Terrifying Minecraft Mod Update – Crazy Pixel Coding!

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Hello yo what’s good welcome welcome oh I’m still getting used to this I’ve never done a uh live stream before so this is a little bit different whoa now hello there welcome to my first ever live stream woot woot this is so weird I’m not used to this I

Had a complete like false start I was trying to set it up and I accidentally pressed live and then I went live and I was like panicking trying to delete it oh gosh all right well let us uh get down uh oh hang on just a second YouTube is telling me that my

Frame rate is too high my frame rate is too high why why why you can never have too much frame rate how how can you have too much frame rate I don’t understand oh well it’s just G to have to deal with that can YouTube not stream in 60 frames per second or

Something oh well my yeah my PC is way too overpowered all right I guess we should actually I actually need to get some work done here so this is the workspace I have I’m using MC Creator which is a completely free program and that’s what I Ed to make the

Mod because I’m not a good enough programmer to just make it on by myself just coding Java what’s my favorite Minecraft mod that’s really hard one um what’s there’s so many Minecraft mods I mean like there also different genres as well of Minecraft mods I’d probably have to say or spawn I

Don’t know if any of you guys know what or spawn is but it came out a while ago it’s it’s technically gone now the original Mod um it was made for 1.7.10 and it had like 50 creatures about I don’t know Six Dimensions something like that it had crazy weapons

Some of them did 750 damage I think for like one of the most powerful weapons in the mod it was crazy um sadly the group that made the mod kind of uh broke apart and you could still there’s a newer version that’s coming out made by some other some of the uh

People that have been working that had been working on it I think it’s called chaos awakens or something like that but uh yeah you can still find the original Mod somewhere if you look it up somebody has like an archive of or spawn and so you can download it there

I plan on actually playing it at some point on the channel I uh just haven’t yet oh my goodness I have to say chopsticks with chopsticks with fresh detergent is quite a grand name what what a what a username okay so back back to the mod go

I got to get some work done here guys um so as you can see I have 10 mod components in here so the creature the one who watches is technically three different creatures it uh doesn’t have just multiple behaviors it is technically three cre different

Creatures um so I have it in the stair form the hanging version and then the chasing or running version and I I abbreviate it tow because if I just wrote out the whole thing then it would just be absolutely ridiculous um on every single one of

These so the first thing that I’m going to fix is um ah yes the overabundance of it spawning in the Nether and the end oh let’s fix that first so yeah I can just go in here with M Creator some of you might have used M

Creator before um but I can just go right here this is an entity and I can just click on that and I have all the stuff in here is like the visuals sound behavior inventory triggers Ai and goals and the spawning so um see if there’s an easy way to do this

Because you can’t just select which dimension you want it to spawn in which is dumb actually hang on there might be a better way to do this because I would have to select all of these except for the end things wait a second I know what I can

Do I know what I can do hang on on so in the um entity triggers um on here I have on entity tick update and you know 20 ticks in a in a second that’s how Minecraft Works um so this basically plays 20 times a second every time the

ENT as the entity is alive or whatever and yeah this is the procedure on the stair um in its stair State it’s a very small procedure of how the thing works but it has so much Randomness that it doesn’t really need to be more complicated well we’re going to make it

More complicated but uh will I play Advent of Ascension at some point possibly I don’t know I have a lot of things that uh I have to play so what I’m going to do to fix the spawn is instead of just selecting all the biomes because you can’t it’s so

Dumb look you can’t in the spawning you can select the biomes where it spawns but you can’t select the dimensions in which it spawns so I would have to like go in there and select every single biome that spawns in the Overworld which would that would just be a pain so

Instead I’m just going to make it so that if it’s in the nether or in the end it just despawns I don’t know if that’ll fix it or not but we’re going to try um there should be a get should be a get Dimension ID um might do that uh

H I think I’ll do get Dimension ID in provided World I assume I don’t actually know but I would assume that it would be zero for the Overworld one for the Nether and two for the end I assume that’s how it would work so let’s grab ourselves

You might hear like my chair in the background it’s like very squeaky very squeaky chair um I don’t know why it’s so loud it just rubs against the I don’t know rubber foam of the chair what’s the dumbest mod I’ve ever seen uh I really don’t know I’ve seen several dumb

Mods I was going to play one at one point I just haven’t yet guys I’m still I’m still a little bit nervous and like not used to this at all cuz I went from like 400 to 400 subscribers almost 500 to now having 3,000 over 3,000 3,200 and I have 13

People watching me live I I’m not used to this at all it’s crazy okay um let’s see if see if get dimension of provided World Equals uh one and then you need or two what there we go excuse me oh wait that doesn’t fit in there you can’t you I thought I assume the ID was going to be numbers but is it not do you want a um there’s an ID of Dimension event

Target entity is in Block wait event Target entity is in Block ah found it there we go easy as that right that wasn’t too bad oops there we go now if it’s in the nether or in the end it should despawn simple right yeah okay should we actually test

This out I always like to test everything out like right after I fix it CU if I just add in a bunch of stuff and then test it out and then something goes wrong I would have to look at every single previous thing that I did but if

I just test it along the way as I’m like um as I’m adding stuff every time I add one thing I test it out then if it it’s broken I know it’s that thing so it takes I don’t know why it takes so long it has to like compile everything and whatnot

Yo I I still don’t know how to I I might butcher your name I’m sorry hello Jam steo I think I I don’t I’m sorry I don’t know how to say it I watched your video on my mod thank you for that by the

Way yeah you can see I have so many test swirls I I named them just so I can keep track so test 35 36 37 38 yeah I’m at test 45 was the golden one and then I published the mod so here we go again test 46 yes I know I’m using experimental

Settings Minecraft you don’t need to tell me this I could possibly crash your game happens all the time no not all the time oh it was it was was hilarious one time I was doing something I don’t even know what I did it popped up with an error message and

It said hello I in like the um after it crashed it gives you like a uh crash report kind of thing and it tells you you know what uh what went wrong and it literally said hello I’m Minecraft I like to crash a lot or something like

That and it I just died laughing it was it was so funny the only thing with um the only thing with uh yeah I can crash um just trying to that’s loud goodness me I’m going to turn this wait okay let me just turn down the Hostile creatures in case I accidentally bump

Into it I’m going to turn off turn down the Hostile creature noise because otherwise me and you will both um get absolutely jump scared by the thing if I bump into it all right so the best way to do this probably just be to do this

Whoops so I should be the one who watches stair we’re going to give it the glowing effect for for 100 well just 1 th000 seconds one copy that in case I need to do it again oh no have a good night’s rest sorry you can’t watch the stream I’ll be streaming tomorrow as

Well or you can watch it you can watch the replay of it maybe oh gosh well hello oh whoa whoa whoa who whoa whoa whoaa wait what’s the Y level here the Y level is 40 no way okay um yeah so I have it programmed set so

That it spawns in the hanging version if it’s under y level 50 so like anything below y level 50 it’ll spawn the hanging version um I honestly the fact that I’m in creative mode and it’s still spooky and catching me off guard it’s just what heck wa wait wait wait wait

Wait wait wait wait wait wait where did he go hang on okay oh gosh no okay wait I have music where’s the um ambient environment there you go turn that down I am scared of my own creation you know when you know 45 tests okay 45

Tests I got jump scared up probably at least 30 times in all those tests you don’t know the pain and suffering that I went through okay this thing still scared me like every time so I know what happened though what what happened right here by the way basically what happens

Is when you get about when you get too close to this thing it goes into the staring version and because the staring version is in the nether it despawns so watch yeah see so it went into the stair version and then it despawned now the question

Is if we find another one of those guys hanging around somewhere no actually I can do this if we find one of those hanging guys where there we go okay if the question is oh just another guy chilling over there oh and and yes I’m Steve by the way this is just because

I’m in M Creator so it’s not like like my actual Minecraft or whatever if you notice when I do a command I’m I am Dev instead of who I actually am so what I want to test here is if I fly into it fast

Enough can I get it to go into the chase mode the pig the pigin doesn’t know what to think of that guy um let’s see here so the only way I can think to do this is with an elytra oh gosh now I don’t know why this would

Ever come up but you fix bugs so that nothing could possibly ever happen so I don’t think I need fireworks no we’re good he despawns quick enough but I am going to fix it so that he doesn’t spawn in the hanging version because I don’t really want this guy spawning in

The Nether and this is a little too common for in the nether oh wow lot dang chat chat going crazy so many messages I have to read and play and play the game and like fix things at the same time you guys are going to make me I’m not good at multitasking

Okay okay test one I think is a success he he doesn’t long longer spawns here oh my goodness they’re just hanging around everywhere are they like underneath here too no they’re everywhere I mean I made the spawn okay so for the hanging version I made the spawn rate very high in

Comparison to like zombies and creepers and all that but for some reason they just don’t spawn in caves I have it set so they can spawn only if the Y level is below 50 and they just don’t spawn so I don’t know all right quit the

Game I am so behind on the chat oh gosh um oh goodness bro said I’ll go get some milk when he disappeared oh that’s funny I should totally give it a rage mode I don’t know it it kind of already has a rage mode he’s like bro why why’

You come in why’ you come into my personal space now I’m going to go murder you whatever he doesn’t like it if you get too close I mean he get he comes to you but if you run into him same difference um uh let’s see here so fix that now in the

Hanging version we can just do the same thing because that see that seemed to work now I don’t know you guys can let me know what you guys think because I’m trying to think so it’s spawning the creature in right so it is spawning the creature in but then it’s instantly despawning the

Creature okay um which means that it could have spawned in a different C so hang on let let me back up a little bit when Minecraft spawns in entities it basically kind of rolls a dice and I’ll just show you in the spawning right here you have spawn weight okay and this

Shows you how often the creature spawns now this is a weight and higher weight means the creature spawns more often because when it rolls the dice and it’s I don’t know it means it spawns more for most creatures like I think pigs you know zombies um cows creepers I’m pretty sure

The spawn ways are around 20 um so that’s like standard witches which are rarer have a spawn rate of five okay um so what I’m trying to figure out is every time when Minecraft’s trying to decide hey should I spawn a creature or whatever um if it’ll spawn my guy but

Then it just despawns so now when it rolls the dice again again trying to think I’m just trying to figure out basically is if there’s going to be just less creatures in general in the Nether and the end like will there be just a general less Enderman because all of the

Enderman that there would have been are now the one who watches but all the one who watches is one one who watches is the multiple one who watches they are despawned so they’re not going to be there anymore so there’s just going to be less Enderman does that make sense to

Anybody or am I just am I just crazy because cuz it’s going to spawn in instead of spawning in let’s say 20 Enderman let’s say half of those Ender are going to be the one who watches but then they’re just going to despawn so now you only have 10 Enderman I don’t

Know maybe I’ll just take the time and select this I mean I can’t just manually select things let’s see I could just yeah I can just go down here let’s see desert drift there you selected then I can go here and then I can go the see that’s the end

End and and eroded batt flower Forest let see I can select this and then ocean no not the small end Islands not the Soul Sand Valley I mean there’s not really that many tigga the end the void warm ocean warp for no not warp forest windset forest wind what Windswept Forest

Huh what is wind swep Forest I don’t actually wind swep Savannah wind swept Hills I don’t know let’s see so not the warp force not the void not the end not the soul Sand Island not Soul Sand Valley not the small end Islands um not the nether wastelands not the Ed Midlands Highlands

Baronss wait Crimson Forest I accidentally selected Crimson Forest where the heck is Crimson Forest Crimson Forest no you try to sneak in there I’m just going to do that that that should fix it it wasn’t didn’t actually take that long and we’re trying to make this actually

Good actually trying to make a good mod here we’re not we’re not trying to do just cheap easy procedures to get out of things not going to make easy procedures to get out of manually selecting things wait I’m dumb select the whole thing then just deselect the ones I don’t

Want believe it or not I have made a mod before guys believe it or not I do work on my computer I know how to do a computer eroded bad lands grow yo wait is Rod in here oh hello welcome thanks for joining even it’s for a

Little bit thank you love your video on my mod that you’re hilarious um warp Forest don’t need that get out of here Soul Sand Valley SW and Highlands what the heck old growth Birch Forest huh what do you mean old growth Birch Forest isn’t it just Birch Forest what I’m learning new

Things that’s the tall birch tree Forest he thinks wouldn’t that just be Birch Forest though okay not Crimson Forest yeah look Birch Forest is right there so what the heck would be an old growth Birch Forest because you don’t just actually no you do have two different Birch forces don’t

You I’m losing my mind I don’t know actually um um let’s see if I um the sparse jungle that’s actually a cool biome swamp tiger there okay we did it old grow Birch Forest is the rarer variant I think I think I would agree with you I mean I’ve seen

Both okay now I have to take a break read chat what are all you guys saying to me I can’t do both I’m not a chameleon my eyes can’t go in two different directions believe it or not yes I do have two other Minecraft mods before this one I have my dream

Minecraft mod which is nowhere near complete called depths and dimensions nowhere even near complete I for that mod I kind of wanted quantity over quality I mean the quality is still good and it’s still there but instead of having like really unique animations and that kind of thing I with

Is generic very more of a minecrafty feel to it um I I am going to be updating that at some point I just have to wait because it’s like a I basically want it to be a Adventure mod with a story line yes an actual story line like with lore lore

Storyline but it’s a Minecraft mod yes that’s what I’m going to do and I have an update that’s like almost finished it’s not that it takes me a long time to get the update out it’s just I haven’t worked on it at all so like I can’t get

Them um it takes him a long time to finish something if I don’t actually work on it and yes my other mod is called glitch Runner and that I made for a video which I do actually have a video on that um the video is not half bad it was still

Pretty bad it was still on my old computer with my old mic with my old video editing software so it’s not the greatest but it’s not the worst glitch Runner it’s a very small mod basically there’s a virus and it slowly just takes over your entire world and as it slowly

Takes over it takes over quicker and yeah if you touch the block you die so you basically have to speedrun Minecraft it basically forces you to speedrun Minecraft oh and there’s also an entity a glitched entity in that that jump scared The Living Daylights

Out of me before this one um it’s like a glitched entity yeah it’s pretty small mod has like barely any downloads but you can check it out if you want it’s on curse Forge along with depths and Dimensions I’ve been streaming for 35 minutes already dang I should actually get work done um okay we got the spawn rate fixed sort of we got that part it no longer spawns in the nether no longer spawns in the end we’re good so now you can

Actually I mean I I don’t know why you would want to try to beat the end or beat Minecraft while you have my mod installed I I guess I I didn’t really plan for people to do that because you know it’s a spooky mod so you stay in

The Overworld you don’t actually go to the nether or to the end so you just kind of stay there that’s what most people do you know because you just kind of enhance the Overworld and you don’t actually go to the other two Dimensions so I never really um I never

Even uh thought about it it didn’t cross my mind but now it’s fixed yippy one thing fixed check next is um add horrifying screen sound scream sounds when the entity attacks I mean it already has a very loud scream sound when it’s attacking I mean not when it attacks but when it’s

Attacking nice he just watched you from every Dimension yeah maybe um what do I need to do next see um next up and I’m not just fixing bugs don’t worry I’m not just fixing bugs I am going to add new features I think since I fixed one bug I’ll go ahead and

Add a feature and then I’ll fix another bug and then add a feature that way you guys can be at least somewhat entertained so the next feature that I’m going to add is there’s a lot I’ve gotten tons and tons of comments of suggestions a lot of them are great A

Lot of them are not so great um it’s just because I I have a certain picture in my head of what I want for this mod and uh so I have a certain vision and a lot of people don’t have that exact same like image in my head of where I want

This mod to go can I make it killable so that’s a very big topic a lot of people have comments mented and discussed this and I will just say no I’m not making it killable why you may ask because if it is killable it no longer becomes a threat I mean there’s

The warden and he you’re supposed to avoid him and so they just gave him like a ton of Health but people still try to kill him I mean he’s terrifying but I don’t want you to kill this guy he’s not like the Cade dweller the cave dweller I

Fought I killed him I killed him oh oh he’s he’s not the biggest uh I’m the biggest guy in Minecraft not the cave doer I’m the big bad guy not him I can just do whatever I want now so I’m not going to make this guy killable cuz

He’s the biggest guy in Minecraft and you are supposed to uh be terrified so yeah I’m not making him killable and I saw a video of somebody who did manage to kill him I don’t even know how what they did exactly they like put I literally have him immune to fire

Drowning explosions wither arrows lightning Anvil fall damage potion effects Trident Cactus direct player attack and dragon’s breath so I will fix that real quick The Entity health I’m just going to bump it up to 10,000 maybe that’s that’s not Overkill no wait I can’t oh what can’t do 10,000 Health absolute

Baloney 1,000 Health there you go 1,000 Health good luck I mean you can still kill him but I don’t I don’t know how you can kill him but why does this guy only have 20 hp bro um will it be for 1.20.1 I’ve heard a lot of comments on that and

Uh probably I would probably make it for 1.20.1 if you want to uh run away from the one who watches in your Cherry Grove on a camel you can do that if if you feel so inclined once I do that at some point but I am still going to like I’m

Not just going to move to 1.20.1 and then not update it for 1.1 19.2 so I’m going to keep it I’m going to keep the 1.1 19.2 up to date if that makes sense in my opinion there’s collectively like six modded Minecraft versions I think there’s 1.7.10 1.8.9 1.12.2 1.6.5 and 1.19

Two did I already say that I don’t know those are the versions that’s like all I really consider in modded Minecraft anything else nuh-uh not no who wants a mod for 1.9.3 like what 1.9.4 no 1.9.2 that that’s fine I don’t know why that’s just I don’t know it seems like that’s

Like the most common versions for Minecraft mods um let’s see what are people commenting oh wait somebody gave me an idea where and I didn’t see it what’s the idea I can make it more lanky and more creepy by making its legs and arms longer and make the mouth larger and

Make the eyes watch you somewhat with layers well considering it doesn’t actually have eyes I can’t do the ey thing when it chases you it gives you the blindness effect um maybe I don’t know could be a good idea so I really want this mod to be focus on the paranoia of

It so I don’t necessarily want it to just be another dweller I don’t want it to be a dweller I mean it’s called the fog dweller that’s what a lot of people call it but I really want it to be more of a entity it’s it’s an entity that it’s a

Very intelligent entity and I’m going to add more Randomness to it I can go away so what we’re going to fix now or actually not fix we’re going to add a new feature um if we go to the running also known as the chase I called it running and for

Some reason you just cannot rename things right it just it’s weird so anyways in the running on the entity tick update we’re going to add a new feature this shows that um every 20 ticks it’s going to despawn well a random integer between 1 and 800 is

Taken and if that equals 10 then it despawns so so basically it has a 1 in 800 chance to despawn I’ve seen um several other YouTubers um play it and it’ll like just spawn and then they’ll like they’ll like flick their mouse or whatever because they get scared and then it literally

Disappears in that span of them flicking the mouse oh wait another suggestion from earlier that I missed completely I apologize um can you make it so that it can spawn out of vision and wait to you uh come closer and then let’s say it’s behind a tree right then once

You’re close enough it will peek out of cover and as a jump scare that is a great idea but am I skilled enough to do that sadly no believe it or not I’m not actually an expert at modding I mean it would seem that way at times but let’s see so new

Feature new feature this person this person Hi pixel hi hi hi hi pixel hi hello Andy hello I see you there hello there is that was that good is that good are you happy now am I going to make this for 1.20 plus yes possibly I will making it for 1.20.1 at some

Point here left the chat sorry I don’t know how loud that actually sounded was it bad I kind of like ate my mic do you want me to do it again I can just just ask me anytime and then just you know just oh my goodness ears left the chat I agree

Mark flyer moment oh that’s great okay I I I need to get more work done I need to get more work done it’s been 46 minutes and I fixed one bug you didn’t say hello to me sorry hello crash crushy crush crush Z crash crushy crushy you’re welcome sorry I’ll stop

I’ll stop no I won’t just kidding hello the underrated Co I have said hello to you too hello everybody hello everybody and thank you for joining the stream so far this is crazy um pain loud moment okay I’ll stop for now I’ll stop for now wait who’s who’s louder me or

The one who watches who who’s louder there you go there’s a question for you um okay new feature so one of the things is I do want it to be very different from all the other things all the other cave do I don’t want it to be the

Same because that’s what that’s what makes it so good right because it’s not the same that’s what everybody says is that it’s very different so regarding it climbing up things and crouching and crawling through like small spaces I’ve trying to been deciding I don’t know I I don’t know it’s a tough one

