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They’re gone yes I’m sure okay this was not my best plan okay getting stuck in a cave was not in my top list of priorities especially not for five hours but we haven’t been caught right so I’m gonna come up with a better plan my brain is coming up with a better plan

Shut up lapis shut up shut up I got it okay so here’s my plan here’s my plan no hear me out hear me out okay so we can’t let them catch us because they will kill us the job is to protect the portal to the human realm as much as possible right so

We can use it because they never said that we couldn’t so here’s my thing here’s my plan you fly out of the cave as fast as possible don’t let them catch us and in the meantime I’m gonna figure out how the portal works yes it’s a good plan you just need to be

You know fast so they don’t kill us yes I know but don’t hear me out it’ll be fine because I am a smart boy and I’m gonna figure out how the portal works so we can go home we’ll go to the human realm we’ll eat food we’ll we’ll have a nice time we’ll

Give the portal door and then they will save the world and then maybe we can get a couple hundred million snails because we protected the portal door for so long yeah it’s a good idea yeah trust me okay you ready yeah now now lapis now that hurts that is boiling water lapis

It’s cold in here okay come on what do you mean you haven’t been flying in so long it’s only been five hours it’s a good thing that they’re not here but just in case they look yeah because if they catches were dead what are you kidding me

I need you to fly like you are meant to fly which by the way you are no yes okay fine yeah yeah you just fly you just fly don’t kill us I’ll figure out how the board will work okay don’t don’t know the water not the water oh my God that’s boiling water

What is wrong with you God ah yes I’m figuring that out it’s it’s IDI actually now that you think about it now that I’m looking at it it’s actually pretty easy to use stabilize I can’t think like this yes I’m figuring it out don’t worry okay okay stabilize What’s up ow that hurts that is boiling water you don’t even know how much it hurts don’t just Focus I’m okay I’m okay I’m okay yeah are you okay yes I’m okay it’s fine what are you doing wait I think I have an idea I have an idiot into the hole yes trust

Me good evening everybody my name is Spacey Raider and welcome to another mod showcase today we’re gonna be looking at demon realm created by season cookie it’s a mod inspired in the owl house if you guys don’t know what the yellow house is first of all go on check it out

No no worries I’ll wait yeah go watch it all and come back okay now you know how cool it is I decided because uh the ending of the AL hose is fast approaching I decided to look at some of the Creations people have been making on on for Minecraft in

This case we’re gonna be looking at The the mod and see what it has to offer oh yeah before I forget today as you can see I am alone so This beautiful thing here is my Palace man it’s called lapis my blue cat and they will be helping us in this much showcase yeah I know we’re getting to that relax anyway the first thing that you’re gonna wanna do is create the portal door of course the portal door to the demon

Realm in this case you will need some items that we have over here you will need a Titan side but you might be wondering how do you make the Titan’s eye well yeah that’s why I have all these other ingredients here we’re gonna need some ender pearls some ISO vendor

And some uh Titan blood shards now you will find some Titan blood in the Overworld in pools and in ores you’ll need only four of them I know that I have 64 here but don’t worry you put them like this like this like this you put one only one eye vendor in the

Middle you put the underbells here and boom you have a Titan’s eye now with your Titan’s eye in hand you will need some Oak planks and one gold ingot you put the time design in the middle you make a little boat shape and then you

Put the gold for the handle and boom you will get your portal door Welcome to the demon Look at this later on but since we’re already here I might as well just show you guys okay so we have this over here right if I put myself in survival mode as you can see I’m in here uh for those that haven’t seen the owl house uh

There’s a little thing about the demon realm and that is that yeah the um yeah boiling rain that’s a thing yeah I know I’ll try not to do it again but yes uh in the demon realm you have boiling rain let me get this sorted out slash uh weather

Clear let’s clear this up shall we I am the god of this realm you will stop when I tell you to fine I guess we’ll just have to wait Yeah lapis yeah I know doesn’t always work okay all right that’s much better that took a while another thing that you will they will check and if you haven’t seen your horse again you’ll be like oh there’s water yep not only do they have boiling rain they

Also have the boiling sea of the boiling Isles it’s kind of in the name okay can you stop dying please save me lapis send me all right I’m back lapis where are you oh there you are yeah I know yeah you were supposed to put me out that was part of the thing

