Swarly’s EPIC Minecraft Adventure Live Stream!

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Morning we need the mic on everybody hello hello we are a few minutes late but I promise like AK said we were doing things that were good that were useful we’re finally doing some work on this Discord um I’m pretty pretty excited because it’s been a mess it’s been kind

Of hard it’s been a little convoluted it’s been kind of messy um and so we’re finally going to be doing some work on that so that is awesome love that he’s helping us with that I do appreciate it uh let me pull up the toun tier we are just running

Obviously a minute behind because we got a little caught up with the conversation with all of that stuff y’all we have some fun today though it’s going to be a good old time going to be a good old time here today yo what’s up love bball that’s Carter we got Phoenix we got

Riley we got faran we got Phoenix again telling me to hurry up and start love it no uh y’all I’m just getting some tunes on I don’t know if I’m not really feeling any Christmas stuff today uh but the LOI there’s only so so many channels

Or Loi so I got to find something good over here y’all happy Sunday it’s a beautiful day we’re going to be playing some Minecraft I’ve got some clear-cut goals for myself today I did a couple things on the stream that I think are kind of cool we’re doing a little test

With it um let’s see what is there only four there’s like 14 playlists I just need to make my own playlist is what I need to do that’s that’s what I need to do all right there we go there’s some tunes you guys probably can’t hear cuz I

Turned this all the way down beautiful all right B thanks for joining the chat finally y’all so what I did today it’s something I’m kind of trying to do moving forward this is now officially like our Minecraft one I’m Chang it from the bottom left it’s a little easier

This way so it doesn’t block the chat but what I added so I added this which I thought was pretty cool I thought this was pretty cool over here uh so what this does is this just like gives us I use a little Minecraft uh quill and book whatever to kind of

Set our goals for today so we got some Swanky gold boots we’re going to start a wool Farm we’re going to kind of search for a Bastion Remnant we’re going to be doing a lot of nether stuff today Blaze spawner uh we need to make a bridge to

Rogues and a path to our cave uh then I’ve got like the little enchantments that we want for our our our boots and that’s kind of where we’re going um I thought it’ be cool to I don’t know kind of just get these up here for us just so we can kind of

All be on the same page oh anyways sorry y’all we’re like I’m reing here um why is why is this doing this don’t do this don’t do this be good to me anyways y’all let’s do it let’s do it uh let’s do it friends what’s up there he is can

Yall hear me what’s happening what is happening y’all all right uh I’m going to do like a little little quick organization here and then we can kind of get to whatever the heck we’re going to do all of our fun plans for today Scott you should grab all the iron and

Stop by Rogues grab all of the iron at Rogues or at our house at your place and then and then go over with all of the iron that we have yes okay I will do that also we have 42 gunpowder that’s what I was curious about

Earlier um where the heck do we put the amethyst which level is it oh there it is dude we have quite a bit of amn this now got solid nine Stacks here solid nine Stacks feeling good put this L all right um sweet so we can

Definitely do that let me grab all of our iron goodies here blint blint where’s go there it is all right we have all right we have 100 what’s it 148 blocks of iron you want me bring all that over um just kidding we might not need to

Okay all right sounds good where put my water oh my go y’ B zombies I’m so excited Scott you want to hit a bed real quick oh yeah let me hit the bed I’m feeling really good about getting this uh Discord situated it’s been too long in the making here all

Right boom shout out to AK for being a g shout out to AK Discord wizard the yeah the Discord wizard uh okay we need to young boy all right let’s go grab I’m going to bring over some gold boots and start some work on those bad

Boys you know we have plenty of go where is our gold we should have plenty of gold I already have boots I don’t want you have boots for both of us all right cool I’m just going to drop them off Here only been messing with Discord for 4 years could have fooled me could have fooled me my friend all right let me tell you what I I I got some breakfast from Starbucks today and it was uh it was not my favorite and I feel like I need to talk

About it Riley you’re you’re kind of an efficient AO at breakfast at you know Starbucks right yeah you ever gotten the RP no there’s only two good things for Starbucks PR I’m three there are only three good things in Star no I’m sorry there are four good things no sorry

There’s only seven good things all right what is it hit us with it the either of the bacon sandwiches either like the the double smoked croissant or the Bon GED sandwich those are good okay yep yep get those sausage sandwich is good and okay the baconer egg bites are good everything else

Starbucks has for breakfast trash dude it was just it wasn’t there was no seasoning I was like what what is going on what is going on here yes it’s just a bunch of mushiness yes and then like the bacon was too long so like the bacon

Kind of ended up pulling the rest of the egg out onto me it it was a whole thing D I just was not I was not happy and then it made me think about this burrito place that’s in um I think it’s Boulder Colorado it’s called bonfire burrito

It’s so good dude I’m we’re going to have to we’re going have to go there we’re going on a trip to Colorado just for a burrito going to Colorado for for a burrito that’ll be part of our Venture but it’s happening hey I’m here with a bunch of iron where do you want

Me um put it in Rog Farm Rogues which I’m going to put it at the top of the stair okaye here I don’t have enough room actually yeah there iron farm put it right there that’s a great idea this is so much iron that’s silly dude this is so silly oh my

Goodness wow this is wild this is so wild love it love it yo Farhan congrats on level five here my friend uh we have a oh Timmy what’s up buddy what’s up Timmy uh let’s see we have a burrito place here that has like queso Hot Cheetos and

Carada oh my gosh sign me up for a stomach ache that sounds delicious I’ll take five I’ll take five all right so we need to kind of kind of debating on what we should start first here I’ve got a couple plans so one of which is

Making this path to our cave we need to work on a bridge as well can’t much diing underneath uh shiny how do you feel about like a little little hole underneath your entire base little underground path what do you think about that yeah is that all

Is that all right with you sounds good to me we get the height right for this what level are you going to do um so this is going to be coming out around see height would be 143 143 okay literally as you read that Scott I was at 140 oh

I’m I’m going to tell you see where you’re going to run into her base okay so we’re going to hit something in there should I go I can go higher or lower place that you can aim for to connect if that’s what you want to oh do you do you

Want to connect is that cool is that what we want to do what were you just talking about well I was going to go through to the other side wait are you building the tunnel already no okay cuz I was going to start building the tunnel to the other

Side umat to void then as not to run through her stuffff well I I guess it’s up to Rogue does Rogue want a pathway to connect or not all it would do is intersect her staircase okay yeah yeah hit hit me with it then you pull up uh my screen uh I

See you right now Woodson I like see your name tag yeah I can dig straight to you yeah so let’s see we’re gonna we’re going to figure this out chat you’ll end up so I can go a little higher or lower if I need to I just

Need oh t wait wait tarov Arena’s out today came to I hey I appreciate you coming to bug me I love it all right where where we going here RS um negative 420 26 okay what’s our height and yeah 426 okay are you at 145 I can be wherever

I’m going wherever I need to be where do you need me uh do do 144 144 all right yes okay uh- 426 and then what’s our z uh 814 814 all right so I think we’re right here then let’s find out I guess there’s one way to do this let’s just start

Digging all right dude I I mean I definitely would watch some stuff for uh some tarov I doubt I’ll be able to really play it you know I don’t have the time to invest but I love tarov I always have and uh I’d love to watch it hey

We’re connected and I think we go out the back side of this right I think it was – 522 right up here is the uh yes I think I’m should go through to the other side of this make it work basically what you’re

But I got to go to the other side I want this to be from coming from across the bridge I got so we have a path and then I think we’re just going to go out the other side of this and hopefully oh I don’t know about whoa I

Don’t know about words hold on ah bad words that’s super great we’ love to hear that thanks epidemic music thanks all right let’s try something else here oops that had a lot of no NOS in it uh whatever whatever it’s all good survive the nights oh you guys playing

Survive the nights again that’s a fun one that’s a lot of fun love that game Chad I think I’m have to bust off I’m already like going down to just the T-shirt here I’m sweating my keer off I this nice I got a couple really nice

Sweaters from uh lady Al for uh for early Christmas present but they’re too nice that I actually too warm in them I mean listen I know they’re sweat so you should probably wear them outside but listen I like to look all fancy and schwanky what is going on levels for

This music is driv me nuts right let’s see if that’s better all right y’all so right now we’re just kind of doing a little basic thing here we’re digging through the other side and we are going to get out towards our cave um and then we can

Connect the cave ooh we can connect the cave into um oh this goes through shinies uh we’ll connect the cave maybe to the temple I think uh we’re kind of talking about doing that yesterday I think it’s over this way all right we’re just going to

Keep going through here we can kind of cover up this hole um yeah that’ll be fine here’s our height yeah so I think that’ll be a good way to do it and then we kind of have multiple entrances in and out to shinies as well which would be pretty sweet pretty darn

Awesome um now as far as the actual Bridge goes the actual building for the bridge we’re going to kind of work on that one I think that’s going to be a later in the day project for now we’ll probably start out with some maybe start out with some exploring doing some of

That nether stuff getting our boots and all that fun stuff that we uh we have on the list oh you know what I just realized that list been up the whole time that’s I don’t know maybe we could we could leave that list I don’t know if

That’s kind of too much going on though on the screen I’m also just trying to go off of memory that this is in the right spot so I really hope it is I think it is though I think it is cuz I think it was like 522 800 or something like

That light this bad boy up yeah and I think we should be able to go it’s like right over here right let’s see Chad if I made this to the wrong side just don’t tell anybody all right nobody needs to know if that’s the case nobody needs to

Know um where the heck is it though real talk oh right down there okay so we are in the right spot we just kind of need to get ourselves a good path down to it um that’s fine it’s fine we just kind of cut some trees out we did it on the

Other side too and I was thinking about cutting more trees over um where we’re building that bridge the pathway over there we kind of need to clear that out I think it’d be a good place to kind of start our uh our actual Tree Garden down

There our tree farm instead of having it up top by our other base okay so we can go out straight from this just clear out a couple of these these guys before uh they get too pu all right we’ll start going down with this right now Phoenix is on too look we

Got the whole crew in here we got the whole crew in here let’s see yeah you you leveled up my friend look at you go all right yeah so I’m getting a very basic path made down to our uh down to our Cave System here there he is oh Mr

Fenie I mean you Mr M D well I got two other people in here you know I got to you I got to mute when I’m talking to chat you know got to keep it professional that means that means I’m back and forth pausing and muting and

Unmuting your stream oh gosh what the heck you’re saying sounds awful that sounds awful anyway yeah I’m uh just buildt this little pathway over here trying to get us like more of a clearcut way to get down to that cave move another block sitting in here Rogue what are you working on

Today I was getting lost perfect perfect yep I wasn’t sure what to do I started walking around absolutely now you can’t find right love it Adventures love it oh we have a little pigy over here uh we’re going to be doing some nether venturing today if you care to join you morning and

Welcome we are just looking for a bunch of stuff to kind of ruin our day probably that’s what last time we tried to go into The Nether it uh it ended with a lot of uh mortalities uhoh oh yeah it was it was bad it was

Bad Bo you SC oh you got boots beautiful a good I usually keep my gold P but yeah gold panon nice like it here for it I use a mending Unbreaking yeah we need some Unbreaking for sure well R let me know when you ready and I’m just kind making this path uh

Down to our little cave area what are the coordinates for the for the cave for the like the elevator uh I think it was like negative I think it’s ne5 no it’s not right that’s going be wrong um you know what here I’ll just I’ll go find it I’m close by relatively

So I just got to go hunt those coordinates down I feel like George of the Jungle when I jump through all these Vines all right so we’re looking at kind of negative six and let’s call it Negative I’ll get right on the spot all right – 620 900 yep that is the the elevators there’s so many trees dude these jungle areas are so freaking dense they’re some thick boys all right I’m trying to cut through some of this I want to leave like a few

Trees here and there but we also want to get rid of some of this you know so we cut all this down get it out of the way yep 900 is the second or the Z coordinate if you will all right we’re just hunting like this last little

It’s always that last little one piece of wood that’s just hanging on by a thread beautiful well we’re going have some uh some more wood after this dude I think we’re going to be good on wood for a while honestly we’ve got a lot of tree cutting I feel

Like yeah so I think kind of one of the the bigger things I want to get right now is I want to get some some of that Blaze uh the blaze rods so we can make a few potions and whatnot make cleric Trader if I get BLS

Too cleric Trader yes how do you do that trade for Redstone oh that’s cool I didn’t even know that was a thing that’s sweet yeah for that yeah well that’s BL powder for the um Eye of Ender to find theold yep yep that we do so we’re looking for the

Fortress uh yeah I would say look for a fortress or something of that nature and mean I mean is that the only place that they spawn do they spawn in remnants as well or just in only Fortress Fortress all right well then the Fortress it is that’s what we’re

Looking for all right I know toast has already found one he’s probably already has like a blaze farm but you know we’ll make this our fun little Adventure hopefully Sky will pop on yeah there’s it’s actually cool there’s like there’s quite a bit of activity uh you

Know on here awesome quite a lot of people playing which is really really sweet makes me a happy camper can’t beat that it’s just weird because for so like a lot of years there I just like before I was even like stream this I was just playing Minecraft Solo for like years it

Would just be me on a realm like it was so sad in hindsight I’m like this is so nice with friends is this what having friends is like and then I got all the all the awesome people in chat hanging out too I’m like I could get used to this all

Right yeah CH I think we’ll just let’s uh I’m going to make this very simple path and then uh we’ll make our way over there we’ll get there yeah yeah there’s like a whole laundry list of things I’ve never done in this game that I plan on accomplishing in Shuler boxes is

Actually one of those I’ve never gotten uh a yeah never had elra never defeated the End Dragon I’ve never defeated a Wither like I’m just like I’m a very pacifistic player like I just like to build My Little My Love crappy builds and that’s kind of you know how

I’ve been rolling for a long time y you’re playing you’re playing VR while watching the stream that’s crazy it’s super fun I’m sure it is I I’ve used it a bit like in Creative I don’t do a lot of creative but I’ve made like a few

Videos um where I needed an elytra so and I was like oh I get it I get it now I get it life openings there on the tunnel I’m coming with Gates you know like my security oh yeah you absolutely do it’s uh it’s it’s pretty messy for now but

We’ll just promise we’ll come back and we’ll we’ll tidy up your area oh it’s all good do whatever you want it’s all good I like the uh the top side security I like how uh official that is and that’s kind of like something I always

To do like like a lot of times I’ve tried to just like uh I find like the first Village and then I just try to completely secure it and I like build walls around it um kind of like try to make it look like a I don’t know like an

Actual defendable position like a fortified place and it’s actually like it has worked in my favor um I did a couple times where I accidentally came back with the um the bad Omen and defended off like completely by myself and lost no villagers because I had like the actual security place that

I needed I had a couple Moes and stuff that would drop you know lava so oh that’s awesome yeah so someday someday we’ll we’ll get to all that fun it sure is and there’s like a couple of the things that like I usually do when I was playing solo like I just

Haven’t been doing cuz like we have all this this fun that we’re doing and all these like different unique things and I’m trying to like kind of push outside of how I normally play all right let’s see yeah yeah you know trying to grow as a Minecraft

Player I’ve been doing the same stuff for like 10 years you know yeah yeah many times when I’m on sky is like uh so there’s a raid oh no so I’m like cool let’s do this let’s destroy them yes the raids are really cool I like that they added

That it would actually be cool if they had like random raids that was like uh there’s this game valheim um I don’t know if anybody’s played valheim but valheim does that where they’ll like occasionally have like just completely random raids come into your base out of nowhere like oh Giants are attacking

You’re like or like trolls whatever you’re like wait what no and then next thing you know there’s like a bunch of trolls just like destroying your base yep and you know me with security on valheim I was like okay I’m going to do the whole I’m going to do got to do

It yep that was a that was a really fun one everything yeah just destroy it in seconds and you’re like hm this is not as secure as we thought it was that’s a pretty fun game I like it that one is that one is all right I we would play with so I

Was like okay we got the resource gather we got Builders we got yep Adventures yep I love it all right well I’ve got like a janky pathway just at least cut out of the trees so we can make our way down to the uh the elevator to the

Cave we at least got that going that is a step in the right direction one small thing done today this is one of the easier tasks to get done but um so I’m glad we we got here got done cuz every time we were coming up from it it was

Like night time every time we’d come up from the cave and it’s just like then you’re kind of reeling not that we’re probably going to die because you know we have good armor but you know it makes life a little more difficult that’s for sure all right I can’t hear Riley at

All I’m talking oh okay that’s why well your name was just likeing oh yeah your name was kind of lighten up like you’re talking so I was like oh probably just some very subtle sounds that was picking up here beautiful I’ve got my thing down yeah uh as soon as rles is

