The DARK Side of Minecraft Kids Content on YouTube

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On YouTube kids content is an abundance it is by far the most profitable and easiest to produce leading many creators to Market their videos towards a much younger audience attempting to tap into the endless stream of monetization the once prominent corporate owned characters have been replaced by new individually created ones and the

Unfortunate byproduct of their Monumental success was to generate individuals using their characters as a gateway to abuse loopholes in Federal Regulation to Market adult themes to Children through the YouTube kids algorithm in this video I will cover the origins of these channels the potential negative implications of their growing

Success and how under Federal Regulation this continent is borderline illegal to broadcast and could bring down YouTube as a whole this is the Dark Side of Minecraft kids content thank you foreign to fully understand the scope of the situation we’re going to go back to the beginning of this new wave of kids

Content more and more parents are out of convenience replacing babysitters and traditional parenting with tablets often times with unrestricted internet access which is already a problem in and of itself this has resulted in young children ages two to five becoming not only the largest but also the most monetizable audience on YouTube given

Their endless amounts of free time and the general family-friendly nature of kids content seeing this opportunity many already successful channels in the Hypixel betterers Community began switching to more General Minecraft content targeted towards this younger audience this notably included not Nico and dead fear who in late 2022 both went

Dark on their already large communities in favor of rebranding and starting two entirely new channels focused on creating content for children since then both have experienced Monumental growth accumulating around a billion views in less than a year and successfully merging their content into the YouTube kids algorithm fast forward to the

Present day and they have basically become household names with kids identifying more with their cash and Nico characters than previously Untouchable corporate entities such as Elmo or Bob the Builder however as with all great success stories especially involving financial gain their success grabbed the intention of flocks of

People hoping to replicate it creating an endless supply of garbage videos branded as kids content and while lacking ill intent not all attempts were so innocent foreign the creation of bootleg cash and Nico channels was inevitable with money-hungry individuals deceiving children into watching their content while under the impression that it was

From their favorite YouTubers it is still something that is regularly happening and while the videos are lazy and poorly made they are still relatively harmless however once you start going further down the rabbit hole the continent itself starts to get a little more questionable and it keeps

Going and going and going and eventually you get to this point just straight up pornography Gore and violence being marketed to kids using these characters as a Gateway if this sounds serely familiar it’s because this exact situation has happened before which led to one of the largest controversies and

Lawsuits in YouTube’s history known as Elsa gate and his Resurgence using these individually owned and created characters as a loophole around Federal content regulations could have catastrophic consequences for YouTube as a whole which I will get into later on but for now let’s take a closer look at the content itself

Google largely favors watch time in the YouTube algorithm meaning there are thousands of hours of this garbage degenerate content to sift through but lucky for you I’ve taken the liberty of doing so and oh my God is there a lot of it children ages two to five the primary

Target of these channels are at the most impressionable and vulnerable points in their development so with that in mind here’s a summary of a few of the concepts that are being taught and promoted to your children or younger siblings throughout their favorite content violence profanity you dirty [ __ ] but I [ __ ]

Myself attack these [ __ ] the bastards you [ __ ] scholar suggestive imagery childbirth nudity self-harm guns slash Firearms police brutality slavery and he’s willing to buy you into slavery we just tied you to the bed just don’t shout and everything will be fine side Gore severe bodily harm scat fetish P

Fetish bondage specialization of babies Satanism slash devil worshiping you’re right you need to do at least something war and crimes so many crimes that I had to give them their own section invasion of privacy trespassing first degree murder second-degree murder second-degree attempted murder forced captivity slash hostages kidnapping and

Child abduction assault with battery another bodily harm human trafficking stalking with fear of violence armed robbery theft production and distribution of child pornography assault and harassment breaking in and entering public nudity slash indecent exposure non-consensual distribution of pornography slash Revenge destruction of property extortion aggravated assault theft of government

Property illegal Furnishing of drugs drug facilitated sexual assaults they fall asleep from this potion and how strong it is I had to know what’s in Zoe’s stomach now we have a chance to check it assault with intent to inflict bodily harm assault and intimidation grand larceny animal abuse slash cruelty child

Endangerment child neglect slash abandonment desertion reckless driving Grand Theft Auto of a government vehicle mutilation arson for suicide coercion and intimidation assault with intent to kill organ theft assaulting a police officer video voyeurism with indecent intent premeditated murder bribery terrorism genocide by the way this sentence is only if you

