Terrifying Grandma Betty’s Nursery 2 – Wanted by JJ & Mikey Family at Night in Minecraft!

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there’s been a killing spree in the city oh that’s scary we should be careful mhm the culprit has been put on the most wanted list H they already know who the criminal is huh I wonder what this Killer looks like H this is the culprit huh huh huh H this image was taken from a security camera the culprit a turtle named Mikey is holding the chainsaw used in the crime the Bounty for his capture is $1 million if you find him contact the police huh I’m the culprit no way Mikey they’ve placed a Countrywide bounty on your head for going on a killing spree why me I didn’t do anything they do have a picture of you holding a chain Chaw from the security camera though oh you mean this chainsaw so this is what that’s about why do you have that chainsaw Mikey this I was going for a walk in the city [Applause] yesterday when someone passed by and gave this to me after he handed me the chainsaw he told me to look up at the security camera [Music] [Applause] I didn’t do it trust me I’m innocent oh I see so that’s what happened I believe you Mikey this is just my guess but the culprit must have handed you the chainsaw to try and frame you for the crime all right let’s catch the criminal and prove your innocence h Huh someone’s here Mikey hold up you probably shouldn’t open that door what why not I have a bad feeling about this for now uh excuse me I’ll use my computer to look outside using the security cameras mhm okay huh uh-oh huh sheesh the situation outside looks bad we’re surrounded by police hold on wait a sec how how how Mikey they’re planning on breaking into our house it’s like they’re here too crazy they’re knocking at the door they’re over here they’re knocking so hard what now they want to arrest me and I didn’t even do it oh for now let’s close these okay Mikey Mikey they’re going to arrest you for a crime you didn’t commit let’s make a tactical Retreat for now now but how are we supposed to get away from here we’re surrounded no I’ve got this Mikey come here here this is our toilet but we can escape through here let’s use the sewers to head to the city Mikey got it let’s go [Music] go the sewer I’ll never forgive that guy for framing me we’re definitely going to catch him that’s the spirit but first we should probably disguise you uhhuh you’re a wanted criminal now Mikey oh that’s right put these clothes on these should be enough to disguise you oh well you look like a completely different person I don’t think anyone will know it’s you all right Mikey let’s go search for the culprit H let’s follow the sewers until we reach Town let’s go first let’s go to the scene of the crime huh they say criminals often return to the scene of the crime come on let’s go wow there are wanted posters all over with your face on them but it wasn’t me oh why me it wasn’t me well Mikey for now let’s head to the scene of the crime this way this way follow me come on hold on it’s the police ow it’s okay Mikey you’re in Disguise now the police are more likely to suspect you if you look nervous try to act casual oh got it h let’s go as long as we act casually no one should notice us okay they haven’t got on H yes yes yes go go go let’s go there’s the scene of the crime let’s hide in the shadows look there’s the victim the poor guy we can’t let this go hm is the person who handed you the chainsaw here do you remember what he looks like h i remember his face H oh oh that person that one so that clown looking person is the culprit let’s catch him sneak in closer H oh hey hold on he ran away after him we got to catch him we can’t let him get away the culbert ran into this Tower hm there’s something that looks like a hideout at the top of that Tower you can just barely see it h let’s go still to reach the tower we need to make it through this lava parkour course lava H let’s do our best to cross it wo close one you okay H I’m okay go go go made it okay what’s with this door H it’s pretty creepy it is creepy but we have no choice but to press forward I’ll open it open H H what’s this huh H oh hang on there’s a ladder up there but we can’t reach it oh H just a moment check this out H it’s a TNT elevator wo this device uses TNT to launch you into the air oh let’s use it to reach the ladder H okay let’s head to the top and catch that criminal mhm here we go I wonder what’s up there wa yes I reached the ladder nice hurry up Mikey here I go okay W woo I made it it I made it incredible Mikey let’s go let’s go let’s go let’s go what’s through here I think this ladder might take us to the top of the tower it’s the enemy Hideout so be ready for anything be careful okay H oh look oh this is the enemy Hideout H still I think it might be trapped it’s pretty sus still let’s hurry up and catch the culprit let’s break in come on no Mikey I feel like if we go through the front entrance we’re sure to lose instead I’m going to start by trying to hack The house’s Network H okay how’s this I’ll set my computer up here M time to hack The house’s Network I’m going to access the security cameras inside the house oh I’ve gained access to the security cameras hold up the culprit is waiting for us with a pitfall trap behind the door also he has a chainsaw Mikey that criminal is sure to catch us if we try to break through here what are we going to do H what now let’s try entering from the back of the house right this way through the back hm I brought a really good item along with me huh oh look it’s dynamite wo nice nice nice I’ll attach the dynamite to this wall mhm now to destroy this wall and break in from here let’s push the culprit into the pitfall trap as soon as we’re