Ready I’m good to go too uh I guess I just have to go drop some stuff off cuz a bunch of random stuff on me um I’m thinking what all we’re going to want probably just some food maybe some building blocks to get across in

There um I like I just like to bring something besides the Netherrack just so we can kind of find our path in case we get lost all right for now we’re going to light this up pretty lightly how much stone I have from making an underground

Base or oh yeah from all this tunneling yeah all the tunneling I’m sure well we’ll have to use it to make some uh cool walls or stuff um yeah yeah I’ll bring some to the Nether all right perfect one small task done I like doing this though like kind of how I’m trying to tackle it today I’m like setting tasks for myself cuz if I don’t I get so lost on my day and I just get I’m all like all over the place next

Thing I know I’m just like digging dirt or something trying like get some dopamine yeah tasks plus are the way to go for sure yeah totally agree with you on that I do that too so yep it’s kind of it’s nice you know then you you feel

Accomplished at the end of your day and you’re like I just started 19 projects and didn’t finish anything you know I like to kind of have that little hit of uh whatever is it dopamine serotonin whatever all the above feeling good yeah that that good feels uh you know

Oh stone cutter would be cool stone cutter would be good I’m bringing a few stacks of cobblestone I’m also going to head down to the cave I’m going to get some obsidian in case we need to like build another nether portal uh you know

If we really get into the thick of it we can kind of just hop top side if we really have to yeah good idea all right all right so we pulled a bit of Oak from that a lot of jungle wood though lot of jungle wood hereone eight stacks of stone oh my

Goodness there’s not even that’s not even surface eight stacks of stone all right well it was Cobblestone and then I smelt it for the XP let’s see cocoa beans we need to drop we need I guess we’ll just take a little coal should we take some coal just in

Case we might need to cook something right you never know and we’ll drop all this food off bone meal our perfect mob drops we go put cocoa beans I think it’s on the bottom no it’s not it’s just right on the top where I was just

At all righty Ral how are you looking buddy about ready to get our Venture on yeah I’m just uh currently doing a little tunnel tunnel nice nice all right well I’m going to head down to the the uh Cave really quick cuz we had a bunch

Of obsid a bunch of obsidian um where we fought the warden so I’m going to grab like I’ll go grab some of that what’s that the portal works this portal iix I had made another portal down by yes yeah so this one works I made another

One that was actually down to the cave but it was too close and they ended up connecting um so I had to destroy that one wait you fixed that one too oh wait no I fixed I fixed one of them yeah if you come to the yeah once you see yeah

Yeah the one that you’re right by you you fixed yeah I I tried to make like a another uh portal in the cave area so we could get by um through the nether but it was too close and then they ended up connecting back to the same point yeah

So I had to go through and fix that uh let’s see you got that fixed so I’m at my skeleton farm and I’ve been enchanting everything that’s what you should do enchant it up get that level five enchantments get The Mending get the Unbreaking get the Infinity get it

All all right perfect well I’m going to grab that and then I’ll meet you guys back at the the uh the nether portal and I guess we can kind of just pick a direction and go I mean is that how you guys want to do it yeah uh I just need those boots

Whenever your background rils no rush on that I Chad how the heck is everybody doing trails that are already made looking for this place I didn’t see him yet yeah I haven’t seen anything yet there’s a certain too I’m trying to remember the exact height that it’s at

Um but they do have a height where they’re more likely to generate but they are huge structures so I feel like we’ usually see it anyways right right if we’re at like 80 of course tunneling you know is good at like 120 or 118 but then we won’t see it right but

Um did you make another one Scott another what yeah there’s a there’s two waterfalls now I mean it’s not the most beautiful thing in the world but we’ll uh we’ll come back and tidy that up a little later chat our beautiful deep dark section this is where a lot of nonsense

Happened defeated the warden I think Ry how many times did we end up defeating the warden three or four I want to say it was four times we ended up fighting that bad boy um yeah totally lame like we should get some good loot for defeating the warden right

Right I mean there should be like some sort of incentive even if there’s not an ancient city wait you came in who fixed the portal down here down in the cave I fix the one that’s at the Lava Lake yes yes so that’s yeah that’s what I fixed so now they both

Work I don’t know okay cuz that one used to connect to the same area as you where you’re at oh okay so that’s why I destroyed it um but cuz I just don’t know if we go into The Nether and we come back which which place it takes us

To I don’t know if it’s going to take us here or if it’s going to take us over um to where you’re at by the Home Base not that it really much matters I guess both places are pretty safe so uh let’s see playing way too much

Minecraft did no such thing there’s no such thing as too much Minecraft come on crickets would you guys try to would you eat crickets no yeah I wouldn’t either I don’t know uh no I wouldn’t touch them I mean like a survival situation sure if I had to yeah but like like chocolate

Covered crickets nah not about it I’ve found lots of people to do it and they love it they love it really I mean good source of protein right I mean I guess I shouldn’t uh you know don’t yuck someone else’s yum that’s like one of my dad’s saying says don’t

Yuck someone else’s yum and I’m like that’s fair man that’s pretty that’s pretty gross all right uh we in the Seattle area so there’s a lot of people that are you know Asian culture and things like that yeah absolutely makes sense yeah a lot of diversity I guess that’s a thing too

It’s cultural like I mean would I eat it probably not but like it’s a very common in other areas you know so all right I have 20 obsidian I am ready to roll R are you going back to home base then yeah okay uh I am right now I was going to

Make my way back over there too I don’t know does that take us somewhere else well we could actually I guess we could go through here and I’ll meet on the other side cuz I think they connected this point um yeah all right yeah I want to drop a bunch of stuff

Off all right uh do you want to meet we can meet at like the waterfall does that work for you R cuz we have all the chests over there you can go get whatever the heck you want or drop off whatever the heck you want well the

Water which waterfall the bottom of the waterfalls uh should have all the chests in there right oh there’s just like so much cool stuff going on in this realm I love it at the nether portal nether side absolutely all right uh we’re pretty set here I mean for stacks of cobblestone

Should be enough really I don’t think we need more unless there’s some like sitting in here I might grab it uh there’s Cobble deep slate too you know what here’s what we’ll do we’ll grab it and bring it with just in case Cobble deep SL slate we have so

Much of that if we need to drop something we’ll just throw it off we’ll just get rid of it um and refill those those uh spots you know what I’m going to bring that with just in case anybody forgets an arrow if they have Infinity then I have enough to kind of re

Refurbish replenish their supply yeah so then we can drop that if we need to and then we have extra Building Supplies which is nice which does same thing with the cobblestone as well um oh how are we doing Shields brand new perfect yeah we’re bringing a lot of building supplies here

Um well you just startled the Daylights out of me sir what’s up doctor hi princess am I the princess make me feel so special all right big guy uh I’m I think I’m pretty pretty ready to roll if whenever you are buds I believe you know what here here’s what

We’re going to do 10 seconds I’m going to go pee I’m going to go pee then we’re going to run down there I’ll be right back chat be right back Riley they’re in your hands now they’re in my hands huh whoa Dr Sharma no shot we only have one like so far and

It’s me oh there we go the stream muted oh this is a good way for me to test uh test my microphone all right how’s this oh better I’m listening to uh there’s all these like presets like this might make me sound like a walkie-talkie oh maybe not

No so all right let’s hit it there’s a another portal way up way up high whoa only the second to like we need some more likes in here Riley dude I always forget to push that you’re so good at it for real I’m in for one I need to give

You guys like sound alerts that like you can come into the Discord and hit and it’ll be like like and sub dating oh we got a little slime over here anyways y’all thank you for the the likes the likey boys it actually does help which is crazy that’s everybody’s like like you

Have to do the whole Spiel you’re like hey like I hate asking for it but like it helps the channel like helps push us it really does though the ones where we’ve gotten a lot of likes I’ll get like 15 200 views and the ones where we

Don’t it’s like 20 30 views so it’s kind of it’s kind of crazy like how much that actually affects and just having like people talking in the chat too yeah it’s it really like it seems so small and like insignificant but it it really makes such a big difference okay here’s here’s boots

Buddy oh yeah boots probably want those thank you oh my gosh feather falling four fire protection four and Unbreaking three dude look at us schwanky yeah hey hey we I don’t what else do we need what do you look for we shouldn’t need tches there right uh we shouldn’t I have one

Stack but I also have 51 coal on me just in case we needed torches or we needed to cook something in a stove I thought uh that’s why I just got that stack on me all right yeah I’m bringing like half a stack just don’t hurt um yeah the

Piglins can spawn at level 11 and below a lot pointless for me there right yeah water’s pointless uh I think you bring like pack snow or something but all right I’m heading down to Z portal uh R do you know where it’s at following you all right beautiful we have a really convenient

Place for a stairway actually oh do we yeah I oh here uh R do you have a flint and steel probably not no okay probably should have brought another one of those that’s fine uh because I did bring 20 obsidian so we have enough for two uh nether portals in case of

Emergency we need to get out of there quick for whatever reason we can just nether portal hop out oh see so now there’s two portals in here oh shiny did you see this was this here before this is what I fixed look it I fixed it this did you see

This I put it there oh you put that there oh okay cool kind one goes to the right place oh that’s what you’re saying okay awesome this is awesome and then I had to rewire the uh thingy this looks even better looks even better this is

Great and then I used my K site but uh I didn’t have any Nether Bricks cuz I hav beening Nether Bricks are pain in the butt it’s a lot of resources to get the Nether Bricks all right well cool um yeah you over here so we start doing a way up we’re at

Level 50 so if we start tunneling and bridging at level 80 all right 100 that might be a good idea yeah hey there’s another nether portal over there yeah that’s uh Skies that’s Skies oh my gosh that’s crazy at SK Bas that’s we’ll do that later let’s we’ll do that later

Let’s get on uh all right so you want to go up to where you said level 80 right right oh yeah I mean if we want to do this like a couple wide we can just all kind of oh hold on hold on right up here we hit kind of

A a little section with no Floor cool go wait get out of here get out of here we don’t want none what we at now 61 yeah gas jum get down Riley got a sword you guys get him see yeah the rendering is really a big problem uh yeah yeah I’ve had had toast kind of

Change all that stuff though um he’s usually really good with it so I don’t know if it’s anything we can actually Fix all right whatever all right we are up here we’re to like another platform up top uh this will put us at 74 so we’re pretty much there 74 is good yep 74 I’m trying to see if I can find that gas I found the gas he’s over to the left uh

He was at least I’m just watching arrows flying out the bottom side yeah it was over to the left here but I’m not sure where it went cuz it disappeared on my end as well so pretty awesome oh there you go left yeah all right so you said 80 is

The height we’re looking for right 80 is good um 80 to 100 I mean if we want to go up here um and then so I already went all the way through the um the work forest and I didn’t see anything on the other side that’s a really big biome too all

Right so that leaves East West pick a direction we’ll follow you let’s try let’s try East let’s try East let’s do it our Bridge down there okay oh yeah yep sure can that’s sweet that’s sweet all right so start doing a bridge we can do bottom

Yes I guess I don’t need the water bucket that’s kind of pointless this uh what are you building with you build with stone stone crazy I almost fell off help oh all right you do that uh I I’ll just I’ll Peru a little bit here see what all we can

Find I didn’t even realize how expansive this warped Forest is above like where our Bridge was it’s really big it’s really cool actually crazy it’s crazy crazy crazy wand around there yesterday this is not working what anybody want a stack uh here I’ll tell you what you do

That I’m going to put some you want me put some sides on this bad boy sure at least one side make this a little more secure sure all right and this this just like really puts my stomach in my chest trying to build on this like like please swle

Don’t fall don’t do this don’t drop I have a friend that I play with so he likes to follow me as I’m bridging perfect and we’ll just get to talking and stuff and then I fall just happens and he’s like watching me helplessly like well we’ll see you later have fun of that

Lava Chat we’re going to try our best to not do that today my goal for today is to not not do that I toggled sneak so that oh that’s nice that’s a smart move I did not do that I just feel like my pink is always

Going to fall off gas under us C got it we don’t want none of that he we’re doing good we’re good don’t say that that’s like okay Famous Last Words uh there’s some paths underneath us I wonder who’s that was that Sky yeah it it’s right by Sky’s portal do you see

Him go through the lava on the left though yeah I sure do this holy cow this is a really cool looking area over here behind us is it oh yeah it’s a really sweet yeah the basalt how it that’d be like a cool place for an evil

Base yeah I need some frogs cuz I want some frog lights been starting frog lights all right Frog Light Farm all right all right I’m here for it all right I’m not out of stone yet not yet I have a bunch of building materials they’re just not all the same so it’s

Going to be a janky looking little path here but should serve its purpose yeah I love oh yes yeah it’ll be great when we can start building stuff with it too yeah that’ll be soon enough soon enough all right this is like this is ner this is what they felt like building

Like the Empire State Building and stuff way back in the day you know they’re just holding shift the whole time yep um all right I guess I should go back and probably make like the second layer of this right this is so long my gosh maybe we

Should just maybe I should just buil this I thought we were building it too wide so I built my wall one off and I feel like I should have just we should have just done a One path like one wide path and oh okay ah but whatever I’ll

Take up what I did and I’ll redo it oh no don’t do that don’t do that kidding I like no that’s spoilers I’m kidding I’ll just uh we’ll make it work yeah we design us make it work we can always pretty it up later that’s right it’s nice to do these

Things in phases that’s right it’s kind of cool and then you can like you know then you get to like make a little video and like this is where it started I this is what it is now we do it all for the content that’s why we did this obviously nothing

Seriously right I reached the other side and I all right got through the other side perfect I’m working on this path I have uh bricks in my off hand just in case I found lava perfect lots of lava in this all right Chad slow and steady this

Is like hyper focused hyper this like we just just got to get through this job really quick I do not want to fall and lose all this armor that would make for a bad day although y’all y’all might get a good chuckle out of it y’all might get a good chuckle out of

It bastions are super fun yeah I’ve uh never been to a Bastion either yeah good stuff good stuff I really like to go in there with a bow person me I’m a sniper so yeah I feel like that’s just the way to live Minecraft like if you’re not using a bow

What are you doing works oh no Chad if you don’t use a bow use one all right we’re getting through the side right here Daddy oh you Wen talking to me that’s awkward all right that was stream uh oh my God I thought I was falling oh

Oh my gosh oh I just like moved down from like the regular block to that I didn’t know you you had a slab here and so like for half a second I felt like I was falling you know it’s like it’s like that feeling you have

When you’re in a dream and you’re like you know you start falling and you wake up you’re like that that’s 100% where I just went little gut yeah little gut yep woo we got troublers all right well we’ve at least made it over here this is such a cool area though really

Is gas as well somewhere do you want me to just like cover this whole area top side too or yeah that be good all right I’ve got a lava all right I should have probably brought some glass but that’s fine yeah cuz I think the Magma’s yeah

There’s a magma above us so they can drop on us that’s kind of what I want to avoid here yes what’s up RI what’s up big guy oh my gosh I’m so scared of everybody falling I I just saw you two R and I was like you fell I just saw nice

Yes yeah I haven’t really done a lot of building with uh much of the nether stuff just cuz I it’s not my uh my usual area of expertise there’s magmas around hot hot get out of I’m just going to be your it’s like protect the president right now you build the path okay

Cool I’m used to being with people like i y I’m here I’m here for the uh protecting you we got this this is our main goal right now yeah might as well might as well I get little magma cubes that’s sorry yeah excuse me mon magma we want none

You Al I probably could use magma cubes or the magma cream but fine we I’ll try to farm some of those guys as we go through here yo the dawn what’s up buddy welcome into the stream fire resist potion is a good yeah we’re going to we’re going to

Want some of those right here I have a redstone potion maker and a redstone bottle filler seeing if I can yeah I see some Striders out here uh that’s about it some treacherous land you’re gas about to I don’t think we have to worry about him too much

Though oh look under hey look down to the left down to the left down to the left we got there we got there yes we got there now we just have to work our way down uh I think if we go across we can kind of go down like on this lip over

Here you know if I think we go across and kind of like tunel around get ourselves a safe little base or we could do it from over here I was thinking I could start staring down stairs yeah we could do that too I think that’ be fine I just

Yeah I think that’s actually good we do need a little base you’re right about that we do uh do you want me to like kind of what’s yeah I guess we’ll get down there and we’ll kind of build one a little closer oh yeah RS we found it

Buddy Chad we did it we did it found it okay you know what why don’t I just cut out this area you’re just too high up no yeah this is good it’s already like kind of a little there kind of a little base for

