The BEST BedWars Texturepacks! (1.8.9)

Video Information

Over the years I have downloaded a lot of texture packs in today’s video I will show you my favorite texture packs for bad boys playing one game each to showcase the different packs you can find the links to all these in the video description and let’s go

We are starting off with the acidic 16x pack I will simply go through all of these in an alphabetical order so these are not an order of best pack or something and this one is the 16x version of GB 80s acidic Blitz pack obviously it doesn’t belong to gb80 it

Wasn’t created for him but it’s a pack GBA usually uses and I think this is a really good looking pack I think the first time I saw this and that’s when I downloaded it and a kizak video I believe I saw him use it it was some

Sort of ranked video was pretty cool of a pack so I decided to Simply give it a download and here we go I will try to keep this video as short as possible I have about 20 packs I didn’t actually count at just a rough estimate that I want to showcase

To you today so I will try to edit these games down to the absolute highlights and just a little bit of commentary here and there it should be really fast paced video if you’re an active Tick Tock enjoyer then this video is probably pretty soon for you I don’t mean to diss

Anyone who’s watching take time uh that was actually funny I love all of you no matter what social media platforms you use yo what a satisfying combo good fight bro and that should be game right yep first game done next pack now this basically just feels like one of these

Fizzy videos bad boys but whenever I win my texture pack gets bigger because this is the original acidic Blitz pack 32x now as I already mentioned this is a pack that gb80 usually uses for these videos an absolute all-time classic I have to admit I don’t use this pack too

Frequently anymore because I have watched every single gb80 video for like 10 times already and I’ve also used this pack myself a decent amount already but from time to time I do like to play with it and not go into lie in general it is a really good battle voice pack oh okay

Wait that just got us to 1580 stores nice not that as some crazy Milestone well speaking of GB 80 and 1580 stores I will be passing GBA pretty soon and it’s going to be a pretty special moment I think I might produce a video on that so if you don’t wanna

Miss out on me dying to nons if you don’t want to miss out on that then you could go ahead and subscribe to the channel but don’t worry about it don’t worry about it if you will stay till the outro then I will remind you again I

Still have my weekly final kill Quest so it could happen that we are actually going to get another star in this video because believe it or not I have to win like 20 25 games in this oh in this video so it is not going to be too too short bye

Oh oh my God T-man is an absolute Legend he may just stop them from getting Abby that was so very close let’s see if we can help him a little if that’s okay that’s game nice until we go with the aquari default added pack this is actually semi-green’s 200k pack and for some

Reason it has a spelling mistake as you can see it’s called a quarry and to beat this boost real quick as you can see it’s called equally deep fool I’m unsure if this is my mistake when installing this or if that’s maybe an early version when I downloaded it then

It actually contained a spelling mistake I don’t know but uh not going to lie especially recently I’ve been playing with this pack a really decent amount it is a very clean pack and not going to lie it is so well made that I think it is pretty

Worthy of being a 200k pack because after all 200k is so much that you’d expect like a very very good pack and I feel like this pack lives up to the standards that I expect for a pack like this goodbye Summer’s kind of laggy right now wait

Yeah you died beautiful this person died on their own I had first clutch game of the video I’d let’s go over to this fine gentleman and goodbye okay I’d say next pack next up we have an absolute gem this is bombi’s 80k pack as y’all know usually I use Bobby’s 180k

Pack for my main Khan and creation pack this is the version that Bobby’s released for 80k subscribers and it is so cool dude no pink sweats for a first rush it looks like nope I that should be a bit beautiful And goodbye one thing that I particularly like about this pack is this guy dude this guy is absolutely amazing and I think I’ll just go ahead and show you the entire Sky after I took out Aqua here like the entire Sky asked him to look at this guy whenever I play

With this pack I realize again how beautiful it is all right let’s see if we can take out video game players oh my God oh this person was cheating recently I fought so many blatant cheaters I have recorded So Many blatant Cheer games for my fighting sweats and Cheetos serious

It is absolutely unreal as some cheating client gotten an update or something what is going on here but anyway this is the sky look at it that’s a daytime sky nighttime sky the daytime sky is probably the best looking in my opinion but yeah an absolute Gem of this guy

It’s a really really beautiful pack I did like using this for four of these not because it’s especially good for this anything but instead just because obviously that was around the time when Barbie’s wolf Lovenox stock had what when the 4v’s tournament and won that the poivi spellers tournament so it’s pretty special

Okay I should be able to take him out my man has Shields oh here we go game and hello dear sir you are about to be dead goodbye looks like someone just gained 100 000 Subs but sadly it’s not me anyway for more frequent viewers of my

Channel this is basically just a normal boring commentary now because this is my main Khan creation pack currently so there’s nothing too special about playing with this it’s a 180k bombies pack this just has such a clean and mainstream feel more or less if you can understand what I’m trying to say by

That that I currently use this as my main pack for recording videos and streaming and all that foreign oh that’s actually the one thing I don’t like about this pack if I want to say it like that basically the emerald texture I’ve gotten used to it by now but the

