Surviving Silent Night in Minecraft Hardcore

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Silent night holy all is cold all right and we’re back this time I’m stuck with Forge Labs Robert and on sorted guy and we’re stranded in the Canadian wilderness a rescue plane was supposed to arrive today but at never came so here we are with no food no

Shelter and most likely going to miss out on Christmas are any of us going to make it out alive well in the month of December as a holiday series the four of us will try to outlast one another in this harsh cold winter wonderland with each passing episode becoming

Progressively harder but the freezing temperatures are not the only things that can take us out there are Great Canadian mythical creatures roaming these lands and they’re hungry so so the rules are simple if you die you’re out and the last man standing wins oh come come guys really cold

Shadow come with us okay okay okay we got to get out of these Woods all right I’m falling you we got to get out of these Woods he’s running Straight Into the Woods Straight Into the Woods it’s fine it’s fine it’s no worries Kim don’t get us killed please someone need to get

Collect some wood for me collect some wood guys what is that there it is there it is R run run run run run coming you I’m going to keep running I’ll run I’ll run I’ll run it you can it’s so fast I will run I’ll do it I’ll

Do it follow me run Kim’s dead Kim is it still chasing me I don’t know no no no it’s gone it’s gone oh no he dead okay well okay listen we got to we got we got a new plan okay we got some iron around here let’s like getting that

Stuff well it’s going to be it’s going to be night and so we got to move quick I can’t believe we lost Kim already that was crazy in the first like 10 seconds oh my God my gosh okay well things are serious I guess this is day

One huh that happened I love it it was a minute one you think uh our mistake was trying to follow Kim anywhere yeah where did you guys go I’m just pretty much where we started where should we should we just build our base here or should find

I don’t want to anywhere right now with Wilderness safe bet oh yes we fight for the iron we got to get as much of it as we can to before snow burries it in oh yeah that’s right oh no okay you hear that yep yeah

What is that what is it uh we need to build something we need a we need we need something what what what do you mean it’s a dweller I’m pretty sure we need food too we’re going to starve out here I just I wasted so much my saturation running yeah I that wasn’t

What is the it’s back there’s so many what is there’s so many of them SE it’s it’s coming oh my God what Robert where I don’t know what to do there’s two of make a cave make a cave I’ll keep running make a cave get in get in get in

Oh my God what where’s the cave uh right here you got to be able to close it up hit come on he breaks doors hold on oh I got hit by lightning oh get get down here this Robert this is the worst cave I’ve ever seen in my life

Hit by Fu I got hit by lightning I have two hearts oh my God dig into the cave Robert I have two hearts dig into this thing wait dig into this thing I don’t know why you’re digging underneath the tree come here come here come Qui Qui no

I’m safe I’m not going under your tree again Robert are you here oh I’m right here I found Shadow I found Shadow I get me in let me in I W as soon as I walked out my door I got hit by lightning what is happening

I don’t know how I survived to be honest I don’t know you doing out there I’m trying to dig to you guys I’m going to be I’m going to be quite honest I have no idea how many of those are spawning there was like 10 sounds that went off

Hey that’s good well I have two hearts I got a half a heart and two little pork drops in my bar right now I don’t know how to come back from this we we can we can CRA back out of this don’t worry okay um someone’s going to need to go

Out and get get us some meat oh no you can’t make a ah okay Robert I’ll go out you’re going to go out I have two hearts oh he sh I du to you guys okay I’ll run out just try to get a log so we can at

Least get a torch yeah we just need oh I got I got I can torches oh oh do you yeah okay what is going on here oh we got coal right here yeah we need meat this is huge I didn’t see any animals is uh is Kim still out there we might have

To what what did Kim have on him well no well he had he had Flesh on him did I did what one coal is one torch what oh my god oh it’s hardcore torches oh they’ll go out no do we have to light them no no no no they’re they’re pry lit

Thankfully yeah it’s dark out here let me see what it what does it look like out there not good watch out behind you Shadow oh I can eat that flesh I can eat that flesh no I want the flesh if you eat the flesh you’re going to it’s not

Good to eat bad FL oh no I’m going to die okay I guess we’re just going to have to wait wait for daylight here oh my gosh day one in the in the mountains yeah we have we have nothing we have no source of food we’re have two and a half hearts

Really I’ve got half a heart oh we lost a man in the first two seconds hey but you know what this cave is cozy is it daytime no no it’s not going to be day for a while what we need to do is I don’t even know if we’re going to be

Able to grow CR oh sorry Robert I’m trying to look around for anything like a sheep or something inside inside inside I just SE I just seen him spawn what do you mean Robert what do you what do you mean how’s did you look at him I didn’t look at don’t look at

Him are you wait actually yeah which one were you looking at I didn’t know the man from the fog Robert goes out there and stares directly at it why is there a second crafting table who oh someone else looked at there that wasn’t me oh my gosh oh someone someone’s angry I think

I think it’s one one per person oh my God I they’re still out here what is with these things I just heard another squeaky If I Stay looking down they’ll never run at us yeah you just can’t look at them it’s right above the our house I just

