TapL StreamArchive – Minecraft Championships 8 Cyan Creepers POV

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I just want some time to express the things i feel just to express the things i feel and believe them too two plus two has been for four so many darn A years oh baby is that just so wrong and it goes When will you come back home And i’m traveling somewhere new it’s a wonderful world but i still know you it’s a wonderful Where did all the bad When times you come back home I just went online to explain the things i feel do express the things i mean and it felt so real now i’m doing all right and i’m down right feeling okay it’s the end of the world and i just can’t wait Good times Start to turn Got no yo what is up how y’all doing welcome to the stream everyone how y’all doing how y’all doing yeah it’s in like what it’s enough 50 49 minutes hey hey let me tell you what let me tell you oh shut up bill there you go okay

But welcome to the stream this is gonna be minecraft champions eight this is the first time i’m actually going to be in the event so this is my debut season episode eh i guess we could say season yeah this is my first time being an mcc and i’m excited

I was training if you weren’t here earlier i was training with my teammates like a lot pretty like pretty often we were practicing a lot uh in previous streams and i’m very very very happy to say that we feel very prepared i think we learned a lot we got like our synergy up

Over the last few days and uh yeah yeah yeah the practice was really good um i learned a lot in the last two weeks about 1.16 1.15 pvp the new combat system considering that i am some boomer stuck in 1.8 the whole time playing uhc but here i am playing the newest version

And all that training is gonna lead to today so i’m excited it’s gonna be starting in uh uh like 40 50 minutes yeah and um that gives us some time to go and prep and have you guys along with the journey before we get into the actual event

Hey i know a lot of you are gonna be watching tech doing dream a lot of you hey hey i’m just saying i’m just saying if this is the the winner’s pov and if you’re gonna stay here then you’ll be watching it from start to finish and that’s going to be awesome if

If we even just say it just saying who knows if we’re going to win who knows um but anyways uh oh and i’ve seen a lot of like a lot of screenshots of people like posting their their setups of people or like since there’s so many people like

Streaming for this one right like what 40 all 40 of us in the mcc is gonna be streaming that means that there’s gonna be people that are gonna be watching more than one streamer at the same time i’ve seen people like how like go to websites where they would allow them to

Watch like 15 people at the same time i don’t know how you even do that i feel like my my senses would overload but oh boy yeah um amen amen i’m i’m actually excited because look a lot of people okay on the subreddit and that’s where like the sweaty people who analyze the

The uh the event every day go to they’ve been saying that we’re like the second best team compared to techno and dream i mean that’s like the cliche but we’re like next meth is good puffy is good captain is good and i’m good there’s no like holes

There’s no holes i could literally go find the thread right now on reddit i would say like like a a survey i don’t know if it’s a survey or i guess a census no i’d say like a survey no i want to say survey actually i would say like

Just stats of people saying who’s gonna be first place second place who’s gonna be the best and we’re like a close sec or we are a close second to first and apparently 73 of people from i don’t know where the sources were i think actually the same reddit saying that yeah that

That techno’s and dreams team is going to be going to dodgeball 73 and you know how much percent for us 71 71 dude it’s like the hunger games and like the sponsors is telling us hey dude hey dude you are gonna be the one that’s good you’re the katniss

There’s all these like scary people that are like good and stuff which is probably going to be techno and dream in comparison and then there’s our team which i’m pretty sure none of us in our team has actually won mcc so i i’m pretty sure yeah i don’t

Think captain is one i don’t know if puffy won i don’t think puffy won either mess is not one i’ve not won if we get this this is the first time we’ll get coin the coin and that’s gonna be pretty awesome i’m just saying things could happen

Now there would be one thing me personally that would like ruin me and i would spiral into jitteriness because i am a jitterbug i jitter jitter when i’m stressed okay i don’t have like a good way to to um i don’t currently have a way to like

Make it simmer down the only way for me to simmer down i i know is by doing better because it would give me like oh i could do this that’s in my head but guess what when i jitter i do i perform terribly and that’s why people call me a choker

Because i could choke when like some crazy thing happens i get that like wave of anxiety and i just shiver up and then like miss my shot ruin my hits get comboed die and then lose like that’s gonna be a thing that i have to be very very careful of

It’s not even about the skill or or the performance at that point it’s more about or or figuring out the performance it’s more about me handling my my anxiety with this type of stuff so that’s gonna be a whole different thing i’m just saying chat anyways let’s go talk with my teammates hello

How are you i am now streaming cool cool bt up speed subs should we go practice somewhere we could we’re just on parkour right now we were warming up our hands warm up okay do you want to do dodgeball very soon sure okay okay but we’ll first do uh some parkour

I saw quite a few people on dodgeball i don’t know how many of them were there’s like senators versus testers yeah they’re all testers yeah i know i was about that you do some quick parkour i suppose man man man okay man i’m just i was disgusting with my chat earlier

How i have to like cope with being really shaky because i’m a shaker i get shaky when things get like a little crazy oh i’m i’m the worst when it would get down to me and one other person in a game of fortnight oh god yeah my heart would be racing my hands

Would be freaking out so bad and yeah because you know everybody’s watching you wait you don’t because people watch or watching you no it’s like the only game where i would get nervous like if it’s me in like a 1v1 situation or like whether it’s watching or not i

Feel like then i’d get nervous because i know everybody’s literally staring at me yeah wait what how many times have you guys been in dodgeball twice once twice no twice twice i dreamt about it one time did you win in your dream yeah yeah i did nice okay we’ll make that dream come

True today yes maybe no maybe i don’t want to send to you guys are you guys on the dodgeball we’re currently doing the parkour right now yeah oh yeah yeah yeah also i just said this to jordan i think we’re supposed to be in the the official discord oh yeah is this cheating

No i think we’re plotting roll call i guess oh yeah that’s true should we go in there no we should probably do that yeah all right i’ll see you guys there one oh okay i need to drink some water oh i’m getting surrounded i’m getting stressed why are you stressed already dude no

Okay i don’t know no stress here i don’t know how i’ve gotten worse at the uh iron trap door strafes not the ice ones than other ones i feel like i’ve gotten worse at them since last mcc practice there was probably going to be something just as difficult and similar mechanism I’ve been doing very very good at the trapdoor ones wait are we talking about salmon are you talking about the one before the salmon right before the the second the last stage oh yeah yeah yeah the cursed one yeah i i think i’ve been doing a lot better at the first one so

I’ve been realizing like curving it is so so helpful i try to do that yeah but like being on the road at the park yeah now i guess you you don’t do a run jump you actually like line it up oh no no no yeah i do the run oh okay

Practice practice practice definitely need to do some dodgeball before that we get all warm ourselves up for it uh i want to make sure to practice do you guys know how to do the rocket boost thing in the yeah yeah rocket spliff the raucous blief can you like do that

Never have played that so any of those games you just look down jump and shoot it at your feet it’s that simple i was born past y2k how old are you i’m 19. okay i has mean been relevant since your birth oh no it has it has it has it’s just i

Haven’t played it now oh right behind me i made it thank goodness hey no more zoomer in the chat alright it’s just you just go like right before you land you just hit right no no no no no i do it more when you’re on the way up

Oh like you jump and you jump right in you jump oh so then you’re good okay that’s that’s simple yeah that’s very simple it’s not that bad all right i got the salmon ladder i’m not gonna bother not try it try it hey hey this is the

Last practice i’ve been trying for the last 30 seconds 30 seconds yeah you don’t want to i’m gonna put myself in a bad headset headspace and then uh and then i’ll hurt my performance frustrated that’s like the majority of my parkour practice [Applause] Oh oh are you guys doing good about bingo how would we do bingo what do you mean like how like what would be like do we do roles and stuff like the good strategy to do usually like above ground and below ground is a good way to break it up okay and then

Now we have the ability to teleport to each other though which is a big help yeah it’s gonna make things very very fast i think yeah well that was the make or break sometimes your teammate had something you didn’t hello best friends hello what’s up hello link oink point

Pretty good i’m using you guys to balance my audio oh okay all right how are you feeling about uh victory i’ve put no thought into billboard whatsoever fair enough dude i’m pretty sure you have like that spreadsheet again and then you literally look at the the trailer you could change like two little

Like factors like two new little numbers and you’re good yeah we we got our whole team running drills here where we have like the call out system and then one guy’s getting all the stone it’s pretty great okay that’s pretty i’m sure that’s definitely what you’re doing dude

I was i was thinking about it last night i was talking techno i was talking to your teammates last night i was gonna call with with michael and and byron and they were saying how you didn’t practice with them but i don’t i don’t i can’t tell if

They’re actually lying just to like i don’t know if they’ll throw us off with okay all right well i just i can’t tell man i can’t tell if you’re like if he was being serious maybe maybe he was just actually practicing 19 hours a day in the background while you were just

You know while he was just saying oh i was actually i’ve never talked to them before he he literally said that yeah michael said he was not i think michael says he’s like a literal meme i mean they’re practicing they’ve got a lot to carry with his team he seemed pretty genuine though

He tweeted about not practicing but well that too but i don’t know i won’t trust it i’m sorry michael but i don’t think i can ah and the uh what else what else there’s a lot of different things how do you do the final stage of parkour without ever stopping once

I’ve never done the parkour before i wouldn’t well i dude you cannot squeeze any more information i literally taunted him like yesterday on my stream saying oh you’re squeezing squeezing info from dream and now he’s not budging at all he’s gonna be a stone-faced man literally you’re a lawyer’s favorite client exactly

I think he could be a lawyer himself definitely a lawyer yeah that’s a tech no 60 spreadsheets to court if i commit arson can you can you back me up what god damn it oh my god i mean you are streaming right now i’m gonna say that’s a yes see you in court

Okay i don’t like that’s what this tournament is yeah yeah it’s going to be a legal battle by mcc i’m divorced you know did you say divorce i’ll file the divorce papers who’s the father of our team okay let’s not answer that question or else walk past us um okay dodgeball to anyone

Yeah you want a 1v1 dodgebolt i don’t know what dodgeball is i hate you another new minigame oh my god what’s minecraft hi what’s my cream it’s not like hole in the wall but they shoot arrows at you oh so you’ve heard a hole in the wall oh

Oh hey you want a 1v1 on the wall what’s holding the wall on hypixel yeah we you know something you know something come on now what’s the ip address for hypixel oh my god hypixel uh dot org i think if simon’s watching this round please remove all of his pluses

Give him the grey ring oh no dude a hundred percent at this point now i’m just thinking michael i’m getting on dodgeball okay all right you two attacking all right i’ve never i don’t know what’s going on dude the most brain-dead man in the world i don’t get this

Practice because i’m just so naturally talented if i die from this being indulgable person your team in our team why humility is unrivaled in this land he’s the most humble person if there was a humbleness leaderboard wait what just happened to my wait what just jesus christ wait hold on i someone’s

I think i just got a crazy was that dream what jesus christ dream okay what happened what okay whizzed by uh is that 20 dream thank you for the 20. hey your teammate is um in bribery he’s bribing us i’m not done don’t take it yeah

We need your help to win the audience takeover guys come on work together we can rig the vote why yeah you’re going to need all the help like i don’t get it why would they oh my god like i can’t just generate three hundred thousand people watching

Me yeah and like they’re just gonna go into their call and just ask them what game they want instead of doing the vote sorry what do you guys want it’s not popular this is so cursed you should just like go into the college like yeah just pick a game

Oh god dream where he’s bribing me now oh yes tech now i’m pretty sure you stole that joke from someone in the subreddit i don’t read it okay okay that’s actually not a lie no you do you have an account i mean it’s like four years old tell the truth

Yeah and i use it like once a year he’s a throwaway cow distracted me it’s distracting he actually made all of those teammates yeah he’s making my alerts go off nonsense yeah he has like a fan account secretly so we’re gonna interfere with your communications and build mart by just spamming you with

Donation alerts i hate it i hate it what block do i need thank you for the first view [Laughter] oh no there no why is my ping poo again to the server dang it one server techno hey tech now guess what hello i hope you the i wish you the best

I i hope you’re the best i hope you do very well this mcc okay thank you you really got in there to apple nice what i’m being i’m being respectful with sportsmanship stuttering like your brain’s buffering because i’m jittering from the mass amount of anxiety i’m getting from the spirit of the opposition

Hey maybe we could over maybe we could throw them off i’m just very very confident they just don’t know being stressed throwing him off all right i’ll be right back i’m going to start my stream you do that wait wait you do that techno are you guys on the

Yeah hey yeah if i kill you and win it’s gonna be a three year anniversary and one i defeated you in sky wars uh i’m gonna upload the clip i got yesterday they call me the pork killer i got so scammed yet i was just

Practicing on my old and i see tappl has joined the server and i’m like what and then you joined my game and i killed you and i went to like your stream to tell you and you’re like what techno tried to stream snipe me but i killed

