The Gods of Ender (Lore Theory)

Video Information

“There is no sunrise. There is  no sunset. There are no clocks   ticking away… Ring after ring of pale  yellow islands glow in the darkness,   floating in the endless night… Below  them yawns a black and bottomless void.  

It is a beautiful place. And it is not empty.”  –Minecraft The End, Catherynne M. Valente, 2019   The End is a place which harbors great disquieting  beauty and immense mystery. Though barren,   beings of magnificence live. Gracefully, they  walk about the lands, the worlds, the heights,  

And the depths. But what are they? What is  this inconceivable place unlike any other?   This realm devoid of light. This world with  beings of great and terrible heights. Today,   that is what we intend to uncover. And there  is much to unravel. So much so that we may  

Run out of time trying to go through it all. If you enjoy the video consider subscribing.   First, let’s start simple in…   “…the dark dimension in which  Endermen reside.”-Per Landin   Have you ever taken a look at the End? Most  haven’t even gone. And those who do, they race  

Through without taking it all in. What is this  place? Floating rocks and islands that hover over   the nothingness. Over the Void. We all don’t even  bat an eye at the strangeness. This is not normal.   Despite how alien other worlds can be, nothing  has taken the End’s place in that regard. Not even  

The Nether is so odd. It still has that logic—the  physical aspects of realism. The End is all magic.   All mysticism. Where order barely seems to be. These massive rocks which all sit atop of float   seamlessly yet everything else is still subject to  the same kind of gravity. The Void is everywhere.  

It takes hold below all. It liquifies and  flows back into itself. The creatures of   this world are made of the stuff and fade into  obscurity as they die. All even share a vague,   audible resemblance to beings of other dimensions.  Giant spinning portals of darkness form up above  

The shattered grounds of the lands. Yet  within this chaos, civilization exists. Vast   cities and towers have been constructed.  They reach into the almost starry sky,   branching out into the void above. And this Void  whispers with purpose, captilized in descriptions  

And the story as if it were a character. What really is any of this? For so long,   we’ve gotten used to such things that we hadn’t  even stopped to ponder how or why or even what?   None of this is normal and it should be  drilled into your head. Too many do not  

Realize how strange it is even within the context  of the universe of Minecraft. The beings of this   world are not comprehensible by typical standards  of nature. The static they cast upon your mind,   their twisted, outstretched forms, their almost  familiar sounds, even their names… Enderlings,  

Heart of Ender, Endersent… [In only  slightly questioning tone] Endersent?   A strange name to be sure, but have you  ever stopped to think about this title?   I suppose most wouldn’t. I hadn’t originally  either, assuming it being something to do with  

The Heart of Ender sending them to sever the  connection between the End and the Overworld.   With some outside help and closer inspection,  their name reveals a clear and distinct   connection. “Godsent.” This realization was  shocking. The implications are utterly game   changing. The similarities between the  two terms cannot be likened to anything  

Else. It was undeniable. This realization  was shocking, but far from unexpected.   Clues towards such things have been around  regarding the End before the Echoing Void DLC   was even revealed. This title was not out of left  field. It was only part of the natural progression  

Of the End’s new identity being shaped. July 7th, 2020; Minecraft Dungeons: The Rise   of the Arch-Illager by Matt Forbeck was released.  This confirmed to be canon novel revealed so much   about the world of Minecraft. Even though the  End was not mentioned by name even once, let  

Alone even endermen, it gave some very interesting  details [emphasize “regarding” slightly] regarding   the mystery of the Orb of Dominance. Spoilers ahead. During the events of the novel,   the Arch-Illager attempts to invade Squid Coast  for the first time but fails. He’s dragged away  

By an undead horde led by a necromancer that had  interrupted the fight. Now in the desert temple,   Archie and the Orb are then guided through  the structure by another necromancer where he   eventually is led to the Nameless One. The ruler  of the undead knew of the Orb of Dominance and  

Its power and what it could offer it. “‘The Orb  of Dominance has the power to make my minions,   all of them, immune to the ravages of  sunlight.’” This is how the undead were   protected from sunlight in Minecraft Dungeons.  Archie and the Nameless One made a deal, combining  

