Swimming in Minecraft Gold with Coy!

Video Information

Test test mic check oh no ghost I’m here give me a sec need to you know check my audio and such hi pink bubbles how’s it going I think I could I could do this yeah all right this seems so dark it’s fine it’s fine all right hi JD how’s it going welcome

In welcome in all right I am actually trying out a new mic I’m actually I don’t even know if it works like if if it even made a difference actually let me yeah my voice mod is off right now so this is unfiltered koi voice so pneumonia goost oh no and High glow

Of ghost a I’m sorry ghost I hope you feel better soon um take drink what is it again follow doctor’s orders um don’t just take random home remedies please get it checked get it controlled we don’t we don’t want it to be you know we

Don’t want that to get any worse than it should be but I’m sorry that like uh you know you’re sick right now ghost and hi glow how’s it going JD go ahead and lurk um and pink bubbles hello hello welcome in um yeah so remember that time last

Week when I said uh I wanted to do a uh to make a gingerbread house on stream hyers um change of plans um you know I got busy and I set up um a new mic I don’t even know if it made a difference at all I hope so and then I

Also change change my chair so it’s not so it’s not you know it’s not squeaky anymore golden showers exactly yeah right no no we’re not having that type of shower we’re being showered with gold it’s [Laughter] different it’s different ners if you keep saying that you know it’s different H extra crispy

Nice very cool all right I didn’t I didn’t actually think I was trying to I was like I had my voice mod on and I was like this is an XLR mic and I’m like and you know it’s a fancy mic I might as well actually use the mic of

It so I’m like yeah let’s do that and yeah me hide this over there and then why is the game audios is it just because it’s quiet yes because it’s quiet all right let’s I guess I’ll put on some I should have put some music I didn’t know it was going to be

Quiet so because of that I need to actually then be careful because I did have to change audio um settings because new mic needs I need to rebalance it let me know if it’s loud or not loud enough um let’s put it up there and then let’s listen to

Me I think the audio the music is super low no it’s not actually my my my my voice is just slow my my volume for my browser is just slow so yeah so let’s going to keep it at that level before I you know blow out everyone’s ears

Because apparently I do that a lot but yeah but yeah it’s been a it was a it was it’s been a week and Hi C SCH hello welcome in um so yeah I wanted to make the gingerbread house but there’s a lot of setup that needs to be done for

The gingerbread house if I were to make one I also want to make like you know make one with my boyfriend he he’s not really like you know into like that type of thing but I think it’d be fun but you know there is there are those um activities that it doesn’t

Need to be streamed so I’m like fair fair so we’re doing this in said um so how was your week how was your your Wednesday so far happy time zones um uh last weekend I you know I was in Houston I was down in Houston with my

Parents and my family actually all my sisters are here from two from the Philippines and my little sisters Riv if you remember her um yeah so I’m excited for that for that one it was a really pretty um um ceremony it was super small there was like probably 15 people

Max 15 20 people so it’s like there’s 10 of me and my my family my boyfriend and their partners and my sister’s partners and kids so there’s 10 and then like some other small guests as well yeah it it was a really lovely um event it was super intimate and whatnot we literally

Like as soon as the ceremony ended and they we moved back to my parents’ place so we had their reception in their backyard um luckily it it was supposed to rain in Houston that weekend or S Saturday and luckily it didn’t so I’m like so we had we were able to do our

Reception out in the backyard and it was actually a really pretty backyard I I’m the type of person that I don’t take photos it’s weird I don’t take photos of events it’s one of those some like I I tried to undo back when I was younger

That I would always have my phone out taking photos of everything taking pictures of food and I’m not going to be bashing everyone one criticizing anyone who’s doing that so it’s just for me it was more obvious that I wasn’t like you know in the moment of the event and I

Wanted to be there for my mom and my my my dad so um they were really pretty uh they’re a really beautiful couple I was so it’s my sisters and I uh were the were part of the wedding party type of thing um my my nie niece was the flower girl

Um like my the eldest sister was what was was her role the veil my eldest and youngest sisters are the like were in charge with the veil um me and my the other sister um middle Childs basically the middle children um are basically are we were assigned to do the the the Rope

Thing and then my my second sister’s um like my basically my nephew was the ring bearer and my sister’s like second like my second eldest sister was uh partner was the coins going to make it on time uh just finished winter o an orchestra concert nice how was it

How was it over and it there’s no such thing as being late it’s late if I’m not streaming anymore so I I had just started as well um I had to I was live but you know I had to step away because I had to refill my my water

But surprising well let’s go let’s go what were you what was your your role in the in the orchestra I CLA people who like do Orchestra my brain wouldn’t be able to handle them um so and then in the reception I was I wasn’t even able to eat that

Much wasn’t able to eat you play violin second chair oh nice oo very cool but yeah so I was I was sing uh Apex car uh okay so so worbs before you got it like I was telling that like the story of last weekend was my parents they actually did their wedding ceremony

They’ve been married for 38 years they’ve been together for 38 plus years but they’ve never done the ceremony itself um so yeah we basically got like our own roles and such to help out with the wedding and and I was mid like I literally just like

Sat down took a couple bites of food and was like walking around because I wanted some some drinks I need to help out with these and that and you know be CU we don’t have like helpers we we were just we we were just um it was just the family the family

Like you know and the guests even helped out a bit in the reception so we it it was a self-serving like um reception everyone chose to help and whatnot which is perfect so we it was like I was about to grab my seconds and then suddenly my sister gave

Me like a bunch of cards and said like hey Coy let’s do this game and I’m like what game I’m not ready so and then gave me the Mone and I’m like damn it I haven’t eaten yet so I became the the host suddenly the MC and apparently I did a good job

Um no not um not playing cards it was like cards for it’s like wedding cards like like sheets like answer sheets and such um there’s and it’s a like it’s basically the game is like the BR like the wedding emoji game basically like try to decipher what like each item

Which each line it is for each like Emoji group so I’m like you know it’s like bride to be y y yada fall fall in love Yeah and such so yeah yeah it was it was I was a mess I was just like you know what I am not

Being paid to do this I haven’t even be I haven’t even so you know finished my meal like in between um um then after that game I had to tell everyone else okay let’s take photos with the you know with my parents and so I had to like like you know call each

Table to the front so that they can like with the backdrop and it’s actually a pretty backdrop too that my love youngest sister made um she arranged cuz she also lived in that house back then and she arranged it like you know there were chairs there were picture frames there were nice

Plants and lights and such so yeah I didn’t get to eat much and then after when it’s all done it was like around like midnight uh cuz I stay we uh my boyfriend and I stayed we we stayed at a hotel but like we stayed late at my

Parents place because we wanted to hang out with my sisters and such so the Afterparty basically the private Afterparty um so they in TR Filipino fashion um guess what the um the entertainment was in the Afterparty 10 points for um for that you know I’m like okay wait karaoke yep we had

Karaoke well it’s not even like karaoke karaoke we had um Whata call this yeah so we literally just like had like a Bluetooth speaker and like we connected our a laptop my sister’s laptop and we were just like watching um YouTube videos like of like you know those just

Lyrics and like basic karaoke versions of songs oh my my oh my um my boyfriend and I were late to the party because we were upstairs we were playing switch um we were playing Splatoon with my nephew and niece we’re just like playing like local playing and it was

Surreal I could just hear to him like All I’m like like yes yes here it is and then when my boyfriend and I decided to to join them um that’s when my Hunger actually kicked in and I realized like haven’t eaten oh my God and we basically when my boyfriend and I came

Down of course like we had to do our own thing like we know we we could we participated at least in the I got to sing some some toolic songs like my boyfriend you know couldn’t understand shit from that song because it’s super like I would say like Shakespearean

English but it’s talog like Shakespeare and Tagalog basically it’s like really old Tagalog words that like nobody or it will seldomly use in these times so and then when it’s me and my boyfriend were’re singing We actually just kept playing like uh um musicals because that’s the only you

Know karaoke songs that we can do show tunes we just did show tunes we were like popular I’m you want to want going to make you popular I’ll teach you to right voice you be good with Voice learn to flirt and FL now so we did that

Um it’s really it’s funny sometimes like it’s one of those some like you Dro your gum container no orbs no um but yeah we it was just funny like we were having a blast and there was like we also ended up like how did actually no cuz my

Sister just like played like sang like we put in The Colors Of The Wind in the queue and when it started playing for some reason we just started making like random animal noises and I was like I don’t think does poke like does the color of the wind have like animal

Noises in the background and I’m like I don’t think so but I know what song what musical has animal noises in the background The Lion King so we basically just like we’re just making random noises the I don’t even think if it’s an actual animal it’s just like

Randomise it was just I’m pretty sure like um um my dad was recording it I’m pretty sure like he had the GoPro up I v I meant WP yes um you’re what work work wimp uh let me like you’re you’re not but yeah it’s it was just so funny it was just

Like I was like what animal is that I don’t know but it just sounded like an animal so we did that and literally like all of my siblings were in it like we were all in that in that song and then there was one time that my boyfriend and

I well it was more of his single he did um Hellfire you know from The Hunchback of nraam you know like fire fire like fire Hell Fire this Burning Desire is something me to sin yeah um yeah yeah I think we scared away um my aunts actually when we put that song on

Because it was just like who this got really dark and I was the Gregorian monk like back up it’s I was just like like butchering Latin in the background I was just reading the Latin Parts I don’t know how to read Latin so I’m just gonna say how

I think it would sound in Latin that sounds about right so yeah it was a it was a blast uh they’re on the road right now actually they’re I think they’re in Jacksonville right now because they’re doing a road trip um they’re doing a road trip and they’re

Actually coming up here to DC next week so um I it’s the stream will still happen they’re coming in like like Wednesday night so I’m just like I don’t think they they’d want to even meet up we’ll see they actually depends on what time they actually I’m gonna I’m actually gonna

Um I’m gonna CAU like I might just move the next week stream into um into Tuesday just in case they arrive in Wednesday and they they have problems with the hotel and such because I booked their hotel for them and such my group chat is looking like like AI

Chat it’s my music orchestra band and chorus oh nice but yeah that that is my um my music background my musical background in you know history just me being a Filipino and karaoke I cannot sing for the life of me I I I uh I cannot hold or nor I cannot hold

