Terrifying Secrets Revealed in Minecraft One Block LIVE!

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N N Hello I had to remember what all my hot keys were sorry about that it took me a second but I’m here now hello is my mic audio working I’m not sure I’m going to do the stereotypical thing where I just listen back to my stream to see if it works so

You guys oh hello hello I take that as it’s working because people are saying hello to me now so unless that’s just because my beautiful face popped up on the screen that might be why you’re saying hello hi I’m standing on a single block I I just became very very suddenly

Aware that I’m standing on a single block hold to destroy the tree can you tell me where you see a tree because I don’t really see any is it in the sky Minecraft I don’t know how to break it to you but I’m standing on a single block and it is not a

Tree OK doie I listen back and it sounds all right it it sounds great okay it sounds heavenly might I add my voice is what I’m referring to just the audio sounds very lovely anyway uh if you can’t tell already I’m in a mood today ow and also I’m still kind

Of from you know the holidays and by holidays I mean Halloween and Thanksgiving and stuff like that I’m still still my voice is still coming down from that so bear with me bear with all the coughing and clearing of the throat but all right let’s break this block shall we

And get this started hello hey hello everyone I’m live oh sorry I mean hello hell I’m live now I forgot to tell people that I was going live oh my God I’m such a terrible streamer forgot to tell like people like my Discord and all that that I actually

Was live now even though I mentioned I was going to go live I didn’t tell them that I was live hold please what button is it yeah I actually got the right button for once I’m a miracle worker can you believe it oh my God I’m a

Genius all right let’s see where how do I who how do I live without I want know no no shut myself up thank you and copy okay Discord sorry I’m I should have these are the things most people would take care of before the stream and yet

Here I am you know um oh you want me to dance while while you’re doing that okay hold on let I don’t know hotkey I haven’t set to anymore it’s been forever since I streamed Minecraft but here you go you can you can watch me dance while I do

This all right uh let’s see okay all right and there we go and all right we’re ready we’re ready we’re ready now maybe I’m not going to post about it on Tik Tok because that’s that just I I had to make a whole Tik Tok video for that I me I could just

Like show my screen be like hey guess what I’m gonna die but I’m not gonna do that uh blop I think I’m still dancing on the screen all right pretty sure I mean I’m not looking at my OBS right now but I’m pretty sure there’s a there’s a

Me in the bottom left Dancing right now fairly certain um okay yeah there yeah okay get rid of that all right okay all right okay okay all right I think we’re this game really wants me to punch a tree right now and I’m unable to do so please let the next

One be a l if I break the block wait okay so I’m hoping that I actually have this set up properly and I don’t break this block and just Plum it endlessly I didn’t test this beforehand I just downloaded it and loaded it up so I’m a little scared I’m a little

Concern but real quick I’m gonna gonna let these dogs out because they starting to sass me I started talking and now they’re like oh you’re gonna talk but you’re not gonna let me out so I’m gonna do that real quick and here I’ll let you guys watch me dance again hold on hold

On hold on there you go and then I’m going to actually just you know for fun I’m going to put myself terrified of myself dancing though I’m not looking I’m look I’m averting my eyes from myself dancing because of how bad I’m dancing so you just watch that while I let these dogs

Out all right I’m back hello hello um I Let the Dog’s upstairs so as stated previously I at the dog’s upstairs I’m out of breath okay I’m also out of shape but we don’t talk about it all right get that one out of here get that one out of here all

Right okay we can do we can play the video game you’re quiet I am quiet well thank you I assume you’re trying to say quiet um it’s because I was muted I don’t know if you mean I’m just like in general quiet or if it was because I was muted

But my mic is quite quiet so let me see if I can fix fix it really quick every time I do something on my computer Minecraft minimizes and it drives me crazy welcome back thank you I’m still not quite back but I I just felt like doing this today hold on all

Right I’m very you know I’m very uh still all right um I didn’t change anything about my mic audio but it’s the same it usually is when I stream so I’m sorry if it’s quiet let’s do this I’m going to break this block and I’m going to hope with everything in my

Might that it is not like that it is set up properly so that when I break this block I don’t Plum it to my death well here goes literally my entire life ah guys I’ve made progress and also can someone tell me if that was extremely

Loud or not because I forgot to test if my game sounds were quiet or not sorry about that it made the most dramatic sound though well this is my life now no my child why come on oh wait it keeps my progress of breaking oh never mind I’m

Just dumb okay see I already knew that but whatever all right I guess I should probably be expanding right because I’m I don’t really want to live on a single block my entire life wait what’s happening hold on oh it’s just delayed okay well why did that happen don’t do

That you know what just you PA okay and you okay I’ll just watch it here that’s much better yes thank you okay I was like watching the live chat on the actual live stream instead of in my like YouTube Studio situation which is much easier for me so all right I

Feel safe does anyone else I do this is my home now my child I know he’s gone he’s never coming back I L had to watch him plumet 1% progress completed yeah I’m moving up in the world just wanted to say I may be working on animation for one of your

Videos oh my gosh I want to see it I have been like every time I think about doing an animation for one of my videos I’m like I I really need to focus on editing more videos before I can focus on animating them like I’ve I’ve

Animated a few of my videos in the past and I’ve made some storytime animations in the past um and I’ve even animated some Minecraft videos of mine but it has been a long time since I’ve done that and I’m I I need to focus on is a mop G to spawn up

Here and kill me should probably keep actually I think because it’s still small there’s no room I’m telling myself this to make myself feel better technical difficulties much yeah it happens it happens everying single time I’m still working on your drawing well I can’t wait to see it poting into

Discord whenever it’s ready or on Instagram or Twitter or whatever is probably not foll it I can’t read that there’s a thing in the way on my OBS the I think that’s supposed to be artist it’s like spelled with numbers is following thank you for following I don’t know if that’s a

Twitch notification or a YouTube notification but thank you nonetheless I again I’m not a streamer I make videos you know I just stream for fun so it’s not very professional I’m aware but without you know um against my better judgment I guess you know unbeknownst to me people just like

Hearing me ramble on for hours on a live stream for some reason unedited I prefer the edited videos personally myself but people were like I If you just posted the entire raw footage I’d watch all of it anyway I’m like what’s wrong with you do you know what that would be like

Twitter’s x no it’s Twitter I don’t try to pull that crap on me it was a twitch notification probably yeah most likely um because I I have those set set up still um as well I I also had YouTube on set up but I don’t exactly know what

Happened to him um but thanks for following my twitch I don’t stream there very often but thanks I stream there occasionally I’d like to stream there more but more people I should probably be doing this while I talk because I got a lot of progress to make that’s why I’m on here

To make progress but I I honestly I mostly started streaming to talk to you guys because I was bored pretty much I mean I was also just kind of in a mood um I’ve been in a mood mood in a rut as you could say and I just wanted

To know you guys always make me feel better basically you know you hype me up and tell me I got this and stuff and step one oh oh I got Moss what does that do for me I don’t know but I got it back to mining this is my

Life oh finally a piece of wood now this freaking notification will go away give it to me yes finally freedom freedom that was me that followed by the way oh thank you I prefer both yeah I I I’ve been told that I’m still funny even without

The editing but to me I think I’m funnier when I can edit it that’s just my preference as I don’t can I stop losing my children for two seconds like I just keep watching them slide right out of them like they just leave me they just walk over the edge and leave I

Don’t see see what you know what I’m going to do something about that I ain’t losing no more children today not today not anymore I mean I already lost some today but not anymore today okay I draw the line the line is being drawn in the dirt currently okay okay oh oh my

God I thought I was about to sink through all right no more children lost of my watch yay more wood I should probably be making stuff with it huh should I have save some of them logs no that’s fine okay crafting table I don’t know what I I guess to make a

Pickaxe to mine faster or something I need to make every tool so I can mine faster I don’t have any stone yet so I’m not going to waste anything I don’t want to waste wood on a bunch of wooden tools and then get stone so I’m just going to

Make a wooden pickaxe for whenever I do find Stone if that makes sense I’ve never played a one block in my life life so I don’t really know what to do other than what I’m doing so but I’m not really looking for any tips I’m just I’m

Mostly here just to talk I was also thinking about maybe doing like a Q&A or something while I do this because I was just going to play normal Minecraft but then somebody in my doc was like oh you you ever play one block and I was like

You know I’ve been meaning to I’ll do that instead and well here I am here I am dang it there blocks us don’t lose your children I’ve already lost a couple of you and it’s tragic now that you put it that way I’m I’m sad now thanks what am I

Collecting is it just more logs all right I’m G to keep all everything I have in my inventory you know just going to keep maybe not the CRA table maybe not the CRA T but everything else all right should should I be expanding more as I go or should I like

Just keep storing up blocks you know what happens if I die do I lose everything on me probably boy Pro I didn’t put keep inventory on so yes um I will lose everything in my inventory if I die and now suddenly my knees have gotten all wobbly feeling

Suddenly I don’t want to let go of shift anymore um oh God why have I okay well he’s there now that’s him that’s his life okay that’s his life now that’s where you live I guess I’m going put this Moss down it feels very weak and unsturdy like the dirt but I’m doing

It I’m just going to keep slowly expanding you know but I’m going to save whatever wood I get for like tools and stuff sir sir I’m a woman that was actually a Kaye quote that me and her still quote from one of like our videos that we made when we were literally 14

Years old literally for wait what the heck is is that stuff up there what the heck is that I don’t have OptiFine I’m trying but I can’t when everything looks all weird and Jagged now cuz the Border in the rain but whatever I have no idea what my

Objective is but apparently I might it looks like I might have an objective which is to get all the way up there and maybe I’ll get better tools and stuff I don’t know I’m s now thanks yeah thanks a lot probably not mining probably not dying am my

Right I’m really just looking at chat and punching which is probably going to end badly because I’m going to like see something and not pay attention and just break something all right all right still I’m trying to catch up on the stuff I missed up top in the chat I’ve been bad about

Doing that yeah I do need to make another uh Gang Beast video it’s been a long time since we’ve recorded one uh even the most recent one that I posted was it was like a long time ago that we recorded it it took me forever to edit it my favorite walking listen listen

We’ve been here for five minutes guys it’s only been five minutes and then I just proceeded to kill everyone well seriously we were like Yay celebration we’re friends we’re all here together and then we just started punching each other I’m pretty sure it was Jacob that initiated it are we even

A little bit surprised he usually is the one initiating things make an axe for wood I should you make a fine point I have plenty of wood now to do so I just didn’t want to waste St on wooden tools but it seems like it’s going to be a while before I get

Stoned so you know what you’ve convinced me and if I get stoned now after making this wooden axe I’m going to be mad I’m just going to let you know I’m blaming you after this if I manage I should should I make a shovel too you know what

I’m gonna do it and I’m also still gonna blame this on you I don’t know TI 2019 I’m still going to blame this on you if if there’s Stone after this I’m going to blame you for me making all these wooden and tools and then getting Stone immediately after so

Just want to let you know just letting you know Now looks like we’re not going to get stone for a minute though so maybe it’s up at that next Island up there well never mind it’s gone it must been a cloud I’m dumb um see this would be one of those things I would cut out of a video but

Like here we go all right thought a cloud was an island in the sky so that’s how this stream’s going to go guys you’re in for the my child my child he’s going to die wait my child no he’s going to walk off he’s stupid he might be my child but he takes

After his mother he’s going to fall off the edge okay you’re safe but you’re going to need to move somewhere else actually because I need to break this block and I don’t want to hit you um okay sir if you could get in this corner

Here I know you don’t want to but you you have to okay listen to your mother I’m doing this for your own good all right why is there mud okay I got mud now that’s nice to have that actually scared me when he popped up he just

Appeared in my fa oh do I need chears for that I can’t mind it anyway I don’t have any iron what am I talking about chears I just had a child okay priorities you know exactly he agrees how’s the game sounds by the way are they too loud are they not loud

Enough can you hear his glorious grunts you got to hear the man’s grunts why are there so many leaves suddenly like what I yeah I’d rather have the wood thanks than the leaves that I can’t break am I losing am I getting any of this stuff like should I be standing

Directly on it cuz I feel like I’m not I an apple feel like I’m not picking anything up it’s just kind of going through the ground oh there’s mud again Oh why come on Man freaking mud and now I’m trapped out here how do I get in here son I’m back um mother went on a little trip but I’m oh the mud’s still here I’m so happy I still get my mud because what would I do without mud I simply die without my mud let’s

Use the mud to break the Moss hate it here yeah I’m never standing on the block again I just want to let you all know if I lose things by breaking it from over here I don’t care I’m never standing directly on top of it

Ever again I think I just broke it too fast before the next block spawned in because of my shovel and the mud it was just like Splat dead like it was immediate oh I’m going to blame tis for that you made me make that shovel you

Made this happen time to retire yep I’m sorry guys that’s the end of the stream um we’re just never going to talk about it ever again I just see Fs in the chat thanks guys appreciate it so so respectful at least my son didn’t have

To watch me die you know at least he was shielded he heard it though he just heard my scream fade into the void but you know I’m back so it’s fine it’s not like he you know it’s good thing I’m not in hardcore tell you that

Much why was that one so much more Bassy and deep than a normal ones that creep me out fair enough like what yeah Fair that’s fair yep you know that’s fair that’s fair I was too efficient you made me make toyss and I you know this game is scaring me right

Now a lot more than it should be like it’s just like trying to make me celebrate my accomplishments and it’s just scaring me you know it’s like here’s a villager ah here’s a firework ah you it’s just trying to give me nice things in life here’s your mud after you

Died ah you know like it’s just so nice to me all right let me make some crap again why me and this time I’m going to just leave my crafting table there because why would I have it in my inventory you know that’s not a smart

Thing to do but granted I’m not a smart person so I’m still going to make another shovel though hey wait somebody walking around I have another son oh my God I have another child that’s what the firework was about oh my God okay wait why are you out there

Though like why who put you out here on the non sturdy you have a tree you want to tra sir s well come this way come come in here now come in here there you go no don’t be jumping why are you jumping get down from there young man

Okay well I’ve got children now you want dirt for oh oh that’s actually not a bad deal you know sure thanks I’mma call you Junior thanks Junior all right well well I that’s what the firework was about and you know asked and answered but it scared the crap out

Of me I had a child and I got jump scared by it and I wasn’t aware I was a I was a mother of two yet you know it’s like I don’t even really need the shovel very much but it’s fine all the shovel did was kill me so like

Fine okay these leaves got to go on somewhere like until I have iron they’re useless and even then what am I going to use leaves for you know decorations oh okay right this way sir you know I need to really start expanding because it’s getting a little

Camped in here with all my children get over there oh you want you got bone meal for me thanks wait what happened wait wait where’s Junior the 1 are you Junior the 1 no you’re new what happened to Junior the 1 can I only have two villagers at a

Time or something um I’m going to start expanding a little bit though because it’s just getting a little too close for comfort in there you know there’s just not a lot of space going on and I don’t want to have more mobs spawn and have nowhere to put them you

Know so I need to start making like fences and things and really fortify my Island if I get that bone me could I like expand Moss I think it would just replace all the dirt wouldn’t it actually can it only replace stone or would it give me stone like I don’t know

What the purpose of it giving me Moss is but I got Moss um that’s lovely oh God okay and that’s all the dirt I have I don’t really want to expand with wood quite yet slap this mud down there mud’s never betrayed me it would never okay let’s break this one carefully break

This one okay let’s do it gently now all right right here we go I have it like that and I got two trees where did I get the other tree from I guess I mined it do you even Minecraft sometimes I just take really long breaks in between

So I forget when I do play it again I want to play it more though I would love to post Minecraft regularly the same way I Stone finally oh my God I don’t have a pickaxe though but finally it’s been 84 years I’ve had two ch children before I got

Stone I would love to post Minecraft regularly the same way I do like GTA and fortnite and all that stuff but it’s just never I’ve never had the time for it didn’t the mod make you fall it did yes you I don’t know if it was the mod or

The leaves I think it was both I can’t I think the mod was before the leaves and then the leaves spawned in and just maybe die not sure progress though progress is being made playing Farm oh I’m using the wrong Tool playing farming Sim while watching

This I don’t know if i’ I’ve seen videos of farming simulator I’ve never played it myself though I think Jacob wanted to play it I think he that’s something he wanted to play at some point okay shovel shovel axe I’m having totch between three tools now and it’s

Hurting my brain I’m not going to lie but this is my life you know we live and we die by the block the single block that turns into many it multiplies okay no shovel thank you okay a pickaxe I’m getting better at this guys a shovel an axe all

Right got 19 wood 17 more D I can make some uh Stone stuff now getting places in life guys getting places should I make this a regular like stream series like I was I also was going to do that with a hardcore World which I still am going to but I didn’t

Feel like doing hardcore today if that makes sense like oh hey found land I don’t know what that means what do these achievements even mean Place 100 dirt blocks obtain Cobblestone M stone with your picka with your new pickaxe M the block 300 times I’ve already done

That 6 trade with the Villager into the darkness fall into the void great M the block 115 Place 20 dirt and then that and the progress is just break the block I’m so good at this game oh I’m so good at this game I’m good at Minecraft I I’m a pro

I’m a Minecraft Pro all right let me read the chat a little bit because I’ve just been so focused on mining guys so I was listening back to the stream to see if the uh Minecraft audio was good and it is I would say it’s good um it’s

Getting night time it finally stopped raining and now it’s turning night again I’ve seen you live all right oh you’ve I’ve never seen you live okay let me do it again let me do it again I did it wrong sorry I did it wrong I’ve never seen you

Live okay welcome welcome to the live hello I’m reading the chat now I’ve been mining this block for apparently 300 times it probably means you found land you know you make some fine points um an great astute observation you made there and I can’t believe I didn’t think of it

Myself because I’m stupid as we’ve already learned today do you want a white outlin in like color blue are you talking about the drawing I’m not exactly sure you know it’s artistic Liberty you do what you wish do what you wish I want to see what you want to do with

It young man he’s actually 55 he’s a senior he’s got dentures and everything and he’s like young man back when I was a young man you weren’t even born yet like I don’t care young man get in your hole I still know what’s best for you

Okay I’m on this block I’ve been on this block longer than you have okay I mined it 300 times I know what I’m doing kind of a storage platform good idea good idea yes yes hello amazing Queen Rocky I see up there hello back in our days people respected their

Elders what did I come don’t mind me just eating my cream corn and uh filing my taxes I don’t know what old people do I don’t I don’t know what they do I’m not sure what they do but okay well anybody that’s new to the

Stream this is Junior II I think wait I know I’m all confused way okay this is Junior the I know your name don’t look at me like I don’t know your name this is Junior II and this is Junior the thir we don’t talk about what happened to

Junior the 1 I don’t really actually he went missing I don’t know where he went he got replaced with Junior the second I’m pretty sure um and I just didn’t notice so all right and uh yeah I had two kids that that’s what you’ve missed um that’s

Pretty much all I’ve done right now oh well I’m need to make stone stuff anyway better late than never I always say I’ve never said that but I always say it and don’t question me or I’ll ban you from the chat never question your queen hey getting an

Upgrade if I die now I’m going to be so mad I need to make yeah I need to make a chest you make a fine point so I don’t lose all of my crap second time it was bad enough the first time you know I don’t really feel like doing

It a second time you I’ll put my wood stuff in there cuz I probably will need it again and my saplings cuz I don’t want to lose those again or again I don’t know if I lost them the I didn’t get them yet last time I fell which is

Good they just collectively grunted at me I question the queen don’t you question me Junior went I hate this world and just left he just dipped he didn’t even want he’s like I spawned in and she put me in a hole I’m out of here and he just

Vanished or was Junior the first ever here to begin with not question the queen don’t question the mom okay listen don’t don’t don’t start calling me Mom that’s a little too far that’s a little too much okay it’s a little too far I’m a mom to these guys okay not you

Guys okay let get one thing straight unless you all want to be some variation of junior you’re junior the 2500th you’re junior 15th I don’t know why I went from 201 to 15 but like you know you’re probably one of the first it’s fine actually I’m pretty sure you guys

Have henceforth named yourself Pebbles cuz I’m Rocky and your Pebbles which I still never agreed to but you know I can’t I mean I might be the queen but I can’t decide everything you know that had to be a judgment call oh man I sure wish it wasn’t night

Time I keep thinking them clouds are platforms all the way up there but it’s not it’s a cloud um clouds are not platforms if anyone was not aware all right how many blocks do I have I kind of that’s not an axe now is it um I kind

Of want to try to expand my platform a little more I thought I heard a skeleton with that mod and it scared me to death hi hello hello I’m playing one block I’m just mining a block you haven’t missed too much I haven’t expanded very much um

And I’ve got two children um why do they always look at me like that when I say that they’re like I am not your child I’m a 55y old man I don’t know why you keep calling me your son I have never even met you before in my life until I

Spawned in on a random block I’m like well that makes you my child obviously L you trust me you know you put your life in my hands surely that means you trust me obviously let to get all this Stone first there we go I don’t trust the Moss okay there we

Go I don’t trust Moss that’s for sure hey I got another tree oh that’s what the leaves are good for I’m stupid I’m dumb I thought I hold on hold on hold on hold on I thought a cloud was a platform i m mud while standing on it and died

And now I’m like what are these leaves for they’re useless they’re good for trees there to get you more wood you dummy you absolute buffoon okay anyway now that I’ve thoroughly insulted myself let’s extend the platform a little more I’m going to put these in here so in case I fall

Which it might happen but I’m going to try my best not to you know that’s all one can help and also the more I expand this the more mobs will spawn and I cannot let a zombie touch my children that’s not I’m not going to let it happen Okay it’ll never

Happen mark my words in permanent ink it’ll never happen if I break this anyway and every other platform I have that makes their way in here okay I need to make my children a place to stay I feel like because this is just kind of getting cruel a little bit I’m not going

To lie all right you know let’s leave some let’s leave some logs actually I don’t think I have much room here but I can all right let’s make him a nice little wood area here just no not that one oh man I should have have my axe on

Me it would make this process a little faster okay that wood just trying to make it look nice you know so I can tell where where me children are at okay I just want to be able to tell where he’s at now get in the hole in your hole okay all

Right and now I’m going to make a door I kind want to make his house a little bigger but this is just to get him over there CU I want to make it so a zombie can’t hit him through the corner if a zombie does spawn in but I’m going to

Make some doors which might be a waste of wood but I’m doing it you know only the best for my children um they’re just sighing at me like if she calls me her child one more time I swear I’m like 55 okay um now let’s extend this a little bit

More okay well you know what we’ll just do that we’re going to do it like this I’m using wood now I’ve decided I don’t want to just use dirt anymore okay we’re playing it risky now folks it’s getting risky up in here let me tell you I need more wood never mind

It’s not getting very risky okay let’s put this here instead and not that there no no no no no no okay give me this axe okay I’m going to need some more wood so can’t find it anymore I need more wood and then we need to put that

There and now we can break this one we making just a tiny tiniest little house okay the tiniest little house because you know I don’t want to give him too much space to where it overwhelms him you know no not you what am I even talking about right

Now I’ve just spaced out and been rambling while building this little tiny structure okay all right okay all right now have more space be free to run no not that much space not not that much space now Junior this second listen listen Junior okay I tried to do something nice for you and

All you want to do is escape okay this is your home now this is where you live all right all right I’m might need to quickly put a door down here so he doesn’t oh wait he can open doors oh right well this door was useless then um

I’m just going to take away his door then because he can just open it and I don’t want him to you know get out kind of defeats the purpose if he can just get out you know yeah they can open doors rocket thank you I realized that I

Realized my mistake as soon as I put the door down so get back down junior thei no bad Junior now my wood is just going to despawn in there look what she did can I get it through the wall I can’t get it through this side cuz that’s literally the abyss over

Here all right now time to move Junior the first in there somehow Um somehow I’ll tell you somehow okay maybe he’ll just wander his way in you know can you wander your way in why are y’all both coming towards me why come over this way wait one of you likes dirt right hey come get this dirt yeah come get this dirt do they both like

Dirt come on you know you want to escap over this block over here guys get your little bald heads over here come on man come on now oh they both like dirt bad Junior come on junior junior junior junior now junior thank you yeah push Junior in there Junior come here come

Don’t don’t start fighting okay you can both trade my dirt okay just get in the hole get get in come come on come here no junior junior junior junior junior oh thank Junior yes no Junior okay now replace that with wood all right just want to make a nice for

Them okay I’m just trying to do something nice for them they make this difficult all right the the logs are kind of useless I’m going to be honest I was trying to make nice little pillars in the corner and they’re not even in the corner even a little bit but you

Know I’m just going to replace them with normal normal wood okay to get more logs cuz that was useless okay they’re probably not at all safe in here but okay at least they’re in a bigger hole away away from the the one block so kind of made some progress with them

Okay and then I got these logs here but I’m a little scared to break those okay all right give me some more wood now I need to break this dirt Rocky what is this I’m I’m living my one block life okay break the mud because well now I have to go

Okay now I can clear up my hole again because you know these guys are in there they’re fine now this is my little my little room and they got their little room okay there we go let me just you know put some dirt in here so I can get

In and out there we goop okay what what where what how when why and who did you eat your brother did you eat your brother where did he go okay well all my work is for nothing okay fine you know fine whatever whatever if y just going to despawn whatever you know why

Do I even bother fine fine back to mining it’s trash all that work and then one of them just like I’m out of here I don’t want to be in this pretty little like wooden Shack you buil me I’m out you’re terrible building poof freaking jerks I don’t even know

Which one it was you know it could have been junior thei or Junior the third I don’t know now we just got Junior at this point I’m going to say he’s Junior the thir saying it’s Junior the second probably would have despawned second because he came in second we still got

