The True Gingershadow – YAMI VS PAW DEVIL FRUIT BATTLE! || Minecraft One Piece Skypiea Episode 22 (Minecraft One Piece Mod)

Video Information

Hello everybody I’m back and welcome to one piece Skype eeeh we to meet Zara Maru and gingery sickness yay back aidid I can’t I’m trapped he hated Wow I’m afraid it did actually watch me all their healer so I was good you can’t I don’t you can break the ice

Mo yeah you can’t break that ice ice he speaks them eventually quick lame-o right-click the chair what cheer ah I can’t stop oh my god you have you done and your book will be real nice with now wouldn’t it oh why me I’m sorry monster [Laughter] gods straight symbols back welcome to my

Home in MO please don’t destroy it they’re using this place is awesome to sorrow that was sick sorrow sorrow sorry it’s a bit cold in here sorrow why you are so well-behaved the last two episodes together and I was suddenly in Mo’s here and this happens yeah don’t

Worry about it you show no I don’t worry about disabled boy no okay things in more a lots changed since you were last on no no there ain’t it moves a bit suicide it starts off preying on you and we’ll take this spider right okay right right click this box on top

Click on your door click on your skull and click on your head you never used this before though and then replace your human eyes with the spider eyes where’s the human eyes the bottom one or the top one the bottom one you replace the the human eyes with

The spider right okay and then you go in the door and then you you know take some damage by the way but it’s perfectly natural ah ah you just gotta wait oh I got my eyes yeah I see that yes spider eyes now no really

Press f4 f4 I mean I turned off my all my settings so I’m a I don’t know um hey wha my eyes are yeah it’s a spider right it says there but I see normally maybe if I in the thing I mean you can see up

There it’s a spider eyes dude yeah but maybe this is already I feel yours are just remove your legs go ah sorry let me check my controls maybe I changed uh you’ve got a cyber parts and is that still okay doing that I’ll start why is this tolerance thing still sell on sale

Hundreds I thought we changed it you need to die I’ll do that later on though all right no because I’m fine oh my god Wow yeah now it’s three hundred what the hell is this crap I’ll Sables get spider eyes though yeah oh I can’t zoom in what’s happening stop

GG have a testing mode you still have the spider eyes yeah good so yeah that’s a change you made to the server people basically if we died before we lost all the cybernetic stuff which was annoying so so I could still murder sorrow and not feel bad about it basically we’ve

Made it so that we keep the cybernetic stop windage so that’s good oh right I don’t know why someone else for the minute hand them over in there me did you did you replace them yeah if you ever fall but you substitute him dude you don’t lie to me Gigi no mo even

Have you ever thought that just like you’re moving you’re like can you just remove your skin while you’re at it you know ever ever course he swallowed know that boot ah that wouldn’t die he did I know what matter the spinning block on the left is

That skin that’s yes your skin my bigger skin yeah yeah you can remove your skin if you want to know it’s very inviting mom it’s fun you don’t thought oh it’s our we got uh we got a thingy it got bleep rain to me nice finally what offer the salvaged wired reflexes

Yeah what does that do I thought I don’t really although the reflexes itself it makes it so a time faster blueprint what the hell do you have a tree I’m wearing one bum okay salvaged wire reflexes make sure tax faster readies your weapon when you’re attacked ultimately lets you face the

Attacker I’m also wearing a trench coat yeah I’m wearing a black hole which is way cooler so anyway basically to make chicks ones are it acquires a solid-state circuitry fiber optic in a synthetic nerdy since our nerves do we have that I don’t know um call the parts mandatory all don’t poke

We shove these oh yeah I have what is it cold again hmm I have a thing in my liver okay that sounds amazing no it’s I have a oh yeah record I’ve a lot of filter let’s start from now hello everybody welcome to one pieces wait mo

You weren’t recording oh you’re the one to get Cho I’m like I’m ready for you but whenever you’re ready to press the button I thought I did it I didn’t do all this hydro thing he was spinning like this happened I got myself you you can change your brain yeah

Yeah we need a replacement Bolivar no mo yeah if you take it off zombie Bree no you can’t do that start from me as funny as I was anything I have a liver filter so I can eat anything oh really so I can eat we always could

Eat you in well that’s for the cannibalism or let’s um do what is this it’s charged over I’m not good at working I saw something behind a wall here something it’s Bob’s mo okay how did you do that also someone was saying build windmills apparently yeah I

Don’t know if we’ve got as windmills in this we know yeah no I didn’t think so oh god I don’t actually know which like basically the power light in your net electronic mods thing like something that produces are for something we don’t have one so yeah would you need it

