The Ultimate Minecraft Comeback

Video Information

I hope my audio’s working is my audio work it is working all right we have begun we are back excuse me all right oh okay welcome to Minecraft this is the world look how beautiful my girlfriend’s house is isn’t it amazing there’s there’s a a building over there there’s a barn up

There oh my goodness I’ll Tour the World in a minute for now I must continue my quest to strip mine I’m going to light up down here too while I’m at it all right seems to be a lot of mobs I don’t want to blow up King buo

How’s it going it’s been a minute since I’ve streamed how has your time been since uh since the last stream yo elf games what’s up yeah Buu gets number one let’s go I’m sure there’s plenty of people who would want that position right now just in my

Mind which uh as you can see has has a warden somewhere but I I have not encountered him him yet and I know I will at some point and it’s going to be a not very fun time weather’s getting warmer lucky you King where I live uh it’s we’re having

Another cold snap so for like a week it was like plus eight plus six everything seemed fine and then last weekend uh I think hell froze over because it got down to like minus 20 minus 30 again so you know winter’s not done here where am I what am I doing okay

Minus 10 we shall continue car any snowballs on me is that a thing because I have a crap ton of snowballs in my uh chest upstairs since I live in a mountain and when I terraform I get a [ __ ] ton of [ __ ] ton of balls

So but is that of all things is that actually the warden’s weakness Minnesota’s warm in February lucky lucky lucky lucky Northern Alberta doesn’t have that that doesn’t have that luxury oh I guess central Alberta Mario and Luigi’s Bowser’s Inside Story I’ve never played it before I’ve seen some video essays on it

I would imag I imagine it’s a good game carry snowballs on you and if you encounter the war and you can throw a snowball to lure him away very interesting light claw hello meat I like your Mario Kart DS videos thank you very much light claw I appreciate it I was

Working on a Mario Kart DS video before I started streaming but the urge to play Minecraft is too great so I’m gonna work on the video uh when I’m done here in probably an hour or two I need to know how everybody’s doing on this fine Friday it’s been one hell

Of a busy day for me but the week is over we can all go party celebrate do what humans do in my case play Minecraft and sit in my dorm am I doing anything other than Minecraft today I think this is going to be a pure

Minecraft stream it is it’s that time of the year you know it always seems like there’s like one point in the year where I just get the urge to play Minecraft and I go hard into the game for like a month or two and then I just get Bor what’s up

Antonio also known as Hector welcome back welcome back wow wow King Buu gets school off today I miss when I had Fridays off in high school unfortunately I don’t get that luxury but to be fair I have more free time on my weekdays in University than I

Did back in high school when you were forced to go to classes for eight day eight hours out of your day okay am I ever going to find diamonds what level am I at we’re minus 20 okay I’ve got 33 more layers to go oh let’s go first diamonds of the world wow

Oh my God it’s beautiful it’s absolutely beautiful W in the chat W in the chat and zerz is here wow wow this is this is just a hype moment and we’re only 5 minutes in let’s go zerz is my good luck charm I I am doing great I’m doing great zerts how are

You that’s hype how many diamonds do I get five perfect number I can make a pickaxe and an enchantment table Yes W for the diamonds hopefully the first of many to come today but and I’ll probably talk a little less when I’m playing Minecraft especially when I’m building I’m usually just just chilling

Existing playing the game my hands are sweaty let’s go zerts that’s big Minecraft on a Friday there’s nothing better well maybe Mario Kart but that’s a little more rage inducing what are we at now minus 25 slowly but surely I will make it to minus 53 I was thinking uh before the stream

If I should add background music like I don’t know just to make the stream feel a little more Dynamic but then as I thought about it more I was like people probably don’t want to hear the same song on Loop for two hours so you just got to enjoy the

Silence huh my grand parents just popped out of nowhere damn Yus 53 okay is very smart if you go below minus 53 there’s a lot of lava in the world so when you’re mining it it kind of gets annoying you got a bob and weave around Yus

53 still H is pretty common for diamonds but there’s no Lava the most common for diamonds in the world is minus 58 but believe the lava is an issue so I just stay up what about Minecraft music oh oh I’m so stupid I have my music turned off that’s what I should do

Oh H I’m I think I accidentally clicked that hopefully Minecraft music can play is this single player or multiplayer this is my multiplayer realm with my girlfriend I will give y’all a tour of the world later I will I will disclose right now though that uh Ryan likes to play in Creative I

Haven’t gotone in Creative yet I I like to keep it survival but she likes to build things which I’m not going to complain about if she wants to make a couple buildings just to save some time but I’m making sure she’s not cheating so when she comes into survival she’s uh

She’s starting Bare Bones but she has a house and a barn and she made a building for all of our villagers so I don’t know why what I’m I’m what I’m doing there are going to be so many people all over the world oh no I don’t think anyone can join the

Join the world I think for Realms you have to get invited I’m not paying for the Realm by the way my like Ryan just was like I’m paying for it she is a job so she can do that all right what are we at here we are at minus 33 20 more to

Go not people PP I don’t know what chat’s going on uh blue Marksman quick question is this Java or Bedrock this is Java I have played Bedrock for most of my life uh because I had a PlayStation but now that I can play Java I actually much prefer to play

Java there’s just there’s so there’s subtle differences but they’re kind of important differences you know like for this world I want to try to take on the uh the Wither which is nearly impossible to do in Bedrock but fairly easy in Java so you know L there are going to be too many

Peeps oh oh I see because my Ryan’s in Creative I see I see I don’t think she’s built a PP yet I might I might build a PP we’ll see I’m not even done my house yet so that’s just that’s just a Minecraft classic you got to build a PP it’s open

World sandbox can do whatever you want and the human brain is just so Advanced that it can’t help but not make Peeps do you have any XP Farms not yet I have played a grand total of six hours on this world I am just starting to get

Back into my Minecraft days all I’ve done is make the shell in my house and strip mine that’s it I will I will give you guys the grand tour when once I’m done mining because the world is quite beautiful what are we at right now minus

40 we got 13 layers to go this is taking forever and I’ve only found a few diamonds five to be exact Mega Mario fan Mr mean I have a poster of that toad with the long legs on your wall that is freaking awesome I

Have to say it is the mo it is one of the most cursed images I have ever seen on the internet and the internet has produced some pretty wild stuff minus 42 all right 11 more layers that picture man oh my God just a little bit cursed pretty

Funny I think toad looks uh exceptional in that picture I should try a mine Hut box server okay that was the original plan when we made this world we uh we had a uh uh I I I forget what it’s called now we had a mine Hut server but

Ryan’s internet is so bad like think of the worst internet possible and then like just I don’t even know multiply it tenfold you know so she couldn’t connect so she’s paying for a realm which I’m not complaining about but overall I think mine Hut servers aren’t a bat

Honestly kind of kind of Handy except for the fact that random people can join it tow to Jesus poster that’s the only thing I can think of that would be more cursed than toad with legs is a Jesus Toad All right what are we at we’re 43 come

On we’re getting there I think I just need to lower the roof a bit what gear do I have wow look at all this beautiful iron armor and the gold chest plate keeps me safe from mobs I haven’t died yet as you can tell my XP is level 21 no

No okay back to the top y y’all just got to bear with me this is going to take a minute I got to put stairs in slowly slowly slowly slowly I don’t know if anyone else is in their Minecraft phase or if anyone else even experiences what I experience but it’s

Just it’s just a once a year thing honestly usually around February sometimes in September I just get the urge to craft you know do SL spawn I don’t know what that does but I’m not going to take your advice slowly slowly slowly slowly all right we’re getting up there here’s the

First cave that I explored that had nothing in it all right yall ready for the grand tour here we go come out of my mind shaft this is the beginning of my house this is the starts it’s gonna encompass a good chunk of this cave I don’t know

If you can see the village but teleports you to your bed oh that’s good to know I don’t know if cheats are enabled but this is the cave I decided to build in I just want to show you guys something as you can see uh I have a bit of a warden problem

And I’m pretty sure he’s the warden spawn is down there somewhere so I’m not going to mess with it right now let’s see let’s see come back here I’m going to make my pick do SL spawn I’m in my bed right now I don’t trust you I don’t trust

Anyone making me nervous I might break something oh I got plenty of iron okay um all right all right you guys are about to experience me crafting which is a bit painful to watch one think I’m gonna make a stone pickaxe too of course I got to make a diamond

Pick and my diamonds can go right here nobody touched those okay okay we’re making it work yeah yeah if you do Splash slash spawn then the server implodes the I am smart big brain I am I am terrified about the ancient about ancient cities I have not been in one yet at

All I’ve seen the warden one time playing this game and I can confirm I [ __ ] my pants not not a little bit the warden made me violently [ __ ] in my pants I was a whole new level of scared Al games I’m a pretty gullible person you can probably make me do

Anything except for hit SL spawn I don’t mess with commands all right let’s see let’s see what are we at F3 minus 48 eventually we got to get there you know something about the warden though it’s one of my favorite bosses in the game just the horror aspect it’s pretty

Cool and I think Mojang is taking uh a lot more risks with what they add into the game the next next update’s going to add something called like trial Chambers I’m uh not entirely sure but it looks like Mojang is finally decided to stop being boring and do something with this game not

Adding [ __ ] Phantoms do you prefer Minecraft or ripoff Minecraft fortnite Lego um I think I have a total of like eight hours in fortnite Lego and my experience was is it wasn’t perfect building is much harder um tools don’t are like kind of weird they break really quick

