Surviving 200 Days in ALL THE MODS 9: HARDCORE MINECRAFT?! 🤯

Video Information

I survived 200 days in all the mods 9 all the mods 9 is a massive mod pack filled to the broom with almost every type of mod the final goal for the mod pack is to make an ATM Star in these 200 days I built some of the craziest

Machines conquered nature mastered blood magic and did so much more just to eventually craft an ATM Star day 101 to day 102 now with all the previous work done it was time to actually get serious I started off by moving through these uh mechanism quest lines I just built the

Machines since I really didn’t need to place them down and duplicate the ores this took a little bit since some of the crafts are really tedious luckily I had the AutoCraft set up for these Alloys which uh made it significantly easier before fully completing the quests I

Made all the items needed to set up a fairly large thermal evaporation plant to power the plant I also crafted some heaters and then I moved on to the final part of the quest line for this I made an osmium compressor and started crafting some refined obsidian ingots

All of this allowed me to craft the final basic machines and now I was in the advanced section which first needed a lithium these Advanced machines generate so much energy I wouldn’t be able to use regular batteries anymore to store all the energy I needed a large induction Matrix

And for that I made myself a thermal evaporation plant just to start off it was pretty small but I smartened up and uh built it pretty high the first one was to turn water into brine the water would be pulled into the plant through a sink using an ultimate pipe to power it

Up I used a heater and that thing basically maxed out the brine in seconds Now to turn the brine into into lithium I made the exact same thermal evaporation plant next to the first one I connected the two up hooked up a second heater to the back once the power

Was hooked up I was now making liquid lithium but the thing is I actually needed a lithium dust to get this dust I put down a rotary condensator and then a chemical crystallizer underneath that this lithium setup would also be really useful for the best power source in the

Game much much later once I hooked everything up set up the inputs and powered the machine everything was good to go at first I tried using a drawer to to collect the dust but that really didn’t work and it didn’t connect to the actual controller so I just had it

Output into an Ender Chest after that I put four muffling upgrades and eight speed upgrades into both the machines the speed upgrades actually caused power issues so I also had to craft a bunch of energy upgrades this did the job perfectly and I was literally making hundreds of lithium dust a second to

Make life much easier I started making patterns for the induction providers and cells I ended up making a pretty big mistake by putting this uh steel dust recipe in but for now things were fine fine to end these days off I put energy upgrades into all the mechanism machines

In my basement and crafted these basic tier installers to upgrade all these things as well I got those machines up to Advan tier which meant it could now process a ton more items at once day 104 to day 105 I upgraded the Importer my ender chest uses so I could pull in

Items faster and then put speed upgrades into all the Crafters in the basement back to the big machines though I started putting down more recipes for the bigger sales and providers and these things were really expensive I worked out up to the ultimate version of each

And noticed that I had enough items to actually start the AutoCraft so here comes the first one of the issues since I didn’t specify that one hammer could be used uh 64 times refined storage would basically craft a new hammer for a single steel dust which made the entire

Process take like a 100 times longer on the bright side it was cool to see all the machines I had just start lighting up just to craft these two items then with all that going I ended up grabbing a stack of all the modium from the mining Dimension the next morning I

Grabbed the levels from the chunk Destroyer which got me up to level 164 I put all that XP into the Crystal and only took back what I needed this was just to increase some of the book levels on the enchantment library that night I upgraded the furnace up to netherite to

Speed it up and that basically ruined the craft I had to fix the inputs and basically restart the entire thing so since I thought that I was being smart to let the system make the steel dust that just ended up crafting me a bunch of iron hammers anyway I stopped being

An absolute idiot and stopped using those dust recipes I just made the steel dust by myself which wasn’t even that much of a hassle the funny thing is that now I had like a thousand Iron hammers when I eventually asked the system to craft the induction cell and provider

Once again it ended up being done in an instant anyway I completed the Quest for the cells and providers and then made all the other stuff that would be uh needed for the casing with that done I used the area behind my house near the nether portal to set this induction

Matrix up for the first time this one was just to get the quest reward since I actually needed a much larger area for the huge machines that this thing was going to be uh getting the power from I finished that little side quest made a hazmat suit and started setting up

Recipes for the fision reactor the first two items are really cheap and I was able to upgrade to an all the modum furnace as well day 107 to day 108 I started off the lithium process again and saw that you could bulk wash magma blocks to get obsidian since I would

Need basically thousands of these I wanted to get started on the create mod for that I had to go underground and look for more andesite this actually took quite a bit of time and I was able to light up a bunch of areas inside of this cave still though I couldn’t find

Any andesite luckily I got tons of diorite which allowed me to craft what I needed from there I also crafted in all the modium axe and tons of andesite Alloys so I could get the andesite casings with all that done I can make an encased fan which was supposed to be the

First step to automating obsidian I hopped into The Nether to grab tons of magma blocks this is when I realized create was going to be much harder than I thought since I really didn’t have anything that would uh generate stress units right now just to get things

Started I made tons of brass cases things and put in the recipes for regular and Polished rose quartz as soon as that was done I crafted a bunch of mechanical crafters and placed those things down to power these things I tried using a hand crank but of course

That didn’t generate enough stress I even crafted a Rolling Mill because I needed copper wire the main goal of all this was just to craft some electric motors I ended up spending the whole night trying to power these crafters and nothing was working for now so I knew I

Had to do more research the next morning I moved on from create and found an area to the north of my main base and this place was would be great for the mechanism machines I cleared out the foliage Force loaded two chunks to start and then flattened out the area this is

When uh things start getting a little complicated I grabbed my reactor blocks and started working on a 5×5 little casing after getting the outer shell ready I placed reactor glass down and then made two fision fuel assemblies since I was missing some recipes I placed a was Stone down in this area and

Came home to cook up tons of lead with all that done I raised the fuel assemblies up and then placed control rods on top of each each one that was basically it for a small reactor and all I had to do was just cover the whole

Thing up with a glass and set up the inputs and outputs which was super easy using a configurator I was able to set the specifics of each of the four inputs and outputs the main goal of this reactor was just to get nuclear waste a

Great tip I Learned was to use this uh evil craft external water block and for that I made a dark gem block and use this evilcraft Beacon to capture some rain this block was absolutely crazy and it filled out the reactor in a second as

I was was working on this thing I bought a sleep charm from a Wandering Trader which was a lifesaver since it completely got rid of phantoms before even thinking of turning this thing on I made two teleportation cores and used them to make two Quantum entangle

Porters day 110 to day 111 from here mechanism starts going crazy I needed to craft fle fuel which was a pretty complicated process I first started off by making all the machines I would need to get this thing up and running this ended up taking some time and I uh moved

On to placing these Ma machines down the first thing I needed to do was actually make sulfur dust So I placed down the five machines that would help me uh go through the entire process from an external water block I had water going into all the machines that needed it

Then I needed to feed this uh pressurized reaction chamber tons of coal to do that I used an ultimate logistical transporter and a chest which all would be eventually hooked up to my system so the first row of machines ended up being properly set up which

Meant I could move on to a little bit more of the complicated process in front of that first chemical infuser I put down two machines the most important being this chemical dissolution chamber now this machine uses a fluoride and is basically the end of this one process

There was another side to this entire system which was to get uh something called uranium oxide this thing only needed two machines and it just used regular uranium which I had a bunch of so the gist of the whole thing is that the uranium oxide from the left side of

The machines combines with the hydr Floric acid from all the machines on the right to make uranium hexol Flora inside of the infuser it’s all super complicated but it’s all in the quests that uranium hexol fluoride then goes into the centrifuge to make fle fuel for

Me I basically had the fle fuel go into the quantum inte tagl Porter with everything powered it was now generating fle Fuel and I could start the reactor soon just to be a completionist I worked my way through the mechanism advanc Quest as well after just observing fle