Nor make you know the proper note hit notes I can’t hit notes and I don’t know how to hold it because I think I’m I’m doing a c but if I do it again I won’t be able to do it so yeah I’m just like yeah it’s bump down the game music or

The yeah loud hold lard notes yeah is nards like I I I can’t hold nards oh my God anyway oh this is great uh this is probably the first time in a while that I have just been talking and not really been like playing the game it’s like you know I like that

Minecraft the title um subtitle thing is saying like you are valid because you know what you are you are valid um but I’m just like I do not know how to ramble or dis actually no who was it I think it was you orbs or someone said about like the time that

I learned about Japanese the term Japanese and I was like it’s like that’s what I’m doing right now they actually added an AI to group chat and one of my friends is making romance stories with oh No oh no we we do like we do like a fanfic as long as the fanfic for me does not involve real people like I’m fine with it I don’t mind like like fanfic between like you know fanfics it just has this it’s just not between real

People because that would feel make it feel awkward all right I inform you Japanese let’s go I remembered I don’t know if I should be proud of that or not but Tada anyway let’s get some games so basically today I want to do they’re doing in a group chat with 23

People uh uh goodness people real people currently well the even that um even nous uh people who had passed that’s still weird like to make a a fanfic about Elvis Presley and Michael Jackson just seems it’s weird depends on what type of fanfic it is it could be like just the

Time that they met like you know they did a rap battle that could be a fun fan fake that’s fun fine like you know like a rap battle between like you know fanfic between Queen Victoria Queen Victoria and Queen Elizabeth yeah the Victoria the second I

Believe who is the first queen of the UK first not fist UK Queen Mary so Mary versus uh um um Elizabeth II just like both ends of the monarchy the unardi of Vinci versus Picasso you know uh isn’t that um what you call this isn’t there a a

You there used to be a YouTube channel that does that right also why can’t I close this there go like uh epic rap battles I don’t know if they’re still like going but I know you know they were a thing areen they still doing a thing yeah they’re still doing

Things epic rock batt of Victory h no that’s the live chat link I need this yeah I was they would do Epic Rap Battles IRL it’s so good I remember like in college same with me like I remember in college I was tuned in to that then

Again like college me was like early YouTube so it’s like you know my my my comedy level was Chocolate Rain double rainbow Charlie wake up Charlie Charlie we’re going to Candy Mountain that’s the only voice that I can do just like one of the unicorns we’re going to Candy Mountain Charlie Char wake up Charlie Candy Mountain Cy Mountain you fill me up with sweet Su goodness that’s wrong with me fine anyway

Um but let me see uh orbs how was the fight with the warden um yes yes um I died multiple times oh why is it loud oh that’s right I bumped up the audio Yeah one yeah I died multiple times it’s a magical plon Charlie Shan the nonbelievers Shan right Shan that was an nonbeliever it’s fine um it was also loud why was it loud was loud in my ears jibs or is it because no is it too loud okay that was loud for me let me is that loud for y’all like that is it’s too it is too

Loud is that a jarring sound because I find it loud so I’m bumping it down in my ears but let me know if that is also obnoxiously loud game sounds very quiet to you interesting lter cannot hear it oh Jared how’s it going all right how about let’s see if I turn off

This and uh I actually do I want to hear this yes I do do I yeah I paus it might be in my headphones wait I just realized something it doesn’t exist it doesn’t even like it’s in the wrong wait it is no it’s not it’s it’s in the right audio

Channel why is it not wait wait uh let’s see default game where are you coming okay I am so confusion why is it all right why the thing is like why am I hearing the the noise like the game I’m hearing the game which is weird because I’m not supposed

To hear it right now yeah I see did I set monitor off yeah H is that I am so confusion all right let me let me restart the game because that is weird all right let’s do this again cuz I did see the lovely thing about uh um you

Know you got to do algebra all right sounds good I’ll see you later orbs okay there’s the game there we go um then okay now it okay now it’s going up perfect now I just need to hear if it if I can hear the game

It is quiet okay actually no um let me me I think it’s I can get louder right I can go a little bit louder like bump it to 80% that’s that’s fine right how is that how does that sound you hear it but how loud is it

Like is it obnoxiously loud cuz this is the most obnoxious loud noise that I have I mean next to like you know mo not obnoxious perfect okay all right I don’t want to listen to my own voice just do this it’s good perfect also hi Jared

Welcome in how you been I haven’t seen you in a while then again granted I haven’t been in artsy streams so oops let’s see okay now I’m okay I’m not hearing it oh my ears jeez Jared Jared you didn’t have to actually I was so I wanted to do this um thing apparently

Um it’s thought already was but thank you thank you either way Jared um did you know and I actually was like oh where is it where’s that tweet uh YouTube um basically okay I can’t find it so basically what it is is that um I can

Gift like every month I can give 10 memberships and it’s on YouTube I don’t like like like I can I can just do that and that’s free and that’s a yep hi JD hi Ken hi Rich hi Lynx hi yeah yeah I [Laughter] know yeah I was like you’re giving us is free

Yeah yeah so okay so we can’t give out the full 10 immediately it looks like we can only give five at a time it looks like I because I have one more opt like you know I have it says here you have five memberships left to

Gift this month I’m like okay okay but yeah it’s one of those like I guess it’s it’s a nice feature because it’s one of those like if you have a loyal viewer cuz that the the longer that you’ve been on the stream and participating the the

The higher the chance that you would get one of those so I’m like you know it’s also one of my ways to say thank you for you know being a member being here even in the first place and hanging out and then you can get to enjoy the emotes woo that

I’ve had for three years now before even my channel was [Laughter] monetized anyway neither here nor there uh let’s see okay so what have I been doing so I want to do a gold Farm yes we’re going to be um be showered by gold that’s what the intent is of this

Stream which means I need to get some turtles where’s my shears where where’s Ed Sheeran Ed Sheeran okay it’s just my okay it’s my self touch uh let’s bring let’s bring some some supplies because uh we be we be breeding some turtles we need to breed some turtles

Cuz I need the the turtle egg shell I guess there no just blocks just random wood pieces guess not okay just use this then other let’s just use I want to use yeah that should be enough just need a little bit of wools yeah and we sleep bar yeah [Laughter] exactly JD

Hi no yeah you’re welcome even though I had no you know control over it I had no control over it but yeah enjoy the emotes um you know better than being financially judged which is one of the perks of my other tier yes we’re going to be borrowing some

Turtle shells we’re going to protect it with our life be fine fine okay now I need I know that there are turtles here I found I had found Turtles before so it’s easy to um to get them it’s just oh I need to I need I need these Ed Sheeran go

Sheeran you know what it would be nice to Sea pickles I can’t I wish the wandering crater comes in with it with um with hey comedy how’s it going welcome in welcome in merry Christmas as well to you almost but Merry Christmas I mean it’s like as a Filipino

You know I could have I’ve been having Christmas Vibes since September how’s it going comedy comedy animated hello hello welcome in this chat real quick so that I can do stuff if I need to oh you’re very welcome you know how’s your Wednesday slash time zone so far hope you’re having a good

One right I know there are turtles here I know that there Turtles there because that’s where I saw the ruins well the ocean ruins so I got to do the the archaeology thing I got the thing I’m just Street popping while working hey thank you so much um thank

You so much for you know dropping by uh hopping and over um how’s everything with me um doing well actually uh it’s been a great week so far work has been slow which is is fine with me um and there they are and then last weekend I

Was uh on a trip with my parent at my parents place okay there are that’s the turtle and there’s one more Turtle there now I just need I know that there I thought there’s more there’s more there it is okay okay need to find are there other Turtles

Nearby thanks for you’re welcome links where is the other Turtle there’s that one Turtle over there I thought there’s like four I me there’s just three let’s push this Turtle oh there’s two of them let’s go okay and they’re already beside each other perfect I don’t have to I don’t

Have to wait for them to okay where are you going where is your thing dude let let let let him pass where’ they going where you going take your I’m going to push y’all um yeah yeah here oh oh ah they were already making damn

It I heard the thing damn it okay go swim swim swim turtle swim you can do it um um um I you can do it uh go go go go go go you there um um wait I need to help that Turtle to get here H here please

Make your thingy please I’m sorry um seem really friendly hope this in her Filipinos are Uber friend oh thank you um I try I tend to be the the nice person yeah um immature a a lot of times but I try to be nice

Um I don’t for me is like I don’t really see the point of hostil hostility in the first place so like I’m pretty much like a a cool kind of guy with lots of mental illnesses in his brain yeah oh my got Turtle you were doing your

Thing are you are you are you do your thing you were doing your thing a while ago okay let’s see let’s Okay okay I guess I guess they were just shy they were just shy did did you just want me to be hey can I have some privacy

Please but as for Philip know being friendly I I would think so that’s a um I don’t you know there are worse things that that you can use as for um discrimination but but yeah I personally find it as a compliment to be called nice I you know oh my God Turtle please

Please just just do your do your eggs please please please um what my train of I lost my train of thought it just went away choo choo um it’s fin but everyone has mental illness by yes let’s go okay I will take care of these don’t worry they’ll be they they’ll be safe

You’re they’re going to be okay maybe um I do want to make cuz the thing is I I would want to like move them to closer to my place the problem is they only I believe unless they fixed it Turtles actually just go to they lay their eggs where their spawn is where

They spawned so if I move this Turtle to my base and you know it tries to lay an egg it will try to swim all the way back here that’s what it was back then I don’t know if they even fixed that I don’t know if that’s a feature maybe it was a

Feature um turn Just sh I didn’t take it I borrowed you know um yeah [Laughter] yeah that’s still the case okay yeah so I don’t want to be relocating Turtles oh there there’s so many turtles though there’s so many of them here I kind of want to just make this

Part the turtle area my turtle area um um sure you know what I’ll do this I’ll make turn this into my turtle let’s find where these Turtles spawns are let’s give them some seaweed where are you tle here there’s one of them there’s the other you and where’s

The I know there’s oh they’re they’re it oh Noe that’s not them come on feed them a shit ton of kelp no they don’t um they don’t they need seagrass not [Laughter] kelp they’re just here that actually make oh that makes it so easy for me okay wherever you you lay