Emerald texture is the only texture that I don’t consider too aesthetically pleasing the diamond on the other hand as you can see it there looks pretty clean again you might honestly be interested in what I mean by this pack Fields mainstream that’s why it’s my main concreation pack basically what I

Look for in a Content creation pack is it looking really aesthetically pleasing obviously it’s also really important if you are a content creator yourself it choose a pack that is going to look aesthetically pleasing for the majority of people that could theoretically watch your content you wouldn’t believe this

To make that big of a difference but in the end it happened countless times already that I wanted to watch a video but the texture pack in that video just looks so ugly that I couldn’t watch the video and clicked off it again oh no this is one of these cheaters

We’ve come so far in the past week or two with these cheaters that I’m not even calling out cheetahs anymore to my teammate because it’s so normal yep blatantly cheating alrighty that’s it for them goodbye cheater we are actually going to stay on the X3 crew and this is Celeste 16x created by

Lovenox the only thing that I don’t like about this pack are the swords the swords really don’t look too good but the diamond texture is looking pretty fire and one of my personal highlights of this pack is the GOI as well that is so very perfect and obviously Lovenox

Didn’t create that you I I think it took it from a Cano pack I’m unsure about this though I’m not going to guarantee for all of these textures to be 100 louvenox created they’re probably Borrowed by a couple other people here and there but there definitely some original textures by Lovenox and nurse

Pack for example for example this sword texture I know I actually like little rocks but what is that soy texture yeah down there you can see the diamond texture again pretty good looking hello white how about we have a little bit of a fight that actually Rhymes wait you are

Blatant sheep Oh no you’re just blatantly laggy oh God maybe we can have a rematch wait pink is still alive I don’t even know that not for long anymore not almost goodbye with six diamonds these would be so tasty I’d go ahead and purchase part two with that but unfortunately we won’t

Have enough time for that anymore dude bye dear sirs next action pack next texture pack now this is one of my absolute favorite Powers packs it is a 32x pack and obviously it is two years 2K pack dude this is an absolute beautiful pack and one of these packs

Where you just feel better when you use it obviously texture packs can’t actually make a difference when PVP but for some reason this actually just makes me better at the video game plus breaking Bets with this feels insanely clean it has a really thin breaking texture thanks to the 32x and that looks

Just so good in combination with the high resolution blocks okay goodbye my theory about how this works is that maybe the better the person you first saw using this pack is at the video game the better you yourself feel when playing with this pack but what do I know all I know is

That we are going to clutch video games here goodbye this is actually scarier than a horror movie there’s a great person somewhere here and we’re just both digging through these towers I found them yes okay oh dude scary oh God teammates getting invest they’re probably loses I’m just gonna include it still

Oh this prisoners blatantly cheating I didn’t know that yeah I mean what can you do I’m not gonna record games 10 times just because we got cheated on so here we go with another Luminox created pack and it’s called flare 32x I have already produced an entire video in this

Pack just because I realized how clean it felt when playing SkyWars but obviously it is a battleways pack again created by Luminox and it’s therefore also pretty good for bad boys as you can imagine we’ve got a really scary looking situation going on right now I hope teammate got this basically both green

Uh admit or half admit I don’t know if they’re still both at Mid oh my God I just realized something catastrophically Greener said Cheeto again from last game the cheetah that finally killed me at the end me and teammate that is I believe what’s going to happen here

Green already got Abby and now I think they wear mid again and now they are just going to inverse Us Aqua straight up past us it looks like or me that is not us I’ll see that I can get their bed real quick and then hopefully go in the void like

This person that was clearly cheating last game seemed to not be cheating anymore maybe they’re only activating their cheats once uh their bed is gone I believe that is it I’ll avoid here wait no that didn’t do anything At least I could safety mate okay I’m dead here I got no way to escape this anymore oh my God I got life back I’m gonna die to getting like back yeah okay oh my God oh my God oh my God oh my God we win these I was about

To not include this because it wasn’t that good of a game but holy my teammate is absolutely Godly at the video game what the heck dude until we have Fuego 32x by Luminox and not going to lie I never fully realized just how remix these packs are

Like the wit in this pack at least the oak lock texture I’m not too sure about everything else is for example from the time do 2K pack which we may or may not have later in the video too but still I am going to call all these lubunox packs

Made by louvenox just because he remixed it and released it so let’s call him luminox’s packs what don’t I’m so sick of this if there was like one hacker every 10 games or something it would be bad yes but I would be fine with that but right now

You literally have hackers every single game I don’t think I’ve played a single game today that didn’t contain a hacker maybe Hypixel updated there okay at least I got him maybe Hypixel updated their Watchdog and now it went from working terribly to not working at all anymore

I don’t know everything is possible how did I see this person do I just not have ice wait a second okay be sick okay it doesn’t matter anymore oh wait they had a pool liar they had a pearl yes and they landed it too and I didn’t land the ladder clutch