Fuel those quests were done and I already had like 6,000 mil buckets of fuel to automate these things I went back to my base and crafted a fluoride seeds just so I didn’t have to worry about it again I also wanted this master infusion Crystal but I only had enough

Materials to uh work my way up to a supremium one anyway I upgraded the farmland and brought over a Network receiver which I could use to hook up to all the chests I made sure to move the cables near each one of the chests and hook them up using an exporter then I

Set the exporter to bring in Coal uranium and fluoride for the uranium and fluoride I placed a crafting upgrade as well since I had the recipe set up at this point I already had 22,000 mil buckets of fistle fuel for the second entangle Porter I put that one on the

Reactor and was able to fill up a quarter of the fuel tank these machines on the other hand were basically ruining my ears so I placed four muffling upgrades on all of them now that the basics were set up I covered up the cables and placed a few speed upgrades

Into some slow machines since I basically had more than enough items I also put down these energy upgrades into every machine and made this little area much more industrial next up to harness the steam beam that comes from the reactor I made a bunch of items for a

Turbine a few blocks in front of this reactor I built a slightly taller structure using turbine casings in the center of this structure I put down a few rotors and six blades to finish this machine up I put down tons of vents on top a rotational complex above the

Rotors and surrounded that with pressure dispersers and saturating condensers the last two things needed were this uh electromagnetic coil and just putting glass all around the structure once I got the red particle effects I moved of the vents up and then connected the two machines together so that I could uh

Transfer steam into the turbine and could start generating a bunch of power from this thing too day 114 to day 115 with these two machines built it was time for the basic induction Matrix I hooked this thing up to the turbine and put a flux plug on the backside since I

Had a single provider in cell I was able to hold like 1.6 T Fe which was a lot for the start still I couldn’t really start the reactor just yet since I didn’t have a waste collection system for that I went to the end to mine unobtanium but while I was there I

Actually ran through this giant structure after grabbing thousands of books great armor and even dragon heads I moved on from this place I then used the Nature’s compass and turns out I was right next to an end Highlands biome so I went straight to work here I absolutely shred through tons of

Endstone but had no luck in finding the unobtanium I decided to try again from another angle and found two pieces this time with Fortune 5 I ended up getting 11 raw ores from that once I crushed it I had 22 unobtanium ingots of course the first thing I did was make a calcinated

Unobtanium powder and turn that into a charm of unobtanium sight with this I hopped back into the end Highlands and started ripping through this biome grabbing as many ores as I could in total I ended up with nearly two stacks which of course I crushed and I smelted

I also needed more obsidian so I uh snatched up a good amount from the end pillars once that was done I crafted an entangled block and an entangled binder before setting up the waist collection I wanted to grab tons of vibranium as as well so I warped over to the nether I

Set up a compass to find a warped forest and started digging through some of the Netherrack high up on the first run I couldn’t find a single vibranium ore luckily I checked my storage system and saw that I had one Ingot with that I made a charm of vibranium sight and went

Back to look this run was significantly better and I ended up with around a stack of ores from one biome as soon as I came home I crushed those ores and cook them as well at this point I had hundreds of each of these Al the modium

Ores this was all because of the AL modium alloy block which would be needed to actually start the ATM Star in total I needed 28 of those alloy blocks on the outside of the mechanical Crafters so at first I set up all the recipes and put them into the Crafters so I wouldn’t

Have to uh do it by hand when I actually did start working on this to end this day I flew back to the reactors moved a few chunks away from the main area and made a little island out of endstone bricks on the river once I lit the area

Up and MOB proofed it I placed down a radioactive barrel and then binded it to this intense Tangled block this way the nuclear waste would be processed somewhat far away from where I would actually be working finally after all this work this reactor was good to go

Once I had the cables hooked up day 117 to day 118 I made some last minute additions to the radioactive barrel and ran some tubes through which would feed the waste into some machines turns out I didn’t have any hdp sheets so first I had to set up all the machines that

Would turn that out this actually took me quite a bit since I just Winged It using ji I had the machine set up and the water coming through an external water block after that was done I set up the inputs and outputs and then went underwater to place down the cables to

Power this whole thing by the next morning I had all the cabl sorted out and some uh carrots turning into biofuel and substrates most importantly I was now turning out hdp pellets which would be enriched into actual sheets finally I could craft this uh solar Neutron activator which would help me make one

Of the most important items ponum on the left side of this Barrel I had the machine ch turn out polonium pellets and on the right side of the machines I had to turn out plutonium pellets both those things were going to be needed to craft some of the most insane machines and

Mechanism I gave power to like three of these four machines since the solar Neutron activator just needed the Sun and I had them output the pellets into a drawer then since these machines both output uh spent nuclear waste I set up more entangled blocks behind them from wherever my original radioactive Barrel

Was I dug down very deep and placed down another Barrel which which I bind it as well after connecting that Barrel to the two entangled blocks I had a collection system for every type of nuclear waste just so you guys know nuclear waste leaking from mechanism would be the

Worst thing to happen so I was extra safe with everything hooked up I used this weather container to stop the rain and crushed a bunch of fluorite to make fluoride dust after that I put a few dusts into the pressurized reaction chamber and I activated the reactor

Things didn’t blow up so I knew it was working perfectly fine the turbine was now getting Steam and rotating the blades this generated energy for the induction Matrix on the waste collection side I was finally getting some nuclear waste as well at this point I was generating very small amounts of

Polonium and plutonium to increase that I started uh upping the burn rate of the reactor I was able to turn it up to a 6 M buckets per tick which was a huge upgrade for now this turbine was also making tons of energy so now I powered

The entire fisal fuel process from the induction Matrix turns out one of my machines actually kind of bugged out so after fixing that I had even more fistal fuel coming in which meant I could increase the tick rate of the reactor up to eight and that was a perfect place

For now on the other side I started making tons more nuclear waste which was a great sign and the only limiting factor now ended up being the fluorite once more in yet I had my first few polonium and plutonium pellets generated I then sprinkled a few speed upgrades

Into the machines that sped up the file fuel production with that done I made even more fluoride seeds from mystical Agriculture and crafted a Network receiver and trans transmitter this was so I could hook up these drawers to an external storage and have these pellets inside of my storage system since those

Processes would take a long time I went back to the base and worked my way up to a Master infusion Crystal and this thing was a lifesaver since I would be using mystical agriculture a lot on top of that I crafted like 81 Pentium growth accelerators and put them underneath the

Inferium growth accelerators this was all before I actually supercharge the farm so just wait for that once that was done I used tons of fertilized Essence to get more fluoride Essence so I could hopefully make tons more of those pellets day 121 to day 122 I went down

To the basement and placed down another simulation chamber to help with the nether Stars I clean up the rest of the area and got my quest rewards for the pellets before making the super critical phase shifter I really needed the fusion reactor this was because the SPs eats up

So much power I needed the best reactor in the game to actually make the power I had enough pellets to craft a good amount of blocks for the casings but I just didn’t have enough polonium pellets yet once again to be safe I crafted more fluoride seeds and upgraded the Farmland

While I was there the next day I went over to the deep dark area because I remember fighting slimes there and I really wanted slime pearls for those lily pads of fertility this time I was very unlucky and couldn’t find any of them on the bright side I crafted more

Fusion reactor frames and used a bunch of all the modium ingots on these spawners to reduce the minimum spawn delay to reduce the max spawn delay I actually needed more unobtanium ingots I also put wool into the spawners to make them silent and went over to the spent

Nuclear waste Barrel to put down some reserves just in case at this point I was basically just waiting for more ponum pellets so while that was happening I hopped into the mining Dimension and grabbed all the AL the modium ores left over I also placed down more drawers and looked at all these

Greg Tech ores to see which ones are useful the ones that actually helped got put into the system before leaving I increased the size that the chunk Destroyer would work in and uh left so as all these machines were working I went underground to look for dark ores