inside it’s set okay get ready we’re going to catch him okay now now let’s go yes nice wo we did it we did it we caught the criminal call the police woohoo nice all right Mikey I’ve got everything we need to destroy that puppet TNT iron bars here thanks all right it hasn’t left right nope it’s in the closet I’m on it there it is still there first yeah to keep it from escaping let’s do this mhm these iron bars will keep it inside nice okay now it’s trapped then what then we’ll place as much TNT as we can all over your house let’s do it all right wo okay as much TNT as we can fit put it everywhere good all right really fill it up all right okay I’m all out of TNT right let’s get out of here wait don’t come out Mikey hang on okay now let’s use ladders to climb onto your house sure okay now Mikey yeah let’s dump this lava on your house and Light It Up sure ready okay 3 2 one run run away far away well well what now oh woah woah it’s exploding woah [Applause] we did it we defeated it yes woo we did it we stopped the puppets look I found this videotape into garbage that’s pretty creepy I don’t know if I want to watch it it’ll be fine let’s take a look maybe there’s a game show on it huh huh that’s weird duh what’s this huh huh there’s someone strange on the screen Mikey I knew this was going to get creepy I’ve got a bad feeling about this turn it off already come on go ahead H got it huh [Music] where what it’s behind me watch out oh no no just keep running faster you okay it’s fast it’s coming Run come on hurry go it’ll catch us this leads back to the surface go go go hurry hey that’s our house come on Mikey faster get inside the door yes that was closed pH okay let’s go up to the second floor all right hey Mikey why were you screaming hang on this is bad this is bad no what do I do what do I do oh it’s pounding on the door I got to find a place to hide a place to hide uh no not there or there oh that’s right I put a secret door here okay phew somehow I managed to hide this is terrible that strange person broke into our house and then Mikey disappeared that strange person must have kidnapped him oh what am I supposed to do now huh what’s this a hostage situation if you want the hostage returned prepare to give me $1 million otherwise I’ll blow myself up along with the hostage save me this guy’s crazy just do what he says that was Mikey that must mean the hostage situation is it Mikey’s house oh man this is terrible a hostage situation in my own village and Mikey is the hostage huh this is unreal besides I don’t have a million dollars are those explosives on Mikey’s house what no way I’m getting past the police barricade sheesh this leaves me no choice but to save Mikey on my own H if I’m not careful the criminal will press the Detonator and Mikey will be toast first things first I need to know what’s going on in there before I can make my [Music] plan let’s see I’m going to need my computer for this one let’s get it set up all right then I’m going to try and hack the security cameras in Mikey’s house I’m in now I should have access to his camera feed please why are you doing this hey stop that that hurts please not the cookies anything but my snack oh that’s just cruel why are you doing this oh it’s worse than I thought Mikey’s being tormented in there I need to act fast huh let’s see here’s what I know for sure the criminal is acting alone so if I can take him out with a sniper rifle then problem solved okay I just need to sneak up oh there’s a window I’ll use it to line up the shot I can’t let the criminal see me out here let’s get set up among the trees nice and stealthy and find the perfect position okay I think this is my best bet there he is I can covertly take out the criminal from here carefully line up the shot okay he’s in my sights I can do this I just have to huh no Mikey get out of the way that was way too close come on buddy move just a bit more okay here we go yeah hold on this time for sure please don’t get in the way again there I’ve got you this time 3 2 what Mikey this is really stressful Mikey is moving around way too much I don’t know which one of them I’d hit it’s way too risky I need to find another way to save him what else can I try H hey that could work okay I have a much safer idea now what if I was able to disarm all of those explosives then he wouldn’t be able to self-destruct and the police could safely charge in I’m going to need my life laptop for this if I can get the computer close enough to the house I may be able to hack into the explosives and disarm them but to get that close without being seen a camouflage suit would come in handy a set of leather armor and some green Dy should do the trick there that’s a full suit let’s see how the camouflage looks m not bad now I can lie down and blend in seamlessly with the grass see I’m basically invisible let’s give this a try first I have to sneak past the police all right the green Dy matches the grass nicely so I’m well hidden even if he looks outside I doubt he’ll even see me I need to get really close to hack the explosives just a little closer yikes I didn’t think he’d come outside it seems he hasn’t noticed me still I won’t move when he looks my way just a bit closer oh he’s so close I’m almost within hacking range I’m still hidden this is so tense but I think it’ll work come on oh no I’ve been seen abort he’s shooting at me I have to get out of here get to cover tactical Retreat sheesh a oh what’s going on now the criminal is on top of the house my demands are clear $1 million within 5 minutes or boom huh did I just hear that right I have 5 minutes to save Mikey or he’ll be caught in the EXP expion along with the criminal what well what am I going to do oh I’ve got it an idea