Sweaty Leaderboard Grind – Hive Minecraft Minigames Livestream!

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Yo yo we here we here live stream I believe I believe in the dream are we working are we working live stream is life good I should pull it up on my phone because that’s what I do let’s check is Squad F live Squad F where are you

Gotta search Squad F on YouTube guys that’s the key key to life searching Squad f uh I see what looks to be live is the sound working pull it up on my phone yo we’re here we’re here boys we’re here what is up Leo what is up we

Are here life is good and we’re back and we’re back with a grind yo Leo you playing today dude are we grinding this are you grinding with me oh you’re not on you’re not on Wes Wes Wes where are you at Wes unless Leo wants to grind Leo if you

Want to grind I’ll grind with you but otherwise we gotta play some sweaty games we gotta play some sweaty games of Hive I gotta get there I’m I’ve been taken out of top ten I have to get like two wins then I’m back in top ten but

The goal is top five I know you said Leo top ten should be my goal but it’s not it’s not uh he said uh I don’t know what uh means make a decision because I’m gonna invite Wes but he might not want to play I’m just gonna invite him I’m just gonna

Invite him if you hop on you don’t want to play that’s fine that’s fine we’re chilling we’ll see if Wes will play if West does not then we will grind I wonder if he is even on he might not even be on the legendary I got embarrassed by Moises and X James

You I don’t know who any of those people are how embarrassing lose to people that I don’t even know who they are what silly nerds what silly nerds are out there let’s go okay at least games start late at night like when I’ve been grinding super late those

Games literally have been taking like 20 years to start and like I was I was two games away from getting my 50 wins that I wanted to do and then when uh I can click I can click I promise uh just just pants though just just

Plenty of pants that’s all I can click it’s just pants um yeah so I’m sitting there yeah that’s what Wes said yeah so we’re grinding though we’re grinding last night life is good you know I’m doing well I’ve got two wins away from where I wanted to be at okay

Oh you’re a cow I don’t know where that cow actually is over in this spot is it in this building well it totally is oh and it gives me gear and it gives me gear life is good okay I do want to avoid this guy because

He’s totally gonna come try and kill me I want to put on these boots and I want to reorganize my inventory a little bit better and I want you here beautiful got your stuff got your stuff that’s what I want uh I think I have all

The rest of this stuff honestly I think I just need the chest plate I do I do I just need the chest plate uh all right bro is that the guy I killed I don’t know if that’s the guy I killed spamming is crazy don’t know who that is

Okay this guy already has good gear so that is very unfortunate I do want to try and kill him though oh I do have an iron sword oh I could go in now is actually the perfect time to go in honestly on these guys okay where is the guy with the good

Chest plate here he is okay we’re totally going in on this guy let’s do it we might as well I’m gonna eat some chicken though okay I hope he does not teleport because I don’t really want him to just don’t teleport right now buddy just don’t teleport

He did not even run what are you doing what are you doing just run you’re supposed to try and run from me I don’t know what you were thinking that dude oh he’s not even he doesn’t even know how to play video games oh and I’m so

Excited I’m glad you don’t know how to play video games okay feel this guy feel this guy got him let’s go Beauty oh now this guy’s coming not about this life not about this life yes kill that guy please kill that guy let me survive just a little longer all

I’ve got to do is run and get some gear on oh Beauty okay okay life is good life is good I can switch over to this iron sword yo what’s up Wes how we doing welcome to the stream welcome to the Stream okay all I’ve got to do

Is move around some stuff get this armor go get this and then I go back to fight this guy okay he is going to be coming around this way I need to get a little bit more health I don’t have a campfire as much as I need all this food I really

Don’t okay what I should do is poison this guy oh he’s got a flare he’s got a flare oh he’s got snowballs I oh don’t worry dude I’m already in the already in the water so it’s not gonna help you too much boomboxing me okay I’ve got almost full health come on just

Give me a little bit more Health just a little bit more help okay we’re going in we’re going in nope God that was so close he literally did he should not have left me he should not have left me he totally thought he had me there and so he left me alone that

Was a bad option on your partner buddy bad option I’m stealing all this stuff because no one else gets it but me no one else gets the good stuff but me let’s go fight some more people oh that dude should not have left me alive I feel bad for him I honestly do

Honestly I do okay um I want to kill this guy okay now we’re going for this guy this guy does not seem like he’s running away as easily okay where are you at buddy come here come here I Believe In The Dream bro what are you trying to run to don’t don’t cobweb

Don’t cobweb me you nerd why I feel like sometimes you don’t have a helmet this guy out of Arrow so he’s totally was out of arrows uh let’s see I’m trying to catch up on to autism like gravity this month leaderboard right now are you okay hey you know you you do

That you grind out that gravity I’m gonna be grinding SG the less of you guys that grind SG a higher percent chance that I do awesome that’s kind of the goal okay you guys take your time who needs to who needs to sweat anything besides all the

Other games besides SG because you know and she is what I’m grinding okay come here buddy let’s fight let’s fight let’s fight [Applause] [Applause] got him let’s see what stuff this guy has oh he’s got so much stuff I love it give me all of your gear nerds let’s go

Beauty Beauty slam these fools let’s do this I’m ready okay Deathmatch is coming I’m gonna eat some chicken and I’m a fire boom boxes guy and then life is gonna be chill let’s go boom oh I’m so sorry I’m so sorry I’m so sorry I’m so sorry [Applause]

No I always hope oh my slots are messed up oh dang I was gonna web him but my slots are messed up nobody’s gonna kill me he’s totally gonna kill me no I heard my slots I had such good gear too he literally there was no reason why I should have left

Lost that I tried punching him and being dumb this is what happens when I get good gear you guys end up being dumb and playing dumb things okay who are these level 30s and how are they how much are they gonna beat me okay we got Corgi and we got remuxi I

Don’t even know who those people are uh actually no I know corny I’ve definitely met Corgi and I feel like I’ve met romucci I know I’ve met Corgi I’m pretty sure we played Corgi before at least once so I know Corgi but the remote see like I definitely recognize the name are they

Gonna destroy me am I gonna get wrecked probably will that’s fine go go okay let’s do this let’s do this ramix is crazy the game better than me oh that’s great thank you this is what exactly what I wanted to hear that these guys are just gonna absolutely dominate

Me and that I don’t stand a chance that is exactly oh what oh no that guy got stuff I wanted that stuff though okay what are they doing what am I lagging are they punching I feel like they gotta be punching yeah these guys are definitely punching okay

I was so confused there because everything was going crazy and I was getting hit but yeah I wasn’t taking damage and that yeah that uh that’ll do it that’ll do it okay so let’s see what gear we have okay I think I’ve got okay gear okay I’ve got okay gear let’s move

Around stuff actually put stuff in the right hop bar spots not that I’m blaming that I definitely just got trashed on by that guy um but okay actually I’m gonna try messing with one thing on my stream really quick but I don’t want to hang out here for this

I’ll go get this cow and then I will try and do the thing on the stream that I want to do give me one second okay let’s grab these okay do something really quick oh did I do what I want I don’t think I meant to do

That come on stream let’s do this how do I well I tried you know what I didn’t know okay has anyone stream with stream Labs do you know how to take the viewer count away does anyone know how to do that because I like I granted it’s not like posted

For everyone to see but I just want to get rid of it for myself you know I don’t I don’t want to be able to see it because I feel like every time I get down to like lower views like I get okay views sometimes you know but

Sometimes I get really low I just don’t want to stream so if I can’t know how many people are watching then life is just better life is just better and we’re about to get wrecked here okay people are getting stuff and I’m not excited about it remuxi ramixi is still

Here right oh yeah remix is totally still here oh and that’s probably them like super stacked that’s fine no clue okay yeah that’s that’s I figured that’s what I figured okay I’m actually gonna run and grab this because I’m hoping that remove C is not getting it yeah remove so you keep

Chasing that person I’m gonna go get this thing you just keep doing your thing don’t even don’t even try and fight me just just go hang out Do Your Own Thing run around have a party I’m gonna try and get a good year which didn’t give me any but that’s okay

You know I might as well fight ramusi now if anything at least I get out and think hey you have a child I know I know can you hear her can you hear her going crazy she’s a little wild huh ramusi hello I don’t I don’t want to do this I don’t

Want this but I really need to though I need to do it that’s the problem hey hey ramosi hey hey hey hey we need a fight we need to actually fight oh I’m dead I’m dead ah run run for us run make it make it no

Stop they’re so good at the game holy crap they just bowed the crap out of me that just destroyed me my soul my life is gone uh is anyone grinding Duos I love playing Duos just like solo queuing Duos but I don’t know I I usually can do it

Late at night because not a lot of people like not a lot of Leaderboard Players are grinding I wonder if anyone’s grinding Duos let’s let’s check if it’s if it’s fully stacked full of a bunch of level 30s I probably won’t oh here we go solo oh look at this full

Game 24 people I don’t see any like crazy teams so it might be worth it hey does that mean I get a teammate no it doesn’t no it doesn’t okay I thought for a second I was gonna get a teammate life was good okay James and

What you’re doing well I don’t see them in this game so I will just I’ll watch out for them I’ll watch out for him I don’t you know I granted I I do want I do want a challenge but I’m not that good you know oh wait oh I thought that

Was my teammate for a second but that’s just that’s just green District um why can I not click I feel like I need to mess with my sensitivity and stuff because like for a while there I think I was playing a lot more and life was you know just

Simpler and I did better stuff and now uh and now I’m not as good as I used to be and it takes me forever to find like stuff I need to lower my sensitivity down and I gotta change my DPI probably because I’m trash at the game okay um where are people

Let’s go uh we gotta mid fight these guys I’m actually gonna adjust my stuff though beauty Beauty okay how good are These Guys these guys stacked okay I need them to separate just a little bit and not shoot me with a bow oh okay got him Beauty uh I’m poisoned that is unfortunate

Okay no oh they saw a bunch of Hearts they sawed so many hearts and I did not even stand a chance okay yeah these guys are here uh let’s go see if there’s an open game of SG solos no there isn’t ah okay I’m fine fighting level 30

Players on do on a normal SG I am fine doing that it’s just SG Duos like I said I’m totally down to so look you actually Duos and try and win because I think it’s super fun but probably not the best option when there’s a level 30s grinding you know

Probably not the best we don’t want to do that one let’s just fight these guys I’m gonna remove these back removes he’s just gonna absolutely dominate me that’s fine that’s fine it’s okay someone else kill ramusi please just do it just do it I believe in the dream you can do it

Who else is there there’s another level 30 in here I don’t know who they are what does that say something cyan uh uh Dan man cyan Dan man cyan is out here you kill romucci then I kill you okay that’s the goal that’s the goal we’re gonna PVP Legend these fools he’s level

30 Legends let’s go get them and just have it be good okay now if I can click that would be ideal [Applause] cookies I got I got cookies I’m I’m set i’m set for life guys I got cookies nobody can beat the cookie skills let’s

Freaking go okay uh what do I got I got a sword wooden sword you know I feel like I used to be much better because I used to or either that or other people just didn’t play because I’m like I’m remembering literally I would do challenges where I would kill

People within sword and now it’s just like can I beat the game but at the same time I guess there are people grinding right now which does make it a little bit harder can I get up here I don’t know if I can but I can’t loot it maybe no

No I just want to get in oh this dude has stuff so this dude has stuff too and I don’t think I have any arrows I would like some arrows can I clean oh there we go I got arrows I got arrows let’s go fight let’s go clean clean kills

Danny came out of zero chance of killing well then let some non do it some I guess somebody coming on an alt and that’s all their goal is to kill ramusi okay um oh hey we got boots life is even better now oh life is good

Oh Dan the Man cyan dude he just killed somebody he’s pretty much a PVP Pro now he’s killed one person dude was definitely reaching oh well I’m glad that you killed him I’m glad that you killed him that would be ideal um I’ve I’ve got trash stuff I don’t

Even have an iron sword so that is very unfortunate I’m just going to get absolutely uh wrecked right now um and I have like two arrows too if I have an iron oh a little bit of an iron sword in my inventory I’m smart I’m smart don’t mind me