Well yeah you need something to create electricity so you can charge with it there’s arles actually got thing in his heart that makes it so he goes up as they were running yeah so he’s not too bad that regards I have a cardiovascular cope ler that makes it so I do you have

A heart idiot you just put it on your heart but he’s not replacing his whole heart no I just I just put it on the heart I know I know but how do you how do you get it thing that you basically you know what’s happening you know the robot zombies

Cause what’s I need to restore mangement okay well I guess I’ll pauses well the recording and we’ll get right back when it moves back sorry oh you son of a [ __ ] stop that we’re back top dog I’m back I’m never right guys are you guys utilizing your dragon powers no because

I didn’t really know how to use them or anything no she’s taught me to use them Oh back hurts no one shot you yeah well here is how you use stop look at this guy look at this guy he’s so well behaved last few episodes now

Look it’s a demon why did you keep being misbehaving stop it no no okay different things happening different people cesaro’s became a cyborg I have an airship in mode he removed his fruit no he’s a cyborg oh hey I use that one for oh yeah so you can no devil for it

Remembers life that’s all that’s it so your Cystic for the he told me that yeah you’re literally just doing it so you can use ice boat and you come people aren’t you yeah there’s literally no worries that’s literally just dead so literally just that you just you just want to use that

One technique on people Wow okay so I was gonna say to salvage my reflexes we never had the bluefin and we actually could make another one but always I could just give you this one you want to put in no no the making your own is better because it takes less less

Tolerance okay I mean we don’t get that many parts are oh yeah okay we have enough but we love that meaning well just let me use that one though Wanko like in the meantime yeah so basically it’s the tak based think it’s just for your reflexes your be enhanced cybernetic reflexes

Looks like our snares are if I attack you okay well probably would okay it’s mainly take your sword up but maybe it’s not me if I’m all does it go it’s aids are go fate something seems not really doing now it’s not really doing anything loud it was supposed to make him face

Attacker and it’s supposed to draw his sword and he supposed to be like that quicker so that’s not what me very well right email I have an air [ __ ] needs improved so that we can all await I have an airship but we need to improve it so

There’s actually usable I can find you know nobody gets the other no no you can’t say mo you can use a hook job let you hit come on to ear which is you can glide yeah mo but you’ve lagged the crap at the server when you do that way I

Mean he’s gonna be yes cuz doesn’t go anywhere near as fast as your stupid gliding methods makes you load in like 20 blocks a second right and walked in really you draw our walk between sky islands good banking luck with that then hell yeah license our plate using an

Indirect which Lily attaches itself to ear which is not meant to be able to do just launches you because it’s a it’s I don’t know it’s supposed to be like that it’s like yeah it is yeah it is actually it’s s it on the the thing itself left click launch player towards

Crossers yeah but you think it would need to hit something no it’s a lunch if you’re left like that’s what you add an inter pro if you don’t and if then it’s just a normal it’s a normal wrapping Oh too frightened nothing exists probably like they probably meant to have it so

Like only when you’re like attached to let you do that but I guess it’s yeah you think you had launched you up like when you’re attached to something so yeah like a better swing or you just head towards the attack point or something you would think but me never

Move it from the confi and I don’t know if I can I don’t know if it’s not in the configs right Emma what were you saying with this channel bard with it I understand how this works now but yeah yet turn it on had you no no no no he

Says if I have one I get faster attack speed if I have Oh sir SEC speed and ready weapon one get three of them then so we need to build more for you yeah yeah basically Oh okay well you can faster attack speed those Arles that’s great we just made

You stronger yep yep no mo dragon stuff what you on about yes so to get your abilities do you need this dragon talisman and what are the abilities mo so you have you have a dragon growl growl dragon wind dragon striking dragon breath what i am doing i

Know dragon brass is like you spit fire if something attacks you it’s all passive abilities pretty much it’s nothing like dragon growl world bro i don’t know it’s like it’s like pushes enemies away from you that’s like that’s way here wait these just kick off by themselves you’d have to do anything yeah

Then dragon wind and launches enemies here and there in dragon strike it’s like and i don’t know what that one is okay I mean it’s just passive abilities you have a kid behind I guess or your pink sheep I removed my skin you sure did then remove your left arm sorrow hey

Dragon Towson so dragon skull flocks and dragon ingot ok flux is made from that stuff Dragutin get is made from flux dragon skill and iron ok I should have the means to do this killed enough dragons for it yeah I mean it’s pretty easy close to you oh yeah I got these things

Well was that by the way yeah I got plenty of yeah yeah it’s just more dolls for the collection really yep yep that’s that stuff done the skull scrap this one this is this good I mean so just make this just I’ve got it that’s yeah just

