Terrifying Herobrine Encounter in Minecraft!

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Okay hear me Oliver they can they can hear you Connor you’re loud and clear oh God you’re really you’re really L you’re a bit too loud and a bit too clear it’s ridiculous actually it it’s too much too much um should we should we should we just do a quick time

Set day because yeah yeah we’ve started in the middle of the night I think I I think people will forgive us for that but hey how hello everyone uh who may or may not be watching um yeah maybe do a SL summon wither Conor no no we should we should get some

Food does anyone have any food because I’m I’m lowkey dying lowkey like from uh Marvel yeah have you seen have you seen the new Loki TV show no I haven’t is it any good I don’t really watch Marvel anymore I would get um I’d get Loki I’d get Tom H what’s his

Name Tom Heston I would bend him over uh uh you make a should you tell people who joined that they um they uh they should um leave their like usernames in the chat yes yes so any so Ella hello Ella if you would like to Join This Server

Leave the username in the chat and then Connor will add you to the realm oh no don’t join sorry sorry join Ella can join no well look Dary said she can’t join so I think maybe don’t Connor you got it okay Connor will can can Ella join

Connor of course Ella can join I have no prejudices okay so now we’ve got a we’ve got a thing between Dary and Conor are clearly uh at odds here so I I don’t know um I mean um hater is going to hate but all I do is win win win no matter what

Joe is anti- Ella apparently Auntie Ella if uh Ella was an aunt maybe just the thought um so I’m I’m kindur of deforestation this whole area but I think we should uh we should make this uh Place into like a you know we got quite a nice flat

Area here I think we should Make holy [ __ ] you’re Santa yeah ho ho ho ho what do I want for Christmas I want ho H ho baby I want a uh [ __ ] mad [ __ ] with STDs and uh and then uh go to the doctors they say you got STD I say STD is nuts and I get

My nuts out and then they they probably uh you know do some more tests on my nuts and find out that I have even more [ __ ] like to deal with I don’t know um Ella’s username um Connor if you would like to add her can I read out her username for

You yeah give me give give me give me I’m going to have to disconnect but yeah go for it what’s Ella’s usern name it’s L Ray no caps no spaces uh 20 all right that’s because she was born in 2020 I’m going to I’m going to fire into the mic by the

Way I need food I won’t lie right now just kind of an L moment oh my God what’s the difficulty on this oh my God [ __ ] it’s so it’s normal oh oh that is abnormal though my thought Jesus Christ um ell joined join anyone anyone else anyone else watching put your

Username in the chat right now I’m not [ __ ] around here I’m not [ __ ] around oh damn it I can’t this is going to be a tough one I don’t have does anyone have any food I don’t have any food oh I have an apple actually I’ve full you have

My well look it’s [ __ ] she’s not allowed on the server con you shouldn’t have let her on if if if Jesus yeah [ __ ] ell get out get out of here Jesus Christ well I found a village oh my Joe what the [ __ ] where the you have to keep

Killing her Jesus you made the point um you found a village what’s your uh where you at um um if you if you carry on going up the um uh the hill give big grassy Hill um kill sorry go go up the grassy Hill is it like across the the the the river

No not across the river um like head up on the stone and then up the hill there and then there’s a oh oh my God I gave an axe hoping that that’d give her the guys we don’t want this to be a Joe’s low I know he’s low I know he’s low he’s

Got to be low he’s got to be low he’s got to be low Joe’s got to be low oh my God he CR me okay I got his stuff oh my God okay okay oh God oh God I got to eat before I die this is [ __ ] chaos okay I’m going to I’m

Going to get out of here I’m going to get out of here with with the stuff I got and just okayo k says canny join yes put your username in the chat Kieran is it Kil grin um okay let me I’m going over the mountain

Um can you yeah yeah yeah I see you keep keep going up that way and then I’m I’m up I’m up here and then there’s a oh damn there’s a broken nether portal oh I know where that is if you yeah if you head to the broken nether portal there’s a village

By it I’ve got food as well you got food yeah i’ got some food yeah his name is uh vent trixa um are you ready for me to let me know when you’re ready for me to read it out and I’ll uh yeah read it out it’s V NT yep r iix

E r yeah R for uh rape r ixt no sorry E for e for uh eat that [ __ ] hole so v e n t r e n v e n t yeah R IX e r i x e yep R that’s that’s the thing oh

Nice um I’m going to make some wheat I’m going to make some [ __ ] wheat Oliver do you do you do have you have you seen the Village um I I’m at the Village yes I’m at the Village I’ve got uh oh damn nice okay cool well I’m just I’m just I’m

Just cooking up some pork chops at the moment I’m just going to get another one quick and then then I’m all good to go and then it’s a it’s a realm Kieran it’s a realm so you just join the join the realm yeah you just go into rounds and

Then it should be under invites and then you should be able to come like join it you should be able to come yeah if you uh if you ejaculate I don’t know if you get like fart and jizz and come right oh there’s an alchemy table

Um so what what’s I think we should set some goals for the server goal one uh one kill her who Joe you’re not being specific that doesn’t narrow it down um no I think I think Obama Obama damn that’s uh that’s what Joe calls Ella I don’t know where it derived

From oh damn there’s a there’s an iron golem here oh there’s a bed I got a bed now where where the [ __ ] are are you Connor where the [ __ ] are you Jesus hello how the [ __ ] are you doing [ __ ] sake what no don’t kill me please please

Wait you need food you need food um no I got loads of bread actually I’m good got loads of [ __ ] bread nice Okay cool so there’s a farm here I say what we do I don’t really want to like live in the village because that’s a bit boring um

We just take from the village we take everything they got all the [ __ ] every block we Harvest everything from the village should we kill this um Golem Golem yeah can you do that yeah I oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] he’s he’s getting he’s getting higher no it’s good it’s fine here we

Go look at this look at this some easy Iron here easy [ __ ] iron you thought you could NAB that iron there we go oh [ __ ] it’s getting let getting dark now yeah um yeah I’ll put the cords in the chat of the of this so 219 minus

417 is where Conor and I are at um just in case people want to come along and uh situate uh oh [ __ ] oh damn I think I can hear a cave or something um hey Ella’s on our way holy [ __ ] oh my God we’re you know what Connor this we are going to

Thrive sorry so you were saying we should have some goals right do you have any in mind you are Santa I think you are you should probably be the leader as Santa we could be your little little elves um well I I think first we got to

I I don’t know if you know everyone wants to share a house but I I I think we should have like a the spawn point itself I think we could kind of make into like a a good area you know right whil we don’t have like none of us might

Not have beds I know there’s sheep up here um but we need like a a a good old like townhouse area there’s loads of like animals here so we can always like bring them like somewhere but I think we should set up like a farm like a house like um obviously get

Materials uh so get materials get a farm get a house and I think the majority of it we can actually get from from the from the village right we can we can probably of course you know fck some uh I’ve got some I’ve got I’ve got two beds at the

Moment so got two beds oh my God I got three beds now three beds we only need one more and then that’s all of us oh I guess Joe’s got two account on so maybe both his accounts need to sleep uh yeah that is true unless we just kick one of his

Accounts there’s loads of sheep down here as well um he oh he logged one of them out okay um yeah I’m I know you said no living in the village for the I’m going to since it’s night time I am going to I’ve I’ve

Got a bed here um we could we could we could all sleep probably yeah that is true that is very true I do I do I like this this logic thinking it’s not you know I know it sounds like I just you know came at you

With an idea but we don’t have to do it Santa you know it’s like you’re you’re the one you’re Santa Claus okay and I’m just a little elf oh my god look how tiny the stupid villain um yeah I kind of want to here we go I’m sleeping I’m sleeping in a

Bed that’s it that’s all I have to do now can relax oh my god did you say we should sleep in real life as well um no I didn’t say let’s sleep ey out umone not everyone has beds maybe should just [ __ ] you kill him we should kill

Him um right we going to kill them is that what you’re going to say Sansa what we were going to you were going to say that we should kill them cuz they don’t have beds right no no I think we should um I think we should just take all the

The ship from the village and then head to the um head to hospital um what’s going on in here oliv well there’s a little baby in the bed there I don’t know it’s it’s kind of my own thing well yeah let’s just take everything then um uh there’s someone called real pet 23

Dude if you want to join the server real Pete put your Java name in the in the in the live chat and we will uh Connor uh Sansa the server admin will add you um I’m going to make my bed yellow and if anyone else has a yellow bed I’m I’m not playing

Anymore it’s as simple as that um I also should make some shields for everyone really I think that’s important con do you want a shield um yeah please all right here we go I watched your Hardcore episode yesterday and I was I was disappointed yeah wait you were disappointed what the

Hell I was disappointed in the lack of progress you made in near enough four hours I made such a nice little house such a nice little house wa you go a shield she’s already got one oh well I guess give it to give it to Joe Kieran Shield or Kieran yeah and

Where’s Joe I think we got too many Shields now but what is this what is Joe’s like Vendetta against the Ella it it’s just look she is just really [ __ ] horrible and it’s going to come to light as we play how horrible and mean and vindictive she is to play with

She is just really mean Connor and I I can’t lie I don’t know why you invited her I don’t know why I invite her oh [ __ ] um I’m going to actually cook the rest of this yeah I’m so low Health uh should we all try and sleep

Um yes Karen made yellow bed what the [ __ ] everyone uh everyone meet the church I think I’ve got a load of beds that we can all use okay everyone meet at the church oh my God got to get inside go there got don’t come in if you’re a zombie though not zombies Santa

There’s a Zombie trying to get in what should I do Santa um I’m letting him in should I let him in no I’m really low on health oh [ __ ] God I S you know that’s why you got to tell me what to do cuz otherwise I’ll I’ll make silly decisions okay I’m just

An elf I don’t know what to do oh my God right there’s one bed there’s there’s there’s another there’s another bed there all right I’ve got a bed I’ve got my own bed I’m going to sleep on upstairs okay does everyone have a bed Karan has a [ __ ] yellow bed okay and I

Can the church in the village where oh okay cool let’s oh we only need two more more people to sleep and then we’re we’ve made it through the the night okay there you go I’m sleeping you know I just had to make sure Kieran knew that I was sleeping

Above him there we go holy [ __ ] look at that oh my god did did anyone else want to join the server was there any more confirmed people not yet no no um there I’m you know someone put someone spoke in the chat they just called me Daddy and left um

It’s probably because Ella’s here yeah [ __ ] sake Ella just [ __ ] leave Jesus Christ jeez oh my God [ __ ] it’s El elves can’t be girls okay and if we’re Santa’s help girl elves all of it is Daddy material I I am a father I didn’t want

To I didn’t want to tell you guys but I am actually a father um so what what are we doing what are we what are what are we doing Sansa what are we doing going back to spawn um I say now we uh we we uh we head we

Head back to maybe the spawn is it was good there it was good there and it’s also where people are going to spawn in so we can welcome them quite easily if we stay there yeah I say we head back to spawn and we we start uh we we could build something I

Don’t know who the best builder is to build like a a nice uh a nice like pth sir can I can I self- elect myself as Chief elf Builder um Father Christmas I feel like I feel like I’ve seen some of Joe’s builds um and they’re pretty bad

Right they’re pretty good they’re pretty good you know you know what I let let’s have a let’s have a um Jo Joe and uh I say Joe and Oliver uh build a Build Together build together I don’t want to build with Joe I don’t

Want to build with Joe I want to have a build battle and own him in the build battle oh okay I’m I’m I’m good for a build battle Yeah I’d be ke for a build battle okay okay and if Joe doesn’t show up then I automatically win uh and Joe

Hasn’t shown up yet so I don’t know you know maybe I’m going to win if he doesn’t show up I think what we do is we’ll do we’ll do a we’ll do a you guys do a build battle and then when it’s built will do a uh we’ll elect um on a unanimous

Decision between all the other members who whose house is the best okay so it’s a house what kind of house what what’s the theme of the house I think I think it should be a nice uh a base a base for for all of us you know just for for

Begin like for anyone who comes into the world a beginning a beginning base you know like a like a survival like your first your first couple of days in Survival Minecraft House well I I want to agree with you Santa obviously I want to agree with you but um anti- Ella

Building contest I mean should it be that or should we do your thing what’s an anti- Ella building contest I’m guessing like you know building a creeper Farm maybe and then using the TNT from the creeper Farm to blow up like a massive uh like statue of

Ella like really like really detailed um okay but I don’t think we have enough materials at the moment to even make a TNT Farm hence why I was proba suggesting let’s make just a a basic base well okay I guess we’ll have to make do a vote on this what’s the build

Battle going to be uh are we going to make a TNT farm and blow up a el mural or are we going to make a basic base um um I vote Sant for Bas Sant I think I override the uh the decision um okay there Fair there okay we’ll build a

Basic base um I’ve got a load of wood here if you want it yeah oh my God that’s okay holy [ __ ] and I don’t have to share it with Joe do I um no oh thank God okay right I want to make it clear that

Um I am oh my God Ella’s bullying Joe oh my God I want to make it clear that I I am I am currently ahead of Joe you know I am I’m about to build um so let’s start I need to figure out where I want my little I’m going to

Build myself just a little station at the uh um should we build some chests Oliver because I got [ __ ] in my oh definitely yeah do you want me to do that yeah please okay my my starter base will also be a chest base see look at Joe jealous of what I’m

Doing oh my God Joe you you are a genius holy [ __ ] I should strip all of this oh my God thank you Jo um okay I’m going to make some chests here we go got one dumps all my [ __ ] in here [ __ ] sake thank you Joe you know what you’re

Right there shouldn’t be just a crafting table there it should be a chest there instead um okay there we go um you know what you’re right you’re right I shouldn’t put a crafting table in here at all to be honest okay I’m going to make the floor

Gravel oh so I would just like to make it clear um Santa that Joe has not built anything yet and he is just [ __ ] with my base okay um I would like to point that out Sant as Sant I’m going to tell you to just just carrying doing what you’re doing

Um cuz at the moment the competition has has ended so but he says he’s Gathering resources from my base surely that’s not allowed surely he’s not allowed to just destroy my base to build his base that should be in the I mean if if Joe ends up destroying your base and then still

Doesn’t build a base but you still build somewhat of a base you will automatically win maybe so what you’re saying is I should destroy his base as well probably um no we should probably just destroy each other’s [ __ ] constantly until one of you pick a winner of who’s

Better at destroying the other person’s [ __ ] is that um I’m not saying that’s what I want I’m just wondering is that is that what you’re saying no I’m not saying that oh I’m Notting I’m going to probably go and mine and collect more resources okay

I’m going to I’m going to keep uh I’m going to make a little Santa when you come back you will have so many chests for all the goodies that I know you’re going to you’re going to bring back for us Santa um and I’m going to have such a