Um it has it has an exploring element which I kind of like where you can’t get everything in one place you got to go uh to different regions to get different things but I mean it’s okay I would rather play play Minecraft all

Day okay what are we at mine is 52 I got to go down one more and then the strip mining can begin right we are here finally it only took me probably two hours to get down here screw fortnite Lego true that where’s the end update that I think is

What Minecraft desperately needs is an end update I know they’ve updated the end before by adding end cities but even the end cities don’t have that much you can get an elytra and then you leave I don’t stick around in the nend city the end definitely needs to be

Fleshed out more kind of like the nether strip mine did I go down another layer am I stupid I am stupid okay got to stay on this level how do I want to do this uh I don’t know what the most efficient way to strip mine is

Honestly just going to do this kind of make a main hallway and then I can Branch off from the main hallway are we getting a Minecraft video most likely yeah I have an old video where I speedrun Minecraft and now that I’m back in my Minecraft phase I think

I’m going to try that again I’m going to try to actually beat the game in one go I don’t know how that’s going to go all right all right all right can I get some diamonds please I jinxed myself last time can I do it again slowly but

Surely I think a new dimmension or is that yeah new dimension would be pretty cool in Minecraft like uh because I’m pretty sure there’s a giant portal in the ancient cities or that’s what people think it is so I wouldn’t be surprised if uh Minecraft goes a different route with a new dimension

What was that a skull Center just just clicked dang that makes me a bit nervous that actually actually that makes me very nervous keep spamming Ginger why you doing that why you doing that okay does anyone agree that tough is one of the most useless blocks in the

Game pretty close to like diorite and andesite in uselessness the only thing tough is good for is finding like giant veins of iron they should add the Sky Dimension yeah I agree that would be pretty that would be pretty cool the only thing with that though is

I feel like it would just be the nether but with grass everywhere there we go the Minecraft music’s playing you became friends while yelling at each other wow that is quite interesting the internet will do that I guess this is not Minecraft music just listen what is this okay and there’s cave noises

Everybody’s favorite damn this tough just goes on forever man hurry up the internet’s just a weird place Alf games I I don’t know you’d like to see some sort of smithing update Waterman that’s a good idea they I mean I think in the last update they added um armor trims with

Which is really cool but they’re super rare more diamonds yeah yeah Get Hype one Diamond are you kidding are you kidding game oh that’s ridiculous and I think you need uh the smithing table to put netherite stuff so all right one second uh the game music is just a little bit

Loud that down to like 30 there we go much better much better we shall continue on Get Hype for one Diamond everybody the game likes to do that to you can hear skulks like just above me still too like just imagine a warden come comes running at at me down the hallway I

Would again shite my pants it can hear me through the floor I think that’s what’s happening which doesn’t bode well for me honestly oh hey look at that no way oh this is the last thing I want honestly sneak 100 what does that mean I just don’t want to deal with a

Warden I know if my vision starts going all [ __ ] then it’s time to get out of Dodge for now I’m just going to hope and pray that he doesn’t show up I don’t think he should all right we’re just gonna get over this lava real quick and

Continue on our way there any diamonds in here I didn’t see any those are diamonds I can see them over there okay lava is only one deep good to know I can jump out all right all right don’t make fun of my Minecraft building it’s been a minute since I played this

Game requires a lot more Focus than I thought there’s diamonds right here you [ __ ] if a warden comes at me I’m actually going to break [ __ ] Diamond spotted plus I’m pretty sure the warden shoots like a laser beam ah which if I’m up here is going to

Wreck my day I just got to make sure there’s none hidden back here yeah see always always break your Corners I think we’re good how does the warden even spawn can somebody please Sr toy hello meat me and a friend love your videos and agreed tub is

Pretty useless it’s mainly a fast mining block that builds iron and Main Vines agreed the only good thing about it is it breaks quick why are you scared of The Warden Warden is weak compared to you have you not seen the videos of people in stacked armor getting as

Railed I’m in iron armor my guy I’m going to get bombast hey is that okay I’m leaving I’m out of here I’m dipping oh there’s more diamonds on the floor please please oh yeah what is my diamond luck today damn any more I don’t think so oh there’s some

Right here gu oh [ __ ] they just don’t stop coming okay lucky the warden the warden can down to you unless the spawner was down with but always be careful okay I’m going to I’m going to keep focusing on the game I’m going to look at chat a little bit less because

If my screen starts doing the Blinky thing I don’t know what I’m going to do I I think I’m just G to quit I’m just gonna let’s move on I think there was a spawner around the corner hello it’s uh I guess do this I’m just going to keep going

Straight and hope and pray ah you bastard hate lava to block this off make my life a little bit easier yeah I know that warden’s gonna come out of the darkness lad no you got this fight Trust I don’t know you guys if if there’s a

Warden my house is in the cave so if if there’s a warden it’s coming for my home it’s coming for my family and that will not be a good time pretty sure the thing I got to look out for is the creature I think that’s what it’s called

The laser does eight hearts of damage on hard mode ignores armor okay okay good to know if anyone has any Warden facts drop them because I know nothing about the warden I’ll be honest I know there’s a laser tack I already know that snowballs are a good

Counter offensive for it throw them to distract them that was Warden Spawn Two next to each other okay around the corner I assume those look like screechers how do you can you even break a screecher I don’t know just going to use my diamond pick for a

Bit it’s okay be okay I’ve got eight diamonds word in fact it’s really strong okay thank you Antonio I I feel so much smarter I feel more prepared is a bow and arrow a good way to fight the warden damn Warden comments are behind by lot yeah yeah I also don’t look at

The chat as much as I probably should some times I just get lasered in on the game especially when you know there’s the possibility a warden spawns around the corner so but yes there is a stream delay I don’t know what it is pretty sure it’s my internet that just

Sucks I have no delays set up whatsoever I have it on a short and uh no input DeLay So see mining away I need everybody to just like collectively Focus their energy I’m G to find diamonds soon I know lava near me once again hopefully it doesn’t spill into my little

Cave just got to keep looking back there we go we got up here interesting damn got to break all this and continue on my Merry way I’ve got one ton of cereal exactly I don’t know what that means I’m not going to lie he’s got 500 HP 250 hearts does

48 damage 23.5 Hearts that’s insane oh my God okay we got more caves um um I don’t think he’ll spawn in here cuz this is a pretty cramped section but I guess you never know okay okay I’m just going to leave I don’t really care the skull is everywhere I haven’t

Found a single cave in this world without any skull got a bowl that is one ton exactly and it’s full of cereal interesting one ton of cereal that’s that’s a lot of cereal the bow is one ton exactly oh can work it will just oh it’ll just make the laser attack more

Common run a Sonic Speed even holy that’s right the warden’s a fast boy isn’t he that’s scary just what if it just came running at me right now just down the hallway pretty sure it can’t even fit in the hallway but all right and I I’m also fairly

Certain that uh ancient cities have a Godly amount of loot I’ve been in one one time I think since it it came out and it had pretty good loot only encountered the warden one time it was with my friends and we were all very scared man there hasn’t been a single

Ore for a minute here I don’t think you guys are thinking hard enough your Collective energy doesn’t seem to provide me with anything you know what I’m going to do sometimes it’s just a good idea to just Branch it just one see if there’s anything even near my cave

No nothing oh gold okay gold I actually need this should probably get fortune on my pickaxe eh so I should you know what that’s what I’m going to do I’m going to go get fortune on my pickaxe I need obsidian okay all right I don’t have a bucket of water oh

Pain please don’t spawn please don’t spawn please don’t spawn please don’t spawn please don’t spawn okay we’re good my my goal is to raid the n city I got to find it first I’m pretty sure it’s in the cave where my house is okay important info the warden is three blocks tall and

One block wide isn’t the warden bigger than iron golems I I’m pretty sure he’s a big boy he’s got like some soul eating thing in the middle of his chest gives me the heebie GS even though it’s it’s Minecraft all right we got eight more diamonds we’re a little bit richer let

See any wardens hanging out no creeper yeah end a man more important info I’mma eat one ton of cereal good luck with that the laser tag can hit into walls by the way so ooh wow ow it can shoot you like through the wall okay okay I have a lot to be scared

Of then Mojang really thought of everything when they put the warden in I’m pretty sure that was one of the first things people were like well why don’t I just build up a few blocks and then Mojang added a laser like a week later okay uh see eight

Diamonds got to throw that in there think think think think I got to use my brain which is hard sometimes 10 diamonds all this in here um I going to do oh yes yes yes I need I need water my diamond pick we’re going back in the mine I know I

Know about to eat a weight of a bike in cereal that even the weight of a bicycle in cereal that’s a lot of cereal that will probably give you a stomach ache I must advise if I don’t I’ll donate a 100 all right all right I believe

You I I I’m sure if I was a doctor I would probably warn you about the dangers of eating a ton or even a bicycle waight bicycles weight and cereal me having stomach ache right now I wonder why oh where was that uh where was he at it’s right here obsidian

Okay that makes Cobblestone good to know diabetes probably Cal cannot be good for you like there is absolutely no way that it is a healthy breakfast that has got to be the most successful propaganda in all of human history the lie that cereal is a hearty breakfast those Kellogg guys were real

Smart weren’t they oh he doesn’t have so Warden doesn’t have to have line of sight to wreck my booty okay I will keep that in mind I will keep that in mind I assume that if he’s if he just uh he only knows where you are no no no

