The Ultimate Minecraft 1.20 Survival Guide – New World To Elytra

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Survival Minecraft is incredibly fun but can be difficult so in this video I’ll show you how to do everything from starting your world to getting elytra immediately when you spawn into a world you want to analyze your surroundings and see what’s there and as soon as

You’ve done that you want to collect a minimum of three logs turn them all into planks make a crafting table and then place that crafting table down and make two batches of sticks make with two of those sticks a wooden pickaxe but no other wooden tools as they’re just a

Waste then dig straight down with your wooden pickaxe once you meet Stone simply mine three pieces of that stone with those three cobblestones simply put them in the crafting table to make a stone pickaxe then go back down here with your stone pickaxe and you want to

Mine it a bit more Stone generally you want enough for all your tools and two furnaces but if you see some iron nearby you can just get enough for one furnace and a stone pickaxe but I didn’t see any easy Iron nearby so I’m just going to

Mine out about 32 Cobblestone then exit back out make some more sticks and let’s start making our tool set and finish off by making one or two furnaces now collect up your crafting table and it’s on to initial resource collection at this stage we simply want to walk around

And try and locate anything that could be useful also now that you have your stone ax just go up to a couple more trees and get yourself a few more logs as they’ll be very useful in the continuing steps Perfect all we have to

Do now is go get some food and here we have a good source of that also before you kill every single animal next to the spawn point something you do want to be aware of is if you’re planning on living near here and making a bunch of mob

Farms just to leave two of every single mob type unharmed so you can really easily get those later on we have a decent amount of food now but it’s really important that we now get a bed and there’s two ways of getting it the first one is trying to find three sheep

Killing them for their wool taking that wool and of course crafting it into a bed but the second one is something that we very luckily found in this world and that’s what’s right in front of us a village Villages are really common in Minecraft so it’s quite frequent to have

One right in front of you when you first get into the world but be sure before you go rushing off too much to get your food to start cooking and of course if you haven’t found any cool yet you can always just use planks and a really

Great idea is to actually start off by using your first wooden pickaxe as it can smelt one item for free and we’ve now acquired our bed through the village method but now that we can skip the night as well as having a decent food source it’s on to the next stage and

That one is my personal favorite exploration there are many things we should be looking out for as we go around this Minecraft world as they’re going to help us later on in the run some big ones are if you see any Enderman be sure to kill them for ender

Pearls and of course you can very easily do that by going into a two block tall area and then just hitting them a few times with an ax or a sword as soon as you get a decent supply of logs you definitely want to craft a couple boats

Because these can save your life in a bunch of different ways also if while caving you happen to see see any Hostile Mobs you definitely want to get a good supply of arrows from skeletons try to successfully kill as many creepers as you can by hitting them and then getting

Out of their explosion radius as gunpowder is also really important later on alright we’re gonna pick up all of our items now and start exploring we were lucky enough to instantly find a village next to the spawn point but generally you want to explore around and

Find one You definitely want to have all of your important items on you at all times as at this point you wouldn’t have a base some things you especially want to look out for when exploring is some Villages next to your spawn point but another big thing is any large cave

Entrances that’s because those can give you a super good route to iron cool lapis and even diamonds if you do happen to find a village some really important things to look out for is the blacksmith house that could be in any Village type as of course there you can get diamonds

And other great loot but also if there’s hay bales melons or any other food just laying around these can give you a super amazing long-term food source which can help you not have to make a food farm super early and lots of villager houses have loot chests in them and it’s always

Worthwhile to take a look in there and grab out some of the things you find and make sure to trap two villagers inside the village so that they will not die from zombies later on this is really important especially if your village is near spawn as you’re exploring around

Make sure to grab a little bit of sugar cane if you see it since you’re gonna need to get exactly one book before long and if you happen to pass by any forests be sure to chop down a couple stacks of logs because these are going to be super

Important when you go caving it can be really useful when going around to set up your hot bar like this with your sword first then two pickaxes an ax a shovel and a hoe then you have easy access to all these different tools whenever you need them something really

Important you want to get in your world is some bamboo so you can either get this by finding it inside of a jungle or a bamboo jungle biome and if you’re nowhere near a jungle try looking in the ocean because a massive amount of shipwreck chests will have a couple

Bamboo in there so you can easily Farm yourself a large Supply from just those those few ones in the Shipwreck chest but in this world we have a bamboo jungle so we’re gonna collect a good amount of that the world spawn of your Minecraft world can be in so many

Different biomes if you’re in a desert grab the extra sugar cane on the water and be sure to collect some sand as it’ll help you later on when you’re exploring the nether if you’re in a plane’s biome kill as many food animals as possible sparing just one or two of

Them if you want to breed them up later and if you’re at Ocean or river be sure to kill the fish near there for food and maybe look in any nearby shipwreck or ocean ruins chests to get some extra loot if you’re in a heavily forested

Biome like let’s say a dark forest or a jungle you can speed yourself up and make your travel a lot less dangerous by going on top of trees and you can spiral up them to collect the logs or of course if you’re close by any valuable structures like let’s say a desert

Temple be sure to raid them first so you can skip a few steps now we’ve explored our world quite a bit and we’re to The Next Step which is upgrades and caving she’s traveled along and seen any cooler iron be sure to mine that but of course

It this stage your focus can now change to only try and get yourself through all the stages of progression an iron is really important and there’s two places you can find it the tallest mountains possible or around y16 which is a little bit above where the stone layer turns

Into deep slate we have some mountains here so we’re going to travel up them and grab the iron that exposed if you’re about to venture down into a deep and dark cave be sure to mine a decent amount of coal before you go down there as since Minecraft 1.18 there really

Isn’t a good source of cool super far underground running out of torches is a bad idea so to prevent that grab yourself maybe half a stock to a stack of coal before you head down also important to make sure you’ve collected a large amount of logs as there’s not

Usually a very good wood Source underground unless you’re near an abandoned mine shaft collecting iron inside of Minecraft can take a long time so just be sure that you’re not grabbing too much when of course you could find it much more efficiently later on you

Need 24 iron for a full set of iron armor apply for the helmet eat for the chest plate 7 for the leggings and four for the boots you also need 14 iron for your full tool set and of course that’s one for the shovel three for the pickaxe

Three for the ax two for the sword two for the hoe but you really do need four more three of those for a bucket and one for a shield so make sure to not stop grabbing iron until you have at least 42. if you’re having trouble finding

Iron any of the tall mountain biomes like for instance the Stony Peaks or maybe even the jagged Peaks almost always have massive amounts of it exposed as soon as you get even a few pieces of iron you want to start smelting them that’s because the second

You get that first Iron Ingot the best idea is to craft it into a shield a lot of players won’t use Shields but it is probably the best method to stop taking damage in the entire game your second priority should always be an iron pickaxe and after that a bucket in fact

Now that I have this bucket I’m gonna instantly go and pick up some water with it because then we have this great method of basically stopping our fall damage by placing down the water before we hit the ground you can always throw away your old stone tools when you get

