The True Gingershadow – MY KEKKEI GENKAI & INMOS ATTACK JUTSU! Minecraft Naruto Mod Episode 4

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Hello everybody Ginger so here and welcome back to some more of our Naruto adventures with the May and a flickering blue chuckery Wibble in the background there holy thick oh you missed that there you go oh holy [ __ ] you look sick and while his returns he’s came back to his where have

You been in BO where have you been the last few days I was doing some work and you didn’t want to play with me so you played on your own you absolutely not what happened it was so lame man I can’t believe you just abandoned me like that

That’s racist combination of Hubert work during the early hours that we were playing DJ turned letters over the last two days so oh yeah you did anyway we have returned I have no more knowledgeable about this one hit me this is on and off hit me yeah okay so this

Is called the bloody replacement so yeah turn your chakra on turn it on okay there we go where are you where are you well you’ve flinged me off oh oh I still hate you regardless yeah what the hell okay all right turn off over time is that

It’s on okay so what should happen is if I attack you that’s not quite right you’ve you’re too strong well there we go oh you turned into a log yay no it didn’t you did there’s over here now you’re over here but you’re also dead um hold on I’ll pick you back up

There you go wait I died man yeah so what it’s meant to do is it’s meant to replace you with a log man I keep getting this water due to think in my inventory why oh wait what is it show me it’s not a juice it’s just a water

Release thing yeah yeah yeah so basically uh it’s your like main release thing and it makes sure it’s always in your inventory if you take out your inventory it makes another copy of it the problem is that also includes if you click it and lift it

Oh so yeah it’s crackling it does the same with my storm released it so it just it keeps making can you just punch you in your hand yeah let’s try that instead so you got it turned on yeah never mind wait hold on I did you like chakra

I’m 57 yeah that made up enough though 57 is not enough quite possibly maybe you have to be a minimum requirement it’ll be a certain point before you connect with it that’s just I think you forget how brutal this mod is that comes to the grinding and it’s just bunkers oh that’s

Probably yeah so I’ve been active as well learning some stuff I build some more weapons I built some armor which was quite basic things it’s just wool leather and things like that so that was the video built this thing this fan this beautiful fan that could use wind juices

Okay that’s a bit more oomph to it than the last time I used it um hey Mel could you come back for a second what did you do I used to find that this didn’t happen last time I swear what did you do man what the [ __ ]

Last time I used it didn’t do this was your chakra like 497 that’s not the point you see you didn’t do a lot holy [ __ ] you’re so far ahead of me that’s not that bad like when you hit things that will go up bit by bit as you go I have

Mastered a total of two juices so I guess I might as well show them to you but I do also to know that fan doesn’t use chakra by the way do you have this juicer than I have or no no I didn’t learn that one well that sucks it’s one

Of the ones that killed well it’s it’s meant to be good the idea of it’s meant to be it doesn’t even say on right now so I definitely had enough chocolate stop killing me like like just just admit to it come on there we go after I’ve already interviewed myself

Just about the film begun uh yeah okay I don’t know why you’ve been added that man it’s trash what what the one day where you picked me up okay the idea is when you die your chakra goes down to 10. if someone picks you up though hopefully that means

Your shotgun won’t go down to 10. so basically if you are if you fall over a main thing and you want to not lose all your chakra that could be a useful thing are you sure it works well I don’t know Kimi will find out

Well I have to kill you now because yeah your chakra is on 10 right now so we’ll just wait until you recover some so okay to show you off my [ __ ] since then I think I should kill you now because this one it should be at the same level try

And kill me for the expansion jitsu oh God yeah are you so much chakra I’m not happy about this I’m not happy I’m back here I don’t want to what the [ __ ] oh can’t use that can’t use it can’t use it can’t use it whatever no no that’s not good at all um

I’d really rather not you see um you know you know how it is more testing come on yeah I know we can test it when you get your chakra back it’s fine no we can’t we’re good at this no come here come back oh zombies like you should go

Punch them get your energy get your thing up go on come on go on it bro go go get your stickers this is so annoying where’s bags why it’s very bad you can’t you can’t jump on water yeah okay how do I pick you up ah you hold right click on

Me with that empty hand there you go and yeah okay so I have one heart and like I’ve got hunger in no food but yeah I I’ve still got my shot card it should be okay nice now we figure that out yeah so um that was one of my chances anyway

The Big expansion so you got really big yeah but I think I think because you hit me mid-sing with it it basically made me float which wasn’t meant to oh I was meant to be on the ground and just it sounds weird that was weird I want a better weapon man this weapon

Is weak I mean you can literally one shot me with your weapon you’re not wrong you’re also not wearing any armor so you know okay hold on if you’re getting water release man go get it try again yeah okay so in my big form like this

I want to do like four damage okay wait I need to go yeah I need can I go is there a chance I can go creative to get rid of this one I have two now give up I have two [ __ ] freaking uh okay you have to go create it for that you

Have to correct for that can you erase erase me uh you probably want your chakra back right I do yeah so you should die but what do you mean I should die you should die because then you’ll get your chakra back for some reason hold on love the way

What the [ __ ] are you talking about man okay so see because I’ve got chakra uh I’ve got no chakra right now I I can’t focus and revive you why not um because I’ve got no chakra I can’t aim it because I’m currently drunk I I’m I’m moving at my entire

Vision swimming because I’ve got no chakra I’m just trying just hold right I I almost doing nothing hold right click it’s not doing anything invo so weak I’m standing next to you it doesn’t work you did it it didn’t show the buttons for that there but okay

ML please kill me I’ve got no time yeah food kill me kill me why kill me no chocolate kill me it takes too long for this [ __ ] to go give me my chakra pack sanding still something wrong never well that’s better I don’t get dizzy if I have zero chakra

I just get dizzy like it’s still bad also okay why is it that we get that texting pop up every time we die I just lost my ninja to stuff what I lost it I I think I threw it out and now I don’t have it anymore the fact does that mean

