The Debt Crisis: Cobblemon Season 2 Revealed

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this working what is up everybody welcome I don’t know what the boys are even doing no telling what’s up everybody Welcome to the stream hopefully you guys are enjoying your early part to your weekend me get this set up real quick there we go we’re all good to go and today is the last day we are air 18 Subs away what up Baker I’m going to try to use the multistream chat again I don’t know how well it’s going to work so that I don’t have to have a separate thing open of YouTube chat I don’t know we’ll see how it goes all right we’re going to hop in here with the boys we’re going to get some Minecraft we got some stuff that we need to get done today hopefully we can start on the Redstone um kind of need to just see how much stuff we need and start uh start running some stuff okay I’m not a big um baseball fan but I don’t know I like watching college baseball like the Regionals all that stuff like I don’t know I get into college baseball this time of year early in the year it could really kill us but this time of year like I I find it interesting like Omaha and all that stuff I mean like right now Arizona is the national seed and they’re losing 7even to four to Grand Canyon you get like these weird d damn it all those things were working up top my little boxes up at the top or benicky all right we’re going to jump in with the boys yep uh the alt caption I’m going to say is jacked dude with a what is what with oh my god with uh the m the m you know what’s so cursed about this the map print looks like Ohio it is Holy that’s so cursed can we make mini Columbus and mini Cincinnati and mini Toledo and make ourselves a mini Cleveland up on can we do it I think we could my God I just looked at that is I thought you like Ohio cuz it look like [ __ ] and I realized it’s literally Ohio shape on the m i sented by the way guys the Tweet is I mean the x is live son the x is live oh no my beit get a screen grab of that that is insane insane liking and retweeting oh oh my [ __ ] God I want to be the Super so [ __ ] bad what’s up side can I show this picture on stream I probably could right yeah and people can work out naked on or shortless on stream I might as well be aw this work out naked just it’s just going from six to 12 real quick from sack to belly button sack to belly button get that thing flopping D2 just to catch you up uh oh no need I mean I I feel like I already know a wild sweet bro all because you yeah so between our Discord and your tweets I mean what’s left to say yeah so I I you know I used to have a problem saying guy you know like I used to call Speedy guy I used to call everyone guy um so I’m going to I’m trying to change and the way I want to change is put a self-imposed uh hold on little later let’s not get ahead of so the biggest thing here is why did you blur his face so hard there’s no way that like someone be like oh yeah that’s Jeff or something you know like that’s got sent to the Shadow with Yuki’s grandfa bro he’s like G I think G said he was like Spirit tomb earlier Spirit tomb looking ass but uh so i’ I’ve I put a self-imposed cap on five Bloods and 9 so like I can call people blood or whatever like up to five times I said it the zero dude yeah well you you can’t go cold turkey like I can’t go from 100 to zero you know what I mean so I’m like you need to say that just I don’t it’s like when I used to say guy I’m not sure you know but uh anyways E20 uh I said it five times and I saw it this I said it the sixth time with Speedy before we figured that like the a punishment would be tweeting out a picture of a hot chick that’s almost shirtless that with a seat belt covering her nipples saying I wish I was a seat belt um I didn’t want to do that you know cuz I didn’t want to get in trouble uh but if I I said I just did like a dude instead I figured that’d be like a good middle ground and just did a dude instead it was a good middle ground what a sentence side and uh basically now if I mess up two more times so if I blood two more times then I have to do the the girl and I’ll just live with the consequences but do the two more times yeah I bu [ __ ] concrete powder again I’m just proud of you SS thank you I try yeah holy [ __ ] get some more water it’s like do we have an official cut off line over here are we thinking maybe like that stop here since we’re going to be taller than that side I don’t know if he’s out of town I had talked to well I think we should stop here cuz the more we go the less it looks like Ohio the less Ohio we get yeah I think you’re right oh my God that looks like Ohio to dude it’s little different than Ohio but it’s like there you know if you told someone damn that kind of looks like Ohio anybody would see it that’s nutty I feel like we could shavee it yeah we’re good the other side I think I want to go see this from the UNO card State one what the hell they hit a three run shot I got some that’s cool why he chose to go up through the card I’ll never know my depth perception was not there at the moment I text him earlier today and he never replied remember that now but it might have been when he was streaming Steph probably called like what the [ __ ] is this guys this looks horrible this looks my stand next to me slack people need to see our hard work yes me come up one more here let me take off this G inside you guys want to get up thumnail oh absolutely here some nerd hey off hand two blocks guys make sure you look cool [ __ ] which one of you guys is Wolf aren oh that’s G oh can I TP swee uh yeah I feel like on these we’re going to do the front row I think be right be F there across the mid here on that one that one that one cat I does help it a lot all right so we made Ohio into a curs area building we owe G 20K so right now we’ve got 13k of it left so we got to spend our shall we bring in quicker than I thought it all right I need to use these for let’s go down we’ll try to get on and uh minimize all the underneath blocks and kind of make the bottom look a little bit better there more stairs there but right so here this is going to be oh I don’t have my thing be and we can get rid of this okay good got that boom boom we’ll just go down from there I guess we may have to go into to [Music] our spot but for right now this will be good boom boom boom just do this real quick we see the 30 second thing come up oh okay 36 good on that and also forget that I can’t get across we’ll go past it need be fine there F there kopos what up brother what said 20 I hope all is well oh man all is of the well variety I’d assume I was going to try to stream today and I just didn’t had to go do some errands and stuff so so I just uh decided not to put it mildly this up here so good on that be across the middle this one will be across the front this one can be across the middle this be across the front else we get this be across the middle this one be across the middle and I think we got more three there three three one two three [Applause] over here got them all back I think that should be good 20 is not a very number of three so let’s try to find this other blue one might be I see something pop up uh hey sweee uh side told me to tell you uh and I I think this is my wholehearted opinion that side never told me do yeah that and then I wish you never caught off your mullet because I can’t I don’t have anything to hold on to while I’m railing you from bom oh my God I don’t know why he blamed that on me bro just just need a little something to pull while I’m railing you it’s only common courtesy damn oh [ __ ] Bro a [ __ ] shitu anyone else get the the vibe that shadow doesn’t they like me no yeah me neither more of a just kind of a fact not really much of a Vibe kind of an understood thing really really hope I don’t say the b word later that would suck uhuh uhhuh Tony what would it take for you to anime with slack oh probably a glasses of wine and a back rub or you know we’d be anime and all over the place a qu fcking a quave I put a little marker on the map where good old Columbus is ju he getting that shiny CH adette honestly if he evolves into seral ledge you can see what it looks like before you even yeah that’ be pretty cool using those textures on it would be sick though M I have a blazing one if you I want you want it to you can just have it yeah I don’t know if that uh I’ll have to see what it looks like on my 40 chain so I don’t understand why are they saying they’re changing to 40 why don’t you why don’t they just change to 31 like I don’t know get Bard just in there yes think the only would be after 31 everything after that is guarant like the three 3 31 IVs or something maybe I don’t know oh okay yeah maybe just to sell the EXT now putting down they going to be uh yeah interesting mil tank that’s right now we’re I didn’t think of that I’ve been stopping at 31 or 32 or whatever you know devastatingly chill desposito Sky moon or saluna like cobwebs don’t work with the anvill what do you mean oh like it’ll stop the Anvil yeah it stops the anvils oh [ __ ] nice landed it landed it why won’t Scotch teleport to me crazy isn’t stoked and cursed area anymore I guess or [ __ ] hates you just [ __ ] what oops oh [ __ ] no why’ I do that all right so this is a part okay I can’t read this two chats at once they don’t make any sense [Music] um good old ad thing out here copis did you ever uh end up getting the the shop opened or so hey if I’m on scaffolding already how do I increase the length of it without going all the way back down like you want to just keep going up uh you hold you hold your Crouch button and uh space at the same time and then place you or you can go down one and just look at weon click as well all right I need to lay out the path that these are going to be going so let me think about this real quick I think if I work all Blues to the middle there’s blue there in the middle Let’s Go Blue to the middle blue to the middle uh blue will be on the side of that but it can go towards the middle um that one’s not going to really be a middle but it can be there and then come to the middle there coming to the middle and we can probably blue pillar over here in the middle yellow kind of the same red we could probably do like a circle the Reds I don’t know let’s see actually I feel like each one I should just bring a pillar straight down hey next punishment uh X if in case I do say the word again um what if I find a hot dude uh and then I tweet out like I wish I was his waistband no all right sorry talking a picture of slack holding on to Speedy’s mullet while railing him ah okay some somebody could just send that over yeah oh my God like do you think it’s it’s rough to have sand in your [ __ ] he’s just busy right now he’s busy right now can standand out of his [ __ ] he don’t miss oh man um what kind of pickaxes are you guys rocking diamond diamond of course yeah but any enchants I got efficiency 5 right now how did you get that just from actually enchanting I hit the thing yeah I tried to get Unbreaking but I did not get it for some reason this just just whoa what the [ __ ] oh dude I got [ __ ] over what’s wrong well actually G got [ __ ] over it was his money but they changed the [ __ ] ice bricks to One Crown a piece when they were 20 yesterday I built that whole [ __ ] thing out [Music] don’t you don’t have to pay me back I got [ __ ] bad investment should have know my crypto scheme wasn’t going to work out true I heard slack is really fun of crypto dude why would they leave it like that for one day and then change them all down to$ one or one crown that sucks oh Welly I’m just glad I have rich friends like G8 usually by F goes by th you want to see this area do what do you want to see the cursed area cursed area yeah what this guy talking about what’s blood talking about side R what is he talking about what is this fellow talking about you can’t you can’t blood through other side that’s just second blood he paid me $5 to say that oh yeah you got behind that you got behind that doesn’t in the future that’s a half Point what am I supposed to say just be like hey don’t say that huh like on the map it looks like Ohio where are we at oh holy [ __ ] very close to you didn’t realize it was over there yeah to see this I was telling the guys about your gym D love to see it whenever I don’t know if you want to show us now or yeah you see I mean none of the Redstone stuff the layouts well the Gym’s not done but the um like the maze thing or whatever whatever you want to call it puzzle whatever part is done this is what you built like in your uh Kingdom one time right yeah like at the very end of a server as I usually do when I decide to do a big build and the server’s over yeah yes but yeah I built it before I think it’ll be more efficient I guess this way the Redstone stuff I don’t remember how I did the Redstone last time but I feel like this might be better way I have it set up for this way but I haven’t started the I’m just starting the Redstone today is that going to be tough uh yes and no the problem is is that I’m going to fill in everything underneath with water and so all the Redstone has to be waterproofed before I start filling it in with water that makes sense so yeah that’s more so the hard problem than the actual Redstone cuz I’ve already figured out how to do the Redstone you sometimes have to be the Redstone to do the Redstone yeah you know that is true just don’t say that enough yeah Mr 20 sure I am here yeah I’ve got to do some terraform for2 tour yeah let me come to you d20p by the way D20 tour accept mine firstate s just first no wait 10 seconds it’s a rocket pop looks really nice D there go thank you so what’s what’s the vision okay so you guys are more Pokemon than I am but uh from sword and shield earlier I would the uh ness’s gym nessa’s gym on sword and shield has like this water puzzle or whatever that you have to go through before you can get into the gym that’s pretty much what this is so it has in the game it has like the water coming down over grates but uh for this it’ll have red stone that’ll push up blocks like this so that you can’t go through it until you flip the levers uh so anyway so you’ll have like these levers here that you’ll hit for red or hit the ones for yellow or whatever yeah then you’ll have to make your way up through all the um it’s kind of dangerous right now because I’ve been cutting out the blocks to put in um is this based on her exact puzzle or is it just your own it’s the exact pretty much scale that’s sick so um but then up at the top let me just put make it si for walking purposes falls through but anyway yep there he goes anyway so right here will be the entrance to the gym so I’ll have a gym up here so you’ll make it up to here to get into the gym oh into the actual gym and you’re still flooding everything else out around the bot yeah I’ll I’ll tear form and then flood everything underneath all water but anyway this is sick the uh the plan so GL REM made it cuz we didn’t get the really enjo last time uh but the body’s just nice in the craft yeah the redstone’s not that difficult the problem is