The Story of Minecraft (Documentary)

Video Information

Minecraft has become one of the world’s most popular video games making hundreds of millions of dollars every year minecraft is known worldwide with a 140 million active users but how did it get here let’s find out The story of minecraft begins in the capital of sweden stockholm and while the capital has a sizable population of just under a million people one person was born here back on june 1st of 1979 to a finnish mother and a swedish father this baby was a boy named marcus pearson

And unbeknownst to these parents this boy would create one of the world’s biggest games ever released but let’s not get ahead of ourselves while marcus was born in the big city of stockholm he grew up in a small town three hours north from there and sweden

Edspen with a population of just under 4 000 people marcus’s father worked for the railroad and his mother was a nurse however marcus and his family would eventually move back to stockholm when marcus was seven seven is an important age here as at this time is when marcus

Would be introduced to something that would change his life to match the higher intelligence of the new commodore 128 an apple 2c would have to add three more 2cs to expand a 512k an extra keypad 30 block graphic sets color sprites two more voices four instruments a

Cartridge port a joystick port and a commodore 64. commodore 128 personal computer a higher intelligence and a lower price the commodore 128 was the last 8-bit home computer that was commercially released by commodore business machines the commodore 128 was significantly expanded successor to the commodore 64 with nearly full compatibility the newer

Machines had 128 kilobytes of ram and two 64 kilobyte banks and an 80 column color video output it also included a zylog cpu which allows the commodore 128 to run cpm as an alternative library coupled with the commodore 64 software library this gave the commodore 128 one the broadest ranges of available

Software among its competitors the commodore 128 was released in 1985 and sold 7.5 million units worldwide and one of those 7.5 million people who purchased it happened to be marcus’s father and this purchase is what kickstarted marcus’s interest with coding helping to fuel his new passion marcus’s family had also subscribed to

Computer magazines as marcus explained in greater detail in this gamasutra interview my father bought a commodore 128 when i was seven years old and we start subscribing to computer magazines it was a huge one newspaper format and it had program listings in it that you could enter into your computer and get

Silly little games or fun effects and things like that i started entering them and noticed that they broke or did different things if you changed what you entered i don’t remember exactly how fast this process was but i made my first own program when i was eight years

Old it was an extremely basic text adventure game where you had to enter the correct sentences to move to the next room the purchasing of this computer opened a whole new world to young marcus and due to these silly little games and other games like a bart’s tale an action role-playing title

And boulder dash an 8-bit puzzle game and other pirated games on the commodore 128 system marcus learned to program at the age of eight and while this new door opening seemed like a step to a brighter future things would not get easier for marcus while pearson was a good student

He found life at school difficult after his family moved to stockholm when he was in the second grade unable to make new friends easily he became even closer to the family computer this fondness of video games and coding was described in the book of minecraft the unlikely tale

Of marcus notch peterson as marcus’s mother ritva recalls periods when her son would use fake stomachaches to stay home from school and spend hours in front of the computer and while marcus was finding joy in his father’s commodore 128 he may have found it as his only escape from the troubles of his

Family life when marcus was about 12 his parents divorced and his father moved to a cabin in the countryside in the years that followed his father suffered from depression as marcus says my dad went to jail for bad stuff robberies break-ins because he got stuck in substance abuse

We really had a shaky period pearson explains in a rolling stone interview to make things worse his younger sister also began to experiment with drugs and eventually ran away from home to add on all of this pearson failed to finish his high school he was still living at home

With his mother who was working the graveyard shift at a local hospital she forced him to take online programming courses it was a wise investment as marcus was able to channel his childhood passion into his studies this would lead him to start churning out games following his graduation in a few years

Of working as a web developer pearson created worm online a massive multiplayer online role-playing game with his colleague rolf janssen in 2003 they used the name mojang specifications during the development and as the game started turning a profit incorporated the name mojang specification a b in 2007. pearson left the project later

That year and wished to reuse the mojing name elsewhere wherefore jansen renamed the company to one two three a b and later code club a b heading back to 2004 at the age of 24 marcus landed a job at midas player which you probably know better as the makers of candy

Crush while working at midas player marcus would meet someone who would play an important role in his future games marcus befriended another young game developer jacob porzer jacob would describe what it was like working at midas player in this forbes interview it was a great place to start you’d be

Making small games in flash and you’d actually did most of stuff in game yourself except for the graphics while working for midas player the two began plotting their own games some of which gain notoriety on indie game websites things seem good right now for marcus

And jacob as they are working for a good gaming company and they could follow their passions on their off time but while this notoriety seemed good for marcus and jacob their bosses at midas player weren’t as thrilled we felt that we couldn’t have someone working for us

That at the same time was building their own gaming company says lars markgren the midas player co-founder who hired pearson because of this marcus pearson and jacob porzer were barred from making games in their free time and this is the reason why marcus left midas player in

2009 after developing 25 to 30 games for the company shortly after this pearson got a new programming job at j album an online photo sharing service that didn’t mind him working on his games in his free time it was during pearson’s off hours that he would begin working on a

Cern gaming project however this soon to be extremely popular game wouldn’t truly be realized until another game was released before marcus left midas player however he was working on some projects that would be the impetus to marcus’s magnum opus minecraft one of these games was actually a zombie game with a graphics

Engine similar to gta chinatown wars he had made a 3d texture mapper for the zombie game prototype he goes into more detail about this on his tumblr post around this time i was also playing around with the idea of making a zombie game with a graphics engine similar to

Gta chinatown wars i made my own fully 3d texture mapper from scratch for this first time in my life the idea was kind of vaguely to make a spiritual sequel to left 4 dead another one of these personal projects was called ruby dung the name ruby dung was a placeholder for

The name dungeon game in the ruby lands this was a base building game inspired by dwarf fortress but this game had an isometric three-dimensional view like the game roller coaster tycoon among the features in ruby dung he explored was the first person view similar to dungeon

Keeper but at this time he felt the graphics were too pixelated and omitted in the first person mode he went into more detail on the previously mentioned tumblr pose as the ruby dung engine got more advanced i start thinking about adding a first-person view for following your minions around kind of like in

Dungeon keeper it worked okay but the graphics got very pixelated and distorted so i left it out and while these games contained some of the building blocks from minecraft the game you know and love it would not be fully realized until another game was released on april 29th of 2009 the game company

Zac tronic released the game infiniminer infinitum miner is an open source multiplayer block based sandbox building and digging game inspired by the game’s infinifrag team fortress 2 and mother lode in which the player plays as a minor searching for minerals by carving tunnels through procedurally generated block based maps and building structures

It was developed by zack barth of zaktronic industries with the help of his friend chris gengler in their spare time and released in steps of incremental updates during april and may of 2009 it quickly garnered a following on message boards around the internet in the game players can play on one of two

Teams red or blue as one of four classes miner prospector engineer or sapper each class has their own set of abilities tools and blocks they can build with with each costing a certain amount of metal ore to place most building blocks are team colored and serve a specific function rather than being purely

Decorative and player models and tools are flat sprites instead of three-dimensional objects the sky is perpetually dark and the landscape of the limited size maps is made up of entirely bare dirt stone oars and non-flowing lava blocks it was originally intended to be played as a team-based competitive game where the

Goal is to locate and excavate precious material such as gold and diamonds and bring your findings to the surface to earn points for your team until the winning team reaches a certain amount of points however as the game gained popularity players decide it was much more fun to build things than to compete

For points despite the growing popularity of the game from the message boards zaktronics discontinued development on the game less than a month after its first release after a major source leak was discovered which allowed hackers to make unauthorized modifications to the game soon there were players using modified clients to

Cheat on servers and multiple communities arose each with different versions of the game and it was hard for the developers to maintain infiniminer resulting in fur development ceasing while zachtronics discontinued the development on infiniminer the game was still available to be downloaded and needless to say marcus was a fan once

Marcus played infiniminer he realized what kind of game he wanted to make he again goes into detail from that tumblr post but then i found infiniminer and my god i realized that was the game i wanted to do i played it in multiplayer for a while and had a blast but found it

Flawed building was fun but there wasn’t enough variation and the big red blue blocks were pretty horrible i thought a fancy game in that style would work really really well so i tried to implement a simple first person engine in that style reusing some of the art

And code from ruby dung as marcus said infiniminer is what really laid down the foundation for minecraft and while he found infiniminer fun he also found it flawed however he saw the real potential of this type of game along with this newfound inspiration he also used our assets from his previous project ruby

Dung which were the grass and cobblestone block textures that appeared in the last version of ruby dung and also appear in the earliest builds of minecraft so as marcus sat alone in his stockholm apartment in 2009 during his free time he reused some art and code from multiple earlier projects like ruby

Dung and he then began working on a clone of infiniminer simply called cave game cave game took him about a week and when this was done marcus decided to upload a video of the tech test of his new cave game to show it off and the

Video of his cave game tech test got good responses which drove him to complete the game he describes this in his tumblr post the response was very positive and i was blown away with how good the frame rate was and how well it ran in a browser so i decided to go for

It i knew i didn’t want the flat sprite look of enemies that infiniminer had but i also knew i wasn’t a good enough artist to make anything that looked really good additionally realistic looking mods would clash horribly with the terrain as marcus was working on the

Game he realized that he needed to make a player character as there was no player character in the beginning just a hitbox that was 1.7 blocks tall luckily for him he already had a model for the characters remember when marcus was creating that 3d texture mapper for a

Zombie game prototype which had a graphics engine similar to gta china wars well this prototype was called zombietown which he also uploaded to his youtube channel he ended up liking these player models and added them into his new game he explained in further detail saying then i realized i had already

Made a fairly cool looking player model when i did zombie town so i spent some time porting them to opengl and as you can see the player models from that zombie town prototype were ported into cave game and speaking of cave game the title of cave game was changed by the

Suggestion of paul orez better known as rinku hero who is a new jersey based game developer also a member of the independent games wiki this suggestion happened in an airnet relay chat between marcus and paul and this suggestion for the new name was minecraft order of the

Stone marcus again goes into detail in another tumblr post the awesome same people at the independent game wiki helped me come up with the title for this game and it’s minecraft order of the stone minecraft because it’s a good name order of the stone because it

Sounds like order of the stick one of the best things on the internet minecraft name was also an analogy of the famous real-time strategy game starcraft with this new name marcus completed the base program of minecraft in over a weekend in early may of 2009 and in early private testing was

Released as an unfinished piece of software among the tag irc members on the 16th of may in 2009 and then on the next day of may 17th of 2009 with the name now being shown to just minecraft the game was released to the public as a developed release on the tig’s source

Forms a form for independent game developers and for the first time minecraft was available to be played and this was a good thing as this first version of minecraft was good however this first version of minecraft that was released was more of a source tool than

A game for most people users could go in and create what they wanted using basic blocks that have been set up members quickly began giving marcus feedback on the new game based on his feedback from the forums he had updated the game this version later became known as classic

Version marcus then released a commercial version on the 13th of june 2009. he reused the name mojing specifications for this release as well now classic version is a far cry from the minecraft we have today as it did not support many of the main staples at

This time there wasn’t too much to do except for craft blocks into shapes there was an infinite amount of blocks the player could use at their disposal although the player could only place old textured cobblestone there was also no crafting or even inventory yet but even

With this game missing a large amount of features this was just the beginning and marcus would continue to update the game based on the growing feedback he was getting these updates would happen somewhat rapidly between september 2009 and june 2010. this would happen during what would be called developmental

Phases these would be dubbed as survival test indev and inif dev i hope i said that one right during the first developmental phase survival tests as the name suggests this version was to test out minecraft’s survival mode survival test is quite different compared to what minecraft is today pigs

And sheep would drop mushrooms which was the only food at the time players could find red mushrooms but these would hurt the player when eaten this version also had a point system where each mob awarded different amounts of points and speaking of mobs seven new mobs were added creepers zombies skeletons spiders

Pigs sheeps and giants and if you’re wondering what giants are they’re basically just giant zombies they were added in the last 0.30 survival test version but they were never officially implemented because they were just too overpowered another interesting fact we should mention is the creation of arguably minecraft’s most popular mob

The creeper the creepers were created as a result of a coding error marcus developed the creeper around the odd appearance of a pig model when marcus mixed up the dimensions with the length and height being swapped once added creepers only explode when they were killed they used melee combat and

Constantly hopped around also in this version iron ore dropped iron blocks skeletons shot out six arrows in all directions upon death gold ore dropped gold blocks and cole ore dropped slabs when a player destroys a block of wood it would drop three to five wooden planks in this version as well after

This was released marcus would get more feedback from those playing it he would then implement these new features into minecraft during the next developmental phase in dev phase and around the time of indev’s release marcus decided he needed a bit of help with his new game

So he sent out requests for artists and got around 30 applications of these close to 30 applications marcus chose to work with a hayden scott baron who is often known as doc their resume contains character creation in the lost wins games for the wii as well as doing

Artwork for roller coaster tycoon 3. doc was also one of the three early testers of minecraft hayden got to work on making a logo for minecraft marcus described his fondness for the logo hayden made in the tumblr post the logo says very much about the style and feel

Of whatever it is a logo for and i think it’s very friendly and playful with a certain nice retro touch to it it also incorporates the blockiness of the game with the clouds without giving too much focus and while the logo is nice the biggest thing hayden worked on was