Your eggs but High es you come on let’s go do it oh right that’s right um they don’t I they don’t like being looked at Grant yes uh privacy is what they want okay okay you know we Val we respect we value their you know choices come here come here come here

Come here you you come here yes you come oh no it’s shoot shoot shoot shoot I don’t have I don’t have beds there’s a bed right there I don’t have beds uh wait is there no nope nope we we run we run cuz I don’t want like you know

Nighttime I don’t want to be dealing with eggs and zombies at the same time because that’ll be a a good time for me how you doing es SK I technically just need one egg but I might as well you know have more things yes yes all zombies all un

Well I think it’s just like the zombies style not not a not skeletons cuz I believe skeletons don’t care about it so stay um not stray uh um husks zombies zombie piglin drown V zombie villager yeah they all go for turtle legs don’t know why but you know what some sometimes I I

Don’t want to I you know sometimes I don’t need an answer I just you know um accept the fact that they do so that it’s easier to make Farms so it’s easy to make Farms which is what I’m going to be doing soon come on oh hi I I need I need

Some you I need to sleep thank you oh yeah this is my creeper Farm AKA XP farm I don’t want to jump there CU there’s a b there’s a boat will die never happened to me before nope jumping into a boat and dying never we do that feed the turtles more ducking

GRS it’s fine I’m you know yeah we’re we’re trying to um introduce you know save the population that’s what we’re trying to do mhm we are trying to repopulate we’re helping um the popul the sea turtle population here mhm that’s what we’re doing yep mhm

Nope okay come here I know you want to come here there you go I don’t know which one will laid the egg so get over here or you want some sushi oh you want to it’s not really sushi but you know oh there you are okay you you oh no they already

Laid there you go dude do your thing okay the other okay okay okay okay where are you going to plant where you going to put your thing perfect okay we’re just going to this out they already ate don’t worry I think think that should be F right um they shouldn’t turn into our

Drown right no drown will come up how is it how do you do it again there used there was a there’s a build for sea turtles so that you can like safe L just AFK well except for their Phantoms so but you don’t need you know the eggs are always protected so

We’ll see we we we’ll we’ll see how this goes now you’re really laying a lot of eggs huh hello are you moving in and are you you are not not a warm enough sand for you huh okay fine I’ll leave you one well I didn’t do that you did that heard the

Crack all right now grab some materials because we’re going to be building the farm this is going to be interesting also by the way ask you that message actually didn’t go through so I’m not showing that that’s that’s a little bit too much like I don’t mind profanity you know here we’re all

Mature I well hopping onto the stream means that you have um unwillingly signed up signed a contract that you are a mature person this is a mature stream um so like profanity will be used every now and again and could be used on stream even with chat the only ask that

I have is just not to be violent just just be nice you there’s no need to be hostile hash not not PG exactly yeah PG pretty good pretty great pretty gay I could say that because I’m also gay but you know but no it’s actually not not not

Not pretty gay no the stream is pretty gay it’s not pretty gay it’s pretty [Laughter] gay rated G for [Laughter] gay oh my sometimes I’m good sometimes these these things just happen these moments just happen I don’t know how to natur it just comes out um okay I need those those I need

Building blocks uh let’s see I don’t need sand way I put sand get there you are um I don’t need carpet put this here I do need our building blocks so my smooth Stone I mean I could use use glass too just to be fany H you know what let’s use

Glass um yeah not all glass actually I’m just going to grab some still want some spawnable where’s my SM Stone are they they’re in the village they’re all in the village ah sounds about right all right let’s grab some food and then grab the things okay we need trap doors right let’s

See the link material list okay okay ender pearl some building blocks some glass oh you do use glass okay okay you’re going to bring some more glass I guess pink glass um crafting bench which is smart um two chests make sense um stairs no that’s a door stairs slabs and TR

Do right those are yeah those are trap doors I’ll just Sprint all the trap doors and slaps what fancy slap H there they are it’s in the village okay I think that’s all of it that I need anyway oh I might need to bring some obsidian as well hi Glen let’s grab

Somei I need to make these I also need dirt CU scaffolding temp blocks are nice to have what was I gonna do brain I don’t know what loal is but okay by the way that’s not that’s not pretty sure this is your first time here it’s

Not exactly um you know setting a good precedence of on your chat why why not what’s up doing good you know just building some making some um um what you call this making some gold Farm that’s what I was doing what was I doing gold Farm all right oh let’s oh

Flint CU I had I need a way to leave the place Bobby well well I’ll be Bobby Bobby Jones but how is your week so far Glen I hope it’s like your week your Wednesday is treating you well so far you’re okay all right awesome awesome

Well feel free to relax chill um Vibe lurk all good I’m not forcing anyone to stay here because you know I can’t really just like lock your computer and lock your lock your browser to this to this page I’m from the US well I’m from the Philippines

But I’m currently living in the US there they are my blocks and then I need this this into a thing oh I don’t want to hit you suddenly and yep no no no we don’t hurt Iron Golems here yeah just don’t pay attention to the the Golem Iron Golem the iron farm

But we don’t hit Golems here also look at my um my horde of [Laughter] cats why not but why should I the question is I guess let that’s if you ask me why not the question I ask is why why not not why not why not like what did it do to

You to practice PVP well luckily I’m doing a single player so and I don’t intend in doing PVP so I think I’m good right have enough obsidian now um the kill Iron Golem I will eat potato well good for you potatoes are nice oh crap sorry it’s fine it’s fine I don’t need

That wrong way do you make money on YouTube um I am a monetized um I am a YouTube Partner I am I’m sign like signed up with the YouTube Partner program so technically I do but it’s not my main income this is more like a a side hobby

A really expensive side hobby because I’ve invested a green screen a teleprompter um a standing desk a mic three switches a capture card a PC a powerful PC at that I didn’t had to but I did so thingy goes here I have to have torches maybe I should

Have actually no right actually I’m going to follow this um to the te um there still Crimson Forest oh there it is I’m like where are my torches why did torches stop it scared me okay this is the nether waste that I want and I believe they said

Mark I think it’s just two um can you show me the seed um it’s green scream literally the name of the world um yeah that that’s the seed why does it say lgbq because I am part of the the community mhm um okay it they say you need I need I need two

Chunks yeah two B which one which one are you with all the with all the respect I am gay I am gay um okay so let’s let’s find this spot screen cap this so I need to find 681 129 later downstairs down where the nether is actually at

So you got to go all right sounds good Glenn I’ll see you later thank you so much for dropping by jump jump jump uh kind of wish I have an elytra but it’s fine it’s fine we just jump right it’s faster when you like jump run right yep mhm let me

Cope Let Me cope find that spot just 6822 or 68222 need water yeah I could do ice boat but I there is a cold biome near me like there is a snow like a um cold tiger um so I could technically I would make an ice Farm but that’s too much work too

Much that’s too much what canares me making a a gold Farm also I know I went too far left but it’s fine just need to go I’m still wearing my oh God freaking gas all right we just need to go up we actually need to stay above so

22 two this is going to be a long walk I don’t have an end Pearl I wish I find I hope I find an end man here oh that’s 22 two now tricky part I need I don’t really need all of these oh I don’t need gunpowder and I need to go

68 oh God f f go away my goodness just need to go to 6 eight oh God I don’t like sudden drops I’m like jump scared myself 68s what keep Parts no keep that um I am at one uh 1.2 got 1.20.1 so not even the you know

Point2 because I was having issues with my mods data packs that I wanted to use so I’m like I’m just going to go to 1 just .1 okay 68 okay there 68 and the actual seed um green scream that is what I literally use but how do you do believe it’s seed yeah

There why what happened right I go up this is scary I don’t like going up that’s fine can I maybe do it in then F two two wait is this 68 okay this is 68 okay I just got the map with all the bies yeah I I I’ve seen those but I

Never I didn’t actually want to look oh God I didn’t actually want to look at like specific biomes and such um what I cared about more with when I look into chunk M uh chunk base is where the slime chunks are that’s what I care more it op up perfect let’s

Go I go now like I’m not even un um I believe my base base is like not at spawn chunks I think I can’t remember this is actually really danger still I don’t actually want to be digging straight up even though I do have some blocks prefer not to do

That cuz digging straight up is basically the same thing as digging straight down you never know oh cool let’s get rid of more just use another there okay perfect so up until what okay 118 is the level that I that’s 118 yep now we go further down a little

More so that should give me more space give me ERS perfect oh perfect one chunk and I do need to look for an Ender should brought Ender PE oio Where’s the’s the border here now we clear things up how’s it going this is the part I should be

Likeing like I hope like you know when my ADD brain actually kicks in where I was like ah can I just keep talking right now about something that I know I don’t have a topic in my head what the problem with me um I’m okay I’m decent at engaging with

Conversations but I can never start like I’m not the flint and steel I’m just the co I’m the coal of a conversation cuz I know how to keep going keep the conversation going I just don’t know how to started like especially like when you’re like streaming I don’t know

How I guess actually some streamers I know that I know the the ones that actually do this fulltime they actually I believe what they do some of them at least um they actually do plan out what topic they want to talk about during the stream like you know what like you know

What their jumping point is or the main theme like for the topic of their stream so I’m like okay I see I’ve see that I’ve see that yeah I’m not I’m not a full-time stream so I don’t do that I get it but I don’t do that oh

Also by the way I can tell if um some of yall are just using your uh somebody else’s account should say I don’t assume about bilial ties but at least it’s you know uh different account I can tell but I can play like I will treat you like an as adult

But if you keep going and you’re just really making it obvious well I’m not here to babysit I’m not your streamers are not your babysitters unless you’re your babysitter is a streamer like they do streams while they’re babysitting you that’s a completely different um kind of worms right explore but that’s an that’s

That’s a niche but it’s like one of those I’m like actually interesting is you know like those um so there are family bloggers um and it’s like really toxic Mo for most um a lot of like family daers actually do like have a really toxic um relationship with their kids

Just because like kids are now like an asset to their livelihood and it’s not just their you know um you know being an individual that they need to take care of but what if like a a streaming family that would be funny actually like a family that streams their like you know

