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I used to write my feelings now as I get old there’s not to it up alone quietly I shut the doors in fear of what’s unknown all I do his Brea sink into the emptiness orange summer bre the unlift experience do is how’s it going everybody um all right so today we’re

Going to play some Minecraft and we might do Angel’s game night later if um if we’re still awake for It Well by awake I mean like not tired cuz we did start stream pretty early today but that’s cuz there’s new Minecraft players joining um okay anyway here we go um the hair looks

Good thanks I’m worried it’s a little too curly still but I think it’ll um it always settles in I got it permed like a couple days ago so everyone’s early that’s cuz there’s three new people joining the server today um all right let’s get on guys and we’ve

Got some good news actually well depending on how you think of it good news um well the good news is people are joining there’s four people joining I thought there was only three well all right apparently it’s four anyway um that’ll be fun but the more exciting thing is quite simple guys

We’ve got unlimited energy now in fact if you look at our um if you look at our thing it’s pretty much almost full uh we have Ryan and mang on the Wi-Fi right now uh draining what’s it called um draining all the energy and it’s barely even going down so it’s pretty

Good but here’s the thing there’s two problems one is the output uh we actually can’t use up the energy as fast as we’re generating it this is without the fision reactor on and it’s barely draining a thing so what we need is two things we need a battery up upgrade we

Need an induction upgrade and we need one more thing oh I’m already searching it um so on the old server and in this one normally you blow stuff up by overloading the reactor instead of overloading the reactor we can just craft one of these the infinity

Nuke now the thing about this is it takes a lot of energy to charge but the thing is we’ve got unlimited energy all we have to do is craft this one Infinity nuke and um yeah okay let’s see so if you guys want to see how good it is I Googled the video

Cuz to be honest it’s not easy to make and I wanted to see how damaging it is um just to just to take a little look um um okay so here’s what we’re going to do let let me I pulled up a video uh I’m just going to get a screenshot of the

Damage it does um hold on now we’ll just pull up the video okay so this video is apparently what happens if you set off the infinity nuke fully charged of course uh but hold on now normally I don’t want to spoil anything but the thing is I don’t really

Want to make it unless it’s worth making cuz it’s hard to make but let’s just uh let’s just take a look here this is what the the infinity nuke does if you set it off we’re going to make one now it requires a lot of energy of course but

Um wait Did He Set It Off yet nothing’s happening um H oh oh there it goes now obviously it’s going to lag this guy’s computer it’s going to lag most people’s computer but look at this guys uh other than the lag that this guy’s experiencing that’s pretty crazy so we

Got to make one of those um we’re making one of those guys that’s the plan anyway because now we have infinite energy energy barely goes down SL leaderboard player kills oh huh Jesus honestly that sounds about correct um that sounds about correct mang does kill lot of people all right so I don’t

Know how to make this thing I think Mong already has the technology for it um it’s actually not super hard the problem is this The Ether gas you only can get this by trapping a Wither using paper laser lens um which I don’t even know

How to make um it’s not super easy I think mang is pretty close to it um mang’s making that already already is she making the nuke I asked her to make it cuz to be honest I’ve all my technology is in a different mod pack

So um I don’t really know how to use this mod pack it’s industrial foro uh I did mechanism so I’m not sure how it works I’m hoping meang can make it and obviously um I’ll be the one to charge it die Enderman die okay anyway Let’s uh keep on going

Guys what we do need is to make bigger and faster charging batteries she added a kill she did uh Ryan has given us uh thanks to our guys guys the fusion gener generator we made yesterday right over here thanks to this thing Ryan was impressed enough to give us a a little

Gift of a supply drop here uh we can change our armor too so we’ll figure that out later um but he gave us a little Supply drop thanks to our fusion generator hold on let’s turn off the shaders cuz it looks really cool it’s off wait a minute what’s happened

Wait why is the fusion generator off it’s got fuel it’s got oh we’re going to have to restart it why is it off that is not normal um H that’s weird it was running just a few minutes ago all right let’s get that started right back up then

Um these chunks are loaded right yeah um H that’s weird it’s not supposed to turn off is it the thing you put inside that ran out of combined fuel uh no if you take all the power it turns off but we didn’t take all the power um interesting well anyway um let’s just

Turn it right back on it’s not hard to do uh we just need some gold got iron gold get the rest of this cooking you crush up like four pieces of gold it’s it’s very easy to restart oh I think it’s cuz we when we plugged it in directly that might

Have been it yeah that was probably it so what we’ve got to do is upgrade the batteries here um I actually know the best way to craft now it’s we’ll just get uh stacks on stacks of stuff osmium we do need more glass also we need a lot more um

Glass actually let’s leave all this in here um that’ll be our regular Supply oh we’re low on lithium how are we so low on lithium oh no we’re not we we have it in here okay uh throw that in there and lithium goes here so the easiest way to craft now is to

Um what’s it called just make stuff uh he left us a lot of supplies thanks to our Fusion reactor Ryan has given us pretty much everything we need to upgrade even further uh and that’s what we plan on doing but for now we’ve got to upgrade

The batteries first so we got some gold dust got some iron goes in there um we need oh Blau has been killed there’s a literal killing Rampage going on um throw that in we probably need more coal but it’s not so bad um 60 should be plenty so I can just

Craft everything inside of this backpack um oh wait let’s um let’s do this this should give us the whole gram um and what that should do for us is let us restart the reactor so we have to do this every time we want to start it up luckily it’s very cheap I mean

It’s four pieces of gold and the rest is just free so let’s go get that started um we got right here fill it up with DT fuel looks good ready to function put that in and then we pull the lever to shoot a laser beam into it to start the reaction

And I’m going to turn off the shaders cuz it looks much cooler look at that guys now the fusion reactor is right back on turn off the laser beam to let it charge and that should be that this thing will be juicing up it’s inputting with 600,000 that’s more than

Before why is it Happ have so much energy just uh oh it’s going down probably just stored up from last time uh so we’ve got duum or whatever deuterium or whatever and tridium going straight into the fusion reactor to do the things we need it to do now it’s got

Tons of energy we just need somebody to craft that nuclear thing all right so the energy is going crazy we need to get sand so let’s um let’s go this way get some sand off that Southern Bank not too close to our that’s colored sand so we don’t need that

Um let’s go like all the way down here actually there’s one griefed place of sand yeah right there east of town I think we just go there it’s already griefed so um here we go long story short we need meang to help us make the infinity nuke

Um because I haven’t progressed much in that mod pack I have tons of energy which the infinity nuke needs uh but not the technology to make the nuke so hopefully she’s willing to make it for us and we’ll give all the energy it needs that’s the plan anyway are you

Going to max out the suit today we already maxed out the suit uh the only thing we can increase is higher jump but honestly I feel like higher jump would just be a hassle and before someone says oh you can just turn it lower why would

I upgrade it to turn it lower because everyone says that they’re like oh but you know you can just turn the jump lower and I’m like so you want me to upgrade it and turn it lower um it doesn’t make any sense anyway the elytra upgrade we need the

SPs which we don’t have enough polonium for yet um and the way to get polonium is to run the fusion reactor more or the fision reactor but the problem is we can’t run the fision reactor cuz we have too much energy so we got to find a way to dump

The energy and the best way to do it is to uh what’s it called um Oops why did I fix that I don’t know um should we get more glass I think we got enough let’s let’s repair the natural environment and by repair of the natural environment I me grief it even

More oh wait we didn’t want to do that much um one more all right and now we go home cuz we got to get this glass smelting right up so our goal today is to upgrade the batteries is he still invisible or is it

Fixed um so the way it’ll work is we can replace our armor with brand new armor um like clothing or something does anyone know how it works I I think you can put any piece of clothing on but I don’t fully remember any other Infinity weapon well

We can I just thought the infinity nuke was the coolest one and it it is I’m going to say it is the coolest one well in my opinion anyway all right got that going this stuff’s going we’re going to need some more coal um I say we use up the last of

Our coal to to uh keep this thing going okay four of those this thing is running out of energy which is crazy cuz it stockpile so much but this is how it’s going to happen we’ve been using a lot of stuff you can make sand by crushing

Gravel which you can get by crushing Cobblestone so you’re telling me instead of walking over and Gathering sand like I just did you want me to crush Cobblestone and then Crush gravel and then Crush in the amount of time it takes me to gather the Cobble I think it’s actually

Faster to gather sand why would I gather Cobble and crush it up when I can just straight gather the sand um anyway okay so we’re going to work on the energy upgrades uh for the infinity nuke um the problem is we can’t make the nuke mang has to so we’ve got to

Convince her to give us the infinity nuke somehow and then we’ll just charge it right up um did you put night vision on the suit no we don’t need night vision um if you’re desperate for coal the airships have a few we’re not we’re not desperate for coal I

Uh yeah okay there we go um use the wish for the nuke that’s a good idea I think we will we’ll bring that up later that is the one thing that I haven’t that’s a good idea and the craziest thing is that’s not a crazy wish she has the technology to make it

So that is a genius idea I think that’s what we’ll be doing um we’ll think about it we’ll think about it okay first let’s um let’s go see what they’re up to we got to craft a bunch of batteries so got to wait for the stuff to craft anyway

Okay let’s go up here I would like to make the infinity nuke though just just to see what it does we’re not going to use it on the town that’d be crazy we built the town we’d be blowing up our own thing a bit hey guys what you guys up to

Here being griefed or nothing conru oh my God are you guys fighting in the arena never defeat me oh you can break it they said oh yeah you could just break it mine it maybe what break what oh sorry he was he was kind of bothering Jesus she’s ever since she found out

About the kill leaderboard she’s been going crazier than ever wait who’s on the who’s on the top for that you are by 10 miles hear that wait really I think you have more than the next five people combined replace the sand I think you have more kills

Than the next like five people combined maybe more well a lot of it is just El blow oh hey even though I’m small can I kill a big guy probably yeah try it try it oh hey do you think you could uh make that thing I talked

About um well come with me for a sec this way this way come with me this way uh over here well I’m still so small I can’t see oh I might oh you’re big come down come down oh we don’t want everybody to hear it over here mang over just really quick

Just a little bit out of range of everyone else here hearing um just yeah here’s probably far enough did you uh you look like that one guy um what’s that one anime where he’s like a skeleton and he gets like well not even like really Eide but he’s like a

Skeleton does anyone know what I’m talking about I look like a skeleton Overlord wow thanks I’ve actually gained a little weight so I’ve been trying to lose weight but um anyway listen you you can make the thing right yeah yeah yeah yeah sure you’re you’re going to make the thing

Right yeah but I need the the the the we need the nuke do it I’m activating my gas to make you make the nuke look into my eye do you not know that anime I thought we were on the same page here I I can’t you like your eyes are covered by the

Clo that’s because I need to change my thing listen it’s time mang make the nuke look at what I just gave you what what you I’m using it mang I’m using it make the nuke two of them actually what did you make two nukes I command you to make the nukes

You gave me the wish that’s right meong two nukes two nukes as per the deal and don’t tell anyone else about it two you want two oh one for me to test and one for me to test again um okay two nukes me young don’t tell anyone else don’t

Tell anyone else tell anybody I’m going to go get the energy systems ready what to do well Ryan’s okay but no one else Ryan’s okay he’s funded most of it it’s time guys it’s time I don’t know if she got the anime reference do you guys know code geese

One of my favorite anime I’m going to say and basically the guy’s power is he he looks into their eyeball and he he Winks or something and then he says I command you to do something and they always do it long story short um I have one wish from meong one

Wish and we’re using it for two nukes one for us to test and one for us to uh um something else any anyway point is Ryan’s given us tons of resources he deserves to know but nobody else has to know and nobody else will so here’s what

We’re going to do let’s get all these supplies nice and ready um and we will make uh battery upgrades cuz we do really need battery upgrades like a lot of battery upgrades even um we’re going to need more steel we’re going to need osmium um I like to leave a little stack of

Something in here uh just because I do feel kind of like we’re wasting it all well I mean to be honest what else are we going to use it for I just like to have a stack to look like a cluttered Maniac uh point is what else do we need

So I can stack it all in here and use this crafting grid which is pretty nice um we just need glass osmium we’ve got steel we’ve got two stacks we need more gold probably uh another stack of gold um I think we’ve got enough iron we need tons of red

Stone probably going to need infused Alloys uh let’s get those cracking right up um how’s this looking got any iron in there we need more iron we’ve been using it for steel which is quite important to be honest with you um we just got to process all these ores

First and then we’ll get to it we need a lot of these reinforced Alloys also I don’t know exactly how many but with the materials we’ve got we should be able to make tons of them it’s just going to come down to uh well let’s leave this stack of redstone

Here okay oh I forgot to put in back pack is that all the Redstone you get from 37 blocks I thought it’d be more anyway we need more of these things and probably more of the other things hopefully a stack of each that’s what we’re hoping for Holy materials yeah we

Got a lot of material thanks to Ryan um and with that we’ll be able to upgrade the batteries which is what we’re working on at least till the new players join hey Josh is on um we’re waiting for what I was told for new players how much delay is there

I don’t know everyone type in chat one when you hear this type in chat one one two three okay it’s it’s like a couple seconds which is pretty much nothing um I think that’s pretty much zero delay as far as I’m concerned what the is the server lagging no we’re out of

Energy no the server’s lagging a little bit oh my God Captain Puffy’s here Cara oh everybody’s joining hey let’s get go we are out of energy that is surprising that we could run out of energy so quickly but these things do happen just let everything cook on up

Hello um we’ll process later we’ll process later I think for now I’m just going to go hang out with the new players um wow okay put that in there blue in there too hello guys welcome welcome welome we got to make um hopefully a stack of each that’s what

We’re really hoping for oh we’re going to have to wait till everyone gets here to you meet everyone properly but this is going to be great this is going to be great it is everyone’s here oh it’s okay sorry flux plug we could but the thing

Is we’re going to go hang out with everyone anyway so they’ll have plenty of time to charge on up um as much as I’d like to work on the batteries which we will um I’d like to play with the new players also I just

What I like to do CU at the end of the day you got to build the connections before you blow everyone before you hang out more anyway we got it guys the infinity nuke is on the way we’ve used our wish from the special event on the server a few uh

Few days ago or like a week ago um in order to get this Infinity nuke bird is energy going up or down it’s going up we have so many people charging on do you still need Redstone man do you still need it uh no I’m good

But I’ll take it if you got it well I is there’s 22 extra bits of redstone for you man that’s almost nothing thanks Ellum that that helps it’s going straight to uh it’s going straight to the public services if you know what I mean Hello yesk over the place the Public Services Ryan

So the Public Services it will go straight to the public services sheriff in town what okay oh we got to get new armor um guys so we can we can equip different armor but do you guys know um Jes is there like clothing or something how does Ryan have the sheriff shirts or

Whatever does anyone know how to change your clothes no I’d like to change my clothes button in inventory butt in the you can run your default thing through the armor system welcome to Town the main Town bottom right of your avatar oh this one oh oh that works let’s turn the cape off

Then we’ll turn off the charm arms and stuff too nope not the M well there is that too well the charm of keeping is fine portal charm will turn off uh wait Rings don’t even show so I did it doesn’t matter hide the head and then we can just hide all our

Armor did blow do it that’s perfect yeah we did it together now we can just look normal that’s right in fact I was the one that figured out how to get over the guess we don’t need this ice queen head anymore we’ll leave it on anyway for the

Memories of the time oh wait that’ll be our that’ll be our villain outfit guys when we’re turning evil we turn on the cape and stuff yeah yeah we turn on this plus the cape and then we look nice and kind of evil not really yeah let’s just look like

Ourselves no no no there’s another there’s another thing I like our our little portal charm it’s kind of cool it would be um no it’s my old one the one that I made okay that a didn’t that you look armorless but you can’t die I kind

Of like this actually I prefer it that way oh server’s lagging a little bit for sure at least we’re producing more fuel problem is we’re once again not draining enough energy we need more inductors let me take my so um there we go yes you’ll get one turning evil did I

Say evil bad choice of words I’ll say it didn’t mean to say evil um anyway we’ll let this thing charge on up um we could put a plug in there but that’s not a huge deal honestly three more po pokey’s here guys let’s wait for everyone to get

On and then we’ll uh do the things yeah yeah the things guys I don’t want to do a house tour today because I’m going to be honest someone’s going to mess around and it’s going to go really bad likeo Pokey oh okay poke you’re alive new

What’s up she can host it too she’ll figure where is everybody Pokey get out of the fire Pokey where’s Pokey I don’t she’s right here she’s right here she’s not moving though oh they’re probably doing oh she can’t hear us oh they’re probably yeah they probably got to change their

Settings hey Cara you made it that’s why oh let me turn her up a little bit um I haven’t heard Josh yet I’ll just turn him up off cap cap is it no caps lock yeah cap I’ll just keep waving out a guy so she know yeah I would rebind it

I would rebind it for sure oh boy hey Josh is that a is that a shark outfit uh it’s a I don’t know actually I just found it what oh yeah just just curiosity Pokey we can hear you push talk button though where

Do I way um press V press V press V and you can change the okay yeah if anyone’s too loud you can change individually oh I can mute them can oh my gosh just well you could also just kill them most people just kill if they so thank you

Okay let’s go make sure everything’s fueling up we got to work on our batteries today so that is the main strategy we do need more lithium and we need need moreused doing the thing or is he coming no he’s he he’s doing the thing okay fair yeah we’re just chilling we’re just

Chilling we’re just out of energy aren’t we the thing yeah you don’t need to worry about it right now you’ll hear about it later later yeah um we’re going to try and make a stack of every possible thing uh and we’ll just we’ll just see how it goes invite

Them to the party so we actually don’t want to invite them to the party uh because we can’t can’t claim any more chunks does it work yesterday we tried claiming chunks and we just couldn’t so there’s a minor problem with that but I mean I’ll invite him join the party guys join the

Party how do I accept but there’s there’s a problem there’s a bit of a problem and the problem you have an extra plug using so you don’t understand how plugs work to the person who just back seated that Y what is this guy he man

You do not know how it works I have an extra plug which drains energy it doesn’t give energy it’s the opposite I don’t have an extra energy giver and since this is out of battery I would need the one that gives energy I have the extra one that drains it which is

Not so useful see the plug takes away energy so you’re basically telling me to take away more energy from the battery that’s already drained um so that’s why I can’t do that right okay oh is this mud sorry then hey you know thanks for apologizing but I would say instead of apologizing it’s

Better to you know think about the advice you’re giving first because if there’s one thing I think has been very obvious just giving false advice is it’s one it’s kind of annoying you know and I think that’s pretty fair right um so there’s one thing I dislike it’s just

Straight up getting lied to with false advice and I I think very fair for me to not like that you know but I I will say a lot of respect to someone who who’s willing to admit that he was wrong so uh you know honestly that that’s that’s the

Best response you can ask for but I will say he still not good to give bad advice but it does take a lot to admit that you wrong so not a bad guy all right not a bad guy either oh my God they’re infiltrating wait guys we shouldn’t uh we shouldn’t

All go in here let’s go check out the other houses first there’s just a lot of particular Janet Janet listen there’s a lot of particular things in here we can’t just let everyone in here what if they mess with something up oh yeah our Wii the wifi I meant the nuclear anyway

What no let’s let’s all let’s do a village tour but not starting here um where’s the where’s the picture I put here I don’t know actually someone yeah oh that’s unfortunate anyway I think we shouldn’t start here in case uh you know someone messes someone new messes with something

And it blows up especially right now especially right now so there’s a problem with our battery system it’s almost full so if someone accidentally pops the reactor on when this thing’s fully charged it’s all going to blow up oh just space bar space bar Let’s uh let’s go have a village tour of

Everywhere but here we need our mayor so guys here’s what I think might happen someone new is going to come down and maybe chat jates them or they just don’t know what’s happening they accidentally hit start up on this while the battery’s full and what that means is everything’s

Going to blow up which would be bad so I don’t think we should start with a house tour of the town the the house that blows everything up uh with accidental click of a few buttons so um let’s just do a regular house tour cuz I feel like someone’s going to go up

And say hey go hit that button and see what happens um it looks different yeah I think it’s on all right got that in this goes in got that Leslie’s on nice all right let’s get that going um we’ll let this thing recharge mayor Leslie oh is Leslie on our

Okay got steel got this got that all we need is um taken over guys taken over okay this we want to make a stack of each so we need how do we have we have nine I think this is oh wait hold on so we’d need 9 128 what’s 64 minus 9

55 so we’d need like a 55 is like Tom Nook what she said pay up guy thinks this is Animal Crossing oh she already wants to know what you guys are going to do for the town she already wants to know she wants to know what all right we

Need more steel um got a stack of iron here let’s get that going and then we’ve got to get a bunch of this stuff cooking up we’re just out of steel shockingly out of steel or iron we have been making steel so um well we were out of steel now

We’re out of iron what do we need here um we need three stacks almost oh I think we have three stacks um okay that should do it a SE place where she’s okay so guys we don’t we don’t want anyone messing with the nuclear stuff it’s just going to be

Really bad if it blows up she a you’re already mining here we go oh god there goes that this goes in here this goes in here and these go like that perfect perfect enrichment Factory do that may shff it’s all looking good everything’s cooking right up we do need

Some more iron everyone’s on today that’s because there’s four new members joining I think oh my God that is a lot of people online wait what’s should we just teleport them all to the Ender realm yeah that’d be funny we should do ITA for a fun event you and Josh go

There can only be one Josh in this town and oh wait guys guys everyone to the event everyone to the special event through this portal everyone where to the special events everyone through the portal donut oh wait that was the wrong scroll oh my God that was the wrong scroll why did

You do that quick G teleport him back man teleport him back what do you mean I used the wrong scroll I thought that was the one to the the wind farm you just said quick take them back you said it’s to the ending guys don’t look at the Ender it’s rule

Number why’ you guys all look at Enderman all you had to do is stand here all you had to do is stand here sick Dam it all you had what do you guys knew to mind they all looked at the Enderman guys everyone’s why did they all look at the

Enderman y why would you send them to the end okay I I didn’t think they would I didn’t think they would immediately look at the Enderman all they had to do was stand here they wouldn’t even get attacked sick and twisted don’t I’ll save you guys they weren’t even supposed to die I

Can save you yeah yeah let’s just go back town portal Jen Jen save you D save you get in why is sel bouncing we still can um get in here guys is anyone else lagging lagging like crazy definitely lagging for sure yeah huh yeah oh oh it’s lagging it’s

Lagging guys they weren’t even supposed to die they W they looked at the Enderman that’s on them this isn’t a dangerous place guys this isn’t a dangerous place this is supposed to be safe it’s I thought every who who plays Minecraft and doesn’t know don’t look at the

Enderman okay I mean I guess maybe they don’t play Minecraft but this is a safe place they don’t even attack you unless you look at them like this see oh it’s not even it’s not even activating they’re not even attacking interesting well anyway the Strat was they’re supposed to come here

And we just teleport him back I didn’t think they’d all start looking around at the Enderman that’s on them that’s on them guys hey where’ uh where’d Pokey go um huh so uh I’m going to say I didn’t think they’d all just stare at Enderman that’s that’s uh user error I was going

To teleport them blaming I was going to teleport them and teleport them right back I thought it was Minecraft knowledge basic level to not look end in the eyes oh my God nobody I thought I thought it was Minecraft knowledge basic level to uh you know don’t don’t look at

The Enderman right isn’t that isn’t that um you know I thought it was or where did she spawn when she good okay hold on I think we got to adjust some volumes wait wait wait wait wait I hear you guys yes hell hell hell fley I

Haven’t seen it’s so long I know yes yes hello everyone it’s your most May oh hey Pokey how was uh your trip to the end place it’s the end round the end of the game where you sent me and I died well I didn’t think you’d look at the

End it’s you know they were surrounding me there was no way I could I’ll get down Pokey okay you know what here you know what Pokey you can kill me one time you can kill me one time as a gift that’s what he gets oh God that is so

Cute let’s put him in our pocket H I was just going to say that well I’m Immortal still I’ll tell you I’m Immortal my hey turn me back up turn me back up J where’s Blau he has one of these things um you’re stuck like this all

Right can can we start where is BL can I get my stuff really quick Ryan well you’re lucky I can jump super high I almost feel like I’m regular um thank God we jumped super high wait this ain’t so bad this ain’t so bad guys I’ve got my giant sword

Sauna where is he where is he help Ellum help hello all right this stuff’s charging up we got to let that battery charge it’s just not juicing up quite enough it’s got lots of energy let’s just leave it and let it go you just wait till I get the Infinity you

You want to go oh my God help oh hey Sho you got that sword yeah did you enchant it you gave this one to me yeah I gave one to a I found them in a rare Spot hey guys can anyone turn me back I’m T Janet Janet turn me back turn me back say to me she’s got turn me back or I’ll do it I’m crazy h can I see how much damage this does I’m setting it off I’m setting it off I tell you I’m

Crazy okay now that’s crazy where’s Blau wait where is BL live you live is he still in the the thing up here is he AFK Blau has a teleporter thing too you know the crazy thing is our Mobility is so good that turning as Tiny has barely even hurt us it’s just

Uh mild annoyance really mild annoyance to be honest with you ow because the way you interact with blocks is kind of scuffy see how you like kind of get stuck hey blow you there um why can’t I get in this thing blouse toys I mean you took that part out of your name

Um is he AFK blow shift walk in is he is he there um I need your thing maybe he’s AFK hello dang shrink thing we got to make one now great it’s another actually it’s pretty easy to make you just need nether star wait how did Blau get another star

Oh well whatever all right let’s go you guys see it there still having problems he’s back now after I leave going to regret that though no no no no no please please be come to town we got to transform back guys I’ll behave from now from now on okay stay

Still stay still please you’re crazy so uh so guys do we have a are we doing an event for the newcomers or I’ll turn you back where’s We need oh thank God cuz I would have had to resort to crazed measures I tell you crazed measures I’ll tell you Janet I’ve used

My wish and I won’t tell you what for I won’t tell you what for but I will sayug there’s a lot of lag in this town and I’m looking to fix that I’m looking to fix that lag guys just say huh oh yeah yeah I’m trying to

Fix the lag yeah you definitely want me to fix the lag in my own he’s going to block he’s going to block the nuke he’s going to block the nuke no no no no no no no not that’s what he’s going to do I

Can hear it in his voice um we are going to fix the lag though guys I just thought of something what if we oh my God what if we just do this youw here this will charge right up with energy I just caught it I just caught it

Ising and then the machines will run oh my God easy this thing’s charging 400k a pop so I mean Phoenix a energy is just not running Out wow even with the cube plugged in the energy is only going up this is a problem we need to burn more energy what are we doing what are we Doing new m to the I thought there was four I thought it was four four I thought it was Ray told me it was four gets his numbers mixed up in to explain okay so we have who who’s new who’s new captain just took it new members that

Are joining right now we’re supposed to have two more people that are joining but uh one of them is not joining until later tonight who is it who is it who is it who is it that’s AR Build some people are much louder but she’s having computer problem whose massive sword was that yeah that was a huge sword wait Leslie lesli in my face Leslie check your mail check your mail Leslie he’s over compensating check your mail box that you made can we please stay on track

Everybody oh sorry I gave you a giant put the away you’re on the Wii um sorry continue wait is your thing not charging yeah I think um that’s weird we have the three joining right now let’s go double check it ourour now I definitely didn’t take you off wait may take it

Away that’s me can we make it rainless wait Did we even tell Leslie where she has to end can you turn off the rain no idea can you can you thank you oh wait I think Seline has the power to actually the change oh lovely R change change the

Weather oh this is nice mete really I want to see a metor shower Selena’s so powerful has she enabled charge well it was working for her earlier so I’m un sure what the problem would be now do the mete so they’re doing a little tour guys let’s go make sure everything’s going we

Have so many people online all of the sudden this is crazy give it back I will literally murder you in your entire I think we might okay okay we might need a better SEC grab it did you grab my give it back my my weapon I don’t know how to it on

Accident I know what to do we cover it with lava sh up seriously who has new security system we cover this with lava so by covering this with lava no one can get in unless they’re immune to Lava so uh yeah yeah I was check on your

Wi-Fi yeah check with the router you’re definitely still on it also I’m going to be adding a new security system um due to the new players so uh just be careful entering nothing’s charging yeah people are saying something’s wrong let me double check huh why would nothing be charging yeah here

This oh it says something’s draining a lot of energy are you sure nothing’s charging what is this draining this is so cool what do I do with it no idea it’s a guard it says it says it’s part of the which reminded me of you so I it

Strange uh so so you can tell something’s draining energy cuz this is juicing up it says it can guard something what’s wrong NOA wait can you put it back oh wait no I can bottle let see wait so so nothing’s charging guys or sick sick nothing’s charging at all

Something’s draining all the energy so what could it be oh no huh I can’t make it small I want to bring it home okay I’ll put it in your house if you turn on power surge W gozy small by accident wait let me make wait where are

You oh let’s turn this up here I turned it higher is it charging now no you’re you’re you’re now something’s draining the energy so you can see like the output is going crazy so is it I wonder I don’t know something should be charging it’s definitely yeah it’s

Outputting millions of energy every once in a while yeah look 3.2 million huh you just cardboard armor yeah should be charging yeah it’s definitely something’s draining a lot of energy but jum huh I I’ll uh I’ll try and upgrade the inductors but yeah push me in there something’s taking like 3

Million energy every second for me either I’m going to go check hey nice uh nice armor what is [Applause] that all I see is your feet down there I’m sh yeah I’m going to upgrade the induction Matrix see if that makes a difference oh my God what could be wrong

Guys so a lot of people are saying it’s not charging it’s really loud it’s really loud I need to work in silence please the server’s popping today maybe a little too much um I think we just upgrade the induction Matrix we’ll try and get this into an elite one and uh

That should do what we needed to do let’s um get all this okay um we need to upgrade these into Blues later but now we should be able to make one Advanced one I can oh hey guys you shouldn’t uh be around here this is my secret there’s a lot of dangerous things

Here I like danger okay yeah probably probably not I’ll show you guys later once you’ve progressed a little there’s just a lot of particular hon anybody attention or Sidra from did you just take a bunch of ores it’s just I I don’t don’t even know

How to the town you know hey you know what for putting all the ores back I’ll show you something secret but don’t mess with any of it I don’t have any come here come here it up push shift shift on the elevator crouch on It it’s time yeah this is the secret room I may do not touch anything do not touch anything oh my God oh God don’t touch anything it’s it’s a this is a very particular room it’s my nuclear reactor room if you turn on and it doesn’t have anywhere for the heat to go

It’ll blow up the entire town so just uh can I touch this no no don’t no nothing nothing just just uh just you’re going to blow up the whole town uh let let’s go they’re waiting for the tour come on let’s let’s get out of here they’re

They’re waiting for the tour tour space bar up here the tour where is he I think he’s in his house in his we coming you got to make him do the tour okay you have to do the tour because you’re causing a major distraction I am

I what do you mean I was listen poke pokey was in the house guys and just just okay now give the whole tour okay but first i’m adding some security measures to my house stand back stand back oh my gosh what the heck all right now nobody enters the explosive Danger

Room unless they can survive lava like me cuz I’m immune to Lava like me like me okay well oh okay guys don’t everyone just jump in the lava some of us aren’t some people never going to finish the tour well let’s get to the tour everyone who

Could have seen this coming me this many people are immune to Lava you’ve got to be joking This guys mayor Leslie mayor Leslie guide us on the tour please oh wait Leslie did you know you can equip your armor and hide it now is he stuck up there wait I can see you for once in your life so Leslie you know the armor I

Gave you just leave it on all the time and you can hide the armor so then you’ll have the armor on the whole time time and you’ll look nice so oh wow so I have my armor on right now come here come here come here come here come here come

Here what’s up listen for starters we were never not in peace so you don’t even need a peace offering what do you mean well I’m just helping Leslie with her armor right how do I hide my armor so in the bottom right of your character

P dude I’m going to go mining do it later okay just helping with the armor we literally had to talk about this it’s just the armor I know we predicted this would happen in the living room what would happen What would happen that we wouldn’t be able to do

Anything well there’s like 20 people online all right there’s 20 people online I’ve got attention span problems I’m going to go work on the batteries man I’m working on the batteries Leslie has the Talking Stick I’m working on the batteries oh the talking gun I’m here I’m here

Okay except for right now well catch up let’s just upgrade this once so there’s no more charging problems hello everyone welcome to the city it’s a beautiful day to have lots of new people we’ll catch up on the tour real quick we have here and we have what do we need Advanced

Induction hous and buildings that we would like to show you guys basic induction provider obviously we’ll take you to some special place you see that we we need five of these 1 2 3 four five I hope we have enough materials but we will see

Out oh we need a bunch of these oh Jesus missing put it away all right so where shall we begin the tour a bun of these I suppose here say the nuclear reactor Square I don’t know all right guys so this isn’t going to stop the advanced

Players from getting in let start it will stop any of the beginner players from uh wandering in and blowing up the town so it’s a good idea your Haven but’ll your they’re showing the tour cats right up I can kind of hear him I just want to make all the batteries

First that should be enough to get us going um that goes in need oh these to go in that’s good going inen I was Inn cnia okay you know what like this that’s great right oh clear grid oh but it goes in here pulling out my sword next why is

It going here oh well um what are we making all right basic induction provider over so we need vending machine how much of this do we need a lot to see wait this is sick I didn’t even know this was where’s the cookies 12 energy tablets um and that’ll give us the Basic

Energy Cube why does like half of it go into here guys what’s what’s with that um is there any reason it does that um let me up let me up okay this will just prevent crazy explosions okay hit the green hell everybody thank you so much

The town hall uh you guys I guess you know call Town meetings if you want to raise complaints about someone some people there’s um you know anytime maybe someone would like to come up and you know say a couple words click luckily we can craft straight from our backpack so

I can make all the batteries while going along for the toura right theair basic induction provider anyone I don’t want and then we need four more of I would like to take a gr picture oh that’s cute oh Yeah good photo thank you all right photography all right next up is oh my goodness okay I guess we’ll just clear the right side of town first so this way four Basu providers now we need one more for the UHD the bridge wooho cross the bridge everyone can we turn off the lightning

Please turn off the lightning turn off the lightning ‘s least a little on the loud side okay wow this is amazing you’re a business owner yes this is f farm to table Bakery be bed and breakfast bar and on water okay yes and there my

B ever want a job oh we need these red things luckily I believe we have what we need do you have any other employes craft it but yes I’m just going to say I believe we need she is hiring she now we’ve got yeah here you suck

They who did that there we go who did that okay anyway man is it l who did that no who feed in the milk no wasn’t me who else that young thing to do your massive sword needs oh sorry I’m sorry I’m so sorry all right yes there’s free drinks and then

Um the mayor’s that’s where I live um I’d like to make a few more of those if we can I don’t know if we brought enough materials to be honest with you and that’s pretty much it my husband lives here with me your husband what’s his name where oh oh

Name just know that I know his name from Canada yeah he’s Canadian interesting yeah Canadian love that place yeah he speaks French to me Dear Miss mayor your residence is in violation with the fire safety code you have one day to add a fire escape staircase or I will burn your

House one day oh this right anyways we’ll deal with this later everybody all right back to the other side of town that’s where everything else is how do I call the El down uh you press the the we have an advanced induction provider with this the charging speed should be

Doubled let’s go install that real quick wants to show his po po Pokemon card shop it’s it’s not finished guys but if you jump in here you can get inside to an unfinished build so you can see what I’m crafting W it’s pretty cool when it’s done yeah it’s going to be

Pretty cool what the hell you you taking the poster away give it back give it back car on that why pictures of it’s aob we’ve got my own commissions on the way I tell you jumping oh oh she’s got a gun she’s got a gun god very open um we

Are how do we let’s keep crafting more batteries okay so we need four of these to get the elite one I think the elite one would be pretty good to be honest um we need five more of these 1 2 3 four five um I don’t know how many energy

Resources we need I don’t it how many do we 12 I guess alone PSA your in real life next it was a GI wait that was the gift I gave him it was a gift that was the gift I gave him hey you know I’m glad you like that

Gift I’m glad you like it why is my head floating it’s it’s Halloween I was wondering the same thing we need four more of these to Hest soid Seline decorated for Halloween that is spooky make four more of these little suckers happy Halloween happyy you guys remember that Diva voice

Line from OverWatch where she says happy Halloween I like it oh that’s cute we should definitely do that um I like it a lot all right it a lot next on the tour next on the tour hey Pokey you can ride a horse yeah Pokey I’ve got a gift for you man I’ve

Got a gift right here now if you pick that up and you place your you can look like me the advanced one to the send them to the what thank you thank you Advanced and then we just need four of these things again we’re missing