Let’s go get all these people snowballs okay snowballs are not gonna help me a ton but they might a little bit uh any arrows still just two arrows life is good with my two arrows don’t worry I got pumpkin pie I got lots of pumpkin oh a cow diamond sword Maybe a flare

I have enough time to get the flare down I got seven seconds I do not let’s throw it anyways though just for fun let’s throw it yo Corgi you also have a zero chance what is up Corgi what is up yeah you know a little bit of a struggle a little bit

Of a struggle when we got ramusi over here who’s a PVP God and they have lots of good gear and a diamond sword life is a little scary life is a little scary okay do we third party we totally third party this dude just bowed the crap out of me

Last time that’s all I remember is ramusi just like bowed the crap out of me and I did not stand a chance so yeah uh bro gappled with an iron chest plate yeah yeah well he’s really good okay um please run into my cobweb you didn’t you didn’t okay Dan man cyan

Let’s oh oh no I don’t want to shoot you down man oh I killed him oh totally third party that totally third party that let’s go ggs stole my kill then cleaned yes sir yes sir low as they go hey it’s okay dude it’s

Okay I did it and I feel proud of myself I wanted to play for fun but now I feel like I’m dying every game yeah that’s how I feel that’s how I feel I totally just totally just ruined that man’s day I cleaned his fight he was beating her a

Movie see and I cleaned his fight and he’s just not happy he was not happy with me I apologize good sir but that was good that was funny I’ve also just been watching uh Minecraft Mondays you know the techno blade Minecraft Mondays from like four years ago so I’ve been watching through

Those again right now and in all his games he’s just like doesn’t matter get kills clean every fight you can you know it’s like not about like it’s not about the honor it’s about the wins and yeah that’s kind of where I’m at right now it’s kind of where I’m at right now

Okay who else is in here is that remove C again Oh I thought you gotten the other game I thought this person yeah the other game Corgi Corgi uh we’re gonna get wrecked we’re gonna get wrecked Ripper Rooney’s I believe in the dream I Believe In The

Dream okay Corgi you know what you have to do you just you just take out everybody in the lobby and then and then we’d 1v1 that’s the goal okay you do that you get all the kills I’m just gonna be chilling remove she is ruining

My life yeah you know I got one win so I’m pretty much the coolest kid in school now I don’t know anyone that’s uh gotten one win before in in survival games so I’m feeling pretty good for my one day one uh one win you know already ruined my life

Okay do I want to go I do want I do want to go I do want to go I was like do I want to go and try and get these chests and I totally do I totally do want to um let’s go kill this man’s oh [Applause] okay we got him

Uh I want the iron sword foreign okay I didn’t get all the stuff from the other thing that I wanted uh what do I need I still need a chest plate okay uh I don’t think I have a bow yet okay I’ve got a chest plate right here I

Could probably take this guy there we go okay I still need stuff and they dropped me some diamond boots um okay I’ve got this let’s throw down a flare pretty soon I just need to end a bubble then we have an extra bow this person over here do you have an

Extra bow I could borrow it don’t it don’t get worse it don’t get worse okay who is this I don’t have a bow yet so if that’s ramusi that is that is hey remove see I don’t have a bow so as much as I’d like to say

I can kill you I don’t even put on my helmet yet I haven’t even put on my helmet yet uh how far are they away I feel like I should just throw this down then hope for the best that’s what I’m gonna do I’m gonna throw

It down hope for the best get a bow yo we got a bow the universe heard the universe heard my call problem is I’m just not good at combing people like straight up PVP and you get these all like these PVP Gods I just I just don’t compete you know it’s like

Even if I tried I’m just not there okay who is this person oh it’s Corgi it’s Corgi oh I could I could fight Corgi I could or or we can hope and pray that Corgi fights remuxian wins in the chance that that happens come on

Easy dubs hello what I miss what is up we’re just getting our life Direct by you know some Pro SG players over here that’s just all that’s happening you know nothing too crazy you just got like like crazy PVP God over here that’s just like fighting everybody well that’s not remove okay remuxi

Something is happening here and I want to clean again because that’s that’s all I do in my life is clean okay if I can get this guy’s stuff actually that would be sick uh let’s throw down a poison Boombox right here and turn got him let’s go let’s go boys we got

The stuff we got the stuff let’s freaking go okay feeling good feeling good that was a good little fight okay now grab this how am I looking how am I looking let’s go okay okay the other guy was through here okay I don’t see ramucci over here right

Now so let’s go kill this guy um there oh there is a supply drop over here actually I do want that because a bunch of people over here oh a bunch of people over here please say we’re not all teaming we’re not all teaming right please get kills kill them both it

Didn’t it didn’t oh that guy killed that guy now [Applause] oh no no no no no okay we got some kills we got some kills um I need to loot these guys stuff see what they had anything good arrows I will gladly take arrows never been more scared in my life I’m feeling right now I’m definitely feeling intimidated um you know Corgi it’s okay is everyone’s still here oh it’s the three of us oh no it’s the three of us oh great oh great see I feel bad because like I feel like we almost have to like

Not fight each other just because ramuki is so good but then I feel bad because I feel like I’m like cross teaming you know because obviously I’m not trying to cross team but that’s just how I feel you know okay um remove C they are just too good they are just too good

Okay I don’t know how we want to do this because I I don’t wanna I don’t want to like cross team on him but at the same time like he’s totally just gonna absolutely dominate us okay the whole battle he’s gonna destroy me he’s gonna destroy me ah he’s gonna destroy me go

Uh I do not okay I don’t actually have any I’ve got a lot of arrows so I mean I can just sit here and bow like yeah I can just sit here and bow even though I’m trash at it I’m gonna Dodge every shot of mine

Squad of high what is up Moy what is up I’m just getting wrecked here Domo you’re not even in the Stream you can’t even hear me was uh don’t mind me getting wrecked diversion worked kill him oh he totally will that’s the problem though he’s totally going to LOL

He’s just too good I just don’t even stand a chance I just don’t even stand a chance you know okay let’s do this let’s do this let’s go in let’s go in he’s got slow go let’s go let’s go boys let’s go okay I’m feeling better I’m feeling better ggs

And now I’m in I’m in I’m in what’s called now I’m in a web now I’m in a web okay okay Corgi this is it this is it Corgi this is it let’s go let’s go ggs ggs let’s go oh beauty Beauty okay how many kills did we get seven kills

Yeah we got more than everybody let’s go oh okay uh so many things let’s cue in is ramucci in here probably yeah I think they are okay guys I want to do a video where I’m playing like this that’s totally one of these videos I want to make where you

Have to play like third person but backwards I don’t even know what that’s considered technically but that is exactly what I’m gonna be doing one of these days I’m gonna be playing in third person type thing I want stuff I can’t click where the crap I’m out I’m out I

Can’t click where the crap let’s go let’s go we got this okay oh that was so intense I just feel good you know it’s it’s it’s games like that where I’m just like okay in stream Boys in stream we did it we killed who we were trying to kill life is good we’re

Professional you know I was about to say sub slang Legends because that’s uh that’s what’s it called that uh is what I do for a work is to make the subs the subs all the subs yeah that’s all I gotta do my real life you know is going

To be uh Subs all the way it’s gonna be not only sub sandwiches but Subs on YouTube I’m all about them Subs no matter where I’m at in my life it’s all about the subs okay I want to kill this guy I need to reorganize my inventory a

Little bit better just so I’m not like just not trashed okay um anyone got a bow for me I mean I’ll take this okay what do I got what do I got okay well I don’t I thought we’d just go in and fight this guy oh he’s even giving

Me chicken he wants oh there was a cow here and they got the cow what okay okay I mean if you don’t want to get the cow I mean I’ll gladly take the cow I’m not even mad you deserve the win honestly I don’t know if I did I had

Better armor and a better sword so I can’t say I fully deserved it because yeah you definitely uh oh I should I just almost knocked that guy up on top of there he could have just hung out he could have been like this is my place this is my place I’m just chilling

Um let’s see where are we at okay I do want those boots I think some like did that other guy have a helmet I feel like he had a better helmet and I didn’t grab it but it’s okay it’s okay leather is good but yeah I had a better sword and better

Armor so definitely cannot say I actually deserved it because you definitely uh wrecked you could have wrecked me you could have wrecked me let’s go find some more people to slay I’m gonna check to see if this guy had that helmet he did have that helmet I

Knew I had checked I’m so good at video games guys don’t even worry don’t even worry okay I’m switching the song what song do we want to listen to actually can I just skip forward in it of course of course I’m done of course oh

Uh thank you man I am actually glad that dude actually left me because I was totally AFK right there and you totally just let me survive I appreciate that I appreciate that bro I you should not have but I appreciate it beautiful thank you good sir you’re so kind to me listening to

Oh we’re listening to an ad now the dream the dream okay let’s skip the ad without getting killed oh I said without getting killed oh there’s Corgi there’s Corgi okay Corgi I’m not I’m not we gotta fight we gotta fight okay okay here we go

Oh ggs ggs oh wait that’s not even Corgi oh I saw the long name and I thought it was Corgi I’m like oh okay we can still fight nope definitely wasn’t Corgi that’s fine that is okay okay let’s check let’s check Duos um let’s see who is in Duos is there the

Other grinding people in Duos right now seven players to start I want to win games of Duos okay I think this one will be good I think this one was gonna be good let’s go oh you know I should just invite Corgi to my party Corgi probably should do

That right right we probably should just grind Duos um probably let’s see there’s nobody okay there’s no craze let’s let’s try and win let’s try and win no crazy level 30s that I can see but I have a teammate I don’t I don’t it’s okay it’s okay I feel like

Everyone I don’t know I can’t feel like I’m the only one that ever silk who’s solo cues doubles but I just don’t get teammates like it’s very rare that I get teammates when I’m solo queuing doubles so I’m like I don’t know whether the game just hates me or whether like I

Don’t think this has like a skill based thing right where it like only does it if you know like the better level you are the less likely you are to get a teammate I would never do that see you could have though that was because I was totally

Ready to fight I was like ready to go and then like you know it wasn’t until after I died that I realized it wasn’t even you that’s when I was like oh uh I probably should have uh tried to fight more you know I was like trying to go straight fair you know

Which I gotta I gotta play more trashily if it’s not you I’m like okay let’s oh that was not even close to where I wanted to go let’s go fight these people it might it might what it wouldn’t surprise me I’m not gonna lie I don’t even remember what we were talking about

Okay I’m gonna go fight this person just because they don’t have a teammate oh it might be skill based oh yeah okay okay that’s what you’re talking about yeah that’s kind of what I was wondering I don’t actually want Oh My Sword is not my right slot

I believe I believe in the dream I believe in the dream okay this guy have anything worthwhile let’s go we had nothing we had nothing I want a better sword and pants pants would be good maybe together we’d have a better chance of yeah yeah I know I think so I think it’s

All part of you after this or part of you after this and we can go in oh I have a fire Boombox I’ve got a fire boom box I got a third party third party light them on fire like the Nerds on fire light the Nerds on fire and have them

Not come in and team maybe at the same time please don’t come at me at the same time go in Beauty let’s go let’s go we killed these Duos we kill them these Duos okay I’ve got uh I don’t have pants still but I think one of these guys will probably have pants

Leather pants okay I mean I’ll take leather pants oh did any of them have an iron sword I probably should have checked that okay I gotta make sure no one’s coming after me because I’m just you know I just taken a thousand years to organize my inventory

Okay let’s check to see if any guys had an iron sword I do not iron ax that I just had a stone sword okay so nobody does hello oh his teammates right there okay okay we can just do it we get this Duo um trap you it didn’t work it did not work

Okay I’m dropping this okay I want oh let’s run these guys into these guys oh beautiful I just gotta separate these is what I’m gonna do separate and clean separate and clean that is the key to success in life all of you guys separate and clean anyone that tells you differently doesn’t know

What they’re talking about um especially not the guy that got super uh grumpy earlier when I totally cleaned on him okay going in for this guy this guy separated this guy separated he separated he shouldn’t have he did oh he’s got an iron sword and he’s way

Better than me at the game he’s way better than me he’s really close go go go I totally almost landed in that fire got him let’s go and he had an iron sword for me there we go and a boom and a Tracker okay there we go I’ll take that I’ll