That’s pretty embarrassing they have a bow okay it’s not a punch bowl well I’m pretty dead oh I still got him oh you you I wasn’t close at all and here we go with yet another louvinox pack I’m pretty sure lunox has the absolute most packs on this list and yes

Your eyes are not lying to you it is actually GG men 16x probably the best Luminox pack and also one of these packs that just simply makes you feel better at the video game let’s prove just how much better this pack makes me at the video game real quick

I set we have to prove okay but now we really have to prove by getting this person to okay my aim is all over the place I have to admit this is my second game bag I just had like three hours with my grandma she visited

Me so I’m a little bit Rusty now but I hope that is cool for you guys uh after all grandmas are a really beautiful thing I’d advise you to spend more time with your grandma too unless you’re already spending enough time in that case you don’t have to I personally meet

Up with my grandma every Saturday and we call each other every single day for at least like half an hour so I’m in pretty great contact with my grandma okay you already fell off but yeah this pack is simply great I’m a pretty huge fan of it I think I remember louvenox

Saying that he created all the textures for this his self and it does look like it’s not a remix pack so that could actually be a thing I’m unsure if that’s actually the way he described it I haven’t watched that video in like a month or two but just

Like all the other packs you can find the Pack download in the video description if you’d like to see it we’ve still got some absolute classics coming up a couple packs that are really really sweaty too like I’ve got some crazily sweaty packs from people with

Like 2 500 and more stars it’s actually incredible so you want to keep watching this video ah ice watch time saved I am actually not kidding when I say this because I just checked and it looks like seven out of the eight very best packs I

Have for you today have not even been shown yet alright let’s see if we can take out aqua and it looks like we absolutely I was going to say we absolutely can but this person has sharpness and I don’t but I have the power of getting stuck on

A block even me three hits for some reason right and got um one thing I really like is a diamond texture I mean oh look at that if that’s actually created by Luminox herself then holy alrighty this is the very last player we have for today and report today for this back obviously

Next pack now here we have the default edit of GG man if you have been following my channel for a little longer then you probably know that this used to be my main bad voice content creation pack and for a good reason so it looks really good especially the GUI again if

Luminox created that itself then I am really impressed okay no not okay all right let’s pre-grab to take out the very last team here not much happened this game so there’s probably like I don’t know a half a minute game or something no LOL yes no my screen turned off but dude did

You see that oh I love when that happens I don’t know the exact term for that play also we’re only six finals away from the quest but dude when you dick someone in your own blocking so you can safely mind the bed that is the best

Thing that can happen we are getting a little more sweaty here with the pack heat 16x this is a Gandalf swag ink pack and this is the very first pack where I got to know this effect of wow with this pack I’m simply playing better the one thing that I don’t consider tourist

Attic but for some reason it doesn’t even bother me is the wall this is wool it looks so plain and simple almost boring but for some reason it works bye thank you for the final it where’s this person up here dude my aim is so shaky right now

I really wanna get this okay dude not even close we’re only one final wave from the quest we are going to get at this game and I believe I actually lied to you because I said in this video we might even get two stars because of the

Quest but it looks like we’re gonna get three because we are already really close to the next store after we got the quest that’s actually crazy within a single video oh you fell wait I got that did I break white bet it looks like well and as you can see the

Quest is ours they fell too at the exact point where their teammate failed to as glorious now here we go with I aim 30k pack and even though one-hander fingers is probably enough to describe how often I’ve used this pack it is actually a really good

Pack yeah this is actually not a recolor or anything this is the original I am 30k pack and if you know me a little bit better like if you are actively watching every single one of my streams and you could probably know this dude what a crazy dribble hit my

Favorite color is actually pink and if I Google pink then it doesn’t give me my favorite color it gives me a little bit darker of a pink that I don’t quite enjoy but this pink the one you see in the GUI here and the hearts and the XP

Bar this is actually exactly the type of color I love this is my favorite color exactly the pink that I love the most it is absolutely beautiful I’m honestly wondering why I don’t use this more often especially in combination with the what is that Aqua with the aqua handles

For all the tools the ldr I absolutely love this Pack’s colors now let’s see if we can get a little calm on this man it looks like we absolutely can nice next pack here’s a pack that I have discovered very recently it shows the default edit pack this pack is an

Absolute all-rounder not only is it incredibly clean for a bad voice but I absolutely love it for skyways as well the couple times a year I play SkyWars what I really like about this packet is one of the very few default item packs from the old default version of

Minecraft before 1.13 before they had the little texture update and it looks so clean for some reason especially for projectile based PVP but as I said also for a bad voice I just love it Not even close all right that should be game end yup good job teammate your eyes are not deceiving you yes we are playing with the kaizek 10K 32x pack a pack that by default has a crazy high saturation also a sad person beyond me okay they are not be upping

Beautiful looks like we might have a little sweaty game on our hands here because yellow actually is getting destroyed by teammate but in general it looks like this yellow might be a little sweaty which does concern me especially seeing as we don’t have any diamond upgrades here but with this pack I feel

