The Ultimate Cave Incident Revealed!!

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No oh I’m going to drool I’m going to drool oh oh hey oh don’t feel good they’re away you have been out for a while man W what where am I uh Welcome to our new home What n uh no I live I live where I can see the sun

In the sky careful careful not anymore careful he’s still sensitive ow back why are you sensitive step back right now w w why you have a knife why are you punching me when I’m very clearly not feeling too great I just Ed that to chop up raw chicken it’s

Probably got can we wash it first why is everybody here why are we stuck in a cave of herand all right where what was the last thing you remember the last thing I remember is going to the whirlpool and then finishing up a quest there found some money hooray that’s

Great and then on the way back I was sailing on the Open Seas nothing just let me out I felt like I blink and I was here let me out in fact where is here the water I don’t know uh a cave I was following some leads for a cool Quest

Got a lot of gold from it and then next thing I know I saw a cultist and the floor was out from underneath me you got gold are we all here like all there’s go oh my God hey sh than God there’s another cro here I

Got gold there was no gold for me I probably grabbed it did you take all you took oh all my stuff is gone oh wait was that oh all my stuff is almost gone but not all of it that’s an island God far away

Were you at an island far away I was I was oh that makes sense your boat was there yeah yeah oh bless us she probably left all behind this is oh Scott hi yeah she was just put that stop hitting me I’ll put I want a

Knife give me a knif I panicked and grabbed it from the kitchen cuz you get whacking me I grabbed M from the cat board over there who has kniv you fight for us oh wait oh my God hello deep down wait I guess the question is I’ve just

Woken up I don’t know where I am or what the hell is going on you all seem very calm about this Somebody explain I am very far from Cal we we were just out help so Marney Quint missing yeah apple and aqua us to come and help fine cuz it was coordinates so

We went there they us yeah they PA they true Grand they always true Grand but then the they went away and then we got kidnapped excuse me all of our cooks are off site something about Cooks being offsite what was that I didn’t really it’s f i a good about off talking about

Soccer I was going to say yeah you got any dumplings on you whoever brought me here everything I’ll take it no I don’t I’m gonna eat it now I ate all my dumplings she says holding her dumplings that’s what they give us so I guess the better question is who is not here

Because it seems like there’s a bunch of us well Apple Ando don’t seem to be I assume they what about Ollie where’s Ollie be a dog food I don’t know that one’s useless probably um yeah I’m really feel great the fact that there’s this purple stuff here last time

We saw this Amy went bye-bye no I think this is is different this is this is GS this is GS as this is this isn’t that stuff this isn’t that stuff I think we’re being watched wait from where over there do you see those little eyeballs no no where you looking hold on

Let me stand next to you I can see what rough Direction you’re looking in almost day it’s fine you have you have this is to where are you seeing eyeballs I made some it’s there over there now on it CH I don’t CH I don’t see any eyeballs oh

No wait no I see them they’re right on the there they’re teeny tiny though what tetiny oh e there’s a little dude there what what are you talking about what what so do we have any clue whatsoever where we are right now I am

Not oh you said I only just woke up how long have you guys been awake may I am uh no Martin I don’t know where we are I I got thrown into this pit like four weeks ago there was nobody else here four weeks pretty much what who’s

Feeding us then the dude up there but but he just said dinner’s going to be late today so find what you can around here um show your face you coward I could make it’s fine your robes smell like mildew oh there’s a book wait help brilliant ex my thoughts

Personified fantastic yo yo wait they got beer oh damn we’re good okay we’re good that works for me um okay I need to figure out where the hell I am or what the hell I’m doing here ooh bone broth what do do just put people in

There and hope that they breed to eat them it’s horrible when we do it to animals now they want to do it to humans I do not feel good about this yeah that’s nice uh there may be a decomposed dead body in a chest over here yeah but there’s also that’s also

Where we keep the boneing what do you mean the bone broth don’t say that like it’s a normal make you beer that’s what they usually feed those when they run out of like steak and potatoes bone whose bones are they it’s oh if you let the bones sit in it for longer the

Marrow really start to seep into the like water no no mm- I got this one I’ve got this one bit of SPH I’m going to make it last you’re going to make you’re going to eat one noodle at a time I am one day there was fre one noodle a day

Uh beex the reason why I’ve sort of given up on like you know getting out is one we’d have to get up there which currently we can’t easy and whether we don’t have no no enough of us to do like a ladder we can do like a human ladder

Right but even if we did get up there the dude is up there usually looking like over this and there’s like 10 of us yeah but none of us have any weapons 15 I don’t know perhaps 20 I can’t count for you to read I’ll be luring them down shortly oh books oh

He’s more books and they keep us happy with books and food I mean I found this one a second ago this one is a riveting read yeah let me have a look at that oh wow that is that’s pretty I didn’t see the twist com can you’re family friendly you probably

Shouldn’t told you pretty dark stuff right can no you’re not family friendly you shouldn’t I am I’m not friendly there’s nothing in there so question is that the same guy as the others that we’ve encountered before I don’t know they all seem to have the same voice huh unless it is literally just

One guy M voice messed up messed up dark magic and and it means that they just have the same voice another one now is it the same yeah it’s the same I’ll put it back on there um I think they’ve got like right well this isn’t great check

All the other books uh I guess I could I don’t know how they didn’t take you Rats from me but take that as a win see it’s just a bck and quill these are all just [ __ ] quills right none of them none of them are the books books

No bling he would just do that already let me go across this way so said he’s been here for a month so no wonder he’s so calm about the situation is there anything else to find oh there’s oh okay wait wait I’m just going to take

Some bits that I need if they’re going to chew down on bone Brew or whatever it was bone broth I’m very happy to take actual actual food just Escape you make get to the ocean can you imagine it’s just a really big over oh you trying to get out that

Way well we’re just sort of seeing what we can reach we made some C how high can we get I mean we need to try and get over to that fell over there push oh yeah what’s this platform right here I reckon we can do this right I mean it doesn’t go anywhere

Though that’s the no we’re just right back to where that parkour is and if you get up there there’s a toilet hey Martin you should go jump in the toilet where where’s the toilet I’ll jump in the toilet okay go on that ladder oh that’s fine I’m just I’m practicing

Chubby jump down here a minute you didn’t hurt yourself huh same am I supposed to have hurt myself did you hurt yourself that didn’t hurt just then what should I go up higher I don’t think we hurt ourselves in here what if we’re dead don’t saying something to Keep Us

Alive have you two had any of this bone brew that I’m hearing about punch me Shelby wait Shelby punch me I’m going to crit you from up here okay with the knife knife gu re really wait hold on is this place keeping us alive why or we’re in purgatory I’m Pig the

Toilet I mean at least we got papers H there got to be another way to use this right if we’re taking no fall damage here how can we use this to our advantage what’s that sound uh is there a cave in I don’t like the sound of

That right we need to find a way out of here what was that sound did you did you go on the toilet I did yeah was there anything in there no it was literally just the toilet it it went down about three blocks it doesn’t actually go to

The outside which is a bit Grim really so that’s going to be ping I was definitely not going to climb sewage but oh my god oh yeah we discovered something check this out hey I know I know I was there when you discovered it oh yeah I didn’t know if

You were listening or busy climbing hey I can do both at the same time cabbage rolls I’m did some cooking oh thank God okay good so don’t eat that dog slop I don’t know who it’s not even dog slop those guys over there they’re eating bone broth and it no it looks

Human no this is what they’re eating it is dog food oh yeah no hard pass yeah so we’re going to be eating cabbage rolls and we’re not going to tell anybody but there’s like big whole pieces of steak over there in the kitchen we’re going to

