Teaching Noob to Play Minecraft

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[Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] come [Music] w [Music] [Music] he [Music] first before you start let me know if not I say something to get myself canceled oh okay we’re live they can hear you oh okay good timing good timing um okay don’t worry okay I’m gonna yeah okay okay hold on hold on hold on don’t worry about it don’t worry about it don’t worry about there’s some stuff on my end I have too much I have too many different audio channels on right now and I can either have you in the game or I have no background music so I guess we have no background music today that’s okay hello everyone hello uh rir is a little bit a little bit late because we’re having issues with YouTube Studio don’t worry about it everyone R reside I’m actually going to take a couple of seconds because can you believe this everyone I’m so sorry I forgot it was weasel Wednesday I I feel like an embarrassment I forgot to do my ritual post I am so embarrassed I’m going to go to hell for this hold on where where’s my where’s my weasel Wednesday post hold on how is not going to VI that easily uh wait wake up people it’s weasel winess day God I’m so embarrassed I like I’m so excited for Wednesday every day of the week and then I forget to post my weasel Wednesday post this is so embarrassing hello everyone hello hello hello I’m on Twitter right now I’m ignoring you one second get out of here losers okay okay I’m done I’m done you ready you ready two minutes two minutes two minutes my song is ending soon wait okay okay okay you let me know when you’re going to go and then and then we’ll do like a like a big introduction and my chat has no idea that it’s happening a surprise okay like now now now hi hi okay like now like now we’re live okay yeah yes on my on my side yes yes yes hello everyone happy weasel Wednesday it is me for tail and my beloved wolf goddess part Demi dog all G Demi smelly dog uh gona hello everyone we’re playing Minecraft today how are we I do not appreciate the Demi but okay you did I think I I think it fits you very well thank you let me let me make you a little bit I mean you know I don’t mean that thanks it’s a sarcastic thanks yes wow Riri we had a we had a very exciting stream setup period didn’t we yes uh I died I died when I was setting up the spider killed me I got out of bed like like maybe 30 minutes before the stream started because I was up until like 400 in the morning playing Minecraft last night which I think is on brand um and then we had vtube Studio issues because uh whoever so one of us has to host the vtu studio collab room and then the other has to join and whichever one of us joined had like 600 ping in the vtube studio collab room so he said ages we we were like we were Discord reacting it for literally up and until the stream started and then in the middle of our starting soon screens it worked so we had to like scramble to put everything together yeah I was like you popped up you popped up oh man I was starting soon screen actually had like actually was 2 minutes and 10 seconds yeah that’s nice yeah so I wanted to start at the same time we we like we did our stting it’s like really short on purpose cuz you’re like okay we’re ready to go let’s go in and then literally seconds into to it it was like boom Scuf but hello everyone hello uh good evening to everyone rona’s side good afternoon everyone on my [Laughter] side now yeah yeah yeah every time I say single and you repeat like reply with like 10 well sentences I’m just like okay I didn’t understand any of the my let make you a little bit louder on on your side say some gibberish me say some Welsh tell me some of your Welsh that’s good that’s good that’s perfectly Welsh do you remember that one time where uh Stella was typing in the chat and she typoed so bad that I joined the chat cuz I thought she was speaking Welsh yes you went in and asked are you speaking W and she’s like no yeah I was able to like vaguely translate it into something as well that was crazy it really is summoning [Laughter] demons hi friends hi hi hi hello everyone time is this yes good times on everyone it is what time was it for you like nearly 10: p.m. for you reona yeah it’s 3m. oh yeah evening it’s 3 p.m. here which is like around the time that all the kids get out of school so when I when I went to the when I went to the bathroom before the stream started I looked out the window and there was a bunch of eight-year-olds hitting each other with sticks walking home from school it was very funny 300 p.m. is likea yeah yeah yeah pra okay I’m trying all day yesterday like reona was learning Welsh yesterday’s stream you did like a a do lingo and you went for a really long time when I first saw the stream I was expecting like maybe an hour long stream but you were at it I watched a little bit and then I went to go like write an entire Google Document proposal and then I came back and you were still at it okay okay that was a reason because halfway they asked me to save my progress by creating a profile and I did it right when I when I created a profile that erased my entire progress oh my God no you to St again yeah I speedrun everything and I did again I mean I guess so that’s the reason you better the second time around though right oh yeah it’s like a recap it’s like a recap okay I need to move you a bit because I’m blocking ta’s face here so what is your favorite word in Welsh now that you’ve learned some Welsh and you you’re not allowed to say drag okay it’s not it’s [Music] not oh my god do you know like um do you know like the the Japan Japan Li japanglish where like it’s like a mixture of like Japanese and English we have wenglish which again is like really similar and it’s like a mix of just like blending the two languages in a sentence um and like the most common thing that you hear in the middle of a normal English sentence is twti cuz everyone is everyone loves to complain here yes yeso uh they say a minut shut I I say that too I say that I say that too my personal favorite is I’m wedy B which is just the same thing but I’m instead of D oh is it D or is it dwe is there a difference uh yeah technically there is a difference but I’ll be super honest um because it’s like a very spoken language and people don’t really write stuff down very much there’s like a lot of mutations on the words where uh like the kind of pronunciation of words can really change depending on like what words come before and after it and then also like who is speaking so I’m probably a really bad person to learn Welsh from because a lot of my words are like mutated or slanged together I’m like you asked me to spell something and I’m like I have no idea I God I don’t know Google it I mean I mean it’s fine I I I ask everyone to Google things themselves as well oh man like when someone ask me about Mandarin and they’re like oh what does it mean I like Google it yeah I I use it I know what it means but I don’t really know how to explain what it means yeah like sometimes there are just words that you know you you understand the vague meaning and feeling behind the word but to be able to find like an exact English translation of it is kind of it’s kind of tricky because sometimes things don’t have exact translations yeah sorry I’m taking my water bottle I was like where are you going yeah my my head is like turning because I’m still looking at the screen but I’m reaching for my bottle I look like my head is like okay are you didn’t ref my water you ref what you got to got to get on I got to hydrate otherwise mom’s going to get you even though she’s on vacation she’s going to come get you okay are you ready 11 PST by the way wait 11 PST yeah wait what about 11 sorry what no in what what what time would it be for 11: PST is it anytime soon uh I can hold on I can do go to the the time zone converter thingy PST PST PST hold on it’s okay I’m here I’m here I’m already there I’m already there okay okay okay what time 11:00 p.m. is 700 a.m. for me and 2:00 p.m. for you oh my God okay all right all right all right then none of my concern for now okay let’s move on let’s start okay Minecraft are you I I see I want to say are you excited to learn Minecraft but I know you’re excited to learn Minecraft yes I know you’re super super excited and we discovered something really yeah it’s your turn and uh something really exciting has happened today if you guys have noticed the version on our screens um the brand new Minecraft update has just come out literally today and it’s really exciting because one of the most like interesting things about this update for me personally is they’ve added a whole bunch of new wolves to the game we have a wolf with us right here playing Minecraft for the first time so it’s perfect it’s like a really perfect how this is uh turned out okay I’m going to join in the world okay I saw you it is night time and there’s a creeper hole and there are zombies uh this is very scary did you get exploded by a creeper renona by what oh my God just fell down did I lose a health did you get explode by a little guy who who was kind of green and snuck up on you not yet I got killed by a spider they specifically said it was a spider oh okay okay okay uh there is a creeper hole here that wasn’t here earlier also oh wait I hear I hear a voice I hear Bo hi I’m behind you Mr Silver Wolf silver wolf where where where where I hi hi here here here is that is that the creeper the black one uh that’s an Enderman we what what okay we got to this is really not a great place to start okay I did I did I did I um there’s spider be careful be careful it’s going to kill me oh my God welcome to Minecraft reona are you having fun are you having fun are you having so much fun can we kill the can we kill the SP uh yeah uh uh I got it I got it I got it don’t worry I’ll save you I’ll save you I’ll save you I’ll save you I’m just watching her gamer moment gamer moment gamer moment okay um you and I we need to hide um and then I can teach you how to play the game because I don’t think you know how to do anything right now do you yes yes I don’t even know how to exist how do you even do that how do you do that how do you dig um oh my God yeah yeah yeah yeah get in here we’ll make a little shelter we’ll make a little shelter just like squeeze squeeze your whole self in here and then I’ll block you in so nothing can get you yeah that works that works okay let me like make you a little a little house let me make you a tear that is well can I can I destroy can I destroy the okay I can it Tak a long time it takes a long time we’ll get you some tools that let you break things better um okay in Minecraft yes I’m playing at Silver Wolf guys I’m silver wolf okay please take a look okay look at me look at me okay wait I’m too close look at me look at me okay wait wait wait look at me look at me you’re so beautiful look at you I’m so it’s so much better than than Scarlet’s guy feel I don’t know I don’t know guy was really good better I’m biased that is key just a little bit biased it’s okay um okay Runa can you come into our hule can you just go all the way into the H Oh wrong way yeah yeah yeah go go go quick quick Qui get in there get in there um okay I’m going to fight this guy can you open can you press Escape key to open up your menu and then can you go into videos settings um and find something that says brightness yeah find something that says brightness and change that to Bright instead of Moody bright bright bright bright smooth I think I’m coming I’m coming don’t worry about it I’m coming don’t worry about it it’s like a little slider I don’t worry about it just just just do your best G oh like she’s like fighting outside and I’m think like where’s my brightness I should be it should be in video settings um my video settings should be hold on let me find the spider and I will I will come help you oh no Graphics fabulous fast fancy uh uh fast is good fast is good fast is good okay fast is good got to go fast got to go fast got to go fast okay okay where the now let me come over to your stream so I can give you some assist hold on I I knew that we did our setup like way too easily I knew that there lose something that was missing okay um so exit out of where you are uh I’m going to have some like stream delay but exit out of that menu uhuh um then go accessibility to oh I should should be in video settings actually go back into video settings the lighting smooth lighting uh I’m waiting I’m waiting for the stream to catch up um scroll down my screen with you no no it’s okay oh God we can’t scroll down I can scroll down yeah you can you can scroll there you go there should should be brightness like further down if you scroll a little bit okay oh yeah brightness default and then move that to yeah move that like all the way to the very very very very top oh bright bright yeah like all the way to the very top where it says like absolutely brightest okay it says brightness bright yes there we go okay that is probably the only setup that we need to do there’s some couple other stuff that I apologize I should have taken you through before we started no it’s okay don’t apologize for anything anything can go wrong with me yeah you know that’s true we are now in Minecraft how do you feel that was a very that was a very very scary first night right I I know I my my favorite part is I’m just trying to configure things outside fighting for my life how attack can I can I learn how to attack so I can help yes absolutely so um I’m assuming you have your hands on your mouse and then your hands on your wased keys so yes your left Mouse button is going to be to punch or to break this is like your destruction button thank you and then your right Mouse button is like your interaction button so you can interact with objects or you can place a block down yeah so you can place a block like that we can make things yeah look at you you’re building you’re crafting as many as you have oh yeah so like no no no limit to what I want yeah no limit that’s the whole point of the game oh wow yeah okay but you’ll have to mine resources so if you run out of dirt we’ll have to go get some more but it’s very easy to get dirt M okay okay so the first step in Minecraft is trees and if you Comey the tree yeah if you come over this tree and you hold down your destruction button and then uh hold down on it like don’t repeatedly click just hold down and you’ll see the tree starts to break yeah and then you get some pieces of wood yeah we’ll take a lot of this cuz wood is very very important so if you see an object on the floor if you walk up to it when it’s on the floor and just like walk over it you pick it up oh o how do you throw objects onto the floor um you press Q whilst you’re you’re hovering over that item yeah okay and then if you down deforestation deforestation that is like the opposite of what we stand for right right um okay so now that you have some wood logs in your inventory which is like the little bar uh on the bottom of your screen oh you go this is a big tree it’s a very very big tree yeah and I chopped it from the bottom and it’s not dropping down isn’t that amazing that’s the first thing that Scarlet said when she got the game she’s like how is this possible okay so now that you have some wood can you press e on your keyboard to open up your inventory oh my God I’m Ador yeah you silver wolf so you should be able to see that you have some slots on the left side next to your character for armor you have a slot for Shields on the other side you have a very small little crafting menu and then you have a whole bunch of storage so if you want you can take things out of your hot bar and you can move it into your backpack essentially my backpack is which one the one that this is crafting or um the the really really big the one that’s like three blocks tall and it has that’s basically your storage everything that you can carry with you oh um okay so do you have a piece if you you hover over it’ll tell you the names do you have a piece of Oak log yes I have eight pieces oh that’s good Okay click on it with your left Mouse button and drag it over to your crafting uh the four crafting squares mhm and you’ll see that it’s turned it into Oak planks yeah yeah click on that until you’ve collected all of it you got everything wait a bit more okay bit more there you go okay so this one’s going to be a little bit more tricky you’re going to pick up your Oak planks the same way that you did with when you picked up the logs and then you’re going to bring it up to the crafting table you’re going to hold down your right Mouse button and you’re just going to drag it in a little circle around the crafting table until you fill out all four slots with the pieces of wood and then you should get something called a crafting table oh [ __ ] hey hey hey w w w crafting table crafting table I got it I got you got the crafting table okay so drag that into your hot bar which is the um it should be like nine nine or 10 slots at the bottom of your inventory and that’ll be all the things that you can see on your screen ah okay how many crafting tables do I need just one you’ll only one forever and then press e again to leave your inventory okay and now you’re holding your crafting table so you can look on the floor is cute yeah it does like with the the three things on top yeah there you go so if you click into your crafting table to interact with it you see that your crafting table is a lot bigger now oh wait uh uh it okay yeah yeah you got it you got it so do you have any sticks yet no no sticks yet no sticks I have a lot of plank St Oak planks are really really good so you’re going to take one Oak Plank and then you’re going to do the thing with a right clicking and you’re just going to put two Oak Planks on top of each other and that should create four sticks oh okay got it and you got some sticks yeah how many that I need um just like four or eight for the time being like we don’t need a super super amount and we can always get more so this is going to get a little bit more tricky I’m going to give you I’m going to give you some instructions and you need to follow them kind of carefully kind of like do you know the game where people have to like diffuse bombs together oh my God it’s going to be a little bit like that so you’re