Their powers to change the world forever. But during this confrontation, the Nameless   One had some interesting words to share with  Archie regarding the artifact and its place   of origin. Chapter Nineteen: “‘In many ways,  your staff is a twin to my own.’ The Nameless  

One waved its emerald topped staff about.  ‘The power of mine stems from the night of   this world. Your Orb’s power, however, comes from  somewhere far beyond.’” These words have so much   meaning behind them which could easily be fuel  for later theories. But, for now, we’ll focus on  

That last part. “… somewhere far beyond.” The undead ruler, this being of such stature   and importance, could’ve described the End in so  many ways but choosing these words specifically…   The End as somewhere far beyond… That is  something truly special. From even just there,  

You may see where Mojang’s direction for the  End was starting to head. But that is not the   only notable thing in this book regarding this  place… or rather something from that place.   The Orb of Dominance offers the Arch-Illager many  abilities over time to help with his conquest of  

The Overworld. We know many of these abilities  from the game but there are some shown in the   novel that we don’t get to explicitly see. One  of these is a magical kind of vision granted   to Archie, enabling him to see environments  from all kinds of angles by peering into the  

Orb. With this power, he can view the world from  even high up in the sky. But when considering   the sights he could behold, the Orb makes a  very interesting remark. Chapter Twentyfour:   “With the help of the Orb of Dominance, Archie had  access to the view of a bird. The view of a god.  

That statement disturbed a part of Archie  for reasons he couldn’t put into words.”   Such bold words in this new light  cannot be overlooked. This will   be gravely important as we go… further. So what does this all mean? The view of a  

God. Somewhere far beyond. The unique name of the  “Endersent.” Well, it’s now with our confident   certainty that the End is a kind of “holy” place. Now, the potential boldness of such a claim is   quite striking but we have quite  a many reasons to believe so.  

To begin, let’s… take a step back from the End. The Villagers of the Overworld may seem somewhat   uninteresting at first, apart from being a source  of unintentionally free valuables, they have   great importance to the world of Minecraft. There’s an interesting thing to take note of  

When interacting with them. Well, actually several  things, but let’s focus on one thing at a time.   The clerics are an important part of villager  cultures, acting similarly to real religious   officials, working in their churches from  which worship can occur. That’s why their  

Profession may be one of the most important  to analyze. Their robes and garments are very   peculiar. Gold accents line the purple cloths.  Interestingly, necromancer robes, which are   also described as “priestly,” in the Minecraft  Dungeons novel, also share this colouration.  

Now what if I told you that the consistent  violet colouring of these priestly attires   are of significance? You might think it’s a  bit of a logical leap to think that “Anything   purple must be related to the End!” Well,  we may have once been inclined to agree  

With you on this point but the evidence  of this connection only leads us deeper.   Looking at the trades of the cleric, we see a  number of interesting but mostly unsurprising   things. Most of the trades have to do with  brewing, enchanting, and magic overall.  

Not too surprising considering the role  that magic plays in the Minecraft Universe,   but there are some notable items. Besides the  potion ingredients and enchanting supplies,   you can also barter with clerics for emeralds  using gold. That’s a whole other thing that we  

Can bring up and discuss later, but what  we’re here for is the ender pearl trade.   The same trade that carried speedruns back  before Piglin Bartering was mainly used.   Using emeralds, you can trade with them to receive  ender pearls. They have them on hand which is  

Pretty interesting but what makes this interaction  even more special is that only Expert level or   Master level clerics can actually give you pearls.  They clearly must hold them in high regard if only   high-level religious officers carry these pearls. You may think that it just has to do with the  

Amazing magical properties of the pearls.  After all, all the trades of the clerics   have to do with magic in some way. We now know  better, however. Now, why would villager clerics   hold these pearls to such importance? Well,  to answer that, we must look to the past.  