Take that where are we gonna head oh the supply drop up here okay I’m hoping that that wasn’t the duo that killed the other guy and then it was the solo guy that killed one of the duo guys because that would be glorious if it was okay I

Only see a solo guy up here I feel okay with a fight I don’t have chain legs let me see if there’s anything in here no more webs though how many arrows do I have I’ve got eight okay so I’ve got plenty of arrows oh these guys are stacked are they a Duo

Oh they totally are oh and they’re both stacked oh crap no no come here see the diamond sword totally has a diamond sword right he totally does okay let’s go oh Beauty oh Beauty oh Beauty oh that was nice that was nice uh let’s pick another song let’s pick another song

Let me go like this and hope no one comes after me we’re gonna pick this one there we go and here we go here we go okay um oh I should probably put on the armor you know that’d probably be a good idea to actually grab about the better sword

Um this guy had to have had chain pants he had to have had chain pants and I forgot to grab them he totally did okay I’ll give you leather pants if you stop chasing me okay I need the other guy to leave this guy a little to leave me alone I need

His teammate to separate from him he totally is a little bit okay he’s down to seven hoping he’s got me now okay I got his ah I’m landing some good webs but it’s literally like these guys are just so close to each other there’s not much I can do you know

I guess I can do this honestly there’s not much they can do if I drop this right here they have to run through it see they’re still fairly separated nope he’s got oh he almost had me he almost had me in the combo he almost had

Me in the combo and I’m gonna run out of food I’m gonna run out of food I’m running through the teleporter teleporter ah I’m gonna run out of food I’m gonna run out of food shoot oh I’m stuck I’m totally stuck in here oh no I’m not no I’m not get food eat

Food go Squad F go Squad oh they totally left me alone what Noobs I literally had to sit there and eat and they left me alone oh I’m getting attacked from behind oh no no no no no why are you guys attacking me don’t Don’t third party this don’t third party this

Okay there’s so many people in here uh do I have anything I can fight with oh they’re coming back for me again it’s okay I’ve got food I can run forever nerds I can run forever unless they Boombox me then I cannot run oh I got you okay

I need you guys to separate I want like a 1v1 okay okay that guy over there oh okay shoot okay [Applause] let’s go in oh sick combo let’s go I bet you’d have so many arrows did you guys see that please say you guys all saw that Wicked combo because that was

Actually wild okay I got this guy down low it’s a 1v1 with me and him so I need to please no why did that that got me so perfectly I was hoping it was gonna go fast you set it down that’s why it took longer he didn’t throw it [Applause]

Nope I need to run I need to run foreign Duos let’s do that again oh wait no that’s not what I meant to do oh wait oh I got a party that’s what I gotta do I got a party slash party let’s see invite players let’s go oh oh you’re

Not even on Corgi Corgi we gotta do this and now Leo is Leo is doing it okay Leo why are you on SG Duos why are you on that she do it you’re gonna destroy me you’re gonna destroy me bro Corgi where you at where you at Corgi

Are you even on are we friends I guess I should think about that actually are we friends huh because you were definitely just on let’s see Corgi Corgi Corgi Corgi Corgi Corgi if you sent me an invite before maybe yo what’s up zepps Corgi Corgi Corgi

Corgi we’re not even friends how are we supposed to do it when we’re not even friends what you do I’ve been playing that I’m playing SG playing some Hive SG trying to get unlocked I am on the leaderboards right now let’s see where is Squad F on the leaderboards let’s see

For the month I’m not like super high up or anything but let’s see where your boy Squad f is let’s go SG monthly 12 I’m 12. okay I gotta be in the top ten that’s the goal for the month I’m on we’re just not friends why don’t you

Friend me Corgi what I don’t even know what your full thingy is uh you’ve definitely been in a game before that’s gonna take forever friend me I’m Squad F do it do it friend Squad F we gotta play Yo you on leaderboard yes sir just for

The month just for the month you know I’m trying to grind it out trying to get these wins my man trying to get these wins I believe in the dream I think it’s like release Corgi but I feel like it’s also like it’s got like numbers and stuff yep there you go release Corgi 60 yep that is exactly what I was wondering okay manage invites where are you at didn’t you just send me a friend invite or was that was that a

Uh that’s gonna take me so long to type out I just need to find you I just need to find you on here I don’t wanna I don’t wanna sit here forever oh here we are here we are okay let’s go uh actually back invite players invite a friend Corgi let’s do this

Corgi can you add me zepps maybe zepps have you been on the stream before can you play video games are you an SG God if you’re an SG God I’m trying to get in your games why you’re gonna you’re gonna destroy my soul you’re gonna destroy my soul

Because I would uh maybe get wrecked anyone knows that zap’s gonna destroy me if I get him in the game is he gonna come in and just absolutely PVP dominate me I I have a PVP Legend some may say am I good at video games no but I’m a PVP

Legend So you guys best believe it you best believe I’m about PVP freaking Legend let’s go okay is there any sweaty people in this Lobby Corgi are there any sweats let us see just me and Corgi I think oh quick win quick win we gotta get wins let’s go we

Gotta get wins I was going for 25 a day I don’t I don’t know if I’m gonna do that I’ve been playing every day till 2 30 in the morning so probably shouldn’t do that you know I’ll probably try and do it other times of the day if uh if I have time

But I don’t usually but if I do then I will um beautiful beautiful man no man don’t worry that’s what they all say that’s what they all say and then they’re a PVP God and I get absolutely destroyed by everybody and their dog uh okay hey I’m actually

Feeling pretty good I’m feeling pretty good right now I’m feeling good let’s go fight some people let’s go Richard Richard Richard come back to me come back to me Richard you have an iron sword that I want give me your iron sword beauty Beauty got the iron sword okay

Corgi can hold their own I’m gonna go hold my own over here go slay some people do some good stuff uh do I want okay I do actually wanna I was gonna say do I want these inner chests but I do because I want a bow

Um if they’ve got one I’ll take a Tracker I’ll take arrows no no do ender chests actually make a difference as far as like bows and stuff I feel like it’s just mainly chain armor um I can throw out this tracker [Applause] Beauty I got cobwebs I still need a bow

Bows are like definitely critical when you’re trying to 2V1 you know I feel like it’s definitely like a key thing you gotta do you gotta have the bow if you’re gonna 2V1 people you gotta do it oh here’s a guy here’s a guy oh there’s

Lots of guys let’s go wait oh wait wait wait no good good throw my Boombox destroy you fool okay this guy I want to get him I want to get him let’s go come at me nerd come at me I believe in the dream I believe in the dream

Okay I don’t see that he has a teammate I can do this I can do this let’s go come on no stop running for me I just want to fight I wanna fight I need kills oh and I’m gonna run out of food okay well let’s kill this guy

No okay can you guys stop running please let’s just let’s just do this let’s fight some people have a good time kill okay here we go corgi’s just stacked over there it’s fine he probably has a bow he or she I can’t remember if corgi’s a girl I don’t remember uh let’s go

I feel like oh Bo we got a bow we gotta go let’s go we can actually fight people now because we got bows where are we at okay oh I have a Tracker what am I thinking what am I thinking I’ve got a Tracker guys I can literally track all these

People there’s still quite a few players left I’m excited no for real I’m only level four on SG so I suck dude I will take you I’ll take you to the top then do not do not even worry do not even worry there don’t worry there’s there

Are plenty of times where all I want to do is Duo so when I’m not doing you totally can uh you totally can hop in and I can and I can do it with you unless you’re totally just trying to get in and kill me in my game so that would be unfortunate

Um well I’m gonna steal that stuff from you I’m a woman I’m a woman okay that’s what I was wondering Corgi I can’t remember were you friends you were you were you were friends with meowzer right I feel like you guys were on uh on the stream we were doing that Hive SG

Tournament that one day and I feel like you guys were friends and both live in the same place hi I’m pretty sure but I can’t remember if that was you or that was somebody else um okay I kind of want to fight people but I oh why do I always forget that I

Have a Tracker that’s literally I’m running around just chilling living the dream and forget that I have a Tracker and I can just go track people and it’s not even a big deal okay where are we at where are we at boys no I ain’t like that yeah okay okay

So you are friends in the house so wild okay so just so you know not because I’m not gonna say like specifics you know or anything but in one of my jersey mics okay so meowser I’ve never met meowzer in person but meowser works in the

Parking lot of one of my stores and meowser said they saw me one day that’s that’s literally gonna be that’s gotta be as soon as I you know whenever I get big on on Minecraft hungry games skills you know that’s that’s what I’m gonna be doing I’m gonna tell my story mode and

One of my story modes that I’m gonna talk about oh oh they’re totally totally waiting for me that was so close they they totally tried I’m distracting from you can see thank you Leo thank you okay here here here here here Corgi Corgi Corgi Corgi Corgi where you at

Okay go in Corgi go in oh they’re coming behind they’re coming behind okay we got him let’s go let’s go punch him up punch him off punch him off the cliff unless they kill us yeah we don’t want to die to actually we don’t actually want to die to them

No that was so close they all they killed they did Kill Me Oh no Corgi don’t die I can just fight with your sword oh no we actually just got wrecked no oh this guy’s actually just destroyed us oh I was totally messing around and punching that guy and I shouldn’t have

Been what was I doing I’m a Noob I’m a Noob Corgi I’m a Noob what was I doing I was punching them oh no yeah Oregon win yeah so I may have dropped my sword trying to type I was wondering I’m like I feel like we should have killed this

Guy by now but part of that was me punching them 100 so uh but yeah so I’m at my Jersey Mike’s one day okay and uh and I always well that’s why I I can’t remember because you guys were in the Stream that one day when we were chatting with uh

With meowser and you and you guys both said that you guys were here and stuff and I was like oh that dude looted so fast holy crap that is very unfortunate for me uh that dude is either a skilled God or something else is going on because that chest was gone that chest

Was gone before I could think so yeah so uh yeah um camera would oh yeah so meowzer was up here and they were like yeah you know I uh I work at this place okay whatever it is okay they work at that place and I was like yo I’m building a Jersey Mike’s

They’re like I work in that parking lot I’ve seen the sign for your store oh I’m dead I’m dead meowser meows are I’m dead they totally just killed me are you alive the Hauser please sir or Corgi why do I keep saying meowsers because we were talking about meows or Corgi Corgi you

Got this she sent me a pic of you that’s wild that’s wild I was wondering I literally like like I said I cheated yeah she didn’t say anything she was like I’m pretty sure I saw you at Jersey Mike’s today and I was like yo what Jersey Mike’s and the funniest part is

Is my uh my manager the GM that runs that store for me he his girlfriend works at the same place that meowser works at and so like we’ve had kind of a secret Jersey Mike’s mission where this this manager’s um girlfriend is like trying to slowly

Bring up like yo you play Minecraft you know you play any uh Minecraft today oh we got invited to a CS uh let’s see uh we can do CS we could do a CS but I want to make sure Corgi I wanna I wanna I wanna fight this out

Maybe you’ll join your CS in a little bit Leo I want to try and see if uh what’s called if Corgi can win I Believe In You Corgi you got this I also worked where she worked I thought you were from a different part of Oregon for some reason

I thought you were from like Salem or something but yeah literally wild because like yeah this girl works at Kohl’s so yeah she’s been on a secret mission forever like slowly being like yo uh you uh you guys play Minecraft you know kind of like chatted up with people oh

You ever watch any Minecraft YouTube like trying to figure out like who it is you know because like I said I’m never gonna like straight up me oh it’s Sumo oh okay just in vital okay okay that makes sense um come on Corgi who are you fighting who you fighting

Who are you fighting I believe in the dream Mary Stone hacking uh who is Mary Stone Mary Stone okay uh you got a Duo coming you got a Duo coming neither of them he’s legit man come on Corgi come on Corgi I believe in the dream they don’t have very much stuff

Did you just poison yourself oh you totally just poisoned yourself should I should you sub up to you oh you went to the same high school year should you suck what do you mean should I oh should you sub yes you should sub actually so

This is the thing so when people sub I have alerts set up so that you guys when you sub it’s gonna pop up with cool stuff does it work no it does not okay which is very important you got this Corgi you got this come on yeah there we

