The Most Haunted City in America (w/ Karl Jacobs & Foolish)

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What’s up guys it’s Sarah Colby today we are at the most haunted city in America Savannah Georgia tonight’s goal is to figure out is that true or in our house tonight we are here with Carl and Noah tending to be excited we’re actually so scared right now my heart is already

Like racing like you can feel it like it’s like yeah yeah give it a whoa it’s just touch him on the nipples one to ten ten being like I believe one being like I’m very skeptical where do you land on the belief scale it started

At a seven and now just walking in here on Monday wow all right I was gonna do one low I was feeling like a 6.3 and I’m like in a 7.1 wait why what just happened when we first like got in here okay me and Carl were standing like a

Little bit over there right there at the bar there and then it was like we both heard it like a little like unacceptable oh foreign And up until this point have you done any ghost stuff at all zero zero this is my first anything ghost related this might be the most haunted City America allegedly you did never mention that we mentioned that about six minutes ago there’s a lot of things we didn’t

Mention like the shadow person yeah the room’s here and it kills you that’ll be the spidey sense it’s like when your nipples in 2003 at the American Institute of paranormal psychology voted Savannah as the most haunted city in America in Moon River Brewing company as well as the

Sorel weed house are named some of the most haunted in Savannah but the city has seen tragedies since the 1700s including being the site of one of the bloodiest battles of the Revolutionary War and being part of the Civil War just to give you guys an idea about all the

Trauma let’s talk about 1820 also known as the year of Hell on January 11th only 10 days after the New Year there was a major fire that burnt down over 400 buildings and after months of them trying to repair the city from the fire on May 7th the yellow fever epidemic

Then hit Savannah this would go on to kill 10 percent of the population and drive everybody out of the city I’m pretty sure that if you caught yo a fever you had a 60 chance that you would die within a week the reason why it’s called yellow fever is the people who

Got it would turn yellow and start vomiting black liquid and just to top it off in October of that year a hurricane hit so all the buildings that were being repaired got destroyed once again so between War slavery yellow fever and the natural disasters Savannah became an epicenter for trauma

Trespassing attack ghosts wait you aren’t kidding about the Killer attack I thought they were supposed to be nice here oh wait not the fourth floor what do you mean we’ll get to that we’re the third or the base they’re third and fourth we didn’t realize this until we

Got here but most of this place is abandoned and the guide before we walked in he was like don’t step on the wrong floorboards or else you’ll fall through fantastic these are the ones that look sketchy it all looks sketchy oh this is for sure where it’s supposed to go wait

This is yeah you know what I feel like this is for sure It’s a door a door to nowhere oh what the [ __ ] right there oh we can go that way let’s just go around we’re like how do we get in there oh [ __ ] oh man I’m smiling but in like a very nervous that’s what I was in today kind of nervous I’m not friends

With the same with Goldie anymore oh [ __ ] this always happens to everybody wait I have a quick question is there like ghost etiquette social cues I should be looking out for he doesn’t even know them with real humans don’t yell out and scream out and taunt people because yeah like especially like like

[ __ ] you like what it just did yeah like what you just did is literally what some past people have done in this exact building and got thrown down the stairs really yeah wait you’re saying you can throw it on the stairs who’s saying if he keeps doing that yeah

Is the nipple tingling bro well it’s going crazy is this the third floor technically yes uh this floor is considered the most violent especially if you call out to him yeah you just let me say [ __ ] I well yeah I didn’t know what you were about to say

No do they not like shout each other I hate that okay because everything you are doing right now no it’s all the leather it’s 100 degrees in here brother [ __ ] man even my socks oh wait wait what the hell does this oh my God this must be the ghost iPhone charger

Wait what’s that say off limits oh wait that’s the Elevator Shaft is the demon Circle here yeah guys there’s a demon Circle there’s a demon Circle wait a second we can keep not throwing things into the conversation like then you’re all dead oh my god oh this is way bigger

I don’t know I don’t like this room as much oh there’s a demon Circle oh we didn’t know here but apparently they’ve been doing rituals on this since 2019. some people say it’s a demon Circle other people say it’s just feminine ghost energy this seems to be active right around here

Wait is it like a rule like don’t step in Demon circles why would you step in while asking you just gotta get possessed tonight really not the Home Depot don’t sit on it Do you feel any weird okay okay that’s the worst mistake he’s ever made ever what the top floor is known to be the most negative part of the building and lucky for Carl and foolish it’s where the non-believers get attacked the most in one instance there was this big tough

Guy who did not believe in ghosts whatsoever we ended up crying outside of the building because he had a ghost apparently grab his head while he was on the top floor last thing he said before you ran away in fear was you need to warn people about this place fourth

Floor is known to specifically Target people that do not believe uh so if you had any including to not believe tonight you might be targeted um okay I’m in deep [ __ ] did you lie to us at the beginning of the video well I go I’m on your side look I’m not on your

Side you’re on the side of the demons demons so if you’re listening um next question while we were flying to Savannah he said he didn’t believe oh boys Dude I can’t do anything right all right it’s time to take a tour but apparently we’re not gonna just be taking it with a tour guide but psychic is well named yay she’s never been here before so she’s gonna just take us from floor to floor and just let us know

Which is most haunted I feel like she’s gonna say the basement’s the worst yeah people usually hate basements I think from what I’ve watched I’m on team basement I think you’re on everyone’s team tonight um people pleaser I’m sorry yo what if she says like dude I have this feeling

That across the bar there’s a shadow figure going back and forth right where you saw let’s do it I might fall operator of Truth and evidence paranormal Christine is my partner in crime here at Moon River for the investigations that we offer and then this is our psychic at

Our store uh Miss sake yeah yeah feeling stuff in my chest not just because the cigars I smoke but also I feel like there was a lot of pressure from a few people like let me just tap in for a second there was definitely something around the windows and I do feel like

There’s a presence of a teenage boy like pre-teen I see a lot of men a few women whatever’s going on with that kid the pre-teen he wants some candy and somebody wants some whiskey can you describe what you kind of That was weird so weird okay it’s certainly not the first time definitely won’t be the last time we have pretty consistent camera malfunctions up here in the basement specifically yeah right about there right where he stands right after the year of Hell the Moon River Brewing Company opened in 1821 as

The City hotel the building was used as a variety of different businesses over the decades but was rumored to be a hospital in the late 1800s during the yellow fever epidemic it officially opened as the Moon River Brewing Company in 1999 and this is where the Paranormal manifestations began the city actually

Commissioned part of the building mainly the upper two floors as a yellow fever Hospital in the 1876 yellow fever epidemic oh my God sorry that scared me that’s Harry the pigeon hey harry does Harry have a girlfriend good one thanks guys my heart is here we go you know people’s lives were

