The Sunroses – (Nixie Plays) Minecraft – RAA | Dimension-Hopping Weirdness

Video Information

Hello welcome to the stream I’m just gonna play a little ukulele bit here came up with this cool thing Yeah okay so minecraft see it’s gonna actually run oh okay we’ll see if this we’ll see if this works I have to turn down some settings seems to be running decently okay so I was just cooking some potatoes here a little mine down here I found some diamonds so I’m gonna go find

Those and then we’ll start getting ready to actually like hop into these portals cuz yeah so this this mod basically like randomly adds like different ores and materials and also entirely new dimensions the game it’s kind of wild and we happen to have four portals right

Here so I’m gonna head down here first it is diamonds now we actually only need three of these right now is I’m going to leave the rest of them for Lindner when I can like get portion or something but yeah Kane is freezing up a little we’re gonna have to tweak something here

And here’s our potatoes all right so pickaxe cool now we have that oh yeah I was gonna use that to mine like obsidian and a quick enchanting table and stuff but we’ll do that later first don’t actually dive into one of these remembering correctly which I might not

Be one of these two portals was one I’ve been in before the last I sort of regenerated this world because it had some there are some bugs and stuff but let’s see yes this one so let’s oh there we go now it’s funny no check damage that’s not dying out oh god

That was not the smoothest of starts but we’re here now at least this one isn’t on a tree like the last one like the last time I was here anyway welcome to posture II I don’t know how to pronounce the name is randomly generated so I

Guess there’s no like set way to yes this is a weird place the truth you know he’s actually different than before I’m wondering if like let’s see there’s like just like this pond or like the way they generated the possible but I’d like logs like sticking through the canopy is sort

Of rather than just like you know below them I thought was kind of cool but they’re like a few different biomes here I think if we go to the southwest we might find something interesting but first let me mark the portal and way back god that the slag is not great

It’s interesting the way these a lot of these trees generate they just sort of like the leaves just start decaying immediately so you just have these trees that are just like dying around you as they generate that’s probably not helping the lag come to think of it I wonder if like

That that’s much better it’s already way smoother that is probably a bug that we could report from at some point that tree’s leaves just immediately start decaying you know in the world now if I recall correctly I’m not sure if this is still true but awesomo is here the stone of

This world had a very special property huh looks like it doesn’t anymore okay I guess they changed the frequency of that fair enough complain about that too much it’s just you know since it was like in like basically every dimension before so that was weird occurrence also I realized I actually

Forgot to mark the portal like I said that I was going to I gotta go looking for it did I spawn it genuinely cannot remember one issue if these dimensions is at least this one has like a sort of a lack of super clear landmarks but there are a few you’re in

There but they’re sparse and a lot of the landscape ends up being a little saving and there’s like only three biomes the entire world no not here oh why do see something interesting over there though it’s like an orc oh that’s that’s one of the useless ones is it generates here too

Hello welcome this is a dimension randomized dimension called PAH story is that it’s a randomly generated meeting for it and I completely lost track of where I actually came in and the portal is just like one block so I can’t really find it easily on my mini-map so

Slightly concerned but yes the grass is like a dark blue the sky is green and orange which is fascinating but oh there it is okay yeah that’s a bit it’s bit sort of tucked away in a corner let’s make a waypoint real quick okay there we go

Now we know how to get kinda way back home so now I can go exploring okay that was a bad idea not worth it just to mention seems to mostly be full of horses and donkeys by the way Oh Fallot the oranges around the horizon and the green is though the part above

But yeah yeah the other direction I think not see but how will this kind of it makes it also like inaccurate but that’s fine that way yeah that’s the portal green water now is this dimension actually gonna generate any horse it’s a question right now that should but I

Don’t know it seemed to be fixed at least for the overworld so I’m not sure yeah yeah it’s a bit uh a lot of cliffs in this train huh also worth noting and all of these randomized dimensions beds work similarly to how they do in the

Other in the end or you know like thanks boy yeah good material for tools I think is this shovel with it’s very good it’s got a lot of durability look at this axe this is made of its gems which are fairly common and it’s only got 500

Durability but it does ten damage I can like kill zombies and stuff in like two hits it’s great long asleep yeah great got it out of here before night falls because we can’t sleep here so we need to sleep back home base as you do seems like you have to have an

Empty hand and shift right click that’s a bit weird okay games frozen that’s funny that’s I’m sure it’s fine completely frozen in fact I’m not sure if you can still hear me but my entire computer froze up for a second there oh dear now why this abuse New York usage and stuff

Sneeze nothing showing up in the console if the game just froze arbitrarily I love it when that happens minecraft is such a good game ok well the games just not responding code a minute here but I probably gonna have to end up having it forced close it I’ll play it out as much

I got the game is saved which when I went through the portal I think I should have some sort of like scene in OBS that just like it that’s just like like it’s sort of like sorry that says technical difficulties and just has like elevator music playing in the background

Oh actually made it date/time yes Oh out of curiosity are these two colors like distinct very distinct they have like different brightnesses and stuff I think I’m sure how different they look because this one’s like a dark orange and this one’s like a sort of bluish hey welcome back

Well we were going into the post story dimension or post URI as one of my friends was calling it cool so yeah this is a place that exists okay movement that way so there’s something over this way too mysterious not much of no ruins and what’s this that is nice

Okay I don’t know what enter Isis but I have some of that now util that’s some more sure is simply Forster interests bones in course dirt interesting fascinating okay oh okay so like this is a mod that adds like randomized [ __ ] to the game so it adds like new like ores and materials