Go Corgi there we go okay it’s just a 4v4 it’s a 4v4 you definitely should sub why are there so many SG players from Morgan dude Oregon is the place bro Oregon is the place that’s why that is why or is this place okay so watch this

Watch this you guys oh wait I gotta who’s sending me who’s sending me things Leo oh uh click on the edge kind of Json of your account um okay well I actually as well now I’m actually watching on my phone though I’m doing chat on my phone what battery am I

Oh I’m still at 17. I got plenty I got plenty thank you though Leo um so watch watch this so if I go let’s see where is my little thingy for Subs uh um widgets no that’s not what I meant to do if this crashes the stream or

Something it should not it shouldn’t crash the stream where is it um I don’t want to go to dashboard oh I can replay so I can replay when random people subbed like a month ago and it’s super loud and it says it is that like blast your guy’s ears because

It just totally destroys my ears totally destroys me but okay um Corgi you’re here okay this guy across from you is really good by the way this rxfi I know he is oh Mary is actually Mary hacking okay let’s see let’s see if Mary’s hacking oh they totally are going from very far

Away okay let’s see if this guy can kill him oh yeah they’re they’re totally hacking totally hacking that is unfortunate that is unfortunate but I wanted to do it I wanted to actually like sub and actually have it work but for some reason it doesn’t it

Only tells me that someone subbed like a month ago but in one of these streams I got like five subscribers yo what’s up Tariq welcome welcome to the stream my man welcome welcome the pro uh whoa block drop player that’s what it’s called block drop you tried you know

They were a hacker is Mary in this game okay they’re not in this game we should be fine we should be fine because I think I think we’re pretty good against most people but like hackers there’s not much to do especially when they reach like that it’s like like they’re taking

Out like crazy good players without even trying like there’s really nothing we can do you know if we I guess if we 2V1 then we might be able to like that’s really the only way I ever can kill hackers if you know if I have a teammate

And we are able to view on them especially like in a corner or something um but right now there’s not okay I don’t have a sword I kind of want one before these guys get to me I kind of want one okay I got a sword

Uh let’s put on boots I’d like a chest plate too you know I just want everything I just want everything why do I want everything I totally do I totally do I’m just I’m just a spoiled little kid that wants everything I’m not even a little kid but that’s what I totally

Want totally want everything okay what kind of Boombox is this Frozen see I don’t have enough armor to confidently take out these guys otherwise I would consider fighting them okay these guys are getting chased I wonder if I can third party behind I totally can okay Beauty

Oh I’m totally dead here I’m totally dead here no I feel sleepy but I’m not tired if you know what I mean so yeah no I definitely get that so there’s they’re sleepy where like your eyes are like let me get let me get close let me get close and you’re

Going like this and you’re just like I’m tired but like well let’s see what would you use oh you’re sleepy so you’re sleepy but not tired so you’re just like but like your mind’s just racing a million miles an hour you know your mind’s just racing okay Corgi it’s

Another one up to you I tried to take a Duo fight without a chest plate don’t mind me I honestly feel like I was pretty close I just feel like I was pretty close to killing them I feel like I was pretty close let’s go Corky let’s

Go in a world where release Corgi 60 is running around fighting people uh let me see if there’s any good Duos around actually um okay this is the only real Duo right here let’s see oh those are on the same team Snoopy peanut oh there’s a cow oh okay okay uh

We got good guy oh that’s Corgi hey that’s you kill pickle everybody Kill Everybody nice nice okay go in for that duo on your right on your right can’t see because it’s super delayed the stream is super delayed oh I believe in you Corgi no they’ve got a diamond sword and they

Cobbled oh and they cobbled and they conveled that is unfortunate that is unfortunate the diamond sword combos are hard I get that I get that but no I get that yeah you’re tired or you’re sleepy but not tired I have that where sometimes I’m just like all I want to do

Is play video games but I can’t I can’t because because I’m dying you know I felt that I felt that okay Corgi no excuses this time we can’t lose this one’s a win I can feel it w in the chat okay everyone’s take W in the

Chat please please give us give us give us Good Vibes we’ve gotta win we’ve gotta win I believe in you chat I believe in you this is definitely a little bit of a stream delay you know I’m in my in my game that I’m watching on my phone I’m still very delayed so

Yeah oh and this guy just is completely ignoring all of these stuff that is beautiful I love that please and thank you why did my luck just turn around no one’s even doing W’s in the chat wait how old are you not in a weird way to

Just answer I’m 12. no no I’m I’m 26 right 26. I’m 26 I’m an oldie I’m an oldie out here W’s yes thank you I feel it I feel it Tariq I feel the W’s I can fight anybody because I’ve got W’s I’ve got W’s in the chat I’ve got W’s in the

Chat so I can find anybody as soon as an iron sword and I want it please get there and sword before this guy comes after me and please don’t use all of your snowballs okay I don’t I feel like this wasn’t always in swims pack but it has to be because I haven’t

Like updated swims back but yet for some reason it’s a ginormous snowballs ginormous snowballs okay we’ve gotta win this one I have no doubt in my mind that we are going to destroy absolutely ever player on this Minecraft server in the in this round in this round

There we go Beauty please have a bow you don’t have a bow you have arrows though I’ll take that maybe this cow has a bow yes I feel two W’s two W’s for seven viewers let’s go let’s go at least that’s what it says on my end I don’t

Know weirdly guys okay so I like I was just barely saying that I don’t even want to look at your account did you guys see earlier I it popped up on my thing that I got up to 15 viewers I’m like Is that real

No no no no no no you guys do not do this to me please hit somebody okay I’m gonna throw this on myself a little bit okay I shouldn’t lose to these guys but just in case what kind of Boombox is this okay um yeah I definitely should not

Lose these guys if I have a bow I totally turn on these guys I’m totally turning there we go there we go I was gonna say I shouldn’t lose to him I just had to make sure that they weren’t gonna combo me that was the thing with the earlier game that I got

Wrecked in is those guys definitely you know shouldn’t have beaten me but what ended up happening is that they both attacked me from the same direction and I just got combo okay this guy’s a boat run in the water I dare you I dare you

Jump in the water I swim faster I swim faster nobody else swim Squad F Squad f is a swimmer even though I’m really not but I actually I swim okay I’m a swimmer at heart I’m a swimmer at heart let’s go he’s got a bow for me thank you good sir

I needed that I’ve got so many player track oh hello I will help Corgi do not worry I will help uh if you need stuff I’ve got a lot of arrows I am going to move around my inventory though if you need any arrows I’ve got a plenty

Uh should I okay I’m actually gonna drop a Tracker I don’t know if you have a Tracker oh I saw red oh okay there’s red over here there are red dots over here let’s do it but yeah I know randomly earlier when I was streaming I’d like to

Look down the viewer count all of a sudden it was at 15 I was like I thought I was getting raided for a second but then it went down like 13 then down to 11 and then to like eight or nine which eight or nine is pretty

Pretty pretty chill for me you know I’m sure like eight or nine eight or nine viewers is good okay I think okay this is a Duo oh I’m totally dead here totally dead just kidding just kidding nerds oh that dude is oh I’m such a bad aim see that’s what I

Try I tried butterfly clicking but I’m like okay I’m going in for this guy going in for this guy beauty Beauty no Beauty got him let’s go let’s go looked up in chat who is ramusi remuxi is a freaking All-Star uh I don’t actually know all I know is they’re really good bow

Made 100 100 percent anything to win anything to win yes sir mix is just like a pro SG player and they literally just like wrecking us but we we did win we did win a couple of times so but you know it’s kind of like

You know they were in solos and I was playing solos and I was like these guys are totally just gonna absolutely dominate me oh it’s a 2V1 it’s a 2V1 I almost feel bad I almost feel bad oh I dropped my chicken can’t lose chicken chicken is

How you win SG games for all of you guys that do not know chicken is how you win we win SG games through chicken and this guy actually has gear oh it didn’t shoot okay let’s web them okay I’m coming in from the other side coming in from the other side I’m sorry

I’m sorry you’re just getting knocked off the edge you’re just getting knocked off the edge let’s go beauty Beauty boys oh we’re already another game it’s so much better having people play because like I said I was I’ve been playing until like 2 30 which I’m on the west

Coast so for like people on the East Coast that’s like 5 30 in the morning you know and no one is playing at two in the morning or five in the morning East Coast or even four in the morning central time it’s like this is not

Happening it’s just not there and I just want people to I want people to play video games when I play video games so that the lobbies actually fill up and I’m not waiting for 50 minutes there’s eight viewers and two people in chat I know I know yeah this thing is it’s

Literally like I’ve had like a total like four people chat but like I said I got up to 15 viewers a minute ago I’m like how does this happen you know people just don’t chat people just come in they watch watch video games don’t say anything of the video games they

Just they just like to watch they just kind of creep around creep around and watch you know boom even though when people chat life is better because that’s how it works I can talk for literally forever okay I’m gonna grab this I can talk forever as long as uh people are chatting

I want your iron sword uh okay actually I’m gonna go in for these guys because they are not paying attention [Applause] no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no you don’t run away you don’t run away you should die to that fire I’m

Pretty sure he’s gonna die to that fire there we go he did die that fire let’s go and a boat okay that was nice thank you for going slow strafes win this okay okay I’m so glad oh quick straight that’s his name oh let’s go run into this Duo hey Duo hey

Hey you guys want to fight these guys you guys want to fight these guys that are chasing me okay actually okay uh I’m gonna reorganize my hot bar real quick there we go okay now I feel a little bit better I don’t feel great but I feel a

Little bit better than I did uh do I have a helmet I do not okay I will take a leather helmet not sure if it does watch oh crap I’m in mine sorry I’m in my inventory of course I am okay um the real question is will this guy’s

Teammate continue to follow as well I’d like to say that they will not but they totally are going to okay there’s another Duo over here I just gotta run everyone into other Duos that’s kind of the goal okay other Duo other Duo come fight come fight other

Duo come fight come fight don’t run please don’t run why are you guys running why are you guys running I want you to fight I want you guys to fight uh I’m gonna need food eventually so you guys better not learn how to run oh okay they’re separated they’re

Separated this is what I want oh he went up top he totally did right I thought I saw a name I did okay there are up top okay I need them to get separated a little bit more okay as soon as we get up here and their teammates back

Okay I’m gonna put on this helmet oh I’m actually gonna run over to this supply Crate over here I’m second on gravity oh oh I was not even paying attention let’s see I see your 11th in the SG monthly nice yeah I know I know I’m going for

Top 10 this month I want to be toxic I’d love to be top five but it just takes so much I’m well actually I was gonna say I was trying to do 25 games a day but I feel like every night I’m just like not doing anything but grinding SG the

Entire night and so I’m thinking I could do less but what I think actually might happen is a lot of people probably start playing less as time goes on and then I can hopefully get up okay release Corgi is getting hurt and I’m not a fan please don’t say you just died okay

Uh Corgi I got a nice helmet for you if you are here yeah Corgi killed somebody killed quick strips killed quick Straits I’m second on gravity that’s literally wild I swear autism like doesn’t sleep they probably don’t they probably don’t dude they’re a grinder

Okay do I have a Tracker I do not okay there were a bunch of people over here earlier all right now I have a Tracker let’s go now I can open every single person’s a Duo that’s actually better um I do want to put some food in my in my hot bar though

Okay I feel much more confident than taking fights now okay Corgi just killed one of the people in a Duo Cory just killed another person in a Duo now I’ve got to actually like try hard okay please just blow everybody up that did not reach anybody okay fire Boombox in

And clean and clean and clean and clean everybody clean oh well I’m running I’m running Totally Running Totally Running ah that sucks oh I did not mean to go please oh I thought I was gonna hit fall damage for a second I was scared for my mind

Okay did they actually get that guy I don’t know if they did I’ve got to go try and clean up and get some stuff from them okay I don’t know if they got that guy or not um campfires oh that’s actually really nice I’m totally can’t find right now totally

Camp firing right now oh and I double can’t fire it I did not mean to do that but let’s see okay it’s autism light well Austin might as a thousand what he has a thousand wins didn’t the month just start what’s what’s the world record this dude’s World recording World recording right here

Okay corgi’s still alive oh that means one of those people oh that one dude must have killed one of those Duos then because we’re the only team left we’re okay okay this time Corgi okay when we have a we have an opportunity we’re probably gonna win okay what we

