The Secret Techniques of MASONARY Construction!

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All righty think we’re good just realized that I left myself on in this game that’s wild wild God damn all righty well um yeah guys so today we’re working on the stone masonary I’ve started process we have all the technical stuff down um to like a degree so basically what you do

Is you got carpet dupers in here that are infinitely going to power these furnaces and this is an automatic infinite cobblestone generator up there and so that’ll fill these chests with Cobble and then they’ll get smelted in here and then we’re going to have this pumping out into other Hoppers and those

Hoppers are going to fill up these chests so yeah that’s the that’s the plan is to just have it go down the line and then we need to do one more hi ladyy how’s it going DG how you doing how’s how you doing today um so yeah that’s the plan lady

We’re building a stone Factory CU I realized last stream uh that we played on here that um doing stone is going to be um a pain in the butt for how much Stone we need so uh we’re making a stone Factory hey good I’m glad dog I’m glad you’re doing

Good I’m doing pretty good I actually had a phenomenal day I found out that I don’t have to um hi Larry how’s it going I found out that I don’t have to take a freshman biology course that I was taking and um so now I I’m I’m down to three classes

For my senior year which is like a really low amount out so I’m I’m like I’m like chilling now because now I can just I can relax and I don’t have to worry about it cuz there’s like a whole issue with it so it ended up counting

Towards my degree uh in old class so now I’m I’m chilling so hey I’m glad you’re doing good Larry I’m glad you’re doing good so um so yeah so we need wood that’s what we need we need some wood so we’re going to go get

We’re going to get a [ __ ] ton of wood also I’ve been watching some power world stuff and that’s what I’m going to be streaming on Friday oh I am so [ __ ] excited I don’t think you I don’t I don’t think you guys can comprehend how excited I am

To be playing this game I cannot wait to play it this Friday it it might be I’m not going to lie I’m so I’m excited enough that I might be playing this just all weekend like we might just be streaming this all weekend so one of my aunts dogs a what type of

Dogs that’s adorable I love puppies they’re so cute so but yeah I’m thinking this weekend we might we might not be doing a group stream or if we do I’ll be streaming like during the day and then we’ll just cut over to the group stream and then we’ll come back because uh I

Want to play F I’ve been wanting this game to come out for so long and I just want to play through the whole game so we shall see but so what again what type of dogs also Larry what you up to dog what you doing hi bla how you doing dog hi

Homie we’re chilling tonight we’re just we’re doing we’re making a stone like Farm golden retrievers there’s six oh my god do you have pictures lety if you have pictures toss that [ __ ] in the Discord I want to see them unfortunately I think I’m going to

Have to put my dog in a diaper till I can get this till I can get her issue taken care of so she’s making a little bit of a mess nothing man just chilling at home honestly dog that sounds like a dream that’s that’s my favorite thing to do

Man I’m [ __ ] I I am not an out like going out type of person I like to just chill at my house man it’s I’m a I’m very much a home body damn it got dark so [ __ ] quick all right um that should be all the trees that we

Chopped and that should be enough ow I think I have Hoppers don’t I yeah I have 15 Hoppers we just need to actually actual chest we also need to grab more Rockets here in a second so yeah today um I I was going to continue building the the nether highway

But then I thought about it and I was like we need so much stone that we’re just going to have to continuously go back and get more Stone so why not just not have to do that anymore so um I started building a masonary so did you

Know gum makes you go potty it doesn’t stay in the stomach wait huh my mom found out about me having a Discord and she said she didn’t want me to have it no that’s you know what though like that’s your own that’s your parents prerogative but I’m just sad I’m not

Going to get to see pictures of puppies um but oh you know what understandable Eddie did you know okay so blue I need you to elaborate on this cuz I was told gum stays in your stomach not that it makes you [ __ ] so I’m a little confused you want to can you elaborate

On this little dog um we need chest okay there we go all right I think we’re we got the chest so wamp wamp hey yo Phoenix I’m building us I’m building a stone Mason are at my base so when we are doing the nether Highway we don’t ever have to mine for stone

Again also I just want something that auto mines my St or that auto does my stone for me so this the thing up there there the Cobblestone Miner was somebody else’s design but the rest of this is my own design just for my my stupid amount of game knowledge for this game

So what’ you say huh this is the one time my classmate tried to moan and was like what bla you good dog you good I just realized all right next stream we have to build an Enderman Farm or I might build that off stream I just realized that we God damn

It that uh we are struggling a little bit on that one all right so that the boys at 7 in the morning for no reason wait what we want to have three okay yeah we can do it through there all right so yeah so that’s this is the

Golden is just to get this [ __ ] finished there we go and the best part about this we can AFK the stone Farm while afking the miner farm that the boys at 7 in the morning for no reason that’s what the boys in my class do what the [ __ ] why hold

Up I’m actually too blind to see this [ __ ] there we go okay we’re chilling all right there we go all right so we’re chilling we’re chilling yo hi Sarah how you doing today homie what’s up I don’t know what we’re making the floor out of yet but this

Is should be fine we’re going to have to go down one more my mom doesn’t really get anything for me like happy meal and Legos and the chocolate now my teeth is gone what hey yo I’m glad you’re doing good Sarah I’m glad you’re doing good

I’m uh I’m chilling I found out that I don’t have to take freshman biology today which is hella hype cuz I really didn’t want to take it and um it was causing a big issue in my academic schedule so now I just don’t have to take it which is hype so

Wait a second this doesn’t work hold up this isn’t how Hoppers work what am I doing need to do that and we have to do that and that’s going to make this top chest unusable so um honestly nothing too too crazy we’re just uh we’re just kind of oh I guess I

Could use that storage yeah that’s fine we’ll just use it as storage uh nothing too too crazy SAR we’re just kind of chilling dog you know that’s the you know what understandable lety valid vouch valid dog um yeah no Sarah nothing nothing crazy is new we’re just kind of chilling

Uh we’ve been playing a lot of Minecraft recently we’re about to start a new like like Friday I’m doing a additional stream for the week that I normally wouldn’t be doing because a new game comes out that I’ve been waiting for for a while so I just I just want to play

Pokemon with guns that’s all I want man so but your pet slime in Minecraft is named Kit Kat also known as kit chitchat interesting so yeah so you know we’re just we’re chilling we’re uh we’re just kind of we’re just kind of you know thought like balling it up

Um I’m hoping to once I get my semester squared away a bit and I like wait a second oh wait I know okay hold up I know how I can do this um once I get my semester squared away a little bit I want to I’m going to

Try and start doing some improvements for the channel but I got to get I got to make sure the uh I got to make sure my semester is going good before I can start doing that all right hold up so we do this that will send it this way and then hold

Up okay let me do that okay there we go so then we do this and then we’re going to have to move all this back one and then I think we’re chilling and that will be good because that’s that’s what I needed that’s I just needed to get that to there

So there goes that and then yeah we have to bring this all back one so you know we’re chilling not I just went to go get a package and I opened it because I thought it was a crown I bought but very much was not what was it what was it

Ladyy oh that was something I did this week I I chopped up my deer that I shot so I um so also wait why did I just get notification what the hell on my phone oh uh Mara thank you for following on Twitch I just got that off my phone what the heck

Um wait so you want to go get a package and opened it because I thought wait wait wait okay letting I’m sorry so what what was it you making the sound like it’s something not great okay boom boom boom there we go a made outfit I

Have you know I have a main outfit story uh elaborate please mine was that I lost a bet so I Del wear a made outfit that was an too I was at an anime convention so at least it wasn’t fully out of place Phoenix could tell you more about that one

But [ __ ] no want to place this way also who ordered the M outfit the heck okay that’s not going to work I actually have to nail this there we go okay um so that makes sense wait slenderella was my favorite old game what bluea are you on like crack dog I’m so confused

Man where did that come from dude what also what the [ __ ] is Cinderella there are two of them them is mine because I lost the game of d and d i about the other one interesting remember bla I I what do you mean remember dude I don’t know what the [ __ ]

You’re talking about what do you mean remember what I should have Cobble in one of these right did I not put Cobble in any wow I really didn’t put Cobble in any of those all right we’ll go back and get or in Google Play Store uh blugo all I’m seeing or is in

Google Play Store so if you sent a message before that which it sounds like you might have just based off of the context of that that did not come through it’s my brother’s boyfriend size I’m not gonna don’t ask your brother wants a cat made I hate

Myself um bluea I don’t know what I I I don’t I I didn’t see your message but I’m cuz it didn’t show it but I’m I don’t know what you’re talking about dog I was not much of a mobile gamer my guy so you you talking to the wrong

Talking to the wrong dude here lety you know I I always have to have my couple out of pocket things that I say per stream you know this you know this I can’t unse that H it’s not um sorry is this dude final dude give me some cooked

Chicken hey yo bye Beluga I’ll see you later homie have a good one where did these cooked pork chalks when did I get these they it’s whatever all right oh wait I need Rockets there we go we go that’s what we need that’s what we need we need Rockets should be this

One give me 64 there we go all right so uh yeah once we get this masonary set up then we’re kind of chilling then maybe maybe we’ll just like go explore some stuff for a bit I don’t know we’ll see cuz I’ll have to AFK this offline

And then next time we play we should be good to do the nether highway so I’m just I just tried my on but like why am I Slay what wait I did do this wrong hold up I’m actually you know I’m struggling today man I can tell holy wait okay so I’m going to need a dropper that’s hooked up to a redstone clock or dispenser hooked up to a redstone clock yep which actually would make more sense to

Do that back here and save a couple Hoppers yeah we can do a dispenser right there okay so we can do a dispenser there that’s hooked up to a redstone clock that’s just repeating constantly and then that will shoot out the items that go through here

Hey homie hey singing hey B how’s it going dog how you doing you know I’m chilling man we’re just chilling we’re I’m trying to figure out the Redstone component of this freaking build that I’m doing cuz I’m making it from scratch so I’m like I’m having to

Envision all of this oh that wasn’t great um so hey I’m glad you’re doing good homie [ __ ] also congrats on the setup dog did you look at me running a Windows VM this is going to be a really big building I’m realizing in my builds so that will go

Across my boy BFS just walked into my room room what I’m not even going to ask I’m not even going to ask lety you know what I don’t want to know I don’t want to know I don’t want to know um okay hold up okay so if we do

That and then we come through here and we mine all this up and then the last chest will be here you did oh okay hype dog hype yeah I hope that works out for you cuz cuz that it should I mean I don’t see why it wouldn’t so I’m fingers crossed for you

Dog cuz yeah Apple’s not great for running [ __ ] so especially if you’re PC gaming that’s kind of like a death sentence unfortunately okay so if we run it like this all right hear me out hear me out let me cook let me cook so we have

This wait did it didn’t work or it sucks ass that Apple’s bad I I I despise apple as a company so I uh I just I think that they just like they their products aren’t bad but they’re so unbelievably overpriced for what they are and the

Fact that they do that thing with the phone every year G I hate it Apple’s bad yeah yep all right so looking at this we go like this we come through here it hits that and then that slides across so this spot has a sign do I have a sign on me I

Do have a sign on me let’s go this is going to be a really I’m realizing this is going to be a really big building in the city I was trying to make it small and compact but that ain’t happening I’m realizing so that will have that pricing sucks but

Their phones get the job done and they have a better in and they have better internal Hardware I would not agree with that I’m sorry dog I wouldn’t agree that one hi elf Apple all they do dude is they their Hardware hasn’t barely changed like their camera like or at least like the

Technology behind the camera hasn’t changed since like the freaking iPhone 11 all the way or the iPhone 10 sorry up to the current one like it’s not that their Hardware is better it’s just that they’re more popular like most Androids have most Androids that are like from Good companies have better