The things let’s go get I have a gift for you I have a gift for you wait what happened D probably yeah those things do happen owe me for this one all right slinking through the lava do not forget I think we have a bunch more crafting um do need probably more

Osmium let’s get that going right up next give me the name couldn’t see I just saw that they dropped it it was like some Among Us type you know what I mean just say it was just say it was with the r there’s more than one you

Know it increases the odds it increases the was I don’t believe that she stole it from me uh okay another Advanced induction provider so this Advanced induction provider we should be able to increase the output rate um by a lot I don’t know

What he said but he had to go I can’t I can’t who had to go ellm just died oh my my God they killed him all right let’s uh oops broke some structural glass I didn’t mean to but that is okay all right with this it should be outputting an insane amount of

Energy wait something’s wrong why isn’t it what’s wrong here here is our Tower nice and fixed with this the output should be insane yeah look so the the problem is the bandwidth is shared as in with three Advanced induction things it’s um 3 * 8 which is about 2,4 whatever uh but the

Bandwidth is shared see so this is almost all of it it’s barely inputting uh but it will balance out so right now it’s balanced out output should be absolutely nuts now look at that with our bandwidth fixed now we’re putting out a solid 2.4 million energy um every

Tick I believe and that fixes our bandwidth problem thing is the battery is draining way faster than we can produce now so let’s just turn this up now we can activate the Reactor with no problems let’s get that fuel filling up and um because you see the the drain rate is

Much faster than the production now so by running this we can get more coloni producing which is exactly what we need let’s go get some more uh uranium cake throw this in Pokey just died to a bush Pokey just died to a bush um these things happen hey these

Things oh hey you’re back how’d you get back here um I spawned in here actually oh I guess I live here now did you know that wait uh well there’s a minor um my uh oh well my new security measures uh you know I’ll I’ll clean it up here

Climb up but don’t go up yet what the someone covered my security measures oh hey it’s safe um I don’t know if you want to spawn there uh I’ll cover it with oil again we’ll cover it with oil again I mean if Po’s spawning in there it’ be

Quite unfortunate if she just died every if she was just trapped in there um who did that I think it’s the The Walker boots it’ll just Auto do it as long as nothing blows up we got no problems but the bandwidth issue is fixed so this should be um this should

Be good let’s just make sure nothing blows up because there is a possibility of that um and then we’ll continue the tour so we need probably one more induction Matrix oh wow it’s still going down even with the reactor on at 12 well that’s crazy are these maxing out nope wow the

Power output’s insane all right so we got to match that up uh we can turn up the fusion reactor too but for now it’s looking pretty good it’s night time oh oh it is any sleepers sleep guys for the tour everyone’s dying um now these things happen no I haven’t I

Haven’t let’s draining all the power we told everyone to turn their Infinity items on um mostly because I going let’s see chemical tank we could make an advanced chemical tank that’s quite easy yeah I think we make an advanced chemical tank that seems quite worth it uh we’ll do it with a trium

Later um for now it’s looking pretty good more yellow cake throw that in here let’s take one more who’s all on your Wi-Fi network a lot uh we just got to upgrade the bandwidth and we’re all set it’s looking good looking really good need some more iron don’t we uh we

Also need more osmium we need more of everything well actually we have it all we just need to process it okay we’ll get on that later Let’s uh let’s not miss the whole tour this is a once- in a-lifetime event probably how much energy does it take infinite I

Suppose well technically not infinite but borderline close to it I’m renovating I’m going to put something else here can you hear me all right let’s go upstairs oh yeah I hear you I forgot how to go upstairs space space left corner here here everyone to the

Roof space space bar space on okay I’m on the roof um how do you get down from the roof there’s a creeper there’s a creeper nearby where’ everyone go your home is beautiful Jen Jen thank it’s the crash spot you feel free to be my neighbor Jo

She didn’t say that about my shop man what’s up I feel like the uh the real oh oh my God pokey’s under attack from a flaming zombie dear Janet your crops are a hazard and hurts you have one day to remove or fence it in honestly that’s

Pretty fair that’s pretty fair my house has no complaints because it’s all underground so I’m not even causing any problems really all right I am carrying buckets of water nowc back um thank you all right what’s next what’s next okay um oh yeah this house is this upgrade into anything yeah SEL where’s

The sheriff that’s Ryan that’s Ryan the local sheriff do you want one oh you have onef can we enchant this what can you enchant this thing with looting three well that seems awfully good um yeah let’s do it okay 30 levels see if we get some bonus enchants on it

Too um oh wait all his lapis is gone I we have tons of lapis at home I just we’d have to go back and grab it not a huge problem not a huge problem honestly zuno it’s nice that I can see you now yeah isn’t it the mods the devs added it

In so I you’re saying you’re not wearing any armor oh what do you mean no no I’m wearing armor oh I see in fact I’ve still got a deal for you if you can kill me I’ll give you 1,000 diamonds um I’ll be honest that’s not much of a

Bet because I can’t be killed oh the big sword use giant sword oh God it hurt it hurts giant sword attack hey you broke my my house I did yeah you broke this thing oopsy I thought that was like a present like I thought you were like I

Did a little damage to you so you can have a cobblestone no well now it’s it’s uh well it doesn’t really um yeah let’s let’s go continue the tour um yeah let’s continue the tour the tour yeah the tour okay um to the tour everybody I don’t know

Where the tour is now I’m going to be honest a i lagged did you lag I lagged I hope we get bonus enchant so this is going to kind of suck but looting and knockback actually that that’s perfect for this weapon um and the reason it’s perfect for this

Weapon is cuz this weapon’s not that strong anyway so it’s kind of just a meme weapon that sucks people in and knocks them back really far so that’ll be funny I yes um all right so if you guys don’t know this weapon um its special ability is it sucks in

The thing your XP psych what’s what’s wrong with my XP little bit um I don’t understand what you’re saying but I don’t think there’s any problem yes that does happen this is the calming Meadow o this is great nice um what is this what’s what poptart looking thing everyone group huddle group huddle

Everyone wow you guys are good at that wow you guys are really good at group huddling that’s crazy my Golem is I didn’t think you’d all be so good at that so cute I love him look he’s so happy oh wait why am I inside of it whoa

What’s this Golem doing hey Janet your Golem’s out of control wait is it actually my Golem that’s doing Janet stop your Golem it’s he’s like well everyone let’s get in for a group hug and all of a sudden we all get sucked okay how dare you

Blame my goem no one ever wants to hang out with me so I had to develop this technology to make people hang out with me I had no choice man you’re like an Avenger man you’re like an Avenger I trust you would be your name man oh

God oh Jesus it’s the suction man wa where did my item go the suction man what you know it’s gone oh can you shut the rain off please the rich get po it’s gone guys r r no rain it’s banned it’s banned guys my my special item well I guess it’s

Gone now and um where’ Leslie go oh wait is it this thing it went in the cup what’s next all right next throw it I didn’t throw it I right clicked on the cup it’s time to impeach Les he threw it I didn’t throw it if you right click this cup it

Puts it in See where’d it go now she demoted me from why is it gone what you doing why did it disappear this time oh God I don’t care if you guys break the rules go and break the rules I don’t break rules Ryan you I guess it’s gone it glitched out I guess

Guys it’s been stolen to the event it’s been stolen go to the event I’m going to blow my brain to the event everybody to the event I’m there too let’s to the be backp well that means we’ll never get it back we’ll show you guys our home it’s just

Been later maybe you know maybe it’ll crop up later maybe it’ll up later but it’s gone and we’re not going to hunt down every single person here asking for it just gone guys you threw it out I didn’t I think someone’s magnet took it or I I don’t really know actually but

It’s it’s gone I think magnets should just not they shouldn’t even be a thing I feel like they y so much into into a beer um okay yeah what he lose it was my special suction arm guard thing but it’s it’s gone now so um all right okay I can’t jump this are

You going through my chest I’m pretty sure I got magnet but I I didn’t see where it went it’s gone guys it’s it’s gone forever so uh oh why not anyway that’s the question um yeah yeah that’s was that was our first day on the server sound

Like I hear a creeper okay I make should I um stand on you you guys should be should I should be big than because they’re going to we’re going to be watching them compete in here oh that’s awesome it’s a little col oh wait should

I turn it night time turn in night time when they get up here yeah yeah oh or we could ask the de May to keep it night oh yeah true okay can you keep it until they’re done actually can you just change it already who made this this is awesome I

Saw Ryan and working on it Blow helped a little bit SEL I’m in love with you H why why are you I don’t know you’re just so powerful and cool what about Ryan I think he did most of it oh PR well hey you know um that’s it’s like who made this Ryan

And Seline oh Seline that was amazing and I’m like Oh okay little bit of bias there a little bit of bias there but that’s okay come up here wait what are I’m coming I’m coming made them these the Starfield that I made hold on so pretty I layered it I layered it

There a lot oh yeah make sure they so small newcomers touch the bed touch the in Janet’s backpack well I mean it’s it’s gone guys it’s gone it’s it’s the magnets the magnets and I don’t know where Janet is Janet’s not even here we miss are we good where’s Pokey

Where’s Pokey at too early too early you’re fighting each other I think Po’s on her way up guys it takes a long time for people to walk up car tou the bed um did you tou make the beginners fight make them fight to the death wait we have to fight each

Other let’s go wait guys the idea in the Coliseum the ISS the issue now though there there’s not four people and you guys are just going to watch us fight yeah Robin okay um we’ll send in one person I guess throw you at yeah throw throw oh and then a final tournament yeah

Yeah I see yeah okay wear you guys why not just make it a free-for-all then make it a free-for-all one V one one and then they got to decide who to gang up wait hope you touch the bed uh no wait where where’s the bed here here a wait can someone drop me

Food yeah I have carrots Josh one more wish I wonder what they would get make sure she touches the bed carrot carrot can we turn that off turn off touch this bed poke water bit a water guys please stop putting stuff on the Coliseum all right everyone’s

Here is gone gorgeous that’s fine for guys please stoping the Coliseum so is is Blau like fighting them or what what’s why is he in there the three new people have to come down here yeah wait is is blow part of the fight he’s like in there to

The Josh get down there man guys do your thing blow um do the thing is he I’m fixing this oh he’s fixing the glass tomato tomato tomato fixing what fixing the glass I need more heals I mean not that the glass really matters to be honest can we do

That wait are they just going in with no gear like how’s this going to Diamond how’s this going to go oh you are fighting each other to the death appar win the Coliseum newers to the city I listening to nobody that sounds like that yeah really it’s in the

Water she’s tiny it’s a tiny did you get it the last one now you guys should be able to hear me normally I trying to give Josh food but like I think someone’s magnet is grabbing it wor magnet grabbed my other thing I don’t know who at this make sure you

Guys yeah sh muscle I feel like magnet are little little too disruptive they just I feel like a baby in a cradle and my parents are looking over me you know how does it look from the wants to be oh God why is that someone’s magnet is stealing everything okay magnet’s off

Guys magnet’s off please everyone oh can I get my uh off in group sessions I Josh put this in your off hand I’m just kidding I’m kidding and poke put this in your off hand I didn’t get it um hey I got my thing back something um I don’t think I got it

Either get someone’s magnets on so sorry I picked up a magnets off everybody please mag magnet off everyone else everyone else back up everyone back up and magnets off back maget each of you should have one of these I still didn’t get it there’s a

Maget on guys back up please now I got guys back up please please um someone take make sure all of you have one of these what are they doing with these sticks doesn’t have one what are these sticks for I’m trying not a drinking I literally have they

Nerf your reach so that since you’re tiny you have less reach that makes sense I am wait are they just going to beat each other with sticks is that the Str here in your off perfect welcome to the god king ran Arena of Doom Valor glory and all that

Is holy and righteous okay part seven the abridge version now you will be engaged in combat with each other to see if you you are worthy of the village we round robin each of you will get a chance to fight each other wait so the other two don’t make it in the village

What maybe maybe not got it oh the loser joins me I’m nervous oh however the winner will be bestowed an ancient artifact procured by God King Ryan himself Sor Miss through the SK god king wow that does look intense hello did that crash the ohel you get

Down so are they killing each other now or um gra that okay Josh just grab your food Josh Josh it’s the size of your whole so do they they kill each other now or all right the first fight will be Josh and Captain puffy there’s like wait

So should this be in my offand or no yes it should be in your offand why you put it in both hands and if you want to be sure yeah get to each I can barely see them it just has to be in the off hand for it to work okay

Yep all right here they go me the rain off thank you are you ready with the camera for the first fight yeah wait who’s fighting first I back out apparently us two are you guys F You full health okay only turn up Captain pu Z to zoom in if

They’re too tiny yeah someone’s breaking the arena looks so funny when you press I haven’t touched anything I’m innocent all right let’s zoom in and watch wait we have to fight we just met oh is that like a countdown is like a no Captain Puffy’s dual wielding oh blow

Get ready with the for battle in the glory of the god king Ryan spill blood on this Dayy okay epic music go this is so cooked looking what am I looking at are they even taking damage how do you know who’s winning this is cook why is he so F going crazy my he’s strafing he’s strafing valerin I’m from valerin for 15 years you can do this you

Can do this um wait just kind of owning come on wait he’s he’s got mechanics oh my God oh my God guys are are they even close to dying guys I feel like we’re playing beblade or something like doesn’t it so fast so fast yeah

Kind of is so cute look at him zooming around like that alive he’s taking heavy damage heavy damage should we have given them better weapons like I yeah can’t believe sticks it’s going a little longer like loud it’s really loud um wait Ryan oh car’s taking big damage now oh God

How can you tell this is taken yeah no this is going on a little longer than I expect are you guys close to dying down there like how long oh is it not it’s not um that’s why that’s why he’s so oh is taking forever get back in there

Shift in shift in he ran away he ran away is that legal out of bounds out of bound how many hearts do you guys have left yeah how much health have Jesus oh he’s been knocked out of bounds does that mean he loses out of bounds

He’s out how many hearts do you guys have left how long is this going to be I how many hearts do they have left are you guys dying I don’t know guys are going to get arthritis oh my God you did it we have our first

Winners good J you did it Jos so does the stick do no damage I think the stick just does no damage what it’s sounding like or my right uh put it in your off hand if you can how you how do I do that you don’t really need you’re just punching each

Other yeah yeah maybe maybe two sticks and then put it in the sh you know what what if we just do a free-for-all that lasted pretty long that would do it that would do it let’s free-for-all would really decide but make sure you have the stick in your off hand yeah yeah you

Need the stick have both two sticks have two sticks one in your off hand one in your main hand is your off hand where you put the shield yeah I’ll shrink her I’ll shrink her where is she are we allowed to eat no you should definitely be have

Time by the time oh wa I free guys yeah let’s do a free-for-all come get your sticks come outside everyone come outside fre um freefor all yeah guys come outside for your sticks um yeah I think they have their sticks oh do they have their sticks already of the into

The it’s like a singular Bo so we’re just going to do a free it already started my God okay listen let get their gravestones I think it was a mistake I was trying to break the gravest I was trying to break the gravestone oh my God I’m so sorry it was a

Mistake no so he can get his life take this might help you on the free well I can’t do it because my sword apparently is too power you got it just just make sure no one sees it to the last on guys put your weapons away please sorry put your weapons away

Everybody right click right click your grave right away weapons away away weapons away you know we’re making it fair we’re balancing it out you know I was trying to I think it was so puffy and Josh both got a practice around right Pokey didn’t get a practice around

So we we’ll give her we’ll give her a little extra little extra to help her out so sorry um okay into the arena everyone got two sticks in both hands winner gets the artifact sticks in both hands ARA okay very grave is this I’m so ready ready all right let’s

Watch wait I just does totem work if it’s just in your inventory I think it does in this Arena okay I don’t think it has to be but I could be wrong wait why are there three I feel like I’ve seen it activate my oh

Slay it has to be an off hand oh wait no you can in this mod pack you can equip it on your trinket I didn’t mention that to her so I believe you can put the totem in your trinket slot is it just me or does this do no damage can you speed

It up can’t you put it in your charm or something let go kill each does it have to be off maybe it wasn’t as good as we thought possibly over 250 times guys Josh is the is the previous winner gang up on Josh surely yeah why did Josh say yeah when I said

That why did he age wait he agreed for some reason but how good is you guys man he confident these take like 10 damage for one heart oh yeah you’re getting arthritis but I’m The Spectator so I like this or or I don’t know about this Pokey you don’t complain how about that

Oh who whoa whoa what’s wrong with hey I say gang up on that guy I say gang up on that [Applause] guy okay oh he has you can’t touch me I’m a God in this Dimension oh what the magic everyone she’s using magic how did she use magic I don’t think I think a blow no it say yeah it was BL probably a visual bug probably a

Visual bug defit it’s blow he’s using magic he’s the only one with items what do you mean there’s an imposter I might have do that wait um wait sh you also gave her yeah wait you too wait wait what did you give her I I gave

Her a void charm I gave her a totem of undyingly oh wow hey you know great minds think alike right great minds well it was for Pokey guys this for great minds think alike am I right hey high five SHO high five up there huh hey good job Sho high five high five

Great mind think alike am I right that’s funny love the moment where she like wait you gave something oh I didn’t realize we both I didn’t realize we both gave her an advantage okay the tiny she floating why is he floating oh he’s so cute oh there’s a little sheep

Now we don’t know who the winner is so well um this would be fun to we do with real weapons why don’t we shrink one of me’s dogs and let them all fight the little miniature dog oh yeah that’s a good idea a dog or something that’s a good idea me to go

In what they can’t kill me no one can oh yeah we should put what about M’s dog yeah yeah that’s a good idea throw in one of mang’s dogs I wanted them to fight this small little thing but what’s the Bellinger get out this looks scary that

Looks crazy small what all these it’s hunting everyone whoa oh God what’s hurting everyone hey guys what are these blue things what is a bell ring what is That oh it’s hitting R are we being attacked like what’s happening here wait is this like a jump Quest looks kind of cool is that thing this is so cool fireworks what is that how do I does it do damage I can’t tell where did you get these what was it me

What’s hurting me what’s hurting me oh God really um someone make me big again God ow ow Jesus I got to go you’re stuck is this like a boss or like what can you make me big again please anyone like come here okay what is the bell ringer it’s

Killing everybody what is that you guys want to get bigger um I don’t know I kind of feel safe right now so who uh want wow this looks so cool I don’t know not me I don’t know what a bell ringer oh God oh God I’m leaving I’m leaving this

Bell ringer is killing everybody where I don’t know you look how cool looks though okay I’m dipping I’m dipping everyone’s leaving oh God ow ow wait guys you can jump off into the waterfall no you sound Arch Mage spell book Divine chest plate deflect the hit per minute

Vill ominous plate warding charm Wards off negative status effects that sounds really good that sounds really really good I don’t know everyone seems to be dying wait guys I’ll suck it in with my special ability kill it while I’m draining it everyone kill it kill it oh

Lord I’m taking all the damage Now kill him kill him him guys i’ I’ve I’m I’m holding it I’m holding it oh God that’ss uh oh wait why is it aggro on me yo where did the bell ringer go I don’t know what’s hitting me

Um did he just fly why are you did he get elytra literally yeah I’m just like trying to find the little youo run run there’s a your totem I was going down there were so many explosion thingies and I died Your Grave should be there you can probably just find it and it’s

Not my totem it’s your to oh no it used it it used oh hey guys this bell ringer is killing everybody where even is this thing true I’m scared I’m hitting one of you wait this bell ringer is kind of crazy yeah hey I’m glad the totem did something though she going crazy Now I feel like it’s or something no it’s they’re pretty easy does it drop something good yeah I mean it has decent drops I would like tentacle strike oh this like a decent draw tentacle strike when they’re regular siid they’re pretty easy to hit are they usually tentacle strike

Well they’re not easy to hit but um cuz they’re always flying tentacle strike where’d it go did it drop anything yep dropped a Shader bag and a Shader bag plas plasm he it looked really cool I wonder if we can D oh I got oh wait I got stuff I could

Make more the jackpot K the enemies it’s it’s not hard to make soul stealer to Fortune’s favor reinforcement cocktail slicers dicer what’s wrong what’s sometimes do more damage affected by luck that sounds good Ace of iron sometimes negates incoming I think she okay this seems really good

Because doing more damage is insane um taking less damage is cool but not crazy cuz we’re already Immortal oh blow wow that’s that’s a cool upgrade thanks I’m going to go back home oh my God here’s guys you can just jump there’s a waterfall here guys you can just jump Offo all right back to town and we’re going back god king really you can’t hit him oh my God Jesus said he’s too big and he no no I said you can hit him I said you can hit him oh honestly no one’s going to hold it against you don’t even

Worry all right let’s go back home well that was an event I don’t really know who won the event though but it was a event um let’s make that dice there we go that dice seems pretty good sometimes your attacks do more damage that seems really good like super

Good um some of these charms we don’t need but we have so many charms that or so few charms to like there’s no Replacements to make where is a ravager oh my God okay got this book that’s pretty much useless to be honest there’s a ravager someone summon a raid on the

Town that’d be exciting that goes in this goes in do we leave the reactor on I think we didn’t ah dang it we should have left it on um how’s the energy looking oh it’s going down this is perfect all right let’s let that run this is at

32,000 I think you got the last hit I don’t know did you make the last upgrade for the suit um I don’t think there’s any worthwhile upgrades left so uh I assume we did depending on what your definition was we don’t have every single upgrade but we’ve got all the important ones really

So you make you going to make a drill or a hammer uh neither we’re making something better than both of those but um you’ll see when we get to it let’s see we need this 64 oh we used up so many Reds already we need more

Um we need more iron well we have a lot of iron we just got to process it okay how are you not invisible they fixed it sort of um so you can’t see my armor armor but they made it so that you can just replace it with whatever you want and in

My case that was what we have uh the just our base armor night vision up upgrade is not really worthwhile in my opinion um I don’t think we need it the amount of times we need the night vision upgrade is literally only in the one Dark Forest of the Twilight Forest

So and we aren’t even going back there there’s no point to ever go back there so that’d just be a waste of an upgrade we’ll never need it again do you have solar nope but that’s also a pointless upgrade so we don’t need that okay anyway um let’s just get this stuff

Ready we got a lot of speed upgrades um I could definitely I have the materials to make more but at this point we don’t really need more so I’m not going to get them even the elyra upgrade but we don’t have the technology for that so I guess

What I should say is we have every upgrade that we’re capable of making um okay anyway uh let’s make these upgraded batteries because the upgraded batteries will make all the difference right now got that um we need to upgrade the diamonds let’s just do like I don’t know how many

Of these we need but just do 23 probably is enough um so what we really need are two stacks I’m going to try and make okay we’ve got Atomic alloy got these we’re going to try and make a stack of atomic and a stack of blue cuz we’re going to try and

Upgrade all the way if we can um are you to still up the output of the fusion reactor we can but right now we’re making supplies that we need so let’s do that first kind of Strat first we actually need a bunch of iron um we’re actually out of iron shockingly

Um let’s get that osmium oops five five and there we go can you enchant the claw nope um what will you build next hopefully the SPs thing but um we’ll see anyway you going to Nuke the town today no we don’t have the nuke it’s actually

Wait where did the bed go Ryan you took away the rich diamonds we’ll throw it up here when we have it yeah all right what mods are you using I genuinely don’t know um wish I could answer that but you’re you’re to die you’re to your hair reminds me of

Corpses I don’t think his hair quite looks like this but put down your right hey I guess I haven’t seen it in a bit are you broke in the game a little be real who brought this tiny ravager do you know where the Wither biome what is the with oh you know what

That means right guys if she’s looking for the Wither biome that means she’s working on the n did you put speed upgrades yeah I don’t think we need much more than this honestly uh just because the energy is going to drain too quickly so quite

Happy with how it is now we need more kelp though for this energy thing but it’s F this looks like um League of Legends champions in icon splits the input automatically I know it does but I don’t really want to mostly because what’s it called trying to underne my Pokemon shop I

Shouldn’t have said that there’s times when I don’t want to split it so there there’s a few situations where I do want to so I could do it but it’s it’s not hard to do so I just don’t bother um we do need this iron cooking up though this is

Ready oops four need some more iron to cook right up cuz what we need are all these Alloys here Um let’s see you can also put in energy upgrades I I know guys I know about the upgrades I’m just saying our setup’s fine now I don’t think we need to upgrade that um it’s it’s it’s perfectly fine it’s pretty quick actually see this is almost already done with a full stack there’s

Absolutely no problems I I think it’s all working great I guess the wireless charging isn’t working where where are you even coming up with this um I I think it’s working um actually I’m 100% sure it’s working and you can tell it’s working because it’s outputting like millions of

Energy so uh I I think we’re good I think we’re very very good right now it is draining a whole lot faster than we’re producing now but that is okay um Ellum was killed by Pokey Jesus okay these things do happen all right got that let’s see how

The lithium’s holding up it’s great um we need to make one more advanced battery and upgrade this to Elite and then we’ll have so much that uh we’ve got to calibrate the fusion reactor hopefully but it is burning the energy quite quickly I’ll add but that’s good

Cuz that that means we can upgrade or we can run the fision reactor to get all the polonium we need see this polonium got to keep that running um let’s put that in that’s good this goes here then we need some more fuel have we been using the fusion

Reactor well it’s permanently on um I don’t even think I can turn it off intentionally unless I I don’t know I guess I could cut all the power again uh have you made the plutonium nope but I’m making the polonium first cuz it’s already set up okay this is looking

Good looking good iron dust more iron so here’s what we’ve got to do we need 1 two three 61 of that is good we got to use up all this steel here so let’s um put that away for now we’ll just make as much steel as we can

Where did all the ores come from that was a donation from Ryan um in order to get the thing going so we need let’s just stack it together 53 we’ll take this to 60 and 61 we’ll take that to that um and then we just got to upgrade

Him yeah that should be good I think do need some more iron though um but other than that we should be quite good Ryan’s Rich yep and he needs the energy for his Infinity items so this is kind of a win-win for everybody now we could turn the fusion reactor a little bit

Higher I think we can turn this higher actually turn it up to 13 see what happens it is is draining through the energy very very quickly but that’s kind of what we wanted um does the laser and the fusion reactor need to be kept on nope

Um okay looks like 13 is perfectly fine uh but the temperature is yellow now so we’ll leave it at that just to be safe um okay so we’re going to use up all the iron we can here um we should make just two more speed upgrades would be great

God so fast one two one two how do I charge my um I don’t know how you’re supposed to but I can charge it okay just give me one more juice and then I’ll use this I’ll figure out how um and then we need there’s yeah there’s

Other ways to charge it but it’s a little slower what do you need is it Redstone you have to build some stuff or is it gold I forgot I already know the kind of person you are what does he mean by that capital B bully poke just like X bully bars what

The wow shut your ass up nobody um okay not sure where he’s going with that But on the map it’s like pretty big we definitely need more of this red stuff here so let’s just get that going to up left top yeah top left oh that’s good over here and okay um lapis goes back in who joined the server a ton of people

I’ll push tab for you um let’s see we’re making some more speed upgrades to get this going I think the speed upgrades are worth it energy upgrades are definitely not worth it we have we just have so much energy I don’t think there’s any reason to make those um

Who’s magic thing there we go two more speed upgrades which means we can throw this right into here yeah upgrade it to three this we can also upgrade um I don’t think we have to though cuz it’s times five so let’s just double upgrade this one this one still only has two

Upgrades but that’s pretty good for the amount of times we need to use it cuz there’s five producing this one only has one producing it’s quite slow but uh we don’t have to use it all the time muffling upgrades are very nice not really for the smelter it was but the

Rest of the machines don’t make much noise I don’t know about you guys but I barely hear anything here um yeah anyway we need one more uh to upgrade into the elite inductor uh we actually need a bunch more stuff but what we really need to do is

Up the injection rate cuz it’s actually burning so much energy that the nuclear reactor is doing almost nothing at this point kind of crazy when you think about it but but here’s how it goes um put that away just leave it running I guess um I almost want to try and turn

It up to two but we should oh we should go upgrade the tank um okay we’ll do it later uh we’ll upgrade the tank after um but for now let’s just get all the he going okay got a bunch of this stuff that’s pretty good it’s right here now

We’ve got to upgrade into the diamond stuff uh we’re going to need more of these for sure so we have iron I’d like to there we go you think I’m building a home I’m couch surfing for the next year I’m broke as talking about building a home we could be roomies

Though oh my God pay for rent you’ll have a guest you’ll have a GU I feel like we can just hear everything in town that’s going on from our I um down that’s what I saying they keep telling us to go we can’t go down I think it’s

This way or something wait actually there’s always been a door I see him down there what do you what do you guys uh I see him too I just can’t go down what are you guys doing up there they want to come over oh okay cut this way

This way and this way what are you guys look I’m just processing some here um it doesn’t work for me either you have to kind of slink in it’s it’s not easy but okay waa you have so many ores yep I’m using these to uh produce why I’m making

A I made a trade with Ryan for the unlimited energy that I’ve been producing um he’s decided to give me a bigger investment because of all the progress I’ve made yep how cool yeah going to need most of these to produce all the crazy things um more iron what do we need iron

For honestly I think we’re good on iron okay we got a lot of supplies here um might need a little more osmium but wait this art is so pretty we need another inductor what art um oh my cat oh I wanted to rearrange it yeah to of course of course yeah doesn’t

That look better before was a little too high um don’t you think like it was was like I’ll show you what it was like it was like um it was like that right and that doesn’t look good I I know that looks I think you put it was great yeah

Oh everyone’s uh hanging out here huh oh um hey you know I heard mayor Leslie oh did people just DC oh well we’re the you know I heard Leslie’s looking for people to work on her uh her food place maybe yeah yeah had talk spoke oh I heard Leslie doesn’t

Even do it herself she really doesn’t which is why she needs the employees oh oh is there like a way to like craft full craft guys I was told there’s a way to like full craft but like within recipe within recipe instead of having to manually do it oh yeah Ray has the

Gifts for you guys I have gifts um be be is is there a way guys don’t know how it works am my sugar mama I hear oh it sure is I got gifts for you all okay so that’s I thing I do this thing called oism ocultism I can’t even pronounce it

But much yeah I pretty much summon demons alcoholism I just made you so here’s a ring for all of so we need this probably we need to get two stacks of blue cuz blue turns into purple so we need more I’m trying to get

A full stack of purple if we can you can actually call it out with right click it has an upgraded deer which gives you jump boost if you have it in your inventory and he has upgraded to attack for you if he’s out so cute yeah so if

You you just right click with it okay um if you want autocrafting you need refined storage I can make many more but I think we can craft it’s not so bad let’s work on our thing though um we should be able to craft another set of batteries so for another Advanced

Induction C if you wear the ring you can still jump higher even if it’s in your inventory you can jump higher it’s a lot easier like this to be honest there’s like better familiars but um it’s Christmas two and 12 looking good if you I think yeah so these are

Random names but the problem is this is a bit of a hassle to make don’t really like these cuz you got to make like four at once and then slowly crap I forg for for my dear friends dear oh I don’t think that’s how it goes

energy Cube someone in chat was like we need one of these I stole the line I didn’t say it I think we do but we need anyway so yeah oh we probably need five of these in the ring and in your inventory you’ll jump higher but there’s better familiars like this

One like this one another eny CU this one help you see in the dark entirely and then we need four basic induction providers this one makes you IM oh you’re kidding me uhoh what if we DC what if we DC what if we roll back what

If we roll back oh so there there is that there is that bug which I think is what happened with the familiars so my guess is we got the familiar bug that um yeah okay I think it was that familiar bug that the bugs we just happen to be

In the vicinity but I think if you’re not in the vicinity they might not have DCd um okay let’s try and get back on we’re back you know what causes it oh my God it threw out my lithium yeah when I pull it that could have been bad it okay

One as long as they don’t bring out the Rings but it’s like I wanted to do a familiar Zoo would have them out so people could buy them you know but like oh that’s actually a really good idea I don’t know I think it’s Rand cares they’re so cute induction

Provider now we need an elite induction provider and we’re all set we have everything but the Elite control circuits maybe I just do my mounts at the zoo maybe instead where’ my I I think the ring is not too big of oh they got used up you get them out it’s

Fine don’t worry don’t worry okay we need oh I lost the math on it um anyways it’s fine this it’s fine okay all this than I don’t know how much we used hey whatever let’s just make as much as we can oh hey what’s up I’m making

Batteries what’s what’s this oh uh got to my name wow um thanks what’s this hey I’ve got an idea for you you ever heard of um um an internship likeo Infinity Hammer by fast hey that’s mine I’ll I’ll get like the coffee hey I

Know what you can do um oh come with me come with me yeah I need so Mong has an Infinity hmer that she sort of owes me S I was looking you know you can wear that you don’t have to car but the problem is

She put it in the shop and you have to craft this sword to get it back which Which slot see so and you can’t break it already tried to your armor Circle so the only way to get it is to trade that sword for the hammer I just don’t know

How to make the sword but if you know how to make it we can get this hammer out if you don’t know what makes you think that I would know well wait both stuck on this yeah you can’t destroy it you have to trade so if someone can craft this sword

I’ll get my hammer back that is that sword is hard to make than uh the hammer yeah but it’s a quest it’s a quest I tell you a quest I’m going to go make more induction batteries has your Hammer hostage yeah that’s real funny uh yeah

Yeah I love I love hostage anyway if anyone gets my hammer back sound you like make them crunch oh yeah it’s a bobble anyway if anyone gets my hammer back that would be awesome um something tells me I ain’t getting the hammer back huh o I was trying to make silicone not

Silicone why am trying to make more Sil let’s get some more of these my inventory is getting full again what reinforced alloy going to need a few more of those we need um 55 so we need what could you possibly be hoarding the Cobblestone yeah cobblestones oh you should make the

Thing that I have one more right what is it what is it it’s a botania thing called I think black ho that’s 50 two more two more yeah am I mathing right I think two more I’m trying to make one of each just to just to have it

Um all right we are going to be using up the blue but that’s okay that’s okay that’s the whole Point’s gone through pokey’s trying the same thing is lug I mean guys I have no problems trying to teach someone how it works but to be honest I barely understand it myself I’m

Not qualified to teach anybody let’s just make an elite induction provider one time one time I logged on at night cuz I set up my laptop to play in bed to mine and Ryan you kind of sound addicted too no no does sound a little addicted that doesn’t

She how many of these do we need four oh godamn it so where you guys going toop I don’t knowwhere somewhere where I won’t four of those and then all we need is the elite energy Cube which is difficult to make that’s two four six and a steel

Casing go far but then get one of those animals you can just fly back and forth so not too far but and then we need the elite energy Cube which is quite easy to make actually and then Advanced Energy Cube coming right up and then Elite energy

Cube coming right up and with this we should be able to make the elite induction generator which is exactly what we need we probably got to refill on a few materials here what are we missing out on uh glass we have a little bit more glass

Um what else are we missing out oh these balls need those balls we’re out of diamond um how many more diamonds you think we need so I think everything’s uh settling down a little bit so I am going to get working on the important stuff fixing the Battery

Systems and once we fix the Battery Systems everything will be solved because we need to charge the nuclear thingy mobber Sky of beginning interesting so the easiest way to do it is use an Infinity charger and just leave it plugged in here um anyway let’s um dis make sure this

Thing’s off first of all okay and now the wireless charging will stop for a second but it’s no problem cuz all we’re doing is making one of these pop that right in and everything should charge way way faster problem is we’re going to run out of energy in about 5

Seconds so you can see the output rate has gone off the rails here outputting like crazy problem is we’re going to run out of energy very very quick also so kind of a tradeoff but that’s okay because we’re about to upgrade it it’s fast yeah I think the elite energy

Provider send out 6.55 MF um now yeah it’s sending it out quick um Fusion reactor is off you only have 20 input wait oh yeah wait why is the fusion reactor off H oh every time okay I think I figured it out when I unplug the battery uh the fusion reactor doesn’t

Get any power probably I noticed every time I change the battery it it uh undoes it so I think the problem is the battery uh way to fix this is pretty easy actually we’ll just add a temporary battery that lasts long enough to um let’s get it going first cuz it’s going

To run out of energy in like two seconds three four um we need a little bit more coal where are my coal patches oh here they are um so I think I I found the problem here we just need to add a little battery to keep it going up until um

What’s it called oh Diamond uh we just need more power to keep it going until what’s it called uh we get the um stuff that we need let’s make another just in case something goes wrong because we don’t want to waste it um well waste too much

Coal but yeah it I think every time I unplug the battery it uh it runs out or it it cancels it somehow not sure exactly why because it should have some storage but maybe nothing runs anymore with the pumps even perhaps not sure all right let’s let that go um we’ll go turn

