Surviving 24 Hrs in Scariest Minecraft Modpack

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Welcome to fear Nightfall this world is full of creatures parasites abandoned buildings and it’s also haunted by herobrine this guy tortures you the second you step foot into this world this creature’s name is man from the fog and if you run anywhere near this thing you’re dead Okay you’re dead if that’s

Not enough there’s also the cave dweller I’m going to try to survive 24 hours in this absolutely terrifying world my objective is to defeat Herobrin that won’t be easy though because he’s hiding behind the Nightfall secrets that need to be uncovered and a horde of monsters stalking my every move now

Before we start I have to thank my friend Sharky for making this absolute Masterpiece of a mod pack if you want to download and play it yourself the link is in the description also new merchandise is out now I’ve only printed 100 Hood so it is really limited once

They sell out they’re not going to be available ever again so if you’re going to buy one I really recommend going to the store right away so you can get one in your size specifically just to note this merch drop is only available in Canada and USA But future merchandise

Releases will be available mostly anywhere so just go to swev do shop to purchase yours or click the link in the description also for those of you who can’t get the hoodie or just want some free apparel I’ve made a free phone wallpaper for anybody to download so

Just go to the store link scroll down to the bottom of the page and you’ll find the download there okay now this is probably the scariest creepiest and most horrifying mod pack I have ever played in my life so if you’re going to watch I recommend you prepare yourself grab your

Favorite snacks and enjoy as I try to survive 24 hours in the scariest mod pack in Minecraft hardcore okay it’s time to survive 24 hours in fear Nightfall uh off the start it looks like we have cob webs torches and the Forbidden toome Quest book and

Let’s see it introduces us to the quest line we can’t sleep in this mod pack the days are 40 minutes long and the nights are 20 minutes long and we have something called sanity which uh it’s in our bottom left corner and you do not

Want to let that go down that’s all I’m going to say anyways we can start the campaign here chapter one ather has fallen survive the night the ather has fallen because of herob Bri he is corrupting all the dimensions and its presence will soon arise in the Overworld when the night falls anyways

On the first day here we have to try and set up our base as soon as possible because I assure you 100% we will not survive if we don’t have a home before nightfall we should try and get out of this Forest if we can oh is that bamboo

Okay oh my god oh I’m dead oh I’m dead just snuck up on me dude okay I’m not getting bamboo that’s too bad but in this pack you can make bamboo spikes which protect your base and I think that’s a pretty significant part of setting up protection where can we find

Land land that isn’t covered in Forest I might see a village over there okay we should try to run over there as fast as possible I’m hearing bad noises oh yes okay I see some scarecrows which can give us some hay and I’ll make some bread and we have like this abandoned

House here which we should probably carefully approach I don’t know if there’s actually anyone in here it doesn’t seem like there is though and there’s a bunch of hay look at that I’m going to make a hoe and we can grab all of this quickly is there anything in

This building it’s kind of hard to see oh here we go there’s a chest ooh watermelon slices paper okay what do we have over there I see some more structures I don’t know if we want to approach too many random structures early on though to be honest I see

Campfires over this way or fires I don’t know did we find like a ruined nether portal yeah this is cursed I don’t see any loot anywhere here or anything though okay I’m not digging it I think we should go back to the place we just

Found and use it as a starting base look at this dude look at this villagers just hanging down okay here we go we got some some more stuff here seems like we got some stuff which is nice iron pickaxe included wao is there any more loot here

No but there’s a furnace a couple even which I’ll pick up we don’t have to set up in any of those places if we can find an area where there’s High ground and nothing else around it that’ll kind of help us with mob spawns because we’ll be

Too far away from anything to really spawn and if anything does spawn it’ll have to come up a mountain which is going to make it much more difficult for more mobs to approach us at once so we want that for sure and and we might have

Some luck here with this hell let’s see cuz this looks to be pretty high up like here for example oh and there’s a random floating island that’s great okay wait there’s actually a house here I don’t know if I like that but okay here’s what we’re going to do we’re going to break

This and I would just um kind of restructure this house and set up in it but it’s made out of wood and I don’t trust wood in this pack at all it does look like our wood choices aren’t necessarily optimal like I don’t know we got mahogany jungle and some Oak

Obviously I’d prefer to build with Oak so that’s what I’ll do and I’m only going to use wood in the corners of the base so if anything happens to the corners nothing can actually get through okay let us go for it okay there we go that’s the base

Outline we want to get some cobblestone as soon as possible basically so that we can fill in the base otherwise we are going to be in deep trouble right now so let’s just put a bunch of that away let’s go dig up some Cobblestone there

Is a cave right here so I’m kind of hesitant but we can try to do it here there’s also iron and I’m already having ideas pop up in my head as to how we can protect our base like I’m thinking we can have a layer of lava around

Definitely a kind of hole and then bamboo spikes I was even thinking of placing water all around or maybe only on some sides because that can help us with fighting off mobs as well so maybe I can just have a couple of water streams going around on each side not

Everywhere and that way if any mobs come after us I can try to get them in the water okay I got more than four Stacks let’s see if that’s enough and let’s go oh yep see this is the problem spider’s already spawning dude oh it’s like

Lunging towards me so I have to bait those lunges oh we got it okay now let’s get to building this right away probably want to create a border around us in the near future that would probably help out anyways let’s light this up to make sure that nothing spawns

When I close this off now what I’m going to do is probably make slabs and fill it in that way okay I feel better now that we have something set up what I don’t feel better about is the fact that we have no entrance into our house like I’m really

Scared to have a door I guess what I could do is create a door and then we’ll just cover it up every time we leave and enter here we go looks like we have some Quest rewards boom bamboo so that’s what’s going to going to let us make

Bamboo spikes right yeah here we go bamboo spikes so just bamboo and slabs it would be nice to get these as soon as possible but we will need to head into that bamboo place to get them boom 57 bread that’s really good oh and I hear a zombie yeah oh boy

That’s not a good zombie okay we’re covered up it would be nice to have Windows that’s another priority so I think that we try to get some iron and then we work on upgrading our base okay boom iron and that’ll give us a shield which is good okay now I’d like to mine

Setting up a strip mine is oh my God I don’t know if we can fight this thing hold on maybe if I have slabs yeah okay I’m hitting it and it’s not hitting me oh we got it okay good to know that they’re not Invincible full moon Essence obtain dark Essence wao

Look at that Soul cage a dark cage the framework of which is W woven from the soul strings hold Souls back preventing them from escaping let’s go and try to quickly mine while it’s still daytime I would in fact just like to find iron on the

Surface oh my god oh oh oh oh oh okay run oh there’s a bunch of demonic mobs there including a demon chicken I’m fine I’m fine I’m fine I’m fine I’m fine I’m fine I’m fine okay we are not going there there’s that’s a hot

Spot of mobs maybe we should mine in a more controlled set meaning a strip mine that’s just going to let us ensure that we’re not taking any random chances but I do want more wood that’s my only thing okay that should be enough wood I’m still tempted to try and head in a

Cave see a house over there and a lot of flat land it’s kind of risky to try and Adventure there but I think we should take that risk right now and I’m trying to be very cautious of everything around me I also don’t know what this is oh

There’s a chest though looting two mending golden sword and I I hear a wolf oh Yep this is my doing we can head over to this house and hopefully we will not get followed by the wolf oh that’s a spawner okay you know what I’m heading out of there oh the

Wolf is still there okay we have to circle around to try to avoid the wolf and we also can’t go to oh my God okay okay okay there’s a cow that’s stalking me ow oh not in the lava okay it’s fine it’s fine in the water and let’s get out

Of here yep back home we go and we’re just going to do a strip line okay and while I’m running home I’m just going to light up some areas around our base also I don’t think I looted the chest up here did I hold on light this up and some

Basic things including an iron pickaxe again that’s good bam okay safe for the first night that uh should be approaching I wish we had one piece of glass we’ll get that later though okay let’s go let’s start mining oh and let’s make a bunch of Ladders because that’s

Not going to hurt us in any way or can there we go and we’re pretty high up but that’s all right we will do what we can you know what maybe I’ll also get some wood smelting to get charcoal we can put our M shaft in this corner oh and there

We go blood moon has appeared that’s really bad a blood Moon’s probably one of the most dangerous things that can happen but we’re just going to try to mine underground and ignore it got some iron that’s good oh okay I’m hearing bat sound bro y level oh this is

Really bad actually in that case you know what we’re going to go upwards again we’re going to backtrack a little bit and I guess we’ll mine outwards a little bit and then try to do the same thing cuz otherwise we’re dead it’s a spawner how do we approach this even

Okay we’re going to try to go from under I think and I don’t know if we want to break the spawner if we can keep it activated oh it breaks light sources near it okay well then I have one more idea which is just breaking it from

Under we don’t want any type of a spawner we want the loot that’s inside here though there’s an anvil that’s a lot of iron to just find why am I hearing digging noises someone’s digging dude no I’m getting out of there we need an iron

Trapo on this m shaft dude I need more tools to fight these things this is crazy how do I not spawn with some laser or something dude there’s absolutely no way I don’t even know what to do anymore there’s literally somebody mining towards us there yeah we’re waiting the night

Out okay so I think I kind of waited out the night yeah I waited for quite a while too so I’m hoping that everything’s kind of settled down there was no way we were really going to do anything with all the moons that we were

Going on here I do still hear a bunch of things around us unfortunately which means that there’s probably something else around us doesn’t it well that’s not good maybe what we can try to do is quickly mine for the additional iron we need without being cursed by somebody

Mining towards us although the amount of mobs I hear right now is scary let’s mine this way oh and there’s iron yes this is what we need iron is just going to give us that extra shield of protection from mobs like I’m not expecting to be able to fight them but

At least we won’t get one shot you know what I mean so let’s see what we can do here maybe we can mine down from here although honestly I’m quite skeptical I don’t know what we got here but seems like there is something yeah that’s a

Cave we could try to have a quick look hello it is so dark are kind of safer than it could be I guess I’m seeing a lot of coal and some copper oh my God oh my God nope we’re not doing that that might have been what’s stalking us from

Outside of our base yeah we’re not doing that though everything is not very Dandy in the paradise I got to tell you guys the truth right now I mean here’s some coal I guess oh iron yes these scraps of iron are good enough for me like I’m not

Complaining at all okay I’m hoping when we go up here that we have some Breathing Room it looks like we do what is that dude come on man man do you see that how’s the outside of our base here okay we’re okay I still don’t know what

That is okay here’s the deal okay we want to make bamboo spikes we want to make some base defenses and I’d say that’s the main things we should get done let’s smelt up this iron that we’ve been getting boom iron chest plate that gives us some armor and you know what

Maybe we should make a water bucket boom I’ll make an iron sword so that’ll defend us a little bit there we go okay that’s the best we’re going to do right now let’s head out let’s try to get bamboo which is all the way down there there’s something over here I have no

Idea I’m hearing weird noises is that sand it is I mean there’s probably better ways to get sand but let’s just quickly pick the sand up in case we don’t find any more okay it’s one of these structures but it looks like it’s a little bit messed up which we could

Use to our advantage actually if the loot is still in here we should however try to instantly break whatever spawner is here oh there it is break please ow okay they do a lot of damage let’s just run for a second how about that okay I

Don’t know I’ll try to loot that in a second let’s get this bamboo I hear a zombie oh boy it’s a ghoul oh no no no I hear a lot of things okay I’m I’m getting bamboo as we’re walking through here might be able

To trap it no okay dead oh my God run run run okay k k k okay I did not get nearly as much bamboo as I was trying to we need to get out we’re going to have to dig our way back home kind of so we

Were in this direction I think right we’re just going to have to dig through the mountain cuz oh boy no that might be a bad strategy though okay I don’t know I’m going through the water and I see multiple things anyways we’re going to go through here what we’re going to do

Is kind of do a little circle around and I do hear mobs but hopefully it can Trail them off of us that is not normal oh my God whatever I just saw was not normal something going on with this cave I don’t have time to check it out though

I don’t know if you guys saw that there was something it looked like the creature that I saw when I was staring at it from my base it was Herobrine dude dude come on man I have to get across to there so let’s do that okay we’re okay I think oh

And that’s still there that’s good to know that there’s just a cursed thing right outside of my house yeah this is bad this is what we call bad folks I don’t know I’m going to start growing out bamboo and this could also kind of serve as a wall potentially but I am

Doing this to use it that’s just what we’re doing for now glass we can smelt up and now we’ll have a little bit of Vision on the outside I’m not going to turn those into glass panes though no no way okay there we go glass we probably

Want a couple of pieces here and a couple of pieces here oh look at that our Bamboo’s growing that’s actually a good way to set up some walls to be honest what I can do is start digging out a little hole in front of our base

Also I need torches on the outside I can’t believe I haven’t added those yet looks like the thing is gone now so that’s good I don’t know if it’ll come back though okay the spider’s coming after us come here buddy no you’re not crawling on top of there bud gotcha so

We have our bamboo defense coming in and then we kind of want to border that with nothingness so I’m going to start outlining how we’re going to create this trap I think we want a double layer of trap doors basically I’m going to start reinvesting the bamboo that’s growing

Right off the bat so we can extend this wall we probably want to make it go down here do we want to have a two wide hole all around our base and then just fill it in with trap doors that way cuz then hypothetically nothing can spawn here so

I don’t know let’s try digging out two wide hole all around her Base look at this look at how dark it is I can’t see a thing dude oh no it’s Phantoms now the good news is we’re growing bamboo so we can start making bamboo spikes in the next day and I can kind of see a little bit of what’s going

On around her base I’m going to head down and try to mine again ah ah dude how did that even spawn down here I’m so smart aren’t I yeah in the night time caves get like 10 times worse I’m pretty sure yeah we cannot cave in

The night time it’s mob spawns are just Amplified dripstone blocks or something that usually means there’s a cave here yeah water’s not the end of the world what we could do is try to build around this right okay never mind did you guys just see what I saw because whatever I

Saw I’m not de with that I don’t know why am I doing this to myself I don’t know also we need to continue advancing in this West line so let’s see making bamboo spikes is a part of that but this will progress us to chapter 2 and it

Looks like we just need a golden apple and full iron armor you know what I’m going to go up we’re going to take a little break no no no what is that what is that what is that oh my God I think it died am I going back down yes but I

Took a breather okay at the end of the day we got to keep progressing ooh I’m at Y6 what 1 2 3 4 right there and then that means that we are at Yi level 12 we can start setting up our strip mine at this level actually I don’t mind not

Being at my level 11 this is fine come bro why am I putting myself through this I’m going to I’m going to and I just broke my pickaxe I’m fine I’m fine yes I’m fine okay thanks for asking We’re up to 14 iron not bad okay here we go iron again oh okay oh and it’s daytime things are feeling a little bit less cursed this morning wouldn’t you say uh anyways I’m going to make a couple more furnaces and we’re going to get to smelting all

Of this stuff let’s try to carefully check how we’re doing out here yeah no crazy mobs and our bamboo is growing folks this ended up being a really good strategy I honestly didn’t have the thought to do this going into these 24 hours but this is really nice

And we can keep growing these around so let us see here we will probably need to break this and we’ll just keep going now we should start working on the double trap door design all around us Oh my God hello we’re going to take you out oh okay oh all right and I’m hearing Herobrine again how great that might have been who actually spawned that zombie too and night time’s approaching so we should try to hurry up with this and I’m going to end up going three

Layers down just because it seems like that is what’s going to be the most even and there we go okay I’ve dug everything out we’re going to go through and light this up also we will make a bunch of these bamboo spikes bamboo spikes here we go

Boom 64 of those I guess we’ll start placing the Spikes all over okay that’s what we got for now can we make trap doors with redwood yes we can so we’re going to make a bunch of these boom 64 and 20 I don’t know how much that’ll last us for but I believe

Plan would be to wrap them around and then close them all I’m just hoping mobs can’t open them cuz if they can we are kind of going to be doomed okay there we go theoretically that’s what we needed and then we just open them all up

Okay there we go all done and then when we need to cross we do that need to finish placing in the bamboo spikes that’s two more Stacks we’ll see if that can last us at all okay now the most important thing which is don’t fall into your own

Trap okay are you kidding me you feel like something is chasing you we’re blocking up and we need to start setting up Farms as well got some rewards thank you oh boy I’m not sure if it’s possible but I’d like to try to get diamonds

While mining and some gold too so we can make the golden apple and advance in our quest line also I should probably just set our bed down and there we go I set a spawn point which isn’t going to be used for respawning but if there’s any type of teleportation feature or something

Like that I’d like to have our spawn point set water but that almost look looks like diamonds over there probably a bad idea to go over there I don’t think it’s diamonds I think we should just forget about that do you guys hear this dude we’re not going

There okay that’s the cave dweller oh no no no no no sir no thank you oh my God oh my pickaxe is going to break I need another pickaxe quickly quickly okay let’s hope it’s not night time oh my God that was cursed dude as soon as I

Started hearing noises I knew something was wrong okay it’s night time so there’s mobs up top and there’s a cave dweller under me so yeah I think we’re just going to Camp it out here for the night okay I mean I’ve sat down here for a

Little bit and it is now raining which I don’t know if that will make it even worse oh that’s some monster that’s a monster I don’t know if we go back down what’ll happen like the cave dweller might still be there we’re going to have to be pretty careful during this I

Couldn’t find any info on whether the cave dweller can move upwards or not I’m going to have to hope it can’t oh yeah I also found iron on the way which I mean I guess that’s nice I need to be really quiet I need to listen to if I can hear

It it would have still been here right but I don’t see it okay it’s not here look at how much space I covered here it’s not there anymore is it I don’t see it okay we’re good anyways we’re okay for now oh I see something okay we’re going to

Head back we’re done I still don’t feel safe though there could be a cave dweller here I don’t trust it it looks like it’s more so daytime right now although it is still dark but the good news is we’re safe I’m actually quite happy about that if you’ll believe me

And we’ll start smelting everything up is it possible to go outside right now at all or no I’m not sure I’m kind of scared to do so in this weather you know what making like a watchtower for ourselves would be really beneficial for these exact moments that seems our

