Tamashii Nations, Fullmetal Alchemist, Minecraft, Godzilla: Rulers of Earth, The Kingdom of the Gods

Video Information

Hello everybody and welcome to the get geek podcast where we celebrate geek nerd and pop culture each week we deliver the best analysis for fans by fans on anything related to movies tv video games comics anime and manga we talk geek and now here’s the get geek podcast hello internet welcome to another

Episode of the get geek podcast what’s going on y’all i am jose this is wolfie aj you are and this is desperately needing a haircut walt do you think you’re definitely needing a haircut right now you should see where this comes down to it’s kind of nice the thing about it

The dark yeah but the thing about it is that at least you have hair i’m used to not having here so oh that’s true actually yeah yeah yeah i usually go beautiful right but yours is easy shouldn’t you be able to do it yourself yeah but it’s kind of laziness but so is

This mop that i have on my head um but anyways beyond that uh welcome welcome welcome everyone back to the podcast i think this is the first time we’ve had everybody on the podcast in quite some time um and we’re gonna do uh we’re gonna do a lovely podcast about what we’ve been

Geeking out about recently on today’s episode but first the disclaimers that we do every week again ad nauseam the best way to support your favorite podcast crew of course is to like rate share and subscribe you know where to find us wherever all your favorite podcasts are sold and in addition as always

We are recording remotely in order to be as safe as possible we can actually see each other now which is pretty cool we have video so um that makes it a little bit more fun for us but if there are any audio issues or artifacts for you the audience please let us know

Give us the aforementioned feedback and yeah just let us know anyways um go on ahead and and lead us into it sir hey so i’m back i uh i was in internet jail for a few weeks i moved into a new apartment and you know i had to work on getting my

Setup and verizon files couldn’t get out here for literally two weeks and so uh but i’m finally back it feels good to finally have some internet which is terrible to say that i need internet to function it feels like um but uh an extra disclaimer since i’m in the new place

Uh i don’t know how the my environment’s gonna be you may hear some like super loud honking uh since i’m sort of by a pretty busy road so hopefully it doesn’t come out but if it does you know we’ll figure that out as we go along but um

Uh it’s it’s awesome fun to be back man i’ve been dying to kind of get back you know to a little bit more of a regular hosting and uh you know whatnot and geeking out so um i’ve been geeking out pretty hard on a bunch of things

Um and one of the main things that that i’m geeking out over it’s not going to be part of the official geek out but i wanted to kind of talk a little bit about um something that you might have seen over the weekend through our ig page um i visited the tamashii nations

Uh pop-up store in the city new york city and it’s the first time that they’ve had a pop-up store here in new york um and it was super dope for me i i know that like it seems like there were some uh comments online as far as like um you know

Like they’re showing and stuff like that but i went and i was super stoked to see a huge giant-sized godzilla and a bunch of other things that um i’m looking forward to trying to you know i don’t know maybe sell some game stop shares to buy so um how do

How do do you guys do you guys hear like i know walt definitely collects i feel like walt probably has one of the most diverse collections out of the crew i have a collection i have a collection that my wife is actually mad at because i literally have stuff on

The windowsills i have it in the on the printer i have it in the kid’s room and i have some stuff in storage um if i could put it in the bathroom i would so well why not yeah well yeah yes has the collection of a true elder geek

For sure he is the elder god of argentina and two samurai swords on the wall so um jose i actually i’ve never visited your living boats i don’t know i’m not as much of a collector frank one of the one of i don’t have as much in the way of posters

And and i have a few things here and there like i do have um i have uh an ironic kind of vegeta like photo it’s a picture somebody drew but it’s like in a photo frame um and it’s uh principal the the fresh prince of all saiyans so

It’s like kind of a joke those are dope i love i love those i love the ones that were it’s like kind of like a clash of two worlds you know world collide kind of uh like uh yeah i mean he’s drawn in the normal style of vegeta but this

The font is like fresh prince font um and i have like a couple of things like for instance another thing i have is um one of the only pop figures i have is uh is luke skywalker from the last jedi because i actually really really love that that incarnation

Of luke skywalker and i thought it would be cool you gotta pop i know it’s just him with it’s his staff man from from that movie so i’m i’m not as much of a collector to be sure like i said that’s more walt’s domain and your domain

With uh with the great giveaways that we have with pops as well and the ones that you guys select in those giveaways what about the boys i know they’re like wall yeah i almost feel like well do you kind of like collect stuff for the boys but it’s really for your collection

Since you’re the one that’s kind of like buying it for them [Laughter] the last two the last two things in my collection i got a um one of the one of the bandai figures it’s supposed to be a a dual set um it’s set with it’s vegeta and goku and they’re both doing their their moves from the dragon ball broadway movie yeah

Yeah so i only i bought it thinking i had both of them i only have one it’s just vegeta doing the gallicon so now i have to search and find the goku that attaches to it to make him a combo i mean the other thing i have i got a jinsakai

Pop you know yeah i had to get that so i i can totally buy that uh vegeta gala gun off of you i don’t know man the gala gun the gala gun going to send you a picture of what it looks like you are absolutely going to freak when you see it

So so just sell it to me and then you don’t have to worry about finding the other piece well i actually did find it believe it or not on wish. oh be careful be careful so um yeah i know it was one of those things where it’s like i was desperate to get

The matching piece to it but in terms of the kids stuff like i’ll buy them stuff um and if it’s like super special to me i’ll get another one and they can open up theirs but mine stays in the box which is nice and that’s how you come in the early age

They’ve known yeah from an early age they’ve known this is that stuff you don’t touch you know it’s it’s it’s funny because so i i like to like i have a bunch of i’m trying to collect all the dbz pops mainly the vegeta pops but you know i do

Have some other dbz pops and whatnot and i got some other stuff too pops i don’t think i’ll ever open up i don’t know why because you know it’s like the way that you stack them it looks cool and stuff like that easy storage but i also like to collect and build gundams

And it’s one of the things that like i’ve never really got into which is like collecting the the the toys necessarily or the figures the figurines um only because i i just i want to open up the boxes and and model them and play them you know like and all that stuff and

And you know i i have a gundam death site that walt gave me uh as a gift and then today i went to the tamashii nations you know pop-up and i had to i couldn’t leave with empty-handed i don’t you know i’m not flush

Um and uh i will say that like a lot of the stuff that they have there while some of the stuff is a little pricey just because of like how how the quality of all the stuff is they have a lot of stuff that has reasonable reasonable prices and and i ended up

Picking up a a uh talkies uh figure um that i’m dying to open up i’m gonna take a few pictures before i do because i can’t keep it in the box i’m a little bit torn the collector in me wants to keep it in the box but the

The kid in me wants to pull it out and add it to my gundam you know collection and whatnot um but it’s super dope it was a really decent price it was 23 bucks i believe um so it’s it’s not a bad price for something that’s coming from

A a brand that uh well it’s not the tamashii brand itself they’re resellers but it’s all imported stuff from japan um and super exclusive once it’s done it’s done once it’s sold it’s sold um and uh yeah i think it’s cool i think everybody should go and check it out

Because they have stuff on the shelves that once it’s sold they’re gone and then they’re just gonna keep replenishing with new stuff so like when i when i spoke to one of the employees there they told me that like as soon as it’s gone basically tomas in the

You know hq sends them another batch of products to list and display and everything and then once that’s sold then it’ll be something else and i think that might go to like what walt was telling me off air is that um some people were complaining that there’s

Not too much there was a bunch of sailor moon stuff and not much in the way of godzilla it could have been something like that where they were kind of waiting for some stuff to clear to then put up the godzilla stuff right now i believe they only have one godzilla figure

Left on dispatch which is the uh uh all blue uh godzilla aj probably knows a lot more about that than i do i got a picture i sent it to him i posted it up but um the they told they’re going to be open basically for

Two months a whole i believe it’s a whole two months uh they’ll be open until the end of some some point closer to the end of april i think april 25th um april 25th so um it’s march 5th through april 25th and basically every week they’re going to be getting a new

Shipment of new stuff i want to go back at least one more time because i want to pick something up um to give away exclusively to you guys so um uh yeah we’ll see how that happens maybe we can make it um i don’t know i think i think a few of

Us got the vaccine i think some of us might be able to like take a dual trip and finally meet up and and uh and and purchase for the geek fans out there i really want to visit what do you guys think to be honest i haven’t been vaccinated

Yet but um i trust your judgment because you introduced me to kino kunaya here in new york city and that place is freaking awesome as well um that’s another place so i trust your judgment on where where is this this pop-up oh that’s right i should probably tell