Like family time it’s like they stream like family game like group like group games like Mario Party Monopoly Uno like video games not I know I’m joking if I when I said Monopoly because I don’t think there are any good um Monopoly video games anyway okay I need to double check then

Everything’s in the nether waste so we need food NE was NE waste NE waste NE waste Wast all right cool okay go to the middle you were facing south that’s probably over K I know that this is one of the um the I shouldn’t like go through a p that I need

Is the new screenshot beat screenshot take that then I make make the thing yes I am using glass and I believe that’s 51 okay this one though I’m I am I’m going to use actual block then um if you portal right now go to those cords yeah now

Yeah it’s one of those like I I shouldn’t actually it says like in this tutorial do not go through that portal it’s like yeah I think I know what could happen I think this is the bottom part no wait what oh wait just just I need I’m in the middle I’m

Stupid it’s right there okay need to oh thanks gku for doing that for me it’s a slime chunk as well well unfortunately I can’t you know I can’t be afking at the Slime jump Farm if I were to make a farm there technically I I should have just

Made this with um with lava blocks like magma blocks but I’m just like they did say like I don’t have to that there will be some piglins that could spawn but it doesn’t really matter this is okay you say you need SL yeah I I’ll get there I don’t need it

Jet it’s just you it’s just nice to have it to know where it is but thank you like I’ve I’ve also made some slime like slime Farms are really fun to make not going to lie they’re really fun to make but I wonder like with 1.20 cuz the

Slime farm that I know uses like iron golems and they’re a pain in the butt to always like to craft or to spawn and push around to the right spot wait what you yep solid that I what my parents are me CU they’re doing a road trip right

Now and I I try I try to be a good son and follow them around and see check in on them ever now and again especially on the this road trip I mean they’re with my sisters but at the same time my sisters they’re tourists they they’re

You know they’re not from the U they’re they’re not used to the US but I’m just a concern SED I’m the only so great good job how often do I stream um I try at least once a week on Wednesdays at least Wednesday nights

Uh ah thank you I I’m so glad I have that ping because I would have not paid attention and I’m still not paying attention cuz I’m hoping that I can finish this before I need to go to a creeper Farm to fix it a it’s fine it’s a it’s a silk touch

Pick so it’s not even I can’t even repair it here in the nether is to finish this off it should give me another pain when it’s really low keeping an eye we love this shit um which part do you love um and I sure hope like you

Know that’s not just sarcasm but if it’s even even if it’s not sarcasm um or if even if it’s sarcasm yeah nice uh I can do I I can go more yeah I’ll keep mov it’s fine be able to how you interact with the viewers uh do I interact with the

Viewer am I am I I don’t I feel like I’m not doing great I don’t think this is like I think that it’s not even like how I want it to be but if you say so if it’s that’s a good thing okay thank you you’re lit talking and responding to chats

A okay uh I think that’s all right you know what before this uh H well we’re going to fix this um this pickaxe now yeah shoot oh no I just realized I need to get out do this how am I going to do this how am I going to do

This how can I make sure that I’m not stupid e food food H can do I can do more think is this the level no what level was I on there it is okay that is aole good good good good good good I just need to

Crap all right I need to grab get rid of that I think this is where I was right yeah I think I think so this going to be a pain in the butt to like go back and forth there’s the Crimson Forest which is bad I actually don’t remember remember where

I and I know it’s not this level oh um I want to destroy it you know what we’re going to we’re going to suffer through this it’s fine there’s in here piglets oh oh I remember I it’s just not where I was it’s not what I 26 it’s fine [Laughter] like really pushing it no oh [Laughter] shit that jump scares I hate that all right crap I didn’t want that all right from this on we’re just gonna punching punching away just going to punch away Netherrack ah sweet sweet I should have brought another pick I should have brought another

Pick COI sometimes you’re great at planning mhm actually actually yeah I think I I’ll just make a wood I just thought thought of that too I’m like I’m I think in there’s that yeah like need because I already know where there’s a tree we just need to get down somehow we

Die watch watch the I be like pushed that’ll be my demise do have oh yeah that’s right I have the mod I’m like where did it go oh wait why did that work this time wait that that need where’s the wood where’s logs so dark dude can you not how you D’s you

Okay that that sounds like your dad having a nap um I wouldn’t be able to tell you um that means I just need to get rid of all of the things right yeah oh shit no no not the turtle eggs not the turtle eggs everything but the turtle

Eggs okay I need to get rid of this and this yeah um get rid of this thank you excuse like to move please yes yes it’s go okay hi adric how’s it going do I actually want to continue you this route feel like I should like eventually I’ll end up somewhere right

Eventually I’m going to put away this pickax so that I don’t you know accidentally just Chuck it I do need food how you doing Andre yeah I should start I believe I don’t even remember remember so was posit oh yeah it is towards that positive Zed yeah I need to go

There you know what I’ll just Traverse just go through this let’s see if I can like I just go through Here what is it like going through this spot any better no it’s not is it no it’s not I’m just going to stay down here there you go moving getting places I hope Come on come at me oh come on oh come on get over here there you go o o and here’s the soulsand right cuz I know is that no it’s not I thought it was a fortress cuz I’d be really upset just need to get there

Oh hog lims oh shit oh shit fine it’s fine don’t you dare oh fucker get get get away God damn it yep y it’s like no don’t push me down not ready hello all right it’s literally a walk all I think yeah cuz I know I like my

Spawn for the nether is actually the Soul Sand Valley so I just need to keep moving this way and I should teally oh wait I will I actually come across it I pass I actually don’t know anymore I might It’s fine it’s is just wood positive X yeah did you look it up in the jump base that there’s a broken portal over there I’ll try to look for my like my way thank you o o because I’m I’m breaking things I might as well ever so slowly Mend my

Pickaxe oh crap a Crap it’s fine I mean I could theoretically just make a portal right now and you know work my way back from there we do have some it’s not a lot 65 actually is a lot getting somewhere we’re getting somewhere you know what’s going to suck here is

That my way back I don’t know how to get back there again so that’s Fun so that’s going to be a problem again oh please this should find I’m going to be peled by skeletons here in a bit and I don’t like it where’s my food I’m like where’s mys y I’m going to cheat I’m going to cheat now I cheat I mean it’s like I have

Cheat disabled for disabled the jees here but oh there’s skeleton what we’re going to do is I’m going to rewind to where we were or I was where the portal is no okay I just need to get to negative looks like I just need to get to 10937 okay 10937 okay I need to go there great you know what SC this May did 307 I don’t want to go over over and then it says 76 is my L need to go back here yeah that’s fine okay is 37 it doesn’t have to be here and here

So I mean I could theoretically um kill some skeletons get some XP so I can use my good axe oh this is I think I should I don’t think actually oh it does okay close so I might be able To actually that might be it yes look at that I’m not lost I was F oh I was found let’s go easy easy okay now I fr put someu roll roll roll boat I should actually let’s take a break a quick break I need to refill my

Water take my meds y’all should also um put down your phone do some stretching blink some your eyes make it like you know rehydrate Your Eyes by you know blinking look away from the screen give you some screen break if you haven’t had one in a while for a while

Now you should do that um protect like take care of you touch grass if it’s safe for you to step out can feel free to touch grass you know the outside is not as scary as one would think except if there are like skeletons and zombies just wants to jump on you but

Luckily like real life is not Minecraft right right look zombies I got a feeling somebody’s watching me there you go and we I do really want to get a the wandering Trader here so I can get some sea pickles hopefully it gives me sea pickles oh I like where is it actually use

You use you up uh need more food is there I said I wanted to like you know get some got some meds but let me just do this real quick I do have an AFK spot here my my nether bits not even NE bits should I actually have a lot of lanterns

I just realized I got why am I so illuminated okay okay okay okay okay let’s do go to the AFK spot and let’s go to OBS OBS and let’s do the the text of yeah I don’t know why I like being so so um need Bine you outline 20 make it black hit

Cancel great all right I’ll beb for what for for for for and I am back okay I’m okay I’m okay just just don’t struggleing it’s fine there you go meds are taken water has been refilled bathroom has been broke broken it’s fine okay CU I needed like might as well

Get some yeah some pumpkin and melons been about all right so what I need what did I need here I need to fix my pickaxe that’s like why did I actually go back here I need to fix my pickaxe now I need a lot of water I do have water some scaffolding blocks

Good more Stacks do that let’s repair our pickaxe also might as well um because you know I never really so if you don’t didn’t know um YouTube did this thing where you can like the streamer has can give away like 10 memberships per month which is like what um for free at

That so I can I could just do this because I only stream you know once a week anyway so that you get to enjoy um some emotes actually can why can I not membership I can’t be a member to myself what let’s go do this might as

Well give these away hello has it red Yoshi got Netty got one um nerd swag let’s go enjoy the emotes friends oh hey NY yeah Netty is um drops by every now and again um you know may or may also may or may not be lurking may or may not be jump scaring

Me during my when I do Turf War Netty all right it is it is a night time I really wish you can put a a light on a on a boat that would be nice but I guess having a dynamic lighting will kind of mess up the game’s

Performance like I just want you know a lamp my on my boat so that I don’t like you know get lost for for Aesthetics for the vibe there yet I just realized I need to make one of those now I can make one of those now I can make a bubble

Vader I need to make a bubble Vader for this yeah I need to make a bubble elevator so that I don’t have to like go up and down that freaking um scaffolding and it takes forever just need my pickaxe to be repaired just a little bit I don’t need

It to be way completely cuz that’s going to take a while like 00 the meantime actually in the meantime we can do some while I just wait for it to slowly fill up uh let’s make sure though this a we bit tiny just make sure that we don’t like you

Know just completely lose it all right but I want to do I want to do Wordle I think I haven’t have I done the wle for today I have gotten the word for today okay um the genin G gendle I think ginel gendle yes yeah yeah okay let’s do some gen

Shindle um roseros yesterday okay so let’s see we have um who should I go for straight first one first which should be our first uh I’ll go for Le yeah let’s go for bombs okay we have a okay way up after one version one okay and it’s a claymore or not Claymore uh