Like I’m playing 10 times better anyways so we should be able to beat them oh teammate go you got this yes good job teammate modern Legends op double rushing and bad who is question mark but attention Gamers yellow is now trying to be ink I actually got him nice at least one but I don’t know it’s just a 1v1 but I don’t see them going first here yeah they just wanted to spend the diamonds yeah but steal the diamonds not if I can do something against it yes haha no TNT

Drumming for you and that was also the last one did they say could game and have a lovely life okay that sounds normal now this pack is called ludicrous and I have to admit one thing I’ve got not a single clue where I have this from

This is like a really aesthetic pack and I like using it but not gonna lie I believe I just got it from a random that’s bad voice texture pack so Something video because I’ve got no clue where this is from or which Youtuber this is created for or whatever I’ve got

Absolutely no idea oh my God look at the diamond texture I have to admit that I don’t frequently use this because I have no emotional connection to this pack as I said I’ve got no clue where this came from an emotional connection actually plays a decent role like if I play with

The time deal or the acidic Blitz or some Luminox pack or anything like that then obviously I have a deep connection to that because I know this person used it that person used it I’ve seen countless really really special videos that are due to my heart with these

Packs but for this pack I’ve got no connection to it at all the only thing I have is it looking really good oh my God the ammo texture is well maybe I should start using this more everything about this pack just looks so incredibly stunning and I’ve actually got a

Challenge for you speaking of stunning so basically my sister just reached 70 stars in Hypixel Bed Wars and usually you guys love the content I create with my sister and I’ve been thinking should I produce an entire main Channel video on my sister reaching a hundred Stars

Her very first prestige I mean not gonna lie I’m going to do that anyway if you’ve watched it this far and you come across this just write your opinion on that down in the comments oh yeah I just realized uh since I’ve got no clue where

This pack came from and I have no video or anything I also don’t have a download link so sorry about that you are going to find like all the download links in the video description but there are two packs I think one was by Pat Creator who deleted their Channel and this one

Because I don’t know where it came from where I don’t have the links to them I hope that is okay I’m sorry for that but uh next pack yeah see we have an absolute s tier pack with luminous 16x this pack overall is just awesome but my personal two highlights are the breaking

Animation as well as the buttons once you’re in the menu or the inventory I also don’t know what it is but look at these buttons they feel so incredibly clean I have never seen buttons this clean before and here you can see the breaking animation as well dude

Satisfying so if you want to feel like you are going to win the next battlewest tournament then go ahead and play with this pack I know I sound like I’m advertising these packs or something but I swear to God I don’t get any money if you actually download them that would

Be huge honestly are there affiliate links for downloading Minecraft packs oh nice okay I won’t get this one I’ve never really paid attention to that but I guess if I want texture is also crazily good looking and we got 1582 nice next pack yeah we’re back to louvenox and I have to

Admit and his pack luvenox 16x released I downloaded the red version and then I used it occasionally and that’s it but just recently I have discovered the blue recolor to be slowly gorgeous it’s not going to lie ever since I just covered this Bluey color my life has changed for

The Birkin I’m just kidding but this actually looks insanely clean simply look at the Pearl Pearl as you can see here it’s definitely one of my favorite items in this entire pack the color scheme in general just looks so clean this is honestly probably the first time

I prefer a recolor over the original version of a pack whoa beautiful airhead now I can’t mess up this takeout okay I actually can’t because these people aren’t any good looks like we have another clutch game pretty fitting honestly for this pack no this wasn’t planned play Luminox music

Oh that fireball wasn’t even close oh no teammate oh my God he made must have had a heart attack got him what He-Man actually got solo here take a golden apple that has such a beautiful Cape I’m always impressed when I see that such a beautiful cape yeah the explosions that you’re hearing

Are these people getting blown up because they were hiding in a box nice next pack alrighty here we have also a really special pack it is Intel at its midnight 16x pack this is probably among the greatest professionally produced packs for like a really big YouTuber in

This case Intel edits and not going to lie I really miss the old Intel edits hey I got Hypixel level 260. the old Intel edits we used to produce like some insanely cool content this newer videos like the past couple he uploaded really high quality videos I did enjoy them too

Like uh I watched them I liked them it was pretty good but his older content focused around like PVP especially in my opinion that is Peak Intel edits content where he used to play with like Leaderboard Players and I played with the highest high pixel level and stuff

Like that those were some absolutely fantastic videos and I believe they got views accordingly they should have like hundreds of thousands of views and for a good reason so these were like absolute god-like videos it’s good to see that he is actively evolving and trying to put

More effort into his videos but these videos back then dude Godlike and nowadays all I see from Intel edits is just him being funny on Twitter I actually think internet is one of the few people where he looks better with a beard a lot of people our age and yeah

I’m an old man too look better without a beard but internets definitely looks a lot better with a beard so Gigi’s on growing that man how did this entire game just become completely focused around my opinion on Intel edits as opposed to the bag I don’t know what ran