This is because I really like those external water blocks and they needed dark gems I couldn’t find a single dark gem but I was able to make more uh Fusion reactor frames down there after a pretty good amount of mining I came home and placed another crafter down inside

Of the crafter I put down all the recipes that would be needed to craft a dimensional seed the dimensional seed is one of the harder items to really get in this mod pack and it was needed for the ATM Star in total I would need around 500,000 dirt Netherrack endstone and

Emerald the rest of the items like the obsidian and diamonds I only needed 60,000 of which was actually easy in order to get some of these miniature portal things I had to start upgrading the bookshelves I made a slight Mistake by making these blazing hell shelves so I would actually need to restart

Eventually anyway I had even more inferium seeds planted so I crafted more terium growth accelerators and placed them down underneath the main crops during that night I was just one Fusion reactor frame shy of having the entire thing ready to be built day 12 125 day

126 I was really excited to craft this uh monster of a machine and once the solar Neutron activator woke up I had all the items ready before that though I did some research and found out how to make a proper mystical agriculture Farm I reconfigured the stone brick stairs on

The farm and then water lock them the goal was to fill the entire outside of the farm with lily pads of fertility I made it look nice first and lit up the area then I upgraded some of the Farmland to start and uh plac down more inferium seeds with the new update this

Method is kind of nerfed but to grab all the items needed for the lily pads I crafted a slime gate Pearl I went to a flat area and summon the waves after destroying these mobs I had tons of slime gate pearls which I used to make fertilized Essence then I was short on

Some creeper drops so I also made a creeper gate Pearl and did the same thing really quickly I had to go over to a swamp biome to get a bunch of regular lily pads while I was there I decided to fight a skeleton gate Pearl for their

Drops as well then I figured out kind of like a chat code it was these large gate pearls which I used for the creeper and then I came home with like eight lily pads of fertility so this entire thing was designed by Alfred GG so I’ll leave

The video in the description at this point I didn’t know that the water can couldn’t be automated anymore so I still put down a modular router with a activator module and then placed a pretty high level watering can inside of it the whole point of this machine was to basically automatically right click

The uh watering can but apparently it just doesn’t work for ATM 9 I didn’t know that so I still put down some speed upgrades and security upgrade into the whole thing I moved on to something that did work though and that was these giant gate pearls to get more mob drops I did

This twice and had 13 more lily pads which helped tremendously at this point I was generating so many inferium Essences which allowed me to upgrade the farmlands and get rid of all the seeds I had in Hopper botney pots from there I turned the thermal evaporation tanks

Back on and got rid of the chemical crystallizer since I just needed regular lithium I fed that into a Quantum entangler portal and as that was filling up I fought a giant creeper gate Pearl with all this I had like 90% of the perimeter covered with these lily pads and these seeds

Were growing very fast anyway now that I had lithium I crafted another quantum integ Porter and went over to my machines to craft on side of the fusion reactor I just replicated that in the other three directions and then started putting the glass and portch down by the

Time the next morning rolled around I got the red particles to come out which meant I had the multi-block structure set up properly after that I needed a few more things first up was setting up a laser amplifier which jump starts this machine I had three lasers firing into

One amplifier which was Redstone controlled once it holds 400 Mega Fe it becomes usable with that done it was time for the fuel on the right side I used this Quantum intangle Porter to feed lithium into a solar Neutron activator this was to generate trium as

Soon as that was hooked up I moved on to the right side where I made an electric pump which had a filter upgrade that would pull in heavy water that heavy water goes into an electrolytic separator which generates dyum with both of those connected I needed one more

Item and this was called the whole room I made 10 of them just in case to power this thing I had a chemical infuser in between these two fuel sources and put the whole room in the center to grab this thing called DT fuel at this point this reactor was fully operational I

Just needed to wait on the laser amplifier to pick up 400 Mega Fe while I was waiting for all that to charge up I crafted more fluoride seeds put speed upgrades into some machines and looked at the mech suits so for some reason Mech suits don’t even show up with

Shaders which meant uh I didn’t even want to try to make them day 130 to day 131 with this laser amplifier holding 400 Mega Fe I pulled the lever and got the fusion reactor started from there I started increasing the injection rate as I watched the fuel intake I got up to 30

To start and now the induction Matrix is pulling in tons of power just to see how much I could push the reactor I turned the rate up to 90 and noticed that the tridium was getting drained so I brought it back down to 40 since I didn’t have

To worry about power anymore I started fitting more speed upgrades into the fistle fuel machines with all that done I started digging the dirt out of this area to make it look more industrial I fit uh deep slay tiles on the outside and put down stone bricks for the Rest

By the next morning I had this area nice and clean but for some reason the fusion reactor shut off so I had to wait for the laser amplifier once again at this point I now had a stack of both ponum and plutonium pellets since I was progressing pretty well on getting

Antimatter I decided to work on these alloy blocks again for that I made an agronomic Source link and a bunch of source jars at this point because my farm was uh supercharged I was generating Source really fast as morning it I started using these Arcane pedestals to craft a manipulation

Essence this was so I could make a tablet of containment and get myself an easy piglet form so with a ritual brazer and a containment jar I went over to an ancient pyramid from here I placed down a ritual brazer next to a jar and then

Put the tablet in it once that was done I tried to move this piglin over to the ritual it’s it didn’t really work this time since there were way too many mobs so I decided to craft a mob yoinker and brought the pigage back to my base I

Started the ritual once again but this time against a fenced in Piglet and it worked like a charm this little guy was in a jar and uh to extract the piglet Hearts I crafted a bunch of connected tinted glasses and built a little structure I placed the jar and one mossy

Cobblestone down inside of it next up I needed to find a drim me I set up a little enchanting apparatus area and was able to put down every item other than uh the dmy charm finding that drimie turned out to be a pain but on the bright side I remember to turn the

Fusion reactor back on deep into this flower field I found one drimi who I threw a bunch of wild and horns at in this area I got a few more drimi shards and uh for some reason this drimi charm wasn’t being crafted turns out I was using an imum chamber and not an

Enchanting apparatus anyway with that figured out I summoned a few dmys and wanted them to Output to an Ender Chest almost immediately things were working as I got four piglet Hearts just in case I made made sure to put down a source relay in that area I made a few more

Tablets of containment because uh dmys are happier apparently when there are more mobs also around this time I had close to 300 Giga Fe inside of the uh induction Matrix day 135 to day 136 the next order of business was upgrading the storage once more so I put down a recipe

For a 4 million storage part turns out I was lacking silicon so while checking out my farm I decided to upgrade the Farmland this time I actually went out to uh grab poppies for red dye so this red fertilizer thing on regular f Farmland apparently generates way more

Essences for now I only had four red fertilizers and that inspired me to uh fight some skeletons in this gate Pearl too this way I could also fill out the lily pads of fertility with that done I ended up making a really good amount of insanium Essences which turned into two

Incinium blocks this form was pretty incredible now at night I started energizing some of the AL the modium and vibranium ingots together this thing needed like a billion Fe but it should be worth it I also set up the enchanting apparatus properly for a big ritual while I was waiting for these alloy

Ingots I contained a sheep and fit it in with a piglet by the morning I only needed a few more alloy ingots to get a brand new stack sword this all the modum alloy sword did 52.5 attack damage with that done I upgraded the main Crafters

On my storage system to netherite then I hopped into The Nether to look for a Bastion this was so I could get a vibranium smithing template inside of the first Bastion after looting the main chest I found some suspicious Soul Sand hidden in a corner once I brushed that

Thing I got the vibranium upgrade smithing template and I just had to go to the other dimension for ancient stone to be able to duplicate it with these new templates I was able to upgrade my armor to vibranium and went back to the other dimension since I was already here

I wanted to look for a new dungeon so I could hopefully get the unobtanium smithing template as well but I didn’t know the name of it and accidentally went over to a piglin village turns out the structure I needed was just called the dungeon and for some reason I could