Just like with random generation and completely new dimensions so that’s what this is it is like a portal it was like portals that take us to worlds like this that are just you know a lot of features of it a randomized like as you can probably tell the sky color a color of

The grass just you know completely randomized biomes sort of stuff like that it’s really funky and I’m having fun with it also this dimension there are a lot of horses here horses like everywhere I actually I don’t actually nope okay I don’t actually have a saddle with

Me okay I’m not seeing any ores in the stone here which might be a bug or it might I might just have not found any yet oh that’s okay oh that’s that’s the useless one oh no keep it I’m gonna make a block of it horse land yes land of

Horse or horse and I guess if you want to bounce it more like okay yeah the lack of ORS and the stone is becoming very apparent actually quasi quasi s– well yes it is it is possible that part’s not working but that’s it doesn’t mean we can’t have fun exploring

So keep going for now I’m hoping to eventually find more of there’s there’s a material called trans annex trend trans NYX it’s however that might be pronounced it’s basically like it gets a more like pink sort of gem crystal like this one and it’s just I mean it’s just

Cool because it’s it’s called trans it has trans in the name that makes it automatically cool what’s this red ice it sure it it sure is red ice crystal you’re not wrong trans it does like an a between the words but yeah basically literally me

Just to see what about this way you know last time I was in this dimension when I generated this for the first time a slightly earlier version of the Moffatt and that wasn’t working too well um I the stone like made you bounce like ridiculously high like 10 15 lakhs in

The air when you jumped on it it was ridiculous kind of fun but also hazardous I almost kind of miss it but I also kind of Dylan and not an ore in sight yep oh yeah that’s right also this dimension that spawns a lot of Enderman

So that’s something to look out for it’s a good thing I have this curved pumpkin with me I can use that if necessary yeah I know if there’s some problem hello friend yes hello goodbye hold on I don’t have my weapon out I was horribly unprepared for that but somehow managed somehow

Managed to survive there’s another one why are there so many baby zombie villages zombie villager frequency in this world is actually way higher than in the overruled I meant of torches oh [ __ ] I mean it’s not like so it’s really much more to see in here so we might as well just head

Out yeah it sort of does it’s like yeah no it’s just blue rock Blue Rocks hello yeah there was an example of my two-shot kill with the coal mines commis axe so do they fix for no you still can’t spot that okay no it’s it’s not

The most pleasant there is at least one dimension generated that is entirely underground so look forward to that but that’s um not one of the portals that’s in the hub that we’re at currently there’s only like four portals of her hub and I think there’s like at least

Six dimensions but I did find another hug nearby on the map so we’re gonna check that out more later yeah stanchion doesn’t seem to have that much more to see I know there are a few different biomes here but I don’t remember I don’t like how far enough to explore to find them

Nice this is this seems above the dark it’s one of the not too useful yeah this place would be a good place to go like she want to farm ender pearls and stuff I guess but right now we’re just in this for the exploration so we don’t need to

Worry about getting to the end quite yet if if at all oh I guess I know pros could still be useful and I’m considering also going to the nether just to get some like yeah like ores or not stuff for like potions would that be cool glow-in-the-dark

Blocks I have enough to make him walk today yeah do you have enough to play market Degel I ate down so let’s see what this looks like it’s very nice sort of deep sort of royal purple I guess gender proof hello I just put that there hi hello welcome to the stream trace

Also just all of these are useless except for making blocks that’s good to know Kwasi is okay for Jason chestplate is the it’s better it’s a better helmet than the one I have so I’m going to try that see how does that look okay this means I can thinking about a fetus

At some point and he’s yeah that’s good for you wanna see like shares or making like like durability wise for making an axe let’s you know let’s put a shot we just gotta break a lock with it to test its durability yeah yes okay that’s very good durability wise not to slow either

So this will probably replace my oh now okay well now we got two kinds of axes that you’re out they had this one party so it’s faster and better durability but that’s a good backup it also does a reasonable amount of damage to though like that’s eight a

Little over eight damage that’s pretty good not as good as the ten for this one but it has more durability so I might want to consider like having that is like a just have both of them in our hot bar for now okay so which dimension

Should we check out next we’ve seen this one so there are three others we can look at and I don’t think I’ve seen any of them look it up three to see the names there’s old trouble sub Turin and out-out units yeah uh well yeah I hate to break it to

You but none of them are blue there’s purple and like two green ones but yeah this one’s purple I guess this one’s slightly blue-ish but it’s more green okay sure ultra poor it is then I hope it’s not ultra boring yeah and yeah noise ooh well okay under the horizon we have

Purple and above the horizon we have like a sort of like peach color almost yes that’s nice oh this is pretty even oh wow okay this is even more mountainous than sir he is and we spawned in a tree okay we can relocate this oh I didn’t realize that that is

Very convenient at least I hope we can and still have it work here we just test reflective this does still function I mean it kind of does it kind of functions okay yeah no that’s AC okay I get how that works then well still be a convenient exit portal at least so I

Might do that just mark it there this is interesting oh you guys you got a few interesting biomes here sandy one this is very like bigotry is weirdly shaped once Wow okay this place is large and yet again no visible oars in this town but that’s getting dark here already oh I

Forgot to bring torches again hello we’re currently exploring a very weird world here called ultra bore it’s doesn’t quite live up to its name it’s actually quite interesting super all crystal slizzer not you know exceedingly useful but captain spooky you have it got giant trees and giant floating whatever oh okay