Enough iron for iron ones or you can keep them but a big issue at this point is going to be Inventory management so it’s always important to make sure you don’t have too many things clogging your inventory and a double set of tools we’ll definitely do that now for this

Particular world because I was able to get all these hay bales so early on from that Village I’m not going to make an iron hoe because I don’t have an immediate need for getting a food source but I haven’t yet found all 42 iron I

Need so I’m going to make about half a stack of torches then go underground and start mining the biggest trick to mining is having at least two iron pickaxes also a good source of food in your inventory and with the shield near offhand so you can block attacks as well

As exploring and lighting up a cave just be careful when you’re exploring underground not to go too far because there are a lot of hostile mobs that spawn into the game and you can very easily die under here and lose all your progress so far and always make sure to

Stay on top of your eating as one of the biggest sources of death is by not eating enough and then not regenerating your health when you get hurt well now we’re finally gonna have enough iron for all of our tools but we’re running into a small problem we don’t really have

Enough inventory room now in fact our inventory is entirely full but we want to go down in the mines and try and find some diamonds and that’s why we’re gonna have to take a small break in our progression chain and go on to the next

Step and that is making a base now all you have to make at this stage is a starter base that’s still a place to safely hold all of your items is very important the first step is always to make yourself at least four chests why four well the reason is that usually

Four chests is just enough to hold all of your items and also sort them a bit without almost instantly running out of room and of course now we can take all these items from our inventory and place them in the chest if we do not immediately need them now a starter base

Is location in Minecraft should be centered around a few useful areas for instance here we have a cave right beneath us there is a jungle to this side and there is a notion to that side and so then we have easy access to a lot of different resources and also some

Places where we could potentially build but ideally centering it around something like let’s say a village or some other structure maybe a ruined portal Woodland Mansion or some other generated structure that’s going to give you a bit of a leg up is often the best idea a starter base serves a couple

Different locations the first is a secure place to store your items but as well as that you need a dedicated respawn point so if you die I’ll actually go back there and that’s why at this point you want to craft a second bed now hopefully you have the materials

For a second bed but if not I would highly suggest going out and getting those and the reason why is that then you can set your spawn point at this bed go out and do whatever you want and with your second bet if it ends up being

Night you can set your spawn point there but let’s say you don’t and you die you’ll still have a home to generate back to instead of going all the way to the world spawn which you’re probably not anywhere near but as well as that then you have Mobility but also some

Security to spawn right next to your items again and although we don’t have these at this point some other thing things that are likely going to appear around your starter base is a area for Brewing enchanting and smelting as well as being sort of the center of all the

Different things you do so for instance your Farms strip mines and nether portal will all be very near to your starter base so just be sure to have all these things in mind when you’re first building it and of course to actually construct your starter base I would

Suggest doing it fully out of logs and planks because planks are technically easier to get Than Dirt as the amount of time it takes to punch a log and then craft that into four planks is a lot less than it is to punch four pieces of

Dirt and of course planks look quite a bit better also depending on your location the most optimal starter base will be a bit different so in this location my best choice is actually not to make a Base outside here but rather to make a base inside of this cave

Entrance make it functional but not to spend too much time making it look super nice as of course being a starter base you’re likely not going to be here for very long also if you don’t have a lot of wood turning some of your planks into slabs can definitely make them last a

Lot longer something really important as well to be aware of when you’re planning out your base make sure to not place in the two doors like this because that’ll make it so that zombies can break the doors as they do that in hard mode instead place them like this sort of

Facing away from the side where you want the doors to be then when you close them they’ll still be in the right position but to the zombies this is closed and this is open so they won’t know to break down these doors because they can think they’ll go right through them whereas in

This position they will try and break them down it’s up to you now what you do at this point here’s a couple things you could do so for instance making a crop Farm maybe an animal farm or some manual Farms but if you want to get to the end

Of the game sooner and you already have a decent amount of food for instance here we have tons of hay bales so we’re doing quite good you can skip those steps and go right on to diamond mining but if you do want to build these things

A couple pointers or as if you’re making a crop Farm make sure to use potatoes and wheat in an alternating Road design this will make them grow about two times as quickly the reason for the wheat is that then you can breach chickens as

Well as sheep and cows if you have a mob farm and the reason for the potatoes is they’re the best food source that can be grown easily and to get potatoes zombies will sometimes drop one or you might find them planted down in a village or

In some Village chests and of course for wheat if you bone meal the ground and break that grass you’ll get some seeds an animal farm is not incredibly necessary but if you want to build one here’s a couple things you need to know the only real animals that are worth

Farming at this point are more or less sheep and cows as with both chickens and pigs pigs are just not as good as cows in terms of what you get out of them as pork and beef for the exact same food value but you have the added benefit of

Leather if you have cows although of course it’s up to you and if you want to build any other small scale farms at this stage I would suggest building a micro Farm I have some different videos on this showing you how to build all kinds of different micro Farms which are

Definitely able to be built at this stage in the game so I’ll make sure to have a link to that if you wanted to check them out but anyway on to diamond mining now before we run off into the cave leaves there’s a couple things we need first I would always suggest having

At least two iron pickaxes also make sure to bring basically all the coal you have and potentially craft a furnace to bring down with you also bring at least half a stack of logs as these can be really useful for crafting things but also getting the sticks to make that

Diamond pick finally a water bucket and a boat can always be helpful about if you have to trap a mob that’s trying to get you and a water bucket to go different places or to harden obsidian we’re now going to craft a whole bunch of torches but make sure to leave some

Cool as you can use this to smell things later on also if you want to know a lot more about Mining and Minecraft and the best location to find every single ore material and other generated things underground be sure to check out my Ultimate Minecraft mining guide and I’ll

Have a link down below one other last thing you want to make sure to have is a decent supply of food as believe it or not one of the things you may run out of the quickest Underground when caving is actually your food source So to avoid unnecessary trips back up just craft

Yourself some bread or whatever other food you have easy access to now the big question when mining diamonds is should you strip mine for them or should you cave for them there are a couple other methods but none of them are super viable if you’re early game then I would

Say it totally depends on what situation you’re in if you’re near a giant cave definitely going down there to look for diamonds can often be the fastest way to find them but if you’re not in that situation fruit mining is an objectively safer method although one that also may

Not give you results as quickly but I’d always recommend going into a big cave if you can as of course even if you don’t find any diamonds there you could always from the bottom of it start a strip mine just be aware of all the Hostile Mobs and here’s a few tricks

When fighting them make sure to jump and hit the mob on the way down as this will give you a critical hit that’ll have there be much more damage to that mob to remember that Shields can block damage from basically any mob making them incredibly useful ever since Minecraft

1.18 unless the light level is literally zero then mobs cannot spawn there and so because of that even very dim area are still spawn proofed just be sure to light up the caves as you go as it’s really important but something you should do is if you run into a creeper

Or skeletons to try and kill them because as I was saying earlier getting a good supply of gunpowder as you play the game is a really good idea also collecting a small amount of string can be really nice as well but be careful for more bam bushes and sometimes