No no no no oh boy okay okay Al games thank you for thank you for joining us I hope you enjoy your bicycle’s weight of cereal or whatever it is that’s crazy the lava’s scary the lava it was a misclick I promise okay okay not even kidding I made sure to eat

Food before streaming and [ __ ] and I’m already hungry and it was only half an hour ago that I ate food all right we’re only I’m gonna need quite a bit more uh obsidian here going to have a quick siple water in a second once I’m done breaking this

Block there we go grab M vasaia delicious and hydrating okay how many do I need I think I need 10 for a nether portal and four for a I don’t what’s it called enchanting table so four 14 14 I can do math he can hear you in tunnels oh oh

Hear me in tunnels oh yeah I’m pretty sure the the warden is completely hearing based that’s the one thing I know about all I got to do is hope and pray that I don’t see him at least today CU I’m not ready at all what are we at 11

Oh got a Discord by the way meet I sure do uh I don’t think it’s linked in the description of my channel but if you go to uh oh he that’s a little scary uh if you go to my channel page and then go to abouts then the link to the discord’s right

There and you join and I will make you a member and yes okay uh I hope the lava doesn’t go any deep if so can you add me normally I don’t add people back on Discord and I’ll tell you why I once watched this YouTuber who uh was very nice to people

On his Discord and then he got accused of grooming people on Discord uh uh specifically women so I do not add people but I’m down I’m down to hang out on the group on the Mr meat server I’m down I have learned the lesson that other people have also learned the hard

Way elf is back probably still eating his mountain of cereal how do you how do you you need a huge Bowl I would imagine you would need a lot of milk like if it’s a bicycle’s weight of cereal you’d probably need like eight gallons of

Mill oh my God oh my God you’re going to go to the store and spend $10 on eight gallons of milk plus a bicycle how I don’t even know how much cereal it is because I don’t buy Cal Jesus that that gets expensive really quick and like by the end this cereal

Would just be well I guess depends what’s what kind of cereal but by the end of the cereal will be pretty soggy probably dissolve I shiver at that the bowl is 26 CM big I don’t know I don’t know how big 26 cm

Is me me Dum Dum oh I have a ruler right here wait where’s my ruler at oh it’s right here right here 26 CM all right I’m going to visual visualize that holy [ __ ] my guy like radius the radius is 20 or the diameter is 26 CM cuz that’s a big

Difference Jesus where do you find a bowl that big for consuming cereal that’s that’s vile okay okay uh I can make stuff now uh where books at I my books I need my obsidian and I need my diamonds okay here we go look at this nice and easy oh

Look at that everybody everybody hey we got a we got an enchanting table now where should I put it let’s scale my house I’m trying to think here I guess I can really put it anywhere for now and it doesn’t really matter um h H let me think let me think let me

Think that floor I’m just going to set it down here for now I don’t it don’t really matter honestly uh I think put it over here my house isn’t done yet so really don’t know where it’s going to go yet where’s my wood at where’s my wood oh there’s my wood okay uh

Bookshelves chiseled bookshelf interesting can only make one oh no no there we go there we go seven two three four five uh six seven what level what level we got here we got I can get Fortune one I think that’s a good start I don’t really need fortune 3 right away Fortune One

Definitely helps though much better um Quick Charge blast protection projectile thinking just going to randomly Pro to I don’t want protection well maybe I do fire aspect one sure maybe this is a bit of a waste but let’s just go efficiency one we’ll call that good now I’ve got some enchanting books very

Nice put those away put those away I got to keep these in mind for later now that I got Fortune one I’m feeling good all right not vertical Fortune one for that isn’t bad hell yeah join the Discord that’s hype I will uh make you an honorary member later I don’t know how

To auto make people members so I have to do it by hand every single time which kind of sucks but that’s fine actually I do know how to automatically pay or make people members it just costs 10 bucks a month which I’m not going to do beautiful look at that 23 coal from

Like seven four oh yeah it’s beautiful it’s it’s absolutely beautiful all right we’re chilling I’m pretty sure it’s nighttime I thought I just saw something on my roof I got a little scared um so I think the play right now is to go to bed first

Off 120 a year yeah it adds up really quick which is kind of insane you got to pay for pretty to do pretty much anything on Discord that’s the only part I don’t like about it if you want anything automated you got to pay maybe I’ll do it in the

Future it once my uh YouTube channel starts making enough Revenue to you know sustain something all right we’re going to chop down some trees I know can’t even get mad at me for deforestation I planted these beautiful then we’re going to get to work on my house because my house is

Going to look sick absolutely sick you’re free on Discord Sr toy now that could mean a multitude of things and I’m not going to go into a deep dive about what that what what you’re implying here that could be anything right all right all enjoying this riveting gameplay of me chopping down some

Spruce I see people messaging the Discord that’s cool that’s cool I’m not going to look at it right now because that’s a later thing for me let me out there we go you don’t pay for crap is what you mean but I am signal dang dang got the Riz

Got to be careful about what I say on the internet I make jokes sometimes and I know one day one of these jokes is gonna come back to bite me in the ass just knowing people one day it’s gonna happen I’m gonna be I’m gonna be kicking myself because I said something really

Funny and in 10 years from now it’s not going to be socially acceptable and yeah that’s usually that’s usually just how that’s yeah generally how I think my life is going to go at some point be like oh why did I say or do that in a video what was I

Thinking but for now it’s all fun in games all the time y’all have nothing against me in an eating competition I don’t know about that I don’t know about that as of right now it’s bulking season and my stomach is huge I could eat an entire turkey dinner three times over and be

Fine I was thinking about going to an all you can eat buffet the other day just so I can test myself right a it’s always one block away isn’t it Are we almost done with these trees we’re getting there chat you’re funny you guys make me

G sometimes I read it and I don’t know what what you mean at all and sometimes y’all y’all land y’ll land good I have braces right now so you’ve been nerfed but I still think you beat me in an eating competition all right all right I see how it

Is you know what if I ever do a fan Meetup far in the future I’m not talking anytime soon that is what we’re going to do we’re gonna we’re gonna see who can eat the most food and I will not be liable for anyone getting sick I’ll make

Y’all I’ll make everyone sign like a waiver or something I think that’d be fun okay okay let’s just H collect these saplings now last time I made the mistake of not planting trees right away so this time that’s the first thing I got to do plant all my

Trees so that when I come back when I inevitably run out of building material I can just get some wood pick up these saplings too I’m G to have a whole Forest by the time I’m done with this plant and all these too I want no ground

Unturned there we go good enough all right to home fun tip to chopping logs leave the bottom log and get all the other logs ah true true true that is good tree cutting tip by the way I think I’m doing a four block spruce trees is more efficient for farming

Wood I will think about that next time I will take that into consideration for now I’ve done what I did how much we got we almost got two stacks turning all of it into planks I’m going to use to texture uh the building I’m going to use uh oak

Logs but for now I just need a crap ton of spruce planks cuz I’m just making the shell to my building I’m going to give you guys a little aerial view of the world as well oh you know what else I need I got to go back down the

Ladder play moded Minecraft more than Bas some bosses I battled make the warden seem easy yeah yeah I’ve played modded Minecraft a handful of times um I wouldn’t say I’m a veteran at but yeah I see where you’re coming from need a bit of dirt as well

Uh Cobblestone I need a lot of cobblestone okay okay I can make this work you know what I think I’m going to deal with G to do this big brain big brain I I love the look of deep slate bricks they look cool all right all right we’re gonna get her

Going Oak is the goat Oak in my opinion is tied with Spruce Spruce Wood is my personal favorite I just like the little bit of a darker texture Birch has got to be the ugliest thing in this entire game though all right all right all right we got to go up here

Um o o oi I fell down actually I got to go from this side don’t I now that I think about it okay here here out my vision this right here this part of the building is going to be like a big glass Dome out looking at this part of the

World and uh and then there’s going to be like a tower right here that kind of goes up the mountain a bit and yeah and then everything underneath and inside is going to be the rest of my base that’s my girlfriend’s house she built it in Creative I will disclose that that is

The villager’s house she built it in Creative I will dis disclose that that is the barn she built it in Creative not me I’m playing Survival but I mean if she wants to build something nice I’ll let her build something nice wait want to make my way up the

Mountain how do I want to do this oh I think I might just replace these blocks with Cobblestone it seems like a good idea don’t know though got to think got to be strategic I’m going to use dirt yeah I got a I got a bridge out

Here like that I think looks pretty cool I might go silent the odd time while I’m building because that’s just the vibe now this is where things kind of get tricky I don’t know where I’m going to go Here cuz there’s going to be a tower right here like this area is going to be a big tower so I think the cut off’s going to be like right here where my base is So um let me think let me plan my building skills are very limited okay I’ll say that right now but I think I can make something pretty cool okay okay I have an idea I have an idea I will be back up here in a second now that’s a lot of fall damage

Now let’s continue this this way and H how do I want this to go got to get up here it’s just very tricky I’ve never built on the side of a mountain before I don’t know how okay we made it we made it so I

Think right here is going to be the cut off that’s a good section I think I think this Dirt has to go though that look butt ugly um yeah o I didn’t think about this I don’t know how I want to connect these uh sides 34s of the bull

Done I got true determination to finish it all right I mean it’s your funeral I think I’m gonna go like that I think just having it kind of do that isn’t a bad idea then you know what I what I was thinking I was thinking about doing black dyed