Hello there I just completely mess with that okay well we’ve got slowness now or for a little bit we also got a health potion nice okay so there are a lot of spawning spaces around here is what I’m gathering which makes sense because there’s autos land hanging over other land it’s great dark

Spots where mobs spawn and also there’s half a sunflower here work you know the top half of the sunflower so is it like just good plant that’s fine are these cool you know it might be tricky to get around here but I have an idea for how to make it easier and it

Involves the last dimension we were just in besides the upper world so no I think I’ll keep this exit portal here just like for convenience considering how weird it is it sort of does yeah it can only be used to make blocks and swords and the sword doesn’t

Seem all that good ok decent one game anyway torches need to bring some blocks let’s keep the health potion on us should be all we need actually let’s see first though or actually maybe we shouldn’t because for hunting and urban let’s just wrapped up a Sturgis first

Here we are back to the story because girls a good spot to like vantage point out here I don’t need to dig into the shirt let’s try it out let’s get ready and spot some in German there’s one hello and your parole acquired it’s just I haven’t really given you a spot to

Stand have I hold on there you go that’s better wait come back oh okay this is not the most efficient way to do it but it works I don’t think so I’m not sure no no it’s not okay wait for it to get here yes we need to

Make something a bit more efficient here I probably need to do is find like a bigger like open space I can do this in I got to be careful because zombies also spawn in this dimension occasionally run run run run run back to the other one

Hmm yeah we really need a better way to do this because you’re not getting interpose quickly enough to really warrant this strategy you get more opening space same sort of thing this is much better like just a few minutes time question is can they get up here you should be able to smell

Looks like they’re spinning now seem very confused how they shouldn’t want to run around agend yes yeah they do keep running on top of it that’s Just like they still can teleport on believes but they seem leaves should give the trick hello we’re trying to yeah we’re trying to get Enderman to fight us speaking get there in your throws we got five them but I feel Oh fell and died okay fair enough just

Gonna make it at least staircase down lutely normal thing today right oh we got some diluted sugarcane here hello oh yeah that’s a good point but I don’t have any bamboo so that’s not like necessarily anymore immediately accessible but you you have a point yes scaffolding would be very useful I might

Try to get that Yeah this is like the alternate dimension minecraft mods’ because it like much in a sentence because it’s like just adds random ones oh it’s raining I love rain bamboo jungle anywhere near yeah honestly I might just spawn some in if y’all are ok with that just like one just start like a farm

With I’ve already technically cheated in the backpack just cuz that seems essential with all the extra items so yeah as well Oh a valid sorry that was my fan I can turn that off for a bit right yeah see you a friend so yeah one bamboo a single bamboo just

One beard and I can help it along a bit with some boating yeah in the meantime why don’t you check out what the other dimensions have to offer because that might be interesting so I want to check I know everything that can make like a sword but you have the free

Yeah creo mix I don’t have enough of that though can’t make a start with that one or that or that there are not many sort of materials here are there uh-huh it’s just yeah that’s the material or like the tool of choice for mining and

Ooh but it’s fine I can just make an iron one I just thought it’d be cool to have one with like higher durability okay where is ya dude okay uh I just realized I have that set to zero because vengeance I should probably you know still set it to zero when I go into dimensions but yeah okay so which one of these do you want the slightly greener green or the slightly bluer green yes yellowish versus sort of bluish sub Trin or Oh to net can’t decide which ones go to hmm

I’m gonna show you this one it’s called sub trim that doesn’t actually mean it’s undergrad necessarily oh okay well this is really interesting right off the bat so you got screen around the horizon we got blue skies and whoa heck it’s not that one of these all right fair enough and stuff

And lots of horses again interesting oh it’s very dark here exceeding me dark hello are the spotting rules between dimensions like the same sadly the thing that is the thing that should be randomized make not spotting rules but like you know the thing of like what spawns don’t see an inner man around

Here so maybe not spiders and creepers let’s follow the creepers there we go handled that pretty well I think wow it’s so dark here Arthur all these sunflowers in the dark makes no sense bad world building zero out of ten oh wow okay is that water at the bottom or just fog

Can’t tell it’s a very interesting looking world I’m just kind of feel bad for like the torch spam but she want to see very a relatively safe area to like around the portal at least this is somewhat dangerous oh the stone is purple right that’s

Pretty yeah yeah that would be I mean at least they I’ve keep inventory on so I could you know find out without too much risk at some point but wow that sure looks like water but it might not be so sure I remember all blue yeah that’s a suitable color

How many zombies I guess it’s kind of a good place to farm XP it’s not like automated or anything but it kind of works especially if I can get crits like that okay I’m nervous this the urge to lay that much more of this just because you know Bob’s finding properties are

Actually useful do you need to watch out for baby zombies though haha I’m getting pretty good at this is it looks so cool and it’s just totally swarming with zombies which is also cool in its own lane oh there is something I love the stones oh yes okay so it’s not entirely broken

That is fantastic okay what is that no you did anyway to get up there first yeah I don’t really have the material with me to do that do I yeah I definitely need some scaffolding I guess a lighter would be useful but that’s like really like late game stuff you know

We’re taking climate to at least in Kabul soon she is what are they yes this is softer than regular it’s down early over old stone nice I haven’t have a diamond – why isn’t it dropping anything or is dropping nothing okay oh [ __ ] I guess we’re not getting anything from that then hello

It’s not a big deal to me that I that not all the ORS are working because I’m more into this for just like the exploration stuff like look at all this Wow yeah getting in changing setup and possibly just spawn ourselves in a way traffic I know right so that was a sub

