Tetra – Minecraft 1.16 Mod Showcase

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What is going on guys we are back and today we are going to be doing a showcase on the mod tetra now if you don’t know what tetra is it is a mod that allows for crazy customization when it comes to tools you’ll start out with basic boring

Vanilla tools which i know is pretty lame but you will very quickly be able to upgrade those to tools that can do so many different things and will be way more efficient and powerful than the ones that you would normally have you can do this by upgrading

Pretty much every aspect of the tool ranging from very simple things like the handle material of the tool and even the wrap on the handle and the bindings for the different heads of it or if it’s a double-headed tool like a pickaxe you can actually add in

Multiple different head types one on the left one on the right to make it have multiple functionalities so suffice to say there’s a ton of stuff you can do with this mod it’s crazy fun to mess around with there are almost infinite options for tools that will all be different

From one another so we have a ton of stuff to cover today and it is all going to start here at a very simple crafting table as pretty much everything in minecraft does so to get started out in this mod we are going to be crafting the one

Base tool that tetra adds to the game and that is going to be the hammer now you are able to craft this either as a wood or stone version if you have the option of doing stone i would highly recommend it as if you do would

You are simply going to be upgrading to stone pretty quickly so you can see here you simply make it with two sticks and two cobblestone and you will pop out a stone hammer as you get that you’ll unlock some new stuff called basic tinkering and that is going to give you

This object right here and this is one of the most important things in all of tetra because this holosphere is going to be the in-game documentation i know it doesn’t look like your typical book but when you open it up by right clicking on it it looks even

Cooler the ui for this is absolutely phenomenal it is a wonderful design one of the coolest ones i have ever seen in modded minecraft and this is going to contain all the information you will need to know to progress through this mod it’s also going to come in handy down the line so

Even if you don’t care about this information if you want to make your life easier later on definitely hold on to this thing so in here you will see that there’s a bunch of different things we can pick from there are going to be six different types of tools you can work with

Initially being bows tool belts single-headed tools double-headed tools blades and shields and if you click on each of these you will be able to see the different options you have for upgrading them the different pieces you can upgrade so as you can see these have a ton of

Different things that we’ll be going over but the most important part of this is this bottom section here labeled materials as this is going to show you all the different crafting materials that can be used across the various different upgrade slots throughout the mod now we only have the vanilla available materials here

But if you are playing a modded minecraft there are a ton of compatible mods that will add in new materials be it different metals or magical woods or things of that sort that will all have different effects so i’m not going to be able to list them out here

But if you go into the description you will find a link to the download page for this mod where they actually have a list of all materials that can be added in if the applicable mods are also included in your pack but in here you’ll be able to see all

The different details about the materials simply by hovering over them and if you want to look in a little bit more detail you simply click on it and you can go down here and get descriptions so you can see the base durability you can see the integrity gain and

Integrity cost you can see the magic capacity of it you can see the required tool for it and the different tool tier the hardness the tool level that will come from it all the different stuff that will be relevant later on i know it probably sounds very confusing and admittedly it is but

I’m going to walk you guys through it today so that we will know everything we need to get started so once you have the stone hammer or the wooden one the first thing you are going to want to do is place down a second crafting table and you are going

To want to right click on it with the stone hammer when you do this you will get the workbench and this is where all the magic with tetra is going to take place so you guys better buckle up because we are going to be staring at this screen for quite a while

So now that we have the workbench set up we are good to jump in and start doing stuff with our tools so if we were to throw the stone hammer in here we can see a ton of different details about it we can see the durability the

Reach the damage and the speed of it all useful information that will all be adjusted as we upgrade different parts of it but we can also see what is most important and this is going to be critical for the different crafting tools that we’ll be going over

And this will be the tier of the actual tool we have in here right here we can see this is a hammer tier 2 which will come in handy when we go to do upgrades as every upgrade is going to require you to have a crafting tool present

Of that tier or higher to actually be able to do it now to make a little bit more sense of this we can hop out of here and quickly open up the hollow sphere and on the materials page if we were to hover over any of these materials

You will see that in the details down here it shows that this action requires a tier something of a certain type of tool now the three different types of tools that are actually going to be relevant here will be a hammer an axe and then some sort of cutting

Tool but it will probably be a short blade as that’s going to be the easiest to get to the tier you need now the reason this is important is because you are going to need to upgrade your tools alongside each other you cannot simply upgrade one

All the way as it’s not going to work you’re going to need a bunch of tools to actually be able to effectively upgrade every part of all your other tools and it’s also important to note that whatever tool you’re currently upgrading is not going to count as you

Actually having that tool to use you can’t hammer a hammer with that hammer itself you need another one that makes sense in game and also in real life so if you wanted to upgrade the head of your hammer to be iron as we will be doing shortly you can see

That it’s going to require a tier 2 hammer well we already have a tier 2 hammer but that’s what we’re upgrading so we need to actually make another tier 2 hammer to work with which is why when you are playing with tetra it is important to have sort of some side crafting tools

That will just be basic very simple tools of a suitable tier and then you’ll probably have your main tools which will be ones that are more suited to doing actual things that you would want like killing mobs and mining stuff and all that good stuff

So right now we want to hop over and actually craft a second hammer here so that we can use it to upgrade the current hammer that we have when it comes time now eventually it’s probably going to get pretty annoying having all these additional crafting tools that you need

To make the upgrades to your main tools having to sit in your inventory alongside them or having to grab them from a chest every time you want to make a small upgrade so thankfully there is a workaround where we can put what’s called a rack on

A wall within a 3×3 area of the workbench we intend to use and this will allow us to still access a tool and utilize it without actually having to have it on our person now you can put two items on each rack and you can see the hammer will just sit there

And if we were to come in here and try to make an upgrade to this hammer we are able to because the tier 2 hammer that we need is still counted as actually being on our person or usable by simply sitting in that rack now today we’re going to be quickly going over

Upgrading the three different types of tools that i mentioned earlier that being the hammer the axe and some sort of cutting implement because those will allow you to make all the different upgrades that you need to pretty much all your other tools obviously there are so many different

