The Best Optifine Settings for Minecraft 1.19.3

Video Information

OptiFine it is great for reducing lag in Minecraft but there’s a lot of settings and a lot of things that can affect your performance in game luckily in this video we’re going to show you how to set up OptiFine to reduce lag and increase your FPS now first things first you will

Need OptiFine luckily we’ve got a link in the description down below to here this is a complete and super in-depth guide on downloading installing and setting up OptiFine it covers troubleshooting issues it even talks about increasing FPS with a dedicated video on doing that however we’re going

To be coming that in this video as well now with that being said once you’ve got OptiFine don’t open it right away instead start in the Minecraft launcher here now once you’re in the Minecraft launcher you want to click on installations because once you click on installations you can see OptiFine if

You don’t have OptiFine just make sure this modded is checked and then you will come over here right click or not right click click on these three dots and click edit this is where you can kind of edit the behind the scenes of your OptiFine installation now first things

First I’m going to set my resolution to 1920 by 1080. that’s because it’s going to be easier for you to see once we’re in Minecraft if I do that but should you honestly no the lower your resolution is the more FPS you’re going to get so 800 by 600 is

Technically going to give you more FPS than well 2560 by 1440. but it’s also at the expense of Minecraft looking very bad really it’s going to make the window very small so gotta choose what works best for you in here but know the lower these numbers the better also in here

Though we have more options and when we click on that we can scroll down and at the front here we have xmx2g this is how much RAM is dedicated to Minecraft by default it is two gigabytes now for 99 of people that is enough but if your

Computer has for example at least eight gigabytes of RAM on it you can go in here and change this to xmx 4G and that means it’s going to be four gigabytes of RAM dedicated to Minecraft if you have less than eight gigs of RAM don’t do

This even if you have a gigabytes of RAM you may have issues with this if you have free random stuff start happening when you’re playing Minecraft just come in here and uh you know lower this back to two gigabytes if you have 16 gigs of RAM you won’t have any problems but

That’s the uh two things you can do in the Minecraft launcher easily to kind of start helping lag even before we launch into Minecraft with OptiFine which we’re going to go ahead and do and while this is opening up how about invest from our sponsor Apex Minecraft hosting go to the

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This all started now the easiest way to see this is actually go into options and then go into video settings and then go into other then we have this show FPS option turn this on and your FPS will show in the top left of Minecraft when

We’re in game let’s go ahead and then click done and go into Minecraft single player by default we’ll be able to see what our FPS is and it’s worth noting that the first number we see here is the average so that first number of 57 80 is going

Up as you can see is the average FPS so I’m going to go ahead and write that down for me it seems to be stabilizing around 255. the bottom number that next number is the lowest FPS over a certain period of time I don’t know what it is exactly

But it is the minimum FPS we’ve gotten and for me that is it’s kind of hopping around but it looks like it’s going to be about 170 is a safe number I’d rather shoot low than high on that so go ahead write those down for you and at the end of

This video comment and let us know how much of an FPS boost you get from this let’s go ahead and save and quit here and then we’re going to go to options video settings now this is where all the magic happens this is where we can change everything and really make things

Look better in Minecraft so before we do that let’s just go ahead and zoom in because it’s a lot easier for you to see once we do so and then we can move on to our Graphics settings now what we want to do is change these to fast that’s going to

Obviously make graphics faster and increase the FPS for render distance turn it all the way down to two to get started every single one of the settings in here you can come back and change later for example if you’re like me you would be upping your render distance to

At least eight after you’ve gotten in game and see no lag with two but first turn everything down all the way set it up to where if you are running a potato computer you could run Minecraft Smooth lighting need to turn that off simulation distance turn that all the

Way down smooth lighting same thing all the way down frame rate actually turn that to unlimited the reason being we want to get the most FPS possible just to see what’s up oddly though if you’re seeing your FPS fluctuate quite a bit once you get in game you can limit this

To 60 or even 30 FPS and still get a very playable Minecraft without that FPS hopping DUI scale doesn’t really affect lag too much entity Shadows should be turned off brightness doesn’t really affect it too much same thing with the attack indicator Dynamic lights need to

Be turned off because well they are just laggy now even fast is still more laggy than off so we want to make sure those are off Dynamic fov I don’t like fov but it’s up to you and needs to be turned to whatever you want for shaders any