Trend turn the random kicks back on have them turned off in the other world so that like stuff doesn’t the leaves don’t like decay immediately because there’s a lot of trees with just like big piles of ways that don’t really you know normally stay sub turn cobblestone this is cute

Can’t like do it much with it it looks kind of neat put this next to the portal to signify dimension and I was gonna do that with the other ones too it wasn’t um yeah just have not yet so what we’re kind of out of space maybe I should just

Bring some cobblestone and just like pillar up with it’s not the prettiest solution but it works also gonna get myself a bunch of ladders just in case okay so we need to mind one more of those diamonds down there and then find a little lava pool – it’s an obsidian

From we are gonna make it in chanting table that requires like four obsidian it’s gonna take a bit oh it’s two diamonds okay we also need lapis jam things don’t wait just remember that probably find something but I don’t have any right now I don’t have an alternative way to get

Leather okay because I don’t want to like slow down the progression of this I’m going to do a couple things here books and we need more than that one of those okay so there’s bookshelves are starting chanting so that these are back here probably bigots around it like so more books than that

Perfect it’s slightly overkill actually but wait does that actually all right love you away there we go now it should be a full level although our levels let’s see yeah that’s good here we go you see there yeah I wonder if leaving the mentioned re-entering it wouldn’t make more mom

Spawn just my streets just flooding oh it’s a baby zombie Wow one hit nice okay I’m gonna try that thing and yes indeed because it makes sense of every spiders in a place like this generated like you know like big spider web type thing there’s a lot of creepers here

Took a lot of hits there because I couldn’t quite see where this practice were this is tricky this eat green berries in here that was intense all the way over here where the portal is just right nearby where did I wonder off yeah okay just somehow managed to go very far away

Oh that is so touched that’s pretty cool like so touch really like so much actually okay now I don’t think that’s gonna be what goes fast enough oh hello efficiency 3 and some touch nice would be useful on actually later directly okay that’s all I need to do all that

Ends in the engine but I should be able to perform that yeah hell yeah okay cool it’s five okay bye love you that’s a checklist artists like oh oh that’s my electric in spite for oh wow okay not bad okay I think we’re now actually equipped to like properly Explorer so that’s fun

Just yeah okay that’s not lethal let’s go you have to be standing on it okay that’s that’s the trick so we don’t have Rockets that’s another thing that Oh God Wow check that out oh god that’s some spiders a lot of them in fact yeah touch my aways at night

That’s I got another bug there okay so we’ve got this biome what’s this over here it’s the more desert II huh okay yeah it’s not biking and what’s from generating your landing campsite ah it’s just a campfire sometimes these things I’ve like chests with food and stuff in

Them but not this one we got one of those little castle things wonder if there’s anything interesting here wait there’s a chest honey you got bread oh that’s nothing we have one scaffolding I see something mill here over here yes I found it finally aha behold Tran trans annex best material in

The game objectively no regard to you like actual usefulness but it’s not that bad as far as that either Oh oops oh there’s a lot of floating sand here there’s a lot that’s living sand here be careful don’t die it’s dying be not funny yes I see an oar down here but it’s gonna make the whole thing collapse if I might add yeah yeah the

Sandstone it’s just it was a lot of saying that sort of overhanging I live in this entire bit here in the looks of it yep not a single sense not get a glance at that name well there’s probably more of that around somewhere this looks like the same thing

Ya know may X couldn’t have gotten that before yeah yeah one of the ones you can make blocks out of how much else this and then gems oh yeah closer great oh and and suffocate okay got a space in the inventory this is sky blue yeah that’s an claps okay

Look at this place holy [ __ ] oh gosh what her horse is doing in a place like this those are donkeys but you know that’s new that it probably won’t actually yield anything because you know or just don’t drop anything that’s still a bug you really want to turn out my render

Distance just for a bit see if you can handle it look at that look at those triangle trees in see with the VEX from destiny honestly cuz like for me clear sheep’s out of stuff remembering that right even ugh another can’t say hold on that’s that’s an aura haven’t seen before

It’s in a glowing like that yeah 17 in the dark it sounds great that’s interesting the same doors aren’t actually affected by crappy directly it’s fine as generated a bit weird ha you know chests in here with some torches and ironing getting the funds to meet this

Area half like a third biome where would it be if it did just to be aware this this menu pauses the game so it’s anyway thinking else for that house I’m cheating come on I turn down the backstraight a little bit more ya know it’s something slightly easier time loading things I

Think ours that that back was fixed it won’t hurt my chambers we owe some of the trunk loading area shirt weren’t by okay I just want to take a brief look at whatever this last dimension is out Annette just curious what it looks like not gonna spend too long in there today

So maybe another time oh okay this one looks interesting there’s a lot of chicken here ooh okay okay of course ah we’re seeing multiple volumes here oh okay well the totally is water this means I got underwater chill out this love is just slowly flowing down welcome back

I’m exploring the last dimension in our hub this is how to net out mr. Ellis I didn’t mark the entry cold Oh oh yeah it’s gonna be back westward probably I say I hope so see if I can spot a man like that actually okay wait what’s that oh oh just caps

Out because it gets the world huh that’s so weird look at all these chickens there’s so many of them I love how if you right-click at all on top of like a top world play it just as height limit for building it even if you’re not like trying to place a block

Okay but yeah I don’t know where the exit portal is which is a bit of a concern I think it’s up north somewhere must be right those chunks are already generated I haven’t seen that campsite before though not much note here please let’s see what the word was