Him like that is the exact opposite oh my god guys i killed tech nope i’m like bro i didn’t say oh my god oh my god like i was playing in chat only one guy in chat misunderstood my message and said wait apple just killed tech knows all and you read that message

Of all the messages you’re like yeah i did cool and i’m like no he only wanted to read that message hey hey chad thank you for deceiving me please deceive me more yeah it would bring me some fake confidence up perfect perfect strategy top are dodgeball is that like a type of indian

Food yeah oh yeah tastes like sushi sure sure techno do you want to get on what’s those bolt oh you don’t know what dodgeball is where am i oh my god literally he just turned into baby mode his brain turns into baby mode on purpose i swear literally

You like google gaga what is dodgeball oh my god mommy where’s mommy where’s my pacifier oink oink no can you please get on you have 150 wins Gotta be someone else man what’s up guys i was just giving this idea i’ve never actually played it oh hey dream oh dreams here i can balance audio dream talk hi Is it true that you’ve never talked to michael in a voice shot i have oh you have yeah we have you a couple weeks ago what have you practiced with him wait that was a week ago weeks ago i’m just i’m just surprised we were discussing about this last night

I was calling with michael and byron i’ve been busy busy i think you have plenty of time to practice with your teammates no um i haven’t every other mcc you’ve wait you’ve never i i have and the other mtc’s oh okay it’s interesting that this one does not

Hey ryan strange to have you as an enemy now weird oh that works listen jordan you’re going down man i’m just gonna say right now i have a one hand on it right now i don’t make any claims about any skill level whatsoever it’s not existed for me

Yeah but i have a onesie on so i think it’s pretty dang it who’s winning here hey I mean we are all matching with blue coats okay yeah that’s that’s dude that’s cordial’s co what do you mean you stole my code do you actually have a blue you’re purple you’re the fallen keenus gets a blue coat crinus you have john this that’s cool man your your skin is purple anyways

My fallen kingdom is a blue is it that look like the fallen kingdom one or a different blue coat um it’s sorry it’s a cyan falling kingdom code the exact same one that’s basically mine you stole my brand okay how do i where did the fallen kingdom come come from i built it

Okay did you build it and it fell i was Yeah what are you doing what is that skin that doesn’t match at all matching this is my naked skin where i’m naked i got something right i’m glad i removed the pig from the call that’s how you remove them you say something almost not pg and then he’s gone

Oh good defending the adsense that’s not nice harvey it’s very not nice we’ll have fun playing with you yeah you know michael says bad words left and right so he does oh yeah he does yeah it’s going to be fun yeah you guys should put squares on in parentheses for your titles

On your streams no no okay i’m going to go you guys have fun letter letter after this i’m going to go and change my skin because wahoo you got to change it yeah yeah i forgot i kind of forgot i don’t change my skin ever it’s just fixed like that like oh

Well today’s the day yeah like my my skin is like an onion if i peel it there’s gonna be more of the same skin it just does not change at all anyways here let me let me find the uh Empty championship server no wonder why um my paint to the doctor here we go here it is oh god dude i look snazzy in the skin let me see i can’t wait no i don’t have it yet i don’t have it yet but when i put it on it’s going to be nice

Pretty nice it’ll be nice when i’m wearing it it’s pretty it’s very nice all right oh if i stand still they won’t see me right come take it where is it boom take your mouse got that Yeah gosh dang it oh dude you’re smart okay that’s that’s the first time someone did that to me i was actually smart man get it wait what how’s puffy back in there Oh nice hey i just got in here come on and he’s really good can we just can we just sub me out for him whenever we make it okay here we go okay people are already flaggy now great who’s it who is it who is it

Where are they both of us now i’m gonna get shot next okay here’s the next one who has it i don’t know oh this is crushed come on now i don’t know we both have trust or not okay yeah holy crust dude i’ll use more crosstalk oh my god

Oh my god this isn’t even this is not legitimate practice because he’s been doing all the work for us oh there we go there you go well now it’s legitimate practice oh great oh the bait come on captain harvey let’s do this he’s just gonna wait it out

You know we have a certain amount of time before the thing actually starts that’s true that’s the reason why captain should pull out the boat pull out the bow captain tom look at tommy up there look at him just look at him just hanging out where’s it get dong

Look he’s looking at you captain look at him whoa look at donk whoa oh that was so good clicked on him i just got literal hold on let me download this again oh shoot we’re starting anyone wait hold on wait i’m gonna disconnect sorry for that

Round oh are we getting on the main server now um oh no i’m just changing oh yeah i mean we have like a few more minutes and also don’t people like take longer or something some people are late some of the time realistically starts at like uh 12 30. 12 30.

Some people could be 30 minutes oh goodness okay no wow that was quick the flick look at the flick oh geez okay let me drop this right here come on dynamite donut let’s do this upload there you go shoot okay he’s got two chances though he can do this of course

L stands for love okay What is you know what to do from dream what does that even mean does you know what to do dude i don’t know what that means you know what to do throw your teammates i don’t i don’t get it don’t do it i’m not doing that briber ah robbing man oh boy ah

Okay yeah i mean thank you dream but very confused what it means bt dubs i’m gonna go say thank you to the other uh every time i mute and talk i try to like yoink it in but oh my god okay i’m never doing that ever again oh

My gosh imagine trying to do dodgeball at the very end you know we’re top two fighting techno’s team mutes up thanks for the donation thank you for the hundred bits dies lose the games no coin no win dude i would so Oh bruh but yeah i’ll get him everything thank you like in between i’m looking at you guys just like gifts and all that in the bits i’ll say thank you in a bit okay i’m no longer naked by the way so i’ve changed uh that was not good

Okay are we all oh look at me i’ve never had my skin look like this before this is cool that’s so sick oh i like it rest up loving it got the drip the drip is the 1200 gucci Yeah i bought it from my coin Or with my coin yeah yeah my mind coins with mine coins yeah that was just oh don’t do it harvey hey muffs hey okay you’re good you’re good yeah and and get her done oh with the bait this is kind of cursed That’s insanity oh just 360. up okay i should never shave like that again okay on now come on baked boy oh i’ll turn off the ac you have an ac come on california i’m jealous i don’t have one i wish you the best i just have this fan where like

Has a hole in it if you stick your finger in it you might cut off your finger well why would you stick your finger in it i mean i wouldn’t today in southern california wait oh yeah yeah wait what time oh yeah our power could go out at any moment oh no

That’s not real is it no it’s absolutely is definitely real you’re you’re joking what time like any time today any time no no no power imagine if we were in dogs and we’re all from southern california so then the entire team just goes yeah i

Swear if that happens i’d be so angry oh my god uh server lagging for anybody picking up going down yeah yeah they’re building wi-fi dude shut it down oh my god oh puffy’s gone i went to the mc championship server oh just cuz like the ping is so iffy for me

There it’s like not even really practice because they’re frozen half the time The rocket jumps quickly nice okay maths that’s zero zero two for me two for two for you good stuff Ah dude oh oh shoot okay oh i can’t believe you’ve done this Nice got two of me he got me he got me okay hit him i won’t i won’t i Oh my okay i’m skimming too much good job yeah good game a little bit man man man man go all right let’s get to it wait what oh god what am i on there’s so many people on the server right now my god oh yeah no kidding oh god

Should we do this one and another one or this one and then go should we do this and then head out yeah other people gets to play a game okay no just monopolize the lobby i’m at the strat gym’s gone bandit oh flip and slide okay king has it careful nice

Who has it who else has it oh oh my god who has Do you not realize he has both i have no idea oh please maybe he finally he realized i understand dream strafes there we go there we go boys oh dear well okay got two dude don’t get any more oh my god exact wrong predictions twice in a row

Once again i’m not doing bread i mean there’s a reason both nice this is not too nice actually crash i am trash don’t say that are his strafes really good i can’t tell because nobody nobody can hit him which one the emerald guy yeah yeah i think he just like

Spazzes out his arm right takes his time oh but bandit’s really good at it too he’s really like moving a lot to throw everyone off it’s actually kind of good oh from the bribe that coin is priceless you i am valuing this team more than a few subs okay no no boom oh

Why why Oh wow This man’s go get him get him oh god oh oh oh oh god oh god oh god he’s gonna go for me failed nice good stuff please quick work fast fast fast fast parker might get skipped again recording just put let’s skip parkour again cause i’m on the parkour server and then

Everybody was like yep i agree including you know you don’t want to do parkour again um i don’t think i’m bad at it but i think i don’t know i mean they’re changing at the end but it’s probably just gonna only get harder we think is it just the end they’re not

Changing up the entire course i think they’re focusing more on the end this time okay just because they have added like little changes throughout earlier portions of the chorus appeal well my audience they want me to vote parkour and possible time that makes sense yeah well i i feel like later maybe i

Would avoid it unless we’re all that confident with it i know for voting parkour if it’s immediately available oh that miss yeah that’s fine if it’s there in the first match i’m all about voting at first oh wait there’s less pressure dude that guy is literally a problem that guy’s a

Greek god look at him that makes no sense all right that’s a free kill i guess there you go hey let’s shoot the afk guy oh no this is it shot him nice hey that’s a nice 3-0 before we go over to the main server beautiful let’s go in here we go

We’re switching over yep i guess we’re uh entering oh it’s time wait time yeah yeah yeah dream try to bribe me again i won’t let it happen guys i’m gonna go i’m gonna try to uh catch up on my notifications and i’ll be back in a few yes yeah same time same time

Same thing i’ll be back let me just drink some water hey i should stack up on a bunch of water you know that’ll be pretty good hey shout out to the people who are reminding others about the etiquette of streaming if you don’t know if you’re new to like twitch like the platform

It’s not even a twitch thing it should be like more of a streamer thing in general about like talking about other streamers in one stream or shot because imagine trying to do your thing and then you’re talking about like people that are that are not even like

Within your own discussion it’s kind of like messed up so please don’t really talk about me unless i’m like within like another streamers streamers gameplay like let’s say dream was streaming right and then i was just like talking or not not talking i was just like

I don’t know just doing my thing people are like oh tablet streaming double streaming in dreams chat don’t do that please please don’t do that don’t don’t go tell the streamers and and um and just like say like discuss anything that’s not even related to the stream because it’s

Just kind of like oh i’m i’m just gonna disregard the streamer and talk about somebody else it’s kind of disrespectful another thing do not hate on other streamers while we’re playing this is a game for fun do not hate other streamers if they kill me don’t be like don’t go

To the stream don’t go like hey i hate you don’t do that don’t go under on their twitter don’t tweet at them saying like hey i hate you don’t do that this is for fun it’s for content this is supposed to be a thing for fun don’t be toxic okay

Anyways let’s get to the notifications all right also my voice is kind of messed up from yesterday oopsies um oh man we got a live notice yo um addy thank you so much good luck to apple thank you so much drop on oh my god thank you so much for

The resub i can’t stay long since i have work today but i hope you do well whether you win or not just do your best and i’ll be proud of your good proud of you good luck thank you so much archer thank you so much for the resub

You got this thank you so much thank you so much methor thank you so much for the prime minister hey thank you db parker’s dream gift thank you so much holy crap 1k bits thank you so much exo as well holy crap dude thank you thank you guys

Number string thank you for the 666 bits thank you tasty thank you so much for the 100 have you heard of twitch prime oh here we go again oh god animal lover thank you so much for this one as well thank you thank you thank you of course that top thank you

For the under bits harvey don’t believe the green man he is a lie also your team seems stacked for you this is true this is true we are pretty stacked very good team hey wong thank you so much for the two bits by the way thank you thank you thank you

I appreciate the two uh the two gifts bexy thank you for the hundred bits as well holy crap thank you harvey each time your team gets into the top five i’ll give the sub if your team wins i’ll gift a two tier or three regular subs holy crap winter that’s insane thank you

In advance my goodness oh mars thank you thank you so much for the resub four months hey that’s awesome alyssa thank you thank you so much good luck i appreciate that thank you i’ll have this look thank you as well point midnight appreciate the 100 bits thank you guys notifications done

I need to get to the restroom but listen to the team hello hello hello hola hello yo there’s like okay what are some other cool stuff there’s like oh there’s a park porsche oh what is this there’s like a which one oh dude there’s like a rocket sweep area that i could

Use oh yeah yeah that’s a good package look at the timing off this is actually not that hard to like move around i don’t think oh that’s not that bad obviously oh you can hit people wait so you hit people and also shoot them in the rocket right

Knock them off actually really helpful i’m seeing this it’s pretty cool Oh my god there i’m knocking people off what the heck this is cool dude get out of here there you go get out of here quick quick i’m gonna click him all right he’s getting quick oh gosh this turn oh my god so some people don’t have like drip so

Yeah they don’t drip like this no we got more some of them do have jerseys which is clean looking it does joey i want to kill joey so bad kill joey i’m at the top now joining me Okay oh my god man man man man man big man right there get out of here oh I’ll just defend my title being right there that’s your spot i’m gonna keep i got quick i quick them wait get keep that one and i’ll be back hold on oh god i messed it up i’m just hitting oh smosh hold on oh it’s quick ew i mean what oh no