Also where did you throw out how did you throw out what the [ __ ] I don’t even know man how do you do these things imbo I don’t know man well now I have one water due to so that’s something but yeah my God all right armor yeah so it shouldn’t be

Out hard to make it’s mostly just will but my big problem is that we don’t have green will oh I got it back wait I have two water releases again every time you pick up with your hands to like move it it’ll make another one that’s how it works you have to shift

Click it oh there we go oh yeah what happened you unlocked your geek again Kai we’d already have a storm release ability what the [ __ ] no yeah the game guys come with their abilities that’s what this should happen as well yeah you should start with some abilities for

Your base one but yo look I have two look look this is one and this is my second and I can’t get rid of it I can’t say ammo they’re in the palm of your hands I can’t see them yeah I have two literally hold on okay I see the war one

And another one okay so what you can do is you can toss the other one the test as long as you have one in your inventory you can ditch one of them that seems to work goodness this is so just make sure you always have one in your inventory yeah

No it’s annoying it’s an annoying feature that I don’t basically they’ve done it so that you don’t lose your base ability so you never lose it let me promise you have to sell the food you haven’t solve it the idea if you uh you

Pick it up I have no food there you go it’s an egg yeah okay I’ve got some seeds okay I’ve got some seeds I got bread yes I put bounce Harvest crafting which means we have to like make foods so I’ll just like kicking me and that

Doesn’t work anymore I don’t want to die anymore yeah that makes sense anyway I didn’t show you my other Jets if I’m not really a chakra for it now so um other thing if we head home really quick okay now I just got a second Storm release man

Yeah did you pick up Storm release what do you mean pick it up I didn’t pick it up I just put in my offhand and it’s all of a sudden no no but did you did you like tap it did you click on it and move it

I put it in my main hand hey well how did you get it into your iPad how did you move it in your inventory did you click on it yeah yeah so the second you click talking wait yeah what happened yes at that point it no longer counts your inventory

Yes I know I agree no uh yeah and what happened to the house yes that was the other thing I was gonna explain so I started expanding it and then a torch fell in the garage and it burned down a torch yeah so if a torch falls on wood it can start fire

Bruh you messed it up I can’t believe you I can’t believe it wait you have some juices here that was the ones you left also you can’t use them at least oh my god dude look you have so many stuff in this chair yeah there’s somebody a spirit storm releases that keep getting

[ __ ] do we have a track no we don’t there might be a trash can of water but also here here’s a pair of pants I made I never end up using oh damn looks cool are are they strong oh they’re strong armor too they’re okay with some more stuff

I mean it’s mostly just will okay okay I’m gonna do have iron yes we do do we have some more cooked iron no we do not we do nice we have some okay do we have a bucket of lava by any chance no why are you all bucket of lava

So we can eject the unused we can make a trash chest you know what I mean okay we just put the Trashy juices in the chest and we make them eject into lava pool this has a dangerous thing ever because it sounds like you’re gonna act yeah

We just put it under the house like so and we block off the lava but yeah no no I think we’re gonna actually put something we don’t want to in there it’s gonna accidentally get destroyed well yeah but that’s then your problem then not mine yeah anyway you gotta come over

Here for a second well let me put some uh armor on we don’t have any Arbor yet there’s some diamond armor I’ll just you know and sure that works yeah I put it but you use certain juices uh it ignores that and just make the shows the armor

Okay so you say yeah shift click this stuff okay okay that works okay good good yeah shift clicking is safe trying to like pick up is just a bad idea I’m so used to picking it up yeah same I can do it with all my juices bought my storm

One my storm one is the only one that has this trigger the rest of them are fine I don’t know why anyway if you could jump down this hole please there you go come on there you go would you do to me oh you did your uh your teleportation thing triggered

Oh my God I have no chakra yeah yeah there’s okay I’m gonna kill you really quick so you get your 10 chakra back thanks bro see except defeated milk there we go uh yeah so that apparently that however by soccer you had that’s how much you needed anyway there you go [ __ ]

Up so here is where I tried to create this yeah so I tried to make a training room for slime water all you promised the slaying water doesn’t function like Wharf it doesn’t run oh it doesn’t pull yeah it’s changed for 1.7.10 we should make a Slime Pit no

Slow spot in this version so no slaying pit I guess I’m very excited about this what the what well Jesus that’s weird yeah it’s a bit finicky this I bet it’s okay it’s okay I like it I mean it’s sorrow works it’s just getting the aiming stuff right where can we get

A bucket of lower and now I’m my quest is right now to make this wall climb oh you have to look at a certain oh yeah you have to get a right angle I like it actually yeah it works until you hit a hot slop or stair

Because it doesn’t seem to count them and claim them really look at this and it can be a bit thinking you hit the stair and you stop climbing no no look at this yeah I’m looking I’m seeing you failing no no look at this see this see how I did it yeah

Okay yeah that is hey Mel you know how to make things and make things happen would it be possible for you to create what are you talking about oh okay you know how to do stuff I was gonna ask you we should be able to make a thing so

That if we click a button we get the chakra generation effect at its lowest level if you could add like an add-on or something so we could have a button to charge chakra because if you can make if you can make me so we got like base level chalkboard

Generation because it is an effects in the game and uh we get like slowness for so we can’t move or charge oh you want to actually hit a button like on a keyboard yeah oh and then like like a button in game you know what I mean like a wooden button or

Something no that’s not what I have as many yeah like I know I can stop a command block for that but that seems a bit yeah uh I mean yeah I probably could make it because right now the entire time we’ve been doing stuff in that episode is still forbidden I’ve get 50

Out of 500 chakra it’s it’s gonna take so long to get that chakra back like it’s a painter yeah I can I think if for next one I can make like yeah I think where it uses an advancement and then if you shift or something ah just something anything just