Getting them to fight each other is the most hilarious solution even if they kill each other at the exact same time but we’ve actually already found diamonds inside this cave however just be aware Hostile Mobs will definitely try and sneak up on you when you’re caving but also that the size of diamond

Doors and caves are usually smaller than those found in strip mines so often times exposed diamonds in caves are unfortunately just one or two of them and of course the lower down you go the easier it is to find diamonds as the rate of them generating is much higher

But here we found another Diamond vein that has two diamonds in it so we now have four the big question is how many diamonds should you go for a lot of players will say five and although that is a good number seven may actually be better better the reason why is this you

Want to have at least three diamonds for a pickaxe you also want two for an enchanting table but something I found is really vital when in the nether is a diamond sword and so because of that having those two extra diamonds to make yourself a diamond sword can definitely

Be very useful but let’s say you haven’t found enough diamonds through caving you want to get them through strip mining this is all you have to do simply mine down in sort of a staircase like this also another method if you don’t like the staircase is to actually mine

Straight down just simply break the blocks like this so you’re always between two different blocks this way mining straight down is never really dangerous and you want to go down until you’re at y level negative 58 the reason why is that this is the lowest place you

Can go where your diamonds are not being frequently interrupted by bad Rock and generally of course strip mines are saved so you can simply exchange your shield for torches and go on your way at the stage of the game there’s not too much of a point of making an organized

Strip mine but if you do want to do that basically make one long tunnel and then make side tunnels go going off of that every two blocks apart like this but sometimes five blocks apart will give you a higher chance for diamonds as in they’re not as close to each other so

They’re not all covering the same area and this is definitely a part of the game that requires some patience as with strip mining can unfortunately take up to an entire half hour to find some diamonds just be careful if you mine into lava to block that up quickly as

You can definitely die and lose all your items that way but I’m not getting very lucky in that strip mine so I’m gonna go back up into this massive cave which is definitely a better candidate for diamonds if you happen to have these right at your doorstep and because this

Is such an amazing cave we just found another piece of diamond in the floor here so we’re gonna mine that and that’ll now give us five diamonds which is technically enough but behind the wall here there looks like there’s one more so we’ll mine that diamond as well

Which gives us six it’s always a good idea to mine around the diamonds you find just a little bit as the chance for finding sort of parallel diamonds that are there is very likely and right on the roof here there is one more diamond oftentimes caves aren’t this lucky so

It’s always good if you don’t find diamonds fairly quickly inside of a cave to try out the strip mine method and although something like let’s say Redstone is not that useful at this stage definitely grab any gold or lapis that you find and the reason why is that

Both these things are very useful later on when we’re in the Nether and also fighting the Ender Dragon we’re now going to collect the next big thing we need to progress and to get that we’re simply going to make a diamond pickaxe then with our water bucket turn some of

This lava into obsidian but we’re not going to pick up that water bucket instead keep it there for safety we’re also going to make sure that there’s no areas that are not lit up around us as we could very easily have a mob come over here and hit us into the lava or

Even just stop us from mining that piece of obsidian you want to turn all the nearby lava into obsidian to make sure that you do not mine a piece of obsidian and then that goes into the lava and gets burnt up so that’s definitely quite an annoying thing and I’ve had that

Happen quite a bit now simply start mining your obsidian there’s a couple things you need to know you need 10 obsidian for the nether portal and four for an enchanting table so between that make sure to mine up 14 pieces of obsidian now we’re going to exit our

Mine and start using that obsidian and I just randomly found some diamonds there but oftentimes you’ll find them underneath the cave floor because of this air exposure rule generally you’ll find more diamonds if you go a little bit lower down but anyway finish up your mining trip grabbing all the things you

Find along the way as basically the more of these you have at this stage the easier this world will become also any gold you mine will be very useful for piglon trading later on be sure to start smelting anything you found while caving and now it’s on to using this 14

Obsidian first we’ll make the Nether Portal and we already have some Flint but if you don’t simply get some gravel place it down break it a few times and there’s a 1 in 10 chance you’ll get a piece of flint from that gravel instead of it dropping as gravel you’ll also

Want four generic blocks to have as the corners of this portal now we’re going to basically go outside here just a little bit away from our base and be careful if you’re caving during the night as sometimes there’ll be mobs there just like the creeper which is

Camouflaged very well in the jungle here that we’ll be waiting to try and kill you and may even blow up like this one just did we may as well Place another portal there so simply start by placing down two pieces of obsidian then having your corners and of course three

Obsidian on each side and the two upper pieces two more obsidian go back down light it and there is our first nether portal with the other four obsidian we’re gonna make an enchanting table but it seems like we don’t have any leather so we’re gonna try and find a cow and it

Looks like there is one right in front of us a good trick actually if you want cooked food from animals instead of it being raw just to Simply kill them by lighting them on fire then hitting them and making them die while they’re burning and the Food they’ll drop will

Actually be cooked like for instance this cow here it dropped cook steak instead of raw beef it’s crazy actually that one trick can save a massive amount of time all right now all you want to do is get your sugar cane and craft it into paper then play Place three of those in

The crafting grid and one of the leather in a shapeless recipe and then you’ll get a book then put your four obsidian down your one book your two diamonds and you have your enchanting table we don’t have to bother with getting some books for this enchantment table for now

That’s actually just gonna waste time but I would suggest doing is getting out some lapis and giving a light enchantment to any of the items you have for instance right here by giving this pickaxe and breaking one just that is going to basically double its durability which is pretty awesome for basically

Free enchantment also see what you can get on your iron boots so for instance this might have Unbreaking one or even something like knock back one on our sword could be decent anyway we now have our enchanting table and we also have our nether portal now it’s on to the

Next step nether exploration and before we just jump right through this nether portal there’s a couple things we want to do the first one is make sure your spawn point is set and then put basically all of your items in a chest including your armor just go into The

Nether with literally nothing on you then go through the the portal once and the point of this is basically to see what’s on the other side and it looks like in this nether is a Crimson Forest so we’re gonna go right back here as quickly as possible as the Crimson

Forest is actually fairly dangerous Nether biome but we now know what we need the first and most important thing is going to be some gold armor we’ll just go with golden boots because they’re the cheapest and this will protect us from piglens and at this stage again it’s always great just to

See what enchantments are available so for instance right here these golden boots are giving us feather falling too which is obviously really nice that’s going to help us a lot when we’re in the nether so the items you need to have to safely go to the nether is a shield you

Also want flint and steel as much food as possible I would say minimum half a stock but really the more the better the reason why is that it’s really hard to get more food in the Nether and you’ll use it up quite a bit as you’ll often

Get really high damage there because of all the mobs you don’t want to have any valuables on you so I would not suggest bringing anything made out of diamond but once you find another Fortress you could bring a diamond sword also a few log dogs can be a good idea as there’s

Certain items you can craft out of wood that you cannot craft out of the nether sort of wood and bringing a few boats can definitely make you a lot safer you also want to bring a bow and arrows even if you don’t really have very many good