You guys where it is it’s on it’s 605 fifth avenue so it’s right by rockefeller center cool on the ground floor so there isn’t a lot of parking because you know rockefeller center is pretty much no parking anytime you know um so be ready for that um

But yeah so the photos that you’re you showed us earlier basically you like you said all of that is basically already purchased right well not everything right like everything that i showed you that was like in the boxes obviously those are for sale because it’s uh it’s whatever’s on the shelf

Right they don’t have anything in stock rooms it’s whatever’s already on display you just grab it but they do have one product they they have on display one piece of everything that they um have sold already so it’s like the display that you see in the glass

It’s it looks so awesome and i’m looking up and then i realized oh wait all this stuff is already gone ah okay so it’s almost like a tease like they have they have the the cowboy bebop swordfish too that i really really like i saw and i’m like oh my god like i

Want that and that’s and they were like oh yeah all that stuff that’s up there is already sold out oh man no i know i saw the boba fett samurai and i was like so let me ask you the ques this question what happens to the stuff that’s in the

Display cases do they sell those i think you said they do right or no no no no the stuff that’s in the display case above that’s just i’m assuming that that’s it’s just opened up it’s the the stuff that’s opened out of the box already like just for the display just to show

Just to show like the stuff that they’ve sold like before i know it’s a super huge tease but then it makes you that’s the thing it makes you not want to miss out i saw all that stuff and i was like man i got to pick up something because i don’t

Like i don’t want to miss out i don’t want to like walk out of here and then regret not getting it and then seeing it and wishing that it wasn’t on display at the store it was on display at my house yeah it’s like you know what i mean it’s like

You know which ones died the next the next time you come around dude yo aj if you go and see some of the godzilla stuff oh man they have like this six foot godzilla that’s incredible right in the front you should at least like people should

Walk by to look at that godzilla because that’s amazing you find a way to put that in this room yeah trust me i don’t have the space he might move everything out listen he’ll put the godzilla on his bed and he’ll sleep on the floor you know what i’m saying all right so

Let’s get to the geek outs um i’m gonna go ahead and start uh just because i’ve been super excited to kind of get back on and i just spoke about samashi nations and all that um i am is anybody here reading comics at all right now technically yes technically sort of

By technically yes sort of what does that mean so i’d say straight up yes and for me i’m i’m doing a manga slash manha so manha yeah what’s a manha you don’t know what a man i’m sorry let me let me say the product i don’t know what that is that is the

Term for a korean comic and print cartoon why that’s actually my geek out for today so that’s what i’m saying oh snap all right we’ll get to that later then technically i am reading a comic but it’s a korean comic song that’s dope that’s dope yeah well so

I am i’m i’m geeking out over two comics so um you guys might out there might might already know that like there’s a uh a miniseries that uh debuted um i think a couple like two three months ago uh from ninja turtles it’s been like highly uh anticipated because it’s something

Fresh and something completely different um and it’s um i i’m not sure if it’s a what if sort of thing or a different turtle universe sort of thing um but essentially it’s called the last ronin it’s about the last ninja turtle live um and you don’t find

Out who the turtle is and i don’t really want to spoil it um you don’t find that until the end of the first issue literally the last page but it’s really really interesting the take on the ninja turtle turtles world here because in the setting the current setting

Is obviously you know new york city but it’s a very futuristic new york city that’s under the control of the leader of the foot clan and yeah and the whole city is on super lockdown basically like super monitored you can’t even like walk into the city without you already being id’d

And basically everyone is just like sort of it’s it’s almost like a bla it has a blade runner feel to it as far as the city and like logan you know for like one of the news oh yeah actually yeah basically yeah for sure um so so what’s interesting about it

About the actual issue itself because i’ve only read the first issue there’s four out and i believe that and and it’s a five part series um i got i don’t know when the last part comes out i’m assuming it’s pretty soon because comics are you know have pretty regular schedule um

But the the the way that the story is being told is through the lens of this one turtle which you don’t know who he is because the usual identifiers of the turtles is the weapons and the color of their bands and stuff that they use right um in here we don’t have um

In here we don’t have any of the colored bands that we normally see right the comic is still in color which by the way the art is amazing it’s awesome um the color is beautiful um but uh he’s carrying all the weapons he’s carrying the size the claws the swords the

The staffs and the nunchucks wow and he has a bunch of other ninja tools he’s using all the ninjata tools he has stars he said he has grappling hooks he has everything he’s like a full-on ninja and he’s approaching this from like you know kind of that classic

Like when i when i read the first few issues of the very first the iteration of ninja turtles it was very much ninjas you know like stealth operating stealth in the shadows um taking out the enemy from behind without you know like it was very like

Batman begins ask you know what i mean um so it was really cool to kind of see that but the other thing that’s very interesting of how the story is being told is that the turtle in question isn’t alone so to speak right as he’s going through this mission this initial mission

He is also accompanied by the i guess the voices of the other turtles that are left over or that the other his other turtles that are his family essentially but we know that they’re dead so he’s almost kind of having like a mental a mental issue like as an explanation as a perfect

Explanation he’s going he’s trying to climb a wall and he’s telling himself like oh or rather the voices of uh of raphael um i’m assuming or leonardo or donatello or michelangelo we don’t know yet um the voice is telling him oh you can’t climb that wall you’re gonna fall

Right down you know and you can and and and michelangelo um or donatello or leonardo whoever it is is kind of like talking back and it’s almost like they’re having a full-on conversation but there’s only one turtle these are basically the voices in his head interesting so i almost feel like this

Is like he’s having like a like a little bit of a mental health spirits are still in the weapons that he carries ah no it’s not that at all it’s like you would tell like if it’s like the spirits and the weapons it’s it this is more of a

Because this is a revenge story he wants revenge over over the over the the the murder of his of his other siblings no i don’t know i haven’t i haven’t read it no don’t say that oh man i hope that’s not what it is i hope this isn’t a dream

I hope this isn’t one of those things that like he’s he’s in a dream identity with with john cusack where that one killer had had all of those people in his head killing each other at the motel oh man it’s probably not that are you screwing with me

Continue i don’t think it’s that i definitely don’t think it’s that from what i see so far but um it is it is really interesting and it’s just it’s it’s interesting to see like how you know he’s going about uh exacting revenge and he basically he puts himself on the line

Puts his body on the line he’s ready and willing to die to the point that like if he fails he’s ready to commit harakiri you know so this is like a tried and true like ninja honor revenge tale just on the first issue so far

Is this uh is this an ongoing series or is this like a it’s a five-part mini-series just a five-part mini-series i don’t know if this is if i don’t know if this is gonna like launch some sort of new um kind of ongoing series i would love to see that because this is

Already too cool to beat just five parts that’d be it and just to show like how how how crazy um this is this is this is ongoing the first issue which came out about three months ago is already going on sale on ebay for over a hundred dollars for the first

Printing and it’s already going into a fourth printing three months in wow the third printing which came out about a week ago is already sold out everywhere you go to midtown comics forbidden planet any of the smaller stores vinyl fantasy which is where i get it they can’t even get the third part

That’s likely well it seems like a resurgence for ninja turtles right because they have that new game coming out also yeah ninja shredders yeah it seems like it seems like there’s like a whole thing yeah yeah there is it there seems to be like a resurgence but i would really

Like to see them stick with this very very adult um and gritty ninja turtle story story i don’t i i want to see them continuing with the last ronin story i don’t i actually do not want to see them go back to to uh like not that i don’t want to see

Or read anything that involves the actual turtles but even if this is like some old man logan kind of alternate you know story that has nothing to really do with like you know the current universe or whatever i don’t know i would like to see this

They could like now in this day and age with the ninja turtles they could certainly do a darker version of it on like hbo max or netflix or something like that you know or even an anime style version yeah cause that would be quite darker that would be versions as well

So maybe a retelling well the ninja turtles were originally very very dark if you read like the first before they got sold to nickelodeon it was a like it was black and white they all had the same headbands yeah black and white and red all the headbands were the same color

Um they always had a grimace and a menacing you know brutal in their fighting styles and everything oh and i gotta say man in in this original yeah this is they are super brutal they are super brutal like he’s whoever like the last hurdle here the last one

He’s super brutal i’m not gonna like he’s like on some real like i hate your revenge kind of thing so highly recommend very interesting um the other thing that um uh which is actually another brutal comic the other comic that i’m geeking out over is berserker which is keanu reeves uh

New comic it’s his story his design um and it’s the first issue which just came out i think two weeks ago um and man this is this comic blew me away the art style itself is pretty dope it’s new it’s a little it’s a little different from what i’m used to seeing