Have a good dinner later oh damn okay we need to find a way out of here can we jump across these crystals or something yeah let’s baby something terrible has happened here it’s tomato sace from the pasta guys come on thanks for the tomato sauce so anyway while I was missing I’m assuming

That all of you had like a little search party to be like where’s Owen I did uh I thought somebody got rid of you when you bragged about winning the newspaper prize so I just thought somebody had done you in what I didn’t I did brag

About I I found D I found D where none of your [ __ ] I do want to pay you for that by the way I actually owe you gold for yeah you do wait why did you sound like that because you vastly underpaid you tried to leave an i you at Quest by

You out your mind what I’ve taken a diamond in exchange already but I’ll take more how how did you do that just wait into your chest in your base I’ve been I’ve been I’ll take I’ll give you a little bit more cuz it was a very well-made newspaper thank you very

Much um and I feel mean nothing if we don’t get out of this cave oh right yeah course you Martin no one else seems to be any any worried about it I’m trying to tell her that like we just can’t like we can’t scale that and even if we got

To the top and so it’s just fine well I’m sure someone’s going to come get us eventually you’re giving real I don’t mind cppy energy right now I don’t know any other kites that around this is nothing to do with cppy this is a different kind of purp saw some of the

Pirates all know that I went missing though they’ll miss me if if issue three of the paper doesn’t come out next week they’ll start asking questions what people would see if and put a missing poster in huh how are they going to know you’re missing if there’s no to announce

It cuz that’ll be the first sign oh no paper yeah I’ll be sely missed I wonder if I I wonder if I actually haven’t oh they took my fishing rod how dare they is there a way I’m trying to see if there’s a way to scale up and around this

Thing hold on a minute a minute I’m giving oh he’s up there again you thr you thr aik for him Chu us a rope down will you entertainment no don’t don’t twerk on me no you don’t give it back no no that’s that’s I’m doing it to you man

You I swear if I get up there I’m kicking your ass you want to show me your ass I’ll kick it right he’s he’s I’m kicking his ass friend I’m kicking his ass if I get up there I swear we are in purgatory and you just need to write down all your SS

I got you book so if you want just take your time write those out oh I was going to I was going to write my final will in here I don’t have start S maybe start with the sence and then do that Stu right sh we need to find a

Way out of here dude oh yeah no like honestly I’m kind of okay they’re giving us like free boost but I do think that we have a bit of a oh wait I just saw like all the ladders on the wall I’ll give the content to somebody else it’s fine no I

Want content oh they just go up to the toilet don’t worry about those you guys want to do something creepy yeah yeah creepy beex and water Munch can you go to the other side of the cave yeah I really want to look at the middle first time you’ve ever asked look in the

Middle of the lake what do you mean it’s me it’s not you look at oh yeah there’s like a there’s like an alter looking T situation oh there was one of these by one of the fortresses Monkey Island Monkey Island this is the type of thing me and no this

Is where me and Shelby got kind of captured like we were around one of these and then we got captured we’re waiting for apple and I don’t like that it’s right in front of the big statue a take a back back up a little oh yeah

It’s veryy isn’t it oh that’s Loosely a face come on they could D mean I’ve heard of T but T nose is ridiculous have you been sculpting this is that what you’ve been doing now that’s I’ve seen better uh it looks just like him can’t you tell can you can you

Swim into his Adam’s apple or no no I’ve I’ve literally like looked everywhere for every nook and cranny and there’s nothing here to let you out I me sa on the meels like there’s more Heron than anyone else so we should probably sacrifice the herin true there always is

I’ve always said that if we make enough cabbage rolls we might I water munch I vote we do water Munch thing cuz can’t hear us there there we go I Supply food for 90% of the faction alil if I died to dumpling SK I just learn how to make

Cabbage rolls I know how to Lord yeah you’re the only one everyone else I have the most knowledge of this Cas sorry for inconveniencing you there has been a misunderstanding we’ll be ready to saell you home shortly oh are we going to get compensated for this big misunderstanding we’re going to go home

That four weeks of your they could have like put us in like a house I did tell him I’m going to kick his ass if I get up there though cuz he was twerking at me I was like if you show me your ass

I’m a Ki kick it so when we get up there I am swinging listen he’s got an A I have an A me too Martin oh yeah yeah but those are particularly like those are kitchen knives right that’s fine I’ll make it work kill someone with a

Yeahif I mean I just mean it’s not sh you give me a sea sponge and I’ll make him die that doesn’t mean hit me you going home yeah supposedly I hope relaxed about it what do you want to leave before they let us go so what

Have you guys been doing every day you said you’ve been here for a month what have you been up to you’ve been playing ice or are you the one are you the one that wrote the book that just says h no that wasn’t me dang I WR the book I

Wrote the book that went help me help help me um no yeah I’ve just sort of been writing trying to Don a little bit of painting failing getting mad breaking the canvas trying to repair it what there’s a pair of eyes come down eyes you see no you’re going crazy I really

Do not see these eyes I asked if they were single and then they disappeared so I think that they’re taking oh that’s I thought you were ask they do come in pairs oh wait I see them I see them are you single oh I’m not what over there I

Don’t see it over there you see them on I don’t see any je here to get that’s I mean what happens in the cave oh oh yeah here we go more food you better not be vandalizing my painting I’m sorry I’m I’m just updating

It okay I’m just doing it for a a gag a funny joke okay uh this uh I agree not my monkeys not my monkeys um why can’t people be happier right here we go watch this this is this will make them happy I am there

We go now now we’re onun over and Sh look at those eyes go I see the eyes I see the eyes the eyes oh my God we see the eyes we see the eyes look over there this is not my [Laughter] eyes it’s funny you are really good you you Dr really

Quickly oh my gosh a s SP oh my God what it looks like a neck oh it’s not it’s a pan it does kind of look like an I feel like you could catch little rodents of that really flat though do you see that or is

That we go what do you see now imagine do you see this small floating head Shelby you but I think you’re going crazy I see a Smalling head I’ll make one so we can all see one for sh for everyone’s gone really far away good cuz we’re so

Scaled oh my God what’s happening over here performance time performance using all my brain power sorry that was really FBI open Up why are you knocking I don’t think we’re making it out guys I’m not TOS to and we’re making it out oh I think yes Martin when you do that the door that’s the plan lovely chelby look I saw the floating head you’re on about did you really you’re not you’re

Not just playing around right cuz I can’t handle it anymore look floating head I’m going mad what what’s this floating head doing here oh my God wa you crazy crazy just like you hey what no I look better than that come on now oh we’re staying am I now seeing things

Yep why are we why are we staying wait where did everyone go um going to take a few Paces it’s just us now not they’re not letting us go no no oh we’re going to die here no you’re going to die you’ve already died here look at that head of

Yours I probably shouldn’t be wearing this damn Martin can I have the drum real quick uh yeah thanks man just got to lay down a sick beat go on I want to hear it I got to be with i’ got to be over there with the with the gang yeah okay wait

Wait wait wait wait wait wait wait ready I’m I’m going to letay a be down for you I’m going to letay be down for you oh okay she just Finished also this is hell oh guys there’s a skeleton approaching us it’s in the ocean it’s swimming towards us guys get ready guys to kill the skeleton the skon SK the skon skon stupid get it that’s just Shelby guys brilliant cos got tricked I got I

Got you cuz I was distracting you with my crazy I want to leave um o when do we leave yeah this the Ser like I’m going to go ask yeah it’s because they’re lying Scott they’re just saying oh we’re going to remove you like in an undin