Things that we could go over here we could talk for hours about the options for different tools that you can make that is going to be on you guys all the details you need are actually in here looking at how it affects the durability the reach all that different stuff about the tools

But we’re going to go over the stuff you need to know to progress through the mods that you can put all those upgrades on whatever tool you want so those three tools are going to start out with the hammer as it is the most important this is what’s going to be

Upgraded to the highest tier by the end of this video and it’s going to be the one that is utilized the most in actual high tier upgrades as all different metals and obsidian and stuff like that and even netherright which will be the highest vanilla tier material that we can use

Is going to require so to start out with this if you were to have a wooden hammer you can simply upgrade it by clicking on the heads on the side here whether it is the left head or the right head to start and you will be able to pick from all

These different kinds of head types in here obviously if you wanted to upgrade this to be a pickaxe you could choose a pickaxe head you have a claw a hoe a sickle hammerhead axe head and however you pronounce this as he head i don’t know if that’s right

But we’re focused on a hammer today so we’re going to click on hammerhead and all you have to do here is simply drag the material into the head material and you can see the game is even awesome it is going to put little boxes around all the different materials in your inventory

That you can use for this so we can use wood we could use cobblestone we could use iron and you can see as i hover over these on those details above the item it shows how it actually affects it you could use blackstone obsidian and there’s other materials we could use too

But these are the ones i have ready for today so we’re going to go with iron that’s the next logical step and it’s what’s going to allow us to get our hammer to tier 3. you can see it’s at tier 2 right now and we want to get it up to tier 4

Before we have to do some fancy stuff to make it go even further so all we’re going to do is put the iron in there and we’re gonna click craft and you can see that it is now upgraded on one side so that it has an iron hammer head but

You can see it’s still at tier two it didn’t actually change well that’s because we need to upgrade the other side also to a hammer head so if we put the iron back in here and click craft now you can see it is a tier three full iron hammer

And the way we can actually get a little bit more detail on why this happened is if we click on either side of the head where it’s an iron hammer and click on the details section on the side here we can look at this effect which is a synergy bonus

Now two headed material two-headed tools will have synergy bonuses they’re all going to be different but when you end up doubling up on the two heads the synergy bonus is going to occur and for hammers this one is critical in actually getting it to a high enough tier

As the synergy bonus is having plus one hammer tiers so if we only had one iron hammerhead and one stone one like earlier it was a tier two but if we have both we get plus one additional hammer tiers to bring it to tier three

So now we have a tier three hammer and we want to get it to tier four so what do we do we can go in and craft and if we look at hammer heads the next tier is going to be blackstone so if we were to put blackstone in here

It would say that we require a tier 3 hammer oh no so what can we do we can take our iron hammer out we can grab our stone hammer from here put our iron hammer back and now if we were to put our stone hammer in and go to the stone hammerhead and

Upgrade the hammerhead if we put the black stone in here we can simply upgrade that side and then we can do it all over again on this side and there we go now we have a black stone hammer so you don’t actually need to go tier by tier which is why it’s super

Efficient to upgrade to the tier 3 then flip back to the one you had before that you used for upgrading and then use it to get to tier 4 and so on and so forth as you go up to the highest tier so now we have the blackstone hammer

And the next logical upgrade would be obsidian this is what’s going to be able to bring us to the next tier of hammer and so if we were to go in here and go to hammerhead we would see that we need a tier 6 hammer which is crazy that’s two tiers up from

What we currently have even with the synergy bonus that is because the hammer cannot be further upgraded without us exploring and finding a forge hammer in one of the world generated structures that tetra adds to the game so we’re not going to cover that just yet that’ll be down the road in the

Episode a little bit we will get there to get all the way up to the highest tier hammer do not worry but now we’re going to go and actually cover the other two tools that i said we would so we need to now talk about the axe and thankfully

The axe is a bit of a joke really we’re only concerned about getting a tier 3 axe that should be sufficient for all the vanilla wood materials that you’re going to need and to get that well this looks pretty familiar to most you guys that’s an iron axe right there and if we

Were to go in and put the iron axe in here well we can see it’s already at tier 3 for the axe so very simple if you wanted to upgrade a stone axe or a wooden one you could do it in just the way we described where we would upgrade

The axe head and the butt of the tool to the iron material and then we have it at tier three so that one’s super easy really good to get out of the way early and we can simply throw that down over here if we wanted to also

So now we can upgrade anything that requires an axe and be totally fine now the final important tool we’re going to cover is going to be the cutting tool and this one is a little bit different from other ones it’s kind of confusing to some people to actually upgrade

As it’s not as cut and dry i know kind of funny way to say it but to start out with this we’re going to be making a simple stone sword now we’re going to come over to the workbench toss this in here and the only thing that we care about

When it comes to upgrading the cut tier of this is going to be the actual blade there’s a ton of different stuff in here you can upgrade more options than any of the other tools we’ve touched so far but if we come over here the only part

We care about is going to be the short blade none of these other ones are going to be very easy to get up to that tier and the material we’re going to use is going to be diamond so this is going to get us to tier 3. the other options we have

Something like obsidian which will also get us there requires a tier 5 hammer and we don’t have that yet so down the line if you have the tier v hammer and have already done what we’ll discuss later then you could actually make an obsidian short blade but an easy way to get there

Early on is going to be using diamond so if we were to simply click craft we now have a tool that can be used as a tier 3 cutting implement and we’ll be able to do pretty much every craft we want in the game right now using both this cutting tool this axe

Right here and this hammer will be sufficient for most but we are going to need to upgrade this further if we want to maximize all of our other tools so i’m sure you can already tell that there are a ton of different possible combinations as i said

Earlier we’re not going to be able to go over all of them have fun experimenting with them the tools will look awesome they’ll have a ton of cool effects they’ll be super strong but something that’s important for us to quickly go over is going to be one specific stat that is probably going