Um if i had to kind of explain it it seems like not super intricate uh line work and the color palette is mostly reddish or you know kind of a simple like color palette with extremely gruesome and grotesque designs interesting this is from from the mind

Of cannery i mean he’s a character the character in it right like the main character yeah he’s the character and it’s it’s based off of essentially his like likeness um and just to explain at one point out of complete anger or rage i suppose i believe um

A a uh a complete or up not a completely but a half destroyed keanu reeves image body so you know after receiving an explosion and half his body being completely destroyed and bullet holes in his body completely he walks over and he punches his entire fist through the skull

Of one of the bad guys and you see the brain matter and the skull pieces and the blood and the eyeballs and the veins of the eyeball exploding out so that kind of bizarre you know what i mean these are great um so it’s it’s super super gruesome and grotesque

Um but in kind of a clean looking way i love it really so um and and and if i had to explain what the story is maybe not the story but at least the character think think um neo fused with ra super rated r logan so it’s like kind of a older grizzled

Character but also like with with these crazy special powers well he doesn’t have special powers necessarily i just say neo just because it’s like keanu reeves but he’s essentially he’s essentially he’s essentially logan he has he’s basically an immortal um well actually yeah as far as like what the character is

He’s essentially an immortal um we’ve all seen the photo of keanu reeves in like 1750 or something like that he’s clearly he’s clearly trolling right it’s it’s because there you’ve heard these i’m not the only one that’s heard these weird theories right and c needs photos i mean i don’t think

I don’t think it’s not keanu reeves himself but it seems like it’s it’s obviously his likeness but again he has regeneration full regeneration and he just has he has immense rage complete regenerative powers and he cannot die he sounds like he had a reason to tell

You know and i don’t want to spoil the ending but he’s been alive for a really really long time um enough to see much of humanity’s uh rises and falls which jade’s him as a character i think keanu is giving us a hint um but it sounds interesting

I don’t know maybe it’s super interesting i think it’s really really good um i’m super excited about the uh comic this one’s gonna be an ongoing series um and uh and and they they set up a lot of things for the future in the first issue really think that you guys should check

It out i really want to talk more about it but i don’t want to spoil anything because i hate spoilers yeah i understand i just still have to like learn more time on this keanu theory i think that’s why he’s in cyberpunk 2077 as well because he’s he’s hinting to us

That keanu has been here and keanu will always be here time travel um i don’t know i think i think when you read it and when you read it you’ll see all right it’s not that but you know reads forever right okay yeah berserker but it’s spelled like minus the last year

Or something like that right because i think you it’s minus all e’s it’s brz yeah and it’s uh it’s by boom studios which is um there’s another comic series that i that i follow from boom studios which is um uh from the band co-heating cabinet oh yeah yeah

Um yeah yeah oh my gosh oh and the emery wars so it’s they they tend to like have like kind of like brutal like you know heavy metal kind of style of style of comics though it kind of makes sense that this is like fitting in with them so those are my

Geek outs what about you guys what do you guys think do you guys have any questions or anything before we move on to the next person so how are we not wolverine again that’s the thing right so it does feel like it’s wolverine 20 20 20 22 20 24.

I mean he doesn’t have he doesn’t have he doesn’t have any adamantium it seems like or any claws he definitely has been alive a lot longer than wolverine though oh okay yeah look like piano reefs um so yeah new origin story it you know it does it doesn’t it does

It’s not it’s it it doesn’t help that he actually can be wolverine if if he was cast as wolverine i guess maybe a younger version of keanu he would have been a perfect cast for wolverine he has like the the hair he can have the beard you know

I feel like he could be you think he’s a little too lanky to be wolverine wolverine’s kind of stocky yeah yeah that’s not good yeah but if they could get hugh jackman who’s 6’4 no i mean he would have to get pretty good because hugh jackman was so

Freaking huge that he looked like he might be shorter maybe why i don’t know man and candy’s not very wide and wolverine wolverine is just like he’s like a brick house so yeah he’s like five foot four five right in the comics five foot four yeah he’s

He’s five foot four yeah yeah he’s like what five four like 200 something pounds 250 pounds because of that a man team or something no he’s he’s like way more than that yeah he’s he’s i believe he’s joking he’s not that much i thought he was like right

No because you got to consider the adamantium that’s what i’m saying i think he’s like 250 pounds his exact height and weight i thought he was five i’m looking this up right now but while i look this up who who wants to go next i’ll go ahead

I’ll go ahead um i’ll i’ll jump right on it because i i’ve been watching some things that are close to your heart so like i’ll just say that my entire geek out is about basically about anime i’ve been watching a lot of nice lately i’ve been trying to be i told you guys

In the in the chat i’ve been trying to be more of a completionist so i’m finishing all the games that i haven’t finished i’m finishing all the anime that i haven’t finished i’m finishing all the tv shows that i haven’t finished and all that other stuff um so i

Finished one of the things that i finished recently and it took me a long time to get through it and like i was telling you the other day wolfy a long time to kind of understand what it was that was so good about the show i guess

Um but i like i was going through it slowly on purpose because i knew there wasn’t going to be a lot of it to go through um and that show is that anime is cowboy bebop which is which is definitely i mean it deserves all the accolades

That it gets i i’m just going to say that right off the bat i’m not going to try to try to be cool and say like oh it’s cowboy bebop like i’m too cool for that no cowboy off is amazing and i i get kind of get what what what it is that

Maybe is hard to understand about its appeal at first and basically what it’s its appeal like truly kind of is in the end and it really it kind of depends on how old you are i think it’s it’s interesting because if if it if you watched it when it came

Out you were like a young kid or a teenager and you watched it now you have very different perspectives on that show because it’s it’s a very adult themed anime in terms of not just like violence or sex or anything like that not like the the the strict um adult themed stuff

Um the the shows adult themes are more i think in line of the fact that the characters have more adult problems in a way in a strange way and more adult progression in a way than other anime because of the fact that they really inhabit a world that could be our

Own just with you know with with spaceships and stuff like that um and the show indeed kind of leans heavily something that i love about is the show leans on heavily on different cultures but like earth doesn’t really exist as it used to in this future

So like it’s it’s weird how on different planets in the cowboy bebop solar system because for those of you who haven’t seen cowboy bebop i’ll give you a brief synopsis but like christ i know i’m really far behind on this basically there’s a few characters there there’s spike uh spike spiegel

Uh jet black faye valentine ein the dog and edward wong hao pepelu tovruski iv uh affectionately known as ed and they’re the crew of the cowboy bebop ship and they’re just bounty hunters basically in space in the near future uh it’s 2071 actually i think yes 2071 cowboy bebop and

What’s adult about it like i don’t want to spoil it for anybody who hasn’t seen it uh but what what’s adult themed about it is that other than ed who’s like a 13 year old girl actually um and ein the dog all the characters have kind of already been through their character progression

They’ve been through their arc spike jet and faye have these pasts that could have been like honestly like they could be their own anime which is really cool about it and and they’re they own their their own anime with these different genres which is really cool about it also um The the the spike arc is very much like a western um mixed with like some samurai tones i think with the villain that he he really clashes with the the jet black arc is very much a film noir and there’s definitely hints of each each genre in each character and

It’s it’s a little similar with faye as well she’s like a mystery like film noir character um but it it’s just it’s a really really great anime and again because of that theme that they’ve all kind of been through these past and these these obstinate older characters that are just dealing with

Their past and not able to move past it um that’s what makes it a really really interesting anime the art style is amazing it’s it’s from the era before they use a lot of computer animation in anime and there’s nothing wrong with that but like it’s just

Really uh it’s a on top of the art form in terms of anime and old style animation i think for sure um absolutely i mean the soundtrack i’m i’m beating a dead horse to death here for sure the soundtrack is absolutely amazing there’s no soundtrack on any anime out there that probably is

That that even comes close i would say like there’s dragon ball all that other stuff because it’s just this this great mixture of blues and jazz and and world music and western music like it’s just the most fantastic soundtrack um you know if it just just interject real quick if

If you were really enamored by the soundtrack i would really highly recommend samurai shampoo um because it’s it’s kind of that like japanese samurai jazz fusion that made cowboy bebop and samurai shampoo the the the musical masterpieces and the anime that they guess it would probably be yoko kano

As well in in in that right because that’s the the composer that’ll that did cowbey bebop and also would likely do samurai shamplo i gotta check that out as well because it’s from the same guy that did cowboy be about but fantastic show fantastic amazing music amazing it’s character driven so if

You’re expecting this really really heavily plot driven narrative show don’t don’t really look for that if you really look for the the nuances and the characters and also the the absolutely fantastic english dub performances this is kind of the gold standard for a lot of people as well

