What are the ancient builders in Minecraft there’s a secret history in Minecraft with random old structures placed in every scene Mojang doesn’t say who built these structures and most people don’t believe the ancient Builders exist but there’s so much proof hidden in the game which I’m gonna show To you the two most common mobs are the Skelly and zombies a tragic event happen which caused the angel Builders Extinction and turned them into these also almost all buildings were made by the builders their secret hieroglyphs maps and even treasure left behind by them from the pirate ships Enchanted Iron and pyramids I can tell they were all types of buildings with different cultures there’s also a Easter egg in the end credits where it mentions those who did not play referring to the ancient Builders but that leaves the question what’s their law Video Information
This video, titled ‘The Secret Of The Ancient Builders’, was uploaded by Stay Shorts on 2023-04-15 19:01:05. It has garnered 851149 views and 66679 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:45 or 45 seconds.
The Secret Of The Ancient Builders
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