Ones even just a few is going to be really useful also some Overworld blocks so for instance a stack of dirt and maybe a stack of cobbled deep slates a good idea this will help you mark things out which is really important something you may also not think of that you want

Is some torches if you happen to have some apples like I do you might want to craft one or two golden apples but I wouldn’t suggest making too many as you want to save most of those gold ingots for pigland trading and I don’t have much string but if you do have string

And bamboo scaffolding is also really great and a bit of extra iron can never be a bad thing I’m gonna bring the center Pearl as well as it can help you sometimes get out of really bad situations now the first step to exploring the nether is to mark down the

Coordinates so if you’re in Java Edition you can just press F3 and F2 or if you’re in Bedrock make sure to turn on coordinates and then write those down somewhere as you’re definitely going to need that once you’ve written down your coordinates you want to get your torches

Or maybe one of the Overworld blocks and basically start marking out an area from your portal over to wherever you want to go so for instance we’re in this sort of Crimson Forest we may as well go this way and we’re looking for one thing and that is another Fortress another thing

You might find is a Bastion but at this stage of the game reading a Bastion is probably not a very good idea so I would generally suggest just going for another Fortress if you’re having trouble finding one you can always use a seed finder but what I would generally

Suggest is simply exploring long distances and then going back to your portal by following the coordinates that you marked down it seems like in this world we’re actually really lucky because there’s another Fortress right here next to our portal that doesn’t mean it’s not a really good idea to

Still Mark out a safe route back there and that’s because oftentimes you’ll be in near-death situations when you’re at the nether fortress I would say it’s the second most dangerous thing you have to do before you beat the Ender Dragon and so because of that having lots of safety

Precautions is always good we’re now going to equip our shield and head into The Nether Fortress the best thing to do is to try and Mark out where your entrance to it is and maybe have a small Trail going there until there’s a way to go multiple directions inside of the

Fortress as then you’ll know which way to go there’s a few specific things we’re looking for here at the nether fortress and something really important is let’s say you find a tunnel that just leads nowhere simply place a block at the start of that it doesn’t stop you

From going forward but it just says there’s nothing past that area so going this direction is a waste of time usually this will tend to block off most of the nether fortress and by using this you can slowly eliminate areas that you’ve already been be careful if you

Run into any blazes hold up your Shield to block the Fireballs then hit the Blaze and if it’s not on fire it’s actually fairly safe but also be aware for any wither skeletons that you may run into in fact sometimes placing blocks like this or less right above

Your head can actually be really great things to make safe areas just like the Enderman this will fully stop off those with her skeletons always check nether fortress chests and break them once you’ve found them that way you will not try double looting them and just waste

Time and these can actually be really common for instance that one was just here here’s one over here that has three diamonds in it which is quite lucky and going to the one at the end of this tunnel there’s one more and that one had some gold in it there’s a few things

We’re looking for here of course there are those nether loot just but as well as that there can be wither skeletons you want to be careful with those you also want blaze rods from The Blaze and some netherwort looks like we just found some Netherwood now there’s basically

One main area you’ll find it they can sometimes be in the nether fortress chests but the biggest place they are are right beneath these stairs they’ll be this small crop of the Nether wart you definitely do not have to collect very many of them but you can if you

Want the only other main thing we need to get from the nether fortress at this point is the blaze rod and I hear a lot of blaze up here so in fact there’s one right there you want to be really careful of course with the blaze as

Again they can kill you really quickly with with their Fireballs these ones right here are sort of in a position where they can’t really hit us but because there are two cycles of shooting those Fireballs are offset it can be really hard to stop them effectively using a shield to defeat these is

Definitely vital if you have a lot of arrows for your bow and arrow you can use those to defeat the blaze but if not I would definitely suggest saving them and we’ve now killed three blazes but there’s unfortunately no blaze rods they have dropped yet this isn’t really the

Best place to look for them though what we want to do is find the link between the outside part of the nether fortress and the inside part and that’s really easy also be careful sometimes you’ll go back to a place you’d previously explored for it to be full of blazes and

Wither skeletons that’s because they can spawn in where you were for instance there’s a wither skeleton after me right now so we’re gonna block it off so it cannot get to me but I’m now gonna break these blocks so I can get through but it can’t and be really careful these are

Hard to see in contrast to the Nether Bricks and so because of that one of the easiest ways of dying in the Nether Fortress Is to be secretly hit by one of these wither skeletons even skeletons can occasionally spawn in the nether fortress so it’s good to be careful

About those as well if you do ever get hurt simply hide behind a wall and regenerate your health slowly once it is up all the way then you can go back and try and defeat the mobs now this is the part where we have to get ender pearls

And blaze rods that’s because between both of them we can get eyes a vendor which will lead us to the stronghold and eventually the end Dimension hitting blaze rods at this stage of the game without looting can be quite difficult so it’s a good idea not to grab too many

All you need right now is 11 of them eight for the Eyes of Ender and three if you want to do Brewing so technically if you’re really speedrunning you only need to grab really eight of them now fighting a lot of Blaze at once can be really difficult so kind of isolating

The ones they can see you at one time really makes this a lot easier so for instance right here we’re kind of going around corners slowly knock them down to really only one Blaze that we’re fighting either way usually you want to go past this lava well room and once

You’re there then you can go around and basically find the displays as they tend to be most there on the outside portion of this also make sure to destroy any fire that could be underneath those Blaze as any blaze rods that drop will simply get burnt make sure to always

Check the durability of your Shield right here I don’t have a lot of durability so I’m going to recraft one that’s one of the reasons why I brought a bunch of wood now looks like up here we found a blaze spawner and funny enough it’s covered by glowstone this is

Really rare usually what happens is this Blaze spawner can spawn Blaze around it and it still can’t even though there is that glowstone so you want to be quite careful however if there’s a crazy amount of light around it then it actually will not spawn in any Blaze so

Just be aware that you can kind of control how many there are by how much light there is it’s just not as easy as most things once you have found the blaze spawner you sort of want to block off around it because once you’ve done that then you can have safe areas and

You can decide where the blaze spawn not the other way if you do find a blaze spawner you’re basically all set as this is the main time consuming thing you’re gonna need so you want to go to the outer area find the display spawner and once you do break anything around it

That might be stopping them from spawning in be careful not to get too near the blaze either even if they’re not on fire as they can still hit you with a really potent melee attack also it’s always a good idea to have little Corners where you can hide from those

Blaze if let’s say you’re on fire or really hurt that’s definitely quite important we now have 11 blaze rods but I’ll probably get a couple more just because I have this easy place to farm them and rarely we’ll need a few more eyes a vendor so we’re going to follow

Our torches back to the entrance and go for the second thing which is ender pearls no ender pearls used to be a lot more difficult to get but since Minecraft 1.16 there’s two more much easier ways of getting them than there ever used to be in the game the first

One is with pigland trading which a lot of speedrunners will do and it relies a lot on luck but the second thing you can do is hunt Enderman in the Warped Forest now we may as well do both so I’m going to throw some of the gold ingots on the

