh I’ve got the darkness effect if you’ve got the darkness effect with I see you no you don’t I see you silent the Run yeah I’m more concerned with trying to find other people this is the this is okay deserving but that’s I saw him I saw him like his

Weird little pixelated body what has he changed the skin to Holy oh did silent make himself like a one pixel High thing he’ made himself something cuz I saw I saw his little Twitchy body running away that wasn’t silent was it he he went that way see

You Jade he went you’re supposed to be helping me seek now T give up your friend oh you’ve got to you’ve got to betray him no you can’t expect him to betray run Jade run yeah we were like breaking blocks together we breaking the rules break rules together nobody’s going to find

Me going to say find me either I think I found a really good spot I’ve got end pearls I’m running away oh you got Ender pears yeah yeah she’s been she’s been running away from me very I keep like turning I’m not going to lie everyone’s ran past me like once it’s

Great okay J was literally standing right on top of me and did not look down to see me oh God your skin is so disturbing tar I saw it from the corner of my eye just gave me such an uncanny [Laughter] valley skin is I think he’s an arm are

You an arm I’m just I’m a little person it’s just a leg Yeah but you’re floating as well you’re just like you’re like a cartoon character that haunts my nightmares is that your mini skin from when we we all did a mini skin and together to do I just I keep just

Looking at whatever this is your arm that’s like your face is this real no that’s a real zombie oh yeah that was a that was definitely a real skeleton in the uh okay this is where the warden is at is somewhere around here yeah if you see the darkness effect

You’re within 20 blocks of the warden oh I was probably then sitting like so who are The Seekers right now um I found theara and T if I find anyone I am I will accept bribes so get your bribes ready uh I don’t really have anything I

Have five diamonds I have a night vision potion oh yeah you have if you can find me I would be very impressed I’ve got a potion of regeneration now thanks got food Rockets a sword and a b oh I found where I found someone where where where where where oh okay you got

If you find them you got to hit them for them to be yeah she’s already found other Seeker well done congratulations good job I found two we’re we’re gonna start playing warmer colder in a second colder colder cold cold freezing winter I see a zombie is

That might be a clue as to where I’m at Okie doie well just taking a bunch of potions of regeneration so that might not be a real zombie that could be a player and a zombie skin uh-huh uhhuh you’re the only one with the zombie skin that

Changed I I see a mob farm over there though yeah there is definitely a mob farm in here somewhere where like tons of mobs spawn who keeps activating the shrer there an abandon mind there’s a bat oh it’ll be um light what’s the things that led off the

Little circle stuff they’re shers I placed those so they won’t summon a warden then why why are you on fire why am I why am I on fire um did you run past some lava are lights supposed to be going on and off is that a real that means you’re too

Close to the well no I can see found Le again on plac two points to know oh it’s a skeleton firing at me no wonder why keep get Hit the Lights you see going on and off other places maybe people activating ones and FL them flickering oh there’s a warden where is

It adamus was that you just then what that hit you yeah it’s over here tizzy yeah I found you and then almost got killed by set you on Fire me is everybody yeah I wondered because then there I was being shot by a skeleton so I was like did this did the skeleton set on fire I don’t know me oh nice oh yeah no there’s Deo um there is defo Warden over here this is this is

Where the warden is at mhm he’s sniff I feel like the others are better at staying still than T oh oh no oh no that’s the darkness I don’t like that I don’t like that I don’t like that saw Jade materialized out of nothing it was amazing I don’t

Like no comment yeah she’s been inter pearling brilliant oh wow that Darkness was not fun I did Rockets dang hi they are half Rockets who did you find thought nobody comes in here no one will ever know I’m here I I’ve seen at least four Seekers walk by

Me I can’t get to you at least there was like three of us hi or maybe I can well that just means you walk past like multiple times I want to see if I can okay did somebody uh release the warden cuz uh the darkness seemed to be in a different

Place no it’s it was all the same place I’d seen it last I saw it Oh there’s a baby zombie in here okay I’ll let you still get away from me jade cuz Okay I’m feeling very confident about my spot right now um it up for others huh okay who else

Right go ahead I find such a good location spot that wasn’t the edge you know the bit that teaches you all about Redstone that everyone forgets is there oh really Prett good know where you were that’s funny that is funny so who’s left you Gro silent that’s it oh silent you need to