Actually the player models for the game hayden created four md3 code models for the game the sketch shows that they weren’t as square or blocky as the original models marcus explains his reasoning for these models in the same tumblr post it isn’t as square and blocky as the old models and i think

That kind of scared me at first but the more i thought about it the more i realized that this was the way to go given enough square edges the maws will fit and fine and these are much more customizable and have much more personality so it seemed like a lot was

Happening with minecraft as it now had another person working on it with marcus but as it turns out he wasn’t the only person who was working with marcus as in early 2009 marcus became acquainted with someone else from the tig source forms and this person was daniel roosevelt

Better known by his stage name c418 daniel roosevelt is a german musician producer and sound engineer rosenfeld was born and grew up in east germany in 1989. he learned to create music on early versions of schism tracker and ableton live in the early 2000s it was his brother harry rosenfield who

Introduced him to music composition through ableton live after being introduced to music production by his brother he started releasing music on band camp after danny baranowski who is an american electronic musician composer composing music mainly for indie films and indie games like super meat boy and the binding of isaac suggested that he

Released them there throughout 2007 to 2009 rosenfield would occasionally upload music to band camp as a hobby it was around this time when he became interested in game development and audio which resulted in him joining an indie game development form called tig source where he became involved with numerous

Smaller games and game developments and this is how daniel rosenfield aka c418 became acquainted with marcus pearson aka notch rosenfeld was responsible for the sound effects and music in minecraft the sound engine in the still young java game was not very powerful so rosenfeld had to be creative in his approach to

Creating sound effects and music daniel explains this in greater detail with the guardian minecraft has a terrible sound engine imagine a looping sound file that plays for two seconds and then just starts over let’s say it’s a rain sound effect and now you’re on a beach so you

Have wave sounds too but if you do that you have to play two looping sound files simultaneously making the engine crash and the engine has only 20 sound channels so if you make a crow farm and a sheep farm you can’t have all these animals making noises at the same time

Terrible this sadly isn’t the only issue with the music and sounds in minecraft as he continues to explain so imagine there’s a creeper in the house way over there technically you shouldn’t be able to hear him because he’s right over there and there’s a wall between you but

In the game you can hear them because telling program there’s a wall takes so much computing and processing power that’s not worth doing it despite the limitations minecraft now had three people working on it and it seemed a lot would now be coming to this end dev

Phase with the extra help the in-depth phase was initially released after marcus received a request to let the community try out new features he was implementing in-dev version 0.31 was released to the public at in dev and available only to people who had purchased the game new features

Currently contained a more complex and realistic lighting scheme than classic mode and had support for md3 mod models demonstrated by rana a md3 model created by hayden endev received 29 updates after this during its lifespan some updates were devoted mostly for testing new things like torches or fire narrow

Change was when the player booed up the game as when endev was started players were greeted with a newly added title screen and the options to create a map or load a previous map when creating a map players had to assign four characteristics to the maps the type the

Shape the size and the theme the map would then be created and spawn them in an end dev house an in-depth house was a seven block wide a seven block long and a four block tall structure with a two block hole for the player to exit and

Enter and two torches on the interior the house would be formed around the player’s spawn point the end of house contained chests filled with tnt and a full stack of every type of block and every type of item as endev progressed from testing items and blocks to testing

The actual survival aspect these chests were later removed some other main staples of the series were added in this phase such as the addition of inventory diamonds decorative paintings farming and day and night cycles while minecraft was being constantly worked on the game was being talked about more and more on

Forms word of mouth was sharing the game making it more popular day by day and soon on january 13th of 2010 marcus would announce that minecraft passed a hundred thousand registered users minecraft was growing at a very surprising rate and while this was really good news just as minecraft was

About to enter the next stage of development a major change to the development would occur this change took place on february 5th of 2010 as hayden scott barron or doc departed from minecraft it appears that marcus and hayden decide to part ways due to work-related issues as well as several

Problems regarding animations marcus goes into more detail regarding this change in a tumblr post i went from doing minecraft on my own to suddenly having to wait for someone else before i can move on we had repeated proms getting anything animated to load into the game and eventually i decided i had

To go ahead on my own but with minecraft’s first artist leaving the next development phase had started the nf dev phase sure for infinite development and if succeeded in dev when marcus decided to rewrite the game’s code to allow terrain to be infinite and procedurally generated rather than being

Finite ever since an if dev the maps generated worlds would be theoretically eight times the size of earth and if stev’s main purpose was to catch an infinite terrain version up to par with in-devs content that purpose was filled around june of 2010. some other things

That during an f dev were mine carts 3d clouds buckets signs ladders doors and more craftable items one thing that was a big change was that minecraft and if dev version wasn’t free it was reported that minecraft enif was 10 and this makes sense as it was just last

Month that minecraft got to a hundred thousand users marcus explains his reasoning in a 2012 pc gamer interview i thought if i don’t charge i’ll never get paid if i wait until the game is done it’s never going to be done because i won’t have the money to sustain

Development this was quickly proven to be a good idea as in less than a month minecraft had garnered enough revenue for pearson to take time off of his day job which he was able to quit entirely by the end of may of 2010. all sales were processed for the game’s website

Wherefore he did not have to split income with third parties because of this payment service provider paypal temporarily disabled his account when suspected fraud due to the massive influx of purchases and downloads of minecraft by june of 2010 pc users were buying 400 copies a day minecraft had

Become successful for marcus so far he was now working on the game full time and thanks to the new found time to dedicate to the game on june 30th of 2010 the fourth phase in the development cycle minecraft alpha was released during the alpha phase minecraft was updated very frequently as marcus was

Now working on minecraft full time bug fixes and tweaks could happen throughout the week appearing on the game’s development blog with major additions and changes appearing and secret updates leaving the game’s players to discover the included new features and there were a lot of new features added into alpha

Such as biomes snowy and icy terrains boats cows slimes and chickens the addition of redstone circuits a difficulty toggle and lastly the nether a hell like dimension that is linked to the overworld via nether portals it is filled with rugged terrain fire season lava columns of lava unique ores and new

Mobs like the ghasts and the zombie pikmin there was a lot of new things to do in minecraft besides normal mining building and fighting players now have more incentive to play with new ways to play and even a new dimension to travel to with new mobs to fight and speaking

Of fighting that is what you’ll get to do in alpha as the only type of game mode playable in this version was survival and while on the topic of survival mode on august 4th of 2010 was the first release of survival multiplayer however at the time the only

Way to connect to a server was to find the ip of it while still clearly in its infancy minecraft was coming together and it was garnering a lot of attention marcus pearson and daniel rosenfeld were creating an up-and-coming gem of a game marcus was even showing interest in

Starting his own company with employees to help him build minecraft into something big he goes into more detail in another tumblr post i’d love to hire some people and set up a small development studio in stockholm this would include additional programmers and someone in charge of the website and

Community features and an artist that can make nicer glass textures i’m not interested in changing the openness of how minecraft is developed nor do i have any intention of selling the product to anyone else i want to be the one developing it and while things were looking up for marcus in minecraft

Marcus also mentioned a trip in the same tumblr post i’m flying to northwestern usa to speak to some of my idols and despite all the growth towards minecraft and his desire to hire more staff for the game an offer to marcus from this trip could put a screeching halt to all of this From august 30 to september 2nd marcus traveled to bellevue washington to the offices of video game company valve where he took part in a programming exercise and met gabe newell before being offered a dream job at the company now there isn’t any reports if valve would want or wouldn’t want marcus

Working on minecraft on the side but there is a possibility that if marcus takes this job minecraft either wouldn’t have happened or it would have been very different regardless marcus decided to turn down the job even though this would have been a golden opportunity to work with his idols marcus wanted his own

Game company not to work for one as he describes in more detail somehow i felt that minecraft was maybe my chance to create a valve rather than work at valve the next day more than likely strengthened by his decision as he held his very first and spontaneous minecraft

Con where marcus says in a tumblr post i figured we could call it minecraft con 2010 even if it’s just three people sitting around in uncomfortable silence for 20 minutes according to some reports however it was not just three people sitting there as it is said to have over

50 people who met and hung out to talk to the creator of minecraft for the first time fans were able to ask marcus questions about minecraft and while this conference didn’t have the dedicated wham a future my cons this was still a sign that the game would garner a

Dedicated following but speaking of the fans in minecraft minecraft’s first creepypasta herobrine was actually brought up to marcus i should probably explain who herobrine is herobrine actually garnered a lot of attention in the minecraft community herobrine first appeared in a single image detailing an encounter with him it was posted in the

4chan boards and gained some attention it stated how herobrine had appeared in someone’s single player game littering the map with various pyramids and tunnels it is the first media to name him as herobrine from the original creepypasta herobrine creates random constructions such as sand pyramids and

Oceans and two by two long tunnels he also cuts off all the leaves from trees herobrine later grew in popularity when the bro craft streamer copeland photoshopped herobrine into several screenshots to show to his chat copeland had played through the world as a normal let’s player deliberately avoiding the

Work in progress room he had set up for the hoax herobrine was introduced to the stream 20 minutes and 45 seconds in he is confirmed to be a retextured painting copeland then screaming ran out of the room promptly ending the stream however marcus did confirm that herobrine was a

Hoax copeland also admitted that his stream was a hoax however this hasn’t stopped the community from making a story around herobrine one theory states that herobrine is marcus’s dead brother somehow embedded into minecraft this is interesting and also completely false as marcus doesn’t have a brother other

Popular theories among the users that he o’brien is a ghost a higher being a demon a bad omen and a virus herobrine is not an unmodded minecraft and never has been there are no references to him at all in the source code and there is

No code to allow for any entity to act like herobrine it is not possible for herobrine to have existed in any unmodded clients or servers any appearances of herobrine are caused by either mods being installed or because another player is using the skin back to marcus though who is still in bellevue

Washington after meeting with valve and fans marcus decided he needed to talk to someone familiar he reached out via skype to his friend and fellow game developer jacob porzer marcus more likely feeling pumped from his visit and what he has experienced and motivated to turn his creation into something amazing

He asks his friend to join him with making minecraft and creating their own gaming company as jacob told pc gamer i got a skype call from bellevue notch was like i met with them and they want to hire me obviously i’m not interested in this so let’s just make it happen let’s

Start this business i was like okay i’ll quit my job tomorrow and with that marcus had a plan his trip to the us came to an end and on september 2nd he returned home and now that he was home it was time to kick things into gear marcus and his new business partner

Jacob subsequently incorporated mojang a b while marcus continued working on minecraft porzer would develop a future project for the company however they only wanted to focus on the development side they needed someone to manage the business side of things because of this they would soon hire daniel kaplan on

September 13th who was a business developer mostly known for being the founder of at the time which was an indie dev company then only a few months later mojing would add two new staff members first jens bergensten who was hired as a back-end developer for the new game jacob porzer would be

Working on it is understandable why marcus and jacob shot after jens as his resume is impressive gents started programming his first game at 11 years old using basic and turbo pascal by age 21 he was a mapper and modder for the first person shooter game quake 3 arena

He worked as a c plus plus and java programmer for the game developer cork ecken interactive studios which went bankrupt and became oblivion entertainment during that time he led development for the online role-playing game whispers in acara which he layered discontinued after straying from the team’s original creative vision for the

Project after oblivion bergenston moved to malama and earned his master’s degree in computer science at lund university in 2008. during his studies he founded the indie game development company oxide game studios with daniel brynoff and pontus ham arbour the studio became known for the platform game cobalt and the real-time strategy game harvest

Massive encounter and until the 24th of november in 2010 bergenstein worked for the online knowledge community planito even though jans was brought in to work on the air game he later began programming increasingly significant parts of minecraft and the other new member is marcus toivonen or junk boy

Who was hired as mojing’s art developer he is a pretty secretive person and according to mojang no one has ever seen his face due to these new hires the newly founded mojang had six dedicated employees however do keep in mind that c418 is still only hired as a freelancer

For the company regardless this was a huge step forward for mojang and minecraft and with so much going on it was time for minecraft to enter the fifth and final development stage before the official release of minecraft beta which was released on the 20th of december in 2010 and there’s going to be

A lot of changes with this release including a change in price when minecraft entered this stage the game saw a 50 price increase which is reported to be 19.50 with this new price increase a lot of new features were added with the beta release such as a new minecraft logo and

Launcher achievements and statistics server-side inventory rain and snow more varieties of trees generate structures such as strongholds abandoned mine shafts and villages new mobs like squid enderman silverfish cave spiders and wolves new health mechanics using hunger and sprinting new mechanisms like the sticky pistons pistons and trap doors

Melons and pumpkins maps beds for skipping through the nights and resetting spawn points wool dies shears and lastly creative mode which is a game mode that was introduced in the pre-classic phase of minecraft added and removed a few times throughout the game’s development before being made available alongside survival mode in

This beta version unlike survival mode where you must collect resources build structures battle mobs manage hunger and explore the world to survive and complete the game whereas creative mode is the players having an infinite amount of resources to build with with no health or hunger to hamper their

Building and the ability to destroy all blocks instantly hostile mobs will not attack even if the player provokes them the ability to fly is also a feature with creative mode again a lot was being added to minecraft and as the year rolled into 2011 mojing added two new

Faces in january the first was tobias most damn as mo jiang’s front-end web developer next is carl mana who was the manager of j album pearson’s previous employee to be mojing’s chief executive officer jacob porzer goes into more detail on hiring mojang’s new ceo in a mcv interview we both wanted to stay