Oh like you would know let’s see while we explore the boiling Isles oh yeah of course we have money in the boiling Isles they don’t have dollars or rupees or whatever you want to call it they have snails jardis the golden snails vacuum and we have a Bunchy Actually let me pick it up I need it while exploring the boiling Isles you might find structures like these oh boiling boiling boiling boiling boiling in these structures you will find tables Foreign you’ll be able to buy some stuff that you might be able to use later incredible including a scroll a crystal ball coven tickets Titan blood you know other things and a b blueprint we’ll we’ll check that out later now let’s take a look at some of the other stuff

This mod has to offer let’s start with the coven system so as you can see we have the banners and the sigils for each of the nine main covens the bark oven the Beast keepings potions plants illusion healing Abomination Oracle and the emperor’s coven respectively by the

Way extra points if you can figure out in which of the nine tracks I am I am my uniform my hexide uniform is from some extras that have United 2 the mod would be the construction coven with its banner and its sigil and some beautiful extra covens non-canon but beautiful

Nonetheless the cooking oven the art cabin the pottery the swag Palm coven the fashion and the writing carbon now as far as I understand you are able to Brand yourself with any of the of the of the sigils of the cabins however um between you and me I wouldn’t exactly recommend it

Not for any particular reason now let’s move on to one of the most important parts of any witch’s life would which would be their palaceman bonded for Life a friend to help him do magic and fly and stiff we’re gonna make a new palaceman in this case you will need a b-palisman

Blueprint and some palestrum wood and you will need one of these tables called a magic table and you will put the bee palaceman blueprint and the palace room wood was it the other way around it was and you will get a bee palaceman head now with your palaceman head in this

Case the bee Palace man I’m sure they will add other palace men blueprints in the future you will need a spruce staff with a spruce staff you just again combine it in the magic table and all the way around again and boom you will get your pelisman

And as you can see it floats now you might say I don’t like the colors and development not to worry you put the Paris mine in there and then you put let’s see uh primary let’s make it yellow with a secondary and an accessory there we go and we will get this

A BB palaceman to be or not to be as they say sorry yeah I know that was a bad one God sorry Titan there we go much better now let’s look at some of the other stuff this mod has to offer which would be the

Emperor’s relics as you can see we got a healing hat as far as I understand this will give Grant you some beautiful powers in this case regeneration now we also got the Golden Harp and for the next ones I wanted to bring my beautiful friend tables here let’s try

This out alright tibbles hello tibbles first is the Golden Harp ah there you go we got regeneration from the healing hack now let’s try the Golden Heart stay there tables it will make your foes float and if you got good aim oh dang death oh tables what anyway moving on we have the

Construction prepare your tables yep all right this doesn’t exact it’s not exactly a fighting type of thing nope unless you hit them directly apparently but it’ll help you build some there we go Aha perfect no the Titans can’t come in hmm oh sorry wrong series then we got the Oracle sphere let’s see what this does so this just really just should stuff at tibbles and yes before you guys asked there are other mobs in this mod in this

Mod I just like I just I just like attacking tables next we got the Illusions mirror with the listen schmear check it out you get the power of Zeus star tables the that is uh the thing about illusion magic not very powerful but it will scare you there we go much better

Takes a little bit to kill tables so not very powerful but a little scary then we got the Green Thumb Gauntlet this one actually we saw in the show being used but in this case in the case of this mod it does this three three three three

You can populate a whole force with this you might destroy a little bit of the the terrain but it’s fine let’s see what this is apart from that we got the Abominations globe which in this case just spawns Abominations they don’t really do much except look beautiful I’m your mommy Nation

But they don’t really attack like like dogs like I create them but they don’t really attack my enemies so in this case I’m just gonna push you into the bowling sea Hey hairs burn after that we got the golden potion which kind of just kind of just throw stuff and it kind of kills immediately and lastly we got the golden Bell it makes a cute sound and it kills Devils what else could you need as you can see here we also got eda’s

Build Citron and Reigns violin but sadly they are still better features so they don’t really do much except look beautiful and give me hope for future releases of the mod I wonder if it would corrupt corrupt everything corrupt like magic that was really cool it would also be really cool

Like if you could sell like like if you had them and then you and a friend started like beautifully going around with this and Foreign I agree lapis they should add it anyway after that we got some some some some some different types of woods here we got Sawtooth we got ricklink Oak we got palestrum beautiful we got Fiverr and we got the boiled chess all of them very very very

Nice and we got the doors here and the trap doors after that of course we got the witch’s cloaks for that you will need some magical spaghetti in order to cut them and they come in a variety of beautiful colors from blue red all of the colors of the rainbow

