Sword4000 – Epic Jurassic Park Sim in Minecraft!

Video Information

Imagine spawning onto an island filled with deadly dinosaurs prehistoric land and 100 other players that will be trying their best to survive on this island until the Escape helicopter arrives saving them from the giant volcano that would eventually erupt will players work together to survive or will

Conflict break out well I was about to find out as I spawned in completely alone on the edge of this island all right Jurassic Park here we are first things first before I do any exploring I definitely want to grab some water and grab some basic tools so after grabbing

Some wood and stone I was able to quickly craft some tools and weapons boom axe sword and pickaxe perfect now as I have absolutely no food I am not going to waste my Hunger walking through the jungle so I think my best bet right now hop in a boat and head down this

River I then made my way down the river and stumbled across a giant Bridge connecting two parts of the island together ooh a huge Bridge right here this has to leave lead to something surely Let’s uh let’s get out of the boat and check this out okay it is

Connecting a jungle to another Jungle by the looks of it there is no structure here that is pretty unfortunate so hoping to find something useful I continued exploring through the nearby jungle and spotted something in the distance yo oh my God Triceratops four of them already okay those are sick I’m

Definitely saving the coordinates of those those look so cool I’m pretty sure you can ride those or tame them somehow so I definitely want to come back for those later on let’s just keep looking if we we can find some vanilla mobs like a chicken though I wouldn’t mind getting

Some food there’s got to be something in this jungle and as I continued to search I was quickly about to find out that dangerous mobs were lurking nearby oh what the hell whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa wait wait wait wait what the hell is

That oh my God this so many of them what are they oh I’m going to have to build up yo chill chill oh no I’m actually dead I’m actually dead out of nowhere a pack of Velociraptors appeared and started attacking me oh my God please no

No no no no no no no do not trip up now just keep running just keep I’m going to have to get up a tree or something they could they hit me down are they still chasing yeah I wonder if I can get them in a boat no I’ve blocked myself oh just

Keep running just keep running just keep running please please please please please please as these Raptors were not slowing down I had no choice but to continue running through the jungle hoping to eventually lose them and after a few minutes of running I made my way over towards a nearby mountain range and

Spotted the entrance to a bunker what is that get me over there now so hoping to use this bunker as a shelter from these Raptors I rushed towards the entrance I’m running I’m running I’m running I’m getting in get inside of here block this off oh my God they

Were ridiculously op what even is this hold up now with the Raptors trapped outside I was able to start looting this bunker hoping to find some helpful loot inside please tell me there’s some loot in here come on yes fossilized bones some raw meat okay right it’s better

Than nothing anything up there yes more stuff okay perfect I need to get a furnace made right now and cook this up I cannot believe I just got out of there alive so after cooking up the meat I found I was able to fully regenerate my hunger and start healing back

Up right at least I’m healing up now that that’s the main thing is there anything else in here ooh a fishing rod some iron and some string as well that’s not bad oh hold up I got a rifle and some bullets to go along with it that is perfect

Anything else a saddle some more fossils nice oh and an iron chest plate perfect oh a pistol as well okay we are set we’ve got a rifle and a pistol I don’t know they say to do 4.5 and 35 damage these should help me quite a little bit against those dinosaurs let’s

Make sure I do not get rid of those this food’s cooked up now as well so we can finish that up but as I continue to grab the loot around me a group of players that were out hunting dinosaurs for food had also spotted the bunker and were now

Making their way over towards the entrance and as I had no exit I had to hope they weren’t hostile it’s crawling into the bunker it’s crawling into the bunker what the hell them Sho them shoot them Yo I oh he killed it he kill it

Kill yes I killed it hello I killed it yo there there’s a play there’s a play Yo hello yo have you guys killed those dinosaurs out there yeah I think we killed everybody wait I see one I see one I see one on the right kill it kill it kill it

Hey get in get in get in get in get in I’m R out bullets if you go how’s it going pretty good just killing dinosaurs you know you’ve been up to much just just killing dinosaurs is that it yeah that’s it oh God it’s turning night out

There right now so if you guys want to stay the night here you can do uh are we I feel like we should Explore More yeah we have guns we have resources yeah I think we’re explore I think we’re good yeah back to explore all right that’s fine you could come if

You like uh no I’m good I’m going to stay here it’s just turning night time bro I do not want to go out there all right suit yourself okay oh so you guys are just going to go all right yeah I’m staying here if you guys want to carry

On exploring that’s fine by me I do not want to those Velociraptors are hard enough to see in the daytime never mind at night time now all right see you later then take care bro see you later later see you so as these players headed back out into the jungle I stayed safe

Inside of the bunker waiting for the night to pass which would definitely prove to have been the right choice yeah I’m definitely not going anywhere right now I guess for the rest of the night what can I do I could cook up some kelp because I’ve got I’ve got a little bit I

Mean I’m actually kind of all right for food though I mean yeah you know what I’ll cook up the kelp while I wait for it to become daytime I could have teamed up with those players but like what do I gain from that really I do not want to

Risk getting swarmed by Velociraptors at night and as I spoke about the risk of Velociraptors the players that had just left this bunker quickly realized they had made the wrong choice what’s going hell what’s going on what happened we got changed by like four veloso Raptors like two minutes ago as I had

Predicted these players were almost immediately attacked by a pack of Velociraptors hiding in the bushes giving them no choice but to run back to the bunker to take cover I said going out there was a a risk I’ve got some small bullets if you guys have got like

A pistol do any of you have a pistol I need bullets I can drop you some bullets there you go actually let me reload my own as well okay I have some bullets I mean four bullets that have what can we do a lot with that no Ren we can’t I

Mean there’s four vors that have four bullets so if I we take like one for the head all right let’s go guys okay I’m blocking this back up good luck so as these players for some reason ventured out once again I blocked the bunker back up planning to stay safe for

The rest of the night which was definitely something these players were going to struggle with lock in okay that is an interesting Squad going on right there but I’m I’m actually pretty set for when the sun comes up tomorrow I think so in the meantime let

Me see if I can grab some iron some more armor would definitely definitely come in handy I then spent the rest of the night grabbing iron finding 18 pieces in total oh and my pickaxe is broke so that is probably a sign to go back to the

Surface and as I make my way back up I want to remind you guys that I am super close to one million subscribers at the time of recording this video and over 80% of my audience aren’t subscribed so if you aren’t subscribed please scroll down below and subscribe it is

Completely free and means so much more than you realize anyway as I made my way back up to the surface it was now daytime meaning I could now leave this bunker behind and continue exploring the map all right this place served me well but it’s time to move on now I just need

To be very careful I’m actually tempted to stick to the mountains to try and make my way around the map and try and get out of the Jungle to be honest because those Velociraptors I do not want to have to deal with again but there’s a high chance I’m going to run

Into them so I I just don’t want to I don’t want to have to deal with it so as I kept close to the mountains hoping to avoid the deadly creatures nearby I continued exploring still don’t see any oh hello hello is that ree is that only

Yeah I’m on the ground where you’re above me where are you I’m underground I’m coming up I’m coming up okay come up come up this player had actually been forced underground only a few minutes before I arrived after being chased by a hostile dinosaur but as the coast was

Now clear he made his way to the surface how are you I’m good come on up man those two chased me down here so I just hit there have you seen any uh have you seen any other players I I would saw there was a group of four that were

