Surviving HEROBRINE in Minecraft Hardcore…with a twist

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Oh my gosh why you not coming after me no no no no no no no no no no no no no no all right and we’re back you ever wonder what it’s like to play Minecraft but no matter where you go you’re always being stocked and I’m not just talking

About my guy Herobrine oh no there are other folks creeping around too if I go into the woods I’m getting creeped on if I go in my house I’m being creeped on if I go into a cave I’m going to get creeped on and possibly actually no most

Likely down here in the cave especially I’m going to become someone’s meal because this guy oh this guy you don’t want to mess around with you thought the cave dweller was bad well this guy is the more angrier rage and deuced Uncle of the cave dweller and trust me that

Ruby red lipstick isn’t for kissing it’s for snacking oh I’m going to have a good time I tell you can I survive in a world with these crazy fellas probably not but you know what we’re going to try things get a whole lot of interesting let me

Tell you okay starting in the woods here let’s get this stuff get this done okay just one crafting table thank you I got to get some Stone so let’s do that quick quickly before the Night Comes let’s get some food just got to find some Stone

Here real quick you know okay what do we got it’s so foggy hey it’s a wolf don’t hurt me please okay I’m just going to dig in here get my stone oh coal I’ll take that thank you got to find a decent spot I think

What is that kind of fish is that okay so just going to build something nice and easy simple actually we’ll go with that oh is that underwater that’s underwater right it is okay woo that was too clear threw me off okay I want to build somewhere where it’s not too scary to

Build you know what’s this over here there’s a this a a half a bridge you know what maybe maybe I’ll repurpose this we’ll do that what am I doing right now why am I why am I fixing a why am I fixing a bridge I got other things I got

To be doing I’m wasting my wood here okay let’s just do this real quick and then let’s skip back to what I was doing we’re just going to build right here how’s that sound sounds good to me and I just used all my wood so that’s great that’s awesome

Perfect where’ my platform go here we go don’t need get fancy with this I just need to make something here right should be high enough I think am I out of wood again okay no playing around too much here Sun’s going down here in a second got to hurry up got to hurry

Up oh no oh no this is not good this is not good not good quickly quickly quickly Shadow yeah dummy it gets extremely dark and I’m not going to want to be out here when it gets dark okay this should be enough should be enough I hope oh come

On come on come on come on okay okay I’m all right oh my God that was freaky okay uh do I have stone I don’t have any stone I don’t have any stone to cook anything um I’m going to maybe have to where my crafting table go did I

Leave that somewhere I always leave it somewhere I just need some Stone I just want some Stone nothing crazy just a couple pieces I need to get a furnace made oh I’ll take the iron though that’s nice it’s good this isn’t too bad one piece of iron I’ll take it cook that and

I’ll cook this and then I’ll make some glass for Windows so I can see you know you don’t want to be able to see oh I don’t have enough I have enough wood to make a door hold on hold on hold on I’ll fix that this is this is where my priorities

Are at I’m more worried about making the house look nice than I am worrying about actual things that I need cuz I’m uh I’m a smart like that you know okay so let’s poke a hole here see how dark it is it’s like really dark out there oh no oh no I see

You don’t think so buddy it’s so dark out there yeah so I got no armor that’s fantastic go away just got to wait for the sun to come up cuz it’s so dark out here oh nice okay um I want to make a shield I need to make a Shield so foggy Okay good he’s burning up I guess just keep getting wood for right now hello be we’re Neighbors uh what is that why is that here it’s only the second day it’s only the second day I don’t know what to do like I can’t go out and do anything I’m literally stuck in my house oh man okay hold on let me

Uh ah but he can I don’t know if he can squeeze through things no no no no no no [Applause] what the no no no No I don’t even taking the chance with him where is He Turtle is there a scary man out there I can’t see him oh my gosh if I go out here and I die he broke my door I need like a metal door oh you’re out there do you see anybody out there sir it’s got to be safe right oh my Gosh do you see what was that was that a crow was that a crow thought I seen something moving oh my gosh okay he was over here we got to be careful I didn’t know that thing can spawn above ground yeah I’m not into that I need to get

Armor I also need to try to get food too could go fishing but I don’t have any string I haven’t seen a spider oh they’re chickens though okay chickens are good might be going out way too late in the day to do this oh there’s a chicken egg hey chicken here

Buddy yeah you guys come come with me just got to keep an eye out for this guy that was freaky I’m still shaking up about it no chicken come on I need two of you there you go almost here there there you go come

On come on in one thing I did kind of figure out though is that I got to make my house bigger because of what just happened out there so maybe if I can do this quick let’s extend to the house right why do I always do this at

Night let’s do this quickly come on here’s the problem I have no idea if that guy spawned during the day or it just spawns at night I thought the cave dwellers were strictly underground but unfortunately that’s not the case okay I’m out of wood and I’m out of time I’m