going to take two sticks and you’re going to stack two sticks on top of each other just one two in the middle of the crafting table so they should be in the Middle with three slots open on top how how do you split the sticks okay never mind I got it uh yeah you got it uh that should be holding down right so do you have two sticks stacked on top of each other in the middle of the crafting table yeah yeah so now you take your Oak planks and you put three um on the top of the sticks going across so it kind of makes a very Pixy pickaxe shape so it should be two sticks on top of each other and then three Oak planks going uh going across the screen like filling up three slots okay hold on hold on uh you got it no no oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh I got it I got it I got it I got it I got it I got it I got it I got it you got a wooden pickaxe yeah yes okay put it in your hot bar press e to leave the inventory and you now have a pickaxe and we have a little cow with us here hello cow would you you want to kill it huh you want to kill it oh he’s running away he heard me with the with the pickaxe oh you can if you’d like oh that’s a b said why do need her meat um possibly in the future yes so get give give her she came to greet me can we can we can we do something else first okay okay okay we yeah okay so we’ll come over to where we died earlier and there’s all this exposed stone that was like really hard to dig with our hands okay yeah we’re going to call the cow Betty okay call okay we we we will might have to kill Betty okay we across the bridge when it comes okay across the bridge when it comes to so if you use your pickaxe on the stone you’ll find that you can dig it a lot faster and we also get little pieces of stone will my will my pickaxe spoy uh yes it will after a while but it’s okay cuz we’re going to use the stone to make even better pickaxes okay okay okay okay okay okay okay okay yeah so we’ll get a lot of stone that is dirt okay so close so close though it was so close I’m like mining oh you found some coal oh yeah coal is going to be really good for torches cuz it’s going to get uh it’s going to get dark soon oh yeah so we’re going to need a lot of torches oh wait I got something green oh that’s experience so if you get enough experience you’ll level up and mind day true yes you are you are you a big Disney girl Rona oh I do like Disney yeah yes I I was really surprised when I found out like how how much you liked minions I do I do I’ve never I’ve never known anyone to be such a big fan of minions I can’t say that I I love minions to like the moon and B kind of love but because they’re so goofy I really really like them that’s going to be a part of your personality now you are just a minion lover yeah but it’s okay you discover more things subsequently as long as they look stupid I like them that that’s a good that’s a good modotto to lify yes okay do we have lots of stone oo if I continue to dig like this will everything suddenly drop on me and I die uh no no um gravity doesn’t exist in this universe thankfully oh wow that’s great yeah so you can just like keep digging pretty much infinitely until you hit something called Bedrock which is like an invincible block that you physically you cannot break it but you can break it if you use like a cheat um and if you break it using the cheat you fall through the world into the void which is very [Laughter] funny oh this is different this takes longer to to break what is this uh is it is it because you don’t have a pickaxe anymore oh so we’re going to come over to our crafting table uh do you still have some sticks left over yes okay so we’re going to do the exact same thing that we did before two sticks on top of each other and then three blocks on top but we’re going to use Cobblestone instead of wood and that gets you a stone pickaxe Cobblestone oh how about the diorite uh we can’t make anything with that unfortunately that’s like a a decorative block if you want to have like a a cool floor or something in your house that’s kind of useless okay yeah yeah kind of for us okay I got a stone pickaxe yay okay now how many sticks you have left over uh eight eight okay awesome we’re going to make a sword so yes that’s the best thing I that’s the best thing so you’re going to put one stick at the bottom of the crafting table so only one stick and then on top of it you’re going to stack two pieces of cobblestone on top of each other I hear monsters don’t worry we have swords okay got it I got it you got it now I have a sword yeah so now even swi between uh items that I have um so on your hot bar if you scroll your mouse wheel it kind of Scrolls between everything um that is what I do but you can also press the number keys on your computer like 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 okay I’m going to scroll yeah I prefer the scrolling cuz it’s like a lot faster for me personally um yeah so we can get I’m going to make a little bit more torches to give you because it gets really really dark and not only is it really hard to see but when when it’s dark monsters can spawn everywhere so by making lots of torches uh we can see a lot better and then also we can stop monsters from attacking us how do we how do we um build torches uh build torches oh careful hold on let me block this back up cuz monsters can get us um okay so go back it’s okay it’s okay um scroll to a block on your hot bar oh wait any blocks on my hot B yeah yeah so scroll and find a block and then use your interaction button do you see how when you kind of Point your mouse at something it highlights a little bit Yeah so okay okay got it got it to make a torch if we go back over to the crafting table did you make this door I did make a door that’s so cute look it opens as well look oh my God that’s cute I know I’ve been destroying our home I’m sorry it’s okay it’s okay so if we go to the crafting table uh torches are super super easy do you have any sticks left over uh I have one two three four five six seven seven sticks okay you’re going to take one stick only one single stick and then take one piece of coal and put it on the top and then you get a torch I get four touches yeah and this this is a really easy one to do so if you’re like out exploring and you don’t have a crafting table on you because it’s like such an easy and small recipe to do you can just press e to access your inventory and you’ll have enough room to do that like in your personal inventory so if you’re out adventuring and you need some torches you’ll never be without oh okay yeah as long as you have the materials for it at the very least how do I how do I heal myself well for that we might need to kill I’m sorry okay okay we we’ll we’ll we’ll we’ll find we’ll find we’ll find her later I guess we’ll find her later um I can give you I can give you an Apple so I have to eat the apple yes so uh on top of your hot bar uh no so on top of your hot bar you have two little like colle like bars you have hearts and you have like like U meat bones yeah meat Bon so you can only heal yourself if your meat is all the way to the very top so I don’t know if the Apple will fill you up all the way but we can get some more so to eat food you just hold down your interaction button which is the right Mouse and you just you just hold it down yeah you eat it okay um we might have to cuz I haven’t seen any other animals that cuz if we can find other animals we won’t have to kill Betty we just can kill Betty siblings and cousins and family um but the but the health will regain by itself if my foot B is full yes okay okay I see I see so food is the food is the the magic would you like to Brave going outside okay we have a sword I think it’s yes do you have your sword ready yeah so I’ll teach you a little something about killing monsters but we have to find I put some torches on so there shouldn’t be any let’s go find a little creature or a spooky [Music] creature uh running runny is uh pressing um shift is right no shift is yeah it uh shift yeah shift is Crouch um I don’t know what your uh Sprint setting is for me it’s double tapping W um but I’m going to get bullied for that because doing double tapping w is like the the scummiest way to do this apparently I I can do that though yeah you can you can do it you can do it yeah I can do it so there’s a zombie here and I’m going to teach you about fighting so don’t get too close cuz he’ll hit you so you can hit him normally with a sword so you just give him a smack however there’s a way to do oh behind you okay be careful be careful there the green thing will explode like that oh okay okay so there’s a way to get a critical hit when you’re fighting a monster and that is if you oh careful behind you behind you so the way to get a critical hit is to jump as you attack so can you press space bar to jump okay yeah so uh let’s go back this way actually uh hurry hurry um so if you jump and then as you’re falling back down you hit something you do a critical hit and you’ll know don’t don’t yeah don’t hit me um and you’ll know can I hit you will you get in from I will probably die but um let’s go back to the base and then you can kill me all you want cuz fine yeah so then we’ll then I’ll like respawn around here and it’ll be okay oh I almost I almost fell off a cliff Stella cliff fall yeah I almost I was almost Stella um okay how I wait how do I keep my crafting table I forgot uh uh just take just dig it and you’ll pick it back up hold down hold hold down on your destruction button yeah hold down on it and then you dig it hold down keep holding down and you dig it and you dig it and you dig it and you dig it and then you pick it back up a okay okay okay okay okay okay so um if you hit me twice I will die so I will use as an example first and then you can try it on me okay okay okay yeah I get my full health back yes if you’ll get your health back if you die die okay okay okay kill me kill me where where my items uh they’ll uh they’ll appear on the floor and you can just pick them back up again okay okay kill me kill me so I’m going to punch you once normally punch and it does a little bit of damage but if I jump and I hit you as I’m falling back down towards the floor I’ll do a critical hit and it does a lot more damage and like little special particles come off you that let me know that I’ve landed a critical hit so do you want to give me a normal punch yeah and now jump and hit me on your way down on the way down you got it uhuh again you got it on the way down yeah okay so did you see did you see how like some uh like particles came off me some Stars yeah so that means that you’ve hit a critical hit oh okay okay and now I will also uh kill you so you can get all of your stuff back so that this is a good way cuz now we don’t have to kill Betty yeah yeah now we don’t have to kill Betty I saw her just now and I let her go he didn’t tell me about her okay I will give you um your St okay got it I don’t remember what I have but okay oh oh this are from my inventory as in the the storage uh yeah yeah so you can also I lose my storage items as well yes o yeah so you can customize what you want to have in your inventory and then what you want to have on your hot bar I tend to have things like food and weapons on my hot bar and anything that I might need to like scroll like really quickly to grab but anything like blocks or plants or like just things that you’ve collected or like trophies they can go in your inventory yeah yeah so are you feeling Minecraft educated not 100% but I’m ready yeah I’m ready I’m ready to do whatever we are going to do actually before we go explore um could you click back into your crafting table oh wait wait wait wait wait uh okay uh-huh and then um two sticks on top of each other in the middle just like the way that we make a pickaxe okay and then we’re going to make an axe oh I have no idea how to explain making an axe to you um wait hold on I’m just going to send you a screenshot cuz I have no idea how to explain this okay okay okay I’m ready yeah so you’re going to put two sticks on top of each other and then you’re going to make that shape with your Cobblestone but why do I need the two sticks if I have okay never mind you know what we’ll just do it first yeah yeah we’ll put two sticks down and then you make that shape and did you get an axe hold on last questioning mod action I got a X yay okay so you can take the stone X so swords are for killing pickaxes are for stone and um axes are for wood so this will help you cut down trees and your crafting table a lot easier so you can use the axe and you’ll break your crafting table way faster oh okay now we’re ready to Adventure yeah so would you would you like to pick the direction that we go in you’re asking me to pick the direction I know I’m sorry okay uh let’s let’s go this way let’s go okay we can go this way the beach I let’s go to the beach beach beach beach beach please Beach please he you can’t get away with that you have you are the worst swearer out of all of us in the Guardians which is very gapo way I can’t I it’s okay Che that much you swear a lot what you’re you’re the worst swearer out of all of us like I thought it was going to be Stella or me but it is you by like by a by a long shot I thought it would be Stella as but she just screams she she’s good at saying words that are like not swear words like nuts and stuff nuts nuts nuts is her thing so we can see the whole ocean out here um we could make a boat and go explore the ocean but we should probably get some food first um I’m going to go kill an animal uh don’t don’t look if if you if you don’t want to see that oh my God animals are cute is is a du is a oh my Scarlet said the exact same thing um so they they used to be ducks like when the game first came out I think they were called Ducks but they’re called chickens now oh that chickens yeah but I also call them Ducks because that’s what I’m used to and also that’s what they look like um there are horses we don’t have to kill the horses because they don’t give us any food can I climb on the horse um if we have a saddle yes why is that horse of a different color than the rest because some people are different ranona God you can’t just ask that about people OHA no as if it’s in the game sometimes that it’s a better leveled one like a boss you know the boss I the whole entire H I was not asking anything else um so some some of the horses are like just different breeds of horses like this one has white feet and then this one is like brown with white feet they’re just like different colors um some horses can we can we pick flowers yes if you come over to a flower and you punch it oh you punch the flower okay W you punch it and you only have to punch it once and then you pick it up so we can go idle flower picking on each other imagine flower picking and we accidentally kill each other and then look if you look at me look at me I can I can give you a flower oh and that means we’re uh you hover hover over the item that you want to throw and you press Q oh and yeah and you can plant the flowers oh okay we bring that to we bring bring it back to our base so we can plant it all them oh sorry sorry my bad sorry yeah sorry uh okay I see some little I see some little pigs get him oh oh my I I I was there for that part of the stream I remember back in that’s how I remember I don’t I don’t think you’re all that far off I think bacon in Welsh is actually like Bon I’m back on really yeah back on there’s like a lot of like modern words translate into Welsh but they just put like a like a w instead of an o or a u okay let me make my first Q oh someone asked what our sh look at me don’t look at me like that okay I’m sorry they’re guilting you they’re guilting [Laughter] you uh someone just asked what our ship name was and that is very funny cuz we we talked about that before started yeah you have to make like a you have to make a a name for your vtu studio room when you do a collab and ranona called it like Fu like my name but like a capital re because of Foody and ranona so I think that would be our ship name we need to I think we need to think of ship names for everyone in Guardians I know me and Scarlet we would be like like fart or like uh flame tail because they’re Warrior Cat names and it’s funny but what about you and swey can I bring Patrick home Patrick Patrick is this P I’m nice home are you going to kill him no why would you suggest that I would never do that ever what’s that uh these are ovens so I’m going to cook up some food um I’m going to cook Patrick no Patrick can stay um I’m going to go find some more sheep because if we make a bed we can skip the night time and don’t have to worry about monsters but I just need to get us a couple more sheep so don’t don’t go too far from our oven cuz I will lose you okay okay okay I’m with Patrick yeah stay with Patrick do the buddy system Patrick where you going Patrick come back Patrick Patrick he’s a bad example no Patrick he’s going to he’s going to be friend that I say that you’re not allowed to hang out with like oh who you hanging out with Patrick uhuh nope no no way young lady okay okay Patrick is back Patrick is back he h your warnings he heard the warnings no don’t St on the oven you’re not supposed to be that does he want to get cooked so bad p is having a depressive episode right now oh I’m sorry Patrick I’m sorry hi hi I do like pigs in Minecraft just because they look like my really ugly dog okay so I have made us two beds and we can put our beds next to each other and we can we can sleep together but it’s not night time just yet how how do you make beds um you take three pieces of wood uh all across the bottom and then you put three pieces of wool directly on top of it but oh wait I have no wool yeah so don’t worry there there’s two buds for each of us um we’ll probably find a village later and then we can um we can steal like special beds from the village that have like cool colors and stuff oh okay yes I want to ra a village yes yes I love ra okay uh do you do you do you eat pork Rona yeah yeah okay here is there you go here’s some pork so that should heal you for like a lot of points uh like compared to the Apple um press and hold right yep your interaction uh inter oh my God oh my God wait wait wait wait wait uh uh uh interaction is uh the other Mouse button right Mouse so I have to check