Glass cuz that makes it look a little bit spookier first things first I need sand then I need to smell the sand and I need to kill a [ __ ] ton of a uh a squids squid game oh no okay that could have been bad that could have been the end of of

Me this just requires a lot of thinking guess I can flesh out the floors a bit really uh give myself some space to move around so I don’t fall to my death got a looting sword no not yet I’m all right without that though for now I’m not really worried about

Getting kitted up because when I play Minecraft I tend to do this thing where like I’ll play for like a month and I’ll speedrun the game I’ll just be like I need to get Ked up and then I get bored once I have all netherite so I’m taking my sweet time

Time with this playr that is why I’m building a massive gargantuan house in this cave all right uh oh and by the way this is where my water elevator is going to be you can see it’s going to come up this plate Now I kind of don’t want to do anything until uh until I have some glass you know not it up here here we go got to break this dirt it looks ugly I’m going to have to go on a bit of an adventure you guys are going to come with me milk

Milk is filling I honor you elf Honestly though it what kind of milk though because if it’s skim milk that’s disgusting if it’s 3.25 I respect it and you know 2% is whatever we’re gonna make our way down here what kind of milk do you guys like

I am personally a 3.25% fan it’s quite good not trying to not have mobs spawn in my house walk in and there’s a creeper would not be a good time let’s head down here what was that okay I’m seeing things water bucket oh MLG semis skimmed milk from you’re from

England damn across the pond my fellow ancient Canadian I feel like British people and Australians are uh very similar to Canadians in a lot of way that is a big tree why did a big tree have to grow oh oh okay okay mate calm down you just won’t die too what a

Shot get an eye on the [ __ ] okay okay okay the mobs are coming for me right now I’ve got to go exploring I know I said I was going to build my house but I just realized I need glass all right so we’re going to go

Looking do some do some exploring of the world I got Flint that do I have any chicken feathers I don’t think so oh that sucks I don’t have any chicken feathers brutal all right um thinking thinking all right I think I’m good no I just realized what I needed I needed

A I needed a shovel so that I can get sand easier there we go all right now I’m ready I would have I would have been kicking myself if I didn’t uh oh you guys in the chat are sus I’m just gonna say that right now which which way should I

Go there’s another creeper we GNA go this way I’ve explored that way and there’s not a whole lot it just kind of leads to an ocean which I guess is kind of what I want but I’m going to see what’s over this way you may also notice that there’s a

Lot of horses around here um my girlfriend was on the hunt for finding the perfect horse for me and her so she spawned in all these yeah look at look at all the horses look how beautiful they are let’s see uh oh yeah I got to show you guys my my

Horses they’re pretty pretty awesome their names are even better the only reason I say you guys are sus is because I you guys honestly have been saying things in the chat that I think when I speak like no matter what whenever I say the word come no matter

What context if I mean that in a silly context or if the word is just in a sentence my brain is so premature and Primal that it thinks of what you’re probably thinking of we got the we got a meadow can I find some sand probably up here in this River or Fjord yeah it’s a fjord look at it it’s beautiful here’s some zombies under me and there’s a there’s another River over here zombie in there somewhere right here we go hello Mr drown please don’t kill me squid squid come here I’m going to die I’m I’m going to

Drown go go okay we’re not dying we’re good we got plenty of time okay sand yay come on come on God all right I’m getting annoyed the sand is the Sand’s getting deep let’s go I saw two more squids over here yeah here they are don’t Mr Squid prepare to see Darkness

Oh a three where’s that other squid hello I’m sorry beautiful beautiful now I got to find sand I need a good chunk of sand too I don’t sugar cane let’s go I haven’t found any yet I got to make a sugar cane Farm squid nutted on me bro you guys

Have been watching too many of my videos I kind of want to find a way to make the squid ink white I think that’d be pretty funny on Mario Kart I’m sure there’s a mod for that in Minecraft too I’m electric that song stuck in my head song’s called electric eye for

Anyone who’s wondering I forget by who because I added it to my playlist yesterday it’s a good song how much sand we got okay I would like three stacks I think three stacks is a good start I don’t really care about this part of the river it’s nowhere’s near my

House n meat there’s never enough there are times where I’m editing my video and I’m like okay I need to calm down like that that part of the video goes way too hard I need to just stop just sometimes just sometimes if you’ve ever created something or even if you’ve ever like

Listened to your own voice on a recording it’s the worst sound in the entire world your own voice played back to you and I sometimes get sick of editing after I’ve listened to my voice for up to 16 hours just like frame by frame listening to myself gets a little bit a

Little bit annoying so sometimes I need to take like a day or two off so that I don’t have to hear myself pains give you 16 times more glass windows good good call good call now part of my house like the big glass Dome is going to be blocks because

The pains would just look kind of silly so but but but but but but pains for any flat surfaces yes of course how many do I have I have nine only oh great I’m going to have to kill a lot of squid an ungodly amount of squid I’m going to

Cause a squid genocide just just by my actions alone glad chat’s helping me out with some helpful tips all right I once this shovel breaks we can head back home start smelting some stuff all right there we go get me out of here any more squids

Around I don’t see any right now I’m sure I’ll pass by a few on my way back oh look it just like I said there’s two right here hello Mr Squid prepare to die no no no you outplayed me pillagers run away run away all right we’re just going to leave

I mean you guys can stay there got to go to this side of the hill on my current world you have 800 blocks of glass I played Minecraft since 2010 damn first time I played Minecraft I was in grade three I remember it very vividly it was on my friend’s

IPad and uh I remember spawning and it was night time and I don’t think I played Minecraft for two years after the first time I played it because I was genuinely scared of the spiders and creepers when I when I first played the game mainly play in 12.2 and uh

12.2 I’m sure there’s a reason and I would imagine it’s the combat uh settings I could be thinking of the wrong update though that’s something Minecraft needs to work on with this game they need to they need to fix fighting I feel like the reset on the

Swords and stuff and axes it’s kind of annoying plus the entire fight meta is I think crystals maybe they fixed it but where’s my house I think I’m going the right way 1.9 is combat damn you’re 25 years old IRL damn my gu here we go we’re getting back

Here play them for mods oh okay best mod version okay I can I can see the vision we’re pulling up on the home I’m gonna show you guys this building right here this is my uh this is my girlfriend’s vision for where our uh villagers should live

So doesn’t it look beautiful though look at it it looks like something right out of New York oh these horses annoy me wow look at it it’s got I think uh one two three I think it’s got nine rooms for villagers oh look how beautiful look how be it hasn’t been

Decorated yet but look how cool it looks then you can come down out here to this stairway oh my God you 200 plus mods my PC couldn’t handle you’ve got a you got a pretty beefy PC if you can handle that elf games might be the youngest one here potentially

Potentially I don’t know though I could be eighty old eight years old for all you know but but I know that you know that you’re smart enough to know that I’m not eight years old right Ryan’s here she’s off work let’s go let’s go is she going to join the stream I don’t

Know oh my God it’s 5:30 Jesus Jesus hey look at that she’s in my world hey hey hey everybody everybody this is my lovely girlfriend Ryan if you haven’t met her she’s just she’s exploring all right yes I do he’s in creative man with that voice you sound 90 do I oh

My God I’m a bit of a squeaker hello hello hello what why why would you do that why would you do that you average 250 to 1200 FPS that is a beefy PC Jesus that’s that’s almost Quantum computing power right there I don’t know is is Ryan going to

Call me are we going to btime chat I don’t know oh thank you for the cake I appreciate it I’m I’m not hungry right now but okay go build I can’t okay she looked down like oops okay we’re gonna uh where’s my coal there’s my coal any more I do I

Do so this is why you haven’t texted me all day me and chat Biden question mark the server has hidden your message from some players you’ve made lots of progress no I have not hello oh hi stream there we go there we go hey yo what was that get clipped

Smash I don’t know what that means I don’t know what that means Ryan did not did not know we were streaming that is okay right now I need I think I’m G to go 25 and 25 throw a stack in there throw stack in there and then just I guess this stuff

Can just stay unmelted need uh black dye oh thank you for the cake hi random lady oh I do have an innocent mind Al I’m just catching on to what you’re putting down okay I see how it is I see how it is um okay the house project is going to

Continue now that I have some of that smelting um let me think here I need that processing just I’m going to bring these with me I also need a crafting table how long have I been streaming 1 hour and 23 minutes about an hour okay one second I’m still trying to

Think what else I need um missed the notification Ryan shame on you shame on you H I’m just a funny guy okay 83 minutes yeah that’d be about right I love you all I love you more don’t leave don’t leave I know we’re getting sappy in the chat right

Now it’s getting hot and heavy gross uh okay I think I’m good to start building okay let’s continue from where we left off Ryan’s not in the Stream she will be I I know she will she’ll be here eventually please don’t be any mobs okay we’re

Good how do I want to do this ah oh I know what I’m gonna do uhuh oh Ryan’s asleep okay I respect it no no no no no okay good thing I’m good at this game getting kinky in chat it is getting you know we got to move beyond the I love Yous oh you know I got to go back down I really need this glass it would make my life so much easier how much we got cooking we got 20 okay uh how do I make like that okay think that’s even at all fud my building is pretty at

Ious 40 okay that’s a good start that’s a good start I’m pretty sure you can make it um uh tinted with a oh my God you guys oh I almost died I was looking a chat for half a second almost fell up the ladder I’m pretty sure you can make