Take one for the team buddy n man I need to win this I have such a good spot no one’s ever going to find me great I feel like I’m at are you like literally under the warden no no I’m actually not near the warden but two Seekers have walked right over

Top of me he’s buried himself oh baby zombie baby zombie no baby baby oh I’m back in my hot tub you guys want to join me in the hot tub okay yeah I give up yeah where’s the hot tub okay where’s the hot tub yeah it’s like right

At the back if we want to make this entance interesting we should make the hiders move spots moving spots the entire time yeah yeah that’s how like that’s how people Pro uh hide and seek well you got to move without getting caught oh okay there’s the hot

Tub cute yeah yeah that’s the hot tub is the hot tub near like the scary looking portal thingy are we actually supposed to move now it’s past it it’s under one of the ghosts I’m moving yeah oh Groove is moving oh I’m back Groove is grooving hi Jen I’m

Moving on groving fine for a split second but it’s to go throw up some torches up there cuz I think that’s the area that’s spawning stuff on us yeah oh yeah look it’s I can see a zombie up there that is definitely a spawning area woohoo those skeleton note blocks are

Really good though aren’t they they are they really are quite that’s why I keep like not seeing skeletons because they I can hear the note blogs we gun find you oh that’s the warden that’s the warden oh oh oh yeah Warden I don’t like this I’m stuck yeah get out is there

Anyone following Jen run this is bad area this is nobody that I can see cuz you just walked past me I don’t know how I hear are you not moving or something or what me out I I did change spots I’ve like massively changed my location okay I have not massively changed my

Location but I did move a spot okay I can hear the wall I don’t know where is looks like it oh thank you my husband’s brought me some Tea oh I found gr no no no no I was being too cheeky ah did you get silent wi no being oh is that is that I was running towards the thing oh gosh why would you do that just chilling seems perfectly safe I just I

Just had like four slimes find my spot before any of you guys did okay so G if you walk forward I’m literally there three of you are right here right next to me can you find me are you under the wolf four of you are right here next to me come on

Are you like a single pixel I’m close to a single Pixel that’s not okay we’re just punching we’re punching air now let’s punch a where where is he her name tag oh that won’t help you he’s like a single Pixel somewhere that’s just cheating no I’m looking where the slimes are going to

See if they’re like following him Finally Found Me jeez F you like right here like on this they found me yeah yeah they found me oh yeah where are you where are you found you everyone needs to find they punched me I don’t know who that is cuz name tags are

Off they dressed as did you did you I don’t know where you I might have I don’t know oh my God look at you you’re so creepy so cute though yeah so with this you can Crouch and hide in hide into the wall oh look that’s how you are hiding

Where okay but for real though I was just hiding like this and you walked right over me as soon as you found tsom I was just hiding in the little corner and you’re just like right above me amazing something like this he does look like an Ewok I am an

Ewok he’s so cute I I was trying to find a hole like this but the arms give you away it’s ridiculous yeah I know in Java okay I need to get me a teeny skin like this this is awesome yeah I do like the Teeny skins they’re pretty good they are very

Funny what have you changed it to oh you’re back to being the zombie now nice it it’s a zombie no kill it it kill it kill it look it’s a tiny T oh oh oh b b where are you right then so a feral tear it’s a feral

Tear well you know what other party games would you guys like to play would you like to play um hide-and seek but the warden is loose oh yes let’s do that did anybody find the de honestly sure oh no I haven’t seen the dead

Packman where is it I I know where it is cuz I saw it on stream I was going to sayar knows where where is it I’ve lost where were you hiding wait I could I could be like stand still I could technically be riding him right

Now hour left before I have to go so excuse me oh that’s quite cool yeah look at that bro that’s so good where is it where is it where is it what that’s great I’ve got a t on my back I’ve lost everything I’m looking for the dead p man

Still do you know it’s really funny so cute I can’t remember where it is really pink all of a sudden oh I I found it where are we going you found it it where is it where is it oh God it’s near the blinking Warden isn’t

It I heard him sniffing I heard right then let’s go unleash the warden everybody come on let’s go I I I’d rather not yeah let’s do it at some point it’s just a warden it’s not a big deal yeah a big deal it can’t blast you