Shaders packs are going to cost tons of lag we have guides on increasing FPS with shaders but overall shaders packs are way more laggy than no shaders packs so go ahead and make sure that is set to off because well no shaders is better than any And in regards to FPS click

Done closes out of that and then we can move on to the Quality tab here we want to set MIP map levels to off we want to set the MIP map type to nearest anthroscopic filtering needs to be off anti-ali the sync needs to be off emissive textures turn those off random

Entities doesn’t really affect performance too much you can turn it off but if it really is not going to change your FPS too much better grass it needs to be turned to fast better snow needs to be turned on custom fonts again not going to really affect your performance

Too much custom colors turn those off now one thing worth noting here is that that can mess up texture packs and truthfully turning off texture packs can increase performance but overall if you do want to use a texture pack you might want to leave that on connected textures

Turn that off Natural textures turn that off as well custom Sky you can leave that on but again it’s going to affect your texture packs whether or not that’s on or off same thing with custom items I’m turning it off but you may want to leave it on if you’re using a texture

Pack same thing with entity models and last but not least the custom guis you guessed it same thing if you want all of your texture pack results you want to leave that on Distortion effects need to be set to your preference same thing for fov effects it doesn’t matter what you

Set those to so just whatever you want next up we can go on to the details Tab and in here we want to go ahead and set clouds to fast the cloud height is up to you I’m going to go ahead and actually turn Cloud High off trees set to smart

And this is going to give you the higher quality trees with a lot of the faster benefits trees look very very bad on the fast setting so usually smart works for most people rain and snow needs to be overall turned off but if you like it

Like I do you can turn it to fast and it will perform a lot better Sky needs to be turned off star needs to be turned off sun and moon I love the Sun and Moon refuse to turn that off even though it will make Minecraft a hair a bit faster

I leave it on though showcase can be turned off fog can be turned off fog start doesn’t matter because we turned the fog off view bobbing is your personal preference same for held item tool tips auto save indicator I turned that on because if you’re lagging every

Time the auto save happens we can change the autosave layer to happen less frequently so leaving that on lets you know kind of what’s going on there next up is swamp colors those need to be turned off vignette needs to be turned too fast alternate blocks is in regards

To your resource packs as you can see use alternate block models for some blocks depends on selected resource packs so I’m gonna turn those off we’re not using a resource pack but if you aren’t and having issues that might be why energy assistance needs to be turned

All the way down and biome blend needs to be turned off click done there and we can move on to the performance tab now this one’s a bit different because instead of turning everything off we’re basically turning everything on render Region’s fast render smart animations fast math smooth FPS and smooth World

Should all be turned on that is except if you’re like me and smooth World should be turned off now you might be asking what do you mean if I’m you’re like me well the reason we’re turning smooth World off is I want to see what that I want to get over a

Thousand FPS right and to do that smooth world needs to be turned off it’s actually going to stabilize your FPS and limit it from going as high as it could usually that’s a good thing but if you want to see what the max FPS you can get

Turn smooth World off smooth FPS is actually the same thing except it can work on servers more reliably and things like that so I’m actually going to turn that off as well you should probably turn both of these on for the best performance but I want to get the most

FPS chunk updates need to be set to one Dynamic updates need to be left on lazy chunk loading needs to be turned on and chunk Builder it needs to be semi blocking from there we can move to animations and this is my favorite tab because all

You’ve got to do is Click all off that simple right just click all off boom as you can see everything turns off particles turn to minimal we’re done click done there and then on the other tab show FPS we mentioned at the beginning of this video we’ll leave that

On weather is another thing to consider if you want it on or off off is going to be faster if you like whether you can leave it on something else worth mentioning is the auto save and the auto save is what I was talking about is when

It comes up and auto saves if you’re getting lag every time that happens you can set this to more frequently even up to 24 minutes by default I believe it’s gonna be like 45 seconds so yeah you can kind of see how that differs I usually

Set it to six minutes because I can lose six minutes of work in Minecraft without being too discouraged on top of that we also have our full screen here if you want to turn Minecraft full screen you can and the lower this resolution down here the more you’re gonna get as far as

FPS goes so full screen with the resolution all the way down Minecraft’s not going to look great but it is going to provide more FPS at this point though we can go ahead and click done click done all the way back out let’s jump back into that same single player world

Now remember before we had an average FPS the first number of 255. we had a minimum FPS of 170. and if we turn around here look at that 1800 average FPS minimum FPS of over 700. so as you can see I could easily go in up settings things like that my PC