Need to do is make sure number one don’t throw your sword on the ground kept blaming you for that one number two don’t try and punch people with your fish just to patrol them okay because that’s what I tried to do and we both

Died okay so no more of that no more of that silly business no more of that silly business okay boombox I’m feeling good I’m feeling ready oh and corgi’s just taking everybody down we probably have a lot of kills this game honestly he did 10K in a month

Before what in the world that is insane there we go Gigi’s GG Yeah Boy what yeah boy what yeah boy gaming looks like we had another another Duo of 30s in here looks like we got another Duo got some high level players those those were just practice Yeah those were practice

Grounds that’s what we’re doing we’re totally just practicing you know not just getting absolutely destroyed by everybody could not be us could not be us let’s go um get here if I can click oh helmets helmets please okay I I I’m so good at video games see I feel like I just

Clicked too many buttons because I get excited and I just start clicking everywhere and then and then I don’t get any gear because because you know I can’t hmm Where are my cash cows where are my cash cows boys as much as I want to fight with the freaking okay I was gonna say I’ve got an iron sword now as much as I wanted to fight with uh Stone ax I don’t okay so I don’t have very much armor but

I’m thinking if I can get these guys to separate on each other I might be able to oh no never mind never mind I give up all hope I lost a lot of Health there hey other Duo you guys have gear you want to share fight these guys

Please oh is that guy running oh is he totally running Brody be sweating okay um yeah this guy is totally not paying attention okay I actually want them to fight him oh there we go there we go they separated they separated that’s what I wanted that’s what I wanted oh these

Guys have gear why do you guys have gear please don’t please don’t have gear I need better gear I need gear I’ve gotta have a chest plate there’s so much loot over here that I want to get but I can’t because I suck I need better stuff

Left the fight earlier these guys do it oh no oh they’re a Duo okay they’re a Duo for a second I thought they were cross teaming and I was like uh please don’t but they’re not they’re not cross teaming we’re good and they’re not even coming for me

Oh and they just let me get stuff and they just let me get stuff that was a mistake that was a mistake 31 okay okay so so granted I feel like I played gravity with Leo the other day but I’m not gonna lie I don’t even remember what it was how many arrows

I’ve got Seven Arrows okay okay I’m going in for this guy you guys shouldn’t let me get stuff you shouldn’t have let me I’m sorry you shouldn’t have it just wasn’t smart but you totally did you totally just let me get gear and now I can come in here

And kill both of you I killed both of you I’m so sorry okay uh one of you guys had diamond boots too okay Corgi if you don’t have diamond boots or Diamond Helmet I’ve got them for you and I’m coming to where you are I will find you

34 seconds yeah that’s gotta be that’s gotta be something else then if you can win games that fast then there has to be some sort of like difference because because SG I feel like the fastest SG game you can get is maybe like two minutes if you’re like a pro you know

It’s okay Corgi it’s okay nope I’m dead I’m dead boomboxing please not into me not into me thank goodness thank goodness got him let’s go okay here you go Corgi and that person has a better chest plate so you can take oh that was so close let’s go we reckon

These fools we reckon these fools oh this is beautiful this is beautiful I’m feeling good today I’m feeling good we’ve been like actually winning games we’ve been winning games and life is good for the boys for the boys team okay oh there’s only one guy left he’s over here we got 24 seconds

Can we make it can we make it imagine I sweated gravity for this month Tariq dude you’re freaking grindy Legend you could totally grind gravity I would recommend well I was gonna say you’re probably in school I was gonna say do it next month when they haven’t already gotten a thousand wins

You know oh they teleported they teleported that’s fine probably 1.6 K because 800 today yeah yeah yeah you would uh you’d be wild I’m sorry I’m sorry I’m sorry let’s go let’s go boys let’s freaking go how big is the stream delay on this is it delayed on my end at all I

Mean it’s see I don’t know it’s probably like 10 15 seconds I feel like that’s is that a long stream layer is that a fairly normal stream delay I think it’s I feel like it’s pretty good okay let’s go let’s go not saying anything but says she first has 300 wins

I know I know literally I’m like bro like I literally played for probably like three hours a day the last couple of days if not longer and so these guys are probably well granted granted I will say these guys do have a better win like ratio than I do because I’m kind of

Trash sometimes when I like when people are actually grinding like really hard and you have like the prosg players I am actually a little bit trash so um that’s why one of the reasons they have more wins but at the same time these guys just have like like they’re just good they’re just

Better that boots oh this dude stole the boots I want them I want your boots I’m sorry I’m sorry I’m not meaning just to stream uh not stream spawn candy but I want your boots okay there’s someone else assistant teammate nope I’m running I’m running no go go go go go no please

Don’t Boombox me please don’t okay oh that was so close they could have totally killed me if they just would have kept running they would have had me I gotta make sure this other dude up here is not coming for me okay oh that was so close I almost died

Average for an hour for a good grinder as she is like 12 and gravity is like 60. yeah see that’s wild yeah see so you look at the guy okay a good grinder you get 12 in an hour okay the guy has 300 he has 300 wins okay

Already what day are we on we’re on the second day of the month technically I guess this is like a full third maybe because if you start I don’t know I don’t know what time it all starts but that is just insane to me okay that just doesn’t make sense

Um that you have that many wins by now like that just I just don’t I just don’t get it I just don’t get it is that all they do is grind SG like I don’t I don’t understand I don’t understand I wasn’t even there I wasn’t even there I don’t

Have a bow but these guys are separated oh they totally are separated I thought the other guy was about to turn around but he’s not he’s not okay I’m sorry I’m sorry Stone Turtle I’m sorry please have a bow you do oh life is good life is

Good we got a bow boys and I can actually just grab this real quick Okay I like to see it I like to see it We’ve Got Gear now okay I feel like there’s a guy over here yeah okay there’s that guy right there the people behind us oh there’s a guy behind you okay my frozen Boombox is also gonna

Freeze this guy is the only freeze Corgi which is the problem okay I’m gonna throw a head of Corgi and hopefully I’ll get him oh sorry I don’t mean to don’t mean to block your your stuff [Applause] there we go there we go okay let’s see

What they got I think they have diamond boots they did oh they’ve got stuff they’ve got stuff I like stuff beauty Beauty treasure Wars games take three minutes to complete Max oh yeah yeah I know that yeah see that you think about three games but think about gravity dude they have a thousand

Wins already they’ve got a thousand wins who in the world gets a thousand wins okay boom separated separated let’s go you can’t run stairs like I can I go to the gym I’m just kidding not like that though uh I don’t do stairs that’s for sure

Um Beauty okay I love that they fixed from what I understand the campfire glitch oh can I snipe yeah I snipe let’s go so most wins on a day at SGS 250 I don’t know who’s the record uh Blaze you hold the record for

Most most wins in a day or is that uh is that flame I guess elf actually got quite a bit back in the day oh who was the record right now actually I’m not sure I’m not what I’m not sure what to do I’m bored

Dude grind Dash G bro grind SG that is the game to play SG is key to success in all of life okay I think I’m going to let’s see I don’t really need the Frozen boom boxes I would like fire and I would like food oh it’s that’s in another Duo okay okay

Um I thought I had a Tracker I bet you I threw it out because I’m smart because I’m smart like that I probably threw it out that’s what smart people do it’s Bandit mcn77 the guy who’s first right now Bandit oh he has the record oh okay

Well you know that would make sense that would make sense then you know if he’s got the record oh these guys separated oh okay they’re trying to trap maybe they’re not let’s go there we go there we go we go average like 11 per every hour

Yeah I mean I guess you just play 24 hours straight right you I know you’ve played 24 hours straight before Blaze or Leo sorry Leo I know you I know you’ve done it before um so there’s gotta be yeah you know you’ve got to have a pretty high record overall you know

What’s what is your record what is your record today if you hit 200 um okay Wes what about you what about you okay Leo and Wes what are your guys’s Max records in a day I bet you my Max in a day of probably total grinding for me

I probably gotta be like 50. that’s probably all it is you should get on the S3 I do it do it do it with me you still have time this month that’s the thing is a lot of people don’t like grind grind this month with me because I’m trying to

Grind and I need Duos and and everyone can’t play every day you know but you just all you gotta do is never sleep okay if you never sleep then life is better that is what everyone will tell you except for the people that actually sleep crap crap

Do I have many arrows I do have arrows if I have any good boom boxes oh no please don’t come after me please don’t come after me what kind of Boombox do I have I got a web boombox okay oh I don’t have any more arrows no

Okay well this is actually good this is actually good come with me oh no guy come follow me oh no your teammate can’t follow me because he’s not fast enough oh it actually turned up he turned oh I was hoping he just run in a straight line just running a straight line nerd

Uh now they’re actually coming for me now I’ve got two guys on me this is not this is not fun anymore it was fun it was fun now it’s not fun now it’s not fun anymore okay we’re going to teleport we’re gonna teleport her okay they want that cash cow and I’m

Sure they’ll get it and I can run to Corgi you’re here Corky fight fight kill people totally gonna kill me I’m running I’m running I died I died I’m sorry I’m sorry Corgi I failed you I failed you Corgi I failed you oh that’s a beautiful place that is beautifully placed

Nice Corgi get the combos get the kill get the kill nice nice don’t land in the fire don’t land in the fire don’t land in the fire run run run oh they landed in the fire keep running keep running nice let’s freaking go let’s freaking go

Here goes to 24 hours 145 but I only played 14 hours that day 222 bro all my all all my Q players needed have players needed all my Q have players needed oh oh for games for games yeah yeah maybe more at one point might have broken in June most 24 hours yeah

145. yeah you got low numbers bro it’s the SG grind dude it’s different than your uh your what’s it called then your uh block drop grind you got you you’re a grinder Tariq I I’d be very curious to see how you’d do an SG we could we could

Grind we could grind maybe 300. I have the second most CTF wins in 24 hours though with like 400 or something I think maybe 300. low numbers dude he’s totally calling us out all of you guys did you just just no no don’t even these guys are Pros okay where’s the duo

I want to find the duo um okay is that okay I see two guys right here okay these guys are the duo I think okay the duo is at the Village area windmill windmill just so you know Jess you know SG at the PVP game so I

Think it would be faster you know yeah yeah actually no I mean block drop games yeah I mean depending on who you’re playing with if you have a small Lobby though I feel like block drop could be could go pretty well actually do bigger lobbies go fast because more blocks get broken

Never thought about that because I’ve never grinded it never grinded it you know these guys don’t have they’ve got okay gear they are sticking together really close oh actually no they’re not anymore okay where are you at where are you at Corgi okay um Corgi I think

I feel like windmill should maybe be your option just just go in just go fight you’ve got better gear you got better get by far this is gonna put us in a death match though you’re underestimating as she grinding heavily yeah the thing is it’s like when you start grinding there’s

Always people especially if you do really well there are people that will snipe you like I wasn’t even like I’m not even that good guys not even that good and we were playing and we were getting psyched like people were leaving every game just and just rejoining in all of our games

It’s it’s just that people just they they want to destroy the leaders you know which I guess that’s every game but SG is just like I don’t know if you get if you get like Crossing oh this dude is just comboing the crap out of us silly silly us nothing happened nobody

Saw it not gonna let SG games do be taking long they do they do does your shirt say Jersey Mike’s low 100 it does 100 percent you guys see this you had me at Jersey Mike’s Subs Jersey Mike Subs I wore my techno blade shirt two days ago when I

Streamed no one said anything you nerds don’t even know technoblade’s merch the One Gamer that I actually have their merch oh don’t worry kid this game’s gonna go fast because we only have I guess we have 17 people I was gonna say oh but now again now we got 20 people this

Game’s not gonna go as fast as it would have if it was there was 13 people but we got this we got this Corgi I believe in the dream I believe in the dream I actually should figure out I gotta make sure I’m in top 10 before I

End the stream though it takes like five to six minutes sometimes more you know they definitely do yeah that’s the thing if you get five minute games you’re doing pretty good you know that’s like a decent game it’s five minutes okay I actually want that ax that’s what I’m

Sorry I took the ax okay well I’ve got armor armor is great I would gladly take armor but yeah no SG games like definitely take a while especially at night like I said because no one plays it so if you’re trying to grind at night you know and like less people are