To limit you guys in upgrading your tools pretty early on now we can take the iron hammer to look at this and we can see right here it is listed as integrity and this one is currently four out of four now what integrity is is the available upgrade slots

On whatever item you have in there and this will vary depending on the different upgrades on the tool and that’s going to be because certain upgrades add amount of integrity to the tool and other upgrades are going to require a certain amount of integrity an example would be that an iron handle

Is going to give you six integrity to the tool whereas an obsidian head is gonna require three integrity so you’re gonna wanna make sure you always have additional integrity slots otherwise you’re not gonna be able to upgrade other parts of your tools if they actually require more and

There’s a couple different ways to get around this the first one is simply making sure that every part of your tool is upgraded along with the other parts we don’t want to leave a flimsy handle as we upgrade all the way to a netherright hammer that’s just not going

To make sense and it’s not going to work but if we were to come in here go to a basic handle and pick iron we could craft this and now you can see what i said the integrity is up to six because the iron handle provides us with six integrity so now we

Have two more upgrade slots that we can use on this along with that you also have the option of settling different materials and this is going to be dependent on what the actual material is that was used in your craft so if we were to go out into the world

And use this iron hammer it would pretty quickly settle and that’s going to mean that the iron hammerheads will no longer be using up integrity slots like they currently are and this is why it’s important to actually use your tools as you’re upgrading them it’s going to be very hard to come in

Here and simply go from 0 to 100 with a really low tier tool all the way up to the highest possible upgrade in every facet because you’re going to run out of integrity uses now if you want to have info on which of the materials can actually settle

If you come into the materials tab of your holosphere we can look and see that a couple that don’t are diamonds and emeralds and these will have right down here in the bottom right this arrested modifier and it specifically says that major modules crafted from this material will have the arrested modifier which

Means that they will not settle over time but if we look at other materials like iron it doesn’t have that meaning that as you use it it will eventually settle and then you can put further upgrades on it so obviously that’s one of the reasons to potentially stay away

From things like gemstones obviously in the case of the short blade it was awesome because it was a workaround for not being able to use obsidian and so using the diamond was great but things that can’t actually settle are going to be a little bit annoying because they are going to greatly impact

Your integrity of the item the last thing that we are going to go over for the tools is going to be called honing and this can basically be thought of as the level of the tool as you are able to level these up as you use them now when you level them

Up you’ll be able to add small enchants to them that can increase things like durability speed damage all those different things and it will be a very small upgrade but it’s an upgrade nonetheless now when you look over a tool and you hold shift you’ll be able to see at the very bottom

It’s honing and you will see right here this is 30 out of 240 so it’s 13 to leveling up if we were to look over our hammer it’s 58 out of 515 so it’s 11 now tools do you actually use out in the real world will gain

Honing experience simply as you use them but you also can gain honing experience by using the tools to craft other tools so things like the hammer that you’ll probably just have laying around to craft other tools can still get honing experience by doing that now an example we can give really quick

Will be the diamond short blade will get 15 honing experience if we come in and add a wrap to our handle and use some rabbit hide which requires a tier one cutting tool so if we were to craft this we can now look and now we’re 45 at a 240 so 19

So you will get honing experience simply over time but you always want to hop back here and add those upgrades to your tools when you have the options so you can continue leveling them up because in the end they will definitely add up and make a difference

If you’re trying to get the most powerful tool possible now i mentioned this earlier and we’re finally gonna go over it but this is going to be how to upgrade your hammer and a couple other items even further to their highest tier by finding the forge

Which is out in the world generated by tetra when you add it in and this is where a lot of people have trouble with this i’ve seen countless people post on reddit asking how they can upgrade their hammer further because they’re stuck and they can’t find the forge and

Everything so we’re gonna go over a it’s not really a secret but it’s something a ton of people don’t know that makes it a little bit easier to find them and i’m actually going to find one right on here on camera with you guys this is

A fresh seed i have not looked anywhere but just so you know the forage will only generate way underground basically at bedrock maybe 10 blocks up in a snowy or mountainous biome which is why we are currently right out here in this nice snowy and mountainous bio

But the first thing we want to do before we venture off to finish upgrading our hammer is take out the hollow sphere and put it in here and would you look at that we can actually add two attachments to this and here’s why i told you guys that

You’d want to hold on to it here’s what no one seems to know you can do but you can add on a scanner using an eye of ender and this is going to allow you to use this to locate a forge very easily and you can actually put two of these on

So it’ll make it a little bit higher scan range and there we go now we have an upgraded hollow sphere and when we hold it you can see at the top of the screen this nice little bar pops up and eventually you’ll see a little scanner come across

It that’s going to be an all white when we’re trying to find a forge if we’re getting close it will indicate that by turning red you can see it going across right now when it turns red that means that we are looking in the direction of a forge and

We should keep heading that way if we want to finish upgrading our stuff and you’re gonna have to do this multiple times unless you’re extremely lucky which i bet none of us will be because obviously luck is never on our side it’s a bunch of gamers so it’s really important that you know

How to do this so what i’m going to do right now is quickly speed up a clip of me going to find a forge and i should probably grab out some torches because we are going to be deep underground basically just mining randomly till we find this but make sure you’re in the

Right biome upgrade your holosphere and start digging down um okay guys and here we go did not take me long i know i had to cut a couple times in there but we really did not travel that far i’ll be able to show you guys i’ll

Actually head up to the surface once we finish this section right here just to show you how far i did in fact travel but the hollow sphere makes it very easy to find this and you can see the visuals and also the sound and you don’t even need to be holding

This thing to hear the sound so eventually the sound is going to become very annoying i’m actually probably gonna have to disable in-game sound for the time being or toss this thing out just so we don’t have to constantly listen to this but this is going to be

The forge and these are going to contain a ton of different things but the first and most important stuff is going to be forge crates which you can see right here and potentially forged containers which might also be in here and these are going to contain the items

We need to begin using the forge hammer when we actually find it so for these if we look at them you can see that they have different tool indicators on them so on each corner this is going to be hammers and as their tier and then in the center it’s got