The thing back on before we run out of energy we could even turn it a little H oh Abe left the game too uh I think something crashed here okay um yeah so I think every time we’ve unplugged the battery it’s turned off the fusion reactor which kind of makes

Sense we are all completely relying on that one Battery Source so uh I want to get to the Terra battery attached to the wind farm oh that’s right it is attached to the wind farm so what would the problem be H what’s the problem exactly guys does anyone

Know it’s it’s attached to so it’s not lack of energy because the wind farm is what’s powering it um the only other thing is it does have zero output um when it’s unplugged so it could be the output would be the only thing that still makes sense I

Think um it’s not the fuel it’s got to be the output I feel like um got that it’s all good should not be the fuel here but while we’re here here let’s upgrade this tank um Advanced chemical tank should be plenty oh wait uh four there we go Advanced chemical tank

That’ll get us going I think it should have enough once this fills right up um how’s it attached to the wind farm well because of the Wi-Fi energy here we got a blue one which means it’s taking energy from the wind farm and from the main uh thing oh

No it’s not attached to the wind farm oh so it could still be the power um let’s um manually plug it we just run this cable down it’s easy um yeah should be should be an easy fix we just run this cable straight down uh along the side of this

Platform and it it should be fine um just in case that’s the problem cuz my guess is everything turns off when we unplug that battery for maintenance so theoretically we’ll plug it directly into the wind farm and that should probably maybe do it um okay 18 cables might need more than that that’s

Okay then we can do maintenance on the batteries with no crazy problems I hope it’s not going to look pretty but we’ll just do it to make sure it works first of all um cuz for all we know this isn’t even the problem it’s having okay uh and then this will just

Go like that um let go here that’ll go there all good probably going to need more cables but let’s see if we we got enough to get it by so by plugging directly into the wind farm I’m hoping it solves the problem we have of um what’s it

Called I mean at this rate we should just move all the cables here then okay so this might shut off the reactor if it does then we’ll know oh yeah this is pretty much what we expected a lot of crashes so if this shuts off the reactor then we know for

Sure that that’s the problem oh it did okay so for for sure the problem is just simply when it loses energy it no longer works so this should probably fix everything um all right thank God we made two of these uh to get it going and this should hopefully turn it

Back on this thing needs more energy but I know a Cheesy way to fix it uh just put it in our inventory wait it’s not charging with the Wi-Fi that’s strange should be charging with the Wi-Fi there um I thought it could but it we just do that they were kicked as soon

As you broke the cable yeah but that’s got nothing to do with it I mean I’m so far away it would have only kicked me all right so the fusion reactor will not turn on till we get more laser energy but it’s generating tridium and stuff so this should be okay

Um yeah everything’s good ready to go just need to let this thing charge up I believe it needs at least 400,000 um so I think this chooses wait what’s happening with the energy oh everyone’s like having a lot of problems here oh laser amps pointed the wrong way

Um oh we have to like do we have any store extra blocks um we just going to use steel blocks for now looks like something’s going on and I’m going to say I’m glad I’m not in town right now what zero Fe what’s happening um there’s a problem here um there’s like a

Big problem here and I don’t know what is wrong actually um H this thing’s getting nothing laser is still pointing the wrong way oh this thing yeah yeah but why does the laser have zero energy too though um there’s definitely a problem this thing should be charged up the wire There’s Something Going

Through the Wire it’s just not going into the laser well let’s just plug this in the correct way and we’ll see how it goes this thing is like so specific you have to point it that way yeah something’s wrong it’s not getting any energy there’s no output from the network

Um well something’s wrong what exactly I couldn’t tell you um all right let’s plan B it so easiest fix here would be to have another cable which we can make quite easily some cables um so right now something’s off about the Wi-Fi so what we’ll do is just plug this in

Directly oh it’s cuz the Wi-Fi is being drained so quickly that it’s not providing anything crazy yeah this is outputting nothing so I think the Wi-Fi is being drained so heavily that it just didn’t have any left for this by doing this uh before it basically had to run off Wi-Fi

But by doing this uh basically it’ll have Wi-Fi when it needs it I guess and now it’ll just run purely off the wind um definitely a problem and the lithium production is completely halted so let’s go back and check cuz definitely got some problems I think

It’s cuz we upped the uh output so much this is empty isn’t it yep this thing is dead empty as expected um we got to get this running here’s what we do okay oh heyh activate the reactor at 12 got to get more fuel cooking that’ll give us more energy to work

With need to adjust output yeah we need to turn on the fusion again um which we will just got to make sure that thing is charging up so basically the Wi-Fi is so drained it’s got nothing left need bigger Wi-Fi storage no no it’s the generation again there’s a Cookie in here interesting

Anyway um got all that this we need more do we have more iron there we go get that in some redstone okay so yeah it’s using up too much Wi-Fi we need more uh stuff it should be charging at a decent thing now um but we definitely are going to have some

Problems let’s get that okay uh this is looking great what do we have in here so I want to upgrade the batteries probably one more time I want to get that purple battery which I believe we have the resource for I think we’ll get the purple battery output’s great at this

Speed um this thing’s running it’s running out of fuel actually let’s go refill the fuel machines um cables back in why is there a piece of bread in there okay um yellow cake probably all we need usually the yellow cake runs out before anything else yeah looking good looking good good

Um okay so we’re totally out of energy again this thing’s running at super high it’s at 12 which is just below when it turns yellow turn it up to 13 and it’ll turn yellow and look very threatening uh making a lot of polonium though so that’s good what’s this purple

Stuff on me absorption and jump boost what’s with that the thing that takes energy from wind farm is connected to the cable what are you talking about anyway should be fine everything’s good let’s go to the wind farm we just got to let that thing the laser charge up and we’ll be

Good is it night time I’m going to go check on the laser um all right Laser’s charging right up quite slowly but that’s okay we’ll let it go you’re eating golden apples I don’t care um golden apples are useless now okay all right definitely a bit of a

Problem we just got to let this charge up and we’ll be all good um oh we need a torchure something don’t we mobs can spawn on top of that I know it’s probably not going to happen but okay we just got to let this charge

Up uh I could do the weird cheese thing to charge it a little faster but I think this is perfectly fine uh we’re just going to be a little lower on energy for now but I believe we should have fixed the problem I think so let’s

See uh Mega torch probably covers it it probably does cuz we’re right above the mega torch but it doesn’t hurt to have extra anyway what are we doing right let’s go craft another battery while we wait for that laser to charge we got time I’m really hoping to

Make the purple battery cuz the purple battery once you get one of those that’s all you really need it’s just well the problem I’d say is it’s going to take so long to craft it’s kind of annoying honestly but we got to do it well we

Don’t got to do it I guess but we should do it um let’s see you can increase the output by making it 10 well we can’t even turn it on right now so uh what do you do to fix the issue with running the reactor at night I thought it’d develop too much

Waste nothing but this reactor is up borderline obsolete it just runs out of fuel see it’s already out of fuel um so we don’t have to fix that you’re you’re thinking about the old technology we’re looking at the new technology so uh anyway let’s make the these uh this new

Battery um in order to make the purple battery you need four of the blue batteries so let’s make that um what do we have here got all that uh let’s just juice these out as much as we can oh we’re lagging um okay this is looking good let’s just try and

Craft everything we can now what are we missing um so let’s make this is going to be annoying but it’s what we’ve got to do not induction provider but induction cells we need three more of these I wish there was a way to craft faster cuz I think we have

The materials for it it’s just going to be a hassle we have to craft so in order to craft that we need 16 of of these to craft one of these and we need four of these we need 48 basic induction cells so uh yeah and we have to craft it all

Manually which sucks so um let’s just make it I guess okay we need 48 batteries I think um press r on the items to go directly to the recipe what use RF crafter what RF crafter doesn’t seem to be a thing crafting interface um won’t the EM system make

You craft faster well okay so so what I want is like I don’t know if you guys okay so what I want want us to be able to click this and then just click this plus and it’ll make all of it cuz right now what we’re doing is if we have to

Still make every part like this you know that that doesn’t help me much um right cuz we still have to click it what I mean is like is there a system where I can just be missing most of it click that and then do all of it the Mi system what is

That me well nothing popped up then me system ritual summon the jinny machine operator this thing Advanced control system um what’s what’s it actually called refined storage crafter like what am I searching guys what what am I searching for guys CU because like I what what am I making applied

Energistics okay what am I searching for guys what I feel like uh refined um refined what applied energistics too okay applied ener okay so it’s it’s here or it’s not here Wireless crafting terminal I is this this it I don’t it says Wireless crafting terminal but I don’t know if that’s the autocrafting

Um so this will AutoCraft like fully um is what you’re saying no it won’t so then what are you guys saying um the one Seline did will not fix our problem guys guys all the big storage do does is like it’s literally the same as just our backpack so like right now we

Can just we can just do all this already right I I don’t want to basically I want to be able to click this click plus while missing items and it’ll Auto do it right so I don’t know if you guys are understanding what I’m trying to do here

But that’s what I want to do a storage system won’t fix that it’s got to be a crafting system cuz the storage system is just a bigger backpack which is useful but it’s not going to do what I’m looking for it to do um okay got that this got this um goes

In we got to crush this and then then we’ve got to uh let’s see the storage system will do the autocrafting I’m confused because a lot of people are saying it doesn’t do it um and then a lot of people are saying it’s going to do it not sure who to trust here

Um okay there’s autocrafting and refined storage so a lot of people are saying we can’t do it in this mod pack and a lot of people are saying going to say we can um okay um it does Google what’s it called the me system I I’ll Google it and see if it’s even

Here okay Um crafting let’s see Emmy crafting terminal with an em crafting block okay let’s see there should be something crafting terminal um okay there is a crafting terminal but it doesn’t say it’ll Auto do what I want it to do though is the problem automated assembler chamber

Let’s see what this says to create an assemble chamber the corners in any size start off by crafting um guys this is so confusing that I don’t even know if it actually does what I’m trying to make it do let’s see um yeah I don’t even know if this does

What I’m I I I just basically want it to craft a full recipe a complicated recipe without um it’s called refined storage so it’s not the me system it’s called refined storage so it’s not the me system then Al so that’s a totally different mod pack so that the people saying Emmy

System were just wrong or or there’s two ways to do it maybe or um can’t you just ask Seline they don’t have it guys they don’t have it um like nobody else nobody on the server has the thing um refined storage is easier to do why okay so what what part of this

Autocrafts CU this just looks like storage so which which part of this crafts it just looks like a bunch of storage I don’t see anything that says crafting here um search crafter black crafter white crafter magenta crafter what what does this mean Advanced crafter crafter so so this will do

It well this sounds easy it’s just a crafting table in this so you’re saying if I I make this it’ll make the whole thing yeah this is easy then okay yeah yeah I like that so all we have to do is this and it’ll craft the whole thing yeah this seems easy to

Make not that one that’s not it someone said search for crafter um yeah you know I’m going to say I’m so confused at this point and no no one’s really saying anything that’s making a whole lot of sense um so it sounds like there’s some kind of em system maybe

Um but but most people are saying it’s not in the server anyway I didn’t I’m thinking we it’s not in the server most people are saying so it sounds like it’s just not in the server right um You can search by mod if you search

For find okay but the weird thing is a lot of people are saying it’s not in the server but if I look up refined storage it has a bunch of stuff so I I’m I’m confused half the people are saying it works half the people are saying it doesn’t work

Um some people are saying it just takes time to make but it might be worth it I it’s just I just don’t know who to believe at this point CU a lot of people are saying it’s not possible a lot of people are saying it’s not in the server

And some people are saying it’s so easy to make you should just make it so I’m not sure what to uh think there um at refined stored okay that’s not showing up CU I’m going to be honest a lot of people aren’t making sense to me

Um see you just need to make the storage system to grab the materials to do the automated crafting I mean is it is it in here or not guys is is my question um cuz I feel like at this point we can’t really come to a consensus here um we’re getting

Half the people just straight up spamming random stuff about a quarter of people saying a mod pack that doesn’t exist and another quarter of the people uh saying saying it’s not in this mod pack and then we got one guy in chat saying Leslie has technology that nobody

Else on the server has and that guy’s just lost it but anyway um long story short I I don’t know who to trust here um I will say the one person I for sure don’t trust trust is the guy spamming that Leslie has it already cuz she doesn’t have it um okay

Anyway let’s grab the atomic alloy we should be able to make that’s that’s a lot of atomic alloy I I think that’s enough to get us pretty far up um don’t think we need to make more than that so we’re probably good on Atomic Alloy at least for now um put that

Away um we do need more of the little red stuff so let’s get that if we can um okay throw that in um all right we’ll just craft it guys I feel like we just wasted a lot of time trying to figure out a shortcut uh and

At the end of the day none of it helped so it’s kind of how it goes anyway let’s get more iron um do we have any extra iron anywhere here maybe nope wow we’re zil on iron that is shocking oh wait we got 64 here and

That’s it but we will need that later but we’ll enrich it now while we need the stuff so is the fision reactor on I don’t know I doubt it we’re out of fuel um it’s Pro I wish it was on but I believe we’re just out of fuel here yeah it’s not

On don’t have any energy left guys that’s all of it um okay let’s make this battery um the laser might be charged no that’s really slow we’ll be able to make the uh probably we’ll upgrade to the purple battery before the Laser’s charged so how many do we need we need 48 basic

Induction cells I believe well we need three Elite inductions we need 16 per Elite we already have one 16 * 3 is that 48 I think it is we need 48 basic induction cells wow that’s not enough do we have more glass we might need more glass and osmium among other things okay

Um five we need 48 so we need more glass let’s go get it is the fision reactor on isn’t it nighttime bro has got some kind of delay uh I’m going to go get my sand though so we can make some glass okay here we

Go um I think we’ll just craft it the normal way guys uh honestly I was hoping someone in chat could help me but with the amount of people I’m I’m sure someone in chat can probably help me but with the amount of people just saying random junk I don’t think there’s any

Way for me to really filter out what’s just random junk and what might be useful um cuz I just don’t know enough about it so we’re just going to have to assume it’s all random junk at this point so okay got all this just getting as

Much glass as we can seems as though we need more than I expected of glass AE fell out of the world he fell into the void realm guys oh uh he’s gone he’s lost everything thing surely okay that’s a lot of glass what’s this junk that’s a lot of

Glass oh we didn’t even pick up all of it okay getting as much uh sand as we can and then we’ll go back and cook it right up Sandstone we don’t want the Sandstone just regular old sand and now we oh my God maybe we gathered

Too much yeah that’s what I always say and then we run out 5 minutes later um okay I think that’s most of it um 61 Sandstone all right let’s go home kelp farm right got all that going in here we just got to make all these batteries oh that’s

Sandstone I thought that was regular sand let’s throw it away um we did get a lot of sandstone um okay you know guys I’m going to try a new Strat we just ignore the back seeders for today I feel like for every like one decent useful comment there’s like 10 that are useless

Kind of a problem um so we’re just going to we’re just going to make our batteries here um okay cuz like I’m going to be honest guys I just gathered sand and it took less than 30 seconds and and someone in chat not going to name them just wrote

Like an an essay on how to gather sand faster and it took about 20 seconds um so I I don’t think we need any of that I we already got the same like by the time bro finished typing in his essay we had already finished Gathering all the sand and we put most

Of it in the smelter already so um I I think we’ll just we’ll just go now I suppose and um I’m just going to make the thing so here’s what we got to do we need more of these we need 48 to be specific probably a few more

Actually but let’s put that in and here we go oh we need more steel wait are we actually out of steel everything in the backpack guys everything how can we be out of steel that doesn’t sound even possible um huh man this is really a huge Mater oh we got 48

This is like a huge material cost here it’s getting crazy on the expenses but it’ll be worth it I think one purple battery will be set for life so uh used it to make a block steel what are you talking about we undid that already um anyway there we

Go um is there a Mau or interested in the mob vote don’t know what that is don’t really care I doubt my one vote will choose anything I think they should just make all of them coming like why’ they design all of them and then be like

You only get one of them though um all right like I sort of know what it is but I don’t know the options um but I know that like don’t they do that thing where they like make you um I think they did it last year or something too where like

I don’t even remember what the options were but like they like make a bunch it it seems super easy to do and then they’re just like well you just don’t get it and I’m like oh okay not sure why it’s like that but okay more glass that’s good all right we got 48

Casings pretty good now we got to hope we have enough of the rest of the stuff to make 48 basic induction cells how many of these do we need I don’t really know um but let’s make 24 of them to start and then as many of these as we

Can so we got to make a bunch of these like even just these Basic Energy cubes if we can make more of those that’d be so useful I mean this ain’t that bad we’re just clicking but four energy cubes uh we’re going to need more so to make the advanced cell we

Need six 16 of these okay I think we actually need more cores but we will get to that eventually just need another Advanced Energy Cube quick Jesus this is this is a hassle but at least we only have to do it

Once how many is this one 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 that’s 12 so we need four four more we’re out of iron I didn’t know you could run out of iron wait we’re out of iron um huh yeah so we are just out of iron

Apparently I didn’t know that was like a real thing that had happened um let’s get more going and we have it we just have to process it all Ryan has a lot he does we just have to process it which takes time so we don’t have to go mining we

Just have to let it all run put that glass away CU we are going to need that where’s the dragon what dragon oh they’re all capturing their flying mounts I don’t think we really need those flying mounts uh we need more steel right so we need

To get that steel going which means we need iron which we don’t don’t have um yeah we got problems anyway yeah we we we definitely we got problems we’re out of iron which is just crazy that that’s a thing that happens even but um got

That um okay good time to go check on that laser huh um who joined the server today Pokey Cara and and I think Arya is joining later tonight all right let’s go see how this goes Psych is on his way to be more Invincible we’re actually not going to

Be more Invincible wow this thing still needs more energy huh well I mean we only have one laser shooting at it what we can do is just get another laser here and it’ll charge twice as fast the thing is we don’t need to turn it on often I I don’t see a

Reason to do that just cuz like once we turn on one time that should be it uh it’s just that we forgot about the energy problem when the stuff runs out a Wither did someone summon a Wither never mind Hey mang how’s the uh project coming along no you wouldn’t believe it’s like

G but small hi it’s me what the I was kind of lurking around 1 2 3 four what happened to you we have 12 we need four more um what do we need oh right we need iron well we can all we can all see got

To wait for this to go and then small it gets okay this is not good um not good iron smelting up going to be some time have you seen okay she done with the train not sure actually what the heck this thing’s probably running out

Of energy am oh it’s actually got a lot oh God what are we making we’re trying to upgrade our so we can make the infinity nuke uh or so we can charge the infinity nuke right now we’re having some big energy problems as always our battery is

Completely empty we’re going to try and increase the storage and then we’re going to fine-tune the fusion reactor generate as much energy as possible the lithium should be going up again soon wait what’s happening with the lithium here oh my God the brine’s going down we could turn this junk up

But could turn the heat up but lithium production’s not quite uh we could turn that up I I don’t know what exactly the problem is though let’s uh let’s go back to the wind farm and take a look it could just be because it’s filling that one tank and then once

It’s ah this is fine jump right before you hit the bottom um what are you working on today uh the infinity nuke that thing is looking good let’s check on this this is probably not full yeah this thing is not full yet no wonder it’s running out wait but this

Thing’s oh it just looks full uh yeah couple couple of energy problems what are you going to use the infinity nuke for uh just just for just for testing nothing crazy well actually we asked for two of them um anytime let me know when we go

Twilight together oh okay give me like 2 minutes to get ready we’re going to the Twilight guys give me like two minutes to get ready two minutes Mount please Mount yeah yeah let Leslie get her Mount too we want the pretty ones is there even anything else

Other than um what are we doing what are we doing we need iron iron columbuses goes there there more iron cooking up I can’t believe it but having an iron shortage just sounds so insane to me like I feel like iron shortages just shouldn’t be real they just shouldn’t be real I tell

You um anyway oh my God that scared me I got it back there we go um yeah that’s definitely way better than iron’s cooking right up we need more steel so um soon as that cooks up we’ll be good ask Ryan for iron well it’s not the iron

We have tons of it it’s just processing it takes some time so that’s our real issue uh I think we can craft more batteries while we wait though oh no we can’t we don’t have steel or iron how did this happen um okay it just takes time guys I did some

Research on refined storage looks like you can AutoCraft uh yeah I’m sure you can it’s just confusing and at this point I think we just uh just go for what we have iron’s cooking um let’s throw this in our backpack so we can start crafting again so we need four more Basic Energy

Cubes which means we need eight of these 1 2 3 four five six 7 eight okay uh we need four more of the Basic Energy cubes one oops one two uh what am I making I’m Ready the machine oh it’s cuz we used two for that thing well it’s us

To else else okay I’m going to make soup I one more oo I had soup yesterday okay then we need a ton of these cubes we need one two I think we made one two few or did we oh yeah we made one too few um

Two cuz we used up one casing for this all right let’s spam this out guys we need uh four time whatever uh four time 4 16 of them I think 16 * 4 is 48 that’s not even enough to make them all but whatever let’s see how many we get to uh

Before we run out of material three don’t know the rest of four so we’re trying to make four Advanced ones which will allow us to make one more Elite one which will double our storage um we’re out of the little cubes and that comes with iron doesn’t

It um let’s throw that stack in there though what these go here these go here look at Les over there I just want to make my one more battery before we run out Jesus Jesus man I made a spell scroll I can cast reality marble he’s a

Weeb all right so we’re going to go fight bosses after this so we’ll be having some more fun with thatai for anyone else oh I think if if everyone’s ready you guys can go and I’ll catch right up I’m fast okay I just want to finish one

More storage battery before I go cuz oh yeah she’s making it’ll charge up while we’re gone okay I just want to finish up the battery really quick uh before we that way it’ll charge up while we’re gone which will be nice um I’m going to

D oh seven okay and that should let us make more of these little suckers seven eight um and then we have dang it we have an extra Basic Energy Cube oh wait no we don’t we need that three times I’ve sent him he hasn’t said thank you once and this time I told

We only have eight phasic induction cells what are we missing here we’re missing everything we’re missing everything guys what’s happening oh Jesus we need more gold where did all the gold go not even a well um not even a good this is uh this is a problem

Um I’m going have to bring this up 16 * 4 is 46 well is we already have one singular blue so we don’t need four blues we only need three blues uh which is why it’s not 16 * 4 16 * 3 which I believe is 48 um we need more

Gold which is crazy we just run out of everything so quickly um okay that goes in there iron’s cooking we need what do we need more steel or we need more we need more of these things I think I I’m going to blindly make them and we’re going to need them whatever we

Make it won’t be enough so um can you upgrade purification chamber yeah but the energy cost is Monumental this thing’s almost out we can charge it up downstairs but once again um it’s a whole process let’s try and make a couple more batteries and we’ll be good

Um yeah just a few more batteries once this gold processes oh my God we got to turn that Fusion reactor back on come on Reactor this laser better have enough energy this laser better have enough energy guys okay it doesn’t have enough energy charge faster you thing I’m about to

Make another laser I’m just kidding um listen once we turn it on we won’t have to turn it on again so as soon as this thing’s done charging it just needs to get to 400 I believe is the whole room in there it is yeah um I believe I can set

It just in case Max to 500 now I don’t know if that determines the uh when it blasts out wait does it need 400 MF or does it need 400 KF it’s got to be MF right once you have to turn it on again when you change the battery now we fixed

It so it’s 500 1 2 3 that should do it the 500 I think should be how much blasts out so when it charges up to two we should be all good it just takes forever to charge got more time to craft that battery though um why not operate the nuclear

Reactor well uh cuz we need fuel feel like people ask the most basic questions here but I’m assuming they just hopped into the stream and didn’t um see anything and what the I forgot that was there let’s just go back should disappear quickly we can break it but it’ll disappear in like two

Seconds there we go uh let’s leave this here to charge a little bit so by putting this here it should charge right up I mean it should drain right up what’s happening it shouldn’t be draining um let’s do this actually um that should charge it why isn’t this charging

It um okay well this should charge it then instead of changing the outputs I’ll just do that there we go it’s charging it um so the bottom is input output to add it to the system the other sides are input and output only is the top so this

Should charge it the machines are grinding to a literal halt we just have huge energy problems as always as always would putting a hopper above your machines drop in the stuff I mean it might it just we just don’t need it um I feel like I say this so often

But once again we just have huge energy problems um we could even get the speed upgrade but we have no energy for it so once again same problem as always energy shockingly but that’s because the fusion reactor turned off because of an unexpected interaction I didn’t know it

Worked that way every time we did maintenance on the battery it would fully reset um and since that happened we have to fully recharge the laser Matrix to turn the fusion thing back on so that means we’ve got a big energy problem again but once we get that laser Matrix

Set up we’ll be able to turn it back back on we’re going to finish up these batteries and then we’re going to go join in for the boss battles which will hopefully be fun wonder what everyone’s up to hey Shadow’s hanging out in town mang’s up to something

Too all right that should be enough to get us going for a bit let’s pop this back in where it belongs usually this thing stockpiles enough energy uh to work but everything’s working overtime today so it’s just burning right through um okay what’s our battery output flow rate

It’s ultra high uh so high that I’m not worried anymore about that the output is one Elite inductor which is insanely High don’t know the exact number don’t care we we need we need to get more energy first before we start pumping more out it really feels like it’s just

A balancing kind of act um everything everything’s going though we do need more steel but at least it’s all cooking so that’s good this stuff’s going need uh gold like a lot of gold Iron got that um 16 Redstone let’s get all of that going okay this goes in uh what we need right now is gold and that is in the pipeline did he already make the elytra upgrade nope that is a long ways away we aren’t even close to that but we’ll get

To that eventually I hope um and then this goes in there for more steel oh we got it all cooking guys just going to take time as always it’s just going to take time okay almost ready here everyone’s in the Twilight Dimension to the Twilight Dimension everybody let’s go meet up

With themo question what do you see when you look at Cara uh let me come up I’ll take a look okay um looks like Willy Wonka see it’s a you problem wait what’s wrong what was it supposed to sees me as Steve who oh Steve Minecraft Steve I’ll be right back this

Looks like Minecraft Steve to you it’s loading yes yes it’s Minecraft hey who got rid of my dang it my oil cover dang it the new dragon my dragon dragon quick Get Your Dragon get your dragon guys you’re not going to the Twilight Forest I’m probably going to

Head there in a minute I I’m trying to get there oh the Portal’s right by my house um you know where it is uh is it this one no the one with the flowers oh this way this way this way this way over here are you going there right now no

I’m going to finish up my battery and then I’ll catch up okay let me know if they let me know if you start the your guest wait are they doing it right now uh-oh it’s lagging it’s a lagging e for lag you know I was worried about this there’s like a million people

Online and the server was already having some problems when we would have like 5 to 10 people online so this is uh kind of crazy but hey you know glad we got a lot of people it’s it’s always nice to have more people on yep crashed not surprising there um

Okay e for lag well I type it in to test if the server’s crashing all right server’s coming right back up hopefully um oh wait wait was it a local crash or was it server crash um oh we’re getting back on all right guys I’m going to go to the bathroom

While we wait to get back on we’ll finish up the battery and help with the boss where’d she go hello where oh we’re back um oh my lay up to um okay who smid kit that is uh Seline you guys at the boss um I don’t want to miss miss the

Bosset so Point here oh we’re all back so I said it be here with that okay so I’m going to do it right here wait does she have eye of the flugal either way this is all looking good um energy is almost completely gone on

This now if I just use it we just need that gold that one stack of gold would really make the difference here do I eat oh um need more energy let’s charge that up W that should charge up what loot do you get from the boss I actually don’t

Need much from the boss but you guys think the battery is enough yet let’s check we need that laser to start cuz our production is gone all the way down he’s not invisible anymore did they fix it yep it’s all fixed almost 375 needs to be at 400 I

Believe is the minimum for the laser Matrix to activate the H grum’s already in there the prum overnight has maximized so we’ll be able to tune this for more energy as soon as we turn it on we just need to make sure that it’s enough to go and we’ll be all

Good it wasn’t fixed I mean I would call it fixed in a not direct way I mean it’s like fixed in a kind of scuffed way but it works so um six hopefully that’s enough that not a ton but it’s better than nothing hopefully it’ll get us that

Gold we need I just want to finish up the battery and we’ll go uh hang out with the squ this will keep us running at full power for maybe a minute and that’s as far as it gets us um gold CL more that more this okay we need to process

So many ores but I’ll probably do that off stream I bet will you make the teleporter thing as soon as I get the antimatter I will get the teleporter for the Mecha tool and the elytra upgrade um it was very slow for unfortunately that is psychotically hard to get so um we

Got we got time before that I’ll do a lot of War processing off stream I just want to make sure I get the increased storage before we leave for the day because as it’s charging with the tuned Fusion reactor we uh yeah cuz it’ll probably go to me what’s it called we

Don’t want it to so one way you can have time to charge cuz once again our problem is Just Energy so I want to finish up the second Elite battery at least before we move on um and it looks like they’re not quite at the boss yet either so no problems there Flor

Right going to need more fluorites for that thing oh Abe got elytra grat sa oh typed that in wrong um we need some more fluoride dust uh how’s this fuel looking oh it’s full nice go ahead and fill that right up man am I fast and it doesn’t pick up quickly

Enough can’t wait for someone’s magnet to yink that for me um let’s turn this on 12 seems to be the going rate right now everyone’s still prepping that’s good I did durability okay just too fast yeah we’re a little too fast this thing’s probably out of energy again isn’t it oh

Almost but not quite that two more of this junks that junk coming right out uh once the gold is done cooking we should be all good honestly um let’s let this finish we should upgrade this more has three upgrades though so it’s pretty quick one more would help but my brain

Off right now we’re just trying to We’re just trying to make everything work right now I just want to finish up this battery we’ll be good need more Flite dust we do let’s get that going except it’s going to burn a bunch of energy but n that’s life

Whatever okay you can charge the cube with the fision on that’s the plan we just got to get it on and it’s almost charged up for now I’m just hoping this Cooks up enough juice to get us through to go any why is that so slow all right this is all good let’s

Get this going that’s good it’s really good um we got iron that’s great need more steel which is cooking right up here almost there’s a stack of Steel cooking up H let’s throw that in throw that in throw this in looking good that gold is chomping right up

We’re going to need more gold man Ryan gave us so many materials it’s really just going to come down to processing at this point that looking good let’s go throw this down Fusion reactor doing great oops turn that right up oh whatever it’s fine okay got that

Daytime looks good this is running at a great speed this stuff’s still cooking up that looks good this looks good oh something happened to Pokey she quit look what you did Abe So apparently Abe gave her a treasure m map or what looked like a treasure map and apparently it was just

A map to the ice planes for no reason evil absolutely evil and this is coming from the guy who’s trying to make an infinity nuke but I’ll tell you what that was more evil o it’s ab’s fault it’s ab’s fault I swear um okay how’s this looking pretty good

Actually pretty good it’s fueling right up fuel is cooking energy is energy uh let’s go check on that gold don’t tell me this is out of juice again oh great it’s out of juice again well we we’ve got stuff maybe it’s enough I don’t know

Um so how much more do we need we have four four and then we’re just trying to make one Advanced one maybe induction so how many more of these can we make so I believe it goes in packs of six um so 12 will do it for some amount of them 9

10 there and that would be 12 if we had four more okay and that would be 12 oh Jesus how much more of this do we need missing four we’re out of gold again um we’ve got 12 inductors now that’s really good we just need um 16

And we can make the elite we just need more gold to cook up let’s um let’s charge this again I think the fusion reactor should be good to go now now I hope plug this in that’s looking good uh we probably need some more yellow cake so let’s get that going

Meong made the nuke I’m at my uh hav upgrading batteries did she make it already she’s working too fast I’m way behind is the thing ready I I still need I’m still working on the batteries guys so we’re uh we’re way behind meong in progression here on

That we do have the bigger problem both of them okay give me like two minutes to finish this battery um oh this thing’s fully charged wait why do we have so much energy all of a sudden wait a minute is it because you don’t think maybe she’s not

Charging well let’s see let’s um plug our Cube back in this thing’s full on juice why did it charge so fast all of a sudden my only guess is oh the reactor is on that could be it too need more gold um let that cook set the other reactor to

Fire well I don’t know um we’ll come to the mining dimension in a second something was massively draining the energy my question is is the nuke usable please have enough energy 400 make sure the hole Ram’s in there there it is begin the fion go it’s working again it’s back at full

Juice huh what the oh all right let’s check on the juice here no oh Jesus we almost fell oh we did fall oh oh great all right fine portal me portal me how many I only have one um only one nether star be willing to

Give it up I also don’t know if the nukes are a onetime use okay be there let me finish this battery um so here’s my strategy right now um let’s double the output and see if it keeps up um so all we got to do is change the

Injection right here to I believe four it only goes in um even numbers because it has to match so if we type in for example three it’ll still be four if we type in two it’ll it’s lagging it’s lagging actually so if we type in two

It’s two if we type in three It’s also two but if we type in four should go to four unless it’s lagging there we go it’s it’s definitely lagging but basically it has to be an even number with this we should have doubled the energy output uh let me

Check okay it’s definitely just lagging a little bit e okay the E is working yeah I can’t even click the uh there’s definitely some lag going on here it’s cuz the plasma hasn’t fully built up so probably got to wait for that injection rate at four though so let’s see if the

Fuel’s keeping up we can’t it said waiting for Server uh tridium is good hasn’t drained that uh uum is really good um Ray says lag she is not wrong um I’m hoping that the Advanced chemical tank is enough to keep up with a doubled uh output but let’s see I will say there

Are a lot of people online yeah you can see the energy juicing right up as soon as that plasma builds up higher we’ll be all good it’s just the lag is making it difficult uh right now okay oh Jesus this is um yeah it’s it’s lagging it’s lagging might have a problem

Here does anyone know if he’s playing the new Among Us map I didn’t even know that thing was out yet uh is that thing out I mean we might try it but you know um Abe I’m hurt honestly that’s pretty fair uh I’ll be okay I’ll be there after the

Lag meong um oh my God I can’t even type in chat okay so um we’ll um we’ll just wait for the lag to go for the fusion reactor uh you can increase the rate up to 20 well I don’t know how high my fuel production is so we will

Have to see it does appear as though there is crazy lag um which is expected with this many people on the server it’s kind of expected a little bit oh my goodness um okay yeah that’s that’s a lot okay so what do we need to make we need four more basic induction cells

Which means a lot more of these uh 204 should do it can’t even finish my recipes here okay 24 more of those um okay we got 16 nice now with that we can make four Advanced Energy cubes or uh which is what we need oh come

On okay so we need four Advanced Energy cubes another come on man we need more Basic Energy cubes great oh Jesus this is uh okay this is hard to craft I ain’t going to lie to you uh we need just a couple more um just it’s just the lag

Is nuke Exploder what well there’s nothing we can do yet um we just need more of these things just the there’s definitely some lag here okay and Basic Energy Cube oh we only need a three oops oh whatever we’re probably going to need that eventually um okay now we need Advanced Energy Cube

Time 4 or times three cuz we already have one so two lagging just uh okay and then one more advanced Cube we need two more of these things we’re out of gold again but oh we got a little more little more gold let’s make sure it’s all in

The pipeline here uh gold coming up okay that should oh Jesus yeah the lag is definitely hurting right now um what do we need to make again Advanced Energy Cube okay we need two of these two and then Advanced Energy Cube one more got four Advanced we have

Everything we need to make Elite we just need the lag to hopefully go away um reboot save the thingy mang save the the juicer we test it after oh my God are they rebooting right now um what on this galaxy is happening rebooting in 20 seconds guys holy Jesus we really need that

Reboot um out of curiosity are you looking to get into autocrafting from one of the storage mods um we will get we will get as soon as the reboot happens server is rebooting all right guys I don’t know what M’s talking about I thought she had one ready but what I’m

Going to do now is stream sniper to see what she’s got um has she set off the nuke yet has she has she does anyone someone’s been stream sniping her right has she used it has she crafted it yet has how progressed does she in on this nuke she tested

It but how I didn’t get to see it she used it and it made a small hole it’s cuz you have to charge it guys she didn’t let it charge um it was lame you have we were I was going to let it charge for a day you

Have to let it charge up guys so the nuke is not reusable that’s why I asked for two of them if you only let it charge a little bit it’s not going to get very far uh we had to let it charge for a long time before we test it um I

Can get the energy very very soon it’s just it sounds like we may have burnt it wait does anyone anyone um does anyone have like a clip or something of when um um it looks like it’s not reusable right uh H okay only one block got destroyed so impatient what do you mean

I’m impatient I’m trying to fix all the charging to get it going guys um she needs two more nether Stars yeah probably um we’ll try and get those I have one but we’re going to need more so uh okay see um we’re going to get to it when we can