Oh okay they could be an entity in the back rooms so new feature that I’m going to add is um it is three blocks tall and you are two blocks tall so it is an entity it is not a creature like to me the cave dweller is like an

Actual creature like an animal sure he stalks you and hunts you maybe like a wolf or like a I don’t know a jaguar or something like that all animals do that kind of thing you know so him crouching down walking on all flest chasing you to me

Is more like a more animal likee Vibe the cave War to me just seems like an animal a very scary animal indeed but seems more like an animal so this is not just an animal though this is a humanoid he stands on four he stands on two

Legs I mean the cave to does that too but nevertheless this guy is kind of human kind of not I haven’t decided on the full lore I might add lore I don’t know I don’t know anyways I’m not going to make him Crouch down to get to you instead I do want him

You to be actually you know like run away get inside your house and hide from him cuz I do want people to be able to escape him he’s unkillable completely well not completely some guy find a found a way to do it but he’s prettyy much

Unkillable so you I have to make it so that you can’t actually Escape him and just the fact of him just despawning at random so you know if he stuck uh if he stay hung around a little bit then you would probably die so I do want people

You know to be able to escape him so one of the easiest methods to escape him is if you see him you know you’re in a forest or something well Forest there’s a large of trees and a lot of those trees have nice you know just two block

Tall gaps which you can fit in and he cannot I saw somebody do that in a video and um yeah trees you know the leaves you know I’m going to make it so that he can break leaves so if you’re in a forest and he

Is uh you see him you’re going to have to maneuver and Dodge all the trees but he’s going to be able to run directly through the leaves he’s going to just break the leaves plow straight through you can no longer hide under trees um and that’s what I’m going to do right now

So like a ravager I didn’t yeah I guess I didn’t actually know completely that a ravenger could do that so I actually have to figure out how to do that real quick um I like I said I do a lot of try on error I’m not really a master at this

So I’m going to just try to figure this out um I don’t know if I need a get Block I basically just need it to despawn the blocks I mean in this in the AI and goals I can make it um open doors close doors break doors move IND doors if possible

Oh where do I want this this is this is Handy attack on do melee Contact there so the way this works is the ones at the top are higher priority it says it right there so you know if this could just be in a nice bundle for me where they all leaves are just tagged as a singular block that would be really nice

No no are you going to do this Are you seriously going to do this to me it’s really going to do this to me gosh okay well here we go okay oak leaves it can like get over here oh wait speed what do we want the speed to

Be okay speed I want it this thing is going to break through the leavf like you saying bolt okay this thing I don’t want it hanging up on leaves I don’t want it like breaking a leave like a zombie breaking a door no this thing is going to just plow through this

Thing like Max Speed Max detection High three I don’t know what that means um I’m going to set it to four just cuz I don’t know it’s three blocks tall four that seems about right it has long arms so let’s see I’m literally going to have to manually do this that’s that’s great

I hate this is what I call Manual Labor right here is duplicating the same snippet of code every single one of these okay Oak that one this one what even is that I don’t know that was Birch leaves jungle leaves why does Minecraft have so many leaves Acacia leaves get down there uh

Uh dark oak leaves um Mangrove leaves AA leaves that’s not even that common and then flowering AA leaves there we go look at this beautiful wait this is for one we don’t have cherry leaves yay I don’t have to do that one I think that’s all the leaves right let me check

Got Oak Spruce Birch jungle Acacia dark oak Mangrove AA flowering AO yeah that seems good I don’t need to do the nether leaves can I just make a tag of leaf blocks yeah I could but I did it this way cuz I don’t know I mean there’s not

That many lases wait where did this get in the trash um let me just make sure these all different one two three four five six seven eight nine and there are how many nine okay let’s see if this works this this is going to be uh okay

So we don’t even need this we don’t even need that what was I doing so now oh chat is wait I completely forgot to read chat I mean I looked at a little bit but I didn’t like oh gosh so many so many messages ah okay we’re going to load in

And test this up let’s test this get your uh eard drums prepared because it’s going to go into Chase mode and we all know what what happens in Chase mode don’t we I always create even though I just always create a new world with with

Uh with a new test just because I don’t know there’s just something about it that I’ve had glitches in the past so I just always do it from now on where if I have the creature in the world already and then like I update the mod and then I go in

It’ll like have the old code or something I don’t know I this is just the way I’ve always done it and it it it didn’t work the other way but it works this way so I just do it this way and it doesn’t take that long to make a new

World this would be insane in VR oh well lucky for you I may or may not have a VR headset that and I may or may not have planned already to do something with that but who knows maybe I am maybe I’m not oh did I rub my hands yes I

Did that’s me rubbing my hands hey solar don’t don’t say that you yo I literally I watched DanTDM as a kid okay he’s he’s amazing and I watched him and uh I was looked at all these cool mods that he played and I was like yo these

Mods look absolutely insane Saye I I wish I could make my own Minecraft mod then I found M Creator and then I literally first mod I ever made it was the Ruby mod believe it or not not the Ruby mod but I wanted to make my own

Rubies because I like red so I wanted a red ore in Minecraft that’s not Redstone so I was like okay I’m going to figure this out so I clicked create new weapon gave it a name generated a texture from the texture template which is free or like you can just generate

Sword texture and then I just gave it some stats like hm I want sword to do 10 damage and then sword does 10 damage and then I play it like I don’t know how old I was but I had Ruby armor and a ruby sword with Ruby tools and that was the

First like thing that I made what is this generation oh my goodness so yeah yeah sorry I get distracted really easily I’m like squirrel and I’m gone but what I was saying is you can make a mod believe I I just did trial and arrow

That’s how I know most of the things and uh there’s this YouTuber called Northwest trees Northwest trees M Creator something like that I’ve watched tons of his tutorials he’s insanely helpful with along with his tutorials and me just goofing around that’s how I learned so I say go for it

Man what is this generation this generation look we got a village here and the ice bikes this looks so cool actually um will you add dead people structure leaking out of blood uh no there is a mod for that already I don’t know where I really need

To go I guess I need a I need a forest don’t I I hate to lead this place though cuz it just looks so great I mean look at this generation should I take a screenshot I’m going to take a screenshot I mean look at this what

Imagine this with shaders which I can’t use cuz you know this is M Creator look at this look look at this let’s look wait what are my video settings okay cool look at this this is just oops I pressed F3 the one time I will go to press F2 I

Actually end up pressing F3 oh that’s true yeah that’s a good idea the seed is wait you can’t see the seed from here can you hang on don’t there you go the seed is 896 555 44426 55 yeah there you go you can come back pause the

Video if you want to see what the seed actually is this looks like a nice Forest here okay we got let me just get some armor so I don’t like die oh that’s loud you don’t know how many times that genuinely jump scared me every time I go

To test out my mod I’ll be like full netherite and then I just cover me in debris and I just like my ear drums I turned into a rapper oh this the stream is quite delayed oh well my current frame rate is too high na n I’m sorry YouTube deal with

It I mean I could change it but I think I’d have to end the stream to do that I’m not going to do that so let’s get I’m going to get this CU I don’t I don’t want to die okay game rule keep inventory just going to do this just for

Reasons okay we want the one who watches there he is my man I’m also going to do nope I hate I hate why is it do mob spot like can’t it just be game rule mob spawning false like really there you go cool now we have this we have that we have a

Forest this is going to be interesting oh you like the mod so much you played on your Minecraft server with your friends how’d that go probably very fun or terrifying I played it with one of my friends a little bit and um yeah it completely changed I created a darn thing I knew

How it all worked and it still is terrifying cuz the thing has so much random Ness to it that it’s completely unpredictable and so what turned from like a janky mob that like can do whatever it just somehow magically works really well half the time it’s like he can actually think for

Himself I watched one of a video and um somebody sent on the Discord and he literally the guy sat there was sat invisible and just waited the guy towered up you know cuz Tower just pillared up because he heard noises or whatever and the dude was invisible just chilling and waited

The guy waited until morning he drops down and the thing is right there to get him and like the thing is just insanely smart so let’s go into survival mode shall we I’m going to do put it tonight just so it’s a little bit spookier there we go so we’re going to

Run through this for and hopefully not die well actually hopefully well hopefully we do like die I don’t know so normally we have this kind of tree right so let’s test this out so let’s let’s spawn yeah everyone prepare your ears okay here we go yo I’m over

Here yeah yeah thank you I’m right here I’m right here oh gosh this is going to be loud I hate oh he’s a common he’s a common I’m going to go under here I’m going to go under here okay so now he can’t get me right so I’m

Going to go to Chase oh gosh hang on let me turn down the where’s the where’s the sounds where’s the sounds master volume this is still going to jump scare I wonder how many how many people are going to get jump scared by him oh gosh is he actually gone no he’s

Not I don’t know where he is okay rest in peace everybody we’re just going to have to I’m going to have to man up and just run out there oh gosh where is he oh wait he’s right there okay yo yo boy yo boy oh gosh oh gosh okay I’m running

Over the tree n n you can’t get me um well it turns out he can’t actually get me are you that stupid he actually can’t he actually can’t get [Applause] me excuse me what the heck yeah now we’re going to listen hang on let me just can I just stop all

Sounds yeah there we go stop sound goodness gracious oh wait Dev yeah thank you goodness gracious um let’s try this again I’m going to go into creative mode let me grab some oak leaves okay this is what we’re going to do know why am I using freaking why am I building something

Oak button no leaves leaves um outline hello guys and welcome to the box of Le this is going of all just start despawning isn’t it okay okay so you’re there wait I gotta wait hang on how am I going to do this oh gosh okay wait oh gosh okay oh gosh

Okay can he get me no had drugs no bro why see this is the problem with yo shut up jeez okay he’s just going to he wants a hug oh gosh you saying bolt over here that actually scared me a little bit give the man’s scissors shush okay so now we know that

The code that obviously should have worked is not working like I literally said break block oak leaves and what does he do he does not break Oak leaves ah don’t you just love it that’s 1:00 a.m. for you dang you’re dedicated thank you would be great if uh you’re under

Something and he stretched his long arms out and pulled you away from safety okay I’m sorry why is this the first thing that came to my mind but all I could think of was the original Space Jam when LeBron goes to like dunk the basketball I’m just picturing that I don’t I don’t

Know why I don’t know why that came to my head but nevertheless so let’s see if I say that the entity can break blocks of type leaves oak leaves with the speed of 100 with the max detection height of four and he is near leaves then he will he’s just not going

To break leaves ah okay oh no dang stream T at 3:50 a.m. for me you got to go because of school in 15 minutes that’s true faster might speed you’re right what was the default it was speed one I’m going to set it back to speed one you’re

Absolutely right you are so right wait wait actually thank you so much hang on cuz the speed okay I don’t know why M Creator does this it’s the dumbest thing but sometimes smaller numbers are faster and sometimes bigger numbers are faster okay this happened to me um when I was programming the

Thing right here you see this wait you see this do melee contact attack with speed Factor two you see that so when I was working on it I was like oh I want it to attack faster so I’m going to do put 0.5 and it will

Attack in 0.5 the time that a normal creature would take to attack so like if if one is default then I’ll have it do 0 five so that’s twice as fast right and no it’s speed factor which I didn’t pay attention to um so it’s actually I accidentally half

The speed that it attacks and I was just so confused cuz no matter what I did when it went into Chase mode the thing would walk like a turtle it was like so slow and you go into Chase mode and just be like I’m gonna like some old gu like

I’m I’m going to get you get back here boy and and yeah oh gosh um but yeah he just he couldn’t keep up like I could out walk him okay like I could just walk faster than the guy so yeah you might be absolutely right thank you I have internet

Um let’s try this maybe you’re not big brain we’ll see if you’re wrong then I’m Banning you no no just kidding the one who [Laughter] walks is the stream quality really low is the stream quality actually really low I didn’t actually check that I’m I’m still hang on

Wait hang on just a second see I I was kind of rushing because I was in the middle of something what is the stream quality anyways oh gosh the video bit rate hang on wait what can it handle what was the what was the audio bit rate it could handle hang

On8 bit filter happens when I assume okay sorry I didn’t realize that like I said it’s my first time streaming video bit rate let’s try this let’s see if this fixes it you guys are a little bit delayed so I don’t actually know how delayed you are you’re a little delayed though

Um let’s see if that fixes it I upped it current frame rate is too high too high stop it stop with the too high frame rate where’s the I can’t change the FPS I have the video yeah let’s see I don’t know what the max is for like my

Computer and also for the stream because YouTube can’t it can’t even YouTube can’t handle 60 frames per second for some reason maybe that’s better oh they recommend hang on hang on they recommend a bit rate I didn’t even pay attention 68 you guys have just been absolutely miserable for an

Hour I apologize I applied it I don’t know if this will we’ll like apply it live or not I don’t know if I have to stop the stream and start over maybe that’ll fix it all right we’re in Minecraft now test 48 howy well thank you Hala 18 thank

You do I get paid for this um uh I don’t know I think I said it for like every 12 minutes you guys have to watch an ad I get I get some money from it all right where’s a tree there’s a tree that’s that tree is too tall stream status is

Good frame rate is still too high I can’t fix that I’ll fix it next time it would be amazing if it attack villagers yes but I want it to be focused on you because I don’t know see the thing is is like you’re a player I want that to be

Focused 100% on you because the villagers to me are still like seem a little bit more like creatures I mean they’re not as you can see their noses they’re clearly not human I mean Steve Steve is clearly human obviously but villagers no is the video quality better guys at

All is the video quality like halfway decent now wait offer two bucks for what wait I missed something where did did somebody say something I saw I would buy the plushy too wait oh make a plushy of the entity would buy it wait you guys want a plushy of the

Entity YouTube is rece is not receiving enough video to maintain smooth streaming as such viewers will experience buffering sorry guys I’m I’m still new to this I don’t I don’t know the I don’t know the streaming ways I like last night I like watched a five minute tutorial on how to stream on

YouTube so I’m not the expert my ears stop oh no sticky keys no stop darn you sticky keys okay make it watch me while I’m sleeping Herobrine kind of already does that hey yo let’s go into survival mode Okay jump scare n n you can’t get me darn he actually like can’t get

[Applause] me I [Applause] literally ouch okay bl’s just gone now so believe it or not with my new an improved code that should obviously 100% work believe it or not it does not work that’s the joys of uh modding right yay curse you I have internet you are

Incorrect somehow it just does not work I don’t know why the one who can’t break leaves oh my goodness no I haven’t tried putting the uh brake leaves thing in front that’s what I’m going to try right now though make it so that I can climb up

Blocks upwards very fast so that you can can’t just Tower up okay so regarding the Towering up thing so yes I want you to be able to actually hide from it like in your house like a coward um um cuz that’s funny um but regarding the Towering up thing

If you’re up if you Tower up you’re just going to sit there until it despawns you’re just going to sit there and another one might see you and it might just be invisible so you’re just going to end up sitting there throughout the entire Minecraft night like an absolute

Wimping coward if if you want to do that that’s fine with me I’m not going to stop you um I mean are you gonna have any fun no but you can do that if you want to so no I’m not going to make it climb up

Things I don’t think maybe I still don’t know what future me will think okay so this is what we’re going to do guys we’re going to take this we’re going to make the break blocks above it doing melee contact damage I’m going to still have it like

Intact so you notice right here okay you know how it says attack insight only nearby only yeah why I don’t have either of those checked it for some reason it’s still Insight only but whatever let’s try this back into Minecraft we go don’t you see you you guys see now how fun this

Is yes I did hit 3,000 subscribers and thank you you guys for that you guys are absolutely amazing I I still don’t understand still blows my mind like it it went up so fast and there was so many that I can’t actually like I’m still

Like in shock what what test is this I forgot test 49 test 49 yippe make a nightmare mode Maybe I could make it black that’s sound never never mind um solar you gotta go thank you thank you for watching thanks for stopping by I will see you gu

See you maybe tomorrow if you want to join I’ll see you later bye bye solar all right let’s see this in a forest but there’s no low trees Here what if I make him lunge at the player I could make him lunge at the player I don’t know he’s already like way fast what am I doing I’m I’m reading chat and just mindlessly floating through Minecraft just um I need to go find an actual

Forest there it is I could just command but oh well the one who watches lore did somebody say lore sorry sorry sorry okay goodbye your drums please don’t please don’t leave please don’t leave my stream please please stay please stay not the oh gosh my ear jums hang on goodbye eard drums oh

Stop eard drum damage I I it’s like yes it it just gets annoying the ne I mean I guess I could just turn that mat Pat moment imagine Matt Pat does a video on the lore of the one who watches wait maybe if he just does a lore on like all

The cave dwellers like in a one video like cave dweller lore video or something like that I I could just give myself resistance four five but blasting my eard drums with the sound of covering me in debris also is a good idea is a lot more fun don’t you

Think can I try to sound like Markiplier oh gosh I don’t know you know I’ve actually done that before like um I warm up just a little bit in front before a video like I just I’ll say something goofy just to get myself like cuz you know I’m kind of a

Psychopath when I’m recording just talking in my room by myself you know um just screaming and stuff and then I post the video and then you guys see it and then it’s fine what am I looking for um but uh yeah so I’ll do like warm-up

Things and one of the things I’ll say is like I don’t know it’s like I’ll say um oh gosh it’s like I don’t even remember what he says now it’s like hello guys wait guys my brain it’s drawn a blank do you break leaves now sir what

What bro where’s bro what where’s bro going [Applause] and and he waddled away da na na na the very next day what what the heck are you what what are you doing what do you have against the tree bye have a great day have a great time sorry the brake

Blocks okay wait the brake blocks block Works similar to how zombies break turtle eggs so it is not what you need thank you that actually makes sense cuz when I saw him he was like hop hip hip hopping hip what I don’t know he was like jumping on the tree like this I

Don’t know what he was doing trying to like and I saw like egg particles did you see egg partic Arles or something like when you break that yeah so that that makes perfect sense so you know what we’re going to do guys we’re going to we’re going to do the other

Thing that I originally was going to do until I found this quote unquote easier method that actually took me like three or four attempts to just not work at all goodbye code yeah yay I just spent like 30 minutes working on one thing that turns out doesn’t work at all

Okay so this is what we’re going to do instead we’re going to um when he falls when he dies when he kills another one when right clicked on when player collides with the on initial en PL on entity tick update we want that one this

Is probably the one that we want um so we need to get the whoa what did I click um we want dude has other priorities I agree we want him see I don’t know what what I should do should I do the get Block procedure get Block

At location and then just like make it air I think I might do that if get Block at location is of type CLE wait no that would be so bad no because I would have to if I use the get Block procedure if I use get I smacked my mic

Like my microphone I’m sorry I probably went like this like I don’t know how that sounded to you guys sorry about that um uh if I use the get Block procedure okay I’m going to have to do that in front of the player in front of it

Behind it and to the left and to the right side for all nine types of leaves that’s 4 * 9 which is 36 that’s 36 of these thingies that I have to copy and paste I if there’s a simpler way please Chinese laugh to and then it

Appears within one block of the player and leaf is ahead break leaf I’m going to check I I think there is another thing I just have to look for it and this is what I spend most of the time looking is just looking for the things that is fluid is fluid source is

Tagged in Block tag is tagged in block tags as Minecraft lock is water loged get Harvest level get blah blah blah blah blah blah is block at that solid is block block block block block block block Leaf tag question mark yeah there is actually okay believe it or not in here

There is a leaf tag wait no there’s not there there what there used to be a thing somewhere in this thing where it would just be the whole entire collection of leaves all this one block like got who needs s who would need a property to just like I want a Minecraft

Mod that does something specifically to purple candle cake that’s just funny they have every single potted plant combination dang those guys really do put in the effort of making the M creator there’s a preure block that is is block tagged in name add the Easter egg um isn’t there Ray

Tracing not that kind of Ray tracing but like it’s not going to break your Minecraft yeah look I passed the leaves twice leaves look look if I search Le look look at all the nothingness that here this is just all the leaves I don’t think there is actually

Like look right here you see this this is no no that’s just oak sapling never mind did I seriously pass by it twice or are you just yeah no there’s nothing hang on whoa I passed by at least twice shoot a bunch of rays and if it’s

A leaf then I will break the leaf yes that’s that’s that’s my thk get look position X why look y position look Z position with r tracing five fluid up type block mode outline what maybe this H I block face of event Target entity is looking at with Ray tracing five fluid

Moan none outline what uh yes Maybe I’m trying to be as interesting as possible but the reality of it is that this is not always the most interesting thing especially when I don’t exactly know what I’m doing if um um um are people saying helpful things I don’t know what I know what I