Bamboo’s growing really well okay no no no no no no nope nope there’s some huge thing over there dude you know what I will do a few things I’m going to make a roaster and this leather Tanner thing and all these things in preparation for an animal farm that we should make

Requires chapter 2 Flesh Spike okay that looks hard to make roaster bam leather Tanner I also need a campfire bam uh what we could do is place that and then roaster there leather Tanner there ooh and then we can make iron doors it looks like which would be nice to have so I’ll

Make those look at that look at all those things oh my God oh my God there’s no way it gets in here though we should make a bow by the way bam oh yeah we also need to make these butcher Delight things got meat hook then we got cleever

Bam and it looks like we can also make a backpack let’s see backpack tank I need glass that doesn’t look easy to make at all I think we might have gotten some yeah we got this carcass over chicken I’m pretty sure if we just place it down

And we cleave it which is cursed we get the raw meat and Feathers which uh we need for arrows for sure I guess while we’re sitting here we can make this Engineers manual and I’ll read up a bit on engineering oh do I not have leather

Well in that case I do actually know that if we want to make leather what we can do is create this drying rack and it’ll dry out rotten flesh so let’s craft one of these boom and rotten flesh perfect and we can place the meat hook

Thing over here it’s daytime okay but I mean these monsters are still out here which is kind of ridiculous if you ask me okay I have some ideas of what we can do let’s get flint I’ll make a ladder going up from here with you know what a trap door but

An iron one and I’m going to use the lever I made for that right now so boom then we can have that go like so it is a great thing that we got that one chicken carcass cuz boom we got eight arrows boom we can try to take this thing out

We only oh I got it with two arrows nice and I’m curious as to what this Ingot was zenir Ingot would you look at that wa Siege sword look at that you need a netherite Ingot for that though Ian looks like it has some pretty strong stats actually eight armor 3.2 armor

Toughness yeah pretty much better than Diamond I’m pretty sure we really need to create a farm because I’m starting to run low on food the bread is the only thing I have there’s an Aether Portal here definitely Herobrine yeah oh and that’s a floating island I think we saw

Before but I’m not going to go up to that right now that doesn’t even work okay okay it’d be really nice if we can find some gold or a golden apple oh all right that’s a cursed cow gotcha oh my god making a boat and I can

Boat across there we go some blocks here oh my what is that this looks like it’s like a living being but I think it’s just just a head primitive skull look at that wa there’s a chest it’s not trapped it looks like which is good oh oh okay with witches we don’t really

Want to waste arrows she gave me slowness oh man she poisoned me right away of course wao skull collector finish a low Health enemy with this sword to claim your trophy I wonder if that’s actually better than our sword it is does this have a durability are you what was that I don’t

Know what that was got a villager hanging down here I don’t want to step on any of these pressure plates there is a chest there book and quill the thing was here to annihilate the whole human race it asked for a sacrifice every single Village had to offer the demon

The soul of their strongest citizen I am the one I wrote this letter for you to know that all this is in vain the killer won’t stop I know it but if there is a single chance to stop all this Carnage I’ll do it here are my last words don’t

Let him kill anyone else he would be stronger and stronger until he would be unstoppable amen that’s not a good message to read oh that’s a pig I hate the pigs and I missed all my arrows what did he drop oh my God I’m hearing sound effects okay okay hold on

Hold on hold on there are way too many of these guys we might need to back off from adventuring cuz this is just oh this is just bad oh this is just bad oh I’m running I’m running we’re running back home no it’s hard to be able to

Adventure consistently thought we had a boat here but I don’t see it oh my God all right buddy wo it drops weird items okay well since we have this fella in the water boom these skulls are weird though like I don’t want to be receiving them okay we’re going to Adventure a

Little bit more but I’m going to go in a different direction slightly I see some structures over here which we should check out ooh and it’s a village um we could get some crops from here actually rabbit stew for one Emerald okay we got some raw food that’s nice I’m guessing

We can get a variety of crops from here I hope hope okay oh we got it okay I got the zenor Ingot or whatever we got to go we got to go I kind of want to grab this food I think we’re fine right okay here we go we got

A hoe so we can get a bunch of food that’s going to help sustain us for a while longer while we still work on getting our farm set up so this is actually a really good find for us oh okay and there’s a skeleton here shooting at me okay so these fellas are

Going to sleep which means Night Time is Here dude okay that’s not good oh brewing stand oh that’s good cuz we have Nether wart although we might not have some other things we need okay we got to leave oh my God all right I almost feel like I

Can oh my God okay we’re leaving we’re leaving we’re leaving a white moon has appeared I don’t know what that means oh I might need to go underground oh boy oh boy I have 80 cows chasing me we have a long way to go home like a long way to

Run oh my God that zombie has a name tag I don’t know why I don’t I don’t know what that was I think we’re making it there’s my base I don’t know what that is dude what is that go go go go go okay oh I think we’re okay you know what I’m

Also going to block this off there we go I think we actually made it home dude I don’t know what that thing was it didn’t attack me even though I was close but it looks terrifying is there any use for like this zombie head thing can we use

Like the cleaver on it no okay I’m not interested in having these then we did get a brewing stand which is kind of an achievement but I don’t know how we’ll get the fuel for it cuz we need blaze powder specifically right now we did get

A cow carcass so I’m pretty sure what we would do yeah e but we’d place it there got another zenor Ingot so we’re getting closer to being able to make some of this armor which boots would actually be worth it cuz it gives you 3.2 armor toughness might be the case that we

Really want to try to fight more mobs but somehow control it so that we are not in danger we did get a bunch of chicken carcasses which I mean it’s this is sad but we got to do this and that gives us a bunch of f feathers so we

Need Flint here we go we got some arrows well basically the best thing I can do now is go mining once again doesn’t make my life any less terrifying though like let’s be honest I will do a staircase off to the side here I guess and down we start

Going what’s that sound we’re going to slowly back away from whatever that was I think we are okay I think we’re okay I’m going to block that off and I will strip mine in a different direction for a little bit maybe I should just lock my back off

Like this cuz that kind of reduces the chances that I get cave crawler on or anything like that I’m not really finding anything on this deep slate layer so maybe we can see if it is daytime yet okay it is daytime actually so there are a few things we should try

To get done right away I want to get glass so we can extend our vision and build a watchtower and then also I’m thinking of building a trap for the mobs so that we can try to farm their loot drops because the zenor ingots or whatever they are called uh are really

Really powerful and if we can get a bunch of those and make a full set of that armor we will be much much better protected our only Mission here is to get some sand and then get out uh that way we have a lot of swamp and

Eventually we have Beach maybe we can go this way and see if we can find anything looks like we got something here pretty sure oh yeah okay this is the same structure as we found before just skull collector again I’m wondering do we need these skulls for anything it looks like

You can make a few things with skulls I guess I’ll take all of that we got another one of these skull collectors which I wish we could combine with ours to make an ultra sword but we cannot do that oh boy yeah with these cows it’s

Easier to counter them than some of the other mobs and we got some sand good let’s try to grabb this quickly and head right back home also I will pick up a water bucket in fact I think maybe we should get another one so we can make an

Infinite water source at home that would be useful I Think you know it would be nice if we had a clock too I think I’m guessing it might let us know what time of day it is we’re back comb let’s start smelting all of our sand here and we can start designing our little Watchtower I have a

Lot of Cobble deeps late because of our mining trip so that’s what we can try to use here and we’d have this but then we’d probably start covering this let’s see yeah something like this and I’m going to build this Upward we’d have ladders going here and then probably build a floor out here going to light the top up okay good so now we have an area and we’d probably want glass all throughout this layer here I can start picking up some of our glass here and I have a few ideas so

This is going to be the top floor here and this is just going to be mainly for vision we don’t really want to be shooting from this layer it’s too high up anyways and we want to block all of these layers off with iron trap doors I

Think we might not be able to use levers for this actually we might want to use buttons in which case I’ll smelt up some Cobblestone and we’ll make stone buttons we have this top layer figured out looks like night time’s already coming and then I’m thinking we might want an area

From which we can actually shoot mobs here oh no we can’t have it here okay no that’s terrible Vision in that case maybe what we’ll do is have a trapo placed like that maybe and and then with a lever we can close it or we can open

It and take shots at whatever we want to let’s see if we can kind of do that for both it looks like we can here we go I got buttons oh also I never replaced the doors to make them iron doors which we need to do as well okay so for now we’re

Not going to be doing double cuz I’m not rich enough that’s some type of Watchtower now and we 100% need this trapo here and then can we open that with a button yes we can okay wait we can’t this doesn’t even work okay well I’ll figure that out in a

Second but we do want more Vision here here we go now we can see what’s going on around our base at least okay hold on I do have an idea if I place a block like that then I can hit the button from here there we go good so

That’s done is this all covered up we need to make sure that it is yes it is okay and since we can’t have an iron trapo there right now I will place another Oak one down and that way at least we have a little bit of security I

Do wonder do we have enough gold for a clock I think we need one more yeah we need one more gold okay now I did want to build a trap but I have no idea how realistic it is to go outside right now how are we looking out here I’m not

Seeing anyone or anything but nevertheless I’m very sketched out I do think getting a clock is something that’s worth investing our time into but again that’s something we need to find while mining so maybe let’s try to mine and possibly enter a cave here’s a cave and I don’t love the idea

Of entering one of these because of this there are like 80 mobs that you can fight all right we’re going to have to try to be kind of quick with how we okay dude like look at that thing man oh what was that he has a fishing rod no I’m

Done no way no way and this guy picked up his head to use as a weapon these guys are savages man I’m going to try to fight this thing off from here okay gotcha oh my God that’s so loud oh oh oh really you almost one shot

Me okay here’s the deal we need to have a clear exit which is right there what I’m going to do I’m going to block this off cuz there’s no way I’m fighting that guy and there’s gold okay so this is kind of lit up we should be safe from

This side and there’s Diamond but I don’t even think that’s actually Diamond that’s the wrong texture in this pack that’s not a diamond yeah okay there we go nobody of course there’s a fake diamond Diamond Termite Shard you need nine of those for an actual Diamond I do

Have arrows I want to be able to progress over here but I just don’t know if it’s possible oh okay I don’t know I’m going to mine over here for a second oh that might actually be Diamond it is Diamond wow you still have this guy here you

Essentially want to go in give him a love tap and run okay that’s the zombie dead oh my god dude how do you counter that what is that might be time to leave I don’t know what that is okay there’s 100% a cave dweller around okay I’m

Blocking that off we’re going to head up okay it looks like the sun might have just come up actually um now yes we do need the golden apples to progress in the quest line but what I’m thinking is we might want to make a clock because

I’d like to know when it’s daytime as soon as possible I unfortunately didn’t get any more iron from that trip so we’re running a little bit low and a moon appeared wait what did I miss the whole day I’m so confused right now you know what it might have been day when we

Went down it was just raining here we go luckily we have all the materials for a clock I’m hoping this can help us 1851 yeah so that’s usually nighttime okay well if it’s a Blood Moon that means we’re going to have a bunch of mobs now

For real there’s no way I’m making it out in that case I’ll keep our clock on us and I’m going to go down Oh no way God dude like so bad so bad okay what I can do is like close this off and then mine in a straight line here for example didn’t bring any wood with me and I need to make a new pickaxe so we’re going to head back up okay back down I

Go that’s a cave entrance isn’t it oh yeah no I shouldn’t even play with that that’s a skip that’s a pass yeah I already hear a witch coming here dude there’s literally zero way I can explore a cave okay it’s 6:06 on the clock which in regular Minecraft time

Means it should be daytime so I think we should head up and have a look to see how we’re doing and the verdict is that it is day daytime look at that the clock is so good I’m so glad we made it okay we need to get more wood that’s a huge

Priority so we’re going to do that right Away and I think now we should look for some loot so let’s do it we need to find some buildings and I know there are definitely some useful buildings to find out here I will also keep an eye out on our clock so we can try to predict when

We need to go back this can have loot so take that oh my god oh my god dude okay good thing it’s daytime they’re all burning to death but holy moly I don’t know if it was this that caused that to happen but yeah okay they’re dying over there I

Want to kill the witch that’s what I’m going to do she didn’t poison me so that’s a big win and she dropped some glowstone dust in a soul apparently okay I’d call that a win here we go there’s a few things over here we got hay which I

Like to see and then maybe there’s something we can get from up here apples that’s not that good just bread and apples but I guess I won’t complain and I’m getting this okay buddy nope I don’t want to deal with you okay so I think the daytime counter is actually going

Way slower cuz I’m pinging it a lot oh my God oh my God nope nope wow I don’t know what that was and honestly I don’t want to know I don’t know if this has any loot wait here’s a building there’s a building here this gives us the chance of finding some gold

And golden apples maybe let’s see what’s in the structure we have to be careful looks like we’re mostly safe here there’s a bunch of wheat seeds that’s kind of strange looks like there might be something under there’s bars here let’s just be careful okay it actually looks like there’s just a bunch of

Chests and I don’t see any mobs gold boom yes iron horse armor yes boom a bunch more gold name tag and these books these books are good cuz that can let us make a level 30 enchanting table oh plus one power book that’s good Enchanted golden apple and we have

Eight gold so we can make a regular Golden Apple which will complete our Quest finally we’re still looking okay outside but I do think we need to run back home now I hear illers outside I see illers outside how did this even happen we might need to just make a run

For it need to go this way and then to the Right okay wait maybe I should just take on this cow real quick okay we got that oh okay oh maybe not maybe we’re not going to do this right now I know it’s only a creeper and a fly but if that’s there that means that more are coming

And I can’t deal with that now we should just have to go in this direction and that should bring us home okay back home and go there we go oh oh with a full inventory too okay so let’s see we now have the materials to make a golden apple boom and that

Unlocks this Quest and this Quest and Bam D we have chapter 2 unlocked oh boy so we have to craft a flesh plunderer we got an Unbreaking three book as a reward for doing this bones we can do that raw meat we can do that primordial core yeah

So we just need ender pearls really that’s going to be the toughest thing about that and then let’s see primordial cradle offer adequate tributes to the cradle and summon forth primordial messengers of Exquisite flesh so there are a few pretty crazy things we have to make here and then we have to progress

Into The Nether it looks like where we need to defeat some blazes now it is still daytime which means I think we should try to take advantage of that we mainly need the ender pearls for the Flesh plunderer and I should probably start taking animals out along the way

Just because we need this for our progression now have I actually looked inside this house and looted it yet here we go okay there’s no spawner and there’s blocks of gold Oh I thought these might have been like just bricks with that them that’s a lot of gold to

Get just like that oh oh oh Wow is this a different house it looks like it is so we should kind of be careful approaching this got a banner I don’t know maybe that can help us ward off some Spirits so I’ll take that golden apple and carrots which could let us start a carrot Farm if we wanted mhm

We even got a cake cool some decent loot in here and it looks like there’s a bunch of flat land here we got this over here and I’m probably going to start a raid there’s a village here um I need to find a cow we got a cow okay drink off

The Bad Omen and that means we can head in the village and grab the wheat from there really quickly C here we go what do we got ooh I there’s an iron helmet I don’t need that but still and I’ll Transform that into gold so I can pick

Pick that up ooh saddle nice iron gloves I wonder can I equip two pairs oh I can here we go there’s a bunch of loot in this Village which I love to see fresh iron pickaxe another saddle obsidian even which honestly I kind of like

Mutated fiber how did I even get that I do think it’s actually time to head back home so let’s do that now I don’t want to die out in the night time alone and it looks like we mainly have to go in this direction so let’s start our path

Whoa a bunch of wheat here thank you and here we are home sweet home it feels good so we have done a lot to progress here we even got a cake where should I place my cake I don’t know place it over there now before I forget

I think we should try to make a backpack real quick that’ll help out with a lot of things ooh a blood moon has appeared okay yeah good thing we made it back in time let’s see we got glass string and I’ll make a more leather white sleeping

Bag ooh so that means I needed three wool which I should have used on sheep unfortunately I did not do that and sheep Do not drop wool when they are killed how much string do I have oh I have enough okay in that case I’ll make

Three wool and I’ll make a sleeping bag chest two and Bam standard Travelers backpack we made it hello buddy would you like to come in dude look at that thing oh my god dude that’s haunting are you kidding me wow that’s scary okay

Boom I put it on and there we go now I can activate it with my b key and we have a whole backpack that’s awesome so our next mission is basically collecting ender pearls because we have most of everything else oh my God look at all these things trying to get inside here

Unbelievable the amount of chicken carcasses I got is pretty extreme because I wanted to make sure we got a bunch of feathers and I think we did a good job of that okay wow so we are left with a bunch of raw meat just looking at the

Different types of things I can do with leather and one of them is making this cow Travelers backpack I do know that all of these have different special abilities like look at this netherite gives you plus4 armor can even make a gold one for plus two armor which might

Be worth it right now I think for now it’ be good to just make like the gold backpack even because that’ll give us a bit of additional armor and honestly we can use anything we can get right now okay there we go we got the gold backpack very nice and there’s

Definitely spiders above us I’m just going to sit around for a bit and wait out this Blood Moon because even mining is dangerous a Blood Moon hold on I’m just taking a look at what’s going on around here again look at this bamboo defense was probably the best thing I

Could have ever thought of honestly cuz it prevents any mobs from hitting me through the walls or something and you know what let’s quickly check up in our Watchtower here yeah there’s a spider and there’s that thing oh my God hold on it’s got a regeneration effect on it

Which is pretty crazy gotcha the smell of blood has summoned something are you kidding me what did it summon dude what what just spawned okay buddy all right pal okay well now I’m scared now I’m scared to do anything dude here’s what I’m going to do first

Of all I’m going to make a bunch and I mean a bunch of arrows so I’m just going to sit here mining up this gravel for a Second okay maybe I’ll do more of this later that took a while and I still did not turn all of the gravel into Flint anyways let’s make some a arrows there we go stack and a half and I want to be able to head out but I just don’t know what got