Us I was going to say I was like we should have brought a bed but no we cannot do that the bed does not work here uhoh that sounded like lava laa oh I should have brought some iron to make iron doors uh that’s fine I’m guessing nobody has iron on

Them do they nope super duper this was a good find though I wasn’t sure if we’d find it or not so yep it doesn’t always go that way no it does not so we at least have our little lot over here tiny little tiny little base but that’s all we really need for

Now just making a GU all right this we have little base uh going to throw some throw some chests and stuff in here uh nothing too crazy sand and ladders would be awesome yeah that would have been a great idea hindsight yeah uh let’s see couple deep slate

Here this is not part to fall actually I can I can make ladders if you want ladders sure I to bring some how much do you need oh no um no just like uh like 27 oh well I made 27 so you know 27 works it’s close to Six yeah close to Six

Right goodbye magma um bring the frogs later we should just keep frog pets here we should they’re super good I’ve never actually seen a Frog Light there all right I dropped the uh you have the ladders on you just so you know yeah 27 actually that’s

Yeah I have 17 on me but I can give you the rest of them all right we should go through going through and slowly cutting all us out what the I’ll take your ladders oh you have them all right oh nice thank you yeah um I could see

This and there you go we got to do more all the way down actually I’ll probably take the rest here you are oh yeah this is sweet all right oh oh okay I’m here you made it oh be careful get it on the okay I think there’s actually a

Spawner over here oh there’s a okay there’s a weather skeleton does everybody have bows ready here how about we block off one way y let’s do this like 300 Style uh okay you know which funnel yep so this is all right dude just kind of perusing over here really

Quick nether is not a place one should go alone I totally agree chat oh there’s a spawner over here for Blaze perfect good that’s all we need awesome we found what we needed right here Um okay I’m going to set up a couple of these uh deter for the I think I to do slabs or something over here right yeah you can do SLS yeah that’s fine and all right woo got our first little Blaze rodys um making some security for the

Skeletons yep there you go they are they are a pain in the butt yeah oh there’s a whole thing over here I really want to go search oh we need another I need yeah we do need NE wart uh I’m going to gohe if you guys see me sprinting for my life get

Ready with oh there’s a Skelly over here I’m going to start taking them with arrows right now oh dude he’s two shot with a bow and arrow yes oh nice boat I’m doing some uh barriers oh he just wait I just one shot that one holy guacamole

A little higher how do you do the shield and the arrow what do you mean yeah you don’t you don’t if you’re holding a shield and an arrow you’ll shoot yep I just have to switch back to my yeah the shield takes priority or up Sor the arrow takes

Priority we can be using a torch in here for what I CH like stick together stick together what what do you mean stick together oh I just do one in here uh haven’t found any chests yet oh let these turds come oh the bow this bow and arrow is just such a

Win uh you got another spawner up to your right yep couple magmas up there as well so be careful gas shooting at us super all right cool there’s a lot of baddies around here yeah so we found a second Blaze spawner which is nice have you been over did you place these blocks

Yet I don’t know CU there some Netherrack over here I was wasn’t sure y some looting three do we get anything all right woo see I’m looking for the Downstairs yeah sorry I see that oh it almost knocked me off the edge uh I don’t think I built that high enough over here to keep them out I got one oh yeah where the heck is the downstairs is it like actually under us or um there should be stairs see there’s a

Spot over by Riley that looks like it might oh I don’t know he’s going to Tunnel awesome I mean we’re going to figure it out uh we also didn’t go this way yet woo en chat is fun oh Wither Skeleton it was stop it lava stop

It that did not that did not work um trying to not destroy myself in the process of getting through here oh like that well that’s the wrong button all right let’s just try that again lava just uh go ahead and do that uh that could have been really bad um

Cool oh you got oh nice all right yeah everything’s going great um I will find you in just a second we’re just waiting for some lava to get gone and we’ll come back to you I thought we in that same structure there’s magma down low shiny did you find

The all right let me go get Ri cuz he’s over this way all right Rous I’m coming back to where we were before uh RS I see your name tag yeah where the heck are all the RS I see your skeleton and the I’m looking for where all the

Freaking where’s all like the loot at where’s the nether warp I don’t know why I did that that was done I would like to I’m I’m right by you I see your name I can’t see you guys yet I’m going to go up to top oh and I let myself fire totally

Cool it’s lava lava lava please put a block down awesome all right just a little bit of lava this was bound to happen uh all right I don’t have that many building blocks left um R I’m back at like that main section where we were before yep did

You okay yeah so we went out to the right here spooky scary skeleton oh I got a WEA skull oh there you go y there’s a weather skeleton right up pleases hold on to our left with skeleton up front cool another with no maybe not I mean that whole area looks like it

Should go down over there does it there chest yeah we should and then there was a bunch of stuff that’s unfished as we walk through here so we can such a poor idea what I’m doing right now what are you why am I the way that I

Am uh it does not go down there safety ver cing all the lava it doesn’t go down yeah so it looks like I mean if we Dig Down does it go down like if we make it there was some uh unfinished Parts too I mean where lava was coming through right yeah we

Haven’t hit everything yet I just thought maybe shiny gets lost just so we oh all right perfect well me too so okay shut up gas nobody wants any we have bigger fish to fry than you lots of blazy blazes over here oh this is back where we already

Were um I don’t think we I don’t think this is secure enough oh yeah I mean see that sound like I just heard like Wither Skeleton those one are maybe underneath us but no I don’t think so huh all right all right all right and we didn’t go this other way

Yet did we we didn’t go this way yet let’s do it uh I don’t like that yeah there it’s kind of broken a little bit oh yeah yeah this is what is going on with this where did you guys go uh we went towards our uh tunnel not our tunnel our ladder watch

Out watch out it’s still broken in here so silly okay honestly honestly laa lava’s stupid yeah all right is finding it out there got to be more over here I refuse to believe that there’s no loot unless toast’s already got here but I don’t like seeing any signs of

Intelligent life yet yeah usually like there’s a nether Garden down below yeah we Haven seen that big old magma sorry I think I almost killed Riley by hitting this guy I’ll go back this way get over here I want the magma boys yeah just no way that there’s nothing in

Here run all the way back past the blaze spawn beautiful you might be right about digging down inside that structure I mean we might have to but I think that might just be our best kind of play here yo Yuki what’s up yuk boy is not going to be

Called Yukio I just figured that out happening all right where in the world Mi it’ be silly if this is all just like Pathways and then nothing it’s possible it’s definitely possible But of post has had Nether wart since like day two literally but come here my little my little blazes ah how did that one get out how did that even happen I’ve got myself in a bit of a pick all right hold on Dy needs some help I’m almost

Dead I was just trying to have some fun up here there we go oh watch out there we go all right I’m going to block this back off if you want to come through RS unless you want to all right let’s see if I I block this

Off appropriately hold on yeah the sides are all done so they shouldn’t be able to get out shouldn’t anyways yeah that’s definitely way to me blazes for the liking you can play that game Mr Blaze see I’m just looking for something that down low looks like it would be bigger I found

Another it’ll be fun to do a blaze farm oh my goodness all right yeah oh yeah fire resist potions uh there’s something up here I’m guessing there’s a there might be a spawner up top of this a bridge all right so there’s not a spawn up here it’s kind of surprising to me

All right we you have to find where there’s got to be more to this there’s got to be what if we go down here going down oh don’t go down don’t go down don’t go down do not do that uh it’s just a it’s

Just a big fall it’s just a big fall is all come on give us something well the good news is we have uh nothing uh I mean we have plenty of Bricks now I mean we have a nice nether brick Farm we got lots of blaze rods

That’s going to help think this like a Crossing could be there’s I mean there’s got to be more to got to be we’ll be able to make ender eyes yes yes yes yes stronghold andon you know we haven’t we haven’t been through all of this area

Yet yeah I did see this though it’s like an old broken nether portal come here little ones got 12 uh oh okay so I think there’s an area over here that we haven’t hit yet I also found old portal so I thought there’d maybe be like a chest by it but didn’t see

Anything uh there’s more we haven’t hit over here yeah I think he said that’s a Dr one way to find out Riley am my right thank it’s really weird how there’s like stagnant lava over these sides it’s really really odd yeah playing a little too uh fast around

Thiser of the world here guys this is going to be a great place for weather skeletons though yep come here there’s I mean there’s more over here that we haven’t hit yet so fingers crossed move shiny I just shot you while trying to protect you did did you get poisoned no um

Okay you know what there might be some thought for a second maybe this is a path but maybe not no okay it is not come on oh my I just realiz my music’s off too oh I didn’t sound good here who help help help help help help

Oh I don’t know where you are coming back that way towards that main part I think I might we have time for you now magma out of the way R right right turn to the right go did you hit the piglins no no okay y all right do we search over here

To the right looting right oh sorry I was already doing I was like I was like there’s one right in front of Riley he doesn’t see it I got to protect him try to get I got to protect him now we’re kind of circling back here uh on our main section all

Right uh yeah we’re definitely going to be grabbing some glow stone don’t you worry we will do that Riley sorry about that one bud we got this set up really good really convenient we’ve got a a nice Trail coming here uh that’s where we were before uh we were over there when

You yelled for help um I don’t think we finished I haven’t searched underneath us yeah I just feel like this might not be the spot guys I don’t know it’ be a big bummer but I we could always find another one yeah I haven’t seen a single chest yet have you

Guys no yeah bummer yeah they do spawn in some areas like a soul more Soul Sand areas and I think they can just spawn in the Fortress as well found unfished spot huh wow there’s so Well Chad wants us to take out the piglins should you do

It no yeah take out the take out the which which the piglins all the piglins just take them on okay if I can set up uh what do you call it defense yes defense is good honestly we probably we probably could honestly at this rate oh good shot

There woo did I get him yeah you scoped him dude I couldn’t even he wasn’t even rendered well you got him cuz if we set up a spot with the slabs um should I finish this portal over here that could be nutty that could be crazy I mean it’s already here see where

It go why not this is like Riley Riley jump on the Block I put a block right next to you y Ry you’re in the lava again I know hey rabbit you should Crouch there is a there’s a blaze shoot at us from behind you there you got him need to put ster

On these things too apparently I’m so slow oh hey there’s a chest oh Flint good good guys all worth it now I saw the chest but I didn’t take anything it was just Flint hey we get some crying obsidian for Riley he’ll be happy yeah gold tools so the golden stuff is

Supposed to work a lot better than another oh is it it’s more efficient than Diamond what you just got to put the like Unbreaking anding on it did not know that it doesn’t have as much durability Diamond has 1561 uh what is crying obsidian I that’s good question where does this take

Us whoa my game is tweaking give it give it a minute okay woo we’re at 2200 25500 we’re in a cave we’re in a cave creeper zombie I’m h I feel like I want to go back to the nether yeah I’m mad what uh what what biome are we in another jungle another

Jungle of course it’s probably the same jungle that expands for 4 million blocks n thought I went through I was a little scared there for a minute I was like are we all going to die said I was in the sky yeah yeah all well I think I mean I feel like

We’ve hit everything guys I mean unless you guys feel differently but yeah sadly I think this is that I mean the good news is we have some Blaze Spawners um which is nice lots of magma lots of blazes yes everything from up here just looks like giant pillars going down like that

Just doesn’t look like any more structures or supports uh besides that agreed Carter welcome back well yeah all right I’m also figuring okay uh let’s see attack damage here is 9.5 uh I just aggroed piglins well guess we’re fight them at least I am uh yeah Riley I was trying to save

You cuz I saw you jumping right next to that guy and I was like oh no all right let’s see are these guys going to aggro on me too all right am I good am I good am I good okay he’s giving me a weird look but I think

I’m good ladder is against the B somewhere yeah the ladder is right by me if you guys can find me here I’ll tell you what I’m going to shoot an arrow through the air and see if you guys can see it flaming Arrow you guys see it

Nobody wa oh I’m talking I’m stupid uh I’m shooting flaming arrows cuz I know where the ladder is I’m right by the ladder oh did you see me no are you did you make it to the ladder NOP I am all right I found you

Shiny come with me yeah I know where the ladder is I’m taking shiny there really really uh it’s honestly a great question um you’re in scoped oh come on it’s a guy way over here okay all right this way I’m random man they’re like just D

You chat I’ll get to you in one second sorry one minute chat I’m all good all right uh I mean so we found one yeah yeah those found a ladder what is that oh that’s our ladder here’s our kind of operating base uh what I say so I say let’s do it

Yeah sounds good um we can just put stuff in oh oh I I thought you just want to keep going we can keep this if you want you want keep it like little just like a little stuff random supplies Black Stone put some black stone in

There all right uh 15 blaze rods and I have 19 magma cream so that’s all right all right hall could be better but better than a kick in the butt hey guys I got some Stone swords I got some Stone swords we we’re good we’re good to go yay

A uh beautiful all right uh as a nine on Java is better than nine on Bedrock uh I have no idea honestly I don’t know oh wait wait you’re not Carter wait I thought yeah I thought you were I thought you were the same person I swear

Somebody said that it was Carter last time all right on and the bridge goes on well that’s cool I mean so we try to get the wither skeleton heads is that what you’re looking for the Looting uh I see I see uh I don’t we get any they’re they’re pretty rare drop though

Aren’t they yeah nice want me to take right uh up to you if you want to I mean there’s like like Nether Bricks uh that’s pretty much it here I about take the magma cream and the blades rods instead in case in case something happens to me you can take

Those and we’ll keep on working on the path be right back dope well I’m glad that they told you about the channel that’s awesome I love that see that and that’s that’s the best way to grow sorry I was telling you the wrong name though that is totally on me

I for I thought you guys were the same person this will be cool like last it over yeah yeah yeah NE be really cool uh I don’t have building blocks okay so there you go oh cool thanks I’m not going to lie I thought we were going to lose you there for a

Minute Riley when you’re in that lava when you were in that lava I was like oh no this is this is it shiny should we just do one wide or what do you think one works a little more little more treacherous but little little quicker and resource uh little more resource

Appropriate should I should I grab any resources dude totally up to you if you want to grab some stone or something I know we have plenty of that I would not not be opposed Minecraft is so much better with friends that’s what I was talking about

Earlier how do I get back inside of this oh it should be a button or something oh wait the there you go there you go chat don’t forget to hydrate I did not do a great job of hydrating yesterday we got to keep on that beautiful beautiful weather here uh one

Goes to the the cave one goes to the house yes sir oh you lost the world that’s so sad that’s such so heartbreaking I’m just going to try and keep my eyes open whenever we get to an open spot and see if I can find anything nice perfect kind

Of keep my eyes peeled at all times watch out for some baddies and I’ll tell you what I’m I’m going to just run over to the side really quick and go see if I see anything aesome don’t think I’m going to but it’s all right you guys need any food uh I’ve got

35 on me I’m okay I think I think I should be fine with that go this way all right uh let’s see here yo I love people congrats on level one my friend that’s awesome oh well if Carter come by that would be awesome as well get some more

Viewership in here that’s always a great thing for me I’m very happy having all you guys in here um just taking a little Gander from up here now a whole lot going on hopefully I don’t get lost here coordinates I’ll be fine pull out of nothing on this top

Side right now a lot of like little what’s up BR should I bring I maybe just a couple stacks oh my gosh everything’s good find something nope I just was running and jumping and jumped over a hole that was a giant giant fall yes yep was uh oh that’s something that’s

Something get a little braz in here oh I found something found something yep did you find it too no uh where you at uh 37764 I found the roof of something it’s nether brick um I kind of took a weird path um so what what’s your coordinate

At you could probably keep going towards my direction towards my Z coordinate what’s our X that you’re at as well I’m at 386 386 yeah 183 386 yeah you should hit it it’s uh it’s 60 though so you still got a bit of a ways to go

I’m going to come back and try and find you yeah I think it might be a Bastion nice I think it might be a Bastion uh I just have to find where you were all right I jumped over that hole that I already jumped over and said it

Was a bad idea I did it again all right so yeah that means I’m going the right way though I think yeah I kind of top side to get a little little bit of a view here and end up finding that beautiful awesome fine that’s the kind of stuff we want to

Know uh crap I don’t know where you are what height are you at oh no I lost you I’m still on the tunnel uh you guys don’t need me to bring anything else besides Stone oh hey there you are uh I think that’s it so Rogue it’s over this

Way so I don’t know if we just want to like start going from here yeah or I could just I mean I could just take you there on the top side and we could dig down but we might want to do a pathway what do you

Think um yo Kira Kyra how are we saying hello all right let me uh make sure I’m remember ready to get there if it’s a Bastion what we want to do is do range if it’s a Bastion we want to cry yeah all right so watch out there are