Don’t know what I don’t know what I don’t know direct quote from as ASW I call you Astro though if get Block face I don’t know what block face is oh wait block face um yeah I don’t know how to do this so I’m probably just going to do that other

Way that I already thought of that’s way more complicated I’m going to sit here and look Dove um how so many anxiety without yes I want to update the mod that already gave you uh anxiety of what if under Stone thingy or something then nothing he’s not gonna he’s not going to smack

Stone um I don’t think this will be that bad no let’s just do it it shouldn’t it shouldn’t take that long it really shouldn’t if I just go quick at it it shouldn’t take me really that long to get it hang on I just need the thingy

Is I don’t want him to crawl that’s why I want him to break leaves cuz that’s different yeah his noodle arms can’t break uh Stones I need the thing let’s see Leaf I probably could just use a tag does Minecraft already have a tag of leaves or should I actually just make

One where’s tags set custom set of block um I can make one okay I will make a tag if it doesn’t already have one where’s tags tags tags we’re going to call this we’re going to call it leaves ah leaves already wait H whoa excuse me leaves already exists leaves officially

Exists is there no tutorial on how to make entity to break leaves no I’m figuring that out myself through trial and error and that’s what I’ve done before and it works it just takes a while so yeah leaves does work so that means that we can do this instead get

Block at with tag is there a thing like that get NBT number Tag okay guys which one is it is it logic tag number tag or text tag let me look up hang on I’m using the website the interweb to look something up R what I can’t even write

Um let me just look up if Minecraft has a uh let me look up a Minecraft tags lift on the Minecraft Wiki real quick tags okay so block whoa um is there a leaves tag block tag item tag entity tag function tag take the block is block tagged in

Tag name and replace block with get Block at chords yes a trial on error I okay so what are you saying um take the block is block tagged in tag name and replace block with get Block at chords oh gosh um where is that that’s wa block data get Block wait get

Huh wait what take the block is block tagged in tag oh gosh my brain um I’m looking for it I I don’t see I don’t know where it’s at maybe I can just search for oh is block tagged in blocks Tagg I found it wait no wait that’s not hang

On guys I don’t know I actually don’t know I’m just I’m I’m G to do something different I’m just going to do this instead okay I’m going to create my own new tag I liter guys okay just the block thing just replace it with get Block at cords hang

On hey ants 962 why don’t can you just program this for me please is said I see it seems like you know more than me where did where see you said this and then replace it with get blocks at ah is is get Block at thank you so

Much is it leave Le let’s see I make sure I spelled that right right Minecraft leaves there we go how does this look in how’s this look in ants drink a coffee boost your home hor can’t talk uh I’m curious what’s the process of updating a mod for newer older

Version of Minecraft well for me using MC Creator I just download plugin that says uh M creator for Minecraft 1.20.1 and then I click a button that says translate mod and then I pray that nothing is broken that’s that’s what I do and then if I wanted to work on the

1.1 19.2 I have to convert it again or I guess I could just duplicate the mod and then have two workspaces with two different variants I don’t know that’s why I’ve kind of been a little bit hesitant um ants I do believe that the ant tag does sorry what not the ant tag

The leaves tag ant I think the leaves tag does exist because if I go over here to tag and I say leaves then it’s already in use and if I do it with a I can’t even do it with lower leaves Lea Leafs is not in use but that’s not even

Anything so leaves is a thing because otherwise it would allow me to use that so is get Block then okay guys we’re getting somewhere the 16 of you here uh we’re GNA go like this we’re going to do a thing we’re going to slap this in there we’re g to do because

Generally it’s going to be like this okay where’s the remove block yes finally we are getting somewhere believe it or not it we should get this by the end of the day maybe I was hoping to get the update and a video on the update out by Friday or Saturday

But at this rate if I keep having too many more bugs then it might not work um you should have learned math better um I don’t know I mean I I completed calculus so I mean I learned math pretty good I would say if you write iron ingot there it

Should also give error even if there is no such thing as iron ingot tag but just item because it checks for General names in all Minecraft and avoids you putting the same that’s true but what we can do is we can let me use look it up let me just

Look it up is there a leaves tag whoa a leaves tag in Minecraft leaves from trees thank you Mr helpful I don’t know wait let me just create my own tag it it would be so much easier okay I’m just going to create my own leaves tag because it’s that’s

Doesn’t I’m just going to do it anyways I don’t know if it exists so you know what we’re going to call this we’re going to call this we’re going to call this leaves I know I know I’m so original we’re going to call it leaves it’s going to be for blocks items

Under this tag we’re going to have this Leaf this Leaf this Leaf this one one wait I’m dumb I can multi select I am stupid put wait huh waste of time you should put it in Minecraft tags I should put it in Minecraft ah dang it okay we’re just we’re just going to

Delete this you’re you’re completely M Creator let me delete it delete okay let’s do this one last time cuz it it locks it Pokemon trainer yes you are very good emotional support thank you okay what’s the answer to 23 x^2 – 3 a 2 plus or B plus um that if you’re so

Good at math uh well that literally is the answer by the way Mick oof that literally is the answer to your own problem it can’t be simplified any further I don’t think cuz 23x and 3X cubed can’t like mix and 3 A2 + b or 3 a is that

Negative3 a 2 B can’t do anything as well that can’t get simplified any further and the Nega 12 is a constant so that also has to stay that way so the answer would technically be 3x cubed + 23x 2 – 3 a^ 2 b – 12 I think I don’t know because you

Can’t actually solve the variables from my knowledge let’s change this to forge to Minecraft the blocks select the leaves oh new AO what I didn’t say anything you’re going crazy maybe I just SL slurred my words together or something you’re going crazy Leafs instant replay on that I

Swear yeah so it’s Leafs all lowercase so we went Leafs get Block at so this is going to be plus one we want this plus two and we want this plus two and then we can duplicate this and then we can put this here and then thank you

Uh srick I’m I’m just gonna butcher everyone’s names I’m not going to worry about pronunciation thank you srick so and thank you monkey monkey lovey Luffy Luffy um let’s see we’re going to do this then we’re going to duplicate it let’s see oh wait I can just do this uh

Switch this to a minus wait no this one’s a plus this one’s a minus then we just have to do this one duplicate that wait no not duplicate yet getting ahead of myself put X here put come on grab grab the thing put X there there we

Go Z there see there then duplicate this one then change that to a minus minus again so see we have so this is front back I’m sorry left side right side front back it should break that did I use coding wait like what type of browser app is

That this is MC Creator completely free it is a program highly recommend this I found this years ago and it is literally the best thing to ever exists without M Creator I could not make Minecraft mods did I use coding to make the mod or just m Creator I only used M Creator

Because I’m bad at coding yes I do yeah my M Creator does have its limitations which I have found before um yes the mod will be scary when you can’t hide under trees uh why are you using M Creator not a problem with it I just feel like it can be limited at

Times yes it can be limiting I just I don’t know Java this should work theoretically but I’m actually going to do something one more thing I’m going to take this I’m going to do here wait wait guys watch this there’s a trick I learned I I don’t think I can

Multi select yeah see wait wait no you can’t hang on you can’t like hold right click to like multi select or something so this is one thing that i’ done before you take this you put this inside this procedure and then you just duplicate that whole procedure and then you just

Take it out boom I’m a genius but you guys already knew that didn’t you why did I duplicate this by the way because I’m going to do this exact oh gosh where is it let’s see the four down so I’m just going to do this except only

Have it plus one on all of these that looks good yeah yeah um all hail M Creator yes the first mod on the YouTube channel was forend months yes it has been a long time since I posted something about that and I’m going to at some

Point is it easy to make mods without knowing math a lot I’d say yes yes um you don’t really need to know math I mean it helps for some basic things like it’s good to know your threedimensional coordinate plane like coordinates you know like X is forward Y

Is up Z is well no X is Left Right Y is up down Z is forward backwards in video games at least in real life apparently X and Y is the x is left and right Y is forward and backward and then Z is up for some reason I don’t I don’t

Know but yeah it’s literally really easy look I can literally just create in here and then I can create oh they have I can literally just create like tool and then I can just say something like this and then create tool just put in a texture and then just select the

Properties like look Harvest level efficiency Enchanted attack speed attack damage you don’t even need to use any of this and then boom save it then you have it and creating a texture guys watch this I mean for these te n textures is a little bit different but I can just go

Create texture create generate from template sword randomize create save that up boom it’s that easy save this that’s your texture just instantly I mean you could even yeah you can just sword randomize randomize randomize look different sword combinations you can also draw your own swords if you

Want which is really easy to do in their texture editor which you already have right here and you can also do things like this where you just like this is I’m getting very sidetracked but hopefully that helps ruby sword let’s go yes I have 12 concurrent viewers right now some people

Have left but it’s fine you guys are very dedicated and I thank you for that this is not exactly the most interesting thing of all time um another question I have problems importing custom animations into M Creator you know same that’s why he doesn’t have custom animations it’s a problem this should be

Good now right we’re going to test this out right now and crash Minecraft most likely can you make the mob swim faster in water when it’s in the chase um someone happens to have a boat and they can get in the way in the water I’m going to fix

That yes I will ready ready I I was going to fix that anyways I can do that like in like just a couple seconds here ready watch this after I shuffle through my different procedures searching for where In The World the one thing is ready you see right here this if is

Entity is entity riding and then make entity stop riding that’s so that you can’t trap it in a boat cuz I already thought of that no he will not go in boat he could just be like hello you know what be so funny is if you’re running from him and

So like you get in the water you hop in your boat and you get in the boat and then like you turn around and you don’t see him and you go F5 and he’s like in the boat with you just standing there behind you you know with his arm arms

Like stretched out that would be hilarious do you get paid for us watching right now uh anytime you see an ad which should be every 12 minutes yo sup Madu Madu however you want to pronounce yes I am going to be um installing the file manager and creating config files I

Just haven’t done that yet um but I am going to be doing that thanks for joining man uh yes I did make him unkillable well sort of I mean people have found ways to kill him but he should be relatively unkillable cuz he has 1,000 HP now no

Ads ad blocker someone digs a hole and it spikes at the bottom with water going into it pushing the mob into the hole Yeah that shouldn’t kill it now you just keep getting yeah you should get an ad like every 12 minutes or something okay let’s test this out oh by

The way for the hang on for the uh swimming I literally I’m just going to give it Dolphins Grace I know cheap move but I’m just going to do that see if it works hi we’re going to press okay we’re good and press play while that’s loading up I

Will be like real quick I’ll be right back while that’s Loading e Ah did I scare anybody sorry I’m back now uh about the Easter Oh and about the Easter egg Markiplier Could you actually add it add Freddy Fazbear oh no what if you give entity dolphin’s Grace so it’s insanely fast when in contact with water here I am getting it giving it DOL Grace

Like that guy said I’m just not giving it insane dolphin’s Grace actually I might have given it too much dolphin’s Grace I just realized I gave it Dolphins Grace five I don’t know if that’s too much had that you are not the father oh gosh rip ears goodbye

Soul I scared the one who runs I got you guys hey we’re on test 50 we’ve done 50 tests so far this stream and I’ve been streaming for two hours 5 five five five gu every Fred’s copyrighted please YouTube do not demonetize this video this is clearly this is clearly

Minecraft this is a game I’m not actually being harassed by terrifying monsters um thank you and then you get caught off V monster okay so let’s see we got to get the uh one who watches let’s spawn point in let us get jump scared by stupid no I

Forget this I’m going to do this watch ready boom is this a crime no I don’t I this this is not a crime okay wait I’m not wait what pixel cutter was a good man he made fun of me my heart lo my am I

Muted or is he just saying that cuz I don’t think I’m muted right do I have better pathf finding now and can it Crouch no it can’t Crouch but you know what it can do well you know what I hope it can do oh your internet died same here we I have garbage

Internet okay where’s a good tree this is a good tree right here okay good I’m not I’m not muted this guy’s just gaslighting me hello okay I’m going to I’m going to touch it I’m I’m going to to poke it come on work yes yes yes we he’s doing

Something yes yes get me kill me yes break leaves he’s oh gosh okay [Applause] ouch okay he’s gone [Applause] now it’s working kind of Let’s uh try to get a a thicker tree here we go give him like case for something go into water I will go into water ah

Ah okay he’s just going to despawn like that that would give me a heart attack okay good come at me oh oh okay why is it okay guys hang on can you’re just going to start playing the sound again aren’t you I’m getting out of here shush okay guys yes destroy a bit

Faster this is what we’re going to do oh yeah let’s do the water thing real quick it’s like watching a baby walk for the first time except it’s breaking leaves yes guys it’s been I don’t know how long how long have I been trying to get breaking the leaves to work do you

Even know I’ve been streaming for two hours now I don’t actually know how long it took us to get the leaves to break but it took a while thank you guys for sticking around through it we got 31 people in here dang hello everybody yo okay let’s get ourselves a boat shall

We why am I looking in decoration blocks I’m slly going insan insane oh you guys want to see something Interesting so let’s put this guy here all right so let me do the hitbox thing you see the hit boox I fixed that ah wait is he still here oh gosh no he’s just gone completely oh gosh okay did that scare anybody else no 29 people not 30 people anymore

Okay he’s gone again okay come come here go invisible there okay um I had it so that uh set so that I disabled collisions so basically I disabled his Collision his hit box so even if you even when he goes invisible if you like cheat and do this kind of thing then you

Still can’t yeah you can’t see him so you see how hit box is on when he’s actually really right here oh gosh that actually he still scared me so yeah he actually goes completely completely invisible okay stop the sound he goes 100% invisible 100% the Collision box is not

There either so yeah he’s still there though like it’s just the Collision box is not there at all which is great oh no the video video’s buffering you guys are going to be delayed for a second cuz that’s buffering rip I’ll try to fix it I don’t I don’t

Know what I can do though to fix it so wait come back it’s not receiving oh thanks yeah for the sounds I made the whispering sound myself I just kind of got like wow w w I just kind of made sounds in the microphone and then I edited edited it um in

Audacity just kind of gave it like Reverb and I made it lower and stuff like that and then the um this the jump scare sound I just found off the internet for like some non-copyright Stinger sound and I just kind of used that and then for the screaming sound I found some distorted

Screaming sound took that and then I changed it and made it into my own kind of scream effect so it works great in my opinion okay yeah I get scared by my own thing a lot actually we still walk in the diamond right okay we’re going to go hop

In the water right here let’s see let’s see how fast blood is I’m actually hungry in the game that is hang on N no I can turn that off get out of here ooh ah okay we’re running now oh okay ah he got me he he got

Me yeah that’s not what I I meant to do stop the sound let’s just one it can fake despawn just to continue running at the Players angle that would be cool yeah I leave why am I just punching the ground okay self IAL you have a scarier dweller on your

YouTube channel interesting I might check it out some point I don’t know this is pretty scary guys get ready for your your drums oh gosh okay wait can I out swim it okay okay he’s oh gosh ah where is he oh he’s gone completely what was I doing with the guy

I was trying to like cuz you know you have to get like close to him or whatever so I was trying to just barely get close enough so that I don’t you know you know just barely trying to get his hit hit box like that ouch what oh

Gosh how fast is he now whoa whoa whoa okay we’re going to do a boat now okay we’re going to spawn this guy right okay this is what we’re going to do let me just I don’t know if this actually is going to affect anything but we’re going

To see cuz he might just be like walking right here instead of actually swimming you know so cuz if he’s right here then he’s just going to be walking along this but um if he’s here then he should actually swim so we’re going to see what that

Does imagine having iron armor on yeah rest in peace huh what do you think gaming laptop or something hidden behind what do you think gaming laptop or Mac yeah yes who here thinks I have a Mac computer no hate on Max but sup oh gosh I’m hungry I’m GNA like die if

He hits me once I have a nice boat here so I’m going I’m just going to get in the boat F5 oh gosh oh no [Laughter] he bro this SK dling across the water oh my goodness oh wait gosh no wait wait no no no no no no wait wait wait

Wait no move it’s so swimming hard to swim like [Applause] this oh gosh did [Applause] I’m drowning dang it how long is he going to chase me [Applause] for I’m drowning again no no he’s going to get me wait I have a boat get in the boat I can’t in third person [Applause]

The one who [Applause] Jus well I lived get out of here sound well I would like to say that that is half a success half failure I mean it wasn’t a complete um failure he did swim faster he swam faster okay so we got like slightly uh

Create a swim animation and check if entity is in water yes I really need to do get custom animations but I cannot I really need help I watched like three or four videos on how to get custom animations in M Creator and I just cannot for the life of me do

That oh gosh hang on no sorry guys you’re going to experience buffering again um you can fix that with an override motion vector and then tweak it with Y to make him like levitate a bit above the water and then it looks smoother I don’t really want him to walk on water

Though I don’t know what I want him to do I mean I could just make him avoid water at all like an Enderman but to me that’s not very scary because then you could just go into water and that’s just like the cheapest of all cheap combos combos not combos but

Like I don’t know cuz if it if I did what you were saying Madu or mad I don’t know how you say your name um wouldn’t it look like he’s like walking on the water like he just was if I made him uh levitate a bit above the

Water sorry I know the stream quality just went down the stream Health hey it’s G to back up to to excellent swi animation for swimming I would love that make it killable no I discussed that earlier if you would like to go back and see that then you

Can so we’re going to focus on the um I’ll fix the water thing later I’m going to keep working on the leaf the leave thing so basically what I’m oh wait he technically is walking on water with swim animation I fixed it like he like that with my entity

Okay make him stop at the edge of the water and lunge at the player do new running animations you guys want to see Running Animation you guys want to see a I’m actually made a running animation but I couldn’t get it into M creator for whatever reason I just use M Creator animations

For the run so for the leaf thing right here leaves whatever I’m so right now he’s breaking directly in front of him directly behind him to the left to the right and then one block down forward back left right so then I’m also going to do all the diagonals so that should

Be 1 2 3 4 5 6 7even eight so I’ll need eight more of these which so it’s not really that hard I can just go like this I can just oh gosh boink boink boink oh gosh oh wait how do I grab this there we go he’s breaking leaves in uh Chase

Mode so this is going to be okay wait separate that right there right because this should be yeah minus on the Z so right here we’re going to do this let me just break this one off um no wait not that one will you show Running Animation I

Might I might also to redo the Running Animation cuz he looks very like I don’t know I mean it’s not a bad Running Animation but it just his he walks with very um it’s not quite as chaotic of a run which I really like the chaotic run wait a

Second okay yeah he’s only one block wide I was just checking make it be able to break doors I could but like the man from the fog yeah see I’m not I don’t I don’t do copying you’re safe indoors I’m making it safe indoors OD bodybuilders

Flexing uh no I might make some like fan arsh stuff I don’t know if you can really um call it fan art if it is um my own stuff but I could make some like fan art stuff with my own model or you guys could take my model and do horrible

Things to it um let’s see don’t use gecko I really recommend it because it supports Sprint sneak attack swim and various other animations it also makes it possible to play certain animations inside procedures yes I um I would love to use gecko I actually if you look

Right up here at the top you can see that I have the gecko plugin installed but in my workspace I’m not using the animated entity I really tried I tried using the animated entity and when I did that I could not I would I literally copy and pasted the exact thing

Over but oh what was it oh another guy said something to me it was fixed it’s because I’m using 1.9.2 that I have to use the exact same name for like walk animation it has to be named walk and in blockbench I didn’t name the animation walk I named it Chase

I think that’s what it is so I’ll try to fix it at some point but no I’m not using gecko currently I mean I have it installed as the plugin but I’m not using it I’ll fix that but that’s for another time we’re doing leaves right

Now so let’s see plus plus plus plus then we got to do oh wait I can just wait that’s eight oh yeah cuz that’s plus two and that’s that’s plus one okay so we’re this one this one’s good then what we can do is we can um

These can all be deleted and I could just copy from that so this needs to be no no I’m not going to make him drop items he’s not supposed to be killed or despawned or like there’s no items you’re supposed to he’s supposed to be terrifying

Um plus plus plus plus then minus minus plus plus so I need a Plus+ and you give me the plus plus minus minus plus plus then we need oh gosh okay then we need then here we need um plus plus plus plus– plus plus plus plusus minus and then minus minus minus

Minus oh okay plus plus plus plusus minus plus plusus plus plus minus then minus minus yeah plus plus plusus plus plus plus plusus minus plusus cool very cool yes I am trying to make him break leaves when they’re in front of him and just kind of all around him I know I’m

