Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Minecraft DLC Update – Full Game Playthrough Review!

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Welcome to the Minecraft Ninja Turtles DLC updates right now the turtles have taken over the Minecraft Marketplace as this is Mojang’s latest collaboration and is in celebration for the brand new ninja turtles mutant Mayhem movie that’s a mouthful to say I am here to bring you

A playthrough of this DLC to tell you if it’s worth getting or not as a disclaimer I was kindly given a code for this DLC but I won’t let the free codes influence my honest opinions about this content if it’s bad I will honestly tell you but considering it is made by 57

Digital I have faith it’ll be worth getting this DLC retails at six pounds 69 which is actually 1 340 Minecraft coins which translates to around about 8.50 hey everyone my name is Ecco as reminder this DLC does support up to four players but I’m gonna be playing it solo because I don’t have

Any friends anyway when you join for the first time this will pop up saying welcome to the Minecraft X Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles DLC to get started let us know what you’re playing on so I am playing on a computer uh old device I’m gonna say New Device I don’t know if

This affects the settings let’s give it a go and let’s dive straight into this DLC choose a turtle oh this is a tough choice okay starting from left to right yeah we have Raphael we have Leonardo over here we have Donatello and we have Michelangelo I do

Love the nunchucks I’m not gonna lie my favorite turtle was always Leonardo oh let’s go all right so we’ve got these blades speak with the master splinter in the dojo and then we’ve got attack oh we got ninja stars wait we even have a skateboard okay we’ll learn all about

Those now again when you play this for the first time if you wanted to switch character you are able to switch character all right let’s let’s go and do a little bit of adventuring in here I wonder if there’s any secrets to be found inside of here but let’s go oh

Inside of here and let’s go through this one and we need to go and speak aha to the master himself greetings my wise pupils listen closely for we Face great tests ahead it is vital to embrace my guidance and train diligently stay focused my young ones and let my

Teachings guide you in Triumph are you prepared to Embark upon this journey of knowledge and skill let’s start the training very well my disciples let us commence with the fundamental teaching okay and speak with the dojo we’ve done that hit the dummy with your weapon three times okay here

We go here we go all right first one is done what about these guys this one as well hit the dummy to charge this okay so this will charge this oh it says on the top left it’s charged okay oh that’s what we are talking about I like

That one okay so you have to charge this up you astounding me if I could dummy three times with your ninja stars one two three pretty good start there alrighty my attack is ready again yes watch out Mrs okay we’re gonna jump to the next training room all right where’s

The next training room at okay where we gotta go with this one we need to get inside of there it said jump so the only thing I could think of is to use this to go up here so then how am I meant to make that

Okay that worked all right let’s go to the next training room all right what does this one say let’s read this melee standard attack left click or tap enemies to attack with your Turtle weapon Harry while holding your primary weapon right click slash long press to briefly block enemy attacks

Dash sneak too quickly Dash forward Dash and attack simultaneously to Hell enemies into the air heavy attack attack four times to knock back enemies jump attack jump and attack simultaneously to dash forward and unleash a gnarly heavy attack shell shock jump two times and attack to smash into the ground and

Knock back the enemies okay so that would oh maybe it’d be so much easier in this perspective I think all right moving on there’s a lot of training to learn here and a lot of special attacks that I’m gonna have to learn throughout this it does feel so much easier in

Third person though from when I’ve been testing this what is this check this out all right can we can we ride this pedals I’m outside we at peace to chasing a story swing by and grab a slice I’ve ordered your absolute favorite toppings jump in the potty wagon and head over okay

Yeah it’s so much easier in third person I wish you could zoom out a little bit with this though leave the lair via the exit tunnel okay Drive the Party Wagon to weird pizza and speak to April O’Neill okay so oh is this oh it’s showing me which directions

I need to go so the first thing I want to say here is I wish we could get rid of the whole player count at the top oh we need to go left right is that what it’s saying right maybe so I would like to point out

That there is special music but I had to turn it off because I don’t know if it’s copyrighted or anything it says Drive the Party Wagon wait wait don’t miss a turn I missed a turn but I gotta find out wait oh I’m here hello all right let’s speak oh you made it

Turtles I’m almost wrapped up with my story head on inside I’ve already ordered your all-time favorite pizza it’s waiting for you fresh and piping hot one word of advice though I guess a particular feeling from the new Chef stay alert petals okay brand new Chef okay check this out I’ll take

Those pizza Turtles don’t even try to follow me these foot soldiers will keep you busy wait what what okay first out of attacks let’s get rid of these guys I don’t think so we got some special attacks here I wanna try these though oh hold on I gotta try like my special attack

Get some of these guys it’s so much better instead person here yeah what about your little friends and no more we gotta chase them let’s go it’s me and you big guy oh bro I thought I was gonna Escape that then as well I actually thought I would have escaped it