Hardware like my Google pixel has better Hardware than an Apple iPhone but it’s just it’s it’s just that Apple just has The Branding that’s that’s why apple is so popular and they have a very easy to use UI that like most people can use and is

Very easy to learn so there are a lot of people are so like you know got into that like young and now are so used to it that they’re just like that’s what what they use so but I just don’t like apple cuz I think they charge ridiculous prices for

A phone where they change like one to two features like most of like I’m a Google pixel fan and every single time they release a new pixel and there’s like probably 20 to 30 changes and they’re all just huge improvements off the last one so but you know that’s just me

That’s just me dog so uh what am I going to make the floor out of in the mine my brother’s boyfriend BF is I’m going ask him why the hell he got a m outfit do that guess it’s a good example of the power of marketing though I’m

100% with you not worth it in the slice yeah I only I it pained me but I had to buy an iPhone for my face tracking um because it’s the only one that has the um infrared camera on the front of the phone that can can use um that can sense

Like depth it’s the only one that has like the dep like the proper depth camera with their AR face tracking kit so that’s I have to use I use an iPhone for my webcam basically to track my face but it pained me I will say this much

Though it did it is like it works really well but I bought a used one I was not about to give Apple my money I probably could use one off of eBay so but yeah no marketing a huge thing dude I’ve been learning all about that cuz I’m in an entrepreneurship

Class and I’ve been I’ve been learning so much about all that so [ __ ] hey yo how you doing Ace how you doing dog I’ve been doing good I’m just chilling you know what the [ __ ] is a maid fetish is that I’m not being the one to

Explain that to you lety I’m I’m not being the one to explain that I only use apple because of the stupid transferring of information from Apple products to any other product other than Apple so true Apple Apple has like I got I give Apple full props on this being able to

Transfer your [ __ ] from a computer to an iPad to a phone is wild it is such a good like they have made such a good interface for that but it is not French floody it’s not French it’s not French you actually use an iPhone though it’s mostly of a hereditary from your

Oldest type of situ oh I got you off I got you let’s not talk about that here let hey yo thank you B how was Phoenix in the last stream lady ladyy don’t worry about that yeah yeah don’t worry about it ladyy don’t worry about it um is just fortnite uh no

Does this look like fortnite dude actually I do kind of want to try Lego fortnite I think Lego fortnite would be kind of hype I do kind of want to try that so no please do not Google it lety do not Google it um also how you doing homie what’s up reaction

Down wait the real question is your brother elf holy [ __ ] um we’re going to do this I kind of like this this is different [ __ ] it we ball um yo hit me with it Ace hit me with it also Phoenix was uh she was good we were

Chilling we were just playing I actually died a good bit I got I can’t I can’t escape that one I died I died two times she died once um I died did dumb [ __ ] she die do some dumb [ __ ] so I can’t I can’t really [ __ ] on her that much dog

Like she did a good job better than I was expecting let me just leave it at that so I wish to unsee I’m such a good Superior also what the [ __ ] hey yo what do you mean what the [ __ ] yeah lety you should just if we

Tell you don’t worry about it you should not worry about it we we know something that you don’t and we wish we unne something that we that you didn’t know yo what’s up B what did wait I thought laau was how French people laughed at jokes ain’t no

Way way dog a I I’m sorry ain’t no [ __ ] way Ain’t No Way Ain’t No Way Ace um how much we got oh we got 197 we’re chilling did you see the vids that I sent on the form I did not dog I’ve been I’ve been a little busy with school so I

Haven’t I haven’t looked at the form in a while I I’ll be a full transparency I will check them out but I will I if you guys fill out the form I probably won’t be looking at the form until I’m doing uh until I’m doing a react stream um so

Because I I just have so much going on that it’s I don’t I can’t really like manage that unless I’m like deliberately know I’m doing a stream and I got to start compiling stuff for it so but I will take a look at them so it’s important I should know that hey

Yo yeah you know what’s up verb you know what’s up dog I don’t think my brother’s boyfriend is a fboy he’s just a guy that likes acting like a girl that’s a fboy that’s a fan booy that is exactly the definition of a fan booy so oh yeah um yeah it is

A it’s a feminine male do that’s literally what the definition of a funboy is so how did I do this one over here okay I did do that so like I don’t mean to be mean but are there like it’s like this to be taken with no offense you’re fine B then if

Somebody takes offense to that then like that’s that’s the bigger underlying issue you’re just asking a question dog don’t don’t apologize for that oh [ __ ] okay there we go what the [ __ ] is this kinky [ __ ] there and into um exactly what it sounds like I don’t know what I don’t know how

To break that t but it’s exactly what it sounds like man yeah those are two different things Ace trust me I would know what those i i i i CU I’ve got I deal with people who like I’ve got to be cognizant of that so don’t worry you’re chilling dog

Okay we need to fill this in with dirt there we go all good dog H all right we’re making good progress we’re we’re doing better than I thought not going to lie so keep out of my room yeah lety what is up with them in your room it’s just weird

Man like it’s just weird dog I don’t know what is up with them and their obsession with like [ __ ] in your room and [ __ ] but you know it’s a little odd all going say it’s the biggest I don’t know dude you know what I have a theory I

Have a game theory if you will God I’m actually going to off myself I can’t believe I just said that what if it’s because they are worried that they’re going to get caught by your parents so they do it in your room so that way if your parents check their room they can’t

Find them I’m just spitting it out I’m just spitting ideas but it’s just odd all right yeah you know I’m I’m just a tad bit smart dog I’m just a tab is smart um BB I can answer that but I’m going to have to ask where the [ __ ] are you

CU like if you’re if you’re like in the US like that’s one thing but if you’re like in Canada like Derpy and them are I I don’t I I can’t answer that dog cuz I I don’t know anything Canada yeah don’t do the movies movies

Are bad um I like coffee or lunch um you’re in college right B you’re in University you’re in pennsylv oh okay you’re you’re in like I’m from Ohio man so I don’t live there anymore but I grew up there went to high school there all that

[ __ ] so like you’re kind of in like my backyard and [ __ ] so like I know I got you um yeah don’t do yeah lety is right do not do movies movies is a bad first state it’s uh it kind of just screams I don’t want to get to know you um which I

Don’t think is what you want um oh okay [ __ ] sick dude sick you’re a freshman oh you’re a fres in high school my bad I thought you were in University my be my be um yeah no um I like coffee I think lunch is

Good um hell dude if you if you want to get big bonus points uh do a picnic in the park and plan the whole thing that’s a that that’ll get you massive bonus points I’ve done that a couple times um so yeah I there there’s a lot of

Different the you can do a lot of different things but um I don’t know I think I think though I I always like those I think just so long as you put in effort and it’s some place wherever you’re going it’s something that you can

Get to know the person at or like while doing that’s really all that matters cuz that’s like at the end of the day that’s like what they want W risen thank you thank you yeah I uh I uh I plan a bunch of I I I like to play cute little fun

Dates and stuff um for me and whenever I’m dating somebody I’m currently single I’m so sad I’m just joking I’m joking I’m joking holy [ __ ] um but yeah no that’s those are those are kind of what you need to do you just got to also like don’t be

Scared to like go outside of your comfort box um and like really you know like really like do something that kind of puts you out there cuz worst thing is they worst thing is they say uh no and then uh you move on you’re s

Trust me you’ll be sad for like a day and then you’ll move on you’ll be like yeah whatever all right thank you I’m basically stuck in snow right now so I probably will see if they want to go to a cafe or a nice restaurant that would

Be good um here’s a tip for you the restaurant is good but don’t don’t do dinner do lunch reason being okay I’m I’m going to lay this out for you cafe if you if they do the cafe that’s even better cuz you don’t want a time limit

Okay you don’t want to be stuck at like a at a nice sit down restaurant and then like really early like end up like being like [ __ ] this is not going to be a good date you have no Escape until that bill comes you’re [ __ ] you’re sit you’re

Stuck there so if you do lunch you can’t lunch is is two there’s two good things here Cafe it can be as long as you want or as short as you want I’ve had Cafe dates that last like 30 minutes I’ve had Cafe dates that have lasted 4 hours cuz

We just talk okay like it it it it gives it gives them an exit at any point so they don’t feel like they’re stuck second thing is if you do a lunch date instead of Cafe if you’re doing a restaurant do lunch because what you can

Do is you are stuck there for the meal but lunch is a quicker thing restaurants put the food out quicker and if let’s say [ __ ] is going really well for you and you guys are inv vibing and all that you can go and do something after but if

You’re not if you’re at dinner it’s it’s a little bit harder to go and do something after dinner cuz a lot of shit’s closed so lunch is great because if it goes well you can make the date continue but with this person we just haven’t

Gone on an actual date but we have been friends for a while still that that’s better that that’s way better I I just I’m the type that like I’ll just go up and like ask somebody like yo you want to go on a date even if

I barely know him cuz I just don’t care if they say no um also I don’t know how the hell I’m single so oh well congratulations dog congratulations let’s [ __ ] go B hype up dog um but yeah no that those are those are just my recommendations but

You don’t really need that cuz you already know the person bro the rizzler of of us no I’m just I just understand psychology I just understand like some psychology but you know so but yeah I get what you mean thank you I got you dog I got you congratulations again dog that’s

Hype um okay hold up hold up the let me let me think for a second about what I actually need to do to continue this progress on this thing um we need iron we need to make Hoppers I’m going to save see it’s 3 * 2 that’s 6 12 so we can make nine more Hoppers there we go I just had to ask because of all the my past relationships have have been either physically or mentally abusive I am so sorry to hear that

Dog yeah the mental side is always in my opinion I think the mental side’s worse I would rather take the the physical but that’s just me but no I you shouldn’t have to deal with that at all like in any way but trust me if if anything’s ever going

Like that dog just get the [ __ ] out I I learned that one the hard way way and now I’m like if I if I sense that at all I’m I’m [ __ ] out I’m I’m running with my tail between my legs you should not don’t dog don’t be used to it that’s

Worse bad Bonk Bonk have enough self make sure make sure you treat yourself first you got to make sure you’re good otherwise you can’t be good in a relationship um anyway I have Hoppers I have chest I need a dispenser that’s what I need my brothers are playing Just Dance

I’ve never wanted to off myself so bad Jesus [Laughter] lety hold up oh yeah we got one [ __ ] I had a beer with dinner now I’m uh oh I need Redstone what the hell am I doing so buy please just leave the room and find a therapist for either of you

Either you or the two of them and all of y’all yo actually so [ __ ] true BB all right there we go see we can put the Redstone back so we don’t need that right now and then all right if this works first try after I build it I’m going to be so

[ __ ] happy is it actually going to probably not but you know we’re chilling no this [ __ ] is funny okay as long as you think it’s funny that’s all that matters okay there we go so that’s going to poop the items out this way cringe but funny understandable I got what you were

Saying buddy don’t you worry um okay hold up um I think I’m going to have to build the the Enderman Farm offline thinking about this so I apologize now but that’s going to probably be built offline so all right well I got to go get my [ __ ] ready for school I’ll be

Back on later though have a nice night y’all hey yo have a good one B I’ll catch you later homie I hope your date goes well if I don’t if you aren’t if I don’t see you in stream chat before then I hope everything goes well dog have a nice

Night holy [ __ ] wait what the hell how did I do that all right peace um so hey thank you homie thank you there we go all right yeah okay we’re going to do this I’m thinking I’m thinking I’m thinking all right we’re going to be one hopper short unlucky all right there we Go one hopper short man yeah okay this this should be fine this should be fine we can always expand the storage down thinking about this but all right let’s get this stuff mined up and then let’s get the floor underneath that taken care of um okay so we should do this boom boom