Seen it I just seen it I just seen it SE we’re closing it up no no no let me in we’re okay we’re okay we can go out there it’s fine just don’t look at them you sure there’s another one I’m out here looking for a pig why I’m hungry Robert

It’s in the tree there’s a one to go through monster thing what oh it’s after me I don’t know what that is okay the the daylight is coming we’re we’re going to be okay soon I hope so is that wind still chasing me yeah yeah yeah get inside get

Inside why why is the door closed get get inside this way Shadow wait we can kill it we can kill it what is that I don’t know oh I know it takes a lot of hits to die though I like that I’m more hiding all right okay

So we need to find food and then we need to build shelter immediately medely I said we just build it here you want to build shelter here oh what do you think they’re not going to spawn other places I I don’t know we there’s no food that’s

True there is no food hey let’s come down the hill a little bit then the mountain side has a lot of good stuff oh there’s a spider over here I’m going to kill it for strength is it the sun already going down ah I ow ow ow I’m going to die okay

Never mind I’m good I’m good hold up I just found a bunch of coal this is good this is good oh oh I’m getting iron oh my gosh yeah there’s probably a lot of iron hidden under the snow which sucks just take what I can get I guess guys hello where’ they go

Guys wait is this a village are you are you guys here there’s pumpkins oh that is a big hole jeez kind of building is is this why picked a pretty bad spot take it all take it all it’s potatoes yeah it’s growing I think it’s going okay um we have to oh yeah

It’s it’s a big hole all right build May let’s build down here oh no we still haven’t found the food situation here no well we have to do growing so it does grow though it’s I mean it looked like it was growing I don’t know okay that’s all right here let’s

Build here good news little cute there a beautiful spot right here yeah it’s great I’m going to kill some sheep we will make a Norwegian hot tub in memory of Kim can’t believe he’s dead people watching oh I can’t wait I can’t wait to see Kim

Play what does sheep like to eat what do we need to give those guys I killed them really I saw I saw one thing you killed it immediate food I got chickens over here how about that don’t kill them got it yeah got one chicken bring bringing

It back to the house nice okay I got some lamp chops where’d you get lamp chops from I killed the Sheep what that Sean you hear that well you killed the other sheep so I figured I’d kill this one unbelievable I’m bringing this chicken back okay don’t worry get in here

Chicken there make a pen around him like a pen no this is we’re not having we’re not having farm animals in the house get them down there put them outside Sean I don’t think you understand cool out here oh it is cold but he’s a chicken oh food

Beautiful food here come here come here chicken we’re going to make it over over here we’re going to put you right here for Now oh he fell in the chicken did yeah he fell in the hole all right we’re going have to get him out of the hole Okay I lied I might have pushed him in the hole oh my what are you making over there nothing none of your business Shadow’s tooling up I got I got I got I got a chest place at least okay we need more torches so let’s get some charcoal going is it really just one torch per yeah it’s pretty pretty awful really think about it one torch per coal we’re really going to

Be that’s great TR to live out here it’s snowing should we yeah have more inside I’m working on I can’t find another chicken oh found one as soon as I said that we need that food can you guys yell I don’t know where the house

Is yell can you guys oh Robert quick oh I see I’m just going to make the wall I don’t know where the house is how do I get in I see it I see it we got to make a door quick make like a door like right

There right here okay yeah they break doors okay okay uh oh awful noise if we had more iron I don’t think they break the metal doors Robert there’s like three of them out there so I don’t I’m I’m coming in where’s the door there isn’t a door fre a door okay out here

Out front can you guys just make a door what they break the doors no they’ll break the door what if I wonder we could use um trap doors I don’t know if they break trap doors oh that’s a good idea so if we go don’t know if I want to trust this

But hold on so we go like this and this they shouldn’t be able to get through this oh there he is he’s standing there right oh and he’s gone where he was he was watching us don’t scare me like that is that a spider oh I see him I’m looking if you

Don’t look at him he’s not a threat oh rabbit just just up there creeping here I got uh can we capture him what if we were able to capture every dweller in a boat uh no you can’t catch him in in a boat oh why not because everybody was

Doing it to the main cave dweller and cheesing it and then someone’s like no what there’s like three or four of them yeah there’s three of them there’s one for each of us there’s one right there too is that really what’s happening right now yeah oh is that the spawn sound every

Time yeah there’s like 15 there’s like 10 they’re surrounding me right now why is there so many there’s so many this one is shooting across the sky right now where are you oh my God I’m being surrounded by them I’m in a clearing there’re just spitting around what is

Going on here where are you I hear constantly they’re attacking me oh my God it around wait wait hold on what I think the mod is glitch it must be I’ve never seen it do that oh Sean where are you I’m outside the house I don’t see

You oh I got I got bad news I thought I what’s your bad news I’m officially hungry too and I’m out of food so I’m cooking my last little piece of rabbit I got one potato too um I have two we got to plant potatoes I I got string to make a

Fishing rod okay thats water though yeah oh my God Phantoms can you get a water bucket no we don’t have iron I get one more piece of iron Shad look at Shadow has a chest plate on right yeah I got to protect myself you know yeah Daylight’s