In terms of english dubs um amazing uh voice acting and we’re gonna get a new version of this pretty soon which i’m sort of looking forward to but i’m also kind of not looking forward to at the same time for reasons uh we’re getting it on netflix john cho

Is the star uh he’s actually got pushed back i think was supposed to be out already but he got injured on the set while basically being spike spiegeling it up uh because he’s going to be spike spiegel i think mustafa shakir is going to be uh jet black i’m not familiar with the

Actress that’s going to be faye valentine to be honest with you she’s she’s not in my in my radar but i could certainly look that up as well to give her the props that she deserves but we’re gonna get that pretty soon um and yeah so cowboy bebop is what i

One of the things that i checked out in terms of anime uh i’ll make it a little bit shorter in terms of some of the other ones because you guys talked about this and i think geeked out about this uh when i’m talking about you

Walt aj and eli uh i believe you guys saw the baki netflix series anime correct well maybe aj didn’t start it but i know i mean we always did right yeah yeah we watched an episode ah okay yeah i finished that up and i’m a big fan of bakki i actually

Saw the anime that came out many many years ago that’s really hard to find um that’s the arc before this basically where he becomes the world champion because you guys are familiar in this one he is the world champion of martial arts and the five convicts come after him

Um so i mean that was really cool i i didn’t like it as much as the old one but it’s good to see some of the characters that i enjoyed like dopa rochi and retsu and you know eugero and all the great characters um that you get to see in the baking

Anime but the one that i have to kind of talk about and i guess the main part of my geek out before i pass it off to the next one is um i started watching um fullmetal alchemist brotherhood which is a a big big favorite this that is your absolutely right finally

Yeah that’s your that’s your favorite anime right i don’t i wouldn’t say i mean it’s really hard for me to say absolute favorite right it’s really difficult for me to say absolute favorite because it’s it’s dang actually i can’t even answer this because i don’t wanna i don’t wanna not

Say it’s my absolute favorite but it’s really hard for me to put it on top of like cowboy bebop and some other stuff you know what i mean um but it’s definitely the like when i recommend anime this is the one that i recommend to everyone like if it’s their first anime

I recommend full metal alchemist because it’s got great animation good comedy awesome story um and it’s not something that has 700 million episodes so this is the one that has the benchmark for me to like get people to get into anime and show them that like while you have like cartoons and

And and you know comedic and whatever you can have really good compelling story and and an amazing arc from beginning to end and this is this is why i love foreign i mean i i started uh watching that probably less than a week ago probably in between the time

Of our last podcast and and now and i actually started watching regular full metal alchemist because at first um actually no i didn’t know the difference i figured and i had read that fullmetal alchemist is is just sort of a the original anime that came out but it’s not exactly faithful

To the manga and then it was rebooted into fullmetal alchemist brotherhood which is more faithful to the manga and is more well received of of the two series uh one of the things that i had read the internet is a dangerous place i didn’t get a spoiler but i had read that

The the the ending of fullmetal alchemist was not very well received and that’s one of the reasons that they did brotherhood um but anyways beyond that um oh and and just very quickly i do want to shout out um i was talking about cowboy bebop to shout out the cast

Uh daniela pineda is playing faye valentine and like i said before john cho is spike and mustafa shakir is jet black and alex hassell is it i won’t say what character he is but wolfie you probably know um one of the most important characters in the narrative uh

The the antagonist uh at least spike’s antagonist but anyways um moving back to fullmetal alchemist brotherhood so like i said i started watching fullmetal alchemist and i switched over a full alchemist brotherhood after speaking to wolfie and saying like should i take the time to watch the original and his opinion was

Not necessarily so i might go back to that at some point um and it’s interesting to see the differences in the first few episodes for sure uh because the story starts off a little bit differently it’s there’s characters that aren’t there in full metal alchemists that are there in full mental alchemist brotherhood

The characters that are in the the heavier and more violent fight scene fight scenes clearly because as wolfy pointed out the original full metal alchemist anime was a little more pg and the reboot brotherhood is is definitely more on the the violent and visceral anime side that we like to see

Like really you know bloody and awesome combat and stuff like that but so yeah i started watching it and one of the other pleasant things is that the voice cast from the japanese full metal alchemist is the same in full melanocus bro full metal alchemist brotherhood that was something that i was enjoying

The voice actor that does ed and alphonse uh who are fantastic characters and wolfie we had our conversation a couple of weeks ago about attack on titan which is a show that we both love but one of the things we both agreed on is that aaron is kind of an annoying

Protagonist of until we get to later seasons right he’s not really the best a main protagonist yeah which yeah when it comes to ed and alphonse they’re actually really really great main protagonists and the interesting thing is ed is not that far off from from a character motivated in the same way as

Aaron is an attack on titan but he’s just a better character i think overall i mean if you think about it right it’s kind of about like his mom in this just as it is in in in attack on titan yeah you’re right yeah actually you’re right

You know what and i never put that but i mean just to break it down very quickly and then i’ll pass it off i don’t want to take up too much time i want to give the rest of the crew obviously time to talk but to break down very pr pretty quickly

What the synopsis of the show that i’ve seen so far is is that ed and al are our two brothers ed is the older brother he’s 15 when we meet them at the beginning of the show he his younger brother al is 14. and well i’ll just tell you the punch

Line first and then i’ll kind of explain the back story uh ed is what’s called he’s the full middle alchemist and he basically he has alchemy powers he’s a master of alchemy he’s missing his right arm and it’s a metal arm and he’s missing his part of

His left leg it’s a metal leg and he’s a 15 year old kid and al his brother is bonded to a suit of armor and has no human body and also is skilled at alchemy and they go around and work for for the state basically as as the state alchemists like solving

Crimes and stuff like that but their backstory is that the reason that they are that way is that they tried to use alchemy to bring their mother back to life and it didn’t go very well like at all that’s how they lost all of those things that i mentioned

Um but yeah like it’s a really cool anime style um the characters are great um one of my favorite characters is i’m not super familiar with all the names yet because i’m only about five episodes in but what’s that that uh wolfie help me out the really

Brolic dude with uh with the blonde mustache oh man he’s like super sensitive oh what’s his freak i don’t i don’t know his name but he’s so funny he’s the best he’s super funny i gotta look up his name just to give him a shout out

I gotta look this up real quick but like so yeah and like just to mention this humor of the show is awesome because they they have mentioned it not only or the humor is not only reflected in just the writing but it’s also reflected in the animation the the art

Style kind of shifts and goes from the serious kind of cool looking like really detailed anime style and you just might get a great outline of like alphonse the rope the the guy in the suit of armor for instance with like a weird anime smile on his

Face when he’s like shy about something another character is saying so like the art style is funny the fight scenes are really cool so far using creative different uses of alchemy the storyline seems solid the voice acting is really really great and and like wolfie said it’s not an

Anime that will take you forever to get through i think it’s about 50 to 60 episodes somewhere in that in that realm so it’s it’s about half as long as you hakka show which is another anime that you guys should definitely check out but yeah i mean for me that’s that’s basically what

I’ve been geeking out about for the last couple of weeks i’ve been a completionist and i’ve finished a couple of video games as well like death stranding and things like that uh but i have the name by the way sir just real quick it’s uh it’s alex louis armstrong alex i’m just

Built by armstrong armstrong armstrong is freaking awesome and i i’m in love with that character i’m in love with all the characters so far but it’s a great recommendation wolfy is super right i mean it’s one of the highest rated anime if not the highest rated anime consistently of all time

Full metal alchemist brotherhood check it out and i’m gonna throw this geek out to one of y’all now real quick i think eli eli who’s got it should we hear from from walter one of the boys the boys we got the boys me yeah all right eli let’s go

Do it yeah so originally originally i had like five geek outs but no for time’s sake let’s just go right three yeah so um that’s about five minutes each um basically minecraft uh the beta got updated well not even just that but they released like some new stuff with the snapshots and it’s

Explain what the beta is yeah okay okay so the minecraft beta is exactly what it means it’s it’s a beta for minecraft which you have to download right and it includes all the features for like the new update that’s coming which would be well most of them

Which would be the caves and cliffs update right so um so far we have gotten a pretty decent amount of content from that originally it wasn’t that much but now that they now that they finally updated it we got new generation which is insane because for a while now

Generation has sucked for the worlds that um generated right right right on the part of the mountain sure i mean i don’t play minecraft so it counts i don’t agree with you no what okay but whatever deserts are fine okay well they’re just deserts this is the easy generation to be honest yeah

Yeah so yeah okay but again not no man’s sky level generation yeah but um anyway so basically what they did was they added mountains and stuff it’s not really a big deal unless you’re like a huge minecraft fan um but so far i’m really liking the way