Commit each of these crimes just once not several times over like in these videos keep in mind that these concepts are not only being exposed to young children but are also being promoted and presented in a way that makes them look like fun and normal behavior accompanied by happy music and laughing whereas

Traditional kids content showcases negative action resulting in consequences this content does the opposite most of the crimes are shown as acts of retaliation from children such as murdering someone in response to them kissing or crush or pranking you situations that any of the young viewers of this channel may find themselves in

Day to day most of these concepts are ones that kids may be curious about such as sex or childbirth and are presented for shock value to grab their attention with little to no regard for the lasting effects of doing so it does not take a strong moral compass to know that

Exposing softcore Gore and violence to young children to maximize ad revenue is wrong and it is obvious that this is the only priority to the people running these channels most of the videos start out with a horror version of a kid’s character threatening to to eat the

Viewer if you don’t want me to meet you subscribe to the channel which is likely enough to intimidate a small child into doing so and the content across all these channels is eerily similar the characters are always voiced by text-to-speech Bots the scripts read like they were AI generated and some of

Them are so lazy that they literally steal the audio from other bootleg channels these channels are multiplying uncontrollably like a cancer and daily uploading hours of garbage content and pulling millions of views all from kids they use these characters that kids trust to lure them in and get into the

YouTube kids algorithm then present them with shocking imagery to keep them watching because they know that is the best way to maximize profit and this isn’t the first time this has happened on YouTube last time it resulted in one of the biggest scandals and subsequent lawsuits in Google’s history and now

It’s happening again Laughs in 2017 the commentary community on YouTube caught wind of a ring of channels exposing children to inappropriate Topics by disguising it as kids content they did so by using family-friendly characters such as Spider-Man and Elsa to sneak into the YouTube kids algorithm then pairing it with adult or sexual imagery to grab

Their attention sound familiar the story of these channels grew in publicity until it reached national news ultimately resulting in the largest lawsuit Google had ever faced totaling around 170 million dollars and nearly taking down YouTube with it the Scandal would become known to the world as Elsa gate and many of its long-lasting

Repercussions can still be seen today the main issue with Elsa gate was the fact that YouTube was for the most part not regulating what the algorithm classified as kids content and by extension what was pushed out to kids via the YouTube kids app this lack of accountability is what led to features

Such as mandatory Declaration of your audience and new restrictions on all content uploaded to the platform put in place by Kappa an act that under the Federal Trade Commission protects the privacy of children and regulates the content they are able to consume online with these new legislatures in place and

The lawsuit over YouTube went full scorched Earth on the LCA channels and eventually the drama died down and the situation subsided so how is this happening again well this time it’s different and loopholes are being abused and the ftc’s regulation and that could spell the return of Elsa gate and

Another Monumental catastrophe for YouTube last time the Fallout included the most expensive lawsuit Google had ever faced the largest Advertiser boycott since the original adpocalypse and the termination of nearly 1 million YouTube videos and subsequent channels and this time it could be much worse Let’s take a minute to talk about YouTube kids the family-friendly alternative to traditional YouTube that most parents trust to provide their children with suitable kids content the thing about YouTube however is that nearly 4 million videos are uploaded to the website every day making it impossible to manually keep up with

Monitoring and evaluating every piece of content YouTube’s solution to this is an AI algorithm similar to how the traditional YouTube algorithm scans videos to determine monetization status this algorithm takes into account thumbnails titles keywords and subtitles to determine if the content is suitable for children however AI is not perfect

And while a human might be able to identify something is definitely unsuitable for kids a computer program might not especially when other factors such as family-friendly characters and other characteristics of traditional kids content are thrown into the mix videos such as these slipping through the cracks and being pushed to Children

Via the YouTube kids app is what caused the first LCA scandal in 2017. so how did YouTube resolve this issue postcard integration they tighten the restrictions of content being shown on the YouTube kids app forcing uploaders to clarify if the content was intended for kids or not when uploading a video

This removed the liability from YouTube and placed it on the uploader who would be subject to fines of up to several thousand dollars if they’re self-labeled kids content did not comply with the aforementioned Kappa guidelines but even with all these preventative measures in place these bootleg Nico and cash

Channels are finding their way onto the screens of children let’s talk about how foreign so how does this horrific content still find its way into the hands of children even with all these precautions well to put it simply the system still isn’t perfect and there are several loopholes