I have to check my directions whenever I say which Mouse button m is it not working uh hold down but this is I’m holding it though okay wait wait hold down your right button it should work oh Are You full do you are you not hungry oh I’m full I’m full yeah I’m full oh in that case you don’t need to eat anything we can go straight to bed okay wait let me fill this up oh you’re sure responsible thank you you’re so that’s so good for the environment uh uh you got it you got it yeah yeah jump and then dirt uh you need you need dirt yeah yeah yeah yeah okay now we can go to bed come over to a bed and press your interaction button on one of the beds yeah and now now we’re sleeping next to each other girl yay yay now we’re getting all cuddly who’s going to be the big spoon oh oh [Music] you can be the big spoon yeah I don’t want to do anything the small spoon feels like less responsibility that’s true that’s true okay I’m going to wait for my to be the small one yeah my dog likes to I like I feel like when she first started doing it she was trying to choke me but now she like she she starts off like just cuddling normally and then throughout the night she like moves her way up the bed and she’ll like kind of curl around my head and put her head on my neck and sometimes I’ll wake up like I can’t breathe yeah I I get it I get it so so when I’m lying on the floor please don’t ask me why I lie on the floor when I’m lying on the floor my dog will just come over and he’ll just put his head on my chest and I would be like I can’t breathe I can’t oh that’s so cute I remember reading story I remember reading a story on the internet one time of this person telling like they were saying how uh like everyone in their family slept on their back but they slept on their front and the dog would be like really paranoid whenever the person would sleep on their front and he would like come and lay down on them and like watch watch them sleep all night like putting their head on the back did right yeah yeah yeah so so when we first got um our dog uh I would wake up in the middle of the night and just look and just looking at my dog stare at me and when he realized that I’m moving and he’s oh okay she’s alive oh that’s so cute oh dogs are dogs are incredible yeah they’re so cute yeah okay so we now that we have food so you should have like quite a few different pieces of food you should have like uh pork and chicken and all that kind of stuff I have some seeds oh yes seeds are good we can make like a farm later so we are ready to keep on adventuring um we could go to the water and we could could make a boat and sail across the ocean or we could keep exploring in the woods and we might CR across some of the new wolves that are added to the game okay okay let’s find wolves yeah let’s find wolves okay so usually wolves in Minecraft what are these do ium it’s a do you just look at a pumpkin and say what is this it it really doesn’t look like a pumpkin it look it’s this is the spitting image of a pumpkin it is not a spitting image of a pumpkin this is the most pumpkin esque thing I’ve ever seen in my entire life also wait I’m going to put a torch over here so if we want to find our way back to Patrick we can find our way back to Patrick um okay oh my God there’s an egg yeah if you get an egg and then like use your hover over it and then throw it with your interaction button there’s a small chance that you might hatch a baby chicken oh yeah oh like that I just hatched a baby chicken let me do let me do oh my gosh that cute okay okay okay uh uh uh uh yeah oh that’s okay no chicken that’s okay we’ll find more eggs um so wolves wolves in Minecraft there used to be only one kind of wolves they were like plain white wolves and they would spawn pretty much anywhere where there were forests but now there’s a whole bunch of new wolves and they are like exclusive to different areas so main Wolves yeah go get go there’s like three eggs there go get them and there’s another one here yeah can you hat okay I’m going to throw them off oh you just took their eggs and you hit them with their own eggs that was so cruel that was crazy and messed up you’re evil no no no they just came right in front of me it’s not it’s not of my business they asking for it yes they are so there used to the only one kind of wolf it was a white wolf and you’d find it anywhere there’s mountains but there’s a lot of different wolves now uh but they all spawn in different areas and because this update is only happened today I don’t really know where they all spawn so it’s going to be kind of a surprise for us to come across wolves cuz we don’t know what color they’re going to be um it’d be pretty cool if we could find like a what kind of wolf are you oh no you’re you’re like a you’re a like a a magical spirit wolf right yes I’m a demig God yeah you’re a demi dog there Apple get apple yay now we have more food and you don’t have to feel bad about eating [Laughter] creatures um there’s lots of water around here I think I am going to make a boat actually okay um how do I make a boat uh I will make a boat and then you can be my passenger princess okay sounds good hey I’m going to make um I’m going to make a full a fun toy for you I don’t really know what I’m doing but I’m just flattening this entire thing hey we’re no no so here here’s a cool game that we can play yeah do you see do you see this come stand on the pressure plate what huh what they nerfed it they nerfed it I can’t believe this I’m angry it used to be like a little like a little trap thing that would trap you in there I guess I guess it doesn’t work anymore oh you know it’s cuz I’m here it’s cuz I’m here F yeah it’s all that all that dami dog luck can’t believe this no matter how bad I am I think L EMAs is still watching out for me still watching over you okay can you see my boat in the water oh hi over here over here over here hi hi hi oh my God that’s so cute okay okay okay so if you interact inter need interact yeah uh uh yeah just click yeah now you’re in the boat so you can’t see much right now so if you press F5 you should be able to see a little bit more Ah that’s so cute and now oh my God oh my God oh my God oh my God yeah hi so there’s a lot of different F5 options so you can have the first person mode that has your hand and then you press F5 once and you can look at the back of your head and then you can press F5 again and you can look at the front of your head can we screenshot this yes absolutely um I think F the screenshot button is F2 so F2 yeah you’ll see like a little safe screenshot thing come up can you look at me like can you look at I don’t okay uh uh uh like look at us together yeah turn turn turn that okay okay look look look up a bit more okay okay okay okay okay one two three okay okay I got it I got it you’re so cute oh my gosh okay there’s a shipwreck here um we can get some treasure from the Shipwreck but it might be a bit difficult and you might might drown to death oh it’s okay there’s nothing new there’s nothing new okay okay okay so I feel like I die I die by drowning in every game oh really you’re you’re a Sonic the Hedgehog so oh yeah good job you press shift to leave so when you’re in water you have to hold down your jump button to float and swim essentially okay so if you come to like this like kind of the kitty pool area over here and come into the water the water’s fine and I didn’t pee I promise okay there you go Shuffle shuffle a little bit into the water so you’ll see that you start to float down but if you hold down space you come up oh yeah and if you go under the water you can see little bubbles pop up on your screen and that shows you how much oxygen you have oh my God just like Sonic yeah just like Sonic so if you swim all the way up you get your oxygen back so I’m going to go in the water and I’m going to I just keep jumping but it’s me swimming right yes and I’m going to have a look if we get any treasure ooh we got some good stuff here okay hold let me where are you let me grab all of these cuz I don’t want you to drown in here cuz you there there there’s some uh pretty advanced technology uh to to swimming and not drowning it’s pretty pretty advanced stuff I don’t I don’t think you’d get it oh there’s a there’s a chest there’s a chest yeah Treasure Chest Don’t Drown please where where will I respond if I how do I how do I go all the way down um quickly uh really quickly uh hold down shift the crouching button oh okay okay okay and then you hold space bar again to go all the way back up okay okay how do I open this uh interact button I’m dying I’m dying I’m okay up up up up up up up up back to the the air up back to the air yay there you go there go I made it I made it I made it made it in time it’s stressful it’s really stressful I didn’t open the chest in time though it’s okay I I may I may have taken everything out of the chest anyway oh okay so the the the the treasure chest do remains there yeah um we could take it and have it be our own chest so in that chest we got a couple of cool things like some food um so fishes there is some fishes yeah we can kill fishes with food so I gave you some potatoes and carrots just for like some vegetarian options the things that are floating over there uh those are my items that I don’t need anymore so I just kind of threw them oh I’m sorry I’m sorry my bad no no it’s fine it’s fine and now I can I have some bombs that I could give you but we need like a specific thing to set off the bombs so I’ll give you the bombs later I did get a suspicious stew so if you eat that um it will give you one random effect it could be a really good effect like super stren or super jump or it could poison you and kill you so you can you can drink the stew uh on your own on your own terms okay I I’ll do it when we are back in the base back to the base if I lose everything yeah if not I lose everything here um and we will sleep again so do you have your bed in your inventory um yeah okay so come up here and put your bed down on the dirt oh oh maybe maybe come this way yeah come over here and like put your bed down on these pieces of wood here oh sorry you over you got it you got it so close uh okay okay yeah so put your bed down on the floor next to my one yeah and now we can sleep and now monsters won’t get us [Laughter] okay you’re you’re picking it up really fast yay okay so I I just destroyed a bit to have it back right okay okay yeah and now we can keep on moveing on our little Adventure I think finding a village would be really really good cuz there’s a lot of cool stuff to see in the village wait inter right okay yeah you got it you got it girl you sure you’ve never played this game before yeah this is my first time have you like funny Minecraft fun stuff no actually no not really not really God I’ve never seen it before in my life yeah you’re really really learning fast then but yeah what were you going to say what’s funny no I say it’s funny because like you’re always like a nature nature person right like you preserve nature and all but you just lited in the ocean maybe I sh confirm nor deny um yeah but oh my God this is so nice but actually I’m quite shocked it’s really nice the whole thing yeah it’s good when you have a tour guide yeah it’s good even not I wouldn’t I wouldn’t have known like what to do at I think cuz you were asking me before the stream started like what what is the point what is the goal um and we were talking about how like yeah there is a goal in beating the big boss Dragon but at night’s core it’s just super open-ended you just do what you want really um which I think could be you are you okay there shaking a little head around I’m just looking around so I know it could be very overwhelming for people who are kind of used to games that have like set objectives like you must go here and then you must do that um but I think it’s really fun once you get into the habit of like learning how to do it this is an area that we might find wolves by the way that’s what I’m looking for O Okay I want to see wolves yeah me too this is my first time playing this new update she’s learning something um my CH says I’m learning something new every day it’s true this week is learning week so tomorrow I’ll be learning OverWatch oh yeah with Ariel right oh my god betties oh betties let me get out do you remember how yeah look at you go okay I took our boat back so we might find some wolves in [Music] here wolfy wolfy wolf wolfy wolfy wolf oh oh run no there’s wolves there’s wolves here do you see me you see me okay we’re going to go over this way we have to go carefully around this hole on the floor yeah way and it’s one of the new wolves as well oh look at him he kind of looks like you he’s kind of orangey don’t run away come back Wy oh he fell into the hole oh my God he fell in a hole that’s okay oh he came out on so cute Wy look at him a that’s really cute it’s cute it’s really cute my God we’re harassing him but it’s fine we’re chasing him around he’s he’s like oh God who are these crazy people he bed He barked at you yeah I I heard a back um so cute look at him he’s looking at me he’s looking at me he’s looking at you I think that means he might want to be your best friend forever I about do you do you want to see if you can be his best friend forever how uh so if you open your inventory do you have any bones at all uh I have I have oh how many bones do you have 10 oh hell yeah okay if you come over to this wolf and now be very careful so do not hit him you won’t hit him cuz he will attack you and kill you so use the bone and then press your interaction button on him interaction mhm and then keep doing it oh my best friend he loves you he has a collar and everything oh my God that’s so cute and now wherever you go he will follow you so if you like run over this way he’ll follow you yeah yeah keep keep running and he’ll follow you yeah there he comes there he comes there he comes oh my God can I leave you can I um yes but we need to find a special item to be able to do that so we we can that could be our goal is we can look for one okay what the hell is that in the water is that a J Fish uh it’s a squid so the wolf God so cute can we have multiple best friends yes you can have a wolf of every color if you wanted I’m going to do that that’s my goal for I’m going to have yes you’re my first buddy I’ll think of a name yes we can um we can change the the color of its collar as well and if there’s a monster fight the monster for you but we have to make sure that he is safe so if he gets low on health we have to feed him food but that’s okay cuz you can have all my food you can have all your food yes I’ll St for him your favorite color is orange right huh your favorite color is orange yeah yes yes okay if you break one yellow flower and one red flower and one red flower mhm okay open your inventory over my inventory mhm and then take one yellow flower and put it in your crafting table uh-huh does it give you yellow dye um hold on uh I well hold on it’s okay don’t worry don’t worry yeah yeah yellow dye okay so get one yellow dye and get right yeah and then get together yes merge them together so you get orange dye okay I got it you got orange Dy yeah yeah and now go to Wolfie and interact with him and you’ll change the D Wolfie orange oh you can Dy his collar orange that’s kind of as close as we could get sorry okay okay okay yeah yay and now he’s got an [Applause] orange oh my God so cute oh R you’re so cute I want to I want to oh I want to scramble you yeah okay okay okay okay okay we’re going to collect all the Wolves out here we’re going to do that we’re going to do that okay okay that might that might take a very long time um but that can definitely be a thing that we do in the future okay yes yes okay worth it is worth it it’s worth it ask me why I buy Minecraft I just say all the Wolves out there yeah we’ll definitely have like a a group server one day and you can collect as many wolves as your little heart desires and you can breed the wolves and they can have babies with each other okay so when I appear you’ll see like a crowd of wolves behind me I mean that’s only that is only appropriate right all of your AAS yes yes yes yes yes okay this is my go this is my Minecraft go forget fighting forget fighting dragons why why why fight dragons and you can have I mean drag Dragon overrated uh you wanted to give Wolfie a name right yeah so to name Wolfie we need to get a couple of items that means that we have to go into mines where there’s lots of monsters and it’s going to be a little bit dangerous but we can pull it off yes I do it for Wolfie yeah I think we should find a village first and then make like a temporary base in the village and then we can go into the mines so the two items that we need to get from the mines are uh iron so we need a lot of iron to make an anvil sorry furry where do I get why do I get more bones just in case I meet more friends um to get more bones we will have to fight skeletons and we’ll have a lot of time to fight skeletons when we’re in the underground okay that’s cool yes so we’ll find a village so our plan of action is first step we find a village second step to ra we raid the village third step don’t fall in that hole good job fourth step uh we make a temporary base and then fifth step is we go into the mines we kill a bunch of skeletons for bones so we can make lots of wol friends uh and then we mine a bunch of Steel so that we can make anvils and anvils let us rename things so that is step one to renaming Wolfie and then we need to find a name tag that is a rare item that you find in mines um okay so Wolfie will teleport to you when you go too far away so don’t worry about not being able to fit Wolfie in the boat okay yeah that was what I was thinking oh my God you bit my mind so um Wolfie wolves will teleport to you if you get too far away cuz the G I think the game knows that people get really attached to their pets oh look there’s some there’s some foxes yeah there’s some foxes over here a fox yeah so we can’t get too close to them because Wolfie will attack the foxes and that will be very sad oh okay okay okay I get I get that yeah we are not the same after all we’re not to same have you have you had like many comments calling you a fox yes yeah ah I see another wolfy there oh where oh but it’s the same color wolfy oh I can’t wait I can’t see him