Yeah same like half of it how do I get out hold on I can check something actually because I think this is based on coordinates and arrows so let’s see go into your waypoints like let me see the way points for the other dimensions please that’s frustrating

Oh that’s definitely not way up here fresh my memory wasn’t too terrible and I wasn’t like and it was like at least thinking about the possibility of not being able to find it when I started flying out but I did not and now here we are very confused and concerned that

Flag is not helping someone was actually generate I think it’ll see something that would like just like oh yeah that’s family this air this general areas like maybe yet like I don’t know that’s my last rocket I’m sorry this is kind of like my fault for not like oh

Gosh it’s not your fault it’s okay I just was not paying attention at all everyone should have been this okay yeah so that’s how far away we were from our place I guess no movies yeah I toss this actually because I don’t eat it rockets let’s go back to the portal

Hub yeah this product yeah Actually mark off that place just I don’t think so we remember to do that it’s floating a couple blocks in the air that’s very oh it’s on top okay yeah that’s I think that’s enough for today but let’s let’s what this this looks like exciting curious huh does look kind

Of metal right here hmm yeah we’re good by the way I just wanted to express that yeah it’s really cool it’s kind of weird but in a cool way just quickly grab some spawn from history just surface mission marking off stuff here is literally two

Nice this is that does that make the lot counter kind of obsolete or perhaps tone it does yeah yeah okay I just wanted to get the like a cobble from each dimension to this this one has a sort of not exceedingly Pleasant color looks like end stone kind of actually I see

How well I’m only really the only thing I’m disappointed about with with that is that the only thing I’m disappointed about what that is that that means they don’t like I have one of those was me doing anybody was saying is the only thing that actually upsets me about that is

That they don’t get to make like a cute mascot for ice thought I picked up two yeah oh that’s why well that’s okay don’t click with blocks because it’ll delete them from your inventory perfectly normal okay there we go now we’ve got all the dimensional stones marked on here

Nice so possibly on Monday we might do some more exploration here and go check out the other portal hub which is right up here and it seems to have some different portals in it so I’m excited about that that’s a creeper anyway yeah thanks for coming by everyone it’s fun Oh see you

Next time okay

This video, titled ‘(Nixie Plays) Minecraft – RAA | Dimension-Hopping Weirdness’, was uploaded by The Sunroses on 2020-04-05 03:53:30. It has garnered 11 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 02:17:10 or 8230 seconds.

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    Swedish Minecraft Marathon: Crafting for an Hour In the world of Minecraft, where blocks reign supreme, Sweden plays softly, a nostalgic dream. C418’s music, a masterpiece in sight, Bringing back memories, shining so bright. For one hour straight, let the music flow, No need to question, just let it go. The creeper and the cat, a playful sight, Adding charm to the scene, pure delight. So close your eyes, let the music take flight, In Sweden’s embrace, everything feels right. Nostalgia in every note, a trip down memory lane, In the world of Minecraft, where creativity reigns. Read More

  • Lucy Pyre’s Hilarious Minecraft Failures

    Lucy Pyre's Hilarious Minecraft Failures Welcome to Noomcraft #2! Exploring the World of Minecraft with Lucy Pyre Lucy Pyre takes her viewers on an exciting journey through the pixelated world of Minecraft in her latest stream. Let’s dive into the highlights of her gameplay and discover the wonders of Noomcraft. Introduction to the Stream The stream kicks off with a lively intro, setting the stage for an adventure-filled gaming session. Lucy Pyre’s energy is infectious as she gears up to delve into the world of Minecraft. Just Chatting Viewers get a chance to interact with Lucy Pyre during the “Just Chatting” segment. This casual… Read More

  • Crafted a Stunning Storage Shack in Minecraft Survival!

    Crafted a Stunning Storage Shack in Minecraft Survival! In Minecraft Survival, I built a storage house so grand, With chests and shelves, organized to stand. The colors were vibrant, the design was neat, A place for all my items, a true feat. I crafted and built, with blocks in hand, Every detail carefully planned. The storage house stood tall and proud, A masterpiece in the Minecraft crowd. So if you’re a gamer, looking for inspiration, Check out my video for some Minecraft creation. Subscribe to my channel, hit that bell, For more gaming content, I promise it’ll be swell. Thank you for watching, I hope you had… Read More

  • 100 Days Surviving a Flood Apocalypse in Minecraft

    100 Days Surviving a Flood Apocalypse in Minecraft The Epic Journey of Surviving a Flood Apocalypse in Hardcore Minecraft Introduction In the bustling city of Minecraft, a group of friends embarked on a daring adventure to survive 100 days in the midst of a flood apocalypse. Tsunami waves ravaged the city, turning it into a war-torn civilization. Our protagonist had to quickly adapt, building a bunker to weather the storm and establish a new civilization with fellow survivors. The Challenge Facing the wrath of underwater monsters that caused the catastrophic floods, our hero had to strategize and collaborate with others to defeat these formidable foes. The stakes… Read More

  • Ali Cabbar’s Death Fear – Minecraft Shorts

    Ali Cabbar's Death Fear - Minecraft Shorts Exploring the World of Minecraft Shorts Ali cabbar’ın ölüm korkusu – Minecraft is a trending topic that has captured the attention of Minecraft enthusiasts worldwide. Let’s delve into the world of Minecraft shorts and discover the exciting features and events that make this game so popular. The Story of Ali Cabbar Ali Cabbar is a character that has become a central figure in the Minecraft community. His adventures and challenges have captivated players and content creators alike. From facing his fears to overcoming obstacles, Ali Cabbar’s journey is filled with excitement and suspense. Emir Can Iğrek and Ali Cabbar… Read More