Um all right server’s closing should be resetting and they said the lag will hopefully go away hopefully we’re just going to finish up this battery and then we’re going to go with work with mang on the nuke um we tuned up the fusion reactor it should be

Doubling the output here which is really really good um and then we’ll just see if we can turn it even higher than that because we are going to need the energy pretty badly seems like the nuke is a mining item guys it’s cuz it wasn’t charged if you charge the nuke it’s absolutely

Insane um I I think what should have happened was we should have charged it for a while cuz I didn’t fix the energy problems yet I’m still setting up the batteries and the fusion reactor wasn’t even on half the time so uh we’re going

To fix that up but I I Googled it cuz I wanted to make sure I wasn’t wasting my time a fully charged nuke is insane damage like absolutely insane damage uh it’ll blow up the whole town I think it would even reach to sho’s house like it it literally would blow up every

Single thing anybody’s seen or made on This Server if it’s fully charged I don’t think we’ll be able to get to that level of charge though we’ll probably get to one level below that of charge um but it is absolutely nuts so you’ve got nothing to worry about it’s going to be unbelievably

Powerful if we can charge it if we can oh wait wrong thing I thought it was lagging again um we do need to charge it but it’s going to be crazily strong and we should be able to do one test on it today um where are you trying to drop it yo

Well we’re going to test it in the mining Dimension first is kind of the plan uh I’ll give Mong a stack of redstone I think she said she needs this um okay there we go you can charge it for two days we’ll see how long we need

To charge it for we got some fine tuning to do but guys you guys are asking the questions too early let’s get the thing in our hands first and then we’ll think about what to do with it right um if there’s one thing I do feel like is a

Bad habit it’s when people talk about succeeding before they’ve done it um you know it’s not a terrible idea to think about everyone does it I’m going to do it but the fact is do it first let’s say like you’re in a I don’t know you’re

Trying to do something right just do the thing first before you plan out what you’re doing with it like cuz there’s always a chance something could go wrong hey mang I got some red stone um thank you is that is that enough uh do you have a another star yeah I got

One um give me the one I have this skull too maybe it’ll help all right so uh yeah let me know when it’s ready I I’ll help charge it cuz I got to fine-tune the fusion thing and I think we’ll have enough time to do a minor

Test run today probably won’t be maximum charged but the best thing you can probably do now is we stop charging any other Infinity items to let it build up so we can full charge the uh the thing if you know what I mean anyway I’m going

To go fix up the battery system and then we should be uh good to run a test okay in the mining Dimension One for the mining Dimension One for I’ll go fix up the batteries just one for the mining Dimension first that one’s good um one

For who knows just one for the mining Dimension we got to see the damage um and then one more for Um yeah we’ll see um okay telling meang to stop charging her stuff what it would help if she stopped I don’t think she has to stop let’s check on our induction Matrix input is 700,000 that is insane but the output’s also 700,000 holy Jesus that’s almost uh

That’s almost a million energy per tick that that’s insane output let’s go check on the farm though um and then we’ll come back I want to make sure I didn’t over uh overload it um it is night time so the one concern is running out of tridium at

Night oh my goodness we are not running out of tridium that’s for sure lithium’s filling right up too um this is all looking perfect uh Wi-Fi is putting out 700,000 the dyum is looking great um output is capped out that’s perfect we can turn it higher than this I

Think yeah I think we can turn it higher than this output’s too high no I think we could up this even more we could up this to perhaps even like a six turn that up to a six on injection rate let monitor the system see if we’re

Going too high if this tank isn’t being emptied at all then I’m feeling confident uh duum is it’s producing fast enough I think yeah the water’s good water’s not draining duum is producing just as fast as it’s being burnt um this is looking good uh Plasma’s really high but that’s a good thing

Right um and then here 900,000 we’re generating nearly a million energy per tick I mean this is insane and the tridium is not running out I think we’re solid to run on six here uh we might even be able to turn it up but let’s let the heat go up slowly

Make sure we’re not doing anything crazy um it’s going to hit a million it’s going to hit a million energy per tick I think I think we can get it even more we’re going to be able to get a million per tick which is psychotic amounts of

Energy yeah this is insane and we haven’t even hit the maximum yet um let’s just double check on everything yeah the duorum is fine tridium uh it’s keep in mind it’s nighttime so this is draining and by this is draining I mean this is filling up yeah this is not

Burning through fast we have so much we’re getting 1 million energy oh my God it actually capped out it capped out at 99999999 we’re going to have to turn this limit higher is that it does it go higher than this how much is it generating I didn’t know there was limit to

The well didn’t think we’d have to do this bypass the limit I think this is the most it can show I set the limit to 10 million but that’s it I guess I already activated the bypass oh my God the energy is off the charts guys I think

I’m hoping it’s just a visual bug cuz it’s not going any higher than that but it should be generating more poop nuggets poop nuggets gets please oh come on oh that’s not bad um set limit to zero well I’m limiting it just to have a limit but I will say I

Think it just shows that as the maximum we can set it to zero but something tells me it’s going to show the same number yeah I think it shows that number no matter what okay we’ll set the limit to 10 million uh or 999 a lot n it just looks

Cooler when it hits that I I think it’s a visual thing Capp at that let’s double check on the systems here tridium amazing um yeah it is not going to run out of tridium before daytime that’s perfect dorium is once again perfect we can leave it at six I don’t see it needing

To go much higher than six let’s leave that for now and we’ll go back to check on the base before you going to is are they down there need more gold do I go left or right all right once we upgrade this battery we’re all set um watch from your

POV steel ingots got that okay looking good oops uh what do we need we just needed more gold the battery’s almost done we just need the gold going um more gold going in this battery amazing um it’s insane energy compared to the other reactor I mean guys the other

Reactor was insane energy um this one is extra insane something’s draining over 4 million energy per tick um something is draining like 4 million energy per tick it’s nuts the fusion reactor is generating over a million per tick also which is psychotic guys it’s maxed out might need more things it’s capped

At it is capped at 999999 um this thing is juicing bypass limit well the problem is the production once again so bypassing limit won’t fix it uh um let’s try and bypass on this one too holy Jesus 6 million jua holy it’s going it’s going I tell

You is the thing ready I want to see bring it to my uh base we can put it directly in the core it’ll take all the energy oh god um so for if we put it directly in the core it’ll bypass Everything um so it it should direct charge it if we put it in the core um so if we put it in the core I think it by passes uh it’s I want to say super seeds but that’s a big word and I don’t like using big words uh it takes priority Maybe

Is the better word uh uh yeah anyway okay okay we just need it in the core it’s time mang put it into my Matrix you want me to plant it here no no no no no no put it into the m just I’m planting no

No no no you’re no say it off I can’t I can’t pick it up good boy PSO me you psychopath just shift right click it thank God I okay listen if we plug it directly into the Matrix here it should drain all the energy before anything else it’s working look it’s already at

Epic Level it’s already at Epic Level that’s so fast yeah oh wait I can turn the fusion Matrix even higher now so right now it’s taking the oh my God this thing’s in it’s going so quick oh my God holy and and and my thing’s not even at max

Power yet I’m still crafting more batteries I just need more I just need to process all the materials Ryan gave me I can juice up the fusion reactor a little more but here come right click this me young this is the little Wi-Fi that’s providing energy from the fusion

Look at how much that output is oh that’s cuz I was looking at it it’s producing over a million energy per tick it’s cuz the server’s lagging you got to wait for a second access denied no permission just wait for a second it’s no no permission oh it’s cuz you’re just

A user that’s right I’m the overlord of the Wi-Fi only I can check it forgot about that H this guy well you’re going to have to just believe me it’s producing 1.2 million energy per tick which is absolutely psychotic you want to come look at the fusion reactor come

Here come here let’s go take a look at it we can turn it up a little too here hop in hop in this is the wind farm you’ve seen it before over here is the fusion rea actor this is what’s juicing us with the insane amounts of energy here turn off

Your shaders and it looks really cool um look at that it’s going wacko in there huh y anyway I think I’m going to turn the raate up to eight cuz it does appears we might block this don’t don’t please please it’s all this took a long time this is actually the strongest

Reactor we can make so if this isn’t enough nothing will be I guess we could make another one of these no we don’t need that well we don’t we don’t probably don’t need that much um okay as long as this isn’t running out we’re good another one hold on I’ve

Cranked it up to eight I still have a lot of fine tuning to do for it but the energy it’s generating is absolutely Monumental already let’s take a look uh it’s generating one .4 million energy per tick which is more than per second here you want to blast it with a laser

Pull this lever and you can blast it with a little laser yeah what is that quick turn it off I just don’t uh leave it on kind of thing we got it why can I leave it on and then what happens well it it doesn’t

Blow up it’s just we need this to charge up to get it started then it takes a long time to charge anyway this is the fusion reactor that’s powering everything let me um that’s great give me like 2 seconds to monitor the systems cuz I want to make sure I’m not cranking

It up too much yeah yeah I will just one one sec cuz I’m going back too can’t leave you alone with that nuke you know what I mean um oh what do you think I’d do with it BL up your place uh I mean well hopefully not cuz well then we

Can’t charge it anymore I got to upgrade the Matrix more but once we uh once we get the Matrix upgraded enough we’ll be all good um okay yeah I I’ve almost got everything I need to upgrade the Matrix just need some more gold and uh it’s that

Legendary oh that quick wow my energy is insane whoo whoa whoa let’s you don’t want to give it one more level no okay let’s pull pull it out pull it out we’ll test this one at this level and then um oh my God 1.5 5 million that charged

The legendary so quickly this is crazy M it’s crazy 1.5 million per tick Jesus wait wait let’s go to the mining Dimension young where’d you go oh yeah okay let’s go to the mining Dimension okay don’t tell anyone about this we got to keep it a secret from everybody

Especially mayor lesli BL right here W Dragon oh wait that might be Leslie to the mining Dimension oh man how crazy is so this isn’t even the max tier this is um I say we go far yeah let’s let’s go far this this place has memories

Um can we build like a little platform to stand on maybe platform you have any uh no but I can gather dirt how far should we go um pretty far pretty far I mean this can’t be that big it’s not even maxed out it’s going to take like a couple

Days to get the maximum but I think next nuke we make we should let it go to Legendary maximum Omega tier yeah uh and then we’ll test that one and then um maybe right here’s good you think yeah I can’t see anything let me make a little

Platform for us though just so we can stand somewhere I mean it’s kind of griefing the environment but I doubt it’ll matter um how are you going to get up this platform by the way what platform the one by one Tower I’m building oh I’ll just build one I guess

Yeah build one also or can you TP me with a scroll come back down oh um here I know what I can do here just jump up this uh you can parkour right that’s like doing the most yeah uh okay how about how about you build the Tower and I’ll be able to

Climb up okay or just yeah just build up here give me the nuke I can set it off thanks um I think I need a flint and steel if I’m you have a nuke yeah you dropped it to me right why do I have a nuke

What let’s set them both off hey how come my Wi-Fi is not charging this right now oh I think we’re lagging surely oh that would no I don’t think so huh something else must be Charing what wait you have a nuke yeah do you have one wait do you

Actually have one no I was joking go ahead and put it down we’ll go up the tower oh okay just put it like right at the like at the Shadow right here right here is good um it’s lagging did you put it down well I don’t think it worked oh there it is

There it is okay don’t set it off yet um cting it all no give me the flint and steel cuz I can jump like look at this see yeah yeah yeah I can just jump right up the tower yeah so you just climb up to the top of the tower build a little

Platform maybe there’s some uh some dirt you got the flint and steel right cuz I don’t have that I I dropped it to you oh oh I got it okay just let me know when you’re at the top it’s probably build a little platform so I can stand there too

How I think it’s already high enough honestly we don’t want to miss the explosion is there any chance we die ah no way I’m Immortal I think that’s high enough just build sideways like a little platform we can stand on you know let’s practice jumping up that should

Work okay honestly this is high enough all right I think we’re safe you ready yeah all right I’ll set it off this is like the second highest tier right there’s one more after this I think uh infinity nuke legendary oh there’s two more after this so this is a tier three nuke it’s

Not even tier two all right tier three nuke test what’s she building up there I’m going to um put this in my hand just in case uh not that I think I can die I’m obviously I’m immune to everything but so this this I think this is a tier

Three nuke we can charge it two more times higher for a tier one but this should be pretty good hey how come it’s not going off me young the flint and steel doesn’t do anything is it bugged did you do it I don’t know it made a noise

And is it I can’t tell is it oh wait I think I have to close it and then oh now I right click it right right oh Jesus it’s going M it’s going it’s going okay let’s let’s see how damaging could it possibly be this is only a tier

Three nuke we can charge it two levels higher than this so this is uh not the strongest H is it bugged how long does this thing take to blow up um holy Jesus oh my God oh my God where did everything go oh my God wait M that was that’s only

A tier three nuke we can charge it two levels higher than this we got to do it make another one we got to charge it all the way look at the map open the map if we set this off in town it would destroy every single thing anybody’s

Ever built yeah it would be sick me tell you what and that was a tier three we can charge it up two more levels it would take a day or two to charge but with a fusion reactor we could charge up a tier one nuke in in a couple days I

Bet oh my God and that would destroy everything we’ve ever seen look at this Jesus we should do um a Val event wait how long did we charge that for me I feel like I feel like we charged that for like a minute or two yeah so if we charge that all the

Way I mean we can make this thing two tiers higher than that we got to do it quick make another me make another we’ll charge it for days I’ll see you back in the lab we’ve done it with this will rule the world I tell

You nobody can say no to us I I I don’t have huh stuff to make it well just get get the stuff I’ll make more energy red wait I gave you a whole stack I what yeah I need more red we can get more we’ll get more and then as soon as we

Finish the tier three nuke meang we’ll destroy wait wait I have an idea make a warp scroll here and then here’s what we can do when we we’ll threaten the town right I got I got it all cooked up we’ll threaten the town and be like this is what will be the

Town if you don’t give into our demands and they all walk in here in this warp scroll teleports them to this absolute Wasteland we say if you don’t give us the the money we’re going to turn the town into this and then we laugh evily are are we the back guys

No anyway I’ll get you the Redstone we’ll let the next nuke charge for several days and let me tell you it’s going to be three times bigger than this three times bigger in a radius which means it’ll wow look look at the map we went really far away but it almost blew

Up the whole this is bigger than that whole maze you made yeah it’s ick I think even a tier three nuke would blow up the whole town it definitely would this is it mang this is it we we we get them to put the money in the bag and

We’ll teleport him here and say this is what the town will become if you don’t listen to us all your good now yep everything yep it’s genius oh can you open the portal again sorry it’s over mang we have we have unlimited power with these nukes it’s all over oh my God

That was insane insane guys the the power meong the power where’d you go oh maybe she went to her old other house guys that’s crazy we’ve taken over we’ve got everything everything’s going to be destroyed we just need more energy let’s go finish up our battery

We got a goal now the tier one nuke guys that’s only a tier three nuke with a tier one nuke who knows how much bigger it’ll be and we haven’t even tested the tier 2 nuke yet that was tier three guys we’re going to solve the lag problem in

The town with this one thing we have guys me and mang can solve the lag problem in town uh in a few days no more lag oh my God yeah this is going to be um this is going to be great we’ve got the solution guys in a

Few days no more lag no more lag in the town it’s genius all right oh wait um let’s finish up this battery n we’re lagging a little bit and then we’ll show someone the destruction from it um how much more do we need here need more gold for sure but let’s

Just get that going and another stack of gold man that was insane power guys that that power was insane Ellum knows um yeah he does he does um looks like we didn’t need the totem of the undying so that’s lucky um let’s craft these batteries

Though we only need a few more think we need four more induction cells we’ve done it guys we’ve done it the power of that nuke is nuts absolutely nuts I tell you what do we need for this four more induction cells or do we need four more we have four

Advanced Energy cubes yeah we need four more induction cells am I right I think so is that right I feel like we’re missing something guys what what am I looking at wrong here so we have 12 induction cells four Advanced Energy cubes we need four more induction cells

Right um yeah I think we need four more induction cells pretty sure one two three four should be good um that’s 16 of these why is that not oh we’re out of redstone just take a stack um okay we need 16 of these 10 what’s bottlenecking us oh the

Infused Alloys need more of those classic problem do we have any iron stack of Iron Man lots of material problems huh but this is the price of those nukes guys can the nuke destroy claimed chunks so as far as I understand um claimed chunks will protect you from creeper

Explosions and like you know stuff like that where it’s actually a Minecraft explosion mechanic but this is a mod pack it’s not a regular explosion that’s why it’s spawning the lava what this actually does is it physically changes the blocks and removes them it’s not the same as a Creeper explosion where it

Blows up the blocks you have a chance of the block still appearing you pick it up off the floor uh this nuke is just it’s a mod pack that physically changes the blocks which means it’s got nothing to do with a regular explosion the claim chunks should not save it because it’s

Manually changing the blocks it’s spawning in Lo it’s making the crater um it’s almost like the beanock except instead of creating a beanock it just creates a giant crater so um the fact that the bean stock works on claim chunks means that this will very likely work because

It’s physically changing the blocks and not just blowing something up it’s it’s not TNT it replaces the blocks so in a weird way it’s almost like it’s building actually now it’s building a Destro destroyed Hole uh but it is technically building I think sort of in a weird way

If you want to put it that way I suppose um one um two let’s just work on our batteries for now three and four now we need four more of these little suckers oh uh which means we need a bunch more of these oh we’re out of gold again aren’t

We happens all too often okay and we need two more and we’re out of gold so we need oh back on the gold grind nice okay four four get that gold cooking right up how many more do we need we need um four more four and one more Cube got that and

Now we go for this we need four * 4 16 um more it’s a lot but we got the stuff for it wish it would show the mushroom cloud me too my guess is it’s the shaders but more importantly than that um what’s it called the effect is what

Matters and the effect is great so I am quite pleased we need a lot of this stuff though we need 16 more um which I believe we have oh only 11 oh we’re out of those these things again wow we need to process so many

More Ores uh can we make 16 of these oh one two all right got that and now we make all of the these four more advanced cells and this will allow us to make an elite cell which is to be honest a lot harder to make but at least

We have these this is the easy part um we need an advanced energy or Elite energy Cube which is not all that hard to make to be honest um we’re missing two tablets we have just enough for that basic energy Cube again then we need an Advanced Energy

Cube which is two more tablets and more of those chungus are we out already we’re out already how are we out of those already Jesus you know let it be said that this absolutely Burns resources absolutely burns them I tell you um oh um let’s get that I like to keep it

Organized probably doesn’t matter all that much but if you use a nuke in the sky would it create an island maybe actually but I do think it doesn’t interact with air it’s sort of like a replacement thing I would imagine um is what I’m guessing and the biggest

Thing is you can’t use a nuke in the sky it has to be on Solid Ground for you to activate it so uh yeah anyway I’m pretty sure it’ll destroy everything just as planned now we’re going to have to rely on mang to do her part but um

It’s as good as over guys it’s as good as over okay got that let it cook up we just need a few more batteries and we’re all set um it’s all cooking pretty fast why do you want the nukes um well that’s a good question and we’ll get to it when we

Can hopefully me can make at least one or two more so we can fully charge that thing but that is strong enough to destroy everything everyone knows and cares about which is exactly what we wanted all right uh let’s keep going that’s the flint and steel that set it off guys that was

It wait why did you send the dick what um what are they doing up there um you forgot to put the tank in the fision what are you talking about um okay let’s uh let’s get some more yellow cake probably need that get that going oh Pokey died unfortunate

Wait are you guys still doing twilight forest or was it too much lag it sounded like Twilight Forest is what was causing the lag if so could be the problem not 100% sure though so what do we need here um we need an elite energy Cube Advanced we need more of those

Oh we need the red balls there we go that’s a bunch and that should be able to do something I hope um okay Elite Advanced Energy Cube one two got it and then Elite energy Cube and that’s all we need need six of these one two three four five six

That’ll give us the elite induction cell and that will double our energy storage all right love to make more batteries but I’m losing my mind so we’re going to leave it at that um Pokey is struggling there okay this going uh and we’ll plug this in hopefully it doesn’t shut

Anything off but with this we double our energy storage which doesn’t save us all that much because once again the problem is the generation but that’s a good thing because the generation being uh maxed out is not even a problem cuz that means the energy is going somewhere and as

Long as it’s going somewhere we can keep running this thing which will allow us to get more polonium because at the end of the day guys we need to burn up energy somehow best way to do it just pump it in those nukes and just bang bop it right out um

Okay I’ve got a strategy um Wind Farm kelp Farm let’s um take this out all right um normally we send people to the Ender realm but instead I’ve got a new strategy now we can get to the Ender realm quite easy so not worried we don’t

Need much in there but here’s what we’re going to do the fusion reactor may have stopped working uh I don’t think so I just checked the energy levels and it looked perfectly fine there we go go in here holy Jesus yep that’s the spot wow it even

Does this here like this is definitely not your average Minecraft explosion um where did our little standing piece of dirt go I think it’s just gone all right we’re going to set this here wow that’s an intimidating site isn’t it look at that guys teleport someone in

There and they’ll be like what um it got destroyed yeah I’m pretty sure it got destroyed um which means the nuke even works vertically cuz we built a pretty high thing I mean it wasn’t a sky level but that was pretty dang High set it in the center I think it’s more

Intimidating to see that full thing right out there um okay there we go I’m not sure what we’re going to do with that but one day we’ll teleport someone there and that’ll be the end of it honestly we should show Ryan at the end of the day currently only me and

Meang know about it but the fact is Ryan did fun uh me wait it hurt you it didn’t hurt me wait stand back stand back let me see hit me I’m immune to you now I’m immune to you he’s immune I’m immune PSO IM I can’t hurt him anymore

What made him so strong look at me go what if you just rid this wait why are you immune what did he do to you I put g i put gaos on on him I don’t know how to like oh he’s your minion now so you can’t hurt him wait no

Wait I don’t want to be as no he’s my minion this is worse than death this isse than death okay we’ll leave them to their business uh what were we doing oh we upgraded the battery um let’s go check on that real quick um okay um how’s this looking we got a lot

Of gold we just got to keep processing these ores they take forever I swear um oh this is enriching uh we need to Clump these up enrich those for here yellow cake I almost feel like making this yellow cake is pointless other than polonium at this point cuz it’s like the

Energy produced is so minimal compared to the giant reactor thing is going crazy isn’t it yeah it’s inputting quite a bit of energy there that’s for sure 1.6 million uh we should go check on the systems again though just to make sure it’s not taxing it too much uh I don’t think

It should be let’s take out some more lithium to let that cook up um you put gold into the fion mats wait that’s gold I thought that was yellow cake what do you mean gold this is gold I what do you mean gold chat’s blind chat’s blind and these it’s Times Like These

When I just don’t trust Chad um that’s some crazy looking gold let me tell you almost looks like it’s uranium um okay got that um how much polonium we need over about 300 to get to the next phase uh which is the SPs so until we get to the next

Phase of polonium we need plutonium also but we’re currently stuck on polonium um this just it’s going to take a long time crafting fuel takes a long time and you got to fill these machines up what we can do is just fill it up with Hoppers do we have three Hoppers

Um if we had three Hoppers I’d probably oh we have exactly three let’s just do that then we don’t have to do this but it will make sure the fuel is continually going there goes that this goes in there and that goes in there now we’ve just got to make sure

Everything is filled up correctly with what we need uh Flite * 5 3 four five five all right that should do it um we just happen to have three Hoppers so may as well oh we have to change the input maybe oh I don’t remember which way is facing

Front uh you know let’s not do this I don’t know which way is facing front so I’m probably going to mess it up and I’d rather just not mess it up I mean it’s going to save us barely any time because the production rate’s so low anyway so

It’s not like it saves us that much effort um yeah we’re fine um let’s just leave that there it’s it’s not a big deal okay got all that looking good do you have the wrench thing uh we could but I don’t want to mess with the inputs on accident

You put Gold Dust into the fuel what this oh not in the fuel that I mean I guess that’s a thing doesn’t matter that much though but all right let’s see start flexing to Ryan what do you mean by that he’s the one getting the energy from this

Um okay did anyone else hear that that what noise well let’s get all this uranium going cuz we do have to get that going eventually if plutonium doesn’t need sun can you collect it to the same pipe uh we can but the thing is there’s no point

That’s wild just do one at a time you guys have really new tech in here there’s some new tech oh a lot of new tech thank you so much for letting me do this that was so fun oh hey what’s up oh hey what’s up what you guys up to talking

about a what about you oh yeah here for completing it Pokey you get a brand new backpack oh hey that’s super useful wait you completed the puzzle did she beat my time no no one no one can be well they can I mean hey Ryan come was

That your initial time or did you practice no that was my first time I don’t think practice his practice be fair the he got past the first puzzle I got really lucky on the first one I’ll say cuz I just how it happened I just walked around a mind for you somehow

Yeah I don’t know how it happened but yeah I just got I just I thought it was squid game he didn’t even figure out the thing yeah I didn’t even know what the puzzle was I thought it was squid game so I just started jumping around and it

Just happened to bring me well anyway let’s uh let’s go Ryan let’s go I I got some small business sorry to take Ryan from you we just got a business deal good have a good day yeah yeah come on Ryan let’s get to that uh let’s get to

That thing oh you know exactly what right oh oh I do think wait mang’s thing your investment Ryan your Investments paid off yeah yeah let’s go let’s come with me now it’s already been launched once we’re working on a second one we just did a test run to make sure it

Works um Dam but this is it Ryan look oh this was from a tier three nuke we only charged it for about a minute if we let it charge for a day or two it’ll be probably five to 10 times the size of this do you shoot it forward or uh we

Have to plant it and set it off kind of and then we run for our lives but this is it Ryan this was only a tier three nuke meaning it could be 10 times bigger and once we make one more and charge it for about 3 days according to my

Calculations it’s going to blow up all of the known world it’s over Ryan we finally done it all your Investments paid off this what we were working the unlimited energy is going to work straight towards this nuke and the world will be changed Ryan you’ve done it I

Was against it but now you’ve done it those guys that much we’re going to change the world with this change the entire Minecraft server and it’s all thanks to your investment Ryan oh go it’s all thanks to your investment only you me and mang know about this but with

This we can take over everything everything the second they don’t want to do what we we want to do we can blow everything up mayor Leslie doesn’t have any power anymore it’s over Ryan you me and me young rule the world now there’s no more mayor cuz it’s us we’ve taken

Over Ryan I feel like I’m the Oppenheimer in this situation we’re too powerful bu it because I didn’t know you were going to use it for this you’ve done it Ryan you’re theimer without your materials we couldn’t have accomplished this we couldn’t have done it without

You Ryan good job we’ve taken over and now we’re going to overthrow mayor Leslie with our nuclear energy it’s over Ryan we’ve done it we’ve done it it’s over all right let’s go back to town don’t say anything only youi and me young know this let’s go all right guys

I think we’ve done it we’ve done it Ryan don’t say anything we’ve got to charge it for several days before what are we calling this project project not man P it has to be like project um anyway we’re out of materials to make another one and it’s going to take about 3ish

Days to fully charge to the maximum size which would be around 10 times that so uh we’re working on Project Vegas that’s what it’s called okay anyway that’s just the first sample the first test we charged that nuke for I mean the next test yeah just don’t say it too loud

Only you me and mang will know only us three all right okay looking good guys looking good he seemed quite impressed um I will say we couldn’t have done it without Ryan’s materials it really was Ryan’s materials that did it um we do need more energy um

I would like to make the SPs at some point let’s go check wait the fusion reactor’s off wait no it’s on but we set it too high it’s running out of fuel hold on I think we set it too high the fusion reactor is not off

But I think we turned it a little too high let’s turn this down eight might have been a little too high for our production no then what’s the problem it’s off but why would it be off um hm guys do you know what’s turning it off it overheated and shut off is that

How it works does does this thing it can overheat it ran out of fuel and built up again there’s no way it doesn’t do that much you added a new battery huh so it keeps turning off randomly it could be the battery but I thought we fixed that by plugging it into the

Thing but the thing is it should have um it it should still have energy from oh it’s it must be the output then no no I I think it’s just there when there’s no output it can’t uh activate that is my guess because that would kind of make sense I think

Right um you need more lasers if it keeps doing this no I don’t think it’s that I I genuinely think it’s just having no output so when we turn off the uh battery this output the energy doesn’t go anywhere so I think it just shuts down when it doesn’t have energy

To Output wait it’s going back up again but how did it start did the reaction start what um but we didn’t shoot the laser oh my guess is there’s enough Plasma in it to auto start the reaction okay so here’s what I’m thinking it is potentially a thing that

It shuts down when it overheats Maybe maybe um do you think it shuts down when it overheats or what causes it to shut off exactly H let’s check the plasma so the plasma goes up case goes up so I think if it has enough heat in

It you don’t need the laser the laser is mostly for Heats but the thing is what causes it to shut off is it when it overheats or is it when so there’s definitely something I don’t know about how this is working still it’s definitely not the energy it

Might not even be the output I think it’s potentially just the heat level but the thing is this is at minimum two is the absolute minimum injection rate so chunk unloaded no it’s definitely not that I don’t understand hey that makes two of us um so I don’t know if it’s the

Output there there’s two things it’s most likely it it’s either overheating um and it just turns off or it’s um the output being limited so H not sure worked when you added the thing well yeah that turned it back on um it’s definitely not the fuel running out the

Fuel is perfectly fine especially cuz this thing has 256,000 uh so that’s not going to run out it’s just not going to happen um just not sure how it goes we’re going to have to probably check that a little bit but um I think for now we leave it at a

Two and see if it ever shuts off at two or okay a new plan we’ll test if it’s the battery or not we’ll turn up to 10 turn up to 10 and it should either overheat uh it’s looks like the fuel is actually fine battery should be able to

Handle it we’ll turn it up to 10 and see if it turns off when it’s overheating let’s turn our shaders off because that actually makes it easier to tell if it’s turned off or not wow that thing is going crazy um Wind Farm kelp Farm okay let’s go

Back to the kelp Farm to check on the energy um and then then we’ll come back here okay bypass limited what are you talking about bypass limited this is fine um man it is dark in here huh do we need more batteries probably not to be honest uh what are we missing

Right now got a stack of osmium iron we need more iron okay um yellow cake need more iron gold is looking not amazing but pretty decent compared to before um that’s looking okay are you playing valerant uh no this is Minecraft um I have seen the Roblox version of valerant which looks pretty

Funny I think I played it once 1.3 million okay looking great uh let’s get back to the wind farm to check on that um this is looking good okay we’ll go back to the wind farm double check it you’ve turned off the shaders that’s so

I can see this reaction I don’t know if this guy just doesn’t maybe he just came up on the stream so it’s not turning off even though the heat is at maximum so it must be the output then oh uh let’s see okay so I believe it’s very likely

Just going to be a problem of yeah I think it’s going to be on um the fuel is perfectly fine it’s generating at a great rate uh it’s not going down at all so 10 is actually stable in terms of um production of fuel dyum is great tridium also great energy output is

Amazing um fuel is at 10 energy still going up bypass limits are great I think it’s whenever we do battery maintenance it resets um break the flux point and it’ll let you know well I think we’ve already done enough to determine it is the output cuz there’s nothing else that could stop it

Um and it does make sense because every time we’ve done battery maintenance it seems to have done that so in terms of heat yeah I think we’re good here um does filling with plasma matter don’t know we’ll find out um it seems good I think it’s just whenever we do battery maintenance it’s

Good lithium is oh wait a minute no we might be running low on lithium okay it is burning faster than the lithium can generate so we’ve got two options here juice up the lithium could we get some good hair styling tips yeah I got a great one

Called find a good person that cuts your hair um all right we can upgrade this um I know exactly what to do oh wait okay uh let’s turn it lower first so while we’re adjusting the fuel we want to make sure there’s enough stock piled up where

It doesn’t turn off cuz it’ll be annoying to turn back on does appear as though it only turns off when it’s out of stuff turn that down to a two yeah it’s going to lower the energy but that’s totally fine for now um I want to make sure this lithium’s like

Packed full and I know exactly what the problem is um we need more cables how do I my dragon how do I even make this Dragon follow me around pipe and I believe we’ve got everything we need to upgrade this pipe uh just quite simp simply One Core this is like

Not a super expensive upgrade but I think it’ll oh wait is it not this oh we need to do Advanced skipped the advanced okay uh I think we go all the way to Ultimate here all the summoning need might need two but we go all the way to Ultimate here

For the water cuz this will allow us to generate so much more energy um because right now the output is blocked by these tubes by upgrading them to Ultimate we’ll be able to do a lot more in terms of pumping out water which means we can

In turn turn up the heat which means we can um get more lithium out by cranking up the energy now it will burn up more energy so that is a thing that will be happening but that is okay uh we need to get the our configurator

Is there a Wither in town maybe I don’t know uh not worried because I’m underground and the chunks are protected from regular explosions it’s not all that bad let’s get this going there we go this should fill right up with fuel and it should be pumping well pretty

Much the maximum amount of energy possible uh water possible um and with that the water should almost never run out and we can crank this up to probably 200 or something crazy like that um we might need to do the same with the lithium tubes but let’s just do some

Testing first crank this one up to 100 uh don’t have to be too stingy with the energy this is producing tons so no worries there um the brine is still going down now is that because this isn’t producing enough brine okay so the water’s all good and the brine is being pumped out

Immediately juice this up to 300 okay um could it be when the reactor’s full of energy it shuts down that’s my guess okay we can juice this up quite a bit now the thing about fine-tuning the lithium production is it’s kind of strange in the sense of it’s not instant

When we turn that up to 300 right which we just did it um takes a little bit for this to heat up so let see this is looking good but the water is actually still full those ultimate pipes really did something um the brine is draining really really

Quickly might have to turn this even higher 400 it is um what does this bar mean it’s about 4:1 was it 4:1 cuz I think this was set to 77 to 2 eight last time which is about it was around 3 to one right maybe slightly more on the

Water we could definitely go more on the water side yeah okay so the pipes don’t need more upgrading I think we need more brine um 500 I guess more salt that’s what we’re working on here so what does this uh what does this mean guys should we be worried about this or

Um so the lithium is really running out here but this is a good test brine’s completely gone um we need more brine what effect do I have absorption oh it’s eating my golden apples that’s why it’s fine though this is heating up a lot I don’t think it gets much hotter than

This does it does it blow up no it’s still going higher so I guess this is cosmetic this seems really really hot but the thing is the brine is still instad draining so yeah we don’t need a second set of ultimate tubes I think brine is just going

Away really really fast if we want this to run at the rate we want it to run at we need more um H that’s crazy I’ve got this thing cranked up to 500 though like that’s insanely high energy for just a heater um we I think we need more heat on the

Water this thing’s filling up though so the brine production is actually amazing so I think we actually don’t need this much um but the thing is when we crank it up again it might just run right out so let’s go back here we’ll crank it up and

Then uh we’ll see if it just runs right out oh wait so the fusion reactor is going to turn off when this thing caps um so it’ll probably just run out overnight won’t it we’ll have to start so it looks like we’re going to have to start up every

Day turn this up to a four um and we’ll check on the fuel it’s amazing lithium is capped capped maxed out okay we might have overtuned the lithium because it was catching up um yeah I think um we overtuned the lithium a little bit 500 was definitely more than we need

Uh let’s go for a 3 to1 ratio 300 and then this is 100 maybe 4 to1 let’s go 4:1 ratio cuz last time was 77 to 28 right well the thing is if we get too much brine it’s not really a problem is it if we get too much brine it’s not

Really a problem I guess we can just max it out sure slug Duty let’s set it to 999 wait you can’t worry Ray oh you can all right I don’t know how dumb of an idea this is but I’m going to set that to 999 and I’ll set this to a third at

333 is this a bad idea I don’t know um we’ll turn it back later if we have to but for now let’s just Omega juice everything uh let’s turn it up higher so I believe since everyone’s using the energy now let’s just uh turn it up really high just to see what

Happens turn it back up to a 10 so I think at this point um we’re just going to turn it up as high as we can to um see if the fuel keeps up lithium’s not going down uum is juicing like crazy what did Ray say you have to pay for

What um this only has three speed upgrades and it’s having no problems wow so if we add some more speed upgrades we can absolutely juice it right so the thing is this has three speed upgrades and it’s keeping up with a tick rate of

10 um we can throw more in this has four speed upgrades and it’s keeping up great yeah 10 is easy I think we can turn it up to 12 maybe yeah we need to test one nighttime run too in case this buffer isn’t enough so basically what we’re trying to do is

Make sure there’s one um more production than it spends uh two is to make sure this Buffer’s enough and that the buffer will refill every daytime um so those are the two things we need to check right now 10 seems pretty safe we’ll just leave that out a 10 uh let it