Wrong there but it’s a really good looking pack wait where where are the shopkeepers looking uh yeah that’s what I thought good value sir nice yeah a really good pack too good looking and here we go with the nas Damon 20K pack I’ll say beautiful one

Now I am here to take this person oh my God this person’s skin matches their armor so well okay mate thank you for helping my table was over there so I had to use my wrist in a really weird way in order to still make that bed

Also that was a really good combo is the power of Nas Damon’s 20K subscribers going to enable me to get these people in the 2V1 here not even close I didn’t even get a cigarette I still remember how Nas made a video showcasing this pack and I was

Like dude I have to download this this is so good but at the end of the video he just said yeah this pack is going to release very soon once I hit 20K so there was just frequently checking his subscriber count waiting for this pack to be released I’m calm don’t worry

About me and eventually he released it so I was happy Alright good news I have separated so I am able to just hide one at a time now and I got him oh that was so close I really should get the a I actually got him nice next pack

This pack is semi-fold 16x and not going to lie there is very few packs making me so very nostalgic this pack just full-on reminds me of the good old days when I first discovered Hypixel and bad voice and no Community semi-green obviously was one of the first Hypixel Bell voice

YouTubers I watched and yeah this was one of his old packs back then obviously this is also a good looking pack but that is what I meant earlier by I need an emotional connection to a pack to really enjoy it I probably wouldn’t play this pack just for the aesthetic like

Ludicrous but instead this is full on emotional connection combined with a decently looking pack it is actually glorious and fun fact I used to have an own pack too back then I really wanted to have a pack created for me as well so I went ahead and created a pack for

Myself and this was what it was based on honestly like I took this pack I copied it and I just edited some of the textures it was still in development I never really finished it at the end it’s still very much just looked like semi-fold 16x but with a couple texture

Changes if you’re really OG like back in the days when I used to stream on YouTube still when I had like 100 subscribers or something it was a thing back then oh my God what a crazy ass combo now I have to get the team wipe honestly no

Of just how clean this Pearl and this diamond sword in the pack looks I will go ahead and pull off a little bit of a special strategy here and I’m so sad that it worked out the way it did there the Strat would have been me just

Purling to their base and then taking them out from my sword but honestly I’ll just stall them at our base while teammate takes them out and now I will go ahead and probably yes beautiful I didn’t want them breaking our bed there dude this new simulation distance is

Honestly awesome I can see green from all the way here one of the best changes from the bad Voice update aside obviously the quests and all the new prestigious and all that dude if you haven’t seen my video on that then you should totally check it out afterwards

It’s like one of my last videos but next pack and here we go with a little more of his special pack this is a combination of the title revamp pack and the Vixen overlay I think it includes the sky as well as the blocks and the swords and this combination honestly

Look Godly I’m like really happy with myself getting this bad unless you may be a really red and chat this is not going to be an easy game we have multiple people with like crazy fkois and aqua has gotten all the emeralds which is awful oh my God we’re

In such a big trouble oh my God timing is a legend at least we won’t have to struggle with an RB team here now if they are just some stats odds and I have to admit I am not too impressed here but if these are actually some high star

Players like maybe eight 900 stores even more than that don’t ask me what happened to my voice there but yes I said if these are actually some really high star players maybe eight 900 maybe even more and they have 36 FK either then yeah I’m scared for a good reason probably I should

Still be able hey are you smartly sneaked past this person and this person is going for blue okay here we go green bell is gone okay the other green is getting taken out by teammate right now and this screen is too small to get taken up by me oh no oh no

Oh my God I didn’t look at my screen when that happened so I got scared okay teammate we’re both here there’s no way this person could Escape I tapped into my inventory I’m so mad at myself I actually got him I have to admit I didn’t really feel the 36f kdi that

Person wasn’t bad at PVP yeah I have to admit strategy wise I didn’t see anything so I guess these were just some stats old still a good fight obviously oh okay Tina took care of that well anyway next pack this is one of the best packs I

Have on this entire list not only for an emotional reason because obviously if we look at Players like hashido or also technoblade in some videos there’s definitely a reason to play with this for an emotional reason but this pack it is so unique all the textures are

Looking so very good and it has complete Custom Sounds and these Custom Sounds also just sound so incredibly satisfying like one of my all-time favorite sounds from this pack is a bow using a bow in this pack literally feels so incredibly satisfying it’s unreal

All in all if this was a list type of video where I would go from not too great packs to the very best packs in the end it would make sense that this pack is one of the very last in the entire video because it is so crazily

Good but this pack is also good to prove me wrong honestly because my theory of the better the player is you watch using this pack for the first time the better you are going to be when you use it yourself well that theory completely doesn’t work anymore because I don’t

Know why but whenever I use this pack I feel like I’m so slow and I can probably move and I’m just playing worse for some reason even though hashido is one of the very greatest Bellows players in the entire world whenever I play with this

Pack I kind of just for my ego and to I don’t know make it right for ishido is something I’m kind of stupid I am trying especially hard to make up for that for me feeling a little worse and just feeling slow with this pack so whenever