I’m going to have to go through like I have to watch videos on the on the thing like over and over again so I can tell which ones are off and which ones on cuz like when you hit a switch for red it’s going to alternate all red so if it was open then it’ll change to closed and the ones that will close change to open so yeah so that’s that’s the part that’ll be difficult I got to watch back through and might be able to tell I mean as long as you have the as long as you have all the all the things in the right place it should be yeah so well the only problem is like in the puzzle like say this red one starts up and this one red one starts down all of them should be the same like if it’s all red they all should be the same at one point if they’re blue they should all red shouldve the same time well yeah yeah I’ll move at the same time yes but they’ll have a different state to start in that’s the I think you’re right on that that’s the part that I’m having to figure out yeah is which one start up which ones start down that’s but the rest of it yeah yeah that’s not I’m just it’s going to be all what’s going on here D20 just uh doing a tour of my my build that I’m working on just getting our work on hanging out thinking of a cursed bill CRA B learn about it ah thank you that’s uh just bird crap well I think that’s good are you willing to make fun of slack being a bird now I’m under the impression he sure does hate that that you sure do bring it up pretty often I know but if he hates it why would he tell his friends because we’re just going to do more often you know oh wow yeah that’s a compelling I think his friends are the ones that started it so that might be the problem super stoked on the G you don’t have to you don’t have to but if he ever gives you a lip you know what I have is like a wish could oh I wish I could put people around there that you had to like Challenge and beat or whatever to go onto the next part that would be nice but oh well I wish we had those like NPCs cuz we had them on like redacted yeah yeah have you ever met them know I haven’t actually but he he goes by F I’m going to put all these crazy the the C by the way okay all the ones I had left over iul believe that I know you’re a big some expansion I will try to get the the legendaries copied in soon but uh I think I’m going to probably get off for the night if they’re set up on day one sweet okay yeah I got some overlap On My Le so I have time to like clean up everything and get everything out soce shouldn’t be that bad but uh I’ll see you guys tomorrow hopefully stuff mooving anything let side know L lie lie tell okay side slack said Kaka or something like that I don’t know up slack oh slack left yeah you got up he told us to tell you something some bird noise I don’t know is he still on he [ __ ] oh mg all right I going to get back to work you guys are interrupted by me Time s get all these uh problem is like I have to build up to build underneath it to do the Redstone like get underneath it build up and then build where the yeah if you see an e by the way D oh side you said [ __ ] and message I don’t know if that counts towards blood uh that’s crazy side I can’t believe this can prove it I can what up Jeff good night I don’t know what he was talking about by the way guys yeah pretty crazy that he would uh round two side I don’t know doesn’t count it doesn’t count I didn’t say it I just did it during a good night message you know that doesn’t count especially for slack I was doing it in just you know not for real you know what I mean an anyone in here is a uh gang member I wouldn’t be so sure I wouldn’t be so sure guy Speedy guy I don’t know let’s he cut his mullet it’s probably CU he joined a street [Laughter] gang one of the requ ini hey you can either get jumped in or cut your mullet okay with the mullet that’s so fuking FY mate that is so fuking FY dude Halloween frenches I really like that guy he’s hilarious oh yeah Mooncraft is fantastic I like him a lot I have some good uh PP spots for raids if you need them tonight want I would love actually yeah I would love to want some Oakland raiding Oakland Raiders oh I tried to tell to tell you you rumbling stumbling tumbling but I don’t know if he did tumbling side this one there’s one in this direction and that direction I’m going to this one then I’ll send you the next one okay or if you want to come with me maybe you can if I can’t yeah uh it’s a Timber side you want to mess it up oh there’s another one over there too the red actually I’ll mess it up cuz I already have the right guy out all right I’ll go check out the red one so there’s three over here in really close area sweetie I don’t know if you saw oh yeah holy [ __ ] oh I think SAR told me that know Timber has fallen almost lost to Timber that’s that’s bunny be start Char lizard here charl maybe I’ll go ahead and sauce this and then send a TP to me I got some Mo oh here let me let me sauce this Charizard just for a second okay rbb D all right I’ll come do this later because I don’t want to waste your time you know oh you’re fine no no no you set home yes is that GM from slack let’s get a few in there for him especially after the bird incident [Music] yesterday take care man good night the bird noise yesterday on the soundboard probably wasn’t the best thing for him so you know really want to oh there’s a few here I think so um I see one over here take that one over there yeah yeah I’ll go see I thought there was three here I might be wrong uh oh flaffy is cool the tail lights up oh the whole empros family yeah they all like light up they look sweet I’m kind of getting tired of balant I see that guy all the time I yeah he is incredibly common in in cob mons for some reason he popping up everywhere what the hell man what the hell man loyer I have a T3 oh do you want the truck that spot side um I probably won’t be able to use it tonight so but I guess it wouldn’t hurt yeah I’ll take it okay oh [ __ ] I didn’t do [ __ ] with that oh this guy’s ice well ice oh I’ve been neglecting the daycare don’t be like the balls in the [ __ ] everyone oh your man’s how much you care about him oh I got a malicious armor yay uh what is that oh that’s for the item that uh SED needs to evolve and how do you get it just from the r uh from the nether fortress chest I think is the best chance interesting hey I got an idea I don’t know if our viewers can help us or not but I’m going to go ahead and ask okay um so next year for Slack’s birthday if someone can remind us from our viewers wait wait wait wait wait wait I got mute first okay oh nice prob watching okay he doesn’t freak out that often so that might be what’s going on yeah wait wait wait wait wait wait I don’t know if I ever your G Panic that g just can’t a secret she’s like no way I can keep a secret that long if someone can remind us we have to say instead of happy birthday say happy birdday he’s going to love it happy birthday instead of birthday yeah bro there’s no way we remember that that’s why I’m I’m enlisting the help I’m crowdfunding like crowdfunding memory all right I’m telling G to unmute okay all right thanks you think that was it was really not it was really not worth you muting what the hell I thought it was funny damn it Dam it I’m not funny damn it damn it [Music] Gary sponge and placed his body on his leg I think SpongeBob fanfiction yes yes are you the answer to that I’ve seen it like on those ads where it’s like I think SpongeBob was piping uh Mrs Puff or something it’s like oh you know who’s [ __ ] insane for raids probably that LGE cuz a bitter blade oh yeah getting that HP back yeah bro this guy slacks this guy [ __ ] I broke the damn oh I’m good I’m thinking about rebranding from my whole SS for reason thing I’m going to change my thing into something having to do with cats like meow like meow town or something you know have you thought about maybe not doing that I don’t know that’s going to go well for you s you don’t think that’s going to work in yeah it sounds kind of awesome doesn’t fit survive inside you have no offense never really given off a good vibe but um definitely a the vibe you want to exude yeah well I I don’t know he’s kind of put off a Vibe of being a [ __ ] that might it might work God damn D 20 [ __ ] kill shot bro goddamn dude has a soul big py big fun Pap been told oh I was muted I’ve been told I give off uh lap dog energy so should do what’s about all that huh Big [ __ ] Energy I don’t know I don’t see what the big deal is Natural Born follower Natural Born follower built this way just heard that we built this city on rock and roll and I don’t really know what that means this rock and roller rock and rolla are people enjoying your Tweet side I think so let’s see I got a lot of replies at first um that’s probably the most replies I’ve had like that fast uh yeah 43 replies uh 280 likes so chill DN they’re so St on you I really appreciate everyone hey let me just let me just give a quick shout out to of us really quick if you’re watching one of us make sure that you go and go to YouTube and subscribe you know uh oh wow yeah is it free it’s free completely free unbelievable but true a twitch Prime sub I know it’s going to be for free just think you could be subscribed to both Us on YouTube and on Twitch for free for free oh free hey I saw somewhere on the Discord that we can sell balls like a ball I think there’s a ball of Ender now yeah where is there’s uh probably in that one block room it’s like behind the TM area I think really I may go and sauce some balls balls play cases for poked dolls are really cool yeah B guy name ball guy ball guy name’s ball guy oh wait it’s over over here like in this like uh oh I don’t know how what to call it but like this other building oh I see him Poké Balls oh they’re not really worth a ton but it’s just they’re free you know Ultra Balls are worth 85 each that’s nuts give me give me give me give me Al check to see if your Prim Subs are available guys millions of prime Subs are used unused every single day remix remix I don’t really appreciate that guys remix didn’t do a very good job jumping there DJ a horrible idea for me just to Sauce all my balls right why not why wouldn’t I oh extra random ones yeah yeah yeah proba hurt you’re not going to use them just sell them yet yeah like need to Ultra Ball Factory oh gee that was so funny guys I have an idea for slack wait wait wait wait wait wa he said oh man in my chat I didn’t mean it’s slack okay so this one here is going to run into that stuff so what I’m going to do is probably I just hope Trevor May is thinking about me right now cuz I’m thinking about him isn’t that nuts baseball no the baseball knows us yeah that’s crazy pretty so you just look you go down the scaffolding and you look up I think that works yeah just go down one and then yeah or you can just shift and jump at the top oh okay got yeah just like look down up jump and hold shift yeah than you I’m having to make some altercations to my build so it’s not going to be this guy said my girlfriend kept complaining about stomach pains and her legs were really uh shaky we brought her to the ER and she finally got diagnosed as being slack what happens yeah be wearing protection right now you’re not you should go get some at slack what is merch stores I can’t remember exactly whatever slack merch is purchased I don’t I need to get one I told him I will get one I just haven’t yet keep forgetting bad friend and there are going to be Pokemon spawning in my walls bro gross when sweetie um unmutes next time when you guys should say I’m in your walls bro and see what he says I think he’ll expect it coming from me you know but not from one of you guys yeah I think you should call him blood can’t say that although I will have to get a pass from Steph and then if I do end up B wording again I can do that crazy tweet that I’ve always wanted to do I’ve always wanted to do dreams come true yeah that one was a little difficult cuz it was running into that so I shortened that up and it shouldn’t interfere I’m going to have that should come down that way that will be oh no trying to figure out like the easiest way to do I run this all the way along underneath all of these I mean I guess the ones that I need anyway to just have all my Redstone done up there what he’s American of course he’s free Freedom all right I don’t know figure out what will be the easiest way to do all the Redstone and I’m thinking that might be it to just make like a thing underneath there but I don’t know up top start to dropping in some little keep falling down using up all my food um let me get some of these filled in this one’s done that sword right now that and that okay here we go there then there perfect and okay ahead and break that and then we’ll go in here then here that one’s done that one’s not done that here should oh here we go okay yeah that one’s done um we haven’t done that one yet okay so this is the one do you think I’m a brand risk man you’re good I think so too means I’m genuine you know yeah I mean you got a sponsorship from that amazing gummies thing what [ __ ] is fuel if you ask person from the UK a person from the UK [ __ ] is only that’s honest I feel like that’d be such a funny joke like a UK edition of focus fueld just called Focus fuel I’m going to have to let the guys knowy I do that [ __ ] bruh what’s up King I’m in your [Laughter] walls never in chat I’m in her walls thanks G jump no problem blood oh [Laughter] man what’s the dragon move I want on gch do I want outrage on him uh I think so does that come via level or is that a uh that is a good question maybe we can get a guy in the chair I’m assuming it comes from levels cuz that’s it’s like the you know yeah I found a level 100 guard chomp raid so time to try this crap again oh okay honestly as long as you don’t die in the first I think you kill him well I’m gone well I’m G try and I’m gone and it’s gone people are saying dragonclaw really dragonclaw Z what the hell what the hell wait the public server stuff pops up [Laughter] here super pimp just bought the sickest Emperor rank of all time bro what why’ that sh [ __ ] chill probably some oversight that’s so funny it’s pimp 2000 super pimp let’s go give me some love for super pimp in the chat what a [Music] stud pimp him bro super pimp or super pimp oh I read the wrong thing yikes one way to celebrate impelling yourself 20 Level disadvantage Yanks be me yeah what the hell D20 is a Pokemon Legend making his own every song on the playlist I forgot I did write that soong it was my year back then Spectators to write their stuff for list we know this guy’s a year are you by your crib uh no I’m fighting that Chom way out in a wild bet do you want to try to take this guard Chom on side I I clearly can’t beat it would be massive if [Music] done I might have it he used scale shot on me and I’m immune to that but he can one throw me so I might be [ __ ] oh I might have this he keeps using scale shot I think you should fail so I could have a shot if he can’t one throw me I do beat him here Dragon claw oh you [ __ ] yeah I got him he just did not make the best moves that time D nice what’d you