In Minecraft Dungeons, when the Orb of Dominance  shattered, it sent shards scattered across the   vast Overworld. One of these shards landed atop  the jagged peaks of a mountain range. We make   our way to the island and climb high up into the  ancient structure known as the Gale Sanctum. Now,  

It’s important to keep in mind that  Illagers did not create this place.   According to the story sections of the Howling  Peaks levels, the Illagers have just arrived.   For the Windswept Peaks: “Any hero who dares to  free the mountaintop from the shard’s grip will  

Have to battle not just the elements but also  the hordes of Illagers racing to the peak.”   And for the Colossal Ramparts: “These impressive  defenses, abandoned long ago, have now been   claimed by Illagers who seek to control the entire  mountain range. Drive the Illagers from their  

Newfound fortifications while you still can!” The game and articles even refer to the Sanctum   and the golems within as ancient  and inquire you to wonder about   them other from just a surface level. From the Dungeons Twitter account:   “These most ancient and mysterious guardians of  the Gale Sanctum pose so many questions? Like,  

Who created them?” From the Gale Sanctum:   “A temple rises from the towering peaks where  the winds are woven into the ancient sanctum’s   very structure. Harness the wind’s power and  claim undiscovered treasures, but mind the   ancient protector within: the Tempest Golem.” If the illagers have just arrived and are racing  

To the peak where the Sanctum is just as  we arrive, these structures and machines   could not be described as such. The Gale  Sanctum and its mighty protectors weren’t   created by Illagers but rather… villagers. The designs of the golems themselves heavily  

Tug at this, as well. The golems have that  same monobrow designed onto them like that of   the other golems made by villagers. The iron  golems have this design with the guardians   sharing this feature as well. And we know they  were made by villagers due to statues of them  

Present in the ocean monuments and ruins. Not  only that, but the iron golem shares a very   similar hood-like shape atop its head  to the gold one on the squall golem.   We see ancient villagers used to wear this  sort of hood in the past as the statues in  

The monument depicted the villagers as such.  This place is of villager origin. Now what   does any of this have to do with the End? Well… the Gale Sanctum is heavily related to   the End. There’s no point in sugarcoating it. The  architecture of the mountain range and its ancient  

Structures resemble that of traditional East Asian  buildings. Floors with layers of rooves as they go   up, pagodas, torii gates, toro-styled lamps,  and more to list. The only other place where   so much of this type of architecture exists is  the End with all its cities, gates, lanterns,  

Lamps, and towers. They even have the same  pillars that summon mobs to guard specific   locations. The lanterns of the Gale Sanctum and  similar structures dotted around the Windswept   Peaks also depict the Heart of Ender with  its three eyes and the lower jaw its head  

Sits upon. One of the fountains within the Gale  Sanctum even contains two End portal frames!   This is big to see these blocks  outside of a stronghold!   End portal frames are made with end stone. It  is impossible for anyone of other dimensions to  

Enter the End without someone from the other side  letting them in, granting them these frames made   with materials specifically from that dimension.  That’s why structures such as the Gale Sanctum   and the Stronghold with these portals share  architecture from the End. They were made  

In part with beings from that dimension. Speaking of contributions, let’s discuss   more about the golems of this place. They are  unbelievably interesting! Squall golems are the   beautiful, lanky machines made to defend the  Sanctum once activated. We know what they do,  

But what of their design? Well, in the Gale  Sanctum, you have a chance to encounter   the golem workshop. The area where such  creatures were once made. Luckily for us,   there’s lots to take in! On the walls of the  workshop are various blueprints for the squall  

Golems. They’re a bit torn up much like the rest  of the place but they are still somewhat legible.   The ones with the full-body display of the squall  golems even have symbols for us to decipher. But   these aren’t the illageralt font which is used  as the language prints of both the villagers  

And illagers alike. This is a type of symbol  that hasn’t been seen elsewhere in the game.   This is the standard galactic alphabet from  the Commander Keen series. Better known as   the symbols of the Minecraft enchantment  table. And these blueprints say “golem.”  

