The SCIENCE! Behind Minecraft’s World

Video Information

Dear Mojang, Hi! It’s me! Austin! Are you fucking ready? Buckle your seatbelt, strap on your tinfoil hat, and douse yourself in Illuminati repellant because today we’re going off the rails and into the wild, wild world of your hit game Minecraft and it is simultaneously fucking awesome and will blow your GOD. DAMNED. MINDS.

I’ve been getting questions about Minecraft ever since I started this series, asking me to cover everything from whether or not you could actually mine diamonds with a steel pickaxe given that diamonds are harder than I am when Muffet pours me a cup of spiders,

To asking me to explain how it would be possible to have an infinite supply of water or lava. So here goes: While it’s true that diamonds are one of the hardest allotropes of carbon in existence, diamonds aren’t actually just solid 1 cubic meter of diamond brick in the ground, they

Actually form deeeeeeeeeeep beneath the surface of the earth, where it’s super fucking hot and the pressure is super fucking high. They’re then brought to the surface by what’s called Kimberlite Eruptions. They can actually reach as high as 16 meters below the surface. Then it’s just an issue of digging them out.

Ironically, in some cases you’d actually be able to mine for diamonds just using a regular old shovel. BOOM, CONFIRMED LEGIT. In the case of infinite wells of lava, and water, that’s some fucking bullshit. BOOM, ROASTED. Then instead of doing the world’s shortest episode ever, I was like, “What else can I look at?”

Then the question struck me: could the world of Minecraft actually exist? I mean, as a planet, could it? Measuring gravity due to acceleration, the surface area of the minecraft world, which is 600% the size of our earth’s surface area, and doing a wee bit of math, over the

Course of several days I was able to build a complete planetary profile for the Planet that generates whenever you start a new game of Minecraft. And? Well, it’s actually pretty fucking cool. While the minecraft planet is over 500% the mass of our own Earth, due to its greater

Surface area, and therefore volume, it’s actually significantly less dense, given that it actually has a much lower gravitational pull on the surface. Then I asked myself: could a planet with this low-density-high-mass exist IRL? Yup. Thanks to the Kepler Project and the analytical work done by Scientists across the globe pouring

Over thousands of identified exoplanets in our galaxy, over a dozen planets with similar gravitational profiles exist out there. They’re called “Super Earths,” because they’re bigger than the Earth, but smaller than gas giants, not because they wear skirts and go around fighting Galactic Crime and

God DAMN I am full of Sailor Moon references this month. I’m just making up for dropping the ball on the Madoka Magicka references when I mentioned entropy a while back. At this point, you may be asking yourself “wtf, Austin? Where’s the foreplay?

You just gonna drop an entire episode’s worth of info on us in the first couple of minutes? Where’s the hemming? Where’s the hawing? What the fuck does Geralt’s Dick look like?” Good question, hypothetical viewer I just made up! Well, I was making an episode about allllll of this.

Going over luminosities of nearby stars of actual planets out there that are similar to our Minecraft planet, blah blah, droppin’ the learning, and then it hit me: I’m going to spend like 80 hours making this damned thing and then 100 smartasses are gonna be

Like “But Auuuuuuuuuustin, what makes you think Minecraft’s world is a globe? When you get to the end, it just stops, it doesn’t loop around to the other side, blah blah blah.” And at first I was like “FUCK THOSE PEOPLE.” And then I was like “Wait a minute.

Waaaaaaaaait a god damned tootin’ fruitin’ minute! Those people! Those hypothetical smartasses I just imagined! They…they may be right. No, they ARE right! I know it for a fact! I only presumed that Minecraft’s planet is a globe because I’ve been conditioned by the cabal of ‘Scientists’ who have indoctrinated our world’s youth to hide

The truth about our world: the truth that our world isn’t actually round. Our world is FUCKING. FLAT.” Okay maybe I went too far. I didn’t get quite sucked into the deep well of round-earth deniers, or…flat earth truthers or…whatever-the-fuck these people call themselves.