get let me know uh it is o s it’s such a shame you don’t get any of this uh 10 XP candy XLS are you serious Rand Min iron HP up yank side I’m at my house if you want to look at me I might just be a little slower when we get over there I’m way down by all this cool stuff he could have had if I didn’t beat him you going to ask me to look at your look at your build side not going tell them what happened BR that was so I don’t know who’s gning but I saw a bunch of GN so I was like there was some slag type that’s at the same time and some GN so I don’t really know what went on there yeah I just wanted uh it’s doesn’t look great in the night time so I know it is night time I was going to say that’s why I said there’s no way you want me to look at your stuff at nighttime but here we are oh so I really like that I think that look I think so too but so with Windows and stuff I think it’ll be perfect like y r sloppy you think it’s good thank you so much guys we are getting so close I think goal for this month 369 we a 17 Subs away guys we can get there I think we can do it I don’t know if we’re going to start losing a few Subs as it gets later in the night but as right now we’re at 352 trying to get to 369 on my birthday are you accepting Cobblestone um oh I see the bird with the candle now that’s hilarious talking to S yeah uh no I’m going to slack don’t open the cobblestone what level does Armor get special I feel like we’re getting really close to being done with all of it me L noon the underneath part is what I mean by done with all of it not really done with all of it up there uh G We Run The optional mod boosted brightness do you use that uh no I have cat eyes on okay you think that’s better uh yeah I know I was thinking about installing one of those um like you so you use cat eyes Speedy doesn’t have to use one CU his is already boosted brightness the glare off of his screen take the shades [Laughter] off that’s embarrassing such an easy target I can’t believe that I bought all of that stuff I spent like 15 16k on this and it would have been like 6K or let’s see it was 20 times more so whatever 60k you need some door help if you it would have been 3,000 and it cost me one more stack of this should be good for do I help you said yeah all right bet you can just uh we’re about to have some stuff done anyways so love the creu sign side but I I don’t know if like all these other colors work with your black and your red you know I think the BFC chicken could be the only thing usable here whereas the other stuff could maybe fit better on the inside he’s not even talking bro I don’t know what’s wrong with this damn [ __ ] dude i’ I’ve been accidentally meeting myself for like so much I’m so sorry I like I don’t I even know like I think I just grip my mouse and I get scaredy I think that looks nice and tasteful right there the Focus fuel sign that’s like a pink sign with a black and red house like I don’t think that ever works so it has to be on the inside and the crew sign has the purple on it which is a little scuffed so yeah that’s fair all right yeah the BFC one works wait bet I bet I need chocolate yet oh the dayare no I found a Bastion I’m already Bastion coming in G I want that Bastion loot I’m coming too I just need to get rid of this [ __ ] let me I’m like outside of it yeah miss that one should be take the squad is there going to be actual mobs in there it looks like they are on the map yeah this could be rough I’m about to get destroyed then I’m going in oh my god Set it home there come yeah I’m setting home what’s so freaking funny how’d you get up there I Ender pearled oh okay gotcha I don’t know how I didn’t die though I’m going to go home and grab some blocks to build up with D BFC I’m dite Al arm let me come to you guys he quick with it so good at that uh yeah let me uh go inside I’ll TP in yeah I’m going to staircase this up I know G are you up her still I’m inside your wall feel you do they have a term for uh girl oh Chandelure [ __ ] where oh the do you guys get the chest at the bottom no there is so many shark adses here Jesus Christ I’m at the chest at the bottom oh mending helmet that’s kind of nuts actually mending chest plate holy crap dude this is the best one yeah now oh there is I have to [ __ ] control delete Discord so much right now it’s like three times a stream there’s some other chest around there I’m going to go see yes there’s one on me right now if you guys want is just like just barely here what template did I get I got netherite inot sweet wow nice nether is ignorant you’re ignorant does anyone know yes I can definitely give it to you since you use it for balls for ballsall you can keep it I got half and you got half oh did you okay Co we both enjoy balls where’s the other one I don’t know I’m not a big Bastion guy just cuz I feel like always usually get [ __ ] here so I don’t know you know did you just willingly took a just go for a swim yeah I’m going to parkour over here parkour par parkour parkour that not this way not very traversable the worst is when you get a loot spot that’s not traversible you know it’s kind of like not fcking the balls oh you know what I mean G on that one in D20 and CRA Realms lost all of his [ __ ] like four times because he started swimming in lava s oh died again loading Teran who’s Tran Lan Lan who the [ __ ] is LAN love that chicken from Popeyes did you guys find any more chests I got one uh let me TP you then TP you cuz a little fairy yeah yeah I like that I am a fairy oh [ __ ] fairy oh I got a ancient deis [Music] lafair can you accept my thing again I try you’re just I think it’s not was on cool down whatever so oh cool Banner pattern this guy got an ancient deis find another one here uh I’m going across let me come this whole staircase area thing who designs these [ __ ] things where’s the last one outside oh [ __ ] uh speed probably closest to it I’m sure is it back in the double chest yes okay oh right where I’m at maybe a little below M20 holy [ __ ] do you need a a spicious suspicious armor I give to someone else um cuz I already have my arm I have three of them what the [ __ ] I’ll take one G you oh yeah I got some of that too I know what it is a this is the [ __ ] Armor Rouge one though yikes I need the I I have one for [ __ ] face if you guys I’m sure we’ll keep hunting many more find them if we’re ne ne bust oh come come to me king and after you find that chest and I’ll uh triple chest on me just kidding Big scrimping Trees upside down bro look like jellyfish T you need a this this two right here uh it’s possibly go down to this one quickly that one that was below Speedy Mr Speedy below drop ship I’m below drop ship blow ship hilarious by the way I love though we do that I like the way you work it you a big Fifth Harmony guy D20 oh he can’t get enough get enough haven’t heard their names in like 20 years 10 years did you do your daily by the way guys did you yeah yes did you did you all got that one Unbreaking to are you excited that it’s going to be Speedy month soon already in my year I know I know who think that whatever you find from those chest I I’ll get 20% just cuz I found it first Trash pretty much there really anything good in here I’m crying obsidian some more auspicious armor if you want some of that cry Magma Cream a pork chop and a mending crossbow well hey take the crossbow cuz you can uh this whatever you yeah I’ve got a mending book already I don’t have anything to put on I decided what I want to put on need to make some these I like I like is there any other ones up here oh jeez no to my knowledge now you know what’s more important than M20 no like I wouldn’t have to be that smart if I could just pay somebody if you have money you just buy the nerling side then you’re smart yes you look dumb as fuckb as seriously said that my no knowledge knowledge lacking [ __ ] I got like three things in this [ __ ] bro you got me [ __ ] up got me [ __ ] up [ __ ] up who trying to replace some Cobblestone with me right now bro I got uh I don’t know why the hell you didn’t just build the [ __ ] out of cobblestone cuz now it’s going to take three times as long get rid of each block to put the new Block in dog why you do it like that bro I I I think this is better I think I I you got me Eed up I have uh three different things that I found with mending on it if anybody needs one for a remove damn I might I have two so I’m not going to be shellfish so someone else can take I already have a few manying things I don’t have any uh whatever those things are to take them off by the way the loot at n cities or Not N cities what the [ __ ] the warden place like where the deep dark is M the loot in those cities is broken bro there’s some insane hey you find a lot of H with mending on I have like so many efficiency 5 like mending hes it’s insane that’s actually [ __ ] nuts can I uh do you guys have one right now or no oh no him and old Kane had one yesterday so ah maybe the day before I think yeah D mm I don’t think my Cobble Tower looks that bad I might just leave a cobble him an old hey guys I have to be a giant douche lord but my dad needs my help and I think I might just need to uh I’ll just end whatever for the night since I don’t know how wor I think I’m probably going to end too said so yeah I’m down to working to and do some bird [ __ ] tomorrow and stuff like thato so we got a lot done in the cursed area I mean we really we really made quite the Ohio stencil over yeah yeah that that’s nuts that it worked out like that you know like who would Zoom the map out as far as you can in the cursed area and just like it’s it’s nuts how stupid it looks on the map that’s so fing F mate that’s so fuking F mate all right guys someone dig an entire Island down to bedrock to the to the east of the bons siiz Tower not sure sounds like something Shadow would investig sound does sound like a shadow yeah G what’s the auspicious stuff what does that do it uh changes one of the Pokemon okay there’s like two trims of armor and I think it it changes it to either Rouge or armor Rouge or something that gotta hey let’s get a GN storm for side he would really like that what are you guys blooding me for that was juicy that was juicy juicy you that might be the GN storm of the night bro I mean I just myself again I just myself again drop one in there you guys mind gning me yeah yeah here I’m going to do a couple different variations yeah yeah you going to do it yeah I need to get a bird crap mountain in there you know good [Laughter] night no one even notices the same message [Laughter] again we are awful people all right I’ll see you guys see L Li all right we’ve got to make some more wood Stone Cobble I don’t remember red stone okay whatever we need we’re going to use it to make more Pistons at the Piston Cup all right so we need wood okay it is couple and then iron Redstone I don’t know how many I needed though four might be enough let’s see I think I add some extra slimes too somewhere there shes thing just throw these on there b Bing b book we’re good to go all right so I need some more food oh I got two pork chops let’s eat those real quick and then we’re getting in on our carrots have some in there P of course there we go need slime ball need the rest of this stuff now but let’s go see how many sticky pistons I need find any deals on Facebook Marketplace man I would like to buy oh so um couple things I want to share with you guys I did order my new AC for out here so I’ve been waiting like a couple years what oh I should have got some more Red Blocks too um I’ve been waiting a couple years to buy it i’ just been like ah you know it’s not one two three four need two more perfect okay let’s go back home guess we need to get two more think we have enough I think we have enough of that and that we’re just going to get a little bit more wood there we go we need two more right there we go and with that we’re going to have to go get one more slime ball cuz we get let’s go I don’t think we have any other slime that up a little bit that up a little bit not seeing any slimes a good chance we don’t have any so we’ll go grab some more yeah fing to be hot as balls it has been kind of like I think it’s supposed to be like rainy this next week so I ordered it it’s supposed to come in next Friday um and then like we’re going to be out of town on next week anyway yeah I mean the office is it’s not bad like it does have an AC vent like ran to it but like the AC vent was added on after they done the uh HVAC lines and stuff like that so they added it on but like the air that comes out of the machine for the um so like up in the attic is where AC unit is and so it has like a big hole at the end that just blows out cold air and then it go go into a big box from that box it goes out into these little tubes that go to each room to each vent uh in our ceiling or whatever anyway so where they attached it like the push of air just blows past it pretty much like it doesn’t really go in there like it doesn’t get a lot of air that comes through it and they put it in as a big like um 12 in x 12 in like a double vent thing out here and so I don’t know I tried when we got a new AC unit I went up there like it is all insulated and everything we do have some shitty windows that are on the outside um we need to get new windows in our entire house anyway but we do have the two windows and then we have a door that has a window in it and a doggy door the doggy door is insulated that’s one it’s loud as [ __ ] when you’all hear her run in and out like tank tank tank tank anyway so it is insulated I mean it does still let air in but it will be nice nice to just have like cold air blowing out here cuz like right now it’s only like 70° outside but with my PC running got the TV on you know all that kind of stuff and it’s a what is this room I think it’s like 14 by 11 room so I mean it’s not a huge room but it’s not a tiny room um but yeah so it’ll just be nice to have um AC uh cuz I have two PCS in here like I have another PC that’s set up over there there just my old PC is just set up over there my wife gets on it every once in a while most of the time she that I come out here she’s on my computer anyway but uh so we probably should just do away with that one but anyway it I built this so that it was like we had her setup over there she doesn’t play any video games so it’s not like a his and her like gaming setup but she does have a computer over there if she wanted to but um yeah so I probably just need to keep that one shut down so that put less heat but uh going to put it on my back wall the only thing is I’m worried about is that it’s going to be above my um autograph jerseys and stuff like they’re about halfway down the wall and it’s going to be up at the top of the wall I do have probably 10 maybe like 10 and A2 foot ceilings in here cuz it’s the same height as the ceilings in the rest of the house but the this floor kind of steps down about 6 in there’s like a little step coming out here so I think it’ll be fine it’ll be up like 6 in off the ceiling so it’ll have about a foot and a half between it and the things and as long as I don’t point the air like