Taken here for malicious intent yeah was talking about whiskey what comes to my mind is someone we experienced here regularly it’s a guy named James Stark he actually died by being shot by a local doctor here the most famous ghost story originates from a duel between the

Town drunk and a very notable doctor so James Stark the town drunk was very angry with Dr Minas over game of cards he ended up calling him quote a damned Jew who ought to be pissed upon and wasn’t worth the gunpowder it would take to kill him this obviously began a

Massive fight that went on for months that resulted in setting up a duel back in the day dueling was a very very common way to get disputes out between men you guys have probably seen this before where two people start back to back they walk and then point each other

At the same time whoever dies for a solution however on the day of the Stark Amina stool menus never showed up making Stark shoot his gun in the air declaring Victory this obviously made Dr minus very upset so we ended up confronting James Stark at the Moon River Brewing

Company so nobody knows how this really went down but the story goes that meanest shot Stark in the chest and he died on the main staircase of the building he did fall down the stairs he fell flat on his face and he was dead by the time he hit the floor but the

Craziest part is that minus got acquitted at his trial and basically got away with murder and to this day these two still haunt this building people are guns firing noises at the bar there’s even bottles being thrown Stark still continues to wreak havoc with the amount of people that died here

Over the years it definitely has the possibility the potential to be the most haunted City I haven’t been there I haven’t been to every city in America hopefully we can add one more life you guys want to see some evidence that we’ve caught here all right he’s just so hot in here

Yo it is very warm yeah do you think this will attract the ghost or like make the difference what we hear in the EVP it sounds like something falling and then rolling on the floor it almost sounds like a bowling ball and then you hear whistling there as well wait what And you guys will notice when I’m showing you video and stuff we never take data off the device what and that was just a few months ago this one’s pretty crazy so we’re gonna pay attention to this guy right here yep we’re gonna watch his right leg like

Stage right or okay wouldn’t that be there right now I think it might not be like should be y’all’s right yeah all right right now all right not stage right yes this one right here okay cool you see what looks kind of like a little triangle next to his leg yeah basically

There the entire video but if I go really slow just watch that triangle move yep he said it felt like somebody hugging him around his legs which goes to the reports of child spirits up here on this level so you were talking about kids before we not only have that up here but

Well I’m not gonna spoil it oh God for her okay okay Now the basement is the most active floor of this building obviously it’s a basement [ __ ] basements some people report feeling a choking sensation down here and digital files are even corrupted which sucks because we’re making a YouTube video right it really sucks this is known to be the portal of

The building even leaving some people to believe that they’ve been possessed I keep just being drawn under this area basically from this pillar back people very typically will feel like they’re getting blinded or dizzy don’t know if it’s a portal situation or if it’s just like a circle of energy or whatever it

Is I don’t like going over in this area yeah it’s not even something we usually like tell people about that’s my own little experiment like do multiple people feeling yeah what was that did one of the lights just go or flicker or go off or something yeah I don’t know I saw a

Light sticker on the camera you can see it go out between that little space right here yeah stand over there real quick he’s our little guinea pig I’m good with that you want the lights off yes please sure yeah one of the most active Spirits is a

Child named Toby he’s known to be mischievous a trickster even some people even believe that he is a negative entity people have heard these weird whimpering noises or unintelligible Whispers that they believe to be Toby there’s a spirit that you may have heard of called Toby Toby you’re not a kid

Right okay my personal belief is that that darker male voice is Toby does that sound familiar sir salad house yeah yeah I swear like I’m like my heart’s like beaten there are a series of tunnels underneath the city they’re all blocked off now you can’t get into them he’s right back here the yellow fever either the bodies or people passing away when I’m seeing it I swear to God again yes wait what what

Is happening they just turned off again or not yes we just started that clip when you walked in I for some reason was looking at his hand and it wasn’t anywhere near the recording but to be clear he didn’t turn it off himself it just turned off

The second time that again just to honor them yes I feel like it’s really important so what I’m picking up is really sick people that just happened one more time yes dude but what’s weird all three times that has happened you’re the one holding me and both of those times it

Was in the same sentence she was talking about what is going on three times and we haven’t even started the investigation wait what’s the battery at 60 so the battery thing the camera would have turned off they just stopped recording yeah it’s not like they want

To shut down the camera it’s just don’t record this yeah like somebody’s clicking stop filming this is where Dr minus and James starkhole Fiasco went down they had a jewel got what was that no I heard that in order to maybe for Island look a little bit we want to do a little

Trigger event to reenact the duels they used to do here that’s fun we do a real Duo how about you guys just see who can shoot each other first man that’s such a stark thing to do Who got shot away wait who got shot two out of three that he just got shot damn all right Sam I challenge you all right Nancy what is that what’s up man you got a little it’s like one two three oh yeah but I thought that was just because it

Was hot I don’t think that happens yeah it’s so clear oh geez I’m nervous anyway we’re gonna start our action force investigation apparently Stark died here on these steps I think Stark’s a little [ __ ] like immediate regret that’s ended badly for a lot of people she looks like a

Wrong play anytime ever is this his first time doing ghosts I think he’s like I wanted to be my lap so we got it’s a flashlight these are just regular Home Depot flashlights okay supposedly Spirits are able to come over and twist it on twist it off and we can

Use that to ask yes or no questions all right so if there’s anything here that wants to talk to us we’ll respond to our skit that we just did I’d love to talk to you can either come up to one of these flashlights and hit them or walk

Right next to this little red light we’ll know you’re here oh my God that was so perfect oh my God thank you that must be other Stark or meanest right if that is you that wants to talk to Carl specifically since he’s right there do you want to touch that one more

Time he showed you how that works you have to get that close oh my god there was just a little you said Carl specifically just throw me under the bus like that though he [ __ ] me over a lot though right there I’m just asking I’m shaking well it’s not usually that responsive

Especially that quickly it’s not going off right now it’s not going off I genuinely thought it was going to be pissed off or whatever so you’re gonna be pissed off because Since we haven’t addressed it are you Stark turn on one of these flashlights with a rim pod if you’re James Stark Maybe not maybe not are you upset with Noah for doing that skit and being mean oh my God you can walk towards the red light if we want to tell us

All right they have a good sense yeah okay I told you we’re buddy buddy I’m not upset that he’s being a [ __ ] this is Dr menus that we’re talking to can you please go back up to that what was that guys that was loud was it over

Here over here I can’t tell I’ve heard it this way but that’s also what we heard the last click as well metal moving almost I don’t like that my immediate reaction to dangerous to just walk towards you still want to talk to us if you like that we’re here