Junior the third I guess the fact that it was right when I got done finishing like the wooden area and I like went to look at him and check on him and I’m like just flabbergasted flabbergasted man bro evaporate literally he vanished like in a millisecond I just saw him like I just

Looked at him did the stream catch him disappearing like cuz he just disappeared literally oh my god oh not the mud oh I’m so scared to walk on the mud when it’s there oh man okay if I this that’s Moss if I let grass stay there would it spread grass

Over my Island probably I think I’m getting grass anyway from actually wait is that my only piece of grass oh no I’m getting grass out there okay I’m just think of looking all this ugly dirt everywhere I went grass at man oh no did I wait did I

Wait I gotta find it hold on it’s here somewhere I don’t know why that one’s over there for some reason no I’m not happy no I’m not want to dance yeah hang on why is this one scooted hold on why is it scooted to the side that’s how I feel right

Now that’s accurate to how I feel right now that’s literally what I did all right P junor the first second and third they’re all gone I don’t know where they went but they’re all I’m just going to get rid of this little Shack at this point I don’t I guess this is my

House now fine if they don’t want to live here I made them a lovely home and they dipped immediately just literally evaporated like as if they were never there great fantastic all right cool I’m not upset you’re upset are you guys upset as as upset as

I am because I’m upset at least I have a nice little safe house for me to be in if a monster ever spawns okay and I’m going to put just a little Cobblestone roof on top even though it’s probably a waste of my Cobblestone I want it to be not

No I want it to be nice for me okay I don’t even have enough yet I don’t even have enough okay well back to mining so how’s y day been remember how said I wanted to stream to make myself feel better and just talk to you guys because I was

Bored and sad well now I’m even more sad Junior my children man my children I’m sure I’ll have another one but like how dare they you know oh my God what are the what are the odds I literally just I’m sure I’ll have another one poof all right well I guess

I’ll put a door actually I don’t want to put a door there because then they’ll be able to get into the hole with me I’m one block short great I’ll put a window here so I can stare at him you’re just going to leave me too I’m not even going

To name you you’re not even Junior the 4th you’re just guy that’ll be yeah you’re just visiting traitor yeah you’re just visiting me freaking jerk you’re not even going to St I should have read that hours ago they probably all said visiting Traer and I was like yeah they’re my son they’re

Staying here forever obviously where would he go you know he ain’t going anywhere we’re on an island in the sky like where’s he going to go apparently just evaporate that’s where he’s going to go actually you know while they’re here what do they have to trade what what do

They want you know where’s he at there you what do you want all right diamonds do I look rich to you pal do you want to throw hands right now because it looks like you want to throw hands I still have my face palming s on

The screen sorry I was I wasn’t aware but you know that is how I feel still I’m not going to lie name him Jacob and push him off I feel like that’s a little more mean to Jacob than this random dude oh wait you want oh you have birch trees

And you have oak trees okay well I don’t why why would I possibly trade you all my stone for GR gravel so I can place it and die thanks bro real kind of you all right well you keep that piece of dirt for your troubles oh my god did he

Actually pick no okay that whoa bro he actually looked like he knew exactly what I said that scared the crap out of me he he knows he can speak English wait I don’t have my sticks okay well have a zombie spawn in I’m just going to let him die so good

Look bro have fun outside oh man speaking of roofs I kind want to put a roof over this actually you know I should probably take my storage chest in my house CU I’m I worry a creeper will just spawn in front of me you know that’s my worry now um because all

My Val I should probably plant some trees or something too as well like I’m just really I’m just focused on my children you know and I should be focused on other other things I probably should keep a crafting table out there but I’m not going to what do I look like

A smart person okay sure you believe that all you want all right I don’t have a bed so like I don’t really need a lot of space anyway this is all the space I need I’ll even give myself a little window pretty my door is not centered

And it’s driving me crazy I’m not going to lie but then it won’t be centered in here I made a terrible house this is an awful atrocious house it’s just hideous it’s absolutely nasty just just want to point that out all right well I need four of these

To plant those so I guess I’ll plant my spruce trees but like fine you know give me this dirt and I’ll expand while I’m at it if this villager pushes me off I will be livid he seems like the type to do that you know wait is there another one I

Thought I heard more walking around there oh I’m missing my piece of cobblestone still give me that One Singular piece piece of cobblestone probably shouldn’t be expanding it at night time but I’m going to do it anyway because you know I’m smart smart me never I would never being

Smarts for Chumps I’d rather be stupid and funny I’d rather be the comedic relief you Know Cobblestone you don’t go there you think you go there that’s the point Point Jacob’s always me so pay him back I mean it’s not really pay back he’s not even here you know he doesn’t even know we’re here in Long kind of loving memory of the Juniors kind of

Loving stupid and funny is cool with me exactly you don’t go there Cobblestone that’s all I say go to got pie how dare you have pie in my stream no eating in my classroom would anyone care for a bon bon I got pie I’m like you have pie did

You say pie like it just get so close to the microphone oh man okay not me being smart and funny oh my goodness the world can’t handle it the world is going to Simply implode okay fill this in now my Island’s really coming along guys in spite of the Juniors who all

Left me freaking jerks get out of here hate you okay freaking trying to push me off I can tell he seems like he has malice in his eyes he’s out for blood and I am scared to be next to him to be alone with him nope

Nope bro please back it up man okay put some trees here I will expand before I break the trees because I don’t want to he’s straight up stalking me right now I don’t care what anyone says he’s he’s straight up following me leave me alone no get out get out get leave

Leave leave no get go on get go on get he’s so sturdy get out of here why would you come in here get out okay right freaking man was St I don’t care what anyone says he was stalking me around every corner did anyone else see that freaking creepy as crap man my

Voice cracked that’s how creepy it was oh yeah it’s all coming together that’s all I see when I look over at the chat I don’t know I thought of a pie I thought I am not a jackolantern my name is LS um it says the goat Stars near Lewis is

Necessary my name is Lewis all right back to mining more progress must be made I’ve expanded I’ve put some trees I usually actually I’m G put this the way I usually keep it which is like that minus the sword that I don’t have which I guess I should probably make because why

Would I not because of some threats that are opposing me outside my window I would make make a sword then he’d be dead already if I had a sword I was just punching him repeatedly and he was just fine all right I’ll plant more trees when I get

More dirt because I don’t know if I’ll be able to grow that many right now freaking you’re not Junior and you never will be get out of my property get off my lawn okay X pretty much can use a pickaxe for everything else I feel like the dirt the

Dirt doesn’t take too long squish he is literally pacing outside my house right now and I’m not a fan I’m close my door the Cobblestone seems to want to go in my house for some reason can he stop pacing outside my window like a creep this freaking

Creep freaking he really is creep me out is your skin a blue pumpkin no it’s just supposed to be my cartoon eyes and stuff that I have my it’s supposed to be like my drawing style of my my my like profile picture your self you know can

You I’m not talking to you yeah go away he just like came over turned around and left when I started talking to him but yeah it’s supposed to be like it’s supposed to be just like white cartoon eyes but you know obviously you can’t outline the eyes in black or it

Looks a little weird it would look more like glasses but it’s supposed to be like a drawing basically it’s supposed to be like my drawing of my cartoon like self I guess my skin and then the blue on my hair the light blue is supposed to be

Like the highlights and stuff like if you look at my well this doesn’t really do it justice but as you can see the the blue highlights on my hair is what it’s supposed to be like on the skin but normally my my face would have white eyes with no pupils um but it’s

Underneath the mask in this picture for my my profile picture right now but it’s it’s supposed to be like that but my my profile picture right now is more like the silhouette of it’s like the inverse colors of this basically is what this supposed to be supposed to be it’s the keyword there

Supposed to be but yeah the eyes I I like having more like with the uh what’s it called with this not that with these and stuff um I like being able to have more expressive emotions I can really ex that’s the chat hey Chad it’s not going to show up

Because I don’t have that set up right now not that uh it’s just supposed to be for more expression for this and I’m just looking down I don’t know what two does two has not even set to anything apparently and that’s me being scared and confused yeah that’s that’s just for

More expressive faces I guess that I usually I have peoples and stuff too for expression but with this skin it didn’t they just don’t look the greatest to me I don’t know I’m still messing with it I’m still messing with my skin um I only recently changed it away from my old

Skin that I had before so I’m still fiddling with it every day give me did don’t you try to leave me there we go nope that’s a pickaxe not there we go I’m like there we go switches to a pickaxe for wood so casually just walk around and grab that

If it all want to go over there I’m just going to spin in circles you’re never escaping me now all right is this riveting live stream gameplay guys just riveting breaking the same block over and over again not the same one technically okay I’m back how many

Children did you kill while I was gone actually they all just left I even made them a little house and they all just despawned inside the house and then this jerk showed up afterwards and he stalked me and he still been stalking me and I

Tried to punch him off the edge and he was just very resilient and he he you know he fought strong to to stay so I just left him he’ll leave soon though cuz he’s just visiting apparently but like how dare he you know he tried to steal my house and everything he was

Stalking me waiting for me to place that piece of dirt down so he could steal my house all right they grow up so fast and then they disappear in front of your eyes and evaporate they don’t warn you about that when you have children it’s like one day

They’ll grow up and go to college and have lives and then they’ll just evaporate before your very eyes like what where they go I don’t know they just disappeared it’s like they’re in the Matrix or something no one tells you that part I was strangely surprised June year the 1 disappeared

First and that should have been my first sign you know and that’s like still got Junior thei and Junior the third and then they both disappeared too and now I’ve got whatever this guy is he’s not a junior I don’t even know who he is he’s like a bob all lowercase no capitals

Just Bob yeah we got Bob too he’s here too freaking Bob over here what’s up with him I don’t know but he’s over there and he’s talking me wonderfully it’s wonderful Co okay if I could get anything else other than these main things that’d be lovely I’ve been mining for so long I

Wonder how many blocks I’ve mined by now my pickaxe is going to break no speak enough okay no that’s a pickaxe my brain’s fine I don’t know about you I keep almost like digging the dirt I’m standing on which is dangerous I just realized there’s like a

Very thin layer of blocks underneath my feet and I feel very scared now God you scared me to death see he says one block Trader and this guy says visiting Trader but like the one block guy I had before also despawned you going to go inside there

What do you want with me bro why are you guys so pushy get inside there you go there you go you know what stay in there sorry just I wasn’t expecting to see that when I look down give it to me oh my God Iron Coal yes we’re to the cave

Section hot and coal hold on what is it obtain coal yes I should have known this with for us I just want to make sure my pickaxe is about to break right about hold on any day now hold on whenever I get back to the stone any day now

Yeah all right you can come out there I’m not mining right now okay I got three iron and a piece of coal I’m going to make a furnace I’m trying to put this there could you uh could you move please thank you thank and you know what you that deserved you

The name of Junior the 4th okay for actually listening to me and being a good person iron okay now don’t let me take it back now don’t don’t let me take it back junior okay Junior the 4th back it up oh wait I never used that shovel that was

Almost broken I just put it back in the chest you know what there you go he just walk by like I’ll take that I’m 18 now Mom peace disappears oh is Minecraft or they’ll pull a Rocky and break a block and fall to their death no

We’re not going to call that pulling a rocky okay that’s what we’re not going to do here’s what we’re not going to do we’re not going to bring up the death we’re not going to bring up mud okay we’re going to just ignore all of that that happened

Okay be careful because when there’s a cave there’s danger thanks for the heads up I’m going to try to keep my stuff away from Death should I like open up my dirt area here so I can like quickly run away and not be blocked in junior the 4th you could have died

And you also could have killed me in the process okay my trees have not grown yet surprise surprise surprise Surprise surprise surprise get out of my way wow he’s to the Moody teen years slamming doors in my face all right let’s expand this bad boy for my trees yeah he’s just in there slamming doors now just for fun oh he’s out here now well that’s it for

Him I think they just fell in love they just sighed longingly into each other’s eyes I’m pretty sure they just fell in love love at first side is real guys Bob and Junior the fourth they’re in love and then Bob’s GNA going to leave him like a jerk cuz he’s just a visiting

Traitor and he’s been here forever they really are straight up in love right now oh okay he he he got distracted by me with my dirt sorry sorry Bob oh no they’re right back to staring longingly into each other’s eyes why are they seriously just locked

On each other I like that it’s kind of creepy a little bit I’ll just leave y’all to that I’ll just leave y’all be should I start like digging out with moss or Cobble or something I’m not going to use mud I’m never using mud let’s get one thing

Straight As long as I live I’m never using mud to build out my base okay I don’t even know why they’re giving me mud but they do I have plenty of moss though so I’m going to just use a lot of it which also doesn’t feel very safe

Because it just breaks so easily with like a single smack and I feel like I’m going to make that mistake and accidentally break it at some point but you know what no going back now I need the space okay I need the space whether it gets me killed later on

Or not I need the space all right okay I think that okay I’m GNA expand this side a little more because the trees need space my shovel still there okay surprise surprise get out of my way [Laughter] surprise that’s the surprise you better get out of my way or I’m going to give

You a surprise surprise lifetime okay just keep expanding with whatever I got I guess the more space the better should I use Cobblestone I kind of want to save my Cobblestone could use wood I want to save that too so okay I’ll put a door there too just cuz I have the doors

To spare okay you know should I make it a double door Noah should I make it a dumble door no he’s sing at my joke if you can even call that a joke really oh well I got my other shovel again get this piece of garbage out of my life all

Right now back to what I was doing I’m going to need some of this cobblestone on me and these sticks and some of this wood to make me need some more tools I’m going to just make all those in the sticks apparently um and I should probably just have a crafting table I

Should probably keep I need a pickaxe I should keep my crafting table inside there with me probably because I keep needing it well that’s fine I don’t need it that frequently I’ll just I’ll just leave it here if I need it I’ll go you

Know get it and use it I’m I’m a mine with my back against the door all right let me put away actually anything I don’t necessarily need on me okay okay I’m scared cuz somebody told me the caves are dangerous when you get to like the coal and stuff I’m assuming

Means it’s going to spawn in Monsters on top of me I’m just assuming he’s going to throw it away like it’s trash cuz it is trash it had one more use left in it what do you call that trash trash let’s get H trending guys pulling

A rocky no let’s not do that everybody’s doing hash a rocky that he is pushing a rocky does that count does that count because I feel like that that’s not exactly what they meant sir okay um sir if you could not be here junior the 4th oh no wait did Bob leave

You I’m so sorry I’m so sorry I I know this is where you guys first met I know I know Junior his first first heartbreak no it’s not that serious Junior no I know Junior it’s okay his first heartbreak oh Junior oh they grw up so fast all right

Well guess I’ll just wait right here this is dangerous next to my house I shouldn’t have built my house so close maybe I should move it away from the danger block but you know what we keep mining until I’m given a reason to move it I’m not going to move

It which is a mistake I just want to let you all know now that’s a mistake waiting to happen oh oh hey my tree grew oh hi up there sir Hey look it’s not Bob that’s Bob the second I know he’s not the same I know but maybe he’ll love you the

Same oh he’s like pushing me out the way I’m sorry okay fine now get out of my house Bob wow he just decided I’m going straight not even just in your area but in your house completely okay all right there’s no bed in there guys I don’t know what to tell you there’s

Nowhere for you to sleep through the night okay that tree is going to spawn monsters probably I’m going to break it down I think it’s got plenty of space for the saplings now I need to use some coal or something I got an iron pick I

Just don’t know if I want to use it yet cuz I don’t want to die with it is the thing but I got Spruce Wood now for whatever that’s worth and put this I got more iron in here too I guess I could probably use it and I got more coal I

Can make torches now actually I didn’t why did I put that in the crafting table oh wait you can give me potatoes actually I’m going to take some of that real quick I want to make at least four torches at least okay all right put these four torches in

The four corners of my Island that should light it up enough for now I know it’s still dark in some places but you know beggers can’t be choses all right okay put this hair sapling in there and that wood and then I’m getting me some iron

So I guess I’ll make an iron pick in case Diamond show up um but I’m not going to actually keep it on me in case I fall to my death or get blown up by something so I’m just going to keep it all in there okay can you get out of

Here that’s uh junior the fourth and there’s Bob thei get out of here junior okay I’m GNA read the chat a little bit because I’ve not been reading it for a minute here all I still see is pulling a rocky everywhere pushing a rocky you go ahead and need me to punch

Someone that’s fine I already tried to punt one earlier but he’s he he was strong and then he fell in love with my son and then left him how dare he this is the longest I’ve watched anyone’s stream I feel honored get out of here sir not you wait not you sorry I

Was talking to I don’t even know if that was junior or Bob I’m not exactly hello whoever you are oh it’s junior he made his presence known he just wanted to make sure I knew he’s it just said one block Trader and not visiting Trader so I was like oh that’s

Junior all in favor to the move what move what are we moving my house I went to follow you on Tik Tok and I already was wow that’s surprising all right I can’t really like scroll up on the chat because whenever I T out a mine it makes my whole game

Freeze for a second hi hello I’m playing one block and so far we haven’t made that much progress but we made a little bit um we got some traders that spawned in that’s Junior the 4th we don’t talk about the other three Juniors and then somewhere

In there oh There He Is We got Bob thei the one I think the ones with the little stuff on the bottom is the visiting Traders I feel like okay get in here man about to lock y’all in my house cuz y’all wandering around is just too much you’re not

Wandering Traders okay you’re just normal Traders what are they going to do blow me up what are they going to do spawn a zombie in my face I think a zombie would be much you’re going to die man a zombie would be much easier to deal with than a creeper I feel

Like but that could be famous last words creeper would be freaking awful for this just want to want to say that right now because it would blow up my floor then what would I do you know I’m scared now I’m scared so very scared and these jerks keep leaving my doors

Open well there goes my shovel should I make a an iron shovel nah I save however much iron I get could you not could you guys not I’m I’m going to lock yall in here jokes on y’all no no hey get disrespect me in my own home so

Stupid like yeah he can’t get past that he never get past that get down from there get out yeah stay out there you know what stay I mean I’m probably going to kill myself doing this if a monster spawns in I’m trapped in here but that

Door was my my worst mistake I’ve ever made cuz y’all just walking in here like you own the place freaking Jer ungrateful okay all right pickaxe no not a pick I’m stupid I’m sorry I’m sorry okay I’m tired all right I woke up at 10:00 a.m. today okay I’m surprised I’m even awake

Right now I don’t I’m not used to waking up early but I have been the past couple of days so I’m a little groggy okay I’m a little hashtag probably not sleepy oh man pour a rocky freaking jerks you freaking jerks have I not lost enough today have I not suffered

Enough all right getting a lot of iron at least right now that’s helpful probably should plant some more trees and expand some more now okay need quite a bit of iron actually could make some armor or something who knows the world is my oyster you know I was going to make

Torches that’s what I was going to do not a lot I don’t want to make a lot of torches I don’t think I need that many yet I just want to have some in my house I’m going to put it there and there seems a little excessive I’m aware but it’s

Fine okay lighten up the oh forgot about that already you know I think a block is just as efficient uh at helping me escape well maybe not cuz they can also climb up the block maybe maybe not but I’ll just leave that there for now um and I’m

Going to put hey Sunrise I’m going to put some torches outside my house just actually you know maybe not there um feel like it’s a little dark right here maybe I’m just trying to find where there’s like shadows and stuff but it’s fine I’m Sure now how do I get back in you get away from me oh wait he looked at me like you’re so stupid okay well back to my little hole I guess can they they can’t go up ladders can they I could make some ladders might make my all right have

Stick why did I just get two wood to make four sticks to make a ladder when I had like 20 sticks already villagers can’t go up ladders right right surely they can’t oh well that torch is moving I just put it there but it’s leaving surely they can’t use

Ladders Justice for Rocky haven’t I lost enough all right PL this is my hole actually I’m just going to go ahead and put ladders in here too um though I don’t really know if mobs can use them still no not there I’m going to make them regardless doing it

Anyway against better judgment I’m doing it anyway I should probably oh my God thought I was about to Plum it to my death I should probably put these away from my house I’m going to put them here instead the torch can go back where he

Was okay put him in the center there we go all right we’re fine we’re fine I’m safe I feel safe it’s the title of the stream and everything so it can’t be a lie I would never lie in the title of the Stream iron

Y kind of forgot this is a stream I was so interested in the video yeah I feel like um I do that too I forget it’s a live stream and I’m not going to just edit stuff out that happens later like y’all are going to be able to watch this

Entire thing from beginning to end and it’s not like later on I’m just going to start editing it um and people will see the final version it’s just all the moments of me being quiet and just like mining or me making stupid jokes that i’ usually cut out later

You get to see all of the Glorious failures that I have in life I’m trying to be better about this stream too and not stay talking and kind of allow myself to go quiet sometimes because I’m usually like I had to fill every silence and it’s like that’s

Simply not true that’s just simply not true at all all you got to worry about is just being entertaining and that’s not hard at all no not in the slightest just be entertaining for five hours and you’re good don’t have to worry about talking the entire time just

Make sure when you do talk it’s entertaining you know oh God mud still makes me nervous every time I see it not as much as the leaves do the leaves are like you can see through them and it scares the crap out of me H well well I think go was my

Axe all right I don’t really think I’m ever going to use them wooden tools again but you never know I’m just putting everything I get in here in case I do inevitably die when I’m mining um what was I needing again I was needing a new X I need my sticks I I

Got to keep putting those in there man all right X voila all right back to what I was doing Leaf why does the mud make you nervous yeah the beginning of the stream I was like you know if I just stand on it and mine it cuz I kept thinking I was losing

A lot of the materials like they were like going through the floor instead so I like I’m just going to stand on it and mine it so I can pick up everything and then I mined the mud so quickly with my shovel that I fell through it and died

In the beginning of the stream so every time I see the mud I’m like oh God it makes me nervous I’m going to mine it so fast and just fall through it again but I’m not standing on it anymore so I’m just standing to the side of it so we’re

Fine now I’m more nervous about like a monster spawning in than anything because we got to the cave portion I think though maybe mobs don’t start spawning till I get to like diamonds or something CU right now I’m just mining a lot of coal and iron colon colon colon wait a

Minute I’m just saying colon again did that once before all right mud iron I’m about to need another pickaxe I should go ahead and make one voila why do I keep putting my sticks away you know what they’re not I don’t need to keep putting them in the chest

Like they’re important like I wble to make more later same thing with my Cobblestone I can get more Cobblestone easily don’t know why I’m that being that cautious that’s a little too cautious now the iron on the other hand put that away still nervous about that

But should have clipped it to make it a meme I can clip it later believe me I I’ll this whole stream will be downloaded to my computer later anyway I’m sure it’ll be its own video at some point I like making like a oh hey sir I wonder where’s my other villagers

Are they still like I kept hearing them talk everywhere but oh no I think when you get a new visiting one the other ones leave oh man we lost Junior the 4th and Bob thei now we just got Bob thei thir well nice to meet you Bob thei third how you doing

Back to mining I go I’m getting hungry apparently not in real life but in the game I’m getting hungry I’m not sure what to do about that I’m sure they’ll solve that problem eventually with like food raining from above or something but it’s fine or I’ll just star to death that

Too pickax is going to break and there it is how I switch to a different tool it breaks it so fast I don’t even need to switch anymore with the Moss anyway yeah like that I’m it’s not even going to switch when I see moss anymore I’m just

Used to seeing green and switching to a shovel I only really need to switch for the wood quite honestly pickaxe could do it all well not the grass the grass is a little slow I’ll switch for grass and wood everything else n grass wood and back to

Stone mud to is fine leaves are fine I should have switch for my grass it’s fine just mine everything with a pickaxe at this point I got a lot of freaking Iron Man I could have all Iron stuff now I don’t think I need to save up anymore I think I’m

Good think I’ll have plenty even if I do die go ahead and grab my iron pick and make me an iron axe and shovel before I make an iron sword I think those’ll still take priority right now are they climbing the ladder I swear I heard something climb the

Ladder keep my sticks on me don’t need the Moss or anything on me or the mud or anything all right put the iron away keep that up there voila all right what’s going on in the chat I miss some see I’ve missed a lot because I’ve just been so focused mining the the

Block I Ro you drink water thank you I actually don’t have any right now I need to go get some I’mma do that uh after I read the chat real quick you forget to Blink that’s all I see uh my foot to sleep you was listening with the chat open like nice

VI I feel safe her last where just allly up there once I was up at 3: a.m. and I got a notification Rocky’s live it was a test stream yeah I usually do test streams at like 4 in the morning and people are like hello I’m like you

Didn’t see anything okay you saw nothing absolutely nothing’s taking place here do you like bows as in like bow and arrows I see that at the top somebody asked if I like those I see burp nice I see up there CJ is awesome hi Rocky this is my first stream with you

Hello I don’t know if you’re still here because it took me forever to read the chat because I was occupied but Hello fine I’ll go to bed starts a new game is that from the stream I did where I kept just making y’all think I was going to sleep and everybody’s like is she really asleep though did she really go to bed it’s raining taco wait copyright YouTube you saw nothing

I’ve listened to that song so many times back in the day I probably got so many copyright strikes for it like bows for hair no I’m not I’m not a bow girl I don’t like bows I don’t like dresses I’m not very you know what’s what’s what’s the word for

It uh feminine I guess I don’t dress femininely very much No in fact my mom used to try to make me wear bows as a little girl like when I was Lally like a baby and I would always take them off before I was even able to think about

Clothes I was like I don’t like these bows on my head or dresses I didn’t like dresses either I would always get upset and cry when my mom made me wear a dress for like church and stuff or like you know Easter and stuff like that like

Times you dress up and stuff they’ be like oh we have to dress up you know you have to wear a dress it’s a special occasion I’m like I don’t want to wear a dress I don’t like dresses like the Penguins you didn’t see anything yes exactly like the Penguins of