They do it because they have like powdered snow and you can actually like i guess freeze to death on the mountains which is like crazy so you could fall through a block yeah you can fall powered snow powder and then get stuck in it and freeze to death yeah and it’s

Actually pretty hard to get out unless you wear a special type boot mother boots just regular leather oh that’s it yeah okay but um i can’t i can see the the concept of like um i’m i’m guessing like new content coming i can i can see content coming from mountains there we

Go there we go okay like because they have goats and stuff which like are insanely aggressive apparently i don’t know for sure but i know that these goats like hit you and you get knocked back like thousands of meters away i’m exaggerating so technically they can headbutt you off the mountain right

Yes so you will die they are horrible remember you used to throw dog goats they are tall now yeah yeah exactly but that’s impressive because given that minecraft has been around for so long and the maps that they create are huge i think they’re one of the biggest

In all of video games somebody created the plan in minecraft yeah exactly these these maps are ginormous so that’s impressive that you know they continue to you know build this up because just like jose said just the fact that they were able to recreate the entire earth

And they’re still adding more stuff to that that’s that’s pretty impressive yeah so that’s basically all i mean well i still have to get into the snapshots but that’s it for the beta basically um i know drip stone was added i don’t remember if it was there before but

No it wasn’t no right so yeah it’s it’s pretty cool you have lava cauldrons like seriously that’s amazing but otherwise otherwise i mean yeah whatever for the for number two yeah for well i’m still on number one oh my gosh i’m kidding i’m joking so uh a snapshot came out for minecraft

Uh i would say like a two one or two months ago right and they just basically expanded on caves and cliffs update again um so basically i have a new biome deep slate which you can make bricks out of it’s it’s pretty cool it’s a pretty cool block for builders especially right and

Lush caves i mean according to this which is the minecraft wiki i mean minecraft.net lush caves biomes are actually surprisingly found in a different way than you would expect right so you can find it with an azalea tree which is like it’s it’s like super rare because it’s

It’s on the world map but you have to you have to pick point it out from other trees and once you do that’s when you know there’s a lush cave right under you but um i think that’s it that’s it for minecraft for that one okay so uh

Yeah for number two i’ve recently played a game well i just downloaded a game called 77 deadly sins grand cross it’s another gotcha game yes i know mobile games based on the anime i guess um yeah based off the anime right so The one esquinor came out right and i i know what wald is going to say about this because he’s also played the game right i played it i downloaded because you you told me it was something uh good to play and i i agree it’s a good game but

The summon rates for these characters are disgusting you know and usually i’m pretty lucky when someone summoning on rates especially in db legends i get all the great characters i can’t get one single good character in you know seven deadly sins so yeah so uh for seven deadly sins they recently came

Out with uh one eskimo yeah i said that but um they are really really uh open to uh giving out free stuff like you get let’s let’s just put it this way if you were to get if the dokon equivalent would be getting lrs for free on a daily basis

Like i’m not even joking because you have missions where you get level 80s like you get one of the best characters in the game up to level 80 which is escanor himself but um who i do have yeah you do have him and it’s it’s very it’s it gives a lot of

I guess it helps with noobs and then you have pro players who are also getting the benefits too okay that that is true i mean i i do have a good stable of ur characters that are level 80. yeah you know but the ones that you really really want

Are the ones that are impossible to get yeah like so uh so they tease you halfway yeah yeah and the one eskinar came out and for those who don’t know the one eskinor is eskenor’s final form i guess right and that’s the one where he fights assault meliotis um

By god they really they’re really forcing you to take money out of your wallet um forcing you or forcing your dad yeah well no no no i’m joking no i i did i didn’t pay i didn’t pay but i hate games like that yeah it’s a p2p play to win yeah

This summoner pay to win right like you can’t you can’t you pay to win you can’t you can’t pull anything unless you’re like uh up to the 900 step up point right loyalty point but otherwise it’s a good game i guess i love the animation style the animation

It looks dead on from the anime series yeah it’s 3d and it’s like i’m gonna check it out right now yeah you should you should yeah if you’re a fan of the series you’ll love the the mobile game i am uh the only problem is it’s like like i

Said the summon rates for the really really good characters are horrible um but you know it is what it is i mean you can still play it it’s still enjoyable it’s just it’s not like you need those characters no but you know there are things that you want and

You can’t get has it been out for a bit or is it more recent release mobile release i believe that since this is on global i mean since there are like two different versions which is global and jp i believe that um global is on its first anniversary

I’m pretty sure because that’s when the one esquinor came out um but what about you had a third one yeah a third geek out right yeah number three oh just just to let you know um that game came out march 3rd of last year just the time of the pandemic

So and just like you said one first anniversary so perfect um so for my third one this one is going to be really short because i haven’t gotten able i haven’t had a chance to watch more of this but um recently i started demon slayer

And by god it didn’t hit me until now but like i just i just realized how much animes repeat itself and i know that’s going to sound very offensive to weebs and anime fans but like it really does it’s true yeah demon slayer is good but it’s

Like i said it’s a repetition of plenty of enemies before um overall i think the story is starting to uh i guess get better the plot is getting better how far have you gotten along i’m up to where you guys are so basically i think we’re like

Four to five episodes in okay so yeah again aj fell off yeah yeah i do that too all right he’ll catch him he’ll catch whatever so there’s not really much to say about it it’s just a repetition honestly i think you have to get for this to be for this

For me to understand how why it’s so good and it’s rated i obviously need to uh get further into the show but otherwise there are a lot of times these shows take take its time to kind of ramp up so maybe this is going to be one of those shows

So yeah i think it’s it’s good let me ask you is is the is the opening theme song super awesome because that always helps me get into a show the opening theme song for full metal alchemist brotherhood is amazing the first one oh my god yeah yeah fma

Doesn’t change just like some other animes but it is amazing what about what about demon slayer does it have a cool opening to get you hyped for like from like minute one of the anime or is it just okay for me it’s okay it’s not like jojo level or uh jojo stand proud

Stan proud is the best anime opening theme song ever in my opinion at least in terms of well not not no you’re wrong let me say let me change that a little bit cruel angels thesis it’s in terms of getting me pumped to like go lift weights

Or like i don’t really beat people up if i had to go beat somebody up i’d play stand proud before i go before i went to beat that person up um that’s just me so not a d not a great and it’s always nice okay sorry yeah

It’s okay but i think that’s pretty much it so those are your three things oh so that’s three pretty quick that’s three but i’m gonna pass it on to aj nice yeah all right okay so i um I’ve been doing uh i i’ve been all over the place i’ve been a mess but i have been able to start something finally and start actually continue to watch it instead of start something we i i used to be no i still am a completionist by nature but it’s been a lot harder

For some reason i’ve recently i’ve taken it away from you that’s why i took it away from you somehow like your completionist because i’ve just been completing everything recently so and i’m usually not a completionist yeah so one of the things i’ve gotten around to recently

Is i’ve gone to a nice place called barnes and nobles and at said place where they have their owls i got a couple things books you know first time first time we’ve been there in like about a year right pretty much and i went on a little bit of a bench

Oh yeah and i and i uh i still have a lot to read oh yeah i’m not uh if you’re thinking of christmas presents or something please just don’t get me books respectfully how about i get you a bookshelf i have a bookshelf that’s full so you

Need another one so it’s a perfect gift it really is an extra bookshelf it’s like the bookshelf blu-ray dvd game shelf which is very full slash display shelf well his bookshelf will be on the bed with godzilla as he sleeps on the floor so yeah

But um the one thing that i did get around well i haven’t finished this series but i did start volume one of godzilla rulers of the earth it’s a comic i’ve been reading to read meaning to read for some time now and it basically follows hey godzilla’s back because apparently i didn’t know

There was a series before this so he’s back and the monsters are back and the counter kaiju reaction forces are doing their damnedest to keep everything sane around here and at the same time you have aliens from above who are sending monsters down to earth which already has a monster problem

And then you have i don’t think they’re aliens at this point they’re basically atlanteans we’re also sending up monsters to make things even more complicated this is this is like the worst case scenario of pacific rim right yes it’s no it literally is pacific rim because it started in the ocean and then

In the second one they’re like oh well they’re going to start coming from space like holy crap but this just gives you all independence day and pacific rim rolled into one ouch i’m gonna lie though uh the the lineup has been pretty cool so far they kind of

Reimagine some of the origins of the monsters like there are some guys that have stayed consistent like um the creogs they’re the aliens they only have two monsters right now i feel so sorry for them their only two champions are gigan which it’s kind of funny because they