You can climb from the back by the way are you really oh yeah you can shoot off the wall and it boosts you up still get him oh it’s a furry defending just keep shooting at him yeah yeah Oh my god mother floor oh god this is easy to like maneuver around honestly why does he have some hypixel games God this is not that bad honestly yeah got him out i was number one oh i saw that hey that’s funny oh careful oh i got him oh oh you guys are doing the rocket jumps yeah yeah yeah yeah it’s a lot of fun wow look at crania’s being toxic

Hi puppy hey let’s defend it let’s defend this area right now oh you know you can get up on top of the sign have you done that yet yeah i’ve not yet let’s go yeah let’s get on the sign all of us just flex over up here oh no i stopped it

Wait quick ask for the idea again oh you dunce okay oh that’s you wow me let’s go accidents ready right i think the shovels have knockback on them in the event right it seems like so i’ll throw him off get him yeah i got him let’s go on the mcc thing

Here boost us okay that that’s not what i’m having the rocket wow quake wow the worst kind of person oh go oh dude yeah yeah official server are you practicing your rocket jumps yeah yeah those little practice areas is pretty cool maps oh i tried to push you there i tried

You could shoot the wall and then you oh my god wig no no no i can’t hit each other oh maybe fight technically no that would not work it like auto reloads as it’s got it yeah i like how they implement the yeah it’s really nice pretty cool that’s cool

It was like wondering if there’s a reload button when i was watching that video but so rocket jumping pretty easy right yeah yeah yeah Oh ow my own teammates keep on hitting me off guys hey are we all ready boys we ready all right oh it’s time who is it i’m ready but i gotta use the bathroom oh well you’re not right he’s not he’s not right no i’m gonna be back hold on eat the drip

I love it oh oh my god you guys need 20 minutes 20 minutes wait what 20 minutes did you see the yellow photo shoot oh yeah they got like jerseys yeah but the back yeah the letters there’s a letter it looks really good i think well we have sleepers we have

Too many people we would you know how many people we need to do that man i like orange team’s track suits look good who’s just spamming the next oh my oh i’m gonna do it too it’s it’s it’s somebody from knox crew yeah they’re plugging themselves stop plugging yourself i’ll plug you

Oh hey team we should line up at the uh entrance and get a thumbnail super duper image yeah yeah thumbnail yeah we should do that we should go go on to the uh go on to the cyan concrete pedestal oh right there rainbow pedestals go is everyone doing

That right now i think so yeah there you go there you go heck yeah drip time the drip time okay hold on i get it i gotta get more okay we gotta center ourselves here we go yeah there you go yeah there we go look when we look on the sky screeny greeny

Bam f2 hold on give me a second i need to okay all right there you go there you go beautiful all right cool perfect good job team we’re going to do great if we’ve got the teamwork to do a thumbnail get them all lined up what else is there

Other than the rock sweep there’s like parkour oh it’s an ox group sign thing people do i’ve seen this from like the last one i remember i was watching dream do this what the knock screw oh yeah oh it’s starting in Um as a warning capital the music for this gets really loud so it has its own custom slider in the sound settings oh yeah oh well the background was like super duper loud because they they leave it to fall in 100 yeah crap i put on zero hey harvey hey They have elevators and a bunch of people if you get in at the same time it breaks and just like a secret underground area and it’s different every season yeah well last time there was some chickens stuck or wait was it chickens Are we all going to go in don’t we have to like be at the front yeah yeah let’s get the [ __ ] out yeah he probably yeah ding ding look at the numbers count down the fireworks that is so cool i’m excited oh Wait is it over there i don’t know it’s the wrong one oh there’s okay there’s only one elevator what elevator ah that was so quick all right if parker is available let’s just get it out of the way yes Oh the modifier goes up over time yeah okay so it’s like one one two two three or something like that i don’t know it’s point five each time okay rocket squeeze build my oh no parkour oh yeah yeah i’m doing it wait why is it okay that was changed

Isn’t the yellow ones like changed the yellow yeah they’re updated one yeah so then why is this oh yeah marks when things have been updated fans of time oh they want parkour yeah we’re all doing parkour hardcore you should vote at the very end because the chickens tend to wander yes

Unless they’re what a blue yeah why don’t we get stuck up in the park oops all right come on let’s get that parkour vote wait red just threw it inside their own arena You’ve got to be kidding me beating them up oh oh parkour is getting chicken oh no i missed get the vote and i’ll vote oh my god paracore for the first nice nice there you go i have to deal with that okay chicken stay there i think we’re

Pretty safe on parkour yeah yeah i think this is it Oh no pressure how’s everyone’s heart rate mine’s going up i’m so stressed parkour at least we’re doing it first yeah oh the same ladder is still there the salmon ladder is still there they said they were going to change it what they said they would have changed

It yeah wait the trapdoors are still the way they what nothing changed or changed huh the w straps are no longer there simon ladder is still there are you kidding me oh no oh god that’s very yo what are you still in the game no i’m just logging back in like it

Dropped as soon as we were voting oh what oh god okay i wonder if they’re like wanting each time you jump we can try to see if they’ll hold it okay did it start yeah no no it’s not started yet it’s starting in 45 seconds

How nice is it is it are you like looking through this yeah tutorial oh i see what’s different what’s that green thing what the oh freaking salmon ladder i cannot believe it oh my god it looks just as bad as everything worth timing yeah yeah i’m scared california this is sorry

Dude i’m so worried that this is going to happen to both of us multiple times yeah but it’s not it’s not just going to be us it’s going to be a lot of other teams oh yeah yeah because a lot of people we’re probably the most southern

California focused team yeah yeah we are before our whole team would get wiped out i didn’t know it would be today what the heck all right let’s do this What what i i fell like literally the first jump Oh come on dude all right if i’m gonna be like really really Oh now you got this okay thank you Come on nice oh this is new oh i fell come on oh come on dude come on let’s go let’s go next go harvey whoa this is uh different i do not like this green glass hey we’re number one boys keep keep it out we are

We got it keep at it yeah we are we are we are up by like 50 points me and you okay we’re we’re we’re facing the red rabbits it’s all good though god dang this green glass you got this captain i believe in you got it i believe in you dude thanks mate

There we go right behind you yeah we’re number one here we are are you kidding me i’m happy we’re getting this out of the way as the first one yeah me too awesome am i doing choking hard no it’s fine it’s just one one game one game

It’s funny twice one first game keep it going captain Yeah they did there Oh crap all right we out here good come on we’re good come on oh whoops oh we’re doing we’re doing number one boys this is amazing what the hell Sorry we got this yeah just hey if you’re if you’re like shaking like crazy you’re not the only one okay we’re in this together boys i was fine and then my internet dropping totally like flustered me uh i know it’s fine it’s fine got this got this got this oh my god no

Oh my god what’s up oh good it’s all good it’s good it’s good so good we’re doing great we’re doing really good guys we really are yeah let’s go you’re doing awesome we’re doing awesome great we’re number one that other people are having issues too so exactly

Yeah we’re number one just imagine all the other players are like struggling and just like oh no yeah oh no oh no you could hear all of them we’re not the only ones if anything we’re doing the best i can smell their tears ah come on there we go thank goodness

Just jump remember boys just jump oh yeah i didn’t do that There Oh they removed it [Laughter] the skip the ice skip yo oh they got it off yeah yeah yeah yeah all right thank you thank you s major i thought they posted on the reddit yeah yeah i forgot i forgot hey dude oh my god they made i remember the high pixel parkour was

Like this number one again pulling it oh back dude ladder neos they added an extra one in that huh yeah they did they added ladder neos this is going to be their name this is going to be the breaker yeah these people who are good at this just naturally

They’re going to get such a good like let’s start on this one oh my god come on dream was the first player to complete did he finish he’s the first one but they’re in fourth so yeah you do the entire thing i think so yeah it was really good

But it’s fine they’re literally not even on like the leaderboards it’s fine oh wait they changed this oh no what the heck yeah my brain is they did jordan right there yep oh my god wait they did two yep they oh they did the two of i’m

Screwed i can’t do twice a day no you can’t you can’t just try to try again literally you can you can you can do it oh that’s so mean of them i can’t believe they just did the same jump twice no no no captain seriously you could do this

The ice cream where the final one they doubled it oh wow yeah it’s definitely more difficult what the this glitch oh my god oh my god when did pink parrots get to first that’s fine uh dream finishing yeah probably well it changed after i think i don’t know

What they did but it’s interesting don’t worry guys we’re good we’re good yeah oh it’s that same jump i just missed that two mess oh my god no way that happened we’re all on the same part i’ve been doing a lot of like doing 90 of it and

Then failing like it’s some weird thing all right oh i slipped you got this boys doubled the most difficult jump in the entire map that is kind of mean i agree oh just keep going just keep trying we have two more minutes we get a lot more points in two minutes

Oh my god i did it yeah let’s go let’s go let’s go captain keep going oh i just want to get the ice there more points shoot oh what come on come on oh my god what am i doing oh my which one are you on

Just the uh the what should be the easy ice jumps but they obviously oh dude it’s hard a little bit it’s hard it’s hard oh don’t worry don’t worry this one’s brutal it is we got this down we got it we got it yeah there we go

I think i could do this one and then and then oh my god are you serious with that okay i think this might be where my time ends this night you got a minute you got a minute dude you got a minute a whole minute wow that’s one that’s ten percent of that’s

Like a whole that’s one tenth i have to go backside on it i can’t go backside okay okay get to the far wait which one are you on on the on the red um no the the blue ladder strafe jumps oh that’s so mean of them that’s so mean

You have to do you’re gonna have to do some weird like things they said that okay come on it’s okay this is really good oh it’s doing that come on come on no no no no i didn’t even know this was a mechanic you could do god they did like five of them

I’ll go first what is that dude i was looking ahead no way no way they did that no way oh we did great out of all the things they would change that at the end no way we did really well i’m literally i’m i’m canceling this stupid stare right here hey

Get this a trending hashtag ruin ruin this stupid nether brick stair oh my gosh which one is it wow i’m going i’m going forward oh my god bro i don’t know you could do those oh dang good job getting there though that was good it was good taking place i think that’s just

Just about what we could have hoped for that’s yeah that was good guys in terms of that hey i’m really happy we did well with our performance yeah we did very well i need more water i’ll be back that green glass definitely throws off i’m happy we got that out of the way

First though because there’s no modifier on that so they removed the individual score leaderboard now in the chat oh do they yeah it usually says who does the best in that event but i didn’t have it just at the team standings people don’t like it it says you were even

What place you’re in yeah i saw never mind i’m blind all right good job guy that was that was a good overall performance if dream hadn’t gotten all the bonus points that you get from finishing i think i think you would have been like super even with them yeah elevator

Oh yeah yo yo stairs over party that’s stupid sir i could have gotten like a final thing of points if it weren’t for that stupid chair oh oh it’s a cute house okay orange supporter Man Oh there you go all right what are we doing next i have no idea let’s see here battle box on the wall i feel like sands of time because there was massive point differentials last time around oh yeah yeah they said he tried to balance that out right oh they made it yeah

Some point differentials that’s true that’s true we could do sounds of time yeah from the time yeah yeah probably yeah sam’s time or sky block will either one but um i feel like a lot of people are gonna do skyblocker though but it’s either one or the other

Should we do something i prefer to wing on ace race because i think i can do well in that dance i think we could do well on everything else i can’t though oh fire bomb what the oh oh Hey if you’re watching yeah if you’re watching like me or captain or whatever dude and if you want to watch dreamer techno this is i i have a message for you you can watch multiple people and then when i mean multiple people you’re going to watch all four of us sign

Creepers and not technically we should squad stream what are we what are we doing here oh are we all partners because you need partner i’m not no crust oh crust i’m waiting that’s fine it’s fine all good it’s okay we can get like a multi-link if people want it but

You get one life per round is it a multi-twitch i think so uh oh my chat already has a multi stream going boom boom there link it that’ll be pretty cool uh here i can see if i can copy it so on number six i got two in a row i

Feel pretty good about this game i can’t i can’t two in a row yeah two wins in a row oh let’s do that let’s do that more why wait what what’s going on oh is it your internet or is it stress well there it is stress from my internet

Um okay tip f5 might help you i run f5 so yeah yeah maybe lower the um the trunks i don’t know if that would do better but am i yeah yeah just so you could just see like north what all the directions and that’s it i haven’t thought about doing that

There we go let’s go boys let’s go boys i wish they would hide your team members though because that screwed me up yeah i think you’re looking at that for a next season yeah hey what’s up what’s up tim there’s no waiting no waiting time at all no okay

I just did us being all lined up like this this is what’s gotten me in because i can’t tell where the shoulders end yeah if you if you need to use use on coordinates how are you okay actually you’re right no you’re right yeah they go really fast like later right okay

