The True Gingershadow – A NEW REINCARNATION APPEARS! Minecraft That Time I Got Reincarnated As A Slime Mod Episode 13

Video Information

Hello everybody Ginger Shadow here and welcome back to some of that time about reincarnated displaying with Mary live stream edition whatever variant this is I’m not alone today there’s another canopy reincarnation shortly joining is I hear a bat like ow a big attacks oh God I love uh kill them it’s fine a

Shipwreck Journey I’ll kill I’m on like literally uh wait wait wait if you could feel your heavy notion I’m in the ocean where the ocean yes okay so uh yeah Minecraft Comes Alive isn’t this when you pick it you get pick where you’re a male female what the [ __ ] are you doing

Tier one and uh yes demons just picked his background being he’s in a shipwreck which is certainly our background to start with I don’t know where he is anymore I’m got to go I’m in the Arctic there’s ice oh roughly that is I think

That’s to the north of Me Hold on let me let me quickly oh really really you pull the Bears to the north of you who who would have [ __ ] thought yeah listen listen I found an ice area before that’s the reason I think that I really should

Have brought my dog to swim in this oh dear I decided to walk this there is a lot more activity I think this is true because it’s increased the spawn rate oh my God why is it that’s 40 percent a piece of mutation creeper hello love you bestest friend yo I love you

Too Ashley oh no oh no okay I’ll check them out real quick let’s go first part of today’s Final Fight he is over there okay okay we’ve confirmed he’s over there let’s go save him or I’ll let him die we’ll see you let’s see I have it is I don’t know where his

Spawn place is gonna be is well there’s nothing but ice out here so uh not much I can do with that so uh we’re just gonna be a polar bear it’s fine oh yeah yeah let me just punch a polar bear with my bear fish yeah they’re

Definitely not going to adding back to you absolutely not they’re they’re definitely friendly creatures oh yeah yeah definitely definitely definitely not so oh known for if you see a polar bears 12 foot tall bears not going to eat me yeah yeah okay it’s not like they give you the whole

Advice thing or you know if you see a polar bear while you’re right there like you’re just dead it’s like just give up um yeah like you already let it get too close if you can see it you just have to hold you cannot run whoever you’re with basically

Oh yeah I can do this together you know uh polar bears are man-eaters uh yeah they eat meat weirdly hold on hey is that a H is that a is that a gingery Shadow you must be freezing out here yes it is mighty cold out here

Why is getting to pick for this the one where you have no telephone oh dear so uh how far do you think you’re gonna get things I see a Spearfish right there that’ll kill you interesting okay so my homework is I have so far not managed to figure very

Much out about it it’s a complex I mean you don’t remember how to make blades did they change it or something there’s like there’s making blades and there’s also advanced in the blades getting techniques and stuff it does more to it yeah it is slightly different than what I remember

Okay we’re gonna we’re gonna go this way towards those polar bears uh why all right we could go around to pull over as I suppose and go buy that Turtle there that may work too yeah I feel like going around the polar bears is the uh smarter

Option you know I don’t know if they’re gonna go fear I don’t know if these are nearby they’ll go for you a polar bear is normally violentness ah I think so I do feel that we said the wrong message if they weren’t I teach people that polar bears are

Actually friendly what just hit me there hello God damn he’s sniping that’s what they say what’s hitting me hello where did you respawn right behind me apparently you got a researcher oh this thing’s killing me by the way hold on I’m not okay with this I’m not okay with this oh yeah

Let’s go with the tiger random race cause I don’t I don’t care random yeah I turn around them to fight it select oh yes but yeah I’m a goblin oh this is beautiful so you’re a goblin researcher so you’re Greg basically yes you are in fact the smart Goblin oh God

He’s Keen for me ah you feel you’ve gotten closer now I can’t block him though I can’t I can’t ah this part like that oh boy ow punk I hate him oh God I’m getting killed by this thing I I can’t reach him because I’m a little more benefiting you Silence Yourself

I can’t beat this mutant scouting so it’s in the water there I can stop him killed him holy [ __ ] I have problems with them for a while where are you by the way where have you gone uh I’m in a forest have you oh you’ve been back to actual spawn okay

Okay I’ll make my way back there now then all right well researcher that’s yes literally the same skills what I got awesome it’s not a great skill people some people were trying to dump it in bigger office if it’s like one of the best skills in the game and like yeah it’s

Useful late game but what the [ __ ] hello hello who are you with a Morning Star attacking me right now I’ve never met this prick who is this guy oh I have never seen him before I don’t fancy oh you’re fine so there’s two types of our welder there

Is some that are not hostel no just chill until you fight them and then there’s the horrible ones that will attack you oh no oh wait there’s a guy killed you the guy did he oh no oh did they stab you did he teleport to you and

Stab you you finally wait what what the actual hell what is happening with you those are so rare I’ve only ever seen one spot in the entire time I’ve been playing Yeah well yeah I’m gonna murder him easy sir hold on let me get let me grab my sword

Hold on I’m gonna kill her make a good skill for killing that hold on I want it you’re the magic sword to fight him of course give me give me give me give me he’s the one that killed me give me give me give me oh they got the ones your hearts

You [ __ ] I’m sure if you get his skills from this one you did not okay I feel slightly embarrassed as I said skill I always tell me it’s you are you gonna give it back yeah you want it back no do you care I mean it’s shazumi sword I’ve only ever

Gotten one of them and fighting killing suzumi is quite difficult so there is that I do require a weapon yeah you require a loss hold on let us let us go to where I live which is slightly uh safer ish and from there oh no where is the Assassin guy gone I

Don’t know I don’t like that does an assassin guy look stab you’ll teleport and stab you in the back I don’t know where he went he was chasing me and he stopped well he’s somewhere yeah the thing is he’ll kill you I I spent like an entire two episodes trying to kill him

That was generally I think he kept killing me I couldn’t stop him damn he’s that kind of guy he’s just get that good a skill look at us us researchers tackling the world I do have a couple more skills since then I have a couple of skills my researcher

Is my first skill I have one active skill in the restaurant passive if I’m gonna get the Survivor skill because I kept nearly dying ads oh I’ll show you the less skill later it’s a fun skill blah blah blah yeah so here’s where I live by the way

Um of course yeah yeah I picked the sky place because there was far fewer things trying to kill me up here also I used to have an NPC here where did you go oh dear oh no I think I’ll maybe see her at this point is your controls are gonna change for

This probably uh probably there’s a bunch of mods in here you haven’t played in the well like I didn’t have to switch to some Xbox because I’ve played this stuff a lot I already had a budget still see it let’s toss some of the stuff you’re here for now there we go