Just going to use whatever I got left let’s get a roof on this and be done with it I know it’s going to look so ugly going be all patchy like okay I’m not going to have time I’m just going to have to make a wall here oh my gosh Come

On there we go hurry hurry hurry hurry hurry hurry just for now anyway just to get it covered so got a few eggs Let’s test him out nothing okay oh he’s back again not looking at you not even close I got to figure out something about this door I need something

Stronger I think I think I’m going to have to go down I’m not looking at him but he’s right there why does he keep coming out I’m just going to go down try to find some iron I can’t fight it I like this can’t really

Keep going down cuz I don’t have any um any torches and I can’t I can’t take any torches away is he still there why is he still there why does he not go away you’re such a creep he’s moving he’s moving stay back sir no thank you you’re you’re a creep

I’m not looking at him I’m not looking at him I don’t even have anything to fight oh wait hold on I got Stone should probably make a sword to here we go where is there any spiders oh there’s one over there I think yeah he’s right there but I

Can’t okay okay so I think if I don’t look at him I can get away with it this is going to be so dumb but I’m going I I need that spider I need the string I need food I know I got chickens did you give me strength okay good um

My gosh I hear something just get back just get back get back back back what was that what did I hear oh my gosh he’s gone was he chasing me where is he okay so I need to I need to get more logs I need cuz I need to get charcoal I need

To make more torches so I can go down and get more iron so I can get some armor and I need I need a fish too I need food I I am so low on food I also need to extend this house out so if I get that guy chasing me

Again I don’t risk the chance of getting hit through a wall is he still out there why is it got to be so dark oh wait cuz I made it so dark shadow why do you do this to yourself oh the nerves I tell you so scared why can’t the sun

Come up I need wood I’ll use my planks I suppose there that’ll give me 21 then I can go down a little bit here we go here we go here we go it’s so foggy down Here why is it only one oh here we go here we Go okay two CU I can’t complain about that what am I talking about I can complain about it if I want to only two I tell you it’s probably light up there now so let’s go up I don’t even have enough iron to make a some boots can’t

Even make boots okay let’s pop these in the smelter and then we’re going to go out and hopefully not get eaten by that thing out there if he’s still out there I do not know hello Mr scary man oh my gosh he’s there why why is he

Out here I’m going away from you you I’m running keeps stalking me okay I can’t see me over here just trying to get stuff is unnerving it’s unnerving being out here oh my gosh [Laughter] that that squid kind of scared me for a second not going to

Lie why do I got to be big scaredy cat all of a sudden just got to keep an eye out for him feel if I keep my distance I I’m good I think got to keep checking to make sure was that I thought I heard something okay sheep over

There oh I don’t like this I don’t like this what was that what was that what was that I’m letting every little sound get to me I don’t know where he is I think he’s still over by the house I really have no food let’s do a little bit of fishing

Before we got to go in why do I feel like he’s behind me don’t look Shadow why is this taking so long hurry up I feel like I’m going to get attacked okay nothing’s there nothing’s there okay sure that’s something I need right now nor

Want the thing is I don’t know if that thing spawns during the day or he just spawns during the night and then stays during the day I don’t like this it’s it’s too it’s too unnerving and I’m scared that I’m going to look at him okay so looks like it’s going to go

Down here soon so let’s let this be the last and get back up be able to hopefully dig for some more iron just want to get some seeds for the chickens where did I hear footsteps from oh you just don’t look up keep your head down

O okay guys I got some uh got some grass for you there you go all right let’s clean this place up a little bit make it look a little more prettier you know uh no who’s that there we go got tons tons of torches now come on it

Can’t be that hard to find iron okay got more coal that’s good that’s nice was good quite the VIN this one I like it I don’t know how this guy spawns I get scared every time I look behind me oh here we go here we go here we go

Give me more than two oh no okay good yes yes okay I’ll take that as a win I mean I could risk going into an open cave but the cave dweller is in this and uh I don’t know if I want to risk that right yet let’s try to get

Some armor this way and then we can think about going in oh wait oh that’s deep look at it okay we’re not going down there yet no thank you okay I might be able to make a helmet or some boots or some lagin maybe even a chest piece

But I’m not going into a cave right yet there’s no way too soon for That you over there again hold on hold on forgot I got I got iron I can make a some pants maybe yeah I don’t think I have enough for what do have enough for a chest piece okay we we’re doing that chest piece it is give me some survivability right okay just

Check around here make sure spooky man’s not checking me out you know hello sir are you around here I would prefer you not to be keep my head down so I don’t set you off let’s just take a quick look around maybe we got swamp over there I

Think CU there’s lava over there it’s over here I can’t tell if that’s the Sun going up or going down just looking to see if I can find a village real quick I don’t know because that would be really nice right now there’s got to be something around here not really seeing

Anything a okay so foggy I can’t tell quick little cave here just let me see if we can see any any iron I want to go too Far dead end great perfect but it wasn’t all for not because there is coal I do need coal Coal is good to have it you know yeah okay let’s go out of Here um you know what the problem is right now I don’t remember which way I came I think it’s just around Here is it here I think I think I think oh I really hope so I really hope so uh okay yeah there’s my head that kind of freaked me up for a second okay so we still got some daylight I just want to scope out the