That these channels take advantage of the first point I want to emphasize is that the characters receiving the Elsa gate treatment are no longer corporate on characters such as Spider-Man or Elsa one of the biggest regulatory changes made to achieve copper compliance was the Banning of all content featuring

Family entertainment characters in a violent sexual or otherwise inappropriate manner cash and Nico on the other hand are individually created and owned original characters which makes them much harder to classify as family entertainment or not hence why this content is now being made around them rather than the latter which should

Be flat out illegal loophole number one in addition to this all these channels avoid specific key phrases in their titles and instead stick to ambiguous or vague wording to describe mature topics some examples include the usage of the phrase door to describe female genitalia and prank to describe rape all done to

Avoid flagging kids content filters in the the algorithm loophole number two another thing to note is the fact that just because the video is marked as not for kids by the upliter doesn’t necessarily mean it won’t be treated as kids content by the algorithm and subsequently showcased on the YouTube

Kids app several large creators that make kids content do not Market as such as can be seen by their comments still being enabled yet their content is still being showcased on the front page of the YouTube kids app an easy way to tell that a video has been pushed to YouTube

Kids is that it’ll have a couple hundred thousand views but only a few likes and comments despite them still being enabled this is because the YouTube kids UI disables the ability to interact with the video at all and is something that can be seen in most of these channels

Suggesting that these videos are likely still being displayed on the YouTube kids app despite the increased regulations and precautions put in place to prevent zigzag scenario another loophole to bypass Kappa and even if this isn’t true it’s impossible to deny that these videos are being viewed

Exclusively by kids and a lot of them as reflected in the comments that are there I Love You video Zoe’s bottom it’s so funny hi Nico Nico is cool and Nico like Zoe Nico is cool not Nico is cool too in the thumbnail they are looking straight into Zoe’s butt

I love Zoe’s butt and the prank was funny this tip of video is the best inappropriate content when you are forcing your own five-year-old viewers to tell you hey maybe this is a little bit inappropriate it’s a pretty easy way to tell you’re doing something wrong kids cannot decipher whether this is a

Real video uploaded by their favorite YouTuber or not which is completely intentional the style of thumbnails are very clearly meant to mimic that of the real cash and Nico channels which is even more effective when putting it through the YouTube kids UI which hides the channel name and interaction count

Deceiving two-year-olds very impressive guys they are also very careful to classify themselves as parody Or fan accounts in their Channel descriptions when this is obviously not the case which leaves only one of two possibilities they’re really stupid and don’t know who their actual audience is which they’re not or they’re just lying

They’re lying the actual reason this is done is to bypass YouTube’s policy on impersonation which directly prevents the real cash in Nico from doing anything about them yet another loophole these aren’t inexperienced individuals trying to grab a quick dollar this is a well-organized operation run by people with experience abusing every loophole

They can to cover all their grounds and they are somehow still operating while their content poisons the minds of millions of kids around the world foreign It doesn’t take anything near a strong moral compass to tell what is wrong with this content topics that would normally be classified as rated R or Ma on the mpa scale are instead being actively promoted to millions of children ages two to five on the largest video streaming platform in the world maturity

Rating skills exist so parents can easily determine if content is suitable for their kids to watch which is very important for many obvious reasons children at younger ages are the most vulnerable and impressionable points in their lives the things that they observe around them as they learn about the

World shaped how their brains develop and who they become as people this heavily includes the content they consume especially in modern times given how parents are choosing to use tablets as babysitters desensitizing children to adult topics at the critical stages in their development can have lifelong effects such as lasting trauma and

Psychological damage the following are testimonies from people who are exposed to similar content at a young age concerning how it affected them during the rest of their lives yeah and I also had this tablet where immigrants worked America so I had a lot of internet and I wasn’t supervised with it

I went from kissing to actual and I didn’t know what it was like but I kept I kept watching it because it was like My Little Pony you know and then what happened with that is that it ended up like physically and mentally changing the way my body and mind were it could

Have been a lot different differently for me if I just didn’t watch those videos and mentally like it became like an addiction and it wasn’t just ponies anymore it was just like everything I could watch you know it was like a really bad porn addiction and it was

Like in sixth grade like I was young as hell and I was not too educated on it and actually one of my friends showed me it and I ended up watching a lot of that too yeah my friend was addicted to it too she was addicted to gore and she