Now, we speculate that these symbols are of the  enderling language. Besides the fact that there’s   only one other species that could’ve taken part  in the golems’ construction and that villagers   and Illagers haven’t actually once been shown to  use these symbols while writing, even in the Gale  

Sanctum itself which primarily uses illageralt,  there’s also a potentially more magical side of   things. Enchanting may draw power from the End. To start, enchanted items, enchantment points,   enchanted mobs, enchanter beams, etc are often  depicted in purple. When using the Eyes of Ender,  

The Endersent become enchanted. When the  Arch-Illager wields the Orb of Dominance,   he can enchant his allies during the fight!  The Arch-Illager even glows purple and uses   enchanted mob vfx and particles when overtaken by  the Heart of Ender. The enchanting table symbols  

Could be of a holy language which may allow the  End’s power to be flowed into whatever it may   be. The Tome of Duplication, an artifact  from the End, does work in much the same   manner. The description reads as follows: “A  magical tome which when [emphasize “read”] read  

Is capable of duplicating items such as  food, potions and explosives!” You can even   channel the power of the Void through enchanting  as we see with the Void Strike enchantment.   Another possibility, though perhaps not  mutually exclusive to the previous one,  

Could be that the villagers paid homage to  the enderlings by using this language. It   could very well be similar to how the Roman  Catholic church almost exclusively wrote and   used Latin with scripture, as they felt it to  be more dignified and scholarly. Nonetheless,  

The enderling significance of these symbols on the  blueprints is there and it has its precedence.   The squall golems have a very peculiar shape  to them. They have the same hook-shaped arms   as snarelings and endersent, used to smash  down as well. The arm design appears to be  

Fairly significant as the golem workshop has  an entire blueprint simply showing off the arm.   The hunched head placement is even similar  to that of the blastlings and, again, the   endersent. This placement even bares similarities  to the redstone golems and monstrosities which,  

Among other things, are implied to have  been designed by beings of the End.   According to the novel, the great structures we  know as Highblock Keep and the Obsidian Pinnacle   may have existed even long before the Arch-Illager  had built them. Or… rebuilt them? Chapter Twelve:  

“Although they had just built the place, in  Archie’s mind, the Keep didn’t seem fresh and   new. Instead, it felt like it had been there  forever waiting to be rediscovered… Archie and   the Orb hadn’t built it but revealed it.” The  Orb already even had the name for it in mind  

During the planning phase. “Such a proud structure  needs an equally amazing name… Archie wracked his   brain but couldn’t think of anything appropriate…  Highblock Keep. At this point, Archie wasn’t sure   if he or the Orb had come up with the name. He  only knew for sure that it fit perfectly.” This  

Is a very clear and direct message being thrown  at us. Highblock Castle was a place once created   and inhabited by someone else. But who? Well,  by now, you could probably guess. The novel   continues to choose its words very particularly  when describing not just the structure itself,  

But the ruined state in which Archie originally  didn’t even realize he’d found it in.   Chapter Nine: “He came around the final bend  in the pass and gasped to see a massive doorway   towering in front of him… When lightning flashed,  he could see handles on the doors placed high  

Above his reach. Archie could only imagine who  could’ve built such a place.” Archie may have only   had the knowledge to simply imagine, but we don’t  have to. The novel makes a big deal about the   size of the Keep all throughout. We couldn’t even  fit all the possible quotes into this script. But  

One of the most important comes from Chapter 12.  Early on as Archie first steps into his new home,   the narrator states, “The place was massive.  Like it had been built for people much larger   than the little illager.” This is the most  clear cut statement. Who could’ve been so  

Tall to fit this massive place? Enderlings. Now, we had already stated that redstone golems   and others were implied to have been created by  End beings. Let’s dive a bit deeper into that.   As Archie heads into the hollowed out mountain  where he finds the Orb, several redstone golems  

Are found deactivated, kneeling by the door.  Archie nor the Illagers had created the golems   as I had once thought. They were there before the  Illagers had laid claim to them. The novel also   says in Chapter Thirteen, “Had someone else  once controlled the Orb? Whoever they were,  

They had probably controlled the redstone golems  he’d found too. They might have even built the   amazing creatures themselves.” This is the most  obvious clue, of course. But there’s still more!   The redstone creatures commanded by the  Arch-Illager were originally of enderling  

Design. The redstone golems even have the same  slit-eyed appearance as an enderling (specifically   in the cinematics), the same hunched back as  a blastling or endersent, and the head even   resembles the endersent with their slit eyed  oculars low down their relatively tall heads.  

