The Ultimate Guide To Alchemy, Crafting & Enchanting PDF Preview

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Yeah why why no she knows right there chad should be populating now there it is okay all right y’all y’all could hear this yeah hopefully yes okay fantastic i’m sorry about that everyone uh some audio configuration issues we’re good we’re good to go uh thank you bear you’re the best around

He is the he’s the resident streaming wizard so um this is this is the druid uh streaming druid this is the fourth time i’ve used streamlabs and i’m still learning an awful lot mostly what it was was i had unplugged a certain mic and plugged in a different one it was trying

To pull uh input from from both and then it wasn’t set up to put the output into streamlabs and all that stuff from from hangouts we’re good we’re good um all right beautiful all right well we’re starting to get people thank you everybody for joining the stream today

We’re here with andrew gertzen and myself chris haskins we’re excited to see everybody and uh tell tell your friends share a link with everybody uh if they are interested in alchemy and want to see the preview of the pdf that’s what it’s about today so uh we should

Has that already been sent out via backer kit right so just said he did i put it out yeah so uh check in your email you should be getting a notification from backer kit saying that you have a pdf to download and that will be the latest and greatest preview

Of alchemy crafting and chanting and if you want to follow along with us you can do that or just watch the stream here and we’ll be going into detail on some of the recent changes and modifications so we appreciate everybody giving us feedback and the just overwhelming amount of

Positivity around the project it’s been a lot of fun to develop and there were a few minor tweaks that we added uh in the past few days that we think are really gonna improve certain things uh issues that came up with time and the amount of time it takes to make

Items and that kind of thing so uh andrew i’m going to let you talk a little bit about that and where why we came to the conclusion we came to originally and why the time was uh what it was so go ahead um real quick do you do you have a cursor

On my face no i i was looking at at my part of the stream it looks like there’s like a white speck on my face i can’t tell oh yeah oh i can oh people can see that that’s weird i was like that’s not a hair

I just had the the cursor just sitting on streamlabs um so basically um with with the original times that we had in the document um and if uh if anyone uh is looking for it you should have a notification from i think it’s backer kit to get the pdf yourself um

But the uh the original times were basically set with the goal of making sure that the crafting times were were long enough so that so that people weren’t getting uh getting items too quickly because that’s that is that’s the biggest thing that you want to watch out for with

Um with magic items is if they start getting handed out or accessed too frequently um you just you run into some very obvious game balance issues um the the problem is that we just pushed it too far um and that became very obvious when we uh put the first uh play test

Out there and um we took the feedback and i went in and i readjusted it yeah sorry we lost your video for some reason i have no idea what happened uh it’s all kinds of weird right now so i’m just trying to fix it i’m looking at all this stuff i’m like

Yeah so obs is cool um so let’s see uh i’ll re-rail my train of thought um so basically i i took a look at there we go what what 5e tends to like to do as far as um oh for the love of pete all right we’re good now okay

So we’re gonna put bear in charge of this from now on and he’ll just have the control room and i’ll just be participant oh i’m sorry everybody but it’s been fun go ahead sorry anyway um yeah i mean greg you could put it back to that big if you want

We’ll get more viewers that way um so anyway uh i went in and dialed down all of the crafting times uh for enchanting alchemy and regular crafting um so now the there are no there are no default crafting times that would take your character longer than a year in game

Assuming that you did a regular kind of weekly work on um whatever item you’re trying to make so if your gm wants the big big items to take longer that’s up to them but as far as this book is concerned uh that’s kind of the neighborhood that the

Ones that take longest are in um alchemy uh times are basically the same except halved because they’re all consumables uh and then crafting wound up being a little bit tricky because one some of the or rather a lot of those items have already kind of have established pricing

And we wanted to make sure that the the timing felt reasonable for what you were getting but at the same time we didn’t want certain things like just because something is only worth a copper piece does not necessarily mean that you could that you can make that thing in a minute

Um some things just still take a little while to make so i had to treat those on more of a case-by-case basis but all in all the crafting recipes are all or the vast majority of them are substantially shorter than the times for alchemy and the times for enchanting which is nice because

A lot of people will obviously kind of gravitate toward doing enchanting like oh i get to make it magic items like who’s of course everyone’s going to want to mess with that same with alchemy those are you know they’re kind of high profile things on the flip side crafting a lot of the

Stuff is more mundane but you do get the benefit of being able to pump things out pretty quickly and you don’t have to deal with magic um so well so one thing i want to point out too is balancing the in crafting especially because a lot of these things are obviously things

That historically and even modern day are crafted swords and armor and this kind of these kinds of things uh balancing the real world time and the economy of dungeons and dragons are very difficult to do because the economy of dungeons dragons is not really um properly structured it is so it’s pretty ridiculous

Often times yeah so that was a huge challenge and uh one of the big pieces of feedback we got when we put the first preview out and one thing that we already knew was an issue because we had noticed it ourselves was just the overall huge amounts of time that it would take

If you just used the the basic 5e rules and extrapolated them uh depending on the item that you were trying to make and the math just does not work so uh and and especially when it comes to the amount of time versus the uh amount of uh wealth you could

Sell that item for uh it just it doesn’t make sense so what we tried to do was get a a balance to that for the core of the recipes but also to expand further and talk about how you could reduce time uh when it comes to the the process of the alchemy

The crafting or the enchanting in creative ways and so uh that was also you know something we’ll get into you know shortly but um that was the core of what we were seeing you know we were seeing a inconsistency between the rules and the economy and so you know the

Roles and the time in the economy just wouldn’t wouldn’t match up so we did what we could to uh come up with something that we feel is balanced right um what’s there should at least be reasonable at at your kind of standard uh 5e table well and i think also uh keeping things

In the abstract also helps because sometimes yes we do want some hard and fast rules some numbers to be able to go off of but then when it comes to the actual amount of time you might be spending being in the abstract and handling it in a downtime situation and all that