We break this there we go where’d he go oh okay this is like the trailer now Turtles or Clan attack all right well I need to first off kill a couple of these guys I’d like to get my special attack back good of you come on

Wanna get this ooze attack back let’s go this is what we needed a couple more to kill goodbye did they pull up no they don’t all righty let’s follow can we get up please wow you’ve really showed the Clan whose boss you can’t let beep up get away

Though you used a lot of pieces you collected to fix the ladder I’ve highlighted the wall in my signature yellow okay so we need to go and find wait oh oh we got them one two three four five six let’s go let’s go and get this guy

Like this is gonna be our first boss attack is ready all right let’s let’s charge it this guy come on no I ran out a few of them to to attack you to be fair you know we could stun them don’t forget all right let’s even get close to him

Unless he’s gonna summon some more of his little buddies how he’s getting he’s getting away the one thing I have noticed is there is quite a lot of cutscenes did you find yourself waiting quite a lot to fight the next bit of enemy my health is low excuse me how

Hold on let’s attack with this then how’s my attack jump down and chased him all right we’re in the subway more of these Dawn dudes to fight there we go whose attack is ready easy health points oh Pizza wait aha getting a little bit of help ah utils

Just can’t resist a good scrap can you I barely planted my Hooves in this joint and already use a slice in to get rid of me okay Turtles get ready to taste defeat it’s Pizza potty time news are the main dish all right that’s it that’s that’s some promising

Stuff first fight first boss fight so far oh so they do oh so he does have a a Boss Bar forget about this come on yes your punches are weak as a baby turtle trying to crack a walnut because they totally know exactly what that feels like huh

Come on Stars let’s go with the used attack cool come on boy where’s boss fight they can quite a lot of damage right my health is low gotta be really careful here two more he’s only got two more health bars I’m on one bro how am I losing so much

He’s gotta be dead surely man they’re alive got no I got no pizza to eat or anything like that make this the final attack let’s go he’s done he’s defeated cowabunga level up you are now level two you have unlocked a new pack open the managed character okay so manage level

Up by completing levels leveling up grants you special perks Turtle Squad my perk ah okay so like time related things combo guide and then you’ve also got maze Turtles as well all right that’s pretty nice I guess we got a bunch more missions that

We need to do as well all right let’s go find out what our next mission is going to be I’ve just figured out how to get your skateboards you got a long press it and then you get your skateboard okay at least we figured that one out but I gotta assemble the squad

Apparently I gotta hold this down gotta regroup the whole Squad oh this takes you straight back here it looks like there are a total of nine different episodes that you’re able to complete so let’s move on to number two okay so next the mission is to do with this Dawn

Rhino but you can’t catch me actually I bet you can rock steady out all right we got a bunch of peeps that we need to fight here how do I get aha that’s how you get through that one oh okay so I realize that you can like

Hold on am I crouching still let’s jump get rid of you I could like tap like the the attack button and you move really really fast when you’re doing this too looks like the power is out in the station find the breaker and restore the power Rocksteady

Is up to no good be careful Turtles and the breaker switch to restore the power in the station all right it’s gonna be all the way up there isn’t it let’s wait how do I activate this can I use this to do that well if I actually I gotta go up there

Haven’t I okay let’s turn this one on come on there we go that’s what whoa hey these guys just turning up out of nowhere more dudes down here second one done more pizza for me all right let’s go next one he’s dead one more over there

So we are gonna have to do a little bit of Parkour here all right let’s go my parkour skills are pretty good one more time especially since I’m a Ninja Turtle let’s do this who’s attack the breaker switch to restore the power that’s is there one more is there more

For me to get do that one it definitely did the last one was hidden behind the trains locate the master switch to retrieve the subway all right where is the master switch at all right we found it last one last few guys to attack ooze attack is

Ready let’s get rid of these guys all right give me the big guy there he is let’s fight this guy what pesky Turtles fix the power so quickly and may have lost the advantage but I’ll still derail your plans this train is mine now and mark my words you’re just gonna

Realize there’s no stopping Rocksteady okay so like is he do we gotta get on two with him okay let’s make our way to the next boss fight right now he’s trying to take over the dawn train let’s go with these yeah you’re dead not lose too much

Hearts here here we go I’ll keep moving Echo oh Pizza you need to eat we need to make sure we got some food in US next car so you could I’m at a point now where I can level up my character like attack twice so you’re seeing the top left how

Much I’ve got um more of these dudes come on and again where where we gotta go oh they’re back this way oh oh he’s got a shield oh all right I got two of these attacks now this is what I was talking about I can use it twice now

It’s three in total that I’m able to unlock The Shield are a little bit more of a pain to deal with to be fair where you at get him with these oh he’s throwing things at me oh and they explode hey watch out for him watch out for him

Should he done four come on where’s this thing where’s this Dawn Gaia H and kill number two I’m gonna try and get both of my attacks up though cause I’m gonna need it against this last guy oh oh oh it’d be nice to drop me some extra Health too dykes come on