What looks almost like a crowbar and to use this you’re going to want a claw tool so all we’re going to do is simply right click on them with whatever tool is needed for that and we will get items and these items are going to be necessary to use the forge hammer

Which will be necessary to upgrade or hammer to a higher tier now you’re going to want to go around do a ton of these and make sure you get all of them some of them will give different items and we’re really looking for some really critical ones so the

Main ones that we’re going to want to find will be the combustion chamber and we’re going to want thermal cells now the combustion chambers will be critical the thermal cells you might find in different areas but you also will find things like lubricant dispensers insulated plates and planar stabilizers

Which will also be useful but won’t allow us to get to the highest tier of hammer so we’ll go over those later now right here we are going to be able to use this block to actually upgrade the thermal cells that are empty by putting them in here and this will

Fill them with lava now the thermal cells need to be full simply because you’re going to be expending this thermal energy in the forge hammer to use it and eventually when you’re using the forge hammer these will deplete and you’ll need to refill them so you can see this is going right down

Into bedrock and some lava and it will pull it up and it will fill these for you so once you have them full you’re gonna need two of these but definitely keep track of one of these because you’re probably going to need to refill them eventually and it’s

Important you don’t have to go and find another one now in here you might also find a forged hammer but we did not get that lucky unfortunately you’re gonna probably have to find a bunch of these to get all the things you need but if we come up here you can see these

Are very big so you can walk around you’ll be able to find potentially other crates in here as you go through these side areas or other things like this right here which we can hammer out on the sides where is it if we right click there you can hear we smash it

And right here and then once we do that we can crowbar it and break it there’s a ton of different stuff that you’ll be able to find in here so definitely explore the entire thing they go up very high but if you don’t find the forge hammer that’ll probably

Be the most difficult one for you to find and that just means it is time to move on with your hollow sphere and go on to the next forge and all you do is just break your way through and start digging again because these things really

Are not that hard to find if you’re in the correct biome so i did tell you guys that i would show you if we came right up from where the forge is which is right here just how far it was from right where i spawned into this world

So if we fly up right here and look around this mountain that’s where we started so really not that far it’s really easy to find these but now we’re gonna go over how to use the forge hammer once you’ve found this at least two thermal cells and have them filled

And then at least two of these potential upgrades and ideally if you want to upgrade your hammer all the way then two combustion chambers so what you’re going to want is when you have the forge hammer and you can just set this up down in the actual forge itself

You’re going to want to have a workbench set up directly below the forge hammer which will be in the air and this has four different sides you can interact with two of these are going to use thermal cells so these small square sides right here you’re simply going to right click on

And put in your thermal cells and you’re going to need filled ones on each side all you got to do to take them out is right click it and then this side and the other one are going to be used for those miscellaneous upgrades so if we wanted to give an example this

Forge hammer will not actually work if we were to put in our blackstone hammer and attempt to upgrade it to obsidian for a hammerhead you can see it requires a tier 6 hammer we only have tier 2 available so if we were to put in the upgrades the

Miscellaneous ones on this side this forge hammer would at least become active so we can put in a lubricant dispenser and just for sake of example a planar stabilizer and you can see we’ve now restored the machinery this is ready to function unfortunately if we come down here we can see that

It still requires a tier 6 hammer and we do not have a tier 6 hammer and my gosh this hollow sphere just keeps going i’m going to have to cut that sound out of the video that’s the one annoying thing about this is it’s going to register it now because

We have this set up here but it’s now tier 5. so yes this will be able to function as a tier 5 hammer but we want it higher the only way to get it higher is to use these combustion chambers and each one increases the hammer tier by one so if

We only put one of these in in place of one of the miscellaneous upgrades we will be able to use this as a tier 6 hammer and make the obsidian upgrade but most people are going to want a tier 7 hammer using the forge hammer so that they can use

Netherrite so what we got to do is come over and look at this and you can see it requires again a clawing tool to be able to actually take out the upgrades so you’re going to want to make sure you have one of those too if you’re actually doing the

Looking around the world for stuff these aren’t really useful when it comes to doing any crafting of tools themselves but they are required obviously with what we just talked about with opening the containers and crates and also with removing upgrades from the hammer but then if we were to throw in a

Combustion chamber on one side and put in a lubricant dispenser on the other and we come in here we can see we have a tier 6 hammer available now if we want to quickly upgrade the flimsy handle so that we have a little bit more integrity to work with we would be able

To come in and upgrade to an obsidian hammer head if we wanted to but i want to give you guys the example of a fully upgraded one so we’re going to throw in a second combustion chamber here which means this is tier seven and if we come in and grab

Out the highest tier that we’ll be able to get the netherright ingot we can now make the hammerhead out of that which requires a tier vii hammer and we can craft it and now we have a perfect example of something that can happen all these upgrades are going to impact

The forge hammer in a different way you can see that the planer stabilizer is going to cause major modules to slightly improve the stats of them the insulated plate is going to increase its efficiency and the lubricant dispenser is going to reduce the chance for the hammer to jam by 50 percent

Now what you see right here is the hammer jammed but the way you get around this is simply by using a tool and in this case it’s going to be another hammer which we need a tier 4 one to fix it so we’ll simply grab out our hammer here

And right click on it a couple times and it will potentially fix come over to this side there we go so maintenance acquired we have now fixed the hammer we are good to go again and upgrade the other side so we’ll go hammerhead nope not obsidian what am i thinking netherright craft it

And here we go we have our final netherright hammer and this is going to be the highest tier hammer that we are able to get and apparently we just started a fire now the very last thing that you guys might have noticed while i was doing a bit of the mining

Is we did come across something called a geode and you will find these as you do mining they just generate in the world while you’re mining because tetra is in the game and these will break open at a workbench to yield valuable minerals so all we have to do is put these down

In the workbench they will require a hammer to break open and if we break them open we can get things like diamond as you can see redstone and we want to keep breaking these open you’ll get various things but eventually we’ll be able to get a pristine diamond now you can get