Tinted glass though with uh amethyst shards I need I need my dirt I’m going to make my glass Dome pretty quick here soon at least I’ll get it started all right we’re going to go a how do I want to do this that’s this just one layer might even be a good start

Trying not to fall off that make it look kind of like weird looking I don’t know I don’t know we could always fix it hold left click and drag and it evens them out okay I’m I’m too dumb to even know that okay uh how do I want to do this

Like that like that think I need to break a few blocks here I think that’s good I I think I think okay that is our uh not really like I’m not really digging this quite as much maybe like that I don’t know let’s look at it from

A distance that’s usually what you got to do all right all right I I can see the vision uh this block right here though just a little bit little bit in a weird place uh let’s go like that honestly I think I need to go like that and then like that

Okay okay okay we’re kind of cooking here I think I I’m going to want this to come up just so this is all going to be yeah yeah okay okay I see it I see it maybe maybe just penile okay uh sometimes sometimes I remember that people are just as immature as I

Am not a bad thing though if we call my PC will [ __ ] itself so I’ll I’ll let you Vibe with chat okay okay yeah Ryan’s computer and just internet connection in general is pretty shite so calling is a bit of a task oh man the minute I start placing

Glass I’m going to get nervous cuz uh got to make it look good I think though think though just give me a minute I’m trying to I’m trying to make the vision come to life Ryan’s here let’s go let’s go Get Hype Get Hype Ryan the vision is coming to life it’s

Happening I’ve also found diamonds so I I’m rich Diamonds oh I don’t know if anyone’s ever seen that Meme all right now that the dirt’s out of the way I could kind of maybe get a better look at what I’m working yeah yeah maybe I bring everything in one more and then down

One that looks pretty sick I’m not going to lie just I’m trying to I’m trying to visualize it this part part I’m a little bit iffy on I think maybe oh there goes my wood yeah the warden biome is right here I think she knows about it and honestly I don’t think she

Cares I I think her exact words were it’s your fault for building in a cave so don’t complain when the warden comes for you her word’s not mine her word’s not mine what I might do he’s kind of I need to round off the bottom I think like almost like that Even like like these yeah I kind of make like a like a like a spherical shape now this is what I don’t know about messaging me ah we got people join in the Discord let’s go trying to think trying to think this is where my tower is going to

Be this is going to be a huge tower that goes upwards but I’m more worried about this section right now this is where my bedroom’s going to be first off anyone’s uh once meet you fell into a warden biome there can be two Wardens like there can be two wardens at once no

Way I know the warden will will respawn eventually but you’re entering the meat locker hell yeah that’s awesome welcome to the Discord uh I don’t use discords super often but I post information there that’s about it and I like to chat just once in a while all right the dirt it’s crowding

Up my house it’s it’s messing up my style there we go there we go now it doesn’t look so ugly Let’s uh let’s break this Ryan what are you doing what what are you doing I know that ow ow why why stop stop maybe I deserved it I don’t know what I

Did you’ve gone against 20 you can have 10 plus oh no oh no he that just makes the warden a little bit more scarier I know I’m breaking this but I have a good idea I don’t want it to be flat we’re g to give this some texture you know Kind of come down like this and then this is the shape the Dome is going to take oh okay Ryan’s way of saying hello and you know what what elf games but right we’re going to cut okay and then and then wait a minute can have it slowly I think uh track

Inward I don’t know this could this could look terrible go I just had to type hi a bunch Al games finished a cereal thank goodness do you does your stomach hurt yet hey what kind what did I do one oh see see I want to make it symmetrical with

This or or somewhat somewhat symmetrical so I think I got to go like P it goes up one and it goes up one again and then it doesn’t go up one for two more and it goes up a bunch so I think think I think I

Think bear with me now bear with me now so it goes in it goes in one two one comes in one try to make it just somewhat symmetrical doesn’t even have to be perfect at least the bottom half though now where am I I came in one and

Then I need to go back one up one so this can yeah then it goes up a few I think I’m going to call that good I think I’m going to call that a decently rounded oh sh a [ __ ] okay it works it works it it’s that’s pretty cool actually for for shapewise

It’s almost 1:00 a.m. oh my God oh my God go to bed man go to bed it’s like 6 o’clock in the afternoon where I am I’ve almost been live for two hours Minecraft makes time fly I think that’s I think that’s what I wanted to f just that one

Thing isn’t it crazy time Zones I mean I I guess it’s necessary and I mean I guess it’s just natural but okay I think this is pretty much what I had in mind when I was first thinking about the Dome the one thing I want to do is I want to bring it right down to the the

Ground so I know my my base might look like just just a bunch of spruce right now but it it trust me trust me trust the process I’m 1 hour ahead of you so it’s 4:55 where you’re at then very cool all right I’m going to start placing

Glass and Hope that this works out somehow Um okay okay uh I’m just so nervous when I’m building with glass you’re two hours behind then so it’s 3:55 no no 4555 okay how are we how is it looking just just get so nervous when I’m doing big projects with class like this I’m out of glass already let’s go

That’s 40 glass down got more down here good thing we got some in the smelter I look away from my computer screen for half a second and I almost die some cake while I’m down here nice okay how much I got oh I’ve actually got quite a bit

Hey let’s go okay I got more glass than I thought I think I’m going to need to go get more though your USA but so close to Canada wouldn’t take long to get to the Border interesting interesting I’ve been to the United States one time in my life and I was in

Grade three so I don’t remember very much so I want to go to the states more is you guys are like even crazier Canadians this go like this that ignore the dirt for now all right the Dome is coming along it’s it’s it’s happening better have

More and I’m gonna I’m gonna break this piece just looking at it wow and I’m out of glass yet again this is going to take a lot more than I thought tip Canada’s better ooh it’s close it’s close both are pretty crappy right now living in Canada is not a lot of fun

Currently at this moment look at that look at that I’m actually pretty proud of myself that’s a big that’s a big window all right I need first off I need more glass second off I need more squids but for now for now I’m going to work on interior

Things use up the rest of my wood make some floors you know the floors and outside walls are going to be Spruce the inside is going to be completely different altogether I think every floor is going to have something a little bit uh little bit sneaky you impr rest yourself by not

Having a stomach ache after eating a bicycle’s worth of weight of of cereal oh my God sometimes sometimes I don’t know what this is going to be yet for now I’m just I’m just going to not connect the the floor to the wall just for now just for now I just

Want to fill it in this is going to be a stairway right here to the next floor I think is going to look pretty cool and there’s this which uh I don’t know I don’t know I think I might have like a like an outlook here

To the floor below I’m going to be strategic in how I do this that I think I think I’m going to do that I’m gonna have a curve kind of thing going on here I want to do this one two two yeah we’ll go like that and then I

Gotta connect this to the wall lat are going to be my elevator is going to be right here this is where my doing this we’re going to go like this something like that sure I’m going to have this fenced off so that you can’t fall make that Outlook

Class also I love that seed I would kill for a seed like that took me a bit to get everything for my world this seed is pretty awesome like I think Ryan picked it out uh there was one seed she was really set on but it’s a Bedrock Edition seed

So you can’t play it these cherry trees of course I don’t think are natural but look at my house in the side of in the side of a mountain right look at look at that coming along very nicely I think I’m going to make like a I don’t

I don’t know I’m either stuck between a doorway right here or a gazebo that that kind of looks out I think I’m going to make it a doorway I think this floor right here is going to be the gazebo flooor where there’s like a an Outlook into the

World think this is going to be a door yeah this in and I have a dope ass window too just got to trust the process every time I’ve ever built something in Minecraft I’ve hated it until it’s done do slash seed and it will show both seeds slash seed

Unknown doesn’t show the seed slash um are you sure are you sure doesn’t seem to work slash message slash random I don’t even think I have commands that’s all on Ryan right now yeah I’m not admin unfortunate that’s fine uh let see let’s go up here I haven’t worked on this floor very

Much still got a lot to go I don’t know I think I’m GNA have my house extend out like kind of that way I don’t know we’ll see we’ll see I have like a one a damn a damn a just trying to think of how far I want

My house to go for it to realistically work maybe ending it right here ain’t a bad idea because I only need so much room Ryan just put the seed in the bottom corner are images allowed on Discord yeah for for sure for sure I don’t mind

Uh I just uh I hope they work blue Mark man it’s 1:00 a.m. so I’m going to go to sleep now love the stream keep it up hey thank you blue Marksman you have yourself a wonderful sleep go get go catch some z’s for now the the the journey continues I might um

Gosh like see look how close the warden is to my house that’s just a little bit unsettling i o you know what I just had kind of a good idea actually it might be a good idea it might be a terrible idea as well oh we’re out of wood oh damn that’s

Okay we got a lot done with the with this set want to see what you mined up last World by the way you can destroy the sensors and shers I knew that but how close can I get to them and if I break them won’t it set off other

Shriekers and also I have a question I have a I have a question uh is carpet good I’m I thought I heard somewhere that carpet is good for sneaking around the warden now though oh [ __ ] I have more I have more wood in here okay I’ll come back to that I’m going to

Get this planted sneak right next to them oh I see okay wool is op I thought so I was thinking about it last night before I was going to bed and I was like isn’t wool really good for that I’m also going to have my basement is going to be massive it’s probably

Going to be this whole corner of the cave have it looking out I think I’m going to build along this plate here it looks sick going to light the place up but it’s very archaic right now give me a couple streams and it’ll all look