Catalyst um let’s go for nahita oh that well that was easy I’m like who knew short like okay not he then let’s go back to let’s go back to you yeah now we go back just gave mean it’s like it does look like I can get this

Fully mended in a bit so let’s just kill some more time let’s see what else what have I not done for today yet have I yeah I’ve done today uh today’s uh little to the left um what have I okay okay let’s make it a smaller okay so number one is that’s

My jam no Ross that’s my jam uh exercise done with Once forearm touching oh or arms yeah spooky creep scare that’s persistently question um having a sharp incline um nothing yet okay actually might not be playing oh no it is okay CU this is jpegs at the

Ready at the ready I feel like that’s an all like I think that’s second on all um organizing oh it’s Marie um are we allowed to give answers yeah sure it’s it’s just a mini so it’s not like the full I I think I’m still trying to finish the Tuesday full cross word

So Alert okay I think is it that’s a spell telling of her Marie right where Baby Moses was found he was in denial um forest for a sea otter ow that was ow I was like ah it was loud in my ears you didn’t hear it because I don’t broadcast

The browser audio yeah that was that was loud I got jump scared by my own my own settings and also yes okay we are done now my my thing is Holy f um let’s come back from doing homework to A Gifted IO yeah yeah that’s part of the my

Monthly 10 monthly free membership so I can give away so yeah so enjoy the emotes oh God I should have like I should really make it bu okay we’re going also why do I I don’t need gunpowder but welcome back from homework hopefully um homework is doing well is going well so

Far what happened to fat to seea Turtles they’re fine they’re fine now we’re good with we have Turtle EGS it’s fine we don’t need we don’t need to like overpopulate something po you know a species because you know that that could also be that could also be a problem can I actually get

Back homework is surprisingly not bad for class I have a d no a d it’s all good we have those types of classes that like you know we’re not fully um great at but hey you did well at least it didn’t just give up ow get

Over I like that these are like there’s like Crimson grass there here I’m just trying to retrace my steps cuz normally that works oh shit there’s boy let’s go don’t come at me need CHS I’ll take leather don’t another hoglin uh let’s go back to my spot a baby hoglin and just as

This go give me cooked pork chop uh you should do a vid with the crate mod crate mod is the is basically factorio crate mod is basically Minecraft okay here oh yes they’re hunting think I’m all good still okay this is my spot yeah retracing my steps trying not to get lost again

Getting lost Speed Run impossible impossible hard to do but I’m not really like a Minecraft you know content creator there I will definitely fall where did I come from from here there okay there that yep I remember this now this is the pains the pain and then I need to like you know

Climb up again yep okay this one should be safe oh a tunnel up and I’m going to make sure actually before I tunnel up I need a a point so that like I should stop digging need I need to be able to see where to stop digging okay another torch here an early

Warning is that where no oh no that is where it is okay that’s mine yeah y awesome okay hi all right and then I believe go back now to the tutorial I need to do the corners Le no like make it so that there these the piglins has a place to run away

From I know what am I building I’m making a um a gold Farm oh I would I would have normally done the AFK one but I’ve been I’ve been told like you know they have like they said that it might actually um it might actually be

The AFK XP gold Farm is a apparently a bug not a feature so um Enderman farm when um once I’m at the end once I’m at the end I technically I can do it here in the nether too I guess you know there’s the um the warp Forest technically I Can yeah got to go see it all right sounds good that’s cute see you later too scared of the nether the nether is fine it’s nice and warm down here it’s so cozy all right now let’s see where’s see I just need okay remember getting attacked by a gas

The first time I went to Nethers again I was so confused No and you went flying I don’t remember what my first experience with the nether was but can really imagine yeah I I I got you H said two blocks okay blocks oh okay that wall it up behind me two blocks of ceiling then trap door nope wrong way turtle

Egg free get protected stay protected okay why did you not go oh because there’s no other portal Yet okay this one though would be tricky because I didn’t bring an ender pearl with me so actually I don’t need to cuz I have the spot above me sh did I I think I didn’t actually save it damn it we are looking at Target block

This I’m going to save this make sure I don’t just randomly close it uh save it oh wait there’s already a screenshot so confusion sort by date oh I already did oh it saves Okay that’s nice yeah they’re not going to despawn because there’s no other portal pictures Scots and I need to make it’s the Gen screenshot sword it has to be sord by date making sure that I don’t Smack them all right so that is the block that

I’m looking at right so that should be 96 to 40 y okay got it I’ll be back but I don’t actually need to find the ender pearl I just need to go up into the roof from there let’s actually check this spot it does look like I don’t have any gaps

Back to our spot dig get out of here yeah one parkour parkour retrace the back steps back here I technically should have just like you know built or dug a straight path but that’s Bor you know what I’m gonna I’m going to lock on this off give myself some space

You so that I don’t immediately succumb to fire hi here I not to get concussions we are okay now we just need to go up to the roof from here I don’t need to do the Ender there because I already have a a roof axis the babies are kind of cute The baby piglin uh yes they’re they’re obnoxious but they’re they are kind of endearing all right now I need to go to 96 96 240 6 40 I just I need to like forgot to put the resource pack to get rid of the fog I don’t like that okay 96

40 there okay so they’re there I’m looking at 96 240 okay it’s the it’s this block 44 interesting way to get up and down okay I do have soul s up to two why did they say 244 this is going to be fine this fine the problem will be how do I get

Down it’s fine it’s fine that’s a that’s a future koi problem it’s fine so I need 24 is this why you bring dirt almost there I mean luckily I mean luckily um if I do die there’s the graveyard or the grave Stone so okay I should be yep 245 40 okay and glass

Okay okay so this way doesn’t really say where 20 glass blocks okay because I could like my brain just going to brain box okay then at the end the portal going to make this too wide so that I don’t just plummet to my death I mean I will plummet to my death but

Not this early in the process one two three SL I mean I can also do glass I’m just going to do glass Gar so that I don’t goof yeah CU I will I will Goof we’ say light the portal okay right light the portal oh shoot I just realized I forgot the

Topmost that’s important light the port okay so I need a 5x five okay I don’t like that it’s asymmetrical but it’s oh 6 by six oh okay right oh just two there okay I’m doing this by the book as well just because okay 6 by six and then I just

Come in okay that’s my that’s the edge I thought I need to extend more four five six goodbye glass okay the pillar oh you can like extend one more we’ll just extend one more doesn’t really matter I guess okay the pillar new building two temp well actually better use building blocks one

Two he said two three 149 and sit okay okay two three glass glass glass this box um three one two three too dare put the light so I can see it look so pretty pink okay hi Kitty then here how’s it going Kitty how is your I’m like blanking out how is Your Wednesday it’s like what day is it today Wednesday um it’s going along so far so far no accidents so we need one glass yeah actually I’m not going to do glass I’m going to do solid block just in case like okay and slabs I’m going to add one

More I don’t have enough glass I’m out of glass of course it’s fine actually I’ll just use these glass because technically I should be using solid yeah let’s let’s make one more space here this is scary and then Crouch down okay oh we get to see what’s on the other

Side what’s going to be on the other side oh sound that bad actually okay I’ve expected worse it’s fine all right that’s not bad at least it’s not like in the middle of nowhere actually prefer middle of nowhere actually I don’t CU now I’m so far away from my my

Base uh yeah it’s fine get rid of these trees luckily because of the mod I can easily chop down trees deforestation loving it okay going to just slide up this area deforestation core exactly it’s a it’s a Vibe it’s a mood oh no I don’t have a bed I saw a

Sheep I saw a sheep where is the Sheep where’s the Sheep where’s the Sheep I saw the Sheep there oh wait it’s a pink sheep at that wait it’s a naturally spawned pink sheep I don’t want to sh you it’s a naturally spawned pink

Sheep I was like oh I saw a sheep there nope um now I need to find other sheep oh no oh no it’s fine oh creep bird there I need to find other sheep sheep sheep I’m sorry not sorry I don’t have Ed shiran with me so sticks yeah buy sticks just

Need more I know there’s one more sheep here there oh come on really this actually that I should be able to sleep right okay cool have something to say uh almost done with the jotto park oo nice a living national decks uh decks I I can’t

Even I don’t have the patience for it oh the pillagers just despawned perfect but I want this pink sheep I want to protect it it’s a natur natural pink Sheep you have no idea oh God I was like There’s a Zombie okay it’s fine I need to protect that sheid at all costs you are a precious precious Bean okay now from here great what which location is this is this the hi ghost uh what’s the difference between a

Snowman and a snow woman what also uh just missing macargo and Tyranitar carg it’s like who is who is um who is before who is before Margo what Pokemon is before Margo again I know it’s an evolution of someone something snow okay okay that’s good so what what are you saying that

Like save I’m guessing 656 where is where did she find where is that is it supposed to be at the top of this portal okay so it’s the first um okay so I just need 96240 yeah 96 240 is the one that I had believe yeah 96 to 40 that’s good actually though

Ghost so break this then we the 964 times spe need to go to 768 then 240 eight 19 1920 19 20 768 this is oh is this one 68 19 20 68 okay this one that one why build a up BL okay okay actually I’m going to put down

Water so if I need to jump I can just jump down you know that would be be unfortunate though if I land in a place where there’s no water like like of all the you know waterproofing that I put I land on a on a spot that there’s no

Water so that should be F right okay stop questioning water physics no I mean for me is like it would be funny if I jump down from the Block and I actually hit a spot a tiny spot be where there’s no water do want to get

This I don’t need it but I just want it never have too much obsidian now we go up 190 just make sure that I don’t you know I should prob I should have filled my bucket with water yeah I’m going to I’m I’m going to fill my bucket with

Let me just grab some water just in case I could MLG this it’s probably not going to happen it’s probably not it’s probably going to fail miserably on me but it’s fine I don’t need to MLG this because I’ll be fine right speaking of snowmen or snow people snow

Woman snowballs um I’ve never made a snowman I’ve experienced snow but I’ve never had enough snow that I could actually make a snowman I can see Russia from here it’s so high I can see Russia from here I roughly one me I’m going to stop up three blocks got clouded there this

Up oh I guess I guess I should I should go down first before um closing this because I can’t really I don’t really have a place to um get out get out of so okay now just need to make sure they don’t okay put some slabs here I know the