Summoned dude okay why does it have to make sounds like that like I literally knew it was there but oh my God horrifying where did it go hello no there are so many spiders around me okay I don’t know I don’t see that thing here anymore I think it went away because it

Couldn’t get to me at least I’m hoping that’s what what happened and we’re fine on time so let’s see we could go this way oh here’s an Enderman that’s exactly what I need to be finding let me try to capitalize on that come here oh yes

Don’t like the look of that Forest I can Shear some sheep around here though yeah thank you uh okay looks like we got a Pillager thing here I don’t want to approach that or do I okay this might have been a bad idea they’re kind of killing each other which is good wow

There’s a lot of them okay maybe I should leave I might regret my decisions oh my god dude look how many there are I need to lure them into some kind of a trap or something and I guess this is kind of working oh boy wait hold on

They’re doing a lot of damage if I get them to shoot the Sheep oh wait a ghost spawn no okay kind of kind of destroying them I’m hoping they won’t like be respawning at a quick rate or anything cuz I do want to get their loot oh boy

They are respawning quickly aren’t they wow what what are you talking about dude how did they just respawn like that no sir I’m leaving oh I just started a raid that was an accident okay well this Village is done for I’m sorry folks I’m not dealing with

That oh they’re oh they spawned Right Where I Was that’s kind of unfortunate I see something over there I feel like that’s a structure but I can’t tell I don’t know it might be one of the structures that I’ve already found in the past but let’s have a look here wa

This is strange oh there’s a spider but I’m not too scared got it what do we got up here lava just like skull and stuff oh there’s a spawner I’m going to try to break that right away oh oh boy let’s be careful here hold on maybe I can shoot

Them actually which I don’t know why I didn’t think of that earlier o there we go break this I think they’re not spawning cuz it’s daytime which works for us I hear something digging um is there something I should know about that’s below us oh there’s ladders who’s going

Up the ladders is it this thing it is it is okay good I think we got them all okay I don’t know let’s have a quick look here oh yeah there’s another spawner oh boy those those things hurt okay hello oh there’s another spawner guess what that means going to get

Jumped okay we got a chest here but it’s a double chest and I’m a little bit sketched out so let’s make sure it’s not trapped or anything no looks like we’re good okay Soul string wa Soul cage Soul catcher hold in your hand to catch the

Soul I see so this is some of the stuff we need to progress corruption oh Soul catcher we got one okay so that means we can catch Souls I guess I don’t know what the purpose of it is we’ll see demonium demonic shovel 3,300 durability

Wow this is good armor look at that are you guys seeing that 13 damage all you need is a blaze rod I can already make this with one Blaze Rod I think we would want the armor more though this is insane 13 armor okay wait that’s really

Good stuff feels almost like it’s too good to be true but yeah this is why we have to do a lot of scouting and adventuring because that’s the way we’re going to be getting items like this okay we got another one of these structures I think it’s the same one we’ve already

Looted in which case I wouldn’t mind quickly dropping by and looting this one as well I’m assuming it will be just a safe o another enchanted golden apple wow okay things are kind of turning for the best here flame I’m living the life here hold on iron horse armor I think we

Already got some right so that’s fine and I do kind of want to keep this boat on our bar and another regular Golden Apple okay a bunch of good stuff it seems like this world has calmed down a bit during the daytime which I mean is

Very nice for me what do we got over here we got heads on Pikes ooh that’s not very welcoming is it looks like this is a slightly different house than before isn’t it let’s break the spawner and then run for our life okay the usual

And I think after we loot this we should probably try to head back home okay we definitely want that gold oh my God I have a backpack I completely forgot about our backpack that’s crazy that I forgot about that it does look like I’m

Out of food so I need to head back and I’m going to need all of these T Bells I can get because I have nothing else and what’s nice is yeah I’m pretty sure this backpack actually comes with a crafting table so boom that makes our life a lot

Easier what is that get out oh my god wow that’s scary taking the sign with me things are feeling lighter around here it’s really not as scary I’m kind of liking it okay we’re back I’m out of food so I’m glad we made it back in time

List will tell the monsters to go away how about that get out there we go monsters don’t come here okay I’m a scary man okay while we’ve got a little bit of time here first of all let me craft some bread which we can do without any problem because of the adventuring

We’ve been doing that even go as far as to say that’s overpowered but now let’s quickly try to start working on a little trap and I think I would have liked to do it right here to be honest but maybe we can set the Trap up here so

Essentially I think we would just clear out a little chunk of land make a hole surround it with trap doors and then have a area where we can kill the mobs from but this is essentially going to give us away to farm some overpowered ingots Hopefully okay we also don’t want to go too low down to where the mobs can’t find us when we’re in the bottom portion of the Trap so we could probably just have it go this low actually I think this might be enough now what we’re

Going to need to do is create a pathway underground to this which I’m going to have to figure out maybe I can Mark those coordinates and we’re just going to dig a tunnel over my only concern is if some of these mobs can hit us through

Slabs that would ruin my life but I’m hoping that’s not the case uh anyways we can probably actually go from here and then stop here and then we’ll dig a tunnel yep so we got the tunnel going out here and then about eight more blocks this way yep and there we go we

Should be below it yep we are so we might have went a bit too far in probably want to go up somewhere around here here boom yes and we’re going to have to take a lot of safety precautions including using trap doors and also slabbing probably see the time of the

Clock we still have a little bit more actually and we’ll probably add a double layer so that we have space to walk around a minor moon appeared interesting so that gives us haste oh and my pickaxe broke okay oh look at that that’s a really interesting looking Moon we got

Some coal here I’ll take that why not oh we already got a mob dropping in here I that’s good news oh my only concern is there are some mobs that can break through blocks right so we got to watch out for that you know what maybe we

Should just even triple layer this I’m trying to get as protected as we can I feel like we already got a bunch of mobs in here like a bit too many yeah okay well I’m definitely not ready to do anything with this yet because we need

To set up the actual killing layer when it’s daytime otherwise we’re going to open it up and some mobs might get through so no thank you I will however try to take advantage of this Miner moon and we can try to get some more iron cuz we’re going to need that for this

Build do you hear that dude the amount of mobs out here right now is crazy I don’t even know what half of these mobs are okay hold on hold on this is scaring me we need to add an iron door between that layer that we just made immediately

Yeah this layer we are definitely adding an iron door here boom we’ll set that up fully later but that’s there at least now and if we’re being serious I should probably change this into an iron trapo there we go trapo oh my what’s going on out there

Look at this is that a villager fighting these guys no way that guy’s going to die hold on villager is literally fighting the monsters out look at the monsters that are out there though where did this guy even come from how did he even spawn here did he fall in my trap I

Hope not that’s that would be bad actually okay well this is one of the most cursed nights we’ve had in a While I will kill you herbine okay don’t do that what experience true fear what does that even mean why would you give me that achievement that’s a cursed achievement to get like why would you give that to somebody I have no idea what that means I yeah okay

What was that and can somebody explain to me how it was walking through the wall oh my god dude that was a jump scare jeez dude that was horrifying holy moly okay well it’s 6 a.m. but I’m still hearing sounds yeah and I’m seeing mobs which isn’t necessarily promising but I

Think we should try to start uh doing what we were doing and continuing our build now I don’t know how slabs will interact with these mobs okay I have no idea idea but in reality they are our best bet because using trap doors isn’t necessarily going to be much better we

Look fairly safe here and let’s try to figure this out and then I think if we just have slabs like this we should be okay bam so theoretically we should be ready to test this when the next night comes I’m a bit scared but I think we

Should give it a try okay well I mean there’s not much we can do around the base so I think we should try to risk it and Adventure out a bit because it is theoretically daytime okay let’s go we need to progress now the only disadvantage really other than it being

Very hard to see is that endermen do not like the rain so we’re not going to have any of them spawn until the rain stops oh and the rain cleared up right after I said that okay well looks like the gods are working in our favor a little bit

What is this what a dungeon find a large dungeon oh boy okay this might be worth checking out let’s see what we got happening here oh and and yep I hear things already oh boy okay oh my god there are so many creepers oh my just

Blows up through the blocks okay oh boy okay we’re good and I got you fellas too let’s break that do this break the spawner from here boom we have another spot here there’s a chest I’ll loot the chest in a second let’s try to make it through as much of this as possible

There don’t seem to be any spawners here so that’s nice there’s a bunch of chests here okay and they’re not trapped chain mail is okay that could come in handy saddle we’ll leave the golden horse armor golden apple teret card Justice 25% of damage taken is dealt to the

Attacker in full interesting I’m pretty sure this just automatically activates itself so while we have this in our inventory it’ll have the perks Unbreaking leggings why not let’s check out this area next oh there’s a little secret spot here look at that I think we should grab these magma blocks as well

Because never know if we might end up needing these projectile protection one chest plate okay and what do we have here oh boy that’s a ghoul okay I don’t think I can make it through there luckily goodbye buddy break these spawners goodbye goodbye little things bam oh and there’s a skeleton in there

Goodbye there F we should try to take this Enderman out real quick there we go got something over here protect two Unbreaking two leggings that’s good and protection one seems to be about it for this area yep that’s it okay with that we should head back up to the surface

And you know what this is a bit off topic but I did realize that we can basically make a level 30 enchanting table already because we have two diamonds and obsidian and we have a lot of books so if enchanting Works normally in this pack we should be able to easily

Afford making everything we need for a level 30 enchanting table whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa this guy like pulls you in or something dude got him look at that wait did did he drop a is that living it is living look at this thing I got it um okay

We’re good wa what is this hold on I have some pillagers chasing me though I don’t know if they’re defending this structure specifically I got all of them so I don’t know what is here though hold on wa we got a golden block here I’ll take that what’s inside side here here’s some

Blocks of gold is there anything else here it doesn’t look like there is I think that’s literally it okay let’s continue heading Home oh that was risky that was a bad idea I could have fallen we can drop all of this off let’s see so I already have diamonds we have our obsidian somewhere boom and our books yeah I mean this should be more than enough for what we’re looking to do boom enchanting

Table let’s just make like 18 bookshelves I think that’ll be enough there we go now we need somewhere to place these down uh I think maybe we can create an extension to our base here and we’ll just wrap it around the Watchtower so we’ll keep the Watchtower where it is

So if we just go up here we can build out another Floor boom so we have set up we can probably put the enchanting table in this corner here so boom there we go and boom level 30 it looks like it’s working I would definitely like to prioritize armor we already have some pretty good leggings now so we don’t have to do those right

Now a blood moon has appeared oh boy let’s see what can we get on the chest plate Thorns 2 no I’m not really not really digging that power four on a bow uh efficiency we don’t really need that Smite we don’t need that boots depth shrider three

Meh fire protection for meh okay I think uh Power four bow is the best right now that’s overall really solid yeah even just power four that’s nice okay and then what else can we get Fortune 2 though I do want to prioritize armor but the options we’re getting are not so

Good so boom that’s a really good pickaxe efficiency for Unbreaking 3 Fortune 2 and then boom we can get protection 3 boots protection 3 helmets probably go for the protection 3 helmet here there we go and next enchantment is protection 4 boost boot that would be

Great I think we should go mining now maybe I’ll dabble in going into caves and so we will mine for a bit okay here we go oh my God oh my God do you see this thing there we go Tartarus oh and this Zombie’s trying to

Break in okay there we go oh yes and I got a zenor Ingot that’s good I do want a c but this is a bit too dangerous I think uh I’m not loving our odds in that cave to be honest it does feel like if

We go in there that cave we’re going to we’re going to die let’s start off with something a bit easier if we’re going to head into a cave W wo waa what is in here some kind of a sew sewage system or something I’m not liking the sounds that I’m hearing

What is going on here there’s a chest that’s it okay well dead end here at least I feel a little bit safer it’s just some basic stuff but I’ll take it and it looks like the sun will be coming up shortly here so we should head up to

The surface I think oh it’s the cave dweller let me take some shots at it H it can’t do anything look at it look at it you a little ped okay wait I don’t like those noises hold on wait okay are we okay it didn’t drop

Anything but we beat a cave dweller I mean that it got stuck but I’ll take that as a win cuz I was pretty careful the whole time for that exact reason okay while it’s daytime we should take advantage of this and head out and Adventure a little bit more and if we

See any Enderman we will take them out that is the main priority for us oh my God look at that thing I have a power forbo if I can’t kill it before it comes up here that’s ridiculous come you’re done you’re done no you’ve got to

Die no no no you’ve got to die this is are you’re kidding me how are you not dead I got it here’s another one of these houses that we can check out no thank you I will take the gold though uh we got something here looks

Like some kind of a jungle temple maybe let’s see if there’s any better way in oh yep there we go okay what do we got going on in here is this trapped it might be no okay just rotten flesh nothing too good bunch of arrows arrows of weakness I’ll take those break this

Please no not the cobweb oh I’m not loving this dungeon what else do we got here um not seeing anything I do think we need to get out of here look at this there’s something here oh boy honeycomb blocks dungeon now loading hiess sneak into a bees nest oh okay shroom light oh

Those are angry bees those are angry bees wow okay hold on while I’m poisoned might as well check out what’s going on in here uh do I break that for the honey no I messed it up didn’t I there’s a bunch of honey here but is that even

Going to come in handy for anything hold on yeah nothing too good here oh it looks like you need honey to make an atlas though or a slime ball okay so we don’t really need it what’s over here oh hold on okay gotcha gotcha boom um what

Does this recipe need hold on oh I think yeah you just put these in so bam honeycomb honeycomb honeycomb Ingot how do you get a honeycomb Ingot uh honeycomb Ingot okay I don’t know what this is all about but boom we’ll put that there then it needs one more

Honeycomb potion of healing and a block of honey okay there we go is there a potion of healing here somewhere oh here we go potion of healing theoretically put that in and we want to put honeycomb in bam what did it give us honey potion but it’s like an epic version one

Consumed instant Health two cure poison so we can keep repeating that formula I guess and get more of these Advanced honey potion things yep that’s it okay what time is it 11:34 so we’re still okay on time looks like we got a blacksmith here maybe diamonds okay not

Bad and iron gloves which actually yeah I can equip those thank you very much so now we have plus one attack damage in total ooh we got emeralds here which is nice there are a lot of ores on this mountain actually so I’m taking this as

A chance to mine them all up for Free I think it’s time to start heading back home so that is what we are going to do I’m just going to get this free coal real quick because there’s an insane amount of ores on this mountain Oh wow that’s 100% a Herobrine thing there’s no way that was there before good thing the shield can cover that okay I’m heading home oh okay I’m back oh and it just started raining so I think we made it back home right on time okay let’s drop all of this off a bunch

Of random stuff I think I’m I’m ready to try and go mining in a cave for real this time so let’s do it and the reason why I am especially ready is because we are able to do another enchant yeah let’s see chest plate Unbreaking boots protection 4 o wo those are perfect

Unbreaking depth Strider and protection and we can get protection three on that next very nice okay let’s do it let’s go mining I’m thinking we can probably just go down a strip mine we have mined through before oh boy this night also is a specially stri for Freedom a blood

Moon has appeared but apparently the blood moon got cleansed okay yeah here we go we got the smaller cave that we found earlier H I don’t feel too safe going down but let’s have a look no Oh my God what are you dude oh oh I think I got it oh my god dude no no we’re not caving we’re not caving we’re not caving dude I how am I going to Cave get me out of here get me out of here immediately dude I don’t know how I

Survived that dude I just held on to my shield and prayed and it worked okay I’m not checking what we got until we go up to the surface cuz I can’t trust anything anymore oh wow what did a drop nightmare claw Dark Ritual dagger Soul saber nightmare Scythe wao

Okay I mean that’s interesting we did get to level 30 which is nice but I mean if we want to be able to fight these mobs we need to get some insanely powerful gear the only way I can really think of is trying to make use of the

Trap that we made and getting those zenier ingots to make a lot of that powerful gear because if we have a bunch of armor toughness that will probably save us from dying well anyways let’s try to see what we can do enchanting wise and protection three nice okay not

Bad not bad and I’d like to try our trap out yeah there’s a lot of mobs spawning I think we should try to capitalize on this if we can and test her trap out if they’ll even fall for it oh yeah look at him he fell right in boom ooh okay wait

I probably should have set up Hoppers here yeah I don’t know how I’m going to be getting this loot look at how many things are falling in oh oh my see if I can bait some more by going to our base okay I’m seeing some more mobs so let’s

Try trap them as well yep there we go boom no King rules forever obtain crown of the Fallen King doesn’t really have any use unfortunately yeah nothing happens when I put it on huh okay what about this staff of magic arrows can I

Use this o okay let me see if I can try to bait some more mobs though this is a bit risky hello hello hello hello I see so many creepy mobs there we go we got some mobs coming oh wow okay now the mobs are coming ghosts are spawning wow

Everybody has so much health oh there we go that’s a zenor Ingot so that’s one zenor Ingot from all that we essentially need to get 24 of these okay I’m going to try to bait some mobs in again worked pretty well last time okay hold on I’m

Hearing bad noises oh yeah we got some falling in here oh that’s not good okay hold on we got to close this off oh oh that’s bad that’s my worst nightmare is that happening but we’re okay so far look at this thing look at this guy okay

I hear oh boy hold on got a few guys coming after me let me see if I can get them in the Trap come on in fellas come on can we go oh boy that’s a cursed clown got him dropped a sword which I want to check out but I’m honestly

Pretty scared to move okay should I try to go for it I feel like I should got it what is this intoxicating dagger inflicts intoxicating poison interesting now it is daytime but I’d like to try one thing so we have our trap on the outside here but if we go

Down to those mines that we were in we might be able to have a similar kind of trap but from above because I did notice that a lot of mobs tend to spawn down below no we lit it up so unfortunately they’re not going to spawn at this spot

Anymore in that case maybe what I can actually do is take out any lighting sources around here theoretically we should have mobs be able to spawn here oh yeah there we go look at that look at this little scumbag spawning I should be able to be safe if I’m here I just need

To find a corner to hit him through hold on uh-oh okay there we go basic Predator the mobs are coming in oh and a spider got him didn’t really drop anything it looks like but we got him ooh there’s an Enderman okay Enderman are good let’s