just came to me we’re going to try a new approach check this out it’s a drill I can use this drill to dig a tunnel all the way to Mikey’s house and get him out of there before it’s too late the criminal won’t notice it from the roof it’s genius I’ll start behind the house all right let’s use this drill to save Mikey now we’re getting somewhere man this thing is heavy there now to leave a ladder so I can get back out perfect at this depth I should be able to dig my way over without getting the criminal’s attention hold tight Mikey I’m coming for you and I [Music] better what’s this why are there so many cows crammed into the corner is that slime and what’s this thing up here a snow Bridge H looks like I need to cross to the other side I hope it’s not too powdery I’d hate to fall through my safest option is to dash across I’m a little nervous but I have a feeling it’s going to work let’s do this ready go jump oh I fell right through huh it looks like the slime block stopped me from taking damage I’ll try again again here I go H I think I figured it out these are powder snow blocks powder snow blocks are too fluffy to stand on normally in that case how am I supposed to cross it maybe there’s another way it might have something to do with the cows oh there’s a chest I’ll open it interesting there’s some iron ingots and a few wooden planks I’ll use the wooden planks to make a crafting table now I know how the herd of cows are involved I think I’ve solved the puzzle first I need to keep crafting I’ll make an iron sword to get the resources from the herd there trust me I wouldn’t be doing this unless it was absolutely necessary to cross the powder snow bridge I’m really sorry cows but I have to save Mikey come on there’s a certain material that I’m hunting for from these [Music] cows did you figure out what the material is leather now I have everything I need I’ll start by crafting a pair of leather boots if you wear leather boots you can walk across powder snow blocks here thank you cows for your sacrifice I’m about to show you why it was all worth it check it out I’m not sinking it feels like I’m flying I should be able to safely cross the powder snow Bridge without any more slip UPS there we go I made it now what am I supposed to do H it looks like a dead end can I break through here H whoa hang on there’s something on the other side of this sand wall I see a chest and a ladder if there’s a ladder I bet that means there’s a way up to reach the next floor but no matter how much sand I dig up more sand keeps coming down from above what am I supposed to do hm oh hang on this should help if I place a torch fast enough it should open up a gap for me let’s put that theory to the test hey hey it worked that’s awesome wow that’s cool it actually worked now I should be able to walk right through the sand wall yes mission accomplished let’s take a look inside that chest oh a golden apple snack time I’ve been low on health for a while so so I’m going to eat it right away there we go that’s exactly what I needed my health is already maxed out all right time to climb I have to hurry up the tower so I can save Mikey before anything bad happens to him I hope he’s okay I need to get to the bottom of this and find out who his kidnapper really is yes there I made it hang on what’s that no way why are there so many lasers bouncing around this hallway do I really have to go through them all that looks dangerous huh back off what is that some kind of monster popped up out of nowhere it’s slowing down because it’s too tall I’m not waiting around there’s no way I’m letting that freaky Blue Monster get to me how am I supposed to get through these lasers oh I know I’ll jump on these things on the edges wao that was a close one it almost caught me one false step and I would have been a goner I’m just glad I made it to safety moving on I need to hurry and find Mikey let’s see what’s this room oh there’s a ledge up there but other than that the room is empty there’s only a single chest in the Corner 3 2 1 open there are eight water buckets some dispensers TNT Redstone Dust a button quartz blocks and a quartz slab what am I supposed to do with all of that wait H for some reason I get the feeling I’m supposed to use these items to reach the ledge up there oh of course I know what to do I’ll build my Escape mechanism from SC ratch that looks good perfect there all good the frame is finished now I can fill it up I’ll empty the water from these buckets into the center of the contraption last but not least I’ll fill in the corners there we go the only thing left is to fill the dispensers with TNT I’ll try to divide it equally it’s important that all the TNT is balanced the main part of my device is finished if I just connect the dispensers with redstone dust then everything should be good to go now for the button I’m finished I put together a functioning TNT cannon once I push the button the TNT will eject into the water and launch me to the next floor I must be getting close to the top of the tower now I hope Mikey’s okay let’s do this thing okay wao wow I did it on my first try this must be the top of the tower I’ll see what’s in here 3 2 1 open oh what’s this is this the top where am I oh a cage wait what’s that huh what’s going on Mikey’s passed out inside the cell whoa that’s definitely a bad guy he must be the one who kidnapped Mikey I bet he’s the one in charge of this entire Tower he looks really tough can I beat him H oh there’s a pipe running across the ceiling maybe if I sneak up there I can get across the room without the boss noticing me hopefully this works I’m off to a good start I just need to figure out how to rescue Mikey from up here H I hope he doesn’t notice me hang on a second