Showed me but I kind of mostly went towards like the porn but I also like would watch a lot of the gore too yeah that ended up being really bad for me too because I’ve had a lot of nightmares and it just affected me really badly especially like mentally I did end up

Going to a hospital for a couple months um because of how bad my mental health was and I grew up with YouTube over time and with that time going right like I don’t know how but I stumbled upon gory stuff usually on YouTube and it like

Clung onto my childhood growing up and I don’t know what like I don’t know what clicked in but I seen it like so frequently I thought it was normal I didn’t know either but I ended up doing it because I simply just couldn’t get

Away from it and they did Scar me for I think months on end since I’ve seen him like it was destroying me I couldn’t sleep at night sometimes because of the things that I would consume on YouTube I’ve consumed so much Gore media I don’t know what it was but I like as

Traumatizing as it was I couldn’t feel myself like able to get away from it whereas traditional kids content might show negative behavior followed by repercussions to encourage a positive alternative these channels do the literal opposite content like this which showcases violence and criminal activity with a positive connotation and no

Consequences teaches children that this behavior is not only acceptable but will result in success in this specific video the main character Zoe is told to commit several crimes ranging in severity including stealing toys from other children abusing a homeless person and stealing government technology which results in her being rewarded with a

Mansion and loads of money what is this teaching children content like this is the reason why Kappa exists in the first place and the fact that people are able to abuse loopholes in it and still accomplish their desired outcome basically renders it pointless in this scenario people are still able to

Corrupt children and make a lot of money doing so it is just slightly more inconvenient now not to mention the damage that channels like these due to the reputations of the real cash in Nico as well as other creators who actually make suitable kids content on YouTube

For Better or Worse channels like these are the future of kids entertainment and kids and parents should not have to navigate a Minefield when trying to find suitable content I care about this issue a lot I have younger siblings who enjoy the type of content cash and Nico make and who I would not want to expose to the horrors of imitation channels like these looking to make a quick dollar at their expense but the sad reality is that this has

Already happened to millions of kids around the world degenerate people like this will always exist people who only care about money and have no regard for the lasting damage they will leave to a generation of children as collateral and as long as it’s profitable they will continue to pump out this garbage

Content and it will still be accessible to children in one way or another I obviously have no experience with being a parent or running a multi-billion dollar Corporation so I really have no business telling people what to do but I have a few suggestions of things I think

Would help the issue starting with parents firstly don’t give your kids unrestricted internet access while these loopholes may work to bypass an algorithm they won’t work to bypass your judgment as a parent anyone with any amount of Common Sense should be able to tell that this content is not for

Children take control over what videos your children are watching online essentially stop being lazy but I understand it’s impossible to give your full attention all day and if it’s too much work then just don’t give your children internet access at all instead have them watch traditional kids programming from KPBS or Disney Channel

This content is all strictly regulated and has been approved for an audience of this age so you can safely sit your kid down to watch it without then having to explain to them what Satanism or bondage is and for YouTube well Kaaba does now place the liability of the uploader to

Make suitable videos it is still on you for harboring this content on your website and allowing it to be accessed by children if a video is marked by the uploader as not made for kids as these videos are don’t push it out to kids at all this includes via the YouTube kids

App as well as the traditional algorithm that for some reason considers this content suitable for any Audience by the way all these videos are fully monetized in addition to this make it easier for the dumb kids to tell whether videos are actually uploaded by their favorite creators or not the fact that the

YouTube kids UI hides the channel name and information under every video and includes no Channel verification system makes this much harder to do even for parents and if you guys want to help find as many of these channels as you can and report them to YouTube these channels are multiplying uncontrollably

Every day all you have to do is search Nico and cash parody and sort by channels which will reveal a seemingly endless amount of them and the longer this is allowed to happen the worse the problem will get I actually did talk to the real Nico about this situation I

Asked for any information he had on it and he understandably stopped responding the situation is a real mess I was very fortunate to have grown up in a time where it was normal for me to watch Thomas the Train after school not watch my favorite YouTubers get raped and pee

On each other this is something I’m very grateful for and I do not want to see the next generation of children get their minds corrupted by degenerates looking to maximize their profits the reality is that for better or worse YouTube kids content is replacing standard televised kids programming and