And if you’ve seen the decoy walls in this side walls oh the psycho the decoy walls are the worst what are decoy walls what is that this is like what’s going on now oh what the i was very lucky i was very very lucky i’ll even see the sike okay i’ll keep

Like spinning my cursor around that no one oh i’m always like moving yeah Should we call the colors uh we got a jumper here’s jumper jump jump jump always works or like majority of time it works a lot oh here comes a lot of people falling and here we go green yeah this looks crazy to think about this is crazy to see dude go

You’re good you’re good south carolina behind you yep got it yeah yeah i should be the eyes of this guy all right west west i don’t even know how that caught me out i don’t know how to come here it’s all good it’s all good [Applause] yeah yeah just one round boys

Yeah pete’s really good at this oh my god oh god really want to see pete i’m seeing how pete’s doing this he doesn’t care about jumping over the like the hole in the middle just so he can get to the other side as fast as possible oh wow Like as a viewer it looks so easy but then when you’re in it it’s like so hard yeah yeah it’s it’s primarily because slime blocks are just they’re pretty coated yeah they’re just really bad yeah it’s kind of curious hey let’s all say that and it’s just like uh

Let’s see the directions just so you know North and west oh wait oh wait no stop stop yes There you go that’s that’s yeah the teammates need to be too high yeah north north and it doesn’t work and it doesn’t work man dude i tried spamming yeah go let’s go jordan let’s go all right a lot of beatsies oh good i’m good okay oh nice north again north again

Oh wow just a lot of north a lot of noise there we go again it is going fast now okay uh north oh west you got this you got this i can’t i can’t i was like there was only one way through there no no no no no wait no way

That happened oh Have you guys been shifting just to line up yeah okay okay to line up yeah to like jump i i still shift for some reason i’m not shifting next time i think everybody’s having an issue though in terms of uh yeah win this one okay it’s crazy how fast it starts getting

Yeah yeah yeah yeah is it is it based off of time or is it based off of people dying time oh time but they’ve never gone to the end there’s an ending oh there’s no one’s ever seen it i didn’t know there was an ending yeah i mean neither oh

The timer goes all the way down oh that’s i didn’t think about that yeah no one’s ever survived that long yeah imagine dude you’d have to like dance dance revolution these are all slime blocks right yeah okay oh no oh no i didn’t go outside i hadn’t seen that one before

You’ve got a good uh west west where plus again okay that’s that’s crazy one can we just have this all day long let’s talk forever there you go it’s going to be faster get ready get ready to dump get ready jump nice north okay east coming yeah

A lot of east a lot of east god damn it why why did it not i don’t understand sometimes it’s a need to get good oh god really yeah really means okay those are some thoughts more south jesus there’s so many more west west west we’re catching up really quick

Yeah oh again once again to go to the edge oh oops that works too yeah hey it’s practice oh god which way uh what’s that north yep last minute how do you do this one jesus christ West west again west again russian nice let’s go okay north look at the man go by let’s go go north let’s go west west west west west let’s go oh my god oh south find you nice good stuff okay west west west west south south you got this what the heck does

That even mean west west west again What what you got what we got to the end yeah yeah beautiful beautiful stuff oh look at how much scores that’s amazing that’s pretty awesome though my heart yes racing right now dude that helps us so much we’ll go back to two don’t worry it’s yeah i don’t want it nothing

Oh man yeah oh good stuff let’s go wait so why did i end why did it end like that did you die or no one died like who like no what happened so then how so it just actually ended that’s right right now yeah oh i thought it was at like 46 or

Something oh maybe it ended early i don’t know either way that was weird okay have we ever gone 46 more seconds of that oh no please that was uh i did that would be something like oh [Applause] but why do we want to do sounds of time Last time or right was it that i don’t know how big the difference was but it was like i think i think some team got like 6 000 points in another team we got like 2 500 and we thought we were doing well yeah we got

So wait for people to throw to skyblock we’ll shoot those and let’s uh let’s time ourselves [Laughter] okay with battle box been well in it before yeah oh and remember the water strategy i was looking at the reddit apparently fire breath man was testing it and they said unexpectedly um one of um what is it that’s writer there’s death striker boots and one of

Them for one of the um the specialties and apparently there’s a strategy that they didn’t tell but they said there’s a good strategy to it that you could use they didn’t say what the strategy is but they said it’s very helpful in some situations i wonder if you can access

The wall from underneath yeah there’s a hole down there i can see it under the bridge how do you see that uh on the edge you can see there’s a hole right under like a tunnel leading somewhere i wonder where i wonder where it goes to though yeah i can see it

Going far back that’s why yeah that’ll be kind of goofy i don’t think that’s i feel like it goes to nowhere do they even do that type of stuff or they just like have a random is there always this downstairs that’s a what it was oh no there wasn’t it was stone

Axe all right sorry wooden axe oh wow people are gonna be uh taking a lot of damage now yeah yeah yeah i might try to all fan here so oh also there’s gonna be a knockback sword a knockback i think one and then also a um

Eight plus arrows and a crossbow for the specialties along with the depth straighter so like that downstairs to 73. hey what so basically um there’s a strategy that people would do so basically you get a person up at the top of the bridge get the knock back slap

Them through the water the person would like a crossbow could shoot them and kill them like easy peasy yeah oh god that’s good yeah so who’s gonna go who’s good with like crossbow should i do crossbow sure okay okay what do you guys want what do you guys want to put your wool

In the offhand too okay he wants to do a knockback sword uh i might just do weapons offense right or actually i kind of want to do wait who’s okay are we going to go straight for the wall we’re just going to kill people first um

I’d like arrows but i i don’t know i don’t know i’m gonna do it click something i click it i just click it what what you got what you got what you got what you got go go go go go go go where are we fighting i don’t even know okay

Oh my god i’m shooting them oh are you going for the wall uh no no no no no okay i’ll i’ll start it off i’ll start it off oh my god oh they got me oh he just got me like two hits what the heck is that yeah dude

That’s insane they’re gonna get it it’s in the world they’re getting the wheel yeah there’s three of them on it yeah that’s fine that’s fine i should have done the wall actually oh dear oh god okay uh click the buttons like something we took too long and like

I didn’t get anything i don’t know if mess got anything i think i got the uh sword and we clicked at the same time it was not good let me sit here it’s gonna be just sit here harvey oh lime llamas who’s lime llamas uh little wood catherine p pizza huts in

This one okay oh it’s knocked back too what the heck should i go and rush i don’t know if i can cross i’ll get crosstalk i’ll get it okay okay i’ll be crossbow and knock them off yeah i guess i could try to like go flank them with depth strider i don’t know

Impossible i might as well try to put it to you There’s a little world right here he’s trying to go for it okay i’m going to try to flank him with depth strider oh god i’m going to die i just died from little wood wow yeah i went for the middle they kept knocking me off oh rip yeah oh

Okay can you access i feel like i feel like there’s a better way to do this all right so what they did is someone rushed the wall and compete with them okay who’s gonna be the rusher then oh yeah how about this i’ll be knocked back i’ll rush okay someone help me back

Me up crossbow person and then i’m really trying to put the dip starter to use so you guys rush mid and i’m going to see if i can like flank around and catch them off guard okay yeah i’ll try that try that you maybe you could walk

Like parkour the lily pads and then go to the other side and then get them from the bottom okay i’m going to go to the right side you also go to the right side with me okay all right the right with you and then uh puffy

Puffy maps go to the left if you can oh we’re ready okay okay i’m trying to flank him keep going keep going nice that was very quick you get a lot more coins if you kill people i i had a lot of people like super low it’s not i don’t think it’s as

Much as you think wait really lower it did they lower it it was it was a lot of coins did they lower the course because i killed someone i got 22 coins and then the win is 60. that’s one-third of the win if we killed that times four

Then we’ll get like 120 right no 80 yeah or something 80 or 90. yeah not you get 90 if you kill everyone grab grab your gear guys grab your gear got it so i guess if we feed them what no i got the knock back i got the

Knock back what are the arrows no i’ve been doing i’ve been i’m doing stone sword now i mean knock back too sorry all right i’m gonna go left side left side all right oh god they’re rushing okay i’m scaring them i’m getting hit by h bomb they’re

Waiting on me oh god i’m swimming back they’re spotting me i’m low i’m very low yeah i got the win I think i think we could have killed them though they’re so low i feel like we need a time like getting more kills when i swim under the water two of them just started focusing on me for instance you were low too and so is jordan

Okay let’s let’s no no we have to kill them if you want to get really good points here we have to the win is more important though the win is more important overall than just like a guarantee okay so then so we’re aiming for like fourth place

Because that’s what it seems if we’re not gonna go for kills if we won every game you and jordan were both low okay i’ll just try to knob as many kills as possible then all right i’ll just technically all right oh shoot okay dreams targeting got a crossbow oh my god

Oh god they’re all here okay oh no puffy uh what you’re still alive uh i thought i died yeah we got michael you’ve got michael that crossbow is a rush that crossbow is a rush should i just go back to cross but then jesus christ oh right you could you

Could like have two in one right you could have um in both hands okay i’m gonna do that from now on holy crap i’m gonna do crossbow i forget i forget you could do offend don’t forget to pick i got it don’t forget to pick knock back

Stone sword has not been chosen there we go how can i shoot with it does that let me shoot oh it does what the heck is that that’s disgusting it’s a kimbo okay okay well i guess i hit someone oh i fell off in the water Got one kill we can kill them all yeah yep there’s the last one get up here we go yep we’re good that was good okay let’s do that one more do that again hey hey do that three more times okay he said go easy on the axe oh what chat come on

Not going easy on anybody yeah we’re not here they’re playing for fun they’re we’re not we’re not oh this stops okay george is going to be the crossbow guy oh we can see what they have okay all right saf is going to go left side or right side i mean they’re left

Okay he’s super low yeah careful careful they’re rushing the other side out oh god okay i’m dead watch out behind you during hold you’re doing well oh yeah yeah oh i hit there we’ll get the whole hurry up hurry up okay go go go go i swear to god my sword doesn’t do

Damage hi george What are they saying in the chat it’s just it’s a ninja that’s what ninja tweeted oh game oh god take your stuff guys if i shoot now would it just lose my arrow this is phil’s uh tommy you can load it yeah i’m loading it oh god on twitter

I’m going i’m going right side again all right okay so i’m gonna yeah someone help me someone go on the left dude my goodness oh we all went we’re literally going to take it like what oh god i’m low Guys we need to do two two on both sides it’s not working like this we all went right that was not good yeah when i say right don’t also go with me like okay captain you’re going with me mess and puffy are going on the on the left okay

All right we’ll flank them because it’s been focused because we’re like now trying just to get kills and they’re already like done with the ball we’re not even going for kills we’re going for the win we’re just not even rushing since when were we haven’t even go ever going to the

Ever trying to get kills like you’re the one who said to get kills well yeah but also trying to get the win along with it well i know but like it’s fine it’s fine okay oh what okay puffy maps you go to the to the left all

Right me and captain are going to go to the right yeah yeah i’m gonna shoot him [Applause] okay [Applause] Okay Dude they’re so dead they’re so dead they’re cpk there’s coming right here there there oh you got him get it get it there okay good good good good let’s go that was a good final one all right let’s get final i feel like we should we i feel like we

Should strategize more at the start so then we could just do the same thing over for the other rounds we just kind of like like understood at the very end it’s fine make sure to communicate yeah i feel like we need to communicate did it double our score

I’m not sure it’s okay we can make it back on other games wow don’t look at my score oh we’re number six now okay we can make it up a lot of fun what’s up so the modifier is going to start coming into play now so yeah

Drastically change yeah you can jump up a lot in these next few games yeah okay that’d be cool can’t get down there max load [Applause] [Applause] um let’s we should start doing like ace race and uh and build mart i feel like okay because those games i think we can start doing well at and get good points okay Ace race is the one with the um the trident All right oh i can see build more detectors let’s do uh ace race ace race is top notch yeah how do we use the [ __ ] go the entire you throw it at the one that you want the chickens to get killed at yeah let’s go throw it at sky waffle yeah

What all right we got it let me throw it i got that Stop traveling i can’t tell which one’s going to be i feel like yeah we’re going to race together yeah you’re right okay time to make back some points yes oh god fundy tackle you’ve never done this one right no i’m not too knowledgeable in like the trident so this is gonna be new

It’s not even just a trident so you have to hit the pad directly like because some people have jumped where it like the border of it and that’s not what gives you the boost okay so you’re talking about the jump pad i mean in a second okay yeah you feel the range

Jump pads this is this is annoying this is an annoying game no no it’s not it’s one game it’s pretty good it was a clip of people missing the jump pads a lot huh no because yeah because they were jumping off the border you’re just supposed to not jump right