Ground here and will they sit there I’m gonna go through the portal and basically put some of our items away the trick is is to put any treasure you found back in the chest so again if you die let’s say in the nether you’re losing as few items as possible but an

Important thing to do is to restock on food when you go back to that Enderman hunt and just generally restocking all your supplies between the steps is a really good idea though we haven’t gotten very lucky with this piglin but what we are going to do is try and find

A work Forest we’re going to Mark out our path with Cobblestone just because it’s something that doesn’t really occur naturally inside of the world one of the reasons why you need to bring a bow and arrow in the nether is for this and that is fighting ghosts because it’s

Basically the only effective way to do it if you’re in Java Edition you can actually use boats to avoid fall damage simply look beneath you and make sure you’re not going to land on anything bad and you’ll take no damage that way and after exploring for a decent amount of

Time we have found a warped Forest now this is the biome where Enderman spawn and only Enderman in fact outside of them it’s basically peaceful mode so all you have to do is just find one of the multiple Endermen that are going to be here dig yourself a small area in the

Mountain and then anger that Enderman and then you can basically hide in that area another method if you’re in Java is to place down a boat and then try to trap that Enderman inside of the boat they won’t always get inside it but once they do you can simply hit them from

There in Bedrock they can also go inside of boats but the only difference is inside a Bedrock they can actually teleport right out of the boats which I would say definitely makes it a very dangerous option for trying to kill Enderman then for whatever reason there

Is 10 Enderman I killed in a row and none of them dropped pearls but finally after that an Enderman did drop a pearl so I just have to get to more I wasn’t able to mark out very well where I was inside of the Warped forest and so

Because of that I’m going to use the coordinates that I marked down of my nether portal to find the easiest way back and I just randomly found a group of like four Endermen so I may as well try and get some ender pearls from them

And finally we made our way back to this torch Trail now that we have all the ender pearls and blaze rods we can start by making a brewing Style and although we probably won’t use it at this point it’s still a good thing to have and of

Course the big thing is we’re gonna make 16 pieces of blaze powder and combine them with 16 of our ender pearls and that’ll give us 16 Eyes of Ender which should definitely be enough to find her way all the way to the stronghold the stronghold is very likely nowhere near

Where your temporary base is and so because of that you want to make sure to bring any items with you that you think you might need to raid the stronghold but as well as defeat the dragon so I’m going to start by harvesting the enchanting table here as well as taking

This stack of lapis one other thing I would suggest doing is grabbing enough obsidian so that you have a total of 10 obsidian the reason for this is that once we get to the stronghold we can build a portal at the stronghold which will give us an easy path that goes from

The stronghold to our base and this is super important because it can actually be somewhat difficult to travel the entire distance on foot then we can super easily travel between our base and the stronghold I already have three so I’m going to grab seven more more obsidian before you go looking for this

Stronghold you basically want to stay up one night and try and kill as many creepers as possible the reason why is that the gunpowder for them will be super useful later on when we’re reading the end while not of course being too risky as you probably have a lot of

Levels at this point it would be really bad to lose them when you do eventually raid the end and you find your first elytra if you already have a decent amount of fireworks with you you actually have no need to go back to the Overworld with that elytra and then

Slowly wait as your pile of gunpowder gets larger and larger and then eventually with a large amount of rockets you can go and raid the end and of course one piece of gunpowder will equal three firework Raw Cuts and so you don’t actually have to kill that many

Creepers to get let’s say a stack of fireworks which is probably a good number to go for so maybe something like 20 pieces of gunpowder would be good and of course when you’re fighting creepers just always bring a shield with you as it’s really easy to block their

Explosions with that so there’s not really any risk of getting hurt and we now have 23 gun powder which I think is enough so what we’re now going to do is get all of our items together to go find the stronghold there are a couple of

Other things we want to bring the first one being a good supply of arrows now right now I only have five arrows which is definitely not enough so we’re gonna craft as many as we possibly can and since we have 10 feathers we’ll try and get 10 pieces of Flint from gravel as

Then with that we can craft four arrows per piece of gravel but 45 arrows should be enough ideally you could have two stocks but you just need enough to be able to destroy all the end crystals also you want to pick a diamond weapon and then use that I think I’m gonna go

With the diamond ax anyway we should have just about all the items we would need to make this dragon fight easier and so now we’re going to start throwing These Eyes vendor and see which direction they go the best thing to do when throwing the Eyes of Ender is to go

To an open place where you can see in basically every direction then throw the Eye of Ender and notice which direction it goes and it looks like it went this way but I didn’t actually get to see that but I believe it did go this way

We’ll try one more time yeah it looks like it went directly this way it must have gone in the tree and the idea is is that basically what you want to do is you want to go the exact Direction it went now that I’ve entered did break so

You want to be careful as there is a 20 chance for the eyes vendor to break instead of just dropping so you can grab them again but anyway you want to throw one eye a vendor and basically just start traveling in the direction that it shows and probably go that way for I

Would say about five to six hundred blocks as generally the strongholds will be nowhere near you and so by traveling a long way then you can sort of narrow down how far you have to go just remember the general direction it showed for me that was approximately Northwest

And so then I can use that as reference when I’m traveling another good thing to know is that because of the interesting way that the strongholds generate inside of Minecraft basically you’ll never find them right next to spawn and so there’s no point of trying to throw another Pearl unless you’ve traveled a

Significant distance in the direction that it shows but now that we’ve gone quite far we’ll throw an eye a vendor and see if it leads in the same direction it does it to a very similar Direction so we’ll just pick up the eye vendor there as of course most times

It’ll just pop off like that instead of breaking another important thing you should gather during your journey is a decent amount of cool so you can craft some torches to be able to effectively explore the stronghold now again we’re going to travel to a fairly high up area

So we can get a good view around and we’ll throw another one of these Eyes of Ender and it seems to still lead in this direction so we’ll just go that way until it stops going in that direction another really good thing to do if you

Can is to try and kill a bunch of animals on your way there the reason why is that when fighting the Ender Dragon you need a really good food source and so by fighting a bunch of mobs that are there their meat is always going to be

Better than let’s say potatoes or bread and there happens to be this Village that is really nearby on our journey to the stronghold so you may as well head here and try and get a bunch of food so that when we are fighting the Ender Dragon we have a high saturation which

Means that when we get hurt we’re going to regenerate our health really quickly and there is a blacksmith over here and it looks like we got super lucky there were three diamonds in this blacksmith chest although this is definitely not common it is always a good idea to look

In the structures that you see on your way to the stronghold as just like that they might have some secret items that are going to be super useful on your journey or maybe even make your fight a lot more possible like with those diamonds and the last Pearl we threw we

Were over here and it went this direction Sophie throw a pearl right here the direction that it shows us is going to be really useful to know so I’ll just go back a little ways so the Pearl does not hopefully go over the edge there we’re gonna throw this and it

Seems like it’s going this direction now this is a different direction than it went the other time and you can see right there that Pearl actually broke so if one of the lines is going this direction and one of the lines is going this direction wherever those two lines