These individual channels now have significantly more influence over children while being significantly less regulated people like this are testing the waters and figuring out how far they’re able to push the boundaries and still be allowed on the internet and when they reach these boundaries if some overlying Authority doesn’t step in like

YouTube or the FTC they are left to establish the boundaries themselves last time this happened Elsa gate nearly brought an end to YouTube as a whole don’t let it get to that point do something before it’s too late machine learning can never completely sanitize self-publish and it shouldn’t

It should not even be attempted but things are moving fast now on the internet especially on YouTube we are finding the edges of what’s okay and when we do come across those edges it’s some Authority doesn’t step in like YouTube or their advertisers or the police then we have to decide for

Ourselves what those edges mean

This video, titled ‘The DARK Side of Minecraft Kids Content on YouTube’, was uploaded by viprah on 2023-05-21 15:13:53. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds.

The growing popularity of kids content such as Cash and Nico on YouTube has given the opportunity for degenerate individuals to …

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    Can you befriend Nekomata Okayu before finding 100 diamonds?Video Information This video, titled ‘【Minecraft】今夜は祭りだ!!ダイヤ100個掘り終えるまでに仲良くなれるカナ⁉【 猫又おかゆ × 夏色まつり 】’, was uploaded by Okayu Ch. 猫又おかゆ on 2024-01-18 14:09:06. It has garnered 161526 views and 9610 likes. The duration of the video is 01:04:41 or 3881 seconds. – Diamond debt life day 6💎669/2545~ Matsuri-chan! @NatsuiroMatsuri Illustration: Lily is Asleep-san( ) This game has been approved by Mojang and is subject to the Terms and Conditions ( Based on this, we distribute and monetize the game. Mods used: OptiFine Creator: sp614x Distribution URL: 【Use MOD】 Use MOD: Sildur’s Vibrant shaders Producer: SildurFX Distribution URL: 【Use MOD】 Use MOD: Complementary Shaders… Read More

  • Uncover the Secret to Ominous Teleport in SKIBIVERSE! 🧐🔮 – Roblox Quest

    Uncover the Secret to Ominous Teleport in SKIBIVERSE! 🧐🔮 - Roblox QuestVideo Information This video, titled ‘How to get Ominous Teleport in SKIBIVERSE – Roblox (Something Mysterious Quest)’, was uploaded by CyAlsoPlays on 2024-01-15 05:03:04. It has garnered 154 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 00:02:51 or 171 seconds. Hey Everyone,Welcome to my gaming channel! we’re diving into two popular games: Minecraft and Roblox.Minecraft is a sandbox game centered around exploration, creativity, and survival. Players can explore vast procedurally generated worlds, mine resources, and craft tools to build structures and create items. The game features a day-night cycle, with hostile mobs appearing at night, adding an element… Read More

  • EPIC Pro House Build Tutorial | MUST SEE!! #minecraft

    EPIC Pro House Build Tutorial | MUST SEE!! #minecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘Pro Starter House Build Tutorial Minecraft #minecraft #shorts #anime’, was uploaded by FULLTO SHORTS on 2024-01-27 07:21:30. It has garnered 0 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:11 or 11 seconds. Read More

  • Fantasy Roleplay

    Fantasy RoleplayWelcome to Enarion – a rich continent filled with intrigue, compelling stories, and sprawling Kingdoms. Seek your trade as a wandering merchant, ancient wizard, or a skilled swordsman. Forge your own destiny in a dense continent built in an immersive setting and influence the path of Kingdoms… or the continent as a whole. FEATURES • A comprehensive character-management plugin that seamlessly integrates multiple roleplay characters onto one account. • A richly detailed professions system packed with level progression, custom crafting, and unique items. • An innovative nation management and land-claiming plugin incorporated with Discord & Website integration as well as… Read More

  • BlockHeart SMP, whitelist, 18+

    Welcome to BlockHeart Server! The BlockHeart server is back for its newest season with a tight-knit community ready to build amazing bases, a capital city, a lively shopping district, and more. Inspired by popular servers like Zack Scott, Coffinland, and HermitCraft, we welcome content creators to join us in covering our server. Community Rules: No verbal abuse, griefing, or stealing. No unlawful killing, lag machines, or harassment. Have fun and communicate with leaders for any issues. To Apply, Please Provide: Age Discord ID IGN Gender identification Nationality Favourite movie and video game Minecraft build style and project idea A joke… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – When you find diamonds on day one…