Game developers and trying to combine that with a lot of administrative duties wasn’t something we saw as particularly appealing nor something we thought we would be very good at marcus knew carl from before and as we met him it became even clearer that we need someone to

Help us out let’s just say we learned a lot from that meeting carl turned out to be a perfect fit and i’m very happy that it worked out so well and the snowball that was minecraft was increasing more and more as it rolled down the mountain

As in less than 10 days after hiring those two minecraft had surpassed 1 million in sales this is a huge accomplishment especially for a brand new indie title from a brand new gaming company and what’s crazy is that this is just the beginning as minecraft hadn’t even officially been released yet in its

First year minecraft roughly sold 20 000 downloads by the end of 2010 it was now selling that many in a day and what’s even better is that marcus or mojang didn’t spend a dollar on marketing as minecraft grew virally from the community online and the community around the game just kept growing

Players offered video tutorials youtube channels were devoted to the game forms sprung up discussing the game podcasts were started based on minecraft players were realizing that minecraft wasn’t only a game it was a platform this is further backed up from research conducted by the university of pennsylvania’s annenberg school of

Communication as it showed that one-third of minecraft’s players learned about the game via internet videos creators like captain sparkles yogcast and pewdiepie had already upload their first minecraft videos to youtube and minecraft related videos and channels would only become more and more popular and in turn minecraft would see a surge

Of new players during 2011 and while minecraft was garnering more and more attention mojing decided to announce their other previously mentioned gaming project and this new game from mojang would be called scrolls since this video is about minecraft i won’t go into too much detail on the game and its

Development but i will tell you that scrolls is a strategy digital collectible card game which aims to combine elements from trading card games and traditional board games an interesting tidbit of information from scrolls is that in august of 2011 marcus received a 15-page letter from bethesda softworks threatening him with the

Lawsuit if he does not change the name scrolls which according to bethesda is too close to the elder scrolls name a little while before this marcus had already been warned by bethesda’s lawyers about this prom and had suggested a compromise in which he would never put any words before scrolls

Apparently that wasn’t enough for bethesda good news is that this did work out for both parties years later and wow that was probably a big headache for mojang they pressed on as minecraft passed 10 million registered users in july of 2011. along with that great news mojing had an announcement to the

Minecraft community and this announcement would be a new way to play minecraft as a teaser was released on youtube for would be called minecraft pocket edition but was introduced as bedrock edition due to the incompatibility of the game’s java based framework with mobile devices this version was programmed in c plus

Programming language instead pocket edition was initially launched exclusively for the xperia play on google play for 6.99 on august 16th of 2011. it was later released for android devices on october 7th of 2011 and ios devices on november 17th of 2011. this however wasn’t the only new version of

Minecraft being released as it was revealed at e3 of 2011 that minecraft xbox 360 edition is in the works minecraft would soon now not only be available via computer and phones but also to console goers as well however this version was outsourced to a scotland-based developer 4j studios

Which also used c plus plus with minecraft growing more available to players minecraft quickly reached 10 million registered minecraft users only six months after reaching a million users with all these new minecraft players mojing went on to hire more employees the first hire was an artist for mojing and his name was henrik

Peterson along with henrik mojeng also hired lydia winters mojang’s first female staff member and lydia’s story to get to work for mojang is pretty interesting winters graduated in 2008 from florida atlantic university with a bachelor’s degree in elementary education and teaching she then taught fourth grade for a year before delving

Into photography often shooting local weddings later she discovered video blogging after attending a photography workshop and began making daily videos about random topics despite her style becoming popular which also led to her raising ten thousand dollars for breast cancer research she then decided to focus her videos on video games after

Consulting with friends although winters had only played one video game by then the oregon trail she decided to play minecraft as her friends thought it would be hilarious on november 15th of 2010 she uploaded her first video to youtube under the name minecraft check as minecraft girl was already taken and

By june of 2011 winter sent an email to mojang asking if she could interview the creators of minecraft at that year’s e3 carl mana replied asking if she could host a portion of their booth dedicated to minecraft on expira play she accepted and was soon at the booth in los angeles

Mana was so impressed with how she acted that he had told the rest of the staff that winters would be hired she was then hired to be minecraft’s community builder and brand director on june 28th of 2011 and she was then flown into stockholm that december and just like

That mojing had hired another talented employee thanks for marcus mojang and minecraft were looking very good minecraft was quickly gaining more and more attention on multiple different devices very quickly going from 1 million to 10 million active users and the game surpassed 16 million registered users and 4 million purchases in

November of 2011 and with minecraft coming out for the xbox 360 the ninth highest selling game console mojing had continued to build its team for minecraft for its new projects and marcus a young man whose new sandbox adventure game and new game company are successful he’s doing what he loves

Making video games and to top it off marcus pearson on august of 2011 is a newlywed marrying eller zetzerstrand who is a swedish base artist and computer programmer everything was looking good for the series of minecraft but would this momentum for the game and its founders continue While the first minecon was only 50 people with marcus under umbrellas in the rain the second one also in 2010 was a gathering of minecraft fans on a minecraft classic game server there was a spleef tournament a building competition and an obstacle course race there was also going to be a griefing

Competition but it was cancelled there was also a signature wall that 167 people signed including by the creator marcus pearson however the third minecon to be held would blow the previous ones out of the water [Applause] [Applause] Minecon 2011 was held at mandalay bay resort and casino in las vegas nevada on november 18th of 2011. this event featured many different events keynote speeches from members of the minecraft community including one from marcus building contests breakout classes with different minecraft topics costume contests exhibits meeting worldwide minecraft personalities and

Commemorative merchandise there were 4 500 attendees at minecon 2011 coming from 24 nations events included the kickoff party to which everyone was invited to and the end to the nether party with deadmau5 where only attendees 21 years and older were allowed into one big piece of news at this event was that

Marcus the game’s creator would actually be stepping down from lead dev role instead would hand the role of lead dev for minecraft to jens bergensten he goes into more detail about this in the tumblr post we’ve been working together on minecraft for a year now and i’m

Amazed at how much in sync we two are when it comes to how to design the game and when we don’t agree we discuss it and something much better comes out as a result he’s truly a great person to work with and i feel very confident handing

Over the leadership of minecraft to him personally i will now rest for a while then get back to work refreshed and eager i’ll be helping out with minecraft of course but also starting work on some new projects and while the creator was stepping down he would still help out

Crafting minecraft with jen being the lead on what minecraft would become and even with this announcement the biggest announcement was actually that minecraft was to be moved out of beta and released the full version of minecraft and with the official release there are a lot of

New staples of the game to be added such as status effects brewing potions and chanting animal breeding the mushroom island biome the mooshrooms the snow golems magma cubes the blazes nine new music discs strongholds now generate with random loot chests the villagers and of course the end which is an

Alternate dimension that is inhabited at this time by endermen and the ender dragon the end consists of several large islands surrounding the main island all the islands are made of end stone and float above an endless black void blocks that can be found on the main island include obsidian which makes up the

Healing pillars of the ender dragon bedrock blocks can be found atop the towers and special blocks known as ender crystals which float above the pillars and heal the ender dragon when the end crystals are destroyed and the ender dragon is defeated you essentially beat the game where you’ll experience one of

The most interesting end cran sequences in video game history and the last addition to minecraft with the official release is a price change as the price of this version was now 26.95 and with that minecraft had officially been released to the public in just a few years marcus pearson turned this

Little blocky game into a loved gaming phenomenon and with the continuously growing fan base jens bergenson was moved from a back end programmer from scrolls to the lead programming role for minecraft and right before the end of 2011 mojing decided to add another person to the staff john kagstrom who

Was hired to be an ai programmer for minecraft john had previously done ai programming work for the battlefield series also added to the mojang crew was the bucket team which composed of nathan adams also known as dinnerbone a man who had learned programming through creating msn bots at age 10 and after finishing

Secondary school adams was rejected from college so he found a job with a tiny web development company but was made redundant after a few years shortly after this he started bucket and then adams was hired by curse where he worked until joining mojang also a part of the

Bucket team was warren liu eric bros and nathan gilbert it was later uncovered that the bucket project that was built had been acquired from curse by mojang as an agreement to being hired this acquisition meant mojang apparently took full ownership of the craft bucket server mod which enables the use of

Buckets although the validity of this claim was questioned due to its status as an open source project with many contributors license under the gnu general public license and lesser general public license regardless these four were brought in to help further develop the minecraft server software and to aid with the creation of modding

Apis and apis are application programming interfaces which provides third-party developers with the ability to add their own code to minecraft through the use of plugins this has completely changed how minecraft servers are managed and has exponentially expanded their capabilities and as for plugins plugins are to minecraft as extensions are to browsers third-party

Developers use these to write additional code to plug in the server as these do not modify the game itself such as in the case of mods they are more limited with what they can do however this also means that they only need to be installed on the server side no

Modifications are necessary in your own game files to get them working and this is where bucket came in bucket was a set of community built open source tools envisioned and developed to ease the creation of mcw multiplayer plugins as the minecraft player base continued to grow it only made sense to keep adding

To its staff and as the staff grew so did minecraft’s publicity as it was soon announced in february of 2012 that minecraft will be getting its own lego set so now kids and adults can play minecraft physically with their hands not just with controllers and while minecraft legos would be set to be

Released in june of 2012 the xbox 360 version of minecraft would be released on may 9th of 2012. this would be happening just two months after minecraft became the sixth best-selling pc game of all time just behind games like half-life 2 and starcraft selling 5.3 million copies at this time and

While a lot of new and exciting stuff happened at a rapid pace in the last few years things seem to have calmed down for minecraft new features were added in new updates during 2012 such as zombie sieges jungle biomes iron golems ocelots trading adventure mode new generated jungle and desert pyramids ender chess

Desert villages and emeralds which were going to be rubies until mojing changed them during development also happening again in 2012 was minecon on april 9th of 2012 lydia winters confirmed that minecon 2012 would occur in europe however it was not until august 2nd mojing would officially announce through

A promotional video on youtube that minecon 2012 would be held in disneyland paris for two days on november 24th and 25th this was the first minecon to be held outside the us and it had 4500 attendees and with all that out of the way it was the end of another year

Minecraft had continued to grow as its estimated revenue for 2012 was 211 million dollars with gross profits of more than 101 million to 150 million of which pearson paid to himself in exchange for the licenses to minecraft’s intellectual property marcus and his company were swimming in money and

Because of this not only did the three founders get to feel the wealth so did the rest of the team as marcus gave the team a three million dollar group bonus and while 2012 was supposed to be the end of the world just like minecraft the earth continued to exist into 2013.

The year 2013 began with minecraft being released on another device the raspberry pi on february 11th if you don’t know what that is well the raspberry pi is a series of small single board computers by the raspberry pi foundation in association with broadcom basically the raspberry pi computer is used to emulate

Video games like with the retropie later on in march minecraft released a new update 1.5 the redstone update this update added a number of new redstone relayed blocks and a new decorative block quartz also included was a scoreboard system a new texture pack format and a lighting engine

Optimization however a few weeks after that mojing released another update but this one was a lot different from the previous update released on april 1st of 2013 minecraft 2.0 was released it was advertised as a new game by mojing that they supposedly had been working on for

Two years describing how it would bring blocky simulation games to the next level the post also contained a change log compromised mostly of nonsensical changes such as a new slab of tnt called ethoslabs and the addition of coal blocks and redstones both of which did not exist at this time there was also

Torch burnout where the torch would burn out after a random amount of ticks and they could be relit with flint and steel there is also new mobs like the horses and ponies which are just cows and pigs with different textures then there is the diamond chicken which are rare

Spawns that can lay diamonds or lapis lazuli there is also the redstone bug which is just a silverfish with the shade of redstone and lastly the pink wither and if you don’t know the wither is an undead hostile boss that floats and shoots explosive skulls at players

And mobs and the wither can only be spawned by the player by placing four blocks of soul sand into a t-shape and putting three wither skeleton skulls on top of the three blocks but like i said in this mode it has a pink wither which is friendly and while this april fool’s

Version of minecraft was amusing what was even more amusing was the fact that minecraft had just surpassed 10 million in sales becoming the best selling pc game of all time at that moment and because of this milestone marcus decided to celebrate with his team as mojing

Took the whole staff to monaco for three days of champagne fueled partying and yachting and as minecraft passes yet another milestone they decide to add another staff member to the team alexandra zayak was hired to be mojang’s customer support agent another interesting fact is that she and nathan

Adams who was previously mentioned as one of the hires from the bucket team would eventually get married and have a kid soon after that hire at e3 of 2013 microsoft announced during their press conference that minecraft xbox one edition would be in the works this would add yet another console for players to

Play minecraft and as the year continued another big update was released java edition 1.61 also known as the horse update this update added many new features including horses leads coal blocks carpets new commands resource packs hay bales horse armor donkeys mules and a new launcher it was then announced next month in

August that minecraft would be playable for the playstation 3 playstation 4 and playstation vita like the xbox versions the playstation versions were developed by 4j studios the ps4 edition was planned to be released on the same day the ps4 gets released for north america europe australia and latin america this

Would mean that minecraft would be available on two of the three major game consoles and yet again minecraft would become even more and more available to play with more users able to play minecraft mojin was quick to update the game again with update java edition 1.72 also known as the update that changed

The world this was released on october 25th of 2013 which added stained glass packed ice many new biomes like the messa savannah sunflower plains roofed forest birch forest flower forest taiga megataiga and deep ocean there was also new generated structures new flowers better networking new commands and so

Much more and even more would be happening for minecraft before the end of 2013 as once again minecon was taking place at the orange county convention center in orlando florida on november 2nd and 3rd this time the convention had attendance of 7 500 people and according to vu bui the

Ceo of mojang ab the first batch of tickets were sold out in three seconds with each batch consisting of 2 500 tickets and during the convention mojing announced the hire of new employee ryan holtz who is hired to work on the rendering engine of minecraft he has video game work experience since 2005.