What not jump on what what do you mean on the oh wait what about the jump boost once do you jump on the gym you jump it just okay it you jump high uh okay i thought it boosted you up press jump on spotted platforms huh so don’t you just essentially jump and

Just run on everything yeah yeah i just didn’t know if the jump pads boosted you up that’s that’s the spot of pads by the way right easier actually wait wait wait oh red is spotted okay then what’s yellow it’s just the boosters like the gray portion which didn’t give you a

Boost okay make sure you’re jumping off the red do you jump wait does it like automatically propel you towards the water yes or okay so no need for china with those think of like it’s it’s mario kart right mario kart kind of auto guides you to where you need to go

Okay yeah yeah that’s a good good explanation right there oh let’s go it made it easier actually this time around i hope so well because they had a depth rider you pull back your china all the way by the way yep okay i can’t see a thing

I cannot see it oh what the heck oh my god i can’t see that’s annoying make sure you’re not poking out all the way out of the water when you try to get away otherwise it will not go oh oh no what the hell oh yeah yeah this one’s in the lighter one

What oh let’s go oh bro go jordan come understanding Okay this is so interesting i wish people got invisible on this yeah see everybody like this last season i think people were hitting i thought they were like yeah yeah i felt like people were hidden what in the world what that’s interesting give me the boost So apparently the elytra shortcuts are faster what’s up what the heck okay i’m falling dude what is that oh no okay you have to aim as you jump that’s interesting that sucks this is interesting i thought i got that too that is terrible what the come on what is this dude they actually

Made things a little bit tougher dude literally it’s not responsive for some reason i don’t get it okay there this is the first time i’m ever doing this lab yeah this is interesting wait what oh shoot sure i don’t even know where to go jordan come on oh come on come on

Oh my god oh my god that too yep yep i’m with you go okay i can see now there okay there’s two laps Oh my god all right i i understand it now i’m gonna do better Why is my trident like barely going oh my god come on Oh no that was stupid to me it’s okay man oh shoot my train’s not doing anything come on dude they’re weirdly unreliable sometimes i can’t even oh my god oh my what the heck this is sad okay we’re good we’re good we’re good where am i at 20 now okay i’ll get back

My trench is not like boosting i don’t know if there’s like a weird delay on it that i can’t go up high enough to get to this so i’m like essentially stuck oh Got this you got this guys come on keep going we got it yeah jordan bald man Let’s go jordan let’s go No way i’m sad This one is just i didn’t know you could get this on top right there that’s interesting okay there okay oh shoot come on guys you got this you got it Screwed it up come on oh god i’m glitched i’m glitched you know that’s what happened to me no no no no no oh Geez there’s nine people in front of me oh my god okay i’m fixed now thank goodness it like all caught up at once for me oh for some reason i cannot figure out the path come on when no words anymore yeah i got confused the first one when i got back

I was able to do it last time i don’t know if they’d switch it up slightly come on come on come on my god there we go there there i’m gonna beat wilbur Gotta beat burn there you go Come on Let’s go boys Go puffy you got this guys nope ah where the heck do you go on this oh wait why did i do that that was the rip oh why did i do that yeah my bad i went to the wrong thing oops come on dude no you finished six

Nice six is good there we go nice yeah good job guys good job okay that was good for my first try my first time doing this or something yeah this is my first time doing this oh it’s really good i just uh screwed up on those flowers every time even though i

Was able to do it last time i don’t know if they switch it up or if i just i’m dumb you you’re gonna have to like aim above the flowers to like get to it it’s weird the flowers Come on come on right there it’s literally right it’s literally right there oh my god who got it first you got it no you got it you got it oh my god okay good good nice job like less than a second holy crap 14 47 behind pete jesus pizza monster

Everything’s not that bad okay yo i gotta use that i’ll use bathroom i’m gonna be back oh michael hasn’t finished that’s good i still haven’t finished i went from like 20th to 36th after everything oh god i was intense the whole time it was rough what Oh my god Pink parrots all right it makes me good that feel good that michael’s really far behind we should vote build mart next build mart God that made me that made us lose last time i’m scared really yeah we were in second and we dropped down to like fourth because of it i’m back what’s up what’s going on we got number four for this one um uh we got sixth place ninth place and

Fourteenth and guys i’m not sure where i don’t want to talk there it is we’re in a dark place that’s where i am in a dark place what my wings didn’t go if you’re lower than the gate then yeah yeah yeah my electric close itself four times wait

Is fundy still on the course yes there’s a lot of people yeah first last time yeah that’s interesting i’m wondering why what happened and i want to look at him i thought actually surprisingly yeah he’s still it’s interesting oh he fell again just now yeah more funny yeah he i think he’s

Going for shortcuts and he wasn’t making them yeah i’m not sure why that’s interesting oh a lot of three orange have not finished puffy use the um very good it wasn’t bad no we got fourth some top teams did pretty bad this time yeah that was bad for me i was having

Like a raging moment when my trident just wouldn’t do anything that’s fine it’s fun what happened literally literally happened using wilbur’s computer yeah right hey Oh he’s stuck under a flower right now um that’s interesting what he’s doing interesting strategy oh what’s he keep shooting back himself what did he just i think he’s just given up yeah i think he does huh he’s just waiting for the timer oh no

Oh no he’s going for it oh he’s he’s trying to fight meeks oh wedding the next one possibly easy clap There we go joey’s the last one i i didn’t like that you could actually see people on this one yeah it wasn’t like that last time i don’t i feel like it was invisible though like through at least boots because like i was when i was using the trident and water i was

Hitting people because they went in front of me oh goodness why does it say fundy scored the most points hey we’re fourth now wait what why is fundy on top in each section that doesn’t make sense um he found the cheat codes that’s what he did what what oh no

That’s him that’s him he’s typing that oh okay that’s gonna wait no i swear he coded something to make it look like i swear code i swear at some code no way that’s so dude he’s a meme honestly what is that what how did he get a thousand each time yeah

Look if you type then it’s in between no there’s still an a he i swear he coded that that’s so funny funny is god like all right not very much separating no we’re pretty close though everyone yeah man first only has a two thousand that’s not that much when does the audience

Takeover happen by the way uh after this oh it’s it’s over wow i know it’s a what super long break a super long six minute break okay interesting uh right now the thing isn’t it yeah yeah it’s break time and then the audience take over honey aka the pink parrot take over

The pink parrot i just want to see them go into that call and just ask them what they want them yeah you i mean really they should just be like hey techno dream what do you want to play and then that’s um god i wish i did better in the last game

But oh well yeah oh yeah you got you had a bug too didn’t you yeah the trident like stayed activated spinning top mode they just tweeted out audience takeover all right well let’s see what it is what are they i’m not gonna vote enough voting i’m not gonna vote build

Mart vote build mart real mart okay bill martin oh they want skyblocker no the worst choice well that’s actually the worst choice it’s going to be skyblock [Applause] no vote for build vote for bill maher are they really just saying twitter i’ll vote i’ll vote for bill mart that one extra

Dude literally they could have techno pick one vote or have his audience pick one thing and then dream pick another and they’ll still get what they want true dang it they dream what happened in the last tournament oh really oh my god jesus and it caused controversy yeah

And that means oh yeah controversy controversy dude it’s like 86 percent skybox can you teach me how to do skype by the way like what items do i need and all that or what is there ender pearls yeah i think you can get them how so it’s basically like skywars chapel but

Order moving in like yeah yeah so did they reward more kills or surviving after that i think both i mean it’s more important because okay if we’re getting if we’re stacked then go for kills if we’re like oh no then we’ll just try to survive as much as possible like crouch and like

You know hide or something yeah that’s the map’s different what the key thing to do is go for high ground like yeah you can go on top of the towers of the map and then nobody can get you you essentially just have to you have the upwards advantage

I mean you put lava down and yeah yeah yeah really good all right means a lot there’s a border in there it’s like just vital i’m gonna i’m gonna feel good i’m gonna feel good about this one because it’s skywars i’m like a scholars player

So this is i feel like i’ll feel a little bit more confident in this one many many years in the game many many years in the game so i’m feeling good about this one i feel good this is literally my territory i just need to figure out what items there are

It’s like skywars and like skyblock where you have to mine for your own resources as well yeah okay do we do we have to always do it like a lava source well they give it to you in the beginning oh no not lava source my bad cobblestone generator yeah yeah

That’s like okay okay because everything’s so far buffy can you do the car we’ll do rolls now so can i just based on my last uh how it went for me last time if somebody is building it’d be really nice if somebody can be helping the spot um

So yeah that’s the person building knows that people are shooting at them because i had no i was doing all the building and had no help from people spotting last time okay yeah i could spot i could spot you for next okay this next game and obviously uh turn

Cobble into slabs for building turn anything dude into slabs dude wait isn’t it a thing where people i don’t know if they fixed the bug but in 1.8 they do like like weird out and like throw you off and like kill you if you use slabs broad

Enough that’s going to be a thing so spread out you wouldn’t have enough blocks otherwise oh really okay so we have these laps okay puffy i’d like you to do the cobblestone thingy and then you could give the cobblestone to captain um so then he could bridge and all spot

And then mephs um isn’t there like an island with like iron and stuff in the back [Applause] yeah get to that too okay all right i mean it could be a completely different map i don’t know we haven’t changed it since right no i don’t think so no oh yeah also

Hopefully we’re on a straight away from the start to the middle instead of a diagonal okay diagonals are inherent disadvantage have you guys seen the leaderboards we are up there hey weirdo [Applause] points here though yeah for sure we gotta gain 1200 points doable oh yeah yeah we’re in the realm of being

Doing or doing or a different team does yeah also can you like lower your sensitivity puffy i think sometimes like your mic gets a little weird it’s like i don’t know sometimes some words are like not audible turn down or turn down the sensitivity that’s right that’s right

Like it’s peaking or i’m not picking up some it’s just kind of like muffled or muddled i don’t know how to have input i haven’t heard it but better question mark i mean it seems like it is 10 seconds i think discord might be a little bit of issues too because

Sometimes you have like a little bit of a staticky behind you and then it goes away maybe it’s a nice suppression try that all right which one won browsing twitter idea oh my god what one i wonder what it’s going to be bill maher oh what is this i hope it is uhc

Here we go gee i wonder uh oh i see my skin in there tweak of my skin that was cool no way they made it so they don’t all go onto the same one though man man man it’s also possible to get survival points just based on you go under or

Over and just over yeah i prefer going over this with skyblock stuff because yeah if you get hybrid i think i think getting eliminations is valuable though so oh yeah we’re gonna do that i think i think we could go kill a lot of people yeah you can knock people off you can

Get pretty stacked pretty quickly yeah drop a lava some people like pull their resources into one person and then get a lion or something i wouldn’t do that yeah no because i’ve seen that happen and they just pick off that one person and yeah okay all right please be on a

Straightaway now to diagonal come on yeah that’s oh yeah here that’s gonna be quite cursed you literally need twice as many blocks to get to the center if you’re on a diagonal that’s rigged dude you should put us closer it should actually do it like uh like

When you’re doing like a 400 meter race and they stagger people based on those things in the traffic that is kind of bad we’re on a diagonal nice okay yeah oh there’s the generator okay interesting where’s my wait okay there’s muffs where’s puffy we are at uh

Where’s puffy oh no i’m still loading it it’s doing the tutorial thing oh we’re good okay i thought your power went out i was like oh god no i’ll get the bottom block you get the top i guess all right well we’re here at a a double disadvantage unfortunately that’s fine

The ground open that just needs to leave a little bit sooner yep i’m gonna i’m gonna start the building immediately okay good stuff you just use the dirt right yep yeah okay okay but someone needs to pay attention to the smart who’s gonna do spawner or the lava

Oh oh wait careful careful careful okay i’m good okay i didn’t realize how low it goes okay oh here by the way i’m gonna put some wood in here for you guys i still start with the crafting table um here i’ll make the i’ll make the pickaxe for puffy got it oh

Here you go the crafting just went away all right oh i got more dirt okay and i don’t know if it’s worth going to those side islands i haven’t gone to them before the back one is helpful though right but because we’re at a diagonal we

Already need enough blocks as it is it might not be worth across coffee can you give me the box it’s such a disadvantage all right in here right um One more one more all right if anybody has an axe um i guess well whatever i’ll just uh start punching wood might be worth getting a stone pick for this here definitely a sword for bose also yeah we need a sword so we can get some string okay buffy can have it

Pickaxe now okay oh just give me also the cobble well i should probably make a pickaxe oh you’re right no you’re definitely right loyalty in the cave thingy what’s the cave thingy i’m getting i don’t know i’m like going some weird area here getting a bunch of cobble

Oh do we have water there’s a bunch of oars here yeah there’s some diamonds as well uh there is loyalty in here okay oh okay cool should we get an iron pickaxe is that worth it or what no no swords okay well i’m getting strong right now well