  • Pixel Planet 21+ Bedrock SMP Semi-Vanilla Whitelist

    Pixel Planet Gaming: Future Server Join us at PPG in creating a new Minecraft world for the next big update! We aim to have a friendly SMP server with various gaming channels on Discord. Let’s work together to choose the seed, resource packs, and world name. Come join the fun and make new friends! Discord: shackfu Read More

  • Worldborne

    WorldborneWorldborne is a plugin based Nations server where you will join a group and try to rise to the top. Several nations have already been founded so far all with rich lore and really cool people. We also have the plugin for Simple Voice chat so that people can easily communicate. We offer a non-toxic community with an anticheat, as well as several moderation tools. Also unique to the server are custom Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – GAMERS, I GOT A THEORY

    Minecraft Memes - GAMERS, I GOT A THEORYGuys, I have a theory that if we keep upvoting this meme, we’ll all level up in our meme game! Read More

  • Victory Dance in Roblox Death Ball: Score More!

    Victory Dance in Roblox Death Ball: Score More! In the world of Roblox, we aim to win, With Death Ball battles, let the games begin. Brother Ian and Ethan, gamers so keen, Crafting content that’s fresh and clean. Join us on YouTube, for gaming delight, Minecraft, BTD6, we play day and night. Our channel awaits, subscribe and see, The fun and excitement, for you and me. In the heat of the game, we fight and we spar, With uppercuts and gems, we raise the bar. Defeating opponents, with skill and with glee, In Roblox Death Ball, we’ll always be free. So come along, join the fun, In… Read More

  • Ronaldo’s Recipe for Minecraft Motivation

    Ronaldo's Recipe for Minecraft Motivation Why did Ronaldo go to Roblox for a recipe? Maybe he’s trying to cook up some motivation to score more goals! Or maybe he just wants to listen to some motivational music while playing Minecraft and Mobile Legends. Either way, he’s definitely got his meme game on point! Read More

  • Mastering Minecraft: Build Your Own Empire

    Mastering Minecraft: Build Your Own Empire Welcome to the Imperial Amphitheater Building the Underwater Kingdom Welcome to the Empires Mode server, a creative multiplayer server where builders can create their very own kingdom. Jake Kelton embarks on a new Minecraft Creative series to showcase the process of building a mega base Kingdom. Whether in a creative test world or survival mode, these videos aim to inspire and provide tips and tricks for creating your own incredible Kingdom. When starting on the server, Jake had to decide on the type of Kingdom to build. After considering options like a flying city and a city built into… Read More

  • Join Minewind: Where Derpage Turns into Epic Adventures!

    Join Minewind: Where Derpage Turns into Epic Adventures! Welcome to, where we bring you the latest updates and trends in the Minecraft community! Today, we want to talk about the exciting world of Minecraft servers and why you should consider joining Minewind. Have you ever found yourself craving a new and unique Minecraft experience? Look no further than Minewind Minecraft Server. With an IP address of YT.MINEWIND.NET, this server offers a one-of-a-kind gameplay experience that will keep you coming back for more. While watching the YouTube video titled “The derpage will happen #shorts” by Music Free Gaming, you may have noticed the sense of community and… Read More

  • Ultimate Kelp Farm for XP Boost!

    Ultimate Kelp Farm for XP Boost! Minecraft’s Easy Auto Kelp Farm: A Versatile Solution for Fuel, XP, and Food Looking to level up your Minecraft game with a reliable source of fuel, XP, and food? Look no further than an easy auto kelp farm! In this tutorial, players can learn how to construct a dried kelp farm that is perfect for Minecraft 1.20. This innovative farm features an automatic harvesting system that is seamlessly connected to a smelter, providing a hassle-free way to gather resources. The best part? This farm doesn’t rely on Zero-Tick technology, ensuring a stable setup without the fear of breaking or… Read More

  • Unearthing a Powerful Rune Stone in Minecraft!? Ep. 8 Solo Leveling Mod

    Unearthing a Powerful Rune Stone in Minecraft!? Ep. 8 Solo Leveling ModVideo Information but now not more goblins all right sure let’s put the Venom Fang on [Music] oh it does answer the question it does we can apply our poison to our magic or wait maybe it was just burning I think the rate I think the rate of those hits are literally yeah I think the r of those hits are from the poison thank you silver car for Prime thank you thank you come the T we’re just chilling out with some more goblins but you know just chilling out with some goblins just not a big deal… Read More

  • Terrifying Minecraft Mystery: Haunted Realm

    Terrifying Minecraft Mystery: Haunted RealmVideo Information This video, titled ‘Scary Minecraft Myth: haunted world’, was uploaded by TymaxgameHD on 2024-03-01 13:50:35. It has garnered 8 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:31 or 91 seconds. If you have scary myths or bedrock seeds/ video or photo footage from any Minecraft version, you can show it on my discord server and I’ll upload it on YouTube if you want that! (: My discord server: Copy the link and join (: Subscribe, like and commend if you want more! It’s a great support for me! Thank you Read More

  • 1.20 Update Exposed! Insane Base & Creeper Farm

    1.20 Update Exposed! Insane Base & Creeper FarmVideo Information welcome to 2b2 the oldest Anarchy server in Minecraft established in December 2010 2 b2t has become a legendary realm where chaos Reigns Supreme with no rules and No Boundaries players are free to explore build and survive in a world where the only limit is their imagination prepare yourself for a journey like no other where danger lurks around every corner and Only the strongest most resourceful players can Thrive welcome to 2 b2t where history is written by those brave enough to venture into its unforgiving landscape I never slow up no I don’t take I… Read More

  • UNBELIEVABLE! Ultimate Minecraft Treasure Hunt!