Place a little bit around the house just to kind of see what is around me because I never checked before okay and if I find something I might not have to go too far you know yeah I’m not seeing much around the area it’s a whole Birch Forest here

Which I don’t want to be here this is nonsense who puts a birch forest in a game it’s ugly look at it oh okay okay that’s not good I need to get back oh there’s some iron and stuff here though not Iron Coal I don’t got time to get it I’m not I’m

Not taking the risk not taking the risk uh which way is back oh I do not have time to get that or maybe I I do no Shadow maybe no I can’t I can’t I can’t well at least I know it’s there and I can go back when I think it’s safe if

It’s ever going to be safe I don’t Know oh no oh no oh no oh no oh no oh no oh no oh no I don’t like it I don’t like it I don’t like it I don’t like it too dark too dark too dark get in get in get in do I want to go down into that cave

Do I feel like I’m able to now this could be really dumb it most likely is dumb why is it so dark down here did I not put things down here okay so I want to I just want to be able to sneak and look to see maybe I can

Find man this is deep let’s see if I can find a different spot maybe that’s closer to the ground just want to see if I I can see any iron it’s so dark down there like I can’t even get a good opening okay here we go getting closer

Getting closer this is dumb I should not be doing this okay here we go what was that it is so dark why is there a chicken down here yeah okay dude what was that oh baby zombie with a jackal Lantern on oh my gosh there’s no way do

That I see a creeper there and a skeleton okay okay uh maybe that wasn’t a good idea oh wow okay nope nope nope nope nope can’t go down there it’s way too dark what am I going to do I can’t go into a cave i’ have to go into it

Like from the outside not from already being underground it’s just way too dark especially when it’s open like that the daytime no of course it isn’t we got creepy man outside why is this door not blocked what was that oh that’s a zombie I thought that was a creepy man I guess it

Is kind of a creepy man but not the creepy man I’m talking about I don’t even have grass for you guys getting low on food too what was that was that oh here we go okay okay first thing I’m going to do is I’m going to go

Outside and go get that uh Hey Turtle kind of scared me for a second go get that uh portal I think that was over here somewhere I don’t remember where was it oh I think that’s it right there that’s it right there I think I think I think I think let’s go hey

Fish oh my gosh what kind of fish is that catfish don’t know why I’m trying to kill it but anyway poor guy look like he throwing off there for a second why is this guy hitting me I’ll just try to swim what’s that is that another half built Bridge

All right let’s get the sugar cane so I can enchant a little later I make it that long I should maybe hopefully I can get gold with stone right oh my gosh I’m going to look like a complete idiot here No I can’t uh you didn’t see ah oh my gosh is that who I think it is did you just see him that was Herobrine of course that freaked me out he was just standing there staring at me like who does that oh my gosh that

Freaked me out out does he hurt me I don’t even know if he hurts me okay um whoa did he just charge at me did he just charge at me okay that was not cool okay okay okay okay let’s just get back that was uh wow um that was

Eventful oh I know what this thing is and I don’t want to go in it it’s like an underwater dungeon with zombies or something but there’s good stuff in it no I can’t I can’t I only got one piece of armor I can’t I can’t do it

Guys I can’t I can’t not with Herobrine not with the cave dwell or not whatever that spooky guy is that comes above ground I can’t do it I can’t do it I can’t do it I can’t do it not right now I need more armor first before I even

Try to attempt that I still got like a stone sword there’s just no way and I don’t know where my house is anymore so that’s awesome where is my house oh no this does not look familiar at all not at all come on was it this way I don’t feel

Like it was this way there’s here run again great great great great great great great oh oh we got a village but it’s h it’s it’s going to be dark soon I don’t know where my house is though but this is good this is really good hey dude get off the roof you’re

Got to fall where are your parents at huh yeah sure just walk around no problem kids these days I tell you oh don’t mind me guys just uh eat some bread oh I got the motherload look at that oh my gosh okay look at all this

Look at all this this is great this is great this is so great getting stuff now give me the coal please the coal would like the iron too but I don’t think I’m going to find that anytime soon my luck okay here we go let’s keep going up oh

No there’s still houses down here okay right on you know your kids on the roof F you know that right see look at him he’s going to get hurt no don’t push me away this guy I tell you probably steal these books too you

Know yeah oh my my gosh look at all that look at all this food my food for days oh Sun’s going down let’s uh find a house maybe stick in there for the night hello sir got farmers and everything oh you guys got carrots here

I’ll take that I don’t need the beat Ro because well you know it’s very important okay let’s get inside uh can I get inside here somewhere maybe like right now would be nice is there is there a house I can get in what is this a castle this a