Nothing’s going to spawn here but you know you can never be too sure S8 10 11 okay so 11 and then another this is actually like my my building tip if you’re trying to follow a you know a build and or like a build build and you’re copying it and it says

Like you know you need six blocks or like 13 I make sure that I only have like that amount of blocks in my hand so that I don’t like you know just make the portal now here two three some luckily actually luck I collected that portal down there actually oh

Shit no actually no no actually damn it okay okay okay the bridge guard rails hope I have enough yeah more than enough did I have my bed with me okay I do have my bed with me I’m like that would suck if I have to jump down again just for you

Know it’s okay think I’m gonna like where is my crafting bench I don’t have it didn’t bring it with me I guess Lu I have more planks make some more okay need that night time there slabs here too I know I shouldn’t care much about this side but you apparently killing chamber time

Oh shit I jumped the wrong way Oho okay we just wait apparently that we wait to see hopefully this works hopefully this works cuz that would suck Oh you’re here Okay oh this is this is Insane oh my God that is crazy my God what the sound of Death a Sweet Sweet Sound of That’s so crazy that’s so Many I have oh it Works This is great oh my God I’m like what oh it’s just the dying pckl very stop stoping oh this is great okay this is oh this is pretty good actually when the pigin do like fall into the the falls into I need to need to bump down the that is actually getting

Loud okay that’s also because they keep picking it up to it’s not going to despawn they picking it up this is so fun oh my God okay so I think when I’m done I just need [Applause] [Applause] so [Applause] have a specific order that I I like that’s that’s crazy good oh my

God and when I leave I just go through here and then now I just need to like you know if I go through here that’s surreal now I need to find my way let’s clear this out it’s not the it’s not the one it’s not the tree with the Beehive them there’s

Them okay now we just need to find a way to you know get here all right like the area so that when I do stumble here I know that it’s this area stumble here at night this is not so cool okay now let’s go back try to find the

Way back home that’s the only thing it’s so far away I might need a boat so this well craft fire and then my base base okay4 positive negative negative okay need to go there I need oh God so far away we’re just going to leave a trail of torches why

Not it’s like I need to get to negative 149 I’m at like 2,000 jeez the thing is I don’t want to put a portal nearby just in case like you know I might mess it up I might just take the boat let’s put some lights here I know is this

It’s so crazy it’s so such a good Farm it’s a great Farm oh there’s a ship no that’s not a ship okay now I just need to get to negative I like trying to get a m yeah uh I should have saved that spot huh

That’s fine I’ll just go to the VOD to get the number again but that’s so fun look at that we have like gold gold um hi Kristen how’s it going you also look at you you got you got the member the free membership

But I did I just did the gold Farm um if you if you rewind this stream like um like 10 minutes ago five minutes ago it’s fun um I just made the gold farm and it’s ridiculous SLE it’s crazy A lot happened 10 minutes ago indeed a lot can happen in 10

Minutes what’s in your wall don’t know why I did that I love it when I F I know I’m like yay it works so now I have a iron golem Farm iron farm and a gold Farm just playing Pokemon valid oh okay I know where I’m at

Now now it’s either I’m going to show up at the um behind the village or my base but I still have lots of lots to go I need to get back to negative 200 Orga 400 how you doing k how’s the studies are you like on a break right now 10 years later

It’s so ridiculously far away but I I’m scared of making a portal that I’m might mess it upia tree that’s not like a tree oh speaking of Pokemon I have been like doing the event um the in scarlet and violet I got the alga and Pia already but I’ve been

Doing the just doing the Whata call this the outbreaks I almost have a complete set of flas of shiny FL BAS let me uh once I get back to my base uh we’re going to end Minecraft and I’m just going to quickly sign in to my switch we’re almost there folks we’re halfway

There who oh what is this oh it’s a village like what oh okay Forest Village where’s the oo the forest villagers look like again remember where are they I know they’re alive cuz there’s a cat where’s the Bell oh ow ow I’m like jump scare I got jump scared by

Bushes there they are oh they don’t have oh yeah they do have special outfits this so much better than my house that I got made for them I don’t really need anything from them and I like I I literally jump that that was not an over I like that made me

Jump a berry a bush the scariest thing in Minecraft a bush that look at them bushes not lava it’s not zombies it’s not the Wither it’s not the warden bushes oh this is okay I know where I’m going to end up then because I believe over this mountain is the my

Base yeah outside of this Forest this tiger what does the fox say what does the wolf say hello I did you grab I remember there’s a I’ve seen a farm where I believe oh um I think it’s it was a chicken farm I believe I think where like it’s one of

The hermit CRA craft like um episodes I can’t remember which season but I remember they gave the foxes swords they gave the foxes swords because they foxes kill chicken and I think that’s what they were trying to accomplish is a chicken farm it’s like for the feathers I think

That’s the reason why they need feathers because a normal chicken farm they just die they just burn because of you know because of lava but for this one they have a wolf with a looting a looting sword a w not wolf a fox holding a Sword that’s what we need ecological Warfare y yeah that that does sound doc M I remember like I made one of uh doc M’s doors actually can’t remember which one but I made one of them and I was like hey look at that I made something I

Know how I I copied Redstone hooray actually no they actually didn’t I don’t think they did it um a block by block tutorial the animals are taking back to plan H yes nature nature you know has its ways okay Ah that’s a beautiful sight I know that sight I now have a

Better um Farm than that or XP farm it’s the gold farm and again for single player this like that gold Farm is probably a little bit more than what I need oh sweet um so after this I need to find a fortress next episode we’re going to look for a

Fortress cuz I need the NE W because I need potions it’s fine it’s fine where is my nether stuff oh there you are but yeah also I’m trying to oh Kiren you didn’t see but I we we found a a natural generated um pink sheep now I have two master

Balls did you do a w wander trade is it that we get a a master ball from an event like I thought like you get a master ball from the shiny Lucario all right I think we’re done yeah got berries actually not this is the spot for berries spot for to recycle these

Saplings another there’s a free one you just have to get the mystery gift I thought so too do you out from the internet okay I thought like there’s a code for it or he goes with Lucario here goes in there b goes in there oh I’m never I don’t think I’m ever

Going to be making a house I’m G to make a house once I have villagers that that you know like I have a a working villager set the trading Hall Stone can go here there just s nice I’m just keep it with me keep the crafting bench with me keep

The sticks with me slabs go here go here and yep all right I have so many I’m GNA have like a plethora of boats and luckily this is a single player so right going to call it a quits for that we’re gonna we’re going to sign in real quick on Pokemon where’s my

Controller for what happened okay can you hear me now I think so yep okay didn’t hear the stream but no okay should be coming up now yeah I don’t know why it like crashed my streamer bot my bot crashed all right that’s fine um so that’s why Captain Koy hasn’t really

Been like talking wow um what was I saying what was the last thing that I said that you heard me say I remember complaining about the grisco giving give me my golden golden egg my gold golden egg I don’t want a silver golden egg because that’s so weird um about logging into Pokemon

Um was I saying yeah palea make sure you get palea that’s it okay don’t have the golden eggs yeah Nintendo doesn’t know yeah and to think that you know um it’ll make it easier for them it’s like to have already implemented that because you know it’s just like what was your high

Score give this what I am upset though is you don’t get the pre the other like the lower tier trophies CU I want like you know like if I want like you know if you get the golden kosuna you don’t get the silver and the bronze

But I’m like what the bronze is a static but yeah that it’s so surreal that um they that that broke that’s busted it was just like Nintendo you had one well I can’t say you had one job you had one feature also um have you all finished the uh Wander

Crust have you helped have you completely fin um helped out prusty sha with his with his tour of splat of the Splat lands which apparently is you know the a part two because apparent I didn’t realize in the third one dates like that he actually stopped um bronze C looks yeah

Exactly the egg is the only bronze trophy I have I’m halfway through you haven’t touched your switch in weeks um I just gave away gave one of my switches to my to my sister so that they have two switches so that you know two of them can actually play either

Like Splatoon or Mario Kart together and not just be always spit split screen then again like Mario Kart split screen on the TV is perfect it’s actually pretty good um but Splatoon they couldn’t do like play at the same time so I’m like yeah I’ll give you one

Of mine I gave them my Animal Crossing one because you know it’s Animal Crossing um I couldn’t I don’t want to give up my my other switch the the release day switch the UN yeah it’s not like uh fixed at all actually I don’t know did they

Huh I wonder cuz I know that there’s something special about the release switch I wonder because I did send this switch up for repair and I know it’s the same switch that came back to me because I actually forgot to oops I actually forgot to remove some of the data and also the

Photos screenshots that I took with that switch was still were still there when it came back to me but I wonder CU I got it had to get it repaired because the fan was just like running it it was like my switch sounded like it was about to take off

Whenever I tried to play Animal Crossing which is the weirdest thing it’s Animal Crossing yeah it’s the only one that can be modded so like I wonder because I got it repaired the Nintendo patch that um thing or did they just really just replace a part I don’t

Know I do want to try to get a spicy switch so many things that you can do with a spicy switch I don’t really care about using it for like competitive and such like you’re FL like PVP I just the number of content that I can in shenanigans that I

Can do in a single player run oh this take it the longest two minutes of my life okay ow but yeah it’s I haven’t even Lo logged into palea for the longest I haven’t um the last login that I had like that I M did was

The um was during they think I think they were still in the middle of the the firework Festival yeah like I paused there and I haven’t logged in since and I know like I finished the fire temple though so I I do need to try out the wind Temple

Updating software did you did you actually fix Scarlet does it run now does it actually work and not just like at two frames per second speed all right let’s see green I like that my green screen school bell jump scare in my ears also I’ve been trying to do the

ESP mini game I I just wanted to get the 100 I was almost there I failed at 94 I’m like Still pretty choppy I this is so we it’s so weird it actually feels like it got worse see like it the loading just got worse I think I feel like the loading got worse like it that took forever from the start screen oh oh the D is this now a part two Oh wait the blueberry Academy is zenova I didn’t know you know U blueberry was xenova also can I can I look at my can can I thinking he is admittedly a bit of character but not to worry I’ll be there with you when you meet him once you feel