Good base and my brother’s base is going to be so [ __ ] that you will you you may uh just you may just kill him um and I think we’re going to have to yeah I think going have to like kick one of you guys out of the group and you

Can’t be Sansa I think Joe might just have to leave to be honest I I just don’t see how we can uh how we can have you know both of you in I think it’s going to be a big fight it’s my thoughts un okay checking out what kieran’s doing

Kieran’s mining too where have you went to mine oh wait Connor yeah oh sorry sorry I thought we lagged oh where where have you went to mine um I I haven’t yet I’ve just got some more wood to go to make some more torches all right okay but there’s a there is a

Mine pretty close to the to the spawn point okay yeah I’m just going to I’m going to quickly I think I’ve got enough to make a iron pick at some point as well [ __ ] I should have done that well I made us the shields but yeah I should have

Tried to make an iron pick to get more oh no I don’t have enough iron at the moment I’ve only got two iron I believe oh no i’ I’ve got enough I’m just a b Conor that is really [ __ ] stupid Jesus Christ oh Conor hey what are you doing with that

Water Conor is this the just a drink of water I don’t know what your thing is with what the [ __ ] man what am I supposed to do if I get thirsty what am I supposed to do dehydrate are you sure Santa is that really what I should do I’ll do it I’ll

Do it yeah only survival of the fittest okay I’m I think I’m fit enough I’m pretty fit right Santa I’m your would you say I’m your fittest elf no I take Joe’s my P cell what Jesus Christ but Joe isn’t even bit let me see what Joe’s built I don’t

Think he’s built [ __ ] I think karan’s built more than Joe he’s building way far away if he is building I don’t even think he’s building I think he’s just arguing he’s just arguing with Ella karan’s a pretty high elf that’s true that is true yeah I don’t think Joe’s building anything

Um I think there should be a rule against like I think I think Joe’s literally just taking Ella St really I think you might win by default here Oliver holy [ __ ] that’s awesome Ella I know it might be just take one for the team Ella just let just

Let Joe bully you for a little bit longer until I’ve won this competition you know uh what am I doing making a shovel I’ve got kind of like a bit of a weird looking house but I think it’s I think it’ll be good I think it will be

Good I’m building out of uh I’m building the floor out of gravel which doesn’t sound very good but it might look like kind of like a carpet you know I might give myself the haste you’re going to start cheating uh I oh no I probably shouldn’t shouldn’t I probably as least cheaty as

Possible otherwise everyone’s going to want haste so they can mine quicker but sometimes just like you know I want to just mine quick you know you know I I I say I say um you know embrace the grind of Minecraft but if you do cheat I can’t

I couldn’t blame you I cheat on my servers all the [ __ ] time like my last Anarchy realm I was I was uh yeah I was I was using x-ray like constantly no I’m not cheating at the moment I I haven’t decided to yet I’m the only one with OP though so I feel

Like that’s that prevents that prevents any Anarchy from happening at the moment I just I just know as soon as I give someone the power of op especially all of it’s well also it means that you can uh it means you can ban people right you don’t want that to

Happen yeah cuz I know if I gave it to J just ban well obvious well that that you couldn’t blame him for that um wait who slay L was oh no Ella just died from it I think I saw a name tag underwater is there

Like stuff on the oh [ __ ] I see her stuff let me go grab it oh it’s too much I can’t grab all this a this Cave’s too to grab I don’t want to get all that stuff mixed up this this cave don’t have [ __ ] in it I’d hope not that’ll be

Stinky can you hide can you hide when you do um um type stuff in chat um can you hide yeah like can you can you can you hide something if I was going to like do slash something can I hide it from people seeing it um oh cuz you want to

Cheat no no no I I wanted to I wanted to maybe kill someone without know knowing that okay um maybe if you leave it an hour or leave it like 20 minutes and then Google you know how to do it and then no one would know right because it would been

20 minutes people would have forgotten Joe is really helping me out with this base you know what Connor I had like a vendetta against Joe and like saying that we’re going to you know only one of us can win and stuff but I’ve realized this whole time he

Has he has actually been collecting resources to help me with my base um so maybe we should both be Builders oh oh no sorry Connor I was wrong this is just a starting platform above my house [Laughter] okay Ella’s building a massive [ __ ] dick um you know what Joe this this is all

Right this is all right I think it’s beneficial to both of us um wait so are you guys both to building yeah but Joe is Joe is building his base on top of my base I I want to vote for a base combination you

Know this is this is this is what I said from the beginning yeah I I I’m sorry Connor I didn’t agree at first hold up I got to F you hear that I did my ass is getting ripped open dude go I got the sweats anyone have a bow and arrow so I

Can shoot Ella down I don’t K and I’m sorry oh looks like she didn’t need a bow oh my God wait Joe had the bow oh my God [ __ ] how how did how did that happen the cave goes so much deeper oh my God how did that did Joe shoot

You how the [ __ ] did that happen no poop there’s a creeper oh poop wait you can’t say dick oh my God you can’t say you can’t say dick on Realms isn’t that the gayest thing ever that’s pretty gay well I guess it’s kind of anti-gay actually you can’t say

Dick sorry Conor what were you saying I was just getting [ __ ] pissed off um this this cave is pretty deep oh you’re going to get some diamonds I’ve got I’ve got iron but that’s about it so far Iron’s good Iron’s good oh my God got a bit of iron

A bit of iron here in there not not too much iron though which is a bit sad I think kieran’s getting blown up by creepers so what’s our main mission s is it to give presents to the villagers for Christmas time yeah I I say I say we need to

Um I’d say our main mission would be to uh to uh to to probably defeat to kill the Ender Dragon he’s like um cuz the Ender Dragon probably doesn’t even believe in Santa yeah okay let’s [ __ ] up Santa then I mean sorry sorry no no no no uh uh [ __ ]

What was it uh end I’m sorry no I real that was genuinely like a Mis spit type i m typed you sure yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah I have auto correct on cuz cuz you know that Santa’s a a God you know and you can punish any way you like Santa’s a

God yeah watch no Santa please what are you doing Santa beg for mercy Santa I’m I’m begging you I’m begging you no Santa what the [ __ ] oh Santa why I’m your favorite elf am I not your favorite elf my favorite elf has now been changed to

Um uh Ella is now my favorite elf okay that’s still really [ __ ] [ __ ] um but I’m glad it’s not your yeah I’m sorry I’m sorry Joe unless you can prove to me why you should be my favorite elf that it’s gonna it’s GNA roll sorry Joe I hit a Nat 20 it

Stands it uh St uh stands like dream uh like dream stands maybe just a kind of topic switch what do you think of dream um I think he has a weird face do you think he’s a pedophile or do you think he’s uh just awesome oh why do

Always go to Minecraft Youtuber being a pedophile it’s just what people are saying I don’t think it I don’t think he is it’s a low blow I think so I think so I think it I think it is it but if he was proved to be a pedophile then I

Would say I knew it all along I had I knew it I knew it all along and I didn’t say anything cuz I thought it was awesome what he was doing I thought it was awesome and I wanted to let I wanted to let him cook and uh I

Thought the police would get in the way that and it sucks that he’s being caught that’s what I would say um yeah you second that Santa not not you Connor but your Santa Claus like the your role playing as Santa he would second there right I I don’t know that that would put

Dream on the naughty list for sure on the like naughty list in like a hot way I don’t think uh doing children could never be considered hot well it’s a Hot Topic that’s what I meant it’s like a Hot Topic that’s what I meant asking for a friend um is x-ray

Allow I guess if you’re not if you’re not caught x-raying then sure okay there we go holy [ __ ] I’m gonna start x-raying um I mean no I’m not I’m not uh statch epic says um hi can I join this realm that’s how I think you talk uh yes you

Can just put your Minecraft username in the chat if if it’s a Java it has to be a Java account put it in the chat and we’ll add you it’s Conor server um oh damn Kieran found a SP how did Kieran find a spawner um I don’t know he wouldn’t be

X-raying though would he I don’t think so no no okay look at this look at this house holy [ __ ] Conor I mean Sansa when you come up here you are going to suck me off um and it’s going to be almost involuntary I think I think you’re going to

Involuntary yeah you won’t even realize what you’re doing until you’ve done it because of how awesome this house is so what it’ll be it’ll be forced you’ll be forcing me into no no no no you will involuntary you will do it yourself you know how like you might like puke and

Disgust you will be so overwhelmed with joy that you will just insta suck um oh damn that’s that’s pretty Epic uh okay so it’s stack epic um is his username I can spell it out for you whenever you’re ready Santa but don’t um no pressure no you know if you’re

Mining you know yeah give me a second I’ve just I’ve ran into a bit of a problem that’s okay so stack epic Santa’s ran into a problem right now I’ll add him now [ __ ] it okay so you’re going to get added and uh and x-ray is isn’t allowed but if you

Do it spelling how am I spelling is username um s or capital S yep t a c yep H yep capital E wait stack is in t a h uh it starts with an S yeah then t a c h yeah and then capital e p i

K all all caps at the end yeah last four letters are caps um I think there’s no caps in usernames I have caps in my username there’s yeah there’s definitely caps in usernames wait let me let me let me check the stream because then I can just find it

Okay uh Java the same nickname is here oh it’s epic with a K yes you didn’t say epic with a k um I did Santa you can run back the tape okay I have been recording this entire time uh I don’t know if I told you um that epic is invited holy [ __ ]

Dude we’re going to have like a an a posy um I think cly got a fair few people but yeah let’s build this here there we go that’s not so bad is epic replacing Ella Santa is this true wait what is uh uh epic replacing uh replacing

Santa why is epic replacing Santa oh I mean Ella sorry why is Jo getting removed oh god um I got I got mobbed oh [ __ ] uh there’s more people who want to join while you’ve left by the way uh oh God how do I play with

Your feet no don’t play with my feet Jesus play on the server um rayy if you want to join just uh put your put your this is a Java realm put your Java username in the comments and we will add you immediately um sorry Conor what what are

You dealing with right now what’s going on um I’ve got two zombies a skeleton and an Enderman all bearing down on me well um Santa I I do believe that you are a God right a [ __ ] Maybe not maybe not how do I how do I how do I

Give I think if you just do slash back you can go back I mean you know I I what slash just slash back slash back yeah no doesn’t oh um ask Kieran I think Kieran might know uh oh yeah Joe says by the way Connor you died did did you know that

Connor yeah I know okay I’m not happy about it just making just it’s good to make sure in these situations do I live in America I do not live in America I do not where do we live Conor um Idaho Idaho I think that is inica yeah we live in

Idaho oh we live in ID don’t know it’s kind of silly Idaho your mom oh oh my God Santa come on you horny bastard Jesus Christ I’m trying to find where the freaker died hello Ella um look up uh hit hit him with to Google see if there’s a there’s

Definitely a command that brings you back if you want to cheat you know you are Santa um where where what should I do I’m going to make some glass panes oh my God Joe better have some bright ideas cuz he’s going to this house who else who else wanted to

Join um my Java name is um a capital A yep and then the rest is lowercase l o n l o n s i o s i o mhm mhm that’s it bro okay I think epic has joined is left what the [ __ ] Um I’m going to oh you’ve died again [ __ ] I’ve almost done on the house by the way Connor and Joe all he has done is built his platform for the house that’s it that’s all he’s done um dope and you know what else he is a piece of [ __ ] do game

Mode spect I am in game mode spectator he’s Conor’s already cheating K it’s okay I’m not this isn’t this isn’t classified as cheating this is just classified as I got like mobbed and it’s not fair that’s true that is true it’s not fair it’s not fair Conor thank you for making this

Realm holy [ __ ] I’ve i’ I’m glad that we are [ __ ] [ __ ] poo [ __ ] [ __ ] poo [ __ ] [ __ ] poo [ __ ] [ __ ] poo [ __ ] [ __ ] poo [ __ ] [ __ ] poo [ __ ] [ __ ] poo [ __ ] [ __ ] poo [ __ ] [ __ ] poo can someone TP me to the surface I think I think the only mod right now is

Having troubles anyway reallyy you should be invited now right I think uh oh [ __ ] I’ve lost my iron this is poopy right it right time to kill some people oh my God you’re okay I think I think I’m back I think I’m back I think let me check I think I

Think my stream lagged for a second but I think I’m back I’m not sure let me let me double check sure oh I am I’m back oh I’m back okay oh are you are you there Conor I I like dis my computer like [ __ ] my computer just [ __ ] but

Um I very quickly disconnected and reconnected my Wi-Fi and I’m fine that was a genius genius move um can I can can I get a TP to the surface I think con is dealing with his own [ __ ] right now Kar I think uh I think you got a make your own

Way I don’t know if everyone has op though like maybe just try it oh uh sltp that that that is a joke that is a joke sorry that was a really cruel joke toight oh yeah well we don’t have it no I was going to say like I’m I’m

Glad that we don’t I think that would be absolute chaos like imagine if we all had off and we just hadn’t been trying it and then all of a a sudden everyone’s like okay you’re dead you’re dead you’re dead you’re dead Um yeah kieran’s got a house here well I just lost all the iron that I’d been mining for the past 20 minutes for [ __ ] I think I think yeah I think I have it’s okay Santa we we’ll rebuild it will rebuild look you’re going to come back that’s

Why we we there’s more than one that’s why there’s more than one of us doing [ __ ] um you know like you got me doing the building you got job [ __ ] about Ella [ __ ] about Kieran getting stuck but you got me building you know and uh uh and that

Is Joe’s as he says building [ __ ] about but um did I just find my I found my iron you found it nice dude holy [ __ ] I’m going to make some armor before I get [ __ ] up anymore and then I promise no more cheating I don’t know Conor the the the

The B it’s the Band-Aids ripped off you know that’s the most painful part don’t don’t put it back on I say go crazy now I say go [ __ ] wild no no no no it it no Conor you have to TP me yeah I mean look you have to TP Kieran now I

Want some diamonds if you could spawn them in for me okay Kieran there you go and now you you to be tpd you could you could maybe spawn in some diamonds for me as well maybe I tpd Kieran but definitely not to the place you wanted to be TP

That’s awesome just keep him away for a little bit longer I need to grab some more blocks from his house here I’m tping you now don’t worry no don’t TP me to all of it I mean Kieran to oh [ __ ] where’s my shield Karen no Karen what the [ __ ] what

The [ __ ] get out of here dude I was just look it’s for the greater good you know you shouldn’t be building your own house is the thing you should be helping build this house there’s six of us on the server now I’m in a mine um I’m not going to be able to

Sleep um do I say I I think oh sorry I don’t mind if we sleep or not I was just I just wanted to I just want to sleep in my bed for a little bit have a little nap jeez Karen what the [ __ ] Karan is Kieran is a piece of [ __ ]

What where’d he go where’d Kieran go what the [ __ ] K Karan vanished who Connor did Connor must you must have look in the chat Ken’s dead no I tped him to Ella Karen left what a pathetic piece of [ __ ] get the [ __ ] out of here Karen oh my God