I’m aware of what I could do today it should be fun that should be fun also too we could get even a skill reroll scroll if we did that then you could get a different skill are you laying in there there’s better stuff for that it’s better stuff dude don’t worry about it

I have an eye a gold sword now let’s go it’s not that good I know it’s got like a really high-end chat on it but it’s also still a gold swords oh this is my dog this is grim I can use him to play okay cool but yeah so we’re going to

Take for modern so basically this lets you this is actually like adjust tools and things for example my I’ve currently got a dragon bone dagger which actually just requires an upgrade uh there we go basically for this to work uh grab like an iron sword and then you can add adjustments to it

So like don’t don’t adjust the sword you’ve got there because you’ll lose all the enchants of it you wanna grab I got this Metro sword here okay that’s a magic sword I got that off the Assassin kit killing me after I eventually convinced them with create violence to stop killing me

Also hold on just to check see for eign I mean sure need to see how you make them again because they’re a whole process I think they’re a tear up from the ratrios girl ‘s girl the Crayons archery of them paper and leather her Italian acquires two bits of demons stealing their gold

Block Ah that’s not too bad I require four magic still okay I don’t have that oh you killed that slam did he drop anything uh let me see you drop any crystals or anything no really I got a slime ball facker Ah that’s a shame okay

We’ve got dragon skill now by the way you can make dragon skill or if you want to try and survive oh there is that it’s like I came to recommend because the world is quite harsh out there as you’ll soon learn this is why I’m kicked up with like a

Dagger a shield and all this armor and things so yeah I’m getting over our magic stuff and you’ll get more magic Steel things I need two more shards I think some more silver I know I’ve got silver okay we’ve got a bunch of stuff to make

Demon every year else grow we said to be the last few bits so I guess we could take demon I think what are you doing up there down you come blomp there we go can you stay there yeah Graham is the reason why I kept getting killed by that

Assassin I basically took him to fiery lines and it’s just like an awfulness assassin killed me but in that last Grims thousands of blocks away so I had to keep running back to go save him but every time I got there the Assassin would kill me and that’s uh it’s just an ongoing

Battle oh yeah so there’s your researchers go kicking in so when you make things there’s a chance to get random enchants on them yeah well it happened three [ __ ] times yeah apparently it was a 10 chance I don’t know how true that is if it’s ten percent that ten percent is crazy

I mean one chance you get though because they don’t match they don’t get a chance for the piece to get random enchants like from anything uh the helmet has blast protection and plus protections three Dev Strider a chess plate has feather falling hilarious yeah and then uh my pants also

Has feather falling hilarious as well I am very curious how you can jump from a little bit feet you know I mean you know it’s yummy shoes no there’s nothing on my shoes oh when do I make another set and see if it make everything chance them no you

Just just to see it’s our ability like researcher lets you do this so you know apparently if you upgrade if you can upgrade your researcher ability to turn into The Godly Craftsman ability which makes the enchantments there we go projectile protection that’ll be useful from the mutated skeleton shooting at you

Sure will be I’m really curious what will happen when we throw you off something really high will the fellow falling work who knows but at least you’re all you’re all pimped out now bronze dragon okay what we can do though is we can get you a little till upgrade before you go

Too far I need to uh uh actually we’re gonna turn off this [ __ ] helmet everything else can stay on though yeah just not the helmet the helmet like it’s cool and all but uh I’ll put the helmet on when I’m like when I when I finally tame a level 5 Dragon and I’ll

Be fine yeah I’ve not even fought with those things I killed level threes at this point even though it probably doesn’t matter at the end game of this mod because it’s not I don’t know I don’t know so the tech promotes here has an extra mod business which makes it so you can

Actually make your tools at Dragonstone do you make like a dragon steel variant weapons without variant tools and things like right now I’ve got a dragon bone dagger yeah along with the uh never a tower Shield so I’m saying is uh the right tower Shield this guy so bill is that I gotta

Protect myself build a regular shield bigger build a regular iron sword and then put them in a table and adjust them and see what you can do because you can build custom Weaponry with this it’s a really cool mod oh yeah also for your Weaponry if it gets damaged you can

Repair it depending on what you made out of um as you saw man just made that another right like I don’t have any more nailer right I’ve only ever found one who’s got different other stuff like dragon bone there we go now you can do the same with

Things like tools and stuff so like you’re a pickaxe you can add equipment onto this you can repair your equipment on the go but also make like Dragon Ball and stuff have demon defeat his own dragon I mean it’s pretty much just start with the basic iron things right now

Just imagine them at a desk do you even know where a dragon is actually yeah there’s a dragon himself isn’t there let me see I imagined even would die to that iron she oh yeah because you’re a goblin you’ve got less health uh yeah I forgot about that golden star with myself

Yeah yes I’m an ogre by the way uh which is an evolved Goblin goblins can evolve into hobgoblins and eventually into ogres and eventually into kaijin or Oni oh I don’t know that’s how that works that is apparently how it works they are tied together yeah so you’ve done years I thought you

Got lizard man I did originally I used a race free roll scroll to change my race oh then you got Goblin hilarious no then I got ogre when you click random you get bad traces for example you could become a greater demon yeah I know that if you were lucky

So you know there’s Advanced faces in there too in my case I got older Badoo actually how do you evolve Goblin’s Goblin evolving is really easy like Goblin’s one of the easiest ones to evolve if I if you if you turn into a hobgoblin then I could push you into an

Onto an ogre and you’ll be stronger also what are you trying to do what’s it did you not make an iron sword or I did okay I didn’t even [ __ ] yeah you can see some of the stuff it can do oh you made a diamond sword dinosaur sharpness one sweeping H1 and

Breaking two looting three hello yeah that’s that’s what happens the power of researchers so okay some of those enchantments will be on the hill and some of them will be on the blade so there’s that oh yeah so the hill is made out of Hilt material so you might

Want to put things like bones and stuff out on ah okay okay whereas then the blade itself is made of other materials so you can put things like emeralds Dragon Ball and I think the hilt you can also use dragon skills on it there’s things like that tool

Uh to start a goblin the hobgob you need one name subordinate 40 levels and iron tools and armor okay do anything good for a levels you could become a Hobgoblin oh because the rest of it’s crazy from there we just need to get you 40 Levels by not dying first

I was like what are you looking for like just if all the materials are in the top chest I’m just looking looking at everything you got that looks a bit strong well yeah it’s fun also it’s just great yeah so right now you’ve got a flimsy stick hilt