Not find it even with the structure Compass it was so far away I stayed in this place for a little bit fighting a bunch of pig glitches and other mobs as well while I was there once I grabbed enough loot I warped back home since I already started or Novo I decided to

Beat the final boss of this mod as well this guy was called the Wilden Chima and and to summon it I just put a few of the wild drops into a ritual brazer now I think this boss might have not been implemented correctly since it looks completely different but I was able to

Take it out really easily anyway I picked up a wild and tribute and some yellow Hearts those hearts were clutched so I took out two more of these bosses and after that I crafted some enchanted golden apples this was since I could now make 10 yellow heart canisters and

Increase my hearts some more since my new sword was stacked I wanted to put better affixes on it I crushed a few gems and grabbed a few levels but ended up finding a better AIX for my pickaxe instead from here I ended up with two more incinium blocks and decided to

Craft all the modium seeds this was kind of a mistake since vibranium was much rarer and I learned that you can’t grow this seed without a magical soil which also needs four more insanium blocks anyway I kept that in my system for now and mined a bunch of all the modium from

The mining Dimension since I was there I filled up more drawers and came home to see 49 pigage Hearts to cover all the bases I put another row of inferium seeds down and crafted these air seeds as well the next morning I crushed a bunch of fluoride turned up the tick

Rate on the fision reactor and upgraded more machines for uh fisal fuel production that’s not all though I started the craft for the 4 million storage part and this was a pretty hefty craft in the mean time I put in more recipes for a higher level storage and

Put the 4 million storage part into the system while the disc manipulator was working I crafted an ultra version of this machine as well this one was significantly faster and after checking the requirements for the next upgrade I noticed that I was only missing silicon I decided to just burn through all the

Quarts I had in the meantime that night ended up being a super blood moon and since my base was mob proof a ton of these poisonous labels spawned and these little guys are super annoying day 140 to day 141 I started off these days holding on to the hope of this modular

Rout working nothing works still so I moved on to productive bees just to get things started I went to the Nether and silk touch mind a quartz block I turned that into a quartz nest and made some honey Treats but apparently these just needed quartz to attract bees I snatched

Up two crystalline bees and turned them into a prospera bees before moving on with the entire bees thing I quickly made a detour to feed these Greg Tech quartz into the main system once all these cooked up I had enough silicon to start crafting a 16 million storage part

As soon as this was crafted I ran everything through the disc manipulator once again then for huge Farm upgrades I went around looking for any red flowers I got a bunch of red poppies and also decided to craft a bunch of these upgrade installers as well I managed to

Get all the machines in the basement up to Ultimate tier and with that done I used the enrichment chamber to get a bunch of red dye as soon as that was done I replaced as much Farmland as I could with these red fertilizers and that did wonders I was getting so much

More inferium Essences later that night I put another aex on the sword which increases the chance of a loot pinata happening then I wanted an unobtanium upgrade but no matter how far I went I just could not find this stupid dungeon structure I was flying for a really good

Amount of time and eventually just had to call it quits on this search back home I placed down another insanium block on the ritual pedestal and also place down another simulation chamber in the basement I then remember to remake the hell shelves so I could just get one nether infused teleportation core this

Process was actually super annoying since you need very specific amounts of Eterna Arcana and quanta I first infused all the hell shelves and then upgraded it to a blazing hell shelves after grabbing a ton more levels I could now finally Infuse these deep shelves and

Move on to the next tier I had to hop back down into a deep dark biome to grab a skull which allowed me to craft Soul touched deep shelves that’s not all though I upgraded it to Soul touched skull shelves as well to make this whole

Setup work I also needed melons so I flew over to a jungle B biome here I grabbed some and came home to start forming that these melon shelves allowed me to reduce the quanta coming in from the shelves which meant I finally hit the requirements to infuse this dragon’s

Breath finally after literally all that I had end shelves day 144 to day 145 it took way too long but I finally learned how to generate stress easily from the create mod I’ll leave a link in the description to the video first I crafted nine empty Blaze burners and then half a

Stack of these fluid tanks I placed down these Blaze burners in a 3X3 Manner and then built the fluid tank right above that from there I used the sink to pull water onto the tank with that up and running I grabbed the blaze burners and

Went to fill them up in the nether I grabbed three blazes and then realized I had Blaze Spawners in the Mob form so I used that instead with that setup I placed the fill the blaze burners back down and use tons of coal to get some uh

Steam power working to turn this into stress though I had to craft a steam engine and then place a shaft on that with that done I placed down a gear shaft and had a Rolling Mill up up and working I used this to craft stacks of

Copper wire with all that I set up a few mechanical crafters and put down all the items needed to make an electric motor to actually get things running though I had to grab a bunch of kelp which I cooked and turned into a belt all that

Work paid off as I got my first electric motor but to power the Crafters needed for an ATM Star I would need a few more of these in total I got five electric motors just in case and started building the shape of the ATM Star using the mechanical Crafters this ended up taking

A good amount of time since I was just following the ji and after it was built I went underground to grab more flux dust turns out I only needed three electric motors cranked up to the Max and that did the trick powering all these Crafters now I just had to start

Placing down all the items to actually make the star as soon as morning hit I was also able to make a magical soil which I put underneath some farmland and started growing all the modium seeds the essence of this seed only makes nuggets so it wasn’t too overpowered with that

Done I got rid of the house that the supply Camp uh built all the way back in like day 10 and I needed to clear this area to really start working on bees the first thing I did here was placed three sets of uh Advanced beehives with expansion boxes then I lightly decorated

The area and placed a Network receiver down in front of the beehives the bees I really needed were the draconic ones so I crafted an obsidian nest and grabbed whatever was left of my dragon’s breath before the day ended I worked my way up uh these power quests which helped me

Automate these Nitro Ender Gates these things are just basically better looking flux plugs they won 47 day 148 I crafted some more B cages and made a nest locator then I went over to the nether to challenge a gas gate Pearl after completing five waves I had so many gas

Tiers but all I needed was like 16 end crystals from there I went to the end to resummon the Ender Dragon the whole time I was just focused on getting as many bottles of dragon breath as possible once that was done and the dragon was taken care of I placed this obsidian

Nest down and use the dragon’s breath to help lure in draconic bees I placed down a second Nest to speed up the process and have had like three draconic bees since I still needed two more I did the dragon fight again for more dragons breath with the bees captured I crafted

A feeding slab and put it uh one block in front and Under The Hive since I didn’t have a simulation upgrade yet I had to carefully sneak the bees in once all five were in the hive I went out to go look for regular bees to fill the

Other Hive The Nest locator helped me grab one and I kind of messed up using a feeding slap for these regular bees for some reason they just don’t work too well I had four regular bees inside one of the hives and uh went to automate these things to automate it I grabbed

Two exporters and importers and put them on the side of these hives after connecting to the network I had the hives pull in glass bottles and grab everything that was outputed things were working very well so I also crafted a power centrifuge for all the Combs that

I should get after that to get those Ender gates to work I have to start crafting these highle Ender cells this took the whole night as the morning started I finally got a Nitro Ender cell and placed a Nitro Ender gate on the the centrifuge the only issue now was to

Actually get this Ender cell thing to work so turns out I needed an energy cell as well to be able to use the Ender cell and that meant I had even more annoying items to craft uh I didn’t go all the way up to Nitro I stuck with a

Neotic energy cell since I really didn’t want to craft any more items and got the things to work finally with this I could use the really cool tiny Ender Gates instead of flux points now that the center fusee was powered up I wanted it to pull in all the Combs and of course

Bring all the outputs back into the system this entire B operation was basically automated now I then made a drawer for all the wax and was able to work up to two more insanium blocks then in order to make all the alloy blocks I was lacking more unobtanium so I did a

Quick run of mining in the N Highlands biome I picked up a stack and a half which I crushed and smelted then I was only lacking piglet Arts at this point I noticed the regular bees were not working well so I tried getting them out