Coming beautiful nice okay today we need a farm going by the end of today yeah I know I’m I’m getting I’m just going to walk oh careful for the creeper I’m just heading up back back on the mountain I’m going to see if I can get some iron oh

My gosh uhoh did you guys hear that what no oh there’s a c it’s fall it I’m I almost just threw up I think it’s shadow shadow shadow shadow shadow shadow come here what look look in the woods a cow behind that tree right there a cow see

It no no it’s not a cow look shadow look straight ahead of us right now behind that tree oh my God oh my gosh okay go to the house go to the house get inside now oh my gosh look look do you see it yeah he’s right there

Guys get inside where are you I can’t run it’s in the woods I’m choking on my egg right now I got no food here the thing that killed Kim I saw it I I I know we too it it was hiding behind a tree just looking at that’s so spooky I

Barely noticed it it was watching us why I have unlit torches in my inventory now why do they eventually they eventually go out yeah living out here is not going to be easy it’s look look you put that down you pick it up it doesn’t go in

Your inventory the light that thing is out there right now we can’t waste the day we need to get we need to get those beds go go get iron I’m getting all this stuff well we have to move as a group in case that thing chases us so you stay

Here at the house me and shot will go get iron okay okay I just need I need some more food here I know same can you guys hear it I hear something breathing it’s breathing that’s it that means it’s nearby oh my God it’s so creepy okay sounds like a man breathing

In your oh god oh it’s it’s going to kill you NOP I’m outside oh it disappeared oh my God oh my gosh okay it doesn’t matter if you look at him yeah he there’s no you can’t predict his behavior so we is it gone it doesn’t usually just leave

After one attack okay well we need iron we need to do something okay we’ll go we’ll go hurry leave leave a path so we know how to get back here okay I got enough iron to make a bucket oh found some right here too that was a big hole

I’m getting I’m getting so hungry again no I just lost half my health to that thing I’m breaking iron and it’s just flying down the Ravine and I’m just not getting any of it what I found a sheep all make we save it okay it’s it died what how uh I don’t

Know you probably killed it huh some hungry man out there needed some food I’m eating berries and raw mutton he did kill it I mean no sorry eating these berries trying to get by one day at a time what are those Beres are good really like those oh foxes I found a

Bunch of foxes do they drop meat no I don’t think so test it well it’s a mother and two two babies I can’t I can’t can’t do that no I don’t think foxes Dro anything no oh they’re freaking me out though all skittish all right let’s go out and find

Some actual animals we need animal fat so we can light lanterns because these are becoming expensive and they go out which does not help at all there’s got to be animals like where are they go over this side I guess oh what’s that oh it’s a

Fox oh careful not going to hurt you okay okay really there’s really no animals no animals whatsoever I haven’t come across the one and Sean says that the the animal fat it’s not easy to Get oh No no we don’t need that is there seriously no animals I’ve been out here pretty much the whole day all I seen was a fox why are these trees have no tops I just heard something did I hear oh sheep there’s a sheep what do I keep hearing oh no it’s night

Time oh there’s Herobrine okay okay okay I’m sorry I’m sorry I’ll just get the animals and I’ll Go no no no no no no there’s a Herobrine sheep oh my gosh there’s a Herobrine sheep no no no no sheep I’m sorry stay away from me I’m out of here I am out of here Okay I’m scared now there’s there’s oh that’s her I thought that was another animal oh my gosh he’s out to get me now you’re know Ryan I’m sorry I’m sorry I I do not like this why is it raining it should be snowing am I missing something oh no oh no no

No okay okay I’m all right I’m all right I got my berries stop looking at me he bran I’m not going to kill your animals I’m sorry I’m not coming back here oh my gosh I lost all my ah he’s not going to stop is

He he’s not going to stop oh gosh get get out of the get out of the Bush no no no that’s even worse that is even worse I’m out of here nope nope no oh my gosh why is there so many I don’t even know why I’m asking that

Question all right I’m back I’m back I’m back leggings and some boots boom boom and we’re good we’re a little less squishy now is the sun going down already yes oh w w w w wo wo wo wo wo wo wo wo okay we got the Farms growing we got

Berries that scared me there was a cow out there earlier really we should have got the cow yeah but we were deal with those I don’t know cave dweller looking guys they wouldn’t eat the cow would they I don’t think so I hope not it’s

Right around here oh I found him the cow yeah you have wheat no oh my God yeah I wasn’t thinking Shadow I’m coming back I have wheat in my hand see okay where is that cow so he’s over here he’s just a lone cow there’s a bunny right here too kill

It we need it animal fat kill that bunny I can’t kill bunnies where’s the cow he he’s around here got him nothing I don’t see cow but it’s I see Darkness I’m going back oh he might have fell no he’s right here he’s right here it is Pitch Black right now

Oh no I don’t want to be out here right now he’s right here look I actually can’t see what happened do you not have a torch no no I got nothing oh oh because look at the Moon we it the Moon phases are on oh it is so dark wow yeah