Castle it’s a castle it’s really dark really dark okay I don’t like being in Here oh hi Iron Golems excuse me rather not be here oh I chose poorly on this one let’s go over here there I think I’ll be okay in here the night oh yeah oh yeah look at that look at that who needs to go underground when you can just rob a

Village am I right okay this is good this is good house is kind of small not going to lie I don’t I don’t like it I don’t like it how do I get out oh I covered the door right I [Applause] forgot that’s just a cat I didn’t know what that was

Oh my gosh I thought that was something I thought those were eyes look look okay where am I going here I’m okay I’m around a village I should be fine just fine it’s so dark you’re probably asking me shadow why aren’t you sleeping I don’t sleep okay I feel like

Like that’s cheating you know the whole point of this is to try to survive I feel like if I’m sleeping during the most dangerous times what’s the point right Sun’s got to be coming up here okay should be okay good now I should be fine now

Right oh no no no I don’t like that I don’t like that it’s going to block this just in case you know guess I can cook some food I’m in here kitty where you at sorry you’re outside crazy people out there it’s okay it’s okay I got some cooked fish I don’t

Know if you eat cooked fish do eat cook fish Kitty no he just ran away okay it’s almost morning time so it’s raining [Applause] now what was that no no no does he stay there or does he move I don’t think whoa okay it was just a zombie

Ow just stay indoors there’s a crazy man out here I don’t know where he’s at he keeps creeping up on me I don’t like it I said stoors I shouldn’t be out here in the rain look at all these apples oh no I’m at a I’m at a room that’s okay I got

Enough what do I do am I going to risk trying to get back what am I doing out here in Rain feel like someone’s watching Me oh hey hey hey where’d he go okay I I officially don’t like this Village okay I should go back at least just to empty my inventory we’ll go from there figure something out if I notice that that stalker guy keeps showing up at my place at night then I I’ll move

Right now we’ll just make our way whoa excuse me sir you just shifting around you all right is this one of those Herobrine villagers or something I don’t like those okay you okay I thought he was going to look at me weird okay where we at here I

Think think I’m over this way I believe okay that weird gravel thing that’s how I know I’m close so’s just get back and um offload and then think about what we’re going to do it’s too dark down there I’m not going down there right yet got some iron

Right there let’s go get that that’s what I’m looking for that um that surface iron you know trying to keep my eyes down a little low cuz if that stalker guy is around I don’t need to be looking at him I would like to have a metal door might suit me

A little better this is fine for now give me your eggs I don’t have any more more seats for you guys unfor okay okay nope nope nope nope nope this isn’t good I need more windows I’ll tell you that much no no thanks okay I’m not liking

This Mr stocky man’s not over there where he normally is I’m going to have to try my luck in a cave possibly I don’t want to but I’m going to have to I want make a backpack chest string and some leather okay so I need one more leather and I

Need more string hold on I do have wool I make one carpet so I can get these eggs I thought you could make string out of wool maybe not I don’t I don’t know you can’t make it the other way around I don’t know why I always forget that then

Again I don’t remember anything I need to go out and find um another another cow I’m so freaked out I’m looking at like every nook and cranny I can there’s too much activity around here what was that is that me that was not me I was

Crawling that was not me better not be in my house I’m I’m going insane I’m I’m literally going insane right now I got to go out and uh try to find myself some leather hopefully not get you know eaten alive out here hopefully hopefully I’m good which way am I going to go

Though or wait there were there were cows over here at one point so let’s go over here and let’s uh let’s get some leather just for backpack I don’t need leather after the Fact Herobrine go away does he just like stare at you and then leave is that a thing he does we have any iron on the outside we take a little Gander on the inside for a second okay we got oh man this is pretty open too do I dare go

Down no it’s too dark it’s too dark and I want a backpack before I do that no let me out let me out I’ll get scared already let me out I get that call but I’m I don’t want to stick around the cave entrance too long couple doors right now because I

Feel like there’s a good chance I might not make it back in time that was just a bee me over here being freaked out with something else where all the cows cow right there there’s a cow right there let’s go let’s get it let’s get it I think I need just one

Leather I think and I think I got two got two perfect perfect what is that there’s so many different things okay this is just a bridge I think yes this is just a bridge that never actually fully connects over how about we go look and see what

That is okay so I got I got the leather I need um I need string but I haven’t seen many spiders which is not good which means that if I’m going to want to get string I’m going to have to venture down down below and I don’t want to do

It right yet I don’t want at least full iron or something you know walking around my toes out here just looking to see if there’s any iron on the outskirts why is it so hard to find usually it’s just outside on the stone I don’t get it this

Fog okay Buffalo last time I was near you guys you try to run me over not cool what is that thing Sun’s probably on its way down oh my gosh do not want to fall into that no thank you what is this thing now what is

This it’s like a p just set this Blaze that’s all it was nothing special oh new logs oh oh oh hold on hold on hold on I don’t think I can get that can I will this work I think I need water maybe it does work okay don’t laugh at