Meet is basically where the stronghold’s gonna be now of course that doesn’t tell us a massive amount but my guess is it’s probably somewhere on that little island there or of course you know underneath that island so the next Pearl I throw will be on there there as I’m fairly

Certain that those two lines will cross when they’re on that island we’re now here on the island anyway and I’m gonna throw an eye vendor and see which direction it goes it actually went this direction which is a good sign although the Eye of Ender did break we’ll

Probably go over this way a bit and throw it again and it seems like the eye vendor actually went downwards which means that it must be directly beneath us so more or less if you’re within 12 blocks of the chunk where the stronghold’s main staircases then the

Eye vendor will fly down so for instance being right here if we throw this you’ll notice it goes this direction which is downwards which means somewhere right around here is where that stronghold staircase is and because it keeps trying to fly up around here you notice it

Keeps going down in this direction so basically it’s right here so we’ll mark this out real quick and the exact place for that eye vendor travels is actually the coordinate 0 0 of the chunk and you’ll notice with chunk borders on that this pillar we put down is right between

Them so now we just have to find which one of these is zero zero also this step is not necessary at all it just makes it that you can dig straight down to the staircase of course digging down basically anywhere in this area will very likely make you mine into some part

Of the stronghold so you’ll notice with all these this one is 15-0 this one is 15 15. this one is 0 15 but this one is zero zero so this is the chunk that we’ve been led into so we got that off by literally one block which is pretty

Good now we want to go to block four or four of the chunk just like this and this will be the place that we dig down from but anyway we’re gonna start digging straight down basically going between these two blocks I sort of make a safe way of digging straight down

Which is of course the thing that people tell you in Minecraft to never do but in this situation it’s definitely the best idea and here is some stone bricks and if we break this you can see yes that’s exactly what happened but anyway now that we’re in the stronghold how do we

Explore it there are three main things we want to look for the first one being any stronghold libraries the second one being the stronghold portal and the third one being any chests well looks like yours the first one already the stronghold library that’s definitely very conveniently near the place we dug

Own we want to make sure to look in the chests here as we need the paper but we’re going to leave any enchanted books for later and there’s always two chests one up there and one down here in the library section now that we’re in the stronghold library we also want to

Gather string from these cobwebs so basically break the cobwebs with a sword because then it’ll drop that string and the point of this string is to craft scaffolding now you need one string per six scaffolding and because we brought two stacks of bamboo with us we’re going

To need about 20 pieces of string and this scaffolding is incredibly vital for the first part of the ender dragon fight so I’m gonna craft all my bamboo into scaffolding and just like with the nether fortress the trick is basically the same you want to go through the

Entire stronghold and once you find an area that’s useless simply block that up so that you do not get fooled by it a second time strongholds can also be very large so you always want to be careful when exploring them this part of the strong hold here there’s always a chest

That’s hidden Above This sort of well thing so it’s always good to look in there because there could be some useful loot it looks like next to the staircase here that this strong hold was actually intersected by a Ravine and although I’m not sure if the portal is here or not I

Can see a second Library over here and in this second stronghold library there seems to be a bunch more paper which I’ll definitely grab as we can use that for the firework rockets and it looks like there’s a massive additional section to the stronghold that I didn’t

Even realize was here and this often happens with stronghold exploration because it’s just so large it’s really common to find hilarious that you didn’t even realize existed and we can see there’s sort of just some tunnels that go around here I do hear some Lavo may

As well mine through here oh looks like it actually is the stronghold that’s through here which is pretty cool I’m not sure this links into everything else or why we’re unable to find it before but hopefully now that we know where it is we can find the way back and it looks

Like what it was is basically directly through here so from that Ravine we just go right through here into this iron door and there is the main stronghold portal the first step is always to break the silverfish spawner as there’s just really never a good reason to have it

There and I would actually always suggest doing that when you find the stronghold portal is to to set up a temporary base there and you’ll want to get any raw meat you have in your inventory smelting if you were grabbing it for the ender dragon fight now we’re

Going to grab our Diamond sticks enchanting table and Lapis and we’re going to enchant our items now with 10 Diamonds the only thing we can use that has almost all of them is Boots as well as a helmet which should actually be good because both these items are fairly

Useful although of course we could make leggings we just wouldn’t have enough for everything else and now with how many other levels you have lapis and enchanting table you want to go back to one of those stronghold libraries and enchant your items there now the idea would be we’ll basically find an area

Where the enchanting table would be next to a massive amount of bookshelves at the same time and now the enchanting table goes up to level 30 now let’s check what the enchantments are the boots have feather falling for which is literally perfect but we do not have 30

Levels so if we put a torch here to block it off a bit that’s not level 26 let’s try placing the torch in a different area now it’s at 28 but it still says feather falling for so we’re going to enchant that as that’s going to

Increase our our chance of survival by a massive percentage in both the ender dragon fight as well as the end City and we also got a bunch of other great stuff on there so that was definitely really good and let’s see what the helmet has it has blast protection for which isn’t

Really perfect we could see what’s on The Sword and the sword could have Unbreaking three the bow could also have Unbreaking three I think we’ll give the sword Unbreaking three and see if we get anything else with it and it also is looting 2 which is actually additionally

Very very good because when we’re fighting the show crews that’s going to give us more of their shells we’re technically at 23 levels so I think I’ll just enchant a random item to take it down a level and at level 21 we have either power two or on the helmet we

Have respiration too well I think power two although not amazing is definitely decent it’ll help us a bit we also got on breaking too and we can get protection too on our helmet so we’ll do that and the rest of our iron armor will just enchant it with the highest level

Enchantment we can get and the point of the Torches as it basically blocks them from powering this so now that we’ve Enchanted all of our items we’re going to return back back here and get the full list of everything we need to bring also right next to the end portal here

We’re just going to throw up another portal light it go through and later on we can use this to travel back a lot easier the first step is to make sure a spawn point is set right next to the end portal so if you do die you can come

Back then you want eyes a vendor you want Ender Pearls we’ll leave end rating supplies here for now if you can get it a golden apple can be super useful you also want the best armor you can possibly get as much of your tool set as

You have you also want a decent amount of cobblestone or some other easy building block and make sure it’s one that Enderman cannot pick up some wood is always good and a shield to block against Enderman also one really important thing to bring I do not have

Here is glass bottles in fact I would suggest having about three stacks of glass bottles if not more I mean nearly as many as you can possibly get because when you’re fighting the Ender Dragon you can collect the dragon’s breath with those which will save time later from

Having to respawn the Ender Dragon and then collect it from there but other than that we have all the items we need so now for the big moment we’re going to light up the end portal go through it and defeat the Ender Dragon and here we

Are in the end now there’s a couple of different places that you can spawn in on top of that obsidian pillar either inside of the rock or you’re outside of it and so if you are inside make sure to dig a staircase upwards but if you’re

Not that’s why it’s good to have the ender pearls and building blocks as sometimes there’s actually no easy way of getting out because it’ll be all the way out in the void and you can just see the end Island from somewhat of a distance anyway here we are at the Ender