It gets darker depending on how much moon is out ow ow ow we’re have to deal with that cow leader gosh I keep doing that they water Frozen Robert oh I forgot to put the magma underneath hold on it is insanely dark outside I’m getting bad and we we don’t need okay

Come on shadow shadow shadow shadow hold on I got I got a zombie at the door that’s so crazy how dark it is outside spooky I call midle all right stop tickling my toes what someone’s tickling my toes it’s sucking on my toes all right let’s go get that cow huh

Huh huh huh yeah I’ve been leading you to them you don’t never come we might have a problem what things might not be growing yeah they won’t we need a greenhouse berries are growing Hing on berries right now okay okay so the cow is over here this way you

Talking to me yeah what you think I I’m what do you think I’m going to do with a cow here take take take the take a torch so you’re not in the dark it’s bright out what do you mean well it’s going to get dark eventually okay so I’m sick of

These berries I don’t want to eat them anymore yeah I know he was right around here so he either fell in here Mr moomo Mr moomo oh he easily died this is a huge drop would they walk off it yeah cows are dumb dumb as heck oh see a wolf

Maybe the wolf killed the cow found Mr momu you got him okay good I got a potato oh it’s plant potatoes here you get another I’ll get some water make another patch another patch ow Robert were you being so fancy make another patch for the potatoes what do you mean

Being fancy you want like a whole another like section yeah why not okay to me trying we’re trying to survive out here Shadow I want crazy nothing that’s what I mean so if I go over here and I plant it right here no no no no no

No no that’s for the wheat but we’re trying to survive yeah I I’m I’m coming over with another water bucket well it’s already planted you joking me no you must be kidding me is it getting dark again no okay I just went under a tree look look right here and we where’s your

Potatoes I have two potatoes on me ow uh right here but it’s growing you’re going mess up its growing stage yep yep IL illegal illegal planting I’m the planting police well I guess so all right I need these magma blocks because I need to go fishing and I want to make

Kim his hot tub so I need these sorry hold up for a second you’re probably wondering why I’m building Kim a hot tub cuz sometimes this man is late to recordings because he’s too busy being in the hot tub that’s pretty much all it is all right where were we again

Okay uh-oh it’s snowing you know what that means right oh yeah what does it mean monsters come going to spawn wa really yeah yep you know that that’s how the world works oh yeah the rain there’s no sun anymore do someone get sand by chance no

I can go get some I think I just I hear something following me that’s not good Robert it’s following it’s What’s following you what’s following what are you talking about Robert ah what you going crazy I don’t know what was following you something ran up on me man

These crops are taking years to grow are you going to make a pond down there Sean no I’m going to go get stone I need to build the roof I need Cobblestone yeah I’ll go fish over here or this water no we can make we can we can make our own

Pond yeah just until we get a pond yeah I’m going to make a make a little fishing hole right by the camp good idea good idea everyone yeah this is a good time you know couple boys camping out in the woods yeah one dead

Guy oh Kim if he didn’t die now he would have died he would have been dead by now anyways yeah you fish right here think so am I going to be okay with the magma think it’s sucking the fishing pole down oh no we might not be able to fish

Because of that let’s see there you go it’s working I got your fish down there ow ow I can’t get out I can’t get out when you’re on it just just hold shift and you don’t take any damage oh really yeah I never knew that pretty good huh yeah it’s pretty pretty nifty

Just just fishing and boiling hot water there’s like no life this is a Barren Wasteland watch out sh out what the don’t let Mr Mumu out is it still closed yeah that should have killed me shadow you got to be more careful jeez no words

To Kim you got to be aware of your surroundings you aware of something crazy creepers man there go goes half the berry bushes oh man how you looking no good I almost got our roof done whole roof is almost done yeah look at you go you ready to live in the coziest house

Ever Robert I really would like to sit by a fire warm the toes up all right I’m heading out I’m going to get some iron Some Coal stuff hopefully not run into anything too freaky pretty much have to look for anything exposed because the snow could be covering everything and uh

That’s not good uh hard to find and I’m not digging okay St breaking all the snow no way just find what I can on the outside I’m sure there’s sure there’s a bunch I don’t see any any more iron around here oh little cave little cave look at that where was I

Before I got to get these boys some iron son’s got the house Robert’s getting the food so I got to be useful yeah I I think I’m useful okay maybe a little bit okay maybe not maybe not that much either way they’re going to love to see

All this iron so I’m doing something okay all right ooh look at all this iron okay okay boys I think we might be able to survive look at that look at all this iron they’re going to be happy when I get back oh man oh man look at all that

Look at all that 23 pieces all right now I got to get back somehow not sure where where’re at those creepy guys though oh man just got to keep checking you know looking make sure no one’s creeping on me better safe than sorry why do I always get

Lost why can’t it just be simple why don’t you ever look at your coordinates Shadow because what’s the fun in that huh what the oh no no no no no oh my gosh run run run run where’s the trees where is he is he gone oh man I’m getting out of here hold

On no no Shadow get what what am I doing trying to collect coal while I barely just got chased oh there’s a whole look’s what’s going on down here got a meeting going on meeting greet what are we discussing today boys you got some dwellers on