But this realization did get me thinking: could a flat minecraft world actually exist? This isn’t a silly question, honestly. It would most likely have to be artificial, sure, but…could it even work? Let’s figure this the fuck out! The reason this isn’t a super-absurd thing to consider comes from a somewhat unexpected

Source: Albert Einstein. Now, obviously Einstein wasn’t a Flat-Earth conspiracy-theorest, but those of you who watched last week’s episode on the Gravity Gun will remember one of his most famous thought experiments, where he said that there’s absolutely no difference between standing

On a planet that’s pulling you down with a force of gravity G and accelerating through space at an acceleration of G, roughly 9.8 meters-per-second-squared. In fact, if you were in a box with no windows, you wouldn’t be able to tell whether you were on planet earth or in space.

This is called the principle of equivalence, and it’s this conceptualization that helped Einstein work all of his math on the theories of General and Special Relativity, and establish his groundbreaking and complicated Field Equations. So, is it possible that every world we create in Minecraft is really just a huge fucking

Box, flying through space? Well, maybe. Each minecraft world is pretty friggin’ huge, clocking in at just shy of 3.6 BILLION square kilometers. This is astronomically huge. Thankfully, though, Minecraft worlds are also quite thin, a hell of a lot thinner than our own planet.

Each world caps out at 256 meters thick, so given an average matter-and-density spread using some graphs and estimates, we can get a decent idea of what a normal Minecraft world weighs. 183 Zettagrams. Phew. This is pretty fucking heavy, but it’s not that absurd.

It’s actually about half the size of one of the largest asteroids in the Asteroid Belt: Pallas 2, which takes up a whopping 7% of the total mass of the asteroid belt alone. Damn. Now, this is large enough to have a detectable gravity already, but since our minecraft world

Is spread out pretty thinly, you’re not going to notice much of it, so we can pretty much ignore it. Minecraft has slightly weaker gravity than Earth, surprisingly enough. On our planet, things fall at 9.8 meters-per-second-squared, but in minecraft, they fall at 9.1.

A small difference, but here on SCIENCE we like to leave every base fucking covered. It’s called WORK ETHIC. This means that our massive-yet-thin box is going to have to accelerate through space at the rate 9.1 meters squared. How would you do that? ROCKETS, of course.

Rockets produce motion by taking advantage of some basic Newtonian concepts: for each action there’s an equal-and-opposite reaction. In the case of rockets, it’s shooting a ton of high-energy exhaust out the ass end of the rocket nozzle, which pushes the space ship forward.

And our rocket better be a massive one, because it would take over 1.6 TRILLION GIGANEWTONS. How much force is this? Well, the largest rocket ever produced was the Saturn V, which was used predominantly during the 1960s and 70s by NASA.

This thing was a fucking badass and produced over 100 million newtons of thrust because holy SHIT AMERICA. It would take over 16 TRILLION of these rockets to accelerate our massive Minecraft world at 9.1 meters-per-second. Sound intense? Well, we’re just getting fucking started.

You see, the unfortunate truth is that, well, rockets don’t weigh nothing. They have mass, too. And more mass means more force is necessary to accelerate. This creates a conundrum that anybody who’s played Kerbal Space Program can attest to: bigger isn’t always better.

A larger rocket may look more impressive, but at the end of the day, you’re creating more work for yourself. I’ll spare you the nitty gritty details about exponential math functions, but suffice to say that since each rocket added adds more mass that needs moved, and therefore more

Fuel requirements, we gotta take that into account. Going down the line we arrive at a final rocket count of over 22 trillion Saturn V rockets, bringing our total mass alllllll the way up to 246 Zettagrams, almost twice what we started with. But that seems reasonable in some sort of fantasy world scenario, right.