So if you’ve got a dragon bone in there oh so it’s coming a cup uh seeing a certain thing you need a hammer a good hammer for this to work oh so right now you’re borrowing the use of the hammer that’s on the wall there I’ve got a black stone hammer in the

Wall here if I put up my I’ll see how you’ll use Dragon Bone okay I was like what it’s not really there it goes yeah it goes by the Hammers basically if you have I’ve got the tools hanging up then it’ll help heavy blade yeah I use the short blades

Which is just quicker but yeah you know I’m not I’m the type of guy to have a big sword yeah if you want to have a big two-handed weapon you know you could go for the heavy blade it’s a bit a bit thicker a bit heavier material it

Literally tells you like all the benefits the stuff you get from it if you put the stuff in I had no idea I could use that technical reincarn to the same silver to enchant this thing but yeah it’ll probably don’t do that I’m trying to see like obviously you just gotta put random

Materials in there and see about irks but that’s not working I was just gonna heavy blades yeah what’s it saying uh the provided material cannot be used so that I can’t use that I’m guessing because it’s already diamond probably yeah so it can go iron hmm and it’ll tell you all the different

Changes that will happen if you do iron I did think Dragon Ball would be possible but maybe the heavy Place slightly different from the dagger you see like what’s it gets more sweeping and that’s about it um hold on so another thing you can do

Is if you you get a little orb at the start uh no no you have a little orb in your inventory no I’ve got a hollow sphere nope okay so this thing if you click on it it’ll let you see the various upgrades you can give to certain bits so hold up

I check heavy blades real quick males that can be used heavy silver heavy uh iron dragon iron Desiree golds uh can you Stones excuse words yeah okay so if it’s a heavy blade that has two metal oh it makes sense so basically the best thing you can get is netherrate in Dragon still

So there’s things looks like we’re gonna have to kill some dragons you can make it up obsidian as well I’m not seeing I’m sitting in here my boy oh definitely I’m definitely go obsidian yeah here’s some of my Chester here that obsidian yes blade material obsidian so it’ll reduce

The durability I’m into speech yeah but yeah there you go you got you got the sudoon blade now nice and they’re just two parts of it you can also know uh the filler the guard and the puddle so those are worth taking a look at because there are a little advancements

Increase the power of your swords in some way counterweight balance the blades grip blip the counterweight might be good actually it increases the speed ever so slightly to be fair as you use the blade you’ll get advancements to increase the speeds already there you go there’s your new obsidian dragon bone sword

No you fell with that gold Enchanted thing there yeah there you go see that you look at that stuff yeah I’m gonna start this one yeah look at Aiden in Aiden’s in my in my chat oh I don’t know if he said the same thing

I just saw Aaron messaging in the D D chat saying hey guys you want to do my group thing anyway come on follow me In the water obviously Stone statue yes that was an ogre thing it came for me or throw sorry that came for me and then it walked into the Sun and instantly died foreign that’s funny oh yeah I should probably go take you to the forge

Was that a good place to go show you there’s a sports thing let’s go the first can I need to go underground and go grab me more crystals so you guys go re-roll scroll okay things along the way depending on what shows up oh yeah as

For my armor by the way to know I’m wearing mutant scale and leggings and feet that’s why I’m able to move so quick why are these things spotting so much they’re eyeballs yeah they’re they’re taking off a lot of spun right there hello I’d rather they didn’t oh here’s people

Oh that’s quickly let’s even oh yeah did you sleep in the bed while you’re up there so these are one of the other welders that don’t outwardly just strap attack you these guys are chill until you pick a fight with them I don’t know why there’s eight of them in this cave

Though like there’s so many of them I don’t know why at least five okay for the Prime thank you thank you hello Gingy I remember to exist thank you for remembering to exist so uh otherwise Steven by the way don’t let me tell you some of them don’t if you kill

A bottle there’s a small chance you’ll get their skill that’s the reason to fight them now this guy’s got the ability several which means if he hits you with his severability you cannot heal from that injury so there’s that so it’s up to you if you want to try

Fighting one I’m certainly gonna try fainting them you want to have a go you want to fight an easier one just remember the block yo look man you upgrade I do 20 now oh I got hit once oh no also why is Nate here yo how’d it go demon

Still Still Still Alive oh wow we did it did you take damage oh yeah you did you maybe yeah of course I didn’t yeah so you might not be able to hear from that I was just playing death is the only option because we don’t have any healer

Abilities yeah I get severed as well I get hit one time and got severed what a prick oh no it would have been a would it be an effect on your side what do you mean how would you how would you see that I know it just you don’t heal that’s how

You know oh it doesn’t tell you it’s just a prick it just goes oh you can’t heal actually so I’m now stuck with one myself which means I’m gonna lose hunger quicker because of that it’s annoying people are saying maybe gold apples can erase it I don’t know they have to try it

Anyway let us let’s just carry on for now oh there’s more of them okay silly uh from all these people here this guy do not fate this one he will mess you up he’s a doctor he is the Healer ability he heals himself when you fight him

Oh you cannot beat him he will out DPS You by poisoning you I think I can kill him now though it’s moving too much come on got him holy [ __ ] it works oh I was worried about that okay healing potion hell uh there’s a Nate back here as well also

How’s your Shield looking how’s your shield for uh it’s like a quarter gone okay that’s not too bad well if you click shift on your weapons and stuff now it’ll now show you how close it is to your weapon being upgradable if you look at the bit that says honing

Ah so it’s halfway there yeah so what because of the lapis swords tend to get XP very quickly Shields just go off of getting hit so basically if I were to sit and attack your loads your Shield would upgrade because that also gets I’m building up also there is another

Aloe welder there hello world or night guy I forget which skill he’s got but have a crack em it’s basically two other Burgers you don’t want to fight with and that’s the the doctor healer and Berserker for two very different reasons and then there’s this one’s aggressive

Attack you this one’s not bad though as long as you block him yeah people are saying he has the spearhead ability okay that guy then I say are you doing deal with your for health yeah it’s great only I had a healing potion to heal you right now oh there we go

Yeah I mean now you’re at least you’re not severed anymore bro oh crap hold up I’ll be right back okay I will bring my hammer with me I forgot to bring it I can’t be leaving that behind you know it’s just too much hassle getting the [ __ ] thing I hear a bug

Not doing that much damage is awful yeah he’s good quite tanky defense yeah so he’s a bit of a pain though is his output’s not too too bad it’s like he doesn’t do too much back to you comparably to what some of the other folks can do if they go nuts Hollow

Holding available on your sword I’ll hold it on a second oh no oh no don’t you [ __ ] dare you broke my shield wait is it gone gone no no no no it’s just broken though is that okay no because in base Tech tread it just gets fully broke and disappears