You yeah no one want to talk to Me I was like who just hit that oh I’m just these guys are having to meet and I just wanted to trying to figure out what’s going on like a a town discussion yeah looking for a cow well I know someone’s mother oh oh what do you mean you know someone’s

Mother I don’t know not not related it’s not related it just that was just a coincidence P coincidence Jesus Oh Brother bro I got a lot of iron I got a lot I got six oh that’s okay no I got more than six I got seven oh nice house you got go

Sean oh yeah thank you all right let’s uh try to get some animal fat Sean’s looking for for lanterns and uh we could possibly use some bones which would be good because our crops I guess are growing really slow I I don’t understand it so the bone

Meal would be nice oh these spiders yeah get not exactly the guys I’m looking for but oh I’m going to get creep on get I I hey doggy help me what am I what am I doing right now why am I fighting in the dark I just use a torch wait never mind I I don’t look look at my torch that’s all I got I and I can’t even pick

It up hold on wait I can make some torches just make a couple torches and then I can use there what is this why is this all on fire what is going on here what is going on Here oh oh no no why why is this creeper so Fast ah now excuse me what is this what happened here look I’m so confused what is this okay no I’m out of here I’m out of here I’m out of here I have no idea this is not good ow okay this is not good this is

Not good this is not good this is not good this is not good this is not good this is not good this is not good why do I do this to Myself okay okay ah oh my gosh oh my gosh okay okay no no no what happened oh oh my gosh okay there’s something over there it’s bunch of dead people a bunch of dead people a bunch of dead people where bring me to the dead people I need

To I need to eat I don’t know what it’s all about I don’t know what’s going on over there bring me to the dead people I would like to have a word with them oh my gosh I keep throwing my torches away and I just lit those ones too I’m so

Flustered what is that noise that’s it it’s working you just heard the scariest thing in the world your mother-in-law oh my oh what is that it’s here what is that that sound by the way I don’t know it could be my stomach I’m pretty hungry I don’t like it it’s somewhere out here

Oh look at our house our house is looking so cozy look good maybe I awakened something when I went over to that thing the the corpse pile yeah it followed you back we need uh we need lights we need sand sand okay yeah to make windows can someone go get sand for

Us yeah I can I don’t want to I I’ll go out take a take a gander I’ll make a shovel first for why what is that I don’t know I don’t really want to go out now okay just find sand and get back it’s all I got to do it’s

All I got to do just go in One Direction I don’t have any Food okay this might have been a big mistake it’s just a flower and that’s a creeper I don’t want to run cuz I don’t got much food oh my gosh that was just a Sheep no sir I would not like the extended warranty I don’t think I’m going to find sand I’m going to be quite honest with you wait what what over here this looks like water another one of those things what is that what is that gross I’ll take

It there’s some sand right there sure there’s nothing in the water just get this quick and get back okay just quickly Shadow come on no I don’t like that sound okay let’s get back that’s enough let’s get out of here oh no no no what what go away go [Applause]

Away he can swim [Applause] No no thank You why why must this happen I got to stop going out alone okay that was scary what do I hear I am legit terrified right now no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no absolutely not did I just get lost no oh no

Okay oh my gosh okay okay good W all right all right anybody here hello okay okay okay okay um okay uh I I went out and I got sand okay I also found this okay what in the world do you have in your hand what is that I found this I

Don’t know what it was but it’s disgusting get that out of here yeah here put that outside yeah put that with the put that with Mr MooMoo yeah just leave that out there the sound it makes too okay it’s looking good in their house oh you got

You got me sand perfect I was going to say someone needs to bring me sand oh no it’s out there it is out there it’s gone though it’s gone it’s gone okay it’s breathing I hear something breathing down my neck he was just here he was just here I just seen him

And he disappeared I get this roof built what he’s right outside the house he’s right Sean what he’s right there no one move his vision is based on movement based on movement I don’t know if that’s true or not he staring at you Shadow Robert Robert go close to him yeah he’s staring

At me I don’t want to go close to him he wants the meat bile go get him all right I’ll give him the meat bile he wants he stared at he wants Shadow he just mov he’s gone he’s gone no no Robert he’s going the house it’s here brine

Herobrine’s here Herobrine’s here oh my God oh my God what is going on everything’s here it’s hands it’s trying to get through what it’s under me it’s right here what are you talking about they can’t climb right oh I I yeah okay okay okay we’re in trouble right oh my

What is going oh my God he’s right he’s right here here do you look at him close the door can we can we get can we get uh walls up on these oh my God I forgot about the meat pile that’s what it CED all that trouble

The meat pile probably was I brought it here what is with why is there is there like a angry mob convention out here talking about supposed to be nice and you go outside there’s spiders zombies baby villagers you got herob what what oh oh oh what’s going on he’s coming what’s

Coming the skin walker I don’t know where it was you saw it yeah I saw something yeah that was him what was it he was skinny antlers I I don’t know I just see a right over there I think he’s gone yeah I think we’re okay there’s