I use it I’m actually dry hiding and trying to work against this effect and it also has this nostalgic feel to it it has the whole nine honestly so this block breaking sound oh my God and placing two and not going to lie let’s actually try to get a bow this

Game so I can show off the bow sound as well it is unreal probably the first pack where I actually try to show off different things of it different aspects dude the fire sound too where’s fire there’s fire somewhere right but yeah the fire sound too sounds so incredibly clean oh hey comboed

Oh my God dude I am comboing these people oh my heck I mean we already have hobbies so should I get a punch bowl I really want to show off the bow in this pack and I kind of don’t have enough gold for a different bow so

Now we go full on hashida let’s purchase two jump Parts as well I am hashido now all right now let’s annoy this person foreign absolutely love it but yeah you heard the Bose sound dude so satisfying don’t kill him oh teammate died he got him with the bow

One of my absolute all-time favorite packs next pack oh my God yes we are actually playing with top right corner and don’t take my word for this I’m unsure here but I think it’s Nas Damon’s 30k pack as with many of the packs I’ve shown you I’m absolutely in love with

The GUI especially that just feels so very clean to me let’s see if we can get a nice little final here okay I’m sorry for that they didn’t see me I sadly don’t have shoes so I know that I don’t have many chances to do anything here

Also is no we’re not gonna call anything no no no foreign anymore I think that’s it nice we only have two packs left now so let’s get into them all right second to last pack we have War revamp and I have to admit this one I completely just play for emotional

Reasons with this is obviously one of the packs that technoblade used to use for example in this old SkyWars series and whenever I’m feeling a little bit more down about that I feel like I’ve gotten over it more or less decently already but from time to time it does

Get to me still and whenever that happens I sometimes use this pack to kind of deal with it more or less because I can sadly still not watch his old SkyWars commentaries for some reason it just doesn’t work I just can’t watch him without I don’t

Know it just does but if it wasn’t for that I have to admit 100 here I wouldn’t play with this pack probably if it wasn’t for the emotional connection I don’t know it’s I don’t want to say it’s not my type of pack but it doesn’t look that special what

What they turned around but I do have to admit that a couple months ago already I have started to enjoy higher resolution packs a lot like 32x packs when I discovered you do use 2K pack that was when I first started to really like the aesthetic of 32x packs and now that I’m

Playing with this again honestly I’m probably going to use a little more often from now on pass this fine gentleman and let’s go ahead and dig into that bad defense here we go maybe eat a gab because I am a little low already got one now it’s an inverse here

Got two invis don’t kill me there you go and Miss be gone nope no no no don’t quibble me off okay here we go not so bad oh okay I’m very low so I will go ahead and Escape for now where’s that sword kind of look like it

Probably just was a stone sword but it kind of looked like lemon sword I’m going crazy dude oh I had two minutes taking care of them in this and I’m not taking care of anything here alrighty beautiful one last pack left let’s get into it alrighty very last pack for

Today obviously that side gaming 200 special pack this is obviously a pack by the number two solo Bello is played site gaming and it’s already outdated more or less because he just released like I think yesterday or the day before yesterday he just released his new pack

The 5 000 subscriber special pack and it’s called grind 16x and honestly looks really really good and for good reason so because he didn’t create it himself I mean not to diss his Bad Creation skills or anything he created it with this new upcoming pack creator who has been

Creating a lot of newer generation packs recently are age 56 and that pack is looking really fire I’m considering downloading that as well it’s kind of crazy to think that side is already at about 5 000 subscribers I still remember when I had like a thousand subscribers

Or something inside just had 100 200 but obviously as he is incredible at the game and obviously since he’s the number two solo Bello his player he was able to gain a lot of traction pretty quickly I really hope that he’s going to get YouTube rank at some point a crazy

Figure in our Gaming Community not going to lie and I’m a crazy figure too if I manage to take out these fine gentlemen I’m not a crazy figure but yeah this pack is obviously also a remix it contains a lot of elements from the acidic Blitz 32x pack that we had

Earlier this video for example the shears were like the birch wood and now I will actually go ahead and give you a disturbing secret about myself well yeah it is true I’m not the biggest fan of this guy when I first saw it in the Sami

Green video about this guy I thought it looked pretty alright but especially since so many we mix packs are using this sky at I don’t know I’m just not a huge fan of it anymore but as you can see there’s actually something special this is not the normal Sky you see

Everywhere but instead there are a lot of stages and it also has a night version and these in between stages are looking pretty fire my opinion if you put it like this what was that F1 challenge complete but if you put it like that that’s all I’m

Trying to say it is pretty decent also dude Kudos thank you so much to the red guy trying to give me a fair fight there and not killing me from behind when they saw that I was not focusing on the game now that you have stayed this far into

The video probably like two people or something you are probably not going to click off this video anyway all too soon but I just want to tell you real quick in the outro that is going to be coming after this video I will announce a future video that might interest you as