Because I because he was on one heart probably because I’m so awesome at the game and I’m your best uh helper helping get hey you know I’ve got to help deliver the presents but I have to sift the good presents from the trash right and I just sifted out the

Trash Karen has joined it’s because he knows I would have run away by now he’s watching he’s stream sniping that’s that’s a bannable offense surely he’s stream sniping stream sniping look look at him go look at him go fortnite this isn’t fortnite or like an MLG game

Wait [ __ ] he’s going to leave again cuz I’m like going to kill him otherwise Karan I’m sorry I destroyed your house but the thing is is that you weren’t helping the call where’d he go where’ Kieran go Conor can you teleport Kieran to me um no

[ __ ] all right Kieran you got away with it this time but don’t think just because uh you know just because I’m doing nice things for the community doesn’t mean I can’t also uh what’s Jo doing Joe what are you doing Joe Joe’s actually look he’s

Building a house he’s um [ __ ] it out I just got a creeper just jumped on me I nearly died building in prime location is it Prime real estate I think he’s blocking off my ladder what the [ __ ] at least connects him come on look go have a little ladder leading up what’s he

Doing oh hey no Joe come on we got to link him up the [ __ ] a here Kieran karan’s [ __ ] dead Karan is dead Karan is dead Kieran is dead oh my God oh my God I’m gaining on him I’m gaining on him I’ve got to be gaining on him come

Kieran you got to go up for breath you got to go up for breath you got to breathe Kieran oh my God no he’s he’s gone he’s gone oh dude I’m sweating I always get very sweaty on Minecraft it’s like uh you know I I just want to please you

Sansa I don’t want any I don’t want to I don’t want any Bad actors around you know I want to have our our nice little Community I don’t want you know Kieran coming in and [ __ ] up Joe building [ __ ] Ella helping him dude stop you’re going to give me a

Heart attack well good get get out of here get you know what if until you can come back and build for the community uh you know don’t come back don’t that you should have known that building a house was against the server rules okay the only houses

Untel Ella’s making fun of how I speak I would I would say if if uh if people want to to to to go against and to do their own thing they more than welcome to but they will be seen as uh our enemy yeah I I agree I think if if anyone

Builds outside of the house stack that we’re building cuz I’ve built a house and now Joe’s building a house on top oh no no no no I’m I’m not saying that I’m just saying for now we we we uh we’re going to see who builds the best base but if anyone wants

To you know what I’m going to I’m going to elect um two two uh people that I feel are uh who will remain impartial and I will message them individually and they will be the people that I I report to to see if any Mischief is done okay and uh like

Me if if they well they’ll get a private message so uh if if they uh if they deem someone to be bad they can be outcast you know but but but it has to be both of them and none of them will know who each of them are

Wait k Karen’s Karen’s grief in my house Karen get him out of here Karen’s grief in my house he started it he started he ran over to my house unprovoked and and started griefing he started griefing he he uh Karen uh placed TNT in my house he’s hacked in

TNT Karan hack TNT into the house okay he’s gone he’s scared Karen uh Karen just private messaged me Sansa and said you’re not real said who’s not real you he doesn’t believe in Santa Sur that should be an instant ban right H H I think wait wait good luck sleeping

Kieran has taken all the beds kieran’s taken all the beds Sansa kieran’s taken all the beds oh wait no he might have just taken mine hold up oh he’s taking mine well that’s still mean that’s mean I think Kieran was killed oh no where’s he going to spawn

[ __ ] oh he’s up there is that him oh that’s hey stack epic oh my god um that’s a cool [ __ ] outfit is that a mango on your back go on your back oh fire awesome all right I dare you to light V trixa on fire

Um I found a spawner you found a spawner holy [ __ ] was through x-raying or just um no um I’ve been doing it like a a good boy it’s only a spider spawner though it’s bit bit poop I got music this though shut up get out of here Jesus Christ shut up just stop

Stop please just be quiet for once sorry guys [ __ ] me went out here how what yes I okay just had to send a message there okay what was the what were the bleeped out words oniv that you just sent me uh can you do uh yeah just slash kill

Kieran and I I’ll I’ll be your second in command I didn’t say second in command third third in command third in command H and I I’ll also I’ll give you a present as well um it’s me who is giving you a uh an opportunity you yeah but I

Know my worth I know my worth as a uh and you should recognize my worth as well is that I I am the only one here recording everything that happens okay so I have ultimate proof I I don’t think anyone could uh top that to be honest

Um like there’s no question about if I’m telling the truth or not because I have recording of it so I think uh and also look I just made an iron pick so I’m kind of that also means that I’m cool as well see I I would I would

Obviously you know accept this however you know if if I was going to give you um privileges know if you accept it but it seems that you you don’t want oh no I’ll accept it I’ll accept it holy [ __ ] I’ll accept it I’ll accept it NOP I have no further requirements I apologize

Sansa I made a mistake I misspoke I mistyped I’m going to make a I’m going to make little mine I think holy [ __ ] stack epic has has already got iron on the go oh my god um yeah no Connor please I mean Santa sir I I will do I will do whatever you

Want me to do if you give me op I will do whatever you want I’ll suck you off I about giving you up it seems like you uh you’re you’re expecting a lot from this role as um I well you know I just I want

Is there a way you can just give me one command and it’s just SL kill Kieran that’s all I want I’ll I’ll take that and and I you know you can keep slash creative slash you know give di you know I don’t need any of that I just need slash kill

Kieran that’s all I need God mining’s so [ __ ] easy yeah oh Mischief kieran’s lying what what’s that Oliver did you give me blank Oliver you’re xray what the [ __ ] did you give me blindness you’re [ __ ] I can see you did you did you give me did you give me

Blindness I gave you blindness because you you chose to x-ray holy [ __ ] dude you were fast on that wow holy [ __ ] I thought you did that so fast I thought that was I thought what you did that so fast oh my god oh cuz you’re watching

The stream yeah I apologize I’m going to turn you down okay I’ve turned off x-ray can you can you unblind me I’m sorry Sansa I’m sorry I I didn’t mean to uh I I didn’t mean to I loaded up the wrong texture pack okay okay I’m going

To Can you blind Kieran because he’s probably x-raying H there’s no way to to to prove it though unless Karen put um Ella is X oh oh Ella is x-raying Joe just said I think I don’t think we should blind though I think we should just

Slash kill her over and over that should be the Punishment well Oliver as you are being my loyal servant I will give you oh Joe is being gay is that banable holy [ __ ] holy [ __ ] um thank thank you sir thank you sir holy [ __ ] holy [ __ ] holy [ __ ] holy [ __ ] Santa you have you have

Made my day Santa well I I’m not I’m not up to date on how fast your haste is let’s give me give me a little look look okay that’s a bit too much that’s a bit too much haste no no no this is fine this is fine oh my

God I’m going to uh what am I going to do I’m going to make some iron armor Conor guess what I had for uh dinner um a poo sandwich no um but it what I ate did come out of a butt and it was in between two pieces of bread

Um it I had a egg mayonnaise sandwich pretty good right that’s pretty Epic can I can I ask what you had for dinner by chance uh no I’m sorry con I look hey Sansa I was this I know I know it was probably mince pies and I know you don’t

Like to talk about it know you’re trying to lose weight hey hey hey my addic with mince pies is my is my business and my business alone I understand I I’m sorry Sansa so how’s this house coming along um very good very very good it’s um H

I’m look looking at it right now and I’m not very happy with it what um I don’t like the fact that there’s a there’s this there’s this uh that there is this uh this gap between the front house and the bottom house and it is

Dirt hold up look let me fill in the Gap look at that see it’s good now and also there’s a ladder there’s a ladder leading up to the second layer What does um what just what do statch epic think about this statch epic what’s your thoughts on the house oh my God there we go look now there’s a now there’s a staircase going up to it look at that look at that this uh the staircase going down all of it it’s quite

Particular isn’t it what what were you looking for hm no I agree it should be like this there you go okay we should have staircase going in all directions for [ __ ] sake I’m I’m I’m it’s good right I’m looking what I’m looking what kieran’s doing right now on spectator mode and it

Looks hopefully there’s no torches in his mind oh my God there’s no torches well that X-Ray Mod x-ray texture packs come with uh lighteners like they lighten the path a that was very clever what you did blinding me by the way you should probably do that on Kieran yeah I think

Um I think uh Kieran might get blind L yeah I think so and I and I think you should give blindness and also there’s another command um SL kill van trixer you should do that one what is it what is it with you with wanting to kill people it’s just kieren

It’s just kieren and maybe and maybe Joe and maybe Ella and also maybe you as well sometimes Ella sucks um Ella is a girl this is bad not an Ella enjoy it this is what it says in Joe’s house really well you should kill Joe then that’s uh that’s sexist are you

Going to tolerate sexism on your Realm Sansa Sansa isn’t for sexism I don’t think you know as far as I can tell yo Conor holy [ __ ] full iron oh my God we’re all getting we’re all getting good look at this look stack epics has got uh oh my God I got to join again syntax put

Your uh hey Claudia hey Claudia put Claudia if you want to put your uh name in the chat we’ll invite you Claudia and syntax put your name in the chat too and we’ll invite you too it’s a Java realm so if you guys put your your your shits in the

Chat we will invite you guys I need to make I need to make a a secret chest quickly Claudia is your Java name really is that your Minecraft Java name just Claudia if so that’s awesome that’s awesome that you have Claudia or are you just putting your name in the chat

Um syntax says yo what’s up oh oh Stickman sorry I always get you guys Mel up I’m sorry yeah Claudia what’s your uh what’s your Java name what is your Java name bro I’m actually surprised a lot oh crazy oh we got another uh we’ve got another person Connor to

Invite okay perfect well um um I’m going to quickly make a prison one second okay hold up Claudia we’ll we’ll invite you in a sec con the admin is making a prison but we will you will be invited surely I should probably build another house on top of this one

Um Hey Jo this isn’t for you but this is this is what someone is going to get no no no no don’t go into it okay that’s fine de that’s fine uh Stickman you’re famous holy [ __ ] hey um uh Oliver um you want to come over

Here and see what I’ve built for certain someone yeah let’s have a look let’s have a look where you at oh [ __ ] oh my God oh my God is that Kieran in there holy [ __ ] oh my God oh my God wait Karen left oh no uh Conor can we can we invite

Claudia of course I I’ll log out the game quickly thank you thank you um oh my God oh my God we got so many [ __ ] people joining H I messaged you CIA by the way but um crazy dog 131 yes Capital C oh my God we’re going to

Have six people 1 two three four five six seven people on Claudia has been invited is there anyone else who wanted um um syntax no syntax not joining oh Stickman says add me as well let me get my username okay is is it a Java account Stickman any people who despise Ella oh

My god um Kieran can join again I I wasn’t actually going to put him into the prison I was only joking Kieran he was it was only joking Kieran I don’t know why I’m repeating everything you say uh oh yeah that’s what I was going to do

I was going to make another like layer yeah it’s okay man Stickman Jo put your put your username in the chat and uh as long as it’s a Java account we’ll you can join be [ __ ] awesome um oh my God right I’m going to I’m going to oh

[ __ ] actually I should probably keep mining right that’s probably something I should do Kieran has infinite blindness that that’s a good thing though right Connor I feel like that’s what we were aiming for I’ll remove it now Ken oh [ __ ] okay um okay so Claudia I think you should be

Invited and Stickman if you put your name in the chat we’ll invite you too and holy [ __ ] we’re going to be uh that might that might be eight people um okay where where did I do my little mine okay well give me a second let’s go back onto K and move

It oh my God Karan died [ __ ] well at least I can see now there there we go oh god um can I still oh wait let me let me get out of this game mode because I shouldn’t be in I shouldn’t be in Creative this is this is

Bad this is this is bad to to to go into this game mode I think it’s good all right okay there we go look at this okay so there’s the staircase up here hey Claudia in welcome oh my God okay um hopefully oh we got another one stickman’s username

Is is Rolex I think I remember this um so whenever you’re ready Conor I can read out the [ __ ] again we’re going to have so many [ __ ] people in the server all right okay um what’s the name it’s uh it’s Rolex capital r o l e k

S oh my God Joe jeez that made me jump um holy [ __ ] give cha some items uh they’re not mine oh my god do we have another Shield I think you can make a shield can you um Oliver I’m not really liking the look of the house no what come on it’s [ __ ]

Sick this this this is this we got people join look already we’ve got oh we got another um that is already building a much nicer looking house already like this B Dominico did you want to did you want to join the game B B Domino we are we are pretty far in we’ve

Been playing for a hour you but what what don’t you like about the house Conor it’s it’s got It’s double layered it’s double layered yeah the staircase is bedwars defense like yeah yeah there’s a bed in there and we got to protect it um hm it’d be it’d be really bad if someone

Had TNT and just blew this house up wouldn’t it it would but luckily no one has that right no one wait why are you getting so far away someone died in the the water yeah crazy dog should we invite um crazy dog to the uh to the cor we

Can add crazy dog is that all right crazy dog if I if I invite hold let me uh how do I do this select a friend oh my God someone’s killing me okay there we go crazy dog I’ve added you to the call if anyone else wants to

Be added as well Alexander says let me join oh yeah so guys put your um put your uh you usernames in the put your usernames in the um in the chat when will we do another another bloodborne stream um probably uh I’ll do it at some point Um and spare iron I do do have spare iron Joe where are you um I’m going to say hold up slash message crazy dog I invited you to the core um so and if anyone else wants to join the call just let me know where oh we’ve got another username we’ve got

Another username uh all right give me a sec I’m gonna sorry this is a little bit this is a little bit chaotic uh okay yeah it is UGA or o o g a yeah b o o g a ugab Booga uh 57 um is is there anyone else um

Then I don’t think so I don’t think so oh stickman stickman is Rolex did you add Stickman I did okay yeah Stickman you are invited Um okay okay crazy dog’s a bit shy that’s all right that’s all right Um do not worry about it you are you are invited to the Discord call crazy dog um join if you want to okay uh Jo put up another sign oh my God this is [ __ ] awesome this is awesome um yeah this this is looking um interesting I mean interesting but like

In a really [ __ ] awesome way right yeah yeah yeah all right let’s uh what are we gonna do I think we should do like another layer oh my God Conor hey crazy dogs in the core um hello oh my God where where’s SK I can see you crazy dog but don’t worry

About um if you’re shy don’t worry about talking but uh it’s cool that you’re in the cool Rolex is in the cool oh my God what’s Ella doing Ella is AFK oh no hey Rolex is in okay i’mna I’m going to okay I’ve got to do something on the stream right oab’s

Joined look at look press tab look how many [ __ ] people we got in this call holy [ __ ] yeah we got we got a fair few people I think Um I think I’m I’m liking I’m liking the uh the amount of Swag we got now you know this you know we we we could we could really defeat the Ender Dragon like this we could do it Oliver can you hear me hey yo how’s it going Claudia I can hear