Amount of time I don’t think they’re coming and then they’ll just come back when never they’ll never come oh hello very nice I’m going to give you some tunes as long as we wait an undin amount of time guys already died here but what if I wanted to wait a definite amount of

Time at least they’re bringing us oh there’s a whole little section up here I for this ow I take damage oh wait really yeah OE okay don’t kill me oh my God the sooner you finish painting the sooner the Music Stops done finished done oh it’s well really nice okay well I can

Get here yeah and then oh I’ve already tried all of this guys this it’s not it’s not going to work I think it just leads to the bathroom beautiful Don’t yeah exually adding to the SP wow that was actually quite nice you’re actually getting better okay well I don’t even know what instrument this is now it’s an OBO it’s a very high sounding OBO yeah I thought it was a to start with yeah it’s really Piercing I guess music time I see yeah let me get in on it Wow he’s not coming when when shouted just you know excited what what’s that is that the drum is that you Owen those explosions Owen Dr is not that is not me those are explosions wait wait wait maybe they’re dead who’s in the God no if they’re dead

How do we get out where’s the twerker we go right shoulders shoulders Mr workers workers they are gone yeah yeah he’s been gone for a minute Wonder okay back every so often update everyone uh I’ve not just been sat on myind for the past like four weeks I’ve got rope for us why

Did you get why oh my God it’s really really important that you don’t ask where the Rope came from I really don’t want to go into detail I’m just going to go get it I’m going to need detail I’m just going to go get all the details um I don’t want to

Know I I feel like I want to know where is he maybe I’ll just decide for them just I don’t know what are we trying to play here what what’s what’s the deal have I ever told you how quickly my ponytail grows cuz it’s fast uh there you go huh oh

Jeez okay then right well come on then everyone off we go let’s go get the out of here we this rope wait here knives at the ready oh yeah I’ve got a skillet I got the dead man I didn’t say that I did not say that

You can feel this can what you didn’t say oh hey heyy I thought would be G you know I said I was going oh I wanted to hit him oh there’s another one okay he might be the one that twerked at me oh yeah I recognize that rumus anywhere oh he used

Magic magic to disappear disappearing magic oh my God what where are I didn’t mean to do that it was just I needed to hit something in where the hell are we guys this is my stuff wait stuff I want stuff oh my stuff it’s my stuff oh this oh my stuff

Oh damn okay my stuff my stuff oh this my stuff my R my stuff my stuff my stuff oh my God if they show their faces again they are done for dude oh I guess I don’t need the anymore sket though I’m quite fan of that actually all my in all

My stuff’s all over the place honestly this was kind of wor got an OB though that’s quite nice I can have my junk I didn’t need any of this stuff they can try use their magic again I don’t think magic blocks bullets oh oh wait oh oh wait wait Straight Ahead

Who’s that there a na gills why are they beating wait’s over there oh wait what’s going on you guys have been here the whole time and you didn’t let us H games where were you we came down to save you we thought you were in the cage

I thought you were a wo what do you mean save me where even are we in some of come here I’m going to give you a n so many voices come to me if you want my voice where where is this in the world like where did you sail to

To get here we’re North we’re Far North close to where we sailed last time poopy AES or further further than poopy AES but I brought your ship because I didn’t have a ship that could face these Waters wait hold on have I got a map I’ve got a

Map hold on let me see where we are yeah we’re nor we’re very nor treated me oh wait we’re right by Mufasa’s Place yeah we’re by Mufasa’s place the I and I thought you’d been turned into some sort of wender creature and there’s a cultist over there oh they are opening the door

Oh my God there’s a yesie shall we go oh my God what are please die Str die die those are too big cuz you’re not Marty and that’s okay baby they burn in the sunlight get into the Sun get them into the sunlight oh B what’s going okay really simple question how

Did you get in so we can get out oh we jumped in where’s the way out I don’t know you me jump we just jumped jum in the hole no rope no nothing no just big hole jump so how are we getting out got oh getting out oh we should have thought

About that we could yeah probably like I said we rope or anything are you fine I saw that you got a bit like you’re wind knocked out of you I’m so glad I’m not dead listen I got our I got our faction 2K gold out of this don’t worry excellent news let’s

Go I thought you were in that cage I thought you’ve been turned to wait who’s this Mar who is that that’s like die oh hello M got captured with me two weeks ago but they said they let they said they let her go 10 days

Ago they say a lot of things it seems yeah she looks unwell I would say should we take her body we should maybe take her back is there we can do let Beck do it be used the dragon around dead bodies statue what are you doing about D doesn’t look anything like her

Dead D actually looks worse which is crazy let’s not take a pick let not let’s not let’s not guys there is a backpack here with a bunch of names there’s that many nting that’s crazy we got like can we CL can we get out of here by swimming up the waterfall I

Wonder what’s down here what is this place oh seagull are coming in they they seem happy about it uh Martin yo I know I know you’re not a fan of big crowds but quo’s found a book which might be important oh okay hold on thank

You quiet for quo quiet for quo quo time now okay okay this book is in a bit of a state there’s some blood on it um what I can pick up is a so that’s basically the gist of it I can’t believe I got left behind on

Petrification duty got to make sure that dang parents don’t get too glum while everyone else gets to go off in search for Ivy ridiculous it’s not even that far away from our main base I think they mentioned the coordinates were something like 5,000 1,600 uh I should probably stop writing

The coordinates down of our missions I keep getting to off for that still it’s not my fault I have a bad memory I can empathize and it’s not like we’re suddenly going going to be set upon by a vengeful group of pirates looking to release their friends so I think it’ll

Be fine ah perhaps is a prophet that’s crazy maybe when no one is watching I can pick off one of the fingers of the nightingale’s pirates for my pet dog Dy at least then I’ll have something to come back with him for since he’s all alone at

Home that’s it well at least it’s a night Andale finger and not Orchestra one I’m that thank you m us we well good luck guys sorry these these these cultist people are going to just keep picking off more and more of usale hunters of some kind we to

Tak good thing I’m not n and there are too many n this works actually I think I would care if there were a c why Ros why don’t your name say night and girl I don’t know you got you factioned what have you done Ros what

Have you done this is another scoop for the newspaper drama LA perhaps you should change you’ve got M to move FAS haven’t you you were say with two fall along do it do it we did it traitor why what yeah that’s a wait there’s more oh there how many of them

Are I’m going to strike them I’m going to hit them and I’m going to help with the law that is if I hit someone accient I’m sorry what was that what was that was that fireball what was that oh I have CH he’s on one HP guys come on all right

All right all right what’ you do to ponytail huh what’ you do to him you don’t want this you don’t want this you don’t want this these say damn kites so aggressive who’s attacking me now in the little one cl up that guy oh you’re back wa wait how did you get back

So quick did you put a bed down somewhere yes I did oh thank God see the giant hole in the roof did you just jump in we jumped in with no way to get out we haven’t thought something over on our are just as usable as ropes and we

Know that that one goes right the way up there ponytail grows really fast can you make us more rope well that water there to the South goes all the way up by the looks of it we should use trying this one over here were going to try like that idea

For some reason was it this one I think this one works fine one I think going to let everyone else go cuz see now my plan is get to the top block off the waterfall and make them beg for freedom because why not goodbye is do this is good all right that’s true

Some of them were lucky enough to get up here in time the rest of you you got to wait time what do you mean see you later oh fall as well oh this is a terrible I tried to Glow oh never mind meaned cuz I wanted to Swindle you

All for money but then it was too slippery up there oh God I’m full of sadness this whole pool is my tears wait now we can’t get back can there’s another one oh come back down it’s come back down it’s come back down we’re okay I can’t see Martin I swear if you