The redstone monstrosity is the easiest to see the  connection with its visage appearing like that of   the Heart of Ender’s perfect form. With its three  eyes and the horns on the sides of its head.   This only makes it all the more obvious that  enderlings had created the Castle. The door  

Handles high above Archie’s reach, the massive  scale of the complex, the contexts of the golems,   and the implications of the previous  inhabitants. Even in-game, we see that   the halls and archways are massive. Perfect for  such sizable creatures… and their creations.  

The architecture of the Gale Sanctum and,  by proxy, the golem workshop shares many   such similarities. With high shelves and  tables out of reach, villagers would have   a tough time working here. It would be much  better suited to beings that are tall and can  

Teleport around. Especially when you take  a look at the furnaces used for smithing,   smelting, and forging. It is obvious that beings  of great, grand heights would’ve helped with the   creation of such a place and with such machines.  Another thing to note is that one of the wind  

Banners on the ancient structures of the mountain  range also bares resemblance in both pattern and   texture to that of some of the End banners  found in the Citadel. I do not believe these   similarities are without reason. Especially  with the rest of the evidence adding to the   connection… The  

Stronghold is also a place of interest when  discussing the happenings between the enderlings   and the villagers. First, I’d like to discuss  the [lean into it somewhat comedically] dragon   in the room. The Illagers did not take part in  the construction of the Stronghold. The statues,  

Banners, and other things were placed recently  with their invasion of the End that we see   during the course of Echoing Void. There are  many crates, boxes, barrels, and more in the   Stronghold that we see in the camps the Illagers  had placed in the End. The royal guard armor also  

Couldn’t have been there for long. According  to Rise of the Arch-Illager, there hadn’t been   any significant Illager leaders worthy of  any real title for royal guards to exist.   In Chapter Seventeen, the novel says this on  the matter, “Perhaps that was why she suggested  

That he needed a title. At first, Archie didn’t  understand why she wanted to make such a fuss.   The leaders of the Illager tribe had always been  just that. Leaders. They weren’t kings or emperors   or anything else. They didn’t have fancy names or  special clothes or anything that marked them as  

Exceptional. Just the respect of their people.”  No Illager had done what Archie had. No one had   united the Illagers like he had done. Royal guards  are something recent. Without Illager royalty to   guard, there would be no such reason for them  to exist. And the Arch-Illager was the first,  

Meaning that those royal guard statues in the  Stronghold could not have been there very long.   Illagers would also never work with  villagers in such a closely knit manner   and vice versa which is a statement  that will make more sense shortly…  

The Stronghold is a vast underground fortress  with numerous obvious connections to the End.   The End portal, the books depicting the Heart of  Ender, the elevator with a nearly identical design   to those in the End, the vast spaces and heights  of it all, the massive chains similar to those in  

The Citadel’s Obsidian Gate Towers, the high-up  bookshelves and libraries that no villager could   dare to scale or even reach, the Eye of Ender  symbols in the side areas as well as the doors   that only open if all the Eyes are placed into the  portal… But with villagers? How do they fit into  

This? Well, quite similarly to the circumstances  of the mountain range of Howling Peaks.   We can see statues of villagers throughout.  One in a side area and a few deep down in   the Stronghold vault. Throughout time, such  alliances have formed with beings of the End.  