You can you hear me hey’s yeah I can hear you hello oh my God I can I can hear like myself over and over jeez yes me too I think it’s cuz someone’s got the stream up oh yes yes if if you wouldn’t mind um

If you uh P like mute the stream or something that would be great if you would not mind that um but how how are you doing Claudia how how the [ __ ] is it going Jesus I don’t know what I’m up to you don’t know wait I you know what I think

There’s someone on the server called Vent trixa I think you should kill him um it’s it’s you know and I’ll help uh and I I just I think we should all kill him actually who there’s someone called Vent trixer on the server I think we should

All just kill him or or no is he a scammer or something he’s not a scammer but uh he’s uh you know he he he killed me a few times I did I did destroy his base but UHA keeps um joining the game and then leaving look ventri says he’s a Chad he

Is a scammer oh my God Karen what the f his real name is kieren jeez I don’t know why he’s a scammer I don’t know what what the [ __ ] his problem is oh my god well you know I mean you could kill him you could also I’m building a house

Here you could uh we’re building like a house stack like a stack of houses you could build a house on this big stack if you want just just do whatever you know just go crazy um oh oh okay people are just is it is it cuz it there’s like a

Max amount of people that can be on the server I don’t know I think I don’t know what Ugg is doing oh wait sorry I should be reading the chat Um uh I keep getting kicked why um oh sorry no I I don’t keep getting kicked but um someone in the chat said they keep getting kicked I’m not sure do you think I should turn the stream off cuz it’s annoying me yeah probably if but

You know I think probably two of me is a little bit too much probably um holy [ __ ] look at this house stack we got going on here hopefully I don’t know if Joe’s noticed yet that I’m building a house on top of Cu he destroyed it last time but

Uh it says connect oh yeah I see you up there yeah yeah yeah yeah this is the this is the house deack can you use the pink the pink wood oh yeah that’s a good idea pink Wood’s very good you should probably do that oh [ __ ]

I just dug off oh no how am I G to get down it’s my problem I’m gonna pause stream okay awesome yeah oh [ __ ] okay we good careful don’t can you do the water log thing where you used a bucket of water oh that is a good that is a good

Idea actually I think that yeah or like a like a infinite water at the bottom that is a very good idea let me do that we could have a yeah and then a big Stairway to go back up yeah yeah yeah or you know what you know what we could do

We could just pour water over the whole thing just or maybe like make a like an opening in the front with the the water off the sides yeah let’s try that Joe’s building a house in my house oh my God okay right what are we going to

Do yeah something like that yeah you’re right holy [ __ ] if I do like can I do like can I do like the underground yeah yeah under yeah build houses Going Underground as well holy [ __ ] that’s a good idea like there we go so that we don’t get killed by mobs you know that

Is that is a very good idea what’s going on oh I [ __ ] up hold up oh no no no Rolex oh my God holy [ __ ] Rolex what are you doing don’t do that yeah Rolex what the [ __ ] Rolex okay here we go look at that oh my God okay and we

Need you want me to flatten out this world a little bit you want me to flatten it out yeah sure yeah go for it go for it um yeah do you know just build just do your thing do your thing okay that’s pretty cool right how do I speak in cool oh [ __ ]

Rolex do I have you on Discord I could add you to the call if you like who’s ugab Booga um I’m not sure but he keeps oh I think he’s lagging keep leaving yeah I think he might be lagging a bit yeah don’t you does UGA have the update the

120 update oh [ __ ] that’s a good point yeah ugab Booga make sure you’re in the latest version I think that’s why my brother couldn’t join oh Faz bear oh my God Freddy okay Santa can Freddy Fazbear join I know it’s kind of scary I’ve never been on a realm before you know oh

Really yeah I’ve I’ve been on a few but I definitely prefer server like I prefer like making your own server kind of thing but yeah yeah yo yo do you have me on Discord I don’t know I don’t know like what’s your name on Discord Stickman

Um oh my gosh it’s getting dark it is getting dark there’s there’s some beds in the in the first layer of the house by the way if you uh if you want to sleep in there we we should probably actually oh I don’t know if we will

Can’t there so many people on Ser can I have the pink one yeah sure take take whatever you want mine’s going to be mine has to be the yellow one um okay oh this is the pink one do you do you have me let me see oh

Sh does Derby have the pink one or no um I think you can take whatever you want I think you can take just take whatever you want here we go I’ll add a pip where are these people from they are they um so I have Connor who’s

In the cool he’s um he’s someone I know in real life I know Ella Kieran and Dary in real life and then the rest they all just like uh that’s a big thunderstorm there there is th wait hold up what the hell Joe wait wait Connor Connor does Joe have

Mod Connor does you have mod maybe no no Joe’s mod what how’s it how’s it hey man how’s it going hey Oliver do you have like an effect on you what’s the what’s your effect oh I have haste I have haste I got a little Conor gave me a little

Cheat oh where how do I get it I don’t know Connor can can uh can crazy dog have a cheat you can call me by Claudia if you want I don’t care Oh CL Claudia can Claudia have a what do you think I’m scared of like creepers that’s what I’m scared

Of you scare me I haven’t done anything why why do I scare you what the hell is it Rolex is that you in the yo yo yo Rolex I remember you Joe Joe’s Fu look Connor look what you’ve done you’ve given Joe cheats and he is [ __ ] oh my

God oh my gosh who who died that was that was that was Ella you know that’s my brother picking on Ella oh my God Conor’s Unleashed Ella Ella Ella Ella got what she deserved no come on what the [ __ ] Rolex no no um no [ __ ]

Uhy I I you you know this I’m not the admin you’ll have to sensor is this is this Anarchy possibly hopefully possibly it’s possibly Anarchy it’s possibly Anarchy Oliver did you see my message where’s where’s my or something like that um yeah you send me oh thank you thank you

Um oh my pig broke you probably heard that I can always make more right Connor how do you give someone haste um I don’t know is that a hat or something yeah I’ll give I’ll give you I’ll give you haste crazy dog I’ll give

I’ll hold up oh [ __ ] am I give me a second I just got to find there’s dark spaces and I get I get picky effects um does any does anyone want to um to to build like a a nice a nice the chaos that is consumed this

Area yeah I think this is a good place I think uh here we go haste there you go there we go there we go got it I saw it on the lot my right right screen I mean you know I I think Connor maybe what we

Should do is Ina I mean cuz look we’ve got so much stuff done here what if we just encase the main event like in a little Tower right then we can make the exterior of the tower look good how about that maybe need I mean I mean the outside the

Outside really looks pretty bad so just make look good um make it like modern inside but then nasty on the outside you know what I mean yeah yeah it’s like it’s like deceptive like um like don’t judge yeah it’s like a b it’s like a on the outside um my H went

Away it’s just a very ugly book any if anyone wants to join uh invite Faz real for real for it’s my real Minecraft username there’s a there’s another person who wants to join Conor if you if you have the time uh you’re have that you’re going to have

That 16 Max filled up pretty quickly it’s yeah yeah that’s to see if I can find Diamonds oh good good idea Claudia um F it’s it’s uh let me know when you’re ready and I’ll I’ll read it out holy [ __ ] we got so many [ __ ] people

Join okay what am I oh my God oh my God what was that that’s what I said [ __ ] that sounds like a creeper um oh there’s two more people who want to join Oliver if you come down there’s a big cave we can look around oh

Do it where where where should I find you I hear mobs so be careful okay oh don’t worry I got a you know I got you have a bow I got a I don’t have a bow but I do have a sword and a shield um hey wa I like to shoot

Them from above oh are you in this cave I think I might have oh oh good I’ve got torches I’m coming up oh my days is there a string we can I can use you know I think um I think my brother has a bow I

Think um I I had no idea even how the careful there’s skeleton and a zombie and he’s after me oh my God hey Connor can I can we uh can we invite some people Connor I’m trying to get away from him Oliver can you go get him I’m not

I’m not sure where you are I’m sorry I’m like right here by the the waterfall oh by the waterfall hey yo yeah do you want to um where are they oh [ __ ] made a there they go They’re got it oh my God oh my God almost killed

Kieren oh [ __ ] the the mob killed Karen the M the mob killed Karen the mo oh put stuff in the chest the mo the mob killed k k have how did Kieran have diamonds yeah how did Kieran how did Kieran have diamonds oh my God he must have spawned

It in oh my God he’s the he’s the he he hacked holy [ __ ] oh my God does anybody have string I I don’t have string but I do have diamond armor Claud here if you want it um oh I found here what I got you have you have

Diamonds no I don’t I Claudia i g I gave them to Claudia because I you know I got an upgrade are advancement um there Connor there’s I think there’s four people who want to who want to join but I don’t know whether the one two three four there’s

Seven people of who are on so I don’t know can I use your uh a chest with spring I say um Ben don’t do that please I don’t like that K Karen it’s her it’s her armor it’s her armor oh my God con I saw that Conor I saw that in the

Water there’s like shield and pick and stuff out here I’m sorry guys we I’m um Connor whenever you’re uh yeah I’ll do it now I’ll do it now I’ll do it now I have a feeling why I can’t join is because a drown who’s a drown um so there so there’s someone

Called cotton Crusher Connor all right I’m just going to look in the chat um yeah sorry sorry there is a everyone who wants to join put your put your thing in the chat uh I’m sorry Connor I know it’s I know it’s a little bit hectic um um who else

Is there does anybody no don’t kill me if you do you’re G to be done you’re going to be done vent trixer get get out of here get the [ __ ] out of here holy [ __ ] oh my God he’s going to have to go x-ray some

More oh my God no he’s coming back he’s coming back I can tell he’s coming back oh my God we got a we got a we got to like four up here found him SL what can I do slash uh SL kill how do you levitate slash effect

Levitate you have to use your space double double tap it oh um everyone who put their thing in the um in the chat they can now join on the realm what’s going on over here I see a fight I see a fight how do you levitate levitation wait these these mods might

Have gone a bit too these ons might have g a bit too far wait what’s what’s happened what’s happened oh God you got neite you got neite I don’t have netherite what are you talking about how how’s oh it’s cuz I gave him levitation so he’s flying

Around I need to hide some I need food I need food um and you need food I got I got some food are you able to cake van off um I am but I I uh I I’m not going to do that you know I got I feel

Like that’s Che heart oh you’re at one heart oh my God how do I let me give you healing SL give effect he’s back he’s back oh my God that is it a slash effect you’re going to be toast oh I’m sorry I can’t get I can’t do any

More commands he’s back where is he where is he where is Kieran oh my God everyone’s fighting hey Conor Conor no what the [ __ ] Conor no oh my God [ __ ] everyone’s fighting oh my God the hell man Conor what the [ __ ] where’s my stuff I’m sorry it’s I

Think it’s Connor took it but he’s he’s he’s Santa though oh he doesn’t have it he doesn’t have it who has it I I I don’t know I didn’t see I know you have it oh my god oh oh you got helmet duck helmet duck where’s the [ __ ] helmet where’s the

Helmet give it to me helmet duck is is duck on here I’m gonna drown you I’m gonna drown you oh my god duck duck is getting blackmailed is is there anyone else who how my diamond helmet no the server is full oh the server’s full guys I’m sorry no more

People can join Claudia I I got to be honest I think the diamond helmet is a lost cause but I can give you a diamond sword if you would like a diamond sword oh V is back oh my God he’s back V tricker is back is his helmet no it’s

Claudia’s helmet no k no no it’s claud’s helmet Karen get out of here oh my god oh [ __ ] it’s Claudia’s helmet what the moment you X-ray for something you know it’s not yours it’s not your it’s not yours to own oh [ __ ] okay Kieran I didn’t kill you that was

Duck I’m at one heart again oh my God CL is at one H this you know this is [ __ ] this is crazy th I’m shaking cuz I’m like nervous it’s okay Claud it’s okay you know it’s just yeah we you know why is your brother being mean I think you

Know I think my brother is just uh he’s trying to fit in with uh he’s trying to cuz you know how like uh he’s trying to be a bully that’s what he’s trying to be you know like at school where there’s like uh yeah I’ve been bullied so many

Times when I was young no [ __ ] yeah that you know the cool kids at school that’s what Kieran is like a bad influence he’s like the cool kid so he’s kind of he is cool like he he he’ll say some cool things and kind of actual

Sve but then you know he’s like a bad influence dad and real my skin is a uh it looks like a black man but it’s actually a poo man um oh my god i’ I’ve got like poo dripping all over myself it’s kind of gross does anybody have an iron

Pick stop it K see this what I mean Kieran is a bad Kieran is Kieran is uh oh my God where is Kieran he’s oh my God kieran’s got kieran’s got a a shield back oh my God we got to get him oh my

God we got to get we got to get Kieran oh my God where should I go why is it just there’s just one guy trying to build while the entire Ser hey Rolex will you um if I give you this will you kill Kieran if you see

Him um I will try my best you will try your best but you wait wait hold up you won’t kill me though right no get oh I don’t know I don’t know hey uh I’ll I’ll give you this I’ll give you this what sorry I was I was

Talking to uh talking to Rolex that’s such a downgrade that’s such a dow oh my God got a diamond from Faz holy [ __ ] thank you fper um five nights of fredy’s I think Kieran is I think kieran’s gone I want him to leave like permanently yeah Karen just get the [ __ ]

Out of here Jesus Christ Karen what the [ __ ] you know I’m I am so angry I could uh you know I don’t usually say this but I could probably if I if I if I like really I’m saying the b word in my head you’re saying the b word in your head

Can you say it out loud or or not really that’s so bad no I can’t I’m I’m saying CHR I’m saying the p word in my head CL help poo whoa poop whoa I could I’m so angry I could strain real hard right now and poo myself probably you asked me a

Question oh yeah Rolex do you have a question for Claudia I do I was just I was just wondering how old she was I’m 24 I I already knew that I cuz I uh I I you’re aart you don’t you don’t sound so sure that you knew that Oliver if I’m

Going to be honest I I am I am so oh sure sorry I turned you up um no you’re not I you’re a hello ventrier I uh I mean I got this diamond pick oh my God people somebody just got killed by a zombie oh there’s one there’s one space there’s one space

Rolex you have you have my diamond pick yeah Rolex what the [ __ ] Rolex Rolex how was I supposed to know it was H Rolex what the [ __ ] how was I supposed to know that Rox I was I why are you screaming at me I’m sorry I was a little I was a little

Annoyed I’m not I’m I’m just kidding Fazbear no I don’t want to fight Fazbear Fazbear is like ripped holy [ __ ] no killing yeah no killing no no killing unless it’s vent trixa then kill ventrix what who teleported me here where am I what’s it look like where are you I am