Do this again you what fall down again cuz I certainly will we can let the other guys take care of it okay um well I’m thinking more like you know if we want to keep our high life expectancy my life expectancy is not high at all I believe three there’s

Three now I’m a bit low oh jeez ow ow ow oh no did not land that hit there’s like a whole thing here what is this used to be a mine I don’t know oh jeez you can try went to the they went to the other side CU to the water

Ah yeah we we’re kind of getting out under here come here got him tell you what y yall deal with them what did you just get then oh Yeti he oh I don’t know what it is yeti hide I hardly know him Yeti hide from what get you hide from these oh chest

Stuff money and a lot better oh I need to find my boat ponytail said he came on my boat he did what on your boat he came all over it it’s a special way of coating it to get down to fisherman Island oh okay okay okay there’s a

Panda oh yeah I think he’s trying to blend in a free trial of my services so what’s the plan guys are we just going to let these guys keep turning us into stone no absolutely not we let the N get turned into stone and then maybe we’ll do something finally admitting my

Suspence yeah I agree maybe maybe they were uh oh I wouldn’t good job guys wait to slay maybe where I think we should let them pick off a couple more nighting girls and see what their sort of like trajectory is okay wait do we do we have

Everyone is is there anyone else missing other all the night girls are dead who’s going who’s going to buy your products that’s less people that’ll be fine make up the the loss that we have from the the other guys they go perhaps we what to do next once we’re back to

The F A oh kill them we can gather in the town we have to we have to use those did you Marney I thought we were leaving mney this is nice I like let’s go put M back why don’t you hand that to me deserves to

Be I really think should put M back I don’t is this just dead friend SE it’s a little bit parasocial to take dead bodies from K definely Apple party or here we could bu faction oh this is nice going to be stuck on you want how about this we drop

Her over here leaving her in some she’s part of the nigh Andals she should be buried with the nigh and Gales what about a burial let see we’ll get halfway home and just drop her in the ocean I think they turning people for reason what oh and I think they’ll just feel the

Oh I’m just building a houseing m from uh that’s a good question Mar as a new you should be able to loc it just off spell um there’s one over there that looks like ours but I don’t think it is ours to take all the yeah yeah I know

Your yours we left like four of them anchored out like a little bit out to sea cuz we the waves were dodgy around here so we going to have to swim to it right so but but we can take one extra person with us so maybe Cleo Cleo oh

Yeah Cleo came with me yeah to me f Shelby you’re going have to find your own way that’s okay yeah come on Marty come on CLE let’s go faction wait we need a boat we don’t have one that worked that’s feels bad uh yeah so it

Was over here so we the issue is the Island’s kind of a big circle so gaed that from the big hole in the middle of it yeah but so Ross and that parked their ship at the same site like with ours so they should all be together

What’s that thing what is that I don’t know I found a big fell found is it a toad no know too similar to Moth Man so I’m a bit worried about it no he’s cute man can I put him in a cage hold on let

Me try no we could bring him home a tune oh hold On that’s like uh it’s Moon Moonlight sedata anyway okay it didn’t seem no I think we leave him he’s a freak come along come come along now faction people no that’s not there no no I didn’t park this close to the shore cuz it was telling me the waters were choppy

But can you see it from the shore you could definitely see it from the shore cuz we can see the shore from it we could see the like uh the buildings so we’re on the building side whereever the buildings were that’s this side then we’re on the wrong side we’re on the

Southern side of the island wherever the southern side is hey don’t you be so I I I we just rescued you barely it’s it’s a pretty poor rescue if you can’t get back the point is we got out of there we got out of there and we’re all good

Now somebody taking our boat maybe that’s what’s happened here I that does feel like a thing that people will have done oh there’s a boat down there that maybe we could steal it is a lot like being in a parking garage is there enough for us to get three us on

There I don’t know if there is oh no what if he didn’t anchor it if he didn’t anchor my ship and it’s got a fly on it then it is long gone um H Mar it’s not that side it’s not that side well I’ve looked on the side you

Said there was a buildings there was no ship are you sure you anchored it yeah I definitely anchored it they had the whole point of anchoring it yeah and I double checked it was anchored it was anchored did you press the anchor button after it was anchored I did I did it

Twice just to make sure it’s definitely anchored and we can get to it but it’s definitely that side well we run that side we could see anything oh trust Marty right I’m just going to swim and if I don’t get home then I don’t get home let’s see what happens here I mean

Mean ultimately we could Scuttle and then just teleport it back for 100 go but for law purposes I think we should sail I mean it would be funny head ow head out borrow whose ship is right I’m going in the sea let’s see if a boat appears there is no ship out here

Absolutely no ship they’ve lost my ship I can’t believe this what a Day oh is he oh no is that people leaving I see aship there I think we need to steal it I’m going to swim further out Y come bring it back to us I’ll try did they all come in from the same way yeah we all came in this way oh was

That is that yours no my my sails are brown that boat is also moving as well uh I’m never trusting him with my ship again I mean I didn’t know where it was anyway didn’t in the first place we took it so bloody hell I mean we can go steal

That one over there that’s what I’m thinking about it’s only got two seats but I mean he can just oh there is my ship he found it that’s your [ __ ] yeah that’s the one that’s the one my boy it’s my boy we we had total complete

Faith in you the other one wait where did it where did it go what you said to sail it in you said it wasn’t you said it wasn’t there you’re the one who said that it was choppy Waters here and that you did it

Off the shore for a reason then I then I kept saying it was over there and you wouldn’t swim out to water you kept saying it’s around the north side they’ve not brought it they’ve not anchored it it was there and then I had to prove it to you I hate it

Here should we go steal that other boat there was another castal ship out there I don’t know whose it was cuz we were the only cast I’m taking that one then yeah I think that’s fair I don’t know whose it was it had like yellow sails instead of brown sails but this

Direction or somewhere else yeah know was out here wait unless we’re taking it who’s is that one then no idea don’t care taking it all right I’m sick and sick in the head as well right here we are does have three seats can we fit yeah there is a third

Seat let’s pop wait this is this not your one it’s bigger than the last one I had oh this is nice I don’t think this is mine though we all have brown Sals yeah’s take us home you’re say you’re the driver you’re in the driver’s

Seat oh am I oh yeah I am take us home South now where even is Home South South South let me get the book out going to new fortress on the way home or no oh we could do a little Fortress oh we could do a little for if you just go

You know just a little Crum of a fortress on the way home we could do it we could do it oh wait is there one Southeast there’s I think so yeah is it let’s go Southwest and then cut across a fast enough ship this must be

Your this is the ship I used this is the ship he used yeah so I don’t know who the other ship was the one you broke was mine but I didn’t drive that one here though I you drove one into the coast and smashed it into 5,000 pieces no I

Know that but that’s not the one I drove it somebody else took your ship Martin yeah I drove this one herez yellow sails oh yeah yeah either way you’ll be able broke your ship that’s true but he didn’t bring it here no and you can pray for a

New ship from God perhaps I don’t know the God will willing they will be willing Because We rescued you and it is law it’s law that you get your ship back Fair here let me cheer you up with a JY tune oh wasn’t that thematic yeah it was like nails on a chalk

Board it’s kind of like a minor kind of beat it’s kind of like a minor trap beat kind of what I’m going for it’s it’s it’s low effort not low five just low effort yeah well I just got this trumpet not really a Horner kind of guy I’m more

Of a of a of a ivories kind of f anyway other news having all the the kiwis in our house I’ve got bird flu uh that makes sense it does make sense and it’s Canon now uh so we might need to find a I don’t know antibiotics do they