The enderlings seemingly granting  the Overworld glory and security.   With all this history, of course the villagers to  this day would remember at least to a degree. The   fact that the villager clerics specifically  consider the ender pearls and the purple   colouration significant is no surprise.  One space they shared, the Gale Sanctum,  

Is literally a sanctum. A sacred place of worship.  The fact that it holds many markings of the End   and its prescence coupled with the “somewhere far  beyond” statement of the Nameless One says a lot  

About the nature of the End. So let’s head  back to the End once more to tackle this!   The Heart of Ender is the true main antagonist  of Minecraft Dungeons. The Arch-Illager is just   their, at first, unwitting servant and vessel. It  has power and ancient influence unlike anything  

We’ve yet seen in the Minecraft Universe.  But there’s more to this being than meets   the eye. Speaking of which, have you noticed the  similarities between the two names? Eye of Ender   and Heart of Ender. Do they have any connections  with one another? I didn’t think so initially  

“If there’s a ‘Heart of Ender,’ does that mean  that there’s other parts of ‘Ender’? Beings   similar to that one.” What did they say? Marc Watson, a producer (and self-described   “lore nerd”) of Minecraft Dungeons, simply  had this interesting response: “Hmmmm”   Måns Olson, a game developer for various  Minecraft projects including Dungeons,  

Gave a slightly more direct response; “There  is such a thing as Eye of Ender in regular   Minecraft… Are they related? Who knows. 🙂” This is already quite interesting and the   implications here, yet again, cannot simply  be ignored! But we have more to share than  

Just this. The power of these artifacts are more  alike than we may have first realized. They both   have enchanting capabilities, first of all. The  Heart of Ender as it is known outside of the End,   the Orb of Dominance, can be used  to enchant other beings and empower  

Them. The Eyes can do the exact same. When the endersent emerge from the End   portal during the events of Echoing  Void, they take the Eyes of Ender,   deactivating the gateway to their world to  prevent further trouble while their people  

Can deal with the hordes of Illagers who have  entered uninvited and unwelcome. Later on,   the Eyes enchant them, giving them traits related  to their specific titles. The Spiked Eye granting   thorns, Blight Eye granting poison cloud, etc. The Eyes are most likely sentient, as well. Just  

Like the Orb. When you grab hold of  an Eye of Ender, it growls at you. It   is aware and it is probably not happy with you.  Not only that, they also seem to speak to you,   similar to how the Orb communicates, with their  idle enderman noises let out right as you enter  

The portal to travel to the End. Just like  the Orb, these artifacts can also hover and   fly. It’s their main feature in the original game  actually. The Orb also has similar power as we see   the Arch-Illager use it to float and fly about. When you fight an endersent wielding an Eye  

Of Ender, the game refers to it as the Eye  rather than Endersent. Very similar to how   the Arch-Illager is not referred to by the  boss bar in his second phase, but rather,   the Heart of Ender is. Because you aren’t  necessarily just fighting the Endersent.  

And you aren’t just fighting Archie either.  You’re also fighting the artifacts attached.   But how does this all come together? How  does it all connect? The holy significance   of the End. The Heart of Ender said it granted  Archie “The view of a god.” The Nameless one  

Referring to the End as “…somewhere far beyond.” Heart of Ender… Eye of Ender… Endersent… Look   closer at these names. Endersent. Sent by Ender.  A term similar to “godsent.” Heart of Ender.   Well, the heart of Ender. Eye of Ender. Again,  the eye of Ender. The Heart and Eye are named  

After body parts, intriguingly. Have you ever  stopped to consider what “Ender” might be within   this new context? Ender… is a god! Likely lost  and shattered from some unknowable event that we   couldn’t possibly understand. The Eyes and Heart  are part of something incalculable and vast. And  

Yet the evidence goes deeper still… The End, as we’ve seen, contains many   connections to holiness and surprisingly perhaps…  biblical connections! The Vexing Chant artifact,   a lost evocation found within the End, summons  guardian vexes to the user’s aid. Guardian Vex  

Sounds a bit similar to guardian angel, doesn’t  it? Well, there’s more to it. The Guardian Vex was   originally going to be called the “Seravex,”  according to the Dungeons game files. A name   very similar to a seraph, otherwise known as  the seraphim in plural. Beings high up in the  

Biblical celestial hierarchy which circle the  throne of god. Seraph also roughly translates to   “burning one.” In the universe of Minecraft,  what else do we see in the End that may be   considered high up in its celestial hierarchy,  perhaps close to this god, “Ender?” The Heart  