Playing which is what I like to do you know just because the lobbies are smaller so the games just go a lot quicker the problem is is that uh nobody’s online so you can’t grind because it doesn’t work it doesn’t work um okay iron ax is better

Please don’t kill me right now please don’t kill me right now they totally killed me oh I’m so bad I’m so bad my aim is just trash I really want to be good at butterfly clicking so that’s all I do now that’s literally all I’ve been doing is just butterfly clicking because

I want to get good at it um yeah yeah but I just have trash aim still okay fight Corgi fight fight just go hard just go hard I want to win I want to win so 200 is a lot yeah no it definitely is a business is that what you always do

You just like Qs oh they’ve got to do it right there okay let’s see where we’re at okay are we top 10 yet oh no corgi’s always gonna beat me oh I’ve gotta get ahead of Okay so we’ve got to get at least to 60. because we got to be jack-o-mat because otherwise

Corgi’s just gonna be ahead of me because every time I win Corgi wins so even if I beat James you and get one more I’m still not gonna be a top 10. so there’s only been five two thousand wins ever in flame test just two of them so

Flame is two of them I know Blaze you got two thousand because Blaze you got the world record once um oh is Corgi alive oh you are okay perfect Corgi you’re still alive there are some good people out be aware they have some good teams this team that

You are running towards is actually oh no this is the less stack team you probably get to fight these guys get them separated get them separated the one dude is zaggering the other guy is not yeah there we go there we go Corgi there we go I believe in the dream

You got this kind of three of them because he basically got 4K that one month was that okay so who got I’m trying to remember was it flame is it Flame or is it Blaze that holds the record because I feel like Blaze got it but

Then Blaze had it at one time I’ve heard Leo sorry I keep saying Blaze Blaze you’re gonna be confused you keep changing your name on me now I have to sit there and think Leo four seven eight three two five eight never seven two five eight three two you know

I’m in your game and I didn’t even know it squat yo let’s see okay sex in flame 2100 okay so Blaze did have it then flame just absolutely dominant that was the one that flame got banned on that was wild that was so unfortunate I literally

Was like so sad it was like last couple days of the grind and they got banned for sumoing in the lobby or not in the lobby in the at the start I’m like that just sucks it just sucks okay these guys are stacked Corgi I believe in you though I’m getting out

Giving out winter Vibes W’s W’s do you believe I believe oh they’re coming they’re coming oh that was a nice boombox that was actually really nice right there oh I’m sorry they do have you though I’m sorry okay okay you guys we need more W’s we need more W’s last time we got

W’s in the chat we won okay someone give me a w give us W’s please please add the eight viewers we have at least two W’s if I get two W’s we will win we will win so guys I want to get to a thousand subscribers how does one do that anyone

Here at a thousand subscribers Tariq are you a thousand subscribers yeah you do YouTube Tariq I feel like you could be a thousand subscribers just because you’re the best just because the best of block drop you’re the best of the block drop okay okay let’s go we’re gonna win that’s how

That’s how we’re gonna reach a thousand subscribers I only play with blurry because I don’t need to try W Yes W I got one W okay we need a second W someone else has to give me a w someone else has to give me a w so we can win

Because otherwise we won’t win it’s just it’s just the curse snowballs snowballs I actually I used to be a lot better with snowballs when I Jitter clicked um but now I’m actually not as good with snowball so that is unfortunate okay I do want to find someone with

Um diamond boots to track to track Bros sounding like a tick tock streamer uh oh do they stream on tick tock can you stream on Tick Tock I’m at 400 because I don’t upload well you’re still beating me nerd still beating me okay I’m sorry Sage Rider but I need your

Boots and so I’m gonna kill you for them I know I know I’m a mean person but I need I need your boots because they’re Diamond they’re they’re shiny and blue and I want shiny blue boots so that’s what we’re doing out here we’re getting the shiny blue boots

Okay I I need a helmet next is what I need um probably would have been at 1K but I don’t yeah yeah you really should you really should you should upload you should upload and say on your video you say yo everyone welcome to to my video

In this video I’m gonna be telling you guys all the subscribers that’s what that’s what you’re gonna say hello no don’t don’t give me your sword no no no no pick up the sword pick up the sword pick it up pick it up oh he has another sword he has another sword

There we go that dude tried to debate at me he tried he tried and he failed he tried and he failed okay I would like a bow this guy have a bow he did not but he had more snowballs do I have okay I’ve already got full armor I’ll save these boots

For uh Corgi if Corgi gets on LOL LOL yeah I’ve actually never watched Tick Tock at all I only put a blurry because I don’t need to try yeah no that it is it is nice playing with people that that are pros and uh do everything for you that is

Very very nice okay there’s a player over here I do want this I do want this supply Crate though oh it’s Corgi oh okay I like Corgi get that then um Corgi will get that I will chase although I’m not the best at SG just do

It what if I try most SG wins in a day if you do it let me know because you’ll have to grind a 24 hour day so the key is though is is you have to make sure oh but you would know you would know the hive times I was gonna

Say you have to like be careful about what time you know you’re done doing everything just because the time frame is weird you know it’s like not not exactly on the hour but you know because you’re a grinder you’re a grinder okay what does this guy have a bow

Come on universe come on Universe oh Wes gave me a W-2 guys I’m just missing the chat I’m just missing the chat because I’m trying not to die but thank you thank you we got two W’s now we got two W’s now we can win now we can win guys

There wasn’t a chance before but now okay this guy definitely has a bow okay this guy definitely is a Duo too I don’t actually need a bow because I have snowballs okay your Duo does not seem to care that much about you please use all your arrows

Ouch except don’t hit me with them ouch I said don’t hit me with them that was part of the use all arrows you’re not supposed to be able to hit me you know okay I want one of you guys to follow me okay you follow me nope nope I’m dead totally dead

Does he have arrows okay oh I actually have a campfire uh I just gotta watch him for arrows oh I was going to Bowen don’t have a bow yo Corgi what is up you’re here you’re here but if I get 299 maybe 290 I feel like with enough practice I’ll get like 260s

Yeah I mean honestly it really depends on who you deal with yeah full 24 hours you barely use you can do it yeah yeah so that’s that’s kind of the thing is like okay I actually don’t want to fight that guy because I don’t think he’s a Duo

I want someone with a bow this guy have a bow can I steal his bow can I steal his bow oh I totally can thank you for the bow thank you for being so kind and give me a bow oh and I did not mean to put all those cobwebs back in his

Inventory um okay you go for that that guy I’m gonna go for the other guy that was over here now that I have a bow okay that does a lot of damage that’s the really nice thing oh what’s up oh I’m dead I’m totally dead I’m totally dead here oh I’m not dead

I’m not dead run run kind of mid TBH I’m JK what is up blue what is up I think the record now is probably like 16. see that’s just that’s just interesting you know it’s like some of these other game modes you can just grind it out like crazy you know but SG

You just you just can’t you know like it’s not like uh 4v4 where you can like on Treasure Wars where you can just have a team and like get like a two minute win you know so it’s just it just doesn’t work like that if I was really

Good at SG I thought I’d get 25 in an hour yeah you know like I said the hard part is is with these Maps it’s not like the other Maps like where it’s like a set boundary like there is a set boundary these maps are huge you know so

You could literally just have people that run and you just don’t get wins you don’t have to queue out then you just lose out on the win you know so it’s kind of like you almost have to uh you know I probably should have uh been tracking this whole time already that

Would have been smart where’s Corgi um okay Corgi um this other guy can combo me because he’s better than me and I think he’s probably is he in the Stream I feel like he’s got to be in the Stream because he was one of the guys that said something okay

Um we want to get this Kill from him before he does okay he’s got the kill Yo’s I’m on Xbox okay um you know we are going for wins so and and I you know I granted it sounds like you may be in the Stream but I don’t

Know you 2V1 yes yes it actually is a 2V1 and I feel bad for you feel bad for you I feel bad for you a little bit I feel bad for you I feel a little bit bad not too bad but I feel a little bit bad oh we’re already

In another game this is so great you guys we’re actually getting in games okay how many more wins do we need I’ll check this if I’ve got time someone remind me to check I don’t know why for some reason I don’t want to end off 299

Ggs oh it’s used apps oh okay yeah sorry we totally 2V1 you we gotta get wins dude we’re grinding the leaderboards otherwise you know if we’re just kind of messing around I probably would have just let you 1v1 us because you actually are pretty good you know

Where we’re not doing that we’re just trying to kill everybody uh I want that dude because he has diamond boots so I have a sword oh I’ve got a wooden sword we can take anybody we can take anybody now we’ve got a wooden sword boys Beauty okay which person had the diamond boots

Okay no one knows I’m here no one knows I’m here no one knows I’m here oh you got gear this guy’s actually I’m here he’s got a better sword than me much better sword than me it’s all about the strikes it’s all about the stress okay my wise sword iron sword

Beauty okay I’m feeling better I’m feeling better I’m feeling a little bit better either 290 or 300 I think a little bit of blue is and hypers may enjoy this stream it definitely might it definitely might blue definitely might so blue I’m getting ready I’m getting ready for that video

Um do I have arrows I don’t have any arrows oh these guys are not oh I’m sorry I’m sorry but I’m totally gonna kill you I’m sorry I’m totally gonna kill you please save the bow you don’t have a bow okay I just want a bow um

You have a better helmet he did okay no one’s been behind me um oh actually oh I do have a bow I’ve got a bow I have so many I have two bows why did I not know that I had two team on the right at the beginning oh great

Oh I didn’t realize you were dead I didn’t realize you were dead foreign okay I want you guys to fight these guys oh he has the low ground he has a low ground that is just not working out for me oh there’s another Duo up here okay

Which Duo is this which two is this the one that I want to get he has a diamond helmet and I want the diamond helmet I want the diamond helmet nope don’t kill me [Applause] nope go go go go go go go go no I got so stuck in a web no

Oh no what did I do oh hi DX James welcome to the stream can you create a CS ooh okay who actually is here that would want to do like an sgcs who is here that would enjoy that I know blue is on here you would enjoy that

Um Corgi you’re dead right I think corgi’s dead let me see oh I did not mean to find your game um Corgi let’s oh I wonder actually that’d be interesting bro’s sweating so hard actually you want to I don’t know I don’t know how many

Of you got this let’s go let’s go let’s see if we have enough people I might I might be interested in doing a CS let’s let’s do another game for now let’s see what kind of Interest we have from the chat if they are interested great if not

Then we don’t worry about it we just keep grinding that’s what I gotta do I gotta check because I actually have to get uh up to 10th place that’s my rule I gotta stay in 10th every night when I end okay so I’ve got to get another three

At least another three wins before I get off SkyWars yes see if I did a CS it’d probably be treasure Wars or it’d be uh SG but probably SG um SkyWars is good but SkyWars just doesn’t last like for me it doesn’t last long enough because I just get wrecked

Easily whereas I feel like I can actually kind of hold my own a little bit in SG and then treasure Wars is fun because you can spot you know you gotta respawn and I like respawning I like not being able to die not even on right now

LOL but I’d be down okay okay so we got one there we got DX James that would like to do a CS yo who else in the chat would like to do a CS that is the question that is the question okay this guy is coming for me I still got a

Little bit of time to grab some gear okay these guys aren’t cross tubing are they they’re not cross teaming are they they’re not cross steaming are they please oh no oh no I’m totally Crossing totally cross TV oh no no this is bad this is bad boys this

Is bad why are you guys crossed here why are you guys just join an actual Duo why do you guys join an actual Duo instead of cross teaming just join an actual Duo and life will be better okay life will be better if you actually just join a

Freaking Duo okay okay he’s turned around he’s turned around uh can I correctly hotkey is the question [Applause] there we go beauty Beauty you guys see that combo You’ll Play okay Zep still play uh this guy is coming to kill me not a fan not a fan you killed though that guy

You killed that guy I’m not ready to fight these guys yet okay I do need before I go fight any of these guys let’s get uh let’s get Corgi where’s Corgi I need I need Corgi in my life to be able to fight actual good players and we got a

