TAPL VODS – Minecraft Championships Twitch VOD 07/24/2021

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We’ll be up in the clouds take a chance Hello All right I’m pretty sure on my desktop i have a photo of that exact name doing hey tom should we go to our vc right now definitely good luck good luck phil how’s it going step on you oh my god i think i want to talk to you oh he’s

Gone he didn’t want to hear anything he didn’t he didn’t want to talk to you remember you’re still very quiet i am you’re kind of yeah it’s fine you’re like you’re like so if i look at my streamlabs obs you’re just i told him this and he was like oh it’s

Fine well no because the thing is on my end it’s fine which is weird it’s like it’s like just hitting the yellow you’re like a little bit lower than everyone else yeah oh wait then i can just wait well what do you want me to what do i do

Turn up your mic would be good because we have our we have the same mic we have our mic set to the same gain he just sits really far away from us i i literally have it right now again then hello i am here well but if

Wilbur if i turn my mic up to a higher game i sound like this that’s highway i love that that you should you like this okay you like this is this is this good good volume for you is this all right that was a little bit too dangerous for

Me chad the thing is i i physically just cannot turn myself up predictions capital where did you put it on Oh that’s what i’ve been getting for the past like what 15 mccs we could be the first zero if you count the two the two special that is true it is true i think we’ll get top ten to be to be honest no i want to shoot for first place guys guys

We need better mentality than this okay okay okay well i think top ten’s a pretty good mentality i can see yeah yeah there is only ten way through that’s my goal i can’t even sit on these people oh my phone’s telling me to go and watch green live hold on guys

Oh oh oh that makes a lot of sense i i respect you for having his notifications on i too have the notifications on wow burger wait i want a burger i want a burger i want to make a burger huh wait how’d you get in oh wait you just you just

Jump in yeah this is incredibly unregulated but do you want to do you want do you want a burger and fries wait where are you guys i’m in the burger i’m in the burger room hello wait i’m here i’m right outside the burger here take a burger

Make a burger touch the floor but you know we all care about the five second room burgers wait i got a spatula here’s some floor fries wait spatula i cut a spatula it’s my time welcome a burger but fast what would you like it’s me oh here’s a burger

Okay well it seems like it’s slow to me okay it seems like one of our one of our [ __ ] one of our one of my co-workers are kind of like taking one of the burgers sorry this is fraud here take one could you take some more imagine right they’re just like just like

Do you want to do it we’re open for hire does anyone want to work for us um no thanks i’ve got your spatula though i’m dual wielding okay oh yeah this is the ice cream i’m working overtime i’m using two spatulas to flip two paddies yeah i have oh

Why are we missing a lot of people it’s just we’re dropping like flies already lads what’s the play here we already calling the subs did you get a whopper did you did you get a whopper wait let me give one to jack he likes this meme he’s hasn’t heard it

Enough where is he i’m pretty sure he he he kind of invented that oh you’ve got to be kidding me hey tubby i can donate some prizes he’s found it oh my god where oh we’re where we got we’ve got the best part of the light

Yeah would you want me to flip you would you want me to flip you i want to flip jack manifold i want to flip him where the okay yes how well are you going to perform today what place i well as an individual placer as a team

Individual i’m going to shoot for top 15 i reckon i reckon i can get top three okay yep um i was in eighth all of last mcc until my fire alarm went off and i went down to 22nd well i was in ninth last mcc so we’re

Together you and me we we don’t need the others i still want to be hey wait still do want to be here guys if i have the opportunity to give you more coins i will yeah take my coins yeah as you should because i’m the best

I’m gonna get the top ten yeah honestly yes it looks like a chicken’s mouth it does doesn’t it do a few little lantern eyes yeah i just punched something i thought that’s really cool where are we missing we’re missing connor where’s connor connor oh actually

This is the best view of the of the light show so you want to be up here for the light you’re coming i’m coming wait yeah wait how do you get up there are you gonna be better than everyone else rambo yeah oh well okay the lobby looks kind of gross i remember

The lobby used to look cool and now it’s just sort of like gargoyle what’s wrong with filling it with burgers there’s nothing wrong with that this looks a bit weird it looks like there’s a lot going on that’s for sure yeah it’s busy and like behind us it’s like like

There’s yeah it feels you know it almost feels a little claustrophobic yeah yeah i feel i feel a little bit busy right now you’re feeling busy i’m feeling busy i’m sorry on your behalf are you happy i i consider myself a averagely happy person with your spatula

Yeah you know i use this spatula to beat the sadness out of people i’m on my way what is [ __ ] yeah i have arrived we’ve colored three spatulas three three spatulas two men i have one more oh [ __ ] he dropped a spa whoa now four no i can’t i can’t

Wait whoa but you don’t have are you going to do a team skin are you going to change yourself yeah i’ve got it on now yeah you know what fair enough you should just secretly change just like one pixel one though like the appropriate team you have

Where’s the pixel where’s the pixel oh i see it’s on the neck you’re like where’s the pixel that’s not a pixel no no pointing it at you no rumble i’m pointing it at you right now oh you see it yeah yeah is that yeah guys i stole a lot of

Spatulas do you want them yes yes where where do you where should i where should i give it to you where should i give my stone where’s there where’s here look up i’m looking up i’m looking at the sun it hurts we’re missing connor where’s up here oh i’m looking off looks

Right at me and then looked away there’s a different way different directions of up i’m so excited oh how’d you get up there you know the definition of the word up has changed online oh my goodness i have to look even higher to see your eyes than i already have to

Because you’re so tall wait how do i get up uh through the water the water there’s a lot of water oh wait okay the fountain uh this is this is our practice for team communication do you understand do you understand ranboo my shoes i haven’t broken in

Wait really dude honestly if you still have those blisters just stamp down the backs really not jumping down the back it’s my new shoes yeah but if it’s causing you that much pain just stamp them dude guys i’m down here yeah you seem pretty ready i’m so excited

I’m here for you now no no no i jinxed you guys like i committed robbery is this awesome this is so cool i’m having a great time here have my crimes have my crimes have my crimes here’s my evidence cover them in fingerprints no one will be able to tell here here here

Take some take some spatulas there you are you like your fraudulent spatula do you like your do you like my fraudulent spatula to show this to who where’s tommy in it where is he you’re gonna go beat him with spatulas are you that sounds awesome oh come on we must be starting soon

Everyone’s on now we have to right we must be stuck [Applause] on to max he’s just look keep keep doing it yeah these are really i don’t think there’s any physical effect happening here but maybe a mental one beginning it’s going it’s going because how do you do that

Okay it’s going dudes it’s going it’s beginning this is so exciting i’m so excited yeah me and phil me and phil vibin having fun just some fun loving lads just some fun love it just some fun loving lads you know yes that’s all we are i’m waiting for the dinks to hit him

Oh the dinks [ __ ] i’m waiting for the dinks there they are i’m so excited i’m so excited but every time you mention something it happens like after like the millisecond after yeah we’re gonna win say we’re gonna win say we’re gonna win all right we just won i think we just won

Give us your manifesting face tubbo okay okay we’ve got this yo let’s all everyone sit quiet we’re gonna manifest everyone go on your camera everyone go on your camera scene on obviously i just have like me manifesting the wind the light shows on Creature it’s so cool dude it’s time it’s time the light show is so cool all right chat i’m not gonna throw so manifested Not throwing today i’ve never seen it through this angle before it’s amazing Whoa watch that that mouth of yours buddy it’s time to go chat light show i say i’d say grow this is why that’s why we’re going to win just that exactly this is so cool here we are winning winning winning winning winning let’s go let’s go

Quick shout out can i do a quick shout out to my man david at the house if you’re watching this right now david text me i need i want you to give me a running commentary that’s the david favorite if you’re watching me right now [Applause] Maybe if you scream at him he’ll hear you wilbur wilbur it’s okay it’s okay uber you can’t you can’t now wilbur for the love of god i don’t want billboard to be the last game can we vote for it i don’t know how to vote what do you

Mean one part i haven’t watched eggs dude eggs it’s just eggs what are we voting what are we voting um um parkour attacks screw it okay maybe wait was it billboard wait we all voted for i just don’t like build mart what do what wait what actually are we voting i think we’re

We might be playing parkour tag maybe i actually i really hope it is parkour attack because i really don’t like that game oh gosh he’s hypnotized wait what were you doing all right Scared me sorry oh i’m sorry yeah that’s going to happen a lot throughout this event just horrifying to scare me it’s going to scare me so who’s good at hunting because i’m really not oh honestly i’m going to hunt who else you there’s one of you’s got it i mean

Andrew i think you’re good at movement though and there’s ten teams how about i do one of the easy ones and if i do well i’ll take on a slightly harder one as well and yeah and then you don’t have to do one thing how do we know which ones are easy

Um depending on the team is easy all right can we start trash so that one jack manifold team you mean david didn’t message me by the way oh no so he’s not here i don’t have his energy this is off what’s his phone number i need it uh 076

Then again like doesn’t every uk phone number start with 0.77 every you kidding starts with 07. oh didn’t they make a movie out of that double 07. no that’s zero that’s I remember preston you know what can i try hunt this one do that go on go for it on this one okay i reckon i reckon i’ll be all right at this one all right also um also what was i gonna say uh yeah tackle

Last time me and tap were on a team together we won so let’s just do that again he’s immediately going for me keep moving and use your pile as often as possible true oh you got me okay he’s going for me now he’s going for me now all right guys i

Regret saying i was good at this okay just try your best you got this i believe you can keep moving just keep moving just keep going okay he’s trying to cut you off okay he’s down get high oh okay okay okay okay okay wilbur it’s just you okay where is he

Okay maybe he’s down there yeah he’s right behind you now okay i need to i need to he’s about three jumps away all right he’s that’s fine it’s good it’s good it’s good it’s good behind i believe in you oh [ __ ] i’m sorry it’s okay it’s okay it’s okay

It’s okay all good all good it’s okay you’ve got it nice okay it’s just above me how many did you get i got two i got two that’s good that’s good two is good two’s good yeah but i put them in the lead oh good would you put them

Think i think i know what to do here yeah all right stay focused okay okay they’re going over here okay i’m going over here oh wow i’m missed that’s okay Oh [ __ ] okay i’m fine where are they okay they’re down there oh oh my gosh i’m in a bad spot interesting yeah we’re we’re together we need to like separate oh okay okay don’t don’t head down Oh [ __ ] behind me okay good all good come on i’ve fallen down let’s find that they’re a good distance away from us we have time yep okay i got them i got them all no you guys got this you guys got this all alive and we’re all alone that’s

Very good that’s very good that’s really really good keep it up guys give it up ten more seconds eight more seconds it’s fine five more seconds five more seconds all right you guys got this there we go very nice very good job yes okay good job good job

Good movement rambo good job and good job topple and getting them all thank you nice that was really good uh green oh [ __ ] tommy in it and [ __ ] phil okay Use your pearl as much as possible that way oh [ __ ] fundy’s already like at me dude Oh shoot going this way oh [ __ ] i’m leading into you i fell down okay oh he’s right here jesus where is he where is he where is he oh [ __ ] hell okay all right i got all of them we got it first all right very good very good that’s a

Huge that’s big points focus focus focus okay okay okay oh we’re first that’s good really really well that’s gonna happen i said where is he turned the corner and he was just gone well you gotta not say things like that it’s like my curse i say things that they happen

I recommend uh practicing the parkour map and just analyzing it like while we’re spectating i recommend uh these okay we’re doing all right nice we’re not doing too bad they’re not always winners chat they’re not always winners only occasional winners okay yeah be sure to spam click okay uh

Mine in the little what oh [ __ ] he’s instantly going for me okay keep moving keep moving man don’t don’t don’t sit about don’t go the public drive god he’s right on me wilbur okay you keep going i fell down he’s probably after me okay okay that’s fine yeah you got one

He cut me off that’s fine he’s uh you use your enterprise similar colors pink and purple oh god you’re right oh you’re absolutely right okay okay your tattoo is coming for you watch out you’re in hit wrench and so are you keep going he’s he’s on your oh he fell

Over stay high stay high oh god i fell too it’s okay it’s okay it’s okay okay red we’ve got a first night good job keep going up keep going up keep going up yes good good good good keep going keep going keep going he’s right behind you keep

Going don’t look back don’t look back keep Let’s go okay that’s that’s a bonus that’s called the bonus all right we’re good it’s okay oh my god the contrast oh okay he’s going back there he’s going around okay okay going up here he went down he went down he went down he’s right he’s right he’s just right

There he’s right there okay he’s fine he’s fine okay he’s above you he’s under you i meant he’s under rio he’s right there he’s right there okay he’s under yeah he’s right behind you right behind you it’s fine it’s fine it’s fine it’s fine i’m gonna use my ender pearl i see him

Okay he’s right there yeah [ __ ] oh wow okay he’s trying to wow he went down he went down that’s very good he’s coming up yeah yeah yeah keep on going that way oh that’s that’s really curious oh good he’s right nice wait he messed up my [ __ ] stomach guys it’s okay it’s

Okay it’s okay all right all right all right all right interesting that we picked parkour tag first just to get our heart rate up just remember oh my god it’s all right i caught on a ladder or i was like i got one of them was right

About to get near you and i got caught on a ladder for like three seconds okay so now um [Applause] yeah we’re doing pretty good it is pretty good he’s okay okay okay it’s true it’s true um okay he’s immediately going oh [ __ ] he’s already this way okay he’s going back okay taboo he’s on you is he yep he’s on he’s low he’s low he’s on you he’s low

On you yep oh [ __ ] dude i don’t know if i can get out this one yeah i hit dead end all good i’ll go sorry i’m going to try and go a different way to you rambo yep i’m going the completely opposite way of you as well

I don’t see where he is he’s uh he’s right opposite you he’s up ramming okay he’s after you welcome he’s good okay he’s following your pop okay he he’s cutting you off he’s cutting you off turn around it’s okay oh shoot okay all right i got some i got them all good

Okay well but just focus on life okay he’s gonna try to cut you off yeah there’s nothing you can do it’s okay wilbur it’s okay we we have the advantage we have we have a bonus long enough to get keeping things into existence sorry you need to stop talking things

Says he’s gonna try and cut you off and then the next thing i hear is rambu saying he’s cutting you off and i’m just dead go forth though that’s really good no it’s only round six okay okay all right all right all right yeah it’s time

To hunt the speed run up they have manhunt two of them have manhunt experience ugh experience oh boy wait that’s actually i’m normally the speed runner okay okay okay okay we got sat nap coming in straight down the middle wow he went right towards me that was wow that’s really unfortunate

He’s just right behind you over yeah i know i saw i’m just gonna try and sort of okay oh i [ __ ] that didn’t i okay he’s gonna cut you off oh yes it’s the he’s gonna and then i’m just dead okay okay do you want me to just say cuts oh yeah

Yes oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] no i was so close hitting the michael mcchill toes the what the toes he just targets the toes dude you into your toes hold on hold on hold on i’m getting there wait and and [Applause] Oh okay it’s time it’s time rambo okay just get it just get it all out there just get it all out third time it’s one more time oh man uh he went through mid okay he’s going down the middle yeah yeah he’s going he went to the left

Okay they are wow they are all all right make sure to keep up your uh your altitude just oh he’s right behind you he’s right behind you okay it’s okay it’s okay it’s okay oh you sound like a perfectly cut screen right there oh my god he’s right there it’s fine

Wait oh gosh he’s right behind me he’s right behind me yeah he’s right just keep moving moving he fell yeah yeah unfortunate i should have taken the uh the wall darn it it’s just puns yeah oh if i didn’t toes thank you thank you nice hey good job guys that’s good

Man’s got mad toes Oh this is exciting boys this is really exciting so this is the last round right have we got rambu again um oh yeah it’s gonna be me who is it going wrong the s major team wait wait who’s hunting and let it be five up no it’s kit oh gosh