So many of these dudes you’re dead and you’re dead let’s go your turtles just can’t resist the good Rumble can you we’re sorry to burst your shell but I’ve got a one-way ticket to Victory and use turtles are in for a wild ride all right next boss fight

Let’s give this a go rock steady I got not very much health left here so watch out for this guy yeah he’s a lot stronger than the other guy though come on whose attack is ready again oh yeah I could do that too it seems like you got to do a certain

Amount of damage to each one before like it actually shows you what you’ve done to them let me see how many attacks this takes there you go we actually managed to knock him down a little bit there I’m low on hell it always says that though and I actually haven’t died yet that’s

That’s one thing I’ve noticed I actually haven’t died maybe I’m gonna die now I don’t want to see what I kind of want to see what it’s like when you do actually die though is he still not done for Don rhino get rid of him there we go all right

Done for have you two imbeciles forgotten your purpose explicively commanded you to bring me the trans-dimensional Portal Device cease your mindless ax and delivered to me immediately sorry boss we ran into the turtles and wanted to have some fun yeah boss you’re going to bring the device to

Channel 6 news right afterwards so you can don’t tell them that give me that I’ve got important business to attend to use the power of AI you can summon the rest of the turtles to fight amongst you so I can now assemble the turtles on me all right let’s see what our next

Mission is this is episode 3 mission 3 the broadcast boost it looks like we are free roaming a little bit more in the city here Turtles Vernon just called Channel 6 news is crawling with foot soldiers head over and help them oh one slice of pizza all right let’s get rid

Of as many foot soldiers as we can let’s get rid of that that’s all I’ve been fighting so far but I do like the free roam content a little bit more being able to explore the city I actually don’t know which way we gotta go there it is I’m sure the one that

Says channel six is the the correct direction channel six all right can we regroup tail Squad can I like regroup them here I’m curious right and I’m gonna try this if I was to hit regroup is it gonna take me all the way back no it takes you back

To the start of the mission all right there’s gotta be a way for me to like bring them to me let these guys take over this news channel goodbye extra Health Vernon is stuck on the top floor he won’t come out until the foot soldiers are gone keep fighting

Your way to the top floor to help him all right we gotta keep going does this open does open next level is this classed as the top floor all right let’s get rid of these last couple of foot soldiers here come on let’s go yes pretty easy when you use this attack I’m

Just gonna go all the way past these guys I don’t want to fight them we end up fighting the same same peeps all the time it’s quite repetitive wait oh oh we’re gonna have to kill a certain amount here okay so you can’t just actually run through the mission I

Wanted to see if it was possible for me just to get out of there okay now we can progress to the next part another another guy with a katana I want to see like if you can just run through a whole entire Mission at any point without actually fighting any of these guys

I’m just gonna make my way all the way to the top that looks though I mean yeah you kind of can we did an earlier on outside and you kind of do the same inside of here but we’re just gonna try and run our way all the way through

And just see if we can just skip this part let’s go come on there you go next level all right obviously you are gonna have to fight them inside of here if I stop too much real problem we can do this these dudes really did take over the news

Make the area safer Vernon don’t worry I got you brother I’ll get rid of all these pugs we’ll go with these ooze attack and get rid of this guy because these are the dudes that just don’t seem to Die Another One I want to try and get a couple more like

Special attacks as well like longer attacks yes yes yes yes yes yes give me that Health give me that extra love the pizza give me it all okay so this should be so much safer now wait wait oh I can’t go out there yet wait where is he oh he was hiding inside

Of there you saved Vernon thank you Channel 6 news is off the air though the broadcasting signal is being blocked can you take a look at the antenna red air has to be up to something all right so we did see another way out over here so

Let’s see if this is the way for us to go gotta be messing probably on the roof somewhere another one of these guys but we can just run past all of these dudes in a way here we go straight onto the roof I keep wasting my special attacks by mistake you Turtles

Never know when to quit fools your pathetic resistance ends here tremble me as I eradicate your feeble existence all right so we are actually gonna fight shreddy here let’s go Omission three let’s give this a go it should be a lot stronger than the other guys that we’ve had to fight with

Let’s go with this she’s weak he’s weak and pathetic but it go let him my health is low again like I haven’t actually managed to die do I mean I’ve actually managed to kill him more than he’s been able to kill me but this was the same from before as

Well let’s use our special ooze attack I didn’t get rid of Shredder he’s actually not taking too much damage here he is definitely a lot harder to fight than the other two dudes so what I’ve noticed is I have pizzas at the top and I’ve also got Hearts as well so they

Seem to be like how many lives you have so I imagine if I lost all my pizzas I would probably die but uh you’re quite strong so I have faith that I can do this come on he’s throwing things and attacking me let’s get him with this should be enough there we go