I put an add-on mod in so it’s supposed to become broken I’ve never let that happen because they were too scared okay abilities for parrot then yeah probably with iron or dragon bone so I probably should bring some iron and Dragonville with me where be the dragon bone David Dragon belt on you

I do okay I’ll bring my hammer then life oh down here Trump wins no I’m good hey I always fish for Chris that’s how I roll I know you do that’s because I can guarantee credits with my jumping hits which I’ve gotten decently good at for combat I think Isn’t very great it will get greater over time yeah it will upgrade as time goes by ow so what you do is you go to this thing you take your Hammer yeah right click it boom boom you put the till in you want to repair you click repair you fill in the

Material required so I think in this case there’s there’s the iron I need a higher hammer I can do it though there we go I can show you how to make a harbor in a second so I’m just gonna quickly upgrade to me let me dagger real quick serrated

There we go oh yeah are you getting with Daniel oh yes make a crafting table I can’t turn this back I can’t pick up and put it back down but you know I actually just leave it as this I have made a crafting table okay now you need to get some Cobble

Do you have a pickaxe I know but I can make one yeah you stole enough of my materials that you probably should be able to make one though right like of course I don’t know what you’ve got in your inventory right now but you’ve got some good stuff in there

Got some I got some items that’s all my stuff in there okay uh after you’ve got a couple of bits what you can do is you can make a cobble Hammer to start off so you take two sticks and two Cobble well we will never sit even on the server after that

For this [ __ ] Pockets before he leaves I’ll make them a chest you can probably stuff in it it’ll be fine no don’t call me out on that all right they’ll be fine people don’t worry about it you just have to make sure we get everything off them before he leaves

Otherwise then I I don’t even know if it’s gonna be a problem I don’t know where he’s got on it was a problem I don’t know how hard you say that I don’t know what you got yo this pickaxe got silk touch on it thank you

Oh uh I that might work uh normally it’s Cobble you make the hammer up I think Stone still works so basically what you do is take two sticks diagonally and then uh two bits of Cobble and from there make a hammer yeah you got a hammer I’m just trying to see

Take his still touch pick I don’t need it probably why would he take my silk touch pick eh I don’t know where the silk touch is on the pick though there’s only thing if you can figure out where that was we could figure out which part we don’t

Want upgrades and we can upgrade your pick for example if you if you’re done making the hammer have you made the hammer this is the one with the string on it no it’s just too hot it’s two sticks and two Cobble a two Stone I guess you got it

No it’s it’s Tech to have her it may not work because you’ve got Stone in which case make a wooden Hammer then just do two sticks and two Woods got it okay and then from there go in the table and you can upgrade it from there upgrade yeah so then you’re going to

Hammerheads either one wooden Hammer I’m mad yeah and then yeah then put in the material on upgrade it to so in this case you can jump like to iron iron I don’t have iron on me okay I will put the iron in then yeah Hammerheads there you go you’ve got an iron hammer

Nice I know the iron time you can make up the tier three materials to make the next level you need Blackstone ah that’s the next upgrade then the one after that’s an absolute [ __ ] but we’ll record that one there and if you put your pickaxe in there though for a second

Uh sure hang on what are you up to rest in peace oh my God that’s so unnecessary um that’s how you’re picking pickaxe in here yeah is that this one there we go okay so it’s currently Max integrity so there’s that and unfortunately I don’t know where the silk touch is on

The pick or whether it’s on the handle but we can make assumptions because if we try and switch over actually no hold on it says the handle still got 90 of 90. whereas if we go to the heads pickaxe heads yeah okay so the the enchantments on the pickaxe hit

It’s on the left pickaxe to be precise so you can actually switch the hammer the handle over for this pickaxe and we can attack Turtle oh yeah there we go so there you go there you go the bang thing put socket you can upgrade how quickly you get everything lapis in there ah

There you go I I yeah you can do that one I don’t want to use the levels there you go you know I got an upgraded pickaxe thumbs up okay apparently I think I’m breaking goes on the handle yeah so that works also here you go here here’s your dragon ball meek

I have a crap and teal back tool there you go there there’s some the bases of tetra is basically that also there’s a dragon bone here oh no I mean yeah feel free to fight Berserker I don’t know if you remember him from the anime oh that’s him that’s Berserker that’s

The guy that’s physically really strong I’m gonna sit up here for a second why would I fight him I mean if you kill him there’s a smoke change he’ll get the Berserker skill yeah of course and if you get bizer kill him you’ll be coming there’s a chance

It’s like three more dominant than what you are before because you get extra strength and resilience and speeds what are the chances I kill him though I mean you’ve got a shoot hey how you doing Dylan actually with your armor protecting you like you’re doing way better than expected in

The form you’d live two hits hell yeah now that said you only did four damage to him sure did fat kill that’s a lot of crack em oh damn he instantly oh my shield my Shield’s gone gone no oh yeah no he does tons of shoes oh I got you friend

I don’t know if that’s true ah [ __ ] time is available I think you got the kill there yeah I hit upgrade my Shields well my shield is gone so yeah I got the repair against this is the thing where you’re going to want to get your shoes more defensive very quickly

Okay it’s the damage I might feel this case I ended up putting uh mending on it but actually yeah if you put yourself back in the thing it’s it’s gone gone I gotta make another one oh yeah it’s gone gone yeah oh well I thought the models better stop it

Doing that I guess it’s just a chance it’ll stop it yeah I guess it’s a chance also okay I need to die because like this this having this having this being said everything is pissing me off I can’t be one-hearted I’m constantly losing hunger

Give me uh give me give me give me iron Plus here have some iron thank you Damon take care take your obsidian blade and kill me I need to die this [ __ ] of being seven I can’t handle it killed me so I have Survivor if you don’t kill me

Quickly I will kill you well like you might want to type let me try a few jump pits at me to get like the whole get the crits going you know yeah maybe when you get your blade upgrades you might want to increase the blade speed a little bit

Oh you’re doing it you’re doing it oh my heart and a half and I’m dead it took a bit longer have you got the job done yeah I got you easy I never thought you should have gotten a bit more honing on your shirt yeah oh whoa blah

Hop skip and jump over to see you also just want to say a quick thank you to all of the channel members for the extra support any special thank you and shout out to our Elite members the journey members Sebastian Ramsay Alps and beat Arc 13 and our unremember

Monster Q thank you all very much for the extra awesome support

This video, titled ‘A NEW REINCARNATION APPEARS! Minecraft That Time I Got Reincarnated As A Slime Mod Episode 13’, was uploaded by The True Gingershadow on 2023-09-20 21:00:13. It has garnered 3721 views and 232 likes. The duration of the video is 00:39:42 or 2382 seconds.