Nearby earlier today and they went out and I haven’t seen them since I have found no one so as only hadn’t found any other players nearby we agreed to join forces and started exploring together I’m kind of just trying to get out of the Jungle I’m not going to lie

Me as well and just as we started exploring we spotted some familiar dinosaurs in the distance oh hold up there’s some there they stegosaurus yeah there’s a Stosur I don’t know if they’re hostile or not see I’ve got no dinosaur knowledge so I don’t know oh there’s loads of them the

Thing is I walked past them and it didn’t attack me but I don’t want to too close if you want to go down and maybe see what it’s all about then I I’ll just watch from here I’ll watch from here oh oh wait is it hitting you H

Me what I thought you just said it was peaceful I thought it was peaceful he hit me with a spike so with no idea which dinosaurs were actually friendly we tried our best to avoid them all as we continued making our way through the jungle eventually stumbling across a

Structure oh structure build or something that’s oh oh there’s also a dinosaur there though watch out watch out oh that’s the one that that kill oh that attacked me should I take it out I don’t know I’m going to try to go in and see how much damage it does Br I I’ll

Just I’ll just snipe it if you want Oh run no no I got this oh bang I got this I’m a skilled axeman you know I I know how to use the axe yeah that thing is like three times your size I would not be I wouldn’t be doing that if

I was you is there anyone here what even is it oh it’s like The Visitor Center oh this Visitor Center was one of many structures around the map from Jurassic Park and knowing that this could definitely contain some helpful fossils for taming our own dinosaurs later on

This was a great find but we quickly realized we weren’t alone here oh there’s so many cool structur oh wait I hear somebody with yo oh wait yo oh hey how’s it going how we doing good go have you have you guys looted this place uh

No I just got here oh are you on your own oh yeah yeah don’t go that way by the way there’s like three T-Rexes that I had to walk T-Rexes okay oh yeah there’s a raptor pin over there by the way oh oh is it yeah yeah if you want to

Go home nice yeah yeah wait I want to check this out first hold up all right yeah this looks like it’s already been looted though there’s stuff on the Flor just try and find some barrels or something this is sick so as Flex joined us in searching through these buildings

It quickly became clear that this had already been looted maybe I think it’s looted cuz most of the barrels I found were at us yeah the chest are those barrels yeah there was also that item on the floor when we came in so I think somebody’s already been here but as

There were a bunch of different enclosures and buildings nearby there was still a chance of good loot being left behind I really want to go visit the Raptors oh wa I can kill that one let’s go what oh Raptor pin yeah just that ain’t a raptor oh that’s not a

Raptor I don’t know I haven’t seen one of those yo H BR I got this yo they’re easy the okay they’re in here like yeah there’s one right here like wait is there way to get up onto like the viewing platform okay hope they shouldn’t be able to LEAP up right oh

The Sheep these are sheep one of them try they can climb by the way so just be careful yeah okay I’m not okay yeah there’s there’s plenty of raptors in there at least we at least wait at least they’re contained though already like if we need them or want to try and tame

Them at some point or like breed them we know where they are as long as people don’t come here and kill them or let them out oh wait there’s one right there there’s one outside what outside yeah oh got it yo what was it oh wait you have a

Gun what the yeah I found I found a sniper in a bunker oh my what oh there’s a load of stuff in here hold up there’s like fossils and stuff it’s like a little Museum wait there’s lapis blocks like Everywhere by the way yo break the window wait what do

You think this is It’s like a mini triceratops or something yeah daptor I don’t know what that bro what are you doing [ __ ] it up with leaves yeah with leaves there’s one literally coming okay you should have left it blocked up with Le hell no oh

There’s pigs in there as well okay wait I didn’t realize there was one literally right there yeah he’s trying to get out by the looks of it yeah oh it is getting out it looks I’m running I’m running it’s out bro it got out oh where is it I’m running I’m

Leaving you guys okay let’s let’s go this way let’s go oh there’s a tower here there’s a tower Tower oh oh okay nice yeah let’s let’s loot this instead as we didn’t want to be overpowered by the Raptors we left these buildings behind and after making our way up the

Tower we had spotted in the distance it turned out it hadn’t been looted it not looted it’s a gun oh oh you got a gun as well really I’ve got a pistol oh nice wait which one uh p25 oh okay different to mine I’ve got Glock 18

Okay so I have 10 bullets now I trust you to actually approach those dinosaurs yo Triceratops again yeah oh but those should be friendly I you said this about the stegosaurus on but as we joked about the Triceratops possibly being hostile much more dangerous dinosaurs were

Nearby oh what is that yo oh that’s that is l a T-Rex that is actually I think we need to pack up a move two of them there’s two of them I need think we pack up a moon I don’t want to deal with that let’s go this way I don’t want to

Knowing that we were far too weak to take on a T-Rex we quickly moved on looking for some more structures but after traveling all the the way across the jungle we found nothing but a few more dinosaurs and as it started turning night once again we would have to find a

Place to take shelter if we wanted to survive the night okay well it’s starting to get night time so I think we should probably maybe set up a little Camp wait there’s a furnace over there anyway there yeah literally right in front of us so after spotting some

Furnaces in the distance we made our way over hoping to find some other players hello okay hello oh there’s iron here oh there’s a oh what is that what is that thing o is the your mom’s in the water oh my God I’m joing I’m sorry I’m

Sorry someone was going to say it I had to be the first before I became the victim sake I was going to do it but you sake you know I kind of want to swim out there and try to try to BR you are the

Smallest fish in the ocean if you go out there listen listen should I it’d be funny B I’m standing here if you want to do it I’m going to stay right here on this land I’m not dealing with that so as we stayed safe at this base and

Waited for the night time to pass only started working on a small wall to keep any potential threats away whilst I took this opportunity to cook up my iron and finally finish off my armor set all right full iron there we go I have a feeling whoever was here he’s kind of

Dead I’m not even going to lie yeah who makes a base leaves all of their iron and then just doesn’t come back but it turned out the other players that this Camp belonged to were actually alive and were currently making their way home hello no there was someone underground there yeah there

There’s someone over there hello yeah are you again oh hey I’m Jo how you doing uh you found our base oh this is yours I’ve given yeah I even there’s signs well we’ve we’ve made an upgrade yeah we made it an upgrade yeah yeah you guys you guys can definitely stay yeah

On’s actually bless you look at this wall it looks great right only you better do this when we make our own base and it turned out mjl wasn’t alone here as his teammate rejoined the server oh oh he’s back what the how’s it going is this a stickup

Drop us everything you’ve got take my own take my own take my own no no we’re not we’re not hostile we’re chill we’re chill nice Bas you got going on here nice wall as well oh that’s uh that’s M dr’s thing it’s not just built that only

Just built that don’t give mjl studiio I wasn’t here I wasn’t here I didn’t know you guys join this place I didn’t know I’m so sorry guys Mark so as we continue chatting through the night eventually the sun rose for day three and after realizing we probably should start

Working on a base of our own we prepared to continue with our journey leaving these players behind uh right are you guys ready to go Sun’s Up we may as well all right I got spare boat here as well if anyone wants to hop in yeah um thank

You for hosting us for the night finish sa safe journey don’t die horrible goodbye we’ll try not to this place looks wait I think this is where I spawned you know is it I swear yeah I I Stone from here I grabbed Stone from here this is where I spawned wait