It may be implausible, but a flat-earth version of Minecraft could TOTALLY exist if you had an assload of rockets, an infinite budget, and all the time in the world. Wait a minute. Time. TIME. TIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIME. 246 zettagrams of mass, pushed by over 22 trillion Saturn V Rockets.

That’s what it would take to accelerate our Minecraft world 9.1 meters-per-second-per-second, right? Yeah. For one second. That means all that work is going into nudging our planet ship forward for one whole second, and then it’s fucking DONE. 1 whole second of feeling gravity, and then you’re just, like, fucking floating there

Crying as you creep through space. In order to have gravity, acceleration must continue consistently. That’s what separates acceleration, which means to move faster in a direction, from velocity, which is just a measurement of your speed. Acceleration is change of speed, or delta-v, and in order to have gravity-like forces,

This motherbeast is going to have to keep going. And in order to keep moving forward for a whole year, it’d take almost 80 QUINTILLION rockets weighing over 198 THOUSAND yottagrams, almost twice the weight of Neptune. For those of you playing along at home, you’ve noticed that I said that the fuel and component

Parts to accelerate this world for just one year would weigh as much as Neptune, which has gravity because mass creates gravity. WHICH MEANS IF YOU HAVE THE MEANS TO CREATE A FLAT EARTH YOU’D JUST FUCKING MAKE A GODDAMN PLANET INSTEAD. FLAT EARTHERS MAKE NO GOD DAMNED SENSE.

On top of it, humans have been on this planet, and therefore conceivably this fictional Minecraft planet, for around 200,000 years. In order to keep this fictional gravitational force around, you’d have to have so much fuel that it’d weigh as much as a GOD DAMNED RED GIANT STAR.

And what’s more terrifying is that after a few years, you’re starting to reach relativistic speeds, which means the energy required to accelerate you at a constant rate will be creeping up exponentially as you approach the speed of light.

Since it’s super unlikely that these rockets would be able to dial out an exponential increase in force, the rate of acceleration would start to slow down. So every flat planet is doomed to experience less and less g-forces as time continues on,

Regardless of however the damned thing is accelerating, as it approaches the speed of light. Eventually it’d be like gravity didn’t exist at all, particularly by the time evolution has kicked in long enough to evolve humans. Sorry Flat Earth Truthers. It turns out that, unfortunately, you’re completely full of shit.

If you really insist on living in a flat world, though, I do highly recommend Minecraft. It seems to be doing alright for now. Just, you know, be sure to start a new game every 100,000 years or so, or your character will start floating off into space as you approach the speed of light.

Sincerely, Austin P.S. You know. I wasn’t a wasn’t really into Anime in High School. And, like, ALL of my friends were REALLY into anime, and I wasn’t. But now I’m an adult and what I do in the comfort and anonymity of my own home is my

Own business, so I’ve finally been getting into some of the best crops available. Like Attack on Titan. Holy crap that show. That show is honestly worthy of the hype. It’s unbelievably intense, and there is a video game of it, and I’ve come SUPER CLOSE to doing a video on it. Maybe some day.

Anyway, you can find awesome shows like Attack On Titan on Crunchyroll. Crunchyroll is an amazing site that brings the best Anime from Japan into your computer. The cool thing about Crunchyroll is that they work closely with the people who actually

Make the shows you love, and give them a fair cut for letting them host the videos. You can head on over to to start a 30 day free trial right now. Even if you don’t wanna watch giant monsters eating humans, Crunchyroll recently partnered

With Funimation, bringing shows like Cowboy Beebop and other cool shows they’ve never had before. If you use the link and become a member, you get these shows in full 1080p HD without ads. That’s, which tells ‘em you came from us. Do it. Nobody has to know. It’ll be our little secret.

ALSO, today I’m gonna be streaming Minecraft on Hardcore mode, which means PERMADEATH baby. I’ll be trying to survive in a harsh, flat-worlded setting. Head on over to RIGHT NOW and watch me die to a creeper JUST AS I FINISH MY HOUSE. GOD DAMN ASSHOLES.