Can be very helpful to fudge it a little bit and we all as dungeon masters know a certain amount of fudging has to happen constantly uh so you adapt it to whatever works with your game we’re getting notified that the stream on facebook just died sorry facebook is uh

Temperamental if someone could drop a link to one of the other ones uh on on our facebook chat or something like that that would be great so that uh chrissy can can jump in uh chris might be the only one watching us on on facebook other than us

Yeah it’s it’s temperamental i don’t know why sorry chrissy um so yeah but but establishing that and also getting the feedback from everybody very very valuable uh and we appreciate that but it was obvious from the get-go when we first started to create items based on the

5e rules there were going to need to be some adjustments made and so the so you’ve gone in and made those adjustments the the latest pdf which everyone should have access to has those adjustments in there and so if we go to the recipes section for example uh let’s just go crispies

And go down to say like um page 48 uh 48 for the options i was just going to look at an actual recipe oh go ahead so what we’re talking about here is your um your time which would be the one of the first uh attributes in the stat block

And uh some of them were pretty outrageous so and we’re we’re assuming that you’re gonna spend about eight hours a day working on something like this so uh just as a long rest and stuff would be eight hours so uh something like this uh malc uh it’s a master alchemist can create the

Marvelous pigments and that would be a 500 hour uh sort of a project so a long long time it would take to do that and of course in the abstract why would it take that long you know there’s a certain amount of let’s say fermenting that has to happen certain amount of

You know grinding that has to happen you know and all the little ingredients that you put in from your tools you know your various uh in this case the alchemist supplies and painters supplies all the various things that you would be uh adding to it over time it might need a certain amount

Of time to set and then more more grinding has to happen or or more mixing or whatever so that was all handled in the abstract but basically what andrew’s done is tried to rein back the time a bit but then also add a section that offers ways of reducing time

Just because of procedures so um and that originally i’ll give a preface to this was i had made a few notes early on and uh what andrew did over the past few days was just extrapolate off of that and he made it so much more than i had originally

Thought and which is a good thing it really is is good uh was it yesterday the day before we were going through it and i was just like this is great this is great love that just everything about what you came up with i am very happy with because it is uh

Offering just enough uh you know it’s not overloading the the reader it’s offering just enough with some examples to inspire and i think that’s really the the core of what we’re trying to do there so um that new section is is here under time so go ahead and talk talk

More about that so on uh if you guys go to page 48 under time you’ll notice there’s now a section called alternate options reducing time and these are you know to not belabor the point they’re ways to get the recipe times down um but there there are ways to do it

Where you take on some risk um and one of the main things here is that even if you’re if the profession you took or if you have any features that basically allow you to preserve uh your recipe ingredients through even in the case of failure that doesn’t work here so for these

If you do these and the crafting fails the ingredients are all toast so you’re taking a bit of a risk there um so that right there is some risk versus reward um and i also made sure to put a pretty big obvious warning and this kind of goes back to what i

Pointed out earlier where if if i was using this book at the table i would likely not use these options because the times are such that they’re they’re paced a certain way but if you as the dm feel comfortable with allowing items to show up more frequently

Or for players to be able to get access to this stuff more quickly you could use these and basically create that opportunity the first one is rush which says when crafting an item the time can be reduced by a certain amount but the craftsperson regardless of their rank must

Make the recipes ability check at an increased difficulty so typically with our system if you are a higher rank than the rank of the recipe being crafted you don’t have to make the ability check you just automatically succeed but for this if you’re trying to speed it up

You have to make the check regardless um if you want to reduce the recipe’s time by a quarter the dc goes up by two if you want to reduce by half the dc goes up by five if the recipe being rushed is equal to the crafter’s rank the ability check is made at

Disadvantage so if it’s a recipe that’s the same rank you are the roles at disadvantage but if it’s a lower rank than you it’s just a straight rule um the second option is called acceptable imperfections which works only for crafting so things like mundane items the example here uses a uh

An example of an axe head where the craftsman is basically just trying to bang this thing out as quick as he can and isn’t taking as much time to make sure it’s just right so he’s accepting some flaws in the project so it says a non-magical crafting recipe

Can be produced in half the time but its value is dropped to a quarter of the recipe’s listed value rounded down if necessary when a component piece created this way is used in the creation of something else the crafter must make the recipes ability check role regardless of rank and or abilities

And the check is made with disadvantage So that means that you have a bit more difficulty when you’re trying to make an axe using this flawed axe head on top of that says the value of an item made with items with acceptable imperfections is reduced by a quarter of its listed recipe value per component with acceptable imperfections

So basically if you rush to make parts that are flawed for an item that needs that component that item is you’re not going to get a full value axe by making cheap flawed parts so you could get one that would do the trick but it’s not worth as much which is pretty neat The third thing for alchemy only is called uh is basically batch brewing so the idea is that you know if you wanted to make so long as potions or whatever mixtures were identical such as a potion of healing if you wanted to make a bunch of them at the same time

You could but for each additional uh basically use that’s being created you add on another quarter of that recipe’s crafting time um because you know it that this one was was one where uh it was a kind of a question of intuitiveness like if you’ve got a pot that’s big enough for more

Stuff why couldn’t you make more than one of these at the same time you just maybe they’re identical is it like right it could be it could be multiple potions of healing but not pushes of healing and greater potions of healing or portions of healing and portions of giant strength has to be

The exact same potion that you’re making it if if anyone on here has ever like cooked a pot of soup if you want to make more soup you could just double the recipe yeah pretty much same idea shouldn’t take much more time to brew right and a quarter adding a quarter of the

Time is a reasonable amount uh it doesn’t make it a freebie and it doesn’t make it double tripled you know the the time but it seems reasonable to be able to uh just add a quarter and in the case uh the example you present an alchemist wishes to create two potions of healing

Uh you’re right what’s chrissy say uh with with baking that doesn’t necessarily always work but you know that we’re talking you guys understand the theory yeah we’re talking brewing here uh but anyway but yeah but the outcome so the example you you give is an alchemist wishes to create

