The Most STACKED Modded Base Raid – Unturned PvP

Video Information

All right hey everybody liam that’s game here and welcome back to the episode of unturned so today i joined the server named joel where i haven’t played before but the server is heavily modded and basically it is even on a modded map it’s on a map called

Washington 25 years later and i did find an actually really really good raid lately i’ve been finding all these good raids um i’ve been finding i don’t know i’ve been spending a lot of time trying to find these raids so if you guys do support these videos make sure to drop a like

And i will try to do more i have fun making these videos and sometimes it might take me a while to find these base rates but yeah we did find this right today this space rate might be admin abused for a couple of small things but

I’m not sure it could be for example the owners killed debate killed admins and yeah let’s just get straight into it all right so i’ve been running around the server a bit and there’s a lot of mods i have never seen in my life there’s a lot of guns that i’m

Questioning if they do raid or not but some of these mods i did see them before like some of these are on tiernov and yeah i’m running around i’m gonna try to get this is the server name by the way it’s called joel so if you guys are interested to

Play make make sure to join and i did hear some shots around the military and i’m gonna go there probably check it out i did also find some small bases but i don’t know they seemed like they were two by ones or one by ones and i don’t think they would have

Anything good in them even though the server has some like it’s very easy to get load so even if we do raid we might not get anything um we did get just this rpg over here so that’s pretty epic and we got that small rocket launcher as well

And yeah i’m gonna go check out military see if there’s people there even i did hear some shots of some gun i’ve never heard before and and we’ll see you guys i’ll see you guys if something happens all right well there’s a i think is that a guy

I think that was a guy right i killed him all right um i’m gonna go see if he has anything all right well all of the i wouldn’t tell if the person that i killed if it was their load um there was a steeler though i did see a stealing

I’m guessing that an military zombie don’t drop that so i’m guessing that that’s what this player had yeah i also did get the reputation so i i did kill somebody that was a person there okay epic all right well i did just see this base and there’s floors up there which

Meaning that it’s probably admin abused or they built it from the hill of the farm or whatever the hell it is i don’t know it either can be a demon abused it can be moved up or what the hell is this it’s saying glock but luckily i have a steely wheelie

What the hell oh wait does it raid hold on yeah it does okay well this mod i’ve never seen in my life before it’s like a mounted it doesn’t do that much damage though it didn’t even break a tree with like 10 shots so i’m guessing it’s very weak yeah

Okay well i’m gonna raid this base uh i i think i have enough to get on top of it and i have i can probably just build up with these plates i did get myself like four plates i know it’s not enough but i will chop down these trees

Is it claimed oh it’s not pog okay well if it is claimed it’s probably gonna be claimed higher since the radius won’t really make a difference down here to be honest okay well i will build up now guys and i will see you as soon as i am probably up there

And uh yeah hopefully i have enough this this metal is modded but it seems like it’s it’s like that like health-wise is the same as normal metal maybe it’s a bit stronger and i don’t know why i placed a plate there pog okay right well i managed to build to the

Very top and i could see toxic lockers from the roof like the roof is um i don’t know how to explain it you could see through the roof basically and you guys could see toxic clockers over there and let’s just go for it i have three of these rockets

I don’t know if they’re op or not i hope they are and yeah i managed all right well we’re through i’m gonna salvage these plates i’m gonna move forward like place a plate so that way even if people heard me raid their only way to get back is to

Um yeah i guess claimed by the way so i had i couldn’t build straight up i had to build a round but i think up here it might not really make a difference so yeah people are going to try to counterate they would need to actually build plates

And that would make them waste time and obviously make them waste time i would just finish the rate quicker can i make this jump oh yeah i can all right well i am uh i’m in am i gonna be stuck if i don’t have more reading gear what the hell is this

Well there’s like 20 small lockers here let’s destroy this just this this gun by the way it doesn’t trade the plane yeah it doesn’t okay i got this charge i don’t know if it’s a if it explodes by itself or i need a detonator but standing over here right now like an