Except purple for some reason after that let’s look at some of the things they’ve been working on recently we gotta hear some time sense again watch the show but in the show there are some times in that do this let’s go back in time yes in this case bringing you to a

Different era of the of the boiling Isles one where monsters were abundant for dinosaurs or whatever you consider the equivalent to dinosaurs for the demon realm is but yes and this is a good opportunity to actually show you guys what other mobs you can spawn apart from well tables

That I’ve been killing over and over okay let’s see we got tables of course we got fire bees and we got this leather grum which is a little bit it’s a little baby baby just leather Beast if you remember this little bit this is like the like like a

Smaller version like the puppy like if you grab those leader Biz and for millions of years for thousands of years you domesticated it that’s what you yeah that’s that can you imagine grabbing an apex spreader and turning it into like a smaller cuter version couldn’t be me

Anyway now I’m gonna put on myself selfie but they don’t really have a They Don’t Really attack at the moment I kind of just stand there in take hit after hit even this little girl just doesn’t really attack hey come on here come on attack me it does growl

All growl no bite as they say hmm anyway I got some time sense here so let’s go back to the present yup before we continue some words of advice from yours truly okay first of all when you use the portal you won’t be teleported to where you use the

Portal last it’ll teleport you to the world spawn in this case here and once you teleport back into the demon realm it’ll teleport you exactly to the world spawn in the demon realm which would be here you can see but yeah just so just to

Keep in mind also if you die yeah you will be teleported back to the human realm you won’t real respawn in the demon realm so I’ll just keep that just just keep keep an eye out for that now as for future things that they are gonna be adding they are currently if you

Check their page they’re currently working on adding potions the hectacious period which is the one that we talked about the Edwardian period all all those good stuff with the with the time sense and also we got this the scroll right now it’s in beta as you can see but it will give you

Um you know a chance to access all the all the different things you know like the banners all the painting The the painting table all the good stuff all the good stuff you can also like buy stuff here Yeah it’ll be really useful to see implemented Well right now the demon realm is a little Barren okay it started raining again but I’m in Creative so I won’t die in case you guys don’t know the demon realm is supposed to be uh the dead corpse of a Titan where the blood the powerful blood of a Titan fused with the

Water the boiling water and created life terrible terrible life so technically this is a corpse a gigantic corpse so I would love to see some create some some structures like this like like like like bones I made this one in I don’t know like a couple

Of minutes but but but but yeah this you guys get the idea like like something like something like this would be really cool like seeing bones and and dead flesh and then and and and and stuff like that would be really cool or even

In the in the middle of the water like a hand in this case I wanted kind of to make it like a finger but whatever you get you get the idea kind of like it make it like a finger coming out of the water make it actually this is actually

Pretty small so make it big make it gigantic make it cool I don’t know just just a quick idea that I had I would also love to see some glyph magic implemented I not exactly sure how you would go around to doing that um but yeah I don’t know like seeing

Glyph magic like maybe you can add a new crafting table that that you can craft some some sigils in uh maybe I don’t know the the plant can create like if you press the ground you do you you make like a thing and then if you shoot it

Then you make another thing and then the ice glyph same thing if you can then you mix a wall or if you throw it at Water the the boiling sea for example it it freezes it something like that I don’t know and the fireball magic you know

Fire and Fire it’s not like that I don’t know I I would really like to see how how you would come up with uh coming up with with that with the glyph magic would be really cool and I think it would add a lot um to the mud one last thing that I

Found that I that I thought was really really cute is this little resource pack created by cutie tree check it out they created this resource pack which changes the wolf the normal Minecraft wolves from version 1.16.3 and changes them to foreign yes it’s King I’m sorry King check him

Out he’s so cute and if you give me bones same as as normal he sits down yes I know you’re so cute I love this only thing I need is for for for for a day to bed like to change the the normal to wait that would be that that would make that

Would make my life right right little King oh anyway I will see you guys next time hope you enjoyed the video make sure to check out both the the the mod pack and this little resource pack and uh links in the description as always and I will

See you guys later bye-bye also make sure to check out the series female it’s coming soon go and check it out King say bye

This video, titled ‘THE OWL HOUSE IN MINECRAFT! – THE DEMON REALM 1.18 MINECRAFT MOD SHOWCASE’, was uploaded by NeoCast on 2023-03-22 16:11:52. It has garnered 2299 views and 82 likes. The duration of the video is 00:23:48 or 1428 seconds.