Madagascar how was your break it was so long yeah I’m still kind of on break I have not been editing in the slightest that’s that was the break I took I have not edited any videos um I’ve I’ve mostly been I’ve played fortnite like for most of October

We we mostly made a lot of fortnite videos that I still have to post for Halloween um and I have been playing fortnite for all of November because if you don’t know right now fortnite’s doing a thing where they do fortnite OG the season is

Supposed to like it went back in time to like you know I think it’s like season one or like chapter one something it’s said the the OG fortnite Maps came back um and I wanted to see them and stuff because I I I played fortnite back in

2018 but it wasn’t this map it wasn’t the map they went back to it was like three months after after I had played for the first time that’s where this map takes place it’s three months later so this was July of 2018 was when the map

Rewound back too um and I started the first time I ever played fortnite I believe was April of 2018 so this was before like this was after IID already played for the first time ever but so I never saw this map but I wanted to go back and avenge

Myself because back in the day I I never won fortnite I didn’t even really get like very many kills and I went back and I I played the new map and I I got my my first wins in OG fortnite I even actually won um the other day this will

Also be a video with me and Jacob but uh me and him played Duos and I won my first ever uh fortnite builds I played build mode instead of zero build and we won um so I feel like I really Avenged myself from back in the day of being

Trash at the game being absolute trash back in the day which I’m still absolute trash but I’m just slightly polished absolute trash I’m trash with a little bit of a Shine On The Edge I’m trash my name is leis no number one victory yeah yeah fortnite

We about to get it’s all over Tik Tok I didn’t never listen to that song back in the day but like Tik Tok is blasting it everywhere yeah I I was not a fortnite person I was not a fortnite kid I was 18 years old when fortnite was popping you

Know I was not a child um and also I just I I never got into it back then until now um I blame Jacob wholeheartedly not without a shadow of a doubt Elizabeth too my my sister-in-law Elizabeth and Jacob started playing fortnite together and then they convinced my brother Matthew and Kaylee

And me at some point to all start playing it with them and now all five of us play it um Matthew doesn’t play it as much because you can only have four people on a squad and he doesn’t like to play it as much but me Elizabeth Kaye and Jacob played a lot

Together um and yeah that’s the main thing I’ve done for all of October and and November for all of November for some of October um like you know we played some GTA and stuff um I think we made two GTA videos in October and then

Like 17 fortnite videos so um but I do have another GTA video going up Don’t worry um there will be more Halloween one more Halloween GTA video going up with curus and some pumpkins um and me and kayy trick-or-treating with Jacob and all of us three trick-or-treating for once on there with

The pumpkins which is chaos and then we also I think took pictures of the rest of the ghosts and then there will also be I think added to that episode or maybe the next GTA video after that will be the GTA Halloween live stream we did

I’m going to turn that into a GTA video so there’s at least three more Halloween or two more Halloween GTA videos coming and then I do still have some GTA videos from um again back in the day before Halloween struck um because obviously I caught up

To when me Kayla Jacob all three play together for the first time but there were still more videos after that of us playing for the first time but I cut to Halloween because I wanted y all to be able to see us play Halloween and stuff

But yeah I still I still got some GTA videos to post no shortage there believe me believe me um and no shortage of fortnite if y’all like the fortnite videos which I don’t know if a lot of people do but um no shortage of fortnite videos here I’ve got like 20 something

To post and that’ll be I that’ll probably be after I post the GTA stuff and I’ve also got some old Halloween videos like I got some Halloween uh Among Us from two years ago that I wanted to post because I it I wanted to post it last year and didn’t and the

Year before that and didn’t I’m like you know what I don’t care that Thanksgiving is over and it’s nowhere near Halloween anymore I’m posting this Halloween Among Us video so I want to post that and I want to post the GTA Halloween video and then I want to focus on posting all the

Fortnite Halloween videos we did and that’s my next plan and I’ve just been kind of stalling and being like I I’m not really in the mood to edit but I wanted to talk to you guys and I wanted to play the game but I didn’t want to

Edit so I decided live stream it’s been a minute and well here we are and now I’m live streaming and I’ve got heartburn because I ate spicy chips before this I ate hot fries and I burped and now I’ve got Flames coming up my throat how is Elizabeth your s like who

Is she with or is it something else uh so I’ve got a single brother I’ve only got one sibling I’ve got Matthew he is my older brother and Elizabeth is married to him so she is my sister-in-law um Kaye and me are not actually like related but me and Kaye I

Actually had somebody ask one time how we all met like how me Kaye and Jacob met and how we became friends to begin with um and um honestly me and kayy never met we never actually met per se because my my mom and Kay’s mom were

Best friends at like 13 um and they were best friends their whole lives and then they both at the same time had girls um and Kayla is three months younger than me I think I think yeah June July August two months so June July August kayy was born

In August I was born in June but we were both born in 2000 so we were born the same year and we never actually met per se I guess we did but we don’t remember it because our moms the the day after Kaye was born so

August 9th my mom brought me two month old me to go meet one day old Kaye so that’s how me and Kaylee met um and we’ve been friends ever since we were babies we always tell everybody this um we’ve been friends since we were babies

And that’s kind of how we feel like we are sisters in a way we don’t really feel like just best friends we feel like sisters um and then in I think 2019 end of 2019 somewhere around there how many years has it been man I don’t

Remember if it’s like it had yeah was 2019 because we hadn’t moved yet and we weren’t even talking about moving yet uh 2019 I believe was when Kaye met Jacob and they met at work Kaye was working at a factory Kaye and her mom were working

At a factory and Kaye met Jacob at the factory and then they they met and then uh Kaylee Jacob and Kaylee’s Mom all went to work at the factory together for a while and that’s how they met and then Kaylee December of 2019 when we went to

Go look at Christmas lights together um you know me Matthew or not Matthew I don’t know if Matthew went I can’t remember but my mom dad and a bunch of friends in us went to go look at Christmas lights and December of 2019 and Kayla brought Jacob and that’s how

Me and Jacob met we all the first time we actually all bonded and hung out was at a waffle house we got done looking at Christmas lights and we were all hungry and we saw a waffle house and we all stopped there to eat at the Waffle House

Um my mom and dad were driving KY and Jacob were driving in their own car and then I think my brother was driving with his friends at the time and we all looked at the Christmas lights together and then we all stopped and ate at a

Waffle house and that was when um that was when I realized that Jacob was different than any other guy Kaye ever dated and that it was more serious this time and we all like we were all cackling at the booth that we were sitting at at the Waffle House and it

Just felt different than any other guy like I had ever talked to like she never actually let me meet any of her like boyfriends before that like she had talked to them on the phone with me around but I never met her boyfriends she didn’t never take any of them home

To meet me you know it’s like taking them home to meet your parents basically so she brought Jacob to meet me and then we went to the Waffle House and that’s how that was our first time becoming friends basically was when that happened so 2019 December of 2019 was when me and

Jacob met and me and kayy met the day after she was born we just don’t remember it how many guys is K dated that’s a whole other story that’s a whole other story we’re not getting into the personal personal details here Waffle House I don’t know if I’ve been to Waffle House

Since okay so mat and elizth are together got it I thought so but I don’t want to say it be wrong because it would be awkward yeah so yeah Matthew and Elizabeth are married and then Kaye and Jacob are married they’re not just together Kay and Jacob are not just

Together everybody always forgets that Kaye and Jacob are even together to begin with they’re married Kay and Ja are married and have two children they’ve got two kids and Matthew and Elizabeth uh are just married to each other they don’t have kids yet but they have a doggy they

Got a puppy finally they’ve been wanting to get a puppy um but yeah that that’s that’s the situation that’s that’s my family that’s them I’m surrounded by couples and it’s exhausting I I’m surrounded by literally my parents couple Matthew and Elizabeth couple Kay and Jacob couple and then

There’s just me making my videos I got you guys though I got y’all right at least I have you guys I’m not really looking though for a significant other per se not looking for one if if one happens to find me that’s fine I won’t say no you can’t really say

No to love but I’m not looking I’m not actively looking Kaye and Matthew um my brother and Kaye which basically kayle’s my sister so my brother and sister um they were both kind of like Romantics basically like they are both actively looking for like soulmates that that’s

What they prayed for you know like that’s what they wanted they wanted families they wanted to find love and all that I prayed for a husky I prayed to get a Siberian Husky from when I was like a child to like 20 years old you know and then in 2021 I

Got Thunder and that’s what I got that’s what I’ve got going for me but seriously she has really like my baby she’s literally like my child she no one tells you how much a husky I mean they probably do huskys act literally like children it’s actually insane cuz cuz

Kaylee has two kids and I have a Husky and me and her are constantly like she’s like my I don’t know if my kids act like a dog or if your dog acts like a kid I’m like my dog acts like a kid that that’s what it boils down

To that that’s the gist of it she also my dog also acts like a cat I just have a big cat dog child named Thunder she’s something she is a handful give me that all right I’m G break these okay I wanted to get to Stone again before I read the chat

Again do you have a puppy I have a thunder she she’s basically a puppy still she’s two I think yeah she’s two uh I got her in 2021 and it’s 2023 so I got Thunder and she’s two dog mom Pride exactly I’m covered in her hair currently I’m like wearing a thunder

Sweater right now you would like to see the baby I don’t have a webcam I used to have a webcam but I let my mom use it for work and then I never got it back so I think she gave it back to the company

Or my dad gave it back to the company thinking it came with the company gear but it didn’t so I lost my my Logitech C920 or whatever it was um the way I do face cam for videos is I have my actual video camera and I just sync it to the

Audio and you know the one two three clap that’s that’s why I do that I have to sync my my mic audio from my camera to my microphone on OBS all the f is rocking Thunder can be anything EX exactly she she’s a shape-shifting dog she’s literally Thunder too like

She’s thunder and lightning I always say she’s the Thunder to my lightning they pray for soul mates and love and I pray for husy exactly that literally sums up our personalities perfectly too I prayed for a Husky and just kept doing YouTube for nine years and that that’s where I am right

Now Matthew and Kaye actively went out getting jobs trying to move up in life getting cars getting their license I still don’t have a license um and they were like doing all the important stuff of their lives and like trying to find the one and I’m like I’m just G to keep

Doing YouTube and praying I get a husky someday and drums I also really wanted drums um and then we finally moved to a bigger house to where I could actually get drums because before we didn’t have enough room and then we also got a husky when we moved here so picture of

Thunder you don’t have to though I can pull one up it ain’t that h uh it ain’t too hot I’m sure I got plenty on my computer just literally right now there’s many all right let’s see uh where is it at image yes yes yes okay browse and then pictures pet pictures

Where is it at I have a folder on my computer called important things and then I have important things two and then now I have important things three and they’re all full there’s too many important things guys there’s just too many important things so do y’all want

To see a recent picture of Thunder or do you want to see the puppy pictures first which is it because I got plenty of both she was itty bitty I called her a baby raccoon because she was that itty bitty she was just the itest

Bitti where is it at here let’s find one uh oh this was the first picture I saw over right there okay oh I love this picture of her when she was a puppy both okay puppy first all right so these uh put this on the screen so that

The first picture I saw of her that made me want her when she was a puppy um so there’s that one I’ll leave that one on the screen and then here’s one took of her when she was a puppy that I loved it’s like one of my

Favorite pictures of her when she still had her little tiny pink collar um and then we also have let me change this one um her in a little little fox ball is what I call it because she’s just curled up in a ball that pillow next to

Her that really nasty tan beige looking one she still sleeps on that pillow it is her pillow now she claimed it um that’s hers now the the one that againsts the wall in the back that one’s hers that’s her side of the bed and everything she claimed it she still also

Likes to sleep in the middle of the bed so yeah there’s another puppy picture of her uh let’s see here’s also one of her eyes is half blue and half Brown I when she was a puppy I tried so hard to get a picture

Of it but she she moves a lot um her right eye here or her left R right is half Brown half blue and there’s a better picture of it around here somewhere I don’t know where but it exists somewhere uh let’s see oh I love this picture ever where’s it

At where is it oh I found the one with her eye oh but I love this picture of her I think this picture is her to a tea even today they’re just moving up in the puppy pictures right now supposed to be playing Minecraft and now we’re just looking at

Puppies I see my pillow foxball yeah she likes to L A little foxball 247 she looks so little like she’s not the biggest husky she’s a very small husky um but when she lays in a ball she looks even smaller she’s just like she’s so little you

Know she’s just so little and this is this is still her as a puppy both of these are roughly around the same time these pictures um and then let me I’m trying to pull hang on let me pull my OBS over here so I don’t have to keep leaning past my

Microphone to talk here we go um so then uh where’s the one I saw before of her eye here we go oh there’s more recent one of her oh here’s one of her and Snoopy attacking each other Snoopy’s like if you don’t get out of my face and she’s like

Oh she liked to pick on Snoopy a lot and still still does um but he wasn’t having it that day he wasn’t he wasn’t having it that picture makes me my mom laugh every time we see it he was just not that was from a video and she just took a screenshot

Of that moment and he just looks so vicious the he’s a he’s a uh Snoopy’s the uh he’s our Doxon he’s a weenie he’s the little ween and he was not having it he gets so frustrated with her oh here’s the one here’s here we go you can oh why

Is it so zoomed in there’s her Nose the little tongue blooping out oh yeah there you go you can see her eye now I don’t know why it’s so zoomed in let me me hold on here we go nope still really really zoomed in oh wait I’m just stretching it I’m not zooming

It hold on it’s just so close I don’t know why it’s so close there we go that I was trying to make her uh sit still so I could get a picture of her eye you can’t see it too well but you can kind of see it it’s definitely more

Prominent of a brown half Brown half blue eye nowadays but the little tongue and the little tongue Boop the snoot you want me to Boop the snoot huh is that what you want hold on hold on hold please hold please hold hold please hold please hold hold on I got to find one

With a with me pointing hold on there’s got to be one with me pointing around here somewhere hold on there’s got to be one you know is it maybe just this one no no hold on can I maybe this one will work Boop boom okay that was definitely worth

Making y’all hold for so long for sure 100% worth it all right now time for more recent pictures of thunder all right where’s a good recent picture let’s see man her nose looks so long there well here’s one here’s a recent picture of her she’s a good

Girl she’s just a good girl you know she’s just a good girl that’s all she is she’s actually not a good girl okay let’s get one thing straight she’s a very naughty girl most of the time she’s very bad most of the time but she has her moments she has her moments

Okay here she is sassing me in my chair wanting me she still does this is what she does when she wants me to let her out now she just lays half of her body in my lap while I’m at my desk this is thunder her snoot looks so long in that

Picture it just looks so long but it kind of is actually I love her boo the snoot again oh okay where is it at hold on hold on okay I gotta find the picture again hold on here we go Okay g go I gotta go around I gotta flip

It how do I how how do I flip this Around uh hold on there’s got to be a way there’s got to be a a better way uh I think there’s a better way okay you know what just there’s no better way there’s no better way a Boop her nose looks so long it really does though like it’s like fre look how

Long it is here why is it so long here it looks okay why does it look so long here and her face look at the eyes she’s guilty those ears back like that you can just tell she guilty all right okay hold on now hold on okay there we

Go oh wait no that’s supposed to go in the Stream things thing all right and then one more okay we get one more recent picture of Thunder that I have okay all right where is it at I saw one up here earlier where’ it go oh here’s her and another Fox ball

Here you go see how little she looks still in a fox ball she looks so little here let me put it side by side with her other foxball picture hold on now tell me that’s not the same little foxball in fact she looks smaller in the picture where she’s bigger to the

Left I’m so happy I asked for this I was supposed to get up and get a drink like you know an hour ago but I never did I got distracted I just want to hug her she does like hugs she she’s one of them dogs that will stand up and put her paws

Around both your shoulders and actually hug you like in the morning when she stretches she likes to stretch on my shoulders and give me a hug she just she likes to also Hold Your Hand she she’s she’s very needy she’s a very needy girl she’s also got separation

Anxiety she’s she’s a big a big big girl she a big girl is what I call her I go big girl actually her nickname for me which doesn’t make any sense I just want to let let you guys know now in fact it makes such little sense I have to type

It on the screen so you know what I’m talking about all right the nickname I call her hold on I call her gub that’s what I call her and for those of you who have dogs you understand you you come up with the stupidest nicknames

For them and I’m like I don’t know how this came to be I think it’s CU I went from saying I love her to I love her instead and then somewhere along the way it turned into I love the gub and it just stayed that and I’m like gubg and

I’m like gub what are you doing and she she won’t look at me if I just talk to her in my normal voice but if I gogb she looks at me like what what do you want so her name is thunder but I call her gub and big girl most of the

Time most of the time it’s usually Thunder when she’s in trouble like thunder and she’s like what I didn’t do it all right back to Minecraft back to your regularly scheduled programming I’m glad we took that brief Thunder intermission I love the gub she’s just a

Gub if you guys seen my uh my recent Tik Tok of me playing the drums she also made her presence known there if you want to see a recent video clip of thunder um she she didn’t like me playing the drums she wanted to interject she was like standing up on

The floor tom like listen if you could you can stop playing the drums whenever you want to okay no pressure here but you can just stop when you want to you know stop the SN is immaculate thank you oh you meant Thunder schn okay have another villager here still I

I forgot put my iron away all right oh before I forget again I’m going to go get a drink real quick somebody said earlier remember Rocky get a drink and I was like yeah you’re right I’ll do that let me go get a drink real quick and I

Never did so I’m gonna do that real quick you guys get to watch me dance to no music while I do that which one is brb again that’s not it it’s the first one I know what I’m doing oh I see okay bye Panda Lover I just

Want to make sure I say goodbye to you before I went upstairs good night and yes I’ll give her a hug cuz she’s probably going to tackle me when I go up the stairs the Gob has followed me down the [Laughter] stairs what are you doing don’t you start assassing me I’d

Let you down here but I can take you right back upstairs she has a habit of not letting me talk sometimes all times actually all the time where Jaden I don’t know I don’t know where he is let me get the BRB screen off there blop all right back to Minecraft where I

Hopefully won’t get blown up by a creeper that spawns in while I’m mining this block but that won’t happen surely I’m confused feel like I had a stroke reading that oh God the mud oh forgot I was I was like why am I levitating like I didn’t put that ladder

There all right okay yeah mineing a lot faster now it’s a speedy process if a creeper does show up it’s going to show up really aggressively fast all right IP I’m on Java Edition just playing in a normal like I’m not on a server or anything I’m just on Java Edition

Playing I mean single player I’m not getting a whole lot of resources anymore is it just me it feel like it’s mostly Stone now little bit of iron here and there F level you’ll never be forgotten yes it’s so quiet now without them oh God okay it’s another

Villager it’s a visiting one get quick climbing up my ladder you jerk I need to extend I feel like yeah I got plenty of dirt to do some extending now yeah plent of dir and Moss and I’m going to replant these trees as well me get rid of all of my

Stuff in case I fall while building around the edges CU that’s definitely something I would do not intentionally just something that I would do 100% the Builder what does that mean plac 250 D blocks I thought I already placed oh no I’ve dug a 100 300

Blocks but I haven’t placed I just now placed 250 wow wow wow what a home oh no okay just ignore my home alone references all right oh man thunder what do you think you’re doing somehow she found a squeaky I’m going to have to confiscate that from

Her because she likes to throw them at the back of my monitor which you can guess is not ideal all right making a lot of space here I’m a little worried about monsters spawning hi hello are you on PC yeah I’m on PC I’m playing Java Edition on

PC that’s how I play I do have Bedrock Edition I’m just not playing on it right now because you know gota play one block oh God I almost unshifted and just started walking and I didn’t put that down okay all right progress one of these days eventually I

Will do a live stream or a series on Minecraft where I play with people because that has always been something I wanted to do where I just make a series playing with a bunch of people on a random survival world you know and just seeing what chaos and sues

Um but that day is not today because I don’t have the time I’m spending most of my days editing can you stop stop following me I don’t want to trade my dirt for your crap right now maybe later actually you know what sure H uh I don’t really know I guess that is

Food that is a food source okay I will take it just don’t push me off the edge while I’m building okay sir if you hear a noise in the background that’d be Thunder playing with a squeaky that no longer squeaks she is now throwing it can you back

Up I didn’t know there was a gap there editing sucks it’s one of my favorite Parts it’s just tedious is the thing it is my favorite thing to do though recording the video is all fun and well and good and playing the game is really fun too but editing is what

Makes me feel like it’s like I’m like actually creating basically like I’m making it myself and I’m putting myself onto the video basically and it’s one of my favorite Parts but because of that reason because I want to make it you know the way I want to make it perfectly

To the way I want it to be I take a while to do it and it makes it very tedious uh guess I could make an iron sword now I got a lot of iron so I think I can spare some for an iron sword and I guess I could make like an

Iron hoe I just don’t have any water yet is the thing um now I need to make another chest me some of these wood I’m getting a lot of resources now I’m not very scarce with items anymore all right keep that wood on me okay I can’t fit any of that in there

Anymore so all right and my furnace do I have any more I can smell the rest of me iron all right and I don’t have any more dirt I don’t want to did build out with mud so I don’t need the hoe I don’t need that thing all

Right night time again you know I can’t I put a roof actually a roof might be dangerous it’s going to put a roof over my my hole but that seems a little bad there’s a lot of dirt you g me there java Superior yeah I I I’ve

Learned I used to think Java was my favorite but I think I just prefer Minecraft on a keyboard it doesn’t really matter to me what type of Minecraft I’m playing whether it be Java Edition Bedrock Edition whether it be freaking uh even if it’s like Minecraft dungeons or something well maybe not

Minecraft dungeons I do prefer that on a controller um but when it comes down the Java Edition and Bedrock the only difference to me that it makes is what I’m playing with I just I can’t get behind Minecraft with a controller for some reason I think it’s because I

Learned Minecraft on a mouse and keyboard when I first ever played it and playing with the controller feels slow and clunky to me now and less efficient so I I if I play Minecraft on Bedrock Edition I play on PC because I just doing the mouse and keyboard is just so

Much nicer to me um but to me it doesn’t really matter what version I play I I I gladly play either Bedrock or Java depending on who I’m playing with um majority of people have access to bedrock Edition before Java Edition um but I would love to start a Java Edition

Server and put like the proximity chat mod on there and stuff and and have a bunch of mods on there that do stuff like that to make it like not like to the point where it’s like oh you know it’s a completely modded server but just

To where you can have that cool stuff on there like proximity and all that but it’s basically still a vanilla server I want to have a server like that so we can just see what chaos unfolds and with proximity chat and Minecraft and you know beating Ender Dragon together and

Stuff like that that’s my goal someday but like right now it’s like I don’t have money to pay for a server regularly and um and also the time to keep up with it right now because I’m busy editing videos but once I’m done editing and posting all 300 of these videos that I

Have from two years ago to now um I I’ll work on stuff like that you know I’ll be able to actually work on stuff for the community that I’m building right now because I was honestly just expecting having to post all these videos just to post them um because I was just over

Recording before y’all even showed up I was recording these videos that I still have to post um so many videos I have right now I’m going to be posting and in the videos we didn’t even know that y’all were here yet like I didn’t have I had 500 subscribers at the time of

Recording some of these videos that I’m about to post and I I had no idea you know by the time I posted these videos that I would have subscribers that would actually be watching them um especially after 9 years you you never really think that that’s going to happen after nine years

Of doing this and then here I am having to post these 300 videos still and now I have people actually you know waiting for videos from me and not even realizing that the videos I’m going to be posting are going to be from two years ago like it’s crazy the Gang Beast

Video that went viral the first one that went viral of me Kay well he’s in here now the first video that went viral of me K and Jacob um with the flying sharks that one was from a year prior it took me a year to post that video and I didn’t even think

About the fact that when I would post it a year later that it would go viral but it did and here we are don’t know how this happens but I’ve got 300 videos to post um and I expected to just be doing it you know mindlessly but now that I have

People actually like a community waiting for me to be more active and to do stuff oh I’m getting and I’m getting useless blocks now great and aide and granite Granite I don’t know I said Granite I never call it granite um but I now that I have people like

Waiting to do stuff and be a part of a community and I actually am building a community around my channel now it feels like I should be doing more but I can’t yet because I’m still behind on other stuff from before can you’re asking to get punched right now yeah you

Are so I think that’s why I’m so hesitant to do much still and like involve myself in the community with you guys because I’m still like picking up loose ends I guess from like two years ago but once I’m done with that we on a roll

Then let me tell you we go in places then let me tell you uh let make another pickaxe but until that day comes you’re going to be just getting a lot of content from me that’s from two years ago but it’s fine because it’s still funny and it’s still

Content um doesn’t make too big a difference because of how long ago it was can you not push me I’m going to kill you I’m literally going to murder you go be free I don’t want you in here get out okay I don’t care okay you’re not Junior

The 5th you’re just like Jeff the first or something you’re just a random dude you’re too annoying to be a junior I like doing it yeah but it still suck sometimes sometimes it does it depends on what the edit you are doing is like for me I love adding zooms and

Sound effects and all that stuff and I love you know making like you know doing text stuff on the screen but doing the text subtitles is so tedious and boring to me but people like when I do that and it helps people you know understand what we’re saying better and doing subtitles

Is you know people like them so I keep doing them but doing subtitles is so tedious and boring sometimes the only time it’s not tedious and boring to add subtit titles is when I’m tracking the text above one of our characters heads in the game that’s the only time it’s

Not tedious to me it’s it’s funny then and it makes sense to why there’s text on the screen all the time because then sometimes the text is over top of our heads but it is the most tedious and boring part to me but there’s so much of