Something so we can get our shot car quicker because it’s solid I could make a mod but I’m too lazy you know just so boring waiting for it lots of all it’d be a great icon it’d be a great add-on because I don’t like I don’t know maybe the mod makers are

Going to add this themselves eventually or no I don’t know all I know is I read their mod page thing and I saw one of their statements was basically how eyes are gonna work eyes are gonna work as the go on your face and you give you plus 50 armor

And eyes like yeah like yeah so you’re wearing IR eyes the armor yes to which they then instantly put a response thing on that thing this is how it’s going to work we’re not changing it because apparently the I guess people have questioned it before and even my

Brain went 50 hours a lot like why are you making people’s eyes that defensive like I said bit over the kill right there but like that response makes me wonder like how reasonable are they to that like changing their plans from their current goals their current plan is they like it

This way they may not change their veins I don’t know I don’t know them but that statement makes me wonder like are they reasonable enough to like change their minds on something if enough of the fan base so their mod wants to change it like I don’t know I

Don’t know either oh look look nice if they did though like the very supercharge chakra anyway where have you gone to wait where have you gone to teleport to the Village how about then I’m making the pit oh you’re me okay you’re doing the lava I’m making the pit yeah baby okay well

Negative and we have uh mausi’s maltin in theory I should be able to fight against mobs during the day and it should be doable quite easily I mean it’s still gonna be boring as thick but it should be doable on the flip side can make it slightly

Less boring by putting in my off hand and are basically just yeah just killing things as they go yeah unfortunately can you not so do you level it when if you use the Ability as well or no I don’t actually that makes no sense because you

Need to get it today yeah no no you you might level it like after but I don’t think I don’t know if it matters yeah so I already know oh man yeah I don’t know wood there is something like the background ammo here so here’s a fun thing though

And by fun I mean it’s miserable um if you put the just in your main hand and punch things that gets you the best experience for it what so all right you have to punch things with a thing yeah if you physically punish things yeah yeah it does one damage as if

You’re punching at normal brother what the did I get you the most consistent experience it’s so boring great train that way is it Shield basically supported the most effective way right now for us to train is to get some zombies and just punch them with our Jitsu in our main hand

I want to punch you with this just to see if I get XP oh you’re killing me fine I’m all right with that no I don’t want to lose my chakra I’m at two two one two two three yeah so Lily punching you that’s punching each other this is like

The most effective Road training or punching zombies now okay wait I want to try something okay if I put in your off hand it will get some experience but it doesn’t seem to get as much it’s uh the start Bay is so rough I we just need

To find a way to get a train quickly which again I guess a mob grinder but I couldn’t get the same water working we haven’t found a spawner so eh it’s never applies to pretty much get things from Gilmore of Gaia spawning and just drag them into here where are you

Where did you go I ran slightly away looking for a thing to punch is it look try punching me with the thing with the thing I think it has to be with that uh to do damage but hold on okay yeah just try uh two two three two two four oh pull up

Oh hello is kicking your ass apparently coming for you Emma you’re about to get killed by soccer I hope you know that I know for some reason she’s decided that you’re my enemy and apparently she’s on my team what I mean I traded with you I know that but

Still like why did you do this hold on well let me see so does it work oh my God it doesn’t work yeah okay put your Shield back again pretty sure back again okay so then um I currently at two three one two three one two three one yeah it doesn’t work on

His shield every time you punch my shield my my thing flickers my chocolate flicker try it try it try try to Shield uh okay hold on what’s up I’m currently at two three two 28. still 28. it’s still 28 okay for a second okay well you punched me there got me an

Experience but yeah okay yeah no the show doesn’t work you have to you have to hit things and do damage that’s how it works well yeah but this is good for if we’re you know if I’m going against mobs I can just defend their hits and

Then bump you can attempt to did you hit Sakura that’s how this worked like what what happened maybe I didn’t start off I don’t know maybe when I was I don’t think she’s on my side anyway like I think she just hates you yeah man just I’m just I’m just a way

With women you know let’s have that effect you know but anyway so yeah just I guess start training whatever your uh thing is gonna be so wait you go you got the geeky genkai Storm release the exact same one as me yeah I mean it’s meant to be random so

Hopefully that was just uh unfortunate we got the same thing because we did start with different ones you started with wall but you started with fire actually Daniel do you not have your fire thing anymore it’s in the chest oh that’s probably what went wrong then you probably would have gotten one related

To fire if you hadn’t hidden it oh instead because it triggered your second release it gave you a water one it gave me one related to the water which was storm there’s only like storm and boil I think for water once well then that’s a thing okay

Why is there no I mean it’s about modern to give us more mob swingard I’m not seeing any what you did you as a groomer of Gaia I did but it’s still not enough like I wanted to be mobs everywhere we look that’s that’s my adult process right now

I’m looking around I’m taking an open field I don’t like it that’s that’s just it there is a mod for that as well there is a mod called increased mobs that makes it so there’s more mobs so I think I don’t want to open our thing next on to the server

We’ll see how that treats us let’s have bulbs everywhere I just don’t as long as they don’t go too far and add their fxc it’ll be fine oh actually oh I found a finger mode today or yeah today what did you find hold on I’ll take you there give me a second

Come to me and we’ll come to me here you are you just don’t know it no I don’t think carrot I don’t know many words of different languages but that’s one of the words I know oh also turn that off oh there we go it’s better about today’s

I’m so annoyed there’s no point it doesn’t matter I’m so annoyed I need to do it you don’t know you don’t need to you’re just telling yourself you do my God oh yeah I was gonna trade with Sakura to get medicine pills offered all right what if you trade you uh the chocolate

Pills you want to get drugged yeah like a dog sick of our chakra nice you want to give you 200 chakra back it’s very useful hey Emma come on oh my God I’m coming gingery Shadow I’ve literally waited over an hour for your last hair brain this game we’re not

Waiting again it’s not working I don’t even know where we went teleport to me there we go I found a big cabinet over there oh my God again it’s a different one though look at it uh but we’re gonna die so many times possibly but we’re