Two portions of healing the recipe listed time is eight hours the crafting time becomes ten hours because you have the the first potion taking eight in the second post and taking two if the alchemist wishes to batch brew five potions of healing it would take 16 hours because you’ve

Got eight plus two plus two plus two plus two and now you’ve got uh five total potions and it took 16 hours instead of what about 40 hours for the the original um methodology there and that seems reasonable so uh but again skill checks and stuff come into play here

And on the flip side if you were making a a single potion of healing you would have you would technically have your hands on that potion a little bit quicker if you made it by itself um but if you basically with this you wait a little bit longer

And you you get more out of it um so the next one we have which is uh which is more complex um is for enchanting only is called group enchanting so this targets the idea of using multiple enchanters who are all basically trying to contribute to the enchanting process

It says enchanters may wish to use multiple other enchanters to expedite the enchanting process doing this is a complex process that should not be undertaken lightly it requires supreme levels of coordination and intimate familiarity with the recipe or at the very least exceptional timing and ability to follow directions

All of the enchanters involved in the process including the player or if you’re the gm who’s having an npc do this the npc who is being aided must roll the ability check for the recipe enchanters who are higher ranked than the recipe do so with advantage enchanters who are

Lower rank than the recipe do so with disadvantage if half of the participants or more fail their checks the recipe fails and all ingredients are consumed all enchanting recipes regardless of uh reduction have a minimum crafting time of one hour so um the to find out how much a recipe gets reduced you

Look at the rank of the recipe being created and you look at the rank of the people who the enchanters who are helping out so if the enchanter who is lending aid rolls a success on their check you look at this table that is at the top of page 49 um let’s see

I and that will need to actually be changed because that should say uh enchanter rank and the table below should be recipe ranked those got flipped uh if you’re watching actually i guess it’s in the the original google doc but the um if a novice is successful on their

Check uh the crafting time is reduced by an hour if an apprentice is successful on their check their the recipe time is reduced by two hours and so on if you look at the chart on the flip side if anyone gets a failure time is added to the recipe and the time that’s

Added is based on the rank of the recipe so you don’t have to figure out like oh you know so and so failed so i have to add two hours but this guy over here failed and i had five hours for him the the amount that gets added for a failure

Is based on the recipe so whether a novice fails or a master fails if it’s a novice recipe you only add an hour so just to be clear we have to actually reverse this in this so this should be enchanter rank and this should be recipe rank we’ll get that

Updated and resent out everybody but yeah basically what that does is it enables you to have the opportunity to reduce time because you’re working as a pair or a group to all enchant the item at the same time but also offers a a penalty in the event of failure so

If you guys are all working on let’s say an expert level recipe anybody who fails is going to add four hours onto it and then if you do have a bunch of masters let’s say helping you out each one of their successes reduces 16 hours to the overall enchanting time

So if you’re able to get a whole group of people together and they’re all you know experts and artisans and masters and stuff they can all collectively reduce the overall enchanting time with their successful checks that’s the whole idea is to to give maybe more members of the party

Things to do and contribute and help out if they do have ranks in uh in these enchanting uh schools so uh just more and more options i’m noticing a lot of people saying this is great additional things for downtime activities and stuff that’s the whole idea

Because the whole idea is to give you guys more options when it comes to your downtime activities and just i think nat 20 may have put it like they’re living their lives they’re doing something besides going off and having adventures they’re doing things back at town or at their homes or

Whatever that are um you know enriching the overall role-playing experience basically i want to mention also we’ve got 38 concurrent viewers right now i think that’s an all-time record for our live stream so far so thanks everybody for joining us and feel free to share a link uh to the live stream with

Your friends uh we’ve got it going on uh facebook youtube and twitch um so back uh back to here i i wanted to um uh let you read the example just so everyone understood sure so an expert enchanter is performing an expert recipe that has an enchanting time

Something just fell on my desk all on its own um that scared me uh i have ghosts in my office apparently uh an expert enchanter is performing an expert recipe that has an enchanting time of 80 hours the enchanter gets a novice apprentice and an artisan enchanter to help

The novice fails their check which adds four hours because it’s an expert rank recipe making the crafting time 84 hours everyone else succeeds which subtracts a total of 14 hours 2 for the apprentice for for the expert who like if a player was having uh having this recipe done

Um they would still need to roll that check so that would be there so so the the player character is the expert right let’s just say yes in this instance and eight hours for the artisan so the total of 84 minus 14 equals 70 so the group of enchanters completes this

Expert recipe in 70 hours so so yeah um so yeah we may still play with the numbers a little bit before the final version that’s why what we put these previews out to to get some feedback from uh from the people uh from from uh

You folks but uh we feel that it’s a good jumping off point and yeah things are looking better and better when it comes to you know collaboration and things like that so the the time the time alterations that are here um i’m i’m actually very happy with because uh

They they are strong enough to make a a significant enough impact where it makes sense like having a master enchanter get involved in something uh alongside someone else it sounds reasonable that they could shave like two work days worth of time off of a recipe but we didn’t want it to be

So strong that like oh all you got to do is get one other person involved and all of a sudden any enchanting recipe is like chopped in half well and one thing i think we need maybe clarify and it may have been established at the top of there but

Uh let’s clarify do all participants need to be engaged for that 70 hours yeah okay so yeah making making sure that it’s clear that everyone who is contributing needs to be coming back to the the subject at hand and you know working to help out so that doesn’t mean that you

Can be like hey this is how you should do it this is my my two cents then you go and do your own thing you need to be engaged if you’re going to be uh part of this of this group effort yeah the check represents the character committing to being engaged

For the enchanting process and this could be npcs and stuff it doesn’t have to be you know party members or anything like that it could be npcs that are helping to contribute and that plays into your story in one way or another i could see this being used in such a