Boom all right and that will basically be into the floor we’re going to have to make more of these aren’t we wait maybe hey yo welcome back back lety welcome back dog okay that should go like that and then me fill this in just so mobs can’t spawn

This should be there wait should that be no that should not be there this can be dirt as well nope wrong thing what am I doing all right we do that there we go so that should be five stars in Just Dance or just God damn it ly

Holy [ __ ] dog on him dog on him ladyy okay oh um okay hold up hold up do we make this I like that but I want to make this a box down here so we do that and then we do this I see how we’re doing this hold up I’ve

Got the vision now I’ve got the vision took me a second to think through this all right so we do this so this is our floor of the building we’re going to need to to wire up some Redstone here in a bit but that’s fine I want to get the techn

Technical sides down first I need two more pieces of of packed ice should be over here right it should be ice is there ice oh there’s goats wait that’s hype hold up I didn’t know there were goats over here okay sick um we’ll be grabbing goats and bringing them over cuz I want

Goats um okay ow really there we go okay there we go all right we’re chilling now um we need two pieces there we go that was three that’s fine all right here we go so this is going to be the stone Factory we do that then that

Waters you place that and then that goes there and that goes into the okay we just come along here and we wall there and then you go across yep all right I understand we need black Stone ow and then uh we’re chilling um so hype hype H Hye all right

This is going to be really good so this what this is going to do is this is going to give Cobblestone smooth Stone and um the this smooth Stone whatever this stuff is it’s going to give all of that in blocks so then we can just build them into whatever blocks we

Want so that’s hype and all you have to do is just AFK and we’re talking a lot per hour we’re talking a lot per hour um I do have furnaces down here h i hi R blade I’m just GNA call you blade how you doing blade how’s it going homie how you

Doing what you up to today oh wait I huh I never realized that put that in there cool hey I’m glad you’re doing good homie I just go to my dinner hey yo good [ __ ] lety oh did I hey let’s go I’m God awful at reading

And English so and yet I’m about to be an engineer so you know you love to see it um all right I think we’re almost there let’s see we need some glass I need to make some black stained glass for it I need do I have more polished that’s cracked cracked I make

Another stack of polished so we’re currently building a uh a a stone masonary oh um we’re trying to make it fully automatic so the first person today who said I correct other than a streamer who I usually see hey let’s go let’s [ __ ] go dog third third Sprite of the night hey

Let’s go wait lady what drinking Sprite man um okay we want this to be okay hold up SC me this okay okay there we go and then let me get this and let me go like this okay think I think I understand what needs to be done here just got to come

Along not over top of the chest that won’t let it open but yes best soda other than Fanta wa you’re usually in Creative building because it’s your only skill dude I love to build I I love building but but I’m I’m somebody who cannot like I’ve played

This game for [ __ ] years my guy like actual years and so I’m at the point where like I have I every single time I play I just build every my make it my goal to build every single automatic farm which is what we’re currently working on and uh the one we are

Currently building right now is um an automatic so it it’s an there’s an auto cobblestone generator up there that produces 72 th000 Cobblestone an hour and then I was like wait I can hook that up to some carpet dupers and so I’ve got carpet dupers that feed into the furnaces here so then

I can feed the Cobblestone through and the Cobblestone will then get it will fill up these chests and then once these are filled up it’ll start piling into the furnaces and then it will get smelted and then that will come out into this dispenser SE will be hooked up to a

1sec redstone clock and then that will pop out all the the smooth Stone and then eventually these chests will get filled up and then it will come on here and the and the normal Stone will get smelted into smooth Stone and then that will fill up these chest so that’s the

That’s the plan is it actually going to work I have no idea but we’re building it and we’re going to hope we’re going to pray but dude that sounds sick as [ __ ] I I would love to see your custom Village when it’s done I I’m trying to build a cyber Punk

City but that I need a I I’m doing a mega build so I need like so many resources which is hence why we’re building the automatic farm so deep slate and Spruce wait what what do you mean deep slate and spirs like is that what you’re building your custom Village out

Of and then somewhere we got to add a door kind of like the door being like right here yeah let’s do the door like right here you’re just for cting because school starts in 5 days I need to make a make my friend a channel trailer I need

To study yo dude you got you sound like you got a lot to do I’ll be your I’ll be your I’ll be your thing go go be productive go be productive go go do something go be productive I’m trust me I’m already in school my school’s already started man I’m two weeks in

Already what uh wait what’s are you in like high school or are you in college like what you what what kind of school cooling so high school word word go be productive dog you got this I got faith no I’m free right now I’m waiting for some clips to even start

You know what honestly understandable I just dude all I want to do is play Minecraft but uh I have I was doing chemical engineering homework prior to doing this choose to join streamers you know what understandable dog understandable valid all right let’s see so the goal of this this I want to

Make this a box initially and then I want to I’m also supposed to make a a Lego castle scene but you dude I love Legos Legos wow I love Legos holy [ __ ] I cannot talk [Laughter] uh but okay okay boom so technically this should work you you spent 300

Rhis holidays oh this holidays on Legos Jesus dude that’s an insane amount oh wait I know what I should do sorry I’m sorry you saying that made made me think of the holidays and I forgot I got full body tracking for the holidays I need to do a I we need to do

A full body tracking stream maybe we do that Thursday you I can pay your debt I dude I’m in debt right now what do you mean I can pay your debt I’m broke bro I’m in college I can’t be paying your dad I gotta be paying mine

Um I just realiz yeah we should do a full body tracking stream this uh this this Thursday how be hype why am I yawning it’s that freaking beer I had and beer make me tired beer and pizza make me extremely tired which what I have for

Dinner but it’s fine I’ll still be up until late as hell broke dude actually I’m broke as [ __ ] lety there literally I I started off January 1st with $34 in my bank in in all of my bank accounts like I started with $34 to my name at the start of this

Year now since then I’ve gotten I’ve gotten some money but yeah uh yeah that’s me ly that’s me can’t relate yeah I know Mrs what are what like 80 bags you said I have an idea for that okay you’re saving for uni dude good [ __ ] good [ __ ] yeah college is expensive now dog

H I have an idea all right I have an idea 60 God damn it buy God damn it hold up I got this idea I got this idea can we do that then we’ll have a little staircase up oh that’s what I meant I forgot I’m

Meant to go get the glass all right we’re remind me cuz I’m going to forget as soon as I walk in here why I came over here so you have like $50 in your wallet but you don’t use it dude understandable um glass glass glass all right whenever my parents give me money

For school I save it good [ __ ] that’s a that’s a gigabrain strat right there that’s gigabrain dog my guy’s smart I can tell all right we just need to get the rest of this glass and then we turn into black glass so that way we it fits with the

Build and then we need water on that St all right hype there we go ruy are you farting God damn it dog all right so give me that let’s toss this [ __ ] back into there all right let we sleep and then we put the water in

Yes now I need to make a redstone clock back in there okay we got to make a redstone clock which I got to remember how the hell to build it’s been I’ve spent a long time since I built a some clock the best thing in college is

Earning wait what the best thing in college is earning a couple bucks actually so true dog so true so true all right so that does that we do that we do that there we go okay so we do that me come along here and we do this like that

And we have to do this like that I forgot the last thing parkour hey yo lety that that that really doesn’t surprise me like actually makes a lot of sense I’m not going to lie y what’s up Ruby my dog is in my face hi darling

H wait why is my oh okay no my m good thought it snapped off for a second all right so we need to get some water there we go there we go double that up all right oh [ __ ] yeah I am of course I’m an anime fan my guy I’m an anime boy

On the internet after all what kind of anime you watch dog what’s your what’s your go to come me with it your brothers go to Yale hold holy [ __ ] lety what the [ __ ] you’re not an anime bro bro how can you be asking that in a vtuber Shad of all

Things come on dog come on man break my heart break my heart dog you’re here to chill you know what understandable dog how much they have spent with the D yeah okay how much how must have slept with the dean what buddy I’m not going to lie dog that was really confusing to

Me that that did not make sense to my head um hey yo no no anime just not my type of content I like to watch I’m not a movie fan you know what Fair dog Fair understandable um [ __ ] I got to get a water bucket back in there so

But no I mean fair enough dog fair enough I just I don’t know I don’t I watch it I watch a lot of um hold up nope that did not work should let me get back in there there we go okay there we go okay Hy

Wait IDK how they got into Yale they must have slept with the dean you know what’s the funniest thing that happened to me about anime hey yo hit me with it you picked out a shirt in Malaysia not knowing it was Luffy I realized it was

Luffy a couple of months ago I bought the shirt for as a closet anime fan there we go okay think we’re chilling so we did that yeah so we do this huh um I like college football but not not really I don’t like the NFL at all

And even college football I only root for one team which is Ohio State University I’m not a big Sports person which I feel like it’s very stereotypical of most people that watch anime but you know here I am so oh like soccer um I used to play soccer not

Going to lie not the biggest fan anymore um I don’t I I just I know like obviously like the really really popular teams but like not not uh not not super into it I like I watch the World Cup when it comes around you know that’s that’s always fun

But um hold up I need black stone I need to build a Rel you support Barcelona understandable your stepdad loves soccer you know what ladyy fair enough y what’s up boys um I go Min I know where I went miny should be over here right pretty sure it was around here that I

Went mining up over here well what team does your stepdad like ladyy I did buy the Argentina Jersey after the World Cup respectable respectable dog it was down here down over here somewhere there it is it’s been so long since I come I’ve come down here I just need black stone

And a lot of it your friend my friend for the $100 cuz discount I bought it 150 wait what so you got it for $100 off is that what you’re saying you miss out on the Jersey deal of a lifetime that’s unfortunate Dog Jerseys are expensive man I’ve looked into getting like an

Ohio State Jersey and so he likes Hearts I don’t know what that means I’m I’m sure blade knows what what what that what’s that mean so bro yeah jerseys are expensive D those things cost some Money just realized I came in here not a lot of free inventory space like I should have a little bit of a bozo Hearts like the Emoji I don’t know she was saying I asked what soccer team um he likes and he she said Hearts

So no like the team I don’t know what team that is ladyy I’m not going to lie dog do you do you know what’s what she saying blade do you know what team that is um toss that out I guess so oh in Minnesota oh oh okay okay okay

That’s why I don’t know I thought I thought you were talking about like a European soccer team you play CMD Center defensive mid Center back and goalkeeper respectable I was a center defensive mid as well I play and I played left and right back those are my

Positions back when I played I haven’t played though in years so but you know I you also play up front sometimes that’s hype dog Striker always seemed fun but I was like God damn bro that shit’s so much running I always had good stamina I just

Wasn’t fast that was that was my problem that’s why I was a that’s why I was a defensive player because I I could be in for out like the I could play the whole game back when I used to play now now I could I can’t no [ __ ] no now I cannot

But um I used to be able to so I was like I just had a [ __ ] ton of stamina so my brother said I’m violent but I disagree I would disagree with that one lety from what it sounds like you are not violent it sounds like your brother is Weird um but we at 38 I’m just going to get a bunch of this three more okay there we go God damn it yeah we don’t need no except we get another thing all right once we get this so we should have all the technical side

Of it done um we just we’re going to build the building now or at least get the shell of the building done so yo what’s up what’s up Blade no he just lety I’m sorry that was just I just wasn’t expecting that yo what’s up blade what’s up

Dog all right want to try remodeling a village in creative mode I am good dog I do not I’m not going to be able to do that I can tell you that right now I’m also I’m streaming just doing this tonight dog so I don’t find anything wrong about