Dragon Battle and there it is of all the towers that have the end crystals on them two of them have cages on top so we want to make sure to destroy all the end crystals because that’s how the Ender Dragon regenerates so you basically want to hit those from a distance but you

Want to be careful as of course if you hit them incorrectly and lose too many arrows then you will not have a safe way of getting them anymore and the Ender Dragon will sometimes throw the dragon’s breath at you and that’s really dangerous so it’s good to be careful of

That but anyway you want to start by going around and hitting all the end crystals that you can reach without having to pile up or break the iron bars also of course being incredibly careful to avoid eye contact with any of the Enderman there’s not really any more

Easy to head and Crystal Towers left so we’re going to do is we’re going to make a scaffolding that goes all the way up here and then from there we can hit them we’re going to be careful because the Ender Dragon can sometimes fly right

Next to us like it is right now and if it does hit the scaffolding the scaffolding will break and then of course we’ll fall to our death and so something really important is at the base of the place where we can fall to place down a water bucket so we can

Safely go up here and if we do fall down and could possibly die then from here we’ll be safe because we can land in the water now once we’re up here we want to hit that end Crystal but of course watching the location of the Ender

Dragon as it is now flying really close to us and it looks like I’ve angered an Enderman now if you’ve ever done this something to do is to place down a water bucket and there’s this water around you that you can be protected from and so

From that water then you can hit these Enderman safely the only issue of course is that sometimes the Ender Dragon fire its dragon’s breath at you so then what you have to do is you have to run place down that water bucket again go to the center of the water bucket and from

There yet again you can basically go and you can try and find a place to avoid it from and now that we’ve dealt with that angry Enderman we can continue on with the fight and relative safety something that’s often a good idea is to go Fairly

Far away from the center of the area and to place down a water bucket and to make your scaffolding from there because in the chance of the Ender Dragon breaking it is super low although it seems like all the crystals over here have been destroyed often times from a vantage

Point like that then you can be fairly safe to try and Destroy them but the Ender Dragon will almost always try and fly in your direction like it did right there as soon as it’s done being on the pedestal so that’s the most important time to look out there’s one more the

End Crystal’s gone now there’s very few of these that are left for us to need to destroy we have to be careful because the dragon can go really directly at us or have to get a little bit lower here as you saw even then the Ender Dragon

Hit us so for even higher we’d probably be dead always make sure to grab your water it’s definitely your most important resource now once you’re at this stage and it’s hard to see which one of the towers are left just see which one the Ender Dragon has that beam

From and so from there then we can just go up and hit that one and so yeah again we can pile up here and destroy that end Crystal and you can see from up here all the crystals but that one over there are gone we can probably actually hit that

Crystal we have to be careful as there’s a big chance that the dragon could destroy the scaffolding and there’s that Crystal gone you can see so now they’re at that stage of the fight we can basically now fall down into any of the water here destroy the bottom piece and

Pick up our water and let all that scaffolding go everywhere unless there’s one Crystal left that I haven’t noticed we’re now at the stage of the fight we’re mean to hit the dragon now when the dragon is ruling down to land this is a really good time to hit it because

That’s the best time now if I turn on hitboxes you’ll notice here near the dragon’s head there’s this box if you can hit it in that boxer that’s when it’s going to get damaged the most so sometimes a good idea is to wait for it to fly away and the second that it

Starts to fly away which it’ll probably do in just a minute here then we can probably hit it with some arrows so more or less hit the Ender Dragon with as many arrows as you possibly can more or less until you run out of them especially trying to aim for its head if

You can I would say the best time to hit it is when it’s swirling down like this it’s definitely the easiest point to hit it and you want to go below it and start hitting the dragon with your sword just be really careful because it can throw

You into the air so if you throw an ender pearl and it lands that’s what can save you as what I did right there throwing the ender pearl saved me but still that’s why the ender pearls are so important to have and we are now unfortunately out of arrows so we can

Only hit it with our sword now that it’s down here we can try and hit it as much as possible so we’re going to go underneath it and hit it just like this trying to jump up and hit it on the way down is always the best idea of course

If you have a sharp and a sword or something like that it can often be a lot better you just have to be really careful as of course when that ender dragon flies away you can get flung up into the air like I was just there although I did throw the ender pearl

Right then you still have to be really careful but now the dragon is at half health so it shouldn’t be that difficult to go underneath it and basically start hitting it but again you just have to be super careful with this it’ll probably throw you into the air but just having

Those ender pearls ready it’s fairly easy and you can notice here we’re getting a massive amount of damage taken off of the Ender Dragon and here comes Xander Dragon down one more time so we’re just gonna go beneath it and try and hit it as much as possible if we do

Try and hit it in the head the damage can be way more but we can also get thrown up in the air like that so you have to be super careful with only a fifth of its HP left we should be able to kill it as soon as it goes back down

We may as well eat our golden apple for this go back down here and see if we can finish off the dragon as soon as possible as it’s getting super low and basically one more hit and we’ll be able to get it that just flung us up into the

Air again so literally we just have to go down here hit the Ender Dragon once and the Ender Dragon is now defeated and there we go free the end so for a lot of people they count this as the end of Minecraft but there’s a lot more to it

This is such an amazing end sequence we can see the Dragon explodes there we have this awesome beam that goes up into the sky over there and now we have a massive amount of levels now this is one of the only places in the game to get these insanely large XP orbs and

Combined all together you can get an absolutely insane amount of levels and one quick thing not to forget is to Simply grab a torch here right click on the dragon egg then look at where it appeared dig under at one block place a torch break the block here have the

Ender Dragon egg fall down and now before we go through the end Gateway over there and raid the end cities we’re just gonna jump through here you could always take a look at the credits if you want although they are quite long and then once you’ve done that you’ll

Teleport back to your spawn point for us that was right next to the end portal here and now for the final goal in the main sequence of events in Minecraft and that is the end City so for the end City we need similar things to the Ender

Dragon fight but also as many fireworks as possible as many wood items as possible some scaffolding is really important water buckets are necessary as well as much food as you can possibly get something you also want to craft is a trapdoor or you can use an ender pearl

If you’re in Bedrock Edition and I would almost always suggest waiting to loot the end until you have eluding two or three sword and because we did actually very luckily get eluding two sword it’s perfect you also want to have as many building blocks as you can possibly get

Your hands on and that’s for bridging across the end that’s just about all you need so we’re gonna go through here and get ourselves some elytra we can basically go over to the first one of these portals that open up now technically every single time you defeat

The Ender Dragon a new portal will open up so it’s up to you how many of those you want and they all go to different areas and once you’re up here put down a trap door flip it down so that you’re in crawl mode or if you’re in Bedrock just

Throw an ender pearl into there and whatever method you do you’ll go through here and you’ve now been teleported to the other end and you can see there’s a sort of strange Beacon beam here and we are now at the remote getaway and we actually got fairly lucky here because