Doing this way harder than it needs to be but I couldn’t figure out how to do like the ray tracing stuff cuz with the ray tracing stuff um I mean if you would like to tell me how to do it better that would be greatly appreciated I want him to break

Leaves um so like all types of leaves and I made a tag custom tag named Leafs because leaves apparently is already used wait listen to James and Joe wait where’s where’s nois of structures you should make it so he knocks at your door and hand you Birchwood to scare you

Away hello hi um do you have a fix meu to do this that’s a lot easier than this oh gosh no wait get back in there I sent I send you on oh Discord oh let me open up Discord please yeah we go open up on my second monitor

Please okay let’s like minimize this wait where is okay yeah if you could send that to me on Discord that would be phenomenal because I I would probably watch YouTube videos but I’m not really going to watch a YouTube tutorial on it while I’m live streaming I mean I know that down here

You have get look Z position and look y position but would I have to do that like all would I have to use all three for that or something I don’t know what type what is the worst uh you use it like normal XYZ blocks oh okay you’re still sending me something

On Discord right Mickey old version with black skin sharp things on his back covered with blood a bit and a teeth new screaming in one year or 10 years you can do it I will I’ll I’ll I can do it I could do it this way but I

Think m m is gonna send me something possibly I don’t know is he are you I I’ll I don’t know I don’t want to keep working on this currently if you’re going to do that I have many other ideas though for new features besides just the breaking leaves this isn’t

It this isn’t the only thing I’m adding so I’m really focusing on the paranoia Factor guys because the the scariest thing is the scary what scariest thing is the fear of the unknown and so I’m really G to try to emphasize the scare factor and basically just make you paranoid the entire

Time which you probably already are somewhat paranoid but when you play it but I’m going to make it Worse hey how’s it going it’s going pretty good where I’m stuck here um at procedures I’m getting a little bit of help here in a second so I’m going to pause on this I’m going to what what what see what were the other things I was going to do let’s see

Going to make it break leaves fix the nether spawn so it’s already I am going to make a ghost version of the creature of the entity sorry excuse me I’m going to make a ghostlike entity and the ghostlike entity will spawn during the day um and he will

Stalk you and yeah he’s not really going to like hurt you the same he’s not going to I don’t think I’m going to make him do the chase thing but he’s just going to stalk you so it’ll kind of add even more illusion and I’m also going to make

The standard stair staring version be able to spawn the ghost version so not only will he go invisible but then he can also go Ghost and the ghost is harmless but uh it should be interesting also I got a suggestion which I’m going to do try to

Do is I’m going to make a paranoia effect or something like that where you can’t go to sleep if he’s actually watching you I mean you’ll still have the thing like you know monsters are nearby you can’t you can’t sleep but um make it go through

Blocks you know I’d love to do that but I don’t think I can unless I just okay let’s see here yes yes I was going to make it um you said make it so that if you get caught by the ghost it like jump scares you and gives you blindness and darkness

For 10 seconds as well as fate nausea yes I was actually going to give it a jump scare on the ghost so the ghost um one is going to jump scare you if it gets you but it won’t actually hurt you at all um well it might hurt you a

Little bit um it might give you like the Wither effect or something but um that’s what I’m going to do so yeah you basically set it right there let’s see here hang on just a second oh thank you so much me medu how

Do you want me to say it do you want me to say medu or Meo I don’t know but thank you I’m going to try that I’m still not going to get rid of my own thing though I’m just going to kind of like slide that out of the way

So you guys see all this little go to him I’m just going to slide this over somewhere for later slide it over here slide this down out of the way oh gosh slide it there you go so if I ever need it I can just come back oh gosh my

Computer’s actually lagging when I do this dang H make him turn into Super saian Shaggy if you try to slash kill it I will I will think about that so I want the mod not to be too overpowered making him unkillable might seem like that but no I’m not making him

Just be able to get you no matter what okay let’s try this thing out by me Me By Me Me by by me what is the what will the ghost sound like pixel Uh I don’t know probably still the faint Whispering sound I don’t really know I haven’t gotten that far yet um let’s see is where is this oh wait it is the is tag hang on you know this is actually much better if I do external inputs for

This also for mine I did set it to Minecraft Leafs instead of Forge Lo Forge things thank you oh my goodness let me select the thing ah I gosh control delete not control backspace thank you so much by the way hopefully this works you are a lifesaver

And yes it’s Leafs not leaves I did that on purpose sometimes I just start scrolling and looking for things when I I’m just mindlessly not actually looking where they are h no okay no don’t go add Greg uh no um let’s see what you guys saying what if what about if the regular

One is watching you from any distance and you try to sleep and you get hit with a you’re too scared to sleep that could work kind of forcing it on the player I was kind of thinking something along the lines of um you cannot sleep now he’s watching

You dot dot dot like something spooky like that this should work right where’s my if state statement get over here and then for this I would just break the block right I would just remove hey medu would I just remove the block at X Y and Z or wait no I would

Need to move it where would I remove the block at though would I remove it at oh at look exp position at why X position look X position and look y position so I get Block there and then I remove block there that would make sense to

Me if I’m doing wrong just please tell me I don’t know what really what I’m doing I just do think oh gosh oh and then I probably should make it yeah like what you did you made it so that if in case in case he just like gets stuck inside of

Uh hang on what what did I even do that for just going to do that there we go uh yes I think the ghost is just going to be the same except seethrough add a chair with clothes look like him in the dark I will consider add a text that alerts the

Player like you feel a chill running down your back or something for the ghost or the guy um you mean like a Terraria no just kidding yeah I’ll have something like that but no I’m not going to do it like a Terraria message when the Eater of Worlds not

The one of the Mecha the mech dudes I haven’t played that game in a while uh I’m not going to make it break blocks I’m only going to make it break leaves okay should we test this out does this look good I think this looks halfway decent

You know it wouldn’t really take me this long if I wasn’t also talking to chat or like managing the uh chat at the same time but you guys are fun to have around so it’s totally worth it what’s good sup Swale I’m gonna say SW MC I’m

Sorry basically what I did is I fixed it so that um it no longer spawns in the Nether and it no longer spawns in the end and I’m making it break leaves so that you can no longer hide under trees because yeah I’m not going to make it Crouch

Down but I am going to make it so that it can like Crouch it’s not what so oh gosh um it’s not going to crouch down but it is going to break LEF leaves so you can no longer hide underneath trees and also while you’re like winding through a forest it’s just

Going to like plow through hopefully this is test 51 of the mod in total not just for the stream we’ve done about six this will be test six for the stream and going at this for two hours and 40 minutes yipp yay well thank you Roblox shenanigans I

Also do heavily believe in Roblox Shenanigans Roblox does have them shenanigans what you get some kind of skin versions like more mangled and withered looking ones for more like a corpse or maybe like a mutilated one interesting um I don’t know what I’m going to do I think I

Might yes you are safe and one by two holes okay wait we need the forest for let’s see if Med’s code works it probably does and mine just mine would have worked it just would have taken a while a long while we were almost there guys don’t worry you will help with the

Subs thank you okay diamond helmet and then the rest is netherite cuz I’m not getting jump scared by that stupid netherite sound I again that would be interesting um generating player built structures that spawn no that describe encounters with the monster that could be interesting that could be cool I

Could could do like um I could make notes spawn like on trees or whatever that have like pictures of It kind of like a slender Vibe I feel like that would be too much slender like though you guys are all seeing mojing loading screen you’re stuck on the mojing loading Screen that sucks uh tell me when it’s fixed it should fix it someone it should just be lagged or an ad popped up let me know if it gets fixed in a couple of seconds or minutes let me know some somebody comment when it’s fixed oh hello derp guy is it fixed now

Can you see more than just the uh logo the Mojang logo please is it working now yep yes no no people said no no okay I’m going to try this what’s oh yeah the OBS wow OBS is like frozen how can I fix

This hang on on let me see if I can do something here hang on oh yeah OBS is just whoa what happened did I fix it hang on is it fixed can you see now I think it’s fixed now yeah there we go okay we’re going I press caps lock again goodness gracious

Me come and get me oh gosh oh okay wait pathf finding a little Dooby [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] Goofy [Applause] [Applause] uh the one who stuck let me just like actually do this okay well we’re going to try this again whoa my man is flying huh the one who watches it flabber acid

Oh what okay I’m literally going crazy did you did you not see that did you just see that he literally just vanished like I could not have planned can this stop oh my goodness stop like I could not plan that any better he’s just destroying the forest

Like guys if you were to see him he yeah he drank way too much coffee okay I’m going to try something I have a thought so my the only main reason why I wanted him to destroy leaves was like you’re running from him right you’re running you’re running you’re running n

N now now he can’t get you yes I would love to give him animations so I’m going to try to fix that in next update okay yeah wow but now he’s just stuck okay stop stop this yeah I might be lagging it’s probably our internet um I’m so stupid I’m in creative

Mode oh gosh wait why okay okay okay okay we’re good we’re good we’re good we’re good we’re back oh gosh he’s there okay where the heck oh he’s gone again I need to get myself no wonder I I was there sitting there wondering why in the world this guy is not chasing

Me and then do you know what I’m in there I am in creative mode yo boy okay we’re going to hide right here I I’m not going to activate the Hello I’m I’m in okay he’s just going to despawn on me okay oh I don’t know what I said there you’re

Going to get me no you can’t no he can maybe no he’s stupid he really is just what what are you stuck on okay yeah he’s why won’t it let me jump oh there’s a block there okay yeah that’s that’s painful okay he’s gone now oh he’s not gone now he’s not gone

Now he’s not gone he is not gone he is whoa oh my goodness I don’t know okay no no don’t get okay I’m going to hide under here I should be fine right well obviously not oh gosh oh gosh why can’t he get me I’m going to make his hit box

Slightly smaller than three blocks tall like why does he keep getting stuck like this can you shut up like um make his hit box way smaller the hit box of the man is also just one block tall if it was only one block tall though then couldn’t he like fit I don’t

Want him fitting through two block tall things cuz then it would look like his head is just you know like stuck so cuz like if I just why’ I grab andesite of all things so like if I have him underneath here see he’s just like if it was um only two blocks

Tall you know then he would just run right through this and his head would you know look like that so what do you think do I might ring around the Roses yes he only destroys leaves you know what you don’t even hear anything and he has a okay yeah he has I

Was going to say he has a thousand health so that shouldn’t so what are my specs for my computer ah decent Crouch animation I wasn’t really going to make him Crouch just cuz I didn’t I don’t know wait so let’s make him 2.8 blocks tall and we’ll make him point eight blocks

Wide we see if that does anything also idea first let’s save this could um let’s see see M I didn’t really want to crawl or sneak I didn’t really want him to do that cuz all the other ones do that I mean I know it’s a cool feature I don’t know I didn’t

Um make him Crouch if he can’t break or move I don’t know because I don’t know if I want to give him like walking on all fours cuz that’s very like animal likee I don’t want this guy to do that I don’t want him to walk on all fours and

To me just like crouched down like I don’t know I mean he hangs upside down from the ceiling what did I use to be able to model the one who watches I use block bench it’s completely free maybe make him teleport maybe that could actually be a cool

Idea uh he does not teleport when you look at him he doesn’t actually teleport if you watch my video he actually goes invisible and walks towards you cuz just teleporting behind you at random would be uh a little bit unfair um let’s see I mean this is

Decent I wonder if I could add in like a because this is just going to go to the X like x y z but that’s just in straight lines so I have an idea guys I may not have a brain but I have an idea yes this could work this could work Indeed Actually I don’t even need that to do that for both ha duplicate duplicator watch this do that right there like that so now the x is going to be like that and then I can also make the Y yes good night peace my do thanks for

All your help I’m going to keep working at it can someone else make an evolved or scarier version of a mod um I don’t know I mean I kind of I’d prefer if I made the better version okay so let me let me fix this

Real quick so this is what I’m going to do okay so picture this picture uh just a standard three-dimensional grid um so he he um is going to do a ray Trace like straight out in front and behind and then one straight out in front and behind with the Y and then the

Same with the Z so that’s three axes um but anything on the diagonal of him he can’t break so this is what I’m going to do I’m going to set this to plus one so now that’ll be in front and behind mind so just picture like three x axises axes

Well actually I need to do this for the minus as well yes um yeah I would prefer not to have a bunch of similar mods like in my opinion I think they should be very unique I feel like the just the dumb copies aren’t the greatest what am I doing right

Here oh so I can actually covered this on the X and on the Y as well let me just grab another thing math no it does not work on 1.20.1 I will get that at some point but right now I’m updating 1.19 point2 uh why I’m not I don’t need to to do

Anything with the Z because if you have the three x axis then if I did the three Z axis then those would intercept anyways if that makes sense maybe it doesn’t make sense to you but wait what am I doing right here what what am I doing look y

H plus one what am I adding one to look y position so the Y position is then that’s just I need so let’s see this is going to get the block huh hang on on if I just added one to this then that’s going to make a look position plus one whoa my

Brain my brain I’m cooking I’m cooking hang on my brain is okay yes then the what am I doing get Block at that look what see I wanted to do the diagonal as well dang I have 30 30 more people 30 people in here wow hello people I’ll see you later pivot Raptor

Animations good luck to you my brain I don’t know see what this is actually really simple and I’m just not getting it when I met you when I met you in the summer okay I’m getting this I’m getting this hey is anybody on have been has any one

Of y’all been on here through the entire live stream like from the very beginning or no because that would be insane if you are have oh goodbye derp guy um yeah it’s pretty easy to transfer stuff from block brch D creater elfus dang and poke oh yeah Pokemon trainer you’re still here

Wow oh thank you thank you Darcy been here for 30 minutes from the Discord ping dang lus you are a legend he’s watching me suffer for like three hours and Pokemon trainer and then Jeremy thank you guys anyone that’s watched like any amount of time of the live

Stream um like I said this is my first live Stream yeah I can see the chat thank you for subbing all right see you see you man okay I need to I need to focus I need to focus ah my brain the problem is I have to like think through it I I almost like need a second hang on

My brain things are overcooking I can’t let’s see yes I do have a Discord when he stopped talking I thought he has pause no I did not H sorry I’m trying to think of how this could work because this works this works and then I think I could just okay

I know what I’m going to do I got it I got it I got it maybe we’re going to do this anyways if it doesn’t work the worst that can happen is it crashes Minecraft which isn’t really that bad of a thing okay this is what we’re going to do get over there

Okay yes the frame rate’s low even for me when doing this when I like move around the procedures dang you’re looking to learn a little well I’m sorry you probably came from the wrong came to the wrong place cuz I have no idea what the heck I’m doing um let’s see there

There wait huh oh okay wait where I come back here minus why is he ignoring me wait wait I’m not I’m not ignoring anybody I’m just I’m locked in I’m trying I’m not trying to ignore you w Comfort streamer dang thank you for the compliment I’m glad I’m

Comforting I’m glad that I’m so comforted are you really comforted by my voice this is very comforting I’m so glad that you guys can sleep maybe I should start an ASMR Channel or something [Applause] yeah I’m your new favorite YouTuber thank you that’s that’s amazing to hear top quality streamer thank you thank

You you have your volume on Ultimus Maximus there’s an ad yes I’m sorry I would like to earn a little bit of money doing this should be like an ad every 12 minutes but you guys are sticking around thank you test 52 you feel that voice in your veins oh gosh

Okay new world more leaves more the one who watches look at this cave look at this generation absolutely amazing there’s a forest right over there so I’m just going to yoink every time you get an ad it restarts the stream wait really and you

Have to like skip to the end I have no idea why it does that I’m I apologize I don’t have OptiFine dang it I have to use Minecraft’s attention here sorry if you’re epileptic all right we got a forest you know what jump scare Time all right let’s TR test this out again okay I see the tree there’s the tree right there that’s the tree that’s the one we’re heading towards hello boy I’m looking at the chat I I’m not very good at oh gosh huh what wait wait who’s saying yeah there’s an

Ad you’re not getting ads no buffering writing style it’s not you it’s me the stream is buffering for me is there anything you can’t do with M Creator when making Minecraft mods do people use it because it’s easier for those who don’t know how to code or is it better to use something

Like um you can do actual like Java coding with MC Creator as well as the click and drag programming so you can like write your own javasript and then you can use that in the click and drag programming like the scratch kind of like thing and

Then um it’s just in my opinion it’s better I’ve never heard of intell or in whatever it is but uh it’s interesting I I think it’s great I wouldn’t be able to mod without it okay we’re going to spawn this guy again what’s this hit box now look like

Oh wait that’s not even the chase version okay we’re going over here oh yes yes yes look at the leaf breaking oh gosh oh gosh wait no no no no no wait wait wait wait wait wait come on get on the leaves hide oh no wait wait oh it’s

Working no no no let me out oh okay he’s gone he’s gone he’s gone guys guys stop the sounds goodness gracious guys I think it’s working no bye Darcy it’s working I got it working I think I think that I think we’re going to we’re going to try to

Again here but I count that as a victory what do you guys think I should work on the leaves actually breaking instead of breaking huh I get I get what you mean like they just kind of vanish instead of actually cuz I’m just removing the block I’m not actually breaking it so I’ll

Probably change that okay we’re going to try this again Target spotted oh I’m hiding under the chair you can’t get me oh no you can’t oh wait you no you can’t huh oh what oh gosh oh [Applause] okay hey no hi Pokemon trainer you’re back or not maybe I don’t

Know okay we’re going to just we’re we’re going to keep trying this I know I already tried it but you got to try it a couple times to make sure that it’s good uh let me also do the game rule keep inventory just because greetings from Ukraine thank

You I almost sticky key right there hello welcome to the to the live stream this is Peak entertainment I’ve been coding for the past 3 hours trying to get stupid leaves to work no just kidding it’s only been two hours trying to get leaves okay don’t worry he can’t get me

In here I’m safe I’m safe I’m safe I’m not safe oh yeah this is easy and see now he’s just gone the stream quality is good again what what did I just do true thank goodness no more trees I agree guys we’re actually making we’re making progress oh gosh where’s a

Tree okay I should be safe under here quote unquote oh see see see I love this thing okay what’s funnier than running away from literally nothing CU seeing a person like screaming for the lives like running from absolutely nothing like that’s just hilarious to me the fact that he just despawns and

That you can’t like you still hear him screaming that’s the whole point and you’re just running absolutely terrified for your life and then you look back and he and then he’s just gone and you’re wondering is he really gone or is he just hiding behind a tree like an absolute

Goober oh gosh and sometimes the sound like takes a second so he really fakes you out oh gosh okay I should be safe under here no get on the haha you’re stuck oh no he’s not stuck okay it should be no run no get what oh gosh yes deforestation thumbs up

Okay um can multiple spawn naturally at a time yes I will show you so this is one huh this is one thing that I’ve been debating about fixing or not cuz some people say he’s way too common some people say that he’s way too rare so I don’t know what to

Do so let me switch it to time set night okay and I will show you let me effect oh gosh you getting chased by three yes so not Dev at e thank you type the one who watches St stare stare we’re going to give him the glowing effect for 100 seconds okay so there are two in this area there’s one right there let me grab a spy glass cuz I don’t have optify there’s one right there and then there is one right there

Okay oh I’m sorry you’re sick so yeah so there’s two glad that you could make it for the stream though even though you’re sick thank you so yeah there’s one right there and there’s one holy cow um okay M maybe that’s a little okay yeah that is a little Overkill um

The main okay so the main thing that’s so weird yeah that is a little too common let’s go over here a little bit um so what am I doing it goes here so I’m going to go this way no entity see look look look so right here no entities there are

No entities in my entire like render distance and I have I have my simulation distance to 20 chunks so in this entire vicinity there is absolutely zero guys there are creepers creeper but there are uh okay now we got three and that is too close together goodness gracious so I’m going to fix

It so that they don’t spawn close to each other because that’s a little ridiculous um yes creeper a man um oh man after talking for Non-Stop for basically three hours my voice is a little dry so if you would excuse Me Yeah okay let’s see here no entities found in this entire area drink water I did it was very delicious very delectable water I’m now hydrated my room also gets very hot because of my computer aha where art thine he where behind you no actually where is he oh there he

Is so see like that’s not like I said I don’t know he’s like common sometimes and then common not common other times I really don’t know what to to do I’m probably just going to make a thing so that you could change whether he’s common or Not by himself cuz look

Absolutely none of them oh wait one one where where where two is a pretty well for the spawn rate I don’t want it two cuz two is ah there’s two see they spawn next to each other so I’m going to fix it so that I’m fine with multiple of them spawning at a