what does he have on the wall over there laser rifles no way that must be his weapon rack if I manage to steal one I can use it to fight him but first I need to get down I’ll aim for the bed so I don’t take any damage yes I think it’s this way oh that’s not good now what do I do I managed to dig straight into a lava pool this wasn’t in my plan I guess I’ll block it off and try digging around it we’ll just make a slight detour H I think that should be far enough good now let’s get back on course next stop Mikey’s house [Music] I’m pretty sure this is the right spot there’s not much time so let’s check the surface going up I’ll just make a pillar with Cobblestone that’s good [Music] enough there is that that’s the house all right but I’m not quite in the right spot I guess I drilled a little too far clock’s ticking King yikes there’s the criminal you have 2 minutes to provide the money this is bad he’s going to see me what do I do I got to hide back into the tunnel that was way too close I can’t believe it he almost saw me that would have been bad well I guess the tunnel should be actually in this area okay these wood blocks are the wall which means I should Tunnel right here I’ve got it this time just a little bit longer Mikey hopefully he isn’t standing directly in the path of my drill I should be careful luckily this drill can go one block at a time there’s the surface I can see the inside of Mikey’s house yes I think this is going to work here’s a ladder so Mikey do have to jump let’s do this okay where’s Mikey he’s not on the bed huh there he is it’s all over I don’t have a million dollars I’m too young to die I hope JJ lives a long happy life for both of us oh hey Mikey hey keep it down you scared me he’s going to hear you you’ve come come to rescue me thank you JJ of course I did buddy come on I dug us a tunnel Let’s Escape yeah come on right down here coming today is not my day to die let’s get out of here mhm which way there’s only one way come on we have to get away from those bombs oh right wow JJ this is an impressive tunnel thanks Mikey come on up the ladder right behind you yeah yes pH we made it I’m free wa he actually blew himself up no way wow my house he wasn’t bluffing we got you out of there just in time yeah what a relief oh somehow they apprehended the criminal thank you for rescuing me JJ ah morning already Mikey it’s time to wake up come on huh oh good morning remember Mikey today’s the day that mama is going out and leaving us alone all day is that so oh we’ll watch over the house Mama M absolutely no Mischief we would never we’ll be good kids and watch the house bye-bye [Music] let’s go back inside H [Music] okay look I found this videotape in the garbage I wonder what’s on it let’s check it out H from the garbage that’s pretty creepy I don’t know if I want to watch it it’ll be fine let’s take a look maybe there’s a game show on it uh what’s it doing what huh the puppets at that villager’s house huh huh it’s ringing the doorbell huh oh what I think it’s hiding in the sh Shadows Please Mr villager don’t open the door oh it opened hang on no no Mr villager we’re home alone today so I’m starting to get kind of hungry how about we get something from the kitchen okay mama bought a cake the other day let’s look around around for it JJ cake mhm but where did she put it uh well where where is it here the fridge nope H oh here it is oh I found a cake oo nice yay let’s have cake for [Music] breakfast cake for breakfast when we’re home alone sounds perfect let’s eat it JJ all right let’s dig in this is the best so yummy we’ve had breakfast so since we have the opportunity let’s do things we can only do when we’re home alone uh okay but what can we only do when we’re home alone for example we could look through Mama’s room huh h Mama’s room but it’s completely off limits that’s why we can only look through it now well we’re home alone well I guess so I am a little curious as to what’s in her room mhm let’s do it that’s the spirit there must be something amazing in there right let’s go aha 3 2 1 open H oh so this is Mama’s room I bet there’s something cool here H it’s like normal and Tiny H huh I guess so but there’s a dboard oh wo nice throw this is fun hey you’re good huh yeah she has a d board this is great there isn’t much else here though uh there’s an anvil see true pretty cool and really heavy it works like this what are you doing watch this oh you can drop it on things to crush them wo the flower pot is gone that is cool it’s really heavy hey why does mama have that I guess she can Crush things with it but huh what else is there a painting a bed lots of books I guess mama likes to read we knew that already huh H what’s that up there huh oh there’s something up there h ever let’s pull it wo wo there’s a secret passage behind the bookshelves oh wow oh so cool let’s go inside yeah good idea huh Mikey there’s a staircase Going Underground awesome let’s go but Mikey if Mama finds out we’ll be in trouble but mama won’t be home until tonight so we have to do this now before she comes back come on you make a good point I do want to know what’s in the basement let’s go Mikey I’ll go first a door let’s open it okay huh what’s that a vault wo wo seriously mama room has a secret basement with a big vault in it let’s open it mhm all right 3 2 1 this is amazing there’s so much money in here it’s crazy there are piles of treasure awesome this is the best thing ever there are treasure chests in here too open up whoa hang on these are traps not treasure oh look H these are traps that you place on the floor be careful they can hurt you if you step on them yeah so what else is there these are barricades check these out these are awesome they go on the