the back at the back can you backrack I can backtrack a little bit yeah yeah yeah yeah over there oh yeah yeah there’s another wolf do you how many how many bones do you have I only have two more left so I think we should go for the skeleton first you might be able to get it you might be able to get it took it though so a wolf can take anywhere between one bone to a whole bunch of Bones so maybe maybe the RNG Gods will bless you but maybe they won’t uh you have two shots oh oh you go just one bone you got one bone um Wolfie should have teleported To Us by now um hey you you put your bet down real quick hold on you stay right there you stay right there don’t look what I’m doing hold on I’m not letting I’m not letting wolfy go too far I’m not I’m not separating you from Wolfie Wolfie Wolfie is back Wolfie wolf here yeah wol here okay okay okay oh my God down scre screen okay I was really worried I was like oh God if I’ve lost her dog I’m never I’m never forgiving myself they s yeah you can you can make Wolfie sit down as well if you interact on him again oh my God oh my God they both okay can they both sit down can they both sit down they can both sit down okay okay how do I get down uh is Comm uh just interact on Wolfie again oh that’s attack it’s okay don’t worry it’s okay it’s okay yeah you you can it’s okay it’s okay it’s okay okay okay now and now I can take a cute photo of them sat down together you’re so cute oh my god do you want Oh my god do you want them to make a baby are they both of the same are they both of the same gender all animals in Minecraft are her aphrodites oh yeah so if you make them stand up by interacting on them again why am I holding oh okay uh both of them stand up and this one stand up and I’ll give them one piece of meat each okay wait wait I’m not I’m not ready to handle babies yet let’s okay yeah let’s wait until we have a house actually before babies my my actual dog is here she’s like why are you sping okay okay baby I love you okay oh a she’s feeling replaced for Minecraft dogs okay okay okay come over here and so cute look at this uh you should put your bed down soon before we get uh monster detected okay okay baby uh um a bit bit Yeah and then you lie down in it yeah we’re doing top top to toes toes to top yeah oh no you broke it okay wait I’m putting it in the right wolfy wolfy wolfy Excuse excuse me wolfy it’s okay you you can put it anywhere that you want uh wait uh interact you got it you got it Y and then just lie down and it quick quick just lie down anywhere please please okay okay I I I I’m down you got it okay and now we sleep yay okay woo that was a close one where’s the place that I saved the screenshots just asking um I I’ll show you how to find it later okay okay okay okay okay okay okay back in the boat we have a village to find and raid back in the boat you got it you got it you got it you got it so close yeah I can I can see the gears turning I can see the steam I have two I have two bits did I take your bit by accident uh oh yeah yeah yeah that’s okay that just means you have to get my bed ready for me ooh uh village Village usually it’s pretty easy to find villages I’m surprised that we haven’t come across one yet this means it’s going to be a very good Village what can we usually do um there’s going to be a lot of food and then hopefully there’ll be supplies like things like armor and weapons and they might even have like a potion brewing stand and some like valuable things like iron and diamonds and emeralds and most importantly they have houses can we steal the houses for ourselves yes absolutely we can in fact it’s encouraged okay okay we need to find a big house so that we can have a good house for Wolfie wol this is a very Noble a noble mission is get a big house for my [Laughter] dog yes that’s the reason why I cry of bit every day got to grind it out for Wolfie oh do we have a name for the second wolf so we we know what to call it’s Wolfie one and Wolfie 2 for now I’m still thinking of names um what about uh Wolfie and wolfy and who wolfy and f f okay yeah wolfy oh there’s a village there’s a village Dead Ahead Dead Ahead Dead Ahead oh they’ve got a library they’ve got a church stop swearing I’m going to throttle you okay okay okay okay okay okay okay there we go swear okay what did you say it again it’s not a s yes it is okay we have a village so number one rule about the village do not hit the villagers and do not hit this big robot guy cuz if you hit him he will kill you in one hit don’t even be tempted he will destroy you oh yeah that’s a villager um if you hit him the guy will the big the big golem will also come hit you oh so care wait if we are not allowed to heat we just steal all of their items and they do nothing about it um so my quest for you is have a look at all these different houses and whichever one that you decide is going to be our house we can just take it it and no one will ever stop us okay sounds great sounds great sounds great sounds great everybody’s like H yeah they’re like H let me open let me open this door now this house is too small too small too small not big enough not big enough for Wolfie yeah Wy needs a bungalow a bungalow interesting okay that’s the biggest house I think that that’s the biggest house is it the one that has like a bunch of beds and some tables in it yeah the the one that I just went in I think that was the biggest and that’s the nicest ooh okay it’s like a table that’s that’s a table as well yeah okay so you can put some stuff down in there like you can put your crafting table down and like yeah this one this one I think this looks nice this is a nice house oh yeah I see you I see you okay we can take that one um um I’ll take you I’ll grab I’ll grab some chests so we Wolfie can come in um has Wolfie not teleported to you yet sorry my voice is very there’s another animal that’s jumping around is that a lion a lion is it a lion wait hold on a lion oh is it a cat it could be a lion sorry sorry a lion or a cat okay wait wait I’m I’m going to go find out what what are you what are you are you a cat sorry I it’s it’s it’s cat it’s a cat it’s a cat it’s a cat it’s cat it’s cat no it’s a lion it’s it’s absolutely a lion no you you were right the first time this one where are you chasing the cat chasing the lion it’s a c yep that’s a lion absolutely a lion if I from a f from a f looks like a cat I mean a lion because you know it’s white it’s white and it’s tiny oh my God you drowned what what are you getting up to I’m scared this is a very big Village oh I’m I’m coming back now I went to chase I went to chase the cat yeah the cat’s name is lion okay good good it’s a good idea the is you’re very creative with names okay I’m back hi oh hello okay did you see our house uh is it this one over here this big one is it this one I don’t I don’t remember but no go away why in my house okay yeah this yes correct this one this one okay okay this will be our house I’ll put some ovens and stuff down so we can cook some food I’m going to put crafting table then uh crafting table This Is Us taking over the world I mean the taking over their [Laughter] house okay world domination number one and then what color would you prefer for a bed would you like a white bed or would you like a yellow bed orange uh we don’t have orange just I okay yellow is fine yeah yellow’s a little bit closer to Orange yeah I have bits with me what do I do with the bits uh so you can go to this chest over here and just dump all the stuff that you don’t want in there how do I how did I open it oh my God the Villager can you get the hell out of my yeah okay thank you very much okay app me sorry my voice is really horse um interact with it and then I will make a special door that makes it so that villagers can’t come in here cuz they they they can open doors oh they’re very smart like that but that’s kind of that’s kind of all they can do I have some saplings with me is it useful um we can plant trees with those okay I’m going to put everything that I have right now in the large chest and I’m going to drink the suspicious uh soup okay okay uh click on a bed before you do it so that’ll set like your respawn Point click on the bit as in the one on the orange one the orange beit I mean the yellow beit yep and you’ll should get like a popup that says like respawn Point set okay wait hold on let me put everything that I have in I have so many beds yeah we have so many bits um I’ll make have some bread no oh okay wait wait let me just click on the how do I click on the bit think about Point set okay got I got it there go now whenever you die you will come back here okay I’m going to drink now uh okay okay how do you feel I don’t know what’s happening to me if you if you PR pois if you press e it should tell you maybe e no it just says that I have an empty bowl now oh I think nothing happened to me I think nothing happened okay that that work think nothing happened to me oh I was kind of hoping that you’d get like superpowers or something no the only superow I need is to survive oh okay okay bones with me I got torches with me I got food with me I’m on my way to make friends you’re on your way to make friends how many torches do you have four four okay I will give you a little bit more can we eat pumpkin [Music] um maybe can we make pumpkin soup I don’t remember uh possibly is the pump soup possibly um I’m going to give you some pants so you can wear those oh wait I need to take some apple apple and carrot and potato potato okay you’re very cute [Laughter] Rea okay okay uh Pence where uh I me bread you give me Tedy bread I gave you lots of bread I know you don’t like bread but food is important um I might die don’t worry about it but yeah you can put those pants on your um on your armor doesn’t look nice anymore can I can I put it on but like she don’t look like she’s bearing it uh unfortunately not oh my God I’m sorry silver wolf you look bad but it’s okay fine I’ll give you a little bit of [Music] armor um and now we’re going to make some Shields um actually no I take it back I am GNA make some shields for us because making Shields is hard and I don’t want to have to explain how to do this thank you thank you for joining rest well oh my God what is it is it oh it’s a shield oh yeah so do you remember where your Shield slot is I’ve equipped it yes there you go okay now I have a shield so if we come across um any skeletons or something um you can activate your shield and they won’t be able to shoot you oh we can sleep now mhm okay yay and now it’s daytime okay so you have do you have food R yes I have uh but I’m going to eat some now I think so you have food you have some armor you have a shield you have a sword can I just eat the Potato by itself oh absolutely go crazy so we should be set to go on a Mining Adventure and it’s probably for the oh whoops I okay there’s some guys in the house that’s fine I saw so Wolfie and you can’t just walk into my house like that I know that’s illegal get out of here this isn’t Pokemon so wolfy and foodo foodie what did you call your dog f f uh f f I forgot woy f f f because it’s like wolfy but you just stop it over oh okay you’re very ctive so it’s good that they haven’t teleported to us yet cuz they could get into some danger when we go into the mines so we’re going to go digging and I love digging digging is like my favorite thing to do in this game you got it I’m going to throw I’m going to throw this I I picked up y oh yeah Q how do I oh all right all right Q you’re professional okay I see there’s a big cave over here that we might be able to go into um let’s see let’s go let’s go let’s go let’s go there’s some water but I think if we go past the water this way we might be able to get into the mines okay you’re going to have to swim across the water it’s going to push you a little bit but just just keep persevering yeah you got it yay okay I think we’ll find some good stuff in here okay am I Wolfies with me uh not yet but that’s good cuz they they will get hurt in the mines okay oh my God just like that um I’m going to get this cuz this is iron ore so we got some pieces of iron where are you did you fall I’m yeah I did oh oh there you are there you are I’m here if it gets dark you can put a torch on the floor and it’ll light everything up okay okay okay yeah and it’ll help us so if we get lost we’ll be able to follow the Torches back out what is this oh that’s glow lien it’s like a plant that grows on the walls um and it gives you a little bit of like not too much but enough to make the mines less Pitch Black ah okay good cave lots of monsters I’ll I’ll get a head oh where are you um just head the opposite direction just follow like the natural shape of the cave okay I’m putting some torches down okay oh I see you yep you’re on your way yeah so it’s a a nice big cave but because it’s so big there’ll be a lot of monsters that spawn and come from different directions so we have to be very careful yep if you’re feeling worried about it just use your shield and it can’t get you if you have your Shield up yeah how do I how do I use my shield so your destruction button hits your sword Y and then your usage button uh activates your Shield okay and always make sure that you have uh lots of that you’re eating lots of food so your health doesn’t go down too much okay yeah you got it you’re the skeletons run away from skeletons are you a skeleton then you’re going to die get him get him get him get him oh no I I I I hit you by accident I think you got it it’s okay don’t worry I can you see I usually have a mod on that makes uh that gets rid of all the darkness and caves but because we’re playing on a new update everything’s really dark and I’m like what’s happening okay spiders coming be careful make sure you eat lots of food yeah I need to eat first but I need to kill the spider first there you go there you go okay I need to eat uh I need to eat uh uh you got it you got it I need I I need to eat bread now okay um uh I have raw I have a rotten flashh with me can I get rid of that [ __ ] I can I get that um you can get rid of it or you can take it to feed uh Wolfie and fuu because they they like rotten flesh oh they like it yeah is it not healthy for them it’s fine uh if we eat it we’ll get poisoned but wolves don’t get poisoned cuz they like it oh okay all right if they like it I’ll get it yeah okay creeper get you oh careful careful it will explode good one girl that was close Oh I thought you were a goner are they are they stronger than the others um so they won’t like hit you but they walk up to you and when they’re close to you they explode the one that you mentioned that will explode so they will kill you in one explosion essentially and it’s very scary oh I see another zombie oh there is another zombie don’t worry I got you I got you girl I won’t let him get you it’s like a land mine yeah it is it is I can see why you are I can see why you like it so much now I love to dig and I love Danger sounds good don’t back up back up back up back up okay close one as there’s a m shaft here that will have lots of goodies in it like name tags which we need for Wolfie um but we’ll need a couple more stuff before we can go no don’t don’t come don’t come don’t come don’t come you got it save me save me defend me Rona you got it defend me no I have to say that I have only three Health left but it’s okay you got I think I think I think I don’t know I think so yeah keep getting him yeah y okay okay I’m going to make like a very temporary little base over here because we’re going to make some armor okay I’m going to eat I’m going to eat bread eat your bread girl eat your bread no yeah yeah okay get in here and then I’m just going to block off this so spookies can’t get us um and then I need to make a new pickaxe I think yeah so we’re going to we’re going to get ourselves all set up here oh I don’t have any more sticks never mind it’s okay I got some sticks okay so I’ve put some iron ore in the oven and it’s going to start cooking us some iron ingots and we can use the iron ingots to make a really powerful armor and more powerful weapons yay um it’ll just take a while to cook cuz there there’s a few there’s there’s a lot of us can you stay in here and just keep an eye on it and I am going to scope out over here we just watch okay it’s a little bit dangerous we just watch everything burn you’re the chef on duty okay we explode uh it shouldn’t never heard of that before okay you can never be too safe I’m safe I I might need some more [Music] coal um yeah okay so I think we’ll work on we’ll get you a full set of armor first and and then we’ll get me a full set of armor and then okay hopefully we’ll have enough iron to M we might not do a full set of armor we might do like a half set and then tools cuz we can’t really do anything without tools okay Betty could be Betty is not going to be one of she’s not going to be inside we’re not going to cook Betty no no Betty Betty gets to live because I’m feeling generous yes that he gets to live I will eat bread just so so that I will not kill B okay there is an iron pickaxe oh okay okay and here is an iron sword if you step forward a little bit wait hold on hold on uh uh got it so these will do like a lot more damage compared to all the other stuff okay wait hold on uh yeah I need to eat then I need to pick up the the Sal you got it okay yeah anything have supposed to take oh thank you herob Brian for the donation thank you oh my God why is my wait her uh so the the username that that person has to uh donate to you is do you know like Creepy Pasta like horror stories and stuff yeah uh Herobrine is like a a Minecraft creepy pasta he’s like a a scary Minecraft urban legend oh okay I’m GNA give you a helmet okay put that on then I’m going to make us some booties so you can put those booties on helmet uh wait hold on I don’t need a touch anymore B I can put it here first H this it’s kind of tricky doing like the the inventory management and stuff um and then best you you already have a pair of pants so I will I will give myself a pair of pants and then we need to get some more iron and then we can get even more armor okay lot creepy side things there yeah there’s a lot of um how many torches do you have uh I have I have 12 you have 12 okay take all of those and now have fall yeah that’s good that’s good so this piece of wood here that is a mine shaft