Being G no there’s nothing wrong about it dog I just want no I was just laughing cuz I said he’s I said he’s weird and that was her response that’s why I was laughing um but nah dog I’m good if I’m playing Minecraft I’m making progress on this world

So I know I know ladyy I know it was just it just wasn’t it just was it was just like godamn I know you didn’t mean anything bad by it So all right I just want to build this damn masonary I want to I want to have it done so I would I can AFK It yeah there you are now I got to remember how the hell they get out of here I think it was this way right is this it a this is it hyp h bro my ponytail is getting caught um IRL I keep catching it on my freaking pillow headrest between my head

So this hardcore nah dog this is just a a small server that me and a couple of my like real life friends play on so n this one’s not hardcore we did start a hardcore series like watch say a hardcore series we streamed hardcore the other day with a friend so

Wait being gay is fine I’m gay as well live laugh womany holy [ __ ] holy [ __ ] man I just was not expecting that live laugh woman all right we can get all this Stone chopped up and then we’re chilling all right and then uh yeah honestly once we finish this I

Might I’m trying to think maybe we’ll explore for a little bit I don’t know we’ll figure out what what the hell we’re doing once we finish this I want to get the building the goal is to put a building around it so it doesn’t look like a masonary like or doesn’t just

Look like [ __ ] outside it can actually look like a proper masonary is what I meant to say okay there we go hype all right hit me with some would you rather guys hit me hit me with a would you rather question you swear you’re not on

Drugs ladyy I don’t know if I believe that [Laughter] I don’t know if I believe that one dog I’m not going to lie so BRB hey yo all good buy you know what I’ll say this much you at least make more coherent sense with your sentences than most people that type in

Chat so would you rather be famous but hated but but not be famous but loved not be famous but loved [ __ ] [ __ ] although then again if you’re famous you can make a lot of money so I wouldn’t need to do a lot of I wouldn’t need to work actually

[ __ ] it I’d rather be famous but hated cuz I don’t care if people hate I I just do [ __ ] that I want to do man that’s that’s my life goal I just do whatever I want to do when I want to do it that I I would say that for that I

Would much rather be loved but I’m assuming you mean by like my fan base or like you mean I’d be hated by my fan base or do you mean I’d be hated by the people I love cuz if it’s by the people I love then [ __ ] no I’m being I’m being a nobody

So you would pick to not be famous my brother said oh just like lety okay what if you’re famous for being a criminal honestly kind of based hly kind of Base dog I’m not going to lie kind of kind of a w kind of a w if I’m famous for being a

Criminal honestly kind of a big W you hate your siblings you know understandable so I don’t know I think it’d be kind of funny to be famous for being a criminal like like that I don’t know man maybe maybe I’m maybe I’m maybe I’m odd for saying that but you

Know I I just think it’d be a funny funny thing to like exist and be famous but you’re a criminal okay well hype um okay another one hit me with a dog oh wait I do have the stairs hype okay now one you ask me I got a new

Book hey yo let’s go lety what book um would you rather okay see hold up hold up hold up I’m thinking I’m thinking give me a second would you rather get a million dollars but never be able to play game or sorry no no no no would you rather

Get a billion dollars but you can never go on social media again like and that means any social media I’m talking like YouTube Tik Tok insta any social media you can never go on social media again but you get a billion dollars um but you can never you that’s

Like you’re you know like a lot of people are like dependent on it or you don’t or you get a billion dollars but you’re the person that you love the most dies which one you taking it’s a mystery hey yo let’s go I’m definitely taking the social media

One actually no no no [ __ ] it [ __ ] it would you rather be on social you would you rather not have you you can’t you get a billion dollars actually no let’s lower it you get a million dollars you can’t go on social media ever again or you

Get you get a million dollars but you can never go on social media ever again or or you get a million dollar or sorry you don’t get a million dollars but you can go on you can go on social media as much as you want and like you there will always be something

New and interesting that you can find like so you either get to get a million dollars never use social media or you get to use social media as much as you want and always find new interesting things but you don’t get the million you would pick social you would

Be on social media and bro give me that [ __ ] money I’m already barely on all right hit me with it cuz I’m already barely on social media to begin with so I need lightning light rods social media that’s wild that’s the difference between us I would choose to

Never be on social media I barely am on it to begin with dog that’d be the freest million of my life I’d be out I’d be like see you guys I would just go I’d go and live how else am I supposed to watch your stream you know what understandable lety I I

Appreciate the compliment I appreciate it but in all fairness if I was offered a million dollars and I and I just meant never streaming again or going on social media dog I would never I would never I can promote a business and invest so it would earn more money but if it fails

I can build a good Community you know what that’s a fair point that’s a really fair point I see where you’re coming from I’m thinking more just in the aspect of like using it in your common everyday lives and money doesn’t always gener generate happiness no but not

Being able to work because I want a family dog like I want to I want to have kids a wife all that so not being able to work and just being able to spend every you know day that I’m awake like you know every free moment I can have

With my family would be like or my you know family once I have one would be like that would make me the happiest person I could be so and and a million dollars dog like I could work for maybe five seven years put that [ __ ] in a

Mutual fund let that [ __ ] double in 7 years that [ __ ] becomes that um how could you find a job hiring really because the mostly promote online I’m an engineer they engineering does not promote online dog I’m an I’m an engineer I I have to I

Have to go out to it’s not that you can’t go online it’s just that you can’t go on social media you can still go online so I can I can still go to like Career Fairs and job centers and [ __ ] like that and get get hired that’s all

And that’s all I need to do cuz that’s how I have to do it anyway I don’t like that’s what I currently have to do and currently am doing um so yeah they don’t they don’t have they don’t promote for most engineering jobs on social media so but

Yeah no dude you toss that [ __ ] in a mutual fund after seven years that that 1 million doubles to 2 million then you toss you toss whatever you’ve saved up into a Dow Jones sustainability index you’re making six figures a year off of passive income realistically for me we

Depend on social media a lot and I can set time limits you know understandable I I don’t depend on social media at all I just watch YouTube and that’s it I don’t I don’t even watch Twitch or anything I uh I don’t go on Instagram I

Don’t use um I have a Twitter you can look at it I haven’t posted like a single tweet I don’t think in like years I don’t yeah I don’t I don’t use social media at all the the me streaming this is most of social media I do

So just marry Rich my guy nah dog see I don’t want to I don’t want to be in that position I want to be the one I want to be the bread winner so um do I like that F door I rather not be forced not yeah exactly exactly dog knows what’s good

Um yeah I kind of like that that’s fine all right so technically this should work I would pick someone I actually like any day because I could be more healthy it could be more healthy 100% % dog that’s exactly what you got to think about all right so one thing we do have

To do is add a carpet duper up here hold up there we go okay cool my crown came in the mail hey yo you seven Jesus Christ lety all right hold up hey yo welcome back elf welcome back dog how many out is this one two three four

Five six seven eight eight okay one 2 three four five 6 7 eight so there nine what they’re shiny you know what lety you do you dog would I rather date someone you actually like or some rich guy well I’m not okay I was was about to

Say um or some rich girl H somebody I like I can I can make my own money dog I I I can make my own money I’d rather date somebody I actually like and like to be around but you know maybe I maybe I’m weird for

That I don’t know so dating for money sounds like a hustle exactly it’s exactly what it is elf how many IND we go one two three four five six seven eight yep all right we did it8 by eight I pick the same option you know what I rate it

Yeah I don’t know dating for money just doesn’t sound appealing to me I know plenty of people do it that’s what people do to you ladyy that’s not good dog don’t let them do that to you it’s trust me that’s not it’s not good it ain’t healthy and also it’s Petty play yeah

Actually so true um okay hold up so also elf I’m going to ask the same would you rather question would you rather get a million dollars but you can never go on social media again you can still use the internet and everything but you just can’t go on

Social media specifically or you don’t get a million dollars but every time you go on social media you can like do a so you can use social media anytime you want like you currently can but every time you go on you’re guaranteed to find something new and interesting to you what would you

Pick uh blade said blade and lety both said they would choose the social media I said I would would be [ __ ] gone I barely I said I would take the money so I’m just curious to see what you would play I said I said I’d take the

Money so I could throw it in a mutual fund and then only have to work for seven years and then that [ __ ] would double and I’d have enough and I could toss into Dow Jones sustainability index and just get paid on dividends from the money and that would be my salary so I’d

Only have to work for a guaranteed 7 years and then I can just spend the rest of my days spending time with like my family and [ __ ] so does YouTube Count like social media cuz I spend like 50% of my free time on it yep a it’s adorable lety I love I love

Puppies put the puppy for me yes YouTube Sounds is social media YouTube Tik Tok video if it’s Twitter Facebook and stuff then it’s easy yeah no it’s it’s all social media so you can still go on the internet and like read [ __ ] but yeah it’s a it’s a

Hard question I watch a [ __ ] ton of YouTube but I I think I could get out I think I could I think I could stop if I was doing other [ __ ] so I mean luckily obviously we never have to actually deal with these but they were just born last week I

Chose social media because of the current market industry is kind of High I mean true social media definitely has a lot of perks for choosing it if you choose it like that it makes sense I just I’m barely on it to begin with so I for me I could just I think I

Could I think I’d be fine I probably honestly would take up reading that’s what I would probably do um which I I don’t read like at all and I should I should read but I don’t a million dollars wouldn’t be forever but social media will so you can earn a

Lot of money true but again you toss that million dollars into a mutual fund and it doubles in seven years so then you have 2 million if you leave that in a mutual fund and just if you if you were to leave it in there every seven

Years it doubles so it goes from 1 million to 2 million 2 million to 4 million 4 million to 8 million 8 million to 16 so like that you can make that million dollar by the time you would retire you’d be you’d have like $100

Million um or you could do what I do which is again put toss it in there and then live off of the dividends and just never have to work which is what I would like besides I get the added benefit of seeing interesting stuff I mean

True is the money in USD or the currency of the country you’re in USD because I’m in the US so I don’t want to I don’t want to convert it over also yeah yeah 100% it’s a million USD dude you go to [ __ ] like Costa Rica or [ __ ] you’re a king that million

Dollars will last you you and your and your kids lifetime no no no it’s it’s whatever it’s whatever currency it’s it’s in USD so one US dollar is equal to one AUD wait then I could pick a million dollars because when you yeah that’s like yeah one US is what it’s USD and

You can convert it to whatever currency you like like you normally would so 1.49 us I can survive without the million I’ve have done so far so I mean true I’ll again there’s a very valid reason for picking the social media one I’m just curious cuz I’m just I’m just very much

Like I only I do this YouTube stuff is the like most social media I get like at all watch me end up watch watch us end up working out and me have a job in Social doing social media [ __ ] I do the million cuz I cuz 1 million is around 1.6 see that’s

Gigabrain dog you canvert that [ __ ] move to a nice like country it’s got a good conversion rate you’re chilling dog also Larry where are you located you get that conversion right dog okay heis in no more games or no more class for a week wait I’m sorry huh heisen no more

Games the secret was not trying all along hey yo NZ wait okay I’m sorry I don’t know what NZ means I don’t know that abbreviation dog I apologize New Zealand is that New Zealand um oh okay yeah that’s got to be New Zealand cuz I know New Zealand and

Australia are next to each other yeah I got you guys I got you I’m picking up now what you putting down um so okay wait hold on you’re going to brush your teeth BRB hey yo sounds good elf wait wait okay sorry I uh blade I need you to come back to

This real quick what do you mean no more games or no more class for a week I’m interested I’m confused I I don’t I I my brain’s not working on this one you’re going to need to elaborate a bit huh no more games or no more studying for a