Quickly try to set up a little spot for ourselves and come here can you not teleport up here hold on take him out from here then oh and he teleported away okay ooh my Insanity drops quick with an Enderman uh-oh uh-oh uhoh uh-oh uh-oh okay please just die there we go okay

Pick it up and leave oh this is bad oh okay we got to block block hit block block hit block block I can barely see I got him I got him get me out get me out that was the worst timing that was the worst timing get me

Out get me out this is not safe guys I cannot you can’t oh my okay go go I need to get to a campfire oh and I can’t see I’m not spacing out don’t you worry buddy wow that was the worst timing for a cave dweller to spawn I don’t even

Think the two things are linked wow that was crazy I didn’t even get anything from any of that but hypothetically we should be able to farm moms like that in that area as long as no cave dwellers spawn while my Insanity drops my insanity is back to normal now we could

Go outside but I’m more interested in trying to get these zenor ingots because I feel like that’s going to be one of the only ways for us to really progress further in the game I think a mob’s pulling me in through the walls I’m pretty sure that’s what’s happening

Right now seems like only regular mobs really spawn during the day so yeah it’s not what we need and that was Herobrine very nice very nice I’m just loving life right now you know this is Paradise really oh and it’s still happening okay fine if you want to play this game sir

We will play this game I have no idea where this mob is whatever it is okay well it stopped pulling me it’s pulling me I don’t know either up or down okay this is oh why did I do this to myself is it pulling me up no it’s pulling me

Down right yeah let’s see how can I even do this without like just dying you know might be like this I should be able to just dig up like this and get away that way oh and there there’s a zombie with an ender pearl okay we got him though did he drop

The ender pearl no he didn’t even drop it we’re back up to the surface a wanding Trader hello ancient manuscript what is that for okay I looked into it it uh doesn’t really have any strong properties it’s just used for enchanting books basically so we can leave that

Alone well obviously I want to keep trying to progress even though it is just nightmareish I think uh we should Adventure out hopefully in a slightly different direction than we’ve gone in the past and see if we can find some useful buildings and loot wo look at

That that’s a crazy looking Cave opening holy moly that’s this is like the one kind of nice thing that I’ve found in this mod pack yeah I mean there’s really no point of us even doing anything with this cuz I mean what I guess it boosts

Her spirits a bit but that’s it doesn’t look too dangerous either not going to lie this is probably one of the coolest caves I’ve ever seen okay well that’s cool we probably shouldn’t stick around a random cave for too too long but that was cool Loot and unfortunately we’re

Kind of already approaching night here it’s 1352 so we have about 4 to 8 minutes or so let’s see if we can find anything out here ruin nether portal I’m actually going to mark that down cuz that’s also a source of obsidian if we want to mine

It out in the open Golden Axe Fortune mending interesting blint obsidian gold not bad okay now we got like a witch Village thing here which we can take a look and see if there are any items we can get from here I mean if we want to

Get into which craft there probably are some useful items that we could grab from here yeah like mandri plant Sage I don’t know what these are all for specifically but I do think they all have a use yeah I mean there’s some items but I don’t know any of their

Meanings ooh it looks like we got another one of these structures that we’ve found before so we can get those same powerful ingots hopefully if this is fully what I think it is and it does seem like it is what I think it is I’m not even going to break the spawner boom

Three demonium I don’t know what those are Necronomicon page wao anyways I’m not going to really mess with the spawners just because they spawn the little annoying things that is the type of loot we’re looking for because now we can already probably make some pieces of gear with this getting more powerful by

The minute oh and we got a graveyard here might be able to get some loot from here hey Bales why not a lot of apples oh that’s a wanding Trader with nothing good of course and I think I think we should just head back home now to play

It safe I don’t want to risk dying in the night time okay we’re back now we got a few things to look at this Necronomicon page I don’t know what this is for we’ll need to look into this also we got these prismite crystals that we

Will place in our base for moral support look they change colors based on where they are how cool is that in fact I should spread them out a little bit more I think Place some over here even boom boom boom bam there we go look at that

That just Li it up that boosts my spirit significantly now in other news we got this demonium and we already had two from before so we can make a helmet and the benefit of that is that that gives us three armor toughness not only the three additional armor so if we can get

A good enchantment on this that’ll be pretty pretty good Unbreaking three okay do we have any better enchantments Let’s see we can do leggings and we could also do a diamond sword even let’s do a Diamond Sword for now just so we can enchant it because we can’t enchant the

Skull collector and I also need a set of leggings if I have one and you know what else actually I have four zenor ingots ah but the boots enchantment is so good but the additional armor toughness would be really good too so I think we should

Make a pair of these and we can either enchant that leggings or our new helmet okay let’s see what we can get protection for leggings that’ be good un breaking through helmet we don’t want that protection for boots on these that’s good yes that’s good these are

Even more powerful than what we had and then the next enchantment either protection 3 or blast protection 4 so we’ll go with the protection 3 I do think this is actually better than our protection 3 Iron helmet so I’ll put it on and I believe it’s already night

Again it is so we can try to head down and use our kind of mob trap thing hello yes everybody come here oh and there’s herob Brian oh yeah here we go this is uh one of the mobs that can drop Z your ingots so you come here oh imagine

Having looting too oh that would be great so as soon as we get level 30 that’s what ow that’s what I’m going to invest it in that didn’t even do that much damage this time okay we’re doing good we’re doing good and there is a creepy thing which apparently I cannot

Shoot come here actually I might regret that I don’t know we’ll see oh boy hold on okay buddy not now okay oh and that’s like an end creeper thing that’s not good and it just okay oh my God that dropped another Ingot though what do I here hello okay that’s fine

Okay oh there’s another one all right I’m not going to pick that Ingot up yet and these guys keep spawning they just love their life oh boy there’s like 80 things trying to kill me at once and the switch just poisoned me of course oh I’m

Out of arrows ah okay wait this is not good I just got pushed down here I’m going to kill that first okay wait hold on hold on I have an idea for how to survive Golden Apple please Golden Apple please thank God thank God okay we’re okay we’re okay oh my

God okay wow we need to watch out for things that pull us like that and I also place a torch there which now messes up our spawns oh boy okay uh-oh okay as long as this whatever it is can’t pull us in I should be

Okay yes okay I’m going to head up get more arrows and also enchant one of our pieces of gear let us get looting too I think that is is an amazing investment to make boom boom looting two ooh nice we also got sharpness and Unbreaking that’s great and that means we don’t

Have to have random things drop on the ground either okay 32 arrows that’s good enough for now oh hello herob Brian hi buddy okay I’m back let’s go more crazy mobs for absolutely no reason this one doesn’t even let me shoot it got to love it gotcha and he dropped an Ingot oh

Something has gotten summoned yep I will take that as a big hint to run let’s see where it gets summoned okay okay okay for some reason I and you’re gone buddy oh my God there is a second one wait no that’s a whole different thing isn’t it it’s a whole

Different thing dude okay fever dream I’m going to kill it here we go I can kill it from here easy peasy loser you loser I hate you you’re you’re dead you’re gone buddy look at it it’s trying to lunge up here dude oh oh oh oh oh oh

Oh oh why is it actually doing smart things gotcha the Ingot that I was supposed to get definitely got destroyed in the process of that oh no it didn’t here it is okay it only dropped one but that’s still good let’s go back up and I’m just going to keep doing this this

Is the most risky thing we can do but it’s also been by far the most rewarding no something got summoned again are you kidding me nobody no way we’re going away from whatever is going on no thank you well it’s another day which means we once again want to try an

Adventure and find more overpowered things and we definitely want Ender Pearls but I don’t know I keep trying to find them and it’s like impossible I do know villagers will trade you ender pearls and it isn’t overly expensive like here if we look ender pearls villager five emeralds and we need a

Cleric so theoretically we could try to find that and get that done but we also needed to be at level three which is pretty difficult to do because of that all I can really do is wander around try to find buildings and try to find more

Endermen that’s about it okay here we go we got ocean and I’m swimming through it for the first time let’s see where it takes us oh no no no no this is see this is why I just can’t trust any cuz I just swam through the ocean for literally

Less than a minute and I’m already almost dying now we know that the ocean can’t be trusted either so we’ve confirmed that factor all right what’s going on here laboratory block ow Bloom mycelium oh okay and we got monsters coming at us already ow you do damage oh

There’s a barrel there’s a gas mask in there I see oh there we go I open it gas mask corrupted record Genesis Labs record one so I’m guessing we’ have to have a juke box to listen to that right oh Enderman oh two Enderman are you

Kidding me okay got him there we go another ender pearl nice four ender pearls just like that which means we can actually make that hook thing that we have to make also I got this gas mask I don’t know what the use of that is but

We’ll put that in our backpack and then corrupted record yeah I’m pretty sure we’re just going to need to put that in a jukebox or something so I’ll keep it another Pillager area here but I really don’t care about pillagers maybe if I can loot here then I do care about them

If you know what I mean arrows and Flint which is actually something I’ll take take this fell out okay maybe I can loot this one it doesn’t seem like there’s like an overflowing amount of villagers coming at me which is kind of a nice change if you know what I mean and I

Probably should be getting wheat that I find still oh all right we got a visitor no thank you sir o and we got another one of our favorite structures over here so we shall quickly enter and leave here we go oh yeah it has different stuff in this one we’ll still grab it

Though wolf wolf uh oh I don’t have bones on me oh maybe I do actually hold on not bones boom Wolfies oh yeah boom boom boom Oh I mean it’s kind of going to be sad because it’s very possible that they will get taken out I mean if I

Take them home right now and sit them down then I can keep them safe that way which would be fine it’s just it’s quite the trip I could cut my Adventures short to make sure our puppies here are safe but also this is not the world to be too

C sental in you know maybe we should be a little bit sentimental let’s bring these puppies home and make sure that they’re safe cuz uh I don’t want to lose them you know they’re the only friendly things I think we found so far and you know what we’re going to give them names

Too I just need more name tags but I think we can already name a Couple okay oh they might fall in the bamboo spikes yep all right oh they made it oh they made it oh yes okay wait how much health do all of you have hey why are you guys climbing oh here you are let’s feed him some meat that’ll heal it

Up here you go get you some me there we go heal you up you guys can have a piece too I’m not going to name you cuz I don’t want to waste any levels right now okay what should we name you just for ourselves let me think I’m not having

Any names come up so I don’t know wolf wolf izy you know like that’s what we’re just going to have to go with for now okay what time is it so 1317 which means we have a little bit more time that we should take advantage of and we can go

In a different direction also before I go out and do anything I should make this hook thing so we need a bunch of raw meat boom boom spider ey theoretically this should work oh I specifically need raw pork chop raw mutton oh I did not know that okay let’s

See raw pork chop beef there’s the chicken and mutton okay I should have everything actually boom primordial core and that means we can make the flesh plunderer we need bones so let’s grab some of those and then let’s see what else do we need looks like any type of

Meat really boom boom made it loot guarantees despoil loot drops when doing so it receives extra durability damage okay so basically I think we need to defeat different types of normal mobs and they can drop different types of these biomass items and we want to make a primordial cral which let’s see

Requires beef or some type of meats and another primordial core and sharp fangs and sharp fangs we can get from Trading or to my understanding it should say it here yeah bats cats ocelot wolf fox they’re not very common animals unfortunately and I don’t want to have to sacrifice our

Wolves um I don’t want to do that but we do need to figure out a way of getting those uh-oh it’s raining but it’s not night time yet we just have to watch out a little bit oh my God that could have been so bad holy moly I almost fell

Straight in that Ravine okay um is this another one of these structures yeah it is I think right I don’t think I’ve looted this this whoo chest burn scientist um any loot here there is but it almost looks trapped observers Redstone Nether wart ooh Nether wart weakness potion okay I don’t

Really think we need to hang around here too long let me test one thing and that’s using flesh plunder on a normal mob I’m so sorry cow buddy yeah there we go we got it did it drop anything special it doesn’t oh bite gland yeah there we go we need that for the

Decomposer for example so that’s another activity we might have to take up is hunting down some mobs using this honestly I’m not loving our chances of survival out here with how dark it is also this doesn’t look very safe infernal Evil Pumpkin oh my God feel

Like I broke like a sacred ritual he you know what my senses tell me that we should just head back I I don’t like this at all I can barely see it’s getting dark no thank you oh no mob’s pulling me in again oh my god oh it’s

You okay oh that’s a ghoul gotcha this is why we need to leave now oh feels good I’m glad we came back and I also need more storage so I guess we are going to create more storage up here all righty there we go down we go

Oh my God gotcha thank you for the Ingot what did it just marker two what does that mean mob follow range is increased by 100% that might actually be good for my purposes right now what is this mob oh it’s a phantom thing oh and it summoned something thing

Great yep look at this thing gotcha that’s one down gotcha pick those up thank you very much oh man we got another one okay we can head up for a second Let’s see we can start enchanting and how many of these ingots do I have nine so that

Means that we can definitely make a chest plate if we want let’s see what enchantments we’ve got right now now aqua affinity let’s see what the enchantment would be on a chest plate or on leggings fire protection three Thorns two I don’t love any of those to be

Honest maybe we can just enchant this flesh plunder because it seems like it’s important for our progression so bam Smite 4 Unbreaking three looting two okay and then next protection four on leggings which would be good in the meantime though I can already make a chest plate out of this stuff which

Would be pretty good boom and that’s already going to be way more powerful than our protection three ch chest plate even let’s see how are we doing out here I can head to my Surface trap for a second maybe see if we can get any marks like that oh there we

Go go for this real quick thank you oh that’s a grave Metal Ingot okay and we also got a Zen your one and I guess I can head down again oh that’s an explosive skeleton we not going to mess with that no thank you look at this

Thing oh and I’m out of arrows that’s not something I really want to fight without arrows to be honest so yeah I’m going to head up and get some Also let’s see I can enchant uh ooh that’s Unbreaking through which one had protection no no maybe it was leggings I

Don’t know I’m going to wait to enchant then I do need arrows how about that there we go okay looking better oh and we got a predator thing great and the sun seems to have come up cuz it is 605 so in that case we can get back to doing some adventuring within

The daytime and hopefully getting more ender pearls how about that so let us go out and see where the world takes us along the way we should probably start collecting some of these biomass resources using this flesh plunder so uh yeah I’ll probably test it out on some

Regular mobs like cows and such I’m hearing bad noises but I think we’re okay sorry sheep buddy but boom see we get see new tissue made of elastic fibers interesting what is going on over here even though it’s not loading in properly pink bios shroom stem interesting little biome here oh Panda

I’m so sorry pandas I need your claws really badly to progress I’m so sorry fellas sharp claw sharp Fang yeah I need these I’m sorry hunt predators and collect their fangs and Claws that wasn’t even a predator man can’t believe you made me do that you know what though

While the opportunity presents itself let me check if there are any more pandas because this is a really rare item to find based off the animals that you can get it from I’m so sorry pal oh my goodness I apologize I really do the soul has has escaped you make a soul

Cage already you humans are truly hopeless okay yeah we need to make a soul cage who what’s going on with this tree interesting wa look at this that’s awful dude wa nameless hang Hanging Tree discover the truth about the dead tree hello yeah I see you but let me enjoy

The Sun for once come back at night wa wow okay I did not expect to find something like that that’s pretty far from our base unfortunately but there’s something to do there we can definitely come back got to tell you this day here is pretty uneventful other than than

That one guy we found which I mean I guess is useful and also the pandas I have found absolutely nothing worth checking out unfortunately in other news I did get a whole other stack of hay bales so I mean that’s a plus okay well it’s 1525 so I say we should start

Returning home I guess it is a plus that we uncovered that strange dude I don’t know what it’s about but maybe we’ll be able to figure it out and I’m pretty far out so I’m hoping we can make it back in time which might be a bit difficult

Okay I’m back home and you know what I should do before I forget is try to make this Soul catcher thing and I believe we have enough materials for this boom boom that should be everything from what I remember Soul catcher bam Soul catcher okay we’ll have to figure out exactly

How it works but we’ve made one finally so maybe this demonic creature that’s getting mad at us for not having one will soften up a little bit also I’m kind of curious if this intoxicating dagger is going to be be any use for us like if we attack with it first for

Example and then hit with our other weapon does this have like a poison 2 effect or something cuz that would be pretty powerful I think we should look into it get a bunch more wheat thank you or bread rather and night time is almost here which means I want to go to my

Favorite spot and hopefully get the rest of the ingots we need to finally get a full set of this powerful armor and I think we just need three more zenor ingots which I don’t believe we have any more and if we do I’ve definitely missed it

Okay I think we’re we’ve baited them I think we’ve baited them enough I’m going to go into our Traer right away hello come in oh there we go I’m still curious about the dagger let’s see oh look at that nausea 5 blindness intoxication slowness wa so that gives some really

Bad effects to them skeleton Thrasher okay that’s a bit uncomforting I wish it gave him weakness too but that’s already good enough I wonder if na even works on monsters though you know got it whatever it was dropped to Shield I think but it wasn’t a special Shield yeah it’s just a

Regular shield we’re up to five zenor ingots we need two more let’s go down now oh man something got summoned again okay let me have a look I think we should be safe yeah take that oh it got applied with poison too look at that I love this new weapon that

We have oh it also gives them regeneration to interesting got him oh boy oh boy okay I might have gotten a little bit too comfortable here I might have messed up a little bit oh I duked out the monsters no way oh okay we’re good oh and I just got fishing rotted

Love it okay this is bad actually this is bad this is very bad this is extremely bad no I’m okay I’m okay I’m okay gold apples I’m just going to pop one okay I’m fine oh my God the amount of mobs that just come here the only way I

Can really think of killing them all is if we had a bunch of arrows which we don’t oh how an Infinity bow would be amazing wouldn’t it okay it’s not safe it’s not safe so I’m going to back away from there I’m going to head back up and

You know what if I could get an Infinity bow I could easily go down and get all of them and I need one more zenor Ingot I have six hello any mobs out here would love to have you here we go I’m pulling a bunch of mobs towards me oh this guy