Beautiful let’s go uh how much iron do I have I think I should go mining again so now that I have Fortune One it’d be really nice to uh find some more diamonds my Cobblestone my cobbly wobbly beautiful beautiful beautiful beautiful I’m electric I still have that song stuck in

My head also I didn’t I oh I did make a stone pickaxe I need more Stone pickaxes though probably two more we’ll be fine for now trying to think um say you willo off your cave now the sensors and shers can hear even blowing up 45 TNT as long as the wool is

Destroyed interesting wool’s actually that overpowered okay I and now that I know that snowballs are pretty good I’m going to keep them on me just because I know there’s a warden somewhere I don’t know where somewhere though okay let’s go I think I have everything for mining getting tired is it bedtime

Al I wouldn’t blame you that’s for sure see what do we got oh man glow squid would be pretty cool but look at all the mobs look at all of them okay I got a question for everybody has there been a single ad this entire stream I don’t think

So I think ads might be off sensors have 15 power levels only players give off sound of eight plus spawn award you need eight sounds of 15 okay okay elf staying up what a Chad love to see it okay so you need to make a bunch of

Noise in order to spawn the warden makes sense also I think I’m at minus 52 I might go down one level nah we good we’ll still find diamonds so it continues Antonio’s been getting out okay okay good to know good to know but not in at least 40 minutes or

So okay okay good to know okay so you need to set off streakers three times all right I’ll just the only way I’ll know is if my uh visibility starts getting all messy oh boy oh boy if you do Insane noise all right I will uh keep that in mind got to be

Quiet I haven’t mentioned it all stream but I’m playing Minecraft and my hands are just they’re sweating I know that sounds gross but for no reason it’s not even like a playing a stressful game he will blind you even if not spawn okay good to know good to

Know because darkness is different than blindness right yeah I wouldn’t want to I wouldn’t want to mess with that at least right now not until I’m kidded up go into options and go into accessibility settings and find that one say that says pulsing ad and put it to zero

Oo wait like Minecraft options and then accessibility pulsing NAD notification time damage till Darkness oh Darkness pulsing how much the dark when a warden or skull creature gives it to you no way no way okay I I don’t know why that’s a setting but that makes it way

Easier and put damage tilt to zero why damage sh the amount of your camera shap caused by being hurt okay I’m going to put it to really little because I still like to know but sneak see monochrome logo off stretch GL okay all right all right we’re

Good and do Distortion effects to zero as well now what does that see Distortion effects which one’s that this one strength of nausea and nether portal screen Distortion effects at lower values na effect is replaced with a green overlay okay well so I don’t probably don’t want it too low

But I remember when I would get nausea like when I was younger it would actually like make me nauseous in in real life I don’t think it does anymore I also used to have these weird dreams about Minecraft and all it would be is the inventory but I would be flicking a

Lever in the inventory and I woke up and I immediately threw up I don’t know what it was Minecraft used to make me super nauseous how many chunks do I play with well let’s see that right now let’s see that right now um it’s in video

Settings why do I have 29 chunks on first off I don’t play with it that high usually play with like and I always have my frame rate lower go 120 FPS my game was doing pretty fine actually for uh having my chunks up that high interesting we got to find diamonds soon right

Right all right I think I’ve given up going straight this way you know that Meme of the guy and he like gives up on M mining he’s right before the pot of gold or diamonds or whatever I feel like I’m doing that every single time I play this

Game for now I’m just going to come back here we’re going to start a single vein at the bottom of the stairs Al games is coming in clutch you’re going to make my life so much easier I’m down to play for like another half an hour on stream and

Then I really need to get that video done so I’m G to go and finish that video in like half an hour and then uh post it for members tonight and then it’ll probably be uh uh available to everyone in the morning Saturday uploads always good

Let’s go let’s go diamonds are here oh yes oh yes daddy oh my oh my God oh my God oh eight diamonds from one two three four five six let’s go now always check your Corners you never know they could have a weird ass spawning pattern just my experience with this game

I’mma put this Popa bed away whatever that means go ahead diamonds are awesome I’m so glad I found those and only a few blocks in too that’s hype oh yes Daddy all right I I know I say silly things sometimes all right let’s see let’s uh keep on keeping

On I haven’t found anything else though ever since the cave update mining has become a lot more uh I don’t know what’s the word dynamic so you can’t find everything in one spot Al will be right back all right see you in a moment electric electric

Fire hope I don’t I hope I don’t get demonetized for having a song stuck in my head hear lava nice oh my hands are still sweaty let’s see let’s see got to be something somewhere please I’m going to dig up a few see if there’s

Anything oh iron oh oh trying to kill me a right there’s a cave up here interesting just want the iron honestly oh there’s the lava pool okay that I’ve been hearing there’s more skull and more lava okay okay pretty useless cave invited my pal to your server let’s

Go let’s go Sr toy thank you I gotta I gotta be more active on Discord CU there will be there will be points where somebody like puts something in chat and I don’t see it for like three days and then I feel bad I’m like oh my God I’m a I’m an absolute

[ __ ] for not resp sponding right away let’s see let’s see we’re we’re pulling up surely on diamonds soon chat you guys are absolute Chads you guys have been legendary today 10 likes on the stream you love to see it numbers don’t matter in my mind if there’s if there’s two people who enjoy

Watching me I’m fine with that honestly in my mind I only deserve two subscribers okay where we heading up here you put your volume on Max so you could still hear that’s a bad idea got him I have 10 diamonds I’m I’m stacked right now we got 11

Likes oh my God whoever just liked this stream you’re legendary okay Redstone it’s pretty good ah look at that more skull let’s go oh oh oh I hit the wrong button that could have been bad see what we got going on here I know around lava pools there’s

Uh pretty good chance for diamonds I think just looking got to make sure okay I’m just going to keep going just keep moving carvon it’s 2 a.m. and I’m watching a mine Minecraft stream feeling crusty as hell oh damn hey we got 12 likes on the stream

You know what Minecraft at 2 amm is the best Minecraft let’s go more diamonds this is just my lucky day this is probably the most diamonds I found in one sitting I just wish I had Fortune three but Fortune one’s going to have to do for now 16 diamonds let’s go let’s

Go let’s go I’m legendary yes you are Elf games 14 likes on the stream you guys are popping off right now what is happening what’s happening oh my God God I’ve not played Minecraft in 5 billion years what WTF is the Green Spot of stuff so this is this is the warden’s

Special sauce uh he likes to leave it in caves really deep and basically it just means that there’s a warden potentially nearby and Warden spawns and the warden will um how do I put this uh wreck your [ __ ] completely over overpowered boss I have been informed today that uh

Multiple can spawn at a time uh all it needs to do is hear you uh and it and it knows where you are through sound so you got to be real quiet got to be extra sneaky all right Chad all right we’re getting dicey here one of I’m going to be streaming

Minecraft a bit coming up since I’m in my Minecraft phase so you know and there will be a video or two you know what what was that cave noise he drops nothing just XP yeah Warden Warden is scary Warden is scary man I like this music it’s very calming

Knowing that I could get get attacked at any moment all right I think the gravel’s done Wen got the GTA 5 police sense of direction uh well I mean you can use snowballs to trick him unless modded a modded Warden isn’t a bad idea I think modded Minecraft

Is Minecraft in general is one of the best games you can mod there’s a lot you can do I’ve I’ve done extensive looking through the wiki I’ve seen quite a bit also does anyone know what level dungeons spawn at I would like to have a uh a mob spawner so I can Farm

XP and get boosted loot quicker All right there hasn’t been a single ore in a minute going to dig straight up just to see what there is anything nothing that’s depressing they should give the warden some kind of weird weakness like throwing eggs at him does extra damage oh I think uh the first week the

Warden was like in the p in the P notes or whatever um people pointed out very quickly that you could just build up a few blocks and he couldn’t reach you so then Mojang decided to add a laser so he shoots a laser at you out of his chest I think or

His head one of the two that that will also wreck your [ __ ] but yeah the warden should have some kind of weird weakness I’ve there’s videos of him one-shotting people in like full netherite Pro armor yeah they should give him some kind of secret nerve but they got to make it like a

Really rare occurrence you know you almost got to have it like a I don’t know what’s really rare in Minecraft that’s hard to get you eggs eggs would actually be a pretty good uh pretty good thing you’d have but a chicken farm would just be a good way to

To break that so I don’t know yo elf is back let’s go maybe maybe certain tipped arrows if you had like uh like tipped arrows are pretty overpowered in general so like if you had um I don’t know a special Arrow type that would just be for warden’s and the

Only way you could get it was with like nether Stars putting a nether star on on your arrow then you could just Farm Withers I mean there’s a lot of ways to break Minecraft yeah more diamonds oh yeah oh yeah oh yeah oh my God I’m just rolling in money today I’m

Feeling good bro you guys are you guys are whack one time I had a world with my buddy and the first thing I told him was make sure you strip mine straight so you don’t get lost and the first thing he did was he started mining all these

Tunnels and it was like a huge Labyrinth of just underground tunnels and I got lost in them so many times I don’t think I played with them again after that because of his strip mining technique something something feels like the warden thing is kind of Unfinished

Then not going to lie seeing as it drops nothing maybe there’ll be an update I think I think Mojang’s going to add a uh new dimension eventually with the ward there’s a GI portal in ancient cities that is unlit and it has like these weird block weird blocks on it

That almost looks like a keyhole and you could they’re adding something called trial Chambers where you can get keys and some people are kind of speculating that you’re going to get a bunch of keys and then you’re going to be able to open up a portal in the ancient