Time so long as they’re like spaced because unlike the cave dweller and unlike the man from the fog and the other ones which how those ones work I’m pretty sure is they don’t just spawn in like a standard zombie or Enderman or creeper or whatever they actually just

Spawn in like somewhere next to you like the man from the fog like I think he was just spawn in somewhere next to you near you and there’s be staring at you um oh it’s snowing but for this guy I want him to just kind of Spawn somewhere out so you’ll just kind

Of like encounter encounter him on your Journeys and oh my goodness if it oh I have an elytra on that’s why imagine this you’re it’s snowing like this and you just see this guy look at this you’re like just walking you’re just running through the snow you

Know and then you see you just see that guy out of the corner of your eye and then he’s gone chasing you jump scare time oh gosh I actually scared I I thought he was like right here I thought he was right here so so I thought that he had actually despawned

Okay test was a success now this one here here here okay uh natural entity spawning so right now I have it so that he spawns greater than or equal to 60 um the y-coordinate so that he has to spawn above 60 because the hanging version spawns below then so

I should be able to do this really easily don’t quote me on that it’s probably going to take me another hour um does entity exist in square cube of 100 uh stair and then um and uh external inputs there there and that so if that is that

And then if oh wait I need a not not does entity it’s so weird in programming because you can’t have does not you have not does if it is uh greater than or equal to Y level of 60 and does not and not does entity exist at XYZ in square cube

With size 100 of type stair so I assume in square cube with size 100 I’m not sure how big of a cube that is but that should eliminate the spawning right next to each other 100 should be decently sized I’m not sure if that means like a cube that

Is a total of 100 blocks or that means that the I know this is incorrect for a cube but the um radius of the cube so like from the center to one of the edges um straight out if that’s 100 blocks or if the total distance length of one of

The edges is 100 blocks I don’t know so we’re going to test this out oh well thank you pepper you don’t need to donate I mean I would gladly accept it but you don’t have to do that but thank you though I will see you later I want to delete some of these

Worlds we’re at nine people now no okay it’s fine we I still got nine absolute Legends in here eight what are we on 53 50 yeah 53 goodbye pepper test 53 creative warning these settings are using experimental features these settings are experimental and could one day stop working do you wish to proceed

Of course I would oh we we got one of the Legends in here hey it’s gone back up to 10 people the highest concurrent views that we’ve had is I think 30 something highest is 35 we have we’ve had 35 people in here at one point which is crazy dude imagine a dark

Oak forest with this guy oh man oh man you would I would I would die literally and metaphorically also the Birch Forest oh man cuz he Blends in so well so now you have a reason to hate Birch Forest even more not to be that honestly I think that if

Like Mojang did with like that one concept art with the Birch Forest I think it would actually look really cool and everyone would actually like Birch for Birch Forest what is that well thank you for stopping by oddball what is this terain generation this is like really

Cool um here if you want the seed there’s the seed by the way I just kind of flew out this way Yonder if you want it there it is it is this is like really cool I hate this I’m like I I make uh worlds or whatever just like that I’ll

Delete later just for test worlds and they look absolutely fantastic and then when I actually go to play a survival world I get like the worst seed ever when you play Creative best seed ever play Survival worst seed ever it’s just how it is whoa sorry I I get distracted but this

Is just cool yo this is sick what oh okay I was going to say if this was like pouring and like half of it went under the water and half of it went down here that would look even cooler this is a crazy seed I completely

Agree but sadly we’re not in here for the cool seeds oh guys question um so there’s this thing called powdered snow which is in 1.9.2 and for some reason my guy is quite dumb when it comes to powdered snow and he will just like walk right over it just like me for

Real and so should I fix that should I make him not sink because to me it doesn’t really make sense that he shouldn’t snake because like he’s bigger than you and his feet are very skinny so he should sink into the snow so but like that’s also a dumb way to

You know counter him so I’m just trying to think of what to do like this like he he would just fall in here and just die it would take absolutely forever and he’d eventually just despawn so I think he should sink in the snow but like he he would just like walk

Around it uh like oh that’s true I I would have to see if I can just make him go around it cuz he does not currently go around it what am I testing oh yeah huh yeah players would explode that uh no there you go

Where there he is H wait what’s my y level right now ah hello what is the Y level right here the Y level is 60 so this is still counts as um above ground for him so yeah if you’re uh yeah you can actually find him in that state in a

Cave which is terrifying to know I that would be hard to make it so that he can learn from his mistakes I mean I could possibly do it but that would be kind of difficult okay so we’re going to check out the spawn rate right that’s what we’re doing oh not W

Clutch turning into creative mode clutch what yes the stream is still going I’m working all day today so if you want to hang out you can if you don’t want to I’m working anyways okay where is he where did this guy where he at yeah oh no your stream was 17 seconds

Late where is he aha found him so that’s better look there’s one in the vicinity so I don’t know because if you don’t see him at all that would also be a pain cuz like you could see him and then he could just despawn so like you

Wouldn’t actually counter him in a Chase mechanic and he only comes towards you if you see if he sees you so like in a forest if I’m like over here he’s not going to get to me come to me he bro has no animation um he doesn’t need an

Animation in that state cuz he’s invisible most of the time but like he’s not going to come towards me if he doesn’t see me so if I just block my line of sight like this he’s not coming towards me so that’s but if you’re in a Plains

Or like a Savannah Biome oh man you’ll get like three four of them at the same time um so I’m just going to keep flying around seeing where he is okay there’s one okay you guys tell me if you think that the uh if he’s spawning too often or not too often

Three oh okay now tell me how the heck that happened like this and this is fine um excuse me did I not literally tell you that you cannot spawn next to you if you’re in 100 blocks they do not care like this over here and one of these

Guys over here to me that’s fine that’s fine I mean it’s not the greatest but that’s not fine but this this is highly unacceptable and they’re both invisible do you know what probably happened is that they both spawned at the exact same time and um they both spawned at the

Exact same time so it’s like is there one in 100 block radius no is there one in 100 block radius no and it’s the spawn them at the same time that’s probably what happened so I assume this is a very rare coincidence very rare and I’m just very lucky so we’re going to

So we’re going to fly around and see if that happens again no entities found see I don’t want him too uncommon because then you can’t even encounter him and then like if you’re trying to make a YouTube video or whatever then it just you know you never

Find him and you just play him for a really long time okay this and this is fine I accept that that’s a good amount of distance uh no death roll fishing uh I I don’t think so um yes the wild Edge case that never happens where ah this social distancing Minecraft horror

Edition oh man that comment is great okay this is acceptable guys what are you thinking you think this is acceptable can you guys like handle this are you guys going to be able to play with this yes or no is this this is an acceptable

Number hey you got an ad thanks for the money half of your one thing I think I got like 0.00 one cent thank you guys tell me chat tell me is this good where wh’s man at wh is man man is down there and man is what there’s one Uno I’m going

Crazy okay no entities how do I only have 3K Subs uh I don’t know I mean I had only about 400 just a while ago hey yeah and then like last week I got 2,500 subscribers something insane I’m still honestly shocked that I have a video that has like

150,000 views hello guy it’s insane look at that you barely like how many are in this area two Uno I like this I am going to add a config at some point if I can figure out how to do that um it shouldn’t be too

Bad but then again I say that for a lot of things yeah the glowing is only has a certain range hello I mean I’m just SL affecting it to all entities within the area and that’s a little close I literally said to 100 but yeah there they are

Okay well thank you Pokemon trainer oh all right I think the spawning is much better now so if you don’t want to mess with the config I think this is what you’ll experience um and then with the ghost version added you’ll still see him a lot

But he won’t you won’t see him as much because CU you are supposed to be paranoid so seeing him all the time is just going to get to an annoyance it’s really crazy to me of how close um making something scary and making something annoying how close the two are

Together you wish the boat worked on him nah he’s too smart for that see the the one who watches isn’t just a dweller he’s an entity he’s a being he’s human he’s not just a creature like the cave dweller he’s not quite Herobrine but all right every we good spawn R is

Good been streaming 3 hours 37 minutes dang add Greg no should I say the Markiplier thing I literally quit the game um what to do now ah yes the water the Dolphins Grace I’ll probably fix that later CU I don’t exactly know what to do with it

Right now so right now I think we’re going to add in the um the ghost version maybe yeah let’s do that let’s do that so I still have a spawn rate set up seven yeah it is really frustrating to balance it uh Pokemon trainer um it’s frustrating to balance it from being not

Common that you won’t see it and completely and seeing it commonly that annoying yeah it it is quite it’s quite difficult do the Markiplier thing I don’t know if I can do his voice though I can’t exactly talk like him I’ve actually used that um several times while warming

Up I could do the game theory thing what other games you play I play a decent amount of other games I I play pretty much everything I like all games the model for the ghost is going to be the exact same thing but it will be uh seethrough so watch this ready

We’re gonna go like this we’re gonna go abop we’re going to name this whoa um what should I call it the uh I guess I can call it ghost it almost needs to be more like a hallucination though so I’m going to call it the

Um here we go we’re going to paste this in here boink do the game theory oh gosh Apparition I’m going to call it the uh hallucination the one who watches hallucination so uh there you goink copy and paste it now what we can do right here is uh

Trans I want to see what the entity shaking does cuz like if I made him like shake or whatever like like that or whatever okay I’ll see you in a second Pokemon trainer uh I’m going to make him transparent model so watch this ready uh where wait hang

On let we just go like this and then like this and then just return true is always transparent and then no spawn egg maybe a spawn yeah we’ll do spawn egg for now um same everything pretty much same spawn rate except whoa what’s this Axel have their own

Category okay so this is going to be creature cut to spawn during the day um what if it’s only uh his head during the ghost phase I think that would wouldn’t quite be a scary you wish you could play my mod I mean you can I well you have to have

Computer and Java Edition and then you can install it for free I’ll just do that a Xbox is great but you can’t play Ja on Minecraft okay thanks for sticking around for such a long time Jeremy thank you so much for sticking around for like most of the

Stream I’ll be streaming again tomorrow probably well I’m just going to be working on the mo so why not stream it you know so for the ghost like entity yeah that’s good we can just use copy and paste the same code and then this we’re going to have to make copy the

Code create my own procedure there we go grab where is it n there we go we’re not going to copy the whole thing but and sadly you can’t just copy it like you can’t just contrl C control V it’s stupid so dumb so we’re just going to copy like some of

It I mainly just want the invisible running so we don’t need that so it should only take me a second cuz I’ve done done it before if this and this where’s the and and ah you guys are experiencing buffering again I apologize no right click as well

No you can duplicate but you can’t like drag it over to the other thing you can’t drag it from one thing to The Other M Creator is great has a couple features that aren’t so great I mean I could have just copy and pasted this yeah I’ve played fortnite and I’ve played Cloud

Actually played them both been there done that didn’t get a T-shirt that’s the one that I want right yes invisibility then we want the slowness slowness there you go if we need the if else if wait is it the if do else okay yeah not the if do else if do we want the if do else um we

Want uh random in so oh I need to update this thing too because I’m going to make it even more random so the thing that makes my character so lifelike my entity is is because I have a lot of Randomness to it and so it is very unpredictable I

Don’t even know what it’s going to do I know what it is capable of but I still don’t know what’s actually going to happen because basically it takes a random number and then it’ll either go slow and then it either or it’ll go invisible or it’ll despawn and so it’s a random chance

Every single time what’s going to happen but right now it goes slow for a set period of time and then it can go slow again so what I’m going to do is I’m going to make it so that it’ll go slow for a random amount of time obviously

Still it’ll have a minimum to it and a maximum but yeah it’ll be interesting what am I looking for again random integer in integer no I probably could just done the other way it probably would have been faster but I’m already here so I’m just going to finish doing it this

Way add potion Effect H yes this one right yeah slowness slowness 100 for 200 100 for 200 yeah there we go right yeah and then we can just copy paste this blop blink this uh less than or equal to one less than or equal to one less than or equal to six I forgot the six six despawn and then add potion so that one there invisibility and then

Despawn blink that looks good right yeah remove this there there there wait let’s position this perfectly ah oh wait that’s just level one cuz we don’t need there’s no such thing as invisibility like multiple levels of invisibility watch this look look it’s perfect there’s nothing different okay let’s save this up oh

Yeah so it’ll despawn um the despawn rate I’ll make make the despawn rate higher and I’ll add in the uh scare effect as well so the despawn rate I’m going to make a lot higher so there oh wait wait wait wait wait whoa whoa whoa we this needs to be connected

Otherwise the whole thing breaks 745 views for my first live stream that’s pretty good average VI duration you guys are watching for like six minutes nice almost seven minutes all right guys let’s test out the hallucination thing wait whoa whoa whoa wait make sure I

Have the spawn enabled there it is it is enabled yeah I could have duped the folder I just wanted the correct the exact naming so like when I click on this and the triggers I can click that and it’ll do its exact name space all right let’s test this

Out hey you’re back what happened well I uh just created the code for the new uh hallucinate what did I call it anyways the hallucination version of the the one who watches so now there in the daytime you’ll see a hallucina hallucination of him yeah we’re about to test it out test

53 let’s go yeah hopefully nothing possibly could go wrong I mean it’s just super rare for anything to ever go wrong ever yes it is 54 I want to see if I can find him oh I need to make the spawn rate well now the spawn rate is

Good no I don’t want him super rare I want him about as rare as the other version but just during the day okay should we actually look for him or should we just give the glowing effect or should I actually try to find him what do you

Think I can save you time or the experience of just like seeing him out in the open yeah the glowing would save a lot of time oh someone says glowing someone says find I don’t know which one to do okay glowing yeah this could take a while because

He’s yeah I’m in a snow biome but it should work still right yeah you can just just experience it yourselves when the mod is finished no entity found okay we’re going to do SL locate biome and then we’re going to go to a forest 1,000 blocks away

Geez good you are a god of creating Minecraft mods well I wouldn’t say that but thank you for the compliment I will take it wait I did the wrong wait what am I doing TP Loc okay effect there no entity found okay we’re going to just fly around where is he no entities

Found I said him to creature he should he should be spawning he should do the spawning oh no entity was found does he even spawn at all I swear I saw something does he not exist in the world did do he just not spawn he does exist right like let’s

Just spawn him in and see if he actually can uh this one oh thank you for the problem solving yes I did have set it to the spa yes I said to the spawn rate of the sheep we love sheep right right right right yeah no no I have nothing against

Sheep okay let’s see it in action let’s go over here into the forest oh dear goodness oh guys guys what is this guys look at this do you see this let me spawn in another one that doesn’t have the effect look at this look at that oh my goodness that is like

Perfect it’s so perfect cuz you can like barely see it and I actually love it that makes so much sense cuz he like during the day he’s like in this version but then at night like he has like his full true self like what lore lore and yeah he’s still like here I

Think yeah right no just that guy survival mode is creepy it is it is creepy mode here survival mode this is what it does oh gosh okay yeah so he should actually he’s going to chase me bro shimmy shimmying let me spawn in another one Lord okay I’m going I’m going to say

Lord did somebody say oh god oh goodness my voice hey man hey hey are you leaving oh wow I almost are you leaving elf goodbye if you’re if you’re leaving it was nice uh having you did somebody say lore what the heck this is going to be a bad

Idea uh eard drum warning oh he can’t jump scare you technically oh a that’s amazing okay you’re not going El good you’re staying oh my goodness what does he what does Game Theory normally say does he does he just say and a game and that’s just a theory of

Game Theory or does he say I don’t think he says oh gosh that actually scared me oh man and if I give it so that this guy can actually I’m going to give him a jump scare effect that doesn’t do damage but just like a uh face like on your

Screen like kind of like the midnight lurker but oh man that’s that’s terrifying oh gosh well now I must okay [Laughter] uh oh oh my goodness you’re not going to see nothing I know that’s incorrect grammar but oh man you’re not going to see anything like look just

Huh like you like look at that look look at this not a screenshot I meant look at this just look just let’s look at this do you hear the [Laughter] footsteps I’m not talking very much because I’m trying to add to the spookiness don’t worry I’m not actually dead

Bro wait I just realized I’m live streaming so I can say chat like chat look at this and chat I haven’t said any of that really this is amazing I’m trying to get why why is bro not doing nothing no the footsteps for real right oh man and can you guys hear the

Whispering I’m going to turn it up I’m going to turn it up so you can hear do you hear that do you hear the double footsteps that is so messed up and you can hear the whispering too Shivers me timbers not coming down thank you no should I

Have this thing where it doesn’t jump scare you should I have it you’re welcome it it’s despawned did that get anybody what the heck oh my God wait no no no no no wait oh my goodness oh wait no no wait wait wait wait wait oh

Waa oh oh no no it turned night I didn’t know oh no it turned nighttime it oh that actually scared me so bad [Applause] no oh that that’s so bad it like was just like the sun was just setting and it turned night time and I heard the footsteps I’m like oh he just the other guy he just wasn’t actually despawned he was just invisible oh my goodness my volume my

Ears Dev gets jumped by his own creation for real this is okay this is probably the worst time this is this is definitely the worst time I’ve ever been jump scared by this thing okay honestly like ever cuz like the other times I was expecting it this I was not

Expecting it at all at all I thought it was still day out I still oh my goodness it was still day I thought but no the sun was setting and I thought it was still the other hallucination that can’t hurt you oh man oh my goodness oh it’s still

Going oh my goodness for though I don’t be paying attention oh my goodness guys if what okay now just imagine you’re not testing the thing out like I was still testing the thing out so I was like fully like immersed in the fact that I was testing out the creature so like

Imagine if you’re actually playing and that exact same thing happens to you oh man oh man you guys are you guys I feel bad for you guys when you play this oh man that’s just okay what yeah there’s none of the hallucinating hey welcome for joining so

I assume you’re familiar with the mod I’ve been testing out the hallucinations you just missed like you just missed the worst you just missed the worst jump scare I have probably ever gotten and I no no you probably you just missed like the worst time I’ve ever the hardest

I’ve ever gotten jump scared it was so bad it was so bad so I just added hallucinations no it’s probably not as bad as being stocked at three at a time three at a time I don’t know that was bad though so I added in hallucinations to the mod um

So uh the hallucinations are like the the one who watches but very faint and like um very transparent and stuff so you can like barely see him and he just walks towards you and he acts the same but he won’t like attack you or anything like that and he doesn’t go into the

Chase mode so he’s during the day um he’s during the day or whatever and he’ll just you’ll hear footsteps behind you well I was testing him out and I heard him um and oh man I I saw the hallucination and then the hallucination despawned because he

Hasn’t can’t hurt you so I wasn’t really that scared but then it was like the sun was setting and the other one spawned and I heard footsteps and I’m like ah no big deal and then my volume was maxed why are there like three people here there’s actually 27 people here Believe

It or Not Pokemon trainer you just missed the worst scare I’m not going to I it’s the worst I’ve ever been scared like oh it’s so bad um you’ll have to watch it I don’t know if somebody like clipped that or something if somebody could like clip

That or maybe I can go back and clip that at some point I’ll probably do that oh man oh gosh that was so bad okay yo I can push the my own heart things look at this spam the heart button smile yeah okay um what I didn’t even click on anything

So let’s see we got the hallucinations yo how do you get Minecraft Jaa for free you don’t we got 30 concurrent viewers actually right now you joined into hearing a loud noise earlier yeah oh man okay I think I’m recovered okay let let’s see oh my goodness

Oddball dang odal thank you so much for the $ five the creation fights the Creator keep up the good work thank you so much I am screenshotting that you’re getting screenshotted if you don’t mind I’ll be posting that my first ever donation Oddball thank you so much man um wow thank

You w absolutely W can I like pin that or something I can’t oh wait I can wait wait I can’t pin it no thank you so much Absolut like guys span guys W Oddball thank you thank you so much very wholesome moment oh my goodness I’m so happy you’re my first ever

Donation do you know that I I screenshot it you’re being saved I will remember you forever I’ll probably yes W’s um yes no it’s okay thank you though um do you have any suggestions for like the mod or anything or just watching me work yes W okay enough with the w spamming thank

You yes okay um what do I need to work on now enough W spamming uh Oddball just said I just love you seeing people doing what they love you clearly have fun with your audience got to support the people who are building themselves up thank you thank you so

Much okay okay enough enough with the w spam please I mean it I mean I mean you can never W spam too much but you’re like crowding up the chat completely so there so what what’s your idea uh what do I need to work on now so I got the hallucinations done sort