You can see there’s two end cities very very close in radius and this one seems to have an end ship but if there’s not you basically just have to super slowly go between here we do have one problem though and that’s the fact that we’re incredibly far away from the edge of

Anything so that we could throw an ender pearl at this distance it’s way too risky so we’re gonna do even though it’s a bit nerve-wracking is we’re gonna bridge out across here with the End Stone and we’re also going to have handy on our inventory and ender pearl just in

Case we do end up falling down we’ll at least have a chance to go back up the first thing you have to know that’s really important is that if you have an end City that’s super nearby or really whatever your closest density is make sure to save those two shulkers that are

Right at the entrance because they’re really important if you want to make yourself a shulker farm later on also just chop down a couple chorus plants and get yourself a boat a stack of chorus fruit and I’ll tell you the reason for this later and you want to

Equip your shield and head over to the end City and try using the shield to avoid getting hit with these shulker pellets although another good trick to try is to basically hide underneath something the point of the chorus fruit is it teleports you to the ground and so

Because of that if you feel like you’re flying away you can actually use that to safely land now unfortunately in Java Edition even with looting getting these shulker shells is fairly difficult but in Bedrock it is a bit easier especially if you do have looting and also when

You’re hitting those shulkers if they’re open they’ll actually take a lot more damage placing down a water bucket is often a really good idea because not only is it a really good way of traversing through here it’ll also make it that if you let’s say have the

Levitation effect you can still go up and down as the effect does not apply inside of water the things you want to be looking out for when raiding the end city are the end rods if you like to decorate with them although they can be crafted with popped chorus fruits and

Blaze rods you also of course want to kill every single shulker you see as the shulker shells are really only second to elytra in terms of how valuable they are and the third thing you want to be looking out for is the loot chests that are around there’s also the ender chests

And anything you put in here like let’s say these shulker shells will stay in there forever even if you die or of course you can take them out that’s like a transport chest and also within the loot chests here there’s all kinds of great stuff like gold emeralds iron and

Also diamond armor and tools so you can generally use these to upgrade yourself from a mix of iron to Pure Diamond now sometimes there are these massive shulker rooms and these are the most dangerous rooms in the entire end City you want to be really careful with these

As it’s incredibly easy to dye and also the shulkers tend to teleport away quite a bit and so I would suggest really hiding into a corner so the shulkers can’t make you go any higher up and try and kill all the Choppers at the bottom first by basically just staying in the

Corner but make sure to use your Shield a lot and eat a lot of high saturation Foods as these shulkers can be very deadly I’d actually suggest breaking these chests also so that later on when you’re trying to get some shulker boxes you can craft them out of these chests

We now have the levitation effect and are flying over to the end ship here and we’re just going to use an ender pearl there to safely get here there’s actually a brewing stand that spawns in and this is where the two other main pieces of loot in the end City are not

All n cities have these end ships but if they do this is where the best stuff is the first one is of course the elytra which is the most important thing and eventually you want to try and get mending and Unbreaking on there because once you do you then have unlimited

Flight inside of Minecraft craft there’s also two shulkers that spawn here the second piece of loot though on the end ship that everyone forgets about is the dragon head so be sure to go over here and grab the dragon head as this is the only place to get this super rare and

Valuable item inside of the entire game and funny enough you can actually wear this on your head and it’ll open and close and if there’s Redstone behind it it’ll do that as well but now that you have the elytra once you’ve rated the first end City grab those firework

Rockets that you had before and the first thing you actually want to do if you haven’t already is travel back to where that end Gateway is and make sure to mark down the coordinates of it as you definitely do not want to lose it so I’ll mark down these at just about 0

Negative one thousand which is quite easy then you want to fly in a straight line trying to find the next end City that’s good to try and go as efficiently as possible as of course your lighter durability will soon run out but the good news is is that generally what you

Can do is you can craft all the shulker shells you find into more shulker boxes then you can place all the loot you find in those shulker boxes and if you happen to have a pair of elytra that run out of durability all you have to do is just

Grab the elytra from the next end ship like let’s say the end ship on this end City we’re coming to right now and of course also make sure to grab that dragon head grab it along with all the loot that’s in this chest of course and then once you relate your durability is

Really low you can just switch it out for the new one and save your old elytra in one of your storage shulker boxes so the only thing that can limit this permanent end raid is if you run out of food or rockets and if you brought a lot

Of both then you can get yourself a massive amount of all these great items and go back to the overall with elytra Diamond Armor shulker boxes diamond tools Treasures dragon heads and so much more even straight up diamonds can be in the loot chests here and it ends up

Being really quick and so there we have it full diamond armor three pairs of elytra and really as much more as we want and of course all you have to do to head back is go through one of those end gateways then go through the main portal

And you’re done so that’s the guide to survival in Minecraft I am gonna have more guides like this going through mid game late game and hopefully discussing the entire mind Craft World in general I really hope this massive guide helped you and I’ll see you in the next one goodbye

This video, titled ‘The Ultimate Minecraft 1.20 Survival Guide – New World To Elytra’, was uploaded by Eyecraftmc on 2022-11-21 15:00:19. It has garnered 1459744 views and 32700 likes. The duration of the video is 01:00:18 or 3618 seconds.

The Ultimate Minecraft 1.20 Survival Guide – New World To Elytra

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Learn Everything About Survival Minecraft in this Ultimate Minecraft Guide to Survival, Including How to Start Your New Minecraft World, How to Get Diamonds and Mine in Minecraft 1.20 and Raid The Nether Fortress, Defeat The Ender Dragon and Raid End Cities For Elytra and Shulker Boxes. Also With over 25 Tips for Minecraft You Might Not Know and top 15 tips and Tricks in Minecraft in this Ultimate Guide to become a pro in this Minecraft Beginners Guide with How to Play Minecraft Survival and How to Start your Minecraft Survival World Properly with Minecraft Beginner and Advanced Tips and Tricks and 29 Ways You Might Be Playing Minecraft Wrong not quite 157 Minecraft Facts You Missed But also Cheap Minecraft Hacks and Minecraft 1.20 and 1.20 Tutorial Hope you enjoy!

📑Chapters📑 0:00 – Survival Minecraft Guide 0:10 – First Steps In New World 2:30 – Exploration Explained 5:54 – Tool Upgrades & Caving 9:19 – Creating a Starter Base 12:29 – Crop, Animal & Micro Farms 13:56 – How to Mine Diamonds 17:18 – Strip Mining For Diamonds 19:20 – Collecting & Using Obsidian 22:42 – Nether Exploration & Raiding 26:03 – Nether Fortress Raiding 29:13 – Ender Pearls & Blaze Rods 34:16 – Finding The Stronghold 41:41 – Raiding The Stronghold 47:03 – Ender Dragon Battle 50:38 – Defeating The Ender Dragon 53:37 – Raiding The End Cities

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  • Prismarine Nations – Semi-Vanilla PvP Roleplay

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  • Villagers Fooled by Clever Traps

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  • Unleash Your Power on Minewind Minecraft Server!

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The Ultimate Minecraft 1.20 Survival Guide – New World To Elytra