and there’s lots of good loot in there ever there’s also a spider spawner which spawns a bunch of poisonous spiders and they’re pretty difficult cuz if you get caught in a cobweb you get trapped spiders can move through it but we can’t so it’s a kind of a trap for spiders to get us so we’re still going to go in there but I’m going to go in first uh you’re going to defend my back I’m going to go in I’m going to break the thing that spawns the spiders and then we can go through skeleton is hitting me I’m there’s a creeper be careful be careful run away run away go go go just run just run just run just run there you go you got it you’re professional okay let’s hop up in here okay okay okay make you I missed some stairs there you go I yeah you go so we’re going to go in here I’m going to go in first and I just need you to watch my back to make sure nothing gets me as I’m doing this okay okay this is this is a a dangerous operation so I’m just looking at from the back yeah you’re just making sure that nothing gets me while I’m doing this okay okay I see some spiders already they’re going to like start making their way towards us so if it hits you it will poison you um but it won’t last too long just have to make sure that you’re eating food um stand behind me cuz oh behind me behind me behind me okay I’m behind you I’m behind you and make sure you’ve got lots of food in your system yes I have yeah good unfortunately it’s always good okay okay I hear spider careful it’s coming yeah you got it you got a critical hit on him that was really really good okay back up back up quite a hit you by accident though it’s okay back up quite a bit I think there’s one hiding right up here yeah this is intense cuz like when I’m playing the game I only need to worry about myself but now it’s like okay okay Rona is here I have to be like even extra extra extra careful it’s okay our respawn yeah oh okay M spider good good good good good good and now this is the box that spawns the spiders but I can break it and now the spiders won’t spawn but there might be a couple lurking around and this is like a very common trap in the M shaft so there might even be another spawner speak of the devil I think there I think there’s a second one okay we’re we’re fighting through the dungeons right now there’s like Dungeons and stuff in genin right or Star rail uh I think genin yes yeah okay okay yeah I still never played them I played um oh God you remember Tower of fantasy what’s happening uh it’s just thunder and lightning outside don’t worry about it okay a okay just run just run just run just run but it’s dead oh you’re dead D it for you no as in as in the the spider is dead I would just back up uh to where there’s like lots of torches and then I I want I want to take all your items first though yeah I don’t want to lose like your items okay wait let me and I’m all my way down it won’t take me too long yes com I’m I’m eating bread and waiting for you yeah there you go there you go that’s the Strat that’s the Strat you got it okay I’m nearly there okay okay I’m going to I’m going to wait till you are back and you can take back all your armor yeah okay uh I see I can see your name don’t worry I can see you uh super sweetie I’m on my way I’m right behind you hello hi I’m over here you can take my sword yes I do need your sword um can you come a little bit closer over here cuz spiders can still get you there come a little bit over here okay okay okay can I have my boots and my pants and that should oh uh boots pants and H the pickaxe and that should be all I need hold on I’m finding your pant I don’t think I got your pant oh it’s okay uh they’re probably over there I can grab them okay wait hold on hold on uh uh um if you’re in your inventory given you have I given have I given you your boots yet no there you go it um oh and the pickaxe and a pickaxe so if you hold an item in your inventory to drop it um you can just pick it up in the inventory grab it and like drag it off the side of the screen and oh to just drop it out oh okay okay yeah that’s like a like a quick way to do it if you’re in the inventory you can you can have my pens oh thank you thank you thank you okay um okay wait how do I give it to you uh did I drop it uh I’m just clearing this with cobwebs I’ll be back in a second okay I give you my pants oh thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you what else do you need iron uh no not iron uh uh um you should have my pants I think I didn’t take it wait they should huh where did the pants go yeah I don’t have your pant what they’re not caught in the cobwebs and spiders can’t see I don’t oh wait wait wait iron leggings okay okay I Sor you got them you got them okay okay okay okay okay okay um I’ll take those and then I’ll give you these pants back um can you sorry sorry my I don’t know what’s up my throat are you okay uh yeah I think I’m just maybe overexerting myself a little bit but like not to a worry don’t overit yourself um okay can you throw me all of your torches and all of your food and then I’ll split it in half and then I’ll throw you half back uh yeah that works that works oh yeah make a r make a r make it I I’ll T um if you throw them too close to you they’ll like go back into you okay okay okay let me go to the back yeah there you go okay I could pent with me yeah and then can you throw me can you throw me so what what else some food oh my God yes take all the bread yeah I’ll have all the bread give me all the bread I’ll take it I’ll take it take them all bread bread bread I love bread I had a dream about bread last night why cuz it’s yummy why it’s not it’s not it’s so like when you get like nice crunchy cheesy bread oh it’s the best okay wait let me close this up okay okay you ready to go more adventuring yeah my my my the is I have is like spoiling so um I will get another sword don’t you worry so we’ll come down here so be careful not to touch the cobwebs cuz you’ll get stuck in the oh hi hello where are you up up up so if you touch the cobwebs you will get stuck in the cobweb so don’t touch the cobwebs okay I’m going to have a look to see if we can find some oh iron is good we’ll take some iron so we can make a new sword okay just mine here okay okay M oh careful gravel um can you put an oven down uh a furnace uh yes yes uh oh y down okay yeah there we go um and then we can cook some iron so we can make you a new sword and I’ll leave that to cook a little bit once I put some torches down I have I have a TNT yes that is a bomb yes uh we can set the bomb off but we need to find some special stuff first see [Music] pants sharing yeah me me and renona Gamers we we wear each other’s pants what are you talking about yes oh what that what I don’t see much skeletons St um don’t you worry there will be a lot of skeletons they’re kind of a nuisance and I have I have two bones as well and I imagine you probably have some bones too I have one oh okay we we’ll get some sharing is caring yes sharing is caring um okay can you put a crafting table down okay hold on uh uh mhm you got it yeah okay okay so I’ll make you a new sword I have two crafting tables is it uh you can keep one I’ll take one and you can take one okay can I get rid of my current Sal since it’s like uh hold on to it cuz it it’ll still last a little while and then as soon as it breaks you can switch to the new one okay I have I still have the other the other one the the stone one oh oh you can get rid of the stone one yeah okay I will use the I will first use the one that’s about to spoil then I will use the stone and then I use the iron yeah okay good inventory manager let’s go let’s go let’s go um so we’re looking for so the treasure that we’ll find in here you see these like train tracks that go across the floor mhm there’s a chance that we can find an old abandoned mine cart that is like full of treasure but we have to find one first and these places are oh go go back back back back back back back careful back back back back back back back woo close Okay so it just explodes um upon seeing us yeah oh there’s another one back back back back back yeah oh okay it kind of cleared the way for us a little bit um okay this feels like Mystery Dungeon actually yeah oh are you are you like a big Mystery Dungeon player yeah I do I do I play a lot of Mystery Dungeon oh which one do you like a chocobo Mystery Dungeon or Pokemon or Pokemon yeah oh this explor of sky is so good yes yes I played that I played uh the first one when it came out as well yeah and I I went all the way so that I could befriend me oh my God the dungeon had 99 floor I I I traveled through it almost every day just so that I could meet me that’s so cute you’re so cute yeah and I was like okay you know what that’s it that’s it I’m tired which uh which Pokemon are you when you play the game uh for Red Rescue I think I was Pikachu oh fitting then I think for um I forgot for which one was it but I was a realu oh yeah for sky or uh time and darkness or whichever yeah and there was one where I was a Skitty and I was oh that’s cute I mean Skitty is really good cuz it can put people to sleep yeah then my body is always like either uh fire type m yeah they’re good cuz they can like go on lava and stuff okay spiders careful okay I literally have no business can we kill the bat um you can if you would like to uh put that torch back put that torch back oh okay okay okay the spider is hitting me wait hold on I can’t put the torch back it’s okay fight spider and then torch oh spider and then touch okay by the time I’m ready to put the touch the spider is dead Okay lot of tches I need I need to eat food now eat some food and there should be some good treasure in here ah my go you my yeah my my wolfes yeah my wolfy foot wolf fuel it’s like G fuel but for wolves oh go back and check the the chest there might be some treasure in there oh okay wait okay okay the beds are kind of cute though they’re really cute so bats are pretty good cuz if a bat spawns in a cave it will make it harder for monsters to spawn so we like bats and caves oh I my inventory is full okay wait uh uh you can like dump some stuff if you don’t like it do I need string if I don’t need string I’ll get rid of it ah you don’t need string n uh wait wait let me let me uh uh uh okay I’m going to come here and I’m just going to throw some random [ __ ] yeah language you random things okay uh spider eye the need uh I picked it up away again uh go away okay never mind it keeps coming back okay I’m going to get rid of I don’t want I don’t want this okay okay spider eye spider eye troll okay then I’m going to troll this because it’s like SP soon I’m going to get rid of the stone sword then mhm mhm good moves good moves I’ll eat the potato yes um so in the Treasure we got a saddle and some golden horse armor so those horses that we found earlier we can actually go back and tame them and you can ride on a horse oh okay wait let me open this chest oh I I just dumped a bunch of uh oh uh you don’t okay you don’t need to break it cuz then it will give you all the items inside you can how do I open it then uh just just interact yeah so you can if you there’s like a bunch of stuff that you don’t want you can just put like them all in here okay okay I thought I had to break it okay let’s Okay Sor I should let you know okay I’m going to get rid my stone pickaxe I don’t need that [ __ ] I’m R okay uh uh okay I’m not going to CH this nothing F will pass okay never mind uh do you have any iron I have one iron ingot oh can you give me the iron ingot okay wait hold on uh actually if you just put it in the chest I can just take it out the chest that might be a bit easier okay uh uh yep and then do you have any raw iron uh cuz you can put the raw iron in there and then I can cook it into it’ll look like a weird like pinkish peachish blob I have raw copper oh I have raw iron yes oh that’s a lot that’s good that’s good okay so I should be able to make you some armor now I can hear zombies and it it scares me yeah I don’t need any strings I’m going to get rid of the strings do I need gunpowder um nah no okay true do I need Redstone Dust ooh yes keep a little bit of that cuz we’ll we’ll need that to explode some bombs later for fun okay okay okay then I think I’ll keep the rest okay okay I hear zombies Tores yes zombie zombie zombie Z yes oh my god oh I song really excited to see the covers that you’re going to pet out like I’m oh I’m so so so excited okay let’s see if our iron I’m here don’t worry oh wait oh yeah we we have fun okay so let’s make you some better pants so you can take oh I can get rid of my current pant yeah you can get rid of your curtain pants um and then we’ll need a little bit more before I can make you a chest plate it’s like the zombie saying ouch ouch ouch ouch OU yeah they like ow leave me alone okay make sure you put on your new my dog’s chewing st stop he’s like no you’re giving all this attention to these like digital dogs that I’m right here R put on your pants God damn it you indecent woman okay okay wait wait wait I need to I need to let me get rid of this first then I’m going to put on some pants is that rotten flesh I’m going to keep it for Wolfie yeah you can take that for Wolfie okay okay I’m going to wear my pants now okay okay we are good to continue on our adventure I’m going to I’m going to put the stick are you are you like a neck clicker kind of person you like to like clack your neck no sound comes out D no really yeah oh I just clacked my neck and it was like one of those really painful one that like sends like a like an electric shock down your arm oh oh but I I understand though like I think there was on I did it like accidentally oh no yeah oh that’s the worst and I felt like I broke my neck yeah do you ever get it sometimes where you just like it it feels like there’s just like a bunch of blood rushing down your neck it gets like really really warm to my leg yes sometimes when I stretch too much and yeah but I was told that it I was told that it’s it’s it would be like I’m growing I’m growing taller oh oh like you know like when your leg is hurting and oh my God there’s a zombie where you I’m I’m I think I’m one layer below you there’s so many things here the the creeper is following me run P I’m making you some armor okay okay okay okay okay okay okay okay okay okay okay okay okay the zombie is coming though I’m going to catch him here I’m just going to hit him here yeah got it get again so he can yeah he can come up hi loser okay oh I can hear you hitting him pink oh my God he’s not dying oh yeah he died okay good good job good job good job me okay St laughing are you I’m going to give you some armor hi hi hello oh okay I see you behind you I thre you some armor behind you behind you behind me behind Okay so that is the last piece of armor that you’re going to need until you’re like fully stacked up for the time yay so now it’s going to be a lot harder oh oh oh there’s some treasure treasure treasure treasure treasure oh there’s no name tag you should take the golden apple because that will it’ll heal you a lot if you get damag but save that for like a like a really serious occasion why the pumpkin seats and like melon seeds fall do we do we take them uh you can if you want we might not have time for any farming but but it’ll help you like grow melons and pumpkins and stuff okay I’ll just take them then what what about the reals are they useful not for our purposes okay goodbye so it’s in those chests that we would find uh name tags so I guess we just have to keep looking until we find some more okay okay run run R R I don’t think there’s anything down there oh there’s another one right here oh okay you loot it I’ll get the skeleton there a name tag there a name tag there a name tag oh oh there’s an Ender be careful uh okay you get the name tag I I the spookies that’s also tree bread oh nice and there’s a lot of torches I’m going to take all the Torches yeah okay y there a name tag okay okay okay I’m going to help fight but okay before that let me eat let me just eat while I watch FY fight yeah so there’s like a big tall black guy with purple eyes don’t hit him whatever you do do not hit him so he’s friendly yeah he’s friendly as long as you don’t look at him in the eyes and then he is like one of the strongest guys ever in he will kill you oh okay no I’m not going to die because I got my name tag yeah okay so we have an a name tag the next thing we need is an anvil which we need a lot of iron for like a lot a lot a lot of iron so we need to get a lot of iron and then we can leave we can go back to the surface and not have to worry about any of the creepy crawlies where do we get iron um we just have to find it oh so it’s not like a place that we can mind it right it’s justand we just like find it randomly we’ve gotten quite a few so far but we’ll need a little bit more okay I’ll do it randomly then yeah okay I’m not going to I’m not going to do it here since the Ender’s here I’m going to move somewhere else yeah he’s scary he’s scary can I just destroy it random yeah okay iron iron iron where is all the iron uh [Music] oh even if I do have an iron I don’t have the space for it okay I’m going to get rid of something there’s one there’s [Music] two yeah we’re going to eat a lot of ir a lot lot lot of ir I’m going to get rid of this wait uh uh uh uh okay you know what go buy seats I think I’m not going to keep the seats anymore no space no space no space sacrifice yes who needs farming yeah who needs who needs farming when we can kill Betty right yeah no oh you said yeah you said yeah you said yeah I heard it you said yeah we can we can just steal pumpkins why do we need to farm for for we need to gr that’s true I think the villagers grow pumpkins for us yeah we can steal all their hard they can just work for us they can just work for us now you’re learning now you’re learning she’s a real Minecraft gamer you know when I play Pokemon last time oh yeah my my sister will say I’m a very horrible person why I will because I will I will I will make sure that I breed the perfect one with the perfect IV and and like nature so I have a lot of okay what I what I DB them as bat Jacks so that’s so mean oh my God that’s so mean yeah so my breeding rejects which I will keep them in like a box and then um I will wonder to treade them away yeah are you have you have you played scarlet and