wall yeah if they go on Windows nobody can get in cool it’s for home security woooo anything else H oh there are security cameras in here wo really cool but why would Mama have these in her basement wow what a cool security camera I found something what look wow so awesome huh hang on are these rocket launchers yes but why H these are cool yikes Mama’s room sure has a lot of dangerous stuff is that why it’s off limits she’ll be angry if she finds out We snuck down here you’re right let’s clean up and put everything back as it was yeah then we go back upstairs first the [Music] camera I’m breaking these down too and putting them back I’ll help too okay yeah mhm all right looks good let’s go all clean act like we were never here yep let’s leave Mama’s room let’s [Music] go I’m getting bored yeah H oh let’s play computer games really Mama’s not here we can play as much as we want this is fun well I guess one game can’t hurt all right let’s play so fun yeah this is the best H woohoo hey hang on Mikey look huh look outside Mikey huh look what a creepy person who is that Stranger by the gate h h i see him looks suspicious I’m scared let’s get away from the window hey Mikey maybe we should reinforce our home security we’re only kids and we’re home alone yeah but how are we going to reinforce our security we don’t have any traps or weapons but Mikey think about it this house does have security items huh Mama’s room you’re right let’s get that stuff out of the basement [Music] mm okay let’s secure the house where do we start uh he’s still out there no he’s watching us Focus let’s put up the barricades to keep them from getting in put them up like this see okay cover the windows all right okay I’ll get [Music] these secure that’s good let’s do this side uhuh here too H nice and the kitchen windows too hurry I am put them up like this so far we bar ated all of the windows on the first floor that’s good but what if he comes through the door we only blocked the windows oh yeah huh he could come in h oh I know H for this door we can build a trap yeah okay this will be the perfect place for what so right here like [Music] this there’s a flower bed here huh we’ll do this oh yeah then I can open up the space over here by the door hm check it out what is it look by making a space under the flower bed here we created a gap hm and and we can fire arrows through the Gap if the creep comes up to our door we shoot him with arrows wow I get it now let’s use this Gap to fight off the prowler at the door nice I guess we’re ready for anything now but there’s still more to do the security cameras we’ll put the security cameras up all around the house good idea upstairs too that’s much safer put them everywhere we can watch from somewhere safe yep there we go now Mikey look here what’s up I grabb this from Mama’s room the Anvil let’s use it to build a trap what kind of trap so here’s the plan I’m going to make a temporary hole in this corner of our bedroom okay this should do it now then H yeah this is perfect under the hole I’ll leave some gold coins I brought this from Mama’s Vault I’ll hand you the Anvil H here but why coins well these coins are probably expensive any Intruder would be distracted when he sees gold coins on the ground when that creep comes inside and tries to steal them we’ll drop the Anvil right on him like this JJ that’s a great idea it has to work we can drop the Anvil right onto that creeps head when he’s distracted awesome up next huh wait we should stay upstairs oh right I’m going to set traps on the stairs too really put some traps on the stairs oh nice just like oh back up these hurt got it that should be enough I put a bunch of traps down perfect we’ll be in trouble if he gets up the stairs but these will stop him you’re so smart JJ a thanks climbing these stairs is the only way to reach the second floor we should be okay as long as these traps are set that’s great but huh if if he somehow makes it through the traps we’ll be in real danger up here huh that’s true we’d be stuck up here on the second floor H what do we do what should we do oh right huh for our last resort weapon we can set up a rocket launcher by the door Mama’s room had a rocket launcher remember I also found a turret down there wo let’s set these up H and then here we’ll place the turret I found now I’ll attach the rocket launcher to the turret and fill it up wow with ammo amazing mm all right I think that’s as much as we can do perfect we’ll wait in this room and the second the Intruder comes up the stairs and opens our door H the turret will activate and fire the rocket launcher right at him wow well it might destroy the house but that’s way better than being kidnapped yeah safety is our number one priority mhm right right our security is all ready now what about that creep still there hopefully he just stays out there it’s evening is the creep still there well probably huh he’s not there what oh he was just there let’s check the security [Music] cameras uh oh he’s near the kitchen and he’s he’s trying to break the windows he’s going to break in yeah but I’m glad we barricaded the windows he won’t get in right hope so that’s good [Music] H where did he go huh Mikey he’s gone somewhere else what wait he’s at the door he’s trying to come in let’s stop him we need to get down there and ready our arrows come on quick we’ll wait in position ready the prowler is heading to the door we’ll shoot arrows through the Gap oh he’s here ready to fire he’s ringing the bell as if we’d answer the door to him he hasn’t seen us get ready to shoot ready fire yes I hit him really yes ah he fell over nice he’s hurting the arrow is sticking out of him perfect perfect that’s what he gets for trying to break in it