Will have the final Ingot I need actually come here don’t go into bamboo spikes I don’t want to fall in those oh and I’m being spidered on Boom done done done done very nice and with that we can make the leggings oh yeah oh we are powerful now okay I will also make

Another bow just because I want to see the enchantment capabilities maybe we get infinity who knows protection for pants definitely boom Unbreaking 3 as well Unbreaking three bow meh and chest plate fire protection meh so we could do the bow why not not Unbreaking three all right that’s why not because that’s

Terrible I mean that’s about as good of gear we’re going to get other than additional protection for enchantments like I don’t know how we would get better than this now it’s daytime and basically my sole mission is to find Ender Pearls that’s the most useful

Thing we could do now as for that guy that we saw earlier we apparently need to visit him in the night which would be extremely dangerous so the only way we’re actually going to do that is if we have fully Enchanted gear and I don’t know we got to must up him courage

Because I’m not ready to just risk it all and go out in the middle of the night also he better have something good if I’m going to do that now this here is a m shaft opening I’m pretty sure which I don’t love that I don’t love that it

Might be worth adventuring into because we can find Enderman and maybe some ender pearls from loot down there well I mean let’s head down to our Doom basically yeah I’m already hearing bad noises of course I’m a little bit more confident now I will say okay now we should do a really good

Job of lighting things up I think otherwise we will risk spawning random mobs which I don’t like the idea of uh I think I heard an Enderman unless something completely different oh yes it is an end gotcha okay well if I have three and I think I have one more at home we

Already then have enough to make the next thing for progression let me check something right now even though it’s a bit dangerous so we need to make this and then the bio Forge what does this take slime ball meat oh we can already make that as well okay I think we might

Actually be good that means we’ve kind of unlocked the next part of this mod pack hopefully oh Diamond yes see that’s what I’m looking for because if we want to get to the nether we’re going to need to mine up obsidian there’s only one piece unfortunately but better than

Nothing uh slime balls also good okay I’m not going to lie this is extremely sketchy oh I’m being pulled no okay here’s the plan we’re going to block up and Leave okay I’m okay I’m okay now we have to dig up a long way but that might be better than any of our Alternatives here so I think that’s what we’re just going to Do okay looks like we’re reaching the surface here yes we are and it’s still daytime beautiful and we still have a little bit more time on the clock we could try to scout for a little bit more just to see if we can find any extra items here’s another jungle temple type

Of thing which I can try to check out let’s see here oh wow that’s a lot of diamond holy moly I don’t remember the loot being so good was pretty awful last time I believe plus here is that we can get a bunch of arrows as well why not

And another chest oh my goodness wow I’m up to nine diamonds holy moly now I need to head back immediately I will say that I’m cutting it a bit too close we have less than 4 minutes to get back yeah and you know what while I’m here and I have

A bunch of diamonds now we should probably just make a diamond pickaxe and collect the obsidian needed to get into The Nether okay I’m back so let’s see here with the ender pearls that we’ve got we should have one more here boom and then we want to make the primordial cradle

Primordial cradle which requires a primordial core o and let’s see we might not actually have the meats that we need for this because we need very specific ones but I do actually have some animal carcasses I think yep yep yep okay looks like we have everything sorry my friend oh you know

What I’m supposed to put them here I think for the full effect you you you disgusting okay there we go so we have all the meats we need should be able to make this bam and and then we want to make this so sharp fangs we also have oh

Yeah sharp fangs and then what’s that last thing and then we need any type of meat which we also have boom raw chicken and boom primordial cradle offer adequate tributes to the cradle and summon forth primordial messengers of Exquisite flesh after offering flesh and other items finish the offering with a

Regeneration SL healing to potion very well so we need living flesh we probably can put this in the corner over here and then we want to fill this up I don’t know exactly what I think the biomancy stuff like s yeah here we go so we fill that up like so

Boom it’s full then we need a healing two potion technically this is instant Health too so maybe that counts looks like we don’t have it let’s see if this works oh it might no it showed a breaking sign I don’t know if it actually worked okay fine well okay let

Me see something else else then we have a brewing stand how does this work in this pack just like normal or is it a bit different yeah it looks like we would need some blaze powder right okay well then it seems like we might want to

Head into The Nether and get some of that all right before we go is there anything we should enchant efficiency 4 diamond pickaxe might actually be pretty good so boom fortune 3 efficiency 4 Unbreaking 3 I don’t know if the nether is affected by night time and it might

Actually be I guess we can check either way now for the portal itself you know what maybe we should place it where our Watchtower segment is because otherwise we are risking letting random demonic mobs into our base which I don’t want to do so we could set the portal up here

Basically yeah I mean this is not going to be the best placement but this is what we’ll do flint and steel and wow we can enter into The Nether which is crazy okay we’ll mark Mark those coordinates down right away and we spawned in an interesting area oh I

Already hear Bad noises yeah we’re not doing that I’m just going to wait out until it is daytime okay it’s daytime which means we can more safely head into The Nether and not have 80 million mobs spawning that’s good um not sure how much better that’ll be you know we might

Still run into a bunch of mobs but I do have a sense and a feeling that it will be a lot better so let’s head into The Nether and get this done I’m kind of tired of waiting basically all we need to do in the nether really we just need

To defeat 10 blazes that’s it oh and there’s 80 demons right there there’s 80 demons okay I don’t have enough arrows to take them all out oh that guy’s floating oh and he was invincible while he was doing that but lucky this terot card returns damage how about that I do

Wish we had more arrows but we don’t right now so we’re going to have to deal with these guys head on oh and when when it rains it pours apparently ow they really ramp up their damage okay I’m more worried about the health of our gear than anything so we do actually

Need to keep collecting these zenor ingots look at that our boots are well on their way to Breaking at this rate oh if there’s going to be demons like that everywhere I don’t know how much I can take and I just fell into lava I thought

That was magma blocks it’s not look at this nether area dude this is terrifying as is okay I’m hearing weird noises but this biome is kind of a mood okay really really oh my God 500 mobs just started coming at me oh this is bad there are

Literally 80 million things here to kill me look look look look at all them dude how how do I counter this this is absolutely ridiculous oh my God they are everywhere dude look at how many monsters there are dude look at that thing no no kind of got away from that which is

Good this isn’t ridiculous where did my demonic helmet go did someone steal my my demonic Helmet or did I drop it you know what that’s fine because we can make another one with the zenor we just kind of lost some armor right now which maybe I can live through it it’s just

Wild I’m also losing sanity levels pretty quickly because it gets very dark in the nether very easily so you could say that I’m living the life I think we need to head back to the portal immediately okay so we need to make a new helmet using zenir I have three

Zenir ingots do I have two more more I don’t Oh I thought I did I don’t what I should see is if we can enchant this yeah protection three not bad there we go not a bad enchantment let’s put that on that helps us out a little bit and I

Do reckon I need some more wood so I’ll get some more wood and after that we can try to head into the nether Again oh something got summoned are you kidding me okay I’m running away I’m running away please do not don’t do anything okay I think I’m okay I don’t see anything coming after us I did get some wood and it’s probably enough for now I also don’t want to deal with

Whatever spawns so we’re just going to chill out and I should be good to head into The Nether Again there we are oh Nether Bricks is this a spawner or what is this oh it looks like it’s just a spawner which is unfortunate it was a

Blaze spawner it’ be a lot different I mean is there any loot here though that’s a good question I don’t really need those things chirp music disc and athetic touch prevents the damage and aggro caused by injecting Mobs with the injector mobs won’t know who attack them and animals won’t Panic anymore

Interesting I’m pretty sure this is for an item that we can do with the bio stuff so that’s worth keeping for sure all right I made it to some kind of chunk of land here I can’t seem to prevent my sanity from dropping while we’re near lava specifically oh boy look

At these mobs oh no what is dude I don’t even know what half of them are oh no okay you get get away from me although I need your Ingot actually if you could give me that that’d be great nice okay that means we can make the helmet right

Away boom boom that’s a big upgrade thank you got some piglins here oh boy a lot of them too wa what was that how was herobrine messing with me like that he’s never done that before he like pulled me towards the mobs that’s crazy I wonder

If we can actually get loot from a structure like this that’s worth keeping gold uh that’s okay I can get gold in other places though what’s down here I hear blazes I hear blazes ooh okay I do still need to find nether fortress to progress through the quest line but I do

See blazes which is still some type of progress for us there’s a chest that I can loot real quick arrows that’s good don’t need anything else from there if it’s just me versus blazes I can take them on oh it’s a full Blaze spawner too

That kind of works for me there we go blaze rods boom so we got blaze rods that means we can Brew up potions huge plus that also means we can probably probably make fire resistance potions and head in when we’re trying to find a nether fortress that’s 10 blaze rods is

It counting our Blaze kills I wonder for this Quest I don’t know if it is I’ll kill a few more just because if it does count it that means that when we find another Fortress we’ll automatically be done the quest already I marked down the coordinates

And we are going to move out of here I think we want to go in the opposite direction just cuz there are way too many mobs there hello pink blocks I do like myself some pink blocks glistering wart yes this is more morale boosting items I need it really badly you know

What would be nice if I had that broom thing and the only thing I think I really need for it is ancient debris or netherite rather so maybe I should try to mine for ancient debris real quick and my gear is all Breaking too that’s not good my sanity is dropping so

Quickly oh boy I’m kind of done for actually okay you know what we need to return to the portal -64 and we need to go upwards okay should just be able to go straight here and find the nether portal yep here we go all right hello

Hello I’m totally fine I got 19 zenor ingots that’s insane okay let’s look into this broom which Hazel broom oh you only need a diamond to make it wait oh hold on you need witch hazel wood then for the mahogany one you need netherite I wonder if we can find witch hazel wood

We might be able to find some at of witch Village which I’ve seen multiple of so we can try to find one once it is daytime and before we do anything else let’s finish Brewing the potions finally because we got our blaze rods okay let’s see boom blaze powder

And it’s running okay boom instant Health to bam boom Oh wait what is it doing malignant flesh veins I’m a bit confused right now apparently you can pick that up with the hoe but that doesn’t work I think I might have silk touch shears or

Something right hold on here we go I do have silk touch shears nice okay well let’s see if I can do anything with this malignant flesh veins okay it looks like you can do something with these but they aren’t really what we wanted are they okay wait this is transforming my whole

Base I don’t know if we want that we need this to be isolated somehow wa it’s like fully growing out here hold on stop it hold on uh if I just use a hoe right yeah there we go let’s get rid of all this that is not what I was looking for

Why are you moving you’re not supposed to be moving hey oh and I just made it sit in the oh my God what what’s going on I hear my wolves taking damage hello guys oh my God how did that happen oh my God how did that even

Happen what is is that what did it dude hold on that has never happened what look at that dude what is going on who’s placing these signs I’m done dude I’m I’m done okay good thing we have like this last no no no how did he oh my God I don’t

Know I have no words I have no idea how to do anything against this we need to extend our guard Tower like our wat Tower higher but I don’t even know if that’s going to help us and there are some crazy things spawning now I think me going into The Nether has increased

The mob spawns I think that’s one of the issues I can enchant my helmet and we can get protection four on there which is nice but our armor is slowly breaking or her base is breaking down I don’t really know how we can bounce back from

This I’m going to wait at the top of the Watchtower until it’s daytime and then I’m going to try to head out and get the wood we need it’s daytime so we should run out and go to one of those witch Huts yeah let’s do it Herobrine’s

Appearing a lot more often now what is that what are you kidding me there’s now like a Herobrine child in my world too are you crazy are you out of your mind dude you’ve got to be out of your mind and who did this who did this oh I guess

I opened up some kind of an infection okay we got to go we got to make use of the day so let’s go and find a witch Village okay here’s like a witch structure which could have what we want not exactly what I had in my mind but

Maybe oh yeah Willow log here we go this was it right let’s grab a good amount of these and just to make sure broom oh witch hazel or Willow but then you need a bottle of blood if we want to get this bottle of blood we need to place a blood sigil

Inside a mixing cauldron so let’s see blood sigil oh boy polished Blackstone with redstone and lava it seems like that’s all we need which wouldn’t be the hardest thing to do let’s head back home then quick there’s our base let me get home please all right love it love it

I’m back home okay now we need to figure out how to contain this cradle thing which um yeah I guess it just loves spreading I wonder if it spreads on obsidian too okay let’s see I do want to test something out it’s possible if we

Put this on dirt it won’t do the whole spread thing so we shall put that to the test I don’t know if that’s true at all maybe we would need grass for it to not spread but anyways I’ll put that there we’re going to move this and um I mean

Theoretically when we feed it a bunch of meat and then give it the potion it should do exactly what we want it to to we’re going to need to make new potions so Nether wart we need to make some bottles as well 1 two three boom we got

Our water source here let’s see blaze powder water bottles Nether wart and then we’re going to add a glistering melon and glowstone to that I believe right so to my knowledge we just do this and it looks like it isn’t spreading which is good also when we do this we’re

Going to need to feed the thing that we spawn meat instant health and then we’ll make it instant Health two Potions there we go boom so I’ve made those and now I should just be able to put in the meat boom put in potion of healing and I

Think that actually should have worked come on please yes eat up eat up it likes meat oh maybe it doesn’t like certain types of meat do you not want more meat oh yeah it wants more meat look at it go oh yeah there we go it

Grew keep going it’s getting so big okay I don’t know I think we can kill it now did I kill it with the wrong thing is that what just happened no I didn’t get what we need oh I’m supposed to kill it with this of course dude of course

Okay I messed up okay you know what while it’s still daytime we should head out and quickly try to get a bunch more meat cuz I do need it also I need to take my boots off we’re not doing very well in the armor Department to be

Honest ah here we go here we go I’m getting fake noises already that’s because my sanity is a bit too low that’s actually bad isn’t it now I need to return home ASAP all righty and with that we should be able to actually do what we were supposed to do boom and

Then instant Health now we wait a second oh it didn’t work so is it like a based on a chance or what I have one more potion okay oh I have eight living flesh did I have that the whole time or how did I get that did I miss that it

Dropped maybe I’m just a dummy okay I might be a little bit of a dummy but there we go nutrient bars anyways we can now make the bio Forge so okay we’re doing good then so sharp claws meat slime ball and lemon FL FL flash slime

Ball sharp claw that should be all the ingredients and we can even craft it in our backpack boom biof Forge look at that so now that that’s made we can put it here for example and wao look at that so you can make items with this essentially which is pretty cool now if

I take a look here we have our rewards plus 10 XP levels oh that’s actually pretty good in fact let me take a second here to maybe make some new gear and enchant it because we uh are not doing good in that department right now so new

Chest plate boots helmet let’s see fire protection 4 no protection four yes oh yeah that’s perfect dep ster three maybe Unbreaking three better ooh that’s a really good helmet oh my goodness really good okay I got upgrades real quick what can I say I do also need to enchant a

Bow let’s see Power four Unbreaking three okay not bad we could even combine these for power five you know why not really let’s do it okay now we can progress by going in the nether fortress and blazes that’s all we need to do for this chapter can check this out looks

Like we can make some interesting things including this Biol laab which I’m interested in because it gives you this injector thing that gives you serums so I’m kind of curious we need to make a Biol lab let’s see the ingredients for that wo so we need to do it in the biof

Forge it needs exotic dust we can do blaze rods ooh end Pearl actually might give it to you with a 100% chance it looks like which is nice I figure we can maybe do some blaze rods so we need to put these in the decomposer which we

Need to craft and I’m hoping we can make this it looks like I might only have one sharp Fang and fortunately is there any other way to get these let’s see villager trades biof Forge you can make it let’s see bone fragments we need these which we can get with bones so

That’s easy oh but we need to use the decomposer for that yeah so we can’t can’t do that yet the only way is to you know find some more pandas and yeah sacrificing our wolves is not an option okay very well what else can we do in

The mean time I can look into this bio injector look at this absorption stimulate gr stackable absorption help points to mobs and players interesting so if I look into the bio injector tool here yeah having a needle is pretty nasty but let’s see flesh bits living flesh yeah flesh bits are different from

Living flesh but you also get them from just decomposing very well mineral fragments just Redstone I guess which is fairly easy oh or gold nuggets that’s that works and what else elastic fibers that’s just meat and tough fibers that looks a little bit harder but looks like

You can put in any leather and we have a good amount of that so we can definitely do that we were also doing the hex stuff the Witchcraft trying to make our broom which I would still like to do so we need to make a mixing cauldron first of

All how is that done oh fairly easy very well there’s a cauldron and boom mixing cauldron just like that and then I think we need a heat Source below this which we can use our magma block for I would assume and where do we want to put this

Maybe here bam we need to put in lava once we do that though which is easy enough we’re going to need the bottles of blood so blood sigil polished black stone right that’s what we need to see do we have any black stone maybe we don’t unfortunately so we going to have

To to head into the nether for that which we could try doing now and see if we can quickly find some black stone although it’s a bit risky but I’m willing to try well before we head into the nether I should quickly craft up some fire resistance just because we

Easily can boom 8 Minute fire resistance potions perfect that’s going to be a bit helpful at least and I think we can go try to get this black stone here’s Black Stone right I’m pretty sure and that should be enough really so I’m going to head

Back and looks like we’ll have to smelt it real quick and then the other things we’re going to need is redstone and lava so yeah that’s another thing I need to get is lava I almost forgot okay in that case I think we should make a few

Buckets I’d even oh yeah there we go I have four buckets and if we can fill all of these up that would be perfect and boom lava and boom there we go easy peasy we got the black stone there we go polish black not and now how do I put in

Lava oh there we go two buckets that seems to have filled it up and from there let’s see what the recipe was for blood sigil yeah so Redstone in the four like this and then in the other Corners we got polished Blackstone so it would be boom boom boom and then boom boom

Boom boom there we go and it’s already doing its thing let’s see if it’s going to go through with it boom blood sigil perfect and then what do I do with the blood sigil exactly inside a mixing CLD then jumping inside three times to bleed into the cauldron and take a bottle to