Some holes over here I didn’t cover um now I feel like I should have I think it’s over the top of this yeah honestly honestly though somebody somebody call oia watch I’m going to fall through it this time I’m going to right here here’s one of them at

Least well that’s the hole I mean not the Bastion all right I put down a few torches here and there it’s over on this side maybe uh am I lost I might be lost the good news is I said the coordinates a second ago uh it might have been down that way

Oh nothing up here nothing up here so must be down this way you know what you think I just went here I just went there how how am I lost it does all look the same is it up top maybe all right let’s go up is there I thought okay I have no

Clue at this point I’ve lost it uh awesome take away these torches it’s around here somewhere I don’t think I crossed this close to C where the heck was I I just said the coordinates a minute ago why did I not have chat put down I

No I should have had chat put the coordinates in I always do and then I was like I don’t need to do that I’m fine uh you know what wow this is the kind of high quality content you know chat can somebody just rewind a second to when I found it and

Uh give me the coordinates that probably the best way for that to happen oh sorry about that one Rogue I know from no problem at all I know it’s like generally the spot I thought cuz I just yeah all right faron’s on it far you’re my hero thanks bar wait right

Over here right down here I think maybe oh I lost you never split up the party yeah I always split up the party here right where you at I’m back at that like little glow St area stay okay I think I I think this is

The way I think I think by if you can still work on that he probably can’t hear me they re they’re re on this where the heck are we going did you go down yep down here okay oh music’s happening Riley you crazy person Riley thank you for the 10 gifted

Memberships you mad man oh Rogue you got a you got to gift it in there as well hold on watch out there’s hole thank you thank you R awesome oh right here oh right here oh Talia Timmy schaer stonier Youngs Mr Frankie the spooky hit him uh Tyler jir green

Retro some free gifted memberships compliments of Mr Riley Woodson I got a gas oh nice dude there a kind of in the butt to get it does sound cool this music’s going to be going off forever now we those Riley oh my gosh I thought it was

Done this is a keep quick easy first a quick and easy first place oh you’re battling that’s right dude that’s right Al wasn’t first I think that might put you in first though dub dubs oh my gosh I have a wall and I have some

Oh I think we can go down this way hold on is it done is it done oh you you want to do a ladder yeah oh whatever all right should we do it right here riy dude thank you for the freaking gift Subs brother you’re crazy man you

Really want that F la la Lama sweater also okay so here’s the competition Whoever has most gifted Subs uh till the end of well pretty much Christmas uh gets the F la la llama sweater but here’s the funny thing Riley when Alex was working at the hospital

Yesterday she saw an old lady with the same exact sweater for real a f la la Lama the lady was like 70 years old wearing a FAL la la Lama and uh I’m like you didn’t get it take it brother oh my gosh dude got another tier nice dude

Nice just lucky that they’re spawning over uh I found some horse armor he there you go L and some obsidian I’m hoping this is the one that hope this isn’t the one that uh toasty already hit did you build this wall nope oh hey Nether wart it spawns this

Way okay here we go SP way uh oh did you guys go I made it to the end of this I don’t even know and it stopped I don’t even know uh there should be like some torches and stuff um oh crap how hold on should we go get

Them really quick yeah I’ll find it I’ll find it don’t worry about it you sure uh I don’t think so it’s kind of treacherous uh I found the path out here I’m coming for you Riley I can’t let you give 10 subs and then not help

You get to the Fortress that’s just we got your back is this the right way this how we came down no this even how we came down right so I did like a staircase right here all right hold on RS we’re coming uh yeah this way okay see this is

Where torches do come in handy though this is really did not want to fall there all right uh we’re getting closer to the tunnel we’re getting closer yep Fortress it is that’s right and we got some Nether Warts I’ve got seven on me which is nice you all right there what happened

Oh we’ll find I think it was over yep over this way I’m leaving some Stone perfect that’s a good good idea good thought there oh my goodness so I’m not where’s Riley he said it was at the end oh there’s more this way okay can I grab glowstone without these

Uh piglins being butt Huds it’s just gold right yeah yeah yeah you can just grab the glow St what works best is in a hoe or should I use my well I don’t know or anything you can just hit them and then you can just reform them into yeah there you go

Anyway you do it good it’s good for potions that’s right it’s a good nether trip todays here we go he’s back who’s back Chris all right see Chrismas this way all right so there was some loot um I’m hoping this isn’t the one the Riley already hit I don’t think it is

Or Riley uh that toast already hit I think we’re good though oh this is such a lucky find too like this wasn’t even on like our regular path I was like I’m just going to see what’s up here and I looked down this one random little hole and I’m like that

Is something that is amazing oh everyone’s going to be like you looked you had the seed number you know where it was which I actually could get the seed number but my Integrity tells me I can’t do that hello hello hello hi R you’re back I’m back I’m

Back hang on you guys want the stone or uh nope I’m going to use that to find my way uh like all the stuff in my inventory oh I grabbed a bunch for you guys oh yeah that’s right um crap my inventory is kind of full right now um

That’s fine we’ll just I’m going to go through I’m get rid of some the crap I don’t need I was going to say I can hold a bunch of the random stuff cuz I’ll just keep yeah I mean like any of the stuff that you don’t want don’t feel obligated to

Take it’s just all stuff I have on me all right this is the uh staircase right here chaos no idea all right yeah so we were going down here we found some Nether wart I think we should grab I’m grab all the Soul Sand

Too we did a ladder yep we did a ladder somewhere oh you can’t it’s right at the bottom of that stairs oh yeah this way I just heard you guys fall uh diamond diamond chest plates more Nether wart we havea that’s right you do have the feather falling might be a dead over Here I almost jumped head first in that Arrow I I shot uh yeah this kind of ends over here all right uh so far we got some Diamond some armor and some horse armor I we have not found any diamond horse armor yet though should we just destroy the chest

When we’re done so we don’t get excited about them again okay bye bye feny yeah he doesn’t even say bye wow he just comes and chops the bottom of my trees all right woo I did one of these oh boy this a F white star welcome in hey uh you’ve

Been putting a five minute timeout now the five minute timeout is cuz you came in and you spam the same message three times about joining your server but if you come back from that 5 minutes and you want to be a part of the stream you

Feel free to be a part of it uh but if if we are trying to get people to join servers the best thing to do ex exclamation Discord which you can do in 5 minutes get you the Discord notification so you can get in there there oh you guys found another chest down

There nice think whoa that sounds good that sounds good I like wo weird just weird oh like walk up to the end of this hallway I’m coming I’m right here it looks weird it looks trippy you’re like wait what is that and then you’re like oh oh it’s just

Death huh that’s kind of cool actually that is kind of cool R what was in that uh in that chest anything good uh golden sword and iron horse armor all right all right we’ll take the iron horse armor I think I mean we kind of have a lot at this point but I

Mean is anyone else concerned that we haven’t found like any bad guys yet found a blaze just now found a blaze all right we are lighting it up as we’re going that’s true that’s also true oh hey smithing template what yep we got a smithing template for the rib armor and

Trim I have to make some copies at some point oh yeah oh yeah we have to grind out that’s our second cop oh cuz did you take the one from toast yeah since toast so gracious us one of each pry I know dude I’m not taking any of them I don’t want

Them I want to do it myself cies I’m like the worst yeah I have like the worst Minecraft play I’m like I don’t want to do it I want to do it on my own I don’t know why just like that gives me like more Golds if I if I just

Take it then it takes like things off my list you know that I want to accomplish cuz it is super super nice toast to do that oh B ourselves a little little spawner little Blaze spawner no biggie there’s a bunch more here okay have to keep that uh I think yeah

Blaz or I’m sorry blazes I think trims are only for Aesthetics correct guys there’s no like added bonus to yeah correct which is a bummer that would be cool if it could add like underwater breathing or like you know something like that you right there pal I just saw I

Just saw your name your name tag all of a sudden just flop right in front of me it went super fast oh my God all right could go back up to that there’s more I think says I found plenty of nether War obsidian there’s extra flint and

Steel here which you don’t really need that’s fine wo yeah saddle gold horse armor that you guys want any like gold swords or anything leave that in here not me yeah okay never mind I’m going let that despawn then whatever not a big deal now this one is a little more like

It you know this a little more what we’re looking for here quite a bit here quite a bit here indeed somebody’s already been over here stairs I go Riley run oh boy you trying to close this off else o I almost did something really dumb try to not this pig in here anyway

H how you doing on health there RS you doing all right buddy yeah I’m good I’m full health Chad that’s been a pretty pretty dope place I’m pretty happy about this one I think we went through all that over there sweet double check all these sections we

Already dug down already dug over here couple of these for line of sight for back yeah I think we’ve hit most of what we’re going to find in here and now we have to figure out to get yeah yeah unless this is our new home forever yeah we live here now

Okay I found the Nether wart room all right perfect there’s uh two of those by the way oh so just so you know uh the first one that we went to has like a little Basalt Block in the bottom of one of the soul the soul

Beds I’m not sure if is there anything down here guys there is a giant 2×1 path into this already unless somebody dug out of it did one of you guys dig out of it just now hey guys guess who’s got two thumbs and just found some manent debris oh I just ran

Right past that thing did you do this R yeah that yeah that I did yeah it you you were cruising down that thing for a while huh yeah I was like why is this so long all right ancient debris nice I feel like this is where

Though we can’t take it we can’t take it oh my gosh I thought this this ancient debris it’s all yours buddy you you uncovered this bad boy I I I already trimmed my armor in the ne you’re done with it we need some more more would be good yeah found the one so

We I have to go do is like some strip mining we can do that off stream time it 12:30 got those all right cool uh now I just have to make it out of here alive my inventory is full yeah mine is completely full too L sure I’ve got some

Stuff I can maybe drop that are less important but oh there you go drop anything up gang you massacure them scream no show them who boss that’s what we do all right this is where we were we should go up here and here’s our ladder right here

Hey the fact that I just found that is a modern Miracle a modern Miracle the me of all people oh hey uh yeah wow yeah what I just found diamond horse armor right around the corner from where our ladder is sweet literally like right around the

Corner now we just need some horses yeah I’m working on the I’m working on the stable that’s the build I’m doing this week um here RS I’ll drop give me some oh my gosh that s badle on pandas you can put a saddle on pandas can you so I don’t

Think I don’t think you can but that sounds really cool I I mean we’re going to find out you put a saddle on Striders you put a saddle on Piggies put a saddle on horses donkeys things of that like right here not mules you can’t do with mules can you

Only leave them with a lead I know I think so I’ll check on that we’re going to find out I’m a spell that would have been awful we get all this Loot and then I fall oh my gosh I don’t even want to talk about it standing on

Theone look out for all these holes overlooking everything now there’s some glowstone over here if you guys want me you know watch those random drop offs around here yeah brutal Chad was like you should fill those up and I was like tell me what to do you’re not my real dad

Living on the edge oh that one always scares me oh gosh there we go all right beautiful let head home at least I’m heading home yeah you guys can do whatever your heart’s desire how long is it going to take all right so we’ll go out here past

Our other weird that other Fortress was just so weird hold on stop there’s a hole right here somebody wants to plug that up that’ be forever great that’s boy oh you hit your head watch R and R and me both die while just trying to race each other

Okay that’s not good hold on whoa keep going yeah that was not great okay we’ll work on like demobbing these areas so they can’t spawn because that’s how we get into some trouble there the nice thing is Tak some second to attack for the magmas but we almost

Got into a lot of trouble there this is a sweet Bridge that wow look at this one-sided Bridge working whoa is that a gas yeah it’s not taking down this bridge though can’t see it that Tower to our left is where the uh stairs are oh there’s [Applause]

Gas there’s two of them double gas action one down job all right here’s our tunnel down here guys oh you almost pushed me off the edge hey we’re home look at that easy that was an easy day easy day work all right I’m going back

Home woo I have a hand CRP from all that that’s a lot of it’s a lot of holding shift there you didn’t see anything did you shiny Intruders you didn’t see anything did you me no good good it perfect all right Chad how about that for a little

Nether Venture got a lot done there got a new armor trim I got some nether to melt yeah some ancient debris some gold or some diamond armor for the hores it’ be cool if they made armor stands for horses I would be really okay with

That uh okay so look at dude we have so many Saddles gosh look at all of this that was nail biting indeed I couldn’t agree more the Cavalry all right so we have nine sets of iron horse armor four gold one diamond we have 12 Saddles oh wait hold on there’s another

Iron horse armor I forgot about silly um let’s see oh I was going to say there should be a smithing template area but that’s fine that’s literally already what it is all right so Soul Sand we have Nether wart which we need to make a little farm

Uh did you end up getting a Nether wart uh um Rogue okay you got some too yes thank you Soul Sand can go on this bad boy oh yeah I got to make that work yes you do all right I’m maybe four is that what he said yeah oh yeah

Right here for it here for It uh we don’t have a gold container that’s weird um all right chat we didn’t have a a gold container fun fun fun I agree I agree that was a lot of fun all right ly action up in this Biz all right zes is all stuff from the nether which we

Have nether area for um I need to figure out this ancient debris didn’t end up using any coal this session gave chat courage to explore another Fortress look at the good work we’re doing out here look at the good work we’re doing faran I wish I could uh I wish I could

Join you know we didn’t make a port I guess we don’t really need to make a portal at that other uh one really though it’s kind of pointless um flint and Steels that’s a good run there good run there Gang all right so we can kind of separate out some of this guest here he kep which is cool oh I’m going to take the quartz and go put it elsewhere um cuz that’s another item I want to have a whole nether section did I get rid of the glow stone

There it is got glow stone is actually so much stuff yeah we put glowstone in here why not that’s not it’s not fancy enough the the inventory is are so freaking full right now all righty faran hey appreciate you coming and hanging by it was a wonderful time appreciate you

We’ll see you uh tomorrow as the next stream if you’re free we’ll be here doing the doing the same thing let’s see hey absolutely absolutely that’s what we’re here for man hanging out having a good time just having some fun so all we uh all we want to do all we

Want to do as long as we can keep uh you want keep the great content coming hopefully one day you’ll get a free gift and sub that’ be awesome uh we we’ll keep working keep hoping for that it goes by activity so I’m surprised you actually didn’t get it but adios we’ll

See you pal uh let’s see so we can have a glowstone section here with Glowstone dust and I like this whole nether port little thingy going on now we do I want to I’m going to move this cuz I had a whole section I want to do for Mob drops

Might talk to Riley before I move all this stuff so he doesn’t beat me block another qus put all this over here beautiful we had mob drop area we had one where I think it’s downstairs actually so Soul stand can come up up here as

Well you know what I was going to put the Soul Sand away maybe we should just keep that and make a little uh make a little Soul Sand farm right now shoot Brick we’re like a bunch of little worker bees right now like or worker right now we’re like just down here like

Like putting all this stuff away seriously putting things like for the queen like I don’t know who’s the queen is that wait am I the queen oh no oh no oh no it’s been a terrible realization do you want to be yes somebody did come in earlier and say hi

Queen to me so maybe it’s spin yeah High princess High princess that’s it not quite I was like BR bro why you say that bro uh should I just cook this ancient debris for now you think what Doan yeah cook it well as well throw it in the old fiso it

Would be cool if you could like enchant uh furnaces and stuff like what if you could get like efficiency on a furnace so when it cooked it it would like have like two output or something you know crazy that would be really cool so netherite scraps I think we need four

Those and four gold for a netherite block or netherite I’m going to get netherite and then I’m just going to make a black hoe just call it a day cuz honestly getting this getting the materials for two just for two ingots is a pain in the

Butt hey I appreciate that uh I don’t know what your whole name is I’m just going to call you SJ it’s peculiar to say the least it’s is definitely unique it’s it’s how we like to roll uh okay I need to goest name yeah I’m just going to call him Saj Saj

Unless you want to be called some else Saj I’m going to call you Saj uh I want to find like you know what Rous in the old shop I’m going to turn this into a little Nether wart area just for the time Being SJ now I’m curious what’s SJ uh what’s it mean what some meat I want to know oh dude what a what a come up today was what a come up of a day that doesn’t mean anything all right well there we go I was just curious to learn something new

Today all right we can officially start our Nether wart farm and we are kind of in business for uh Brewing over here getting some good potions in uh we have another 10 all right so we got a big part of what we were supposed to do today done let’s see what

Else do we have what I put on my list here all right so we got Swanky gold boots done uh Bastion we didn’t find the Bashan Remnant but we did find a fortress which was good enough um because we found what we needed sorry there’s somebody in my front door who’s who’s at