    Why did the creeper break up with his girlfriend? Because she couldn’t handle his explosive personality! Read More

  • Mine Rhyme Time: Stalks in My World Cube Xuan

    Mine Rhyme Time: Stalks in My World Cube Xuan In the world of Minecraft, where creativity reigns, Fangkuaixuan brings joy, with humor that entertains. Animations that are funny, with a touch of glee, Bringing happiness to all, for everyone to see. No need for worry, this channel is safe, Child-friendly content, with no harmful trace. Each video a gem, each day a delight, Join the fun, subscribe, and let your spirits take flight. So come on over, to Fangkuaixuan’s domain, Where Minecraft adventures, never go in vain. Laugh, learn, and play, in this world so grand, With rhymes and humor, at your command. Read More

  • Minecraft Meme: O FOGO ESTÁ PEGANDO! 🔥

    Minecraft Meme: O FOGO ESTÁ PEGANDO! 🔥 “Quando você finalmente encontra diamantes no Minecraft e sua reação é tipo: ‘Eu sou rico, vou construir uma casa de diamante agora!’” 😂 #minecraftrichkid #diamondsareforever #minecraftmemes Read More

  • Join Minewind Server for Lag-Free Minecraft Fun!

    Join Minewind Server for Lag-Free Minecraft Fun! Are you tired of dealing with lag while playing Minecraft 1.20 PE? Look no further! Unlock the secrets to a lag-free Minecraft experience with expert tips and tricks that will optimize your settings and keep your gameplay buttery smooth. Whether you’re battling mobs, building epic structures, or exploring vast landscapes, these techniques will take your Minecraft adventures to the next level. Say goodbye to frustrating lag and hello to uninterrupted gameplay! Join us on Minewind Minecraft Server for an even more immersive and seamless gaming experience. Connect with players from around the world, embark on epic quests, and build… Read More

  • Spider Man Statue House Build Challenge

    Spider Man Statue House Build Challenge The Ultimate Spider-Man Statue House Build Challenge in Minecraft 🕷 Embark on an epic journey in the world of Minecraft with the thrilling Spider-Man Statue House Build Challenge! 🏠🕷 Unleash Your Creativity Whether you’re a noob, a pro, or a hacker, this challenge is perfect for showcasing your building skills in Minecraft. Construct a magnificent Spider-Man statue that doubles as a cozy house for your character. 🕸️ Choose Your Style From the sleek and modern design of a pro to the innovative and resourceful approach of a hacker, each player can bring their unique style to the challenge. Let… Read More

  • Insane Modded Minecraft World – Part 31-40 Audiobook

    Insane Modded Minecraft World - Part 31-40 AudiobookVideo Information This video, titled ‘Modded Minecraft in another world | Part 31-40 | Light novel Audiobook’, was uploaded by Watch while you work / play on 2024-05-19 16:00:04. It has garnered 132 views and 5 likes. The duration of the video is 08:25:04 or 30304 seconds. Chapters 151-200 Full playlist – This is a story about a main character who loves survival type PC games and suddenly wanders into another world and fights to survive with his ferocious but beautiful and cute master #manhwa #manhua #manga #lightnovel Ask for the name in the comments #manhwa #recap #anime #manga… Read More

  • Dalek’s Intoxicated Quest in Minecraft

    Dalek's Intoxicated Quest in MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘SISYPHUS IN MINECRAFT + ALCOHOLISM’, was uploaded by Dalek on 2024-04-13 16:52:10. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. THE MAP: TAKING SIDEQUEST SUGGESTIONS. Read More

  • Perfect Life Hack: Instantly create modern fences in Minecraft!

    Perfect Life Hack: Instantly create modern fences in Minecraft!Video Information This video, titled ‘How to make realistic modern fence in minecraft || #shorts #minecraft #realistic #modern’, was uploaded by A1 deepak gaming 2.o on 2024-04-30 13:00:13. It has garnered 466 views and 16 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:26 or 26 seconds. Read More