Even say it in the in the comic like gigan kind of has this mind of his own like he’ll just keep fighting because he’s stubborn like that even though he’s he loses like all the time it’s it’s like kenny but if he didn’t die i i love geigin he’s the he’s the original

Robot chicken and then you have orga who is pretty powerful but they can’t control him well that kind of makes sense oh goodness his regeneration his regeneration factors the other faction at play the guys in underwater they’re the devonians they have the biggest roster of them all which kind of makes sense because

They’ve been on earth for how long now they have manda which is basically underwater shenron you got gizora that one’s a deep cut and he’s basically a squid a giant kaiju squid is that the one from the old king kong movies nope oh completely different person oh okay he’s from the

He’s from the kaiju side thanks oh yeah good old titanosaurus they even have zilla wow what that is zilla that is a deep cut guys they have biollante on their side which kind of surprised me because that’s typically a different origin altogether but they kind of did a thing yeah destroyer

That makes sense kind of yes but kind of no but i’ll give it that didn’t destroy us start its life as a trilobite yes but remember it’s uh its whole reason for being is the detonation of the oxygen destroyer not the case this time oh okay so definitely changing origin stories

Yes and the same thing goes for biollante because biollante was also supposedly engineered by these devonians and of course uh you don’t have the full roster for the i guess you could call them the earth defense force but in this case they’re the counter kaiju reaction force

They have curiou it’s nice i like that one they got jet jaguar my god he is overpowered in this series like i got to show you when he fights orga it’s half it’s half funny and it’s it’s half sad because like he basically one shots orga but then he starts regenerating even

Half after having been blown up and jaguar is just there like just stomping him to bits like don’t regenerate god damn it i’m killing you okay and then of course you have some of the other typical cast for the earth monsters obviously godzilla you got anguirus you got rodan

They did deep cuts with varan and gyra the bigfoot gaira yeah that’s his name this is all around great stuff okay and i still have to get to volume two which is where things really wrap up how many volumes are there of this just two for rulers of earth okay

My second geek out and this is gonna freak you guys all out a little bit no volume 2 i will happily get to next time we do geek outs what four seasons and the time since we’ve last podcasted i’ve binged four seasons wait wait wait wait wait of american

Since last week oh no not since maybe by then i was just getting into season two oh okay but okay so but since we’ve all been together okay well although it was quite recently anyway first four seasons of american horror story in the whole

That’s a that’s a lot of that’s a lot of watching damn i think i’ve seen the first words granted it’s not 26. what’s the you know they’re like the typical thirteen fourteen what was the fourth season again so first season was the whole one second season my personal favorite was this

One third season was witches in louisiana and fourth one i mean it was okay but not my favorite was yeah with kathy bates and the baltimore accent yeah i remember that i gotta say pretty good i’m not quite where i’m after that yet but getting there

I can’t wait until you see the one the the season that starts out with the 2016 election i’m looking forward to that can’t wait because i actually got one i saw that in the preview i’m like wait they actually have a season based around that that’s a horror story right there is

Evan peters still on the show so because he’s he’s great in it uh i’m not that far along yet he’s he was there i i stopped off after like season four or five yeah but one through four he is there yeah all the way so yeah this is really great stuff all around

You know i think season two is my favorite because the first season it kind of hinted at the idea of hey there might be demons in the world or something like that and then season two just comes and says yeah they exist and then it’s weird too because i normally don’t like

Sci-fi being intermittent with the supernatural but at the same time the concurrent acts of having this demon-possessed nun and aliens running about they actually pulled it off kind of well i’m not even gonna lie it was pretty interesting to see how they kind of threw that off each other all the while

During an insane asylum too yeah so i enjoy some of the of the writing in the show and i think some of the characters are pretty great throughout the seasons for sure yeah for sure um do you have a without spoiling if you are like caught up what was your favorite season

My favorite season i did like the asylum season as well the witch season was really good too i think the season with witches yeah it was um oh man it’s hard to say which was my favorite season wait how far have i seen along uh yeah no i’m gonna i’m gonna go

I’m gonna go with the with the asylum season that was really good because the ending of that one was was really really good it was probably my favorite ending as well oh my goodness yes i i you just reminded me because she’s a great actress the whole the whole thing yes

I did not expect that ending like i knew she was level with me she kind of turned out to be a duke yeah yeah right and then to go that extra mile with the very last thing with her son like that yeah because i like i like

Endings like that sometimes that are not necessarily completely unpredictable in in full execution but like yeah in the way that characters like i said without spoiling the way the characters sometimes go beyond what’s expected a little bit it makes the ending really really really wonderful and delicious and

Evil and fantastic and i enjoyed it yeah i think that’s what i’m liking about american horror stories so far is how they wrap up these and the end of these anthologies yeah they’re very satisfying i agree that is a good that is the strong point

Of the show that he he writes a really good ending for these anthology seasons yeah um i don’t know you guys have any questions like about my sanity for binging four whole seasons so far listen if you if you got the time you know all we have is time these days and

You even said yourself aj that you haven’t had a lot of time to do that stuff lately with school and everything else so i commend you for turning into a vegetable in front of the television and in front of your book for however long that you did over the last couple of days

Um i do not question your sanity my only question is did you have a great time that’s it oh yeah for sure i’m currently i’m not going to go into this like geek wise but i finally finished this book that i’ve been trying to finish for

Ages and i couldn’t bring myself to do it but i finally did it is this is this prequel to the the predator movie and so now i’m like i can finally move on to the other stuff i want to read and the next thing i got queued up is the epic of gilgamesh

So that’s going to be oh interesting you can actually go into that so what was the what was the predator book that it was curious oh i’m blank it was pretty oh you shouldn’t have asked me that okay it’s fine i don’t remember i’m sorry grab it that’s fine

Find it if you have to it’s so you’ve got to shout it out yeah you actually have to walk to the bedroom to find it our fans need to know what exactly it is that you’re reading not just that you are reading well i mean maybe some of them

Will know when you say prequel to predator but i have no idea what you’re talking about maybe i should i’ll just look up like prequel to to predator on this google it’s not the it’s not the one uh that’s a companion to hunting grounds right the video game no

Not the video games because i know the really sucky predator movie the new one oh oh the one that one yeah the latest one yeah okay yeah that was pretty bad so all right um do you know the name or if not i’ll i’m gonna look it up you guys you

Can you can go ahead all right um so i guess i’m i’m last to this dance right yeah okay real quick sorry uh the predator hunters and hunted not a bad book okay all right it just took so long to finish cool so now it took so long to finish because it was

Hard to finish or it was just one of these things where it’s like i didn’t have time to finish because that it wasn’t make or break the definition of both because after a while i kind of started growing disinterested because i had other things going on

I gotcha but at the same time once you get to the ending it’s pretty good but for some for some time it just drew out places okay so yeah not really holding your attention all that great right yeah all right okay so like i said um

I guess i’m last not least and stuff and so um before i get into my geek out i just wanted to impart a couple of bits of news that just uh came over one ins one in particular that’s really sad um the other one that’s

Oddly weird but okay i’ll go with it the first one is um there’s news that’s being reported by tmz right now that marvelous marlin marvin hagler has died at the age of 66. oh man he is one of the greats of the boxing uh sport and um while there hasn’t been

Much much information parsed because i guess this is a breaking story um he was taken to the hospital and he was having difficulty breathing and with chest pain so we don’t know exactly what it is i’m pretty sure within the days that you know follow we’ll get a little bit more information

But again you know boxing great marvelous marvin hagler um he’s passed away at 66 and me i i was a big fan especially back then of boxing i’ve i’ve kind of walked away from boxing a bit i’m more into mma now um but he was one of those

Greats you know it was it was hagler it was hearns it was you know ali at the time foreman you know that these are all the guys that really you know at least for me in my era was was huge and uh it’s sad to hear the news that he passed away so

Um the rest is um the other thing that again came came over my news feed is that we have a new box office champ um all time worldwide uh it’s no longer avengers and games people it is avatar avatar is back on top yeah i don’t understand how this happens so

Yeah there was a re-release in in china and so you know avengers and avatar were basically around the same day i think worldwide they’ve they’ve taken a total of like 2.57 billion dollars but i think the difference was like 8 million between the two and just on on saturday night box office alone

Um in china avatar picked up eight million so you know there is a chair you know and wait yes blue man avatar yeah that thing’s been out for a long time now well like i said there was a reason it was a re-release of avengers why that’s insane yeah i told you

Are they gonna release avengers but they should well i i hope they don’t because then it becomes one of these things where now you’re constantly one-upping the other guys you know that that’s almost like there should be an asterisk there’s almost like bro that’s what i said on on kevin feige and