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A NEW REINCARNATION APPEARS! Minecraft That Time I Got Reincarnated As A Slime Mod Episode 13

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Channel Art done by Parshey Parshey – —————————————————————————-

  • Mind-Reading Mobs in Minecraft!

    Mind-Reading Mobs in Minecraft! Minecraft Telepathy Monsters! Part 4 In the latest installment of Minecraft Telepathy Monsters, 656 members are embarking on the Telepathy challenge. This unique challenge tests the bond between players as they try to synchronize their actions in the game. The challenge involves placing the same block at the exact same time, showcasing the players’ ability to communicate and coordinate effectively. Testing Telepathic Abilities The Telepathy challenge pushes players to rely on their intuition and understanding of their partner’s actions. By attempting to place the same block simultaneously, players demonstrate their telepathic connection within the game. This challenge not only… Read More

  • Crafting Kobo Kanaeru: Minecraft PE Portal

    Crafting Kobo Kanaeru: Minecraft PE Portal In the world of Minecraft, where blocks reign supreme, Kobo Kanaeru crafts a portal dream. With each rhyme and each line, she brings joy and delight, Guiding us through adventures, day and night. From building to mining, to battling mobs, Kobo Kanaeru’s energy never stops. So hit that subscribe, like, comment, and share, And join in the fun, without a care. Follow her on Instagram, TikTok too, For more Minecraft magic, just for you. With Kinemaster Pro and Xiaomi in hand, Kobo Kanaeru’s content is always grand. So leap into the verse, with rhymes so sweet, And let Minecraft’s… Read More

  • Crafting Chaos: Day 12 of the Wood Challenge in Minecraft

    Crafting Chaos: Day 12 of the Wood Challenge in Minecraft In Minecraft, I ventured, my wood quest in tow, Greeting my friends, with a cheerful hello. Twelve blocks in hand, from a spruce forest near, The challenge continues, no need for fear. Join me on this journey, become a member today, Support the creator, in a special way. 365 days of gaming, each one a delight, With rhymes and updates, shining bright. So leap into the verse, with beats and art, Let the story sing, straight from the heart. Minecraft news, crafted with care, In every pulsing line, the truth we share. Read More

  • Astrus: Hardcore Minecraft Shenanigans

    Astrus: Hardcore Minecraft Shenanigans Welcome to Minecraft 1.21 Hardcore! In the latest update of Minecraft, version 1.21, players are in for a treat with the introduction of Tricky Trials. Astrus, a dedicated gamer, has embarked on a new hardcore world adventure in this challenging update. How long will she survive? Let’s dive into the exciting world of Minecraft 1.21 Hardcore! Exploring the Tricky Trials The Tricky Trials in Minecraft 1.21 bring a whole new level of difficulty to the game. Players will encounter challenging obstacles, tricky puzzles, and formidable enemies as they navigate through this hardcore world. Astrus is ready to face these… Read More

  • Ultimate Guide to Modding Minecraft Bedrock PC!

    Ultimate Guide to Modding Minecraft Bedrock PC! How to Install Mods, Textures, and Shaders in Minecraft Bedrock Edition PC! 🔥 Introduction In a recent video, the process of installing mods, textures, and shaders in Minecraft Bedrock Edition for PC was showcased. This guide aims to help players customize their gaming experience to the fullest! 🔥 Step-by-Step Guide To begin, players need to download Minecraft using the provided methods or ensure they already have the game installed. After this step, they can proceed to the links provided in the description for textures, mods, and shaders. Each of these elements plays a crucial role in enhancing the visual… Read More

  • Slaying Dragons in Minecraft Bedwars

    Slaying Dragons in Minecraft Bedwars Minecraft Bedwars: A Dragon-Filled Adventure with Tylerr Baka Embark on an epic journey in Minecraft Bedwars with Tylerr Baka as he takes on dragons and battles his way to victory! Join the excitement, like, share, and subscribe to support Tylerr Baka on his quest to create more thrilling videos for his audience. Pack Download and Gaming Setup Get ready for action with the Creatifity 1k subs release pack as Tylerr Baka dives into the world of Bedwars. Equip yourself with top-notch gaming gear, including a Magegee Star1 keyboard, Glorious Model O V2 mouse, Razer Seiren V2 X microphone, and… Read More

  • Day 43: Cozy Treehouse Build

    Day 43: Cozy Treehouse Build The Cozy Treehouse: Day 43 in Better Minecraft On Day 43 of the epic 1,000-day journey in Better Minecraft, our dedicated player embarked on a creative endeavor to construct a cozy treehouse. Let’s delve into the details of this exciting build! Materials Used: Dark Oak Log Dark Oak Trapdoor Scaffolding Crimson Bench Dragon Tree Bench Infusion Pedestal Cornered Black Carpet Windmill Black Carpet Crimson Fence Crimson Fence Gate Rubeus Slab Spruce Log Building Progress: As night fell, the treehouse build was completed, exuding a cozy charm. The addition of railings to the staircase enhanced both safety and aesthetics. During… Read More

  • Minecraft Evil Nun: Broken Mask Trailer

    Minecraft Evil Nun: Broken Mask Trailer Welcome to Eagle’s Junior High School in Minecraft! Welcome to Eagle’s Junior High School in Minecraft! This map is a tribute to the eerie and thrilling world of Evil Nun: The Broken Mask. Created with inspiration from the game’s concept art and enriched with mods, this Minecraft map offers an immersive experience that combines horror and creativity. Evil Nun: The Broken Mask You have been selected to participate in a religious summer camp that promises to be the ideal place to make friends and spend the summer. As soon as you arrive at this place, you realize that it… Read More

  • Conquering the Minecraft Parkour Challenge with Tonmoy The King

    Conquering the Minecraft Parkour Challenge with Tonmoy The King Minecraft Parkour Challenge: A Thrilling Adventure with Tonmoy The King Tonmoy The King, a popular YouTube gamer, recently took on the Minecraft Parkour Challenge in one of his exciting videos. Let’s dive into the world of Minecraft parkour and see if Tonmoy can conquer this thrilling adventure! Exploring Minecraft Parkour In the realm of Minecraft, parkour is a popular gameplay style that involves navigating through obstacle courses with speed and precision. Players must jump, sprint, and climb their way through challenging terrain to reach the finish line. It requires quick reflexes, strategic thinking, and a good sense of timing…. Read More