Ready to respond to his offer I ask that you come by my office and we can discuss specifics together now I won’t take up much of your time do take care until we speak again I did not know that it’s yova did not know right let’s see

What what shiny uh outbreaks do we have so I have the yellow I have the red and I have the white I need the blue there’s no blue of course there’s no blue cuz also it’s annoying uh to find the shiny um clbe you just have to rely on um your

Pokemon to not kill them to be basically like I don’t want to I don’t want to I’m like why oh because they’re shiny got how do you change the view again there you go yeah yay I have the yellow the orange white FL and then my my shiny

Mimikyu which actually it looks sick it actually looks sick that’s horrible stats but it’s fine uh umine is also yeah I named Arcanine Colonel because you know he’s yellow like like Colonel Mustard you know from glue I need to name rename arol ar arbola arbola oh and also the shiny l

Which is also another one of those like how how would you be able to tell that it’s such a tiny thing oh JD if you’re still here what would be cool if you can get a living deck but it’s all shiny except for legendaries because they’re usually shiny locked

But I yeah I I want the shiny down oh shoot I caught this FL baby with the luxury ball I’m trying to like keep it on theme oh man I should have caught the mimiki with the the dark one I’m so pretentious that I have like

Um a lot of luxury balls balls I try to like catch the important ones with luxury balls don’t have the patience for a sanity for living shiny decks I don’t know I think I think that’s a nice challenge yeah and then the Lucario also this is yet I’m trying to

Also make the boxes a little bit more organized it’s not great but but that that’s it wait fairy clef fairy okay let’s do some let’s do some quick shiny hunting is it up or down I think it’s down it’s down okay who can um toxicx no I keep pressing the wrong buttons

Thanks don’t care just need you demolish them all have at it poor clipp arries also I’m guessing that sandrew is actually a ditto oh no it’s an actual sandrew oh that’s funny why there a sandrew here he’s just at the time of his life o c berries oh my goodness that really ran

Away sand it’s fine there’s so many and I it’s annoying sometimes that the um that the outre actually spawned in in a rock I’m like I can’t get in there hello fairy I remember when um I saw the episode for cairy the um the cartoon um unfortunately the um the the American

Version the one without the gun I remember I actually like cairy when I first saw when I saw first first saw Clefairy I think thef fairy shiny is also one of those it’s hard to um to notice right yeah just the green tips I’m like I

Won’t be able to tell like be able to notice that oh my goodness there’s already a swarm behind me have at it I’m like are you the shiny I’m like why did you not attack that immediately oh look at o look at them can I can just make an AOE

Attack start like spawning behind me at this cfair you think he can run away I also saw a while ago like a chunky Marill no don’t Fu there two different is down there that’s not a shiny ciry and I think that’s all it I think that’s the end of the Maybe

I do like that the um the Pokemon actually does not um like doesn’t Auto attack shinies like that that’s the only way I can find a shiny in this game and I think that’s actually how you need to like you could find a shiny in

This game it’s just like just if does it attack that’s a chunky one that’s a chunky Clefairy chunky Clefairy goodness it really ran get him all right kind of feel bad and at the same time I’m not something wrong give me give me the show me those green

Ears actually like I I remember like in the beginning I actually didn’t know that that um like the um the the walking Parker does not attack um Vines I thought they attack everything in sight look at all of them look at all those chickens like I’m GNA once this outbreak

Is done which I think is almost done we’re going to call it and it’s like shinies are like kind of pickled tonight that’s a chalky Shand true I don’t think there’s any any shiny in here that chantre was just looking down at me judging me and I think that’s it almost

Done they’re still spawning yeah they’re still spawning is that is that green ears oh my goodness Al as long as the icon is still there down there it’s still it’s still on I you too heal my goodness that’s a cluster a a a ball of um of Clefairy I

Don’t know cuz you know you know one of those like um crows did you know a group of crows is called the murder murder of crows like who came up with this naming system all right oh they’re still spawning should oh we there don’t think it’s going to come

Up then Rock R will be I think that’s tantrum and I think that’s it oh there’s more here done yet it’s like shiny no and they’re G wrap up all of the Clefairy that is here still that’s okay no shiny just really want really want to kick the dog huh

Okay all right I’m going to call it a night let’s call it thank you so much for you know being here for hanging out I appreciate you all um I’m actually really happy that on how great like how well that gold Farm was working um but yeah definitely the next

Time the next Mario Mario Minecraft stream will definitely be um will definitely be for looking for the Fortress and for the Fortress and um Fortress and Nether wart and I hope Nether wart is not going to be as bad keep pressing the wrong button um but actually the next game

Might not actually Minecraft just so I could like get a break from Minecraft um there is a game that I kind of want to try um it’s either Cat Quest so we have a cat game uh or on guard which I think is fun I think is

Fun there’s also what is that other game party animals is funny um what was the oh I still have it in my cart yeah four last things I do want to I do want to play that ah the the sale ended I wasn’t able to buy it during the sale oh

Well oh well anyway thank you all so much for being here I appreciate you all have a great rest of your week um if I don’t say you uh anytime before but Lu you soon have a great rest of have a great weekend enjoy the rest of the week

Hopefully it’s as smooth as sailing as it should be um congrats for like those uh who got the free memberships for the month and yeah I appreciate you all thank you so much for coming thank you for hanging out working uh yeah I don’t know how to end the end

Streams all the time uh by

This video, titled ‘shower me with GOLD….. | Minecraft (Java)’, was uploaded by Coy (@kuyacoy) on 2023-12-14 05:17:44. It has garnered 31 views and 9 likes. The duration of the video is 04:03:29 or 14609 seconds.

I wanted to build a Gingerbread house, but things happened. 😩 So we’re making a Gold Farm instead!

Gold Farm design by @ianxofour https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uBpMwXVn6iY

Disclaimer: I started playing in 1.12 (World of Color). Playing for nostalgia.

Minecraft focuses on allowing the player to explore, interact with, and modify a dynamically-generated map made of one-cubic-meter-sized blocks. In addition to blocks, the environment features plants, mobs, and items. Some activities in the game include mining for ore, fighting hostile mobs, and crafting new blocks and tools by gathering various resources found in the game. The game’s open-ended model allows players to create structures, creations, and artwork on various multiplayer servers or their single-player maps. Other features include redstone circuits for logic computations and remote actions, minecarts and tracks, and a mysterious underworld called the Nether. A designated but completely optional goal of the game is to travel to a dimension called the End, and defeat the ender dragon.


Be my guest over here at the Pond for emojis and random shenanigans! https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCrev5ivoY0GUP0Xv6LtGw-g/join

This channel aims to be an inclusive space for all gamer communities and all of its intersects and promoting inclusive dialogue and behavior!

❤️YOU MATTER. I’m not a licensed behavioral therapist, but if you’re going through a crisis, please consider reaching out for professional help and support.

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Background music and sound effect sources: 🎶Epidemic Sound: https://www.epidemicsound.com/ 🎶Chillhop Music: https://chillhop.ffm.to/creatorcred

If you read this far down, you are awesome! Enjoy the video!

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    "CRSNT NiteBot's EPIC Minecraft Vault Door Tutorial!!" #gaming #redstoneVideo Information This video, titled ‘How to make an easy vault door in Minecraft!!! #gaming #minecraft #redstone’, was uploaded by CRSNT NiteBot on 2024-01-04 06:01:38. It has garnered 75 views and 5 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:59 or 59 seconds. Read More

  • PapaShamz DESTROYS Bases in DonutSMP | Insane Farm Building | LIVE

    PapaShamz DESTROYS Bases in DonutSMP | Insane Farm Building | LIVEVideo Information This video, titled ‘DonutSMP | Rating Bases / Building Farm | LIVE’, was uploaded by PapaShamz on 2024-01-08 23:00:17. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Information Username: PapaShamz Discord: https://discord.com/invite/fe2AdAH7B3 Tags donutsmp, donutsmplive, minecraft, … Read More

  • Insane Challenge: Modded Minecraft Madness!

    Insane Challenge: Modded Minecraft Madness!Video Information up Jerome the buddies and welcome to another awesome Minecraft fi today today we are going to be doing a lucky block sky wars using the Transformer Lucky Blocks where we have 20 minutes to break as many as we can get the best armor and weapons possible and then do a 15 lives battle on the map after that if we have time we’re going to be switching on over to Ultimate Chicken horse for a little bit while we prepare on the side for the final segment of the live stream which is going to be… Read More

  • Insane V-Tuber takes on Nether in Minecraft #09!

    Insane V-Tuber takes on Nether in Minecraft #09!Video Information [Music] [Music] the [Music] CR yeah we f it back [Music] the [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] e [Music] yeah Cru [Music] all right hello quac Lings and all I’m back how you all doing well I was here there not about my voice but yall doing good Joiner welcome back to the stream hello hello to you as well slight apologies there um as it turns out I was cooking dinner and I thought I’d have enough time to uh put everything in front of me I’m going to be eating while we play today but uh the… Read More

  • Dino tricks friend as mutant mobs in Minecraft!

    Dino tricks friend as mutant mobs in Minecraft!Video Information my friend flaky is currently trying to beat Minecraft but little does he know that I installed a morph mod meaning I can transform into a ton of different mutant mobs and some of these mobs are so super crazy but first let’s start off with a normal cow so we can see what the heck Floy is up to oh my gosh okay I am so confident this is going to be the day that I finally beat Minecraft oh look at him flaky is actually getting some trees you know what let’s just hit him once… Read More

  • FrikFrey Phàm Returns with Insane Minecraft Strategy!