Getting speed when we get hit anyway so hey oh my God what is this let a splits how many juices in this yeah whenever we open lip bags there could be lots of juices that’s how it works I just got a hit yeah they’re shooting ballistas at you

Did you not notice I got a Racine gun oh cool do you have it oh yeah I could treat you allergist as far though how do you switch oh there we go what do you mean how do you switch I didn’t know how to switch uses

Click whoever your button is for it okay these guys are one pirates and two people so hard that’s because you don’t you’re not wearing a lot of armor okay you’re getting here for the ballista and like all the arrows I think you are yeah that would I would explain it also oh

I refuse I’m just dying I’m just taking my death I’m coming back oh hello there we are well yeah there’s quite a few of them with bugs let’s just go inside just go and say we just ignore them for a bit Yeah I never seen this structure

Before hence why I was wanting to look at it bye He has a lot of Arrow shirts if only we had some type of projectile weapon that could hit them and get his XP balance nope it’s not a thing I mean I think you can get XP from your juices oh yeah you’re just punching the guy

That makes sense hold on kill all the other guys first kill another guys first what just happened there ow also no it doesn’t work on the the turret by the way him I think he’s shooting at you you’re very good job I think he’s shooting at you

Mo just punch normal you need to do the damage for the count yeah I know I know that the rapid punching doesn’t work also I guess since you came to steal Maine because you’re thicker I’ll just oh you’re getting shot from the side look total roads info there’s people shooting at you maniac

That didn’t kill you really prizing okay this is just a little Fortress I think as much actually in here to get but hey it was things to kill there’s a structure actually there’s a door here where’s the store oh my God what happened I found people

Oh my God it’s still people with bottles [ __ ] come here oh die holy Lord they’re so good at aiming yeah I know yeah that’s how it works that’s that’s the people with folks work but I’m not very consistent with their hits oh my God I want them jumped to me

But hey we get hit we get XP so it’s still worth it also ow back off you know I have a shield starts thank you very well forgot I killed one finally one yeah Nerf also Harry’s cheering at me he’s punching her with the thing

Oh yeah this is so tedious yes I’m aware I very much aware is this how this card goes the grinding is ridiculous ah look we had to experience it and try it so we could know how good or bad it was we now have that we have the info now

True it’s not good I will make it easier I really really hope to change it in the future because it’s not it’s not fun this way to grain this way because it’s so much it’s just so much grinding you started the Jutsu for fun for grinding like uh

I ain’t the best way to just get literally have a bob Grinder like literally have just a zombie spawner honestly that is the way to go that is the most effective way apparently but it’s also so lame at the same time because just it’s just so this was made

To grind moms in no other way yeah I know they’ve made it a bit they’ve gone a bit too deep for the Deep pin for grinding okay the way this was supposed to be the way I think this should have been made you start with one or two juices yeah

But you can already use yes and then you can level them up to get them stronger yes that’s how this should this should have been done instead of getting it’s having to go out to first of all fine duties I mean Phantom’s not and it’s not even

It’s actually I say that but what I mean actually we’ve only found any because we had mods in if we hadn’t found mods it would have been several hours into playing with nothing yeah and listen and you probably when you find one it’s probably not gonna be in your starting

Thing it doesn’t have to be if you can click on it you get a new release yeah you get a new release but what’s the point of giving me the one at a certain I believe because that one’s gonna type your geeky genkai I think that’s two I think that’s the

Only thing with it if I don’t [ __ ] use it it doesn’t matter you know what I mean yeah like I haven’t used my starting window before bro I I I got it I’m like I was so excited and then yeah I don’t use it the moves now are really killing this that

This fighting stuff is really killing this it’s just they’re making a real trial to get to it oh the ball so they’re commanded to give his XP I know the recommends but that’s the thing but yeah no we wanted to try this doing it proper and it’s not been good

Because it’s not interesting but what can you do unless you build a ball grinder it’s just no good wedding that’s why we’re adding other mods in to make it so we’ve got more things to fight which yeah I think I need a bit like increased mobs in just so we have a

Constant flux of mobs to throw around because we need to be constantly killing things pretty much the overall just so bear in this version the [ __ ] that’s my slime room didn’t work I was really hoping to say remember Mark if that did I’m gonna give us a constant

Stream of mobs to fame even if it’s still just hanging out in a room to grind I just killed Jack Sparrow no ice push push push yeah I don’t know like maybe the the like they’re not working exactly they’re intended I’m hoping that’s the case I’m hoping something’s

Been wrong here it wasn’t meant to be disc Randy or something because like I assume that people train as a play tested like they’re trying it themselves all right the mod maker is where they’ve made them on and they’re just giving themselves everything creative and never

Testing that who trial to get to because I mean hopefully they’ll open the feedback if that is the case that’s all I can say oh it’s just one niggling thing though I think it’s just it’s so rough starting but then after you get started and you get the copages it’s really cool

Because we see what the effects look like they’re amazing the pics are sick but listen if you can’t get to the fix what’s the point yeah at the same time then this is made for a server so even then no imagine board you’d be on the server if you had to sit

Into this for how long to so you can get a Jutsu like they’re they’re not like they must be doing something else legit so let people start yourself or we used to get better XP that must be surely surely their idea isn’t to put people on

The server and then have them grind like this for hours just to get their first jitsu I mean probably not average for the first year it’s a different system of mobs but still foreign oh well anyway are you still over there because I don’t think there’s any treasure over

There I think it’s just nutrition I’m just yeah it’s just it’s just things to fight I’d really like is to find a desert desert we have more mobs during night probably it’s not probably it would deserts always have more bumps during the night because they don’t have any

Animal spawn inquiries for some reason the animals have went to overdrive in this world it’s faking hundreds of them yeah fake I’m using this slash locate Temple Temple mainly state 50 minus 350. I’m going that direction though that way this way ac50 oh that’s a z command hold on that way