Bow and I don’t have arrows that’s probably you know not even necessary who needs arrows in an SG game oh actually a leather helmet yo coming in clutch with those leather helmets okay I’m gonna reorganize my inventory real quick uh I don’t have food is good food is good

So there’s a good Duo up here released um I’m gonna see if I can find some food okay there’s the duo right there I need food before I get into this fight before we go into any fight I need food okay he’s on fire [Applause]

No ggs ggs that was a good fight that was a good fight okay okay let’s do it let’s do it ggs ggs okay okay so we’ll do it we’ll do it we’ll do a CS we’ll do a CS the real question is who is on

Who is on oh I guess I can actually post a thing okay uh we’re going to the hub how many CSS can I do a day slash CS great server you know it’d be better if someone else created this solos okay let’s make let’s see uh how do I invite is the question

Um I don’t know how to do this how does one invite how does one invite I don’t know how to do it uh maximum players 24 is fine um loot setting I want to have op I want to do all the op loot see player settings Max health

Uh let’s see what else we got what else we got uh we don’t need anything else 20 or 25 I can carry you so easily Power Punch God is God tier PVP go to access okay I’m going to access ax oh I gotta probably go back gotta go

Back access and permissions oh invite players invite friends invite all okay uh let’s see what else we got um uh let’s see change access mode open to all where do I find the thing go to accident permission invite me horn at 417 LOL what is up what is up um okay we got

Someone someone know how to do something okay you know how to do something right do you know how to do something um oh code only will that work that’s your friend okay show code show code here we go here’s code here is code code is right here come

Join join the game do it join the Cs where’s everybody I believe in the dream I Believe In The Dream let’s do it just one Siesta we’re doing one CS and then and then after CS we’re going to I gotta grind out because I gotta get those last couple wins

Before I go to bed and I want to go to well I want to get I want to eat ice cream is what I really want to do what I really want to do okay everyone see it right here done okay how many people we got how many people

We got I feel like we’ve got to have more people that can do it I feel like we’ve got to have more people that can do it Tariq will hop on trick you’re not on yet are you oh trick is on okay we got four Shadows on thank

You thank you for sharing I’ll join perfect perfect let’s get as many people in as we can Webster or Leo are you guys in I don’t know if I don’t know what they’re doing um okay I want to manage presets or featured presets op loot there we go there we go that’s

What I like that’s what I like these type of games oh the code shows right here oh that’s nice that’s nice it shows watch me die first hey you never know you never know I I’m planning on dying but that’s okay that is okay we’ll give it 30 more seconds 30 more

Seconds for anyone else to join anyone else to join how many people we got five one two three four five six seven we got seven of us on we got seven of us on seven out of the nine viewers you know I’ll take that I’ll take that we got

Seven out of nine viewers we will take that I hurt my hand sure you did just kidding no you probably did left click dude just use your left hand dude just use your hand okay there we go we got Wes we got Wes I’ve used my left

Hand before I won a game with my left hand there’s a video it was stupid to get on Earth today oh yeah yeah it’s all good it’s all good okay well I think that’s gonna be it I think that’s gonna be it let’s uh let’s start game

Beauty we got it we got it okay let’s go boys let’s go we win these cs’s we win these so someone answered me how many cs’s can you do in a day because uh that would be fun actually to stream one day if we actually get a lot of viewers

It’d be fun to do a lot of um stuff with OP Loot and stuff okay I want lots of arrows I want a lot of boom boxes um I need to get a lot of cash cows and flames and stuff oh wait oh snowballs are beautiful snowballs are beautiful see I’m good

With snowballs if I can span 5 000 of them you know that I’m good with them then I’m good with them 20 is that the limit a day is two oh everyone said that I’ve heard everyone’s saying 20 earlier I did not know what they’re talking

About okay I actually do want to go to uh to what’s called a fine cows because when I get cows life’s gonna be good life’s gonna be good Beauty let’s go okay uh you know I should probably put on Armor it’d probably be a good idea you know

Definitely might oh crap I I’m not ready I’m not ready I wasn’t even playing I wasn’t even here dude just kidding I totally was here I just I just am being dumb okay let’s okay let’s do this let’s organize our inventory okay somebody don’t kill me yet not till

I’m ready once I’m ready y’all are free to kill me okay but I’m just not ready yet I’m just not ready yet I’m just just wasting a lot of times getting things that I don’t need you know just wasting a lot of time getting things I don’t need

Okay I still don’t have pants how do I not pants that is very unfortunate I kind of need pants uh before I fight you good sir I want pants okay once I get pants then I will fight okay let me get some pants on uh no pants no pants

I need paints I need paints let me get paints just let me get paid s are key pants are important no I’m stuck in a web I’m stuck in a web you fool go me no I need to pay it that’s all I wanted was pants okay respect it we

Spectate West you have this you got this all I wanted was pants you could have left me alive for a minute Actually I don’t even know if that person’s in the thing okay let’s go let’s go Tariq versus Wes I believe in the dream I believe in the

Dream we gotta do one more because I want to get pants Wes is the All-Star even though he just landed in his own fire oh the boom boxes oh the boom boxes I’m sorry Tariq I’m sorry Wes is just a pro SG player okay we got Wes Corgi Corgi stack two

Corgi stack two okay next to James who can’t wait for a freaking pair of pants just wait till I had pants bro that’s all I needed in life we’ll do one more we’ll do one more after this because I want to get paints I want pants can I hit it wait let’s go

I am in a supply drop I’m in the supply drop this is like a good thumbnail right here just isn’t a thumbnail just chilling just chilling okay in a world where we’re here we got Wes we got core or James and we got Corgi and they’re

Running in for the fight I Believe In The Dream okay Wes you better show us you know how to play video games you know you better oh he’s coming in oh he’s coming in he wants to fight he didn’t realize Wes is a pro oh he’s getting comboed and he’s getting comboed

Oh but there’s getting bow okay who’s gonna win this who’s gonna win this oh I believe oh who’s gonna win it’s gonna be close it’s gonna be close it’s going to be close oh it’s got to be so close they both have to be low throw

It on fire throw it on fire oh he’s got double fire oh I’m sorry I’m sorry James he’s got double fire he’s gonna take you he’s gonna take you oh he’s just cobbling you dude who is this guy telling me he doesn’t know how to play

Video games and he just comes in here and combos everybody okay okay well Corgi well Corgi this is you he’s low he’s low take him down take him down he’s low lots of webs lots of webs lots of webs the bow you bow a lot Corgi you bow a

Lot you could just go with the sword just use lots of webs and swords oh that hair that hurt that hurt okay little James Little James XD James bro next game pants okay we’re wearing pants yuck argue with the win Corgi with the win let’s go stupid

You know you know don’t be toxic then nerd just kidding okay um let’s do okay let’s do another one let’s do another one don’t even get out nerd don’t be toxic don’t be okay we’re doing another CS create server let’s do SG solos okay I should be able to figure this out a

Little bit easier now okay access and permissions invite player friend uh invite all okay let me go back we go to change access mode to code only mode okay we got code right here it should pop up on my screen beautiful beautiful okay I play with blurry I have to know

How literally how can you join so if you go to CS CS all you gotta do is subscribe to Squad app once you subscribe to Squad app then you’re good to join okay you can go in and all you gotta do is play uh just type in CS type

In the invite code it’s right there on the screen can’t see my thing it’s down there it’s down over in that corner I think somewhere in that area it’s somewhere in that area okay um okay what do we want to do we want to go manage presets featured presets op confirm beauty Beauty

Let’s go okay real question is is Mr toxic here bro okay Mr toxic is not here this James character this Mr toxic James bro we ain’t about that in the squad F streams we’re about living the dream subscribing to Squad F that’s kind of what we’re into we’re kind of into subscribing to

Squad F you know that’s kind of kind of what we do it’s kind of what we do out here is there I’m sure everyone’s here to subscribe to Squad F right the eight viewers in here all you guys are subscribed to Squad app right we definitely had some new viewers today so

I’m hoping that we get a couple new uh new people okay we definitely had like seven people last time we got five okay is this other guy joining are you joining cas or whatever are you joining bro let’s give it another 60 seconds if nobody joins then we’ll just start

Um the rule is you gotta let me get paints you got let me get pants please and thank you please and thank you to what to what I do not know what pleasing thank you was too but pants but pants guys let me get some paints because I’m trash at SG and I

Want to have pants to be able to actually try okay okay what are we doing what are we okay it’s been 60 seconds I’m getting five four three two one and we’re starting the game and we’re starting the game come wife my wife don’t worry wife wanted to leave she made me cover

The webcam even though she’s definitely in a video so I don’t know why it would matter when she’s already in a video with me uh reacting to uh what’s called uh okay this time I need some paints let’s grab pants did I get all the armor

Pieces that I need okay I did not get a helmet that is okay I don’t actually have a sword either you know swords are good okay I’ve got an iron sword iron sword is fine I think iron sword has the same amount of diamond sword I didn’t

Join I’m sorry I’m sorry I tried to wait and you didn’t join I tried I waited and you did not join okay where is I don’t want a leather helmet I want an okay decent helmet there should be lots of cows or you know actually let’s just do this

Let’s just get down a supply drop Let’s Get Down a supply drop hope that I have a sword okay I’ve got a sword let’s get better gear okay now we have full gear okay now I feel like people can kill me and I will feel like I won’t won’t be sad

Won’t be sad because they can kill me and it’s it’s more it’s more fair this way because you know we have gear um let’s organize our inventory though I’m feeling good I’m feeling good okay let’s do this let’s do this I’m just gonna stock up on webs though webs and

Snowballs because we just web everybody I’m sorry though Hive server IP was wrong oh that sucks that sucks I’m sorry I’m sorry I don’t think I really need oh I guess gapples I was gonna say I don’t need anything from cows but I do need gapples so I’ll keep running around the outside

Of the map try and get some more cows so that way I can get gapples because gapples are important I don’t even know what this music is but it’s kind of jammed not gonna lie I’m definitely feeling it I’m feeling feeling the jamming uh no gapples that’s okay it’s okay

I want apples though if uh you guys got apples let’s move some of this stuff out I don’t need a lot of this I will take the campfire and the boom boxes okay I’m actually gonna lay down this because I’d like some gaps Supply area is full okay do I have a Tracker

Okay I’ve got a Tracker now let’s go track some people I think it’s fair to fight now I think it’s fair to fight I’m sure everyone has armor now if you guys don’t have armor then you’re nerds just kidding oh we killed by herobrine it landed on

You I am so sorry Hornet I am so sorry that is unfortunate okay you guys fight you guys fight oh I’m just letting you guys fight I was letting you guys fight okay Tariq okay okay Tariq if you want to fight still I’ll fight I just didn’t think you wanted to

Got him okay there we go there we go um okay uh I’ll get a diamond sword just for the Cosmetics just for the Cosmetics of the diamond sword just for the Cosmetics at least that wasn’t first to die that is true oh do I

Want to fight Wes I don’t oh I guess I do I guess I do want to fight Wes I guess I do foreign still 17 and a half okay he’s got a lot of hearts he’s gonna put down a campfire real quick oh Deathmatch is about to start Deathmatch is about to start

Oh it still hit me still hit me okay who’s fighting who who’s fighting here okay uh who do you think wins 20 clones of me biggest Noob or west oh 100 20 clumsy okay here we go Corgi here we go Corgi I guess it’s me and you Corgi I guess it’s

Me and you fighting I guess it’s me and you fighting [Applause] [Applause] okay there we go there we go do you have any gapples okay Wes okay Wes uh let me let me heal the rest of the way let me heal the rest of the way okay I’m

About to get destroyed by Wes okay Wes come on come on how are we doing this sumo oh I’m about to get sumo’d off I’m about to get Sumo off the edge sumo oh no okay oh I guess not I guess not okay never mind swords okay we’re gone

Oh I’m just getting wrecked I’m just getting wrecked foreign just so much better West just wins let’s just wins these when Wes wins these oh I’m totally webbed in my own web okay oh that almost killed me oh that was unfortunate come here West come here Wes come here [Applause]

He’s gonna kill me he’s gonna kill me that’s okay two and a half okay I’ll take that I’ll take that oh let’s go ggs that was good that was good that was good oh well thank you guys thank you guys for joining the stream today I’m probably gonna hop off actually

Um I might Grant another couple of games later because I do want to make it to leaderboards that was a fun stream though that was a fun stream I hope you guys enjoyed thank you guys thanks you guys that was a party we’ll do more

We’ll do more cs’s later and stuff but I do want to grind so treat Tariq dude if this is your month or west or any of you guys if this is your month let me know because I’m grinding I’m grinding okay I need Grinders that grind I’ll probably

Be playing later tonight but I’m probably gonna go say goodnight to my wife and stuff so I need some ice cream and then I might come back and grind depending on how tired I am so you’re actually really good with webs dude I webbed you a couple of times I actually

Wish I would recorded that oh that would have been such a good click baby that would have been such good click bait or not clickbait what is that called is it click bait no whatever that’s called whatever that is called I don’t remember but thanks you guys I hope you guys have

Enjoyed if you did leave a like subscribe do a lot of stuff go watch my videos okay we gotta make it to a thousand subscribers a thousand okay that’s the goal a thousand subscribers okay I want to do it because that’s when you can start getting paid I’ve already

Decided that pretty much any money I make from my YouTube channel if I do make money I’m just gonna use it for more YouTube stuff so I’m probably gonna be like you know try and hopefully make money so I can actually do good stuff

This video, titled ‘Sweaty Leaderboard Grind – Hive Minecraft Minigames Livestream!’, was uploaded by Squatf on 2023-08-03 18:33:08. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds.