Alrighty what have you done how am I going to get the Techno drone back from the dimension X now You Haven’t Seen the Last of Me So we are locked level four let’s see if we managed to get any extra perks so level four we were given two

Extra Stars so we now have seven a level five you get extra life level six another ooze canister which will be the one all the way over there oh this time it’s a little bit different it says good news or bad news let’s start with the

Bad news bad news first I get you well here’s the deal we don’t have anyone else equipped for the task of recovering these missing pieces which means it’s all on you Turtles it says but for the good news I receive reports of sightings of these pieces popping up all over the city

So here’s the Silver Lining I can lend a help and hand and guide you all for the search together we have the power to keep these parts out of shredders clutches all right let’s go for episode four so we have to do a little bit of Parkour here I actually nearly died

There hold on I want to know how to like bring ah there we go we did it you can summon the turtles that’s so much better but ain’t taking me this long to figure it out I wish there was like a much better way of it telling me okay so we gotta do

Can we get up here how do we get up there all right so oh we gotta fight this fast yo it’s so much better when you’ve got the other Turtles with you all right let them do all the hard work a little bit of Parkour I like this Mission a lot of

The missions have been quite repetitive so far but this one’s much better than before all right let’s go bit of all you guys okay let’s move to the next level no come on you’re blocking me off let’s go down here bro I’m not gonna I’m not

Gonna go down the stairs I’m gonna jump right off can I make this oh roof jump to video Madness arcade is that this one yes it was the right place okay we gotta go inside of here I’m just letting my tail Brothers do all the hard

Work I guess I could kind of just move on and move away from this this time we need to go down whoa let’s get rid of this way down here I like the map though the map looks really cool they done a good job with the map design

That took a lot longer than it needed to but we made it to our next objective and I don’t know what this is we gotta play a computer game here now this would be pretty cool if we do we’re in the arcade so why not how does

This work hello oh oh I’m playing a game in a game it’s like kind of like Super Mario meets Flappy Bird in a way maybe talk damage to him just gotta keep going oh this is actually really cool it actually points the direction you’re going as well all right how far away

We’ve got to watch out for the boulders I’ll take too much damage here come on let’s not go through that one took a little bit of damage there nor the boss down a video game in a video game oh He’s done let’s go we made it oh there’s the computer guy that’s now out of the computer okay wait wait oh more health I’ll make sure we stay stay alive to see you see you can’t fight them until you get into the next part there we go oh wait

Wait while we’re here let’s like manage the turtles I’m waiting I don’t want to return to the to the layer I want to bring the turtles to me oh yeah man’s tail summon Tails there we go they are missing every every so often so you want

To make sure you bring them back to you and use that yours don’t yeah you’re done for that device is mine I need to conquer the city and Rule with my electrifying power if you want it you’ll have to fight me for it I’ve already

Computed a way to beat you okay if you think so huh you think so can you can you summon the turtles Lions Turtles I want to be able to like bring the turtles inside it oh that’s that’s a little bit different than before isn’t it what throwing arcade machines at me oh I

Think I missed actually most of them too where’d you go where else can you go from here the movement of this one’s not too bad to deal with I think like two places that they keep going I think this one might actually be a much easier boss than before within the

Stupid arcade machines it keeps throwing at me come on this has been the best one for me to use my stars on whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa I’m just gonna eat me go back to they only seem to be going through yeah like two or three places

Here we got them down to the final health I’m gonna focus on my stars though because Stars seem to be a great way to defeat this one oh one more a little bit more of an attack it should do it they have a couple more of these ready

And no we’re taking damage too but we’re definitely doing a lot more damage final one let’s go yes you haven’t locked a new pack all right we are back in the dojo My Perks we just done level five one extra life okay that’s good we’ve still

Got so much more that we need to do though all right let’s move on to the next mission that we’ve got here so let’s go do we’re mission five now all right we’re kind of just over halfway there it looks like I spoke too soon because we

Do get the chance manage Turtles summon Turtles wait they don’t get in with you come on come on surely they should get inside with you all right well let’s see where this takes us so it wants us to go this way you can kind of see the directions a

Little bit on the screen so I think this one’s gonna tell us to go right maybe yes all right that’s okay just letting like it’s hard to see when you’re in this vehicle maybe I should drive in first person rather than in third person let’s see where we go here articles

Wants me to go left next stop is going to be the museum all right here we are we’re here let’s get inside I got my turtles with me let’s whoa whoa we got some bigger dudes this I didn’t want to do that I just I

Got rid of them I didn’t want to do that someone tells yes I need assistance that guy’s a big guy and he dropped some health for us too that’s nice another one of them the missions are going on these guys are getting a lot harder to deal with so I

Did notice we’re actually gonna have to go into the sewers maybe look you’ll need to enter a code those symbols must be important look around the museum for anything that looks similar so it looks like I need to hit them in order so this is definitely wait wait let’s have a