Idiot makes me realize that i need a detonator okay all right well unfortunately i don’t have one though but i do have this like lmg which is a raiding gun i’ve raided with him a couple of days ago actually and all right let’s turn it off they’re

Almost at 100 so that means that the base has been like the owners haven’t been online for like have been online wait wait is that that opie sword i think it is i think i’ve seen like jay swagger did that i’m not sure if it is the same one

Though i’ve never raided it but i’m gonna i’m gonna check it out all right well um didn’t break yet i have this rpg here which for some reason when you try to reload it rocket’s gone it’s not broken yet all right well i’m almost out of raiding gear i only have

This lmg left and i think it yeah trades all right all right well i got the sword i’m not sure if this raids by the way if it raids this is the like strongest raiding thing you could get because it doesn’t need ammo let me check oh holy it does

All right well um damn that’s actually holy all right well i didn’t expect that i think we could actually rate the whole base now bro hold it alright well let’s get this guy’s clothes because pretty holy what okay well i got the biggest backpack of the game i i don’t know if that’s

Actually legit to get or if that’s an adventist spawn all right let me take this um bro i didn’t expect this i thought that the sword didn’t even raid anymore but apparently it does holy dude this raid is secured i could just raid this instantly

I don’t need ammo for this i just need to right click once and the locker is broken and there are a lot of guns in here hold on okay most of these stuff i’ve never seen them in my life well it doesn’t well if you right click

It’s instant but if you left click it’s not instant let’s see how many times i need to right click for it to actually break three times okay what is this ashish kabob all right well god knows is this another sword that raids no okay i just wanted to to check it out

Bruh i thought this mod didn’t exist anymore to be honest like i know it existed i know there was a story at this op but dude there’s so much loot in here holy bruh i didn’t expect this base shade i thought that i would need to go back

There’s another one of those bags what the hell is that all right let’s go in here no problem dude bro this straw this sword is op well one claimed better now so we know it’s a one-man base to know all right well there’s another one of these it’s not luck this time though

I don’t think it trades because if you’re raised with something it does like a spark what the f what is that what the hell i never saw that in my life what is that what is this wait what bruh i certainly got sometimes people do the weirdest mods ever

Bro i thought i would i don’t know it’s weird i’m gonna take it just because it looks cool um all right well is there it hold up oh never mind i thought the roof was like with holes and i could see what’s under oh yeah there are more lockers under us okay

Let’s trade that and we’re here again more lockers more toxic lockers and here is oh yeah here’s where we were earlier okay what’s in here about the acclaimed yeah all right so it’s a two-man base unless there’s more rooms all right so we know that it’s not a solo base makes sense

All right so bam no i missed makes sense Dude wait what hello is it bug now what’s oh no never mind holy okay well there’s charges and what the hell is that all right let’s check it out is it a raiding gun question mark let’s let’s take those charges for the raid no okay no problem i don’t need raiding gear i

Only need this i have no idea what those things are but i will take them we got another shish kabob bruh this thing this thing by the way i know it’s not that hard to craft it there’s a what the dude there’s so many weird stuff in the survey

Why is it not taken out hello get out or not bro i’m not going to be surprised with the load that’s in this base to be honest unless there’s adam and stuff um okay do you guys think that this is an admin abuse base or like a grinder’s

Base what the hell is that oh i know this this thing talks to me this thing actually hello it’s talking to me This thing is talking to me yeah i’m here bro no it doesn’t drag it’s like shut up it’s like a thing that trades but it’s a drone but it’s cute and annoying at the same time rpg there what the hell are those like 12 gay shells they’re orange all right what’s in here

More oh yeah these are the things like the charms those are the things that you need to make uh this this the sword whatever it is i don’t even notice oh yeah we there you go it’s so easy to make just the machete katana 16 of these

These things are so opaque what the hell is that i’ve seen this like years ago a laser pistol ouch well that almost killed me what the hell is this is this like bruh wait if i go in would it actually give me damage oh yeah it does

It’s like a i don’t even know how to explain it dude this base raid is actually a pog like a couple of days ago i rated that that insane base trade and today we found this i mean obviously i’m playing much more than usual trying to find race to be