Week bro I barely studied to begin with no more studying for a week I just I just do my work and I just I just go and take the exams dog I just do the homework and that’s it ow ow my neck um yeah [ __ ] that dog no

More no more studying for a week I’m I’m not I’m not giving up my games this the only this is the only reprieve I get so oh wait I actually just hit that jump I’m I’m goed just [ __ ] go I actually ran out of black Zone that’s

Wild all right hold up just because I’m going to hit my head on this [ __ ] and it’s going to irritate me give me that do that do upside down staircases all right here we go we’re doing building strats here upside down staircases so that way it’s a bigger

Opening give me these ones as well there we go all right so these are the carpet dupers through here should be this yeah here we go ah I got a question all right hey yo welcome back elf welcome back dog all right would you guys rather yeah okay would you guys rather

Be have the invisibility or the power of invisibility or the power of super speed cuz they’re kind of similar and I can I can I can explain that if I need to but they’re kind of similar to me at least so I’m curious to see what you guys say

Super speed know what understandable good choice speed I think speed is just like the better option I was curious if somebody would choose invisibility CU I was curious to see what they would argue I feel like spe yeah I agree I feel like speed would have more benefits I was

Just curious to see if anybody chose invisibility because I would be curious to see what they what their argument for it is okay So there we go yo go for it go for it cuz I I have an explanation in my head as to why I would choose speed but I’m I’m curious I I’m curious if there would be a reason to choose the other so the one power I would really found

Interesting to have would be shape shifting that’s an interesting one huh I didn’t even thought about that elf pop off um heyo elf you’re you’re Minecrafter uh carpet duper yeah okay that goes down that’s what I thought we have this space to work with wait yeah what about it all right

Car I need I need I need the elf opinion um so I need a I need a so I currently have two carpet dupers here to power those furnaces but um I’m confused because I want to do it where I have I would like to have one

Carpet doer duper power both of these furnaces does that does that how how would I do that just with a water source is that what I’m missing do I just need a specific water source oh all good lety have a have safe travels going to your mom’s

House wait so here hold up let me land real quick and then out all right super speed I would never be late to something again I could I also could easily Breeze through task but inv this doesn’t have a lot of per except for it lets you sneak out of a house

Out of the house but with speed you can easily sneak out yeah I think what I was thinking I guess with the invisibility is is you could track people like I guess I guess the perk is like if you’re going to rob a bank and you’re invisible you could just walk in

Behind somebody and then just walk out the next time the vaults open you know like that would be interesting like you can’t just put them in a confined space with hot ERS what do you mean that’s what I did for the other two but I’m trying to I

Only have that spot to work with so I’m trying to make it fit um also technically with super speed you can have invis invincibility are you talking like the flash with phasing through objects so if you go fast enough yeah but invisibility is what I was saying I mean technically though yeah technically

You would have it even if with invisibility you’re not wrong so invisibility yeah I mean technically you I guess you’d also have invincibility technically um the hell oh I pressed F instead of D whoops so all right if you got some would you rather questions for us that’s

What we’re doing right now while I build um super speed you technically have invis invinci invis invincibility CU you can escape easily true depends on how much speed you can do I mean understand yeah the speed is like the biggest Factor here trying to think I think I can tie all these together

I think I can tie this hold up maybe I’m maybe I’m de brain maybe I’m not maybe I am hold up so if that’s going to be on top of that let me do that let me do this I think this works if one of them had to go would you

Choose for reptiles to disappear or amphibians to disappear elf you had to ask the one question question I Pro that my answer is going to make no logical [ __ ] sense um I’m choosing for reptiles even though my whole ass branding is snakes and I’m the and my

Lore is being the son of a snake um I don’t like reptiles ironic but uh I would much rather have amphibians especially cuz fish is [ __ ] good man I love me some fish So my answer probably doesn’t make sense but you know am I going to be one

Short no I’m too short quick way to make your dad disappear extra bonus hey yo actually my well my dad’s techn my lore technically my dad is dead dead cuz uh he died he dies fighting Thor we’re getting technical about it so heisen would I rather

Remember since the day you were born or have the ability to see through walls remember since the day I was born cuz if I can remember everything then that means that I can I would never have to study you get what I’m saying see the Piston’s here okay we can’t do

That this’s going to have to be on this one actually hold up seeing through walls seems more like a curse so is remembering yeah but I mean you can just choose to ignore what you remember that’s my logic all right hold up me of idea that was not the right one to

Mine okay there we go get me out of there hey yo hey yo I’ll catch you later homie have a good one blade I mean yeah there are people that can’t forget things and while nice they also said they cannot forget about the grief from the death of a loved one for example

I mean you make a very valid point elf you make a very valid point there okay we got to go up one more since we got to go up one more there we go all right there you go okay so elf I have this idea not being able to see through

Walls would suck but but seems less painful I mean yeah you make a very valid point all right hear me out elf so we have this room we make a carpet duper and I think we make the carpet duper and this is this is where the Piston goes piston goes

Here it dupes it spits them out put a wall there so it falls into the water the water should plop it this way and it should split if I’m not crazy oh my God El I’m actually so dumb hold up does that split or should do I just come down here and I

Just line that up wait I could just put I could just force it to go like down here and then just place a water bucket on top of the thing so it just goes around I’m so dumb okay yeah I just realized that I can

Just have it go down one and then just use water with Hoppers to disperse it amongst all the things and I know how to I I think I know how to set this up ow okay hold up I me have idea we need we need more I need more

Hoppers well actually I think I have enough chest in my inventory to do this hold up [ __ ] all right hold up hold up hold up glad I could help without any advice hey yo that’s that’s fine that’s fine dog you’re chilling that’s exactly what I needed

Okay not going to lie dog this song kind of going hard I’m [ __ ] I like this song what song is this hold up which one is this selfmade listened to this before that sneeze goes to the compilation he yo so initially we’re just getting the the outside of the building built like

We’re just getting the Shell built and then we’re going to go back and make it look more cyber Punky at the end yeah yeah yeah hold up hold up hold up hold up elf you’re going to be so proud of me put that there then we water

Bucket here and and then we just or we water bucket on one of these and then it just goes to the other one and it just feeds it around hell yeah okay let’s go um I am down to listen to it is it copyright free though cuz if it’s not

Copyright free send it to me and I’ll listen to it off stream cuz I would be down to I’d be down to check it out I just I just can’t be getting copyright strike I don’t want to I don’t want to be if I have too many videos get copyright notices then uh

So all right sleeping through the night and then we get this all right hold up what do I need need a sticky piston do I have any I do and I still obser there we go okay all right hype it makes me sad that you guys don’t

Get the HDR 10 that my monitor has on cuz everything is way more saturated on my game than what you guys see I just realized this when looking over which makes me a little sad but oh well okay so it doesn’t seem so but I’m not um send it to me and I’ll

Listen to it off stream wait a second I have to build this hold up I don’t mind if I explain what the go for it go for it dog um all right hold up trying to think here okay we need to go one more back do

This but I’m dumb built that the wrong way can see do that realizing here we do it over here like that place that boom boom we have to get a redstone signal into that block make a little lever here every verse in the song contradicts each other in some way or

Another and I think that’s really fun that is that’s sick that is really fun I like that all right hold up okay hold up there we go there we go okay there we go for example the first verse says laa is NOAA which is Spanish translated to the truth

Is there is there no truth the truth is that there is no truth interesting huh perfect that’s duplicating is that moving the whoops that doesn’t need to be there right that does need to be there all right let’s go see for example there is a line that says and thanks to God I’m

Atheist interesting huh all right hold up guess we stop here that’s what we’re doing hold up here we go so I guess we’re doing this like that okay there we go so this should work and then we got to do that all right hold up we’re getting this and then we’ll

Get the other stuff I wonder if there’s a translation of the lyrics I I hope check and see that’ be interesting okay there we go so we need to get an electrical signal into that block we can place these there then that comes into that block well that wasn’t exactly what I

Was hoping for but that’s fine um okay I think we’re almost there all right here we go back up dog back up back up you’re not want here dog okay there we go um we still have Hoppers yep okay so that’s done okay there we go okay so I found

One but it’s like Google translate level of ah [ __ ] all right let’s just get some light in here for right now okay sick all right so hypothetically well I guess technically not hypothetically did I really just do that wrong oh my God I did do that

Wrong hold up that wow I really did that wrong um okay but I think you will get the idea of it hey yo if if I can get the idea of it that’s all I need man so that’s all I need God sometimes I hate language bar

Bro I feel that [ __ ] especially for me because um I am God awful at languages okay there we go so we’ll get the rest of that squared away but hypothetically if we come over here we turn that on and you see how that’s going down to there eventually that will fill up and

Then that will fill the rest of these up so just toss this down there and then we’ll fill this in so also the lyrics of the chorus is about is complicate is about how complicated life is hey yo that sounds good okay so do this so let’s just toss these down

Here yes okay this is going to work this is going to work we just have to kind of fill this in but we got that built cuz everything means what it shouldn’t interesting um all right I’m think I can tie all these together I’m not know why I think I’m competent enough with

Redstone to tie it all together ow all righty fingers cross this SW let me see if I can copy and paste it to show what I mean I’m not going to lie dog that might be really hard to read in chat if it’s long cuz I’m going to have

To scroll a lot so just if you can just pull like a section of it and then I can list like I said I can listen to it after H uh um let’s see so wait what do I need to do next I need Redstone that’s what I’m I’m trying to

Do trying to Redstone this up real quick we’re going to see something so if this works then I can have all the all three of the carpet dupers tied up to one lever should be good this is it so much ambiguity this life is going to kill me my empty Heart

Won’t Stand another absence and I know that when Mur murdered and while falling the peace Noble said wait what hold up this seems really dark what this is so much and uity this life is going to kill me my empty Heart Won’t standand another absence and I

Know that when murdered and when falling the peace Noble said interesting that sounds like a really good song but that sounds really dark it’s the bad thing about being good in this crel world oh okay I get I get you I get I get what you’re saying okay am I going to

Ask okay there we go yep that works okay hype that works so also the title of the song is low M Ser Bueno which translate to the bad of being good interesting I kind of I like the premise for the song A Lot pretty sure wait hold up am I

Crazy we do this does this work I don’t think I need to go over one more like that nope I guess I did should trust myself in the first place God damn there we go got to get it going into there okay that’s one carpet duper

Hooked yo go for it go for it elf just need a couple pieces of this just to get the Redstone component worked up so if that connects there how bad is this going to break if I do that and then we that’s not going to work all right hold up

Um so we need that to go in there hold up could you hear it in a stream even if you don’t play the song In The Stream I just got really excited um actually yes I can um do send me the link you make a very valid point I I can definitely hear

It in stream I just can’t um you just won’t be able to hear it so there’s not going to be any like audio coming through so you won’t have music you get the stream won’t have music for a minute okay so let’s see let me do this this this this so um

Okay sick then yeah send send it over the Discord to me [ __ ] I did not mean to break that one okay there we go okay there goes that all right hold up there so there goes that so we should be able to place that like that okay it works it works let’s

Go there we go I I send it to you in DMS but I can send it in the oh if you already sent oh I’m sorry I didn’t even see the DMS it my Discord doesn’t make notification sounds when I uh stream so let me pull that up real quick all right

Okay oh wait [ __ ] I just realized that this is coming through is it not um hold up one second uh believe that should mute it for you guys okay elf I’m going to need you to tell me can you hear this can you hear that elf is that coming through yes or

No holy [ __ ] Phoenix I can’t believe you went back in on that okay you can’t hear it good good good good sorry I don’t know why it wasn’t coming through my other thing uh Phoenix you missed me building this also I like this elf this is good this is good