Exist I don’t think so I think we just have to chop your head off oh i’ prefer that to moldy bread around your legs or oh that’ll be good is this the one oh there’s another boat here anchor this here sausages old boat yeah this the this is the conversation we had last

Time it’s not anchored it is anchored it was anchored it started moving I watched it move it said the words boat is anchored in my mind in your mind in your mind oh yeah that little voice in there that says you’re never good enough

That one but it also say an oh Jesus Oh Christ what’s going on now Scar the life out of me I’ve killed a horse do we like bring a curse off the island with us or at the sinkhole I don’t know I thought these were rare what rare curses

Nice get the life out of me oh my God that’s that sorted then isn’t it come along let’s go let’s cheer you up with a lovely uh bit of murder a lovely a lovely a lovely Fortress or you throw some stuff in here hold on I need

To eat some dumpies hold on some dumpers need to eat some does any have any food uh do you want some like some roast chicken yeah yes yes I do I’ve probably got more food in my backpack oh yeah I’ve got squid ink pasta got meatballs are you some sort of

Chef what are you a Shak cutter no I just steal all the food that the herens make oh wise and strong as well I mean it’s the easiest way to to to get food you don’t have to make it yourself and they say it’s free all herand to

Use you’re there very good hey up should we make a should we make a group call or should we do it yeah go on I I’ll walk on together you do it okay hey hello do we have to make a party for this I’ve already started this

Whoops uh oh do we uh I think party party better for something oh so we can’t hit each other but we just won’t HTE each other and it’ll be fine oh I don’t know now or is it going to scale because there’s more of us here well it’s it’s saying the spirits

Are becoming agitated so yeah they’re cross at me as well okay is this where we put all the stuff that we get from chest Yeah Yeah from the chest I’ve set my all the random Guff in there at the minute I guess that’s right uh I think it’s we came

Here last time and I think this is just the stuff we didn’t take C it’s gold coins I’m going to take that chest plate because I don’t have much armor so uh if I die oh set spawn oh the music’s going y there it is what the heck

Is what’s with the rain oh that’s just that’s just always happens have you Fortress Behavior there we go right let’s start looking for what we need so have you done one of these before Cleo no okay so essentially it comes in waves and every wave new chests spawn uh that

You have to loot by the time the wave is over and then I think mobs spawn from where the chest spawn so what we do is we just go I’m going to go to sleep here actually on so I respawn somewhere not right in the center nice but yeah we go

Around we loot the chest it’s like it gets repeat increasingly hard and there’s a boss at the end and then we split the loot and that’s it that’s the that’s the Fortress when it gets real hard they hurt they do they Ruddy do okay and then you just dump I I

Always just dump uh gold and well is it by gold I mean like actual currency in the uh Center chest cool yeah I’ll just those up and then we’ll just like organize it at the end Even Stevens I’m going to take your cut pay for my boat yeah I reckon

They’ll give you it back if not keep paying if not if not I will pay you the money to get it back paying the K always pays its debts look I had to get to you somehow and everyone else would swam away and my boat doesn’t

Go this way I’d rather have died in my hole than uh lose my boat I’ll be honest with you you’ll get the boat back you keep saying this you’ll get told me day one when I turned up on this island that I’ll get my gold never

Did I paid you on day one no you didn’t I did it was like 50 go no actually no I paid you the 500 I never I stole from you on day one big difference you I got the money out of my inventory and gave you the money that’s not stealing that’s

Business it is cuz you didn’t hand it over you we’re just holding it it’s okay Cleo we’re just having a spat this isn’t even the half it and I’m having a dying so you’ll be fine I’m actually doing surprisingly well but please we’re helping in our own way can you stop hitting

Now stupid mobs I’m assuming the elk isn’t part of this no there’s an elk yeah oh R around too lovely lovely jly oh boy there’s an an up here I could probably do with that partway through to repair my armor yeah well I need to do me backpack

Sourcing there’s too many mobs too many mobs too many many mobs too many mobs nice what oh we’re doing all right oh oh wa yeah I’d say so okay cool I dead oh jeez oh Lord need more chicken now more roast chicken for me now uh I can give you some more

But uh you need to come over here uh it’s okay I’ve got two bows I got two bows you want to get that auto feeder on the backpacks it is Sublime ooh wait is it just what what backpack do you need to do there just any I guess just as

Long as there’s a slot opens put an upgrade him you have to craft the upgrade it’s very helpful I got a okay got a conga line going that’s good I reckon just keep King them you don’t have to fight them cuz I think they disappear at the end of the

Wave no end of the round not end of the wave oh wait but how many waves in a round uh 10 I want to say oh we’re we’re pretty close then we’re good we’re good we’re elfy elfy elfy elfy i e me carrot sticks in male

Chips hey can we not Mr the skeleton Ho nice and I said oh I’ve got many I the witch doctor and I said no thank you oh oh the Cong line has moved on to me now it’s not fun and there are 12 waves there’s not 10 waves there’s there’s many more waves I was misinformed oh you’re simply just

Lying well I don’t like either those there we go it’s chest it’sit chest drop the goods gold gold iron couple of emeralds lovely stuff C Dro some food quick before we are murdered nice just grab I’m just getting everything on my hot bar it’s fine

Oh oh no thank you thank you sir but no oh oh on okay okay I’m kiten as best I can it’s up to you to get these yeah trying to find the chests that haven’t been looted yet we’re doing a good job raming these

Up nice oh you got you guys you’ve got a good kite there good kite good kiting now okay prefer a good castal that’s a good kite true oh that’s a be B down oh yeah I see the yak now big old Yak yeah it’s a big Yak it

Was an elk a second ago but you they’re not the same creature yeah sure why not they they got horns oh oh the train might be moving on to me I cannot find the chests I’ll take the train you guys loot up y I’m trying pull some of these off

You there you go I got the Train on me ah fire a lacky fire lacky there you go I’ll hold the train in the corner here cool I will have a look around four chest ages there’s one it’s mainly these ones in the barns that are hard to get to when the Train’s

Out so you can check those chests whilst I’m rounding them all up trying but I am getting absolutely wailed on there we go and I’m going to just hover on these Vines you’ll never get me okay oh that is that is quite a trade yeah you’ve done well there that’s

That’s good impressed by that oh I’ve been pushed oh a little bit that this is a big train oh we got the Bell is that but they didn’t reset on round four how many uh rounds are there uh five boss comes at the end of the fifth one

Cool is there more than one boss I’ve only faced the one with the with the big uh Trident yeah that’s the one I’ve seen okay oh oh I can’t move here hold on oh not doing well not going why uh well I’ll try and K them away from you if I

Can get to you it’s okay it’s okay you spawn on the opposite side there you should be should be for a bit it’s just getting things in the chest which is the problem yes oh oh no oh no oh up there nice oh oh oh I’m very much caught in the corner oh

Damn that’s my first one we simil died ah no no no I just oh Cleo oh oh no oh that’s quite oh that’s fine it was just it was a lot of them that was there was a few I’ll try and learn them all to this corner all

Right oh oh no they reset the chests a bit of that bit of this bit of that little bit of everything okay well I’ve got myself trapped so um I’ve got like eight in the corner here oh I’ve got diamonds now there we go just starting to flesh out a bit

Yeah there we go that’s what I’m talking about I’ve got a whole bunch of things in the corner so go do what you need to do um oh I picked up a lot of coins and then died I think they just start if you pick

Them up along the way if you see them yeah cuz they’re kind of just going everywhere oh that’s up y got it going to keep running through one more wave easy game are there any more chests that hav been claimed just yet I’ll check upstairs just done some of upstairs