It’s okay it’s okay it’s okay it’s it’s whispered He’s going through right yeah i see him i see him i see him he’s going down the right side oh [ __ ] oh i survived seven seconds i’m so sorry it’s okay i just panicked okay so there’s a little screamer i’m a bit of a it’s because i’m so hype

Oh you get putting me belly fell he fell i fell too i fell too oh it’s okay it’s okay that was my fault that’s my fault he’s uh he’s going through he’s going through he’s climbing through med all right all right he’s oh you juked them that’s

Good keep going yeah i know i know what i’m on you’re on it you’re on it yeah dude come on come on oh my god let’s go we’ll give you some time okay nice nice that’s that’s fine i didn’t even know wrong is a [ __ ] death trap dude it’s like a dead end

Yeah i don’t like corners anymore i like i like the air i like breathing air open air nice okay nice still got all of them though so that’s got us into six six is fun six is good let’s go go team oh is it hardcore attack

Yep nice okay oh i can’t wait to never have to play this game again for a month it’s just it’s just not well i’m having fun as well i just can’t cope my heart dude my heart is genuinely fun you said that you feel like like like really really

Like weird before i’m feeling i’m honestly feeling fine okay i’m doing great feeling strangely fine by semi-sonic yeah you did so much better than me yeah music are you a semi-sonics fan rambu no closing time oh oh oh they did that song i understand now

Oh we got two i don’t what why do they do two minute breaks now between all the games i don’t know so you can go do a a piss do you not know you’re like you’re required to drink three bottles of water between each round of of every round

What really yeah you have to chug chug jug okay i’ll be back in a second then oh well he’s going okay i drink coffee so i have to do the same thing i’ll be back yeah well rambo looks like it’s just me and you the bladder boys yeah

This is that welcome to the welcome to the bladder boy podcast yes where we talk about our bladders my stream has just gone down on my laptop has it gone down actually or i do not know that i swear to god i hope it doesn’t oh okay

No it hasn’t i don’t think wait is it everyone’s saying question mark question mark uh oh it’s back what what happened there uh nothing i’m sure okay it is oh yeah nothing nothing yeah yeah nothing happened no it hasn’t gone down we good okay cool all right you went to go he just

Didn’t didn’t you go to like the bathroom isn’t that what you were doing okay i guess not i guess that is not what he was doing that makes fake cows big cows big girls oh man these cows are pretty two dimensional any real cows in the chat

Move me up please come back i made my toilet useful [Applause] i’ve got a toilet that’s all i’ve ever heard of it i mean you know what does the job means no filming in here i’m not filming oh they’re doing the little knocks to roleplay again

I love it i love knox crew roleplay it’s my favorite thing to do oh you’re a part of it you partake in it quickly over i know a solution yeah if you scream at them maybe they could hear you you have to go like this [Laughter]

Wait i have a fire bomb all right we’re doing big cells though three buildings to you this is a hold up you never mind oh i picked build my guys fire bomb sky battle okay what i did so good job oh thank you those chickens wait what happened to my egg dude

It’s going to be battle box i reckon oh battle i hate battle books press right next to stress this is going to be awesome battle boxes battle box is a good game oh boy i’m bad at it oh boy it’s all just minecraft is a question yeah yeah i’m just genuinely quite bad

Oh there i go down the hill should i be am i wall boy am i wool boy um okay now this map you have to be really careful because as soon as you land in the water it’s as good as over oh this one oh this one should i be

Should i be wool boy or bow boy boy um honestly do a bit of everything wilbur okey dokey tub steep okey dokey um we’ll we’ll we’ll just i will i will oh boy and and i i’m i’m better with a bow than i am a sword in minecraft

Tackle you’re kind of you’ve got to be on some king [ __ ] all right can you do that yeah please can you like do a line for us i’m not the only one wearing the crown here a line for us you know what do you mean

Did you mean that yeah you know get that energy up please like walk in a straight line yeah i just remembered what i just i just remembered the connotations of that i was very always remember to put put wool in your off hand so that at any moment you can

Just right click and yeah yeah okay unless there’s a crossbow and you’re using that then put that in your hand i will not be using the crossbow who wants the crossbar me not me oh well yeah definitely temple it’s done definitely not apple’s got the boat apple’s

I’m gonna shoot tommy in the face oh yo oh apple it wouldn’t let me well we could do that later we’ll do that in about three minutes okay we’ll do that we have a plan we haven’t planned yeah yeah yeah what is our plan wait wait wait tommy we have a plan

In the face in the face no matter what game he’s in find a way a battle of hastings intensifies If By doing that you just made death a little bit more exciting Okay okay coming from help help help okay david you’re gonna hit me up nice nice nicky yeah yes yes yes yes oh wow i’m just okay i’m really really low i got shot by david nice oh god okay oh they’re okay okay quick okay out of arrows i’m actually out of arrows

Wrong let’s start placing wool it’s okay they’re really low both i like one hit each okay okay [ __ ] i tried shoot okay that’s okay they were both they were super low that’s really unfortunate it was super low just getting the 2v1s it always happens oh there’s a guy there’s a guy

This is this is this is the one that’s getting my heart up my heart rate off oh boy i have a level of expectation for myself now oh i i don’t have any expectations for myself tag fill in for me i’ll i’ll kick off the fire alarm then when you yeah

If that works i just didn’t use my bow enough who we got we got the fundy and tommy in that crew oh okay okay we know what to do we know what to do oh it’s like i can hear tommy’s voice and i’m not even in the team god

I can hear the strategies okay they’re going that side go to the side nice oh god okay phil is really messing me up yeah phil’s [ __ ] solid at everything he ever does because he’s a great man and should be i shot him once nice oh nice and he’s dead now

Haha great man enjoyed like you know the end of life i guess who knows what comes after it bill’s already there i mean yeah okay shot tommy nice nice ah double you’re awesome you’re awesome he’s on one get on the last one don’t fill in oh okay he killed everyone it’s okay

Well oh okay we killed him okay cool cool he stole my hair oh my gosh i had to you i had you i’m sorry oh my goodness oh my god i think you just got addicted to killing in three seconds tobo yeah i needed to you just you just

Enveloped an addiction within seconds oh my gosh yeah we have to cut you off cold turkey oh i love that song no you know what background says i like minecraft the video game i think i think about it more than i thought i would by this age

If you told me when i was 22 i’d be spending most of my time thinking of minecraft i would have thought you were joking wait you’re 22 i’m 24. oh okay oh they’re doing a split yeah okay so take out these two first get them keeping our frogs are super low okay

Watch out Oh god oh we got me he’s on three hearts he’s on three hearts okay stop backing it up go go go go go you’re stacking you’re stacking you know how to place the blocks replacer differently dougie hype me up hype me up okay best friend one song where it goes

Like teach me how to dougie what’s that one oh that’s cool teach me how to doggy thank you but i was doing i was doing best friend sure me moves uh oh yeah my turn dougie hype me up uh yellow okay just be aware of okay just focus

All force on jack manifold wait no no no no no no like go for the eye we shouldn’t do that i don’t think we should do that get it i guess wait no it was king harold king harold him wait what now king harry got shot in the

Eye yeah at the bottom of hastings awesome i love ancient execution oh [ __ ] my minecraft tournaments oh gosh i gotta go back yeah oh he has the knockback sword geez that’s annoying oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] i’m just being i’m just missing really low oh [ __ ] there’s true puns no scp-k

Got captain let’s get it ready no not yet not yet not yet very good very good i love that i love that timing wheel very good very good i got jack now oh my god i’m so happy i’m gonna see him tomorrow and i’m gonna rub [ __ ] in his face jesus christ

That’s gonna be a great convo oh my god okay this is this is number this is number three oh gosh okay oh i believe it’s the cyan crustaceans what makes them crusty okay remember we’re losing when we do split pushes let’s just go one side they’re crustaceans because they have a

Lot of crusts i got [ __ ] four hearts of damage done just off the [ __ ] back okay sky’s the one hit god it’s very good it’s right there and i am just back thank you do it live up core right to all right careful watch out damage pop he’s low he’s lying

Oh my gosh okay oh okay i got shot my whistle oh [ __ ] i knocked them into you wait they’re filling in they’re filling it in they’re feeling it in no whisp you whisp ah he makes micro butts Minecraft butts are big videos now focus on this one which is okay okay the lime smelling wilbur wait why are you participating so that i don’t feel like i lost wait oh okay now oh hey you smell my eggs okay let’s go oh [ __ ] okay they have the damage they have the

Damage careful yep they do careful careful solidarity yeah just fall back just shoot and fall back you’re fine control already yeah i’m shooting them a bunch yeah they are okay okay i got one okay careful nice nice nice nice nice they’re filling fillings they’re filling go go go

Get them yep you have a health advantage Oh i i opened f3 f5 on accident oh my goodness oh i opened my third eye on accident holy moly i know how to use a mounted keyboard let’s go okay um uh do you want to push oh god just do the same thing when we’re

All together then it works a lot better i’ve noticed yeah yeah i just think he’s got the crossbow so do you want to just like target him off the face of the earth i think they’re split pushing probably yep they try to go for shots they haven’t gotten some help back

Oh god okay he’s a distraction okay they’re they’re careful they’re they’re on they’re next to wall careful yeah i was a dead sucker i’m not really really low though yeah yeah okay it’s just dream oh wait never mind help michael nice to apple nice nice filling filling fillings

I wanted i wanted though coins holy crap this is getting ridiculous i need to drink my my god did you watch him snap ended up dying because he went for me because he saw me as easy coins yeah yeah and then i just cleaned him up right

Before him yeah that was really dumb of them they got greedy oh so he was like three coins and then just lost yeah i was on like half a heart that entire time i was just jumping around hoping for anything inside it’s really really good okay

Looks like they go on the opposite side pete’s on this team so be careful okay you got that i fought him once okay hold on i’m gonna i’m gonna i’m gonna throw guys behind guys they’re there yep oh yeah i’m half heart yeah just they’re really low they’re really low they’re

Filling wait all right okay yeah all right we’re good we’re good we’re good knees on him and he will die yes you got one he’s not him oh boogers nice well played that morning we’re like lost to so if they don’t lose one they’re gonna yeah yeah no that’s good though

I don’t know if that’s really really good though yeah oh let’s go it’s getting exciting nice okay uh purple oh lumina that’s okay okay rambo this is the last round and if we lose we’re still in second don’t worry stay focused stay focused boys stay focused but i’m just saying man

Don’t don’t be put Then oh gosh okay we’re good okay they immediately got that hit him careful the wall yeah yeah watch out he’s okay he went to go get you okay i should have i should have went back help me find the finest one oh [ __ ] illumina shot me keep shooting

Guys keep shooting you got this i need help in mid i need help in mid i need yeah yeah careful careful careful okay illumina’s at nine minutes at 16. yeah one two one you got this no no they’re fitting they’re filling time go back come That’s really good that’s really good very nice very nice i redeemed myself from like two mcc strategy just know your attention to phil and mid that was awesome what they just did you’re awesome tubber you’re pretty goddamn awesome nice top five very nice fifth beautiful oh my god ran bootable well

You guys oh my gosh the distribution of points is amazing right now and i got like three kills that’s pretty good yeah that means you guys smashed it i i’m so mad about my ace dude it was so cool no no genuinely because oh my god three kills

You will have a 50 you will have a 48 card deck with me around all right oh god yay come on that was good that one was good come on mm-hmm that one that one was good come on you’re the joker of the deck all right [Applause]

I was going to say you’re the you’re the how to play of the deck on how to play cards [Applause] oh they’re after me oh my god you know what sounds great right now after that nice battle box a burger what sounds a burger you think a bug sounds great burger

I have a burger i’m gonna eat this burger burger oh god i’m gonna take my heart dude that was so good that was it was very very wait table what’s your individual right now sixth nice second what’s everyone else looking like six still uh yep i just filled in the silence individual

Nice nice nice so it’s okay to have silence because then it’s time to think all right all right what’s your individual placement mine yeah thirteenth [ __ ] damn No big comes oh [Applause] oh gosh they have crossbows oh gosh they have ace hey they have crossbows next to us no i don’t like it oh we should throw a build mart now before things get a little crazy yeah they were doing that to force our vote

Oh okay it’s okay you can hold yours it’s okay just start let’s diversify our portfolio real quick okay okay okay i’ll just do until later so like ten more seconds okay they they got dunked okay oh okay that’s fine so now we’re now good now yeah i don’t think there’s a single

Chicken except for yours why did they all leave oh what’s it gonna be that’s oh that’s sky battle no oh um all um we can do skype battle there’s there’s sick don’t know seven though it looks like us yeah eight votes jesus okay we’ve had our fair share of being in the sky

Right yeah do you remember remember our skywars games i remember them i remember it was good practice for this very moment okay hey guys drag your mouse okay now what oh that’s oh that was off-putting drag my mouse wait how do i just kind of hit it that didn’t really

Do much well that hurt my eyes yeah thank you oh you mean like that oh that’s what you mean i just i just kind of hit my mouse and then nothing happened so i was confused you could change the wide-angle lens by changing your perspective

Ah oh and i can also just look at a ghost version of me this is awesome no floating head that moves slowly slightly i’m moving ahead of zombie flow yes i love slowly panning in this is this is my favorite part of mcc honestly the cutscene you just reference rap god tubbo

Maybe but i got it wrong as well i i would hope no one would notice because i got it right he referenced rap god but then got it wrong oh no see the next lyric is that All right be careful with that bridge though add like multiple make it thick make it thick like a spaghetti i know what i’m doing oh yeah okay okay i i trust you will i trust you go you go will okay okay okay okay i got that good you’re good

All right okay i’m making two pairs of pants and a pair of boots blueberries dead already i don’t know targeting sorry we got stream sniped oh we’re getting streamed okay i got pants tap i’ll take pants and boots i’ve got two blocks of iron i’m gonna craft both wilbur and rambu pants

As well nice okay let’s go wilbur well but you’re awesome right now and more i’m going to break it okay let’s start out thank you thank you okay nice bridge nice very nice [Applause] Okay hold on hold on just back up let’s go let’s go back out a bit hold on no just eat your food guys it’s okay hold on hold on we’re gonna go up now okay guys we’re going up okay okay all right follow up okay looking at you okay they’re looking at

You they’ve seen you they’ve seen you okay they’re above us they’re above them that’s okay they’re gonna they’ve got a free break they’ve got a creep right creeper they might use it okay okay i’ll see this i’ll just do that okay wait i haven’t dropped Okay i’m going up i’m going off you got it you’re okay yeah oh i’ll just focus okay coming up no yeah force him to mine oh nice oh my [Applause] okay well i had a pearl and i didn’t use it so that’s interesting thank you thank you i like molten cheese

500 coins during that match not bad at all we just need to all get there and then not die i’m so good at this oh my god well we tried boys and you know what you can’t thought i’m gonna literally just angrily take off my jumper

Wait what okay that i’m really glad that i have the um oh wait just oh wait okay harvey that was a good minecraft butt moment thank you i know how i know my minecraft butts do you like minecraft but the water rises with j schlatt yeah i like that one i like the

There’s no textures minecraft but but there are no textures oh who was it then oh i don’t know was are you sure are you sure yeah that was me no it wasn’t me it had to be you i did i did my i did minecraft but the water rises

And that was like i remember i remember a sky block with no textures are you serious wilbur oh yeah it was j slap oh i forgot i forgot i was in that oh okay okay good all right i’m glad i was second guessing myself for that

One yeah it’s the one where we changed our language to chinese yeah that’s awesome yeah oh gosh this team what they’re selling an entire car look how sapnap is in a different he’s on a different bridge that’s very smart we should do that i’m gonna copy him it’s my brand bye quick