The thing is that there’s diamonds right here how many diamonds though oh there’s three diamonds in here so like oh what do you want do you want iron swords okay how much iron is there one two three four five six seven okay there’s a lot of iron how are we doing on

Can you give me some resources uh pretty good uh okay i need some kind of tool or something what do you know i could give you here here’s a picture get some cobblestone here’s a pickaxe right there if you wanna i’m gonna make my own oh these are stairs we could all get

Pickaxes honestly but i mean it’s probably more important all right good uh i have two bows okay um if i’m gonna be building i’m gonna do this shield okay uh shields yeah iron swords and shields are gonna be huge yeah i got you eight plus four twelve

I’m gonna get 12 iron so we could all have swords and shields okay nice what’s that is that the green guardians on your left plant the sapling okay try to get everybody a weapon yeah i’m gonna get 12. oh yeah i’m gonna get 12 iron so that’s four shields and

Four swords four iron swords iron right there i could use that yeah it would be nice but uh if we were on a straightaway maybe but we’re so disadvantaged we can make another boat three of us have a boat that’s true that would be good there is a single

Cobweb over here i don’t know if anybody has a sword yet oh no i have a wooden sword that’s it okay matt so you want to spot me while i build yeah this parts what’s up furnace i have one i have one i have one okay

Let me know and start coming over yeah you’re good good just get more as well yeah like you get armor stuff going pretty funny there’s a hole oh sorry shoot sorry guys i forgot about slabs with the bricks oh it’s okay i have like 34 cobblestone we’ll have plenty back you’re good

You’re good okay i don’t either way yeah i don’t think i should use wood what the heck i’m gonna get careful with that i have a lot of iron guys you have enough blocks to get off i feel like we can i didn’t bring a pick you know i’m gonna

You know i’m gonna make a sucker furnace wait maybe oh there’s just do you guys want my pickaxe let me give you this let me give you this here at mess yeah i’ll catch it you go ah i got it here i’m gonna have this here before we go

Here i’m going to advance with you guys yeah we might want to start moving up i’m going to get to you guys before we go or should we stay here for a little bit more i don’t know sorry major i don’t know if that’s actually a log

Out or if that’s just what if you just keep logging i’ll come back in i don’t know maybe i think so actually he lives in l.a the blackout’s happening no okay i’m gonna go run the furnace going gas tier regen or what is that one it is yeah

Let’s want me should we get regen regen is good right i mean i wouldn’t spend too much time making potions but i guess sure yeah if you’re if you’re there you probably want to get to the middle yep quick possible yeah who wants a sword really

Okay a sword would be great blue bats are building something they’re just all right uh yeah we do need to keep building okay so loyalty and trident uh you wanna you wanna take those i’m not good with the china someone have it i’ll i’ll take it did we

Take all the wood if i’m building uh we haven’t gotten all the wood but i don’t have any more resources okay for what for making tools oh well there’s there’s some cobble on like sitting there right now okay i’ve got way more blocks i’ll spot you right now

Green team’s looking oh wow you’re super far guys holy crap yeah who careful ironed up people but the other two are really weak apple just just go like the border is gonna come and wait like oh we all have to like like now go go

Go go jordan go go go go go go go oh my gosh oh my god oh my god go go go go go go go go go go go go go here we go i don’t have a shield this is so cursed okay okay we’re good oh okay

So uh who has the diamonds i don’t we’ve never got a pickaxe there’s protection armor cobwebs no we never got those diamonds what here’s some cobble minecraft no we have to make it you didn’t take the crafting table from the last oh dear it’s fine it’s fine this is literally

What we’re fine we’re gonna just get two wood let me break this okay in the iron block right behind us there’s an iron block we can get this one right behind each other yeah but we don’t have the we don’t have the pickaxe careful if that’s oh

I have all right well do we have any other blocks you guys have a lot of cobblestone right i do i 40 here you can split it does anybody have wood at all oh i can get that okay i i can make i can make a crafting table right now

Let’s do it does anybody have uh xp i have two i do and i have bottles there’s bottles in here right yeah oh that scared me i have one breaking what power here we go uh whoa whoa whoa whoa uh right behind us we can knock them off

Really easily if somebody gives me a piece of wood you guys have shields oh i could give you a sword here who has an extra shield where does the trident not come back i think no it’s got the i thought it does i put loyalty on it you got the iron sword

Guys we have to move in now all right dude i don’t have a shield this is going to kill me i didn’t realize it has saved a block god damn do you guys have extra wood i do not okay Nice job nice job yep there we go 140 for a kill whoa that’s good oh above you puffy wait we got it yep above us above us careful careful I saw him i saw him again he’s kind of weak he’s kind of weak i’m gonna come with you guys all right oh he’s one heart he’s one heart yeah yeah super low get in the water careful that he doesn’t lead us to a bunch of other people don’t don’t don’t

Be over aggressive are we going up yeah we’re going up there we go get the hybrid any material oh the the wood i was getting blocks over here um nice to break this i could just put the oh i think okay if you put down the crafting table i can

Make his armor i don’t have the crafting table we lost it again okay that’s fine there’s a lot more wood here this is good it’s good it’s good it’s fine no it’s not wood that’s slabs oh come on i didn’t thought that we were i thought

Someone was gonna pick uh okay well i left you with the crafting rock dude okay it’s fine it’s fine well um i’m gonna find a different way i suppose that’s terrible There does anybody want skeleton spawning i wish i had like a shield you know well i yeah i have iron but what we’re just going to work with is a lot of our blocks here then um let’s hold on let’s barricade this does anyone have food by any chance i don’t have food

I do i don’t have a better pudding than a wooden What’s up what’s up dude they’re shooting stuff i’m gonna i’m gonna do let’s play slabs on this side guys careful jesus full up oh he didn’t fall off dang i can also lava them all right we’re gonna have a safe spot and have a safe space right here like literally

Somebody dies so they have locks i have ten blocks um i have some cobble and slabs we need crafting so badly okay let’s think about who’s here let’s think about who’s here okay technically it’s right under us there’s green right there going for techno right under us careful

We both have a lava yeah let’s let’s just drop some real quick and then it’ll still cascade down that’s true even after i pick up the bucket that’s true okay so after that lava okay we should hold on let me make it let me make it more op

They’re gonna have to use an alternate way so wait place it right here place it right here right adjacent or like on the side of the cobble okay let it flow oh purple right there yeah careful careful don’t shoot them just be very very let’s be passive for now yeah really passive

We don’t we could literally get so many points by just doing nothing the lava will also get us yeah exactly oh there’s some more blocks you can get right here i have two region pots if you ever need help careful we aren’t going to be able to

Hold out here the entire time the border will shrink so what’s what’s going to be the next route after this uh so what we did last time when we won is we got people oh that was evil okay we could leave it just take it out

Now it’s gonna take a few like minutes or whatever there okay wait wait oh god dang it does anyone have a wooden pick i knew i have a stone i don’t have an extra but here if you need it they have no wood here puffy don’t do that

The border is tricky because there’s yeah i know i know i know they’re waiting for us no don’t do the first move don’t do it you’re going to fall don’t do it it’s not worth it here huh nobody’s even peeking out there’s literally purple there’s purple or purple is right over there

Okay okay if anything we’ll just go make some guard rails um building with slabs all right i’ll be very very careful here okay that doesn’t work guys oh god i’m gonna pick up this wall actually right let’s see who’s here who’s that oh grenada is over there that crazy is careful for craniums

Oh pink parrots are out that’s good dude watch out come back does anyone need a bow oh no wait i do i don’t have a bow nope nothing i have 16. i have 16 arrows i know i okay he has a bow okay can i have like a

Couple arrows there we go okay we split earth great thank you dude we’re the final few teams that we’re the only team that has everyone alive still this is very very good let’s just keep staying here no no no stay in the back until you need to

We’ve got a good spot over here yeah yeah we kind of made like a yeah but then but then we’re gonna be but a lot of people are gonna pay attention to us then yeah but what do they get how are they gonna get to us yeah we’re all single people

Well if we’re gonna be in the middle then a lot of people could just arrange us with projectiles from where like from underneath we have they can’t shoot us there’s no fire charges or anything okay okay let’s go back let’s go back let’s go back well the border’s shrinking wait to see

Where the border lands careful oh god it lands on the blue yeah oh it is really close oh yeah pour that lava dude pour the lava that’s amazing or that lava drip it okay uh be careful yeah this is only we want to go to the very middle right

We are at the middle now so we’re good until the full border shrink yeah you’re right nice the last one yeah just keep pouring that who let’s see where they’re at let’s identify where these people are uh i’m gonna be watching our back like oh i see them i

See them at the bottom who is that who’s who’s the one with the full iron is that whip that is quick oh it’s quick okay okay i wish there was water do you guys have water i do yeah that’s a bottle right yeah yeah yeah water

Maps you should get down you should get down you could get shot from the top let’s see i’m like this i want to give a region i need to like who’s going to fight like right before uh We have no armor yeah we have no armor oh there’s a golden armor we could wait who has two who has two wood one wood oh we can make a crafting table let’s go oh my god yes i’m gonna make boots oh i have four iron make sure everyone is iron swords at

Least do we all have iron swords oh stones should i make it instead or should i should you keep that and i make boots make boots make full Oh okay well what else we can make with this uh slabs maybe Scared okay i love how we’re all alive all right that would actually make us like a path okay okay okay there’s one way for us to go down there’s one way for us to go down you know how okay that works too actually i was planning to like place a cobble yes

I’m gonna keep here [Applause] thanks so much for the audience takeover one look at that six to one baby i need to throw my tridents into the void more often hey that’s what happens when you get number nine and sw hypixel baby hey it wrapped around to this moment right here

Rafting table for that let’s go win there’s pov yeah yeah yeah yeah oh man quick that’s how we do it yeah yeah we’re in six plates i’m in sixth place off i could be right now if i could beat techno and skywars i could beat him again i’m just saying

What are you in overall on your right it says how do i do it uh it’s just listed on your scoreboard yeah your scoreboard is a little red oh like with the with the pedestals yeah no it says event coins over on your rights

Oh oh 18 18. i’m 10. i’m a top 10 player right now [Applause] okay okay what’s the next one uh build mark’s always a good one i think yeah i feel like they made it easier and less complicated i would i would say build mark it’s just

Like i don’t think there will be massive differences between the teams either oh yeah because get the other side it’s bingo okay so top and bottom okay i’m gonna go for mining because i do uhd i’m in the bottom so where are we going for yeah build mark oh mark do it all

Right build mart dude in an alternate universe we could have been like oh yeah let’s just go to the bottom no no you get to the top we go top number one okay build come on guys stop voting for oh no oh no it’s gonna be hunger games i put

One in building heart little more anger vote build my the last second in hunger games go survivability two people should go surface and then once you’ve kind of exhausted what you can do like teleport to other players once in line with me uh i’ll go mining okay and we could oh

Yeah we could teleport right right right yeah we could just teleport yeah okay okay let’s go let’s go yeah yeah yeah hey boys this is amazing after that battle box the legacy is happening i like that yeah like that six to one dude how much dude we jumped five spots what is that

One like what who does that no one does that i feel like if someone makes uh furnaces the other another person who’s mining can like tp to them kind of take advantage of that yeah yeah yeah yeah try to ep there is yeah but i think it’s only like

30 seconds so yeah oh yeah there’s a cooldown that is true that is true we can cool down off hand hey let’s not yeah but also let’s not mess up with the teleportation because there’s times where people might like want to go to like stay at a certain place they

Teleport and then they can’t get back nearby when we just did the flyover there was a village where oh god that like wait nope i don’t see it aren’t big enough yeah yeah where’s the bingo all right let’s see what it is bricks okay that’s a lot of great okay

Wow we’re starting to write all right get wood by the way get what don’t pull a dream get wood oh god hey we just need all the resource blocks as well i’m going to go for this tree go for the the next birch tree right one yeah oh

It’s it’s timber come on it’s easy oh i love it how many things are oh oh trees i have wood i’m gonna go down now uh actually i’ll mine it or i’ll come on just get if you get uh any granite just immediately yeah unless you come up item frame paper

Paper oh hold on paper i see sugar cane i have a bunch of wire in here get it I’m gonna dig straight down oh i need a hopper come on come on okay that’s five plus seven i need chest as well okay granite you didn’t grab it yeah i don’t know apparently i’m gonna try to get that hopper got a paper got paper we need granite oh

Oh i need a sheep oh you what do you need to shoot for uh for a wool for an item got granite teleport okay i don’t have game on tv uh yeah there we go okay you want it works there we go there got one got one here

Oh we need to finish okay where’s the girl wait that was a hold up oh shoot god dang it that’s freaking i’m confused painting what am i doing wait do you have a cow over here it’s cow over here coughlin steel nice is this some red stone are we going on um

What else what else i’m gonna be belonging obsidian wow yeah we don’t have that i got that diamonds uh we need some coal oh there’s some cold water oh we don’t have coal what the heck i should go back for the coal see is there a mesa biome somewhere around