    UNBELIEVABLE! Ultimate Minecraft Treasure Hunt!Video Information hey guys this is Karina and today welcome back to my channel and I’ll be playing some more Minecraft for you guys oh oh this is where we are okay okay we’re building our cherry oak house here should I continue working on this house H we got some oh yeah we got diamonds in the last episode we got three of them we got a ton of iron cute I’m going to make myself a little hat since I’m already making more iron so I can make a hat her I’m going to try and take down… Read More

  • EPIC Minecraft stream with crazy bedrock PS4 gameplay!

    EPIC Minecraft stream with crazy bedrock PS4 gameplay!Video Information what’s going on guys welcome back guys to another stream today now we are here on Minecraft um on a new survival world called stream so pretty much I’m going to stream this world a lot and a lot um throughout the week um and also now I’m going to do a thing now where I let you guys choose a game on Fridays that I should play so it be pretty fun I want to finish the FNAF one that that is a tall mountain guys like um I will met I we do have cheats on… Read More

  • Unlock Secret Levels in Minecraft with Cartoon Ladders

    Unlock Secret Levels in Minecraft with Cartoon LaddersVideo Information I found colorful ladders and so many characters in Minecraft hey guys it’s Zach here today let’s take a look at the new Rainbow staircases to different colors lots of different interesting portals at the end of them and the most interesting characters look I won’t even list them all there’s all sorts of minions and rainbow friends and ladybug and all sorts of good characters like lunk Angela and Jimmy netron anyway we’ll see it’s going to be interesting I think you should enjoy it I suggest we go probably all the way to the first one… Read More

  • Exploring Insane Minecraft World LIVE!

    Exploring Insane Minecraft World LIVE!Video Information well well well hello the KD is already here saying I’ll join after the Minecraft stuff maybe dot dot dot all right today we are playing agario instead of Chess okay because I tried to play Slither I tried this last stream and I tried it right before this stream and it turns out you can’t play Slither in Chrome apparently which is a crazy thing I don’t know why they haven’t fixed that but if I press play here doesn’t work so instead we’re playing agario okay which is a great game I imagine we’re probably not… Read More


    "💎UNLIMITED DIAMONDS IN FF WITH COMMAND BLOCK!🔥" #Minecraft #GamingVideo Information This video, titled ‘UNLIMITED DIAMOND WITH COMMAND BLOCK #viral #minecraft #technogamerz #gamerfleet #shorts’, was uploaded by OCTAPLAYZ FF on 2024-01-02 17:30:11. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Read More

  • Skeleton goes crazy vs all mobs in epic battle! #minecraft

    Skeleton goes crazy vs all mobs in epic battle! #minecraftVideo Information he [Music] he ow h [Music] yeah [Applause] oh that [Applause] [Music] [Applause] k [Music] [Music] yeah This video, titled ‘minecraft skeleton vs all mob fight are freaking out|minecraft mob battle|#minecraft|’, was uploaded by Xzino Craft on 2024-03-25 22:00:26. It has garnered 4086 views and 42 likes. The duration of the video is 00:05:22 or 322 seconds. minecraft skeleton vs all mob fight are freaking out|minecraft mob battle|#minecraft| minecraft minecraft song pewdiepie minecraft minecraft parody minecraft music dantdm minecraft minecraft song minecraft gameplay minecraft survival minecraft mods minecraft house tutorial minecraft soundtrack ssundee minecraft prestonplayz minecraft epic minecraft… Read More

  • WorldScape Realms 1.20 Survival

    Welcome to our Realm Server Community! Hello everyone, we are looking to create a dedicated and friendly community on our realm server. As we grow in numbers, we plan to transition to a regular Java server. We are seeking committed individuals who can help us build an amazing world and form lasting friendships. If you’re interested, feel free to reach out to me on Discord: Archality. Read More

  • New National Front

    New National FrontNew National FrontIs a small Minecraft survival server. We also have a Discord server can be protected and things can be sold via our own user, admin shop.Ranks are linked to our Discord and you unlock lots of cool stuff!Note: Spawn and shop have been slightly reworked from Planet Minecraft. Credits go to the created users Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – “Minecraft noobs stuck in the past”

    Minecraft Memes - "Minecraft noobs stuck in the past"Looks like those who didn’t migrate are missing out on some high-scoring memes! Read More

  • Craft a Pickaxe Quick & Slick: Minecraft’s Trick

    Craft a Pickaxe Quick & Slick: Minecraft's Trick In the world of Minecraft, where creativity thrives, Crafting a pickaxe is how a player survives. Gather some sticks and materials strong, To make a tool that will last long. Wood, stone, iron, or diamond so rare, Each pickaxe has its own flair. For Netherite, use a Smithing Table with care, To create a pickaxe beyond compare. So follow these steps, don’t be shy, Craft your pickaxe and reach for the sky. In the world of Minecraft, where adventures unfold, Your pickaxe will be worth its weight in gold. Read More

  • “MLG Water Bucket Fail Compilation” 🔥😂 #minecraftmemes

    "MLG Water Bucket Fail Compilation" 🔥😂 #minecraftmemes “When you’re so excited to learn MLG water bucket in Minecraft that you accidentally pour water all over your keyboard instead of in the game. #fail #minecraftprobs” Read More