Has a great graphics card great CPU all of that stuff so it’s not an issue for me to go in and increase the settings here and get a lot more out of Minecraft for example the first thing I would do because this is actually rather playable

Is up this to 16 chunks in the regular distance it’s quite a bit but I can handle it and as you can see I’m getting still well over 500 or 400 FPS consistently even with that much higher render distance but anyway if you have any questions let us know in the comment

Section down below or join our community support Discord because over there there’s an awesome Community here to help you out as well as I’m in there quite often helping people out as well so if you have any questions let us know on the community scored or in the

Comments down below if you enjoyed the video give it a thumbs up and subscribe to the channel and enjoy your newly optimized OptiFine we’ll see in the next one peace

This video, titled ‘The Best Optifine Settings for Minecraft 1.19.3’, was uploaded by The Breakdown on 2023-01-28 02:00:10. It has garnered 58975 views and 908 likes. The duration of the video is 00:11:09 or 669 seconds.

If you want to know what the best settings for Optifine in Minecraft 1.19.3 are, this is the video for you! We go over the exact settings that you need to use in order to get the best performance possible out of Minecraft while using Optifine. It’s not uncommon for people to triple their FPS once they are using the best Optifine settings, so let’s jump right on into it!

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About this video: When it comes to Optifine, it can get very overwhelming with all of the different settings you have the ability to change. Luckily, you have found this video which is our complete guide on the best Optifine settings for Minecraft 1.19.3. These settings will let you increase your FPS, decrease your lag, and make Minecraft much more playable.

Before we get into the best Optifine settings for 1.19.3 though, let’s take a look at the Minecraft Launcher. Click on the Installations button at the top, hover over your Optifine installation, click the three dots, and click edit. Then, click More Settings. Here, you can add more RAM to Minecraft by changing the number in the ‘-XMX2G’ code. This can be a great way to get some quick FPS in Minecraft 1.19.3.

Now, open up Minecraft 1.19.3 with Optifine and go to your Optifine settings in Options, Video Settings.

As far as general video settings go, set the graphics to Fast, render distance to 12, simulation distance to 5, entities shadows to off and dynamic lights to off. This will create the base for the rest of the changes we make.

For the shader options, you need to turn off any shaders packs. Shaders are an extreme lag source, so it is super important to make sure they are disabled.

In the quality settings, turn off mipmap levels, set mipmap type to nearest, emissive textures to off, random entities to on, better grass to fast, better snow to on, custom fonts to off, custom colors to on, custom sky to off, custom items to on and distortion effects and FOV effects to whatever your preference is.

Moving on to the detail settings menu, set clouds to fast, trees to smart, rain and snow to fast, sky to off, stars to off, sun and moon to on, fog to off, fog start to N/A, swamp colors to on, vignette to fast, alternate blocks to on, entities distance to 50%, and biome blend to off.

The performance settings are a bit different as here want to turn on render regions, fast render, smart animations, fast math, smooth FPS, and smooth world instead of turning them off or to fast. For the rest of the performance settings, set chunk updates to 1, dynamic updates to on, lazy chunk loading to on and chunk builder to semi-blocking.

The animations tab is really easy. Just click the ‘All Off’ button, and you are all done.

Other settings can be ignored except for your autosave which I recommend turning to 6 minutes.

And with these Optifine settings, you should be as lag free as possible with Optifine in 1.19.3. You may want to increase some or decrease some of these, but overall, these are the best settings for Optifine in 1.19.3.

If you have any questions about these Optifine settings, let us know in the comments. We will try our best to help you out. Otherwise, if we did help you change your Optifine settings, please give this video a thumbs up and subscribe to the channel if you haven’t already. It really helps us out, and it means a ton to me. Thank you very, very much in advance!

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    German Cantu: Minecraft Server Priority! Exploring the Exciting World of Minecraft Servers! 🔥 Embark on a thrilling journey through the vast landscapes of Minecraft servers, where endless possibilities await! 🌍 Whether you’re a seasoned player or a newcomer to the game, there’s something for everyone in this dynamic virtual realm. Let’s dive into the exciting features and experiences that make Minecraft servers a top priority for gamers worldwide. 🎮 Creating a Gaming Community One of the most captivating aspects of Minecraft servers is the sense of community they foster. Players from all walks of life come together to collaborate, compete, and build lasting friendships… Read More