directly down on it I think it might oh so my frame jerseys I’ve got a Garrison Hurst Jersey which I wouldn’t mind replacing that one like if I come across one that I really like um I’ve thought about getting some some different people um but I have not yet so I may get someone else to put in that one it’s just like a little cheap frame um and then my main two that I have are my Montana and rice um the rice is a it’s a game Jersey but not a game worn Jersey if that makes sense like it’s the actual game jerseys like a Nik I think it’s Nike Jersey from back in the day anyway and then the uh Montana one is just one of those that are like made for autographs and stuff I forgot what that brand is there’s like a brand that makes them anyway so that’s what the Montana one is um and then there’s uh there’s name plates on each of those and like I mean I had those done professionally so they’re really nice and then on the wall where my computer is like above it it’s a TV and then on each side I’ve got an autographed um like magazine I’ve got Joe Montana uh Beck at tribute magazine that has it’s the picture of him sitting there with this four Super Bowl rings or whatever Joe Montana and then the other side I have uh uh Steve Young Sports Illustrated um I think it says something about next up the Cowboys and it’s the year that they won the Super Bowl so they beat the Cowboys in the NFC Championship I believe and then went on to the Super Bowl and won it but anyway um yeah that’s kind of my collection I have another one over there but it’s a guy that’s from my hometown so that played in the NFL so I don’t say who that one is just cuz I a giveaway where I’m from so not he didn’t like go to my school but he lived like just down the road anyway but he played in the NFL and I found one on eBay and I was like oh [ __ ] I’ll get his JY though I do have his jersey anyway um yeah I could go with Jerry Rice being the best I’m also a big Montana fan but I don’t know I I I mean I just like the 49ers so there’s a lot of good players that I like from there like right now players that I like I don’t I have some like obscure ones that I really like and then I have some that are just like the like the ones that everybody likes kind of thing like I like I mean Brock pie it’s whatever to yeah used like some to back in the day um I don’t have any like that guy he was just like a ridiculous athlete he really was I mean I guess he still is an athlete but you know what I mean all right let’s go get a slime ball block oh no we got to go to spawn for that one did they move all of them in there they did [Music] yards now I got to find which one has I was wondering why there was extra stuff in here what you got for me it’s colored blocks oh actually I need some more what color was it red I don’t remember just buy 10 of each in red and blue yellow why not I’ll just have some extras I don’t know which ones I have and which ones I don’t what you got back there fell another stuff elevator blocks other crap where’s the droppers at more furniture no more furniture no more furniture no more furniture these are just regular ass blocks daily rewards up gra that real quick oh new seriously seed bomb uh which one have I checked more furniture uh more blocks okay where’s the drops person at do do you know which person was the drops person all if you go to spawn it’s yeah they’re not in spawn anymore they moved them they put them in this with the other oh it’s like a you’re not talking about like the raid or drop right no no I’m just trying to find like slime balls oh it’s it’s like behind if you like teleport to spawn it’s and you hit your map you’ll see like all the names I think yeah yeah it’s like to the right of Spawn I’m trying to think of where here I’ll just come to spawn okay mob drops okay I found it it’s got4 on here okay they changed it up so I was confused cuz they moved all of them but those to yeah they mve like vegetation light stuff to the side they moved it all well they moved everything that was on the other side down to that uh with the other blocks and stuff like colored blocks and furniture and all that’s in the blue poke Center thing now so the only ones that are up at spawn are the two Mo or the two drops whatever yeah oh okay okay I was confused I didn’t know that they cuz the other ones were gone so I figured they were all gone but if I can get my Pistons all sticky all right let’s hop back up here mayba draft Hornets or Pistons draft Ronnie top 10 and keep him hostage hey I mean yeah like he requests a trade don’t give him a trade like no you’re here I don’t that I’d even want him anyway especially if you’re the coach there because you know if LeBron comes in you’re going to get fired and they’re going to h a new coach cuz he can’t ever keep a coach gets them all fire soon as he doesn’t win a championship like he’ll go somewhere they’ll win a championship like oh we get another year we’ll extend his contract and then the next year they go out like in the playoffs and he’s like oh no he’s gone like what crap I put up on my [Music] scaffolding oops that that that that okay and maybe that that that maybe that okay and there okay um two back here okay now we got to build up for this yellow one and then we’re going to you doing a lot of freaking scaffolding builds I guess have to build up and start placing Redstone it’s going to be difficult yeah I think it’s I mean both teams pretty much swept you know the uh division finals so I don’t know I think should be good but I mean it’s who I picked I said before the playoffs it was going to be Celtics and winner of Mavs OKC so I was right what can I say all right go wait buffalo butt out way right let’s see what we got do here all right so from here we’re gonna we need to build it here the back side look like a backside Builder let’s just go ahead and that in there let’s get some of that in there I need those or those all right let’s go from here we can let’s go down one and then we’re going to go that perfect and pop this out nicely done all right let’s we’re going to leave this and we’ll start here with this one see other por CH here right cool let’s uh oh I got to go make three more I think I bought some extra okay so I need three more is everything else done I think there is some are all done I hope there somewh all done that one still needs a why do it not ever jump off that I guess can you not jump off of glass I don’t know right one it’s in my hand here so I eat up something um we should still have everything we need we need three of them so one two three four four * 3 is 12 so we’re need a little bit more Cobblestone and actually not right there’s one Cobble some Stone if I need to slap some of that looks like we’re going have to slap a little bit of stone here I’m at on 14 perfect uh a little more wood let’s hit it so we need boom need three right yeah perfect wood there we go some balls on them b a book all right cool all right onto that we’re going to head this way and here we are everything’s go here let’s go with this there we are boom boom boom and yellow boom boom boom Perfect all right so this one still needs a triming off the side here get on that all right next thing that we’re going to have have to do is climb up to all these and put repeaters so we need three repeaters for each thing I think there’s 19 total repeat or no okay let me let’s try it this way all right we’ve got 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 19 I believe 1 2 3 four five six 7 8 99 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 maybe we’re at 20 all right so 20 um * three 60 so that’s a stack of them we’re going to need more than that but oops um one all right I don’t even know how to make these things so I always forget how to make stuff okay repeaters all right repeaters are okay Redstone Redstone torches all right so let’s make a ChatOn of redstone torches we need at least two stacks of those just take what we got right now and make some sticks and make some more sticks and we’re going to need more sticks uh sure there we go be enough sticks to start us out um we’re going to need some more Redstone which we should have plenty of that plenty of that let’s go ahead and start with a stack of them oh wait no that’s not what we need need these first there we go now we’re going to be getting some more Redstone well we’re tearing through the Redstone tell you what all right redstone redstone torch redstone torch boom boom and boom right yep here we go all right so we got a stack of them to start us off so now we got to get up there and start laying them down okay so show you guys what okay so I’ll show you what these should look like clear that out let me go up one oh no D it okay well either way we fine okay so make sure I’m crouched here those in here we go now we have Redstone going to each of them thing over here Redstone into each nope we go each one of those has Redstone going to it I think we’re going to have to go one more on each one didn’t calculate this very well I got that going there three of those this is you redstone’s going to be going to each of those do I just need no I have to put a whole row of redstone here damn it start building them up now I guess oh okay got it put there red stone across there all right that one’s ready to go this one will soon be there we go that one’s good to go so from here let’s go there red stone go on there so that one’s yellow what color is this one oh that didn’t go well okay where’s that one over there that yellow to okay perfect oh almost fell off that okay so these are both yellow so so it won’t matter too much if they’re here at the same thing cuz if I need to I can alternate it coming off the back but I don’t know if these two are the same or not so it’s going to be kind of difficult to do but we’ll get it done all right I got hold another stack of scaffolding so all right we’re going to go three perfect go there there some Redstone across there perfect um we’ll figure all that up from out top this should be the drop or the going up one shouldn’t be that difficult so this should be I’m thinking these should be that’s other thing like can bring them up but it’s the number of locks that I’m having to bring it up from that makes any sense all right well we’re just going to do this for right now maybe we don’t like it that’s too D bad so a fancy one here we’re going go out of there over there lot yeah perfect hopefully go up one whatever okay okay suck there for okay uh so here here here and there there there perfect and this one really help me I need to let me get some of this okay so let’s go ahead and do this I know we got to do that then let’s do our best on these oh [Applause] most of them there the ones that already have three are the ones that we’re done with we need to get probably just build up here and make it let’s build it right in the middle and then we’ll just make a build off go oops yes okay Dam it cool let’s go there go it’s good to go let’s go the other way now perfect yeah we enough don’t [Applause] building over from this one should be good might have to reverse that one I like that anyway okay so with these out shouldn’t be a problem there there a [ __ ] let’s go down all these fing things okay um we’re working on that one ahead and get the down and go he I really need to start getting ready to focus on my gym I don’t know exactly how I want my gy I’ve kind of had some ideas of like the actual gym part I have all this but the actual gym part is going to be a problem as well Lula the best player in the league now D20 or still what Luca or Joker I don’t know I I mean there’s a bunch of players you could say are in the run in for being the best player right now I feel like the NBA is strongest it’s been in a long time as far as having a bunch of different uh Stars I feel like it’s kind of getting back to where it was like in the 90s where just about every team had you know some people that you knew on it and I’m going to bring that one out the other way as well which I think is really good for the game had a good Friday um so like um my wife’s wedding ring has like a lifetime guarantee on it or whatever like if any of the diamonds break or not break but fall out or or anything like that uh it’s covered by that so the the thing with that though is you have to every six months you have to go um get it cleaned and inspected uh which is free it doesn’t cost anything to get it inspected but that’s just their way of saying like oh you didn’t keep up with it so now we don’t have to honor it anymore so uh every which which is good because I bought it in May and proposed in in June so uh but anyway so may and um November which is my wife’s birthday are the two months where’s this thing there we go are the two months that we have to uh get it cleaned so we always just remember on my birthday month and her birthday month we got to go get a ring cleaned and inspected so uh since today was the last day of my birthday month we had to go do it because it’s the closest uh place that does it is like 30 minutes away so we went there after work and uh did that and then I also had some a coupon for um Texas Roadhouse where it was like you get a free appetizer with any um adult meal purchase or whatever and so um I looked on there and it was like expires May 31st and I was like oh we’ve got to hurry up and use this and I had like a whole stack of them that uh i’ got from a friend he was like here have some of these is from like a um like a festival thing that we had in town and they had them left over or whatever he was like here take some of these I was like okay so took like a stack so anyway I saw on there like oh it expires so I need to go use them uh but as I started looking at it to order uh realized that it it doesn’t expire until 2025 so we got a whole another here cuz I was like man I don’t not going to have any of these left or I’m not going to be able to use any of these anyway so got lucky on that one so it’s a win-win um so got a free cheese fry with my steak but anyway yeah other than that pretty uneventful day thee I’m off next week um for vacation so I might stream Monday cuz we don’t leave till Tuesday I mean I might stream during the day Monday I’m not sure depends on how much stuff we got to get done I don’t know when my parents are coming down my parents are just going to come stay at our house and stay with our dogs so we don’t have to get boarded or get the dog boarded uh and then also that way like you know my brother just got out of the hospital or whatever so my parents were going to come up anyway to kind of help with the grandkids and that kind of stuff so um I think that’ll work out all right they’re just going to come stay at our house and keep us from having to pay another bill all right those two going to be too close possibly that can go ahead and come out that one can come out what the hell come on bro that there see what gz hooked me up this this season he gave me let me borrow a scaffolding which I would have been dead 500 times if I didn’t have all scaffolding you gave me 20K is that the what’s his name URS saluna I can remember is to something need extra one out the