Pristine diamonds pristine lapis and pristine emeralds and these can be used in place of their normal counterparts to give slightly better bonuses so pristine diamond could give slightly better bonuses than a regular diamond when used in upgrades and if we keep breaking these open you’ll see there’s a ton of stuff

You can get the pristine ones aren’t crazy common but we also now have a pristine lapis and ironically enough the iron handle of our netherite hammer has settled because it is used to break these open but now if we were to take a pristine diamond the only other thing you can do

With these other than using them for upgrades to tools is put them in here and then you can shatter them and you have the possibility of getting multiple of their normal counterparts so we’re going to get diamonds from those if we shadow the pristine lapis we’ll get diamond from that

And now apparently we upgraded the honing of our nether right hammer too because it’s used so a couple examples of those actually in action while we’re messing around with this but that is going to be the last thing to cover for tetra i know it’s a ton of stuff but

I tried to make sure that we could cover it in a very concise manner like i have said multiple times during this video there’s so many other things you can do with the tools go have fun go mess around if you want tell me the combinations you made in

The comments of all the cool tools which ones you like best these definitely look awesome and it adds a nice flair to the basic vanilla tools which can get kind of boring but hopefully you guys will be able to make tetra a very useful addition to mod packs or if

You’re playing with it standalone just because you want a little extra flair on your tools well then hopefully it’s extra useful then too hopefully you guys found the video useful and enjoyable and i will talk to you later you

This video, titled ‘Tetra – Minecraft 1.16 Mod Showcase’, was uploaded by RagePlaysGames on 2021-03-03 16:30:03. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds.

Today we will be doing a mod showcase on the 1.16 minecraft mod Tetra, which allows for extreme customization of vanilla tools …

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    Crafting Chaos: HHVMCraft-X Devlog Debut In the world of Minecraft, a server takes flight, HHVMCraft-X, a project in the light. Created in PHP, a unique sight, With updates stalled, but still shining bright. Shoutout to andrewvy, the original guide, For paving the way, with knowledge as our tide. Though the project’s quiet, we won’t let it hide, Let’s keep the flame burning, with passion as our guide. Starting the server, a hello to the world, Oops, a parkour pro moment, flags unfurled. Trying to build a glass wall, plans swirled, Fell again, but we won’t be deterred. Can’t pick them up, a setback in… Read More

  • Golden Apple Trick: Minecraft 1.20 Enchantment @Wisegamernetwork

    Golden Apple Trick: Minecraft 1.20 Enchantment @Wisegamernetwork In the world of Minecraft, where legends are told, I bring you the news, in rhymes so bold. Crafting the Enchanted Golden Apple, a tale to unfold, With hints and tricks, my story is gold. Join me on this journey, through blocks and through caves, As we explore the mysteries, of Minecraft’s waves. Like and subscribe, for more adventures to save, In this world of wonders, where creativity paves. So come along, dear viewers, let’s dive right in, To the world of Minecraft, where we always win. With rhymes and beats, let the fun begin, As we craft and… Read More

  • Ultimate Potato Farm with Auto-Smelt!

    Ultimate Potato Farm with Auto-Smelt! Automating Potato Farming in Minecraft In the world of Minecraft, players are constantly looking for ways to optimize their farming techniques. One popular method is creating an automatic potato farm, which not only saves time but also increases efficiency. In a recent video, a Minecraft enthusiast demonstrated how to build a fully automated potato farm with an added twist – an Auto-Smelt upgrade! How Does It Work? The key to this automated potato farm is utilizing villager mechanics. By setting up a system with hoppers and a smoker, players can ensure that any potatoes dropped by the villagers are… Read More

  • Crafty Tricks: Zoom in Minecraft, Quick & slick!

    Crafty Tricks: Zoom in Minecraft, Quick & slick! In Minecraft, to zoom, it’s quite a breeze, Just follow these steps with ease. Open your browser, download OptiFine, Then open Minecraft, everything will align. With OptiFine, zooming is a snap, Get a closer look, no need for a map. Navigate your world with a brand new view, Thanks to OptiFine, the possibilities grew. So next time you play, remember this tip, Zoom in with ease, don’t let it slip. Explore every corner, every nook, With OptiFine, you’ll have the perfect look. Read More

  • Join Minewind Server for Epic Minecraft Adventures!

    Join Minewind Server for Epic Minecraft Adventures! Welcome to NewsMinecraft.com! Are you a fan of Minecraft and looking for a new server to join? Look no further than Minewind! With a thriving community and endless possibilities for exploration and creativity, Minewind is the perfect place to unleash your inner builder. Whether you’re a seasoned player or just starting out, Minewind offers something for everyone. From epic builds to intense PvP battles, there’s never a dull moment on this server. And with regular events and updates, you’ll always have something new to discover. So why wait? Join us on Minewind today and start your next Minecraft adventure…. Read More

  • Speedy Minecraft: 100x Faster Fun!

    Speedy Minecraft: 100x Faster Fun! In the world of Minecraft, where blocks reign supreme, We speed up the game, like a wild, rushing stream. Challenges await, as we race to the end, With speed multiplied, can we still defend? Creepers explode, zombies swarm in a flash, But we’re quick on our feet, ready to clash. Building and crafting, at lightning pace, In this fast-paced world, can we keep up the chase? Ender Dragon awaits, in the realm of the End, With speed on our side, can we transcend? Watch as we play, at 100 times the norm, In this Minecraft world, where speed is… Read More

  • Crafty Creations: PS4 & PSVR Marketplace Magic

    Crafty Creations: PS4 & PSVR Marketplace Magic In the world of Minecraft, a new chapter begins, With add-ons and updates, the excitement never ends. Customize your world, with blocks and mobs galore, The possibilities are endless, explore and soar. On PS4 and PSVR, the fun awaits, With Marketplace Pass, open the gates. Download new content, from creators so fine, Let your imagination run wild, in this pixelated shrine. Oreville Studios brings a party to your screen, With free supplies and goodies, a festive scene. So grab your controller, and dive right in, To the world of Minecraft, where the fun never dims. So leap into the… Read More