Oh that’s fall damage that’s fall damage oh wait just place it in two funnies hey that was cool oh wow 400 coin difference this one is like this one’s like tommy’s strong point uh sky battle is oh yeah definitely definitely okay okay um it connor responds right

We’re going left again um left again left is with fruit i see i saw fruit berries yeah i saw lime and i was like goodbye green can you let me grab tnt that’s all i asked for in that first chest is tnt yep okay if i go over

Okay i always make two pants boots because they’re like the best okay i’ve got pants and boots for you thank you okay i’m dropping the iron yep yep drop it to me okay rambo and wilbur i’m making you both pants and boots now we should

Build it now i’m gonna get it i’m gonna make sure i’m gonna get the bow okay uh wilbur we’re behind you got iron pants on the floor they’re looking at us yeah remember we have unlimited blocks guys be careful like be sure to just spam spamming is fun spamming is fun i love

It it’s voiced in there it’s okay that’s okay okay oh i missed yeah oh nice guys i stole the kill oh god [ __ ] ice cream my my apologies yeah you’re a parkourist look at you yeah i have an extra i have extra leggings for someone no one around here wants leggings

This is good this is good okay let’s establish a wall even though there’s a lot of oh we’re doing really well guys let’s just let’s just just remember there’s people around us that are trying to shoot us so we got this it’s okay it’s okay yeah yeah yeah

I’m slightly stressed right now but we got this all right you’re good you’re good there’s no reason to stress yeah let’s just relax it’s like a day at the spa but we’re in the middle of it we’re in the sky and it’s scary i’m gonna make a bridge lower

Okay i’m gonna make i’m gonna make this so that they they just can’t there’s fruit on the right be careful they’re they’re they’re approaching careful um who’s under us you should probably come with us yeah let’s let’s let’s go up let’s go up though i hear tnt yep okay they’re all fighting

Each other that’s okay that’s good we could go for placement just a bit um if anyone has does anyone have an extra bow or like crossbow for me i do have an answer i do but i have arrows oh i have arrows i have arrows i’m good okay thank you okay let’s

Okay okay there’s a lot of tension on lime i wanna i wanna throw like eggs on them yeah we can cook green we can push green top wait wait wait wait wait there’s there’s there’s orange right here there’s right there’s cpk right here okay you guys oh okay that’s ours that’s just ours

There you go yeah that’s just linked we could extend it a little bit more yeah we can we can extend it i’m going to build walls here hey well double okay make the time play for the time yeah too many walls ah shoots happening now if you can

Okay [ __ ] off dream get them pull them in oh [ __ ] nilly oh nice oh oh good job tackle be careful of that fishing rod that fishing rod could really do something careful okay okay i have i have creeper eggs careful careful of the fishing okay dreams dreams bridging in

We have we have the thickest bridge it’s so thick it’s so incredibly thick bridge is coming uh that’s coming in hold on hold on wait i’m gonna i’m gonna i’m gonna do a creeper thing do it do it nice okay yeah okay let’s get lower let’s get a little more

Okay we got one we got one oh yeah let’s let’s go back a bit go back a bit or i’ll still be bad oh boy nice oh wow nice bubble guys really good okay stop moving stop moving i’m gonna throw a cobweb i threw a cobweb it’s okay you could you

Could go in the coffin go in the cobweb go in the cobweb let’s go let’s go we killed the fruits good work nice that was sick oh my gosh oh oh thick bridges gives good good returns oh hello all right hold up uh left right left left left okay left okay

Actually i’m i’m making the executive decision to go right now i’ve realized thickening thickening be sure to thick nice i will mine if you need some i’ll help you okay uh uh okay i’ll just have it thank you around right here let’s view okay i’ve got legs for you as well

I’m gonna i’m gonna go up here real quick okay uh okay okay okay i’ll i’ll i’ll be back i’ll be back i’ll be back on the floor oh gosh yeah okay i grabbed all the rest of the stuff from the chat oh my god who saw that holy crap

Looking close that was i [ __ ] sniped someone three islands away and they all know okay let’s bridge now let’s go up we’re going up the tower and bridging we’re going up the tower okay uh make it make it a little wide make it sick boy thick boy time

Thick boy o’clock oh tubbo just go just go within don’t don’t edge it don’t go edge don’t go edge stay within okay nice i made a little i’ll break this over there oh that’s very hard thank you arrows take some shots over to the left there’s some good

Picks yep okay yep i see okay i’m in mid now okay that’s good that’s good oh i got it let’s go nice nice good job good job good job oh let’s just we got to establish now careful there’s there’s blue there’s blue there’s blue to our left careful

Or right right right i mean all right sorry i’m gonna i i definitely have a driver’s license okay i’m gonna go get you out of here yeah that one okay okay oh they’re approaching a bit they’re approaching a bit they’re crouching and approaching there’s there’s a fight under us do you want to

Clean no no no no no no no careful no do not engage yeah yeah just just stay back just stay back keep them off keep them off oh wow oh [ __ ] oh okay that’s okay that’s okay let’s just let’s just just go back on it does anyone have a fishing rod i cannot

Pull but please i’m really good oh wow oh wow that was terrifying i thought that was wood okay if anyone has arrows just just start shooting man this is we’re going forward now we’re going forward now okay okay i hit him once at least a little bit worse than us

Very good very good keep going keep going keep going there’s phil’s i’m shooting him with arrows he doesn’t like it keep going keep going boys okay sorry phil dude i’m dead i knew the fishing running okay wait okay get buns with the fishing rod he’s really easy watch out oh okay

It’s okay it’s okay no he’s not easy that’s toxic wait there’s people under there’s people under um oh we could have we could oh [ __ ] oh okay okay we’ll tell this tnt right no it didn’t miss oh okay did i miss him okay wait okay okay i could see into you as

Well if you want me to let’s not get too close well well you’re too close we’ll we’ll go back we’ll go back i’m trying to go back okay nice fruit’s coming up first coming up what the whoa okay hello oh we’ll see here does that really work get down you what is that

You’re four oh my gosh i didn’t understand what happened oh my gosh that was oh that was that is the most fun i’ve ever had in battle box oh that was amazing number one we’re number one right now that was so good that was so good for the world

Oh no dragons he started he started to sing now we’re all dead oh man i’m one place away from top ten i’m in eight i’m number one individual right now i’m number one individual how how holy crap that’s amazing oh let’s keep it going

Come look at you man oh yeah you want to see me i’ve actually oh my way ah free burgers on the house guys free burgers on the house That’s beautiful that’s beautiful to see it’s a beautiful day and i can’t stop myself from got the screenshot just in case oh let’s go we’re doing well dude we are weird i am so pleased that i killed jack manifold oh man wheat is bad though that was

Really good i’m gonna eat a burger to celebrate burger’s on the house burger’s on the house i’m gonna eat whatever the hell these co-op things are i’m gonna eat a spatula oh man how did what happened in that last round literally all i saw was a mess of just

Stuff happening i just spammed tnt i just spammed tnt and something happened and then they said go down to the middle so then i was like oh okay and i felt that there was nothing there we’ve got more viewers than the olympics right now well that’s because we are

Just simply more important oh that’s just that’s interesting no the olympics is amazing dude it’s just this year it’s a little bit short of this minecraft i think most people that are in the olympics would probably a winner in a fight against me i would probably lose against most olympians my

Dream is playing mind games against me i don’t like okay okay wait what are we going to vote for this time um i’m pissed at the time honestly oh gosh okay oh wait he is old to be fair i hear all the keyboard sounds you guys sound like people that are on twitter

Pipers pipers oh santa time all right time because this is um i’m i suck at this generally no that’s okay that’s okay okay who who wants do you wanna be sandboy does someone want to be soundboy um i am more than happy there’s there are puzzles for the sand boy now that

Was in the um yeah do you wanna have you ever been sandboy before tubber no i haven’t i’m normally never have you ever been to fanboys no i’m i’m sort of i’m sort of a regular sand boy so like i’m really quite good at sound boy

I’m i’m always fanboy so i can i can do that if you want okay now what’s important to know there’s always my pros and cons of being said no i’ll be sandboy tubbo it’s fine i’ll do it um the pro my pros and cons are being

Sad boy uh pros i’ve done that a lot before uh i’m pretty easygoing i won’t shout at you when we’re running out of time cons um i don’t pressure you enough i of cons i j i’m too much [ __ ] screaming i think i think would be good as as

Sandboy because he would like start yelling at us yes but i want to be sand boy i’ve changed my mind okay what other vote we need to remember is underneath yeah there’s a vault right underneath yeah i know i know i’ve done it before i’ve done it before

It’s a it’s like there’s like two puzzles yeah and each each key has its own room now okay so what are the colors of the vote so if we get a key we need to know that like oh [ __ ] [ __ ] i’m you know and maybe even come you know like that’s fine

Okay sound scoundrel oh yeah oh yeah okay so so uh team rules like team rules whenever you go down a new tunnel lay just a couple markers in front of it yeah yeah okay and then we just not to say you’re done to say you have gone down it there might be still

Options to see that lock it off if you’re going down erection and you’ve explored all of it block it off with like a solid flat line yeah yeah yeah yeah but just like put like three to say like i’ve already done this kind of yeah but not to say

It’s finished just to be like you’ve gone down there before basically so so basically for you for you tunnel explorers if you see a tunnel with three markers on it only explore it if a it’s the only way forward b you are have no what nothing else to

Do like every other tunnel’s been explored now or c if you hate us otherwise oh peace Thank you yep okay okay i got a couple rusty keys i’m gonna go up here no i’m gonna go down okay i’m gonna go in this one okay oh [ __ ] oh i found uh wait that’s the green key already already yeah it’s just down here all right this room is

It’s not blocked off but it’s like remember to look for cracks in the walls as well because that can lead to really good things yep i’m getting hurt a lot can i keep my distance this ping is interesting oh wait does anyone have the green

I have it i have it i have it okay okay i found the green ball all right are we speed running the green key yeah yeah all right i’m going back i’m going back now the one that’s just standing still jumping go towards me okay let me get my gold real quick i’m

Doing really bad that’s okay it’s it’s just it’s it’s okay it’s okay you’re doing i promise you you’re doing great tubbo yeah double you’re doing great all right i’m here i’m here with sand and also also i have the key where do i go all right chapel right here right here

Okay here i’m gonna where should i throw the i’m gonna throw the sand that like towards like the timer i’m here so i do i run here rambu am i running am i just gonna keep running oh i see it oh god oh god i can’t do this i’m dyslexic

[ __ ] um um no no it’s it’s i’ll go into the green vault with you chapel i’m here it’s just gold we’re good it’s okay literally just hold nice oh okay i’m putting all these puzzles wait i have i have two i have two test plates take one and that’s how the economy works

Completely yeah just just leave that to me yeah i’m going to go up here we’ve got we’ve got 140 seconds extra time that’s very nice this one is just immediately explored unless i’m listening unless i’m missing something that’s 150 oh [ __ ] that’s it that’s it i’m doing really bad

No it’s okay it’s okay you’re doing great i’m doing fine you’re doing honestly doing spectacular dude we have on in total 210 seconds and that’s all we’ve that’s just with what we’ve got so far oh thank you oh monka okay i’m going to go i’m going to go up now okay

Monkey w okay i’m doing parkour okay i’m gonna do this puzzle for the um for the oh okay for the red key vault uh vo uh no oh remember you could you could mine the cracked gold okay for gold remember you can mine the cracked walls

Okay wait wait if you find it wait do we wait have we already done the does someone have a green bulk key oh wow uh yes yes yes that’s done it’s done uh yes wait taboo do you still have an n no an n no i have none of it

Um i mean it is a great song if anyone finds a message every cop on the street sorry yeah if anyone finds a missing end let me know wait who do i will do you want do you want my sandwich yeah oh gosh how do i get out of here that’s

In fact let’s let’s open this how do i float up is this a way into something oh [ __ ] okay if anyone ever has a weight into someone anyone if anyone finds the letter n block try to exit the room with a place black block oh okay okay

Okay 220 oh it’s remaining i’m going to pause i’m going to substitute 20 seconds for coins oh it’s the puzzle okay what the uh i’m still missing an n uh i’m i really wish i could be doing better at this i feel like um i’m not doing no you’re talking about

You’re probably thinking too much just i literally only have that’s what i’m trying to get right now but the thing is it’s not giving me an n okay make sure to make sure to mine am i just not seeing make sure to mine like if there’s like a dead end like if

You could find like something to mine you know what the they said it could be invisible oh what just click randomly in your inventory man if it’s invisible it it okay you should run around until you pick it up they’re giving me like they’re giving me like simon says things to do

Still 210 seconds remaining on the clock so you’ve got oh my god ah okay this is not worth it i’m going to go up can i can i relog try it i don’t i don’t want to try it because i’m not sure if it’ll work yeah yeah

Well we’ll only do it like once they say it’s okay all right huh last spot my hotbar no it’s not there yeah if we can get that red key we can get a sec guys because i found the red vote nice huh i don’t know if i’m just not

Seeing it i i’m trying to go i don’t have anything to do right now so i kind of i’m not sure where to go i’m just like i’m trying to like help one of you guys right now i’m like going to like your path oh good it’s all good okay okay well i’m

Just gonna leave i’m just gonna leave okay i need to do something right now oh [ __ ] you know that’s just a [ __ ] one wouldn’t it oh [ __ ] okay uh yeah i found a place to do it Okay still sat on 160 seconds left we’re saying that it’s on the roof apparently okay i found a blue key oh nice oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] oh oh god mistakes mistakes you’re good all good are you alive oh good job good job good job hey if you

Have sand come back and deposit it to me please because we’re getting a bit my way okay i’m just going to go somewhere else we have 130 seconds left i don’t know who has the red bull i because i just cannot i just cannot find

It guys we are low on sand so if you okay how much how many seconds just uh we have 120 we’ve got full but it’s we have no more to replenish okay i have one with me just pop it in the thing i’m just gonna i’m just gonna wait

Do i go like now now yes okay i’m going now now i only have one sand though okay remember meet me so much more you have the red key ramboo not yet they haven’t spawned in the block for me yet because the there was just a missing letter in that one

Well hurry because i’ve got a red ball i know i know i know well i’m just gonna i’m just gonna add it right now and come back yep just add it and add it in if you only got one oh why is there just loads of sand sat on there what

There i added it i’ve got nine sandwiches oh wow that’s really good yeah that’s good that’s good then as soon as you throw it to me everyone you’ve got loads of time okay nice throw it to me there you go there you go four seconds cross the floor form the words just

Break and we place one block okay okay we’ll do there we go got the red key okay okay get to me now got the red key got the red key okay i’m on my way okay okay tubbo wait three wait for rumble i feel like i just committed a crime

I feel like i just committed a crime i don’t know i don’t know if this is right with me with me with me with me or me yep i’m on you i committed a crime i’m sorry scott oh i’m sorry i’m sorry about that like puzzle thing because they it just did

Not spawn in it doesn’t matter it doesn’t matter don’t worry about it let’s go okay not enough coins okay okay let’s go keep with keep with what the okay go get that key okay okay okay you still following yep i’m still following you okay [ __ ] okay uh okay we’re on 160 seconds

Okay watch out there’s blazers don’t let them shoot you i won’t okay okay open this bad boy okay let’s go let’s go let’s go there we go actually i’m actually starting to feel like they’ve given us less sand than they used to in stanza time so we might actually need to

Head out quicker than normal we’ve got about 100 we’ve got about 140 seconds okay i have four santa which is quite low weirdly yeah if you can get me sand quickly get the sand back i’m i’m i’m going back now oh [ __ ] i’m pretty deep in here oh okay

Yep no we’re running just running that’s just wrong i’m gonna go for this wait the silver’s just spawners wait no no no no no no oh wait actually i’m gonna get more i’m indulging ah don’t get too gritty yeah all right no no i’m now out of sand