back of that and that that one’s all good over here yeah let’s build out right here all right we can get all these from here [Music] ah I knew it was all just a dream didn’t work out all right well just go down and build it ourselves that one say good get one done yeah I think so that one be good that one should be good that one should be good all right these in this region here need some good though all right let’s grab this one here CL all this junk in there that we need [Music] to on to the next let’s slap that on that on oh that all get over there we got it okay that one’s good do that one back behind there um good that one’s good pick out all this up you all this area down here is going to be flooded eventually so not super worried about this area um but I do want to like hop in and terraform a bunch of this stuff prob just going to make like a big rounded area rounded area like I want to kind of make this come out a little bit more same thing over there like I want it to be rounded it that it’ll look all right but’s joined I’m got to build up into do those two or three there okay wait is that one done or not done just one here and that one okay so wait I don’t know if these are done or not I don’t think they are so that one looks done that one is not done let’s go ahead and do this one then we’re going have to go grab some more we need more ice blocks and we need more Redstone oops home block yeah there we go couple more Stacks maybe four more Stacks I don’t know going too fast there oops I have too much let’s go home one gra some more [Music] Redstone what I have too much of that I need just rid of that in there we got gold and netherite if we want to make something we got mending if we want to make it a 90% book uh we need some more cook there or that rid of think we need that right now need that what’s it called tinker on that didn’t read um okay think we’re good on all that stuff for now we see okay over here that’s so I have nine over there I’m still missing some and some places got to be right right so is that a three Banger those two that one’s good that should be good good good good good finish that one up there and then three up there so 3 6 9 10 11 12 I’m still at 21 am I missing did I make extras I don’t know okay either way let’s uh just build up right here by this old dude so from here we should be able to see one two a lot of these are on the same level which is nice we get that one over there like it has Pistons oh the Pistons are on that side I guess yeah okay that one’s good so one two three four on that level one two three four five six that level one two three four I mean most of them are all on the same levels but uh yeah so sorry I’m just now reading this crawfish um so he’s doing really well um he said he can tell he’s not 100% his he still is getting like some light headaches and stuff uh of course she’s still in the medicine for like another week or so I think one this the end of two weeks so we had one more week um of that and he just I guess is feeling feeling okay I don’t know um I’m going to see him tomorrow so I’ll get you guys a little bit more update but like he hasn’t um what I’m doing there so we got this one needs to get done here and we going to go up a little bit higher all right so drop some of these drop in some of those drop in some of these get on that one um but yeah I I don’t know seems like he’s doing fine um again they don’t know like what the long-term or short short short terms shortterm effects will be um but I mean like I said so far seems like everything’s getting kind of back to normal so hopefully full recovery um we’ll see I guess there that’s good okay and slap of these in okay so we’re still have nine extra ones but [Music] all right so I think everything’s red stoned it up we’re good to go I’m wrong I’m wrong but now well I okay so everything is not red stoned up but I think each of the individual things are uh where they’re supposed to be so that being said definitely not anywhere close to being done with the Redstone but uh we’re getting somewhere eventually right okay um put more over here there we go okay should have most of our scaffolding back all right let’s just give a quick eye test to make sure all of the different ones have three four 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 so think counted all of them may be off but looks good from here we’ll one minute till everything clears so let’s give that a little bit of time all right so with that being said we need to get okay okay yeah I I mean I wish I knew more as far as like what they’re planning to do and and that kind of stuff but I it feels like right now they’re just kind of like he’s good which is kind of weird considering like a week ago they’re like we don’t know what he has and he may be dying like you know what I mean it’s like now it’s like oh yeah nothing to worry about he’s fine I don’t know we’ll see I guess all right so these going down are going to be the difficult ones cuz I got to build a tower going down from there red there oh that’s not put there go that’s okay so we got to build a little tower that comes down from that and over here Redstone in so we’ll have Towers coming down from each of those I believe there are seven 3 six seven yeah there’s seven different switches so we got to build seven towers for those um to get all the Redstone down from each switch so that might be our first um thing that we need to do again what we can do is just build it down or I guess oh no Jeff yeah sorry no no it’s not Grandpa it’s my brother he was uh in the hospital last week or week before last whenever it was it was like the week of my birthday stuff yeah yeah so he had um well I went into the hospital and they thought he had um what was it they thought he had [ __ ] what was it called that they thought he had let me look and see if I can find anything um I don’t remember they thought he had something oh I always can’t remember stuff um anyway what it ended up being was uh hsv1 um which is it’s like a form of Herpes but it’s not like the STD one like apparently it’s left behind from infections that don’t heal correctly or something I don’t know but anyway it was uh I mean it’s like a virus but it was in his brain and so he had to be um hospitalized and at first they thought he had something else so they were testing for that but they did start him on um some antibiotics when he first um got there as well as menitis that’s what it was that they they thought he had uh so they tested him and it didn’t say that he didn’t have oh damn Mike Tyson having health issues so moving back the fight yeah that sounds like the kind of person you want to be beating up on as a like a 25-year-old man beating up on a 60-year-old who has health problems seems legit all right let’s see if we can get some Redstone to these things uh the towers shouldn’t be difficult we’re probably about to go into our since it’s just me and G on um probably going to go into our solo world and figure out how we’re going to build these um cuz the building the tower down might be it’ll be the more difficult of the two because so to build up you can just build vertically which I’ve showed you guys with uh torches just go vertical and then but with down you have to build like has to come down then over and then down over down whatever okay so that being said I don’t know might have hemorrhoids yeah there it is well I don’t understand why like boxers that are relevant right now I mean I guess they have everything to lose if they did somehow go in and get knocked out by him but um it just makes no sense that North Carolina hit that walk-off home run um anyway so it just does make doesn’t make sense why somebody doesn’t just say like I’ll fight him and just beat the [ __ ] out of him like a a world class like actual boxer um so that part doesn’t make sense to me why cuz I mean you’re going to make a lot of money because his fights draw a lot of money like they’re just publicity stunts basically and not that he’s not a good fighter but he’s not a professional fighter you know what I mean I mean I guess he is because he makes money doing it but he’s not like on the level of some of the guys that are professionals like top-of thee line professionals so I don’t know I’m going to go out of this real quick quick and go into this all right so when we go to build our okay so here we are in our build world and so when we go vertical we can just go like this and it’ll be easy to water um I don’t have to have these on here I can just have it looking like this I’ll just messing around with some stuff also makes it way easier when I oh when I can fly I just did there sorry about that uh there and there there okay so uh regardless of that but let’s also do this right so we have these vertical tows here can I I bring it around like that oh into it no okay so this has to come straight off of that one okay so that doesn’t work there which is fine I’m just figure out where I need to have my but need do something like this I want to see where my tower needs to come up over one I can or can’t get this go up I should be able to get that to go up so if I had my my torch here and it would work so if this came up to like this area right here then it would work thank you cfish appreciate that um so if I need to have it there or I need to have it here should work either way right right um well I can just have there but not if I have to go there okay so that could be my problem figuring out how to build up with this so we can build it up um all right let me let me check this out here okay so this running into one of those blah blah blah that comes out okay we have one on top of that and then from there to the next on is all right so we have on it goes up one two three the fourth one isn’t on okay that’s good to know okay so that’s what we got to deal with with that that where’s my other yeah over here okay so this is how we’re going to have to build down those switches so the switches have a line coming off the back like so guess I’m going to build one just to know how to do it so we have lines coming up um so let’s say my redstone’s running right here right okay so that’s my Redstone I can then either go this is that take it to it oh one wait oh I’m in the wrong spot okay okay so from that one there’s going to be a BL out that way right what I’m seeing here that’s Redstone blank and then torch right there it is okay I was I was in the right spot the first time okay Redstone can go to the goes to torch go redstone on top of that and then we got to come up oh no you can do that just makes it look cooler I guess clean it up a little bit okay either way okay okay well I can’t put a thing on top all right so we yeah you’re going to burn out on would right so there like that we’ve got to go torch again up there there there and so on and so forth so we’ll build that up yeah it has held pretty steady at about 30 people playing which is awesome um so I hope that goes all right so this is our on to the next on is four above right this would be go up so we have one here and then goes up one two three four okay so both of our alternating things go up by fours so every four would be another on if you have an online go up four another on or you go up two and an off feel like I can deal with that I might be able to do it we’ll see okay so let’s we’re going to just uh for the sake of saking it um okay so let’s say that’s different than what we’re actually using all right let’s use this one right here as an example okay so we have a red coming off there and I know this isn’t as high as what the other ones is going to be but we’ll use it for today okay so from here we’ll have that and it’s going to come down go down one go from here and we should be able to go there there there and I’m going to be scaffolding all this in my other world but you guys get the idea of it and then we go there and we go there okay so and then if we needed it to be on instead of off just go there there for our line coming in so this line here it was on let me show you what I mean okay well let’s do it with the off first there we go yeah so we have that there it’s off there we go we got it okay so that’ll be the way we have to do vertical for these and then of course we’ll be able to build up a little Tower so we can build these out of the glass or the glass pillars or whatever just want make sure if I build this up it’s all going to be good to go then on what’s stuff can all be underground but you get the idea of what’s going on here like for this one leave that open go on back side this is what our pillars will look like it’s going to be a 4×3 pillar under each of our things um yeah so like right here build another one here with just a simple boom and we just go there that right probably not okay there then we come on um like okay so if I needed it off I could just come on like that if I need it on just come on like that okay and that’s where we’ll decide well really don’t need to set anything just how however it lines up make it easier like if it lines up like if this was the ground then we can just run it off from there if it lines up where this is the ground one lower then we just run like that so we can alternate it either way we’ll just Tower it up and good go on that um so for these our towering is going to be a little bit different um as you can see right here these towers we can do them kind of the same if we wanted to if we wanted to go like a here we can have a full one there then we have it ran up to to here which just because of placement we’ll do it like this there that one’s on and that one’s on then we should have a switch somewhere over here uh there we go there’s our switch okay so it does have a little bit of a delay just because it’s going up vertically but okay and then our next thing is let’s say okay these are both on at the same time if we needed this one to be um if we needed this one to be off while the other one was on Bo so now that one’s off that one’s on I’ll switch it now that one goes on that one goes off if that makes sense you guys now that one’s off that one’s on so we can make it work I think we can do it it’s going to take a little bit but oops I don’t know what I’m do so let’s hop out of this one and go back over to the main world we got 15 people on here at 2: a.m. so we be playing it it is Friday night but okay um right so like this one we’ll just build a vertical straight down again some of this is going to be well it’s all going to be Underground technically so it’s going to kind of lay out all the switches and stuff probably over there in the lowest part just make all the actual Redstone stuff that I got to make and then I can just run Redstone to each of the towers and so on so let’s go get some I mean I’ve got a bunch of this ice brick but I think I’m going to do the pillars let’s just try them out and see uh block let’s see what they look like here brick like there’s ones are ice pillar I guess it’s I think it’s the one that’s at the bottom okay so let’s get a stack of these real quick cool cool all right see what these look like see what you look like look like a fool again the power down or not the