If you’re beyond the spot so you’re fine go on TI me yeah go on I’m just a baby problems where is I’m I’m a child silent whoops what whoopsie I think that’s fine um yeah my armor is definitely on now where is the weather it’s we’ll find out soon enough whose idea

Was a wether where’s Thea oh I think you just walked towards it Le I think I did yep I saw you go around that corner and then suddenly where skulls were coming out from that corner oh yeah there he is I see him going I see him that’s the actual oh there’s the

Pac-Man yeah next to the warden so it should be okay if I hang out over here right yeah so I think it I think we’re safer next to the warden right now oh no the Wither’s right on top of the warden okay well I guess the warden’s probably released

Now anything well it’s been a great party guys I guess I’ll catch you later yeah I hope you guys have enjoyed it’s been great it’s been great let’s uh let’s explo the B shall we like me I’m in a cobweb I’m in a cob oh my

Goodness party time is that is that a what a second one oh there goes there goes the weather it’s right by you groa why it’s okay he’s fine this time it’s right in front of you this is where the warden is oh dear I see thing I’m

Running oh hi there’s two Withers now yeah yeah there is anybody anybody realize that there’s two wardens or Withers oh it hden someone is Right Regen um um I don’t know what to do Lally can’t see a thing I don’t know what to do my it’s found me f me me

Exploding is the W loose hide over here it’s still right at you died guys if you hide over here in the taped off area it’s perfectly safe why are you ow I’m went withered I’ve been withered I’ve been got by my own well that was rude see there’s nothing over here wow

Trust me trust me mm I okay now the warden is loose yeah boys let’s go loose with time oh jeez my last the’s really coming for me at least I can actually see stuff oh no Bob the Titan you know Amazing it’s much saf over here oh yeah and that’s what he does he betrays me never trust a i f the ghost was a GH then that would be some feat that would be some feat hi why are you setting that off why is this one active GR

This is a hey you guys you guys know what would be really bad right now is if another w got summoned no you know these two active shers that are right here oh no away it’ be really bad if someone were to stand on top of the active shers is that what he’s

Doing what no the deactivate SP come come stand on these ones up here yeah there you go all right I’m coming back I’m coming back you got to come stand on these two shers up here I need to make a bigger hole where are they no this is fine this

Is fine just they’re up the hill a little bit there we go hey help we can’t hide in here forever you know now we got two wardens watch me yeah no you shouldn’t be hiding over there anymore Jade cuz uh there’s there’s an active Warden

That was me that was GI girl Jade just stole it oh eggs Okay Jade stole the arrow the arrow yeah well somebody has uh guys in the face man G is on fire rude rude oh oh he’s he’s inside the block he’s fine here let’s help him out a little

Bit okay there we go oh no that was there’s only one way to win in this game a mouse get him and is not be the MTH well this area is not safe anymore oh my God come on guys we can punch it to death what are we waiting

For get him get him get him everybody get him get him get him he can’t take us all on you killed me Sil yeah you deserved it I’m going to kill this thing of a hoe how much life does this have just a minute Wen more of these

Things I thought way more than so much I think we might have to there we go we got it everybody first try no deaths okay cool who did this my helmet me I got the head the head there’s a lot of goodies on the ground over here this is

Great back put it on gr come on oh not like that I see I see not like that not like that not like that oh my God it suits me it suits me it’s so beautiful I love it that’s great I’ve never taken it off yeah here here

Put this on crouch crouch why you got it on Crouch why you got it on oh look at him look at him get away from the bed roll I feel powerful thank you get the chopper I uh I feel like I’ve seen everything now with watching Gro run off

I think we’ve sunk to a new low I think we might all need new equipment after this we might me and tis Tom are going to run off into the distance with each other’s heads On

This video, titled ‘I Survived 1000 Days In Minecraft! FULL MOVIE! Minecraft Survival Let’s Play! (Truly Bedrock S5)’, was uploaded by silentwisperer on 2023-11-04 19:30:01. It has garnered 16126 views and 694 likes. The duration of the video is 07:29:32 or 26972 seconds.