All right all right i’m running back now i’m i’m running back now we might we might need to head out sooner than we usually used to in sansa time okay wait this this area is apparently completely oh this area is complete wait i might

Be able to get sam uh i got sand i got sand nice quickly bring it back bring it back how many seconds how many seconds 90 seconds 90 90 and then we’re locked out so okay okay nice and speedy just pop it in here wait for me don’t wait for me all right

I’m going don’t wait for me just pop it straight i have four leave it on the ground oh i wait any that you have left wait wait do we have enough time i don’t know i put it i saw 90 guys yep pop it in the timer and then and then

Leave what you have left on the floor for me and i’ll we’re at 100 seconds i’m just keeping an eye on like the sand at the minute i’m speed running no no no no no no no no oh oh no why aren’t they dying no guys we are

We are now on five seconds 80 seconds sorry okay okay i don’t know i’ve got 560 points this is the best i’ve ever done in signs of time right is there anywhere is there anywhere left to explore that we really need to do oh throw me the sand okay we are we are

Very low now guys you need something all right i’m i’m leaving i’m leaving this one i’m on my way back i’m on my way back first i’m gonna get ready by the get ready by the exit double because they might not make it yeah i only have one

Guys 50 seconds i’m running back back yeah yeah i’ll make it guys i’m good it’s just amazed how many coins have you got tubby i’m good okay i’m on my way to texas into the exit i’m i’m in i’m in i’m into the exit i’m in the exit again

Rambo getting right in the exit in the exit everyone out nice look at all these people they messed up where’s the tomato where’s the tomato all right i feel like we were we were very different in the fact that yeah that felt quicker than usual so i felt like we had less

Time than we used to i used to miss so much like i could have done so much more i’m really yeah i’m so glad i noticed that how low we were getting so i was like [ __ ] how much sand did you have in your inventory rambu i had one how much did

You have apple i had like four that’s we had 50 i would have been enough to go back in though yeah there is times what we could have done here’s what we could have done yeah yeah we could have put we could have put 20 20 seconds on the clock

And then use two sand to open the little downstairs vault bits that are sand yeah yeah that’s what we could have done but it was it i think it was better to play it safe like we did i’m gonna go pee right back okay good good job guys

Go team i feel like if that glitch hadn’t happened with the puzzle i’m still like that one sucks what happened actually i just didn’t give me the last letter yeah i was looking around entire time when i could have been like invisible and then yeah so i could have i could

Have probably gotten like that last rusty vault which probably could have given us a lot more how are everyone else doing chat um let us know red is red is already here which is good um blue is already here green is already here how did red do how many coins did they get

I think we still did well though i think we still did well 7k that’s okay that’s okay oh no oh no they didn’t about the same as us that’s okay that’s okay that’s that’s completely okay who’s like the teams are like next to us in like coins we’re worried about we’re worried about

Cyan we’re worried about red red which red was here before we were and apparently there were only like 100 coins behind us so that’s really really good okay um i think i think we’re doing we we are doing pretty well i think i think yeah i wish i just wish that that glitch

Hadn’t happened because it’s all right how many coins did you end up getting in total man me like 400 or no like 600 and something oh you did about the same as me you’ve got no i was there the whole time i almost do i have one heart remaining on one part

There was like eight zombies i had half a heart i was stuck in here and i just couldn’t get out yeah it’s how much how much would the vault would actually give like if you if it didn’t glitch if it didn’t glitch it probably would have given me like

Probably about 200 i don’t know what was inside the vault though so it’s honestly that was like one thousand two hundred coins we got from that oh my god oh wow it was a rusty ball it was a rusty bike oh you know what that’s okay that is crazy

Want some tomatoes does anyone want to smell my tomatoes we i reckon we did really well i think we did listen 100 coins more than again they’re still oh wait oh wait um wait cyan’s already back i didn’t know yeah zion’s already back okay that’s that’s good okay green

Got 976 oh wait green got 976 wait like in total yeah yeah like in total wait do you mean green or green green like the color yeah not the man not the man because the thing is right i color all the man i i couldn’t tell

Nice fifth oh really not bad yeah that’s good yes decent that’s like that’s only oh wow the first isn’t even that bad like yeah that’s not that bad 600 difference honestly and it’s purple as well which i’m pretty sure purple oh we’re still we’re still we’re still doing well we’re still doing oh

Oh that’s tight oh wow still that’s still good that’s still good we’re butting heads interesting the heads have been butt the head’s tough there’s been a lot of butt today guys there’s been a lot of kids is there really too much probably not okay still 11 boys hey i’m ninth i’m still once

I’m fifteen five yeah yes break time break time but rambo you control the [ __ ] viewers what game do we wanna do okay mcc i’m having a look okay so the ones are big sails to get to the other side ace race and hole in the wall

I don’t want to do uh which one you don’t want to do i don’t know i don’t like the other side always that’s that’s that’s my thing it’s just just the best votes okay quick pick quick i do like i do dislike column uh build mart i don’t like that in my opinion

I say oh i say we vote for uh but we need to get bill maher out of the way because that could be such a shitty last game we pick three different ones and separate it is that what’s happening oh okay well let me let me look at it oh

You know we just picked one that we really don’t want one that we don’t want to do i’m feeling just ace race on that one okay oh yeah no it would have been yeah no vote ace race vote ace race because we want and then

Next vote um to get to the other side no and holding the wall yeah dude ace race and hole in the wall vote for yes yeah yeah those are the few that we do not want to play yet we [ __ ] hate ace race it looks like it’s going to be um

That’s a sweat you got this one good job chat good job chat go chat go chat i’ve never been able to control the majority before we’re controlling the majority i know we’re doing we’re doing really really well i’m really really excited yeah thanks everyone for being here as well that’s so

I’m i’m feeling good honestly i thought that i would feel so much more nervous because like usually when i’m nervous like my mouth shakes a lot but like i’ve been i’ve been all right feeling level-headed i’ve been all right i thought i’d be a lot more nervous but

I’m really not i’m really just having fun good i’m sad rambo you deserve it thank you you deserve fun i would hope so i’m really glad yeah i’m really glad you’re handily handling it a lot better than than i was at least oh my goodness up until the the 12th one

It was it was quite stressful but then now that i have a a circle that is metal and awesome i feel a lot better if it’s a new one you get a new one for season two oh yeah you don’t have the new one and you don’t have anyone unless

I have i have three of the oldest ones but you just get multiple coins per no i just i just scammed scott out of them oh that’s awesome i should do that too we love scamming scott it was quite easy i i said the first one i just said hey

I’ve lost my coin can i have it reshipped he went yep and then the other one was because i said him hey if i beat you with chess can i have another coin you went yep i’m gonna be in the chair yeah i’m gonna tell

Scott to do a 1v1 in skywars and see how that goes oh man i’m just glad honestly the ones that i was the most stressed about were um we’re battle box and we did really well on that and we did we did well in both of those so that’s really really good

Let’s keep up the let’s keep up the momentum yeah let’s keep it i’m just i’m bming cpk it’s fine i he just told everyone your score his score and i just said you’re doing worse than me yikes oh wait wilbur do we have to do do we

Have to um do we have to do your the thing that you taught us what for bill battle no no no no no no um just the how to be toxic oh yeah yeah yeah of course just okay we need to do that on the next one that we do well okay he

He did it already wilbur what did you teach them also yeah i taught them uh how to annoy people on video games because they because we were playing counter-strike or valerian or something and then there was there was this bunch of people like just being really mean to tubbo

So i just taught taboo like how to piss them off and it works every time i was top fragging though i was doing well was top fragging and they were they were basically making fun of the way taboo played and getting to tell but it was tilting him so

You use your keyboard no you use your words yes what kind what kind of words like [ __ ] is one i normally go for oh okay i didn’t teach him that though are you sure he did he really did actually oh i i did what we had okay i forgot that i did that

Yeah yeah he’s just so great he discredits himself sometimes by accident yeah i can’t help it we’ve got we’ve got it i’m gonna speed uh the bathroom i drink water i’ll be back all right all right i’m not having so much fun i am i am so this is how many times have

You peed so far to apple oh what uh how many times have you peed i think i’m gonna pay as well two two peas and three coming soon yeah you like that rambo when you drink water do you just pee all the time no actually oh okay yeah

Sure that’s fine then i guess yeah they call me type here rambu yeah i think you’re doing really well are you enjoying your first ever mcc i’m having so much fun this is great yeah having a lot of fun are you are you happy i always have fun i’ve i’ve i’ve only

Ever had one sour ace race uh express uh mcc experience sorry freudian slip and slip now what game it wasn’t sorry freudian slip i didn’t mean that yeah i’ve only ever had one like like negative mcc experience but even that was quite fun yeah i’m having oh i’m having fun i’m really

Really happy good well you’ll you’ll be back for every single one i predict yay oh this is good this is gonna be great do you know how i know how do you know scott is at my mercy oh oh okay i decide the team it’s like it’s like you know how like

Scott is the figurehead scott is the one that everyone everyone thinks is like deciding the teams and stuff but really it’s me behind the scenes i’m in charge apparently hole in the wall is next do we want hole in the wall to be next yeah it’s fine yeah yeah actually i’m

Down to play holding the wall i love that game dude it’s time just a bit easy my bit bit pissed chill mode hey hey david are you watching me right now david david if you’re watching me text me give him a text saying hello well i’m watching him

Also please just if you’re watching this leak my address please i don’t think he knows you’re addressed why does david don’t know my attraction [Applause] look at all those people [Applause] [Applause] dude doesn’t even have one that’s kind of yes david’s watching [Applause] is it just you guys that takes like a really long time to load in like my load time not in the game and i’m not in the game yeah and then it does like the second load

Which then takes a little bit and then we’re in i’m still not in the goddamn game oh wait it’s fine it’s okay there we go hole in the wall i like holding the wall should we ring david and get his play-by-play oh yeah go on go on tell him get out get

Get david to critique us and ask him how his wow is going i really don’t understand hello david can we get your your marble commentary on the game so far um i i don’t i yeah you’ve been doing good yeah [Applause] let’s go can you say it in the accent though david

Yeah please the the marble when the marble commentary like okay now going down to david live on the pitch david what do you think about the game so far you’ve been doing really well you know you pulled it out of the bag there on that last game it was great thank you david

Thank you now to ram i’m going to hang up on you aggressively now not to walk to crondon rambu what do you think i think we’re all doing great i think we are talking which is definitely good and i’m just having a great time this is this is just so much fun

I’m just having i’m just having fun good good turns out kids are more interested in mcc than the olympics I really really do like watching the olympics it’s one of my favorite things oh yeah tubber you’re right the times are slightly off yes i can definitely tell that they’re slightly see in the actual event they’re slightly slower than the packers they’re gonna get really fast soon

They speed up rambo don’t worry they they feel yeah no we still got the the gay balls the wolves are still gay that’s good well we love us some gay wolves okay speeding uh s okay s for sambu oh yes lord well why haven’t they changed like the

Walls to say words now i don’t know no i don’t see words it’s okay it makes the holes bigger that last one said low it loaded oh i wasn’t reading it didn’t say low it said the game hello okay look see this one that doesn’t look like one of the l’s is backwards

I think it’s a good time to start saying colors now okay blue colors really don’t help me by the way i don’t really mind okay oh interesting green green again the wall is green you’re right thank you nice can you time it or not okay blue i’m in a bow

Yeah right yep blue maybe maybe the colors do help a wall can never come from directly behind you if it comes from in front okay just keep that in mind yellow the wall cannot come from behind you if it comes from yellow you know the next wall can’t come

From behind if they’re lost oh it’s just gonna be n or s now blue blue oh crap you’re right the wall is oh it got me dude i’m gone it’s okay you guys you did well okay it’s green what oh oh oopsies okay i uh i did a noopsies

Oh god oh god no i got a little flustered right I wish i was there to see that yeah you were definitely right about that that’s okay that was still second uh purple only has one guy left so that’s really really good all we need to do is like at least uh be alive red’s still in snap maps Oh wow he’s doing the teabag maneuver oh wow nice Guys i think that was an olympics moment he done it olympics moment up top high five down low olympic moment you slow sorry any olympiads in the chat please give me your gold medal i would love it i wanna i’ve always wanted to buy an olympic gold medal

I’ve always wanted to buy just everything i don’t think everything name something i wouldn’t want to buy an alligator yes i would what amen look we’re assuming i’m not going to die from these bodies but you wouldn’t want to bite it would you i mean i wouldn’t mind

I think are you sure i think the texture would be interesting yeah but what if it’s alive well i wouldn’t bite it to her too yeah it would be like more of like stupid baby crew here this little baby crew in the corner a little baby crew oh baby crew little baby crew

Wait what happened why are we not doing gaming wait someone’s keyboard got gg’d no i shouldn’t do that i was gonna type my keyboard is going great but then i decided against it because i want to be a nice person gaming yeah i feel i feel better now i feel

Like i feel better is that against what wilbur taught you just against oh okay oh i got it i didn’t want anything to anyone to think that i didn’t like gaming here tank big gaming enjoyment man i love danny aren’t you guys excited for this game to start in nine

In round begins no that’s actually just backwards it’s actually the the nine is for days oh awesome all right sleepover stream yeah those zeros are years that’s so cool i wish i was that cool i wish i was that cool is that frozen timer yeah can you fall off okay you cannot fall

I already accidentally tried to jump off soon yeah no oh okay okay so far he’s actually had a longer pause than i than i had when my fire alarm was going off and i’m pissed oh wait really yeah replace them with filzer another filter his twin what villain

Just another fill half his points be half as many just because honestly ah thank you what was that thanks you doing okay i’m just losing my marbles my marbles are slipping between my fingers are we waiting for well you should pick them up but don’t litter well

Hey guys it’s me welcome back to another hole in the wall video today we’re going to be playing hole in the wall uh i’m joined here by tapple and we’re gonna be we’re gonna be That’s pretty good i’d watch that thanks man thank you uh i wanted to be a funny guy and click no but i was like that’s a little rude i do look snazzy yeah hey oh god the days are running down oh we’re gonna die now come on

Oh god purple i was out of it i was about to start taking my jumper off lucky i didn’t haha okay okay yellow oh yellow i like to take my time purple or black blue just guys remember to breathe in and breathe out no no way no way if you do that you

Won’t die only in only in really hard dude yeah don’t do that quackity did what is called a crow came and moved sure he did blue and you didn’t even say one two three that you like gaming either didn’t even say one two three so you know that really speaks yellow yellow

Yellow again it says jog okay um it’s coming from blue i just blacked out in the most fortunate place possible you’re okay we’re doing good we’re doing good you got this tub bob thank you green apple behind you oh thank you that was a close one almost got a haircut almost got a

Haircut from the wall destroyed me no spongebob me boy me boy me bob me sponge i’ll be up here you’re such a mr crab oh god oh no you got that that was good oh wow close man yeah oh wow okay that was interesting we’re gonna

Get a lot of coins from that oh my oh wow okay i did a weird one right there thank you still in just give me colors give me colors as soon as possible yep blue blue oh i didn’t see that one oh Still second thought hey when you when you watched your first ever mcc how many viewers did you have on twitch um when i watched my first ever m zero i hadn’t streamed it when i watched my first mcc and now you have 230 000 viewers

Is that how many it is what i thought it was i thought it was a lot lower than that that’s just a gamer dude he said one two three did he he did i mean okay that makes sense that was the one thing i was used

To saying people used to say like what’s my advice not for twitch but just for life it was always just never have anyone tell you you’re like too young to do something or like you know or you’re too late i mean unless it’s by alcohol in that case i’m very much too young

Oh yeah but i mean like in terms of making things you know oh okay well yeah i mean like beds rambu’s such a little inspiration are you i’m i’m glad hmm smiley face smiley okay face things look around oh yellow frame direction yellow is my favorite color