My who’s that wait who’s at my house who that who that at my house and of course my phone doesn’t want to work cool thanks fun love that okay bridge to Rogues we got the path to the cave done so pretty much we have bridge to Rogues and a wool Farm oh

No oh no the IRS all right wait hold on now it’s working oh it’s my girlfriend that makes that makes a lot of sense oh shoot all right so I guess up next is uh the up next is getting the wool Farm I’m going to I need to get some revenge on

Phoenix for destroying all my trees what a Heen um all right RI I’m going to go find that sheep we already have one here so we only need one more which is nice but I think it’s time cuz we can really like de uh despawn a lot of stuff with with the wool and then when we find

An ancient city which we haven’t found yet but we will find soon you know we’re going to be kind of in business buiness here uh anent city is still down there yeah it’s it’s down there somewhere I mean it’s not going anywhere I believe I’ve seen it you

Think you saw it yeah oh do you know where I think so I want to go check it out I found it yesterday you think you found it yesterday I oh my gosh I want we going to find it and then I had that

Call I was like oh no no we never found it but I didn’t find it we never found it no we were down there for down there hours I swear to God um look now that you say that I’m going to go look all right you go look

If so you let me know we’ll we’ll head back out there cuz I’m curious yeah so they are under yeah so they are under like Meadows and high hills which we are in like some high hill areas so we’re actually in a pretty good spot we found a deep dark biome but

We did not find any ancient vill or ancient Village what if it was an ancient Village just a bunch of old people a bunch of old people down there like do you bring any tapioca or hot candy what’s up R would you I would to see what you thought about

Exploring a bit more of that cave uh we could check it out I mean if if she knows if Rogue knows where the uh ancient city is I kind of want to hit that but there yeah I’m going to go put my stuff away and then then I’ll yeah I’m

Going to I’m going to zip really quick I’m going to try and find a sheep I’m try to find a sheep and I’m going to breed all the cows take one you have one yeah I have a couple extra take one or do you want one let’s

See how many have I yeah I really just need one I already have one oh okay sitting around here yeah I’ve got sticks up here well that is pretty sweet yeah y okay yep he’s hanging out with a pig currently so this who is writing these

Signs here oh my gosh you see what that sign says Wood’s in my gosh right by the on the side of that fence by the the watermelon it now makes sense it makes sense cuz I destroyed a really weird looking Mel where’s I’m going to find Phoenix’s base I

Swear I’m going to go this area looks crazy now it does look crazy dude the whole spot over there looks wild all right uh I wanted to work on the bridge but I’m definitely willing to like take a bit of a diversion for some more exploring I’m in like a big exploring

Mood I’m feeling good with the exploring I should have taken off these gold boots too there are two sheep in here what what there’s two sheep yeah there’s a brown one and a white one can we diets wool back to White I guess guess we burrito that might be white anyways huh

Well seems like a bit of an oversight that I didn’t look and notice that but that’s it’s cool big boom sheep Mission done sheep Mission just strike it off the list you guys stop Bing me there they are what do they make what do we get

White cool I want to get two white ones for like the basis of everything all right you know what’s about to happen to these Cows you know City all right let me know I’m just getting eat up by a bunch of cows you know what we should do we should go to the Nether and I don’t know why I want to do this and I want to bring all these

Cows with to the nether and just like let them let them be free in there just see what happens they might love it yeah who knows the piglins like will like start taming them and make like a little yeah proba more likely uh more likely think that’s going to happen but

Yeah hey I mean when you put it that way I was just trying to give him a new life jeez that got dark real Quick hey better than what’s happening to him up here I mean you see what’s happening up here oh sorry little yeah that’s true at least they have a you know I realized if you jump and hit it doesn’t swipe there you Go this how I know I’d never be good at PVP because the cows can out maneuver me like so Easily it’s a bad day when we have to leather Farm you know when we’re when we need leather it’s a bad day for these guys like if we get do like the thing if you guys ever heard never mind I don’t think I can talk about that on stream never

Mind oh my gosh All right Cool yeah R if you jump when you hit it doesn’t hit all the like little baby ones all right cool uh I pulled personally I pulled out 47 leather off that dude what’d you get uh I I only got like one of them I got three each I’m going to take all

Here here then let me drop this in here take all that this right chest has got some goodies in it for you then all right sweet so now we got the sheep farm started Rog you’re looking for the ancient city correct sweeter I’m going to go get my other

Boots there’s not like a I don’t think there is but a boots of Silence so you move really quiet and not get destroyed want can I get boots of sence please all right music discs some netherite scraps what states my nightstand and then this beautiful beautiful message

By by Phoenix I may have peed in your bed by accident sorry is is that a thing Swift sneak is sneak a thing cuz I don’t know if it is but that’d be really nice for fighting a warden I’ll tell you that much at least work working around the ancient

City yeah there’s an En oh is there really oh didn’t know that wait you find that in the ancient city yep oh oh so you can’t get it from villagers at all right and you can’t copy books like that can you no too bad you can’t do it like you

Can right now by chance oh yeah I’m I’m uh are you good to sleep uh rogy I’m ready whenever you guys are are you by a bed so yeah I’m by a bed we can Rogue whenever you get to bed you let us know we’ll all sleep so we cannot get

Attacked by Phantoms for the next day oh I can disconnect oh three go go oh I was going to count it down and you’re just like go do it now do it now oh my gosh dude that’s hilarious um did you load this thing up blaze rods

Bro what no no you wherever you put them I don’t know where you put them when you brought back home you took him on that first trip back remember yeah yeah yeah doing a light bit of bit of gardening here just like if we do it every once in

A while you know we never run out of food not that we really do anyways cuz we just got like 100 stakes from those cows it’s just it’s just nice to have uh you can copy people’s books though okay but you can’t copy enchanted books that’s a bummer I wasn’t sure if

It was like with the templates how we could put uh you know use a bunch of diamond and like at the cost of diamond uh get new like multiple copies Right do we have enough potatoes that’s a question I think so you know what this is this is the only that’s that’s all we’re put in here say potatoes yeah that’s my worri is that we weren’t going to find it but we’re kind of in like a good spot where it would be

Pretty normal for it to spawn underneath us like we’re in that really high hilly area um yeah you know what I felt like no I didn’t I’m trying to remember if I found deep dark in our original tunnel that went way under cuz that kind of goes

Under the this main like base where Riley and I are building I ran into deep dark I could go all the way down my stairway yeah okay I’m going go check this out really quick also chat this build is not done yet this is what we’re working on tomorrow

Sky this what we’re building on tomorrow I don’t remember if he said he saw the city but he has deep dark also near his base I’m going to text him cuz I’m a heathen it’s just everywhere it it really is everywhere like you can’t get rid of

It all right I like literally just texed his personal number hey did you uh happen to find an ancient city hey hey hey we’re Brewing stuff hey all right let’s go check out this bad boy it’s been so long since I’ve been down in this mine I don’t even know it’s down

Here trying to remember to be honest there’s been many many moons like it’s been weeks of real lifetime since I’ve been down here I’m running into I’m seeing a lot of sensors are you I wonder is that that’s a spot where we’ve already been then and I’m making them

All go off cuz Rous and I went through and we just like we got rid of a lot all right so if we come down here go grab me nuts so I’m have to get rid of all these blocks up top here in the future um so yeah we came down

Here keeps going down so we should be underwater right now so I thought if we went like this way we hit some deep dark honestly I feel like these are going to connect soon like I feel like we’re close to connecting our original tunnel and the one that Riley built underneath the

House I just realized I was muted here sorry again guys all right so this is deep dark here I’m just curious if we keep going this way what happens see if we can find any ancient city over Over Yonder it’s going to be at level 51

Yeah I’m at 53 here so I mean you see it yeah don’t I don’t know like I am always tempted to go look at like a seed like a chunk base but I don’t know it’s hard fighting that uh that urge oh I didn’t bring any

Torches I don’t usually I don’t either I mean but I don’t mind people do I mean right right right it’s how did I not see what I I didn’t see an ancient city did you guys I am I losing my mind oh yeah so I saw the blue box the blue

Blocks we’ve actually have a whole like cave um with these but the thing is we’re not looking for didn’t tell you the deep dark we are looking for the actual ancient city so just because we have the the deep dark doesn’t mean we’ll have the ancient city uh but to

Have an ancient city you have to have the deep dark so it’s it’s not mutually exclusive the other way uh Saj congrats SJ congrats on that level one my friend are you in the that same cave that we explored uh I’m trying to figure

That out oh he talking to me oh are you trying to find me so if you go down you guys I think we went different places yeah the portal that’s in the lava lake is where I went and then if you look to your left you’ll see the

White wool and follow that what’s your guys’ coordinates right now I am 399 sorry negative 399 898 we’re not like too terribly far away I didn’t bring any torches though this is like a huge I got some SC I’m coming to you I’m coming to the original

Cave the one on the beach you know oh the one on the beach yeah it’s fine I’ll be fine I can just make some yeah I’m going to the original one but I think it’s getting close to connecting so I’m actually trying to make that a reality that’s why I was

Asking for the coordinates cuz I think if I keep going that I’m going to find you guys I think it’s going to connect the other one all right all right uh I’ve also lost the path already this is and always more so that is gold but that’s not what we’re looking

For it’s funny it’s times like these where you’re like I just need like a piece of coal like just give me like one or two pieces of coal and I’m finding gold and diamonds all right right bring up the sh I apparently can’t shoot today chant a bow

Battle I’m not just randomly exploring I I don’t think chat can see what’s going on I think it’s too dark I can barely see yeah if we had night vision that would be good we can buy a golden carrots now uh I have a I I have a bunch

Of golden carrots in the house somewhere your coordinates got uh let’s see like -200 504 skir you going down well I just found another area it connects to a bigger spot sh there’s a torch oh this is back okay okay I know where I’m at roughly I think

There’s torches down here in this cave somewhere so I’m not completely lost you know what who needs torches they overrated right yeah overrated I’ve got a flint and steel things get really bad yeah I just light some stuff on fire be good oh is this that tunnel you went down make some me

Yeah all right oh you came all the way over here yeah oh I just set some off oh Tri I’m really hoping I’m not setting off something because this is like shooting the areas above me that I cannot see so it’s a little terrifying it’s like above me oh that is

Lava all you sensors are going down all right we’re going to we’re going to connect it I I know it oh there’s another I mean there’s got to be an City down here you would think yeah but I don’t think they it doesn’t have to spawn

Though right it’s just so much deep dark yeah there’s just a boatload of deep dark that you think it would and I’m now just running around round kind of willy-nilly uh lost in the dark here oh good so yep got to find something and I have a feeling I’m not going to like

It oh that one strong Skelly right there maybe I didn’t find where you that’s all right that’s all right I’ve gone really far off through a bunch of weird random deep Dart portal room right no no like I said I’m I’m I’m down by like the water where you like one of the

First times you died when we first found out about gravestones you’re in the water with all the like drown yeah what are your coordinates again uh let me get back to the path and then I’ll tell you so I can start making my way to you guys I mean it’s not really important

That I connect all this I just thought it did like uh I’m like -280 -48 going over to 280 that’s where you are Ro yep if you see white wool it’s likely a shrier I’m trying to destroy oh you’re not trying to destroy well yeah well I’m trying to destroy the Sens like I just keep going through this like thinking we’re going to hit something here we going to hit it we’re going to hit itally all right cool uh all right so we’re 3 huh all right well I’m going to try and find my way to you guys I’m just going to keep digging a straight path and hopefully inevitably which direction you head so I’m atga 877 is my Z 877 oh yeah so I’m I got to go like this way

Then you’re going to be at 32 headed towards 877 yeah so my a right now I’m like at 315 but I thought like underneath the tunnels we plant some such that my x coordinate is moving so if you dig yeah my X we

Can oh you want to hit to where my Z is moving yeah you want to go toward okay I see you’re doing towards 877 Z that’s so far dude that’s so many blocks is is this even worth it so you’re a 333 so that’s where I’m yeah my Z is400

This seems worth it this definitely seems worth it you said 333 correct 333 baby all right cool I’m going over to 333 and then I’ll head your way I’m not that far all right perfect we’ll me in the middle you’re torchless too huh dude I

Have to commit at this point cuz I am so lost I am so lost at this point I’m like yep guess this is uh becoming a deep slate Expedition we’re just getting deep slate now oh my goodness I’m at like so I’m not that all right I’ll just continue going for another 400

Blocks good good stuff all right chat there’s a Sher way back there I can’t get to and I’m out of wool so I’m going back ah just just get the warden to come out have some fun Sunday with the warden oh I found a I found another deep dark section yeah

Same whatever I’m should keep going I’m keeping digging on the path we’re on all right just some peaceful digg in I’m pretty sure chat can see nothing pretty sure it’s like pure Darkness except for my face so yall are welcome good thing I how could that even

Happen the coordinates in this game are so good though it’s a perfect coordinate system in Minecraft all right I’ve made like a solid 100 blocks already so oh I found a geode just finding the most random stuff over here here we go getting ready for a

Are you doing it you really going to fight it are you ready no oh I was like yeah you got it hold shift one there you go there we go okay the good news is at this point we like have plenty of amethysts right like plenty of amethyst

Spawners so we ever want to build something really purple we know where to go I found some Redstone to light up the cth for a second here nice yeah I could make like Redstone torches but it just it doesn’t seem worth it to me you’re you’re too far in yeah just commit pure

Darkness pure in utter Darkness I feel like Bain right now like I was born into it there you go I can’t do voes and it’s not my strong s oh I found some I found torches dude I found a path I think it’s one of your paths probably just keep

Going oh it’s it’s your one of your mines dude I’m so perplexed right now I’m like oh my gosh I’m still touching are good all right wait a minute what what’s your y coordinate 53 what’s yours it’s not currently it will be you go I’m just like going over top of this

Mine oh my gosh dude this is so goofy I mean like I’m already out of mine so like I could connect it but we’re going to we’re going to find a way to connect all this yeah oh my goodness how far did you make it uh I’m negative

64141 yeah 754 dude we’re almost there all right part of me wants to go hunting for netherite but I’m like that’s such a boring thing to do do ancient debris it’s obnoxiously boring oh made it through yeah you know I could have just made this one block higher than not like dug

Through your entire thing have been so much smarter to do sorry we change it out I see a name tag I think should I just bring it down to your level oh Riley look all right dude this is so ridiculous SP some diamonds too whoa what

What yeah D we perfectly met right in the middle at your little Hub look at this this is your go to the portal yeah mind that we’ve ended up exactly here hey there’s a lot of torches in here there are it’s like it’s like the

Light at the end of the tunnel you can dump deep in there gosh yo what’s up drop dead what’s up B dude how tell me how this perfectly just it makes no sense we perfectly meet here right in the middle right where we need to be found 30

Diamonds on my way here oh my I found six I mean like I I was happy about the six dude what’s this is ridiculous all right so couldn’t see I couldn’t see so I might have pass him up it’s very possible so this leads up to the house right yeah oh my gosh

Dude oh my goodness I’m just like convinced that we’re not going to find this freaking ancient city hey so here come back down here grab some torches I did I grabbed four Stacks all right I am come this way come my lady you ever check this stuff down

How you yeah I get it man tce um yeah so bug yeah Bedrock servers can definitely be buggy I’ve had some good luck with them I’ve had some bad luck with them kind of both ways um so I get that I get that feeling with the Bedrock uh you know that’s why I

Like the Java a lot I’m really glad we switched over but the bad part is not everybody can join in the the Java ones you know CU not everybody obviously is lucky enough to have a computer or be able to uh get in on this I low key I’m thinking about just

Going back to the Nether and looking for debris I don’t know why like oh here’s a huge uh it’s actually decently big not as big as I thought originally all right yeah so yeah I’m see more deep dark but again just not any ancient city it’s fine I

Have a feeling we’re just going to have to keep hunting keep hunting and it it just might not be over here oh I find another little Shaker though hold on got to be a little careful with this guy I mean like I’ve never seen so much deep dark in my life

Though that’s not connect that’s not connected to an ancient city yeah in some fashion and like I said I could like cheat and look but like where’s the fun of that right pretty sure I’ve effectively lost Riley again so things going great I’m still in

That cave that uh this is big dude I don’t know it’s like there’s something you know keep waiting for it to be something or deep dark the only the only real win about about bedrock in my opinion is that it is crossplatform here come back here where you at I like

Bedrock yo yo uh I’m just hitting some stuff really quick I said I’m not fully certain where I’m at but I will find my way back to you oh my god scared me uh gosh dude how do we get turned around so quickly it’s crazy all right I’m seeing torches I’m