violet yet yes I have yeah oh we need to battle on there one day with uh competitive Pokemon and see see what I I didn’t I didn’t do the same for like scarlet and violet I think yeah you’re how the most competitive I’ve been I think is like where are you think oh I don’t know hi I I dug through the ceiling hello oh where where are you I’m here I you were like below me so I dug down um so I have 34 iron I I didn’t get any I think I think um we might need a little bit more but we can start cooking it to see uh I think we will need a bit more so I’ll let that cook I go searching yeah I’m going to look around as well I’m just going to destroy random [Laughter] floss just going to break for random wall iron iron iron where could it be since gravity don’t exist here I can do whatever the hell I want yeah it’s good it’s good you can make like weird Towers or like Bridges through the sky and they can go from miles and they’ll never break that’s great rejects no no they’re not called rejects they’re called breedjects breedjects very specifically so they are the rejects of my reading hey yo hey yo yeah I’m a haror person I think I think I think I think there might not be any iron left in this mine so we might have to move on somewhere else where did I put the oven oh it’s over here let’s have a look see yeah we’ll let this uh cook for a little bit oh thank the super th I than thank you thank you thank you thick for Thea um so I’ll let this cook for a little bit and then I say we make our way back up to the surface and see if we can find like any iron ore that is um poking out on like the surface of the the world instead of having to be in a dangerous mine okay cooking cooking cooking oh my God I can I can control this if I’m standing here yeah that my superpower oh b i I should have eaten before we got on stream I’m so hungry I’m really hungry too but I ate are you ate already yeah what do you have it’s late for me I have to eat yeah you have to have a midnight snack girl I have chips beside me my Pringles oo I heard the Pringles ASMR I think it was yesterday did you hear my plastic ASMR yeah in the plastic bag ASMR I’m I would listen to ASMR if that’s what it sounded like yeah I would just roughly for three hours do you ever feel like a plastic bag a plastic bag I have good news I think we might actually have more than enough iron I think I did my math wrong which isn’t a surprise I’m very bad at math yeah I’m bad at math too it’s a key it’s a it’s vtuber treat okay well this continues to cook um start digging a way out we could like find the cave that we came in on but that’ll take forever so we can just make oh so we can just our way out okay do do I need to keep the the crafting table yeah yeah hold on to it so I I’ll just keep it for now yeah okay how about the oven do I need to keep the oven uh yeah keep the oven is it cooked already do I need to take anything um go go check I think we don’t have enough coal still still it’s still cooking though yeah leave I have I have nine I have nine more coals o put the coal in there um and then we might be able to it might be able to finish cooking while I’m digging our stairway okay let’s dig let’s dig dig dig dig dig dig dig dig d m the whole day okay wait I can’t I I can’t even climb up the stairs okay uh uh uh uh uh oh my God she’s done all the work it’s like St to Heaven um I have a feeling that the we might be digging into a mountain um which would be very funny if that was true cuz I’m pretty ow I’m sorry I’m sorry I’m sorry I’m sorry cuz I’m pretty sure the cave that we went into was right next to a mountain um so potentially we are digging in up a mountain right now which would be very [Laughter] funny it’s okay the things that I do for wolfy oh my God wait mother yes oh it’s there it’s there sorry I got lost for a moment how many how many irons do we have left to cook okay uh five ooh okay stay down there until it’s all cooked and then once it’s all cooked bring everything up okay I need to get rid of something I think uh okay what can I troll I’m going to troll [Music] away I really want to throw away the bread as long as you have meat you should be okay to throw away the bread okay that’s what I’m going to do okay okay you can do that okay it’s gone I’ve thrown it away okay is it ready okay yes it’s ready okay bring it bring it back up okay okay I’m going to I’m going to climb the stairs oh wait let me keep this okay let me climb the stairs to have hi okay let’s go hi hi let’s go let’s go back to Wolfie go uh we we only have one name tag though so we can only name Wolfie we can’t name W woo fuu Fu it’s okay I will rethink the name he doesn’t deserve a name and we’re back on the service we need to think of a different name for wolfy because um I feel like it’s not a very good name smoochi muchi oh we can name him muchi muchi yeah that’s cute that’s cute okay muchi muchi the last time the last time I named I named um my my character lat and I named the that’s cute and I your name being uh what yeah Riri bubble te is very cute oh my God can he baa yes oh b b yeah yeah I vote for Boba I vote for Boba okay okay baa Boba okay okay time to for B byri The Village okay okay okay okay okay Mom can you once we get back in our house can you give me all of the iron that we got okay we have home Invaders yeah can we get rid of them I think they should start to leave soon and once their ow close the door on them okay uh I’m going to troll um you’re going to troll all the iron all the iron okay yeah uh uh Make It Rain make it rain Make It Rain okay okay oh my God I took it all back I put it all on the floor I one go um go into your inventory and then grab it and then just throw it off the side of the menu yeah but I pick it up almost immediately though um it’s okay right okay sometimes it’s like a little bit too close to you oh okay we have a very expensive item called an anvil now okay let’s come on leave get out get out again yeah how do how do I how do I how do I get them to get out okay you know what I’m going to I’m going to put some of my things inside are you going to punch them no I can’t I can’t right no you can’t you can’t the monster will get you or the the goem will get you yeah yeah okay one guy’s left I have to wait for the other guy to decide he wants to leave I’m just going to put on my items that I don’t need inside yeah tonight I’m just going to H [Laughter] [Music] imagine if someone makes a very bad suggestion I’m like um okay you say in there I am going to go double check something real quick okay um but yeah let me know when you’re ready to use your name tag okay okay I’m going to put the golden apple inside as well yeah the Golden Apple is very cool it’s like a very rare item I’m going to just Pi out this and this so that I don’t waste space okay uh uh okay okay I’m ready I’m ready to name Moi you ready oh b b baa you only have one name tag are you going to name Wolfie or are you going to name Boba I’m going to change Wolfie’s name to Boba so the orange color will be B okay and the big color will be Moi but I will have another name tag for him next time can he please leave the house you’re intruding my space go out um are Moi and Boba near you yeah they with me they with you good yeah baa baa is here baa is here okay are you ready to give him a nickname uh oh oh they’re getting me they’re getting me make them sit down make them sit down please make them sit down sit down sit down sit down sit down sit down sit down sit down sit down sit down sit down sit down sit down sit down sit down sit down sit down sit down sit down sit down sit down you need to train your dogs better get him out of leash wait wait I opened the chest wait wait wait where where where’s where’s baa sit down sit down BBA sit down sit down okay okay oh my God baa sitting on my bed that’s so cute that oh that is really cute okay so do you have your name tag yeah but let me eat first okay eat lots of food I should also do that yes okay now that you have your name tag going to go over to the Anvil and you’re going to interact with the Anvil interact with the Anvil okay okay okay so put the name tag in the very first slot on the left and then name it Boba how do I name my name tag um there should be like a area for you to type some text oh okay uh uh wait repair and name yes so Boba mhm wait I can’t type uh have you put the name tag in the first slot oh okay okay so I just put BBA BBA BBA okay and then it should give you a finished version that you can take oh yeah and now you can come over to Boba and you can interact with Boba ba ba ba yeah interact yeah uh uh and now his name is B and now he’s attacking me please make it sit down please make it sit down please make him sit down sit down okay and now his name is Boba can this guy get off my B there you go there we go and now your dog’s name is officially Boba oh my God that’s so cute yeah and that just like that in 2 hours you have completed oh my God leave B leave B leave B okay oh you go to sleep if you want you can go to sleep no but he’s sitting on my b get off you can yeah there you go there you go take the bed okay okay okay okay and now in officially two hours or so you have completed your Minecraft mission of getting a dog and naming it Boba and they’re all very angry at me they’re all very angry at me cuz I think I must have hit you at one point in time and now they want to kill me it’s okay okay my goal my goal is to have many many okay you know what what what did you say about getting them to like breed so what do I give them both meat yes um I will stand on the other side of this gate however cuz they will attack me as soon as they stand up so make them stop make them like stand up okay and then make the other one stand up and give them both some meat uh any meat uh yeah any meat it could be rotten flesh it can be like cooked meat okay now let me give you cooked meat yeah and then give them to both of them until they start having like red love hearts on each other oh they just it I think uh do it do it again I think they might be low on hell and then make them stand up so they can kiss each other and now they have a baby oh really where [Music] there there’s a baby where’s the baby where’s the baby oh my oh my God this villager needs to get the hell out of this place oh my God baby I I cannot come in your dog can you make your dog sit down again please okay okay my wolfy wolfy come okay okay okay I have too many screenshots on my okay okay uh uh uh uh sit down and is the other one sat down yay okay I can come back in the house and now you have a family of dogs you have Boba Wolfie and a puppy what’s the puppy going to be [Music] called okay how long are you going to stay in my house can you get the hell out of this place right now can I’m having a moment I’m having a moment with my new the new child you could hit him and get the Wolves to kill him but that might also kill me also so uh uh yeah how do they how did I get to like you again um I think I have to like log in and out maybe to reset it I’m not too sure oh okay yeah you have completed your Minecraft goal how do you feel how was your Minecraft experience it’s good it’s good I enjoyed it you like Minecraft I enjoyed it yes okay I’m going to have to recruit you into my my Minecraft server one day my VY Minecraft server the the big one the big one yeah that has everyone in it I’m already inside yeah yeah but we’re going to have one that has Stella and Ariel and Scarlet and and Nova and Salon it’s going to be [Music] awesome yeah okay my God I’m going to have I’m going to have I’m going to have so many wolves so many wolves so do you feel like you’re you’re ready to play Minecraft as a independent Explorer um maybe yeah yeah I guess I guess I guess there you go there oh my God look at this oh look at this baby I want the two of them to stand together but I think it’s very difficult okay you can make the baby stop sitting and then like maybe kind of like bring him over okay okay come come come come here come here baby come here oh my god oh sorry I’m smacking you I’m trying to kill this guy ah oh no okay I’ll I’ll lure the babyy killing you I’ll lure the baby and now make it sit down when he the parents sit down make it sit down make it sit down I’m try I’m trying to because I’m right next to you you see and this guy is blocking me okay sit down sit down yeah there you go there you go there you go okay okay okay and now you can get a family screenshot oh my let me get rid of this guy hold on I but I thought you can’t kill the guy uh I’m inside the house ending already yeah it’s cuz right we’re ending there you go you have a whole family little dogs wait renon you go stand next to your dogs and I’ll get a a photo of you with your dogs like a family photo then let me let me get rid of my armor yeah get rid of all your armor and I’ll take a I’ll take a family photo of you okay okay okay okay okay okay okay okay okay okay yeah and take your Shield off as well take off your Shield oh I have a shield I forgot okay okay okay okay okay okay okay and then no no I need to I need to be in front a bit I think uh you push your dogs around a little bit so they’re like Al together like give him a little bit of a nudge like if we nudge this one like kind of towards his wife and children there you go okay and now you stand next to them and give me a Crouch like that okay yeah Crouch okay now look at me uh look up a little bit a little bit more a little bit more and screenshot and look down a little bit towards me job oh all the dogs are looking at you cuz they love you you that’s so cute oh my God that’s so cute okay there we go I got lots and lots and lots of doggy screenshots for you y my so that you are now a Minecraft master so I’m going to have to I’m going to have to see some epic Minecrafting from you when we do a a group server okay can imagine the next time you see me I’m like yo hi fly and you can see me coming for Packa fool yeah like like diamond Enchanted armor like absolute absolute absolute gamer oh my God they’re so cute like they’re all growling they yeah they’re angry at me I left they they you you can have them stand up now but I do got to go cuz it’s dinner time and I’m so hungry can go how do I do I have the see uh you don’t have to no no no cuz it’s a a multiplayer server it’ll remember everything that you’ve done so I can just disconnect and then all right yep you can just disconnect okay I disconnected you are a professional Minecrafter thank you thank you oh my God that’s so cute okay okay okay thank you so much Woody yeah yeah yeah what was your what was your favorite thing about Minecraft today the Wolves the Wolves yeah I’m really excited to have a group server at everyone because you can like given given like a lot of time to play m you can have a wolf of every single color and it’s going to look awesome I have to send you going to be that’s going to be my goal yeah I’ll send you an article on like how to where to find like every color of wolf I think that’d be really fun okay okay okay I will I will I think I will do it I think I will do it finally I have a Minecraft stream yeah W all about wolves okay so I am going to head off but on my end I will be back on stream in about 2 hours once I’ve eaten and have a shower for our regular single player Minecraft Rona what about you do you have any streams scheduled for tomorrow uh tomorrow same time I’ll be streaming with uh ar ar me OverWatch yeah yeah you’re really learning so much you’re learning Minecraft OverWatch Welsh it’s crazy you have so much knowledge this is a learning week a learning week I’m learning I’m learning things every day she’s learning every day she’s getting smarter one day she’ll be too smart and we’ll be sorry yes world domination world domination I will dominate the world with my pack of wolves okay is there anyone that you have in mind that you would like to rage today oh okay let me take a look uhan is streaming shall we with him Kaku yeah yeah let’s give him a join raid okay okay okay let me do do you want to think of like a joint uh ra message join ra message what should we what should we what should we do you want do you wanted to be join my clan uh Jo join our clan join our clan join our clan okay okay okay guys join join our clan okay okay so we can we can merge our Oshi marks yeah we’ll merge Oshi marks we’ll do like green green and uh green and orange hard green and Sun yeah green and sun oh green and orange Hearts I think that works yeah I think green and orange Hearts is good okay okay wait let me let me set it up okay yeah I’ll also I’ll type this join my pack bro join our pack join join our pack join our pack okay here I’ll send you guys our message this one oh wait I got I did two I did the wrong kind of love hearts wait oh so it’s green and orange Hearts right and green and orang so so okay so we can do green hats first and join our clan and orange hat at the end um I’m doing join my clan and then I’m just like spamming like green orange green orange green orang okay okay wait okay join our clan and then uh let me do it green hat and orange hat yeah there go there we go there we go okay okay is there anything that you want to plug before we end Mrs Riri wait I’m still doing the green heart and okay so this is this is the r message I want ask yeah business associates are you ready to harass our favorite globy tiger that hates me are you guys so excited I mean I need to see some copy and paste of this message okay so Business Associates Business Associates on my half I’m going to end the stream now I’m going to go shower I’m going to go get some food and then at 8:00 p.m. BST our regular streaming time in like 2 and 1/2 hours I’m going to be back on Minecraft if you guys haven’t checked out renona yet she’s incredible she’s really funny she’s very talented she learned well yesterday so we love Ai and she’s going to be learning OverWatch tomorrow so if you guys want to check out renona please do she’s awesome I love her and she’s orange she’s so very orange thank you so much I’m just going to be streaming OverWatch tomorrow I’ll be learning OverWatch with Ari Ari so do drop by if you free and please uh if you’re able to stay for f stream afterwards want yeah okay I’ll see you guys in 2 and 1 half hours and then see you later goodbye everyone byebye out he out he out P I’ll see you later goodbye woo [Music] [Applause] [Music] wa