City I don’t know but but a new boss was needed for the game for sure why am I not using my stone pickaxe I’m wasting iron right now i m in the dark no torches Etc I would do that but I really don’t want to find a creeper when I’m running back to

My when I’m running back to my house my brightness is turned up just a little bit my what is it Gamma or something I don’t know what time all right I’m gonna I’m going to probably play for another 15 minutes we’re just going to strip

Mine then I’m G to go finish that video and then I might record another video we’ll see see if I can find diamonds at least one more time in that time span something tells me that I’m going to be the unfortunate soul who won’t find anymore many do I have 23 diamonds all

Right we’re making progress I need more iron than anything I think oh what a surprise what a shock to absolutely nobody oh I’m just going to turn around and leave I am not [ __ ] with that whatsoever no sir uh I I don’t know if you guys saw that

But I just found an ancient city uh I’ll come back to that later for now I’m just going to leave it cuz I don’t want to make a certain someone angry yo block off the cave I think I’ll be okay because the warden can’t make it

So yeah we’re just we’re just going to turn around back away slowly just not going to do anything that is for future me to deal with at least I know it’s there oh worth it you did it with no armor yeah no I’m not even going to mess

With that why would I why would I even mess with that uh I’m going to go I’m going to continue to strip mine because I am not messing with an ancient city with this right now ah if if if Warden man starts coming after me uh it’s not going to be a good

Time I’m gonna go just two blocks over like this and we’re going to go the other way we’re going to go the complete opposite direction for now there’s only 13 minutes left in the Stream so there’s no point in me trying to do that right now

We’ll do it at the start of of a future stream I’m going to go back this way oh I set off a skull sensor what already dude what is it with these caves these micro caves man please don’t be a shrier anywhere this is so weird so I’m pretty sure wardens can

Spawn in caves like this too um I’m not really oh iron yes finally it only took me half an hour all right we’re heading back this way I I don’t want to mess with a warden I’m Mr skull sensor the journey it continues I I can’t believe I stumbled

Upon an ancient city there’s got to be multiple right surely there’s got to be multiple ancient cities around me I’m under like building my base around a mountain with was pretty uh sketchy in the first place I wouldn’t be surprised if there’s a few I just tried to place bread on the wall

Ah I’m electric electric eye y okay uh the fact that I stumbled into that and I I literally crapped my pants you can go back and if if you replay that moment in slow motion you can see the exact moment where I where I [ __ ] myself I’m not playing

Games hey at least my uh at least my house is uh at least I know where it is okay that’s all I’m going to say every thousand blocks that that would make sense for spawning in pretty I think it’s similar to to what’s it called um strongholds just going to use my diamond

Pick I think I think it’s similar every thousand blocks yeah there lava next to me I just just don’t want to find any more board and stuff it’s been dominating my entire world got to tell Ryan I found the warden spawn keep hitting the wrong button he scared

Yeah strongholds and cities are pretty alike I heard somewhere one time that there are only uh three strongholds in an entire world I don’t know if that’s same for cities but imagine it just the warden sprinting at me down the down the tunnel right now that would be the jump scare to end

All jump scares I would just accept my fate I would just be like Oh I’m dead probably scream a bit too oh I’m setting off more skull sensors I must be close to more skull sensors all right oh still no diamonds in this direction though which is kind of

Sad I’m really setting off the skull sensors chat I have sad news there’s only eight minutes left in the Stream and I still can’t find diamonds there’s got to be something let me dig up a few blocks let’s see oh oh let’s go oh I’m big brain I’m big brain that’s

Why you do that every once in a while oh oh that is just a good feeling right there hell yeah brother Get Hype everybody I want to see W’s in the chat all over the place I don’t care who or what you are that is a good feeling

Oo ooh my six Diamond sense was just kicking in there I like I got to be close right you know what it’s telling me there might be something right here I was wrong let’s just keep moving what about this way maybe maybe this way there’s something also nothing okay I’m just in

A wasteland of nothingness also at some point the nether is a thing the nether makes me nervous because that is where I die by far the most in this game that that’s a problem for future me just like the ancient city how many diamonds do I have 34 I

Can make a full set of diamond armor beautiful all right I got a feeling again maybe potentially no it’s not happening it doesn’t happen every time but once in a while you just you just dig through a random place and get something all right okay spooky lava we got down here any

Diamonds of course not yay yay want to keep on the same level but let’s see let’s see I’m I’m going to start checking more just because those diamonds showed up think of all the times think of all the times you’ve been playing Minecraft in your life and you’ve been one block away from

Diamonds it’s probably happened to me a 100 times just in this strip mining session 35 diamonds equals full set of two that could have been bad that could have been really really bad oh let’s go oh my God I am just a wizard today this is this is Insane luck

Actually it’s been oh yeah we’re at 40 diamonds I almost have a full stack of diamonds you know you know what you know what I almost died with a full stack of diamonds I’m leaving this is a bad Omen I’m going to go make a full set of diamond

Armor oh that’s a good that’s a good thing to say and then I got to get books so that I can make bookshelves so I can upgrade my stuff plus I’m gonna need some mending villagers I’ve got uluck right now this is a very rare occurrence for me toy

Normally uh when I play this game finding diamonds is a nightmare that’s that’s a pretty good haul right there but I wish I had more iron that’s all cuz I I I lowkey need an anvil is your average mining luck Jesus must just get loaded right away in

Every world then oh there’s iron right there I’m actually going to bridge for it this spider’s pissing me though I know come on wow no oh I thought I I fell there’s more iron down here I really need iron so I’m just going to go for

It last time you got 200 diamonds that’s disgusting that who needs 200 diamonds just make a diamond block house at that point anything else down here oh I love lapis lazuli oh my God there’s diamonds right here holy right around the corner man doubt if it’s only a one vein though

Yeah what I thought just head down here more lapis okay and gold right the cave is actually popping off just a little bit grab this gold there a creeper up there come here we are getting Minecraft married oh no Ryan what did you do no way

Oh I think I found where the ancient city is uh probably down here hey there it is that’s where I ended up mining to okay well good to know it’s here uh I’ll keep that in mind okay uh Ryan I will be back I’ll be back at the surface in a second Ein

Manon Ein Manon images don’t work on the people’s chat okay ah I have to fix Discord I have been told a few times that it doesn’t work I’ll have to go in and I’ll have to make I thought I turned image permissions on though for every server we’ll see okay there’s a skeleton

In my way now oh there’s there’s three four yeah fight each other no no I’m just out I’m just out no goodbye two Creepers as well it’s just my lucky day it’s just it’s just my lucky day you know H that’s funny okay I’m out goodbye cave that was too

Close burnt potato let’s go you’ve never beaten Minecraft damn you got to do it you got to do it trust me the ender dragon fight it’s it isn’t that hard even though I’ve beat it on hard mode and I’m not even that good at video games

So I believe in you burnt potato you can get it done oh you don’t have member rank oh that’s why I will give you member rank once I uh take a look all right Ryan where where did you set up here have 45 diamonds should I give Ryan a diamond for

What I think is about to be our wedding oh my God burnt potato don’t worry my girlfriend is also a creative person she has built that that that and that in Creative okay I’m following oh right I got to show you guys our horses oh my God oh my God

Um this is Ryan’s horse um her name is cumy and this is my uh my horsecock oh my God all right let’s go please don’t demonetize me YouTube for this are we going to oh my god wow look at this isn’t it oh wow oh my goodness it’s beautiful it’s beautiful

Can I give you something um I get I pick up the diamond I said I said pick up the diamond yay Ryan got the achievement diamonds let’s go I think we’re I think that means we’re married we’re Minecraft We’re Minecraft married wow big old smooch where did my horse go come here

Cob uh Reay the the the wild the whole horse name this is my horse [ __ ] but like not my I don’t know how to explain this is my horse whose name is COA so my horse [ __ ] you know don’t know if I can explain that any better yeah I think Ryan’s still in

Creative she said she’s gonna come into survival at some point but she’s not going to cheat just just going to do 360s in the air okay it’s been two and a half hours Let’s uh we’re gonna call it a day call it a day I’m gonna go put my I’m GNA go

Put my horse away I’m gonna go put [ __ ] away I’m sure Ryan’s gonna put Cy away what a name honestly for for two horses the world will continue at some point but for now I’m going to go uh I’m going to go finish my project get it all

Done thank you guys for joining me first off it’s been an absolute Delight having you guys here today I’m going to go get into my house and uh yeah yeah was good was good oh first first first you know I can’t forget it I said I was going to do

It I’m GNA do it right now I’m gonna make myself a set of diamond armor I think I need it I really do think I need it cuz if there’s a w Bas that close to my house um I do not want to be messing around

Helmet I need to put some pants on beautiful with 20 diamonds to spare oh yeah oh my God it’s just it’s just so beautiful all that in there I need to throw I have coal right yeah that down that in there smelt that away smell okay now it’s over Ryan left

The world that’s kind of sad not gonna lie all right I’m piecing out you guys have a great rest of your day I’m going to go first off eat food and then get get some stuff done that is very important 28 diamonds left hell yeah oh that’s right I have eight

In the chest thank you good good call good call okay I’m gonna I’m gonna hop off now beautiful beautiful there we are there we are I will you know what I will see you guys probably tomorrow I’m going to stream this again tomorrow at some point definitely earlier than the stream was

Today for sure moo moo moo get some moo in the chat before we go I love to see it okay uh not very good at saying goodbye but goodbye see yall tomorrow talk to you then I’m gonna go do Discord stuff as well love you all peace out

This video, titled ‘🔴Live: im back in my minecraft phase.’, was uploaded by MystrMeat on 2024-03-02 04:28:24. It has garnered 71 views and 18 likes. The duration of the video is 02:36:50 or 9410 seconds.

playing minecraft java edition.