Quick look at the order Okay so we’ve got this guy this guy then dinosaur so I don’t know what that is I don’t think is that the one so that one’s done is it this one next that one’s done all right there I’ma let my turtles deal with that so two of them

Have been activated and then it’s dinosaur and then it’s the sword for this kind of puzzle so let’s activate this one come on that one and then this one as well all right okay I wanted to do it before we actually had to fight all those guys

Find the secret lab wait down here ah okay let’s get rid of these big fat rats they are huge review I’m not dealing with you guys oh hello we got Stars I haven’t really used the Stars on these kind of enemies hey the turtles are with me okay I’ll let them

Deal with that right now wait down we go find the lever on titles you guys can deal with that all right let’s make our way through here so I learned very quickly I got a few new types of dudes that we need to fight down here but this one is

Definitely more Adventure slash puzzle based but check this out this looks awesome now we gotta find the secret lab let’s get rid of these guys a couple of different guys that we’re starting to fight now as well whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa where’s my turtles where’s my friendly

Turtles at hold on let’s go with a news attack here all dead get him out of there all right next part now now you turn off next boss don’t touch that it’s powering my experiments I guess I’ll have to deal you before getting back to my work

Prepare to get swatted I don’t think so I don’t think so let’s fight this guy backs the stock man all right let’s go with this we have to deal with this flying thing now oh you’re gonna be annoying to deal with we need him to come down to the ground then won’t we

I need you to come all the way down here does this get him you can’t hit him at least all right well let’s get them all the way down I don’t know how long this one will take come on come on come down to the ground definitely all about your

Stars on this guy he takes so much damage your best off just waiting saving up your stars and then killing him like even your fellow Ninja Turtles can’t seem to get him because the jump attacks kind of don’t work that well I mean this time he’s kind of come down to our level

So we’re all able to beat him up but yeah if you’re playing this Mission just use your stars we got four more missions to go all right one two three four five time for six time to summon man Turtle squad on me all right do what you gotta

Do turtles we’re in the sewers a little bit more here very similar to the earlier missions that we were fighting at the start but let’s let’s get rid of all of these guys let’s see where this next part takes us we defeated the enemies we gotta go into here I notice

If you just tap as well you can go a little bit faster here this is again another puzzle based style map ah we gotta go this way let me get through oh okay this is definitely more of like a a puzzle Adventure ha Turtle summoned on me again alrighty I noticed the guy

Before he had a truck whoa that guy’s trying to bulldoze us let’s make sure we get rid of him get rid of him with his giant ax as well there we go here we go this next section of the sewer is impassable on foot Turtles I hope your turtles remember how

To sue a surf oh all right at least this mission’s a little bit different check it out let’s go all right so again oh wait wait oh they explode okay I was gonna say I always wanted to use like the surfboard this is so much easier now can we jump

With this now you can’t jump it’s like it is like Subway Surfers the turtle version of subway surface though these guys are behind me too they’re definitely taking some damage took a little bit of damage to start off with but yeah whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa come on

Let’s go guys are taking a little bit of damage whoa I can’t jump or anything I’ll be nice yikes there’s a lot of sewer adventures with this one are we gonna fight some kind of like giant rat down here looks like you need to find a way to open this door

Maybe try looking in the side totals for parts course obtain the valve handle okay so each one of these is going to open up into a new area for us to attack there’s the valve how do I get up there hold on let’s go this way because this

One not the right way this is not the right way unless it’s like oh no oh I figured it out okay I know how to do this so I figured out how to do this I gotta go up on this ladder double jump I do the exact same again like double jump

Here we go oh that was kind of lucky to be honest with you right how do I get back to where I was before I gotta go back this way do you really feel like a rat and a drain pipe with this one ah so where I

Was before was actually one of the right ways to go that’s one part fitted great you found the handle hmm looks like you’ll need a pressure gauge too check out the other tunnel hopefully you can find a spare so I need to get inside of there but as expected in order to get

There we gotta go around the whole entire world first let’s go down here if I remember correctly it was definitely like this way oh this one is a little wait was it this way hold on hold on hold on I am a turtle left raw so I can breathe was it this way

Yes all right puzzle game is strong whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa let’s fight these other guys first let’s put the pressure gauge here amazing you found everything to give the handle a spin or by spin I mean hits it with your weapon so we need

To cause the flood inside of here that doesn’t that doesn’t sound very promising we’ve also got to activate this one maybe right hey I’m using that thing it’s the only way I can catch any TV signal down here in the sewer you’ll have to get through me if

You want it be warned I’m feeling Snappy today to be fair we kind of steal it we’re kind of trying to steal it from him cannoli wants to do is watch TV in the suit I kind of feel bad for him in a way whoa whoa whoa okay let’s not deal