Editing that I love that overshadows the tedious and boring parts and that’s why I keep doing it but it is a grind and it is it does take a while and that’s the worst part about it what was I going to do I forget what I was doing in

Here um I made a pickaxe I guess that’s what I was supposed to be doing I suppose and the Monsters never spawned in so maybe this this a different type of one block than that one I don’t know if this one’s as interesting as other types of one block because there’s not a

Whole lot happening I got to say feel like there might be other one block maps that might be more entertaining than this one but I digress I think now I’m to the point where I can probably start expanding my Island a little more just trying to get to the point

Okay there we go there’s a piece of stone there I want to be able to easily tell where the center of my circle is all right I like Minecraft but only when I’m in a creative see that’s all my friends all my friends prefer Minecraft playing in creative mode and just the main

Reason I don’t like doing that is cuz every time I play in creative mode with my friends we play in creative mode we build a bunch of really really cool houses right like we build a really cool little town with a bunch of houses and

Then we get off that world and we never see it again we don’t like build a bunch of houses and then go in survival and actually use the houses no we just build the houses and then ditch them and never look at them again I built so many cool

Houses that I just get completely abandoned and the world gets like abandoned and every time we build them then it’s like I don’t understand the joy in that you know I don’t understand the fun in building and then just leaving it all and forgetting about it

All it just I don’t know it’s not I like playing in survival and building my house like I’m okay with like playing in survival and like building a house in Creative but then going back into the survival and doing you know actual like playing the game and stuff and doing the

Survival stuff uh most of the time I do just play Survival the entire time and just look up a house tutorial and then build it in creative and then go back to playing but that’s usually what I do for videos because it makes the process faster but I have built

Houses in survival and it is fun too you know I can understand you know Builders wanting to be able to have more you know at their fingertips to do um all right I was going to expand my platform but I don’t know it’s just the way I like to play I prefer playing

Survival and I just feels like I have something to do I guess I want that the reason I play Minecraft is when I’m bored is because I want to have something to do you know and all my friends that play they just prefer building and I’m not really a

Builder I’m more of like a survivalist you know I like having a purpose behind my builds basically a reason to build what I’m building um because I I want it to be lived in you know I don’t want to just build a house and then just go onto

The next build I want to build a house and then actually live in said house and actually like go kill the ender dragon and you know do all the stuff you know I just love doing that kind of stuff so if I was to ever make a server it would be

Survival um maybe I would allow creative for houses to be built and stuff but it would most everything else would be done in survival that’s that’s just the way I like to play Minecraft is what I’ve called the terms with I can terms with the fact that I

Just prefer survival Minecraft and I prefer playing it on a keyboard so that’s my life and that’s how I learned to play Minecraft um I guess I should start using other blocks to build out with huh I guess I could use some Cobblestone I have water I’ll keep

Mining all right we have so much iron you know what I’m going to make armor what’s stopping me you know why would I not and I’m also going to make a Helm me but I’m not going to put it on because I don’t need it on right

Now and it also Blends in with my skin you can’t even tell I’ve got iron armor on right now and see join us in pursuing the YouTube dream doing this for I started YouTube when I was well It’s tricky because I started YouTube when I was

14 but I was posting videos on Facebook I started posting videos on Facebook first um and making videos on Facebook first to my family and friends as like a way to ease myself into it I guess but honestly just because I had fun making videos um but I started making videos in

General like of myself and like mostly of my stuffed animals but I started making videos when I was 12 so I’d say you’re right around the age of people that when they want to start like being on the internet and start making their presence known I guess and being

Creative and you know putting themselves out there I guess and it is terrifying um especially it’s just a young age to do that on YouTube because I didn’t even I wasn’t allowed on YouTube till I was 14 um and that’s when I was allowed on

YouTube was when I asked my mom am I allowed to post videos on YouTube and she was like sure and then I finally started posting videos on YouTube um um at 14 and then it took me nine years after that in 2014 I started posting on

YouTube and then in 2015 I hit 100 subs and then every year after that I hit a 100 more subs and then by like 20 I think 18 or something 2019 it stopped at 500 Subs I was stuck at 500 subs for an entire year um and then I think in like

Oh no I think for all of 2020 I was stuck at 500 Subs because I wasn’t posting I was recording a series called the moving series uh which is about me moving out of my childhood home and I was working on that for two years and

Then I wasn’t posting for all of 2020 I think I posted like six videos or something for an entire like that entire year and I was stuck at 500 subs and then finally in 2021 I finally made it to 600 um or was it

2022 so so one of those years I made it I think it was last year I finally hit 600 Subs um and then suddenly before I knew it I was hitting a th000 Subs because my Tik Tok one of my videos on Tik Tok blew up and I hit a thousand

Subs and before I knew it a month had passed or like nine days pass after hitting a th000 subs and I hit 2,000 and now here I am how many am I away from it now hold on let me check right now hold please now I’m at 5,985

Subs so I’m like I don’t even know math I’m I’m I’m very close okay I I’m not great with math but I’m like if I had to do my math correctly is that like 15 or something I don’t know like 15 Steps or something away from sixou I’m almost at 6,000 basically and

I think that’s terrifying quite honestly cuz I went from finally being like I finally hit 600 Subs to now almost hitting 6,000 and I’m like what happened really like what how did this happen so fast so what I’m saying is if you start now going into it if you do start if you

Are thinking about starting YouTube now at 11: um just know going into it you probably aren’t going to get noticed right away unless you do some people do get noticed right away but that’s a lot of pressure to get like viral at 11 years

Old and get a bunch of eyes on you that young would be a lot of pressure um but it’s it is more so about the journey and the videos themselves to the way I see videos it was never about posting for other people it was mostly for a me

Thing I I posted for me because I I enjoyed making videos I enjoyed being creative with videos and I liked I liked filming everything I did as like a memory basically like like a like a home movie situation I filmed everything I did did and and filmed skit videos and

Filmed gaming videos like I just liked filming everything for memory purposes I wanted to have the memories of it and that the reason I did it so going into YouTube I would say the biggest part of it is all about the reason you’re doing it to begin with

And I think people will understand when they see your content like your intentions behind it you know and that’s what makes people know you’re a good person and and what you’re doing is you know just not for trying to get famous or trying to go

Viral or trying to get money or any of that like you’re just doing YouTube and you’re just making videos to brighten people’s days and I think that’s what makes people stick around and makes people be like oh this this is a good person I like their content and I I like

You know what they’re trying to do and I like them you know and then they stick around and I had that happen for nine years people would just show up and subscribe to me and then I would I was like getting a 100 Subs per year for a

While there um and then I was like stuck at 500 for I want to say like a year and a half honestly um and I just kind of stopped focusing on my channel for a good while there and was just focusing on my life because I had really let my

Life slip out of control there for a while um and now suddenly here I am 23 and I’m finally getting a hold of this whole YouTube thing I’m just not nine years later I’m just now getting a hang of this YouTube thing I came from granny I on Tik Tok so it

Works yeah see a lot of people came even before that um it’s almost actually been it on the 29th of November or of December no on the 29th of November the 1st of December the 29th of November was when I posted the Cerberus GTA video and that

Was my first video that ever went viral and it went viral on December 1st so it’s almost been a year since I went viral on Tik Tok and got a thousand subs from it and now and it it’s took me an entire year and have gotten how many Subs after

That now I went from 600 to 6,000 so somebody do the math of how many that was in a year and that’s what happened so it’s been crazy you guys have been absolutely insane um the support you guys have shown me from the moment you found me on Tik Tok

Immediately just being like this person is so funny I’m subscribing right now like it it means the world to me more than you guys ever know and I don’t I I never believed YouTubers or streamers when they say that like when they say your support means more to me than

You’ll ever know I I genuinely love you guys like I never really believed him or understood it until now because you don’t understand until you do have an audience in a community of just random people that truly do care so much for you and your well-being and they don’t

Even know you like it’s insane and nothing can express the gratitude that you feel every single day like not even just when I’m streaming or when I’m posting a video but every single day I’m getting comments still from people on my Tik Tok on my YouTube just you know

Saying how much they appreciate my content so every single day I’m just constantly grateful for you guys and you’re constantly reminded of just how awesome your community is and it’s crazy you guys are constantly blowing my mind I’m kind of worried about my content because I’m not as funny as I

Want to be I feel like I’m not good enough of people see that’s already your problem is you’re trying to be funny you need to try to be you whatever you don’t want to try to be funny for other people you want to be funny to yourself first

You want to make if you make yourself laugh and you make yourself have a good time like if you’re just in general having a good time by yourself playing a video game or doing whatever you do on YouTube and you’re enjoying what you’re doing people pick up on that they pick

Up on if you’re doing it just to make them laugh and trying to make jokes or if you’re just genuinely having fun playing the game you know do it for you before you do it for other people and then that’ll go a long way like I I when

I do YouTube I’m mostly just trying to make myself laugh and saying jokes that are my humor and it just turns out that your humor other people have your humor too like oh no oh no oh no oh no God okay uh serious conversation uh

Is going to be put on a hold for a second hold on just put this and aite there oh my God how am I supposed to avoid this I don’t have a bed how how am I supposed to what I guess I’m being in my house then so as I was

Saying as I was talking about before I was rudely interrupted oh dear God I know they just swoop down in a freaking formation like my Lord yeah I want to do it as my dream and actually have a good time but some people that started YouTube at 23 said

They had to had depression I don’t want that to happen to me yeah I mean if you you can get yourself burnt out of it if you do it too heavily and you take it too seriously like uh I also burned myself out I I would say I’m on the

Upswing now but around 2018 I believe I I was getting really burnt out and I wasn’t I wasn’t even getting paid for YouTube I only just now actually recently decided to start getting paid for YouTube because for the longest time I was saying I’m never going to get paid

For YouTube even if I hit a million subscribers I’m never getting paid for YouTube and now here I am doing it and I’m thinking man I just feel so selfish because it’s like I just want I don’t want people to think I have any ulterior motives behind YouTube other than just

Making them laugh like I don’t want them to think I’m doing it just for the numbers or just for the money or any of that but now they’re going to think that probably because I’m getting paid and then finally I had to just slap some sense into myself and be like

Don’t let yourself like don’t let the devil tell you that you’re being selfish to disguise the blessing that you have you know not many people have the opportunity like they not many people have a thousand subs and have all these opportunities to even be paid for YouTube like they don’t even have the

Option yet still but they want that like that’s their dream is to be paid for YouTube and you’re writing it off as being selfish for getting paid to do somebody else’s dream like so many people would want to do this you know and it’s like you deserve like you

Deserve this you know you’ve worked for this you deserve you like your community would want to give back to you in this way they would want to know that they’re also helping you when you’re helping them like you’re helping them feel better and make them laugh and make them

Smile and they’re helping you in your day-to-day too you know like I if this could help me you know pay my parents like bills and stuff and help us struggle less and live paycheck to paycheck less then yeah I should do this you know I’m not going to let my brain

Telling me itself sish distract me from the blessing that I have you know so I recently decided to try to get get paid for YouTube I’m still waiting to hear back to see if I’ve actually been approved so we’ll see um it actually says my monetization is off on this live

Stream but I think I’ll put it on there at the end of this but um but yeah when you click on my videos now you’ll notice ads play and that’s why um but yeah it was a really it was a tough decision for me to do that because for nine years I

Said I’m never getting paid for YouTube because I didn’t I didn’t want myself either to focus on the numbers of it all you know and be like ah this video didn’t do as good and it didn’t make as much money and all that I didn’t want to

Feel like a job you know and I think that’s my biggest advice to people who want to do YouTube as a job you don’t want to start out thinking of it as what you’re going to do as your job someday you want to start out doing it just

Doing it for fun because that is the ideal way to do it because now that I have done it for fun for nine years and it is about to be like an actual source of income it doesn’t even feel like a job it took my mom telling me that it is

A job and that editing these videos is wor work even if it she goes she literally said it like this she goes baby even if it doesn’t feel like a job it is you’re editing for like eight hours a day that’s a job sweetie is what

She said and I was like oh man she’s right like I’m literally working like eight hour days like an actual person would going to work or like you know eight hour shifts and stuff and like I’m working you know and that’s what made my brain be like holy crap yeah she’s right

I am working this is is a job wait a minute and then yeah that’s what pushed me to finally be like you know what yeah I’m not going to keep myself from this blessing that so many people wish they they could have already you know so many people are working to

Get and I’ve been blessed with it and I’m just not going to accept it you know so I did that finally and I will say the biggest thing that back in the day I what led me to this conversation was back in the day I was not

Um getting paid for YouTube but I was still really pushing myself way too hard for having 400 subscribers I was pushing myself so hard to post a video twice a week I was like okay I have to post Minecraft videos on Monday because it’s Minecraft Monday and then I also have to

You know post on Thursdays because of Animal Jam it was jamming Thursday and then I was like and maybe sometimes I’ll do live streams on Saturdays and that was my schedule and dang did it burn me out I’ll tell you the biggest tip for posting on YouTube Do It For Fun first

Of all that’s the first tip second tip don’t give yourself a schedule right away don’t force yourself to a schedule if you’re not a schedule person if making schedules really does drain you and seems like a lot of work just don’t do it you know just post whenever you

Want to literally I’ve learned these people my community don’t care when I post I will post a video at 4 in the morning and it’s still immediately will get two likes and comments on it immediately I’m like who are you people you guys are night hours just like me

Dang I posted this at 400 a.m on a Thursday and here everybody shows up somehow like it’s crazy so don’t hold yourself to schedules or well not hold yourself but maybe you can someday but don’t hold yourself back with schedules and timing and you know be like I have

To post at 4 p.m. because that’s the that’s the Prime YouTube hour where everybody’s on YouTube YouTube the most like just post when you want to and if that video does good it does good you know it’s not about what time you posted it what day that doesn’t affect it

Nearly I mean it might affect it I don’t know but it’s never affected it for me I just taught myself that it would make a difference and it does help people to know I guess you know if you have a schedule like oh well I know to check

You know Rocky’s channel on you know Mondays for Minecraft videos it does help but you don’t need to do that right away is what I’m saying you don’t need to do what I did where when you have 400 subscribers you’re not being paid for YouTube you don’t ride away need to be

Like I’m going to post twice a week first of all twice a week is crazy to do like that’s insane first of all you’re gonna burn yourself out real fast doing that um and then also like the on the specific days twice a week like that was

Insane I don’t even know how I did that for as long as I did but yeah I still 2018 I got a lot of videos posted and I am proud of a lot of them still to this day but man at the end of 2018 was I

Burnt out and for a lot of 2019 I don’t think I posted too much and then by the end of 2019 right when 2020 started I was done I was like I am burnt out and that mixed with me moving at the time

From uh uh me and my mom and my dad and my brother all moved to a new house and left my childhood home and the same home where I started making videos in the first first place it was it was very Bittersweet I couldn’t even look at my

Channel for a while there because it made me sad because it was just full of memories of my childhood home and that alone may be want to take a break from YouTube but also the fact that I just really was burnt out so I just took a break

And that you know you don’t want to push yourself that far like that hard right away when you’re just getting used to being on YouTube you know you’re just getting used to the actual posting and the actual trying just focus on trying trying to be yourself the most which is

Really hard to do because you know when you turn on a camera you want to just amp up your you know your attitude and your personality and you want to really just perform for the camera which is okay but just don’t lose yourself in the performance you know you want to keep

Being you just a very exaggerated hypy you know hyp hypy happy hyper version of you you know enough to be more entertaining and energetic but not an act you know you don’t you want to just be you um and as for the you know worrying if you’re not funny enough just be yourself

Just say you’re humor tell the jokes that make you laugh when you know other YouTubers you watch you know whatever humor they have and that you also have you know just just say jokes that you feel like you know would make you laugh that do make you laugh and laugh at your

Own jokes you know it’s okay to laugh at jokes that you say and to not take yourself seriously when you say a joke that’s really stupid laugh and off and say I’m so sorry because it’s true you know you make stupid jokes and that’s okay and sometimes even that in of

Itself can be funny saying a joke that’s so stupid that even you know is stupid can be hilarious um so don’t take yourself so seriously you know don’t try too hard to tell jokes and to be funny because being funny is not everything some people don’t want to watch somebody

That’s funny out time some people want to watch somebody that’s just really good at a video game you know if there’s a specific video game you’re really good at play that game and show people how good you are at it or how much time you’ve put into it you know some people

Just want to watch somebody that’s good at a game and maybe you can be funny too and be entertaining while being good at a game I’m not the greatest at that but you know I don’t have any experience in that field but you know you give it a go

But yeah as far as the funny thing goes I’ve never tried to be funny I I just talk the way I talk to myself like the way you talk to yourself in your head I I talk to myself like that while I play a video game I’m just talking to myself you know

And I’m entertaining myself and then that just so happened to make other people laugh and to be entertaining to other people and I think the right people will find your content that you know also have your same sense of humor and they will subscribe to you because

They they have that same sense of humor that you have and then before you know it you’ll have this big community of people that have your same sense of humor and it’s so insane because then they just get your jokes and they make similar ones in your chat and it’s just

It’s just a great time so yeah just don’t Focus too hard on trying to be funny and like trying to make it funny when you could just be yourself and yourself is probably already funny enough you know you just don’t know it you know you you don’t ever know you’re

Funny till you have so many people telling you you are I’ve told my mom for years it’s like I’m not funny I just repeat what you guys say in a mocking tone and you guys think it’s hilarious like I’m just repeating back what you said but in a

Stupid way like that’s all I do you know and somehow it’s just always funny or I say stuff in a funny voice and it’s funny you know but I’m never trying to make it funny I’m just trying to talk I’m just having conversation with myself I was young want to be a big

YouTuber I tons of cars and money yeah everybody always wants to be there like I still have a res of that try to push that out my mind because right now I’m just trying to make content for people who enjoy it and to player friends but those little demons from

When I was still here yeah I mean it’s hard to not have that in the back of your mind of being like you know what if this video goes viral and I get famous and I get rich you know but I’ve never I I’ve never thought about the money

Aspect of YouTube really even when I was a kid I didn’t think about the fact that you know the YouTubers I was watching were getting freaking rich off of was watching their videos I was just like this video is so funny you know as a kid and as people watching YouTube videos

You unless I mean unless I’m just different I never thought about them making money from it um I think it’s daytime now I think the coast is clear okay I never thought about the YouTubers I watch making money from what they were doing I just thought they were just

Trying to entertain me and just trying to be funny and just you know not even just trying to be funny but just you know just playing a video game I just enjoyed watching people play games is what it bow it down to and if the person

Was funny while playing the game then I was sold you know that’s all it took for me um and it’s just a Simplicity you know my mind my simple brain was just like video game and an entertaining person playing it that’s all I need in

Life to be satisfied and for a lot of people it’s the same way you know you just play a game and talk to yourself and people people might show up people might not it might take two years for people to show up it might take a day

People might you you know you might get a really funny clip with your friends on a video game and it might go viral in a day or you might get a really funny clip with your friends and nobody would ever see it and that happened to me many

Times there’s so many videos that are old that are back in the day that are some of my favorite videos of mine that are freaking hilarious but none of you guys have ever seen them because you know from when I was like freaking freaking 16 years old you know you guys

Aren going to go back that far and watch those uh some of you have some of you have gone back and watched some of my really really old videos which I think is kind of crazy but you know it’s like that’s life you know that’s that’s YouTube um you just keep posting stuff

Never I don’t ever post stuff in the hopes that it’ll go viral at least I didn’t used to it’s hard once you see the numbers go up to not think about the numbers anymore um once you see those numbers get up to the millions and then

All your Tik toks get to a thousand it’s like a thousand looks like a hundred now you know when before all my Tik toks would get a 100 views and I’d be like dang this one did really well now all my Tik toks did 1,000 views and like 2,000

Views and that used to seem really impressive to me back in the day but now that I’ve had videos on there get like a million it doesn’t seem like as much and I’m trying to let it still feel like a lot like a thousand is still really good

On Tik Tok you know getting a thousand views is still crazy even on YouTube too like videos on YouTube oh God I almost killed myself videos on YouTube um my videos on YouTube whenever a video on YouTube got a th000 views I’d be like oh this one went viral now a video on

YouTube gets a th000 views every time I post it and I’m just still not used to it I’m just not used to that still and and then I look at like markip plier and his videos get like freaking 30,000 views in like a minute and I’m like how

Does he deal with this this is insane like being on the other side of it is actually crazy it is actually nuts oh the dogs are being let out also despised the idea of people playing games for content and have to tone down that’s weird that your dad just

Despises people just playing a video game it’s like how dare they play a video game to post on the internet for people to watch like that’s also how people people feel about people like why would you watch somebody play a video game instead of playing the video game

Yourself and it’s like well not everybody has freaking $60 to spin on a video game okay and it’s really entertaining to watch people play games okay you can live vicariously through them it’s pretty fun actually and a lot of times I watch video games to know if

I want that video game or not and see how funny it is you know like I I watch videos is like a research tactic as well like I’m researching what video games are really funny and stuff to play if I ever want them in the future

And then also just cuz they’re fun to watch you know sue me but like despising people for making it for content is a little weird that’s a little weird but yeah I’m not I’m not making it for content for the money content I’m I’m making it for content for people to

Just have a laugh every day you know the same way people just record stupid little like Tik toks or like back in the day they would just record little Vines and stuff that’s why I post m kind of in like a clip format of like backtack funny clips because I know people just

Like to like a quick laugh you know a quick little laugh and if you want like a longer form of it you know you can go to my YouTube and watch the whole thing you know there’s always that option but I I don’t know I just I like it I don’t

I’ve always liked it my mom said even when I was a baby and they had like a camcorder and were recording me I would want to see myself in the reflection and I would cry if she didn’t flip the screen around so I could see myself like

I was obsessed with video cameras from like a baby like I she said I should have known you know she’s I like I should have known that you were going to do something with videos I should have known and then well here I am here we are let me make another

Shovel I don’t have any sticks I probably have some in here somewhere yep I knew it I always put them back I don’t know why like there’s some valuable thing that I could never lose all right put all this in there I’m actually going to put my helmet in there just

Cuz and then voila how much dirt do I have now 48 let’s go do some expanding all right I how you make my day all the time thank you I I know somewhere out there someday if you ever do join YouTube you’ll have people telling you the same

Thing cuz I I never expected anybody to tell me that quite honestly I never expected anybody to tell me I make their day better or I make you laugh every day like I never expected that because especially after nine years but just in general I never thought I was funny

Enough either I I’ve I still don’t I still don’t think I’m funny I I think all of this is somehow a big fluke like these people surely didn’t mean to subscribe to me these people surely didn’t mean to click on my life live stream they don’t even mean to be here

Right now they don’t even know why they are here um I still I still have all the same thoughts you guys have so it’s like it’s hard for me to give advice on stuff when I still feel that same way that you guys feel this is all still fresh to me

Too like I’m still very newly you know dealing with having subscribers for once it’s it’s still jarring and it’s still you know recent to me I forgot I had Moss I’m just slowly expanding so I can put trees and things everywhere and maybe build some more houses that’s my

Goal use a SL picture my IP to make stop motion eventually download stop motion doing little animations I love animating that’s something I’ve also always wanted to do um I’ve even tried to do it a few times I even you know for one Christmas I made like I asked for a drawing

Software like an animation software I I got tune Boom for my first animation software but I didn’t realize it was like a monthly subscription so I never used it again um but I I did try to learn it a little bit and it was like this is a lot more complicated than I

Ever thought it was going to be and I kind of gave up on it after a while uh but I I it’s still something I want to pursue someday and learn how to an anate and animate my own funny moments too someday because I think that’d be really

Cool but I think that’ll be a later a future me thing to do um than a rather than oh the Phantoms are going to come back well I’m going to mine till they do this is my life I really would like to get anything other than what I’ve been getting is

There like a goal I have here like do I have to like build up somewhere like I don’t really know what it wants from me the dogs are being fed upstairs if you hear barking that’s what that is my character’s getting really hungry now too I have the melon seeds but I don’t

Have any Waters I’m I’m a little confused defeat the Ender Dragon I room oh yeah that’ll go well that’ll go well on my little Sky Block Island this is my life now this is what I do this This is How I Live it’s like I

Am there I run now this is what I do if anyone knows the GTA video I’m talking about I am de I run now this is what I do every time I hear this is what I do in that way I hear my own voice you know how annoying that is

This is what I do like I just I can’t I can’t shake it I can’t get rid of it it’s there forever now that’s what happens nobody warns you but that’s what happens when you spend oops when you spend so long editing your own voice and hearing your own voice and editing your

Videos when you hear certain words your phrases you hear your own voice in your head because you’re just so used to hearing it echo in your mind I’ve had another child hello Junior the 6th all right excuse me here here you go junior junior no Junior you’re

Free to go junior junior go there you go all right all right but yeah I just whenever I hear certain phrases I hear my own voice oh hey oh we’ve made it to something different hold on making a new iron pickaxe don’t have any iron on me that

Burp was supposed to be the word ey by the way but it kind of got interrupted a little bit I apologize this other stuff that I’ve got not the sticks never the sticks why do I always think I have to get rid of the sticks always I’m always like yep

Those are valuable got to get rid of those can’t die when I got those sticks on me gold yay and eventually diamond and then I don’t really know what to do with myself after I get diamonds couldn’t really tell you love Rocky I love you too random

Citizen that’s how it feels that’s how it feels sometimes hey copper hey Redstone hey mud how you doing mud over complicated what does that mean hold on wait what obtain Redstone okay more Redstone I don’t know what I’m going to do without this Redstone I guess I’ll

Make myself a little piston door or something that’ll go well I need to catch up on reading the chat I’ve missed a few paragraphs hold on let me go inside so I don’t get mauled by Phantoms cuz that almost happened earlier when I was talking on got a tab over so I can