He started his career at ea tiburon working on superman returns then later for activision at vicarious visions working on the guitar hero series holtz became well known for his minecraft mods however which he posted on the minecraft forums under the name ultramoogleman his modding led to talks with marcus pearson

About the implications of increasing minecraft’s then world height of 128. while ryan’s addition to the mojig team was announced at minecon he wouldn’t start working at mojang till november 18th of 2013 but ryan holtz wasn’t the only new edition announced at minecon as mojing would also be bringing in michael

Stoick he’s most well known for founding the mod coder pack which is a collection of scripts and tools to help developers create mods for both the java edition server and the client main code source for minecraft and just like ryan mico would also start his first day at a

Later date on january 2nd of 2014 and once minecon was done just before the end of 2013 minecraft would yet again become more available to players around the world as on december 17th minecraft would officially release on the playstation 3. and while playstation 3 players are just beginning to enjoy

Minecraft only two days later mojang releases minecraft realms beta which is an official subscription-based server hosting services that allow players to create and manage their own private minecraft servers these servers are hosted by mojang and because of this roams provides an easy and fast way to create servers and allows the owner to

Manage them from inside the game without prior knowledge of the concepts for hosting on the internet roams also allows players to choose from a list of mini games to play temporarily as well as several pre-made world templates adventure maps experience maps and inspiration maps all made by the realms

Community map makers however realms is not intended for large public servers but for groups of friends or as family servers and while roams is in beta it would not be released globally until may of 2014. the year 2013 was coming to an end so much had happened for minecraft

And mojang in such a short period of time becoming one of the best selling games within half a decade it wasn’t that long ago that marcus was working with his friend at another game studio now his game and his company were one of the most successful on the market and

With every year comes more changes to the game to the company to the team but as 2014 approaches the biggest changes to minecraft are about to take place however the biggest changes aren’t going to be with the game but with the people who are behind it 2014 was kind of quiet for minecraft in the beginning along with realms being released worldwide minecraft pocket edition was released on the amazon fire tv on april 2nd of 2014 and it wasn’t until september 2nd something new happened for minecraft and it was the release of 1.8 the bountiful update

There is a good amount of new additions in this update like the new blocks diorite and a sight and granite banners were also introduced along with mutton now dropped from sheep rabbits endermites armor stands and of course the new underwater enemies and boss the guardians and the elder guardians which

Reside in their own ocean monuments with all this new stuff to do in minecraft it would become more widely available to players as only two days later minecraft would be released on the ps4 the fourth best-selling game console of all time and the xbox one a day after

That the 14th best-selling game console of all time and only a month later on october 14th minecraft was released for the playstation vita the 23rd best-selling game console of all time and while minecraft would continue to succeed growing more and more every day the creator marcus was beginning to

Struggle while marcus did in fact step down from the lead development role of minecraft he was still very much the face of the game notch was still demand players emailed for new code modifications or tweeted at if they thought something was wrong with the game even altercations to the mechanics

Of virtual boats triggered angry messages directed at marcus who had nothing to do with these changes along with that marcus was no stranger to having insults thrown at him especially as his game kept getting more and more eyes on it to put it bluntly marcus did

Not like the spotlight on him he had become unhappy with his situation at mojang and he felt that the spotlight was forced upon him this wasn’t helped by the fact that minecraft’s popularity exploded worldwide he went into more detail about his feelings in this forbes article i was struggling with why people

Were so mean online you see the mean comments and they seem like they’re ran in a bigger font size almost it was pretty clear pearson was exhausted from the pressure of being the owner of one of the most popular games in the world he was tired of the hate he was

Undeservedly getting from the changes to the game the man who had braced his online persona of notch the genuine character who was more competent with game development and less so public relations felt ensnarled by the negativity minecraft fans provoked it felt like marcus who very quickly got a

Lot of success from this game wanted to distance himself from it and all these feelings and frustrations would be shared on his twitter but little did he know how this one simple tweet would change the course of everything it was on june 16th of 2014 and marcus was resting in his penthouse apartment

With a cold however marcus couldn’t rest as earlier that week mojing decided to start enforcing its end user license agreement which barred players from charging others for certain gameplay features this caused minecraft users to be up in arms all that week causing hundreds of tweets an hour flowed

Towards marcus this seemed to have been the straw that broke the camel’s back for him this caused him to type out a 129 character outburst that would change his life and minecraft forever the tweet read anyone want to buy my share of mojang so i can move on with my

Life getting hate for trying to do the right thing is not my gig after this tweet was sent out mo jing’s ceo carl mana was sitting at home with his family when he first saw the tweet and very quickly after that carl had several interested parties contacting him

Wondering if marcus was serious these parties were microsoft electronic arts and activision blizzard while pearson originally wrote the message as a half joke the realization that he could disassociate from minecraft to cold and in the week that followed man’s phone kept ringing constantly from interested parties like microsoft ea and activision

Among many others talks with activision petered out and marcus won’t discuss what happened with ea but says that mojing rolled out potential buyers who did gameplay in a way we didn’t like this led to the company microsoft who was ultimately chosen by mojang due to their previous partnerships the

Possibility of a tax dodge was also promising as the software giant was sitting on a 93 billion overseas cash pile that couldn’t repatriate without paying the united states its share but most importantly microsoft was also willing to work with the three founders of mojang as mana was able to dictate

The sales terms the three founders wanted a clean break with no attachments to the company also given microsoft’s massive staff consolidation following the purchase of nokia there would also be no layoffs for the mojang team and with just 47 employees at that time that wasn’t a material concern for microsoft

And while carl mano worked with xbox chief phil spencer to get this sale done pearson and porzer recused themselves from negotiations while this deal was in the works both parties kept relatively quiet though microsoft ceo satya nadella did say in a july letter to employees he was investing in gaming calling it the

Single biggest digital life category measured in both time and money spent in a mobile first world no matter how quiet mo jing and microsoft were being the sale of mojing and minecraft from the three founders was happening and on september 15th of 2014 it was officially announced that microsoft would be

Purchasing mojang and minecraft from marcus pearson jacob porzer and carl mana for 2.5 billion dollars and while all three men did receive money from the steel marcus the creator received the most as he held the majority of the ownership of the company this in turn made marcus’s net worth shoot up to 1.5

Billion dollars from a small town in sweden with tragedies in his family even his father’s sad passing and his divorce several years prior marcus had achieved something very few got to do make a billion dollars while his simple sandbox game started off small his creation and his company have exploded and grown into

Something far beyond what he imagined and while marcus had to sell his creation it was a blessing for him as not only did he receive a large sum of money he got the freedom that he sought after the freedom from being the face of minecraft he now had the freedom to do

Whatever he wanted and to create whatever he wanted and marcus decided to post about his reasoning on his website after selling minecraft in mojang a relatively long time ago i decided to step down from minecraft development jens was the perfect person to take over leading it and i wanted to try some new

Things at first i failed by trying to make something big again but since i decided to just stick to small prototypes and interesting challenges i’ve had so much fun with work i wasn’t exactly sure how i fit into mojang where people did the actual work but since

People said i was important for the culture i stayed i was at home with a bad cold a couple weeks ago when the rna exploded with hate against me over some kind of e-u-l-a situation that i had nothing to do with i was confused i didn’t understand i tweeted this in

Frustration later on i watched the this is phil fish video on youtube and i started to realize i didn’t have the connection to my fans that i thought i had i’d become a symbol i didn’t want to be a symbol responsible for something huge that i don’t understand that i

Don’t want to work on that keeps coming back to me i’m not an entrepreneur i’m not a ceo i’m a nerdy computer programmer who likes to have opinions on twitter marcus also added it’s not about the money it’s about my sanity and while marcus wanted out he also expressed his

Love for all the fans that made everything possible for him as he said i love you all of you thank you for turning minecraft into what it has become and one sense it belongs to microsoft now in a much bigger sense it’s belong to all of you for a long

Time and that will never change and just like that minecraft’s creator and mojing’s three founders sold minecraft and all three of them left mojing on november 5th of 2014 not even a half year after marcus made that life-altering tweet out of frustration and while the change of the three

Founders leaving sound like a huge deal a lot of the fans of the minecraft community seem to be rather understanding of marcus’s choice as he put it the day we announced it i was gonna shut down my twitter account because i wouldn’t be able to deal with it but people were surprisingly okay

With it they read my explanation and they said okay well i hope you take care of yourself and while the fan base took the news pretty well mojeng’s staff had a harder time comprehending their former boss’s departure while it was reported that the staff received a bonus taken

From pearson’s part of the deal many felt disappointed and empty when they heard of the decision this was reported by an anonymous employee of mojang and once all the goodbyes were said and the three founders left what they had created when the deal was finally closed pearson porzer mana and mana’s twin

Brother jetted to miami and saint barts to celebrate what pearson dubbed the sellout trip and as the founders left the employees who remained with the company for six months thereafter were awarded a bonus of roughly three hundred thousand dollars thankfully for the staff mojing’s integration was minimal under the oversight of microsoft’s map

Booty leaving its operations independent but backed by microsoft’s financial and technical capabilities this approach would shape how microsoft would acquire other companies in the future now with the founders of mojang and the creator of minecraft gone surprisingly minecraft continued to update without hesitation as a new update minecraft java edition 1.8.1

Would be released on november 24th with lots of bug fixes and just before the end of 2014 it would be announced that mo jing will collaborate with telltale games to create a new minecraft spin-off game called minecraft story mode which would be an episodic narrative driven game set in the minecraft universe even

With the creator and founders of minecraft and mojing leaving minecraft was still pushing on as if nothing had changed however the now big tech company instead of the creator would be in charge of the show and with 2014 ending only time would tell what microsoft would plan to do with its new very

Successful ip could they make minecraft bigger than it ever was before or would microsoft tarnish the name of another beloved property like they have done in the past just before the end of 2014 marcus showed off his new wealth by purchasing a 23 000 square foot mansion with 15

Bathrooms and eight bedrooms he even outbid star couple beyonce and jay-z paying 70 million for the luxury home according to a press release from the john aro group which represents pearson and the deal 70 million was the highest price ever paid for her home in beverly hills and while minecraft’s creator is

Enjoying his newfound wealth for the time being minecraft was still constantly under development by mojang now under microsoft and with the game now owned by microsoft the company had lots of plans for the new ip like adding it to the holo lens microsoft’s mixed reality device as microsoft’s chief

Executive satya nadella stated that the possible use of minecraft with the hololens had been a major factor in the acquisition however all these new things planned for minecraft would have to wait until halfway through the year of 2015. as on june 15th microsoft gave their first demonstration of minecraft for the

Hololens at e3 of 2015 and only a month after this exciting announcement was the return of minecon even with its absence last year there is a lot of hype for this convention this time it was held in london at the ex-south on july 4th and 5th and even with the new acquisition of

Minecraft 2015 minecon was the biggest yet with around 10 000 attendees the convention was so big that minecon received the guinness world record for largest convention for a single video game in total 73 countries were represented from the 10 000 attendees along with that more excitement was to

Be had as this is where mojang and telltale games would reveal their trailer for the upcoming minecraft spin-off game minecraft story mode and while you may have thought this was the biggest minecraft news think again as only over two weeks later it was announced by mo jing that there would be

A minecraft featured film and they announced rob mcelhenny of it’s always sunny in philadelphia fame as the director even with the cell a lot of new stuff was planned for the series minecraft was closing in 100 million copies being sold a new spin-off game was coming out a movie was coming out

Minecraft was not slowing down and because of this mojing reached out for more help and on september 7th they added thomas gimbreziere to the mojang staff he was well known for co-founding the mod coder pack alongside michael stoick who started working at mojang in early 2014. thomas had also made many

Mods for minecraft with two of his most notable mods being wayla and jabba due to all of his modding work he was hired as a game developer for minecraft while mojin got a new staff member the minecraft fanbase soon would get a new game as just a month later in october on

The 13th minecraft story mode’s first episode the order of the stone would be released for the playstation 3 playstation 4 and pc and mac and on the next day episode 1 would be released for the xbox 360 xbox one ios android and fire os by the end of 2015 episodes one

Through four would be released for fans to play fans had more to look forward to as for the first time minecraft would be released on a nintendo console as just before the end of 2015 wii u fans could play minecraft on december 17th minecraft was still growing and so many

New opportunities were happening for the series things were still looking up for mojang and minecraft however things seemed to be looking down for the creator marcus in the year 2015 began to tweet his feelings showing that even with all the money and success his personal life was struggling this was

Highlighted with some of his tweets that read the prom with getting everything is you run out of reasons to keep trying and human interaction becomes impossible due to imbalance as marcus got what he and what many would believe they all wanted money freedom celebrity friends parties marcus began to struggle with

This newfound lifestyle it seemed as if marcus’s life mirrored the first version of minecraft when you think about it there were no mobs no danger you could kind of just do whatever while the lack of challenge did provide complete freedom and safety it also made the game