Let’s let it fully stabilize though this is looking good that’s great this is good um I think we just leave it at a solid 10 and we’ll just crank it down a little bit okay leave it at 10 and we’ll crank this a little smidgen lower what’s it at

I think 100 400 is good um let’s let’s go back to 100 400 um yeah this Brian is filling up really fast way faster than the production and the lithium is like Omega Juiced right now so I think 100 400’s great um it’ll be uh using up 500 total energy not too

Crazy um those ultimate pipes really helped so now we don’t have that we can just crank it up when we need it wither health bar yeah I’m not sure what’s with that but um either way it’s looking good we got everything set up we’re generating tons tons of energy I think

We can call that a good amount of energy done for the day love to work on it more but you know you got to take some breaks upgrade the container more we actually have the materials for it but I’d like to um I’d like to take a little break

From the energy we’re generating almost 200 uh 2 million energy per tick and it’s actually still climbing as you can see it’s up to 175 176 can we get a 176 yep still going up so we’re getting probably going to be close to 2 million energy we can

Definitely make more and we will be making more but I’d like to take a little bit of a break to EXP expl and stuff like that also processing the or the ores is getting quite tedious I must say um so let’s just let that go put more yellow cake

In SHO is doing the magic mod which is pretty cool but guys I feel like no mod will matter with the nuke we got oh we need some more of that stuff we’ll get to it when we get to it though um now you need to upgrade your

Weapon right I was trying to make a ranged weapon but nobody has found a good ranged weapon yet so I’m not sure what to do for that like just nobody’s found a good ranged weapon um you could upgrade one to process more ore yeah we probably could oh wait purification Factor Puri well

It’s it’s fine guys honestly this this ain’t so bad I mean at the end of the day it’s it’s just a time thing and the faster it purifies like the more we’ll have to grind cuz I know as soon as all the ore is in front

Of me I’m going to want to grind it and we don’t want to want to grind it we want to like relax a little bit you know we made a lot of progress today guys look at this we got um battery goes up to 409 GFE we’ve got

Just under 2 million energy coming in every tick um still climbing actually so it’ll probably get right around to 2 million the lithium is looking great at the current rate of 100400 4:1 seems like a safe ratio um the void shoulder right let’s go get the

Howitzer okay I say we take a b a break from the Energy System cuz we’ve made so much progress already and we try and get the void howitzers because those sound cool it might be total bungus and we might waste all our time but I’d like to try it just

To see if we can um we do still need to upgrade the battery more um we can fine tune the fuel more I mean don’t get me wrong there’s plenty of stuff we still have to do but you know I don’t want to only work on one thing that’s how you

Lose your mind guys um let’s get some more gold processed up though um let’s go for the the thing you’re insane for putting the fision reactor in your base mine killed me four times so far yeah it’s dangerous I do think if you’re careful it shouldn’t

Blow up mine hasn’t but it does really only take a misclick or two for everything to go wrong so uh yeah we’re making 2 million energy per tick which is insane um and I don’t see that going anywhere for a while let’s do uh one last check and then we’re going to go

Make the void Howitzer see how strong it is yeah this is looking great just under 2 million I think it’s still climbing nope that looks like potentially it um let’s do one last check and then we’ll come back home one last check before we leave the systems

Just to make sure it’s all running properly it’s night now check if lithium goes down lithium will not go down at night time it’s the tridium which is Created from lithium also it’s not night time yet but uh it is the tridium that’ll be the problem but we have 256

Mil buckets stored up I think it should be enough easier way to check is honestly quite simple we just um let it run and if it turns off by tomorrow then we know we’ve got a problem um just under 2 million yeah still climbing actually wow yeah there it

Goes there goes our energy charging up like crazy should we ask meong for our Infinity Hammer back now we don’t need it how’s this thing doing charging right up Energy’s running everything looks to be good at a rate of 10 which is just under 2 million energy per tick everything looks

Good all right back to the kelp farm and then we’re going to find the one and only void Howitzer yeah um let’s see would water cooling the reactor prevent it from overheating and shutting off I don’t think overheating shuts it off I think it’s I genuinely

Think it’s just the uh having no output so it’s whenever we do battery maintenance it shuts off which is fine no big problem there visal fuel fueling up uh let’s double check on this oh I think we might be over doing it actually oh yeah we’re definitely

Overdoing okay I had a feeling it was too much let’s go uh 200 um it’s it’s like way over on lithium so I did say when you’re tuning this up it’s um what’s it called it’s kind of weird in the sense of it takes a while for it to

Heat up so we’re definitely going a little bit too high on it I think we go 70 on this probably it’s usually about a 1 to three 1: four ratio is safe so uh 200 for that I mean it’s borderline no energy lost so I’m not afraid to leave

It on higher than it needs but it’s definitely pretty good here we can leave that at 50 actually let’s do to three uh that’ll be 300 100 or no 200 h back to 70 all right that’ll be good isn’t there a backup uh of lithium

Yeah there is now but the thing is it’s running at 10 and the fact these systems are still fully Juiced we’ll we’ll just leave it there we’ll leave it there 70 to 200 seems good um and we’ll see how it goes we are at 2 Mill milon now over

2 million energy per tick we’ve done it guys um 210 to 71 if it matters uh does really doesn’t I mean it’s very rough and if we overload this it’s no problem at all we just want to see if we are or aren’t overloading it and it looks like

Even with 200 to 70 it’s overproducing so uh that’s good we want it to overproduce because that barely costs any energy those ultimate pipes really fixed it up um okay get this crunching iron dust more iron problem is we’re going to be out of steel cuz we do not have much coal

Left yeah we’re out of coal shocking but we are out of coal um okay um without any battery it’ll run for 6 minutes IRL before running out yeah I don’t know I mean that seems cool but I think we got it set up I don’t think it’ll be 6 minutes though is the

Thing cuz changing out the battery um definitely takes like 5 seconds and it turns off so I I think it’s just the output in general um you can make an infinity drill and go on a crazed mining session we probably could but I say we go for

The void Howitzer so let’s make that eyeball don’t know how good this is going to be but we need the eye of Mech which is an Eye of Ender four iron and four redstone blocks luckily we’ve got a lot of that do we only need one of these

Or do we need a lot I’m going to make one and hopefully it’s enough um four iron which we definitely have barely any iron what okay less iron than I thought we had not going to lie to you that is very little um one two three four

Okay why do I have these pipes in here um eye of Mech right here all right got the eye of Mech wait where did the iron go oh it just came from the box we need more iron where did it all go oh here it is thank God okay got all the

Iron goes in there we got a lot of gold cooking right up which is good we do need more um we need more other stuff but for now let’s get on that void Howitzer don’t forget the nether star I don’t have any nether Stars wait why is

Everyone saying nether star I have one um what what do you mean nether star what do I need the nether star for bring a star to awaken the boss what nobody mentioned that part I gave away my only nether star oh Jesus okay well we just need to get another

One um how hard could that be to get okay um well um let’s make that bow the flux infused bow uh what do we need for this three strings uh two diamonds okay we do need a ranged weapon to fight the Wither it sounds like we got to fight the Wither again so

Uh meon can I use the drill we’re moving the zoo okay um diamonds we need two diamonds we need electrum which is gold and Redstone and fire charge got plenty of that um how much Redstone fire charge do we need so this backpack can go wherever

We need that quiver oh we can just move it all one over actually we we’ll do this so it feels more natural um so okay um what do we need Fire charges let’s just take them all out put them back later um well we’ve definitely got most to the golden Redstone don’t

We well we just needed like what like two of these easy then one of these sticks um one two I got that and then flux infused bow perfect now I’ll be honest I don’t actually know how good this is going to be I’m hoping it’s like pretty good but no

I don’t know what to expect uh do you guys know what the best enchants on a bow are I know power five is really good I already have that is there power six um we don’t need Infinity so keep that in mind guys we do not need

Infinity or mending um cuz this stuff works off Redstone so we don’t need that um um Infinity doesn’t do anything for us everyone’s spamming Infinity it this is a energy bow it uses energy to shoot it’s not charging something wrong with the wi-fi system it’s using up 8 million

Per huh that could be a problem huh let throw this in I mean it charges quickly huh is there a way to set priority guys like how do you know who has priority cuz obviously I want my suit to have priority multi-shot only works on a crossbow

Um why doesn’t it charge is it being over Juiced well it won’t be a huge problem probably we’ll figure it out when we get to it um an easy fix is just to have two networks because then it’ll split it in half no matter what didn’t you turn off

Hot bar charging I don’t think so but I’m willing to bet 10 bucks that you’re wrong and I’m just going to waste my time checking yep it’s on um anyway yeah it’s definitely on it’s lit up as expected as expected anyway um yeah we could use different types of

Wi-Fi um what’s the other option here so we have I of Mech we need that oh we need that thing don’t we we need the um let’s fire one shot not in here not in here how much damage do you think is it nighttime I kind of want to see how much

Damage this bow does um easy 10 bucks well he didn’t accept it and honestly I already knew it was on uh let’s test this out on a mob somewhere any enemies um there’s a spider wait a minute what okay hold on doesn’t even kill a spider why is this so bad oh come

On it’s empowered why is this thing so bad you can’t even kill a spider in one shot where’d the spider go oh man well looks like the search for a good weapon is still there you need the enchants oh right let’s go uh need to add power it’s

Got the power for sure for some reason it’s not charging could be being burnt up by the infinity items potentially so if we limit the power well that’s um let’s do a little testing here oh it’s over here if we limit the power will it spread out more evenly or will that just

Be a whole different problem okay let’s set it to that NOP that’s just a whole different problem okay um so it won’t charge because I guess people with all the infinity items are using up all the energy you can limit and set priority how do you set

Priority shouldn’t I already be at the highest priority here I’m the owner how do you set priority wait a minute something’s wrong the flux plug it’s only generating 1 million the thing turned off again but why um let’s go check now while it’s going down my guess is it turned off again

Question is why did it turn off it is night time but we’ll see if it’s because it ran out of fuel or not if it ran out of fuel that’s an easy fix if it didn’t run out of fuel then we’ve got a different problem didn’t run out of fuel

It just turned off is it the heat perhaps it could be the heat I don’t know my guess is heat um oh I changed the limit okay it’s not the heat I think I changed the limit which once again meant it was outputting energy that had nowhere to go no that

Wouldn’t be it uh cuz it would have gone straight to the battery still I think it’s the Heat um no it couldn’t be the limit because the limit determines how much comes out you ran out of fuel it couldn’t be it was at maximum oh wait the tank is not outputting configure the

Tank oh it CH the output changed oh the tank is not outputting but why did someone move it I oh we upgraded it and didn’t change the output okay okay I see what the problem is um this has to be purple okay so that’s the problem it’s

At night it’s because we upgraded the tank and forgot to calibrate it um so the Tank’s back is supposed to be purple now that it is it should fill right back up yep there it goes it’s also daytime so that was the problem dang it now we need another hle grum or

Whatever now that doesn’t fix our charging problem I think our charging problem was genuinely just overuse but yeah the pipes were empty it’s cuz we upgraded the tank and didn’t recalibrate it I believe so we’ve got to make another hrum you know it’s our first time running this machine so going

To take a minute to figure out all the little things in it um is he doing the Maho thing or the Howitzer I can do the Maho thing but I feel like I just I don’t know what you get from it that’s really good so I’m

Just not sure what the purpose is of it um also the thing I don’t like about it is um to repair caliburn you have to like throw it in a lake and to repair Morgan you have to like I don’t know do some other stuff right um so it’s a bit

Of bit of a hassle I think all right H you can get the mini nuke from the staff is the tetris sword still bugged I don’t know don’t really care if it is though it’s not even that useful anymore um okay there we go um how about that Ender weapon you got

From the Golem thing sucks but it’s funny for meing um let’s get the generator back on before we miss anything big come back here for all this stuff all right let’s get this thing right back on so I think it was actually just running out of fuel at night and

The reason is our fuel tank of storage was not set up correctly um hopefully it has enough heat left no was this thing charged up oh great well hey first first time running it today at full juice so a lot of minor problems we’d have to figure out

Um I almost want to make another laser how hard is it to make this oh that’s pretty easy I mean it’s pretty easy to make only reason I wouldn’t want to make it is cuz once we figure out all these problems we won’t have to turn it on very often

So I guess it’s not a huge thing I don’t know it’s just it’s like it’s kind of it’s it’s just because it’s our first time using it um so we’ve made a lot of minor minor usage mistakes here um in fact the smarter thing to do here is just turn everything purple

Um oops okay so now that everything’s purple this thing is basically just another Cog in the system there’s nothing that could make it go wrong unless we uh upgrade it again so your suit can charge it quicker than the laser um only if we turn on that thingy

But actually that’s let’s just do it uh it’s a good test okay so what we would do wait where’d it go where’ it go guys where’s the item is it not here um what happened to it it broke it got destroyed by the laser but the thing is we’ve done that before and

It never broke what are you building oh not building I’m fixing this thing it’s it’s kind of weird um what is this my Fusion reactor nice dragon by the way I I think we just broke it oh great wait Seline do you have something do you have a magnet on by any

Chance nope why oh I don’t know I broke this thing and it’s just gone now um this laser doesn’t do damage though hey does this laser do damage can you jump into it oh huh it does do damage um maybe the laser destroyed it I didn’t do that last time all right

Well I I got to go fix this uh um nice dragon I’ll be back I broke the laser Matrix H that’s weird um maybe it’s just gone gone let’s like throw something yeah that’s a good idea we’ll throw something into it to test man that’s going to set us back so far

Um well I blame the person who told me to try charging it using the suit wait no it’s glitched it doesn’t destroy items wait wait no it destroyed that one it it’s like so specific look that doesn’t kill it I think we just got so unlucky then cuz you have to drop it

Directly yeah that’ll destroy it well we’re set back some dude told me to charge it with a suit and there it goes we got to build another one okay well these things do happen I guess just uh what happens when you just listen to chat all right let’s um just try and fix

This okay um okay energy Cube we need two of these that’s going to set us back really really far cuz now we have to build another one and charge it all up again so it’s just not going to be quick building another one’s not so bad we got

A lot of materials but just charging it up again is going to take forever let’s see if we can plug it directly into the thing oops okay um yeah let’s just go back back to the kelp Farm um thought you didn’t take bad chat advice well I’ll be honest I didn’t know

It would do that so you know it’s not like I know everything if I know it’s terrible advice then I’ll do that but uh in this situation I just didn’t know just got jait we can’t put it in it doesn’t work Um doesn’t even work it doesn’t even work um well try that you can’t charge it with the suit oh my God we just got completely trolled well uh okay well that’s just on me for falling for chats trolling all right let’s just go plug it in um well that

Sucks we going to have to redo the whole thing then all right um does the battery work nope there’s nothing we can do we just have to plug it back in um man and it was already almost there I just I just shouldn’t listen to

Chat I okay so here’s what we have to do again Um make some blocks man that sucks all right you can’t can’t charge it with the suits um we got to plug this in it destroyed the gold block wait but it gave us back it that time all right um this is what like six so it gave it back to us that time

Interesting now we’ve got to let it slowly charge more content guys it’s it’s not more content oh my God it’s not um okay it’s not more content because now we just have to wait an hour to charge it before we get any more energy well um there goes all of it now

We have to wait all right it’s going to take a long time um I guess we just have to what’s it called put a switch on the laser we we don’t have to do that guys it doesn’t it’s not that big a deal it’s just that

We tried to cheese it cuz chat told us we can just charge it outside of it it doesn’t work that way it was already at 300 energy we only needed a little more honestly it’s I just got trolled by chat and it worked um anyway Let’s uh let’s go upgrade our bow

Okay there we go is there no plasma nope none left honestly guys I mean it’s what it is we just got trolled by chat fell for it happens Let’s uh go upgrade our bow and we’ll just let it charge up there’s not much else to do

There power four now we could get that but we don’t really need it do we um because it doesn’t do that much for us because we already have power five on a book so we almost want a different enchant okay we’ll get get holding it’ll swap this up don’t really need holding but

We’ll get it anyway um Infinity what does infinity do on the flux infused bow because I feel like we don’t Infinity flux infused bow so uh okay flux infused bow Infinity doesn’t say it does anything does anyone know if Infinity does anything on this um cuz this uses energy to shoot

Right so I mean like right like this can already shoot it’s not blowing up though that’s weird wait maybe we maybe we wait what if it sucks because we don’t have arrows um okay I’m glad the guy known for trolling isn’t upset okay well first of all I’m

Going to say there’s a big difference between what I do and just making someone explode their laser Matrix so you have to wait 30 minutes for it to charge again right uh huge difference in that so I’m just going to say you’re very wrong but that’s got nothing to do

With it like what else are we going to do of course I’m upset there’s no there’s no getting around that now I have to wait 50 minutes or 30 minutes I guess before we can do anything anything again um but I think there’s a big difference between doing something funny

Um or even with the potential to be funny or just making someone wait 30 minutes to turn on their laser right there’s no potential for anything funny to happen you’re just wasting time right so uh I think that’s the biggest difference because it’s one thing if you

Lose some time but you have some fun but where’s the fun in just making you lose all your time you lose 30 minutes of time for nothing right so that’s just a very insensitive I’d say and uh not not very empathetic thing to say I feel like so uh anyway here we

Go all right he said use the suit to charge it well first of all you can’t use the suit to charge it second of all the laser destroyed it so nothing he said was true and it led to a bunch of things going wrong so I think yeah he

Gave us really bad advice that ended up costing us I don’t see how first of all he was wrong second of all it destroyed our items uh third of all it’s going to take 30 minutes to charge up so I I think it very clearly we were just trolled and that’s just how

It goes um I mean what are we doing all right we’re trying to upgrade this bow and see if one Arrow will help it somehow I don’t know if it will but maybe um supposed to okay here we go um let’s see if this Arrow makes a difference on our

Bow it still didn’t blow up it didn’t use up the arrow either so I think it’s pretty safe to say infinity won’t do anything thing that’s weird this is supposed to blow up when it’s Empowered um wait wait what if this has to be in your no this is using up energy huh hey sauno what you up to oh just testing out this bow H don’t think it has to be in your off hand cuz it is using the energy a fire

Bow what was that a fire bow oh it’s an energy bow but it’s not really working H yeah let me uh let me go test it a little more hey where’d you build your house by the way oh I built it kind of a little past me’s place like kind of

Behind there near the the river thingy okay I’m going to go check let me let me finish up this bow and I’ll be over oh wait I don’t have a home I I just have a bed oh hey you know that’s the first start I started off with a little hole

And now I’ve got ien buil it um okay we need another star but let’s get this bow first cuz we won’t be able to do the thing um okay got that we’re going to enchant this bow with like wait where’ my enchanting table go I left an extra one

Here ah poop you got to be joking me um well that’s weird my enchanting table’s gone I think maybe maybe Ryan moved it or something so I had like a bad enchanting table here just to refresh the enchants really quick it’s gone now so not sure what happened there

Um I mean I guess we can just block it with something just block it with dirt I guess it’ll it’ll work the same but it was nice to have it just cuz it was convenient okay um block this off that two levels okay that’s good this got that and now we disenchant

It and hope we get a better enchant on the thing take the level one enchant to roll what do you what do you mean holding four I we could do that while we’re having the charging problem I suppose uh we’re going to be having a charging problem for some time honestly

So here we go got that this goes in oh punch is punch good I feel like it could be good all right now we just got to slap the enchant onto this that looks good um I don’t think we need anything other than just power right I

Mean just slap power on that we’re good um yeah I don’t I don’t see any reason to go higher than that so I think I’m happy with that now we’ll test this out a little more uh we’ll go charge it up is the people are a different color that’s my Mana

Um how do I know it says empowered how do I know if it’s good flame is good H it won’t matter too much um the bow doesn’t explode when powered just to damage amp oh so only the crossbow explodes okay well let’s test the damage I suppose um it really does look like

You just don’t need arrows it’s not taking any I don’t have Infinity so um let’s go charge this up we do have holding four on both of them so that’s good um oh that’s draining energy poop nuggets all right got that charge this up well it’s still producing quite the

Amount of energy even without um even without the crazy reactor huh so what was the problem oh it was the fuel tank right it just ran out overnight every time all right let’s go get that whole grum ready um oh wait I think we already put

One in there let’s go double check and then we’re going to get the thing okay got that and here we go this thing’s charging right up really slowly it’ll probably be ready in about 30 minutes this looks good can’t wait to turn turn this on and test it again if

We get the chance to emphasis on if we get the chance to you in the middle of changing priority uh we couldn’t figure it out I I’ll be completely honest at this point and maybe it’s just because I’m traumatized from all the lies I don’t think there is

A way to change priority I don’t know if I believe chat anymore guys I don’t know how do we change priority how do we change priority guys please be nicer I think I’m being plenty nice considering I get lied to several times a day um so

I think I’m being as nice as possible you I feel like you should understand a little bit if I get lied and trolled every single day to blow up my own items and waste like 30 minutes of time I feel like I’m being quite quite nice in

General I don’t know what more you expect from me um but I mean I think we’re being quite quite patient and nice I’d say um all right so how do we change priority here guys oh my God my ID um H does anyone know um let’s see anyone priority Changers priority

Changers on the homepage all right we’re on the homepage Priority One wait wh guys this is the priority of the controller it’s per controller I can’t change it for individual people this is per controller which means this controller which is the only one anyway has priority zero of

Course I think they probably read priority and thought it meant something else is my guess um CU this this just makes it so this gets the energy before other flux controllers uh plugs um but this is the only one anyway so I don’t think that’ll

Work um I think it’s per Network so the only way is we have to make another Network add another output to our thing and split the outputs I think is the only way and that’s a whole project I don’t want to do right now so we’ll just

We’ll just live with it I want to go do something other than mess with this because all we can do right now is wait for that thing to charge up so let’s just let the thing charge up and we’ll deal with that junk later um okay someone he trusts look up how to

Build the thing by someone else and go to the 23 minute Mark I saw that exact video and I don’t know how to break it to you man when people play on different versions with adjusted mod packs uh it’s different right so for example um like the the me system doesn’t exist

In this mod pack so the advice you’re telling me for a different version of the mod pack might not work anymore another great example is these three Rings the ring of Loki Thor and Odin can be combined in a different version of the batania mod pack in our version it doesn’t

Work um so long story short what works in a different mod pack or a different version even might not work here and if it doesn’t then well that means you’ve given advice that won’t work right so I think that’s really all you got to know um because we’re playing on an

Adjusted mod pack that’s why the regular mobs are so strong um anyway what are we doing I lost track of it um let’s see um is there anything we’re running here we should definitely have something processing at all times um maybe more iron we need more

Steel just get the iron going feel like we got a lot of gold now um maybe it has different charge levels this thing I don’t know I kind of want to test it on someone let’s go test this maybe um oh I was checking this thing okay it looks good charged up that

We’ve got to kill the Wither for another star so we can summon the Howitzer boss but honestly we should just test this bones see if it works right I mean we got time to kill before that thing’s ready to charge so uh all right is there no stronger energy

Bow than the flux one as far as I know there is but let’s go find someone to test this out on who is a willing you know blow and Elum are usually down for things let’s give it a go so one advantage of this bow is it actually shoots completely straight I

Think yeah see has no drop off shoots completely straight which is nice because then I don’t have to aim that hard because I’m not that good at aiming um hey guys what’s up oh my God these doors look cool yeah bro we’re cooking cooking what are you guys up to the lab

Oh my God I like the decorations yeah wow you see all this you see the might have to hire you guys to decorate my lab um we we’re taking payments man we’ll take payments of uh what are you taking payments of BL what do we need man what

Do we need Redstone load of redstone plenty what I can offer you is unlimited energy but exactly can do redstone too we already have our own energy reactor that is not as as powerful remotely as powerful as your hey this is a good start hey how’s how’s this for just a

Free investment of 64 Redstone another angel investor blow another another angel investor okay but I have a new bow I want to test uh so that’s the trade would you like to test my bow with me I would like to test the bow all right stand back at the end of this platform

I’m ready okay so how much armor are you wearing I just want to see how much damage this does hit me hit me are you wearing a lot of armor I just want to know for testing wear nothing nothing oh you can wear armor if you want I just

Wanted to test all right I’ve got my diamond boots on okay so just the boots I’m just testing for science here let me see if this does damage it’s it’s not super strong but I just let me know how much it hurts like look at your hearts you know I’m ready man

What wait I let this thing suck sucked um you you killed him man good test sauno well let’s test it with armor you got any armor blow um I do have armor all right put on your best armor we’ll test it one more time I did not expect it to do that much

Ready you have armor on yep what kind uh mix of diamond and gold oh okay that’s decent all right let’s see how much damage it does all right um all right just uh look at your hearts and tell me how much it goes down okay noted thanks

Whato you’re too powerful man give me some Diamond wait wait why is this so good what bro do you have any do you have any diamond armor I can give back to you I could wear it and then you could you could test it we could test I

Have my mech suit but that’s Immortal so um I don’t think I have any why wait this is actually good why is this actually goodful um oh god well hey you guys I’ll give you guys a stack of iron that’s exactly what we needed yep you are going to need iron I’ve gone

Down the same path as you guys um oh do you have any better armor to test on or was that uh give me one second man let me go grab wa died to fall damage apparently yeah he jumped off of the off of the the tree

The giant bean St man the bean oh wait no no I killed him with my bow I thought he fell off with my bow oh wait so how many hearts we were full health when I shot you right I had full health and it one shot me entirely and Blau had

Diamond armor and it one shot him yeah that’s uh kind of insane why how how is it I need someone with better armor then he needs to level up he needs to level let’s go find someone oh Jesus wow thanks for the testing guys I’ve donated an extra stack of iron for

The casualties um yes thank you let me know if you need more Investments actually like one me a wild yeah I don’t know how I mean their armor is not great but I feel like it shouldn’t do that much why was this thing so bad earlier huh don’t know how much damage

This does but that seemed quite strong we got to find someone stronger to test it out on uh quite happy with this bow though okay um hm all right well it’s got plenty of charge I wish it was wirelessly charging but we’ll have to figure that out when we

Can turn the reactor on again man I’ll be honest I thought that reactor was literally just going to be turned it on and never worry about it again but that is definitely not the case we’ve had so many problems with it um all right let’s go

See oh yeah Leslie has my old armor on um let’s go ask Leslie hey Leslie yeah do you have uh you remember that old armor I gave you yeah I’m wearing it um do you mind if I do a little test I want to test this bow and arrow I

Got B see I’ve been having trouble making a good ranged weapon and I tried it on blow and Ellum but they they’re kind of weak you know so coming yeah well raise here too you can test on her oh yeah how do I get here if she’s okay

With it I just figured it’d be okay since I gave you the Armor and you might feel like I should of course of course yes here yeah just stand there and uh just one shot and tell me how many hearts it goes down so um right yeah

Just stand there and look at your hearts tell me how many hearts it does to you when it shoots you all right it’s only going to be one shot so oh how much was that two and a half two and A2 that’s it you do have good armor yeah that’s actually pretty good

Armor yeah that’s actually pretty good two and a half on the fully Enchanted not bad not bad it’s good yeah yeah hey thanks for helping me test it I’m going to go beat up a Wither or something it’s almost time it’s almost time Val time I didn’t even I’m not part

Of that am I am I part of that cuz I was going to play Angel’s game night cuz we were playing party animals um right oh man my Laser’s not going to charge in time um so I think the protection helps a lot not a surprise honestly but

Um Ray asked you yesterday I said I could if it was a little earlier but I said at 5: I wasn’t you said no to Val yeah I said that yesterday remember it’s on the VOD it’s on the VOD guys she said it’s at 5:00 and I said if it’s a little

Earlier I can do it um but I said I couldn’t after I I wanted to play party animals at 5: CU because guys guys I have um we got to play Angels game night today because last um Angels game night we didn’t show up because fillian asked

Us to play party animals at the time so we just we did that and then um yeah um hold on let me let me see maybe Angel’s game night’s canceled are we playing party animals today um oh they might have too many people but I don’t know I mean honestly I just

Want to play party animals really I kind of miss playing it a little bit so I I would want to just do that if we could um I mean I love Val too don’t get me wrong I want to play Val but it’s easier to find a Val group than it is to

Play a party animals group so I I go for party animals personally um what mod pack is it it’s called The AE pack called the AE pack anyway um let’s get all the iron going cuz we did just give a bunch away um okay would the cube by The Crusher help charge the

Laser no I don’t think you can charge the laser without actually putting the laser into It Is What It Seems like Anyway seems like you have to actually Point lasers into it uh it can’t charge any other way and to the person who was trying to help earlier but ended up

Absolutely trolling us and just bamboozling us I saw the video too and he was on I believe a different version of the mod pack which is why you were able to charge it in other ways um but I believe they fixed that cuz obviously it doesn’t make sense to charge a laser

Matrix by plugging it into a suit uh it’s called a laser what’s it called laser amplifier so it obviously has to amplify the laser it’s just how it should work so I think they saw an outdated video tried to give us advice I saw the same video which is why I tried

It um well I didn’t do it at the beginning because I wasn’t sure if it would work but I was like you know what now we can just try it anyway I guess cuz it would have saved time if it worked it just didn’t um completely wrong cost us everything went bad but

Hey that’s okay um all right this is cooking up now we’ve got to go get some Wither Skeleton skulls and I know exactly what to do you see my Gauntlet of guard got looting three originally this was a meme weapon but the thing is if we find some wither

Skeletons we’ll be able to finish it off with the gauntlet of guard and we’ll have looting three on it which oh wait that doesn’t give us more heads does it Ryan has a farm for heads in the nether I think we need beheading enchant

Um well I heard Ryan has a farm for it so we could go there I feel like me Ryan and mang are pretty uh we’ve been working together too much I mean I’ve been making tons of energy Ryan’s been getting supplies like I I feel like at this point we’re we’re

Like a little uh we’re the Technology Group at this point the nation of Technology you could say and my nation I mean there’s only three of us so that’s a thing um was the enchant called Sing yeah I think something like that um will Ellum be joining you in party

Animals not sure uh that’s up to him I’m not even sure if they’re playing party animals so we’ll see how it goes oh coming come now to the bakery how are we going to get more Wither Skeleton skulls guys so the thing is I don’t know if looting does looting

Increase the drop rate of skulls cuz I feel like um feel like it might not I think it’s it’s beheading or severing that does it um did mang ever provide fuel no but that’s okay she made the nuke um and she’s going to make more I hope you need sing

Five you have voral it does I don’t think voral is in our mod pack because it’s very strong um so I I don’t think boral’s here man our energy is all the way down to just the wind farm well let’s go see how it’s charged up is it charged

Up charged up not even halfway does take a long time to charge so things happen um yeah I think it’s going to be at least 30 minutes before we’re up and running again all right well uh no point checking like crazy it’s just not going to go hold on

Um um what happened to the reactor it’s just gone for now we have to wait for it to charge um all right let’s go to the Nether and try and get those wither skulls let’s see might as well build up two lasers to the the problems have been

Fixed the problems are fixed um I hate to touch on it again but we just got jab by chat and cost us our laser Matrix was which was already like 300 energy so it would have been done before now already anyway let’s go to the Nether and try and get those Wither Skeleton

Skulls um okay so this spot’s claimed that’s interesting why is this claimed where’s the Wither Farm guys does anybody know is it at his house I this looks like a spawner of sorts oh this is most definitely a spawner okay um so now we just oh that’s it that that’s it right

There and I believe wither skeletons are three high and that’s all you got to do okay now we just um kill them with our Gauntlet of guard this is going to take a minute well why are they so strong um I’m I’m going to go turn that thing off

Uh oh hold on hey guys please I got to turn this thing off um H okay hold it in offhand and use the mech tool will that still give me looting three I feel like it won’t give me looting three anymore maybe the gauntlets weak uh no

The Gauntlet does 11 damage which is pretty high oh I know what to do where is it we’ll weaken them AOE with the tentacle first AOE tentacle attack and then we’ll finish him off with a glove if it’s in your off hand it works wait really so if I have this glove in

My off hand then it’ll still give me that sounds crazy somehow that doesn’t sound right but well let’s do this so we can heal our pickaxe anyway I didn’t know it worked that way is that like a default Minecraft thing or Selen asked you something um what’s up h

She didn’t really ask me anything I don’t think that works um people are saying it works they’re saying if I just leave the gauntlet in my offand I’ll get looting three on them um that sounds like it shouldn’t work but hey you know when has Chad ever

Steered me wrong other than all those times that they steered me wrong um other than all those times that they steered me wrong what when is chat steered me wrong other than literally 20 minutes ago or less than that when they steered me wrong um are any heads dropping I really can’t

Tell oh they’re dropping coal too well that’s just perfect any heads we do need coal to make more steel oh we got one and ribs the ribs also turn into heads in a sort of a weird way but okay that’s good um we got to turn this thingy back

On we don’t have the enchant but we only need three heads so this won’t be too bad um what we’re trying to make is the void Howitzer don’t know how good it is but we’ll try it doesn’t the infinity Hammer have beheading uh I don’t know man I don’t

Have an Infinity Hammer so I wouldn’t know um okay um let’s just weaken them with the tentacle first Seline asked if you know how to make treated wood I don’t know uh I have never heard of treated wood um what is a treated wood treated wood oh this looks like something um

Looks like something meong could do though so it’s from the mod pack that um um me does so sho got the Excalibur yeah but it’s pretty weak until you buff it up oh he needs to kill the dog you need to kill the dog anyway kill these

Things they don’t drop XP wait these things don’t drop XP oh you’re right oh so my axe isn’t mending anyway all right well let’s just use the mech tool so according to people it still has looting three on it CU it’s in my off hand um don’t know how true that is real

Question is is this thing even recharging no I mean our reactors are off so don’t know if Looting 3 is working or not okay we just need three skulls and we’re all set why don’t they drop XP I don’t know maybe because they’re summoned through the

Thinge man this is going to take a minute you know that piercing crossbow really would come in clutch here huh okay maybe the sword would be better cuz it Cleaves lot less damage but it does cleave so maybe it’s better because of cleaving normally we don’t need cleaving that badly

But using the key here would be nice if I use the key will it still um work with looting three I don’t know um why do you need looting three uh when you have a spawner well because it’ll still drop more stuff I um I don’t know

Why that’s even a real question like why would you not want looting three I um okay how many heads we got oh we got two we only need one more there might already be one in there actually try the bow um we could but um I don’t know if the

Bow will give us looting three as a buff so I’m not sure osmium boots that’s random at least we got some coal we actually need that quite good for coal production um that took a while if only the bow could Pierce or something that’d be nice okay let them spawn

In let get them off this building so we’ll get one more big spawn and we should have everything we need when did they stop spawning okay that should be good let’s test out this bow a little bit is this like actually killing them or I don’t know if this is even

Working is this actually killing them is this even hitting them wait this is one shotting them wait am I seeing this right I think this is one shotting wait or maybe not I don’t know oh no it’s not not how much damage is it though that one died oh if I get

The lucky crit it one shots I wish I could see maybe on the last one we’ll see it’s doing about what was that like half their health I don’t know man this is um maybe the head shot will do more yeah maybe no I don’t think so I think that

Was an Ender Dragon thing and back to the mech tool we’re just turning right through them with this thing turning right through them with this thing do you still have the crit chance enchant I don’t think so but we do have a lucky dice um oh wither head we’ve got it all

All right and that is all we need um all right we got that and with the nether star we can summon the boss right right adults give you a decimal okay that’s crazy sounding anyway um what is the in-game chat oh they’re just leveling up their evil sword

Um he’s to out oh oh oh oh wait where they gone to play Val man they’ve gone to play Val neither of us and neither us there there to play Val so yeah yeah um hey you know um well I’m going to go kill the you want to kill the Wither

With me absolutely I’m I’m right there with you can grab some carrots grab Run West of town I’ll meet you there uh I just need to do a couple preparations we’ll fight the Wither together okay I will say this the nether star I do get

To keep but I mean oh that’s fine I just want the experience yeah yeah I had to gather all the materials so that’s fair no that makes complete sense I’m just going to grab some food and I’ll be right there perfect I’ll meet you west of town there’s like a there’s a big

Crater west of town let’s fight it there it’s time brother yeah I’m going to do some supplies and I’ll meet you there um we need Soul Sand I didn’t gather any Soul Sand well we’ll get that when we meet him there okay what do we need everything’s nice

And charged oh everything’s charging up again oh my God it’s cuz they all logged off well the power’s back on guys the lights are on oh my God even with just the wind generator the everything’s charging again look it’s cuz so many people logged off wow we look kind of like uh

Who’s that one guy from Bleach with the crazy arm kind of look like that guy um okay anyway got that uh this we don’t need this bone uh the coal is really good to make steel which we do need um grab some Iron Golem materials activate