Me I I play so many different mods I can’t remember what works and what doesn’t was that nothing oh I got another one okay that’s two is that enough for a backpack I don’t know where’s my house Buffalo’s chasing something okay Sun’s going down and I don’t know where I’m

At so let’s do what I was going to do before this is not where I want to be not at all but here we are and just an extra layer of Defense we will uh do that I don’t know why I’m making this so wide I don’t need

To but I feel claustrophobic if I don’t I can’t see anything which is freaky okay uh let’s see here back pack okay I need four string man well since I’m here maybe I’ll uh do some digging I guess maybe I’ll get lucky okay this might have been

A bad idea I’m running I’m running low on iron here on my pickaxe this might not have been the play okay um it’s okay I’ll just make make a stone one and we’ll save that one for a little later oh my gosh okay okay does he get worse than

This so he can follow me anywhere I immediately do not like that finding anything down here anyway let’s just go up maybe it’s daytime uh maybe it’s not well that was fun but I do need spider I need strings can I just take a look

Out no I just heard something I just I just heard something no no okay good it’s daytime better not die no we don’t like that I don’t even know where I’m at the at the at this point in time coal coal Coal these birds I think I think it’s like a something

Growling at me I probably shouldn’t have killed it that’s not very nice oh it’s a donkey there’s multiple donkeys Okay I like that this is here solely for solely for the string this is not a place I want to stay as you can see there are spiders down there and a lot of them I promise I will come back and those are the poisonous ones Y

No yeah no no no no no okay okay let’s go I I promise I’ll come back to these things later if I see fit right now I just can’t take that risk I do not have the armor for it nor mental capacity and I’m

Lost to I have no idea if I’m going the right way or not oh it’s right there oh nice look at that okay so that’s not far away I can keep that on tabs I know where that I know where that is that’s good okay let’s uh let’s make a backpack

Let’s get that done maybe build this house a little bigger cuz it’s kind of small listen I know it’s not a pretty house and that is okay I will build something a little nicer later for right now I just need something that is big enough that I’m not running into the

Isue there that closed up let’s put the light in so we got some light okay let’s clear some of these trees out I think oh that’s a beehive don’t be knocking that don’t be mad at me is that all of them nice um what help who needs help should I take the

Sign I feel like if I take the sign that might anger him here I’ll light it up a little bit if you really need help I don’t know what to expect okay okay okay I I I don’t okay I don’t even know I I don’t know how to react to

That anymore should I be scared just put these down quick and get inside wait uh I want to make a backpack there we go okay put it on my back slot what was that putting Windows everywhere yes the color of my chickens changed okay because I couldn’t put my

Backpack on I didn’t I there’s no way of sacrificing it okay so I I I I I downloaded a quk mod okay okay forget about it there no point having a backpack if I can’t wear a chest piece crazy too much glass but I got enough put more light up here there I

Can kind of see almost all the way around it’s nice okay so this place is looking good so far oh I don’t I don’t have any more more glass what am I doing okay it’s almost daytime that’s good tons of string I still got no iron

Whatsoever do I try and go and find like a dungeon area or at least um a cave how did you get out I don’t trust you could be a heroine spy okay let’s go find a cave preferably close by like super close by I don’t want to be going down

In any caves I’m going to tell you that right now but I don’t really have an option I haven’t been able to find any sort of iron whatsoever let’s see if we can find something that way yeah I know I know I know I have a tunnel in my house and but

Here’s the thing it’s in my house I actually don’t like it being in my house that’s just asking to invite things to come up you know and uh we don’t need to do that that’s just not necessary what is that thing are you a bear no what is

That whatever it is it doesn’t sound very nice so let’s just not tamper with it okay that sounds good to me all right moving on see if we got anything else we can look at I’m on edge wait what kind of bee is that uh I don’t like the sounds freaks

Me out oh hold on hold on here we go here we go let’s go and check and see if this is even worth going into okay so we got a creeper something I’m not very very good at killing exactly exactly my point okay if we light this up it’s just

Me I feel like yeah I feel like this was a den in all right well at least I’ll just get the coal that was disappointing very much so I don’t know maybe maybe I just go down my thing I don’t want to but really I don’t know if I have a

Choice I don’t want to break that sign I’m scared okay let’s get inside don’t worry about it for now No do I just try to go down okay this is such a bad Idea why did I hear two two people Running is this the way that worked it’s too dark down Here just light it up real quick then get out oh that’s just a Enderman oh we got iron there good Enderman keep everything else away from me please this is so Scary okay where was my entrance feel like I need to Put there blocks here okay there’s gold There oh there’s iron in There uh nope nope nope what was that what was that what was that I need the iron that scared me what if I just get that Iron just do it quickly just do it quickly oh I hear Zombies that’s Okay I I’m too scared to move okay that’s enough of that for now I got I got two pieces and um I’m happy with that for now um yes it is spooky we’ll give it that I might have enough to make a helmet maybe some boots probably some boots at