So I know what’s going on then I know what yeah yeah keep going down this River there’ll be a bridge there’ll be a bridge oh okay it turned out for the last two days I had done nothing but run a giant loop around the jungle so I was

I had a rough idea as to where I was we continued heading up the river yeah here’s the here’s the bridge I mean here’s the bridge okay I actually hopped off last time I was here and explored the land so I reckon if we just carry on

Exploring yeah yeah I think today yeah we set up we tried to set up like a base or something I wouldn’t mind yo the like these river banks are real cool we could build a nice base to the side of one of them and after going on a giant

Adventure up the river in our boats we found the perfect location to build a base oh this is a cool spot this could work oh I could do something here yeah this looks good I like this up right I think we know our plan boys I think we

Know our plan yeah yeah yeah so finally with the location we got to work building the base digging out a huge room into the river bank that had a staircase leading to the surface where we cleared out a bunch of trees added a giant gate and made a reminder to

Subscribe to help me reach 1 million subscribers we also added a wall around the base and after building for well over 2 hours we had a super cool interior downstairs that had a chest area furnaces and a farm bringing our base to completion fresh tools full ammo

And two beautiful teammates we’ve done a good job got a base of operation now yeah this well I mean it’s actually looking pretty good I actually really like it I’m not going to lie it’s just fabulous it looks great and now with our base complete we had

Some work to do as whilst we were building Flex had spotted a giant science lab not far from our location whilst grabbing wood and as a group of players seem to be living inside we were curious so plan to go and check it out I mean I’m down to go exploring today you

Guys said you saw a like facility science thing over there right so yeah yeah we did I did see it I reckon we go exploring that today and if we can find some people then let’s go for it if we can find some we can find some yeah so

We prepared to make our way over right so which way was it you said left it was this way right no I think it’s over this month I don’t know yet I saw somewhere over there but we have been running around so much I don’t really all right

Let’s just hop straight off here and have a look we then made our way South hoping to relocate the lab and eventually spotted it in the distance I think it’s right I think I see it I think I see it yeah yeah oh yeah I see a

Huge gate jeez okay right let me do the talking if these people are hostile it’s going to go down not very well unsure as to if the players that had set up inside were hostile we carefully approached the barricade so the hello that’s aell hello hello good G what’s good how’s it

Going got a bit of a barricade going on here oh watch out watch out Raptor one sec one sec yeah oh right nice how are you guys doing we’re doing pretty good oh damn there’s even more people people here yeah we’ve got quite Jes yo yo sniper on a

Triceratop of course I don’t know if that’s sick or just terrifying yeah I mean I don’t have any bullets left but oh then it’s sick then yeah that’s fine it’s fine it’s sick have you got dinosaurs in here apart from the tric here yeah we dosi kind of murdered most of them but

Yeah is it turned out this team had actually been dealing with a group of hostile players that called themselves the anti-do league led by a player called Jor that planned to survive with his team on this island by poaching and killing all dinosaurs that they could find after one of their teammates were

Killed by the dinosaurs early on but as these players that had set up at the lab were planning on breeding and living alongside the dinosaurs there was a clear conflict of interest and as these players took me on a tour of the lab it was clear that they weren’t going to let

The hunters stop them # save the dinos okay yeah clearly you guys are proo as we were taken on a tour we were shown new dinosaurs that we had not seen before I’ve never seen these yet wait are they peaceful yeah I think I think so is not even remote no

He’s dying straight away well don’t walk underneath of them they’re going to step on you oh my God go punch it and find out no I’m good I’m good I’ll stay be no they’re chill they’re chill give you a demonstration yeah reic that’s all you that’s all you next up with the

Catosaurus these are the attacking dinosaurs they just attack you okay they’re a bit aggressive a bit oh yeah oh yeah these are the ones we killed earlier oh oh yeah yeah these these have given us a little bit of trouble up to now and finally with the Triceratops

Which they didn’t seem to have many of yeah we’ve been we’ve been trying to repopulate the Triceratops pen uh pretty unsuccessfully we can show you downstairs before seeing the remaining Triceratops of one Triceratops okay yeah from from five five down to one one what they killed four oh yeah in the basement

They had countless dinosaur eggs incubators and Portal frames that would turn out to be extremely important later in the event but as we made our way back up to the main lab I branched off with the leader of this group to try and find out more about the hunters that had

Attacked them earlier on so what that uh other team are causing trouble then yeah yeah they’ve been breaking in killing dinos uh telling us that we’re doing illegal activities and then just running away I the fossils right you need for breeding I think yeah I think so so if I

If I can find some of those I’ll bring them here and we can try and breed them a little bit more but someone said they’ve got a load of uh a load of they all ride Triceratops we didn’t really want to fight them cuz they have loads

Of guns and we’d get bullied right okay I think I’d be killed before I came within 100 blocks of any of them right I think what I’ll do then is I’ll keep my eye out for them um I’m going to go I think there is a there’s a desert over

To the north I’m pretty sure so I’m going to go over there probably later to well the next day and uh try and get some some fossils I’m going to start digging because we’ve got a we’ve got a geological Hammer which if you use on things it like sifts through like uh if

I use it on where’s yeah so if you use it on Sand you can get fossils so I’m going to try and go looking for some fossils and I can bring them back and obviously you can use them to uh to try and bring this place to life a little bit yeah that’s

Good that’s good but if they if they do anything else let me know cuz I I have guns so I know you’re saying that they can do some damage to you from a distance but I’ve got a sniper and a pistol so wether agreeing to help this

Group of players if the hunters caused any more trouble I met back up with my teammates and waited for the sun to rise and as day four started we regrouped at the gates ready to leave see you see you around we’ll let you know if they come

Back yeah sounds good see you all right we got a little task what is a task a little task so they are currently uh in a little confrontation between another team that is going around trying to kill all dinosaurs they need fossils to help repopulate so I think we go over to the

Desert and see if we can find some fossils so we quickly made our way back home and started to prepare for our journey to the desert all right I’ve got more than enough food I say we start heading North I probably to be honest it might just be worth heading down the

River stick into the river and just follow him yeah I don’t have that much well yeah we’ll save a lot of hunger doing that we’ll save a lot of hunger and yeah we can see if we can find some fossils or we can see if we see those

Players now with a plan in mind we hopped in our boats and started heading up the river eventually leaving the Cretaceous Period behind and entering the Triassic region of the map revealing new terrain structures and some new deadly dinosaurs new land oh my God there’s another whale hey Brachiosaurus

Here as well it’s wild Brachiosaurus hey that’s your friend isn’t it yeah it’s my friend okay these were hostile at that other place by the way so just be careful no I think it’s just I was under them I think is what it was okay well just yeah don’t yeah just

Don’t under look at TA I don’t want to get swung by oh they’re everywhere hold up all right just keep your eyes out for fossils cuz it could be anywhere around here yeah I don’t know how not going lie I have no clue what we’re looking are

You ass there’s going to be some bone blocks or something no don’t you I see bones there don’t you you see bones where look come follow me oh yeah literally right here you said bone blocks I after not even 2 minutes in this region we were able to locate a

Dinosaur fossil but with new unknown dinosaurs nearby we had to be careful oh my God those are are they theasaurus oh those are theasaurus yeah okay we do not want to get on the wrong side of those and as we manage to safely navigate past these Dilophosaurus we checked out this

