This video, titled ‘The BEST Minecraft PvPers of all time | The Movie’, was uploaded by Goonq on 2022-07-15 20:55:44. It has garnered 55287 views and 1684 likes. The duration of the video is 00:11:29 or 689 seconds.
This video took a while to make, so I would really appreciate it if you guys subbed and shared the video with others. This video was inspired by @Armegon and @PotetPvP , so shoutout to them for some ideas. If I ever get a better pc I will finally learn how to be a good editor and start making cool videos, but this is the best I can do with the limitations of my computer.
Don’t yell at me in the comments because some of these players aren’t the best players, the video is more about pvpers on youtube or the clips that they had, not all about skill. Also I dont think im one of the best, I just put myself in because its my vid 🙂
My pack:
Thank you so much to @ewyee for the thumbnail, go check him out
1.18 Texture pack discord: Dead Discord: (Youtube discord) Twitter:
People in the video (I know I forgot a lot of really good players sorry) Daddyash @DaddyAsh Straight @mine Tryh4rdd @TryH4rdd Lurnn @LurrnMC Izw @izw80 ItzRealme @ItzRealMe123 Deivi @Deivii17 Ceeew @ceeew Uccdawg @uccdawg820 Goonq Nakoso @Nakoso Staind @staind3882 Woklywo @woklywo4568 Qvarious @qvarious X-sus @XSUS 5awwi @5awiii Abvolt @AbvoltYT 36s @36sYT Jewdah @Jewdah 0dxray @ Stimpy @StimpyPvP Hurtin @Hurtin Jerseys @jerseys8138 Darthrai Novi @novi6160 Kylaz @Kylaz Clawy @clawy Goatmaster @goatmaster8792 Marlowww @Marlowww Frxnkey @frankie8946 Juan_Clean @juan_clean_8797 Flowtives @flowtives Hosthan @hosthan5291 Madlogg @madlogg1024 Golfeh @Golfeh Rasplin @RasplinYT Clownpierce @ClownPierce Tqmen @tqmen4737 Mardogaming @marioistrash3765 Artcombo @artcombo519 Vexaay @Vexaay chrzz @chrzz1 Kahzuk @PotetPvP Crusty @CrustyHCF Coldi @elcoldi Seahqwk @SeaHqwk Dream @dream Technoblade @Technoblade Fruitberries @fruitberries Sweatgod @sweatgod Bloje @blojeKAG2020 Danteh @ImDantelius Huahwi @realhuahwi Tryhard @Tryhard_ Lastro @LastroMC Calvin @Calvin9000 Joonah @Jooonah Fadic @egg Bedlessnoob @Bedless Telly @TellyYT M0difier @M0DIFIER Manhal_iq @ManhalIQ Specularpotato @Specularpotato Montclairebear @MontclairBear Sammygreen @sammygreenbw Cooldude951 @cooldude Puffedup @Vase Bamsi @bamsiWillEatYou Badlioncheat @Badlioncheat Iusehuzuni @iusehuzuni Ricefarmer11 @rice Theo404 @theo4048 Tylers_game @TylersGame Deadass @deadass Miami101 @miami… Znudi @NoahTjubi Kenced @kenced Muffinhacks @muffinhacks4611 Ishamm @ishamm Conexion @sharpnessyt Tasis @Tasis Michaelcycle Laidtofall @LaidToFall Nquoir @Nqouir Batoe @batoee PTBDanteh @DanteCrawhawk Doly @DolyMC Dylhn @dylhn4989 Moistp @moistp Playingandhating @playingandhating Dishwasher 1Spring @1Spring Mxthi @mxthi2243 Dreamsan @dreamsan Drrew iMouse Lextank @lextank9544 Ironstar @IRONSTARR Theobaldthebird @TheobaldTheBird Savagebeast @savagebeast6969 Andrz @andrzs8018 Specularburrito @Specularburrito Lqfty @lqfty7776 G8ev @g8ez Archersquid @bigmansquilly Kyzide @kyzide3519 Gqtor @Gqtor Cheetahh @Cheetahhh Kysiek1234 @kysiek Rawg @Rawg Sackboy_clank5 @SackboyClank5 Neler Unallowed @unallowed5166 RonikJ @ronik05 Frostbites Nelier Ninety9Colors @ninety9colors FerreMC @FerreMC TapL @TapL Sotsi @sotsi Bqnnyy @bqnnyy9954 Yuval Decially @decially2936 vyk0
Thank you all for watching