Scroll oh see and people say girls can’t play games with no context Bic I’m putting on which I kind of hate doing yeah that’s how I feel about like you can always tell too when people do that when it comes to making YouTube videos and that’s something a lot of

People struggle with I feel like as well I don’t know if you’re talking about doing YouTube videos or just like a facade around your dad about like you know playing you have to tone down the video thing with him um but when people people make videos

And stuff you can always tell when it’s not really them it’s like more of a character of themselves and I try really hard not to do that on my channel I try but sometimes it happens I think usually when it comes to improv stuff like uh like with Linda Myrtle and all

That but that’s that’s still just Another Part Of Me just you know me being characters you said the same thing to him about basketball and he got it’s like yeah why why do you watch people play basketball instead of going to play basketball that’s the same reason we

Watch people play games instead of playing them ourselves okay some people are better at games than us and we want to watch them be good okay and also just be funny too it’s more entertaining sometimes and some people like to watch people play games well they play the game like some people

Like to watch Minecraft videos while they play Minecraft because it’s like you’re playing with friends you know it’s like you have friends I’ve done that many times many many times you love making short videos when you were younger that’s how I was too me

And kayy also did that a lot um when we were 12 we we made a lot of like skits is what we called them um they weren’t the funniest but we had fun making them at least I got grow down now I’m here because I found you on Tik

Tok go person honestly I thought you were 100K YouTuber see I feel like a lot of people thought that because then they got to my channel and they were all like you’re really underrated and I’m like thank you like you guys all just show up like so many people were subscribed to

Me and it was like uh they joined and they were like you only have 500 subscribers I’m going to subscribe to you and I’m like thank you thank you for your patronage I appreciate it a lot of people thought that though a lot of people thought I had so many

Subscribers based on like I guess I think what gave people that assumption about me which is what my mom guessed was like this the quality of my content like the quality of my editing and my recordings and stuff like the my video quality seem like I would have so many

More subscribers but I’ve been doing this for nine years that’s kind of what gives you that idea because nine years of doing this I’m definitely going to have learned a thing or two about editing and about video making and stuff you should like a really cool fun

Person to be around I don’t know I I don’t know if I am I’ve just had you know people on the internet tell me that and and my family and friends have told me that so hard to say truthfully I I’d like to imagine I am fun to be

Around I do want to ask what do you use to record and what do you use to edit I record and stream I do both uh with OBS and I used avinci resolve for editing though for most of my YouTube career well the first editor I ever learned on

Was Camtasia studio um because you could get a free trial for it for 30 days so I was like I want to learn how how to edit so I need to find a free editor I can use and it was Camtasia Studio I don’t

Know if it still has a free trial or how good it is anymore these days it wasn’t really the best back in the day but it was good to learn on for me and then after Camtasia Studio I think in 2017 20 2016 maybe end of

2016 um for Christmas I got a an actual editor I got Sony movie studio suite and it came in a little case with a DVD in it to put in your computer to download the software on your computer and that was my main editor for many many years uh from 2016 to

2022 2021 is I think 2022 I think I swapped around the time you guys all showed up because I like I really need to up my editor my editor is not keeping up with me anymore like I surpassed my editor my editing software was not as good as I was anymore and I

Was like you know what da Vinci resolve let’s do it and then well here we are so I’m still kind of learning to Vinci resolve it’s a lot more complex than the one I was using before which is nice but I from a lot of my years back in the day

I used fraps to record Minecraft and audacity because that was what I had R available to me because OBS did not work very well on my my HP desktop non-gaming computer so I had to use fraps instead but the second I got my gaming computer

In 2021 I switched to using obs all the time that is what I’m currently streaming on right now um so that’s what I use I’ve been told filora is a pretty bad editor I’ve never used it is it I think it might is it a phone thing do

You edit on a phone because I also know my mom does that my mom uh edits videos on her phone and I think I’ve heard her talk about feora but I’m not sure if it is a phone editing software or not don’t forget about Nether right piston doors H yeah I don’t I’m

Not sure if I could do that when the floor below me is literally one block I don’t think I’m going to be able to do a piston door I don’t think that’s doable um also I would need slime for a sticky piston door and I don’t have slime still I’m

Just mining my business quite literally quite literally mining my business playing is too much effort I’m lazy exactly sometimes you just want to chill with a snack and watch somebody play the game themselves you know there is nothing wrong with that in my eyes it is so fun to watch and play

Video games video games or video games man whether you’re watching some I play it or you’re playing it I will say that might be the younger sibling in me that likes to watch people play video games because back in the day I was never good at them and my brother Matthew would

Never let me play them because I would always die and he would struggle watching me die repeatedly and finally be like just let me do it and then he’d played and he’d beat every game flawlessly and you know uh but what started me doing commentary on video games was actually watching my brother

Play because he would play and I would just commentate on everything he was doing and like give the other like people in the video game little silly voices just to add stuff to what he was already doing and make him laugh while he was playing and that transition to me

Now when I play video games I do that myself automatically like that’s just the way I play games now because of watching my brother play games sorry I took a Drink Break like I was supposed to do like two hours ago have you ever said I want to go home

While you’re at home yes all the time actually 247 I think I feel like that because I live in the basement um and if I’m ever up in my mom’s room which is like our house is a twostory house but technically like there’s three floors like it’s the basement the main floor

And the upstairs and I’ll be my mom’s room like I want to go home she’s like you are home I’m like I want to go to my cave then I want to go in the cave that’s what I call the basement so yeah I understand that’s

Exactly what I say my character is going to starve to death I feel like I’m getting that feeling like I’m going to starve to death any minute now either in real life or in the game who knows which will happen first place your PS now actually don’t I think gambling’s

Against the rules on YouTube I’m not exactly sure I know it is on TW btch so no betting is allowed okay it was all a joke I swear gambling is bad man that’s a lot of ores back there that’s a lot of ores back to back nine years holy moly yeah I’ve been

Been doing this for a long time and getting nowhere with it until this last recent year year nine was the year for eight years I was at I went from for eight years it went from Zero Subs to 500 or from to from zero to 600

Subs and then year nine it was like from a thousand to 6,000 like it was crazy it’s been crazy I’m too worried to ask my in life friends to help with my skape videos because it feels weird I understand I understand I know many people probably

Not think it’s weird but I guess it’s anxiety or something yeah see that was something I dealt with back in the day was Kaye and my mom my mom and Kaylee were the only only ones that I had that would make videos with me um Matthew might have made some with me sometimes

But he was more so about wanting to play the video game um and I was like you know I always had to like convince my mom and Kaye to make videos with me so don’t don’t do what I did you know it’s it’s it’s a good problem to have to be

Too afraid to ask than to be too demanding like I was and be like come on let’s make this video was going to be so funny like I I would pesture them all the time about making videos to the point where I just stopped asking them

If they wanted to make videos because it was like I was constantly getting rejected so I think that’s why I kind of have more of a fear of rejection from it because I I did get rejected a lot um or if they did make the video with me they

Would you know be like you’re being too bossy about it the whole time because you know I want to control it and cuz it’s like I had the video idea you know I had the idea for the video and I would be trying to make the video idea go the

Way it was in my head and it’s hard you know it’s like getting them to work like actors you know they’re not actors you know they’re not so it was it was really difficult um to get some of my skit ideas to come to life with them but you

Know we made some pretty good skits because of it but yeah I definitely did push them too much when it comes to making videos with me which I regret doing um because I it it took a lot of the fun out of some of the the videos we

Did because of how hard we kind of pushed ourselves to get it right instead of just kind of enjoying making the video so yeah there were there were some times you know where I took it too far trying to get the video to turn out

Properly um but you know it is what it is it is what it is that was just you know my 14 15 year old brain and like 17y old me was like we got to do this it has to be perfect it’s got to be exactly

The way I envisioned it in my brain um so yeah I didn’t like let them interject any other ideas but granted it was my idea to begin with so like why they went into it wouldn’t to change stuff already I have no idea cuz like I already had a

Vision man you can’t mess with my vision once I’ve already had the vision the vision’s there I can’t get rid of it you know the Villager try to climb my ladder again this goat is just flying everywhere I swear I thought I heard a witch and I got the crap scared out of

Me absolutely terrified me to my core for a second but yeah I I was never really worried about asking until I was toed like no a few times and I don’t know I I feel like I I was nervous to ask a few times like I went

Back and forth from being like I I need to ask them like I can’t get this video idea out of my brain to being like I’m not going to ask them you know it was a back and forth thing with me um but yeah the anxiety part though I

Fully understand unfortunately I fully understand I struggled with anxiety my whole life from the moment I was a child um so I understand completely I’ve always used humor um to cope with my anxiety and and characters to cope with my anxiety as a kid I used to uh make my

Hand uh like you know how people talk with puppets how they do the hand thing with the puppets you know um I called him pup as a child instead of puppet it was pup pup hold on let me type it on the screen this is very important you must you must

All know who pup is because me and my brother both did this actually it was this do the capital piece where is it at hold on there we go so instead of calling it a puppet as a kid I held my hand up with you know the

Way you make the mouth talk with your hand you know the way people do that like you know um but instead of calling him a puppet as a kid I called him him pup um and then that’s what his name was um and whenever I got nervous which was

All the time like at school I’d be talking to my teachers and I would talk through my hand while looking at my hand and like talking to them with it I would never look them in the eyes and talk to them I would just talk to them with my

Hand and my hand’s name was pup um and there was actually one time I was doing that where the teacher in front of my mother the teacher in front of my mother grabbed my hand in a death grip not really but like it that’s the way I

Imagine it in my mind when she tells me the story but she grabbed my hand really quickly and held it and looked at me in my eyes and said what did we talk about doing this in front of my mother and my mom was like if don’t ever put your

Hands on my child again like the ner of that teacher just to snatch my hand like that like she’s my mother you know like she gets to tell me what what we can and can’t do okay don’t grab pup up like that I was just trying to cope my my

Social anxiety man it wasn’t hurting nobody it was just my little character and still and then even after that I would uh after popup I would have stuffed animals and I would talk with my stuffed animals heads I would use my stuffed animals heads to talk for me

Because I was too scared to do it myself and they gave me the confidence I needed to talk to people um because I could imagine they were the ones talking to them and not me and surprise surprise surprise surprise look at them over there chatting away uh and surprise

Surprise I still do that to this day and make characters in video games like super panda on fortnite and like cartoon Rocky the character I am right now even though before this I had Ekko which guess what another character that burp sounded disgusting sorry about

That but but also what led to my name being Rocky was my Webkins Timberwolf which was the stuffed animal I used to talk to people to pretend I was Rocky to give me more confidence so I could actually avoid the social anxiety of it all and now ironically my name is Rocky

And I am Rocky and I am more confident in myself now and I can actually talk on videos without talking with my hand or with a stff animal anymore look at that that’s why if you look back on a lot of my videos from when I was 14 it was me

Talking to a camera with a stuffed animal because I was too nervous that’s my anxiety surprise surprise so yeah that’s that’s what I did even as a kid um because that was the only way I knew how to cope with anxiety uh and I I don’t know when I

Broke that habit I don’t really actually know when it completely got broken I don’t really know if it is still I don’t know if I ever broke the habit or if I’ve just gotten better about not doing it so often um I mean I don’t talk with

Pup anymore or Webkins anymore but like I do create a lot of characters on my channel and I think that’s why it’s like I’d rather be a character than be me sometimes because I don’t think I’m as cool or as interesting as a character would be um but then y’all came along

And told me how funny I am and how awesome I am and that made me realize yeah I don’t need to be a character anymore and that’s why I changed my name from wild world 62 to probably not Rocky CU it’s like I don’t need characters anymore I don’t need all these other

Things distracting from me I just need to be me and you know that’s who I am now so I have you guys to thank for that for a lot of me not doing that anymore where I’m just like using characters as a coping mechanism but now I just use

Humor as a coping mechanism with my anxiety which is lovely which is absolutely wonderful at least it makes people laugh though while I’m anxious that’s my only goal in life is to make you laugh literally I I’m not even joking about that in this life so

That is my only mission is to just make people laugh in life but that’s what I was sent here to do that’s why I was born was to spread joy to people and that’s that’s all I’m going to continue to do so I mean I guess my mission is being accomplished because everybody’s

Telling me how I make their day better so I I guess I’m doing that one person at a time one person at a time how much dirt do I have now 55 let’s go ahead and use that I’m getting have to make another chest man there’s probably room for some of

The stuff in my other chest that’s probably be stacking it like the clay the clay can be stacked you know like I have so much Redstone bro why do I have so much Redstone what do I even need it for okay I’m getting a lot of materials

But not a lot of like building blocks I think am going to have to start using stuff that is not moss and dirt if I want to expand even more because this is a slow process otherwise you know this is dangerous a phantom could just spawn

In at any moment and I’m holding 26 iron on me my Lord I’m so stupid there we go and I can’t forget my sticks cuz they’re so valuable I can’t lose them I have to keep putting them back inside the chest let me make another chest actually while I’m in

Here I need to make a double chest actually somewhere I can make a double chest outside of some CU my house is kind of small a little bit I can actually break my window loose again actually I can expand my house what am I talking about what am I even

Talking about right now I have so much wood what but so much wood like a lot I’m not going to take it all with I’m not going to take it all out there with me because then I might die and lose it all but I have so much wood like I take

A whole stack with me and I’m going to starve to death but at least I can make my house bigger so I can die peacefully actually let me continue to do this line at least and finish this at least no all right let’s finish this side and then we’ll expand my

House and make it bigger it’s a good way to make myself starve to death even faster okay let me read the chat real quick see what Y is talking about before I start building this extending my house as the military says hydrate or dehydrate I’m not exactly sure if the military says that

But I’m going to take your word for it ohly is what about cap cut is that good everybody I actually people ask and be like you use cap cut for your editing your videos don’t you and I was like I use DiVinci resolve actually I’ve never used capcut a day in

My life I don’t know anything about it I know it you can use it on Tik Tok stuff and do all that I’ve used templates on cap cut but I’ve never used it I’ve never made my own edits on cap cut I don’t know if it’s good or not but a lot

Of people seem to like it right now so oh wait fil MOA is that what you’re talking about there a computer program that’s 40 a year is that what you were talking about before I’m a little behind on the chat kind of want to gather some friends

And go to I’ve been exploring videos that I got to get time parential consent yeah see that’s the problem with making videos too back in the day is like you know you’re a kid still you know that’s the problem you have to get consent to

Go do stuff that you like if you have a a video idea you got to have your parents permission to go do it you know that’s it sucks even now though even me I still have to get my parents permission because you know I still live

With my parents and I don’t have a job or a car I’m basically still living as if I’m a child even though I’m not so gotta run everything by them still I still got a ton of video ideas but I don’t know how to record them I’m

Also worried about how people will be about my physical appearance see that’s a whole other worry that I also dealt with and still dealt with to this day making videos and like putting yourself out there like your physical appearance out there is the most scariest thing in

The world and I don’t think people give it enough credit like people that put themselves out there on the internet like this the way I have done for nine years and the way a lot of people do is such a brave thing and I don’t know how I did it I

Just explained to y’all my social anxiety and how I talked to people with my hand as a child because I was too socially awkward to talk to them any other way and somehow I’m making videos on the internet in front of thousands of people all the time and I don’t know how

I’m doing it like it’s a really Brave thing to do and I don’t know how I’m doing it because I’m not usually a brave person but I have for nine years now put myself out there like literally showed my face on the internet since I was a 14y old girl so it’s

Been I don’t even know like a struggle off and on putting myself out there it’s like it’s like you got to really prioritize do you want to make a really funny video and make people laugh or do you want to let your feelings about yourself hold you back

From what could be a really really like a video that makes somebody laugh so hard you know that could make their day so much better just from that one video like could change their entire day you know somebody could be having the worst day of their life and they stumble ACR

Across a video that you made and it could change their entire day you know that I mean that’s why I do what I do you know that’s why I do this oh I see it’s hand snatched and I know what point of the chat this was

At you grab pup strangle pup like the chicken jail for Teacher jail for teacher for a thousand years I just pictured me saying that as a 5-year-old you grab ppup you strangle pup like chicken jel for teer jel for tea for thousands of years like freaking 5-year-old kid you just look down like

I’m just going to go I’m just going to leave you with that I don’t know what child you raised but she is forever in my head yeah I don’t I don’t remember it but I’m just picturing fivey of me saying it now hey hello random person that said that probably like 10 minutes

Ago just STI are the most valuable I don’t know if they are but I keep saving them every time how are you hello I’m good I started this stream because I been having a rough few days and I just want to take my mind off everything and

Chill with you guys and talk and it’s been lovely it has been lovely I’m surprised no an are spawn I know I wonder if it’s because there’s not enough grass yet still but I’m it’s this map has been very weird I don’t know how I feel about this one block map there’s probably

Better ones out there I’ve been here the whole time it’s all I see I hate when villagers are annoying so all the time yeah I hate villagers in general too thing yeah I agree they’re always annoying literally 247 if they’re not pushing you and bumping you out the way and like opening

Closing your doors they’re just going H in the background for five years just despawn already man quit pacing outside my house it’s creepy I got one thing that allows a little freedom in them I got my car so I can actually go make these videos I already went to an abandoned Bridge just

Haven’t edited it yeah see that’s that was my problem too back in the day is I I never had a car and I didn’t have my license so I didn’t have much freedom I still don’t have much freedom I have a little bit of Freedom I’m allowed to

Like you know go places but they have to drive me there and that’s the problem that I run into is they don’t usually want to drive me places bro walk by like what are you talking about you think you’re talking about me me with Grandma I don’t think I’ve ever

Laugh that hard yeah so many people like I can’t tell if more people showed up from like the original Gang Beast video that went viral or the grandma one I can’t tell I think it’s like neck and neck both of them have quite a few

Amount of views on Tik Tok but gang be and general people freaking love the crap out of watch your videos when I was sick last month on my birthday oh I’m glad I was a able to be there for you on your birthday without even knowing

It should have should have wished you a happy birthday and you’ve been like oh my gosh how did you know there is actually a Minecraft video if you want to hear me sing you happy birthday there’s a Minecraft video from one of the Minecraft updates I believe

It’s the one of the cave and cliffs ones maybe the first part no maybe not I think it’s the one with the Axel lad and the goats um but one of them I sang Happy Birthday it was when they added the candles for birthday cakes or for the cakes so you

Can put them on the cake and I sang Happy Birthday in that one like happy birthday to whoever’s watching this and it’s their birthday happy birthday to whoever’s watching this and it’s their birthday like happy birthday to whoever you are happy birthday to you sorry I’m like a month late but you know

There you go one Diamond Double it or give it to the next person that’s all I see you know I H needed that now when I make that I see you in hell situation every time I see that now I just hear my own

Voice so I see you in H mtle I see you in hell your videos May me nearly laugh during the day the I laugh at videos at night when I’m tired never during the day so you work magic I’m a I’m a laging magical wizard I was about to say but

That’s a quote from one of my really old videos but I I am a wizard when it comes to laughter from what I’ve learned I’m getting Delirious now I just want to let you all know what time is it it’s 11:53 I am I woke up at 10:00 a.m.

Today I don’t know how I’m awake still the slap happiness has kicked in I will tell you um yeah I’m still on break just want to let you all know I just figured I’d hop on here and ENT entain you guys for a little bit tonight um because it’s

Been three weeks I think four weeks it’s been four weeks since my last video and I was like okay this is not acceptable okay I I’ll just I’ll just have another child this welcome Junior the 7th oh I’m so sorry Junior the 7th all right well he’ll he’ll simmer

Down shortly uh oh we’ve made to deep slate oh God this might be when the mobs start showing up what if a warden just spawned in I’d be like all right well it’s been a great stream I just disconnect is it ever going to give me food or anything is there something else

I’m supposed to be doing oh yeah I’m supposed to be expanding my house right I meant like am I supposed to be having an objective like is there like somewhere I have to go like I’m a little confused I was going to put more chests down right and expand me house excuse me

January the 7th oh you need Freedom right come here there you go there you go all right let’s expand this ha house shall we so that’s where it starts this time we’re actually going to put pillars on it now one two three four ouch one two three four okay and

Then we’re g to go this way about this far one two three four ouch and we’re gonna go here right about there yeah one two three four I forgot I couldn’t Sprint there was effort though I really put the effort into that jump you can’t say I didn’t all

Right I almost walked off the edge I’m too tired to be I’m too tired to be doing this right now but yet here we are still going I’m not gonna stop obviously all right it’s still lined up somehow I don’t know how I managed to do

That but this is still lined up somehow but I did it success oh crap all right now this ain’t going to be a perfect house by any means but it’s a house nonetheless I don’t know why I’m going real Southern here but it’s happening I I tell you I tell you what I

Tell you would yeah I’m getting tired yep that’s that’s that’s how you know the ex I will push you off the edge I will do it you’re making it really tempting right now I’m not GNA lie I didn’t try to do anything I I don’t even know what you’re talking about I

Don’t even know who you [Laughter] are didn’t do anything to you I swear the wind blew or something I know don’t know what to tell you oh man I don’t know how I’m supposed to get food but I’m getting so annoyed about not being able to

Sprint okay so you see I’ve still made the same mistake of building my house extremely close to you know the death Circle um I kind of want to push it back kind want to take bikini bottom and push it somewhere else I’m glad I amus myself I’m just

Laughing at my own joke my own SpongeBob quote has amused me oh see this is why you don’t build your floors out of moss this is why because you almost make yourself fall in a hole and lose all your crap you know how long it took me to mine all of this freaking

Wood like three hours you know all right I’m just going to shave this wall off to like move my door further away from the circle and then everything will be right as rain puns I need to sleep all right one two three four okay I

Cannot Sprint i g to die I’m going to die okay and then fill this in as well I need to move the chests but that’s a problem for future me okay then I guess I’ll put a door here for now just to be able to get inside hey the rain

Stopped all right all right a little window okay my nose itch you reading the chat again what did I miss what did I miss what did I say nearly I did laugh at this point might as well become my comfort YouTuber that I’ve had so

Many people say that to me and I have such a hard time believing that believing that I’m a comfort YouTuber that I’m a YouTuber in general quite honestly I still don’t refer to myself as a YouTuber I just say I make videos because that’s what I

Do this is I’m a dear that is what I do sorry it came back around you forget if it was the OG game be video but when the shark was draging Kaye and it cut to the SpongeBob clip I lost it yep that’s the that’s the first

Game beas video that went viral and the first one we did actually after like so many years me and Kelly played Gang Beast like a few times together back in the day we made one video of it together and then me and my mom also made a video

Of it when I first ever played it but that video was trash the first video me and my mom ever played of Gang Beast it was so laggy and unbearable to watch at least for me anyway so laggy but the one me and kayy did too it’s really funny

Still to me um but we played it like one time on a video but we played it a couple times off of video off of recording and then we haven’t played it since then and then finally in 2021 I think 2020 2021 2021 um because 2020 was

Co so they weren’t here um but in 2021 we played it again I think that’s actually when it updated and just recently added that map the tler the shark map it updated then um I had no idea till recently actually till like earlier today I learned but um

I uh we recorded that video in 2021 I think and I I believe I posted it like 2022 like early 2022 or something um yeah I posted it like early 2022 because the the uh cers video went viral in December and then I posted the gangus

One after that and that one went viral too um a year later after it had been recorded so yeah that one that’s a good one I like that first gang be video a lot I like all the G videos like I put a lot of work into editing gang videos so

They’re all my favorites I can’t narrow down my favorites I think I’d have to pick Myrtle and Linda though I’d have to I know you live in my time zone don’t talk about my time zone what your thoughts about the breeze the breeze mob I don’t know if I’ve kept

Up with an recent Minecraft updates yet I’m I I’m still have to edit the video I did I do have a Minecraft video that I have to edit that I’ve been wanting to edit of the um the update with the camel and the sniffers and all that I had I

Still have to post that um I still have two more hours left to edit on it so it’s taking me a little bit but there’s already another update coming out I believe they got announced or something or like it’s like coming in December or something I can’t remember um so I’m not

At all prepared for that yeah I have a lot of people um asking to play games with me suddenly when back back in the day that was pretty much all I ever wanted was people to play Minecraft with and people to play games with in general and now that

Me Kay ja could play games 24/7 together now I have so many people on the internet just being like you would seem like so much fun to play games with I want to play games with you um and it’s like at this point I can’t say yes to

Everybody because if I say yes to one person I’d have to say yes to everyone because everybody wants to play with me and there’s just no way to do that I had to have I would have to add so many people on like my PlayStation cuz I get

So many friend requests on there all the time and I would just be overwhelmed with people want to play with me which I know it’s like 6,000 subscribers you know it doesn’t sound like that many people like obviously not all of them would want to play with you a lot of

Them do like a lot like it given the chance you know like I’ve done GTA live streams been like I’m GNA play with fans and a lot more people show up to play with me on there than I ever expect and they always want to add me I’m like I

The reason I’m doing a private you know crew session is because I I don’t want to have to add everybody you know cuz I don’t want have to fill up my my inventory or my inventory I’m Minecraft is breaking my brain um I don’t want to

Have to fill out my friends list on my PlayStation you know and then every time me and Ken Jacob try to play a game privately to make a video or something people would be joining me in my session and it’s a whole thing you know it’s a

Lot more complicated than I ever thought it would be I never thought about the side of people wanting to play games with us you know I never thought about that part of going viral on Tik Tok or any of it I never thought about that that never that thought never even crossed my

Mind these villagers are creeping me out bro he’s really creeping me out I don’t know why they they stare so intently I don’t don’t really like it I have so many ores in this chest my goodness I have like almost every type except for diamonds that’s kind of mean oh and