Music um Phoenix I can’t believe you went back in to read more usop X reader wait I I like this this is good this is really good I I I again don’t I’ll have to look at the translation later because I have no idea what they’re saying but I like

This I like I like the flow the rhythm is good um it was is so good I I’m concerned Phoenix so I I barely I still haven’t recovered from it which apparently she has um but anyway um yeah Fenix you missed me building this also this song

Makes me want to dance elf I’m not going to lie dog this is a good ass song I like this [ __ ] a lot holy so yeah I yeah I I I I’m a big lyric person with songs so from what it sounded like it sounded like it was

Going to be really good and I and like I’m excited to like look up the lyrics and the the music and like rhythm is there so I just got to know what the hell they’re saying and we’re chilling um so Phoenix here let me give you a

Quick run now while I’m listening to this song that I elf wanted me to listen to Cobble gets mined up there from the auto cobble generator comes down here it’s going to fill up all these chests so these chests will be full of cobblestone then if it’s going to go

Into these smelters which have carpet dupers hooked up to them so they have an infinite fuel source so then this will be infinite Fuel and that will smelt the Cobblestone into smooth Stone which will fill up these chests and then once these chests are full of smooth stone or

Normal Stone then it’ll come over here and fill up these furnaces with the normal Stone which will be smelted into smooth Stone and then that will fill up these chests so these bottom chests will be full of smooth Stone so meet the engineer hey yo so I designed the whole thing we’ll

See if it actually works so I I designed all of this portion down here I didn’t design the auto cobble generator I just joed that from some YouTube video but I designed the whole thing and then all you have to do is just I just come up here and if I click

This it turns on all the carpet dupers so they’re all duplicating the fuel for all the furnaces there’s three of them so that [ __ ] goes there um and that should power everything so if that powering everything if I were to turn on this if I turned on the cobble generator that

Would do it so the those are hooked up now but now what I need is um I want to try and get this hooked up so everything’s hooked up to One Singular lever that’s just down here and I would just come in here and just flick

It on and the whole machine turns on so that’s going to be interesting to try and do but also elf that was a great song I like that a lot so I will I’m going to have to check out the lyrics afterward but I like that

Song A lot it had really good Rhythm also can you hear it now can you hear the music again ow so also Phoenix it’s not that complicated it’s just it’s just knowing how to use hoppers really how to use hoppers in water that’s a baby zombie no it’s a normal zombie

So wait you can’t hear the music so you’re too small brain for this God damn don’t s yourself short dog wait so you can’t hear the music at all elf that’s on fortnite um okay okay okay good good good just double checking okay um okay there we go so the inside done

Um yeah I think huh get these out of here there we go yeah it looks good okay um so if I do that we’ll do en close the rest of this I’m trying to think how this works so this to turn this on flip the lever so you power the block

Right is that what that’s doing Ruby no um so if you if you turn on the lever and you push the button so that’s generating Cobble right now right my Cobble should be coming down here and going into ah I see hold up I messed up the water

Sourcing well I figured it wouldn’t work first time I messed up the water sourcing though so just flip the lever like this okay it sounded like SP it sounded like Rock so that would make sense where is this take the where just this take the block okay it does do

That so we need a sign there that works now [ __ ] um well that ain’t going to work um how am I going to get out of here you know I didn’t think about this when I jumped down here what is that that’s key seven oh that worked he wait okay that goes

There um you really need to get a new sayi Phoenix holy yeah we just come out here there we go all right okay there we go so that should work now going to put a sign there CU we got to go get one more piece of packed ice and then Minecraft short YouTubers

Be like I trapped this player in Cobblestone one time two prison actually so true and then there’s me out here [ __ ] designing this trying to figure this [ __ ] out it’s not is that packed ice nope that’s normal ice I just need one piece of pack ice so I’m stealing it from back here

There we go oh that’s normal ice wow I really mind the one normal ice block that’s wild oh no that was I’m just dumb hold up put that back okay so yeah this just we’ll have the shell and the working components done so then I can just build the building around it off

Stream okay there we go I’m glad you realize how dumb I am nah this is genius dog this [ __ ] saves time in the long run all right so hypothetically now if we flick the lever and we turn it on cool so hypothetically we come down here yeah yep cobble generator Works let’s

Go well it works I mean it’s generating Cobble which is good I don’t think any of it’s making it to the furnaces yet I don’t think anything’s making it to the furnaces which is good cuz it shouldn’t should fill those chests first and then you just flick that and then ow

Okay so yeah so I just have to figure out a way to I have to figure out a way to make this ow this mechanism here worked for this block which that’s going to I think I’m going to Redstone it but I’m not exactly sure how I’m going to do that

Yet so we’ll see um yeah didn’t explode the base we just hype uh and yeah so yeah the I guess the quick rundown is these chests will get full of cobblestone and um as these chests get full and The Hoppers get full which actually can I reach that

Yeah so as as these things get full then it’ll eventually feed over into here where will’ll start um smelting into normal stone that will feed out into this which I got to hook this I forgot I got to hook this up to a redstone clock for that dispenser to

Work and then once the dispenser is it’ll be it’ll be spitting out all the stone like rapid fire um and then it will send it all the normal Stone into these chests so that’s easy normal Stone and then we’ll get Mo Stone over here so yeah that’s uh that was that’s

The stone masonary I’ll build I’ll finish doing the rest of all this [ __ ] off camera cuz there’s no reason to there’s no reason to board you guys because I got to go m a [ __ ] ton of black stone to finish up the building so yeah I think we’re I think we’re kind

Of chilling so you can AFK the stone Farm while afking the iron farm as well it’s kind of hype so ow ow but yeah we’re kind of chilling honestly so I don’t know do you guys think that this was a complete waste of time or do you think that this was a good

Build it’s going to give us three different types of stone automatically that I can AFK so I can just leave my computer running and walk away and it’ll do it automatically so we’re chilling I think that was everything I wanted to do so I got to build an Enderman Farm soon I really

Need one my tools are getting weak and it would be great to just have it for all The Mending healing [ __ ] cuz my uh skeletons do not do that now you just need to add some anti add add anti- robers system heyo actually so

True oh one thing I did want to do hold up since we saw it over here give me that me powdered snow I don’t see a reason for that I see a reason for that is that sheep oh yeah it’s a chicken all right one thing I want I wanted to

Do because I saw this in a video or in a short and they said you should do this cuz it just makes logical sense in the skeleton Farm down here um we currently have it set up that it’s yeah you’re right who in their right mind would steal Cobblestone actually so true a

Apparently wait I need to go up one more there there we go okay so hypothetically hey Ruby hey darling this should turn these into the snow guys um hey lety how’s it going um okay so I just want to see if this works does this work I mean they’re getting

Cold he going to turn it into the dude I need to turn into the wither skeletons yo what’s up BB welcome back dog yeah that’s what I’m trying to farm slowness ARS okay it did but the here’s the problem it’s not since it’s snow it’s taking away the one hit factor from the

Farm [ __ ] um I feel like there’s got to be a better way to do this so what if they drop and they hit and then we use pistons to push them over into the snow kind of like we did the raid farm so would you need to do it higher

Up in the process well so here’s the thing if it’s higher the snow you can like see how that dude’s standing on top of it this What’s Happening Here is the snow is like water it’s not they aren’t taking fall damage cuz of the snow like watch like watch this next guy

Come down the snow was there and so they weren’t taking any fall damage see how they’re taking fall damage they’re one shot with the fall damage so what I think we need to do is we need to have it we need to have it so they’re falling

They take the the damage to get down to half a heart and then we do like a piston maybe to push them over into the thing the Piston pushes them over into the snow no and then you can toggle it so then I can make it a I can

Make it a normal Farm as well as a slowness farm and we can Farm both so they we can Farm either or which wouldn’t be terrible huh okay I might I might I might cook something up off camera for for this cuz I like the idea of farming slowness

That should work if my Minecraft Redstone memory serves me correctly yeah that’s what I’m thinking you should be down here somewhere right did I get the only slowness arrows I guess I got the only slowness arrows from it um yeah cuz I’m just thinking about it and

I’m like this [ __ ] should hey CG how’s it going homie how you doing tonight this should work so if we do that why are you suffering buy what happened we do a a piston here here um oh my God CG all right I’m ping me ping me in the Discord right now ping

Me so I can watch it actually hold up [ __ ] it I’m watching them right now we’re watching seal vid I’m watching seal vids I’m watching them right now while while I see you guys talk um BL look at the boy he’s so lazy I love seals he kind of looks dead I’m not

Going to lie but he just chilling he just chilling look get him I want to swim with the seals I love manatees manatees are my favorite animal I want to I want to swim with manate so bad my brother’s boyfriend is playing with my hair and he’s separate in My Curls bro send more seal vids yo what’s up green liquid I heard somewhere that building lots of stuff is the best way now to get bored in Minecraft actually so [ __ ] true dude holy [ __ ] you’re not even not even wrong bro the seals are so cute

Um so how you doing today green also I meant to ask you that how you doing dog the seal videos are very cute um so um hey yo let’s go green also lety dog I mean wait ladyy what do you use for your curly hair like shampoo wise

Cuz I got hella curly hair and mine gets Tangled all the time I wish I need somebody to sit down and and detangle my hair godamn also the seal videos were very cute um oh that hurt my ears holy turn that volume down holy all right anyway um

Yeah so we’re trying to I’m trying to come up uh green to fill you in cuz everybody else was here for it I’m trying to come up with a way to to make this my skeleton Farm here a um one for slowness arrows arrows as well but the

Snow is stopping the fall damage that makes him a one shot kill so I think I’m going to use pistons to shove them after they’ve taken the one drop fall to shove them over into the um snow and and then it’s like a toggleable thing so then I can toggle it on and

Off so I think that’s going to be the plan I’m going to cook something up though offline cuz I need to Monkey around with it and it’s going to be too hard right now you it’s fine I don’t know how to tell them I don’t like my curls being separated yeah it’s not

Great wait H oh also hypothetically of course if you were to put some snow upper in the process and then something to slow the fall temporarily like a spider web would that also work wait elf that’s a really good idea that might work H trying to think could you do that in

The pipe at the top that might work elf might [ __ ] work you might be on to something you might be on to something you use pomegranate honey shampoo and conditioner by missa interesting huh M the only thing would be that it would make mobs fall slower well it would cut the fall damage

Right but if I did it at the very top they should still be one shot never tried it though wait you’ve seen that before but never tried it I mean we I mean I’ll give it a shot offline if it works I’ll tune you guys

In on next stream I’ll let you guys know next time we stream this stuff so interesting buy I use uh L which is like a brand for mine and you don’t feel yeah I mean do that do that lety like just tell them you’re not comfortable with it also um to fill you

Guys in cuz some of you just got back um we finished the factory so like to a degree this is about it I think the best I can do on stream because it’s going to take me a while to monkey with stuff off stream so I would recommend honey but I’m not

Sure if it would be as effective yeah I’m not too sure about that one um I don’t think honey would be as effective I think the cob I think it’ll they’ll leave the honey block faster than it transforms hey heisen just a heads up I’m probably messaging you

Later tonight it’s nothing serious it’s just something that I want to tell you go for it B um yeah so real quick anyway for you guys that just tune back in you flick this lever it turns on all the carpet dupers um which then sends the stuff

Down and fills up the furnaces with fuel that’s the that’s the main purpose of the of the carbet dup that’s the purpose of the carbon ders up Here we flick the lever we push the button and cobblestone generator so that works so so that that works okay so we have we have cobblestone generator and that works and the carpet generators work so will H and then we set up the water system here so what’s happened is is