would be nice if he gave up and went home huh huh oh come on he’s not giving up I’m firing again take this PE well maybe he’ll give up now hang on this is bad he saw us he’s coming he knows where’re he here Mikey no what now he’s angry come on we still have our bows and arrows Fire w huh he ran off we did it JJ wow we did it for now let’s go back to our room [Music] mhm finally phew we did it it we can’t let our guard down yet though let’s keep watching the cameras is it clear no sign of them yet so far so good what’s that noise huh huh hang on this is bad we forgot to secure the back entrance now he’s inside the house Oh what now no way we forgot it’s okay we still set all those traps uhhuh uh nice the gold coin trap come on look at him the coins he’s distracted by the coins it [Music] worked oh he seems H happy yeah huh yes he’s trying to steal the coins now’s our chance drop the Anvil okay here it goes take this wo oh we did it but he looks angry very angry hold on is he trying to come upstairs you’re right we’re okay though we left traps on the stairs will they work oh he hit one b wa we did it wait he’s super angry but he set them off he’s coming up all of them uh-oh he made it up the stairs even with all the traps oh he’s headed to our room we still have the turret right I’m scared I hope it works on him no it’s [Applause] him we did it we caught the Intruder JJ we really did it I’m so relieved but huh the house is in Ruins thanks to the turret oh sheesh mama’s going be so mad oh no the puppet attacks and eats people at night reported sightings of the puppet are coming in from all over everyone is asked to be extremely careful at night please be safe what there’s a puppet that eats people at night lurking somewhere nearby who that’s pretty scary I better be careful I hope I’m safe [Applause] H oh that’s the doorbell who could it be oh Mikey JJ let me in what’s wrong there’s something weird with my house today I keep trying to take a nap but all these weird noises are keeping me up like what come look sure this is my house go in and look H it’s weird weird noises what could they be I can’t nap I don’t see anything strange huh really huh no way I can’t figure out what it is oh hang on Mikey yeah there’s something under your bed huh something’s lurking under there uh it’s what hang on Mikey huh I think it’s the dangerous puppet from the news what that thing was under my bed the whole time yikes that’s freaky are we going to be eating seriously it’s going to eat us it’s okay Mikey we’re safe for now huh why look at it it’s harmless during the day huh it doesn’t attack during the day but at night it attacks and eats people so we’re safe for now oh then JJ let’s beat it before nightfalls is that all yep actually I have some lava back at my house yeah let’s dump lava on the puppet to beat it good idea okay okay follow me let’s go all right all right Mikey got the lava use the lava to beat it to beat the puppet I’m so glad it’s all working out safely for us let’s beat it uh huh what where’d it go huh the puppet’s gone huh what now the puppet disappeared oh I’m scared seriously where did it disappear to where did go you don’t think it went back to its own home do you that’s probably it right well we can’t be too careful at this point Mikey the puppet could still be lurking somewhere in the village oh we can’t underestimate it Mikey just in case let’s put up security cameras All Around The Village sure first let’s put one in your house one camera down I feel better already next up over here okay we’ll leave a security camera on this huge tree oh nice yep we can see the entire village with it that makes me feel safer still I’m scared can I stay at your house JJ oh sure you can Mikey thanks it’s night I guess it’s time to sleep actually Mikey H it’s still possible the puppet is in the village let’s check the security cameras before we sleep oh right let’s first check your house Mikey my house it looks just like it always does yep wonderful right it seems safe right huh h Huh the puppet was hiding in my claw was it what’s it doing huh what’s it trying to do what huh huh if I’d been sleeping at home I’d have been eating what maybe it was hunting you good thing you’re here oh oh the puppet left I’ll switch [Music] cameras uh what’s it doing what H the puppets at that villager’s house huh huh it’s ringing the doorbell huh oh what I think it’s hiding in the shadows Please Mr villager don’t open the door oh it opened hang on no no Mr villager that was bad the Villager was eaten to be eaten like that hold up huh the doorbell rang no way oh no no way the puppet is here uh let’s check the [Applause] camera no it’s the puppet and it’s lurking in the shadows if we go out there it’ll jump out and eat us hold on Mikey it’s here it’s right there he wants to eat us oh wait oh no it won’t stop ringing the doorbell what now hang in there Mikey it’s too dangerous here let’s take shelter in my secret basement let’s hide there over here just flick this to open it all right okay wa hurry Mikey hurry right here [Music] H let’s wait here until morning Mikey it’s just too dangerous yeah okay Mikey it’s morning the puppet must have given up it only attacks at night right let’s check it out let’s [Music] go do you think it’s gone maybe hm well I hope it’s gone is it safe be [Music] careful it’s gone what a relief great it’s gone still where’ the puppet go did it go back to your closet Mikey let’s check sure this is your house well is it in my house is it hiding well it seems to be gone [Music] no it’s hiding in my closet it’s still here it’s hiding we’re out of options now what let’s set a trap we’re beating that puppet now we know it’s in there yeah let’s get ready make sure it doesn’t