No no no what is my favorite color hmm maybe it is yellow you know he’s a yellow tubber these are yellow it would be very very adequate strange if they weren’t i mean honestly what the heck was that an interesting one oh i suck at this dude

And walk into it it’s all right you did it man it’s cool i died that’s all no you’re still we still we’re doing well still man we’re doing very very well and you you you did some you did great last round as well so that’s going to add on to it

Okay yellow oh wow i’m sorry oh yeah i’m i’m good i’m good you went the hard way yeah yeah sometimes i take the hard way when i yell when i hope yellow and i don’t need to hello again what i jumped that prop living life on the edge

Again i’m pretty sure that didn’t feel bad nice bye quackity um blue blue oh wow and then blue again very i spammed it all my coins oh my coins oh my toys what apple beautiful yellow again I could hear screams i could hear screams i could hear screams he’s like what a little bit behind um green and i’m pretty sure that there was like a 500 coin difference between us and like third place so we’re still in at least second i think that’s really good that was awesome guys

Good job everyone nice nice work man commands twitter.com damn gaming i’m saying words damn gaming sorry i just stopped saying what i’m excited the difference between us and second is the same as the difference between second and sixth let’s go oh i love your random analysis wilbur saying what just puts things in

Perspective man yeah but top 10 i mean yes slover yes good job good job look at us rambo look at us hey i’m on my way but you know oh rumba come see us man let’s go fire bro stand next to me man oh let’s go that is very cool can i be

Oh that is awesome yeah i wouldn’t have been able to do it without tubbers though [Applause] i’m negotiating with sapnap i’m negotiating i will let him i will let him get first if he gives me the dream smp whitelist he said yes it’s time it’s to tackle on himself um very large hands

I hate comedically large hands comedically large i can’t use an ipad and it’s sad it’s very sad it’s actually easier for you to use an ipad oh wait well i’d fat finger every keyboard that’s so cool the fact that you have very large is remotely humorous to me yeah

Join my nation i want to stay in top 10 man i want to stay here we’ve got two more rounds two more two more games and i just need i just need two more games and i’ve got my first top ten i’ll be here games uh three sorry three that’s so

It’s it’s not looking good but hopefully problem is if if if i can keep up the level i’m doing now then i’ll just steamroll ahead because of the coin multiplier but if if i don’t if i sort of slack now i just fall so far behind so it’s kind of like

Go for top five go on you got it you got it i’ll try it i’ll try it game’s arriving it’s literally one one game games yeah i don’t like survival games you good at survival games yes as long as we work as a team i like

Survival we will do that we will do that i like it too with a stone sword let’s get ace race out of the way quickly let’s race okay let’s just get rid of the [ __ ] yeah five up once build marks over anything but build mark oh wait yeah we love build mart yeah

Let’s not pick it we’ll do ace okay i voted i’m going to give myself a few seconds now that i’m in top 10 i want to get rid of ace race you got it you got it yeah let’s get ace race out of here i feel like i like how you guys were

Saying let’s get it out of here when i’m just like i i do want to play ace oh it’s ice race dude there’s a mega chicken in there there’s a lot of arrows in it rambu ace grace [ __ ] sucks raised thugs i think yep that’s ace race this is

Wilbur when he’s an ace race girl i hate ace race more like ass breaks oh wow you have such a way of words dude i think it’s just this one and a lot more triangles after a month of sitting in the trenches after balancing my helmet on the end of

My rifle and sticking out up over the edge to see the bullets ricochet finally it feels like there’s a ceasefire i crane my neck over the edge of the trench and i look down the end of my barrel i see opposite me my enemy ace race space edition yeah hey man

How’s it going it brings up its rifle towards me and i duck down quickly i’m not ready to take it on yet but maybe next month maybe next month we’ll be able to exchange fire the most come on get over so i can shoot you the dance of shrapnel the dance of gunpowder

I i feel like my time spent growing up on the ballroom dances with my sweetheart in my old village are finally coming true within the trenches today will i be able to go back and see her after this i don’t know but hopefully one of us is going to end

Up going home and one of us is going to go home in a body bag oh there’s bonuses oh they’ve buffed the coins from this considerably okay i hate ass race dude sucks oh okay isn’t that just running okay all right let’s go i sometimes consider myself an ass race enjoyer

All right let’s do this oh jump yeah i saw that skip but i didn’t know if i was going to go for it because i didn’t know if the speed would have run out that’s okay Oh [ __ ] that was my bad oh you just let me in just let me in just oh just let me in just let me in a little bit and i’ll forgive you i’m just doing pretty well i crushed oh come on okay oh come on no it’s okay

It’s okay it’s okay i’m hitting people keep on stabbing people with my fork okay your fork is big your fork is big your fork is big it’s okay just inserting itself right into people’s butts and i don’t understand that was such a terrible sentence okay

There’s a lot of bucks today it’s a lot of butts that’s the theme of this this [Applause] come on oh no i got the glitch already oh that’s fun great so early on the one where you when you’re licking the floor oh i’m good now Do oh there’s the arrows interesting oh [ __ ] all good all good oh oh i’m bugged oh okay well um sure oh gosh oh wow oh my god this bug stolen this bug’s on Make sure that you wake up tomorrow and you’re ready oh come on i’m so [ __ ] ready man you know just remember the ladybugs always sleep on the left yep yep yep yep i always remember that tub i’ll always i take that ladybugs they sleep on the left those little buggers jesus

Sorry god if i hit someone if i hit someone’s butt in this one oh that was just me that was just me being bad you know dude [Applause] I’m gonna be honest i completely understand you now i am Things are good We stand on canadian that’s what i always say when i wake up in the morning i say well ace race may be [ __ ] maybe at least i’m not canadian i mean what’s wrong with being canadian no lots of things oh really i had no idea being canadian is like a constant daily x-rays

Oh god there’s a lot of flying involved i didn’t know that and maple syrup huh the more you know oh i hit the thing oh no oh i hit the thing I do so much sucking of my lip when i you bastard oh i do the same thing when are you bastard same bro How often do you find yourself you blasted him shut up tubbo sorry it was a it was an intrinsically funny sentence to me so you know my brain went with it in ways i wish it didn’t please oh [ __ ] oh i might have just come to myself

Not enough i don’t even know what i mean what does cut cut so like an older one [ __ ] your wife really well good thing i don’t have a wife otherwise i’ll be in poor taste [ __ ] hates me so much man it’s so [ __ ] oh i’m now casting sparkles oh

Oh my god the glitch are you serious i’m on 21st now 20 yards don’t worry just remember ladybugs when time gets tough they may sleep from the right but that’s okay oh that was detrimental from the left you were actually tilting me stop i’m sorry Oh my gosh this this sucks donkey ass you know it may suck donkey us but remember donkeys they eat the carrot in the end what oh oh i finished oh [ __ ] i’m done oh wow that’s really good really good you’re popping off double i just i was ready to go again i know

This is the end oh gosh i’m 20th place the the reddit’s gonna talk about this one oh oh come on no 17 17. [Applause] that’s really not bad Hey we finished go team nice we’re all in the top yes i’m somewhere sorry second team to finish guys with the second team oh that’s good go down god maybe i am an ass race enjoyer i hate it that’s really good it’s the tridents it’s the elytra’s randomly i

That was the first time having an ace race where the elytra hasn’t randomly closed nice i mean there’s always a first for everything i should have i should have watched a vod of like what this map looked like beforehand that was like the one thing i didn’t do it’s just dreadful it’s just

It’s just never a good time it didn’t [ __ ] me over that time but it must have [ __ ] someone over somewhere me dude you trust me i went from like 10th to like 30th and then i had to grind my way back up to 18.

Oh dude i had the same like thing i went down so many places going hitting the void of once just hurts you oh it doesn’t go Here it is I’m looking for phil’s head oh found him no haven’t yet found phil Here we go wait wait why wait i want to find phil oh i found phil’s wool oh i could see these wrinkles from here hey there we go of course he just has dimples in the wrong place Oh we’re doing good this is oh my god this goes on for another minute Let’s just enjoy this this Over third i just realized race race wait what the third third for ace race oh nice that’s really good maybe there’s a second to finish maybe second place had like three really good people yeah they did they did buff up the people who have like the highest placements they get bonuses

Yeah i got what was my bonus can i oh i can’t scroll off and see it i don’t get tapped though which i’m pretty sure is like right where the bonus is I got seventh which is cool yeah no you got seventh which is like really really good hello willem 69 facing the wrong people 69 so much better which is still saying a lot because we still did well which is awesome sorry i feel like i’m being annoying hey back to the hub

Whoa quick got a 139 and then proceeded to not do anything else probably fill in the void he’s probably distracted by the fill aren’t we all honestly i actually didn’t notice the feeling that was actively looking for it as well oh that was a one way how how high up was yellow

Before oh no i know why i clicked it so bad after he he [ __ ] up this weird skip he was gonna do because i ran past how high up was yellow before yellow weren’t too good they were like average they were doing what’s known as not good first place [ __ ] okay oh okay

Really close wait we’re having a thousand what we were already ahead but i said we were at by a thousand lost i’ve gone down the 14th in that i’m three i’m three i’m ahead of you wilbur okay oh all the people who did well at ace

Race have just shot onto the top ten now speed run speed run speed run let’s go that was fun go go go go go go go go go go go go go go back to you buddy go go go all this scouting makes me want to use the bathroom i’ll be back [Laughter]

I want a divorce [Laughter] he can’t even he can’t [ __ ] hear me when i speak quietly because he’s um he can’t hear me it’s like a one-way thing i can’t hear him he can’t hear me so he he didn’t even hear he didn’t even hear what i said i got [ __ ] don’t award

In the chat no i don’t think i’m a member jesus i miss him i miss him rambu have you heard of this guy dan the legend he was that guy he dominated the games in this tournament for for like almost a year okay time to throw eggs and then he left

And then he left i love throwing eggs to get to the other side i want to just get to the other side yeah yeah oh wait this is one oh wait this one’s gonna have the elytra one we can end on survival games because it’s apples okay fail enjoy wet b-boy how cool

[Applause] All right that means we’re gonna end on build ah okay remember remember that’s okay yeah we have my tactic but that means that if we [ __ ] it up it’s my fault guys no no no no no no that’s right why did i just spawn guys i’m getting that that funny feeling why

That song too but i’m getting that feeling where i get really nervous and then i don’t do well no no no okay just look here’s the thing temple here’s the thing apple we’ve done so well so far and you especially have completely smashed it the you messing up on the last one or

Two games is not gonna change anything man we’re here to have fun and we’ve had loads of fun yeah winning winning would be the icing on the cake you’re right you’re right you’re right you’re right you’re having a great time i’m not gonna let my nerves

Get in the way of the fun nah and bear in mind the only thing stopping you from doing your best is yourself that’s right nothing that no one else can stop you not in this game okay thank you got it you got it that was up for

I appreciate that yeah and it’s time for me to stretch how weird i was thinking about imposter syndrome oh you’re running it’s literally your brains i was thinking how dumb it is like how how susceptible me and like loads of other creators are to it because it’s literally imposter syndrome is your brain

Telling you that you’re so good that you shouldn’t do well wow that’s weird and if you look at and if you look at it like if you look at it like from the point of view you’re feeling right now to apple of like this nerve

By the way here we go it could just it could just be me like having the coffee wear out who knows please let’s just do this [Applause] Okay it’s this oh it’s really difficult and there’s always dark oh it’s dark and i just [ __ ] crash i think everyone did it was very in the way just then it’s dark man i can’t [ __ ] see yeah i think the lighting’s a little bit messed up i can’t see i genuinely cannot see

I’m struggling that’s okay it’s okay it’s fine i think everyone messed up there’s a little bit of a lightning bug yeah what yeah i don’t think i have the speed anymore oh jesus christ i’m gonna keep going it’s fine you’re doing great wilbur oh that’s my fastest one okay

Eleven nice nine okay good job good job oh i’m not you’re really good at terrorist group i did decent okay oh that was really really good i just can’t [ __ ] see i’m like leaning into my screen right now i’ve never completed it like that before oh wow yeah jesus

Sorry about that guys i’m normally way better at that i normally smash it all right it’s just one one of the six yeah we’re doing well we’re doing well it’s cool we still got a bunch yeah we’re 12 percent of the way there or something we’re the second team to finish

Really really good and blue bats i’m pretty sure was pretty low as well so i’m so pissed off i i was following dream for some god-awful reason and and he just went straight into war and i was like well [ __ ] yeah that must be a horrible sight too

Only thing in front of you are just green buns okay oh okay he’s gonna do a lot of bridging of the side uh tap off i think maybe we should go to an edge and go around so then we can’t be snowboarding i’m gonna try something okay you do you

Guys give permission to do something weird uh yeah give it a go okay I thought about this last time we did this map it’s the weird and risky play well sat nap [ __ ] me it’s working the weird and oh my god that’s curse that’s really cursing and i’m still third of what that’s crazy good job brand boo that’s good keep going guys keep going guys keep

Going i’m right at the start if i’m going yeah yeah wait typo what’d you get i got third knight third okay let’s go uh first of course it’ll be fruits nice okay just grab that grab the dub you like you’re overtaking everyone right now let’s go

Oh my god i saw this last time i was like hold on could we just go over the top oh my goodness required i see it oh my god you did you said 14 yeah oh my gosh we’re the first team to finish amazing amazing that was awesome i’ve

Never seen anything like that before no one even noticed this okay okay uh this one okay this one do the same thing here wait do you reckon we do the same thing again you could you could i’m gonna do the runny runny i’ll do the running running as well um

I’m gonna um no will because there’s nothing to stand on top of something i’ll try i’m gonna try i’m gonna try it okay it might come back to bite you though just on that one there was like a okay i’ll just run with these guys yeah we’ll ride run dude no that’s curse

Yeah i had to jump down as well i should have just died on this one yep okay that’s all right i should have just died on that one no you did well you did well no you did really well the mcc songs are such guys we’re first

But first let’s just keep it up yeah yeah yeah we’re doing good it’s good that’s good this is good yeah when yeah when you’re thinking of not okay okay oh i love tritons actually yeah problem is it’s got collision man so careful i am going to kill something

Okay i mean hang back hang Oh i actually i you know what i used to think i hated people but then i met someone i liked and my opinion that’s good that seems very healthy go through this one okay i’ve never hit so many people come on nice oh we were so close that’s okay though okay

I hit so many people get through hey first i wanted to transport myself but i kept accidentally stabbing people and we’ll be all right yeah yeah i mean as long as we don’t get a thousand points between us and second place in this then we’re still in first

Yeah and currently we’re only 500 points no 435 points behind so yeah yeah and then plus yellow was the one that was beneath us and then there are 400 points behind so yeah so we we’re fine we’ve we’ve we’ve made the gap bigger and shrunk the gap

With blue who weren’t really a threat yes yeah that’s good that’s really really good this was are you sure blue weren’t effect uh they were right they were above five but they weren’t you know they were seeing that that’s also like oh okay this one interesting okay i’m gonna

Fall a little bit behind i’m gonna follow you harvey because this one is uh maybe i don’t know about that i mean i yes let’s do it this one was so much better this is very unpredictable that’s why yeah oh my god i helped them how thank you oh

Oh i don’t like this situation thank you sorry snapnap holy cow what the mike oh wow thank you michael yes yes once once let’s go i’m sorry keep going keep going you’re good you’re good i’ve gotten like a fist fight with dave all good all good oh you’re good you’re good you’re good

It’s just dave it’s just dave so good okay nice good good good good good very good nice good one sorry okay okay we would have finished like really way quicker if i hadn’t been bumped by someone because it’s fine yeah people like using their hands sometimes and it’s not okay

People do like using their hands and i hate it when they do yeah hand users don’t apologize to snap nap he’s the enemy i thought he said he’s the enemy he’s the anime anime don’t apologize to mr anime oh wait i’m watching the anime right now

Look at him go there we go phil good job green all still not done there was like three of them not done tommy i’m gonna clip that i’m gonna tommy oh tommy what happened there what happened to green what happened it was no all thank god what’s this one what’s this oh

It’s this one okay hey rocket launcher wait what you don’t have a light yeah you’re probably you’re gonna be you’re gonna be blasting yourself off the walls by the way you’re going to be bouncing off the walls with the explosions of the rocket space thingy okay yeah everyone else go first because

They [ __ ] each other up tend to get in the middle of the mess how often no oh this one sucks what the heck it does barely anyone finished last time so just finishing is an achievement dude come on this one this one sucks yeah it

Does oh you [ __ ] how do i get here there we go Come on okay next one oh no i’m in hell oh [ __ ] yeah okay i’m in hell no that’s okay Oh [ __ ] am i come on all right that’s it’s it trust me there’s a big gap of people so it’s okay there’s a lot of people in the back you guys are actually above average right now you’re good just keep going guys just keep going oh shoot oh it’s good oh

[ __ ] i didn’t right that’s that oh i recognized it yep yep it’s over here 18. it’s not bad very good very good everyone’s above average very good very we’re first now we’re first it goes over here oh wow oh we’re gonna be second most likely oh not even

Not even two of the blue bats didn’t even finish so we get first oh it’s so good that was beautiful bank heist laser systems bank heist laser systems okay we put ourselves a little a little far ahead just a bit right there overall i’m still top 15.