This video, titled ‘TEACHING ANOTHER NOOB TO PLAY MINECRAFT’, was uploaded by Furi Ferntail Ch. [VReverie] on 2024-04-24 16:43:27. It has garnered 778 views and 142 likes. The duration of the video is 02:24:39 or 8679 seconds.

LET ME WEASEL MY WAY INTO YOUR HEART!!! 👍 MONEY HERE PLEASE: https://streamelements.com/furiferntail/tip

Fuririririririri~! The smallest and most efficient predator on the planet is me, FURIFURIFURIFURI FERNTAIL!!!! 💚 I’m VReverie GUARDIANS’ forest dwelling and caps lock spamming Weasel! 🩹 🍃 I LOVE MONEY!!!!!! This stream features my Genmate @KamikoRinona !!!!


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⊹ ࣪ ˖≽^•⩊•^≼˖ ࣪ ⊹ VReverie GUARDIANS ⊹ ࣪ ˖≽^•⩊•^≼˖ ࣪ ⊹ @ScarlettFlameheart @KamikoRinona @EstellaStarfall @ArialYuriko

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⊹ ࣪ ˖≽^•⩊•^≼˖ ࣪ ⊹ RULEZ ⊹ ࣪ ˖≽^•⩊•^≼˖ ࣪ ⊹ 1. Treat people the way you’d like to be treated, the number one law of nature is respect! 2. Spam/Harassment/Lewd content is not allowed under any circumstance. 3. Do not reveal private information about yourself or others. (Age, Location, ect) 4. ONLY FUN ALLOWED IN MY FOREST. Please refrain from bringing up heavy topics! 5. No self-advertisement or promotion. I’ll eat you otherwise :/ 6. Please don’t mention other streamers unless I, (THE FEARSOME FURI), have mentioned them first! 7. Discussions should remain about the stream! 8. Please try to keep swears to a minimum the best you can! 9. Stick to English the best you can~ ♡(ミ ᵕ̣̣̣̣̣̣ ﻌ ᵕ̣̣̣̣̣̣ ミ)ノ

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    Droplet's Skyblock Adventure with Subscribers!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Sky blocks with Twitch Subscribers (Stream 2)’, was uploaded by Little_Droplet on 2024-03-25 22:04:04. It has garnered 51 views and 6 likes. The duration of the video is 02:40:01 or 9601 seconds. Playing Sky Blocks on Hypixle with Twitch Subscribers! If you would like to join the world head over to my Twitch and Subscribe as it helps me, put more into my YouTube and Twitch Channel 🙂 TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@littledroplet?lang=en Discord: https://discord.gg/47E6bPuJXf Twitter: https://twitter.com/XLittleDropletX Twitch- https://www.twitch.tv/little_droplet Kick- https://kick.com/little-droplet Read More

  • Shizo Clickbait: “Unbelievable GamerzMine Moment 😱🔥 #anshubisht”

    Shizo Clickbait: "Unbelievable GamerzMine Moment 😱🔥 #anshubisht"Video Information This video, titled ‘The Fleemtu Bhaiya 😎😂 | #anshubisht #minecraft #shorts’, was uploaded by GamerzMine on 2024-04-19 13:44:00. It has garnered 3696 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:36 or 36 seconds. Hii Domsto ❤️ Welcome To My Gaming YouTube Channel @GamerzMineog 💖 ♦️ I Provided Funny Moments Various Popular Games/Gamers Edit 😈🔥 ♦️ If You Like My Content So Don’t Forget To Like, Subscribe 😍🫶❤️‍🩹 ♦️ For Credit – @Gamerfleet ‎@AnshuBisht  ‎@NotGamerFleet  📌 For Credits/Business/Removel 👇 [email protected] 🎧 I DON’T OWN THE MUSIC AND PICTURES. THE CREDIT GO TO *RESPECTIVE OWNERS* 📌IF YOU ARE… Read More