Well if you’ve watched this far and just like that watch time save for the second time foreign men goodbye wait didn’t I kill the other oh no way dude you mention them hitting me off there and goodbye you are the final final kill for this video let’s go to

The outro I really hope you enjoyed today’s video as you can see I’m recording the outro in the default texture pack because I just didn’t know which one to pick now for the outro for those of you who actually waited this far I am planning on releasing another

Version of this video a hopefully not as long version boy SkyWars I’ve still got a couple packs that are really suited for SkyWars there are going to be some from this list as well in a couple months so do not miss out on that you can go ahead and subscribe to my channel

Now I hope you are going to have a wonderful recipe for day or night and bye

This video, titled ‘The BEST BedWars Texturepacks! (1.8.9)’, was uploaded by ModernLegendsLP on 2023-05-16 17:00:28. It has garnered 95500 views and 1261 likes. The duration of the video is 00:45:31 or 2731 seconds.

The BEST BedWars Texturepacks! (1.8.9)

acidic [16x]:

AciDicBliTzz Pack:

aquarium default:

Bombies [80k]:

Bombies [180k]:

Celeste [16x]:

Dewier’s 2k Pack:

Flare [32x]:

fuego [32x]:

ggmen [16x]:

ggmen Default Edit:

Heat 16x:

iAim 30K: N/A

josie default edit:

Kysik 10K:

Ludicrous: N/A

Luminous [16x]:

Luvonox [16x] [Blue]:

midnight [16x]:

NoSDaemon 20K:

Sammyfault [16x]:

Tightfault [Revamp]:

Vixon Overlay for Tightfault [Revamp]:

Deos 2k Pack:

Top Right Corner [16x]:

WAR Revamp:

Zeit_Gaming 200 Special:



Gamemode: BedWars

🎵Music🎵 ©Nintendo: (A1, §1)


0:00​ – Intro 0:19 – acidic [16x] 1:44 – AciDicBliTzz Pack 3:29 – aquarium default 4:41 – Bombies [80k] 6:38 – Bombies [180k] 8:32 – Celeste [16x] 9:59 – Dewier’s 2k Pack 11:35 – Flare [32x] 13:39 – fuego [32x] 15:08 – ggmen [16x] 17:48 – ggmen Default Edit 18:43 – Heat 16x 20:08 – iAim 30K 21:17 – josie default edit 22:06 – Kysiek 10K 23:41 – Ludicrous 25:43 – Luminous [16x] 26:41 – Luvonox [16x] [Blue]

28:06 – midnight [16x] 29:58 – NoSDaemon 20K 31:18 – Sammyfault [16x] 33:26 – Tightfault Revamp + Vixon Overlay 35:26 – Deos 2k Pack 38:30 – Top Right Corner [16x] 39:22 – WAR Revamp 41:43 – Zeit_Gaming 200 Special 44:47 – Outro


🎬Highlight Channel🎬

🎬VOD Channel🎬







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  • PokeXplore

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  • Werewolves VS Vampires UPDATE – SMP

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  • PixelRealm

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  • Minecraft Memes – Lost my pup to a 1% skele crit! Reset?

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  • Crafting an Exclusive Encounter: Sub meets @mishanyaya2222! #MinecraftGift

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  • My friends with laggy Wi-Fi in Minecraft (HOT MESS)

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  • Unleash the End Dragon in Your Castle – Join Minewind Minecraft Server!

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  • Revealing the Official Name of Minecraft 1.21 Update

    Revealing the Official Name of Minecraft 1.21 Update Welcome to the Tricky Trials Update in Minecraft! Armored Paws Drop and Realms Plus Upgrade In the latest Minecraft update, players can now enjoy the Armored Paws drop, featuring the Armadillo, Wolf Armor, and various wolf variations. Collect scutes from armadillos, gather your favorite wolf variations, and protect them with dyeable wolf armor. Realms Plus has also received an upgrade, offering a 10-player private server, Realm Stories, character creator items, and enhanced render distances. Ominous Trials and the Mighty Mace Enter the ominous trials if you dare! Available in Java Snapshot, Bedrock beta, and preview, these trials offer challenging… Read More

  • 🔥 Hardcore Minecraft Let’s Play #405 – Direct transmission from German SagittariusA*

    🔥 Hardcore Minecraft Let's Play #405 - Direct transmission from German SagittariusA*Video Information [Musik] [Musik] [Musik] [Musik] [Musik] [Applaus] na einen wunderschönen guten Tag und herzlich willkommen zurück zu einer weiteren Folge Minecraft ja ich hoffe es geht euch gut und se bisher auch durch den Samstag gut durchgekommen ja ich habe ein bisschen was vor diesmal habe ich aber was vorbereitet hallöchen brinchen und hallöchen Lina brinchen Moment dass ich das nicht vergesse und zwar und zwar und zwar und zwar genau Eier genau eine ganze schaler voll Eier Teppiche und warte mal was war denn hier noch drin außer schwarzstein ach so ja das ist für die Farm noch… Read More