Way where you get a bunch of enchanters who are all you know going for a common goal let’s say the macguffin of your story you need to create some powerful artifact you could very easily put that into the story where you get a bun like it’s part of your quest you

Have to collect all these different enchanters get them together and then collectively you’re able to create the mcguffin uh much faster than normal in order to defeat the big bad or or whatever whatever’s going on with your storyline so but we we thought adding that in there would definitely help otherwise

If it would take a year let’s say to enchant an item to be able to defeat the big bad it’s going to be a pretty long arduous year and instead you could reduce that time by getting a bunch of master uh enchanters together as well as their

Apprentices and and so on and so forth you might get enough people together to where you could achieve it you know in a matter of days instead of months so but all depending on your story again a lot of the things that we create we’re trying to make them specific enough to

Uh be easily used but broad enough to have maximum uh versatility that’s that’s the it’s one of our strengths uh we feel with our products so and then the last one go ahead on soul sacrifice um soul sacrifice which can be used for alchemy or enchanting is similar to the natural magic source

Uh in that you are you’re sacrificing something uh in order to get some degree of power from it um a creature’s soul can be extracted and used to boost the speed of the enchanting process each soul removes 40 hours of the recipes listed crafting time however all alchemy and enchanting

Recipes regardless of reduction have a minimum time of one hour so just like the previous option also for every five souls the dc is also reduced by one to a minimum of 10 dropping any remainder regardless of the craft person’s rank they must roll the recipe ability check so to get the recipe

Time reduction in hours you do 40 times the number of sacrificed souls and to get the uh dc reduction you do the number of sacrifice souls divided by five um this method of the method of soul extraction or sacrifice sacrifices up to the gm so this is something that i wanted to

Make sure uh got left open um because depending on you know there are plenty plenty plenty of people who are not necessarily playing in forgotten realms or even any published campaign setting i know tons of people that like only homebrew So i didn’t want to write anything in that said like the way you sacrifice a soul has to be blank it can it can be whatever the gm deems is appropriate or functional the same goes for the question of like what do you consider a valid soul like

Does a dog have a soul some people might say yes some people might say no they’re horrible people but those people might say no dogs would have but but then the question i asked you when we were developing this was well should it be based on challenge reading should a more ancient

Creature have a more valuable soul and that that’s exactly why we left it entirely up to right dm at that point um you know it’s totally up to you and on your point when it comes to like the methodology should you sacrifice someone in a certain area or with a certain item

Or whatever completely open-ended leave it up to the dungeon master to determine that right i like that so the the rest of it says any creature whose soul is sacrificed in this way cannot be resurrected by any means other than via a true resurrection or wish spell and the creature’s soul

Must be willing to be resurrected and now here’s the interesting thing if this happens the soul is extracted from the item and the enchantment upon the item immediately disappears and it is rendered a mundane version of itself in its most basic form so um i’m i’m not gonna well yeah i can

Read over the whole example but well let’s let’s uh get into the example after let everyone know uh we’re gonna do a raffle we’re gonna do a raffle for like usual uh we’re gonna do a raffle on youtube and twitch if you’re on either one of those platforms type in exclamation point

Raffle actually uh wait wait for me hang on a second please make sure it’s in there actually yeah let me one second raffle we’re so well well prepared here all right and okay so youtube should be good and let me add it to twitch exclamation point

R-a-f-f-l-e and you should be good to go go ahead and start typing exclamation point raffle in the chat it’ll enter you in here and we’ll be able to roll it andrew what’s going on you’re so close to the thing sorry i’m too i only just realized something to do while you’re

Going i want to make sure everyone ever got a chance we’re raffling off a deck of your choice any one of our 15 decks of your choice uh we have lots and lots of options i’ll show them in a minute after we we talk about this but go ahead if

You’re in youtube or twitch exclamation point raffle and uh and you should be good to go um i’m seeing it being populated right now so it looks like it’s working uh yes it is working okay let’s go back to the example so okay uh soul sacrifice and here’s a here’s an example of

How that might go so an evil wizard is creating a staff of the magi so that’s a like a big legendary item uh the recipes listed time is 2 000 hours with a dc uh 25 ability check to expedite the process he sacrifices the souls of 48 villagers 40 times 48

Is 1920 hours and 48 divided by 5 equals 9.6 so you would drop the 0.6 and get minus 9 to the dc the staff now only takes 40 hours to complete and dc was a measly 16. the wizard completes his remaining enchanting over the next week and begins wreaking

Havoc with his new staff of the magi unfortunately for him a party of powerful meddling adventurers manages to track down long buried information about some of the village and some of the sacrifice inhabitants they use a costly true resurrection spell to bring one of the villagers back the villager’s tortured

Imprisoned soul longs for escape and so happily agrees to return the soul is removed from the staff thus rendering it a useless stick in the dismayed woods hands who then realizes his mistake it might have been a better idea to use willing servants as his sacrifices so and yes chrissy you’re correct it’s

Messed up yeah we’ll fix it we’ll fix it none of this has been edited yet actually no no no no she’s saying that’s freaking evil oh yeah yeah it is messed up so what i started thinking about when when yesterday we were going over the example here was well if in my story

There’s an evil wizard and he’s creating some artifact if he creates or if he starts some sort of a cult and he has acolytes who are willing participants and they all you know submit to sacrifice that completely uh does away with the risk of the the meddling uh heroes

Unless said meddling heroes can somehow you know get get the go the ghostly form or whatever uh of these sacrificed uh acolytes and and uh cultists to maybe you know uh convert and and see the the error in their ways and willingly you know be brought back to life and therefore

Extract the magical power out of the artifact so i think this is a fantastic example of how it might be used in the game and how you could find other ways of manipulating just a few variables in this same story to create something that might be um uh

Less susceptible to um deactivation of its magical power and this this is something um you know soul sacrifice is most likely going to be if it’s something that you allow to be used in your game at all will likely be something that is used by your villain this is not