Thanks for watching! Below you’ll find info on the modpack and timestamps if you need help quick! Remember to like/comment/and subscribe to help us make more awesome content!




[Demon Realm Mod (Minecraft 1.18 )]

The Demon Realm is an owl house-inspired mod, To get to the demon realm you need to craft a titans eye to craft a portal door you can use to switch through the demon realm and the overworld. The demon realm in this mod does not include the boiling isle island it includes the islands and the world outside of it.



[The Owl House] King Resource Pack (Minecraft 1.16.3)

This is a pack that replaces wolves with King from the Disney series The Owl House.

This pack requires Optifine!



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Songs Used!

►The Owl House Intro (Note Block Cover) (REMASTERED) – samdoesstuff: ►The Owl House Outro Theme (Note Block Cover) – samdoesstuff: ►Smart Race – deltaruneChapter 2: ►Matt’s Mining Music Box – teknoaxe: ►Forest Blocks – teknoaxe: ►Dusk at Rut’theran Village – teknoaxe: ►Friends in the Block-o-Sphere – teknoaxe: ►Peachy – ►Springtime Adventure – teknoaxe: ►Synergy – Geographer:

#MineCraft #modshowcase #theowlhouse

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    Mind Control: TF2 YouTubers forced to join my Minecraft serverVideo Information This video, titled ‘I forced TF2 YouTubers to join my Minecraft server’, was uploaded by LucidLIVE on 2024-08-24 18:00:07. It has garnered 4943 views and 335 likes. The duration of the video is 00:10:39 or 639 seconds. This was a mistake… FULL STREAM: People in the video: @ZestyJesus @orrenlane @PurpleColonel @RichterOvertime @SnowmanSixtyFour @bradleyg_ @furnset @Technicals @Lonqudor @PartyPugTV @daws__ Music by Karl Casey @ White Bat Audio thelucidletters, lucid letters, lucid, tf2, team fortress, teamart, music, fixtf2, savetf2, lucid dreaming, lucid letters, lucid, tf2, team fortress, team fortress 2, team fortress two, team fotrees 2, tem fortress two,… Read More

  • Krishna Raja vs Zombie in MINECRAFT 🧟‍♂️👊🏼 #shorts #viral

    Krishna Raja vs Zombie in MINECRAFT 🧟‍♂️👊🏼 #shorts #viralVideo Information This video, titled ‘Fight With A Zombie In MINECRAFT 😅 #shorts #minecraft #explore #viral’, was uploaded by Krishna Raja on 2024-06-07 23:49:13. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Minecraft minecraft,minecraft shorts,minecraft but,minecraft mod,minecraft challenge,minecraft funny,minecraft memes,shorts … Read More

  • SoulPvP

    SoulPvPVote for Us and Win Exciting Rewards! SoulPvP is a Network Consisting 2 gamemodes Lifesteal and FFA! Read More

  • Nothing SMP Modded Whitelist 1.20.1 13+

    Welcome to Our Modded Minecraft Server! Version 1.20.1, Online 24/7 Modded with Over 70 mods including Origins, Ice and Fire, Create, OTBWG, Stellarity, etc. Simple Voice Chat coming soon. Targeted Age Group: 13-25 Whitelisted Server Currently 15 active players Server has been running for 7 months, reset 3 days ago Located in Germany with players from Asia, Australia, and America No Griefing/Lifesteal, focuses on Building, Grinding, Hanging out Responsive and Friendly Staff No Land Claims Interested in Joining? Add zariaah on Discord to get whitelisted! Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Sip on that Minecraft tea

    Minecraft Memes - Sip on that Minecraft teaWell, I guess S’beve really knows how to mine for those upvotes! Read More

  • Oh no why | Minecraft troll face meme | #hotmeme

    Oh no why | Minecraft troll face meme | #hotmeme When you accidentally mine straight down and fall into a pit of lava, but your character’s face is just like “Oh no why” in the most nonchalant way possible. Classic Minecraft troll face moment! Read More

  • Diamonds Galore: Minecraft PE Survival Pt. 2

    Diamonds Galore: Minecraft PE Survival Pt. 2 Exploring the Depths: Diamond Mining in Minecraft PE Survival Series Embark on an exciting journey through the pixelated world of Minecraft PE Survival Series as our intrepid gamers delve deep into the earth in search of the coveted diamonds. In this thrilling episode, they finally strike gold – or rather, diamonds – in their quest for rare resources. Unearthing Treasures As the players navigate the challenges of survival mode, they encounter various obstacles and adversaries along the way. From crafting tools to building shelters, every step brings them closer to their ultimate goal: finding diamonds. With perseverance and skill,… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Cobblemon with JoobiestNerd