Least probably fill this in I feel like he might sneak up on me or something you know clear clear yeah okay I’ll be able to make some boots at least I guess I have any more iron no okay and then I’ll just need a helmet that’s it I’ll need five more and

I’ll be good where’s the Table okay good here we go that’s why I wanted to find a tunnel that’s not so open you know more like a spaghetti tunnel you know something like that breaking this sign I don’t think anything B oh I just scared Myself by breaking the grass okay okay let’s go

Over to this lava maybe there’s some iron around there I haven’t seen that stalker guy in a while which is kind of nice I guess doesn’t look like we got iron but it looks like we got an opening oh do we ever got an opening

Jeez look at this thing but with my luck we probably got no iron ah I don’t know why I’m laughing it’s not like super open more creepers more zombies best thing I can do is maybe just clear so a little bit make this a little brighter ow don’t shoot me stop shooting

Me but I’m not seeing any iron on the outside what why is iron so difficult to find normally it’s like on the outside of everything right like it should be easy okay you just scared me but that’s Okay isn’t really a cave that I want to be in okay Creeper I don’t think this is it hold on hold on oh look at that we got some iron right there and whatever that thing was what was that that monkey flying squirrel look listen you’re fine with me okay don’t do that that’s scared me you’re a scary sounding thing that’s for

Sure finally am I actually going to have a full set of iron armor oh my gosh I am going to feel a little bit more safer going into the cave now not by much but enough okay let’s get back real quick if I can get back who’s Flying Squirrels me ah

Oh no I can’t it’s been pretty quiet the last couple days I’m not going to lie it’s nice stop stop stop what stop what stop Le in the signs I don’t need them of course of course of course as soon as I say it as soon as I say it I noticed something

Oh okay I got to be doing something with these chickens here I got no seeds I want to make arrows don’t got any seeds though so Sun’s going down Got me a Helmet I see you I see you sir scare Me oh it’s raining that’s great it’s perfect perfect nice stormy night make things a lot spookier well I guess I could start getting um some bookshelves and stuff made three all right that’s all I got for that we’re going to put this let’s see here we go two three what was that two

Three you guys popping eggs out o five of them okay that’s good who I don’t like those footsteps those freak me out okay I keep checking out the windows cuz I feel like there’s a stalker out there something I feel like I’m being watched I’m hearing things I’m going

Crazy okay and I don’t like it just going to make a bookcase Place go down a little bit why I don’t really know just because seems cool oh there’s an actual spider out there seen those in while we any of those creepy stalker guys out here maybe I can go and take

Out a few mobs get some more um get some more wood come here you wow it’s still kind of dark out here eh the spider go ow okay let’s get some of these trees ah the be scared me I get scared of the creepers though haven’t really run in any but you never

Know still got to be careful aha there’s one I knew there was going to be one we’ll just mosy on this way get all this okay I don’t like being down in a valley uh that’s one two three four five 6 7 8 n okay looks like we’re going back

Down I got to stop being scared hey I’m going to go back to where I was down in here okay don’t need to make that sound thank you oh it’s actually a lot lighter during the day down here okay that’s not bad ow okay okay guys that was not

Necessary this is what I want I don’t think they can get over here I think there was a big gap okay that was good that was a good hall right there yeah yeah fall in there yeah come on over actually you know what I got an idea now is that going to Burn Maybe um not how I wanted that to happen there maybe that go in no but I just hear somebody I really just want diamonds please I don’t like all these sounds I’m too scared to move no no no I can’t I can’t I can’t I

Can’t I can’t right now I can’t I’ll wait till the sun comes back up and then I’ll go back down I got a bunch of iron I can actually get a bucket get some lava don’t like that okay so make a backup she and bucket like two buckets one for lava one for

Water and we’ be good to go okay let’s go get some water some water some lava and hopefully a cave that I can find an opening to I I’m I’m really starting to feel like I just need to go out maybe her ry’s just kind of around my area because he I

Don’t know just just a big meanie like that get your signs out of here nobody wants your signs I’m going to get that lava that was over here I think it was I remember correctly I can’t remember correctly I’m not 100% sure I think it

Was I think it was over here next to this bridge there it is there we go whoa whoa where you come from you scared me all right let’s uh let’s go on a little Adventure here let’s get away ah Crow do that not the best Woods to be going through right

Now all these large canopies just keep moving through here quick quick quick quick as I can don’t need to stop for anything whoa okay can I can I make it oh I didn’t okay uh okay not a good spot to be I don’t like it down Here oh we got a looks like a portal let’s get that let’s get that let’s do it let’s do it sound weird protection Fortune efficiency sure whatever projectile protection oh we got um ow ow oh my gosh I just scared myself what am I doing oh gosh I’m

Silly let’s do that at least so I can get the gold I can’t believe I scared myself like that H now the only problem is I need diamonds so I can make a pickaxe so I can make an enchanting table so I can at least have some protection against whatever is out here