  • Block-breaking Shenanigans: Minecraft Episode 1

    Block-breaking Shenanigans: Minecraft Episode 1 Minecraft One Block Series: A Thrilling Adventure Begins! Welcome to Livestargamingz’s Minecraft One Block series Episode 1! Join the excitement as the journey unfolds in this thrilling gameplay. Dive into the world of survival, resource gathering, and exploration as Livestargamingz takes on the challenge of surviving in a single block environment. Key Points: Survival one block map Minecraft one block challenge Exciting gameplay elements Resource gathering and crafting Exploring the One Block World: In this episode, Livestargamingz embarks on a quest to mine blocks and expand the limited space available. With the appearance of pig spawns, the challenge intensifies… Read More

  • Join Minewind Minecraft Server for an Epic Zombie Apocalypse Experience!

    Join Minewind Minecraft Server for an Epic Zombie Apocalypse Experience! Are you ready for an epic adventure like no other? Join the Minewind Minecraft Server today and embark on a journey filled with excitement, challenges, and endless possibilities. With a modern, upbeat community and a wide range of features, Minewind is the perfect place for Minecraft enthusiasts to come together and explore the virtual world. Immerse yourself in a world where creativity knows no bounds, where you can build, explore, and conquer with like-minded players from around the globe. The Minewind server offers a unique experience that will keep you coming back for more. So, what are you waiting… Read More

  • Summoning A Demonic Wife: Sjin Enchants the World #23

    Summoning A Demonic Wife: Sjin Enchants the World #23Video Information hello my dudes and welcome back to all the mods 9 enchant the world we’re doing a magical mods playthrough of this mod pack and this episode we’re going to be jumping back into occultism and getting to some of the endgame things that mod has to offer pretty exciting well yeah definitely endgame occultism has some really cool things we’re going to look at today familiars as well as storage some highle quarrying and the endgame pesta resistance we’re going to summon a wife now of course we’ve added some red carpet because I wanted to go… Read More

  • Insane 5-Hour Roblox & Minecraft Marathon!

    Insane 5-Hour Roblox & Minecraft Marathon!Video Information hey what’s up with a happy Roblox family with Mom Dad Daisy mly and the baby [Music] baby with the star Squad smart and fun and little crazy well maybe just just a little bit just just a tiny [Music] bit don’t forget to hit subscribe and check out our awesome SN news at. hey guys what’s up it’s me Molly and Daisy and I want to show you this amazing fan video that we found on YouTube and today’s video is going to be based on this fan art it says Molly and Daisy but they’re evil… Read More

  • Unbeatable PvP Action with OTRABA – Top Clan Slaying Tali Krysha

    Unbeatable PvP Action with OTRABA - Top Clan Slaying Tali KryshaVideo Information Brasil [Música] [Música] [Música] m [Música] m mij m [Música] h ha [Música] This video, titled ‘PvP Funtime / top 1 clan ss / Kv 1×1 Tali Krysha’, was uploaded by OTRABA on 2024-04-25 08:32:53. It has garnered 108 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:52 or 112 seconds. #minecraft holyworld #gg holyworld minecraft, woopsen anarchy, broke the bedrock in the player’s base, wipe anarchy, trade after the wipe, after the wipe, that they won’t be found minecraft anarchy, minecraft carrot farm, ifrit farm, minecraft griefing, sold my base, like me sold my base… Read More

  • Bluey goes INSANELY FAST in Minecraft ONE BLOCK!

    Bluey goes INSANELY FAST in Minecraft ONE BLOCK!Video Information hello my dear friends today we are embarking on a new adventure in the world of Minecraft on the one block map where every block is a whole world of possibilities together with our loving and reliable family we are here to survive thrive and create wonders out of tiny cubes we started this journey together with each of us putting a piece of our minds labor and Imagination into expanding this lonely block into something grander my mom a master Miner carefully extracting resources from the depths of this World opening up new opportunities for us to… Read More

  • 🔥 Insane Minecraft Live SMP 24/7 CRACKED Server! #minecraftlive

    🔥 Insane Minecraft Live SMP 24/7 CRACKED Server! #minecraftliveVideo Information ब ब ब ब ब ब ब ब ब ब ब ब ब तो क्या है हालचाल तो गाइस बताओ आप सभी लोग क्या बोल रहे हो बार मैसेज कर रहे हो क्या क्या बोल पता नहीं तो हमारा एसम पी जो है उड़ चुका है मतलब जिसने बनाया था उसका घर उड़ चुका है तो इसलिए हम न्यू घर बना रहे हैं माइक ऑ था हमारा क्योंकि य हमारा जो है ना किसी और रूम में था इसलिए आप रिक्वेस्ट कर ओपन कर दिया हेलो ब्रो प्लीज भाई एमआर राहुल कुमार सबका स्वागत है लाइव स्ट्रीम को… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Scam Exposed: Building Epic Forts in Hardcore!

    Insane Minecraft Scam Exposed: Building Epic Forts in Hardcore!Video Information hi everybody wax FR here and welcome back to episode two of the hardcore let’s play series we are starting the episode right outside of our very first house in this series and we have plenty more to make the goal of this episode is actually not to take care of myself but to get some housing for the villagers because you know I mean I have a house but the villagers don’t have anything the only housing that we’ve made so far is actually the small dirt Hut that we have a mending villager in and our… Read More

The Sunroses – (Nixie Plays) Minecraft – RAA | Dimension-Hopping Weirdness