Nothing to add to the collection and alright okay so um airship I need to improve it aren’t we going to scones we’re in the sky lands you’re talking to hey we could go there but the airship scrap for it right now and we’ve not reach a star lilies we

Don’t need your sheep maybe a bear every traveled together I’m over Island you liking the server oh you’re using your glider I mean how do we travel together in one sheep you think – you could have added we don’t even know if they work there could have added I mean sure I

Suppose it’s always actually actually how about we just do that right now and we just it I’ve got a I’ve got a solution air tea though I use my wings what wings these wings well that’s not the wings these wings the Elektra thing yeah I’ve got one of them – okay yeah

But that’s like what is it oh wait hold on you have to get fireworks hold on so I’ll make fireworks to see if that works that’s the same as the freakin hook launch against like lighting dude oh no this is meant to I’ll go this way mo

Well what is the same you just don’t use the hook sure to use fireworks oh no no where’s ah the adult yet how do you make fireworks again oh holy [ __ ] what did you use there’s our I use the inter grappling hook with it okay I mean

Okay to make how do you make fireworks I have no idea that’s why we just add the what’s it called give me the ship’s bra why Archimedes because it has that’s the one we’re talking about this black doesn’t you know it does I know this is one point

Ten everything like civil carrying war for land for sure but yeah well that lacked on one point didn’t play it hey and this is one this is one point ten point two we had a huge shipment like that chip that was some that was like next level this ship it’s gonna be a

Three seater with nothing yeah except demo its 1.0 room where’s my screen white kind of someone just crashed the server I think overloaded at the calm how not actually doesn’t it didn’t save his overload distance how much it did something I don’t know what happened I don’t know growling yeah just

Growling good to know man refreshing no mo this is one plate Aten then what’s already lucky enough because it’s having to load in sky blocks if this is one point dwelling dimension every if it is 1.12 I may be able to give out gold but I’m on point tain what promise can make

Ourselves miserable doing it as opposed to that as the v’s warships connect two of them three of them too much work really three of them let’s go that’s a lot of resources yeah it’s a redstone I’ve got more redstone there and back here and yeah okay the fireworks are all

Done damn it alright you guys I have a bow it like a stack of redstone as well I mean I’ve got one block two stacks and a bit pluses that I don’t run our dungeon is that [ __ ] up more okay tops at all hey it shipping it should be

Doable to make them before that leachate level up more that we should really use our abilities Martos so you don’t want to try fighting you know go into your house my house you’re the only one within chat table this is true wait wait you ain’t chatting my well I’m

Making new boots okay I’m guessing fell are falling once yep how’d you know because why did he come with you I don’t know he is help apparently gone do we want to test our abilities against each other see to do any better I mean yeah if I hit you with the sword

Probably but then again Oaks the level ups gone so they tacked down just take off and that’s gone too I know any food oh there’s a problem solve a problem like everyone’s wanting to jump to the other super crazy should prepare first so that when we go they

Would have to come back a million times hmm probably just jumping straight to it like get the stuff ready to go and then go then once were there just do everything we can do there hmm you ate food though did you okay great you’re nowhere near me

I’m grabbing food maybe I’m sorry the battle no anthing redstone Oh precious precious redstone Helen so zor-el’s changed this for over to the PT no me so he’s packing that now in a fight plus ease and produce reflex because cyborg which make me compareed really knows also probably eyes Mike

Really taste something mo stand still yeah I’m blind murder just stay there yeah I didn’t hurt you all oh great I don’t know I don’t know that moves made to heart people or no I’m really confused by it you know it was it was sure cool you know but it’s like weak

Yeah I mean it hearts against mumps ba yeah he doesn’t see no one I hurt players a zombie oh wow the help you know look at this pile of water Bob let me this pile of water I didn’t yet why did you jump in it I don’t know did you

Think you’re gonna freeze it by using the ice walkability that doesn’t trigger all with the same sorrow I figured I mean it’s a pure write as ro but I’ve not get look at the energy for what a guy and mo re I test disabilities well hold on stands no way that’s

Liberation again oh oh oh hit you doctor up dear wait was that your growl kicked off I don’t think so like I didn’t I didn’t hear anything I mean it crashed again that that time it didn’t it’s not saying it’s overloaded crash reports million of the most immoral promoting on

Living at a key event dragon realm event yeah it’s to do with the alright well against dragons the buoys or not a picture they really did watch anyway yeah okay just ditch the talismans then wait what I can disable them you can disable them yeah have you disable them

You ship for and click on then yeah you right-click the talisman to go between the abilities and then okay says if it’s disabled or enabled I guess Bane’s turned off by the Fallen yeah oh good stop me crashing the server then way I think we’re getting a different Island