Trying to get out of this balcony there we go let me run into mid nice nice good gaming Gamers we’re doing all right doing all right okay ow oh damn I thought I thought I was doing all right turns out not so much big chest time big chest time big

Chest time put the diamonds in there as well right final round this is going to be brutal how’s my armor looking oh not great going use this handall real quick I think oh wait all done oh wait so they don’t the boss doesn’t spawn yet it’s

After round five I see I see I see I why are you still Alive oh wow I’ve actually used the whole my XP levels down that has not happened ever repairing iron armor is this expensive y very expensive oh oh all right hold up running inside ow ow oh God I just can’t move okay good wa oh easy

Now oh wait I should probably eat one of the gapples I should gaffle up yeah that’s what I’ve been trying to do of coins ah I dropped a lot of coins there they just Dro on the ground there right it’s okay they’re all on me now

Can I like take them out of the actual area what the hell yeah got it stop I’m stuck in the and then I go around back in the other door and it works perfectly oh I know one the swiftness one that’ll really ruin me there

No no no no actually maybe I will go swiftness although it’s going to be a bit crazy to look out for a second oh my God I can’t see what I’m doing at all whoa oh oh oh oh only a couple more waves couple more oh i’ a

Fallen okay grab that oh just it does oh I couldn’t jump there for some reason oh there so oh okay nice loot loot loot all right get ready for boss man we’re gaming now I’m always ready for Boss Man Boss Man okay got it I’ll

Do this and I’ll gapple up and we’ll see what they’ve got oh I’ve got to put the items in the chest uh gold gold ready diam emeralds two one no no get ready there he is oh it’s vable Spirit my old enemy does he use a trident or does the

Trident just fall out of him uh oh sorry it’s okay man you matter have the ship I get it jeez anything drop uh no none of those weird purple St that we’ve seen oh my gosh okay that wasn’t too bad it’s easy and now we get Co that was

Brutal are you doing the splitting Mar cuz I don’t really know how uh yeah got them right so 1 two three leave that till the end mhm nice a nice even split those at the end there doesn’t seem too bad n it’s practically a ship’s worth almost a ship’s Worth me best nice nice just put spares up here um there’s more gold there nice big money lovely money big money gold big money gold how much are these worth again these ones here I think the little bags are 50 50250 oh know cuz coins are oh no the

Bags are 50 the coin oh the coins 50 no the coins are 10 ah Interesting this it might be more money than I’ve ever had welcome to the castels baby this is how we roll on The Daily old right so I guess for now I’ll take one Emerald each um one big bag each I’m taking the second layer one okay I’ll take top layer then yeah let’s

Do that I’ll take top row nice okay and then there just that the ones at the end I don’t really know how we split those I guess so what are they what’s what’s bag of gold I think bag is like a 500 isn’t

It isn’t a big one or is it 250 no it’s a big bag of gold so that’s so that’s 250 100 150 how can we do an exchange rate here so we’ got about 500 going on in there uh well Mar you can have it seeing as I

Broke your ship sure I’ll take big bag Play Take okay and then you yeah you can take the other ones clear out then we got some iron in if anybody wants toake I don’t need iron I need iron I will take your share then what’s it for for

Repairing my armor oh I guess yeah I guess I’ve got iron at home SP Diamond chat is right we probably should taxle for riding in the castal ship but hey I mean you could do that or or you could not and have my gratitude oh you make such a valid

Arguments have incredibly valid Arguments for all things there you go that’ll do we loed booted take some Jade I’ll take that uh zombie flesh take take FR Marine stuff for beer yeah go for it yes thank you do you need we get to S the beer you you’ll

Get some don’t worry good when have I ever denied you beer why there more coins in here did I just put them in by accident I might just put them that does seem like something you do I’ll put this glass in there I just don’t have enough inventory

Space it’s almost like you should have a pack I have a backpack it’s not full I have a diamond backpack it’s a big backpack just seen it right then there go should we get home yeah let’s get home I want to I want to bloody go to sleep and sleep off

This flu that’s the my plan I was going to say we we got those coordinates of where those um where those fellas are but I I don’t think we reached a consensus on what we’re going to do about it no I think everyone was just a bit you know perturbed by getting

Captured and then the rest of us were perturbed of having to do a rescue mission have like a town hall Mee or something I think so maybe if we ring the new Big Bell that summons everyone to the town hall oh my God yeah it is a

Very fancy Bell yes it’s good and you can use it whatever you want which I think is is the best feat wait I’m confus am I thinking of a different Bell what B are you talking about oh there was a bell that that yeah we got

Summoned to the town hall to hear about you guys oh there’s a there’s a bird in the front seat but you were talk what Cleo’s not in the Cleo’s not in the ship hold done right there you go thank you all right I thought the Bell was only ever

Rung by the um the recruitment officer no he’s long now did the Bell now it’s for us it’s for us now damn yeah they they basic it basically that’s the land yeah sorry I was I was texting and driving shouldn’t be doing that I was just writing down today’s going on in my

Journal oh and there has been a lot going on me how am I going to spin this into a headline for the noisy Paris cuz I can’t not talk about this in the paper right uh Nightingales at fault man kidnaps writer of hit paper night and fails good

Yeah that’s good yeah spin it on to the night and Gales despite the fact that they were the only group that didn’t get massively captured okay so the article is going to be nighting girl’s Elder has been been taken and petrified we found notes that who that was yeah that was

Man oh oh I don’t I’ve never met man no no oh man’s good girl to be honest out of all of the faction leaders aside from Allison she’s my favorite yes okay well she doesn’t look what’s wrong with Chan Christian is just not the one n Christian’s really snooty

He’s up himself he really is i that’s true that’s not like us castal we’re we’re down to earth oh yeah you you’re very like the gold that is spawned in the earth I the fish thing again where it’s like the threat theat I think it’s I think it’s cuz you’re lower down in

The boat cuz I got it last time H probably okay it’s probably fine we’ll out run them it’s fine it’s true I mean last time yeah we saw it in the water that it it didn’t get me so maybe it won’t get me oh no no no I can hear the

Rumbling now yeah what rumbling heard the rumbling it didn’t get the fish rumbling there’s a fish rumbling Martin oh dear there’s a fish rumbling in in the in the ocean SE in the oceans oh no oh don’t stop why you stop I I was I was trying to see which way I’m going

I’m looking at my map give me a second this uh you’re go exactly this way for like another three times the distance yeah I’m keeping an eye on the bloody waves I think I can get myself a new boat that’s that’s done me well that Right there we go sorry uh oh that’s all right I assumed you were busy let’s have a look oh there is a parkour tower on this island here do you want to have a little hop up it get some more money there’s another ship out there

Yeah that one’s just a a fishing ship I’ve seen it before oh oh oh we’ve come up what’s this island this is just this island I I’ve been here before there’s a little parkour Tower up here let’s go do it oh get some money because when those quo

People took me they stole all my money I was on my way back from a really Bountiful Quest and I got all my stuff out that Barrel when we were in that cave no signing my money so I got I got robbed oh well this makes you feel a lot

Worse about the the boat then yeah broke is a joke and but there’s no way we could have known that the season would chy and there’s also no way we could have known that you were going to be sad we also didn’t take that boat that

Boat was not our fault it wasn’t our fault and forgiving and forgetting is the castal motto how is it it’s what my wife always said I thought it was we’d have a spat they don’t have enough let spit on them I thought that was the

Motto no no SP bats no spits maybe some spits I don’t know where where we where we jumping to I up and over this way oh okay that way follow me now as we Ascend this Tower the tower this Tower you say that like I can actually parkour I canot