Something you will typically see used by the party um but you never know no i i say it’s impossible but this is not this is not something that a good character would would go for it just isn’t if you’re playing an evil campaign sure but but but if if at the most uh

End of need maybe maybe or or uh a a willing participant uh i mean there’s a whole group of monks and they understand we need to do this in order we need to voluntarily give up our souls in order to achieve some higher goal and let’s say their souls are all put into

Some incredibly powerful sword the hero goes and vanquishes the the big bad and then they bring the sword back and extract all the souls back out of it who knows you know that that could definitely be a way that you could make everything right um greg to your

To your comment about the uh the druids in the forest that’s actually down in natural magic uh trees are and uh land are worth a certain amount of points so if you’re doing enchanting and you’re using the natural magic source um you can you can sack excuse me you can sack trees or

Or even like whole acreage and then depending on how much power you’re extracting or that sort of thing the uh the land is basically rendered infertile for x amount of years so yeah that’s that’s something you can do i want to point out something real quick we’ve got even more

Viewers right now 42 uh our last stream i said if we get over 40 viewers we’ll do two drawings on each uh youtube and twitch i’m sorry facebook users we cannot do drawings on on facebook so if you are watching on facebook right now you can uh jump over onto youtube or twitch

Uh if someone could please post the links there typing in exclamation point raffle will uh enter you into the raffle we’re going to do a drawing in a few minutes here so we’ll give a few people more time to jump in uh and enter their yeah their uh tickets uh you’re you’re correct

Uh you can drain the land of its power yeah um and one more thing if we get to 50 viewers we’ll do three drawings on youtube and three drawings on twitch so share a link with everybody quick we only have a few minutes left before we’re going to do the drawing

I’ll extend it a little bit we’re going to do a drawing in about a minute but i’ll give a few more minutes if if people are going to be sharing let it sound off in the in the comments if you’re going to share with with people put it on your social media

Send it to people via text email whatever you want but yeah so uh that’s that’s uh an overview of the different ways that we felt would be good to add to the book for reducing time sound off in the comments what do you think about those any major concerns obviously we’re

Getting a lot of good feedback here want to keep that going so if anyone has any major concerns things that we may have not thought about feel free to sound off and again many of the things that we didn’t mention are going to be up to the dm because

Your world might be so dramatically different we don’t want to necessarily uh restrict anybody and that’s why things like you know what what creatures you know count as having a soul and uh maybe you have a world where yeah squirrels have souls but they’re worth a lot less than

Than humans and again you could use maybe a standard um challenge rating or something like that to determine the worth of a soul i could totally see that being being usable so like the amount of power that a creature has the age of the creature all those

Things can come to play but we’ve simply presented with a baseline of this is a very reasonable way to go for what a soul is worth when it comes to enchanting and reducing time for enchanting we’re up to 46. all right 46 we’re only four away if we get to 50 concurrent viewers

We will do 47 we will do three drawings on youtube and three drawings on twitch uh chrissy the the idea um of soul sacrifice is is that it is you’re you’re making a you are making a sacrifice there is a a general permanent to it um you know suspended animation or

Saying oh we’re just borrowing the soul or something like that makes it makes it too wishy-washy like it should be a big deal and this should be something that like if it if it happens um this isn’t something that a lot of people would be happy about um

That that’s why the uh like it requires true resurrection or wish to get the soul released um because like it’s this is serious business um and as far as uh getting getting power from creatures um and things like that uh go look at the natural magic source

Uh which i had just mentioned to bjark the bard um which is down on page 52 of the pdf um you can look at all three of the different uh really really it is not intended for good characters to use i mean that’s that’s just that’s what it comes down to

Um it’s we’re on page number 48 and 49 sorry to interrupt we had a late comer also uh soul shadow um enter into the raffle with exclamation point raffle um someone could give an example of how to type that in to be great um um so yeah the the uh

Soul sacrifice is not intended to be something that will typically be used for um uh that won’t be used by good characters and probably won’t be used by pcs in general um it could be but it will be a typical in in your standard games if you’re playing like good heroes

Um this this is more something that’s there for the gm to be able to say oh the you know the big bad is trying to make this you know super weapon real fast this is an option he has at his disposal this is not something that’s

As much intended to be used by players though it certainly can be but that’s up to you um but sacrificing animals and things like that or even certain plants that kind of stuff is covered down in uh on page 52 in the natural magic source and that is something where the

Size of the creature does impact um how much uh kind of natural uh magical life force it has in it um so those are things where depending on the size of the creatures and that sort of thing you’ll get certain point values from those um so back and that is more

Uh open to interpretation it’s not as necessarily evil uh it’s you know it’s kind of like the idea of a hunter who needs to eat and you know hunt a deer but then like before they go to process the deer like they thank the deer for its sacrifice

And you know they promise that they’ll you know get that they will um get the most use they can out of its out of its body and its sacrifice that sort of thing um so it’s it’s less using natural magic is less objectively evil um though there is still uh yeah yeah

Um fox die you’re you’re you uh have a good idea um yeah so and we’re just trying to provide as many options as possible and also enrich the game with what might play into the actual character’s uh backstory and their personality and all that stuff so lots and lots of options

Are given for that so and anybody who’s uh who missed earlier uh some people are just coming in we’re talking about the latest play test material for ultimate guide to alchemy crafting and enchanting we added a way of reducing time to your various brewing potions or or enchanting items things like that and

So we wanted to give an overview of that those can be found if you’ve been sent the pdf which would have come through on bahr kit uh those will be on pages 47 48 and 49 if you want to take a look at those uh it is noon so we’re going to do

A raffle we did hit 50 concurrent for a minute there so i’ll count it um it uh it went up to like 47 48 40 50 and then back down to 47 so i don’t know if people were jumping in with with different uh different accounts but whatever we’ll count it um

That what we’re raffling off are your choice of uh uh decks any of the decks we’ve got in the 15 range these are 50 card decks uh we’ve got things like the treasure trove decks there’s five in that series we’ve got the wandering monster decks there are