Kind of boring minecraft only blew up and became popular when depth was added like adventure combat goals npcs danger the challenge is what makes the game worth playing as is the case of many aspects of daily life marcus stated that the reason he sold minecraft was because

He was tired of being blamed for things that weren’t his fault but in a weird way this was the challenge sustaining him when he sold minecraft he now had no game to fix no people to deal with no one telling him what to do and his ultimate problem became his eventual

Lack of problems a billion dollars and nothing to do is minecraft classic all over again as there’s no challenge along with venting about his life he also vented about his former employees at mojang and their feelings towards him selling when we sold the company the biggest effort went into making sure the

Employees got taken care of and they all hate me now and while marcus would continue to vent to the internet through the years this would be a glimpse into events in the future that would change the bond between minecraft its creator and the buyer the year 2016 would start off with the

Announcement of a new kind of minecraft this new kind of minecraft which was announced on the 19th of january is called minecraft education edition minecraft education edition is an educational version of minecraft specifically designed for classroom use there were lesson plans through education edition available to download

And are split between certain age groups and various subjects such as history visual arts and gaming additionally educators can upload lesson plans that they have created for others to use from the main website this was to be released later in the year it was available on

Windows mac os chrome os ios and ipad os another new release for minecraft would be for its spin-off minecraft story mode as it would now be available on the wii u and with all the success with the spin-off telltale announced just a month later in march that they plan to release

Three new episodes in the series around the same time mojing would release another new update for minecraft this one being minecraft java edition 1.9 the combat update it would be released for players on february 29th of 2016. this update completely revamped combat by adding a timed attack system dual

Wielding spectral and tipped arrows and shields the end was also revamped with an updated ender dragon boss fight sequence and an expanse of additional end islands with chorus plants end cities and ships per purper blocks shulkers as well as elytra which a player can wear to glide through the air

And with all this new content it was a good time for more ways to play minecraft but this time in virtual reality this would become a reality on april 27th of 2016 as an adaptation of minecraft pocket edition would be released for the samsung gear vr along with that release minecraft would seek

To be released in a region that has had trouble in the past with video games this region being china on may 20th of 2016 mojing announced a partnership with netease incorporated who are a chinese internet technology company providing online services centered on content community communications and commerce along with mojang netiz also partners

With blizzard incorporated to operate chinese versions of their games as well such as world of warcraft starcraft 2 and overwatch minecraft was now available almost anywhere even in some of the most restrictive countries and because of this minecraft would reach a milestone that pewdiepie could respect

As on june 2nd minecraft would sell 100 million copies on all consoles and without much time to celebrate this accomplishment mojing would yet again release another update java edition 1.10 frostburn update which was released on june 8th of 2016. this update gave the players the ability to use structured

Blocks and adds magma blocks netherwar blocks red nether brick fossils made from bone blocks strays and husks and polar bears it was only a few months after that mojin would decide to hire another staff member to work as a game developer for minecraft when agnes

Larson was hired it was a good hire for mojang as she earned a master’s degree in applied physics and electrical engineering in 2013 and before joining mojing she was employed by two companies configura and scania group after the new hire the yearly minecon was upon us minecon 2016 was held in anaheim

California on september 24th and 25th at the anaheim convention center and this time there was an estimated 12 000 attendees this just means that just two years after microsoft bought minecraft the game’s growth has not slowed down at all it was also at this convention that minecraft’s first book minecraft the

Island was announced for a mid-2017 release this book was to be published by del rey books and two audiobooks were to be released with narration provided by jack black and samira wiley and while minecon came and went mojing felt the need to add even more staff to their

Team as in october mojing hired maria lemon as a game developer and marianna graham as an animator modeler and texture artist mariana is also known for creating the deco craft mod as well as contributing models and artwork to many other mods mariana is also the wife of the previously mentioned mojang game

Developer thomas gimbruntier with the hiring of the new staff mojing would finish out the year of 2016 strong as they released the long-awaited minecraft education edition on november 1st and in the end of december an adaptation of minecraft pocket edition would be released for the apple tv and amazon

Fire tv 2016 was a productive year for minecraft two years under microsoft’s ownership and minecraft is still growing at an exciting rate minecraft is on pace to possibly being the best selling video game of all time with millions of fans large conventions even the game being released in china where video games are

Heavily restricted minecraft is ending 2016 as strong as ever however while things looked bright right now soon minecraft and the community would have to face a controversy from an unexpected place Minecraft in 2017 wasn’t too eventful compared to other years minecraft did become more available to players as it was released on the nintendo switch the eighth best-selling game console on the 11th of may minecraft was also surprisingly released on nintendo’s previous console the 3ds the second most

Sold game console ever on september 13th along with the game being released on more consoles the minecraft spin-off game minecraft story mode would be releasing season 2 of new episodes starting on july 11th of 2017 with episode 1 hero in residence and while fans will enjoy the new episode for

Minecraft story mode fans of minecraft can enjoy minecraft’s new feature the marketplace minecraft marketplace is an in-game store where players can purchase access to skins textures and worlds from community creators who in turn get reimbursed for their creations players can access these by spending minecoins or tokens on the playstation 4 which can

Be bought with their own currency or bought directly the minecraft marketplace was released in april of 2017. along with the addition of the new marketplace minecraft also got a big update with java edition 1.12 world of color update this update introduced a more vibrant color palette a new crafting system hints for beginners

Glazed terracotta concrete colored beds illusioneers and parrots it also replaced achievements with a customizable and more powerful system of advancements and introduced a new system for working with collections of commands called functions as players enjoyed the new updates to the game book lovers could dive into the new minecraft book

Minecraft the island which was released on july 18th of 2017. the book was written by max brooks better known as the author of world war z on writing the book max went into detail on what kind of book he wrote we need to be very clear i’m not writing the minecraft book

I’m writing a minecraft book if the folks from halo called me to write the halo book i could do that but you cannot write the minecraft book along with the new additions to the game and the new book mojing added a few new staff members as well these staff members were

Giorgi gavichev who was hired as a game developer in october before he joined mojang studios he was known for working on api for modded models he has been known for addressing technical lighting issues maintaining data fixer-uppers and working on blaze 3d the other new staff member was bartosz bach as a game

Developer in november he earned his master’s degree in computer science at rogue claw university of science and technology and had previously worked as a senior developer at microscopalite and before that as a software developer at nokia also happening in november was the yearly minecon however 2017’s my con was

A bit different from the previous years my con 2017 was actually titled mike on earth and it would take place on november 18th of 2017 in the form of a 90 minute interactive live stream it featured lydia winters and will arnett as the hosts there was a pre-show before

The stream and a post show after the stream it featured youtubers such as and truetriz something exciting for the watchers was that they had the opportunity to vote for a new mob in the game watchers had the option of four mobs people could vote via a twitter

Poll and the three mobs that did not win will not be implemented into the game the four available mobs were mob a the barnacle also called the monster of the ocean depths which was a squid-like ocean creature that would suck the player down with a tentacle the mob

Spawns in the deep ocean biome and has a large mouth that it uses to propel itself through the water jeb said that the viewers should vote for mabe because there is currently not a lot of content in the oceans and it would make a good challenge for players traveling across

The ocean mob b the phantom at the time known as the monster of the night skies is a flying creature that seeks out and attacks players who haven’t slept for three days it spawns at high altitudes in the air and attacks in groups jeb says viewers should vote for mob b

Because there were no flying monsters in the overworld at this time then we have mob c the great hunger which is a lizard-like creature that sinks into the ground camouflages itself and consumes mobs and items with its huge mouth it has a great appetite for enchanting powers and jeb said the viewers should

Vote for mob c because players may be able to use the mob’s abilities to add or remove enchantments for players own items and lastly we have mob d the wildfire called the hovering inferno which is a type of blaze its body parts look like a shield and are used to

Defend itself from attacks this mob spawns with groups of blazes randomly and attacks the player and the nether with its dangerous shockwave attack jeb says that the viewers should vote for mob d because it would make the nether even more scary and exciting at 30 minutes into the event mabe lost the

Vote and was eliminated 30 minutes after that mob d was also eliminated and after 20 minutes mob b won the vote eliminating mob c and mob b was to be released and added into minecraft in the upcoming update java edition 1.13 in 2018 as in our successful year for

Minecraft ends 2017 wasn’t so bright for everyone while minecraft games were racking in all the praise and cash you could imagine the man who got the biggest paycheck from the success marcus pearson was struggling with his new life and even though marcus was known to vent his frustrations emotions and opinions

On twitter some of his tweets from 2017 landed the still newly billionaire in some controversy pearson had received criticism for political and social opinions he expressed on twitter such as referring to feminism as a social disease and claiming that most feminists are overtly sexist against men in june

Of 2017 pearson faced criticism for referring to a video game developer zoe quinn as a later that month he tweeted in support of heterosexual pride day calling opponents of the idea and later suggesting that they deserve to be shot after facing community backlash he deleted the tweets and

Walked back on his statements writing in one tweet so yeah it’s about pride of daring to express not about pride of being who you are i get it now however at the end of the year in november pearson was criticized again for posting a tweet that read it’s okay to be white

Which was an alt-right slogan based on a poster campaign organized on the website 4chan’s discussion boards in follow-up tweets he said he believed privilege is a made-up metric while marcus was able to get past these controversies it would begin to alienate him with a good portion of his fans but it would also

Alienate him from the game and the community he was once a part of and while he was able to get past these controversies there would be more to come in the future 2018 started off with a great milestone for minecraft as on the 19th of january 2018 minecraft hit 74 million active players and 144 million total sales and while this was a huge milestone for the series and mojang 2018 was relatively quiet for the most part mojing did add a new member to

The team with the hiring of corey shevik most of what he does with mojang team is fixing bugs and creating mods he started playing minecraft in october of 2010 and began developing mods for the game in 2011. probably the biggest thing for minecraft in 2018 was the release of

Java edition 1.13 the aquatic update it was released on july 18th of 2018 and focused mainly on ocean content and technical features specifically new blocks such as blue ice coral conduits kelp sea pickles as well as the new items such as buried treasure exploration maps debug sticks buckets of

Fish hearts of the sea tridents and much more also water was more transparent than before and the colors were changed to match specific biomes while it was only dark blue before 1.13 in addition dolphins drowned fish mobs phantoms which were the mob that won the voting in the previous mike con and turtles

Were added as well as new biomes a new buffet world type and new generated structures this update also added many commands and changed the format of existing commands and added many new technical aspects such as data packs and tags along with this big update minecon

Earth of 2018 was also set up to be a big event minecon earth 2018 was live streamed for an hour and a half on september 29th of 2018. it featured such guests as ori lien in the littlewood yermy omg chad and big b stars as co-hosts of the show during the live

Stream viewers had another chance to vote this time for one of three biomes to be added the three biomes were the tyga where berries campfires and foxes would be added the savannah where i’d have bow babs termites and ostriches and the desert where there would be palm

Trees mercats and oasis would be added the taiga ultimately won the biome vote and its features would be added in a 2019 update the last big story for minecraft of this year would be the lanterns now lanterns were talked about by the creator marcus back all the way

In 2010 however adding them into the game was postponed as marcus said at minecon of 2011 at the mojing panel that lanterns would not be able to be added due to a large negative community response towards the effects that the lanterns would have on torches however on november 9th of 2018 agnes larson

Tweeted an image of a lantern in minecraft implying that they were once again in development even though 2018 was relatively quiet 2018 was said to be minecraft’s most successful year as it was estimated to have earned half a billion dollars in revenue the highest for the series minecraft again reached a

Peak in its popularity in 2018 alone around 311 000 user generated minecraft youtube videos pulled in a total of 45.1 billion views there were so many minecraft youtubers podcasters modders bloggers you name it minecraft was still on top of the world it felt like minecraft had nothing but smooth sailing

Ahead however there is a saying there is a calm before the storm the truth was no one could predict the storm that was coming in 2019 it happened in march of 2019 where marcus again was in hot water for his statements this time for endorsing the cueing on conspiracy theory and calling

Transgender women mentally ill his tweets received a lot of mixed reactions from his followers these controversies led to the creation of the hatsune mika created minecraft internet meme which sprung up due to a viral tweet that was created by fans of the game in order to show support for minecraft while

Distancing themselves from notch however it wasn’t only his followers and onlookers who were seeing these tweets someone else was watching marcus’s feed and that somebody was microsoft microsoft was noticing that the creator of their very successful game was making rather controversial statements throughout the years and whether marcus

Wanted or not he was still the face of the game after all he created it and for a long time the minecraft community looked up to marcus and microsoft wanted to avoid a pr nightmare especially with articles being published everywhere regarding marcus’s controversial tweets and it’s because of this from an update

In april java edition 1.14 marcus or notch references in the game were silently removed from minecraft’s menu though his name is still in the credits it was clear that microsoft want to distance themselves from the creator of their game at this time microsoft did not specify an exact reason but the

Timing of the removal led to lots of people concluding it was related to the controversial tweets microsoft wanted to distance themselves from marcus due to his controversial comments on his twitter account even more serious was the fact that marcus was not invited to play a part in minecraft’s 10-year

Anniversary with microsoft saying that his views do not reflect those of microsoft or mojang the creator of minecraft had been blocked from his own creation while decisions like this makes sense for a company wanting to stay on the good side of the public it was still