Here oh state god dang oh no lava yeah there’s the coal where’s it going oh i don’t know right here is anyone underground type you’re on the ground right yeah i’m down here all right let me yeah Dude i just got diamonds literally mined one block literally uhc hacking x-ray okay what do i get with the diamonds i make a bookshelf yeah guys i can’t do it again i i need to get leather i’ll just do it now i’ll just do it now i’ll get obsidian now other stuff

Oh yeah horses right okay there’s that lava i need to get some water oh Remember do donkeys drop leather they do i think yeah yes okay i just need some sugarcane i need water oh could someone tell you uh no it’s on tp i need water water yeah i need water dude this is a dryer looking at disgusting cave dude there’s no water kane where

Are you at though do we need string for anything oh my god we need to get right there we need so much redstone okay i’ll just mine i’ll just keep mining actually no no no i’m going to tp to you guys i’ll tp wait who’s on the surface I’m on the surface right now okay i’m going to see some sugar cane all right all right i’m going to get the water i’m going to monitor them I forgot the crafting oh find some clay find some clay because we need bricks i’m next Uh did harvey oh i have a jukebox i have a diamond yeah i can make it oh oh no i need just oh god dang it i need more sugarcane right over there come on you’re lava this way i see some redstone we can make some comparators that’s perfect i lost my pearl

Dang it i lost my pearl how does that happen it like it’s gone yeah it’s weird i got a bookshelf i’m doing the the terra cotta oh you are okay awesome yeah apple you have diamond pickaxe for obsidian yeah i’m going to lava right now

Okay uh we need a does anyone have iron on them we can do oh we need a redstone we need redstone shoot yeah you need redstone are you you have to die for the terracotta yep nice nice okay i’m gonna go underground there’s a lot who’s underground i’m gonna grab wait

Hold on hold on i’m gonna wonder i’m mining right now i’m really low i’m out okay wait is that is it oh dude my obsidian oh shoot i’m sorry it’s fine fine i just started wait what else what can we do what else

Can we do yeah we do die a piston we can do pair uh throw redstone to me i’m in the crafting recipe right now for piston here come on i need it i need it like at me okay there we go thank you is that hey mine with me for gold okay

Yep i’m trying all right i’m gonna go for that bow then faster you need a bow right for the dispenser yep oh god don’t read stuff there’s string in the mine shaft oh that we need for this one yeah yeah if you got i got one string i

Got one string i got one string okay but we need three for a bow oh you’ve got to be kidding me dude uh i had a mine shaft too and i died in it i did if if you have a mine shaft though there’s usually more than one string

Yeah yeah but we’re not in the mine shaft anymore yeah i died um you died wait are you at the surface then i’ll get to you then yeah all right let’s i think i remember where it’s at you know where’s that literally run this way

Oh gold is gold is out now the only thing left is the dispenser and then we’re done i think this is a i think this is where it is okay what do you need for the dispenser by the way uh just a bow and red stone and cobble

Okay that’s the only thing left on the board do you have any strings come on i’m trying to find it dude looking for spiders now does any uh let me go teleport to mess i guess oh god i thought you were on the surface god dang it i was coming up here for

Liquor diamonds and i went away trying to find them wait i think i could find it hold on is it still there oh what is this what the heck ah come on spider where did i end it here no it’s not this waste of time come on spider yeah

Be careful okay i’m just gonna go to there we go i’m trying to find the job so you’re finding the mine shaft i’m trying to i don’t think i will find it though no dude it’s i it’s done hey captain shoot yeah it’s okay we did we did well Dude dude what is that that’s like literally some speedrunner who’s in aqua holy crap these guys are pads oh there’s another string right here there’s a spider and it gave me no string okay i can’t find a single spider it’s okay it’s okay i should have gone more i didn’t know

So that’s a dispenser that’s okay i mean honestly what do you need for dispenser again i forget it’s been a while oh redstone bow cobble oh that’s right it’s a boat awkward completely forgotten jesus gg gg what did orange do since i made the dispenser wait yeah what was orange doing

They just stand still though yeah i did one challenge let’s go what happened whoa they jumped it’s okay we’re still in dodgeball wow don’t be bad i’m not being serious though we love you i’m just saying number three the chat just gets flooded with threes be bad

It actually is okay we’re still in seconds good good uh we have to be really careful though for the next game because oh yeah close to us how many how close are they 300 oh 800. [Applause] all right build mart please i think this this will probably be bill

Maher this next one yeah for sure or what else was there um wait i had two string well that still wouldn’t be enough either way [Applause] oh yeah i did have one string and you said you had two apparently i had two i didn’t see it being it oh

It’s true it’s true that’ll be sad because if we combine ours then gg points at the end of it anyways man [Applause] we get the multiplier 2.5 what is it 10.5 points let’s go what do you guys want what are your thoughts on sands of time It’s a risk now in the game with the modifier the way it is i wouldn’t do that that’s going to be huge i i just wouldn’t play it honestly that has like the biggest point difference okay come on build mart hey sans time like we could do well but it

Also is like a major it could be a major point differential mm-hmm stop it i don’t know i feel like it’s a bad idea [Applause] oh i think rockets oh wait oh oh because it had the least negative okay so there’s only three builds for four people so oh man i’m trying to think how we divvy that up you definitely should have well one half one person should probably well actually i have no idea yeah

Should we have someone who’s just always out collecting resources yeah i think that would be good who’s the best at it i feel like captain you’re the best at it i don’t know where to go and all that i like i do know the map but also i’m like i’m worried that

I wouldn’t completely rely on one person though because then it’s me and captain maybe i don’t know are we going to do the thing where we all go out for three minutes oh you can fly while building you can fly well remember that oh yeah that makes it easy so yeah

I mean what we could do is we could all go out at first and two people i i’d say like hmm let’s see two people go into the uh oh let’s see oh these are really easy so we got colors and stone i’d say two people go into colors to

Start off with i feel like i want to get a bunch of colors including the yellow i’m gonna stay here okay i don’t want i don’t want to do shopping cart what no do not stay here that is a complete waste okay okay okay you’re right all right

I’m just i just don’t feel confident yellow out of colors and then we just need stone and oars okay jesus christ oh my god i’m flying all right i’m literally doing 360. oh my lord we need andesite and stone and basically a whole bunch of different kinds of ores

This is this is outdoor okay okay i’m understanding now does everyone have the same builds because everyone’s going for the same resources And if you guys want to just get extra stuff feel free And then flat yeah uh flowers just pick a bunch i guess oh dream fell that’s right Oh god i’m getting 20 of each wood that’s good enough and make sure to chest stuff because we might just end up having a lot of spares that we can use i’m back there here we go i’m coming back okay okay okay i have the oars by the way

I have these knights okay yeah i’ll be waiting here yeah there’s all this the ores that we needed hey captain hey what’s up this way i think i think this is oh nice nice nice that’s good okay and then normal stone all right oh my god i had just the right amount

That’s not right yeah chet help everybody what is over here what’s this oh the flowers the flowers how is this not right what is wrong here all right let me check what is wrong oh it’s the top it’s the top this one oh oh oh go go go

Nice nice dude all right i’m gonna get i’ll get the i’ll get the um oh torch diamond shoot i’ll get some diamonds anybody have coal wait who went for oars i went for ores i’ll go for more orange no uh i have what come back

Who was that dude that green man i swear he pushed me into the what do we have there we need diamond cobble okay what’s wrong with this oh god swerving too much wait what why isn’t this complete oh flowers is beyonce that’s my map layout i’ll just have extra as well that’s fine

How much cold do we need just enough for some torches just get a few i got one yeah actually i guess i’ll just get some stone that’s black i think Oh yeah so laggy there you go uh check some other stuff okay i’m here all right now where are we at all right i don’t have anything to finish him oh no we’re out of cobble i i never went back i just used what was on me okay i have torches here

Where’s the wood where’s the torches oh yeah finish yellow going it’s uh where are we diamonds there where’s one here’s the next one oh we need some diorite okay all right yeah yeah jeez what is this why is it there we need you guys have the flowers right it’s on its way

Who’s getting the flowers i thought you were okay can you make one puffy can you get it can you get it wait you is somebody getting flowers i thought somebody was getting flowers oh yeah i thought someone was getting flowers i don’t think anyone’s getting flowers

For flowers okay all right what is it okay get me the orange one and um okay yeah get me an orange one two orange ones there we go okay armboard you just need all right diorite slabs okay get stoned get andesite and then we just we need the flowers don’t we need

Diarrhea we need diorite as well we need dye right as well lots of dye right okay what what’s the oars that we need right there i forgot oh we need more we are all we need is these flat we need the white flowers in the orange flower so diorite and what

No we need iron bars i’m going to run the site i’m just going to get it i’m in the stone i’m in the stone getting it all right i and the stone and the cobble oh we need a granite you got the flowers right guys now okay cool iron bars okay

How do we do this come back with a ton of stone how do i do this okay you’re gonna do this down right what flower’s off here table what’s up one of the cars must be off here oh behind mine orange right here uh literally right here orange oh got it

Oh there’s two you said one no you watched oh my lord did you guys get it is it done you should always get extras no why just the flowers flowers you can punch 50 000 times in two seconds okay just get just get yeah just get a lunch

It’s fine it’s fun okay i’m gonna stop at flowers this one has been staying way too long yeah okay i’ll work on wait where’s the stone maps for you help me on the right okay i am in flowers now or is somebody else in flowers on our team oh you are

I’ll just i was just i’m just gonna get a bunch of flowers here get the iron iron bars help me on this one uh where are they at oh okay and then it’s five slabs i got stone slabs uh always get more than you need exactly what it’s 1.16 what’s wrong

I got it it’s fine wait no I got two wrong types of stone what is this cold smooth stone how do you get smooth stone what you have to smelt the stone oh yeah you smell does anyone have quartz okay all right where was quartz at courses uh i don’t no we ran out of stone because i didn’t

Know that it was 1.16 oh my god oh god uh we just need the stone slabs on that one and we’re done yeah i’m literally on my way i’m literally missing four diary okay we need sandstone uh end stuff and stone bricks dude okay i’m sorry it’s a guy it’s okay

Oh my god Oh wrong way jesus i come on one more thank you come on i go okay this is working this is working well yeah all right nope Just do we know where what’s up or what do you know where sandstone is um like sand dang it i have six smooth stone outdoors right oh is that worse you got endstone and the perper yeah yeah okay is he looking for sand oh my god all my quartz is being stolen

There oh what else oh we need a what’s the bottom oh the bottom pieces okay you got court you got quartz and i got quartz i got quits coming back come back come back okay okay i’m gonna get the left one finally i i actually hate this change i hate

This change i wish i could just focus on one thing oh yeah we’re split okay we need there’s a new thing right there cool purple right sounds good one over on the left unless somebody else is all ready this is where it’s got i got it i got it this is produced

Right sprucing just oak yeah okay here take the yolk i’m going to do this bruce okay okay How much quartz did you guys get um i put in the chest uh 13 left in there okay i don’t know if that’s enough damn that might not be enough one time there’s a crafting table All right i’ll just snag some from over here Oh whoops come on you dance there you go oh my god there’s there’s like no time here wait it’s done right wait no no no no no no what the what what’s up what’s up oh my god what’s changed i’m officially over what’s changed what’s different wait i won

I’m trying to figure out the crafting table is in the wrong spot is it oh it is yeah you’re right you’re right there you go there we go okay oh it’s a lot more quartz um that’s a lot of quartz jesus yeah i got it i’ll put your hairs knock up the ladder

Okay you have slops okay cool with the end zone in here oh no have we got three things we could finish this before yep white stained glass oh god no all right there we go oh my god i’m retired i think i’m never doing retail ever again

I i think we might have to do uh sansa time next yeah yeah yeah probably jim’s really good at that though so i don’t know last time they just pulled their points into one person though what are we on whoever’s ahead of us i had a feeling this was kind of not

Okay i it was they the change they made was just oh my god it was so easy to just be able to focus on one build at a time last time and uh that just was awful messed up with our head ah i was hesitant for this one dang it

I i should have said it i feel like our team communication is not the best so doing this type of stuff will like ruin us but like anything pvp it’s just there’s so much going on yeah i feel like it’s easier with the four the three really it’s cause like we

Gotta look out for other buildings yeah it’s rival games no we’re not the extraordinares maybe okay what are we on now number three Dude axolotls are just kicking it yeah that was unexpected i didn’t know how to say that word okay if we’re going to be green and pink i would really steer away from anything pvp then you’re standing on both of them sands of time i guess we just gotta we

Gotta go all or nothing on it basically and just there’s less sand too this time yep we need a dedicated sound person by the way i feel like that just helps i can do it if uh and you guys just go dungeon running this is gonna be a fast just be very