Hey i kept talking nice you’re back let’s go yes now we just gotta hope for survival games and not build mart yeah but no but the thing is hear me out right if if build martial belmont all the scores then it’s all it’s going to be all yeah because all of the

Yeah because all of the pvp teams are quite far up that list if i’m honest yeah so i’m thinking if we if we get build markets and you know and you might you know my build marks strategy right you remember what to do with my building i don’t know the

Billboard strategy um i told you it i told you if it gets picked i’ll say i don’t want to say if it doesn’t get picked it’s it’s green green and techno taught it to me i’m thinking that we do build mart right so that the p

The non more pvp focused teams go up higher and then the pvp focused teams stay like down because like f whip quick you know f whip is a builder i’m pretty sure this builder yeah oh okay okay you don’t need to be a builder to be good at build mart though

Oh no captain sparkles is inferred [ __ ] oh my god are you serious oh my god i could see the shackles shackles of the third him there oh god nice okay so if survival games is picked just stay together that’s the main thing that i’ve noticed with like all this rival

Games that i’ve watched is that people get picked off really really early and then the rest of the team has to play with like two people which like absolutely just like yeah just it’s really really sometimes you do get pinched though i got pinched so hard last oh yeah

Yeah i kind of want to play it just because it’ll be such a kick-ass last game it would like and i’ve already had a blast so like i just i just want to do i can’t stop sucking my face in i’m doing the same thing no like my lips legitimately get chapped

After i like play like really intense i don’t really do that i kind of just shake my legs around we go oh the worst thing about this is they’re next to each other they’re right next to each other oh my gosh okay either way we

We have two good games for us so this is really nice no don’t wait because they’re going to drop us so yeah yeah yeah i’m i’m about to egg baby consider yourself eggs sticky chickens sticky chickens oh they’re shooting it they’re shooting the chickens oh wow come here

Build more ending interesting oh unless unless unless oh wow oh wow we’re more likely to win with bill maher we’re more likely to win with bill maher but i really want to survive oh my gosh bundy bundy fundy please buddy please oh funny dog oh one two i think

I think it’s survival games oh no fried chicken just fell in there oh it’s survival games with this one but it’s going to be way more fun okay okay okay okay i’m gonna i’m gonna survive all right yeah yeah yeah okay i wanna just establish a few things now

Before we go and do this okay okay okay okay i just want to establish that being together is one of the most important things and figuring out if people are around is also a very important thing and also connecting the environment along with the people around us is also a very

Good thing so for example if we’re in like a hole and there’s like people like um up ahead then we should probably get out of the hole as soon as possible does that make sense yeah yeah there’s a lot there’s gonna be a lot of surviving yeah kills are going to be huge

That it’s going to determine a lot yeah of our coins so we’re going to have to but we should also hold off and and be careful and just stay together at all times at all times yeah yeah if one person’s like going away or just like being like a one-off just

Running off to the distance it has to be for very specific things such as getting loose but other than that how about how about this lead and we’ll stick to you like this okay yes and i’ll um look for consistently look for teams yes we’re going to be we’re going to be

We’re going to be glued to that we are yes we are getting we are getting we are getting we are going we’re getting made because there is a grace period there is a ghostbuster 15 seconds yes it’s not long it’s a really short one man are you sure

Yes yes i don’t know okay are you sure and then where do we run to from there just we’re probably gonna let’s run to that yeah that you’re this these trucks right here let’s go mid okay go I’m running i’m running go go go run run run an iron helmet where are you guys okay we’re here we’re here we’re together high ground high ground okay wait here i have um okay tackle do you have stuff no i mean no weapons no weapons wait table you’re going off on your own

Okay wait hold on hold on hold on it’s over it’s just lou it’s just hold on there’s really good stuff in this loot okay you deserve this a lot more um and then have this i have an iron sword okay oh my goodness i poured lava and stuff

Maybe all right let’s go down here guys let’s be careful not to take fall damage let’s not take fall damage we’re gonna have to eat food back in this truck okay okay okay we could disperse a little bit we could disperse a little bit for now

As long as as long as we as long as we don’t see other teammates or like other teams no i wait i have three arrows and a bow for whoever has the bow who wants to have the arrows if you want okay okay okay wait can i have that helmet that

You picked up to apple okay here you go yeah i’ll take that golden apple uh i have one let’s just keep going you want another one um i’m good i’m good i reckon it’ll be good if everyone has one golden apple okay there’s not much it’s just food

Here all right there’s a lot of loot we have we have a really good quadrant right here there’s a lot of stuff yeah we got a really really good someone take some chainmail leggings um i will i will okay thank you okay we have good armor as well

Yeah wilbur i have extra pants someone someone that way extra pants wait tablet you’re going off yeah i’m just checking there’s a lot of loot here let’s just keep checking okay yellow yellow uh yellow truck okay yep all right there’s there’s like three chests in this truck here’s someone take

The iron home in the distance where where where i see them i recommend okay okay possibly yeah yeah we have them tackles going let’s go there’s an extra helmet for someone iron helmet all the helmets that we need okay okay they have okay all of them have iron swords

Actually let’s let’s run let’s get out of here let’s not yeah let’s not they’re there oh wait wait wait we have we we could use the books we could use the books i realized anything uh do more damage wait are they are they coming they’re coming they’re coming they’re thinking about it

They’re not they’re not they’re not i just look right let’s just keep moving keep moving keep moving you see those chests over there no one’s been there oh there are so many chests actually yeah that’s right that’s right yeah okay yep there is there is a shrink in 45 seconds though okay

But we’ll be fine yeah we’ll be fine we’ll be fine yeah we’re getting a little like uh there’s a little bit of distance especially with the water careful trying to like center up does everyone have an iron helmet yes everyone okay i’m i’m five i’m scared ah i’m murmuring i’m murmuring wilbur anyway

How about the harder let’s get on the road get on the road get on the road guys come on speed pot so if we are going to go do you want a um lava bucket would you better do anything with it yes yes yes by the way if we’re gonna if

We’re gonna fight somebody be careful because they’ll also have potions do not run like straight at them because they’ll just throw stuff at you careful okay and more and more and more let’s get in more oh wilbur this way this is the way it will burn

This way okay you’re right okay yeah oh okay oh my gosh there’s a lot of loot here dude [ __ ] we’re going to run actually this way let’s just run this way now okay okay we i reckon high ground will be so important in the finals oh there’s

There’s an iron chest plate right there for someone just play who doesn’t have one everyone has an eye does anyone have a heightened leg spare it’s all on yes oh yes run run run run oh crap a fight fight we’ve got to fight man what nice

Wait taco are you all right i’m good i’m good i’m good i’m full i’m full yeah i’m okay okay watch out martin’s from i will ghost why am i missing yeah i’m sorry about that i should have seen him it’s okay it’s okay that’s all right it’s all right run but it’s cool

Okay they’re running away okay he wants the iron leggings right there okay yeah yeah i need on legs nice okay it’s better saturation let’s go okay oh wow it’s a little pumpkin yeah yeah okay okay okay um let me scout up ahead okay i don’t see anyone

So far um yeah no there is there is a there’s a fire there’s a fight to the left okay oh wait one of those coming over yep yellow is coming yellow’s coming go back go back to everyone all right run back run back run back run back run

Back guys get up here get the high ground and we can bow him down yep yep just let’s just go up let’s just go up let’s get high ground let’s just go up right here and high ground high ground okay yeah yeah nice nice nice um let me check in

Front of you you are good for anyone in front of you no one no one’s really coming from the other side so you guys have good make sure that you guys are also just looking around though because i’m a little bit nervous because the entirety of red team are alive

Be sure to breathe in breathe out yeah breathe in and breathe out only at all yeah orange is just coming down below you want a fire aspect sword tackle i’d love that i’d love that i’d love that give me yours give me your sword apple can do a lot of hits so that’s

What that would be really really good that’s so nice okay yeah i think i think i think we have to fight this go on then you don’t have to i think well we need kills we’re number six right now we’re six i think we need it they have all four people still alive

Um let me check to see if i can see the three before i know i’m gonna i’m gonna lure them and i’m gonna fall back okay i’m learning them okay oh yeah they’ve kind of split up but they’re also kind of remaining um with each other purple pandas are gone that’s good i

Is it good i honestly just do not know i’m just saying just check for teams around us right now please yeah that’s what i’m doing okay thank you thank you okay um okay let’s fall back a bit no no no from the zone let’s just get this high ground there’s a high ground

Up up here there’s another there’s another team there there’s another team to our to our rights are you getting fast remember you mean you have speed we’re good okay that team is smart mommy tommy’s team is smart for just staying there maintaining their little position there

Okay um let me look around you okay yellow yellow sees you we are being collapsed on from three angles yeah okay yeah yeah [ __ ] this is mid okay this is going to be back a bit yeah we we need to get a corner we do not want to be the center of attention

Let’s find like a high ground let’s find a high grounded area like right here guys guys you guys are you guys are you guys okay go run this way guys follow me follow me He’s really angsty to use it so okay we’re gonna cross the river now yeah it’ll be fine it’s fine they’re gonna shoot a bit it’s okay we’ll be fine there’s no one here okay let’s just maintain this this okay this is a good corner yeah it’s a

Good corner it’s just a good corner um best thing that would happen would probably be orange is that orange or yellow yellow probably fighting green but yeah 1 200 points behind red and red we’re about 3 000 points okay it’s gonna change it’s gonna change a lot it’s gonna change a lot as

Yellow is 500 points away okay see that the rock we were on earlier is the best high ground for the last zone so i reckon we head round that way subtly what do you guys think twist behind just just wait for them to fight and then pick each other off

I think which team is that which wait hold on which team is that that’s green should we try and be brave we we we’re gonna we’re going to have to eventually hold on um we’re gonna have to start Okay okay okay let’s just not let’s just let’s just see which fight we have to pick first hold on we don’t we don’t know which fight we don’t know which fight you’re a little bit brave all alive yeah okay oh blue is coming the blue is also careful again

I know what i’m doing i’m gonna take the arrows forty three arrows uh oh [ __ ] boys oh i’m going okay oh good all good all good just run just run oh my god connor oh let’s fill that shot okay it’s okay it’s okay oh good all good oh good all good okay

Oh wow we did pretty well we did pretty well wow i think we’re i think we’re in third no no no no no no no no no no no no we are we’re in third wait wait are you serious well i’ve just done the maths in my head

Look at second and first right now and they’re the people who were behind us they were they were like well behind though i thought there were two thousand behind i don’t know I think there’s still a chance i think there’s still a chance oh no there’s definitely still a chance So just yellow just no yellow just yellow just lost who’s second place i don’t know oh no it’s okay it’s okay we don’t know okay everyone’s praying yeah i can’t look i can’t look i can’t look oh no oh no manifesting the second place come on come on come on come on please

Okay that’s just the theme that’s just team square okay okay wait yellow yak’s got oh [ __ ] yellow yak’s got 4k this game oh god okay oh shoot oh If i hadn’t died oh man i got past the wheel ah here we go 300 coins oh i got second individual i i hadn’t died if i hadn’t died on that one so quickly it was unfortunate that they ganked you next to like a a vehicle or whatever it was the kiosk

I don’t know what it was but hey double you got nine i did get nine nice top ten nice yep oh my gosh i’ve never been placed so high before we did well today hey will be you came top ten have number third place like that before i’ll celebrate that afterwards i’ll

Celebrate that afterwards and then it wasn’t enough god damn it i’ll celebrate my top 10 after for now i’m just sad we couldn’t get rambo into the dodgeball yeah i wanted it i wanted i wanted you to get into dodgeball that would have been nice It would have been a nice first ugh Hmm dude if i just didn’t die on that one because then we would have because then i would have had like a 400 400 points which then would have been the death would have been enough yeah that would have been enough to put captain in third place again yeah

It’s okay around bro i’m i’m honestly proud of you man i don’t know it’s all good it’s all good i still have a lot of fun i’m glad i’m about All right let’s see how this one’s gonna go Okay okay [Applause] see i want captain to win but i don’t want jack manifold to win so what do i do now you could support both of them tubo yeah i guess Okay okay This is so intense guys i was the 10th best player in the game yeah yeah that was really really good that’s amazing man i’m really i’m really i’m really happy how this mcc turned out though even if we didn’t even even without the dodgeball analysis yeah you know you never go near

Cars again yeah provoke the license if anything Nice 3b2 but sapnap’s really good Oh it’s already that one secret captain [Applause] captain all right here comes green man goes ham unless i really want my couch to win [Applause] okay that’s one round just one round just one round i do want compton to win i want him to get coin

Sparkles to get coin it’s been too long he deserves coin [Applause] i just want to see my little quacking tee gonna win no Oh yeah that’s right i did kind of i did kind of mess with sapnip as well oh [ __ ] okay okay time for captain man to go ham that was so close jack oh they’re all punched yes yes dv3 oh [ __ ] oh god jack oh i feel so bad for jack right now

Come on jack yes nice one more mistake oh that’s okay that’s okay those rules they won’t be able to actually see me supporting red so i’m gonna go and be the one red on the other Side stuff come on also i want red to win because they were actually our adversaries in this in this game as opposed to yellow that just crept up by us failing on survival games But it’s the captain for the reddit karma the captain’s win should be should be a a win that he’s got through being in the lead a long time i think should be a good one also i like that i like the curse i want to keep the curse going let’s see let’s see Oh he’s getting sap not both of them okay Nice okay okay just one come on puns jack nice yes yes yes 3v3 that’s good because sapnap’s one of their good really good bowers nice they’re all bunched together this is a mistake though okay they got both the arrows they got both of the arrows they gotta get dream they really gotta

Get dream here yeah our nipple man oh that was [ __ ] sick from dream there that dude [Applause] Jack jack it’s time to clutch jack it’s your time 1v3 they all have so many moments come on jack he’s just gotta wait for the moment he’s just gonna get quickly shot if quackity should just turn and shoot him here i think yeah oh yep oh jack

Oh no jack oh no jack all right oh my [Applause] Good job red that was cool that was cool good job red you did the work good job your work is done good game There we go hold up i’m gonna re-plug and then unplug my microphone real fast or opposite order oh There we go hello hey tubbo look at us hey look at us man we did well tommy yeah We did it we did it oh i’m so annoyed we didn’t make my first ever top ten it’s my first at the top it’s actually i think that’s amazing this is my second ever top ten over come here three of us have this complimentary burger yes