  • Join Minewind: Survive the Ultimate Invasion Experience

    Join Minewind: Survive the Ultimate Invasion Experience Welcome to, your go-to source for all things Minecraft-related! Today, we stumbled upon a thrilling YouTube video titled “I Survived 500 Days of THE INVASION (NOT MINECRAFT)” that got us thinking – what if you could experience your own epic battles and adventures in a virtual world like Minecraft? Imagine facing off against overwhelming alien elves, equipped with advanced tactics and deadly drones, just like in the video. Now, picture yourself exploring a vast, open world where you can build, survive, and thrive alongside other players who share your passion for adventure. That’s where Minewind Minecraft Server comes… Read More

  • Building a Bus-Like Plane in Minecraft Bedrock!

    Building a Bus-Like Plane in Minecraft Bedrock! Minecraft Bedrock: Build Battle B13 – A Unique Aircraft Resembling a Bus! Greetings, gamers! Dive into the exciting world of Minecraft Bedrock with the latest Build Battle B13 event, featuring an aircraft that resembles a bus. Let’s explore the creative and competitive aspects of this unique Minecraft experience. Channel Overview The channel hosting this event primarily focuses on gaming videos, with a special emphasis on Minecraft and Brawl Stars content. However, viewers can expect a variety of other games to be featured in the future, promising a diverse and engaging experience for all gaming enthusiasts. Community Guidelines Respect is… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Modpack Madness! KeyDevy RLCraft Ep. 11

    Insane Minecraft Modpack Madness! KeyDevy RLCraft Ep. 11Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft: RLCraft | Minecraft Modpack Series (Episode 11)’, was uploaded by KeyDevy on 2024-07-16 19:46:48. It has garnered 86 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 02:38:58 or 9538 seconds. *Overview:* I’m playing RLCraft! This modpack is hard, intense, and filled with lethal mobs. My goal is to survive and progress within this tough world. The gamerule for InventoryKeep will be enabled but the rest I will have to solve on my own! _______________ *Socials:* Instagram: _______________ *Want to leave a tip?* – _______________ *Go check out my website!* -… Read More

  • Samurai Paws Survives Scariest Minecraft Mods

    Samurai Paws Survives Scariest Minecraft ModsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Surviving the SCARIEST Minecraft Horror Mods Ever! (You Won’t Believe What Happened)’, was uploaded by Samurai Paws on 2024-08-09 04:00:21. It has garnered 14 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:09:02 or 542 seconds. Dive into the terrifying world of Minecraft with me as I tackle the scariest horror mods ever created! 😱 Watch as I encounter spine-chilling creatures, explore haunted landscapes, and face unimaginable horrors. Will I survive the night, or will these mods be too much to handle? Join me on this thrilling adventure and find out! 🔔 Don’t forget… Read More

  • Insane XP Mob Farm Build | Minecraft Ep.2

    Insane XP Mob Farm Build | Minecraft Ep.2Video Information This video, titled ‘I Made XP Mob Farm | Minecraft Survival Episode – 2’, was uploaded by Neoblade on 2024-07-10 13:29:37. It has garnered 143 views and 16 likes. The duration of the video is 00:20:26 or 1226 seconds. I Made XP Mob Farm | Minecraft Survival Episode – 2 In this video I will made a xp mob farm in hard difficulty after 2 Years, will I be able to do this successfully ? find out by watching full video. ➽Devices➽ Mobile :- Redmi K20 Laptop :- Dell Inspiron 5577 Microphone :- Vivo Mobile Earphone (Rs-250) Mouse… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Build SEVEN – Ultimate Stone House Tutorial

    Insane Minecraft Build SEVEN - Ultimate Stone House TutorialVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft: Small Modern House Tutorial🏠 | 簡単!石で作る小さなモダンハウスの作り方(現代建築)’, was uploaded by SEVENのマイクラ建築 on 2023-12-22 10:00:20. It has garnered 42537 views and 538 likes. The duration of the video is 00:06:13 or 373 seconds. It explains how to make a small modern house made of stone! Not only the exterior, but also the interior! ——————————————————————————— [Subscribe here] ——————————————————————————— ■Videos uploaded so far ■Twitter ■instagram #Minecraft #House #modern Read More

  • Insane GTA V Hack: Play Minecraft on Windows! Easy Tutorial

    Insane GTA V Hack: Play Minecraft on Windows! Easy TutorialVideo Information This video, titled ‘wie kann man auf Windows Minecraft spielen? so geht es Tutorial’, was uploaded by Alexander Gta v online on 2024-08-13 11:52:24. It has garnered 10 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:10:32 or 632 seconds. Read More