The new month on the Hive just started, and it is time to grind again. I should have a decent amount of free time this month, …

  • Crafting Chaos: Minecraft’s Battle Royale

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  • Healthy Craft: Minecraft 1.21 Health vs. Damage Dance

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  • Sonic Speeds Past, Minecraft Movie Lags

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  • Join Minewind: Survive the Ultimate Invasion Experience

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  • Insane Minecraft Modpack Madness! KeyDevy RLCraft Ep. 11

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  • Insane Minecraft Build SEVEN – Ultimate Stone House Tutorial

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  • Insane GTA V Hack: Play Minecraft on Windows! Easy Tutorial

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  • Robby2002 tells terrifying tales! 😱👻 #trending #YTshorts

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  • Mysterious Nasquik in Minecraft 🎃 #herobrine

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  • Epic Showdown: Spider-Man & Miles Morales vs Minecraft Creatures & Sharks!

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  • Insane Minecraft Sweden vibes with Toastaku!

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  • Hypenos Network

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  • RigoloSMP – Vanilla SMP 1.21 – 100% Vanilla – Whitelist – Nice Community!

    JOIN THE DISCORD HERE – https://dsc.gg/rigolosmp Hey! A few weeks ago, just after the success of the previous 1.20 season, my friends and I decided to start our next adventure in 1.21! The server is entirely vanilla and our community is amazing 😀 Now’s the best time to join us on this journey! Cracked and Bedrock players are also allowed! Simply join the Discord and we’ll be happy to whitelist you 😉 Read More

  • -+-+-+-+-+-+ GearsMC +-+-+-+-+-+–+-+-+-+ disc.gearsmc.com +-+-+-+-

    How to connect and play on this server? You must have the game version 1.20.4 installed. How to check? At startup, the game version will be displayed on the right, at the bottom. If it is a different version, you should change the current profile (left, bottom) and select version 1.20.4 Click the PLAY button, wait for the Minecraft game to load. Choose: Multiplayer Click the button “Direct connect”, or if you want to keep the server in its list, press the button “Add server” In the field “Server address” write: blaze.obliv.us (GL HF) Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Is this truth or cap💀🙏

    Fact: This meme is so good it’s breaking the score scale. It’s like the Michael Jordan of memes. Read More

  • Players outsmart traps like a boss! #minecraft #winning

    Players outsmart traps like a boss! #minecraft #winning "Me: sees a popular trap in Minecraft Also me: avoids it by running straight into a different trap It’s all about that element of surprise, right?" Read More

  • Crafting a Sassy Minecraft Cottage

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  • 100 Days in Minecraft: My Mind Was Taken Over

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  • Sneaky New Update: Minecraft Hardcore 1.21

    Sneaky New Update: Minecraft Hardcore 1.21Video Information This video, titled ‘First Time Playing The NEW Update! | Minecraft Hardcore 1.21 | S9 E9 #minecraft’, was uploaded by Mr. Unprofessional on 2024-09-23 12:30:21. It has garnered 860 views and 16 likes. The duration of the video is 00:27:10 or 1630 seconds. First Time Playing The NEW Update! it went well… all the way up till I went back for the thumbnail and died!!! Ugh what a disappointment! but! We got one under our belts. Trial Chamber #1! Complete! #minecraft #trialchambers #update Join Us on Twitch! Temporarily Taking a break from streaming, Taking Care of a newborn… Read More


    INSANE MUSIC SYSTEM in MINECRAFT! 🔥 #minecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘BEST MUSIC SYSTEM IN MINECRAFT/MUSIC SYSTEM OF MINECRAFT #minecraft #minecraftshorts #trending #op’, was uploaded by SUMITXGAMING on 2024-04-30 07:25:35. It has garnered 4178 views and 119 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:14 or 14 seconds. minecraft minecraft challenge minecraft but minecraft animation challenge animation mcpe love story family friendly funny monster school minecraft monster school minecraft 100 days preston comedy minecraft hardcore monster school challenge trolling funny minecraft pocket edition minecraft pe adispot 100 days minecraft minecraft manhunt albedo op minecraft mod peppa pig huggy wuggy fnf mod hardcore minecraft minecraft meme steve… Read More

  • Shocking: Breaking Every SMP Rule! #Minecraft

    Shocking: Breaking Every SMP Rule! #MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘[ Breaking every rule of notice smp ]#minecraft #gaming’, was uploaded by AllMC_Gaming on 2024-03-07 01:11:38. It has garnered 204 views and 3 likes. The duration of the video is 00:16:11 or 971 seconds. Description: 🌟 Welcome to Crafted Ventures, where the enchanting world of Minecraft comes to life in pixels and polygons! 🌈 Immerse yourself in a realm of endless creativity, daring adventures, and captivating builds as we embark on an epic journey through the vast landscapes of this iconic sandbox game. 🔨 **Masterful Creations:** Join us as we delve into the art of… Read More

  • Insane HermitCraft Secrets Revealed!

    Insane HermitCraft Secrets Revealed!Video Information This video, titled ‘What makes HermitCraft different from other Minecraft servers?’, was uploaded by Λsk Λbout Solutions on 2024-05-24 06:27:53. It has garnered 7 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:53 or 53 seconds. Unveiling the Unique Magic of HermitCraft 👉 Magic of HermitCraft 👉 Discover what sets HermitCraft apart from the rest – a tight-knit community, high-quality content, and a focus on creativity and collaboration. Join in on the magic today! Laura S. Harris (2024, May 14.) What makes HermitCraft different from other Minecraft servers? 🌐 AskAbout.video ✋ Disclaimer: This video, titled ‘What… Read More

  • Ultimate Battle Royale Victory – POV: You vs. 3 on Bridge

    Ultimate Battle Royale Victory - POV: You vs. 3 on BridgeVideo Information This video, titled ‘POV: u win a 3v1 bridge fight…’, was uploaded by Air_Clips on 2024-02-17 05:53:28. It has garnered 206 views and 5 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:23 or 23 seconds. go sub to main channel ​⁠​⁠ #minecraft #bedfight #minemenclub #hypixel #pvp other tags lmao minecraft,hypixel,skywars,minecraft mods,minecraft challenge,handcam,mousecam,keyboard asmr,keyboard sounds,keyboard and mouse,mouse sounds,keyboard and mouse sounds minecraft,glorious model o,itzGlimpse,bedwars,hypixel bedwars,keyboard and mouse sounds bedwars,ducky one 2 mini,butterfly clicking,bed wars asmr,keyboard and mouse sounds,bedwars asmr,dragclick,clicky,asmr,family friendly,bedwars with handcam,iAim,modded keyboard,gamakay tk68,thocky keyboard,badlion,client,badlion client,jitter click,how to pvp,pvp,amongus,prediclips,maafer,pando,arctic,speedrun,clutch,block,block clutch,insane,shorts,youtuber,shorts youtuberlunar client, badlion client, forge, 1.7.10 forge, 1.8.9 forge,… Read More

  • INSANE Challenge in Minecraft – NO TOUCHING COLORS! #shorts

    INSANE Challenge in Minecraft - NO TOUCHING COLORS! #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft pero NO puedo TOCAR los COLORES de tu FOTO 23 #shorts #minecraftshorts’, was uploaded by Alexpolu8 on 2024-09-11 03:38:27. It has garnered 8817 views and 838 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:59 or 59 seconds. TODAY I BRING YOU A NEW MINECRAFT VIDEO I HOPE YOU LIKE IT AND IF YOU ARE NEW SUBSCRIBE ❤️ #Minecraft #yunque #yunques #minecraftmod #colores #inmortal #MinecraftSurvival #shorts #snapshot #minecraftupdate #mojang ——————————— —————————— 🚀 | Subs Discord | https://discord.gg/zphSjBEzpZ 🚀 My Texture Pack | https://www.mediafire.com/file/ln8ptdsxlbpp0yb/AlexpoluTexturePack5k.zip/file 🚀 | Twitter | https://twitter.com/Alexpolu8MC 🚀 | Twitch | https://twitch.tv/alexpolu8 🚀 |… Read More

  • BECOME UNSTOPPABLE on EnchantedMC Dungeons!

    BECOME UNSTOPPABLE on EnchantedMC Dungeons!Video Information This video, titled ‘HOW TO GET OP ON THE *NEW* DUNGEONS SERVER! | Minecraft Dungeons | EnchantedMC’, was uploaded by Zap on 2024-07-31 22:44:45. It has garnered 3352 views and 89 likes. The duration of the video is 00:16:02 or 962 seconds. #minecraft #minecraftpe #shorts https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCNoGQWMXMGrWbZmGYkz6VpQ/join *Server Discord*: https://discord.gg/enchantedmc *Java & Bedrock IP*: zap.enchantedmc.net *Bedrock Port*: 19132 Series Playlist: soon Welcome to our latest Minecraft adventure, where we explore new Minecraft servers, including the most thrilling OP prison servers and skyblock challenges! Our video takes you inside the newest OP prison, showcasing the intense escape gameplay and strategies… Read More

  • EPIC Minecraft Moments at Ender Cup in MCC-Live!

    EPIC Minecraft Moments at Ender Cup in MCC-Live!Video Information This video, titled ‘MCC – ENDER CUP! (MINECRAFT POV)’, was uploaded by Twitch vods on 2024-07-28 16:00:07. It has garnered 3322 views and 78 likes. The duration of the video is 04:19:51 or 15591 seconds. on TWITCH VODS Read More

  • Cool-People

    Cool-PeopleWelcome to Cool-People, a Minecraft survival server, hosted for the discord cool-people community. Trade with npcs, claim land, work with other players to create your dream builds and gear up. The server is Java and Bedrock compatible but requires you to join the cool-people discord server and link your account. mc.ppl.cool Read More

  • LittleSMP – smp vanilla whitelist 1.21

    Hello everyone! My name is Yani, I’m 19 years old and I would like to introduce LittleSMP Part III, our Minecraft community! This SMP server has mods to enhance vanilla gameplay. The server is currently under maintenance to prepare the new world and ensure optimal performance before launch. Visit our Discord server for information on server changes. On the server, you can do anything from playing with others to forming clans. All activities are allowed, except for hacks or unfair advantages. Join our Discord server and send a friend request to “yani01” to access the server. Let’s have fun together! Read More

  • Avalore: Fantasy Roleplay// avalore.net //

    How to connect and play on this server? You must have the game version 1.18.2 installed. How to check? At startup, the game version will be displayed on the right, at the bottom. If it is a different version, you should change the current profile (left, bottom) and select version 1.18.2 Click the PLAY button, wait for the Minecraft game to load. Choose: Multiplayer Click the button “Direct connect”, or if you want to keep the server in its list, press the button “Add server” In the field “Server address” write: mc.avalore.net:25586 (GL HF) Read More

Sweaty Leaderboard Grind – Hive Minecraft Minigames Livestream!