  • Crafty Crime in Minecraft Prime

    Crafty Crime in Minecraft Prime In the world of Minecraft KosmiKrime, A tale of criminals, a story sublime. Players and characters, intertwined, In a game where reality is redefined. Join the Discord, be an original criminal, Early birds get a bonus, it’s not minimal. Follow on Twidder, retweet for a chance, To see your name in future credits, enhance. The music sets the tone, the atmosphere, Starbound FU, Kiwi, and iamthekidyouknowwhatimean, so clear. Unscripted gameplay, with a mysterious twist, Each player unique, in this cosmic heist. Maximum Security Prison, the inescapable, Seven prisoners, dangerous and capable. Who will survive, who will escape, The story… Read More

  • Exploring Epic Cave Depths

    Exploring Epic Cave Depths Exploring the Depths of Caves in a Legacy Minecraft World Delve into the depths of a legacy Minecraft world where the underground holds mysteries waiting to be uncovered. Join the adventure as our player navigates through the vast caverns, encountering dungeons, mobs, and precious resources along the way. Unearthing Treasures Below As the player loads into the game, anticipation builds for the journey ahead. Waiting for items to smelt, they gear up for the exploration that lies beneath the surface. With each step taken deeper into the caves, new discoveries await. Discovering Dungeons and Amethyst Exploration leads to the… Read More

  • Experience the Thrills of Minewind Minecraft Server

    Experience the Thrills of Minewind Minecraft Server Welcome to NewsMinecraft.com! Are you a fan of creating beautiful and fun things in Minecraft? If so, you need to check out Minewind Minecraft Server. With an IP address of YT.MINEWIND.NET, Minewind offers a unique and exciting gaming experience for players of all levels. Imagine a world where you can unleash infinite lightning with a trident, just like in the popular Minecraft Shorts video titled “Infinite lightning | Minecraft Shorts” by VABLOCK. This kind of creativity and excitement is exactly what you’ll find on Minewind Minecraft Server. Whether you’re a seasoned Minecraft player looking for a new challenge or… Read More

  • God of War Mod Review: Minecraft Hindi

    God of War Mod Review: Minecraft Hindi Minecraft God Of War Mod Review In Hindi Introduction In the world of Minecraft, a new and exciting mod has emerged – the God of War mod. This mod brings a whole new level of danger and adventure to the game, with powerful monsters and epic battles awaiting players. Exploring the Mod As players delve into the God of War mod, they encounter terrifying creatures and challenging scenarios. From massive monsters to powerful bosses, the mod offers a thrilling experience for those brave enough to face its dangers. Monsters and Bosses One of the highlights of the God of… Read More

  • 🔥EPIC Minecraft RTX Stream: Storage & Adventures LIVE!

    🔥EPIC Minecraft RTX Stream: Storage & Adventures LIVE!Video Information e e e hello and welcome another Minecraft stream again today getting lots of bonus streams this week but that’s okay yeah we’re just going to jump right in there we go wait for Mystic to load in here there we go whoa whoa whoa whoa all right what is uh what’s the plan for today um I was going to try and finish our storage Tower and then maybe go on a Mining Adventure sounds like a solid PL to me uh I will probably just continue on the staircase uh unless you need other resources I… Read More

  • Stunning Minecraft Graphics You Need to See!

    Stunning Minecraft Graphics You Need to See!Video Information yang kalian lihat sekarang adalah gameplay dari Minecraft Mungkin kalian bertanya apa yang spesial dari gameplay ini well jawabannya terletak pada render distance-nya normalnya kalian tidak akan pernah sampai render distance setinggi ini pada vanilla Minecraft Nah untuk mencapai render distance tinggi ini kita harus menginstal beberapa mod dan mod yang paling krusial berperan dalam hal ini adalah distant Horizon distant Horizon adalah sebuah mod yang memungkinkan kita untuk mengatur render distance di Minecraft dan itu tidak memiliki batasan kalau kita pengin antur 500 silakan pengin antur lebih rendah lagi silakan yang menjadi batasan adalah seberapa kuat komputer… Read More

  • NOOB Becomes GOD in HARDCORE Minecraft?! Surviving 100 DAYS!

    NOOB Becomes GOD in HARDCORE Minecraft?! Surviving 100 DAYS!Video Information This video, titled ‘I Survived 100 DAYS as a GOD in HARDCORE Minecraft!’, was uploaded by Star is Noob on 2024-01-16 22:33:57. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. thanks for watchng FULL CREDIT GOES TO @BronzoOfficial. Read More

  • JJ wants to DESTROY Mikey’s family TINY HOUSE?!

    JJ wants to DESTROY Mikey's family TINY HOUSE?!Video Information all right friends let’s get started whoa what is that why is there a diamond above my chest let me try to get it hey he’s running off somewhere that’s the first time I’ve ever seen anything like that the diamond is literally running away from me I have to go chase him I don’t want to lose him we have to do everything as fast as possible maybe someone is playing a good prank on Me Maybe it’s even Mikey doing it I need to find out why the diamonds are running away from me and can… Read More

  • “Insane Minecraft Mod! Subscribe for Crazy Gameplay!” #minecraft #funny #shorts

    "Insane Minecraft Mod! Subscribe for Crazy Gameplay!" #minecraft #funny #shortsVideo Information मा बट अगर आप लोग सब्सक्राइब करोगे तो मेरे क्रिएटिव मोड मिलेगा सिर्फ पा सेकंड के लिए और मेला ल रहा हैगा उस काल चिड़या को मारने का चलो वुड माइन कर लेते हैं बट एक सेकंड मैं माइन क्यों कर रहा हूं भाई सब्सक्राइब करो ओ भा सब्सक्राइब कर जल्दी जल्दी वो प्स ले लेते हैं चलो यार कोई नहीं इतना कम समय में क्या लू मैं चलो काफी तो बन ही गया ओ वहां एक विलेज है अरे वाह यहां पे आती गटी म मिल गया काम करते फूड लेता भाई ऐसे भूख लग रही है… Read More