Very careful about lava parkour because if you fall in there ever all your points are gone okay yep to get to the other side there’s an easy one as well i’m really good at bridging i mean but i mean how about you guys how do you guys feel about bridging

I feel like it’s not that easy because people are just punching you true that’s true that is true dealing more with your own skill than less rng which is We’re probably going to vote for some of the time though yeah they’re going to go all right yeah it’s either oh boy oh let’s make this what do we want what do we want uh yeah it’s our best chance i think yes yes yes yeah we’re being sandwiched by very pvp people

It’s cool we got it though rng is on our side yeah for sure make sure we don’t get too greedy we like spiders yeah yeah yeah if creepers are like oh and then um zombies and skeletons you know those ones that go down where you have to like

You open the trap door you go downwards and there’s a ladder and then there’s a bunch of stuff those are very risky so just be careful that but it is doable all right i’m gonna collect all the sand yeah make sure to use your markers guys

I’m gonna go with the far side over there okay oh yeah who’s going left right and um there’s challenges now actually there are three there are three sides actually this is interesting um oh yeah there is stuff underneath the timer i don’t remember what that is though yeah a challenge

I don’t know okay should we get should i go straight into it i don’t know i wouldn’t go straight into it but so the volts apparently i mean it might be better to if risky do it before you have a bunch of balance yeah

Should i do it should i go for it yeah if you want all right let’s see what it is yeah just to be i’m interested yeah there’s a brown key to our left just let me know if you guys find one sure

This video, titled ‘Minecraft Championships 8 Cyan Creepers POV’, was uploaded by TapL StreamArchive on 2020-08-19 03:52:54. It has garnered 12468 views and 195 likes. The duration of the video is 02:58:01 or 10681 seconds.

all credit goes to tapl for any inquires add me on discord beco#1309

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    Minecraft Hive Sunterla: EPIC Cs, Parties & More! Join NowVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Hive! Come join! Cs + Parties!’, was uploaded by Sunterla on 2024-02-18 05:16:54. It has garnered 281 views and 21 likes. The duration of the video is 03:32:33 or 12753 seconds. Support the stream: https://streamlabs.com/sunterla MUSIC INFO: SPOTIFY PLAYLIST: Minecraft Creator-Safe Playlist by Minecraft Music courtesy of Mojang Studios Nightbot: !menu !ign !rules !bluechat | for mods only. !nemo !commands !subscribe !brain !nightbot spam !confused !meow Read More

  • Top Secret Method to Fortify Your Military Base!

    Top Secret Method to Fortify Your Military Base!Video Information This video, titled ‘Wie man eine SICHERE MILITÄR BASIS baut!’, was uploaded by Ukri on 2024-04-06 13:45:20. It has garnered 85590 views and 2778 likes. The duration of the video is 00:31:31 or 1891 seconds. Ukri and the little boy build a safe MILITARY BASE in Minecraft! To protect SemUkri City from evil Minecraft zombies with Semlaki, Orksui, Nelly and Billy. The secure military base includes traps, parkour and many other things that the other player has to do. Who will build the safest submarine in the end? Will Pro Ukri win? Will his noob friends Semlaki, Billy… Read More

  • Mind-Blowing Anime Minecraft Animation! #Shorts

    Mind-Blowing Anime Minecraft Animation! #ShortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft animation #Shorts #minecraft #mine #subscribe #tiktok #minecraftmeme #????????? #fyp’, was uploaded by Anime Tv show on 2024-02-20 17:03:07. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. minecraft #tiktok #enderman #mine #craft #animation #Minecraft, #Daily, #Short, #Funny, #Cute, #Relatable, #Tiktok, #Aesthetic, … Read More

  • Quadcrafters

    QuadcraftersQuadcrafters is a simple SMP server. There is no heavy handed moderation or ranks to ruin your experience. This is a server for those who just want to play with their friends. Quadcrafters in some way shape or form has been running since 2011. mc.quadcrafters.com Read More

  • Pandamium: Snapshot SMP – Vanilla, Snapshots, 1.20.5 Pre-Releases, 1.21 Experiments, LGBTQ+ Friendly, Discord

    Pandamium’s Snapshot Server Pandamium’s snapshot server is an experimental, vanilla, SMP server that updates to every new snapshot with all experiments enabled. Be one of the first to play with brand new features and learn more about the game with friends! Server Features: Updates to every new snapshot Experimental features enabled Active community with diamond-based trading economy Regular End resets for exploration Enhanced dragon fight with dragon egg prize Join now to experiment with all the latest features such as crafters, Trial Chambers, the breeze, vaults, armadillos, wolf armour, wind charges, the bogged, the mace, and more! Upcoming Changes: We… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – @elonmusk on Transgender Rights

    Minecraft Memes - @elonmusk on Transgender RightsLooks like Elon Musk’s power level is over 9000 with that meme score! Read More

  • Time’s Tale: SMP Episode 3 – Connections Unravel

    Time's Tale: SMP Episode 3 - Connections Unravel In the world of Minecraft, where creativity thrives, Chronological SMP takes us on a ride. From Stone Age caves to Medieval strife, Exploration Age brings new life. Ruins in Scandinavia, a mystery to solve, Punishing players for crimes, with resolve. Chile’s speech, a distraction in the mix, But building and crafting, still the main fix. Content creators, a talented crew, Each bringing something fresh and new. Advice and criticism, always welcome here, In a friendly atmosphere, let’s keep it clear. Timestamps guide us through the tale, From Xyxy’s visit to the trial’s unveil. Building roads and fishing taverns with… Read More


    NOTCH'S TEMPLE IN 2024: HOT DIGGITY DOG! 🔥 In 2024, the Temple of Notch will have a strict dress code: diamond armor only. No exceptions! #minecraft #meme #shorts 😂 Read More

  • Minecraft Survival with Mods: Chaos Ensues

    Minecraft Survival with Mods: Chaos Ensues Welcome to the World of Minecraft Mods! Are you ready to take your Minecraft experience to the next level? Dive into the exciting world of Minecraft mods with Kreinzin! 🎮 Exploring New Horizons With mods, players can enhance their gameplay by adding new features, mechanics, and challenges to the game. From new weapons and tools to unique creatures and environments, the possibilities are endless in the world of Minecraft mods. 🌟 Surviving and Thriving Survival mode in Minecraft becomes even more thrilling with the addition of mods. Players can test their skills and creativity as they navigate through a… Read More

  • Dangerously Catchy 2024 Minecraft Music Top 10!

    Dangerously Catchy 2024 Minecraft Music Top 10!Video Information This video, titled ‘♫Top 10 nhạc Minecraft gây nghiện 2024♫♫♫’, was uploaded by JuroNHK on 2024-03-03 06:46:50. It has garnered 869 views and 25 likes. The duration of the video is 00:33:47 or 2027 seconds. ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ 🎁 If you find this video good, please leave me 1 LIKE and 1 SUBCRIBE for the channel ಥ_ಥ 🎮 DISCORD “https://discord.com/invite/a9c3Yt7AM2” 😄 SUBSCRIBE TO THE CHANNEL ➡️ https://bit.ly/36AIMDc 💖 “GOAL” TO REACH 20 THOUSAND SUBSCRIBERS! ⭐️ For copyright complaints or business requests, please contact me directly via email: [email protected] _______________________________________________________________ Thank you everyone for watching this video! Thank you very much! Read More

  • Ultimate Minecraft Pumpkin Boss vs All Mobs

    Ultimate Minecraft Pumpkin Boss vs All MobsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Lord Pumpkin V’s All mob || #minecraft’, was uploaded by Utos Craft on 2024-04-18 21:58:02. It has garnered 1321 views and 13 likes. The duration of the video is 00:03:04 or 184 seconds. Minecraft Lord Pumpkin V’s All mob || #minecraft minecraft song pewdiepie minecraft minecraft parody minecraft music dantdm minecraft minecraft song minecraft gameplay minecraft survival minecraft mods minecraft house tutorial minecraft soundtrack ssundee minecraft prestonplayz minecraft epic minecraft battles revenge minecraft sideman minecraft minecraft 建築 minecraft suro minecraft monday minecraft haus bauen pupolarmmos minecraft minecraft memes jacksepticeye minecraft minecraft hunger games diggy… Read More

  • Minecraft Secrets: Insane MK 2215 Tent House Build!

    Minecraft Secrets: Insane MK 2215 Tent House Build!Video Information This video, titled ‘minecraft tent house #minecraft #minecrafbuilds #minecraftshorts #shorts’, was uploaded by MK 2215 on 2024-01-04 12:10:26. It has garnered 2452 views and 94 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:40 or 40 seconds. Read More


    PLAROS - 100 DAYS MINECRAFT CHALLANGE! 😱🔥Video Information This video, titled ‘100 DAYS MINECRAFT CHALLANGE HARDCORE MOD SURVIVAL’, was uploaded by PLAROS on 2024-02-29 21:00:00. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. 100 days without getting bored, I’m doing a survival challenge in minecraft. I’m waiting for long video lovers to watch this video … Read More

  • EPIC Iron Golem vs Fire Zombie Showdown! 💥🔥 #shorts #minecraft

    EPIC Iron Golem vs Fire Zombie Showdown! 💥🔥 #shorts #minecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘iron golem vs fire zombie 🚀 #shorts #minecraft’, was uploaded by akshit deshwal on 2024-03-24 03:15:47. It has garnered 5494 views and 175 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:39 or 39 seconds. #viral #trending #hacks #gaming #easybuild minecraft minecraft mod cash nico minecraft mods family friendly nico and cash cash and nico minecraft mobs minecraft challenge minecraft shorts minecraft funny kid friendly maizen minecraft custom mod minecraft custom aphmau custom mob minecraft mobs remade custom mobs minecraft mob i remade every mob in minecraft banned minecraft custom boss custom minecraft mobs custom mobs… Read More

  • Unbelievable Minecraft Animation Short: RixPiee – Daisy Daisy

    Unbelievable Minecraft Animation Short: RixPiee - Daisy DaisyVideo Information This video, titled ‘daisy daisy- #shorts #minecraft #animation’, was uploaded by RixPiee on 2024-03-25 23:32:35. It has garnered 9796 views and 304 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:40 or 40 seconds. Watch as Herobrine ventures into the mysterious and eerie backrooms of Minecraft in this animated video. Will he find treasure or danger lurking in the darkness? Find out in this thrilling adventure! Join Herobrine on an adventure into the mysterious world of the backrooms in this Minecraft animation! Explore the dangers and secrets of this hidden place and see if Herobrine can make it out… Read More

  • Gujju Bhai’s Insane Countmaster Skills #7

    Gujju Bhai's Insane Countmaster Skills #7Video Information This video, titled ‘Countmaster #7’, was uploaded by Gujju Bhai 24 on 2024-04-15 20:37:28. It has garnered 1 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:33 or 33 seconds. minecraft minecraft song minecraft civilization minecraft house tutorial minecraft house minecraft 100 days minecraft music minecraft 1.21 minecraft live minecraft builds minecraft hardcore minecraft horror minecraft roleplay minecraft automatic farm minecraft arg minecraft ambience minecraft armadillo minecraft and chill minecraft april fools minecraft aphmau minecraft april fools 2024 minecraft asmr minecraft avatar a minecraft project a minecraft song a minecraft story a minecraft parody a minecraft… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft PVP Moments – GameXcoom

    Insane Minecraft PVP Moments - GameXcoomVideo Information This video, titled ‘Random clips Minecraft pvp (pojaylauncher)’, was uploaded by GameXcoom on 2024-04-23 06:00:09. It has garnered 47 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:57 or 57 seconds. Random clips Minecraft pvp (pojaylauncher) ip- vortexpvp.fun minecraft minecraft pvp pvp donutsmp lifesteal smp bedwars hypixel lifesteal shorts drdonut java minecraft java mojang pvp server cheating minemanner cpvp hoplite crystal hacker crystal pvp minecraft smp minecraft pvp server rich duel hacking hack triggerbot 1.8 bedwars smp 1.8 texture packs skywars 1.8 pvp hacks 1.8 senpai senpaispider netherite pot pvp clan kopiop notrexy montage texture pack india… Read More

  • Mind-Blowing Parkour Art in Minecraft! (PPL Request) 🎨

    Mind-Blowing Parkour Art in Minecraft! (PPL Request) 🎨Video Information This video, titled ‘Satisfying Minecraft Profile Pixel Art ( PPL Request YT ) Part 3,606January 12, 2024’, was uploaded by Relaxing Minecraft Parkour on 2024-01-12 13:34:31. It has garnered 238 views and 44 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:01 or 61 seconds. Satisfying Minecraft Profile Pixel Art ( PPL Request YT ) Part 3,606 #minecraftpe #algorithm #artist you can get your short request video and post on your youtube channel mentioned me. if you also want to make your profile, just comment and then like the video. Please be patient if it takes a long time… Read More

TapL StreamArchive – Minecraft Championships  8   Cyan Creepers POV