At night I mean there was that spider cave I could go into but I really don’t want to it’s another one of these Cobblestone things what’s this all about nothing raccoons what’s up okay not finding too much just it’s mostly just all trees and stuff maybe I should make

A boat that way I can go on the water and move a little bit quicker that seems like the play is it really though probably not i’ like to find something what is that thing that’s a tree isn’t it there’s this here too I don’t know what this

Is what is it oh that’s a seal or a walrus or something ah is that a a whale it is a whale what are with these pyramids okay okay I am not okay okay oh these these whales I know they’re not going to hurt me but they freak me

Out stop following me is that a ship why is he following me he’s not hurting me per [Applause] se okay so this is a ship do I do I go down yeah I’ll go I’ll go down just real quick just real quick very hard to see down here but I’ll just

Go real quick Berry’s treasure map I got paper don’t really want the berry treasure map feather falling sure okay let’s get back up here okay so I guess we are out in the water for tonight I am not liking it out here just want to clarify that right now but here we [Applause]

Are I’m not into this right now my gosh it’s so dark I’m so glad I found this boat though that would have been bad let’s just chill up here for the night there’s something flying there are Scallywags there are scall Wags I did not sign up for this

What happened how did I get hit what am I going to do yeah hurt each other would you yep just going to chill and wait till morning going use this bucket of water bucket of water going use bucket of lava I just need to be able to see more clearly okay right guys

I’m fine I’m in uh on dirt might I’m burning up my boat though this guy’s just chilling there what are you doing can I leave I’m out of here running I didn’t realize there was scall EGS around here oh that’s a that’s a whale why do they all follow me no no no

No no no no no no no no no no he’s still there just get on land and get out of here go away whoa excuse me sir think so okay so travel on the water is not the the play my gosh why is it make why

Is it got to be so difficult to go get a Cow come here where’ you Go oh that’s a bear I don’t want I don’t want to mess with the bear yeah you just yeah you just do your thing I’m just going to run this way feel like I’m going in the complete wrong direction here as much as I don’t want to do this

I kind of have to I went a little too far out those pyramids again what what’s with the pyramids oh the Orca whale he’s going to come after me yep maybe maybe not okay today going down I’m going to get some diamonds I I don’t care about that point now where I kind

Of have to let’s get the diamonds find some diamonds get out of here go back okay so where am I going here let’s go over here get your SW sword get your shovel out of here yeah fight each other oh okay you’re done all right I see a

Lot there some iron there I don’t need the iron right now and I don’t want to be down in the caves any longer than it have to be probably should have made more torches I don’t have much kind of cave system is this look at this it’s

Like weird yeah just be normal yeah I don’t like these sounds okay I don’t like any of them like how can I transverse like this is ridiculous oh you stuck down there it’s too bad oh oh my gosh that scared the living out of me holy jeez on I’m seeing iron everywhere now

Where was it when I needed it okay good uh what is that hold on hold on hold on it’s one of those go Ah that’s what that was Golem thing let’s just get some of these things lit up a little bit oh thank you just one really just one not

Cool much deeper do I got to go okay let’s get back I got one Diamond I mean I can’t complain about it okay I don’t don’t really know okay this this this is okay okay I’m getting tons of iron now not really what I want I want

Diamonds but that’s you know I got to take what I can take oh what the how did I miss that oh thank you there’s no more oh yes so I got three I got three so I can make a a diamond pickaxe so I can start enchanting you Know should I probably go for armor first no I gotta I got to do the diamond pickaxe man let’s just get Back before things get too scary where did I go here am I’m up here I think what are those sounds oh my gosh is it not coming after me are you not coming after me No no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no all right guys I actually didn’t make it very far I think this was like day 15 or something maybe it was like 13 I I don’t know okay these guys just do not stop at

All if you enjoyed it and you made it this far please considering liking subscribing it really helps out the channel and if you you want me to further explore this mod just let me know maybe I’ll make 100 days on it maybe I’ll make something else but in

The meantime if you want more cave dweller stuff or freaky stuff like this pick one of the videos on the screen and enjoy and with that shadow Mech out

This video, titled ‘Surviving HEROBRINE From the Fog in Minecraft Hardcore… But he brought Friends’, was uploaded by ShadowMech on 2023-11-18 23:44:37. It has garnered 254576 views and 9862 likes. The duration of the video is 01:22:41 or 4961 seconds.