Actually fight sort of this one go right between me practicing Lazaro before and ever practicing with you there so you’re really desperate they go to this error and aren’t um oh yeah so that’s why I joined this recording sessions yeah that’s what I told you you told them

We’re going straight there’s our yeah I just told him that we’re going there well the plan is to go there by mean we just should level up more than I’d rather it’s been a bad time doing this first prepared ourselves all that jazz it’d make a big coup have it going there

Basically I want to tell you a video separately I’m doing Eugene you first you just see my happy face you need food I got food I’ve got some food Oh to get it yep I crash again why didn’t you turn it off you’re literally the first thing I made to do

Is turn it off oh my god I keep attacking users are you attacked earlier I didn’t attack anyone all you need to spam ace attacks in my house yeah that’s earlier but that’s not one we crash yeah I thought after its Immel figuring out what was wrong but he came on he draped

Fleet on it off I would you know my thoughts say oh maybe he will say when he’s burning it up like it or maybe he was just turn it off because there’s no point having on hero theorem oh no you’re the one that technically crashed

It don’t come in and mow that’s God not no you can go you’re fighting a disable that damn thing then then what yeah I should I something you’re saying about taking a yeah you’re talking about like the Archimedes airships we wouldn’t even be able to take that to the other we

Have to build it in the other exactly you’re a madman you take the seats to the Ada and the in like what [ __ ] ten blocks of air balloons okay you grab five pieces of wood there you put one in the middle two on the sides and right oh

We can do that between episodes faint is the mods I’ll try for again we can try it I mean it’s all I can put on right now we need to I need to like put it in the server we defined it so whereas well leaving it till next episodes which we

Could do straight after this one mo so you know all right let’s just let’s have a little fight let’s see whose times we’re right let’s find an island is chillin so oh wow why don’t you move why there’s no note back what happens what are you doing

I stride and dock you all I did you don’t move I’m I’m cleaning women tourists out of it why did you why did you never took any don’t buy they just stood there I’m apparently tanky or something I don’t know you that was weird yeah yeah I need to what’s the anyway

Yes so much help how do you have any more health any of us know you have so much Hill yeah this is that max health yeah no it’s not you can get Sookie where can you get more health Oh God in MO cybernetics mud that give you more

Health you can get a bar more Oh interesting wait well parse that well it’s a part I don’t forgot oh well something to check your lair I suppose right anyway then shall we pick shall we find an island nearby easily have a wee tongue actually wait we just

We go over to the mmm-hmm yeah this is all attached we just go over here this mornin it there’s more of this silence oh it’s a part of a bone what happened you do not turn it up so we’re closed I did do someone attack me I know I

Killed the marine there and it just it happens I didn’t do anything basically what one of the bones makes it so you can get more health one of the bones okay that’s something to keep an eye out for all that I guess yep that was weird

I killed no I killed him I read and then it just trashed dunno why Ange nothing’s changed on my fart see ya Oh a towels my first I just put in a bag so she should be other way and disabled if the neighbor just throw the talismans out throw them into the

Voids first make sure you have everything disabled so like right click through the whole thing sure even it’s not like it he never hit me I killed him it triggered I know is a movement Ori okay hold on so disabled were you labeled all that says they’re all disabled dragon strike enable you

Must first understand ringing what the [ __ ] bro everyone’s gone now and they’re all disabled there should be no reason for the beyond all right get the [ __ ] out it haha okay there’s a desert island next to here we could go on I spit okay possesses our cards right

Where do we want to where do you want to go do you want to coach the LR fire this island or do I jump over to the desert yeah it depends that big about do we want expose the fake are you up to he doing something that’s broken

I mean Zara since you’re so antsy you could fight it more first if you want yeah but not here yeah I’ve got I’ve got a bear bit of the island someone a bear bit yeah over here hey oh all right mate – guys there’s some ground rules before we do this

Though also guy no paraglider no undergrad well you mean no power glider you can paranoia no one cares with a paraglider it’s just the inner grappler both of itfo people end up using it like what the fight oh no and yeah like we don’t okay what back ah what are you

Thinking I was going up high so I could watch the Fate where are you in mo I’m right next to design zone he’s right over here I can barely see this tree trees are in the way well whatever I’m sure I barely got good video once the Fae actually starts okay

So yeah just don’t use the obviously as first to kill and I don’t leave the island cuz what’s the fakie point of fate if you’re just gonna run away and yet don’t use the hint they do have them you’ll use them fate will never end yep truth behind that all have fun thank