At the end you’re you’re at the end yeah some teleported me here con con what the [ __ ] it wasn’t me it wasn’t me it wasn’t you well who has who else has commands I don’t know who else is up check the chat hit the chat log why why am I

Here oh my God we all fighting the Ender Dragon holy [ __ ] okay oh my god oh I’m scared I don’t like doing this I don’t like doing this I don’t like doing this no you got this you got this Claud just the Ender Dragon it’s just a [ __ ]

It’s just a bul I don’t have any weapons I don’t have all you need is willpower you just need will I’m I’m going to come through the end of pole too okay we got this trust me trust me here we are look let’s do this let’s do

This I’ve got why was I like the only one not teleported I can’t do this I’m scared I can’t there’s like a little um I’m getting a little I’m getting a little anxious it’s okay Claudia oh [ __ ] there’s a there’s a little teleporter at the at the at the at the

Shits I know at the base at the base each other I don’t want to my oh hey go back back back I want to lose my stuff don’t worry no one’s going to lose their stuff I didn’t just lose everything we just what we need to do is

Kill the Ender Dragon that’s it that’s it there was there was um dragon’s breath there dragon’s breath oh my God that’s uh yeah that’ll get you okay I’m going to I’m going to come back I’m going to come back do you have like a diamond sword that I

Have that I need that I can use I’m sorry Claudia I did have a diamond sword but then I I fell to the I fell you know it’s all gone in the void oh yeah you fell to the void yeah but don’t worry I’m getting uh I’m getting some I’m

Getting some more Stone it’s going to be all right oh my gosh who who’s in the end Connor are you in the end no I’m with oh my gosh the dragon dragon dragon Joe oh you’re with Joe okay get get him oh he knocked me up

We’re defe the Ender Dragon Conor I mean dang it I don’t know if you want to oh my God no I got to go back home don’t worry don’t worry I’ve got you I’ve got you a sword you Um I think that’s the teleports from the ground oh my God is there a teleportation in the is take that sword okay is there anyone else around who needs a sword I didn’t even see that who did that Fazbear Faz look let me give you a sword let me uh

Can I get an iron one or a diamond one I don’t I don’t have I don’t have off anymore oh [ __ ] oh my God no we got to defeat the Wither now what’s going on you know I think oh God I got withered this could be Herobrine this could be Herobrine like

This kind of her do you think Rolex this could be herob how do you have on maybe it could Rolex did you spawn in Herobrine why what yes Rolex spawned in herob you spawned in herob Brien what the [ __ ] why did you do that why did you spawn in her no get in

Here get in get in why are you so get in the house everyone get inside Rolex why did you spawn in Herobrine get the Wither Skeleton we will get the oh my WEA guy gone I don’t know oh he’s gone yes he’s gone hey God okay okay Karen I’m sorry I’m sorry Kieran

Please let’s we got a truce we you know we got to have we got to have a truce until we until we defeat the Ender Dragon no guys guys we got to defeat the Ender Dragon no fighting oh my God oh my God the the fire guy I need food I need

Food oh [ __ ] oh does anybody have food I’m um guys how how’s it going I I’ve I’ve been teleported to uh to my brother and Connor stop it guys um do you want to come defeat the Ender Dragon Connor sure Vince stop we got we got can you hear that

Claudia’s getting killed you know Karan karan’s being a look at that kieran’s killing Claudia guys we got to go we got to go and we got to go defeat the Ender Dragon as well Connor Joe yes yes we do we do yes no don’t worry Claudia I’m I’m coming

Back I got him stuck I got him stuck I got him stuck you got him stuck yeah look no oh my God my friends keep teleporting me away what the [ __ ] let me go back what the hell I want to go defeat the Ender Dragon there we go got him yes good job

Good job that’s the okay that’s the first boss now oh my God what is what is going on here stash stop Vin stop seriously help V trixer get the [ __ ] out of here get out of here oh my God this has turned into absolute Anarchy I did I did warn you about uh

Two hours ago it’s going to be insane oh my God how do I I better just go hide somewhere yeah honestly I think we have to do the whoa the duck’s got the wither wither star oh my God good job holy [ __ ] oh my God has anybody check

This chest over here by the nether portal is it oh by the oh no I don’t think okay never mind there’s a village yeah we’ve looted a lot from the village um there might be there might be some wheat though that could be good for bread there skeletons trying to get me [Laughter]

Um ryel says can you invite me the server might be full now reel I’m sorry Um but there Connor there is someone called reel who wants to join in in the chat but reel it might be it might be full you know what we should try to do we should try Save The Village Save The Village yeah yeah get the pillagers and we can get the the advancement

Karen look let’s team up Karen wait look look truce truce truce truce uh sorry sorry I left my computer crashed that that that’s unforgivable that is unforgivable but I do forgive you only because I’m really kind I I saw creepers I’m really really kind um oh my God no

No no truce come Crusher truce truce truce to kill me I’m not happy is it fine if I is it fine if I just edit my video and talk with you guys yes yes do do as you will do as you will um all right

Thanks I I just got to get this video uploaded today what what video is it I’m on a sudden schedule it’s like cuz I started a Terraria series help There’s a Zombie after me Karen truce Karen Karen truce Karen Karen come on look look let’s go defeat the Ender Dragon

No no oh my God help me kill this guy get out of here Jesus Christ Karen’s gone rabid yeah can you do you know how to ban him I I can’t unfortunately I don’t have the command anymore I’ve been I’ve been de oped oh my God what does that

Mean cuz I’m not the uh I’m not the server admin so I don’t who is that would be that would be Connor Connor is the server um but he’s also can you can you ban can you ban him I think Connor you know he

Sans a claws he can’t be um he can’t be too mean as a thing you know even if someone’s being really you know turn the other cheek kind of thing so’s cheeks are getting clapped by Kieran left and right it’s kind of hot um what does Stash

Want oh my God Kier oh my God yo I need to get I need does anybody have iron I I don’t have anything I I uh oh my God yeah you got killed I just noticed yeah I’ve got to I’m going to I’m going to get a bit of a tree there

Here don’t worry I got you thank you thank you con Crusher ah no con Crusher what the [ __ ] why do you kill just just ask me for it and then you don’t have to deal with it oh my God people stop Seriously this is this has gone completely insane is it am I the only girl here um oh Ella Ella was Ella was the other only girl um so I think now you are the only girl Christian Chong says can I join I’m unsure I’m unsure the the admin has kind

Of went dark on us you know he’s kind of staying in the background a bit oh my God Kieran I have a picka you why is he keep why does he keep doing that he’s a he’s a piece of [ __ ] you know you know something about Kieran he has a he has a

Condition where if he doesn’t breathe farts he uh he’ll die so he’s hooked up to farts like a fart machine and in real life cuz I know in real life no no not oxygen farts like real like farts and he asks me in real life he says he he begs me to

Fart in his face I don’t think he I don’t think it’s a real condition to be honest I think he’s lying what the hell just ask I’ll give it back oh my God Karen’s over here killing people Karen get out of here oh my God um Conor are you making progress like

I’m guessing you’re actually making progress oh it’s a spider that’s what’s killing me yay I got string woohoo you got string nice oh my God if you got string I got some sticks you could make oh [ __ ] Ken’s back oh Ken’s dead I need three

String for both okay I go I go oh my God okay I’m I’m just going I’m I’m just leaving I’m leaving like not like literally leaving I’m not leaving the server I am because uh you know I’ve I’ve I can’t I couldn’t leave I couldn’t leave the server like

This but I’m leaving the area I’ve got to get away from Kieran you know what he might follow you he keeps yeah he he might follow me and he might might he keeps dming me on on Discord asking me to fart in his face he’s uh tell him tell him F off

Karan F off get the kieren if you want to fart in my face the only fart f you’re going to get is f off Kieran or like the f bomb yeah the F like the f bomb Kieran okay no F I’m not going to fart in your face

Anymore if I if if you want farts in your face you’re going to have to pay that uh that one guy you met down the alleyway that one time cuz one time we me and Kieran we went to uh we went uh you know he was like hey you want to

Come over and I said yeah sure you know and this is before I knew that he he needed fs and uh he said yeah it’s embarrassing it it’s it is very embarrassing he said he said um he said no come over please you know oliv I want to you know just

Meet up I’ve you know the house doesn’t smell bad anymore cuz you know he has loads of people fing there and I was like no I’m I’m I’m not going to Kieran I can’t F in your face I can’t do it and so he came over and then he you know

What he did he he said I’ve got dinner and it was just a bowl full of beans like CS right here oh it’s cobwebs yes I bet need a sword to kill them I bet kieren put those down you’re making me out to be a crazy person no it’s true Kieran Kieran what

Kieran and and when I said and he said uh he said he he fed me beans so then I I had to F in his face you know but like no no I’m going to hold him in and I I held him in for as long as I could um

Don’t you remember don’t you remember your last stream you were gassy I I was very gassy in the last stream that was actually because Kieran fed me those beans and uh and I just I heard chips I heard you ate chips too I did I okay

Yeah so jokes aside I do I do frequently uh eat foods that make me uh make me very gassy yeah it’s very enjoy it’s like it’s funny but you know you don’t want to go too far with it you don’t want to be like [ __ ] yourself right yeah do

You ever uh do you ever eat anything that makes you just you know you just got to fart [ __ ] well I eat I eat that Italian meat okay eat it in like one sitting oh not like Gaba goul is that is that one of them no like Pudo and salami

Oh Salam I love salami holy [ __ ] I I I will I a whole pack you just eat it by itself yeah and and do you fart no oh my God that’s like a superpower oh my God if I eat enough salami I will when I eat too much cantaloupe I get

Like oh cantaloupe get like nauseous oh man and do you like cantaloupe yeah I’ll eat a little bit here and there oh man you know I my favorite food is cheese and I I’m lactose and T yeah mine is too really ah oh no okay don’t worry I’ve got still

Got my stuff that’s it that is it you know I can’t H I can’t have Karen killing someone who also enjoys cheese as much as myself this this is who’s breathing in the who’s breathing so heavily I think that might be I might fud I’m I you know I’m I’m a bit

Gassy that that I’m sorry I’m fting my ass off here God oh my God I feel sick now room smells like [ __ ] okay I think I’m I think I’m on my way back oh my God you might want to check your down there check my ass

Just yeah yeah honestly like I I often I I sometimes I need to fart so bad and I tell like look I can I can try and F in your face but it it might be poo and he just says no no that’s fine he says that’s

Actually he said he he actually tries to give me diarrhea so that I squirt diarrhea in his face and I I do it can you stop I succumb to pre press this is getting a littleit this is coming it’s getting every every time you utter another word it’s getting more and more

Uncomfortable no well it’s it’s just the truth you know I I get I’m sorry you know I know it’s a bit far I’m I’m sorry I’m sorry Rolex I it’s it you know I just got to let these things out it’s like uh if I don’t talk about it then um

You letting it boil up therapist there’s coal up here yeah my therapist is uh advises me to live stream and talk about fing in people’s face um Oliver don’t don’t let him on don’t let him on just asked for a call vent trixa add me to the call oh my

God I mean I you know what I oh I saw him you should you should let him him let’s just add him so we can talk it out I think if we talk it out maybe maybe you know I know he’s like fing maybe things will get better yeah he’s like

Farting he’s a scammer he’s like or I’m farting I mean I’m I’ll add him but only so we can we can work it work things out let’s see he wants to say sorry to all of us I’d like to publicly apologize okay okay good good I’ll I’ll invite him so Karen

I’ve I’ve invited you to the cool Karen uh if you can publicly apologize hey Karen Ken Karan you K are you on you’re on um oh he’s typing in the chat you know what I think he’s typing in the chat so that we can’t tell that he’s he’s oh

Here we go hey Kieran hang on can you hear me hey I can hear you I can hear you sorry I forgot to plug my head so can you k you need to apologize for for always making me fart in your face all the [ __ ] want to clarify is Oliver

Does not fart in my face no not anymore no way I’m not doing it again D to stop hitting me Jesus Christ I am not spent in the last like 10 minutes hitting everyone but that’s not the point here Kieran you’re right I I don’t I’m not

Going to I’m you’re right in that that I’m not going to fart in your face ever again you got that right right okay after to date you I I literally just ran like two miles holding my ass cheek together while you’re chasing me begging for me to out the dude I

Can’t help myself I just love it so much I know but you’re going to have to help yourself now cuz it’s not you know what I’m off the I’m not a piece of meat I’m not a piece of salami that you can just eat any whenever you want you could be

That that’s the thing you could be I could be but oh [ __ ] Karan watch out there’s a creeper behind you oh crap oh crap oh my God so oh no is blown up I think you owe Claudia an apology as well Kieran um uh cuz you remember you stole you stole her

Diamonds remember all right yeah she stole my diamonds no you stole her diamonds Kieran you stole her diamonds she stole my diamonds Karen you stole it Karen you piece of [ __ ] help help what’s what’s happening is Karen killing you Ken stop Karen a Karen you Karen you have to apologize for killing

Her Kieran got him we got him we got him oh my God Kieran dude I’m on the verge of having a heart attack you’re faking that come on and you know what Kieran has like heart issues as well but because I do have he

He he farts he he he makes me fart into his into his uh chest he uh we he was like having an open heart surgery and why does duck keep going for me probably probably because he been going for him dude you’re mean yeah you’re because you’re a piece of [ __ ]

Karen you’re you want to Huff my [ __ ] all the time don’t kill me if you kill me you’re done you’re done Ken you’re done Karen have you seen better cool Soul Karen Mike you’re done oh my God you know I can keep my stuff right Jesus oh God you my stuff

You know right yeah I know keep on um a ad you tell me as much as you want but you’re not getting my stuff if you put your uh name in the chat we might invite you maybe I think it’s full I think it’s full oh my god dude

I’m going to have a heart this rain is annoying Kieran you are going to have a heart attack you need to breathe something other than farts you need to stop breathing in farts all the time I’m serious dude you’re making me out to be like a psychopath this isn’t even Kieran

This isn’t even like I’m not trying to even B you I’m just trying to advise you hang on no let Claudia mine Karan let her cook Karen Jesus Christ Karen oh my God wait I realiz Kieran it’s not FY oh my gosh look at that someone defeated the

Ender Dragon oh my god oh my god let’s go have a look oh my God holy [ __ ] I’m got to get the XP there’s a there’s a a poisonous spider on our land oh you know what Kieran just dm’ me and said wouldn’t it

Be funny if I put a poison spider on the land that would be so F I definitely said that I got 42 XP there’s a poisonous spider and I don’t want it Karen why the f stop putting poisonous spiders Kieran Jesus things in do you think I’d be like

Randomly hitting things with like random objects if I was op hey Karen Ken stop Karen that’s I actually say please stop Kieran that’s annoying you’ve taken it too far knock get the [ __ ] out of here Kieran Jesus Christ I am Kieran I am going to get a surgery I’m not even