  • UNBELIEVABLE: I CHEATED in Minecraft Build Battle

    UNBELIEVABLE: I CHEATED in Minecraft Build BattleVideo Information This video, titled ‘I Cheated with DRAWING MOD in Minecraft Build Battle’, was uploaded by Wudo on 2024-02-21 13:00:25. It has garnered 21836 views and 329 likes. The duration of the video is 00:43:21 or 2601 seconds. I Cheated with DRAWING MOD in Minecraft Build Battle Today in Minecraft, we’re doing a Build Battle! But thanks to this magic paintbrush, anything I draw becomes reality! Oh, the possibilities! Will I win by cheating in this build challenge? Watch to find out! This video was inspired by Maizen, Mikey and JJ, Milo and Chip! Mikey vs JJ Family -… Read More

  • “PrestonCG’s SHOCKING return home! | Ep. 5 Hunters Horizon” #minecraft ⁣smp

    "PrestonCG's SHOCKING return home! | Ep. 5 Hunters Horizon" #minecraft ⁣smpVideo Information This video, titled ‘Time to go Home! (Hunters Horizon Ep. 5 Modded Multiplayer Minecraft) #minecraftsmp #minecraft’, was uploaded by PrestonCG on 2024-01-17 01:30:18. It has garnered 24 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 00:29:37 or 1777 seconds. It’s time to go home! Wanna see more content, then consider Subscribing! Link to my Twitter: Link to my Public Discord: Link to my Twitch: #minecraftsmp #minecraft #moddedminecraft #gaming #vaulthunters Read More


    Clickbait title: "SECRET REVEALED: K_D BROTHERS PLAY WITH SUB"Video Information This video, titled ‘PLAY WHIT SUB’, was uploaded by K_D _BROTHERS on 2024-03-24 06:05:55. It has garnered 28 views and 6 likes. The duration of the video is 00:52:26 or 3146 seconds. minecraft 1v1, Niz Gamer, Lapata SMP, Minecraft, Minecraft PvP, Minecraft Smp, Minecraft in hindi, Minecraft Live, Technoblade, Indian dream, Smarty pie new manhunt, Dream, lifesteal smp, Minecraft pro player, pvp, savo demon, ,, youtubers pvp, youtuber pvp minecraft, minecraft pvp, minecraft, senpaispider, senpai lapata smp, senpai spider, senpai vs savo, pvp show ep 2senpaispider, lapata smp, senpai spider pvp, lapata smp new video, lapata smp war,… Read More

  • SHOCKING! Meet the Poorest Player on my Minecraft Server, Zedar!

    SHOCKING! Meet the Poorest Player on my Minecraft Server, Zedar!Video Information This video, titled ‘I Found the POOREST player on my Minecraft Server…’, was uploaded by Zedar on 2024-02-27 15:00:34. It has garnered 172372 views and 13439 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:56 or 56 seconds. tiktok – zedarmc twitter- Business email: [email protected] Minecraft, But this challenge is the funniest Minecraft Lifesteal SMP Letsplays I’ve ever seen in my life! I don’t really use Minecraft Mods. But I do like minecraft challenges on Minecraft 1.19 and Minecraft 1.18.2. This is a Super Funny Minecraft Short / TikTok / Video I’ve ever seen. hermitcraft and empires smp… Read More

  • DuceZuce’s EPIC Minecraft Kitchen Showdown + Playerhead Trick!

    DuceZuce's EPIC Minecraft Kitchen Showdown + Playerhead Trick!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Kitchen Showdown and invisible maps + playerhead tutorial!’, was uploaded by DuceZuce on 2024-05-03 17:00:19. It has garnered 421 views and 20 likes. The duration of the video is 00:20:10 or 1210 seconds. This video also includes a small tutorial on how you use invisible maps and player heads in your interior! Tired of bland, boxy kitchens cramping your Minecraft meals? This video ignites your culinary creativity with 4 incredible kitchen styles, guaranteed to transform your builds from ordinary to extraordinary! Minimalistic design: Tons of white with some black accents to give that smooth… Read More

  • 🔥LIVE UNTIL OPEN😱EPIC Hardcore Minecraft Adventure Part 1!

    🔥LIVE UNTIL OPEN😱EPIC Hardcore Minecraft Adventure Part 1!Video Information This video, titled ‘LIVE SAMPE BUKA – Petualangan Minecraft Hardcore Part 1’, was uploaded by Fajar JP on 2024-03-12 09:31:47. It has garnered 102 views and likes. The duration of the video is 02:43:27 or 9807 seconds. hello everyone, enjoyyy #minecraft #livegamingindonesia #fajarjp Read More

The DARK Side of Minecraft Kids Content on YouTube