You very much how to go through their muster these balls both ready I mean someone else to do a character my voice is facts in makanda always preparing stuff sorrow I also know like mad Chili’s are ending in mo that’s it not don’t you like a notch or something or something ridiculous yes

They don’t use anything here obviously eating foods fine but like we’re on that yeah let’s not go mad wait till you said no paragliders okay no like you know how drivers it just don’t you don’t use the lose you know the paradises are Fighting’s they’re just coming down happen like the hook

Shots and buzz you can see Roos coming things you can literally just catch them but the hook shots you Pope you start using them the free throw game those two Marines coming to our Jews are probably hair we comb our two Marines on their way hold on that’s a bit better yeah are

You ready so a MIDI wait a man you’re not how are you still not ready you’re the one we were waiting on hey you’re asking sir are you lady it probably I was like super fancy trick of his leave what no I don’t all that just to beat

Your fate like I don’t know oh it’s a lot of pride on the line I mean here one the last thing is fault and one of the things is because I killed you though yeah you attacked me in MO I came back and killed you know but I was winning because he Billy

Gumgum ran out he was like lunch all over the place with a long term yeah that’s when our reason why we’d already that cut stuff kids faces never ends yeah you’re sick okay three yeah I’m sick no please are you ready Romero hello hello home ID beginz

Okay in a couple minutes okay so that’s for you YouTube ads doo-doo-doo-doo let’s go ice broker is border and it’s all the way well but you can just keep using it I can’t you yeah how you gonna get in the Fate sorrow what I mean oh he

Suffocated wha no I killed his feet oh wow how did it how did it die we don’t sing how I died he’s like one gingy attack it kills me it’s just as I died yeah we don’t want to point fingers oh yeah Besser okay dude I can’t get out of bed between is

Mo your best chances to not get hit by I guess how do you avoid Hrodna you don’t because he like as soon as he logs onto you it’s you were in it that’s blocking on no him because he’s got him he doesn’t he no but I don’t like I think he just

Snaps to the [ __ ] tonight I think yes I aim it it’s like right here right in this block okay yep didn’t work yeah entity he’s got he’s got to a meet you though them also if he doesn’t match to hit you with it then he loses his

Ability to use it let me let me try it okay so let me run this way you try to do well it’s not that fast okay I ain’t plus ml is bear trying an actual combat so if you do works it works cuz I guess we’re doing best I don’t read this

Piece of [ __ ] give me the end of no you had the chance to have that info you decided to give it back you know you just use regular ender pearls yeah that’s too late no though cuz you have any so you ready in mode trying dodging

We’ve I gave him a lot to be fair in MO if he if he misses by the way he and I can’t you just move for like a few seconds rather say that while he’s open you know so you know there’s that there’s like a half a minute [Applause] these are ready

When the last ice you breaks with beginning what takes rather just zoom in our faces gingy I can’t zoom in have been observing much just like in animes alright today we have a new product for you you see this is a paraglider thank you very much good bye

Okay that’s to shoot you is great there mo stop by wait these ice box they take forever to break just last year well then it’s three way you can done because I did lesson okay oh you three two one begin what are you doing what do you happen

Though no it’s just that right there Judy came up to me he’s like you know attacking why just looking around he’s never thought they raise your hand stand over here very far Oh God a mr. Marie how did you how did you not see me he was because you were [Laughter] Dingy start to say countdown so for God’s sake I’m ill I’ll do it in three two one go oh that’s a good defense and will that kill you or oh yes really yeah Jase oh my oh my they’ve got we’ve got fate there ladies and gentlemen

The cyborg sorrow wins the fight oh yeah that’s right I got straight [ __ ] because of my cyborg stuff Oh sorrow has applied to enhancement him that helps been clubbed by so he wins for example for example Czar’s also called let me try it let me try it again so you still have it

Yeah I still have oh wow one shot because I got strength and speed Wow okay so subtle cybernetic implants of me I mean actually it’s from oh you have got it face it looks I’m not actually beating you yeah but you need to find him then the

Bro know I should faint loser farce okay Jesus Christ also probable oh you before you like fall into accident like I was waiting for a lot with a poor in your hand earlier yeah you played blue you’re thick you blew the thing up and literally the lava start pouring down

Behind you I was like oh god it was gonna burn to death yeah you’ve got mastered of a skate that’s the thing Jesus you only use that move as well which that I mean I guess slowness so I mean it’s useful yeah that’s the only thing that I have a least snack how

Didn’t I kill you dude what I bro I didn’t even see you what I I mean even though you’re in luck I don’t have like a like a crazy block you in moves oh my god because of the last thing we added I can spam my attacks yeah increases your reflexes