Creepers all over the place yeah they’re they’ve gone as they say in the business Buck nutty that freaked me out so bad all right I seriously demand Spruce Wood Spruce how do you how do you how do you want it just don’t process it just drop the logs

Down give me the logs when do we want it I want it now and I also want some nice lanterns I want to build a Christmas tree I want to make this place not feel like we’re being hunted by a beast oh Christmas tree we got we also got to

Make a grave for Kim oh yeah oh we got to make a hot tub for Kim oh yeah K’s tub all right and I don’t see any creepy men I think I’m good okay I’m going to cut down this floating tree out here cuz it’s driving me nuts get rid of it no

Need for it and do this as quick as I possibly can before something else comes at me bring it oh all right come on oh my God he’s here he’s here oh my God he’s trying to he’s Shadow don’t come back don’t come back Shadow he’s here where I’m in the

Tree he’s in the front door he’s trying to smash the front door in right now look down at the house I can see you up there I I can’t see him he’s not there what do you mean he’s not there he’s not there you don’t see that the the giant

Thing going to smash its way into the house right now no sounds like oh my God fake news I just heard a scream though oh my God he’s smashing the door down I don’t see I don’t see him sh he was right here I know I couldn’t see

Him it might have been because of the ledge of the roof I couldn’t see over the ledge how do you make an oil can oh great Shad I need your help right now ah oh my go okay what’s going on out there I just got jump scared by herob

Rine I’m okay he just yeah just yeah just jumped in my face I found Mrs moomo and a friend come on you guys come on up and atam all right I’m making an oil can right now oh J this tree and I have animal fat so this is perfect you guys got any

Animal fat yeah yeah I do I have one what was this thing it’s got like four legs every time you oh animal fat bring me it I need it okay uh let’s go find some animals take some animal fat for Sean I guess be helpful last time I did

This I didn’t have much success but we’ll try again I guess no you stop that this guy always sounds so angry is there a witch out here there’s oh there’s a witch I’m just looking to see if there’s Anything oh my oh my gosh no no nope oh my oh I’m I’m coming back no no no No no no no no no no oh my gosh I might die I might die I’m I think I’m running to the place oh my gosh it’s still chasing me yeah yeah yeah I see you go left left yeah yeah come straight straight oh my God it’s following you ah inside get

Inside get inside look get in get in Shadow oh my God what is what he was just in the forest can they can it climb I don’t know I was fighting it I was fighting a witch oh my God the chills don’t go out there it’s sitting right there shut

Up oh my gosh okay what is that sounds like a train oh oh my gosh God are we going to have another one of those nights it’s right there it’s right outside the window oh my God sorry I trying to trying to do something over here’s trying to get me

Killed I don’t like that don’t let him in oh oh no the shadows out there oh my gosh it’s it’s jumping all over my cows Mr and Mrs moo must be scared to death I got the most gear I’ll go out and see if I can kill it okay oh oh oh

Oh what is happening outside no no no it’s ripping shadow going to kill me oh my God I’m not get it oh it’s dead you got it okay Jes almost took out your cows in the process yeah don’t do that that was scary yeah you need to fill it with

Animal fat right I was trying to get animal fat but then I ran into that guy Robert what is this the staircase up top there’ll be no there’ll be no what I’m spend all this time making the house nice and here you come with these what making it practical like cozy no there’s

No staircase going up to the we’ll do that after oh my goodness I’m building a chimney here all right you take all the get out you you out here trying to survive and you guys are just I want to make it pretty yeah I’m trying to make get food

For everyone all right sleep time just about I got to do one last thing and then we can sleep we can sleep our whole lives away if we’d like you’re going going to have such a good sleep Robert you’re going to sleep for the rest of

Ever what do you mean by that what do you what do you mean by you got this you got this place this play strap a TNT no imagine now watch this what bunk beds look at these bunk beds Sean bunk beds oh beautiful this is

Getting so cozy look at that put put a put uh whatever it’s called on the front of them see let’s see how this looks watch this look at that fancy seen look at this our beautiful little home this is our nice little cabin we got here

Look how cozy this is but then we got this big like hunk of meat kind of right here it’s bringing us good fortune that thing pretty that sounds so good all right everyone get in their bed all right I call bottom bunk I’ll take the middle yeah look at

Us it’s going to happen now who this is awesome yeah this is great I love this little house we got now warm up by the fire I think we should go mining mining yeah yeah so we can get some I think someone else has other

Plans for us this looks so cozy now guys yeah we got a little villager and you made a little path too wow and don’t forget good old Frank Frank the hunk of meat we went from surviving to thriving yeah I mean I’m still eating berries but

Too bad Kim was here to see it oh yeah dead unsorted guy I think Herobrine was just in the chicken C why I don’t know I think yes Robert look at that look at that that chicken right here oh my God he is wait it’s Herobine the chicken he

Wants you oh he’s possessing our animals yeah oh he’s gone gone what that’s crazy oh what another one oh my God there’s he’s here he’s here he’s here where the wendo was here it was in the woods oh my god do you hear it is so loud y he’s over here you

Want to go near that sound well let’s just get into the Min who cares run run past it let’s go okay I’m going going to leave this here so we can go up and down it okay you can you can fall real easy it’s so dark wow it’s going be really dark