Of certified wholesome moment yes so wholesome okay um I need yeah give me give me your suggestions I’ll take them I might not use them but I’ll take them um what do I need to do now I need oh what was your suggestion for the snow I didn’t see

It do you think you could recomment it so I don’t have to scroll all the way back down oh wait no I didn’t want to pin undo I want to pin this message how what why can I not pin the $5 donation but I can pin any other message that’s the dumbest

Thing you’re watching him watching you why are you sad um we’ll see check check check so now we need to make him swim oh let’s save the project real quick just so I don’t um what do I need to do next here oh I’m sorry that you don’t have

Minecraft it’s 100% worth the money uh since you got a ceiling hanging hang animation for the one who watches if you could just code it keep him at a sync limit like his arms keep him up that way his head is poking out and stalking the

Player oh so like poking out of the uh no and then whatever condition may be for a Chase um so so basically you’re saying if he goes into the snow then he would kind of fall down but his arms he uh keep him up and then when you get close he’ll

Kind of crawl out of the snow and then come and get you okay that could so like if he falls in the snow the only thing is I don’t know how to make it so that he just ignores the snow because if he falls in it then he’s just

Going to get stuck there so I don’t know how I would make it so that he would go into the other mode really cool idea um I don’t I know how I would do that I definitely could make him so that he avoids snow though where’s the

Running ah can I make in the behavior a void can I make him uh custom code snippet no open Doors I don’t know how I can get him to just avoid powdered snow easily I mean there is a way to do it there’s always a way to do something most of the time um is there a sound queue for him spawning no no there is

Not and I’m keeping it that way you got to listen for the footsteps and the whisper sound whisper sound if he’s get if you’re getting close footsteps if he’s running at you um I might make it where if he just touches powder snow then he despawns but

Then you could just cover your base and powder snow I don’t Know um one thing that I had a thought of is that with we we now have the hallucination version right guys um so what if we didn’t do the jump scare and we just kept it as a paranoia Factor where he doesn’t actually harm you but he’s just there to like spook you

What if we just made the hallucination just there to Spook you and then uh look it would be cool if you added a change he appears in your window if there was a window in your B he could appear I don’t know I don’t have any good

Ideas maybe oh wow lots of people just messages like at the exact same time let’s see why not make him a hunting creature dragging animals away with blood trail into CER trees almost like a rake or something um yes and also no CU he’s not a

Creature I don’t want him to be a creature I want him to be an entity there is a difference I want him to feel like he is a person but but he’s not like a human or whatever like he’s not really a person he’s just I don’t

Know he’s not really a creature he’s more like an entity he’s not a person I don’t know if that makes any sense um after a while players would stop paying attention to it I believe yeah I would agree because they would just ignore it actually okay regard ing what you said Pokemon trainer

Um players would stop paying attention to it yeah if the player learns it’s harmless I believe they would either forget about it or ignore them like oh footsteps must be the ghost thing yes so they would learn it home armless but it the footsteps and the whispering is the

Exact same thing for both for the standard stair version which will kill you if it gets too close and the h ination version so that means that you can’t really just ignore it at all because then you might actually get jumped by the thing um so I think what I might

Do I I might just leave it the way it is I don’t Know ah goodbye goodbye Luffy goodbye monkey thanks for joining okay I’m really trying to think see the problem is is just creating a Minecraft models you can’t just all the time just make it cuz you really have to think through the process of how it’s all going to work together

And tie in and stuff like that so I’m kind of just thinking out loud you guys hello maybe have a pole why don’t you say how he’s going to attack you can you just teleport in front of you uh no he cannot just teleport in front of you um he’s in the stair

Mode and then well he’ll be in the stair mode staring at you then he’ll go invisible when he goes invisible he can move and he will try to get closer to you and then if he makes it too close to you boom he enters Chase mode and now

He’s chasing you but if he’s getting closer to you he might reappear and just freeze and stare at you again so he cannot just appear right in front of you even though it seems like that you have to listen for a faint Whispering sound if you’re getting too close and you’ll

Hear footsteps if he’s running at you hopefully that clears it up so oh let me fix this by the way too let me just change that to the same as the other guy um uh y W there we go 33 people in here dang all right so let’s see we got the

Hallucination somewhat down okay guys I have an idea I have another idea so I know I’m doing a lot of talking and not a lot of actual work right now so I’m not showing much stuff well hopefully it’s okay um so but okay I’m thinking yes let him cook

I’m cooking I’m cooking that my brain is the gears are turning okay um what if I’m going to ignore chat for just half a second um what if the normal stair version okay so this one up here you’ll see him and right now with the procedure he will go invisible walk

Towards you then he’ll go slow and become visible then go invisible then walk towards you then go slow and you’ll see him and then at any point in those he can also just despawn completely and then when he gets too close then he will spawn in the running version

Right well what if I also have it so that he can despawn and spawn in the hallucination version at any point in time what do you think about that so he can switch to the hallucina hallucination version what do we think yeah kind of like a decoy so he’ll but he’ll

Despawn I could almost make it yeah so he’ll he’ll be real and at night then he can go into the hallucination version as well I agree a fake out ability would be absolutely epic so this is what we’re going to do we’re going to go up here

We’re going to grab this the spawn entity and this is going to be the we can try it we can always change it later we’re going to grab the hallucination version so I yeah oh yeah he would be like the Predator that would be cool

Um where do we put this where where do we put where we put it okay we’re going to do this delete that delete that uh we’re going to put it um we’ll put it in here so he’s going to have um if it is less than or equal to one no wait

This okay I’ve been annoying chat for just for you guys just a second so I can actually like focus on this so I’ll try to go back and read all the thing yes the stream has gone for four hours I’m just I’m just working away and

The I’m just streaming at the same time so I figured I could either work Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday get a video out to you guys on Saturday or Friday or I could live stream while I’m working and then you guys can hang out so I figured I’d do this

So I’m going to bump this up actually to to 15 okay hang on let’s see okay let me look at chat real quick what are all y’all saying uh how far um wow you’ve been here you’ve been here for two hours dang man that’s amazing thank you thank you so much for hanging

Out um I could possibly give it teleportation I think that’s a little unfair um I use the invisibility to make it seem like it’s teleporting but uh okay um if it can hang on the roofs of caves then why would it not why would it be

Able to climb walls it might add to the danger of fear fror not only hearing footsteps around your safe house but on the roof as well um yeah that I I valid point valid point indeed yeah if it can hang upside down then it should be able to climb up

Walls it it makes sense to me but I don’t know if I want to do that or not I’m using M Creator by the way for the mod um it’s free completely free and it’s incredibly useful and I could not make mods without it

So I would love for it to be able to crawl on the ceilings of in caves but I can’t do that I kind of like I kind of imagine that it kind of just grabs onto the ceiling like that and then just kind of holds itself up there with its claws

Climbing up walls would make sense it just seems like the other ones just already do that so I don’t know I don’t know if I wanted to actually climb up walls or not climb up walls I don’t really know I I’ll I might change that

Later uh on a rare on a rare very rare chance you can have the ability to move twice or triple as fast as before not teleporting that way it’s more unexpecting that that could be cool that could be a cool idea I might do that actually I have an

Idea I’m not going to use the same quote twice in one live stream but well I mean I can because I don’t have a brain but I have an idea so you see this random integer right here right here you see this random integer between one and 10 included the

Included means that the 10 is included it’s not like just between 10 so it’s not nine so okay so how potion effects Works in this is it starts with a uh like a normal index so it actually starts at zero so if you want invisibility one then it’s actually

Level zero so I’m not technically giving them giving him invisibility two which doesn’t really make sense right well one thing that I can do is I can set a random integer right so I can give him a different speed a random speed when he’s invisible so I can make him either

Slowly walk towards you or I can make him Dash towards you crazy fast and he can do it at any time just do either of them and it’s just completely random every time he goes invisible what y’all thinking so he has a certain speed but he can either go faster or slower

No not a rage mode he can just do it so because he’s an intelligent creature okay and see the whole idea of him in my head is that he is smarter than you and he’s almost toying with you almost like he’s toying with his food kind of thing

So he’s just staring at you just kind of watching at you and you’re like absolutely terrified and then he just disappears gets closer to you you know reappears and then he’ll just disappear walk a little bit and then you know reappear and then he’ll disappear and

Just start charging at you like full on Full Speed so maybe I might be able to do that well I think everyone seems to think it’s a good idea so let me see in this I have the normal speed is set to3 so I’m going to set even more random Procedures so so I right now I has slowness yay more procedures making this procedure even more complicated uh so let’s see oh we can do it right here haha watch this whoa grab oh wait hang on hang on hang On let’s see here so I could give him the speed but right now he was already running at a quite a fast speed so I might make it so that he goes slower so instead instead of giving him I might give him slowness where’s slowness slowness wait

Aha I got it Eureka why am I so dumb I’ve literally done this like several other times this may work this may not work we’re going to give it a 50-50 chance 5050 I said so uh yes this will work this will work okay so this is what this is going

To do is it’s going to create a random injury between 1 and 10 and this is about a 50/50 chance he can give you slowness so right now he’s running at about a decent speed you know when he’s invisible but this will make it so that he can either run slightly faster giving

Him either speed one or speed two sorry speed one or speed two or he can get slowness one or slowness two so he can like move super slow should I do that um yo oh bye have a great night um you got a suggestion make it break

Leaves oh oh boys should should we tell him should we tell him what I have done what I’ve literally already done and spent like an entire hour working on I I I made it do leaves I made it break leaves that’s an absolutely great

Idea um and I had that idea so yes it does break leaves when it’s chasing you the fog gets closer the thicker he is if I could do that that would be crazy this might break something I don’t know if this is going to break it because then he might like

Move like really slow so I’m going to make him so that he can only get slowness zero slowness one basically so he can get a little bit of slowness um but the speed yeah I might make it so that this wait a minute wait is the stream really low quality quity

Dang I guess the stream is just or is that just for just some people we have not the greatest internet yeah I’m not getting very good internet right now so that’s probably why sorry about that guys um if do if do if if do if do else if do light

Bulb yes sort of light bulb hang on if a random integer between 1 and 10 is greater than or equal To greater than six s then it’s going to get slowness else if another random integer between 1 and 10 is less than three less than three then I’ll give it speed so this means that it not might not necessarily change speed at all so we can just stick that in there that should

Work no no spamming I I put you in a Timeout you got a timeout I don’t know how long the timeout is for no spamming please no he’s not gone he’s just put in a Timeout wow thank you for being very interested in my mods let’s see so once

He goes invisible he has a chance to get slowness so he’ll go a little bit slower or he has a chance to go faster or he just has a chance to just not do anything so this should add a lot more variety should we save it up and test

It now he can turn into an hallucination and he can go faster and slower timeout Corner yes he misbehaved he was a bad boy save okay okay um yeah that’s good right I’m just I’m second guessing myself you think it would be scarier without any Chase indication audio

Interesting I kind of like it with the uh Chase with with with it yep the mod’s getting better and better I don’t know how many times I’ll update it but panic attack test 55 right yeah test 55 is test 55 or it’ll just yeah yeah it’s test

55 um um I don’t know how much longer I’ll be streaming for I might go a little bit longer and then I’ll probably call it quits for today and then we’ll stream again tomorrow I mean you don’t have to join but I will be streaming again

Tomorrow if you want to see what I’m up to hello dog we need Easter eggs lore lore he could be oh thank you I completely forgot about making the trees leave the yeah let me fix that real quick and then we’ll test it out um let me thank you I completely

Forg forgot where’s the um triggers thank you thank you thank you thank you wow oh gosh uh oh yeah another SE I talked about with Pokemon trainer for a brief moment I don’t know if it was said with something as strong as that you think it

Is possible to make it lunge at the player if they were given a distance um I might do that I don’t know if I want to though just because it’ll be so much harder to make him like do that like it would be very hard

Well not very hard to make him do that I mean it would be sort of but um it’ll be hard to escape him if he can he’s not only very fast but if he can also launch towards you then there’s like no escaping him remove block replace block ah

Wait um remove block at ah here we go this one so this one’s going to remove the block and spawn the particles you should make it where he can spawn in the Nether and in the end I just fixed that today so that he doesn’t spawn

There so instead of oh wait whoa remove block and then spawn the brake particles instead boink so this should make it look like he actually breaks it cuz it’ll break it and it’ll spawn the particles does that sound better uh luse does that sound better there we go yoink

Then I guess I can just duplicate this and then just delete this and then just make this plus plus and then one more where I just need to yoink and then yoink and then oink wait where’ the other one go wait where’ it go there it is oh

Gosh let me just make sure that nothing’s broken wait where is this going huh wait wait wait remove block and spawn particles there we go let’s see that’s good get Block that one’s good that one’s good that one’s good that was good there we go now we will

Test it out holy cow chat’s going crazy 37 people we’ve reset th000 views guys, five views I don’t know what chat rate is but I guess it’s like the rate at which you’re chatting and it’s already too much I can’t do this it’s like reading a

Full on book while making a mod at the same time you guys are crazy um oh yeah no don’t don’t worry Pokemon Trader Pokemon trainer you don’t have to join but I’m here if you want to join I’m just going to delete that world know I’m going to delete like most of

These it’s test 56 whoa whoa minor spelling mistake spelling spelling mistake oh gosh um or if the player hides in the house or in an area the one who watches is unable to get the player maybe have creepy voices attempting to lure player out or taunt

Maybe that’s what I was saying like an hour ago that’s a lot of cod blocks yeah it is I could make you should make it so that when it comes in contact with trees it turns wood into stripped wood okay that might actually be one of the greatest

Ideas guys think about this okay he has really big sharp claws right so imagine like him like putting his claws on the on the uh you know on the wood and then he like claws at the wood and it kind of strips it uh oh my goodness wait chat I’m I’m trying on

Um yeah you said something about uh yeah new record so it’s 37 39 actually is the record currently still crazy do you know how to change the opacity of an object in block bench I do not well actually yes there’s an opacity slider at the top which you can change

The opacity of the paintbrush and then you can paint in opacity if that makes sense and then you can just erase the pixels and then you can paint over the pixels in opacity whatever but it doesn’t work when importing it into uh M Creator you have to manually do it

In M Creator I think Um how about can mimic the noises of breaking block or opening chest possibly a good idea make it climb that would be cool but I do want you to be able to escape it at the same time you should make it where any plan he touches

Dies it’s been here it’s it’s been hours bro you’re still streaming yeah I am still streaming can you believe it I mean I would be working on the mod right now anyways so I mean I just decided I can stream while working on it you guys can hang out 32 people are hanging

Out give it hair oh no that would be amazing okay so we got this we like this guy right and look guess what guys guys guys what ah I don’t a why no it needs to climb or you can just stand on a nerd pole looking like an idiot on it’s actually

Despawned sorry that it’s just funny um okay where we going we going oh wait we got to see the that was the wrong one yeah don’t worry they won’t have two spawn eggs in the end oh yeah I did add I did add ghost version so it’s actually a hallucination

Version Oh somebody just chatted maybe it could cause hallucinations to make the player more paranoid okay you you haven’t been in the Stream I forgive you um but that’s literally what I just added okay where we putting this guy we’re putting this guy here watch fix will get jumped again oh

It’s gonna happen wait nuh no wait putting this down to 30 you kidding me just going down to 30 watch me still get jump I mean it’s still like loud like I mean that’s not that loud ah ah Gooby okay let’s find that okay I’m just

Going to walk away from that guy or Fly Away make it so he can break blocks eh I made it so he can break leaves yo wait did the stream just go black yeah it did there you go bro is not scp096 I agree he is

Not what am I doing now okay ready jump scare oh it wasn’t really that bad that time it’s just when you have like really it’s really loud okay actually we do want to go in a field for this one I’m going to get jumped watch this

Okay spawn point we’re going to put him here okay we’re going to put him there and we’re going to go over here we’re going to go into survival and see how oh that’s the wrong button we’re going to go here we’re going to survival hey yo you stupid

Yo the Harry hampter you can just join my Discord server it’s linked in oh he’s gone okay Pokemon trainer you’ve been here from the beginning you are insane he’s going to get me yeah there’s no he doesn’t I don’t want to get jumped again oh gosh oh he he’s just gone entirely

Famous Last Words spy glass yo look over here my Discord okay okay chill No need no need no need to do all that why is why is it so perfectly timed like I like zoom in and then I zoom out and he’s gone where’s bro at prepare yourselves he’s literally trolling he’s

Literally trolling the disrespect I get from my own entity is mad disrespect um what in the world am I typing glowing effect 101 and then oh actually well no we’ll only do it for like 20 seconds we don’t need it that long and then I’m just going to W there you go copy

That paste it no energy was found he literally is trolling me he just despawned completely this is spense bro is going to get me only the assuming okay I didn’t mean to do that do that scare anybody oh so regarding the oh my going us the

Sound um hey you’re back hello monkey um so regarding it uh the ceiling version basically what it does is it spawns underground I basically have the model is just flipped over and it spawns underground and then I just give it levitation and then when you get close enough it changes into the stalking

Version okay we’re going to go over Here there you go okay yo can you actually I’m going to spawn point myself yo actually look look at me yeah I’ll place my oh my goodness no I fallen in the hole oh gosh I want to see if it works or is he just gonna did I um break

Something and then did I accidentally break it or is he just trolling he might just be trolling oh my going to spawn in the creature okay we’re going to do this there I go okay is he just TR is did I accidentally break him with that snippet of code I might

Have accidentally broken him uh yeah he’s literally just gone uh yeah I’ll link my Discord in the Chat yeah he’s not there I swear I think you should yes that was such a successful thing I know I’m going to fix that first let me grab my Discord server thing invite thingy um let me grab an invite hang on ah invite copy there you go there’s the Discord

Link if you would like to join said Discord we would love to have you I know it seems like there’s an insane jump scare coming but you know that’s just a theory I no it’s not really a theory I can’t say that a game theory there I said

It yeah this just breaks it all why yes I said it there you’re welcome lure okay wait laughing too much oh gosh eard drum wait what what did you say oh minor spelling mistake um let’s see if it if it goes if it um Rand chance to despawn

Else it’ll go invisible and if why does this just not work at all he said the line oh no that wasn’t the same voice um who who messaged me are you the oh okay there we go Matt P’s going to be what how often do see he occur I happen

To play about eight minute eight Minecraft days and never met him not what I’ve seen in other videos yeah I don’t know what’s with that cuz some people seem like they haven’t been finding him some people seem like they have been finding him oh you’re completely right skull

Sensors would detect it so do you know how bad that would be like you don’t see it right but then you just see the um you just see the uh like the skull sensor sensing something but it’s just completely invisible so then you’re like freaking out and

Then oh man yeah that would be bad switch it around switch this around you think you think that would fix it the one who watches Warden Double Trouble somebody said I sounded like Markiplier as well I think earlier I don’t know who that was was that Pokemon trainer was that you

Hi you may not have seen him but he sees you yep for sure um how long have I been live streaming almost five hours dang give it Swift sneak fans oh my goodness okay I don’t know why this isn’t working I know my mod is getting famous

It’s crazy I I don’t know expect I think 85,000 people have seen that video or over 85,000 people have seen that video which is insane five hour mark soon collab with fra flame he created the corpse stalker and the wendigo oh okay five hours dang that would be creepy regarding uh

Trala Hala La 18 that guy yeah you what you just said there that would be very scary do you like my interpretation so what is the goal with this mod is it to make the one who watches so unpredictable that the player will be scared at all times yes the goal

Is not necessarily the same with the man from the fog or the cave but it is the main goal is to make you paranoid constantly that’s the goal of the mod to make you paranoid and uh yeah get scared maybe soil some pants that’s that is the

Goal I don’t know why this is broken it shouldn’t be broken like this um add potion invisibility with level one 200 tick ambian so let’s see if random integer between one and 10 is less than three then it’s going to do that else if random inter between one and 10

Is greater than seven then it’s going to add speed between zero with level zero for 200 ticks I mean Falls The Falls so what is actually happening why is it only despawning a lot of new people yeah there’s different people we’re at 1,097 views the chat rate is up to nine it was

At 6 or seven now it’s up at 9 that means you guys are chatting like crazy can barely keep up I would I would have gotten a lot more work done if I wasn’t live streaming but you guys are fun to hang around I already already said that

Earlier but just for all you new people I’m just going to between one and one why why is this not if it’s less than three then add that if it’s greater than seven then do that what is wrong right here I honestly don’t know what the problem is