Fossil but quickly realized that it had already been found by another team can you use the hammer on them I’m trying we could use the bone yeah I mean we’ll grab the bone blocks this might not be the the one though you know what I mean might just be a different one unless

It’s already been grabbed might have been destroyed by the anti Dino what is his name again yeah well they’re going to be wanting to get these fossils as well cuz if they have them then the other people can’t so so after grabbing some bone blocks we decided to split up

And start exploring this desert separately to try and find other fossils quicker oh there’s something there oh a fossil another one there’s like a structure there as well okay let’s check these out hopefully this one’s actually got some fossils on it this is a new

Block oh yeah here we go look so if I just break this yes Jurassic fossil perfect okay I don’t know which one the uh the Triceratops is from it might be Jurassic it might be I don’t know I mean I may as well grab some bones whilst I’m here these are

Going to be helpful for farms and stuff wonder if there’s any more fossils though whilst I grab these fossils onion Flex continued to search the desert but it quickly became clear that as expected we weren’t the only team searching for these fossils as one of the hunters that

Had attacked the players back at the lab had also been searching through this desert trying to prevent other teams from finding the fossils well I got two that’s not bad whoa yo yo what do you think you’re doing what what are you doing heyy hey hey hey

Hey we’re not going to have any more dinosaurs around this block okay oh my God what the hell as I took this player down I was able to get my hands on some more guns armor and a bunch of fossils that he had also gathered out in the desert but he wasn’t

Alone what oh hell no there he is out of nowhere another Hunter started charging towards me on the back of a triceratops and with barely any ammo left I had no choice but to run hoping to find one of my teammates theck is that leave me alone he killed my

Friend no no no no no no no no no no I’m just going to keep running I’m going to keep running I need to get out of this desert oh my God this dinosaurs now as well please don’t attack me oh he’s coming he’s on a Triceratops so knowing

I wouldn’t be able to out run him for long I quickly ran through the desert over towards the jungle in the distance yes it’s a jungle I might just be able to get away I cannot afford for these dinosaurs to attack me right now and as

I ran into the jungle hoping to take cover behind the dense vegetation this player was slowly closing in oh he’s he’s following he’s still following give me some wood uh come on he’s right on my tail knowing I couldn’t run any further I quickly muted up and started mining into a nearby tree

Oh re where did you go and as I took cover hoping to avoid being seen this player continued searching deeper into the jungle giving me the perfect opportunity to escape from the tree with the fossils and start heading back towards the coast wello that team is stacked all right

It’s turning night time I do not want to get stuck in this jungle overnight I have no where where are flex and Oni as well as Oni and flex were still on the complete other side of the desert I had no choice but to start making my way

Home alone all right screw it I’m not even going to go back through the desert because if the rest of their team is in there trying to get the rest of those fossils and possibly trying to hunt me down I do not want to risk that I need

To go straight back to the base so I quickly made my way to the coast and hopped into a boat all right I think I got away and after leaving the Triassic region I was able to make my way back into the Cretaceous Period eventually arriving back home oh I’ve never been

Happier to see my base hello Onie oh Flex hello okay I think I may have got back before then what did I even just get right let’s just dump all of this in a chest I got some Jurassic fossils I got over a stack of bone blocks pretty much

A full set of iron armor all right I’m back yo welcome back yo bro I got ran up on you got run up on yeah I was I found a fossil I was looting it okay T and the rest like some of his gang pulled up on

Me D I got some loot I got some I got some more guns although I’m completely out of ammo I got basically another pistol mainly I got the fossils which they need over at the science lab so yeah that is that is a big W I was just

Chill oh yeah bro like 10 theop swur chase me as well oh yeah those ones that we saw earlier or was it different I no it was those I accidentally ran into them again while I was going back to the ghost when only gets back by by the way

We should probably go over to the lab and give them those fossils we found and then start looking for some more of those uh structures for ammo like straight away yeah I am here oh bro perfect timing where you at I’m at the

Gate I was I was lost yo now as we were all back together we prepared to head back out towards the lab to pass the fossils over to the players inside and then do some exploring hoping to possibly find some more players bases or the helipad that would eventually be our

Exit from this island but just as we were about to leave we spotted a massive group of players on the other side of the river oh there there’s a lot of Tes on the other side of the river yeah there is a lot of TRS over there and who

Is it bro I can’t even see their name I don’t know well they’re getting chased by Raptors though or is they got a pet Raptor I cannot tell there’s a raptor following them before we were able to see the names of these players they moved along so we then grabbed the

Fossils we needed and stuck to our plan as we started our journey by heading back over towards the the lab yo oh Elemental what’s good we come bearing gifts oh oh gifts I like gifts got some fossils right well we were out exploring I thought I’d just dropped

Those off to you cuz I said I would if I found it you Dro me off two diamonds as well I’ve got no diamonds wait don’t you want enchant uh we could enchant actually we could sure yeah we can enchant that works yeah o brought one brought one

Again brought one again a I almost had a full he almost had a royal flush oh I get sharpness on the sword so as it was night time and we didn’t want to get caught by any Raptors on the way home we decided to enchant our armor and stick

Around until the morning and once the sun came up we headed back out and started exploring the map looking for the new structures all right let’s just keep exploring to see if we can find some new structures I say we just head south and see what we can find we then

Went on a giant adventure looking for some new structures whilst being attacked by a lot of raptors along the way oh raptors raptors raptors raptors oh they’re so they’re like rabbits they’re so hard to hit yeah oh Jesus so annoying oh more oh another one okay and as we continued exploring

Through the day we also spotted some peaceful dinosaurs there uh triops there triatop where yeah oh yeah I see it yeah yeah it’s turning night as well guys by the way so just be careful and as we currently had no dinosaurs tamed finding wild Triceratops allowed us to finally

Claim one oh oh my God first strike y he just doesn’t like it that is sick all right just I guess yeah well there’s one but as Flex was able to tame this Triceratops me and non would have to wait as the other ones nearby were in a slightly dangerous position oh more

Trikes but there’s a T-Rex okay I do not want to go near the the T-Rex I mean he’s kind of I can lead him away I think I’m faster though let’s keep seeing if we can find another gun first all right yeah yeah so we moved on and continued searching the jungle and

Were quickly able to find another Triceratops oh I see a tri another one where oh yes perfect all right so what you just right click it did nothing yeah yeah you just ride it like a horse and then you got to like T it yeah just keep

Right oh there we go you got it yeah nice oh hell yeah yeah all right now I feel slow that’s two for that’s two for three all right now we just need to two for three yeah we just find one more and luckily it didn’t take long oh there’s

Another one oie let’s go coming I’m SL oh this is so sick this is so sick yeah I got it let’s yo this is so sick big boy oh mine is so slow the tight this has to be one of the coolest forms of Transport I’ve had in

An event yeah now as we each had a Triceratops exploring the map trying to find structures or the helipad off this island would be much quicker but as we continued exploring through the night instead we spotted some light in the distance oh there’s a base oh oh there’s

Place oh wait that’s them that’s them wait wait wait get go come come back come back come back come back come back back wait isn’t that Mark this base was actually the place that we had taken shelter overnight earlier in the event but it was also now the main base of the

Anti-do league that had attacked me in the desert earlier Hop Off hop off these just leave them here for now okay those are the people that tried to kill me oh really wa and as the players back at the lab had been trying to figure out where these players had been living confirming