Can you go up to either one of these flashlights or this red light you just want to know that we’re welcome There is only one of you here can you go up to this blue flashlight and if there are multiple people and you go over to this red light and tap it just want to see how many we’re dealing with here Maybe not all right first one was like such a like it’s like playing the game with us yes it was the trickster oh my God you just pointed to it I said the trickster and then nothing went off again yeah beep again wait what if it’s

Not minus or Stark but it is that Trickster oh the thing is there you just said it’s the trickster the trickster Spirit yeah they’re a smart ghost that knows they like to [ __ ] with people and this thing’s [ __ ] with us this thing’s [ __ ] with us good morning oh [ __ ]

Oh my God can you please turn that back off are you kidding me hey turn off the second you asked they’re like immediately yeah that’s all I have an idea if you’d like to talk to us individually uh can you make that little red light go back up [ __ ] yourself I didn’t do anything guys it’s literally right there in front of you so I think we know what we need to do so it’s time to split up we decided to be nice this time because we still got a long night ahead of us and do Duo split

Up and we were thinking that you guys take the top floor because this is apparently where the non-believers get targeted the most I’m a Believer by the way maybe after that session downstairs we’re ready he’s got the EMF wait that just went off did

You see it was it next to there it was not like there it goes what the [ __ ] the guide said that there was no electrical energy on third or fourth floor so that really should not be going off right now and I don’t know why we’re gonna give you 15 minutes and

Colby and I are gonna go into the basement well as long as the trickster stops messing with us yeah oh my God good luck guys don’t die bye it is so much darker now that the light’s not here wait holy [ __ ] like you actually can’t see a thing right now oh

My God I’m actually genuinely scared wait we have to be so careful we might like fall through the floors let’s use this to kind of to shine yeah because oh oh that one like red yeah that one red I think should we keep walking this way um show us colors if we should

Oh we’re gonna take the basement because if it was the most active spot apparently this is it we got the Obelisk let’s go cold it’s it really this is the only cold area this is so cold down here up voice square square like the Madison Square or any of the squares around here

Well hats off to Carl and Noah for this this is crazy I can’t believe that yeah guys if you want us to have them back on like this video because they’re actually going pretty hard for them they’re going hard for it and they’re ready to put themselves in Crazy situations but stay

Till the end because it’s about to get crazier wait should we go to the demon Circle do you want to go to the where is it oh man you can’t even see it but there’s like tons of demons over there oh we’re a little oh take a look all right here all oh

That’s me that was me that was me let’s maybe like sit crisscross applesauce next to it or something yeah we can do that is there is there a female presence here whatever is Toby is both like a little kid and maybe something more something that’s disguising itself is like an

Older deeper man voice and it could be possibly I mean think about it it’s something that’s turning off the camera all the time messing with us true whenever we’ve said the trickster things have gone off every time can you please give us an obvious sign make a noise like you did earlier

Ed Ed we heard Savannah was the most haunted city in America this is your chance to prove it unlock wait over there didn’t they say that that was where like people get headaches and like weird feelings in the portal is there anyone here in the

Circle with us oh that was like a media it was the kid I forget the name of the kid Toby Toby yeah Toby are you here what a [ __ ] oh oh so you can make fun of Toby I just didn’t want to do it in front of Sam and Colby

Seriously [ __ ] nerds wait wait what if I sit on your lap we could sit on each other’s laps yeah okay yeah so you’re gonna have to take over the camera though yeah okay okay now we’re sitting on each other’s laps can you hold this maybe is this something that

You like do you like this the ghosts don’t even [ __ ] with us anymore make yourself known unless that was the camera give us a sign on this device that you’re here with us but again again wait again maybe it’s the same one that we were talking to earlier this thing’s literally telling us

Oh my God blessed energy this was a brothel tease lust and teas on the same thing wait the brothels were at the top floor I wonder if Carl and foolish are like freaking the [ __ ] out there release release the energy release the bind like release bind Emily someone is trapping

Someone up here maybe wait do you think it’d be a good idea if you try to like climb up that ladder oh like in the pitch bar yeah you’re known for your athletic capability I really don’t want to get pushed off a ladder I don’t think

No it’s fine they don’t even care do you mind if you light up it’s a yes okay sweet so you won’t get pushed off wait you heard that you [ __ ] it can’t stop that my heart no there was something over there wait wait let’s look look I can’t did we hear something

Was that you was that you did you make dinner what do you think that was was there something over there oh there’s oh it’s the trickster are you trapping them we’ve heard that Moon River Brewery is more negative than most of the spots here in Savannah is that true is this

The portal that’s making it that so or is Toby making that so that just answered you Toby if you’re a different Spirit or trickster if you’re completely different than this little kid entity they’re talking about can you confirm coming up to this device we’re making a noise around here making noise

One last time or we’re gonna leave nail nail three maybe three Spirits here or three spirits that act like a trickster wait what I’m not even [ __ ] kidding dude something just went in front of me together view three together view three together in your view intense dude I

Swear to God I can’t even finish my sentence I swear to God something went over the exit sign did you see it yes I 100 caught that right next to that sign there was like lights flashing like something was over there earlier I said three together did you see yeah yeah okay

Um the noise was it was definitely like something over here are you over here did you move I guess they wouldn’t show me if they move yeah I hate this I really believe it though I believe it a lot I thought you only go for non-believers I believe you I believe we

Get it already the proof’s in the pudding man okay oh wait no we shouldn’t explore this okay why are you should we not go this way no [ __ ] you I’m going this way [ __ ] you oh my God he’s going just Bonkers right now no did you hear that I’m not even

Kidding over there like like over there I swear to God over there are you over there dude that this has been gone oh my God that was loud holy [ __ ] that I don’t that was like like I I don’t know what was that like steps or what was that like something like

Scratching on the ground again we’re gonna leave here in five minutes if this is the most active spot why don’t you make a noise sure oh this is my God okay do it we’re all ears we’re ready went into this kind of skeptical genuinely a little bit yeah over there I

Promise I felt it and then I heard it and then this started going crazy when I asked if someone was over there yeah and that’s genuinely petrifying to me oh my God don’t turn around stop dude like I just had this image of just like a face mask like that was

Terrifying I don’t think a trickster would do something we asked directly that’s true can you be in two spots at once are you up with Carl and Noah right now as well said three I swear there’s like multiple that are all the same last chance can

You let us know your true intent if this is the most active spot wicked wicked that’s his true intent to be wicked wicked did they say like if we can even go up here it didn’t say we super couldn’t potentially the worst thing that happens is like we all we die

We collapse it all just collapses are you about to push off the line start going crazy if you’re going to push for a couple letters look I’m giving you permission push foolish off the ladder no no no he does not have permission he does not have permission okay [ __ ] dude climbing down