The reactor we can’t it still needs to charge thanks to the horrible mistake we made earlier um but on the bright side um at least we got this going for us so that’s that’s good um okay well I need to go to the bathroom we got to get a little bit of

Soul Sand and then we’ll be ready to fight the Wither be right back where All right we’re back why do I keep hearing a cat oh that’s our cat oie in the background um well not in real life background but like in the game background anyway um let’s go fight the Wither with Ellum hopefully he brings a bed cuz he will likely need

One uh we need a lot of Steel but for now I think we can just leave this all in here uh the ribs we’ll go put away feel like I’m putting ribs in a fridge you know ribs are surprisingly so this is kind of weird but there’s a lot

Of food that’s like really good leftover and like I feel like ribs are one of them they’re not so bad um okay what was that doing right we got to get Soul Sand fight the Wither and one other thing we had to do check on this wait the energy is just going up

Nobody’s draining it which means wait but mang’s still online so how how can it be um how can that be mang’s still online strange well anyway uh let’s um let’s get on the Wither guys we got to kill the Wither and we’ll find the hoer later this bow and arrow seems pretty

Dang good uh we’ve got to make sure wait we can bring Josh to fight the Wither too if he wants to okay Josh want to join in for the Wither we don’t want to bring too many people um meet in town for the wi weak players only for a challenge

By weak I mean not Immortal um so I don’t want to do all of it oh oh also I get to keep the star um okay never mind just show up Bros about to be insta killed we’ll see about that um I just want to test

Out my bow as long as I get the star that’s all that matters um bring a bed by the way I mean we could easily solo it but I I kind of I just want to try it um to see if we can solo it or not to solo it

I just want to try it and and let other people fight it for for their their own uh en enjoyment you know it’s kind of exciting when you fight a boss and you don’t just completely overpower it like when we fought the Ender Dragon guys um I do

Think it had a little too much health but we were like not wearing our overpowered gear so we could have died there now we didn’t die a single time we definitely could have if we had made a few mistakes we could have died which I think makes it a lot more exciting

Um let’s see where’s the Soul Sand In This Place huh where’s the Soul Sand is this like underground Soul Sand I scoria that really looked like Soul Sand oh right except when mang killed me forgot about that honestly I think I was a little happier when I forgot about

That so thanks I’m just kidding anyway um let’s go over here the crazy thing is they made it so you don’t even lose your stuff so we did it for nothing other than for the own enjoyment of of fighting a battle that we could lose cuz otherwise it was like fighting

An un losable battle Which is less fun I’d say um sometimes less fun but I don’t want to be stressed out all the time where’s the exit um oh here it is all right there we go all right got everything we need for the Wither we just got to gather the

Boys um I feel like there’s something I’m forgetting I just don’t know I just don’t know what what am I forgetting don’t you need five wait you need five Soul Sand for the Wither I thought it was uh like like this and then you just put the three

Heads on top what do I need the fifth one for um what what else what what’s the fifth one for I just put these three heads on right you’re correct classic chat classic chat that’s my voice for chat now classic chat giving good advice anyway it’s four guys I know what

I’m doing this time listen when I don’t know what I’m doing you guys can trick me sure but um but when I know what I’m doing I ain’t falling for it all right I ain’t falling for it and this time I’m not falling for it um oh there’s El and

Josh hey guys it’s wither time come with me this way this way recruited wait bring a bed does anyone have a bed I’ve got a bed got it got perect okay there is a crater just west of town um follow me follow me I’ll go slow CU he can go super

Quick can go super keep going west keep going west he’s oh he’s uh just bouncing ahead he’s power of jump boots he’s been you see he’s yeah yeah oh Let’s Race there you guys see the crater on the map straight west right okay no give me a 10

Second head though 10 second head I’ll give you like a whole minute Head Start okay okay I’m going wa all right 10 diamonds 10 diamonds if you beat me wait they might just make it there in a minute they’re going the wrong way the crater’s over

Here wait do you guys not have it on the map it’s like slightly South slightly more south south of where you are going Um the crater’s over here well it’s been about a minute um here we go see you’re going to beat them now I definitely will I was kind of worried for a second but oh there he is oh yeah sorry the uh the crater was this way um intentionally lied to your friends you

You actually started heading north actually for some reason so I well the head head give me head give me head head head yeah um head man give me a give me a 10c head come on man oh wait guys I know where to fight it actually there’s a better spot

Um wait who are who’s fighting man we’re fighting the we’re fighting the with the the with here here follow me um actually let’s just take this portal instead of fighting it in town could be dangerous everyone take the portal we’re going to go to the nuclear Wast no no no the nuclear

Wasteland hop in okay so we’re going to fight the with right here dieo I have iron armor and put the bed down put the bed down you got this man you’ve got this all right we got two joshes against the Wither plus me two did you guys bring a yeah we’ll

Figure it out all right let’s go I didn’t bring a ranger I brought a sword just a sword that’s all you need everyone to the center of the blast zone ATT this is a great spot for fighting the Wither Josh you shouldn’t be nervous man you’re power power you’ve got this

Here we go okay here we go I’m putting the heads on everybody summon it Su one of you guys put the last head on you just put it right in the middle want do the honors man you want to do the honors man whoever wants to do the

Honors go for it it’s all yours okay um just put that last head on let me should be summoned um I think it might have to have no blocks near it he’s done it attack everyone attack the Wither die die I’m doing no damage when its health bar fully goes up

It you can do damage it’s just summoning right now you who what happened um Josh Elum uh you know that I forgot to mention you shouldn’t stand next to it at the beginning oh yeah no easy mistake man but this time I don’t die kill it

Die die I’ve hit it I’ve hit it man jump attack jump attack all right I’ll try and get it out of ranged form them distract them get it down man get it down God I mean this is stronger than the crossbow but JP attack not very strong I’ll say

Get land get it to land it it’ll switch to melee form it half health so strong yes brother yes yes I hit it I hit it here we are okay it should switch it around half Health still not switched all right it’s in melee form now take it out

Guys oh it’s going after me um yeah I got it I got it I’m going to zone out don’t follow me don’t follow me okay and now now we just go back in and see how they are doing uh so it destroyed the bed what destroyed the bed uh bring another wait

Josh how’d you get in here come on let’s get out I’ll I’ll bring you guys back I can I can warp you right back in so it destroyed the bed that’s fortunate okay okay right here guys everyone in quick quick Josh oh jump in jump in guys fight the

Wither okay attack the beds are here guys the bed put it back down just don’t lure it to the bed and you’ll be fine sleep in it sleep in it quick hey why is it back at full HP um it’s half Health it’s half Health

It’s on me it’s on me get it guys get it um surely they’ve got it I’m jiggle peeking I’m jiggle peeking jiggle peeking Jesus oh God come here chase me Chase me Jesus guys it’s in melee mode help I’m going to die why is it attacking me slice it guys

Slice it quick I’m too short I can’t reach it’s right here it’s right here kill it kill it man Health isn’t really going down that quick I’m doing zero what is this Emerald oh my God guys help help coming man it’s attacking it’s attacking I’m distracting it just kill

Itch I’m killing it w how do normal Minecraft players beat this thing die demon like actually how how do how do regular players beat this game Beast oh Jesus like they got like diamond and iron which ain’t crazy but oh God like this thing is crazy um come

Here yeah get it guys get it oh wait why do it say you were killed by Josh Josh on Josh crime Josh on Josh crime I killed you where’d it go wait it’s it’s gone we’ve done it everyone we did it we killed it hey Josh you got a Wither Rose

Congrats thanks wait so the Wither Rose is only obtainable by um someone dying to the Wither so congrats I don’t want this with you can have it you can have it back you can you going have two of them man I’m okay I’m okay no no J I insist you have three of

Them well congratulations guys um now we just go home all right well hey look guys we did that together as a team as a unit incredible um truly incredible all right so now we just um the portal why is he Invincible I can’t H why can I

Not hit him why H it’s because of my force field but if you break through the force field you can hit me force field yeah I have a for get my hands on a force anyway let’s go okay all right let’s get out of here climb on

Up all right just going to CL oh you’re just kicking us out just like that you’re just I mean unless you want to hang out here I just figured you were busy people you know I mean I’m always down hang out man just got to say the word and just hang out it

Just want to I mean well you guys should come with me to my next boss if you wanted which is it it’s just that I’d have to keep the loot again and I don’t want to just waste your time oh uh well why don’t you guys come with

Me to the next boss I just need to all right well all right ask Ask Josh if he wants to come but it’s not as strong as the Wither it’s weaker than the Wither so do you want to do another boss man do you want to do another

Boss trust me this one I’m so weak guys no no this one’s weaker this one’s a lot weaker than the Wither don’t worry yeah um I I I I would have to say I need to keep the loot again cuz I had to gather a bunch of resources to get it but if

You guys want to go just for the adventure of it we can go I’m always down for an adventure with my friends it’s time guys all right so let me tell you what boss we’re going to fight it’s called The Harbinger and by throwing this eye of Mech it’s supposed to show

Us where it is okay so I crafted this let’s see where it um didn’t do what I thought it was going to do Let Me Maybe I I right click it didn’t seem to do anything it disappeared it’s over here it went over there nice uh it says it’s this way just

Head this way it’s this way everyone go this way it’s kind of find the end portal what does it drop man what do you need it drops some the nether Howitzer which allows you to shoot missiles what yeah it’s pretty cool hey you know what um so basically the way

You summon it is with a Nether Star I’ve been told and if you guys get nether Stars you can summon it for yourself too so at least you you just get a rocket launcher or this is like some sort of Predator thing where you can wear it on your arms

Or something I think you wear it on your arm and you I actually don’t really know I’ve not gotten it yet right so this is truly is a superhero yeah as soon as I get it I’ll show you guys how it works let me uh let me throw the little thing

Again this way this way guys it’s under Ray’s house wait what if it’s actually under Ray’s house what if it’s inside Ray’s house so what do we what happens then I don’t know I’ll keep exploring just follow my path I’m going to slow down when I throw this

Eyeball let’s go past Ray’s house and hope it’s not there I’ll wait here for you guys I’m just G to oh yeah it’s more this way you know what I just realized I could have just made the warp portal guys I’ll make the warp portal

And meet you back in town cuz it’s way faster isn’t it to do that how that I think about it I’ll make the war port wait huh well yeah cuz then you guys don’t have to walk as much right oh cuz you could find it quicker

As yeah I’ll just find it really quick and teleport you guys over y that makes sense that makes go back to town and do those things that you do okay this way back to town back to town you know you havein all right just go this

Way how far away can it be guys like surely it’s not that far away right if we have to cross the river so help me so guys what if it what if it goes into the ground I’m going to throw it up here and see where it goes that was a mistake oh

Jesus we’ve lost it uh where’d it go oh man I’m an idiot where could it have gone I mean it couldn’t have gone that far that thing moves like 10 ft we threw it right up here oh right there okay not as good of an idea as I thought but this way

Okay must be pretty far I suppose uh it just says it’s this way we’ll go to the edge of the water here and see how much further it says F3 plus b to see it really I don’t need the eyeball Oh you mean to find it uh yeah

That would be useful um oh man we have to travel through the water I hate traveling through the water all right well let’s go far um I say we just go like pretty far and then see how far we make it um here we go you were faster than it we

Were pretty fast actually we’re still quite fast through the water it’s down this way we’re close I bet it’s right wait a minute someone’s already done this thing what um well that’s crazy that someone just happened to oh my good this looks insane all right let’s um how do we get in

There look for the section that looks a little griefed up oh right here all right this looks like a boss room um I kind of want to go higher CU I want them to see this giant thing all right that’s just to the mining Dimension we’ll set it here um Kel Farm okay

Um what Okay meet in town guys it’s ready um kelp Farm goes back in so how do we uh summon this thing Ryan already did this one so there’s no boss wait it’s not it’s not from summoning um okay so what what is the what is the

Nether star for I thought it was like Abyssal sacrifice um how how does it what is the nether star for guys does anyone know how it works cuz I thought the nether star summons the boss the boss is a statue and you put the nether star on it

Oh never mind someone already did that one so then what do we do then now you see a mechanical boss and use the nether okay so let’s go back there for now wait so so this is really tough then cuz the the eyeball um right cuz now the eyeball is going to

Show us like this it shows us this place but this place is already spent there’s nothing here well that sucks um I guess we just go a different way does sauno read his chat yeah too much sometimes let me tell you anyway I guess we just got to go a different way okay

Kek W hey it’s true guys we got trauma we’ve been baited so much too much even man that sucks we’re going to have to go quite far away to find it then um let’s go opposite direction that one was like where was that like North or

West where was that it was towards Ray’s house right I think it was like around here in the ocean somewhere um so let’s just go South West opposite complete opposite direction um mark it so you know it’s not leading you back there no we don’t have to it’ll be quite obvious

Um okay laser must be charged by now N I doubt it takes forever which is why it was just such a devastating loss I think it takes 30 minutes to an hour to charge maybe longer not sure all right this is hopefully far away enough go on this tree

Backwards oh no it’s going straight towards the one Ryan wow it’s that far away okay this is going to be um this is going to be bad it’s far away really far away um so the fact that we’ve head in the complete opposite direction and it’s still pointing towards the same one

That’s a bit tough um okay new hair looks nice hey thanks feel like a lot of people have been liking it and I haven’t even been styling it or anything so all right please go a different direction oh you’re joking it’s still going straight towards yeah so you can see it’s still

Going straight towards the other one we’re at which is right around there man how far do we have to go that’s unfortunate can you use the nether to Quick travel well I can travel pretty quick it’s just going far is kind of annoying I’m hoping this is far enough we’re over 1,000 blocks

Away like negative ,300 like we’re moving pretty fast and pretty far so this should hopefully get us there it’s still going straight back exactly where we came from wow um I’m going to say after we get this I don’t think anybody else is getting this for without great

Difficulty so the way it works is basically we have to travel really really far away from spawn um and then is it the only one I sure hope not um h well it’s going to be some time aren’t mounts unlocked it’s not the travel time

Like I feel like guys are you not seeing how fast we’re moving we’re moving like Omega fast it’s not the travel time it’s just how far away we have to go before the thing even activates uh it’s pretty far why don’t you use Nether portal to travel faster are you seeing how fast

We’re traveling guys I don’t think we need that um in fact even at our current rate we are traveling just about as fast as the blocks can even generate at this point in fact I would say if we’re back on land we could travel faster than the blocks generate

See oh God where am I oh oh wait we’re cheating we’re cheating hold on you see it you see it see it down there I didn’t see it um so by traveling faster than blocks generate wait I saw something I I think I saw it it’s going this way now okay I didn’t

See it but it it’s at least going this way so that’s good but yeah the the travel time’s no problem it’s just I mean at this point it’s hey a baby cow nah no we’ll let it live well we’ve had a long day though man I need to move faster baby

Sheep okay straight this way it says give me that give me that hold on um let’s see all right guys it turns out Angels game night they’re not even playing at party animals they’re playing other games so I’m not sure what’s happening there but luckily we got a boss to kill anyway here

So let’s get this kek W how was I supposed to know usually we play Goose goose duck in party animals they’re play they’re playing like deceive or something or deceit what’s the difference deceit or deceive uh one of one of those which isn’t a bad game don’t get me wrong but

I got a tier list of games right now and I’m going to say Minecraft is pretty high up there okay this way um can the eye of Mech shatter I hope not cuz it’s quite difficult to make and honestly after the amount of uses we’ve given it I would say probably just no

Quick use the hacks you guys see anything under there I think I saw it I saw a huge cave system so what we’re going to do is go up on top of a tree cuz if it goes straight down hopefully it doesn’t glitch into the floor oh no we did not find

It still this way seems like most of them seem to be in the ocean um man we’re probably going to lag up the server because of the blocks we’re producing but on the bright side there’s not that many people online so this is actually the best time to

Explore all right we got to be close now we got to be oh it’s going the same way so we are not much closer here we go curious what his game tier list is that was honestly more of a joke than anything else um okay there we

Go I think Josh left so we’ll just be we’ll bring Ellum we can bring Sho too maybe or we can just solo it it it just feels kind of bad cuz only one person gets loot so it’s like I’m the only one who’s going to get the loot cuz

Obviously it’s my nether star I got all the materials I just want to bring people along so they can have fun but it is awkward being like hey you want to do this thing you’re not going to get much out of it you should turn on its B Boss music

Don’t know how that works does appear to be quite far away okay there we go let’s see it’s about the journey I hope so but it still feels a little bad I mean me being me I would definitely just go for fun um you have to get the last hit

I don’t I know actually well you can just give the item away pretty sure you can just give the item away all right oh it’s saying more left that’s really good um we haven’t found it but when the angle changes sharply like that that means you’re

Getting closer because of the way the uh navigation system works when the angle changes sharply then that’s that’s very good you’re close so we should throw it again yeah the angle changed again which is really good um all right here here we go now it wasn’t a huge angle change so not

Expecting all that much but the fact that it changed at all is quite good okay and if it’s over land that would just be be quite happy about that let’s go on top of this big tree oh man it looks like it’d be down there not quite there yet but we are

Close wow this place looks amazing I’m lagging probably cuz we’re generating so many blocks here we go we’re just waiting for it waiting for it again moving fast than the chunks load yeah that’s how it is it’s like the angle’s not changing too much but we’ve got to be

Close just got to wait for these chunks to load man this is uh this is a journey this better be a good item this better be a good item here it’s called The Nether Howitzer and we can upgrade it to the void Howitzer cuz we already have the void thing how far

From home are you um pretty far I feel like does anyone know how good this thing is it’s not well it’s probably not good on its own but once we upgrade it I’m I it’s got to be stronger um so I’d say like basically I’m just looking for a ranged weapon

That’s hopefully stronger than this bow I will say this bow has been better than I thought it would be but still not crazy Ryan has it doesn’t do much damage well nothing does uh a lot of damage I found ranged weapons are pretty bad three shots for a zombie oh then it

Might be as good as the bow which is decent worst case we give it away and it’s a cool gift the angle changed that’s good good that the angle changed these chunks just aren’t loading though you guys see it you see it we can kind of cheat here I don’t see it down

There so we must keep going see it you see it guys you see it listen listen I’m not above this I’m not above the chunk loading if anything it’s the server’s fault I it’s it’s just how it goes it’s just how it goes guys

Um I see it I mean listen listen if the server is not loading it ain’t my fault for going forward it’s just how it’s going to it’s how the cookie crumbles as they say let’s throw the eyeball out again straighten this way again I feel like we’ve got to be close

Or the angle wouldn’t have changed but we just need to go further it’s just so hard to travel fast cuz Okay what if we just Spam it maybe it’ll just go anyway we’re going to force load these chunks I don’t see it here are we in water where am I right

Now okay we’re in this River let’s let it load and we’ll throw the orb again on top of this mountain on the peak of this mountain wherever the PE it’s still loading in RI the server actually though but I mean um luckily there’s not too many people on

Right now so it’s it’s not the worst still further away H this is really hard to find um wonder how the server is doing better than before actually I mean this is OB obviously a high load for it but wait why does that look that looks like something let’s give it a test

Nothing guys imagine if we didn’t have the movement speed upgrades and we were trying to do this that would be an absolute disaster let me tell you is this wait this is one of those wacka do dungeons again well that’s crazy wow remember when this was so hard everybody quit

I don’t know if you guys remember that but we’ve been to a dungeon just like this one and it was so difficult that everyone just went home and said it was too hard and now it’s probably too easy actually this would be super good for the new players I

Bet the dead Bush loot oh that’s when they buff buffed the loot um let’s see worth it to set a spawn point there for other people well the thing is with the amount of warp Scrolls I have if I set a spawn point for other people I won’t have one for myself

So unless I don’t want a thing for my stuff it’s the same dungeon no it’s not we’ve never been here before oh wait oh it might be my map reset no no it couldn’t have been the same dungeon the the Box were yellow is it it’s definitely not first of all the

Boxes were yellow and second of all we built a bunch of garbage Bridges connecting every single one so the chests were unopened plus there aren’t a bunch of garbage Bridges connecting so uh the boxes were not yellow okay I mean I will check and if you’re wrong everyone who told me it’s

The same one gets banned nobody type in chat leave them there for their punishment leave them there um we’re going going to go back and if it turns out they’re lying they’re getting banned getting banned forever wait this is how you know it’s not the same

One the one we found has a level two dungeon right next to it so if it were the same one it would have had the level two dungeon right next to it and it doesn’t remember guys the level two dungeon was right next to the one we found and this one doesn’t

Have a level dungeon and the way you can really tell that it’s a new one is cuz the chunks are loading in so when chunks load in like this that means no one’s explored this area before so yep no level two dungeon nearby and the fact that the chunks are loading in means

It’s got to be an unexplored area cuz the server hasn’t loaded it yet which means the like 20 people who spammed that you’ve already done this one it’s the same one we just completely lying classic classic and you guys wonder why I don’t trust chat you guys Wonder um okay there we go

Um we got to be close right eyeball attack go we are not close guys I don’t think anyone’s ever killing this boss again I’m I’m going to say off the bat here I just don’t think anybody’s killing this thing again it’s just so far away I’m trying to look down to kind of

Cheese it definitely huge cave systems but it’s going to be 10K blocks actually though isn’t it um go North 100 blocks to triangulate uh that would give us some insight but the thing is it doesn’t change the fact that we got to go where it tells us to go um does that mean

Down how do you show hit boxes again wait it went backwards oh it went this way let’s go on top of the mountain we passed it I did see something that looked interesting up there this way it says um what where’d it go where’d it go guys it went

Down that’s a good sign let’s uh go up on this little stick here here see what happens that way what no we need that okay okay uh um now we know where it is though it’s this way down all right here we go just dig down this

Way wow we dig really fast and I’m happy about that okay Jesus man that efficiency six really kicking in um it’s still this way right said just around this way let’s at least dig till we get to a Cave System cuz if we use the eyeball

Right here it’s just going to be like it it’ll be so hard to reach oh uh here’s a Cave System I see lights I see lights nope that’s just the world loading in great all right eyeball time to do your thing eyeball go up I went past

It no uh oh this is bad this is bad okay well it’s somewhere around here our eyeball is gone we know it’s around here somewhere we must have gone past it um iball’s gone so we’ve got to figure out where to get it now we’ve got to be

Super close based on what we’re seeing is there like an X and Y level at spawns on or H does anyone know um guys check the Vault what’s the what’s the coordinates what’s the coordinates guys it went up and to the left H I have no idea where to

Go doesn’t it go up no matter what no last time it went down um I mean it’s got to be in this area somewhere I just don’t know where let’s see when the ey goes down it should be in that chunk oh is that how it works guys get the coordinates coordinates

6643 and and 101 there this way then oh this is huge but no real signs of it man this is just a nightmare to find uh anything down here maybe Dig Down only okay well this is going to suck cuz we’re digging in water now but on the

Bright side at least we’ll be able to swim up easily Jasper does that mean we’re close no it doesn’t how far down is it we lost the eyeball did anyone check the VOD for the coordinates I saw like dozens of them wait that looks like something oh you’re kidding me I found

Like a dungeon or something well we found some really cool stuff it’s just not it does anyone have coordinates 66 36 91 which is literally like right here wait it’s here wow hey hey someone actually found it and this is nice and scary with the warden right right by okay

Perfect oh my God this looks insane this place is crazy okay um throw all this junk away okay oh my flint and steel ah M will make another one for okay goodbye spider goodbye dude um let’s get our warp scroll okay set it there go back to town okay Wind

Farm Elum it’s time we found the boss finally let’s go check if this thing can turn on yet though nope man that one thing cost us so much time well that is life that is life still not ready how long’s it been um um okay I think it’s almost back to

Where it was before that big mistake happened though okay um it’s been a while yeah it feels like it’s been a while let me tell you um okay come to town Sho do you want to come um H okay we got to do it man we got to

Just you and me it’s just you and me we’re doing it brother it’s time to do you bring your bed all let me go and grab it I just put it down let me let me get it now oh okay is shto online says he’s online

Um all right this is going to be tough but I think we can do it um all right um um went to get groceries still not recovered yeah it was a big one it happens it happens um okay you ready I’m ready man it’s time into the

Portal into the portal that little magic thing messed it up oh oh huh oh we’re in Elum Jesus I don’t see anything I’m in the abyss oh wait you can’t see oh wait oh oh it’s it’s loading it’s loading um it’s time for the boss come on down come

On down you might have to for the bed up here uh no you should put it further down but I just thought it’d be cool to teleport you in for this view it looks sick you might need a way down so just be careful oh God I’ll put the bed here right the

Bed’s in here right uh yeah yeah one sec um I’ve done it I’ve done it there’s a chest there yep go ahead and grab it all right we just got to find our way in here or dig our way in here let’s just dig is there supposed to be an entrance

Uh just be careful around this Warden thing that happens we’re in we’re in Ellum here man I I got a legendary item from that chest oh nice what’d you get I got a Alex banana oh nice that’ll teach you how to do magic that’s a good one all right you

Slept in your bed right yes I slept in my bed that’s guys we’re going in It’s Time come over here Ellum I’m ready stand on the throne up here with me we’re going to beat that machine cuz we’re young kings righty okay guys are

You sure we can use um oh yeah it’s time hold on let me turn on my Yu-Gi-Oh music we’re just going to turn on Yu-Gi-Oh music not going to lie okay um hold on hold on what’s a good um I’ve turned on the Avengers theme song man I

Wish I could turn that on how I feel standing brother instant we got to do it man it’s time to kill Tim Tim you’re no more you’re no match for us we’ve got this we freaking got this m oh there go it’s time ell pick up your

Sword all right as soon as I put this nether star into its head it’ll activate and then we’ve got to kill it how do I put it in I put it in the harbinger go Elum go Jesus it’s like a Wither it’s it’s like a wait it’s actually quite strong oh my

God this thing is kind of crazy psych you can’t die man use me it’s coming down it’s coming down freaking missiles what do you mean homing missiles it’s got use your sword use your sword it’s come close to the ground I got to e Jesus what the what was

That it’s got a flamethrower this thing’s really strong Elum oh my God what happened why is this thing actually kind of strong I think the music’s too loud little lower little lower thank God we’re not in any real danger the the door Jesus I’ve here man I’m back

Are the aveng use your sword use your sword it’s shooting a laser wait it did damage to me how wait it’s found a weakness wait element did damage to me that’s not supposed to it’s not supposed to happen uh-oh we might actually be in danger we’re not going to die man I’m

Not going to freaking die not on this day not on this day Jesus the hold on I’m going to go touch your bed just in case okay might gone in the bed’s gone El what you it’s gone man it’s gone go find it before you die

Oh my God the bed’s gone I don’t know what’s happening it has piercing damage or something Jesus there you’re it did real damage guys the force field it didn’t block it I think it was that laser attack it’s the laser again we just got to dodge it it’s homing wait guys we might

Actually die to the laser if we don’t Dodge it um it’s not super hard to dodge with our Mobility but it’s shooting more lasers element spamming lasers man it pierces my armor I think uhoh Jes okay okay it’s it’s spamming lasers so the regular attacks don’t hurt me but the

Lasers seem to pierce my armor I should have made the laser fraction module I just never ran into an enemy it did Kill Ryan Ryan died to this thing and you guys didn’t tell me how was I supposed to know I thought it was going to be a

Meme Jesus it’s got homing missiles okay the missiles don’t do too much it’s really just ow the lasers Jesus ellm set the bed up I don’t have a bed it’s not here there’s no bed anymore Jesus barely taking damage the missiles don’t hurtt too bad Jesus it’s charging up the laser no way

I might die ellm ell ellm set the bed up please please man oh my God we’re actually might die um if we didn’t have the ring of Odin we would have died there Jesus holy element’s gone crazy uh our Auto feeder is not even keeping up with the damage we’re taking

Well this is dangerous I’m going to hide here I’m going to hide here for a second let the auto feeder catch up Ellum you still alive I’m regenerating oh Jesus it found me it’s shooting lasers well this is bad um if we didn’t have the ring of Odin we’d already be

Dead ow wait it’s taking no damage what’s happening I’m taking but those aren’t even the lasers ow half of my health Elum Elm man do something Jesus why is this so strong this is bad this is really bad um this is not supposed to happen this was

Supposed to be a meme I thought is going to walk in and just destroy it ellm where’s the bed where’s the bed we might any wood man what ellm I I don’t know how to say this but this thing is chasing me and I’m actually dying we we

We’re we’re going to be in trouble um this is pretty bad this is pretty bad guys let’s just cite it around just cite it around um it’s not taking damage wood what happened here it’s attacking random creepers uh-oh not anymore we should have fully healed before Ellum how’s that how’s that bed coming

Man it’s shooting lasers why is this thing so strong it’s crazy man this thing’s crazy it’s even killing me well this is bad why is there no wood in here I don’t know man I just don’t die ell just don’t die I think I can beat it

Still charging a laser oh God it’s power Jesus okay we just dodg everything we just dodg everything I think it’s in melee mode it’s in melee mode for sure okay if we move fast enough it still can’t hit us I Think Jesus just move really fast guys

Just move really fast we actually almost died earlier without the Ring of Odin we 100% would have Di died at least once or twice is it in range mode again it’s taking no damage it’s in melee mode if only Janet were here she could fly okay A little bit of

Damage Jesus ow okay well there goes my golden apple Hearts uh we’re in trouble we’re in trouble wait if I summon the warden here it’s over and I’m moving around a a lot it we’ll be fine Ellum Ellum you’re still alive well I don’t know it’s too late

Guys we’re fighting for our lives out here it’s charging its laser oh God it did it just rammed me I think it just destroyed the where’d it go H oh what okay this is fine this is fine this is what I want it to do I’m behind it

It’s oh my God we’re almost dead we’re actually almost dead guys I think if we tanked that laser for like 2 seconds longer we would have just died we should heal we got to heal let’s just kite let’s just kite uh Hey Ellum how’s how’s it looking down there man we don’t need

It man just we’re going to kill it just don’t die Ellum don’t die it’ll be so hard to get your stuff back I’m going to hide here regenerate okay okay this thing is actually insanely strong I did not sign up for this I thought I was going to be

Immortal can we use it man can we use it which thing this thing on this pole it’s an EMP maybe we can stun it there’s mechanics maybe we can stun it man what do you mean there’s mechanics to this fight oh Jesus I didn’t I used it wait

You can use the EMP with the trigger you can use an empit am I struggling because I haven’t been doing the mechanics wait we just need to use the EMP I’ve been fighting for my life out there lure I’ll lure it back I’ll lure it back in where is it

Though it’s it’s killing all these dudes I’ll just kill it the old fashioned way long as I don’t stand in that laser probably can’t kill me ow holy Jesus you I’m trying it’s it’s shooting lasers man it’s I think I I got it the oldfashioned way Jesus it’s shooting the laser oh my

God oh my God we’ve done it man we’ve done it that was uh that was just insane man that was insane I actually almost died holy smokes use it use it brother use it oh man on these zombies H oh no wait how much damage did that do though oh how

Much it’s not strong man it’s not strong no that doesn’t make sense I what it’s not strong man wait hit me with it pych hit me with it okay um I’m ready to take the hit okay I have one I’m going to die oh wait it dude it’s got burning damage um

What’s your health at what’s your health at it’s on zero but it’s like oh my God it’s still hitting me it’s still hitting me it’s still hitting me so this is worse than my bow and arrow yeah big time cuz my bow and arrow just insta killed oh

Oh you know what’s pretty cool man well it was a really cool boss fight that was extremely tough I had to run for my life this feeling I didn’t think I’d ever feel when I was wearing my mech suit you know what upsets me man is that we can’t

Take the emps for ourself cuz we put these in our base and stun everybody everybody uh-huh let’s go home be safe in the town oh wait you take what you want I’ll just go Um so what’s this thing for witherite Block witherite Ingot oh we got to make

The mechanical Fusion Anvil so let’s go ahead and make that uh we do have plenty of redstone um Anvil so we need one of these two red stones a regular Anvil no problems there um and the blocks okay nine witherite ingots let’s turn off the Yu-Gi-Oh music man that was

An intense boss we actually almost died guys the ER Gast was like sure the ER Gast is like kind of scary CU if it cries on you then um you take a little damage but this was the first time I was wearing the mech suit and actually could

Have died like that was um that was pretty bad like we were very close to dying there um I think if we didn’t kite a lot like if we stood in that laser for like a second longer most of the time I think we just

Die kind of scary kind of scary that was the first time we’ve actually just almost straight up died okay this uh what else do we need the ingots mechanical Fusion Anvil let’s just throw this in somewhere um where do we put this thing put it here looks fancy and now we

Can combine this with the void core to create the void assault shoulder weapon right click to shoot void howitzers the strongest uh thing hopefully W what um that looks pretty cool now it’s not a replacement for the bow because it doesn’t shoot the little missile

But wow that looks cool as heck what do we test it out on uh let’s go get Ellen back first that looks really really cool how strong it is I’m not sure we’ll test it out on an Elm though um hey Ellen where are you oh

There you are um let’s get home and then we can test out my new thing let’s do it let’s go man um I didn’t realize the portals had a had a time limit on around they do started disintegrating yeah no problem I’m I’m always coming back for you don’t worry oh god um

Um all right cool oh um I’m back I made it okay let’s go upstairs and uh we’ll test out our new thingy I got yes a rocket launcher right are you doing a rocket launcher thing let’s go upstairs make sure you sleep in a bed in town

Somewhere I suppose oh yeah let me um reset that all right our bow is decent for a ranged weapon uh the void assault thing looks insane try the warden do you get anything for killing the warden all right let’s test it out come with me on top of Ryan’s

House I’m ready check this out ellm look at this thing holy crap look at that Jesus looks insane doesn’t it oh I destroyed all the quick help me put these painting back man um that thing is huge yeah um we got to be careful with that wait should we

Show we got to showet that boss was tough though wait ellm ellm come here we got to test it me yeah yeah let’s see you you set your spawn here right yeah yeah hit me hit me hit me all right I’m charging it up me brother take me holy wait it’s

Strong were you at full health he was at full health oh my God how much damage did that do how much Jesus Christ wait this is actually strong with the upgrade the the first missile kind of sucked but but this one wait a minute that’s pretty good now

It’s not good for shooting straight but it is really good in terms of just pure we got to show meang where’s M go to to meang guys yeah well she’s kind of far away so I’ll just go there I guess okay okay we Janet Janet’s got to know man surely yeah

Where’s Janet where’s Janet she’s right over here she’s right over here um maybe she’ll let us test it on her hey Janet Janet Janet oh I think she’s AFK oh also I’m lagging like crazy here I got I’m going to I’m going to use my

Flugal okay man I’ll see you in a bit goodbye brother goodbye okay can you and enchant it we’ll try lag it’s cuz we’re near Janet’s house is there an alternate fire I don’t think so I think it’s got the one shot let’s go to mang oh wait where is mang wait

She’s where’ she go wait where the heck is me um she’s back here oh come on I just came here here okay um that’s fine that’s fine huh terrible timing I’ll say terrible timing but these things do happen she’s baiting the honkai she’s building the honai star rail honestly

That game’s pretty good I’m going to say the new character is absolutely busted though um absolutely broken I I got the new character in that game and like it’s so op I never die anymore like I haven’t progressed enough in the story to upgrade her past level 40 yet but she’s

So broken she never dies like it’s it’s crazy how oh mang mang H uh do you have your armor on I want to test my new thing uh my armor is weak though oh that’s fine let’s just test it once ready okay all right I’ll shoot it over

There first so you can see I just killed the craziest boss ever for it it was nuts watch this all right you ready to tank it oh that looks sick yeah doesn’t it all right we’ll stop moving so we can test it out oh did that do damage no no

Damage oh it’s my armor okay let me test this let me test this bow then okay empowered empowered did that do anything no oh man these rang weapons suck but this thing looks cool doesn’t it oh it looks sick though wow that’s two three four Hearts four and a half hearts wait

Four and a half hearts yeah wait that’s a lot of damage then yeah you tested on Ryan and you let me know why wasn’t it doing damage before then it’s my I don’t know well if you want to get one you get from the uh Harbinger boss it’s pretty

Cool if you find a Harbinger I’ll help you fight it though it’s extremely strong I actually almost died even with my mech suit that’s crazy isn’t that crazy I was freaking I I thought I was Immortal until it started killing me and then I ran for my life Ellen was trying

To build a bed it was how’s this star rail going how’s the what rail going aren’t you building the honai star rail um oh yeah yeah that’s oh okay um it might have been a direct hit 4.5 damage is a lot through armor um because I’m assuming her armor is

Enchanted so that is quite quite strong um I will say since this I think we keep both weapons cuz this is kind of a lob won’t be very good against moving targets holy Jesus oh maybe it’s the charge so if I don’t charge it very much maybe I have to charge it more