Oh man you ate that really quickly oh i’m hungry hungry hungry i’m hungry for a win i’m hungry for a while we have some frozen wow games was really hyped for the end i just ah i wish it all went differently survival games is in my opinion one of

The most sort of like dated games it doesn’t really work but yeah it’s like the the filz of game modes the film what filzer works first is not dated wait what is dated i just heard day and i was like time oh time old dating means like old and then kind of

[ __ ] oh well phil’s just not that i mean he’s old but he’s nice yeah what’s divided by one i am going to always get top 10 from now and i’ve decided oh yeah yeah from here on because i got oh what’s this hello hello who are you saying hello to

Just one of the staff come over and just give me a burger bug well i’m feeling a burger right now too i’ve decided from here on out i will always get top ten because i got i technically should have got eight in mccp ah

I wanna i wanna do like a review i wanna do like a redo with our team try it again i feel like we were so close we were doing really really well and then i just died in a car you died in a car crash crashing of swords because the thing is

Though because like everyone else got like like five like an average about 500 so then that means that if i didn’t die in the car then we would have gotten second because the the difference was like 400. yeah ah that is that is okay smiley face it’s okay smiley face I’m at the hall of fame what do we want to do now oh we’re behind you want another burger you know what happens now i’m going to eat a burger we’re going to do ace race a month from now again that’s what’s going to happen a month from now oh boy that’s what’s

Going to happen mcc how are you doing in august by the way what’s changed in life oh cool thank you wilbur of august yeah congratulations when i realized who i had to um route 4. i was like when you when you were in second or first i

Was it was hard it was a very hard decision guys oh but don’t worry don’t worry we [ __ ] it up so you got a little yeah yeah i did i was my first top 10. yeah i don’t know technically i would have loved for you to win first

Mcc though that would have been something i know it would have been so cool because i did something too and all the others you did amazing you probably had one of the best like first mcc’s of any player yeah maybe maybe doing really well um because you’ve watched every single one

Rambu because it started off as an mcc fans and mcc enjoy yeah you you guys did so well i’m very proud i was like i i was i was a secret fan girl of yours while you were playing i was like yes i’m so proud

Um so yeah gigi good job thank you nicki for the support thank you thank you always always all right i’m going to go up to scott too and say to you there okay goodbye good job that was very fun i had a lot of fun with that

Did you turn the aircon off yeah i’m gonna make sure you’re in the next one too rambu yay thank you because i get to make i technically make the teams but we’re used to all those like my scapegoat did you pick me when you do a bad news i i did pick you

You did yeah i made the team well thank you i was a pleasure playing with you i have a confession uh on you know on the sheet where you get to put down who you want to play with yeah i have never not put down technoblade whoa he’s he hasn’t been in them

In a long time man really like what was the last you really like pork i like techno blade so i always put down technoblade you all right there yeah i heard he’s good at video games he’s pretty good but that’s not why i pick him because he’s a pig hi jackman

Hey man hey everyone hey jack i’m glad you’ve enjoyed it well you did really well mate you got top 10. thanks jack jack i snapped you in the face in battle box did you i did [ __ ] you i can say that now the captain’s left i couldn’t swear

Did i adhere to that rule no i did not but i was making my best effort see i do that a lot also i try to do my best wants to leave because he’s got to go to bed or oil brushes i’ve got to go home oh you can’t just

Stay in the office and sleep there i can sleep in the office i ask can i can i sleep here and they were like do what you want yeah well maybe you should maybe you should why do you want me to sleep in my office

I don’t know i don’t know well i don’t know well maybe i do you sleep in a bed on the floor do you sleep on the floor at the desk nah brother i don’t know i’ve never tried it yet girl’s up on that oh you can make something

I’ll let you guys today i’ll let you know i’ve just looked at my face i look like i’ve been i’m close to crying i wasn’t i wasn’t are you crying i wasn’t supposed to cry i was really sad i was really sad when we came third i was

Like that was real dude i was a little bit mortified i’ll be honest i was happy i got second so sorry for taking that from you i didn’t even look i didn’t i was too scared to look at my screen i just had my head in my hands

And then i just and i lane and then i lent against my office wall and tried to sleep oh no i told you you could sleep there i just didn’t die in the car dude yeah i am blaming you for this no you guys i actually don’t know if it’s actually

If it’s a car or not what if it’s just like a bodega it was definitely something i don’t know what a bodega is i actually don’t know what that is i think it’s just the thing that people use okay yeah i’m saying balls you’re saying boards jesus christ

I couldn’t say anything on the captain’s stream now leaderboards the individuals they’re in the hall dude no do they not show did not show yeah i’m molding i’m molding oh i thought you’re i said you’re balding no you’re bi i guess you’re molding i’m yelling specifically you’re growing your

Hair out now aren’t you i am but i want to get rid of it swiftly i hate it now when do you have to get rid of it there’s no limit i just had to grow it long and i guess now it’s like it’s no longer down to your neck it’s longer

Than it’s ever been but like so i’m considering that quite long right now no lung is down to your neck dude uh well look look i’m probably i’m doing a subathon soon i’m not gonna spoil the final goal but it might be to do with cutting my hair off

No free advertisement oh that wasn’t what i was trying to do i was just sniffing the hair no i’m kidding i’m not i’m not cheap by the way though i will start promoting my other things that are coming out soon if you like what’s coming out soon

Tell me i got youtube’s coming out soon oh shut the [ __ ] up oh my god yeah but i don’t know what we’re going to say youtube you know you asked me the question that’s the answer dude i wanted a better answer well you know you that’s not what you

Got i’m going to use your youtubes as a mirror because your ball the head is reflective all right guys i’m going to be heading out now okay thanks for playing i’m proud of all of you especially ranview and tubbo and jack and wilber but he’s not here it was very

Fun it was very fun it was really fun i enjoyed it i hope we team again sometime bye goodbye that was fun holy crap and that concludes mcc okay we’re not playing that copyrighted song we’ll play a different cop non-copyrighted song actually we’ll play like this one

Or or maybe or maybe this one oh That was crazy dude i i’m happy how it turned out even though we got gg he did really well i’ve never played so high before second place individual that was amazing that was It was probably a bit don’t harass stop knop about it i mean he probably doesn’t care regardless but just don’t um but yeah i’m probably gonna speed on dude i’ve only had three hours of sleep today i feel kind of like like uh i feel like

Days if that makes sense this day is the right word what is days let me search it up days days unable to think or react properly bewildered okay i’m not dazed i’m like like tired and like i just feel uh sleepy fatigued drowsy sluggish i feel sluggish right now

I i want to keep streaming because i am going to be in pummel party in like five hours you know what i’ll probably do a second stream today screw it man i’m doing stream number two in five hours all right i’ll be back i’m gonna be heading out now though

Thank you so much for watching mcc i’m gonna be resting for a bit i’ll be waking up and then i’ll be doing uh yeah i’ve lost my voice as well so that’s fun um okay okay i’m going to be rating randu now i’m going to be rating ranboo now that’s

My voice shut up okay thank you so much for watching once again chad oh my gosh our team was amazing today though holy crush we popped off second place individual Even though we didn’t go to dodgeball we popped off man for even like i think about like the the amount of time you’ve been top two this whole time oh my gosh it was insane chat but thank you so much once again for being here i appreciate you being here

Be sure to follow um oh my gosh it’s a burger be sure to follow ranbu and wilbur and also tubo you should have followed my teammates um and thank you for being here thank you so much holy crust dude yeah ruined joined the raid destroying rain also it’s getting really laggy i

Don’t know it’s really there you go okay but yeah thank you for chatting thank you for following i apologize for not reading the subs like the gifts and the primes and all that today i was very very focused on to the event and now my brain is fried

But um yeah thank you so much once again chad i appreciate you being here i lost my voice i’m trying not to talk um as much or like trying not to raise my voice because my voice is gone from yelling um it was fun i haven’t yelled like this

In a while i i’ve never i haven’t lost my voice in like this long like in a long time like like like this dude it’s instant but yeah i will see you guys later goodbye bye bye thank you so much for being here let’s do another mcc soon okay ace race lola

And uh yeah bye everyone

This video, titled ‘Minecraft Championships Twitch VOD 07/24/2021’, was uploaded by TAPL VODS on 2021-07-30 03:57:11. It has garnered 1518 views and 28 likes. The duration of the video is 03:09:38 or 11378 seconds.

I am not TapL I do NOT own this content, all content belongs to TapL All content comes from twitch.tv/tapl

  • Unlock New Minecraft Editions on Minewind Server!

    Unlock New Minecraft Editions on Minewind Server! Welcome, Minecraft enthusiasts! Are you looking to enhance your Minecraft experience and take on new challenges? Look no further than Minewind Minecraft Server! Join a vibrant community of players who are passionate about exploring, building, and surviving in the world of Minecraft. With a unique gameplay style and exciting features, Minewind offers an immersive experience like no other. Whether you’re a seasoned player or just starting out, there’s something for everyone to enjoy on Minewind. Ready to dive in and start your adventure? Simply connect to Minewind server IP: YT.MINEWIND.NET and join the fun today! Don’t miss out on… Read More

  • Scute Loot: Armadillo Breeding in Minecraft

    Scute Loot: Armadillo Breeding in Minecraft In Minecraft, armadillos are quite a sight, To breed them and get scutes, follow this guide just right. Find them in the wild, bring them back to your base, Build a farm for scutes, at a steady pace. With patience and care, soon you’ll see, Armadillos multiplying, happy and free. Collect their scutes, for dog armor so fine, In Minecraft, the possibilities always shine. So breed those armadillos, gather scutes with glee, And enjoy the game, as far as the eye can see. For in this world of blocks and pixels so bright, Adventure awaits, day and night. Read More

  • Spidey’s Block-Building Adventure: LEGO Spiderman Strikes Again!

    Spidey's Block-Building Adventure: LEGO Spiderman Strikes Again! In the world of LEGO, we build and create, With Spiderman swinging, it’s never too late. Dream Box brings joy, with blocks in hand, Entertaining all, across the land. Subscribe, like, comment, and share, Support the channel, show you care. LEGO city, Minecraft too, Dream Box brings fun, just for you. So join the fun, let your imagination soar, With LEGO and Spiderman, there’s always more. Dream Box, the master of block building art, Bringing joy and smiles, straight to your heart. Read More

  • Roasting Minecraft 1.8 & MMC

    Roasting Minecraft 1.8 & MMC Minecraft 1.8 & MMC Slander: Exploring the Latest Trends As the Minecraft community continues to evolve, new trends and memes emerge, keeping players engaged and entertained. One recent topic of discussion revolves around Minecraft 1.8 and MMC slander, sparking conversations and debates among enthusiasts. Rediscovering the Joy of Bridge in Minecraft 1.8 One of the intriguing aspects that have caught the attention of players is the resurgence of interest in bridge gameplay. Many are finding the experience of playing bridge in Minecraft 1.8 to be surprisingly enjoyable, leading to a renewed appreciation for this classic feature. Embracing Fun and… Read More

  • Join Minewind: Where Minecraft Artistry and Community Thrive

    Join Minewind: Where Minecraft Artistry and Community Thrive Welcome to NewsMinecraft.com, where we bring you the latest and most exciting updates from the world of Minecraft! Today, we want to talk to you about the art of storytelling in Minecraft and how it can bring people together in a fun and engaging way. Have you ever watched a hilarious Minecraft video like the one titled “Minecraft: 吹牛也是一门“艺术”,直男千万别和女生讲道理【我的世界方块轩】” and wished you could be a part of that creative and entertaining community? Well, now you can! Join us on Minewind, a vibrant and dynamic Minecraft server where players from all over the world come together to build, explore, and… Read More

  • Mine Rich, Jail Poor: Arasinho’s Minecraft Misadventures #2

    Mine Rich, Jail Poor: Arasinho's Minecraft Misadventures #2 Oh, what a twist in this tale, a story of theft and jail, But truth prevailed, justice didn’t fail. Aras, innocent and true, proved his case through and through, Saved by a chef, a hero in blue. In the end, justice served, Aras’ name preserved, A lesson learned, a story observed. So let’s bid farewell, with a rhyme to tell, Minecraft adventures, we’ll continue to excel. Read More

  • Discover Endless Adventures on Minewind Minecraft Server

    Discover Endless Adventures on Minewind Minecraft Server Welcome to NewsMinecraft.com! Are you a fan of Minecraft and always looking for new and exciting servers to join? Well, we have just the server for you – Minewind! While watching the latest video on 5 Minute Solution Channel about how to find the End Portal in Minecraft, it got us thinking about the endless possibilities and adventures that await you on Minewind Minecraft Server. With a vibrant community, unique gameplay features, and constant updates, Minewind offers an immersive and thrilling Minecraft experience like no other. Imagine embarking on a quest to find the End Portal with fellow players,… Read More

  • Fruit Power vs. Underwater Dragon in Minecraft

    Fruit Power vs. Underwater Dragon in Minecraft Explorando o Poder das Frutas no Minecraft: Encontro com um Dragão Subaquático A equipe apaixonada por jogos do canal Mundo dos Jogos está sempre em busca de novas aventuras e desafios no universo do Minecraft. Recentemente, eles se depararam com um cenário intrigante: um dragão subaquático. Mas antes de enfrentá-lo, decidiram testar o poder de uma fruta misteriosa que encontraram em sua jornada. Descobrindo Novos Poderes Em meio a um ambiente que parecia uma prisão, os jogadores encontraram a fruta e decidiram experimentá-la. Com um simples toque, perceberam que ela lhes concedia habilidades especiais, como velocidade aumentada e resistência… Read More

  • Conquering the Illager Castle in Minecraft

    Conquering the Illager Castle in Minecraft Minecraft: “Illager Castle Raid” The peaceful village’s old castle has fallen into the hands of the menacing Pillagers in Minecraft’s latest event, the “Illager Castle Raid.” Players must rise to the challenge and reclaim the castle from these hostile invaders to restore peace to the land. Music and Map To set the tone for this epic battle, players can immerse themselves in the original soundtrack “Teeth In” from Tower Defense X, composed by “The Gee J.” The intense music will keep players on the edge of their seats as they navigate through the Villager VS Illager Castle map created… Read More

  • Minecraft’s New Era Unveiled!

    Minecraft's New Era Unveiled! Minecraft Enters a New Era with Distant Horizons The latest Early Access version of Distant Horizons is revolutionizing the Minecraft experience. Players can now load an impressive number of chunks while using shaders, resulting in breathtaking visuals that are simply mind-blowing. What’s even more impressive is that this mod has minimal impact on performance, surprising many. Mods Enhancing the Experience Several mods are contributing to this new era of Minecraft: Tectonic: This mod can be found on Modrinth and offers unique features to enhance gameplay. Indium: Another mod available on Modrinth, Indium adds even more depth to the game…. Read More

  • Infinity Isles SMP 1.20.4 Java Semi-Vanilla 18+ Whitelist Dynmap LGBTQ+ Friendly

    Welcome to Infinity Isles! Are you ready for your new Minecraft adventure? Whether you’re an explorer, master builder, or redstone genius, our server has something for everyone. Join our young and growing community today! What we offer: Java server hosted on the east coast Whitelisted for players 18+ Mostly vanilla gameplay with quality-of-life enhancements Engaging features like Dynmap and frequent End resets Head Database for donators & supporters Join our vibrant community: Experience our warm and inclusive environment where diversity is celebrated. From the bustling Shopping District to mutual support and camaraderie, there’s always something exciting happening on Infinity Isles…. Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – “Real Minecraft Gamers Don’t Sleep”

    Well, looks like this meme is starting from ground zero! Read More

  • Minecraft Farewell: Slick’s Moving Day!