Kidding where my ass is sewn shut for good and you will never smell my ass again dude how are you going to poo I’ll figure it out I’ll eat and I’ll have a my digestive tract like the start and end will be at my mouth I’ll hook it up

To my mouth and I’ll okay okay Bom Bomb a perfect blogger I’ll make truce Tru Tru truce Tru no no you know you know that surgery where your intestines are on the outside oh is that where you have like a a bag to like poop in yeah yeah

Yeah get that truce Tru I could get that truce okay Kieran I’ll get a truce but so long as you promise no more steal my why you kill me why oh my God and also oh boy what you guys oh K Ken’s got up K’s got up Ken’s got up Ken’s definitely got

Up he just Kieran just freaked out kieran’s got up K’s got up I don’t have up I don’t have op why did you just why did you just come dude I’ve got pins and needles in my hands yeah because you keep killing people come on K’s got op I don’t have

Op no there’s no no I don’t have op damn there is no way Connor would give me op I don’t know they’re just so far away I feel like they’re you know please give me up please I don’t think Conor’s in the cor anymore as long as you don’t

Kill each other all right I won’t kill anyone promise you won’t kill anyone or try and F my face I will not do either one of those um raged Ry I’m sorry I I can’t change the uh the title of the stream but I don’t think people can join anymore cuz

The the server is full um I apologize Ash can you save me from Ken someone’s someone’s trying to kill you yeah stack Stacks save us oh my God uh oh [ __ ] how do you say it stash I say it stash St oh

God you know what I got to I got to um I got to go mining I got to I got to get us some uh some we killed the Ender Dragon though right that’s pretty good yes we did yeah we will definitely contribute toward us yeah I did I uh I

Went there and I I got 52p stop stop killing Fazbear Freddy oh my God Freddy your movie sucks get the [ __ ] out of here I’m gonna leave if you guys not be nice don’t make Claudia leave Freddy and Kieran or or when you want to go when you want to

Go mining or or I do but I don’t want I don’t want anybody behind me dude what did you expect someone if someone’s going to join with the Freddy fazbar name of of course I’m going to team up with them look me me okay that’s true

You and Freddy Faz you can Team Up me me and Claudia we’re we’ll go mining and if anyone if anyone’s going to uh come along you got you got to promise no sniffing my ass first of all Kieran and no killing please stop insinuating that I stop [ __ ] doing it stop every every

Day I get a message about it and it’s like you’re like you you [ __ ] went on a cruise dude it was it was a dude it was one time thing creepy K it’s [ __ ] creepy cuz you you it was a one time thing no it was so many times you when

You went on a cruise I thought well finally I’ve got a break from it but then you [ __ ] you said stop killing me kieran’s honestly stop killing me Kieran I mean Claudia stop killing Claudia uh I’m a fan so don’t kill meore [ __ ] when Kieran went on a cruise recently he wanted me to save my farts in JW I did that that is so true no fast pe get out of here [ __ ] oh my God okay I’m just I’m I’m running stop help never mind Claudia I recommend just running

For the hills the moment you spawn in just run just get out of there you know that it’s done for that spawn is oh there’s Dr in the water there’s Dr there is drown but you know it’s it’s oh crap I just saw Fazbear I just saw him you

Saw Freddy Fazbear oh I see Fazbear too oh my God Fazbear where is she we we watched the Five Nights at Freddy’s movie and uh and Kieran hated it because there wasn’t Freddy didn’t fart in the movie seek locate destroy with me Freddy Fazbear with me God damn it Freddy Fazbear with

Me I see them wh wh no oh crap there’s a zombie okay I Dent x-ray cuz Conor might be watching you might blind me I’m going to I’m going to get us some uh D dude just do what I did just head into the direction of diamonds and then just keep

Stop I don’t but Conor could be watching my stream is is the issue he could be Faz oh my god oh sorry sorry Fazbear sorry sorry sorry no Fazbear kill Kieran kill him kill Kieran Faz don’t kill me Faz Kieran said uh Kieran said he’s gave for

Your farts there you go that should that should pit them against each other I don’t think that it works like that it’s it I saw that chat isn’t that what it’s like though is see F’s down oh no oh no [ __ ] oh it United you guys [ __ ] oh my God

Wait is is Fazbear in the I killed I killed the poisonous spider oh good job good job back to the base Faz bear that’s where she is We Must Destroy no seek seek locate exterminate Claudia don’t worry don’t worry I I’m going to come back with so many so much iron can’t guarantee

Diamonds and we’re going to we’re going to put it stop cuz Kieran [ __ ] K seek locate destroy I’ve had enough of you in this Fazbear movie shits you know what this is your second account isn’t it wait where is she what is that noise me I think that’s K that’s what Kieran

That’s the Kieran makes that noise when I find his face and he goes I say what the [ __ ] are you doing that for and he says it’s cuz he wants to uh he wants to kill me doesn’t he yes most certainly could not doubt it

Oh my God Kieran what the [ __ ] that’s so me it’s not just me it’s Kieran you just made Claudia swear that is uncalled for you just made Claudia swear and I think it takes it takes a lot to make did you say you’re Christian C why why did cotton Crusher

Just whisper hello to me you’re you’re you’re a Christian right so to make a Christian sag I don’t know if I am or not oh okay you’re you’re agnostic you’re a yeah yeah yeah but still I think you know Claudia swore at you Kieran I think you’ve you’ve taken it too far now

Uh-huh okay so all right I’m back hey how’s it going um oh there’s a zombie after me there’s a zombie after me I I finished editing the video and now I’m just rendering it to my file nice dude oh I almost went into the End by accident I’m just going to film a

YouTube short as well pa bear I see you on the corner of my eye oh oh oh where is she where is she where is she destroy destroy destroy destroy oh my God oh my God oh my God Kieran it’s to you’ve taken it too far you’ve taking it too far

K he saw me he saw me I just got to get two Faz go Faz go Faz Faz fast go oh [ __ ] I got to I got to I got to get some iron and make some Shields Kieran you came here to apologize into this cool and and you haven’t all I’ve G

Is have to continue I have to continue I’m sorry I’m addicted dude all all you came here is you know and you keep dming me even now like you’re embarrassed to say in the call you keep dming me asking me to F for you and stuff dude just read

Out our whole conversation in chat right now okay well I’ll start I’ll start from the other day when you were on the cruise Oliver there’s blue sheep hey Kieran Oliver I’m I’m edging Kieran not now oliv sounds so much like me Oliver I’m close please F you don’t even have to back

To and and I basically said like Kieran you won’t even be able to smell it he said just fart on the new feature on Discord where you can can voice record so then I I I farted down the mic because you peer pressured me Kieran I

Have to admit I you peer pressured me and then uh and then beyond that you you love it really right you said you said that’s just you blowing a raspberry you know like when you when you use your mouth I said no I promise I farted and I

Really did fart and you said no fart for real and I said I’ve already used my gas left has left kieran’s weak Kieran is weak now what you underestimate my power no what power do you you have uh oh my God that’s nothing you know I can

Sue you right you can sue me for what yeah we’re going to see you Kieran I’m pretty sure it’s actually illegal to uh to bully in Minecraft yes y actually that’s true that’s true Kieran we’re gonna we’re gonna see yeah can you chill you know what I’m

You know what I’m gonna do you know what I’m gonna do right what I’m going to smell all of the farts no Karen no oh my God yeah oh [ __ ] there’s nothing worse B Dem minia I think it’s 1 20.2 um oh my God is K is that Kieran

With full is that him up there why does he keep getting me is that him is that him with full iron full diamond wait no no that’s not me who is that I don’t know that’s um I can’t remember what his name was oh but he Karen Stop no no please help us kill Karen V trixa oh my God maybe maybe you should not let him on team with me I have I I don’t have operator permissions you know believe it or not I I if I had by the way how old are you Kieran I’m

22 so I’m older than you yeah Karen she’s older than you and that means you have to [ __ ] I I can bully you basically no you can’t no it means that you have to do exactly as as we as she says the server will suffer yes yes

Oh my God he’s no he’s killing everyone he’s killing everyone he’s gone Rogue he’s killing everyone oh my God oh my God [ __ ] he’s [ __ ] killing everyone I dare Kieran I dare you I dare you to walk through the fire Kieran yeah walk through the fire I will when I stop

Being brutally murdered oh my God K walk through the fire if you’re hardcore wait which fire where where is the fire by the nether portal oh that’s ages away no it’s not it is for me cuz I’m brutally lazy I’m like you sit on your assho All

Day Jesus I was going to like make a really funny joke but that was that was uncalled for oh my God that was that was really uncalled for how did get ender portal there you go I’m going to walk through the fire right oh no I’m

Burning duck toast no oh my God Oliver are you asking about the nether portal or the ender portal oh sorry yeah yeah do you know how the ender portal got there you know how to do it kill Enderman oh yeah but I mean um like cuz

It was just spawned in here like it was uh there a block I don’t know I feel like someone’s hacked it you know what I think Karen hacked it in Karen stop don’t worry I’m going to kill Karen it’s fine I got him oh hide in the

Water wait is the diamond like guy like also attacking me give me a reason why you’re killing me uh one reason my all of my initial diamonds I don’t have any you you did K you stole her diamonds what the [ __ ] at least an hour ago

Now oh my God F saying I will back so if you negotiate then we’ll start then you’ll start right have a you guys should have a debate you guys should if you can get me back my diamonds right I will stop I don’t have them I’m not

Kiding that that’s the issue we Face here Kieran look you got you guys you guys look how about this you guys stop attacking each other I’ll build a little place for you guys to have a negotiation okay and you can’t attack only thing I want is my diamonds okay okay but

That’ll be part of your debate that’ll be part of the debate that’ll be part of the debate look let me let me try and build like a house for you guys to no don’t worry about it Oliver don’t worry about it I mean I I really think V if Karen if you could

Stop being violent just for one second you know and just we should and we could get a Juran you know like the whole don’t act like a child don’t be childish Karen you’re being a child what’s the point in being grown up if you can’t act childish sometimes that’s true that’s

That’s true but um but not right now okay I have anger issues so it go it goes for a long period of time yeah I have problems I have like I get like I get very I have a psychosis what’s that I don’t know I kind of made it up

Oh but thanks for me all really go sorry no I I was trying to you could have made something you could have kept going with it no what is like what is it like for real I don’t know I I just kind of heard of

It heard of it you know okay look this is where the debate is going to happen okay and and no attacking okay no Ken you have to I’m going to put my weapon away yeah cuz I don’t have I don’t have a weapon I have a carrot but I mean that

Is also a pretty big weapon if you both put your weapons away and then and uh and then we’ll have I really want fast back here we go mental condition which thought motions are affected that contact is lost with extend okay this is this is where you go

Here Kieran in here and uh Claudia if you want to come around the other side and uh and no no attack let me let me make it clear don’t wait let me I’ve got hold up I’ve got to make a some so there’s no attack in the no Kieran Karen get back

In Karen no oh my God right sorry sorry I help sorry Kieran you [ __ ] ruined it we going to have a debate Kieran I can’t believe it God I should have made the fence first before I fazar back oh my life and savior Fazbear back oh my God now Faz back what the

[ __ ] we oh [ __ ] where’d she go where’d you go you got the you got the nether star yeah I do oh my God yeah oh [ __ ] what what are we going to do uhoh that person is like so overpowered Claudia if Kieran promises not only to

Never smell my farts again but also to never kill you again why is f by killing me I don’t trust them anymore to be fair I wouldn’t either he you know what he he’s promised me a lot why do I why do I yeah he’s promised why did I have the guardian

Effect I think that’s Kieran hacking I am hacking I am a big hack Kieran stop hacking stop doing the guardian effect wait wait listen listen that’s me hacking stop stop hacking [ __ ] sake Karan you piece of [ __ ] how long is it 9 Minutes Karen why’ you give them N9

Minutes yeah that’s right the [ __ ] I actually think fuz is hacking oh you know I give oh my God he is definitely hacking oh my God Fazbear’s haing Fazbear Fazbear Jesus man he’s Lally flying around is he actually yeah oh my God he’s killing the big diamond dub Guy

Where where are you guys at um near born like near The Stone bit oh yeah you here look look oh my God I’m staying here oh wait no sorry he’s on my team Faz bear you can come over where where are you at Claudia where Derby can come over here you know

I got I I I I will come but for now I got you know cuz I’m recording all this I got to I got to make sure I document this hacking the fat you know I got to be the documentarian is that your cat

Oliver cat I I don’t have a cat I have a cat meowing I’m all of us cat that might that might be Karen uh Karen does like this cat role play it’s really weird oh my God okay look at the chat Jesus Christ po po hor everyone’s [ __ ] dying oh my God

You should live in this sea yeah sorry where where are you at Claudia where which way did you go yeah where is Claudia I’m on the The Village at the top of the hill okay are you now wow okay thank don’t worry Claudia I’m coming too so when kieran’s we’ll we’ll

I think I’ve got my oh my God we’ve got a guardian angel Claudia we’ve goton I just got it again oh [ __ ] yeah the guardian thing sorry I was talking about uh I talking about like a guy that I’ve got following me I think he’s going to protect

Us I’m literally trailing right behind but you’re going to die you’re going to kieren you’re going to die we got a guy with full diamond armor here yeah but I overtook him so it’s link you’re link never mind never mind never mind never [Laughter] mind God damn

It okay thank you Kong thank you link thank you link um Let’s find let’s find Claudia make sure that you know she’s got a a PO a guardian effects right now cuz kieran’s hacking get giving her these Guardian effects but it’s all right because we’re

Going to protect her oh my God jeez good God duck toast trying to Fazbear’s back hacking as well everyone’s [ __ ] hacking oh my God I need Derby’s got an effect Derby’s got an effect yeah what is that oh D oh Derpy that’s Joe is that pois effect or is

That oh he ate rotten flesh that’s why oh he’s got hunger that’s what it is so you you guys okay let’s go to the Village let’s go to the Village oh my God stay away from the duck okay you got to you got to stop huffing that stuff

Man what the [ __ ] Karen what is that noise what why are you doing that what the hell oh my God Claudia is hacking as well now oh sorry link CLA is hacking sorry I misspoke ioke because of that I must kill her because of that where is she you’re hacking Kieran that’s hypocritical

You’re you’re a hacker as well everyone is hacking yeah I think everyone’s hacking are are you still at the Village Claudia okay I’m I’m at the Village mining fatigue where is Claudia I’m I’m not saying I’m not saying where tell me where or stash can you break the wood for me

Okay I think i’ think like right into the microphone that’s me I’m sorry guys I’m sorry dude how are you like making chewing sounds and talking like perfectly at the same time it’s but it’s just you know when you do YouTube for long enough CU you put cuz you put your

Gum on the side of your face yeah yeah I have it on the side of my face your mouth I put gum on the side of my okay we’re all here it’s Claudia Claudia oh I mean link please don’t kill us Link Link don’t kill us pleas link murder them