Bottle it up okay I believe how this works is we put the blood sigil inside I don’t know if this will even work probably not huh but oh oh it worked so now we have a bottle of blood and that should pretty much be all the resources

We need so now we need a diamond there we go let’s see what else did we need blocks of gold wheat and oh what is that mandrake root can be picked from the related plant by right clicking on the plant when almost fully grown or fully

Grown the plant acts like a berry bush and can regrow it product Mandrake flowers these are the ones I guess oh you know what actually I think I saw some of it out a which Hut right I’m pretty sure that was one of the materials that we saw so we can quickly

Head over there and try to pick it up hello why is there an LA here what’s going on can I even I don’t know do I give it a block to tame it right technically it’s tamed oh we got a very friendly looking place here definitely not sketched out oh block of emerald

Okay that’s pretty good thank you Ali thanks buddy brought me the Cobblestone what a nice dude wolf I’m so sorry pal but I’ve got to do that I need the teeth now last time there was one of these we found a bunch of diamonds in it which is

Nice so I can quickly try to head in and grab the chest that I already know of oh yeah and there we go there’s our diamonds that’s basically all I needed so we can leave and it looks like we got jungle here which you know what if we

Can find some more pandas that would be good and I’m out of food yeah that’s not good well I’m returning in the direction of our home now um because my thinking is that first of all I can try to get my food back up uh but also we can go in a

Different direction than the one that we went to when we were heading out the first time and uh hopefully we can just go in the right direction where we found a swamp before okay well looks like we’ve kind of failed to find it and uh time is really approaching around the

Corner here so I need to run back and this time I’m going to get really close unfortunately I’m just lost I’m not able to find these witch Huts okay barely 1812 so like 30 more seconds until it’s fully night time and we made it okay well we didn’t get the witch supplies

Yet ooh Little Golden helmet reward for being in the nether the good news is that we did get what we need to continue with the biomancy stuff so I think we can make the decomposer now oh a bad own Omen moon has appeared I just have permanent bad Omen interesting so let’s

See decomposer B gland living flesh I have both of those meat and sharp fangs we have all of those ingredients which means boom I can make the decomposer place that one there and we want to make this biolab let’s see so we can start decomposing items I wanted to decompose

Some blaze rods let’s try doing that boom Oh and does it need fuel nutrients oh I see so might need yeah there we go like meat oh boom we already got the two exotic dust okay it looks like it just likes meat basically but if we look here

Digester a machine born from flesh that converts food and plants into extremely bioavailable nutrients so we kind of need this digestor let’s see how hard that is to make oh okay so it’s a biof forge recipe well I’m going to try my best so we’ll do that there we go we’re

Getting mineral fragments now tough fibers that’s like one of the only things we still need for which we can put in some leather cowhide might work I’m guessing it does boom yeah and that should be giving us tough fibers it is in fact we already got everything we

Need I think okay boom biolab nice oh wait didn’t I want to make a digestor what am I doing okay wait and boom digestor perfect very nice so to my understanding we can put food in here and it’ll do some stuff for us I think it also works with like plants right

Takes bamboo which I could pretty easily get a bunch of probably yeah there we go it’s making nutrient paste and then if I put that nutrient paste back in I think we increase the amount of nutrients we’re getting and we need to make this bio injector boom bio injector we made

It very cool and as a reward we get these absorption stimulants which you know what I want to test this one time so let’s see do I put this on like that no oh press I to open inventory bam oh there we go so now I’ve selected absorption stimulant and shift right

Mouse that didn’t seem to work oh it just used everything but it didn’t work work what I heard an explosion sound that’s not good oh I think I found where the explosion happened yep that’s actually a problem because now mobs can make it through to my base okay well I’m

Going to need to fix that when day comes but right now I can’t really do anything about it maybe we should try to enchant this because it’s possible that’ll help out oh piercing so it’s because it doesn’t work through armor I did not realize that’s what it was so boom

Piercing and now if we do it oh there we go finally nevertheless let me check if there are any more useful things we can make shrinking serum absorption stimulant unstable combat seems like it will combust if it comes in contact with just about anything else interesting so you can explode things if

You want well the absorption one seems to be the most useful but it’s kind of hard to get it to work through armor apparently now it’s really about progressing into The Nether and mainly finishing the broom that we want to make how much more night do we have left oh

It should be daytime but I hear a bunch bunch of mobs that’s side unfortunately yeah this is not good you know what let me make some arrows and let me try to enchant another bow I think that’s a good idea please give me Infinity you know what I mean just do it Unbreaking

Flame okay well better than nothing but still not what I’m looking for boom arrows all right we got to get moving because the day is not infinite and I would really like to finish the broom thing I’m wondering how we can best fix this I think it might just be taking out

This part of the house and building a bamboo lir right in front of it and start planting that down and you know what I’m going to grab some bamboo from there just because it should grow back fairly quickly and that’ll let us finish that off so yeah um at least that

Should cover us for the most part all right um now which direction was the witch hut in I don’t know you know at this point I’m kind of giving up on the whole idea of me remembering where it was I think I’m just going to run around

Around oh and you know what I’m going to be really smart this time I’m going to remember to get a saddle and armor for a horse that’s what I’m going to do I have the golden horse armor here I know we have better options yeah like iron we

Might even have Diamond but I don’t remember so I’m just going to take that and we are going to be well on our way I still am not sure where we want to put our horse maybe you know turn this into a stable oh here we go hold on wait is

That it no Bella is that not what I needed where’s the the root of it cuz oh we need Mand Drake Mand Drake it wait I is that the one we need that is but oh it didn’t give it to me do I need sheer maybe there’s a mandri plant can I

Not do anything with that no maybe not okay if anything we do already have the plant so we might just be able to put it down next to our base and grow it mandri plant yes there we go mandri root let’s go okay well let’s return home right

Away then because I think we should be able to make this broom and you know what what it better work I’m going to be pretty mad if it doesn’t work so with that if we look into brooms we are making the Willow Broom I believe so we

Have golden blocks let’s get those wheat let’s get that and the bottle of blood we have somewhere here aha there we go Battle of blood and finally we need the willow here we are and with that I believe we just have to put these ingredients in

Here and oh do we need a th000 blood in there as well we’ll have to see if anything I should be able to make that happen and we can place in water and I think from there we can just do the ingredients boom boom and then Willow

And that should be it it’s going boom Willow Broom open its inventory Crouch and right click must be placed to open oh my God look at this I don’t know it looks like we have a broom that works right so that’s good get off and then it

We break it and then it comes back in our inventory look at that in that case I’m going to quickly clear out my inventory uh which also involves making more chests let’s head into the nether right off the bat boom let me just place

It and I’m on my broom I’m on my broom and I’m going to zoom you know what I mean oh look at all the mobs below us okay the plan is if we’re going to get hit off go above lava because I have fire resistance so that’s much better

Than the alternative of hitting the ground oh we got some type of a nether ship here I will try to loot this place though I wasn’t expecting to find anything like this uh fire resistance potions why not oh my goodness here we go come here fellas okay fine I’ll take

You on one-onone here we go oh and there’s a ghost hunter hunter is dead wow it’s dark in the nether I’m going to take these banners back with us so we can intimidate the monsters around us okay hold on what is this netherite boots oh no but it’s bad curse of Vining curse

Of Vanishing feather falling four fire protection four Soul speed three nether fortress map what searching hold on is it actually going to work though uh mending Smite five ancient debris that’s good I don’t know if I’ll need these swords maybe I can take them to unenchant them looks like the nether

Fortress map isn’t working too well cuz it’s still searching unless there’s just that little fortresses around okay I’m kind of intrigued by what’s going on here um I don’t see any mobs it just looks really crazy oh here we go chest pass spin four increase the flight speed of projectile ow that’s a

Scarecrow that’s crazy oh my God it’s walking through you’re done man gas TI that seemed like it was about it for the loot here so I’ll continue yeah I don’t want to mess with all those Pig Blends unless you know what I might actually be down to mess with them because the loot

Can be quite significant and our gear as you can see is very good right now hello folks I don’t love the idea of just jumping in there oh the Pathfinder squill did not work unfortunately what’s in this chest even uh nothing that I need other than ancient

Debris and diamond shovel sure why not that wasn’t anything too impressive but at least we got something ow hey kind of a gas is that very aggressive goodness gracious I’ll keep flying on my broom and you know what let me try again oh it worked so we need to go in this Direction uh according to the map The Fortress should be here it is look at that oh okay beautiful so we found a fortress uh-oh hold on how many of you are there excuse me guys what no there’s no way what are you talking about how is that even possible

Hold on how am I supposed to dude what make them all fall off goodbye goodbye goodbye okay I’m blocking this off cuz what was that I think it’s because it aggroed literally everything here by the amount of wither skeletons that are coming after me I’m not loving being here like how many more

Are here right now a few more their spawns might slow down let me Adventure through a little a little bit more okay there are way too many and the loot here is quite subpar to be honest I’m not liking what I’m seeing I mean there might be something at the bottom here loot

Wise uhhuh nothing too crazy loot wise so I think we just head on out uh-oh uh-oh uh-oh hold on it’s a bit dangerous I got my broom which is good and now it’s just about completing the 10 Blaze quest which we might have already done let me check actually ooh yes we did

Complete it okay it’s time to get out of here folks I’m not waiting to look at any quests that we unlocked or anything we’re just heading straight home so I’m walking in the direction for a bit okay I don’t know what I can do cuz these guys are going to keep

Spawning go go go that was good but I just pulled that off now we got a Hur hurry up yeah okay get me back how’s our base doing I’m a little bit scared about that is our base okay it is okay for now that’s amazing I’m curious to see what’s

In this next chapter because I don’t really know first of all collect all of our rewards boom boom boom and chapter 3 eyes of horror so we need to make fleshy eyes and that’s how we’re going to get to the end I guess so it’s time to go to

The end that’s crazy and it looks like we need all of these materials for fleshy eyes and we basically need 12 so it’s back to the good old question of how do we get the most ender pearls okay I am curious how hard is it to make more

Of these absorption stimulants so we need exotic dust and mineral fragments plus exotic compound and healing additive uh and then for this one you need exotic dust Plus Mineral fragment plus that and then for this you need you know what I’m looking into this a little

Bit more it’s actually kind of doable we need elastic fiber to start off and we need more of those so you know what I can do is put in some rotten flesh actually yeah there we go I was able to get 20 of these okay here we

Go let’s make 20 there’s really no reason not to and then we need to combine that with bile and nutrients nutrients is made with paste which I have so we just do this boom nutrients there we go bile and we would do this basically boom it’s making them and it

Is daytime so we should take advantage of that oh it’s raining though we could always go to our trusty cave trap and see if the animen spawn around there okay hello oh my God off to a great start yeah this probably doesn’t have what we’re looking for exactly I don’t know

What to do because oh my God I’d want to journey through here but I know for a fact some mobs that spawn it will easily just melt us down oh yep see smell of blood has summoned something like if if that spawns and I don’t have a way to

Run away from it what am I going to do okay the rain stopped good good good that means we should head on Out well it’s looking like I might have to head into a cave and there is another Avenue other than mining which is going and searching for warped forests in the nether because I believe Enderman spawn the most in that biome and I managed to go out like almost 2,000 blocks that’s

Actually pretty crazy I didn’t realize all right warped Forest here I come I guess hopefully we can find one pretty quickly off we go go go Go oh what just happened my broom broke no way I didn’t know that can happen I really wish I knew so to make a new one you need to make a wet broom brush and to make that need mug workart leaves and more Mandrake Roots okay well

This is bad I literally have to walk my way back home I guess I’m 2,000 blocks Away okay all right cool how about we don’t do this yep Great okay I’m running through another Fortress now that wasn’t necessarily the plan but it’s what’s happening no way I actually ran into a warped Forest here if we ever were going to find Enderman it would be here and it would probably be a smart idea to stick

Around for a bit and see if we can get some Enderman spawns I do wonder if we can make a campfire here boom and boom perfect technically we we can camp out here for a bit wa dropped something bone sword wa in this sword an evil spirit

Lives that will forever hunt the one who touches the sword oh wait I don’t know if we want that all right I think that’s enough campfires also I should probably just grab like one more stem so that we can make another campfire if anything but yeah let us continue on our path

Home because I don’t think we’re going to have any Enderman spawns here unfortunately oh maybe I lied gotcha oh but it didn’t drop drop anything my sanity isn’t doing too well oh but I’m finding okay wait so there are Ender I just I guess shouldn’t be scared of all

The mobs that are usually down here come here gotcha are they not dropping ender pearls hello oh my sanity is dropping okay I need to make a sticks and campfire boom okay good thing we can do that and I guess we should stay here for

A while longer okay let me have a little walk around and see if we can’t find ourselves some more Enderman because that’d be nice so it seems like this area over here is terrible for spawns of Enderman and I’m not having much luck in having them respawn over here thing

Might be that we want to find a bigger warped Forest B because this is kind of a little chunk that we have here so yeah I think I’m going to continue along and head home so we can repair our broom okay we need to keep going in this

Direction should probably take a second here to campire and relax okay we’re more so okay I think we can make it the rest of the way fairly safely ah here we go oh we made it w how am I gliding wait hold on what slow falling jump boost what’s giving me that

I’m being trolled that’s what’s happening right now we’ll see if it stops once it turns six okay so we need to fix our broom unfortunately that means we might need to head in a SW again and get more of these mandre flowers here we go yeah there we go

That’s what I need and these are close to my base so we can keep harvesting them whenever we want that does give us the mandric rout we need I believe now if possible I’d like to make two of these broom things just because I don’t want to randomly have it break on me

Again okay let’s see here should just be able to do this it’s doing it there we go there’s is a wet broom brush and we want a second one Perfecto now we just have to dry these on a drying rack okay and while that does its thing real quick

I’m going to count up our resources so fleshy Eye of Ender is what we need to make and that requires the following materials I’m curious about how much of these we have flesh bits and elastic fibers we were able to get a lot of great looks like we will need more flesh bits

But we can definitely make that happen and then exotic dust is one that we need a lot of and these should be done already they are so now we just take our broom boom put it in and we’re all done with that well let us go and hopefully

Finally get the ender pearls we need okay I’m starting to think that this idea of trying to farm Ender here is not going to work my sanity is dropping at a Prett pretty quick RIT and I’m not finding any more Endermen so yeah I might have to get going here let

Us go go go go go go okay I think we just head back home and do something either in caves or outside cuz that’s a little bit too risky and this should take us to the portal right here yes there we go oh uh am I being trolled how

Did that happen what how did that happen is this a Herobrine thing again or what wow that’s crazy dude the loops that I’m being taken through is is unbelievable so now I’m thinking we should try and look underground for a bit because I haven’t done that a lot I’m not looking

Forward to that at all but I think it is probably a good thing to try okay I don’t know if it’ll actually end up being a good idea please keep that in mind oh we also get one extra ender pearl for getting an ender pearl that’s

Nice now I do think we can go to that cave that we were farming mobs at before and just Adventure through it this time because if I need those zenor ingots we can go to the nether like that’s where you get a whole ton of them so far not

The worst cave to be in you know this slush cave it’s kind of beautiful to be honest here’s a m shaft I don’t know if M shaft chests can give us ender pearls in this pack what was that zombie spawner I don’t know I’ll break that but that was

Pretty wild if you ask me uh ooh terret oh no no no no please don’t blow that up let me take that right away upgrades held Enchantment books with experience interesting I wonder if we can use that in any way to our advantage is this another spawner what are you kidding me

That works for me cuz if we can get more of these teret cards we’ll just become more and more overpowered oh no something spawned are you kidding me oh my god dude okay hold on where is the thing that it spawned though is it here this is tripping me out where is it

I don’t see it anywhere did it not spawn okay I might have went away okay uh 15% chance to deal double damage amazing okay I’ll take it Style music disc why not I mean yeah that’s good Oh I thought that was going to be the thing that spawned oh there’s a

Chest and there’s a diamond Unbreaking hearing bad noises no Enderman seem to actually be spawning here only the these loser creepers absolute losers this is not worth the mental fatigue I think I should just go up to the surface guys I can’t take it I can’t also night time is coming which is

Probably going to make all of this a lot more dangerous so I do think we should just head up and Out surface sweet surface I do think that what we should do is make some of these fleshy eyes right now and then what we can do is hopefully find some more Enderman on our way there and maybe even in the stronghold we can find Ender

Pearls as well so I’m going to make the materials we need to make all of these fleshy eyes let’s see here fleshy Eye of Ender how many can we make one two three and then we just need more ender pearls but I believe that will let us start

Finding the stronghold well it’s night time you know what I’m going to do I’m going to try to get some Flint ah yes sweet sweet gravel what was that why did that effect happen cuz it turned night I guess but why did that well it’s very easy to get

Lots of Flint with a fortune pickaxe I’ll tell you that much and Bam a stack of Flint just like that okay well since we do have extra time maybe what we could do is uh finish making those absorption capsules uhhuh organic compound so boom we got 16 organic

Compounds now we have to mix those with two exotic dust and one mineral fragment each which is pretty expensive yeah we only have two exotic dust it looks like and to get more we’re going to need to use blaze rods which I mean I guess I could do that because getting blaze rods

Isn’t the toughest thing in the world so we will decompose those I also wonder if we can enchant some more stuff while we’re waiting on that make a new helmet new boots and I can already enchant these pants I’m breaking three eh respiration three eh protection three

Not bad nice enchanting a diamond shovel could be nice boom that has silk touch but that’s still better than nothing and you know what I’ll make a diamond axe as well a reason for that being it would just probably help us in some ways that we don’t expect it like getting away

From certain mobs having good tools is useful for that so I think it’s a good thing to do okay Unbreaking three efficiency 4 despoil 3 also can we enchant this bone sword we can look at that okay then we should probably do so oh Infinity no way

Oh look at that that’s amazing and we can probably combine that with what we already have I’ll just enchant this Smite for looting to that’s not very good so we’ll probably want to reenchant that later this still seems to do more damage though than this sword and it

Still has looting so maybe we’ll keep using it okay now let’s see I should be able to combine these right yes I can and let me see if that makes it any different it costs less levels but I have a feeling that we should just stick