What the like if you charge it all the way it’s probably stronger I bet man is it cool though what other bosses are there more boss crazy boss things oh hey Ellum sorry I was just testing out my old uh cannon that was you yeah I thought I thought it was the

Dragon can Christ Jesus it looks so cool that’s sick wait do you got to show Sho as well man he’ll love that I think he’s where is he maybe he’ll let me test it on him um wait where are you uh psych you didn’t happen to have any any tin or

Bronze on you by any chance oh I’m pretty short on that actually actually wait I might have some tin let me uh check if you do that’ be amazing um out lagging near town classic hey we got a cool weapon that’s pretty cool it doesn’t destroy terrain which is really

Nice most weapons don’t um got some tin process that up and we’ll be able to give him some tin um oh right I bet you our thing is ready to go again which means we should have full energy again soon hopefully anyway um okay come on lazy

Please be charged it took forever there we go is it on I feel like it should make some crazy noise and it just doesn’t oh well it’s all working all the inputs are the same everything should be working the fuel’s good it’s about to hit

Nighttime so we will come check on it uh once we hit nighttime can you enchant the void thing uh let’s go check actually all right this thing’s juicing right back up on power the power’s back on everybody let’s go home to check on everything make sure it’s all working

And we’ll come back here at night time to ensure that the fuel is turning on because that’s what was going wrong last time the fuel was not configurated correctly um which meant it would just run out as soon as it turned nighttime uh cuz it only had the stuff in the

Tubes which was not a lot oh wow this is full that’s rare okay DED kelp you know I usually throw that junk away but um oh you know what we can do oh wait if only if only we could transfer directly from the backpack into the is there a way to do that

Guys like can I transfer directly into a backpack from a box I don’t think I can is there a way does anyone know um cuz then we could Max craft it in the backpack a logical transporter yeah that sounds like a hassle oh I know what to

Do this is kind of a scuffed way to do it but it it should work um so this is like a really scuffed way to do it but it will work I believe leave um okay let me just open the backpack I mean it’s going to work see

I’m somewhat of a Minecraft genius somewhat of a Minecraft expert you could even say there we go and this just makes it slightly faster is it a huge deal not exactly but it is going to be slightly faster um okay there we go and that should be all

Of them oops uh let’s take that out now much faster than doing it the slow way okay got all that um backpack upgrade well yeah we could do something like that but um that’s just the scuffed Minecraft way of doing it we’re missing a warp scroll here oh that’s cuz we left

Him on purpose let’s go check on those batteries um it’s charging up really quick input is two point wait a minute that’s really H 2.5 million wait it’s producing more than ever well this is great this is great all right um we’re back at full power I

Think so so guys what happens if there’s no output cuz it’ll fill up right as soon as meang stops charging that Infinity item this thing’s going to overcharge pretty dang quick um we need that hammer don’t we um we got to get the hammer for meang okay Wind Farm kelp

Farm we got the bow we got our Howitzer pretty decent ranged options actually pretty decent ranged options um you need to borrow her Infinity yeah I need something to burn the juice on um the drill works too uh the thing is though I believe is it

Safe to just leave it in here oh wait it’s night time we got to go check on the kelp uh the wind farm okay it’s night time right so let’s go see if it’s running out of fuel yeah most definitely is nighttime now we will

Be able to check if it’s just going to run out of fuel here it’s still running oh it’s still processing through so there’s technically two Banks actually one is just the production it’s still got tridium in here so it’s got to drain the tridium out of the solar

Neutron activator before it drains out of this uh tank let’s just make sure it’s calibrated and it is um so once this runs out we’ll be able to see how quickly it runs out overnight now on our server nighttime is actually nerfed it’s 15 minutes daytime 5 minutes

Nighttime so we only need it to last 5 minutes um before it charges up the next day lithium is great condensator great uh so after one or two day night cycles we’ll be able to tell if it’s draining there’s two things we actually have to worry about here one is um whether this

Storage is enough and two is whether there’s enough time for it to charge up by the next daytime so that’s what we’ve got to check uh we’ll come right back um to check on the output and if the output is good all we need is the infinity item so

We can leave it in there to charge problem is is if we leave it in here in this exact thing uh what’ll end up happening is very simple it’s going to um drain all of it right so that’s kind of a problem because no other

Systems will work but I’ve got a fix for that it’s kind of a scuffed fix but it will work um where’s the infinity charger gun oh did did I leave it in here no I have an Infinity charger where’d it go huh um do you guys know where it went

Meon gave me one a long long time ago but seems to be gone tin for Lum it still needs to be processed it’s got a few steps left um does anyone know where the infinity charger went oh here it is okay okay so here’s the backup plan quite the simple backup plan

Actually this will act as a bank also and this bank is crazy which means if everything works this will absorb tons of energy so I’m hoping this just works so right now the input is here the output is there but what we can do is attach this here and it should still be

Charging this but at a slower rate because the way the cables will work it’ll just evenly split it so you can see the input’s cut in half now this is going to be a waste of energy but not that much so it was 1.3 before now it’s

2.6 so the way it works is everything touching the cables gets an even split of energy so this will get half the input and this will get the rest and if that thing fills up then this will get all of it and and this holds a whole lot of

Energy so this is a good backup so it doesn’t overflow the thing is whenever you break this you lose all the energy in it which kind of sucks but that’s okay this will provide plenty plenty of backup now we go and check on the Wind Farm looks like it’s almost daytime like

I said we have a shortened day night cycle um yeah it’s almost daytime we’ll see how low we are on fuel it’s barely scratched the surface barely which means I think we have plenty of fuel for day and night time see that moon is slowly going down night

Time is almost over and it’s barely barely touched the surface of this fuel so we definitely have enough stockpile to last us through the night which means we can leave this thing Juiced up at 10 and it should run just forever okay not bad not bad now we

Could even turn this up but I don’t see any particular reason to juice this up over 2 million um 2 million is pretty dang good we could up the injection rate to calibrate but we’d have to retest everything again um I will say I don’t

Think the rate that this ran out was so low I’m not actually too worried um how do we get that Infinity Hammer back from M cuz I’d like to put it in the charger um place it away with wire in between so you break the wire instead of

The charger that way you keep the charge for the that’s actually a pretty good idea I believe this actually has a way to turn off though right um doesn’t this have a way to turn off or Redstone mode ignored doesn’t that have like can’t you like uh pull a lever or

Something it turns it off um what does charging mean I’m to be totally honest we never want it to stop charging anyway because we want it as the backup for this uh we have too much energy right now and the fusion reactor stops running as soon as

It it’s uh we don’t we don’t need this option yet we we’ll try and figure it out later if it comes down to it but I I do think um we’ll never not want to be charging this because this has more than enough energy to charge everything we need

Especially with the output here 2 2.5 million why is it 2.5 million if the flux generator is generating oh is this hm H what does this mean I mean this is charging for sure very fast too um this is charging at 1.3 so it’s getting about half right yeah this is

2.6 so half is going into this the other half is going into this so there’s definitely no weird Loop but where’s the extra 600,000 coming from huh not 100% sure actually um is the fion on not anymore um H the wind farm doesn’t generate 600,000 the wind farm generates like 20,000

Which is a lot just not nearly as much as that don’t know what’s causing that though not complaining more energy is great just confused by where where it’s coming from um how much does this have left oh it’s doing great maybe from Blau and Ellum right um let’s see did you connect to

Someone else’s power no that wouldn’t be it because the fact is no one else can generate 600,000 energy I don’t think there’s anybody with that level of Technology other than us so um if someone else is generating 600k energy that would be psychotic I think everyone would know about

That um Yep this is good we can turn this even higher but what is producing is it just this no this is producing 2 million so then hm this is weird I mean this shows very clearly that it’s at 2 million so there’s an extra 600,000 coming out of

Where well no clue either way it’s what it is um the flux point from the laser is feeding the plug of the Wind Farm it can’t be the wind farm it doesn’t generate that much energy so 600,000 is a lot of energy too to miss um well doesn’t matter to me free energy

Free energy got everything going we need to try and convince uh get get that Infinity Hammer back it could be do you think the turbine still spinning or no it’s constant yeah it’s not going down so then what would it be huh well no clue I won’t complain for free energy

Though um this is getting 1.3 input this is getting 1.3 input I think does it tell you how much this is getting well definitely half of it’s gone um well no clue what’s happening I ain’t complaining I’m pretty happy with this so uh lithium’s good everything’s good fuel is

Being made all good you’re outputting 600k back into itself what does that mean the batter’s outputting 600k well no guys what this number means is there’s 600k or there’s 2,600,000 coming out of this right so this only outputs from the Wi-Fi so that means something’s coming

In from the Wi-Fi that’s giving us this much energy but I don’t know what there’s only two plugs the wind farm and the other farm so maybe the wind farm is better now I mean that would make sense but I checked the network it says there’s only two plugs

So um oh wrong portal um I’m very confused so you can actually check the network here right oh wait well we’ll just check it here but here’s the wind farm right huh oh oh my God I know why now it’s because so the wind farm didn’t get buffed the wind Farm’s generating what

It always generates it’s because it’s linked in with all this junk now and since it’s linked in with all this junk so long story short this reactor is actually producing 2.6 million it’s just that 2 million’s going into here and 600k is going into here which means the wind farm looks

Omega Juiced now but in actuality it’s just getting a bonus 600k from the uh from the fusion reactor so it’s not coming from the wind farm it’s coming from this well that’s insane um it’s getting 600k cuz this is Chained into it now well that’s crazy upgrade cable there there’s no way

You’re saying upgrade cable at this point anyway looks like it’s all working we could even crank it up a little bit maybe we should but first things we could definitely crank it up to a 12 and have no problems uh let’s check on the duum or whatever I

Don’t know how to pronounce it looks good this looks good how much are we getting now wow this is insane so we don’t have to worry about energy not ever in fact I kind of want want to leave a um Infinity item Plugged In Forever at this point let’s go check on

Mang wait did she log off no she didn’t but I don’t know where she is is she in town oh she’s back at her house got to get that Infinity Hammer somehow um all right we’ve got a lot of energy and we can definitely turn this

Up to 12 if I’m honest I believe we can turn it even higher than 12 change your limit value to what um I guess we could change this thing we don’t have to yeah you can see this is where the energy is going um but it’s

It’s like a bit of a loop but it’s no problem it’s not like a huge problem um we could turn this down if we want to charge the battery more I guess well I guess it’s going straight back to where it belongs so it’s not it’s no

Problem at all it’s it’s fine we could turn this down and it’ll be more direct but realistically the loop isn’t a real problem it’s it’s not like it’s real life we’re putting wear on the cables or something um okay what is he doing now I’m juicing up

The energy and I’m going to go bargain with me young to get my um Gravity Hammer back because if we don’t have it we don’t have anything to put all that charge into so let’s go catch up to mang and see if we can talk her into it imagine if

Cables had durability if they did that’d be a disaster oh mang mang wow a train station wait this is so cool it’s a cuteall wow and the the pink right here you should sell tickets tickets yeah it’s going to be awesome yeah I’m replacing all the

Um dark is that okay do you need any energy for this train station um maybe cuz we have infinite now the sign right here needs it just the sign how does the Train move the display board I I don’t know how to do it wait what how does the Train

Move it doesn’t the train is electricity my place um no wait when when’s the train going to be ready today actually maybe today oh my god when what time in 5 minutes 10 minutes uh well uh maybe in like an hour I just got to okay I’ll

Probably try it next time hey hey could I get the um hate to bother you you know that gravity hammer you have up on the market stand oh are you trying to buy it well I can’t I don’t have that sword but like maybe is there something else you’d want nether

Stars I don’t have any of those but I can give you you this The Gauntlet of guard listen me young you ever want to get a hug from someone no wow really you’re not human anyway I sometimes do and with this look at that free hugs anytime you want the

Fish the fish are dying do something oh God do something get the bucket get the get the bucket all the fish the fish the fish you’re killing you’re oh my God this this is it’s a disaster it’s a disaster the fish no oh God oh my God look at what you’ve

Done look at what you’ve done if you don’t want me to do that again you got to give me the I I didn’t I didn’t think of it until I just did that um yeah if you want me to do that again again I I could

Be sold by a gravity hammer but okay well what if you give me um um what if you give me the bow the bow yeah my special flux bow yeah oh I mean well it’s useless without the quiver without the what now the quiver this thing doesn’t use regular arrows

You need the flux quiver okay well I’ll just take the bow but the Bow’s really good look here let me shoot you with it look at that I’ll take and there’s another Advantage this bow doesn’t have falloff as in it always shoots straight no matter what see oh isn’t that crazy that

Is good and normally you’d run out of energy but this thing charges on the RF system but my bow it’s kind of special uh I mean it’s fully Enchanted to I’ll take the bow the bow for the gravity hammer I’ll do it what about the quiver that’s it’s okay it doesn’t even

Work without the quiver oh yeah that’s okay oh okay well I’ll just give it to you anyway um cuz I I don’t know I don’t need both of them I it’s there it’s a set like I mean one’s useless without the other what am I keeping them both

For um well at least I still have my Howitzer what yeah oh yeah no that’s actually pretty strong oh is it can you buff it up the bow is actually really good especially against oh no so uh the bow will actually on-shot anyone who’s not enchanted with protection so uh it ignores regular

Armor is it regular armor wait that thing can knock me back M you got to fight the thing I fought for this Howitzer the the thing where is it located um so we can’t respa it we have to wait what was that uh I’ll take my Gravity

Hammer than actually I’d like my bow back we haven’t completed the trade wait the flux bow ignores armor wait it’s what I’d like my bow back St moving I’d like my bow back I don’t want this trade anymore too late I I’d like my bow back please you haven’t

Given me the hammer I think the trade hasn’t gone through I yeah you’re welcome I can’t believe I gave her an armor ignoring bow that did half of you know if I didn’t have the ring of Odin do you know how much damage that did to me how much it did like half

Of my 20 Hearts so if I didn’t have ring of Odin you could almost just one tap people wait this is awesome yeah you’re going to be able to easily snipe and the crazy thing is since it doesn’t have drop off here try and shoot me on this

Tree it should shoot directly straight ow oh my God yeah so can pretty much just insta snipe noobs that’s crazy okay well let’s stop with that now um anyway enjoy the bow target practice oh stop moving oh wait wait you got someone oh hey guys what’s

Oh oh my God hold on let me check the kill leader board uh lead board thank you Ella thank you player kills oh God I needed that today I really needed that um oh wait my di there it is is it uncore do you have any

Bread I’ve got plenty of oh no I don’t but I do have 6 carrots huh I realized I just gave you the best Noob killing item cuz if they don’t have Juiced armor they’ll die in one shot no matter what wait she’s not looking kill her yes

Quick you’re too close she can’t can’t aim she can’t aim quick use your speed to the advantage I’m her elmu use agility use agility I’m going to kill use your speed to your advant how close was I to killing you though Ellum I’m holding her back kill

Her kill her I’m holding her I’m holding her oh Jesus I’m holding her quick quick kill her quick kill her kill her I’m holding her back man I’m holding her her I’m holding her back her in are you killing her man what close kill her man I’m holding her back I’m

Holding her back I’m holding her back man finish it finish the job her come on the job surely ow I got knocked back by the bow I’m holding her ellm finish the job finish the job I’m trying oh I never attacked you let it be known I never attacked you crazy

That’s anyway he didn’t die from that no he did die he did die and he just responded I no he died and respond you one shot him I I I think that is the best Noob killing weapon in the game cuz it has no drop off and you could snipe noobs from

Miles away I mean if Ellum is standing up there on the bean stock you could just snipe him from 10 years away I’m no no no no oh my God a better run she’s going to snipe you stronger run she’s taking your Spot pwn only has room enough for one Ellen Jesus oh god well hey uh good trade I hope you like that bow I may have given her a little too much power arm see later hey thanks for the gravity hammer Okay so apparently that bow is insane and it ignores armor and she

Literally One-Shots anyone who doesn’t have fully Enchanted armor and even if they did it’d be a two shot um on the bright side we have a way for our energy to go in now so um let’s go and throw that in and with this uh the energy will be drained out of this

Thing into our Infinity Hammer um to get to Omega tier um and then this will continue slowly slowly charging um so it’s perfect uh is it hard to make well not that hard to make um that laser refraction upgrade now I don’t know if the arrows count as a lasers uh it would

Be good against that boss though would be very very good against that boss but it’s already better than the Mecha tool yeah laser upgrade would be good against that boss I don’t know if the bow is a back to here I don’t know if the bow

Counts as that as a laser made the weapon which I’ve spent two hours trying to make two hours you good two hours guys we may have given mang a little too much power that bow is shockingly powerful no wonder she want she must have lied about the damage gas wait guys

Remember when we were testing the bow on her and she said it did nothing but it probably did a lot of damage and now she wants the bow makes so much sense now makes so much S I tell you what’s up Ellum um how do you get

Gas like oh that’s the whole process um oh I mean you wouldn’t have to have a little bit of gas Ling Ling around like uh you mean like the um the fuel gas flamethrower yeah like a for a flamethrower um where the dog go oh there it is all right

Um wait cat why are you here um I don’t think I do have any of that oh um if I find any I’ll let you know I thought you meant for like a gas burning generator oh no I’ve made a flamethrower but it’s it’s got nothing in I I I well

I didn’t plan this much ahead I I kind of just made the flameer if you get the flamethrower working I’ll let you test it on me yes yes yes okay looks like it’s a laser maybe uh we could make the refraction upgrade it’s just uh laser dissipation unit I feel like

More likely though I mean it uses a laser amplifier right I think more likely it’s for the laser that starts up the fusion reactor um I don’t know I do think we should make another one of those bows at some point but those were all our best

Enchants so we don’t have much left it’s going to be a bit of a challenge to uh make it plus one power we never used that and plus one punch we never Ed that either yes we didn’t equip our bow with the best stuff nice okay okay now we can keep this stuff

Well no one’s going to steal it but now we can literally make the same bow but better eventually steal power five power five is not hard to get it just costs levels and let me tell you what we got tons of levels watch this and Bam 26 levels just like

That levels are uh pretty much nothing at this point you know guys the reason we’re so strong is cu everything I build is always for long-term gains the kelp Farms always been useful the energy always been useful everything we’ve made is constantly powering up Non-Stop and that’s why I make it I like

Those long-term gains um really working out for us oh hey the tin’s almost ready for Ellum um got that like the Tetra weapon yeah until it bugged out but we don’t need it anymore the Tetra weapon was just there until we had more energy and with this thing

Here it’s already up to 50 million oh not million billion 54 billion energy and it’s still going up so once this thing fills up with energy which it probably won’t as long as me’s draining it uh all the energy should come from here 3 million Jesus should go from here straight into here

So the infinity Hammer as strong as it is right now if we can hit that nine bajillion whatever the heck that is which is obviously very very high um it’ll be insanely powerful so here’s what we’re going to do let’s try and fine-tune the speed of everything lithium is obviously producing at an

Amazing rate no problems there what we’ve got to do is juice up the other thing um let’s just get this and this thing wait let’s see if this is full um is there no Time in a Bottle item what is Time in a Bottle okay so the lithium’s overpacked we’re totally good

On that it’s night time so the biggest hurdle as far as how High we turn it up is going to be um basically impossible to get that much energy that’s what you’d say until you saw our Fusion reactor because you see guys we aren’t even running this thing at full Juice

Yet the duum isn’t even Max upgraded so we can turn this even higher 16 and by turning this up to 16 see how this looks duum is still doing amazing producing this is draining but that’s because it’s night time we’ll just see if it can last the night at

16 that’s going to Juice It Up quite a bit it’s bringing us up to 2 and a half million even higher after that all right buddy your days are numbered come here I think it’s okay man I missed my bow already I didn’t think it was that good turns out it

Ignores you’re joking me turns out it ignores armor which is pretty good um how does this nuclear fusion relate to antimatter it doesn’t um it just provides its energy for another machine we need that will help us with anti matter okay let’s check on the fuel rate looks good this is looking

Good um we just have have to hope it has enough tridium to last overnight if it does it’ll be great and don’t forget it’s only charging at half speed right now um it’ll charge much much faster later um okay Solid 3 million here and checking the wind farm probably still at

600k but let’s take a look yeah Wind Farm stuck at 600 so if that’s at 3 million and that’s at 600 and this will be good um is the tank draining it is not draining yet so it has to go through this first I think um and this just finished draining

The tubes have to drain the tubes are almost out and then this tank has a drain which has 200 whatever tons of thousands in it howt sir Only Hits ground units it’s completely useless as a range weapon are you kidding me this thing’s a traser then I’m going to give it away as

A gift to someone all right guys next new player that joins that shows dedication we’ll give it to them cuz I gave my Gravity Hammer to seed wait wait maybe this is from Connor anyway um we got to find someone who has dedication though cuz I

Don’t want to just give it to someone and they never use it this is still a really cool really really good item um yeah we’ll make another bow and it’ll be better it’s just a hassle we need more stuff give it to Ellum guys

Guys if we give it to ellm there’s a 99% shot he’s going to charge at meong with it thinking he’s overpowered die and then lose it within about five minutes so uh we give ellm a lot of stuff all right but um I’d like to give it to

Someone who will get a huge benefit from it and that would be a player who just started who doesn’t have much what we will give Ellum though is the tin because here’s the thing guys you teach a man to fish and oh sorry you give a man a fish and

He’ll be hungry or he’ll not he’ll eat for a day not whatever honestly that’s not even a whole day man that’s like one meal but the point is you give a man a fish and something something whatever um we’re out of fuel this thing has nothing left wait this is running

Off heat generators where did all the kelp go oh man um well we can power this up pretty easily let’s just charge that up um long story short you teach a person to fish blah blah something or another but if you give them a fish or other way around you

Know what I’m saying give it a pokey well we’ll see how dedicated she is I feel like um you know nothing wrong with it but wow that charged instantly of course it did we’re putting in almost 4 million energy all right let’s let it run through the night and hopefully we

Don’t have to reset it this should be enough to run for ages um let’s see when it’s daytime we’ll go back and check could you run a cable from lower to Upper we could but honestly we shouldn’t have to still night time wow look at why does that

Look like that it’s so cool looking whatever that is I’d like to put it above my Nuclear Farm anyway um let’s see here we go why is your Stream So lag bro um because uh it’s just only in town and it’s not the stream it’s literally just the

Game how’s this looking lots of fuel it’s about what is that it’s got about 250k so that is 10% empty oh it’s it’s almost daytime I think it looks like it’s daytime wait wait guys you know what that means right right it only used up about 10% of the

Storage so in terms of this it only used up it’s already filling up again oh wait no it’s not it’s still going down but it used a bit over 10% of the storage um problem will probably probably be the your whatever em what’s this not enough room in output

That’s fine okay so this will probably be the problem and we can spam this with more speed upgrades um let’s go make the speed upgrades for this cuz I really want to see we want to charge those uh things as high as we can we’ll see how juic they

Are later remove the wind generator it’s now useless why why would we remove it what what this guy’s delusional um guy’s name is Chrome and let me that’s why you’re not the main character of Dr stonan I’m sorry I’m kidding I’m kidding the point is there’s no reason to remove the wind energy

Um there’s no point deleting it okay Omega La isn’t I haven’t seen Dr Stone in so long but isn’t the um that one dude who like thought he was a genius and he threw like some chemicals on the fire to make it turn like purple and he thought he was a genius that’s

That’s this guy telling me to destroy the the the energy this this is why Stone’s not not that dude um okay um anyway what was I doing I totally forgot I spent all my brain energy on that anime themed roast um oh right the speed upgrades um I think we

Might actually already have everything for it um we need five five of these oh we need crushed osmium okay um this is 10 get that to element at some point but for now let’s get that crushed oh four um might need a little more than that wait we only need five right is

There any more that we can make I don’t know whatever it’s fine let’s make the five for now we can just teleport back you’re going to want the energy upgrades too um why why why would we want the energy what what do we need the energy upgrad for does it make it work

Better is psych looking a bit pale yeah I have a terrible sleep schedule never go outside and only play Minecraft I even live in a dungeon in Minecraft so if you thought I was getting sunlight even in game I’m not I don’t get sunlight outside the game I don’t get

Sunlight inside a game I just hate the sun I’m not a vampire though point is um we got to make these speed upgrades okay um here it is oh we should just put it in our little special box here five speed upgrades all ready to go back to the wind farm everyone

Quick um surely not a vampire surely not a vampire yeah all right so with this we should max out the Dum um which is great on that now I believe we can also upgrade the uh the power but 200 56x that is okay yeah I don’t I don’t think we need that much

Um maybe 64x seems pretty crazy um yeah 64x seems crazy enough this you can’t upgrade this you can oh we’ll upgrade this to 64x also not enough energy maybe we do need the energy upgrade all right how do you make the energy upgrade um let’s see it’s just Gold Dust uh easy

Let’s start with one um we’ll start with one it looks like the dorium creator has no problems so that’s all good um let’s just start with one energy upgrade because at the end of the day I don’t actually care about the efficiency um I just care about actually having it run so let’s

Um energy upgrade perfect now we’ll just go right back and see if it’s enough and hopefully it is okay um energy upgrade please be enough still not enough energy huh looks like we’ll need another I do want to make the absolute minimum that we need so I don’t want to

Like spam them out and then end up not needing it so let’s just make the bare minimum that we need it’s not very hard to do check the tank uh we already went through one full night with the tank and it was plenty so not worried at all about the tank

Anymore energy upgrade good to go back to the wind farm perfect and then over here hopefully the two energy upgrades are enough um we’ll see oh I believe it’s in the bag okay oops it’s over here okay hopefully the two energy upgrades are enough still not enough you got to be joking

Me tank is full power uh we can definitely ramp this up a little bit more now this is at 64 times we could upgrade it more but I I think we’re good on that this is also at 64 times I doubt we’ll need more than that now we could turn this up to

20 turn it up to 20 see what happens uh we do want this to cook a little bit more can you enchant the flux bow of flame yeah but at that rate it’s not doing wait is this on output I think I clicked it oh it doesn’t do anything

You have to touch the wheel exactly Trum is full all right so it’s all going to come down to that tridium buffer at this point this probably needs wait does this still need more energy it didn’t seem to have a problem that time hey guys what uh what happened there how come it

Doesn’t say not enough energy anymore one more I I think it’s because it’s not producing so it’s not running anymore let’s put in one more energy upgrade I think that should be good I think it was just it it’s uh it’s out of input so it’s not running anymore but I

Think one more energy should do it maybe this is such a confusing mod pack it is it definitely is all right third energy upgrade coming right out and I’m just hoping that’s enough um so the thing is we won’t be able to check it until it actually starts

Running um we will have three upgrades which is pretty dang good we just got to get this lithium how do we turn this higher we got to turn it higher 24 this could be bad this could be bad um I believe it’s daytime right is this moving at

All tridium is just full so it’s not producing but there has to be some kind of flow right I think three is good I I think three is Good Guys 24 is working no problems here holy Jesus how high how high do we go guys does anybody know does anybody know what

We Max this out at I’m about to go one more I’m about to can you put a tank on one side um well I don’t think we need one on this side cuz this just produces naturally um this is cooking and it doesn’t say it’s having energy problems I think

Three was enough uh trium is great this thing still charging very very slowly might I add 500,000 that way it doesn’t waste uh I don’t know man let’s just do uh 36 we’re ramping it up even higher is this a bad idea maybe let’s see how it’s

Going um dyum is this is this side’s stable so as long as this doesn’t run out we’re good then this side all comes down to to our chemical tank if it has enough storage to last the night trium is great this is working great the third energy upgrade did it

Um each side of tridium we could put another little tank here if we wanted to honestly we probably should huh cuz the the tanks are quite easy to make how much energy is this producing 5.6 million um well maybe we should make another tank let’s go make another tank as a buffer

Um I do think hold on let me check so the thing is these tanks it’s expensive Advanced is pretty cheap I I think we just make that actually we might be able to just make one here um basic chemical tank Easy Advanced chemical tank also easy have the

Supplies for it since we’ve been stockpiling so much and since we just pop this right here honestly we could just should we stack them on top or right to left what do you think guys cuz we could put it up here or we could put it here

Um what do you guys think stack them or left and right or we could put it actually we could cringe it right in here too could cringe it right in there I think cringing it right in there might look the best cuz if you stack it it’ll be

Floating if if you put it cringed in here oh but well so the reason I don’t like to put it like left and right is because of this if it goes in from the the bottom input it it’s kind of it’s kind of ugly looking you know what I

Mean so I I it has to either go from top or something um top looks a lot cooler but left and right is easy I just don’t want to take away from the neutrino activator I think we cringe it cringe champ it in here let’s just cringe champ it in

Here I’m going to cringe champ it in there so this is going to stop instantly full oh no it’s cuz it went in both uh okay so turn them all to purple um and then it’ll share well it should share um is it not sharing it we test it through the night

Um opposite side well the reason I don’t want to put on the opposite side in here is um doesn’t look terrible not terrible um I think this is fine check if it says low power what this thing oh it doesn’t we’ve already tested it it’s all good

The lithium rate is producing great it’s definitely producing tridium here uh yeah it’s producing tridium at a perfect rate I think the lithium production has been solved we’re having oh no never mind we’re having a couple of minor lithium problems aren’t we it is filling a gigantic tank

Again let’s go back and check on the lithium I’d like to turn this up to the maximum um lithium production is lagging behind here is the brine going down oh no we’ve got it even it’s just um okay so what’s our current ratio 3: one and it’s usually pretty

Good so the brine is just about even barely it’s just around 3 to one would be the right so let’s um let’s juice this up a little bit 100 to 300 um um it’s a little over so let’s go like 320 um it’s going down yeah yeah it’s

Going down so we got to juice up this thing let’s take a look water has no problems um this is going down but that is okay it’s just this is this going up not really um so it’s not the pipes this stuff is pumping out as fast as it

Can um let’s go check on the Wind Farm now you got to keep in mind it is filling up a brand new tank so woke up and he’s still going we’ve done a lot trust me done a Monumental amount of stuff could move that I think

We just leave it for now get everything calibrated trium filling up all looking good lithium is gone there’s none left um you switched the Ender tank what you mean I switched the Ender tank what are you talking about I think this guy’s just making stuff up um we got to adjust the lithium

Um oh wait is this not inputting oh oh I did switch it when did I do that wait so then the problem is oh well the problem’s still there so now it’s empty but it’s filling stuff but still empty um okay so I think we still got to turn

This up a little bit let’s go just double check the systems here um trium looking good this is looking great yeah the lithium production is the problem um okay classic not trusting chat how did I not trust chat if I went back and checked the thing they told me about and then fixed

It um anyway lithium production is definitely lagging behind so we got to up this a little bit let’s go with uh 120 on this thing this one we just got to go wacko on it like I don’t know 360 or 420 420 that’s that’s a lucky number isn’t it um okay 420 on

That this is on 120 which is pretty high uh let’s check the rates the brine is still slowly emptying but you got to remember these things take a little bit of energy to catch up um or a little time also lithium’s having big problems we just keep cranking it but it

Ain’t going fast enough did Angels do game night I think they were doing deceive and they already had enough people or something like that how’s this looking the tridium is not full lithium’s just lagging hard we did just put in a tank of 256,000 okay fine turn it up to

50 is this a bad idea hold on no it’s out 50 was way too high empty empty wait a minute uhoh uh is it off wait why is this empty okay let’s let’s turn it down let’s turn it down uh before it turns off the reaction back to 30 30 30 come

On fill back up why is it not filling up is this producing anything what’s wrong here is it just not producing or or what’s the um come on okay let’s set it to two oh wait that’s just over the rate it needs I see um could it be the water pump

Could it be the water pump it’s the water pump it’s out of water it’s being bottlenecked by the water pump H now the way to fix it I suppose is to just make another water pump um let’s do another water pump and connect these things here cuz I think the tridium

Is great yeah the tridium is great um lithium looking great too I think after one night we’ll see let’s let’s uh do another water pump water pump Max Speed upgrade yeah it’s maxed out on everything see eight of eight filter uh we could throw like another water pump here it wouldn’t be too

Intrusive feel like just here pump into there now there is a potential of needing better cable wait a minute is it better cables no it’s not better cables if we needed better cables this would be full so another water pump would really help this out um interesting 10 seemed quite

Safe yeah um let’s turn it up until it looks like it’s keeping up 20 uh-oh is 20 the number it looks actually like 20 is where it’s stuck yeah 20 is where it’s stuck without extra look it’s not moving at all at 20 now this stuff’s still cooking

Right yep 20 seems to be the perfect number unless we get more pumps uh so the lithium is no longer a problem I think um I think it was only filling up just purely because of this so 20 appears to be the magic number here oh

Which means if we get another water pump then we probably can turn it to 40 okay assuming we’re not limited by tridium it appears to be 20 per pump and we can buff we can buff this up like crazy cuz it only has it’ll double

Two more times so it’s 20 per uh let’s turn it really low so it can charge up just to have that buffer um we can also turn it okay we’ll do 22 to see if it goes down yep it’s going down at 22 20 is the magic number

Um okay let’s Let It max out and then um we’ll turn it to 20 and we’ll leave it there oh wow that maxed out really fast um all right and then just 20 is the ma number for now all right injection rate of 20 it’s 20 per per uh fully upgraded pump I

Believe didn’t know it needed so much managing yeah it’s all about optimization at this point we’ve got everything we need it’s just coming down to the optimization now I would like to see one more night to see if this works and if it does um we should be good

Another Max pump so six speed upgrades oh no it’s eight to Max I believe uh um and we can just we can just put the pump right here be so easy to connect um can we how do you make a pump does anyone know pump electrical

Pump oh wow we’ve already um okay we’ve already got it then um well if that’s the case all we do well this is easy to make I all right let’s let’s go make it and we can set it to 40 then a okay uh we need a filter and eight speed

Upgrades so the filter upgrade is crushed tin and oh hey we got tin this is for Ellum sure he won’t mind one and then the speed upgrade is osmium which is 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 perfect um got that we’ll give the the tin to

Ellm right after we got filter we got speed uh we got everything we need okay um where’d Elum go Lum I got 10 if he wants it okay filter upgrade first very very important um does this have energy it doesn’t thank God uh and then speed upgrade we need eight of them I

Believe we have everything we need there we go eight speed upgrades um we need a bucket of water and we should be able to juice this up to 40 we will test it um okay there we go hey Elum you’ve got the got you your tin hopefully it’s uh more than enough I

Got some chores to do I’ll see you soon did he just say holy um okay um he seems quite quite happy about the tin I’m going to be honest seems quite happy about that tin um oh I need more um I need some some Cobblestone okay in here

And then we need um some of that deep slate there it is got to make a little recepticle for the water oh the pipes also I got the pipes um basic mechanical pipe I think that’s all we need and some energy cable right yeah that should be good oops that

Should be good we need water in our bucket almost forgot about that we’re almost ready I just want to I’m just rushing because we got to get this done by night otherwise uh it’s going to be a bit more of a hassle to deal with

Okay um oh this will be easy to do actually because we can just do that that there we go there goes that and we’re all set water that’s a source block right okay Source block of water all good and now we just um what are we doing

Here cable there I guess uh oh I should have brought the configurator that’s ugly oh well there we go that’s good oh no the pump ah poop now we have to go get ah it’s fine we needed the configurator anyway okay gaug separator configurator oh we needed the

Configurator anyway so not so bad gauge dropper uh Wind Farm okay looks like sauno came out of the shower for got to dry their hair I never dry my hair um let’s see over here configurator well sometimes I use a uh air dryer but not all the

Time do you guys always hair dry your hair is that normal maybe it is normal but I feel like I A lot of times don’t okay upgrades filter upgrade in speed upgrades hey stop trying to push me you’re going to kill me okay gauge dropper grab the regular

Water should start filling with heavy water it’s not it’s not this is weird fill with heavy water it’s not filling with heavy water so what is wrong here what’s wrong wrong guys what’s wrong do I have to set it to suction or whatever it’s not filling with

Water um is it powered has energy no fluid oh wait can it not pump through that pipe see if that does it Mhm see um these Phantoms man empty no fluid um something’s wrong and I honestly don’t know what oh that maybe fixed it or no fluid well let’s see what this one says Phantoms please I’m busy so this also says no fluid but I mean is it working

Um well this should be filling up twice as fast now right freaking Phantoms man okay tridium is great lasted plenty uh it’s working how do you how do you know if it’s working so I saw the water in here but it might just be because

Um well honestly easy way to test it out right if we’ve done the math right this should work at 40 okay it’s at 40 um is it working oh it’s working I think it’s working oh it can it can it go above 40 wait a minute what why why would that be a