With the water if we can bro these Turtles when you’re fighting with these Turtles it’s so much easier to destroy these guys Leatherhead doesn’t stand a chance where’d he go though yeah like they they really do beat them up I’m just saying as a group of turtles we are

Super op this guy keeps going down below as well so we need to kind of let him stay in the water it’s not a good idea to chase him find myself getting attacked way too much oh he’s nearly done for now I’ll let him go down don’t

Let him go down there we go leather head defeated we got two more missions to go let’s do level eight it worked the Technodrome is finally back on Earth crank will be pleased better look next time turtles so do we gotta go inside of here too along with

Him also I want to appreciate how awesome the map looks open world on this map would be so impressive okay wait uh not so fast Turtles Master Shredder asked us to keep you busy for a while Rocksteady you go on ahead I’ve got this one oh you think so huh you think you

Got me I gotta fight his cronies first get rid of these guys wait wait wait where’d he go this way oh over this way all right Next Level I just like using the Stars they’re really easy just to get kills with come on you’re gonna keep running that’s far enough prepare fresh

Shell kicking you think so bro we’ve already had this fight once beep bop round two I’m Gonna Be Bop you in the face yeah we he might be a little bit stronger this time though but we’ll see how we get on wait hold on hold on can we manage Turtles summon bro these

Guys are so helpful when you’re fighting bosses I’m telling you man wait wait whoa whoa whoa okay both getting pushed off there pushing him off he’s dead come on I gotta get my ooze attacks back let’s get him all the way down to one Health whose attack is back

Come up there we go finally got him down uh the tail squad has returned to the lair wait why why you guys just leave me to fight this guy on my own I gotta be really careful with my health here though let’s get him down to one

Surely this has got to be enough bro I’m gonna have to fall off the map here seven is enough to kill him done for locate Rocksteady you’re my next Challenger even though my own Kettle friends have like completely abandoned me you’re done for huh where

Did Bebop go oh well I guess I’ll deal with you Turtles myself wait where is he oh there he is I couldn’t find him for ages bro we’ve already had these fights can we just hurry up and get rid of you he was a little bit more of a pain to deal with

Then be bought because it was stupid rhino attack I’m gonna get this guy all the way down there let’s go let’s go with the Stalls as well he’s down to his final bit of Health but I’ve also been taking quite a bit of damage from him this time because of his

Rhino attack oh he’s on fire he’s actually on fire let’s get him come on who’s get him into Zeus attack he’s got to be done for here I got one more of these bro I’m I’m coming to get you one more time there we go both of them are defeated

All right we’ve just gotta now defeat the boss enter the Techno drone oh okay this is interesting dude we gotta surely fight the boss down here let’s go turtles I forgot I had you guys with me this time let’s keep going hopefully it’s gonna be a few more meds for me as well

Eventually you’re done for wait wait is there a room there no there’s nobody there all right first level come on Turtles I just left my Tails behind there we go they’re with me oh whoa you’re different a little bit of a robot oh he’s got a katana too

It’s a lot more of these dudes with katanas now oh you can actually pick up the Ooze attacks as well I didn’t realize you could pick up those as special drops you’re all done for my days they’re so I can hold nine of these now as well

Holy cow there you go some more carrots it must be one of the hardest missions then what is that thing oh oh that’s gonna be firing up my health is low okay it’s gone away let’s get rid of this I don’t know I don’t know if I can

Actually use that though it’s gone away there let’s just open these let’s not get trapped more of them I think the year’s attack does get rid of it dude there’s so many so many dudes at least I’m getting the ability to pick up so much health as well get rid of this Dino

Stupid Shield nice whose attack is ready again yo who is this guy hello I don’t think I’ve ever seen you before oh I don’t know what it said I missed what it said who is it prank oh he looks a lot stronger my turtles have also like

Gone away here so we’re gonna try and summon them one more time oh they’ve gone to the lair it looks like it might be one of the hardest fights we gotta do here who’s attack he’s definitely got better attacks than the other ones that we had to fight with

You can get him down though there we go all the way down yeah this guy can’t seem to deal with the uz attacks but he will kind of sit on you as well so that’s also something else you have to watch out for let’s try all nine of

These nine oh nine now bro it’s so many there you go then we’ll do two more ooze attacks and hopefully this will be enough to bring this guy down come on one more and again we got him kind of Trapped in the corner yes let’s go teleport to Crane he’s still not defeated

How many lives do you have pathetic creatures bow before the might of the super crang prepare to be crushed beneath my colossal power again again we gotta fight you again super crang what’s the difference between you and before oh whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa okay this guy can go through teleporters by

The looks of things yes I still don’t think I can summon my turtles I can this time we got you come on come on Turtles I might actually lose a lot of Health here though come on I gotta so maybe this is one where I do just gotta keep

Using these yes we got him down once he does have these stupid beams though this one’s definitely a little bit harder to deal with because he just goes in and out of the portal so you’re gonna have to just be a lot smarter maybe like this