That this was their base would be extremely valuable information so we started sneaking towards it hoping to spot a name tag we need to try and get close to make sure it is who it I think it is without being seen let me take this torch out of my

Hand right just use the trees as cover or maybe even hold back I’m just going to try and get close enough to hear them and then we can leave yeah they’re enchants oh they are burning the trees on fire oh yeah yeah it is it is it’s drawn it’s

Drawn it’s drawn pull back pull back pull back so after confirming that the players at this Camp were the same play that had attacked me earlier we slowly snuck back through the jungle towards our Triceratops before we were spotted all right let’s just get on these out

Right so that’s where they’re living and as we escaped into the distance with this valuable information we continued searching for structures into the next day and eventually spotted a small wat Tower wait did we did we loot that Tower no we haven’t right watch my

TR oh oh hold up there’s a sniper up here what the hell an aw M we’ got some long bullets damn let’s go but this Tower wasn’t the only thing nearby there is a T-Rex over there and I now have a sniper and more bullets okay you want to

Go for him we can do as T-Rexes had the chance of dropping a tooth that could be used in a recipe to make a deadly Tyrannosaurus dagger taking these down would definitely be worth it but as they were incredibly strong we’d have to be careful I want to maybe try to not waste

Bullets and try to kill it with fors and I could kill it with my bow I’m not going to lie I’m going to have my gun ready hopefully this drops a tooth oh it’s already coming it’s already coming I think yeah only watch out oh I’m just

Trying to bait it in like like wait is who’s it on who’s it on oh watch out oh is he going for you oh it’s dead it’s dead it’s dead it’s dead it’s dead oh good [ __ ] did we get anything me didn’t drop any oh he didn’t drop any

Claws here get there’s another one there’s another one oh watch out there’s Raptors there as well that’s fine where’s the try to kill the Raptor oh there’s one L right there by the way dead did we get it no oh that one’s going crazy wait how many clo we got two

Teeth I got one to oh you got okay okay if we could get one more then we can get two we have yeah oh there’s another one in front of usur oh where where oh okay in front of us there’s another building oh that’s too oh yeah

Okay oh and there’s Raptors right there oh oh nice all right just watch out for those was there two you said oh and there’s more of the other there two yeah and there’s more Raptors so with only one more T-Rex tooth needed we started attacking but is

The T-Rex focused on Oni we tried our best to take it down but weren’t quick enough oh I’m low no oh that that was that was not meant to happen no no oh he ran in front of it right watch out there’s another one there there’s another one there watch

Out I did not mean I did not mean to it’s okay it’s okay mistakes happen mistakes happen Okay well right just watch out for this other one making sure to take no more risks we dealt a bunch of damage to the final T-Rex from a distance before taking it down

Ah o no [ __ ] only I’m still bleeding oh the skull and despite having one less player on our team we were able to get our hands on four Tyrannosaurus teeth which would be extremely valuable later in the event as it meant we had enough to make two

Daggers when we eventually made it home all right let’s go go get the Triceratops wait youve got the dino too though right yeah I did yeah yeah okay nice okay we are quite far from home I’m not going to lie so we got got a little

Bit of a journey to go so we made the long journey back across the map over towards our base but on the way there ran into something unexpected wait a minute what is this yeah hello hello there hello welcome welcome to the facility guys how are you both doing doing great hello let

Me let me give you a tour guys you’ll have to you’ll have to leave the you’ll have to leave the big guys outside yeah that’s fine if you want to if you want to put them in our pen you can but uh looks a bit cramped in there looks a bit

Cramped in there yeah might be a bit cramped this place had been built by a group of four players that were also trying to do research on the dinosaurs this is uh this is the quals and Co Dino research facility and Museum not on the work and despite this

Place not looking great from the outside the inside contained a bunch of cool items so right here we got snorlax’s my guy yeah yeah he always asleep sleep me me and him went around the world together that was kind of cool where’s his head yeah he it’s his head’s

Right there that’s his that’s his head that’s his head where’s his eyes his he sleep hey yo let me wake him up let me wake him up one minute let me let me go talk to yo y yo yo sorla there we go there we go oh damn okay yeah

There’s my guy there’s my guy okay is it quick it’s very he’s the he’s the fastest on the streets can we see no we can’t take him out of there see the problem with him is he he migrates this place also had fossils uh we got the T-Rex of course the T-Rex

Main guy we got trops trops okay and as we were showing more of this Museum more players started showing up this is quite cool these are these are exclusive exclusive indeed Snorlax snla SI this is quite cool they won’t ride Snorlax why not I don’t know some about

Migration I don’t make the rules there and with that our tour was over but uh thank you all for visiting the facility I hope you’ve all enjoyed your tour all donations are greatly appreciated dog do you have a donation I do a special samplings area what are these they’re special samplings do you

Want to get dropped dog that happen come On’s score dog off the premises please oh my ad domination might as well spit in my face no so after a certainly interesting tour we got out of here before any players started fighting and continued making our way home on the Triceratops which

Took way longer than expected as we had to go all the way around the map to use Bridges to cross cross the rivers with our trikes first time home with the trikes yeah we need to make like a little pen for them yeah we need to make

An area yeah before anything though only needs a grave yeah poor guy killed by his own teammate yeah I mean he that was yeah that was definitely my fault gone but never forgotten and just as a signature to him will put his skull in there okay

Gone but not forgot it’s not going to fit so it’s not going to just put gone but never G but and now after paying our respects to Oni we were able to organize our inventories after our adventure I’ve also I found some Gunpowder as well by

The way so I can make some more ammo oh okay I still have not got a gun but I don’t I’ve I’ve got spares now I’ve got uh take this take that’s a P250 just don’t shoot me with it yeah yeah that yeah I’m not going to do that I’m going

To do that okay so for ammo for a small bullet we need we need to make a workbench which requires light gray concrete did those that oh that wat tower that we saw earlier had uh had light gray concrete was that not just straight from here I think so yeah wait

I’ll just I’ll just head out real quick and try and grab some after remembering that the tower we had spotted early on had some concrete I hopped on my trike and headed back out to try and relocate it I’m pretty sure the tower was over

This way and I was right let’s see what this is please be the right thing perfect yes so I grabbed a few pieces and made my way back home I got what I needed right so if I put iron like that and light gray concrete boom workbench

Boom all right and now with a workbench made we were able to start making some ammo small bullet here we go 32 small Bullets by the way bang bang how many is that I’ve got a stack of bullets ooh nice okay so I can reload both P well I

Can I I can reload this pistol once our pistols were reloaded I also crafted the Tyrannosaurus dagger meaning we were now prepared for a fight if needed which would definitely be useful as it seemed the conflict between the two other teams had been growing after we had seen

Players dying in chat only a few moments ago all right I kind of want to go and figure out what just happened with JN J just killed I do as well I want to find out sio that was who we saw earlier on which team was he on he was with dog and

He was in Elemental I think oh was he oh yeah he was he was at the lab yeah yeah he was at the lab yeah we should definitely go check that out let me cook this food up and then we’ll go wait I think it’s turning

Night time anyway right now but as we didn’t want to risk too much traveling in the dark we came up with another plan for tonight to be honest Going Underground to try and grab some diamonds might not be a bad shout anyway yeah I think we need to do that just to