To see if I could reset them and that aggroed a few I ran away to stop them being angry and was able to breed a few more bees as as well I still didn’t know that the feeding slab was the issue so I grabbed some extra flowers to put it

Inside of the slab oh yeah at this point ATM 9 had also been updated and the fluorite changed so I had to reconfigure this exporter for the fisa fuel machines turns out I had stocked up on polonium so I put in some fluoride dust and had

More than 200 pellets now on top of that my induction Matrix was also completely filled up so I needed extra providers and cells I started the AutoCraft for those which were significantly faster now I had to wait till the next day for everything to craft but once that was

Done I made a much bigger induction Matrix which had room for uh even more providers and cells just in case this thing now holds 3.2 terf after messing around with the reactor some more I was able to craft my first draconic chunk now I needed a bunch of these for the

Productivity upgrades with all the insanium I had now I could also start working on the creative Essence which was needed for the ATM Star for now I had the four incum blocks I also crafted a few speed up upgrades and put those into the hives another thing I really

Needed was a time in a bottle so I crafted two augments and did a ton of rituals to get them all the way to becoming Speed 2 augments with that I finally got this time in the bottle and this thing would be amazingly helpful for nether Stars I just had to wait for

It to accumulate time day 152 to day 153 I started messing with the bookshelf setup once again to uh Infuse some more Dragon Breath with that I could now make a nether infused teleportation core and of course craft the miniature nether portal turns out I was missing warped

Nyum that was only one of the nine items needed for the dimensional seed for the Ender infused teleportation core I needed to go to the end and look for more dragon heads I searched for some n cities and really didn’t get lucky with the dragon heads but I did find this

Ancient uh end City instead this giant portal in the center brought me back to the main island before moving on I tore through this one end pillar to get a bunch of obsidian and then came home to craft this five times compressed endstone since I didn’t have speed

Upgrades in that craft after this actually took a good amount of time the next morning I made dirt seeds to hopefully get dirt blocks but I eventually figured out a much better way to get dirt turns out I would need 175,000 dirt Essences to make this five times compressed dirt block also during

This time I found a bunch of red bushes which allowed me to craft even more red fertilizer for Netherrack I also made nether seeds but just like with dirt blocks I found a much better way to get these as well since i’ had been pretty busy this time in a bottle had

Accumulated a good amount which allowed me to speed up the simulation Chambers a lot day 154 to day 155 I fit more speed upgrades into the hives and after watching a YouTuber pillos ATM 9 series I decided to craft an RF tools Builder I also had a netherite shulker box with a

Stack upgrade and then decided to go to the mining Dimension so here to get tons of Netherrack and dirt you first have to make a regular Quarry and pick a very large area to clear out the reason you do regular Quarry is because uh it replaces the Mind Block with dirt blocks

Doing this I was picking up so much Netherrack it was pretty crazy to see after that I crafted even more stack upgrades and force load of the chunks The Next Step was to wait for this to finish and then use a clearing Quarry to grab the leftover dirt as all that was

Working I made another DM me charm to speed up the piglet heart process then I finally got my second draconic chunk which allowed me to craft my first productivity upgrade and these things start to scale really high I put that productivity upgrade inside of the draconic Beehive and went to speed up

The RF tools Builder I already had close to 100,000 Netherrack so this thing was way better than the seeds since I was also getting close to the piglet Hearts required I wanted to try and activate this loot pinata thing from my sword on a pigl this ended up being a waste of

Time since I spent 5 minutes fighting these two mobs and only picked up seven hearts in total anyway after that I sped up these simulation Chambers and almost had 300K Netherrack at this point from there I smartened up and made vibranium seeds and these things are going to be

Significantly more useful than the alium seeds now since I already had a good amount of pellets I went over to start making more hdp sheets at this point I had 300 plus polonium pellets which should be more than enough to make all the SPs items since I was already in the

Area I wanted to upgrade the induction Matrix once more and crafted more ultimate providers and cells at this point I also ended up with a 400k Netherrack which I then filtered into an Ender Chest the problem was this kind of clogged the main Ender Chest up with all

The Netherrack I had to upgrade the Importer to the mega version and clear out some of the it manually every once in a while luckily after all this I didn’t have to run the RF tools builder ever again day 157 to day 158 at this point I was only missing 17 more piglet

Hearts to uh craft the 28 alloy blocks needed while I was waiting for that I went over to the Builder which was done and decided to swap to a clearing Quarry to grab all the dirt left over I was still missing some Netherrack but with this method it would be pretty easy to

Get the rest anyway as thousands of dirt blocks poured in I decided to craft even more data modules from here I grabbed a bunch of Wither Skeleton skulls summoned some Withers and constructed a few more wither data modules I leveled them all up a tier and use the right side of my

Basement to place down even more simulation Chambers I powered everything up Hooked them up to the exporters and importers and then finally put the data modules in after that I cleaned the area up and used the time in the bottle to advance the simulation Chambers inside

Of the storage system at this time I had almost 500,000 Netherrack and almost 300,000 uh dirt blocks one of the items that would help with the ATM star was this focus of summoning which I actually had all the items for the next day I was raking in more dirt blocks and was able

To craft my first few insanium gemstones I then hopped into the end Dimension to look for more n cities as soon as I ended up grabbing some dragon heads I came home to make a draconic end shelf turns out I would need a few more of

These to get the uh Ender infused core but on the bright side I could finally start the AutoCraft for the 28 unobtanium alloy blocks these things needed like 8 billion Fe each luckily that didn’t even even Dent the induction Matrix since I was back in the reactor

Area I also crafted 60 SPS casings 120 reactor glasses and three SPS ports all that plus two supercharged coils I had all the items needed to start making antimatter a60 to day 162 to set this machine up I had to be very careful I first uh shot off some of the nuclear

Waste machines then I assumed that you could put ponum into a Quantum in tangle Porter so I built this super critical phase shifter one chunk away from my other reactors building up was pretty annoying since it was a fairly large machine but the practice was nice it was

Night time when I finally saw the red particles pop up and from there I hooked up the quantum and Tangle Porter on both areas but of course that didn’t work so by next morning I cleared out the old machines in the area and built another little endstone island on the chunk

Right next to me with that done I rebuilt the entire SPS machine once again and uh brought the polonium over from the solar Neutron activator I plugged in the power Behind The Supercharged coils and Power power the chemical crystallizers as well which actually makes the antimatter pellet I

Thought this machine wasn’t working at first but it turned out that I didn’t allow the flux plug in the induction Matrix to go over the limit I figured it out the next morning and saw that the SPs was pulling a 100 million Fe per tick I turned the injection rate up for

The fusion reactor and set more realistic limits for the SPs it was now only pulling in 10 million Fe in total to help with the power generation I placed down another electric pump to get in more heavy water to fuel this Fusion reactor up even more this allowed me to

Increase the injection rate and I had 30 mli buckets of antimatter already mind you I need around 1,000 mli buckets for a single antimatter pellet at this point I had built and got most of the very long processes ready I was even able to make a second productivity upgrade as

Well around these days I had updated the mod pack once again and there was now a new section for all the modium after looking through the quests I ran the normal quarry on a large section of Netherrack once again that finished very quickly so I did it again for the other

Side and at this point I was very close to crafting the six times dirt block and the six times nether rack I ended up doing one final run and I started the craft for those two blocks after that was done as the autoc crafter was working I set the chunk Destroyer to

Mine 20 chunks in three different directions since the main chest was almost filled up I placed down more drawers which all had upgrades in them and that basically pulled all the good items that were left over from there I used this time in a bottle to increase

The nether star production and went to check out the antimatter I only had like 70 mil buckets so far as for the ATM Star I was kind of close uh to making this dragon soul the recipes for this wasn’t too hard to get first I needed a