  • World Domination with Princess_Panda27

    World Domination with Princess_Panda27Video Information are doing Minecraft again cuz I said I would and working on the house we’re working on the third floor now yeah third floor I think yeah I got to figure out how I’m going to put the ceiling on this one and then um go from there I’m trying to get the stream up real quick and then there it is I can share it out real quick and then let’s see [Music] h [Music] okay there we go got it up all right let’s see probably do this someone near on here you want to be… Read More

  • “Insane Anarchy Survival on LantonCore #Minecraft Madness!” #clickbait

    "Insane Anarchy Survival on LantonCore #Minecraft Madness!" #clickbaitVideo Information This video, titled ‘Играю на анархии LantonCore #анархия #выживание #survival #minecraft #майнкрафт #klauncher’, was uploaded by Hayper on 2024-01-29 20:01:41. It has garnered 5 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:10:24 or 624 seconds. Tags (do not read): #klauncher anarchy, funtime, funtime, pioneer, akvych, funtime server, pioneer funtime, farm, minecraft, funtime, funtime stream, funtime anarchy, fun time, coin farming, found dupe on funtime, minecraft, funtime fits, netherite armor, fan time, vulture, funtime fits, funtime coins, minecraft anarchy, dup funtime, holyworld anarchy, minecraft anarchy, wipe, mystic funtime, pvp funtime, minecraft, funtime pvp, in minecraft, cheats,… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Explosions & Mysteries 💣🔥 | #gaming

    Insane Minecraft Explosions & Mysteries 💣🔥 | #gamingVideo Information hello it’s nice to meet you can you tell me where I am I don’t know how I got here but I I think I’m starting to understand I don’t belong among the angels and maybey that’s just fine with me the things I did up there were high school but now I’m going for my degree hey sorry but you just got in my way I promise honey I can feel your pain and maybe I enjoy it just a little bit do that make me haven’t been the same since I expired doesn’t mean that I… Read More

  • Minecraft Modded Longplay Ep 11 – Counting Emily’s Deaths: Shizo! 🤯

    Minecraft Modded Longplay Ep 11 - Counting Emily's Deaths: Shizo! 🤯Video Information This video, titled ‘How Many Deaths? – Minecraft 1.20.4 Modded Longplay (No Commentary) – Ep 11’, was uploaded by EmilyTheDemon on 2024-02-27 22:00:13. It has garnered 44 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 03:34:26 or 12866 seconds. If you caught my livestream where SerenaFire came to raid an ancient city with us, it happens in the middle of this video, right after I run around like an excited bouncing maniac. After that, I tragically die a bunch of times in places and ways I totally shouldn’t have died. Enjoy! Playing on Minecraft 1.20.4 Java… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Server Grind + SURPRISE REVEAL 🚨610/620 SUBS

    Insane Minecraft Server Grind + SURPRISE REVEAL 🚨610/620 SUBSVideo Information for h what’s up Thomas hey up Thomas how are you doing today how are you doing Thomas racist live once again I’m referring to uh the Los PS TV yes but me no no no chance you’re referring to m ow those suage Works where do you enter you like okay this is not it I’m many good to explain to me how this works where’s little cam cam what do you mean where’s little cam cam right here manam I’m not going to touch anything until goo tells me what to do I’m not going to… Read More

  • Never get banned again with SkySpoofer!

    Never get banned again with SkySpoofer!Video Information hey guys welcome back to another video today I’ll be going over Sky spoofer and the three different spoofer modes as well as answering many of the common questions I’ve been asked by you guys in my Discord so first off what is a spoofer a spoofer is a software that either permanently or temporarily spoofs your computer serial numbers to make it seem like you’re on a new device and this is most commonly used to remove Hardware ID bands which almost all competitive games utilize including valerant fortnite Call of Duty Apex Legends and many many… Read More

  • HARDCORE Minecraft: Ghost Survives 100 Days

    HARDCORE Minecraft: Ghost Survives 100 DaysVideo Information hello guys welcome to my hardcore Adventure today’s episode where we’re going to get scared make friends and many other things to survive these 100 days and if I die once then everything is [Music] gone so just like any Hardcore Minecraft video so to get myself started on the first day I got some food found this ruined portal with decent Loot next I got some wood for tools to then get some Stone after that I went to organize my inventory but then this happened ah son of a [Music] mother a I’m the smartest person… Read More

  • Corgi creates mind-blowing Minecraft sand art! #41

    Corgi creates mind-blowing Minecraft sand art! #41Video Information [Music] [Music] oh [Music] a This video, titled ‘Satisfying Minecraft Sand Art (Corgi) #41 #shorts #minecraft #apexlegends #minecraftshorts’, was uploaded by Persivan on 2024-01-13 17:21:22. It has garnered 10567 views and 143 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:39 or 39 seconds. Satisfying sand art in Minecraft . Hope you all will enjoy . If you like our short content , don’t forget to LIKE and Subscribe . Share our video with your friends and let them enjoy . Stay tuned for more amazing videos . Game :- Minecraft Bedrock Edition With RTX On . :- Social… Read More

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