Seeing torches we’re on some sort of path that seems semi- right maybe question mark I see Riley’s name so either we’re both very lost okay R I found you buddy so that’s good that’s a win we’re at least lost together yeah jav custom skins too there’s a lot of there’s a lot

Of cool things um so let me tell you what green hi nice to meet you nice to meet you again uh there are ways that you can join yes uh but the big one is I have to get to know you a little better uh just by name recognition I don’t know you

That well but there’s as you can see two other people in here right now are community members um and we do let people join I just have to get to know you so if you hang around the stream you know I get to know you over a little bit

Of time over the next couple streams Andes then we can definitely get you in here and a creeper we just a loop yeah we just went a loop dude where was that big room that I just I know dude it’s this this place is just

It keeps going just keeps going uh but I will say green it’s nice seeing that nice membership next year name I think you actually got one of the yeah you got one of the gifted memberships that were given out today by Riley who’s actually in here um pretty sweet

Uh found a little lava area nothing down there cool cool for sure for sure for sure sweet for show for show for show yeah I think tomorrow is going to be a big building day I’m be doing a lot of building tomorrow finish that uh we finish that

Stable so we can start using some of that horse armor so 26 things of horse armor that we have yeah here I found my way back yeah so uh I’m not sure how you got it you must have be you must be followed in some extent um some capacity and then it

Sometimes it’s randomly that it gives it out sometimes it gives it out to people who have been more active but hey it’s nice to meet you you’re hopping off here buddy yeah but you can find uh if you’re making your way through here and you just see a crap ton of

Torches yep yep yep you’re uh you found your way back to my little area all right perfect perfect I’ll keep looking it all happens so quick I got turned around so quick oh hey Sally hey it was good green come back if you want uh we stream a lot

Of days we’ll be back tomorrow 10:30 a.m. Central Standard Time if you want to come around uh your friends are trying to make a a life steal server what is a life steal server dude it sounds like You’ got quite the day ahead of you

RS how in the world do we get I’m so turned around yeah yeah but we put down so many at this point we have so many random torches down I’ve been past this area like nine times it you’ll know oh I see Lush caves y Lush little Lush

Action I must be close to something and it’s I found a little Lush area as well so I’m just going to follow this I don’t think this is the way back to the base but I’m just I’m in it now I’m in it now this is just where we’re

Going at least I have torches this time around so considering that a win oh there’s some torches this is a lit up area this might have been where RS was that maybe here’s a spawner okay that’s not that’s not enough torches yeah but we’ve definitely been here before we’ve been here before on

Our track I’m like 95% sure this all connect somehow yeah we’ve definitely yeah we’ve definitely been here too many torches for us to not have all right dude this is right by our base isn’t it or no dude yeah I found our base I found

Our cave area did yeah it connects up to this top right here nice Le I think yeah is where we fought the warden beautiful all right all right woo what do we have on us all right C we’re going to go hit our little Nether Portals just to get back

To home base let way way quicker to go that way so we got 130 30 is a tail all right Chad after I get back to the base I’m going to take a quick uh washroom break go say hi to my kid really quick for a quick second so take like a four

Or 5 minute break and we’ll come back and we’ll finish up for the next hour or so um so if yall have something going on you go take a whiz whatever you got to do it’s a good time to do it once we get back into our uh little BRB

Screen it was good playing brother good abely like I said probably more of a build build day tomorrow working on that Barn a stable whatever all Righty pasta and pizza right need to drop a buch just run off all right mob drop mob drop random blocks we need to put away drops H now the question is what to do now we do for the next I got like another hour

What to do what to do what to do I do a couple things I mean I want to start making that path over to your house I just don’t know exactly how I want that build to look yet so yeah I also want to just cut down a

Boatload of the trees over there but it’s kind of a boring end of the stream it’s just cutting down trees um say there something oh goodness I cannot find where we put the amyst but we will find it rest assured it will show up I felt like I had a whole bone area

Didn’t I yep I didn’t put anything on the front there we go all right bone and then where amethyst amethyst amethyst where are you there you beautiful bucket in keep our Flint seal on anyways gunpowder we do need more gunpowder actually p is really not that much it takes I think it’s five

Gunpowder for Just One Singular um it’s one gunpowder for I’m sorry five gunpowder for One Singular TNT block uh we also do need to kind of go farm some Blaze so we might go do that too I kind of want to go back to the nether anyways

So maybe that’s something fun to do uh chat I’ll be right back I’m going to go hit the washroom before we do anything else so I’ll be right back don’t go anywhere we’ll see you in a minute shiny you’re in uh you’re in charge of chat here I’m I’m stepping off

To go use the washroom oh okay y sounds good it’s all yours I’m working on not being lost you want to make TNT TNT would be a good job right now find this ancient city pretty quick I found a really long hallway with a bunch of torches I’m hoping it goes

Back to a good place they said they’ve been leaving torches everywhere so Set the kids loose I just rounded a corner here and uh seemed like a hundred of these sensors went off but there are no shriekers so that is a good thing I think they’ve done a pretty good job of clearing out the shriekers this place is vast it’s like there’s it’s no

Joke so easy to get lost the kids love Decorating all right I’m back welcome back what’s going on oh James is in here set AK wait what’s going on in this chat the kids would destroy my base the crazy oh look at James hit Level 14 and no other way for James to hit it than talking about letting ak’s children

Free in my my house to destroy everything oh my goodness uh okay so I think I’m going to go and try and get some more blaze rods awesome it’s probably a bit of a dangerous game uh solo but I’m going to try unless you have nothing to do then

You’re more than welcome to come with but I would to I’m working on not being lost in here perfect yeah just dig up going to out this Up looking for this giant I want to go down by Sky area and just look at our path I don’t even think we can see our path from down here oh yeah barely see it up there said that when he was mining he Founders he said that

No he can’t I texted him ass and he cannot see it D he’s got a cool little base going over here what is going on this cool little everybody in their Farms oh my God look at what’s going on here this is the first time I’ve seen this base yeah

I’m going have to call Peeta oh my gosh I’m mad how mad you think be if I just let all oh no I was doing that as a joke I didn’t mean actually nobody saw anything oh my gosh this is so chaotic look at this oh my gosh this weed

Field these poor poor poor animals oh my gosh dude side his base is really good and then he’s got a portal set up oh my gosh oh shoot that’s hilarious sorry CS I can’t save you can’t save you look at all these raid Flags too my gosh like seven of them

Weird wow he’s got a lot lots of goodies in here huh I’ll have to have him give me a full tour sometime but this is really cool I can tell he’s got some really big plans for this all these like big open areas right there’s no guarantee they

Would destroy anything no but there’s a good chance H level I’m at I’m at level 43 pretty good are you going up right now I’m going up oh my gosh water watch you’re just going to go through like you’re going to randomly go through like the ancient city somehow

Great yeah I just went out I’m just out in the uh heading towards the first spawner we found like that one’s a little little more safe nice we get some blaze rods we have the Lush not the Lush but we have the forest over here as

Well I can’t believe it finally made it out happy dance woo all right okay laser ons yep this is so dangerous what I’m doing what is wrong with me I’m just like third person running looking at the front of my character I saw that that was that was it’s it’s a

Great idea I think yeah it’s good footage good footage yep oh I should go through and do a tour of this whole place I should do a video it’d be kind of fun to do like uh like kind of the first stage of of our I mean

Cuz I feel like we’re still in like the first stages you know like grand scheme of things we haven’t been in this world that long right um especially a lot of the members like you so it might be kind of fun to do like a like a longer

YouTube video that shows like before how everything looked and kind of where we’re at with h everything that would be fun I always like seeing those yeah those are fun those are a lot of fun and that’s the thing I want to get more like good builders in here and like

People we can trust but that’s the hard thing is like we got to weed out who we can and cannot trust and that is a very difficult thing to do um I wish we could get James Russell in here but won’t happen oh wait did I already

Pass our first I think I already passed the first one well you know I guess I could just like be a crazy person and just keep on mining we can find something else you could do anything you want I could definitely you could do it just

Cuz I can doesn’t mean I just say you should but we’ll see oh I didn’t bring any I really wasn’t prepared to do this I didn’t bring like any food I didn’t bring building blocks look everything’s good everything’s good I think Chad has full confidence in my abilities here

All right so I did get some nether quartz which is kind of cool I would love to my my big goal Som days is like to have a cool underground build and hook like daylight sensors up to the whole thing and then just have it like light automatically day and night I

Think that’d be really cool really sweet yeah yeah yeah on the TV while I was doing the g g lecture dude boy hold on let’s keep this going did you go top side no going keep digging through here nothing like running running and I’m like am I going the right way oh

Yeah never certain there’s no certainty in Minecraft I’ve done that before i’ like I’ll just be going and going I’m like look at the I swear I look at the coordinates everything looks like it’s going the right direction I close them for a few minutes I reopen it and I’m

Just like somehow got completely off course I just I don’t even understand how that happens I’m like I didn’t even turn I just I swear I was just going straight yep especially in boats o boats bad news boats on Ice goodness all right the nether quart is actually

Really nice for The Mending on the uh pickaxe a big win oh is it oh nice ah James thumbed Me 3 hours ago Dude sign me up just snuck in here giving me giving all swle the thumb I love it oh my gosh they’re going to come in

They’re we’re going to check on our YouTube partners today and it’s just me talking about chat thumbing me and they’re like should we give it to this guy next thing I know I’m like just revoked love you too James love you too my friend oh you’re still oh my gosh I think

Closer we really need like uh just get all of the coordinates thrown into uh the Discord somewhere all good the lava flows so fast in here it’s crazy it is crazy how quick the lava goes in here oh come on I got rid of the source block

And this thing still let me on fire all right we are in a Crimson Forest here um Crimson Forest but nothing no bastions or anything it’s all right yes we need calculate the viscosity of of the of the lava well it’s not molasses I’ll tell you that much it’s

Way different from the uh viscosity bottom or the uh Overworld whatever you want to call it am like debating if I should turn at any point or do you think we should just keep going straight what do you think chat Rogue should we turn over or should we just keep going Straight are you continuing the path yeah cuz how we’re going straight for a while I’m just still keeping on it keep it on the straight path could be good uh just because in case the uh you know items the entities or something yeah yeah the places structures what if they uh spawn

Kind of similar coordinates it’s very possible I don’t know either where the heck are we going chat uh we’re looking for like another nether fortress or a fashion Remnant or anything with some good loot in it we found two of them earlier today um only one i’ good loot but that’s all

Right um so so we are kind of just making a tunnel until we can hopefully find something it is a little a little sketchy to do a little sketchy to do but it’s also a little fun kind of you know lets you feel a little alive oh yeah James the whole morning

Was Adventure Time so if you missed it you can feel free to go back and watch it later cuz it was actually a lot of fun um but we we actually we found some stuff we we just destroyed a lot of baddies and I think we can find another one I

Just have a good feeling about it I really want to find the Bastion REM CU I’ve never seen one of those before and I’m just I’m just hoping we we hit it you know I didn’t bring anything to make another portal which I guess I don’t need to that doesn’t really help

Us I guess that much in the grand scheme of things besides if we’re just like trying to Trek to a new part of the Overworld doesn’t do a whole lot for us besides in case of emergency you know you kind of get out quick but but if that’s the case we’re

Probably uh probably not going to make it out anyways anything out here I want to run out and take a gander really quick I feel like this probably bad idea but I’m going to do it anyways yeah might as well I he like one of these little little piggies or something

Around kind of in their territory here so you got to be a little careful you know chat sometimes you just you just have a feeling about something I’ve got a feeling it’s like earlier yeah what happened last time yeah it worked out in our favor at a at a keep yeah

What are the little what are the pigs called Little Pigs not so not a little pig pogin polins monsters what they are oh monsters those things are things are pretty darn strong yeah I was doing my bed explosions and went through the Crimson Forest and then turned around and there’s hoglins oh no

Over and over again yeah I don’t know if my uh hunch is paying off this time but all right don’t be a scaredy cat I’m not a scaredy cat just I’m just got to be smart all right looks like done that’s fine I know I just saw like a big open

Area and I was like you know what this feels like a good a good place to at least try I’m in the ne and walking the bridge hold on I did something stupid probably there it is I was like did I get lost perfect I’m going back up to my K just

Keep going straight you’ll uh you’ll find it you’ll find it I should be here digging a straight line I like how we don’t even care we just dig through like literally everything there you go I’m about to like walk through Lava too which I don’t love but just shoose

Just going right past the lava this one we’re going to this one’s going to be an issue though how in the heck are we going to do this pretty good tunnel yep that’s a great tunnel great tunnel we got going on here here we go all right and more a tunnel of boring

Machine I wish you can actually make a tunnel Boring Machine in this game it is just it does take a while but you can do it TNT derer TNT duper yep that’s yep it’s obviously something more advanced than I’ve ever made but I have a bunch of videos on it and I’m like

That’s really cool I should do that sometime yeah and then just don’t haven’t done the TN probably B crer because I am the machine before they nerfed it break it zero sugar oh nice that’s crazy that was super fun yeah was that a while ago yeah it was a while

Ago I’m exposed outside Again that kind of Expos chat the kind of Expos do you think I’m talking about are these guys going to hit me cuz I just grab some gold and going to go think we’re good think we’re cool all right not seeing anything still lots of open area though you know

So we’re that’s a thing oh hey there you are hello all right just kind of here some f looking around here see if I can find anything but I don’t think we are yeah we’re not cool at the exact opposite we’re in hell that is that is actually 100%

Correct that is 100% correct I’m going to go check over on this side see if I can find anything uh yeah okay here unless youve already been here I don’t even know anymore good to get advantage point yep yep o that’s a big old hole I don’t want

To it’s like a big old Ravine hole over here can easily see myself falling into did you know that you were that wait the where you live was once underneath ice nice sure I know nothing like John Snow um yeah not really seeing anything over here thus the straight path continues

Onward onward but not upward we just need to I just need to find where that path was once again I’ve lost it you know where the path is um path yeah the path yeah I think so all right good I’m pretty much on the same I’m just peeking my head little bit forward

Here oh I see you I think it yeah I think it was that way somewhere man if we lose if we lose our one block path that was not lit up um yeah huh then put everything in a box huh uh well we our path has been completely

Straight it’s just that uh you know find it just got to find where it went now was all oh not there don’t don’t do that do that like kind of grab the coordinates I could have done a lot of things that would have made this a lot easier and I did

Not it’s an adventure though chat this is a great time for Q&A ask me any questions you want to ask and I will answer them within reason um okay huh I can’t help but feeling like this might have been avoidable may maybe maybe but not as fun so so Rogue when

Are you going to start streaming again when when am I going to start streaming again yeah when that a great question we want to know that is a great question well I don’t want to disappoint I don’t want to have no com content H but look at all this great content you’re making

Right now oh right now this would have been a great time to stream run around a circle um man this is oh boy really super I’m in a Crimson Forest now so I fear I’ve gone too far I am also lost let’s see that I can say oh can confirm okay this looks

Familiar okay I I see some quartz that look familiar okay okay good all this looks the same this is the Land of the Lost yeah then we’re the freaking the Kings the Land of the Lost oh I feel like if I go straight nice nice nice you do you know

That I don’t even know what height we’re at um huh well this might be an issue just look for the hole Yeah just look for the yeah oh yeah okay I see you MH this is good um yeah things are things are going well huh well talk about obsidian that would

Have been remember what height we were at or oh oh it must have been around this height okay must have been around this height that’s great cuz we’re at 75 and we didn’t go really higher than 8 okay so yeah hard part is that’s not

Lit up so we’re going to have to like look the back side of all these like hills and stuff right y wait wait wait wait wait found it oh hey hey this is the place we Tri on okay oh that was that was nothing chat that that was all planned content

You know wanted you guys to think that we’re getting lost you know so it’s a little more believable that we’re like not the best of this game it’s not a big deal it’s not a big deal do you think they believe me shiny yes okay good

Perfect oh my gosh I should not lead I should not follow I shouldn’t even be playing Minecraft honestly I should playing a game that’s a closed World game all right so we’re chose your adventure yeah yeah you know like we did for I did for Halloween uh with the lady

We did the spoofy boo streams and we played all the like the dark uh dark picture anthologies where you just like choose one way or the other yes or no maybe that’s more of my speed you know maybe maybe I should stick with that you choose left or right yes even

Then might still get lost there’s like wait have we been here already oh there probably a block you should put down it’s smooth Stone I was you yeah yeah was say I was like Smooth Stone that’s you yep that’s shiny thing I just dug out some gold so that’s

Probably going to be really good for us uh finding like a little Soul Sand area so maybe that’s a good sign yeah something different yeah that’s good well the Bastion I found last time in my server was uh in the Soul Sand Valley so okay so it’s not quite Soul Sand Valley