power the switch down like carrying a switch down is going to be a little bit more difficult than going up but I think if we do this one over here it might be a little easier to do first where is it it on this side of oh no it’s right there okay we going to bring this one straight down which so to bring it down we have there we’ll put a torch there yeah okay let’s this way here all right so from here we’ll have that coming out with a I don’t have any torches on me so put a torch on there and then from here we go down go down go over then we break both of these those do stay there and then from here this one okay right from this one we’ll go down down use like filler blocks over I not get up this killing me right now okay okay redstone torch Redstone let me get up here and just start all this we’re going to have some redstone on top of that we’ll have clear these out okay so go redone there there torch there ouch [Music] and so far so good torch coming out there and then we need to go with our pillars here liar I think this is where we’re at for pillars the right spot I’m not sure oh yeah yeah that looks as other I can do it just on the edge ones and do regular down the middle let’s see how that looks fine let’s do some there right cool and then that right no there okay we’ll get there favorite breakfast foods MCG griddle I’m just not a McDonald’s person don’t know if that’s where those are supposed to be feel like these are yeah guess it’s fine okay need more sticks or drops sticks sticks drops drop sticks Chopsticks where am I trying to go I think slack is probably there sticks let go make some sticks yeah I um as far as breakfast um fast food breakfast I think cardies or Carl’s Jr whichever one you have have um is my favorite um I don’t know I think that’s my favorite breakfast place I like Chick-fil-A too but D1 coming in with the raid what’s up everybody coming in from D1 what’s good with y’all get all the wood I get I’m getting plenty of wood now the d1’s here let’s go grab those grab those grab those grab some more [Music] Redstone Redstone torches [Music] going go with what we got home two all right so again like I I said this is a lot easier all right so we got this should be Redstone there there I guess all of the okay and that should be there we go and we can go with there we go that’s our our switch one for well is next thing I want to do remind me what this goes to this is a s switch for there’s the switch red switch okay what we’ll do down here at the bottom is we’ll slap a red on it we know that that’s red and we’ll also [Music] know that it’s on okay cool now we’re just going to do that six more times and uh yeah yeah so this is cobem season 2 uh available now there is a um you have to have the Technic Launcher it’s only on PC so it’s not on or Java uh it’s not on Bedrock unfortunately um but there are a lot of custom um things within this that are only uh available through my uh mythical stuff almost said mystical mystical all right so we’ll build that up like that and then we can do another pillar coming up like this right so that can we do it there oh there we we go now we’re missing some stuff oh no not what I wanted okay all right let me get these here so there are some that I missed somewhere there so these need to have that on there okay going to make sure everybody’s good good to go red that one’s red again they may be on different signals that’s my thing that I’m going to probably look at tomorrow I’ll probably just watch over a bunch of videos and uh good night D1 have a good one my man thank you so much for stopping by thanks for the raid appreciate you tell the wife I said hello all right so yeah from that we’ll have this one coming out that’ll be blue going down but again the these verticals a little bit easier than these verticals but either way it won’t be that difficult um I’m trying to decide the next thing is what I was in there oh well um next thing I want to decide is my pillars I want them to look just build an example one over here so I can get an idea on my own my Curr see here so I believe they’re going to be three by four Health up here all right so let’s say that there’re three this way one two three four this way all right there we go then we can just do these between let’s see let’s see what that looks like that look not too bad or should we go with all pillars and it would look more clear so we got a one that’s we out of them but you get the idea should we do our pillars all looking like that or like this what are you guys thinking kind of think I like the all just vertical I think it look fine doing it that way all right now we got to rip all this [ __ ] down been in a minute uh I don’t know I just also these pillars seem a lot easier to break look at that like less than half the quarter of the time good though you like the mix of the two again it’s it’s just so much faster oh man Dam the hole over here the other reason that I was thinking of doing the vertical is just kind of break up fact that all of this is done with the brick so give it something a little bit different we are going to have a bunch of them though unfortunately so just looking at me oh man you judging me like this um so I felt like was this in one of the other redacted mod that we had this to where you would um there was grass that you could walk through and it would spawn in stuff for you to fight like you couldn’t walk through without getting spawned in on something like an actual Pokemon man’s or am I thinking of something and these pillars are just much faster M have all right I think I’m just going to go vertical but either way this switch here is finished and that’s what’s important one switch down all right so I don’t really need any of it I don’t I need that I guess and that maybe that okay that should be pretty fair good setup there okay so we got one switch done and I just have those vertical Towers there just for no reason than the vertical Towers so and I know you said you like the the combo of them but I think I’m just going to go with the vertical just in case I have to cover up more area it won’t hurt anything I don’t know that I need to go all the way down to the ground cuz some of this is going to be all ran down here so all right so the good thing is when I bring it down I’m going to run it all with the red and now that everything’s One Crown I don’t think it’s going to be that bad to do okay where’s my next switch at that I need to be working on you know honestly I should probably I think I’m going to do the next red switch I want to maybe finish all the red switches tonight I think that’ll make it easier so there’s a red switch there and the next one’s here is a red switch I do think it’s cool that you can change it to that cuz it just looks better all right so that’s a red switch this is a red switch okay well okay yeah okay we got to do this red switch and that red switch shouldn’t be too bad right right let’s just uh this one should be good to go and then this one right here is going to be our next project let’s hop off on this side so don’t take a lot of fall damage there we go all right so now we’re looking at R there I like the way you do that R okay so what we’ll do is we’ll have a torch out the back of it and then we’ll start our descent get back up here a little bit we can closer to get to it so we’ll have torch off the back and then it’ll drop down can have it go any way we like but let’s let me just double check how this one went I just went off the back then went over to okay just zag it straight back don’t think that’s going to interfere that one’s coming out the back that one’s coming out that way yeah we’ll be fine okay do the same thing on this one then the other one will be able to go right off the back as well want to go that way I go up up here all right so straight out the back torch go boom boom boom and from here we’ll come down a little bit a little bit more boom boom boom a little bit more boom boom boom there we’ll go down down we are with there and then let’s go boop boop and wait to get it down to this level [Music] here and then we should be able to bring it out from there there we go okay let’s uh good thing with these switches we can set them to whatever we want it’s not really C to be on have to be off cuz they’re we can change them from whatever positions not a big deal on that part so that’s good there we go okay from here go we go there we go there there there I know I just I think it looks cleaner when it’s there as a circle there we go okay now we just need to torch it up here we go we go there there there there and there okay we should be alternating all the way [Music] down this is a one off John okay this one’s off right now as you can see this one’s on right now so let’s go ahead and get them both in the same state uh just for ease of use it won’t matter in the end like I said but for now we’ll just let’s just come up here make sure we’re good to go all right we’re on and we’re off perfect so let’s leave it to the on let’s go do our last I jump there go there so we got another one we’ll uh figure all that out later all right from this one coming off the back good right here should be good a little something something here uh need to get a a new SSD man you can get a uh like m.2 drive for next to nothing are you talking about internal SSD for like a um console haven’t really messed with putting a new one in a console but I can’t imagine super difficult but at the same time I wouldn’t want to mess with opening it up for no reasonless I needed to kind of thing all right so from here go down two over one and fall down 10 perfect we’re doing great okay all right let’s go over here let’s go oh [ __ ] go all right so from here we’re going to go down down theist down down fall out everything I keep on [Music] falling and out where do you all right I can go there uh we go can [Music] H what let’s both there and from that we can bring it up that okay of these all the way up all right let’s go on up all right so let’s go ahead and grab that [Music] go one down for Real uh get here there there [Music] right that I put one of those it won’t stay like that but uh let’s go there boom [Music] boom and off to the red okay that [Music] should perfect okay using a lot of food with all my Fallen but all in all doing a fantastic job okay let’s go home to real quick make a little bit to check right now it shows on WE flip the switch and it shows off perfect there’s a shy on me somewhere oh yeah the new update so um J no um options resource packs so that that and that done this in we can see what you sell it first too it is done game go grab a quick ball first that balls [Music] at did he go away over here spawn I don’t see him anywhere me I didn’t really want it but it was there have been a good sell ouch fell in a hole oh have been worse yeah I guess nobody else was in the area despawned all good though um I yeah you go I think in this area here oh well I’ll just keep some on me just in case it wasn’t really one that I wanted anyway all right um what else we got going here all those are working all right [Music] um like we can go ahead and build the pillars around these just so make sure that none of the Red Stone from the other one ouch make sure none the redstones from the other ones interfere with it but I think should be good um let’s see probably let’s see if we’re making a it’s what 4 by3 and then we’re going up like I 20 blocks like a lot of blocks I don’t know we’ll see let’s just go H we’ll just we’ll just know that that switch works okay so we got yeah I didn’t think somebody CAU it it it just despawned just being a doof wasn’t paying attention ain’t them I just didn’t have no balls on me all right so all the red switches work so we’ll run those into um nice little red um thing so we’ll have three switches going in and then it’ll have two different inputs that come out one will be on one will be off those inputs will then be ran to the red squares and we’ll know which ones are supposed to be on which ones are supposed to be off it’s that easy you know I don’t think it’s going to be too difficult but why not easiest thing I’ve ever built not like just putting a flat screen TV and something you know what I’m saying so we’ll have okay the next thing I think that I might want to do no I can see it fine from here it’s not as big a deal as I thought it was I was going to say underneath like in the very center one but then I was going to put like a red block in there but then I had to go back up up put the thing in all that kind of stuff so I don’t think that’s going to be doable um not sure so we got to figure out I mean those are already on the same level feel like it’s just going to be easier if I br bring that one down further that we’re at y90 whatever that’s at so no thanks um but we have this one’s currently at 95 so we need to bring it down I’d rather bring it straight down and then out just so that we know um need to get a bunch more let’s go to home one first and let’s clear out our inventory a little bit some of the stuff we do need Redstone but that should be fine for it now let’s get rid of some of this for right now wood oops start Uh Wood Wood Wood some more that we’re going to have to use that for some stuff [Music] later um that like [Music] crossbow don’t need that at all but there it is that’s as well that just in case keep that just in case I think right now we’re good with the glass actually let put it and I’m going to put all my building stuff in there slime in case we need to make another thing right now don’t need that need that right now do need a shovel where I put all my shovels at where my shovels at all right those shovels are about dead I had some other shovels somewhere maybe I shovel them all there we go right there cool let’s go home too all right we’re going to dig this down and again all of this is going to be underground eventually so [ __ ] go back home and get some of this mess up something so we got to get down to [Applause] 90 where we going to get to 90 this should be on the same level there that worried about most of the stuff but um let’s go here that there and there dug all that for nothing but and 90 right now cool that’s going to be our red line at that that there and figure this out there there there we go on off on off Perfect all right so again this will be we just have the pillar kind of come down into the ground and all that can run out we’ll have red coming out of there have our machine somewhere in here for all these to run too we have three different ends going in this this will be the separate one so to do three switches in you have to do two like a three pull switch um which again if you guys weren’t here the other day that’s like when your light switch when you can turn a light switch on on one side of the room or turn it on the other side of the room and it does the same thing on both sides um so basically that’s what we’re creating with this so we’ll have these two running in a machine like right here you know come out the other side with a a a signal and then we’ll have that one run in and go through another one of those to come out to another signal and