Completely honest but still this is crazy all right let’s continue read i wonder what’s i wonder what else there is in here there’s so much weird stuff what is that huh most of these guns i don’t know what the hell they are they might be raiding but

I wouldn’t know obviously that’s a maple strike but like the modded guns now it’s here oh my god oh dragon thinks okay i mean i’m always i’m always happy when i find dragon things all right well ton of ammo and boxes and guns i’ve never seen in my life

Bro this base raid is crazy all right what’s in here nothing what is that okay all right so i guess we’re done from this floor dude we’re gonna make this i’m gonna take this base right slow most people actually come up from behind me and kill me in the mop

There’s still more about there’s so many toxic lockers above i’m gonna go check those out imagine they’re all like oh never mind this one’s empty this one isn’t holy that dragonfire dragonfire is a raiding gun by the way and we got like pretty much 3k 4k shots

What’s in here thumper grenades and i don’t know what those are let’s take the tumper grenades thumper is actually pretty good for underwater base trades because if you want to rate an underwater base rate you can’t trade with this this is since this is a primary holy bruh this base i don’t know

Dude Bro there’s even more dragonfire high cal actually crazy charms timberwolves mags i don’t even need those i don’t do i don’t even need them half of the stuff to be honest i just need the sword and maybe like some opp vp gun just in case i run into people

But other than that i i don’t need are these all gonna be empty now this is empty but i’m still gonna check just in case one of them is full with dragon fang shots as well yeah these are all going to be i’m see 100 i think they’re like they’re stacking

From lower to higher floors like whenever they go for a lutron they just load oh never mind this one isn’t empty it’s an industrial gas again and i have no idea what that is yeah these are empty all right well this floor is finished so that means that

I still have a bunch i still have all of these yeah these are gonna be oh these are gonna be full i’m just gonna get that just because i know it’s not a radiant gun but i still want it oh well that all fell i wouldn’t know there’s something good in there

Uh more guns heartbreakers for days pole another heartbreaker peacemaker p90 all right well i’ve been breaking a ton of the lockers and most of them doesn’t really have anything special i didn’t break all of them like over here we have found like i don’t know stuff that i don’t know what they are

But over here these are like smaller lockers they’re just full of ammo and the guns these guys like hoard everything i don’t know why they need all of these guns to be honest they just want all of these guns i guess i don’t know it’s kind of weird like a horde a

A bar i never saw that cardinal we saw that the end the other day but yeah um i guess we’re almost finished with this raid so i don’t know what i want that’s the thing we did get a bunch of like i don’t know a bunch of raiding guns a

Bunch of dragon fang ammo dressings we actually need those and i actually need water like i need to find the locker full of food or else i am going to die in here which is kind of not funny actually but i don’t know um this base rate seems weird that’s all

I’m gonna say it’s like a hoarder base raid of of like some group that plays on the server 24 7. and i was lucky enough to find it but that’s basically it let’s rate that wait a minute i hold on i have glow right hold on let me take what i actually want

So yeah that’s that’s that’s it we finished this base trade this is crazy um if you guys want me to try to find more base trades like these just let me know this this takes me a while to find these base rates by the way like

You have no idea how much servers i go into and then i just either leave because i keep dying or leave because i can’t find any base rates but yeah we also got a devil’s bane would say fragmentation drum something i haven’t seen before and yeah i hope you guys enjoyed this video

This was fun for me at least i i hope it was fun for you guys to watch too and yeah i will see you guys in the next one bye if you guys want to support the channel and want to become a member make sure to click the join button below and from

There you’ll unlock a bunch of perks like free merchandise every month and this is only for tier 2 tier 3 and cheer god obviously the higher the tier the more stuff you will get and yeah if you guys do purchase this make sure to let me know in discord and from there

We will discuss more details and yeah thank you you

This video, titled ‘The Most STACKED Modded Base Raid – Unturned PvP’, was uploaded by LiamDoesGame on 2020-09-21 09:32:24. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds.

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  • Insane 5-Hour Roblox & Minecraft Marathon!