It’s just a little bit of Soul Sand but I do need to collect all that sometime just so we can like make some blue fire some blue torches and stuff oh is that fossil oh it’s a fossil over there cool probably just leave that I mean

Honestly it’s like there’s much of a use to having it is there it’s just bones right kind of cool yeah just looks cool yeah just keep it for the Aesthetics of it all I’m not sure if these guys are going to aggro on me or not cuz I just got that gold

So I am not seeing anything so I think you’re good good all the good new say they don’t have bows so wait the zombies don’t care the zombies oh oh it’s just the I knew that for sure the dudes just the other dudes what’s that thing oh

Salt yeah a little salt area over here all right just keep going just keep going just keep swimming James you are my favorite fossil that’s 100% true just keep swimming it’s I mean we find the fortresses in these like Basalt areas it seems like so maybe it’s at least a good

Sign yeah we’re good I need to get my haircut I’ve been wanting to get into a get a haircut and a beard trim I was debating I was like should I grow the beard out should I trim it I know I think I think I’m GNA I think I’m going

To get it trimmed it’s kind of get at that point where it’s driving me nutty and then I kind of overcompensate and then I will cut everything off I like shave my head and I’m like shouldn’t have done this all right what do we got let looking natural generation but I don’t

Think it’s anything that we’re looking for I you know are the bastions are the bastions higher up or is that lower do you know I think they’re going to be about the same if the same okay I think yeah like I said I’ve never seen one of

Those those are pretty sizable as well though aren’t they they can be yeah um especially if you get like a treasure Bastion then there’s going to be like two big structures oh but it’ll be a lot of black stone okay you see a big black box w that’s what I did all right

Awesome yeah I was reading up a little on some of this stuff uh earlier today I’m just trying to like increase my Minecraft knowledge especially in the nether cuz you know I I did quit playing for like a few years and they added a lot in those years and

Then I got back into it but then I just never took the time to learn everything yeah um I had something similar too they had a lot which is awesome which is what I love about it but if you take a break then it’s like well that’s like Riley saying he hasn’t he

Hasn’t played in years yeah like since it was like a newer I don’t want to say new game but like in newer stages right was my understanding so yeah there’s like a a whole lot that is a hole in the floor all right come on come on give us

Something on the other side out of this give us some on the other side of this I mean it looks cool you think shiny you want to take over our lead for a minute my shift fingers yeah hurting a little I feel like we maybe would have

Good luck going one way or the other at one point here okay here I me we can keep going but maybe I’ll uh if I find a good spot I’ll kind of break off like I did last time and go look oh totem of undying that was a smart

Move I did not do that keep my eyes peeled there’s definitely a gas around here right good point and it could be above or below at this point I was looking down going okay there could be a gas right there not today not today Gest not today gosh this is a really cool

Area these are so sweet I like it woo all right I’m going to feel a little bit of hydration here hey it feels like we’re do feel like we’re getting close yeah like it’s like it’s like we on the like listen I’m not a huge slot machine guy but I have

Played a few of my time like I’ve gone to Vegas you know that was actually for Dark Tournament that’s a conversation for a different time but like that’s how like it always is like and I’m not we’re getting us cycle where it’s like we’re going to hit soon it’s going to pay off

Just keep going just keep going and sometimes it does I’m not a gambler at all sometimes it doesn’t yeah I’ve done very minimal gambling I actually broke even in Vegas like I said I went there for a Dart Tournament uh cuz we won our local dart league and

They sent us to Vegas for this huge National Dart Tournament um but yeah I was like so we did a little I broke even on it so yeah I feel like that was a win breaking even in Vegas either win or you lose I feel like yeah piing

Asow see I know any little Pixies up here oh um I just had a hand cramp when I was doing that and almost fell oh I swiched my thing to talk I should have done that too and it helps would have been a great idea half an hour ago yeah yeah three hours

Ago I just started doing that yeah I honestly I think I even heard you say that earlier but I just didn’t do it I was like oh that’s a great idea I should do that in a minute and then I just forgot about it holy cow we’ travel a lot of bricks a

Lot of blocks here in the nether a lot of bricks oh my gosh okay ready we’re doing it other side of this there’s going to be something something it’s going to happen see something come on we got this come on be good to us moang Fortress no no you don’t I do no

You don’t I do there’s no way what we’re not even oh my goodness you oh my gosh I can’t believe that actually just happened uh I’m start building a path down here I think we can get down from this side yeah go for it I’ll still go you like you’re like on

The other side of this something’s going to happen that happen one time it actually might have been before you watch watching I’m not sure but one time we were playing Riley was like I was trying to find like a uh a certain kind of tree

And I was searching for like an hour and a half I couldn’t find it R’s like I’m calling it in like 4 and A2 minutes you’re going to find it to the second like to the second I found what I was looking for it was one funny that is

Funny all right I did get a path down here great okay we can do that yep uh today I’ve never gambled my own money at a casino you help open a casino there you go that’s pretty cool I’m with on that one I haven’t either I have I tried gambling once I

Felt pretty bad about it I was like that’s my hard-earned money why am I why am I doing this now let’s see is this going to be a good Fortress are you down oh you’re not down are you you see it up there lots of lava

This one seems kind of broken too like the other one was the lava on the side that’s really weird yeah from up above I can see that it stretches out for quite a ways but there’s a broken piece so it’s something there’s more there may oh okay

That’s that’s I’m going to put a torch if it’s a dead end okay maybe that’ll help us to not get so turned around lava over here don’t worry about that try to see if this goes to the other side or if it’s nothing over here it’s nothing all right perfect coordinates

Are in chat coordinates are in chat uh we got some blazes Over Yonder stes oh yeah we got some uh are you going to try you want to try and use looting on these guys or what yeah sure can I I can’t even hit them first can I

So I’ll probably kill him oh I mean yeah prob that is not the way oh my gosh that is not the way you are correct there’s this thing’s pretty beaten up here oh we do have Nether wart Nether wart I mean I know we already have Nether wart but that’s kind

Of a good sign for what kind of uh what kind of Fortress is going to be oh little chesty there you go uh some obsidian oh guess what more horse armor awesome honestly at this rate I’m taking obsidian it’s such a pain in the butt to get uh I’ll let you go that

Way okay I went some oh wait no I’m seeing some nether brick seeing more all right cool you keep tracking that way I’m going to kind of run off this way and see what I can find staircase down over on this side Diamond beautiful more horse Armor what what did I just do he visited all of the biomes oh in the ne cool good job I was like what just happened what biome was that uh I don’t know I just went from one side of this Fortress to the other I found another Branch okay wonderful

Wonderful all right you keep searching over there I’ve got more over on this side I’m going to kind of keep on yeah nothing over here that was weird uh okay cool not sure if there’s anything underne look like it at least this hasn’t been expl no got a random Magma Cube in here

There you go you had it too hey look at us go oh cool is that what you said too you said you found him in a Soul Sand Valley or whatever right that was your the Bastion right Bastion correct all right but so far so we found three uh fortresses today yes today

Hello awesome here’s fortres and yeah yeah for the Bastion maybe we regroup at some point and go on a different coordinate different course we could we certainly could I think do you uh I’m pick up this NE wart Soul Sand what do I want to get rid of there

Got to be some raw yeah we don’t need Rock pork chops who needs that [Applause] nonsense okay we’ve already been here Perfect all right cool we’re I mean yeah we we’ve come out with some decent stuff today sure nothing up here see if there’s like any tunnels or anything I

Missed oh look at that found some more Diamond horse armor actually nice yeah there’s like a whole top side up here to this thing oh another okay find some good stuff up here uh okay what can I get rid of we don’t really need nether quarts that much smithing template I found another

One um nice don’t need gold I don’t really care about that I’m take gold horse armor I don’t really need to but I just feel like it looks cool you know more like an aesthetic thing holy chest bed man there’s a lot up here saddle I’m putting a torch next to all

The uh chest that I’ve gone through so that way we see a we see a torch we know don’t get too Excited I think we’ve probably already hit it I’m going to bridge this keep keep another smiing pet right so that’s nice I hit two smithing templates already which is sweet you all right there I just ran into a we skeleton yep I did the same

Thing just a minute ago I was like keep running luckily knockback is a it’s really helpful yeah he was right behind one of my bar was like oh back up right back is a good way to go over here I don’t think swirly’s been to this chest oh let’s find out uhoh what

Chest that one one I have been there I’m sorry i’ already been there too I forgot to torch it all good Heen pick up all your trash oh yeah thanks um so I went and left there but I think that path keeps going I don’t think I just hit all that path over

There see this keeps going all right nothing here we’ gone here already I think because nothing over there nope okay um I’m kind of dig this out that’s how I found the other path last time ended up having stuff in it that’s where we came from more fossils over here kind of cool

Here what’s up I don’t think it’s worth anything no I through here but uh went on this side I found another path this goes into the giant Soul Sand area oh okay um I don’t know if we’ve been over here yet or not yeah I’m guessing you’ve already

Been here so there’s like some taller structures you down the valley yeah dead you see me popping out you left cool little bone area uh yeah I’m try to go peek over here I got Soul Sand yeah Soul Sand would actually be really nice uh Riley’s not here I got yeah let’s

See make all the blue torches we possibly can blue torches are just cool they’re just sweet yeah these guys don’t like them so gas somewhere So cool oh lots of Bones over here see three different fossils just in this area I want to go I’m just going to go peruse over here for a minute is this a good idea probably not are we doing it nonetheless absolutely I’m just kind of hoping we’re

Going to find a Bastion which I know we probably won’t but like some shooting Fireballs at me that I cannot see love it yo Fort God what’s up nice shot oh my gosh this Soul Sand is so obnoxious uh yeah not really seeing anything right

Now we should go check on the other side of this I really don’t have long here cuz I’m supposed to be getting off in just a minute but I’m like like we’re in a cool place I can’t can’t help myself and the blue hue looks cool here the blue hue does look

Cool yeah there’s like wow there’s so many bones I did not know like the bones generated this much in here I’ve seen like 10 different uh sets of Bones here huh it’s Carter what’s up Carter Carter y he’s coming with a new name all right I guess I’m going to

Start start heading my way back over oh my gosh I didn’t even realize what level I am oh what level are you level 38 38 it’s not bad yeah I’m 24 I think I was eight when we started or something yeah I didn’t even expect to get levels just from exploring

Yeah I’m trying to make it back without getting along Lo which I probably failed at I’m hanging out where I K gas good good CU I could probably find uh find home then well you tell your friend that I say hello as well we’re going to fall

There uh tell your friend that I say hi Oh I don’t have any torches I think I’m supposed to I think supposed to go this way yep there you are whatever grab a little more Soul Sand since I already have a little bit what’s the difference here between the Soul

Sand and like this yeah what’s what’s the difference anything the you [Applause] don’t and that I’m not sure all right perfect sweet there we go full what you tell Aden Aden Aden Adrien Aden you tell them I say hi tell if they got a YouTube get on over here hit that

Subscribe button be part of the be part of the fun all right where are we going randoo I think this way oh here’s some here’s a yeah yeah that’s definitely some key right that’s busted the side of the bad boy found it found it okay yeah

Bust oh this is the broken part I think we came from over there so I remember seeing like this broken section right right what oh this place is sweet who that almost got you did you H me almost almost got you go did we even we did yeah I think

We checked all of it right yeah I feel like it was really I we didn’t check I mean there’s blazes over there do we even hit these sections over here and that one’s got a torch so like at least yes to that spot but hold on we’re

Gonna going to kind of go through and see if I can find anything just really quick over here like just make sure we checked it all yeah there’s nothing over here um yeah a lot of these little sections that kind of stop here Here this just this do keep going though hold on like underneath at least it’s never mind it was nether brick but then it’s it was nether brick on the floor still but then eventually it stopped so oh okay ooh oo thought we’re going to get melted a little bit there uh there might

Be some over on the other side of this oh I just jumped in lava on accident really try to avoid that in the future that was not our best move okay not our best move ooh I’m like that all good oh yep here’s a spawner at least

Right all right all right cool just close that off I really want nothing to do with it right now uh I got like got to get more blazes we should come over here and then I don’t get any Blaze Stuff you know I don’t want anything to do with those guys right now uh cool yeah I think that’s just about it that’s about all we got sweet there anywhere else I think that’s just about everything thing right yeah I mean I think it’s pretty well covered we came in from right here

Yeah if I do recall correctly y right here beautiful never going to let you go going to turn around okay so I think this way is home oh my gosh yeah that way isn’t it one of these two ways if we have a a 50/50 chance oh yeah yeah right and we’ll know

Soon enough if we’re not going the right way yeah so we’ll head a walk yeah so I guess we could try and find uh you know a different a different course different heading to find the remnant uh I’m pretty much about where I need to end for the day uh once we get

Back home um I’m doing more work but I’m just going like I got to edit some stuff and probably mess around with the Discord a little bit not sure what AKA has or has not done with it he was messing around with some stuff too so

Not cool not cool that Magna Magna did I just say Magna pretty sure I said an N instead of an M he’s a Magna imagine if I just like twisted my ankle right now just Falls to my death go get me out of the lava like looking like Anakin Skywalker down

There you can make it I’m like letting myself run out of food oh you oh repeatedly not sure I have a bunch of food on me oh yeah see you later see You no oh slow down you I’m hungry I did not mean to put that in there did not mean to put that in there let’s jump yeah same oh but you you ran out of food I see see the issue I don’t like this place yeah this is

Terrible but hey we got some good loot I got two templates alone from that uh and obviously I say I but like this is it’s all common loot I’m putting it in the the storage area over by m riy but you feel free to take whatever you need

Awesome just cuz I grab it out of a chest yeah yeah just cuz I grab it out the chest doesn’t make a mine you know yeah yeah all good and and uh it was a good good run I mean [Laughter] three E I see how you

Are uh yep yep oh I didn’t actually mean to shoot you I tried to shoot it off to the side sorry oh oh that’s a strong bow oh holy that did like four and a half hearts of damage uh Power four yep I’ve got power five on mine holy okay I got

A I would I I think I need a new bow without flame I don’t I don’t mind the flame on the boat oh my gosh but as far as like swords go I’m not a huge fan of flame on swords cuz I was end up lighting just waiting to scope us uh I

Was end up lighting things on fire and then they light me on fire in turn have a in the butt it’s like it ends up doing more damage to me than being uh beneficial right wow we were really far away that was good that’s a good run holy

Guacamole and now that we have the path we don’t have to dig the path again y yeah it’s great this is like the most chill music I picked Cafe music and I’m here for it watch I’m I’m going to jump off theedge oh that was bad no don’t jump I dropped

It no I dropped the template for you to get it you’d pick it up in time I got it don’t worry oh my go I got it and I just realized I was like you did not pick that up thank you for we go this must be something gotot

Tores yep that’s our little stairs we’re almost done yeah what have doubt look for 45 torches oh oh I mean means gas yeah I heard it I just didn’t think it was going to hit me that one might have dropped gas tis I’m not sure yeah no gas TI that’s all

Right that’s all right all right successful venture to the Nether Again great Stu zero deaths zero deaths yeah look at us is this what happens when you’re okay I was I was going to say is this what happens when you’re properly geared but last time we went in we were properly

Geared too and we got obliterated so but then you have gold now so that’s a good good Stu I did have gold last time too yeah we just got yeah things happen I don’t even I don’t even know it all hey do you want to come back for a

Template oh yeah just a moment I’ll be down in the storage area okay and I got so much materials do you have enough Soul Sand uh mean I got I got two stacks but I mean if you want to bring more I say no uh okay we got that holy cow our

Horse armor section is so beautiful I honestly don’t think I have enough room for all my horse armor right now I think you can breed them with golden carrots breed the horses yeah which you can buy now in the trading hole yes that is very nice so that’ll be good to get

Your Cal going my gosh right there’s so much horse armor if there were like llamas that would be so cool gosh let’s see we have 19 things of horse armor 19 things of hor is well oh here you are uh oh put it in here your little temp template section you’re going to

Like that you’re going to want to pick that out nice awesome um Okay so Magma Cream we have 32 all right cool it’s a really good day of exploring probably the best day of exploring I’ve had in Minecraft maybe I don’t know maybe ever but it it’s a really good one those a yeah topnotch day of searching uh what else do we have on us

Sand all goes upstairs another W stuff goes upstairs salt goes upstairs James you want to maybe for a sub goal I’ll let you come in and re uh you can go over to AKs and reorganize everything that would be something else uh where the heck I go