Ancient Dey all right P that down no even the sticks the sticks are the most valuable thing in this chest I don’t know what you’re talking about all right but yeah I have I’ll have a lot of people asking to play against me and it always breaks my heart because it’s like

I don’t want to tell you guys no like I hate having to say no I don’t play games with other people you know I just I stick to playing games with Kaye and Jacob and that’s pretty much it like I play with Kay and Jacob and Matthew and

Elizabeth and that’s the people I play video games with and I do want to do more live streams and things where I play like Minecraft on the live stream with people and stuff but then people will expect me when I do play with them to talk to them with my voice and to

Include them in like videos or live streams and stuff and not everybody expects you know to be recorded and stuff and be on live streams when they’re talking to me on a game but you know it’s like a lot of people probably do want to me to put them in a video and

All that and I you know it’s like I got to think about these things and I know not everybody that asks to play a game with me wants to do that and wants me to put them in a video and that’s like they don’t have alterior motives like that

But I have to keep that you know into account but I do want to play games with a lot of you guys cuz I know it would be really fun and it has been fun playing games like on GTA and stuff and one day I will W up the courage to actually talk

To you guys on a call like on Discord like I’ll actually join a Discord you know call with some of you guys and like actually meet you voice to voice at some point in my life but that point probably won’t be anytime soon because I am just

Not prepared yet I’m still getting used to the fact that I have subscribers guys okay I’m still just warming myself up you know like everybody I feel like everybody because every everyone expected me to already have like a 100,000 subscribers they expect me to be used to this you know they’re like oh

Well they’ve been doing this for nine years they they’re surely you know used to all this you know attention nope this is all new to me all new territory right now like not at all prepared let me tell you what I am still freaking out all the

Time I I can’t help it I’m always freaking out about it every time the numbers go up on a Tik Tok I post or a video on YouTube I freak out every time just want to let y’all know whenever the whenever the Tik Tok hits like a hundred

Views in like an hour I’m like oh my God like I I tell you I can’t I’m not used to it still oh man catching up on the chat again M Carpet on dirt makes it look like a grass block yeah I’m aware but I just have a lot of

Moss actually just placed down from the mining I’ve been doing and it it’s terrifying because any one swing could just make me plummet right the tree will provide sustenance is all I see in form of apples that’s true you make a fine point I don’t think

I have any oak trees though aren’t oak trees the only one that drops apples at one point I did oh I forgot I moveed my door why am I coming over here like my door is still in there uh I need to get my door out of the

Chest not that one this all right I definitely need food yeah I’m I’m about to starve to death 100% Going to starve to death um okay I do have oak trees okay good good good good good maybe maybe that’s what I’m missing maybe I need more trees and grass to grow to get

Animals and stuff to spawn so I’m going to do that and I think I’m going to start having to build out with other stuff at this point like I have a lot of Cobble so I’m going to have to start using it and like antisite and diorite

And granite like what else am I going to use those for you know and I know I can’t plant trees on all them I should have been saving all my dirt I need to save my dirt for like planting trees on like Cobblestone and stuff um but before

I do do that let me finish my house and we’ll section this off again sir who said that you could come in here sir I’m going to make a fence outside my door so he can’t barge in like that anymore oh wa I need

Wood get out of my face and get out of my house oh wait yeah I’m making it right I’m making it right yeah all all right double protection here okay there we go it’s a little close to the door but that’s fine oh I need those building blocks

Right okay what that that’s mud I have a lot of mud too but I think that’s just going to make me slow down I need to plant these oak trees though this is going to get a little complicated okay trees yay yay ashplant a tree yay all right let me break down this

Tree and replace it with some oak trees I call myself a YouTuber I only got 76 Subs never really thought amount of Subs is what makes you a YouTuber just posting content yeah I never I just don’t like for me it was never about the subs either that made me feel like a

YouTuber I’ve just never never referred to myself as such like to me it was always like well to be referred to as a YouTuber it has to be like my job you know I have to be getting paid for it but I guess that’s not true either I

Think it’s just like making content you know you are it’s a thing you do it’s like a verb a YouTuber is a verb you know you’re posting on the on the internet you’re posting on YouTube then yeah you’re a YouTuber you know it just sounds weird to say for me still I don’t

Because I still kind of considered it to be like oh it’s because I’m getting paid for it so now now I’m a YouTuber I wasn’t before these eight years before this I wasn’t a YouTuber but now on year nine now I’m a YouTuber like that makes

Sense in my brain girl math as they say oh man oh I tabbed out of my game to scroll down and I forgot it freezes like that I think I’m at that point where I want people to play with right now yeah that’s I get that way all the time too

Is every time I play Minecraft is one of those games that is definitely more fun with people it like playing Minecraft with people is so much more entertaining and if you don’t have people to play with you just kind of play and just you know in your own little world quite literally and

Figuratively Foster syndrome at its worst yep okay about to fall sa TR to try to stay up yeah that’s me as well I know if I go to bed at like 12 or 11: I’ll I’ll wake up too early so I try to stay up till at

Least like 2 or 3:00 a.m. to be able to not wake up at 6:00 in the morning because I don’t need to wake up that early you know why am I waking up that early 10:00 a.m. is still too early for me honestly but that’s when I’m that’s

When my my body keeps being like okay wake up it’s time to wake up like no but sleep I don’t know what happened to the Phantoms but crap but they just left me alone man I think I just jinx myself though probably all right surely oh wait didn’t

Oh the Villager might I don’t know if this villager will trade me or not but a villager would where did he go would trade me bone meal for dirt I think will you trade me something for dirt dirt no you’ll trade me a magma block for iron that’s not

Helpful gold for a water bucket’s helpful though hold on don’t you go anywhere sir oh wait I forgot about that don’t you go anywhere sir in fact come on in if you want all right gold yes yes yes yes yes yes yes where’s my where’s my furnace where did I put my

Furnace furnace okay eight gold I think is what it was Sir come here sir get in here I want your water bucket sir I think the villagers that thing that have been annoying me the entire time is the key to my success that I’ve been ignoring still reading oh he’s in here

Now hello unless a new one spawned I don’t think they did you stay in here I went to Trad you your finest water bucket oh boy I think how much does he want eight yeah I got this guys I got it progress is being made I’d love to get like sand but I

Don’t know if you can get that on a one block world can you not like bro you need to stop I know I have gold in my hand but you got you got to calm down okay I don’t know why they got a nudge so closely to you like that quit pecking

Me bro here take oh wait what how do you oh yes water bucket acquired okay now now what do I do with it I know I should probably make a farm right um all I got to plant is these melon seeds but that sustenance sustenance baby you stay in

There okay now I know it’s going to just like plummet through the hole but I’m GNA do it anyway I’m GNA do it right here with this mosses okay I don’t have to make it a very big one I can just I probably shouldn’t have done it where the Moss was actually I

Should probably replace the Moss with dir I’m losing so much Moss now I could easily sink through that and die um I should probably put like a trapo on it or something but not going to do that right now here we go melons wait is it melons or pumpkins

Wait hold on if it’s melons it’s use oh I shouldn’t have broke it well you just grow nice and strong and we’ll figure out what you are later was it melons or pumpkins I swear it was melons but if it’s pumpkins it’s useless um but I swear it said melon seeds but I

Broke one like a stupid person so this is why you don’t play Minecraft when you’re sleepy this is why uh a trap door would a trap door get rid of the water I don’t want to risk getting rid of my water I’m just going to leave it

The way it is I don’t think it would but because it’s floating in the abyss I’m worried so I’m just going to leave it alone I’m just going to leave her alone what do you want sir you ain’t got no nothing can trade it’s worth trading you stay inide you’ll despawn eventually or

At least when you’re in there you won’t end up sinking in this hole out here all right let’s expend this side here so we can make sure these apples that inevitably drop surely won’t fall into the abyss I probably should make like a like a layer up or something so it’s like two

Blocks or something like I could build up one maybe at the Cobblestone area instead of just having one all flat area of land I could just like build up like this and then Bridge cross some more well then it wouldn’t be double though it would just be an elevated

Platform I don’t know what I’m thinking unless I did like like that I could do that it was a little more secure well crap never mind made it less secure I don’t I’m not going to waste that much cobblestone on that I was going to keep building I’m going to

Build just a slightly elevated area to signify that this is where the stone takes place and that’s the grasslands this is the Stoney Shores I’m making up everything I’m I’m doing right now I just want to let you all know I’m pulling this all out of thin air oh no I am so Tired yeah the villagers they despawn after a while even the ones that say one block like the ones that say you know visiting Traders obviously despawn but even the ones that don’t despawn which is a little sad can’t make my own little villager you know house situation oh

No spammed a little too fast there okay so that’ll be the Cobblestone region over there and then we’ll expand further this way with like moss and dirt I don’t know why I’ve decided to do that but I have okay everything’s in its place all right

I’m happy with it for now not really I mean this whole world’s going to be very halfhazard thrown together but like hey I started with one block okay and now I’ve got this whole like region to explore my trees I left them for two seconds and they just sprouted like that

I think they should be fine to not fall off the edge from here yes give me apples please I’m starving I beg it’s giving me sticks I’ll let them drop naturally yay the shadow realm said they needed him I think he’s gone yeah he’s gone I need to

Put windows in my house again it’s so dark in here I put one in the center can I put one here too wait that’s not the center wait a minute why do I always put my door slightly a jar like that I don’t know but I do that’s just what I

Do you know what it’s fine I’ll deal with it it’s fine it’s but it’s fine be able to see if my trees grow from here okay you I’ll break this with my fist it’s fine all right let me go ahead and put my hoe away actually need that wood to make me

Some more sticks all right and then I’m going to make another iron axe give nope that’s Moss you can’t make an axe with moss let me tell you that much if there’s one thing I know about Minecraft is that you can’t make an axe of moss and that’s because I am a Minecraft

Pro and I know these things I don’t even need that to be closed right now any apples anything there’s a lot of sticks the most valuable resource sticks I didn’t finish my roof what am I doing with my life what am I doing with my Minecraft life right now if I’m not even

Going to finish my roof I know I’m starving to death but I can at least finish my Minecraft roof come on now what am I a heathen all right I didn’t even put another pillar of logs there I need to do that you got to make it all even this is the most

Basic of basic Minecraft houses you’ve ever seen just like a flat roof and everything this is so I I swear I’m better at this than this is looking like okay I’m just I’m more focused on like Survival on a floating Sky Island then like looking pretty you know this is all

About living okay let’s get one thing straight here okay let’s replace this H can I get on the ladder replace this side with a log to make it even careful about digging straight down because that’s a death sentence waiting to happen I’m surprised I’ve only died once I’m going

To be honest cuz I’m pretty stupid I’m going to just elevate it slightly to make it look more like a roof no not there just elevate it ever so slightly and then I can put some Cobblestone stairs on it uh actually let me fill this

Into you just got to make make it look a little nicer you know everything’s off center and it’s driving me crazy and I just I got to make it look a little more nice okay just a little bit I don’t know if I have enough Cobble to build

Cobblestone stairs and have some Cobble left I might they make quite a bit don’t they yeah they make like four so I’ll make a couple let’s just hopefully that’s enough but I can make more if I must oh it’s getting night time oh come on

Okay fill this in I don’t know if this is enough stairs I don’t think it is it probably won’t be now but I’m GNA do it anyway h no definitely not enough just short of enough I’m going to make a crafting table for myself to

Carry on me I always do do that I always have a crafting table and a furnace on me but on here I just like I’m not going to do it for some reason I’m going to be very careful on this side because I feel scared oh still not enough I completely

Forgot I didn’t do this side well goodbye Cobblestone I’ll have more of you later my my roof is more important yay all right well get rid of that piece and this one over here I don’t think these dropped any apples which is quite unfortunate Apple sticks Apple nothing apple apple all

Right let’s plant more all right and move on about our day probably fit one right there oh hey more trees well I gotta go because apparently education is important and I gota do that tomorrow I understand so apparently education is important or whatever guess you got to know stuff or whatever in

Life I don’t know definitely coming back now that I know you live stream coming back more yeah I don’t live stream too often though I will say it’s it’s actually rare that you manage to catch a live stream of mine they happen sporadically and they’re never planned even I don’t

Ever know when I’m going to stream so that’s why I don’t ever tell anybody even I’m not aware they just happen sometimes you know actually do it too tall like that I don’t know why I just do to make it look fancy all right wh there we

Go guess I don’t need this part of the wall here it’s kind of sectioned off on its own already all right I guess I just leave this hole there and get rid of the ladders I apologize all right close that for now I worry about my my quote unquote windows

I should probably put like fences in them cuz if another uh what’s it called if more Phantoms show up I’m going to get slapped they’re going to fly in and just backhand me so I’m going to put some fences as Windows instead for now because I don’t want anything getting in

Here keep that crafting table on me all right I forgot about my gold smelting I can actually make some more torches now so I can make sure I don’t have Mo I can’t believe mobs haven’t spawned either like what do I have PE am I on Peaceful or something I should probably

Check that hold on wait hold on let me check if I’m on Peaceful because this doesn’t make I mean villagers are spawning so I’m not on Peaceful right because that would make a lot of sense difficulty is normal so yeah like look difficulty normal so I’m not exactly sure why stuff’s not spawning

But it’s just not oh my God that was dangerous you know what I just don’t want any moss in my house okay can I just make one thing clear um or mud because we all know how I feel about mud let’s just make it wood you know let’s just replace the floor

With wood I just don’t want moss in my house because look how easy that is to break man even with my fist it’s easy as crap I just don’t want that in here quite honestly okay I just I just I feel much safer now I’m going to replace actually

Some of this with wood anyway I know I’m wasting dirt but um there’s no shortage of dirt okay it’s fine it’s all okay it’s fine okay no one freak out everybody calm down no one freak out we’re fine I’m good I’m fine calm down guys for beat say calm down I’m

Fine guys calm down my goodness calm down I’m fine ignore the voice cracks I’m fine I feel safe don’t you we all I lost my door we all feel safe here it’s just safety over here oh wait that’s a little too far in crap no why would it be There okay well that’s a little too close to but it’s fine all right we all feel safe even though I’m starving to death right that means I’m extra safe okay another tree grew oh God yeah this is why I got the Torches this is why this is why I have the Torches hey

Look guys mobs are spawning look at that where’s my helmet me I don’t even I should make a shield what am I doing with my life completely forgot Shields existed quit honestly wait don’t I already have wood yeah I do get them logs off me for now all right okay now I’m

Safe I mean not really cuz I’m starving to death but I feel safe enough to take on the zombie oh hi sir ouch hiya ha okay we good any apples all right let me go ahead and light this area up yeah starving still and I can’t Sprint

But yeah me put some torches out here just really uh oh that sounds like it’s on my roof definitely no got to be even with the other side definitely sounds like it’s oh no above me yeah above me definitely sounds like that’s where it’s at I’m actually put a block here still

To make it easier are you on my roof you sure are that sure is where you’re at oh my God hi sir bye sir all right well he’s there now I’m like so scared of being slapped off the edge right now I’m not even going to lie I keep

Instinctively putting the sticks in the chest like I’m afraid to lose my sticks not my full iron armor and Toes but my sticks spawn in the same chunk as you and you are in one chunk yeah I just made my chunk two chunks I think cuz now they’re

Spawning and the spider didn’t seem to get the memo about not spawning in the same chunk because he just spawned on top of my house you s like you’re die and drink water bre you make a fine point that’s all you guys say it’s like you sound like you’re dying take a drink

Of water yeah you know there’s a spider trying to kill me but I’m just going to sit here and Si my juice what do you think you’re doing over there by my melons freaking spider maybe in the morning he’ll love me and he’ll be my pet and I’ll call him Herold

It’s not morning yet but I think Herold likes me he’s on my roof if had sever spawn on your chunk yeah see I I I I had the spider just not spawn there so but I I lit it up so I I think we I should probably light up my

Roof though I think if if Harolds taught me anything is that I should probably put some torches on my roof maybe might need to do that what if I make a like a moss carpet like rug situation that might be hi Harold that might be

Nice I don’t know how many I’m going to need probably GNA need more than that I mean what else am I going to use Moss for if not Moss carpets you know just just fill up the the entire floor you know just make a nice little circle pattern cuz that’s always pretty yes

Yes more more voila now it feels homy is it even I don’t know if it’s even one two one two one two three there’s the center and there’s the center yes all right what else can make this place feel homey I can make like a little table and chair situation somewhere or

Something just to add some liveliness to the place you know um what if I do like a cottage situation you know oh yeah give me these Spruce logs real quick you know what I want to save a couple of the logs just just a couple turn all those into that hold

On hold on bear with me I don’t know if this is going to look good or not betting probably not but okay so this is a chair here right and this is a chair there and this is supposed to be the table I think the chairs are a little far away maybe a

Little far but if they’re too close then they’re like right up on top of it you know and then this is like the little tablecloth like I wonder there to be room in between the table and the chairs but also it looks like it’s too far away

You know but I think it gets the idea across and then we need some signs an oak sign maybe I don’t know if an oak sign would look oh maybe a trapo o wait what about Spruce trap doors um but then my carpet oh but not the carpet well now it’s all

Ruined uh oh no what if I made like a little Nook situation hold on hold on we can save this we can save this interior design so like this is the table right right right then this is the chairs right and then this is like the table

CLA situation but then what about what about these you know what about and then right right right right does that work what if this table was more like in the corner maybe maybe in the Corner like not like they’re gathered around the table but like it’s like a little Reading area you know no wait wait wait okay okay hold on you got to see the full vision you got to you got to see the full vision voila it’s stupid isn’t

It it’s dumb isn’t it it’s it’s hideous this is it’s the worst thing I’ve ever built in my life this is atrocious oh my God it’s just I just Herold come look at my look come look at my stuff Harold Harold do you hate me oh you love me Harold oh

Herold oh my goodness Herold you’re the best you’re my only friend in this world you’re going to probably do you spawn but for right now you’re my only friend sup remember when you tried to kill me Herold remember that yeah you remember I know you remember good times

Good times let me go light up the roof you know for no reason you know I don’t you know it’s not about you Herold you know you’re welcome obviously but like I just want to make sure no other spiders come up and try to replace you Herold because you know there’s only

One okay there you are there’s only one Herold you know and you can’t you can’t replace Herold um so I I just want to make sure no other Herold show up um CU you know I love you all right he didn’t say it back but that’s fine you know I don’t expect him

To say it back um you know we did just meet but whatever whatever I didn’t get my torches oh God okay ladder I know how ladders work not really if Red Dead taught me anything is that I don’t know how ladders work if I’ve learned anything from Red

Dead it’s that it’s that I’ve learned nothing hey I don’t care if you’re G to fall off the edge I’m just warning you okay I care about your wellbeing here we go light up my little pillars and then we’ll put some like like that just because is that even one two I’m two

Okay there we go Harold you like what I’m done with the place do you approve Herold thank you appreciate it Harold you know how much I value your opinion yeah yeah you know Harold hey Harold how you doing oh wait you want to go you want to see the inside of that oh

You want to go see what I did yeah you want to go check it out for yourself yeah it’s pretty nice isn’t it it’s pretty it’s pretty bright right yeah he’s he’s going to go check out the rest of it obviously he’s he’s inspecting it for for himself obviously

You know that’s where he sleeps so he’s got to make sure that it’s up to code you know well you went faster Herold do you approve it of it or not like I I really just want to know your opinion I think he likes it I mean it’s

Sounds like it likes it I’m going to put more ladders over here as well because I want to make it easier for myself as well hi Herold I don’t need the bottom ladder when I have this wall Harold you’re scared me you’re a little close to the edge there

Harold I’m just saying I’m worried for your well-being okay yes I am I know I I know I I care too deeply sometimes but you’re the only friend I have on this entire Island okay I had so I had I had three kids right so

I had I had Junior right here’s my first um and then you see I had Junior II and Junior II was just came out of nowhere and scared the crap out of me um at first I didn’t know I had Junior II because Junior II I heard the firework

But I didn’t know that was Junior thei right and then Junior the thir showed up and Junior the first just disappeared and I I grieved a lot about Junior the 1 and then I realized oh I should probably build a better house for for junior thei

And and Junior the thir and then I built them a house and took forever getting them in the house and by the time they got in one of them disappeared and I I was really distraught because I had just saw him there moments ago and then Junior thei disappeared and then Junior

The third disappeared right after that and then I just built that whole house for nothing and now I live in that house and you see that’s the house you’re you’re standing on right now and you’re worrying me because you’re on the edge and I don’t want to lose you too Herold

I I’ve lost too much already Herold I don’t think I could handle any other losses you know and I really wish I had a name tag for you Herold because then then I would know you wouldn’t leave you know then I would trust that you’d be here forever you know oh hey a

Tree yeah I got I got it I see the tree Herold I see that tree too I’m going to this one yeah I’m going to this tree this one just showed up you know just is like asking me to cut it down he gets how it is he gets it you

Know Harold’s a dad of like eight children so like he he knows he knows the struggles you know his wife’s name was Charlotte and uh they got separated and she had a bunch of kids but you know he’s he’s the one he’s left with them you know he he

He he raised all of them you know by himself because Charlotte you know uh bless her Hearts passed away so like it’s been really rough for him Herold you’re on the roof again I know how much you yeah I know how much you love the roof you just keep concerning

Me when you just disappear like that I know I’m being like a helicopter parent okay I’m sorry you’re just the only friend I have Herold I know it’s sad Harold you don’t got to tell me it’s sad Harold I know it sad but if you leave I’ll be even more

Sad and you can’t sorry I have an axe in my hand I’m talking to you I’ll be even more sad if you leave Harold because then I’ll have no one to talk to I just being hurtful just to be hurtful wow do you see that bombastic side ey

Apple the bombastic side eye Apple give it to me oh my God sustenance sustenance get gave me one hunger bar but it sustenance nonetheless it helped me nonetheless hi Herold no I would never kill you and eat your spider eye that’s just disgusting that would actually hurt me more than it

Would help me Herold you have no idea how poisonous your eyeballs are I just want to let you know is anyone still watching this apple apple all right I feel better I can Sprint now but I’m not going to H Herod I really don’t want to punch

You on accident Herod because that would be freaking tragic I know I know oh and also don’t fall in that hole Herold I don’t know I think you might be too wide to do that but I don’t want to find out all right let’s plant my trees

Again I know Harold you like how clear and open this spacee is but I got got to eat okay I got to plant these trees because I have to get food okay it just has to be done it simply must I didn’t want to put my helmet

On okay another tree right there and I can feed wound oh you can plant trees on Moss I had no idea all right I can plant another wound right here all right well I ate some apples and I can run again which is lovely it’s just fantastic I know Herold he

Agrees he just gets me you know he just gets it he he gets the struggle you know all right well um what was I going to do I was going to keep expanding right right right right uh what do I want to do when I oh it’s getting night time again Harold

Harold are you going to hate me again when the Sun goes down you would never do that would you Herod Herod would never well he would never right he wouldn’t go vicious when the Sun sets what he no no no no no I would never think

Herold would ever do such things to me Herold loves me you know he’s the only friend I got on here right now so he would never from sustenance to sustenance what do you mean no one to talk to well y’ all been silent while I’ve been having this whole debacle with

Herold okay they went quiet dead silent man started dropping viewers when I start talking to Herold see herold’s my only friend now Herod you don’t hate me do you Herold I don’t really want to find out Herold I would like our friendship to remain intact um but you’re kind of like a

Werewolf right now and I feel like when this when the Moon Rises you’re G to charge me and I don’t want to hurt you Harold and I don’t want you to hurt me Harold oh no Harold Harold no Harold no we had something special Harold Harold no I thought we had something

Arold I thought he was my friend I thought he cared about me Harold I thought I thought you were different Harold are you okay Harold oh you’re still up there okay Herold I opened up to you about my children and we bonded Harold please Harold I’m on my knees okay I’m begging you

Herold okay he just likes my house you know he’s just he doesn’t hate me he just wants the house he’s just claimed the house for the night um I feel vulnerable out here but it’s lit up so I think it’s fine I’m gonna put another torch right there actually

But like it’s lit up so you know I think it’s as safe as it can be you know um Herold please Herold come on man come on I can just stay in the house for a little bit Herold come on like Herold no her please

Okay I’m just going to have to go back in my house and deal with Herold stalking me I guess now listen Herold listen I said listen okay listen you just stay up there and I’ll be in here and that’s fine you could have the roof and I’ll have the house all

Right I’m surprised Harold hasn’t despawned quite honestly I’ve been waiting but he’s still here he’s kicking he’s a fighter all right it’s 12:40 for you it’s 12:48 a.m. for me oh boy he’s just out there a screeching in my ear stirring his macaroni with his

Legs I should mind but Harold can get me when I’m in there I was probably put like a roof on it or something um to keep him from smacking me around cuz he’s real aggressive in that in that manner okay Herold I’m just going to pop out here real quick to put

A roof up for no particular reason I trust you wholeheartedly but I’m just going to put this roof here for my own sanity okay Herold not because of something you did I’m not doing any of this because of you it’s it’s it’s not you it’s me her please I hear you

Herod okay all right I am boxed in so if this block spawns like a monster it’s been nice knowing you all all right back to digging oh hey made to deep slate wonderful oh my gosh that deep slate Co and gold I’m surely I’m close to diamonds at this

Point like I’ve made it to deep Slade come on man you know that coal looks like I’ve made it to like a lot of stone stuff it has increased oh it looks like we’re getting towards amethyst and stuff too Emerald Redstone copper iron diamond just gave me one ore after another there my

Lord hey there hello it’s 12:50 it’s almost 1:00 a.m. dang I had no idea did I get that diamond I did okay diamonds I am rich exactly my sentiment exactly I’m rich obtain a diamond acquire diamonds those are the same thing I don’t know why I felt the need