A big shock to have someone like marcus pearson notch the creator of arguably the most popular video game of all time to be banned from attending the 10-year anniversary and to have references of him removed from his own game truly marcus is a lesson for any game

Developers out there who want to stay connected with their games and their fan bases that while they’re free to express their own opinion they also represent the game the community and the company and their words can wreak havoc if not careful and while some debate that marcus’s references were removed from

Minecraft due to the fact that microsoft had now owned minecraft longer than marcus most agreed that microsoft wanted to distance themselves from the controversial creator and while marcus was usually pretty vocal on twitter and this had been evident since he sold minecraft as he started to express his

Sadness his loneliness and his opinions noticeably on twitter he seemed to learn from all of this and chose not to comment on his removal from minecraft and his band from the 10-year anniversary instead it seemed like he took the mature way out and just kept silent while marcus was still learning

To deal with his new lifestyle and his loneliness minecraft still continued on with plenty of new news for the year of 2019. for starters the previously mentioned update that removed the references of marcus java edition 1.14 village and pillage which was released on april 23 of 2019 had a lot of new

Things to offer for players of minecraft the update mainly focused on villages adding a new subset of illagers known as pillagers and redesigned village architectures to match the biomes they are located in this update also introduces many new blocks and mobs revamps the crafting system by moving some functionalities to different blocks

Updates the tiger biome with foxes and sweet berries it adds items like bells barrels blast furnaces lanterns and campfires and the update adds a new bamboo jungle biome along with bamboo and pandas the crossbow was also introduced in this update it is also the first major release to include a new

Texture of the texture update and keeping on the subject of marcus and how he isn’t involved with minecraft the 10-year anniversary of minecraft is celebrated and while there wasn’t a specific event for this anniversary mojing did still release something for the longtime fans of the series as on

May 17 2019 mojang released a browser version of minecraft classic which was the second development phase of minecraft back in may of 2009. there was also an anniversary map created by mojing to commemorate the 10-year anniversary this map consisted a series of puzzles created using command blocks and various game features such as

Redstone and farming and the celebrating for the series continued as in may of 2019 minecraft had sold 176 million copies making it the best selling video game of all time beating out games like tetris super mario bros pokemon red blue green and yellow grand theft auto 5 and pac-man after 10 years

This simple game from humble beginnings was the most successful game ever created and it was due to the success that minecraft was gonna have a movie and in 2019 more information was released about this film it was announced that there would be a change of directors this time peter solette

Known for his feature films raising victor vargas and nick and noah’s infinite playlist it was also in 2019 when another spin-off for the series was announced and released this spin-off would be called minecraft earth and it would be attempting to capitalize on the new craze that was pokemon go as

Minecraft earth was a free-to-play augmented reality spin-off mobile game developed by mojang and published by xbox game studios for ios ipad os and android this game was about building structures and collecting materials by traveling to real life locations minecraft earth was released in closed beta on july 16th 2019 being released

Worldwide on december 11th of 2019 and while that spin-off would be opening up to the public another would be closing down as on the 16th of july mojing would announce that minecraft story mode will no longer be supported and that players will have till june 25th 2019 to

Download all the episodes and as i’m sure fans of minecraft story mode were upset at this news they could at least take solace in the fact that minecon was happening yet again and this would be the final minecon event well in name future events wouldn’t be called minecon

But we’ll get to that later this year minecon live 2019 was a live stream that took place on september 28th of 2019. it featured missoula tv mariella thai gaming shovel and deng that’s a long name as the co-host of the show there were a total of six panels one panel during the show

With minecraft developers and five community panels after the show and just like in previous years during the live stream viewers could vote on one of three biomes that will be updated the biome with the highest vote will get new features such as a terrain change and

New mobs in the next major update the good news is that all the biomes would eventually be added however the winner would be the first while the others would be added at later dates the first biome would be the badlands this barm contained tumbleweeds vultures and a new

Type of flowery cactus the second biome the swamp contained treasure boats frogs and mangrove trees and lastly the mountains which contained powder snow goats stone with snow on top like with grass and improved mountain terrain generation in the final results mountains wanted to be the first biome

Added into minecraft and would be added in a future update while the badlands and the swamps would be added even later and while fans would have to wait for the new biome they voted for they wouldn’t have to wait long for a new update to minecraft as in december just

Before the end of 2019 minecraft java edition 1.15 the buzzy b update was released this update mainly added b’s and bee related items such as beehives honey bottles and honeycombs alongside adding bees this update focused on fixing bugs and improving performance as well as adding numerous features that

Were originally in bedrock edition and with that 2019 had come to an end and while minecraft had to deal with some controversy it ultimately flourished again even with one of its spin-off games ending another one started up minecraft had become the most successful game of all time again putting its name

Into the history books of gaming everyone at mojang along with the rest of the world had a feeling that 2020 was gonna be a special year and boy they weren’t wrong 2020 put a lot of plans for a lot of people and companies to a halt people were sick we all had a distance from each other wear masks people lost jobs businesses closed 2020 was a huge surprise for all of us and just changed a lot of people’s and companies plans

Drastically which is why i feel 2020 was a rather uneventful year for minecraft however there are some important things that happen for minecraft in 2020. to start was minecraft’s 11th birthday and on this date may 17th of 2020 mojing would change their name from mojang to mojang studios along with refreshing the

Minecraft logo and while this isn’t the biggest news bigger news for the series would be released only nine days later as a new minecraft spin-off game would be released on may 26 of 2020 and this game would be called minecraft dungeons minecraft dungeons is an action role-playing dungeon crawler video game

Developed by mojing studios with the help of double 11 and it was published by the xbox game studios this game would give fans a different kind of minecraft experience as the game was clearly inspired by classic dungeon crawlers where you’ll constantly discover new weapons and items that will help you

Defeat swarms and mobs you could take on the dungeons alone or team up with friends as four players can battle together and while this game was released on multiple platforms this game was originally conceived as a game for the nintendo 3ds along with the new spinout games for fans to sink their

Teeth into they also add a new update which was released on june 23 of 2020. the update was minecraft java edition 1.16 the nether update this update overhauled the nether by adding four new biomes four new mobs the piglen the hoglin the zoglin and the strider and a

Multitude of new blocks including many variants of blackstone as well as the respawn anchor used to set the player’s spawn point in the nether it also adds a new netherrite tier of equipment obtained through ancient debris found rarely through the nether with that update released we can now go to october

Where the last two major events for minecraft in 2020 would take place the first happened on october 1st where minecraft’s popularity and success finally got the series marked into history as steve alex zombie and enderman were announced as playable fighters for the nintendo switch’s super smash brothers ultimate the ultimate

Video game crossover battle arena and with minecraft being the most sold video game them appearing at smash was pretty overdue and it would only be two days later that minecraft would hold its annual minecon however this year it would be simply called minecraft live 2020. minecraft live 2020 was a live

Event held on october 3rd of 2020. originally it was planned that minecraft festival of real world events similar to the original minecon events would occur however because of the covid19 pandemic minecraft festival was pushed back till 2022. the live event streamed on youtube twitch facebook and there

Was a 20-minute community pre-show right before the main event which consisted of content creators talking about minecraft along with that viewers again would vote for a new feature this time a new mob just like the viewers did in 2017 and this time mobs from minecraft dungeons and minecraft earth were voted to be

Added into minecraft the mobs that were to be voted on were moo bloom ice oliger and the glow squid moo blooms would spawn in flower forests and would interact with bees in some way the iceologers would spawn in mountains and hurl ice clouds at the players and the

Glow squids would spawn in the ocean and dark areas illuminating them their texture would glow like an enderman’s eyes but not actually admit light voting took place in two rounds the losing mob the moo bloom was eliminated from consideration in the second round the winner of the second and final round was

The glow squid and just like that 2020 was over and unlike the real world 2020 for minecraft was pretty uneventful however that also might have been a good thing as sometimes less news and less controversy is much better and again for the time being minecraft again was selling on smooth waters however would

Those waters remain smooth in 2021 So here we are 2021 the year is already more than halfway over time sure does fly and while the year isn’t over minecraft has remained pretty active now with minecraft getting an estimated 415 million dollars in revenue in 2020 it doesn’t seem to be slowing down but even with minecraft continuing to be

Successful they sadly had to shut down another one of their spin-offs this one being minecraft earth as it was announced on january 5th that minecraft earth would be shut down on june 30th of 2021 and while it was a bummer for the fans of the augment reality minecraft

Game fans of minecraft would be excited to see that a big update which was called caves and cliffs would be set for release on june 8th of 2022 this big update however would eventually be changed into a two-part update as on april 14th of 2021 mojing studios

Announced that the update would be split into two updates due to the amount and complexity of the content as well as the team’s health even with the wait for part 2 which is estimated to be released in late 2021 fans still had a lot to look forward to for the release of

Minecraft java edition 1.17 or part 1 of caves and cliffs this update adds amethyst geodes along with amethyst blocks and items copper ore ants derived forms deep slate ants variants and the goats glow switch and the axolot mobs and part two is planned to have revamped mountains in cave generation lush caves

And drip stone cave biomes an increased world height and a new mob called the warden the warden will be the first blind mob to be added to minecraft instead of following the player like normal it uses its soap-like sensors on its head to detect vibrations and on september 2nd an announcement trailer

Was released on the minecraft youtube channel announcing that there will be a minecraft live this year on october 16th and it appears yet again that fans will have the chance to vote in a new mob into minecraft it seems like there’s still a lot to look forward to for

Minecraft in the year of 2021 and with that we reached today from minecraft’s humble beginnings from a young man with little money from aspen to being the most sold and successful video game of all time from marcus pearson to microsoft as of today minecraft has sold at least over 200 million copies the

Most sold video game of all time way far ahead of its predecessor grand theft auto 5. from 2012 to 2020 is estimated that minecraft has made 3 billion million dollars in revenue along with all these sales minecraft has won a ton of awards and honors such as in 2010

When good games selected minecraft as their choice for best downloadable game and then gamasutra who named it the 8th best game of the year as well as the 8th best indie game of the year in 2010. rock paper shotgun named it the game of the year nddb awarded the game the 2010

Indie game of the year award as chosen by voters in addition to two out of the five editors choice awards for most innovative and best single player indie game it was also awarded game of the year by pc gamer uk the game was also nominated for the sumas mcnally grand

Prize technical excellence and excellence in design awards at the march 2011 independent games festival and won the grand prize and the community voted audience award at the game developers choice awards of 2011 minecraft won awards in the categories for best debut game best downloadable game and innovation award winning every award for

Which it was nominated it also won the game cities video game arts award on may 5th in 2011 minecraft was selected as one of the 80 games that would be displayed at the smithsonian america art museum as part of the art of video game exhibit that opened on march 16th of

2012 and at the 2011 spike video game awards minecraft won the award for best independent game and was nominated in the best pc game category in 2012 at the british academy of video games awards minecraft was nominated in the game award of 2011 category and pearson received the special award in 2012

Minecraft xbla was awarded a golden joystick award in the best downloadable game category and a tiger games industry award in the best arcade game category in 2013 it was nominated as the family game of the year at the british academy video game awards minecraft was also nominated for the 2013 kids choice

Awards for favorite app but lost to temple run minecraft’s console edition won the award for the taiga game of the year award in 2014. it was nominated for the 2014 kids choice award for favorite video game but lost to just dance 2014. the game placed 6th on the usgamers the

Best 15 games since 2000’s list the game also won the award for the most addicting game at the 2015 kids choice awards in 2016 minecraft plays six on the times the best 50 video games of all times list the java edition was nominated for the favorite video game at

The 2018 kids choice awards while the game itself won the still playing award at the 2019 golden joystick award as well as the favorite video game award at the 2020 kids choice awards to put it plainly in the 12 years of minecraft’s existence a lot has happened a lot for

The creators a lot for the staff and a lot for the fans as time passes the founders and many of the staff members have left either to work on other projects or enjoy their newfound wealth and while a lot has happened for minecraft and its dedicated fan base the

One thing that hasn’t changed is that minecraft is still around and it is still just as successful and impactful as it was when it came out yes the game has changed a lot and expanded adding a lot of new features ways to fight explore decorate whatever you want to do

In minecraft you have the ability and just like marcus said when he sold the game to microsoft in one sense it belongs to microsoft now in a much bigger sense it’s belonged to all of you for a long time and that will never change minecraft is many things to many

People people play to decorate people play to adventure people play to beat the boss people play it for the community mods people play minecraft for many reasons and that is why minecraft is the most successful and maybe the most loved game of all time while yes there are gaming legends like mario

Pac-man sonic grand theft auto pokemon etc minecraft surpassed them all because even though you can enjoy a thrilling story have fun jumping or eating enemies or beating a game as fast as possible minecraft is special because in this game what happens is up to you minecraft

Is called a sandbox game and that is because you can create what kind of experience you want whatever kind of experience you have no playthrough is exactly like another i can play the game of minecraft with my wife and experience a completely different kind of game when

I play it with my friends or even by myself i discovered minecraft from watching peanut butter gamer do a hardcore series with his friends as they tried to beat minecraft without dying and that is how i played when i first got it i always tried to beat the game

However it wasn’t until later when i began to play with my brothers and my friends i learned that you could do so much more you could create you could explore you could find a village which i never did as i mainly focused on beating the game but there is so much more to

This game than just beating it there’s hundreds of hours of content stuffed into minecraft maybe even thousands when you consider all the mods you can add to the game thanks to minecraft’s simple style and premise minecraft is so moldable that this game has no limits to

What it can do the game is so versatile people have used it to make working cell phones to browse the internet or to make calls a working version of pokemon red has been made in the game a quad-core redstone computer and so many other examples minecraft is just able to do

Something that no other game is able to do unlike most games minecraft is moldable it’s different it’s unique unlike most of the top selling games of all time minecraft is truly your game when you boot up the game that world you create is yours it is your world it is

Special to you minecraft may belong to the third most valuable company in the world but at the end of the day what happens in the game belongs to you the player at the end of the day minecraft is not just a game it’s a tool it’s a

Piece of art it’s a community it’s an escape from reality it is whatever you want it to be you have the freedom to experience and create whatever magic you want with it minecraft is the most successful most loved and most shared game because it doesn’t belong to anybody that world doesn’t belong to

Anybody those achievements those mods that castle you built that dog you befriended that boss you beat those friends you made the fun you had playing minecraft just like marcus said the game minecraft belongs to you this game gives you the ability to play however you want

This game is your story your game your experience that is why i love minecraft because no matter how bored sad stressed or tired you are minecraft will always be there to help you to escape into a world of your own creation and no matter what happens in the future minecraft

Will always hold a special place and gaming history and a special place in mine and the millions upon millions of players hearts all of the gameplay all the history all the fans all the controversies all the hype all the features all the stories all the love

And all the fun that went into this game is what makes minecraft so special and that is the story of minecraft thank you all so much for watching You

This video, titled ‘The Story of Minecraft (Documentary)’, was uploaded by BigOEntertainment on 2021-09-25 23:30:09. It has garnered 363864 views and 9106 likes. The duration of the video is 01:50:54 or 6654 seconds.