You’re able to strike quicker yeah my my attack speed is hell higher today your store is also a lot weaker like dude why are you me what are you making him gingy I made a mad s-sorry park to make him strong enough what are you doing the

Last time means Auto fall I absolutely wrecked him so you know well there you have your one shot like trike you hit me with that sword Shinji come on it’s one shot 1% it is yeah is one shot what am I supposed to do it you guys I don’t know

I’ve no get the same posture I can’t box you in or anything so I can’t one shot you what are you talking about like legitimately see ha sorrow to be fair you know for a fact that he the sword things oh man oh wait does that when the person stands still like

Remember when I fought you it took me like three swings to kill you oh that’s true that’s true like you so wait I mean if you stand perfectly still mo it gets like a curry or something in it like I pretty much will win but when you’re

Moving it doesn’t always do Phil damage so mo mo mo become unable the rematch we’ve all been waiting for your pop off vs wait what use potions are no cheating yeah Jesus Christ let’s get my strength potion that’s like killing yourself gives you you know it’s just a silly to

Shrug stump yourself up for a bit oh there you are emos whatever you’d win okay this is really uneven terrain this how you come and move over at odds yeah this should be fine here ammo they should be fine here because I don’t go too far though oh my

God a but you just lost me over here I’m sorry I’m trying to throw smoke her off there we go no it was great because you lost me perfectly up to this aisle no where are you just your father died and I was wondering calcula ever knowing man

Caught my fitting that Xaro you want to do the countdown in me that can easily do sorrow I guess last time we fiber my spec my Dell fret did nothing against you I couldn’t beat you basically in a straight fight Dora tonight that was a long time ago I mean I’ve

Stood by trading since then so let’s see all righty then people there I’ve really really been too in jindo shadow is about to commence who will come out on top this time three two one begin why didn’t that work whoa I got it Oh mo oh my god

Mo sneaking this carefully though what are you going on there did you can we eat or no eating now you’re getting spite yeah because like where I’m running out of hunger like yes because cuz you’re injured oh wow oh my god you guys got good counters cuz look you just push you away

Oh God the Chinese I catch him I can play more if you push me away that was a mess out of three liquids or is that okay fair enough yeah we’re doing best of threes because we’re doing a tour the next episode since you said that yep yep

Yep I mean we’ve already gone on before y’all minutes but sure okay Jesus alrighty then folks ginger shadow takes their first match but it is a best of three yeah I get that the first take me then we’ll fight to the first matches well make a beat like three four times

After that so yes indeed so basically he said is he going to get right now maybe I don’t know in my never are you ready no did you shadow a you’re as ready as I can be sure three two one begin don’t blame this oh yeah my demo pretty realistic SP

Plays it’s ro it’s not when we don’t intend to the level of I mean sorrow it actually made me stuck and it does that you better jump you through I know because we took out the freaking level of mud I mean so here you talking you again hold on to

Outcome that good underground let’s see if you can get out very well okay or the thicker they are really you can jump it yeah Jesus mean you can jump but you’re still you’re blinded for happens you take damage where did you seek damage there’s no mmm-hmm no you didn’t take any emo

Took damage table no we’re meeting in actual fight sorrow I’m gonna kick your off your armor that you slower than impose I know know my stance I have for health to attack 3d fans yeah that’s right yo gingy I don’t take fall damage Deena oh no oh yeah I took full damage

Probably why would you take fall damage because well I’m not sorry I mean yeah why you don’t taking fall damage cuz I have long full boots do you yeah just meet him before we went cause that way you’re up say that makes sense okay cancels fall damage when worn nice

Yes that could be handy yep okay so emo emo has been demoted to the runt of the grip so listen bro just because it hasn’t because just because it haven’t played this you a little bit like this for another 10 years right away you stop stop tell you’ve been away I’ve became

The world’s greatest swordsman so to give a cyborg we kill each other what nice you know in that tightness out emo I became the world’s greatest swordsman plus I’ve got a cool gun and yes almost become a cyborg which makes um what are you using it’s the unleash two dragons there or

Sorry they’re waking dragon slayers at work okay you know waking to be fair it’s not get food sharpness on it those like a shower is three hey I did a lot of effort to get this right killer wither I’m gonna I got a nether or yet another star if you want anymore

So you’ll sneeze the dragon breath you you need that to make the true dragon slayer yeah but you need dragon we need dragon breath farce together you drag me gingy has the story I don’t need it I just need a short sword one shot – well

Well unless yours are Oh who’s also like implants animus double mean so how much does she do – exactly where’s ro and we are gonna be cyber I don’t do a lot just pheromone plus you get the perk up at a current as well yeah but only those you can keep