This video, titled ‘Scary GRANDMA BETTY’S NURSERY 2 is WANTED by JJ and Mikey Family At Night in Minecraft! – Maizen’, was uploaded by JJ & Mikey – Life on 2024-04-16 23:00:20. It has garnered 68388 views and 329 likes. The duration of the video is 01:00:02 or 3602 seconds.

Scary GRANDMA BETTY’S NURSERY 2 is WANTED by JJ and Mikey Family At Night in Minecraft! – Maizen

This video is an unofficial work and is neither created nor approved by Maizen Sisters.

Maizen channel : @Maizen

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  • Revolutionary Minecraft Voice Change 2024! πŸ‘Ύ #shorts

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  • Jai Server

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  • Infinity Cube Server – SMP 1.21

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  • Minecraft Memes – Trader’s High: Unexpected Perch

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  • Lucky Cave Uncovered: Minecraft Survival Series Finale

    Lucky Cave Uncovered: Minecraft Survival Series Finale In the world of Minecraft, where blocks reign supreme, I’m your guide, your narrator, in every scene. From epic cave expeditions to survival tips so keen, I’ll take you on a journey like you’ve never seen. With each diamond found and treasure unearthed, I’ll keep you entertained, your thirst for adventure quenched. Building masterpieces, crafting gear so fine, In this blocky world, every moment is divine. Join me in live streams, where challenges await, Together we’ll conquer, no need to hesitate. So hit subscribe, ring the bell, become part of the crew, In this Minecraft world, there’s always something… Read More

  • Spicy Skeleton Troll πŸ”₯πŸ’€ #lol #minecraft #memes

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  • Can’t Speak Russian in Minecraft! 😱

    Can't Speak Russian in Minecraft! 😱 The Exciting World of Minecraft Step into the blocky world of Minecraft with BezzubickMCPlay! This popular game has captured the hearts of millions around the globe with its endless possibilities and creative gameplay. Exploring the Minecraft Universe Join the HTTYDCraft Discord Server and connect with fellow Minecraft enthusiasts to share tips, tricks, and adventures. The community aspect of Minecraft adds a whole new dimension to the game, making it a truly immersive experience. Connect with BezzubickMCPlay Follow BezzubickMCPlay on VK to stay updated on the latest Minecraft news, challenges, and videos. Engage with the community and be part of… Read More

  • Ultimate Gnome Wizard Portal Upgrade Shizo Clickbait!

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  • Terrifying Herobrine Minecraft Memes

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  • RayGloom’s Freaky Minecraft Creepypasta – LOCK YOUR DOORS!

    RayGloom's Freaky Minecraft Creepypasta - LOCK YOUR DOORS!Video Information This video, titled ‘If You See This Staring At You From the Dark, LOCK YOUR DOORS! Minecraft Creepypasta’, was uploaded by RayGloom Creepypasta on 2024-04-13 07:00:15. It has garnered 501916 views and 8352 likes. The duration of the video is 00:48:55 or 2935 seconds. These three players had a frightening experience! By now most of you already know that it’s Twisted Steve! ———————————————————————————————————– WARNING! Jumpscares are often in these videos! You have been warned! β–Ί I’m an author! Check out my books!: https://www.stingrayproductionszone.com/my-books β–Ί Give a big like and subscribe if you want Minecraft Creepypasta books! Ask in… Read More

  • INSANE! I Survived 100 Days as a CLOUD in Minecraft

    INSANE! I Survived 100 Days as a CLOUD in MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘I Survived 100 Days as a CLOUD in Minecraft’, was uploaded by Ryguyrocky on 2024-04-20 12:30:15. It has garnered 1766356 views and 26725 likes. The duration of the video is 00:56:54 or 3414 seconds. Want to be in a future video? Join my Discord! β–Ίhttps://discord.com/invite/nZpvfe49Vk β–ΊEpisode – I Survived 100 Days as a CLOUD in Minecraft Get some awesome merch at: https://www.ryguy.shop β€’πŸ”·β€’πŸ”·β€’πŸ”·β€’πŸ”·β€’πŸ”·β€’πŸ”·β€’πŸ”·β€’πŸ”·β€’πŸ”·β€’πŸ”·β€’πŸ”·β€’ Check out my other CHANNELS! β–ΊRyguy IRL – https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCZ3ioJV6Nanz-HjAkLnvrxQ β–ΊRyguy Roblox – https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCepSF6Lms2gtEJo9RslDWFQ β–ΊRyguy Plays – https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCPxASykySKRXfAxvFtdMqig β€’πŸ”·β€’πŸ”·β€’πŸ”·β€’πŸ”·β€’πŸ”·β€’πŸ”·β€’πŸ”·β€’πŸ”·β€’πŸ”·β€’πŸ”·β€’πŸ”·β€’ Follow me: 🐦 Twitter – http://twitter.com/Ryguyrocky πŸ“˜ Facebook – https://www.facebook.com/RyguyrockyOFFICIAL πŸ“· Instagram – http://instagram.com/Ryguyrocky… Read More

  • Minecraft’s Most Epic SMP – Join Now!