This is the worst idea why didn’t you do this this is terrible honestly this is a pretty chill spot I think I’m glad we snagged this before one of them did I’m starting to feel Brave again yeah yeah I feel like we’re at the top of the ladder

Though if you guys don’t push me down this ladder when I climb down I think you’re a little [ __ ] what the [ __ ] would you do I I I don’t know man I don’t know I feel like it didn’t need to be stupid yeah I guess I don’t know why I’m always

In like it has to be so aggressive I don’t know I don’t know no I swear to God like your shirts on there that’s why you saw me like look over too like that’s I swear to God yeah yeah yeah like my eyes look that way yeah like

That’s what I thought that’s what I thought you looked over there maybe the tricksters literally the epicenter of oh my God what the [ __ ] unless he was saying I’m not Wicked but like if he’s answering your exact question that is insane that is really insane it’s almost

Like responding directly to us oh my God all right we gotta go all right we’re gonna leave but if you want to make a noise as we’re walking back upstairs this is your last chance we’re not coming back down here thank you so much for talking to us last chance here we go

If you’re truly not Wicked let us know hey I’m not I am wicked I am dark this literally is the trickster this corner I’m telling you I’m telling you I’m telling you see oh my God yes did you see that for a second yes no I

Got that all the way red dude it stayed red it was a consistent we literally sprinted away and then what the [ __ ] no I’m telling you did you guys like figure out who it might have been or just like wear these things they wouldn’t give us

A name we were trying we tried our best but guys this was just the first location we got another one tonight this feels like this is a lot for like a first time why are we gonna throw it in the defense or something like And subscribe let’s go hit the next

Spot let’s go Here we go is that it right there one of these I think it’s this on the corner oh nice what’s that looks Majestic wow holy [ __ ] that’s like a huge all right boys round two number two we are actually standing here at the Madison Square there was the second

Deadliest battle of the Revolutionary War fought right here over a thousand bodies are buried right underneath here and underneath the Sorel weed house we like allowed to be standards exactly they made a [ __ ] park over it like this what who does dude if somebody made

A park Over My Dead Body I’d be so pissed literally even the people that got shot but were still alive extremely injured would just get buried along with the dead yeah they got buried alive here yeah I feel like you have all these bad facts so you don’t tell us until you

Turn on we were just talking about how nice the trees were seconds ago then you hit record no so there’s a thousand bodies right here also if you want to see all the deleted scenes behind the scenes or extra content that we do on these trips go down to takes two

Seconds all the naked [ __ ] is there all the naked stuff I’m not wearing pants right now and you can see that if you do that explore Club yeah yeah it looks awesome it’s nice trust me whoa this actually just like looks like something Right like immediately this is yeah oh my God for Movie Central right there in 1837 Francis Sorel a rich Merchant and slave trader built one of the largest mansions in Savannah as well as running his Trading Company here Francis Sorel threw these massive parties for the upper class so not only does Francis

Sorel have this house but you can still hear these Phantom parties to this day and we’re not invited it’s also rumored that francis’s son used the basement as a hospital which means a lot of people who were injured died here Dr Frank he was like a really good doctor at the

Time he had like a 20 success rate so 20 people out of 100 live that you know they’re bad for them yeah if that was a doctor today they would lose his license people report hearing screams of the patients who were dying in the hospital as well as sea Shadow apparitions

Walking around the corridors also because there’s a thousand soldiers buried underneath this house people report soldiers watching them and breathing down their necks hell yeah this is actually like right here oh [ __ ] male female I was a female and she looked like see-throughs wearing really old-timey clothes I was like the only

One here and she just walked inside the house for some reason I guess I was brave enough I walked in there wow I think you know is there a specific Matilda Matilda really unfortunately Francis sorel’s first wife Lucinda died of yellow fever so then he went and married her younger

Sister Matilda Francis and Matilda lived a decent life here at this Mansion until money dried up and they had to sell the house and move next door they sold it to the Weed family hence the name of Sorel weed house I thought Francis was just a giant Stoner Matilda is also known to

Haunt this house today after she tragically fell from a balcony and died some people speculate that she fell because she was addicted to drugs due to her having a really hard life towards the end and her two kids passing away she’s known to be one of the most active

Spirits today and is even seen as a shadow Apparition around the property that’s Molly’s room okay so Molly was Matilda’s slave so she would like wake up in the morning help her get dressed raise her kids was in the house a lot so she got her own room because she needed

More up kept than the other slaves and you said you get a lot of activity up in here a lot of people do yes and you think that is from Molly or that’s just from that’s what they say all right we are inside the Sorel weed house

1837. yes sir I want 200 years old yeah it’s like foolish the mom’s Edge I’m sorry you’re just ghosts what that was crazy come to the times you’re aggressive to the code no we don’t have I did nothing I think you’re a little [ __ ] they’re way behind you right there

That’s Francis Sorel right there that’s the most original somebody’s put in a framed object on the wall before I love Francis okay yeah so this is like the main guy he haunts the dining room over there but she just said that Matilda his second wife is the most

Sighted Spirit here so if you see anybody looks like that I’m not gonna piss my pants if I see anything just kind of looks like a dick I’m down to [ __ ] talk Francis yeah what does he think he is a trade slave he was a slave owner oh

He’s like the biggest stickers over here it’s a big dick he’s a big dick that has a small dick he has a small deck he has a small dick but he has a big one lessons this is the ladies parlor right here she said a lot of people get activity in here

Oh yeah yeah dude come on now we continue men’s parlor she looks creepy she doesn’t have any pupils wait is that like actual photographs this one seems like a drop there’s something else that’s like so insulting oh my God Both the dining room and the Parlor but in this room specifically things are supposed to move and Shake yeah you know like the stereotypical like haunted movie with the candle floating around yeah it happens in here the candles light themselves and Float around it’s supposedly that he can even move

These chairs all right Francis you [ __ ] right now we’ve been walking around with this thing the entire time and it has not gone off once and it went off so much in the other location and that place is not supposed to have electricity this place

Does how do you explain that how do you explain why this would not go off oh that is weird it’s almost super natural I was worried at first I thought you were gonna tell me it went off like as soon as I attack A Nice France get them into the mood Francis you’re

Looking fine today you haven’t seen him though Francis well I want to see if you look fine today so the basement just like the last spot is also supposed to be one of the more active locations you know research we hear that the Shadows whatever follow very closely behind people dude so

Where’s the basement out of the entire house if you were gonna see a shadow figure it’s gonna be good down here I wouldn’t be that let down if there’s no shadow figures so I’ve seen enough was that a rim clock did a rim clock just go off what happened I think a room