    FrikFrey Phàm Returns with Insane Minecraft Strategy!Video Information Ok hello xin chào tất cả các bạn Chào mừng các bạn đã tới với Minecraft một t game đánh quái Sinh Tồn một t game chắp só n trạ một t game mà các bạn có thể làm tất cả những thứ mà mình thích mình muốn thậm chí là làm chụ C thanh tin nếu như mà các bạn không thích chơi chế độ Multiplayer mà lại thấy thích chơi chế độ Single Player nhưng là mình Mình thì đang chơ chế độ Survival 1 trong chế độ Single Player có tên là l Let’s Go… Read More

  • Aellyn

    AellynAellyn Minecraft •———•———• Survival, Creative, Minigames. Survival includes grief prevention, story / quests and challenges. mc.aellyn.net Read More

  • Createville Server Modded SMP Greylist 15+ 1.19.2

    Welcome to Createville Server! Are you looking for a friendly server to play with others? Createville is a safe and welcoming community where players come together to build, sell items, chat, and collaborate on projects. Join us for an exciting gaming experience! What to Expect: Shops and custom currency Trains, Cars, Airplanes Create and its addons Organised community area A touch of magic In-game voice chat To join, install the modpack and get whitelisted: Pack: https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/modpacks/createville Discord: https://discord.gg/vB23wxj Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – “Frozen Fire: Ice spice video”

    Looks like this meme is as cold as the ice in Minecraft! Read More

  • Cobblestone Craze: Crafty Generator Guide

    Cobblestone Craze: Crafty Generator Guide In the world of Minecraft, where blocks reign supreme, We craft and mine, in a virtual dream. Cobblestone generators, a key to our quest, With water and lava, we put them to the test. Preparation is key, as we start our creation, With buckets and picks, we build our foundation. Low type, medium type, high type we explore, Each step we take, we strive for more. From survival to adventure, we journey on, Gathering resources, until the break of dawn. Building challenges, we face with delight, In the world of Minecraft, where our skills take flight. So join us… Read More

  • Minecraft: Os egípcios jogavam com fogo 🔥

    Minecraft: Os egípcios jogavam com fogo 🔥 “Who needs pyramids when you can just build them in Minecraft? The ancient Egyptians were way ahead of their time!” 😂🔺🎮 #minecraftmemes Read More

  • Discover the Excitement of Minewind Minecraft Server!

    Discover the Excitement of Minewind Minecraft Server! Are you a fan of Minecraft animations and love stories? If so, you need to join the Minewind Minecraft Server right now! Immerse yourself in a world of creativity, adventure, and community like never before. The Minewind server offers a unique and exciting gameplay experience that will keep you coming back for more. With a focus on player interaction and exploration, Minewind is the perfect place to unleash your creativity and build amazing structures. Whether you’re a seasoned Minecraft player or just starting out, there’s something for everyone on the Minewind server. Join now by entering the server IP:… Read More

  • Boost FPS in Minecraft on Weak PC

    Boost FPS in Minecraft on Weak PC Optimizing Minecraft FPS on Low-End PCs in 2024 Introduction In the world of Minecraft, having a smooth gaming experience is crucial. Caik, a Minecraft enthusiast, provides a detailed tutorial on how to increase FPS and reduce lag on low-end PCs in 2024. Let’s delve into the steps he recommends to optimize your gaming performance. Tackling Minecraft Lag Caik starts by adjusting in-game settings to enhance performance. By setting graphics to ‘Fast’ and disabling features like V-Sync and entity shadows, players can significantly boost their FPS. Additionally, adjusting the render distance and FPS limit can further improve gameplay fluidity. Enhancing… Read More

  • Unbelievable Minecraft Ore Hack For OP Items!

    Unbelievable Minecraft Ore Hack For OP Items!Video Information wa diamonds I was looking for them I’m going to complete my armor let’s mine W this is Minecraft but every o is super in this video I made it so that every o is super this means any o you mind has a chance of dropping more valuable item start at Cal and get better as you work your way up to Diamonds the question is whether I can beat the game while searching for super RS can I do it stay tuned to find out apparently only a small percentage of people who actually watch my… Read More

  • Bao’s Minecraft Server Shenanigans

    Bao's Minecraft Server ShenanigansVideo Information I didn’t put on the new skin Oh I thought it just showed up how do I put the new skin on or where is the new skin oh it’s here [Music] oh okay let me let me leave and come back I got this I know where to do it is it under classic maybe I think it work okay maybe now it work maybe now it work chat Oh yay I did it I did it right N Craft mik my mic who whoa oh oh speaker oh H uh uh people hear me ah ah… Read More

  • Gabriel Scott Reveals Top Secret Advertising Servers – Must See For Rank-Up!

    Gabriel Scott Reveals Top Secret Advertising Servers - Must See For Rank-Up!Video Information [Music] I wonder where you [Music] are oh we are we are dreaming in the dark we are nothing more than dark search but you stay lost we are we are reach for the stars but we’re making this you are and I wonder where you are M yes that’s the part you w show cuz you’re too CU baby you should take it so this yes that’s the part you always [Music] show maybe you should take it [Music] slow we are dreaming in the dark we are nothing more than dark This video, titled ‘Divulgando servidores… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Hardcore Survival! 900 Days & Counting!

    Insane Minecraft Hardcore Survival! 900 Days & Counting!Video Information j’ai survécu 900 jours sur Minecraft hardcore je suis aux portes des 1000 jours et il n’est pas temps de se relâcher dans cet épisode j’ai complètement terminé la salle des coffres j’ai nettoyé la zone de ma base j’ai tenté de ferme de la mésorite je me suis fait un belle ami et bien plus encore si ça fait plusieurs fois que tu tombes sur ma chaîne et que tu aimes mes vidéos n’hésite pas à t’abonner ça m’aide énormément à me développer maintenant que tout est dit mesdames et messieurs voici comment j’ai survécu 900 jours… Read More

  • EPIC Hub Build on Sunrise SMP! 😱

    EPIC Hub Build on Sunrise SMP! 😱Video Information I believe I’m live maybe possibly I’m going to check hold on okay I’m I appear to be be live let me just make sure hear myself I believe I’m live oh wait oh I didn’t know my laptop was emitting audio I appear to be live let me just make sure hear myself yeah okay um believe I’m live we and we are live folks yes we are live Wolfie Welcome to My Stream welcome welcome welcome uh Boop hello I am a vampire ignore that I was just messing around yeah th this does not have… Read More

  • EPIC Frozen Breeze Showdown! SMP #4 – Fisks Superheroes

    EPIC Frozen Breeze Showdown! SMP #4 - Fisks SuperheroesVideo Information [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] all righty then it’s another one of these kind of days anyway let me test test test test all righty then we must go back to the world of superheroes hey guys welcome back to the backlog I’m wearing something really weird I’m wearing a shadow of the Hedgehog sweater interesting decision from me but either way we’re back for some more Fisk superheroes it’s been a couple of weeks since we last played mostly because been focusing on a a lot… Read More

  • EPIC Minecraft Build + Chat + Chill Session! WATCH NOW

    EPIC Minecraft Build + Chat + Chill Session! WATCH NOWVideo Information [Music] [Music] [Music] know [Music] [Music] okay [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] yeah [Music] [Music] a [Music] [Music] [Music] for [Music] [Music] [Music] you [Music] [Music] all [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] n [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] we [Music] [Music] I [Music] [Music] yeah [Music] [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] n [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] he [Music] [Music] okay [Music] [Music] [Music] w [Music] [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] what’s up [ __ ] how’s it going how’s it hanging hey y’all it’s stream… Read More

  • Minecraft’s Insane OP Build Revealed! 😱🔥 2023 #Like

    Minecraft's Insane OP Build Revealed! 😱🔥 2023 #LikeVideo Information hanging zombie in [Music] [Music] Minecraft This video, titled ‘Minecraft op build😱 2023 # like’, was uploaded by All gamer on 2024-02-16 05:16:32. It has garnered 3 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:28 or 28 seconds. Read More

  • “Insane Minecraft Challenge- 1-Second Blindfolded Battle!” #minecraft #shortestfight

    "Insane Minecraft Challenge- 1-Second Blindfolded Battle!" #minecraft #shortestfightVideo Information shortest fight you have ever [Music] [Music] [Music] seen it’s This video, titled ‘Minecrafts Shortest Fight #mincraftvideo #minecraft #minecraftgameplay’, was uploaded by BlindFolded on 2024-04-06 15:32:06. It has garnered 540 views and 28 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:31 or 31 seconds. Tags (ignore): Youtubers, lunar client, badlion client, forge, 1.7.10 forge, 1.8.9 forge, hack download, vape.gg, vape download, vape v4, vapev4, vape v4 crack, vape cracked, vape free download, vape lite, vape lite cracked, free vape crack, minecraft, minecraft pvp, pvp, 1.7.10, fps boost, fps boost 2020, fps boost 2021, hypixel, cheating on hypixel, hypixel… Read More

  • GotaMC

    GotaMCA public survival server for the players of gota.io, old and new! Anyone is welcome! Gota.io has a large and active community that welcomes all! This server is extremely minimal for the hardcore type of player, borderline Anarchy. Here are our server rules: – No discrimination – No racism – No homophobia – No personally attacking another user – No cheating – No lag machines or anything that disrupts the server’s performance for others – Respect the spawn, build what you like but keep it clean or it’ll just get removed later. Ie: If you’re gonna do a lavacast, do… Read More

  • Nocturnal SMP – smp

    Calling All Adventurers! Join the Nocturnal SMP Embark on a thrilling Minecraft experience with Nocturnal SMP, a server crafted with love by our team! What to Expect: Kitchen Sink with a Spooky Twist Unique Features Content Creator Paradise We’re preparing a massive update with exciting new features. Stay tuned for details! Join the Community: Explore the modpack on Curseforge Join our Discord for updates and to connect with others: Discord Content Creators, apply here Launch Date: Look out for our launch in mid to end of June! Spread the Word! Share the Nocturnal Transmission SMP for a spooky Minecraft adventure! Read More

  • Hardcore Skyblock

    Hardcore SkyblockBOUNTYCRAFT CLASSIC-STYLE HARDCORE SKYBLOCKBrand New (Started 05/14)Versions: 1.20.4 to 1.20.6IP Address: years ago, skyblock was the number one gamemode in minecraft. Now, it’s a wasteland. The few servers left are overly complex, have pointless features, have a /shop where everything can be bought for pennies, and only donors or the admin’s friends can get ahead. Bountycraft fixes this. This is a classic-style skyblock server. Based largely on my experience playing Skyblock as a little kid a decade ago.This server is authentic, simple and fair. Offering the skyblock plugin, the iconic original island, and chestshop for a player-run economy. That’s… Read More