    Minecraft's Most Epic SMP - Join Now!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft’s MOST FUN SMP! (Applications Open)’, was uploaded by Etheral SMP on 2024-05-29 12:00:58. It has garnered 517 views and 17 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:25 or 25 seconds. https://discord.gg/bnSRAhuDUy Like ParrotX2 videos and the LifeSteal SMP, a Minecraft Server Not like Dream SMP or Tommyinnit or Technoblade or any other Dream SMP members. This SMP is like LifeStealSMP and OneTrySMP, this is the hardest Minecraft Sever ever! and it is also a lore-based server in the MCYT community. I hope you enjoy this video. Not only that, this server has the… Read More

  • BloxFruit Leviathan Hunt: Unlock 69th Heart NOW!

    BloxFruit Leviathan Hunt: Unlock 69th Heart NOW!Video Information This video, titled ‘BloxFruit Leviathan Hunt 69th Leviathan Heart | ?BloxFruit to join’, was uploaded by Lewis 0978 on 2024-06-01 17:23:13. It has garnered 273 views and 9 likes. The duration of the video is 03:25:46 or 12346 seconds. Minecraft Server: To join the minecraft server make your minecraft 1.18 ane enter this IP: yoserver.apexmc.co | For bedrock click add server, enter the ip yoserver.apexmc.co and the port is 26284 Lewis Discord: https://discord.gg/F5V4XwzCNU Zainny Discord: https://discord.gg/Z9XQvcnuGD check out: Roblox group : https://www.roblox.com/groups/3246402/lewis-0988-fan-base#!/about TikTok : https://www.tiktok.com/@lewis_0988 twitch : https://www.twitch.tv/lewis0988 Discord: https://discord.gg/TzwQYarMFA Mods: Itrealzainny: https://www.youtube.com/@ItRealZainny LJ : https://youtube.com/channel/UCRi5xR91_YEevmkLDdL1oSQ Denis :… Read More

  • Brawl Stars Creeper Rank Up in Minecraft?! 🀯 #shorts

    Brawl Stars Creeper Rank Up in Minecraft?! 🀯 #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Brawl Stars Rank Up Creeper Life Minecraft Trend.πŸ₯Ί#shorts’, was uploaded by SDKInsaan on 2024-01-04 04:37:57. It has garnered 1204 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:49 or 49 seconds. Brawl Stars Rank Up Creeper Life Minecraft Trend.πŸ₯Ί#shorts #youtubeshorts #minecraft #ytshorts Read More

  • Bambe Returns to Minecadia Season!!

    Bambe Returns to Minecadia Season!!Video Information This video, titled ‘The New Minecadia Season!!!’, was uploaded by bambe on 2024-05-09 18:46:36. It has garnered 522 views and 20 likes. The duration of the video is 00:08:14 or 494 seconds. The New Minecadia Season!!! 55 likes Hi, my name is bambe. I upload entertaining Minecraft videos from different gamemodes such as Hardcore Factions (HCF), Prisons, Factions, and Skyblock. If you enjoy this type of content, then consider subscribing, and turning on notifications as I upload and stream frequently and you don’t wanna miss them! Credits: ❓Pack(s)❓: πŸ‘† Join my discord to find out!! https://discord.gg/SA2nNfRQb8 ⭐Server Ip?⭐… Read More

  • EPIC Minecraft Adventure: Chosen’s Modded

    EPIC Minecraft Adventure: Chosen's ModdedVideo Information This video, titled ‘Chill Morning Minecraft – Chosens Modded Adventure EP16’, was uploaded by Winnie Wriggle on 2024-02-15 04:23:54. It has garnered 85 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 02:05:07 or 7507 seconds. Relaxing play in the 1.20 Minecraft modpack: Chosen’s Modded Adventure. Join me (@8:00 am Eastern on Mondays and Wednesdays) as I start my day with some chill morning Minecraft. Read More

  • Meadow Mines

    Meadow MinesMeadow Mines is a new survival server running on 1.20.4! We have a fresh economy, an auction house, a skill system, and the ability to claim your land! Join the Discord server and become a part of this new community! We are actively working to make this a thriving SMP community. Also, the icon is a picture of my beloved dog Sully so that’s cool play.meadowmines.com Read More