Four in that series uh different types of terrain and stuff is in environments where is what separates the decks we’ve got the brand new treacherous traps decks and those are five different ones according to challenge rating there’s also one big guy who’s uh 20 bucks and that’s a uh random trap generator

So uh also a good item uh but that’s not in the raffle uh and then we’ve got the objective intrigue so these are great ways of adding some spice bless you whoever sneezed uh adding some spice to your adventures uh pulling out some random encounters monsters items uh plot lines all that

Kind of stuff can be found in the options of intrigue if you have not yet enter in to the raffle with exclamation point raffle and we’ll give you a couple more minutes i don’t want people to miss out it’s awesome stuff here and it’s your choice whichever one you want

You’ll be able to hey is that who’s is that wolfgang bauer maybe not anytime i see wolf game i always like is that wolfgang bearer it might be um i’m oh we were disabused of that notion nope ah it’s okay you don’t have to be wolfgang bauer to

Get to get the prize or have the name or have the name so um that might be we’re working puck pink i’ve been to that restaurant it’s delicious all right it looks like everyone who has uh has entered wishes yeah delicious uh we got lots of people in on youtube

Lots of people in yeah lots of people on twitch holy smokes okay so 30 more seconds and then we’ll roll it and we’re going to roll it three times on twitch first and then we’ll do three times on youtube and all you have to do to claim your prize is

Uh uh email uh taylor are you still on okay uh email taylor he’ll post a link to that in the chat um on youtube and and uh twitch and if that doesn’t work for you you can go to nordgameslc forward slash contact us if someone could drop a link

To that i would but i got a microphone right in front of me and my keyboard’s behind that so i can’t really type right now sorry all right here we go rolling it here is first we got lux luctus 1990’s lux noctis looks not looks noctix lux noctis

So uh you can email or submit a contact form to claim your prize you just simply have to pick out which one you want they’re all going to be in the main shop area if you go to our website shop and shop all you’re gonna be able to see them

Uh let’s roll it one more time the nat 30s hey second prize was for the nat 30s nice again uh email uh bear or um uh submit a contact form and let’s see the last one would be jamiest three winners on twitch very nice and now we’re going to be going

He rolled too fast for me to drum sorry uh we’re going over to youtube so we’ve got a few entries here greg you can’t be an entrant it says greg peterson right here okay maybe you told somebody how to do it no oh weird all right well i’m pretty sure

There are other greg petersons out there is there another greg peterson all right in the world i’m pretty sure maybe he’s one of a kind all right so here we go first roll on youtube pluto’s wrath pluto’s wrath won the first one pluto’s wrath is what happened after

After they were declared not a planet yes pluto got mad and they started wreaking havoc on the whole solar system all right pluto’s wrath you won a deck of your choice email or submit a contact form uh second role is gonna be michael holt michael holt you have one you’re gonna email or

Submit a contact form to claim your prize and last roll david carter david carter i hope all these people are responding in check because i don’t have the chat open right now david carter so uh anybody who won go ahead and submit a contact form or email taylor

Let us know which deck you want what your address is and we’ll ship it out to you right quick thank you very much for participating in the raffle thank you very much for watching the stream let’s give a couple minutes if anyone has any further questions anything that uh

Uh you know is on their mind um if there’s any other do you have gm uh pluto’s wrath yes souls were sacrificed uh if you have any other questions clarification that kind of thing also you can always go to the comments on the kickstarter page for alchemy

And we’re more than happy to answer questions there uh i’m very happy with how this is turning out obviously the book as a whole i’m very happy with but as soon as we added this section in and i like i said earlier were um on yesterday and and

Going over it in in great detail about the possibilities i think that these really fit the need of being able to cut some time here and there and giving lots of different jumping off points lots of options and you of course can take this and run with it wherever you want to go

But i think that these options really set the stage for um for reducing the time uh when it comes to the recipes and in creative ways and things that get other members of the party or you know the need to seek out other npcs via quests uh

It really engages uh quite a bit more than um than just having a straight you know it’s going to take you a year to create this thing yeah um i i just want to let everyone know i’ve been uh watching at least the the twitch chat um and i saw um

Or was it solsciutto uh he said i backed this project months ago this play test materials way better than i was expecting the supplements looking amazing thanks a lot man i really appreciate that kind of feedback that definitely keeps us going um i’m glad uh york the bard that you

Uh really enjoy the random trap generator we really do try to we put some real real real effort into this stuff and um you know it’s uh we care about it and we’re doing the best we can and uh i also hope that if any of you

Are not uh on our discord please please go join it we use discord for uh intercompany chat on a pretty much daily basis um and uh we’ve just kind of overhauled the layout of our discord as well so there are rooms for all kinds of stuff including even running online games um so

If you want to go over there if you ever have any questions about our projects or even about existing products that you might have if you’re not sure how something works or how we intended something or whatever you can hit us up on discord and you will

Generally get a response at least if it’s within the standard like kind of west coast work day within like minutes unless you message it like lunchtime but um you know we we’re we’re pretty darn quick about getting back to folks um yeah and accessing us is pretty easy yeah

Uh also i just want to say thank you to everybody for backing our alchemy project yeah currently running another kickstarter for miniatures uh i can post a link to that also um but yeah the the kickstarter has definitely been a great way for us to get some

New products out there to the public to experiment and say is this something that people want and alchemy was a huge success or a record breaker at this point in time uh over 4 000 backers and the most money we’ve ever raised on a kickstarter so we are

Dedicated to making sure that all of our products are are you know top-notch but especially with this method now where we are putting out plate test material and getting feedback well in advance of ever going to production but we’re putting out plate test material when we’re

Solid on on you know 99 of it but we know that there’s things still that could be improved and that’s why we’re doing it in this way and we hope that you appreciate that methodology and it’s not just a you know black box of you throw money into a kickstarter and