This video, titled ‘The SCIENCE! Behind Minecraft’s World’, was uploaded by ShoddyCast on 2016-09-28 15:09:23. It has garnered 823117 views and 23007 likes. The duration of the video is 00:15:24 or 924 seconds.

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~ Our top supporters ~ paarthurnax Jacob M. Pat R. Daniel R. DozyGamer87 Celio G. Sinclair Aidan M. Lasse P. Babak S. Aaron I.

~ CREDITS ~ Executive Producer | Randy Parish Producer | Rasha Writer/Editor/ Narrator | Austin Hourigan Director | Josh Closed Captioning | Kyle

~ MUSIC CREDIT ~ Bach – Brandenburg Concerto No 3, 1 allegro – Advent Chamber Orchestra

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    Nighturz Drops Insane Minecraft Builds in New EpisodeVideo Information This video, titled ‘MUST Place Down HQ ASAP | MINECRAFT | EPISODE: 46 | Nighturz’, was uploaded by ƝƖƓӇƬƲƦȤ on 2024-05-28 23:51:00. It has garnered 12 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 04:18:47 or 15527 seconds. Been looking for a while, but I must place down in my new location asap. Will be searching for a location with surface and underground structures and close to a Lush Cave. Read More

  • 🤯 Ultimate Minecraft Diamond Dream!

    🤯 Ultimate Minecraft Diamond Dream!Video Information This video, titled ‘Diamond Dream 🤣 #shorts #minecraft #viral #shortsviral #trending #youtubeshorts #ytshort’, was uploaded by KnL Shorts on 2024-05-04 13:30:30. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. minecraft #minecraftmemes #minecraftpe #minecraftonly #minecraftpc #minecrafter #minecraftmeme #minecrafters … Read More

  • EPIC Minecraft SMP – Join Now & Explore!

    EPIC Minecraft SMP - Join Now & Explore!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft | 24/7 SMP ANYONE CAN JOIN PE + JAVA’, was uploaded by TECHNICAL GAMES on 2024-01-17 16:14:19. It has garnered 83 views and 5 likes. The duration of the video is 02:05:43 or 7543 seconds. Discord = #minecraftlive #minecraft ————————————————————————————— PC 💻🖱 IP = RAM :- 8GB processor :- i3 10th GEN graphic card :- GTX 1650 4GB VALORANT ID = GANGSTER么 ISHAN 5375 DIML VOTE LINK = DISCORD LINK = Join me as I embark on an epic Minecraft adventure, exploring vast landscapes, battling dangerous creatures, and unraveling hidden… Read More

  • Demonic Minecraft Son – INSANE Realistic RTX Shaders 😱 #shorts

    Demonic Minecraft Son - INSANE Realistic RTX Shaders 😱 #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft realistic shaders 😱Minecraft rtx shaders #shorts’, was uploaded by Demon Son on 2024-03-15 04:57:23. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Minecraft realistic shaders Minecraft rtx shaders #shorts best minecraft rtx shaders for android, best non rtx shaders minecraft … Read More

  • Unbelievable! Arkace House Of Ashes Playthrough LIVE

    Unbelievable! Arkace House Of Ashes Playthrough LIVEVideo Information This video, titled ‘House Of Ashes Playthrough LIVE’, was uploaded by Arkace on 2024-05-18 03:47:41. It has garnered 53 views and 14 likes. The duration of the video is 01:57:19 or 7039 seconds. Hello there and welcome! On my channel I play a variety of different games, from games such as Subnautica and Minecraft, to other games like Phasmophobia and Sons Of The Forest. I’m a big horror fan so expect a lot of highlights/streams on various horror games such as Resident Evil on the channel as well! #houseofashes #gaming #playstation #playthrough #entertainment Read More