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  • LeafXP-TerraFirmaGreg modded SMP

    Welcome to our Discord community! We are a small community running several game servers. Recently, we opened a TFG modpack server and are looking for active players! TerraFirmaGreg is a Forge modpack that adds realism and challenge to Minecraft gameplay by including TerraFirmaCraft and GregTech mods. Learn more about the modpack here. The server is online 24/7 and includes a mod for region protection (1 player can private 50 chunks). Join us at Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Crafty Crafting: 5 Sizzling Minecraft Hacks

    Minecraft Memes - Crafty Crafting: 5 Sizzling Minecraft HacksWhy did the creeper go to therapy? Because it had too much TNTsion! Read More

  • Flight Fiasco: Dreamcraft #4 Takes Off, Chaos Unleashed!

    Flight Fiasco: Dreamcraft #4 Takes Off, Chaos Unleashed! In Dreamcraft #4, we finally take flight, But the topic’s gone wild, it’s out of sight! Minecraft news, with a twist of fun, Updates and changes, we’ve only just begun. Join the adventure, with Mustafa in tow, Crafting and building, with each new show. Stay tuned for more, as we soar and we dive, In the world of Minecraft, where dreams come alive. Read More

  • Minecraft World gets blown up by TNT! 🔥

    Minecraft World gets blown up by TNT! 🔥 When you accidentally set off the wrong TNT in Minecraft and suddenly your world looks like a fireworks show gone wrong. #oops #minecraftfail 🎆🔥 Read More

  • Minecraft: Back to Basics

    Minecraft: Back to Basics Exploring the Vanilla Minecraft Experience Today, Minecraft enthusiasts are embarking on a journey back to the roots of the game – the vanilla experience in a fresh, untouched world. The decision to start anew stems from the frustration and longing for the simplicity of the game without the added complexities of mods like Vein Miner. Embracing the Pure Essence of Minecraft Returning to the vanilla version of Minecraft allows players to rediscover the core elements that make the game so captivating. Without the crutch of mods, every block mined, every structure built, and every adventure embarked upon feels more… Read More

  • Unbelievable NEW Monuments in Modded Minecraft!!

    Unbelievable NEW Monuments in Modded Minecraft!!Video Information This video, titled ‘Modded Minecraft JAVA [Fabric Edition] – New Monuments – Episode 2’, was uploaded by MoltenmapG on 2024-09-23 06:27:09. It has garnered 142 views and 12 likes. The duration of the video is 01:34:02 or 5642 seconds. JOIN OUR DISCORD SERVER: Read More

  • Minecraft’s Next Level Textures: Dr. Bonks Edition

    Minecraft's Next Level Textures: Dr. Bonks EditionVideo Information This video, titled ’35 Textures That Would Make Minecraft Better!’, was uploaded by Dr. Bonks on 2024-08-16 20:00:07. It has garnered 212932 views and 3122 likes. The duration of the video is 00:22:45 or 1365 seconds. Thank you for watching: 35 Textures That Would Make Minecraft Better! Make sure to like and subscribe! Resource Packs:… Read More

  • Insane Gamer vs Smart Zombies: Epic Minecraft Telugu Survival

    Insane Gamer vs Smart Zombies: Epic Minecraft Telugu SurvivalVideo Information This video, titled ‘Over Smart Zombies: Survival Challenge in Minecraft Telugu | GMK GAMER’, was uploaded by GMK GAMER on 2024-05-11 03:30:07. It has garnered 18448 views and 1213 likes. The duration of the video is 00:16:13 or 973 seconds. ✔ Follow Me On Insta : ✔Join My discord : gmkgamer minecraft gmkgamer minecraft telugu Telugu Minecraft _______________________________________________________ My PC Specs : Monitor – Asus 27 inch 144hz 2k Processor – AMD Ryzen 7 5800x Graphic card – NVIDIA RTX 3080Ti Motherboard – Gigabyte B550 Aorus Pro Ac RAM – 32GB (16+16) Corsair Vengeance… Read More

  • Unleash Chaos: Instant Sensor Nuke in Minecraft

    Unleash Chaos: Instant Sensor Nuke in MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘How To Make Sensor Nuke in Minecraft (Easy)’, was uploaded by Quick Fix on 2024-03-15 13:00:33. It has garnered 12 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:06 or 66 seconds. How To Make Sensor Nuke in Minecraft (Easy) In this video I will show you how to make a working nuke in minecraft also how to make a nuke in minecraft pocket edition. Watch video till the end and learn how to make a nuke in minecraft no mods and how to make a nuke in minecraft. Create a Sensor Nuke… Read More

  • Insane Physics in Minecraft?! You won’t believe it! #minecraft

    Insane Physics in Minecraft?! You won't believe it! #minecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft, de van fizika #minecraft #minecraftmemes #minecraftmoment #shorts #vicces #kovix’, was uploaded by kovix on 2024-07-22 11:43:07. It has garnered 106890 views and 4197 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:31 or 31 seconds. Minecraft but with physics #minecraft #minecraftmemes #minecraftmoment #shorts #funny #kovix inspiration: The server was provided by Woodcraft 💙 this is a minecraft smp, which is an abbreviation of survival multiplayer, this is a server where there is no bedwars minecraft game in Hungarian, I am Hun Hungarian, so this is mc in Hungarian, mc Hun, Hungarian server woodcraft is… Read More

  • Uncover Ultimate Arceus Location! Goodbye Pokemon! 😮

    Uncover Ultimate Arceus Location! Goodbye Pokemon! 😮Video Information This video, titled ‘MINECRAFT PIXELMON SIÊU CẤP *TẬP CUỐI | LỘC CHINH PHỤC ARCEUS TỐI THƯỢNG VÀ CHIA TAY TẤT CẢ POKEMON❗’, was uploaded by Lộc Zutaki on 2024-08-19 02:00:13. It has garnered 447526 views and 10839 likes. The duration of the video is 00:53:50 or 3230 seconds. ✔️MINECRAFT PIXELMON SUPERIOR *FINAL EPISODE | LOC CONQUERS THE SUPREME ARCEUS AND SAY GOODBYE TO ALL POKEMON❗ 📺Hello everyone, I’m Loc and I’m just a new Youtuber so I hope you can guide me and help me enthusiastically. 💒If you like the video, don’t hesitate to click the like button… Read More

  • Josh goes CRAZY playing God of War LIVE!

    Josh goes CRAZY playing God of War LIVE!Video Information This video, titled ‘PLAYING GOD OF WAR FOR THE FIRST TIME!!! (and minecraft later) *LIVE*’, was uploaded by Josh Bad on 2024-05-23 08:15:58. It has garnered 95 views and 7 likes. The duration of the video is 05:08:34 or 18514 seconds. Read More

  • Surviving 2.5 Days in Hardcore Minecraft – FULL MOVIE

    Surviving 2.5 Days in Hardcore Minecraft - FULL MOVIEVideo Information This video, titled ‘I Survived 2.5 Days In Hardcore Minecraft [FULL MOVIE]’, was uploaded by Sunny on 2024-09-01 21:30:04. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Okay bro. It’s time to be serious na. Im back now- Like im really back i have said it before but i mean it now. Yall ready for this grind … Read More

  • Furious Fortune: Ultimate Ender Dragon Battle! Who will win? #minecraft

    Furious Fortune: Ultimate Ender Dragon Battle! Who will win? #minecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘Ender Dragon vs Minecraft mobs(CRAZY BATTLE)[Find the stronger] #minecraft #shorts #furiousfortune’, was uploaded by Furious Fortune on 2024-05-31 13:37:53. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Ender Dragon vs Minecraft mobs(CRAZY BATTLE)[Find the stronger] #minecraft #furiousfortune #shorts #battle *Disclaimer:* The … Read More

  • OniMc

    OniMcWhat is OniMC? OniMC is more than just another Minecraft server, it’s the start of a dynamic gaming network. We’re launching with the BoxPvP game mode, but that’s only the beginning. Our vision is to create a diverse network of game modes, ensuring there’s something for everyone. Why Play on OniMC? Early Access: Be among the first to experience OniMC by applying for early access. Help shape the server and contribute to its development before the official release. Community-Led Content: Your voice matters! We actively listen to feedback from our community to enhance and refine the server. Network Expansion: OniMC… Read More

  • Flare SMP – Semi-Vanilla SMP – whitelist

    Join a Relaxed Long Term Community! About Us: The Flare Community and its Flare SMP were founded on April 14, 2023, by Antimony_Sb and a creative director. The server offers a relaxed semi-vanilla experience in a mature environment without a planned end. What Sets Us Apart from Vanilla? We offer unique features such as Dynmap, Bolt, mcMMO, GSit, FlareDeathMessages, Pets, Cosmetics, Decorations, and more. We are an international community with English as the primary language. We have a summer event starting soon and are developing a second server named “Flare Adventures” inspired by MMORPG games. Feel free to drop by… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – MADE THE ATHER: THE MOVIE

    Minecraft Memes - MADE THE ATHER: THE MOVIELooks like someone needs to pass Minecraft spelling class before they start making movies. Read More