Swinging I thought if I don’t hit my shot I’ve got away I do this now I’m gonna oh yeah let’s see how fast I can kill you like in speed wise well I need you to healer topped off Oh gem leggings are Oh kill me was this what’s become of

This day yeah that’s great oh why do I reach Henry getting just in time wait what oh no oh man I think he was like me dodge there’s some of his yeah yeah yeah I noticed that wait let me try your dragon slayers see how fast I can swing that

It’s my dragons third okay your own well I’m curious hey Kelly you hold my sorts don’t you think so oh you got your thing back well also there’s a thing I can implant to my eyes so I don’t get blindness I can’t be blind yeah okay so your your black hole isn’t

Gonna blind me anybody doesn’t blame you just hold you in place from the shoot a few times eyes board okay what are you guys fighting guess so no if I was really closer sorry I didn’t get like that one spring I did wasn’t like good enough yeah I noticed

That all names are don’t need to face already know where we sit in the pecking order yeah ours also come to this fate of my blade before so here’s this one Kazumi yeah strongest I mean if ever you keep advancing it to if you like these will

Probably be stronger than they do it’s funny in mobile warning to become the cyber it’s just like a person in the one-piece universe hmm I don’t know he has a book he has to put a pop-up fruit yeah I thought nothing springs to mind wow wow this jerk hey are you that’s not

Good hello you didn’t take close enough hint a close snow set was over there I was over here mo let me let me banging okay as long as she’s nowhere the pecking order is bright I think his name’s let’s go long enough I think between episodes oh I didn’t Archimedes ships and symbols

Wanting it so bad and we can try it yeah a nose oh yeah used to want to come Paris cyborgs we would be very trying to advance that as well a bit but we’ll see who try our best strength as much if it can but uh yeah buildings are winter

Cyber if he gets extra healthy like starts getting territories and stuff I use expect the cyborg stuff kid overcome me eventually it’s one were you looking at me yo la yeah but did you give him no see look at this berries back you just wrapped it more

Insights by the way I’m getting redstone though business so the way the way for the airship or my airship anyway I’m a [ __ ] anyway ice is a good thing for mating alright anyway do we want to end there for soda and then we can yes sure

Or tape next time but yes it’s perfect for a snake it was interesting to see like hair things changed as LevelUp gone my sword still dominates because it’s really faking strong plus I still have some one piece up upgrades so that’s the thing as orals became a troll with face

For by cyborg so he’s actually still vicious and in MO is just lacking pain oh you may have the pawpaw but you just you can’t get the job done anymore where he struggles anyway his aim is getting some new tricks I think he is weakness yes that’s the book he’s going

That’s the big he’s got him up what are we weakness no no I put weakness on you because of the book that i have i mean snarls get that to on it the slowness actually holy [ __ ] why do you do that in mo i’ve got – power of my system you

Played a room with yourself choice right here we’re going about 50 something minutes there do you want to end the video guys like who’s doing out or mo do the outro come on alright well hopefully everybody has an amazing episode of one fetus kpi everybody so i’m gonna weigh

With you through my code i hope you guys enjoyed make sure you subscribe Audrey shadow because he’s the only one asking for subscribers at this point and yeah you know if you’re if you’re a member of G&G screw like us you can join the server but we don’t have to pay unlike

You guys you guys but yeah like to press you have to support them but you know ever yeah yeah that’s how you that’s how YouTube phrases mo you know you support the channel you lady we have here they just support you support gingers shadow you have this book of manual

Combat you know it’s pretty killed anyhow hopefully guys your level like subscribe and all that Jess coming down below because I am the strongest I just need to unleash my palm pay for my said oh that gets bear sitting yeah same yeah yeah let’s always jin-joo happy

Luck yeah happy lot yeah keep going emotes pain good luck and you know goodbye goodbye abrupt body

This video, titled ‘YAMI VS PAW DEVIL FRUIT BATTLE! || Minecraft One Piece Skypiea Episode 22 (Minecraft One Piece Mod)’, was uploaded by The True Gingershadow on 2019-02-24 21:00:07. It has garnered 5448 views and 192 likes. The duration of the video is 00:54:25 or 3265 seconds.

YAMI VS PAW DEVIL FRUIT BATTLE! || Minecraft One Piece Skypiea Episode 22 (Minecraft One Piece Mod)

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RWBY Students Of Beacon (Minecraft RWBY Roleplay) –

Minecraft Yugioh (Battle City) Roleplay – —————————————————————————- Intro Made by CraftedArts | VFX Channel-

DBC Intro Made By Ragdoll ~ Simon M. Channel-

DBC Intro Music – Onlap – The Awakening –

Music- Ivan Torrent – Human Legacy ————————————————————————— All credit for channel avatar and channel art go to Zaromaru go check out the stuff he gets upto!