Upgrade our armor so we then Dove underground and started Gathering as many resources as we could find Redstone Yes red red stone again come on diamonds show me the money ow that is not the money more Redstone hey get me in this water I’m burning alive but after a few minutes of

Mining I was only able to find eight diamonds all right well I think I maxed out my luck on the eight Diamond vein that I found because I have not found a single other Diamond since and I am almost out of pickaxe which means I’m

Going to have to go back up but Eight’s not bad eight means I can get at least a new chest plate yep pickaxe is gone I definitely can’t use this Hammer unfortunately so back to the surface we go okay I think oof Flex is still down in the mines so what I’m

Going to do is I’m going to make myself a diamond chest plate a little upgrade there we go and when the sun comes up if he isn’t up by then I’m going to go and check out the research lab to see what happened with that other team because

Somebody definitely died and I want to know what went down and as I waited waed for the sun to rise I spotted the players from the lab on the other side of the river oh they’re here hey yo yo Elemental what’s good come down yo this is perfect timing I was literally just

About to I was saying I was just about to come over to your base what happened uh John sniped sio why um I don’t know it turned out that the players from the anti-do league had attacked the lab once again this time killing one of their players as they had

Sniped one of the fishes but as these players were completely unaware that I had also fought them in the desert this was the perfect opportunity to tell them yeah they well I I oh I have not even told you yet I was jumped by them in the

Desert I had to kill I killed a toam nice so yeah I I took them down but clearly they are not they’ve attacked me they’ve killed one of your guys but I do know where they live so you do yes where they are Southwest of the map it’s like a a Cove

They’re with common hat I’m pretty sure uh do you mind if I actually come and visit and use your enchantment table again oh yeah that’s fine so as I was no longer alone I joined these players and made the journey over towards the lab to enchant yeah that was such a that was

Such a bad adventure we meant to go out and we just came back straight away you ran into me that’s why yeah that shouldn’t stop us okay okay I then quickly Enchanted my new play and weapon and headed back home all right once again their Hospitality was fantastic

I’m going to head home quickly I think the new day is starting very very soon uh a flex hopefully is going to be back at the surface now so should be good but it is clear that the other team are just being ruthless for no reason they’re

Just killing people it’s as if they want I don’t know maybe they want the lab or something I don’t I’ve got no idea oh they they want to kill the dinosaurs inside but either way I’m all already on the wrong side of them so until I I

Don’t know I’m A Little Bit Stronger probably staying away from them is a good shout and Once I arrived home it didn’t take long for Flex to return oh there wow you found yeah I didn’t found anything I got one diamond yeah I spoke to the people at the lab and they said

That JN from the other team just sniped them one of their players as he was fishing just got sniped from the trees so clearly they are well they’re still hostile but I don’t know yeah they were killing the dinosaurs now they’re killing the people but as these players plan to control the

Island for themselves this would only be the start of their attacks however as we now knew the location of their base launching a Counterattack of our own was always possible and after hearing that they were still nearby to the lab trying to snipe at the people inside we came up

With a plan right well we could we could go and have a look and see wait if that means they’re there that means they’re not at their base right maybe it’s only Jordan because they might only have one sniper you know what I mean but it’s risky going out

With with just one player if they’re trying to launch an attack of some sort so we could maybe go and try and have a look at their base yeah we’re good hoping that these players had all left their base behind we prepared to go on a stealth Mission back towards their base

To try and gather some information right let’s grab on the Triceratops and let’s get moving quick yeah I’m need to go get my sadle where are they I don’t know uh they probably wandered off somewhere uh are they not like what as we looked for Triceratops hoping to quickly make a

Move it turned out our base had become a Target there’s no way they’ve killed our dinosaurs as we’ve been mining bro what look at the sign what sorry about man well we go mining for 10 minutes and they’ve come and killed him oh God damn it as we had been

Underground mining the players from the anti-do league had not only been into our base but had also killed both of our Triceratops meaning getting over to their base would now take much longer so with limited time before they’d be getting home we couldn’t wait around so

Started moving on foot we might be able to like heist mission theirs we could we’ve got quite the journey to make but if we can get there quickly as quick as possible we might be able to steal theirs if they’re out yep take our dinosaurs and our Saddles

As well so hoping to head over to their base and possibly steal their Triceratops we started our journey across the map but quickly ran into a giant group of players moving through the jungle yeah it’s a dead end that way oh there’s players players players players players behind us just keep going keep

Going keep going keep going keep going right right yeah just go that way go that way we might have to Dismount get off get off get in the get in the trees unsure as to if these players were the same ones that had attacked the lab and

Killed our dinosaurs we dove into the jungle hoping to stay hidden I couldn’t see name tags that could be them yeah yeah yeah there probably them yeah are they coming this way no they’ve moved past wait let me see if I can there’s like eight of them yeah they were just

Yeah they moving fast yeah I have I don’t recognize any of the Skins I couldn’t see it was kind of far yeah I was more although that was the team with like a lot of Dres yeah they have a lot oh player player player player two players wait hide

Again can I see a skin Oh there’s three okay right let’s just stick to the trees yeah as we were now only a few hundred blocks away from their base we stuck to the Jungle hoping to use the tra’s cover and after sneaking all through the night

Eventually we arrived at the coast okay right here’s the coast oh two more T-Rexes there as well Jee okay wait is there a way to get up these trees is this a there’s a clear path right here we could try and get like up one of these

Trees and then try and look down cuz we are very close now I’m pretty sure pry sure yeah is that coming for us oh my God scared the out of me it’s starting running and as we continued closing in on this base we received a message Elemental just

Messaged me saying are you sure there was a base we just looked entirely that area wait I wonder if they’re the players that we saw earlier but as the players back at the lab claimed they weren’t able to find this base it was now right in our sight I I can literally

See them I can bro there’s so many people oh my god well they’re lined up I swear to God they’re still in light unless it’s like glitch textures I think they might be taking like a team screenshot bro there’s so many dinos here oh I see that yeah all

Right is there any tall trees nearby there’s one like right there but there’s so many dinosaurs as long as we don’t get attacked by these dinos we should be all right might be able to get up this tree now with the Enemy base in sight we just

Had to wait for the perfect time to move in but as it seemed their entire team were at the base we’d have to cause a distraction if we wanted them to leave to give us a chance of getting their Triceratops they’re all there this is

Sketchy you could I mean the I could pop one of them I could pop you could definitely I’ve got my sight on one guy fishing right now he just explode in front of them you want to it’s going to send them into chaos yeah I will we got to we got to leave

Once that happens there yeah right that guy right in front guy yeah yeah he’s in a cra oh he’s moving he’s moving he’s moving I’m I’m going to track that person if he stops again he’s dead yeah there we go got him I got him I got him I got him I

Got him I think as this player exploded their team were left clueless as to how their teammate died but as they didn’t seem to be leaving we had to take our chances once again I don’t think they even realized he shot at them I’m not going to lie right they’re all Stood

Still they’re all Stood Still right I want to get the Triceratops I don’t think you’re going to be able to steal any when they’re all there no there’s no way but if I if I keep keep if people keep dropping they’re going to start searching nearby yeah so it could get

Them away from their base yeah yeah we need them to leave I might have to take another one of them down I think yeah yeah but as we waited in the trees for another opportunity we were about to be caught completely by surprise as it turned out that we weren’t the only