One I think am I crazy I think the grandpa just went off this way good luck Shadow People I’ll be keeping my head on a swivel don’t try following me I’ll show them what was that footstep was that I thought that was you I don’t know it sounded like wood though

Wait what was that seriously that was too far did you hear that too though I missed it I know Cameron probably got that all right investigation the whole camera here don’t pull the trigger oh I see it that’s actually scary it’s kind of terrifying this one just basically works

As a motion sensor I’m gonna put it right here Sam whoa you didn’t need to be the creepiest exactly and it actually isn’t supposed to calibrate well that was maybe because I was there and then I wasn’t okay so let’s wipe this off we’re dead so there’s that 50 okay oh my God

Wait not just turned off what the [ __ ] wait but that might be because you hit that did you hit this wait what the [ __ ] you just saw that everything’s happening just immediately but that’s so weird because we walked around this entire place and nothing happened holy [ __ ]

Is this you if so can you come up to this big red light right here we just want confirmation of who we’re talking to yo and it wasn’t like on a lot it was just Francis did you just get here hey but then that turned on wait maybe

If you just kicked it once things are going up and down the staircase right now that could be like soldiers it sounds like Francis though Francis sorell if this was you could you just let us know one more time give us an obvious sign and touch our equipment

Make it knock make a noise wait how how did that music box go off like 10 times again it’s a motion sensor how did something walk in front of it we are the only people in this building and we’re in here four or five times and

Then zero yes unless they all like came up and then went to a different room or something because we went in here like they were having a party in here that’s a that’s a thing actually I feel like that’s so much sorry they probably left here then and

Went to the basement the executives they probably think weren’t going to [ __ ] because we’re coming in you’re like are you [ __ ] here are you guys here they’re like yeah yes we’re right here if that’s true if what what the [ __ ] was happening upstairs right dude no yeah no

It wasn’t whisper it was like uh it’s a voice for sure what’d you hear in terms of the voice like did it say something I couldn’t If that’s someone that wants to talk to us someone that’s been lighting off our equipment that just had that little whisper can you give us a clear and obvious sign I just want to 100 confirm is there anyone downstairs that left this dining room oh my God

As I was saying that is that like a sign to go downstairs I think that’s the sign to go downstairs like the parties are pretty fun actually the party has been pretty fun we didn’t bring any cookies though oh where’s some dicks for that yeah we are some babies we’re sorry

I think we should go downstairs I think so too literally everything was pointing to the basement so let’s get it um where should we set up the chair oh God a scary couch that everyone says they get activity on oh actually that would be great I was thinking something it was from

That room I swear to God what’d you hear I don’t think it almost sounds like a literally from where we heard that noise yeah footsteps meaning they’re still coming downstairs so the so the party’s down here now or yeah oh yeah that’s cool the parties wherever you’re right

Now yeah no brings the party very sweet no yo look how far we are away from that that’s a motion sensored light right there that just went on I swear to God I heard the same noise that you guys explained earlier right over from that same area and that just turned off

Let’s see how close do you have to go oh my God you had to get that close bro we just caught literally that was a motion sensor that is not supposed to be ghost equipment at all and it just detected something coming downstairs now because things are coming up holy [ __ ]

So we have something fun for one of you guys it’s called the Estus method it’s really fun what does that mean you’re not gonna be able to see or hear anything except for the radio we’re gonna ask questions you only say what you’re hearing and if it correlates

Basically the ghost is using you as a vessel to talk you want to do it but you guys got a pinky promise you won’t just leave while I’m gone oh no no no for sure and he’ll be out of here too so we’ll make sure right he’ll be out of

Here we’ll be out with us while you’re on yeah and then we’ll leave you oh yeah yeah we’ll all be out of here well I’ll be out of here put your foot on my foot why so you know that we’re not gonna leave Carl can you hear us Carl

Hello we’re good we saw a lot of people coming down here is there anybody in this room with us right now oh my God immediately so there’s 20 people here were you guys having a party in the dining room yeah can you tell us your name or who you are shut shut what

Taking Stop talking stop talking shut up stop talking oh that’s kind of mean that is kind of mean do you not like us here Time it could be time to party what’s it time for residence you’re talking about a date of residence stop why isn’t someone like anger like shut up I think we were just being kind of dicks earlier trust me we’re not trying to be disrespectful are you down to talk to us yeah

It’s pretty easy today we want to talk to you right now let go is there anything evil here in this row weed house is there anything negative be careful oh my God that answered like perfectly who are you did you suckers it just feels like a little like

Negative honestly is he good no no you’re not negative are you trying to warn us no several oh there’s just many people here or many people that are negative what’s the name of the doctor Frank Sorel Frank are you here maybe do you like us being here you want us to leave woman

Oh Matilda Matilda look oh [ __ ] are you here with us please please what what do you want us to do unless to leave work Matilda would have been the instructor for all the enslaved people nice he also said there’s 20. so literally this could be a bunch of different conversations all

Happen at the same time can you tell us who you are specifically you said a woman are you Matilda please okay okay please do you know who Matilda is hi did you live here be nice be nice again I was like nice girls very bad what the [ __ ]

We’re here is there someone very bad here kept saying nice are we very bad or are we the problem it’s nice nice unionized we think we might be talking to Matilda is this you we are so again back to multiple I’m thinking we’re talking a watch recognize test is this a test

Michael that’s the guy’s name yeah last time wait the trickster didn’t [ __ ] follow us did is that psychology did you follow us from the other house young people yeah yeah I heard that it’s like they’re talking about it they’re talking about us yeah sacrifice okay wait sacrifice young people

Wait what was you you heard that right what is that Right after you said sacrifice young people dude has never done anything scarier than that dude yeah how was that experience like this is so terrifying was there anything I mean it was hard to decide exactly who we were talking to because you said 20 people were down

Here which would make sense because of how many times that would go off instead of recognized like they might have recognized us and we thought it could have been from the other Moon River but a bunch of times it said shut up stop talking be nice dude what are the odds we put

That on and also sacrifice like that is ridiculous like what radio station is saying sacrifice sacrifice and radio like that is what is going on like what are the odds there yeah seriously time for the last investigation we thought no no better thing to do on your very very first investigation to split

You guys up in completely different houses and send you off alone now yeah the plan is I can give you guys like 15 minutes one person take the carriage house and then you got the entire house other than that so who wants what um let’s take that one okay yeah this is

A small house I don’t like that basement if I die from these like we’re not cool anymore oh okay well I will have the best YouTube channel again I’m ready to take on the Ghoulies Where You’re Gonna Be Alone Now with Francis you’re calling him a [ __ ]