I was looking at the Y and Z Commander around come on yeah I pack it no I I see some of the aspects of uh like the thing to start with no chakra when you die they’ve done that so that people can’t just die and then just drop back into

Our Fate basically yeah again no I get it I get in that also I mean I assume that means they’ve got like some kind of Spawn protection otherwise you’re also just creating a situation where someone can literally Billy someone because they can’t use any jitsu’s just stop the billing

Like this is not very much designed with like other stuff happening like this is clearly isn’t designing just to be played in survival for fun anyway like Arnold it seems like you very much are staying up so you’ve got other stuff going on at the same time

Battle well also okay this isn’t going well like jump before I die oh my God I forgot these things hits your armor There we go now I can hit them actually people are saying XP Gathering is fruit uh by damage so I’m currently at three four six Let’s Get Closer how did I switch man pop it I switched off on my YouTube I was leveling up it’s very easily done to be fair oh [ __ ]

We wrestle for expert in the first episode saying on how this mod actually works it’s far worse than our nightmares oh that’s a thought bail what can you do I don’t know I like that you’re trying to invite all our people into play this I’m just trying to figure out how we’re

Gonna do it so it’s like interesting for everyone yeah I get it because I like to invite other people on like trying to fill these things we call it takes to do a whole village building thing and this one seems to be designed in a way so you can’t get everything like I

Don’t think you can just get more gig in kinds of stuff than this without cheating them in I think it’s very much uh you this is what you’ve got and this is what you’re stuck with kind of thing you can get a tailpiece we have to beat the tailbase and spawn in first

And then you guys also have to have a ceiling so the seal it and stuff and then there’s a whole Shenanigans thing of like taming it so that’s all that does and then eyes like I don’t know how you I think you don’t get them unless you

Just get lucky and get them if someone dies you can get them off that person because and let’s keep inventories on ah they would drop also this is that 400 at 400 guilt all right I’m gonna switch this over void Cloud wave okay yeah it does

[ __ ] off uh right what’s for now on void Cloud wave I’m gonna take my sword it’s currently on 9xp I’m going to jump and create it 10xp yeah so like I said this goes like damage I don’t think that’s true I think whoever said that doesn’t realize how this board works

And basically just hitting things gets XP that’s just how it goes what to do out like yeah got me out up to 11. like nah plus I tried bullying things it doesn’t seem to work either maybe having a sweeping Edge would work or aside from geek aside from thinkers College Drop would work

Not sure great so I have no God Jitsu but I’m El chakra so now I need to eat one of the soccer field let’s get Shocker back because standing still takes far too long okay am I gonna move you gotta move I got one that actually

Does stuff Come See Come See Come See second sorry come on what Earth are you doing I’m just trying to throw my [ __ ] off uh-huh so we don’t need those I actually can’t remember what this juicer looks like I think I tried using this one before but I can’t remember

Right also now once it’s reached Max XP is not with over yeah the other agencies got over it’s because I was using it even then just like increasing XP over Max matter but then prove it more at that point who knows multiple emo come on bro okay so I’m looking at this

Oh well I’m so confused and the recording come over don’t just sit there I’m confused so confused at what say words and explain it to me so maybe I could answer it in everything I mean yeah foreign okay so here is me too so it’s called Uh storm style laser circus

I’m gonna admitted me I mean I might as well eh why the [ __ ] Liza sakaza why would you admitted me I want to see it not feel it okay I’ll get you back up then I mean we got mob to hitting there’s nothing else here I need to increase mobs in 1.0 for

Some reason I’m not worried about 1.12 for some reason just doesn’t seem to have much mobs flying around I don’t know why it just seems to have a a huge number of animals everything can you stand still I mean currently for sale why yeah yeah let me just move a bit here okay

I feel like you’re about to do something really mean ml yeah I just need I need a a little bit more x-rolls I can’t even punch you with this are you kidding me yeah you currently get weakness you can’t hit me whatever weakness because you’re you just got up from getting knocked down

Actually I can I can go in the config examine to make it so that effect doesn’t happen I’ll do that in the future in future I’ll make it if you can knock down you don’t sell for the negative debuff so it’s about you know more interesting I’ll say my job this year it

Says I’ll quickly show you and me again yeah all right watch this Shadow clone Jutsu holy [ __ ] gonna punch this guy oh [ __ ] that works oh oh Wally one I called one what just wanna try that again clown get him get him go on you actually can’t speak for that

Really that’s what yeah that’s why this is good I should get a shadow clone as well then we can train like this I mean requires 200 XP it’s 200 XP I mean if you still got that Rasengan scroll uh I’m that’s what I’m training right now oh never mind then you fake

God damn why what I was gonna treat you for uh spare Shadow clone what I had but yeah anyway so another thing I can do though is I can do Shadow clone Jutsu and then I can uh move in attack you okay get your weapon and kill me and

Bill kill me fight me kill me I can become the Clone but you’re like lit up I can see where you are yeah I don’t know I am I don’t know why I actually don’t know why I’m up like that what the hell and you have no help what happened

But no uh it’s because I split my health with my clone and you killed the Clones I still only have half Health oh that’s how oh that’s basically when I split with the clone a genius yeah so there’s two mobs yeah I don’t know I need to put the ball did apparently

You know basically what it does though is it makes it so I have half my health and half my chakra I can recover my chakra back up to Phil again though like that’s not limited but my health is literally stuck at half Max that’s just stuck there then until I think anyway

Lisa Castle those are my little one oh it sends them neat that’s what else we got in here we’ll work on this one next yeah for sure how’s it going ml oh not very well then I hate this yeah I know we need to figure out where you solved somebody’s

This bear so it’s more fun it’s about hence why I’m looking at all their mods we can add in so we have more things to fight or better ways to do but still even if we are fighting more things you need to punch it with this thing you

Don’t have to it’s just quicker that way yeah but you get a new XP because you do you do no no you still get okay how it works if your punching with that thing you get less XP for your body like you get less