Then sometime later you get something and you never got to see any sort of previews never got to see any sort of communication or the thought process that went it went into anything and we’re really trying to use and utilize live streaming now to get that sort of feedback

And you know in real time and that’s been a lot of fun not just to do the live stream because it really invigorates us but also the feedback and and piggybacking off of what andrew said earlier it really does invigorate us when we get positive feedback we want all feedback

Obviously if there’s something we’re doing wrong tell us please but when we get positive feedback it really gives us a boon and we really appreciate it so any positivity right now is fantastic and uh and we really appreciate that so you know keep it up um like and subscribe

All the standard stuff if you haven’t subscribed to our any of our channels yet on your preferred watching uh platform please do that uh if uh if you’re part of our newsletter great if you’re not it’s at the bottom of every page on our uh website you can add your your name there

And you’ll get regular emails we typically send an email once a week we try not to spill your your uh your inbox with spam uh and every email is gonna have something of value in it either some sort of a promotional running information about our kickstarters or a different

Kickstarter that someone else is running let me get the link to the kickstarter in there real quick bear with me andrew be entertaining um so one thing i uh i also want to ask everyone um you’ll you’ll notice that on the pdf it very blatantly says play test not preview um

I wanted to make sure that it said this because that is what i want you guys to do with this try this stuff out mess with it see how it all feels and um and then as you’re play testing if you notice something is like way off or um you know

Some something that just like does not function go over to the uh go over to discord and let us know um over there uh chrissy there’s a there’s a channel on our discord called uh something like uh alchemy errata feedback or something like that just scroll down the side and you’ll see it

Um also chrissy uh you had a question about discounts we are running a 25 discount on all critical hit decks we did a redesign recently and all the brand new uh decks arrived a couple weeks ago they’re on sale right now for 25 off you don’t have to get the entire set

Uh if you don’t need them all but they’re normally 15 for a physical deck and they’re gonna all be 25 off that’s the critical head deck for gm’s critical hit deck for players critical fail deck and the fates and fortunes formerly luck deck now called the fates

And fortunes deck so i posted a link there in the chat i just just buy one ocd so uh yeah we so we’re in that uh offer until uh i wish i knew and end of this month i think is when it’s over so get in there and check it out quick

Uh any special promotions if you add those things to your cart uh a little button will pop up in the cart to add the discount if any if you have any products in your cart that are applicable it’ll pop up for you so um also chrissy the fates and fortunes deck has

The exact same content as the luck deck so uh it’s it’s basically a re-skinning of the luck deck and we wanted to call it fates and fortunes because it’s not all you know good luck uh and and we tried to make a little a little more ambiguous

And um but essentially if you have looked at a deck already you do not need the face and fortunes deck unless you just want the new design so they they are quite pretty um also please make sure to share this stuff uh and tell your friends um because

Word of mouth for us is bigger than any other marketing that we can do so if you can please please please share on our posts and stuff on your social media tell people about the miniatures kickstarter going on uh also uh telling your local game stores so if you go into local game

Stores they don’t carry our products yet let them know if they go to our website we have a whole section for retailers and how to get our stuff they can get it direct from us or they can buy it through distribution david carter yes you did win

You’re going to need to yes thanks greg so you’re going to need to email taylor at or go to our contact us page and uh let us know which deck you want uh of the decks that are available any deck that’s 15 bucks basically um will be applicable and then what your

Address is and bear will get it shipped out post haste cool uh yes uh piggybacking on what you said yes sharing our products with your friends sending people emails texts social media anything and everything posting uh with tagging nord games if you if you take a picture

Of your own uh nord games products you know in the wild as we say as you’re using them and stuff fantastic for us because it just shows more and more people using our stuff we have a lot of product out there in the world but there’s still a lot of opportunity

For more and the more we can do the more we can grow and the faster we can create excellent content and new products and stuff so there’s no shortage of ideas and stuff that we’ve got so uh we’ll we’ll keep them coming as long as we can keep on uh

With the momentum cool thank you anthony all right uh well i hope we answered all the questions if you have any more post them in the comments section on the kickstarter thank you everybody for attending the live stream this has been a lot of fun sorry about the technical

Difficulties at the beginning but hey here’s what it is uh we’ll put bear in charge from now on uh everyone have a great day and happy gaming andrew you can send us off have a good one guys um thank you for hanging out and uh just to

Reiterate please go join the discord and uh talk with us stay in contact and test the heck out of this pdf and try this stuff and have some fun with it all right guys good day bye everybody you

This video, titled ‘The Ultimate Guide To Alchemy, Crafting & Enchanting PDF Preview’, was uploaded by Nord Games on 2020-09-25 07:27:42. It has garnered 601 views and 15 likes. The duration of the video is 01:15:26 or 4526 seconds.

Pre-Order the book here:

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    EPIC Minecraft Tiny Chunk Battle: Mikey vs JJ Family!Video Information This video, titled ‘Mikey Family vs JJ Family TINY CHUNK Survival Battle in Minecraft (Maizen)’, was uploaded by Mikey Spikey on 2024-05-13 15:00:03. It has garnered 84847 views and 535 likes. The duration of the video is 00:16:08 or 968 seconds. Mikey Family vs JJ Family TINY CHUNK Survival Battle in Minecraft (Maizen) This video is an unofficial work and is neither created nor approved by Maizen Sisters. Maizen – @maizenofficial Thanks for watching, I hope you will enjoy my videos! Read More

  • Ultimate Minecraft Control Challenge! Can You Handle It? #shorts

    Ultimate Minecraft Control Challenge! Can You Handle It? #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft, But You Control My Server… #shorts’, was uploaded by FastPots on 2024-03-20 16:00:18. It has garnered 4312 views and 211 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:28 or 28 seconds. You Control My Server! tiktok – twitter- discord – Business email: [email protected] #shorts #gaming #Minecraft #minecadia Read More

  • EPIC Castle Upgrade on WOOLSMP Server! | Pixel Hindustani Minecraft

    EPIC Castle Upgrade on WOOLSMP Server! | Pixel Hindustani MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft 24/7 Online Server : #14 WOOLSMP | I Upgrade My Castle Into New Castle | #woolsmp’, was uploaded by Pixel Hindustani on 2024-02-27 19:03:27. It has garnered 158 views and 14 likes. The duration of the video is 02:56:27 or 10587 seconds. Hey folks! Watch me play Minecraft One block! Server: IP- Port- 17711 Thank you for watching my Minecraft stream. And for all the support you are showing! 🔥, If you liked my stream, please like and subscribe. It motivates me a lot. 🙂 And share my channel with your game friends…. Read More

  • Unbelievable Minecraft Twitch Modded Adventure!