  • OMG! Insane House Build in Minecraft by Ren Ivory

    OMG! Insane House Build in Minecraft by Ren IvoryVideo Information This video, titled ‘【Minecraft】Lanjut bikin rumah lagi || Ren Ivory’, was uploaded by Ren Ivory Ch. on 2024-05-10 14:42:28. It has garnered 60 views and 11 likes. The duration of the video is 02:00:28 or 7228 seconds. 【Support me】 Treat : Ko-Fi : ▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂ 【 Rules 】 – Please remain polite to both streamers and fellow viewers as you would like to be treated – Please do not mention anything related to SARA, Politics, NSFW , etc. – Don’t spam the chat or comments column – Please don’t mention the names of other Vtubers/Streamers/Livers/Youtubers (except Ren… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft 2×2 House Build 😱 #shorts

    Insane Minecraft 2x2 House Build 😱 #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft 2×2 House😱 #shorts’, was uploaded by Tender Gamer on 2024-03-06 11:39:37. It has garnered 8642 views and 235 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:18 or 18 seconds. Minecraft: Which cat did it better? 🤔 In this video, Tender Gamer shows the Chipi Chipi cat making music with Minecraft game noises, blocks, mobs, items and more. Who do you think won the competition? KEYWORDS AND RELATED INFORMATION: 🔥 Tender Gamer creates Shorts, TikToks, and Long Form Videos related to Minecraft, Minecraft Memes, Minecraft Music, Minecraft Pixel Art, Minecraft Amethyst, Minecraft Trends, Minecraft But,… Read More

  • Ultimate Minecraft Adventure with Spiky Hair JJ

    Ultimate Minecraft Adventure with Spiky Hair JJVideo Information This video, titled ‘Episode 1 | Minecraft: The Woodland Mansion | Spiky Hair JJ’, was uploaded by Spiky Hair JJ on 2024-01-18 13:53:12. It has garnered 71 views and 9 likes. The duration of the video is 00:07:44 or 464 seconds. Episode 1 of the Movie Series Minecraft: The Woodland Mansion 4 Kids, Mal, Lenna, Chug and Lizzie discover a mysterious creature enter the town of Cornucopia. They break the town rules and adventure out to the outside overworld. While adventuring, they face many highs and lows. But then they discover tracks leading to their town? Can they… Read More

  • Ram War

    Ram WarWelcome to RAM WAR!!! Minecraft’s up-and-coming FPS!!!!! Ram War is an incredibly fast-paced team-shooter with several awesome weapon classes to choose from! Work together to claim the RAM and take it to your enemy’s base! Claim the colored tiles of the arena to gain speed, invisibility, and ammo! Pick from weapons including: Bow, Scythe, Bubble Bomb, Shotgun, Chain Blades, Railrifle, Gilseng, and Biped Bomb. There are over 20 playable maps with many more to come! Come be a part of the universe’s story and lore! Where everything is completely normal :))) Read More

  • Gapple Ultra-Hardcore Semi-Vanilla 1.20.4 Competition Prizes Discord

    Ultra-Hardcore Mining Competition One life to live your best life. DoN’T DiE! About Mining challenge lasting 254 weeks Earn a revive by winning Sunday competitions Special Team Competition on Sundays Prizes Revive on ultra-hardcore world In-game advancement shout-out Details Server: Direct IP: Goal: Stay alive and earn points Scoring: +1 per minute alive, +1 per experience point Rules Play fair and friendly No unfair advantages No hacking or hacked clients Apocalypse DataPack Features Players killed by zombies turn into zombies Enhanced skeletons, biting bats, spinning spiders, defending Ox-Heads, and more Your Discord Invite: Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Woah, Minecraft wolves making baby wolves?

    Me after finding out I can breed wolves: Sorry ladies, I’m taken by my pack now! Read More

  • Hotter than a lava pool: Minecraft Meme

    Hotter than a lava pool: Minecraft Meme “Why did the creeper break up with his girlfriend? Because she couldn’t handle his explosive personality!” Read More

The SCIENCE! Behind Minecraft’s World