    Insane Minecraft Cobblemon with JoobiestNerdVideo Information This video, titled ‘mmmmmm funny creechers |Minecraft Cobblemon| August 1, 2024 Stream’, was uploaded by JoobiestNerd on 2024-08-02 14:29:37. It has garnered 26 views and 6 likes. The duration of the video is 03:01:36 or 10896 seconds. Stream rules: – Be nice! – Respect people’s orientations and pronouns – Have fun! Discord link: Read More

  • Building Underground Bunker with Giant Worms in Minecraft

    Building Underground Bunker with Giant Worms in MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘How Mikey and JJ BUILD BUNKER from GIANT WORMS ? Underground Kingdom! – Minecraft (Maizen)’, was uploaded by JJ MAIZEN & Mikey on 2024-04-06 17:30:01. It has garnered 24117 views and 195 likes. The duration of the video is 01:03:08 or 3788 seconds. How Mikey and JJ BUILD BUNKER from GIANT WORMS ? Underground Kingdom! – Minecraft (Maizen) This is not an official Maizen channel, we make fan videos with Mikey and JJ. Our channel is exclusively for fans of Maizen. We’re not trying to impersonate his personality, we just want to add new and… Read More


    DAY 1 HARDCORE MINECRAFT MADNESSVideo Information This video, titled ‘Some highlights of day 1 Hardcore #minecraft’, was uploaded by stan616 on 2024-09-25 15:56:27. It has garnered 63791 views and 7071 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:00 or 60 seconds. Read More

  • EPIC Tsunami House Build Challenge – Minecraft NOOB vs PRO!

    EPIC Tsunami House Build Challenge - Minecraft NOOB vs PRO!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft NOOB vs PRO: TSUNAMI HOUSE BUILD CHALLENGE’, was uploaded by Wetz on 2024-04-11 08:00:32. It has garnered 104556 views and 2165 likes. The duration of the video is 00:22:59 or 1379 seconds. Check out n’yo mga kaibigan ko: Raizu: @RaizuMinecraft Lyn: @KLlyn. Inspired by Eider, Maizen, Aphmau, Nico, Cash, Omzcool Minecraft Video, Challenges, Pranks and Building! Read More

  • Chill Tushar Fan Club – Haunted School Trip 😱 || Part 1 || Minecraft Horror Story

    Chill Tushar Fan Club - Haunted School Trip 😱 || Part 1 || Minecraft Horror StoryVideo Information This video, titled ‘MINECRAFT HAUNTED SCHOOL TRIP 😨 || PART-1 || MINECRAFT HORROR STORY IN HINDI || VIDEO BY @tusharrr1’, was uploaded by CHILL TUSHAR Fan Club on 2024-07-13 16:50:59. It has garnered 2 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:08:58 or 538 seconds. its a horror minecraft roleplay in hindi video uploaded by CHILL TUSHAR Fan Club its a horror minecraft roleplay in hindi video created by Chill Tushar #minecraft #roleplay #gaming . . . minecraft roleplay, minecraft, gaming, minecraft horror, minecraft scary, minecraft haunted, minecraft story, conjuring, minecraft dark, minecraft secret, minecraft smp,… Read More


    WARNING: SUBSCRIBES TO THIS CHANNEL = DEATH!Video Information This video, titled ‘🔴 SUB = DEATH – Minecraft Hexxit Mod’, was uploaded by Java on 2024-08-27 22:35:42. It has garnered 8597 views and 260 likes. The duration of the video is 01:07:01 or 4021 seconds. #minecraft #hypixel #Bedwars #shorts Read More

  • Unleash Dan’s Wild Power – Charity Streamer!

    Unleash Dan's Wild Power - Charity Streamer!Video Information This video, titled ‘I need more powah!! | FamilyFriendly | !extralife Charity Streamer’, was uploaded by WildWestDan on 2024-06-22 02:14:51. It has garnered 6 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 03:08:56 or 11336 seconds. ————————————————– About Me: Howdy! I am a community-first family friendly charity creator who loves Minecraft, Disney, Dungeons & Dragons, and Nintendo! My current super long-term project for my YouTube Let’s Play and Twitch streams is creating the entirety of Walt Disney World’s Magic Kingdom, as accurately as possible, in vanilla Survival Minecraft. I have been raising money for Boston Children’s… Read More