    Unbelievable Minecraft Twitch Modded Adventure!Video Information This video, titled ‘#minecraft #twitch #modded’, was uploaded by JNIN3R on 2024-01-16 05:31:55. It has garnered 140 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:31 or 31 seconds. Read More

  • Bhalavi gamer DOMINATES Minecraft Bedwars! 🔥 #shorts

    Bhalavi gamer DOMINATES Minecraft Bedwars! 🔥 #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft God Playing ( BEDWAR ) full creadit:- @DaquavisMC #minecraft #shorts’, was uploaded by Bhalavi gamer on 2024-02-28 06:30:34. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Video Ditels:- Editer :- ANGRY SONU(ME) Edit :- capcut voice over🎙️:- capcut thumbnail 🖼️ :- pixelLab scripter :- ANGRY … Read More

  • BD Gamerz YT – 🔴 CRAZY MINECRAFT ACTION LIVE 🔴🔥 | Java + Pocket Edition + Bedrock

    BD Gamerz YT - 🔴 CRAZY MINECRAFT ACTION LIVE 🔴🔥 | Java + Pocket Edition + BedrockVideo Information This video, titled ‘🔴 MINECRAFT ON LIVE🔴😍Minecraft Smp Java+Pocket Edition+Bedrock |’, was uploaded by BD Gamerz YT on 2024-05-07 14:58:19. It has garnered 96 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 00:25:58 or 1558 seconds. 🔴 MINECRAFT ON LIVE🔴😍Minecraft Smp Java+Pocket Edition+Bedrock | Social link : DISCORD ——- #minecraft #minecrafthindi #minecraftlive #minecraft100days #minecraftgameplay #india #minecraftjavaedition #jitsubhaganing TAGS & KEYWORDS– ___________________________________________________________________________________ minecraft live minecraft live Bangla minecraft 100 days minecraft 24/7 smp minecraft mcpe live pe live minecraft java live stream minecraft java minecraft india how to make farms in minecraft how to make wheat… Read More

  • TFMC – Roleplay Whitelist 1.20.2

    Join the TFMC Realm! Join us on Discord: Watch the Season 3 trailer: Experience the ultimate Minecraft Roleplay in TFMC. Choose your path as a master Smith, Fletcher, Miner, Woodcutter, Agriculturist, or an Engineer. Solve mysteries, craft legendary weapons, and nurture the land. Explore mysticism as an Alchemist: Engage in thrilling roleplay, strategic wars, and shape history. Immerse yourself in a dynamic world with exclusive events, custom resources, magic spells, legendary items, and more. Join our global community on and start your adventure today! SEASON 3 JUST LAUNCHED Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Bob be mad flexin’

    Minecraft Memes - Bob be mad flexin'Be like Bob and aim for a meme score higher than your GPA. Read More

  • Trial Chamber Treasure Hunt: Minecraft 1.21 Tricks!

    Trial Chamber Treasure Hunt: Minecraft 1.21 Tricks! In Minecraft 1.21, Trial Chambers await, A new structure to explore, don’t hesitate. To find them easily, follow my lead, In this video, I’ll show you the deed. Search high and low, in every biome, The Trial Chambers hide, just give it some time. Subscribe to my channel, for more Minecraft fun, Join my Discord server, we’ll chat and we’ll pun. Seeds and updates, all in one place, On my Instagram, you’ll see my Minecraft grace. Music from YouTube, sets the mood right, In every video, I bring the delight. So come along, let’s dive in deep, Into Minecraft… Read More

  • Hotter than a lava pit in Minecraft

    Hotter than a lava pit in Minecraft “Why did the creeper go to therapy? Because it had too much TNTsion!” 😂 #minecraft #funny #memes Read More

  • Ultimate Minecraft Scaffolding Guide

    Ultimate Minecraft Scaffolding Guide Minecraft Scaffolding Guide: Reach New Heights with Ease! Are you tired of struggling to build tall structures in Minecraft? Say goodbye to endless dirt block towers and welcome the convenience of scaffolding! This ultimate guide will walk you through everything you need to know about crafting and using scaffolding in Minecraft. Get ready to build high, fast, and easy! Crafting Scaffolding With just bamboo and string, you can craft scaffolding in Minecraft. This simple recipe will revolutionize the way you build in the game. Say goodbye to tedious block stacking and hello to efficient scaffolding construction! Stacking and Placement… Read More

  • Join Minewind Server for a Unique and Thrilling Minecraft Experience!

    Join Minewind Server for a Unique and Thrilling Minecraft Experience! Welcome to, where we bring you the latest and most exciting updates from the world of Minecraft! Today, we stumbled upon a fascinating YouTube video titled “NGÁO PHÁT HIỆN NGƯỜI BẠN THÂN CÙNG PHÒNG TRỞ NÊN QUÁI DỊ LÚC 3H SÁNG TRONG MINECRAFT 😨👻.” Although the video itself may not be directly related to Minewind Minecraft Server, it showcases the endless possibilities and adventures that await you in the Minecraft universe. Imagine the thrill of exploring a world where your closest friend can turn into something eerie and mysterious at 3 AM. The unpredictability and excitement of such… Read More

The Ultimate Guide To Alchemy, Crafting & Enchanting PDF Preview