Are you looking for a Soul Sand area yeah yeah thought we had someone here somewhere I go in this guy Okie doie a good spot sure why not why not and I’ve got a very special chest right over here that I’m standing on yeah yeah very special go take a look

Go take a look at it hey that is my poisonous potato section kind of a big deal yeah I it’s like you know you’ve made it when you have a poisonous you know I yeah poisonous potato yeah I like I the wrong thing yeah it’s all right you you’ll get there eventually

But uh Nether wart where the heck did I think nether was downstairs Black Stone and B Sal I think rals was organizing that out wasn’t he salt there it is Black Stone oh that black Stone’s cool I should have grabbed more of that when we were down there I guess we’re

Pretty full on inventory though we probably go for a couple uh mining trips and like to get Building Supplies sometime in the near future for sure yeah and the B is so good the B Delta is so good for Blackstone so yeah yeah that would be and if anybody goes for netherite

Get lots of black stone there too y yep I’m planning on doing a little bit of netherite uh farming myself I don’t know it’s like never been the hugest appeal to me but I’m like there’s definitely I mean there’s there’s benefits to having it the the tools are more efficient you

Know they do last longer yep so plus one Armor Plus One armor yeah it all it all counts sweet oh I yeah yes okay I did grab my ancient debris like did I even grab the ancient debris oh no we totally grabbed it grabbed it SM it and now I have one

Ancient debris scrap nice wonderful wonderful put three friends with that and four gold yeah there you go we have one ingot perfectly worth it all right yeah I’m like trying to like like is there anything else I need to do funny I didn’t get my entire list done

Today because I wanted to build uh that bridge over to your house oh right yeah yeah but that’s all right we can save that I mean I’ve got a lot of lot to do this week for building I want to go fix the year finish the stable and get a

Bridge to your house they kind of the two big ones for tomorrow and Tuesday then I’ve got a a bit of a break here coming up here uh it’s the lady’s birthday so I’ll be taking some time off to do some fun stuff so yeah so great there’s a small

Chance I’ll be back Thursday but for the time being it is going to be Monday Tuesday and then taking off like 4 five days so pretty excited very good yep absoluely well chat you know what that means look hold on should I give you give you what the game yeah it looks

Better actually the backdrop looks great today it’s kind of nice and overcast outside so the the backdrop looks wonderful y’all today was wonderful a lot of fun um I mean honestly coming up with all the loot that we came up with was uh it’s really good day it’s a

Really good day for exploring uh really good day for all of that so I got to put my boots on before I forget or I will not put them on next time I play but yeah this is this has been a heck of a Time heck of a stream y’all

Back tomorrow we’re working on content for the next hour and a half or two hours or so uh so we’ll be working on shorts and getting our hopefully getting our Discord squar away and maybe even a long form video if we’re lucky enough to get all that done shorts are kind of

Taking priority right now because shorts do get more people into the streams which is what I’ve noticed um so we’re going to keep growing that that way I appreciate all you I’m seeing more and more new names every day people coming in people coming back that haven’t been in in a few weeks

Finally coming back into the fold it’s nice we’re seeing some General steady retention steady going up it doesn’t have to be like you know this this is fine this is sometimes life and I’m cool with that I love that steady growth is what I want to see so everybody I appreciate the heck

Out of you spending the time with me on this Sunday just having a good time vibing in some some Cafe music doing some Minecraft y’all we’ll see you on the next one Sly out yeah

This video, titled ‘🔴 Minecraft Live Stream | Stream 162 🔴’, was uploaded by Swarly on 2023-12-17 21:25:46. It has garnered 65 views and 11 likes. The duration of the video is 04:13:08 or 15188 seconds.

🔴 Minecraft Live Stream | Stream 162 🔴

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    WARNING: 7 NIGHTMARE Mistakes in Johnny Minecraft!Video Information guys today was the worst day at school ever we got our grades back for the year don’t just like not show them Marty oh gosh these are really bad guys everything is f Min is two me these are actually better than what I easy get what how are they better Gooby this is the worst grades you could possibly get easy to say that um I just get zero you usually get zeros yeah scoby yeah wow that’s pretty bad an F is a zero well then I’m just very consistent well guys hopefully the school… Read More

  • INSANE Minecraft Speedrun in the Rain!

    INSANE Minecraft Speedrun in the Rain!Video Information yeah I guess all right I’m going title my [ __ ] speed running the new Minecraft update bet Yow see if my shit’s live and we’re live all right bet [ __ ] says excellent connection not the first hell yeah hell yeah sh says excellent connection not the first yo chat yo chat what’s good bacon what’s good what’s good I’ll make the world all [Music] bet I’m going to drop a video today um after this too like immediately after you get off I’m going to start working on a cubecraft uh video that’s just… Read More

  • UNBELIEVABLE! The Ultimate Sword in Vault Hunters 1.18

    UNBELIEVABLE! The Ultimate Sword in Vault Hunters 1.18Video Information I’m very interested by this sword because it has a legendary plus 63.5 attack damage let’s just take a look at this now I can’t wait until next episode actually since this is empty what could I craft for Lucky hit 5 to 6% chance come on 6% okay let’s try that again second time the chance sorry I meant third times the charm fourth times the charm okay I’m giving this one more shot okay I guess we’re having 5% lucky hit because I’ve already put way too much gold into this ooh I think that is… Read More

  • ULTIMATE Minecraft Pulse Counter: NO items, instant reset!

    ULTIMATE Minecraft Pulse Counter: NO items, instant reset!Video Information hey guys Michael 23b here and welcome back to another Redstone video and it’s a bit of a simpler video today but what I want to show you today are these customizable end pulse counters so what that means is that each one of these circuits will only give an output after a certain amount of pulses so before we start out I just want to point out that there are many different designs that you could do for a pulse counter many of them use hoppers and droppers and just items flowing through those uh but the… Read More

  • Sneeds Mine n Craft

    Sneeds Mine n CraftSneed’s Mine n Craft is an anarchy server running on Minecraft version 1.20.2, with player commands such as /tpa, /sethome, and /spawn! There are no rules, other than to not intentionally harm the functionality of the server. Read More

  • The Lands of Valoria – semi-vanilla

    JOIN THE LANDS OF VALORIA TODAY! Based on Protagnst’s “Players Simulate Medieval Minecraft”, Valoria is a bedrock realm filled with opportunities and fun! We have a well-organized discord server and unique ideas for you to experience. Join now as the server is launching within days! Valoria is based on medieval Minecraft with a medieval armor mod and a beautiful spawn. It heavily relies on player lore and stories, with its own hidden secrets to uncover! Join us and unravel the mystery to reunite The Lands of Valoria! Contact “bigg_money7” or “Deadgear788” on DC to join! Join our Discord server now! Read More

  • FlickerMc

    FlickerMcFlickerMc is a growing community, that includes Economy/cash, Teams for you and your friends to join/create and mostly amazing people! Join now for free crate keys!!! Looking for staff, apply on the discord! Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Navigational Irony: Oceanic Odyssey 😄

    Why do Minecraft characters always carry a compass when they can’t even navigate an ocean without getting lost? It’s like they’re setting themselves up for failure! 😄 Read More

  • Hot Minecraft Showdown: Noob vs Pro vs Hacker vs God

    Hot Minecraft Showdown: Noob vs Pro vs Hacker vs God “When you accidentally build a dirt house in Minecraft and your friends start calling you a ‘noob’ but little do they know it’s actually a high-tech underground bunker in disguise.” #minecraftnoobvsprovshackervsgod #minecraftmemes Read More

  • Sneaking into ‘Mr. Thief’s’ Village in Minecraft #3

    Sneaking into 'Mr. Thief's' Village in Minecraft #3 Minecraft Adventures with “MR TRỘM CẮP” Exploring the Village In this exciting Minecraft episode, our protagonist, "MR TRỘM CẮP," embarks on a journey to explore a vibrant village. As they navigate through the winding streets and bustling marketplaces, they encounter a myriad of interesting characters and unique structures. From quaint cottages to towering cathedrals, the village is a treasure trove of architectural wonders waiting to be discovered. Building and Crafting One of the core elements of Minecraft is the ability to build and craft. "MR TRỘM CẮP" showcases their creativity as they construct elaborate structures and craft powerful tools… Read More

  • Unlock Hidden Worlds with These Top 10 MCPE Seeds – Must See!

    Unlock Hidden Worlds with These Top 10 MCPE Seeds - Must See!Video Information starting your Minecraft pocket edition adventure with the right seeds is crucial to unlocking amazing worlds and experiences these seeds hold the key to uncovering Hidden Treasures stunning Landscapes and challenging terrains that will test your survival skills embark on your Minecraft journey and witness the wonders of these top 10 seeds that promise to redefine your gaming experience from mystical Islands to haunted forests each seed will transport you to a different realm filled with Mysteries waiting to be unraveled prepare to be amazed as you dive into these extraordinary worlds and embark on thrilling Adventures that… Read More

  • Summer Weather Chaos in Minecraft Hive!

    Summer Weather Chaos in Minecraft Hive!Video Information there you go up and it closed my music thing right as I hit live that’s lovely gotta get the music going hello hope you’re all doing well uh Minecraft is still won’t let me use my uh actual skin that like a for the games that’s nice there you go oh and I forgot to mute Discord welcome to the stream everyone Hi ke du Reaper Jackie uh Kurt uh I I don’t know if Logan has a stream open but he is following [Music] me how’s everyone’s uh day so far are you do oh noise… Read More


    HACKERS DESTROYED MY BASE! - KelpTalks on Donut SMPVideo Information uh hello BR I just went on a whole like monologue for like five minutes and like none of that was recorded anyways uh yeah I expanded the pumpkin farm we got a little bit bigger now you know I doubled the length and or I over double the length and I’m working on some more layers did a little bit of off camera work I got uh I’m I’m setting up some you know thing to make this look nice look look at this big arch I think it looks good yo what’s up WQ what’s up… Read More

  • New gaming hack! Combining items in Minecraft!

    New gaming hack! Combining items in Minecraft!Video Information [Music] hey there my name is Inc today I’m back in Minecraft but I can combine items our goal today is to beat the Ender Dragon and if you enjoy I’d really appreciate if you subscribed let’s get into it okay this is a cool Spawn oh hello there all right now to start with this pack what we need to get is a smithing table so we’re going to have to go mining and get some iron but before we go down I’m going to grab some food all right let’s grab some Stone and start smelting… Read More

  • INSANE 3D Murder Mystery on The Hive! 🕵️‍♂️| Minecraft

    INSANE 3D Murder Mystery on The Hive! 🕵️‍♂️| MinecraftVideo Information fale pessoas beleza Hoje estou aqui para trazer um vídeo diferenciado que eu vou trazer aqui PR vocês rapaziada estamos aqui para trazer jogando aqui no derive né literalmente est jogando aqui no derive jogando aqui murder Mystery aqui no derive eu já joguei esse esse minigame há um bom tempo atrás tipo faz tempo mesmo galera tipo eu já gravava né fazer um desafio da mand né a época que o meu canal tava nascendo aí eu tava pensando aqui né nostalgia né jogando aqui myy e bom rapaziada deixa o like aí no canal ativa o… Read More

  • Unbelievable Minecraft TikTok Hacks 🔥💥🤯

    Unbelievable Minecraft TikTok Hacks 🔥💥🤯Video Information This video, titled ‘VIRAL MINECRAFT TIKTOK HACKS 🔥☺️😊!! |’, was uploaded by Quanny on 2024-05-07 10:52:06. It has garnered 7171 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:15 or 15 seconds. how to make end portel in Minecraft https://youtube.com/shorts/Ttxat7xCroM?feature= share #shorts #viral #tiktok hacks #minecraft #hacks #viraltiktok hacks #ytshorts #ytshortsindia #4 #5 #6 #7 #8 #9 #10 #11 #12 #13 #14 #15 #16 #17 #18 #19 #20 #21 #22 #23 #13 #24 #25 #26 #27 #28 #29 #30 31 #32 #33 #newyear2023 #2023 #horrorgaming #2022 @techsgamerz youtube.com/@TECHSGAMERZ minecraft tiktok hacks minecraft minecraft hacks techno gamerz minecraft… Read More

  • ULTIMATE Minecraft Showdown: Noob vs Pro vs Hacker! 🔥

    ULTIMATE Minecraft Showdown: Noob vs Pro vs Hacker! 🔥Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Noob vs Pro vs Hacker in saving villager….#shorts #minecraft#viral#trending#gamer#gaming’, was uploaded by I_AM_DEVIL on 2024-01-15 03:59:26. It has garnered 2878 views and 120 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:59 or 59 seconds. Read More

  • Explore Lunarie – Freebuild Heaven on Minecraft!

    Explore Lunarie - Freebuild Heaven on Minecraft!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Community Server + Freebuild Tour!’, was uploaded by Lunarie on 2024-04-13 15:11:49. It has garnered 199 views and 14 likes. The duration of the video is 04:16:59 or 15419 seconds. I’m very happy that everyone can play on the server from now on 🙂 Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Dance Duet with Kuga Guga!

    Insane Minecraft Dance Duet with Kuga Guga!Video Information This video, titled ‘brawa #music #minecraft #musica #funny #dance #memes #roblox #duet #love #edit’, was uploaded by Kuga Guga on 2024-06-08 18:33:12. It has garnered 8 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:16 or 16 seconds. Read More

  • Death Maul

    Death MaulThis server features a custom gamemode where one main player that must survive in a world with mobs and monsters possessed by other players. Their goal is to kill the main player to take their place. Six starting classes to choose from with custom items and perks. – (Ghosts) control monsters and mobs to kill the human – Abilities for each monster. Creepers blow up, spiders shoot webs, etc. – The (Human) must survive and reach level 100 to win. – Main character can choose one of six classes. – If the human dies, another will take their place! -… Read More

  • Janitor’s Closet SMP Semi-Vanilla Roleplay Worldbuilding Whitelist LGBTQ+ Friendly

    Welcome to the Janitor’s Closet! We are a worldbuilding/roleplay based SMP, creating a fun atmosphere where you can build your own culture, nation, story, and impact without restrictions on era or genre. Join our unique community where you can create religions and cultures, or join existing ones! Experience lore-related and in-game events, or even host your own! Discord Info: Join our Discord here to get started. Fill out a quick app after reading the rules to join our community. Our plugins include Dynmap, SimpleVC, SetHome, Deadchest, CombatLog, Brewery, and more! Read More

  • Nexaris | Worldbuilding

    Nexaris | Worldbuilding================= Nexaris=================Nexaris is a diverse server under the Geopolitical, Nations, Towny, Roleplay, and Worldbuilding categories. Forge your Nation, make alliances, and conquer the world! Create your religion and worship your god(s). In Nexaris, politics, and territory control are crucial. Players compete to control regions, make deals with others, and join in big events that shake things up. Every decision YOU make can greatly impact the server’s history, shaping its future.We, the staff of Nexaris, try to provide the best experience for players. The server itself has not been launched yet. But it will be very soon! Join our Discord! We’ll… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – “Y’all really hate Keep Inventory?”

    “Why do y’all hate keep inventory? Because losing all your stuff builds character…and rage-induced tears.” Read More

  • Chamber Danger: Surviving the New Trial Tango

    Chamber Danger: Surviving the New Trial Tango Welcome, gamers, to a brand new day, Where Minecraft adventures come out to play. In this episode, we dive into the unknown, Exploring the Trials, with skills to be honed. First up, enchanting, a magical art, Adding power to weapons, straight from the heart. My village is thriving, with buildings so grand, And an enchanting library, where knowledge will stand. But the real fun begins, in the Trial Chambers, Where challenges await, testing our gamers. With my trusty dog army by my side, We’ll conquer each trial, with nothing to hide. So join me on this journey, filled with… Read More

  • Hot Minecraft Memes: Crafting Laughs!

    Hot Minecraft Memes: Crafting Laughs! “Why did the creeper break up with his girlfriend? Because she couldn’t handle his explosive personality!” #minecraftmeme #relationshipproblems #boom Read More

  • Triple Ender Dragon Takedown in Minecraft!

    Triple Ender Dragon Takedown in Minecraft! Minecraft Adventures in Truly Bedrock In the world of Minecraft Truly Bedrock, the adventures never stop! PlodPlod, a dedicated player, recently embarked on some exciting new projects and challenges with the TB crew. Let’s dive into the action-packed episode! Automatic Sorting System PlodPlod showcased their engineering skills by creating an automatic sorting system for storage. This system not only streamlines the organization of items but also adds a touch of efficiency to the gameplay. With this setup, managing resources becomes a breeze, allowing for more time to focus on other exciting tasks. Triple Ender Dragon Battle One of the… Read More