  • Minecraft Mini Game Madness

    Minecraft Mini Game Madness Minecraft Mini Games: A Fun and Challenging Experience Embark on a thrilling journey through the world of Minecraft with a variety of mini games that offer excitement and challenges for players of all skill levels. From parkour to Bed Wars, there’s something for everyone to enjoy in this popular sandbox game. Parkour: A Test of Skill and Precision One of the most beloved mini games in Minecraft is parkour, where players must navigate through intricate obstacle courses with speed and agility. While some may find it easy, mastering parkour requires a combination of timing, coordination, and practice. With a… Read More

  • 🔥 Epic Showdown: Steve vs Lava Pit Trap! 🤣 #shorts #minecraft

    🔥 Epic Showdown: Steve vs Lava Pit Trap! 🤣 #shorts #minecraftVideo Information [Music] [Applause] hey [Music] [Music] you no no no no no no no no y This video, titled ‘Will Steve rescue Alex Or Pomni Pass Lava Pit Trap? | Challenge! Funny Animation #shorts #minecraft’, was uploaded by Shiba Toons on 2024-01-05 13:33:27. It has garnered 67529 views and 1745 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:32 or 32 seconds. Will Steve rescue Alex Or Pomni Pass Lava Pit Trap? | Challenge! Funny Animation #shorts #minecraft We’d like to bring funny animation cartoon movie and laughter time to the audience the most. #ShibaToons #monsterschool #steve #alex #minecraft #minecraftshorts… Read More

  • Becoming a Minecraft Billionaire with Meetislive!

    Becoming a Minecraft Billionaire with Meetislive!Video Information क्या हालचाल मेरे शेरो काफी दिनों के बाद मिथ लाइफ ये वाला वीडियो आ गया है तो मैं आ चुका हूं मेरे जबी वर्सेस प्लेयर वाला वीडियो वापस ये शायद से एंड होगा इस वाले चैप्टर में हम पूरा पूरा मतलब ये मोड ही हम खत्म कर डालेंगे तो देखो मैंने काफी ज्यादा ग्राइंडिंग करने के बाद इतने सारे रोटन फ्लेश इकट्ठे कर लिए जिनको नहीं पता वो उनको मैं बता देता हूं इसमें क्या होता है हमारे हमको जॉम्बीज को मारना होता है जॉम्बीज को मार के हमें वो रोटन फ्लेश मिलता है रोटन फ्लेश को हमें… Read More

  • EPIC VALORANT FUN 🎮 Hindi Gameplay 😱

    EPIC VALORANT FUN 🎮 Hindi Gameplay 😱Video Information ओ हेलो हेलो या बल गया बल गया मार मार बटरी मार मार हेलो हेलो हेलो अरे आवा हा य आ म माइक सेटिंग कर सेटिंग करना सेटिंग कर [संगीत] डिकोड बोला सर [संगीत] बोला ममी ब कर मेरा तो मन भी नहीं कर रहा खेलने का क्या क्या खेलने [संगीत] का बोल बोल मु सेटिंग कर स्पिक माइक चज [संगीत] ली माइक माइक रो रो सिलेक्ट कर इनपुट आउटपुट स्पीकर माइक कर बो हेलो हेलो बोलत हेलो हेलो ठीक हां रु भाई रुक रुक रुक रुक देख रहा भाई कर र है हां कट कर कट कर… Read More

  • Brennyn Sabar Semi-Vanilla SMP Whitelist Datapack Voice Chat Java 1.20.6 18+

    Welcome to Brennyn Sabar Minecraft Server! If you’re a dedicated Minecrafter looking for a long-term experience with a tight-knit community, look no further! Our server features a custom datapack called Foundation, adding new items, biomes, and dimensions to the game. Join our server in New Jersey for a vanilla Minecraft experience with no major game-changing plugins or alterations. We’re currently on version 1.20.6 and will be updating to 1.21 soon. Server Details: 6-8 active members, looking to double Running Fabric with Simple Voice Chat, SquareMap, and No Chat Reports mods Hosted on dedicated hardware for optimal performance How to Join:… Read More

  • ShogunMC (BRAND NEW MAP!)

    ShogunMC (BRAND NEW MAP!)BRAND NEW MAP!ShogunMCfree ranksdonator ranksNew mapmcmmoeconomysurvivalquestsdiscordcratesgreat staffgreat communityCome join our great community, we just had a map reset and are ready for new players! Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – “Spicy Disc Rankings”

    Minecraft Memes - "Spicy Disc Rankings"I guess you could say this meme is a solid diamond in the rough! Read More

  • Moon Mining Madness: Minecraft’s Lunar Adventure

    Moon Mining Madness: Minecraft's Lunar Adventure Ram’s journey to the moon, a tale so grand, A cinematic adventure, across the land. With beats and rhymes, the story we tell, Of India’s mission, Chandrayaan 5, oh so swell. The news reporter, with rhymes so tight, Crafting Minecraft updates, shining bright. In every line, the truth takes flight, In every verse, the story ignites. Ram’s mission to the moon, a historic feat, With ISRO’s pride, the journey complete. From Earth to space, a daring leap, In every rhyme, the story we keep. So leap into the verse, with beats that sing, In every line, let the truth… Read More

  • 0.00000000007% Hot SpongeBob Luck in Minecraft

    0.00000000007% Hot SpongeBob Luck in Minecraft When you finally find a rare Sponge in Minecraft and realize it’s only a 0.00000000007% chance, you start questioning your life choices. Like, was it really worth spending hours searching for a virtual cleaning tool? #minecraftprobs #spongebobminecraftpants Read More

  • Ultimate Minecraft Note Block Trickery

    Ultimate Minecraft Note Block Trickery Minecraft Note Block Cover: Kobo Kanaeru – Entah Exploring the creative world of Minecraft, a talented content creator has crafted a mesmerizing note block cover of Kobo Kanaeru’s “Entah.” Using tools like Capcut for video editing, Pixellab for thumbnails, and Minecraft Java version 1.20.4, this artist has brought a musical masterpiece to life within the game. Tools of the Trade The intricate process of creating a note block cover involves meticulous attention to detail. With Capcut for seamless video editing, Pixellab for eye-catching thumbnails, and Minecraft Java version 1.20.4 for the gameplay itself, the artist has skillfully combined these… Read More

  • Ultimate Minecraft Fail

    Ultimate Minecraft Fail The Wild Update: Exploring Minecraft’s Bad Ending Minecraft, a game loved by millions worldwide, recently introduced an exciting new update known as “The Wild Update.” Among the many features and events included in this update, one particular aspect has caught the attention of players – the Bad Ending. Unveiling the Bad Ending In the world of Minecraft, players are accustomed to embarking on epic adventures, building magnificent structures, and overcoming challenges. However, the Bad Ending introduces a new twist to the game’s narrative. Players must navigate through a series of obstacles and make crucial decisions that will ultimately lead… Read More