To do both but it did but yay I got Diamond I got a diamond anyway progress you see it Herold are you proud of me he’s proud of me he’s yeah I know you’re proud of me Herold I know you are you don’t have to tell me I know you are

You don’t have to say I can just sense it you know we’re just close like that Herold I’m losing my mind Herold I’m losing my mind how many days have I been on this planet how long have I been here Herold diamonds doesn’t matter how long I’ve

Been here all that matters is I’m a rich Herold that’s all that matters all I know is block and break block that’s it this block is my life come on more diamonds man that’s Emerald but I’ll take it I don’t know what it’s good for may be trading with the Villagers later

Yay yes diamond about to get so many diamonds hopefully yes that’s what I like to see now we’re cooking with fire oh I think a villager just SP oh no put that back that villager’s G to get scared of Herold probably but it’s fine all right all right all right progress progress

Progress progress is being made slowly but Surly yes how many diamonds is that so far six wow I should make a diamond pick at this point because it’ll go by much faster yes oh yeah now we’re cooking fire from Indonesia wow welcome to the stream if you’re still here I don’t know

Took me a minute to read that in the chat because I’ve been mining I’m just breaking this block Gathering materials long I’ve been live for five hours or four hours man I did not intend on being live this long let me tell you this was not my intention I will say

Um I didn’t even know I was going to be live until like moments before I was live I was like you know what I’m going to go live and here I am and suddenly it’s been four hours but honestly this one block thing hasn’t gone too bad for me it’s been

Going quite well actually I need new shovel but other than that it’s going great try to make a do I dare make a diamond shovel I don’t think I get that greedy yet I’m gonna go make my way home oh the sun is rising her please okay oh

He’s over there he’s fine he’s on the roof he’s fine okay put these diamonds away so I don’t lose them hopefully just put some stuff not the sticks never the sticks why would it ever be the sticks another Apple I didn’t even realize yay okay I need a shovel right all

Right it’s for. am for you already wow put some wood there right and back to my it really feels like it already is 4:00 a.m. for me like that’s how tired I feel usually I feel this tired around like 4: to 6: a.m. but here lately I keep waking

Up at 10:00 a.m. and then getting exhausted by like 900 p.m. I’m like what is happening who am I right now why do I keep waking up early and I don’t know why I can’t stop usually I’m I’m like nocturnal and I go go to bed at like

Freaking uh 8:00 a.m. and wake up at 8:00 p.m. like that’s how bad my sleep schedule usually is and suddenly waking up at 10 in the morning don’t know why just Am yeah I mean the main reason I’m even live right now truthfully is I did just like genuinely miss you guys and just wanted to hang out out and talk while I live streamed because four weeks is a long time to not post a video I feel like for me anyway

These past like this past year honestly I’ve been kind of pretty consistent with posting like at least like once a month every so often or like twice a month maybe you know I’ve been I’ve been pretty consistent with posting this year which I’m really proud of like I I’ve

Posted a lot this year which compared to 2020 is not a big competition but 2020 I posted like I think like six videos seven videos and all of 2020 and then Flash Forward three more years later and here I am posting like I don’t even know

I can’t even count how many videos I posted this year I mean I probably can but it’s quite a bit it’s like in the 20s you know I’ve posted quite a few videos this year all of which did really well and you guys really liked like that’s amazing you guys are freaking

Amazing I don’t know if I deserve all the support you guys show me 24/7 but even when I live stream at random hours of the day y’all always show up even when I tell you not to and say you didn’t see anything you guys always see

It like I want to replace all the stuff around me instead of with like grass I want to replace it with something else like maybe deep slate replace it with deep slate it’s more sturdy less likely to accidentally break a piece and die yeah like that

Boy I am getting really tired now I know about you guys by ready to go is stream about ready to do oh another villager actually I should probably go see what my villagers want to trade because I they might help me you know oh my goodness wait I haven’t heard him in

A minute Harold oh Harold you’re still here oh my God wait are you gon to kill me because it’s raining I no you like me still oh my God no you don’t no you don’t okay he hates me nope no he hates me nope he despises

Me hates my guts okay good to know Herold good to know you freaking loser are you even heral or did Herold despawn and you just like spawned in I can’t even tell you’re just so you’re just switching up on me so much I can’t even tell if you’re Herold anymore I

Thought we had something Herold and then you took three of my hearts you hurt me Herold you hurt me all right well you just going to Camp outside my house like that Herold all all right he was just like yeah can I just put like a door like right here I really

Just want to put a door there to have like a back door situation you know actually wait the Villager can get in my house now that’s not what you want I need to put a gate on that better plop a gate down there better do

That no don’t you do it I hear his footsteps coming no that’s what I meant to put that at there we go all right where’s Herold at the villagers over here he’s looking at Harold like get down from there even the villagers like hello I think I only have the one

Villager right now right yeah you know it’s really weird that like zombies are the only ones that attack villagers like you think all the mobs in the game would attack villagers cuz they’re also people like we are and yet they don’t care only zombies care about villagers oh my God ender eyes maybe

That person was right about fighting the Ender Dragon okay how would I even do that I got the gold for him hey wait come back hey E Yeah I want those ender eyes but herold’s kind of stalking me hey you yeah you I guess should I trade for these I

Guess I don’t even have bones for that I can get slime balls and make some piston doors like I talked about more melon seeds for dirt I guess I could do that one yeah I’m gonna do that one and then I’m also going to do this

One I don’t know why I got ender eyes but I got them um I don’t know I know why I need them but I got them so there’s that I’ll probably do something with those eventually I don’t know couldn’t tell you but maybe someday I don’t

Know plop those in there did it stop rainning no got more melon seeds to plant but Harold is camping my melon seeds how come you like freaking Junior the eth but you don’t like me oh no here not Junior e he’s Bob the thir or like Bob the fourth or whatever I’ve lost

Track now but they’re buddy buddy all of a sudden and I’m just being excluded which is kind of rude do I have room to put these in here too I probably have room to fit some of this stuff yeah like this stacking a lot so yeah there we go all right

Well hello why are you guys so creepy like yeah I don’t know if Harold comes along and smacks me right now I’m gonna be mad what did I just say Herold Herold what did I just say is the sun setting again yeah you’re not allowed in here no

No guess allowed there’s no way the Sun is setting a second time oh my God it’s like it stays night like the entire time it feels like it’s terrifying I got 15 diamonds bro gu I’m going make me some Diamond TOS where my sticks I keep shoving them

In this chest like they’re important like I don’t need them on me all right diamond axe and a diamond shovel I feel I take precedence and then maybe a diamond chest plate how much did I have left after that three so a diamond chest plate and a diamond sword

Then or should I save it for an enchanting table I could save it for an enchanting table if they ever offer me obsidan um I don’t know why I made a diamond chest plate like I might not just get pushed off the edge and lose it but look I’m

Shiny I just wanted to feel special okay I just wanted to feel cool all right well still don’t have food I got rotten flesh I have no source of food other than my melons that are taking five years oh hey I got a melon never mind I

I take my sarcastic comment back let me plant my other melons and hopefully avoid dying to Harold excuse me Harold I have melons to plant all right and a melon to break melon ah my first meal aside from the apples that I panicky ate my food is full again thank

God I feel less afraid of Herold now I still refuse to hit Herold but I I I I will leave him be um I will not kill him you know he’s still Herald you know he might try to kill me but like we B bonded you

Know I’ll leave him here as long as humanly possible man I’m surprised honestly how long he’s been there I think it’s CU I’m still in the same chunk as himem he’s just never going to leave um which is actually quite nice to be honest and I know he goes back and forth

Between hating me and loving me or not loving me but like tolerating me you know but it’s fine just trying to collect the food that I can man all these saplings is it becoming daytime right now I can’t tell hi Harold I’m just gonna oh wait you’re not

Harold wait a minute are there two spiders right now oh you are Herald I think oh hello I swear I heard a spider sound from a whole other area but I think it was just Herold all right excuse me Herold please don’t I said please I know you’re a man of respect if

I ask nicely you won’t I’m sure I’m positive of it actually I want to put a door here but maybe I’ll just put a gate instead maybe I should just be using gates in general instead of doors because doors just clearly I don’t clearly I just ra would rather need the gate you

Know all right I got my sticks on me already okay no not that one okay y it is night time again wonderful crap okay so there’s that surely this will give me dirt at some point right me mud yay dirt there we go safety all right though I am probably going to end

This stream here shortly just going to get a couple more diamond and stuff oh my God oh my God so like you’re got to get a couple more diamonds diamonds back to back man everything is much more efficient with these diamond tools I tell you what even though it’s deep sled you

Know diamonds more iron I’ll always take that boy mindlessly breaking the same blocks over and over again how many diamonds did I got I got five immediately after doing this look how full my inventory gets whenever I do this I keep like empty my inventory every five

Seconds is that villager in my house right now or is he just somehow oh wait apples okay Harold I’ll go around terald in fine freaking okay Harold okay Harold listen this is going to be an every night thing Harold because this is going to get owed really fast Harold Harold come

On well now I gotta eat my only food again because I have no Sprint excuse me who said that you could come in here sir yeah well now you can’t get out so sucks to be you he go he’s just so annoyed so flabbergasted now he’s annoyed never mind now there’s annoyance yep

Okay logs out of here all right back to what I was doing oh boy how long have I been live again man where’s your stream clock when you need them all right four hours I think is that yeah four hours and 46 minutes wow a lot it feels like I’ve been streaming

A lot longer than that honestly like we’ve been on this world for what it feels like forever ever and haven’t made that much progress but I mean I’ve made it all the way to Diamond stuff so that’s pretty good um but like my Island hasn’t progressed very much but you know

I’m getting resources you know and what else can I do I mean going from like one block to all this is pretty awesome it’s pretty cool I can see how people like doing this cuz like you just get to see how big you can build up your your little

Island base from one block just breaking this block over and over again to see what they give you it’s pretty addicting to see whatever’s going to pop up next you know whatever item shows up next it’s just Wallace and Billy all over again there ho me and Herold over here the Spider speaking of Harold got quiet Harold did Herold finally Herold oh my God Herold finally despawned I think oh my God Herold finally left kind of sad now I know he kept trying to kill me at the end there but but he was my only friend all I got left is this stupid

Villager that broke into my house now like I don’t want freaking Bob the 9th I want Herold back get out he like well I never I miss Herold now I want fan art of me and Herold together and him trying to kill me be me being like Oh Herold like

That’s just something he does all the time just being so chill with him and he’s just literally trying to murder me like just a freaking spider welding a knife and just like chasing me down and I’m like Herold oh you he thinks he hates me and wants me dead but he secretly loves

Me we had a whole bonding experience you know somebody just draw me and Harold talking to each other on the roof and him just holding a knife behind his back the whole time I’m opening up to him on the roof and then he just finally dipped at

Least I mean I never killed him at least unless he accidentally fell off the roof and died and like fell down but I think he just despawned I’m I’m going to go with the fact that he might have just despawned because he was here for so

Long but granted I I think he just stayed for so long because I was in the same chunk as him so maybe he did die it’s possible oh another villager spawned in Bob the ninth looks like you got a friend uh up are you Bob the nth or are

You somebody else I think you’re Bob the 10th I don’t know where Bob the nth went I guess he got replaced by you maybe ouch yeah looks like I just summoned a different one then all right what do you got all right amethyst yard all right well not the greatest I want them

Glowberries though wait that’s not glow bears oh the string might do me good though can I get some string too thank you good sir rotten flesh for Cobblestone where would I ever get cobblestone I can’t even get rotten flesh like that’s the more rare thing at this

Point all right well I got glowberries and string um I want to put some of these glow oh glowberries are food I need to plant some of these put some in the corner of my house cuz quite literally I can eat these right oh my God sustenance I just planted

Them well that’s where they’re staying now because I don’t want to waste a piece of food I just realized though I can trade a bunch of iron for more if I have more uh I don’t know if I have that much more iron on me right now that I don’t have already smelted

Anyway um oh yeah I do I have a lot I just haven’t smelted any of it all right but I think that’s definitely the way I’m supposed to get food out of this is like villagers obviously have a lot to offer that I’m not taking advantage of I just kind of keep

Treating them like my children and then letting them dis disappear before my eyes can you get down from here sir yes he said no all right and if I unlock their other trades I wonder if they have more stuff if I trade with them enough maybe J is that jungle oh my

God wait is he like changing his trades or something I just don’t have enough dirt anymore right want to level them up but I don’t have much to level them up with all right smel all my iron to get more glowberries some in the corners there I want to eat this

One all right they don’t fill you up a lot but it’s a sustenance nonetheless hello hello I’ve been live for four hours and everything you see before you I’ve gotten from one block so I’ve been mining this one block in here I’m actually going to make a little door right here I

Think maybe I don’t really want to make a door there I like having my back up against the wall yeah I put a door on this side oh my God I almost walked through there I was like a step away from dying just then all right and another

Gate so yeah I like it’s been mining this block for so many years four hours well yeah it’s been a little bit I didn’t plan on streaming this long quite honestly I plan on streaming maybe like two hours and before I knew it the time just flew did

I lose that diamond I think I lost that diamond the time just flew by really quickly just mining the block and talking to people just want to come by and say hello you got to go yeah it’s really late for a lot of people right now

So I also myself am going to go to bed soon because I am getting very sleepy quite sleepy I it’s probably driving you all crazy that I’m just doing all this with a pickaxe right now but it’s because I was getting a drink okay it’s making me realize though I

Proba pretty much only need to switch my pickaxe when it’s wood that’s what I was about to say oh everything else gets mined pretty quickly with a diamond pickaxe there probably only be mining at night time it gives me a lot more diamonds than I thought it would yeah those thanks for the

Demonstration all right well my melons grow pretty slow hi sir I need to make sure I trade with him before he leaves I want to get as many of them glow bear that I can get all right well that one’s maxed out I think I just traded most of my iron

Well a lot of it anyway give me them jungles happens I think I just leveled up his next trade I don’t know if we changes to another trade or what but I’m taking all his worth at this point oh he does everything’s just put everything on

Sale really that doesn’t help me now or I just spent all my crap I don’t care if you’re on sale now H he said huh guess I can get some Amo do I wanted do oh oh my God you wizard you freaking mad man like he just teleported over there you did

Okay glowberries got 15 of them things so there’s one there I can break that one now I don’t I don’t need it all right where should I plant my glowberries cuz I need like a glow Berry Farm you know sorry should I just like make a little slab thing here

Can they grow on slabs that’s a better question I don’t know if they can they can figured it out all right on the side of my house here I’m just going to Glow I’m just going to Glow a bunch of grow berries I almost said there I break the Torches against

My better judgment but I gota you know it’s got to be done I know they’ll eventually grow in front of the window but that’s fine all right progress just working on getting steady sources of food going is proving difficult when no animals are spawning maybe it is because I need to expand my

Island more I’m not exactly sure probably well I got to because it is late goodbye goodbye hope you have a good rest of your night all right Apple just living off of apples melons and glowberries this is tragic should I PL some jungle trees somewhere cuz I’m never going to chop

Them down but it’ be a lovely little like second house to live in that might be nice sometime uh where are my saplings did I get any Oak saplings from any of that tell me I didn’t get any Oak saplings that what you’re telling me you feel free to

Leave by that I mean get out you’re unwelcome not a pleasure doing business with you put the rest of the saplings in there just these for now all right I guess I’ll make myself a diamond sword now just to make it even even you know and I always want to save two

Diamonds because I want to make sure I’m might have enough for an enchanting table if if I can ever get one I don’t have any sugar cane but just in case you know then the rest of these maybe I’ll make some diamond leggings plop no plop oh I can make diamond boots

Or Diamond Helmet I’ll make a diamond helmet all right now I can put these away put these p get rid of those plants put that diamond in there with the rest of them all right not good a lot of progress honestly I mean I know I have no food or anything still

But progress is progress you know Apple just plant trees wherever I can at this point the more the mar all right I’m just going to plant them everywhere I mean I know some of them are probably really close to each other but that’s fine that’s okay Apple plant them everywhere you know no

Space will be unoccupied by a sapling and that’s fine all right Sun’s going down again man apples definitely are a better source of food than the melons but they’re just so uncommon you know I should probably like change this from dirt because that’s just very hideous looking you

Know it’s just very unappealing to the eyes you agree Bob the 10th or whatever your name is I’ve lost track at this point there’s been so many Bobs not very many more Juniors that have showed up sadly all right that in there can’t it’s

Full what did I want string for a bow I think don’t know why I need one did I make it backwards again I did I did it the reverse again string is what’s straight I was getting confused all right I can’t put that

One well I got a bow I don’t know why I need one I don’t have any arrows but I have a bow you know when you need it you need it if I ever if I boy if I had arrows i’ i’ you know i’ get you real good but

Alas I do not I really feel the urge cuz you know how you see that blue Highlight on me and like the blue on my hoodie I really feel the urge to make it exactly match Diamond because then if I ever wore iron and diamond armor I would

Completely blend in with it still you know I might do that that might be a thing that I do because I just want to I just want the blue on me to perfectly match the blue of the diamond armor I just want that to happen I guess he disagrees with that

Plan then fine what the heck hit him is there a zombie out there what the heck was that excuse me are we going to war right now or did you just fall off the roof it seems like you might have just fallen off the roof cuz you’re stupid it’s what it seems like

I heard you take damage but I I I don’t hear any zombie noises or anything so I’m just assuming that that’s what happened I also want to put them ladders back on this side of where are my ladders I’m blind yes there they are

Okay why do I have a sapling get out of here all right I’m going to put these ladders like here because have to get on my roof because it’s like my only High Point Advantage you know hey a melon I know Bob the 10th can you believe a melon

Spawned I can’t believe it so I obviously you can’t believe it either well I overreacted to Bob falling off the roof so I guess I’ll take that off then all right melon wait Melon dropped me six that time dang you know if you could trade me some bone me at any point or even bones that’d be great do you want Melon No you don’t want the melon my melon I’m melon on that note I think I’m going to

End this live stream because we just hit the five hour mark five minutes ago so oh boy what a stream it just turned 1:30 in the morning exactly so I’m level 25 on here dang all right well uh I might come back to this world I I actually quite have

Enjoyed my time here um mining this one block of mine repeatedly hey look diamonds I’ve actually quite enjoyed it um and I’ve also I’ve expanded my area a little bit you know it’s been tedious it’s actually been a lot slower to get um they really do try to climb the

Ladders they try it’s been a lot slower to get dirt and like materials to build out with than I thought it would um if I would have been building out with all the materials and blocks I was getting I probably would have expanded it a lot further and there’d be like mud areas

And like stuff everywhere uh mud Moss grass you know all the stuff and then like Cobble and all that everywhere but I I wasn’t doing that I was mostly trying to use just moss and grass so it took me a lot longer to expand but you

Know I’m okay with my little My Little Island area here I think it’s coming along nicely and I would like to continue this world to see just how big I can expand based off of the one block that I had I think that’d be pretty cool to see at some

Point um but nonetheless yes I had fun talking to you guys and just chilling and playing some Minecraft and laughing together about freaking junor disappearing every five seconds and all that stuff I mean take off me armor um but yeah I just had a fun time

You know hanging out with you guys uh and talking about stuff like you know YouTube and just giving you guys an update about you know how what I’ve been doing what my plan is for the next couple videos and you know talking about how me and Jacob met and all that before

And you know plummeting through that block of mud in the beginning that we are never going to bring up okay and it’s not going to be referred to as pulling a rocky just want to remind everyone that a second time now that’s not GNA be a

Thing um but yeah I just I don’t know I I felt like you know I wanted to talk to you guys like I I wanted want to talk to y’all but I didn’t want to make a video to talk to y’all I wanted to currently

In the moment talk to you guys and hang out because it’s been like a a little bit I don’t remember when the last live stream was but the last video was four weeks ago um but the last live stream was when I actually hung out and talk to

You guys and it just feels like it’s been a minute and I missed you guys and I wanted to talk so I just even though I’m supposed to be on break still and I’m supposed to be taking it easy so I can like come back raring and ready to go because you know

I’ve been kind of drained and like burning myself out a little bit so I’m trying to take it slow um but I keep being like but I really need to come back because it’s been so long and I pressure myself to come back quicker than I’m actually prepared for and I

Just was like you know what I’m just going to do what I know how to do best and it’s to just chill and play some Minecraft and talk cuz whenever I wanted to give an update in the past I would just open up a random Minecraft world

And talk and then somebody brought up on my Discord server um brought up me trying out one block and I was like you know I have always wanted to do that so I’ll do that while I talk and here we are five hours later

So guess it went well and I do plan on coming back to this at some point I don’t know when same thing with my hardcore world that I streamed forever ago a few months ago I do plan on going back to that world but um it’s it’s it’s

Been a little bit busy with you know the holidays and like you know I took a whole break to edit in um September like all the bur months have been kind of crazy I took a whole I took all of September off and then I recorded a lot

Of Halloween stuff in October and then just when I thought okay I’m gonna go well goodbye Bob the 10th he I literally watched that man disappear appear in front of my eyes anyway um just saw a puff of smoke um I I took all of September off and then October I

Recorded a bunch of Halloween stuff and I that was supposed to be like after that I supposed to go on another break so I could you know I could take a whole break for November and then come back in December again like I did with September

And October and then it supposed to go back and forth like that like I’m supposed to do stuff for a month and then take a break for a month and well that didn’t happen because fort I updated every week this month and I just could not pull myself away from it so

I’ve just been recording this entire month again so I recorded a lot a lot in October and then a lot in November and now here I am nearing December regretting my actions because now I’m like I’m have so much like Halloween stuff to post and it’s all G to go up in

December but then I’m like you guys don’t care like last year around this time almost exactly to the day like SE uh November 29th when this happened um I posted hold on big yawn okay I posted the uh Halloween GTA Cerberus video on November 29th last year and you

Guys didn’t seem to care because then it went viral in December so that’s why I’m like you know what they don’t care if I posted in December the only one who cares is me I’m the only one who has a problem with it I just need to get over

That problem because it’s not really a problem at all because people just want to see the video you know and they don’t want you to postpone it because it’s you know going up late and it’s going up like in a whole other month and all that they would rather you just post it

Because they just want to see it so um yeah I’m just having to deal with you know the conflicting like I don’t want to post Halloween stuff in December I want to post Christmas stuff in December and you know I gotta I got to get past

That um so I can just get stuff out there for you guys guys in general and I just I want to make you guys smile with my videos and I want I want I do am I like I am feeling the urge to want to

Edit again and stuff uh I started to a little bit today but then I just couldn’t get into it completely because I just felt like talking and I just wanted to give an update and I just wanted to talk and I didn’t really give an update in this live stream I I kind

Of did a little bit but I just mostly wanted to talk to you guys and hang out because you know we haven’t talked and and the holidays happening I just want to chill with you guys and Minecraft has always been my favorite way to do that

So I hope you guys enjoyed this live stream um and I also wanted to give you guys an update on the fact that I am indeed finally after nine years now I am monetized or I am in the process of trying to get monetized on YouTube um I

Am I am working on it I’m working on getting monetized and I will let you guys know uh I’m I’m in the process of being reviewed to see if I’m allowed um to be monetized on here so I will let you guys know uh either on Discord and the

Discord server which I believe is in the description I think should be at the top I’m not sure um or on sorry very tired or on the community tab I’ll let you guys know if we’re you know if it’s to celebrate because I’m finally getting monetized for all my hard work I

Guess well left for a while what did I miss um pretty much everything because I’m about to end the stream it’s been five hours so um this is my house that I built it’s not a great house I oh sweet Mother of God well at least you didn’t miss that

Cuz oh my God why is it so so unbelievably tall like I it alone the fact that it’s a big Oak is obviously like oh my goodness but it’s so freakishly tall I don’t have the heart to cut that one down he gets to stay

Forever oh my God it’s like the tree was like what did I miss and just sprouted up in front of us like that my Lord I was like try to give you an overview of everything I’ve done which is basically nothing I mean I got a bunch of diamond

Stuff um I got all diamond tools now and I got some diamond armor minus boots um and then I expanded a little bit but not a lot this is going to be the Stony Shores region and then over here’s like the grass and stuff hey another pumpkin

Or Melon sorry I can tell the difference um oh my God that hole is terrifying that’s a lot of melons but yeah and then obviously uh over here I’ve made it to the Deep SL section where you can get diamonds and stuff so that’s pretty

Neat um and then I I made somewhat of a little house um I fenced it off because of all the villagers breaking in uh this is my little my little cozy Nook that I’m still not sure how I feel about it I think it’s okay

Um no no one told me it was uh ugly but no one told me it was good either so darn I missed too much he this the live stream replay will be up later anyway so you’re fine if you want to watch the replay it’ll be there um it

Was a pretty good stream though it was a pretty good stream um but now I’m I’m getting really tired now I keep yawning every five seconds and just saying the word yawn made me want to yawn I’m so sick of yawning that’s the main reason I’m ending the stream is so

I can go to sleep so I can stop yawning um but yeah otherwise I’d probably just keep going but you know um but yeah uh I’m just I just want to give you guys an update on what’s been going on with me and why I haven’t been posting much and what I’ve

Been doing um just because I know it I don’t normally go this long without giving an update I kind of just like disappeared for a little bit and was completely silent and said nothing for a while and just kept telling you guys guys I’ll be back soon I’ll be back soon

Like every five minutes um but I I never actually told you what I was doing and why I’d be back soon so mostly I was going to take a break because of holidays like I was going to take a break for the holidays but and by holidays I mean Thanksgiving but that’s