What the fuckink Mur them toast oh no duck toast duck toast is an enemy to us did you see what we just did oh my God wait is duck toast the the one with the duck skin no oh can can you T TP to me or no no I

Want you can I TP to you I’m afraid I can’t I don’t have I don’t have operator permissions I have operator permissions don’t oh I’m back hey well we’re all here now we’re all here uh Hey Duck where are you all where are you all no duck killed me duck what

The [ __ ] duck wait is that you over there stop chewing that’s gross come on I’m sorry I’m sorry it’s a it’s a habit please it’s like stemming stop chewing I’m sorry I’m Sorry’s flying that was that who’s flying oh um me me I’m flying Kieran that’s you can’t oh fuz Bear’s back

Saw wait you saw Faz yep which means I’m oh yeah I remember where I where I am now yeah we’re back at spawn yeah oh you’re back at oh my God I just came from Spawn for crying out loud look at him he’s he thinks he’s

A God but he’s just you know he said he’s a he’s a fake he’s an imposter a god you know’s after me he’s after you oh my god skeleton skeletons are after me oh skeleton okay okay oh it’s not the only thing that’s going to be after you I’m

Coming wait get get vent trixer get him no no no don’t get vent trixer I see somebody I see somebody on the hill who is that who is that don’t worry it won’t be vent trixer cuz he’s [ __ ] dead no there we go oh my God he almost went into his

Final form but I killed him just before it [ __ ] Faz on me oh my God no you guys are scaring me Karen stop scaring Claudia cut that out jeez I have a Minecraft very easily so I can go on and kill Faz that no no K stop what do you

Mean what do you mean stash run don’t don’t get stash don’t say that oh my God I’m coming oh my God K to find you it’s great that the only operator is gone is he G is Conor’s locked off yeah oh no oh no we truly

[ __ ] I I have a Minecraft profile with hack so I can go on and kill Faz bear to stop them should I yes yes you should yes you should don’t kill Fazbear by any means but don’t kill me how do I get rid of this you got more

Got more oh my God where are you I honestly haven’t seen you in ages I’m right behind you stash what I’m not stash well K wanted Kieran said can you do a fart I said where and he said oh my stash I don’t a stash and I got poo

Particles stuck in his stash and then and then he was like and he was chewing on his mustache and like licking it oh my God it’s a [ __ ] gross Kieran it’s really gross oh [ __ ] I forgot Duck’s not on my team duck please team team team

Duck not team Kieran not team Kieran yes no my brother said dopy look we got a we got a look there Faz here’s Faz let’s get Faz you cannot get Faz does anybody have um I have five string Claudia I have five string what what I have a never start

Tell me your location oh oh dpy no oh no I killed my brother [ __ ] yes Fazbear is on my side I’m free oh [ __ ] I’m free wait is dpy is that Joe yeah oh [ __ ] why did Fazbear kill me that’s what I mean Kieran it’s a bad

Movie it’s a bad movie it is not a bad movie Claudia did you like the Five Nights at Freddy’s movie no I I didn’t even watch it good because of how [ __ ] it is right wait no yeah there we go see how [ __ ] [ __ ] it is Ken no it

Was a great F Karen the movie is so bad that Claudia didn’t even go and see it and I wouldn’t have went and see it seen it either but you remember you said you said Oliver please I’ll never I’ll never ask you to fart in my face again if you

Come and see it with me so I went and saw making a second one already and it’s going to and number two and you’ll say I won’t ask you to poo if you come see Five Nights at Freddy’s 2 and then I’ll Sayid Oliver you have to come and watch

FNAF 2 with me I oh no Derby in all seriousness I I would but um I I can’t promise that I’ll be on the same wavelength as you you know yeah I mean col can you get me some wool oh my God how how did how did you kill him I’m

So [ __ ] awesome that’s how about to get a triple about to get Triple here we go holy [ __ ] I am so [ __ ] good at this game now Faz is really going to be after me though oh my God oh my God oh my God I need string I just oh yeah I’ve

Got string CL where are you at ringing the bell can you stop same with you col you must be excuse me everyone excuse me hello is this microphone on is this microphone actually on for this one time who’s who’s laughing like that me I’m sorry sorry I’m laughing like that me me

Me and Rolex were laughing like that exactly the same way at the same time I’m sorry any anyway guys guys guys guys I’m going to go you’re going to go I knew it I knew it oh [ __ ] clapping that’s so rude I mean unless you’re clapping aw I

Am no you’re not yeah I am I’m so awesome duck toast please team please two years older than you by the way yeah and and Kieran that was such that was such good timing that was bullying is actually illegal bullying is illegal K right it is yeah Minecraft’s

Illegal but you’re playing it Minecraft isn’t illegal Karen Minecraft is uh they sold millions of billions of copies do you really think all those people are breaking the law thank you for clapping at that that was a good point though I just made clap a bit more clap a bit more don’t

Don’t you think that’s lame no no I don’t you know you can also get arrested Karen remember when you when you uh get arrested foring for harassing me you Karen you remember when you harassed me and you got arrested and then then when I came to visit you and we were speaking

Through the phones like in the movies remember and we I speak and then he said please fart into the phone and I said dude remember when you uh interviewed me from that one crime that I had committed against you oh yeah oh yeah yeah yeah I remember that okay

Exactly this is what this is what happened okay oh Conor’s back Conor’s back Conor’s back thank the Gods Conor K kill fent trixa and Fazbear [Laughter] maybe don’t ban him but just just not not not a b not a ban just temporarily disable like a like like a a few days yeah kill kill kill him for a few days straight like slash kill set up like a

Command block that does it for a few days yeah I might schedule like a no I might so like every 10 seconds it like kills everyone oh what the spawn cords I’m sorry swab it’s uh here it is two 207 and minus 384 that that’s like near

A uh I don’t trust you Fazbear I don’t trust you what’s Fazbear doing what is he doing now he said he will stop hacking but I won’t I don’t believe him okay I think I think we should give him one chance and if and if he hacks one more time then uh

Then we should his punishment should be watching the Five Nights at Freddy’s movie the next person to see me will I have that on Google Drive okay see Rolex has it on Google Drive one CH you you sent it yeah I sent it to you on Google Drive you sent it to

Me on Google Drive Oliver me [ __ ] Oliver kill me wait why that was just kill me what do you think of well I can’t say no I can’t say no to that thanks okay I can’t join the server oh no the server’s too full server is full okay Kieran

Thank you thank you for coming by Kieran you’re welcome never mind I’m fine I’m fine everyone I’m joining now the mini Co says I just got hacked to kill him and can’t join the server is full oh I’m sorry man I’m sorry yeah the server’s full um what happened to this

Guy’s house when I was gone I think a lot of shits a lot of crazy shits went down okay that is me adios everyone I’ll see you later Karen please just byebye just I’m not going to I’m not going to f for you anymore Ken okay just take that

Away from this will yeah you will yeah you will I probably will okay you will Faz okay I will I haven’t been in a while I’m kind of impressed um what you mean real what do fat say say real in chat God damn you know what that’s uh

Hopefully maybe we can get along now maybe now that vent Trix is gone and he’s no longer up to his trickst to ways maybe um are these two these maybe temporarily ban him for a couple days I mean you know if it was up to me I would

Ban him for life from my from my real life as well but um oh [ __ ] how’ you get diamond boots oh my God who’s offie um that is that’s my brother is he is he on the server I don’t know what where did you see uy oh oh he’s in

Oh he’s in the uh that’s my brother that’s Derpy where where where is everyone um we are we are all at the yeah the Village near nearby it’s just over the hill the coordinates oh let me put them in thing oh no I see you’re mean Fazbear CU you’re

Mean yeah Fazbear and and because the movie sucks as well that’s the main reason like the korite character from the movie favorite character I like the the uh I like the one cop that threatens to to kill the main character she’s like I will murder you if you uh if you let

Your daughter or your your sister near these creatures again I will murder you I like that she says that I think that’s nice good one qu I can kill you all with a wooden axe alone I don’t think he could I think if he tried the wooden axe would just break

Straight away off of my ginormous ABS um that I’ve I’ve work outra Fazbear I won’t pay Fazbear wants you to pay yep oh my God how much have you got enough money I don’t have I live in Edmonton all the way in the on the North side okay yeah I don’t

I uh I I live in the UK so I only have British pounds yeah so that wouldn’t work UK as well Oliver where do you where do you live in the UK I’m in I’m in Cambridge area um Cambridge that’s yeah yeah I more I’m more like I didn’t know

That I didn’t know that cage I don’t want to I want I don’t want to say where I live right cuz like it’s very specific where I live it’s very specific Place yeah maybe say like up or down in England where up up or down up down Apple down down no not

Apple down uh like up up or down I live like near fum I’m [ __ ] I don’t know what that means you know you know Oliver I really want to go too or oh you do what would you do in the UK I would chips like I would I don’t know oh

No Herobrine joined the game Herobrine joined uh oh my God oh my God how how did Herobrine join the game how did Herobrine join the game Who Fazbear stop Fazbear again I’m sorry but I cannot find this Village oh let me let me give you the

The coords I’ll put them in the chat hold up 219 I’m going to die in a second as well I think inventory is on but that that’s the awards um x and z coordinates okay oh my God I’m in a completely wrong direction that’s why I went I’m going to kill

Myself with kill inventor on yeah it’s almost dinner time for me oh wait were you going to have a dinner anything that makes you you uh gassy no no that’s good gu a good plan do you live with your parents or no I live in a support

Home to help me move out on my own support home oh I’ve got another friend who lives in a similar Stitch uh I I live with my parents do you know what the best Fazbear stop fbe come on I’m trying to go home oh my God I I died as what the hell

What happened did he’s using TNT I just I just died but like but nothing was near me I said I blew up but hey Rolex oh my God [ __ ] I don’t really have much I I mean I can give you that and and some stuff I don’t need I

Don’t what the [ __ ] just happened hand outs bro did you say I just died yep oh my gosh my God I’m sorry Rolex I know you have a Rolex in real life so I I know you don’t need hand outs oh my God who did that I have no idea oh my

God stock epic like I feel like crying because it because I’m getting killed like instantly oh man every time oh it’s it’s yeah you know it’s all right it’s all right it’s uh you know when I when I get stressed out minutes and I’m dead you know when I when I get stressed

Out you know may maybe you got to uh what are you having for what are you having for dinner you know what maybe you can have a a a dinner break I don’t know when I’m like so annoyed that I want to like that I want to

Like die like suicide no no no no no what do you hey do you know what you’re having for dinner I don’t know my roommate always chooses okay ah who what does your roommate usually choose oh I got a fart H bear stop oh so sad that um

Oh well if you keep doing this to me I’m gonna yes it was you you know you I’m gonna I’m going to come off I’m going to take a break from this video game and uh you know when I get stressed out I just take a break I uh spectator stop

Spectator yeah there’s a spectator trolling me oh my God I’m I mean Claudia you know if if you’re if you’re getting very stressed out maybe what you might want to do is uh you know you might want to take a break I know I’m going to take a break I’m I’m going

To take a break but um you know is there like a is there you could probably go on that server that you said you you like going on or something cuz I I want to get away can can you come on that server I’ll come on

For a bit I’ll come on for a bit I’m I probably won’t stay on for too long but I’ll come on for a bit oh my God [ __ ] I oh my God keeping ventes off CR bear just killed you oh my god um but hey I’m

I’m going to I’m going to I’m going to get off CU oh my god I’ve been going for like three hours but uh holy [ __ ] thank you guys thank you guys for watching down there this is it is uh it is uh 20 to midnight so I’ll Pro I’ll probably I

I’ll probably play for like another 20 minutes um oh my God what the [ __ ] how is he doing that how Who The Spectator It’s Herobrine it’s herobrine oh my yeah God Jesus Christ oh my God I mean that that you know that’s messed up you know not that much TNT you

Know I’ve used TNT I walking in the woods and all of a sudden big explosion came up oh my God out of nowhere God that that see that’s definitely her ol you see this explosion right here um oh yeah there’s loads of big crates around oh that’s

From Herobrine oh my God I didn’t think Herobrine was real to be honest I found out who the hacker is you found out who it is it’s cotton candy cotton candy is the hacker oh my God yeah oh my God cotton candy the

Hell oh my gosh is is cotton a girl or a boy you know um I’m not sure I’m not sure I can’t prob a boy yeah look youw this part up too oh my God I’m getting like punched oh my God cotton Candy’s hacking you’re right oh

[ __ ] um they use SL tell raw what’s that do I can hack to kill him please Fazbear I know we had our differences but please if you can employ anything you got just just get rid of this guy oh my god um jeez it’s like a hacker battle bro oh my house is

Gone you built oh no [ __ ] oh hey Rolex no Rolex oh no Rolex no I we could team everybody’s doing it bro we could team everybody’s doing it oh no it’s true if everyone’s doing it then you know if you can’t beat him join

Them I felt like I have to do this at some point please let me do let me just let me just do a fun Str easy uh I was watching dream he did like a cool furnace Strat or like uh Heats it up it feels like it feels like feels

Like cot is giving me like hardcore mobs really oh my God like mobs that I can’t kill jeez even though I’m in like regular mode that is like uh if he’s doing that then there’s no doubt that he is hacking oh my God yeah what’s the difficulty

On it’s normal normal oh yeah yeah they shouldn’t be that hard oh my God I don’t know what kind of hacks you look at your hearts there’s usually a face on hard mode oh yeah that’s hardcore mode yeah when it’s on Hardcore Mode um yeah yeah oh my

God go yeah everything’s broken you know what you know yeah it’s but even though everything’s broken it’s a sign of like you know there’s progress that was made and then it got torn down but um hey I’ve been going for like close no what’s going on there’s a

Herobrine spawner up here there’s a Herobrine spawner yeah what the [ __ ] that there could be more than one hair Brian oh my God right here come look jeez Oliver come look I’m going to have a look I’m going to have a look oh my god oh [ __ ] is it up the up

The hill no look where I am I’m not sure where you are I can’t see you see me hopping by the gold bar gold by the gold the gold block oh oh I know where you are the the nether port no oh I’m not sure where somebody spawn the Herobrine bar

Thing oh [ __ ] yeah I see I seeting I see you yeah here oh my God no that’s the Herobrine spawner [ __ ] oh my God I’m a go we got to get rid of it okay I’ll I’ll see you later um oh my God oh my God see you man oh my

God does that mean he spawned in that must mean he spawned in because of the lightning oh [ __ ] oh my God [ __ ] well hey I’m going to uh dude I’m Legit on 1.5 HP jeez I’m going to you know one heart like full one heart God damn you

Know that that’s you know when you’re on one heart everyone’s he’s on 1.5 you know average heart ratio is down um oh my God I’m going to uh I’m going to leave it there for the live stream um so thank you guys thank you guys for watching and uh it’s been [ __ ] nuts

Um but you know I’m I’m getting a little uh I’m get you know when you get stressed out you got to you just got to you know you got to take a little little chill pill um yeah thank you guys I’ll do already at my chill pill we

Definitely uh you hav you’ve taken your chill pill already oh no um it’s because no it’s cuz it’s for my anger issues oh like an actual pill oh I see I see I I didn’t actually take any pills I was kind of uh using as a mess I’m going to

Try to hide in the house in a house that that’ be a good idea but hey good goodbye everyone like on the stream yeah I’m I’m leaving this the

This video, titled ‘Playing Minecraft with the Chat! fear. Herobrine! (Minecraft Java)’, was uploaded by OliverObz on 2023-11-29 23:55:37. It has garnered 120 views and 9 likes. The duration of the video is 02:56:21 or 10581 seconds.