Uh Ninja XP but you get more XP for the Jitsu if you if you put in your offline and use like a weapon you get more uh XP for your body so you’ll get more chakra quicker and more healthy yeah but when I’m trying to get a Jutsu you know I want to

Get a Jutsu yeah I know especially at the start like right now I have no graduate since I feel less pressure to go and get more because then they’ve got at least one kill to it so I can use but yeah well you’ve not got any I I can see that

Just completely missed and I’ve got no chakra shot crap [ __ ] thingamajig ah no oh I can’t even ninja jumps okay no chakra left oh laser circus apparently makes me glow oh this is bad so I’m against skeleton since I because I don’t recover chakra obviously because I need to be moving uh

Yeah I’m just dead now apparently yeah there we go look couldn’t run away couldn’t move because the negative effects of having no chakra yeah I can’t recover chakra very quickly so I can’t stand still to get my team chakra back so if you learn a chocolate fate you’re

Just dead like that’s just it it’s over unless you have a pity of the ball yeah Emma can you think of more mods we want to add in to like help balance things out more for us honestly I cannot Gingy like I I can at least think of like increased mobs because 1.12

Well yeah I mean sure markets are gonna help but like because I have the only thing like there are a lot of bulbs currently on the screen it’s just they’re all animals for some reason we’re getting an abundance of animals and not much else I feel like I’ve had

This issue before in 1.12 where he spawns the law of animals but not allows I had to do this with Ruby I just said it sold to certain things wouldn’t spawn in Baltimore it’s really weird yeah there’s definitely things we can do to try and optimize this at least a bit better

Okay tinker’s construct I don’t know if like using a scythe with its multi-hit would count as multiple hits or not I don’t know we should try we need to test it yeah but we need also a mob grinder so there’s a lot of mobs together so we can check the XP then

We’ll have to build the size like low try that’s things I’ve been working on a bit I tried making a slime room first thinking that’d be a good idea but it didn’t work out though also hello would you require 200 so that’s not 250 that’s not the worst but without yeah so

I just learned the story but here’s the thing no no but here’s the thing shidori without the Sharingan is terrible because you know how the chidori’s whole thing is meant to be you’re you focus in on your opponent and you become like tunnel vision basically yeah yeah it

Does that so you end up zooming in and wherever you’re looking if you can’t see anything else going on around you it makes sense for the show but also makes actually Dory terrible if you’re not you know got the sharing gun so yeah it’s probably not just I want to

Learn I don’t even know if we can get a sharing gun I don’t know how it works okay I I can maybe I think of one of us could maybe randomly receive it still but we’ve gotten our geek again case now so I don’t know if that’s true what the hell

What what a band she came after me man yeah as if you got in the mountains seagulls and banshees live up there screw off I want to try this again because I haven’t hold on boss yeah I haven’t exactly how I expected why why did that one time I just I used

It it just blew away all the land around me oh I’m so confused well yeah you know how I use the fan I just tried it again it didn’t break everything this time the what the fan that I used earlier dude I don’t know why you did you throw

The whole village that was random yeah like that was as if I used a really powerful windjitsu that’s not what I did I’m really confused oh yeah that’s also why I was asking if you could make uh something to like give us a billy to recharge chakra

Because life will be so much more interest they’ve had a button to like give us the command to charge tracker because there isn’t kidding me there is an effect for it killer earthy up to I was gonna get it in a hole that way I

Could train but you killed it I mean it only had a couple play HP oh well is it gonna work out well in milk well this is the chest if you get multiple [ __ ] you put stuff in here and you turn on the lever and it just absorbs everything then yep

You have a safe switch here or the lever hold on I’m gonna I’m gonna get rid of this then because that was connected to that chest that could you could have accidentally put things in it that would have been bad yeah it shows the furnaces that’s fine

We can deal with the furnaces being there foreign yeah I I put in Palms so we have to like actually cook food look up food and things oh yeah this is awful Jesus yeah I’ve been eating seeds up which is just if you add seeds to that stuff there on the table here

It’ll make seed soup you seem to make stalking uh seeds and then have the the pot in there all right all right that seems to work oh well anyway that’s been 50 something minutes yup so that’s uh I’m just trying to regain you know chakra yeah we’re not

We’re not going to though we have to stand still for that I hate standing still yeah I hate standing still I like moving around I like walking circles while I’m talking I have to stand still it it goes against very very slow is it possible for you to

Make a thing that could give us the effect then is that is that doable or is that nah what do you think okay yeah you can do that too but yeah basically it would just be that just like slash effects ah I mean whatever the name is I suppose

Naruto and is yeah chakra generation for 10 seconds level one at level one it still it gives you like I think it’s like a percentage of your chakra back while you’re regioning or something something but he says it’s up to sit there and hold it to get your chakra back so

I don’t know oh no hold on Emma don’t do it in the house I don’t even see it I did hold on I was here for a split second oh you might have enough chakra for it how much chat cream you got me bro yeah it ran out fast

You’re not going are you not going wibbly no but I got I it got me from like 190 to 50 and oh did you let go of it too soon or maybe ml come over here come over here let go of it no you hold it let it charge

But he charged all the way to one okay hold on let’s let’s try this hold on Shadow clone Jutsu all right now just hold on okay uh yeah I’m gonna use flashback one I suppose so hold it and charge it you have chakrifier I guess it’s charging up there’s another

Thing on your hand you’re not making noise are you sure you’re on the right Jutsu yes are you sure cause there’s nothing there I mean okay let go it’s still going up wait 1.3 and now we stop there you go there it is oh no I’m wobbly yeah I know

You’ve used that your chakra so um yeah that’s super saiyan god it’s pretty cool you can’t run up and punish someone with it or you can just walk into them with it as soon as the ball hits it explodes it looks really cool that is cool yeah plus when you killed my