This is the Cobblestone chest these chests here will be the Cobblestone chest I got to get some of the stuff out of this um but that’s those are the Cobblestone chests okay and then after those get full the Cobblestone and The Hoppers get full the Cobblestone then feeds into the

Furnaces and the furnaces transform it into normal Stone and then you get this Stone and then that comes out of the furnaces goes into this dispens which I got to hook up to a 1C Redstone clock that turns on with everything else to disperse and then that ends up happening

Right here and then these chests get filled with normal Stone and then eventually these get full and The Hoppers get full and then the Stone comes down to here to these furnaces and gets smelted and then gets turned into smooth Stone which then gets taken out of the furnaces and put into these

Chests here so basically what I will do offline or I will hopefully do offline and figure this out is I will find a way to link this block up here in the button lever press into this lever that turns on the that turns on the carpet dupers

And then the carpet dup and then that lever will also turn on the dropper to infinitely like cycle every second it will be a 1 second Redstone clock so every second it’ll shoot out the stone and what will happen is we’ll uh we’ll have a stone farm that we can

Just come in in uh AFK and I can just walk in I can flick a lever every flick a lever probably hit the but hit a button that’s down here that feeds up everything turns on and then I just sit here AFK while I do homework and uh we

Farm Stone so then we can continue to build nice big stuff so wait why is it not picking up my thumb there we go so thumbs up that is uh that is what I do that is that is how it works so it’s it you know no I’m just falling

Maybe you know what maybe elf maybe um also you can AFK this and the iron farm at the same type which is hype so listen I’m trying to build a farm for every single item in the game um so I’m trying to so this is just this

Knocks out three items and one Farm just just hype like that’s just hype I got to go I forgot my algebra Works see you Thursday y’all see you Thursday B have a good one good luck on the algebra homie I think I’m about to be signing out too how long have I been

Live guys can you guys tell me or do I need to hold up uh 2 hours and 407 minutes well hype um 2 hour 47 thank you B um let’s see what do what else let’s see what else we have to do let’s just let’s let’s do a little surveying let’s do a

Little surveying real quick and then I’ll I’ll sign off because I can probably go I can I can definitely do to 10 um all right so yeah you stay back zombie all right so basically we’re building this also like the key factor that we’re building this is cuz um this is the nether

Hub and this has to go up multiple levels and it’s this big out of stone so we need a [ __ ] ton of stone but yeah so we have this um so we’re going to build this up we got to do that one thing we got to do is

The nether portal that’s over here that takes you to the raid farm this one we need to this nether portal I have to break and put it higher so it’s on the same level as the other stuff um but then we’ll have easy access to the raid Farm

Which I haven’t used in forever yeah so this is kind of hold up hold up yo what’s up Cosmic how you doing dog why do you have PTSD um this is elf this is what I was thinking was we could do with the Pistons um and just push them with blocks

Maybe I don’t know we’ll see I like your cobweb idea though that that might work better um but yeah so we have the raid Farm here that we can use um hopefully more um because we’ll have easier access to it on the nether highway so because I have a psychological overview damn

Um let’s see this one goes to Phoenix’s base um this one goes to the sand duper which also leads to the end so that will also lead to the Enderman Farm you also have PTSD lety God damn you could use the Piston solution if it ends up being too complicated doing it

With the web no I think the web would be easier I really think the web would be easier so oh my God I you know what I I completely zoned out and didn’t even see it um God damn it [ __ ] off there we go you know what just going to mine

Up dude back off dog back off w w yeah actually ww I can’t believe I I completely zoned out and didn’t see that you want to [ __ ] off man thank you all right I’m going to go to sleep and then we’ll deal with this um you should have searched about

Maidens then lety wait she says I have anxiety PTSD and depression holy who oh you oh oh you’re psychologist that’s what you mean I got you dog I got you I’m maybe you should put out torches for once no [ __ ] that idea I’m just going to spawn proof the whole ass

Biome [ __ ] doing the easy solution I’m doing the I’m doing the gamer solution which is putting down Moss carpet on every single thing here the whole biome will be covered in Moss carpet and non-s spawnable blocks would it be easier to do torches

Yes will I do it no cuz I’m I don’t want torches they look like dog they look dog [ __ ] there we go they’re block I want it there there we go put a lot of carpets exactly CG you know what I’m talking about you haven’t eaten in 3 days I don’t think that’s

Good that’s not good lety go eat food he’s an engineer when have Engineers ever made even made thinks the easy way exactly dog when am I why would I ever do something the easy way there’s the easy way the fun way or the hard way and then there’s the fun way which tends

To be the hard way that’s my logic so you can’t send the 130 bids a it’s all good dog you don’t have to send them then but I appreciate you thinking about it I appreciate you thinking about it dog take care of yourself eat hydrate actually so true lety take care of

Yourself God damn it uh oh let’s see toss those in there question mark why dog trade refresh here’s a smoker right that crazy hey CG you know why this trade won’t refresh it’s been like this forever I can’t figure out why it won’t refresh also I’m about to look zooted as

Hell for a minute so my light level two three all right two hype so they can’t spawn there I did not mean to take a screenshot but that’s okay um no I think I’m good oh you don’t want to faint out of starvation he needs to restock but he’s

Been like that for like a week how do I get him to restock what do I need to do how do I like is there an easy way to get him to restock also we need I need to get more damn sea lanterns to finish

Off the ceiling so it’s done and I can get rid of all these torches I got I hate how these [ __ ] look they look so bad look so bad toss that there guess snowballs can get over there lower it I’m confused what do you mean by lower lower

It no then all of then I’ll lose all of my progress I won’t like any of my subordinates die so eat goddamn elf I’m talk your [ __ ] talk your [ __ ] elf um going to empty out the inventory real quick I should have more observers right yeah there we go and

Lovers then raise him up oh okay I I think I get what you’re saying I think I get what you’re saying powdered snow in there and how do you plan on do plan on doing more progress if you die actually base valid statement there we go there’s my

Bones this comes in here glass was over here in this One now put the most Mossy stone in there sure okay there goes that sorry just sorting IDK it’s been like this for like 6 months God damn that was not great all right hyp um I think we’re good one thing you know you know what we’re going to do after we

Do the auto Cobble Farm complete we’re going to build an auto wood Farm hey [ __ ] chopping trees that’s too that’s for lames I need Auto Wood Farms that way I can Farm all the wood um so yeah we’re going to we’re going to do an auto wood Farm probably

After we get this one we’re going to make it look a lot nicer um on the outside I’ll I’ll get to that once I get the whole base thing once I get the base shell of it built then I can go back and make it look all cyber Punky but I want

To get the base shell looking good before we do that yes you are rebellious little minion IDK it’s been like this wait look I get it stopping what you are doing to get up go to the table search for some food and eat this a nuisance

But it’s a requirement to be alive yo valid elf actually so valid dog actually so valid all righty well um lety go eat some food I think I’m going to sign off and go chill for the rest of the night um before I go to bed so yeah

I uh hope you guys enjoyed glad we were able to get all the technical stuff of the masonary farm and worked out and just hang out on stream for a bit so uh hope you guys enjoyed and if you did you know don’t forget to punch that like

Button kick the Subscribe and uppercut that Bell so you guys never miss another video or live stream and uh I will catch you guys on Thursday I have no idea what we’re doing yet we’ll cross that bridge when Thursday comes um so yeah but anyway hope you

Guys enjoyed glad to get the masonary set up and I’ll deal with that off camera also elf I will uh let you know if the co if the thing works next stream I’ll take a if if I do it before then I’ll let you know if the Cobb idea works

So so yeah but bye everybody have a good night it was fun hanging out catch you guys later peace

This video, titled ‘MASONARY Construction 【VTuber】’, was uploaded by Hisen on 2024-01-17 03:13:12. It has garnered 43 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 02:59:02 or 10742 seconds.

GAMERS, TODAY the plan is simple, we are going to be chilling playing minecraft.

I really hope you guys enjoy and make sure to COMMENT DOWN BELOW anything that you would like to see on the channel.

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#VTuber #lethalcompany #horrorgaming #Hisen #gaming #vtuberen #vtuberrising #envtubers #vtubers #minecraft #minecraftshorts #minecraftbuilding #minecraftsurvival

  • Ultimate Potato Farm with Auto-Smelt!

    Ultimate Potato Farm with Auto-Smelt! Automating Potato Farming in Minecraft In the world of Minecraft, players are constantly looking for ways to optimize their farming techniques. One popular method is creating an automatic potato farm, which not only saves time but also increases efficiency. In a recent video, a Minecraft enthusiast demonstrated how to build a fully automated potato farm with an added twist – an Auto-Smelt upgrade! How Does It Work? The key to this automated potato farm is utilizing villager mechanics. By setting up a system with hoppers and a smoker, players can ensure that any potatoes dropped by the villagers are… Read More

  • Join Minewind Minecraft Server for an Epic Gaming Experience!

    Join Minewind Minecraft Server for an Epic Gaming Experience! Welcome to NewsMinecraft, where we bring you the latest updates and highlights from the world of Minecraft! Today, we stumbled upon a fascinating YouTube video titled “😺 Первые шаги в MINECRAFT! Новичок в Майнкрафт день 2. Minecraft.Vegas. Первая База в Майнкрафте.” While the video itself may not be about Minewind, it got us thinking – why not take your Minecraft adventures to the next level by joining a server like Minewind? Imagine the thrill of exploring a vast, player-driven world where every decision you make shapes the outcome. On Minewind, you’ll encounter a vibrant community of fellow players, each… Read More

  • Speedy Minecraft: 100x Faster Fun!

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  • Dave’s Got Got! SMP Showdown

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  • Discover a New Adventure: Join Minewind Minecraft Server

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  • Unleash Your Inner Adventurer on Minewind Minecraft Server

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  • Farland Uncovered

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  • Minecraft’s New Tick Trick: Suck and Stick

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  • Outsmarted by Anshu Bisht

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  • Sneaky Adventures in Minecraft PE

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  • Ultimate Super Smelter Guide – Endless Fuel Hack!

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  • Join Minewind Minecraft Server for Serious Fun! #subscribe #minecraft

    Join Minewind Minecraft Server for Serious Fun! #subscribe #minecraft Welcome to, where we bring you the latest updates and trends in the Minecraft community! Today, we stumbled upon a hilarious YouTube video titled “This dog ain’t playing around XD #subscribe #minecraft #minecraftshorts.” While the video may not be directly related to Minewind Minecraft Server, it got us thinking – why not join a server where you can unleash your creativity and have a blast with fellow players? If you’re looking for a vibrant and dynamic Minecraft server to join, look no further than Minewind. With an active community of players like Coleman, Talley, Solo, WindSword, Tygrax, and… Read More

  • 10 Must-Have Minecraft Mods 2024

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  • Late Night Bedwars Grind

    Late Night Bedwars GrindVideo Information give me one second I’m performing a speed test where [Music] is we’ll try this we’ll try this corvex welcome how you doing dude okay let’s try this we’ll see what happens okay and that is oh that is everything to start that’s crazy sorry I’m looking at my analytics right now okay then I go when’s the next event welcome guest the next event probably to be completely honest also welcome Apple user welcome back how you doing today um next event probably won’t happen [Music] until earliest probably May because the last event uh I talked… Read More

  • SURPRISING discovery in jungle temple | Minecraft

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  • Secret Building Tips for Ultimate speed

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  • “Unbelievable! Maggus helps you fight in Minecraft! 😱” #minecraft #maggus

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    🔥 MUST-HAVE ADDONS FOR MCPE!Video Information Esses são os top três melhores adons para o seu Minecraft p 1.20 Começando aqui por um Adon que vocês pediram bastante que no caso é o Adon das Stones para 1.2.70 que no caso Esse adom aqui foi feito pelo Minho mano criador brasileiro aí cara ele funciona bem semelhante aos adons que eu já trouxe anteriormente aqui no canal então você não deve ter nenhum tipo de problema para poder usar esse aqui tem até uma w Stone a mais que no caso essa aqui do Canto cara que já já eu ensino para que que… Read More

  • Unbelievable Minecraft Skills LIVE w/@harveyhead2310 🔥

    Unbelievable Minecraft Skills LIVE w/@harveyhead2310 🔥Video Information what what yeah I can’t me Rel yeah tell me when there you I’m going to I’m going to [Music] freak any lat yeah fine yeah do I have do I have to turn down my all right yeah it it’s fine okay St few okay there you see with the there’s giant see I know oh yeah trust bit of course andness hello hello guys um welcome to the first stream of the week we are going to be doing this all week I hope at least without missing a day goal of the live stream is… Read More

  • EPIC Minecraft moment: Finding the Purple Treasure! #bedwars #skywars

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  • Thorge’s EPIC Minecraft Realm Revealed! Fortnite Gameplay Next!