  • Uncover secret dimension mods in Minecraft

    Uncover secret dimension mods in MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘Exploring Minecraft’s Forgotten Dimension Mods’, was uploaded by Daiazal on 2024-04-20 08:08:18. It has garnered 706131 views and 40994 likes. The duration of the video is 00:25:52 or 1552 seconds. MODS FEATURED: Aether: https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/aether DimensionalDoors: https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/dimensionaldoors Tropicraft: https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/tropicraft My silly little social media: https://twitter.com/Daiazal Read More

  • 24/7 Minecraft Survival Server – Java + Pe | EPIC gameplay

    24/7 Minecraft Survival Server - Java + Pe | EPIC gameplayVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Live 🔴 Public SMP | Java + Pe | 24/7 server | #minecraftlive Survival #shorts #shortsfeed’, was uploaded by AnxoIsLive on 2024-02-26 08:50:19. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Minecraft Live Public SMP | Java + Pe | 24/7 server | #minecraftlive Survival #shorts #shortsfeed Minecraft Live Public SMP … Read More

  • JedKai Uncovers Secrets in Peter’s SMP: Minecraft Blockterria! 🔥

    JedKai Uncovers Secrets in Peter's SMP: Minecraft Blockterria! 🔥Video Information This video, titled ‘A New Adventure Through Peter’s New SMP: Minecraft: Blockterria[Live]🔴’, was uploaded by JedKai on 2024-03-10 04:14:33. It has garnered 24 views and 3 likes. The duration of the video is 03:03:43 or 11023 seconds. A new Adventure starts now Game: Minecraft Fwends: Peter: @PeterHowaryou Jill: @Eywa828 #minecraft #smp Read More

  • Shocking: NOTMINEXD Terminated 🕉️ #minecraft

    Shocking: NOTMINEXD Terminated 🕉️ #minecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘What happened to NOTMINEXD 🕉️ ( Channel Terminated ) #minecraft’, was uploaded by Notnikhil on 2024-03-24 06:45:26. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. youtube channel how to recover terminated youtube account my youtube channel suspended youtube channel suspended … Read More

  • EPIC Custom Warp System in My Minecraft Server! 😱🔥 #minecraft #smp

    EPIC Custom Warp System in My Minecraft Server! 😱🔥 #minecraft #smpVideo Information This video, titled ‘Custom warp system for my Minecraft Server! #minecraft #minecraftsmp #smp #mc #cozy’, was uploaded by StinkySurvival on 2024-05-20 13:50:13. It has garnered 781 views and 27 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:24 or 24 seconds. Read More

  • EPIC Toilet Fight in Minecraft ⚔️ BHALIYA OFFICIAL #skibiditoilet

    EPIC Toilet Fight in Minecraft ⚔️ BHALIYA OFFICIAL #skibiditoiletVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft But Skibidi Toilet 🚽 Fight #minecraft #skibiditoilet #phonk’, was uploaded by BHALIYA OFFICIAL on 2024-06-13 08:03:45. It has garnered 502 views and 25 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:40 or 40 seconds. minecraft minecraft animation minecraft shorts shorts #minecraft minecraft mods minecraft pe minecraft edit minecraft 1.20 minecraft memes minecraft meme phonk minecraft funny edit minecraft minecraft video minecraft but shorts minecraft minecraft noob minecraft challenge animation minecraft meme minecraft minecraft tiktok noob minecraft minecraft live best phonk zonecraft minecraft hacks cursed minecraft phonk edit video phonk pvp minecraft minecraft mod minecraft… Read More

  • EuropeSMP

    EuropeSMPWelcome to EuropeSMP, the ultimate CPVP shop survival server where you can become the best player in the game! Join us and embark on an epic adventure as you build, mine, and conquer your way to the top. With a thriving economy, endless possibilities for customization, and a dedicated community of players, EuropeSMP offers a unique and immersive gaming experience like no other. So what are you waiting for? Join us today and start your journey to greatness on EuropeSMP! europesmp.xyz Read More

  • Ezartla SMP 1.21+

    Welcome to Ezartla Survival Server! We are excited to announce the grand opening of Ezartla Survival Server in just 2 weeks! Join us for an unforgettable survival adventure with exciting features for all players. Key Features: Land Claiming: Protect your creations with our intuitive system. Player-Run Economy: Trade and become the ultimate entrepreneur. Ranks: Earn perks and abilities as you progress. Custom Enchantments: Customize your gear with powerful enchantments. Massive World: Explore a vast 50,000×50,000 block world. Minecraft 1.21: Experience the latest version. And More: Stay tuned for exciting updates! Connect With Us: Server IP: play.ezartla.com Join Our Discord: https://discord.com/invite/heZmyPvbny… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Ultimate love in Minecraft

    The love in this meme is so high, it’s like trying to reach level 105 in Minecraft without even mining a single block! Read More

  • Crafting Chaos: Director Ao’s House Renovation in Minecraft World

    Crafting Chaos: Director Ao's House Renovation in Minecraft World In the world of Minecraft, where creativity thrives, Mengxuan Renovation School, where building skills come alive. Director Ao’s house, a masterpiece in the making, With every block placed, a new chapter in the remaking. 1 million guardians, a formidable force, Can they defeat the Ender Dragon, stay on course? In one second’s time, a challenge so grand, Only in Minecraft, where legends stand. Mengxuandada, the hardcore MC player, Crafting videos with style, a true innovator. Sharing insights and trivia, with a playful twist, In the world of Minecraft, where dreams exist. So leap into the verse, let the story… Read More

  • “Spicy Minecraft Memes” 🔥 #minecraft #game #memes #shorts #minecraftshorts

    "Spicy Minecraft Memes" 🔥 #minecraft #game #memes #shorts #minecraftshorts Why did the creeper go to therapy? Because it had too much TNTsion! #minecrafttherapy #boomtherapy 💥 Read More

  • Ultimate Minecraft Trash Can Tutorial

    Ultimate Minecraft Trash Can Tutorial Minecraft Tutorial: Building a Trash Can with Zurtox Welcome to another exciting Minecraft tutorial with Zurtox! Today, Zurtox will guide you through the process of building a simple trash can in Minecraft. If you have any other building ideas or suggestions for tutorials on his channel, feel free to share them in the comments section. Building a Trash Can in Minecraft Creating a trash can in Minecraft can be both functional and aesthetically pleasing. Follow Zurtox’s step-by-step instructions to add this essential element to your Minecraft world. Materials Needed: Iron Blocks: For the main structure of the trash can…. Read More

  • Villagers Sleeping in The Nether?!

    Villagers Sleeping in The Nether?! Minecraft Myths: Villagers Sleeping in The Nether? Exploring Player Myths in Minecraft In the vast world of Minecraft, players often come up with myths and theories about the game’s mechanics and possibilities. Today, we delve into some of the most intriguing myths shared by players, including the question of whether villagers can sleep in The Nether. Unveiling the Myths First Myth: Players speculate about the existence of hidden dungeons beneath the ocean, waiting to be discovered for rare treasures. Second Myth: Some believe that certain biomes hold secret portals to other dimensions, offering unique adventures. Third Myth: There are… Read More

  • EPIC Finale: Lost Books Uncovered on SkyBoundSMP

    EPIC Finale: Lost Books Uncovered on SkyBoundSMPVideo Information This video, titled ‘Lost Books { SkyBoundSMP EP 34 }’, was uploaded by Artfulrenegade on 2024-07-09 01:28:30. It has garnered 330 views and 33 likes. The duration of the video is 00:40:33 or 2433 seconds. Hello! Welcome to Episode 34 of Rune’s journey on BoundSMP, a lore based multiplayer Minecraft server. Today Rune and Sylph meet someone new! Watch the lore LIVE over on my twitch https://www.twitch.tv/artfulrenegade Check out these playlist to catch up on past lore! SkyBound: https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PL3t47ta576ZhRpy5rafBSC9rH7AH4Y1D8&si=yxTckySu4muaJ3aF Find me elsewhere in the wild: Tik Tok: https://www.tiktok.com/@artfulrenegad… Twitter: https://twitter.com/artfulrenegade?re… Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/artfulreneg… Alright that’s all from me, see… Read More

  • Mind-Blowing Redstone Build Hack in Minecraft 2.0

    Mind-Blowing Redstone Build Hack in Minecraft 2.0Video Information This video, titled ‘Amazing Redstone Build Hack in minecraft #shorts #minecraft #build_hacks #gamer #gameplay’, was uploaded by Dinar Gamerz 2.0 on 2024-04-06 04:00:25. It has garnered 300 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:31 or 31 seconds. Amazing Redstone Build Hack in minecraft #shorts #minecraft #build_hacks #gamer #gameplay #craftingandbuilding #Roblox #clashofclans #craftingandbuilding #mecharena #indianbikerider3d #bestgameplayathome #grannyremake #mobilegameplay #pcgameplay #banglagameplay Hey Everyone! This is Dinar ! Welcome to My channel ..”Dinar Gamerz 2.0″ .. I created this channel for PC & Android games. I upload daily videos about pc & mobile related games, gaming news Reactions… Read More

  • Secrets of Midnightbirds: EPIC Hardcore Minecraft

    Secrets of Midnightbirds: EPIC Hardcore MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘Hardcore Minecraft Ep.1’, was uploaded by Midnightbirds on 2024-02-19 18:00:10. It has garnered 31 views and 5 likes. The duration of the video is 00:27:42 or 1662 seconds. Sorry for the audio issues. they will be fixed next video. Hardcore Minecraft is Minecraft locked on the hardest difficulty. You have one life where you have to try to survive as long as you can. This is my attempt Read More

  • Insane Mining Academy for Creepers – The Respecter

    Insane Mining Academy for Creepers - The RespecterVideo Information This video, titled ‘Если бы криперы могли пойти в шахтерскую академию’, was uploaded by The Respecter on 2024-02-21 20:15:00. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Learn English with Minecraft Sign up for a free trial English lesson in Minecraft with your parents, here … Read More

  • INSANE Minecraft HACKS on Ander Bling’s FIRST VIDEO! Subscribe now! #SMP

    INSANE Minecraft HACKS on Ander Bling's FIRST VIDEO! Subscribe now! #SMPVideo Information This video, titled ‘First vid subscribe #minecraft #smp #viral #hack #funny’, was uploaded by Ander Blings on 2024-01-07 23:35:03. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Read More

  • Insane 8 Mods for Minecraft YOU MUST TRY! 1.20.1, 1.18.2

    Insane 8 Mods for Minecraft YOU MUST TRY! 1.20.1, 1.18.2Video Information This video, titled ‘8 New Minecraft Mods You Need To Know! (1.20.1, 1.18.2)’, was uploaded by LuluBelleMC on 2024-03-25 11:00:23. It has garnered 55611 views and 2253 likes. The duration of the video is 00:13:09 or 789 seconds. 8 New Minecraft Mods You Need To Know! (1.20.1, 1.18.2) 0:00 -Epic Fight: Obsidian Can Cry 1.18.2 (Forge) https://legacy.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/epic-fight-obsidian-can-cry 7:47 -Airstrike Mod 1.20.4 —— 1.20.1 (Fabric) https://modrinth.com/mod/airstrike-mod 9:59 -Back Weapon Slot 1.20.1 —— 1.18.2 (Forge) https://legacy.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/back-weapon-slot 10:25 -Instant Sleep 1.20.1 —— 1.19.2 (Forge) https://legacy.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/instant-sleep 10:49 -Item sharpness 1.20.1 —— 1.19.4 (Forge) https://legacy.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/item-sharpness 11:17 -AutoHarvest 1.20.4 (Fabric) https://modrinth.com/mod/autoharvest 12:10 -Xp from… Read More

  • Endless Minecraft Phone Addiction?! 👀 #Minecraft2024

    Endless Minecraft Phone Addiction?! 👀 #Minecraft2024Video Information This video, titled ‘POV: So-Called Phone Addiction. – (Minecraft Short) – #Minecraft2024 – @simonbreaofficial .’, was uploaded by JakeyDboy47 on 2024-06-12 06:48:50. It has garnered 8943 views and 232 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:54 or 54 seconds. Hello, I am JakeyDboy47. I like to play Plants vs Zombies, Fortnite, Minecraft, Rocket League, Rogue Company, Among Us, Goat Simulator, Fall Guys and Multiversus. I also like to post cartoon videos and Minecraft Skits I’ve made. My Favourite YouTubers are Typical Gamer, SypherPK, Nick Eh 30, LazarBeam, Lachlan, Loserfruit, GhostNinja, CourageJD and Ninja. My best friends are… Read More

  • ¡Increíble video Viral de Minecraft Mod en 2021!

    ¡Increíble video Viral de Minecraft Mod en 2021!Video Information This video, titled ‘Vídeo completo en el canal #viral #minecraft #minecraftpe #minecraftbedrock #mods #minecraftpemods’, was uploaded by Gotenks333 on 2024-02-20 00:10:57. It has garnered 1013 views and 43 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:17 or 17 seconds. Read More