  • EPIC Skyblock ATTEMPT with CaptainSparklez 2

    EPIC Skyblock ATTEMPT with CaptainSparklez 2Video Information hello everybody and welcome back to every single Minecraft mod that’s ever existed in the history of the entirety of the universe brought to you by the like button and also our server hosting sponsor where we’ve been able to generate resources as we sleep and work on air conditioning problems water leakage water leaking everywhere water just gets everywhere that it shouldn’t be and is uh it’s fun sorry that’s a bit of a rant um oh God I I hit my macro and I started just picking stuff up um anyway today I figured we could… Read More

  • Unleashing Forbidden Insanecraft in Minecraft PE

    Unleashing Forbidden Insanecraft in Minecraft PEVideo Information what’s up guys welcome back to another video today we have a really cool mod this is called the insane craft pack and basically adds a bunch of random stuff so like we can have like a bunch of animals we got a bunch of like weapons uh Vehicles a lot of cool things so if you guys enjoyed this video smash the like button right now let’s aim for maybe two likes also if you’re new to the channel hit the Subscribe button and turn on those notifications so you don’t miss a video so let’s jump… Read More

  • Ultimate HD Earth Bending in Minecraft!

    Ultimate HD Earth Bending in Minecraft!Video Information This video, titled ‘HD Earth Bending in Minecraft with Factions, Distant Horizons, Shaders’, was uploaded by Water_Wind_ on 2024-06-14 04:59:43. It has garnered 16 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:02:32 or 152 seconds. Java & Bedrock, Latest Versions Server ip: Discord Invite: Public 24/7 Minecraft Server Sanctum Network: Avatar Anarchy Read More

  • EPIC Gamer DESTROYS Minecraft Pixel Art in 3 SECONDS!

    EPIC Gamer DESTROYS Minecraft Pixel Art in 3 SECONDS!Video Information This video, titled ‘MINECRAFT PIXEL ART|#shorts’, was uploaded by GREAT GAMER 2 on 2023-12-10 06:15:35. It has garnered 4392 views and 236 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:34 or 34 seconds. MINECRAFT PIXEL ART|#shorts @TechnoGamerzOfficial @GamerFleet @yashgamer2.o764 Minecraft is a 3D sandbox game created by Swedish game developer Markus “Notch” Persson. It is maintained by Mojang Studios, a part of Xbox Game Studios, which in turn is part of Microsoft. From its creation, Minecraft was developed almost exclusively by Notch until Jens “Jeb” Bergensten started working with him and has since become head of its development…. Read More

  • 🚨INSANE Minecraft SMP 2024 LIVE NOW – Join in!

    🚨INSANE Minecraft SMP 2024 LIVE NOW - Join in!Video Information This video, titled ‘MINECRAFT LIVE SMP 2024🥰 JOIN MY MINECRAFT PUBLIC SMP’, was uploaded by Gaming4LiFeYT on 2024-02-11 00:32:24. It has garnered 4416 views and 21 likes. The duration of the video is 01:40:15 or 6015 seconds. MINECRAFT LIVE SMP 2023🥰 JOIN MY MINECRAFT PUBLIC TIRO SMP Tiro = Noob and Our Journey is Tiro To Piro Hey!👐 This is Subham Kumar I Welcome You To Our Gaming4LiFeYT Channel🙏🥰 –––——————————————————————————————————–––– Support Me On:) ►Discord : ►Facebook : ►Instagram: ►Gpay/PhonePe/Paytm : gaming4lifeyt@ybl ►Join to get perks: »»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»» My Gear😀 »»Laptop : »»Keyboard : »»Mouse »»Phone… Read More

  • Rise and Shine in Minecraft! 🌅🐦 #MinecraftMadness

    Rise and Shine in Minecraft! 🌅🐦 #MinecraftMadnessVideo Information This video, titled ‘🌅 Early Bird Minecraft | Minecraft ⛏️#Minecraft #GamingLiveStream #EarlyBirdMinecraft #LiveStream 🚀’, was uploaded by Speededdog on 2024-06-13 07:13:20. It has garnered 73 views and 13 likes. The duration of the video is 01:42:10 or 6130 seconds. 🌅 Early Bird Minecraft | Minecraft ⛏️#Minecraft #GamingLiveStream #EarlyBirdMinecraft #LiveStream 🚀 Join us for Early Bird Minecraft where we kickstart the day with epic mining and crafting adventures! Explore new terrains, uncover hidden treasures, and build amazing structures as the sun rises. Don’t miss the fun and creativity of early morning gameplay! Enjoy the video, like, comment, subscribe and… Read More

  • EPIC Minecraft Pixel Art with Techno Gamerz 🍷

    EPIC Minecraft Pixel Art with Techno Gamerz 🍷Video Information This video, titled ‘MINECRAFT SATISFACTION 🥺 Pixel🎨Art OF TECHNO GAMERZ 🍷#minecraft #shorts @TechnoGamerzOfficial’, was uploaded by VIALLITY on 2024-05-01 08:02:14. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. “HELLO GUYS” Minecraft Satisfying Pixel Art #shorts #minecraftpe #pixelart Prepare to be mesmerized as we unleash the … Read More

  • EPIC Battle of Fire vs Ice – Minecraft Animation

    EPIC Battle of Fire vs Ice - Minecraft AnimationVideo Information This video, titled ‘Monster school Two brothers battle of fire and ice minecraft animation #minecraft #animation’, was uploaded by Sqisik MC on 2024-03-22 13:15:05. It has garnered 13219 views and 509 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:47 or 47 seconds. Read More

  • Minecraft Madness with Yu Q. Wilson – We’re Back!