Down there do we have torches so we can start spamming when we get down below are we going down we’re going to go down yeah that’s water that’s like a straight pool oh oh my God it just what I just put out all my torches so did I I just

Going in the water puts out your torches if you’re holding them yes like all of them what the heck there’s diamonds right there though I don’t even know where you guys are I keep falling careful Shadow I think I see us oh this is a

Huge vein of iron oh my gosh oh wow do you see this it goes even further down right here oh no oh my God oh my God I’m he’s on me he’s on me he’s chasing me he’s chasing me he’s he’s behind he’s over

That wall oh my god did you did you come into the water oh I see him oh I see him he’s in there he’s thrashing around on that side of the wall I see antlers where are you guys oh he he can swim he swim he can swim oh my God he’s getting

He run oh run where are you guys Robert he’s in the water Robert I don’t see oh my God come down here come down here come where’s your door right here there’s there two door oh my gosh holy why is he in the cave is this safe

Shadow I think so okay there’s a whole place over here without water is it the hallway that I was in I like the water though it makes me feel safe yeah I suppose we did not prepare well to be down here oh my gosh I don’t like that I

Have no torches okay let’s get this iron get out of here try to find some diamonds I need diamonds where are you guys are you guys here can’t believe I put out all my torches I I won’t extin wish our torches this time if you give me the wood oh my

Gosh oh my gosh wait oh you Flint flint and steel yeah I got a flint and steel totally forgot I had that oh here you go here take my unlit torches I don’t have flint and steel Robert give me a I’m going to make torches that we can all carry does

Everyone have a torch to carry I don’t have one yeah I got three torches here put this in your off hand Shadow you can put this in your off hand if you want I know you got torches now but yeah I just can’t I want to accidentally put it down

Cuz yeah I know you can’t bre it up oh my gosh there’s so much yeah boys we doing good now this Ravine just let us straight down it’s crazy I told you there’s a treasure Trove down here and it goes down even further living it up anything you could

Ever want is down here got so much coal now there’s there’s one thing I want badly and I see it was in here oh my god oh no no no no not down here please out of the way out of the way oh I got diamonds away

Zombie oh my gosh guys there might be a wind to go down here oh look at all this stuff look at it all there’s no water could be someone creeping on me right now I have no idea H creeper get out of here get get away my gosh what the

Creepers I feel like I shouldn’t have went on my own I need to go back I don’t like it this too scary where’ I go how do I get in here I’m lost oh my gosh how did I get in here this is why I hate not having

Torches oh my God wait wait wait wait wait wait is this it yes okay okay okay what is that what where are you hello hello you oh my God Robert it’s hanging off the ceiling it just dropped right by you Shadow sh oh oh my gosh it was

Hanging theing like a spider I couldn’t find any diamonds I was watching I have five diamonds you five diamonds I think he’s still over there it just disappeared it was watching it just disappeared you guys want to gang up I think we should just get out of this cave my God no

No he’s going to kill me get in the water get in the water the water he can’t swim he can’t swim oh oh we’re so lucky it’s so slow oh my God see you later idiot dumbest man alive right there dumbest man alive all right let’s

Get out of here it’s daytime let’s let’s go swi all the way up oh oh he’s running now what do you mean he’s running now no he’s oh now he’s slowed down he must have just hit a block I’m going all the way up hold on I want

To kind of wait till he disappears for what what do you want to do cuz he might teleport he’s gone okay did we get what we needed to get I guess I I mean I don’t know I got a lot of iron okay as we emerged from the cave and

Made our way back to the cottage the unthinkable happened Herobrine set it on fire burning it down and destroying our c Haven and that’s the end of the episode and if you made it this far don’t forget to hit that subscribe button so you know exactly when the next episode drops and

With that shadow Mech out

This video, titled ‘I Try to Survive the Silent Night Horror Simulation in Minecraft Hardcore… Tis the Season…’, was uploaded by ShadowMech on 2023-12-02 18:24:28. It has garnered 110911 views and 6120 likes. The duration of the video is 00:55:09 or 3309 seconds.

Inspired by From the Fog, I’m now stranded deep within the Canadian Snowy Wilderness with Herobrine and all sorts of monsters. A Party of 4 try and survive the horror’s within. If the freezing cold temperatures don’t get them, then the Wendigo’s will. Do I have what it takes to survive? Please enjoy! #Minecraft #herobrine #intothefog #ShadowMech #EP1

Make sure to check out @ForgeLabs , @OkRobert. , and @unsortedguy channels for their part on the series.