Clothes next to my shot curve returning to me the color match then my most of my heart as well you just did two yeah the kill and I got all my stuff back anyway man there’s a fixer cool yes yes they are I wish we got to do more of them

Is so rough because you have nothing to work with and you’re basically just told go grind and if you want to get chakra because you’re not gonna have enough chocolate to use but you’re gonna get one move and then you have to stand still phrases I have to figure it out

Maybe if I can maybe I can fiddle with the NBT that of the item and then as you get the first item I can make it so it replaces the first item with MBT data so you have at least the one move okay that would be a lot of

Configuring and this is for you so I don’t know I don’t think it would be a lot all I really wanted this point is a way to recharge chakra that’s that’s the big one all right give it a shot anyway for now available end things there thank you all

Very much for watching hope you all enjoyed our show even though we were mostly nagging at this point because I’ve discovered how we’re gonna have to look over the mod pack and maybe add some more things so we need mobs there’s constantly everywhere we just need to play shower

With Mobs so we have constant things to kill that’s the only way we’re gonna build the chart and get things built up quickly so yeah we need we need mods for that that’ll be probably I think because if there were missions that gave like experience that’d be sick yeah I don’t

Think that is a thing at least yeah I mean maybe like that in the future who knows you hopefully they’re still you know working on the mod because it’s a very good mod like the stuff in it is so good like we nag about this bit but it’s

Only this bit it’s the grinding so we can get to cool stuff ever it leaves it’s so annoying is because we know how cool the good stuff is we’re gonna get so we want it but right I mean you’ve played for a lot longer than I have anything I played the

Next video two sections I have literally two juices and like that was well running about attacking things doing stuff like it takes a while it’s it’s not fun that’s why I was trying to find a good way to optimize things well that killed me um yeah

Nice yeah that sort of saying God is very strong even though I’ve got armor and a bunch of Health it destroyed me yeah but I’m busy yeah I could use like a chakra so now if someone wanted me yeah it makes sense that I use all my

Chakra in to start but that’s the thing then I think you choose how long you charge it for once it reaches I think one you could release it if it goes beyond that you’re just charging it make it stronger oh really and bigger yeah I mean I got it to 1.3 yeah

And that they’re the the user exactly because if you go this is 1.2 maybe you’d sell some chocolate left over it’s uh let’s try 0.5 let’s not let’s end the video there thank you very much for watching hope you all enjoyed the show with three seconds more of our Naruto

Adventures go go buy everybody bye-bye also just want to say a quick thank you to all of the channel members for the extra support and a special thank you and shout out to our lead members the Johnny members Sebastian Ramsay alexander01 and Isaac Washington and our and remember our monster Kyo thank you

All very much for the extra awesome support

This video, titled ‘MY KEKKEI GENKAI & INMOS ATTACK JUTSU! Minecraft Naruto Mod Episode 4’, was uploaded by The True Gingershadow on 2023-03-01 21:00:18. It has garnered 23882 views and 906 likes. The duration of the video is 00:57:16 or 3436 seconds.

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MY KEKKEI GENKAI & INMOS ATTACK JUTSU! Minecraft Naruto Mod Episode 4

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  • Sneaky New Update: Minecraft Hardcore 1.21

    Sneaky New Update: Minecraft Hardcore 1.21Video Information This video, titled ‘First Time Playing The NEW Update! | Minecraft Hardcore 1.21 | S9 E9 #minecraft’, was uploaded by Mr. Unprofessional on 2024-09-23 12:30:21. It has garnered 860 views and 16 likes. The duration of the video is 00:27:10 or 1630 seconds. First Time Playing The NEW Update! it went well… all the way up till I went back for the thumbnail and died!!! Ugh what a disappointment! but! We got one under our belts. Trial Chamber #1! Complete! #minecraft #trialchambers #update Join Us on Twitch! Temporarily Taking a break from streaming, Taking Care of a newborn… Read More


    INSANE MUSIC SYSTEM in MINECRAFT! 🔥 #minecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘BEST MUSIC SYSTEM IN MINECRAFT/MUSIC SYSTEM OF MINECRAFT #minecraft #minecraftshorts #trending #op’, was uploaded by SUMITXGAMING on 2024-04-30 07:25:35. It has garnered 4178 views and 119 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:14 or 14 seconds. minecraft minecraft challenge minecraft but minecraft animation challenge animation mcpe love story family friendly funny monster school minecraft monster school minecraft 100 days preston comedy minecraft hardcore monster school challenge trolling funny minecraft pocket edition minecraft pe adispot 100 days minecraft minecraft manhunt albedo op minecraft mod peppa pig huggy wuggy fnf mod hardcore minecraft minecraft meme steve… Read More

  • Shocking: Breaking Every SMP Rule! #Minecraft

    Shocking: Breaking Every SMP Rule! #MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘[ Breaking every rule of notice smp ]#minecraft #gaming’, was uploaded by AllMC_Gaming on 2024-03-07 01:11:38. It has garnered 204 views and 3 likes. The duration of the video is 00:16:11 or 971 seconds. Description: 🌟 Welcome to Crafted Ventures, where the enchanting world of Minecraft comes to life in pixels and polygons! 🌈 Immerse yourself in a realm of endless creativity, daring adventures, and captivating builds as we embark on an epic journey through the vast landscapes of this iconic sandbox game. 🔨 **Masterful Creations:** Join us as we delve into the art of… Read More

  • Insane HermitCraft Secrets Revealed!