  • Robby2002 tells terrifying tales! 😱👻 #trending #YTshorts

    Robby2002 tells terrifying tales! 😱👻 #trending #YTshortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Scary Stories. #scarystories #trending #ytshorts #youtubeshorts #story #youtube #minecraft’, was uploaded by Robby2002 on 2024-09-22 15:55:01. It has garnered 21 views and 5 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:42 or 42 seconds. Read More

  • Mysterious Nasquik in Minecraft 🎃 #herobrine

    Mysterious Nasquik in Minecraft 🎃 #herobrineVideo Information This video, titled ‘q es esoo?🎃 #herobrine #minecraft #twitch #horrorcraft #minecrafthorror #dwellers #horrorcraft’, was uploaded by Nasquik on 2024-07-12 14:26:05. It has garnered 503 views and 27 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:41 or 41 seconds. Read More

  • Epic Showdown: Spider-Man & Miles Morales vs Minecraft Creatures & Sharks!

    Epic Showdown: Spider-Man & Miles Morales vs Minecraft Creatures & Sharks!Video Information This video, titled ‘Spider-Man and Miles Morales vs Minecraft Creatures on Sea with Shark in People Playground’, was uploaded by Gaming Plus on 2024-09-17 15:30:26. It has garnered 22167 views and 206 likes. The duration of the video is 00:08:14 or 494 seconds. Spider-Man and Miles Morales are going to war against Minecraft Creatures as a team, there are sharks in the sea in this war. A great battle awaits you in the world of People Playground. Will Spider-Man and Miles Morales defeat Minecraft Creatures ? You should leave a comment for the sequel of the video “… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Sweden vibes with Toastaku!

    Insane Minecraft Sweden vibes with Toastaku!Video Information This video, titled ‘sweden (minecraft lofi)’, was uploaded by Toastaku – Topic on 2024-08-23 06:04:55. It has garnered 7 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:57 or 117 seconds. Provided to YouTube by toastaku. sweden (minecraft lofi) · Toastaku minecraft sleepy lofi ℗ 2024 Toastaku Released on: 2024-03-01 Main Artist: Toastaku Producer: Toastaku Composer: C418 Auto-generated by YouTube. Read More

  • Hypenos Network

    Hypenos NetworkHypenosNetwork sunucumuz hakkında; HypenosNetwork sunucumuz 2024 yılında kurulmuş olup yepyeni yenilikler ile birlikte oyunculara eşsiz deneyimler sunmaktadır.Yönetici ekibimiz yıllar boyunca Minecraft serverlerinde çalışmış olup çalışmalarını bizimle devam ettirmektedir.Sunucumuzun ana hedeflerinden birisi oyuncuların Minecraft dünyasında daha neler yapabildiklerini göstermektir. Yönetim ekibimiz ve yetkili ekibimiz 6 kişi olmakla beraber gece gündüz oyuncularımızın neler daha fazla dikkatini çekeceği üzerine çalışmaktadır Ekibimizi kısaca anlatmak gerekirse Mimarlar yazılımcılar ile doludur. Haydi sizleri birlikte sunucumuzda güzel vakitler geçirmeye davet ediyoruz. Read More

  • RigoloSMP – Vanilla SMP 1.21 – 100% Vanilla – Whitelist – Nice Community!

    JOIN THE DISCORD HERE – Hey! A few weeks ago, just after the success of the previous 1.20 season, my friends and I decided to start our next adventure in 1.21! The server is entirely vanilla and our community is amazing 😀 Now’s the best time to join us on this journey! Cracked and Bedrock players are also allowed! Simply join the Discord and we’ll be happy to whitelist you 😉 Read More

  • -+-+-+-+-+-+ GearsMC +-+-+-+-+-+–+-+-+-+ +-+-+-+-

    How to connect and play on this server? You must have the game version 1.20.4 installed. How to check? At startup, the game version will be displayed on the right, at the bottom. If it is a different version, you should change the current profile (left, bottom) and select version 1.20.4 Click the PLAY button, wait for the Minecraft game to load. Choose: Multiplayer Click the button “Direct connect”, or if you want to keep the server in its list, press the button “Add server” In the field “Server address” write: (GL HF) Read More

The Best Optifine Settings for Minecraft 1.19.3