Earlier I’m ready to [ __ ] talk Francis to be quick I hope he slaps me around or something okay come from Carl come over to know and he’s like on the floor oh God I don’t regret this once it’s coming out wait Carl this could literally be the last time yeah oh

Adorable I feel it was like a fear thing yeah yeah we’re gonna die goodbye forever he has like some [ __ ] ugly guy like thank you yeah I’m just making it worse for him why does he keep calling you ugly years all right man good luck we’ll be back in

10 minutes maybe 15. stop maybe 10 maybe 10. 10 Works 10 works I like ten I like 10. talk to Molly talk to soldiers talk to your heart hey Molly um oh man that’s Molly’s room Molly if you’re here maybe turn on this flashlight touch that little thingy is there anybody here Wait that flashlight actually just moved this on 50 I gotta turn on this music box and you’re gonna go alone okay thank you for this hopefully you can get something yeah What that’s not that’s not you didn’t do that [ __ ] why is this going off why is that hello oh you can stop why is all this happening when I’m alone to be honest we had no idea and did not expect Carl and Noah to go so hard give enough for them

To subscribe because they are really getting thrown in the deep end and doing really well at it this is the first time they’re experiencing ghost stuff and they’re just like yeah I’m still down to get scared and do it alone so Props to them subscribe oh my God I really don’t like this

Oh my God okay dude I’m just getting really depressing energy in here oh I’m so scared I like almost can’t even talk I’m getting like choked up guys wow 10 minutes can’t go quicker Molly if you’re here give me a sign I promise I’m coming in peace please

Don’t be sad at me if you’re okay with me being here potentially turn on a light the lights turn on in there wait the flashlight just turn on and turn it back off Molly [Applause] this won’t stop one more time I may have just broken it

I don’t know what I’m doing I don’t know how to turn it on but that’s okay that’s okay oh okay no no that was probably me that was probably me it’s all back up wait that’s what that’s just insane oh my God guys I’m so real right now I’m like

Genuinely petrified I really hate this [ __ ] dude I promise if I didn’t believe before I promise I do super duper do I’m actually trembling right now like oh dude this flashlight literally rolled that one just turned on again I wanted to come in here to [ __ ] talk Francis a

Little bit huh yeah so Francis are you in here maybe maybe you wanna make a little noise right there perhaps wanna let me know if you’re here Francis I’m getting a little impatient just just make a move just come on maybe you have to get a little more Stern with

Francis first of all I don’t like your glasses how do you feel about that Francis I hate what you did with the place you chose the wrong couch I would have gone with something a little more magenta this is stuff like this hasn’t made any noise Wait that’s on right now it just turned on turn off if you want me to leave if you want me to oh my God okay I turned off now Molly from one person to another I know you want to rest and stuff okay so if you want oh my God

No it’s like it flickered on and off and then stayed on oh my god dude I can’t do this I don’t know why I’m like so scared right now I like all right guys if you’ve been enjoying the content so far go down click subscribe it’s free and once we hit 10

Million subscribers we’re going to be spending a week at The Conjuring house if you get this video to 500 000 likes we’re gonna Force both Noah and Carl to come on another investigation with us so like this video if you want to see a part two I could go into the basement

But oh okay oh I don’t know if that scared me I forgot I walked by that maybe Francis is in this room wanna make a noise or anything George you can kind of just peep him down at me all night anything to say no that’s that’s fine no honestly that

Would have been a little ridiculous if George just started like talking to me that would have been yeah dude I mean it was straightforward that I mean that lit up the second they said they don’t want me in here I’m so scared come on every time I talk about leaving

She turns on the light like what do you want from me this one turns on when I go over there that one’s on right now turn off please oh my God I turned off this [ __ ] it turned off the [ __ ] second I asked you to turn off

I’m sorry Molly it’s a YouTube video you have to understand I know you don’t know what YouTube is I promise I’ll be gone soon Francis you [ __ ] Whoa was that Me Maybe I haven’t tried this room yet wanna play the piano yeah I didn’t deserve any piano from that bro I swear to God you got 10 seconds so it’s over it’s over now it was like basically just telling me to get the [ __ ] out no I swear to God

What the [ __ ] that’s this method too it was saying be nice be nice the entire time I was saying stop talking stop doing this like it didn’t like us there wait okay let’s go get let’s go get Noah I feel like you should do something right are you really gonna let me make

It on your house make fun of your face what else is there Francis I think that’s a stupid ass name I don’t mean that to any of the other francises in the world only this one oh that’s going off that’s going off That went off I wasn’t even close to being in here Francis is that you that made that noise yeah yeah no that’s scary multiple times I was trying to [ __ ] talk Francis that went started going off for like a long time so I don’t know if that was like a

Me or that was them then I like reset it and then like it would turn on a couple times on its own just at the very end there that was going off how stable was the flashlight that you put down was it a pretty secure spot yeah yeah both of

Them were in like the group of like one of them what I swear to [ __ ] God the only times I answered questions was telling me yes I want you to stop talking and yes I want you to leave just multiple times this method so bizarre at

The beginning of the video what were you like seven seven out of ten be honest if you didn’t change it no worries but what do you know no 100 I it’s just a hundred percent especially this sealed the deal with that Molly stuff over and over and

Over again just telling me to stop talking I was like I get it I annoy myself sometimes you said I mean at least on your way down here on the plane that you didn’t believe at all uh so where are you at right now no I didn’t change the song again definitely like

More inclined to like believe in it like it’s just so much different like being here it’s like experiencing it more stuff happened than I expected really would you guys do this again I would definitely do that again yeah this was a blast I just like torturing myself I

Guess dude it’s different through a camera man when yeah that was just so different yes that was that was something else we came here specifically to Savannah because we have been told by many people and online that Savannah is considered the most hottest city I would

Say it was very impressive I’d give this a pretty high score this is It’s like a good 8.5 we want to know what the [ __ ] is a 10. find out dude we want a levitate we want a levitate do you guys think your city is more haunted than this comment down

Below your city and we might go next I think you’re a little [ __ ]

This video, titled ‘The Most Haunted City in America (w/ Karl Jacobs & Foolish)’, was uploaded by Sam and Colby on 2023-03-26 18:11:27. It has garnered 9873481 views and 439077 likes. The duration of the video is 01:01:51 or 3711 seconds.

Join XPLR CLUB: Sam and Colby take Karl Jacobs and Foolish Gamers away from MrBeast and send them ghost hunting in America’s most haunted city: Savannah, Georgia. Did demon spirits at Moon River Brewing Company and the Sorrel-Weed House make it the most terrifying USA city?