Come along Cleo only a few more steps now I love with you is more than a few I’m still going I’ve been going very consistently right I’m at the top there we go oh it was worth it that was a good treasure is it good is it a chest that we each

Get or was that yeah yeah we each get it each get it I think yeah okay got all this all this parkour practice around Sheffield on SE is coming in CL cheffield have you heard of my home nation I have heard t a continent off the off the

Eastern coast of the of easan sea that’s we are the Cy I see the no it’s EES ey Cuz I remember it as a sley guy I like that ultimately it can be whatever we want it to be it’s a made up word oh this is a good loot I’ve got

A lock box what’s a lock box just open it on the floor yeah oh I received something but I don’t know if it gave me anything you probably won’t know what it is oh oh that’s S A already HP you probably you probably don’t know what it

Is I don’t it’s the crazy thing I don’t know what it is enough to know really I’m not I don’t I don’t have a clue it’s it’s great I don’t know okay cool well let’s let back to the ship now no more Dilly ding never pasta meal to make I’ve got I’ve got

Pasta oh do you want pasta I’ve got pasta oh okay yeah you you give me past now has a couple BS back because I am on one heart and if a monster spawns I will die and then I’ll be back on that stupid island cuz I set my spawn there I think

There’s sometimes a chest here to loot and then we’ll go back to the boat okay might as well max out on our money me and sausage fought a monster to here once it was oh it was perilous see uh yeah chest there we go no money for

Me oh dear oh I got money that’s good it’s all right for you isn’t it it usually is yeah I think that’s all the chests unless there’s one in this little no I mean there’s usually more than one around so that is some bloody lovely

Cash you’ve got me here you get some as well yeah yes why’s everyone getting money except for me I got two bags two big bags whatever his idea it was to come and do parkour Tower idiot yes well you win some you lose some boss man I don’t actually remember where the

Ship is parked think it was down the other side of the tower I I can see that fishing boat from here so it must be close by oh yeah it is it’s just so hard to see a ship from the shore isn’t it like sometimes they just so hard to see

All right see you later no no no no no now hold on throw me backpack there we go I’m in where are you Cleo Cleo I am down on the other there there I see you I see you I’m on my way I’m on my way

Come along we’ve we’ve got places to go places I say Martin he’s being being funny he’s doing a funny one oh I’ll cry M oh go on then I’ll cry I’ll wait now come up you absolute I hate you so much no oh you got the Kiwi flu Cleo you’ve got

A I don’t have kiwi flu I just have I’m just allergic to Martin oh I see I see am I going the right way I’ve not even looked uh slightly off more no no kind of like East more like starboard a budge oh wait no my camera is the wrong

Way around hold on you just need to you just need to go port a little this is right no this is right yeah yeah this there no it’s starboard is right isn’t it Port is left yeah that’s right yeah it’s more more Port more starboard more starboard isn’t it no it’s more right

For more pork like is it I want to drink more pork after having to have this conversation it looks straight just go straight I reckon this is fine you you golden SE look CH it’s fine we’re on the clam shell sea it’s fine on yes it’s I just feel like easia sounds more

Whimsical than easia easia nice lovely Ecclesia sounds seedy doesn’t sound doesn’t sound as clean to me I mean it sounds like a a I mean my problem with it is it sound it sounds like clergy so like clergy the clergy well that’s what ecclesiast ecclesiastical mean it’s mostly about oh

That was a big old boy oh you got have you got the fish on you I got the fish on me you got the fish on you oh well we better a bloody Scara then big away now Martin away what you I’ve doing I’ve been ating away now Martin dly ding

Now I’ve been waiting for 15 minutes give me a break put the put the thrusters on you realize how hard is to row this thing oh je what was that oh is a whale a whale ahead and it’s dying for some reason say it’s whing I hope they all

Die wow wow wow hey now look look I got eaten by whales to be fair I did punch it twice well that’ll be why then they yeah they’re not they’re not friendly no they they won’t let you just punch them I’ve noticed no not a fan and they will kill you in one

Shot that Lighthouse there was one of the first times I ever breached the Western Seas good times good memories I I don’t I don’t think I’ve been over this bit before I haven’t been this way and my map’s I’m filling in my map now

Yeah it’s good good to do I do have the lighthouse on here so I might pin it with my wait was it behind us to the yeah I’ll put a little marker on it add marker there with a picture of a that’s Lighthouse looking Tower lighthous I use Lighthouse uh Li house

Land land Lighthouse land Lighthouse land the worst Disneyland oh it’s the best we’ve got the vote is now open what we voting for oh oh wait the the the Minecraft one yeah ooh I have no idea I think I’m going to go penguin cuz I think it’s cute and I I

Like the idea of boat going faster cuz I like boat racing it’s like my favorite type of racing so I think it’s good for that uh but I I don’t know maybe the dog arm is good but also I feel like dog if a dog’s going to die

It’s going to die the amount of times like sausage just randomly kills my my dog on here I don’t feel like Armor’s ever going to save it anymore than anything else will so there’s chest on here by the way that’s why I stopped oh that’s okay I’m I’m I’m I’m fully fully

Laden yeah I’m pretty I’m pretty full to the bloody brim let me just grab these two more and then I’ll continue sailing I’m also pretty paranoid that you’re going to leave me behind for no reason no no no reason at all no reason that’s crazy cuz it’s cuz it’s never

Happened before and it would never happen again no no you would never do that to me I don’t know I don’t run jokes into the ground no you’re not not known for that at all mine no no no I have a hard time believing

That I’m on my way back got a bit more money oh nice not wrong with money a bit of dollar a dollar do yeah I might actually run out of breath here hold on oh I’m good hold on I’ll pop out of the seat I’m moving in we okay I’m in

Position no okay CER now Cleo out seat what there we are there we go there we go oh there we go y that was all an elaborate plan just to sail off without you again it would been very orchestrated and planned like our choreography for that would have been it Pitch Perfect

Would have left you with Cast Away oh he’s very content being there he literally does not want to come to the mainland at all I mean have you seen the people who are on the mainland yeah true yeah maybe I should I should deliver him a newspaper every so

Often so he at least knows what’s going on in nearby nearby land masses so he can just go yep I’ve made the correct decision yeah I will probably stay over here yet that’s what I need oh come on over to Quest by we we’ll duck up in quest bu

Well let’s put it like this I I paid you double last time oh it’s actually doubled since last time well you see that’s why I bought to ahead uh where are we pulling up Martin where are we where are we pulling we’re going to going to main dock we need to drop

Our gold that’s fine you can do that I’ve got to recall me boat that you smashed up wait can you recall it if it spashes well I don’t know I’m I’m going to find out aren I who’s that going to do a test who’s that on our left you

Stink oh kro that was a that was Shelby yeah oh okay she think treat a mean treat a mean that’s the saying finish the sentence you already committed to it when you said the first off treat a mean treat a mean that’s that’s the saying right here we are lovely I’m going to

Put something in the newspaper next week to tell everybody stop parking in front of the damn ladders oh God my my eyes are going wrong it’s very they’re going slow today yeah I always feel a bit nauseous when I’m around here I’ve got Old Slow eyes

Oh Jesus too many people on there we go get those night and Gil’s gun I say oh that is oh look it’s another oh great guys good news Becky found dye that’s that’s fine news Becky is carrying dye around I want to warn you die is dead yeah we’ve already been saying that

Beck’s convinced that it’s not Beck is carrying around a dead person mhm and so now is Apple apparently why is everybody doing this no idea you want to be mine H are you guys coming to the raid tomorrow the raid what yeah we’re going to we’re