    Insane 5-Hour Roblox & Minecraft Marathon!Video Information hey what’s up with a happy Roblox family with Mom Dad Daisy mly and the baby [Music] baby with the star Squad smart and fun and little crazy well maybe just just a little bit just just a tiny [Music] bit don’t forget to hit subscribe and check out our awesome SN news at. hey guys what’s up it’s me Molly and Daisy and I want to show you this amazing fan video that we found on YouTube and today’s video is going to be based on this fan art it says Molly and Daisy but they’re evil… Read More

  • Unbeatable PvP Action with OTRABA – Top Clan Slaying Tali Krysha

    Unbeatable PvP Action with OTRABA - Top Clan Slaying Tali KryshaVideo Information Brasil [Música] [Música] [Música] m [Música] m mij m [Música] h ha [Música] This video, titled ‘PvP Funtime / top 1 clan ss / Kv 1×1 Tali Krysha’, was uploaded by OTRABA on 2024-04-25 08:32:53. It has garnered 108 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:52 or 112 seconds. #minecraft holyworld #gg holyworld minecraft, woopsen anarchy, broke the bedrock in the player’s base, wipe anarchy, trade after the wipe, after the wipe, that they won’t be found minecraft anarchy, minecraft carrot farm, ifrit farm, minecraft griefing, sold my base, like me sold my base… Read More

  • Bluey goes INSANELY FAST in Minecraft ONE BLOCK!

    Bluey goes INSANELY FAST in Minecraft ONE BLOCK!Video Information hello my dear friends today we are embarking on a new adventure in the world of Minecraft on the one block map where every block is a whole world of possibilities together with our loving and reliable family we are here to survive thrive and create wonders out of tiny cubes we started this journey together with each of us putting a piece of our minds labor and Imagination into expanding this lonely block into something grander my mom a master Miner carefully extracting resources from the depths of this World opening up new opportunities for us to… Read More

  • 🔥 Insane Minecraft Live SMP 24/7 CRACKED Server! #minecraftlive

    🔥 Insane Minecraft Live SMP 24/7 CRACKED Server! #minecraftliveVideo Information ब ब ब ब ब ब ब ब ब ब ब ब ब तो क्या है हालचाल तो गाइस बताओ आप सभी लोग क्या बोल रहे हो बार मैसेज कर रहे हो क्या क्या बोल पता नहीं तो हमारा एसम पी जो है उड़ चुका है मतलब जिसने बनाया था उसका घर उड़ चुका है तो इसलिए हम न्यू घर बना रहे हैं माइक ऑ था हमारा क्योंकि य हमारा जो है ना किसी और रूम में था इसलिए आप रिक्वेस्ट कर ओपन कर दिया हेलो ब्रो प्लीज भाई एमआर राहुल कुमार सबका स्वागत है लाइव स्ट्रीम को… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Scam Exposed: Building Epic Forts in Hardcore!

    Insane Minecraft Scam Exposed: Building Epic Forts in Hardcore!Video Information hi everybody wax FR here and welcome back to episode two of the hardcore let’s play series we are starting the episode right outside of our very first house in this series and we have plenty more to make the goal of this episode is actually not to take care of myself but to get some housing for the villagers because you know I mean I have a house but the villagers don’t have anything the only housing that we’ve made so far is actually the small dirt Hut that we have a mending villager in and our… Read More

  • Join Now! Free Gaming Server IP!

    Join Now! Free Gaming Server IP!Video Information तो आज हम वो कर रहे हैं नया अकाउंट बनाते हैं ये क्या करते हैं क्या पता 303 करते है ड [संगीत] अकाउट देखो तोय बेडकम य यह वा नलाइन करते आईडी वो हो जाएगी तेरी म तेरी आईडी की मजी बेबी ते इतनी गंदी सा ले र है गवा आदमी पागल ये देख रिफर क्या है नहीं भाई ये कमेंट रूल्स के मुताबिक य जीरी मैं तुम्ह खत्म कर दूंगा रुको मैं एकदम ठीक हूं अब मैं क्या करू तो मेमो मैं ता मुझे मजा आता है धो [संगीत] लेता भाई वट द वाला होता है ठीक… Read More