Of Ender, with all of its fire and flames! The Heart and Eyes even seem to be treated as   such within the End itself. Throughout the End, we  can see imagery resembling them in various ways.   From more minor, simplistic visuals such as many  of the doorways having horn-like protrusions from  

Their sides or the strange shapes on some of the  furniture to more outright depictions in places   such as the banners, the Citadel courtyards, and  the End Shrine. Here, we see the Eye of Ender’s   form, clearly. In a place where enderlings,  at least once, seemed to hold sacred. Now an  

Old ruin, left almost all but abandoned. But  the connection doesn’t stop there, however.   Within the depths of Highblock Keep, strange  symbols can be found. Not just in Highblock Halls   but deep in the forgotten dungeons far below  the Illager populated halls. The Underhalls.  

I hadn’t ever even noticed them, but according  to WitherKing, this had always intrigued her. It   wasn’t until much later that she’d find something  that really tied this theory even further   together. This strange and intricate symbol  which can be found all over Highblock Castle.  

Within the files, this symbol is referred to as  a mandala. A type of art piece using symmetrical,   geometric placement of imagery most commonly  associated with many Eastern religions such as   Buddhism, Hinduism, and more beyond just that! Mandalas are visual representations of various  

Aspects of spirituality. It is a spiritual  guidance tool, in a way. They can represent   many things. The universe overall, the wholeness  of it, and perhaps the harmony that comes with it.   The universe as its ideal self. It is also  used as a representation of a deity or as  

A “map” of deities. In Christianity, it  represents all things encompassed by god.   One type of imagery also considered by some  to be at least reminiscent of a mandala,   the celtic cross, displaying a circle around  the core of the cross with some believing it to  

Depict the halo of Christ. Halos aren’t really  mentioned in the Bible, but throughout the   history of biblical art, such imagery is used to  display the grace of god shining through and the   holy nature of an individual. And interestingly  enough, the files for the Minecraft Dungeons’  

End decor repeatedly mentions the presence of  “End halos.” Already interesting by itself,   but in this context, it only fuels our fire. Nonetheless, these mandalas all have one thing   in common. Togetherness, unity, and harmony.  And what really suits our interpretation of  

The End is the aspect of deities coupled with  the unity motif. Such a visual with this much   meaning in this context is no doubt one of the  most important findings we’ve seemed to have   come across. If Ender really was a god, now  broken, this spiritual imagery would be very  

Appropriate. The idea of a map of deities also  fits well with these various “fragments” of Ender.   Especially upon taking a closer look. The mandala  in Highblock Castle has some very notable shapes   to it. The four ovals on the very sides of the  mandala appear similar to that of an Eye of Ender,  

Representing it. Near the core, we also see  hearts representing the Heart of Ender.   Beyond those shapes, more can be seen, indicating  further discoveries we’ve not yet had access to.   There may be even more fragments of Ender  out there. Waiting to be found… or perhaps…  

Waiting to find someone else. The rest should  be made clear now. As clear as chaos can be.   The End is an eldritch and ethereal place. It is a  wonderful world with a rich yet unclear history.   So many more questions yet remain. What power  do the Eyes hold? Have the enderlings meddled  

Elsewhere? Who else could’ve held the Orb in  the past. I suppose we may never know… right?   And with that, we conclude. The End… For now. Could there be more to this? Absolutely so! If   you have any ideas on how we can expand  on this, let us know in the comments!  

Once again thank you so much to WitherKing001,  they really carried a lot of the research   and main points for this video! We have a lot more to say for the future,   especially focused soon on Minecraft  Legends, so stick around by subscribing!  

Hope to see you in a another video, but  until then, have a good day or night!

This video, titled ‘The Gods of Ender (Lore Theory)’, was uploaded by Xatrix on 2023-05-07 17:15:00. It has garnered 30135 views and 1174 likes. The duration of the video is 00:29:17 or 1757 seconds.

Who knew Minecraft Dungeons had this much under the surface?

After a month of working with the vastly talented WitherKing001 on scripting and research along with help from TwilightCharm with building and set design, one of the largest and most well-built theories have finally dropped!