Um this is true I did get lots of ideas from you guys you guys have been great and hilarious along the way and making my mouth dry because I’ve been talking for five hours straight I’m trying to think why no worky goodbye again yeah live feedb is we just hit

1,11 view on this video let’s go drink water oh gosh water water time hey five hours yes five hours and four minutes I agree very much agree I don’t Um I really don’t know why this doesn’t work okay I’m going to try it like this I literally just flipped the two things around there’s no way that this works we’re at 14 mod Elements by the way isn’t that crazy 14 mod elements for one creature no drops no anything that’s

Literally just Its Behavior 14 different mod elements for how the thing behaves that’s how advanced this thing is yeah luse and Pokemon trainer you guys are like absolutely insane the one who drinks water I love it oh my goodness too funny bye scary mod guy goodbye thank you for joining

Um the one who exists 14 mod elements I think that’s the most I’ve ever had hey we’re SP oh by the way oh dang what’s this here wait there you go there it is enjoy jungle Savannah Mesa desert what the heck there planes what the heck is this

SP on is this not like goated desert Mesa Savannah Plains Jungle Desert the locked me in a room the one who dies they locked me in a room was it was it a rubber room by any chance is it a rber room with rats you know those the rats make me

Crazy oh so what I was going to sew um um let’s see Richard Thomas the caved water could be scary at first glance but after that you can easily uh you can easily kill it like like an iron golem and the man from the fog was easily escapable by going under

The water but this guy is the goat thank you okay so guys real quick lesson okay with with the rubber rats can we pause the rubber rats for a second I got to show you guys something so inv vanilla Minecraft if you can’t like afford if your computer can’t do shaders if you

Want to make Minecraft look spooky watch this okay ready we’re going to go time set night it’s not that hard if we go I mean I don’t have OptiFine so I think it should be still bit possible so you go to video settings you’re going to go to your brightness you’re going to

Put D moody right instantly makes everything 10 times worse then you can set um hang on where is it it should be ah okay you need OptiFine but if you have OptiFine then you can do a lot of things like um make you can edit

Basically all you do is you set down to Moody and then set the fog distance so it’s really close and then your fog will the fog will be like scarier what am I looking for right now I’m trying to spawn in the guy and it’s night time that means more of them are

Going to spawn what am I doing we watch we love we lie okay I have my I have your full attention right now am I that excited I’ve been that exciting for 5 hours turn on RTX I’m sorry I can’t this is this is um an M Creator so I can’t yo

Okay is he fixed now so I’m just going to spawn point and I’m just going to boink come at me guys how entertaining has the stream been has it been good stream he’s freaking gone I’m going to he’s going to get me he’s he’s so going to get me the

Anticipation oh boy okay he works he works he works he works do you know any to find Alternatives yeah you can use like I don’t know um whatever it’s called I don’t even know it’s like oh I hear him I think I think I don’t know how fast he’s moving W

Stream thank you thank you for my first ever stream and getting the audio like the video bit rate absolute garbage at the beginning you guys still endured a he’s trolling me watch I’m going to do this and then he’s going to spawn it is still going to get me if I

If I predict the future I swear he’s here he’s coming he’s coming he’s coming wait wait wait wait wait here he is he’s running towards me oh my goodness where is he where is he where is he where is he where is he

Where is he where is he no no no no no no no no no where where where where where where no okay why is he actually scaring me ah where is he wait I can just can I just paste this in here no that’s my Discord link no no

That’s just the Discord link weing uh oh somebody just joined what has happened so far uh well we have made I’m not assuming you know what my mod is all about that’s why you joined um so the one who watches he uh he uh I’ve upgraded him he now can

Break leaves so you can no longer hide under trees it’s pointless and he also has a hallucination version that will spawn during the day and will kind of just fake you out because he likes to play with his food sort of um and I just why is cap block on and

I just made it so that right now is what we’re testing okay he is gone right now we’re testing I made it more Randomness so instead of running at you at the same uh instead of uh brain work instead of chasing you at the same speed sorry at instead of walking

Towards you while invisible at the same speed every time I made it so that he can either like walk towards you like this or he’ll walk towards you like this or he’ll walk towards you like this and you don’t you have no idea which one

It’s going to be except for the sound of how fast the uh um how fast the or I don’t know what you would call it how how the footsteps sound you know it sounds like just a couple footsteps you know like this the frequency of the footsteps that’s the

Word okay we’re going to spawn way over there we’re going to go like this boink and then we’re going to go like this so now I can see him Um yo bro is s with his not where did he go no wait it’s applyed to whom oh over there no I swear is he going to get me I’m going to do it I’m going to run yeah if there’s another one I swear it’s

Huh yes I did give the leave breaking to work he’s so going to get me he is so going to get me this is fense is literally killing me I agree Pokemon trainer oh no the the going run out he’s just going to stare at Me no I should give it for like 30 I swear if one of y’all comes from a different side I’m the seed there have it bro was literally oh okay that is a he is fast that is a fast speed that is that is very fast and yes

There’s no animation you don’t have to animate the invisible guy okay oh wait I didn’t mean to do that there you go go I am not animating him walking while he’s invisible if you think I’m going to do that then it’s no oh gosh okay he’s coming so is he moving

Slower or is he moving faster guys why is he strafing backwards at me oh no he’s coming forwards okay I think that was slightly slower what do y’all think do you think he’s moving at different speeds yeah that’s look that’s slower that’s slower than the other one oh

Gosh so look he was much slower that time which is exactly what I I wanted and that’s a lot quicker ooh that’s quicker it’s just slightly quicker and slightly oh gosh no wait I got to okay oh ankles ankles ankles oh gosh okay it was too close it was too close

Run is he behind me oh no okay he’s gone he’s gone ah not it wasn’t that bad I got us do the thing again there we go it wasn’t that bad a wee bit faster okay I’m going to make it slightly more dramatic not speed three speed three is

Way too fast this is what we’re going to do we’re going to go ha we’re going to make this two we’re going to make this two so you can’t spawn the thing this is going to be well random integer between one zero and one which is basically speed one speed two and I’m

Going to do the same thing for the slowness duplicate r between minimum of zero and maximum of one so now he can get slowness zero or what slowness one or two and then he can also get speed one or two all right I don’t think we need to

Test that out cuz I already know that that works so we got the hallucination semi-working he’s right behind me isn’t he for real um what am I going where’s the thingy running triggers triggers whoa I need to make this so that he has to be out for a minimum amount of time

Before he dis no actually I don’t need to do that what am I saying 32 people in here 1,200 views thank you the chat rate has gone down to four my my there’s errors in stream because of bad internet okay what next what next what next when’s the stream going to go back

What’s the stream Health the stream health is poor no I’m back did you miss a jump scare did I miss a jump scare no you did not I mean maybe I don’t know when you left you would love it if it could climb walls you are safe if you just Tower up

You are completely safe which I mean you can just stay like oh hello me um wow chat rate oh whoa um let’s see Nom Nom says what if you also gave it behaviors like conditions such as for examp like conditions such as for example it could repeat the same action

Multiple times to try and bait you into thinking you have its pattern down as only oh yeah it uh it does not have a pattern whatsoever it can go invisible twice two times in a row it can go slow like like stare at you twice in a row so

Yeah three times in a row four times in a row it can be invisible for like eight times in a row the chances of that happening aren’t are very low but it can so it can do anything okay um I’m trying to think

Guys what do we else do we need oh I do know one thing oh I did not click on that no you are not safe if you Tower up leaves nuh-uh not at all um Um no I made it so that it breaks leaves if you encounter it three times it goes ballistic or something maybe probably not it already does go ballistic it already is does go into rage mode basically when it’s chasing you don’t worry Pokemon trainer I’m going to get some water I’m really thinking I’m not going to add nausea when he’s near you I’m sorry I just don’t yeah I’m not going to do do that sorry I want people to actually be able to like see what they’re uh running from add jump scare yeah we talked about

That early in the live stream I don’t think I’m going to do that I mean it already does jump scare you so okay so guys on our list of things to do we have the hallucinations somewhat done actually yeah we’re going to make that a little bit higher it’s going to oh

Oh aha I figured out why it wasn’t working earlier why the hallucination version wasn’t spawning at all it’s because here I didn’t set it to creature so here I had it set to creature and I’m going to turn this back down to seven yeah we’ll put that as seven seven

Is seven is good seven is good does entity cramming work against the enemy entity probably I would I would say it does I don’t know if there’s anything that I can do to fix that unless I just give it like insane regeneration okay Nom Nom regarding that

Making it so that giv you hunger I don’t believe it or not I don’t want this creature to be overpowered I need it to just be enough it needs to be a threat to be able to kill you but it you also need to be able to get away

So I’m not I’m not going to do that wait no um the understated gamer I I can’t make it give fog around you I mean unless you gave it like blindness and then colored the blindness a certain color but I don’t know how to do that I got water I’m fine

Now so let’s see the only other things I need to fix um I would love to fix animation so I might work on that tomorrow um that’s going to be painful though it’s going to be a lot of time with not many results um one other thing is I need to make it

So that it always looks at the player instead of turning which that’s pretty easy I just have to install a plugin uh T waffle probably not I’m probably not going to do that 10,000 TNT versus the one who watches who would win the one who watches because he as you

Can see right here uh he’s IM into explosions so yeah no explosions he shall win um interesting idea from game play is the ass I don’t know um Master snake it does spawn out pretty far away the same as like a creeper or a zombie or anything like

That guys guys guys one thing that I need to fix real quick is it is not bro can he has big arms big claws and if you just activate your Shield he cannot he can’t get through your Shield so I’m going to fix that no no with the shields

Okay um how I don’t know how to fix that actually I should get if we see this is on the entity tick update uh no I am not a high schooler ah ah guys we’re about to have 15 mod components when player collides with this entity if the source entity if in if

Yes I’m G to make him disable Shields that’s literally what I’m doing right now if if if if Um there should be somewhere in here aha cool down okay hang on if get item where’s get item get item where’s get item get item get get can is get get tag tag tag random item show no get copy of item from oh wait I can just do this

Ha so Z hero what is slot one should be in your main hand would I consider Universal damage I don’t know maybe I mean I think that you do need to feel some level of safety so if you have better armor you should feel slightly more safe but I he

Does about 13 damage I think so he can still kill you even with like full netherite armor which you saw he still done like ton of damage so the void versus the one who watches who wins I think the void actually wins I mean he has a thousand health so

It’s going to take I don’t know he probably just dies instantly I don’t know but that only happens in the end and he doesn’t spawn in the end end so n I’m just staring at like four different blocks of coat here just wondering thinking what in the world

Wait we can break bedrock on survival yeah but yeah why would why um I don’t know how to do this how do I how do I disable the shield yeah I fixed it so that he doesn’t get us slowed down I mean it’s not completely fixed but it’s somewhat fixed so let’s see

If it needs to be like get item if if what if I don’t know has I’m just I’m just searching convert get fuel get smelting get display name of I don’t know how to do this I don’t know guys I’m trying to get wait oh my goodness found it I should

Have just searched for it if item in main hand is equal to item give me where’s the equal thingy where is it I know you’re here somewhere oh gosh where yeah I fixed it so that less um one who watches spawn if that ah it’s in

Logic if it in off hand of source entity equal to Shield whoa Shield then cool down for cool down provided item stack for let’s see how long do we want it no using Shield could you make it so that the mod helps me get girls I’m sorry I don’t I don’t

Think I can uh I don’t think even I can do that let’s see this is Tick so if I want I want him to deactivate your shield for 30 seconds and then 30 time 20 we’re going to do 600 there we go if item in off hand of source entity

Is a shield then cool down provided item stack for 30 seconds of source entity and if aha error 600 it’s ticks not seconds it’s ticks so it’s only going to be 30 seconds the one can give you some pickup lines he’s like uh Now You See Me Now

You don’t I don’t know okay so let’s see so right now this should disable shield this is disable shield triggers triggers why is missing dependencies when player what player I’ve been streaming for too long when player collides with this entity it is broken then huh huh I don’t know

Why XYZ world and entity and Source entity when player collides with this entity this trigger triggers the procedure when the player collides with this entity if the player collides with this entity and if the item in the off hand of the source entity is a shield then it’s going to

Cool down ticks for the source entity what stream health is low health potion oh yes I would love to make it so he could Poe slightly differently but that would kind of break the entire system what is the source entity The Source entity you spelled it you bro you

Misspelled it twice get it right third time come on you got it I Believe In You Source entity yeah so um The Source entity so I’m doing this when poer Colles I can’t I can’t I can’t when player collides with this entity The Source entity so if you were

To just do entity set item in offend of entity that would be the one who watches but the source entity is the player because that’s the one he’s bumping into I think huh say entity one more time entity entity entity entity jeez I’ve been staring at this Shield

Thing wondering why why it doesn’t work why doesn’t it work yes I do have gecko laab I just couldn’t get the animations to work you know what I’m going to do I’m going to do this even though it clearly isn’t going to work do entity in it it oh my

Goodness can I entity inter iterator yes no yes we’re trying to make it so that the shield goes on cool down and I cannot figure out how said thing should work enemy Battleship spotted what is bro saying this shouldn’t work this doesn’t make sense why is it this

One it should H if this works it shouldn’t uh uh Marauder um it’s the cool down for the provided item stack diong versus the one who watches my brain my brain is melting my brain is melting and deteriorating I probably I don’t I don’t know

I’m going to try it I’m going to try it it’s probably going to work now spit in my microphone oh gosh my ears no you’re welcome by the way if this works I will be shocked cuz it shouldn’t it shouldn’t work I I woke up the people who’s in my

Stream should I say the thing his brain gone reduced to atams it is it is it is it is gone decimated destroyed hey hello say the thing hey hello to some of the new people here hello if you guys what what am I saying I want to say the thing but I

Don’t know I’m I don’t know I’m waiting for the right moment ah well thank you for the compliment centic thanks for watching the video right now I’m updating the creature um and suffering for about the past almost six hours um just updating yeah so right now we’re going to test to

See if he can deactivate my shield if I have a shield in my hand we’re going to go survival mode Chase mode I have a shield that’s what I thought and he’s gone H it doesn’t work my mod is the favorite out of all the

Rest well thank you I have no idea what the heck I’m doing how hard is it to mod um it’s easy unless you’re trying to do something complicated then it’s hard adding a sword easy adding a standard zombie like entity easy adding a very complex creature that can outsmart an entire

Player that literally has taken up 15 mod components this entire thing is one creature I mean it’s technically four creatures now but it’s one creature so this is hard what most people do shouldn’t be hard like if you’re going to add a sword ruby sword easy why doesn’t this

Work maybe I’m going to do this what if this works does this work wait wait hang on wait this needs to be selected in here ah it’s missing dependencies why are you missing dependencies what dependencies do you need I’m going to try this again do you know

What I realized I didn’t do I changed that but then I didn’t select it in here it’s still huh missing dependencies how huh it makes no sense m Uh he should be taking the fastest route already to get to you how did the hallucinations work um during the day um yeah he becomes so he can become words um during the day you’ll see like a transparent version that will just kind of haunt you and you’ll he’ll

Still try to get you but he’ll be um you’ll just hear his footsteps and stuff and then at night the one who watches can turn into the hallucination version um so it’s kind of like you know during the day he’s like transparent but then at night when the moon comes out or

Whatever not like a werewolf but like he actually becomes in into his full self or whatever that makes sense but you know that’s just a theory a game theory I stop I’ll stop is he supposed to run away mid Chase because he does that a lot uh yes

He doesn’t actually run away he just completely I mean yeah he disappears he is supposed to do that so what he does is he will chase you for a random amount of time and then disappear so sometimes it’s really long sometimes it’s not so long so

Yeah um I have an idea what if you went to bed and just like that Herobrine thing the one who watches can appear like in front of that player and just stare at the player while they sleep um yeah that that could be a good idea possibly oh well goodbye the understated

Gamer it was nice having you also a double a theory oh yeah it does lose where you are a couple times but yeah how many people do you have in the Stream 13 ah the one who watches has watched I still don’t know how to fix this

Wait I think I know I think I know I have an idea I’m not going to say the dumb quote again I’m going to delete I’m going to put this here right I’m going to do this watch ready ready ready ready where is it player tick tick

Tick on player entity tick you shouldn’t do this all the time it’s not a good idea but I’m going to do it anyways if the if so this is no longer going on the creature this is going on the player itself so if um does entity exist in square Cube size

Of six no 10 of type Chase running okay then if item in off hand of event Target entity is Shield then cool down provided that of that and then if that that and that and this that that did did everybody get that okay H what what is here you have selected

External trigger that does not H item stat you can’t use item stack huh that doesn’t make sense why can you use this one no maybe what’s the error I don’t know what the error is H the one who watches versus Kevin I would love to see that fight it would be

Legendary does this one work no if does entity ads exist in square cube of 10 it is very broken does entity exist in sare Cube of 10 the one who watches running okay then if the item in the off hand of the invent Target enti cool make give it a cool down

I don’t not know maybe if you place the item of hand of entity again it’ll work maybe you place the item if you place the item of hand of entity again it’ll work you mean like Source entity doesn’t make sense it don’t make sense it Noy

H Kevin officially is in the lore he’s Canon he does look like that SCP guy I swear if I make a tall skinny white guy with bloody hands everybody calls him scp096 six disappointing I really don’t know I don’t know how to fix this the source enity doesn’t work clearly 27 people again

Yippe replace the what with the what replace the item stack with Shield Maybe oh gosh duplicate Shield Source entity oh wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait I didn’t mean to Del eat that one no errors oh my goodness me you might have done it not me but me you know me me did

It you’re going to sub hello did I have a stroke yes you did probably this could work meia you did it high five me can’t I can’t actually high five me but there I high five me just not me if you get what I’m saying

Test so to all the uh new people joining the stream hello everybody my name is Markiplier and today we are are crying because I cannot get this stupid thing to work what test is it it’s test 59 I said the thing I know I said the thing I wanted

To do that before you left I don’t know when you’re leaving but I mean you’ve been on here for what five pretty much since the beginning so I figured figured I’d have to give it to you at some point do I sound like Mark though at

All because I don’t I don’t I can’t really do his voice so I just said it in my voice more lure but that’s just a theory a game the that’s fun to say we don’t need those two boots I’m not putting on a helmet okay we got a shield we got

Shield we’re going survival mode I got Shield come at me yes huh wait is this is the screen no wait the screen broken wait no there we go it fixed it fix okay sorry I why does it keep doing that I don’t know why it kept doing it

It worked guys I’ll show you again cuz I don’t know what you guys were doing why are we what’s squaring on you just joined sponsored by emo what’s going on well I am updating my Minecraft mod called the one who watches and I’ve been working on getting it so that a

Shield gets deactivated when uh the one who watches is nearby so let’s see shield in this hand watch ready oh oh no shielding this time I will block with the shield no thank you so much me you you saved me honestly if it wasn’t for you guys

Just yelling at random things I probably would just be stuck it is helpful I would have watched tutorials and cried but if you only cried a little bit it’s fine it works I will prove it I got to do it again so just so you know guys this is normal

Version to anybody who hasn’t who’s like joined recently and then I’ve also added a hallucination version the hallucination version is during the day this one’s at night he kind of like comes into his body he’s like I don’t know I don’t know how to say it but

Basically he’s like fully active but at night he just at during the day he just kind of stalks you normally question if the one who watches does live up to its name does it watch you even when you’re in the bathroom uh yes thank you yes I can’t believe it actually works

Now yeah the scream does only work infinitely I kind of did that on purpose what if I make it hit faster but do less damage eh okay what are we testing so guys let’s let’s do like a little bit of testing here we’re going to have a

Forest I have a sword and I have a shield oh and he’s he’s Bulletproof by the way so don’t even think bulletproof Arrow proof so don’t even think about trying to hit him with an arrow okay okay we got let’s get some food food food there we go

Food what am I doing commands for I can just do that okay hello you don’t scare me I created you okay there’s one annoying thing is that look it still puts like the little plus with the sword thing over it which is a little annoying you’re going to go

Invisible oh no I can’t block look at that goofy all run he’s coming for me I will hide under the tree what the heck he just disappeared okay we’re going to spawn him again oh gosh that’s actually terrifying that’s actually terrifying what the heck wait wait wait wait wait wait wait no no

No wait wait no he’s still after me no no no no oh the tree run parkour oh he’s too fast I’m one hit oh my goodness he’s gone a he’s gone guys oh my goodness I do have to admit the sound is a little too long it goes on for a little too