    Insane HermitCraft Secrets Revealed!Video Information This video, titled ‘What makes HermitCraft different from other Minecraft servers?’, was uploaded by Λsk Λbout Solutions on 2024-05-24 06:27:53. It has garnered 7 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:53 or 53 seconds. Unveiling the Unique Magic of HermitCraft 👉 Magic of HermitCraft 👉 Discover what sets HermitCraft apart from the rest – a tight-knit community, high-quality content, and a focus on creativity and collaboration. Join in on the magic today! Laura S. Harris (2024, May 14.) What makes HermitCraft different from other Minecraft servers? 🌐 ✋ Disclaimer: This video, titled ‘What… Read More

  • Ultimate Battle Royale Victory – POV: You vs. 3 on Bridge

    Ultimate Battle Royale Victory - POV: You vs. 3 on BridgeVideo Information This video, titled ‘POV: u win a 3v1 bridge fight…’, was uploaded by Air_Clips on 2024-02-17 05:53:28. It has garnered 206 views and 5 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:23 or 23 seconds. go sub to main channel ​⁠​⁠ #minecraft #bedfight #minemenclub #hypixel #pvp other tags lmao minecraft,hypixel,skywars,minecraft mods,minecraft challenge,handcam,mousecam,keyboard asmr,keyboard sounds,keyboard and mouse,mouse sounds,keyboard and mouse sounds minecraft,glorious model o,itzGlimpse,bedwars,hypixel bedwars,keyboard and mouse sounds bedwars,ducky one 2 mini,butterfly clicking,bed wars asmr,keyboard and mouse sounds,bedwars asmr,dragclick,clicky,asmr,family friendly,bedwars with handcam,iAim,modded keyboard,gamakay tk68,thocky keyboard,badlion,client,badlion client,jitter click,how to pvp,pvp,amongus,prediclips,maafer,pando,arctic,speedrun,clutch,block,block clutch,insane,shorts,youtuber,shorts youtuberlunar client, badlion client, forge, 1.7.10 forge, 1.8.9 forge,… Read More

  • INSANE Challenge in Minecraft – NO TOUCHING COLORS! #shorts

    INSANE Challenge in Minecraft - NO TOUCHING COLORS! #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft pero NO puedo TOCAR los COLORES de tu FOTO 23 #shorts #minecraftshorts’, was uploaded by Alexpolu8 on 2024-09-11 03:38:27. It has garnered 8817 views and 838 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:59 or 59 seconds. TODAY I BRING YOU A NEW MINECRAFT VIDEO I HOPE YOU LIKE IT AND IF YOU ARE NEW SUBSCRIBE ❤️ #Minecraft #yunque #yunques #minecraftmod #colores #inmortal #MinecraftSurvival #shorts #snapshot #minecraftupdate #mojang ——————————— —————————— 🚀 | Subs Discord | 🚀 My Texture Pack | 🚀 | Twitter | 🚀 | Twitch | 🚀 |… Read More

  • BECOME UNSTOPPABLE on EnchantedMC Dungeons!

    BECOME UNSTOPPABLE on EnchantedMC Dungeons!Video Information This video, titled ‘HOW TO GET OP ON THE *NEW* DUNGEONS SERVER! | Minecraft Dungeons | EnchantedMC’, was uploaded by Zap on 2024-07-31 22:44:45. It has garnered 3352 views and 89 likes. The duration of the video is 00:16:02 or 962 seconds. #minecraft #minecraftpe #shorts *Server Discord*: *Java & Bedrock IP*: *Bedrock Port*: 19132 Series Playlist: soon Welcome to our latest Minecraft adventure, where we explore new Minecraft servers, including the most thrilling OP prison servers and skyblock challenges! Our video takes you inside the newest OP prison, showcasing the intense escape gameplay and strategies… Read More

  • EPIC Minecraft Moments at Ender Cup in MCC-Live!

    EPIC Minecraft Moments at Ender Cup in MCC-Live!Video Information This video, titled ‘MCC – ENDER CUP! (MINECRAFT POV)’, was uploaded by Twitch vods on 2024-07-28 16:00:07. It has garnered 3322 views and 78 likes. The duration of the video is 04:19:51 or 15591 seconds. on TWITCH VODS Read More

  • Cool-People

    Cool-PeopleWelcome to Cool-People, a Minecraft survival server, hosted for the discord cool-people community. Trade with npcs, claim land, work with other players to create your dream builds and gear up. The server is Java and Bedrock compatible but requires you to join the cool-people discord server and link your account. Read More

  • LittleSMP – smp vanilla whitelist 1.21

    Hello everyone! My name is Yani, I’m 19 years old and I would like to introduce LittleSMP Part III, our Minecraft community! This SMP server has mods to enhance vanilla gameplay. The server is currently under maintenance to prepare the new world and ensure optimal performance before launch. Visit our Discord server for information on server changes. On the server, you can do anything from playing with others to forming clans. All activities are allowed, except for hacks or unfair advantages. Join our Discord server and send a friend request to “yani01” to access the server. Let’s have fun together! Read More

  • Avalore: Fantasy Roleplay// //

    How to connect and play on this server? You must have the game version 1.18.2 installed. How to check? At startup, the game version will be displayed on the right, at the bottom. If it is a different version, you should change the current profile (left, bottom) and select version 1.18.2 Click the PLAY button, wait for the Minecraft game to load. Choose: Multiplayer Click the button “Direct connect”, or if you want to keep the server in its list, press the button “Add server” In the field “Server address” write: (GL HF) Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Sorry, I had to flex

    Looks like this meme scored higher than most of my exams in school! Read More

  • Stick Tricks: Minecraft Animation Delight

    Stick Tricks: Minecraft Animation Delight In the world of Minecraft, a stick was the key, @XeartrikYT claimed @goldcacho3459 with glee. An animation so funny, it brought a smile, In the land of blocks, where creativity runs wild. The audio used, a mystery unsolved, If you know the creator, the credit will be evolved. Tags like #minecraft and #animation in sight, Bringing joy to fans, both day and night. So let’s keep the rhymes flowing, the story alive, In the world of Minecraft, where adventures thrive. Read More

  • Minecraft Meme: Spicy Edition

    Minecraft Meme: Spicy Edition “Why did the creeper go to therapy? Because it had too much TNTsion!” Read More

The True Gingershadow – MY KEKKEI GENKAI & INMOS ATTACK JUTSU! Minecraft Naruto Mod Episode 4