    Minecraft Farewell: Slick's Moving Day! In AquaVerse City, Slick’s birthday was grand, But his friends’ pranks got out of hand. They blew up his house, not once but twice, Leaving poor Slick feeling not so nice. But wait, a surprise was in store, A cake house as big as a door. Forgiveness and laughter filled the air, As Slick’s friends showed how much they care. So let’s toast to Slick, our Minecraft star, With a cake as big as a car. Happy Birthday, Slick, may your year be bright, Filled with joy, laughter, and gaming delight! Read More

  • Minecraft Meme: Creeper Edition BOOM!

    Minecraft Meme: Creeper Edition BOOM! “Why did the creeper break up with his girlfriend? Because she couldn’t handle his explosive personality!” #minecraftlove #relationshipgoals #boom Read More

  • Join Minewind Minecraft Server for Endless Fun!

    Join Minewind Minecraft Server for Endless Fun! Welcome to Newsminecraft.com! Are you a fan of viral videos, trending topics, and all things popular on the internet? If so, you’ll love the excitement and buzz surrounding Minewind Minecraft Server. With a vibrant community of players from all around the world, Minewind offers a unique and thrilling gaming experience that will keep you coming back for more. Imagine diving into a virtual world where creativity knows no bounds, where you can build, explore, and conquer alongside fellow gamers who share your passion for adventure. Whether you’re a seasoned Minecraft pro or just starting out, Minewind has something for… Read More

  • Ultimate Minecraft Server Guide

    Ultimate Minecraft Server Guide The Top 3 Best Minecraft Servers You Must Try Are you tired of playing alone or looking to make new friends online? In this video, three servers are highlighted for you to play with your friends or make new ones. Let’s dive into the details of these exciting Minecraft servers: Pika Network Pika Network is known as the best international server with a variety of modes to choose from. Whether you enjoy Kit PvP, Skyblock, or Survival, this server has something for everyone. With thousands of players online, it’s a great place to test your skills and have fun… Read More

  • Unbelievable 4ChanChan Player Review

    Unbelievable 4ChanChan Player ReviewVideo Information what up y’all so I’ve been trying to look around for like a new person to look at their profile and then it instantly hit me I’m like wait benett Arthur why haven’t I thought of that it f you have 20 cents in your bank balance Benn it how the [ __ ] do you not have Eman 9 and you had 3,2 runs how do you not have a subset duplex one ter chance three nothing not even like five star are you trying to battle Joey LMAO worse Warden helmet so we got refrigerate one… Read More

  • Trapped by Doves!

    Trapped by Doves!Video Information nej nej jag got TR This video, titled ‘They Trapped Me!?’, was uploaded by Doveular on 2024-02-15 11:55:00. It has garnered 8678 views and 206 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:10 or 10 seconds. Minecraft Nextbots Mod! #minecraft #gaming #trending #mc #funny Read More

  • Unbelievable Minecraft Lore Revealed! #DrauviaMC

    Unbelievable Minecraft Lore Revealed! #DrauviaMCVideo Information nos parecemos bastante No ambos rubios de hecho diría que te pareces también a ciertas personas a quién me [Música] [Música] parezco que me recuerdas a mi amada ella me está esperando en casa y yo muriendo por volver This video, titled ‘𝕄𝕖 𝕣𝕖𝕔𝕦𝕖𝕣𝕕𝕒𝕤 𝕒 𝕖́𝕝… #Lore #Minecraft #MinecraftRolplay #Rolplay #MinecraftLore #Drauvia #DrauviaMC’, was uploaded by Daya Lore on 2024-03-29 05:56:33. It has garnered 614 views and 34 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:38 or 38 seconds. #Skins #Lore #Minecraft #MinecraftRolplay #Rolplay #MinecraftLore #Drauvia #DrauviaMC Read More

  • Mind-Blowing Minecraft Dog House Build 🐕🔨 #shorts

    Mind-Blowing Minecraft Dog House Build 🐕🔨 #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Cute Dog House Build #shorts’, was uploaded by Sunfy Shorts on 2024-01-04 21:15:00. It has garnered 10974 views and 358 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:26 or 26 seconds. #shorts #minecraft #minecraftbuilding Hey there, welcome to Snufy! Your go-to spot for cool and simple Minecraft builds! We’re all about making your gaming experience better by sharing quick, awesome building ideas that you can easily try out in your own world. 🏡 Build it fast and easy: Check out short tutorials to create stunning structures without breaking a sweat. 🎨 Unleash your creativity:… Read More

  • Dansk YouTuber Blows Up House in Youtropolis :O

    Dansk YouTuber Blows Up House in Youtropolis :OVideo Information This video, titled ‘💥Eksplodere Starvys Hus I Youtropolis :O #dansk’, was uploaded by EliasHau on 2024-01-13 17:52:49. It has garnered 4407 views and 122 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:57 or 57 seconds. #minecraft #danskminecraft #dansk #youtropolis #funny @StarvyDK Join My Discord Server Link In Bio Read More

  • INSANE!! COD Zombies in Minecraft (BO3 Custom Zombies)

    INSANE!! COD Zombies in Minecraft (BO3 Custom Zombies)Video Information since the literal Stone ages of custom zombies maps there has been one thing that has made its way to every game that has custom zombies and that is Minecraft whether it be an original map or the tutorial world or a remake of an actual map Minecraft has been part of custom zombies since World at War and today I’m going to be playing zombies maps that have been fully recreated into Minecraft versions but without further Ado let’s get into the first map with the first map being knock dur un toen I haven’t played any… Read More

  • CRAZY Minecraft Anniversary Surprise! 🎉 | Viewer Realms #shorts

    CRAZY Minecraft Anniversary Surprise! 🎉 | Viewer Realms #shortsVideo Information [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] hello how’s it going everybody Welcome how’s it going Brian Elijah Charles uh one player G Michael towels Orville beatcraft we got bacon in the house zichi Ethan wper how are you guys doing today also Christopher Carter welcome manand drut like gazer and milk Domino’s nice to see you again and papa little tiger yo Eevee fanatic… Read More

  • “Unbeatable PvP Server for Cracked Minecraft Players!” #minecraftserver #minecraftpc

    "Unbeatable PvP Server for Cracked Minecraft Players!" #minecraftserver #minecraftpcVideo Information This video, titled ‘Best server for PvP (Cracked) like stray | #minecraftserver #minecraftpc #minecraft’, was uploaded by Harish on 2024-01-19 03:14:44. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Best server like stray for cracked java+pe best cracked server for 1.19.3 best cracked server for 1.16.5 best cracked server for … Read More

  • Fret: Creeper Revenge?! Minecraft Memes! #fyp

    Fret: Creeper Revenge?! Minecraft Memes! #fypVideo Information creeper always creeping what do This video, titled ‘CAN THIS CREEPER GET REVENGE!! #minecraft #funny #memes #minecraftmemes #minecraftshorts #fyp #mobs’, was uploaded by Fret on 2024-01-15 17:44:43. It has garnered 12 views and 3 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:09 or 9 seconds. Read More

  • Feather64 Semi-Anarchy Raiding No Claims 256k Border 1.20.2

    Feather64 Semi-Anarchy Raiding No Claims 256k Border 1.20.2About feather64 feather64 has been operating since 2011. F64 is a Raiding-Survival server with very little moderation. Raiding and griefing are allowed. On feather64 you cannot protect/claim land. Lapis is used as a currency. Players can sethome and tpa. Play your way on feather64. Grief & raid, hide & collect, travel & explore, automate & farm, enchant & pvp, design & construct, it’s up to you. Rules Do not use hacks, macros, or mods beyond the permitted modifications guide. Do not use duplication exploits except TNT, rail, carpet, string, and tripwire hooks. Follow the directions of administrators and moderators. Rule… Read More

  • The Crazy Spacy Vanilla Server

    The Crazy Spacy Vanilla ServerWelcome to The Crazy Spacy Vanilla ServerAlmost a 100% vanilla feel (no plugins, no mods, no datapacks)Settle in and become a seasoned veteran on this new minecraft server that is in desperate need of new players!Seeking staffPreferably looking for people with skills on how to setup a small discord server that would be attached to the minecraft server.Just be friendly and respectful to the other players around you and you should manage very well with the server environment.Hoping to see you on the server!- Graph01 Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – u/EnturpuneurUnusual6 with the Minecraft Heat

    Minecraft Memes - u/EnturpuneurUnusual6 with the Minecraft HeatWhy did the creeper break up with his girlfriend? Because she couldn’t handle his explosive personality! Read More


    TNT CLUTCH EXPLOSIONS! 🔥😂 When you accidentally blow up your friend’s house in Minecraft with TNT and they say “I guess you really dropped the TNT CLUCH on that one!” 😂 #minecraftfail #oops #sorrynotsorry Read More

  • Roblox Death Ball: IanBox’s Masterful Gameplay

    Roblox Death Ball: IanBox's Masterful Gameplay Minecraft Madness: A Tale of Adventure and Survival The Beginning of an Epic Journey In the vast world of Minecraft, two brothers, Ian and Ethan, embark on a thrilling adventure filled with challenges and excitement. As they navigate through the game, they encounter various obstacles and foes, showcasing their skills and teamwork. A Battle for Survival Facing off against formidable opponents, the brothers demonstrate their prowess in combat, strategizing and fighting to emerge victorious. With each encounter, they showcase their determination and resilience, never backing down from a challenge. Building a Fortress In their quest for survival, Ian and… Read More

  • Join Minewind Server for Epic Builds and Demolitions!

    Join Minewind Server for Epic Builds and Demolitions! Welcome to Newsminecraft.com! Are you a fan of creating your own unique builds in Minecraft? Do you enjoy the satisfaction of completing a new project and demolishing the old to make way for something even better? If so, you’ll love what Minewind Minecraft Server has to offer. Imagine a community of like-minded players who appreciate the art of building and crafting in Minecraft. On Minewind, you can showcase your creativity, whether it’s through intricate exterior designs like the ones in the video you just watched, or by adding cute and unique decorations to your creations. Join us on Minewind… Read More

  • Ultimate Piston Extender Guide

    Ultimate Piston Extender Guide The Power of Double Piston Extenders in Minecraft Bedrock & Switch Redstone contraptions in Minecraft Bedrock and Switch can reach new levels of complexity and efficiency with the use of Double Piston Extenders. These essential components allow players to push blocks further than a single piston, opening up a world of possibilities for creative builds and mechanisms. Step-by-Step Guide to Building a Double Piston Extender Creating a compact and efficient Double Piston Extender requires careful placement of redstone components. In Bedrock and Switch versions of Minecraft, Quasi connectivity is no longer available, so repeaters must be used to space… Read More

  • Hanuman ji pixel art in Minecraft gone wrong?! 😈🔥

    Hanuman ji pixel art in Minecraft gone wrong?! 😈🔥Video Information हम लोग को स्पाइडरमैन बैटमैन और सुपरमैन का पावर चाहिए अबे बके ट्रांजिस्टर य सुपरमैन बैटमैन और स्पाइडरमैन का बाप मालूम कौन है हनुमन [संगीत] This video, titled ‘Hanuman ji 🚩🔥 pixel Art in Minecraft 😈😱 | Pt.89 | #shorts #viral #minecraft’, was uploaded by WAR 99 on 2024-04-30 04:00:58. It has garnered 549 views and 18 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:15 or 15 seconds. Hanuman ji 🚩🔥 pixel Art in Minecraft 😈😱 | Pt.89 | #shorts #viral #minecraft #shortvideo #ytshort #yt #ytshortsindia #ytviral #ytviral #yt_shorts #youtubeshorts #youtuber #youtubeshort #viral #viralvideo #viralshorts #viralshort #trendingshorts #trendingshort… Read More

  • Avocado’s Hardcore Season 2!

    Avocado's Hardcore Season 2!Video Information [Music] e [Music] down down down [Music] down [Music] [Music] woo wo woo [Music] woo [Music] d [Music] [Music] he [Music] a [Music] oh [Music] oh [Music] [Music] hello everybody wasn’t that the most stupid intro ever okay should be able to hear me tell me if it’s too if it’s not good okay there we go all right so today is the start of Hardcore Season 2 uh old one or the old hardcore world it was oh yeah I should start stream music actually okay so this is my first time doing like all the stream… Read More


    TheMaxlop - INSANE CHALLENGE COMING TO MINECRAFT BEDROCK 1.21Video Information es oficial el modo Hardcore llegará a Minecraft bedrock 1.21 entre las noticias más recientes de Minecraft se ha revelado que el modo Hardcore llegará a la edición de bedrock en la próxima actualización This video, titled ‘EL MODO HARDCORE LLEGARÁ A MINECRAFT BEDROCK 1.21 UPDATE’, was uploaded by TheMaxlop on 2024-04-06 01:25:14. It has garnered 484 views and 26 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:16 or 16 seconds. #shorts #minecraft The hardcore mode where you only have one life is coming soon to minecraft bedrock!! :0 ⚔️SUBSCRIBER GOAL: 9000 ⚔️CURRENT SUBSCRIBERS: 8722 Read More

  • Insane! Beating Minecraft as Toji Fushiguro

    Insane! Beating Minecraft as Toji FushiguroVideo Information it took just 24 hours for us to lose control of the city tonight Gotham’s relying on one man to save us all today I’ll be playing as toif fushi girl the stain of the zening clan who has no cursed energy but an amazing hand-to-hand fighter finding the truth about his son destroying the zening clan and attaining Heavenly restriction are the main objective also in order to make the run more entertaining I’ll add special chests around the city training gear for every advancement I make as a sorcerer I spawn in and as you can… Read More

  • Trolling a top youtuber on my Minecraft server!

    Trolling a top youtuber on my Minecraft server!Video Information me encontré a este youtuber famoso que estaba jugando en mi server de Minecraft sinceramente me sorprendí mucho así que me puse en modo espectador y decidí spectar lo durante un rato momentos más tarde Me lo encontré en la mina había encontrado muchos diamantes literalmente ocho menas algo que no suele pasar en Minecraft horas más tarde me teletransport a él y había hecho una casa muy bonita En ese momento pensaba que estaba grabando un vídeo instantes después el youtuber fue al nether y me salían muchos reportes de que estaba consiguiendo muchos bloques de netherite… Read More

  • INSANE! Ibrahim’s EPIC Hindi Minecraft Animation Adventure!

    INSANE! Ibrahim's EPIC Hindi Minecraft Animation Adventure!Video Information This video, titled ‘The Animation Life Hindi Episode 1 Minecraft Animation Series’, was uploaded by IBRAHIM GAMING on 2024-03-07 06:34:12. It has garnered 20 views and 5 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:25 or 85 seconds. Episode 1 – Prologue (from “The Animation Life Hindi”) | The Expert Gaming Hindi ” The Animation Life Hindi” is the Dubbed Version of Original “Animation Life” by Black Plasma Studios @SquaredMediaAnimations Episode 2 हिंदी – • The Animation Life Hindi : Episode 2 … ____________________ About Episode (Hindi) – In this episode you get to see how an animator… Read More


    "FROST VS. MINECRAFT ANIME SHIZO BATTLE" #viral #clickbaitVideo Information おに [音楽] This video, titled ‘Minecraft anime character 🥵 #shorts #trending #viral #minecraft’, was uploaded by GAME OF FROST on 2024-05-08 01:30:16. It has garnered 448 views and 16 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:13 or 13 seconds. Minecraft anime character 🥵 #shorts #trending #viral #minecraft Read More

  • Insane Slotbot Opening on Minecraft!

    Insane Slotbot Opening on Minecraft!Video Information yo what is up guys it’s your boy Beetle bring you guys another video here on the channel We are continuing my SE test series and we are on Astro um today I’m going to be opening up more slot Bots guys in the last episode that I opened up slot Bots I only did a couple of them in this episode we almost have a stack and a half a full stack of slot Bots oh my goodness so let’s I guess we just start let’s let’s do those ones see what we got see what we… Read More

TAPL VODS – Minecraft Championships Twitch VOD 07/24/2021