Long okay guys guys how is that what do you think with all the new features well I guess there wasn’t really that many features he literally just the shield in the trees but still what do you think what do you guys think that was horrifying him chasing me through the

Forest like you just hear like you just see the leaves like yeah yeah I’m going to shorten the sound probably um almost died while playing this that’s horrific okay guys ready I’m going to make it worse if if if yeah oh this the swimming feature yeah the swimming feature is like

Slightly the the the swimming feature is coming along a little bit it’s a little bit better oh thank you Pokemon trainer uh let’s have a nightmare oh I’m going to have a heart attack you’re back hello I have internet we have had a many much things and I’m going

To oh gosh The Shield oh the trees run no run run run run run run oh no no no no get through the oh no no no no no where is he oh he’s right there no no no no no run run run run run run run no I’m stuck on hey

Bro um um I’m just I’m going to go that way and you and you just stay here okay okay oh gosh okay I’m moving back around I’m move back around oh he’s right behind me isn’t he he is I’ve been shot no skeleton wait why is there a creeper

Wait where’ it go oh it’s despawn oh gosh my shield oh my goodness oh no I fit another one oh my goodness my heart yeah the sound carries on for way too long so how’s everybody’s uh heart doing do anybody have a heart attack how’s everybody’s heart doing are

We still alive are we good your heart is doing bad skyrocketing right now I’m doing very bad good that was the amount of anxiety oh gosh wait what did I do oh uh we got 30 people in the chat I was just checking let me hang on don’t mind

Me I’m fiddling around with things oh God gosh and the fact that I’m too drunk for a heart attack guys the fact the fact that um no that’s a creeper the fact that he disables your shield for a while makes it very scary um even even like after he’s gone

Your Shield is still disabled for 30 seconds and I actually like that um just because it’s almost as if like you got scared so now you can’t use your Shield if that makes sense so you only have to run from like everything oh bye game plays thanks for joining the stream by the

Way okay guys do we want to run from it again I mean we have to play around with it a little bit right cuz that’s a lot more fun right oh there’s a village okay oh gosh here we go oh gosh oh see it’s just gone already so that’s not

Even I always forget to add the dev what are you using to make the mods I am using a free program called MC Creator oh gosh no skeleton not now not now the leaves no the leaves oh gosh get in the water the water is not safe okay it’s gone

Okay we’re going to have some more fun we’re going to spawn him in right right here oh gosh he’s gone already whm oh my God run for it he’s right behind me isn’t he oh his goofy animations actually work really well cuz like oh my goodness the scream yeah the scream last

La twice the amount of time that it is I want it to um I want the scream to persists even persist even after he’s gone but that’s a little too lengthy it’s just kind of annoying I agree so I’m going to try to fix that not today though hi spider oh my

Goodness oh my goodness the way you just see it like running outside clawing at all the doors and the windows trying to get in is terrifying oh no where is it oh gosh no wait I can get under this tree I’ll be safe that’s what you would think in the house

Yeah the song The Sound is way too long I’ll fix that tomorrow they’ll fight each other competing over prey interesting idea but I’m not going to do that um if multiple of them spawn the lore behind it will be that um he can kind of like clone

Himself that’s my excuse cuz I don’t want to have to fix that bug entirely so if you see two of them just know that he cloned himself and he’s just completely trolling you so Okay I would say this is pretty successful we fixed the nether spawn we fixed the end spawn what if you could crou the doorways I don’t want to do that cuz I want you to be able to be safe in your house is he Kevin I don’t

Know um I do like the idea of just breaking doors and glass panes I feel like that would be scary even if he didn’t um I swear if he spawns in front of me I’m going to I’m going to die but y’all are dying with me oh goodbye thanks for joining

In oh gosh um I’ll see you later um so I want to see the hallucination actually let me fix find the hallucination real quick let me do the slash what’s happening oh man did you just join Shadow Z did you just join cuz oh man things are happening it’s it’s

Terrifying no you’re too young to die I don’t know if he’s actually Kevin um let me actually slash locate No Effects give at he typ what Glowing no entities phones we’re getting out of the beds with this one oh man if oh two two two two where where where where where that almost like a p like that was kind of cool where where’s are these guys I showcase the thing to him I will after I find these

What unable to apply the effect what applied effect to two Targets what two Targets guys do you see them am I blind yeah I’ll show you guys what’s HP what’s been happening he might be Kevin okay I’m just going to spawn in there we go now if I do that yeah see

It gives him glowing it works it works so now where is this man two Targets there’s one am I blind or is he just incredibly skilled at being invisible new people be wondering who’s Kevin oh gosh two people two two where where I saw this one guy’s video I don’t

Remember whose it was but they called him Jim it was very funny no entities found I probably won’t give the darkness effect like the watch he’s here where I don’t see him where where actually is he I would not go in there dude imagine imagine oh it looks so much brighter to

You guys looking on the stream it looks so much brighter like up for me it’s way darker wow um where’s where’s bro at I’m trying to find him naturally is what I want to find I know that he exists but I want to literally like see him with my eyes

Hi good evening hello little Timmy have you come to observe the nightmares of the land where actually chat am I blind oh f are you going to sleep now I’m I’m about to end the uh stream pretty soon anyways I was just trying to see if this worked thank you so much

Though for watching through like all of the stream practically absolutely W to luse Absolute W my man is insane I literally can’t find him like I know that he exists cuz look oh wait it’s been a unique experience thank you thank you three there are three nearby okay see you tomorrow as

Well wake up little Tim Tim how many people do we have in the Stream right now we have 22 dang nice I guys Pokemon trainer I need under the tree you saw him where wait he’s there is that I need the effect to go away without him

Despawning yeah L you you got like not only the best parts you got like all the parts I’m waiting for the the glowing effect to go right all right um good night U thank you so much by the way again oh wa I only did it for 100 100 is

What he’s still here he’s just invisible I think no he’s gone in complete he’s gone completely that was on the Birch B guys are you seeing him I can’t see him anywhere where’s bro at okay creeper gang randomly pulling up for real guys which biome I’m not going

To put a pole or anything but which biome would be the worst biome in your opinion to find the one who watches I want to know tell me which biome do you think is the worst is it the standard Forest is it that Forest is it the Birch Forest is it

Like the big tiger trees is it the jungle where which one do you think is the best no Kevin fights Herobrine he’s not in the lore exactly Kevin could beat all the Dwellers and the one who watches and guys there are two of them nearby and I can’t even find them in creative

Mode so imagine in survival okay somebody says Birch somebody says Dark Forest deep dark oh that would that would be awful he Blends in with the trees I agree I agree with you oh gosh look there he is okay we got people saying Birch Spruce I think Birch and Spruce would be

Awful okay look I can see him there you see him right I see him you see him if I were to scan the area I should be able to see that but no Kevin fights Herobrine he does doesn’t fight the one who watches where is I’ll probably play test this some

More and try to find him at some point naturally or I can just publish it and hopefully you guys find him somewhere wink wink um but anyways it do I’m going to do it’s been about 6 hours and 20 minutes so I think I’m going to do one

Last run through this terrifying forest and then I’m going to call it but yeah let’s do one less run here ready ready brightness Moody wait you see one oh wait no entities found not there hang on I’m going to wait for the stream quality to get a little bit Better is it it’s still not better yet the stream quality has is dying uh will he get a remodel maybe I really like I already remodeled him once and I really like the way this one Looks why would Kevin fight Herobrine because he has to there’s a there’s an old video if you don’t know the meme that I’ll I’ll just go ahead and tell you there’s an original video of like a Herobrine spotting or whatever oh gosh there he is um um there’s an original video of like

A Herobrine spotting and um somebody said if I saw Herobrine I’d call my friend Kevin and so yeah Kevin has appeared bro’s over here thinking he’s going to scare wait there was one guys he’s right here did you see it did you see it did you see it he’s right

There he we found one guys the real one turned into a hallucinate hallucination R that’s terrifying oh my goodness so he’s literally just he literally can just like troll you where’re just he turns into the hallucination version so like he was actually there then he was actually just

A hallucination then he’s not there at all then he’s actually not there cuz instead of being invisible so he goes from actually there to hallucination to Invisible to completely that’s that’s crazy that’s crazy all right guys let’s run through the forest should I grab torches I’m going to grab torches grab torches oh

Gosh um so guys everybody new here it shouldn’t hurt your ears too much it’s just quite terrifying so that’s not what what I meant to do here we go we’re going to run through the forest and we’re going to be chased from the the one who watches ready ready

Guys Stupid Creeper giving me an absolute heart attack guys ready for another panic attack there you go I have uh almost full netherite on and a diamond sword and a shield just so y’all remember just so y all know and you can see how much damage he does even with all that

Ready oh gosh run and as you can see my Shield’s disabled run oh gosh oh no he’s right there ankle shattered not the skeleton he’s gone oh my goodness and I can’t use my shield as you can see for a little [Applause] bit so I’m going to I’m going to keep

Going cuz I want to try one other thing okay so I’m going to put this here and I want to see if I stand on top of the tree he should despawn the leaves underneath me and still be able to get me okay I’m going to try for this hello

Boy oh go get on I can’t get on I can’t even get on the tree in time oh he’s just gone entirely he’s gone entirely again oh gosh oh gosh there’s a zombie wait there’s another one I just ran into another one oh my goodness there’s two there’s two run they’re both

There I can’t I’m going to hide under the trees okay we can’t hide under trees oh okay okay oh my goodness [Applause] wow [Applause] wow it’s still going it’s still playing oh it’s probably still going to keep going cuz he spawned right there dude that’s terrifying

Well we fixed it so that we so today in the span of 6 hours and 27 minutes and 9 seconds we um made it so that it no longer spawns in the nether no longer spawns in the end um um it now breaks leaves thanks to

Medu meow whatever thanks to him um it now breaks leaves when it’s chasing you which is terrifying best feature so far um he now also has the hallucination variant just to give a little bit more eeriness to him and I fixed the spawn rate a little bit I also made it so that

He can swim on water but he’s still not very good at it yet he’s learning guys he’s learning to swim it takes you a while um I don’t think I’ll have it so that he throws a dirt block at you I might do something different I I might have some

Ideas but um yeah so he breaks leaves now he disables your Shield which it was completely worth the time he disables your Shield breaks leaves fix the spawn what’s the mod the mod is the one who watches you can find it on um on curse

Forge I have a complete video on it if you want to find it it’s in my channel so just click on my channel and you should find the video pretty spoofy mod you cook cooking up well thank you so yeah got the hallucinations spawning leave breaking and the

Shield and next time we’re going to make them even scarier so I want to thank you guys so much for joining me on this live stream it’s been fun lots of fun this is great and again so much thanks to uh Oddball for the $5 donation that

Was amazing so thank you for that again and Pokemon trainer and you stayed through like the whole entire stream and also um L I can’t find it I’ll the other guy l sorry usernames um also thank you so much for sticking through most of the stream you

Are almost there to the end ah thanks for everyone for joining we got about 1,453 views which is insane on live stream so thank y’all um yes seven tasks completed today well uh yeah I’ll see you guys tomorrow probably around the same time where we uh add more stuff fix more bugs yeah

Can’t wait so I will see you guys maybe tomorrow if not oh well but thanks guys so much again for uh joining me and I’ll see you guys next time goodbye

This video, titled ‘Updating My Terrifying Minecraft Mod’, was uploaded by Pixel Coder on 2023-11-29 02:51:48. It has garnered 2841 views and 186 likes. The duration of the video is 06:30:17 or 23417 seconds.

Join me as I work on the next update for The One Who Watches

  • Unbelievable Facts About This Minecraft Mob

    Unbelievable Facts About This Minecraft Mob The Mysterious World of Minecraft Mobs Since the initial release of Minecraft, the game has been filled with a variety of mobs. But have you ever thought about the mobs that were removed from Minecraft? Well, let’s dive into these fascinating creatures that once roamed the blocky world. Rana Mob The Rana mob was the first mob added to Minecraft in the 0.31 Alpha version on December 19, 2009. This unique creature brought a new dynamic to the game with its presence. Steve and Blackseve Mob Following the addition of the Rana mob in version 0.31, on January 29,… Read More

  • Discover the Ultimate Minecraft Experience on Minewind Server

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  • Discover New Adventures on Minewind Minecraft Server!

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  • Join Minewind Minecraft Server for a Doggone Good Time!

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  • Ultimate Minecraft Skywars Shenanigans

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  • Join Minewind Server for Exclusive Twitch Capes!

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  • Controlling My Car in Minecraft AMA

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  • Join Minewind: Survive and Thrive in Minecraft’s Eternal Night

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  • Experience the Thrills of Minewind Minecraft Server – Join Now!

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  • Mind-blowing horror in Minecraft (Teo)

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  • “Hoang Duy Ho – Epic Meme from 2027! Must See!!” #memes #minecraft #shorts

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  • NightshadeSMP

    NightshadeSMPNightshade SMP is a private whitelist-only server focused on community and playing Minecraft in the way it was intended. We offer anyone seeking to join our community a friendly, welcoming, and mature place to start your vanilla survival experience. WHITELIST REQUEST STEPS: Fill out our application form at https://forms.gle/Z8XCrzF58rEo1xgR6 then Join our discord linked in form. after the application is filled out you can join our server (IP in discord in #introduction channel) when you join you will be locked into a separate world where you can still play and collect items but you will not be able to interact… Read More

  • AussieSMP SMP Australian Whitelist 1.20.4 Java Bedrock Discord Livestreams

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  • Minecraft Memes – Crafting With That Good Good Sound

    “I guess you could say this meme has fallen on deaf ears!” Read More

  • Villager’s Revenge: When Minecraft NPCs Fight Back

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  • Ultimate Minecraft Survival Fixes

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  • Discover the Art of Minecraft on Minewind Server

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  • Desconto imperdível no Minecraft para Nintendo Switch!

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  • Spooky Minecraft Flatworld Jukebox Song

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  • Dittos in Minecraft go crazy! 😱 #viral

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  • Insane Minecraft Modern Treehouse Build! #epic

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  • Manish Goes Wild on UNFILTERED SMP DAY 3 | Viral Minecraft Madness!

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  • ULTIMATE NINJA GAMEPLAY – Ride this to stop ENDING SHOOT! #shorts

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  • Insane Nether Adventure with Girlfriend in Minecraft!

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  • Unbelievable! Finding 5 Runes & Mining in Factory 😱

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  • 3C Films Minecraft Tease – FNAF 2 Date – Spider-Man News

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  • HiveCraft

    HiveCraftChill And Have Fun!!! Economy world with player housing on main land near spawn. Resource and Creative worlds to keep things tidy and interesting Read More

  • TechNut SMP Semi-Vanilla Whitelist 1.20.4 long-term Technical-based Builders

    What Is Technut? Technut is a Minecraft server consisting of players who are experienced in the building/technical sides of Minecraft and take satisfaction from our high standards of projects and accomplishments in the game. Our server is extremely community-based, with huge projects and events, in which everyone plays a big part to bring together. Technut is a Whitelist only server, meaning we can choose who we think would fit best in our server to allow for a positive and creative, close-knit community & overall experience. While our server focuses on the Vanilla aspects of the game, we have introduced 1.21… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – “Piston sound update: pure cringe”

    “I’m sorry, I can’t hear you over the deafening ‘psshhhht’ of my pistons. Looks like I’ll have to turn my sound settings down to survive in this harsh new Minecraft world.” Read More

  • Minecraft Mysteries Unraveled: Part 2 Unveiled!

    Minecraft Mysteries Unraveled: Part 2 Unveiled! In the world of Minecraft, mysteries unfold, As we delve into stories, both new and old. From haunted flowers to strange sights, We explore the game, day and night. With each update, a new tale to tell, Of creatures and places, where dangers dwell. But fear not, for we’re here to guide, Through the twists and turns, we’ll be your ride. So join us on this journey, full of fun, As we uncover secrets, one by one. In the world of Minecraft, where magic springs, Let’s dive into the verse, where adventure sings. Read More

  • Spicy Minecraft Shenanigans 🔥

    Spicy Minecraft Shenanigans 🔥 Why did the Wither Storm go to therapy? Because it had some serious block issues! 😈 #minecrafttherapy #blockproblems #witherstormtherapy Read More

  • Join Minewind Minecraft Server for the Ultimate Modding Experience!

    Join Minewind Minecraft Server for the Ultimate Modding Experience! Welcome to Newsminecraft.com! Are you a fan of Minecraft and looking to take your gameplay to the next level? Look no further than Minewind Minecraft Server! With an exciting and dynamic community, Minewind offers a unique gaming experience that will keep you coming back for more. But why should you join Minewind? Well, imagine being able to build your own factories and automate tasks with ease. Just like in the popular Create mod guide-1 video by Karm Studios, where players learn how to create factories from basic to advanced, Minewind allows you to unleash your creativity and build incredible… Read More

  • Sneaky Spring Minecraft Packs

    Sneaky Spring Minecraft Packs Exploring More Spring Resource Packs for Minecraft Hello and welcome to More spring resource packs for Minecraft! Despite feeling under the weather, our narrator is excited to share some adorable spring-themed resource packs to enhance your gameplay experience. Let’s dive into the world of cute and colorful additions to your Minecraft world! Overgrown Flowery GUI 1.2.2 by km This resource pack adds a touch of spring with purple flowers to the UI. Health bars become little sprouts, hunger bars turn into water droplets, and armor displays as tiny pots with plants. The XP bar is adorned with more delightful… Read More

  • Lewis 0978 Builds Epic Vault Live! Join Now!

    Lewis 0978 Builds Epic Vault Live! Join Now!Video Information PR view go live boom there okay good what’s good chat what’s good can you guys see me hello all right one sec CH what’s up what’s good what’s good Mario what’s it good Alex hello trusty hello silly how you guys doing today all right let’s let’s get going let’s finish off this m hello anex how’s it going man let’s finish this off I want to use this elevator I do want to use it but I want to make it a bit bigger that’s only the only thing I want to do and then we… Read More

  • Epic Minecraft Treasure Hunt – Lux & Tux Live #12

    Epic Minecraft Treasure Hunt - Lux & Tux Live #12Video Information [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] can you hear me oh my God what’s up what’s up I keep doing that I have to mute it beforehand because or else you’ll be be able to uh hear [Music] me how are you guys doing tonight we’re going to be playing some Minecraft as you could have seen or see from the title um I want to go back out last time I had such a blast welcome in nothing welcome in Mac thank you guys for being here you… Read More

  • Sourspider reacts to EACH SUB with BLOCKS!!!

    Sourspider reacts to EACH SUB with BLOCKS!!!Video Information making a Minecraft city but I only get as many blocks as I do subscribers from this short day nine and we got a solid 11 Subs so that’s 11 Blocks place down tune in tomorrow to see what else we did This video, titled ‘each sub = 1 block day 9’, was uploaded by sourspider on 2024-03-07 21:54:59. It has garnered 3407 views and 161 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:12 or 12 seconds. each sub = 1 block @sourspider_ minecraft, minecraft hunger games, minecraft survival island, minecraft mods, minecraft song, minecraft style, minecraft xbox… Read More

  • Ultimate Minecraft House Build: Tiny Quartz Home (Insane Comfort!)

    Ultimate Minecraft House Build: Tiny Quartz Home (Insane Comfort!)Video Information This video, titled ‘how to build a small quartz Minecraft house (cozy and calm)’, was uploaded by KazyModo on 2024-02-15 19:51:03. It has garnered 218 views and 3 likes. The duration of the video is 00:03:10 or 190 seconds. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yr2aieSg5so Read More

  • INSANE Top 5 MODS for MCPE 1.20+! MUST WATCH!

    INSANE Top 5 MODS for MCPE 1.20+! MUST WATCH!Video Information [संगीत] टॉप फाइव मा मोड जो तुम्हारे गेम के एक्सपीरियंस की मां मेरा मतलब है कि तुम्हारे गेम प्ले के एक्सपीरियंस को बढ़ा देने वाला है अब मुझे ना मा के अंदर कैमरे को बार-बार चेंज करने में ना बहुत ज्यादा गुस्सा आता है जब मैं कैमरे को थर्ड पर्सन पे करता हूं तो अपने प्लेयर का थोपड़ा नहीं देख पाता हूं एंड जब मैं कैमरे को फ्रंट पे करता हूं तो मैं प्लेयर की गा भाई भाई इतनी तकलीफ मत ले मुझे तकलीफ होती तुम्हे पहले नंबर के मूड में इसी चीज का सलूशन मिलने वाला है… Read More