Hey everyone! It sure has been awhile, sorry for my absence. Here is another gaming documentary, this is the complete history of Minecraft. I hope you all enjoy it. Thank you all so much for checking it out!

Intro/Outro Music:

Music by Stevia Sphere:

Video Credits: GamerBrain, NintendoGenerationZ, Lydia, TeamMojang, R5StandingBy Ver. 2, free 4k hd vieos no copyright, Jovayvisionss, Official Nizznotch Archive, CODE CLUSTER, FerroChrom, VingtTrois Seize, AlwaysOnEasy, ScottyAnimation, Connor Quinn, Free Video Background loops, classicgametrailers, wanglov, Wolfram Zoettl, Freetomac, Jack Vashko, Facta Non Verba Designs [Free VJ Loops]RiippumattoStockFootage, Nature Videos, CRASH, Official EA UK, Clark Lupton, BaconSeer, Fadedragontear, IGN, tacoproductions557, Waitedboat4, AntVenom, Elevated Media Productions, GameSpot, PBGGameplay, Kotaku, Severinus12, TheWarlemming, SoyUlysses, AducksOpinion, pennyarcadeTV, CaptainSparklez, CBS Sunday Morning, Miles Smith, Sipover, Global News, Royalty Free Artists, Free Stock Footage 4K, CHANNEL PMI – FREE STOCK VIDEO, Wesley, bobamaluma, AIRbuzz, Content de Duzina, [EN] Dragon Of War, Polygon, No Copyright Background Video, SUNARI VFX, xAG64x, bluebackimage-C, Free Stock Videos, Free Stock Footage 4K, Free Video Background loops, RoyaltyFreeTube, Sweden, AsianHalfSquat, The Neon World, ForFilm Creation, Video FX, and MMOBomb.

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#minecraft #gaming #mojang

  • The Irish Gamer’s Wood Challenge Day 24

    The Irish Gamer's Wood Challenge Day 24 Minecraft Challenge: Day 24 Exploring the World Seed In today’s Minecraft challenge, the player found themselves surrounded by towering spruce trees in the world seed: -1206291632661826736. Using a clever technique of creating a staircase on the tree trunk, they managed to gather blocks from one of the large trees in a single go. Sending Greetings Not only did the player tackle the in-game challenges, but they also took the time to send greetings to fellow gamers on YouTube and TikTok. Shoutouts were given to creators such as @SilviaPatriciaNunezValdez, @m4xi_183, @facha918, @naim2518, @bwaaa-sdr, @jeffer2651 on YouTube, and @unpapelfurioso, @juanchy129k, @imm61664,… Read More

  • Ultimate Portal Prank in Minecraft

    Ultimate Portal Prank in Minecraft Minecraft: Creating the Zuzuzu Exe Portal Are you ready to delve into the world of Minecraft and explore the creation of the Zuzuzu Exe Portal? Join UzeMing on this exciting journey as they embark on crafting a portal like never before! Materials Needed To create the Zuzuzu Exe Portal, UzeMing gathers essential materials such as stone bricks, obsidian, and steel. Additionally, they incorporate light blue wool and redstone blocks to add a unique touch to the portal. Building the Portal The portal is constructed in a 4×5 size, with intricate details using redstone blocks for the corners and light… Read More

  • Minecraft Invades Call Of Duty! Season 4 Reloaded

    Minecraft Invades Call Of Duty! Season 4 Reloaded Minecraft Enters the Action in Call of Duty Season 4 Reloaded In the latest season 4 reloaded of Call of Duty, Minecraft makes its debut in the action-packed world of Call of Duty Warzone MW3 and Warzone Mobile. This exciting update brings a host of new features and events that are sure to keep players on the edge of their seats. Let’s dive into the details of what this season has in store for gamers. Discovering the New Features The season 4 reloaded update brings a plethora of new content to Call of Duty Warzone MW3 and Warzone Mobile…. Read More

  • Wireless Power Shenanigans

    Wireless Power Shenanigans Minecraft – All The Mods 9 – Episode 19 | Wireless Power Lensmanoz is embarking on a new adventure in Minecraft with the All The Mods 9 pack as the foundation. This pack boasts over 400 mods, numerous quests, and a well-structured endgame. While it doesn’t contain all the mods in existence, it offers a diverse selection, including newer and lesser-known ones. Building a Minecolonies City Lensmanoz’s goal is to integrate tech mods seamlessly into the construction of a Minecolonies city. Despite facing challenges like unexpected deaths and limitations with the digital miner, progress is steady. Utilizing a second… Read More

  • Explaining Every Minecraft Version in 8 Minutes

    Explaining Every Minecraft Version in 8 Minutes The Diverse World of Minecraft Versions Explained In its 15-year history, Minecraft has seen dozens of different versions, allowing players on various platforms to unleash their creativity in this unique, blocky world. While many are familiar with editions like Java Edition, Bedrock Edition, and Pocket Edition, there are some truly peculiar versions out there. Have you heard of all of them? Exploring the Unusual Versions Aside from the well-known editions of Minecraft, there are some lesser-known versions that offer unique gameplay experiences. From educational versions used in schools to specialized editions for virtual reality, Minecraft has evolved beyond its… Read More

  • Crafty Ways to Cash in Your Minecraft Gift Card

    Crafty Ways to Cash in Your Minecraft Gift Card In the world of Minecraft, where creativity thrives, Redeeming your gift card is how you’ll arrive. To start the process, follow these steps with care, And soon you’ll be building, exploring everywhere. First, scratch off the code, it’s your key to the game, Then head to the website, where you’ll enter your claim. Input the digits, make sure they’re all right, And soon you’ll be playing, day and night. If you encounter issues, don’t fret or despair, There are tips and tricks to help you repair. Check your connection, your account, and more, Soon you’ll be back in the… Read More

  • Phyrewing: Silent Survival Build | Ep. 2

    Phyrewing: Silent Survival Build | Ep. 2 Minecraft Let’s Play: Building, Exploring, and Villager Trading Adventure! Building a Temporary Villager Breeding and Trading Space In this episode of the Let’s Play series, Phyre embarks on a mission to convert an area into a temporary villager breeding and trading space. Fencing off the area to ensure the safety of the villagers, Phyre plans to populate the space with librarians and smiths for trading iron and acquiring enchant books. Exploring New Villages and Acquiring Resources Venturing into different villages, Phyre encounters various challenges and opportunities. From convincing villagers to relocate to a new village to exploring desert villages… Read More

  • Diamonds & Enchanting Table | Hardcore Survival

    Diamonds & Enchanting Table | Hardcore Survival Exploring Diamonds and Enchanting in Minecraft Hardcore Season 2 Episode 5 Finding Diamonds and Crafting an Enchanting Table In this episode of Minecraft Hardcore Season 2, annihlillyate embarks on a quest to mine his very first diamonds. After a successful live stream mining session, he uncovers the precious gems and sets his sights on crafting a diamond pickaxe and an enchanting table. Discovering Diamonds Venturing into the depths of his mineshaft, annihlillyate stumbles upon a vein of diamonds. With careful precision, he mines the diamonds, earning the coveted advancement and securing enough gems to craft an enchanting table. Crafting… Read More

  • Sneaky Minecraft Parody Ending

    Sneaky Minecraft Parody Ending The Exciting World of Minecraft Parodies Exploring the vast and creative world of Minecraft is always an adventure, but have you ever delved into the realm of Minecraft parodies? These fun and entertaining videos take the beloved game to new heights, offering a fresh perspective on the familiar landscapes and characters. Let’s dive into the exciting world of Minecraft parodies and discover what makes them so popular! Unique Storytelling One of the most captivating aspects of Minecraft parodies is their unique storytelling. Creators take the basic elements of the game and craft engaging narratives that keep viewers hooked from… Read More

  • Ultimate Mining Madness in Minecraft

    Ultimate Mining Madness in Minecraft Minecraft – All The Mods 9 – Episode 19 | Digital Miner Exploring the Depths of All The Mods 9 Lensmanoz embarks on a new adventure in the vast world of Minecraft with the All The Mods 9 pack as the foundation. With over 400 mods, countless quests, and a built-in endgame, the possibilities are endless. The quest for the elusive ATM Star and the challenge of facing the Gregstar loom large in this exciting journey. Unveiling New Mods and Features In All The Mods 9, Lensmanoz delves into the world of tech mods while simultaneously building a Minecolonies… Read More

  • Villagers causing server meltdown in Minecraft! #hotmess

    Villagers causing server meltdown in Minecraft! #hotmess Looks like those villagers need to lay off the virtual caffeine and stop lagging behind! Time to upgrade their internet connection from dial-up to fiber optic. Read More

  • Pubg Pro Satyam Joins Dark SMP

    Pubg Pro Satyam Joins Dark SMP All NEW Beginning On This Minecraft SMP | DARK SMP Welcome back to another exciting adventure in the world of Minecraft! Today, we delve into the mysterious and thrilling realm of the DARK SMP server. Join us as we explore the latest updates, challenges, and events that await players in this unique Minecraft experience. Unveiling the Dark SMP Server The DARK SMP server offers a fresh and exciting twist to the traditional Minecraft gameplay. With its dark and mysterious theme, players are immersed in a world filled with challenges, secrets, and adventures waiting to be uncovered. From eerie landscapes… Read More

  • Sneaky MCPE Update: Copper Door Drop & Wind Charge Terrain

    Sneaky MCPE Update: Copper Door Drop & Wind Charge Terrain The Latest Minecraft Update: MCPE Beta & Preview Exciting news for all Minecraft enthusiasts! The latest update, MCPE, has been released for Minecraft’s Bedrock Edition. This update brings a host of new features and improvements that are sure to enhance your gaming experience. Let’s dive into the details! Copper Door Drop Change One of the notable changes in this update is the alteration in the drop rate of copper doors. Now, players can expect a different drop rate for copper doors, adding a new element of strategy to the game. This change will surely keep players on… Read More

  • Joker’s First Time in Minecraft: Suited Blaze Saves the Day!

    Joker's First Time in Minecraft: Suited Blaze Saves the Day!Video Information This video, titled ‘Helping Joker Beat Minecraft For The 1st Time’, was uploaded by Suited Blaze on 2024-06-23 02:02:49. It has garnered 321 views and 9 likes. The duration of the video is 04:28:26 or 16106 seconds. Welcome back to another Minecraft session of helping Joker beat Minecraft! Last time we completed a trial chambers run successfully. What will today have in store? Interested in joining our Guilded? Check out the link below: TIME STAMPS: 0:00 – Intro 2:38 – Stream Start 1:46:42 – Back In The Nether Read More

  • Arctic Avengers: Minecraft PE Short

    Arctic Avengers: Minecraft PE ShortVideo Information This video, titled ‘👁️👁️ #shorts #minecraft #minecraftpe’, was uploaded by Arctic Avenngers on 2024-05-01 02:56:47. It has garnered 886 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:27 or 27 seconds. #humor #scary Credit​ to @DolphinMasterMB This mod was created by DolphinMasterMB ( fearcraft )​ Read More

  • “Minecraft Horror Mod 2024 – Terrifying Gameplay” #minecraft #scary

    "Minecraft Horror Mod 2024 - Terrifying Gameplay" #minecraft #scaryVideo Information This video, titled ‘The Scariest Minecraft horror Mod in 2024 #minecraft #minecrafthorror #gaming #shorts’, was uploaded by Minecraft Horror mods on 2024-05-30 21:29:13. It has garnered 6368 views and 167 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:24 or 24 seconds. The Scariest Minecraft horror Mod in 2024 #minecraft #minecrafthorror #gaming #shorts Read More

  • INSANE Modern Minecraft House Tour! MUST SEE! 🔥

    INSANE Modern Minecraft House Tour! MUST SEE! 🔥Video Information This video, titled ‘MODERN HOUSE SHOWCASE IN MINECRAFT: YOU WON’T FIND ANYTHING BETTER! 🔥🔥’, was uploaded by Da games world on 2024-02-27 12:00:20. It has garnered 581 views and 10 likes. The duration of the video is 00:12:00 or 720 seconds. MODERN HOUSE SHOWCASE IN MINECRAFT: YOU WON’T FIND ANYTHING BETTER! 🔥🔥 Welcome to the ultimate Minecraft modern house showcase that you simply can’t afford to miss! 🏠🔥 In this video, we’re diving deep into the world of Minecraft to bring you a tour of a modern house that stands out for its innovative design, stunning aesthetics, and… Read More


    INSANE MINECRAFT SHADER UPDATE! PREVIEWVideo Information This video, titled ‘SHADER REFLECTION FILES ADDED! Minecraft Bedrock Preview Update!’, was uploaded by Smitty058 on 2024-01-05 01:56:01. It has garnered 9082 views and 204 likes. The duration of the video is 00:04:35 or 275 seconds. Exciting news for the future of Minecraft Bedrock Shaders! Deferred shaders are now officially supported on Minecraft Bedrock for Xbox, Android and PC! This comes with the new Preview version released a few months back! PREVIEW PATCH NOTES Check out my website for FREE minecraft Add-On methods! Heres the shader I use in this vid! Poggy’s YT… Read More

  • Gingershadow Reveals Insane Naruto Mod!