There you go he doesn’t like that so yeah your stars all your best friends like they were in the flying one as well but bro I am taking a lot of damage like everything he’s he’s throwing at me is taking damage I’ve got him down just to

His last bit of health and I’ve hit him with a couple of stars here there’s a little bit of a patience game is this gonna be enough not quite enough going back inside of his portals come on two more one more yes there was enough to defeat him oops oopsy crying

If you pause you cannot let Shredder win you must face this final challenge you’ve trained hard I believe you have the strength and the courage to defeat Shredder go now my pupils locate Super Shredder okay well is he back in Channel 6 News again I haven’t seen any of his

Like his buddies just lurking around so let’s just try and get all my attacks back up to fight him yeah he must be in the Channel 6 News somewhere locate Super Shredder we found him what is that thing you’ve done well to get this far Turtles but this ends now quit now or

Prepare to fight let’s go Super Shredder we’ve already defeated one of you I’m sure you’re not going to be too much of a problem whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa nine isn’t enough to bring down the Super shredder but I got I got Turtles with me they’re

Going to help me yes Super Shredder your power may be strong but nothing compared to the strength of unity that is facts right there the Dream Team oh he’s dropping his army from the sky too I’ve only just discovered that I was wondering where I was getting hit in the

Back it’s by these guys still I’ve got nine of these left as well that’s it he’s got one one more life left I love this can we get on top we can’t we can get in it though oh he’s moving oh we should probably take them

As well because I have been taking quite a bit of damage here I’m saving all of these go turtles take that let’s go oh don’t let him summon his buddies we defeat let’s get rid of these guys though they’re so annoying I can’t go down like this this is not how the

Mighty Super Shredder meets his ends no matter what happens we’ll be back watch your shells Turtles you are now level 10 you have unlocked new perks okay so we have a little look at what we did unlock then my perks bro I’ve got everything unlocked now oh it seems that that was

One final mission all in one it was like seven eight and nine are all combined together we managed to successfully complete the story I just wanted to share with you my opinions of this DLC I would give this DLC a 7.5 out of 10. and

I’ll tell you why a few things I would like to say is at the top where it says play it to offline three offline four offline is quite a distraction there’s no need for it to be that big I have spoken two 57 digital and that is going

To be changed at some point especially for people who want to play this DLC solo the other thing I want to say is that when it came to some of these boss fights they were very very repetitive it was quite easy to judge and I feel like

Some changes definitely need to be made there I would also love to be able to explore the Incredible World they have created they’ve locked us into here and locked us to the missions I would love to do some form of open world exploring maybe they could introduce some kind of

Easter eggs for players to go and find oh yeah one more thing I will say is I think the cutscenes there’s so many cutscenes in this DLC but again I think those are to be worked on apart from that I had a lot of fun especially as

Someone who did grow up with Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles I highly recommend giving this DLC a try

This video, titled ‘Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Minecraft DLC Update – Full Game Playthrough Review!’, was uploaded by ECKOSOLDIER on 2023-08-12 15:15:00. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds.

Full game playthrough of the Minecraft x Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles DLC added to the game! ✓Become a ECKODILE: …

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  • KrustyKraft SMP Realm – Realms, 18+, Whitelist

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  • Minecraft Memes – “Blocky Boss: Movie Character Codebreak”

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  • Insane PvP – Backwards Keyboard Challenge! #shorts #minecraft

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  • Experience the Ultimate Minecraft Shovel Skins with Nova Gaming!

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  • Minecraft’s Mind-Blowing New Update – Watch Now!

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  • Greystone MS Prison

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  • NormalSMP – smp

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  • Minecraft Memes – Steve, the Minecraft Chad

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  • Reverse Reversal: Efe and Esra’s Muscular Universe!

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  • “Top 10 Minecraft Traps That Will Make You Sizzle!” #shorts #minecraft #memes

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  • Transforming Minecraft into Black Myth Wukong

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  • Ultimate Build Battle Challenge: Chat Controls My Every Move

    Ultimate Build Battle Challenge: Chat Controls My Every MoveVideo Information This video, titled ‘Build Battle, but Chat Controls me’, was uploaded by switzknight on 2024-09-14 06:39:12. It has garnered 54 views and 3 likes. The duration of the video is 00:59:00 or 3540 seconds. This was Fun Join the Discord https://discord.gg/E39nvdGC #minecraft #buildbattle #hypixel Read More

  • My One Block Map RUINED by Enderman!