TTS Donations! http://streamelements.com/oliverobz/tip Discord: https://bit.ly/37gNusi Instagram: https://bit.ly/2PjKToQ Twitter: https://bit.ly/39tUQqv

  • Bedwars Shenanigans with Freko

    Bedwars Shenanigans with Freko Minecraft Bedwars: A Thrilling Adventure Embark on an exciting journey in the world of Minecraft Bedwars! Join the action-packed gameplay where players compete to destroy each other’s beds while defending their own. With the server IP mc.vimemc.ru, you can dive into this thrilling game mode and test your skills against other players. Join the Best Group For the ultimate Bedwars experience, join the best group on Discord. Connect with like-minded players, strategize, and dominate the battlefield together. Don’t miss out on the fun – join the group today! Join the Discord group Explore Freko’s World Discover the world of… Read More

  • Oops! 3 Years in Minecraft Survival World

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  • Join Minewind: Survive the Ultimate Invasion Experience

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  • Game-Changing Minecraft Speedrun Strategy

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  • Unleashing Chaos in Tinker World SMP

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  • Funky Minecraft Trading

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  • Sister Fooled, FEASTABLES Ruled: Minecraft Delight!

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  • Defeating Ender Dragon in Minecraft Mods

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  • Phoenix-Network

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  • KrustyKraft SMP Realm – Realms, 18+, Whitelist

    Welcome to KrustyKraft SMP! If you’re 18+ with a functioning microphone and past builds to showcase, we invite you to join our Minecraft Bedrock Community. Our realm is active, friendly, and inclusive with Vanilla gameplay and quality of life addons. We use Discord for communication and hold events and projects to keep things exciting. Apply to be part of our community today! DM me for the Discord Link! 🙂 Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – “Blocky Boss: Movie Character Codebreak”

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  • Steve’s Sticky Situation: A Web of Escape in Minecraft

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  • Minecraft TNT Disaster v267: Explosive Comedy!

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  • 25 Epic Minecraft Mountain Seeds!

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  • Unbelievable ROBLOX SHREDDER by OmzCrew!

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  • Sweaky The John Mod: Terrifying Remake

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    EPIC NEW SURVIVAL SMP LIVE!! 😱🔥 #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘PLAY NEW SURVIVAL SMP LIVE || MINECRAFT LIVE || @realcoolx #shorts’, was uploaded by CoolX Gaming on 2024-08-21 04:45:56. It has garnered 3867 views and 122 likes. The duration of the video is 02:53:08 or 10388 seconds. #minecraft #minecraftserver #buildsmp #shorts #shortslive #shortsfeed #subscribe #coolxgaming #realcoolx #Minecraft #minecraftbut #minecraftshorts #shorts Play Minecraft with ME and be IN VIDEOS! 😝 Just click the ‘JOIN’ button here ▶ 🎮 My Minecraft Server Address: – paid1.hostingkarle.com:25573 You can join this server on Bedrock Edition (Phones, Consoles and Tablets) and Java Edition (PC and Mac) 📷 Instagram:https://instagram.com/coolx_gaming_?i… 🎮 Discord… Read More

  • Outrageous BMX Bedfight With My Bro!

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  • Insane PvP – Backwards Keyboard Challenge! #shorts #minecraft

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  • REAL Scary Minecraft Experiments

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  • Surviving Deadly Ocean: PLAZA vs. SHARKS… #minecraft

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  • Experience the Ultimate Minecraft Shovel Skins with Nova Gaming!

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  • Minecraft’s Mind-Blowing New Update – Watch Now!

    Minecraft's Mind-Blowing New Update - Watch Now!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft’s Next Update Is Already Full of New Features’, was uploaded by wattles on 2024-06-18 17:57:40. It has garnered 108661 views and 3915 likes. The duration of the video is 00:14:08 or 848 seconds. Minecraft 1.21.1 and Minecraft 1.21.10 are already getting loaded up with new changes to Minecraft Tricky Trials and more! Today we take a look at the new minecraft updates that have (mostly) happened after the release of 1.21! 📷 instagram https://www.instagram.com/stonegalerie/ 💗 patreon https://www.patreon.com/wattles 🐤 twitter https://twitter.com/itiswattles 📖 reddit https://www.reddit.com/r/wattles/ 👕 my shop https://shop-wattles.creator-spring.com/ ☺ SOME PLAYLISTS ☺ Minecraft Guide https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL0oJ2_Q2jPrdt6JFbZtTi8H_XwgYXVRfI… Read More

  • Greystone MS Prison

    Greystone MS Prison* Greystone MSP * – Custom enchants,prison,no op classic prison server, community, voting, parkour, dungeons, custom mobs join Come join and give it a go were trying to build a big community here! Read More

  • NormalSMP – smp

    IP = NormalSMP.crafted.pro Dive into a true survival experience with a twist! NormalSMP is a community-focused Minecraft server where players of all skill levels can enjoy a balanced, engaging survival world. Why Choose NormalSMP? Community-Driven: Join a friendly, active community that values teamwork, creativity, and fair play. Land Claims: Protect your creations with our land claim system to keep them safe. Balanced Economy: Earn, trade, and spend in our player-driven economy. Donator Ranks: Support the server and unlock exclusive perks with four unique ranks. Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Steve, the Minecraft Chad

    Minecraft Memes - Steve, the Minecraft ChadLooks like Steve is really owning his identity crisis in Minecraft! Read More

  • Reverse Reversal: Efe and Esra’s Muscular Universe!

    Reverse Reversal: Efe and Esra's Muscular Universe! In the world of Minecraft, a tale to be told, Of Efekan and Esra, their story unfolds. A twist of fate, everything reversed, Mucular they became, their adventure dispersed. With a laugh and a grin, they faced the unknown, In this pixelated world, their skills were shown. Building and crafting, their talents on display, In this virtual realm, they found their own way. So join in the fun, subscribe and stay tuned, For more Minecraft adventures, under the moon. Kare Kafa’s channel, a place to be, For gaming and laughter, for all to see. Read More

  • “Top 10 Minecraft Traps That Will Make You Sizzle!” #shorts #minecraft #memes

    "Top 10 Minecraft Traps That Will Make You Sizzle!" #shorts #minecraft #memes “Who knew that falling into a pit of lava was actually a surprise party in disguise? Thanks, Minecraft!” Read More

  • Transforming Minecraft into Black Myth Wukong

    Transforming Minecraft into Black Myth Wukong Transforming Minecraft into Black Myth: Wukong with Forge (1.20.1) Are you ready for a wild ride in Minecraft? Look no further than this Mod Pack that promises to take your gaming experience to the next level. If you’re intrigued, drop a comment below to let us know! About the Mod Pack: This Mod Pack is designed to immerse you in the world of Black Myth: Wukong within the Minecraft universe. Get ready for an adventure like never before! For more updates and sneak peeks, check out their Instagram here. Download the Mod Pack here and get ready to dive… Read More

  • Ultimate Build Battle Challenge: Chat Controls My Every Move

    Ultimate Build Battle Challenge: Chat Controls My Every MoveVideo Information This video, titled ‘Build Battle, but Chat Controls me’, was uploaded by switzknight on 2024-09-14 06:39:12. It has garnered 54 views and 3 likes. The duration of the video is 00:59:00 or 3540 seconds. This was Fun Join the Discord https://discord.gg/E39nvdGC #minecraft #buildbattle #hypixel Read More

  • My One Block Map RUINED by Enderman!

    My One Block Map RUINED by Enderman!Video Information This video, titled ‘Enderman’s Destroyed my one block map’, was uploaded by AKTI GAMER on 2024-09-23 12:15:39. It has garnered 432 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:42 or 42 seconds. #minecraftmeme #minecraftshorts #minecraft #minecraftbutimineablockeveryday minecraft, minecraft videos, minecraft house tutorial, minecraft 100 days, minecraft game, minecraft house, minecraft hardcore, minecraft civilization, minecraft horror, minecraft new update, minecraft movie, minecraft story mode, minecraft apk download, minecraft apk, minecraft arg, minecraft aphmau, minecraft animation, minecraft asmr, minecraft ambience, minecraft april fools 2024, minecraft addons, minecraft april fools, a minecraft song, a minecraft house, a minecraft… Read More

  • Insane GameSphere Trick Shots! Watch now #trending

    Insane GameSphere Trick Shots! Watch now #trendingVideo Information This video, titled ‘Dop2:throw the ball into the basket #trending #dop2 #dop2solutions #dop2level1 #shorts #shortsvideo’, was uploaded by GameSphere on 2024-09-06 13:20:25. It has garnered 1704 views and 24 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:09 or 9 seconds. I found most🤯 rarest block in creative mod …. …. …. …. #trending #minecraftgameplay #rarestbuild #minecraft #minecraftvideos #minecraftgaming …. …. …. …. minecraft minecraft challenge minecraft 100 days challenge minecraft but challenge minecraft hardcore 100 days challenge minecraft 365 days minecraft 100 days minecraft hardcore 100 days hardcore minecraft 100 days minecraft i survived 100 days 365 days… Read More

  • Ep.8: Insane Loot & Epic Builds – Minecraft Survival

    Ep.8: Insane Loot & Epic Builds – Minecraft SurvivalVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Survival – S2E8 – “Looting 20 End Cities + Building A Super Smelting Room + Potion Room”‘, was uploaded by JzayIsLost on 2024-01-14 01:00:13. It has garnered 12 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 00:17:45 or 1065 seconds. Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/jzayislost/ Twitter: https://www.twitter.com/JzayIsLost TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@jzayislost_ Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/jzayislost 2nd Channel: https://www.youtube.com/@jzaylive Shorts Channel: https://www.youtube.com/@jzayshorts Discord: https://www.discord.gg/genBNR7s6T Cashapp: https://cash.app/$JzayIsLost Paypal: https://www.paypal.me/joseluisc21 Streamlabs: https://streamlabs.com/jzayislost/tip Snapchat: josecarrasco121 Business Email: [email protected] #jzayislost Read More

  • Unlock secrets on Rank SMP – New #1 Minecraft Server!

    Unlock secrets on Rank SMP - New #1 Minecraft Server!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft’s Next Big Server! | Rank SMP’, was uploaded by Rank SMP on 2024-09-01 19:10:20. It has garnered 111 views and 5 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:20 or 20 seconds. JOIN RIGHT NEOW (link in comments for now) #strengthsmp #lifestealsmp #clownpierce Words for the algorithm, ignore. Like ParrotX2 videos and the LifeSteal SMP, a Minecraft Server Not like Dream SMP or Tommyinnit or Technoblade or any other Dream SMP members. This SMP is like LifeStealSMP and OneTrySMP, this is the hardest Minecraft Sever ever! and it is also a lore-based server in… Read More

  • Shocking MOMO Calls JJ & Mikey in Minecraft!

    Shocking MOMO Calls JJ & Mikey in Minecraft!Video Information This video, titled ‘How Scary MOMO Called JJ and Mikey at Night in Minecraft ? – Maizen’, was uploaded by JJ & Mikey World on 2024-05-14 20:00:27. It has garnered 18253 views and 84 likes. The duration of the video is 00:30:01 or 1801 seconds. How Scary MOMO Called JJ and Mikey at Night in Minecraft ? – Maizen This is not an official Maizen channel, we make fan videos with JJ and Mikey. Our channel is exclusively for fans of Maizen. We are not trying to impersonate his personality, we just want to add new and interesting… Read More

  • LIVE NOW: xRohat’s EPIC Minecraft Stream!

    LIVE NOW: xRohat's EPIC Minecraft Stream!Video Information This video, titled ‘🔴 xRohat [Minecraft] Livestream vom 12.1.2024 [Part 8]’, was uploaded by xRohat – VODs on 2024-01-16 19:00:00. It has garnered 346 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:59:58 or 3598 seconds. 『📅』Livestream Replay (VOD) by xRohat 『🎬』Rohat’s Social Media: ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬SOCIALS▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ YouTube ► http://youtube.xrohat.de/ Highlights ► http://highlights.xrohat.de/ VODs ► http://vod.xrohat.de/ Instagram ► http://instagram.xrohat.de/ Discord ► http://discord.xrohat.de/ Twitter ► http://twitter.xrohat.de/ TikTok ► http://tiktok.xrohat.de/ ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬SOCIALS▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ 『📂』Information about the VOD – If a part is cut and/or has no sound, it is because Rohat has something to do with copyright music in the heard background. We… Read More

  • Unbelievable! Bluey’s Epic Adventure in Minecraft 11

    Unbelievable! Bluey's Epic Adventure in Minecraft 11Video Information This video, titled ‘Bluey Plays Minecraft 11’, was uploaded by Bluey Play on 2024-08-08 09:00:07. It has garnered 1173 views and 15 likes. The duration of the video is 01:00:34 or 3634 seconds. Bluey Plays Minecraft 11. Bluey, Bingo, Bandit Heeler and Chilli Heeler heir own Minecraft server and playing. Cartoons play this is an entertainment channel where characters from different cartoons and popular games play different games, SUBSCRIBE! The “Bluey Play” channel is not related to the official Bluey Youtube channel! This is a fan channel. Disclaimer: All voices are completely AI Generated Read More

  • DREAM IS GAME! Ultimate Minecraft RPG Mod Madness!

    DREAM IS GAME! Ultimate Minecraft RPG Mod Madness!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Epic fight RPG mod /best mod/@DREAMISGAME’, was uploaded by DREAM IS GAME on 2024-09-15 05:54:41. It has garnered 25 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 00:06:06 or 366 seconds. Tags:- quota movement, quota, quota andolon, quota protest, quota news, quota andolon 2024, mugdho, quota news today, quota reform movement, anti quota movement, mir mogdho, mir mugdho, bangladesh quota movement, quota reform movement in bangladesh, bangladesh job quotas, anti quota protests, mugdho bup, mogdho, quota reform, quota movement bangladesh, quota reform movement 2024, bangladesh job quota protest, mir mugdho news, mir… Read More