Thing why would that be a thing this is just it’s two pumps and now it’s doesn’t seem right to me but I’m not complaining I’m just it’s Um at 40 it stays stationary oh that’s true that’s true so if we set it to 42 it should start going down if our calcul ations are correct no then what then what Um then what maybe it’s not additive um my guess is somehow somehow the pumps aren’t additive H that’s quite strange oh no no it has a buffer it is 40 look see the uh the heavy water is going down in this tube uh so give it a second and it’ll

Start draining here no it is it is definitely additive it’s just we forgot about the buffer inside of the tube here so once this runs out it’ll probably um yeah it’ll probably run right out let’s check this is this filling up okay tridium looks great uh I believe our lithium system is yeah

Our lithium’s Juiced right up we got all the lithium we need again uh problem is just going to be this thing now we could upgrade this a little bit more and I think we should just so we never have to worry about it again right two more speed upgrades might need some

Energy upgrades but let’s just let’s just do it um think you can make one one or two more we probably can um I just want to max out the tridium upgrades so we just don’t have to forget about it anymore set it to 40 what what’s happening um I think we make these

Upgrades right two more speed upgrades uh probably need one more energy upgrade we’ll see um why’ you leave it above 40 because we’re coming right back um it’s not it’s not a big deal guys um we’re we’re literally going back right now we’re just getting the upgrades okay it it’s not draining fast

Guys it’s barely even look um like it’s no problem if we leave for two seconds I just want to fully upgrade the tridium so it we don’t have to worry about it anymore um okay two speed upgrades juice this right up it should be maximum speed all right problem is energy now

But that’s okay we brought an energy upgrade so um energy upgrade okay see if that’s enough the problem is holy Jesus it’s it’s draining um energy upgrade okay we might need you know let’s just max out the energy upgrades yeah let’s just do that too it’s it’s

Not that expensive we got stuff how many we got right now four four more four more energy upgrades okay um okay one two three four let’s just max it out don’t even want to think about it anymore just max it out and we’re good how far is the hammer gone uh

I don’t know we’ll check before we go but let’s um get all this installed first um okay got that all good so it does appear as though the heavy pump is going to be the bottleneck but that’s totally fine um I don’t even know if this is

Going to do it but we have Max Speed and energy so this is as good as it gets really uh Max Energy Max Speed it’s all set perfect lithium got absolutely Juiced out again but where is the lithium going so this is producing it at a great speed

Uh the thing is I think the lithium production is good enough for the day because the thing is the uh the tridium will fill up these two things then max out and we’ll be able to easily see it based on the day cycle um over the day

It’s just going to fill up with trium so that’s full of tridium which means this lithium should start overproducing no it’s going down we need more lithium we also could use another we could throw another pump right here guys do we throw another pump here I mean I

Don’t know I’m thinking we just throw another pump here am I right I um let’s get more lithium and one more pump we can pop it up to 60 and um oh we could throw okay what would look really cool two more two more pumps right here two more pumps right here

Back to back with these that would look way cooler than juicing this yeah let’s do that let’s do that two more pumps wrong teleport two more pumps and we’ll cut it there cuz at some point those solo machines will be overloaded uh just just two two more pumps and we’re good

That’s it we’re cutting it at two more pumps um we’re also running out of osmium we need eight for the upgrade um oh we need eight time two which is 16 for the upgrade so we only can really make two more pumps anyway um does anyone remember the filter

Upgrade what was the filter upgrade I think it was 10 right yeah I think it was 10 got to generate some more osmium but I think two filters upgrade um osmium dust 16 of those and two filter upgrades okay and now we just got

To make sure we do it in the right order um pump okay uh two of these we need more buckets three two three one two so here’s what we’re going to do with my ingenious idea we do need two buckets of water but the thing is we’ll

Just craft at at a weird like timing for it if that makes sense um all right this should be everything let’s get back there and we can turn it up to 80 after this I believe and that should be it for today oh the lithium wait no I think the

Lithium will be fine cuz the thing is the uh the lithium will max out and we’ll be all good it would be nice to yeah see so this is filling up with lithium I think or wait is it why is this not filling up with lithium okay you know what we need to

Let’s just go back to K farm we need cables anyway I forgot those cables and we’re turning out the lithium crazy it’s draining guys it is most definitely draining so let’s get pipe um we don’t need cables we just need the pipe uh so we’re all good on that uh we need to

Turn up the lithium again excuse me portal excuse me I need to get down there we go all right guys i’ I’ve gone crazy we’re just going to burn up all the energy I don’t care anymore 999 we’ll just go 999 and set this to 300 there it’s burning up crazy energy

But we’re producing so much energy that this is like it’s nothing right I mean this is nothing at this point now this is going to take a while to heat up but we pretty much just tripled everything so I don’t think we’ll have any problems there anymore um

Let’s get back to that wind farm and put these pumps in cost money to make money guys and with what we got set up I don’t mind over juicing it as long as no harm can be done lithium will pick right up but let’s get those pumps ready okay

Um speed upgrade we need 16 of these got all 16 eight and eight and then filter upgrade uh we need two of those two of those quite easily now for the hard part these pumps will autoc connect so all we got to do first is don’t put the

Water under it I forgot the Deep oh no I didn’t it’s still there um okay didn’t forget the Deep slate I just forgot to put it away which kind of worked out actually so why am I building it so low I don’t know I didn’t have to build it that low oh

Well um all right two more pumps um oh oh we need open our backpack for that one and we’ll set up that pump now this should not be pumping anything there we go pop in that filter upgrade and eight speed upgrades filter eight speed perfect now we’ll do the same for the

Next pump oh got to open our backpack um but since this one’s ready we can pour water in it and just to be extra safe let’s do this so it should be getting heavy water there we go picking up heavy water um this is 8 speed right perfect

Now we just break this got that uh oh no we haven’t set up the filter yet okay that’s good and now we can make another pump oops straight from the backpack and now we save one bucket genius I tell you genius plug that pump in um filter plus speed

Upgrades what is heavy water h honestly I have no clue it’s just what you need got that second bucket of water goes in we got everything we need now we just have to uh H so how would this work cuz there was a problem earlier when so if these like connect to

Each other they they don’t work right um pull pull so as far as I understand um these don’t connect with each other well no they did interesting so we can just do this it looks like it’s working to me I almost want to put it back here though because it’ll be not in

Line let’s move it okay got all that let’s put it back here because then it won’t be like lined up which I think looks a little cooler yeah yeah um that looks fancy I like that now for the real test uh this is full of heavy

Water and then it should go up to I guess 80 if we’ve done it correctly it should go up to just I guess just 80 wait the trium is draining like crazy we need more lithium how do we get more lithium uh let’s turn it down to 40 and

And um wait how’s this let’s check on this just to make sure Yep this is doing great um 82 should make it go down let’s check the tube oh it’s almost keeping up actually nope it’s going down slowly so yeah it is 20 per pump nice to know the ratio

Let’s set this back to 40 the lithium is draining like crazy so we’ve got to somehow get a little more lithium out got to increase your tank capacity is that the problem it it just needs to be bigger um cuz like this stuff should be turning right through right

181 um what if I turn this higher because the thing is the capacity is fine right we just need to make more brine 2,000 2,000 Turn It Up Turn It Up Turn It Up Guys 2,000 let’s take a look is this going faster I don’t know um so we want to

Turn this up to the point where this starts filling up with Bri cuz right now this is at like what like 300 um wait was it night time it’s CA to 180 why is it ca to 180 so the problem right now is the brine production so the

Thing is um it’s already at Max heat it won’t produce the temperature is still going up oh wait I see the production’s 180 so it’ll never go higher than that so how do we make it bigger than that more thermal evaporation blocks um let’s let’s see if we just can just

Make it taller and see if that fixes it um thermal evaporation blocks so luckily this is easy to do it’s eight thermal evaporation blocks let’s just do one for believe they call it the proof of concept um where did that go what uh oh my God it’s off we’re cooked we’re

Cooked we need more I miscounted not going to lie miscounted it’s actually uh more than that please go please go please go okay let’s see if that’s any faster oh so the production’s way up taller taller I tell you um two three that’s good taller even

Taller this is just I’m just griefing my own house this looks so silly now like what what is that that is ugly I don’t like that so it looks like the production of lithium is fine the brine is definitely the problem oh so we don’t have to turn this to 2,000 then maybe

999 was fine um just looks like I’m griefing oh my goodness the brine so then the problem is here or is it the pump no this is full of nothing wait what’s happening then wait so what is This Too Tall now I think this is Too Tall now

Wait so where where’s the brine where’s the brine going the production so the problem is this isn’t filling up with brine so where’s the bottleneck right now the pipes are empty the pipes look empty settings got reset what do you mean so there’s tons of brine here is it this

Uh so this is empty if this wasn’t cooking enough then it’d be it’d be dunzo right uh first let’s check the reactor to make sure it doesn’t turn off but need to reconnect the pipe to the water tank no it’s definitely it’s definitely doing it it’s getting converted straight

To it but the the problem is where’s the bottle now then is it the transfer rate of the pipes yeah this is still empty um is tridium filling up trium is filling up um reattach it and the Dr brine will drain so I think okay let’s let’s turn

This to a snail’s pace to make sure it doesn’t turn off can live without a little bit less energy um disconnect and reconnect no that that can’t be it it’s still pulling stuff here look the fact that the tridium is still being made means it’s definitely still pulling it out um we

Need something I’m just not sure what is it the pipes maybe so this says air Z MB visually it looks full of lithium so is the problem this definitely has tons of brine to throw out and this is not feeling like you think this should be able to fill up

Right it must be the pipes then I believe it must be the pipes it just it has to be um okay so we’ll do this we’ll just ultimate pipe all the way through um this is going to be bad for a second but it’ll be good

Overall I think it’s the it’s the pipes are too weak so when we check it it says says yeah it’s empty it was definitely the pipes I think I think we’ll fix it right up though and see what happens I hope we don’t have to make a set of two though

But okay got that um okay got that blue pipes ultimate pipes ready to go and hopefully this is enough okay configurator there we go now let’s see if that fixed it if not I guess worst case we upgraded the pipes it’s pouring in I can see it and it made borderline no

Difference so we want this to fill up with brine cuz if this fills up with brine that means we have to upgrade this machine um I’ll say it seems as though 300s is too much because it’s still producing maximum anyway this also seems to be wait couldn’t it go higher than that

Was 300 Max for this I think it can go higher than that turn it up to 1,500 um make the brine production taller well the my my question is this if we make this taller right it just produces more but the problem isn’t production um so for

Example this we made taller because the left side’s full with water which means the problem is turning it into lithium and obviously pumping it into here oh wait it’s not overloaded with brine anymore so then the production seems to be maxed out at 300 though so I don’t think

It the production does seem to be capped out at 300 it’s the height so you know what that means guys more one two three we can’t really go much higher than this this thing is almost capped out I think we can go one level higher maybe we can go one level higher maybe

360 it looks like it’s about 60 buckets each time the question is um do we even need this much energy I think 999 looks cool you’re going to need two of them yeah maybe um this is filling up with Brian it’s happening it’s happening guys all right we’ve finally done

It that means that this production is exceeding the production of this thing oh wait no it just means it’s full dang it um n just just means it’s full well um oh it’s cuz we turned that thingy off too low okay this is this is going to be

A good test um the generator’s at two yeah and turn this up to 80 again well this will be a good test for the overnight flow rate see if it runs out at 80 you know I I think we’ve done enough we’ve done K enough guys we’ve done K

Enough this will work can you make the brine evap taller for buffer um I suppose so yeah that actually might help because we have day night cycles which we could definitely use the brine oh wow this brine fills up quick though I don’t know if we have

To honestly I think we add one more layer just for the visual like cuz at this point we got this silly giant brain thing we have this tiny one I I think we just add a little bit more just to just for the visual just just for the visual here

Um we’re out of juice we’re out of steel wait we don’t even have enough to do it um well that’s a problem isn’t it um is there any Steel in here we can make a little bit a little bit just just one little juice um okay how much steel do we need it’s

Like four or something all right we got that going we should be good did I see 200b on the battery maybe all right let’s finish this up and then we will check on one final thing all right that should be good to get us going um um obviously don’t need

These two that goes in clear that out and there’s two last things to check guys one uh finish up the thermal evaporation I don’t see it needing to go much higher than this uh but to be safe it doesn’t hurt to have it extra High um let’s check on the production of the

Brine here yeah this is perfectly fine at 360 it’s it’s only at 999 but by only I mean that’s obviously a very high number uh but the production rate is great this is great too uh it’s filling right up I think we can go 200 on the

999 um maybe 300 250 we’ll go 250 here 250 to 1,000 just make it a nice even number that says one now I don’t like that okay let’s leave it at 999 um I think that should be good temperature is still going down a little bit let’s see when it stabilizes

This looks pretty good still going down a little bit but um we’ll go 300 back to 300 a little bit of extra energy wasted is honestly not a big problem so I’d rather have it a little too high than a little too little brine is filled up this is good

This will start filling up with brine too yeah this is good the tubes are filling up and and it gives us even bigger buffer actually uh not only because we increase the height of this but also because of this here the tubes carry about 10 times more so we have an even

Bigger buffer now we just have to make sure this hits Max production the second it starts producing again and we’re all good uh let’s go back to the wind farm make sure everything’s working perfect at 80 we’ll check the energy production and then we’ll check the hammer and that

Would be the end of it the final check would be this oh it’s not even through one it’s not even through one uh thing we’re good we’re perfectly good on this guys it’s not even through one tube yet and the Knight is almost over so we have nearly

Double the buffer that we need so this is going to be great uh Dum we’ve calculated it this can run at 80 all right guys um it’s running at 80 everything’s good I think the lithium is perfectly fine there’s only one thing to check before we call it a

Day and quite simply we just have to check our energy output how much energy is that we’re about to see so let’s go take a look this is what we’ve spent all day working on guys and I’d like to think it was worth it but we’ll find out right now okay

Lithium don’t even need to check that this is here the Productions are capped out 999 I believe is great this is at 300 which is probably also great uh honestly we’ll turn to 333 so it’s matching um 1: three ratio and then we check two things first

Well three things I guess first we’ll check this battery charging up really quick once this is full the hammer will start charging twice as fast um but this is 16 million oh my God 16 million energy that’s insane guys remember when we made our giant Wind Farm it was

Making 20 300 billion energy in the span of 30 minutes this is insane guys guys this is when we first made our Wind Farm let’s go check on it one one more time cuz of daytime um just to make sure it’s all going well but guys we made this Monumental

Wind Farm biggest Wind Farm you’ll probably ever see and we thought almost nothing would beat it now we’ve come here to the fusion reactor fully charged up the lasers the tridium which is being refilled soon cuz the sun is coming right up uh the Dum um capped out at 80

We can increase it a little bit bit more but I mean this is pretty nuts guys I think it’s stable at 80 this is running at full speed this should start filling up again soon um but guys it’s Jing 16 million per tick now you’ve got to remember one very important thing

Guys um first of all this is charging at half speed cuz it’s sharing its energy with this thing so this thing’s charging at half speed and second of all a tick is not a second I believe there’s 20 ticks per second which means this thing’s charging I don’t know 100

Million or so and that’s halfway uh this thing will get the full energy as soon as this battery pack is full which means quite simply I think we can hit it I mean this is not that close to there but it’s going to be running all

Day we’ve let it run for just a short time uh this is going to be running permanently all the time nonstop no matter what this is really good lithium’s turning right through let’s see if it’s uh going through the buffer here oh it is definitely going through the

Buffer um we just have to hope the buffer is enough let me see um 999 seems good still producing 360 we might want to make this one taller even um yeah we want to make that one taller just to be safe um how much steel we got though okay and all that

Three the infinity weapons are such a good pairing yeah yeah it’s a really good pairing all right guys I think we make this one taller what happens if you turn on the fusion reactor we actually can thanks to infinity weapons it’s like nine quintilian how much is that I don’t know

Let’s make it a little bit taller just because we can one two three all good that goes away we’ll make it one stack taller and that is the absolute Max we can really do in our current situation there we go and that is absolutely ugly but you know what

Um it’s up to 420 so the production’s Great Looks like 999 was really all we need um it’s not nice looking that’s for sure this is for sure outproducing the brine let’s see that buffer oh the buffer is humongous now I think it’ll be good with the day night cycle uh

Probably yeah the Buffer’s humongous we could almost up this a little bit oh wait no we couldn’t this is capped out at 240 uh yeah I think it’s good check your fuel tanks um they should all right so the last check would be quite simple um

We have a big enough buffer where I think it’s fine with the daylight the day night cycle the only thing we have to check is if this is filling up so if the fuel here is going down still we’ve got a big problem but the fuel’s going up which

Means I think we finally got it dialed in guys we could retune it a little more with some more pumps lithium I believe is going to be the bottleneck at this point but it’s all good guys it’s uh settled in at a solid 80 injection rate think it’s all good let’s go home

Guys we’ve done it we’ve got all the energy we’ll ever need and the crazy thing is um it’s only halfway charging right now look so this battery is taking up 50% of the energy um while this Infinity charger is Tak taking the other half which is charging this

Thing charging up pretty slowly to be honest but it’s um doing all we need it to do all right I think we’re good we got enough buffer zone lithium is actually full it’s the production that’s stopping it but uh with these pipes on the back we actually have a huge buffer see it’s

Not going anywhere we got so much it should last through the day night cycle I believe which means our problems are solved guys can the tank fill up to full until night time I think the Tank’s actually already almost full um and it’s constantly going up so we’re good by my

Rough calculations it’s going to take years to fill up the hammer wait really um well we’re not quite done we can still upgrade it more but how much is this okay this is um currently at one two three four of those one two three four oh my God you’re right it’s

Impossible wait how can we make this work yeah we’ll figure that out later maybe more lithium I don’t know we’ll just leave it here we’ll we’ll leave it here and see what happens it’s going to charge it’ll charge guys uh either way we’ll just give it a lot of energy I

Guess at least anyway I think we’ve done enough energy for today it’s done a great job we can enchant the hammer but we’ll figure that out next time guys I think we’ve done um we’ve done KU for today and we did a great job good job everybody except for the people who

Trolled me but for all the people who did help I mean we got a lot of assistance with the Ender tanks and all that so it’s pretty good pretty good guys anyway I am absolutely pooped out so we’re probably going to call it there for today but we made a lot of progress

Guys all the players joined that was pretty fun we got to do some fun stuff with them um and then the Energy System I believe has been perfect tuned now it’s going to be running non-stop with nearly 20 million energy we can upgrade it a little more but I’m pretty happy

With how it is don’t know if we can upgrade that more uh beyond that but we can um do the nuke thing once we get more wither wither things so we’ll be working on that next probably uh and then the SPs is still a long way to go

But anyway we made tons of progress guys I think it’s finally safe to say that um after all the things we’ve done done since we started on this Minecraft server the energy problem is finally solved after today I don’t think there’s a thing we have to change there’s very

Minor upgrades we can make but overall it’s finally done guys we have unlimited energy for everybody on the server forever um but anyway that’s it for today guys um thanks a bunch for being there because I couldn’t have done it without you guys I mean not all you guys

Some people trolled but a lot of people actually helped I mean there were the ENT 10 a lot of other tips that helped so um thanks for being here guys thanks even more for helping uh with our Energy System but anyway that’s it for today guys thanks a bunch for coming to the

Stream really appreciate you all and hope I see you guys next stream also um I think we got a lot of other things to work on hopefully the nuke thing but anyway thanks a bunch for coming guys thanks even more for um helping make all the energy stuff and thanks the most for

Making my stream a fun place to be wouldn’t be the same without all you guys yep that’s it for today thanks for coming guys see you next time um whenever the next stream you can make it to is um yep that’s it for today bye everyone see you next time bye

This video, titled ‘BECOMING THE NUCLEAR WARLORD OF ENERGY IN MINECRAFT’, was uploaded by Sykkuno on 2023-10-07 03:39:16. It has garnered 105734 views and 2902 likes. The duration of the video is 08:28:25 or 30505 seconds.

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    Insane Minecraft Seed Finds Exploring the Rare Minecraft Seeds in the 1.21 Tricky Trials Update Embark on a journey through the rarest Minecraft seeds in the latest 1.21 Tricky Trials update. These seeds promise unique landscapes and structures that will captivate any Minecraft enthusiast. Whether you’re playing on Xbox One, Xbox Series X, Pocket Edition, Windows 10, Nintendo Switch, PS4, or PS5, these seeds are sure to provide an unforgettable gaming experience. Discovering the Top 20 Minecraft Seeds Delve into the list of the top 20 rare Minecraft seeds that have been carefully curated for the 1.21 Tricky Trials update. From sprawling landscapes… Read More

  • Join Minewind Minecraft Server for an Epic Adventure!

    Join Minewind Minecraft Server for an Epic Adventure! Welcome to, where we bring you the latest and greatest in the world of Minecraft! Today, we stumbled upon a fantastic LEGO Minecraft stop motion video titled “Foxes and Zombies” created by Bozbet Productions. The story follows a man building a house for himself and his foxes, only to be interrupted by the sudden appearance of zombies. It’s a thrilling tale brought to life through the magic of LEGO animation. While watching this captivating video, we couldn’t help but think about the endless possibilities and adventures that await you on the Minewind Minecraft Server. Imagine building your own… Read More

  • EPIC FAIL in Minecraft

    EPIC FAIL in Minecraft Welcome to AresMine: A Minecraft Adventure Awaits! Are you ready to dive into the exciting world of Minecraft? Look no further than AresMine, where the fun never stops! With a server IP of and version 1.20.4 (accessible from 1.19.4, 1.20.0/1, and 1.20.3/4), this server is ready to welcome you with open arms. Join the Adventure At AresMine, you’ll find a bustling community of up to 300 players in one mode, ensuring that there’s always someone to team up with or challenge. And mark your calendars for May 11th at 12:00 (MSK) for an exciting wipe event! Exciting Events… Read More

  • Aellyn

    AellynAellyn Minecraft •———•———• Survival, Creative, Minigames. Survival includes grief prevention, story / quests and challenges. Read More

  • Createville Server Modded SMP Greylist 15+ 1.19.2

    Welcome to Createville Server! Are you looking for a friendly server to play with others? Createville is a safe and welcoming community where players come together to build, sell items, chat, and collaborate on projects. Join us for an exciting gaming experience! What to Expect: Shops and custom currency Trains, Cars, Airplanes Create and its addons Organised community area A touch of magic In-game voice chat To join, install the modpack and get whitelisted: Pack: Discord: Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – “Frozen Fire: Ice spice video”

    Looks like this meme is as cold as the ice in Minecraft! Read More

  • Cobblestone Craze: Crafty Generator Guide

    Cobblestone Craze: Crafty Generator Guide In the world of Minecraft, where blocks reign supreme, We craft and mine, in a virtual dream. Cobblestone generators, a key to our quest, With water and lava, we put them to the test. Preparation is key, as we start our creation, With buckets and picks, we build our foundation. Low type, medium type, high type we explore, Each step we take, we strive for more. From survival to adventure, we journey on, Gathering resources, until the break of dawn. Building challenges, we face with delight, In the world of Minecraft, where our skills take flight. So join us… Read More

  • Minecraft: Os egípcios jogavam com fogo 🔥

    Minecraft: Os egípcios jogavam com fogo 🔥 “Who needs pyramids when you can just build them in Minecraft? The ancient Egyptians were way ahead of their time!” 😂🔺🎮 #minecraftmemes Read More

  • Discover the Excitement of Minewind Minecraft Server!

    Discover the Excitement of Minewind Minecraft Server! Are you a fan of Minecraft animations and love stories? If so, you need to join the Minewind Minecraft Server right now! Immerse yourself in a world of creativity, adventure, and community like never before. The Minewind server offers a unique and exciting gameplay experience that will keep you coming back for more. With a focus on player interaction and exploration, Minewind is the perfect place to unleash your creativity and build amazing structures. Whether you’re a seasoned Minecraft player or just starting out, there’s something for everyone on the Minewind server. Join now by entering the server IP:… Read More

  • Boost FPS in Minecraft on Weak PC

    Boost FPS in Minecraft on Weak PC Optimizing Minecraft FPS on Low-End PCs in 2024 Introduction In the world of Minecraft, having a smooth gaming experience is crucial. Caik, a Minecraft enthusiast, provides a detailed tutorial on how to increase FPS and reduce lag on low-end PCs in 2024. Let’s delve into the steps he recommends to optimize your gaming performance. Tackling Minecraft Lag Caik starts by adjusting in-game settings to enhance performance. By setting graphics to ‘Fast’ and disabling features like V-Sync and entity shadows, players can significantly boost their FPS. Additionally, adjusting the render distance and FPS limit can further improve gameplay fluidity. Enhancing… Read More

  • Unbelievable Minecraft Ore Hack For OP Items!

    Unbelievable Minecraft Ore Hack For OP Items!Video Information wa diamonds I was looking for them I’m going to complete my armor let’s mine W this is Minecraft but every o is super in this video I made it so that every o is super this means any o you mind has a chance of dropping more valuable item start at Cal and get better as you work your way up to Diamonds the question is whether I can beat the game while searching for super RS can I do it stay tuned to find out apparently only a small percentage of people who actually watch my… Read More

  • Bao’s Minecraft Server Shenanigans

    Bao's Minecraft Server ShenanigansVideo Information I didn’t put on the new skin Oh I thought it just showed up how do I put the new skin on or where is the new skin oh it’s here [Music] oh okay let me let me leave and come back I got this I know where to do it is it under classic maybe I think it work okay maybe now it work maybe now it work chat Oh yay I did it I did it right N Craft mik my mic who whoa oh oh speaker oh H uh uh people hear me ah ah… Read More

  • Gabriel Scott Reveals Top Secret Advertising Servers – Must See For Rank-Up!

    Gabriel Scott Reveals Top Secret Advertising Servers - Must See For Rank-Up!Video Information [Music] I wonder where you [Music] are oh we are we are dreaming in the dark we are nothing more than dark search but you stay lost we are we are reach for the stars but we’re making this you are and I wonder where you are M yes that’s the part you w show cuz you’re too CU baby you should take it so this yes that’s the part you always [Music] show maybe you should take it [Music] slow we are dreaming in the dark we are nothing more than dark This video, titled ‘Divulgando servidores… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Hardcore Survival! 900 Days & Counting!

    Insane Minecraft Hardcore Survival! 900 Days & Counting!Video Information j’ai survécu 900 jours sur Minecraft hardcore je suis aux portes des 1000 jours et il n’est pas temps de se relâcher dans cet épisode j’ai complètement terminé la salle des coffres j’ai nettoyé la zone de ma base j’ai tenté de ferme de la mésorite je me suis fait un belle ami et bien plus encore si ça fait plusieurs fois que tu tombes sur ma chaîne et que tu aimes mes vidéos n’hésite pas à t’abonner ça m’aide énormément à me développer maintenant que tout est dit mesdames et messieurs voici comment j’ai survécu 900 jours… Read More

  • EPIC Hub Build on Sunrise SMP! 😱

    EPIC Hub Build on Sunrise SMP! 😱Video Information I believe I’m live maybe possibly I’m going to check hold on okay I’m I appear to be be live let me just make sure hear myself I believe I’m live oh wait oh I didn’t know my laptop was emitting audio I appear to be live let me just make sure hear myself yeah okay um believe I’m live we and we are live folks yes we are live Wolfie Welcome to My Stream welcome welcome welcome uh Boop hello I am a vampire ignore that I was just messing around yeah th this does not have… Read More

  • EPIC Frozen Breeze Showdown! SMP #4 – Fisks Superheroes

    EPIC Frozen Breeze Showdown! SMP #4 - Fisks SuperheroesVideo Information [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] all righty then it’s another one of these kind of days anyway let me test test test test all righty then we must go back to the world of superheroes hey guys welcome back to the backlog I’m wearing something really weird I’m wearing a shadow of the Hedgehog sweater interesting decision from me but either way we’re back for some more Fisk superheroes it’s been a couple of weeks since we last played mostly because been focusing on a a lot… Read More

  • EPIC Minecraft Build + Chat + Chill Session! WATCH NOW

    EPIC Minecraft Build + Chat + Chill Session! WATCH NOWVideo Information [Music] [Music] [Music] know [Music] [Music] okay [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] yeah [Music] [Music] a [Music] [Music] [Music] for [Music] [Music] [Music] you [Music] [Music] all [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] n [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] we [Music] [Music] I [Music] [Music] yeah [Music] [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] n [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] he [Music] [Music] okay [Music] [Music] [Music] w [Music] [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] what’s up [ __ ] how’s it going how’s it hanging hey y’all it’s stream… Read More

  • Minecraft’s Insane OP Build Revealed! 😱🔥 2023 #Like

    Minecraft's Insane OP Build Revealed! 😱🔥 2023 #LikeVideo Information hanging zombie in [Music] [Music] Minecraft This video, titled ‘Minecraft op build😱 2023 # like’, was uploaded by All gamer on 2024-02-16 05:16:32. It has garnered 3 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:28 or 28 seconds. Read More

  • “Insane Minecraft Challenge- 1-Second Blindfolded Battle!” #minecraft #shortestfight

    "Insane Minecraft Challenge- 1-Second Blindfolded Battle!" #minecraft #shortestfightVideo Information shortest fight you have ever [Music] [Music] [Music] seen it’s This video, titled ‘Minecrafts Shortest Fight #mincraftvideo #minecraft #minecraftgameplay’, was uploaded by BlindFolded on 2024-04-06 15:32:06. It has garnered 540 views and 28 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:31 or 31 seconds. Tags (ignore): Youtubers, lunar client, badlion client, forge, 1.7.10 forge, 1.8.9 forge, hack download,, vape download, vape v4, vapev4, vape v4 crack, vape cracked, vape free download, vape lite, vape lite cracked, free vape crack, minecraft, minecraft pvp, pvp, 1.7.10, fps boost, fps boost 2020, fps boost 2021, hypixel, cheating on hypixel, hypixel… Read More

  • GotaMC

    GotaMCA public survival server for the players of, old and new! Anyone is welcome! has a large and active community that welcomes all! This server is extremely minimal for the hardcore type of player, borderline Anarchy. Here are our server rules: – No discrimination – No racism – No homophobia – No personally attacking another user – No cheating – No lag machines or anything that disrupts the server’s performance for others – Respect the spawn, build what you like but keep it clean or it’ll just get removed later. Ie: If you’re gonna do a lavacast, do… Read More

  • Nocturnal SMP – smp

    Calling All Adventurers! Join the Nocturnal SMP Embark on a thrilling Minecraft experience with Nocturnal SMP, a server crafted with love by our team! What to Expect: Kitchen Sink with a Spooky Twist Unique Features Content Creator Paradise We’re preparing a massive update with exciting new features. Stay tuned for details! Join the Community: Explore the modpack on Curseforge Join our Discord for updates and to connect with others: Discord Content Creators, apply here Launch Date: Look out for our launch in mid to end of June! Spread the Word! Share the Nocturnal Transmission SMP for a spooky Minecraft adventure! Read More

  • Hardcore Skyblock

    Hardcore SkyblockBOUNTYCRAFT CLASSIC-STYLE HARDCORE SKYBLOCKBrand New (Started 05/14)Versions: 1.20.4 to 1.20.6IP Address: years ago, skyblock was the number one gamemode in minecraft. Now, it’s a wasteland. The few servers left are overly complex, have pointless features, have a /shop where everything can be bought for pennies, and only donors or the admin’s friends can get ahead. Bountycraft fixes this. This is a classic-style skyblock server. Based largely on my experience playing Skyblock as a little kid a decade ago.This server is authentic, simple and fair. Offering the skyblock plugin, the iconic original island, and chestshop for a player-run economy. That’s… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – “I’m lagging AF”

    Minecraft Memes - "I'm lagging AF"“I think I’m lagging… oh wait, that’s just my brain trying to process this meme with a score of 20!” Read More

  • Unleashing Chaos: Adraken StormWind Map Teaser

    Unleashing Chaos: Adraken StormWind Map TeaserVideo Information This video, titled ‘StormWind Map Teaser Trailer – Minecraft – Minewind’, was uploaded by Adraken on 2024-05-20 20:27:56. It has garnered 20 views and 3 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:50 or 50 seconds. A huge build is well underway! Here is a glimpse into the next project. A Full Video will be released once the map is completed! Music by – @fuzzeketrailermusic Read More

  • Whale Tales: Minecraft’s Mysterious Melodies

    Whale Tales: Minecraft's Mysterious Melodies In the world of Minecraft, where the whales do sing, Their calls hold secrets, a mysterious thing. Cube Xuan deciphers, with humor and flair, Each episode a joy, beyond compare. From the mischievous bandits to the diamond mines, The adventures unfold in clever rhymes. With friends like Timi and MoMo by your side, Every challenge faced with a grin, open wide. So let’s dive into the world of blocks and dreams, Where creativity reigns, and nothing’s as it seems. Cube Xuan’s channel, a treasure trove of fun, For Minecraft fans, a journey just begun. Read More

  • Tank gets roasted in Minecraft!

    Tank gets roasted in Minecraft! “Why did the poor tank in Minecraft go broke? Because he spent all his diamonds on armor and couldn’t afford to repair it!” 😂 #brokeTank #minecraftstruggles Read More

  • Win Mutant Monster Land of Mutants Addon for Minecraft PE

    Win Mutant Monster Land of Mutants Addon for Minecraft PEVideo Information This video, titled ‘แจก+รีวิว โคตรเจ๋ง!! แอดออนมอนสเตอร์กลายพันธ์ุ เกิดตามธรรมชาติได้ Land of Mutants Addon Minecraft PE’, was uploaded by DewCraftz on 2024-04-23 17:17:58. It has garnered 4502 views and 255 likes. The duration of the video is 00:28:59 or 1739 seconds. Welcome to the DewCraft channel, a channel for people who are looking for add-ons, mods, or anything else related to mobile Minecraft. Credit/Creator – Download add-ons Contact me or you can send Fanart work on Instagram: Facebook : TikTok : Line : johnnyfosky Discord : Download my Minecraft skin Support channel : After… Read More

  • Ultimate Minecraft Bedwars Clutch Against Hackers!

    Ultimate Minecraft Bedwars Clutch Against Hackers!Video Information This video, titled ‘Najbolji CLUTCH Protiv HAKERA Ikada u Minecraft BEDWARS… *2v1*’, was uploaded by Foxline on 2024-03-08 17:00:29. It has garnered 1018 views and 115 likes. The duration of the video is 00:16:40 or 1000 seconds. Best CLUTCH Against HACKERS Ever in Minecraft BEDWARS… *2v1* Instagram: Tiktok: Discord: Bussines mail: [email protected] PC: Ryzen 5 3600 RX 6600 16GB DDR4 120GB SSD 1TB HDD 650W Minecraft #minecraft Minecraft Balkan Dex Rock Djape Crafter Vicostein Sarezza Simi Calvin Minecraft from the fog From the fog Herborine minecraft I added herobrine to my hardcore world Raft minecraft… Read More

  • Insane Speedrun Attempt with Proto King Arche!!

    Insane Speedrun Attempt with Proto King Arche!!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Hardcore Speedrun Attempt #6 – I don’t know what I’m doing!!’, was uploaded by Proto King Arche on 2024-03-14 17:00:06. It has garnered 3 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 01:04:19 or 3859 seconds. How many attempts will it take for me to speedrun Minecraft to the End? I have decided to try to speedrun Minecraft for a personal goal. This is in no way to try to compete with actually speedruns. I have only beat The End 1 time back in beta with a bunch of friends. I want… Read More

  • “INSANE Minecraft Pink House Build! 😱🏠” #Minecraft #Shorts

    "INSANE Minecraft Pink House Build! 😱🏠" #Minecraft #ShortsVideo Information [Music] oh Angels sent from up above you know you make my world light up when I was down when I was hurt you came to lift me up life is a dream and loves a Dr oh now I think I must be my mys up when I was a river Tred up it came to rain to FL said drink for me drink for me when I was so thirsty put on a no I just can’t This video, titled ‘Minecraft Pink House Build #minecraft #minecraftbuilding #shorts #trending #viral #gaming #gameplay’, was uploaded by GamePlay Simulation… Read More

  • Join Doge on a CRAZY Minecraft SMP Adventure! #SMPMadness

    Join Doge on a CRAZY Minecraft SMP Adventure! #SMPMadnessVideo Information [Music] I thought you said you was going to stream because it’s your issues with your weather shut up all right weather decided to change for the good and so yeah so yeah the weather decid to change for good so yeah I’m back yay you know why you going H for huh what’s up with the huh for know what I forgot to do I forgot to put this back up hello hello you know what I copied hello Zan I copied some guy castle in the middle of nowhere like if I stand right here in… Read More