The russo brothers well haters to their credit they marvel studios did release a congratulatory tweet to james cameron and the avatar staff saying you know congratulations on you know reclaiming the box office and i love i love what they say um on the tweet that says we love you three

Thousand so that’s marvel being more who cares right they’re still they still made plenty of money in the end they probably don’t care that much i mean well listen if you adjusted for inflation um gone with the wind is still number one so there’s that by far you know all right

Anyway so um to get to my real geek out is going to be very quick um i i really just geeked out on one thing um we don’t talk a lot about hara on this podcast um and i am a big horror fan and so

One of the things i love is when hara you know kind of infiltrates the medium that i like to read or watch and stuff like that so one of the things that i’ve been telling you guys to watch and you know anybody that i encounter that loves para loves zombies

Loves you know historical periods i always tell them you got to go and check out netflix’s kingdom um it is a great great series it’s it’s um set in korea during the jose period um it has political entry intrigue it has sword fights it has zombies

And it is super well received i mean season one got 93 on rotten tomatoes season two got a perfect 100 of rotten tomatoes so you know i’m not coming out of my you know what in wow you usually don’t you’re pretty reserved you’re you’re you’re you’re you you know you mel

Guards are uh are uh quite reserved in your judgment yeah exactly so you know this is a fantastic series it really is and so um as we were walking in barnes noble’s me and aj something caught my eye and this is something that i really really wanted to to kind of consume

Knowing that this was the spiritual um what’s the word that i’m looking for no no no the the the say again the muse yeah it’s the muse it’s the thing that basically kingdom is based on oh like an aspire it’s inspired by thank you i had a brain fart there

Um and it’s called the kingdom of the gods and again this goes back to what we were talking about this is a korean man i hope i say this right it’s uh hawa all right i’m going to screw up both names here but i’m going but please forgive me i’m

Going to try my best but it is a man hawaii and that’s again like i said before it’s a kind of a general term for korean comics korean political cartoons anything that’s animated on the page that’s kind of what it is um and so this thing really started out as

A web comment and this thing was originally published back in 2014 and it had quite a following and of course netflix saw it picked it up and they they enlisted the screenwriting um duties of a yoon hee kim who is very very popular in korea she makes a lot of drama series over

There and so she’s kind of the kind of the the the person driving the netflix series and then viz media said hey would you like to adapt it so that we actually release it as a book and so she said fine so you know the original story was created by in juan huen

She then with the help of artists kuyang il yang and again if i’m messing up the names please i apologize you know they made this thing now this book here is about 150 pages it came out in may of last year and it includes two stories it includes the original

You know kingdom as as written and it includes a bonus story which is called burning hell now what’s interesting about this book is that unlike netflix’s old guard which is a very very faithful adaptation of the original these two could not be more far further apart i mean there are elements

In the original comic that bleed into the actual series but on on its whole if you’re going into this reading this this book thinking that you’re going to get netflix’s series trust me it’s not going to happen because it deals with very very different characters you know um and this one here again

It does deal with josan in that period in korea but here you have a young prince who’s on the run because uh there was a coup in his country and so um you know he’s on the run all his bodyguards have been assassinated he found his way up in

In the mountain and he encounters a bandit over there his name is jay ha and so he’s asking for his help to take him to a very specific place and i’m not going to get into the names because this name is just impossible for me to say

But he’s got to get him to a city and along the way they encounter um zombies and there’s a reason why these zombies exist i’m not going to get into it but it is all dealing with the overthrow of the government um and it deals with his father the king

And i’ll leave it at that if you really want to hear more about it please this is a manga must-have if you’re into horror if you’re into zombies and if you want to get a little bit of the flavor of the political period because it does she does take from some historical

Um events and stuff you know this period that they’re in particular there was there was a lot of war going on in in the korean peninsula and there was a lot of famine and that comes into play when it comes to the virus that starts this whole zombie apocalypse on this island

Um so like i said fantastic read and i’ve got to say the artwork by kuyung yang is absolutely phenomenal if it wasn’t for the fact that there’s a story i could just sit here and thumb through the pages and look at the artwork and i would i would

Be i would still rate this as a must-have that’s how awesome the artwork is um so again like i said really really really really suggest this the line and draw and and the line art and the drawing in this is just amazing you know um like i said this could be

Just a picture book with no words and i’ll still rate this very very high now the second one uh in this is called burning hell burning hell is absolutely as as good as the story of kingdom of the gods is burning hell is just and part of my french

It is completely batshit crazy it is ridiculous it is bloody as all hell it is gory it is awesome okay that story unrelated to the first story in the book um in in this story there is a secluded island where criminals are imported to to live out the rest of their sentences

And there’s one particular criminal who is ridiculously over the top his name is jew and what he does is he kills people and then he eats them so hannibal yeah but samurai hannibal lecter completely batshit crazy hannibal lecter joker you cannot even you cannot even put any of these guys together because

It still doesn’t do him justice right um and so you know when he gets there the guys they actually they actually leave him there they run out real quick and the first thing that he finds is a whole bunch of people there but they’re all been skinned alive and

Are dead but they’re posing and that’s when he meets now this is a korean guy he now meets the only remaining prisoner on the island um who is a japanese doctor that had his license revoked because of all the atrocities that he’s committed and what he does is that he takes people and

His idea of a work of art is to flay them into works of art sounds like a twilight zone episode i think i swear now we’re going into creation right but it gets better because then a pirate shows up with um with bounty thinking that this is just a regular

Island not knowing that these two criminals are out there who are at at this point actively trying to kill themselves right um because they’re criminals right jew wants to eat the the japanese doctor and the child each other yes well yeah i’m sorry so they’re trying to kill each other and

Then you introduce this pirate who’s now mystical and is carrying cargo because the person that is on the ship that’s really the treasure is a very specific person that if sacrifice will up his immortality so that he can take over the world how you like them apples wonder if this

Is an anime what could watch it wow if if it is i’m not i’m not aware of it it’s called burning hell so again the artwork is so amazing and to have it with the over the top now kingdom kingdom of the gods is very very gory and

And bloody and stuff burning hell is two times that amount but with beautiful artwork it’s beautiful to see the flailing especially when he flails a person while the guy is fighting him so i mean again i cannot i know it’s a little weird because it’s bloody and gory and

Stuff like that but if you’re into horror if you’re into that i cannot recommend this book enough um and there you go there it is i guess it was good that i went last right i need i need to add it to my collection i’m gonna have to you have to always

Because i have so many books that i need to read and it’s so beautiful i mean there there are literally pages out here that i wish i could just take out and just put up on the wall that that’s how gorgeous this artwork is and i showed

Eli who you know has an appreciation for art and he just says wow that is awesome i mean there’s the line work here the cross hatching there’s there’s an entire page just cross-hatched and it looks freaking amazing it really really does i mean this is this is a book that i think any

Horror manga fan should have in their collection full stop man All right yep so there you go so i think i think yeah yeah for us yeah yeah i think so are we are we all getting on such a positive note every every single time this time he ended with a with a mangpua about hell there you go you became me yeah

Exactly i just slaughtered people in gta generally though yeah i just read about it yeah you you facilitated aj so i’m not sure which one is worse i guess there you go yeah all right that was a good geeked out podcast that ended on a beautifully violent note and

I just i just love spending this time together with all of you guys as this is the first time again that we’ve all been together in a while and we really appreciate it since thanksgiving probably since then it’s been a long time i mean we’ve all been together i guess

Remotely because as i reminded everybody at the beginning of the podcast we recorded remotely so if there are any audio shows or artifacts please let us know i quickly went through that disclaimer one more time again but it’s cool to be able to see each other again at least on video

Uh except for except for wolfie but but work on that webcam for his his badass technical difficulties um well i had no idea that we were doing video but now that i do know i’ll make sure that i have it i’ll i’ll see how soon i can get one very very soon

So for the fans out there uh again the best way to support your favorite podcast that you just heard is to like write share and subscribe to the podcast the get geek podcast you know the spiel you can find us where all of your favorite podcasts are sold we want to

Thank our fans for listening to our last and most recent podcast thanks for checking out our most recent attack on titan podcast and i wrote a recent podcast about the wanda vision series finale and yeah i mean that’s really it we just want to thank you all for listening and continuing to

Listen and for your feedback and there’s really nothing left to say other than what i usually say around this point and that is for all of you out there to stay geeky my friends the gang is back peace

This video, titled ‘Tamashii Nations, Fullmetal Alchemist, Minecraft, Godzilla: Rulers of Earth, The Kingdom of the Gods’, was uploaded by Get Geek on 2021-03-22 18:15:01. It has garnered 10 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 01:33:59 or 5639 seconds.