I played over 1000 days in our Minecraft bedrock edition lets play server! We completed dozens of projects, built mega farms, collected the rarest items in Minecraft, and so much more! Subscribe for more Minecraft Let’s Plays!

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0:00 1000 Days FULL MOVIE! 0:32 Episode 1! Surviving the island! 28:14 Ep2! Our first farms! 47:07 Ep3! Getting RICH & Triple spawners! 51:12 Abba caving chaos! 56:23 I’m rich! 1:12:06 Ep4! Transforming THE ISLAND 1:24:00 Claiming all our builds & Blaze farming! 1:39:10 Ep5! Raiding the end! 2:03:53 Ep6! Starter base & farming! 2:14:27 Blimp building! 2:27:25 Ep7! Mega farming zone! 2:48:06 Ep8! 5 in 1 IRON FARM! 3:01:54 Ep9! Expanding the farming zone! 3:20:00 Ep10! New RAID farm! 3:40:06 Ep11! Overworld SHULKER farms! 3:57:13 Ep12! We recreated the HUNGER GAMES 4:10:56 Ep13! Creeper FACTORY! 4:33:11 Ep14! Getting the RAREST item in Minecraft! 4:59:10 Ep15! Collecting EVERY armor trim! 5:19:22 Ep16! Warden PETS & Every armor trim set 4:43:07 Ep17! The FASTEST wither skeleton farm1 6:06:55 Ep18! Upgrading the BEST wither farm! 6:28:56 Ep19! Getting 1,000 beacons in survival! 6:48:20 Ep20! Pranking with WARDENS! 6:52:36 Building an INVISIBLE house! 6:55:39 Halloween Party games! 7:26:52 Warden fight finale!

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    "Beanin: I Cheated Death in Minecraft (Not Really)" [18]Video Information This video, titled ‘I WILL NOT DIE ON THIS WORLD (I Did.) [18] – Another Minecraft Hardcore Series’, was uploaded by Beanin on 2024-03-24 14:26:06. It has garnered 142 views and 14 likes. The duration of the video is 01:28:22 or 5302 seconds. #minecraft #minecraftletsplay #minecrafthardcormode #minecrafthardcore #minecraftsurvival Useful Links: Twitch: Check out my music: Spotify: YouTube: Read More

  • Ultimate Minecraft Adventure with Famous Gamers

    Ultimate Minecraft Adventure with Famous GamersVideo Information This video, titled ‘【Minecraft】One block! With the @WalkyriaLiora @SuriVNU @MeetaVNU’, was uploaded by Yurikago Kokone Ch. V&U on 2024-03-30 23:42:58. It has garnered 984 views and 244 likes. The duration of the video is 03:21:38 or 12098 seconds. One block one block one block Liora’s POV: Suri’s POV: Oneblock: Minecraft skin created by: @/KhairullahMira on twitter ☾ ⋆ ✬ ⋆ ☾ ⋆ ✬ ⋆ ☾ ⋆ ✬ ⋆ ☾ ⋆ ✬ ⋆ ☾ ⋆ ✬ ⋆ ☾ ⋆ ✬ ⋆ ☾ 💭 MERCH: ☾ ⋆ ✬ ⋆ ☾ ⋆ ✬ ⋆ ☾ ⋆… Read More

  • Billionaire JJ vs. Homeless Mikey in Epic Tunnel Battle!

    Billionaire JJ vs. Homeless Mikey in Epic Tunnel Battle!Video Information This video, titled ‘Survival TUNNEL BATTLE Rich JJ vs. Poor Mikey in Minecraft Challenge – Maizen’, was uploaded by JJ & Mikey World on 2024-04-21 18:37:28. It has garnered 12386 views and 55 likes. The duration of the video is 00:16:07 or 967 seconds. Survival TUNNEL BATTLE Rich JJ vs. Poor Mikey in Minecraft Challenge – Maizen This is not an official Maizen channel, we make fan videos with JJ and Mikey. Our channel is exclusively for fans of Maizen. We are not trying to impersonate his personality, we just want to add new and interesting stories to… Read More

  • DaddyJesus Crushes Finals in Late Night Bedwars!