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Editor: Sam and Colby Asst Editor: Charles Liu Producer: Zach Bell

Friends in Video: Karl: @Karl Noah: @FoolishGamers

Take a Savannah Tour Yourself! @tiehauntedtours Mike’s YT: @truthinevidencetv4598

Location #1 Moon River: @moonriverbrewing

Location #2: Sorrel-Weed House: @officialsorrelweed

This is where we got our Ghost Equipment (affiliate):

Music Used:

Our other social media! COLBY: SAM: Instagram: @SamandColby Twitter: @SamandColby Snapchat: @samgolbach & @colbybrock

#SamandColby #exploring #haunted

About: Sam and Colby create haunted, exploration videos on this channel. Some series include Stanley Hotel, Hell Week, The Queen Mary, and most recently, The Conjuring Series. Subscribe to explore, travel, go ghost hunting, and watch some scary content!

The Most Haunted City in America (w/ Karl Jacobs & Foolish) | Sam and Colby

Sam and Colby

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    Unbelievable Minecraft Secrets Revealed - Me RifanVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Gabut Guys😁😁’, was uploaded by It’s Me Rifan! on 2024-03-07 06:18:43. It has garnered 77 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 00:12:01 or 721 seconds. Assalamualaikum guys!!!!! _________________________________________________ Yok Gas 4000k Showtimes! Intro Template From: Application : AM Intro Template Link ________________________________________________ Link Port: 19202 Skin Ku Donate link 🤑💰 (Buy a cool quality headset because it’s damaged) Rules: ⛔No copying of descriptions! ⛔ No Reupload 📷Instagram ☎️Discord: Mohd Rifan GTR R35 NISMO #1992 Device: Realme 8 Chipset:Mediatek Helio G95 Ram: 8GB Memori:128GB Gpu:Mali G76… Read More

  • Ultimate Survival House with 100 Nextbots! Coffin Meme Madness!

    Ultimate Survival House with 100 Nextbots! Coffin Meme Madness!Video Information hello like And [Applause] subscribe nice hey [Music] okay oh my oh [Music] no no God go go go okay let’s [Music] go what wow yeah boy Yahoo oh my God yeah boy go go go yes yes yes [Music] yes [Music] Yahoo [Music] nice [Music] okay here we [Music] go [Music] M nice a few moments later [Music] nice go go go not bad not [Music] bad yeah boy yeah boy m [Music] m [Music] [Laughter] [Music] wow go go go hey what what the oh my God yeah boy [Music] no God not bad not [Music]… Read More

  • Uncover The Secret of Aquamirae Mod in Minecraft ⛏️

    Uncover The Secret of Aquamirae Mod in Minecraft ⛏️Video Information if you install aquam maray into your Minecraft world you will experience a Bethesda style Quest and storyline to begin you need to visit the ice maze this location is filled with ships owned by pillagers that are trapped in the ice one of the ships will host the captain who drops to Shell horn which summons Captain Cornelia a ghostly boss with Unique Mechanics That Make Her difficult to defeat once you defeat her you can obtain items like the three bolt helmet and frozen keys the keys can be used to open Frozen chests found within… Read More

  • 10x World’s Tallest Pool Build in Minecraft!

    10x World's Tallest Pool Build in Minecraft!Video Information and boom our swimming pool is officially done are you guys ready to have some fun in the sun Alexa you could have dibs on jumping in the pool first oh no I’m not jumping in that disgusting dirty umy pool what but it’s like a bajillion degre outside I am so hot and I spent a lot of time making this pool look at how big it is we can all fit inside no um this pool is too small and it’s dirty I hate it what it’s not that dirty there’s just a little bit of… Read More

  • Save the Princess with Hermain & Hamid – Minecraft Tutorial Dance

    Save the Princess with Hermain & Hamid - Minecraft Tutorial DanceVideo Information en [Musique] haut en bas à gauche à droite allez maintenant tous ensemble en bas à gauche à droite This video, titled ‘#tutorial #minecraft #dance #15april #princesspuzzle #savetheprincess #funny’, was uploaded by Hermain. Hamid on 2024-05-24 18:50:44. It has garnered 1 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:11 or 11 seconds. Read More

  • 🤯 THE BEST MONEY FARM in Skyblock! 🤑 | 1.8-1.20+ Minecraft Server

    🤯 THE BEST MONEY FARM in Skyblock! 🤑 | 1.8-1.20+ Minecraft ServerVideo Information yo everybody what is going on and welcome back to another episode of Sky Block ladies and gentlemen this is the brand new Sky Block series that we are going to be recording here on the channel I just released my brand new Sky Block server Venture MC yesterday so if you guys want to hop on and support the server it is absolutely crazy this this is going to be my best Sky Block series I’ve ever posted and this is truly the best Sky Block server I have ever been a part of so the IP… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Battle – Graidgaming Episode #2

    Insane Minecraft Battle - Graidgaming Episode #2Video Information This video, titled ‘MINECRAFT character vs Animation | Graidgaming. episode #2’, was uploaded by Graid gaming on 2024-02-26 18:16:42. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Thanks for watching! Please subscribe to my channel: @Graidgaming Like and write a comment under this video. It makes me … Read More

  • Ahrne MC

    Ahrne MCWelcome to the pixelmon region of Ahrne! We hope you have a great time and stick around for a while. We have many exciting challenges and hope you are ready to Catch em’ all Read More

  • Medieval Horizons SMP – Modded Magic 13+ Kingdoms

    Welcome to the Medieval Horizons SMP Welcome to the Medieval Horizons SMP, a modded SMP where you can live your medieval dream! Use your powers to assert dominance and expand your kingdom, whether it peacefully or through battle. You’ll find many different kingdoms over these ever-expanding lands, each offering their own trades and knowledge. Will you bring yourself as a heroic knight? Or an esteemed priest? Perhaps a necromancer, summoning minions from the dead. Bring forth your prowess NOW! Join our active Discord community to expand our horizons: Join Discord Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Minecraft’s Golden Age

    Minecraft Memes - Minecraft's Golden AgeBack in the old Minecraft days, we had to walk 15 miles in the snow just to find a single block of diamond. And we liked it! Read More

  • Hot diggity dog, it’s a Minecraft meme!