Dragon’s tooth so I crafted a purple knife I had to resummon the Ender Dragon and take it out using this knife to get one dragon’s tooth with this thing I now had the non-h hatchable dragon egg immediately I was only four more items away from the dragon soul during this

Night I swapped around the recipes to make the full all the modium alloy blocks instead of just the ingots first and it worked out much better on the long run from there I also crafted more insanium gemstone blocks and was much closer to the creative Essence as well

The next day I learned that I could make the three times diamond block as well and this man I only needed emeralds and obsidian which just happened to be the hardest things to get since I had spare unobtanium I went over to The Vindicator spawners and reduced the max spawn delay

To help get even more emeralds on top of that I grabbed nine more looting one books and uh turn them into looting upgrades for the mob Masher with that done to show the Beast some love I crafted a few more upgrades I made this anti- teleportation one because it was

Going to be needed for the simulator upgrade later that night I had more regular bees coming into the Beehive and uh also crafted more insanium gemstone later on I ended up with enough Dragon chunks to make more productivity upgrades and this finally allowed me to

Get to the next tier to be safe now I also fit in a simulation upgrade into the draconic Beehive as well a 166 today 168 so I afked for a good while which allowed the system to craft up to 25 all the modium alloy blocks as the last

Three were energizing I also made a supremium water can to use on the farm this sped up The Supercharged Farm even more I broke the uh modular Rutters and crafted Earth seeds as well I needed all these nature Essences for the awakened rituals later from there I planted two

Obsidian seeds as well to help with this dimensional seed things were still processing at this point so I set up this awakened Altar and the pedestals at night there happened to be a harvest moon so I just sat there watering the farm for a good amount of time in order

To get some awaken blocks I had to start making these mystical agriculture swords I worked up to a terium sword and then Enchanted it I actually needed an enchant called mystical Enlightenment on the second try I got what I needed but this sword also had knowledge of the

Ages which I didn’t realize just yet that meant when I summon the withers to try and get a cognizant dust I only managed to get XP so I had to disenchant the sword and reenchant it by this time the 28 alloy blocks were done and I

Placed them in a chest in front of the crafters for now I asked the system to also make two vibranium alloy blocks after that while that was energizing I finally grabbed a bunch of cognizant dust back home I was just a few insanium shy of this creative Essence so the

Reason I actually didn’t put the alloy blocks into the crafter was because I still needed these Crafters to make a Patrick Star and this thing was really uh straightforward to make I crafted all of the concrete and then I enriched a bunch of flowers to make the dye uh

Which allowed me to make the concrete powders then since I had a bunch of water Essence I could just make regular concrete with that and I rinsed and repeated for each of the colored concrete the hardest part of this entire process was just putting the right blocks in the Right Slots that process

Actually took me an embarrassingly long amount of time but I now had two of the 12 things needed for the star from here I picked up the vibranium alloy and now needed to make these awakened through a ritual this was actually really easy and I finally started slotting stuffs into

The crafter which looked really cool around the Outer Perimeter I put the unup tanium alloy blocks then I put the awakened vibranium in around this time I was only one insanium gemstone shy of the the creative Essence but I needed more uh Prosperity shards to get that I

Decided to just place these uh prosperes into the hive and of course automated the process I did a quick run through the caves as well which managed to get me a Prosperity gem block and finally a creative Essence at this point I had three of the 12 items needed for the ATM

Star the next morning when I checked my antimatter I had up to 150 Milli buckets and I noticed my induction Matrix is full so I slotted one more set of providers and cells since I could fit a few more I decided to AutoCraft those and while doing that I noticed I had

Some evoker spawn eggs and more Vindicator spawn eggs as well so I swapped out some spawners for these before upgrading the induction Matrix I slotted in one more looting upgrade into the mob Mashers at this point my Matrix now held 6.4 Terra Fe with more energy storage I decided to increase the tick

Rate for my Fusion reactor but to help with the fuel I crafted another electric pump which pulled in more heavy water that night I also made Dragon Egg seeds and a dragon egg Crux with this I could make make dragon heads at home and upgraded all the bookshelves day 171 to

Day 172 after more finicking of the bookshelves I finally got this Ender infused teleportation core which allowed me to make a miniature end portal at this time there was another update in the mod pack so I had to link all the drawers to the storage system once again

With that being done I made tons of lily pads of fertility and uh started on this forbidden and Arcanist mod so I was actually planning on making another 9×9 form but at this time these gate Pros got nerfed so I couldn’t make the lily pads quickly anyway when I got back home

I started crafting a bunch of items for this philosopher’s fuel which didn’t look super expensive it was a little tedious just crafting all these stupid furnace types once morning hit I let all the regular bees out and finally got rid of the feeding slab which actually started getting me some real Honeycombs

With that done I used this cognizant dust to make a block of Awakened supremium and with that I upgraded my watering can which I had been using on my farm for quite a bit I also made another block of awaken supremium and that night I placed down recipes for a

Dragon head since the last update my reactor was shut off so I started the process back up I also had 216 Milli buckets of antimatter so far I ended up adding one more simulation chamber inside of the basement and crank this thing up using a time in the bottle as I

Was waiting for this uh laser amplifier I set down even more electric pumps to help with more fuel this was all just so I could crank up the fusion reactor every chance I got I sped up the simulation chamber as well which pumped out tons of these wither prediction

Matrices I used the watering can for a few minutes that night and then created a portal to the Twilight dimension in here I needed the snow Queen’s head at a bunch of metals to help with the emerald grind some more I made some emerald seeds and with all this new additions I

Actually had 160k emeralds and 25k nether stars but I was still nowhere close to making the respective items needed in the meantime I made three more obsidian seeds which had helped greatly that night I had a few draconic chunks which meant more productivity upgrades but these ones just fit into the regular

Beehives finally I can now crank up the fusion reactor all the way up to like 80 and still have tons of fuel coming in this meant I can now increase the limit on my SPS at this point I started running low on tridium so I made two more solar Neutron activators to help

Churn those out these days I was mainly just waiting on a bunch of items to process a 176 to day 178 if the game looks any different at this point it was because I had a 1440p monitor now anyway a few of my drawers in the mining

Dimension were getting filled up so I snuck in some netherite upgrades on them then to check off a bunch of items I had to go to the Twilight Dimension I started off by just following the quest lines using a structure compass and glitch flying I beat the Naga then I

Made my way to the Lich Tower and this fight was a little Annoying after taking down the skeleton’s clones I had two bosses done next up I flew into the swamps and hopped down into this labyrinth in here I grabbed a bunch of Ironwood ingots and started looking for

More minotaurs after grabbing tons of mushrooms I actually decided to upgrade this one Minotaur spawner this was all just so I could get this maze ma focus and progress the quests as soon as that was done I took out the boss and ate the meef strogen off from there I made my

Way over to the Hydra who I was able to take out using my sword I got tons of fiery blood which was an essential item and moved on to the next essential area so in total I had seven fiery ingots but I needed nine then to get this block of

Night metal I had to take on this night stronghold which has a chance of not even spawning the brosses properly some of the mobs inside drop items that could be smelted into night metal which was really nice and I got lucky finding the boss area on my first try these night

Phantoms were very easy to take out and I moved on to the Dark Tower tower inside of the tower I took out some mini gas and Drew the ergas in I took this guy out in a few swings and got even more fiery blood as a reward with that

Done I had two of the major items crafted a block of fiery metal and a block of H carmonite from there I took out the alpha Yeti really quickly and went over to the Snow Queen at first I tried using the containment ritual on the Snow Queen but I just could not get

This thing to work instead I decided to just defeat the boss and pick up one head when I came home I made a block of night metal and did a ritual to craft this miniature Twilight Forest portal which was needed for the Philosopher’s fuel to check off one more item I

Crafted a metal alloy using this machine I sent a size like 12 Tyrion steel and made a block of Tyrion from here I worked my way up through these mystical agriculture furnaces and just had to do some rituals to awaken it since I didn’t have any Prosperity shards left over I