    Minecraft Madness with Yu Q. Wilson - We're Back!Video Information This video, titled ‘【MINECRAFT HERO SERVER】WE ARE SO BACK 【NIJISANJI EN | Yu Q. Wilson】’, was uploaded by Yu Q. Wilson 【NIJISANJI EN】 on 2024-06-04 16:38:15. It has garnered 15907 views and 1165 likes. The duration of the video is 03:24:09 or 12249 seconds. 【SUPPORT THE STREAM】 #nijisanji #nijisanji_en ★☆★ 【Chat Rules】 Don’t spam or troll. Don’t bring up other streamers unless I mention them first. Keep the comments relevant to the stream. Refrain chatting with others viewers. Please get along with each others and use block if needed. Let’s have a fun stream together! Guidance for… Read More

  • Moonbat smp

    Moonbat smpMoonbat SMP is a survival multiplayer server running on 1.20.1 that has all the latest features and more to come such as brewery, and chestshop (currently broken) Read More

  • Bifrost SMP – Semi-Vanilla, Whitelist, Events, HermitCraft-like, 1.20.6, 16+

    “I’m providing refuge in a stronghold built by our ancestors. But if the garrison falls our only escape will be the Bifrost.” We invite you to join us across the rainbow bridge to Bifrost SMP! Update and World expansion for 1.21 Coming Soon! Bifrost SMP is a community of Minecraft enthusiasts created by a group of friends in December of 2021 to foster our love of Minecraft and a vanilla play style! Our Community: Bifrost SMP is a community-driven server – any major decisions and changes are suggested and polled by our members. We enjoy various activities together, from impromptu… Read More

  • TreasuryCraft | 1.20.6 | Economy | Rank System | Custom Plugins | Custom Gear | Friendly Community

    TreasuryCraft | 1.20.6 | Economy | Rank System | Custom Plugins | Custom Gear | Friendly CommunityTreasuryCraft is a brand-new Minecraft Economy server, releasing on Friday, 21st of June 2024. We can’t wait for you to join!What is Economy?Economy is a gamemode that revolves around making money in order to rank up within the server, unlocking new perks as you do so. Just like regular Minecraft, you’re free to go out into the world and build, mine, farmor do anything of your choice, selling items you don’t need in order to make money.Once you’ve progressed enough, you can create townswhere your land is protected. What you do with your town is up to you: whether you… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Flaming Torch-tastic!

    Minecraft Memes - Flaming Torch-tastic!Looks like this meme is really lighting up the charts! Read More

  • Mastering Ender Tower: Level Up in Minecraft 1.21!

    Mastering Ender Tower: Level Up in Minecraft 1.21! In Minecraft 1.21, the Ender Experience Tower shines, A place to level up and enchant, a true goldmine. Gather materials, do your homework, and build with care, Soon you’ll be the master, with tools beyond compare. Redstone mechanisms, a collector to create, Skip if you wish, focus on the Tower’s fate. From zero to enchanting master, a journey so grand, With each level gained, you’ll rule the land. So subscribe, like, and share, spread the word around, Let’s dive into Minecraft, where adventure is found. From weapons to armor, and creatures to explore, In this blocky world, there’s always… Read More

  • Shulker sent me spicy meme drop! 🔥

    Shulker sent me spicy meme drop! 🔥 Looks like even Shulkers are getting in on the meme game now! Watch out for those surprise airdrops, you never know what you might get! #memeception #minecraftmemevasion Read More

  • Ultimate Minecraft Trading Glitch Guide

    Ultimate Minecraft Trading Glitch Guide Minecraft Trading Duplication Glitch Tutorial (Multiplayer) – Java 1.21 Are you looking to gain an edge in your Minecraft multiplayer experience? Look no further! This comprehensive tutorial will guide you through the steps of a working Minecraft Java 1.21 duplication glitch. By mastering these techniques, you’ll be able to duplicate items efficiently through the trade GUI, giving you a significant advantage on your server. First Duplicate Items Glitch One of the key techniques in duplicating items in Minecraft Java 1.21 involves manipulating trade packets. By carefully timing your trades and utilizing specific methods, you can duplicate items seamlessly. This… Read More

  • EPIC Minecraft Debut! Must Watch Proplayer102’s First Day #viral

    EPIC Minecraft Debut! Must Watch Proplayer102's First Day #viralVideo Information This video, titled ‘my first day in minecraft. full video in channel #minecraft #shorts #viral’, was uploaded by proplayer102 on 2024-04-25 12:43:43. It has garnered 176 views and 7 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:11 or 11 seconds. 1. #Minecraft 2. #Gaming 3. #VideoGames 4. #Adventure 5. #Building 6. #Survival 7. #Crafting 8. #Exploration 9. #Creativity 10. #Multiplayer 11. #Redstone 12. #Mods 13. #PixelArt 14. #BlockWorld 15. #Sandbox 16. #Mining 17. #Construction 18. #OnlineGaming 19. #VirtualWorld 20. #IndieGame 21. #Community 22. #ResourceGathering 23. #BuildingBlocks 24. #OpenWorld 25. #Imagination 26. #Gameplay 27. #Architecture 28. #Fantasy 29. #DigitalArt… Read More

  • Chiefxd Takes on Skyblock’s Scariest Mod

    Chiefxd Takes on Skyblock's Scariest ModVideo Information This video, titled ‘Conquering Minecraft’s Scariest Mod in Skyblock’, was uploaded by Chiefxd on 2024-05-17 16:21:28. It has garnered 70143 views and 3783 likes. The duration of the video is 00:34:41 or 2081 seconds. This is the FINALE of scariest skyblock video series ever! The man from the fog is terrifying and herobrine constantly haunts my world. Why did I think to add them BOTH to my minecraft skyblock world…. this isn’t going to end well…. After watching Calvin play with this horror mod and his video titled I Added HEROBRINE to my Hardcore World.. Minecraft: From The… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Bingo Challenge – EPIC SMP Gameplay!

    Insane Minecraft Bingo Challenge - EPIC SMP Gameplay!Video Information This video, titled ‘I Played Minecraft Bingo on This SMP’, was uploaded by Extreme Jay on 2024-06-13 16:15:06. It has garnered 77 views and 10 likes. The duration of the video is 00:06:45 or 405 seconds. I Played Minecraft Bingo on This SMP In today’s video I hosted Bingo but in Minecraft, and it was pretty intense Enjoy The Video!!! Second Channel: ​⁠@ExtremelyJay_ Geography Channel: ​⁠@ExtremeGeography_ Loyalty Public Discord Server: Discord: Twitch: Other Loyalty Members: ​​⁠@tom4thew1n25 ​⁠@AtomicTheEnderman ​⁠@clash12391 ​​⁠@StarZDunkZ ​⁠@JustRyne ​⁠​⁠@asgardzz ​⁠​⁠@axaven ​⁠@SurRisen ​⁠@Axolox_ ​⁠@bladestorm1745 ​⁠@estaexp ​⁠@Jplays225 ​⁠@EnriquePig ​⁠@Clydenical ​⁠@zackYT_ (he also let me use… Read More

The True Gingershadow – A NEW REINCARNATION APPEARS! Minecraft That Time I Got Reincarnated As A Slime Mod Episode 13