With doing this one boom Oh and the Anvil broke but we got our Infinity bow bam and it seems that it is daytime now so even though I wanted to finish the capsules we’ll just do that in a bit I think we should start searching for the

Fleshy I have Ender stronghold okay so it looks like we got to go this way and it didn’t break on the first try that’s a sign of good luck oh yeah that’s great I just used three ender pearls cuz it was lagging it looks like he gave me all

Three of them all right I’ll take it did the eye get lost I don’t understand all right well it’s gone I guess looks like we have to travel across the ocean which I don’t love this idea all right well looks like the monsters are coming out okay this is why

I hate moving around in the night time dude oh my God okay it’s fine dude it’s so dark I don’t know if I can do this I think we need to take a pause I really do no I’m not doing this oh I think I just saw something dude nope I’m waiting

We’re waiting the next out I’m not doing that oh this is terrible okay I really hope nothing starts digging towards me all right 5 a.m. so we should be mostly good here and I can start heading up and honestly I’m a little bit curious to see

If there’s a bunch of mobs or not okay never mind do you hear that do you see this lag when I look up wait where’s my entity counter sounds 120 dude are you kidding me entity is 100 wait there’s 6 there’s like 70 entities here honestly

I’m very scared to head out now what I can do is make slabs look look okay I’ve trapped them all we should be okay how many of you are there come on guys you can’t be doing this that’s crazy what’s that what’s above us there

Oh dire Hound leader I am so glad that I checked what was above us first cuz I’m pretty sure that’s an even more powerful Beast than we’ve ever encountered you know what we should keep moving but we did good folks we got to go this way oh

And it’s taking us this way now which I think is different also I just lost the eye didn’t I did I yeah I think I did it was pretty confusing but that’s what happened let’s see oh we’re going backwards yes oh looks like I also lost

That eye as well that’s oh maybe not I don’t know what’s going on but we’re going backwards which means that we have actually passed the stronghold oh and it’s going there I think we found it went so okay yeah there we go I think it’s right here so I

Think we should start to dig down we’re about 5,000 blocks out or so so yeah not a joke at All hello stronghold I’m hoping that we’re going to the right place cuz we’re reaching deep slate here I not found anything yet I’m not even hearing cave noises which is a bit concerning oh I spy follow an Eye of Ender I’m guessing that means to the stronghold

Because yeah oh boy the good news is we found it the bad news is this is going to be really difficult to Adventure through oh and I found it okay we’re going to break the silverfish spawner oh yes look at that we found the stronghold there’s a bunch of loot here which is

Rather interesting to me because I like loot a lot the question is can we manage to find any ender pearls within this loot I’m hoping the answer yes we can oh that’s a cave dweller oh that’s bad oh I don’t want to face a cave dweller here dude come on okay well that

Means we should probably have our shield on at all times some pretty good enchantments here do we actually want any I guess Fortune why not other ones I’m not too crazy about but I guess I’ll grab a couple oh hold on got a much bigger room here got a few things here

Seems like a lot of Armory stuff which makes sense given we’re in an Armory seems like nothing we need can be found here so we’ll continue along oh why did I have that effect I’m honestly oh okayer oh die die you freak of nature oh oh my

God that’s so loud holy moly kajoli Byly that was pretty crazy got more loot here can you please please give me ender pearls no okay there’s another step up here which is good and also scary that means that there are many mobs that could have spawned ender pearls nope of course not hello hello oh yes all right

There we go ender pearl number two that’s a big win folks oh there’s another cave dweller this is like the creepiest place for cave dwellers to spawn I don’t think it could get any worse oh my God witches a poison everybody which I mean that’s interesting yeah well no wonder a cave

Dweller is going to spawn down there there’s literally oh something else got summoned no oh there’s an end I don’t know what to do hold on I have a small idea where is this thing that spawned I don’t see it what spawn there’s no way

It’s like making its way up to me right I don’t know dude I’m scared okay we should be good to fall down here I wanted to add looting to our sword but I’m not sure if that’s even possible anymore cuz I’m just getting bombarded you know what all I don’t care we’re

Just going to take him out like this oh and we’re up to five end pearls that works just fine now I want to explore through these corridors for this reason exactly there’s a lot more do we got anything yes we do ender pearl thank you very much we just need five more that’s

It oh Enderman can and before we take this one out I would like to do what I was talking about in the sense of getting looting three for ourselves let’s make an anvil yeah so we should just be able to go looting bam there we

Go looting three and do I have any more ending buxs I don’t okay hello Enderman there we go oh we’re up to 10 ender pearls I just need one more beautiful is it night time no it’s not Diamond gloves why not oh and there’s a cave toilet I’m not

Enjoying this anymore I think night time is coming that’s why it’s getting so dark too oh it’s got an Enderman effect where’s the end it’s I feel like it’s gotten darker I think it has because it’s night time is that oh there’s the Enderman got him woo 12 ender pearls

Let’s go okay that’s it we have all the ender pearls we need I think it’s night time so we’re just going to have to wait that out before we actually go to the surface and then I’m totally going to remember getting a horse and we’re going to get out of here unfortunately there

Are caves above us which makes it a bit more difficult to get Up there’s waterra here that means that we’re approaching the surface which I did not want to do cuz it is still night time we do not like nighttime at all okay I will sit here until night time is over okay 5:40 so we’re just approaching

Day time here I’m going to wait a few or rather just like basically a minute and then we’ll be on our way home okay wow guys that was freaky so let’s go back home oh and this is a new type of structure here honestly after all that

We did I am not especially in the mood to Adventure through another structure I just kind of want want to go home but I guess what I’ll do is I’ll mark the coordinates and next time when we’re on our way back to the portal we can check

This place out it’s called The Labyrinth it looks like yeah so that’s probably something we want to check out aha there’s horses and I did not forget I actually remembered I’m proud of myself hold on I can actually see their speed this one has 10 speed almost so we’ll go

With this one maybe there we go we’re friends okay there we go take this armor and saddle and we go home dude honestly like I should just teleport home dude this is ridiculous come on okay horsey I’m sorry pal but I’m not even able to use you right now

Because the world is it’s not being very kind okay so I’m going to have to leave our horse behind maybe find a new one if I’m even able to make it home by walking because it just keeps on lagging oh my goodness I’ve actually made it hard for

Me to believe wow home sweet home I literally I’ve almost forgotten what home looks like wow let us make the eyes of Flesh for which we’re going to need a bunch of other ingredients now so let’s see blushy eyes we need blaze powder and

How many can we make only two so I need more flesh bits and I’m working on that okay boom I got nine I need two more of these fellas right so we are quite close to completion here we go boom fleshy Eye of Ender and I’ll also make an

Additional pair of leggings cuz it looks like we’ll need one and you know what I might need to take an additional sword with us as well cuz that one is a bit lower than I would like it to be where is that sword oh there it is okay

Perfect all right well I mean I think it’s about time to head out and do what we have been wanting to do for a while here I am also going to quickly make some additional golden apples with the extra gold I have I’ll keep some just so

That if we need it in the future I won’t be empty but there we go 32 golden apples that’s pretty good and with that uh it’s time to head out because it is 6 and that means that we will not get destroyed by a million mobs if we go

Outside so I did run into that Labyrinth on the way back which I’m planning to return to right now now we should approach this with a lot of caution cuz I don’t know what we can find here let us see oh and right off the bat there’s

A lava trap and another one okay hello spawner here oh and that spawned something great great great and I don’t see it so I’m guessing it didn’t spawn okay got another opening here ooh what is this ah ah zombie oh my God it does a

Lot of damage it has 100 Health too bam it’s dead hold on what was here though cuz this is a recipe for one of the custom items that are in this pack sharpen bones staring flesh and a bow well these ingredients look hard to get

But you know what we might be able to find them within here well okay let me test something does rotten flesh work nope okay in that case I think I’m done with this place because there’s not much here I don’t really need any weapons from here or anything I think we should

Bail there we go okay out of there thank goodness now let us just go to the end portal okay so if we mine down from right about here we should go exactly where we want to go here we are there we go end portal I’m going to close this off just cuz I

Don’t want to take any extra risks and boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom and Bam I think we should just go for it boom golden apples I have arrows I have everything oh okay whoa we got a upgraded spawn point here which is kind of

Cool oh it is really oh no no there are not all these mobs here here too no way okay hold on this is bad I don’t know how we’re going to do this I do have a Brom wa what’s going on here okay uh-oh there I think we just spawned

It oh my God it’s spawning we’re going to need to do this in minutes we don’t have much time at all oh it’s spawned okay I’m not even looking at it right now let’s go I’m breaking everything this per is literally the only reason we can do this

Right now come on there we go oh come on can I get shots off I can it has so much health why am I hearing oh my Insanity’s dropping down quick wow this is the craziest ender dragon fight I’ve ever done I swear it’s getting darker look it it

This it looks crazy because my sanity is dropping I absolutely cannot try to use a campfire right now though we just have to finish the fight out it glowing is the only reason I can fight it right now eating a golden apple might help because that will give us absorption Hearts

Yeah okay we have to get off the broom let’s go I got off the broom there we go let’s go I got it yes I did it I did it I did it I did it I did it okay let’s make a campfire boom oh okay and I’m

Just going to wait it out until I am okay and hold on while I’m up here yes chapter 5 is unlocked chapter 4 is just a list of things we have to defeat I guess this is extra I guess for experience yeah oh my God okay so make

And enter the Aether Portal and then from there it looks like we have to defeat some pretty weird mobs that are not normally in the ather what happened oh okay this is a good time to read some lore not long ago Steve was an ordinary person who lived a peaceful life as an

Engineer on an otherwise uneventful day Steve’s Village was raided among the victims of this raid was Alex Steve’s best friend Steve believed this attack was influenced by the gods themselves and decided Ed that Revenge was the only option while visiting a distant banded Camp a traiter mentioned the possibility

Of harnessing magic to bring Alex back to life the Traer then handed Steve a visibly aged piece of paper and began to pack his bags that night Steve was unable to sleep it was like the paper occupied every corner of his mind he eventually stood up opened his backpack

And read the paper out loud when nothing immediately noticeable happened Steve went back to sleep he had only noticed the consequences of his actions several days later when he saw his reflection in a puddle the man that looked back at him was not Steve the person he saw in the

Reflection had completely white eyes he did not recognize his own face Steve felt disgusted with himself themselves and went into hiding for several years the man that Revisited that Village several years later was not Steve it was a completely different entity occupying Steve’s body after Herobrine’s visit to

The Village there were no survivors these villagers were far from being Herobrine’s only victims as far as the gods knew Herobrine was only powerful due to the evil energy present only in the Overworld by separating him from the Overworld he would return to his former self unfortunately this hypothesis could

Not have been further from the truth as soon as Herobrine entered the ather a deep fog began to roll in even worse for the first time in known history the sun had set in the ather oh that’s crazy okay wow okay so the ather is definitely

Not what it was and it looks like the final boss fight is going to be fighting Herobrine can’t lie this can go very wrong very quickly look at how many monsters there are below us how am I going to make it to the end portal okay

I think we just got to go I don’t really care about what the in Ender Dragon dropped okay go go go go go go go give me the broom oh I think I think I made it out oh we made it out okay I don’t need the

Ender Dragon egg or anything like that nice that was a bit too sketchy for my liking well I mean there’s not much left to do other than to head into the ather now my gear has been taking some damage but it’ll stay healthy for a little bit

Longer so we’re okay on that for a bit my sword and pickaxe are both struggling what I could do is try to make another bone sword I would need bone blocks for that and another Ingot which I wonder if we have enough ancient debris for one of

Those we have three ancient debris so we don’t have enough necessarily it might be worth quickly heading into The Nether and getting the materials needed to make a new one of these because I don’t want to risk this breaking midf fight in fact from here I can probably just try to mine straight Down swear hn I’m going to get you dude oh ancient debris boom it’s looking great okay well there we go that’s all we needed so I will now head on back home okay and I’m back and we got a netherite Ingot bam there we go and now I should be able to

Craft up bone sword boom awesome and there’s one very specific enchantment that I would love to get on this which is Notch’s blessing because that helps us deal additional damage against Herobrine’s Mobs and that is going to be pretty important we’ll do Unbreaking three o protection four on our leggings

Fire aspect two despoil three knockback two that’s not that great so we’re going to try to get better enchantment on that looting three knock back two not good I do have an idea if we want to get Notch’s blessing we can use books to our advantage here we go 27 books Let’s see

We can enchant some books here V of arthropods okay last protection note symbiotic reconstitution I don’t know what that does notches blessing boom yeah and there’s only one level of this perfect perfect wait what what I can’t put it on the sword oh I think I

Can only put it on a diamond sword maybe oh okay well in that case I have one idea which is that we’re going to put Unbreaking three on this sword but then we’re going to take our diamond sword here and if we can oh apparently not is

It because you can only put one enchantment on the weapon of your choice is that what it is oh I see you can’t have sharpness on it at the same time or anything like that I’m guessing well I mean we have this Notch’s blessing sword if anything thing and we can test it

Against Notch mobs but other than that we’re just going to stick with our bone sword for now to my understanding if we approach the Aether Portal that was spawned by herobrine over here and we place a water bucket on it it should activate no it didn’t it did not

Activate portal is made up of glowstone blocks and let by a water bucket very well in that case oh this is just fake glow stone I see and I’m definitely going to place the Aether Portal outside because it’s very unpredictable as to what it’s actually going to

Do boom okay and Bam let’s do it let’s head into the ather hostile Paradise oh boy it is so dark oh no right off the bat are you kidding me not the possessed cows man are they building blocks there’s no way oh I see what’s happening

When lava is placed in the ather it turns into Arrow gel what what was that okay this is bad this is very bad torches don’t work here either it’s any light source how am I going to survive here how do I survive in the ather potions of night vision

Okay that’s helpful actually we should make more this is not a nice introduction oh it’s gray out my sanity is dropping quickly and I have no idea how I can even replenish it Arrow bunny I put it on my head oh it lets you jump

Higher look at that okay we need to find four mobs I believe wrath the gluttony pride and the the greed okay what am I hearing oh I’m going insane oh this is bad I’m gaining Insanity now what is this oh no oh it’s so hard to break

Things I did some research and there’s basically nothing that can help us with our sanity it seems like if we really want to do anything in this Dimension we’re just going to have to make use of our Brom I know for a fact that the Herobrine mobs are just not to be messed

With at all like they’re extremely ridiculous from what I’ve seen so I I want to go back to our portal and if we can I’d like to return back home just so that we can replenish our sanity yeah so like this fell here if we can try to

Take it out that would be nice because there’s nothing currently really shooting at me oh and something got summoned really prowler’s hand so that’s one of the four items I believe perfect okay maybe we can quickly go go go give me that thank you and some moms are

Being transported from the Aether to here but I think we’re safe okay let’s replenish our sanity hold on looks like oh my God we need a Nether Star tubular flesh block flesh wall okay so we need a few more things than just the totem to summon Herobrine so uh let’s drink our

Night vision and grab our broom and let’s go up we go let’s see if these Herobrine mobs are going to spawn oh yeah there we go of course okay this guy this is probably one of the more dangerous Herobrine mobs cuz I think it’s one of the only ranged ones we just

Need to try to lay some good shots on it and oh and it’s moving come on no okay when it hits you it has some weird effects we have to defeat it somehow maybe you know what I’m going to go for it uh-oh I’m blocking I’m blocking it

Shots Golden Apple Golden Apple Golden Apple I don’t know what’s happening it somehow made me suffocate oh I lost my broom too I don’t know what it just did I’m so confused hold on I have an idea there it is okay oh dude it just keeps suffocating

Me water water oh what happened where am I okay I’m in the Overworld I don’t know what just happened dude there’s my house so we didn’t spawn far away that thing is crazy it had 700 Health okay I’m back now let’s see if I can make another

Willow Broom here I need Willow Wood which we have and I’m going to need blood as well which we’ve kind of figured out how to do that I believe boom and just jump in here for a little bit perfect okay that’s all good now I

Just need to get a water bucket in there and boom we got another Brom perfect now we just need the brush which it looks like we can make we just need some more water again and there we go now I’ll just dry this okay that’s done oh this

Already comes with a brush I forgot but now we have an extra one at least okay with that I basically should should head out to the Aether right away also you know what I realized we should probably just grab an extra bucket of water with

Us I think that will help let’s go to the ather okay broom and I go up right away good oh no there we go things are spawning oh there’s my other broom oh and it’s being guarded by two of them now you got to be kidding me man okay

Hold on we can pick up this broom at least there we go and I don’t even know where the guys went they just disappeared and it seems seems like one of them has spawned near us because my screen is shaking oh yep there it is that’s a different type oh my god dude

Oh and there’s two of them I got one got him okay go go go I got it that’s another item two more to go butcher’s carcass okay now we need to find a different type of mob and I see it shooting at me from here here we go

Same type of thing oh and it just shot me out of my broom again I’m probably just going to try to head right back in okay go go go go go go my screen is shanking again oh and there we got one that fell into oh my goodness okay

Oh here’s another one though here we go we got it I’m pretty sure that’s a new one run I hear something okay we’re good is that a new one I think it is we need one more here we go we got one of these fellas I don’t know how we can

Take it on without having issues oh oh okay I’m I’m just going to leave hold on hold on yeah here we go let me try to Cloud over here okay building blocks please there we go broom oh no it might have fallen hold on I don’t see it

Anymore unfortunately here we got one on the edge again this is their favorite spot I’m afraid it’s a bit yep there we go they just get you every time I do have oh oh wow so that’s what their stuff does it just makes you suffocate that’s their whole thing but this is

Giving me an idea now that I’m on an island oh how did it come here hold on go this is this is good actually hold on oh my God okay yeah that’s just impossible you literally can’t fight it one-onone okay well it made me fall I would like to use

This as a chance to see if the other one that got teleported into the Overworld potentially fell to its death here and I don’t see anything unfortunately or maybe fortunately I guess we just go in and ret try again okay broom here we go we got one of the blood guys now here’s