    DaddyJesus Crushes Finals in Late Night Bedwars!Video Information This video, titled ‘LATE NIGHT BEDWARS !! FINISHED FINALS TODAY !’, was uploaded by daddyjesus on 2024-05-11 08:49:51. It has garnered 121 views and 9 likes. The duration of the video is 02:31:14 or 9074 seconds. late night gaming! bedwars 3s or 4s! always win never lose #hypixel #minecraft #bedwars #gameplay #pvp #alwayswin #neverlose #alwayswinneverlose Read More

  • Choco Anarchy

    Choco AnarchyThe Blend of Vanilla Minecraft and Anarchy! Hence, ChocoAnarchy. !!! NEWLY UPDATED 1.19 !!! Minimal Plugins, NO RULES, 1.19. RAID, KILL, PILLAGE, All anarchy! THIS SERVER WILL NEVER BE RESET! YOU’RE BUILDS WILL BE MARKED FOREVER! 2B2T Is older, but you dont have to wait in Queue here at Choco Anarchy! SPAWN IS GRIEFED BIG TIME, The CAULT clan griefed spawn and is active. WE NEED MORE TEAMS! Read More

  • Broken World RP – Roleplay, Modded – 1.18.2 – Custom Fantasy Races, Weapons, Skills, Accessories – Narrative – Whitelist

    Welcome to Nebelloren! In the aftermath of a cataclysm, two factions find themselves on a mysterious continent named Nebelloren, where ancient battles, gods, and destiny intertwine. Dive into immersive role-playing with our Mod Figura server. Races and Factions: The Imeris Entente The proud Dwarven clans of Votha, star-gazing high-elf Caeli, Hell-reborn Humans known as The Lambent Front, and the enigmatic Myriad make up this faction. The Wildchoir Halfling Cuthail, elven Kihai, orcish Hjen, and monster-hunting humans of The Endless Spears form this nature-loving faction. Cities Azuverde️ Explore the tropical town nestled in the west, known for its scholars, artists, and… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – C418 and bytaw: Minecraft DJ legends

    “C418 and Bytaw are like a creeper and a diamond block – explosive and valuable in their own unique ways!” Read More

  • Cape Escape: Score a Free Minecraft Drape!

    Cape Escape: Score a Free Minecraft Drape! In the world of Minecraft, a cape so rare, To get it for free, you must be aware. Visit the link, redeem with care, The 15th-anniversary cape, beyond compare. Join the discord, for more fun, Connect with others, under the sun. Editing with Capcut, and Vegas Pro, Creating content, like a pro. Tags for visibility, trends to follow, Engage with the audience, make them holler. Minecraft, PvP, and more to explore, In the gaming world, we always want more. So leap into the verse, with rhymes so tight, Crafting Minecraft news, with all your might. Engage the crowd, with… Read More

  • “Spicy Nether Portals: Skibidi Toilets Edition” 🔥😂 #MinecraftMemes

    "Spicy Nether Portals: Skibidi Toilets Edition" 🔥😂 #MinecraftMemes “Who knew that the key to a successful bathroom break in Minecraft was a cursed nether portal? Skibidi your way to the toilet, folks!” Read More

  • Join Minewind: Where Your Skin Can Truly Shine

    Join Minewind: Where Your Skin Can Truly Shine Welcome to! Today, we stumbled upon a hilarious YouTube video titled “Why I Had to Change my Skin” by dubplayzio. While the video itself may not be directly related to Minewind Minecraft Server, it got us thinking – maybe it’s time for a change, not just in our Minecraft skins, but in our gaming experience as well. Minewind Minecraft Server offers a unique and exciting gameplay experience that will keep you entertained for hours on end. With a dedicated community of players and a wide range of features, Minewind is the perfect place to showcase your new skin… Read More

  • Ultimate Minecraft Trial Chambers Seed 1.21

    Ultimate Minecraft Trial Chambers Seed 1.21 The Best Minecraft Trial Chambers Seed for Bedrock 1.21 Are you ready to embark on an exciting new adventure in Minecraft 1.21? Look no further than the best Minecraft trial chambers seed for Bedrock 1.21! This seed is packed with 6 trial chambers right at spawn, offering you a thrilling challenge right from the start. Let’s dive into the details of this incredible seed and get ready to explore! Seed Details: Seed: -2235219127140572272 Trial Chambers Locations: Trial Chamber 1: 27 -14 720 Trial Chamber 2: 87 -14 25 Trial Chamber 3: -441 -20 103 Trial Chamber 4: -425 -25… Read More