  • Unleashing Demons in Minecraft 2023

    Unleashing Demons in Minecraft 2023Video Information get fisted what’s wrong with getting fisted Proto death and then being laid on top of a ball I mean that ball look really comfy oh the double fisting a fting so nice it can happen twice all the [ __ ] bees okay okay yeah I was gonna say I hope someone else sees this I do oh I’m dead I’m laying flat face first on the tractor wins again fine I will put on my my handy cap I was about to say I think it’s time for the handicap what’s the hand I just don’t… Read More

  • INSANE! Watch Poofesure CRUSH hardcore minecraft – Full Twitch stream

    INSANE! Watch Poofesure CRUSH hardcore minecraft - Full Twitch streamVideo Information why did someone someone gave me $10 yesterday someone why did someone just give me $10 yesterday oh [ __ ] yeah I’m hard as a rock I wasn’t even streaming and someone gave me $10 crazy and bread also Prime subed was not Li fu yeah I’m hard a rock easy 79 tier one for 6 months thank you Chase Jennings thank you for the tier one for 29 months thank you OHA thank you for the tier one for three months laa thank you for the prime for eight months can I have those $10 no… Read More

  • Insane Tax Hack: xwertop’s Secret Bridge!

    Insane Tax Hack: xwertop's Secret Bridge!Video Information This video, titled ‘tax bridge’, was uploaded by xwertop on 2024-04-13 15:10:30. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. my brige #shorts, #minecraft, #minecraft, #shorts, #pvp, #pvp, #mmc, #minemen, #mineman, #duels, #duels, #bedwars, … Read More

  • EPIC Minecraft Survival Guide S3 Tutorial – Pandas & Automatic Bamboo!

    EPIC Minecraft Survival Guide S3 Tutorial - Pandas & Automatic Bamboo!Video Information hello everyone my name is pixel rips and welcome back to the Minecraft Survival Guide I hope you’re all having a good day today we’re going to revisit bamboo because this Farm has not been cutting it well it has been cutting it but not quite in the way that we want it to it’s got a decent output but of course this style of farm is just going to be producing individual pieces of bamboo over and over again it works fine for something like sugarcane where you need a few sugar cane to make into paper… Read More

  • Simply Vanilla Anarchy – No Hacks – 1.20.6

    Simply Vanilla Anarchy - No Hacks - 1.20.6Welcome to Simply Vanilla! Welcome to Simply Vanilla, the hack-free Minecraft anarchy server you have been looking for! We have been online since 2019 with an ever-growing history guaranteed by not doing any map resets ever. Our current map size of over 10 TB speaks for itself. Server Details: IP: simplyvanilla.net Players active: 30 to 70 Renders: Spawn / Nether / End Server Rules: Hacking and duping (except TNT, rails & carpet) are strictly forbidden and will be prosecuted with a ban. Vanilla world-borders and accessible Nether-roof will make your game-play as vanilla as possible. With only a few rules,… Read More

  • Aluye Middle School

    Aluye Middle SchoolAre you looking for a semi-vanilla SMP with plugins like Auraskills, Auramobs, RTP, /back, and /home? Join Aluye SMP today for fun and adventure! We hope to see you soon. Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Minecraft Animation – Spicy Meme!

    Minecraft Memes - Minecraft Animation - Spicy Meme!“Looks like Terry Brown has more YouTube channels than lives in Minecraft!” Read More

  • House Intruder: A Minecraft Adventure

    House Intruder: A Minecraft Adventure In the world of Minecraft, where adventures unfold, I bring you the news, in rhymes so bold. Night Dwellers and horrors, mods that ignite, I craft the stories, with all my might. From the man in the fog, to the cave dweller’s plight, I narrate the tales, with all my might. With Arem’s outfit, I face the dark, Exploring the caves, leaving my mark. Iron and copper, materials to find, In the depths of the earth, where dangers unwind. With Boomerangs and shields, I fight the foes, In this Minecraft world, where the story grows. So join me in… Read More

  • “Pick your poison: cursed ore edition!” #minecraft #meme

    "Pick your poison: cursed ore edition!" #minecraft #meme I would choose the cursed ore that turns all the creepers into friendly puppies who just want belly rubs instead of blowing up my house. #MinecraftLogic Read More

  • Discover the Ultimate Minecraft Experience on Minewind Server

    Discover the Ultimate Minecraft Experience on Minewind Server Welcome to NewsMinecraft.com! Today, we want to talk about the latest and greatest in the Minecraft community. While watching a video about the Quark mod, you may have noticed the incredible features it adds to the game. But have you ever thought about taking your Minecraft experience to the next level by joining a unique and exciting server like Minewind? Minewind is a Minecraft server like no other. With a focus on creating a dynamic and engaging gameplay experience, Minewind offers a variety of features and gameplay modes that will keep you coming back for more. From survival to… Read More

  • Master Aternos Commands in Minecraft!

    Master Aternos Commands in Minecraft! Unlocking Commands in Aternos on Minecraft Are you looking to enhance your Minecraft experience by unlocking commands in Aternos? Look no further! This guide will walk you through the process step by step. Getting Started To begin, head over to the Aternos official website. Once there, log in to your Aternos server and navigate to your server dashboard. By default, you won’t have access to commands on your Aternos server. Accessing Commands Click on ‘Console’ in the sidebar menu to access the server console. In the console, type ‘op’ followed by the username you want to assign as an… Read More

  • SMP Hotdog Water?! Sibling Hardcore Minecraft Ep.1&18

    SMP Hotdog Water?! Sibling Hardcore Minecraft Ep.1&18Video Information is that what wait what also for some reason I i’ my aspect ratio is like perfectly it’s like normal this time and I don’t know what I did I think it’s because Minecraft was open already anyway I need to set up my strength mon CFT uh I guess um e and go live what I what no come on dang it dang it dang it oh no because I have to retype my title again there we go see now I’m live on twitch.tv Yoon yron on hot dog water CH oh no people are already… Read More

  • Building a Modded Minecraft Starter House on KRYPCRAFT

    Building a Modded Minecraft Starter House on KRYPCRAFTVideo Information all right y’ welcome back to the modded let’s play series this is episode two of the modded let’s play series um quick recap of yesterday we basically started the series and we found an area that we were going to set up to start building our house in our first base so we went to a couple little places like um these like jaanese Towers in a village and I think even like a villager or Pillager Outpost yeah that’s pretty much the general gist of what we did in the first episode um I’m thinking this… Read More

  • Ultimate Survival SMP Server With Lifesteal in Minecraft!