My my question well first of all can I sit on top of a cloud like this for example well you know what maybe not on the cloud directly but I can sit on this Cobblestone here no way no way this has any chance of working right it’s too

Hard to believe oh that’s not good that just ruins the whole thing okay hold on what if I place a slab here let’s see though I can try to shoot from here and theoretically it can’t get to me I got it okay now let’s take these guys out who are doing who knows What I see the item right there man I don’t know if anything’s under but I’m going for it come on let me up okay that’s the final item we got them all oh my God okay that was a mistake that was a mistake that was a mistake

Okay good I’m in the floor I’m in the floor that’s actually good for us right now okay I’m just digging straight down that’s how we’re getting out I’m not doing the portal it I don’t even know where it came from dude nice good good good there we go we’re out oh wow that’s

Just insane man okay we’re done with that now we just need to fight the Wither and I believe everything else will fall into place from my understanding I really did not think we’d be able to do it to be honest it’s so hectic in there like it’s crazy yeah

Let’s head into The Nether and try to find these Wither Skeleton skulls let’s go and luckily I was able to find the coordinates of the nether fortress that I found so we should be good to go here we are okay yep here they come okay there we go that’s going to

Help us out all right we’re going to leave the campire for a bit because I would love to find some more wither skeletons please although it’s not happening to be honest give me your skull yes he did give me a skull okay that’s one out of three that’s two out of

Three oh and that’s our third one all right I’m out of here I’m not even going to think for a second are you kidding me I do need Soul Sand but I can pick that up closer to home Soul Sand here we go I’ve located the Soul Sand and we can be

Back on our way home all righty no more stalling other than waiting for the sun to come up okay while I’m waiting on this actually let me see I need to get tubular flesh block and stuff to make a flesh wall you can combine six flesh blocks and then we

Need this tubular block how do you make this oh okay bio Forge oh that’s easy to make great which direction do we want to go to fight the Wither in maybe over here cuz there’s a bunch of flat land there’s also a lot of water cuz it’s

Swamp but I think we’ll be able to manage that all right wither buddy let’s do it Soul Sand hopefully this is going to work boop boop boop okay wa it’s looking pretty crazy to be honest let’s eat a golden apple I have my broom ready and I also should have my water ready

There we go I’m ready all right buddy let’s go oh boy okay pretty normal we can take him out oh yeah I can’t see my hearts that’s a slight problem this resource pack does not let me see my hearts as as is okay oh my sword is doing like 30 damage

A hit come on got him got him oh that was quick oh let’s go we got the nether star yes we basically have nothing standing between us for a Herobrine final fight here let’s get everything ready and uh oh boy I’m really scared everything everything’s been leading up

To this moment you know all of our preparations all of our Base building all of our resource collection it’s all been leading up to this one moment here okay let’s see here so we need to make specific types of blocks flesh block and oh flesh wall boom we can just make that

Instead we also want the two billar block we need bone fragment for that which I should already have I believe yep there we go so boom Tu billar flesh block that’s two of the items we need we have the nether star and the fourth one was the sinful totem so for this

Actually I do believe we need four ender pearls because if we look at the recipe here we need a primordial core yeah so we need ender pearls again which you guys know how I feel about ender pearls already so I think we just want to try

And find a Enderman out in the wild if we can that’s going to be the best method to be honest no why is it raining it’s only 8:47 a okay well that messes with our PL doesn’t it now uh I’m going to try to wait out the rain for a little bit here

While I’m waiting I will make some new leggings and we’ll combine those with the ones we currently have on boom boom bam and then I’ll also repair our bow bam I’m not going to lie we are running low on food actually but for this final fight we should have just enough and I’m

Making a bunch of golden apples okay it looks like the rain finally stopped it’s 1405 which means we have about 8 minutes and realistically so I can look around for an Enderman for a bit while I’ve been on this trip here I’m realizing there are more options like we could

Head into the nether or we could use the nether as a way of getting to our end portal but the end portal is just a bit too dangerous for my liking I don’t think it’s worth the risk and the nether it could be a good option actually so

I’m going to search around a little bit more and we might end up having to use the nether and if anything we can always resort to the end portal please become my my pet dude just be oh my God it is not that hard did we get it we got it oh

Finally okay we got to go we got to go I’m not going to lie to you I’m in pretty big trouble now horses are good the only thing is if we encounter a ravine or something we just fall straight in so yeah we got to be careful

About that I might have to just quit and just sit in the ground I don’t know how much more of this I can take all right sorry horsey buddy you’re we’re we’re done we’re leaving you I literally I just could not care less right now no no

No no he got me with lowness are you kidding me should be close to our base here ah there it is there it Is okay we’re good okay I’m going in the Nether and I’m going to try to find an Enderman that way is this a good idea I don’t know now we look around for Enderman is that an Enderman it better be an Enderman it better not be

Something else oh I think it is an Enderman it’s got to be an Enderman come here quick yeah yeah yeah yeah no no oh go go go no that was only one dang it okay okay okay we have an Enderman right in front of us but we

Also have 80,000 mobs trying to chase us down oh yeah we can make him fall yeah everybody fall oh you’re all so bad at this game okay perfect capitalize capitalize okay where did the enman go this is not what I was hoping for here oh oh there we go I got

It go go go go go go go oh oh we got it oh my God okay let’s go my sanity is way too low let’s just leave I don’t know what’s going on but I’m back and it looks like the sun is finally up ew also some mosquitoes okay well I’ve got 34

Golden apples all of my gear is mostly repaired I think it’s time we go fight Herobrine here we go primordial core boom and with that should be able to make the sinful totem I have 34 golden apples which I think is pretty solid and I should make a few extra Shields

Probably just in case of of any surprises bam and you know what I might be able to combine these two helmets so that I have a slightly more armored one there we go and I think that marks us being ready let me just make sure to collect any more quests here boom more

Golden apples okay build the structure with a sinful totem below it a tubular flesh block and on top a flesh wall oh boy I’m that’s bad luck that’s such bad luck oh no I’m sorry I was really distracted by the fact that we’re about to fight Herobrine yeah we’re not going

To talk about that we’ve been preparing for this exact moment for so long and honestly there were a lot of times where I thought we were not ever going to possibly make it but we somehow did let’s build this thing so should be tubular flesh block sinful totem flesh

Wall oh boy hobrien text already appeared I’m going to drink a fire resistance I’ll wait on the speed and everything else nether star Herobrine cannot be summoned in this Dimension which dimension can he be summoned in what’s going on on what is going on oh

No it did not say that you can’t summon him in this Dimension oh my God okay well I got back home which is good but that means we need to fight him in the Aether I guess okay well if it’s the ather we have to do this in then we’ll

Do it in the Aether I think there’s only one way we can actually make it work and that’s if we go to a remote island essentially so let’s go I hate the ather oh I can’t see what I want to do is just fall underground so that it spawns us in

The Overworld but oh my God okay hold on let me try to teleport oh boy oh boy oh boy oh boy oh boy oh boy no no no get away get away okay wow I don’t even know what we do now because I need night vision to do

Anything I guess I don’t have any carrots though well I’m just going to have to wait for another night to end and then for another day to come it’s the morning and it’s music to my ears because mobs are burning and we can actually see outside which is a great

Thing to to be able to do isn’t it i’ love to be able to find a carrot okay like an individual carrot is fine because if we have night vision that’ll make it so we can actually do something in the ather maybe I should just try to

Use my broom to fly around a little bit okay let’s see there’s a house here which I don’t know if we’ve been to this one before but something like this could carry some carrots inside of it oh my God there’s a carrot oh my goodness and a golden carrot right there let’s go

Okay let’s head back home then wow that makes our life way easier oh yeah life is good what can I say well we can Brew this potion up then and boom night vision potions with that we are basically ready to fight Herobrine I mean again as ready as we’re

Going to get really all right being attacked right off the bat no thank you and I’m trying to look for somewhere where we’re not going to have Herobrine’s creatures haunting us because those guys are just going to make make the fight impossible like I bet Herobrine’s going to be tough as is

I don’t need Herobrine’s Minions that are like almost unkillable this might be a good spot here actually because this is a pretty decently sized Island and I don’t think we have any spawns around here thank you I’ll take this bunny on my head and you know what we might just

Want to go for it right away um flesh wall boom so let’s Golden Apple fire resistance and I think we should just summon him now boom there he is okay he’s summoning like a Wither okay let’s drink our potion of strength and speed and let’s try if we can to get some good

Damage on him with melee I don’t know if we’ll be able to and my sanity is basically gone oh that’s not good but look at his health though oh my God you’re being bullied buddy oh my go okay yep that’s the things that he summons that’s not good I’m actually doing okay

I’ve got him to basically half health I need golden apples on my bar why do I not have them okay I think we should just keep going to be honest oh my God Herobrine pal what’s going on hold on does he only have one face cuz I’m about

To kill him you’re Bri buddy come on buddy you’ve been haunting me though you come on come on move I got him I actually got him dude he didn’t he didn’t drop anything I’m taking that as a win I don’t care we got no item do I

Get an achievement I do give me that let’s go I am going to try and leave real quick okay goodbye oh my God an unknown force is preventing you from going through wait I made it through though well unknown for us I’m sorry pal you’re done for we have done

It that’s it I’m safe and sound we beat here Brian you know what leave a like subscribe and uh check out the merchandise because I’m pretty proud of it and I think you guys are going to like it

This video, titled ‘I Survived 24 Hours in the SCARIEST MODPACK in Minecraft Hardcore!’, was uploaded by Suev on 2023-12-08 20:02:27. It has garnered 110107 views and 2920 likes. The duration of the video is 03:03:30 or 11010 seconds.

I Survived 24 Hours in the SCARIEST MODPACK in Minecraft Hardcore!


Fear Nightfall is a modpack that combines Herobrine, the Cave Dweller, the Man From The Fog, and more monstrous creatures all into the same universe. NOWHERE is safe.

Modpack: (There may be updates since I made this video)


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  • Sly Minecraft Texture Pack Share

    Sly Minecraft Texture Pack Share Minecraft Texture Pack Share: Cute Fox Villagers, Polar Bears, and More! Are you a Minecraft enthusiast looking to spice up your gameplay with some adorable additions? Look no further! In this article, we’ll explore a fun and exciting texture pack shared by a talented Minecraft player. We Don’t Bite Texture Pack One of the highlights of this share is the “We Don’t Bite” texture pack. This pack brings a whole new level of cuteness to your Minecraft world with features like cute fox villagers and lovable polar bears. The attention to detail in this pack is truly impressive, making… Read More

  • Join Minewind: Experience the Best Minecraft Cinematic in #2024

    Join Minewind: Experience the Best Minecraft Cinematic in #2024 Welcome to, where we bring you the latest and greatest in the world of Minecraft. Today, we stumbled upon a breathtaking video titled “The best Minecraft Cinematic in #2024.” While the video itself may not be about Minewind Minecraft Server, it certainly captures the essence of what makes Minecraft so special – creativity, community, and endless possibilities. As you watch the stunning visuals and immersive gameplay showcased in this cinematic masterpiece, you can’t help but feel inspired to join a Minecraft server where you can unleash your own creativity and connect with like-minded players. That’s where Minewind comes… Read More

  • Sneaky Duo Takes Down Mansion

    Sneaky Duo Takes Down Mansion The Adventure of Clearing the Woodland Mansion in Duo SMP Minecraft Embark on an exciting journey as our fearless Minecraft player, Kroberto, takes on the challenge of raiding the Woodland Mansion in the Duo SMP world. Join in as we explore the vast overworld and encounter thrilling adventures along the way! Exploring the Woodland Mansion As Kroberto delves into the depths of the Woodland Mansion, be prepared to witness epic battles with hostile mobs, intricate puzzles to solve, and hidden treasures to uncover. The mansion is filled with secret rooms, traps, and surprises at every turn, making it a… Read More

  • “OMG! GIRL 404 Haunts JJ & Mikey in Minecraft!” – Maizen

    "OMG! GIRL 404 Haunts JJ & Mikey in Minecraft!" - MaizenVideo Information This video, titled ‘She Turned into GIRL 404 and SCARED JJ and Mikey in Minecraft! – Maizen’, was uploaded by Boopee on 2024-06-21 23:00:20. It has garnered 868 views and 6 likes. The duration of the video is 00:12:26 or 746 seconds. She Turned into GIRL 404 and SCARED JJ and Mikey in Minecraft! – Maizen This video is an unofficial work and is neither created nor approved by Maizen Fan. It is just a parody! Maizen channel: @maizenofficial #minecraft #maizen #jj #police #mikey #jjandmikey #mikeyandjj #skibiditoilet #cameraman #tvman #speakerman #tvwoman Read More

  • CoinDetectorKid: Better Minecraft Episode 2 LIVE

    CoinDetectorKid: Better Minecraft Episode 2 LIVEVideo Information This video, titled ‘πŸ”΄ LIVE | Better Minecraft Episode 2! #shorts #minecraft #survival #gaming #explore #streamer’, was uploaded by CoinDetectorKid on 2024-03-13 02:28:53. It has garnered 74 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 03:28:12 or 12492 seconds. Thank you for checking out the broadcast! Check out my other links below ↓ ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ β¦Ώ πŸ’° Donate: β¦Ώ πŸ“· Instagram: #shorts #minecraft #survival #gaming #explore #streamer #youtubeshorts #youtube ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ Read More

  • “Ultimate Vanilla Minecraft Server – JOIN NOW!” #shorts

    "Ultimate Vanilla Minecraft Server - JOIN NOW!" #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Join a 3+ year old semi-vanilla survival server today! #shorts #minecraft #minecraftserver #roleplay’, was uploaded by OVClub on 2024-06-09 14:01:30. It has garnered 31 views and 3 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:01 or 61 seconds. Come join OVClub! A Semi-Vanilla, Semi-Anarchy minecraft server that hosts a 3 year old world that has NEVER reset! Discord: Join today! IP: Bedrock port: 25700 Read More

  • UNBELIEVABLE: The Dark Truth Behind TheKarmaMyth – Hardcore Minecraft S2 Ep 9

    UNBELIEVABLE: The Dark Truth Behind TheKarmaMyth - Hardcore Minecraft S2 Ep 9Video Information This video, titled ‘Hardcore Minecraft S2 Ep 9’, was uploaded by TheKarmaMyth on 2024-06-23 17:00:00. It has garnered 3 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 03:01:49 or 10909 seconds. Streamed August 1, 2023 Read More

  • UNBELIEVABLE – Get the Ultimate Minecraft Seed on Realistic Texture Pack!

    UNBELIEVABLE - Get the Ultimate Minecraft Seed on Realistic Texture Pack!Video Information This video, titled ‘the best minecraft seed on realistic texture pack’, was uploaded by METULOG on 2024-01-31 20:03:14. It has garnered 60 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:55 or 55 seconds. #minecraft #minecraftshorts #txt #game #gaming #gameplay #gamingvideos #shortsvideo #game #shorts #short Read More

  • Unleash the Minecraft Madness with FunkeyBlast! #minecraftmemes

    Unleash the Minecraft Madness with FunkeyBlast! #minecraftmemesVideo Information This video, titled ‘Enjoy Minecraft funny Short #minecraftmemes #minecraftshorts’, was uploaded by FunkeyBlast on 2024-05-15 09:46:09. It has garnered 1279 views and 58 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:10 or 10 seconds. Minecraft, Minecraft Pixel Art, Minecraft Trends, Minecraft Amethyst, Minecraft Skits, Minecraft Funny, Minecraft Memes, Minecraft Music, game Minecraft, Minecraft video, Games, funny, funny games, music, gaming, gaming short, gaming video, minecraft short, minecraft shorts, short, shorts, short video, trending, trending videos, viral videos, minecraft viral, minecraft game, #funkeyblast #game #minecraft #noob #steve Minecraft, minecraft shorts, minecraft trend, trending, new, memes, shorts, minecraft new content,… Read More

  • Insane 100k Speedrun Challenge: Couriway VODS!

    Insane 100k Speedrun Challenge: Couriway VODS!Video Information This video, titled ‘100,000 No Reset Minecraft Speedrun Challenge | June 17th 2024’, was uploaded by Couriway VODS on 2024-06-22 16:00:28. It has garnered 47 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 05:47:42 or 20862 seconds. watch speedruns live :3 twitter: main channel: @Couriway Read More

  • πŸ”₯🍭 CRAZIEST Minecraft Bedfight ASMR?! #SpicySugar 🀯

    πŸ”₯🍭 CRAZIEST Minecraft Bedfight ASMR?! #SpicySugar 🀯Video Information This video, titled ‘Easy Minecraft Bedfight ASMR #Shorts’, was uploaded by SpicySugar on 2024-05-10 15:15:52. It has garnered 10879 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:25 or 25 seconds. Easy Minecraft Bedfight ASMR #Shorts Watch this insane Bedwars gameplay in just 60 seconds! It’s a crazy bedfight match that will keep you on the edge of your seat. Don’t miss out on this epic #shorts video. #bedwars #gaming Subscribe the channel to see more videos like this. #shorts #bedwars #bedfight #minecraft Tags(ignore) minecraft,minecraft asmr,asmr minecraft,minecraft longplay,minecraft sleep,minecraft funny,minecraft relaxing gameplay,minecraft relaxing,minecraft survival,minecraft chill,minecraft house,minecraft sounds,phoodu… Read More

  • FASTEST Way to Build Scotty in Minecraft! πŸ”₯

    FASTEST Way to Build Scotty in Minecraft! πŸ”₯Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft: Making Scotty #shorts #minecraft #trending #viral #scotty’, was uploaded by Floyd Gaming on 2024-06-21 08:30:27. It has garnered 10172 views and 220 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:16 or 16 seconds. Server Info: Version – 1.8 to 1.20 Discord: ⛏️ Shader: Complementary v4 ⛏️ Texture Pack: Stay True, Vanilla Tweaks 🟒 Don’t forget to follow me for more minecraft ideas World Download: #minecraft #minecraftbuilds #minecrafttutorial Read More