I’ll probably do a follow up on any questions anyone has! Along with a few of my own smaller lore theories to go along with them!

If you haven’t already, subscribe and check out my previous theories!

The Howling Peaks recreations are not part of the Vanilla Plus mod, but a lot of End blocks and decor are from my upcoming Vanilla Plus mod, these can be subject to future changes/tweaks.

Chapters: 0:00 – Intro 0:54 – The Dark Dimension 3:40 – Somewhere Far Beyond 6:15 – To. The. Beginning. 8:20 – Dilemma of the Creator 9:56 – An Abnormal Alliance 12:30 – The Holy Language 14:04 – Grand Design 18:13 – The Dragon in the Room 19:32 – An Unusual Union 20:57 – The Broken God 24:28 – Religious Roots 25:52 – The Unraveled Unity 28:41 – Outro

Channels: Xatrix: Xatrix Extras: Xatrix Archives: Discord: Instagram:

Thumbnail by skellygraphics. [email protected] insta – @skellygraphicsdesign

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  • Unbelievable Minecraft Secrets Revealed – Me Rifan

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  • Ultimate Survival House with 100 Nextbots! Coffin Meme Madness!

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  • Uncover The Secret of Aquamirae Mod in Minecraft ⛏️

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  • 10x World’s Tallest Pool Build in Minecraft!

    10x World's Tallest Pool Build in Minecraft!Video Information and boom our swimming pool is officially done are you guys ready to have some fun in the sun Alexa you could have dibs on jumping in the pool first oh no I’m not jumping in that disgusting dirty umy pool what but it’s like a bajillion degre outside I am so hot and I spent a lot of time making this pool look at how big it is we can all fit inside no um this pool is too small and it’s dirty I hate it what it’s not that dirty there’s just a little bit of… Read More

  • Save the Princess with Hermain & Hamid – Minecraft Tutorial Dance

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  • 🤯 THE BEST MONEY FARM in Skyblock! 🤑 | 1.8-1.20+ Minecraft Server

    🤯 THE BEST MONEY FARM in Skyblock! 🤑 | 1.8-1.20+ Minecraft ServerVideo Information yo everybody what is going on and welcome back to another episode of Sky Block ladies and gentlemen this is the brand new Sky Block series that we are going to be recording here on the channel I just released my brand new Sky Block server Venture MC yesterday so if you guys want to hop on and support the server it is absolutely crazy this this is going to be my best Sky Block series I’ve ever posted and this is truly the best Sky Block server I have ever been a part of so the IP… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Battle – Graidgaming Episode #2

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  • Ahrne MC

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  • Medieval Horizons SMP – Modded Magic 13+ Kingdoms

    Welcome to the Medieval Horizons SMP Welcome to the Medieval Horizons SMP, a modded SMP where you can live your medieval dream! Use your powers to assert dominance and expand your kingdom, whether it peacefully or through battle. You’ll find many different kingdoms over these ever-expanding lands, each offering their own trades and knowledge. Will you bring yourself as a heroic knight? Or an esteemed priest? Perhaps a necromancer, summoning minions from the dead. Bring forth your prowess NOW! Join our active Discord community to expand our horizons: Join Discord Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Minecraft’s Golden Age

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  • Basement Blues: Minecraft’s Fearful Muse

    Basement Blues: Minecraft's Fearful Muse In the depths of Minecraft, a voice did call, From the basement, a mysterious thrall. Heartbeat racing, down the stairs I crept, Into the darkness, where secrets were kept. The voice whispered tales of fear and dread, In the basement, where shadows spread. But I stood strong, my courage unfurled, Ready to face the mysteries of the Minecraft world. With each step, the voice grew near, Telling stories that filled me with fear. But I pressed on, determined to see, What secrets lay waiting for me. In the basement of Minecraft, a voice did speak, Of adventures and challenges… Read More

  • Hot diggity dog, it’s a Minecraft meme!

    Hot diggity dog, it's a Minecraft meme! “Why did the creeper go to therapy? Because it had too much TNT-sion!” Read More

The Gods of Ender (Lore Theory)