    My One Block Map RUINED by Enderman!Video Information This video, titled ‘Enderman’s Destroyed my one block map’, was uploaded by AKTI GAMER on 2024-09-23 12:15:39. It has garnered 432 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:42 or 42 seconds. #minecraftmeme #minecraftshorts #minecraft #minecraftbutimineablockeveryday minecraft, minecraft videos, minecraft house tutorial, minecraft 100 days, minecraft game, minecraft house, minecraft hardcore, minecraft civilization, minecraft horror, minecraft new update, minecraft movie, minecraft story mode, minecraft apk download, minecraft apk, minecraft arg, minecraft aphmau, minecraft animation, minecraft asmr, minecraft ambience, minecraft april fools 2024, minecraft addons, minecraft april fools, a minecraft song, a minecraft house, a minecraft… Read More

  • Insane GameSphere Trick Shots! Watch now #trending

    Insane GameSphere Trick Shots! Watch now #trendingVideo Information This video, titled ‘Dop2:throw the ball into the basket #trending #dop2 #dop2solutions #dop2level1 #shorts #shortsvideo’, was uploaded by GameSphere on 2024-09-06 13:20:25. It has garnered 1704 views and 24 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:09 or 9 seconds. I found most🤯 rarest block in creative mod …. …. …. …. #trending #minecraftgameplay #rarestbuild #minecraft #minecraftvideos #minecraftgaming …. …. …. …. minecraft minecraft challenge minecraft 100 days challenge minecraft but challenge minecraft hardcore 100 days challenge minecraft 365 days minecraft 100 days minecraft hardcore 100 days hardcore minecraft 100 days minecraft i survived 100 days 365 days… Read More

  • Ep.8: Insane Loot & Epic Builds – Minecraft Survival

    Ep.8: Insane Loot & Epic Builds – Minecraft SurvivalVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Survival – S2E8 – “Looting 20 End Cities + Building A Super Smelting Room + Potion Room”‘, was uploaded by JzayIsLost on 2024-01-14 01:00:13. It has garnered 12 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 00:17:45 or 1065 seconds. Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/jzayislost/ Twitter: https://www.twitter.com/JzayIsLost TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@jzayislost_ Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/jzayislost 2nd Channel: https://www.youtube.com/@jzaylive Shorts Channel: https://www.youtube.com/@jzayshorts Discord: https://www.discord.gg/genBNR7s6T Cashapp: https://cash.app/$JzayIsLost Paypal: https://www.paypal.me/joseluisc21 Streamlabs: https://streamlabs.com/jzayislost/tip Snapchat: josecarrasco121 Business Email: [email protected] #jzayislost Read More

  • Unlock secrets on Rank SMP – New #1 Minecraft Server!

    Unlock secrets on Rank SMP - New #1 Minecraft Server!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft’s Next Big Server! | Rank SMP’, was uploaded by Rank SMP on 2024-09-01 19:10:20. It has garnered 111 views and 5 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:20 or 20 seconds. JOIN RIGHT NEOW (link in comments for now) #strengthsmp #lifestealsmp #clownpierce Words for the algorithm, ignore. Like ParrotX2 videos and the LifeSteal SMP, a Minecraft Server Not like Dream SMP or Tommyinnit or Technoblade or any other Dream SMP members. This SMP is like LifeStealSMP and OneTrySMP, this is the hardest Minecraft Sever ever! and it is also a lore-based server in… Read More

  • Shocking MOMO Calls JJ & Mikey in Minecraft!

    Shocking MOMO Calls JJ & Mikey in Minecraft!Video Information This video, titled ‘How Scary MOMO Called JJ and Mikey at Night in Minecraft ? – Maizen’, was uploaded by JJ & Mikey World on 2024-05-14 20:00:27. It has garnered 18253 views and 84 likes. The duration of the video is 00:30:01 or 1801 seconds. How Scary MOMO Called JJ and Mikey at Night in Minecraft ? – Maizen This is not an official Maizen channel, we make fan videos with JJ and Mikey. Our channel is exclusively for fans of Maizen. We are not trying to impersonate his personality, we just want to add new and interesting… Read More

  • LIVE NOW: xRohat’s EPIC Minecraft Stream!

    LIVE NOW: xRohat's EPIC Minecraft Stream!Video Information This video, titled ‘🔴 xRohat [Minecraft] Livestream vom 12.1.2024 [Part 8]’, was uploaded by xRohat – VODs on 2024-01-16 19:00:00. It has garnered 346 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:59:58 or 3598 seconds. 『📅』Livestream Replay (VOD) by xRohat 『🎬』Rohat’s Social Media: ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬SOCIALS▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ YouTube ► http://youtube.xrohat.de/ Highlights ► http://highlights.xrohat.de/ VODs ► http://vod.xrohat.de/ Instagram ► http://instagram.xrohat.de/ Discord ► http://discord.xrohat.de/ Twitter ► http://twitter.xrohat.de/ TikTok ► http://tiktok.xrohat.de/ ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬SOCIALS▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ 『📂』Information about the VOD – If a part is cut and/or has no sound, it is because Rohat has something to do with copyright music in the heard background. We… Read More

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Minecraft DLC Update – Full Game Playthrough Review!