Had to craft some other items the next day I hopped back into the mines to grab a bunch of prosperity shards and some fluorite while I was there I then came home and made the awakened a premium furnace at this point I could also make this dorum block and an insanium coal

Block which meant I was very close to getting this philosopher fuel one of the main items was a rainbow furnace which actually wasn’t too expensive I slowly worked my way through that and uh the last two items of this craft happen to be inside of the mods evil craft and

Extreme reactors which I would have to focus on later before this day ended I increased a limit for the SPs once again and threw down another solar Neutron activator for paloni around this time I also had 400 Milli buckets of antimatter day 180 to day 181 another pretty simple

Item to get was this Oblivion Shard and to start that I went over to the end and picked up these rows of Oblivion from there I went around these biomes looking for any golden trees but I couldn’t find any instead I spawned these updated gate pearls and these enemies were

Significantly stronger now even in vibranium armor I was actually taking some damage from the bigger slimes that night I opened another random gate Pearl and this one just stopped out of nowhere I ended up being close to a blue skies villager so I bought a blue journal and

Uh this Zia lighter the next day I was back inside of the twilight forest biome trying to uh trap this snow queen so I could contain her but uh that didn’t work once again instead I grabbed her DNA with the mob swab and then took her

Out when I came back home I made a chicken feed with the DNA and got the spawn egg I used the egg on the spawner and uh picked up the second head which meant I only needed two more items for the dragon soul around this time I also

Learned how to get bottle Darkness so I went over to the end once again with a bottle and a cork using that on this dragon’s breath got me what I needed from there I came home and made This brilliant fiber which would convert regular leaves into Golden Leaves I

Planted some oak trees and used this fiber on the leaves from there all I had to do was just wait for Golden particles to show the next morning I cleared out a good little area behind my base which I force loaded as well while that was working I planted these demon dream

Seeds to get demon fruit after lighting that fruit on fire I could throw andet into the flame uh which crafted other Stones using these Stones I made these sacrificial bowls to properly start a cult I also made this a binding book of Genie from there I grabbed a few Quest

Rewards and finally these gold leaves I had more than a stack of gold leaves which I Ed to make eight wooden stands I decided to set up the gold powder first then the stands after that it took a few tries but by the morning I had my first ritual started and grabbed one

Environmental eye with that I crafted one world’s eye and did the ritual again from there I only needed Eternal Stellas to craft this Oblivion Shard after that I put down an extra productivity upgrade in with the draconic be later that day I used one of these books to set up the

Outline for an occultism ritual at this point I was only able to make impure white chalk and golden chalk day 184 to day 187 after some more research I decided to do the ritual to summon a Crusher First turns out you only need a regular Crusher to get the endstone dust

So I gave this little guy a stack of endstone to work on finally I got the purple chalk and started doing the ritual that gets me The Empty Soul Gem this was very easy I just used the book to set up the outline and gii to find

Which items were needed once I placed the bound book down I waited for the ritual to start and uh it used up all the items I had placed Down With The Empty Soul Gem crafted I was only waiting on these draconic chunks so I decided to move on to forbidden an

Arcanus in the meantime to get these Eternal Stellas I crafted some polished dark stone and a few Arcane polished dark Stones it took until the next morning for me to get the setup of this ritual area I’ll leave all the videos I use down in the description once again

With this area set up I placed down a smithing table in the center and right clicked it with this dust to turn it into a tier one hesus Forge to fill these things up up I grabbed tons of bottles of enchanting then some tests for blood and started brewing a bunch of

Potions of regeneration all those regen potions were used to make bottles of oral now for blood I tried holding the test tube on my off hand and fighting through an ancient pyramid but that didn’t work instead I decided to grab a spawner fence that little ritual area

Off and put the spawner on top of the forge I saw some people saying that zombie piglins generate a lot of blood so I grabbed the DNA for those guys and made the spawn eggs I sped the spawners up placed a dragon egg inside and started f fing up the blood section of

The forge with that done I placed these dark stone pedestals around and went looking for a dark Forest so I can get some Edwood logs using that I made a soul extractor and picked up soul from Soul Sand at this point I had everything I needed to upgrade the forge one level

While everything but the Aurora crystals to get that I went down to the deep dark Chasm and mined for a good little bit when I came back home I also had enough Aurora crystals for two blocks and 21 left over I decided to craft an obelisk which actually generates Oreo

Automatically but at this point I had no clue how to use it while Gathering the oral needed I was able to make an inactive dragon egg which was the last item needed for this dragon soul I put that right into the crafters and was making some good progress day 187 to day

189 I figured out how to set up the Obelisk and could now use the time in the bottle to stack the oral up when I had enough items I did the ritual to upgrade this Force to a tier two to get to tier three was pretty much the same I

Maxed the blood out then set up the Obelisk to generate Oro while that was working I placed down a stack of Soul Stone and extracted as as many Souls as I could I was still short some Aurora crystals so I hopped back down into the

Deep dark chasm in here I found my first Stella Arcanum as well which was really clutch I was mining for a good little bit which helped me get a ton of crystals and four stellarite pieces with that I upgraded the force to tier 2 then I started filling up the required

Materials once again with everything set up I made my first Eternal Stella turns out I had more than enough items to make four Eternal Stellas and by night time this Oblivion Shard was crafted and placed inside of the mechanical crafter before the night ended I placed on a

Bunch more obsidian seeds into the farm and now had 21,000 obsidian blocks day 190 to day 192 I made these supremium growth accelerators and place them underneath all the other ones the problem was that I think these things uh barely sped up anything since I was already getting pretty close to the

Obsidian I wanted to also enhance the emerald farm so I improved a bunch of the spawners and then Enchanted more to so I could have looting books every single Bob Master at this point had looting four with that done I wanted to work on evilcraft so I could get this

Rejuvenated flesh but before focusing on that I noticed one of my crafting recipes for the storage part was not working well I had to craft like 72 of these 256k storage Parts by itself that ended up taking 10 whole minutes to finish and for some reason this 65 million storage part just wasn’t

Recognizing the other items for the rest of day 192 to day 195 I moved on from that and went looking for dark gems I spent basically a whole day down in the mines in between the mining I actually uh manually crafted higher level storage parts and that allowed me to get the

Massive storage up upgrade also during this time I finally found these dark ores which was huge I ended up with a 45 dark gems from there I made some spikes and crafted nine blood extractors which I combined into one large one some of the quest rewards also gave me a dark

Tank as well which was my sign to come back home as I let the storage Parts run through the disc manipulator I built off a little fenced area with a spawner in the center after that I upgraded to a arch Mage spell book and put down a

Scribes table with that I threw in all the items needed to make a glyph of lightning I used a spell book to create a spell of projectile lightning from there I upgraded the spawner and grabbed some villager DNA I turned the spawner into a villager one and placed down some

Random villagers inside just to help me out after using a lightning spell on them they became werewolves who turned into werewolves during a full moon I traded these guys a bunch of poison sacks for emeralds and since it wasn’t a full moon yet I just decided to kill as

Many villagers as possible to fill up this uh blood extractor during this time I upgraded the dark tank and created a little area to place down five Buckets of Blood with that done I threw in one dark dark gem to get a dark power Gem and left just one single bucket of blood

To harden up in the meantime I went right back to filling up the dark tank for later as soon as the blood hardened I snatched that up and uh cooked it to get this Blood infusion core all this was just to get a blood infuser which I

Actually needed to max out one of the quest rewards gave me a Vengeance Essence which was a pretty great reward for this mod to get the first upgrade I needed three dark power gems which allowed me to get the dusted bowl of promises after infusing that and a block

Of iron I crafted the promise of tenacity 1 I had to get that all the way up to level three to make rejuvenated flesh the second tier upgrade was basically the same thing but with gold blocks and double the blood tier three was pretty expensive so I spent a whole