Herobrine has emerged from beyond the fog and has brought some of his cave dweller variant friends with him. Do I have what it takes to survive? Please enjoy! #Minecraft #herobrine #intothefog #ShadowMech #EP1

Cave Dweller Video:

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    🌟Galaxy STAR A-tan builds racetrack!✨Video Information This video, titled ‘【#Minecraft】初見さん大歓迎💖競馬場作り🎶【GalaxySTAR 0期生/ほしのあーたん】 #vtuber #shorts’, was uploaded by ほしの あーたん Galaxy STAR 0期生 on 2024-09-19 23:26:34. It has garnered 942 views and 91 likes. The duration of the video is 07:34:06 or 27246 seconds. #Minecraft #newVtuber Thank you for finding me‎(🎀•͈ᴗ•͈)ᵃʳⁱᵍᵃᵗᵒ➰💖 If you like, please subscribe to my channel🙏 ~How to Join~ Participation is generally limited to **Hoshino Seidan members only❣️** ※We apologize, but first-time viewers cannot participate😢 Only Java version members can participate♪ Please join after you have become friends with each other💓[Prohibited Items]Go to sleep at night😴 or log out🙇‍♀️ ❶ Stealing other people’s items… Read More

  • Unbelievable Minecraft Build Battle – Wersonka goes CRAZY! 🔥🔨 #minecraft

    Unbelievable Minecraft Build Battle - Wersonka goes CRAZY! 🔥🔨 #minecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘⛏🧱Minecraft Bulit Battle #minecraft’, was uploaded by Wersonka on 2024-07-16 13:48:03. It has garnered 2314 views and 38 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:48 or 48 seconds. #Minecraft #MinecraftSurvival #MinecraftBuild #MinecraftTips #MinecraftTutorial #MinecraftLetsPlay #MinecraftMods #MinecraftPE #MinecraftBedrock #MinecraftJava #MinecraftRedstone #MinecraftFarm #MinecraftAdventure #MinecraftRoleplay #MinecraftPvP #MinecraftUpdate #MinecraftServer #MinecraftChallenge #MinecraftGameplay #MinecraftHouse #Gaming #YouTubeGaming #GamingCommunity #LetsPlay #YouTuber #YouTubeChannel #GamingVideos #YouTube #ContentCreator #Viral #Trending #YouTubeGrowth Read More

  • “BEST NUKE MOD for Bedrock in Minecraft | Insane Anime Edit!” #Clickbait

    "BEST NUKE MOD for Bedrock in Minecraft | Insane Anime Edit!" #ClickbaitVideo Information This video, titled ‘лучший мод нюкема на бедрок #anime #music #edit #song #animeedit #minecraft #авария #рек’, was uploaded by NuckesFlix on 2024-04-19 17:54:16. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Read More

  • Sandunga Eternals

    Sandunga EternalsServer survival custom para guerreros, kits, rankups, protecciones. Estoy creando mi propio server, y también juego en el para ir mejorando la experiencia para la pequeña comunidad que estoy creando en minecraft, acompañame en esta aventura. Read More

  • Midnight Apocalypse 1.20.1 – modded

    The Apocalypse Has Evolved: Midnight Apocalypse Forge 1.20.1 is Here! Get ready to experience the ultimate Minecraft survival challenge like never before! The latest release of Midnight Apocalypse Forge 1.20.1 modpack is now available, packed with new features, mods, and gameplay mechanics that will push your skills to the limit. Explore a Vast World: Teleporting and Adventuring: Use waystones to travel long distances, or take a random TP to start your adventure in an unexplored location. Looter Mod: Get loot from even looted/explored areas, and discover hidden treasures. Spells and Scrolls: Travel distances using scrolls, scriptures, and spells. Craftable Rockets:… Read More

  • The Ultimate Murder Strategy Guide

    The Ultimate Murder Strategy GuideVideo Information This video, titled ‘얼탱이 없는 머더 전략 [#Shorts]’, was uploaded by 김알파의 게임세상 on 2024-09-16 10:43:39. It has garnered 103 views and 10 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:48 or 48 seconds. #minecraft #hypixel Read More

  • Rick’s Trick: Minecraft Flick

    Rick's Trick: Minecraft Flick In the world of Minecraft, where blocks are the key, Rick made them do it, or did he not, we shall see. His daughter and her clone, falling in love with a twist, But who really forced whom, in this love-filled midst? Analyzing the situation, with a critical eye, Unraveling the reasons, as the story flies by. Beth’s love, a mystery, what did the authors intend? Let’s dive deep into the tale, and see where it ends. Support with a donation, if you feel so inclined, Join the DeonalWorld server, where adventures unwind. Creative Association, Deonal, a place to… Read More

  • POV: When Your Friend Lava Bombs Your House #toxic #minecraft

    POV: When Your Friend Lava Bombs Your House #toxic #minecraft POV: When your friend is the most toxic in Minecraft and you start questioning if they’ve been taking lessons from the Creepers. Read More

  • Ultimate Pigman XP Farm in Minecraft!

    Ultimate Pigman XP Farm in Minecraft! Exploring a Simple yet Efficient Gold Farm in Minecraft Introduction In the world of Minecraft, players are constantly pushing the boundaries of creativity and efficiency. One such example is the creation of a simple yet highly effective gold farm. Let’s delve into the details of this fascinating project. Gathering Materials The first step in building a gold farm is gathering the necessary materials. From basic resources like wood and stone to more specialized items like redstone and obsidian, every component plays a crucial role in the farm’s functionality. Construction Begins Once all the materials are in place, it’s time… Read More