  • 🍪 Ultimate CookieVanilla base showoffs on KUMKA Server 🌆 #minecraft #fyp

    🍪 Ultimate CookieVanilla base showoffs on KUMKA Server 🌆 #minecraft #fypVideo Information [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] a This video, titled ‘Minecraft Server(Balkna) CookieVanilla starter 🌆bases🌆 showoff #minecraft #fyp #shorts’, was uploaded by KUMKA on 2024-01-08 01:13:40. It has garnered 58 views and 6 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:35 or 35 seconds. If you want to join us, go to our discord and fill out the application for the whitelist Discord link: Read More

  • UNBELIEVABLE Minecraft SMP gameplay 😎 || Road to 2k! || LIVE now

    UNBELIEVABLE Minecraft SMP gameplay 😎 || Road to 2k! || LIVE nowVideo Information सो हे गाइस क्या हाल चाल सभी के क्या हाल चाल भाई साहब सभी बढ़िया होंगे आई गेस सो कैसे हैं सभी यार मेरे ख्याल से बढ़िया ही होंगे और मेरी थोड़ी सी तबीयत खराब है बाकी तो सब सही चल रहा है बस थोड़ा बहुत हेडेक है थोड़ी थोड़ी दिमाग खराब हुआ बहुदा तो अगर कुछ गलत या सही बोल दूं तो भाई माफ करना कुछ खतरनाक बोल दूं तो दिमाग खराब हो जाएगा आपका तो भैया थोड़ा काबू में रहे और हमें भी काबू में रहने दे समझ रहे और बताइए सब लोग क्या हाल चाल… Read More

  • AngelCv3

    AngelCv3Survival MC Server! You can claim your land of course! But you can also buy a plot at the new city UPDATE! SELL to earn money, with it BUY, from stores.. or from players! Work with others or alone. This server is new so there is A LOT of land still left and unexplored ruins and dimensions! Enjoy~ fun fact I made the banner in 2 minutes soo.. yeaah THERE WILL BE A PROPER TRAILER SOON! Read More

  • Survivemc RP – Roleplay, Modded, SMP – Whitelist, 16+, 1.20.1

    Welcome to SurviveMC RP! SurviveMC RP is a new rp-based server with a growing community. Experience intense zombie survival with immersive mods and challenging gameplay. The world is unforgiving, with NPCs to trade with and a life steal mechanic adding to the difficulty. Features: Custom zombie skins and behavior Performance-based mods for smooth gameplay In-game character creation and unique world map Permanent death mechanic for added challenge If you’re a fan of post-apocalyptic worlds like “The Last of Us” or “The Walking Dead,” this server is for you. Join us on our Discord to start your adventure: Join Discord We… Read More

  • War kingdom

    Dive into a world of endless possibilities and adventure on our Minecraft server! Whether you’re a seasoned explorer or just starting your journey, there’s something for everyone here.Join a vibrant community of players from around the globe who share your passion for Minecraft. Make friends, team up on epic builds, or compete in friendly competitions. Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Pick Your Minecraft Bae:

    Why choose a Minecraft waifu when you can just mine for diamonds instead? Read More

  • Epic Minecraft Dragon & Valkyrie Trap! Watch Now!

    Epic Minecraft Dragon & Valkyrie Trap! Watch Now!Video Information [Music] miss my [Music] I This video, titled ‘Watch Until the End! Minecraft Trap! #shorts #minecraft #minecraftfunny #minecraftmemes’, was uploaded by Dragon & Valkyrie on 2024-04-27 18:15:12. It has garnered 3 views and 5 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:44 or 44 seconds. Join for Free Gold rank on Minewind a really fun server to play. Words: minecraft, j and mikey, maizen, mikey andj, ij and mikey minecraft, minecraftj and mikey, maizen minecraft, j and mikey roblox, siren head, shorts, minecraft ghost, roblox, mikey and j minecraft, sonic, choo choo charles, maizen roblox, sakura, granny,… Read More

The Most STACKED Modded Base Raid – Unturned PvP