    Gingershadow Reveals Insane Naruto Mod!Video Information This video, titled ‘NEW NARUTO MOD! EPIC ANIMATIONS, JUTSU, TAILED BEASTS & MORE!, Minecraft Naruto Mod Review’, was uploaded by The True Gingershadow on 2024-06-01 20:00:05. It has garnered 28551 views and 990 likes. The duration of the video is 00:39:51 or 2391 seconds. Solo Leveling Dungeons & Dragons (On Vod Channel) – Minecraft Naruto (Ninshu Origins) Mod – STREAM – DISCORD – BECOME A MEMBER HERE – GingyVODs Channel – NEW NARUTO MOD! EPIC ANIMATIONS, JUTSU, TAILED BEASTS & MORE!, Minecraft Naruto Mod Review #NARUTO #Minecraft #ModReview Also big thanks and… Read More

  • Insane Chapel Chaos! Chatting in Minecraft #6!

    Insane Chapel Chaos! Chatting in Minecraft #6!Video Information This video, titled ‘Starting the chapel + Chat! [Minecraft #6 + Free Chat With Friends ENVtuber]’, was uploaded by Sytymy Ch on 2024-03-17 23:47:47. It has garnered 45 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 02:55:49 or 10549 seconds. Thanks for coming to today’s stream!! ✨Any language spoken in chat is ok! Just follow the rules! If you follow the rules, the host will translate and read out your comments, so it’s all good! ✨Be respectful to other viewers, and me too! ✨Stay on topic and don’t mention others unless I mention them first! ✨No… Read More

  • 🔥 Insane Moto Patlo Free Fire Gameplay 😱 #viral #foryou

    🔥 Insane Moto Patlo Free Fire Gameplay 😱 #viral #foryouVideo Information This video, titled ‘Moto Patlo Free Fire Game Play 😍 #ytplaygames #freefire #gameplay #viral #foryou’, was uploaded by YT Play Games on 2024-05-26 09:48:19. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Hello Guyz; Welcome To The Channel of yt play Games, here You Can Find Some Awesome Minecraft.freefire.pubG.etc Videos … Read More

  • Unbelievable new song by Mo sairam. You won’t believe what happens next!

    Unbelievable new song by Mo sairam. You won't believe what happens next!Video Information This video, titled ‘#song #newsong #music #comedy #dj #sairam #freefire #sai #minecraft #shreesai’, was uploaded by Mo sairam. Zx on 2024-02-19 08:06:49. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Read More

  • JustLand

    JustLandjsme česky survival server ktery ma vozidla a modovane věci a budou často update a eventy a odměny na eventech jsou i někdy hodně dobré Read More

  • Industrial Earth: Renaissance Vanilla Roleplay Geopolitics 1.20.4 Dynmap Plugins

    Welcome to Industrial Earth! Industrial Earth is a geopolitical server with heavy roleplay elements. Join us as a leader of nations in the 16th century, or fight as a citizen until the last stand. Our server features a minimal amount of plugins and a dynmap to track cities and borders. Engage in wars, diplomacy, sieges, and other activities within our faction/geopolitical community. Features: Dynmap War & Diplomacy Sieges Roleplay World Map Set in the 16th Century Suggestion Chat for New Features Diverse Nations to Choose From Power Struggles in the Holy Roman Empire Join Now! Discord Invite World Map: Explore… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Childhood memories in the era of Minecraft

    Looks like my childhood is bringing all the skeletons out of the closet in this new era of information! Read More

  • Tri-Wood Tricks: Minecraft’s Triangular House Quick Fix

    Tri-Wood Tricks: Minecraft's Triangular House Quick Fix In the world of Minecraft, where creativity thrives, We’re building a house with triangular vibes. Wooden planks arranged in a unique way, Creating a structure that’s sure to stay. With each block placed, a story unfolds, A home for our character, brave and bold. In this virtual world, the possibilities are endless, With each design choice, our creativity transcends. So grab your tools and let’s get to work, Crafting a home that’s sure to perk, Up the spirits of all who pass by, In this Minecraft world, where dreams can fly high. Read More

  • Minecraft vs Reality: The Ultimate Battle!

    Minecraft vs Reality: The Ultimate Battle! Minecraft: spends hours building a house, mining for resources, and fighting off zombies. Real Life: spends hours looking for a parking spot, waiting in line at the grocery store, and fighting off a cold. Read More

  • Ultimate Minecraft Base Showdown

    Ultimate Minecraft Base Showdown Minecraft Secret Base Logic: NOOB vs PRO Welcome to our latest Minecraft video, where we explore the concept of secret bases through the lens of a noob and a pro player! In this epic showdown, we will witness the different strategies and tactics used by both players to create the ultimate secret base. The Battle Begins Watch as the noob player fumbles and struggles to build a basic shelter, while the pro player effortlessly constructs a complex and well-hidden base. Will the noob player be able to catch up and outsmart the pro, or will their lack of experience… Read More

  • Unlocking Obsidian in Minecraft Agency!

    Unlocking Obsidian in Minecraft Agency!Video Information This video, titled ‘The Quest for Obsidian in Our Survival Saga: The Minecraft Agency’, was uploaded by Agent Omega on 2024-03-07 02:38:48. It has garnered 45 views and 3 likes. The duration of the video is 03:43:40 or 13420 seconds. We finally found a cave with what seems to be unlimited resources! Now we just need an ender chest and we can start moving forward and fast towards our bosses. This time I want to see if we can trigger a pillager raid, let’s see what can stop us. Come hop in and have some fun! Don’t Forget… Read More

  • Unbelievable SMP Ore Mining Strategy!

    Unbelievable SMP Ore Mining Strategy!Video Information This video, titled ‘HOW I WON 9 STACKS OF ORE on an SMP – Metacraft S3#12’, was uploaded by Brevort on 2024-02-13 10:03:17. It has garnered 115 views and 12 likes. The duration of the video is 00:39:56 or 2396 seconds. Survival Minecraft 1.20. In this episode, we build a glow squid farm using guardians, then we join a mining competition (Meta Mining Expedition) where the person with the most ore after the time is up takes all! Featured in this episode: AlphaMike17 – @alphamike17 Bygl – @ByglPlays classicFaye – @classicfaye FuryRaptor – @furyraptor LadyZentra – @ladyzentra… Read More

  • Valley of Riches: Epic Minecraft Survival #2

    Valley of Riches: Epic Minecraft Survival #2Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft survival series #2 | Going to the VALLEY & collecting diamonds ,iron etc.’, was uploaded by Epic Edge on 2024-05-06 12:49:52. It has garnered 28 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 00:13:47 or 827 seconds. _Minecraft Survival Series #2: Going to the Valley!_ “Welcome back to our Minecraft Survival Series! In episode #2, we’re venturing out of our safe haven and into the unknown… Our journey takes us to the Valley, a mysterious and treacherous region filled with hidden dangers and untold riches. We’ll need to be cautious and clever… Read More

  • Insane new water bucket trick! Must see! #shorts #memes

    Insane new water bucket trick! Must see! #shorts #memesVideo Information This video, titled ‘water bucket trick 💪😀#shorts #memes’, was uploaded by ZA GAMING on 2024-02-03 07:28:48. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Welcome to our channel! In this exciting video titled “Mastering Minecraft: Unleashing Creative Gameplay,” we dive deep into the … Read More

  • Insane Gamer816 Builds Epic Tree House in Minecraft!

    Insane Gamer816 Builds Epic Tree House in Minecraft!Video Information This video, titled ‘Unbelievable Tree House Build on Minecraft!’, was uploaded by GAMER816 on 2024-06-23 03:53:37. It has garnered 11 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:49 or 49 seconds. #minecraft, #minecraftbuilds, #minecraftbuild, #minecraftpe, #minecraftpc, #minecrafthouse, #minecraftdaily, #minecrafters, #minecrafter, #minecraftideas, #minecraftonly, #minecraftmeme, #minecraftserver, #minecrafthouses #cricut made diy activities minecraft backrooms minecraft shorts minecraft simple tutorials minecraft tutorial Tree house offgrid tiny house My Instagram Account Read More


    INSANE BASE BUILDING DAY 2!! | LSLIVE Minecraft SMPVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft SMP Day 2! Building a base!’, was uploaded by LSLIVE on 2024-03-11 07:13:12. It has garnered 75 views and 5 likes. The duration of the video is 05:27:57 or 19677 seconds. THANKS FOR ALL YOUR SUPPORT!!! DONATE AT : SOCIALS: Instagram: luckyshot.w.k Discord: The Wolf Pack Twitter: @LuckyShotxWK TikTok: @luckyshotxwk MERCH!!! SPONSORED BY ULTI ENERGY!!! USE CODE WK 7 TO GET 10% OFF EACH ITEM!!! Read More

  • Minecraft Secret: Herobrine in Sumit Gamer05’s Live Stream

    Minecraft Secret: Herobrine in Sumit Gamer05's Live StreamVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft But Herobrine Is There 🤫 #live #stream’, was uploaded by Sumit Gamer05 on 2024-04-17 16:34:08. It has garnered 366 views and 6 likes. The duration of the video is 02:02:51 or 7371 seconds. Hey folks! Watch me play Minecraft (Patch)! Join my Club on Turnip sumit: Thank you for watching my Minecraft (Patch) stream. And for all the support you are showing! 🔥, If you liked my stream, please like and subscribe. It motivates me a lot. 🙂 And share my channel with your game friends. 🙂 See you on my next stream!!!,… Read More

  • Bluey vs Evil Mackenzie in Secure House Showdown!

    Bluey vs Evil Mackenzie in Secure House Showdown!Video Information This video, titled ‘Queen Bingo The Most Secure House vs Evil Mackenzie In Minecraft’, was uploaded by Bluey Play on 2024-06-01 09:15:23. It has garnered 23879 views and 114 likes. The duration of the video is 01:02:00 or 3720 seconds. Queen Bingo The Most Secure House vs Evil Mackenzie In Minecraft, Bandit Heeler and Chilli Heeler heir own Minecraft server and playing. Cartoons play this is an entertainment channel where characters from different cartoons and popular games play different games, SUBSCRIBE! Disclaimer: All voices are completely AI Generated Read More

  • Mind-Blowing FNAF MC Animation | Not Me by TryHardNinja

    Mind-Blowing FNAF MC Animation | Not Me by TryHardNinjaVideo Information This video, titled ‘”That Me Is Not Me” | FNAF Minecraft Animated Music Video | Song By ‪@TryHardNinja’, was uploaded by Transfangames07 on 2024-06-22 19:00:06. It has garnered 10152 views and 623 likes. The duration of the video is 00:03:36 or 216 seconds. Well Good Day people reading this, honestly didn’t think this momment would come so quickly but here we are, new animation :D, now before going into me leaving my own thoughts on my own animation, i wanna give a HUGE shoutout to @BAMation (Spider Manny) for helping one of the scenes of this video since… Read More

  • DragonChief

    DragonChiefSurvival Minecraft Server yg Bekerja sama dengan THF Server ini dapat di mainkan di bedrock maupun Java Read More

  • Stinky SMP Modded SMP No Resets 1.20.1 Java Origins No Whitelist No Chat Reports

    Welcome to Stinky SMP! This server offers a unique experience with fair moderation, extreme longevity, and inclusivity for all playstyles. Whether you’re a builder, PVPer, trader, or nomad, there’s a place for you here. If you have any suggestions, feel free to share them! Key Features: Great Performance: Our vanilla+ modpack ensures minimal client-side lag, and the server has high-end hardware for smooth gameplay. Safezone-Borderlands System: Experience both bloodshed and peace in different areas of the server, catering to various playstyles. The Origins Mod: Explore unique custom origins along with the base origins, carefully curated for a balanced and exciting… Read More

The Story of Minecraft (Documentary)