Not really what happened and now I’m just kind of I’m just like still stressed from everything I’m I’m still stressed from the holidays still stressed from Thanksgiving and then I’m also stressed because I have a lot of videos to edit and I’m just honestly just trying to take time for myself

Um but then I also still have that thing in back of my mind that still wants to edit and post like I want to take a break but also I still want to edit and post so it’s like I’m torn I’m like right in the middle you know um but it’s

Like a part of my my brain wants to take a break but it also doesn’t at the same time and that’s what leted me to be live streaming right now CU it’s like well you know what let’s go in the middle you know let’s not take a complete break but

Let’s just talk to them for a little bit nothing can go wrong if you just talk to them for a little bit five hours later so yeah here we are I didn’t plan on I plan on like hopping on here and just chatting and giving you guys an update while playing

Minecraft and then I got so engulfed in the one block that I just kept going and well here we are um wait aren’t these hot Keys like for just me talking is there any for that well those are all different why is there just an elbow

Poking out I guess that’s all y’all get is just my elbow over there I don’t even know what oh is it a gif oh my God it’s a gif you see my head poke out for a brief moment um I’m not exactly sure which one that is it might be me being

Disappointed or something I’m not sure now I got to know which one that is where is it at it is me being disappointed so that’s how I feel though just me talking I’m not disappointed I’m just sleepy so it just looks like I’m talking but I’m tired so

Anyway um I hope you guys enjoyed this live stream and uh they’re always impr prompt too these live streams I never like let anyone know you know I just kind of go and do the live stream um and then those are always the ones that last

For like five hours of me talking um because people just happen to show up so thank you for showing up I appreciate it every single time um and yeah I can’t I can’t wait for you guys to see the videos I’ve got because because there’s

A lot of them um not that one nope it’s nine there we go um none of these are chatting would it be like this no that’s singing nope nope nope nope NOP nope nope nope it’ll be one of these buttons eventually right not that one I don’t think I have

A talking one just talking set I have made look down all right well oh boy I just you know I wish you guys I I can’t wait for you guys to see the stuff you know the videos um I think that’s what really pushes me the most to

Want to edit even though I’m supposed to be taking a break is because it’s like well they got to see these it’s just so funny and that’s what pushes me to keep going and editing because you know if I enjoy it that much and I think it’s that

Funny I know you guys will too and then usually guys do every time I think a video is really funny and I think it’s going to you know you guys are going to like it a lot it it does really well and you guys do enjoy it a lot last time I

Thought that it was the the gang beas Grandma fight video I was like oh this one’s so funny people are going to freaking love this one you know and then I posted that one and it went viral again and I was like yep that was right

So I have a lot of videos like that where I’m just like I just know people are going to love this video and it’s going to be so funny and I can’t wait to post it but I keep having to you know take breaks and stuff and that drives me

Crazy because it’s like I just want to post you know I just wish I had constant streams of energy but I just can’t you know I’m not a machine and I keep trying to push myself like I am one but I can’t um and I have to accept the fact that

It’s okay if these videos that I want to post so desperately get up in December there is nothing wrong with that you know and I think that’s the biggest problem I’m dealing with right now is that it’s like that’s okay you know it’s okay if these Halloween videos get up

Like in December you know that there’s no problem with that and I got to accept it so because that’s pretty much the case is going to be um because I just need a break and that’s all right too so thank you guys for uh coming to this

Live stream well good night Rocky have a good night good night I’m I’m off the bed as well it is 1: in the morning and I’m so sleepy Thunder is is asleep on my bed she is so long she has like stretched her belly across the mattress

She is exhausted as much as I am I have been sleepy since Thanksgiving but yeah I just I was just feeling a little little down in the dumps and I just I just wanted to talk to you guys because you guys make me feel better you know you guys help me just as much if not more than I help you

Guys you guys help me so much in my dayto day in cheering me up and and cheering me on and everything so I just wanted to talk to you guys today I missed you guys so yeah I hope you guys enjoyed the live stream um I I will be

Back soon I swear with videos um I don’t know how soon soon is but soon um whenever I’m whenever I’m filming in it Mr Krabs whenever the day comes that I am feeling it I will be back and you know what it’ll be a good one it’ll be the

Next GTA Halloween video and it’s it’s going to be pretty funny whenever I can get around to fing the energy to edit that one you know I’ll be back but until then I hope you guys enjoyed this live stream hope made you laugh hope made you smile hope you decide to stick around

For a while because my voice gave out so you should probably stick around to to to make sure it doesn’t give out some more because um yeah let’s let’s try that one again hope made you laugh hope made you smile hope you decid to stick around for a while

Because dang look how big this tree is don’t you want to see more of this tree in the future you should you should stick stick around hope made you laugh hope made you smile hope you decide to stick around for a while because if you don’t you’re going to regret

It hope made you laugh hope it made you smile hope you decide to stick around for a while because I would never threaten you and I would never say anything stupid ever so you should totally subscribe to me and like the live stream I’m terrible at promoting my stuff and you should what

Else do people do oh you should comment down below your favorite vegetable are potatoes vegetables because if they are that’s mine um and uh you should uh what what else did they say you should should turn on Smack That notification thing Bell yeah it’s a bell you should should slap it with your

Diamond sword or I’ll slap you with my diamond sword sorry I said no threats sorry sorry sorry there’s no threats here it’s just friendly wi winty sorry it’s just friendly winty banter that’s all um carrot sick yeah my I potatoes are vegetables right well they’re not a

Fruit my brain’s like well they’re not that so I mean it’s got to be a vegetable right right you’re stupid so yeah potatoes they just come in so many different forms you know you can mash them you can fry them you can bake them you can shake them you can throw them

You can bowl them you can roll them which is the same as bowling them but more fancy because then you just see how far they go down the hill instead and and then you can uh you can you can uh tow them if they’re big enough

Um the end of this live stream really took a turn I don’t really know what happened um you can you can go you can Grill them exactly you you can yeah you can uh you can dice them and you can put them in stuff you can make like a potato

Cassero with them you can uh they’re sweet potatoes which are like potatoes but but sweet you can you can put them you can what you can chip them you can I don’t know what you call that but you can like slce them up and turn them into chips um you can you can

Uh you can eat them that’s what you can do with them you can eat them I long to be as um versatile as potatoes I I long to be that well versed at everything you know it’s my it’s my life’s dream I’m just waiting to get murdered

On my roof right now I should I should end the stream inside the house before I get sniped and like blown up or something you know you never know what could happen on Minecraft especially when it’s the one block challenge anyway I’m going to let you

Guys go on with your lives now because I don’t know what I’ve just put you through at the end of this live stream I don’t know what I’ve said you know I I lost it at the end here but I don’t think I ever had it so so did I really

Lose it if I didn’t have it um but yeah I hope you guys did enjoy it even though it was freaking crazy the entire way through and uh all over the place but that’s just a rocky live stream for you whoa actually you know what yeah this one

This one’s accurate yep oh wait hold on hold on hold on hold on I don’t know why all of them are so suddenly like Jarred to the left but they are for some reason all right um um I guess uh you can go now if you

Want all I’m going to do from here on out is just like press the stop button on the stream I don’t know why it’s still here um I’d already said the outro oh wait I never said my actual name um goodbye everybody I’m probably not Rocky

And I will probably see you guys next time goodbye everybody you can um you can you can what else can you uh do to a potato comment down below what else you can do to a potato because I’m I’m really stumped I know there’s so much

You can do to a potato but I like I’m just I can’t think of any right now I feel like I’ve thought of all of them but I know there’s more like I know like there’s fried there’s chips there’s baked potatoes there’s mashed potatoes there’s uh grilled potatoes

Um yeah there’s got you know that that’s where it stop steamed thank you you can steam potato thank you okay I’m gonna go now we could be here all day talking about potatoes oh no this is why I don’t need to have access to a computer when I’m

Tired literally my eyes are blurry that’s how tired I am boiled yeah yeah keep going how many more let’s get turn to Google like what is Google is this what Google’s saying how many what are the different things you can do to potatoes there we go

Uh can you deep fry that’s a French fry never mind you yeah you can deep fry obviously can you deep fry them oh my God I just invented a new potato guys can you believe it I’ll call them fry frenches oh my God in my suffering somebody confiscate my live

Streaming software wedges I me that still my count is just like fries I mean they’re they are different they they’re not quite fries like I guess they’re still fried though I guess um and then there’s obviously mashed but what about like bear with me hold on is getting there

Scalloped roasted yep scal scalloped you can scallop them you can you can roast them is grilling and roasting them the same probably not I don’t think so but scallop that was the one I was trying to think of you can you can scallop them scallop potatoes you can bake them which I

Already said because you know bake potatoes but still you can bake them just reminding you in case you forgot that you could bake a potato I’m going to go now I’m so sorry I’m so sorry for anybody that’s still here being put through this right now I

Am not I’m not you know I’m just I’m not responsible for what happened at the end of this live stream when I’m this tired anyways thank you guys for sticking around um for some reason you did and again I will um I will be back soon with videos I

Swear air fry yeah it’s true I guess that’s still technically frying them though even though this technically with air um but yeah I will I will be back with videos soon uh but yeah I mean I guess you guys will never know when I’ll be back with

Video soon until the video shows up that’ll be when you know I’m back is when the video gets posted so yeah um but yeah until then you can see this live stream you can watch the the replay of this live stream to TI you over if

You want I don’t know but yeah thank you guys for uh sticking around while I’ve been a wall and Mia this this last month um you guys have still been supporting my content that I posted like four weeks ago like you guys have just been watching my old videos while I’ve been

AFK from YouTube which has been mindblowing to see and I really appreciate it um and I swear I’ll be back with new stuff soon um I think the then the first one I’m going to try to post this is keyword try because I might feel differently later and be one to

Editing something else maybe but I’m going to try to post the next uh the GTA Halloween video the last one that we recorded uh I want to try to get it up on November 29th but I don’t think I’m going to be able to do that but it’s because November

29th will have been a year since the original cus video so that was my goal but I don’t know if I’m going to do that because it’s already the 27th now and uh I’ve not even trimmed it all the way through yet so I might not get to do

That in time but I might try to I don’t know we’ll see depends on how I feel if I just want to take a break for a little bit um but yeah thank you guys for any likes that you’ve left any comments you’ve left um any support in

Any way that you’ve done to my my content on Tik Tok on YouTube anywhere any way you’ve ever supported me thank you um and I will see you guys soon steing oh yeah that’s true you could you could soup them you could you could turn a potato soup you could yeah that’s the

Other way that’s the other way you could you could make them you can make them do a soup make them do a potato stew yeah yeah that’s true true that’s true that’s true that’s okay that’s our last potato way you can comment more on the actual

Video if you think of any more just list them all and I’ll read them all anyway um thank you guys for sticking around I’m G to go now I’m GNA go to bed at just turn two in the morning brazing I never even heard of brazing but I believe you all

Right oh God guys thanks for sticking around I’m going go uh yeah remember to remember to tip tip your waitresses um and eat a lot of potatoes what is this live stream man what is this I what have I done here today I’m sorry okay is that what you want for me I’m

Sorry I don’t know why I why I’ve done this stream I don’t it’s been crazy from beginning to end but thanks for sticking around I’m sorry okay I’m sorry oh my God

This video, titled ‘I FEEL SAFE | Minecraft One Block (LIVE)’, was uploaded by ProbablyNotRocky on 2023-11-27 07:18:44. It has garnered 665 views and 43 likes. The duration of the video is 05:37:18 or 20238 seconds.

~~~My Social Media!~~~ My Twitch – ItsProbablyNotRocky My TikTok – @probablynotrocky My Instagram – @probablynotrocky My Twitter – @probnotrocky

Intro Music | Argofox, Ampyx – Holo- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0Lyb_NM0XeA

~~~My Social Media!~~~ My Discord Server! | https://discord.gg/upMYzYf My Twitch – ItsProbablyNotRocky | https://www.twitch.tv/itsprobablynotrocky My TikTok – @probablynotrocky | https://www.tiktok.com/@probablynotrocky?lang=en My Instagram – @probablynotrocky | https://www.instagram.com/probnotrocky My Twitter – @probnotrocky | https://twitter.com/probnotrocky

~~~What I Use To Livestream~~~ OBS | What I stream with- https://obsproject.com/ Rode NT1 | What I record my audio with- https://www.amazon.com/Rode-NT1KIT-Condenser-Microphone-Cardioid/dp/B00GGGQK56/ref=as_li_ss_tl?ie=UTF8&qid=1482539774&sr=8-1&keywords=rode+nt1&linkCode=sl1&tag=podcastage03-20&linkId=626249e3f890d1b2ad2436745a25eade

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    Villager goes INSANE in epic game of TAG! #shortsVideo Information at Le what was that girly popop again bro why do you spawn in my doors you gave the the most hearty Screech what can I say I mean wow I was really confused on what that was come on oh I can’t oh I didn’t know which way you were going was spinning we spin oh don’t go the ladder oh he changed directions you can’t get me you can’t get me oh oh you got me oh take take your it nope he not going get me he know get me he’s going up hey man… Read More

  • MY FANS GAVE ME A SPECIAL RESOURCE PACK?! | Minecraft 15th Anniversary

    MY FANS GAVE ME A SPECIAL RESOURCE PACK?! | Minecraft 15th AnniversaryVideo Information [Music] I [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] a [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] see oh [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] hello everyone Master Zach here today hey we are going to wait hold up let me let me let me oh let me do one thing real quick one thing real quick and we should be good hello everyone Master Zach here today we are going to be playing Minecraft uh but very very we’re going to be playing Minecraft in a special way basically uh I asked you guys I gave you two hours bro wait… Read More

  • Become RICHEST on Minecraft SMP! Mining Diamonds

    Become RICHEST on Minecraft SMP! Mining DiamondsVideo Information what’s up everyone we can get a Minecraft capturing would be great why someone removed all the windows from our house I just realized that um you know uh if if Minecraft wants to uh cap please thank you pranked also glass panes are in glowing wow hey uh I’m I mean they they got me there I can’t lie bro how how you doing Charlie was this prank even I don’t even know if this prank was even the part of the war I think dude it it’s probably Jacob br I don’t know hold on today… Read More

  • Insane Bedwars FAILS: You won’t believe what happens!

    Insane Bedwars FAILS: You won't believe what happens!Video Information This video, titled ‘The Stupidest Bedwars Game…’, was uploaded by Hackle on 2024-03-12 02:19:24. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. meow :3 chatgpt made this LOL Bedwars, Minecraft, Gaming, PvP, Multiplayer, Hypixel, Strategy, Tips, Tricks, Tutorial, … Read More

  • 200b200t

    200b200tWelcome To 200b200t Anarchy We Are Between The Versions 1.12.2 And 1.18.2 or 1.19 (didnt try) Its Cracked Too So Hop On Also Can You Guys Donate So We Can Upgrade From Aternos To Smth Else I Got A YT Channel So Sub To That Too And Tell Me Plugin Suggestions play.200b200t.tk:61589 Read More

  • LittleSMP – vanilla SMP whitelist

    Hello there! Short intro: My name is Yani, I am an 18-year-old male from GMT+2 timezone. I have been hosting an SMP since August 18, 2023. Community: I am looking for active and friendly players to join me in creating a nice community together. I may not be able to join daily due to exams, but I will maintain, moderate, and grow the server. Benefits: Active staff to prevent griefing and unacceptable behavior. Vanilla experience with small adjustments for multiplayer. Optional voice chat for enhanced gameplay. Minimum age requirement of 18 for maturity and appropriate behavior. Server runs on Fabric… Read More

  • Back2Basics – Simple Survival w Land Claim – PVP is ON, Keep Inventory OFF

    Simple Survival with Land Claim, go back to your roots.PVP is on, Keep Inventory is Off.Play solo, or with a team. Build up your resources. Your builds are safe with us, however, if you venture out to the wilderness, beware as you can lose your items..Goodluck. Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – When you finally find diamonds – 💎🔥

    Looks like Willager learned the hard way that crime doesn’t pay…unless you count the satisfaction of ruining someone’s virtual property! Read More

  • Monster Truck Mayhem: Minecraft City’s New Ride!

    Monster Truck Mayhem: Minecraft City's New Ride! In the city, a monster truck has come to play, Causing chaos and fear, leading the way. Efekan and Ayşe, on a mission they go, To stop the truck, with courage to show. The truck, so massive, a sight to behold, Roaring and rumbling, a story untold. But fear not, for our heroes are near, Ready to face the truck, without any fear. With concrete C40, they close the hole tight, Hoping to stop the truck, with all their might. But alas, the concrete breaks and falls apart, Leaving them running, with a racing heart. The truck, unstoppable, a… Read More

  • Pedro’s Hot Minecraft Meme 🔥

    Pedro's Hot Minecraft Meme 🔥 Why did Pedro keep saying his name three times in the meme? Was he trying to summon a Minecraft version of Beetlejuice? #PedroPedroPedro #MinecraftMagic Read More

  • Join Minewind Server for Epic Minecraft Builds!

    Join Minewind Server for Epic Minecraft Builds! Welcome to the world of Minecraft! If you’re a fan of building beautiful and simple houses like the Glass House featured in this video, then you’ll love the Minewind server. Join a community of passionate Minecraft players who love to build, train, and even have a little fun with some friendly competition. Whether you’re into survival mode, creative mode, or just looking for some new building hacks, Minewind has something for everyone. Explore unique house designs, modern builds, and even hardcore challenges on Minewind. Connect with players from around the world who share your love for Minecraft and get… Read More

  • Pixelmon Minecraft: New Pokemon Journey

    Pixelmon Minecraft: New Pokemon Journey Welcome to the Pixelmon Minecraft Adventure! Embarking on a New Pokemon Journey Join the exciting world of Pixelmon Minecraft SMP, where adventure awaits! As we step into this realm, we encounter powerful trainers and legendary Pokemon. Our goal is to become the strongest Pokemon master in the SMP by collecting badges and honing our skills through battles. Exploring the Pixelmon SMP Within the SMP, we not only engage in epic battles but also have the opportunity to earn money by completing tasks. This unique blend of gameplay elements adds depth to our journey as we strive to become the… Read More

  • Insane! Surviving 100 Days with Sculk in HC Minecraft

    Insane! Surviving 100 Days with Sculk in HC MinecraftVideo Information this disgusting man has been infected by the skull cord he’s a part of an entity known as the grave mine that infects Minecraft worlds a grows eats makes the whole place blue and just fills it with really bad stuff okay just look at this cow it is no longer a cow now it’s a skull cow that wants to rip me apart last time I survived 100 days it was with parasites and now I’m going to try and take what I learned and defeat the skull horde or die trying and speaking of trying I… Read More

  • Ultimate Minecraft Sheep Battle!

    Ultimate Minecraft Sheep Battle!Video Information si tú quieres bailar jugar pintar cantar tú puedes venir a mi casa La idea es compartir te vas a divertir quieres venir a mi casa quiero invitar a jugar a mi casa todas mis amigas y amigos quiero saltar bailar y lo que tengo compartir contigo contigo Chipi chipi chapa chapa mágico mi lbi lubi Bom This video, titled ‘Sheep Destroys his own kind #minecraft #minecraftnoobvsprovshackervsgod #shorts #memes #meme’, was uploaded by TheArterMc on 2024-05-02 14:19:20. It has garnered 5845 views and 125 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:33 or 33 seconds. Bro destroyed its… Read More

  • Unbelievable! Pepi Discovering SECRET DATAPACKS in Minecraft! #minecraftmemes

    Unbelievable! Pepi Discovering SECRET DATAPACKS in Minecraft! #minecraftmemesVideo Information ya saben lo que se puede hacer con las construcciones en este juego que no tiene casi límites imagínense eso sumado un texture pack y sumado a Data pack básicamente puedes meter mecánicas de un juego que los dat packs es una forma de meter funciones o acciones y que se activen dependiendo de diferentes cosas que se ejecuten en general suena muy abstracto porque lo es porque puedes hacer literalmente lo que quieras puedes hacer acciones lo que [Música] quieras i This video, titled ‘DATAPACKS #minecraft #indie #minecraftmemes #eldenring #darksouls’, was uploaded by Pepi on 2024-03-28 20:00:01…. Read More

  • Unbeatable Minecraft Showdown: 999 IQ vs 999 IQ!

    Unbeatable Minecraft Showdown: 999 IQ vs 999 IQ!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft – 999 IQ level vs 999 IQ level #gaming #shorts’, was uploaded by 😈 Mr. sai gaming 😈1919 on 2024-01-13 14:30:03. It has garnered 9740 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:34 or 34 seconds. Minecraft – 999 IQ level vs 999 IQ level #gaming #shorts #ytshorts #dream #minecraftmanhunt #redstonebuilds #insane #minecaft #dreammlg #tnt Read More

  • DRIVEN TO INSANITY! Join us in Building a Zoo! 🦁

    DRIVEN TO INSANITY! Join us in Building a Zoo! 🦁Video Information [संगीत] दिस इज द फ्यूचर लशन दिस इज द फ्यूचर [संगीत] u [संगीत] [संगीत] [संगीत] [संगीत] [संगीत] [संगीत] [संगीत] एवल दिस इज द [संगीत] फ्यूचर r [संगीत] क्या [संगीत] i [संगीत] [संगीत] दिस इज द फ्यूचर एल [संगीत] दिस इज द [संगीत] फ्यूचर हेलो हेलो हेलो हेलो हेलो गा वेलकम वेलकम बैक टू अनदर लाइव तो कैसे हो सब लोग वेलकम है मेरे लाइव स्ट्रीम प सभी को गुड आफ्टरनून गाइस एंड वेलकम वेलकम र वेलकम हा टाइटल चेंज कर रहा लाइक कर दो ला दबा चेंज कर दि टाइटल चेंज कर टाइटल चेंज करेम ही नहीं चलाया… Read More

  • Unleashing EPIC Minecraft REVENGE – Blueskyler animation

    Unleashing EPIC Minecraft REVENGE - Blueskyler animationVideo Information This video, titled ‘epic revenge minecraft animation #minecraft #minecraftgameplay #gaming #minecraftanimation’, was uploaded by Blueskyler on 2024-02-24 18:43:39. It has garnered 4 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:51 or 51 seconds. Read More

  • Insane Crunch Technique Revealed in Mehendi Duck! #74

    Insane Crunch Technique Revealed in Mehendi Duck! #74Video Information This video, titled ‘Mehendi. part. 74’, was uploaded by CRUNCH WORKS on 2024-04-07 13:05:20. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. subscribe the channel to get more information….. . . . . . . #motivation #music #minecraft #memes #meme #motivational #maxpreps … Read More

  • Unbelievable Minecraft secrets revealed! Valuate properties & more

    Unbelievable Minecraft secrets revealed! Valuate properties & moreVideo Information herzlich willkommen in deem Stream oh moment so das war das falsche Fenster das wirde auf Vollbild bitte so da rein das ist auf Vollbild so jetzt aber so ich bin ich ma mich erstm bei dem Panda beliebt so ich ma ich ma mich beim Panda beliebt oh so viele Herzen so ähm ja aber erst einmal was machen wir Grundstücke bewerden jetzt muss mal kurz hier raus wenn ich schon bei Keks bin ähm wir ignorieren mal das nachtbargrundstück das den warte mal Moment wem gehört das das gehört Yogi wem gehört das ah ah okay… Read More

  • “Insane Toilet Deer Commands – Akaza Showcase Pt 5/11” #akaza #anime #demonslayer

    "Insane Toilet Deer Commands - Akaza Showcase Pt 5/11" #akaza #anime #demonslayerVideo Information This video, titled ‘Akaza Showcase Part 5/11 #akaza #anime #command #demonslayer #minecraft #showcase #uppermoons’, was uploaded by Toilet Deer Commands on 2024-01-27 22:32:36. It has garnered 69 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:56 or 56 seconds. Read More

  • High Level

    High LevelHigh Level SMP/Skyblock We have a wild assortment of plugins here at High-Level SMP starting with McMMO, Quests, MobArena, and Jobs as the core of our plugins. We have also built a shop and mob drop shop for players to use. Keep in mind that players are able to make their own shops as well as warps. We have 3 different tiers of vote keys & crates. Currently, there are no donator perks or privileges. As such, there is no pay-to-win aspect on our server. Grief prevention is enabled on the server in the form of Towny. Some of our… Read More

  • Florida SMP – Semi-Vanilla, brand-new, competitive

    Welcome to the Florida SMP! We offer features for every type of player with a competitive MCMMO aspect to spice it up. Whether you’re into building bases, farms, or anything else, you’ll find something to enjoy on our server. Dragon Still Alive Event Coming Soon! Join Us! IP: https://discord.gg/VugJBxRs Read More

  • Skywalker SMP [Daily Rewards, Vote Rewards, PVP, Parkour, Survival]

    Skywalker SMP [Daily Rewards, Vote Rewards, PVP, Parkour, Survival]Fun all around SMP server! Come Join! Just Created today so come have some fun surviving in Skywalker SMP! Economy and selling and soon with a auction House! Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – I’m officially a Minecraft boomer (happy anniversary)

    Wow, Nikola Tesla was really ahead of his time, selling the rights to Minecraft before it was even created! Read More

  • Spud Stress: Odo’s House of Minecraft Mayhem

    Spud Stress: Odo's House of Minecraft Mayhem In the world of Minecraft, where creativity thrives, Odo Potatoes and Stress take on new lives. With animations so funny, they bring us delight, In every frame, a story takes flight. From Odo’s antics to Stress’s reactions, Their adventures spark joyful interactions. With each upload, a new tale unfolds, In the world of animation, their magic holds. So dive into the fun, with laughter in tow, Supporting Kulpi Semungku, let the excitement grow. In the realm of Indonesia, where creativity shines, Minecraft news with rhymes, in every line. Read More