From The Fog Video:

Big thanks for the Wendigo mod! @SwayleMC @GalaxyZGaming_ @flamco4

🔴SUBSCRIBE ▶ @ShadowMech 💥Patreon – ► Twitter – ► Discord –

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    🌟Galaxy STAR A-tan builds racetrack!✨Video Information This video, titled ‘【#Minecraft】初見さん大歓迎💖競馬場作り🎶【GalaxySTAR 0期生/ほしのあーたん】 #vtuber #shorts’, was uploaded by ほしの あーたん Galaxy STAR 0期生 on 2024-09-19 23:26:34. It has garnered 942 views and 91 likes. The duration of the video is 07:34:06 or 27246 seconds. #Minecraft #newVtuber Thank you for finding me‎(🎀•͈ᴗ•͈)ᵃʳⁱᵍᵃᵗᵒ➰💖 If you like, please subscribe to my channel🙏 ~How to Join~ Participation is generally limited to **Hoshino Seidan members only❣️** ※We apologize, but first-time viewers cannot participate😢 Only Java version members can participate♪ Please join after you have become friends with each other💓[Prohibited Items]Go to sleep at night😴 or log out🙇‍♀️ ❶ Stealing other people’s items… Read More

  • Unbelievable Minecraft Build Battle – Wersonka goes CRAZY! 🔥🔨 #minecraft

    Unbelievable Minecraft Build Battle - Wersonka goes CRAZY! 🔥🔨 #minecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘⛏🧱Minecraft Bulit Battle #minecraft’, was uploaded by Wersonka on 2024-07-16 13:48:03. It has garnered 2314 views and 38 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:48 or 48 seconds. #Minecraft #MinecraftSurvival #MinecraftBuild #MinecraftTips #MinecraftTutorial #MinecraftLetsPlay #MinecraftMods #MinecraftPE #MinecraftBedrock #MinecraftJava #MinecraftRedstone #MinecraftFarm #MinecraftAdventure #MinecraftRoleplay #MinecraftPvP #MinecraftUpdate #MinecraftServer #MinecraftChallenge #MinecraftGameplay #MinecraftHouse #Gaming #YouTubeGaming #GamingCommunity #LetsPlay #YouTuber #YouTubeChannel #GamingVideos #YouTube #ContentCreator #Viral #Trending #YouTubeGrowth Read More

  • “BEST NUKE MOD for Bedrock in Minecraft | Insane Anime Edit!” #Clickbait

    "BEST NUKE MOD for Bedrock in Minecraft | Insane Anime Edit!" #ClickbaitVideo Information This video, titled ‘лучший мод нюкема на бедрок #anime #music #edit #song #animeedit #minecraft #авария #рек’, was uploaded by NuckesFlix on 2024-04-19 17:54:16. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Read More

  • Sandunga Eternals

    Sandunga EternalsServer survival custom para guerreros, kits, rankups, protecciones. Estoy creando mi propio server, y también juego en el para ir mejorando la experiencia para la pequeña comunidad que estoy creando en minecraft, acompañame en esta aventura. Read More

  • Midnight Apocalypse 1.20.1 – modded

    The Apocalypse Has Evolved: Midnight Apocalypse Forge 1.20.1 is Here! Get ready to experience the ultimate Minecraft survival challenge like never before! The latest release of Midnight Apocalypse Forge 1.20.1 modpack is now available, packed with new features, mods, and gameplay mechanics that will push your skills to the limit. Explore a Vast World: Teleporting and Adventuring: Use waystones to travel long distances, or take a random TP to start your adventure in an unexplored location. Looter Mod: Get loot from even looted/explored areas, and discover hidden treasures. Spells and Scrolls: Travel distances using scrolls, scriptures, and spells. Craftable Rockets:… Read More

  • The Ultimate Murder Strategy Guide

    The Ultimate Murder Strategy GuideVideo Information This video, titled ‘얼탱이 없는 머더 전략 [#Shorts]’, was uploaded by 김알파의 게임세상 on 2024-09-16 10:43:39. It has garnered 103 views and 10 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:48 or 48 seconds. #minecraft #hypixel Read More

  • Rick’s Trick: Minecraft Flick

    Rick's Trick: Minecraft Flick In the world of Minecraft, where blocks are the key, Rick made them do it, or did he not, we shall see. His daughter and her clone, falling in love with a twist, But who really forced whom, in this love-filled midst? Analyzing the situation, with a critical eye, Unraveling the reasons, as the story flies by. Beth’s love, a mystery, what did the authors intend? Let’s dive deep into the tale, and see where it ends. Support with a donation, if you feel so inclined, Join the DeonalWorld server, where adventures unwind. Creative Association, Deonal, a place to… Read More

  • POV: When Your Friend Lava Bombs Your House #toxic #minecraft

    POV: When Your Friend Lava Bombs Your House #toxic #minecraft POV: When your friend is the most toxic in Minecraft and you start questioning if they’ve been taking lessons from the Creepers. Read More

  • Ultimate Pigman XP Farm in Minecraft!

    Ultimate Pigman XP Farm in Minecraft! Exploring a Simple yet Efficient Gold Farm in Minecraft Introduction In the world of Minecraft, players are constantly pushing the boundaries of creativity and efficiency. One such example is the creation of a simple yet highly effective gold farm. Let’s delve into the details of this fascinating project. Gathering Materials The first step in building a gold farm is gathering the necessary materials. From basic resources like wood and stone to more specialized items like redstone and obsidian, every component plays a crucial role in the farm’s functionality. Construction Begins Once all the materials are in place, it’s time… Read More