Night slaughtering villagers by the morning I had a very efficient villager slaughtering machine finally I got the promise of tenacity 3 which allowed me to get this thing called Garmin bosia the last thing I needed after that was werewolf flesh so I just made a bunch of

Were wolvion and was going to wait for a full moon for the rest of day 195 to day 198 I learned that Minecraft had like tons of moon cycles so I had to wait for a bit I decided to move on to the next item which was in the mod extreme

Reactors now I’m just going to leave the video Down Below on how to get this block since it was unnecessarily complicated I’ll try my best to explain it though the first thing I did was start working on the chunks right next to my mob farm at this point I had

Already made tons of graphite and built a very small 3x3x3 reactor after putting all the required blocks down I slotted in uranium ingots as fuel in the back now this reactor was super slow basically I just needed this thing to start making cyanite which uh you need

Tons of to make the very important machines to be safe I also picked up a ton of yium ingots which will be needed much later as this very slow process was going on I sped up the farm and checked out some of my machines my induction

Matrix was full so I increased the limit on the SPs casing at this point I had 600 Milli buckets of antimatter to help me out some more with the ins sanite stuff I made a second reactor in front of the old one to do the same process

After a good amount of time I had four cyanide ingots and then just decided to make the second reactor much bigger this one was also much more efficient and since I needed stacks of cyanite ingots I wanted to make a cyanite bee to do that I snatched up one of my bees and

Turned it into a creeper Bee from there I spammed honey treats onto a gravel Nest to get a ashy mining bee I put that bee and a crystalline bee into a breeding chamber to get the iron bee finally after all that I bred the iron

Bee and the cre be together to get a radioactive bee I incubated this little guy made some productivity upgrades and had enough sinite to get a blockworth I managed to fit a gamma level productivity upgrade into the draconic Beehive and then picked up my first cyanite B at this point I also had

Another cyanite so I put that into a feeding slab for the rest of day 198 all the way to day 200 I used these new cyanide ingots and I started crafting these uh reprocessor casings I was only able to build the base right away after that I added a simulation upgrade to the

Cyan beehive which kind of changed everything I now had tons more cyanite and I crafted a few blocks of these ingots which helped me do the ritual for cyanite seeds I started spam forming these and made the first full reprocessor I filled this thing up with water and could now make blutonium which

Was just step one next up I made a 3x3x3 fluidizer which was supposed to make liquid cyanite this one took a little bit of tinkering to get just right from there that liquid cyanite has to be the base of another reprocessor see what I’m saying this whole process was super

Annoying as I made more cyanide seeds I noticed that I could finally craft this five time obsidian block as well with this new reprocessor set up I started taking in liquid cyanite and I could now turn plutonium into ludicrite that was just step two to put this ludicrite to

Use I made a 5x 5×4 reinforced reactor now this much bigger reactor takes in plutonium and spits out Magen right next to it I had to build a reprocessor once more this reprocessor now takes in the magent as a base and uses the ludicrite ingots to make ridiculous inot right

Across these machines I was building the last few things the first was a 5x 5×4 fluidizer this machine has two inputs one for yium and the other for blutonium as this fluidizer started making verium I moved on to the final two machines one of them was another 5x 5×4 reinforced

Reactor which took in the verium in front of that machine was the last reprocessor which takes in the rinite from the reactor finally with all of that I set up the ridicul light to start processing ing nanite ingots with these nanite ingots done I threw in these things called biotites which generated

The nanite all of these were used to make an in anite Block then an ins sanite block which allowed me to craft the Philosopher’s fuel I put that onto the mechanical crafters and was halfway towards an ATM Star there were still tons of mods left for me to go through

So let me know if you want 300 days

This video, titled ‘I Survived 200 Days in ALL THE MODS 9 HARDCORE MINECRAFT’, was uploaded by Mythbustingnoob on 2023-12-10 14:00:05. It has garnered 21766 views and 983 likes. The duration of the video is 01:05:48 or 3948 seconds.

I survived 200 Days in ALL THE MODS 9 HARDCORE. The Ultimate Goal in ATM is to get the ATM STAR which needs hundreds of thousands of items and tons of machines. In these 200 Days I built some of the very dangerous advanced machines.

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—————————————————————————— Surviving 100 days like forge labs, lukethenotable, suev, Skyes, WelcominTV and many more!

100 Days in ATM 9 200 Days in ATM 9 100 Days in All The Mods 200 Days in All The Mods 100 Days in Modded Minecraft 200 Days in Modded Minecraft 100 Days in Hardcore Modded Minecraft 200 Days in Hardcore ATM 9 ——————————————————————————

Modpack: All The Mods 9


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Chapters: 0:00 – Intro 0:20 – Day 100-110 07:13 – Day 110-120 15:42 – Day 120-130 22:34 – Day 130-140 28:53 – Day 140-150 35:42 – Day 150-160 42:11 – Day 160-170 48:19 – Day 170-180 53:57 – Day 180-190 58:59 – Day 190-200 1:05:47 – Finale

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  • SHOCKING: Herobrine’s Father’s Black Ghost Haunts YTAC GAMERZ 😱👻💥🤯😈 #shorts

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  • Unbelievable! Getting the Rarest Item from Agilix Server

    Unbelievable! Getting the Rarest Item from Agilix ServerVideo Information this is a dirt block and over the next 30 days I’m going to be transforming it into an entire Minecraft house welcome everybody to Day 26 of the dirt series in the last video I signed a contract with life steal and before you ask no I still don’t know what it is but what I do know is that we’re sitting at 1.15 million coins and I’d like to make that even more so to start off I have four ancient debris in my Ender Chest which if I smell I can use to make a… Read More


    OMG! JAX SAVES POMNI FROM DROWNING 🌊🔥 #minecraftVideo Information [Musik] l Aduh kalau jalan hati-hati dong bateraiku berkurang mama mama sini nak sama mama Aduh karena aku berbagi kebahagiaan aku jadi lemas banget Sayangku pomni kamu lama sekali guys ayo kita tolong pomni agar baterainya full kembali dengan like dan komen tolong pomni yang gak setuju komen tidak aja Oke nih ku berikan cumanah Wah bateraiku penuh lagi Terima kasih sayang deuh This video, titled ‘JAX TOLONG POMNI KARENA LEMAS ⁉️ #skibiditoilet #minecraft #sakura #pomni #viral’, was uploaded by Atma Prayudi on 2024-03-27 06:03:49. It has garnered 1393176 views and 140365 likes. The duration of the video… Read More

  • FlixRealms

    FlixRealms| FlixRealms | Gens | Mining | Crates | Lobby | Fishing | Farming | Free Ranks | Island | Premium Ranks | 1.8 – 1.20.1 | Read More

  • 1f2d Anarchy 1.20.4

    Welcome to 1fighter2defenders (1f2d) Minecraft Server Experience a no rules open world environment where everything goes! No world resetting/trimming, everything you do will be saved for history. Server age: 3 years old since 26. April 2021 Thousands of players have visited the server at least once for a unique gaming experience. Connect with IP: Versions supported: [1.17 – 1.20.6] Socials & Contacts: Email: [email protected] Discord server: Join here Read More

  • Minecraft server

    How to connect and play on this server? You must have the game version unknown installed. How to check? At startup, the game version will be displayed on the right, at the bottom. If it is a different version, you should change the current profile (left, bottom) and select version unknown Click the PLAY button, wait for the Minecraft game to load. Choose: Multiplayer Click the button “Direct connect”, or if you want to keep the server in its list, press the button “Add server” In the field “Server address” write: (GL HF) Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Minecraft Memes: Recreating Famous Meme!

    Minecraft Memes - Minecraft Memes: Recreating Famous Meme!“Who knew mining could be so meme-worthy? I guess you could say I’m having a block party in Minecraft!” Read More