then those two signals will be combined into one signal and it should work on either side but anyway all right crawfish have a good one we’re wrapping things up here pretty soon as well but got to get uh yeah so that’s what that’s how those will work and then again my main goal is to get the figured out which ones are on at what time and which ones are off the other time so I’m going to have to watch through some videos and kind of see like this blue one is off when this blue one and those blue ones are on I do know that so off on on so again when we come out of that we’ll have it’ll split to one signal is on one signal is off and then when you switch teach me your ways it’s a lot but we’re figuring it out we’ll get there um I hope there’s a gym Build contest but we’ll see all right um yeah so come up here we’ll have have a pillar there pillar under this there’s going to be a bunch of pillars coming down which I’m hoping still like these areas will still be open where you can see water down like when you look down it’ll be watered I don’t know if I want to like fillar alongside this you can’t see any of that like just put a row around that I don’t know we’ll see where that takes us but we do know all the red switches work I think I can’t see it down there anymore but you get the idea yeah it won’t really matter if it’s on or off again it’s as long as it works with the switches with now with the uh with these pad things with the um Pistons it will matter if they’re what state they’re in so that’ll be some work um and there’s only one blue switch so I feel like the blue switch one might be not too bad what can I do off the side there go down alternating off this side might be a easy way to do it come down to and over and all that kind of stuff I just hope there’s enough room to do this I wonder if I need to go out the other side with that one it should be okay right we can always run this off the side as well I we’re getting some Redstone done I do think it looks better with the little circles even though in the end none of it will matter because why can I never make that jump it doesn’t never let me jump there same spot all the time I try to cut across there never works never works out okay um so all this can be buil back in with dirt I guess and then we’ll have uh the pillar will come around here so okay I did learn another thing on some terraforming stuff um so what I found out oh with the exception of the number two all of your straight lines need to be odd so like 1 two 3 4 five that needs to be odd and it comes in there whatever one two three and a one one two one one two three four five one one two three one two three four five two five so um so that’s one of the ways that Minecraft kind of generates stuff so like all your lines and stuff so you’ll never have a four wide wall or whatever or not wall but whatever so drink more milk dude I try we can pull that out there then bring that out if we want to I don’t care okay so we will need to get some more red yellow and blue concrete so we can run all of our I want to run all of our switches like these uh switches going in to the thing will be on red um concrete and then we may do after it comes out on red uh wool and then that way can kind of keep the things together all right guys let me be honest for a second I thought for sure we were going to make a run and get into 369 we’re at 352 seven short we only had two subs tonight that’s crazy I thought we’d have some more people coming in been going for three hours two subs kind of sad so if you’re not already subscribed what are you waiting for go ahead and subscribe doesn’t hurt you oh Nat three plays comes in and gets it started gifted 10 to the channel or with a five pack but gifted 10 total to the channel so see somebody somebody hop in and help out Nate come on ain’t nobody gon to stop that [ __ ] people to ban um but I thought for sure we’d get it tonight I’m going to have to extend it one more night but I know we can get it I just I don’t know I don’t know what’s going on man guess some people didn’t get paid on Friday yes obviously that’s the only reason he shows up it’s the only reason he’s here the banhammer I mean there’s no other reason Baker Aaron b a ban all I mean he’s just here to ban everybody what he’s here for you know what the Ba’s for hey Lis Bliss comes in and GI one come on who else is going to be with it we’re now 11 away dude we’re close I think we can do it all right I’m going to keep building now that we’re getting close to a hype train get one more person in and we will have why did that go off twice I don’t know but thank you so much for that gifted sub there LPL appreciate you let’s BL doing I mean if everybody does their part you know there’s I see a few people still in here talking without a sub again Baker’s tattoo mod uh but again guys if you uh are looking to save a little money you can always if you’re watching on your phone you can always go into the browser and click on that link uh just copy that link into the browser for subbing and uh you can open it up in the browser and it’s a dollar cheaper so you’re like oh kind of stretch thin right now guess what you subscribe to five crew people you get one free that’s just the way it works that’s the crew buy one get one free deal so like this one will go like that just blend it in with the grounds here like this right I think that look okay we just build it up to the top like like I never going to stop uh all right so we have that all right let’s do the blue switch since there’s only one blue switch and I think we can oh weird just Happ okay we’re going to build this one that way so we got that we got that we got that that’s all we need oh I need that that okay perfect okay let’s uh build up about right here come on guys don’t let this hype train chance go away we need one more person to sub list Bliss gives another one and we’re 10 away we need one more person to sub uh Nate and list Bliss already done their part now we just need one more person so the hype train it has to be three separate people it can’t just be three subs or whatever so we need one more person and then we can get that hype train going and then I think more people are going to jump in because who don’t want to be part of a hype train um okay what H this one up okay what’s up cyborg come G and guys we’re super close one minute left we’re 10 Subs away dude I think we can do it it’s my birthday month if you weren’t here for the birthday stream we had a lot of fun uh played some different stuff but um which that being said I kind of want to uh play some of the uh mud Runner game that we played the other night I may play that tomorrow night problem is I’m that right right now wait no there I what I’m doing first time Builder long time block [ __ ] go here Dam didn’t know I was that far down here oh you’re going to let it go to waste oh no come on chat y’all got five bucks laying around good Lord on here talking about all this fast food you be eating cost 20 bucks to go out to eat somewhere what’s $5 $6 for your favorite streamer guy we were so close again thank you Nate and L Bliss for believing in me and even my mother said it was a bad idea all right let’s see if we can’t F this out now you guys are awesome I appreciate it and I know not everybody’s uh able to give so I do appreciate those that do give again it’s it’s never something that you got to do but just feels so right when you do it you know those two a billion drown here billion drown used to live here all right let’s see if we can’t get this uh rolling here go a little higher cool going drop some torches on here that one that one oh there get torch step yeah offs on that side all our ons on that side we can maybe look at thank you appreciate that means a lot means a lot if I could erect one person that also sounds nice um all right so we’re at 90 on that one and bring this down I guess don’t really matter all right we’ll uh H this there we go make sure this switch works all right Betty spaghetti all right guys we are oh my stuff hadn’t updated yet did we lose some subs no we’re 10 Subs away I don’t know why that un updated yet but we’re 10 Subs away if you’re not subscribed please consider subscribing if you got the means to help out and uh drop a 10 pack or a five pack or a two pack or whatever uh two pack and Biggie whatever you can give right off and on there we go a little bit of delay in it but it’s not too bad it’s not too bad at all we should be able to build up our Tower from that there’ll be one on that side one on that side should still be able to come in from the side on either side of that one we need to for our vertical Tower so those are going to be I think those will be a lot easier to do he’s becoming beats um we got that going yeah we’ll encase all of it once we know it all works right so yellow this yellow one here is going to have to come off the side I believe off there drop it on down like it’s hot let’s see what level this one’s at okay so we know every four right we got to come down 16 from this over one down down over will take me down to four and down over to to all right so my on side will be there my off side will be here we’re at 92 from 112 So going up okay yeah we’re not not smart enough to figure that out yet but we do have this our scaffolding all right so let’s get after it all right so what we’ll have now is that quick we come down down over from there we come down down over there we come down down over down down over down over down over and down down over now we can go up and delete all this and we actually I don’t know what level we’ll be at for yellow that seems to be okay here what we got here 92 at 91 Red’s at we down here Red’s at 90 that’ll be red coming through here so 90 91 and 92 I think that seems fair right all right so let’s throw yellow off the side of this beach go where’s my other yellow switches at I’ve got that one over there oh that’s one wait where am I at okay there’s one there should have three yellow switches remember I’m trying to remember where the other yellow switch is you got oh do I have one yeah one right there then one up here and then one right right here okay not too bad all right let’s clear that out back up through [Music] here Perfect all right go there there there oh missed it missed it going back up there I’m not click in there there we go dang it there and oh I don’t know I just put a redstone on out way dude I [ __ ] what is this dude doing [ __ ] out of here big ass all right go there go there let’s go there there this side go here cool uh one there perfect we have them on we got our four Lites and our three unies and we got a switch ready all right then we’ve got another switch right here we can go straight back with it just out the way of this pillars here bringing this one down to 92 right so blue is going to be probably the easiest because it’s just one switch and it’ll just go into an on part and an off part yeah I got all my PPE on actually I’m not I don’t have my hard hat so is what it is all right let’s build this one here build off the back I think and just bring it straight down underneath go right here or our build up everybody knows looks over safety you know okay so build that one off the back [ __ ] just reach that one thank okay um mother of Troy good all that right nice 92 right now I remember we’re going to 92 right two right there all right cool um go that should be should be a 92 so we should have yellow coming off of that cool let’s go up make sure it works uh that red that yellow somewh okay on off perfect we have the other switch up here that one’s red one’s yellow okay so we have this yellow here and we have that one so we our last one of the night again why is my sub stuff not working up do we lose some I don’t know it’s not updating whatever it is but we’re 10 Subs away from our goal uh Kings Wolf’s probably going to come in here and drop a cool hundred Subs so I appreciate you coming in for that being first time chatter it is kind of a initiation thing you got to give 100 Subs come in but you know it’s it is what it is doing be a baller if you weren’t on Twitch at 3:00 a.m. okay it’s shown at 3:53 so I guess we lost some subs along the way but we’re still close to 10 away 15ish or 16 I guess um so if you’re not subscribed please consider subscribing but we’re going to build one more of these little vertical towers and then we’re going to be done for the night so again if you have the means to subscribe or GI subscribe subscribers or subscribes give sub Subs whatever I’m trying to say all right this one I’m going to come off the side probably this side let’s come off this way and build down that way I think that’ll be best yeah let’s do it that way all right so from here we’re going to go down down over just let’s just do a little bit at a time let’s just do one at a time why not you know there we go and we’re going to come down that off um over and throw some redstone on there get rid of these going to build over a bit drop another one of these on there oh another one of these on there that’s the thing with this like I could go any direction that I wanted to with it but um oh God my legs thank you okay going back up now oh God screw me here Dam right yeah cool nice uh message Zoom all right on that one that one’s a [Music] yellow what does it need to be at one two oh let’s put that this one works good there all right guys I think that’s a good stopping point for us we got all the towers done and now we’re ready need to move on to the next part we got all the what I think are the harder parts to do and then we’ve got to do the Redstone for the vertical part what up do yeah so we’ll do the Redstone for all the um what is called Pistons we’ll do all that tomorrow and then we’ve got to make our um little switches and all that kind of stuff then we got to get it all covered up and waterproof and then we’ll water in all of this make it a giant uh Lake area so we’re getting there and then we get to start on the actual gym so lot of work but we’re getting there shouldn’t be I think we can get it done hopefully by uh Monday I don’t think I’ll be on Monday so but I may be able to do like I said I might be able to do something during the day on Monday but anyway we’ll see you guys go check out the gfy podcast get yourself some merch wherever you want to on my Teespring all kinds of merch and uh I mean you can buy merch wherever you want to I guess if you other where something else uh that’s fine too but uh we’ve got all these we got to build up the pillars we’ve got to run oh Redstone all that perfect timing and uh yeah no spawner spawn server available ball back too okay anyway perfect time to the end anyway that’s going to do it for me thank you guys so much for hanging out with us tonight we’re very close we’ll push for it tomorrow to try to get to our uh sub goal we’re getting really close but uh thank you DJ appreciate that anyway that’s going to do it for me uh I don’t know G you staying on much longer I said you staying on much longer uh yeah okay all right just hunting this damn shiny if it ever spawn all right brother have a good one all right good night ISO l