    🔥ULTIMATE HYPIXEL MINING GUIDE! DOMINATING DRAGON UPDATE! (Day 366 NW 53b, SA 54)Video Information This video, titled ‘🔴HYPIXEL Skyblock IGN Info HYPERMAX MINING! PREPARING FOR DRAGON UPDATE! (Day 366 NW 53b, SA 54)’, was uploaded by Info on 2024-05-04 21:40:53. It has garnered 506 views and 7 likes. The duration of the video is 02:24:30 or 8670 seconds. Hi my IGN is “Info” we are here to vibe have a good time. I stream Minecraft mainly and some other games like CSGO. Youtube / @infowastaken Twitter Instagram Twitch Discord Kick Read More

  • Shiny Badge Quest: Pokemon Shield Stream #6

    Shiny Badge Quest: Pokemon Shield Stream #6Video Information This video, titled ‘Pokemon Shield Shiny Badge Quest! Stream #6’, was uploaded by T a c o c a t on 2024-02-29 16:57:12. It has garnered 116 views and 7 likes. The duration of the video is 03:28:05 or 12485 seconds. Sub Plz 🙂 #minecraft #minecraftshorts #minecraftmemes #minecraftlive #minecraftsurvival #minecrafthardmode #minecraftbuilding #videogames #peesheep #lofimusic #lofihiphop #synthwave #lego #legofortnite #fortnite #betaminecraft Check out the entire lore at the Pee Sheep Wiki! – Read More

  • Minecraft Memes & Funny Moments – LOL 🤣 #shorts

    Minecraft Memes & Funny Moments - LOL 🤣 #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft memes || Minecraft Funny 🤣 || ( memes ) #minecraft #shorts’, was uploaded by SqueakyCraft on 2024-04-19 06:22:57. It has garnered 6122 views and 198 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:12 or 12 seconds. Minecraft memes || Minecraft Funny 🤣 || ( memes ) #minecraft #shortsMinecraft so i tried some trends of Minecraft like and sub if you enjoyed the video 🙂 #memes #funny #minecraftmemes song: ————————————————————————- ABOUT MY CHANNEL: we post shorts and videos here daily ——————————————————————— queries -(ignore)————————————————— minecraft memes challenge family friendly funny moments minecraft mod minecraft mods… Read More

  • Insane Taste Test in Minecraft Valhelsia w/ Koäla

    Insane Taste Test in Minecraft Valhelsia w/ KoälaVideo Information This video, titled ‘Starting a new series!!! [Minecraft – Valhelsia 6!~ Ep. 1]’, was uploaded by TheKoälaUniverse – KFP Taste Tester on 2024-04-22 22:48:29. It has garnered 39 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 03:30:13 or 12613 seconds. Modpack: Valhelsia 6: The other cool peeps in this project: Josh: @tyarzwastaken Captain Meow: @captainmeowch SpaceWaterfall: @spacewaterfallkfp12 Merlin: #minecraft Read More

  • iBandee meets Minecraft’s most generous player!? 💰💎

    iBandee meets Minecraft's most generous player!? 💰💎Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Sunucusunda Çok Yardımsever Bir Oyuncuyla Karşılaştım!?💛💎’, was uploaded by iBandee on 2024-05-03 19:02:32. It has garnered 206559 views and 11653 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:27 or 27 seconds. In this video, I gave a reward to the player who helped me on the Minecraft server! If you want to come to this server, play with me and win various gifts, you can join from the link below! ❤ ————————————————- —– 🔗IP: 🔗Version: 1.16.5 – 1.20.5 🔗Game: Skyblock Discord: TikTok : 2.My YouTube Channel: My Personal Instagram Account:… Read More