    Thorge's EPIC Minecraft Realm Revealed! Fortnite Gameplay Next!Video Information e damn Dam e e all righty guys ready are you guys ready yeah yeah I’ve been ready come on all right Lily I’ll send you an invite what’s your uh name on here Minecraft mhm poke neck same as any other game are you okay do you need some water no you sound like you haven’t had a single drop of anything to drink today dude I literally just took a sip hydrate no oh okay sorry it’s okay I don’t know if I’ve had water today either I literally have Jesus Christ people oh my God… Read More

  • QuackLandia

    QuackLandiaQuackLandia is a new and exciting server. you can play with the versions 1.8 to the latest version. You can even play with your bedrock edition friends! Enjoy gamemodes such as Towny, Skyblock and a unique gamemode SkyGrind. We have so much to come and see! Read More

  • Simply Vanilla Semi-Anarchy 1.20 EU No Hacks No Map Resets

    Simply Vanilla – Anarchy with NO Hacking! We have been online since 2019 with a strong discord community and active players. No hacking/duping allowed. Vanilla world-borders and accessible Nether-roof. IP: Discord: Join our Discord Website: Visit our website Map size: 10 TB+ What escaping spawn looks like: Watch here Can you do better? Join Today! – escape spawn, make your starter base, make allies, betray and conquer bases! Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Spice Rating: New & Improved Base Tour!

    I guess you could say the base got a 20/20 vision upgrade! Read More

  • Crafting a Custom Shield: Minecraft PE 2024 Guide

    Crafting a Custom Shield: Minecraft PE 2024 Guide In Minecraft Pocket Edition, a custom shield you can wield, Craft it with a banner, your enemies to shield. Watch the tutorial, follow along with glee, Customize your shield, for all to see. Java or Bedrock, the choice is yours to make, With a few simple steps, your shield will take shape. Protect yourself in style, with a design so fine, In Minecraft Pocket Edition, your shield will shine. So grab your materials, and let your creativity soar, Customize your shield, like never before. With a banner and a shield, your foes you’ll outsmart, In Minecraft Pocket Edition, you’ll… Read More


    THE BEST MINECRAFT MEMES EVER 🔥 Why did the creeper go to therapy? Because it had too much TNTsion! Read More

  • Crafting a Portal to Clementdav in Minecraft

    Crafting a Portal to Clementdav in Minecraft Minecraft Portal Creation: Exploring the World of Clementdav Introduction In the vast world of Minecraft, players often seek to create portals to explore new dimensions and realms. One such portal that has gained popularity is the Clementdav portal, inspired by an Indonesian Minecraft YouTuber. Let’s delve into the process of creating this unique portal and what adventures await within. Creating the Portal To construct the Clementdav portal, players will need obsidian as the main material, along with blue and orange concrete as additional materials. The portal is typically built in a 4×5 dimension, with the colors representing the YouTuber’s… Read More

  • Join Minewind Minecraft Server for the Ultimate Survival Experience!

    Join Minewind Minecraft Server for the Ultimate Survival Experience! Are you looking for a new Minecraft server to join? Look no further than Minewind! With a vibrant community and exciting gameplay, Minewind offers a unique experience for all players. Whether you’re a seasoned pro or just starting out, Minewind has something for everyone. Join us at Minewind server IP YT.MINEWIND.NET and embark on your next Minecraft adventure. Explore new worlds, build epic structures, and make lasting friendships along the way. Don’t miss out on the fun – join Minewind today! Remember, the world of Minecraft is vast and full of possibilities. So why not make Minewind your new… Read More

  • Mastering the Minecraft Desert

    Mastering the Minecraft Desert Surviving a Desert Wasteland in Minecraft Embark on a thrilling adventure with zman1064 as he attempts to conquer the challenges of surviving in a scorching desert wasteland in Minecraft. Similar to other popular series like Thrite’s “Surviving Minecraft’s Hottest Mod” and Wrld’s “Surviving a Frozen Superflat Wasteland in Minecraft,” zman1064 faces a multitude of obstacles in this unforgiving environment. Struggling to Beat the Heat As zman1064 navigates the blistering desert biome, he quickly realizes the importance of staying hydrated and cool. Despite seeking refuge in a nearby village, the relentless heat continues to pose a threat to his survival…. Read More

  • Insane Watermelon Craft: Pick the Winning Wheel!

    Insane Watermelon Craft: Pick the Winning Wheel!Video Information I found a new Wheel of Fortune in Minecraft subscribe to the channel if you want to save tvom baby I’m watching you hey guys you have a zombie with you today is everyone’s long awaited Wheel of Fortune column and we’ve got a lot of interesting characters participating today look we’ve got Mong long legs speaker vman dim dim dim here we’ve got rainbow friend Grimace Shake bons a rabbit White Cloud and Minion well let’s get started let’s take a look at each of these characters lots of interesting story for you to see today be… Read More

  • Scary Lunar Moon Minecraft Hide Challenge

    Scary Lunar Moon Minecraft Hide ChallengeVideo Information [Music] wake up wake up it’s no use this villager just won’t wake up oh H something’s wrong what about the others are they the same this villager is still asleep too this is bad oh H but why what is this it’s like we’re the only ones in the village who can wake up why there must be a reason yeah for now let’s investigate Mikey sounds good JJ we’re home now if we’re going to find the cause of this look in here Mikey it’s where I keep all of my security items M look wo… Read More

  • “Insane Minecraft Secret Revealed by Zyaan077! 😱” #minecraft

    "Insane Minecraft Secret Revealed by Zyaan077! 😱" #minecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘Gulu Gulu Minecraft Google😂😆 #minecraft’, was uploaded by Zyaan077 on 2024-01-10 17:12:41. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Read More

  • Crazy Proof: Faking Minecraft’s Top Challenge

    Crazy Proof: Faking Minecraft's Top ChallengeVideo Information this is my Sky Block world but it isn’t real for 5 weeks straight I’ve been uploading fake episodes without anyone realizing just to prove a point Sky Block is such a popular challenge that just about everyone and their mom knows what Sky Block is and how it works so I decided to use your own Minecraft knowledge to deceive you you know what’s scarier than falling and losing your Sky Block World losing your 2-year hardcore world when you hit the ground down below I’m going to make a Sky Block Island and ye all my… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Boat Trick You Won’t Believe 😱 #shorts

    Insane Minecraft Boat Trick You Won't Believe 😱 #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft How To Do Boat With Water Clutch to @YesSmartypie 🥰 #shorts’, was uploaded by Insane launda on 2024-01-15 05:10:23. It has garnered 941 views and 37 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:17 or 17 seconds. Read More

  • 100 Days Survival in Jujutsu Kaisen x Hardcore Minecraft

    100 Days Survival in Jujutsu Kaisen x Hardcore MinecraftVideo Information [Music] all right today we come here back again with goo and sakuna inside of jjk better Minecraft this basically means Jujutsu Kaizen mixed into a world of better Minecraft as you know better Minecraft is basically vanilla Minecraft but with over 300 mods added this means stuff like Twilight Force the end the nether all these things enhanced as well as the Aether this means so many different mobs are going to be combined and we’re going to see how the jjk mobs such as sakuna toi and Gojo all affect the worlds of Minecraft I hope… Read More

  • Minecraft Pro Reveals Top TNT Hacks! #shorts #minecraft

    Minecraft Pro Reveals Top TNT Hacks! #shorts #minecraftVideo Information [Music] [Music] e This video, titled ‘Minecraft Tik Tok Hacks TNT | Minecraft Tik Tok Hacks v. 1.16 #shorts #minecraft’, was uploaded by Skill Gaming Zone on 2024-01-14 10:24:23. It has garnered 2463 views and 72 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:23 or 23 seconds. Minecraft Tik Tok Hacks TNT | Minecraft Tik Tok Hacks v. 1.16 #shorts #minecraft business _ [email protected] Instagram link 👇👇 Facebook page link👇👇 minecraft tiktok hacks tnt, minecraft tiktok hacks tnt launcher, minecraft tiktok hacks tnt cannon, minecraft tiktok hacks tnt heart, ayush more minecraft tiktok hacks tnt launcher,… Read More


    INSANE: GerG DESTROYS BED❤️#REAL #MINECRAFT #CLICKBAITVideo Information вместе мы так глупо ссорились друг против друга А помнишь я к тебе подхожу И я такой пау пау пау а ты типа бум-бум м-м-м наношу тебе удары по сердцу тем что ещё живо пау пау пау а ты типа ммммм рядом с тобой рядом с тобой This video, titled ‘сломал кроватку❤️#reallyworld #minecraft #bedwars #skywars #shorts’, was uploaded by GerG on 2024-01-08 09:17:38. It has garnered 1879 views and 60 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:16 or 16 seconds. Read More

  • SHOCKING: Family ties in Sakura School Simulator Music Video Part 1!

    SHOCKING: Family ties in Sakura School Simulator Music Video Part 1!Video Information This video, titled ‘DRAMA SAKURA SCHOOL SIMULATOR || He’s my family || ♪ Music Video ♪ {Part 1}’, was uploaded by Fhaa Chanell on 2024-03-07 07:37:01. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Hello Faa here! From this video I was inspired by @YeosM YouTuber Minecraft, namely a music video which means not using… Read More

  • CraftingRealm

    CraftingRealmWelcome to CraftingRealm, the premier destination for Minecraft enthusiasts! Our server offers a wide range of gameplay options, including survival & creative, so there’s something for everyone. There are loads of Enjoyable Plugins on the survival server to keep the fun alive and to foster enjoyment! (McMMO, GreifPrevention, etc) In survival mode, players can explore a vast and randomly generated world, gather resources, and build structures to protect themselves from monsters. Creative mode allows players to let their imagination run wild, with access to all blocks and resources and no health or hunger to worry about. Our server is maintained… Read More

  • Farming SMP modded whitelist

    Survival Realm with 9 Addons Included If you are interested in joining our Survival Realm with 9 included Addons, feel free to reach out! Addons: ANOTHER FURNITURE ADD-ON BY STARFISH STUDIOS: Offers 20+ craftable vanilla+ furniture and decorations for your home. FARMING BY PODCRASH: Adds over 160 new variations of crops, trees, food, drink, and mobs to your world. NATURALIST ADD-ON BY STARFISH STUDIOS: Introduces new animals in different biomes, allowing you to tame, ride, and interact with them. SPARK PORTALS ADD-ON BY SPARK UNIVERSE: Craft portals in all Minecraft colors and link them together to create up to 160… Read More