Going to do a raid on the uh the hood of figures the coordinates that we found right we were talking about that I was saying that we didn’t really discuss what we were going to do about it ra I think there was just too many people around talking we could get the faction

We could go ring the bell and get people together if I’ve not seen this yet I’ve heard about it can I see the Bell people have gone to sleep to be fair that’s okay we can get some of them at least for the I I got to ring I got to ring

The bell for the we’re just going to we’re just going to have a quick meeting about what’s happening tomorrow but if you’re not coming then we’ll just make it quick it’s for the YouTube series oh uh wait was be find the armor I hope scam what’s what’s a

Scam oh pip that’s what it is I don’t I don’t like this pip slam oh my God oh my God do it oh my god do it stop being a scam where’s go ahead M oh it okay I’m going I’m going to high kick it

Oh I I didn’t know I was that flexible productivity is up when I joined the kites percentage was 10 we are really in moving in the right direction got yeah oh dang the her still alive 68 we should probably people so when they get here it’s not just a big cluttered

Conversation yeah um I vote for Claude I’m going to take a i i you might God you might find yourself closer than you think you might as well wait what’s who’s leading this okay I guess it’s well K has the book but we should wait for everybody else oh yeah C

Does have the book that is true sorry who’s C qu qu thank you you’re welcome Crow works I did expect English speakers to perhaps um not be able to say the name fre guys guys I want to Jo the adventure too you can’t come with us I’m sorry oh Owen how could

Owen we we almost just brought a statue down you stay you should stay here as a lookout so true make him feel important ient but every R is important so true so is he even part of a faction no he’s factionist no he’s that one for that one

Guy who was he the recruitment officer he was weird yeah that dude was lame his voice God like ear no offers that’s so funny it was like nails I heard a lot about him I heard he was Brave and Valiant and also sexy anyway I don’t I

Did not I heard he accidentally walks into fires and enjoys ASMR hi welcome okay so as most of us know we now have the coordinates to the hooded figures main base now I think it is within all of our best interest to head there

Tomorrow and do a big raid oh what I can prop a scrap or don’t yes bring your best gear you know try and arrange groups if you can I think the group should be like this okay I think we should get all the nighting rounded together first and they’re the first

Wave of attack I think that sounds like a good idea I I can go in alone I’m cool with that oh somebody no it’s looko I got you I’ll come with you I’ll be back up good and then and then you Martin right me yeah

I’ll be watching oh no no no no I I’ll be watching um I need to document it all for the newspaper so I have to be journalist mode not not battle mode I see I see okay well then I guess bra of you Martin kite second wave pretty much

It 5, 1,600 if anyone wants to write that down they don’t brother what are you talking about right Claude you’re not fighting them with the bread sticks mate all right eat the bread sticks while you were on Lookout yeah yeah the best look out if anything fight angry tomorrow please they kidnapped everybody

Basically tomorrow we get our revenge Ang CST all right and now we go to the Fortress and now we go to Fortress to some practice anybody wants to come along to a fortress now oh we just did one we are we’re weed yeah I’m going to go head over and

Uh speak to Christian I’ll see you later oh come get newspaper first it’s just down here oh yeah oh of course of course newspaper first there we are so yeah as you can see we’ve increased our prices but because you paid ahead of time you’re getting a special discount yeah it pays

To pay it pays to be a first subscriber Okay cool so let’s see what what a Munch oh dear yeah oh dear she’s she’s no idea it’s uh a dark turn of events it would seem there’s muasa and his Cubs were stalled by yeah move fast as a nasty boy he is

He’s he’s not a very nice lad like him he wants to boil the ocean so uh I think as pirates we can’t really stand for that I mean but then we could walk and then we wouldn’t have like giant fish creatures to to to bite our

Feet no I see where you’re going with that okay boats boats are good okay well thank you for the for the for the Forgotten what it’s called the noisy parrot the noisy parrot it’s it’s the best paper on the Island oh I’m getting that as a

Quote Yeah Yeah best paper on the island without a doubt let’s go let’s go why is there a I don’t care if Dy is lost I don’t want that in my base well apparently dies back anyway so uh I’m going to put it down here actually there we go this will do I’ll

Hide it in here easy lovely a fabulous okay well now I’ve got my paper I can I can do the is this soku you’ve got there a soku a soku makes sense there’s little holes in the roof and Sun God’s light is only shining on a few of the tiles so

It’s a sun that makes sense and oh it’s got coordinates as has the treasure already been found yeah it has yeah but you can do this onu for fun I can I can have lots of fun that’s cool anyway thanks very much I will I guess I’ll buy

Issue three at full price yeah yeah next week it’s going to be going on for uh 300 new price going forwards just basically matching the rate of inflation these fortresses are giving people a dollar so uh I’m making sure that I being sufficently funded my next my next

Job is to figure out where I’m going to sell uh beer from oh that’s a good idea I mean I guess you don’t want to be too close to the tavern you got I mean to be fair doesn’t actually sell beer so oh why don’t you just set up in there then

That’d be fine I could I could do that that is a thing I could do I’ve got the brewery up so you know oh there’s this little lemonade stand here this could this could sell drinks it could s you know what I have stolen a caravan I

Might as well steal a bench of some description and if you need a um if you need a sign for your store come to me 600 gold not a problem hang on hang on hang on hang on hang on I’m trying to remember how much is the small ones

Worth this one pouch gold small worth 100 right uh I think so oh oh you’re paying up front I’m paying now oh amazing okay yeah sure yeah just get us get us a little sign would you’ve got an idea of what you want to call the place and all that sort

Of stuff not not yet but I will let you know okay cool you can also advertise in the newspaper as well you’ll see there’s a new ads page in there um yes you did mention that was a thing that was going to going to happen so cool we’ll do nice all right

Thank you for Fortress in I’m going to go actually cash my money in yeah I probably would that’s what I’m going to do see you later bye man what a productive day my dude

This video, titled ‘[LORE] THE CAVE INCIDENT – Pirates SMP VOD 35’, was uploaded by InTheLittleWood – Live! on 2023-11-02 12:01:00. It has garnered 1270 views and 103 likes. The duration of the video is 01:37:04 or 5824 seconds.

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    UNBELIEVABLE! Herobrine found in Minecraft Animation 🔥 #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Herobrine 😈 #minecraft #animation #shorts’, was uploaded by Datta Gaming on 2024-08-09 08:30:11. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Read More

  • Terralum Vanilla

    Terralum VanillaTerralum is a mostly vanilla server that adds some quality of life, while not upsetting the balance too much. Occasionally new features are developed that need to fit in with vanilla seamlessly. We are looking for players that just want to hang out and play Minecraft, without the drama. A quick list describing the server: – Whitelisted – 16+ age requirement – No P2W whatsoever – Basic teleportation (/home, /spawn) – Item based economy – No griefing or PvP – Resource worlds Check the Discord to apply for whitelisting. Read More

  • PrismaCraft SMP 1.20+ Towny Custom Enchants Skills Bosses Quests Economy Pets Discord Active Development

    🎇 PrismaCraft 🎇 IP: Wiki: Discord: Map: About PrismaCraft: PrismaCraft focuses on community building and offers various content for players interested in leveling up in jobs or skills. Whether you want to establish a town, grind levels in jobs, or reach the top of your skills, there is something for everyone! Main Features: Towny: Land claiming and community building with Towny plugin. Skills: Level up fourteen unique skills to improve stats. Jobs: Thirteen jobs available for earning in-game money. Player Economy: Player-driven economy with custom shops. Custom Enchantments: Over 200 unique enchantments available through gameplay. Craftable… Read More