Players trying to attack this Camp as back at the lab these players had been preparing to also launch an attack on this Camp after I told them the location earlier on and as they had been searching through the jungle looking for this camp we had actually spotted them

Assuming it was the enemy team and after searching for almost an entire day in the direction I told them they were finally able to locate the camp at the exact same time that we were sniping at them oh oh more people coming on trikes

Oh my God five oh my God wait is this going to be a war oh they’re running they’re running they’re swimming away yeah they’re fighting I missed again yeah they’re shooting they’re shooting what the hell’s got who’s is that Elementals team mov got melted yes yes definitely

100% bro how am I missing all these shots I missed again oh I’ve got a clear shot I’m going to take it you kill somebody how is that not hitting despite missing several shots from the trees countless players from both sides had died in this attack and

As the players from the lab retreated back into the forest I saw a perfect opportunity to move in hoping to Ste the Triceratops back all right let’s go down let’s go down they’ve left the Triceratops outside so let’s just see if we can grab some well they’re looting

They’re looting let’s see if we can get in and out quick just hop straight on and get out I’m going to take this one there’s not another one there is just through the door go quick quick quick there just well it’s JN it’s JN it’s JN right we got one at least you

Want to just take it let’s go let’s go let’s go without being seen by these players we escaped into the jungle with the Triceratops in complete shock as they continued to loot their fallen teammates well that was the most that was the strangest timing ever yeah wait

That was perfect Not only would they all there Elementals team shows up a massive fight breaks out we’re just sniping at we’re just taking shots from a mile away and as we continue traveling through the jungle it turned out stealing this Triceratops was a great

Idea yeah I think we killed two yo check the chest of this check the chest oh they had all of the eggs and stuff okay W right let’s just get out of here that’s big let’s go let’s go we’re a while away from home we then made the

Massive journey across the map and arrived back home I still don’t know if that was a w or an L like we got we got two Triceratops back and we killed a few of them but I don’t know how many people Elemental lost yeah that’s true that’s

Going to be that could be the turning point if he’s lost quite a few people yeah so hoping to catch up with elemental and figure out what happened we made our way over towards the lab hopefully they’re back oh there’s definitely people there oh yeah holy [ __ ] there’s so many people

Elemental yeah what just happened um we tried to carry out a raid on John’s group of players I wouldn’t say completely backfired it didn’t go to plan you kind of backfired our plan we were there yeah what was your plan well we went there because right so we went mining earlier

Would do you know when uh I came you came over I Enchanted my chest plate and stuff yeah we went underground mining they killed our dinosaurs while we were down there so we said okay we’ll go back try and kill whoever’s watching their dinosaurs and then take

Theirs so we’re setting a tree sniping down and then your whole team comes out of the forest on triceratops and starts shooting at them yeah you kind of ruined our plan but we killed a few but I don’t know how many of you guys lost cuz there was a

Lot of death I think they lost four we lost Jesus okay all right well when we raided their thing we got uh two Velociraptor eggs and three in I don’t even know how to pronounce that you can give it a try if you want and I got some fossils as well

So they’ve been clearly holding it all I don’t know what your guys situation situation um well we had our dinos killed we went to try and get some dinos back we got dinos back uh but I used all of my sniper ammo in the process so okay

So for the survival of your team as well as I think the best bet is that we join up yeah I age otherwise we’re all going to get dropped yeah so we have to join up if we want any like hope of defeating John’s te right yeah yeah that’s true

Right well you guys know where we live we literally live only like 150 blocks that way so yeah if anything goes down literally straight away just message us and we’ll come over okay all right all right well actually if you guys do get attacked here by them we can I think

What I’m going to do now is because I don’t I don’t know how op they’re weapons are but I think more diamond armor might be kind of smart for me to try and get so I think I might go back try and dive underground and find some

More diamonds real quick um but if they do attack we’ll be able to flank them from behind because if they’re going to be attacking this then they’re not going to be expecting people from outside to come in I think I think what we need to do is

We need to fortify these walls CU at the moment we can get easily sniped so yeah there are a lot of gaps there are um the have you seen the like the radio towers I think there’s one actually over that way um there’s a load of iron bars on there if you want

To even just doing this and blocking up the like the holes yeah but that looks like I’m not going to lie yeah but I was quickly about to find out that using Cobblestone wasn’t that bad of an idea point exactly exactly did you get

SN oh my God as we had been talking a player from the anti-do league had made his way all all the way back across the map for instant Revenge after our attack eliminating voided with the pull of a trigger I see him on the hill ahead of

Us they’re on the hill ahead I could snipe him where where where who died oh I see him I see him I see him I’m making a run for yeah I need to make a wait I lost is it clear can I make a run for the door

Um yeah you can you can make a run for it I’m going I’m going I’m going in front of me he exploded awful bro okay good okay maybe couble doesn’t look so bad after all yeah saying that’s what I’m saying so with no idea how many players were

Around the lab with snipers we held position waiting for them to leave all right I say we just bunker up here for the night yeah we kind of have there and then in the morning I I’ll peek my head out and try and who’s that I just heard

Some yeah I heard that as well but after hearing one final shot we heard nothing for the rest of the night and as the sun started to rise in the morning I checked outside and it seemed they had left giving me and flex the opportunity to

Finally go home all right I I think the coast is clear right I am going to try and run back to my base and try and get those diamonds quickly um that’s a bit dangerous try and reinforce this as much as possible yeah um well I’ll bring I’ll bring back some

Cobble I’ll bring back some bars I’m happy to settle for Cobble it’s okay okay yeah let’s go through this so like we don’t just come out through the front door tunnel you can take the Escape tunnel see I I just don’t know how safe it is to go outside and try barricade it

Up with them out there in the tree sniping at us yeah if when we get behind them I’ll have a look and if there’s if there’s people there I’ll send you a message okay okay right let’s go see you guys soon so after sneaking through a small Escape tunnel that had been made

We ran through the gate and luckily made it home without any problems and after double checking that the coast was clear we Dove underground hoping to grab some last minute diamonds all right I will meet you back up here in well let’s say 10 minutes but if uh if we get a message

Or if I get a message I will tell you all right we then Dove underground and were able to grab a bunch of extra resources allowing me to resurface with 11 diamonds all right 11 diamonds I can make leggings and boots that’s not bad okay yo yo did you find any diamonds all

Right no I did not all right well I found 11 diamonds so I can make leggings and boots if you want to take the leggings I can take the boots all right yeah cuz then you can kind of gear up a little bit right I’m just double checking everything’s all right with

Them yeah if we can get back in and enchant before any conflicts kick off again then that’ be great so yeah we are just fishing right now for more things how’s the diamonds coming along uh got 11 will be back over in a few you yeah

So they’re all good okay yeah but as we stayed at the base making the final few changes to our armor I received a message from nap that the enemies had returned once again giving us the perfect chance to flank them as planned they are near us nap said should we do

What we said and try and flank them yeah yeah yeah okay I think we’re going to have to yeah we need to prioritize Jordan though you need to shoot Jordan yeah yeah I’ll try I’ll try my best I’ll try my best if I can he’s clearly their

Leader yeah he’s the leader and like the guy with the sniper so right I don’t see anyone yeah which way do you think they’re coming from they they live Southwest right so they’re probably or Southeast so they’re probably coming around this way so let’s see if we can flank them however as we