    🔴🥀GAMER WORLD 3 - TURNED INTO A HORROR GAME?!Video Information This video, titled ‘🔴🥀MUNDO GAMER 3 || CREO QUE LO ACABO DE TRANSFORMAR EN UN JUEGO DE TERROR || SONDERGAMER’, was uploaded by SONDERGAMER on 2024-05-21 03:18:03. It has garnered 48 views and 7 likes. The duration of the video is 02:46:01 or 9961 seconds. #sondergamer #mundogamer #mundo #gamer #minecraftconmods #witchery #bewitchment #minecraft #mod now yes, mundo gamer 3, for your daddy riqui sondergamer ;3 ___________________________________________________________________________________ 💜DONATIONS PAGE💜: ___________________________________________________________________________________ 💜Join my Discord💜: 🍷Twitter🍷: 🔥Instagram🔥: ___________________________________________________________________________________ Read More

  • Insane Collaboration: Holo Zoughz Masters Skills with Fuwawa and Mococo [Hololive EN]

    Insane Collaboration: Holo Zoughz Masters Skills with Fuwawa and Mococo [Hololive EN]Video Information This video, titled ‘Can’t Be Bad If She Learned It From Fuwawa and Mococo [Hololive EN]’, was uploaded by Holo Zoughz on 2024-04-06 05:19:52. It has garnered 3494 views and 223 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:54 or 54 seconds. _______________________________________________________________________________ 【MINECRAFT COLLAB】block game with @KosekiBijou !! Mori Calliope – _______________________________________________________________________________ Thumbnail art: _______________________________________________________________________________ I do my best to have accurate subtitles but sometimes it’s really hard to hear what they are saying. So if you find something that is wrong just leave a comment, thank you 😀 DOVA-SYNDROME – #Hololive #HololiveEN… Read More

  • Ultimate Minecraft Survival Campsite! Must See! 🏕️😱 #shorts

    Ultimate Minecraft Survival Campsite! Must See! 🏕️😱 #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft best survival campsite 🏡 That you should try 😜 || #shorts #minecraft #shortvideos #gaming’, was uploaded by Systumm craft on 2024-01-08 02:30:18. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Minecraft best survival campsite That you should try || #shorts #minecraft #shortvideos #gaming your queries :- minecraft … Read More

  • Unbelievable Crystal PvP Madness in Java Minecraft #gaming

    Unbelievable Crystal PvP Madness in Java Minecraft #gamingVideo Information This video, titled ‘crystal pvp java Minecraft axm gamerz #gaming #minecraft #xml’, was uploaded by axm gamerz on 2024-03-09 12:29:37. It has garnered 75 views and 7 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:43 or 43 seconds. and crystals), lessons, pvp help and more can be found in my discord server! I apologize for the long wait, many things went wrong: 1) my mouse broke and was not stocked anywhere. when i finally ordered one and waited weeks for it to arrive, they sent me the wrong one 2) intense hand and wrist issues preventing me from… Read More

  • OrbitMC – Semi-vanilla | Whitelisted | New | Active

    Welcome to OrbitMC! We are an ever-growing semi-vanilla Minecraft SMP server that has released our very 1st Season! Our active staff team is dedicated to ensuring that your gaming experience is the best it can be. Join our fun and positive community today! If you are interested in joining, check out our Linktree for ways to get involved and whitelist yourself to start playing on the server! OrbitMC Staff Team Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Legendary Loot: Is this real?

    Minecraft Memes - Legendary Loot: Is this real?Yes, it’s real! And with a score of 10, it must be one of those rare legendary memes that only appear once in a lifetime. Truly a diamond in the rough of meme culture. Read More

  • Minecraft’s Secret Hot Sauce! 🔥 #minecraftmemes

    Minecraft's Secret Hot Sauce! 🔥 #minecraftmemes When you find out about the secret feature in Minecraft and suddenly feel like you’ve been playing the game all wrong this whole time. Time to start over and discover all the hidden gems! #minecraftsecrets #gamechanger #mindblown Read More

  • Ultimate Minecraft Mods Guide

    Ultimate Minecraft Mods Guide The Best Minecraft Mods to Enhance Your Gaming Experience Minecraft, the beloved sandbox game, offers endless possibilities for creativity and exploration. While the base game is already fantastic, mods can take your gameplay to the next level. Here are the top 3 best and most useful mods for Minecraft that every player should try: 1. Optifine Optifine is a must-have mod for Minecraft players looking to improve performance and graphics. This mod enhances the game’s visuals, making it smoother and more visually appealing. With Optifine, you can customize your graphics settings, add shaders, and optimize your FPS for a… Read More