    Hot diggity dog, it's a Minecraft meme! “Why did the creeper go to therapy? Because it had too much TNT-sion!” Read More

  • Animated vs. Original: Stressful Mistake in Sons of the Forest

    Animated vs. Original: Stressful Mistake in Sons of the Forest Exploring the World of Minecraft Animation Introduction In the vibrant world of Minecraft animation, creators like Stresmen and Kulpi Semungku bring to life unique and entertaining content for viewers to enjoy. Through their videos, viewers are taken on a journey filled with humor, creativity, and endless possibilities. Unique Minecraft Animations Stresmen and Kulpi Semungku’s animations showcase the beauty of Minecraft through a lens of humor and creativity. From funny animated moments to unique experiences, each video is a testament to the boundless imagination of the creators. Characters and Creations The animations feature a cast of characters, including Stresmen and… Read More

  • INSANE! YOU CONTROL WORLD BORDERS in Minecraft #shorts

    INSANE! YOU CONTROL WORLD BORDERS in Minecraft #shortsVideo Information मा बट यू कंट्रोल माय वर्ड बॉर्डर इसका मतलब ये है कि अगर तुम लोग चैनल को सब्सक्राइब करोगे तो मेरा वर्ड बॉर्डर इंक्रीज हो जाएगा एंड अगर तुम लोग वीडियो को लाइक करोगे तो मेरा वर्ल्ड वडर छोटा हो जाएगा तो गाइस मैं स्पॉन हो चुका हूं और ये क्या मेरा वर्ल्ड वडर तो सिर्फ एक ब्लॉक का है सो आप जल्दी से सब्सक्राइब करो जिससे मेरा वर्ल्ड वर्डर इंक्रीज हो जाए ये क्या मेरा वर्ल्ड वर्डर इंक्रीज हो गया ये क्या सामने तो एक विलेज भी है तो गाइस मैं विलेज में आ गया हूं ये… Read More

  • Unbelievable Underwater Survival Minecraft Experience

    Unbelievable Underwater Survival Minecraft ExperienceVideo Information me and Joe are stuck in this base without any known land near us it goes that we were exiled from our home planet without any instructions no gear the only thing we can do from here is survive but that’s only if the creatures of this planet let [Music] us oh there’s a book in here narrator where is it I see the book I read I’ve begun to become no I’ve become to become yeah take two I’ve begun to become that was not take two I begun to become disturbed by the sounds and voices… Read More

  • INSANE Minecraft Chaos with Vtuber Abby! 🔥

    INSANE Minecraft Chaos with Vtuber Abby! 🔥Video Information e e e [Music] po [Music] FL h mey chat I hope yall are doing well stay up Golden and enjoying your day or night oh my [Music] [Music] ear we are doing some chaos today in the form of Assassin’s Creed Unity potentially with Abby joining us H SS hi Hi Guess get guess what you’re high maybe I mean High mhm hey gay oh no gay she figed out I was what’s going on [Music] how you doing gck are you looking forward to the nor assassin’s PR I don’t I don’t know I don’t think… Read More

  • Insane Hardcore Minecraft Challenge Day 6!

    Insane Hardcore Minecraft Challenge Day 6!Video Information we’re back everything says that it’s healthy I’m getting frame drops I really need to double check my um my settings at some point see what I can do to minimize that but I’m happy that it’s back mostly dang come here you forance mod thank you it’s got to be maybe it’s all the world generation I’m doing I don’t know but uh we’re doing it maybe lagging lagging lagging okay I’m going to go kill skeletons skeletons are not as bad once I have a shield it’s facing off against a skeleton when I don’t have… Read More

  • Gamer Turns into Spiderman in Real Minecraft?! #viral

    Gamer Turns into Spiderman in Real Minecraft?! #viralVideo Information [تصفيق] [موسيقى] ‏h This video, titled ‘The Amazing spider man Minecraft V/s real #minecraft #mods #edit #viral #spiderman’, was uploaded by Acid = Gamer on 2024-03-18 14:05:17. It has garnered 506 views and 17 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:17 or 17 seconds. Read More

  • SHOCKING: Herobrine’s Father’s Black Ghost Haunts YTAC GAMERZ 😱👻💥🤯😈 #shorts

    SHOCKING: Herobrine's Father's Black Ghost Haunts YTAC GAMERZ 😱👻💥🤯😈 #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Herobrine ke baap kale bhoot ne machaya aatank😱👻💥🤯😈 #shorts’, was uploaded by YTAC GAMERZ on 2024-06-16 07:07:48. It has garnered 499 views and 22 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:52 or 52 seconds. Herobrine ke baap kale bhoot ne machaya aatank😱👻💥🤯😈 #shorts Related Topics: 👿👿Water Bucket Mlg in #minecraft #shorts #viral water bucket mlg Minecraft all types of clutch Minecraft tik tok hack #1 #minecraft #viral #shorts #support #minecraft Slime Block Mlg #shorts #viral #minecraft how to do slime block mlg how to do water bucket mlg how to hay clutch how to… Read More

  • Insane Reaction: xQc vs Minecraft Update!

    Insane Reaction: xQc vs Minecraft Update!Video Information This video, titled ‘xQc Reacts to The New Minecraft Update (Minecraft Tricky Trials)’, was uploaded by xQc Clips on 2024-06-13 19:38:29. It has garnered 14060 views and 200 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:53 or 53 seconds. Subscribe to my other YouTube channels for even more content! Main Channel: xQc Reacts: xQc Gaming: xQc Clips: Streaming every day on Twitch and Kick! G-FUEL ‘The Juice’ ► USE CODE “XQC” FOR 30% OFF – If you own copyrighted material in this video and would like it removed, please contact me… Read More

  • Unbelievable! Getting the Rarest Item from Agilix Server

    Unbelievable! Getting the Rarest Item from Agilix ServerVideo Information this is a dirt block and over the next 30 days I’m going to be transforming it into an entire Minecraft house welcome everybody to Day 26 of the dirt series in the last video I signed a contract with life steal and before you ask no I still don’t know what it is but what I do know is that we’re sitting at 1.15 million coins and I’d like to make that even more so to start off I have four ancient debris in my Ender Chest which if I smell I can use to make a… Read More


    OMG! JAX SAVES POMNI FROM DROWNING 🌊🔥 #minecraftVideo Information [Musik] l Aduh kalau jalan hati-hati dong bateraiku berkurang mama mama sini nak sama mama Aduh karena aku berbagi kebahagiaan aku jadi lemas banget Sayangku pomni kamu lama sekali guys ayo kita tolong pomni agar baterainya full kembali dengan like dan komen tolong pomni yang gak setuju komen tidak aja Oke nih ku berikan cumanah Wah bateraiku penuh lagi Terima kasih sayang deuh This video, titled ‘JAX TOLONG POMNI KARENA LEMAS ⁉️ #skibiditoilet #minecraft #sakura #pomni #viral’, was uploaded by Atma Prayudi on 2024-03-27 06:03:49. It has garnered 1393176 views and 140365 likes. The duration of the video… Read More

  • FlixRealms

    FlixRealms| FlixRealms | Gens | Mining | Crates | Lobby | Fishing | Farming | Free Ranks | Island | Premium Ranks | 1.8 – 1.20.1 | Read More

The Most Haunted City in America (w/ Karl Jacobs & Foolish)