Zaro – —————————————————————————-

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  • “UNBELIEVABLE: Top 3 Bedwars Texture Packs 1.8.9 –” #minecraft #hypixel

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  • Unbelievable Minecraft Zombie Texture Pack!!

    Unbelievable Minecraft Zombie Texture Pack!!Video Information This video, titled ‘MINECRAFT Zombie Realistic Minecraft Texture Pack’, was uploaded by Bostjan Potrc on 2024-05-19 21:55:35. It has garnered 4 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:05:19 or 319 seconds. If you’re a Minecraft player, then you know that making your own weapons is one of the most fun things you can do. In this video, I’ll teach you how to make a realistic Minecraft weapon using my favorite texture pack. This tutorial is perfect for those of you who are looking for a Minecraft project to work on in your free time…. Read More

  • Yura’s Shocking Reaction to Suisei’s Demise in Minecraft!

    Yura's Shocking Reaction to Suisei's Demise in Minecraft!Video Information This video, titled ‘Mourning Suisei’s Death In Minecraft (Towa, Aqua, Miko, Azki, Iroha, Watame / Hololive) [Eng Subs]’, was uploaded by Yura on 2024-05-18 03:30:21. It has garnered 38021 views and 2330 likes. The duration of the video is 00:04:49 or 289 seconds. Hoshimachi Suisei goes full kissy-kissy mode on Minato Aqua, to reward Aqua for helping Suisei with installing Minecraft voice mods… ● For more: 【Minecraft】Death…Trial…And…【Minato Aqua/Hololive】 [Minecraft]Day 3! Let’s do the mission![Kadokawa Watame/HoloLive 4th Generation] [Minecraft]Starting from scratch, Holo server hardcore life! Day 3 Holo server hardcore Minecraft[Hololive / AZKi] [Minecraft]I’m going to… Read More

  • Ultimate Minecraft House Build in 24Hrs | JoyRift

    Ultimate Minecraft House Build in 24Hrs | JoyRiftVideo Information This video, titled ‘Creating the Best House in Minecraft (Day3)’, was uploaded by JoyRift on 2024-04-21 13:48:02. It has garnered 96 views and 3 likes. The duration of the video is 00:11:54 or 714 seconds. Step into my Minecraft world and explore the ultimate dream house inspired by the rich architectural heritage of Pakistan and India! 🏡 From intricate details to functional design, every corner of this house reflects the beauty of our shared cultural traditions. Join me on this adventure as we celebrate diversity and creativity in Minecraft. Don’t forget to like, subscribe, and share with fellow… Read More

  • “Insane Minecraft HORROR Story 😂 Watch NOW!” #minecraft #horrorstories #funny

    "Insane Minecraft HORROR Story 😂 Watch NOW!" #minecraft #horrorstories #funnyVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Lol 😂 #minecraft #horrorstories #funny #horrorstory’, was uploaded by Endigse on 2024-01-12 02:48:12. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. minecraft,minecraft horror,minecraft horror mods,cash minecraft,minecraft mods,scary minecraft,horror,minecraft shorts,minecraft … Read More

  • Ametist

    AmetistSunucudaki bulunan bazı sistemler: – Seviye sistemi – Görev sistemi – Gelişmiş huni ve fırın sistemi – ihale sistemi – Lanetli güneş tutulması – Tılsım sistemi – Özelleştirilmiş eşyalar – Yetenek sistemi Wiki: Read More

  • SummitSurvival SMP no-whitelist no-grief 1.20.4

    Summit Survival Summit Survival Join us for a semi-vanilla SMP experience where the focus is on creativity and exploration. No land claiming plugins, just pure gameplay freedom. Joining Process Connect using the IP Cross play supported via Bedrock using port 63809. Server Rules No hacking or x-ray No modifying player builds Avoid universal dupes No hate speech Server Features Item based economy Set waypoints with /sethome Teleport to spawn with /spawn Simple protection system Quality of life additions Statistics World Border: 128k x 128k Difficulty: Hard Version: Paper 1.20.4 KeepInventory: False Season 3 started in Feb 2023 and will… Read More

  • Nova Europa – Minecraft Geopol

    Nova Europa - Minecraft GeopolWelcome to Nova Europa! A vaporwave theme and European centred Minecraft Geopol!We launched on 31/05/2024 and we would love to include you in our community! Read More

The True Gingershadow – YAMI VS PAW DEVIL FRUIT BATTLE! || Minecraft One Piece Skypiea Episode 22 (Minecraft One Piece Mod)