I just found something overpowered back in the day you could shoot yourself with a punch bow to get a big boost you just had to look straight and shoot and you’d go flying making a bow boosting super popular in the 1.8 Community but since then aerophysics have changed and it Doesn’t work or does it not only does it work I think it’s better it’s much harder to do but while Sprint jumping and aiming about 50 degrees into the air if you release a small bow shot at the Apex of your jump you can bow boost very consistently meaning catching up to People running or jumping gaps previously impossible but even better is now you can use tipped arrows like instant Health 2 giving four hearts for every bow boost or even speed or Strength 2 for PVP Video Information
This video, titled ‘The Lost Minecraft Feature…’, was uploaded by camman18 on 2023-08-30 15:00:18. It has garnered 2021056 views and 281681 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:43 or 43 seconds.
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