Flanked around hoping to catch the attackers off guard we couldn’t see anyone do you see anyone I don’t see anyone no I don’t I don’t I still don’t see any players yo dismounted Drake right there oh yeah okay right they could be nearby then we could could we could grab that

And run it in might be yeah they may have already pushed in yeah maybe has he s anything or they are near us was his last message so with no sign of the enemies nearby we made our way over towards the entrance hoping they hadn’t already breached the walls oh theyve

They’ve reinforced this a lot yo nap is everything all right uh yeah so we saw their name tags just outside the walls or like just like just out we don’t know what they’re doing they’re probably trying to snipe us so that’s why we’ve all sort of rallied in

Here right okay and as we held position it didn’t take long to spot them in the distance is that a player I see yeah player player player player player get down get down I don’t know if it’s one of them is an enchanted an cleara helmet uh you got SN

On have been wanding around I did have a snipe they they just disappeared I saw her moving be those trees Reese if you get a CLE sniper um if you get a clear snipe on them then I recommend just taking it even if I don’t

Know who it is yeah okay BS the player I spotted disappeared into the trees we held position watching our surroundings all through the day and as the sun dropped away into the distance it seemed like they had all left until a new group of players arrived at the entrance of

The lab oh oh w w who whoa whoa they there they there oh they’re at the front G bro the Y these guys peaceful wa that’s that’s and we shed them I don’t I don’t trust it I don’t trust it I don’t trust it I don’t know these guys not

Even met them yet I they’re neutral I think as these players had been living off the grid for almost the entire event up to now we had no idea if they were hostile so tried to figure out what they wanted what’s up what do you want why

Are you here we’re here for one reason we need to get into Portal it turned out that these players had actually been looting structures digging fossils and taking down dinosaurs since the start of the event with the goal of crafting a portal totem which was needed to open

The portal frames in the basement of this lab but they hadn’t been doing this alone what do you guys have one of the totems you see we’ve made a little alliance with who where Jordan I got him I got him I got him I got him nice job bro get him

Oh get this guy get this guy he’s on fire yeah I got him I got him I got him nice where you going stuck stuck nice Dead with a few players already down it turned out this was a giant distraction as all of the anti-do league and allies were now closing in

Towards the lab completely surrounding us watch out they got guns someone sniping watch out I don’t have any bullets left on the side on the side on the side on the side there’s more people side on the sides they’re coming out on the sides we’re going to have to go down

Oh my God they’re climbing up they’re climbing up up top we no I’m pushing him I’m pushing him there’s so many of them did he die where’d they go as I tried to hunt these players down the rest of the group made their way into the basement trapping themselves as

There was only one exit only story way down oh waa whoa whoa whoa relax rela come on someone watch x where’s the other oh my God just kill yo yo yo there there there there where this exit this exit here here here they start it’s start it’s start it’s start it’s start

Go go go go and as the rest of this team started pushing down the stairs they continued moving forward allowing them to pick off even more of my teammates as the rest were given no choice but to hide and as they cleared out the basement entirely

They were able to not only light the portal and Escape through to the other side but also prevent us from following them inside as one of their members exploded the portal behind them locking us inside of this world at the worst time possible as it was announced that

The volcano on this island was starting to erupt causing giant balls of fire to start raining down from the sky but luckily the players that had been living at the lab had actually been able to find the helipad that we had been looking for earlier and as this was now

The only way off the island after the portal had been exploded we had no choice but to leave the lab behind and start heading towards the coast what the we’ve got to go just keep running just keep running go go quick try and use the

Trees as cover just don’t do not get hit by those Fireballs but as this helipad was well over a, blocks away we still had a massive journey ahead of us if we wanted to survive which wouldn’t be easy I see a bridge do we just yeah yeah go

For the bridge go for the bridge but we quickly realized we weren’t all going to make it oh no oh my God we just got to go got to go got to keep running and as we crossed the bridge over into the jungle hoping to use the trees as cover

It wasn’t enough I’m burning I’m burning I’ll give him a water back come on quick I’m dead no now with all but one player remaining Elemental made his way to the coast hoping to get to the helicopter in time but after arriving on the wrong Beach it was too

Late please don’t forget to subscribe trying to hit a million by the end of the year thank you

This video, titled ‘100 Players Simulate JURASSIC PARK in Minecraft Hardcore…’, was uploaded by Sword4000 on 2023-12-08 20:00:14. It has garnered 439813 views and 19813 likes. The duration of the video is 01:12:39 or 4359 seconds.

100 Players Simulate Jurassic Park in Minecraft Hardcore… ————————————————————- Today I invited 100 Players to my Minecraft server and put them on a giant Island with the goal to survive until the escape helicopter arrives. Will players be able to work together to survive on this Island, or will groups form and conflict rise… Let’s find out!

👍 Can we get 50,000 likes?! 👍

JOIN FUTURE EVENTS HERE – https://discord.gg/sword4000 🔴 Follow my Twitch for LIVE EVENTS! ► https://www.twitch.tv/Sword4000_

🐤 Twitter ► https://twitter.com/Sword4000_YT 📷 Instagram ► https://www.instagram.com/sword4000_/ 🎬 Edited by ► @SwordExtra @SwordClips

#minecraft #100players #jurassicpark ————————————————————- Despite fighting the people in these events, everyone on this servers are friends and no grudges are held. Please do not direct any hate towards anyone on the opposing teams. This video would not be possible without them, thank you all for playing!!!!

Some audio clips and replay shots were captured and or re-created after the event to help with the storytelling.

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  • MC HacKsMan: Mobs Talk?! 🤯 #shorts #minecraft

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  • Reyvadin Towny – SEMI-VANILLA, NEW, Public, Java

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  • Minecraft server hirayasmp.com

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  • Unbelievable Mindset: #BlueLock Anime Quotes

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  • 🌟Galaxy STAR A-tan builds racetrack!✨

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  • Unbelievable Minecraft Build Battle – Wersonka goes CRAZY! 🔥🔨 #minecraft

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  • “BEST NUKE MOD for Bedrock in Minecraft | Insane Anime Edit!” #Clickbait

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  • Sandunga Eternals

    Sandunga EternalsServer survival custom para guerreros, kits, rankups, protecciones. Estoy creando mi propio server, y también juego en el para ir mejorando la experiencia para la pequeña comunidad que estoy creando en minecraft, acompañame en esta aventura. eternals.playit.gg:3115 Read More

  • Midnight Apocalypse 1.20.1 – modded

    The Apocalypse Has Evolved: Midnight Apocalypse Forge 1.20.1 is Here! Get ready to experience the ultimate Minecraft survival challenge like never before! The latest release of Midnight Apocalypse Forge 1.20.1 modpack is now available, packed with new features, mods, and gameplay mechanics that will push your skills to the limit. Explore a Vast World: Teleporting and Adventuring: Use waystones to travel long distances, or take a random TP to start your adventure in an unexplored location. Looter Mod: Get loot from even looted/explored areas, and discover hidden treasures. Spells and Scrolls: Travel distances using scrolls, scriptures, and spells. Craftable Rockets:… Read More

  • The Ultimate Murder Strategy Guide

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  • POV: When Your Friend Lava Bombs Your House #toxic #minecraft

    POV: When Your Friend Lava Bombs Your House #toxic #minecraft POV: When your friend is the most toxic in Minecraft and you start questioning if they’ve been taking lessons from the Creepers. Read More