    Ultimate Survival SMP Server With Lifesteal in Minecraft!Video Information मैं तो आ ही गया हूं बस आ ही रहा हूं थंबनेल बना के आओ भाई सबको लाइव ससी अबे ऑन हो जा ये क्या बात हो भाई आ अबे चू तभी रुक जाओ भाई अरे तो मैं लाइव हूं साले तुम लाइव हो अच्छा अब अभी जस्ट किया आज जल्दी कर देगा ठीक है भाई जा जा ऑन हो जा क्या त हेलो गेमर अ वेलकम ट्रीम अलाम वालेक वालेक सलाम अभ अभन सिं वेलकम ू स्ट्रीम म गेम वेलकम ू स्ट्रीम क्या हैरर कन नॉट कनेक्ट ह लाइव हो रहा तुमको कि नहीं हो रहा येय… Read More

  • INSANE 1v1 PvP in Minemen Bedwars #Minecraft

    INSANE 1v1 PvP in Minemen Bedwars #MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minemen clip #24 #minecraft #minemen #bedwars’, was uploaded by Alphacus on 2024-02-10 22:26:25. It has garnered 2524 views and 51 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:57 or 57 seconds. Read More

  • Master the Impossible Minecraft Golf Trickshot!

    Master the Impossible Minecraft Golf Trickshot!Video Information today my friends and I are going to be playing golf in Minecraft we have to hit the ball into the hole with as few Strokes as possible whoever comes in last place has to eat an entire cup of dog food no yo boys welcome back to golfing wow it’s Minecraft wa all the way into the hole boys it should be pretty easy you know okay as you can see on the top right there’s some sort of time limit I I guess we got to make the shot in within there no I just bounced… Read More

  • Darkness Consumes Me 💀 POV – wige #shorts

    Darkness Consumes Me 💀 POV - wige #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘POV It’s Getting Dark 💀 #shorts’, was uploaded by wige on 2024-02-26 17:00:17. It has garnered 474 views and 7 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:07 or 7 seconds. ✅ BE SURE TO LIKE, SUBSCRIBE, AND TURN ON NOTIFICATIONS!!! 🎥 Welcome to Wige’s Cinematic Minecraft Let’s Play Modded Survival Series called Spoils Of War. Let’s rediscover the joy of playing Minecraft together. Taking things slow and documenting every step I’ve taken within the world. 🤍 Check Out My Main Gaming Channel @wigemojo Hey! Any Feedback & Criticism is much appreciated and I would… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Decorating Hacks! #viralshorts

    Insane Minecraft Decorating Hacks! #viralshortsVideo Information [Music] oh This video, titled ‘Decorating thing in Minecraft #minecraft #viral #shorts’, was uploaded by Ehan0069 on 2024-02-19 11:44:46. It has garnered 387 views and 12 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:32 or 32 seconds. Decorating thing in Minecraft #minecraft #viral #shorts , #gaming , #gamer , #ps , #playstation , #videogames , #game , #xbox , #games , #twitch , #fortnite , #pc , #memes , #pcgaming , #gamers , #gamingcommunity , #youtube , #xboxone , #gamergirl , #nintendo , #gta , #callofduty , #streamer , #follow , #pubg , #videogame , #esports , #meme… Read More


    🔥 CRAZY! SIR HORSE DIES IN MINECRAFT WITH VIEWERS 🐎🔥Video Information all right there we go let me just make sure everything’s working my Minecraft skin is still broken but it is what it is still got to figure out why it’s doing thato hope you’re all having a good day so far I’m also testing out some new music today so hi Kurt hello uh Cooper bye Kurt hi am of you’re still here as well as a donor hi mkw [Music] waterer hi Rosie you hate uh pry math game not sure I’ve ever played that one by a mad cat he has everyone’s uh day so… Read More

  • INSANE! Lya’s EPIC fails in making friends on Minecraft

    INSANE! Lya's EPIC fails in making friends on MinecraftVideo Information pugno di d’amicizia Ah ok va bene No no no quel pugno di amicizia E vabbè era un pugno un po’ più forte Dai se volete salite di sopra perché sennò qua non vi sento Non ho una grande perdita dopo tutto tranquilla ci penso io no ho sbagliato un po’ conel ris con forn CR This video, titled ‘COME NON FARE AMICIZIA SU MINECRAFT’, was uploaded by Lya on 2024-02-18 20:00:03. It has garnered 4240 views and 229 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:20 or 20 seconds. HOW NOT TO MAKE FRIENDS ON MINECRAFT. 😂… Read More

  • Brabantia factions roleplay bedrock economy sports league youtube lore gods

    Welcome to a New World of Factions and Kingdoms! Join us in a unique rp experience with over 60 players, featuring immersive lore and 8 distinct kingdoms. Each kingdom is tied to a special ring, shaping the story based on your ambitions and goals. Example Story and Lore: Discover a world where rings determine destinies: Three rings for the kings of man, legends of power. Two rings for the elves, balancing harmony and loyalty. One ring for the dwarfs, shining in moonlight. One ring for the half-elves, promising prosperity. And the last mortal ring, a half-orc torn between light and… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – “Creepers when you forget torches: 🤨🤨”

    Wow, this meme scored higher than my last math test! Read More

Tetra – Minecraft 1.16 Mod Showcase