Geek Out Episode!

Tamashii Nations Pop-Up NYC, TMNT: The Last Ronin, BRZRKR, Cowboy Bebop, Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood, Minecraft update, The Seven Deadly Sins: Grand Cross, Demon Slayer, Godzilla: Rulers of Earth, American Horror Story, The Predator: Hunters and Hunted, The Kingdom of the Gods.


Wolfie 3:30 (Tamashi Nations, TMNT: The Last Ronin, BRZRKR)

Jose 30:18 (Cowboy Bebop, Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood)

Eli 47:10 (Minecraft, Seven Deadly Sins: Grand Cross, Demon Slayer)

AJ 59:57 (Godzilla: Rulers of Earth, American Horror Story, The Predator: Hunters and Hunted)

Walt 1:15:43 (Netflix’s Kingdom, Mangas The Kingdom of the Gods and Burning Hell)


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  • Rare Halloween Moon Crab Spawns in Minecraft! Day 1 Hunt!

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  • EPIC PRANK: Mikey Maizen vs. JJ in Minecraft Mod!

    EPIC PRANK: Mikey Maizen vs. JJ in Minecraft Mod!Video Information This video, titled ‘JJ use DRAWING MOD to Prank Mikey in Minecraft (Maizen)’, was uploaded by Mikey Maizen – Minecraft on 2024-06-23 17:00:20. It has garnered 5280 views and 44 likes. The duration of the video is 00:16:12 or 972 seconds. JJ use DRAWING MOD to Prank Mikey in Minecraft (Maizen) This video is an unofficial work and is neither created nor approved by Maizen Sisters. Maizen – @maizenofficial Thanks for watching, I hope you will enjoy my videos! Read More

  • Mind-Blowing Logic in Minecraft! Click Now! 🔥

    Mind-Blowing Logic in Minecraft! Click Now! 🔥Video Information This video, titled ‘Логика Майнкрафта! #майнкрафт #minecraft #funtime #сервер #holyworld #anarchy #shorts’, was uploaded by ArianCraft on 2024-06-04 11:07:25. It has garnered 817 views and 25 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:26 or 26 seconds. Read More

  • Secrets Revealed: The Truth Behind KYRSP33DY’s Mythical Cobblemon Adventure!

    Secrets Revealed: The Truth Behind KYRSP33DY's Mythical Cobblemon Adventure!Video Information This video, titled ‘The Inside! – Mythical Cobblemon S2 Day 15 (Minecraft Pokemon Mod)’, was uploaded by KYRSP33DY on 2024-06-11 02:11:07. It has garnered 36025 views and 1448 likes. The duration of the video is 01:45:35 or 6335 seconds. MERCH at https://bfc.store Become a member of the channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCIDlKYC7I6_76jCUBdX-6VQ/join My Twitter – https://twitter.com/KYR_SP33DY My Twitch – https://www.twitch.tv/kyr_sp33dy MERCH at https://bfc.store Check out FocusFuel: https://thefocusfuel.com/speedy Use Code “Speedy” for 10% Off! I am a co-founder of FocusFuel. Discord – https://discord.com/invite/mythicalnetwork Modpack -https://www.technicpack.net/modpack/pixelmon-513-pro.1072839 Installation Guide – Coming Soon #mythicalpartner Read More

  • “Unbelievable Win Using Luckyblocks in Bedwars!!!” #minecraft #hypixel

    "Unbelievable Win Using Luckyblocks in Bedwars!!!" #minecraft #hypixelVideo Information This video, titled ‘free win (luckyblocks bedwars) #minecraft #bedwars #hypixel’, was uploaded by Dimensional Breachers on 2024-03-15 05:26:32. It has garnered 464 views and 11 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:31 or 31 seconds. Welcome to another Video on our group channel: Discord Server: https://discord.gg/QJ8RwZZsjj Links to Breachers: Char: YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCOEy2PrmyH2JWVHsuVhcJbg Twitter: https://twitter.com/CharizardXKing Cryptic: YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCuQxOJ__tn8JE8cj9g7go8g Pug: YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCuAHUKt7SYUOWugIHEpo1DQ Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/outerspacepugyt Twitter: https://twitter.com/outerspacepugyt Muzz: YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC7qs0ZVm5zYNAWmiFKvMzhg Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/muzuku Twitter: https://twitter.com/Muzuku21 Ignore: #shorts #Minecraft #DimensionalBreachers #Halo #Phas #Deadbydaylight #gaming Tags: lunar client, badlion client, forge, 1.7.10 forge, 1.8.9 forge, hack download, vape.gg, vape download, vape v4, vapev4,… Read More

  • Daz Man Goes INSANE Over Skibidi Pack in Minecraft Bedrock!

    Daz Man Goes INSANE Over Skibidi Pack in Minecraft Bedrock!Video Information This video, titled ‘Daz Man Reviews Skibidi Modern Textures Texture Pack In Minecraft Bedrock! Texture Pack Review’, was uploaded by Daz Man on 2024-04-11 17:00:19. It has garnered 616 views and 22 likes. The duration of the video is 00:35:34 or 2134 seconds. Throwback Thursday has officially hit MEME status with the Skibidi Modern Textures Texture Pack available in Minecraft Markplace, created by Heropixel Games! ⭐Join this channel as a MEMBER to get access to perks⭐: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCMkZhW34c40PruhVE2XWoMA/join OTHER CHANNEL LINKS @DazManReacts – www.youtube.com/@DazManReacts Bringing the Skibidi Toilet meme into you Minecraft World with polished textures and custom Skibidi… Read More

  • 🔥EPIC Clan Base Build in Minecraft SMP Java + BE🔥

    🔥EPIC Clan Base Build in Minecraft SMP Java + BE🔥Video Information This video, titled ‘Making Clan Base In Minecraft SMP Java + BE #minecraftpesmpgameplayinhindi #publicsmpminecraft’, was uploaded by SFC Gaming World on 2024-01-14 08:20:00. It has garnered 89 views and 15 likes. The duration of the video is 00:47:14 or 2834 seconds. 🔴ABOUT THIS VIDEO SO Guys I M Playing In Golden Elytra Server And Making Our Clan Base If U Like And Enjoy This Stream Make Sure U Hit The Like Share And Subscribe Button And If U Wanna Play With Me The Ip Is Here Golden Elytra Server IP- Goldenelytra.com Zigbeast Bro Server Ip- PublicLoyal.aternos.me:40241 Zigbeast Bro… Read More

  • INSANE POKEMON NUZLOCKE LIVE! Choose names and join the fun 🚀

    INSANE POKEMON NUZLOCKE LIVE! Choose names and join the fun 🚀Video Information This video, titled ‘🔴PLAYING POKEMON NUZLOCKE LIVE!! (you can name pokemon, also im on a bad back up mic lol)’, was uploaded by Prof Mush on 2024-05-13 17:16:27. It has garnered 153 views and 9 likes. The duration of the video is 02:11:46 or 7906 seconds. hive is live chatgpt is taking over now… hive, hive cs, hive with viewers, hive party, minecraft, minecraft bedrock, minecraft the hive, hive bedrock, hive skywars, the hive, hive treasure wars, mcpe, the hive bedrock, treasure wars, hive arcade, Hive, Hive Minigames, Minecraft, PvP, Minecraft PvP, 1v1, Hive Custom Servers, Hive Quests,… Read More

  • savdude – Insane New Music Disc – OMG Reason 7 #minecraft

    savdude - Insane New Music Disc - OMG Reason 7 #minecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘New Minecraft Music Disc – For a Reason 7? #minecraft#shorts#cricket’, was uploaded by savdude on 2024-05-05 14:54:48. It has garnered 390 views and 12 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:56 or 56 seconds. Minecraft Holi Edition Mod FOLLOW ME : Instagram ►https://www.instagram.com/sav_dude_/ Discord ►https://discord.link/Savdude #Minecraft #But#savdude#op #holi #happy holi #holi festival #holi holiday Read More

  • Aurous

    AurousWelcome to Aurous! We listen to community suggestions and always have a twist or special thing going on. server.limified.com Read More

  • TheCrib SMP Java + Bedrock 1.20 Survival Community Events

    TheCrib Server TheCrib is a Survival, SMP, Factions, and Anarchy based server that focuses on quality of life features and values the player experience. The server supports both Java & Bedrock versions. Server IP: thecribmc.us.to Bedrock Port: 19132 Discord Server: discord.gg/thecribmc Wiki: wiki.thecrib.live Read More

Tamashii Nations, Fullmetal Alchemist, Minecraft, Godzilla: Rulers of Earth, The Kingdom of the Gods