This video, titled ‘WE OWE A LOT OF MONEY! MYTHICAL COBBLEMON SEASON 2!’, was uploaded by Deluxe2O on 2024-06-01 19:31:19. It has garnered 667 views and 42 likes. The duration of the video is 03:42:25 or 13345 seconds.


T-SHIRTS and MORE! Intro: Music: D1

The Crew in Vid Deluxe 4: KYR SP33DY: SideArms: G18:

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  • Minecraft Realistic Physics: When blocks get thicc

    Minecraft Realistic Physics: When blocks get thicc “Finally, my dreams of building a house out of floating blocks and watching it collapse in a realistic manner can come true in Minecraft Realistic Physics!” Read More

  • Unlock Scorpio’s Secrets in Multiverse Finale! | Minecraft Roleplay

    Unlock Scorpio's Secrets in Multiverse Finale! | Minecraft RoleplayVideo Information what is this place spell of creation so I was thinking about doing a movie night at my house would you guys like to join you’re going to have popcorn there at least right I mean you have to obviously he’s going to have popcorn there Vanessa why host one without any snacks but anyways Hendrix what made you want to do this so bad I felt like I got off on the wrong with Ivan I think it would be best for us to retry again if that’s what you want to do then I can’t stop… Read More

  • The Debt Crisis: Cobblemon Season 2 Revealed

    The Debt Crisis: Cobblemon Season 2 RevealedVideo Information this working what is up everybody welcome I don’t know what the boys are even doing no telling what’s up everybody Welcome to the stream hopefully you guys are enjoying your early part to your weekend me get this set up real quick there we go we’re all good to go and today is the last day we are air 18 Subs away what up Baker I’m going to try to use the multistream chat again I don’t know how well it’s going to work so that I don’t have to have a separate thing open of YouTube… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Survival Hack 😱 | Premium Gaming

    Insane Minecraft Survival Hack 😱 | Premium GamingVideo Information go in my kitchen going home with so glitch on my B with the lady looking at my with theop P in my kitchen likey my money for than This video, titled ‘light hack 😱 in Minecraft survival # short #minecraft #gaming’, was uploaded by Premium_ gaming on 2024-04-29 15:19:02. It has garnered 468 views and 13 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:27 or 27 seconds. Read More

  • INSANE! Destroying modern house in Minecraft

    INSANE! Destroying modern house in MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘Exploding one of the most modern houses in Minecraft’, was uploaded by amir ali gamer on 2023-12-21 21:03:37. It has garnered 16 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 00:08:01 or 481 seconds. #minecraft #minecraftshorts #minecraftpe #tnt #1million #1k #100 #1000subscriber #home #house #modern #blow #blowup #bomb #boom Read More

  • Naruto Minecraft Server MODDED ADVENTURE!

    Naruto Minecraft Server MODDED ADVENTURE!Video Information This video, titled ‘My Modded Naruto Minecraft Server #minecraft #servers #smp #trending #adventure #naruto’, was uploaded by Ogiwaba on 2024-04-06 16:51:12. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Hi! thank you for watching, i hope ill see you in the server 🙂 – Read More


    EPIC BMGURI SMP gameplay EXPLOSION! 🔥🎮Video Information This video, titled ‘CRAZY SMP game play #gamerfleet #technogamerz #BMGURI1’, was uploaded by BMGURI on 2024-02-24 08:16:03. It has garnered 9 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 00:38:04 or 2284 seconds. IGNORE TAGS: minecraft live smp, minecraft live server link, minecraft 1.17 live smpminecraft 1.17, Survival lets play, minecraft, challenge minecraft live with subscribers, minecraft live with subs, minecraft live hindi, +minecraft live cracked, minecraft live servers hindi, minecraft live public smp, minecraft live public server minecraft,minecraft live, minecraft live smp minecraft live with subscribers, minecraft 24/7 hours online serverminecraft public smp server, minecraft… Read More

  • Unbelievable Minecraft Drawing Challenge! Part 8 – Dream Breakers 😱 #minecraft

    Unbelievable Minecraft Drawing Challenge! Part 8 - Dream Breakers 😱 #minecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft ma drawing new challenge part 8 😱credit by-GOLDCRAFT_STUDIOS #minecraft’, was uploaded by Dream Breakers on 2024-04-12 09:39:49. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Minecraft ma drawing new challenge part 8 credit by-GOLDCRAFT_STUDIOS #minecraft Share the shorts with your friends! Read More

  • EarlNub Dominates with Titanium Watermelon Dice (EPIC DRAWING SESSION)

    EarlNub Dominates with Titanium Watermelon Dice (EPIC DRAWING SESSION)Video Information This video, titled ‘SonOyuncu Titanyum Zar Karpuz oynatıyorum (BOL ÇEKİLİŞLİ)’, was uploaded by EarlNub on 2024-07-11 04:24:38. It has garnered 115 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 01:53:57 or 6837 seconds. minecraft sonoyuncu skyblock, minecraft sonoyuncu cheat, minecraft sonoyuncu hack, minecraft sonoyuncu survival, minecraft sonoyuncu ip, minecraft sonoyuncu bedwars, minecraft sonoyuncu macro, minecraft sonoyuncu reach, how to do minecraft sonoyuncu cheat 2019, minecraft sonoyuncu settings, minecraft sonoyuncu play with friends, minecraft sonoyuncu not opening, yasintnc texture pack, minecraft sonoyuncu arena pvp, minecraft sonoyuncu fps increase, minecraft sonoyuncu ip address, minecraft sonoyuncu fps increase texture… Read More

  • Grotex CHEATS DEATH – You won’t believe what happens next!

    Grotex CHEATS DEATH - You won't believe what happens next!Video Information This video, titled ‘NUH UHH, I ain’t getting clipped today!’, was uploaded by Grotex on 2024-03-25 14:58:07. It has garnered 40 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:45 or 45 seconds. #montage #bedwars #monatge #minecraft #shorts #hypixelbridge #hurtin #blockin pack: in the middle above Mouse: Bloody A70 Keyboard: Redragon K552 red switches Found This Desc From Cruh And Cheetahh I am gonna just copy paste half of this from a Cruh video for keywords Jirz doing the latvian strat block hit on minecraft the bridge while cruh explains not on cruhbridge though parihs edates… Read More

  • Landora

    LandoraWhitelist Landora is a modded minecraft server, you can raid, pvp, grief, etc. We have tpa, rtp, homes, and much more! Read More